#and yesss i get to have 2 days off in a row now
sunny6677 · 2 months
Spooky Personality Swap!
Literally just a fanfic where different characters in Spooky Month Swap personalities for a day. I don't take requests, but I will try to do at least every character I promise. /lh
Chapter 2: Skid & Roy (Part 1).
It was only another Autumn night in the town of Sedonah—brilliant large trees looming over the fields of grass where they stood. And as always, the houses within the neighborhood stood silently. Occasionally—some people walked along the sidewalk where leaves remained scattered and fluttering onto the stone tiles. Stars flickered as always.
A chill flowed through the area, causing the grass to slightly move to the side or shift. The scent of grass hung in the air. And in a row of various small houses was a beige house. It was square-shaped, with a black roof and a regular green frontyard.
And deep within the house, stood within the living room, was a tall woman with long beautiful purple hair that went all the way down her back—Lila. She leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, her eyes half-lidded and somewhat struggling to remain open as her lips parted. Her hair was a little messy. Yet—that was to be expected when she was up past a time she should have been asleep.
She gave a groan. "..ugh.. I'm tired."
That was the only thing she could say—feeling her mind become numb as she recalled the events that had played out earlier on in her day.
A yawn escaped her lips. And Lila slowly stood up. She needed to rest. For she had work tomorrow, and if she didn't rest, she probably wouldn't have that much of a good day tomorrow either.
She began to slowly turn—her shoulders slightly slumped. But she quickly find her eyes slightly widening, and her feet coming to a stop against the grey floor. There was a small figure walking toward her. Short. Just about the same height as her hand alone with how small it was. Then again, she might have been exaggerating.
Yet—she knew who it was. It was her son. But—what was he doing up at such an hour?
Her son continued to walk, a frown behind his oddly big mask as he furrowed his brows.
"..son?" She spoke, "What are you doing up?"
Her son just.. looked at her. And gave a slight roll of his eyes. "Uh.. nothing. I'm just gonna go call Pump."
She blinked. Well, that wasn't really unusual. He usually did like to call his friend anyway. She couldn't really help the way her eyes trailed upon his form though. She wasn't sure why, but something felt sort of off.
"So.. can I go call him, or are you not gonna let me hang with him?"
"..sure, but.. its getting kinda late." She tilted her head to the side. "You sure you wanna go hang out with him right now?"
"Yeah. I'm sure." He rather bluntly replied with a roll of his eyes, beginning to walk foward again toward the direction of the entrance. That was where she kept her telephone, so he'd probably be heading there.
Still.. her eyes trailed after him, silence filling the air as her sons somewhat puzzling behavior confused her even more.
After a moment, she just sighed, "Okay! Well—make sure you get back early!"
"Hi, mom! Hi, dad!"
Pump happily greeted whoever was calling on the other end of the line, holding the phone close to his ear. The moment he heard it ring, he practically sprung out of his room. It'd be them this time! He was sure. Maybe they'd be calling from work!
But—the voice that greeted him on the other end of the line was the soft voice of someone else.
"..what? No."
..it was just his friend, Skid.
"Oh. Hi, Skid.." He sighed.
"Uh—hey. You feeling okay?"
"Yeah. I just thought my parents would be calling.."
"Oh.. uh.." Skid trailed off. He remained oddly quiet for a moment, before giggling into the phone, "Hey—what if we go down to the candy store and take some candy? Hehehe.."
Take some candy?..
A grin slowly formed on Pumps lips, and he began to laugh. "Take some candy? Yesss! Let's go do that! Let's do it!"
"Okay—okay, geez. Calm down, dude." Skid laughed somewhat awkwardly on the other end of the phone, "I'll meet you at your house!"
"Okay! I'll let Susie know! Heheh.."
There was a knock on the door. Though Pump already knew who it was, and the moment he heard it, he practically came dashing up to the door. And once he slid before the door, he hopped up—grabbing the doorknob and swung it open.
Of course, on the other side—his friend stood. But..
"Ayy—wh.. huh? Where's your costume?"
His friend was standing on the doorstep, his mask visibly off. In fact, he wasn't wearing a costume at all. He was wearing ear-muffs, along with some sweater and a jacket over his tiny body. He tilted his head to the side, as if confused, but groaned.
"Eh.. I dunno. I think I just look kinda weird in a skeleton costume all the time, so I decided to wear something else. You gonna go in that?"
"Uh—yeah! Of course! Cuz it-sa spooky month!"
Pump, with a grin, began to throw his hands from side to side, eagerly dancing before his friend. It almost felt like excited and overly eccentric music was playing in the back the entire time as he did so. He danced, and danced, fully expecting Skid to join.
Instead though, his friend just stood there, arching a brow in what seemed like confusion.
"..uh.. okay." Skid shrugged. "Well—let's go get some candy then!" He grinned from ear to ear. The grin was large. Uncharacteristically large, even. It was a little hard to describe, but it made him appear a bit smug and even mischevious.
Pump nodded eagerly. Hopping onto the doorstep, he gave a slight grunt, and quietly shut the door behind him.
Through the night, the two wondered along the sidewalks and all the way to the candy store they both knew so well. A large candy store with bright pink coloring and artificial light that spewed from all of the windows. Holding various arrays of candy inside. There was only one thing they'd always come for though. And that was candy cans. And also to visit Kevin of course.
But.. Skid was acting kinda weird the whole time. For one thing, he was having a bit of a rough time running after Pump, and even kept telling Pump to slow down. And anytime Pump suggested something they should do, Skid just gave him a weird look and said something about just wanting to hang out somewhere after they got the candy. He seemed different. Way different in fact.
Still, Pump tried to not ponder this. They were gonna get candy. Maybe he'd start acting like normal again once they got the candy cans!
Beneath the moonlight, the two had approached the candy store that appeared the same as always, with Kevin visibly standing inside and even walking around from the view of the giant square-shaped windows plastered on the outer walls. Pump giggled as they got closer, though he quickly stopped once he noticed Skid shooting him an odd look.
Finally, after a few moments of running through the cold winds, the faint scent of candy from inside got closer, and they stopped momentarily before the artificial doors. Before they quickly moved foward again. The doors came open with an automatic whir, fresh air blowing against them and seeping through Pumps mask.
The bright light from inside made Pumps retina's hurt, and he squinted, before shaking his head. As always, his lispy voice beamed with a grin, "Hi, Kevin!"
Skid didn't say it along with him as always, just standing there. But a large grin was still plastered onto his face as his eyes just scanned the area. He stepped to the side a little—his gaze seeming particularly stuck on a box of candies from nearby.
Kevin was standing near the opposite shelf, looking at them. Furrowing his brows, he sighed. "Ugh.. kids, I'm trying to stock the shelves. What do you want?"
"We want free candy cans, please!" Pump replied cheerfully in return.
"..of course you do." Kevin sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Hold on. I'll go get them."
His eyes slowly wondered over to the corner of his eye though. Skid was still stepping to the side quietly with a grin on his face. Now closer to the box of red candies below the machines. He cocked his head to the side, feeling the air seep against his skin as he did so. What on earth was his friend doing?
"..uh.. Skid?" Spoke he.
His friend looked back at him, his grin slightly fading. Quickly, he lifted a hand, and pressed a finger to his lips. "Shhh!"
..huh. That was odd. Still, Pump shrugged, and walked happily over to the large counter as Kevin went behind it, and began to shuffle his arms around while presumably searching for the candy cans.
Kevin's back simply face Pump as he bent over. And Pump watched with a smile still on his lips. Finally, after a moment or two, Kevin whipped around with two pastel yellow cans of candy inside, the same familiar pink lids on the top while holding them out.
"Here you go."
"Thank you, Kevin!"
Pump held his own little hands out, slowly taking the can of candy in his grasp. From behind him, he heard Skids little steps approach faintly, and saw his friend now standing beside him, holding out his own hands and.. rather reluctantly taking the can of candy.
He giggled silently to himself for whatever reason, still grinning like earlier. Pumps eyes wondered over him for a moment though. That was strange. Why did the back of his jacket appear to be bulging like there was something beneath it?
Pump began to swiftly turn around with a smile, holding the can close to his chest. Skid did the same, walking away from the counter. Pump could weirdly feel Kevin's gaze upon them as they approached the artificial doors. They were about to walk through the entrance—but then, Kevin's voice rang out.
"He—hey!" He yelled, "Wait! Stop!"
Pump blinked in confusion, turning his head. Kevin swiftly turned, and began to walk around the counter. Before Pump could even speak in return, Skid laughed rather mischeviously. In a matter of a few seconds, his friend dashed foward toward the doors, not sparing any second.
"Run, dude!"
Pump didn't know what was going on. Or what his friend was even doing. All he really knew was that he had been told to run. And so, despite trusting Kevin.. he began to sprint after his friend toward the doors, hearing Kevin yell out from behind him.
He wasn't sure how long they'd been running for. Or how far they had ran from the candy store. All Pump knew was that when they came to a stop, they had stopped on some random sidewalk that they had crossed a few times in town.
Skid set the candy can he held in his arms down on the sidewalk, giggling. "Eheheh.."
"Why'd you start running, Skid?" Pump asked, still confused.
Skid looked back at him with a raise of his brow—as if puzzled by the question itself. "Cuz I took the candy, dude. Didn't you see it?"
"Took the candy..?"
"Yeah! Look!"
He raised his hand, slowly slipping it onto the hem from the back of jacket, and pulled it open. Pumps eyes remained glued, and began to widen as small wrappers of hard red candies slipped out of the opening, falling to the ground with a thud. And in the few seconds they all fell out, they quickly stopped.
Skid turned to look at them all with a grin on his face, giggling even more. His friend had taken the candy. He didn't even ask. He just took it. And he even took it from someone they saw as their friend.
"Wait, you stole the candy?!" He practically yelled out, "Why?!"
Skid just blinked at him, shrugging. "Well, duh. I told you we'd go out to take some candy, didn't I? Why wouldn't I steal candy?"
"But—but stealing is mean!"
"Ugh—so what? That Kevin guy barely likes us anyway—"
Before Skid could finish, a high-pitched, scrawny but familiar voice rang out from nearby.
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
awww, that's so sweet! but tbh I don't wanna be just Pandemonium's anon for you, not when we used to have blog-to-blog relationship (does this even make sense?). Alright then, I shall make preparations to expose myself fully. But it has to be grand, it has to be breathtaking! So, we will see. Glad to hear that, then! You could say Cheshire is a different form of Emmett in a different universe!
Oh my God, no! Stay away from these pieces! They are ama-effing-zing. They don't need to be changed! <3 (my edits, on the other hand, could look better or maybe I could put more time into them xD)
Yes! Exactly that! At the same, I wonder if Nazarick's residents would be villains (at least, that fast) if Demiurge didn't kinda overthink what Ainz said about wanting "the chest of jewellery" or sth when they were looking at the night sky XD. Man, I absolutely love Demiurge for that, he's VERY intelligent, but sometimes, he can act a bit dumb? and overthinks everything? XD But I also absolutely love when he analyzes the supposed Ainz's plan and Ainz is sitting here being like "Yes, yes, good Demiurge, you saw through me (WHAT THE EFF DOES HE TALK ABOUT? DID I REALLY SAY THAT? AND MEANT THESE THINGS??)". Seriously, Ainz having to act tough and intelligent all while he screams inside because he's so lost with all stuff doing around is so effing good. But holy eff, Renner, that girl is just creepy. I didn't really know she wanted to end her self, but, considering her intelligence and people around her, I can imagine she would do that XD. And I really don't have a thing for yanderes, but at the same time, her character is just so great. Glad to see that humans in Overlord also have their twisted side. The way she manipulates everyone around her and the stuff she does later, in LNs is just *chef kiss* go slay queen, even if I don't really like you.
No doubt Tuare wouldn't want the innocents to be hurt! She gives that innocent, heart-of-gold vibe XD. So yeah, she would definitely care. I think it's more about not wanting to be around humans right now, which is understandable. That's a bit funny too cuz when she's done with her training, she's supposed to be a head maid of human staff in E-Rantel residence XDD. But I can see her doing that because it would be considered doing it for Sebas. Which is mood, I'd also do everything for him (Tuare and me being besties, simping to the same man au <3) But IF Sebas and Demiurge shared a woman, oh man. It would be like having mean and soft dom in your bed XD Also, they would absolutely argue meanwhile, like about which thing to do next. Poor woman, I think the argument would be so serious, she would easily get forgotten XD
I don't exactly read LNs now but I know spoilers? And don't worry, Demiruge will have a bit of a spotlight soon. Well, at least I think so. <3
Oh, Leon and Claire huh? I see you're a person of culture as well (dang, I know a person who would absolutely love to talk to you about Leon XD). I also love RE but I've never beat RE 1 so I feel you </3 Not only it effing lags cuz my computer is shit, but also, the puzzles:tm: and having to go back all the time, is tiring me so much. XD The only game I nearly finished was RE5 and damn, I really enjoyed myself. (Also, Chris could strangle me with these huuuuge arms and I'd thank him lololo).
Not gonna lie, the ability to sense through anon sounds absolutely sick and I'm kinda jealous. But I'm glad you have that ability XD. Oh well, then, time to make preparations to show my true form! (or more like, new form cuz I made yet another blog!... and, yeah, im so damn stupid cuz I had no email left so I deleted the blog I used to post a fanfic for you... so don't change your account without telling me where are you going! cuz this time, I don't think I'll find you XDDD
hope you're having a nice but peaceful day! <33 - Pandemonium
I completely get it, hon. And tbh, it's just my autistic side showing, where everything has to have a place and everything in that place where I label you as 'anon'. X”D But, deep down, I know you're more than a gray-face. Trust me there. ♥ But oooh, you have my attention! :O
LOL kinda! I mean...Cheshire is going to be a lot more 'forward' when it comes to his Creator Demona; whereas Emmett was far more reserved in that thought unless pushed to be so. XD Maybe a reincarnation where they're not the same emotionally (and even physically as Cheshire is going to be a wink/nod towards the same cat idea of Alice in Wonderland LOL) but same in other ways. X3
HAHA. I mean... I do still have them on my PC and they've not be trashed. XD Promise. ♥ I never was someone to toss old art I couldn't stand. I just redraw them. X3 But I am glad you loved those pieces! (I still won't tarnish your edits either, my dear. =P So HAH!)
Oh yeah! The 'glittering box of jewels'? And Demiurge is like 'OMG, HE SAID WE CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!' I swear, it makes me heckin' curious the flavor text Ulbert gave him to have Demiurge look for any and every sign of 'it's okay to take over the world'. X”D I think that's what's going on there where the devil is concerned. If you look under 'my screenshots' tag, you'll find a photo I took of where Demiurge does it again and at vol 15? I wanna say? Forget which one it was from... Ainz has caught onto 'that look' Demiurge does before he goes off the deep end thinking about Ainz's ideas. Ainz even told Demiurge to 'take a damn shower' in his head, basically. LOL
Omg, Renner is like...such a breath of fresh air where the New Worlders are concerned. XD All of the others are either boring or creepy in other ways (IE: hints of being child... 'lovers'... *shivers in disgust*) She's SO creepy too but in a good way! So I'll be happy when Ainz takes over the world and eradicates the idiots and gross people.
I can now see the 'Do it for him' meme with her looking at a collage of Sebas pics haha.
I'd gladly accept that dynamic! LOL
Ooh yes, the movie is going to be about Demiurge attacking Roble, so that'll be cool af!
//Grins big// Yessss. Also, I cannot get over Dead by Daylight Leon's moaning sounds of injury. X”D But the voice actor who did them had 'a good time' he insisted on Twitter... He knew what he was doing... the bastard. ♥
I am so glad you enjoyed one of the games from the series! I adore the series so much, and weirdly enough while it wasn't my first one, RE: Code Veronica holds a weirdly special place in my heart. Even if I never beat it either! I just really loved the atmosphere and everything. ♥
Bolder punching Chris Redfield. Heck yeee! ♥♥
Hah! Oh, when able, I'll tell you on DM how I got this 'super power'. XD It's too long a story to post here.
FOR ME?? Well, shucks!! I won't, I won't! I promise! ;^; I'll be super excited to read it whenever you post it! I know I will!
All my love, dear! I hope you're having a lovely day yourself!
0 notes
New Perspective: Chapter 3
Sorry for the late upload, i just finished finals recently so i’m trying to catch up on lost sleep. Anyways, here’s chapter 3 of New Perspective! See the end for additional notes and the tag list.
Tom Nook x Reader
Slow Burn
Warnings: Spoilers for Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Words: 1.8K
Links: Prologue  -  Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3 (You are here!)
Any photos or gifs do not belong to me, Animal Crossing: New Horizons does not belong to me. Only my writing belongs to me.
gif originally posted by @k-eke
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Animal Crossing: New Perspective
Chapter 3
             Despite last night’s events still ping ponging off the walls in your head, noting about the day seemed too out of the ordinary. The air was bright and crisp, and the fish were biting. Biting as though they might be starving because you just pulled your sixth fish out of the water with a mighty tug of your fishing pole. “Another sea bass…” the grumble left your lips as you slipped the fish into the bucket at your feet. The common fish usually weren’t too bad to catch, but it started to get tiring after pulling one out for the fifth time in a row. Your next cast into the water was interrupted by loud, cheerful shouts of your name coming through the trees.
           Two small tanuki children burst through the trees and crash into you; the sudden weight causes all three of you to tumble back into the water of the stream with a large splash. Sputtering to the surface and wading your way back to the bank, the kids have the decency to look shameful, but the hilarity of the situation sets in, and soon laughter fills the air. “Well now that we’ve all had our baths,” you gasp for breath through your giggles, “What can I do for you two?”
           Still breathless, Tommy managed to speak first. “Dad gave us three Nook Miles tickets for a trip to a nearby island and we want you to come with us!” Sitting up and pushing wet hair out of your eyes, you grin at them. “Well wasn’t that nice of him. Is… he coming too?” you ask hesitantly. “Nope,” Timmy says, “He said he has to do paperwork with Blathers today so he’s gonna be busy.” You nod to yourself; it would make sense since he was the head of the island, and would have to spend time taking care of important things like that. Unbeknownst to you, Timmy and Tommy share a look with each other.
           “Well!” you exclaim. “We better get dried off and get going then! No time to waste.” The boys squeal in excitement rush to help you bring your things to your tent and grab any tools you may need on your trip. Soon enough with their help, everything is ready and you all head over to the airport. “Hey Orville.” You greet the dodo behind the counter who snaps his book shut at your approach. “Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the Avviare Airport! What can I help you guys with today?” Timmy bolts up to the counter and all but throws Orville the three tickets. “We want fly!” He shouts, almost visibly vibrating with excitement. Tommy is grasping your hand with his paw, but is bouncing in place, equally as excited as his brother. “Roger!” Orville chuckles at him. “Let’s get you all airborne then!” He takes the tickets and inputs the information onto the computer. “Dodo One, this is Dodo Tower, Wilbur, you copy?” He speaks into his headset, “Got some walkers who need wings, over.” Seeming satisfied with the response he gets; he turns to you all and nods. “Alright, you’re all set to go! Timmy and Tommy, can you guys tell me what you think when you need to travel?” The kids stare at him for a minute before Tommy pipes up. “What would dodos do?”
           “Exactly!” Orville cheers. “And for that Tommy, you get to board first!” Tommy beams up at you and you grin back, ushering him forward to the small hallway leading to the plane. Timmy follows, hot on his heels as they race to get good seats by a window. You share a smile and wave goodbye to Orville, following after the overeager little tanukis. Entering the plane, you greet Wilbur, who is occupied with convincing the kids to stop racing around the cabin and get into their seats so he could take off. “Timmy, Tommy,” you warn, giving them the parent look. That gets them to stop and they sheepishly take their seats, leaving one open between them for you. Wilbur shoots you a thankful glance and starts up the plane. Take off is smooth and soon enough you level out in the sky.
           Tommy settles down and snuggles into your side, lulled by the humming of the plane and the low lights of the cabin. Timmy occupies the time by asking questions about the island you would be visiting for the day. He was very curious about what different bugs and flowers would be on the island, as well as different fish that may lurk in the waters. You entertain him and playfully make up different species of animals that may be on this island or even the next. He seems enamored with the idea and jots down each different thing into a little notebook he carried with him. He shows you some of the entries in the first pages and they are filled with detailed drawings and entries of some of the diverse bugs, fish, and flora around Avviare. “Timmy, this is amazing!” you gush, astonished by the amount of detail filling the pages. Timmy bushes. “Tommy does the drawings, and Blathers helps me with any information I may be missing. He won’t help me with the bugs though cause he’s scared of them.”
           “Blathers should consider employing you instead of your Dad,” you tease, poking him in the stomach. His giggles wake his brother, who sleepily lifts his head. “Are we there yet?” he yawns. Just as you look out the window to check, Wilbur’s voice crackles to life over the cabin speakers. “Alright travelers! We’ll be landing shortly so make sure you’re buckled up.” Checking your seatbelts, you all settle in for the landing.
           “Wow!” you exclaim, seeing the natural unkempt beauty of the island. Its smaller than Avviare, but still lush with trees and flowers. Timmy races off and starts exploring immediately, notebook and pencil in hand. Tommy remains closer to your side, choosing to just look around instead. “Look!” he gasps, tugging on your hand and pointing over to an area across the river. A campfire is burning, and a figure can be seen walking around. “Come on, lets go see who that is,” you urge. One small vault over the river later, Tommy and you walk up to a brown and yellow tiger with a blue dress and greet her.
           “Hiii! Fab to meet you! I’m Bangle! Are you visiting from another island too?”
           “Hello,’ you greet back, smiling. “I’m _____ and this is Tommy. His brother Timmy is off somewhere looking at bugs. We’re from Avviare; we’re just visiting for the day.”
           “Avviare? Oh! You mean the brand-new island that just got settled! Word travels fast around these parts. Wow, that’s a big trip just to come hang out with me on this neat little island! We should get to know each other while you’re here!”
           You nod, eager to make a new friend. “Tommy, why don’t you go help your brother with his research? I’m sure he could use an extra pair of paws.” Tommy nods and quickly hugs you before running off to find his brother. “He’s sooo cute!” Bangle gushes, watching him go. “Are they yours?”
“Oh gosh no, you sputter, “They’re my… friend’s children.” Bangle nods understandingly. “They seemed to have attached themselves to you though. I’ve only seen little Tommy’s interaction with you, but I can already tell that they love you! How adorable!” You blush, but your smile widens with her words.
           Bangle sighs contentedly and stretches. “The only thing better than kicking back and chilling on an island would be… TO DO IT FOREVER! If I lived on an island, I’d be the calmest, chillest tiger pop star ever!” An idea sparks in your head. “Bangle, you could move to our island? We only have three residents including me, and it would be great for you and Avviare if you moved in.”
           “Ohmigosh, move to Avviare? Yesss!!!” Bangle gasps and squeals excitedly. “I could move to any old island, but this is way better since you’ll be there! You hear that world? I’m…-” She spins in a circle before doing a cute pose. “- moving to Avviare!!” You clap for the excited tiger who is now muttering about moving plans under her breath. “If you call Tom Nook, he should be able to get everything sorted out for you.” You send her the business number for Nook Inc as well as your number for her to call when she gets ready to move in. “Thank you so much _____!” Bangle gushes, capturing you in a tight hug. You wheeze slightly from the pressure but hug her back.
           The day on the island passes relatively quickly after that and soon dusk is permeating the island. Pockets laden down with various things you had collected from the island, both you and the boys made your way back to Wilbur who was waiting with the plane. He chuckles when he sees your tired forms approaching. “Home it is then?” he asks, looking at you three over the top of his aviators. Timmy and Tommy yawn while you nod. “The boys have had a full day and so have I.”
           “Roger that! Climb aboard sleepyheads,” he teases. “Let’s get you all home.”
             Adding ‘Child Carrier’ to your list of self-appointed jobs seemed on the table as you had one tanuki child held in each arm. Both were fast asleep, having passed out shortly after takeoff. Walking was a bit of a chore with the three extra bags you had to carry as well but waking them up was no bueno. When you came up to the sandy portion of the main area of Avviare, Nook exited the Resident Services tent to greet you. He opened his mouth upon seeing you carrying the sleeping twins, but you shushed him before he could speak. Nook shook his head in exasperated fondness and gently slid one of the boys from your arms into his as well as taking one of the bags. He motioned with his head to another nearby tent that housed him and the twins when they weren’t working during the day.
           Luckily you and Nook were able to put Timmy and Tommy to bed without them waking. Nook exited the text and you followed, but not before pressing a quick kiss to each of the boys’ heads. Zipping the tent behind you, you stand and stretch, joints popping with satisfying noises. “I take it you all had an exciting day?” Nook observed, watching you with amusement. “Oh definitely, it was wonderful. The boys did some great research and I managed to collect a lot of resources for here.”
           Nook nodded along as you both walked along the beach and you entertained him with some of the antics that went on throughout the day. Night had fallen by this point and the moon was out, casting soft light down. Crickets chirped and a breeze whistled through the island. Nook walked you back to your tent and you part with a hug. As you get ready for bed, you find a note in your pocket from Tom. “You look beautiful :) “ it reads, and you fall asleep, clutching the note close to your chest.
There’s the end of chapter 3! This one is shorter than the other but took me a lot longer to write. My brain is kinda shot from school but hopefully ill have some longer chapters for you all coming up.
Thanks everyone so much for reading! If you’d like, go check out my other works on my page. My uploading schedule is a little inconsistent, but thanks to summer break coming up, I’m hoping to post maybe every other day.
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aprilskyforever · 4 years
Henny ranks Eurovision 2021: 1st edition, March 21st
aaaaadn we’re BACK! all songs have been out for about a week (well, still waiting for the set me free revamp so it’s the previous version i’ve ranked here) and i’ve had some time to think so let’s gooooo! also, i gotta say, with so many returning artists this year you can’t help but comparing last years to this. so... that’ll happen a lot.
category: hits the right spot
1 Malta - all of my love wasn’t really my thing last year but this? this is SO my jam! maybe not so much the attitude in the prechorus (the hell no i don’t want your money part), and the brass drop, but the beat in the verses? and the chorus melody (the baby it’s not a maybe part)? boy!!! i love it!!!! and this was a song i just yelled out YESSS to when i heard it the first time so i feel that means something 2 Sweden - a very worthy winner of melfest, he’s a great vocalist, he’s cute, and the song is one i’m yet to grow tired of despite it being on the radio 24/7. it happens so rarely that my personal winner actually wins melfest, and i really want us to get that silver medal... please 3 Switzerland - the only reason i don’t want this to win is because it has too much of a similar vibe as arcade and i don’t want that vibe to win twice in a row. otherwise it’s perfect 4 San Marino - finally san marino does somehting right!! i love it. plain and simple.  5 Norway - it’s looking like andreas haukeland is becoming my crush of the season because BOY i am WEAK for this guy. can’t resist him. nor the song 6 Russia - manizha has got the be the coolest woman this year. i’m in awe. i’m playing this on repeat 7 Iceland - i wasn’t super into this at a first listen but i’ve totally warmed up to this and along with russia it’s one of the songs i’ve streamed the most the last couple of days. daði really knows how to make a beat!
category: enjoying it for sure
8 Bulgaria - victoria was my winner last year but this song doesn’t hit just as right. i still like it, feels like a closing kind of song. like the last dance of the night 9 Lithuania - again, a downgrade from last year, but still really good 10 Moldova - i love the studio of this so much (i mean hello it sounds like something maruv would do how can i not like it) but the video makes me worried, can natalia dance? how about dance and sing at the same time? i really feel like she will be the weakest link in this package... and she really does feel like kirkorov’s puppet. which leaves a sour aftertaste 11 Italy - something different for italy!! love that. and i love them, måneskin. the song though... i’m eating it but it’s not my favourite meal you know? 12 Latvia - samanta does more or less the same song as last year but in her case it definitely works. it feels like her brand you know? she owns this  13 Netherlands - jeangu on the other hand is switching it up and i am HERE for it! lovely vibe. lovely aesthetic in the video 14 Germany - this is fun! i know it’s a water devider, you either love it or hate it, and i loved it initially but have cooled down a bit now. but it’s uplifting for me. i love what he’s got going on
category: it’s nice but something’s off
15 France - see this is beautiful, but it’s the ending that throws me off. it gets so... ridiculously french, in a way? do you get what i mean then 16 United Kingdom - fun! i’ll bop to it. but it’s like a chewing gum that loses flavour too quickly. i love that he’s doing something differently but honestly, i preferred his 2020 entry 17 Czech Republic - has a nice groove! i like this better than kemama but it actually feels kinda same as with the uk. 18 Ukraine - i preferred the pre-revamp but hey, it’s still miles better than last year for me personally so that’s a win 19 Slovenia - the way i felt at a first listen is what i imagine the jury felt for tamara todevska in 2019. it’s impactful for sure. but the lyrics!! not that i have a problem with the church but this is... idk a bit much. i like it as a whole but i’ll have no problem letting it go if it fails to qualify  20 Ireland - idk if it’s the production but whyyyy do lesley’s vocals sound so weird!! i definitely liked story of my life way more 21 Croatia - actually nothing’s really “off” about this it’s just a bit uninteresting 22 Azerbaijan - efendi is doing the same song again basically but this year it doesn’t hit right at all. to me it feels like it lacks personality. like, is this the only thing she can do? who is she actually? this just feels like a typical azeri approach to esc; ordering a song from swedish songwriters (which idek if they’ve done this year but it feels like it) and given it to some singer with no regard of if this is their usual style. idkkkk like i bop to it but it feels wrong at the same time 23 Belgium - it’s the chorus. i don’t like it. i like the rest. that’s all 24 Georgia - it’s cozy but too slowwwww. takes too long to get somewhere. perfect for a lazy summer day in a hammock but on the eurovision stage? oh i’m just not too sure
category: *shrug* it’s nice i guess?
25 Finland - i love that finland loves it but this just isn’t really for me 26 Romania - nahhh idk 27 Spain - cute i guess? i don’t have much to say 28 Cyprus - idk but this provokes me. it’s good but it’s bad. you know? the random spanish lyrics... or let’s be real the lyrics in general... and the melody sounding like walmart bad romance.. nope 29 Australia - i think montaigne’s style just isn’t for me 30 Austria - it’s alright! but not as powerful as i think he wants it to be 31 Albania - this is just very cookie-cutter albanian ballad with a screaming woman and it’s getting old
category: it’s a no from me
32 Greece - i’m so sorry but this is so forgettable i’ve heard this multiple times and i could only sing back like one or two lines to you 33 Denmark - the europals in the servers are eating this for some reason and i am just not seeing the appeal. props for sending something in danish though. sweden could learn a thing or two 34 Israel - hmm no this is just. boring 35 Serbia - i just can��t get around to this. i can enjoy slutpop but it’s gotta be good slutpop then 36 North Macedonia - the fact that i felt “ohh no no noooo” when i first heard it... yikes. i WILL applaud that vasil does something that feels more right for HIM though. it’s just not for me 37 Portugal - i don’t care that portugal doesn’t sing in portuguese but myyy this is boring 38 Estonia - /: 39 Poland - tvp’s poster boy... i read in the comments of his song that “this is not poland’s representative, this is tvp’s” or something like that and honestly. i felt that 
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thenightowl4l · 3 years
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"Vicky hurry up, We gonna be late!" you yelled at victoria from the living room steading in front of the door.
"Heffa im comin, Dont rush beauty!" victoria yelled back. You and her were heading out to go to Dave & Busters with your other bestfriend Tanaka and Nishonoya, then his other friends, that your also friends with which is, Kenma, and your little Red headed baby Hinata. You were glad Tanaka invited you, you needed to get your mind off of Kuroo. And Dave & busters was the perfect place for you to do so.
" Gurl please, you know you cant fix ugly" you snickered and laughed a little at your own joke.
"Whatever Y/N you just jealous. Anyway.. how I look" she said turning around slowly and posed when she was done.
" its cute girl, you look drop dead gorgeous" you said hyping her up a little.
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"Aww thank you, you look good too, as always Hun" she said smiling showing her pearly white teeth which enhanced her beautiful dark skin. complimenting you about you about your outfit.
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" I try, i try...." you said smiling.
"Aight now lets go...we finna be late waiting all day on you" victoria said while walking out the door giggling to herself.
"Now you know it was you taking all day" you said hurrying to close the door and ran after her laughing , she saw you and she just started running too.
"Lets see who can make it to the car first" you say while jogging slightly acting goofy like kids, then into a sprint after you saw victoria ran ahead of you.
You and Victoria pulled up to Dave & Busters with the music blasting loud in your car, yall were playing "Bestfriend" by saweetie screaming your lungs out. You pull up into a parking space, turned off the car, got out and made your way into the building whilst victoria was right beside you.
You opened the door, payed to get in, and walked toward the arcade area trying to find your friends.
"Yo Y/N over here" you turned around and saw Tanaka and Nishonoya with big smiles on theirs faces waving you over at the dining area. You smiled and waved back, grabbed victoria by the arm so she can follow you.
" Hey You guys" you and victoria said in sinc while sliding into the booth with hinata and nishonoya and victoria slid in on the other side with kenma and Tanaka.
"Hey! Y/N hey Vicky! glad you guys could make it" Hinata said smiling big with his eyes half way closed.
" yea! me too" Nishonoya said excitedly. kenma glanced up from his nintendo swtich and shyly waved at you and you waved back at him.
" AIght now that were all here, whats the plan" victoria spoke up, excited about playing the games. They usually meet up once a month to go to Dave & busters, to have their competition of which group can win the most tickects and whichever group does win, gets 1,000 dollars per person. The price changes every month.
" Okay so, its basically the same but this time we have 1,000$" Tanaka said eagerly.
"Oh and just in case you guys forgot the rules im gonna to tell you again" hinata said grinning.Everyone nodded their head showing that their listening.
number 1: if one group has more tickets than the other then that group automatically wins the money
number 2:NO CHEATING, such as stealing lost cards on the floor or even asking people for it... none of that
Number 3: You have 1hr to finnish not even a minute after or you will be disqualified
Number 4: Have FUN, Let the games begin''
he yelled excitedly jumping slightly in the booth.
"Aight im on Y/N's team" Victoria said
"Yea i am too"
kenma said lowly but audible enough for people to hear. this was your go to team because yall one 2 times in a row already. You liked Kenma because he was good at playing video games and if you didnt understand how to play a certain game he will show you how without making it hard to understand.
"aight cool, So im with Nisho and hinata" Tanaka said looking over at his group. everyone slid out the booth, hinata got out last and stood in front of your group, puffing up his chest trying to stand tall saying
" YOU guys wont win this one, ill make sure of it, ive been practicing" He said with determination in his eyes.
"Hhehe...Whatever you shorty" victoria said laughing looking over at you hitting your arm gently. while wipping a fake tear from under her eye.
You looked at her and started laughing too. Then once you guys were done doing all that laughing, your team and Tanaka's team began playing all the games.
" Kenma...i couldve sworn i thought you was about to break down just because you lost "1" game"
you say laughing a little.
" Yea me too, that look on his face killed me, it was too funny"
victoria said laughing too with a tear in her eye.
" i was shocked thats all, ive never lost a game
he said quietly grinning a little. Its been 1hr and you met Tanaka's group back at the dinning area, To see who had got the most tickets.Earlier Before yall had met up you went to the ticket counter where you slide your card and it tells you how many tickets who had.
Y/N: 500
Kenma: 845
Victoria: 650
So all together you all had 1,995 tickets. You walked to tanaka and you told him how much you all had.
He smiled grimacingly '' Well, Well, Y/N i guess you finally....lost, it was just by one ticket too" your heart dropped, yours eyes widen. You looked over at kenma and it looked like he had a stroke, Victoria was cursing underneath her breathe. Tanaka, Nisho, and Hinata were all jumping up and down happy that they finally took the trio down.
" Yesss i told you Y/N we would win" Hinata shouted
"haha...in your faces" Nisho and Tanaka said together doing a goofy pose, where Tanaka he holding Nisho in the air.
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You were disappointed but at the same time you couldnt help but laugh at them you loved your friends so much they were so fun to be around.
"Congrats you guys" you said in sweet voice, while walking up to them with your hand out to shake each of theirs. Until you got to Hinata holding on to his hand and lightly squeezing it, leaning your head down to his ear whispering intimidating him
"But ill tell you this....Next time we WONT lose...okay!" you said the last part in high pitched voice smiling, while leaning away from him and walking back to your group.
After the competition you guys talked and ate some food, and by this time it was getting late,So you and victoria said your goodbyes to the boys and walked out of the building into the car and drove home.
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thecrenellations · 4 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part One: The Book of Pheris, Volume I
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part Two | Part Three | TaT)
Contents:  "So, so, so” watch, Costis watch, swearing, trashing the king’s attendants, being objectively wrong, boundless enthusiasm and love 
I promise I’ve had more developed thoughts since these often incoherent ones, but I’ve enjoyed having these notes to refer to - for sentimental reasons and for  entertainment, so here they are, for others who enjoy liveblogs and/or being whisked back in time to their first read of this wonderful book.
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Dedication, Table of Contents, Exordium:
There it is – to Sounis
Exordium – vocab #1
Interregnum?!? Alyta?
Yeah I love him from the first page
A new level of unreliable narrator
Moira, messages of Gods, Pheris, messages of __
Wtf is going on in this study? A zoo?
high king vs great king vs annux?
okie dokie dude
Chapter 1
1. Susa – Costis
2. Infirmity – who gets to be hero/tell story (I started reading right after the book launch, in which mwt spent some time talking about her writing influences and decisions connect to this question - Pheris isn’t her first disabled protagonist and storyteller, of course, but it was lovely to meet him properly directly after hearing her talk about it. Book launch foreshadowing part 1...)
Is this why he wasn’t taught to read?
3. Always the summer
4. Hunting cat… hm…
Ok … shrine … 😬
5. Once again we start with a disaster or having to flee
Which Eugenides precipitated
Little monster :(
6. Falling…
7. :( :( :(
His purpose? D:
Chapter 2
9. Hello there! (Gen!)
Massive chair?
10. CRACKED WATER JUG (amphora motif???)
11. Triangle from seal!
Gen that’s rude to Pheris :( (“He will fit in very well with my attendants”)
Wait. This must have happened before ACoK! (nope)
12. :(
Xikander … never made an impression before
How old is Pheris? (lol)
13. Philologos come thru!
Royal closet reappears!
14. Hello weird secondhand scene!
He is Eugenides
15. Petrus? GALEN? OH SHIT! 
Is this why Galen was called? (nope)
16. Hell yea Petrus
Miras’ golden balls oh no
All these previously unnamed sucky attendants!
17. Ula – goddess of hearth and healing
Ok … Galen … or a god? Eugenides????? (why did these options occur to me before Mr. Shows Up At Your Bedside At Night himself)
18. Finally the attendant floor plans I crave + hunting scenes!
19. EXCUSE ME he slept through Sounis + Eddis wedding!!!
Again – high king!
20. So Ion is beautiful … hmm.
Yeah … Sejanus has facets. I like it.
21. Clearly no one would know what king would do … lol
Don’t mind me just sorting the attendants on a spectrum of awfulness!!!
22. SO SO SO – ION!!!!!
How many fucking attendants are there and how many are on my hit list!
Is “the necessaries” bathrooms or like … him stealing? (just the bathrooms ... the Gen-Pheris parallels were really getting to me at this point)
Also … frogs. Frogs.
24. Big day for Gen huh
Definitely an aura of Something as he writes about Gen
26. Sorry Kamet, Pheris does the physical descriptions better. They’re beautiful
I’m blacking out at Eddis and Sounis
27. Jesus Christ. The bear.
Cousin time!
Under the table is the new up on the roof!
Uh… twin imagery ….
Gen’s feet!
Jesus. The matching
28. Cleon … wtf? A cousin?
A trial for Sophos?
Show! Us! Sophos’s! Shoes!
29. If u throw things out the air shaft you might hit the king
Was it a chicken?
Lol nvm the guy at night is Gen. That is … very sweet
- Showing up at night
- Accent
- Complaining about Petrus
- Swearing
- One hand
I am judging Costis and Sophos for not describing the paneling in Gen’s room!
Chapter 3
30. Was it a chicken?
An earring huh, good hand huh
31. Literally screaming “NO!” at Gen. Don’t joke about dying! I am killed by Gen on annux day. This is. My boy. Yes he is perfect. Yes he will refuse to get up. I love him. I died on page 31
Philologos is still the best of them
32. Dancing bear indeed
Always the powdered gold
Ruby!!!!! <3
Aww a smile!!! <3
Pheris he likes you!
33. They both love invisibility and lost it … I cry
Erupt like the sacred mountain excuse me!
OR WORSE return to bed! Lol
34. He’s Eugenides when he’s talking to Attolia
Ouch hero talk
! from Irene!
My queen!
Hey Phresine!
They way we do <3 he’s hating it but he’s so comfortable with her
Sister and bro mention! C’mon!
I love them
35. Honestly that’s a yes (“I have no idea what you mean, my queen”)
It’s so cute they hang out in the morning … like how long was it even since they’ve seen each other lol
:( tough walk for Pheris
Is it prophecy time?
Lol how long does this construction take?!
Also … she’s pregnant, huh? but no one knows (nope)
Is befriending someone weaponized as a prank count for Gen’s enemies to friends list?
Also SHOW ME the magus. I know he’s here!
36. Pheris excuse me, why not recreate this!
Lol cast off language of history indeed
Feel the thrum of the goddess!
EXCUSE ME… a minor goddess? Mystery goddess? Or Philia?
Oh Gen
37. Well, Gen, someone is having a worse day than you.
Damn, how far we come.
Aww Sounis, babe, I love you and so does Gen
[drawing of the four of them sitting in a row]
38. Artadorus???? Pomegranate?
39. HEIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend! Also lol. Two smiles, for Pheris and Heiro..
40. Yesss Melheret joke in action.
Costis has left tho right?
Jesus, Melheret
SHE GAVE HIM A HORSE (I COULD NOT DEAL with this entire conversation, but then again I could not deal with this whole book.)
41. I love them all so much
“on that horse, you will look like a king” I can’t with her sense of humor
He sure did say that
I feel like I’m missing something with the fight on foot thing … remembering battles?
Helen called him Gen!
Sophos stop talking about yourself and bringing apricots into everything lol
Lol these bystanders don’t know how lucky they are. Nor does Pheris, yet
42. She’s protecting him
Also … Gen … you didn’t want to be a soldier.
43. Guards have capes
2 startled men … hm …
Oh Gen. The fucking brutal echoes…
44. :( :( :(
Gen tell your wife you’re sick!
The attendants are so dumb
45. So, so, so :(
Tell who? Petrus?
46. Bleeding! Salt! Lemon! Heck no! What is he, a piece of meat?
47. “savoring each bite as if it were my last” ... Same … but with this book
Hmm… Alyta! Goddess of the gentle rain! (despite this “hmm,” I did not put the pieces together)
48. Oh no Teleus! And someone?
Aw he realized <3 lemon water
49. Gen eat your broth lol
50. I love them.
Ion’s really trying to make up for what he did that one time
51. Without the approval of the great goddess HAHAHA
I love them. Cousin time! Growl?
Idk whether or not to be reassured, Gen.
Wow Cleon I do not like that. Also didn’t he die? (...)
Comma (“I am not, Eddis”)
Go smack him!
52. Gen I love you.
Helen I love you.
He’s so bad at self care but I love him
Chapter 4
55. love that our narrator just disappears and reappears
56. Attolia’s brother’s bedroom? Yikes. Ominous. A detail in a story we’ve already gotten, different every time <3
57. fucking attendants. 3 good ones. Medander you were beneath Costis’s notice before but I hate you. Costis didn’t have time for you or Xikos or Xikander and nor do I
58. interesting pawn talk!!!
59. <3 Pheris :(
The Gen comparisons though
:( :( :( :(
60. flamboyance <3
Cemphora bush
61. I love him
62. I love them
Also lol “Your majesty?”
63. Name … hm … (“I have deliberately omitted [my tutor’s] name here”)
64. more twin imagery I swear
WAIT … it was his birthday! Not just Annux day?!! Gen was born in late summer???
Attendant list thank you
65. laying it all out there, huh … (that one Gen quote)
Lol they’re the same but Pheris likes horses
66. Insellia! Hello nice to meet you
67. Gen that’s mean. (“He is hardly even half of one.”)
68. Coleus leves???
“I am Eugenides.” <3
Gen why
69. Gold cups???? Hmmmmm. Also lioness. Def invoking Costis. (they’re probably not the cups, but STILL)
70. Moira! Hi!!! Rainbow shawl!
Like a rabbit!
I’m … very sad he uses his Attolian accent with Helen
71. Aaah so good
Moira knows another messenger?
Does he think he can’t die in battle?
72. hmm are they WRANGLING?! (Galen and Petrus and my Fire and Hemlock word association)
Kill that pastry Irene I love you
morning training with his … guard? (Is that the whole guard or a guard? Costis senses tingling once again.)
73. Oh gen.
Ouch! (“to send people to their deaths and not risk my own is contemptible”)
Is she implying he’s paying Therespides?
74. Interesting Cleon plan. So many doubles
OUCH. (“Only if he comes back from the dead.” I assumed Lader had died in the war; it’s a different ouch now. I love that they both accidentally say things to each other that poke old wounds, and it’s not a big deal but it’s also not dismissed! Their relationship has come so far, and I love them so much.)
75. Verimius – Lavia – Celia??? Somebody is queer in there!
This scene confuses me. Xortix? Layteres? Aris! but dice thing is less political … so maybe? (just wait....)
76. So many reasons to hate Medander
Hey Costis! You exist! KoA happened!
Gen is just … still so uncomfortable and miserable. He chose, he has people, but still.
RIP Clopius also WHAT
77. Lol Hilarion’s grand statements
78. Yorn Fordad Hello!
Luxurious mustache
The mighty Pents?
Besin Quedue – she’s coming 4 you watch out
79. RIP Baron Hippias
Chapter 5
80. Spring! Plays! Cenna!
81. Oh dear
Oh dear
At least they said he was pretty
83. ?!? :( wine
Uh oh. Stockpiling
85. What even.
86. Omg Irene. Hissing. I love her.
Also … Gen’s the viper
Also this scene was written by Pheris.
87. oh no.
What better man
She fucking quoted Howl. I love them.
Also, bees (this scene killed me)
90. Falling?
Oh shit
Also … Juridius and Pheris, Susa and Costis (comparing demands for information)
93. oh my god (IT’S THE WINDOW SCENE)
Oh my god
94. She! Called! Him! Gen!
I love this and it scares me
Lol Chloe
Irene you learned from her though
95. D:
96. :(
97. water stuff
98. what the heck
OH NO (Quedue scene)
100. yikes
102. yikes yikes YIKES
103. a blade has protruded from his chest (tbt to The Thief)
106. shit
Did Gen hit him?
108. lol Phresine
109. lol
I want genuinely every character’s reaction to this shit
Chapter 6
111. what the heck Gen.
112. like a god [crown doodle]
114. Perma?
116. Gen. Gen. Gen. Do not.
117. AAAA (god intervention)
122. Juridius to Dite
124. bye Iolanthe and Ileia! Tell us about Caeta and Silla.
125. did not expect so much Ion
Chapter 7
127. Fryst god of winter
She laughed!
They’re so married
128. OH SHIT (Costis ship is sighted and I remember what’s about to happen next)
Interesting timing
He rode the horse home?
131. Beauty and good, beauty and kind
134. The gods’ goodwill
Keep them safe <3
135. Is that his MOM?!! Wtf (it was!)
Pheris steal those earrings!!!
137. AMPHORA EARRINGS (and flowers)
138. I love Phresine
139. Why do I feel like all the game birds are pigeons
140. meanwhile Gen’s been hanging out with Kamet. Shit. I cannot.
141. lethium soup! The reversal
Safe for you
142. of course he knew <3
143. Kamet time! I love him. We get to see Kamet!!!
Also … echo of Gen’s notes on Mede
145. very handsome. … gaycostis vindication (referring to @costis’s url at the time and this post. Little did I know what else was to come in the next chapter and then a few months later with the adaptation news...)
Do you know who I am?
Chapter 8
147. Of course he’s a cartographer
A favorite huh
148. of course she didn’t tell us his age!
149. the angsty window staring I crave
151. adventure, huh
I do have a soft spot for Melheret
152. concerned about amphora gift
153. Glad they can be well and united in spite!! (Gen and Melheret)
154. Pheris loves math and I love him
155. Hello Teleus. Hello olives
Lol Relius is not into math
156. pigeons. Inkpot!
157. yeah honestly. He tortures people. He was NOT tortured by the king
159. lol (“I have noted the elective nature of certain behaviors” ... I love Relius and Pheris.)
160. The Invitation! I <3 it
FOLKS HERE WE ARE (I cannot overstate how wonderful it was to read this page. I did not know who the poem was from, and “Someone loves me very much, even with all my faults” is even sweeter to reread, but it’s just ... his confidence is so different from the tentative consideration of a new philosophy of trust and love we see in KoA. And there is subtextual queerness in the books before this one, some more apparent and some more subtle (and what is obvious to one reader may be subtle or invisible to another, in these books especially), and there is the attendant love triangle a few chapters back, but HERE - here, Pheris acknowledges the real feeling and love in Legarus’s disastrous relationship and tells us directly that his lover was a man, here he seamlessly makes it clear how bi and poly Relius is, and he quietly ties these relationships and realities to his growing understanding of the world. It’s not subtext. And there’s a lot more to come, but this page really hit me, and sort of promised the “more to come” while assuring me that what had come before, more subtly, was there. I used to have heteronormative readings of both these books and myself, and when Thick as Thieves brought them crashing back into my heart after years away, I knew better about myself, and I saw that - or the possibility of that reading -  reflected in the new book, and it was such a good surprise. It meant a lot, and this page meant a lot, and that is why I’m writing a small essay to accompany this note.) 
Lol wow
162. Where are you traveling, man (this question remains)
163. Fuck you, Orutus
164. Stole an inkpot!
165. the map!!! (Kamet’s)
166. I love them!
167. The Math Master hmm
Am I an oracle (Nope! :) )
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evolsinner · 3 years
-ˋˏ ༻🍷༺ ˎˊ-
theo pushes me against the door and smashes his lips onto mine. at the same time, he slides my denim spaghetti strap dress down my chest, exposing my bare chest to his full view.
“damn,” he admires them hungrily, “look at ‘em built~in stress balls.”
“take a picture, lasts longer,” i tilt his head back up to eye level with me.
“oh, don’t worry, i’m intending to,” and he crushes his lips back onto mine.
he grabs one of my boobs in his palms and squeezes before pinching my swollen nipple. soft moans flow out from my mouth and my wetness down there increases.
🎶my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like, it’s better than yours damn right it’s better than yours
“nice ringtone,” theo smirks.
“shut up.”
he chuckles. “aye, let’s see if your milkshake really does bring all the boys to the yard,” he smugly raises his eyebrows and lowers his mouth to the bud he had been torturing seconds before. he begins to suck on it whilst kneading the other one.
“ohhh,” i moan. “yesss.”
his tongue circles my areola, nibbling, slurping and lapping up his drools. after pretty much mutilating my nipple, he lands a cute peck on top of it like that’s somehow gonna heal every nasty thing he did to it. “tell me how you like it done, babygirl.”
“touch me.”
he pulls the rest of my dress below my waist and skims his hand down my stomach to my core. if i keep my eyes shut for long enough, i could pretend it’s not him. i’m torn between wanting to remember and forget. i want to remember how it felt when isaac touched me, but i want to forget how it felt when he broke me...
“damn, you’re so wet.”
my phone goes off again but this time it reminds me of reality. it reminds me of how my life was once a dream these past few months and now it has gone to literal shit. getting irritated, i lift theo’s shirt up and drag him into myself, desperately tugging at his zipper.
“alrighty then,” he grins. “my babygirl is one greedy little bitch, ‘cept imma spoil her like her daddy couldn’t.”
the dress slides off my body entirely and pools around my ankles. i wriggle out of my underwear. he gets rid of his pants and boxers. then he picks me up by the thighs and walks backward to his bed. he falls onto the bouncy mattress. i get on top and dry grind on him. he grips my waist like he’s got claws for nails.
“fuck, you’re good!” he groans.
i push myself further down onto his erection, the wetness of my core spreading to other parts. “ooh, theo.. “
“that’s it, baby, just like that,” he lifts his head up to watch me rub my kitty on him. “keep it go..ing..mm..oo..yeah..” he exhales deeply, dropping his head back down on the pillow.
i lower my hand, further massaging his bulge with my palm and pressing it into myself. more grunts escape from his mouth and it looks like he’s in a paradise of his own. my phone, yet again, goes off. i glance over my shoulder to where it’s placed on the far back cupboard.
theo yanks me down. “eyes on me, slut!”
his lips are so sour. i try to find the sweetness within them, but it’s difficult. it’s unlike the first time we kissed and unquestionably unlike mr killian’s, nowhere near.
isaac’s was a whole nother valhalla.
theo changes position, getting on top of me. he reaches over and pulls back the top drawer from his nightstand. everything is happening so fast. i am getting dazed and confused even faster. i lean up on my elbows, watching him rip up the silver packet with his teeth and rolling the rubber on.
he returns, caging me.
my respiration becomes dense and i kinda become uncomfortable, a bit claustrophobic. my ringtone continues on and off in the background and it really does bring me back to reality. the hell am i doing with the school’s pitcher??
“theo,” i calmly lay my hand on his abdomen, “i..i don’t think we should do this anymore.”
“c’mon, rosé,” he jeers. “what happened to that girl who was all over me in the boys’ locker room? surely, she’s in there somewhere. maybe i can help bring her out?”
“no, really, theo,” i reach my hand down, ceasing him from entering, “i want you to stop.”
i’ve made a mistake. this whole thing is a mistake. it was like a bandaid on the crack of my healing heart. only now that it’s beating again, all i wanna see is lime green eyes greeting me, not the blue that i’m drowning in.
“no, you don’t,” he decides for me and plants a rough kiss on my lips.
i press my head back, getting his tongue out of my mouth. “yes, i, fucking, do.”
“rosé, you can’t just fucking do that,” he snaps. “you can’t just get me hyped up like this and then not go through with it.”
i sigh, “i’m sorry. i just..i just thought i was ready, but i’m not.”
“it’s too late, you said yes already so quit being a pussy with that ‘i’m not ready’ shit girls do, and let me do my thing. i ain’t stopping.”
“but i’ve changed my mind, i don’t want to anymore. i’m sorry.”
“try to relax for me, okay?” he gets rid of the interference on behalf of my hand by gently placing it beside me. “i won’t hurt you.”
i stubbornly place that same hand at my entrance.
theo heaves, “well, what the hell do you suppose i do with my hard as fuck dick then?”
“fuck if i know. jerk off or something?”
“you’re shitting me, right?” he raises his eyebrows.
why is he being so demanding?! i’ve never seen this side of him.
a forced homely smile appears on his face. “...just relax.” he pretty much snatches my hand up and away. “and breathe, okay?”
before i can stop him again, he’s already inserting himself inside of me. i make an effort in relaxing, i really do, but my body just won’t have it.
“see, ain’t that bad,” his voice toys with me. “i’d ask if this is your first time, but i know it’s not.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“whatever you make of it,” he avoids answering the question. “you good? i’m gonna start moving now.”
“please, baby, let’s just do this another day,” i push my hands up on his chest like i’m bench pressing him, but of course it does nothing. “promise i’ll make it worth your while?”
“for fuck’s sake, stop fucking resisting!” he lashes out. “it won’t do you any good but make it hurt more!”
i flinch at his sudden outburst and fear creeps up on me like slow molten lava. patience is wearing thin from both sides. i need it to stop, but i’m petrified of the monster this will unleash, this monster right in front of me. all the way in he goes and all the way out i feel utter disgust.
“you are tight as fuck, rosé,” he grunts. “almost like you’re milking me.”
“..theo.. maybe..i..we..”
“shhh, baby,” he whispers. “it’s okay.”
sickening aftertaste merges in with my saliva, my lips quiver.
he extracts, “you taste nice.”
i look to the side so that his gaze meets my cheek. he exists out of me slowly, then back in he goes. i try to move underneath his body, but he has me cemented in such a form where comfort is not an option, let alone the chance of escaping.
“don’t cry, rosé, please.”
at this, a dozen silent tears escape from my watery eyes. hostility is the only word that comes to my head. hostility in his eyes, hostility in his tone, hostility in his biceps. it’s like the smell of cigarettes, intoxicating, and that’s what scares me the most.
“i’m only giving you what you want, rosé.”
i can’t answer him.
“this is what you want, right?” he looks me dead in the eye.
i nod...
“good girl.”
the droplets trickle off the side of my temples and land on the plush pillow. i just want isaac. i need him. i miss him...his dimple, his half~smiles, his tired blinks...i miss him a lot.
“you’re doing great. just a little while longer, i promise.”
i dry my tears with his neck because i’m too scared to move my hands.
“hey, hey?” theo brushes the hair off my face. “shh, shhh,” he coos. “why you crying for, baby? you’re doing amazing, okay?”
there’s a sudden shift from soft to rough. it’s like he wants a taste of both worlds. his thrusting has intensified and his audible satisfaction has grown louder. the fear in me, well, that disappears. i don’t like being used in this way. taken advantage of.
“hones..honestly! you’re hurting me so please just get the fuck off me!”
he pins me down fully, almost like dead weight on top of me. he digs sharply into me like a shovel, tearing away at my insides a gluttonous thrust at a time. my tears crystallise, my body aches. it’s as if my heart is in the place of my brain; the pulses banging on my skull. i throw a series of blows to his chest, but even that works against me.
“don’t fight it. the only thing that’ll do is make me fuck you harder!”
my heart is thundering, there’s an apocalypse going on in each of the chambers and it’s taking everything in me to focus through the rumble. my hand despairingly searches for something on the nightstand, anything.
amongst the lamp, the tissue box, an opened marlboro pack, a lighter, a vape pen and some empty red bull cans, i finally hit jackpot. insanely tight, my fingers encircle themselves around the glass body of a corona extra.
1, 2, 3.
“fucking bitch!” he roars, clasping his head.
this gives me enough time to escape from underneath him. i fall out of the bed, slide back into my dress and leave everything else behind.
“rosé!!” theo growls after me, grabbing his boxers.
barefoot, i run to the stairs. only a meter away from the staircase when a hand latches onto my ankle, tripping me over. theo cusses and tries to claw his way atop of me, but i flip over and kick him in the nose. he groans loudly and releases me, cupping his nose.
i run down the stairs, feeling him only a step or two behind me. i slam into the door and begin desperately unhinging each lock in a row. fuck, how many goddamn locks does this guy have?! when the last one gets undone, i pull down on the handle only to be ruthlessly pulled right back with my fucking hair.
“where the fuck do you think you’re going, huh?!” theo snarls. “i ain’t done with you yet, babygirl.”
i scream, holding onto his hands holding my hair. he sickly inhales the scent of my neck and places his palm over my mouth. i bite down immensely hard. he rips his hand free and stumbles back.
i’m just so scared.
so, so scared.
i don’t see blue eyes anymore. i see grey. pure grey. they stare right through my soul, irises of like hurricanes trapped in tiny snow globes. the globes begin to crack, bit by bit... there will be an avalanche in just milliseconds.
i open the door, stumbling out onto the lawn before regaining my balance and breaking into a sprint. i look over my shoulder when suddenly i bump into a wall right in front of me, forcing me to arrive at a standstill.
glancing up, it’s not…a wall but..
isaac killian.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 5 years
The One
First Kiss ~ Part 2/10
At Last by Etta James
Beautiful by Meshell Ndegeocello
Kissing You by Des'ree
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Prince!Sam Wilson x Princess!Black Reader and a Soulmate AU
Summary: Princess Y/N of Mayennya has never been in love before and she’s tired of waiting. She is tired of watching as everyone around her falls in love while she remains alone. When her cousins, King T’Challa and Prince N’Jadaka, come to ring in the new year, they bring along a new face. And with one look, Princess Y/N is smitten.
Warnings: FLUFF
A/N: This fic was inspired by this post and by the fact that I have been CRAVING a fluffy Prince!Sam Wilson fic FOREVER!!! So this is my take on it.
The morning following the party, you had hoped to see Prince Sam, but your duties to your kingdom and the celebration kept you two apart. Your sister, the queen, had heard about Prince Sam and how you spent a majority of the night dancing with him and she was genuinely excited for you. Your mind continued to drift back to the night you met him and how you spent the rest of the night practically glued to his side.
Later that day, Nakia finally made it to the castle and you were there to greet her when she arrived. You loved seeing her whenever you got the chance to.
“Nakia! Oh, how I’ve missed you,” you cried as you embraced her in a warm hug.
“I’ve missed you as well, Y/N,” she responded. “It’s been too long. You have to come to visit us soon.”
“And how’s the baby bump doing?” you asked and smiled when she took hold of your hand and placed it on her belly.
“Baby is fine, more than fine actually,” she laughed. “Constantly kicking, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“That is amazing,” you gushed. “I’m so happy for you, Nakia. You and T deserve this so much.”
“And so do you, Princess, you deserve happiness just like the rest of us,” she whispered softly. “Speaking of, have you had a chance to meet Prince Samuel?”
Your face lit up at the mention of Sam and you tried to hide your smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Nakia chuckled.
“Wait,” you paused. “What do you mean ‘speaking of’?”
Nakia winked, “I’ll let him tell you about it. But now, I must go find my husband. You know I haven’t seen him in over a week?” Nakia began to walk away from you and towards where she and T’Challa would be staying.
You stood there for a moment more and thought about what she said. What did she mean about she would let him tell you? Tell you what? It was eating you up inside, not knowing, and you couldn’t find out because you didn’t know where he was.
Pushing it to the back of your mind, you continued on with your day, hoping that you would get to see him sometime soon.
Luck wasn’t on your side. How could the universe send you such an amazing man, and not let you spend any time with him? It wasn’t fair. Two days after the party, and you were restless. You still hadn’t gotten a chance to spend any time with Sam, and you were beyond annoyed. You constantly thought about what Nakia said when she arrived at the castle and you were no closer to finding out what she meant.
You spent the entire day with Wanda at your side as you mingled with some of your guests as they continued to arrive from their kingdoms. King Thor and Prince Loki of Asgard had finally made an appearance and you spent some time catching up with them.
When you were not greeting guests, you were theorizing with Wanda out in the garden about what Nakia had meant. It was still bothering you, mainly because you hadn’t gotten a chance to ask Sam or T’Challa what Nakia had meant.
“You know, the carnival is tonight,” Wanda pointed out. “No one misses the carnival, so I’m sure he’ll be there. We’ll meet up with everyone, and you can spend time with him and find out what Nakia meant.”
You cocked your head to the side, “You’re right! You’re freaking brilliant, Wanda!” You hopped up off the ground and helped her up. You giggled as you brushed off the grass from your clothes and headed back to the castle to get ready for the carnival. All you could do was hope that Sam would be there too.
When you arrived at the carnival, you could barely contain your excitement. This was your favorite part of the entire celebration. When you were younger, you enjoyed the rides more than anything else, but now, you enjoyed the games more. You loved winning as many stuffed animals and handing them out to others. You also loved the food. Your stomach growled when the sweet smell of funnel cakes from a nearby booth drifted under your nose. You had no choice but to get one.
You tugged on Wanda’s hand and made your way over to the booth. You tapped your foot in excitement as the two of you waited in line for the treat.
“Told you we’d find her here,” N’Jadaka said from behind you, causing you to turn around.
“Hey,” you shouted over the carnival music. “Funnel cakes are the best!”
“I agree,” T’Challa said as he pulled you into an embrace. You embraced your cousins and Nakia as your eyes searched for Sam.
“Where’s Sam?” you asked after you had hugged Shuri, your heart deflated a bit because you didn’t see him.
“Right here,” Sam’s voice cut through from behind you and you turned around.
You didn’t think you’d ever get used to the feeling you got when you saw him. You felt warm all over and your heart beat a little bit faster. Everyone around you seemed to melt away whenever you looked into his eyes as if it was just the two of you standing there. And you would never tire of feeling this way because of him.
“You wanna take a walk with me?” he asked, his voice low enough so that only you could hear.
You nodded and turned and told Wanda that you’d see her later during the fireworks. Funnel cake forgotten, you placed your hand in Sam’s awaiting hand and followed as he led you away from the group.
Sam made sure to not let your hand go as you walked through the crowd. You spotted a game up ahead of you and you pulled him towards it.
“Let’s play this game, Sam!”
He chuckled as the game operator explained the game. “You’ve got five tries to pop three balloons. You pop all five, you get to choose from the top row. You pop four; you choose from the middle row, and if you pop three, you can choose from the bottom row.”
Before you could grab the darts, Sam took them and turned to look at you.
“A kiss for good luck?” he asked. You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek before taking a step back. He winked at you before he easily threw the darts one by one popping five balloons.
You clapped your hands and bounced with excitement before you pointed to the large teddy bear that you wanted.
“Now I have to win you one!” you exclaimed as you pulled him to another game.
This game, you had to toss at least four rings onto any of the glass milk bottles to win a prize. You handed Sam your teddy bear before you grabbed the six rings and took your stance to get ready to throw.
“Wait a minute, Princess, you forgot something,” Sam warned just before you swung your arm. You turned to face him, and he cupped your face and placed a kiss on your forehead. “That’s one for your first throw.” Then he kissed both cheeks, “For your second and third throws.” Then he placed the fourth kiss on your nose, “For your fourth throw. Good luck.”
Your face was hot when he stepped away from you. You took a deep breath to collect yourself and threw the first ring. You held your breath as you watched it bounce onto one of the milk bottles. You cheered when the ring spun around and settled on the neck of the bottle.
“One down, three to go,” you whispered before tossing the second one.
Sam laughed when the ring landed on the bottle right next to your first one. You were getting more and more excited. You really wanted to win a stuffed animal for him.
The third ring landed on a bottle in the back row. Your heartbeat picked up. You were going to win him a stuffed animal. You took your final throw and you watched as the ring landed on top of another ring.
“YESSS!!!!” you cheered. “Sam, pick one out!” You watched as he smiled down at you before he pointed to a large bird.
“A falcon?” you asked. “Why a falcon?”
Sam shrugged, “It’s what the call me back home.”
“Why?” you tried to switch stuffed animals with him, but he shook his head.
“I want you to keep that one.”
“Only if you keep the bear,” you offered.
Sam smiled and you couldn’t help but smile back. You loved how much he smiled because it warmed your heart.
He took your hand once again, and the two of you began to walk again. You spotted another funnel cake cart, and before you could ask, Sam pulled you towards it. He ordered the largest one while you chose the toppings and grabbed the forks. You two sat at a table near the back of the seating area so that you could have some privacy. While you ate the funnel cake, Sam told you stories of his childhood and how he came to meet T’Challa.
“Speaking of T’Challa,” you said after you had eaten the last mouthful of funnel cake. “Nakia said something interesting when she got to the castle yesterday.”
Sam quirked his eyebrow and waited for you to continue.
“When she got here, she asked if we had met already, almost as if our meeting had been planned.” you waited for his response and were a bit taken aback when he chuckled.
“Alright, you caught me,” he said and sat back in his chair. “It was planned.”
You frowned at his declaration, “What do you mean ‘planned’?"
“I’d been wanting to meet you for a while now, Y/N,” he admitted. “Last summer, I spent some time in Wakanda. While I was there, the Queen Mother took to showing me family pictures and telling me about everyone in your family.”
You listened intently as he spoke and fiddled with your fork.
“When she stopped at your picture, I knew I had to meet you,” he shrugged. “I knew there was something special, and I was drawn to you. I’d asked T’Challa about you a couple of times but it never seemed like the right time to meet you.” He reached across the table and took your hands in his. “And when T’Challa told me about your celebration, I had to come. It was the perfect opportunity to meet you.”
“Wow,” you whispered. “I don’t know what to say.” You let out a nervous chuckle. “You felt that after seeing my picture one time?” He nodded. “Did you know that we were soulmates?”
Sam shook his head, “I didn’t. I knew that you were special in some way, but I didn’t think it would be this.” His thumb ran over your knuckles. “I’ve been waiting for you my whole life, Y/N, and now that I’ve found you it feels like I’m complete. You’re the piece that was missing.”
You ducked your head and smiled. “You can’t say things like that, Sam.”
“Why not? I mean them,” he responded, and the sincerity in his voice made you look up. “Come on,” he said as he stood. “It’s almost time for the fireworks.”
Sam pulled you out of your seat and you both reached for your prizes. After Sam made sure that neither of you had forgotten anything, he slipped his hand in yours and you two began to walk to the nearby field. Your walk was silent, but it was comfortable. You thought about what he had said, and it filled your heart with so much joy. You couldn’t believe you were that lucky to have him as a soulmate. Maybe waiting had been a good idea.
When you reached the field, you quickly found your friends. When the two of you approached them, Wanda took notice of the large stuffed animals and smiled at you.
“Where have you been!” Pietro yelled when he spotted you and pulled you in for a hug.
“Around,” you said as you returned it.
“You have to tell me everything later,” Wanda whispered when Pietro let you go. “I thought you two were going to miss the fireworks; you got here just in time.” she joked.
When the fireworks started, you stood next to Sam. You loved watching fireworks; you always had. You loved how they lit up the sky and how you could feel them explode from their tubing through the earth.
Even though you and Sam stood side by side, you could feel his eyes on you. You turned to face him and smiled. Even though you had only known each other for a few days, you missed being in his arms. The way he held you mad you feel safer than you had ever felt before. His arms were where you wanted to be, so you wrapped his arms around you and relaxed into them. Your head found its spot on his chest right above his heart and your soul sang. His heartbeat matched yours.
The fireworks and the gasps from the crowd around you two faded away as he held you. You were safe and warm right here in his arms. You pouted when you felt him pull back a bit, but the look in his eyes when you looked at him quieted all your thoughts. Sam cupped your cheek with one hand and ran his thumb under your bottom lip. This was it. He was going to kiss you. You tried to keep your excitement contained, but somehow he felt it and he smirked. You glanced at his lips before locking eyes with him again and he slowly inched his face closer to yours.
Your breath picked up in anticipation. This is what you have been waiting for since the moment you met, and he was dragging it out. You rose yourself up on your toes in an attempt to bring him closer, but he pulled back and smiled.
“Be patient, Y/N,” he gently scolded.
You lowered yourself back to the ground and waited. He wanted to be in control of this, and you knew it.
“I’m going to kiss you, Princess, there’s no doubt about that,” he said after a moment of silence between the two of you.
His hand still cradled your cheek while the other tightened around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You could feel your heart speed up as he began to bring his lips closer to yours. Your eyes slid closed just before his lips brushed against yours. Your heart exploded at that moment. He wasn’t even fully kissing you yet and you felt like you were in heaven. He pressed his lips more firmly against yours and you moaned. You knew his lips were soft, but you never imagined they were THIS soft. Your hands moved from around his waist to grip the front of his shirt when he ran his tongue against the seam of your lips. You parted your lips and he sighed when his tongue touched yours.
Is this what it feels like? You thought to yourself. Your heart overflowed with joy as the two of you kissed. You felt as if your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. How did he manage to create such a response from you in such a short time? This man, your soulmate, you were ready to take on the world with him by your side.
You felt him begin to pull back but that only made you follow him. He smiled against your lips before he pulled back completely, the arm around your waist held you in place.
“Y/N,” he mumbled with his forehead against yours as you shook your head ‘no.’
You reached up and pulled him back to you and kissed him again and he smiled as he gave in. There was no way you were ever going to stop kissing him. You weren’t sure how long you kissed him, and quite frankly you didn’t care. All you cared about was this moment of pleasure and knowing that there were many more to come.
When he pulled back from you for the second time, you let him. As you became aware of your surroundings once again, you heard your friends cheering and you placed your forehead against his chest embarrassed. You felt your face heat up, and you tried to calm your breathing, but you couldn’t. Your heart was racing, and you knew Sam’s was as well. You wanted nothing but to stay right where you were with him, but you knew you couldn’t. His hands rubbed your back as he chuckled at your embarrassment.
“Y/N, it’s time to head back to the castle,” he stated before he kissed the crown of your head. The two of you rejoined the group and walked back to the castle, hand in hand.
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katyamber · 5 years
Now That We’ve Found Love - Chapter 6
The destination was Paris. They would arrive by sunset and Anne couldn’t wait to show her wife around the city. It was far bigger and better than London, far more glamorous. She hoped that Ann would enjoy at least the shops if nothing else. Fashion was very big in Paris, she hoped that Ann could find a nice dress or two.
The journey to Paris was long and tiring for them both, but both were glad to have cleared the air this morning after tensions ran high. Ann sat close to Anne, her leg resting against hers. Sometimes when the coast was clear they would steal a kiss, or a touch. Every now and then Anne would share experiences with her wife from previous Paris trips. Tales of grandeur and chance meetings.
What started out as farmland slowly became more densely populated, soon there were rows of houses and cobbled streets, then there were churches and large buildings. It was when they saw Notre Damme, Ann was in awe of the architecture. It was stunning. She wanted to go inside every building and look at every curve of stone. It amazed her how these structures were built, by the hands of men, it also saddened her to know that many of the lower class in society died to create such beauty. Perhaps their souls lived on in the brickwork, the intricate details of the stained windows.
The silence from her wife let Anne know that she was enjoying herself, which made her feel relief. Anne had been worried for a while that Ann wouldn’t take well to travelling – she wasn’t sure she could give up something she loved so much for anyone. Now, however, she assumed that she didn’t have to give up travelling.
Their hotel was grand, the foyer was filled with ladies wearing large, expensive dresses – each group of women speaking a different language. French women were different to English women, they were naturally beautiful. They carried their selves with such grace and poise and Ann could instantly see what the attraction of them was to her wife.
They had an early dinner of risotto and went to bed early, the sheets were silk, edged with lace. The wood of the bed frame was dark mahogany. The room was relatively bright compared to those at Shibden, walls were painted in light colours and silver and gold guild was dotted around the room reflecting light from the flickering candles.
When they woke in the morning, they spoke about all the things they could do, and, deciding to stay in Paris for at least a week to see everything and recover from the long travel before moving on. Breakfast was a mixture of pastries and fruits, washed down with coffee. Ann had never had coffee before but she liked it, it was bitter but it made her feel awake. Eager to encourage her wife, Anne suggested that she picked the day’s activities.
Buzzed from coffee, Ann decided that they would enjoy a slow stroll around Paris and get a closer look at the buildings and maybe some of the dress shops that Anne had told her about.
The weather in Paris was perfect, it was hot and the sky was free from all clouds. It looked like a painting. As they left the hotel Ann felt so proud and tall, her chest out and shoulders back as she walked alongside her wife. She always felt so confident when she was with Anne, she listened to her and made her feel like an adult.
They explored the streets together, Anne excitedly telling stories about things they stumbled across, joking and laughing together. It wasn’t for a few hours that they stopped off for something to eat. There was a little place that wasn’t busy, Restaurants were almost unheard of in England, but there were at least 5 in Paris. À La Petite Chaise, situated 2 miles from both Notre-Dame and the Louvre construction that Anne had told her all about.
Ann struggled to pick from the menu, she knew some French but she had never encountered these words. With help from Anne, she decided on French onion soup, followed by grilled steak and for dessert a selection of cheeses. It was all very well done, and Anne was surprised that her wife had eaten everything without picking.
After lunch they carried on through Paris and eventually Ann complained that she was too hot to carry on and wanted to go back to the hotel to rest. Reluctantly Anne agreed, she was warm too, wearing black all the time was difficult in the summer.
They returned to the hotel and both freshened up with some cool water, allowing the air to dry their skin. Anne lay on the bed and looked over at her wife who was letting down her hair and washing her face.
“Have you had a nice day?” she asked, her eyes trailing over her wife’s body which was barely visible through her underwear.
Ann patted her face dry with a cloth and nodded “Paris is much more beautiful than I imagined. And it’s so different to England. I loved the food, I never thought of onions in a soup before.” She told her with a laugh.
“Thanks, for bringing me, and convincing me that I should see more of the world.” Ann told her wife quietly. Anne was right, she was always right, Anne could put her on top of the world and she knew she had made no mistake in marrying her.
Anne smiled happily and closed her eyes, taking a deep content breath and putting her hands behind her head. She really couldn’t express enough how happy she was to have such a beautiful, smart, patient woman in her life.
Ann watched her wife and smiled, wondering how she could possibly make her as happy as her. She looked at the windows, nobody could see in they were high up and nobody was overlooking them. She padded quietly to the bed and undid the ribbons of her night gown, revealing her pale chest.
“Anne?” she whispered
“Mmmm?” Anne hummed still with her eyes closed.
Ann leaned down on the bed so that her bosom was revealed even more “Anne…” she whispered again, this time her voice breathy.
“Yes, I said…” She opened her eyes and her words stopped dead in her throat. She looked over her wife, her Ann, her small, perfect breasts peeking out through the gap of the nightgown. A painful hum came from her and she shook her head and looked at Ann with a grin.
Ann blushed red as Anne looked at her and shook her head “Sorry..” she mumbled and made to get up, but was stopped by Anne’s hand on hers.
“Don’t.” Anne told her firmly “Take off your night gown.” She ordered, looking into Ann’s eyes as she spoke.
Ann let out a small sigh and nodded her head, feeling brave again thanks to the support of her wife. She took a step back from the bed and without loosing eye contact with Anne she lifter her night gown off and over her head.
She bent her legs a little and put her arms over herself, slightly embarrassed to be naked and under her wife’s watchful eye.
Getting to her knees, Anne quickly knelt on the edge of the bed in front of Ann and reached for her hands, pulling her closer and looking over her face “You are so beautiful.” She assured her, her hand running up Ann’s arm and then into her hair. She cupped her cheek and bought her in for a kiss, kissing the side of her mouth and then smiling again “I want you.” She told Ann.
“I want you to sit on me.” She told her, tugging her on the bed “I want to watch your face.” She explained.
Ann blushed a deep red and nodded her head, but words were not coming that easily to her so in response she put a hand to Anne’s chest and pushed her backwards, falling on top of her with a huff.
The fabric of Anne’s nightgown brushed over her clit and it made her moan, but it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted Anne inside her. Ann reached down and tugged at Anne’s nightgown and they wrestled it off from under her and onto the floor.
Both naked, hot skin on skin. They were both sweating already from the hot afternoon heat.
Anne pulled her down by the back of her neck and kissed her hard, sucking on her bottom lip. She positioned her fingers at Ann’s opening and stroked slowly, teasing her. The noises that it elicited from her wife were irresistible. She heard her name being moaned quietly into her mouth and smirked a little, unable to resist feeling a little cocky.
Ann pushed back into Anne’s hand to urge her inside, but Anne was taking her time. She pulled back from the kiss and looked at Ann, her hair a mess, her eyes shut, her mouth hung open in painful anticipation.
Lifting her hand up, she carefully slid her wet fingers over Ann’s lips and hummed, then put her finger in her own mouth to suck the juice from it with a moan. “You taste delightful.” She hummed and then reached her hand back down between them.
Before Ann could respond, Anne thrust her middle finger into her and watched her wife’s eyes squeeze tighter shut. She leaned up and kissed Ann’s breasts slowly, then flicked her tongue over the nipple. Anne lay back down and looked up at her wife as they slowly began to grind together. Moving her free hand to Ann’s hip, she guided her slowly, bouncing her a little as she pushed up to her. She could feel the wetness of Ann running down her finger and onto her thigh.
“You’re very good.” She told her with encouragement “Do you like it when I’m inside you?” she asked.
“Yesss…” Ann hissed and pushed harder and further down until she engulfed Anne’s finger fully.
“More…I need more Anne…” she breathed, leaning down and kissing her wife lazily.
“What do you want Ann?” Anne asked with a cocky smile.
“I want more fingers, harder” She explained, her body shaking slightly as she lifted herself up and back down on Anne’s finger.
Anne bit her lip and squeezed her hip, then lifted her slightly as she repositioned her hand, thrusting 2 fingers deep inside her.
“Oh!” Ann moaned, instantly moving faster, grinding closer and faster as she felt Anne filling her.
“Tell me what you want.” Anne encouraged, trying to get Ann to be a little more forward in bed without being drunk.
“I…” She paused, not really knowing how to describe what she wanted “Move your fingers, curl them…” she explained, sitting up on Anne and resting so that Anne’s fingers were buried deep inside her and had nowhere to go “My clit…touch it.” She ordered, reaching for the hand that was on her hip and guiding it down between her wet folds.
She was thick with slick wetness and Anne groaned, her thumb finding her clit and moving in small circles as her fingers grazed Ann from the inside.
“Oh My!” Ann moaned “Anne!” she cried and moved quickly on her wife “I’m close.” She whispered, her hands reaching up to her own breasts and squeezing them as she ground herself on her wife’s skilled hands.
Just as Ann was about to orgasm, she felt Anne push her off, and with a desperate moan, Ann bucked her hips into thin air “Anne…” she whispered “I need you.” She added.
Within seconds Anne was on top of her, she bit her thighs and buried her fingers deep inside her wife again “I want to taste you, come for me.” She ordered her, moving her mouth over Ann’s clit and flicking her tongue lightly over the bud. Her fingers curled and her tongue circled and before she knew it her head was being forced against Ann and her nose was buried in blonde pubic hair as Ann came into her mouth. She became wetter, wetness dribbling down Anne’s chin and over her hand and on the bed. Anne was unable to resist pulling her fingers from Ann and pushing her tongue into her to taste her properly, hot and pulsing.
Anne had the intention of stopping and cuddling, but she was so aroused she couldn’t stop. She reached her wet hand down to herself and touched herself whilst she carried on moving her tongue over Ann who was now moaning again.
Ann still had a hand buried in her wife’s hair, her chest was heaving and her hips pushed up to Anne. Was it possible to have another orgasm? She didn’t know. But it felt like she was going to.
Ann reached her hand down between her legs and copying her wife, started to moving her hand in small circles on her clit as her wife’s tongue stroked her opening.
The vision of Ann stroking herself was enough to push Anne over the edge and she came, calling Ann’s name loudly as she pulled her down to her mouth to muffle her cries.
The sound that Anne made pushed Ann over the edge and at the same time she had her second orgasm, her hips bucking against Anne’s mouth and her hand moving faster on herself.
There was silence in the room aside from the panting, both afraid to move and ruin the incredible feeling of ecstasy.
“I love you Ann.” Anne whispered eventually, resting her head on Ann’s thigh and stroking her skin which glistened with sweat in the sunlight.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 10 aka an episode that really made me happy!! but also really made me miss season 1..........
phew thank goodness lin mo made it tho, now i feel like there’s not much left for me to do cept wait for this show to end bc im pretty sure thats as far as he’ll get, and im so so relieved he made it to the top 20 thats all i was asking for, i just wanted him to be able to participate in every stage. so now im just excited for when he gets out what mr tyger will do!
man iqiyi really skipping even 14-19 man..... 
wowowowow long lost xixi spirit of the knght footage that we never got to see T__T
awwwww huaiwei’s feeble “are yall not gonna clap” was so sad... but also i was kinda expecting his fall with the 2 vote restriction bc huaiwei is hilariously fun and everyone likes him, but hes not as much bias material.... lol shi zhan awkwardly stuck between two crying people lol
HAHAHAHHA CHEN SIJIAN ‘why cant we just talk to each other’s face to face’ HAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIM 一點都不說唱 HAHAHHAAH
lol zhenning exposing shi mingze is the content im here for! mingming is the cutest bub omg 
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wow a rare zhan yu teardrop mole sighting!!
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lol how much u wanna bet it was rigged that the first one was for wenhan from yangyang
aw huaiwei and yueyue....... ok but is he really telling them that they shouldnt go to the hospital if they get third degree burns?? bc as a future healthcare professional im gonna to strongly disagree on that one........ please take care of yourselves and your health first.........
HAHAHHAA I LOVE XIXI AND JUNJIE’S FRIENDSHIP HAHAHAH the fact that sijian was like “lol its junjie” as soon as xixi got called out ....oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing oh my goodness 
aw zhenning being so caring towards wang zhe.... but luckily wang zhe did really well in maze :) 
i hope we get to see more of these letters in the extra clips.... im waiting for jia yi’s letter to lin mo ;_; i see that mr tyger group hug ahhh also was that lin mo that wenxuan was hugging at the end bc their friendship is really aw too
aw junjie looking for happy for his friends even tho he likely wont make it this round.....
aw shi mingze and zhenning aww look at zhenning rising to the top, he really became people’s one pick after retreat huh hahaha 
man this might sound kinda mean (im really not trying to be) but what are the chances jia yi will keep falling and fall out of top 9 so mr tyger can continue as 5.... LOL im sorry i love the child but tbh i dont think being in top 9 will be worth his time as much as being reunited with his favorite geges......
aw poor mingming so nervous.... reminds me of quanzhe from last season that one time iqiyi kept panning to him during elims....
i wonder why there’s a bunch of them missing from the special class / the charity activity this time..... are they all in the hospital again???? like lin mo, jia yi, wenhan.... would zhan yu be with them to watch over lin mo and jia yi? 
lol why does bo yuan know the maze choreo, did he learn it in like 30 seconds?? gu landi with his saxophone!!!!!!!!!!!
ok can we pls talk about how ymm is in such disbelief that he went up so much?? i really hope this helps him gain more confidence....... AND OMG HIS SMILEEE 
omg chen youwei bringing up yi xiao.... aw this just makes me think of when youwei kept chanting jin fan’s name during the first elims.... and now wang yi and li yuzhi are left watching from below..... omgosh wu chengze is crying so hard.... do you think its bc his bff sun zelin ranked beside him last time but this time..... he’s not gonna be able to continue with him? (omg im just thinking about how sun zelin talked about chengze high-fiving him and going out of his way to wish him good night every night before bed... their friendship is...... so important......) honestly im gonna miss sun zelin and his silly humor and his adorable personality... he recognized he wasnt as skilled but he still tried really hard and dreamed big and im proud of how far he made it! 
wait i have a question, if ymm has this many solo stans then who else were they voting for with their second vote if not wen yechen??? MINGMING’S SMILE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS OH MY GOODNESS omg cutting to a crying shi mingze their friendship is so important MINGMING YOU DESERVE THIS 
wow waiting for them to announce who ranked #1 is just as suspenseful as it was on “all for one” -- aka not suspenseful at all........... ITS WENHAN OK WE GET IT NO ONE THINKS ITS GUAN YUE IM SORRY
lol i just looked up bo yuan’s birthday and hes like 9 months older than lin mo but now that hes eliminated does this make lin mo the oldest trainee on the show..... 
omgosh im gonna miss the sound of feng junjie’s voice screaming
omgosh zhan yu helping lin mo lift his box out aw!! aw zhan yu and jia yi working together.... aww them all working together
aw zhenning and shi zhan friendship!!!! LOL THIS IS SO CRINGE HAHAHHAHAHA wow i just realized the S symbol reminds me of a sadder looking yoyo class symbol from “all for one” lolololl 
ooo at least we’ll get another junjie ep of YAA!!!! and sun zelin too!!! SHI MINGZE YOYO POWERS/??!!? omg reminds me of bi wenjun ;_; i miss our yoyo prince ;_; omg they reused the puffy suits from last season LOOOLLLL wait but im sorry xixi i cant look at that colorful one without thinking of lou zibo ahhhhhhhhh I MISS ZIBO TOO and qian zhenghao in the tiny alien one omg that was such a iconic moment!!!!! and qin fen in the overblown monster one ahhhh I MISS SEASON ONE IM SORRY I FEEL LIKE ITS LATE ENOUGH IN THIS SEASON THAT I CAN SAY THIS WITHOUT FEELING LIKE IM BEING BIASED BUT SEASON ONE WAS BETTER ---- but i still love many of the kids from this season, its not their fault this season has just been generally more frustrating and less focused on all of their friendships. but season one just seemed generally more enjoyable, fun and lighthearted, yet emotional in a positive manner
LOL theyre all so obviously reading off a script this is pretty funny WHY IS HANYU SO CREEPY HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA 
FENG JUNJIE 28 NOOOOO ahhh i thought shi mingze would make it too........ man wang yi 38?? i thought he’d be higher.... man chen sijian’s literally the only rap line trainee left wtf............ wow wang jiayi really dropped so much throughout this show.... 
wait i wanna hear the full version of shi mingze’s speech, i feel like he mightve said more about his friendship with mingming... i guess now that i think about it, mingze having ranked rather high last time was rather impressive considering iqiyi hasnt given him much time to shine......
ooof ok im kinda hoping 20 will be gu landi or shao haofan bc their vocals really would’ve earned it. omgosh gu landi asking chen tao if he can sit next to him ahhhh so cute
im yao chi praying for gu landi... but i feel like its gonna be chen tao bc freaking wenhan’s “gwi ze” LOL
not surprised
man the audience be sleeping on gu landi’s talent..... 
omg this is my new favorite friendship omg gu landi is so supportive towards yao chi im crying.... 
lol they keep saying the top 9 is 換血 but literally i feel like the only new person is zhenning...???? 
hahhahahahhaha fjj: i didnt imagine i would be picked by the old men... yixing: i can tell :)  LOOOOL JUNJIE YOUR FACEE HHAHHAHAHAHA
wow today is a such good day wow feng junjie made it wow im so grateful wow this is a great day wow life is great isnt it 
ahhh im wu chengze chanting wu zelin sun zelin wu zelin sun zelin 
aw lin mo and wenxuan are really so close....
just dont say wenhan LOL
lol the old men really like zhou shiyuan so im not surprised... he does deserve it tho!
oo good for haofan! 
honestly they prob made sure the old men didnt pick yechen, zhan yu or bo yuan again... sadly..... but also sad they didnt notice gu landi....... omgosh look at zhan yu pumping his fists in the air even tho he knows its over... this is his “pretending to be mature gege” side, trying to appear positive for his bros... i wanna see lin mo and jia yi’s full thank you speeches and see if they mention his again T_T
oh gosh seeing the top 20 choosing their final songs makes me think back to last season and im getting freaking mack daddy flashbacks and im shuddering in fear LOL “ITS OKAY” WAS AND STILL IS THE SUPERIOR SONG IM SORRY ITS JUST A FACT
LOL THEY TEXT THEM!??! on the bright side, this just reminded me that top 35 will still get to be in ep 11 so yayyy we get another zhan yu stage!!!!!!
lol this earth ad is even more cringey.................. the ending credits.... i see lin yuzhi! and xixi got a cool shot :D im surprised lin mo didnt get any shots haha and that they didnt show mr tyger at all during the hugging portion at the end but oh well i guess..... 
tbh this was a minimal lin mo exposure ep but its ok, im still grateful that he got a few random closeups (which is more than i can say for some of the others) and now that hes safely in top 20 i honestly think my work here is done LOL. there’s not much more lin mo fans can do for him. theyve gotten him onto all the stages and i dont think any amount of work will get him into top 9... and ive said before i dont even really want him in top 9 bc id rather he stay with mr tyger and help them stay relevant bc theyll need his help to do so, especially since jia yi will probably make top 9. 
(from here is where i go into a rant about season 1 vs season 2.... LOL)
lets be honest, ranking 16 is too low for lin mo to make it lol....... last season the only kid who made top 9 who wasnt already in top 9 by ep 10 was yanjun... and yanjun had been on a steep upward trend leading up to the last ep (lin mo went from 17 to 16... theres minimal momentum there lol) and then bi wenjun going from 12 to 10 was the other surprise. xikan going from 18 to 13 was impressive, but he still wasnt one of the contenders for the 9th spot. i think at the end it was bu fan, qian zhenghao, bi wenjun and you zhangjing right? out of those 4, the lowest ranked in ep 10 was bi wenjun at 12..... so going from 16 up to 9 would be really really unlikely, unless lin mo somehow makes an even greater impression on the audience during the mentor collab stage than yanjun did last year.... which i think will be impossible bc literally the entire audience fell in love with yanjun during the “zero” performance in last season’s ep 11 lol it was crazyyyy.... but anyway i think ive reminisced about last season enough this rant.... can you tell i really miss it? honestly ive tried to stay as positive as i could throughout watching qcyn and i gave iqiyi the benefit of the doubt from the beginning that “oh maybe it just doesnt seem as great as the first season bc we havent gotten to know the kids yet, the show’s just started, we’ll learn to love it later” ---- but we’re on ep 10 now and i just.......... i still dont think i got to know the kids as well as i did last season and its not their fault, theyre not any less lovable kids (some of them i really like!!! more than some of the kids from last season!) but this season’s editing is really just disappointing. i really miss last season and it was honestly so much more enjoyable to watch..... i thought about this the other day, if lin mo had been eliminated during the last round, would i still be watching this show? and i thought about it and i honestly think i would... because i really like some of the other kids like mingming, junjie, xixi, jia yi, guan yue, chen sijian, etc. but i really dont think id be as eager to stay up to date with it. ive fallen behind on yaa and dont even look forward to watching fanafan anymore bc lin mo hasnt been on any of those (no, i dont count the yaa ep he literally only got 1 second of screentime in) these side shows are fun, but not as fun as fanafan from last season. they feature the same kids over and over again (literally yuehua trio was the ONLY kids on fanafan 2 weeks ago and then they were 1/3 of the ep last week too??? and hmm how come there are kids who have been on yaa multiple times yet there are also kids who have never been on it at all???? that’s just so unfair.....) without fanafan from last season, would you zhangjing have made it into top 9?? fanafan was the medium thru which he really showed us how hilarious and fun and lovable and sweet and sassy he was (whereas on the actual show he showed us his true, undeniable talent) and im just here wondering, if qcyn’s fanafan had featured ye ziming half as much as they had featured you zhangjing or his partner in crime yanjun (who both ended up making top 9), would he have at least made top 35? or how about chen sijian and wu zelin? or feng junjie?? or su yuhang?? where would they be now? why hasnt lin mo been on fanafan at all??? if given the chance, would people actually be appreciating zhan yu’s hilariously weird and crazy personality that we NEVER got to see?? sigh.......... 
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yehet-me-up · 7 years
Claim Your Prize
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Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader (not gender specific 😊)
Word Count: 2,173
Rating: (F) for fluff
Summary: A kind stranger helps you win a giant stuffed animal for your niece, the only catch is he wants something in return.
Part 2 of the GOT7 colors series of oneshots! 🌈 Color: Red.
Throwing another rough plastic ball at the target, you mentally cross your fingers. It falls just short of the target and you sigh. Your seven year old niece groans dramatically next to you. She looks just like your sister when she’s pouting and you smile, patting her on the shoulder as you hide your laugh.
“Want to try again?” the employee at the booth asks, raising his eyebrows and holding out another ball. The amusement park is packed on this Saturday, but luckily there’s no one in line behind you yet, impatiently waiting for a turn. You look down at your niece and she’s beaming up at you. She clasps her hands together, shutting her eyes adorably, bouncing up and down.
“Please, please, please Y/N,” she begs.
You sigh and pull out another few dollars, handing them to the man behind the counter. He hands you three more balls and you pick up the first one. You roll your shoulders dramatically, breathing heavily, winding your arm up in an exaggerated version of a professional pitcher making your niece giggle next to you. 
Another shot, this one too long – just missing the top of the metal cutout of a clown you were trying to hit.
The game is rigged, obviously, but the grand prize is a gigantic red stuffed dog that made your niece squeal with excitement when she spotted it. And being the kind person that you are, you have so far spent… $12 trying to win it with your pathetic throwing ability.
You pick up the second ball, staring down the rows of clowns, trying your best to aim for one that seems within reach. This time you throw straight, no dramatics. The ball sails through the air for a moment, dead on course, but at the last second it falls just short.
You and your niece’s shoulders fall down dejectedly in unison. You run your hand along your neck with a groan, eyeing the man working the booth and narrowing your eyes. He gives you a wry grin and shrugs. Both of you know it’s an impossible game and he doesn’t seem inclined to help you out with any tips. With a sigh, you pick up the final ball.
“Want some help?” a polite male voice asks from behind you.
Turning, you see a good looking guy next to you, raising his eyebrow and holding out his hand. He’s wearing ripped jeans, Converse, and an oversized white sweatshirt, his dark brown hair swept away from his face.
“Sure, go for it,” you say and hand him the ball. “Maybe you’ll have better luck than I did.”
“What are the stakes here?” he asks with a grin that shows his perfect teeth, tossing the ball from hand to hand.
“We’re trying to win that big red dog up there,” you say and point to the one your niece wants.
“Hmm, that’s an excellent choice. What do I get if I win it for you?” he asks with a tilt of his head, watching you through his lashes.
Your jaw drops and you click your tongue sarcastically. “And here I thought you were just a Good Samaritan. I didn’t know you’d have an ulterior motive,” you say with a teasing smile.
You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow at him, challenging. “What do you want if you win?”
He sticks his tongue between his teeth and looks at you appraisingly. “How about a kiss?” he says playfully, leaning over to talk in your ear so your niece doesn’t hear.
You laugh and throw your hands up. “Sure. Why not? You win us that red dog and you can have a kiss,” you say, your face close to his. 
You take a step back and motion your hand for him to move up to the counter. You don’t really believe he can win it, but if he does you certainly wouldn’t mind giving him his reward.
He finally breaks eye contact and steps forward, his gaze becoming focused. He mimes rolling up his sleeves and adjusting an invisible baseball cap, drawing a cute laugh from your niece. His throw is dead on, but just soars over the top of the last row of clowns.
“Ooh, too bad,” you tease and he sighs, giving you a pointed look. He forks over another two dollars to the man at the booth.
A group of guys join you at the game, one of them throws an arm around the shoulder of your companion. “Dude, what are you doing? You know those games are a total tourist trap,” the newcomer jokes good-naturedly, pulling on his neck.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. But there’s some incredible prizes at stake here,” he says with a wink at you.
Another three throws later and he’s come within millimeters of hitting several of the clowns, but no luck. He rolls his neck and shakes out his hands, pulling out another two dollars to hand to the employee.
“Hey mister,” your niece asks, pulling at his sleeve. “What’s your name?”
He smiles down at her with a chuckle. “My name’s Mark, what’s yours?”
She tells him her name and then starts chanting, “Go Mark! Go Mark! Go Mark!” as he prepares to take another shot. It smacks against the heavy curtain at the back, right between two targets.
“Oooh, so close,” you tease, snapping your fingers.
He gives you a confident look, egged on by your taunting, and picks up the next ball. In a flash he’s thrown it. A loud clang sounds and you whip your head around to see a clown in the middle row knocked over. The lights around the game flash and your niece squeals next to you.
His friends pat him on the back and cheer dramatically for him. But his eyes are only for you as he turns back around with a smug look, dropping down to stare pointedly at your lips.
A droll male voice cuts through. “I guess this is yours then,” the booth worker says, holding out the large stuffed dog to Mark.
He takes the dog and hands it immediately to your niece. She chants “yesss!” and holds it above her head. It’s laughably too large for her to hold but she does her best anyways, spinning around with glee. You turn to thank Mark, but one of his friends, a tall boy with a shock of yellow hair, claps his hands on Mark’s shoulder.
“Can we please go on some rides now?” he whines, pouting his lips.
“God, you are such a child Yugyeom,” one of the others says, shaking his head.
Your niece stops her spinning and stares down the one who spoke. “Hey! I’m a child. Why’d you say it like it’s something bad?” she asks and you put a hand over your mouth to smother a laugh at her sass.
The other guys start cracking up. Mark looks over at his friend, crossing his arms dramatically. “Yeah JB, what’s so bad about being a kid?”
JB puts his hands in the air, looking chastised. “You’re absolutely right, there’s nothing wrong with being a kid,” he says and kneels down in front of her. “Let me make it up to you, would you two like to come on some rides with us?”
She looks at you, eyes bright with excitement. You laugh and shrug. “Sure, why not?”
She looks back at JB and nods fervently, thrusting her stuffed dog into Mark’s arms before grabbing JB’s hand and dragging him off in the direction of the rides. The rest of the boys whoop in excitement and follow along. You and Mark look at each other, your minds on the same thing, as his eyes dart down to your lips, taking a step closer.
“Come on!” your niece calls, giving you an impatient look, and Mark pauses.
He sighs in mock frustration, puts the toy under his arm and grabs your hand. You run after them laughing like little kids. The first ride your niece chooses is the tilt-o-whirl. You, Mark, JB, and your niece get into one pod as the rest of the guys cram into another. As the ride whips and spins around you are shoved against Mark time and time again, but he doesn’t look like he minds too much.
Next comes the carousel. The other parents and kids on the ride give strange looks to all these grown men messing around. Two of the boys are hanging off their horses upside down, another is trying to knock his friend off the horse with his feet. JB and Yugyeom are on horses on either side of your niece, cracking her up by making dramatic silly faces.
You and Mark are on side-by-side horses behind the group. As the ride keeps spinning you look at each other with sideways glances, leaning closer and closer. Finally, when you’re inches apart he reaches out a hand to steady himself against your horse. You part your lips in anticipation, tilting your head towards his. When his lips are about to touch yours you hear a collective groan from the group and you turn to look.
“Dude, get a room!” one of them taunts, making whooping noises.
“Ewww, were you two about to kiss?” your niece asks, scandalized. She sticks her tongue out in disgust, and you and Mark both laugh, shaking your heads ruefully. The ride comes to a stop and he throws an arm over your shoulders as you move onto the next destination – the bumper boats. The boys hop into boats, excited to get a chance to shoot each other with the water cannons.
Your niece hops in next to JB and starts talking rapidly about who she wants JB to shoot first, causing him to crack up. You and Mark sit this round out, standing with your backs along the railing, watching the group attack each other.
You take turns scooting closer to each other until your hips bump together. With a look back to the group he quickly comes to stand in front of you, his gaze eagerly dropping to your lips. You put your hands on his shoulders and smile up at him, pulling him in closer to you. He drops his head, a wicked grin on his lips. 
Suddenly a shower of water falls on the two of you and you both yelp in shock. Leaning over you see Yugyeom with his cannon pointed at you, the rest of the group laughing hysterically.
“Can’t seem to catch a break, can we?” Mark laughs, wiping his wet hair out of his eyes.
You sweep the water off his forehead and shake your head, cracking up.
It’s a warm summer day and you dry off quickly. After another few rides and a stop at the concessions stand for some snacks, the light is fading fast as it turns into evening. Your niece is yawning, sleepily leaning her head against JB’s back where he’s giving her a piggy back ride. 
You all decide to call it a night and the guys follow you back to your car. JB helps you bundle your now sleeping niece into her booster seat and gently shuts the door before running after the guys.
You can hear them calling out to each other in joking voices as they try to track down where they parked. When you turn back, Mark is pulling out his phone. He raises an eyebrow and gives you a lopsided smile.
“So… can I get your number?” he asks.
“Absolutely,” you say and he types it into his phone. He turns to leave with a wave, but you put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Wait… aren’t you going to finally claim your prize?” you ask, leaning back against the car and folding your arms.
He slips his phone in his pocket and turns back to you. He dramatically looks around to see if anyone’s going to interrupt you and you laugh quietly, relieved to finally be alone together. He braces himself on the sides of the car and you slide your hands to his waist. His head tips down and his lips finally touch yours. With a pleased hum you pull him closer, hands gripping his sweatshirt.
One of his hands comes around the back of your neck, holding you in place as he works his lips against yours. For several moments you get lost in the light pressure of his mouth, skillfully deepening with each pass. The prize was his, but you think to yourself that you’re the real winner tonight.
“Worth the wait?” you ask, grinning as you pull back.
He nods and bends down to kiss you again. Seconds later his friends start calling out across the parking lot.
“Oh Markipooh, where are you?” “Get a move on, loverboy.” “Some of us need our beauty sleep!”
You and Mark fall against each other laughing and he presses a quick kiss to your lips before running off with a last smile back at you.
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wellhalesbells · 7 years
6 and 8 please! 😊
yesss, i adore you!!! 
6. what books have you read in the last month?
considering i’m using this to combat boredom, i’ll answer as if you’re asking a 31-day month from right now, rather than just listing january.  :)
dec 15-31
iceman #8, by sina grace.  why did this get cancelled??  we just don’t know.
nightwing, vol. 3, by tim seeley.  meh.  these are going downhill fast for me.  (psst, he can’t really write women in this series apparently??)
the rose society, by marie lu.  i am finishing this effing series this year, okay, i am.  and the boys had better be gay together!
noumenon, by marina j. lostetter.  one of the arcs i picked up from comic con last year!  i actually loved it a lot, but space, science and psychology are a hodgepodge of my favorite things so… makes sense.
the couple next door, by shari lapena.  it was… hella quick?  i finished it in the car in two days between taking driving turns.  and i liked the ultimate villain but otherwise it was just kinda… there (and did not focus on the couple next door, like, at all so… what?).
dirk gently’s holistic detective agency, by douglas adams.  it was no hitchhiker’s guide that’s for sure but it had some epically great lines like: “i suspect that your problem,” he said, “is that you have too many paper clips up your nose.”
uprooted, by naomi novik.  OH MY GOD, I LOVED THIS ONE.  fantasy’s kind of hard for me and i really have to space that shit out as i cannot do a lot back to back because i get bogged down with all the different elements.  but, holy shit, this was amazing fantasy; i could read eight of these in a row.  the dragon is just sitting there going ‘oh no thank you,’ to every potential adventure, because fuck it, i’m immortal and what’re you gonna do, man?  i control the narrative ‘cause i’m gonna outlive ya, you bozo, and i’ll just tell everyone i was heroic as balls after you die your horrible death so go do that.  so agnieszka is given more to do than basically any heroine ever because the guy who knows all the stuff is like: ‘i’ll be in the library with tea today, please keep the screams of the nearest village to a dull roar.’  (the dragon is my hero, okay.)  and is trying to learn magic from this pomp and prissy wizard before she eventually comes up with, ‘you know what, it works if i just sing the happy birthday song or forget half the word and make up my own, so, shove it.’  then she goes off, makes the universe significantly better and gets some dick.  it’s marvelous.
the wicked + the divine: christmas annual, by kieron gillen.  i could just have more inanna and baal for the rest of eternity and it wouldn’t be enough.
wonder woman, vol. 2, by greg rucka.  greg is moving in the right direction.  i liked this one better than volume one.
jan 1-16
endurance, by zaya feli.  this series is steadily improving too.  it’s not epic or anything but good.  i hope the final book is a nice finish ‘cause i’m gonna chomp it up soon.
everything leads to you, by nina lacour.  SO I’M STALKING NINA LACOUR NOW.  i love her writing.  and this book was so good, so weirdly nostalgic in a way and warm and kind and loving and free and insightful!  LOVE IT.
behind closed doors, by b.a. paris.  gah, i’ve had this book forever.  got it free as an arc and then never read it because i am an asshole.  it was super well done (and the finish was so satisfying) but goooooosh is it hard for me to read that much helplessness and hopelessness or any book that relies on the reality that men will automatically be believed over women.  it’s realistic, absolutely, but that’s not the kind of realism i want in my fiction ‘cause, uh, not so relaxing, that.
this was not the plan, by cristina alger.  this was so much cuter and sweeter than i expected it would be!  i wish the ending had been more solid ‘cause then it would’ve been a total fave.  but caleb was absolutely adorable and charlie being torn between wanting to protect caleb from what kids/adults might say and do in regards to him wearing tutus and dresses and all the pink the world has on offer and wanting to embrace every single bit of that because that’s his amazing kid read very real to me.  zadie and moose were great side characters too.
john dies at the end, by david wong.  meh.  i mean, there were definitely parts that made me laugh out loud but it’s such a lowbrow (boy’s) humor book: meaning boobs and dick and fart jokes all over the place.
spider-man/deadpool #25, by robbie thompson.  HEY, HI, I MISS JOE KELLY.  like, sobbingly miss that guy.  he wanted the boys together possibly more than i do.  robbie thompson’s arc kinda blows.  (and seeing as marvel print went on a diversity-killing cancelling spree, not seeing any reason why i should continue supporting this.)
iceman #9, by sina grace.  judah better be fine and that’s all i’m gonna effin’ say about that.
the disciples, by steve niles.  SPACE ZOMBIES.
limbo, by dan watters.  DUDE, HOW GREAT WAS THIS??  neon, voodoo, 80s vibe, noir amnesiac detective, femme fatale singer who’s actually a goddess of the underworld, a sidekick who communicates with the gods by making them mixtapes, dia de los muertos, a marachi band of assassins who use music to murder, and on and on and on.  i wish it had ended differently but it gave me so much awesomeness first that i don’t even care.
ufology, by james tynion iv.  i wanted so much more aliens!
the friendship ruse, by georgia tell.  the amount of obliviousness was totally unbelievable but give me a second book and i’ll read the shit out of it (especially since so much was unanswered at the end of book one, come on!)
8. what is the first book you remember reading yourself?
i’m not sure which came first, either harry potter and the chamber of secrets or the picture of dorian gray.  two of the most different books in existence, ahahha.
book meme.
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justa-mysticmess · 7 years
i couldnt find your rules but i hope this is okay! I'd like to see some Seven/MC ft. Saeran domestic headcanons, perhaps in preparation for the twins' birthday?? Thank you!!
hello dear :) thank you for being my first prompt, and i apologize for not having a rules page yet. it’s just, i couldn’t decide what to put there yet x3 also! i think i got kind of carried away with this because the request is just! so ! cute! so i really hope you like it and are not put off too much ^^;;
seven/mc ft saeran
mc wakes up to the sounds of seven giggling softly in the middle of the night
it’s honestly sort of creepy at first because 1) in the silence of the night it reminds mc about that story where a person wakes up to the sounds of a baby laughing. only thing is that they live alone and have no baby, 2)because seven’s glasses are glowing in the light from his screen 
but knowing seven the way mc does now, they push away those thoughts no more late night creepy pastas! and snake an arm under the covers to lightly pinch the redhead’s thigh
queue a loud yelp and seven’s phone dropping into his lap
seven whines about mc being a meanie and that they have to make up to his throbbing thigh now
mc ignores because seriously seven with the pressure mc applied it should not throb! and proceeds to ask what plan he was devising to mess with some poor soul this time
seven immediately starts explaining in frenzied whispers that nooo mc i would never ruin this person’s life  
why exactly couldn’t he do that?? because mc! it’s saeran’s birthday next week and i’m planning so much for him!
mc sits up because hell yesss! it will be saeran’s first birthday they will celebrate together so they will have so much planning to do!
seven sometimes has to remind them to quiet down some because saeran is just a across the hallway and it wouldn’t do if he happens to hear what they’re planning too early
saeran is honestly annoyed the entire week because
it’s one thing to learn to try to peacefully coexist with your previously estranged twin who you had been brainwashed to hate for most of your life and to try to open up to him again
and to have to deal with his s/o  who he had a hand in pushing into saeyoung’s life in the first place
and it had been going fine. he didn’t love it . but he was getting used to it. to them
but thEN! they had to suddenly start acting so weird like
they’d be talking excitedly but when saeran would walk into the room they would immediately hush up and change the topic
they thought they were sneaky but saeran was no fool
admittedly saeyoung hand managed to confuse him a couple times when he confronted them about their behavior into thinking that 1)he was imagining things or 2)they really had been talking about how many cats they wanted to keep and who gets to name them
but he realized soon enough that no! that idiot brother of his had lied! 
he was actually tempted to plan something out and beat the crap out of him for lying to him, when he had promised he would never hide anything again
but mc conveniently kept inviting someone or another from the damn rfa every time he was thiissss close to losing it 
and they had perfect timing too, always coming in and telling saeran they needed to do this or that with him and he honestly did not believe that glasses lady really wanted his advice on which zen merch to buy
it came as a surprise when mc didn’t invite anyone from the rfa but convinced saeyoung and saeran to go buy her this bag from a shop they had had their eyes on for too long and to get groceries on the way. 
it was shocking to him because he was sure saeyoung had been avoiding him for the past three days at least
his temper went down and he was finding it hard to stay mad at them because it was one thing to think that his brother was going to leave him again
but it was totally another when he hung out with you all day not just one day, but four days in a row! they went arcading, and to the movies and even mc joined them one day, taking them to an accessories store they really liked and saeran felt the need to hug them when they said that the shop reminded them of him because he had such a cool interest in accessories. of course he did not hug. he was not that close to mc yet
the morning of june 11 was slow. he felt so well rested. like he slept longer than usual.  seven rolled over to face the side table with his phone on it
only to fall out of bed in his hurry to scramble out of the sheets with a horrified yell
because god fucking damn it how had his, 707, hacker god’s alarm had not gone off?! he was so late!
waking mc was important!
and pointless because the traitor was long gone apparently. the cold sheets on their side of the bed were a testament. why had mc not woken him up?!
as if on queue, the door opened and mc came in, telling him to get showered and come down quickly
they left before seven could ask why they hadn’t woken him up early
he was halfway down the stairs when saeran came out of his room, also showered and dressed in what mc had probably lain out for him, just like for seven. 
they went down together and the lack of decorations didn’t surprise seven. he knew it was part of the plan.
saeran made for the kitchen but seven told him not to bother because they woke up so late mc probably ordered take out and that they should probably watch some tv
he was not ready for cheer that resounded throughout the place the moment they stepped in. all the rfa where there, with a huge cake and. so . much. food courtesy of yoosung xD and they were all dressed up and were singing a happy birthday song. for both of them
mc was grinning so wide they had to stop singing and they wrapped saeran and seven in a big hug
seven was still so confused and mc smacked him lightly over the head and scoffed that he was obviously not the genius he claimed to be because how could he think mc would not celebrate his birthday when they planned his twin’s birthday together
seeing the surprise on saeran’s face told him exactly how satisfied and happy mc felt after having seen the surprise on his own face just now too
the rest of the day was going to be amazing
because what better way to celebrate your birthday than to be with people you care about and actually do things you normally don’t have time for
and if mc had added more surprises along the day into the plans they made with seven, they were not going to spoil it just yet
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jamoopxles · 7 years
100 Questions NO ONE ever asks!
I was tagged by my bffe @pixeloasis
Usually closed. I used to sleep with it open but my dog kept going in there to sleep and got fur on everything.
Nah. I have baby fine hair so like, my shit sensitive.
Out! My feet get claustrophobic if I can’t move them where I want.
Yeah. Back when I lived in FL, we had like three hurricanes in a row and I stole our own street sign because I was such a rebel.
No, I always see coupons after its too late lmfao.
Bees. I could at least jump in water. A bear can go in water. 
Yeah. But I hate my smile sooo.
Lmao no because I’d hit like a trillion at work. 
Lmao yes. Camping, duh.
I can’t poop anywhere but home. If you wana know why you can always ask.
I do that shit just to embarrass my friends what are you talking abt lol.
Nope, just my nails, lips and insides of my cheeks. 
Does this mean sex? Or just like actually sleeping? if sleeping, do dogs count as people? I think they count as people. 
You’re Welcome - Dwyane Johnson. 
If you don’t watch Archer or Regular Show we can’t be friends.
Anything with Nicholas Cage because I fkn hate his face. I really don’t have a reason either.
I’m not clever enough to hide shit.
Shweet tea. 
Buffalo Sauce or die. 
The first Pirates of the Caribbean. Will Turner forever. <3 and Grease.
My Fiance.
How much money we talking here?
I used to have a pen pal in like High school.
If I didn’t my Fiance would kill me.
Lmfao I drive like a granny sooo.
Italian Sub. Or Po’boys. All the po'boys. 
Egg Sammich.
Most days.
So much shit lmfao.
English. I know bits of Italian and Spanish but I’m shit lol.
Tbh I didn’t really play with either? Idk.
I can be, esp if I know I am right.
I don’t rlly give a shit.
I used to watch TVD and The Originals but yaaaknow. They pissed me off. 
Just to embarrass people.
Family photos at JC Penny! Keep it real, yo’.
I love them. 
Yes because I am like always broke lmfao.
OMGYES. I neeeeeed.
Cherry or Lemon.
Sometimes when my shit goes missing.
TRYING. I took mine today tho so don’t worry folks. 
I am wearing some rn omg how you know me.
I have an awesome one but like, I always find it’s too hot? idk.
Shorts and a tanktop.
Blink 182.
Walmart because it’s closest but if I could, I’d hit Target all the time. 
Sunflower Seeds.
Not really. He’s doing his own thing.
hahahahah I can’t spell for shit.
All the time. Like I literally cry all the time. When I laugh, yawn, actually cry, I mean like everything.
Nah. I used Candles.
Uhh omg idk. Everyone. Lmao.
Reel Big Fish & Goldfinger
Omg don’t make me pick one. 
Yeeee. I’m a mermaid. 
I plan on having a DJ but a Band is nice too.
I’m too competitive not to.
I wish. I could use bigger boobs and have my double chin to disappear.
They’re both gross.
Crochet. I’m not good and have to learn on my own because I am a lefty.
I dated this dude Ben for most of my high school years.
I know people that do. Just not me.
When I get married I’ll have a step-son.
@teekapoa @nerdiesimmer @littlepxels
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
1. Have you ever seen two movies at the theater in a row?  Nope.
2. If you were to go to Starbucks right this second, what do you think you'd order? Well, I wouldn’t cause it’s 12:02AM so it’s late and it’s closed, BUT I would get their smoked butterscotch latte that they have out right now. Sooo good.
3. Do you own any dice? That come with board games, yes.
4. Do you like to wear cardigans? I do.
5. If I were to ask you nicely, would you please consider making a survey for me and everyone else? No, sorry. I’m not creative enough to come up with questions.
6. What is the worst thing a child has ever done to you while you were babysitting? I’ve only babysat my lil bro and cousins, but man they used to fight and be bratty when they were kids. I would get so frustrated. I used the ol’, “If you don’t stop then I’m going to call mom!” bit, which didn’t always work.
7. If you wear contacts, do they tend to get really dry after only wearing them for just a couple hours? I don’t wear contacts. The idea of putting them on and taking them off freaks me out.
8. Have you ever watched any British television shows? I don’t think so, actually.
9. Do you own a nightgown? Yeah.
10. If you could get any pet right now, what would you? I’m not ready to get another pet right now, but when we do we would get another dog.
11. Have you played Grand Theft Auto: IV? If so, what do you think of it? I have not.
12. How often does your internet disconnect? Not often.
13. Have you ever actually been stuffed into a locker? No. I was actually worried about stuff like that before I entered high school cause of movies and shows I saw as a kid.
14. Do you / did you decorate the inside of your locker at school with stuff? I didn’t have a locker. I didn’t want one.
15. How many teenagers do you know who have babies? Currently none, but in a couple months I will.
16. Is there a fan in the room you're in right now? No.
17. Do you believe that chivalry is really dead? Nah. I’ve seen it, experienced it.
18. If you have one, what's your favorite novel by Chuck Palahniuk? I haven’t read any of his books.
19. Do you get your surveys from your subscriptions page or do you actually go to specific sites and search for them? Normally I just get them from fellow survey takers I follow on Tumblr, but sometimes no one is posting or I can’t find one I like or haven’t taken recently, so I search on Live Journal. That’s where this one came from.
20. How much is your cell phone bill each month? I’m apart of a family plan, and for three of us with our data plan and phones and such it’s like $200 and something. Pretty crazy.
21. And why the heck is Cingular now AT&T? I’m guessing AT&T bought them? It’s been that way for so long that I forgot. When I got my first cell phone it was Cingular.
22. Have you ever made a house out of a giant cardboard box? I might have as a kid, I don’t recall.
23. Have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom? Yesss. My cousins and I used to do that a lot.
24. What's the coolest thing you've made with Legos? Nothing cool. Just simple stuff.
25. When you make a survey, do you answer your own questions? I don’t make surveys, so.
26. If you could keep your parents or trade them for other parents, which would you pick? I would never trade my parents for anything in the world. They mean the world to me. My mom and I are especially close, she’s my rock. They’re my biggest support system. They have always been there, encouraging and supporting me along the way. They have been through all my ups and downs, and always will be.
27. Do kiwis make you think of testicles or is it just me? I remember when I was younger kids would call them monkey or gorilla balls or something. Kiwis just do not sound or look appealing to me.
28. Do you think it's cool how peroxide gets all fizzy when you put it on a cut? No.
29. Is there a piggy bank in the room you're in? Nope.
30. If I had to power to give you one thing right now, what would it be? A clean bill of health.
31. Do you want to get pregnant right now? NOOOOO.
32. Do you know anyone who doesn't like the internet? Yeah. Or people who don’t go on it that often or spend much time on it when they do. Just like a quick check in or so.  Or maybe they’re just normal and actually have lives. I spend an excessive amount online. Ha.
33. Do your grandparents know how to operate a cell phone? Yes, as they both have one and have had cell phones for a long time now. They both have iPhones. 
34. Have you ever housed a friend for a long period of time because they had no place to live? No.
35. If you have a favorite comedian, have they ever been in a movie? Kevin Hart has been in a shit ton of movies.
36. How many sets of twins do you know? I know of one.
37. Has anyone ever made fun of you for using proper grammar? Not make fun, but they’ll make comments about it because I use it even when I text. I’ve had people tell me how they can’t tell what tone I am using because I guess adding a period at the end makes it sound “serious”. Like when I put, “Okay.” my brother thinks I’m mad or something lol.
38. Do you own any hemp jewelry? No.
39. Have you ever cut carpet with a carpet cutter? Nope, nor have I ever cut carpet.
40. Are there any books you want to read? There’s a lot. I read using the Kindle app, and I have a Kindle Unlimited account. I can access a ton of books through that, so whenever I finish one I look for another. It recommends me books based on what I read previously and such. There’s always something for me to read.
41. Is it before of after 3 pm? It's 12:34AM, so that makes it way before 3PM.
42. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? Yes I am.
43. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? I wouldn’t say very protective, no. Not that they don’t care or that we have a bad relationship, it’s just that we aren’t as close as my younger brother and I because we didn’t grow up together.
44. What are your plans for New Year's Eve? New Year’s Eve was just another day. I was not in the celebratory mood whatsoever. Last year was awful, and just a week before my dog passed away. I didn’t give a shit about New Year’s Eve.
45. Would you like a beer? Ew, no.
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gotmudonyou · 7 years
OCR World Championships 2017 Report
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Where do I start!? Competing in the Obstacle Course Racing World Championships was one of the most amazing experiences of my life to date. Held on a ski resort in The Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada the course utilised the ski slopes to maximum effect. But let me take a step back... This whole adventure started last year when I watched my Facebook feed light up with stories of amazing times at the OCR World Championships. I knew I had to be there. I then ran the UK Championships at the end of 2016, losing one of my bands on the final rig. At the time I was gutted but I then sat down to work out what I needed to improve on. Grip strength and rigs were clearly areas for improvement but endurance and and general fitness were others. A lot to work on! Having managed to qualify at Spartan in April I had 6 months to get into the best shape of my life. I took on a programme which demanded 5-6 days and 45km of running a week. It was tough going fitting it all in but I was focussed on my goal. I wanted to go to Canada and have no regrets.
I took part in 3 races on consecutive days. The 3k short race (with 14 obstacles), the 15k (with 43 obstacles and over 1000m of ascent) and the Team Relay. The format of these races is that all obstacles are mandatory completion. Every competitor starts with a wrist band. You can attempt any obstacle as many times as you like but if you are unable to complete one then you have to surrender your band. This means that you can’t place in the main rankings. Keeping your band is a massive deal for most of the non-pro competitors.
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3K Course
The 3k race was a fast and intense race with 14 obstacles. Having arrived late the night before and only having had 4 hours sleep I wasn’t feeling in top form. However a rousing speech by Coach Pain to start the race I was fired up and tore off up the hill. I was passing people on sections of running and flying through the obstacle such a monkey bars and inverted walls. I even felt good on the sandbag carries up and down hills. Then came the final ‘gauntlet of obstacles’ which included 6 upper body obstacles in a row. I flew through the first rig and approached the green Battlefrog rig, this looked tough. I’d trained for such obstacles and I’d even scouted it out earlier that morning, so I had a strategy. I got to the 3rd from last attachment and stalled, my grip was failing and I had to let go. Back to the retry lane for me! I then attempted another 4 times to complete the rig, each time getting now further. I was getting tired now and my grip was getting weaker with each attempt. With a heavy heart I surrendered my band. Finishing the race I was disappointed and didn’t feel the elation I had hoped for. Later that day I watched 2 of the top contenders in the Pro wave fail the exact same obstacle. They both tried multiple times but lost their bands as I did. This offered some consolation, this must have been a tough rig as I never see the Pros fail an obstacle.
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                                                    The Platinum Rig
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                                                  The Battlefrog Rig
After failing the Battlefrog rig I went back after the race and watched other competitors tackle it for an hour or so. I analysed what worked and what didn’t. I would change my strategy for the next race. The next morning I lined up for the main event, the 15k race which included 43 obstacles. After the disappointment of the previous day I decided to try not to focus on whether I kept my band or not but to try and race smart and above all enjoy the occasion. I’d trained hard for this but I was determined not to come away with a negative experience.
15k Course
Let me start by saying this - The 15k was the toughest single race I’ve ever done. I heard many other people say the same thing over the weekend. The steep and endless hills and multiple technical obstacles were nothing like anything I’ve experienced. 
The race commenced and we were immediately running up the side of a mountain. After 15 minutes we were on our hands and knees scrambling up a muddy hill trying not to slip back down. The route took us up and down the side of the Mountain for the first 4kms with a few climbing obstacles along the way. This is where the real testing obstacles started to come in to play. This event had some of the most technical and innovative obstacles I had ever encountered, some of which I’d never attempted before. Some of my favourites included Stairway to Heaven, La Gaffe du Draveur, Urban Sky, Floating Walls and Skull Valley.
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                                                         Skull Valley
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                                                        Urban Sky
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                                                  La Gaffe du Draveur
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                                                 Stairway to Heaven
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                                                    Floating Walls
The course winded up and down the mountain with the steep climbs sapping your energy. The obstacles were well placed and I was getting through each one first time. Then came the carries…I hate carries. I should probably train more for them but I usually slow right down on a sandbag carry. There were 2 carries in this race, a 22kg sandbag carry and a farmer’s carry of 2 large bags of sand. Both of these were up a steep hill. In fact there wasn’t much of the race that was flat! I’m not saying these carries were fun, they were not! However I plodded through them without stopping, my main thought being if I put the sandbag down I’d have to pick it back up again!
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                                         Did I mention I hate carries?
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Running down to the foot of the mountain for the last time I still had my band intact however I knew that I still had to encounter the final gauntlet of rigs, I wanted revenge for the day before but did I have anything more to give? I’d found the rigs tough after 3km but now I’d been running for nearly 3 hours and I was feeling pretty beaten up. The configurations on the rigs had been changed from the day before, just to make things harder for the main race. I’d managed to scout the changes before the race and I had a game plan. It was all about flowing through the rigs as quickly as possible and maintaining a good swing. Approaching the first Platinum rig I took a deep breath to centre myself and swung off the first ring. The main change from the first race was that a low ring had been removed. This meant the transition from the low monkey bar section now was up to a high ring. This was tougher for sure! The rig finished with a climb under and over a cargo net to ring the bell on the other side. Ding! Phew, on to the next one. As I approached the Battlefrog rig I stopped and took a few minutes to let my heart rate calm down. This was my nemesis. I hated this rig for taking my band the day before. I remembered my game plan –‘forget foot locks on the ropes. Flow through the rig’. I knew which holds I was planning on using and those I planned to miss out. I jumped up and started to swing. Ring to ring to rope to ring to rope to rope to ring and hit the bell. YESSS!! I’d done it! 4 more obstacles to go and I still had my band! I didn’t want to be complacent though, I was exhausted and my grip was shot so I maintained focus. I flew through the final few obstacles and was left facing the final wall, titled The Knot. This was one tall and seriously steep wall with some knotted ropes to grip onto.
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                                                          The Knot
I took a run up and with a few grunts I was over. Before descending I took a second to soak in the moment. I ran over the finish line to collect my medal, high fiving the official on the way whilst screaming ‘COME ON!!!!’ 
I immediately went to phone my wife Jo. On unlocking my phone I saw the stream of messages from her asking how it went. At that point I broke down in tears, the emotion of the moment overwhelming me. I’d trained hard for this for 6 months, visualising that very moment of crossing the line with my band intact. After losing my band the previous day I’d been resigned to likely not being able to keep it on the 15k. But I had. I cannot tell you the elation that comes with achieving your goals after so much hard work. It is indescribable. There’s a Facebook post of me crying straight after the race and I’m not ashamed at all. This was my raw emotion, no pretences, no guards.
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Team Relay
Day 3 was the team race which was a relay with 3 legs. I ran in a co-ed team with 2 women, 1 from Scotland the other from Australia. One did a running leg, the other a strength leg (the heavy carries up hills) and I was doing the final obstacle leg. I was feeling pretty confident on the obstacles by now however after 2 consecutive days my arms were pretty sore and I wasn’t sure how I would fare. Natalie ran the first leg in a good time and handed over to Leanne for the strength leg. Leanne was a machine climbing those hills with ease and handed over to me for the final leg. I smashed through all my obstacles and headed for the final obstacle. This was where the team had to work together to climb the final wall. The difference here was that the lower ropes had been removed so you had to work as a team to get over. A light drizzle had already made this wall pretty slippery but as we approached the heavens opened and the wall became a torrent of water. We decided to form a ladder with both girls on my shoulders. With the 2 of them on the top of the wall I used what little upper body strength I had left to grab one of their arms and they both helped me over the wall. We crossed the finish line hand in hand with huge grins on our faces. We all had our bands and we finished a respectable 48th out of 139 co-ed teams (unofficial results).
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To compete for Team UK and be out there with athletes from all over the world (67 Nations competed) was simply incredible. The camaraderie out on course was second to none. No matter which country you were from there was support from other competitors and spectators alike. I met some awesome people out on those hills. After my races I was out on course supporting other members of Team UK feeling their pain and cheering their success. OCR is like nothing else on the planet. This is our sport’s Olympics and I feel humbled to have been part of it.  But now I want more. Next year I will be better prepared, faster and stronger. Bring it!
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