#and yet everyone is convinced that mai is the right person for zuko
anti-spop · 10 months
catra is not a supportive friend/gf/sister/etc.
i see so many posts, including art and fics, that show catra being extremely supportive of adora from the very beginning, even when they were kids. but that's not what we see in canon.
catra stays quiet about shadow weaver manipulating adora all these years. she's apparently known all along that the horde sucks but she doesn't bother, like, talking to adora about it. catra simply doesn't give a shit about the horde hurting others, including her own best friend. catra uses adora's promise as an excuse, but she doesn't even look out for adora. not to mention she calls adora stupid for not realizing the abuse and manipulation sooner.
then we have catra in the portal reality, and she... slaps adora in the face when adora is reasonably freaking out. catra just forces her "to get some air" or "to relax", refusing to listen to adora... which is not even the first time in the show. catra has been calling her "crazy", "brain damaged", "stupid" etc. since EPISODE ONE, before they were enemies!
catra barely changes in s5, where she straight up abandons adora, who's begging on her knees. arguably, catra does not abandon adora in the heart... but it means nothing since catra still guilt-trips adora in her confession and, once again, she calls adora an "idiot" for not realizing catra has been in love with her the entire time.
it baffles me because the actual supportive friends adora has are glimmer and bow. they might not understand her at first, but they actually listen to her and they're patient and calm towards her. catra is NOTHING like that. i'm tired of everyone pretending she is.
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ask-ozai · 9 months
Wait! What do you know about Mai and Ty Lemon's teenage drama? Tell me all your gossip, evil dilf xx
About Michi's daughter and Ty Lemon, Azula's traitor friends, I only know what she told me while the servants did our nails and washed our hair. Some unimportant anecdotes from their days at the Academy and war reports. There's not much to say about them, they're pretty normal. Azula always had an innate facility for analyzing people, and knowing how and where each person would be most useful. Also to classify paperwork according to its urgency. She started when she was two years old, and couldn't even use the royal seal yet so the only way for her to sign her official documents was to dip her little hand in ink and press it onto the paper. Brilliant from her earliest age, as princes are supposed to be. (Zuko couldn't spell 'Conquest' until he was thirteen).
Azula said many things. It was evident that she had a certain affection for them, even though I had always taught her that it was not advisable to trust anyone (And I was right, given that both of them and my own son betrayed us). But anyway, that is of public knowledge. You asked me for little-known anecdotes about Michi's daughter and Ty Lemon. Here are some of the things Azula mentioned:
Ty Lemon also had some interest in Zuko when they were children, but she never did anything because everyone knew that Zuko had a preference for Michi's daughter.
Once Azula and Michi's daughter mistook Ty Lemon for one of her sisters, and she didn't speak to them for a week. I really wish I didn't know this.
Azula once put laxatives in their food just to time how long it would take them to go to the bathroom, in case they were attacked by surprise.
Michi's daughter and Ty Lemon had a big fight over a fictional drama that was popular ten years ago called Moonlight, about a love triangle between a boring, normal girl, a bloodsucking spirit named Ed Wan, and a wolf spirit named Yei Co. Michi's daughter was Team Ed Wan and Ty Lemon was Team Yei Co. Again, I really wish I didn't know this, but I'm absolutely sure it was Ursa who wrote the story.
Azula was convinced that Ty Lemon stole our silver cutlery when she came to play, so we had to eat with plastic cutlery when she was around.
Michi's daughter went through a phase where she dressed exclusively in black and wore an eyebrow piercing when they were at the Academy. I don't know why Azula thought it was information I should know.
And I suppose many other things must have happened, since Azula talked about them very often. But my patience had a limit. I didn't need confirmation from her to come to the conclusion that Ty Lemon has some issues and Michi's daughter was a victim of Zuko's manipulation.
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roseeycreates-blog · 2 months
Hi po, author-nim.
It's me na naman hihi. Salamuch for responding to my previous question, it means a lot to me 🥺(cue fangirl screaming). I have lots of other questions hihi (if you don't mind po🤭). What would be Lin's reaction to the revelation that she was taken away from Toph when she was a baby? What would be the reaction of the other the Gaang members? Better yet, Tenzin's? What would happen to Kanto and Lin's relationship afterwards?
No pressure po in responding right away, kasi baka busy ka din with your life. And the fact, na many ang questions ko this time (sorry pu, grabe na fixation ko sa AU na ito😔)
Anyway, sending you a lot of saranghes💞 Hope you have great days ahead :)
Hi, anon~
Thank you so much for showing interest in this~ it means a lot to me! 🥹🥹🥹 I might be overreacting, but I’m just really happy right now. I don’t feel like I deserve to be called “author-nim,” though😅😅😅
What would be Lin's reaction to the revelation that she was taken away from Toph when she was a baby?
After the reunion, Lin angrily told the Chief to leave, furious at her for almost killing her dad. Once she was gone, Kanto revealed everything to Lin. Initially, she was upset with her father, wondering how he could have done such things. However, she soon realized that he had been a good dad all her life, giving her everything and never speaking ill of her mom, always saying great things about her. She forgave him.
Her feelings towards Toph were complicated. She thought, if Toph had chosen family over duty, none of this would have happened. It made her question if Toph really loved her dad or if the things he said about her were true.
Bonus: The thing that broke Kanto and Toph's relationship was his connection to a gang. Kanto's father was the leader at the time, but when Kanto left the city, his dad passed the leadership to someone else and bought the land near Republic City. He loved Republic City so much that he couldn't just leave. So, he became that sweet old man with a farm.
What would be the reaction of the other the Gaang members?
Aang and Katara weren't surprised when they initially met Lin. Katara had sensed that Lin was a bender back then. They were happy to see how Lin had grown up. Though they couldn't understand why Kanto took her, they couldn't deny he had done a great job raising her.
Bumi and Kya were really surprised and both thought the same thing: "How would Tenzin process this?" Bumi was convinced that Tenzin would flip out. Kya was worried about their relationship, knowing how much Tenzin loved Lin and how this news could affect them big time.
Sokka and Suyin were both shocked. Sokka was especially upset with Kanto for causing Toph so much pain and depriving her of time with her eldest daughter. Out of everyone, Sokka had seen firsthand how broken Toph was after losing them. Oh! and it was a bit awkward for Suki, given her history with Toph, but she tried to stay supportive.
Zuko wasn’t surprised that they were alive. He had done a background check on Kanto to help with Toph’s investigation. They had only limited information about him and his dad, but they knew how capable they were. Zuko was pleased to hear the news, especially since Izumi had spoken highly of Lin from their brief meeting. Mai encouraged Zuko to send gifts or even travel to Republic City to visit them.
Tenzin's reaction
Tenzin was the most shocked among all of them. He didn't know how to process it and all he wanted was to go to Lin and ask her personally if it was true. He went over to the farm, thoughts circling his mind.
When Lin met him, she explained everything. After hearing it all, Tenzin could only say, "This won’t affect us, right? We love each other, and what happened in the past won’t change what we have now."
Lin lowered her gaze, trying to compose herself. "I need time for a while, Tenzin," she said. "We should stop seeing each other for now. My complicated family problems must be mine alone. I don't want to drag you or your family into this. I also can't shake the fact that, technically, we could be seen as cousins since my mom was married to your uncle. Even though we're not blood-related, it would cause a stir. I don’t want to cause more trouble for you."
Tenzin, tears in his eyes, pleaded, "Everything will be okay, trust me, Lin."
But Lin shook her head, her voice breaking as she said, "Please, Tenzin. Leave." Tears streamed down her face, the weight of her decision heavy on both their hearts.
What would happen to Kanto and Lin's relationship afterwards?
At the moment, Toph despises Kanto, but Kanto still has lingering feelings for her, though his love for Lin is stronger. Right now, Lin is all he can think about. They eventually discussed their next steps, now that everything was out in the open. They agreed that Lin would stay at her farm but train in earthbending with Toph. She would also need to have sleepovers with her mom’s family from time to time, to learn more about her sister Su and reconnect with Toph.
Toph also insisted on adding Lin to the family register and giving her the Beifong last name. Lin, however, pushed back, saying she didn’t want any media attention and preferred to keep things as low-key as possible. She also made it a condition that her father wouldn’t be arrested or charged with anything in exchange for accepting the name change.
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(I just discovered a new Stardew Character creator—yay!)
Here's Kanto and Toph~
Hi ulit anon~ Sana okay kalang, may bagyo ngayon dito. Well, habang ginagawa ko itong reply~ Keep safe sa atin~ Also please send mo lang yung mga sks mo. I really appreciate you! 🥹😊💕
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ljf613 · 4 years
Zuko’s Memory Bias
I’ve talked about Azula’s potential memory bias towards her mother. In that same thread, I mentioned that Zuko also has memory bias towards his parents. What I didn’t think about until I was writing my recent post on his relationship with Azula is how those same biases may have affected the way he perceives her. 
(Warning: This is a very complex topic, and I suggest not reading/engaging if you find it potentially triggering or are unable to deal with it in a nuanced way. I am NOT trying to downplay abuse, nor am I trying to gaslight those who’ve been victimized by it.) 
Azula the Liar 
In “Zuko Alone,” we get a good sense of what Zuko’s life was like as a child. We see him interacting with his mother, sister, and (briefly) his father. And we get some insight into a line from “The Avatar State.” 
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “The Avatar State.” Zuko: “You lied to me! [Cut to Azula, who appears confident.]” Azula: “[Smugly.] Like I've never done that before.”/ End ID] 
There are two scenes in “Zuko Alone” where Zuko accuses Azula of lying to him. Look at these lines, and see if you notice a common denominator. 
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “Zuko Alone.” Young Azula: “[Sing-songy.] Dad's going to kill you! [Seriously.] Really, he is.” Young Zuko: “Ha-ha, Azula. Nice try.” Young Azula: “Fine, don't believe me. But I heard everything. Grandfather said Dad's punishment should fit his crime. [Imitates Azulon.] ‘You must know the pain of losing a first-born son. By sacrificing your own!’“ Young Zuko: “Liar!” Young Azula: “I'm only telling you for your own good. I know! Maybe you could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you!” Young Zuko: “Stop it! You're lying! Dad would never do that to me!”/ End ID]
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “Zuko Alone.” Young Zuko: “Where's Mom?” Young Azula: “No one knows. Oh, and last night, Grandpa passed away.” Young Zuko: “Not funny, Azula! You're sick. And I want my knife back, now. [Zuko tries to grab it, but misses as Azula quickly moves out of the way, and loudly grunts.]”/ End ID]
Do you see it yet? Twice Zuko thinks Azula is making some kind of joke, and both times (as far as canon shows us, though I’ve seen headcanons that argue differently) Azula is actually telling the truth. 
Azula has no qualms about lying to acheive her goals. We see this multiple times over the course of the series. But if all we had to go by was these two scenes, we might paint a very different picture. 
Because there’s another, more subtle thing that both of these scenes have in common: both times, Zuko chooses to believe that Azula is lying, rather than accept that a parent (read: Ozai, because both of these things are really his fault) has failed him. 
The Beast 
There’s a kind of cognitive bias that often occurs with victims of abuse. Rather than try to explain it, I’ll give an example of a fictional character from a different story who is a very clear example of how and why it happens. 
In book one of Trials of Apollo (The Hidden Oracle), we’re introduced to a girl named Meg McCaffrey. Meg is strong, tough, and great in a fight. She explains that it’s all because of her stepfather, who took her in off the streets and trained her. She seems to genuinely care about him, and talks about him affectionately. 
But there’s another man in Meg’s life: The Beast. The Beast is a constant presence in her nightmares. He killed her first father, and we soon learn that he’s one of the primary antagonists of the story, and planning on destroying the world. 
But eventually, we discover the truth: The Beast and Meg’s stepfather are the same person. 
Meg’s stepfather is an abuser, one who’s used a common tool of abusers everywhere-- detatching from the tool he uses to abuse her and anthromorphizing it. “Don’t make me angry,” he says, “or you’ll wake up The Beast, and then whatever happens is on your head.” 
And because Meg needs to believe that her stepfather cares about her, she projects all her negative feelings about him towards this figmentary “Beast” and blaming him for all the problems in her life. 
Are we noticing the connection to Zuko and his relationship with his father yet? 
My Father Loves Me 
For the first two and a half seasons (especially in season 1), Zuko is convinced that deep down, his father loves him, cares about him, wants him back home. He has to believe that, because if he doesn’t, then what has been the point of everything he’s done until now? 
Which means that tricking him into an Agni Kai and then burning his face must have been justified. It means that capturing the Avatar really will get him back his honor. It means that everything that’s gone wrong in his life is his own fault. 
Or, at least, almost everything. 
You’re Like My Sister 
The first time we ever hear of Azula (other than that shot of her smiling at the Agni Kai in “The Storm”) is when Zuko is talking to (unconcious) Aang after he captures him in “The Siege of the North, Part 2.” 
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “The Siege of the North, Part 2.” Zuko: “I finally have you, but I can't get you home because of this blizzard. [Stands up and looks outside the cave.] There's always something. Not that you would understand. You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.”/ End ID] 
There’s something interesting happening here. This is the first time Zuko’s been able to be totally honest about his feelings around Aang, and what does he do? He starts comparing Aang to, of all people, Azula. He’s projecting. He clearly has all of these negative feelings towards Azula, but he can’t do anything about them. So instead, he’s taking it out on Aang. 
Take every single interaction between Aang and Zuko in season one. Now realize that from Zuko’s perspective, he was dealing with his sister. 
Taking Aang prisoner on his ship? Azula. Constantly trying to capture Aang, only to be outsmarted by him? Azula. Shooting a blast of fire when Aang extends a potential hand of friendship? Azula. 
Because Aang, like Azula, is a perceived obstacle between himself and his father’s love. 
Father Says She Was Born Lucky 
Ozai didn’t just belittle Zuko-- he pitted his children against each other. He made it clear to Zuko that, even from the moment he was born, he would never, ever be as good at his sister. 
And all of this has caused a lot of rage and turmoil inside of Zuko. As self-depricating as he is, he does realize that not everything that’s gone wrong in his life is his fault. But we’ve already established that blaming his father would shatter his worldview. 
So who else does he have to blame? 
Azula, who was born lucky. Azula, who’s just so perfect. Azula, the prodigy. Azula, who everyone adores. Azula, who got everything. Azula, who always lies.  
Azula Always Lies 
Zuko talks a lot about honor. He talks a lot about capturing the Avatar. But when he’s stressed, when he’s feeling pressured, when he’s thinking about all the ways his life has gone wrong, he uses a different mantra. 
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “Zuko Alone.” Young Zuko: “[Chanting in a low voice.] Azula always lies. Azula always lies.” Cut to the older Zuko, lying in green grass, holding his traveler's hat to his chest. Zuko: “Azula always lies.”/ End ID]
Azula always lies. 
”Azula always lies” is comforting. It means “father doesn’t really consider me a miserable failure.” It means “he was never really going to kill me.” 
Instead of getting angry at all the ways his father has failed him, Zuko can just blame it on Azula’s lies. That way he doesn’t ever have to admit the real problem. 
Now, I’m not saying that Azula was a perfect sister, or even a particularly good one. I’m not saying that she never lied, because we know she did. I’m not saying she didn’t hurt him, or trick him, or manipulate him. What I’m saying is that Zuko’s skewed perception has lead him to blame her not only for all the ways she hurt him, but also all the ways Ozai failed him. 
“Okay,” you’re saying. “Say I agree with you. Say we assume that all of his negative feelings that really should have been directed at Ozai were instead directed at Azula. But that doesn’t matter now. Zuko eventually did realize that his father was wrong. They had a whole dramatic confrontation where Zuko told him what a horrible father he was and everything! He’s not projecting anymore, and his current feelings towards his sister should only be indicative of her actions and behaviors. Right?” 
How Cognitive Bias Works 
Cognitive bias is insidious. It doesn’t just affect one memory, it ripples outwards, affecting all of them. And the vast majority of the time, we don’t even notice it happening. 
Zuko called Ozai out for two things, and two things only. 
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[ID: Excerpt from the transcript of the ATLA episode “The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse.” Zuko: “For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me. I thought it was my honor I wanted, but really, I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn. [Points a broadsword at his father.] My father, who challenged me, a thirteen-year-old boy, to an Agni Kai. [Cuts to shot of Ozai, looking angered.] How could you possibly justify a duel with a child?”/ End ID]
Zuko blames Ozai for his banishment, and for the Agni Kai. That is it. 
To be clear, I am not saying that Zuko thinks Ozai was a perfect father before all of this. Not at all. Zuko is aware that Ozai is “the worst father in the history of fathers.” 
But it isn’t like he’s gone back and inspected every single memory that involved Ozai and pinpointed all of the ways Ozai abuzed, manipulated, and gaslit him. He can’t. That requires both a level of objectivity he hasn’t reached, as well as a frame of reference for what normal looks like. Any victim of abuse-- especially childhood abuse-- will tell you that even though they know they were abused, they will often have or witness random interactions that will leave them thinking, “wait, this is what normally happens in this kind of situation? You mean [x] was also part of the abuse?” 
Not to mention that while Zuko didn’t examine his feelings towards Azula at any point before the finale. He had his epiphany about Ozai, and realized that his father had been wrong, but he’d always thought Azula was wrong. 
So while Zuko is aware that he had a bad father, he hasn’t actually stopped to consider how much of his anger towards his sister is actually about his father. 
(Again, I’m not blaming Zuko. None of this is his fault, any more than he’s at fault for the Air Nomad Genocide or the war. It’s just the reality of his situation.) 
So what am I saying here? 
I’m saying that Zuko’s perception of his sister-- his anger, his frustration, his understanding of who she is-- is fundamentally biased. I’m saying Zuko isn’t viewing her from her own merits. I’m saying that Zuko doesn’t actually know her. He thinks he does, but he’s wrong. 
I’m adding another thing to the list of reasons why Zuko is not the person to try and help Azula through her trauma. 
I’m giving yet another example of how the fandom’s perception of Azula is also biased-- because the vast majority of our understanding of Azula’s character comes from Zuko. 
And unlike Zuko, we can detach ourselves from the narrative enough to realize that it might be worthwhile to re-examine our view of her.
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forever--rain · 3 years
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I wanted to create a separate post for this, @thebansheeandherboy, because it’s a topic that is near and dear to my heart as a little sister with an older brother. (And this got...LONG. So I've hidden part of it under the cut.)
My brother used to be very set in his patriarchal ways. Certain things were "a woman's job." He was absolutely convinced there was something wrong with every guy who miraculously took interest in me. For a long time, we had a very Sokka-and-Katara-Book-1 relationship. Antagonistic yet fond. Full of conflict yet protective.
As we grew up, he dated some girls who were very strong-willed and courageous. They didn't take his crap. They were my earliest feminist influences and I love them all for it. Without them, I may not have found my voice and become the person I am today. And they changed him, too.
He's very supportive of my independence now. He thinks I kick ass and is extremely proud of who I am, even if we don't always see eye to eye. And as the years have passed, he's learned that my judgement in regard to friends and significant others is pretty good. Sure, I made my youthful follies, but so did he.
Though I know he'll never admit it out loud because it would mean admitting that he likes someone whose views directly oppose his, he actually likes my S.O. and he's glad that we finally found our way to one another. And though I know I'll never hear the precise words, "I like him," I see it in a myriad of little ways which I won't delve into now because it's not pertinent.
"Ever," you may be asking. "What does any of this have to do with fictional characters?"
Well, Sokka learned from strong female influences as well. He shed his misogynistic views and embraced Katara, Suki, and Toph for who they were--strong women. He learned not to underestimate them. I've seen that in real life and I can relate to it.
It's my personal headcanon that Sokka and Zuko become lifelong best friends after everything that happened during the war. Zuko would come to admire Sokka's ingenuity and Sokka would appreciate Zuko's sense of duty and honor. They'd both respect each other's leadership skills and be in constant communication about inventions or laws or anything else under the sun. They'd be good sounding boards for one another. (And they'd also really grow to appreciate each other's senses of humor.)
(Truly, these two are my brotp.)
In a universe where Zuko and Katara get together, I actually see Sokka catching on long before either of them do. Maybe Suki would have to clue him in, but I don't think so. I think he'd catch on to their chemistry at the Western Air Temple during the war. And I think that he'd sit down with Zuko to talk to him after the war. Not in an "over protective big brother" kind of way or anything. He'd definitely just want to thank Zuko for saving Katara's life since she's always been the one to sacrifice for everyone else. He'd make sure to tell Zuko what that means to him and how much he respects him for it. He might even tell Zuko that he's like a brother to him.
That would be the beginning of it, though.
Sure, maybe a part of Sokka would find it weird because it's his little sister and his best friend (and, honestly? I'd find it weird at first if my best friend liked my sibling), but he'd kind of get it. Zuko and Katara push one another. They complement one another. They have a selfless and unconditional give and take that somehow always remains equal. Plus, Sokka knows Katara better than anyone. She's strong-willed and determined. Even if he hated the idea of her and Zuko getting together, that wouldn't stop her. He knows, too, that Zuko has always seen Katara for who she is. Zuko's not once underestimated her. He'll remember when Zuko and Katara went to track down Yon Rha and that memory will reinforce in his mind that Zuko is willing to provide Katara with unwavering support no matter the decision she makes.
And when he notices them looking at each other when the other has no clue, he'll realize he's seen that look before. Katara looks at Zuko the way Suki looks at him. And Zuko might be better at hiding his emotions than Sokka ever could be, but he can't completely disguise the way his eyes go soft when Katara walks into a room. (Don't forget: Sokka trained with Piandao. He has higher observational skills than most people give him credit for.)
And he'd just kind of watch over the years as Zuko and Katara sit in denial and dance around it. But he'd also definitely tease them both about it relentlessly, don't get me wrong! He'd make kissy faces at Zuko behind Katara's back. He'd walk around after Katara mimicking her voice as he says, "Oh, Zuko's so handsome. Zuko's such a powerful bender. Zuko has such nice, shiny hair." (Until Katara bends a snowball into his face, of course.)
Maybe Katara would try dating other people. Sokka would say things like, "You know, this guy doesn't make you laugh. Even Zuko makes you laugh." Or, "This guy can't even sling a boomerang! At least Zuko can wield two swords at once. You should find someone like that." Or, "You should be with someone who's unafraid to give you autonomy and likes your political ideas."
And if Zuko looked like he was about to give in to an arranged marriage, Sokka might step in in a subtler way. "You know, you should find someone who challenges you and inspires you to be a better person. Someone with aspiration who isn't afraid to speak her mind. Especially if she's speaking up for the average person. And you should really try to find someone you love because leading a nation seems like a lonely thing and you don't deserve to be alone."
When they finally decided to try to be together, the two of them would keep it under wraps at first. People might suspect, but there'd be no concrete evidence. Toph would claim she's noticed a difference in the energy between them. And Suki might say Katara's letters suddenly contain a little too much Zuko. But Sokka, ever the skeptic, wouldn't buy into it because his best friend and his sister are dense.
Maybe Sokka stumbles across them snuggled under a tree by the turtleduck pond one day. Or maybe he catches them kissing during the winter solstice celebration in the Southern Water Tribe. And he definitely pulls something melodramatic because, let's face it, he's Sokka. Plus, he just wants to give them shit because he's still Katara's brother and Zuko's best friend and he's obligated.
Afterward, though, he'd track Zuko down. Zuko might try to explain in his usual fumbling manner, but Sokka would just look at him and say, "You know if you hurt her or leave her or if you don't find a way to make this last forever, she'll kill you, right?" And then he'd pull out a flask of Southern Water Tribe vodka, raise it in Zuko's direction and say, "Flameo, hotman. Flameo." And together they would toast to Zuko and Katara's relationship.
(But Sokka would still lovingly give them shit for the rest of their lives.)
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mellowdreamer · 4 years
this is a modern bending vigilante/hero au featuring zukka, mailee, yueki and a lot of hijinks!
the gaang are all 16-19 here, because while bruce wayne apparently has no problem with it, i’m not comfortable with having vigilantes who haven’t yet gone through puberty.
the avatar world is just one big city, and each of the nations/cities are different suburbs of the city.
kyoshi island, ember island, and boiling rock are small islands off of the city, similar to singapore’s sentosa island.
the city (republic city? i dunno, get back to me on this one) is full of heroes, vigilantes and villains alike. the fire nation is a criminal empire intent on taking over the city. the avatar is a hero who works to keep the balance of heroes and villains in the city, and stop the entire city from becoming a war zone. 
however, the avatar disappeared 100 years ago, and no one was chosen to take up the mantle since. in the avatar’s absence, the fire nation was able to begin its quest to take over the city.
the heroes of the southern water tribe that were left after the various raids have left the southern water suburb on a mission to defeat the fire nation or die.
hakoda, alias chief, left his two young children in charge of their territory, despite them being a) children and b) relatively untrained.
katara, alias painted lady, is the only waterbender left in the southern water tribe. sokka, alias captain boomerang, is the only trained combat hero left in the southern water tribe. all those remaining are either children or incapable of fighting.
side tangent: when sokka does well, he calls himself “grand marshal boomerang” and when he does badly, he calls himself “private boomerang”. thank you to the crimily for coming up with this one!!
one night, when katara and sokka are out on patrol, they get chased by fire nation goons into the ice off of the southern harbour. there, they get into a fight over sokka’s sexist remarks and katara’s yelling having attracted the fire nation goons, and katara’s waterbending gets out of control. she breaks open an iceberg, only to find someone in there.
the two siblings approach the iceberg and break the person out. they are shocked to find a young boy in the unmistakable uniform of the avatar, resting next to a creature they’ve never seen before.
they wake the boy up, to find that his name is aang and he’s the next avatar. and that he has no idea of the fire nation’s quest to conquer the entire city, or the fact that the air nomads – heroes that didn’t resign to just one area of the city – hadn’t been seen for the same hundred years that he must’ve spent in the iceberg.
katara and a reluctant sokka take aang back to the apartment building where the remaining southern water suburb residents have been living and introduce him to everyone.
later that night, the three go out on patrol together. it’s a quiet night, and sokka thinks they might actually get through it without any incidents, until they find a woman being mugged.
sokka and katara are about to intervene, but aang takes down both thugs in a matter of seconds. aang, ignoring the slack jawed shock of his friends, asks if they could go penguin sledding. katara goes to agree, but is cut off by the shout of “MY HONOUR” from a nearby rooftop.
zuko, alias dragon prince, runs from the rooftop before they could find him. his father ozai, alias firelord, had sent him and his uncle iroh – formerly dragon of the west, now retired – to find the avatar. zuko had been banished from the fire nation territory years ago, after speaking up about a plan that would’ve cost them a whole division of goons and refusing to fight his father in an agni kai.
the kyoshi warriors are similar to the birds of prey or the amazons; they’re an all-female crime-fighting unit not directly associated with any of the kingdoms or nations. suki is their leader, and they don’t have secret identities like the other heroes.
iroh, bumi, piandao, jeong-jeong and p*kku are all retired heroes and a part of the order of the white lotus.
toph is the blind bandit and a hero, albeit a less morally structured and ‘good’ hero than the avatar, the painted lady, and captain boomerang. she was a part of the underground fighting ring ‘earth rumble’ when the gaang infiltrated the ring looking for intel and convinced her that her powers could be used for something better than beating bitches blue and making bank while doing it.
azula is firebolt, and she is as brilliant as she is terrifying. she’s arguably more feared than the firelord, mainly because she’s the one who frequents other areas and actually goes on missions. ozai just sits on his stupid throne and yells at people and manipulates his children like the little bitch he is.
mai and ty lee are azula’s sidekicks, and are known as blade and tightrope respectively. also: they’re lesbians, harold.
yue is a part of the northern water tribe’s group of heroes, alongside her family. they tried to marry her off to hahn and have her trained in healing instead of fighting, but she rebelled and threatened to go out on her own, so they relented. yue’s hero alias is tui, but she will be called sailor moon at least three times.
jet and his freedom fighters are a group of anti-heroes who aren’t afraid to hurt innocent people in their pursue of ‘justice’.
zhao is a villain who works for the firelord, under the alias admiral, and he’s an asshole. using the yuyan archers, he manages to capture aang and takes him to a fire nation stronghold. zuko finds out about this, and not wanting admiral asshole to get the upper hand, dresses as the blue spirit for the first time to rescue aang.
during the siege of the north, zhao “kills” yue. she fakes her own death and disappears into hiding until the final battle, in which she kills zhao because it’s what she deserves.
the gaang know that yue is alive, because she’s nice enough to not do them like that, but they have to keep up appearances. because of this, sokka amps up the heartbreak and clings to suki a lot. that’s why a lot of outsiders begin to think that sokka dated yue and is dating suki, though in reality yue and suki are dating each other.
zuko and iroh, after the siege of the north and a trap set by azula, disappear into hiding and decide to take refuge in ba sing se, knowing that the fire nation wouldn’t think to look for them there.
ba sing se is a section of the city that has been fenced off in order to prevent an influx of heroes and villains. the dai li, who keep a tight grip on the suburb and ensure that the residents don’t know of the war raging outside the walls, are a group of “heroes”.
of course, the fence does nothing to prevent zuko and iroh, the gaang, and later azula, mai and ty lee from entering ba sing se and turning it into their own warzone.
iroh fulfils his dream of finally owning a tea shop and zuko, when not working in the tea shop, spends his nights lingering in the shadows of ba sing se as the blue spirit.
sokka, desperate for a warm drink and something to do while the others do their bending training, wanders into the jasmine dragon one afternoon and is served by “lee”.
neither know the other’s civilian identity, so there’s no shady business, just pining over the cute customer/server. sokka strikes a conversion and the two begin flirting chatting. it’s going really well, and you can almost see the romance blooming.
and then in walks azula, flanked by mai and ty lee, all in costume.
sokka and zuko both leap up from their seats and into fighting stances. both are confused as to why the other jumped up, and then azula calls zuko brother and it clicks in sokka’s mind.
he starts yelling at zuko for a lot of things, including yue’s “death” which is how zuko realises who he is. zuko starts yelling back because he’s only once met a fight he didn’t like. in the background of this argument, iroh is trying to fight azula, mai and ty lee to varying degrees of success.
it’s funny that i say degrees, because this is when azula sets fire to the jasmine dragon. iroh grabs the two dumbass arguing teens and shoves them outside as he too runs, telling zuko to meet at their rendezvous point at sunrise.
azula, mai and ty lee chase after zuko and sokka (who are still arguing as they run from the three girls). mai and ty lee don’t want to chase them, because zuko has always been better to them than azula, but defying azula would be a death sentence.
sokka pulls zuko into a building for coverage, and because azula is azula, she summons the dai li and has them surround the building. there would be no leaving without confronting the dai li, and thus zuko and sokka are trapped.
sokka confronts zuko and basically asks how he could justify the fire nation’s villainy, how he could support a monster who’s killing hundreds of people. zuko defends his father blindly because he’s been raised to believe that his father is right, that his father has to be right, and this southern water scum is wrong. but zuko’s losing his grip on the argument and is becoming more and more hysterical but sokka is so calm, so sure of himself, and the dam finally breaks.
zuko crumples to the ground in tears, and now sokka’s gotta deal with this because ozai is a shitface and has been brainwashing his son for years and wow fuck the fire nation.
mai and ty lee, having taken down the dai li, burst in to find zuko crying his eyes out in sokka’s arms. they teasingly ask if they’re interrupting something and laugh as zuko next to sprints out of the building, sokka hot on his heels.
this is the last straw for zuko, who defects from the fire nation, hangs up his dragon prince uniform and fully becomes the blue spirit, a hero who works with the gaang to eventually take down the fire nation.
also, at some stage zuko rescues a turtleduck that got stuck up a tree. don’t ask me how this happens.
631 notes · View notes
hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Why Ozula Makes Sense & Why It Should Be Canonized
Note: Massive Trigger Warning
Note: Yes, I already know's Nichya's opinion on Ozula. But I want to see her specific thoughts in regards to my post.
In a fan base filled with split opinions, two of the few universally held truths are that Ozai is a horrible parent and that Azula has a lot of issues. But there is a lack of consensus on whether Ozai even abused Azula and even more of a lack of consensus on the nature of his abuse if he did abuse her.
  And for the record, I personally believe that at bare minimum Ozai did emotionally abuse Azula (“Trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable way” did not come out of nowhere). Not to mention turning Azula into a child soldier is obviously abuse.
  But is what we see, or what is heavily implied, enough to explain everything about the Ozai-Azula relationship? 
  In other words, does the abuse we see, or is heavily implied, enough to explain why Azula was utterly loyal to Ozai to the point she would gleefully risk her life for him while he sat in a bunk, despite Azula being utterly pragmatic in the other aspects of her life? 
  Does it truly explain why Azula utterly broke after he left to burn the Earth Kingdom despite being made Fire Lord and becoming the presumptive heir to the Phoenix throne?
  Moreover, where did Azula learn to flirt and/or why does she come off as sexually charged with nearly everyone she encounters (ex. Ty Lee, Sokka, Zuko) when it is canon that she has no life experience outside of being a soldier or a princess in court?
  Other people have come up with headcanons and theories involving, among other things, historical context and meta-textual evidence to explain the questions that I brought up, but what if there was a more sinister answer to all of them?
  What if Ozula was a thing?
  Yes, I know, there is very little evidence or subtext to support this but I think that if it did occur in canon, it would not only explain a lot about Azula’s character and/or issues, but also shed some much needed light on the Ozai-Azula relationship and even Ozai himself. Especially since, despite all the extended universe material we have gotten in the decade plus since ATLA the show ended, we still don’t know that much about their relationship, or Ozai himself.
  So, what is my personal take on how a canon version of Ozula? 
  I think that Ozai sexually abused Azula in part to replace Ursa once he “had” to banish Ursa and also in part to prepare her to produce super powerful heirs like herself in addition to using as a tool to keep her under his thumb by making her more attached to him than before he started coming on to her.
  In regards to the first reason, Azula is a dead ringer for Ursa and most people would agree Ursa is one of the attractive women in the ATLA-verse. Thus, considering Ozai’s canonical entitlement issues, it must have been hard to no longer rape have sex with Ursa...that is unless he copulates with Ursa’s mini-me. 
  This ties into the second reason, which is the desire to produce more superpowered heirs. 
  Thanks to The Search, we know that Ozai married Ursa in order to fulfill a prophecy that said would have produced exceptionally powerful benders. And that prophecy was mostly proven right since Azula is the GOAT Firebender as of current canon and Zuko has surpassed, or is close to surpassing, his father while still in his late teens or very early twenties.   
  For most people, being the father to such prodigies would make them content in life, proud that they could call themselves father to such talented people. 
  But Ozai isn’t like most people for, as Ursa aptly put it, Ozai is a small man trying to appear bigger than he is, which is obviously proven by Ozai’s ambitions and desires over the years.
  It was not enough that he was a prince of the most powerful nation in the world, so he must become Fire Lord at all costs. And once he achieves that by ripping his family apart and traumatizing the remaining members was enough that he was Firelord? 
  No! He must become the Phoenix King and build his new empire on the ashes of The Earth Kingdom despite already having it under his rule. 
  And it was not enough that he had a cult of personality, for Ozai commissioned larger than life statues with his package being accentuated to the point of absurdity. 
  So is it crazy to believe that he believes that not only is he entitled to the most beautiful woman he knows of (and if he can’t have her then he’ll have the closest thing to her even if it is his own daughter) but the most powerful heirs he could possibly have? Especially considering Ozai is a narcissist who made Azula his golden child because of his daddy issues caused by being the unfavored son of Azulon. 
  In other words, would it have been out of character for Ozai to fuck "himself" aka the person he thinks he would have been if Azulon recognized his “superiority” over Iroh? Especially when he can make more prodigies like himself Azula?
  And in regards to the third reason, did you see how needy Azula was in regards to Ozai when they had their short little talk before Ozai crowned him as the Phoenix King?
  I think Ozai, more than anyone, realized that Azula would soon quickly surpass everyone who was not a fully realized Avatar and wanted to ensure that Azula wouldn’t do the pragmatic thing and off him once she realized that she didn’t need daddy anymore. Especially after he offered his own father and betrayed his brother to take the throne. 
  For if he was paranoid enough to banish Ursa for her ability to make that OP poison, what makes you think he never had similar paranoid thoughts about either of his children? Especially Azula considering how strongly she takes after him and how he has been molding her in his image and ideologies ever since it was apparent she was a prodigy?
  So by sleeping with her, and therefore bonding with her, he would ensure that Azula would have no motive to ever overthrow him. 
  And how would this work in practice? 
  The same way he praised her for her firebending and ruthlessness. He would likely tell that he needed her; that she was a much better (pseudo) Fire Lady than Ursa could ever be (the old nick site said Azula was renowned in court and it is plausible that she did the duties that Ursa would have done as Fire Lady); that it was one more thing that Zuko could never do better than Azula and more proof that she deserved to be his perfect tool by his side; etc.
  And for the most part I think that Azula “responded” really well to Ozai’s false praise by further latching on to him, convinced more than ever that Ozai does love her and would never leave her. Especially since Ursa is gone, Iroh and Zuko are both gone at this point due to Zuko’s banishment, and Mai and Ty Lee are also already gone, or going to leave soon, leaving Azula with only Ozai as the only family and/or friend who hasn’t “abandoned” her.
  Ok, so I know what you guys are going to ask next; “cool theory but how does it explain anything other than your sick fetish?”
  Well, I think canon Ozula would explain a lot of things about Azula’s and Ozai’s behavior that really isn’t explained by canon or is, currently, only lightly implied. 
  For example, why did Ozai never remarry or produce more heirs in the five years he ruled despite putting his real heir, Azula, in constant mortal danger and spending most of that time either disowning Zuko or hunting him down as a traitor? Especially considering that he was only able to ascend since his brother was a dumbass and only had one kid himself? Not to mention the fact that Ozai is likely has a very high sex drive (have you seen his body?) yet we never see any concubines in the palace.
  Well because he wanted to produce heirs with Azula and so waited until she was of age to marry her and then have his new heirs.  
  Why did Azula collapsed after being told to say behind despite getting the title she always desired, Ozai having a logical reason to leave her behind (people would try to invade the Fire Nation..which is what happened with Zuko and Katara), and Azula eventually getting to inherit the Phoenix Empire? 
  Well, Ozai leaving her behind shows that Ozai thinks all Azula is worth after her numerous failures is producing heirs, making Azula realize that his bedroom talk was all lies and that he never loved her, only saw her as a tool. Moreover, all his words about her being a better Fire Lady than Ursa are lies since they both ended up in the same spot in life; only existing as Ozai’s (unwilling) broodmares. 
  Why does Azula hate and hallucinate Ursa despite Ursa being by all accounts a loving mother? And why does Azula avoid and hate reflective surfaces? 
  Well, because Azula’s subconscious wishes that Ursa was there to protect her from the abuse and also subconsciously reckoning with the long buried knowledge that part of the reason why Ozai came onto her is because she looks like a clone of her very beautiful mother. 
  Moreover, it would explain why Azula thinks Ursa thought of Azula as a monster when Ursa never said anything like that or gave any indications of seeing Azula like that. 
  For Azula would likely think, subconsciously, why would my mother leave me with a monster unless I am a monster?
  It would also explain, partially, why Azula goes from someone who is a bully, but loves & plays with her bro at 8, to someone who smiles when Zuko is burned at 13. 
  This is because Azula would think that all Zuko has to do to be in Ozai’s good graces is be a good firebender, a ruthless leader, and follow Ozai commands perfectly & without any hesitation. 
  Yet Zuko can’t even do any of that while she, in addition to previous requirements, has to give her mind, body, and soul to Ozai.
  It would also explain why Azula is so frantically loyal to Ozai (and even loves him) even when it is obvious to everyone that Ozai only cares for himself (he literally groomed her); why someone could be so fucked up and go insane at the age of 14 (victims of child sex abuse end up suffering from mental illness thanks to their trauma; and also explain why Azula has such sexual mannerisms (ex. her interaction with Sokka on DoBs) and voice acting while also being the only main female character to constantly wear makeup that is quite similar to her mother’s (she is trying to appear much older than she is while also trying to “replace” her mother for her father’s sake and maybe even for her own sake as well).
  Finally, it would contextualize that infamous bedroom scene, or more generally the subtle incest vibe between her and Zuko, by explaining her behavior towards him as attempt to unnerve him and/or an attempt to pass on her abuse to another person (which is very common).
  So the next thing you guys are likely going to say,” Ok then. Maybe Ozula might explain a lot of things but how would you explain the fact that Azula has never shown any indication that her father touched her like that? Moreover, what would be the benefit of introducing such a dark topic into the franchise.”
  Well to the first question, Azula would never bring it up because of some combo of: it is shameful as hell, she doesn't think it is wrong because it is all she knows, she still loves Ozai deep down, and/or thinks it her fault just like it was Zuko's fault for getting burned by Ozai and banished for talking out in the war council and/or not fighting back at the Agni Kai.
  And as to the second question, well there would be a lot of benefits. 
  For example, imagine the lore/story potential we could get out of a canon Ozula, as outlined in the headcanon down below?
One of the reasons why the places like Yu Duo became quickly filled with mixed families was due to a mix of sex slaves and families selling their daughters to their wealthy colonziers. 
  Also the Fire Nation had an extensive sex trackiffing network to service wealthy nobles and the Firelord; Ozai was in charge of this network and was able to blackmail people like Mai's father into supporting him in court and eventually his regime, especially in the early days when it looked like Iroh might challenge Ozai. 
  The reason why Zhao kept getting promotions despite his incompetence was because he was the best at capturing girls/women to keep the supply running high and Ozai had to keep him happy or else Zhao would spill the beans. 
  The reason why Ukano supported the NOS despite Zuko offering him a job and most likely becoming his father-in-law is because he was part of the network and it was a matter of time before Zuko found out and exposed him. 
  Azula helped procure women for Ozai during the 3 years Zuko/Iroh were away and this is part of the reason why Ty Lee and Mai distanced themselves from her (they thought they were next even though Azula would never do that to them) & why they followed her despite loathing her until someone they cared about was going to die (they thought Azula would punish them by making them into sex slaves though Azula “cares” about them too much to ever do that to them). 
  Azula was also abused by Ozai in those 3 years as raping women and girls weren't enough for him anymore and needed a new kink, incest, especially since Azula looks like her mom, who is one of the most attractive women in ATLA and Ursa was long gone.
And even disregarding the lore potential, there is the potential (positive) real world impact a seriously written Ozula could have.
  For it one of the best things about the Avatar franchise is its ability to deal with complex & sensitive topics such as child & spousal abuse (The Fire Nation Royal Family; Yakone’s family; Toph’s family), abusive/toxic friendships (The Dangerous Ladies), sexism (S1 Sokka & Pakku), PTSD (Korra), genocide (Airbender genocide & Southern Water Bender Genocide), propaganda/brainwashing (The Fire Nation schools & the Dai Li), and imperialism (Post-Sozin to the start of FL Zuko’s reign Fire Nation) with the respect they deserve while making it palpable to kids. 
  And considering the post-MeToo world we live in, what better dark and taboo topic to tackle than sexual abuse?
  Especially considering that most people aren’t really aware that most victims of sexual abuse where abused by someone close to them, that most people don’t seem to recognize when such grooming occurs or that it is a bad thing until it is too late (ex. Drake Bell, Kyle Massey, Drake (The Rapper), R. Kelly, etc.), and most victims don’t react to their abuse the way most people think they should (ex. Fight back or tell others). 
  Thus, couldn’t Ozula be used to educate people on the signs of such grooming and/or abuse and how to properly help such victims?
  I also think that seeing Azula overcome the effects of a canon Ozula could also provide healing for someone who played a pivotal role in bringing Azula to life: Grey DeLise.
  It was a shock for me to find out, but Grey DeLise has repeatedly said that she got abused by people her mother let into their home and that her mother did nothing despite obviously knowing what was going on. 
  Considering that DeLise heavily projects onto Azula (including Azula’s relationship with Ursa), has a history of sexualizing Azula (she explicitly said she voiced the bedroom scene with Zucest in mind), and went to really dark place to record Azula’s breakdown, is it crazy to say that DeLise had Ozula as her one of personal headcanons and that it affected her Azula performance?
  That is why, in combination with everything else I have said, I think Ozula has the potential to have a real impact how sexual abuse victims are treated and viewed.
  Imagine Ozai plotting to remove Ursa, Azulon, Iroh, and Zuko from the palace so he could "play" with Azula unimpeded after almost being caught several different times while also taking things to the next “level”? 
  Imagine the goading of Azulon/Ursa's banishment and Zuko's burning/banishment all part of this plot?
  Imagine Azula making inappropriate jokes about fathers breaking in their daughters to Mai & Ty Lee, causing them to be unnerved while Azula wonders what was wrong with her apt description of father-daughter relationships?
  Imagine Ozai spending the next three years molding Azula to not only be his perfect pet weapon but also his future consort once she is of age.?
  Imagine his anger when Azula comes home with her childhood friends and Zuko, cutting down on their alone time?
  Imagine his horror when he finds out that Azula non-ironically enjoys her time with them more than him despite the fact Ozai had groomed her from a young age to only love him? 
  Imagine his happiness when Zuko leaves and Mai and Ty Lee are later jailed, allowing him unlimited time with Azula again, despite the hardships Azula’s lapses in judgment regarding her friends & brother. Not to mention Ozai thinking that he once again gets to be the sole attention of Azula's affections? 
  Imagine Ozai finding out Azula non-ironically misses her brother and friends and so he leaves her behind during Sozin's Comet as punishment for her conflicted emotions & past failures?
  Imagine Ozai defeated coming home to see Azula chained, physically and mentally broken, screaming for her bitch of a mother. Only then realizing, for a fleeting moment, the damage he did to his daughter, only to go back to feeling rage at her humiliating loss & even more humiliating loss of sanity?
  Imagine Ozai patiently waiting to be reunited with his pet heir and once they meet in his jail cell, convincing Azula that they can be together again if Azula can get a hold of that accursed letter and kill Ursa, the only person who could possibly refute it?
  Imagine Ozai hearing that Azula failed in her mission due to being unable to kill her mother despite having Ursa literally in her hands, marking the first time Azula ever disobeyed him? Moreover, imagine his rage once he hears how she disowned him and basically dismantled from within an organization trying to reinstate him on the throne?
  Imagine Ozai confronting Ursa, Iroh, and Zuko once they find out about his abuse of Azula, thinking he has once again found a way to manipulate them? Only to find out that they are through with him for good and that they will help Azula heal from his abuse.
  Imagine Azula finally going through a healing arc, where with the help of well-trained healers and her mother (who she bonds with over both being victims of Ozai), she learns that what Ozai did to her was wrong, how healthy relationships actually work, & how her abuse never justified her abuse of others?
  Imagine Azula then undergoing an atonement arc, where, among other things, she becomes a leading advocate for mental health issues and sexual abuse victims, eventually working with Zuko & Aang to to create shelters & a proto-CPS in addition to radically changing the Fire Nations views on sex & consent?
  Imagine Azula eventually finding a loving partner and engaging in a mutually loving relationship, eventually having her own child who she raises in the exact opposite fashion that Ozai raised her while also being a loving aunt to Izumi?
  Imagine Ozai thinking that Azula will one day return to him, thinking that he has irreversibly molded her to need him the same way a baby needs its pacifier. Only for him to die never being visited by Azula again, who has long stopped caring for Ozai and hasn’t spared him a thought for a long time & will never do so again?
  Therefore, in sum, Ozula has the potential to do to victims of sexual abuse what the depiction of the Ozai-Zuko relationship, and Zuko eventually realizing his father is abusive & disowning, did for victims of abuse while also maybe giving DeLise some form of catharsis.
Thus, in the long list of bad things Ozai did (abuse his wife/son/daughter, kill his father/ruler, illegally urusp his bro, attempt a genocide of a continent, attempt to kill a 12 year old, turn Azula into a child solider/general, etc.) is molesting Azula the worst thing he could have done? 
  Or I am crazy with a need to go to a therapist for my many unresolved issues?
More Notes:
Grey: they're like 'why are you sexualizing everything?" because i do that in my whole life, my whole life is sexualized Olivia: same. that’s why Grey and I get along Grey: we've... got... abusive childhoods Olivia: uhhh Grey: uh... well I do Olivia: I don't, I just like sex! Grey: depending on who i'm doing it with... then yeah. Olivia: visibly uncomfortable Grey: I've not liked it a lot as much as I've liked it. Olivia: 0_0 Brad is like what... the hell.. is happening
Grey also talks about her abuse in an interview with Mental Illness Happy Hour where she details how her mother abandoned her to people she knew were raping her. And Grey has repeated her story in multiple interviews over the years.
Looooong-ass post ahead! You're not crazy, and there is subtext for Ozula... just like there is for Maizula, something I actually like but that I personally believe didn't happen - and if anyone reading this has not yet seen my first answer to why I don't think Ozai sexually abused Azula, I recommend you do so: https://hello-nichya-here.tumblr.com/post/650918965929000960/trigger-warning-i-know-you-talk-a-lot-about-how
While I see the merit of any good story, and I have read good stories that interpret Ozai and Azula's relationship as having involved sexual assault at some point, it is far more likely that in the actual canon (be it just in the show or also taking into account the comics) that simply neved happened, and I'll explain why.
About Ozai never remarrying
It would be very strange for Ozai to never try to have more heirs, and constantly endanger the ones he does have... until we remember that the only noble family in Avatar that has more than two kids is Ty Lee's, and that there are people like Kyoshi who literally over two centuries old when she died. Avatar is a very mature kid's show, but it is still a kid's show, with characters who control the elements and don't get a single scratch on them in situations that would severely injure or kill a normal human being, and the writers likely didn't want to add more characters to an already complicated, political plot like the Fire Nation Royal Family - which is why Iroh never remarried, Azulon's wife was already dead, there were no Lu Ten flashbacks, etc. If they went to such lengths to avoid creating too many characters, it makes sense that Zuko and Azula have no step-mother and no half-siblings in the show. Furthermore, the show clearly wanted to push Azula and Zuko's rivalry - adding another sibling would force their attention (and ours) to shift to said sibling, which is why Kiyi only was created in the comics that were focusing on the royal family, after Zuko became Fire Lord, and even then she is Ursa's daughter but not Ozai's, meaning Azula is still the only real "rival" Zuko has.
Ozai's supposed obsession with Ursa
Despite the radical change in the story of their marriage, I'd say that Ozai was NOT obsessed with Ursa, be it in the show where she consented to marry him, or in the comics where she kidnapped and raped. Princes were expected to marry and have heirs, and the war meant they'd need to have powerful heirs. He married Ursa (against her will or otherwise depending on the version of the story), had two kids with her (the standard in their universe), and encouraged said kids to be ruthless, punishing them when didn't meet his expectations (the Agni Kai and Zuko's banishment were cruel, but they were the type of behavior the Fire Nation rewarded). We need to remember that Ozai's only real problem with the hierarchy and expectations of his nation was when he had to see his brother be Fire Lord instead of him, because Ozai's only real obsession was the crown.
Yet he didn't kill his father until Ursa came up with a plan to do it so she could save Zuko, didn't kill Iroh, smiled in disdain when Zuko said he would help the Avatar defeat him, and constantly endangered Zuko and Azula despite having no other heirs. That behavior might seem strange, until you realize Ozai did truly respect the autority of Fire Lord at one point, but after he managed to steal the crown, he felt like he won absolutely everything - and to prove that he became the Phoenix King, showing he was above even that. He didn't need Ursa, Azula, or any other woman to give strong heirs, because Azula was already filling that role. There is no evidence he was obsessed with Ursa because he only married her because it was the norm (same logic applies to the possible sexual abuse she suffered - she was supposed to give her husband heirs, so Ozai forcing himself on her could easily just be him doing what was expected of him), and then once she was no longer needed and he would actually be in a more favorable position if she disappeared he CHOSE to banish her - the law said he had to punish her for killing Azulon, but the law also said he shouldn't have let her kill his father in the first place. And in the comics he threated to kill both their kids if she came back. If he was obsessed with her, he would have used their kid's lives to force her to stay and never say a word about what happened to his father. But didn't do that, because he didn't want Ursa around.
Could he be obsessed with Azula herself instead of thinking of her as a replacement for Ursa?
I personally don't think so, mostly because of his actions towards both his kids and because of the intentions the writers had. During The Beach, Ozai sends Azula away for a little while with Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee. On the meeting before the eclipse, he had Zuko at his right hand. On their last scene together, Ozai looks annoyed that Azula is around, stabs her in the back, lies to her face, and then leaves her. Finally, when he is last seen on screen, he doesn't ask Zuko what happened to her, if she is in prison, if she lost her bending too, if she is dead... nothing.
Ozai's behavior towards Azula is much more similar to his treatment of Zuko than most people realize. He shuts them both down when try to be anything other useful weapons - be it when they are showing "weakness", failing on their missions, trying to betray him, or trying to be equals to him. His reaction to Zuko's "All I ever wanted was for you to love me" was basically the same he had to Azula's "I thought we were going to do this together/This was my idea/I deserve to be by your side/You can't treat me like Zuko". He instantly told them both to shut the fuck up. He has no affection for them - for Azula - be it a normal one or a twisted one. They might as well not exist when they're not winning him battles.
On top of all that, comics!Ozai full on said he'd kill Zuko and Azula if Ursa didn't stay away, and considering how little regard he showed to anyone and how easy it would be for him to find a new wife if he had to, it is very clear he meant it. And a plot-line that was originally going to happen in book 3 but was cut (likely due to there not being enough time to explore it) had Ozai planning an arranged marriage for Azula - if he wanted her for himself, why was he more than ready to give her away to some rando the second she was old enough to marry?
Intention of the writers VS Intention of the actors
Assuming Grey did want there to have, at the very least, subtext for Ozula, we still run into a different problem: her intention goes against what is presented in canon. With something like Zucest or Tyzula, it is easier to make it work despite the pairings not being canon - they are meant to be complicated, unhealthy dynamics in which the characters involved have both negative and positive feelings for each other. So you could say Zuko and Azula were attracted to each other AND were still rivals. You could say Azula was in love with Ty Lee, and the feeling was mutual, but Ty Lee still chose to save Mai at the boiling rock regardless because it was the right thing to do for her friend.
With Ozula, however, it'd lead to a Zutara-esque situation (again, assuming Grey really did want that subtext to exist, since she didn't specify if that was what she meant when she said she went into a dark place while acting Azula's scenes in the finale). Dante Basco, aka Zuko, is the capitain of the Zutara ship, so any scene between Zuko and Katara gets at least a bit of subtext (and Zutara actually had full on ship-bait moments)... but the show also made it clear that the characters were NOT interested in each other like that, and they both ended up with different people. That means Zutara has some base for it, but it is still NOT CANON. Ozula is on even less solid ground since the overwhelming majority of the text activelly goes against it - again, Ozai seemed uniterested in both his wife and his daugheter, and activelly tried to distance himself from them.
How Azula flirts VS how she acts around Ozai
If we assume all of Azula's behaviors towards people like Zuko and Sokka was indeed intentional, we need to ask ourselves: was it really flirting or an attempt to unnerve them?
With that assumption in mind, I mostly see her actions towards Sokka as having been based on a display of power instead of flirting, but I can understand if people disagree. I fully believe she was attracted to Zuko and wanted both to intimidate him and flirt with him, and even discussed it at length on the link bellow (and offered another possible explanation of why she might not have been interested in Sokka after all) https://hello-nichya-here.tumblr.com/post/654197363889635328/zucest-is-it-really-flirting
When we take that behavior into account, regardless of motivation, and then compare it to her actually trying to flirt with Chan, we see that Azula has different styles of flirting, both of which are based on warpped perceptions of how normal interactions work - one having a predator/prey vibe with open ridicule, and the other with awkward/false flattery that is accidentally insulting and/or scary.
However, if we look at how she acts with Ozai, we see that she acts like a completely different person. She is very respectful and very distant - sort of how servants and guards act around her. That shows that despite her love for her father being actual canon (unlike any attraction she possibly felt for any character) their relationship is VERY formal. Azula doesn't take any liberties with her father, making it very unlikely that she learned her more "inapropriate" behaviors from him.
Azula's trauma
Azula was neglected by her mother and turned into a child soldier by her father. In Zuko Alone, we see Ursa spending a lot of time with Zuko but not with Azula, harshly reprimanding her without trying to understand her motives (like when she asked Zuko why he hurt the turtle-ducks), and even asking "What is wrong with that child?". Add in the over the top neglect she faced in the comics, the obvious guilt Azula was starting to feel for her actions in book 3, as well as the fact that a parent suddenly leaving like Ursa did can severely affect their child's mental health (which was likely to have been fragile in the first place considering Azula's more distressing behavior as a kid, as well as the psychological torment and hallucinations she dealt with in the finale) it makes perfect sense for Azula to believe her mother saw her as monster. Her claim that their mother liked Zuko more and her reaction to Mai's "I love Zuko more than I fear you" shows that her problems with her mother come believing she was not loved while her brother was - could she have also wanted Ursa to be there to protect her from sexual abuse? Sure. She could have simply wanted her mother to procted her from literally anything, or just be by her side and be proud of her.
This trauma also explains her freaking out as Ozai left her in the finale. She had recently lost Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai - the later of the three having accidentally touched an old, open wound of hers. Ozai was all she had left, and he turned his back on her after all she did for him. That was the last straw, and finally broke. You can add sexual assault or literally any kind of abuse to the story to explore a new theme/possibility, but it not existing in canon is not a plot-hole because the story works perfectly without it.
"Imagine Ozai killed Azulon and banished Ursa and Zuko so he could have Azula to himself, abused her, and then was mad when she brought Zuko home, with Mai and Ty Lee coming along"
I can imagine it. What I cannot is remember it. It can be a good, important, cathartic story, but is not the story we saw in the show. In the show we saw Ursa planning Azulon's death, not Ozai. We saw how his abuse was 99% purely psychological. We saw Ozai banish Zuko years after he supposedly got rid of the other two impediments of his abuse to Azula. We saw him not giving a damn about Mai and Ty Lee being around, welcoming Zuko home and rewarding him for "killing the Avatar", and then making Azula leave with them. And above all, we saw him shut Azula down the second she tried to have any kind of relationship with him that involved being anything more than a killing-machine.
Ozula can be an interesting plot, but said plot exists solely in theory and fanfics, not in the actual canon.
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my-bated-breath · 4 years
Research Shows that Zutara Would Have Been the Ideal Friends to Lovers Dynamic
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(featured below: a very self-indulgent Zutara post that uses Facts and Evidence to be self-indulgent)
When I joined the ATLA fandom, a common trend I've seen used to discredit Zutara was the belief that upon transitioning from a platonic relationship to a romantic one, Zuko and Katara would immediately become The Worst (TM) for each other. It's quite the stretch, and the Zutara fandom nearly unanimously recognizes that. Still, since the attacks have yet to cease even 15 years after the show’s first release, I'd like to add my two-cents on the subject, along with a reference to actual research that is much harder to dismiss.
The reason why Zutara is framed as a “toxic and unhealthy” relationship is that their romance would be a classic example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, a trope which modern media has not been particularly kind to. However, when executed correctly, enemies-to-lovers can produce a healthy and loving relationship, frequently relying on friendship as an intermediate between the “enemy” and “lover” stages in the most well-executed versions of this trope. Meanwhile, the trope of friends-to-lovers is just as popular as enemies-to-lovers, though the specific dynamic required between two individuals to achieve this transition is not well-known. Recognizing this, Laura K. Guerrero and Paul A. Mongeau, both of whom are involved in relationship-related research as professors at Arizona State University, wrote a research paper on how friendships may transition into romantic relationships.
While “On Becoming ‘More Than Friends: The Transition From Friendship to Romantic Relationship” covers a variety of aspects regarding how friends may approach a budding romantic relationship, this meta will focus on the section titled “The Trajectory from Platonic Friendship to Romantic Relationship,” which describes stages of intimacy that are in common between platonic and romantic relationships.
(I am only using this one source for my meta because as much as I love research and argumentative writing, I can only give myself so much more school work before I break. If you wish to see more sources that corroborate the argument from above, refer to the end of this meta at the “Works Cited.”)
According to Guerrero and Mongeau, “...scholars have argued that intimacy is located in different types of interactions, ranging from sexual activity and physical contact to warm, cozy interactions that can occur between friends, family members, and lovers…” Guerrero and Mongeau then reference a relationship model where the initial stages (i.e. perceiving similarities, achieving rapport, and inducing self-disclosure) reflect platonic/romantic intimacy through communication while the latter stages (i.e. role-taking, achieving interpersonal role fit, and achieving dyadic crystallization) often see both individuals as achieving a higher level of intimacy that involves more self-awareness.
Definitions, because some terminology in this quote is field-specific:
Perception of similarity: (similar in background, values, etc.) which contributes to pair rapport
Pair rapport: produces positive emotional and behavioral responses to the partner, promotes effective communication and instills feelings of self-validation
Self-disclosure: a process of communication by which one person reveals information about themselves to another. The information can be descriptive or evaluative and can include thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, and dreams, as well as one's likes, dislikes, and favorites.
Role-taking: ability to understand the partner's perspective and empathize with his/her role in the interaction and the relationship
Role-fit: partners assess the extent of their similarities in personality, needs, and roles
Dyadic crystallization: partners become increasingly involved with each other and committed to the relationship and they form an identity as a committed couple
(Source: Quizlet -- not the most reliable source, I know, but once again field-specific terms tend to be ubiquitous in their definitions, and I doubt that this Quizlet can be that inaccurate)
(Additional note: only the first three definitions will be relevant to this meta, but the other definitions are left in for all of you who want to speculate what the next part of this meta, which may or may not be published the following week, will be about.)
Let’s apply what we just learned back to the real Zuko-Katara relationship we see throughout the show. What attributes of healthy and natural friends-to-lovers dynamics may they check off?
Perceiving similarities:
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Zuko and Katara share an astounding number of parallels in background and character throughout the show. Both their mothers had sacrificed their lives to save them, and then there are many deliberate parallels drawn between Zuko and Katara’s confrontations in the Day of Black Sun and The Southern Raiders, respectively. Of course, there are more, but since I do not have much to add to this subject, I’ll say that perceiving these similarities helps contribute to…
Pair rapport:
We see three standout examples of this from the show in which Zuko and Katara “make positive emotional and behavioral responses” towards each other: In the Crossroads of Destiny, the Southern Raiders, and Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters.
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(1) Crossroads of Destiny. Zuko and Katara bond over the loss of their mothers in the Crystal Catacombs, allowing themselves to truly see the other for the first time as well as for them to speak civilly and intimately (is this self-disclosure I see?) with each other. Of course, their conversation (on-screen or off-screen) is meaningful enough for Katara to offer to use the Spirit Oasis water to heal Zuko’s scar.
(2) The Southern Raiders. The journey Zuko and Katara take for her to achieve closure (which is something Zuko himself knew was necessary to heal and grow) is the catalyst for Katara forgiving Zuko. Though there is no true “rapport” in the scene where Katara forgives him, all other banter/conversations (in the Ember Island Players and the ATLA finale) between Katara and Zuko are reliant on the moment she forgives him.
(3) Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters. In the finale, Zuko experiences a moment of uncertainty before just before he faces his uncle -- his uncle who had always been there for him since the days of his banishment, his uncle had loved him unconditionally even when Zuko did not know that such love was possible, his uncle who loved him like his own son, his uncle who he betrayed in the Crystal Catacombs, his uncle who turned away when he was encased in crystal, too disappointed to look him in the eye. He tells this to Katara -- and what does Katara say to Zuko in response?
“Then he'll forgive you. He will.”
The dialogue speaks for itself. The positive emotional response, the open communication, and the (rightful) encouragement Katara provides, all without invalidating Zuko’s self-doubt, demonstrates the epitome of pair rapport. Further elaboration would simply be me gushing over their dynamic.
Self-disclosure involves revealing intimate feelings. We’re revisiting the same three episodes that we covered up above since they all include self-disclosure.
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(1) The Crossroads of Destiny. When he reaches out in the Crystal Catacombs, Zuko reveals something to Katara that he has never told anyone before, perhaps something he didn’t even want to admit to himself -- in response to “the Fire Nation took my mother away from me” he says “that's something we have in common.” And to say that out loud, to say it to himself and Katara when for three whole years he’s been trying to convince himself that the Fire Nation is good and that his father loves him -- there are no words to describe it. It’s both awe-inspiring and heartbreaking to see that Zuko and Katara’s shared pain is what allowed them to see each other as more than the “face of the enemy,” and it’s something so poignant that it forms an immediately profound connection between the two.
(2) The Southern Raiders. On their way to the Fire Nation communications tower on Whale Tail Island, Katara tells the story of her mother’s death, a story that has haunted her memories for years, looming over her as a ghost, a wound that festers into fear to grief to anger. This was the moment that divided Katara’s life into the Before and the After, the one that forced her to abandon childhood and to become a mother to her own brother (as implied by Sokka in his conversation with Toph in the Runaway). And yet this is the first time we see her tell someone her story in the show, full and vivid as if it happened yesterday. Because even though she mentioned her mother before to Aang, Haru, and Jet in order to sympathize with them -- it’s just that. Sympathizing. This time she tells Zuko about her mother’s death for her own sake rather than for another’s. And it’s an incredibly intimate moment, one that is made even more fragile, wrenching, and beautiful by Zuko’s response -- “Your mother was a brave woman.”
(3) Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters. Throughout the second half of season 3, Zuko shares his love and insecurities regarding Iroh to every member of the GAang.
In the Firebending Masters, he mentions to Aang offhandedly -- and perhaps too offhandedly, as if he didn’t want to believe it himself -- that Iroh, Dragon of the West, received his honorary title for killing the last dragon.
An episode later in part one of the Boiling Rock, Zuko talks about his uncle with near constancy. He brews tea for the GAang and (endearingly) tries retelling “Uncle’s favorite tea joke.” He tells Sokka, “Hey, hold on. Not everyone in my family is like that… I  meant my uncle. He was more of a father to me. And I really let him down.” He (fails at, adorably) giving advice to Sokka when the rescue mission to the Boiling Rock has begun to look helpless, asking himself “what would Uncle say?” before completely floundering away.
Then, in the Ember Island Players, he shares a sweet moment with Toph, bitterly spitting out that
“...for me, [the play] takes all the mistakes I've made in my life, and shoves them back in my face. My uncle, he's always been on my side, even when things were bad. He was there for me, he taught me so much, and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret, and I may never get to redeem myself.”
Toph, in turn, reveals the thoughtful side to her character, the side that is almost always hidden, telling Zuko that “you have redeemed yourself to your uncle. You don't realize it, but you already have.”
And every one of these moments matter, because we see Zuko’s inner conflict (though this inner conflict does not exist to the extent at which it did at the first half of season 3) and its evolution. First, with Aang, he remains skeptical and disillusioned. Second, with Sokka, his longing for Iroh’s love and presence manifests itself in him imitating his uncle as well as he can. Third, with Toph, he finally admits everything he had been afraid of ever since he saw Iroh’s empty prison cell during the eclipse -- that Iroh is disappointed in him. That Iroh hates him. That Iroh will never accept him again.
And for a moment, with Toph’s encouraging response and Zuko’s resulting little smile, it appears as though Zuko’s internal conflict arc is concluded. But we are wrong -- because in the finale of the show, we are given the true climax and resolution to Zuko’s insecurities, fears, and self-loathing. And who is it that he shares this moment with?
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It speaks volumes about Zuko and Katara’s relationship that Katara is the one to comfort Zuko in this scene, in that last moment of hesitation right before he steps inside his uncle’s tent, preparing himself to see his uncle as a completely changed person. As a person who now knows humility and unconditional love. And remember -- selecting Katara to be in this scene is a deliberate narrative choice because ATLA was written by a team of producers and writers, and perhaps even if it wasn’t, it becomes a powerful moment in which Zuko’s arc with Iroh reaches its peak.
Simply having Katara there in this scene already has such a great narrative impact, but then the show gives us some of the most intimate dialogue that Zuko, a naturally closed-off person, delivers (although his emotional outbursts may suggest otherwise, Zuko tends to hide most of his internally conflicting feelings to himself. Hence, he is always able to dramatically monologue about his honor, his country, and his throne -- because he’s trying to convince himself to play a part. But that’s another meta for another day).
Let’s begin by comparing Toph and Zuko’s dialogue with Katara and Zuko’s dialogue because both see the other party validating Zuko’s feelings.
(Warning: the following section plunges deep into the realm of speculation and overanalyzing dialogue. Regarding literature or any media, there are countless ways to interpret the source material, and this is simply one way it could be done.)
Ember Island Players Dialogue:
Toph: Geez, everyone's getting so upset about their characters. Even you seem more down than usual, and that's saying something!
Zuko: You don't get it, it's different for you. You get a muscly version of yourself, taking down ten bad guys at once, and making sassy remarks.
Toph: Yeah, that's pretty great!
Zuko: But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life, and shoves them back in my face. My uncle, he's always been on my side, even when things were bad. He was there for me, he taught me so much, and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret, and I may never get to redeem myself.
Although Toph and Zuko’s dynamic is one of the most innocent and understanding throughout the show, the conversation begins with Toph joking with a negative connotation -- that “even [Zuko seemed] more down than usual, and that’s saying something!” Thus, the conversation opener is not one that allows for Zuko to easily be emotionally vulnerable, and so he responds bitterly and angrily -- “You don’t get it, it’s different for you” and “...and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back.” By stating that their portrayals in the shows were different, Zuko mentally places a wall between himself and Toph, saying that “[Toph doesn’t] get it.” Then, the rhetorical question Zuko asks himself and the shortness with which he answers the question showcases a forceful and biting tone, indicating that he is covering up his inner turmoil with vehemence. This tendency is something we’ve seen Zuko default to before, whenever he had shouted the oft-mocked “I must restore my honor!” lines in response to a few introspective questions Iroh had asked (though once again, that’s another meta for another day). Now, let’s examine the remainder of their conversation.
Ember Island Players Dialogue Continued:
Toph: You have redeemed yourself to your uncle. You don't realize it, but you already have.
Zuko: How do you know?
Toph: Because I once had a long conversation with the guy, and all he would talk about was you.
Zuko: Really?
Toph: Yeah, and it was kind of annoying.
Zuko: Oh, sorry.
Here we see Toph and Zuko’s conversation take a more serious turn as Toph becomes more sincere. Zuko, however, is still full of self-doubt as he is constantly questioning Toph with “how do you know?” and “really” and “oh, sorry.”
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(featured up above: Zuko looking dejected and doubtful.)
Still, the conversation ends on a sweet and inspiring note:
Ember Island Players Dialogue Continued:
Toph: But it was also very sweet. All your uncle wanted was for you to find your own path, and see the light. Now you're here with us. He'd be proud.
Hence, though Zuko and Toph’s conversation displays a heartening and hopeful dynamic, Zuko is ultimately still guarded for the majority of their conversation. Now, let’s look at how Katara approaches Zuko in the Sozin’s Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters.
Sozin’s Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters Dialogue:
Katara: Are you okay?
Zuko: No, I'm not okay. My uncle hates me, I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?
Katara: Zuko, you're sorry for what you did, right?
Zuko: More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life.
In direct contrast to the conversation opener with Toph, Katara begins to engage Zuko with an openly concerned question. And even though Katara never disappointed an Iroh-figure in her life in the way Zuko has, Zuko immediately doesn’t close himself off from her, he doesn’t create a wall that prevents him from revealing his deepest fears to her. During this scene, he neither sounds bitter or angry -- he sounds lost, doubtful, and afraid (perhaps even afraid to hope). This shift in tone is blatant in his voice (thanks to Dante Basco’s line delivery) but even with nothing but the written dialogue, we can note the difference in which he describes his turmoil to Toph and as compared to Katara:
With Toph: “But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life, and shoves them back in my face. My uncle, he's always been on my side, even when things were bad. He was there for me, he taught me so much, and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret, and I may never get to redeem myself.”
With Katara: “No, I'm not okay. My uncle hates me, I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?”
With Katara, the underlying bitterness from his conversation with Toph is toned down to the point of nonexistence, though a part of it is still there. With Toph, Zuko says, “it takes all the mistakes I’ve made in my life, and shoves them back in my face,” which is a rather incensed statement. Meanwhile, by saying, “no, I'm not okay. My uncle hates me, I know it,” Zuko directly addresses his self-loathing without the use of language such as “shoves them back in my face,” the latter of which is reminiscent of how individuals may unthinkingly reveal information in a sudden emotional outburst.
Then, when Katara asks him if he’s sorry for what he did, the words come easily to Zuko, the most easily he admits to his own mistakes after three years of not admitting anything truthful to himself: “More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life.”
And Katara, just as Toph did, says with the utmost confidence and sincerity, “Then he'll forgive you. He will.”
This moment of affirmation that runs parallel between both dialogues is where Zuko’s responses begin to diverge. Whereas Zuko reacts to Toph with disbelief and doubt, this is how he reacts once he hears Katara’s words:
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He takes Katara’s words to heart and accepts them. Because out of all the GAang, Katara is the one who knows the most about forgiving him, who most keenly feels the change he underwent since his betrayal in the catacombs. And so he stands, still nervous but no longer afraid, facing forward towards the future instead of back into his past.
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Iroh and Zuko’s relationship is one of the most important ones throughout the entire show, so to see Katara play a pivotal role in a critical point in their dynamic shows just how important Katara’s character is to Zuko (and vice versa, though in here I do touch upon the former in more detail).
Although my analysis on the self-disclosure between Zuko and Katara may have run away from me a bit (due to my love for far-too-in-depth critical analysis), these all show an undeniable bond between Zuko and Katara, displaying a profound friendship rooted in narrative parallels, mutual understanding, and interwoven character arcs. Ultimately, their fulfillment of perceived similarities, pair rapport, and (the one I rambled most on) self-disclosure is what establishes Zuko and Katara as not just a strong platonic bond -- but one that has the potential to transition into a romantic one.
Thus concludes my essay on Zutara’s friendship and its connection with the initial stages of intimacy that are shared between both platonic and romantic bonds. After all that analysis, it would be remiss to simply dismiss the Zutara dynamic as one that would instantly become toxic should they pursue a romantic relationship.
That being said, I will explore the possibility of a romantic relationship between Zuko and Katara and how this connects to the latter stages of intimacy -- role-taking, interpersonal role fit, and dyadic crystallization -- in part 2 of this meta-analysis. Click on the link if you want to read it!
Part 2
Works Cited
(only partially in MLA 8 format because I want to live a little)
Close Relationships: A Sourcebook. By Clyde A. Hendrick & Susan S. Hendrick. Link
“Nonverbal behavior in intimate interactions and intimate relationships.” By P.A Andersen, Laura K. Guerrero, & Susanne M. Jones. Link
“On Becoming ‘More Than Friends’: The Transition From Friendship to Romantic Relationship.” By Laura K. Guerrero & Paul A. Mongeau. Link
The Psychology of Intimacy (The Guilford Series on Personal Relationships). By Karen J. Prager. Link
(If you check some of these links, you may note a few of these sources have been cited quite a few times. With just a bit more research, it appears possible to find a plethora of other sources to corroborate the theory of shared platonic-romantic intimacies.)
Thank you all for reading!
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scarilydark · 3 years
ATLA Modern Au HCs
appa in this world is a giant shaggy dog, probably a mastiff
aang seems like the type to ride a skateboard, and also wear beanies, that type, he likes taking appa on walks (or well, runs) while riding, and still somehow never manages to fall
Aang is also the type to play a bunch of sports, not exactly competitive, but he just loves having fun, absolutely seems like the type to just be chilling one moment, and then get the ZoomiesTM the next, you know?
surfer chick, and very good (and competitive)
she seems like the type to be really interested in zodiac signs, you know? like i have absolutely no idea what any of it means, but i feel like she'd definetly know all her friends signs and whatever,
she's interested in nursing, but also takes karate lessons, and not just any regular defense classes, like, the brutal shit.
was absolutely a fuckboy, then suki broke his jaw, and it was basically night and day (basically just like the show)
it is absolutely not safe to roast him or his friends, he will fucking destroy you, and like, in seconds too (thank god he has strong friends, his tongue has written him some goddamn checks let me tell you)
he is way smarter than he appears, like, you'd be talking to him in lunch, or see him around, and have those expectations of what he's like in class, but no, he's much smarter than he let's on, and usually does really good in class (do NOT ask him to tutor you, though, he seems like he'd be bad at that, Katara is the safer bet)
still blind, still like, a teenager, still an actual professional wrestler. like, seriously, i'm not joking here, she does moonsaults and german suplexs 30 year old men who weight 200 pounds, and you can't stop her.
goes to a public school even though like, her family has a wikipedia page dedicated to them, like she's Rich rich. but low-key about it cause she doesn't give a damn about any of that type of money, she had her documents forged in advanced so the staff and students didn't know who she was (she refuses to wear shoes, the school tried to make her, she wrote them a 500k check and told them to fuck off, the obliged)
for a blind girl, she likes really, really loud music, head thumping heavy metal music, she still somehow hears people when they call for her while she has her earbuds in, nobody knows how, she's like, a goddamn cryptid.
another Rich rich kid, also pretty chill about it, he also goes to a public school, not out of him rebelling, though, but cause his dad didn't bother to sign him up into any private school, it was azula who rebelled against daddy dearest and went to school with him (i like the idea of zuko and azula actually being like, close, ok?)
fiercely protective of his friends and sister, he has gotten into the Most fights in the school (and several known creeps, along with the weird science teacher, got attacked by a person in a blue demon mask, all ending up in the hospital, said teacher got fired for being...too close with some female students)
he's also skilled in like, tons of shit, he's taken kickboxing, played soccer, knows how to play a guitar, and still for some reasons tells everyone he meets that azula is the smart one.
she is, EVERYWHERE, smartest girl in the school, the best grades, in basically any and every club, head cheerleader, all of it.
to be clear, in this Au, azula isn't like, That different, she's still snarky, has a silver tongue that cuts like a knife if she wants, can probably kill you (and would) in most ways, and the smartest person in basically any given room, but she's also like, human, and something was different enough in their childhood which made azula realize that "maybe dad is wrong, and i should stick by zuko" and it's done wonders for her, despite their fathers displeasure (she is planning on killing him once she's 16 though, like, honest to god, has a google doc for it and everything, so i mean, the more things change)
she secretly is obsessed with pokemon, the only other person who knows is zuko.
every single one of them is Bi, or at least, very Very comfortable with their sexuality. like, sokka and azula seem very much like the types to lounge about, and cuddle with literally anyone. they also basically flirt with anyone, sokka and zuko have kissed several times, and like, they aren't romantically interested in each-other, it's very much "this is my husband sokka, this is his husband zuko" type situation. aang is the type of person who was like out of the closet at birth like, he never even considered liking boys and girls at the same time wasn't an option. azula and katara also founded their schools LGBTQ+ club, and anyone who tried to stop it's formation, or get it banned, got lit on fire.
there's other characters i wanna do, but can't think of anything for them yet,
ship wise, i'm feeling pretty feral, sokka is probably gonna be with suki (and get pegged) i'm feeling like katara would get a girlfriend in this particular au, who she'd be with idk yet. i'd also pair up toph and aang, but, zuko and azula, is what's troubling me, cause, i could pair azula with katara, i do like that ship, and i could do something interesting, like maybe pair zuko with someone strange like jet, or ty lee, since mai honestly kinda bores me, but i'm feeling...kinda zucest, here? like, i know, I Know. but, azula is the type who doesn't exactly understand right or wrong, and doesn't really get what society may feel as taboo, that's why her sexuality is so clear to her, and she's not afraid to be open about it, so like, she loves her brother, you know? this does not seem like something that'd be unusual for the character. my problem here is, what does this mean for zuko, especially when he learns of these feelings? well, from a very early age, they've relied on each other, dad basically disowned zuko, and mom was convinced azula was the devil, so when they needed comfort, they went to each other, once they realized they're being played against each other, and that's been the story since basically childhood onto high school, she's the one who tutors him if he falls behind on any subject, he's the one who helps her make more friends, even if he himself can be anti-social, they're both equally protective, if i was gonna go the Safe route, i'd say he should turn her down, and they'd have a stronger relationship cause of it, But... the devil on my shoulder is telling me he wouldn't be as against it as he should be, that it's more in character than i'd like to admit. and, while, obviously, the elephant in the room is still prevalent, i can't just, ignore what seems like the natural progression of these two characters given the situation i've put them in,
(please god don't kill me for this, i don't normally ship taboo ships like this, i literally just can't think of a way where i can pair them with anyone in this particular Au)
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su-univeralai · 3 years
I am here for your essay. Or yknow, just any dunebaby facts that you can spare.
*heavy breathing* oh no, she's come for my OCs exactly like she said she would.
lolol Ok, I've got bios on 9 out of 10 of my kids so far, but I wrote a quick blurb about them so hopefully you can't figure out who I didn't start until now lol. The older 4 (which 3/4 are legit characters in LOK, but tweaked to my liking) are grown-ass adults while the other 6 are probably between 14-21. So, our beloved Taang parents have been popping kids out from when they were 18 or 19 to 39 or 40 years old.
At some point I'll make a family tree for you, since most of the older dunebabies have their own families and that can be confusing. Some have more information than others, but more will be added on each of them as time goes on. I just haven't figured them out yet.
Also, gonna put a cut here, because it's a long post and I know not everyone wants to see my OCs lol.
Ok Onto the Dunebabies from oldest to youngest:
Gyatso (M) Airbender, 35: Named after Aang’s father figure, Gyatso is Toph and Aang’s first born and first of several airbending children. He has a knack for the art and excelled quickly with mastering it, narrowly falling short of beating Aang’s record of mastering airbending at 13. As he got older and his parents continued having children, he became like a father figure to the younger ones. That’s the best part about having tons of kids, right? At some point the older ones raise the younger ones and the parents can just have fun. Once Tiao Wu turned 13, Gyatso and his own wife, boyfriend, and kids moved away from home and resided in the Western Air Temple with some Air Acolytes.
Lin (F) Earthbender, 32: Lin is a straight arrow, always following the rules. Sometimes Toph’s jokes that her first born daughter is actually Katara’s because wasn’t as goofy as Gyatso and Tenzin. As kids, Lin and Tenzin butted heads like no other. They may have had a year or two when they got along, but that was when Lin was training to be a police officer and Tenzin was always out because he was dating Pema. They constantly bicker at family gatherings, but make a mean team when they spar against the other next gen kids. Their twin telepathy (yes, they are twins in my universe) comes into play and they are undefeatable. That is until the triplets becomes masters in their own right. While Lin is a talented earthbender and metalbender, she struggled with picking it up (perhaps because of Toph’s hardcore teaching style). She responded to a “more gentle approach” as Katara would say, and Aang helped her learn the basics until she was ready to take on Toph’s more intense lessons. Lin is definitely closer with Aang than she is with Toph, but goes to mom if something needs to be done quickly and under wraps. Lin works long hours as chief of the police force in republic city, so she doesn’t have much time for romance. When she finds a spare moment for intimacy, she frequents a bar that accepts everyone. She brought Songa with her before her little sis fell in love with (insert steambaby daughter name here).
Tenzin (M) Airbender, 32: Tbh Tenzin still marries Pema and has his four kids, like in LOK. Lol. Unlike the show, with the weight of the whole air nation not on his shoulders, Tenzin was not a serious kid. He played pai sho with the white lotus members and roughed it up with Lin. Tenzin had a difficult time mastering airbending, though. He lacked the spiritual connection that his father and brother easily had. He blamed being stuck with an earthbender in the womb for 9 months at his lack of skill with airbending. His masters airbending at 21 and is pumped to finally get his tattoos. Since Pema is an air acolyte, I'm saying that her parents were also acolytes, and she and Tenzin met as kids and got along really well. They started dating at 16. Tenzin wanted to wait to get his arrows before proposing to her, so they date for 5 long years as Pema cheered him on in the grueling training. Tenzin and Pema eventually move to the Northern Air Temple and kept Teo company.
Suyin (F) Earthbender, 26: Suyin was a troublemaker when she was a kid, always pranking her siblings. She spent way too much time with Sokka. At least that’s what Toph says. Her teenage years, that’s when things became dicey. With Lin on the streets as a cop and Su committing petty crimes, the two were bound to cross paths. After Lin brought her in for whay must have been the thousandth time and Toph had to bail her out, Toph sent her to the her old stomping ground: the Earth Rumble 6. Toph still had her ear in the stadium and stayed in touch with The Boulder, and she thought it’d do her some good to get beat up by other earthbenders. Su stayed with her grandparents and got the structure she needed and got her act together. She got pounded by her opponents the first few years, but she slowly moved her way up the food chain and eventually held her mother’s old title as champion. Once she turned 18, she left to travel the world, meeting up with Kya (can't decide if Kya will be a steambaby or a Sukka baby. Is there a cut name for Sukka babies?). Along the way she met Bataar and fell in love with him and together build zaofu and have all their kids from LOK.
Songa (F) Airbender, 21: The oldest of the triplets to be born. Songa is a calm spirit, she reminds Aang of Yangchen with her way of keeping the peace in their large family. She’s a true romantic like her father and catches the attention of a lot of men, but alas, her heart is won over by one of Katara and Zuko’s daughters, (insert steambaby name here lol). She sees the best in everyone and trusts a little too easily. Watch out though, if you get on her bad side or betray her trust one too many times, her mother’s sass and tongue come out and no one wants to be hit by her earthbending styled airbending. Songa is a talented bender and has a tendency to use her airbending like an earthbender, facing things head on. She can seemlessly switch between styles, but she'd prefer to take her opponents on directly.
Kera (F) Nonbender, 21: Kera is the heart of the triplets. She’s passionate like a firebender and meets conflict head-on like her mom. Being the first non-bender didn’t feel great coming from the lineage of the Avatar and Toph Beifond, strongest earthbender in the world and metalbender originator, but she found peace in being a non-bender when hearing all the stories of Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Teo, and their many other friends taking down bender and non-benders alike. Kera begged her parents to live in the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. Aang and Toph didn’t have any problems with her going, but Zuko and Katara did, fearing she (being a dunebaby) would cause mayhem in the palace. Only after swearing to Zuko that she wouldn’t make a mess did the Fire Lord allow her stay with them. During her time there, she mastered Mai and Ty Lee’s techniques and trained under the Yuyan archers. When she came home, she could beat the other two thirds of her triplets easily. Only when she teams up with the other two, can they take down Lin and Tenzin.
Choekyi (M) Airbender, 21: The last of the triplets to come be birthed. Choekyi is a free spirit, much like his father. He enjoys traveling and meeting new people. As a child (and an adult) he is easily excited and is a very charismatic guy, which gets him far with the ladies in his teens and early twenties. He’s never scared of trying new things, sometimes to his detriment, as he gets hurt a lot for someone light on his toes. His preferred method of transportation is air scooter. Choekyi gets along with Uncle Sokka the most, with his never ending jokes and letting him learn how to throw a boomerang even though he’s a bender. Choekyi spends some time in the swamp with the swamp benders just because he finds them to be hilarious and interesting. This is where he connects with his spirituality and returns to excel in airbending, and earns his tattoos.
Songa and Kera are idenitcal twins, so no one (beside Toph and Choekyi) can tell them apart until Songa earns her arrows. Choekyi looks similar to them, as he is their triplet, but since he came from a different egg, he turns out to be much taller than his sisters. Just imagine Toph's face when she feels three freakin' heartbeats along with hers. Idk if that's scientifically sound, but it's my universe, so I can say what I want lol.
Gyun (M) Nonbender, 18: He's a very musical guy. Gyun means music, but it can also mean germ or bacteria. So his older siblings make fun of him when he’s young. While his bending siblings practice and spar, he masters most musical instruments and even becomes a skilled singer. He’s a favorite of Uncle Iroh’s and spends time with him playing music and perfecting his tea making when he’s not training with Master Piandao and mastering different types of sword fighting styles. Gyun is a lover, not a fighter, and is recruited as the youngest member of the national opera company. He rises in fame, without having to reveal his high ranking connections to his family members. Gyun is a true renaissance man (you know if the renaissance existed back then). He looks up to all of his siblings and soaks in all the stories and advice his can get to perfect the art of storytelling and acting.
MeiLin (F) Nonbender, 17: MeiLin may be one of the youngest, but she’s definitely the sassiest of the bunch. With the personality like her mother, it’s no wonder she’s a bosslady even from a young age. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. While she’s the beauty of the dunebabies (but who really isn’t attractive in this family?) and can hold her poise better than any royal, from the tender age of three, she’s wanted to become the fiercest fighter in the world. After a lot of convincing, Toph and Aang let her train with Aunt Suki and learn how to fight like a Kyoshi Warrior. After she masters that, She begs her parents to send her to the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. By the time she’s 14, she’s already mastered the art of dagger throwing, chi blocking, and the Kyoshi warriors fighting style. Aang isn’t too pleased that she fights in tournaments like Toph did, but Toph watches every match she can get! MeiLin asks her to bet on her and they split the wealth at the end. Lin wants her youngest sister to join the police force when she turns 18, but MeiLin isn't sure she wants to enforce the law like Lin.
Tiao Wu (M) Earthbender, 14: The baby of the family, and loves it. Unlike MeiLin, Tiao Wu is a homebody and a huge mama’s boy, though really isn’t a mama’s boy in the Beifong Family? Like his name suggests, he’s a great dancer and for an earthbender, he sure is light on his toes. While Gyatso is called Twinkletoes Jr, Tiao Wu is known as the Fancy Dancer. Literally. That’s the stage name he chose for his bending dance competitions. When he’s not dancing or hanging out with Toph, he’s studying his cousin’s bending forms, wanting to incorporate it into his repertoire. Tiao Wu is also close to Aang, as he showed an early talent to be one with the spirits. As a six year old, he would meditate next to Aang and beat the freakin’ Avatar, master of all four elements and bridge between the physical and spiritual world, to the Spirit World. He’s also known to be the only human who is allowed to visit Wong Si Tong’s library there.
ALRIGHT Joy, here are some basic facts about my dunebabies universe. If you or anyone else wants to send me asks so I can more deeply construct their personalities, feel free!
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fakeikemen · 4 years
The Roku/Sozin ancestry plot twist for Zuko
Like I’m sure this has been said before but the twist about Zuko being a descendant of both Roku and Sozin is actually a disservice to his character and his narrative as well? The way the narrative frames this reveal along with Iroh's dialogue, it backtracks on a lot of the story we are shown in Book 1&2 (and sometimes it even clashes with some dialogues in Book 3).
Iroh: “Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself. Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy. But, there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world.”
1. This implies that there are equal amounts of good and evil in Zuko and his internal struggle is about choosing one of them.
The core qualities of Zuko as a character are empathy, compassion and kindness. A person who always gets upset when he sees or even thinks about other people in pain, a person who spoke out against powerful people to save lives that were being sacrificed needlessly, a person who shows mercy to people who don’t deserve it, a person who is willing to reach out a hand to save the life of the man who tried to kill him, a person who avoids fights when possible, a person who is willing to fight on behalf of a family he has known for only one night, a person who reaches out to sympathise after being yelled at— a person like this is definitely not struggling with equal parts of good and evil within them.
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Zuko does have two selves, but they can be categorised as pre-scar and post-scar.
His pre-scar version is the version who was unabashedly kind and compassionate, who spoke his mind without thinking of consequences. But his post-scar version was a cover up of the pre-scar version. It was a lie that Zuko lived everyday. He convinced himself that this was how he had to be; because this was what Ozai wanted him to be and that there was no other way.
And yet, when the situation is dire and he is depending on his instincts or when he is given a free choice, we see the pre-scar Zuko spring into action. Because that’s who he really is. It’s not a struggle between good and evil within him, it is his supressed self making an appearance when he slips up and fails to maintain his facade.
Perhaps the line that describes his internal struggle the best is this:
Zuko, imitating Iroh: Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self, reveal itself.
And while this dialogue was played for laughs, it is the most accurate description of how Zuko had to reach for his suppressed self, his real self, to save himself from becoming what Ozai wanted him to be.
2. It also implies that Ozai and Ursa had equal influence on Zuko's upbringing and that he struggled to chose between what was taught to him by Ursa (good) and Ozai (evil).
The idea that Zuko has equal amounts of good and evil inside himself goes hand in hand with idea that the good and evil traits in him have been passed onto him by Ursa and Ozai's upbringings respectively which are legacies of Roku and Sozin.
I don’t need to look any further than “Zuko Alone” to know that Ozai's impact on Zuko's upbringing was slim to none. The flashbacks that we see, are dominated by Ursa's presence. Ozai hardly gets any time onscreen. And when he does, he is shown as a silhouette and when he isn’t a silhouette, we only see him smile at Azula's display of skills and frown at Zuko's attempt.
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Ozai was Zuko's father alright, but never in the ways that mattered. We know that Ozai abused Zuko. He constantly belittled him and compared him to Azula. Partially because Zuko lacked the natural talent that Azula had and partially because he lacked the ruthlessness and cruelty that Azula displayed even at her age.
Which made Zuko copy Azula's behaviour to get his father’s acceptance. But whenever Ursa noticed this, she immediately corrected Zuko and clearly told him that it was wrong.
Ozai is never shown to tell Zuko that whatever Ursa told him was wrong. Ozai personally never taught him anything (except that one time). He appreciated Azula's behaviour and encouraged her to keep it up but he just kept on expressing his disappointment in Zuko.
Ursa: Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are.
Zuko's innate kindness and compassion were protected by Ursa in the formative years when he was at his most pliable. And this is why no matter what happens, he never loses these qualities and is able to retain his real self even after he tried hard to suppress it.
3. It diminishes the extent of psychological damage and trauma caused by the scarring incident.
The one time Ozai did take it upon himself to teach something to Zuko:
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Ozai: You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.
(Notice that here too Ozai's form is silhouetted against the light behind him.)
The scar is so much more than just a scar to Zuko. It is the one lesson that Ozai taught him. The scar exists because of Zuko's innate compassion. It was put on his face in an attempt to burn out his compassion. It was put there to be a constant reminder of what would happen if he dared to do something that went against what Ozai wanted from him. The scar was Ozai’s brand on his face. It took away Zuko's autonomy to make decisions for himself. It was a constant reminder that Zuko’s opinions didn’t matter.
Post-scar Zuko is Zuko's attempt at supressing his real persona to become the person Ozai wanted him to be, because he learned the hard way that he didn’t have the choice to be anyone else.
In fact, the first time Zuko makes a deliberate choice to go against what was expected of him, (letting Appa go) he succumbed to a fever. His emotional turmoil of coming to terms with the fact that he didn’t need to listen to Ozai and abide by him; a notion that he had been force feeding himself, everyday, for the last three years, manifested itself physically in the form of a fever. That was how deep the psychological damage caused by the scar was. (I hate it when people call it an angst coma.)
Saying that Zuko was struggling with equal amounts of good and evil within him, oversimplifies the complex emotional trajectory he had about coming to terms with the abuse he went through and reclaiming his autonomy and his personal opinions and beliefs, into just a choice between two aspects of his personality.
Zuko: I wanted to speak out against this horrifying plan, but I'm ashamed to say I didn't. My whole life, I struggled to gain my father's love and acceptance, but once I had it, I realized I'd lost myself getting there. I'd forgotten who I was.
4. This implies that Zuko's destiny was pre-determined.
Iroh said in the dialogue that Zuko was born with the power to restore balance in the world and that only he could do it.
Zuko, the character who has always had to struggle to gain what he wanted is suddenly told of an advantage that he had just by the virtue of birth? Kinda defeats the purpose of: "Azula was born lucky; I was lucky to be born", if you ask me.
And even more importantly, he let go of the destiny that Ozai forced on him, only to take on another predetermined destiny; a destiny that was his to fulfil by the virtue of birth, and took steps to fulfil this other destiny, instead of making a destiny of his own and paving his own path to it by making the choices that he had been denied for so long because of Ozai. Which seems weird because all the other times Iroh talks to Zuko about this topic, he always emphasises on how it’s Zuko's choice to make his own destiny:
Lake Laogai:
Zuko: I want my destiny.
Iroh: What that means is up to you.
Lake Laogai:
Zuko: I know my own destiny, Uncle!
Iroh: Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?
Zuko: Stop it, Uncle! I have to do this!
Iroh: I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you, and what do you want?
Crossroads of Destiny:
Iroh: Zuko, I am begging you. Look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want.
Western Air Temple:
Iroh: You know Prince Zuko, destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday.
5. It indirectly implies that the good™ in Ursa and Zuko exists because they are a part of the Avatar's legacy.
Making Ursa a daughter of a nobleman (as intended originally)* would’ve served a much better purpose for the message that the episode was trying to get across: “the Fire Nation isn’t inherently evil”.
Katara: You mean, after all Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that?
Toph: It's like these people are born bad.
Aang: Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.
Had Ursa not been Roku’s descendant, then there would've been people other than just Roku and his descendants, who were Fire Nation and good™. (Iroh is literally the only exception.)
Moreover, Azula is just as much a part of “Roku’s legacy” as Zuko is, and yet is completely overlooked when it comes to it. She isn’t shown to be struggling with equal amounts of good and evil. She isn’t gifted at birth with the capacity to bring balance back to the world. It appears as if she had inherited only “Sozin's legacy”.
So, not only does this Roku/Sozin twist go against Zuko's fundamental characterisation, but it also partially deconstructs the narrative that had been carefully set up for him over the course of 2 seasons.
*(I have been looking relentlessly for the post where I saw two screen caps of the two different characterisations of Ursa: 1. Ursa as we see her in "Zuko Alone"; 2. Ursa as Roku's descendant. And I can't find it now otherwise I would've linked it.)
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
One of the big things about "The Beach" to me is that it seems to suggest that Zuko may be the least empathetic among the Fire teens. Azula shows the most empathy to her brother and her friends, Ty Lee shows the second most, Mai the third most, and Zuko the least. So the point of the episode was to portray the three girls sympathetically while highlighting Zuko's limitations. The issue then is that they never really went back to Zuko's lack of empathy. Thoughts?
Eh, well... the show refuses to go back on a lot of Zuko’s exposed flaws, no matter how they may be highlighted and shown as a problem, so I guess I’d just say what’s one more, in the end, among a pile of many unresolved personal issues? :’D
I think some people would try to argue that Azula wasn’t empathetic at all, but I’d say the key element in these regards is that Azula seemed to backtrack at least once with Ty Lee when she apologizes to her after reducing her friend to tears with her harsh words. It’s fair enough that Azula was very insulting, but she takes it back quickly and admits she knows what her actual problem is, implying there’s self-reflection, self-awareness and remorse enough to not only acknowledge her behavior was out of place, but to know why she impulsively acted the way she did.
Meanwhile, Zuko mocks and calls Ty Lee a circus freak (and, yes, Azula laughs about it), and nothing he says suggests he regrets hurting her. That, honestly, is the core of the problem as far as I can tell: maybe Zuko felt bad for saying what he did? But nowhere in the episode will you find him saying it aloud, which is the typical Zuko issue: more than once he does genuine damage with his actions or words to real people, whether people who were kind to him or people who should be important to him, and he barely ever vocalizes any apologies or remorse for those actions. Heck, right after insulting Ty Lee he tries to rile up Mai to fight Ty Lee because she insulted Mai’s aura? And all of it really is reduced to “he’s angry at himself”. See... I don’t mind the explanation one bit. But I do mind that he not only faces next to no consequences for that behavior (since merely acknowledging what he’s angry about is no actual display of remorse for how he behaved), but he also displays no signs of change or wanting to act differently, and the whole thing’s swept under a rug just because his firebending outburst looks very cool and dramatic. Thus, yes, it’s very easy to conclude, as you did, that Zuko lacks empathy and fails to recognize this as a problem altogether.
Though I will disagree with you in one regard and that is Mai. I... don’t think she displayed any empathy, frankly. She’s more down-to-earth than the others, I’d say, but the way she talks to both Azula and Ty Lee doesn’t really suggest any empathy to me. She’s adamant about making sure Zuko knows she’s mad at him, and while she kisses him at the end, it’s not some sort of “omg I’m so sorry Zuko I didn’t stop to think about your feelings :(((” sort of kiss, it’s a way of showing him she cares about him even if he’s a trainwreck... which, sure, might make Zuko happier, but it doesn’t necessarily mean she “understands” him or is particularly invested in helping him out of his cycle of self-hatred.
I guess that’s one potential factor why Zuko and Mai are so conflictive in canon, I don’t think either one is particularly empathetic with the other -- or with anyone else, maybe except Iroh in Zuko’s case, and only in Book 3. This is certainly why the two of them really should grow up, A LOT, before being in a relationship, but I suppose it’s one thing where ATLA is ironically terrible and brilliant simultaneously: they don’t sugarcoat how conflictive they can be, the way a fanfic writer might reduce their problems to nothingness and absolute irrelevance just because they ship it. So their relationship is absolutely not “romance goals”, but it feels like a genuine teenage romance because of that.
Still, that’s not what we’re talking about: I agree on the most part, Anon, though I suspect the conclusion you’ve reached, and that many of us can and will reach, isn’t quite what the writers and showrunners intended for us to conclude with that episode. We’ve always heard that Book 3 was supposed to feature a storyline about Azula being arranged in marriage to someone, a plotline that was scrapped because she would have had far more focus than they could afford giving her (and what a mistake that was xD). This episode is said to be a minimized version of that plotline, to explore these characters and their dynamics (as well as introducing the factor of Combustion Man’s hunt of Aang, which starts in this episode), only, it may have highlighted a few issues with the characters (especially with Zuko) that simply aren’t dealt with properly, probably because this episode wasn’t intended to do that. Sadly, many episodes weren’t intended to do that with Zuko :’)
A lot of people have criticized The Beach for a myriad of reasons, most of all that the episode is “meaningless filler” (I couldn’t disagree more, but not everyone can appreciate downtime for characters, not even when it expands your understanding of who they are), or that the Fire Nation gang shouldn’t be framed as a happy group of friends we all should love when they vandalized and burned down a house just because they were mad at perfectly innocent (if dumb) teenagers :’D but I guess maybe one secret reason some Zuko fans might not be happy with this episode is that it really doesn’t paint him in a good light altogether and they’re appalled by that? 
Either way, I genuinely enjoy this episode because it humanized the characters, I’d say, and whether that humanization was flattering or not isn’t quite the most important element of the character work that was done this time. I guess I’ll spiral back to what I said above with Mai and Zuko: the show doesn’t sugarcoat the problems these four have, just as it doesn’t attempt to resolve them. Would I rather it had resolved them, at least a few of them? Personally, yes, though I doubt they could have done it in the span of a single episode. At the same time, I’m glad they didn’t hide these problems in the characters because they easily could have, so I’m grateful they didn’t do that. As usual, the problem with Zuko lies in the fact that a lot of people credit him with growth he never did, and values that he never displayed, that we would have to assume he learned just because he’s a better person now, not so much because we have solid evidence that proves he learned them at all. So it’s yet another issue with his character, and another thorn that pokes out of his redemption arc that shows it’s absolutely not as perfect and well-rounded as most his fans (and a lot of ATLA viewers) have convinced themselves it is.
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loopy777 · 3 years
I'm gonna pick "Sokkla Makeout," just to learn if it actually is what it sounds like.
I'm not going to give away the game, but since it's already complete, I might as well post the whole thing.
Keep in mind this was written in response to a discussion on ASN, which was (surprise!) centered on Sokkla. I forget the full details, but it touched on the possibilities of Sokka and Azula being secret agents together and falling in love. Secret Agent Sokka was a thing in fandom, for a while, and is partially what prompted me to put him in a 'Bond Girl' role for the story where I wrote Mai as 007. (Zuko was the Bad Bond Girl, although not actually bad in any way. It's all about the dynamic in the story formula.) As alwasy, I couldn't avoid putting in my own thoughts of an Azula 'Redemption.'
Also keep in mind that I typically dashed these things off without trying to make them good. Looking at it now, I'm not satisfied with Sokka's characterization.
Anyway, here you go:
Torture is Kind of Like Pranking, Right?
He should have been enjoying his first chance to ride in the new Drake-class Rapid Transport Zeppelin (that he helped design, thank you very much).
If not, then he should have enjoyed being trapped in a tiny passenger cabin with a spectacularly hot girl.
If not, then he should have at least been able to get some sleep, considering that he was on his way to another dangerous mission to preserve world peace or stabilize the price of rice or something.
Instead, he was scared out of his mind for his life.
Azula shifted her gaze away from the small porthole to look at Sokka with those darned-perfect eyebrows raised. "You're shaking. Are you cold? I can heat the cabin a little, if it would make you more comfortable."
Sokka tried to scoot away from her, but since he was already pressed into the wall on the far side of the bench they shared, all this accomplished was to squeeze him further up the metal barrier. Azula was literally driving him up the wall. "No Firebending," he growled. "I see one flame, red or blue, and I'm having this thing turned around and telling Zuko that you tried to kill me."
Azula's brow scrunched up, perhaps in irritation but more likely in evil murderous rage. "I'm trying to be nice; the Socialization classes my dear brother is paying for taught me that the first step in forging bonds with people is investing in the well-being of others. Since we will be working together on this mission, it would be most efficient for us to find a way to 'get along,' and something akin to a working friendship would be the ideal solution."
Sokka's eyes narrowed. "What does that all mean?"
"It means," she hissed, "that there isn't a single reason for me to do anything bad to you, so would you take your accusations and keep them to yourself?!"
There was the gaze- that scary Azula Gaze, the one that said she was about to destroy the entire world just for the joy of watching good people suffer. Sokka tensed and readied for an attack, but it didn't come. Azula just huffed a breath -- a warm one -- and turned to look out the porthole again. There was nothing but clear skies and rolling green plains to gaze at.
Sokka continued to eye Azula, just in case. She was a little different since she got out of the crazy house, but Sokka thought that Zuko deserved to take over her old room there for actually putting his former attempted-murderer to work. Zuko was far too trusting, and relied too much on logic, when it came to his sister. Normally, Sokka was a fan of logic, but Azula was Evil, and Evil is never logical.
Still, she was different, no denying that. She had completed five of these dangerous, off-the-books missions for Zuko, and seemed to be loyal to him, for now. Right here in this cabin, she was wearing a simple red and black tunic, and hadn't put her crownpiece in her hair. The old Azula liked the fancy robes of Fire Nation royalty, and even when she wasn't wearing her crownpiece, she was still wearing it in spirit.
That Azula was different now just meant she had gotten more sneaky.
"Why are you so convinced that I'm out to kill you?"
Sokka's jaw dropped, He hadn't thought she was paying any attention to him. "Maybe because you've done it before, every single time we met? And don't tell me you're a different person now. I've seen Zuko do that whole Evil To Good thing, and you're not working any of that magic."
She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't invest much into the concepts of Good and Evil. Back when I tried to kill you, I served my father, and by extension the nation he ruled. Of course, that drove me to... my bout of weariness. In the time it took me to... return home, Zuko had taken over the Fire Nation, ended the war, and began transitioning our country into peacetime. The only way to make myself useful is to serve him, now."
"And it never occurred to you," Sokka barked with a laugh, "to kill him and make yourself Fire Lord?"
Azula looked at him like he was a spiderfly in the process of defecating in her dessert. "What kind of an absurd notion is that? I'm one of the most reviled people alive, both in the Fire Nation and especially abroad. Even if I could somehow oust Zuko and take over, he's completely reversed our economy and state of readiness. If I tried to restart a war for conquest, I'd be defeated inside of a week, and the Fire Nation would suffer for it. That would be the height of pointlessness. Better to let Zuko rule, since he's trusted, and do what I can to make sure he has a stable reign so that the Fire Nation can prosper. Dear Zuzu has decided that I'm most useful on these covert anti-terrorist missions, so that's what I'm doing to prove my reliability. Maybe one day he'll let me function as an adviser."
Sokka could only stare at her through the whole tirade. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"
"I honestly couldn't care less. You're the one who's been staring at me the whole trip. Either you're a paranoid moron, or you're 'checking me out' as the expression goes."
Sokka snorted in indignation, which cleared his sinuses too quickly and set him coughing. As soon as he recovered, he croaked out, "No! I'm scouting the enemy!"
Azula tapped a finger to her chin. "Well, you've misidentified the enemy, but scouting isn't a bad concept. Actionable intelligence is the key to a successful operation, and it's good to know as much about your allies as you can. Perhaps even more important than knowing your enemies. Especially considering the mission that's planned for us."
She said it so nonchalantly that Sokka was immediately suspicious. "What do you mean?"
"Didn't they give you the extended briefing? We're going undercover as lovers in order to infiltrate enemy territory. I was given a wardrobe that even Ty Lee would consider daring. I hope they taught you how to brush your teeth back in the Water Tribes, because we'll probably be exchanging quite a bit of saliva."
Sokka couldn't speak. He couldn't even breathe. He was getting up the energy for a good scream when Azula leaned over him with a predatory expression on her face. "Might as well practice, hm?" Then she grabbed him and kissed him.
Then again, 'kissed' was probably the wrong term for it. Sure, their mouths were connected, and probably their tongues, too, but the degree to which Azula was pressing her body against his, limbs entangling, definitely pushed things beyond kissing. Maybe it was even a few notches above making out, depending on your definition. It certainly had its own power, which is why Sokka failed to even try to break free. If he had to classify it, he might file it under those Magnetik Energies the Mechanist was currently playing with.
Whatever it was, it was heating the room like crazy.
Of course, everyone needs air -- even Firebenders -- so the Way More Than a Kiss ended with stereo panting as the two of them eased back to their respective sides of the bench. Sokka found his voice first. "What- you- we- I... I don't care how great that was, no way am I pretending to be your lover! You're evil!"
Azula sighed. "Relax. I was just joking. My Socialization class that says humor is a very effective way to lighten moods and create superficial connections between people who are otherwise having trouble bonding. I guess I'm no good at pranks yet. Perhaps I'll ask Zuzu for an additional tutor." She turned to stare out the porthole again, leaning her chin on her hands.
Sokka watched her very carefully for the rest of the silent, awkward trip. And it totally wasn't because he was checking her out.
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sokkasssboomerang · 4 years
Iroh’s Daughter HC
This is me at 3am writing things that are on my mind, its my first time doing any of this stuff so sorry if its super bad! feedback is always welcome! Thanks for reading
-You were the daughter of Iroh, cousin of Zuko and Azula, Niece to Ozai and Ursa (however you want to take it)
-Ofc being the daughter of Iroh meant you were so well loved, by Iroh and Lu Ten.There was nothing that could separate your loving family 
-well that’s a lie, Ozai could. Ozai always despised you, its more because you were a non-bender the same age as Azula
-Although you seemed to have a clear disadvantage against Azula, you always matched her in fights. As in, you and Azula were perfectly balanced, no one could beat the other
-but no one really seemed to mind it. Did it still make Ozai and Azula upset? yes but they never did anything about it
-That was until you beat Azula in a match once. It was a shock to Ozai and Azula (the only ones there)
-unfortunately for you, your father and brother were off at Ba Sing Se in the war and were not there to witness your victory, but Ozai was there, and he was NOT happy
-he hired some hit-man to kill you that same day you beat Azula, you were only 10 but he didn’t care. It was a plan that only he and Azula knew about, no one else.
-you were lucky enough to catch the hit-man by surprise as they were talking about Ozai with the money they earned and make a getaway, but with your father and brother in Ba Sing Se, you knew you couldn’t go back to the palace. 
-So you hid in the capital city, waiting for the day you could go back to the palace with your family but that day never came, as you heard about your brother’s death, you were heartbroken. you had still stuck around but decided to escape when you heard that Ozai became firelord. 
-You ran off to a small village in the earth Kingdom, Chin Village. Thats where you became friends with the Avatar and the two water tribe siblings. You helped the Gaang restore Kyoshi’s image and helped them fight the fire nation soldiers.
-After that you all became fast friends, Sokka even claimed you as his newly adopted sibling, and the group brought you as you all traveled the world together. It really did not take much convincing from their part to get you to come because you always hated that town even though you were thankful for its protection over the past 4 years. 
-When Toph joined the group, you and her hit it off immediately. You both loved to make tease and play pranks on the other members of the group. For the first time in a long you truly felt at peace, you had found your home. 
-But things took a sharp turn when the gaang was chased by Azula, Ty-lee and Mai. It had been 4 years and although they have not changed much, the sleepiness in you didn’t give you the opportunity to register who you were facing. 
-That was until you had split up the group, you and Aang in the deserted town while Katara and Sokka took Appa. 
-When you first saw Azula, you did not believe your eyes. You never imagined seeing her again, rather yet, fight again. She was overjoyed with the sight of you, she had been waiting 4 years for this rematch. 
-Although you hate to admit it, you would have been dead if it was a one-on-one with Azula, she took these past years and trained vigorously, whereas you can barely remember the last time you did a sit up. If it weren’t for Aang, you do not know how long you would have lasted against her. 
-Seeing Zuko was a shock as well, he really just popped up out of no where. 
-if you thought seeing Zuko was surprising then seeing your old man might have made you passed out from the shock, but it probably would have ended horrible given the circumstances. 
-Iroh was shocked to see you as well, so shocked that he was still staring at you when Azula caught him off guard and shot lightning at his body. 
-seeing your father fall to the ground was heart wrenching, you hadn’t even said a word to him yet and he appeared to be dying right in front of you. You cried and begged Katara to heal him but alas Zuko refused, he did not even let you get close to your dad. 
-Zuko yelled about how you never cared to reach out to him for 4 years and refused to let you stay and “pretend to start caring now”. He even threw rapid fireballs at you when you inched closer to Iroh, forcing the group to pull you away and towards Appa.
-You were silent for weeks after the incident, not knowing if Iroh was dead or alive killed you, he was the last person left of your family. It broke your heart knowing you did not spend enough time with him. 
-But alas you knew deep down that Iroh is strong and that he would make it, so after some weeks you finally sat down at the fireplace with the Gaang and told them the truth, not that you lied before, you just never really told them your past. 
-You expected them to yell at you, banish you, hell even murder you. How could they not? The crown Princess of the fire nation sat next them, the Princess to a nation that hated them.
-Instead Sokka burst into tears, crying about how brave you were and how he couldn’t believe (arguably his favorite) little sibling had gone through so much and he cried into Katara’s shoulder as she tried to console him. When Katara looked at you, you knew that she understood you and was not upset at you for hiding your past. 
-Aang looked so shocked yet he told you how proud he was of you and your bravery, while Toph yelled about how cool and badass you were and she went on to rant about how shes going to pummel Azula and Ozai to the ground if Aang does not do it first
-Right then and there at the fireplace, as you watched the scene unfold in front of you, you realized that you truly have found yourself a new home and family and you weren’t going to let go of this family anytime soon. You had already been separated by your first family and you were going to do anything to keep this one together. 
-That’s why when Appa was kidnapped you were furious, almost as furious as Aang, ofc you can never share a bond like Appa and Aang, but that didn’t stop you from scarring the sand benders and having them running with their tail in between their legs. You marched all the way to Ba Sing Se and little did you know that would be the best choice you ever made in your life.
-While in Ba Sing Se, you never stopped looking for Appa and on one long stressful day, you had gotten into an argument with the cabbage man for putting the missing poster on his cart. After that long argument, you really craved some tea to calm your mind. So you headed to the Jasmine Dragon, the infamous tea shop that caught the eye of a lot of upper ring folk.
-Before you even entered the shop, your eyes landed on Zuko and Iroh. Your first instinct was to run, that was the fastest you ever ran in your life. You ran straight to the house that the Gaang lived and hid in your bedroom for the next day, trying to come up with a plan. 
-In the end, you decided to go back to the Jasmine Dragon. You told yourself you were going to keep an eye on Zuko but really, you missed your dad and really really wanted some of his tea. 
-So the next day, you left the house secretly in well designed disguise, you gave yourself fake bangs and covered half your face. When you were sure no one would recognize you, you crept out the front door and made your way to the tea shop. 
-It did not take long for Zuko to make it to your table after you sat down, luckily for you, he did not suspect a thing. Though he did find it odd that you had your hair styled different than all the upper ring folk. Zuko did not suspect a thing the entire time you were there. And thats why you kept coming back to the tea shop.
-Everyday you came in and ordered Iroh’s tea which you did not realize you missed so much. As clueless as Zuko was to your identity, Iroh easily found out who you were.
-Although Iroh usually stayed in the back making the tea, this particular day was extremely busy in the shop. So Iroh decided to get to know some more customers and deliver tea himself. 
-He casually came by the tables and talked his way through the shop. When Iroh came by your table, you made eye contact with him and he could recognize those eyes anywhere, even with bangs covering most it. His eyes bulged out of his sockets and he had a shocked face, but he quickly recovered himself. Iroh was grateful that he already set the tea on the table or else he knew it would have spilled everywhere. 
-He did not mention your true identity and played along with your act, and you did not suspect that he knew a thing. So you kept coming back to the shop, becoming his number one customer. You had no clue Iroh was aware of your true identity, even when he asked you to stay after closing time and sit and have tea with him. You thought it was because you were such a loyal customer, secretly those days where you stayed behind were your favorite days.
-You and Iroh spent hours talking about what happened in the past, he found it as a wonderful way to learn about what you have been up to in the past 4 years and you were just grateful to finally be able to sit down and talk to him again that you did not want to overthink anything. You loved spending time with Iroh, and occasionally Zuko as he would sometimes pull a chair and sit down as well. 
-There was one day where you sat with Iroh and you were talking about your time in Chin Village, and Iroh not being able to hold back asked you about how you ended up there. (Because all he knew was what Ozai told everyone, you and Azula were dueling, you had lost and out of shame you ran away.)
-You were shocked that he asked for the story, it never occurred to you that Iroh would not know of that traumatic experience. But you also did not really want to relive and explain it, because in your mind you would be giving away who you were (even though Iroh already knew but you didnt know that he knew), that’s why you were glad that Zuko was clumsy enough to drop a tea cup in the backroom. 
-After that day, Iroh never mentioned the past, he decided to wait until you were ready to share. However Zuko was curious about you, a customer who comes in alone and shares tea with his uncle for long hours after closing. He wanted to know why you were so mysterious. So he asked
-Iroh was telling a story about pirates and the southern raiders, when Zuko walked up and interrupted Iroh and bluntly asked if you had family. Though you were surprised by the sudden question, you felt ready to answer. 
-So you sat there and explained how you lost half your family, and had an uncle that tore you away from your family, and how you abandoned your father, who probably hates you now after seeing you with his enemy and by the end of it you were ugly crying. 
-Iroh looked at you with sad eyes and said “I never hated you” and you just stared at him. like really, it took a whole minute before you spoke, then you nearly screamed “how long did you know?!” to which he explained that he could spot your eyes a mile away. 
-and you finally got that fatherly hug you really missed from Iroh....and then another group hug with Zuko because he needed comfort after hearing about what his dad did
Lmao this took me an hour, it is probably hella sucky but i just really wanted to get this out of my system, anyways thanks for making it this far! I really considered adding some Gaang at the end when yo tell them you found Iroh but idk if i should've. Sorry if i made you lose some braincells, haha. Have a great day/night thanks for reading
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miyanom · 4 years
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WARNINGS: Fighting, mentions of death
NOTES: This is a very Y/N centric chapter, going into how she can’t see herself as Chief.
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The Fire Navy flare still remained high in the sky, even after Aang and Katara had returned to the village, resulting in the boy’s banishment.
Sokka and Katara stood on either side of Y/N, the siblings unable to look at each other in their anger. With Sokka mad that Katara would willingly leave her tribe and her family for Aang, and Katara upset that Sokka banished one of the only other benders she had ever met.
Honestly, Y/N was just thinking that Katara’s news of wanting to leave the Southern Water Tribe with Aang couldn’t have come to Sokka at a worse time.
She had just finished saying her own goodbye to the boy, and then they come back to the village and suddenly Katara is wanting to leave too?
Y/N hadn’t even said goodbye to Katara yet, how was she supposed to do it now? Katara would probably try and leave with her, hoping they could catch up with Aang.
“Princess, what should we do?” One of the women questioned, stepping forward to confront Y/N, hoping the Princess would know what to do when the inevitable attack happens.
“Princess, what will happen to us?”
“And the children?”
“Where do we go?”
Y/N froze where she stood, unable to get a word out as she was bombarded with questions from the village. She was their princess, probably a few years away from being their Chief, and yet she had no idea what to do in this situation.
Was she supposed to comfort her people? Or plan an attack of her own? How were they supposed to defend themselves, these people didn’t know how to fight… Y/N didn’t even know how to fight.
“Princess, I-”
“For now, return to your homes,” Y/N ordered the people, cutting off a woman who was about to ask her another question. “Stay inside. Sokka, we need a plan. We must be prepared.”
Sokka, who had been staring at Y/N (surprised to see her talking in such an official way), was snapped out of his trance. “Right. Let’s do that.”
Y/N nodded with a deep breath. She needed to be ready for this, because whether she liked it or not, the Fire Nation was coming. And though this may be her last act as Princess of the Southern Water Tribe, she was going to protect her people, no matter what.
Sokka and Y/N headed into a small tent, and while Sokka applied his war-paint, Y/N attempted to come up with a plan. “We have no waterbenders, no one who can actually fight,” she whispered, crossing her arms as she stared at the ground. “We’re doomed, aren’t we?”
“Of course not,” Sokka stood up, his war-paint now applied and his club held tightly in his grasp. “My dad told me to protect everyone, and that’s what I’ll do, Princess. Even if it’s the last thing I do.”
Y/N frowned at that. “No, no, no, no. You’re not risking your life, Sokka. Do you hear me?” She stepped forward. “I’ll deal with them, maybe we can talk things out.”
“Talk things out?” Sokka scoffed. “It’s the Fire Nation! They don’t talk things out!”
She paused, trying to think of a plan that would ensure everyone’s survival. “You know, things would be looking better for us if you didn’t banish the Airbender. We could use his help right about now.”
“Aang is the reason the Fire Nation will be knocking on our front door any second now,” Sokka pointed out. “He was dangerous, he could’ve gotten Katara hurt, or worse-”
“You’re right,” Y/N said softly. Her answer surprised Sokka, who had expected to fight back like his sister did just an hour earlier. “I know you’re right, Aang could’ve gotten Katara hurt. But he’s also capable of airbending, and in a time like this, we need every fighter we have.”
Sokka had seriously never seen Y/N like this, though he had to assume she was always like this back in her own village. Never in his life had he seen her as Princess Y/N, she was always just their friend, just Y/N.
But now, it was like she was a whole different person. Maybe things really had changed over the past year, maybe the girl in front of him — the girl so willing to run away from her duties — wasn't the same girl he used to know.
Maybe there was no going back from this.
Y/N began to fidget with her gloves as she looked down. “I’m scared… so scared of the Fire Nation.”
Sokka wanted to comfort her, to say things would be alright, but it was like he had no control over the words he said. “So… this isn’t convincing you to stay with your tribe? Your people? You’re still going to leave?”
“Sokka,” Y/N sighed.
“Princess Y/N,” Katara rushed into the tent, her eyes widening slightly when they fell onto Sokka. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise-”
“It’s fine, Katara.” Sokka pushed past his sister and left the tent, heading out to prepare for the upcoming confrontation.
“What is it, Katara?” Y/N asked, her eyes flickering to the girl.
“Well, everyone’s getting restless out here,” Katara answered. “And I know you told them to stay inside, but they’re scared. And well…”
“It reminds them of the raids,” Y/N whispered.
Katara nodded her head. “My mother died the last time they were here, Y/N.” She raised a hand to gently touch her necklace.
“Katara, we aren’t losing anybody today,” Y/N said confidently, a reassuring smile gracing her features. “I promise. We’ll make it through.”
Before another word could be said, the ground beneath them began to shake. “Oh no,” Y/N gasped.
The two girls ran out of the tent as the shaking got worse with every passing second. Katara came to a stop, staring at her brother who stood on the snow. wall surrounding the village.
Y/N’s eyes followed Katara’s line of sight, just in time to see a large war ship emerging from the fog, headed straight for Sokka.
“Sokka, get out of the way!” She heard Katara shout.
Though Katara’s voice was drowned out by the screams of a child who had fallen over. Y/N immediately took off running, picking the child up from the ground as the large crack in the ice headed straight for them.
With the child in her arms, Y/N ran towards the tents, handing the child off to his mother.
The front of the ship came into contact with the walls, causing the snow to crumble as it brought Sokka safely down to the ground.
Instead of being relieved that Sokka was okay, Y/N couldn’t take her eyes off the war ship that had now opened up, revealing a crew of Fire Nation soldiers as they began to walk down the bridge.
Katara, who had been standing just a few steps behind Y/N suddenly stepped forward, taking the Princess’s hand into her own as they both tried to calm their nerves.
Fear was coursing through Y/N’s veins as she stared the soldiers, continuously opening and closing her mouth as she attempted to speak. But no words came out.
She could remember years ago, during the raid that killed Kya, when her father shouted for the soldiers to leave their home or face the consequences of attacking the Southern Water Tribe.
Y/N had never wanted to be like her father, so distant and cold as the war took a toll on him, but right now… she wished for nothing more than to be as brave as him. To look these men in the face and tell them to leave.
Before she had the chance to do anything, Sokka was lifting himself for the ground and charging at the soldiers as a war cry ripped from his throat.
Y/N’s eyes widened as the crew’s captain simply kicked Sokka off the bridge and continued his way down to the tribe.
This wasn’t going to be easy, she knew that, but Sokka was right, she had a duty to her people. She had to protect them.
Letting go of Katara’s hand, Y/N took a step forward, a determined look appearing on her face even though her hands were trembling as the men got closer and closer.
“What do you want from us?” She demanded, hoping her voice didn’t give away how utterly scared she was.
“Princess,” Katara whispered, her eyes widening slightly.
The Captain of the ship simply stared at Y/N for no more than 5 seconds, before his eyes scanned the crowd.
Had Zuko not been on an important mission to find and capture the Avatar, perhaps he would’ve greeted the Princess with more respect, even answered her question — as a Prince himself, he knew that much.
But he was on an important mission, and these people were the enemy. Especially if they were hiding the Avatar.
“Why are y-”
“Where are you hiding him?” Zuko shot back, cutting Y/N off. Her brows furrowed in confusion as he turned to look at her.
“Who?” She questioned.
“Don’t play games!” Zuko shouted, suddenly reaching forward and pulling Gran-Gran out of the crowd.
Katara gasped in fear as she reached out for her grandmother, only for Y/N to pull her back, not wanting to see the girl get hurt by these foreigners.
“He’d be about this age, master of all elements,” Zuko explained, shaking Gran-Gran back and forth.
“The Avatar?” Y/N stared at him in confusion. “The Avatar hasn’t been seen in decades. Please, let her go.”
Zuko stayed silent for a moment before releasing Gran-Gran’s hood from his grasp, causing Katara to quickly hug her grandmother. Zuko remained stiff in position, before his fist suddenly shot out and a burst of fire was flying out over the people of the tribe.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she was pulled down and out of the flames range by Katara. Y/N’s eyes flickered down to her hands, which were still trembling with fear.
She swallowed the lump forming in the back of her throat, before standing back up, hiding her hands behind her back as she glared at Zuko. “Leave,” she ordered. “I don’t know what you think you stand to gain here, but we don’t know where the Avatar is. He hasn’t been seen in a long time, surely you know that.”
“Stop lying! I know you’re hiding him!” Zuko told her.
“We aren’t hiding anyone!”
Before Zuko could get another word in, Sokka was running back at him. The Fire Nation boy ducked, causing Sokka to go flying overhead. As Sokka landed in the snow, he quickly rolled out of the way before Zuko’s flames could hit him, and as soon as he was at a safe enough distance he was throwing his boomerang.
Only to miss completely.
“Sokka,” Y/N breathed out, staring at the boy with a frantic look in her eyes. Provoking the Fire Nation wouldn’t be good for any of them, they just needed to convince them to leave. That had to be enough, right?
“Show no fear!” One of the younger boy’s called out as he threw a spear in Sokka’s direction.
“N-” Y/N cut herself off as Katara quickly grabbed the hand she was about to raise in Sokka’s direction.
As Y/N turned to Katara, she was surprised by the look in the younger girl’s eyes. A look telling her that even though Sokka wasn’t the best fighter, he was also their only hope right now.
When Y/N turned back to Sokka, he was on the ground just as the boomerang flew back and hit Zuko on the back of his helmet.
Regaining composure, two knife-like flames appeared in Zuko’s hands as he walked menacingly toward Sokka, who had shuffled back toward the tribe in fear.
In the blink of an eye, a boy was sliding past Zuko, knocking the Prince back onto his butt before he came to a stop in front of Y/N, Katara and Sokka.
“Aang!” Y/N grinned, watching as the penguin knocked the Airbender off its back.
“Hey, Princess,” Aang smiled softly as he turned to them. “Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka.”
“Hi, Aang,” Sokka waved slightly, unable to greet Aang with the same enthusiasm as Y/N. “Thanks for coming.”
However, even in their excitement, a shadow loomed over them. “Aang, we could use your help,” Y/N spoke, nodding toward the soldiers.
The soldiers formed a circle around Aang, causing him to use his staff to knock the snow in their direction. “Looking for me?” He questioned.
“You’re the Airbender?” Zuko asked in surprise. “You’re the Avatar?”
“Aang?” Katara gasped quietly.
“No way!” Sokka’s eyes widened.
Y/N stared at the boy in complete silence, shock taking over at the sudden news. Aang was the Avatar? And he didn’t tell them?
Though Y/N wanted to be happy knowing the Avatar had returned to save them, she couldn’t help but realise that Sokka was right. Aang was dangerous to the Tribe, and Y/N had blindly accepted him.
She put her people at risk. How was she supposed to be Chief one day if she couldn’t even see danger when it was five feet in front of her?
This was why she had to leave.
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Aang giving himself up for the water tribe had surprised them all, and while it was probably a bad time, it also gave Y/N the push she needed to finally leave.
No matter how hard she tried, she just wasn’t cut out for this. If she became Chief one day, she’d destroy everything her ancestors had worked so hard for. Y/N wouldn’t be able to protect her people like this, she wasn’t meant to be a crowd speaker - someone who could influence others with just words.
No, Y/N was meant to fight. She was meant to be learning waterbending and fighting alongside the Earth Kingdom to put an end to the Fire Nation’s reign of terror. That was the only way she could help her tribe without destroying them.
That’s why she was here, waiting beside Katara as the girl stared into the distance, still worried about Aang.
“Katara,” the princess spoke up, making the younger girl glance at her.
“You’re leaving too, right?” Katara frowned.
Y/N blinked in surprise. “You know?”
“Gran-Gran told me,” she nodded. “Last night. She said you came to say goodbye.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered. “I just… I’m supposed to be out there fighting, Katara. You saw me before, I can't protect the tribe like this.”
“Let me come with you!” Katara pleaded. “When we save Aang, we can go North and learn waterbending together, and then we can go find our dad’s and help them.”
Y/N stared at her friend. “Save Aang? How are we supposed to fight real soldiers, Katara? And how are we going to find the ship?”
“I don’t know,” Katara sighed, looking back into the distance. “But we have to try! He sacrificed himself to save the village, we owe him!”
He sacrificed himself for the tribe… Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if she would do the same when it came down to it. Could she willingly give her life for her people? Or would she find herself being a coward, like she was when watching Aang fight the soldiers?
She wanted to fight, but how far was she willing to go?
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@filipinhce @booyakasha516 @kaylove12 @tomshollandz @that-one-padme-outfit @ccosmic-illusion @moistpotatobear @pocky-otp
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Can I request a Zuko x Platonic reader? Where the reader was a servant to his family, and she had been with Zuko since they were young. And she had many of the same beliefs that his mom did. So maybe just some scenes throughout their entire childhood. The only specific one I would like is when Zuko gets banished, and he fights his father. Like how she reacts. And maybe add in some scenes when theyre both with the Gaang? Sorry if this is convoluted!
Please enjoy~🍰
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It all started when you were young. You were at the palace often but you didn’t quite understand why. Your mother had told you it was to play with the prince and princess. You didn’t know it was to simply entertain them.
As you grew older your responsibilities became more serious. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, everything other than playing as you used to. Once you wrapped your head around the situation, you were a maid. No longer a welcomed guest of the royal family, but a servant. For the most part Zuko and his mother remain kind to you and treat you as an equal.
Yet there was one thing he didn’t know. You sided with his mother. Her beliefs were against all fire nation rules and traditions. She believed they were wrong and unjust and so did you. You were the only person who knew of her plan to leave. You had planned on going with her, that was until one fateful day.
There were times his mother saved you from the wrath of the fire lord. She would state that you were just a child and she would guide you to be better. She was like a mother to you. Kind and soft you just wish her daughter was that’s way. At least you had Zuko.
Growing together you always had your little quirks together. Like sneaking off to play or stealing sweets from the kitchen. He would always be the one to pull you out of your duties so you’d have a break. The education they would deny you was taught by him. Zuko would always try his best to teach you what he knew.
Many of the other maids and servants always teased you both. Saying that you both were cute together or how he would one day marry you. Zuko would become as red as his robes and you the same. Maybe deep down inside you did have something for Zuko
Not that you would say it anyway.
Zuko was challenged to an Agni Kai by his own father. When word got around you were petrified. How could a father fight his own son with no remorse? You had hoped that he wouldn’t go full power on him, but you were wrong.
The fire lord gave it his all with no intention of holding back. He didn’t care if he was his own flesh and blood. You had to stand in horror and watch, watch as his eyes widen in fear. How his body trembled in front of his father. You heart hurt to see it happen and not be able to do anything of it.
All because he spoke out of line against something that was cruel. It was all so quick you couldn’t catch your breath between actions. After it was all done things cleared out and you rush to the infirmary. He was patched up and should be okay minus the burn to his flesh. You could sense something else in the room aside frompain.
In the eyes of the household he had dishonored his father and himself. You wanted to stay and go through everything with him but...you couldn’t. This couldn’t be the place where you life ended. The night that Ursa and yourself fled the castle, you make one final stop. You had placed a heartfelt letter to him and placed it on his bedside. Kissing his head gently you gaze upon him one last time...
About 3-4 years later you found one another again. It was shocking for the most part, after hunting down the avatar for so long you both on the same team. You had been traveling with Aang after he left The Earth kingdom. Soon after was when you realized Suko was after him. What happened to him? He wasn’t the same as you remembered. 
He was full of hate and rage, it scared you honestly. There was day he attack but was caught off guard by you. He froze in place doing nothing but stare at you. After that day he questioned exactly what he was doing and why. He couldn’t get you off his mind and the look of fear in your eyes. Your eyes should only have happiness and joy in them. Instead he had put fear I to them.
He took this time to really think on everything and hence he had decided to join you. Everyone was shocked when you explained that you both go way back. Sokka was convinced he was blackmailing you, just to get on the team.
According to them, you were “too nice and kind to be his friend ”
It took some convincing and action to prove he was serious. After some time the gang warmed up to him. All that was left was for you to catch up.
While everyone slept you both stayed awake with the moon and talked.
“You’ve really grown” he said in a hushed tone. You really had grown not only physically but mentally. You had matured into a strong intelligent woman.
“So have you, but you changed..” you said in a semi-hurt voice. He scratched the back of his head with a guilty look
“Yeah I know...I was mislead by anger and hunger for honor. But I know better now, I know...I know that wasn’t who I’m supposed to be. Not who you wanted me to be” he reached for your hand
“I’m sorry for not seeing things sooner, for letting you go through so much, for abandoning you...could you ever forgive me?” He gave your hand a slight squeeze
You smile softly and look at him with a longing look “how could i stay mad at my oldest friend?”
Some nights old memories would haunt you. So many possibilities could happen. The fire lord finally ending you, Zuko harming you, your friends dying or never saving the world. They were silly since you knew you were much stronger than that. Yet sometimes you find yourself panting with tear filled eyes.
Now you had Zuko to hold you at night. Safe and protected in his arms. If you had a nightmare he would hold you close in place and shush your fears away
“Sshhh It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’m not leaving, you’re okay” his soft yet husky voice calming your instantly. He would kiss your tears away and hold your close. He would tell you statues or play with your hair just to distract you from your mind.
“Hey you alright?” He asked as you stared deeply into the fire. You mind drifting to different realities and thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah, just lost in thought I guess” you sighed
He nudged you a bit, a way of telling you to proceed “..we’ve just come so far and I’m proud and all but, it’s just amazing that we’re here now and how you and I got back together after years” you rambled. His fingers interlaced with yours and whispered
“Well, I’m here for the long run. Whatever is coming well do it together.” He smiles at you. That smile, the things it did to you. Made your head spin or could calm down your nerves, sometimes even both. He leaned in slowly and let’s his lips crash on to yours in a soft yet passionate kiss
He was right. Even after al this time, whatever trials you may face you would do it, together
I hope this was okay!❤️
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