#and you can get good insights that you didnt have before from each other
13eyond13 · 2 years
You’re about to start a secondhand book club off of your followers reading your book club books
Hahaha wouldn't that be amazing! Maybe we should have a long distance book club
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elijasz · 1 year
features I'd like for future bg3 patches:
- manual grouping: [exists!]
sometimes I dont want to move the whole party at once, or split everyone. I would like to have the option to group party members to each other. Like grouping my 2 rogues together because they give each other proximity advantage for sneak attacks, or grouping the melee fighters together, while leading the casters to a save spot where they can attack from above and be save. Something similar is already happening in multiplayer but I would like it for single player aswell (I have been informed this feature already exists and I just didnt know. Very cool)
- scenic spots:
Exactly what it says. I just want spots where I can move the camera more freely and have a good view of something cool or beautiful. It does sound pretty hard to implement though.
- more enemy last words:
I would really like the option to get an additional cutscene or something if I don't kill boss enemies or important npcs in a fight, but instead knock them out in the fight. I was honestly expecting a cutscene after knocking out Gortash or Raphael. Even if it's just them begging for mercy and we have the chance to kill them or to spare them. Banning Raphael from the house of hope and making him aware that you could easily kill him seems more satisfying than just plain killing him and then its over. (Especially because the fight was a bit too easy.) I know this is a lot of effort and the voice actors would have to be up for it aswell so I dont expect much but it would be really cool!
- Zevlor romance.
You heard me.
- illithid memory sharing cutscenes
I'm all for more story cutscenes. We got one for shadowheart and I would absolutely adore seeing other characters backgrounds in visual form. As much as I love the narrators voice I just want to see baby Lae'zel and tiny Wyll. OH young Gale in his mothers kitchen with the bunnies! I have a lot of imagination and visualisation skills, but other people don't and I want them to experience those scenes aswell!
- consequences for using the tadpoles and mindflayer powers
I used the mindflayer tadpole powers ONCE in my entire playthrough. Didn't put any more tadpoles into my head. I was a bit bummed out when I found out there were no consequences for using/not using them. Seems like the final fight should be harder the more tadpoles have made Tav's little pond of a brain their home.
- manual insight and perception checks
This one is not going to happen but I would like to have it anyway. In DnD I'd sometimes ask/get asked "what do I see?/Do I believe them?/Can I use an action to check the room for anything like traps etc before entering?" Some of that is already happening automatically but I would like to have the option to manually trigger it ONCE every scene/location. Not once per character. Just one check, no reroll.
- access companion inventory
this might already be possible but I'd like the option to access the inventory of companions who aren't on my team currently. It would be incredibly helpful for un-/equipping items when a character isnt on your team currently. maybe the solution to this would be items being stored in a chest when the companion isn't in your team. a chest that is bound to their camp, cant be destroyed or moved etc. and once they join your team youll have to reequip them BUT they'll already have all their stuff right there? idk how hard it would be to implement the auto reequip option when you have the companion join your team
- give Karlach a good ending dammit
She deserves to be happy and I know you can go to Avernus with her but you have to leave your love interest behind unless you romances Wyll and that sucks so much ass.
What would you like to see in future patches? What do you think won't ever happen but you'd wish to see anyway?
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yahoodarling · 2 years
Diluc X Traitor Fatui!GN reader(amab)
Warnings: Violence, mentions of blood, short smut scene, alcohol, mentions of death. Reader bottoms for the short nsfw
A couple time jumps/skips
Since reader is Shneznayan im using the Russian term 'brother' similar meaning to 'comrade'. It does not mean they view each other as family!
The past
For being surrounded by mountains of snow Diluc couldnt help but melt at the heat that scortched his raggard body. Huffing heavily and scowl still remaining on his face, the blood of a Fatui camp soaking his boots. Even as he abandoned his Pyro vision the hot passion in his core blazed on, nothing but hatrid, disgust and sadness flowing through his veins. The fatui will pay for what they had taken from him and they will pay with blood. 
The teen allowed himself to relax from his tense state, the camp held nothing of danger just deathly silence. After such serge of emotion part of Diluc just wanted to break down, fall on his knees and scream at the world for the pain it brought but he kept it to himself, he simply regained his breath and stared at the sky with unfocused eyes. He allowed himself to be vulnerable, a terrible idea really, when suddenly a knife was pressed to his throat, his claymore kicked out his grasp and many feet away from him before being wrestled face first into the bloody snow.
"Hah! You did a good job clearning this entire camp. Not even a messenger being able to get free. If i wernt nearby your little stunt wouldnt even be noticed by the fatui." You smugly stated, holding Diluc down one hand grasping the knife to his throat, the other clutching both his hands above his head. 
Power wise Diluc could over power you but right now his mind was not in a good place and he didnt have his vision, unmatched to you who was above him with an anemo vision hung on your shoulder. Part of Diluc felt this was time, time to give up, to finally be released of pain. He was tired but another part of him knew he had more to give to life.
Diluc stayed silent, not answering your taunt.
"Hmm? Little foreigner, you were so energetic while taking the lives of many and yet you lie unresponsive when finally pushed to the ground." You learned close into him towards his ear and hushed
"Do you wish for a reckless death or is there more under your mask?"
You smile down on him, his crimsion hair blended nicely into the bloody snow and his eyes luminating from his mask were rubies in a wasteland.  You had heard news of camp after camp being slaughtered these past months and finally you caught the troublesome rabbit. It was interesting.
"Do you wish to destroy the fatui?" 
 You got a grunt in response
"Do you wish to spill blood, even those of the innocent, in order to achieve your goal?"
The red haired man seemed reluctant but gave a shallow 'yes'
"Then such youth and talent cannot be wasted!" You sang and stood up releasing him. Before diluc was able to recover into an offensive stance you offered your hand to him.
"My name is (fist name) (last name), order 437 of the Fatui and i wish to join hands with you comrade in the name of the Fatuis downfall." You sang with pride.
Diluc was shocked, what were you saying. He stood awkwardly watching your movements like an owl unsure of your motives.
"You see, even in our home land the Fatui cause destruction. I wish to stop that and i dont care how many lives i need to take to finish that wish. I even joined the Fatui to get what ever insight into their plans that i could" you walked closer to him and rested your hand against his stiff shoulder.
"And i see in your eyes a hunger that matches mine. What do you say my brother in scorn? Together we can cause a lot more damage than just a few fatui camps."
Diluc, still high off emotions and shock listened to your words, words that matched the desire that sat in his heart. With that he gave a solid nod and grasped your gloved hand with his. Together youd cause the fatui a good headache
Time jump
"Haha! This must have been our biggest success yet!" You sang at the fire with diluc quietly nodding at your side. The night was cold but the joy of victory was the only warmth you needed at that moment. 
"We destoryed a good amount of their supplies. It should take them a couple months to recover." Diluc nodded as he turned the boar meat evenly.
"Brother! Shall we celebrate?" You asked, holding out a bottle of Fire Water you had gotten from the last town you visited.  
"Haha. I cant tolerate that stuff like you can but go ahead, ill have some thing lighter though." And Diluc sipped from a ligher alcohol content drink.
The nights cold wind howled in the forest, a comfortable silence met the two of you.
"Diluc," you finally broke said silence as you lay back and watched the clear stars "why do you have such fury for the fatui? Ive known you for a while now, i know many things about you over our time together and yet i dont know this."
Diluc contemplated, thanks to the slight intoxication and open mood he finally opened up.
"They had doings in my fathers death. I know that may seem rather plain and simple but it was a bad time for me. It seemed the whole world, everything i felt comfort in betrayed me and left so i did too. I dont want to think about that stuff for now, i just want to get my emotions out and get revenge for the pain the Fatui have caused me."
You turned to look at him, his eyes which were usually empty and void or violent and hateful were now a somber ember. You had never seen him like this before.
You sighed and huffed your chest.
"I lost my sister." You said looking back to the sky. "We had lost our parents pretty young and were taken to a child home, even then i could tell it was off. One day a bunch of men in fatui suits came and started grabbing children by their shoulders and taking them away while our care giver simply stood to the side. My sister was one of them taken, i was a coward. I hid under my bed and watched. By the time they were gone there were only a fraction of children left. I was confused and hurt Silia left me but i was young and didnt understand what happened to her. 3 years ago i started looking for what happened to those children, i joined the fatui, worked hard and thats when i came across a file. On the year my sister was taken 13 children were delivered to a man called The Doctor. After further inverstigation i knew my sister was never coming back."
A soft sting pained your heart.
"We were nameless children in the eyes of the world, easy living material. Those in the children home that wernt taken became fatui soldiers anyway. Its all for the fatuis gain."
Diluc hummed and closed his eyes.
"I will not allow such injustices. This world will know wrath."
You turned back to your friend with a smile
"We will make it so."
Time jump(NSFW/skip if u want)
"Diluc~" you moaned, back arching as said man held your stomach, thrusting hungrily into your ass. His other hand held your shaft, pumping it to his thrusts.
Your head felt light, the tip of your nose burnt in the dazed state. He was so rough, his mind set on pleasing himself like a mad animal. Diluc always did have this animalistic nature to him and you loved it. Your ass stung and stomach churned as pleasure took hold of you.
Diluc leant down into your figure, setting himself deep into you as you felt every bulging vein of his cock in you.
"Scream" he said solfly, caressing your ears as you both released onto each other
Time jump
"Diluc!" You yelled at him in warning. Your actions were catching up to you and here stood two fatui harbingers ready to collect you and your friend to pay for your deeds. 
Diluc struggled to hold back the one while you the other. You wernt getting out of this alive were you? Your time has come but youd use every inch of your being to get Diluc out of the situation. You have nothing, nothing but Diluc but he still had a nation to return to, a brother in arms to rekindle with and a duty. If you die here at least Diluc could continue your wish for the Fatuis downfall through him.
With all your might you activated your vision, spent every muscle and energy into it and released a gust of wind, twisting and turning to form a whirlwind of a tornado.
"Go!" You shouted to him as the two harbingers were preoccupied watching the mass form of wind.
"Go home! Live! My brother may your passion go on. I will rejoin you in time but for now we must part." Through the snow that smashed against you, wind that howled in your ears and tears the blurred your vision you saw Dilucs face of shock clearly, his bright red hair thrashing in the wind. 
"Please" you whispered with the last drop of energy in you. To that you saw Dilucs figure dissapear, the ruby red you treasured in this land leave your sight.
As the winds calmed exhaustion over took you as you fell into the snow. 'Sorry Diluc, i dont know if i can keep my promise' you thought as the world went black
Mondstadts night was energetic and cheerful as always, the song of good wine and joy vibrating in the tavern as adventurers, knights and folk enjoyed the weekend. The jolly atmosphere was contrast to the quiet brood of the bartender that swiftly serviced his customers.
"Ah such a splendid night say you Diluc?" Kaeya charmed.
Diluc didnt respond and turned his back to restock the quickly depleating wines.
In the ruckus of the party the tavern door opening was heard by no one. A heavey coated figure shuffling its way towards the bar. It made its spot along the bar wood.
"Does this place provide Fire Water?" It asks is a low voice, one that would be unaudable in all the noise but Diluc heard it. He turned immediatly to look at the person who would order such a drink and right away his eyebrows knotted together in confustion and shock as he looked to you. Similar build, similar face but mutured due to the years that had pasted. At first Diluc thought he was simply recreating your face on a stranger, that this wasnt actually you, he knew it wasnt, it couldnt be, he knew you wouldnt be able to fufil your promise made so many years back when you both were emotional young adults wanting to make their mark on the world.
You chuckled and spoke in Shneznayan, "My brother, its good to see your eyes alight again. I hope you still remember those Shneznayan lessons and can still speak." Diluc dropped the bottle he was holding, his face sinkinging into shock. It couldnt be you, it couldnt. Kaeya, surprised by the shound of shattering glass looked from Diluc to you, not butting in but definitely interested. 
"No but- you're…" Diluc didnt know if he wanted to cry or run away, his head not making sense of your arrival. 
You leaned over the bar and pulled Diluc into your shoulder, giving him a firm embrace to let him know you were real. Your hand cradled his head and grasped into his hair holding him in the tight embrce as Diluc finally responded and gave you a solid squeeze back. You withdrew and gave his shoulder a firm pat. 
"Im alive, yes. Id have to be if i were to look at this amazing home youve made yourself."
For the first time in a very long time Kaeya saw Diluc with a large true smile, his eyes blazed with excitment and life. 
"(Name) you are here."
"Mhm! I couldnt go back on a promise." 
You sat yourself down on a stool and grinned. "Now my friend, show me you havent forgotten whay ive taught you! Give me your most fowl Shneznayan curse!" You laughed with joy.
Diluc snorted, reminded of your soft but brutish ways. He could guess you wont be staying in Mondstadt for long but for now just knowing the person he shared his violent angsty young years with was still alive was worth it. 
"We have a lot of catching up to do."
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intertexts · 5 months
GMORNING !!!!! u know what time it is
- the big monster they fought in the beginning was called a Crawling Apocalypse which looks like this. terrifying !!!
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- bizly really liked that william banished it. he was originally not gonna let him do that but then "i realized your character can do so little and that was cool so i said fuck it" we love william pity points he is such a loser and he rolls so terribly <3
- they start talking about one piece because grizzlys saying things abt how certain parts of dakota are inspired by luffy and bizly goes "ive never watched anime" which is the biggest lie in the world
- grizzly: "yknow we were about an hour into the episode before i realized wow i havent done anything productive yet"
condi: "you just hit on vyncents mom for like 20 minutes!!!!"
- and then they start talking about how dakota and chip (bizlys pc from riptide) would either be best friends or hate each other which is really funny bc there are now MULTIPLE what if crossover episodes where they meet and interact and thats exactly the dynamic . i love them
- condi wasnt expecting his dad to be dead, he thought theyd have to fight him
- he kind of hesitated taking the sword !! vyncent doesnt really know how to feel about using something that belonged to his father
- he wasnt entirely Present for the part where his dad betrayed the party, he was sort of fading in and out of consciousness so theres a chance he didnt actually get the full picture. condi knows this out of character and vyncent knows it in the back of his mind somewhere that his dad might not actually be fully evil but hes too angry to come to terms with that yet
- hes struggling a lot with the fact that his mom.doesnt know about the betrayal. he doesnt want to tell her because "its not his fathers pride at stake, its his mother's memory of him" and that makes me so . :(
- THE GREATS!!!!!!!! THE GREATS ARE HERE i love the greats. surely nothing bad is happening to them
- they have a couple theories as to whats going on with the greats:
-- condi: theyre in this state because vyncent took too long getting them back here out of his head
-- condi: they were killed when they got transported to the other world and there was no way to get them back completely
-- charlie: something happened in the time where vyncent was transported to prime and the greats had died, so someone did something to keep them alive by putting them in his head. maybe they could only be kept alive by being in vyncents head
- grizzly tries to insight check bizly irl to see if any of their theories are close so far. this does not work . he rolled a 17 btw
- none of them trust minerva they think she might be secretly working with the lich. bizly defends her by saying "shes also in the middle of basically an apocalypse i think shes allowed to be a little mean to you"
- le frog is the only french person ever. this is brought up with NO context no explanation
- bizly is sharing some of the thumbnail art from youtube because this was right around the time the first few episodes were being put up publically !! most of them are just the same as the official refs but the most important one is le frog bc im not actually sure if youve seen his offical design yet . also tide used to be white. we dont have to talk about white tide
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- bizly says pd feels more like a DC comic than a Marvel comic. hes right about this
- charlie starts talking about marissa meyer books and this is important 2 me because the lunar chronicles was an extremely formative piece of media for me . she apparently has a book called renegades thats superhero themed and i have not read it yet but i put it on my list specifically because of this. wahoo!
tgis is SUCH good trivia for this ep thank u dude... ouagh. really solid meal here. i love these last couple episodes so much.. there's so much fun stuff happening here i'm enjoying all of the greats stuff & getting like a solid Vyncent Moment for a while.
i LOVE the william pity points its great! it WAS cool as fuck!! also i gain +5 hp every time a gm goes "who give a shit if this isn't technically how the game mechanics should work, it's fun for everyone at the table & makes for something cool and makes sense narratively."
that being said. i DID take SO MUCH PSYCHIC DAMAGE from how long dakota spent hitting on his fucking mom. Please. Please king !!! sob.
I ALSO WAS EXPECTING THEM TO FIGHT VYN'S DAD???? still not unconvinced that some lich undead bullshit isn't going to happen with that. god i'm so invested in figuring out what HAPPENED there... i love this type of murder mystery situation. & i also was genuinely unsure if he would take the sword or not!! really kind of an ohhh shit! moment when he did. imo. vyncent virion sol i love u.... also it's still INCREDIBLY funny 2 me that he's still in his normal clothes. i have not forgotten that he is just doin his fantasy bullshit thing in the just some guy drip. (<- i might have forgotten something but i've been assuming they no longer have/wear Official Hero Drip since they're no longer really sanctioned or on great terms w/ them? also i've been assuming that the episode-specific clothes & shit isn't really permanent... now that im thinking about it though please tell me wiwi hardcore blue flame black leather kickass spiky biker jacket remains. it's too cool for him. but. still.)
I LOVE THE GREATS SO MUCH... i hope nothing permanently bad happens to them :( i like them so dearly..... you know they r really solid folks because they spent a YEAR and change living in a teenager's brain & came out of the experience still bein so nice 2 him.... augh. also in general big fan of the system-adjacent bullshit :] i love it when theres. guy with guys in his head. etc. will b sad ab their departure but i hope they r OKAY and return 2 Being Alive & shit!! nervous laughter. also god i can't wait to find out what Actually Happened with them. hhrhrghghgghh.
THIS IS SO TRUE ALSO???? free my girl minerva she did nothing but have Literally Normal Reactions to TERRIBLE things happening!!!
I DON'T LIKE THAT LEFROG FACT. it raises the question of is he actually even french or like, is there even a point of reference for his behavior. like. What is going on there. Horrifying thank you!!!! also man this entire degree im working on would be useless! well. maybe prime quebec exists. somehow. independently of a hypothetical europe. HIS DESIGN IS SO FUN BTW. its so cute.. i WAS kind of imagining a mutant Big Real Fucking Frog situation but i think this is a lot more reasonable. also literally ignoring white tide I Do Not See it. It Does Not Exist.
ALSO. NOT GOING TO START TALKING AB COMICS FOR EVEN MORE PARAGRAPHS. BUT. he is so so so right. (<- dc comics guy with Opinions. well. technically im not even much of a dc guy im just a vertigo guy. but. still.) hghghghbhgh.
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Today I was at work late because I needed results / data to come out the flow cytometry lab to figure out how to work up two different patient cases, and if I didnt order the right stains by 6 pm the patients’ cases wouldn’t be resolved until after the long holiday weekend. Because of the timing of pathology. And the lab techs were super sweet and pushed those two cases out for me first simply because they like me. And I helped them resolve a specimen swap mistake a few weeks ago.
Anyway that’s not the point. What happened was, I was sitting at my desk worrying and working and the janitor girl saw I was alone. She came up to me and said, I hate to bother you but… do you have any insight on lupus? I just got diagnosed.
I had about fifteen other patients swirling around in my head. I had half an hour to interpret the data correctly, double check with my attending, and order the stains.
Her question was so out of the blue - normally all the janitors and I say to each other is “thank you” and “you’re welcome” or “good morning”
I didn’t manage to do more than blink at her, pull up uptodate (“doctor google”), print out three articles on lupus diagnosis, treatment, etiology, etc, and ask her to get them from the printer because I was truly that dead tired. I pointed her in the right direction toward the printer. She thanked me on her way out a few minutes later. I completely forgot that any of this happened until literally just now when it hit me, four hours later in bed.
Fuck. Is this what it’s come to? Being too burned out and busy and exhausted to actually stop for a second and hear a person’s story and explain their situation to them in spoken words, with compassion? I gave her only a handful of kind words. I used to have so many. I don’t have any idea if she’s going to understand the articles whatsoever. I’d never seen her before, she wasn’t one of the usual janitors.
What is happening to me. I am barely functioning this week. My attending is horrific. Worse than my mom, but similar in so many ways that I’m constantly triggered. I can see she has ADHD signs and symptoms like I do, but can’t talk to her about it bc she’s old school and likely to respond poorly. she’s rude, constantly expecting too much of everyone else, slow, and her overwhelming anxiety is mostly expressed via shouting at and belittling everyone with “this won’t fly” and “why did this happen? Who did this” when anything goes wrong. We’ve had over 20 marrows four days in a row, which is busier than any other week so far, marrows-wise. I’m just trying to survive. Am on call for two weeks straight (which is a duty hour violation), even though my PD is getting actively yelled at for duty hour violations by the ACGME. I just. Completely forgot about this human interaction. It just fell out of my head as it was happening. I mean. I know I’m dissociating but fuck.
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
i feel so lucky that tonight i discovered your tumblr page by chance as i myself huge huge huge fan of asoiaf and fire&blood fan and they are powerful distraction from my upsetting daily routine i need to get through. Therefore, i spend everyday daydreaming thinking brainstorming lots of things
my recent question mark in my head is about Jahaera and aegon the third situation. So in the book it says, jahaera and aegon were very very quiet very reserved and didnt spend any time together since their 2 or 3 year long childmarriage they both endured. And i am also thinking even children werent initiative, but they were also kept apart from each other . As regents and other powerful adults wanted to have more power and bigger chance to getting closer to the crown through marriage. And if jahaera or aegon needs to be chosen to get rid of , that would be jahaera in their eyes as jahaera being declared the heir and sitting on the crown could be a potential for other female heirs being set aside question their rights. Therefore i feel jahaera was chosen for to be killed instead of aegon , just because of the gender not because of whether this is green or black case.
Anyway i should just get to my question , in the book cannon, after jahaera’s suicide(murder), aegon the third reportedly give jahaera’s own doll to myrielle peake(hand of the king’s daughter)
this is sooo weird to me, and i genuinely dont think george martin just put it out that detail for no reason. Apparently in the book myrille played with the doll as if it was a real one so thats a obvious hint to how myrielle and her father the hand of the king wants myrille as queen very much. But what i can not understand is why the hell aegon had jahaera’s doll and gave it to myrille, like why did it have to be jahaera’s own doll
i feel you are so far the best person i ever read about understanding george martin and understanding uncovering things
do you have any insight into this detail in the fire blood book? Why would aegon give jahaera’s doll to myrielle when he could just gift brand new doll to myrielle? Its not like aegon the third would be short of money to buy a simple 1 doll.
and aegon the third and jahaera were said several tomes in the book how they had no contact no closeness nothing between them, they only sat quietly next to each other in formal royal events which was again so rare.
i wonder maybe that was not the case? Maybe they just started to be friends and hand of the king got scared and thats why he insteaf of murdering jahaera later he did it before aegon the third would get attached to her better?
And also what do u think of jahaera and aegon the third pairing in general? I love daenaera so much and i dont think daenaera made aegon feel anything negative but i feel jahaera and aegon could had reached deeper feelings whereas i felt daenara was superficial beautiful positive distraction
Hey, sorry I'm answering so late ... I usually take off from the computer on Friday-Saturday and then come back on Sunday Night - though I'm writing this at 4:30AM on a Monday Morning.
And, I feel you, times are pretty lean around here too on a personal level and as a writer I tend to retreat to fictional worlds - my own or others - to get through the day. Which is why I get sucked into Downton Abbey and HOTD. So, I got you ... you're among friends on that regard.
I'm not sure I've got an inside track to GRRM's thinking, though we tend to be kindered spirits in terms of writing tact and methods. I've just been a fan for a good thirteen years and used to get into the weeds with fan theories and the like.
I'll be honest with you, Aegon III giving away Jaehaera's doll like that really, really - REALLY - bothered me. It's a personal tick of mine, probably because I've always been a pretty poor guy and didn't have a lot of toys - I've learned to be a book and imagination kinda person. So, I get super sentimental about toys - especially dolls. And it twisted me up inside when I read that.
I would be wary of believing "Fire & Blood" because it isn't a reliable source of the actual events - it is written and sourced by many unreliable narrators with their own agendas. So, the idea that Jaehaera and Aegon III had no contact or closeness can't really be taken as fact when, most likely, the conspirators who murdered Jaehaera fucked with the records.
To be honest with you, Jaehaera and her death is another casualty of "Oh shit, this is gonna be part of a TV Show ... let me change this." Because, when I first read "A Song of Ice and FIre" and "Dunk and Egg" Aegon and Jaehaera where the parents of Daeron, Baelor, Daena, and the others. Daeron "The Young Dragon" was literally named after Daeron "The Daring" because he was the uncle of Jaehaera and a hero to the common people of Westeros. It made sense.
Now, I've come back to the fandom a few years to see that GRRM has got a Velaryon hard-on and that he killed off Jaehaera and changed it so that Aegon III ended up marrying his niece or some shit. So now, naming their eldest kid Daeron makes absolutely no sense other than perhaps Aegon III admired Daeron a lot as a kid, despite the fact that Daeron was the biggest reason for Rhaenyra's death.
I'm sad to say that the doll part is something new to me that I, myself, have only read recently and I cannot grasp for the life of me the point of that little detail, beyond, Aegon III was just trying to be nice. Though, I would subscribe to your theory that Aegon and Jaehaera were probably closer than the book lets on, close enough that he would keep her favorite dolly when she was gone and think it important.
I don't know, man ... that whole retcon to the end of the war bothers me a lot. There isn't a point to it other than GRRM trying to shoehorn in the Velaryons wherever he can to make them more important so that people will care about them in the upcoming show.
Also, I still have my first edition " A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" Illustrated hardcover version that still has Jaehaera Targaryen as Daemon Blackfyre's grandmother and Aegon II and Helaena marked as his Great-Grandparents. And the post script that says that Aegon V (Egg) married his older sister, not a Blackwood.
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samejimamitsunari · 2 years
Hi! its anon again :,D I'm thinking about J&A again... as much as I hope for more material for them I wonder what they can really do story-wise... I've been pretty sad about them from jins birthday up until the cover song annoucement and while im deliriously happy that they're getting a cover song but it feels like everything we get about them is just out of pity or small font last minuite stuff, idk even the cards they use in the promo art is turning 5 yrs old this year.. sometimes i just think to myself "what can they really do with them storywise?" they've done the whole revival event thing and while i feel like theres a million and one things I want to learn about them I still cant help but feel a bit doomed about the future of their characters
hey anon! thank you for your ask!
i totally get you. all of your concerns have been mine as well for a pretty long time! and it’s so true that most of the things done for them are out of pity lol (they only got shinsekai cards because happyele didnt want sora to be the only 3* card). ever since es2 era, genuine relevancy has been scarce but there were Some good things that came out of this era.
personally, i believe theres still so much they can explore with jin and akiomi as characters and their past. some might argue that we already know so much about them, but really. i feel like thats only in the case of jin. and even then, there’s a lot we don’t know about what happens behind the scenes (see: good-for-nothing son and bad teacher 2).
there’s potential, especially with akiomi. portrait has provided so much insight of how she operated within the modeling industry, her perception of the entertainment industry as a whole, and her initial goals. as well as giving explicit information about her family and showing how she took care of model trio. but as far as the intricacies of akiomi’s idol career, we only have pretty vague information about it. yes, we know that akiomi’s career flopped horribly due to super idol sagami jin’s reign. we know that she wanted to stand by his side, but was swept away by the new unit system the idol industry adapted to. akiomi worked substantially hard to be where jin was at, but realized hard work was not the only factor that took into account of success.
but i think there’s more meat on the bones! what can we say about akiomi’s unit? what kind of unit were they? how did they treat each other? can we speculate that akiomi’s cold behavior towards her previous unit due to not only just it getting in the way of grasping the super idol status, but also because the other members outcasted her? resented her? that’s what i’ve been curious about the most. she also mentions a “friend” she has in the beginning of guilty of perjury. it’s most likely a detail that should be overlooked since it’s minor, but i wonder about akiomi’s social life or if she even has one that she has to balance with work.
i mean. they could still come up with some other shit for jin and akiomi, i believe they can. but, i’m focusing more on what’s been lacking for a while.
one thing i would like to point out though, before i talk about the next part, is regarding jin & akiomi as a unit. officially, jin & akiomi is listed as an unofficial unit. and this is easily notable that they have never performed with each other. “but what about in rainbow?” within project saga, jin and akiomi performed within rain-bows and ba-barrier, not as jin & akiomi. there were no mentions of the unit. and even though rainbow stairway IS the song associated with that event, sure we can assume that they performed it during project saga, but we all know that it’s merely for happyele’s real life marketing purposes. speaking of that, yeah. jin & akiomi is meant for real life marketing purposes considering they are the only adult characters with singing voices. therefore, happyele wants to capitalize off of what little fans they have. very… rarely i guess. anyways
here’s what i could imagine them doing if they wanted to do an event with jin and akiomi. firstly, i believe it would be extremely ideal to put them in a tour event. there wouldnt be a song happyele would have to worry about. this would also clear up anything about jin and akiomi not being an official unit within the canon enstars storyline. and typically, bloomed card illustrations for events show the characters in their idol outfits performing on stage right? they dont Have to make the bloomed illustration a current era jin/akiomi card. they Could use their younger selves. for instance maybe an illustration of young idol akiomi performing alone but the unbloomed is her current self. just like how the guilty of perjury cards are set up. it’s honestly not impossible. and not all tour events have to have paid mv outfits (ie. obbligato). they Could bring up things about their past still and give more commentary of how the previous system operated and how the transition affected hard-working idols like akiomi in more detail.
this is very akiomi-centric since its objectively fair for her to receive more content in this era. (i’m jinP) but in terms of uncovering more of jin’s story i mean. same would apply. don’t have too many thoughts about it. mainly because jin already has a 5*.
but in terms of a song event. actually. even if we have all these plot holes such as jin&akiomi unit inconsistencies, anything could happen. a song event theoretically could happen whether it be their current selves or younger selves. how? SSVRS. it’s a virtual reality system that was created by switch i believe. they used it in the SS story, shinsekai with valkyrie. in which young jin and akiomi showed up. but, it was only their avatar models and it wasn’t jin and akiomi operating it themselves. natsume speculated that jin was the one that gave permission to some strangers to use his old super idol sagami jin model, but only under the condition that idol era akiomi would perform alongside his avatar as well. he concluded that jin wanted to see them perform as their younger selves since they were never able to and found solace through the VR system.
a pretty OP system within the story would be good news for us senseiPs, but happyele obviously isnt that great with implementing the senseis in anything, aren’t they? and this isnt even the last time they used SSVRS because the mv for believe 4 leaves takes place in SSVRS. so obviously, they are capable of making something like that for jin and akiomi. given maybe they want to make models for their younger selves or new outfits for their current 3d models.
there was one last thing that was the most important factor for me that left me delusional for so long and it’s the main reason why i still believe an event could happen. i’ve mentioned this many times on twitter (though i feel like i’ve mentioned these things in general a lot on that site), but it’s the lack of accessibility to jin and akiomi’s homescreen winter outfits. these outfits were officially shown in antique legend around the end of january 2021. normally, if they werent going to have cards to unlock these outfits, homescreen outfits like these would be unlockable through the ES coin shop easily. however, after almost 2 years, we still can’t unlock them. this is why i believe that eventually, they’ll get cards within an event so we can unlock them through their idol roads. a former delusion was also the fact that fusionic stars and surprising thanks official unit covers were typically released with new unit song album cds. and i assumed that jin and akiomi would eventually get one so their official mixes would come out (like the ensemble taisou album). but it’s been 2 years. i don’t know. but yeah. it’s these outfits that have been dictating it all for me.
“it could be the fact that happyele could’ve forgot!” sure, they forget the senseis sometimes. but you have to remember that when jin and akiomi’s old es1 teacher outfits were displayed in a story, they were immediately released in the ES coin shop. when the shinsekai cards came out, only their idol era outfits were unlockable. when portrait akiomi was released, only middle school akiomi outfit was unlockable. therefore, what makes the winter outfits an exception? we even have birthday editions for their winter outfits (bc they were born in winter) but not even the original ones? it’s strange. it drives me nuts. but its one of the shreds of hope i have for anything jin and akiomi related.
anyways, yeah. these are crazy mental gymnastics i go through on a daily. i am somehow hopeful for this year though. for sure, we are getting a new jin card so i’m looking forward to that. and i don’t think this will happen but i hope jin and akiomi get their own personalized outfits and mv for their new cover song. did you see that the song they’re covering is a gay pride song? i cried
here’s to 2023 being the year we could probably get something as good as portrait again
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joymm2 · 2 years
This assignment has been both challenging and fun to work on! I tried very hard to find a campaign topic that I could relate to and be passionate about. Through a series of different events, the theme anxiety popped into my mind. It is such a common issue in today's society and is something that can strongly interfere with people's day to day life. I have friends who struggle with different levels of anxiety...and honestly I found myself being so anxious throughout this semester. Anxiety can vary from a common feeling of unease to a serious disorder that makes people go crazy. But essentially it roots from mindset and how we choose to view situations or train our heads to react to certain events. I felt passionate about helping outsiders become aware of this 'anxiety', how it feels like, how people with anxiety camouflage and act like everything's okay, an insight to how it feels on the inside and how to be mindful or help them. Honestly, research was very difficult, as most of the solutions for anxiety was directed to counseling or therapy. Getting professional assistance and processing done. On this note I think I had to redirect my call to action to more of a 'lets try this', 'your not alone', message rather than, you can help by doing this directly kind of matter. This is where I got the idea of making an interactive set of daily cards,, with activities, tips or goals to do. Although I didnt manage to producd the assets in depth, the overall idea was to help assist people with anxiety with small steps, goals each day. To get their minds off troubles and worries and to give advice for pursuing peace and maintaining serenity internally ie. Drinking chamomile tea, listening to relaxing music, going of social media, breathing exercises, missions, of speaking to someone, opening up to a friend etc. Another idea that I focused on was a double sided poster. The front side showing people what anxiety looks on the outside. And surprisingly/ironically, anxiety doesn't have a specific look most of the times. Again, on the surface people are just smiling and laughing alongside everyone else. They may look super peaceful, but be dying on the inside. They may look very still and stable, yet be on the verge of having an attack, they may look happy but feel like throwing up soon... And in order to give an interactive insight to these feelings of anxiety, the other side of the posters would have a creepy, phobic, chaotic organism to express the inner thoughts. It was fun expressing this through animals. This idea came from the saying 'having butterflies in your stomach.' So I started drawing butterflies, then saw the moth which looked intimidating with its eyes, then thought what creature can give off a gross icky feeling? Which lead to drawing fish. I hate fish scales so I combined it with lots of eyes staring at you. And the finalized work became the 3 different, double-paged collateral posters. UNpanic, is supposed to be a campaign helping people unravel their fear and worries. By assisting them and giving awareness to people around them who don't necessarily know what it feels like to be anxious. This campaign has been such a challenge, as it is very unclear and doesn't have many straightforward solutions. It is an issue that the person themselves personally has to address and process and be willing in.
While focusing on this topic, I found myself also experiencing anxiety in different situations. Especially in relation to coming into uni after missing out the first few weeks. I felt like I had to have a very well structured, perfect job doen before going into class or else I was gonna get judged and criticized. This thought grew in my head and once I saw that my works-up-to-date were no where close to good-enough-standards, a fear grew in me of what going into class unprepared would result in. I became afraid of getting critiqued or receiving feedback, which I know is so crucial and helpful and actually beneficial for me. This is something I honestly regret and wished turned out different. On the other hand, I guess I got to experience what anxiety feel like😅... This campaign really made me think of ways to capture peoples attention by using complementary colors, fitting fonts, and scaling, imagery, design styles etc. It made me put myself in the perspective of people passing by, and what would catch their eyes? What catches my eyes when im waiting at the bus stop? What would pull my curiosity? It also made me observe many of the advertisements and images posted and hanging around the different areas of the public life. And I realised so many that I didnt pay attention to before. Our society today consists of so many different designs and assets everywhere. It opened my eyes to how the way we display each word, how a touch of color, how much one image can spoil or amplify different meanings and inspiration to people.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
The “sky, people” day was wild because this happened on the same day as that interview.
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I’m trying to find the official clip but alas, no luck, BUT how can anyone see that and say that’s normal bro behavior. You just know, you know this isn’t their first rodeo, posing for pics like that for each other.
Handle hair Jungkook is absolutely wild. // love the people in the background that didnt give a shit about what these two were doing. Makes you wonder how often they do this in front of others for it to be a normal jungkook and jimin thing.
They’re gay YSJ, gay 🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🌈🦄💜💛🏳️‍🌈
OMG HIHIHIIHI @chikooritajjk hiii! I missed you! Sooo okay this is ALL HAPPENING between November 15-20, 2017. Which was a big week for the guys - all of them - because of the 2017 AMAs and also the Jimmy Kimmel Mini Outdoor Concert and also ALL the interviews and also... because the Jeon-Parks were barely two weeks off their Tokyo trip and GCF Tokyo, which Jungkook uploaded on the 8th. THE CHEMISTRY AND STUFF WAS ON HIGH IS WHAT I MEAN, HERE. That whole week is like ten posts of stuff. I could do it, if you want.
Here's the pre-AMA interview with E! News Asia, and it actually filmed on, I think, the 17th, but some of the stuff looks like the 18th or 19th and the same shirts so IDK. ANYWAY it was 2017 AMAs and they were in the US for it.
Sky... people....
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Ah, young gay love and gay panic... these guys could NOT catch a break that week and they were fresh off their honeymoon and still in the giddy phase of what happens when you surprise your man with a Disney trip and a hotel with a see-through bathroom and then post a whole Youtube Ode To My Boyfriend... Props to Tae for that support, though. He was a true bro like "uhhh yeah. Straight as an arrow and dumb as a box of hammers, that's our Jungkookie" and Joon is like "sure we'll Google it or w/e why did PD-nim make me Guardian Of The Fairy Children what the fuck" while doing mental math to see if he could afford to retire at 24. Honestly Namjoon just constantly looked like he wanted to unalive them both all week. The holy water interview happened that week or just before that too, it was insane. Namjoon got revenge though on the same day in a whole other interview about who gets all the girls and Joon straight up goes "Oh, Jungkook" resulting in SAD JIMIN and gay-panic Jungkook. AWKWARD PANDA WAS AWKWARD.
It was... well, it was mean. But the man was at his wits end. Namjoon In The Middle is my favorite show.
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But THIS has been a two-day bitch to find. So my apologies for tardiness but we know I get like that AND ALSO... I KINDA HAVE IT.
It’s here at 42:47-52
And based on that I noticed the footage was from Good Insight: Producer Bang Si Hyuk episode, so I found that. And the Good Insight piece is a fucking HOUR long almost so I have not yet frame by framed it to locate that piece of video BUT I WILL because I NEED IT NOW THANKS ;) Also it looks really good and I haven't seen it soooo new material for meeeee yay ANYWAY:
If for some reason you can't see it try using this link. Bless Bangtan Subs.
And also swing a chicken for me to figure out why the hell my XBox Game Bar is not screen recording on my new gaming laptop because WHAT THE HELL. I did the whole screen acceleration and shutting shit off thing already. No dice. Errors aplenty. I'll work it out OR perhaps a smol genius will assist. Who knows. I digress. LOOK THOUGH I CAN SCREENSHOT LIKE A BOSS praise me plskthx i'm a libra
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I'm sure there was a point I was making but honestly it's just nice to see you all and I'm easily distracted by the Jeon-Parks and that whole honeymoon period was WILD. OH THERE'S KEVIN HE'S UP EARLY LOVE YOU ALL BACK SOON ENJOY THE JIKOOKERY
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
five years too late let’s analyze this. the commentary has gotten me back into gravity falls reigniting thoughts and insights i came to years ago
i love everything about this commentary in general it hits the points of humor, genuine analysis of the characters, but most of all im so glad hirsch addressed that the droid not detecting any fear from dipper here doesnt make any scientific sense because that was a massive CinemaSins moment for me
IDK the fact that dipper can fucking stand after an airship crash because theres a bigger threat at hand is literally one of the defining capabilities owed to adrenaline lol...... IM SORRY im a biopsychology student if i dont point that out iwill seethe and die because that was just . its a grudge ive held for a long time about this episode but didnt rant about because it was something so minor and i’m sure nobody would care.
i was 13 when this episode came out and i’m almost 19 now, i had a special interest in biology and i still do but now i’m actually having college classes in biopsychology so i can give my arguments more oomph now. and i have to say, now that i know more about the brain and autonomic nervous system the more this scene bugs me, if that was even possible. and it says a lot of dipper and ford’s relationship.
if dipper clearly wasnt calm before, why would he be now just because he’s put up an outwardly confident facade? before he was in the flight but now hes in the fight. my boy just rode on top of a spaceship by nothing but a magnet gun that could detach at any time if it failed and then the ship crashed, he sustained injuries, is in emotional turmoil because he thinks his uncle is Fucking Dead and the threat of a security droid that detects adrenaline is on his tail and produces a Big Fucking Gun in response to dipper saying “i hAvE a MaGNeT gUn” and hes screaming and has his teeth clenched but sure there’s no adrenaline coursing through his body in that moment i can totally believe that
when dipper asks what happened, ford says “the orb didn’t detect any chemical signs of fear, it assumed the threat was neutralized and self-disassembled” but i don’t think measuring someone’s heartbeat alone is particularly relevant in detecting ... chemical signs of fear?? they dont really tell you this shit but noradrenaline (and maybe adrenaline too if the acetylcholine from sympathetic outflow always activates the adrenal medulla??, theres two pathways) is always active in small quantities to make sure your parasympathetic nervous system doesnt slow your heart to dangerous levels on its own, regardless of your emotions. it’s just a homeostatic mechanism. your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are CONSTANTLY modulating control of your organs on a see-saw, literally with every breath you take. simply standing upright causes specialized mechanoreceptor neurons in blood vessels to signal your brain to project signals to release catecholamines via the sympathetic nervous system to constrict your blood vessels so that blood is able to reach your brain and not pool in your legs. i have a deficiency in my body’s ability to adapt to this which is why i know so much about it. if i stand up my heart races to compensate. i’m not feeling fear, my body is just adjusting—albeit grossly and incompetently lol.
but what im saying here is that the security system is flawed. it’s a cool idea to have security droids detect fear, but in practice by detecting adrenaline, and not even directly by detecting the molecule itself—it’s done in a roundabout way by reading the heartbeat, could be a recipe for false alarms. like what if someone’s on beta-blockers. that’s not really an adequate way to measure “fear”; there’s so many variables that could interfere with the measurement the farther you abstract from what you’re really trying to detect. and besides, adrenaline is NOT just a sign of fear, it’s just for preparing the body for action. i know the sympathetic nervous system and adrenaline is constantly linked with the “fight-or-flight” reaponse to a stressor, but 99.9% of the time the sympathetic nervous system is used in your life is to balance out your parasympathetic nervous system to maintain homeostatic equilibrium for mundane things.
i think detecting amygdalar activation would be more efficient in detecting fear. the amygdala sends projections to the hypothalamus which then in turn modulates the autonomic nervous systems. but the amygdala is intensely activated specifically in response to a fear-inducing stimulus (it does activate in response to other emotions but they’re mostly negative and is most activated by startle and fear), and wouldnt be highly activated by many other confounding variables like measurement of the heartbeat could be. the amygala is one of the first stops directly from external stimuli.
to show you how integrated the amygdala is as the first step in registering fear after receiving input from sensory stimuli let’s look at the auditory-amygdala connection for example
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see how the auditory thalamus projects to the primary auditory cortex and auditory association cortex? the cortex is where conscious awareness of what the stimuli is comes from. this is the “high road”. it goes sensing -> perception -> emotional response. but sometimes you can be startled without even processing what it is you’re sensing, like the startle response of an alarm or a phone ringing in a quiet house before you even register what it is. this goes sensing -> emotional response, without perception happening until after you’ve already felt the startle. that’s when it takes the “low road”. here’s a simplified version:
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even if that were the case with these droids though it’s obvious dipper is still fearful on some level here. his body language, voice, expressions all give it away. for the amygdala, aggression isnt too off from fear so it would be detected equally.
the reason this is so important is because ford uses this as evidence for why dipper is special, “i did it?” “you did it. this is what i was talking about, how many 12 year olds do you think are capable of doing what you’ve just done?”
but like....did he really? i’m not saying this to shoot dipper down or make him out to be more of a wuss, he was incredibly strong-willed here and i dont want to take that away from him because it WAS growth on his part. but the underlying psychophysiological reactions of aggression and fear shouldn’t be that different and this was a total asspull. maybe the droid was so old that it fucked up. maybe dipper being covered in grime and dirt made it harder for the droid to measure the correct heart rate through photoplethysmography (im assuming since they use a camera and are non-contact).
and in all honesty everything i just said brings into question the interpersonal healthiness of ford’s judgements, what he thinks, his expectations, and how he communicates that. in this video alex already talks about how ford is projecting onto dipper. and i think ford may be projecting his expectations for himself onto people who are not him, and the fact that it’s on dipper here makes it far more unfortunate. you realize how much this boy idolizes ford, right? how much impressions matter? dipper even tells himself before he leaves in this same episode, “all right dipper, this is your first big mission with great uncle ford. don’t mess this up.”
even though it’s unstated, the implicit message dipper is perceiving from ford based on their dynamic is: “do you have what it takes for me to be proud of you?” and to accomplish this he must be like ford, even though he’s clearly not and he knows this. he says “i don’t think have what it takes. i was tricked by bill, i was wrong about stan’s portal, heck, i can’t even operate this magnet gun right.” then, by simple chance without even knowing what he did, he activates the magnet gun and pulls out the adhesive, which immediately takes the focus away from what dipper was telling ford about his feelings of inadequacy to ford saying, “yes! dipper, you found the adhesive!”
these thoughts of dipper’s hang in the air without resolve or comment from ford. we don’t know what ford would have said. but it then becomes painfully self-evident in the scene immediately after when the droids emerge and ford tells dipper, “they’re security droids and they detect adrenaline. you simply have to not feel any fear and they won’t see you”, to which dipper replies with an exasperated (and rightful) “WHAT?”
dipper goes in a panic trying to indirectly tell his uncle that this isn’t something he can do. and he is completely right and valid to be freaked out by that full stop. that IS crazy. you can’t control your fear. you can control how you interpret that fear in your higher brain regions but the physiological changes will stick around for longer than it takes to cognitively calm down. it’s easy for me to detach from my emotions to analyze them, but being able to do this does not come naturally for everyone. even i have an irrational fear of wasps and i can’t control it by detaching myself, my body is just automatically primed to get the fuck out of there. i know it’s stupid and i know it’s irrational and isn’t helpful to get myself worked up but i literally can’t stop how my body reacts no matter how i cognitively think about it. expecting composure from dipper in a situation like this when he’s being made to consciously be aware of his anxiety is absolutely fucking insane. look what you did, placing these cruel expectations on him, now he’s afraid of being afraid! this isn’t a case where two wrongs cancel out, they just stack on top of each other.
there’s a good reason these scenes were put side by side but it seems up until now it had remained unanalyzed.
what dipper fears from ford is disappointment. not living up to his uncle’s (quite frankly badly placed) expectations for a twelve year old with anxiety. not once did ford say or subliminally communicate “i don’t expect you to be able to do what i can since you are not as experienced as i am and that’s perfectly okay, no judgements”. you don’t put a child on bike before training wheels. you don’t throw a kid into a swimming pool without giving them swimming lessons. the way ford is doing it, there’s no room for trial and error or mistakes that are an opportunity to grow and learn; instead, it’s life or death. he only seems to pride dipper on what he can do while ignoring the underlying struggles that plague him and never making it known it’s okay for dipper to fail in front of his hero and that he won’t think anything less of him for it.
and that’s why i found the ending scene for dipper and ford’s adventure in this episode to feel so.. wrong. on a scientific and social level. because by the sound of it ford focused more on what dipper had done to dismantle the droid (the droid not detecting any fear) instead of how dipper displayed love and protection for him even if he was truly afraid. what if the science was accurate and the droid detected adrenaline while dipper was confidently standing up for his uncle. would ford still be proud of him regardless?
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
4 times Leonardo was a dork and the time he wasn’t
Heya! I adore the "strong stoic character does something embarrassing or dumb" trope, and Leo has been left behing from that one. Also, my fervent Leo Simp Friend said these were all good ideas and I trust his judgment completely, so it's also for him. Enjoy, you Dork-ass Looser (affectionate) @weird-flex-but-ok
I have one of these "4 times ______ and 1 time ______" stories for each of them, I just got really inspired by him all of a sudden. But they're coming!
There might be a few typos here and there, but I really don't wanna wait any longer to post it :3
Requested: No
Pairing: None, platonic
Word count: 2500 +
Triggers: cursing, injuries, blood, intrusion
Summary: You were always sort of intimidated by the leader in blue, but a series of events shows you he might not be as serious as he wants you to think.
First time
It took you a while to get along with all of them.
Not because you didn't trust them, or because they made it difficult, and certainly not because they're mutants. You're just not that good with new people, and you tend to shy away. Especially when you have New York's heroes in front of you.
So yeah. It took a while. But soon enough, you warmed up to your new friends, and you had a great time. Mikey was the first who made you feel welcomed, always asking questions about you and insisting you came to the lair in the first place. Donnie followed soon, after you started asking about what he was working on. It took a bit more work to get closer to Raph, but it turns out sarcasm was the way to go.
If only their leader was as approachable.
He never made you feel unsafe or unwelcomed, don’t get me wrong, he just kept a professional distance with you, which started to become quite painful as time went on. You tried not to take it personally, thinking he maybe was as shy as you were.
You had time anyway.
It was early in the evening when you made your way to the lair. For the first time since you met the turtles, you went there alone. You were a little nervous, thinking you might get lost in the maze of tunnels under the city, but figured you could just call someone if anything happened. Lucky for you, you found your way to your friend’s place, but not without hustle.
As you entered, you realized it was uncharacteristically quiet. The only sounds you could here were the faint music and the not so faint curses from Donatello’s lab. The smart decision seemed to be leave him alone, which is exactly what you did.
You haven’t been here long enough to know where to find the others, and as you didn’t exactly felt like staying alone in the living space, you tried finding your way to the dojo, as it was one of the other places you knew well.
Of course, now you got lost. Venturing into the sewers was fine, but walking into your friend's home wasn't, apparently.
You found something else, however. This particular tunnel led to a room you could identify as someone's room. You could see the large bed in the middle of the room, a small table with a bottle of water, a book, and a makeshift alarm. A set of twin swords were hanging on the right wall, just above a small bookshelf.
On your left was another table with a (healthy, you noted) bonsai tree, and next to that was Leonardo, facing a mirror. He had his right arm lifted up to his head, and was looking right to you through the mirror.
He looked absolutely horrified.
What the fuck.
He slowly rubbed his face in his hands, let out a long sigh, and turned to you, more tense than you've ever seen him. He cleared his throat as you pince your lips in a thin line to hold back a smile.
"Hello, Y/N. I... didnt think you'd come in so early."
Despite the badly lit room, you can see him bite the inside of his cheek.
"Yeah, uh, I didnt mean to... interrupt you," you say. Your voice is slightly shaking as it takes all of your willpower not to burst out laughing. And he definitely notices.
"You didn't! I uh, wasn't doing anything anyway. So, tell me- what brings you to the lair?" He asks, avoiding your eyes.
"Oh, Mikey invited me, he said I wasnt allowed to skip on movie night. You know how strong willed he is," you smirks, unable to handle it much longer.
Stiff as a board, you see the corner of his mouth twitching and hear him whisper, "... I wasn't flexing."
You snort laugh hard enough to choke on it as you quickly turn around to hold yourself against the wall, the insanity of the situation crashing on you. Leo sat at the foot of his bed, head in his hands, and you could see him shake in repressed laughter once you wiped your tears away.
You sit next to him after finally calming down from the hysteria. He sighs, straightens his back and gives you a side glance.
"I'm not judging."
"You're still laughing, though."
"Yeah, but like, I guess I just wasn't expecting that. Still not judging."
He nods, still smiling. His voice is at least 3 octaves higher when he asks, "Please, don't tell the others."
"And what, give them the privilege of knowing about your little... ritual? Nah, don't worry about it."
Second time
The second time your assumptions about the leader were subverted happended only two weeks after the... incident.
You had invited the whole crew to your place for the very first time, and they were all excited to come. You made a copious dinner: a few veggie cakes, chicken wings and a bowl of roasted potatoes. They were supposed to bring the drinks and movies, and April and Casey were in charge of the desert.
A perfect night, it seemed.
And it would have been if they could decide what to watch first without jumping at each other's throats.
"You guys need to grow up."
"Leave me out of thi-"
"Donnie's suggesting Velocipastor of all things and you think we need to grow up? Come on, Y/N, I thought you were better than that."
"Okay, first of all, how dare you. And second, this movie's a masterpie-"
"Yeah, because everyone knows that his supremior intellect means he's the only one who gets to choose a dumb movie. Why won't you guys watch Sharknado?"
"Supremior isn't a word. And it's because unlike you, peasants, I have taste." A devilish smile creeps up Donnie's face. The bastard is doing it on purpose.
"You ugly-ass son of a-"
"Hey! Leave Dad out of this!"
"We could watch Shrek instead?"
You decided to go get some glasses in the kitchen, leaving the children to their stupid fight. Searching through your cupboard, you hear a crashing sound, quickly followed by utter and complete silence.
Oh no.
In insight, leaving them alone was maybe not the best idea. You were reconsidering bringing glasses into the mess as you made your way to the origin of the sound. And what a mess it was.
Your friends were all expressing shock in some way, Casey (surprisingly) being the most dramatic of them all with his hands right in front of his face and his jaw hanging open. They were all looking back and forth between you and another direction near the table.
The really cool bowl that held the delicious potatoes you made was broken on the floor. There was glass and potatoes everywhere, but the biggest shards were in a neat pile, right behind Leonardo, who looked like a deer in headlights.
"... nothing happended."
"I'm... starting to think it's a habit of yours," you say as you watch him not so discretely try to hide the broken pieces behind his foot.
"Look, if you keep putting your foot in there you're gonna hurt yourself. Just, step away a bit, will you?"
"I'm sorry I broke it. Let me help you clean up, I don't want you to cut yourself."
"It's okay! Don't touch it, I'll get a bag," you say as he starts to gather the biggest shards.
Won't even listen for one second, will he?
Raph was already picking up the untouched potatoes to put them in the plates on the table, and April went to the kitchen with you to retrieve the bag and cleaning supplies.
"Ew, Mikey don't eat that."
"Thirty seconds rule, baby."
"It's five seconds, you moron. And it's way over thirty anyway. Spit it out."
The rest of the night went on without further issues, but Leo still looked apologetic during the movie. Which is probably why he was standing before you as his brothers were leaving.
"Thank you for the evening. And I'm... sorry again for the bowl."
"Hey it's okay, man. Don't worry about it. As long as no one gets hurt it's not that big of a deal."
"I'll get you a new one." He doesn't wait for your answer and ruffles your hair before taking off.
"Text me when you guys get home!" You scream into the night, hoping one of them heard you.
Third time
It's surprisingly easy to mess with Fearless.
You were in the living room, getting your ass beat on Mario Kart by Mikey, when you decided to take a break for your stomach (and ego)’s sake. You made your way to the kitchen, where Leo and Raph were in a heated discussion. Raph looked
“I’m telling you, 4 inches is too small. What do you get from 4 inches ? Nothing. But 10 inches ? It really makes you feel something.”
You looked down on the table and saw multiple ingredients lined up on the table, with a long piece of bread on the side.
Oh, sandwiches. Got it.
Leo’s back was facing you, but Raph gave you a knowing glance, one that said ‘do it’. So, you did. Not without a smirk, first.
“Oh, wow, Leo ! I didn’t think you’d be so open about that kind of conversations.” You open the fridge, hoping you can hide your smile behind the door.
“What ? What do you m-” His face falls. Raph starts chuckling next to you and it looks like Leo’s brain is rebooting. 
“I mean, I’m not judging. You do you, buddy, I’m happy for you. Just surprised you choose lunch time to talk about it.” And in other circumstances, you’d mean every word. But right now, messing with your friend is too good to pass on.
“No, hold on- I didnt mean- It’s not what you think ! I’m talking about sandwiches !” He tries to show you the ingredients currently on the table, but Raph decides it’s time to join the fun.
“Lying isn’t vey Bushido of you, Honor Boy,” he winks at you and you can’t repress a giggle.
He puts his face in his hands, knowing very well that the both of you ganged up on him but unable to save face. He just smiles, goes back on his chair and hides his head in his arms, hoping you won’t see how embarassed you made him.
“Hey, you like what you like. Have fun with your sandwiches.” You give him an innocent smile, pat him twice on the shoulder, and join Mikey back on the couch with a plate of grapes.
You could hear Raph’s light chuckle from the kitchen.
Fourth time
Mornings are hard.
And they’re even worse when you spent the whole night sewing an arm back together after a sword gave it a nasty cut. And getting glass shards off of your friend’s shell. And putting a bone back in it’s rightful place after a particularly bad fall.
Yeah. Long night. And a tense one, too.
Because with the physical pain came the chock and residual fears, the anger and blaming. Everyone was stil on guard, and all that tension was exhausting. You barely slept, too worried that one of your friend’s state would degrade if you didn’t keep an eye on them at all times. Which didn’t really help you get the rest you needed.
If you were hoping the morning would be kinder on all of you, you quickly realized that it was a mistake. While, luckily for the turles, the mutagen was already healing their physical wounds, the emotional exhaustion of the previous night was still heavy. Of all of your conscious friends, not one dared break the eerie silence.
It was weird, seeing them like this. But you couldn’t force yourself to say anything, strangely scared of what could happen. You resumed to making breakfast for everyone and bringing clean towels to the still sleeping feverish turtle in the medbay. Splinter and Mikey were at the kitchen table, quietly accepting your offering, when Leo came into the room from the medbay.
He was still half asleep, and in his drowsiness didn’t see the wall he accidentally ran into.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t see you there.”
Everyone turned to Leo, who it took a solid minute of staring blindly at the wall to realize what just happened.
Donnie was the first to laugh. It didn’t take long for april and Mikey to join, soon followed by Splinter affectionately patting his son’s arm. Leo smiled and shook his head, as their lighthearted laugh was contagious.
The leader in blue was more of a goofball than what you first expected, and you were grateful for it in the fading tensions of the morning.
One time he wasn't
When someone intrudes your home, especially at 4 am when you were sleeping in the next room, a lot of things go through your head.
Did they take anything?
Yes. Your bag with your wallet, some cash, your credit card, your ID, and a few fidelity cards from various stores. Your laptop. A set of keys. That one blanket Raph made you (probably to carry everything without making too much noise).
Why you?
Why not? Your apartment isn't isolated, but it's not exactly on a main street either. It was probably practical for them.
Were they armed?
Who knows. Maybe. Maybe not. Probably. Statistically, most likely.
What could have happened if you had tried to confront them?
A lot of things. Maybe, if you let them know you were awake and knew what was going on, without necessarily confronting them, it would have been enough to make them run away. Or maybe there were multiple armed people, and they wouldn't hesitate to use force if necessary.
Who knows.
Can the police find this person?
Statistically? No. At least, that's what Casey told you when you asked him. Unless they got really lucky, they won't find anything.
Or at least the stuff they stole?
Again, unlikely. Unless they can trace your laptop back to the guy, or someone can give a physical description and a direction, there's not a lot they can do.
What can you do now?
Call your bank. And your insurance. And your landlord. Let them know what happened and follow their directive, they'll guide you through their procedure and help you soften the blow.
Casey was the first person you called when you woke up this night, and he was at your place within minutes with two other colleagues (the closest he could find). He spent the rest of the night reassuring you, helping you with the phone calls, asking around for witnesses, but nothing.
It's weird, feeling unsafe for the first time in a place you had called Home for years. It's disturbing. You can feel the nausea your anxiety is giving you, and a headache starts to grow at the back of your skull.
You don't really like this feeling.
So when your turtle friends dropped by the next evening without telling you and you welcomed them with a swing of your favorite pan, let's just say reactions were split.
"I can hack into your computer to find its location if you want. Wouldn't be the first time."
"What? I mean, I didn't do it for your location last time. I know all about your search history, though."
"We're gonna have a talk about boundaries and privacy once we're done dealing with that," you sigh. You crash down on the couch next to your friend and mindlessly watch him work.
Leo comes up to you and gently nudges your shoulder. "Hey, do you have a toolbox somewhere? We brought locks to put on your door and windows. You know, just in case."
You nod, quiet, and lead him to your room where you keep most of the most useful stuff you own, including but not limited to a toolbox and a first aid kit.
Your movements were almost mechanical as you retrieved the box and handed it to him, and you decided to help him put up the locks to keep your mind occupied.
He was concerned. You looked like you were still in choc, which he could completely understand. Getting robbed is awful in itself, but getting robbed while you're sleeping in the next room? Horrific, in his mind.
He was also furious. He couldn't be there for you. This person had the nerves to go after his friend, and what if you got hurt? He wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.
He noticed he was staring when your eyes met his.
"Hey. We're gonna do whatever we can to find them. We're also gonna focus our patrols in your neighborhood for at least a few weeks, until you feel better," he puts a hand on your shoulder. "It's gonna be okay Y/N. Trust me."
You look up to him, and when you look into his eyes, you know he means it. You let your head fall against his plastron as he holds you against him, a silent promise for safety.
"Hey shorty," Raph pulls his head into the crack of the door to address you. "Wanna learn how to fight? I can turn you into a death machine."
You heard the faint "Raph, what the fuck" coming from Mikey who was still in the living room.
You gave a small laugh as you got up, Leo following you closely to the living room.
"Hey! Fighting isn't for everyone. But I could make you a really cool taser, if you want."
"What's with you and tasers?"
"They're efficient."
The bell ringed and April came in holding 4 boxes of pizza, that Mikey assisted her with as soon as she set a foot inside.
You looked around at your friends as April brandished the pizzas like a trophy while Raph and Donnie went back and forth trying to decide who, between man power and electricity, would win in a fight.
And you realized that yes, Leo was right.
It's gonna be okay.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 111
sigh~~~ I feel that my recent posts are a bit negative towards the anime, but thats cuz the chapters I’ve read so far are either unbelievably important character depth content cut for no valid reason or content in the anime but packed with million other things that it lost its purpose or importance. Basically tohu’s ep 6 which consists of 4 chapters & now ep 5 which is a momiji ep & yup, packed with 4 chapters as well... so, I apologize for any negativity, my intention is just analyzing artistic & story-telling aspects, I love se03, but yeah it screwed up lots of important characters due to its not so thorough plot decisions & harmful character insight choices.
today.. we explore Momiji... but only before his curse breaks.
Furuba anime struggling to know how to design an episode based on various plot-heavy chapters?
so, they decided 13 eps, & decided one ep for momiji cuz motoko’s graduation & the fanclub is the core of the furuba & have already cut tons of tohru, cuz who cares? she’s kind. be like her. end of lesson. No. really, jokes aside, how to do this?
How to combine several chapters in one ep? collect small snippets from chosen chapters/content like a bee does flowers? you gotta skip some content, you gotta highlight others. The ep is only 20 min after all & you got an op & Ed that you cant always skip.... so.. furuba team decide that momoji’s ep should be true to his zodiac animal, this is the rabbits last appearance in spirit. so, they went with quick hopping from one chapter to the other like a rabbit?
No really, ep 5 is really like a rabbit in its flow, you can’t savior a moment enough before jumping to the other: we learned momiji grew up!! loves toheu romantically, challenged kyo, really meant it, wanted a fair love game, got freed, lost tohru romantically & faced momiji! but that’s not all? we still have space!! quick add akito’s moodiness & love triangle with her dog & her submissive bed partner, add a happy comedy for no reason whatever & make shigue kiss tohru & wish shes 'was his lover instead!!!!!!!!! Mind you all this happened in the anime before shigure hurt tohru with his “the truth of the zodiacs talk & them accepting & feeling consolance that kyo is doomed”talk. 
-Gets whats my biggest surprise after reading this chapter ?????????
Shigure is consistent!! He isnt a rabbit hopping here & there. The dog is loyal & is tired for good reason! Him being depressed & his weird talk with thoru makes so much sense given the manga’s order.
Kyo is consistent!! In the anime, momiji surprise him with confession he loves tohru & challenge him, then kyo la~la~la~joins them downstairs for curry. Not a single expression on his face, where is the expression? it will appear when the plot is forced to address it: by the end of the ep when momiji face hin again. Then we get kyo’s reaction.
I need someone to tell the anime that actions require a reaction. You can refrain from showing a certain reaction if you can’t address it now, but you can’t erase it, negate it, then make it appear when have to!!!! couldn’t they make kyo refuse to join them & eat together? the     other characters wont be surprised they think he’s needlessly moody. The audience will know that kyo is troubled with momiji’s challenged & it will excite them!!! having kyo just go eat & watch the momiji/hiro/haru/yuki comedy skit is weird.
The manga’s author wanted kyo to join the dinner, like the anime did. but huge difference. the author actually cares for logic reaction & understands that the audience aren’t dumb little kids that will sit & wait for kyo’s turn to...react! nope! she did this: (a) & (b) below.
-Lost Small Bits/ Panels from the chapter.. But Sadly Big Huge Chunks for Characters buildup & Growth:
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(a) addressed the fact the hiro noticed kyoru is in love & dressed that shigure was right!! the cat being in love is a weird concept to the zodiacs! hiro reacted naturally & the author used hiro to flesh yuki’s (the rat), momiji’s (the rabbit) & haru’s (the cow) decision to silently watch the kyo (the cat) makes his own decisions to live!!! They won’t interfere or tell akito or remind him of his state as the doomed caged cat. So sad this moment is cut from yuki. Why must yuki only interact with kyo to beat him (all seasons)? why must yuki only think of kyo to envy him (all seasons) ? Here, yuki’s growth towards kyo as a person & his relationship with tohru is 1000 times better than all tohru is my mom’s sh!t & I envy kyo’s Sh!t we saw in the anime over & over till we memorized it.
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(b) kyo didnt just go la~la~eat with momiji after knowing he loves tohru. Nope, there’s small bits missing: called logical emotional reaction. He was surprised he’s caught pining over tohru! cuz yuki, the audience representative, has told us in the previous chapter that ppl in love dont notice anything around them. Kyo thinks him being cold hid his feelings. the dummy’s feelings are as bright as the sun in the Sahara, tohru too. a child read her! such small thing that wont take much space from the ep but was cut cuz kyo only needs to be responsive at the ep’s end. & this scene of kyo & tohru looking awkwardly at each other is minor in space but so important cuz kyo is determined to let go but his decision is challenged by not only momiji, but his natural attraction to tohru. Here he knows he’s caught & exposed... here he knows momiji is a better choice for tohru cuz he wont didn’t hurt her mom... here he knows that even yuki is better cuz never had to pretend to be cold to her... here he knows the world is better than him... & here he just cant help by smile & walks towards her... T_T ... another lesson in writing slow burns by Takaya-san.
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-Why would the anime team pass on this?? drawing kyoru closer after the epic tear in Cinderella ep, cuz they want empty suspense~! The anime team thinks that if kyo & tohru stand next to each other, then it means all their issues are solved & the audience are so stupid as to forget tohru’s mom, kyo’s imprisonment, kyo not confessing his sins to tohru & tohru’s need to make a choice wether to fogive hom or not.. nope! you see, they think, ppl who read mangas are smart, so the author can give this epic symbolism & pp would still be not sure kyoru is end game & tohru will forgive him or kyo even fogive himself, but ppl who watch, oh no, gotta cut all the plot worthy content, produce a graduation song for a minor character, cut all kyo/tohru interaction cuz it only means romance & not at all character depth & oh if we show yuki actually formulating deep thoughts that aren’t centered around him, the audience might forget his se02 struggles! or that might ruin yuki’s upcoming growth moment in the finale where he .. you guessed it hits kyo.. as he always do & sulk &  think abt himself cuz yuki can only do monologues when he’s directly involved.... man~it is so sad how the anime is dumped down.. Who is the target audience again? not kids as young as hiro cuz even hiro is smart!
-just look:
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 Momiji talks abt kyo shouldn't give up loving tohru & the authr shows this this ghost!!! his mom! The author reminds us that kyo isnt da~~~~ forgetting anything. He’s a deeply troubled soul & hos mom wants him locked cuz she too was locked in a cage & thinks that’s safer...why oh why you dump ur own story! sh!t~
Side Notes:
I like the closeups on Kisa’s face as she interacted with kyo. It’s very rare for kisa to have a world beside the endearing parental/big protective bro/big doting sister love she has with tohru & haru & off course the romantic love with hiro which was perhaps since their birth or sth. lol.  Kisa & kyo arent much on the brotherly side as they rarely interact, but its one of those  refreshing  interactions she has that helps cast a new light on her as tiny as it is,  but its sth out of the norm around her. She sees him  around tohru & gets to perceive his true unprovoked character. “He is  nice guy”.
I really wanted to punch kureno this chapter.. like Shigure is a jerk shitty dog for sleeping with akito’s mom but kureno... dude.. you submissively sleep with the guy’s eternal love interest & still walks in on him talking to her!!! lol. you’re mentally, emotionally & physically weaker than him & yet, she puts you on her bed, not him & you, tho not wanting her at all, dont walk away. No wonder shigure is defeated & wishing for someone like tohru, lol! Even if shigure met an older tohru-like person, it wont work. shigure deserve someone like him mean, schemer & loves playing power games. Tohru is someone who values honesty & commutation, not saying she’s an angel on earth, but tohru knows who suits her.. except fate is saying: NO. .... currently. lol.
I know kureno’s weakness is part of his character & I love that such characters exits. There are ppl ike that in real life. It’s just this chapter, I felt shigure’s frustration. XD
Yuki in this ep is the best yuki. no exaggeration here, I love when yuki is calmly thoughtful of others & here its kyo of all ppl !!!! cutting this scene is sad.. without it, kyo & yuki remain a cat & rat in the anime. Only ever thinking abt each other thro envious binoculars or hateful words or yuki giving kyo comedic hitting or life’s problem-solving hitting. Why can’t anime yuki be interactive outside his self-centered issues is beyond me.
Momiji & kyo’s interactions are always the best! whether comedy or drama.
I hated the curry cooking scene in the anime... so weirdly out of the ep’s flow.. very forced comedy... in the manga it had a purpose! not just quick add comedy cuz next shot momiji curse breaks & drama & we’ll close the ep with tears & sadness & glimpses of hope...
I love haru’s answer to hiro... so him.. “a guy can’t fall in love?”so chill.. so..simple.
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heavensmortuary · 3 years
🍁🍂🍁🍂Alright, since its mid-September, its time for my annual spooky movie reccomedation list! I include ratings, and I can include trigger warnings for any of these films upon request as well! I'm also looking for horror movies to watch myself, so feel free to comment/ask any as well!! So, here we go, in no particular order...🍁🍂🍁🍂
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Fantasy/sci-fi horror:
The Thing 1982 [R]: A group of scientists find a shapeshifting alien underneath the ice in Antarctica, and they just survive as it imitates them. Trust no one. The Thing is one of my favorite movies in general. Its scary, retro, and the special effects are insane. It reminds me of classic Lovecraft, but better. Very terrifying. 10/10
Pan's Labyrinth 2006 [R]: During the Spanish Civil War, a young girl named Ofelia enters a world of twisted fantasy while above, her step-father's brutality causes trouble in the midst of a rebellion. Genuinely a beautiful movie. It's like a fairy-tale, and sometimes you forget it's a horror movie. It's simply magical, but frighteningly real. If you love classic fantasy, monsters, history, and horror, you'll love this movie. 10/10
Alien 1979 [R]: A team on a shipping vessel in soace come in contact with a parasitic alien within the clausterphobic confines of the ship. A classic, and it's still absolutely terrifying. Sharp insight on early 80's consumerism (in more than one sense), and a marvel of alien horror. Its very claustrophobic, tense, and 100% worth watching, especially if you love scifi. 10/10.
Aliens 1986 [R]: Continuing the story of Alien, space marines must investigate a distress signal from a colony, and what they find is more horrifying than they could have imagined. Full of retro action, humorous quips, scares, and plenty of bullet spray, it's a terrifying and fun watch. I enjoyed it just as much as the original, and its just awesome, while being scary at times. 10/10
Annihilation 2018 [R]: After the mysterious death of her husband, a Biologist goes into Area X to discover what horrifying cosmic entity his team found there. Not nearly as good, or accurate as the book (I CANT reccomend the Southern Reach trilogy enough), but this movie genuinely frightened me at points and the setting is simply beautiful. Its clever, creepy, and it's a strange watch. 8/10
Signs 2002 [PG-13]: After strange symbols appear in the cornfields on a family's farm, they must protect each other, and their faith, during the invasion. Love this movie, it's just spooky enough, but outside if the monsters, the people in this movie are what really matter. It's compelling, and a beautiful story. Simply excellent. Plus you'll know where the screaming guy in a closet meme comes from after seeing this one. 10/10
A Quiet Place 2018 [PG-13]: Could you survive a world where making a single sound could spell your death? Monsters decend upon the Abbot family, just as a baby is on the way. One of my favorite movies ever. Its beautiful and ABSOLUTELY horrifying. I think I forgot about eating my popcorn while watching this one. Overall, the desperate survival of the Abbots is heartwarming, but oh so stressful. If you can, PLEASE watch the sequel right after this one. 10/10
A Quiet Place 2 2021 [PG-13]: The Abbots face new challenges as they traverse a devestated landscape, and monsters wait around every dark corner for them. An EXCELLENT sequel. I caught myself actually going "NOOO AAAA" at some points, and its totally a worthy sequel to the scares in the first one. Again, great story, great characters, great cinematography, great message. 10/10.
Coraline 2009 [PG]: Coraline Jones, unhappy with moving to a new house, suddenly finds a whimsical world in a little hidden tunnel inside the house, but she learns the sinister truth behind the candy-colored world beyond the wall. Dont let the stop-motion animation confuse you; this movie is terrifying. A classic from my childhood, and its a treat to watch every Halloween. The Beldam has to be on the list of the most horrifying villains ever. 10/10
Zombies, ghosts, ghouls, and everything in between:
The Haunting 1963 [G]: Based on the novel The Haunting of Hill House, a group of people must stay in a supposedly haunted mansion. Eleanor, one of the women, suddenly believes that the house is talking directly to her. One of the many adaptations of the book, it's spooky, and it's very disturbing, while also having a nice theme. Perfect for setting the mood on a October night. 8/10
Night of The Living Dead 1990 [R]: Survivors take shelter in an abandoned farm house while the undead attack. Can they work together, or let their own prejudices get the best of them? I havent seen the original yet, but I love this movie. Very scary, and its directed by Tom Savini, so lots of good ol zombie gore. Not only that, there's a good bit of social commentary here on racism. The classic was the original zombie film. 9/10.
Dawn of The Dead 1978 [R]: As the undead rise up, survivors take to a shopping mall in order to survive. I don't know how to describe this movie's vibe. It has this weird retro 70's feel, mixed with uncanny horror. It's campy at times, but it doesn't take away the scariness. Very fun in a weird way, and its an on-the-nose satire of american consumerism. 10/10
Train To Busan 2016 [R]: While the world crumbles around them, a small group of survivors must learn to protect each other on a train headed to Busan. Seriously, please watch this one. It's completely unique to any zombie film I've seen. It's scary, but you genuinely care about the characters, and its VERY intense. Love this one. 10/10
Murder and ect:
Scream 1990 [R]: A masked serial killer stalks high school students in middle class suburbia. Its a parody of the modern horror genre, clever and scary all at once. I enjoyed it as a classic and I liked the commentary on how violence with no essence effects people, especially when glorified with horror films. Definitely not for everyone, but its good never the less. 8/10
Wait Until Dark 1967 [NR (I give it a PG-13)]: A gang of criminals looking for heroin attack the home of a blind woman, and it turns into a horrifying game of back and forth between them, until it can go on no longer. Literally one of the best thriller movies ever. Genuinely scary, and genuinely clever. This was actually the first film I saw Audrey Hepburn act in. Super tense near the end, I was biting my nails the whole time. 10/10
The Village 2004 [PG-13]: A rural community is faced with a hard decision as the monsters in the woods leave bloody warnings around their small town. I watch this one every autumn. Its atmospheric, the score is breathtaking, and its a great story. Its beautiful, gently frightening, and its overall a love story. I love this one a lot, even though I know a lot of people didnt like it. Don't go in expecting a great twist at the end, and you'll enjoy it. 10/10
Jane Eyre 2011 [PG-13]: Jane Eyre becomes the governness to an estate, and find a dark secret there. Not necessarily horror, but its gothic and absolutely beautiful. Its the perfect october movie. I love it lots. Nothing hits different than a rainy october day, a cup of chai tea, and this movie playing. 10/10
TV Series:
Stranger Things 2016- [PG-13]: After a child is taken by a supernatural force, the small town community of Hawkins must search for answers and find him before its too late, but as they search, a horrifying conspiracy comes to life before them. I adore this series. Its a love letter to the 80s. Cant reccomend it enough. 10/10
The Twilight Zone 1959-1964 [PG]: A serialized series featuring many different stories ranging from scifi to horror and everything inbetween. Its genius honestly. Each story is compelling, and thought provoking. A great Halloween watch. 10/10
The Walking Dead 2010- (seasons 1 & 2) [R]: A sheriff wakes up from a coma to find himself in a terrifying world of the undead. Its a decent series, at least in the first two seasons! Its pretty scary. Its great if you like zombie movies! 7/10
Over The Garden Wall 2014 [PG]: Two brothers find themselves lost within the world of the Unknown, a place where time is blended together and reality isn't quite right. Ok, real talk here. Its my favorite series of all time. I could go on and on and on about it. If you haven't seen it, please I beg you. Theres nothing like it. Its literally the BEST autumn show to watch. Clever, funny, lightly disturbing, deep, nostalgic...its fantastic. 11/10
So, there you have it. Huge list of horror movies I've enjoyed and actually reccomend. I have seen quite a few more than this (Halloween, Dawn of the Dead 2004, Nightmare on Elm Street, ect), but I specifically picked out the ones I love the most. Enjoy! And have a great autumn.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
since u've mentioned got7 before for being just some guys and their recent non-jype comback had massive "just some guys having fun" vibes i was curious if you had any more opinions on them in general or this comeback (and maybe how it differed/didnt differ from "standard" group comebacks) in specific! also because they just released a dance practice video i was curious if there were any notable diffrences to previous choreos? i just love ur insights bc i dont know much abt stuff like this! -🐥
the chick emoji a;lskdfjj;lads anon that's so cute
now there are some pretty obvious differences in choreo, particularly in the complexity of the choreo, since got7 in their younger years was obvs pretty famous for difficult choreo + acrobatics as 2pm's younger brothers. one really noticable thing is that the nanana choreo is a lot more separated than their choreos usually are. i think i've mentioned it before when talking about group choreographies but in order to really take advantage of the group in a choreo, you have to have them all in the rehearsal room. with a normal kpop group that's not a problem because they're usually all under the same company and have the same schedules and managers, so they have block rehearsals with all the members there all the time. you can see this in all of their previous choreographies: they have pretty intricate formations and physical shapes that involve member interaction. things like the intro of ycmn, the handkerchief throw/catch in poison, the fall back trick and that crazy close backwards travel in the chorus in if you do, like all of eclipse, all of last piece, etc etc etc, these are all choreos that need all the members physically present in order to get all the shapes right. nanana on the other hand, has very little member interaction (just the jinyoung and yugyeom bit in the beginning) and although there are some pretty fun transitions and shapes, they're all made with the members standing independantly of each other. this basically expedites the process because they can all learn and practice the choreo fairly easily on their own, and then put everything together when they're all in the same room.
lack of rehearsal time isn't the only reason the nanana choreo is less complex though. you can hear jackson and jinyoung talk about it very briefly in their dance practice behind the scenes, where they say that this choreo is more about the 'feel' of the song than anything else, which is very different from their previous choreographies. jype has a reputation for having very good dancers and got7 was at the head of this, with a whole catalogue of very difficult and intricate choreos that are about showing off the technical skills of the performers first and foremost. the only other choreo from their catalogue that is equally vibey as nanana is probably thursday, which is a bside, not a title track.
as far as the actual cb goes i mean, they barely did any promo, i think they only went on youngjae's radio show and did the fanmeeting (that was basically just a concert), so that's pretty different from the typical bg cb.
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ginjointsintheworld · 2 years
Hi ... 1st of all I love you take in Leyren every week .
We have crazy ride episodes this week .
I though share my though after 3 time rewatching the episode.
Here goes
1. Lauren acknowledged her deepest fear lossing her relationship with leyla more due to money as that may make the relationship more into transactional manner to Casey. When she have 2 option , Luaren decided not be selfish and plan to give leyla the money , because thats the right right rather then be selfish of her wanting the relationship (which in mind only her wanting it badly this point) . NOT FORGET lauren aware her decisions will cost her loss love of her life (still her mind- we know how her emotions whack she is when come to leyla)
2. Leyla letting lauren know asking help not bcos she want take advantage on her emotion or feeling.... she dont want the help to be mix up the feelings . But lauren clearly fail to see leyla point deeply . Lauren just took it literally . Leyla not the kind tell everything open ...she very private and hard to express word .. but her face given away when lauren said we complicated...over .... Leyla face broken .
3. When lauren said I love you twice . We can see leyla had full tear . 1st time we get see leyla tear brust out - which leyla always control strongly ... its didnt flow oit before. its like leyla just wanted tell 'I love you to lauren' but she fear to mix feeling and help that point (clearly why she mention early on ) beside she didn't want put that word out that moment but broken down with tear and uncontrollable jump into hug . * Remember this before leyla jump into hug ??? Yes when she can't control her emotions she jump to lauren*
Finally I do really see the pure love leyla have toward lauren , as its deeper then words can represent it .
Both have fear this help may pull them a part but ... their love seem to be strong to pull it together definitely
Lastly - Even thou the show runner plan give more mess and crazy base the interview.. their word *But it gets even crazier. What Leyla needs from Bloom gets even harder and expansive*
* I do have feelings it's more then monetary matter - maybe asking something lauren fear to give to anyone ... like full commitment (maybe) becuase lauren already have fear the relationship with form in transactions mode ... or something clearly lauren find hard give ...maybe adoption child I don't I just throw my word here now. .. but its definitely something lauren hard give But worthy for leyla. Because her Love . And leyra will never ask something to hurt Lauren
Sorry for poor English....
first of all, no apologies needed for your english!
it was so important that lauren was able to take the time to talk to casey and weigh the consequences of her actions! she always knew what she was going to do, there's no way she wasn't going to give leyla the money, especially to help in a situation as serious as this. but it was important for lauren to voice her fears of what their relationship and dynamic could potentially turn into (a transactional relationship) and acknowledge it, confide it in someone she trusts. just like she did with iggy in 4x04 and her fear that she turned leyla into her new addiction. all things that she didn't do the last time around with the residency spot.
yes, leyla is still holding back some of her vulnerability with lauren and it's to be expected. but i loved that she made it perfectly clear (even though lauren knew it already) that the last thing she was trying to do is take advantage of lauren's feelings. that part, the love they have for each other, even though the current state of their relationship is a mess, is still sacred.
oh man, leyla's expressions say all the things that her words can't right now and it's so good. the camera shots that linger on her to capture her reactions to lauren's words so far this season give us additional insight to where she is emotionally. hashtag bless shiva for delivering so well.
these writers and showrunner never want to give anyone smooth sailing, ship or character smh. but even amongst all this drama and whatever additional craziness to come, they can't help but speak hopefully about leyren so i'm going to keep the hope as well 😤
p.s. thanks for sharing your thoughts, loved reading them :)
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shoezuki · 4 years
Tommy's prison/revival arc isnt well written actually
Anyways ive been wanting to talk on it a while for a bit here but havent had the Time or like. The thought to. But im gonna go off now.
First off im gonna say im ASSUMING this stream and plot of tommy being in the prison with dream is written entirely by tommy and dream. Wilbur May be involved in the latest stream but im not sure.
Bringing tommy back to life after only three days of him being dead did practically nothing to progress plot, the characters, or audience's understanding. In fact i feel that it damaged Other characters' potential and plot and already established plotlines.
The 'development' aspect
A really, really easy way to see if anything has changed or developed through an arc or plotline is to straightup just compare the 'beginning' to the 'end' in terms of the barebones situation. So;
Beginning: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream, his own abuser who has hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. He's terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
End: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream after being killed then revived by him, his own abuser whos hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. Hes terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
Okay. This is simplified obvious. But the point stands. ALTHOUGH the troupe of 'going back to the beginning' is common in the heroes journey its. It doesnt work here. Has tommy learned anything? Has he changed as a character? Is the severity of their situation any different? Have we, as the audience, learned anything new?
Im going to expand on that last point because i think it has the strongest potential argument. Technically for progression in literature and development of plot/characters, things can Change without them being Aware as characters. It can change just by the audience's perception changing or being challenge.
Slight example: i've been reading a webcomic called Your Throne. Its a fantasy/political drama about a noble lady who entered a competition with another noble lady to become the empress. The main lady lost despite her being a better fit, and the comic starts with the main lady trying to assassinate the empress. Its assumed and stated by the main lady that she 'ruined her life' and so thats all the readers know. However, later in the novel we see flashbacks to the competition itself and find that the two ladies were extremely close friends, neither wanting anything bad for the other, but it was the emperor himself who manipulated both of them for his own agenda. Those flashbacks gave us an entirely different idea of who the real antagonist is and completely changed the two main ladies' relationship. THAT is how the audience's understanding of the plot and novel can be used to change the entire story. We dont get such here though
Some things that were brought to light during tommy being dead/revived:
Dream is capable of reviving people infinitely
This was already implicated and assumed. The book dream has being a means of reviving people has been around Technically since schlatt's death. This just 'confirmed' what was known
Time works differently/feels longer in the afterlife
This doesnt really impact much beyond emotions and implications. If we had more insight into what the 'afterlife' is like beyond nothingness perhaps so. But really it just makes it so wilbur being dead for what feels like 9 years and tommy having been dead for 2 months appeal to emotions.
Wilbur is evil
This one fuckin sucks i cant lie HSKSHSISSGEGDV. Like i was gon go on bout it and i will but it jus sucks. We have nothing to go on besides tommy's word, no examlles of what Horrible things wilbur said could make tommy assume this, etcetc. Ill most likely make a seperate post on how this feels like we're just going to get 'wilbur is a horrible villain' type with him. But still. I feel wilbur Not Being Good isnt a new development.
Dream is going to revive wilbur
This doesnt feel new either, part because phil had wanted to revive wilbur before (ill get to that more later) and that tommy had kept dream alive/initially imprisoned him with the idea of him reviving wilbur.
Dream believes wilbur will break him out of prison
Okau this makes no sense to me actually. I cwnt understand How exactly wilbur would be able to do this? Or why dream believes he even Could? Mans been dead for like 9 years and all we Know of the afterlife is that its black... nothingness. How would 9 years of that make wilbur capable of busting the prison open?
So. Yeah. All in all this plotline hasnt done anything new, developed things, or altered people's perceptions. We just ended up back at square one. Back to tommy being traumatized, dream being 'evil' and horrible and doing villain monologues, and them being stuck together.
Other characters and plotlines
Im pretty damn sure tommy's revival fucked up a LOT of other characters' plotlines and potential development. Honestly i feel this has a lot to do with the writers not communicating with other ccs well enough. But Ill talk about specific characters from least to most fucked over in my opinion:
He's the best off. He hqd been there during tommy's death, had been close to tommy, had majorly blamed himself and his own mistakes for tommy's death. His grief and self hatred was actually really heartbreaking and well done. The attached character of Sam Nook being unaware of tommy's death and simply waiting for tommy to return was a really good parallel to sam's own grief and anger. like it really snapped sam the guy who cares for tommy and wants to do Right by him back together with him as the Warden of the prison. Mixed personal life with 'just business'.
I feel it wouldve been nice to have him like. Have more time to grieve properly and come to terms eith tommy's death and his own involvement/influence over the events. Him finding tommy alive again Could be a means of him like. Facing his own grief head on if done well.
Mostly in the context of him and sam's argument do i feel it got screwed over. The weight of them yelling at each other and trying to find who to blame and the implications that Maybe ranboo was the one who caused the security breach that closed down the prison on tommy just.... doesnt hit so hard anymore. Because how can there be blame and arguments and a 'who done it' mystery when tommy popped up all fine again?
I dony know much of her involvement or how she found out tommy died (besides metagaming shhhhh) but i saw her monologuing of how they 'failed' tommy and like. Her whole 'he was so young we the Adults failed him' spiel is like........... inconsequential? Now??? Like no dont worry he died but hes alright now.
BET YOU DIDNY EXPECT TO SEE THIS FUCKER!!!!!! But actually though i want to talk bout how this ties into phil. A LOT. for Zalbr ❤. But also because i see ppl tying phil to tommy's death n like nah shutup u doin it wrong. Ill go off more in a Wilbur Post. But essentially: i dont like that dream is now going to revive wilbur. I feel they arent going to tie philza into this Despite phil having originally been trying to revive his son and studying on it and Attempting and Failing. But now suddenly dream can just. Say some magic words and Poof wilbur lives? So we're just going to Kill philza's revival attempts plotline and leave that hanging? This made his efforts seem pointless and Wack like oh why didnt you just Say The Magic Words phil????
I feel really bad for niki. She hasnt been able to do a lore stream during tommy's 'death' (she tweeted she wanted to but her computer wasnt working) and considering her entire character.... that shit is important. We seen it with Jack Manifold how tommy's death impacted Him considering he literally wanted tommy dead. And since niki is in a similar boat to jack of trying to kill tommy and it being her Only goal...... thats extremely important.
BUT. i feel there wasnt any communication. Did she or anyone even know tommy would be revived? Did no one consider they could At Least let her do a single stream on it? Like jack manifold????
We couldve gotten a Really good niki lore stream. I genuinely was so excited for it and i dont regularly watch her. But we seen it with jack manifold which is why i dont feel he got screwed because mans genuinely did So Good he could pop off with anything n i think it works in His favour. But now........ for niki. Canonically she never even knew tommy was Dead. So its like nothing even happened for her. Is she just supposed to continue on trying to kill tommy with no progression?
What i think would work
This is more me being like 'hey @ the dsmp writers let me in' type speculation sbosegussgs. But i was thinkin on a Really easy way to 'fix' this without rewriting lore and the streams.
Dream should kill tommy again now that he's been revived and Leave Him Dead.
More development for the characters who are affected by his death Especially niki. More time for grief and self reflection and development
A chance for the audience to figure out what the 'afterlife' really is.
Dream is supposed to be smart and a master manipulator or something right? Why doesnt he use being able to revive tommy as a bargaining chip with sam for his own freedom?
The audience would now Know dream's intentions with tommy better, that this death isnt 'final', but we could still see other characters' grief and reactions and coping without it feeling cheap. Ive seen some 'but people dont know tommy is alive so hes still dead in their mind' but that sucks imo.
We'd know more on dream's ability to revive people and that he can just Do It on a whim (which i think sucks but hey im trying) but no one else would know this canonically
Okay. Im done. If you read this. Thankyou. I love you. Hmu.
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