#i have always loved reading but it was such a solitary hobby and when i meet other big readers they so rarely have read the same stuff?
13eyond13 · 2 years
You’re about to start a secondhand book club off of your followers reading your book club books
Hahaha wouldn't that be amazing! Maybe we should have a long distance book club
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mint-8 · 30 days
Yandere Arachnologist x GN! Reader
Content/Trigger warning: Spiders are all over this text, so be careful. Stalking and bullying are heavily mentioned as well.
- Yandere Arachnologist who has always had a passion and borderline obsession for spiders. They love how small yet deadly they can be, never hesitating to protect themselves with their powerful venoms and creating small but intricate webs, which they can use to fool and trap their preys.
- Yandere Arachnologist wishes they could be like their fuzzy eight-leg friends. They can hide in dark and small crevices, unlike them. They evade their predators with skill and grace, unlike them. They don't have to be judged or hated by their fellow arachnids, unlike them. They are free, unlike them.
- Yandere Arachnologist will have trouble falling in love with others, with them being quite solitary in nature, and would hardly approach others unless it is absolutely necessary, so you would most likely have to take the initiative to get close to them.
"Hey! I've seen you in class before! You are the one who likes reading about spiders, right?"
"And what if I do?"
"If you are here to mock me, you are wasting your time. Fuck off"
- Yandere Arachnologist are very rude at first. They have been hurt by everyone that was ever close to them, so it will take a while for them to even be polite to you. They have shielded their heart with anger so as to not be taken advantage of again.
- Yandere Arachnologist will slowly lower their guard as you persist in your pursuit for a friendship. If you continue to be kind, respectful, and actively interested in their hobbies, they will be sure to act more and more lively and accepting with every new interaction.
"You mentioned how you have a per spider, right? Can I meet them?"
"... You are not going to hurt them, are you?"
"Of course not, I promise. I've never seen a Mexican red rump tarantula before, so I'm very curious!"
"Oh! Ok then. I'm sorry if I was too rude"
"It's alright, don't worry about it. I would also be protective of my pet so they are never harmed!"
- Yandere Arachnologist will be very happy if you wish to bond with their passion, spiders. You better not have arachnophobia, or else you won't be able to survive this. Yandere Arachnologist will show you hundreds of books and illustrations of many of the different species of spiders around the world! They will explain to you how each and every spider acts and how their venom works!
- Yandere Arachnologist is so happy to finally have someone like them who won't judge or hate them for their hobby! They immediately consider you their best friend when they let you hold Fuzzy for the first time, and you carry them with such care as you would a baby.
- Yandere Arachnologist will slowly cath feelings for you as the weeks go by. Perhaps it is because you are the first person who has ever treated them with respect and love? Or could it be due to the fact that you share their same passion? Maybe because you are their first ever true friend? Whatever it is, the turning point will be if you ever defend them from a bully (they hate bullies) who were mocking them.
- Yandere Arachnologist will look at you in awe and adoration as you tear the bully a new one and even threaten to fight them if they ever dare to insult them ever again.
"Seriously, what's wrong with these people?!"
"They never mind their business..."
"And just because you like spiders! Disgusting..."
"Hey, don't worry. I'll always be there for you, I won't ever let them harm you again"
"Thanks... I will do so too =)"
- Yandere Arachnologist is pretty good at stalking and keeping tabs on you without being detected. Years of needing to be under the radar so as not to be harassed has trained them quite well. They make sure to note everything that they didn't already know about you into one of their many journals. Your likes, dislikes, favorite food, favorite color, favorite shops, email address, phone number, postal address, home address, daily and nightly routine, commute schedule, favorite panties, sleeping position, mole positions... you know, just small things =)
- Yandere Arachnologist makes sure to memorize every significant and insignificant detail you ever tell them and prepare for the fated day when they will confess their undying love and obsession. And prepare in the case you refuse.
- Yandere Arachnologist has already furnaced their basement to resemble your room almost perfectly. They have landed a pretty good job with a salary that can support the two of you and plenty of venom from one of their pets. Don't worry, it's non-lethal. They have plenty of the antidote, too, so do not fret. They only wish to leave a message. Behave or else.
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buubonita · 5 months
Headcanons - Dreamtale Twins
Obsidian is capable of neutralizing the power of Nightmare's aura in small proportions. But its not able to harm him.
Animals are prohibited because they become hostile around Nightmare.
He can feel when a place or an object harbors feelings. Cursed places or objects strengthen him. Dream is the opposite case.
Nightmare's left eye burns when Passive Nightmare's influence becomes present. It is also purple.
The facets of the lunar cycle were reflected in Passive Nightmare's eyes.
Nightmare is still very interested in botany, but where he lives it is impossible for anything to grow besides weeds and poisonous bushes.
Negativity is like a miasma and weighs on the atmosphere. The air in the Nightmare territories is very thin.
Wear shoes with heels to look a little taller.
The viscosity of his body feels like moss on contact, but prolonged exposure will cause injury.
Nightmare's tentacles have their own consciousness, and can act on their own.
Passive Nightmare & Corrupted Nightmare are two different entities that coexist in the same body.
He plays the piano and learned it in his solitary longevity.
Despite enjoying other hobbies, Nightmare dedicates very little to them. He had to adopt them at a certain point, when existing became unbearable.
Killer is his favorite because he is the easiest to handle than the others. HE IS THE RIGHT HAND. The loyal dog. Killer is also the one who has been by his side the longest and knows how to handle Nightmare. Dust is the hardest. Sans is a middle ground.
Haves a trauma with food so he doesn't eats.
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Kissing him is like a boost of serotonin right on your veins.
HE IS CUTE. Too cute within the possibilities that a skeleton can be.
A very flexible boy (And Cross really likes to watch but who can blame him?)
He hates bananas (And apples for obvious reasons)
He likes wrestling (because he knows they are acted and there is no real violence)
Terrible at domestic life, Dream is quite incompetent when it comes to deadly rituals. He is terrible at cooking. "Uhhhm mortals drink water, right? Right!"
Sugar gives him energy in small proportions, so he consumes it in lots. He's a little glutton, he could empty your pastry shop (but he won't because he's a good boy)
Neil is his father figure and the person he trusts the most.
He usually leaves trails of golden dust wherever he goes.
He is one of the few people who understands (or accepts) Reaper's morbid sense of humor, but he always apologizes for laughing. "Oh. .OH, I understand! Gosh I shouldn't be laughing at this!"
He has a good aim.
Little wanderer boy, but Underswap Sans always makes a place for him to stay.
His situation with Cross is complicated (It's Cross, he is madly in love with him)
The only reason he has become interested in reading is because of Nightmare.
He is a vegetarian because Nightmare used to be.
I have more, but i will leave it here now. I would like to share my hcs about Reaper next (but if anyone haves suggestions i am listening)thanks for reading! Pze out. Take care.
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wtfastaroth · 9 months
I have so many Trix headcanons, I could talk for days.
Trix hobbies headcanons
Icy's hobbies
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For me, Icy is a person who really enjoys her own company, she invests a lot of her time in herself, hobbies that are calm and solitary are her favorites.
Photographing landscapes and moments is something she loves to do, enjoying a calm breeze and keeping this moment forever is magical. She has countless chaotic photos of her sisters, and many unforgettable moments together saved on a sheet of paper.
Taking care of herself is always therapy for her, skicare and nail care are the best moments of her day. She always invests in herself, trying to be her best for herself, and not for anyone else.
There is no one more competitive than her, she loves games, all of them, especially the difficult ones, which last for hours, she will keep playing until she emerges victorious.
If Icy plays an instrument, it has to be the piano. She plays it since a very young age and she loves it, it calms her down a lot, she prefers to play already created melodies, Like Beethoven's and Sonya Belousova's.
Darcy's hobbies
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As much as she appears to be the calmest of the trix, Darcy is not very different from her sisters, the difference is that she keeps what she feels and adapts to situations. She will demonstrate what you want to see. This made her look for ways to express what she really felt.
Creating, she loves to create, be it texts, poems, bracelets, jewelry, necklaces, paintings and much more.
Darcy is a lover of literature, she can read for hours, absorbed by the words.
Meditation and yoga came from her need to deal with her thoughts, meditation helped her with her powers and yoga helped her with her mind.
Motorcycling, She loves motorcycles, participating in races, riding a motorcycle at night, the adrenaline calms her down.
Stormy's hobbies
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Stormy loves cooking, testing new recipes, baking, everything, it's truly a passion.
She loves cinema, visually entering thousands of universes and stories is magical for her. She really likes watching films inspired by the books that Darcy reads so they can talk about the story.
Swimming is something she doesn't do very often, but she loves it.
Literally her happy space is the moment when she is dancing, dancing helps her spend all her energy, she loves trying different types of dance, even if some are very difficult for her.
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theraccoonslair · 6 months
Characters: Kusakabe Atsuya x gn!reader
Synopsis: You and Kusakabe decide to go on a little fishing trip to the sea.
Words: 1200⁓
Note: Some fluff inspired by the lovely interaction I had a while back with an anonymous Kusakabe enjoyer <3
It’s calm and quiet, like you both like it. The sea is serene, lazy waves lulling you almost to sleep, the distant cries of the seagulls becoming a background noise, dangerously near to have the effect of those ASMR videos and put you in a good slumber. You try for the fourth time to understand the line of the book you’re reading, but with a sigh you admit defeat and put the bookmark between the pages before closing it.
Clear blue sky, gentle breeze. The perfect conditions for a Sunday fishing trip to the sea.
You take off your sunglasses while turning your head the other inhabitant of the boat: Kusakabe has been silent for a good hour now, gaze lost in the depths of the blue sea and trademark lollipop in mouth, while the line of his fishing rod moves in synchrony with the rhythm of the waves. You tilt your head, not sure about what is going on inside his own, but you keep your mouth shut and just admire him from your deck chair: he has abandoned his formal attire, a simple white t-shirt where there was his button-up shirt, and a pair of comfy sweatpants instead of his suit trousers. Even in the way he dresses, he is completely detached from his sorcerer persona: when fishing, he is no more Kusakabe Atsuya, Grade 1 Sorcerer and second-year teacher of Tokyo JuJutsu High. When fishing, he’s just a man enjoying his hobby.
Fishing has always been his way to wind down and relax, the perfect hobby for the kind of solitary man he is: he loves to venture to rivers or lakes and just be there, only him and the fishes (if he is lucky), patiently waiting for one to take the bait. No thoughts, head empty. Or too many thoughts and the urge to somehow release them. And as so precious as it is for him, very few are the people allowed to accompany him, and only every now and then: his old man, his sister and Takeru, you. The first time he shyly and hesitantly asked you, you almost felt guilty in saying yes, as if intruding in something so personal and important for him was something you weren’t allowed to. But he was the one asking, so the guilt was fast dissipated and you felt like the biggest honor has been bestowed upon you. He invited you to go fishing with him. He trusted you.
He has his usual spots, mostly hidden and unknown parts of rivers and lakes he has found over the years in his missions’ wanderings, places far away from the city where he can forget for a while the kind of world he lives in. First time, he took you to a lake up in the mountains, water so cold you thought it was impossible for any form of life to live there. Second time it was by a river, comfortably sit under a big tree on the bank, the soft breeze coming from it the perfect thing to cool down in that particularly hot summer day. For today, the both of you wanted to try something more audacious and ended up in that little rented boat out in the sea, a fresh new book for you and a brand new sets of colorful lures for him.
You focus again on the present and your gaze returns to him, shoulders slightly hunched, his broad back in full display, the perfectly fitting t-shirt doing his physique justice almost better than the shirt. He doesn’t move much and you start to worry a bit, torn between instinct to check on him and the fact that you know he needs those moments of complete detachment from the world. You decide for a middle ground, moving closer with your chair, just enough to make him feel your presence: you are there, near him, ready both if he ever needed something or if he wanted you to leave him be.
But it is not long before something starts to change: the fishing float trembles and with a plop! it goes underwater. Kusakabe immediately tenses, concentration completely devoted to the right moves he has to perform in order to have a successful catch. The fishing line is being tugged fiercely and the man at your side jumps up from his little plastic chair, sending it flying behind him. Your body reacts by reflex and tenses as well, you heart racing in your chest, apprehension taking over you as if you were the one fishing. Kusakabe slowly yet steadily starts to move the fishing rod from left to right, in order to wear out whatever fish hooked itself on it. Enough strength to drag it around, but not too much or the line will snap.
Leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
Almost hypnotized you follow his movements with your gaze, hands clenching your shorts. His forearm muscles so tense you can almost count the fibers and the veins. A single droplet of sweat rolls down the side of his face, eyebrows knitted in hyper-focus.
“C’mon, you motherfucker…” he murmurs through clenched teeth, that threaten to snap as well.
The intense battle between him and the fish continues for a while, struggle for catching against struggle for escaping, before Kusakabe suddenly jerks the fishing rod back and the biggest and most gorgeous tuna you’ve ever seen emerges form the salty waters. The time seems to freeze. Kusakabe’s wide eyes. The fish iridescent scales under the sun. Your hands pressed over your gaping mouth.
When the tuna lands on the boat with a loud thud and starts to squirm around, time starts to flow normally again and Kusakabe acts quick on instinct, quickly seizing and immobilizing the fish with both hands until it completely stops moving. Eyes still wide from surprise and emotion turn towards you “It’s...it’s a tuna...” His face transforms and the biggest smile you have ever seen on him forms on his lips and reaches up to his eyes, face blazing with the light of the sheer joy he’s experiencing.
His smile hits you in the best possible way, astounded by the fact you have never seen him smiling like that. Your heart seems to physically enlarge by the amount of love you’re feeling that exact moment: able to witness him like this, with no other preoccupation than to prepare the portable fridge with all the ice cubes in it, you feel blessed. This is his Domain, where he is the most comfortable, where he doesn’t have to fear for his life, and where you are now included as well.
Turning on his feet, he closes the short distance between the two of you and big, muscular arms, toned by years of katana training, sweep you up from your feet in a sudden motion like you weight nothing. Your arms find their way around his neck and you both giggle uncontrollably like idiots, his excitement and happiness being immediately mirrored by your own. Kusakabe swings you around a couple of times, before putting you back on the ground, his smile still shining bright. One of his hands intertwine with yours and he gives you a peck on your forehead.
“I’ll treat us with some Torotaku-maki tonight”
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clumsyraccoon · 8 months
Kusakabe Atsuya x GN!reader
"You and Kusakabe decide to go on a little fishing trip to the sea."
Some fluff inspired by the lovely interaction I had a while back with an anonymous Kusakabe enjoyer <3 Anon, if you're still out there thank you for the sweet headcanons! ❤️
Words: 1.213
TW: mention of fish death
It’s calm and quiet, like you both like it.
The sea is serene, lazy waves lulling you almost to sleep, the distant cries of the seagulls becoming a background noise, dangerously near to have the effect of those ASMR videos and put you in a good slumber. You try for the fourth time to understand the line of the book you’re reading, but with a sigh you admit defeat and put the bookmark between the pages before closing it.
Clear blue sky, gentle breeze. The perfect conditions for a Sunday fishing trip to the sea.
You take off your sunglasses while turning your head the other inhabitant of the boat: Kusakabe has been silent for a good hour now, gaze lost in the depths of the blue sea and trademark lollipop in mouth, while the line of his fishing rod moves in synchrony with the rhythm of the waves. You tilt your head, not sure about what is going on inside his own, but you keep your mouth shut and just admire him from your deck chair: he has abandoned his formal attire, a simple white t-shirt where there was his button-up shirt, and a pair of comfy sweatpants instead of his suit trousers. Even in the way he dresses, he is completely detached from his sorcerer persona: when fishing, he is no more Kusakabe Atsuya, Grade 1 Sorcerer and second-year teacher of Tokyo JuJutsu High. When fishing, he’s just a man enjoying his hobby.
Fishing has always been his way to wind down and relax, the perfect hobby for the kind of solitary man he is: he loves to venture to rivers or lakes and just be there, only him and the fishes (if he is lucky), patiently waiting for one to take the bait. No thoughts, head empty. Or too many thoughts and the urge to somehow release them. And as so precious as it is for him, very few are the people allowed to accompany him, and only every now and then: his old man, his sister and Takeru, you. The first time he shyly and hesitantly asked you, you almost felt guilty in saying yes, as if intruding in something so personal and important for him was something you weren’t allowed to. But he was the one asking, so the guilt was fast dissipated and you felt like the biggest honor has been bestowed upon you. He invited you to go fishing with him. He trusted you.
He has his usual spots, mostly hidden and unknown parts of rivers and lakes he has found over the years in his missions’ wanderings, places far away from the city where he can forget for a while the kind of world he lives in. First time, he took you to a lake up in the mountains, water so cold you thought it was impossible for any form of life to live there. Second time it was by a river, comfortably sit under a big tree on the bank, the soft breeze coming from it the perfect thing to cool down in that particularly hot summer day. For today, the both of you wanted to try something more audacious and ended up in that little rented boat out in the sea, a fresh new book for you and a brand new sets of colorful lures for him.
You focus again on the present and your gaze returns to him, shoulders slightly hunched, his broad back in full display, the perfectly fitting t-shirt doing his physique justice almost better than the shirt. He doesn’t move much and you start to worry a bit, torn between instinct to check on him and the fact that you know he needs those moments of complete detachment from the world. You decide for a middle ground, moving closer with your chair, just enough to make him feel your presence: you are there, near him, ready both if he ever needed something or if he wanted you to leave him be.
But it is not long before something starts to change: the fishing float trembles and with a plop! it goes underwater. Kusakabe immediately tenses, concentration completely devoted to the right moves he has to perform in order to have a successful catch. The fishing line is being tugged fiercely and the man at your side jumps up from his little plastic chair, sending it flying behind him. Your body reacts by reflex and tenses as well, you heart racing in your chest, apprehension taking over you as if you were the one fishing.
Kusakabe slowly yet steadily starts to move the fishing rod from left to right, in order to wear out whatever fish hooked itself on it. Enough strength to drag it around, but not too much or the line will snap.
Leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
Almost hypnotized you follow his movements with your gaze, hands clenching your shorts. His forearm muscles so tense you can almost count the fibers and the veins. A single droplet of sweat rolls down the side of his face, eyebrows knitted in hyper-focus.
“C’mon, you motherfucker…” he murmurs through clenched teeth, that threaten to snap as well.
The intense battle between him and the fish continues for a while, struggle for catching against struggle for escaping, before Kusakabe suddenly jerks the fishing rod back and the biggest and most gorgeous tuna you’ve ever seen emerges form the salty waters. The time seems to freeze. Kusakabe’s wide eyes. The fish iridescent scales under the sun. Your hands pressed over your gaping mouth.
When the tuna lands on the boat with a loud thud and starts to squirm around, time starts to flow normally again and Kusakabe acts quick on instinct, quickly seizing and immobilizing the fish with both hands until it completely stops moving. Eyes still wide from surprise and emotion turn towards you “It’s...it’s a tuna...”
His face transforms and the biggest smile you have ever seen on him forms on his lips and reaches up to his eyes, face blazing with the light of the sheer joy he’s experiencing.
His smile hits you in the best possible way, astounded by the fact you have never seen him smiling like that. Your heart seems to physically enlarge by the amount of love you’re feeling that exact moment: able to witness him like this, with no other preoccupation than to prepare the portable fridge with all the ice cubes in it, you feel blessed. This is his Domain, where he is the most comfortable, where he doesn’t have to fear for his life, and where you are now included as well.
Turning on his feet, he closes the short distance between the two of you and big, muscular arms, toned by years of katana training, sweep you up from your feet in a sudden motion like you weight nothing. Your arms find their way around his neck and you both giggle uncontrollably like idiots, his excitement and happiness being immediately mirrored by your own. Kusakabe swings you around a couple of times, before putting you back on the ground, his smile still shining bright.
One of his hands intertwine with yours and he gives you a peck on your forehead.
“I’ll treat us with some Torotaku-maki tonight”
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serpent-and-seraph · 7 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Thanks @ineffable-piracy for tagging me!
Are you named after anyone? Yes I am named after Janis Joplin. My mom was a massive hippie and also in a blues band.
When was the last time you cried? I think it was when my mom died. I don't cry very easily, wish I could more often.
Do you have kids? No, and I probably won't ever have any. Too many debilitating things for them to likely inherit. (Wow these answers are off to a great start huh! Keeping a nice light tone here.)
What sports do you play/have you played? I tend to prefer solitary exercise. I do run a lot and love what that does for my mental health and mood.
Do you use sarcasm? Yeah I do, sarcasm might almost be my default tone but I try to never be mean-spirited about it.
What is the first thing you notice about people? This sounds really creepy but probably their mouths. Also just the way that the person makes me feel I guess.
What’s your eye colour? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Definitely happy endings.
Any talents? Ehh I used to play guitar and write some music but I haven't done any of that for quite a while. I do like to draw and paint. I guess that would be my main talent but there are so many more talented people out there.
Where were you born? Nova Scotia, Canada
What are your hobbies? Drawing, reading, gaming... I've been known to disappear into mmos for weeks on end.
Do you have any pets? I have one cat named Gru. He has cerebellar hypoplasia and is a bit wobbly and very fluffy.
How tall are you? 5'6"
Favourite subject in school? Art and History. I studied history in university.
Dream job? I always thought that being the groundskeeper for a cemetery would be nice. Sometimes they even have a little cabin on site and it just sounds cosy as heck. Also involves minimal contact with the living who can be so much more unpredictable.
No pressure whatsoever and I feel like I might even be imposing by suggesting it, but I'll tag @atticollateral @crowleys-curl @dandelionjedi @echeveriaaa @ladyashtoreth @lunar-mischief @lxvenderjewel @tales-from-drama-school @taraiha @taurielofmirkwood77777 if any of you feel like doing it!
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
Hi there, congrats on 1.5k!  I was wondering if I could get a 🍝with any marauders era character?
I’m about 5’8 with curly brown hair (but I straighten it) and hazel eyes.  I’ve got a pretty athletic build cause I do tae kwon do.  My pronouns are she/her :)
Some of my hobbies are taekwondo, like I mentioned above, and reading.  Taekwondo takes up the majority of my time; i compete, both solitary and on a team, and I instruct.  I love to collect crystals and plants with healing energy, I’m into all that witchy shit. 
I’m a pretty sunshine-y person, I talk way faster than my brain goes and I always like to make people laugh and I’ve always got a smile on my face.  I love joking around with friends, and usually come off sort of ditzy or airheaded, even though I’m pretty smart (not to toot my own horn or anything). I try my best to make people happy.  Sometimes I ramble and talk too much and it takes a sec for me to realize I’m being rude.  I really am lacking in the thinking before I speak department so sometimes conversations can get a little heated (whoopsie!) but usually I can bring it back down because what I lack in thought, I make up for in mediation skills 😌
I feel like all the love languages are my favorite, but I certainly love receiving words of affirmation or physical touch more.  It’s awkward for me to reciprocate or initiate sometimes until I’m fully comfortable with a person, but if someone were to say something sweet for no reason out of the blue, or just come up and give me a hug, I would melt into a thousand pieces.  However, I’m definitely better at displaying acts of service or gift giving.  I love helping people and giving/making people things, it’s how I show them I care without saying it exactly.  I’m like a little crow when I give them stuff I just sort of hand it to them and walk away
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
i ship you with ...
poly!jily !!! [ i dont have a header yet lmao ]
these two are the most patient MF's on the planet. if you want to ramble they're listening and rambling with you at the same time.
if someone calls you out for being rude cause you speak before thinking they're defending the fuck out of you.
james is the goto guy for physical touch
lily is the goto gal for words of affirmation.
while both of them do both, they both have their 'strengths' as it were.
if you give them something and just walk away i picture them both just standing shocked for a moment before they practically run after you and pull you into a hug or smother you in kisses.
over time they'd sort of develop a knowing of when you're going to drop something and leave and they'd just grab your hand and give you a quick peck before you could run off.
they have to show their appreciation somehow.
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ohmuqueen · 4 months
Thank you @just-a-dummie-not-the-dum-e and @atlantis-area for tagging me! ^_^
are you named after anyone? Not my first name, but my middle name is after one of my great aunts on my mom's side.
when was the last time you cried? Hmm. Last week, though I tear up frequently, usually thinking about how I miss my cats. I lost them both pretty recently.
do u have kids? No, and I don't plan to.
what sport do you play / have played? I never enjoyed sports. I do enjoy swimming but not in a sports context. I did do gymnastics verrrry briefly as a young kid (maybe 8, 9, or 10 years old?) but I don't think I liked it much, I didn't stick with it.
do you use sarcasm? Not often. Now it's mostly when I'm talking to my coworkers about the silliness of our workplace. I used to be sarcastic frequently in certain fandoms I used to write fic for, but I've left that behind (I don't miss it either.) Am I sarcastic a lot on this blog? Maybe, a little, secretly, in the tags >.> (I don't think many notice my tags, I'm not as vocal in them as I used to be)
what's the first thing you notice about people? Probably their expression, how they're looking at me, and how they talk. I guess this could be called a "vibe" but I think that would be different to different people. When I don't vibe with someone, or vice versa, I think it's they way they talk that stands out to me the most. Some people's tone can seem very off to me, or put me on edge, while rarely others are very easy for me to relax around.
what's your eye color? Green
scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I've enjoyed some thrillers but I don't enjoy the horror genre really, and I always have preferred happy endings (I have a lot of romance novels if that tells you anything).
any talents? I used to write, but I'm not sure I can now. I haven't given it up entirely though. And I used to sketch, and I still can do a decent drawing if I put my mind to it. I miss making art.
do you have any pets? I used to have two cats, I just lost my last cat on May 6. They left a big gap in my heart. I'm not sure I'll ever have cats again, though I will always adore cats the most.
where were you born? The state of Texas in the US.
what are your hobbies? reading fiction, trying to write, organizing my library, watching Youtube videos about human prehistory and history and other miscellaneous science subjects (that are simplified for laymen like me)
how tall are you? 154ish centimeters (5'1")
favorite subject in school? social studies when I was younger, then in college I loved all my literature studies courses the most
dream job? If I could quit my job and survive doing subsistence farming I would. But I don't think that's a solitary endeavor and I don't have anyone in my life who'd consider escaping to the wilderness with me ~sigh
I will tag @comerainxcomeshine, @chisaharu-chiha, @blingerish, @somnwritessometimes and @fireworksgalaxy~ Only if you would like to! 💜
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meownotgood · 4 months
hello there,
it's me again - the nonnie who uses aki as motivation to iron out her shirts - I just wanted to share a silly thought that I had; through your writing I have noticed that you mentioned that aki would use reading as a way to pass time and not a true hobby. and one thing that I love about his portrayal is how devoted - in the true sense of the word - he truly is to his partner.
so, I'd like to share this silly thought that I genuinely believe that if his partner was into reading, he'd love to hear them rant about the stories they are reading, especially as I find like it'd be both a way to relax as oftentimes reading a whole book can be quite taxing, but also to get to know them better.
like pre-relationship, I feel like he'd definitely note down all the books you mentioned with the intention of researching/reading them so he can bring them out as a way to talk with you and appear like he knows his stuff. but also once you are in a relationship and you and aki have your own silly little book club? as reading has been something that to me always felt like a solitary hobby, I'd absolutely cry if anybody shared that with me.
and ugh, just aki with a bookworm partner, being swept into it and slowly regaining a passion for reading and other hobbies genuinely.
alright, I am off have a lovely day!
(also your fic «fired» ruined my life in the best way possible; as always in your fics I am not stuck on the smut - which is delightful because oh gods, the passion, devotion and intimacy - but on the other small moments all around the buildup, like I was genuinely crying when aki said he didn't remember their night spend together, after he was drunk, like SIIIIIR)
YES ABSOLUTELY!!! 🥹 I just love the thought of aki constantly busying himself with work, so he hasn't really thought about having many hobbies... but when he settles down and gets to relax with you, he finally has the opportunity to learn what he enjoys, and to spend time learning what you like as well...
he definitely would try to study what you're into in an attempt to impress you lol. you mention your favorite book and he runs to the library and reads it in one night. the next day, he shyly strikes up a conversation with you about it. it's his attempt at flirting
and having a little book club with him uuugghh I'm gonna cry... I feel like he'd enjoy reading and he'd be the type to annotate the books with his thoughts. imagine he reads a sweet book he thinks you'll really like, so he gives you his copy and there's notes in the margins in his handwriting... there's a cute romantic part in the story, and beside it, he writes: "this reminds me of you :)"
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your events are always so fun and I don't usually participate but can I be❔anon?
my hobbies lately have been cleaning, reading, and trying to get back into drawing as well as going on walks!
my personality type is and INFP and and as for regular personality, I know others will say different but I tend to think of myself as boring. I have a few close friends I cherish and I love all of them dearly! despite my best efforts I'm not very adventurous and usually keep to myself, but when things are going on around me (chaos), I'm usually enabling it or judging just slightly in the background. I tend to be the listener, happily sitting while people tell me about themselves or their problems and offering solutions if need be.
I can be very loud (usually unintentionally) or you won't even know I'm there and I've scared many people with how quiet I am. I also wear my emotions on my face and you can always tell when I don't like things cause, unfortunately for me, I make it known with my expression
(I legitimately can't think of anything else but I hope you have a nice day!!)
Hiya! :3
And you certainly may! I thought of a few options for you as well, but I shall go with the more well known one
So I shall match you up on a date with...
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Charlotte Roselei
While Charlotte might be a knight, and definitely capable of putting her foot down, when she is with her squad, or at home, she prefers to be more quiet and tranquil. She is a lady too, after all. So, while she wouldn't admit it, she does have a more soft spoken side. Or at the very least, she is able to be more soft spoken.
But out of the two of you, you definitely are more of gentle spirit. Though there would be moments where you exchange glances whenever some (cough Yami cough Jack cough) are on a ...roll.
However, she'd feel more at peace knowing that she has a likeminded person by her side, who feels as she feels too. She's not alone, when she's with you.
She's not very good with advice per se, if it's not about work. Because she has lived a very solitary life, so she treasures your ability to do so. But she'll do her very best to let you know that she is there for you; standing by you no matter what.
Charlotte is an unmovable force of nature, who is determined to make something out of herself despite her curse that is hindering her. But she's letting her strength and capabilities speak for herself most of the time. However, she's not afraid to voice herself if need be. And she would do so on your behalf as well, more than gladly.
You're her treasured spouse, and while you might consider yourself as "boring" or "ordinary", in a garden filled with blue roses, a pink one is a rarity
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jwenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Blog 5: The Flow of Water
Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I hope you’ve been enjoying the posts and I have been reading all the replies/reblogs and I am glad to see others taking interest in the same topics as me! Anyway, we’ll get into this new blog post, and I’ll be writing about what water really means to me. Enjoy the read and the pics!
Ever since I can remember I have had a strong connection and always feel drawn/pulled towards the water. Anytime I am near any body of water no matter how big or small, it could be a small puddle on the ground or on a table or it could be an ocean or lake, I will stare at it for a little while to see if I can see anything moving within it. I am unsure why but all life in the water intrigues me. Ever since I was young my dad would take me fishing when we could and I know for a fact that this is one reason I have the love for the water that I do, but even before that I was eager to go to the water and look at everything in it. 
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This is a picture of a time my friend and I went fishing just out front of my cottage in a paddle boat, and we caught 4 smallmouth bass (2-3 pound like the one in the picture, 1 1.5 pound, and 1 1 pound).
Fishing is a very large hobby for me to this day, and I will find any excuse I can to go fishing when I’m at my cottage or somewhere I know I can fish. I mentioned in an earlier post that my dad and I are going on a fishing trip in BC and it is supposed to be a once in a lifetime experience, so I am very excited for that. Due to how much I had gone fishing it piqued my interest more and more on how the fish survived and lived in the water. I was always told to be careful when handling a fish because their gills are very sensitive, but I was never told why. This interested me so much I am now in my 4th year of Marine and Freshwater biology, and while this answered the original question of why fish gills are so sensitive it has opened up a multitude of other more in depth questions and just makes my love for these creatures even more deep.
I’ve never really been one who enjoys reading, but as a young child my favourite book of all time that I would take everywhere with me was titled, “Oceans”. This book helped with my ever growing interest in all things aquatic, and has helped with my ‘random useless facts’. This book never left my side for roughly the years between 7 years old to 11 years old. This is what I would read when I was bored or during the “silent reading” time in school.
This video shows how rough the waters at Indian head cove, Tobermory can get, but as dangerous as this may be there is also beauty in the waves destruction.
Swimming is one of my favourite forms of exercise. I find that whenever I go swimming with friends either in a lake or in a pool I am always able to continue swimming without fatigue. While swimming I do not feel as if I get tired and always have strength. I also enjoy freediving (although I am still trying to get better). I find diving to deeper depths extremely peaceful because it’s so solitary when you are 20-25 feet below the surface. The noise isn’t overwhelmingly loud but it’s also not silent. The water pressure around you feels like a cold hug, and all you see is a beautiful deep blue (at least in Georgian bay/Lake Huron), and when you let your body swish in the current (while holding onto something so you don’t drift away too far) it is such a serene feeling.
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This is a picture of Georgian bay on a very calm day and it shows the beautiful deep blue colour.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of being underwater, but I hope you enjoyed the other pics. I hope you all enjoyed the post this week, and I look forward to your replies! I’ll see you next week for the next post! 
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immobiliter · 4 months
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lottie age: 27 pronouns : she / her years of writing : ten years on tumblr, but many many years before that on various platforms or just writing in general. it's always been one of my hobbies. i wrote fics before tumblr and before that i did a lot of storytelling in the sims 2 fandom ( but yeesh this was years ago lmao let's not talk about it 💀).
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? i don't think i ever made the conscious choice to pick up writing? i've always loved it and had a natural talent for it, from writing stories as a child to doing so much essay writing at college and university and then writing rp. i think the reason i've stuck with rp for so long though is because it's so collaborative? writing can be quite a solitary hobby but it is literally the most fun thing to wake up in the morning to someone writing you a reply to something that has specifically been written for you as a treat and then getting to respond to them. it's the best thing, genuinely.
do you have any writing routines? i guess i do and i don't? sometimes i will just sit and write, no music, no background noise, it all just flows. sometimes i have to warm myself up by watching clips of the muse or listening to their spotify playlist. it really just kinda depends on my mood tbh. because of the number of threads/muses etc i write however, i do tend to have a routine of picking a thread or two and letting them simmer in my brain for a few days before i sit down to write them, that always works quite well for me.
what's your favorite part about writing? aside from the collaborative nature of rp as i talked about above, just being able to embody a character that is completely different to yourself? as a species we read and write and tell stories for the escapism of it all and i love getting to jump into the head of a character who is nothing like me and write them unapologetically as they are.
three things you like about your writing .
one, i'm gonna echo charlie and say my dialogue. it's the thing i put the most effort into when it comes to writing. each muse of mine needs to have a very well-defined voice ( both in terms of their narrative voice which drives the bulk of the reply and their dialogue ) for them to stick for me, and i take a lot of time to study how each of my muses speak when picking them up as i feel like when rping the most important thing is that your muse sounds like the character, especially if they're a canon one. i think also as a brit who has seen a lot of americans online writing brits over the years with varying levels of success, i am particularly stubborn about getting those nuances in dialect and vocabulary right.
two, this is maybe not about my writing per se, but i think my ability to come up with crossover verses for my muses and push them into unfamiliar/other settings? i love exploring a character in their canon, sure, but nothing is more challenging and interesting to me than trying to translate that character (and keep their essence intact) to another piece of media. it also leads to possibly my favourite thing in all of existence, which is crossover interactions and crossover ships. for me there is nothing quite like bringing two characters together from completely different fandoms who would never normally have a reason to interact and seeing them click. it's immensely satisfying too, i think, because that's our work as writing partners to create that dynamic from scratch? it's not a dynamic automatically offered to us.
three, i like that i can write comfortably in different genres? i don't just restrict myself to angst or fluff, sometimes i love writing a good action thread where stuff happens and other times i like writing shenanigans with my more comedic-aligned muses which are just pure, unadulterated fun.
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
where is the oddest place that you have written something? okay so not so much tumblr writing because i've figured out that i have to be sat at my desk concentrating in order to write on here, but a couple of times that i've done discord back and forth rp with close friends, it's ended up with me writing hardcore smut at 7.30 in the morning on the way to work lmao.
new question: what time of day is the best or most productive for you to write?
tagging: whoever would like to do this! tagged by: @resolutepath ( thank you!! )
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amukmuk · 7 months
I just caught up on your fic Broken Keys Lost Doors and I adore it. I’ve read just about everything you’ve written. I’m in love with your writing style. You have a way of making characters feel more connected than most published books I’ve ever read. Which brings me to my question: do you have a favorite published author that inspires you? Or just one you enjoy? Favorite books? Romance books? I need some reading to tide me over while you work. (Not rushing you at all! Take all the time you need to perfect your masterpieces!)
Hello, nonny!
Firstly, let me tell you how grateful I am for your kind words! Writing is a naturally solitary hobby so hearing from readers sends me to the moon!
My favorite author and the one who inspires me the most is John Green. I feel like his writing style is very easy and the characters have so much depth--Turtles All the Way Down is my favorite from him. I think he inspires me the most because while he technically writes YA, he addresses important themes like mental health or the fragility of life in his works and I try to do the same.
Regarding my favorite books, I have a lot lol. I was actually talking with my husband about this the other day (I jokingly told him he probably couldn't name my favorite book and then he proceeded to tell me my favorite book when we started dating 9 years ago and then the last three books I read so really the jokes on me LOL). Currently, my favorite book is Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio. It's a space opera, my favorite, and his prose is something I wish I could emulate. Other honorable mentions are Remarkably Bright Creatures (fiction), Winter's Orbit (sci-fi-romance), One Day (which I titled a fic after bc I love it so much: romance), The Undertaking of Mercy and Hart (romantasy), the Hacienda (horror, but in a sexy priest kind of way), Starless Crown (fantasy), and Thrawn 2017 (star wars).
I wish I could tell you that I'd have a chapter up super quickly, but I'm writing my own novel!! I've been plucking away at Broken Keys, Locked Doors whenever I hit a wall in my original work, so it has been progressing very slowly.
Thank you again for your very kind words!! If you ever need more book recs, feel free to stop by! My asks are always open :D
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Hi, could i get a matchup for Lotr, Gotham, Stranger Things and Disney (cartoon)?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Zodiac/MBTI: intj, sagittarius
Appearance: long black hair, black eyes, 187 cm, very pale skin and i'm builded like models on 60s fashion illustrations, for some reason i always look like i'm sad
Personality: mix of a kuudere and hinedere personality: introverted, calm, quiet, reserved, sophisticated, polite, snarky, witty, sarcastic, blunt, honest, apathetic, intimidating, morbid, unfazed
Likes: art, plants, animals, philosophy, thanatology, literature, serial killers, insects and bugs, witchcraft, classical music, goth music, classical gothic literature, history, forensics, criminology, anthropology, psychology, mythology, books, animals (especially cats), nature, tea
Dislikes: can't think of any. i care only about things i like
Hobbies: science, learning new things, knitting, sewing, gardening, cooking, baking, playing chess, taking long solitary walks to secluded places, reading, writing, drawing, general handicrafts, dollmaking, cryptid hunting
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I'm sorry for the long wait! <3 I hope you enjoy it
Lord Of The Rings;
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🗡 You met Aragorn when you joined the Fellowship, having an extensive knowledge of witchcraft, some of the others in the fellowship were a bit anxious upon you joining, finding you pretty intimidating, but Gandalf trusted you and that told everyone else that they could trust you too
🗡 Aragorn was one of the members that didn't fully trust you in the beginning, though as he observed you, he found you to be quite introverted and calm; you found Aragorn to be quite charming when he needed to be and thought he was an astounding leader; though it did take time until you and Aragorn began courting
🗡 He had a broken heart that needed mending and you were the right person to sew up that heart of his, though for you it was a bit hard to open up to the man, you did so, finding that taking long walks with him during first watch was very calming and even fun for the both of you; learning about one another really helped your relationship grow
🗡 Aragorn found you to be very sophisticated, and he loved how much you loved the history of things and even learning new things, so when Aragorn offered to teach you how to sword fight, you couldn't say no; and you on the other hand, loved how Aragorn treated you, he was kind and understanding, treating you as if you were a queen, you deeply admired that kind of respect
🗡 Only after the battle and the end of the One Ring, did you and Aragorn marry, the ceremony was beautiful and everyone was there; in the end, you and Aragorn ruled over the lands of his fathers, as king and queen
Jervis Tetch:
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⏱ You met Jervis in Arkham, being his nextdoor cellmate, you found it easy to talk to him, especially since there was a small hole in the stone wall between your cells; you found the man next door to be intriguing, his talents of hypnosis made your spine tingle with excitement at the thought of a possible escape, you knew well that he was an intelligent man and he would find a way out in no time
⏱ You knew you didn't belong in Arkham, you were a queen, someone not to be messed with, you knew you had to get out soon, or you would go crazy; so as the days and hours pass by, you and Jervis get closer and closer, even to the point that you and him go back and forth about your hobbies
⏱ It gets to the point that Jervis promises you that he'd get you out, he told you about his plan with Jerome and Jonathan, you were getting out with him no matter what; "Tick tock goes the clock, and we'll soon be free. Once we get out of this asylum, I'll be the king and you'll be my queen"
⏱ And Jervis kept that promise, helping you escape and running off with you, Jerome, and Jonathan; hand in hand you couldn't stop the smile and laughter to fill the air, Jervis found your laughter beautiful, like an angel in disguise
⏱ During your time out of Arkham, you spent your time with Jervis where he showed you how he used his hypnosis, and when things were on the down-low, you'd both spend time reading or even drawing peacefully in your hideout; you both were soulmates, as you were cellmates, ready to take on the world
Stranger Things;
Eddie Munson:
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👹 You met Eddie when you followed your friends Steve and Robin into the boat house, there with Eddie pinning Steve to the wall with a homemade shiv, you thought, 'Wow, who's this guy?'; though it did take you a long while until you came out of your shell to have a conversation with him
👹 But when you did, Eddie was practically head over heels in love with you, calling you all the nicknames you could possibly imagine, babe, my love, my queen, the list goes on and on; Eddie loved everything about you from your morbid sense of humor to your witty comebacks that could rival Steve's own
👹 After saving the King of D&D from those Demobats, and after Vecna was defeated, you and Eddie moved away from Hawkins, since Eddie was still being looked after by the police; there you were able to find jobs and a quiet apartment where the two of you baked together and listened to music
👹 You both would watch tv together when you both get a telly, and watch crime shows or have the history channel going on in the background as you teach Eddie how to knit or play chess; Eddie would do anything for you, and even on your birthday or anniversary, he'd buy you a new book or a new plant
👹 You and Eddie are the most perfect match, always there for one another and helping each other during hard times; Eddie had the ability to bring you out of your shell and you did the same for Eddie, both making each other better people in general
Disney (Cartoon);
Prince Naveen:
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🪕 You never thought you'd be at your best friend's, Charlotte's, La Bouff's masquerade party, you weren't really one for large parties, and dressing up in giant ballgowns and such; though Charlotte was prepared and got you a dress that you actually were pretty comfortable in and it was in your favorite color
🪕 Though you did have to hide away when the party became too much, bumping into your other best friend, Tiana, before finding a quiet bedroom to sit and read in; though, you never knew you'd find a talking frog there either, (no books you read on witchcraft never did explain that to you)
🪕 Long story short, now you were a frog, you really regretted kissing that frog that calls himself Prince Naveen, it was hard to believe that he was cursed to become a frog and all that but by the end you believed him; and before you knew it, you were trying to become human again just so you could get back to your life
🪕 But, you never thought, like going to parties and turning into a frog, that you'd fall in love with Naveen, but you did; from dancing in the starlight to Ray's beautiful song, to teaching Naveen how to cook... It was inevitable
🪕 In the end, with the power of true love, you and Naveen turned back into human beings, living both your lives as prince and princess, listening to music, cooking and baking together, and just spending time together; life was beautiful
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
14 Birthday Boy Vignette
Oz: Happy birthday, 14!
14: Thank you...it's kinda awesome to hear someone say that to me..I haven't really celebrated it much before due to..certain circumstances
14: But it feels nice to celebrate with people who I've come to cherish and care for, I'm actually looking forward to future birthdays if it means celebrating it with them all
14: Epel, Ortho, Livia, Jade, Azul .everyone, I'd like to continue celebrating this with them
Oz: What's the most memorable present you've gotten?
14: Ah...Jade gave me this books bout emotions, it's been really helpful to me in reading the room or identify what I'm currently feeling. He told me, "If you want to learn more then this book will be great for you to flip through." He was right of course, I learned quite a lot!
14: Jade has always looked out for me regarding my lack of connection with my emotions, so I was grateful he thought of me and gifted me that book, I have it on me right now, I was gonna read it during the party while everyone celebrated
Oz: Any gifts from family?
14: My big brother Sam let me meet some of his friends from the other side, they gave me lots of gifts, voodoo dolls, necklaces with cursed or protection spells and a book all about cursed spells
14: Sam, himself, gave me this necklace that tells me what I'm feeling if I'm unable to describe it or realize what it is at the time, I appreciate the thoughtfulness placed into the gift!
Oz: That's nice!
Part 2
Oz: Do you and your dormmates go way back?
14: No, I've been alone for a long time...I also lived in Jubilee Port with Sam, so I never met Azul or the rest of the crew growing up. I was lonely as a kid due to being out into solitary confinement not long after I was born...I never understood why but I grew up to be a Yes saying child
14: Sam and family came to get me after I turned nine years old and so I've been with them since then, I felt out of place still though but I gradually warmed up to everyone as time flew by and I'm grateful to have my Big brother...
Oz: What comes naturally to you at school?
14: Cursed things, I guess, I have an affinity for cursed things and identifying most of them. Besides I can't really avoid them at times because sometimes the cursed objects find their way to me and attach themselves to my body...
14: It's been happening since Sam and his family took me in, and I wear this bracelet to keep things from getting on me, it works a lot and has been widely helpful in keeping me safe
Oz: Oh...haha...I-I see..
Part 3
Oz: I see you're in the Mountain Lovers Club, what made you join?
14: Jade, in fact, he said being in open spaces might help so I signed up and to my surprise it did help! I felt a whirlwind of emotions I never thought I'd feel, Jade says it was called "excitement", and he showed me more areas
14: I also felt what you people call "freedom" it was spectacular! Jade takes me out whenever he has off days from the lounge and we roam around wherever the wind takes us or wherever he plans to go!
14: I also started a little garden of flowers we found, according to the plant book they're called Hibiscus flowers, and I absolutely love how colorful they are!
Oz: That's great! Good on you for finding a hobby
14: Haha! Thanks!
Oz: What's your favorite hobby?
14: Finding things, of course! I like to search for things people loose, it makes me feel useful and accomplished when I find the lost person's things. It also makes me feel good to see the relief on their face when it's returned to them..
14: Lilia came to me the other day and asked if I could find Livia's lost diary, I found it in half a minute turns out she left it underneath the tree at her favorite spot, he was so relieved when I returned it to him
14: Although he asked me if I read it, which surprised me because who'd go through someone's personal writing without permission like that, it's also one of my pet peeves, invasion of privacy, I don't tolerate that...
Oz: You have your priorities straight, buddy, good on you!
14: Hehe, thanks, and don't be afraid to ask me to find anything you loose, I'd be really happy to help!
Oz: Thanks for offer! Now let's wrap this party up, happy birthday again, 14!
14: *Smiles wide, Sam's arm wrapped around his neck as Jade handed him three packets of hibiscus flower seed packs along with extra flower pots*
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