catsi · 4 months
What's the rest of Miffys party like?
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ohhhh i'm so glad you asked TT__TT yay i have so many images to answer this with. ok. the party are called The Whorlpool, and from left to right in the pic above, the (original*) party consists of: Reno Kaseno, a Lalafell Gunbreaker; Purpetua Deutros, a Miqo'te Arcanist; Miffy, a Viera Black Mage; and Wandering Anchor (aka Anka), a Roegadyn Dragoon/Paladin.
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*i say original because they have since inducted a DMNPC into their party: Cardamum Sartorius, an Au'ra Red Mage. she's the daughter of the BBEG! more on her later. also Andymion kind of counts too
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Reno Kaseno is the character of my dear friend @doppelgender! Reno is a gambling man from the city of Treno who loves a good card game and hates owing people money. Reno is pragmatic, funny, and easily the heart of the group. he's deeply charismatic and a fantastic liar when he needs to be. Reno's quick thinking and excellent charisma have saved the party's ass on multiple occasions.
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Miffy relates to Reno the most out of anyone in the group; they both have people in their life who they feel as though they have allowed to come to great harm as a direct result of their own actions, and their interactions with that person are deeply infected with that guilt. also they're the two best dressers in the group (Anka and Purpetua only have drip because they let Miffy dress them).
Reno's greatest priorities are his friends, his money, and the opinions of others. he has little desire for power and little love for his home.
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Purpetua Deutros is played by my lovely gf @purpearls! she is from the spiritual apex of Oaxia, the holy city of Ennewhorl. she is also the spiritual center of the party, and the one with the closest connection to Leviathan (the major deity of this shard).
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Purpetua used to be a medic for the Church of the Broken Wave, but used magic to heal a fellow soldier once which was a grave sin in the eyes of the Church. she deserted shortly thereafter and has been feeling like she is trying to atone for her time with the Church since then.
she is easily the most collected member of the party and frequently has to be the voice of reason when the others have terrible or dangerous ideas. though sometimes she has incredibly terrible ideas of her own
Purpetua is compassionate, intelligent, and idealistic. she tries to meet others where they are and connect with them whenever she can. her priorities are her friends and their health, as well as love, praise, and the truth! she has no interest in fame, wealth, or power - she's very pure of heart.
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also she and miffy do a lot of dancing around each other sapphically. miffy's constant engagement with evil shit and unethical magic + purpetua's commitment to remaining Moral and Good makes their courtship very interesting lol
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the final member of the original party is Anka, who is the character of my good friend @catmanjohnson. Anka is a former pirate who used to intercept and raid Church sea vessels. her original crew sailed on a ship called The Whorlpool, and they disbanded after their captain was killed as the result of a battle. Anka was the one who suggested we name our party 'The Whorlpool'.
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Anka is the muscle of the group for sure, and has no problem being the bearer of bad news or causing problems for other people LOL
Anka is confident, aggressive, and EXTREMELY impulsive. she loves drinking and being loud and having a good time (who can blame her!!!). her priorities are her friends, family, and power. things like praise, love, truth, and fame are not major concerns of hers.
also Anka has a necromancer-biochemist now sharing her body who gives her cool powers and nags at her
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then there is Cardamum Sartorius (we call her Cardi for short)!! an NPC played by our wonderful dm @whoreofavalon. she is one of the daughters of Saint Sartorius, the leader of the Church of the Broken Wave (the BBEG)
Cardamum originally met the party outside of Leyfall where she pretended to be a nervous young mage who just wanted guidance and safety. she was, in fact, completely intending to betray us and throw Leyfall to the wolves, but our DM said that we treated her so kindly and patiently that they couldn't bear to have her betray us (': so she's part of the party now yaaaay!
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Cardi is kind, thoughtful, and far too good for the evil ass family she was born into. she is still trying to figure out who she is in the context of being her own person, but she's doing a great job and we're all rooting for her!! she lets Miffy pick outfits for her also (':
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Andymion (also a DMNPC) is technically a member of the Whorlpool too? but he like doesn't come along on our missions or fights or anything so he's not really part of the "party" if that makes sense? Andymion is an intelligent, passionate, generous man who stretches as far as he can to take as many people under his wing as he can. he is well intentioned, and a good person, even if he did break up with his last girlfriend by insisting they move somewhere else together but that she go first, and then sending her a breakup letter via owl once she had settled down. unforgivable.
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kitsquared · 4 days
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His hand is shaking I'm in pain
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The way she asks for his trust this time
The way they both hold the other's face
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musky-potato · 3 months
Kay, so my progress has not been going well..... But I wrote plenty of unfinished WIPS courtesy of some random brainrot I couldn't bear to just ignore and going about my day without at least typing it down on my notes, but anyways.. yeah I'll post this snippets at least....
I NEVER thought that there'd be a day where I'd write things from Freya's pov, but honestly, I found joy in her misery so BCJDJJFJDJSKDJDJ
Pairing: Iske x Ruby
Tw: Grammar mistakes (obv, it's unedited), Freya, Freya's train of thoughts (her name is a warning itself but just to be safe), slightly spicy (?) cuz I don't write nsfw.
Summary: A peek to Freya's thoughts as she witnessed the main couple's interaction after she walked in on them (if someone says Iske was not aware there's even a bystander near (flashback to that scene where Andymion became a third wheel when the couple literally made out with e.o) THEN THATS A LIE, THAT JERK KNOWS BUT HE JUST DOESNT CARE AND IF RUBY WAS THE SAME AND DOESNT MIND, HED DEFINITELY CONTINUE AND DONT GIVE AN F ABOUT SOMEONE LOOKING AND IN THIS ESSAY I WILL-)
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I have like, 2 (?) fics about her marinating with hatred and malicious thoughts about Ruby as Iske literally rub their relationship on her face...
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whoreofavalon · 4 months
What does Andymion think about the party?
Oohh exciting, I love talking about my FFXIV D&D campaign/NPCs!! For context, Andymion is my D&D parties regular quest giver and the leader of the resistance in a 200 year war between the Church and the mages of the Citadel. Let's see...
Andymion knows Miffy doesn't like him and definitely wants to win her approval, since she's one of the most talented and dedicated mages he's met. He also has a lot of respect for her since she's just as physically fragile as he is but still finds herself on the battlefield constantly, something he's not really been able to do.
He also has a mild heart attack every time Miffy contacts him cause it's always with either phenomenally good news or catastrophically bad news. He has invested in a fainting couch for these calls.
Reno -
Reno is a bit of a mystery to him still, though he views Reno as....not quite the leader, but the one holding the leashes. He knows Reno is the level headed member of the team that balances out the party. He's also incredibly fascinated in Reno's gunblade craftsmanship and has been waiting for a free moment to ask him about his craft since he's interested in crafting firearms and pyrotechnics himself.
Andymion has seen a lot of people turn from the Church to the Citadel, disillusioned by the church's ideals or turned off by its cruelty, but Purp is very different. She had a moment of "No, this is wrong" and turned away from everything she knew, but without losing her faith. Most people he sees come to the Citadel have completely lost their faith but Purp changing sides only seemed to strengthen it, and he has a lot of respect for that. He also feels like if anyone would be a good choice to succeed him in leading the resistance, it'd be her.
At first Andymion was extremely intimidated by Anka. She's big, loud, rough and rowdy. But he's seen over and over that she can be incredibly pragmatic, compassionate, clever, and above all, loyal. The biggest thing he feels towards Anka though is shame.
After the party fought the gargantuan statue of Asura off the shores of Olera, Andymion and a small entourage of Citadel ships came to support the party and offer support and protection to the Olerans affected by the ordeal. They then promptly got ambushed by Saint Sartorius, our BBEG and the leader of the Church. Andymion couldn't do anything to stop him as he cast Power Word: Kill on Anka. A 200 year war against this man, and Andymion was powerless to stop him from snapping his fingers and killing someone right on front of him. Andymion still feels guilty for having failed both the party and Anka personally, even if she was revived after the fact.
Overall, Andymion has the highest amount of respect for the party, and definitely feels bad having to task them with so many dangerous missions. But he also recognizes they've provided the first advantage the Citadel has had in 200 years, and believes they're the key to ending the war altogether. He'll spare nothing to support them and ensure they can succeed.
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5water-kohaku · 1 year
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Ruby and Andymion are so adorable…! <3
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danceteaching · 2 years
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diana and andymion - walter crane
artemis is the goddess of nature, the moon and archery. she's also associated with childcare, chastity, animals and sudden death.
major symbols of artemis include bow and arrows, crescent moons and spears.
in ancient athenian worship, prepubescent and adolescent girls were sent to the sanctuary of artemis at brauron. there they would serve the goddess for a year.
during the classical era in greece, people gave offerings of clothing at artemis' sanctuaries after successful births.
In Greek mythology, Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin of Apollo. After her birth, Artemis helped her mother give birth to her brother.
Artemis' childhood isn't fully connected to any surviving myth. A poem by Callimachus pictures a young Artemis sitting on her father's knee and asking him to grant her ten wishes:
Always remain a virgin
Have many names to set her apart from Apollo
Have a bow and arrow made by the Cyclopes
Be the Phaesporia or Light Bringer
Have a short, knee-length tunic for ease of hunting
Have 60 "daughters of Okeanos", all aged nine, to be her choir
Have 20 Amnisides Nymphs as handmaidens to watch her hunting dogs and bow while she rests
Rule all the mountains
Be assigned any city, and only to visit when called by birthing mothers
Have the abitily to help women in the pains of childbirth
Artemis believed she had been chosen by the Fates to be a midwife, as she had assisted her mother in delivery. All of Artemis' companions remained virgins, and the Goddess herself closely guarded her own chastity.
in a myth regarding the servitude of the young girls, a bear regularly visited the town of brauron, and became tame with people feeding it over time. one day, a girl teased the bear, causing it to attack her. the girl's brothers killed the bear, making artemis angry. she made young girls "act the bear" at her sanctuary, to make up for the bear's death.
table of associations
planet: the moon
animals: deer, boar, goat, bear, dog, serpent, lion, quail, buzzard, guinea fowl
symbols: bow and arrows, crescent moon, animal pelts, spear, knife, torch, the lyre, chariot
plant: amaranth
tree: cypress, palm, walnut
part three of my greek mythology dive! doing this short series made me realize how little i really know about greek mythology, and how much i actually want to learn more! i'm very interested in the topic, and i hope i will have time in the future to get to know more.
i may make a separate post mapping out my thoughts on different myths later on, so stay tuned! 💃🏻
wishing you motivation and academic success!
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Carlo Innocenzo Carlone ( 1686 - 1775)
“Diana and Endymion - a fragment”
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Andromeda: "Hey, did it hurt?"
Hermione: "What?"
Andromeda: "Did it hurt?"
Hermione: "Did what hurt?"
Andromeda: "When you fell from heaven?"
Hermione: "Did you just call me Satan?"
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andromione · 4 years
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[...] you touch softly but do not hold me / Your body is like a lightning bolt, leaving my hands empty
or, hermione travels back in time and meets a young andromeda black.
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lwolfgaurd · 5 years
HP Hermione's Harem AU
AU where Hermione is constantly talking about complex spell theories to her babies while she's in her home office and they end up learning how to cast spells before they can walk because of it. One morning they find all of the girls out of their cribs and cuddled up with Teddy in his. Later coming to find out he learned how to levitate his sisters from listening to his mama, resulting in some very annoyed yet proud mates as now they have to deal with babies that know more about magical theories than their own motor skills.
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fugamalefica · 3 years
After Bellamione,I found out Cissamione and Andymione also exists today😖
Haha, yes. And many fics have them all together.
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catsi · 5 months
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currently deciding on what miffy's going to wear to save her ex-husband and her father from Mage Jail. still unsure of a lot but i think she needs thigh-high boots
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connie32 · 4 years
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musky-potato · 11 months
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This was inspired after I saw a few panels of Iske being so sweet and seeming to be having a hard time holding himself back whenever he witnesses Ruby being her adorable self. It's not a fic, but more like word vomit. As per usual, this contains a few spoilers, and plenty use of the word 'wife' (I may or may not have some certain likings for that word. A little too much, maybe, its not even funny) so please read at your own risk.
Tw's: None. Just fluff and comfort.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the story. This post is nothing but a fruit of my imaginations of how I'd picture him act towards Ruby based on my observation of him through canon (both novel and manhwa). Another thing I might add is that this post hasn't been edited yet so- LMAO. Enjoy!
I feel like Iske isn't one for PDA. Yes, he's quite the affectionate one. But I feel like he'd be more comfortable doing so in private. He's not really one who likes to show off to people, but that doesn't mean that he minds or even cares about what people think about him. If he wants to, or when he thinks that his wife is being much too adorable for him to bear, he'd just go for it. Be it a kiss on the forehead, on her hands, wrist, or temple. Heck, Andymion's canonically became their third wheel. And it's only because Ruby put a stop to it, so he did. I think there's even a high chance that Iske had already noticed first that they still had a company at the time but still chose to ignore it. I mean, c'mon, he's a knight. He probably has a high sense or something. There's no way someone as obvious as Andy (and his horse) even managed to escape his detection. And at the time, Iske had only looked a little pissed at him. Not because he was caught, of course, but because Andy had just ruined the atmosphere for them! And Andy wasn't even trying to hide his presence! So yes, I'd like to think that he just doesn't really care about others. It was either that, or because he was just too busy at the time to be focusing on kissing the daylights out of his wife to even care to pay attention to his surroundings.
After all, rather than wasting his time thinking about what others have to say to him, he'd much rather spend his time spoiling or paying attention to his wife, Ruby.
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On formal occasions or situations where he really couldn't do whatever he wants or go wild (in case he'd get another stern reprimand from his father about decorum and propriety), all he'd do is place his hand on the small of her back, sometimes shoulder. Acting as if he were guiding her in a gentlemanly manner, and if he couldn't hold her hand, then he'd hide it by taking her arm to get it entwined with his. Acting as if he were merely escorting her. Ruby would often catch him on his scheme; but in the end, she'd just shake her head or giggle because, really, it wasn't like she was any better than her husband or anything anyway.
However! It's totally different when they're in the privacy of their own room. That, or if there's no one around to catch them being their lovey-dovey selves. Then no restraint needed! >&lt;
And because this is SFW only, I shall try to keep it PG-rated only, lmao. But anyways!
If they really got the privacy to themselves, then there'd be no hesitation for his touch. A hug would be given, a kiss (which often ended up turning as a full blown make out), and some caresses that would last longer compared to how he did in public. If it's in his office, then he'd either hug her while standing at first or move somewhere else to find something that Ruby could sit on. He's just attentive like that! Or if he happens to enjoy their hugs so much that he'd hate to break them apart just to let Ruby rest her legs, then he'd just sit her on his desk. Or the meeting table, really. He doesn't care. He'd let her sit there as he leans forward to either rest his head on top of her head or bury his face in between the junctions of her neck. It depends on how needy he currently is, really. Sometimes if he couldn't find anything for her to sit on, he'd just lift her up with his strong arms. Causing her to yelp before wrapping her arms to his neck for balance as he lets himself to rest his head to either her collarbone or chest, all while he still standing on his 2 feet, listening to her heartbeat and basking to the comfort of her warmth.
It's not really a fixed thing, but occasionally, if he finds himself to be much too touch starved, he'll simply go for the crook of her neck where he can feel her pulse and inhale the sweet scent that's wafting from her. All while keeping a tight grip on his hug before slowly loosening it down after he finally could gather his bearings. If it's just any other day when he needs a quick recharge of her, he'd just bring her to his arms as he placed his head on top of hers. All while enjoying the scent that was so uniquely hers before heading off somewhere to attend to his duties. Not before giving a few light pecks or a kiss after saying his goodbye, and see you later (possibly at dinner or in his bedchamber; it's theirs now; he had officially refused the notion of them sleeping separately, like ever, if he could help it).
I'd like to think that once they really have some time to themselves, he'll spend it all either relaxing or doing anything that Ruby wants. Be it just a casual walk together in the garden, reading some books, listening to her ramblings about her activities and recent shenanigans (sometimes cutting her words with few light teasing that would cause her to blush and gets flustered), going on dates, or just plain hanging out side-by-side in silence within their room! All while doing nothing but bask in each other's presence as he sits her sideways on top of his lap, leaning back on the huge couch rest as he lets her rests her head on his wide shoulder. One hand perched safely around her waist while the other is either playing, fiddling, or gently stroking on her much smaller hands, before he proceeds to lift his hand up to gently caressing her long strands of hair.
He'd listen to her calm breathing, stroking her arms, and giving light pats of comfort. Something that tends to make her end up feeling drowsy sometimes even makes her barely have the strength to keep her eyes open. Meanwhile, Iske would just stay there, watching in amusement as Ruby continues her futile effort to fight the sleepiness away. And eventually, if she does end up losing and falling asleep, he'd watch her there, perched on his lap, safely within his arms, as he lets his mind truly wander about the fact that he really gets to have this. Witnessing Ruby, his wife, who is currently at peace, free, and unbothered by the nightmares and trauma that used to haunt her in the past. He thinks about that, all while praying at the same time that he'd like for it to remain like that, always. Ruby being her happy and cheerful self while he stays in the back or her side, watching and supporting her in doing whatever she wants. And just before the drowsiness managed to finally get hold of himself too, he looks around to make sure the throw blanket has really done its job properly to cover his wife to avoid her catching a cold after waking from her light nap, Iske finally closes his eyes. Thinking right before he finally let sleep overtake his consciousness, that yes, he's finally at peace and happier than he's ever been.
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Okay this is all I got for now, i guess. Do tell me if there's anything you'd like for me to do. I'm currently accepting request! Hehe, thank you for reading! Bye for now!^^
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 My newest - Fan Fiction Recommendations 
“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” J.K. Rowling
“A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” Madeleine L’Engle
“The stories we love best live in us forever.” J.K. Rowling
The House Ring
by annacec
On September 19th, 1979, the life of Bellatrix Black was forever altered. 16 years and an Askaban stay later, Bellatrix is tired of waiting, and begins the process of claiming her witch. Hermione Granger receives a ring and innocently slides it on her finger, changing her life as she knows it, and paving her path to destiny. Rated M 
As We Chase the Sun by @dancewiththepen - @intheinkpot - intheinkpot
After torturing the Longbottoms, Bellatrix Lestrange fakes her death to escape the Aurors. An unregistered Animagus, she continues her search for her master. But there is a reason that Animagus transformations are so dangerous. Isolated and without human contact, she loses herself. When Sirius discovers her in the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore hatches a plan. Black family centric. Rated M
Remember? by ExplainingTheIndescribable 
What if, Hermione hadn’t been able to get her parents’ memories back? Longing for some sense of normalcy, she goes looking for a memory restoration charm. Except the only book which may help her, disappeared from the Black family’s private collection during a fire in 1967… Eventual Bellamione. Possibly #Andymione too along the way, who knows. Previous #Romione for plot reasons. Rated M 
(This one doesn’t have many reviews, so try to leave one for Christina. And tell her #roseredsdesire sent you hehe. This story has a lot of potential. So leave lots of love!) 
Addendum ♥
Time Will Tell by BlissfulAbyss    
The reconstruction of Hogwarts is finally finished and they have already begun to make preparations for the school year. Hermione returns to start her Seventh Year and is determined to take her N.E.W.T.S. This year is supposed to bring positive change; she'll plan her future and finally step out of the spotlight. However, it doesn't take Hermione long to realize some have suffered far worse than she has. Only time can heal wounds, but sometimes the support of a special person can speed along the process. Rated M 
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When the new Professor McCurdy of Mystical Cognition, assigns Luna and Ginny a project on dreams, both girls remember memories, they'd forgotten. As Luna's curiosity for twin souls, leads her to a mysterious book with the help of Narcissa can she find true love? (Ginny x Luna) (Ginny x Harry) (Narcissa/Hermione - Hermione x Ron ) Rated M
[Note this is heavy on #Cissamione don’t be put off by it being central to Ginny and Luna.]
Perhaps by Naralanis 
Hermione Granger, Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, gets a new co-worker: Narcissa Black. 
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bookishnerdlove · 3 years
Izek lo miró sin comprender. Quería hablar con él primero a diferencia de su hermano menor, Andymion. “Acabo de encontrar a una mujer sospechosa en el Distrito C. Parece una cazadora furtiva …” “¿Los cazadores furtivos están deambulando en esta temporada?” “Ella estaba inconsciente. No sé si sus amigos la dejaron o qué. De todos modos, la desperté y estaba diciendo tonterías “. “¿Qué…
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