#angelina johnson/alicia spinnet
hp-fanfic-archive · 5 months
Surprise by gracerene Pairing: Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet Rating: M Word Count: 100 Podfic Available here Read by: wilfriede0815 Length: 0-10 minutes Written for the prompt: Surprise
find the full podfic library here
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bluethepineapple · 1 year
Written for @harrypocter Winter Sun fest
Week 2 prompt: Angelina Johnson
Summary: A Triwizard Champion Angelina Johnson AU. It's the Second Task, and Angelina has rescue that which she will miss the most.
Angelina was sure the grindylows dislocated her shoulder. 
Years of being a chaser has only made her too familiar with the deep throbbing pain that came from a popped out bone. The pain was now spreading up her neck and down her chest. Every now and again, the bones would make strange clicks, and it was all she could do not to vomit. She had no clue what vomiting in a bubblehead would do, and now was the worst time to find out. 
The remains of an old ruin jutted out of the dark. She swam into it, hoping for a quiet nook only to come face to face with a barnacle goose almost as tall as her. Massive feelers sprung out of the shell on its back and it was only through her chaser-honed reflexes that she managed to evade the whirlpools they created. 
The grindylows who had followed her were not so lucky however. The swirling vortices held the poor creatures in place as the feelers coiled around their shapes. Long thin fingers poked out of the tentacles but the barnacle goose only squeezed tighter until they broke. Angelina shivered in horror, and she could not stop the shakes that stole through her.
Time was ticking however. She steeled herself, imagined that she was in the skies as opposed to the bottom of the lake. “It’s just another game,” she whispered fiercely.
On the bright side, both of her grindylow and the goose problems have been solved. The massive bird tucked itself back into its shell and clung to a wall. 
She inched into a makeshift cove, and then, hoping to hell she wouldn’t vanish the bones in her arm, casted a non-verbal Os Epistofey. The bone dragged itself back into the socket, A scream wrenched out of her throat. Thankfully, the bubblehead drowned out the sound. The lake took care of her tears.
Breathing heavily, she  peeked out of the cove and dove out the window. She checked her watch and let out a litany of curses. 30 bloody minutes left, and she still has not found whatever it was the judges stole from her. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her mind flashed to the empty bed she woke up to, to the lonely breakfast, to the stands she looked through half a dozen times before she gave up - a suspicion of “what” it was she missed most haunted her. She swam faster even as her newly healed shoulder protested.
She dove deeper into the lake, reasoning that such a hiding place would have to be deeper in enemy territory - the way goalposts in a quidditch game are placed at the end of the opposite team. She rushed through the corals as quickly as she could while keeping an eye out for more danger. It’s just like a quidditch game she told herself. The grindylows were stupid cheating Slytherins, and she’s merely looking out for more bludgers instead of giant geese who could eat her whole. The lake was still, and it made her fear for the worst. 
20 minutes, she chanted to herself. There’s still 20 minutes left.
Then she paused. There was singing. Beautiful singing. With a racing heart, she followed the voices, stoutly ignoring the leering mermen and their menacing pitchforks. Her wand was at the ready, and she wove through the turrets of their towers with ease. At long last, she reached what looked like their village square.
Her heart stopped. 
The world fell away as she spotted Alicia. She was tied to the statue, surrounded on all sides by seven-foot tall mermen, armed to the teeth and dressed as if preparing for war. She rushed through them anyway. One of the pitchforks grazed her arm - a guard who did not swim away fast enough - but she ignored the sting. Alicia’s face was wan and pale, lips almost blue from the cold. For the moment, she was all that mattered to Angelina. Getting her safe. Feeling her breathe.
There were 10 minutes left, and she was very afraid.
It took multiple diffindos to break the weeds, her non-verbal spells nowhere near as powerful as she needed them to be. And when Alicia was at last free, Angelina gently but firmly embraced her and swam with all of her might to the surface. 
She felt her arm pop out of place again. 
The pain made her swoon, but she could not allow it to matter. She simply conjured a rope and tied her love to her waist. She had scored goals in much worse conditions, and this was much more important than any game she had ever played.
When they broke through the surface, Alicia’s first breath was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. 
Angelina stole her second breath with a kiss.
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the-colourful-witch · 29 days
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🏆 Angelina Johnson 🏆
Can we all agree that Angelina is seriously cool?✨ She fought hard to keep her team together in her year as Captain, standing up to Umbridge even though she knew it could cost her her team and fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. She’s a true Gryffindor and I think she deserves a little more recognition⚡️
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naw-sya · 8 months
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Golden trio? Maybe this one?
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elisedonut · 11 months
Angelina: What’s wrong with Oliver? He’s been laying on the floor for like 10 minutes.
Alicia: Oh, he’s a little overwhelmed.
Angelina: Why?
Alicia: Percy giggled when he made a joke.
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hannshines · 8 months
Pt.1: Slytherin's
Pt.2 (here):
Oliver Wood - Idk who the guy in the first picture is, Idk if he still looks the same as the picture, but until I get another person suitable for a fancast, as a first choice THAT's how I see Oliver Wood / Xavier Serrano
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Percy Weasley - Linus Jasper @ linus_jasper
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Katie bell - Ella Purnell / Olivia Halle
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Alicia Spinett - Nia Towle
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Angelina Johnson - Idk who the hell the first person in the photo is but I like her / Cassey Channel
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Demelza Robinson - Caroline Reuter
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Ritchie Coote - Xavier Roger
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goldenromione · 4 months
I would love to read something in the realm of "Bend It Like Beckham" or "A League of Their Own" about Angelina, Katie, and Alicia during their time playing Quidditch together.
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ablique · 1 month
i’m overwhelmed by how many persons i admire saw my first post thank you so much! here’s a doodle of the quidditch girls :D
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ladiesofhpfest · 4 months
Galentine's Day Roundup
Last week we celebrated Galentine's Day at the Ladies of HP Fest! This was a mini event for all female friendships in all their fun and messiness! Below you'll find a master list of all the fics we received for Galentine's Day:
Because I Knew You by @starlingflight. Summary: Four times Tonks tries to get Ginny out of the house, and one time Ginny returns the favour.
Hothead Harpies by @charmsandtealeaves. Summary: Landing her dream gig on the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team isn’t quite living up to Ginny’s expectations - her Captain seems to have it out for her. Or does she?
Sisters and a Snake by @crookshanksagentofowca. Summary: Narcissa was delighted when Bellatrix suggested a Girls’ Day Out, until she showed up with Nagini curled around her shoulders like a scaly, venomous scarf.
Practical Jokes by @piximera-fic. Summary: Oliver's last game is soon approaching, the girls decide to pull a practical joke on him.
A Ruined Tower for Two by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. Summary: Hermione sits in the ruins of the astronomy tower, taking in the sights. And the destruction. Luna comes and helps in her own unique way.
A Tale of Two Sisters by @annasghosts. Summary: This is the story of Lily and Petunia Evans, two sisters who couldn't be more different, but once upon a time, when they were little girls, thought their bond unbreakable.
Luna Lovegood and the Not-Quite-Friends by @midnightstargazer. Summary: Luna would rather be an outcast than be liked for being someone she isn't.
Living in the Sky by @nena-96. Summary: Lily loved seeing the sunrise in the morning and she promised her sister Petunia that one day she would “live in the sky”.
Friends Kiss Too by @scrxpz. Summary: Things are not going Andromeda's way this Valentines day. Perhaps all she needed was a little study break.
Someone to Confide In by @merlinsbudgiesmugglers. Summary: Andromeda is happy with the choices she has made in life. She just never realised how lonely she would be once all of friends turned their backs on her.
Now stay tuned for our announcement for our next monthly mini!
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
how turned up would lavender brown, the patil twins, katie + angelina + alicia, fleur delacour and cho chang be on a scale from 1 to 10 if the barbie movie came out in their time
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alcoveofconcealment · 7 months
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It was suppose to be a reunion party for the 1991 Gryffindor team, now it's just the "I played Quidditch with Harry" party.
They're lucky that these guys don't mind party crashing in the distant year of 2004
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sunflxwerelfgirl · 11 months
me completely ignoring the golden trio because I love the chaotic side characters that didn’t get enough attention in the movies (if they got any at all, rip Charlie Weasley never showing up on screen) the entire last 18 years that I’ve been a fan of the series
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the-colourful-witch · 12 days
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🌸⚡️Alicia Spinnet⚡️🌸
I wanted to work on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, because it includes characters (mostly the girls) whom I barely see artwork of. And I wanted to put my own spin on them :) We don’t know a lot about Alicia or Katie, for instance. I literally found no more information on Alicia than ‘plays chaser on the Gryffindor team’… oh well. So I made it up! ☀️🤗
I like the idea of Alicia looking like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you🤫
I hope you like her too!🧡 Katie is up next!
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bellwood-qudditch · 4 months
I better see more about the quidditch girls in 2024!
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hannshines · 1 year
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My beautiful Gryffindor and Slytherin Girls
Katie Bell
Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson
Daphne Greengrass
Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bullstrode
Demelza Robins
Astoria Greengrass, Sally Anne Perks
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Slytherin Vs Gryffindor
Seekers: Malfoy vs Potter
Chasers: Flint, Nott, Pucey Vs Bell, Spinnet, Johnson
Beaters: Zabini, Bole Vs Weasley, Weasley
Keepers: Bletchley Vs Wood
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