#angle vs devil
kipcrimes · 5 months
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fanimalcreations · 1 year
If you can't appreciate me at my paper mache head and hot glued everything fursuit🙃
Then you don't deserve me at my badass snarling mechanism in the snout werewolf fursuit😈
(Ami was my first ever fursuit. Made somewhere around 2006? And my blonde werewolf was started in 2021)
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And no joke, I literally HOT GLUED every seam on that Ameterasu costume. I didn't have a sewing machine at the time 😅🫠
And the paper mache head was so heavy and hard it literally survived being stepped on.
It's crazy to see how far I've grown in skill. I'm so proud of my werewolf. I have been slowly learning new techniques specifically so I could make this suit for myself.
Here's to always learning and trying to improve to make your monster dreams come true ✨️
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sleepiestmanonearth99 · 8 months
i can be yor angle..,.. 😇
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or you're Devil..... 😈
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atomicjellycat · 22 days
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I Can Be Your Angle
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Or Yuor Devil
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Zeus can be your angle, Achilles your devl
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myths-tournaments · 5 months
i can be your angle....or yuor devil
Welcome to my third tournament, the Angels vs Demons tournament! It will feature two brackets running side-by-side; a full bracket of angel or angel-themed characters, and a full bracket of demon or demon-themed characters
At the end of it all, the winning angel and the winning demon will face off in their own special poll to see who comes out on top
>> Submit characters here! <<
Fictional characters only. Mcyt is allowed under the condition that it's from a series explicitly stated to be a roleplay/fictional
You can submit as many characters as you want, but only submit each character once
Only submit one character at a time. Submissions with multiple characters will be ignored
Please only submit OFFICIAL ART of the character. Fanart will not be used in the tournament
Propaganda is encouraged, but don't drag other competitors down in the process
Please behave, I will not hesitate to block people
Harry Potter and South Park characters are disqualified from entering. Other characters may be disqualified on a case-by-case basis (i.e. characters that are just. Blatantly bigoted depictions are not getting in)
Submissions will close in roughly 2 weeks, on January 23rd. I'll sort through them and get a bracket assembled, and if I still need more characters then they'll reopen for another week or two
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ruumirmir · 1 month
𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘘𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺
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ੈ♡˳ Author's note - I simply have too many unfiltered thoughts about them Sorry not Sorry. This is entirely self-indulgent and completely male-reader centered. Don't worry ladies,, If you're imaginative enough!! You too can self-insert into this yaoi!!! If any of these don't make sense to new readers Don'tttt worry about it :) Probably didn't make sense to ME either but the vibe matched. @eluxcastar my trusty co-pilot for this ship,, do you have any memes to add perchance 🎤🎤 I'd love to compile everything here.
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If you think Pantalone isn't a possessive prick you're WRONG. Lucky for him some people are into that.
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Being gorgeous and evil go hand-in-hand one cannot exist without the other
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*Sighs dreamily* Dont we all
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Synopsis of my first two Pantalone x Male reader requests everybody:
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Im sorry but it would be fucking hilarious for the plot. Loverboy being soooooooo normal about the rumours going around that Dottolone are Such Close Business Partners,,
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but actually dottolone fucking hate each other. Group projects tend to do that to people. Its the biomechanical malpractice doctor vs business unethics banker. And dottore getting a massive kick out of this one fatuu agent hating his guts . Idk Just a Thought :0
What being microwaved does to a man. Dont worry guys Pantalone can manipulate and gaslight me into a killing machine anyday bc he's hot <3
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Hoyoverse canonizing Pantalone's anger-issues is the best thing that happened to me. you can never trust an anime snake with a (^‿^) face
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One does not simply work in close proximity with a hot guy and Not think about getting boned atleast once.
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Somebody save childe
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Makes zero sense in hindsight but the lore is coming. trust 🙏 Something so delicious about finding your way back to the person that changed you forever.
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Hes just a pathetic little guy your honor. Let us all enjoy his extreme sad boy demeanor and sopping wet meowmeowism before we put him through the HorrorsTM.
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Synopsis of literally the most recent Loverboy one-shot by riri:
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Something something blatant favoritism.
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Reminder that Loverboy joins the Fatui as a part of mandated service right after graduating school at the fresh age of 18 and kills a guy roughly 3 years later :D
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Peak dynamic btw. He can be your angle or yuor devil. As long as he's behind over your shoulder 👍
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"I learned my passion in the Good Old Fashioned School of Loverboys"
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Thankyou homoverse they made Pantalone a certified Yapper. Him and Loverboy are just the "Talks a lot" vs "Listens" ship
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No caption. This was just funni
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Hey guys can anyone tell that I love a good corruption arc.
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Despite his increasingly worsening state of ethics, don't forget that deep down hes still going to be a sopping wet meowmeow💕
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Idk blame @/eluxcastar riri they put the devil's temptation thoughts into my brain
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essential-randomness · 5 months
Your angle or yuor devil: choosing between LLC and nonprofit
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It's time! For this week's Tuesday Content, I'm cheating a little: first, it's Wednesday; second, instead of new content, I'm "unpaywalling" a section of my $upporters-only "Quarterly Extravaganza".
Learn below (or in the blogpost) about the eternal dilemma: should our org be a nonprofit or an LLC?
To support our project (and get early access to this content), support me on Patreon!
The first step to settle the LLC vs nonprofit debate was to look at the path chosen by other fandom-adjacent entities. Turns out, there's historical examples of both!
So, armed with grit, we took the logical next step: get clarity on the legal differences between the two!
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Cutting to the chase, we chose to (very soon) incorporate as an LLC. It was not an easy choice, and we went back and forth–and agonized over it–for quite a while.
However, a few considerations tipped the scales:
First, while our projects have a “charitable intent” that would allow us to qualify for 501c3 status (a.k.a. become a nonprofit), we decided that the procedures required would place a too heavy weight on our already-stretched shoulders.
Next, as we spearhead many ambitious projects with very little budget, we wanted to be able to reward those who took a bet on us with their time and work, should our efforts eventually pay off.
(You can learn about these projects here)
Finally–without mincing words–the online (and fandom) discourse around nonprofits made us uncomfortable: while it’s true that nonprofits have a charitable intent, they still have a balance sheet to balance, and produce work that deserves to be paid for. This is too easy to forget!
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Obviously, given that our projects have a clear “anti-corporate bent”, becoming a for profit corporation came with concerns.
However, we found that LLCs are an incredibly-flexible legal structure that gives us ample power to add ethical guardrails!
There's a lot to say about the various options, and we've just started exploring them. If you want to learn more about these, you can read the article/slides or watch this video by the excellent Sustainable Economies Law Center, whose help has been invaluable throughout all this!
(To be clear: until we have more resources in place and a better understanding of our future, we’re going to keep things simple: at first, our LLC will be what’s called a “single-member LLC”, owned by yours truly (me). We'll keep evaluating options as we work to reach stability!)
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...and that is all for this week! Once again, to support this journey towards a better web, you can donate on Patreon or on my own website!
You can also help us by reblogging this post and sharing the blogpost with all your friends and fandom-oriented Discord servers!
We'll keep you updated about this all as the year progresses. Look forward to it!
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phantomarine · 2 days
Since Cheth wears souls like clothing, you can interpret which one he favors wearing at a given moment as reflecting his mood, be it gender or aesthetic or whatever, like how people decide what to wear. That adds a lot of depth to his shenanigans? Like how when Phaedra touches upon the prophecy FCheth shows up, you immediately get the sense that oh, that one’s special. He favors both “twins” but it’s like she’s a more personal aspect of Cheth that isn’t always shown to others… much like Cheth is a god that’s usually assumed to be male, so maybe our Bonefish sometimes feels a bit forced to show up as that more in front of mortals (Or Cheth feels less vulnerable that way?). Jeff is also interesting, as a largely sexless appearance that is less tied to humanity and closer to the original Bonefish, almost toy-like when playing with kids yet intimidating when angered. Gender is mostly a human thing and it’s like Cheth just threw it out the window there. How did Cheth feel that day, to pick that to primarily hang out as? If I had to guess, given the context of Fracture Day and the Mantacrew making zero progress, Cheth might have felt sad, frustrated and alienated until meeting Pavel, less human, more old and tired creature. Then when Phaedra reconnects with her own humanity and friends, the human ghosts show up again like Cheth’s hope and connection to humanity is back on track… Additionally, Cheth as a “friendly monster” for Pavel vs a “horrifying dragon” for Irving parallels how a child might find queer people odd but not inherently frightening, while adults will recognize strange/“difficult to understand” as danger (not to mention the super religious ones thinking queerness is the work of the devil). Yes the queer angle is so much fun I rambled way longer than I thought I would sorry
I got nothing to add. Good thoughts!
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realisticfanfictions · 5 months
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕤/𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕤
There's not a lot of strawhats-in-the-real-world AUs, so I'm here to fill that void! This has been on my mind for a hot minute now, so let's talk about the characters in One Piece if they were youtubers!
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Click to reveal!
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Luffy - Travel Vlogger
Subscriber Count: 7 Million.
Luffy would 100% be the unintentionally annoying vlogger who just streams and records everything. He's more likely to shove a camera in your face by accident, but he's also the guy who makes really engaging content and does more unique things than your average vlogger. He'd actually be a pretty big name in the vlogging sphere I'd imagine, and while vlogging channels tend to have lower subcounts, I think that 7m would be a good number for him to have. Luffy would also be down to record with other people (regardless of their sub count), and wouldn't mind traveling halfway across the world to do a one-off collab (especially if you agree to feed him).
His content: His content would revolve around travel, food, everyday living, and funny anecdotes. The editing would be very fast-paced with lots of graphics, and sound effects. He'd need to have an editor, and that poor editor would just be swamped with hours upon hours of random footage of him eating, or picking his nose. Lots of B-roll potential!
BIGGEST SLIDE in the WORLD! | Brazil Adventures!
Monkeys STOLE my $2000 CAMERA! (ft. Nami) | Bali Adventures!
I almost DIED!! | Climbing Mount Everest Day #3!
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Zoro - Fitness Guru/Vlogger.
Channel: Roronoa Zoro
Subscriber Count: 3 Million.
It's a no-brainer that Zoro would be a fitness influencer. He would never have thought of becoming an influencer, but Luffy probably recorded him working out in some of his early vlogs, and convinced him to start his own channel. He wouldn't be as into vlogging as Luffy, and definitely wouldn't put much of his personal life out there, but he'd still show what he did and make it somewhat entertaining. Zoro would have fangirls up the wazoo! Especially since he trains without his shirt on, and always shows himself working out. I don't think he'd do collabs on his channel, but he'd always accept being in one of Luffy's vlogs, or even guest starring on Sanji's show (more on that later--).
Content: I think his content would be focused on posting his daily schedule, what he ate, how he worked out, etc. as well as a weekly weigh-in. He'd occasionally post his kendo tournaments and would encourage people to try it out, and make tutorials on all things kendo. I have a feeling he'd probably have the most sponsorship offers, but he'd turn down the vast majority of them (since a lot of them are scams). I don't think he'd have an editor since he seems like the kind of guy to just slap it together with some music behind it and post it to YT or Insta. I can even imagine him getting quite decent at editing and filming, and using Brook's music (with permission ofc). I think he'd also talk about stuff about the gym, what he likes vs. doesn't like, and sometimes talk while he works out.
Don't do this at the gym.
I hate gym memberships.
Kendo Tournament 2023.
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Sanji - Cooking Show
Channel: Devil's Kitchen with Sanji
Subscriber Count: 3 Million.
I don't think I need to explain why Sanji would have a cooking show, but I imagine it more like Binging with Babish with fun challenges, instead of straight up Kitchen Nightmares/reality TV. He'd have the highest production value out of the strawhats with a cameraman and 2-3 editors, and he'd probably be the only one to actually get a show on cable (separate from his YT). Sanji would be more likely to bring guests onto his show, and I can see Zoro being a frequent guest. Would not be surprised if they start a podcast tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if they also lived together
His content would be a lot less 'indie' feeling and more high quality. Lots of cool camera angles and editing. His stuff would end up on Food P*rn I'd imagine. Like, all the time. Sanji would probably be asked to collab with other people, and he'd take a lot more sponsorships too. Soy Sauce wants to sponsor him? Hell yeah, he'd do it! Bang Energy Drink? Well, no. He still has standards. I can imagine him doing a lot of 'How-to' videos and diet-focused videos, like "How to Cook for Vegans", or "Best Gluten-Free Recipes". He'd probably be in and out of relationships quite a lot too, maybe some controversies? (Lemme know if ya'll want some headcannons for that.)
Chocolate Kisses for Valentine | Cooking with Sanji.
Professional Chef vs Home Cook (ft. My Dumb Roommate.)
Tricking Meat-Eaters with Vegan Alternatives (Beyond Meat.)
^^ That one is 100% sponsored btw.
And that's the end of that! Lemme know if you guys want to see more, or have any suggestions!
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tora-the-cat · 27 days
I like the Temari vs. Tenten fight. It might be really short (esp in the manga lol) but I think it's for a good reason! Temaris powerset isn't as involved as most of the others, and it's a character moment showcasing her brutality and skill more then anything else; such a short fight is jarring, and shows that she understands the political Angle of what they're doing better then most other (younger, probably don't remember the war) contestants. And also punctuates her own mercilessness, since between her siblings she's been placed in the 'exasperated/placating big sister' role- she is NOT a better or kinder person then her brothers, just Hella good at reading the room and forged in the fire of 'born during a war and spends her days placating what is both her brother and also The Devil from The Bible'.
It's a strong, punchy character moment for her just as much as kankuro's fight showcases his unexpected (as he's mostly been like. A meathead that bullies children and picks fights he can't win- no shade, temari was a Girl Character in the most Naruto of ways up till now) predictive and strategic thinking, setting him up as quite clever and thorough in his contingencies. Both fights subvert the shallow characters they previously portrayed, making it all the better for the audience when the invasion is revealed, because all three siblings have proved themselves ruthless and powerful, and 2 of the 3 have already deceived the AUDIENCE, so it makes sense they'd be trusted with a mission like this (gaara is a bad liar but he'd have to talk to someone without killing them to ruin anything, and it's more then reasonable to assume that won't happen).
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margridarnauds · 5 months
Something I've been trying to articulate is why a lot of criticisms of Takarazuka productions (esp. adaptations) from outside the Takarazuka fandom don't often WORK for me, so here are some angles that I wish that people would go into more, instead of treating Takarazuka Musicals™ as a conservative, sparkly monolith:
Comparing different adapted musicals together -- Elisabeth, RetJ, and 1789 were both adapted by the same director, Koike Shuuichirou, so you can spot solid similarities there, but what about Le Roi Soleil, La Legende du Roi Arthur, Mozart l'Opera Rock, Anastasia, Don Juan, The Scarlet Pimpernel, I Am From Austria, etc.? It isn't even to say that they're all wildly DIFFERENT (there are certain changes that I'd argue are common among multiple adaptations), but it's to say that you can do better work when you have a broad pool to compare these things with.
Relating to that, comparing the work of different directors, or even the same director's work in different productions. (Koike's work in Elisabeth in the various Elisabeth Takarazuka productions over time VS the various Toho, or his work on 1789 between the 2015 Zuka to the Toho productions to the 2023 production.)
On the reverse side, instead of or in addition to questioning why changes were made, questioning why Japanese audiences are DRAWN to these foreign musicals in the first place. La Legende du Roi Arthur alone deals with themes of rape, incest, deals with the devil, adultery, etc. Is it the fact that it's foreign and therefore exotic enough that it can get away with things that other musicals can't, or does it show that there might be an interest in darker material alongside the stereotypical Takarazuka material (whatever that means)? (I have my own opinions, but this is an angle I almost never see in these critiques.)
What Takarazuka material looked like 20-30 years ago VS the present. How has the tone changed? How has it varied?
Like, Takarazuka is easy to take cheap shots at, and, a couple of years ago, I wouldn't have been far off from these criticisms myself (and I've made my own), but I feel like a lot of the criticisms are grounded in only using one or two adapted musicals from one director, pointing to them, and going "that's Takarazuka™"
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marchingbandtshirt · 10 months
I think the reason why Chainsaw Man and Nope both occupy very similar spaces in my brain regarding overall themes is how they take their basic premises and worldbuilding structures and turn them into a commentary on something pretty much completely unrelated
Like, csm operates within a world where devils are physical representations of the fears or humanity, with stronger fears equating to stronger devils. On that note alone, you’d likely expect some sort of philosophical argument on the nature of fear and basic instincts vs inherent humanity as a theme, except fujimoto doesn’t take that angle. It’s instead an exploration of a hypercapitalistic society with an individualistic culture and the subsequent dehumanization and exploitation at every social level of the people operating the cogs in the machine but have no control over said society themselves (oh hey look [spoilers redacted]).
Likewise, Nope features what looks to be an homage to alien invasion stories and a mystery that turns out to be that said alien is actually A Creature, which you’d likely think would be primarily a “man vs nature,” “tame the untamable” type of conflict (which unlike csm it does contain to a certain extent), but jordan peele instead uses that premise to explore the nature of viewership and tragedy and the exploitation thereof, the violence of spectacle in today’s age where people can’t help but look at and film and capture on camera truly horrific events for self-recognition.
And they both do so incredibly, extremely well in my opinion so there’s also that
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Ooh since BATIM is coming back (who else is excited!? 🎉) could I please request Yandere rivals (romance ) between bendy vs Alice please both trying to keep the reader for themselves (maybe the reader help make bendy or kept running into him that Bendy grow obsessed, while for Alice maybe the reader know her before she comes Alice angle or maybe Alice grows obsessed with her new little errand girl ?) Up to you , I would love to see what you come up with 🤍Anon
Okay! I'll see what I can do with this :)
Yandere! Ink Bendy vs Yandere! Twisted Alice
Pairing: Rivalry - Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Sadism, Forced relationship, Kidnapping, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Rivalry, Abandonment, Manipulation.
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Ah yes, a classic rivalry.
Angels and demons are sworn enemies.
Even when, in this case, they're both monsters.
Bendy and Alice used to just be cartoons.
Now they're merely twisted versions of their normally cute counterparts.
Bendy would grow attached if you originally worked in the studio the fastest.
He can also be obsessed with you if he chases you around the studio long enough.
If he knew you before he'd immediately be attached.
You helped bring him to life!
Let him return the favor... by keeping you all to himself.
Alice is the same way.
Maybe you were also a voice actor or helped her with her job somehow when she was still Susie.
Honestly, knowing them both before the studio's fall would be the quickest way to spark their obsession.
Once you step foot in that studio again it's all over.
Bendy will pick up on your smell, and like a beast, he'll stalk and hunt you down.
Meanwhile Alice will watch from her territory, waiting for the right moment to lock you in.
They both are very manipulative and have a seething hatred towards each other.
You're constantly talked to by them in an attempt to coax you to their side.
They're both beasts in their own right...
If you pick the path of the angel or the path of the devil, you're in for a world of pain either way.
If Bendy takes you, Alice will do whatever she can to get you back.
She screams you're tainted, that the demon will sully your purity.
Bendy covers your ears to her screams.
You're his... she can stop her tantrum at any time.
Bendy doesn't mind marking you and hiding you in the depths of the studio.
A demon can't resist the urge to taint someone like you.
Honestly, if it pissed off the angel upstairs? He'll make a show of it.
If Alice took you back, she's doing whatever she can to cure you of the demon's mark.
How dare he dirty what's hers.
If Alice took you first, she's locking you in her territory.
You're her pure angel.
To her, you're perfect and don't deserve to be tainted by such a wretched beast.
She pretties you up and sets you on little fetch quests for her in her territory.
It's best you don't go out of her territory, however.
You'll make her panic and scream if you stepped out of her territory.
The demon could take you if you aren't careful.
They both have very different ideals, obviously.
Yet they both treat you as if you're some sort of toy.
Bendy treats you like something to torment, but he also turns it around and becomes overly affectionate.
It stems from the abandonment he's suffered due to his creators leaving him.
Alice treats you like a perfect creature to preserve.
She dresses you up, she compliments your looks, and also shows pride at how pure you are with her.
Alice forces compliments from you constantly in return.
Either way, your freedom is limited.
Alice may keep you safe from the demon, but it's just swapping the monster around.
Being with Bendy befriends the biggest monster here, but your freedom is still nearly nonexistent.
Either ink creature is bad news and you're better off not entering the studio at all.
While they may be a demon and an angel...
Only devils with personal interests exist down here.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 6 months
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Wanted to get a quick comparison of vanilla pre-devil Wyll vs how he looks with the Ornate Hairstyle mod + my skintone/hair color mod. Couldn't get the head angle for the comparison exact, but it's about as good as I can get I think without spending too much time.
I've been trying to find what color to use that looks good in both forms and doesn't get all weird and reflective.
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divingsave · 4 days
trent and the england squad in all black vs domi and the hungary squad in white/cream/beige
i can be your angle or yuor devil
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