#animatronic sea serpents
imathrashpanda · 9 months
Most common recurring themes in the my dreams: Sea Serpents:
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I'm often trying to film or photograph them but things always go wrong i.e my camera dies, the buttons don't work, my phone just disappears etc. But often they turn out to be Animatronics:
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Almost exclusively found in the water and LONG before fnaf came around. Not possessed or haunted creepy pasta stuff but occasionally abandoned or not working. Not limited to (but often) sea serpents, sometimes hippos, penguins and even cavemen. Roadside Dinosaurs:
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They show up frequently in weird places. Probably cause when I was little I obsessed with a local tourist attraction that included an exhibit of roadside dinosaurs. Waterslides:
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I'm not usually riding them, they're just kind of around. Quite often high up near a ceiling. Being attacked by a snake/big cats:
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I should clarify I dont have a fear of either of these animals but for some reason it came up in dreams a lot. When I was younger it was always dreams of accidentally running into an angry snake in the forest or having to hold very still while on a boat as snakes hung from the branches above. Later it turned into dreams where a big cat had escaped a zoo and was attacking people and i had to get to safety before it found me.
Tidal Waves:
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This one was A LOT more common when I was younger. I'd see a tidal wave coming in the distance and would be terrified, but somehow it was never as bad as I thought and often did no damage at all.
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sandstone72 · 4 months
I'm convinced that Finely from Indigo Park is at least in part inspired by the sea serpents from the Disney rides 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Submarine Voyage. I also hope this means Finely's area will have a bit of that submechanophobia/decayed underwater attraction type of vibe that I love so much
Like look at them, do you see what I'm seeing? Because this was my first thought when I saw Finley's design
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Also, both of the rides the real-life sea serpents belonged to are now defunct adding further connections to Indigo Park, which is in disrepair and seems to have been for a while now. There also the fact that the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride was left to rot and decay for a while once the ride closed up, which again, I think is also the case with Finley's ride area, and Indigo Park as a whole.
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Indigo Park: Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons).
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Truthfully, we don’t know much about Salem besides the fact they are a potion maker and briefly appear in the arcade game. Their bio revealed that they’re an antagonist to Rambley.
Theory: Salem is the most recent character in the Indigo Park cast.
Their punk design doesn’t really fit the rest of the cast and Rambley’s lines when you show the retro Lloyd Plush has an interesting detail.
“Where’s my limited edition throwback plush?! Where’s Mollie’s? Where’s Finley’s?”
Immediately he mentioned the rest of his friends not getting a retro plush either. Granted, this could be a situation where he dislikes Salem so much he doesn’t mention them… Yet he always mentions Lloyd/doesn’t refuse to say the lion’s name. So what’s the deal with Salem?
The Finley cutout’s line about Rambley knowing him for 100 years could potenially just be flavor text, but the retro plush info mentioned there was an actual old cartoon.
Not too sure about the theories which pin Salem as turning the animatronics(?) against the park guests. That seems a little too cut and dry for me given Salem was part of the cast too.
—Salem’s also known to use contraptions to get out of hairy situations in their character bio. Leading me to believe they weren’t always a potion maker, but rather a Scientist!
—The original documents on their character design were lost leading to many people not knowing Salem’s gender, thus non-binary. They could have stolen their own designs actually…
—Ironically, they and Mollie can stand to get along due to both of them knowing a great deal about engineering/tech. Mollie does crash her plane often enough that learning how to repair it would make sense. I could see Salem helping her repair the plane to get the macaw out of their forest. (This annoys Rambley to no end.)
—Because of Finley’s shyness, the two have rarely interacted. Though—I could see the first meeting have been when Salem went potion ingredient hunting and stumbled upon Finley. They were intimidated by his sheer size, surely.
—Salem dyes their hair stripe. Not always pink.
—The skunk uses the employee utility tunnel to photo bomb park goers, Rambley’s Railroad, and even selfies. They love sneaking up on people because they don’t think a six-foot purple skunk would be even remotely stealthy.
—Them and Lloyd will trade verbal barbs in mock offs behind the scenes. He’s the only one who gets their vicious sense of humor.
—Whether as an animatronic or AI, Salem often steals items from the gift shops to “decorate” statues around the park. They hate the one statue of Rambley and Mr Indigo because the head can track them no matter how they move.
—Salem has accidentally caused the park to lose power a few times from their experiments getting out of hand. The fact these made the now AI-Rambley to get shut down doesn’t bring as much joy to them as you might think.
—The skunk is currently trying to juryrig a computer to be able to fit their paws so they can see what this “Minecraft” game is about. It had potion making apparently?
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Theme park history autism go brrrrr
(Watched GTLive play Indigo Park)
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament: Bracket C/Tier 3 Round 2
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Sea Serpent: Submarine Voyage - Disneyland (formerly)
(go to 8:03)
The Muppet Penguin Orchestra - Muppet*Vision 3D - Hollywood Studios Disney World, Disney California Adventure (formerly)
"They’re Muppet penguins! What more could you want?"
( go to 23:50 and 36:03 for animatronics )
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polly-w · 1 year
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fruitscones · 8 months
relapse in my animatronic SI last night,
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filmnoirsbian · 8 months
i have a crush on the animatronic sea serpent monster from the i corsari theme park ride in gardaland .. his jaw is broken and he just drools water everywhere which i find very endearing, every time he is closed for repairs my heart aches for him
I think you should break into the theme park at night to be with him
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gengar-pixel-2 · 1 year
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@ingo-in-places-he-shouldnt-be Ingo SHOULDN’T be with disney’s Abandoned Sea Serpent Animatronic from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
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bitzandbotz · 1 year
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imathrashpanda · 10 months
Direct Quotes from dreams #4
"If its my dream there's one thing you can bet on: there will be sea serpents."
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barnstormin-a · 4 months
headcanon. // what are the mascots?
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[TW // animal cruelty, experimentation]
(also if any non-RP blogs like or reblog this i am hitting you with hammers)
so. obviously, the mascots aren't animatronics. not only was that shown by mascot!mollie's very bloody decapitation near the end of chapter 1, but also mason/uniquegeese has explicitly said himself that they are NOT animatronics... so. what the hell are they then? well. we have enough context clues, i think, to make a decent guess. first off, the appearance of the mascots themselves. they're far more life-like than most other mascot horror characters. lloyd has real-looking fur, same with mollie and her feathers. combine that with the blood, and these are very clearly living, breathing creatures.
but how? well... they were obviously made by indigo park, but what the creation process was... i've seen some people suggest they used humans, grotesquely transforming their employees into them. but i highly doubt that, i mean. how do you get a giant sea serpent from one human? but i do think they used something else. animals.
i think indigo park took the animals their mascots were based on, and through some horrific genetic modification and experimentation, molded them into these "real life" versions of their characters. perhaps even spliced with human DNA, to give them more intelligence and obedience to follow the park's rules and entertain guests... but, behind the scenes, after their creation they were not spared further abuse. from mollie's voice lines during her chase sequence, of which are all mimicked from other sources like the rambley's railroad ride... some of them stand out. two in particular to me.
"Get up, you stupid freak." and "Get back in your cage, bird."
at the very very least, mollie's mascot was kept in a cage. we get further confirmation of this in an easter egg in rambley rush, where we can find a second mollie in a cage in a secret path in one of the pit falls. and the employees didn't show much care for her, calling her a freak and giving her commands. and if they were to resort to verbal abuse and imprisonment like that... who knows what else they did to these poor mascots. maybe that's what caused the park to close down. maybe one of them finally had enough, attacked someone, causing the park to be evacuated.
and over the years... they've regressed, back to the animals they originally were. or at least a semblance of them. without the employees and management to drill in their commands and names rules, combined with the isolation, they've reverted back to their instincts. when we see lloyd in the theater, he's... well. a lion, through and through. he curls up and sleeps on the ground like one, he runs on all fours, he stalks you throughout the backstage until he gets the opportunity to strike and his roar is an animalistic one.
that's why they're after you. because in their eyes, you're not a guest to greet. or a friend to make. you're just another animal, one that just so happens to be a little bit smaller and less stronger than them. prey. food.
and being locked up in an abandoned area for so long... they're hungry.
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RBB travels of the cube.
Current event:
Stop ya silly siren!
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As of current Blue Moon is exploring stop ya silly siren. A magical fantasy seafaring world. We're sirens, krakens, and sea serpents exist. Join Captain Eclipse and his first mate Sun as they try to explore the sea. Solving the mystery of their mysterious navigator Moon and the siren that seems to follow their ship wherever they go.
Learn more about the world of stop ya silly siren by asking questions. Blue Moon is going to be stuck here for a total of 2 weeks and 4 days. Meaning that every five asks there will be a jump between days. Making sure Blue Moon has to live out the time stuck on the ship.
The characters you can ask during this event are.
Blue Moon
Captain Eclipse
First mate Sun
Navigator Moon
The siren?
Other pirates and fellows you meet on your way.
If you want to learn more about the general red blue and black AU, look down below.
In a world where tsams Eclipse never emerged Sun was taken over by his kill code instead, causing him to become irritable. Moon noticing this decided to also recheck his code. Realizing that his kill code is also emerging attempted to make AI in order to suppress it.
One of these AI only known to him as red moon (Blood Moon) failed because it was too aggressive. The other known as suncopy (lunar) also failed due to a loving nature. He threw them in the computer as failed experiments. The computer deciding he would take the issue into his own hands crafted this universes Eclipse. Who goes by the universal name Blue Moon.
One day a small mysterious cube floats on by and decides to make eclipse its host. Causing the poor bot to sporadically teleport to different universes much to their his brother's distaste.
Despite Eclipse's best efforts moons kill code soon took over. The star was unfortunately "lost" and so there was no way to reset the damage. Eclipse has to do damage control while also being thrown around the different universes.
Join Eclipse (Blue Moon) on his many adventures throughout the universes as he also tries to take care of his brothers.
Eclipse/Blue Moon- is a hybrid of a blood moon and lunar AI. Is highly proficient in rune magic. A due to his blood moon programming being only built within the coding he is hungry for metal, oil, and other animatronics. Has a speech impediment. Best friend with golden Freddy.
The Sun- was taken over by his kill code. Switches between acting very sun like to very TSAMS Eclipse like. Still suffers from anxiety.
The Moon- taken over by his kill code. Can retain a somewhat level head but gets very animalistic around his property. Never learned magic and instead when more into tech.
Golden- Golden Freddy taught Blue Moon all the magic he knows. Good friend of Blue Moon. Acts his friend therapist. Loyal and knows how to get around Blue Moon's problems.
The computer- is moon's computer but has a lot more freedom. Is technically Blue Moon's adoptive father. Is constantly trying to think of a way to reverse the kill code.
Old lunar- is a lunar from another universe that blue moon will frequent. Is an actual therapist. Tries to soothe blue moons worries and get him to express them.
Frankie the cat- Sun's therapy cat. Is good kitty.
The many many many many other characters you will meet through the universe travels.
I am not going to name them all. But I will list the universes we have visited.
Rusted Wheels.
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament: Bracket C/Tier 3 Round 1
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Richard the pineapple: Food Rocks - Epcot (formerly)
(Video is already set to start at the point of the animatronic! If it doesn't, go to 6:47)
Sea Serpent: Submarine Voyage - Disneyland (formerly)
(Video is already set to start at the point of the animatronic! If it doesn't, go to 8:03)
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polly-w · 2 years
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Round 1 poll 14: the Log Chute from the Mall of America vs the Sea Serpent from The Defunct Submarine Voyage Ride at Disneyworld
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Propaganda under the cut:
the Log Chute:
Listen, I hope it is okay to submit a ride, I saw some other people had submitted places (?) BUT, I'm obsessed with this ride, I have a YouTube playlist of people riding it, so I can watch it whenever I want. I live hours away from MOA, but whenever I go, I beg and plead my friend group to go with me. The smell of the ride alone makes me so happy. One time on my birthday, there wasn't a line, so the ride operator let me ride it seven times in a row without getting off. To me, it's like god's gift to the universe. I know all the fun facts about it and recite them to my friends. Also, there's a giant Paul Bunyan animatronic (the ride is Paul Bunyan themed) and they dress him in giant cute holiday sweaters every year!! And they also dress him for different occasions, which is so funny because he's literally like 15 feet tall. It also has a Babe the Blue Ox Statue that I think used to spit mist out of her nostrils, but she no longer has that function. A lot of the animatronics on this ride are no longer operational and I will point out every one while riding it. I'm obsessed with it. I guess if a ride isn't okay to blorbo, the Paul Bunyan and Babe Animatronics are also my blorbo of choice.
the Sea Serpent:
I was born many years after this ride went defunct and a lot of people are very scared of him, but I think he's such a sweet looking little guy!! He's so goofy and silly, I adore him!!!!! He is perfect!!!! I eternally envy the person that owns him!!! I wish he was mine!!!!!
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