#animatronics are not the problem
hearmeoutworthypoll · 1 month
Ameca the Humanoid Robot (AI audio hooked up to a speaker in an animatronic)
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Just saw this on instagram. Naturally, the comments are either scared of the AI takeover (only when coupled with animatronics) or horny for the vaguely human animatronic (only when coupled with a femme voice)
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What FNAF crimes are Abby and Gregory scheming,,
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yogurthoopsart · 7 months
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You know the feeling when your evil monologue to the 12 y/o you're trying to kill is interrupted by your crush being there so in an attempt to be romantic you admit to trying to murder her that one time. Yeah.
Part 2 [soon]
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They hate each other <3
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ghostlypawn · 4 days
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seen so many takes like this lately that make me want to rip my hair out like. yeah cabaret is meant to make you uncomfortable. but its the slow-building fascism hidden in plain sight thats meant to make you uncomfortable. not the opening number where you’re meant to feel welcomed into this place of solace.
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anonymouscheeses · 6 months
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Let's rock!
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squideocassettes · 7 months
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security breach is good if you ignore all the problems
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
I just had the funny thought of Roxy lowkey 'abusing' her power as a security node to allow herself a little pettiness by eventually figuring out how to ban Gregory off EVERY attraction of the PizzaPlex, INCLUDING THE FREDDY-CENTERED ONES, since she is part of the security while Freddy isn't. Now they might figure out a way to undo this in some areas, but it would still be inconveniencing them for at least a couple hours which Roxy takes as a win. Or, when it happens they can tell who is responsible and have to figure out a way to make Roxy undo it, which I highly doubt she'd do without some demand or strings attached.
Oh she's absolutely abusing her security power for this and everything else ever lmao
It would be pretty funny if they can't override it at all and had no idea what the problem is. She doesn't even have to just ban him! There's normally at least two or three doors in halls and rooms on your way into the attractions, so she could fuck with him way more here. He can't get through one of the doors for ages and she randomly unlocks it when he's trying to fix it so he thinks he found the solution... only to get stuck by the next door. He goes back through the previous door a few times before that one stops working again too. And oh hey! This door is opening now, but it's only opening far enough to stick his hand under it at most! Sometimes the doors work, sometimes they don't, and neither Gregory nor Freddy know what the fuck is happening, cause Freddy has the same problem now lmao
Freddy asking Roxy is she knows what's going on cause she usually knows when something's wrong. She answers like "oh that's soooo weird... none of us are having that problem that's wiiilldd..." Doesn't even try to cover it up that she's messing with them cause what are they gonna do? Override her? Good luck with that!
Why just doors though? She could be a little shit in other ways too I bet. Interferes with Gregory's Fazwatch a little bit so when he calls Freddy from Mazercise or wherever, Freddy thinks he's in Gator Golf. She could randomly make it start blasting Never Gonna Give You Up, and if they don't know she can do that, they'd have no idea what's going on lmao
He tries to find anyone on the cameras and they just don't work all of a sudden. That's soooo weird! It's such a mystery that he hasn't seen Roxy on these things since that night!
That could be what gives her away, but they can't prove anything so they can accuse all they like lmao. They keep trying to catch her out but they don't know how she's doing it or where she's hiding out to do it. Can't track the signal cause they don't have that kind of clearance. They try to get her back too by banning her from various Plex areas but like... obviously the security animatronic can just... bypass that...
It's not like she's hurting them or anything! She's just waging psychological warfare on them for shits and giggles! She's inconveniencing them at best and it's driving them up the wall cause they can't figure out how to stop her lmao
What would she even demand from them to make it stop? Would she even want anything, or would this be entertainment enough for her to just keep playing the clueless innocent card in the most unconvincing way possible? They know it's her but they can't prove it and get her into trouble for it and she's living for their frustration over it.
Bonus: She doesn't even watch most of the time. She could potentially have randomised how the doors react to both of them so they can lose their marbles with minimal effort on her part. She's absolutely this petty lmao
Maybe she locked Freddy out of his own attraction and his room in Rockstar Row too. I bet she's done that a good few times. A bunch of kids staring at him as he struggles to open the door and he has to very awkwardly pretend he's lost his keys or something, only for it to open when he leans on it so he falls on the floor. What's the point in all this power if she can't be funny and abuse it, right?
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nerdby · 3 months
Okay, so I think that Five Nights At Freddy's is a really good, really fun teen horror movie and that is the most important thing to know about it when you first watch it. That this is a horror movie that was made for kids and teenagers, ranging from 8-15. If you go into it expecting anything other than that you will be disappointed because this is not a hardcore gorefest. This is perfect movie for little mini goths who want to watch horror movies and for parents who don't want their mini goth kids to be irreparably traumatized by a horror film.
That being said, I think the movie could also be really confusing for viewers that don't understand the supernatural and occult elements that are incorporated into the plot. Things like lucid dreaming and astral projection, and the idea that it's easier for kids' to interact with ghosts because they can be more in tune with their natural intuition than adults. A lot of stuff straight out of a Ghost Hunting 101 handbook.
Basically, this movie is kinda like a Toy StoryxNightmare On Elm Street crossover. It focuses on Mike who is hyperfixated on his younger brother who was kidnapped from a campground when they were both children. Mike uses his skills as a lucid dreamer -- someone who can control their dreams -- to try and uncover who the kidnapper is while also caring for his younger sister, Abby. So there's kind of a lot going on, but the plot flows surprisingly well in spite of that. The filmmakers did a really good job of showing how the subplots all intersect.
There were definitely creepy moments in this film, but the scariest moments are intended to frighten children. Not adults. So I want to reiterate that adult audiences need to go into this film understanding that it is a teen horror movie. It's not gonna make most adults shit their pants, and it's probably not gonna win any awards. But if you're a diehard fan of FNAF or Matthew Lillard and you keep the target audience in mind then you're in for a great time with this movie. Like, yes, there are plot holes and stuff but this is a movie about haunted robots, guys.
This is a scifi-horror movie with that was made for teenagers. Don't overthink it. Don't torture yourself by trying to make it all make sense, alright, because at the end of the day it's a fucking scifi-horror movie. It doesn't have to make sense or adhere to the laws of reality in order to be fun, and if that notion is too hard for you to grasp then you might as well just avoid the science fiction and horror genres entirely. Because they rarely make sense and sometimes that's the best part of the experience.
Five Nights At Freddy's gets three and a half out of five stars.
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mikcschmidt · 6 months
monty high lately but i need ppl (mostly on twitter) to realize when i ask for monty to b more explored as a character this doesn't mean i want him to be the fuckin main antag or villain i just want a little elaboration on why he is how he is bc hes interesting lol
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innqufocus · 1 year
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siblings ❌
twins ❌
conjoined twins ✅✅✅
I’m working on color, my computer died so I have to bounce betwixt 2 laptops to get colored art uploaded kms
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sadesluvr · 8 months
I didn't care for the movie like that and I feel like I'm crazy cause everyone is saying how it was amazing. To me I was kinda disappointed by the story and the acting.
Oh, so the popular opinion is that it’s good? Interesting, considering it’s kinda different to the lore. TBH I think it was always going to be a big task to undertake lore + make it for commercial audiences, so I commend them on that.
Acting was a little one note, but Josh definitely did the best and he was a high point for me. The story was my main problem tbh, I was deadass confused in parts and I saw the big reveal from a mile away. I don’t know if it was because it was different, but to me (just my OPINION) what makes the lore compelling is the Mike/William father/son relationship, and without this Mike was literally just another guy ™️ (Meaning the protagonist could’ve been any sibling of a child William murdered).
Side characters were … I really thought Hank was Henry💀 But I get why he doesn’t (?) exist here. I see why it went straight to streaming and the fact that it was filmed + edited + released in the span of a few months was very telling.
I didn’t hate everything! Mike/Abby’s relationship was a huge highlight for me, but overall it was 🫤 to me.
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angeygirl · 8 months
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Nightmare Wolfworm
Date of Bite: 1987 Victim: Edward Otto Attack strategy: Using her long neck like a jack-in-the-box. Will wind up slowly before striking, can be deterred by flashing a light in her eyes and causing her to unwind her springs. Hides under the bed or in the closet. Can be detected by the sound of clicking as she winds her neck, skittering of her many legs or slithering of her long tail
More playful then her fellow Nightmares, bite occurred due to a malfunction with the lock meant to keep her neck from popping out. Victim suffered a major concussion and cuts on the face, but minimum injury to the skull.
Making my own version of the Nightmare Animatronics for an AU and also giving them more lore because I can
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whack-patty · 2 years
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Syd vibes with dj music man. he's too big for Syd to dunk on prank but by jove they can jam together
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Syd does not, however, vibe with the mini music men
[ part 1 / part 7 / part 9 tbd ]
[ This is what dj and syd are listening to btw ]
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electronicfurbymusic · 9 months
There's like 5 With or Without Fur videos that are currently lost media (privated) and it just makes me sad cuz the Furby Pillow one spawned tons of awful inside jokes between me and Kamila and the 666 subs special was geniunely the funniest shit ever (literally what our sense of humor is now) and OHMYGOD THE KOBY SONG THAT ONE WAS SO ICONIC TOO I managed to recover a part of the song from another video but the full thing is lost and I'm not sure if anyone else besides me and Kamila even noticed cuz we're seemingly the only ppl who are still insane over this obscure youtuber
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takeaguessbuddy · 8 months
It’s all fun and games until you have an incredibly well written and well executed dream about five nights at freddy’s
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