#annie's game list
the-sun-and-the-sea · 4 months
Do you have anymore just random odesta fics? I’m so desperate x by the way I adore your blog you’re the only thing keeping me alive whenever I wanna read an Odesta fic 💕
Hi, thank you for your interest! I do have a few more fics to recommend:
we were married by the ocean (we were tethered by the sea) by beautifuldrukkari - This is such a beautiful Finnick lives AU with a cool nonlinear narrative style. If you're interested in fluff, I'd definitely give this one a try.
If these heights should bring my fall by LogosMelittaes - This one has such an interesting premise with a cool build of suspense. It's very unique but does a great job of capturing the characters/world, which makes it really engaging.
into the mystic by petruchio - This one explores a really interesting time in Finnick and Annie's relationship, and it doesn't a great job illustrating the 'she crept up on me' line. I also love how both Finnick and Annie are so fleshed out and their dynamic is done justice here.
Salt by Sheeana - This one takes place post-mockingjay so there's definitely some sadness to it, but overall it's really hopeful. It focuses a lot on the relationship between Annie and Johanna, but Finnick's presence is felt throughout the story in a really touching way.
Sea Breeze by MrsHannahLongbottom - This one does a great job of taking a simple moment and giving it so much depth and heart. Their dynamic here is beautiful, so I'd definitely recommend this one.
this my excavation by TDK - This is a short one but the amount of emotion it can pack into a story under 1k words is astonishing. The structure of the story is also so cool and creates a really poignant effect.
black rocks and shoreline sand by the_milliners_rook - This is a unique take on the soulmate AU, because Finnick and Annie's relationship still develops very organically. Also, the writing is so beautiful and expressive.
That's about all I have for right now, so I hope you can find something good to read! Feel free to reblog with recs of your own or self promo :)
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allisluv · 2 months
let me know (either in my inbox or in the comments) what wip you want me to start working on from my list and i'll try write on the plane if i'm feeling up to it!
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yurious · 9 months
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I was tagged by @myownbravado to share my favourite books I read in 2023. Thank you <33
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ongreenergrasses · 5 months
I so badly want to request 21(?) the kiss on a place of insecurity. But I also have no shop preference on this one???
i thought about this one for a while bc it just works so well for everyone but i went with Annie and Johanna because I miss writing them, i hope you enjoy 💜
21. …on a place of insecurity
It’s stupid. Johanna knows that it’s stupid, but she can’t help it. She’s always hated them, the stretch marks that stripe her thighs. They go away when she’s really in shape, when her legs are more muscular and fill out, but she’s had other shit to think about aside from running as far as she can, until she collapses.
She’s alternating between staring at her legs in the mirror and her singular pair of shorts, which she accidentally cut short enough that most of her stupid stretch marks will be on full display, when the bedroom door opens.
“You’re still up here?”
Johanna shrugs.
Annie crosses her arms. “Out with it. It’s too hot for you to be doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“Giving me attitude.”
“I’m not giving you attitude,” Johanna says, and then realizes that’s exactly what she’s doing.
Annie raises an eyebrow.
“My shorts are too short,” Johanna says.
Annie raises the other eyebrow.
“I don’t like my legs,” Johanna says in a rush. “Not with these.”
Annie’s face softens and she crosses the room to Johanna, and before Johanna understands what’s happening, gets on her knees in front of her.
“What are you - ”
Annie leans in and kisses the inside of Johanna’s thigh, right over her largest stretch mark, and then kisses her way up it. Johanna’s hand drops to the back of Annie’s head and she thinks she’ll push Annie off, but instead she just holds her there.
“I like your legs,” Annie says into her skin, “but you don’t have to. You can borrow my shorts instead.”
“Okay,” Johanna says hoarsely.
send a kiss
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wreywrites · 11 months
Tiger Shark
Part 7: The Sail
Chapter 44
I wake up in a room that is definitely not 2138, or 2110, or 2109, or 2289, or 405. It’s also not my room at home in Four. Any of my homes in Four. The house from so long ago when I was so little I barely remember it, the old house on Mako’s street, the Victor’s Village house, Finnick’s house across the street. I can’t be sure it’s not my room in the house Finnick has built in his mind.
The door opens.
“That’s me,” I rasp. How long has it been? I sound like I haven’t used my voice for a week.
The woman chuckles. “You must be feeling okay then. I just need to run a couple quick tests and ask you a few questions, and then we can get you moved to a real room.”
A real room? Is this not a real room? Maybe I am in Finnick’s imaginary house.
The woman begins examining the machine I am hooked up to. “Do you know where you are?”
“I was in the Capitol. Close to Snow’s mansion. Am I still in the Capitol?”
She doesn’t answer, just goes to her next question. “Who are you?”
I thought I already answered that. I frown. “Annie Cresta. Odair. Maybe I should change that. Legally. Or maybe it’s already done.”
She chuckles again but looks at me like she wants more of an answer.
I go on. “I won the Seventieth Hunger Games. They called me the Tiger Shark of Four. I was reaped for the Quarter Quell. We broke out and some of us went to Thirteen. Then we went to the Capitol to fight. Actually, we went to the Capitol because we were recognizable and pretty, so we were a good propo squad.” I trail off. Alvan and Cashmere are running from the lizard mutts. Boggs’s legs are blown across the block. Gloss paces endlessly. Where is Gloss?
The woman is checking my IV. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
I stare through the opposite wall.
When I finally speak, ten years or three seconds later, my voice is quiet. “The Capitol dropped parachutes. Bombed those kids, and then everyone who went to help them. And-” I sit straight up. “Where’s Cassia?”
The woman frowns, actually looking at me. “Who?”
“Cassia! Cassia Vickers! The little girl who was with us! Finnick and me! On the street!” Panic is rising in my chest. Cassia trusted us, and the first thing the rebels did was leave her? And now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t even know that this woman is with the rebels.
She shakes her head. “They only brought me you two.”
I swing my legs over the side of the bed.
“Whoa!” The woman grabs my shoulders, forcefully but gently. “Annie, you’re safe. I can’t have you running off yet. We haven’t even swept the whole mansion for traps yet.”
I feel like a netted fish. I am breathing too fast but still not getting enough air. My gaze darts from side to side, looking for an exit.
“Annie,” she says. “Annie, if you will wait for five minutes while I check in with the main doctor, then we can get you moved to your new room. Finnick will be there. I promise.”
I nod.
Promises, promises. Round and round we go, and either we’ll prove ourselves honorable, or we’ll prove ourselves liars, and all of it out of our control.
But five minutes later, the woman comes back in with a smile, unhooks my IV and the other machine, and leads me out into the hallway, all the way to the end, and up two flights of stairs. At the end of that hallway, she opens the last door on the right. There is a bed against the far wall, a very comfy looking chair in the corner, and a desk against the near wall. On the desk sits a box. Our box from Thirteen. Katniss’s mother is in the Capitol.
I turn around to say something to the woman, but she is already halfway back to the stairwell, and much closer is someone much more important.
I crash into him and he wraps me in a bone-crushing hug.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
No one seems to know where Cassia is. Katniss’s mother, who walked Finnick up to our room in Snow’s mansion, knows only that one of the medics who arrived after the second round of bombs recognized Finnick and me, laying unconscious where the force from the blast had knocked us against the building behind us. He and a few others brought us in. No one mentioned a little girl.
I add her to the list of people I have to mourn now that the war is over. Cassia, Prim, the Preps, Marius, Dalia, Titus, Boggs, Jackson, Homes, Mitchell, Castor, Pollux, Cashmere, Alvan.
Cressida and the Leegs come visit that afternoon. Leeg 2 and Gloss did indeed lose Katniss and Gale, but Leeg 2 realized they’d never find the rest of us, so she got Gloss to a safe spot and the two of them holed up the same way Finnick and I had with Cassia in the bakery.
Cressida tells us that our concern—which is a nice way of putting it—for Cassia has reached Plutarch’s ears. Plutarch knew Titus Vickers, so he’s concerned as well, and is using his connections to launch an under-the-table manhunt for Cassia.
She also tells us Katniss and Peeta were much closer to the bombs than we were. Both were badly burned, but the doctors say they have survived the worst of it and should pull through. The road to recovery will be long and painful though.
That almost makes me laugh. That’s just what being a victor is.
Since there is really nothing else they can do with us, the powers that be decide to put us up in Snow’s mansion until it is time for us to leave the Capitol. Finnick hates it because one hallway is set up exactly how he wanted to do part of our house, but now he can’t stomach the design.
“I hate it, Annie. I’m not building you a house that reminds me of him.”
I hate it because there aren’t enough people here. Johanna and Cecelia are still in Thirteen. Gloss is here, but his mind isn’t. He wanders aimlessly through the hallways. He hasn’t spoken since that day in the sewers. Cashmere isn’t here for her laugh to brighten the place. Alvan isn’t here to make her laugh anyway. Haymitch is drunk. Katniss and Peeta are still in the burn unit.
No one knows what to do with us while we wait. So we wait. We play cards. I draw a marble board and we use some chess pieces as marbles. Finnick still wins most of the time.
Johanna and Cecelia and Beetee arrive the next afternoon. Beetee attends lots of important meetings. The rest of us do not. We play half-hearted games of cards and catch each other up on life. The only good news anyone has, other than the war being over, is that Commander Paylor met Cecelia when she was getting off the hovercraft and told her that Mark and the kids all made it. They will be joining us in the Capitol in a few days, on a hovercraft scheduled to bring in more supplies from Thirteen that will stop in Eight along the way.
We spend the next morning wandering the mansion. I find myself in an office that looks vaguely familiar. It takes a long time to realize it’s because I’ve seen it on TV. This is Snow’s personal office.
I sit down at the desk, open one drawer after another, until, in the bottom left-hand drawer, I find seventy-five files. They are numbered, with 1 in the back and 74 in the front, and each has a name on it. I flip through them. 10 – Lucy Gray Baird, 11 – Mags Flanagan, 25 – Beauregard Farrier, 27 – Beck Sheer, 50 – Haymitch Abernathy, 65 – Finnick Odair, 67 – Augustus Braun, 69 – Megary Fallon, 70 – Annie Cresta, 71 – Johanna Mason, 74 – Katniss Everdeen & Peeta Mellark.
Cecelia, Gloss.
Mags, Alvan, Cashmere.
I pull out my file, remove the piece of paper from the envelope. There is a rose stamped at the bottom. At the top is typed my father’s name. Jade. Coral. Mags has been crossed out. So has Beck. And Megary and Augustus. And so has Finnick. I frown. Then I see the line through my name on the envelope. They crossed us off when they thought we were dead.
I grab Finnick’s next. His parents, Mags, me. All crossed off. It’s weird to see my own name marked to show that I can’t be used to threaten anyone to play nice anymore. Like it was weird to hear Caesar Flickerman talk about me in the past tense and see my Quarter Quell picture on Capitol TV like they would have showed in the arena if I died.
I stare at the stack of files.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
Johanna finds me surrounded by smashed vases and broken decorations. The files are scattered around the desk. I read them all. Gloss had two names in his: Cashmere and Augustus. Megary had over a dozen, all crossed off. Johanna had only her mother, also crossed off. I can’t explain it, but something about seeing the lists did more damage than the Hunger Games ever could have. The knowledge that after everything we went through, the Capitol was willing, prepared, to put us through more, just for their own selfish ends. How many people did Finnick sleep with to keep them from crossing my name off that list? How casually did they kill all fourteen people on Megary’s list, before deciding they just needed to kill her? And the real genius of the Quarter Quell finally hits me. Yes, it was about getting rid of Katniss and Peeta, but rebellion had been brewing among victors long before they joined our ranks. And all the people whose names were drawn were the loudest in their dissent. Johanna, Finnick, Beetee, Katniss. I, in my madness, who was of no real use to the Capitol, would serve their aims better by dying in the arena, so my name was drawn. Peeta, whose death would be useful to destroy Katniss, so his name was drawn. Haymitch volunteered, but I doubt the Capitol would have seen that as a huge loss. Those lists, those precious, horrible lists, weren’t enough, so they designed the perfect way to get rid of their most troublesome victors all at once.
Johanna picks up a few of the papers. “I guess you read them.”
I nod. “I’m sorry about your mom.”
“Me too.” She takes a deep breath. “Sometimes I wish I would have just done what they wanted. But I couldn’t have lived with myself. And that was never what she wanted me to do.” She flips through the papers. “I didn’t realize how many kids got reaped because they were on someone’s list.”
“Me neither.”
Merritt was on Alvan’s list, Cashmere on Gloss’s, Cally on three of Ten’s victors’ lists, and no doubt there are many more that I don’t know simply because their Games were too long ago or they died too early on for their names to find a permanent place in my memory.
Johanna sits down next to me. She is holding my list. “You know what this means though?” She points at my father, Jade, and Coral. “As far as the Capitol knew, and I imagine they were thorough, these three are still alive.”
Finnick slumps in. “Had to go get Gloss again,” he says. The doctors send him after Gloss when he starts wandering into places he shouldn’t. Gloss hasn’t been violent, he’s just a big guy, and the doctors found pretty quickly that he’ll listen to Finnick. “He was all the way…” Finnick trails off, looking at the destroyed décor on the floor and the scattered files, then looking at me. “So,” he says after a pause, “you’ve seen your list.”
I nod. “You were right.” The words are surprisingly hoarse, raspy with emotion. “It was one of the longer ones.” My voice cracks as I hold it up. “They hadn’t crossed off Dad. Or Coral and Jade. Maybe-” I haul in a breath. “Maybe they’re-”
“They’re alive,” Finnick says. “Snow is nothing if not thorough.”
Johanna nods. “He crossed you off based on video evidence. If they’re not crossed off, that means he didn’t even have flimsy proof they were dead. And you know he’d be watching.”
They’re right, of course. But I don’t want to get my hopes up. I know how Cecelia felt, all those weeks ago, in the hospital when she first got to Thirteen. She spent weeks not knowing about her family. And now the war is over and I still don’t know about mine.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
We have been there for another two days when we are sitting on a second-floor balcony, bundled in blankets against the frigid cold, watching the continued chaos of the very end of the war and the cleanup around the mansion. Johanna is in an appointment with her head doctor. Cecelia is waiting at the landing pad for Mark and the kids. Finnick and I are shivering in the cold, but can’t bear to go back inside. Inside is where the ghosts are. The ghosts and the lists.
The ground is pockmarked with small craters from the bombs. Pockmarked like our skin after the fog. Two people are staggering across the middle, just like Johanna hauling Nuts and Volts out of the jungle.
The jabberjays scream and the buffalo stampede.
Finnick leaps to his feet.
One of the people has fallen. The other tries to get them back up on their feet, then to pick them up and carry them, but they take two steps and collapse.
Finnick is moving.
I follow, trying to see what he sees, what is so important. I feel like I’m looking through thick morning fog and moving through chest-deep water.
“Let them through!” Finnick shouts.
I see now the dozen guards forming up in front of the two, who look about as threatening as Cassia Vickers.
I wonder what has happened to Cassia Vickers. If we’ll ever know. If the rebels got ahold of her and just killed her.
“Let them through!”
And then I see it. It’s like the fog has burned off and I can swim like a swordfish.
I pass Finnick, who is laughing as he bounds down the stairs that lead to the front garden. One of the guards steps into my path but I shove past him. I am the Tiger Shark.
I drop to my knees next to them, and I am laughing too as tears stream down my cheeks and I want to ask a million questions but all that comes out is “How?”
Cashmere smiles weakly, puts a hand on Alvan’s shoulder where he lays next to her, and slumps forward against me.
Tag List:
@avoxrising @snow-dragon-rider @anakins-ride-or-die
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soulsxng · 1 year
Top 5 (it's 6 but shh) believers of "I can make him worse"
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5. Vanyllo/Tarinx
I've been trying to decide between these two since I started working on the other post, and I ultimately couldn't. Both of them are fucked up in more or less the same ways though, and while they wouldn't push the people they loved too hard to do bad stuff...it wouldn't be something they necessarily avoided, either. To them, it's just part of the way life is. Sometimes giving in and punching that person heckling you in the face is therapeutic, okay? Seeing the person who thought they could push your friend around beaten and bruised at your feet can be a thrill you don't find elsewhere.
The only reason they're so low is because a lot of what they would be making people worse with is violence alone, and not too much else.
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4. Ezzion
Possibly ironic for someone that used to be in charge of people that were locked away for doing messed up things. Still, Ezzi has always been of the mindset that if you want something, you take it. You deserve it, so you should get to have it! What? Someone else has it though? Well that sucks for them, doesn't it?
The only reason they're not higher, is because they usually don't care too much what other people do, as long as they're not stopped from doing what they want to do. If they try to convince anyone to do something bad, it's usually for the fun of it.
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3. Ber
Ber will almost always encourage the worse of two options, I can guarantee it. If it helps the one he cares for (or himself) come out on top, he's not above dragging anybody into his bs. A lot like Ezzi in the "You have power, why wouldn't you just take/do what you want?" camp.
Sometimes he'll even build someone up into doing fucked up things just so he can step back and blame them for something that he did. Serves them right for thinking he would ever choose them over himself. (though there are a couple exceptions that he would never do this with)
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2. Pereux
...Please tell me what you expected from someone who used to be referred to with titles such as "The Monsterous Nightmare", "The Nightmare/Terror Queen", and "The Phantom Queen"?
She's not quite as bad as when she was still going by Mórrígan, and she won't act in a manner that's against something she has foretold happening...but outside of that? She's as bloodthirsty and dangerous as any of the Aos sí and Fae can be.
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1. Death
They're honestly just a little nutcase. Absolutely batshit insane. And they have an energy that somehow manages to sweep up just about anyone in their shenanigans...regardless of whether they meant to be, or not.
Again, like Pere, I don't know what else would be expected from them. They're literally the final Horseman of the Apocalypse. They're gonna encourage some indulgence in the immoral whenever they have the opportunity to do so.
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sage-basil · 1 year
Can I get 3 and 12 for Salvé
3. Ask them to describe their love interest
"June is great! One of the best people I know!"
"...Um, she was... Nice to me from the start, haha, though it's not like I really know why... We've been spending a lot of time together, I'm really happy she chose to keep me as a friend all those years ago! Yeah..."
12. Do they like romance in the books they read?
This will sound insane, but he doesn't. Read books. This veers into hobbies and pastimes territory and this will also sound insane, but he doesn't have any. He can be dragged along to do stuff but on his own he just sits there or walks around.
If someone is reading a book aloud, he doesn't mind listening. Though I think the way people go about romantic relationships in books could stump him.
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void-botanist · 1 year
One Song for Every OC
@outpost51 how did you tag me for this only four days ago. I have made four new character playlists as a result of this assignment.
Rules: Assign a song that fits the vibe of your OC.
And we are not doing this for all of my OCs either because that is too many! So here's some TFA folks (and also I cheated and did more than one for some of them because I forgot it was one song and I am not letting this work go to waste).
If I get tagged again I'll do it for the Nicea folks.
Full Spotify playlist
Dez Fireflies by Owl City [youtube] If I Could Be Like You by Castlecomer [youtube]
Syndy Just a Girl by No Doubt [youtube] I Love It by Icona Pop and Charli XCX [youtube] Made to Last by Semisonic [youtube]
Mizzat DARE - Soulwax Remix by Gorillaz and Soulwax [youtube]
Imjen Mustache Man (Wasted) by CAKE [youtube] (lyrics aren't that related but idk this feels very Zir)
Anni Junk Of The Heart (Happy) by The Kooks [youtube] Connectivity by By Jove [youtube]
Zel Belfast by Orbital [youtube] Island In The Sun by Weezer [youtube]
Julian (literally the hardest to find a song for. I looked for so longgg) Check It Out by The Friends of Distinction [youtube]
Hoven Que Sera by Wax Tailor [youtube]
Bonus: Peter A Little Bit Like Magic by King Harvest [youtube]
I'll leave this an open tag for anyone who wants to share!
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moonslesbology · 1 year
I might make a tag list for my finnick fic The Lucky One
if anyone wants to be added, lmk !!
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eonsister · 1 year
how evil are you? scarlett is 30 percent evil.
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"huh.." there were times that she wanted nothing more than to obliterate the rockets that killed her brother, was that why she was that high on the evil scale?
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 2 months
Do you have any long odesta fanfic that you know of? preferably in finnick pov
Hey! I made a list like this a few years ago so I'll link it here, but I can find a few more!
neptune. by Cat_nevermind - This is part of a series that I love, and it's still currently updating. It does a great job getting into Finnick's head and exploring his situation. I don't know what word count you consider long, but I think this is a decent length and there is more to come.
Evening Tide by foxinthestars - This is a snapshot of Finnick's life a few years after his victory but before he knows Annie. I love the worldbuilding in this one, both in d4 and the Capitol.
The Anchor Cast Below by ellizablue - This is a companion piece to Where Soul Meets Body and it was posted to ao3 fairly recently, but it was on ff.net for a while before that. I love how this one captures Finnick's voice and builds the dynamic between him and Annie.
momento mori by NORsevvy - This one takes place during Catching Fire and Mockingjay. I love the relationships built in this one, especially with Annie and Johanna.
Victor's Crown by ekbirch - This takes place during Finnick's Games. I love this take on Finnick, he's very ambitious which makes for a cool read. I also love the d4 worldbuilding in this one.
The Finish Line by voidshade - This one takes place a year after Finnick's victory, during his first Games as a mentor. I love the exploration of the victor's dynamics here and Finnick's youthfulness is brought out really well.
Scylla and Charybdis / A View from the Lists by Mithrigil, puella_nerdii - I know I've mentioned these two many times before but I'm going to keep suggesting them to everyone because they're some of my favorite fics of all time. So I definitely recommend checking these out if you haven't already.
That's all I have for now! Feel free to share if you know of other fics that fit this request!
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
Hi Megs!! It’s so cute that u set this ask list over a year ago!! If u still wanna tame asks id love to know 1, 7, 9 & 17 pls ♥️
hiya annie! i *am* pretty cute thanks for noticing 😌 skdjflksjd anyhow thx for sending these in!
.1. what fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (in other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) ooo good question! i think i'd probably suggest what if i'm weak (and i need you tonight?) just bc i think it's pretty structurally similar to most of my other fics (relatively short, takes place over the course of one scene, dialogue heavy, small cast, pretty specific au) plus i just really love it!
7. any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? i really love the world that fear the fever takes place in! i've always had lots of thoughts about how our modern world would look if werewolves and vampires just happened to be a part of it while still preserving the lack of control that is featured in a lot of werewolf/vampire stories and i think i represented it rather well in a relatively short fic. i love it so much that i'm really hoping to return to this world with a longer sequel fic at some point or another, but we'll see how long that will take 😅
9. how do you find new fic to read? usually i go to the fandom tag and just start filtering out things like crazy (like ships, tags, ratings, etc that i don't like) and then i normally sort them either by word count or by title and start jumping around the search that way (i really try not to fall into the recency bias that's seen in a lot of fandoms and a helpful way to do that is to sort it not by date and not by kudos or bookmarks or whatever so that way the less popular fics get a fighting chance lol) i also read fics by people i'm subscribed to on ao3 and sometimes ones that are recommended to me
17. what highly specific au do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? i mean, i love writing ridiculous aus that appeal to very few people, especially my weird half crack, half really gritty cassette futurist sci-fi au that will be getting more installments as per the unpopular demand, but there are some other pretty out there ideas that i'm dying to write! i have an almost finished arrival (2016) cashton au that is uh. super depressing and weird but is going to be so, so good when i'm done with it i swear lol. i would also commit crimes for a well done hotel california songfic au; i've got some loose ideas in my head (that would include a baby blue songfic prequel) but i don't think it'll ever actually get done so instead i'll just have to daydream about it 😔
ask me questions for fic writers!
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heaven4lostgirls · 10 months
promises and dreams (part 3)
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warning: angst, canon typical violence and killing, mentions of finnick being trafficked
summary: finnick odair is your best friend, but somehow you cant find it within yourself to be aanything more. Now that the 75th Hunger Games calls for Victors to be reaped you make it your plan to bring Finnick back home to Annie or you will die trying
word count: 1.5k
a/n: part 3! i hope you guys like this, it might be a bit of a filler chapter but next chapter will be finnick and reader in the arena!
part 1, part 2, part 3
tag list: @l3xi3luv @yaesflorist @asapkyndall @midnowsss @fangirling-galore @marimarvelfan @d0p3ys-delusions @sierravogss @littleshadow17 @carolanns-world @pet1t3 @yourdailymemedelivery @merromimo (if your tags didn’t work pls check you can be tagged on your profile!)
Walking back to your room after the interviews, anxiety flooded your system. You knew that each of the tributes were doing their best to try and get the games cancelled and with Peeta’s sudden announcement, you all were waiting with bated breath in hopes that the games were stopped. However, realistically you all knew that you were all inevitably going to be put in the arena whether you liked it or not.
Finnick watches you with furrowed eyebrows as you try and control your breathing, your anxiety after coming out of the arena was horrible, the constant panic attacks and heart clenching fear that passed through you  at any given moment. “You, okay?” he murmurs as he nudges your side and you2 look up to him with tears lining your vision before you sniff, wipe your eyes, and give him a decisive nod. “Don’t worry about me” you tell him.
I’m always worrying about you. He thinks to himself and whilst in his own head, he realises he’s reached the room, as you unlock the door and walk to your own room, Finnick pauses and watches you walk, he sits on the couch in front of the tv and turns on some trashy Tv. As he hears the shower turn off and you make your way to sit on your bed, he gets up himself to walk to your room.
He pauses before he opens the door, he’s met with the sight of your wet hair as you sit in your pyjama’s as on the bed, looking out the window. “Hey” you mutter as you hear him walk closer. He only sits softly before you turn to look at him curiously. Without saying anything, you arch your eyebrow with urges Finnick to speak.
He looks almost embarrassed to speak and your look at his flushed cheeks before he murmurs softly, “Can I stay with you tonight…please?”  he asks and your throat chokes up in pain, the last time Finnick had ever asked to lay in your bed with you was just after you had found out President Snow had been selling his body.
When you wake, you’re alone on the bed and you can hear Finnick’s shower running on the opposite side of the apartment. You get up with ease as you shower and change into the training clothe provided by the Capitol. You stretch your limbs before you walk into the dining area where your stylist, Knox and mentor, Mags are sitting.
“Don’t you look lovely” Knox drawls as she watches you sit and pile your plate with food to prepare for the day, Mags only smiles kindly at you as she gestures to the time, letting you know that you should eat quickly if you want to be at the training grounds on time. “Lovely to see you too Knox” you say with a playful roll of your eyes.
You had spent majority of your time during your own games, hiding and only killing when necessary, however you knew you couldn’t possibly do that during the quarter quell and you needed to use your skills back at district 4 to your advantage.
You were pretty good with a spear, similarly with Finnick however you were exceptionally good knives, smaller ones that you had used back home gutting fish. That, was your primary focus of today, alongside forming allies. . Your train of thought is interrupted by hurried footsteps and a slammed door, you only catch the back of Finnick’s hair before he’s gone.
As you finish your meal you rush to the training grounds where you see Finnick already sparring a hologram with a trident, he looks focused, so you don’t bother to go up to him. Instead, you find yourself watching Johanna, she’s practicing with knives herself on a sparring mat and as you walk up to her, you see her glaring expression turn into a soft, somewhat still insane smile.
She’s about as angry as all the tributes on the grounds combined, you don’t  blame her because you know just how much she didn’t deserve to be dragged back here, just as much as you did. “Y/N Y/L/N” she says with a smile as you both hug one another, “ready to get your ass beat?” he cocks her eyebrow and you only meet her gaze with a smirk before you mutter, “ you’re on mason”.
Johanna’s strong, you’ll give her that, but her form is sloppy. She keeps her weak spots open too many times and you’re able to kill her far too easily for your liking, you spend your time giving her pointers as she helps you move with harsher movements and cleaner intents. She unsurprisingly enough knows the easiest places to cut that lead to the fastest deaths. ‘Crazy bitch’ you can’t help but think amusedly as you shake your head.
The only time you’re interrupted is when Katniss walks into the shooting range with her bow and arrow, slowly  but surely a crowd forms around her as you all watch  her take down all her targets seamlessly. “She’s going to be a problem” you hear Finnick mutter next to you and you still, you hadn’t even heard him walk up to you. Once composed however, you only look at  him slyly, “not if she’s an ally” you say. He looks impressed and nods before turning his gaze back to Katniss’ shooting which has ended.
 You all turn to carry on training before a bunch of peacekeepers walk up to you, Finnick and Johanna. You freeze in your place as you start thinking about the Capitol requesting Finnick’s presence, however the three of you are marched out of the grounds together. You and Finnick share a look of worry before he reaches across to grab your hand in comfort, before thinking better of it and moving his arm back to his side.
You’re all taken into a room where Plutarch Heavensbee sits in front of you all at a brown mahogany desk. “Welcome” he says with a smile on his face before he gestures to the three chairs laid out perfectly in front of his desk, “sit sit” he urges before you all cautiously take a seat.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Johanna says in an outburst of emotion, and you can only share her sentiment as you look at Plutarch with aa suspicious gaze. He only nods his head as the peacekeepers leave the room and then he turns completely serious as the smile drops off his face.
“I need your help” he says gravely, and you all look at each other in confusion, “District 13 is alive and well, there is a rebellion growing and I need your help in stopping the games and getting Katniss Everdeen out of that arena” he says, and your mouth can only drop open in shock.
You knew, just as everyone did about the riots that had taken place in the districts, but you had never had any way of knowing that it had grown to this stage. “A rebellion?” you can only question in astonishment before Plutarch sighs as he quickly mutters into a small mic before Haymitch walks through the doors behind you.
“This is fucking insane” Johanna cries and you look at Finnick who’s been silent the entire time, he looks at you for a brief second before turning his attention to Plutarch and Haymitch who seems to be swaying on his feet.
“Hey sweetheart” Haymitch says with a wink as he catches you looking at him in shock, you can’t help your smile before you hear Finnick scoff as he sarcastically mumbles the nickname under his breath, you look at him in confusion, but he avoids your gaze.
“You’re in on this?” you ask Haymitch as he looks at you with softness in his gaze, “Yeah,  I am. We need your help Y/N, we could take down Snow” he says and knowing Haymitch, everything he says shouldn’t be taken lightly in a time of seriousness.
You nod as you turn back to Plutarch and let him continue to explain the plan surrounding getting Katniss out of the arena safe and sound. He makes sure to mention that none of you are to die, if one of you are dead, the other two must carry your slack. You realise that even now, fighting for the rebellion. Your life is not your own, it belongs to Katniss, Finnick and even to Johanna. They have to make it out.
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sp-by-april · 3 months
Kyle Broflovski Master List
a list of fics @by-april-march aka RoundTheWayGrrl 💖 FYI: Kyle is such a smut-a-thon staple, here is the separate [LIST OF SMUT-A-THON KYLE ONE SHOTS]
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F!READER Twenty-Something [Ao3] [[tumblr]] You meet Kyle in a bar. Sure he's twice your age, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun, right?
Thighs [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle's too distracted to study, because the only thing he can think about is you sitting on his face.
Helpless [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle's tied up, overstimulated, and edged to within an inch of his life.
Nineteen [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle offers to take your virginity.
Revenge [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle helps you forget all about your ex-boyfriend.
Buttons [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle tames a brat.
Vibes [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle' finds your vibrator.
Little Date [Ao3] [[tumblr]] It's your third date with Kyle.
Pavlove [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle is obsessed with YOU.
Everything He Needs [Ao3] [[tumblr]] YOU are obsessed with Kyle.
Hurts So Good [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle takes his anxious girlfriend's virginity.
The Closest Thing [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Kyle, Stan x Reader] Kyle catches you fooling around with Stan. Luckily, you know exactly how to settle the frustration and sexual tension between all of you 
Mess [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Kyle, Stan x Reader] Kyle and Stan tame a brat until she's a fell-fucked, drooling, mess. 
Where Did The Party Go? [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [WattPad] [Kyle, Kenny x Reader] You, Kenny, and Kyle turn a wet dream about a threesome into a reality.
Dare [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Wattpad] [Stan, Kyle, Kenny x Reader] A game of truth or Dare devolves into Kenny, Kyle and Stan using you as a plaything.
Claim It [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Kyle, Kenny x Reader] Kyle and Kenny have you on your knees and bound.
Conceited [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Kyle, Stan x Brat!Reader] Kyle & Stan do some public brat taming.
M!Reader Invitation [Ao3] [[tumblr]] Kyle fucks you at a wedding, despite a falling out & him already having a boyfriend.
SMUT CAFE ONE SHOTS [EMOJI LEGEND] Kyle x F!Reader - [🍒💚🐣🙊🐾] Kyle x F!Reader [🍒💚🐣🙊🕯️] Kyle x F!Reader [🍒💚🦇🐣⚡️] Kyle x F!Reader [🍒💚😍🦂🚩]
Elf King Kyle x F!Reader [🍒💚🐣💫⚡️] Human Kite x M!Reader [💝🐓👀🥀🕸️] Vamp!Kyle x M!Reader [🐓💚💢🦇🦂] Kyle x Bebe [💚💗🐣💫♾️]
MISC Hold Me Tight Or Don't [Ao3] [Tumblr] [Kyle x Nichole] Kyle is ready to take it to the next level, leading to an awkward proposal he swore he'd never, ever make.
I Could Be Van Gogh, If You'd Be My Muse [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [Kyle x April, Stan x Kyle] There's a smut writing club at South Park High!
Sunshine Riptide [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [WattPad] [Kyle x Martine, Kyle x Annie Nelson] Stan brings a strange girl to the Elf King's door and the Grand Wizard seeks to reclaim her.
South of Nowhere [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [WattPad] [Kenny x Nichole x Kyle] Senior year. Kyle and Kenny have been defacto best friends since Stan pulled away. Kyle and Nichole have been fooling around, but he hasn't made a move or said anything about being interested in a relationship. Kenny and Nichole have been getting closer as she trains Karen. 💚 🍯 🧡 Virginity. Prom. Love triangle. Young adulthood. Yearning. Aching. How will they ever survive? Smutty Kyle HCs [[tumblr]] Smutty Elf King Kyle HCs [[tumblr]] King Kyle - Prima Nocta (SOT AU Art) [[tumblr]]
Warm Blood [Ao3] [[tumblr]] [WattPad] [Kyle x Martine, Kyle x Stan] Kenny McCormick knew better than to fall for Kyle's ex-girlfriend, the same one who spent her nights working for Professor Chaos as a villain... but fucking her a few times couldn’t hurt, right? A one-time thing that turned into another (& another, & another, & then.. a love triangle) will eventually threaten the lives of everyone in South Park. Kenny just had to become infatuated with the only girl on Earth whose birthright was to destroy him.
FURTHER READING: 🔞 [Kenny McCormick] 🔞 [Stan Marsh] 🔞 [Eric Cartman]
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cryptfile · 3 months
those marked in colored letters are the ones i’m currently simping on. Feel free to send promps, requests of characters or anything honestly. Always nice to recieve a message! / This list will be updated regularly so you guys can know what i’m into, also, if I forgot someone.
Billy Butcher, Soldier Boy, Victoria Neuman, Starlight/Annie January, The Deep, A-Train, Frenchie, Sister Sage, Queen Maeve, Firecracker, Homelander, Hughie Campbell, Kimiko.
Cate Dunlap, Jordan Li, Sam and Luke Riordan, Marie Moreau, Emma Myers.
Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Criston Cole.
Loki Laufeyson, Sylvie Laufeydottir, Moonknight x3, Hawkeye/Comic!Clint Barton [recasted as Oliver Jackson-Cohen], Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Deadpool, Peter Parker/Spider-Man’s in general, X-Men’s in general, Thor Odinson, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Bucky Barnes, Fantastic Four, Adam Warlock, Ant Man, Druig, Natasha Romanoff, and more since there are too many characters, feel free to ask!
Remus Lupin [marauders era, post I war, nothing weird], Sirius and Regulus Black [marauders!era], James Potter [usually recasted as Dev Patel], Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott.
Eloise Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Simon Basset, King George.
Carmy Berzatto, Sydney Adamu, Richie Jerimovich, Luca.
Carlisle Cullen, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Leah Clearwater, Alec and Jane Vulturi, Benjamin.
Natalie Scatorccio, Jackie Taylor, Shauna Sadecki, Van Palmer, Lottie Matthews, Taissa Turner, Misty Quigley.
Nikolai Lantsov, Kaz Brekker, Alina Starkov, Matthias Helvar, Aleksander Morozova / The Darkling, Nina Zenik, Inej Ghafa, Malyen Oretsev, Zoya Nazyalenski.
Daisy Jones, Karen Sirko, Billy Dunne, Warren Rhodes, Eddie Roundtree.
Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Young!Haymitch Abernathy, Katniss Everdeen, Johanna Mason.
Anakin Skywalker, Qimir / The Stranger, Kylo Ren [yes, I have a type], Shin Hati, Han Solo.
Rafe Cameron [OBX], James Beaufort [Maxton Hall], Drew Starkey, Dean and Sam Winchester [Supernatural], Aaron Taylor Johnson in most of his roles aka Kick-Ass or Bullet Train, Robin Buckley [Stranger Things], Steve Harrington [Stranger Things], Rick Flag [DC], Harley Queen [DC], Battinson [DC], Art Donaldson, Mike Faist.
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dearlucygraybaird · 1 month
Admin Post — Hunger Games blog list!
Since there’s so many new people, I don’t think the old list will do anymore, so I’ve gone through everyone I’m following right now and have made my own masterlist of the rp blogs! This is to be referred to when looking for a specific character, or perhaps if you want to make your own! Spreading this post to all blogs would be very helpful, and let me know who I’m missing! Thank you everyone 💛
The Hunger Games Cast~
Peeta Mellark 🥖— @boywiththebreadpeeta
Katniss Everdeen 🔥 — @girlonfirekatniss
Haymitch Abernathy 🥃 — @thehaymitchabernathy
Johanna Mason 🌲 — @capitolhaterjohanna
Clove 🗡️ — @knifegirlclove
Annie Cresta 🌊 — @therealanniecresta
Primrose 🌼 — @theprimroseeverdeen
Finch/Foxface 🦊 — @finchgirl05
Glimmer ✨ — @glimmerandglam
Cecelia 🫰 — @ceceliawilsonsanchez
Wiress ⏰ — @ofcourseitsobvious
Effie Trinket 💅 — @effietrinketdistrict12
Rue 🌳 — @therealrue12
Cinna 👗 — @capitolstylistcinna
Cato ⚔️ — @cato-1career
Blight 🔫 — @blightjordanlarson
Tigris 🐯 — @not-your-stylist-not-his-cousin
Gale ⛏️ — @galestrap
Seneca Crane 🧔 — @senecacranereal
Finnick Odair 🔱 — @f1nnickodair
The morphlings 🎨 — @louisquinnandalixsalin
Hames (Cecilia’s Husband) ❤️ — @hamessanchez
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Cast~
Coriolanus Snow 🌹 — @thecoryosnow
Sejanus Plinth 🥀 — @rosesforplinth
Lucy Gray Baird 🐦‍⬛ — @dearlucygraybaird
Coral 🦈 — @coralfisher (I love you baby 💛)
Mags Flanagan 🪝 — @themagsflanagan
Diana Ring 💍 — @thedianaring
Vipsania Sickle 🐍 — @vipsickle
Tanner 🪓 — @slaughtererseye
Mayfair Lipp 💋 — @the-mayfairlipp
Festus Creed 🐾 — @thatdogfestus
Mizzen ⭐️ — @mizzen-fisher
Wovey 🩷 — @woveytbosas
Barb Azure ☕️ — @barbazurebairdtrue (thinking of deactivating)
Tam Amber 🎶 — @tamamberoffically
Clerk Carmine Clade 🎻 — @clerkcarmineclade
Billy Taupe Clade 🪗 — @billytaupeclade
Maude Ivory 🍼 — @officialmaudeivorybaird
Tigris 🐅 — @tigris-sn0w
Again, let me know if I missed anyone!!!
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