#anon when i saw this in my inbox i LOST it 😭😭😭😭😭😭
do you like nanami? because i do.
nanami is the epitome of my life—my oxygen, the one that keeps me going. his words, his voice, his touch, his eyes; from his head to toe was what perfected him.
he was made with such details, such perfections, each stroke—each freckle, each pore, each crease on his skin was made with the intent of creating a man loved by all.
yes, loved by all. you love him, i love him, everyone MUST love him.
his voice; a mix of sultry and sweet, a combination like a fine sip of coffee seeping through one's tongue during an early morning. as the sun seeps through the curtains of the clouds, it brews deep into one's soul.
love nanami, our beautiful 50/50 firework, for a better life. #nanamikento'soneandonlywife
😭😭😭 least down bad nanami stan.
/LIGHTHEARTED BTWW i respect you so much anon. speak your truth!!!!!!! let them know!!!!!!!!!!! nanami is objectively the best jjk guy after suguru i think…… he would treat you so well. and his voice……. phewwwww . tsudaken the loml <33
I LOVE NANAMI he’s actually . the reason i got into jjk. 👉👈 he was my absolute favorite for a Long Time before i read the manga and everything and now :’3 he’s . well . not one of my Favorites but i love him lots!!!! i promise!!!!!! and i’m happy he has so many devoted stans <33333 nanami loves you so much anon. he told me!!!!!!!
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halsteadlover · 1 year
My sleeping beauty
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hi can I get a Jay Halstead imagine where he comes home after a shift to not being able to find his girlfriend in the apartment calling out for her until he eventually finds her asleep outside under a blanket in a thunderstorm as she loves them. He can’t help but take a photo of her and can’t resist to brush her hair back from her face and give her forehead kisses. She wakes up and pulls him down into the couch cuddling into him and just enjoying the sound of the thunder and back rubs from him. Thank you 😊
• Warnings: none just fluff.
• Word count: 1626.
• A/N: that’s ugly as shit I’m sorry 😭 I’m trying to do the best that I can, I hope you’ll like this piece anyways, please like, reblog, comment if you did, that’d be awesome ❤️ thank you as always for your support, my inbox is always open even if you want to just talk.
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“Baby I'm home!”
Jay announced as he closed the apartment door behind him. He took off his shoes and his jacket, then placing it on the hanger and cursing because of the rain that soaked him from head to toe.
He immediately noticed the lights off, the silence that filled the apartment broken only by the sound of rain and thunders.
“Baby? You here?” Jay called out your name again. He looked at the time on the watch on his wrist and only then realized how late it was.
Damn it.
When he got no response, Jay made his way to your bedroom, figuring you'd be asleep there. To his amazement though, he didn't find you there and his detective nature was already starting to worry him.
He left the room and headed towards the living room and before he could even turn on the lights, there was a lightning so powerful it lit up the room for a second and it was at that point Jay noticed the small figure lying on the sofa.
He found himself mentally breathing a sigh of relief, relieved to find you there and at the same time berated himself for being so exaggerated. It's just… He couldn't help it, he was so used to being surrounded by criminals, murders, kidnappings, that he couldn't help but constantly fear something might happen to you.
He shook his head slightly, as if to free himself from those horrible thoughts, and decided at that moment that work had to stay at work. You were there sleeping in front of him and that was what mattered.
He cautiously approached you, being careful not to make sudden noises that could wake you up. He leaned over you and a small smile crept onto his lips as he saw how blissfully you were sleeping. He knew how much you loved the sound of thunders and rain in the background, but he didn't know how the hell anyone could fall asleep to those deafening flashes. Only you could.
Jay planted a small kiss on your head, at the same time moving a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face. You were curled up on your side, a blanket covering your body, a calm and serene expression on your face, as if nothing could disturb you at that moment.
He stood up and went to get another blanket which he then placed on you. He had to go and change from his wet clothes, but the more he looked at you, the more he lost the willpower to walk away. He didn't deny he felt a bit of a maniac watching you sleep but he really couldn't help it, you were so fucking beautiful.
The way your eyelashes slightly brushed your skin, your lips slightly parted, the way your hair was scattered on the pillow and how some strands fell on your face, you really looked like an angel came down to earth and he just couldn't realize how lucky he felt.
“How are you so fucking beautiful baby?” he whispered before placing a sweet little kiss on your cheek “My beautiful sleeping princess.” He brushed your hair, a gesture he knew you loved so much. God, he just wanted so much to stop time, just to always be able to see you like this, serene, blissful, so at peace.
Jay couldn't suppress the urge to take his cell phone out of his back pocket and take a picture of you. An idiotic smile crept onto his lips as he looked back at the photo, deciding in that moment it was definitely one of his favorites. He put his phone back to his pocket, not before taking few for pictures, and then looked at you again.
A feeling of guilt took hold of him though, squeezing his stomach in a vice, thinking you had probably fallen asleep while waiting for him to return from his shift. He had promised you’d have dinner together but a case kept him longer than expected so that promise was broken and this made him feel terribly guilty. In that instant he made a mental note and promised himself that, even if the end of the world would come, he’d make up for it and organize the perfect date for you.
You deserved it, for all the nights you waited for him awake, for never letting him weigh some of his shortcomings and broken promises due to work. He was so eternally grateful to have someone as fantastic and perfect like you by his side, as patient as you were, not everyone would’ve done the same.
“I love you baby know that right? So damn much, I'd be lost without you,” he whispered, starting to brush your hair again and leaning down to kiss your forehead. At that point you couldn't hold back a smile and the little laugh that escaped your lips.
“Oh my god baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep,” Jay murmured.
“I was already awake actually,” you said amused, opening your eyes and then bursting out laughing when you noticed the slight blush on Jay's cheeks. “Come here love.”
You grabbed his arm, inviting him to lie down on the sofa too.
“You little…” he mumbled, trying to keep a fake disappointed expression on his face.
“Please baby, come here I need to hug you,” you said, putting on the cutest puppy face you were capable of.
“God I really hate when you do that.”
“And why's that?” you asked ironically, already knowing the answer.
Jay grabbed your face with his right hand and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you until he took your breath away. “Because I can't fucking resist that face and these puppy dog eyes,” he answered, giving you a kiss after every word and making you giggle like a little schoolgirl. You drew him into a hug, squeezing him with the strength you had in your body.
“I missed you so much today,” you whispered, kissing his cheeks.
“Oh baby I missed you so much too, I'm so sorry I didn't get to come back earlier and have dinner with you,” he replied, apologetic. You broke that hug just to be able to kiss him on the lips, trying to make him understand that he didn't have to be sorry at all.
“We have plenty of time to have dinner together love, I'm just happy you came back to me safe and sound, there is nothing else more important to me,” you said as you caressed his face with your fingers, your other arm still around his neck. He was resting with his right elbow beside your body, so as not to have all his weight on you, while his left hand stroked your face, brushing your hair out of your face.
He smiled and at the same time your heart exploded and your stomach flipped. God, Jay Halstead and the effect he still had on you even after years.
“I'll always find a way to come back to you, never forget that,” you smiled back and he continued “And you look so damn gorgeous when you smile like that, you really light up my world.”
God what did I do to deserve him?
You weren’t good with words, so you kissed him, holding him so tightly as if he could just walk away. But there was no need to say anything, Jay knew it, he felt every day the way you loved him immensely as much as he loved you infinitely.
After about half an hour of kissing and hugging on the couch, Jay found the strength to get up and go change out of his changed clothes. It wasn't his fault though, it was you and the fact you were so hard to resist.
You were both in bed, under the covers and in each other's arms. Your head was resting on his chest and your arm wrapped around his chest while his hand gently caressed your back. God, you didn't want anything else in that moment, you felt so fulfilled, in the arms of the man you loved, in the background the sound of rain against the windows and lightning in the distance, it couldn't be more perfect than this
“How was your day baby?” you asked, your fingers tracing imaginary lines on his skin, under the shirt.
“Nothing different from the usual, I just missed you so much, but I guess I kept myself quite busy with the murder case we had to investigate,” he explained, giving you a kiss on the forehead before looking back up at the ceiling, slowly starting to feel the increasingly heavy eyelids.
“Did you manage to eat something before coming back home?”.
“Yes baby, thank you for worrying, I had a sandwich, nothing special. What about you? How was your day? What did you have for dinner?” he asked but a confused look on his face when he got no answer. He lifted his head slightly to look at you and with enormous astonishment he realized you had fallen asleep again. He chuckled, in disbelief and lightly shaking his head. How the hell did you manage to fall asleep in literally five seconds? It was an ability of yours that Jay would never cease to marvel at.
He held you a little closer, inhaling the scent of your hair while giving you another round of kisses on your head and forehead.
“Sweet dreams baby. I love you more than anything in the world, I hope you never forget that,” he whispered, aware though you couldn't hear him, before closing his eyes too and slipping into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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Tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @lxna-mikaelsxn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @xeleni-nurse, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @hehurst23, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @mrspeacem1nusone, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippl3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutl0ver​, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @cbaby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @alexxavicry, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral3, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @resanoona, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @halstead-severide-fan, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher
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Buy me a coffee? ☕️
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lostamongthestarz · 4 months
Hai!! I loved your Vaas x trans male reader, it was seriously refreshing after seeing JUST fem readers 😭😭
Anyways I was wondering, can you do a Vaas x trans male reader with the reader getting kidnapped by Citra and Jason and Vaas just goes absolutely feral
I love your brain anon, And yeah, I got tired of seeing just Xfemale readers for Vaas. Sometimes you have to write it yourself.
hope this is good enough !
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Vaas x Trans! male reader who was taken by Citra and Jason
Fandom: Far Cry/Far cry 3
Character: Vaas montenegro
Warnings: Vaas himself counts as someone who needs a warning.
Gore/blood/everything you'd expect from Vaas
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You were never supposed to be caught in the crossfire.
Vaas had done everything he could in his power to keep you as his secret. But now he was kicking himself in the ass for not worrying about something like this sooner -
Somehow Citra had caught wind of someone who had managed to capture Vaas's seemingly cold - sadistic heart, and like the lap dog he was, Jason under the orders of Citra went and fetched you. stealing you away one night while Vaas was gone.
At first - his men tried to hide it from Vaas, they were the ones who found your home almost in ruins. But Vaas? Vaas found out for himself and when he found out? he stormed back to camp. He shot the first person he saw.
he began hunting Jason down - he wasn't only hunting Jason down no, He was hunting for his boy.
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as for you? Citra couldn't risk having you around the temple or anywhere near her and the others - so she had Jason set up camp with a few others around. However, this didn't last long.
you didn't know how long it had been, you had lost track of time. the ropes around your wrists burned, and you didn't care for Jason's poor attempts at getting you to talk. you just sat there - waiting until you either passed out or until Citra figured out what to do with you.
You were just about to give up when you heard the sound of gunfire, Jason knew who it was - so without any hesitation, Jason was gone, and the sound of his rapid footsteps getting farther and farther away could be heard. With what strength you had left you lifted your head and saw Vaas.
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Vaas was covered head to toe in blood, it stained his clothes and skin. the second he laid eyes on you - your tired form? he wanted Jason and Citra's heads on pikes.
"Maldito infierno, chico bonito, pareces una mierda"
Vaas said he bent down to untie your wrists before he picked you up. you could walk sure, but you were far too tired, and it felt nice to be carried. As the two of you made your way back to camp there were piles of bodies - it was straight out of a horror movie.
Vaas wanted to send a message
no one takes his boy and lives
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Maldito infierno, chico bonito, pareces una mierda = "Fucking hell - pretty boy you look like shit"
My inbox is open 💌
Requests open <3
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Hello smooches, its 🥝 anon. I'm sorry for not popping up on ur inbox for a very long time again (health issues, again.) i hope that you are doing well! I see so many Dotty's rambling when i scroll down a bit and honestly i can't wait to read all of it 🙏🛐 (and also hoping to see just a bit of Capitano content from u-)
So.. Remember when i said last time that i have a brainrot about Capitano's Childhood Crush with fragile!reader? In ur Capitano Childhood Crush fic, reader always sends a lot of letters to him but he never recieved them, right? (It was disheartening, just like what u said on the fic..) And, Well..
Imagine that all of the letters are about reader telling him about their conditions, their illness getting worse and worse, until the last one about reader wanting to see him again for last time..
When Capitano wanted to see them again, he sends some of his Fatui agents to search for reader whereabouts (since it would be too dangerous for reader's safety if he is the one who come to them, also he never see them among the crowds for a very long time whenever he and his troops came back, reader always come to see him..).
Now, imagine his reaction when his agents told him that reader is already dead a long time ago or when he finally found all of reader's letters 😔
I'm trying to make my ask not too long, æügh 😩😭 i'm sorry if its messy- 😭 anyways, sending virtual hugs for u smooches for still feeding us Harbinger content for more than a year now 🤗💞🛐 as always, bless u and ur big brain writings
-a rotten 🥝 anon
(Also recently, i saw an "early" story leak about the next region on twt that we will have Dottore boss fight in Natlan instead of Capitano. Idk if its true or not, but if its true.. then, i guess you guys Dottore lovers better prepare for him now 👀 i want to see some C6R5 Dotty mains here)
HI 🥝 ANON!! I MISSED YOU! And don't worry about popping in! I want you to take care of yourself first above all! I hope you enjoy the plentiful Dottore brainrots though :3 (and i promise to post some Capitano brainrots. Just for you.) BUT AHHH THIS BRAINROT... WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SAD. (Yes, I remember when I put that in my fic! I can't believe it was so long ago though- you made me go back and reread it 😭)
Imagine if you live in a secluded part of Snezhnaya. It's quiet and pretty with only the servants in the house to keep you company. Capitano let you stay here instead of the mansion because staying in that big house without him would probably make you sadder. Though you are already sad without him, it's a bit better. But you spend a lot of time writing him letters. It was a habit of yours, telling him what you've done all this time even though he's not here. Some letters get sent, some don't. But you always put the happier stuff in the letters that get sent to him. He's out doing a lot of hard work, you don't want to bother him with your illness! Though anyone could see the lingering sadness in your letters. However, the battlefield is a tough place and the long distance doesn't help your case. Things are bound to get lost and go missing. So you're left waiting, and waiting, and waiting for your husband's replies that never come... Eventually, you stop sending them, instead keeping them in a box.
Although Capitano is busy with his mission, he wonders why you haven't reached out to him. Amidst the war and battle, he does look forward to your sweet letters, perhaps your handwriting may not be the best, but he loves to see how his darling is doing. He of course focuses on his duties, but he always thinks of you. So it wouldn't hurt to send an agent to report on you, since clearly communication isn't the best right now. When the soldier arrives and hears of your demise, he isn't sure how to break the news to his Harbinger. All he can do is hope that the letter makes it to him after the battle is over, so morale isn't too down. And it does. The Fatui win this battle, and the letter comes just in time. Ah, finally he can see how you're doing, Capitano thinks. But when he reads the first sentence, he's... well, I can't explain his emotions very well. Empty would be a good word. Why? Why didn't he know? Couldn't something have been done? You were find before he left, how did your condition worsen that quickly?
He won't know, because he won't ever hear your voice again.
AND YEAHHH i saw that leak too but. To be honest i don't really believe it, a bunch of story leaks have turned out to be trolls so tbh i don't really pay attention to them anymore, especially when they're so far into the future 😅 But my c6r1 Arlie savings are going strong right now! (400 wishes >:)
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lipglossanon · 7 months
i feel like you would find my idea for vampire leon as funny as i do,,,, imagine him and a goth reader who has a lot of piercings and she’s super mindful about what ones she wears but lets say they get in an argument and leon’s about to go down on her and she put in a silver piercing (whatever she has pierced down there) and he’s just growling and biting her out of frustration but she thinks it’s the funniest shit or they’re arguing and she’s putting in silver nipple piercings and he’s bargaining with her but she just shuts him up with “you’ve lost tiddy privileges leon”
- 💀
bonus content she has a spray bottle filled with garlic water like water she boiled garlic in then strained it and she sprays him when he’s being an issue 🤭 (i saw you say some of your asks got eaten by the void and i haven’t wanted to spam your inbox resending some of the stuff i sent so sorry if i sent this in already <3)
Hiii 💀 anon!! 👋
AGSHCKVL you lost tiddy privileges is sending me 🤣 🤣
No but that’s so freaking hilarious 😆 I can just picture him hissing and howling like a cat when she only picks up the spray bottle, not even having spraid him yet 😂
And she purposefully wears silver jewelry or like accessories just in case Leon wants to act up and lose any more privileges 🤭 🤭
Maybe she even carries a small pepper spray but it’s filled with watered down garlic (like that one scene in Blade 🤣)
And I think your other ask maybe have gotten eaten! I didn’t see it 😭
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Happy Valentines day Suzu!! Sorry late greeting, my body’s been giving up on me lately 😭😭
And no it’s not selfish!! You should always care for your needs even if people say it’s selfish (which they’re wrong 😠)
Oh! Also! May i request a sub!kunikuzushi x reader??
Kinda obvious he’d likely be a bottom ehehehehe
Gently loves you in purple!!! - 🐀 anon
a/n: I was just glanced at the clock when I saw your request. I thought: my dear 🐀anon should be popping up in my inbox anytime. You are pretty consistent whether you know it or not. I was feeling sleepy and relaxed when I wrote this, so I may have gotten carried away a bit. Kuni would a sub no question.💜
Sub! Kunikuzushi x fem!reader
You smiled down at the boy gazing up at you with utter adoration in his eyes. "Oh Kuni," you cooed, rolling your hips down into his erection. You leaned down to kiss his forehead, "you are just too cute." You pushed two fingers into his mouth.
If Kunikuzushi could've lapped up your praise like the way he was sucking on your fingers as you pumped them in and out his mouth he would've. He whined when you rolled your hips down again. Laughing softly, you said "Use your words, Kuni. Tell me if you want more," you said, hovering a hand over his eyes, grinding your hips down a third time. Sensory deprivation made him feel more needy and submissive.
His cock was wet with your slick. Kunikuzushi had lost all sense of time. You'd been edging him for what felt like hours. A trail of saliva connected your fingers to his tongue when you pulled them out of his mouth so he could speak.
"More," he gasped, "I want to be inside of you more than anything right now," his whine sounded so pretty.
It always turned you on when he whined like that. Taking your hand away from his eyes, you positioned yourself so that his cock lined up with your entrance. You lowered yourself slowly onto it, enjoying the way the expression on his face contorted with ecstasy as you finally gave exactly what he wanted.
"Go ahead, Kuni. Fuck me to your heart's content. You've been such a good boy for me tonight," Kunikuzushi's eyes lit up joy when you shuddered with pleasure as he began to thrust up into you. As hard as it was, he did well to keep his pace controlled. He'd almost cummed when you praised him again.
As good as you making him feel, he wanted you to cum first. Your pleasure was always his first priority.
Pps: 🐀anon, if it's late for you when you read this, please go bed. It's my turn to tell you to take better care of yourself.
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cebwrites · 2 years
Heyy!! I saw the request is open, and you write for smut as well!! May I request some spicy headcanons for Zoro & Kid with GN S/O? Umm... The boy finds out that S/O has a lot of sexy outfit hanging around their wardrobe, also some... Toys. You could change/remove one of the items/plot if you feel uncomfortable, and do inform me if you feel uncomfortable with the request so I'll change it. Thank you!!
hi anon!! sorry it took so long to get to yours, i haven’t checked my inbox in a while 😭 your prompt isn’t uncomfy for me at all! it! in fact it should be encouraged around here hehe >:3  i hope you enjoy~
finding s/o’s “belongings” (Zoro, Kidd)
gn reader, trans!kidd lingerie, toys, nsfw under the cut word count: 0.7k
The marimo is unfortunately a little... clueless when it comes to anything other than bare bones enjoyment in the bedroom 
Yes he’s had partners before, doesn’t skimp out on foreplay, and takes you to heaven and back even as irreverent as he is, but all things considered - Zoro’s pretty vanilla at first
So when he opens what he thinks is your dresser drawer to fetch a sweater for you in the cold and finds all manners of indecent clothing and god knows what appliances in a box below it, he’s confused
You catch him sat on the floor of your room, legs crossed and brows furrowed as Zoro holds a phallic object in one hand and something soft and lacy in the other, as if he was trying to figure out the correlation between the two
His empty-headedness could be endearing, sometimes
Zoro would insist that of course he knows what all these doo-hickeys and whaddaya-callems are, but he would need a demonstration
To uh, make sure you did
And being fair, Zoro never expected him to be part of your little presentation, but after the second dry orgasm you brought him to - hovering over him in a cute, silky number you’d bought on an outing with Nami and Sanji - his head was much too cloudy to care, lost in the pleasant vibrations rocking through his system as you massaged the toy against his prostate
On the bright side of things, you find that your boyfriend is willing to put up with most of anything after this so long as it means that he can get you to do that again; but on the other hand - Zoro’s a greedy, surprisingly needy bottom who wants his rewards often
Kidd is far less naive - of course he knows what these things are, he’s used them loads of times before; together or on his own
He’d toss the article of clothing at you as you enter his room, making a snide comment about where you found the time (and money) to spoil yourself with something new
You teasingly ask your captain if he was pouting that you didn’t get him a matching set; Kidd growls at you and shuts the door with a flick of his metal wrist
He gets you to eat him out, all pretty and collared up with his lipstick smeared all over your mouth, cheeks, and neck - a rough hand in your hair, too
Kidd is gorgeous, laying back in a stunning lace two-piece, all guttural groans between curses and commands as he guides your face against his heat
When Kidd gradually winds down from his high and you’re given a moment to breathe, you take the opportunity to bury your face between his chest, slipping your fingers underneath the lingerie to habitually trace old top scars
Kidd doesn’t immediately pull away from the familiar show of affection but he is antsy to get moving again, so the two of you do
He wastes no time in sitting you on his favorite double sided strap and bouncing you in his lap - always at his pace and leisure, all for Kidd
You fight him a little because he keeps wanting to change positions, but eventually your captain settles into one that he can keep up for a bit, your legs folded against his shoulders and your fingers threading themselves into shocks of wild, surprisingly soft, red hair
Kidd’s pace turns rough and erratic once he’s close again, your arms wind around his neck; he catches your lips in a harsh, bruising kiss as oppose to how nice the fabric feels on your skin
He finishes first but pounds you through it, making sure the both of you are writhing in sheer pleasure by the end of it
It’s not often that the two of you get to just lay in the afterglow of things, cuddled together after the toys are shuffled away and the kinky outfits get tossed to the wash - this unfortunately, is also not one of those times
Just as your eyes barely start to close, there’s a knock at the door; it’s Haikei, and he’s here to inform your captain that they’re currently under attack
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Ok so I’m the same anon who keeps sending stuff about Swerve 😭 sorry I’m flooding your inbox BUT I JUST LOVE HIM
Tbh I still cant get over that pic of him in shibari!!!!! AAAA
But anyways 😭 what do you think his reaction would be to his gf sending him nudes while he’s at dynamite scheduled for a match?? 🤭
Hi Anon! Sorry, I haven't got back to your Shibari request just yet but I am working on it!!!
To answer your question: (for some reason I felt like answering this as a one-shot)
Tonight I would fight one of my toughest opponents yet. I knew I could beat Jeff Hardy without breaking a sweat but I would need to stay alert at all times, people were coming for me, for my spot. As I did my pre-match rituals I felt a sudden wave of loneliness wash over me. This was the first dynamite in a long time that I wouldn't have Y/n in my corner. She was mad, she didn't understand why she couldn't come with me to Savannah. I tried to explain that it was too dangerous, I didn't know when that cowboy would strike when Samoa Joe would strike, fuck even Keith Lee. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let something happen to her. Just as I was lost in my thoughts I felt my phone vibrate. I looked and saw a text for Y/n *attachment 1 image* "Good luck tonight! 😘" I looked at the image and was blessed to see a nude image of the Greek goddess I get to call my girlfriend. Fuck I missed her. I would add this image to my collection, reminding myself to use it later tonight since we couldn't celebrate in person.
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witchmd13 · 3 days
listen there’s only so many times things can go wrong in the lab before you start being superstitious. for example, during my undergrad there was one guy who always had the worst luck. from faulty cables to always having the worst supervisors, after two years all of us (including him) would say he was cursed. then when he was my lab partner things went well…too well. we got cocky. we joked that this would be the time he broke the curse. the next week the lab was shut down due to covid and we never finished the project and had to do supplementary work for our grade. also when he was working on his thesis and was finally ready to use his samples (that took months to make), the building lost power and because his samples needed to be stored at -80C he had to re-do the whole thing.
I'm so sorry I just saw this in my inbox when I opened desktop tumblr and the timestamp says it was sent 4 days ago. I must've missed it on the app 😭
Oh gosh I agree 100%! I get so superstitious when it comes to scheduling/doing my experiments even though I'm not in my personal life. For me, it started with using the confocal microscope. literally one day it would be working fine and the next I can't image a single slide. So now when I can't get anything from the first slide, I just switch the microscope off and call it a day cause I just know it'll work the next day just fine. I might be superstitious but it worked so far.
My master's thesis supervisor used to say "if you pray, you better start doing it now" whenever we used a calcium measuring device at the lab lol (he was only half joking) because it literally had a mind of its own.
During my training to use the ultramicrotome, the first thing the technician told me was to stop the whole thing if the first specimen doesn't work and just come back the next day.
My experiences might not be as extreme as you anon, but I'm not changing this habit until I'm done with this degree lol.
(I hope you still see this, anon)
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slythereen · 7 months
personally i don’t think charles’ car not being as good is an excuse to why max keeps pushing him off the track. especially because even if max would have gotten past most likely anyway (or at least in austin) it keeps leaving him extremely vulnerable to other people, along with the obvious reasons why pushing someone off the track isn’t cute. and yeah it’s nice that max apologizes to charles because he rarely does and especially not for the first lap but come on 😭 who cares about apologies if it keeps happening. it’s giving ferrari core! to my knowledge it’s only happened twice so i’ll give the benefit of doubt but that’s still a lot in a short amount of time. and yeah charles is a menace too but if it was him doing these moves he’d get penalized twice as badly so that’s not max’s fault but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. also made me mad that max blamed the grip when on his radio he seemed perfectly in control and talked as if it was on purpose lol “of course i was in front” (he was not in front) “send them my regards”. i absolutely love seeing them race but i’m just imagining how nasty a REAL title fight, 2022 doesn’t count ferrari ruined everything, could very quickly with this type of stuff. sorry for ranting in your inbox lol i just had to get this off my chest because i love the two of them and their races but too many people are putting on their lestappen glasses on that move and i felt so awkward sharing that that opinion because everybody else seemed to love it (i loved the other moves during this race, just not that one) until i saw the other anon
all valid points made! you're always free to rant here i have been persuaded by anons in the past (and frankly even when i'm not i appreciate seeing different povs on things) <33
i will just clarify that i meant that i think charles doesn't get as mad about it because he has a worse car and knows max likely will get by, not that max thinks he can get away with it because he has a worse car. but yes, throwing charles out of position like that and screwing him for the cars behind seems a bit unnecessary when max could pass him more easily and cleanly a bit later
though, at the same time, max knows charles can hunt him down if given a sliver of possibility so he's hardly going to be interested in giving charles an easier time of it on the pass. it can only benefit him if charles has to switch his focus to defending instead of attacking. which yeah it's fucked, max def intended to push him wide but i don't think he meant to push him off, which makes it a little different in my mind. racing a little dirty bc he knows charles will race dirty back and because he considers charles a legitimate threat is excusable to me, but maliciously fighting very dirty would be too much for me too i think. i think where a lot of people end up disagreeing is deciding where on the spectrum it falls
re: the radios, ik max said in the post race presser that at the time he was all full of adrenaline and mad about it and felt the penalty was stupid, but looking at the replay it was deserved. so i think in the moment his radios def were sassy and unapologetic bc he thought he was in the right (and, in my mind, if he really lost the grip and didn't intend to then he would definitely feel he was in the right yaknow?). i am willing to take him at his word bc im biased and like max but i can see why others aren't so willing to, esp. given his reputation to be a bit naughty on track
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satorena · 5 months
i dont think you understand how much i SQUEALED at the request you did for me 😭😭 I WAS WALKING HOME N MY KNEES WERE WEAKKK (i read it like 10 mins ago, still on cloud nine)
I WANTED TO SHOW YA IN PICS but silly tumblr wont lemme send pics in anon, so ill js waffle !
toji?? dont get me STARTED on it, as soon as i read the “fushiguro toji” i was like THIS IS GONNA BE GOOODDD. it was the details that did it for me 😻 ALSO I WAS SO SHOCOED WHEN I FOUND OUT IT WAS TITTY FUCKIN?? LIKE, YES PLEASE !! HE KEPT ON SAYIN MAMA AND THAT “atta fuckin girl”, how you know i liked that? AND THE CLICKING HIS TONGUE, I HEARD IT N I MIGHTVE LOST MY MIND ,,, and when he was sayin open up wide n allat i mighta saw stars,,,, i absolutely ADORED it <3
got onto sukuna’s part, soon as i read the first “the fuck d’you need all’em tits for?” i was GAGGED. like, HELLO ?? 🤤🤤 n him blowin cold air on the nipples, DETAILSSSS, YK JUST WHAT I LIKE N HOW TO DO ITTTT — then he callin me a slut n sayin “let kuna know how good he’s makin yer pathetic ass feel”, I HAD TO SS THAT AND SEND IT TO MY FRIEND WITH A VN OF HOW HARD I WAS GEEKINGGG (i did that with all of em) n i love how you brang back the sukuna n nipple piercings, he was acc my fav one when u uploaded that post !!
in other words, i absolutely loved ittt, and don’t apologise at the end bc i actually couldnt get enough of it, you’ll probably see me more in ya inbox n tysm 🤍 !!
— pearl anon <3
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this entire message is SAUR CUTE im literally crying 🥲 like geeking over it has me SQUEALING you are so adorable!! you’re my very first named anon so i gotta make a tag for you <33
ALSO i had initially answered in the request you asked but immediately got flagged bc of the banner 🧍🏾‍♀️so i had to reupload and only then i realized my mistake. SIGHHH but i’m glad you were able to find it anyway :D & yes i’m ashamed to say i’m obsessed with the idea of sukuna being obsessed with nipple piercings 🤫
and come on gang !! feel free to drown my inbox with asks i absolutely loved writing this 🗣️ thank you so much again, i’m sooo glad you loved it muah muah
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catcze · 6 months
I SAW U RESPONDED TO MY WRIO RAMBLE AND ILL BE HONEST. I DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER I SENT IT UNTL I SAW THAT I SIGNED IT AT THE END 😭 I read the whole thing like omg whoever wrote this ask literally caters to my exact taste and then. I realized it was literally me I wrote the ask I just forgot. omg. BUT ANYWAY FKSKFKKS HES SO SO SWEET I LOVE DOMESTICITY ITS SO LOVELY!!!
also on another unrelated note. I got a double 5 star today on Argenti’s banner <3 I thought I lost to Bronya for my 50/50 but the beautiful man was in the same 10 pull im so so happy <3333
Royal Anon
But congrats so so so muvh on the bronya-argenti omg ?!?!??! That’s literally such a lucky pull AAAAA I hope you’ve enjoyed playing with him so far, Royal !!
AND WAITTTT 😭 I literally snorted irl when i saw you didn’t recognize your own ask HAHAH I take most of the fault for that tho— I’ve been horriddd with keeping up with my inbox recently HAHAH But !! SO TRUEEEEE domesticity is actually the bestest ever <3 Domestic Wrio’s just living in my mind like 24/7 atp 😭
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siilvan · 9 months
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I need him biblically. I need him in ways concerning to feminism. I would gladly drop everything and move across the world for this man. He lives in my head rent-free—
Seriously, I lost it when I saw that vid yesterday 😭 he liked my comment (obviously he loves me fr) and I’ve been thinking about it ever since 😵‍💫
thank you for blessing my inbox anon, ily 🫶🩷
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5ugarcan3 · 2 years
Hello it's me the anon who sent in the Tsumoogie body worship thingie 💦💦 I kinda seriously think he is very very attractive 😳 Not just in the sexual way but in general you know? Like his casual outfits make me 😳😳😳
He looks so comfyyy all the timee it's like he's made for giving hugs yes I would definitely hug him he is my blorbo 😔 He looks so... just so cute??? Imagine going on a park date or sightseeing date at fancy gardens with him in autumn I JUST KNOWWWWWWW so many people will stare AT HIM like his calm and mature and soft vibe just... Please sir, pleaseeee
And oh my god he might be reading in a picnic date as you rest your head on his shoulder to peek at the book, and when you glance at his face you'd see how his hair shines under the sunlight and how pretty his eyelashes are and did you know they released the ES boys' perfume???? 😭 I'm currently waiting to see if there is still some for pickup I want it so bad I've heard his scent is just 🥺🤲✨️✨️ ahhh...... brainrot brainrot brainrot (it's totally his fault for being so precious I am not a simp at all yes I am)
Sorry for ranting... (also you're so cute I will bribe you with silly Niki doodles if you're ok with me inboxing you for them🤫🤫)
HI ANON i saw your requests and I'm so excited to write them!! (also please i nearly folded - i'm cute?? and please please send niki doodles i will be the happiest person alive)
He's fr so so cute I actually think writing for him has awoken an attraction towards him, I love his hair and his silly glasses he's so damn cute.
I completely agree he gives the best damn hugs, his arms envelop you completely in a comforting embrace whenever you want a hug or he wants to hug you. His comforting presence surrounds you like he wants to protect you from the rest of the world.
And when you two go on dates, it's so peaceful. Sure, you can feel the stares of others on your boyfriend as he walks alongside you, but then he turns to look at you with so much love in his eyes - he looks at you like you've put up the stars in the sky. He gets all blushy and his smile is so lovey-dovey when he starts to get lost in looking at you.
Omg and picnic date underneath a tree on a sunny day, you've both eaten such delicious food and now you're sitting together quietly, basking in each other's presence - there's no need for words, you being there, resting your head against his shoulder is quite enough for him to be content. Sometime when he's so engrossed in his book, you take the chance to look at him and if anyone else were to describe it, it looks like you have heart in your eyes; the sunshine peeking through the leaves of the tree you're resting underneath hits him perfectly, illuminating his hair and his facial features that you love oh-so-much.
And yes, I saw that they have perfume!! I think it's so cute,, and never apologize for ranting I love seeing these types of things in my inbox hehe I like writing small blurbs!!
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moerusai · 2 years
Heyyyyy again! I am the 💜🖤🤍 Anon coming to let you know that I LOVED your Werewolf AU video! The flashing golden eyes were GORGEOUS on Apo for reallllll. All I could think of was ABO dynamics 😭😭😭.
Anyway, my update on my friend who I made wtach your video is that I got her to finish KP, and then I got two other friends to watch Kinnporsche. We're doing it for the gays - your video is helping the cause greatly, as you well know.
Also! I hope your are doing very well and are revelling in the new Tumblr guidelines. I saw the latest gifs....
Enough said.
Anyway, dearest, I hope you have an excellent day ahead of you, and that you have fun making new content. It is currently past 3 AM for me, so I hope this little ask isn't too disjointed. I just hadn't written you in a while, and felt like it was high time I told you you were absolutely-fucking-amazing.
So there you go: your really really cool, and really awesome, and I really appreciate you!
Bye bye ❤️❤️!!!!!
- Your 💜🖤🤍 Anon
Ace anon, you need to warn me before dropping into my inbox sometimes. I get an out-of-body experience when I receive too much affection.
Dedicated to moi? No way.
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All I could think of was A/B/O dynamics 😭😭😭
Shhh don't expose my ass on main like that. But y'know, that's also a very valid interpretation of the vid 🙈.
It's so cool you get your friends hooked on KP! YOU'RE doing the work here, not me. But thank you for telling me. I will be putting "ace anon's friends" down on my list of claimed victims (that I lost track of since July lol).
And thank you for the kind words. I hope you have a great day, no great MONTH ahead of you 🧡.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
your beloved parallel universe wife anon here, i'm coming once again into your inbox because i was just imagining lewis and nico in a russian doll-like situation (i don't know if you've watched the series, the one with natasha lyonne, if you haven't i strongly recommend it because it's amazing, especially the first season). well, let's imagine lewis finds himself stuck in a time loop, forced to relive the same day over and over again and he's literally going crazy because he's got no damn clue about how to get out of the loop, and also because he can't tell anyone about what's happening to him or they'd definitely think he's lost his mind. until one of these days that he's relived countless times (even though, despite the setting always being the same, the days all look different because he's been trying to figure out how to get out of this) he meets nico in the lift of their montecarlo building and that's how he finds out that nico is in the same situation, stuck in a time loop he doesn't know how to escape. needless to say lewis isn't very pleased that he has to go through all of this with his former anything but lover *COUGHS VIOLENTLY* at first, but nico thinks there must be a reason that the universe is playing this trick on them, that maybe there's something they have to accomplish together if they want to get out of the loop. so every night they promise to find the other the following day so that they can keep investigating and trying to break the loop, and this of course makes them get closer and also pushes them to talk about everything that happened back in 2016 one day, making them reach some sort of reconciliation. and then the morning after they both realise that it's not the same day anymore, and that the universe, tired of their antics as well, probably pulled this prank on them because there are some things, some loves, that nothing could ever truly break and force apart
(cont) 'so lewis figures that it's maybe about damn time he gives nico another chance and they decide to start over '
my lovely anonwifestie im thinking it's time we renew our vows again 🤭🥰 im still as in love with you as the first time we met
first of all I LOVE Russian Doll, i binged season 2 in like 2 days, nat lyonne fucks so hard and the outfit inspo!!! ugh!
I am such a sucker for forceful magical trope where the solution is reconciliation 😭 I've actually written them for other fandoms!!! the thing about the Groundhog Day au (same day over and over) is that it is such a visual treat. i still have supernatural's "heat of the morning" stuck in my head and I'm not even an spn fucker 😭 just a tumblr heyday connoisseur. however I Have read some fics that capture the Groundhog Day vibes just perfect, the repetitiveness the unease the going from denial to perfect memorisation of every possibility by day 200...... all that good stuff. could I do it justice? no, but is it a delicious delicious concept? yes
Lewis was tired of dying by the stairs. He'd avoided the lift every time he saw Nico's blonde hair through the closing gap of the elevator doors. But he'd been through so many loops at this point, he just wanted to be able to go to up his room, see Roscoe again -- the day starting from the Mercedes motorhome and him being unsuccessful to get back to his apartment.
This time, he walks in the elevator. He expects Nico to avoid him, the cool silence between the two the handful of times they've shared the lift over, what, a decade of living here? That would be par for the course.
Instead, Nico's eyes widen. "That's new." He says, under his breath.
Lewis is immediately out of patience, he's died too many times to care. "Nico," oh, it feels good to say his name, to stop pretending he's above it all, "Shut up, man. You won't believe the kind of day I'm having." Days now, if not weeks. He's lost count.
Chances are Lewis will turn on a light switch at his apartment and die anyways, so why bother with all the energy it took to avoid Nico? When nothing mattered anymore.
Nico laughed, a more expressive sound from him than Lewis has heard in years. "Touchy. Yeah, I bet."
Lewis is actually glad when the lights starts flashing red, pressure losing rapidly as their elevator fails. Better to pull the plug as fast as possible. He looks at Nico, to see the panic, horror, fear all the mundane expressions of when you're about to die. Instead, Nico is calm, almost smiling with his eyes closed.
"We're about to die, mate." Lewis comments, in case he hadn't noticed; was in some deep denial funk. Nah, Nico didn't get to walk out of this.
Nico opens his eyes to smirk at him, always leaving with the last word, doesn't he?
He knocks the wind out of Lewis more than the eventual crunch will.
"It's okay, I die all the time."
Wait, what?!
Everything goes black.
Lewis wakes up in his Mercedes motorhome to the same fucking annoying affirmations alarm. 'You are loved. You are important. You are the best you can be. You will rise again.'
But this time, he has a purpose. He has to find Nico.
(hehehe I hope you enjoyed it... I love love being stronger than every cosmic force in the universe...... how long do you think they'd take to get their shit together lol)
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