#anon you're amazing
maenecoon · 3 months
When visiting the compound, would Kim leave Chay by himself in his apartment, or would he sneak Chay in to his room at the compound? 🤔
If the latter, Chay laying around Kim's room collared and bitten and bruised all over, wearing either a cute lingerie set or just one of Kim's oversized shirts, probably has a plug inside his cute little hole, looking like a ravished pampered housepet, then in comes Tankhun with his bodyguards for one reason or another, and Chay and Porsche see each other 👀
(Chay's little cocklet in a pair of lacy white panties...... I am besotted. 🤤)
(18+ kimchay mdni!)
don't mind me picking on this bUt when kim brings chay to the compound, i don't think he'd try to sneak him in. he doesn't have any reason to, after all! (mainly bc i don't think kim cares whoever sees chay in this way)
bUT? THAT SAID? chay being caught in kim's room - shdhdhdh g o d your mind
i think they're all going to be in for the shock of their lives lmao,, because innocent little chay? sitting in the middle of kim's bed? maybe even pleasuring himself? oh h o o h o
the other guards would probably back away but khun,,, i think khun would be intrigued
poor porsche tho, that must be quite a shocker HSHSHSHSHH,, i think he'd be mostly afraid for chay's sanity and might try to convince him to come home, but once he realises that chay enjoys it he'll probably be more "supportive" (as much as you can get knowing your precious younger brother is getting Defiled lmao)
ALSO! CHAY IN LACE PANTIES! YES! YESYESYES! a b a o l u t e l y - he'd definitely be putting on a show for kim when he gets back 👀
a little nugget more for you, but maybe another day where chay is left alone in kim's room:
imagine chay tied to the bed, steadily fucked by a fucking machine. there's cum all over his stomach and the tip of his cock is pearly white, his wrists are red with marks from struggling against his binds. he's overstimulated and fucked beyond measure because kim left him there for god knows how long (consensually, safety measures in place and the whole shebang) but like just,, chay, wrecked beyond comprehensible words..! kim coming back to a chay who's begging him, to turn it off or to continue and touch him more? who knows! <33
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janeway-lover · 9 months
Halo erotica
(I’m not sure why I said that)
i'm cackling oh my god i don't know why either but oh my god i'm going to scream
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nefarious-nightjar · 1 year
Hi! I apologise if this is overstepping, please feel free to ignore this completely. I don’t want to tell you what you can or can’t do, because you obviously know that better than anyone.
One of my favourite pianists, Nicholas McCarthy, only has one hand. He plays one of my all time favourite pieces so beautifully it makes me cry.
My grandmother has really bad arthritis in both hands. She hadn’t played piano for over 50 years but she started trying again a few years ago because she loves it so much. She’s not perfect at it, she messes up all the time. But I absolutely love listening to her play because I can tell how much she enjoys it and how happy it makes her.
I just wanted to say, if it’s something you really want to do, don’t let anything stop you. Even if it’s just for fun, even if you’re terrible at it!
I,, I really don't know what to say to this, but oh mi gosh I am on the verge of happy tears.
I just-
Thank you so much anon. Genuinely. I was not expecting to open my inbox and find such a wonderful message.
I love music with all my heart, but my disabilities sure stuck a thorn in a lot of my hopes there, BUT I have refused to let that stop me!
Heck, I picked up recorder in elementary school even when my music teacher refused to let me play certain songs she deemed "too difficult" (they weren't, she was just ableist), and even learned the marimba, metallophone, and glockenspiel when I absolutely couldn't play the recorder. I played trombone for two years in high-school before I had to stop due to my shoulder giving out, but it was still so fun to learn! And, despite multiple challenges with reading/understanding music and music theory, I have been a proud choralist for 9 years and an even prouder member of my local music academy's Youth Choir, which I finally joined back in September!!
Music means the world to me, and it was so wonderful to hear from someone who loves it just as much. Thank you again, anon, for such a lovely message.
I hope you have a an amazing day!! All the love for you!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
(P.S. holy crap sticks, so few people I know, actually know who Nicholas McCarthy is! The fact that you know who he is and appreciate his art just makes me asdfdyfhjkljhgjfrghjk with joy. I adore his works so much, and if you ever wish to talk about his stuff, my PM's are always open 😊)
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Me: Okay time to answer some asks today before I go take a nap again, let's see what we go
Anon: *figures out a MAJOR story element that's very much a huge spoiler for the first half of this AU*
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A full playlist of Team Takeover footage from 2015 when Azzi was 12/ 13.
A full playlist of Fairfax Stars footage from 2016 when Azzi was 13/14.
As part of the playlist, she played North Tartan in Atlanta for the AAU Super Showcase ATL Championship on 7/8/16. Remember that other post I did - Azzi played several years up and she wouldn't end up playing Paige until the following year.
A bunch of Paige's old high school games:
I can find the semifinal game from 2019 but you are right, the actual stillwater game is gone :(
And now for the cutest thing I found while looking for the state championship....North Tartan NIKE 10th EYBL (50) v Boo Williams EYBL 11th (57) in 2018 Summer Jam (This was the game they lost against Ashley Owusu's team)
It was the final game for Paige's team and at the timestamp of 1:56 you see Azzi's best friend Carly and part of Azzi's french braided head on the sidelines watching. Unfortunately where they are sitting means they are never really in the camera view. I saw clear shot of her face at 57:07 to the end of the video. Anyway, Azzi and Paige's team played the day before and Azzi's team had finished up their game before Paige's game started.
For those wondering how I know the schedule: use this link too look up Fairfax Stars and North Tartan 10th schedule.
baby goats in the making 🐐
It's cute to see Azzi and her team supporting Paige but she didn't really care about the game😭. She spent it yapping and at one point even laid down with Carly on the floor (she's so funny).
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somegrumpynerd · 27 days
you should check the pets on the new kitty
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Oh my god, I saw these before work and didn't have time to look and I just checked now and saw this and ahkgdkgbdkugbukd WOW
I can't get over all the love for the kitties, this is amazing ;-; thank you guys so much!! ♥ I hope next week's kitty goes over just as well, since it looks like it'll be the special one winning (and I know at least one person who will be very happy about it...)
AND! Someone else is very blown away and happy about all the attention too
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You guys are making it very hard for him to look scary lol
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shinxeysartgallery · 5 months
If you still like jax after this last episode i think there's something fundamentally wrong with you
Y'all are WEAK
The guy known for being an absolute menace does something fucked up and y'all lose your minds. Like, what did you expect? Were you thinking he was going to suddenly become nice and be kind to everyone? lmao
Plus, Gooseworx said herself that he was going to get worse to a point he was unlikeable, so you should've expected it. Did you think she was joking?
Personally, I love him precisely because he's an absolute menace and I live for the chaos. I hope he gets worse. <3
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
oki, oki, I won’t be sorry,
May I give you some garlic bread and cake?
Hehe^^ Gladly so^^
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I LOVE MK TOTAL DRAMA. I love that she pilfers and steals for fun, I love that she's a hacker, I love that she is one of the few characters who are canonically gamers, I love that she sleeps with a stuffed unicorn named Theodore, I love that she is the third shortest contestant of all time, I love that shes annoying, I love that she has a very raspy voice, I love how she thinks shes soooo cool (she isnt), I love that she's able to be a little freak who bites people's ankles and scampers like a cat, I love that very cryptic lore tidbit about her fixing her brothers posture with a stick?? wtf did she do to him??? She is the Worst Girl Ever and I just wanna say that I love that for her -🫏
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I just finished listening to Elliot Page's book and I have to say it was an interesting piece of literature. I highly highly recommend it.
I have never read a book that is so closely aligned with myself as a trans man and my upbringing. I never thought I would read book that defines what it means to be a trans man in the public eye. I do not want to be as famous as him but I would like to make a change to the world as he has.
I am comfortable in who I am and who I love and how I choose to express my gender. Things really can and often do get better with time. And I hope that any person that sees this knows that they are not trapped in the shoes that society has put them in and they can actively choose a different pair.
I would love to read Pageboy soon; these memoirs and other art and literature are our history, part of our lifeblood as a community, and it's vital that we read each other's lives and understand that we truly are here in this world💛
It's great to read such a glowing review from you, and I'm so happy that his words lit your soul like it has
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maenecoon · 3 months
If I may suggest a compromise to Cat vs Dog Chay?
A Ragdoll cat.
Ragdolls are often known as "dog-like cats" or "puppy-like cats", due to their tendency to follow people around, their receptiveness to handling, and their relative lack of aggression towards other pets.
The idea of Kim with a cuddly clingy cat hybrid!Chay? Aww!
you make an incredibly valid suggestion 👀👌 clingy kitten chay and human kim would be absolutely adorable, i love your mind for that 😻
(thank you for feeding the brain worms!!!! hopefully i will have time to get down to writing something, but this is a very cute idea!!)
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Do you have an online best friend? Do you think it’s possible to be good real friends with people we never meet irl? Sometimes it gets lonely irl for me and it gives me hope when I see people who have deep connections with internet friends
I have. And i do think it's possible. To be honest i didn't use to think this but then i met some wonderful people online who have become some of the most important people in my life. Friendships come in many different ways and just the fact that you've never met irl doesnt diminish the connection you have. It can be just as strong as irl friendships or even stronger. Dont let anyone tell you online friendships are not real or less than irl ones because that's absolutely not true. It's all about the bond you create, regardless of how you meet. I wouldn't trade my online friends for anything. I hope you find those kind of meaningful connections too. And im sure you will. I didnt think i would but here i am, so very grateful for the amazing friendships i built online💙
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marimayscarlett · 1 year
i’m going to sound insane for this but could you post some vids of richard hugging ? very curious about the hugs you speak of
A small and tiny hugging-compilation of our beloved cuddly guitarist (no concept to this post as to why/how long/how intense the hugging is, just Richard cuddling and smooching others):
First, some gifs of Richard squeezing people to the fullest:
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(last gif by richard-mooserr)
Now another point of view of the on-stage birthday celebrations this year (I love this one especially because you can see his face while he hugs Schneider):
Flake also gets some hugging:
And two times of giving Till lots of love:
Not sure if you had something like this in mind, dear anon. Since searching for hugs in videos requires a lot of time, and that's something I currently don't really have (getting ready for vacation with my family), I hope this will suffice for now 🤗
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stormyoceans · 20 days
I'm squealing like a gecko before an attack. Have you seen how they look at each other with those little softy smiles?? My heart is beating somewhere in my liver because of this. and the English Neil is so so… ugh 🫠
there’s just something so soft and tender and vulnerable and tentative in the way neil and xiao hai look at each other from time to time, eyes full of wonder and lips pulled into a fond smile before quickly turning away, almost as if they were afraid to fall, which is why they’re allowing themselves to think about the other and smile as much as they want only when they are not together. but here’s the difference between them that makes me gnaw at the furniture and claw at the walls of my apartment: while xiao hai tends to avoid looking at neil too much in general, when xiao hai is not looking neil looks SO. MUCH.
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during neil’s panic attack xiao hai told him ‘look at me’ and neil really said ‘well don’t mind if i do’ like you’d think neil was the one meeting his idol again after years and getting to work with him instead of the other way around ✋😭 (also i think charles tu should be in jail for the endless wonder and sheer longing on his face but let’s not go there)
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batwynn · 2 years
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just a couple of fish out of water
This is unbelievably amazing, and while I really wish you hadn’t submitted it anonymously, I respect your choices and weep. 😭
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yanderemommabean · 11 months
Hey Momma Bean! Just wanted to check in and make sure you’re doing alright! I hope you got some good news from the doctors. Love you <3
Hi bean! You're very sweet for checking in on me, I'm sorry I've been gone so much!
Doctors haven't found anything so far, and I've been low on energy trying to get my head back in the game while dealing with this. I will say I am no longer bleeding! But i still have an odd soreness in my upper back sides, but again, they don't know what it could be as the tests show nothing at all. I'm thinking, with the toxic and abusive place I live in, it's just stress related. Along with little food and money issues and peoples...less than OK nature around here, I think I've just been stressing so much and not eating enough and need a place to rest and really recover. No jobs wanna call in either so it's a waiting game until I get a more full time position and can save up for a car or my own place :T I'm alive though! I'll find my groove again soon I hope, writing and talking to you beans is a big help and escape from everything for a bit so I wanna be back and making more stories as soon as I can <3 I love you beans, I hope I haven't worried you too much!
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