#another child for greed to become attached to
shield-and-saber · 3 months
feeling insanely curious about the possibilities of sol's darkness.
a young boy, shy, perhaps feeling very lonely in the grand temple on coruscant but who feels very deeply about the people he cares for. who struggles with attachment because his heart is so inclined to connection and to familial bonds, to love
the boy becomes a padawan, then a knight, but he doesn't take on his own apprentice, not yet. perhaps the council decides he isn't ready yet. they sense the ways that his desire for connection are selfish, based in a deep-seated desire for attachment to an unhealthy level. the kind of attachment that leads to fear of loss, to greed and jealousy, and they decide he must wait. he must see the galaxy first, he must grow before he can become a teacher and master
a knight on brendok makes the greatest mistake of his life. 51 lives lost because of his selfishness and impulsivity. so he returns to coruscant with a new padawan (a daughter) and he decides never again. he decides to be better, to be everything that he was not on brendok so that no one ever dies because of him again. but he doesn't learn to let go of his attachments, only to ignore them. to pretend they aren't there
the knight becomes a master, the master becomes apprentice-less. a failure. he failed mae, and he failed osha, and he is so, so lonely. better take all that darkness, the shadows clouding your heart, and stuff them somewhere else. don't stop to feel the pain, just move on. be better
so the council grants him a new student, bright and brilliant like the sun, a child who adores him, idolizes him. she is sweet and smart and respects him far too much, and then she dies because he was blind to the evil that guided mae's hand. she dies because he failed
there is only one answer to this, right? for surely it isn't darkness when painted with the brush of justice? the sith deserves to die because indara, kelnacca, and torbin are dead. jecki is dead, yord is dead, because sol failed. this isn't darkness, it's the sweetened flavor of a jedi's revenge. but this, too, is another failure that tallies itself in the back of sol's mind
on the ship. broken. empty. unmoored. jecki is gone. his entire team is gone. the sith is gone, still alive because the girl who couldn't be a jedi told him not to kill in cold blood. and then, it turns out, that osha is gone too. so what is left for him but the depths of his despair? what is left for a man like sol when his daughters are missing or dead? what does it matter that mae (the daughter that might have been but never was) is restrained on a table, unable to enact her own revenge upon him, when he could simply explain himself? assuage his own guilt? beg for forgiveness?
sol has lurked in the shadows since nightfall on khofar. the darkness is coming back. after so many failures, there is only one thing for sol left to do and that is to save osha. one last time.
yeah, no wonder this guy is 50 shades of fucked up
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
The twister roared it's way through Imp City, sending cars and debris tossed everywhere high in the air like toys thrown by an angry child as imps and demons of all sorts rushed for cover away from the storm. tornadoes were a very rare sight in the Pride Ring, so unfortunately most infrastructure and the populace wasn't prepared for such inclement weather when it happened. Though said shoddy building was also somewhat intentional on Lucifer's part as an added punishment to the Sinners and wicked trapped there as well, shame about the native born caught in between the political strifes of the outsiders. All they could do is carve out a living the best they could among the near post-apocalyptic underworld they were born into, hoping someone could care enough about things to make some form of difference, even if said action was motivated more by their own self-image than genuine compassion....
Said someone did eventually arrive from a very unlikely place: The Goetia Royal Family. Usually viewed as far too disconnected to care about the little people beneath them and caring too much about their own royal status to do anything despite their immense powers. You see, the current prince and princess of the family, Stolas and Stella, known more for a relationship and family life more turbulent than the weather outside, have been rumored to be the two mysterious caped figures that have been seen aiding civilians throughout the seven rings. Either by averting natural disasters like the flaming twisters of Wrath, or by stopping the plans of far less scrupulous individuals of the Underworld like the crime families of Greed, or just generally intervening whenever something went awry, like when another one of Wally Wackford's wacky inventions malfunctioned... Again... For the fourteenth time that week..... For the third week in a row this month....
No one except for Stolas and Stella really knew why those two aristocrats would be so bothered to go out of their way to help citizens for little to know rewards. Some imps say it's for entertainment for the rich like an extreme challenge of sorts to test their might, some think it's for public relations to look at least somewhat good in the paper, very few seem convinced they seem to be doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts to use their power to help those who can't help themselves, though that is by far the rarest interpretation of their good deeds.
For Stolas, it was mostly initially for the thrill of the challenge. Living such a stuffy and sheltered life and being pampered with every want and need attended to was fine, but could definitely get boring after a while. Plus, with how rocky his familial affairs had become, it was a good way to blow off steam. Especially after the turmoil caused by the incident with the grimoire and an imp trying to start his own business a while back. But, it was in becoming attached to that imp named Blitzo and his friends/employees of his company, that Stolas began to see the general plight of the underclass of the Underworld and realized that maybe, just maybe, he could be able to turn at least something down here around for the better. Said thoughts were what was currently going through his mind as he chased down the rampaging cyclone, his crimson cape and fluffy grey feathers flapping in the gales as he drew closer and closer to the swirling and whirling dark funnel cloud. He began to cycle through all the different ways he could best use his amazing powers to to tame this tempest. He could fly around it in the opposite direction to create a counter wind to dispel the tornado, No.... That could just cause it to spin up into a hurricane... His laser vision to heat up the air inside to dispel it? Maybe, though that might just make the storm worse... And you can't just petrify a tornado easily, either... Opening up a portal into space to suck it in could work, but might be a bit dangerous to make a portal that large in such a crowded city... His mind then landed on his personal favorite power: His super breath. Ice breath might have the same negative effects as laser vision if he wasn't careful, blowing it away was out of the question given how deep the storm was in the city by now and could possibly just absorb his winds and use them blow even stronger gales. It was then perfect plan struck him: If he couldn't blow, then he could suck! A smirk crossed the edge of his beak as he tried to surprise an immature chuckle at that idea as he rocket past the tornado and stood in between the roaring wall of churning clouds and winds like a guardian of the city.
"Well, this might not be the most dignified way of disposing of rogue cyclones, but it is certainly the most efficient and safest way to do so I believe..." He said as he exhaled gently, emptying his lungs to make room.
"Here it goes!" he said as he opened his beak wide and began to draw in a tremendous breath using the full force of his avian lungs and air sacs as a mighty rushing wind began to roar into his mouth. Suddenly, like a powerful vacuum drawing in dust, thousands upon millions of cubic tons of air began to rush into his lungs, dragging the tornado towards Stolas' immense vortex. The storm raged and roared, writhing and twisting fruitlessly against the blustery bird's own mighty gales. Soon, with a satisfying woosh, Stolas began to suck up the twister, clouds and all as he flew upwards towards the storm's massive cumulonimbus cloud to keep swallowing up every last bit of vapor and wisp of wind until finally, with one more monumental effort and a satisfying "PUMFF" noise, Stolas snapped his beak shut, leaving only clear skies and relatively balmy breezes in his wake. He smiled as he surveyed the area from above, looking at the confused, but relieved, inhabitants of Imp City now that the storm was over and Stolas looking more than a bit comically puffed up from his stunt compared to his usual rail thin appearance. "Well, this certainly is quite the experience, isn't it?" He thought to himself, feeling the tons upon tons of violently swirling winds and clouds churn and puff inside of him. "Good thing I can hold my breath for quite a while! Now... To open a portal and blow all this excess air somewhere safe!" He thought, only to be interrupted by a ring from his phone. He quickly checked it and saw that he was late for a movie night with his imp friend, Blitzo.
"Hay, Ivv gor thee mobbie al sey up! Wat's takin u so lung?" The text message said. Ever since the incident at Ozzie's a few weeks back, Stolas had been trying to connect more with Blitzo as a friend as opposed to just an item like he used to. Completely forgetting about the swirling storm he swallowed, Stolas bolted back to his castle as fast as he could, hoping Blitzo wouldn't be too upset at him for being late. Upon arriving and entering through his living room window, he was greeted by a red with white spots imp half of his height wearing a black jacket and a cheeky, fang-filled grin. "Hey Stolas! Was wondering where you were! What took you so long?" The Imp asked his feathered friend. "I've got the Seabiscuit in the player and the Popcorn already to go! Had to disguise myself as a butler so your guard dogs wouldn't question why a random imp was bumbling around your castle screwing with your TV and digging through your cupbaords!" He gave Stolas a cheeky wink and gently nudged the owl's puffed up middle with his elbow, causing the Owl 's eyes to widen as he made a "HMPH!" noise, trying to keep the storm at bay inside of him after the poke. "Say.... You feeling okay Stolas?" Blitzo asked, looking up and down his royal friend, noting just how... Puffy... He looked. "You look a bit... Bloated. You been eating too much rice or something again?" He asked, thinking that the rumor about birds not being able to eat rice was true. "I'm sure I can ring up Moxxie for some antacids or other medical crap like that. He's got so much medical stuff on him and acts so jittery all the time that I'm half wondering if he spends his breaks just using that stuff on himself!" He laughed. "No phank you, I'm quite phine, Blitzo..." Stolas said, his voice muffled by the increasingly intense swirling cyclone inside of him. "Oh my, it seems that I overestimated how long I could contain this tempest inside of my being! I simply cannot hold my super breath in any longer!" Stolas thought frantically to himself as he tried to get away before he quite literally blew a gasket from the pressure brewing inside of him. But alas, it was too late....
With an involuntary exhale from Stolas, Blitzo found himself swept up in a mighty torrent of swirling gale force winds and turbulent grey clouds that carried him and whatever was unlucky enough to not be nailed down in the room tumbling through the mansion as Blitzo cursed up a storm of his own over the roaring winds and thunder before finally coming to a stop as he landed against a wall, the windstorm dying down as soon as it started, paper and feathers fluttering around the room like a surreal snowfall as the couch cushions landed nearby with a resounding "thud", too. Though the clearing dust and storm clouds, he could see the shape of a very embarressed and apologetic looking Stolas. "Cheese and hot sauce, Stolas!" He called out across the room. "When I said you were a gigantic blowhard that one time you wouldn't stop lecturing me about those stupid plants of yours, I didn't mean it like that!" He said with a mixture of surprise, mild frustration, and also mild amusement at the whole situation that just unfolded between the two.
"O-Oh... Sorry about that, Blitzo..." Stolas said sheepishly as he went to go help his friend up and start cleaning up the mess he accidentally caused.
"It's fine..." Blitzo sighed as he dusted himself off. "Just be sure that next time you go out playing hero and stopping storms with your underwear on the outside, be sure you blow next time instead of suck." Blitzo joked. "Oh, and pack some mouthwash or something, too. Just to be safe." He teased, causing Stolas to blush and giggle himself.
There we go, might post this to the Ask Super Stolas blog sometime soon, too. What'd you think? -Super Goetia Anon.
Worthy of Ask Super Stolas, for sure!
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 5 months
Can we get headcannons of the NWTB egos with a reader who’s the embodiment of a child’s fear pretty pretty please 🥺
Oh, fine. But only because you added two "pretties" to your request, lol.
(Side note: I really only write for Phantom, Bones, and Natemare on occasion, so these will just be headcanons for them. I know Nate has more egos than these three, but these are the ones I have an actual attachment to.)
Since fear is such a complex thing, and since there are literally hundreds of phobias out there, we'll just assume that the reader is the embodiment of fear in general, just. . .specifically for kids, I guess.
If you've read my stories about Phantom, then you know that I personally see him as an eldritch abomination. He wears a glamour to blend in with humans most of the time, but underneath said glamour, he's got all the qualifications. Body horror cranked up to eleven, mind-melting vibes, the whole shebang.
That being said, to compare an embodiment of fear to a creature like him is. . .interesting. Very, very interesting. On the one hand, you're partially the reason Phantom has his status as such a horrific monstrosity. Without fear, he might not have the amount of respect and power he's earned throughout the years.
On the other hand. . .well, he's the kind of thing that adults (humans and lesser-monsters alike) learn to fear one way or another. Although children are always more intelligent and observant than they're given credit for, they just can't exactly process things like Phantom. They can process fear itself, as well as nightmares/terrors, but they can't really grasp something so raw. Interacting with an eldritch creature means having to accept the unacceptable, to confront the fact that the universe is much more fluid and indifferent and wrong than it was already thought to be. And, thankfully, young minds that are so busy developing themselves can't face that stuff for a matter of time.
Anyway, on top of all the outer monstrosity stuff, Phantom is nothing if not a smug bastard. So, he'd definitely use the supernatural/cosmic hierarchy to poke some fun at you. Remember, a lot of his work focuses on stuff like greed or desperation and the like. Oftentimes, a lack of fear is what leads his clients to sign his contracts.
Even so, he'd still hold respect for you. Fear is a completely natural thing for humans; in fact, it's necessary for survival (see the previous passage). Children can use their fears to grow, to discover things about themselves. They can work hard to overcome their fears, and then feel proud and strong once they reach that goal. Even if they don't overcome their fears, they can still find ways to coexist with them. They can learn all sorts of things from their fears. They might draw inspiration from their fears to create art, or use their fears to try and protect others. The possibilities are endless.
As a revenant, Bones is all-too familiar with fear. It was one of the things to overwhelm him as he died, as well as when he entered the process of becoming undead. So, he'd admittedly act hostile toward you at first. (Not like that's too different from how he acts with pretty much everyone.) He may be supernaturally strong and technically immortal, but he's not invulnerable. Nowadays, fear is like a syringe to his pain. It makes his spasms worse, makes his heart and lungs burn, makes his brain swim.
Though he can't remember the majority of his past life, he can remember feeling fear in his childhood. And the lack of memories makes those feelings even worse, because he doesn't know what they were about, or what caused them, or, or, or. . .
Still, in a strange way, a child's fear can hold some portion of a child's innocence. (Keep in mind, this very much depends on circumstance.) And innocence is something Bones hasn't seen or felt for a very, very long time. Interacting with children's fears personified just might provide a brief window to it. That wouldn't really alleviate any of his pain, but it might make him feel calm for a few minutes.
If he were to form a legitimate friendship with you, he could potentially see you as a way to keep kids away from him. Which, in turn, would ensure that no children experience the pain he emits as a revenant. Yeah, Bones is spiteful and negative (and definitely sadistic in certain scenarios), but he's not enough of a monster to want to harm kids.
If we're keeping the FNAF lore in mind, Natemare is something of a guardian to children, thanks to his ties with the Marionette. Due to that, he'd probably be wary of you at first. The ghostly kids he's cared for in the past were all most certainly scared in the last moments of their lives, and even more so during their afterlives.
Then again, part of Mare's care and guidance for those ghost-children was helping them terrify any living adults who could've been connected to their deaths. And since that's somewhat justified. . .well, it's complicated, but he can still sort of understand your role in the grand scheme of things.
Plus, like I said before with Phantom: fear has a positive side. It's the thing that can prepare kids for the world, help them grow, push them to be careful with the decisions they make. So, with that in mind, Mare would have some genuine respect for you. Perhaps there could be some kind of weird yin-yang scenario between the two of you.
(I'm so sorry for all the waxing eloquent here 😅)
@that-bat @th3w00ds @nwtbobsessedemo
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
I keep coming across Star Wars fanfics that I’m enjoying, but the author either truly doesn’t know or just doesn’t care about this fact:
Jedi are allowed to love. What’s forbidden is attachment, because attachment can lead to greed and eventually the dark side.  
Also, just to clear another bizarre thing up: 
Jedi are not and have never been baby snatchers. The Jedi would never forcefully take a baby/child from their parents if the parents/guardians didn’t want their kid to become a Jedi. The parents/guardians are/were always given a choice.  In line with this, if a Jedi or Jedi in training ever decided the Jedi path is not for them, they were allowed to leave without issue. 
I’m baffled and kind of saddened that these two notions seem to be seen as a fact of the Jedi way by some people. 
I made this post months ago, so I have no idea who will even click on this original post, rather than seeing it through various reblogs, but just in case. 
To be perfectly clear: I am pro Jedi. I’ve had a lot of “Jedi critical” and straight up anti Jedi folks reblog my post. Although I’ve seen what the reblog chain has turned into and *sighs*. I can’t do anything about that, but I’m saying it here, if you ever see a post that looks remotely pro Jedi, like mine, then don’t engage with it. Please (ffs) go off and post your “Jedi critical” and anti Jedi posts on your own blog. 
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ask-super-stolas · 7 months
Super Stolas Story Time Episode 1
(OOC: thought it'd be a fun writing exercise to expand on these comics in text form. Let me know what you think and I might make more in the future depending on how busy this blog gets.) ------------------------------------------------
The twister roared it's way through Imp City, sending cars and debris tossed everywhere high in the air like toys thrown by an angry child as imps and demons of all sorts rushed for cover away from the storm. tornadoes were a very rare sight in the Pride Ring, so unfortunately most infrastructure and the populace wasn't prepared for such inclement weather when it happened. Though said shoddy building was also somewhat intentional on Lucifer's part as an added punishment to the Sinners and wicked trapped there as well, shame about the native born caught in between the political strifes of the outsiders. All they could do is carve out a living the best they could among the near post-apocalyptic underworld they were born into, hoping someone could care enough about things to make some form of difference, even if said action was motivated more by their own self-image than genuine compassion....
Said someone did eventually arrive from a very unlikely place: The Goetia Royal Family. Usually viewed as far too disconnected to care about the little people beneath them and caring too much about their own royal status to do anything despite their immense powers. You see, the current prince and princess of the family, Stolas and Stella, known more for a relationship and family life more turbulent than the weather outside, have been rumored to be the two mysterious caped figures that have been seen aiding civilians throughout the seven rings. Either by averting natural disasters like the flaming twisters of Wrath, or by stopping the plans of far less scrupulous individuals of the Underworld like the crime families of Greed, or just generally intervening whenever something went awry, like when another one of Wally Wackford's wacky inventions malfunctioned... Again... For the fourteenth time that week..... For the third week in a row this month....
No one except for Stolas and Stella really knew why those two aristocrats would be so bothered to go out of their way to help citizens for little to know rewards. Some imps say it's for entertainment for the rich like an extreme challenge of sorts to test their might, some think it's for public relations to look at least somewhat good in the paper, very few seem convinced they seem to be doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts to use their power to help those who can't help themselves, though that is by far the rarest interpretation of their good deeds.
For Stolas, it was mostly initially for the thrill of the challenge. Living such a stuffy and sheltered life and being pampered with every want and need attended to was fine, but could definitely get boring after a while. Plus, with how rocky his familial affairs had become, it was a good way to blow off steam. Especially after the turmoil caused by the incident with the grimoire and an imp trying to start his own business a while back. But, it was in becoming attached to that imp named Blitzo and his friends/employees of his company, that Stolas began to see the general plight of the underclass of the Underworld and realized that maybe, just maybe, he could be able to turn at least something down here around for the better. Said thoughts were what was currently going through his mind as he chased down the rampaging cyclone, his crimson cape and fluffy grey feathers flapping in the gales as he drew closer and closer to the swirling and whirling dark funnel cloud. He began to cycle through all the different ways he could best use his amazing powers to to tame this tempest. He could fly around it in the opposite direction to create a counter wind to dispel the tornado, No.... That could just cause it to spin up into a hurricane... His laser vision to heat up the air inside to dispel it? Maybe, though that might just make the storm worse... And you can't just petrify a tornado easily, either... Opening up a portal into space to suck it in could work, but might be a bit dangerous to make a portal that large in such a crowded city... His mind then landed on his personal favorite power: His super breath. Ice breath might have the same negative effects as laser vision if he wasn't careful, blowing it away was out of the question given how deep the storm was in the city by now and could possibly just absorb his winds and use them blow even stronger gales. It was then perfect plan struck him: If he couldn't blow, then he could suck! A smirk crossed the edge of his beak as he tried to surprise an immature chuckle at that idea as he rocket past the tornado and stood in between the roaring wall of churning clouds and winds like a guardian of the city.
"Well, this might not be the most dignified way of disposing of rogue cyclones, but it is certainly the most efficient and safest way to do so I believe..." He said as he exhaled gently, emptying his lungs to make room.
"Here it goes!" he said as he opened his beak wide and began to draw in a tremendous breath using the full force of his avian lungs and air sacs as a mighty rushing wind began to roar into his mouth. Suddenly, like a powerful vacuum drawing in dust, thousands upon millions of cubic tons of air began to rush into his lungs, dragging the tornado towards Stolas' immense vortex. The storm raged and roared, writhing and twisting fruitlessly against the blustery bird's own mighty gales. Soon, with a satisfying woosh, Stolas began to suck up the twister, clouds and all as he flew upwards towards the storm's massive cumulonimbus cloud to keep swallowing up every last bit of vapor and wisp of wind until finally, with one more monumental effort and a satisfying "PUMFF" noise, Stolas snapped his beak shut, leaving only clear skies and relatively balmy breezes in his wake. He smiled as he surveyed the area from above, looking at the confused, but relieved, inhabitants of Imp City now that the storm was over and Stolas looking more than a bit comically puffed up from his stunt compared to his usual rail thin appearance. "Well, this certainly is quite the experience, isn't it?" He thought to himself, feeling the tons upon tons of violently swirling winds and clouds churn and puff inside of him. "Good thing I can hold my breath for quite a while! Now... To open a portal and blow all this excess air somewhere safe!" He thought, only to be interrupted by a ring from his phone. He quickly checked it and saw that he was late for a movie night with his imp friend, Blitzo.
"Hay, Ivv gor thee mobbie al sey up! Wat's takin u so lung?" The text message said. Ever since the incident at Ozzie's a few weeks back, Stolas had been trying to connect more with Blitzo as a friend as opposed to just an item like he used to. Completely forgetting about the swirling storm he swallowed, Stolas bolted back to his castle as fast as he could, hoping Blitzo wouldn't be too upset at him for being late. Upon arriving and entering through his living room window, he was greeted by a red with white spots imp half of his height wearing a black jacket and a cheeky, fang-filled grin. "Hey Stolas! Was wondering where you were! What took you so long?" The Imp asked his feathered friend. "I've got the Seabiscuit in the player and the Popcorn already to go! Had to disguise myself as a butler so your guard dogs wouldn't question why a random imp was bumbling around your castle screwing with your TV and digging through your cupbaords!" He gave Stolas a cheeky wink and gently nudged the owl's puffed up middle with his elbow, causing the Owl 's eyes to widen as he made a "HMPH!" noise, trying to keep the storm at bay inside of him after the poke. "Say.... You feeling okay Stolas?" Blitzo asked, looking up and down his royal friend, noting just how... Puffy... He looked. "You look a bit... Bloated. You been eating too much rice or something again?" He asked, thinking that the rumor about birds not being able to eat rice was true. "I'm sure I can ring up Moxxie for some antacids or other medical crap like that. He's got so much medical stuff on him and acts so jittery all the time that I'm half wondering if he spends his breaks just using that stuff on himself!" He laughed. "No phank you, I'm quite phine, Blitzo..." Stolas said, his voice muffled by the increasingly intense swirling cyclone inside of him. "Oh my, it seems that I overestimated how long I could contain this tempest inside of my being! I simply cannot hold my super breath in any longer!" Stolas thought frantically to himself as he tried to get away before he quite literally blew a gasket from the pressure brewing inside of him. But alas, it was too late....
With an involuntary exhale from Stolas, Blitzo found himself swept up in a mighty torrent of swirling gale force winds and turbulent grey clouds that carried him and whatever was unlucky enough to not be nailed down in the room tumbling through the mansion as Blitzo cursed up a storm of his own over the roaring winds and thunder before finally coming to a stop as he landed against a wall, the windstorm dying down as soon as it started, paper and feathers fluttering around the room like a surreal snowfall as the couch cushions landed nearby with a resounding "thud", too. Though the clearing dust and storm clouds, he could see the shape of a very embarressed and apologetic looking Stolas. "Cheese and hot sauce, Stolas!" He called out across the room. "When I said you were a gigantic blowhard that one time you wouldn't stop lecturing me about those stupid plants of yours, I didn't mean it like that!" He said with a mixture of surprise, mild frustration, and also mild amusement at the whole situation that just unfolded between the two.
"O-Oh... Sorry about that, Blitzo..." Stolas said sheepishly as he went to go help his friend up and start cleaning up the mess he accidentally caused.
"It's fine..." Blitzo sighed as he dusted himself off. "Just be sure that next time you go out playing hero and stopping storms with your underwear on the outside, be sure you blow next time instead of suck." Blitzo joked. "Oh, and pack some mouthwash or something, too. Just to be safe." He teased, causing Stolas to blush and giggle himself.
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taintedblud · 8 months
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―   ◜   ❏  . ― . / / 𝚄𝙽𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙲𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴 ’1950’, subject: cassandra dimitrescu. according to our records , they are 71 y ears of age and their last known status of employment is daughter of house dimitrescu. our sources in the field have described their behavior as sadistic, but assure us they have the potential to be insouciant. we've observed they seem to have a personal attachment to her sickle & her yellow pendant , though our research on cassandra has only just begun ―   ◜   ❏  . ― tw : murder , death , torture .
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FULL NAME﹕ cassandra dimitrescu .
NICKNAME(S) / TITLE(S)﹕ cass , crazy witch ( by ethan ) .
D.O.B﹕ unknown , before 1950 .
AGE﹕ 71 .
ZODIAC﹕ unknown .
GENDER﹕ cis woman .
PRONOUNS﹕ she / her .
OCCUPATION﹕ daughter of house dimitrescu / noblewoman .
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FACECLAIM﹕ anya chalotra .
EYE COLOR﹕ hazel-green .
HAIR COLOR﹕ dark brown .
BUILD﹕ athletic slim .
HEIGHT﹕ 5’6’’ .
WEIGHT﹕ 52 kg .
MARKS / SCARS﹕ n/a .
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TROPES﹕ dark action girl , adorable abomination , the dragon , mommy's girl , actually not a vampire , ambiguous situation , egomaniac hunter .
MORAL ALIGNMENT﹕ chaotic evil .
TEMPERAMENT﹕ choleric .
DEADLY SIN﹕ pride / greed.
ELEMENT﹕ air .
FEAR(S)﹕unknown .
ALCOHOL USE﹕ socially .
HABITS + QUIRKS﹕ unknown .
DRIVES / MOTIVATIONS﹕ her sisters .
POWERS + SKILLS﹕high-intellect , hand-to-hand combat , insectoid manipulation , biological immortality , superhuman strength , superhuman speed , wielding sickle .
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― cassandra was born during the twentieth century, and was captured by lady alcina dimitrescu and mother miranda for the latter's experiments. cassandra was taken alongside bela and daniela, and was given insectoids that were born out of eggs planted by the cadou parasite. the insectoids consumed the three women, and managed to mimic human anatomy and took their shapes after consumption, forgetting her human life and humanity. cassandra became the middle sister to bela and daniela, being the most loyal and obedient of the dimitrescu family.
― living in the dimitrescu castle, cassandra would enjoy feasting on maidens and visitors, but was unable to leave the grounds due to the village's cold temperatures. the castle would become infamous during the decades, as the villagers saw the place as nothing but blood and death.
― this is due to the history of the maidens there, who were abused and killed by the dimitrescus, and were replaced frequently. the villagers feared the place deeply, having two crests kept away in the village, and only would go there if under extreme circumstances.
― after mother miranda captured ethan and mia's daughter, rosemary, alcina was tasked by miranda with guarding a flask containing the child's head. when ethan arrived to the castle, cassandra and her sisters brought him to alcina, who told her daughters to wait to kill him so she could inform mother miranda.
― ethan would escape from his confinement, but would be pursued by cassandra and her sisters throughout the castle. confronting him, ethan managed to break a cracked wall open, allowing cold air to rush in and make cassandra vulnerable and weakened. She was defeated, calcifying .
― how she survived .... REDACTED .... but through her crystalized remains cassandra would regain the memories of when she was human and her humanity . Somehow waking up in a different state and learning of the explosion of what used to be her home .
― cassandra would end up in buffalo for reasons that are her own . She never anticipated in it turning into a hot spot for another virus .
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an4me-79 · 1 year
Moxxie's Mom Headcannons
(I own nothing. This is just for fun!)
•Naming her 'Scarlette' for this. • Born in Wrath, but in more of a landowner household. •Is an only child. •Had a sweet and lady-like personality, but got feisty and violent when faced with a threat. •Very similar to Millie. •Was taught to use knives and guns to survive from a young age. • Her parents also taught her culture-related activities because they planned to marry her off to someone richer. • That 'someone' showed up in her life when she was around 15. •Crimson's father brought him up from Greed to watch him make a business deal with Scarlette's father and Wrath's landowners. •Crimson hated his father both because he controlled every aspect of his life, and Crimson wanted his father's power and wealth for himself. •But then Crimson saw Scarlette. It was a 'love-at-first-sight' situation. •Officially met at a welcome party for Crimson and his father. •Unfortunately, Crim's father was trying to arrange his son to marry another landowner's daughter rival to Scarlette's family in terms of wealth. •When Crimson tried to negotiate his father, he was met with the traditional beating and 'don't question me, boy.' •But Crimson had already started gathering his own group of loyalist inside his father's gang without his knowledge. •Crimson told Scarlette to wait and not get married for three years. •She agreed. Thinking Crimson would be trying to win his father over and prove his worth to him in the meantime. •They exchanged letters in the meantime.
•Three years later: Crimson's father was dead. •Crim and Scarlette were married in Wrath a week later. •Moved to Greed as a permeant home, but both visted Wrath for business/vacation. •Scarlette was very attached to her home. •Crimson felt all the pressure of being the new boss of the gang. •Was not as good as his father at it. •Crim noticed a gap in their marriage when Scarlette insisted on staying in Wrath for the duration of her pregnancy with Moxxie. •Came and all but forced them home the minute Moxxie was born. •Crimson threatened everyone, from Scarlette's parents to ex-boyfriends, to cut all contact with her. Fearing even one of them might convince his wife to leave him.
•Scarlette focused all her efforts on raising their son and failed to notice much else. •Her home-culture greatly differed from Crimson's. •Over the next few years, Crimson blamed Moxxie for Scarlette distancing herself from him. •He tried bringing her gifts, like her favorite flowers around the house. • He wanted all her affection to be on him again. •At the same time, Crim wanted to raise Moxxie to be in the family business. •He never expected Scarlette to defy him, nor figure out how he was trying to control her life too.
•The reason Crim hit her before she ran from the house was because Scarlette said, "You've become a worse version of your father!" •The hunt for Scarlette lasted 2 hours. •She was coming back to the house because she had no where else to go, and she knew her son would need her. •One of Crim's sharks caught her. •Crim refused to see her and ordered his most trusted shark to drown her under the bridge. •"If you ain't mine Lettie, you ain't nobody's." •IF Scarlette died: she went down fighting and swearing Crimson would be the cause of his own death. And whatever afterlife awaited Imps, she would see him there. •IF Scarlette survived: it was because the shark had a moment of sympathy and did not tie the ropes all that tight. Scarlette got loose and swam to shore where she snuck her way out of Greed. She went to a different ring than Wrath and Greed and started a new life where she could plot to get her son back. • When Crim got the call that the job was done, he didn't question it. He ordered no one, not even Moxxie, ever mention her name again.
•Her picture stayed up in the living room. Not even Crimson is sure it out of a reminder to never betray him, or…. some feeling he could only repress the way his father taught him.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
"I would paint the skies with all the stories you've missed. The small triumphs a child's joy at climbing a tree or the elation of taking another to bed. All the moments that get lost in that symphony you here."
Telemachus tapped his temple but he hadn't moved from where he knelt next to her. His hands moving to take hers.
"I would remind you of all the pieces you loose when you only focus on the death and anguish. The happiest people's music are light and airy yes?"
Her lips parted, her dark gold eyes widening.
"How do you know that? Do you hear the music too?"
He shook his head stifling a laugh. They would find it offense if he laughed.
"I know because that is what my emotions feel like when you're near My Leannan. You make my light and free. You make these mortal concerns seem trivial. You remind me to focus on the big picture and never on the details. You remind me to smile at the very sheer impossiblity I am alive. You say you've never heard the same song twice. Wouldn't that mean there are so many more you haven't heard?"
He leaned toward them, his eyes bright. A steady love that burned brighter than the tyranny that lurked in his shadows.
"Make me like you. Let me taste your blood Aperion. I would become like you and we can never be apart again -"
She pulled her hands away and stood. She moved to the doorway, her form curling inward. Telemachus tried to keep his panic at bay, if she dissapered there was no saying when she'd return.
"Don't you wish to not do this alone any longer?"
Did he really think that was what she wanted? That every life they had lived and every form and memory before her, that she wanted another to face the same life as her? To be twisted in an endless dance of everlasting life, but to watch as someone else was torn a part and ripped to pieces?
“You don’t understand the price,” the words finally came from their lips, as feminine features seem to lose the softness and the curves as fingers wove into the cloth that fluttered within the wind. “You don’t know what is seen, what is broken and taken.” It would be easy, they had offered such a gift in the past. Yet there was always strings attached, there was always a reason.
Most the times they were for beings who they had some idea maybe could withstand it, who showed a promise of something much greater. Yet how the refused, that was why they were perfect to offer, because they did not grasp for it for power. If they finally gave in they would not be warped by the greed.
“I’m sorry.”
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mario8th · 2 months
Bye-Bye Biscuit
And bye-bye Greed Island Arc. The last few episodes (72-75) see our good boys (And Bisky) beating up some people and beating the game.
I'll be honest, this set made start liking Gon less. We've seen him get beaten by adults a couple times now, and its never been especially cool to watch, but this one felt especially cruel. Perhaps its in part due to the thematic mirroring its doing. Gon, out of selfishness, opts to lose his hand in order to *win the fight *get a single kick in And the last time we've seen someone lose body parts to have a flashy dub was the Hisoka fight during Kevin's Arena. (Heaven's Arena). The show is telling us that in his quest for his dad, in his quest for power, he's not only getting closer to becoming his truly awful dad, but is getting closer to becoming Hisoka as well. And I don't want that for this kind boy.
(Also, again, kinda over seeing this child get beaten up over and over)
Then there's the questionable politics of Gon, Killua And Bisky, The went into the fight having already basically forgiven the Bombers for Bombing all those people. Its Wild. I mean, they did team up with Hisoka in the last batch, another known mass murderer and sex creep, but its says a lot that they don't even believe in a redemptive based carceral system. They beat them, heal them, take their cards, then get the hell out of there.
I'm sad that Bisky is not joining the boys for a couple reasons. One because I really enjoy the dynamic she brings to the group, but also. Bisky what the hell. You're Their Teacher!!!! What do you mean you'll get attached You Already Are! Go with them and make sure they are prepared for what's coming next!?!?? Holy Hell the teachers in this show are bad. Wing was the same, I'll get you to a point but I've got this other kid to train so goodbye.
Definitely… curious to see what this next arc is going to be. All I know about this next arch is there will presumably be chimeric ants and that it is very, very long. I imagine Hisoka will manage to show up again, as he's wont to do, and with the Nen begone guy (forgot the title) (Also that was a cool scene when he met the Bomber again) I'm interested to see how that plays out. Also I wonder if either Killua or Leorio will be around? Once again strange that Gon and Killua didn't even try to contact them, but maybe they'll pop up eventually.
Really though, the thing that worries me is the length. In the end, I think Greed Island was probably a but rushed, I would have really enjoyed having more time to see the Game aspects of the game, but I'm still pretty fond of it. But the last time I watched a Togashi arc that was known for being incredibly long was the YYH Tournament Arc and that was dreadful. I really hope that, despite its length, I find more to enjoy with these… Ants? Chimeras? At the very least I'll enjoy Gon and Killua, I hope.
(This is the first time I've written this a few days after having watched the episodes. It's probably* better critique to let it marinate for a while before writing, but oh well) *definitely
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
The Healing is Obvious ~ 5D prayers
In the elegance of anew
The swan, the elegance, and trying, trying, offering, and becoming,
I release what is not my own to carry, and though years of doing all possible to bring awareness and healing to what is obvious in the faces to many, and yet within our disconnectedness of society, the covert skill of the best narcists, the cults, the covens, that watch as people are abused, and sit degradingly watch, and do nothing;
There was so much highest level of healing, and help offered, and none of it mattered; the highest of heavens, guides, angelics, and earth angels were offered as a gift; and it simply mattered not to the broken, and greedy.
The Heavens weep, at the deplorable energy and treatment of one another, that when you first sense the need to heal, go and heal; seek, do what you can to reach out and heal.
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When a woman states her story; listen, hear it, and believe it. When a child tells their story believe them; and do not surrender to the story of those that simply lie, deceive, and manipulate their way around systems, and society -
With so many in the world suffering, the real world issues, the pettiness and selfish, greed, corruption took over what was so easily and simply shifted, changed, and healed; but became a sick dark game of death wishing, harassment, defamation, discrimination, and racism; taking wounding within way to far and now bruising entire communities, and stories that all have to live with their place within their choices and the harm done;
Not only the unconditional business offering, taken, raped me of my sacred work, many knew and did nothing; made and piled money off of my work, my credit, giving me nothing - the true meaning of slavery - and when I speak out, when I have the strength to stand up, after such years of abuse, torment, there is even more punishment - laughing, bullying and yet what they bully they steal and take the money;
Hundreds of emails to lawyers, the public, the false clients, the groups, the community - this is the story you all have to be proud of and what ever more bring sadness from the heavens on how all have been so disconnected from love, their own hearts, to treat, and watch innocent and loving people be treated the way I have, and many others have -
When you conjure demons, devils, entities, attached to humans that need healing and why the dangers of cults, imbalanced, and mental illness, the misunderstanding, not knowing of energy, Source, God, the devious ways in which are bred from dogmatic conditioning, not holding people accountable in early stages of illness, mental imbalances and healing; and those not hearing, listening, nor caring about what is happening right under the noses of all -
Choose to look at such deplorable human treatment -
And why, what the heavens, your guides, higher selves gave so much time, for many of those that did the most are gifted and meant to help, offer humanity their levelling up, self loving change, and God, Source, the MotherFather giving chances to do right, what choices will build your character and next timelines, what karma will be cleared for your next timeline, and how will all and each involved step up to be more, to love more, and to do what is humane and honourable - it seemed money, ego, title, and stealing what was never theirs won out over their own souls, love, and care for a gentle human that barely made it through this ascension -
God, Source, the Heavens, the Federations are so very sad;
All have infinite opportunities to make right on such degrading darkness and hell -
Made a divine being feel so used, abused, and laughed at;
There will only and always be love.
All are meant to live as one; practice what you do, but do not interfere. Can you accept another fully and completely? When you feel a trigger, will you heal? Treating children as sex toys, abusing energy, and taking the life force, and enslaving anyone; are deep soul wounds; targeting, dehumanizing - what world will you see as your divine world?
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There is no time greater than now - wake up - LIFE IS SACRED; are you treating yourself and others as sacred? All life, children deserve the safety, love, attention, protection; societies of enslavement - misogyny will lead to war, and ultimately enslavement of the soul, remaining in 3D;
I will ascend and I choose evolution and liberation.
There is only love.
I pray for all in the honour of all life - love is.
Sadness. disgrace, and more sadness; whether any see, know it or not, we are all family, One; humanity soften and awaken
Nothing more to say
I pray for all
Please forgive us all God, Source, the Heavens and devoted federations; - I pray for all -
When will we wake up.
#ascension #calgarycrime #calgarycults #calgartcorruption
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avarice-inclined · 4 years
(lakewoodplazahero, tko) 🙄
Greed is in the open marketplace when he spots the kid darting between booths to stare at him. It’s clear the little guy doesn’t think Greed has seen him, clear that he’s curious, so Greed pauses and makes a point to make eye contact. Long enough for the kid to realize he’s been caught.
He responds with an eye-roll and a grin, and Greed snorts, kneeling down to hold out a hand to the boy.
“Careful, ya do that too much an’ your eyes’ll get stuck that way.”
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
everlasting hope
pairing: finan x reader
warning: mention of struggles with falling pregnant
summary: there is nothing more you want then to fall pregnant and give finan a child
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He could not give you a life full of riches and lavish belongings. Nor, could he provide a sense of absolute security. All Finan could offer was pure and unconditional love. One that did not come with strings attached or demands or the misfortune of wondering if love was even there. All he could give was his faithful promise that you would never go to bed in fear of his shadow, that he would protect and honour your heart, body and soul. And Finan knew it was not much compared to all you would have to deal with; weeks without him by your side, the stench of battle and the worry of a husband's unknown fate. But regardless, you still stayed and agreed to bind yourself to Finan in holy matrimony and, to build a life with him in Uhtred's town of Rumcofa.
And build a life you both did.
You awoke with the same bubbling feeling. It had begun to stir when you witnessed Finan entertaining the young children by the river. They enjoyed his dramatic antics and beating him in wooden stick battles. Over dinner, you expressed your desire for a family. Finan straightened, listening with a keen ear and took you under the furs to begin the journey to parenthood. That had been a year ago.
Now, another four months later, the desire for children still burned. Yet, you had started to wonder were you truly meant to become a mother. Every morning you prayed, seeking an answer, and every morning you were met with Finan’s hand on your shoulder, gently steering you away from your prayers. And your heart ached as the children of Rumcofa sought Finan’s attention and even more so when Finan gave it.
That evening Finan came home from gathering firewood. He scraped off the mud from his boots and walked into the smell of stew. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he rested his chin in the crook of your shoulder.
“There’s some left over bread if you are hungry. Dinner will be ready soon”. You softly said, paying very little attention to the way you were angling the knife.
Finan took it away from your grip, turning you to face him.
“It will happen. I can feel it in my bones”. He whispered.
“I wish I held the same faith as you, Finan. But I can not be disappointed again”. 
His eyes grew softer, pulling you in his embrace. You held back the tears as to not weigh down Finan’s heart further with guilt he could not mend your emotional wounds. And with his help dinner was prepped in silence.
After the meal, Finan ventured off to the Ale House with Sihtric, returning home when the moon had risen high above the river. He bit the bottom of his lip, taken strides of determination to reach you.
“We will not give up”. He reassured, capturing your mouth in a fiery kiss. Leading to a completely different moment of intimacy.
Every touch Finan graced your body produced a newfound hope. The way he gazed into your eyes as his hips rolled to match your pace ignited your body with such unashamed greed for him that it made you giggle. Finan grinned, leaving behind lazy kisses from the base of your neck and down your chest. You cupped his cheek, your fingers stroking his beard. Finan hummed a gentle response of pleasure and leaned down to nip your ear.
“This house will be filled with our children. You have my word”. He whispered, kissing you with such a force it left you dizzy.
The rest of the night Finan held you in his arms. By early morning Finan found you praying, but he did not steer you away. Instead, he slipped on his boots, kissed the top of your head and ventured out into the snowy streets. And through the window, you saw the kids run towards him as Finan weaved and dodged their attempts to catch him. The children laughed, encouraged by Finan’s child-like energy and pursued him again. Upon watching your husband, you felt yourself smile. And for the first time in months, you felt the ease of hope shine down.
Within late afternoon you joined Eadith in helping her tend to the ill and residents slowly recovering from winter’s grasp.
“You seem in brighter spirits today”. Eadith smiled, linking her arm through yours.
“Today feels a lot kinder”.
“Perhaps, there will be more kinder moments to come”.
Eadith’s words echoed throughout the remainder of the day, staying even after you closed your eyes for sleep. The next day arose, as did your stomach. It felt like ocean waves were battling inside you with no remedy strong enough to cure their strength. Eventually, you sought Eadith for her healer expertise. The wait had been long as she was attending to another resident in the town. When she did arrive, she rushed over to feel your forehead, indicating that your skin appeared paler than normal.
“It’s just the winter weather”. You replied, holding the wet cloth to your skin.
Eadith returned with fresh water and a wide smile. “I do not think it is the weather”.
“A fever then?. Or some other sickness, perhaps?”. You continued to ramble, concern at the fore-front of your voice.
Eadith gently sat by the bed and placed a comforting hand on your arm, her smile did not waver.
“What is it, Eadith?. Please, tell me. I can not bear you silence any longer”.
“You are pregnant”.
“I am what?. Are you sure?”.
She nodded, “I am quite certain. There is no doubt that you are with child”.
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On your way home, the news had not sunk in. Your mind working hard to convince you Eadith’s diagnosis had been false. But as you wrapped your hands around your stomach, your mother’s intention kicked in, and you knew it had been no false diagnosis. Finan returned home shortly, boasting of the bet he had won against Sihtric. You missed most of his ramblings, too busy thinking of ways to tell him the fortunate news.
“I’m pregnant”. You blurted.
Finan’s mouth fell open in shock or surprise, you could not tell which one. He blinked several times, rubbing a hand over his beard, urging his mind to respond. With words failing him, Finan lifted you in his arms, eyes beaming with such joy.
“Are you sure?.
“I am. It finally happened, Finan”.
“I knew it! I told you that I could feel it in my bones”. He whispered, siting you on his lap. “This will be the first of many for us”.
“I know it will. And I can not wait to enrich this house with many more of our children, Finan”. You whispered back, kissing him gently.
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Thinkin bout...... Nina surviving and being adopted by Greed and the Devil's Nest gang
Just! What IF, y'know! I love the content ppl make of this concept but the more I think the more it hurts and also feels like it could have a hell of an interesting take on Greed's redemption-
Scar doesn't find Nina, only Shou Tucker, so she isn't killed in that moment because she was immediately sent off to be kept as a lab rat. They take Nina from the lab (and whatever consciousness of Alexander that lives on within her), take care of her, not realizing what she is, until her speech improves enough that she can explain (in somewhat vague terms, I imagine her speech might remain limited for neurological reasons)
Dolcetto immediately attaches to her before even knowing, because they're both dog chimera even if he's MORE human, and I think he'd have an agonizing amount of empathy for this obviously child like creature, and upon finding out she literally IS a child??? Oh it's over that's his daughter now
Greed starts out as with all of them, pretends he doesn't *actually* care and is just acquiring a resource, meanwhile he obviously does care for others in some capacity, and the longer Nina is around and the more they figure out about her the more protective and caring he becomes to her specifically. She can't protect herself like the others, after all. That's just logical, isn't it? (Is his way of rationalizing his compassion)
Bido is a real caretaker type when it comes to Nina, I think Bido and Dol would be the two most likely to play with her and teach her things (like more speech, kinda like a cognitive speech therapy), as well as the two most obviously compassionate toward her bc Bido is generally pretty sweet mannered and Dol Understands her better than any of the others in terms of canine instincts, emotions, and the changes that come when one is spliced with a dog.
Martel would seem perhaps a little distant at first, but this is because she's grappling with internal conflict, not because of Nina herself. At first she hesitates bc she wonders if such an innocent thing belongs with their dangerous group, but as time goes on she understands there would be no better place in Amestris for the poor thing, who would no doubt have been subjected to many years of further experimentation. Nowhere else in Amestris (that they know of) can a post-human (homunculus or chimera) be safe and live out a life that isn't in a lab or cage. When she accepts this, she allows herself to get closer and show more care. She was never mean, just afraid to get attached to the kid in case of worst case scenarios arising.
Roa is his not very expressive self, but I think he's a big softie somewhere in there and would be another who goes out of his way to protect her, he's just less social and doesn't interact with her as much as Dol, Bido, and Greed.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk I have too many thoughts
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nightly-flame · 2 years
Are demons actually bad?like all the negative energy and all? I have seen astral projecting ppl say that sometimes when they get out of their bodies, they feel negative energy or ENTITIES surrounding them. Also what's ur take on sleep paralysis?once (ig I lucid dreamt) I had a dream and in my dream I was paralyzed, standing next to me was a kid who was like a hologram kinda kid(the kid was invisible but I could see the shape of the kid illuminated with green light) the kid was standing next to me and I couldn't move or speak and was freaked out . I chanted some high frequency mantras and therefore came out of the paralysis and the child vanished (IN THE DREAM). The dream continued and there were series of events in which my brother got lost and was thrashed on the floor.i was scared out of my wits and later came out of the dream.
WAS THIS AN ENTITIY OR DEMON? What the difference?
Not at all. Demons are not bad or evil. They typically have an intense energy, but it’s not a bad energy. From my experience, their energy can be quite welcoming and comforting. Because of the inaccurate perspective that society holds about demons, most tend to view them as negative or evil entities that like to maliciously destroy people’s lives. And movies’ depiction of demons definitely doesn’t help the misconception about them. Demons hate corruption (pedophilia, genocide, abuse, etc). They are wise mentors one can turn to when on a path of illumination and they can help you to become a better version of yourself. Demons represent the opposite of what people believe they represent. For instance, Mammon is said to represent greed, but in actuality he represents generosity. When people encounter what they believe to be demons, they are actually encountering imposter spirits pretending to be demons or spirits who are consumed by corruption. 
Demons are beings that wish to help humanity. They often teach their followers through obstacles, allowing you to build your power by facing and overcoming problems. Without obstacles, it’s difficult to evolve into a more enlightened and powerful being. I always like to think of it as the hero’s journey. By the end of the story, the hero comes out stronger than before because they had went through challenges. If the hero ran away from the challenges, they would not improve themselves because they are simply running away from their problems instead of facing them. 
It’s extremely important to put up protection before astral projecting (and in general it’s important to put up protection around yourself and your home). Without protection, malicious/negative entities could easily attack the astral projector. So the people who say they feel negative entities surrounding them, they likely don’t have a strong enough ward up or they didn’t put up any protection at all.  And as I said before, the negative entities they encounter are not demons.
Sleep paralysis is an interesting phenomena to me, but I’m no expert on it so these are just my speculations on it. I believe sleep paralysis is a state of formless consciousness that people can find themselves in for one reason or another and it may not necessarily mean it is a form of spiritual attack. Do I think it can be used by an attacker to subdue their victim? Yes. But does that mean every sleep paralysis situation is an instance where the person is under attack? No. I’ve seen people talk about how sleep paralysis is a way to access the void state. The void state is a place of pure consciousness, so people wouldn’t be in their body. If sleep paralysis is a way to get into the void state, it would make sense why they can’t move. Sleep paralysis could also possibly mean that a form of negative energy is attached to the person, whether they are picking it up from the environment or if its a toxic energy a person is holding onto.
Mythology also speaks of a spirit that sits on the person’s chest, inducing sleep paralysis. I’m unsure if there are actually spirits like this that induce sleep paralysis, but it’s still good to note.
What you encountered was not a demon. Demons don't present themselves as children. If they were some sort of entity, they could have been a spirit of the dead wanting to communicate with you. Or they could have been some form of malicious entity wanting to attack you. However, I keep wanting to say that this was a spirit of the dead, even though I feel like that’s not true. I keep getting a confusing and trickster energy from the spirit, so I believe the entity you encountered may have been a malicious imposter spirit pretending to be a spirit of the dead. Malicious spirits sometimes like to appear as children in hopes that you will put your guard down because they seem less threatening. I also think they are a malicious spirit because they went away and the sleep paralysis ended when you chanted the mantras. 
Perhaps the spirit wanted to take advantage of the fact that you were in sleep paralysis. Or maybe the spirit somehow put you into sleep paralysis state because they thought it would make you vulnerable.
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tarisilmarwen · 3 years
Thanks for asking! As far as sources on the Jedi and their no attachment thing? It's the prequels themselves. A scared kid missing his mom is "greedy?" Yikes. Why would they take kids from birth families if they thought healthy family connections existed? And friendships? It stands to reason that a close platonic friendship (especially with an outsider) would pose the same threat as a love interest. An ally or acquaintance wouldn't be a threat, but love (platonic/familial/romantic) is a threat.
I think you might be misattributing Lucas’ comments to that particular scene.
There's plenty of quotes where he talks about Anakin's "greed” (here's the most comprehensive collection I've found) but none of them are specifically about the scene where the Council tests him as a child, they're all either speaking in general terms about what his issues are or specifically about when he loses her.
“He turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can’t let go of his mother; he can’t let go of his girlfriend. He can’t let go of things. It makes you greedy. And when you’re greedy, you are on the path to the dark side, because you fear you’re going to lose things, that you’re not going to have the power you need.”
“The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I’m not going to let this happen again.” We’re cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side, but ultimately it would be your undoing. But it’s that need for power and the need for power in order to satisfy your greed to keep things and to not let go of things and to allow the natural course of life to go on, which is that things come and go, and to be able to accept the changes that happen around you and not want to keep moments forever frozen in time.”
So with that context it becomes clearer that it’s not that Anakin misses his mom, it’s that he has a distinct inability to let go and accept loss and change, something which is foreshadowed earlier in the film when he tells Shmi “I can’t do it... I don’t want things to change.” and she replies: “You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting.”  It’s not that he misses her, it’s he won’t admit his fear of losing her (denies it defensively when the Council probes him about it), and his fear of losing things makes him clingy, and that clinginess leads to an obsession to keep possession of the things that he believes “belong” to him.  That is what Lucas, and by extension the Jedi, mean when they talk about attachment, it’s that unhealthy need to hold fast to things and keep things the same and the desire for the power to keep holding onto those things, the willingness to screw everything else but the thing you are attached to.
You can love someone deeply without being attached to them, without being afraid of them eventually disappearing from your life in one fashion or another.
Force Sensitives are a vulnerable class because their psychic wizard mind powers magnify any emotional problems they have tenfold, which is why they’re taught from a young age how to manage their powers, how to love people deeply without having unhealthy attachments to them, how to be mindful and admit their feelings and confront their fears.  It’s much easier to build up the foundations of mindfulness and self-examination and discipline that the Jedi need to keep their powers in check if they take the kids in at a very young age, before they have a chance to--as Anakin did--develop unhealthy thought patterns of denial and suppression.
On birth families, from what little we do know about Jedi adoption practices they don’t take every Force Sensitive child, they never take the children without the parents’ consent, and they allow parents that do consent an adjustment period.  It really isn’t like they take the kids away because they don’t believe in healthy family connections, more often than not it’s the parents themselves contacting the Jedi, because they believe the Jedi can give their child a better life.  Think of it more like real-world adoption of kids with special needs, the parents realize they are not equipped for the challenge of helping their child thrive so they make the decision to give them to someone who can help them.  It’s a selfless sacrifice on the parents’ part.
Those are the good scenarios, there were definitely situations where the parents didn’t make that choice out of altruism but a desire to be rid of their “weird” kid.  (Dooku’s dad literally left him outside the palace to get eaten by animals.)
We also have seen Jedi form close friendships outside the Order.  (Obi-Wan with Dexter, Yoda with the wookies, many many senators.)  The only danger with those is that, because of their position as representatives of the Republic, they do have to be careful to avoid the appearance of bias.  Jedi are supposed to be a neutral, mediating party fair to everyone, so being friends with one senator and not another could be nghl... politically hairy, let’s say.  Other than that there’s really nothing standing against Jedi having close friendships outside the Order.
This got a bit long, I apologize, and I don’t expect to change your mind or anything, but I do think that looking at Lucas’ words in their context make it clearer how he intended the undergirding philosophy of the Force to work, and what he actually means by attachment.  It’s very very easy to confuse “attachment” for “all close relationships” I know, trust me, but that isn’t what he meant, he’s not the best at explaining it but when you read or listen to his actual commentary I don’t think it can be argued that he means “love” when he says “attachment”.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Selfish • A. Arlert
self•ish — lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
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Pairing: Armin Arlert x Reader
Word Count: 726
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Armin Arlert isn’t selfish at nearly any point in time, most significantly not in his life as a Scout. He’s efficient, strategizing, and constantly working towards the benefit of the many as much as possible. He understands that he was granted a second opportunity at living when many believed he wasn’t worthy of such a thing, and for that he’s become even more focused on achieving the best outcome for others. Yes, he can feel pulled one way or another emotionally, but in the end it doesn’t do all that much to sway his logical judgement.
Armin is selfless and gives his all for the good of the many, but he’s got just one frequent exception: you.
It might have been more concealed back before the battle to retake Wall Maria, but it was there, and time had simply amplified his desire to be around you at all times.
Is it a bad thing, in retrospect? That he has an emotional attachment in such a fucked up mess of a world? Not necessarily.
It’s simply a flaw in his resolute morality, one that proved he‘s not some brilliant pillar of unbound sacrifice for Paradis. He’s bound to you, bound to your safety, bound to the feeling of you taught in his embrace. His protective tendencies are human, though, and as of late that quality has felt increasingly unacceptable.
Armin isn’t much of a child anymore; anyone who knows him can evaluate that much of a change.
He knows that sometimes you’ll have to be in harm’s way—and he trusts you wholeheartedly, believing in your strength, skill, and experience more than anyone. He simply wishes that those precarious moments teetering between life and death could be kept to a minimum after all you’ve experienced. But he’s not naive, and he understands that things can’t always go his way, especially not in the world for which he used to harbor such curiosity.
Armin’s not a child (he assures people of that), but when he has the opportunity?
He’s oh so very selfish with you.
Even before all he saw was grim faces—prior to smelling the overwhelming scent of spilled red wine in it’s unbearable entirety—that greed of his bloomed into its maturity. It reared its ugly head through possessive embraces, lingering gazes, and the bruising collision of his mouth on yours.
Never anything beyond fleeting moments, of course, but nevertheless conveying how much he needed you beside him.
Don’t stray too far from me, or I might just crumble, he insists, weaving a hand through your hair as he pulls you towards him for the second time that afternoon. There’s supposed to be a meeting in the next half-hour, but he just can’t wait to take the air from your lungs any longer, and he prays no one can see him kissing you from the third story window of headquarters.
Tell me you love me and mean it, he urges—and it could be classified as begging, if not for the assertiveness of his hold on your waist, one that contrasted his clear desperation as he holds you as close as humanly possible.
Constantly, wordlessly, he’s praying that you’ll indulge his little bursts of raw emotion because it’s the only place he feels comfortable letting it show.
While he’s likely the most human person left in all of Paradis, there’s still a cold stone wall that he can reinforce at will. The cracks threatening his authoritative display make him feel pathetic at times. But you embrace him with open arms, reminding him that every bit of him is perfectly okay in this disaster of a situation. Armin takes it all, engraving it into his body and soul, down to the smallest atoms of his being that still scream their collective need for you.
Take, take, take. Armin wonders what his grandparents would think if they saw him now. How selfish he just knows he’s become.
Sometimes you wonder if he’ll ever realize that you’re just as selfish, steered by emotions that shouldn’t even exist in circumstances like your own. You ponder whether he’d change his tune about it if he knew exactly how much you both shared in common, but he has yet to make the connection, so it’s left to your imagination.
And so you remain, two people on an island of crushed dreams and cracked walls, selfish but selfless and caught up in the immortal passions of nothing that will last much longer.
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