#how many kids is he going to pseudo adopt i wonder
eldritch-spouse · 1 year
*goes up to tce staff members* "excuse me sir...can you put a baby in me-"
Morrell would JUMP at the opportunity 💀 idk how tf vinnel would react, probs would smack us upside the head and call us a perv. I'm scared at what nebul and Santi would say/react 😂😭
(Yes I got this idea from a clip of the impractical jokers lol- would vinnel would love them or hate them?)
[Mmm I don't know what that is, sorry anon.]
Morell just drags you away by the neck. He's so fucking hard he can't even speak because all the blood in his body rushed to his cock and his tongue is numb. How many do you want, baby mama?
Gallon is... More shocked than anything. Definitely extremely flattered but you're not having a kid this soon. He'll make you feel like you're pregnant by the end of the night though.
Santi enjoys breederism as a kink, so you're definitely getting bent over (people around be dsmned) and fucked for hours on end. He'll excuse it by saying you can't really be sure it took with just one round, can you?
Grimbly chokes hard. No?? Yes?? He wasn't ready for this. He's not ready at all. He's still living his babygirl years you want a kid? Fuck. He can't really say no to your sweet pussy, and the thought of you becoming even hotter as your body accommodates for maternity- Oof.
Vinnel gets soured by the reminder of his pseudo-infertility. But really, it only serves to incense him into making a big impression as he pounds into you from almost painful positions and giggles about you being such a brainless fucking sow that you'd drool at the though of being constantly knocked up by him.
Nebul is an undead, he's not putting any sort of child in you. But he can humor your lusts, so long as you properly beg for the privilege of carrying Master's child. You'd give your whole body to him, wouldn't you? Even your womb. All of it.
Patches breaks the bad news to you. No babies, his nuts are kind of useless. But please, tie him up and drain him- Why not scientifically prove that he's really infertile by making several impregnation attempts? Make sure he's crying and wincing from every orgasm by the end of it.
Belo can't breathe for a couple of seconds. A child?? A baby?! He sinks to the ground and undresses immediately. Use his body for whatever you must, take as many children from him as you want- He'll fill his Lady however many times you command him to if it means making this a reality.
Sybastian does not fucking hesitate. You barely finish the sentence, he's already on top of you and rutting at your ass while his claws scrabble for the hem of your clothes. He's going to put so many fucking babies in you, get ready, oh you better get ready for the breeding of a lifetime.
Fank-e just calls you silly. He can't put babies in you, but you can always adopt (a roomba)! He wonders if you'd find his oviposition attachment satisfactory for tonight however. The eggs glow in the dark, you know?! It'll be so fun!
Krulu calls you an audacious animal for coming to him so brazenly with your fervid, unfiltered lust. But... It does make him rumble in great pleasure to know that you would offer your body and womb to him at the drop of a hat. As you should, sweet lamb. Now come, you're dysfunctional like this and he needs to fix your hormonal mind.
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yukiwhitetm · 8 months
Fanstory Prompt
Short prompt:
Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred Pennyworth is Peter Parker's great-uncle and, after Tony Stark and May Parker pass away in the aftermath of Endgame, Peter is sent to be under Alfred's care.
Peter Parker's Genealogy:
Alfred Pennyworth & Peggy Carter (marries Steve Rogers) - Howard Stark (marries Maria Stark née Carbonell)
Tony Stark (marries Pepper Stark née Potts) - Mary Parker née Fitzpatrick (marries Richard Parker) & Ben Parker (brother-in-law, through Richard Parker) - May Parker née Reilly
Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (half-siblings, different mothers)
Long prompt:
Seventeen-year-old Peter Parker, secretly the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man of Queens, New York, has lost family and had to restart his life more times than the average kid (even one with superpowers!).
His parents Richard and Mary Parker died in an aeroplane crash when he was five. His Uncle Ben, who - along with his Aunt May - had taken him under his wing in the aftermath of his parents' abrupt passing, was shot and killed right in front of him when he was only fourteen. His Aunt May had a young stroke and passed away during the five year gap where Peter was busy being dusted (thanks Thanos!). And Tony Stark, who had only just found out he was Peter's biological father the year before Thanos attacked, when Peter was sixteen, but hadn't wanted to disrupt Peter's civilian life so had left him with his aunt, sacrificed himself to save the world, but more importantly Peter, in the final endgame battle against Thanos.
Now, Peter has blipped back into being five years after being dusted only to find he has lost family and has to restart his life all over again. This time with a great-uncle he hadn't even known existed! (Most likely due his not knowing Tony was his father and so Peggy was his grandmother until a year - six years? - beforehand.) Worse still, Peter has to move away from his friends and everything he's ever known to the world's most dangerous and crime-ridden city, Gotham. Who is Alfred Pennyworth and how has he ended up as a butler slash pseudo-grandfather to so many young people? Why do those very same young people keep on disappearing and then reappearing hours later from inside Wayne manor? What's up with those vigilantes hanging around Peter so much?
And why does everyone say that Batman has such a problem with mutants (also lesser known as metahumans) like Peter? He can't not be Spider-Man, even in a new and dangerous place like Gotham, so is Batman's prejudice going to be a problem... Or will Peter find himself an unlikely new family in the shape of bat and bird themed heroes as he builds himself a new life in Gotham city?
Prompter's note:
Lately, I have read a lot of Spider-Man&Batman crossover stories where Peter ends up in the DC universe - even ones where Dick Grayson was Richard Parker (adopted into the Parker family) in the Marvel universe before dying - which is fun but I wondered what would happen if it was somehow the same universe? Let's say the Justice League existed longer but were quieter than the Avengers and then the Avengers came crashing in, loud and proud as can be, and they refused to have anything to do with the Justice League, who they saw as nothing more than vigilantes. That's why the Justice League has never involved themselves in Avengers battles. Only now, my thought process went, the prompts above start pushing the Avengers-Justice League status quo when Spider-Man starts superheroing in Batman's city (particularly because a lot of the Avengers are gone). And the batfam find themselves unwittingly adopting a lost and lonely Spiderling.
P.S. I think Tim/Peter would be cute! They're both smart, compassionate, overly hardworking heroes; I think they're a perfect besties-to-boyfriends couple. Or an aged up! Damian/Peter could be a fun enemies or rivals-to-lovers storyline. If neither of those work, go ahead and do what inspires you instead, just don't couple him with up with Dick or Jason (which I have seen) because minor/adult couples are never cool. A better idea would be to ship Peter with no one at all!
I know I set a lot of this story prompt up for you already but that's just because I had a lot of thoughts on it. Feel free to make it your own!
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firesign23 · 1 year
Can you tell me about The Queen's Thief at middle? (at length might be too much for my currently achievable level of attention 😅)
WELL, good news, I did something very stupid yesterday and mid-length is probably the most I can type right now 😂
So, my caveats I always supply before starting my rec:
The first book in the series is middle grade fiction. It’s good middle grade fiction with a lot of the same skillful execution that makes me feral for the series, but there is a maturity jump from book one to book two, and I recommend you read at least a little into book two before deciding if the series is for you. AFTER book one.
GO IN BLIND. I cannot stress enough how good it is to go in blind. No art. No reviews. Just buckle in and see where you end up. The series is good even when you know what is coming--and that’s a whole point later on--but that first exquisite moment where all the threads pull together? Experience it, you’ll thank me
Now, to keep this short I shall bullet point. Or try to. Parts of this will require a lot of “Trust me, it’s worth it” because, well, see above re: spoilers.
The series is set in a historical pseudo-Mediterranean locale, which is honestly fantastic. Really sort of blends the worlds of Greek myths and Tolkien bucolic fantasy that was many fantasy fans gateway drugs, while also feel entirely distinct. I know fantasy has spread out its influence to cultures beyond western Europe nowadays, but the first Queen’s Thief book was published in 1996 so it was definitely early to adopt that. 
The actual fantasy element is handled in such a fun way? To say too much means spoilers, but it is a story about people first and foremost, and the fantasy elements just give the plot a push from time to time. 
And oh god, the people. THE PEOPLE. I love these characters. I named my cat after one of them. My youngest child has decided that Gen is his favourite character of all time and dressed up as him for a school event. But the characters in this series are just… they’re wonderful. They are complex, with their own motivations and histories and views. My kid went from hating to loving a character in the second book in a single chapter because we got to see who they were and how they came to be that person. There are disabled characters and queer characters, but never in a way that feels checkmarky. They are funny and harsh and kind and just… human, in a way that brings me so much joy.
And not only are the characters great alone, their relationships? Again, spoilers, but this series has so many good relationships. Romantic and platonic and antagonistic. Family of choice to the EXTREME. Unlikely friendships. There is a moment in a later book where two characters hold hands and I teared up. 
THE. WRITING. I could go on and on and fucking ON about the writing, whole post in itself. But it makes me feral. The books’ use of perspective are art, absolutely exquisite. Each book does something unique with the narrative point of view, and does it deliberately. The first person perspective is telling us a story, and tells us what he wants us to know. The historical record makes the characters the most human by letting us see behind the Great Events. It’s just one of my favourite examples of POV I’ve ever read.
The narrative never lies to us, but trusts the reader to draw connections. This is one of those “Makes more sense with spoilers” moments, but the writing is incredibly good at telling us everything we need to know exactly when we need to know it, and not before. And it results in this fantastic joy when it all pulls together--it’s not really plot twists, because we have been told (almost) everything, but you get an incredible payoff.
The books get better with every reread. I was recently working through the second book with my kid, who devoured The Thief two years ago (and probably a dozen times since) but wanted to be a bit older before tackling the rest of the series, and I was still catching details that I had missed or forgotten from previous reading. 
The contents of the stories are just… there’s war and grief and rage, politic machinations, trauma, betrayal. And the narrative doesn’t handwave those things, but it doesn’t wallow in delight in them either. It’s just a series that takes you by the hand and says “Bad things happen, and we will live with those things forever, but it doesn’t have to define you. What’s important is the connections we make with other people, who will catch you when you fall.” Reading the series leaves me with that same hopefulness that drew me to Discworld? I may not be explaining it well.
The actual writing style, on top of being masterful, is so much fun. It’s sparse, but in a way that makes every word feel important. It’s delightfully funny, heartbreaking, evocative. Just a joy to sink into. 
And I just realised this is definitely getting long, so I’ll stop for now. But I highly, highly, highly recommend the series. And hey, if this made anyone want to vote for The Queen’s Thief, the poll is here!
(Also, if you do read it and like the series, the author is on tumblr and is an interesting person to follow. Just don’t do it before reading, because occasional spoilers)
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avarice-inclined · 4 years
(lakewoodplazahero, tko) 🙄
Greed is in the open marketplace when he spots the kid darting between booths to stare at him. It’s clear the little guy doesn’t think Greed has seen him, clear that he’s curious, so Greed pauses and makes a point to make eye contact. Long enough for the kid to realize he’s been caught.
He responds with an eye-roll and a grin, and Greed snorts, kneeling down to hold out a hand to the boy.
“Careful, ya do that too much an’ your eyes’ll get stuck that way.”
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Jason and Juno
I just want to talk about them. I have so many feelings and I can’t find anyone else that cares about them. But, like, why not?
Because Rick ignored Jason in HoO and I still haven’t got my Roman prequels, that’s why.
I freaking love Jason anyway and I always have. And I admit, reading original PJO, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Hera, but we weren’t really supposed to be I don’t think. But Juno? Nah man, Juno is cool.
Everybody seems to write her off because she’s Hera and we all know Hera sucks, and obviously Percy and Annabeth don’t like Hera so makes sense that we kinda subconsciously take their lead. But Juno is cool - and I will absolutely fight that corner forever. It’s like, Ares was kinda a dick in many regards, but Mars was a good dad to Frank, Mars was cool too.
Juno was one of the only gods interested in actively helping demigods, particularly her favoured ones, sure, but she still tried to help. And she obviously cared about them too. Not just Jason, it was very evident she liked Leo a lot too (and I love that too). And we know - at least from ToA - that she had a soft spot for Frank too (and honestly who can blame her).
But yeah, so I actually dig Juno in HoO. She helped out, she was awesome, she was actively nice at least to Jason.
So that’s the first thing to get over. Hate Hera if you want to - but let me convince you that Juno is better. Re-read the books and look for her being nice and cool. Because it’s there.
On top of that though, the relationship between Juno and Jason just makes me so happy and warm. I love it so much, even though I haven’t seen anyone else that seems to care.
Jupiter was at least as much of a dick as Zeus was - that’s something everyone agrees on I think. And I think a lot of us if not everyone can agree that he was a worse dad to Jason than he was to Thalia. And maybe that’s because he washed his hands of responsibility for him after he gifted Jason to Juno. (Dick move btw.) but either way, he basically ignored Jason his entire life and throughout HoO. He was hands down one of the most distant godly parents of the seven and of a lot of main heroes we’ve followed in the series’. So Jason couldn’t really depend on him for help or guidance an awful lot and basically felt like he didn’t have a father. But at least he had Juno.
Juno was a good patron to him. She helped him where she could. She actively and genuinely cared about him. She tried to make herself available for chats when he needed them as much as she could. Gave him presents (his gladius) and praise when he did well, pep talks for what was ahead. As pseudo foster mothers go, she really wasn’t bad. Closest thing Jason had to a parent, and yeah, he could’ve had worse. He did have worse with his alcoholic slightly off the rails actual mother who gave him away, and had worse in a dad who never spoke to him or saw him or lifted a finger to help him until the very last second and who also gave him away. I kinda gotta figure after that kind of treatment from both your actual parents, getting what he got from his patron was probably very appreciated.
And Juno/Hera is the goddess of marriage and family among other things. Throughout the series it’s pretty much her biggest hang up. And obviously she wasn’t always the best mother (poor Hephaestus) to her actual kids, but she kinda held Olympus together. Stopped them all tearing each other apart. Family was important to her and something she valued. Obviously she hated when her husband cheated on her and had someone else’s kids. Honestly? That’s pretty reasonable to be unhappy about. But she watched the rest of her family, literally forever, having kids willy nilly when they wanted to. Obviously Artemis didn’t, but she didn’t want kids and she had the hunters so that’s fine. For someone that loves family so much, it’s very possible she could’ve been a little envious of everyone else having huge families. She still had her Olympian family, but maybe she would’ve liked to have some demigods of her own, if it didn’t involve cheating which she just won’t do. She favoured original Jason and was his patron too, so she was happy enough to adopt them, but it still wasn’t something she did often. So she didn’t get a lot of mortal kids and might’ve felt like she was missing out. But at least she had Jason.
So, being given another little adopted demigod, hell yeah she probably loved mothering him. He was totally her kid. He didn’t have any parent or family to be there for him, she didn’t have any demigod kids of her own and knew she never will. That’s hella cute that they can adopt each other.
Everyone loves found families lately - well this is basically that. Kinda forced at first but doesn’t mean they wouldn’t grow to love each other. They helped each other, could depend on each other. Juno is literally the patron of Rome as well. So even if Jason hadn’t known from the off that he’d been given to Juno, he’d have still had the sense that she had his back along with the rest of Rome, so he might’ve asked for a little help or guidance before HoO, maybe while he was Praetor too. And Juno being New Rome’s patron would’ve probably kept an eye over Camp Jupiter and especially when Jason rose to Praetor she could’ve been paying more attention to him from then. Watched out for him during the Titan War.
I want to know more about them. Especially if Jason was fully aware that she was his patron the whole time before HoO. I want them to have had some sort of relationship. I want them to like each other at least a little. Nico and Hades got closer eventually. Percy and Poseidon (and honestly a bunch of the gods) got on well. Mars adored Frank. Aphrodite seems pretty cuddly with her kids in general. I don’t think it’d be a terrible stretch for Juno and Jason to have each other’s backs.
I want to know if Jason ever made offerings for her along with Jupiter. Burnt food at CHB for her as well as his dad.
I want to know if Juno ever helped him out on earlier quests at all, whether he knew it or not. If she ever gave him and maybe Reyna too, sort of a Praetor deal, counsel.
I want to see Juno fully lean into having Jason as her favourite, as her chosen hero. I want to see her lend some power to him when he needs it. I want to see Jason with the Blessing of Juno. How many demigods would’ve ever gotten that? That’s unheard of. I want it for him. I want to see him marching on Mount Othrys to take down Krios and topple the throne, not with the blessing of Jupiter (although I would also love to see him with that, that would be so cool!) but with the blessing of Juno, patron of Rome. I wanna see him monologuing Krios into intimidation like he did to the giants: I'm the son of Jupiter, I'm a child of Rome, consul to demigods, praetor of the First Legion. I slew the Trojan sea monster, I have the blessing of Juno: Patron of Rome. And she also happens to be my stepmom, dick.
I talked about it in another post before, him getting her blessing. Supposedly with her Roman counterpart she’s supposed to be militaristic, strategic, etc. A blessing from his dad would be like an explosion of power, don’t get me wrong. It’d be like Thor in Infinity War. Magnificent. He could totally burst into the palace and fry Krios and destroy the throne. But I think it’d also be pretty damn awesome if he got zapped with her blessing and became like the ultimate military leader (kind of like Frank with Mars’ blessing I suppose, but more strategic instead of hitting the protein shakes), leading the troops in the invasion and being a total Praetor before he even became Praetor.
Side note: It’s probably not possible but can you imagine if he got blessings from both of them?? I doubt you can have two at a time, but that would be spectacular if he did. Especially from Jupiter and Juno. He would be incredibly powerful, no wonder the Legion made a big deal out of him in the early part of the series. Always was a little disappointed we never got to see cool Roman Jason. I love Jason, I do, but he wasn’t exactly what we heard about in The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune. It never felt like we saw his full potential. So I’m just gonna sit in my corner and dream it up instead lol.
Anyway, this was purely for me because I have a lot of feelings about these two and I couldn’t find anything about them at all or not anything positive. But if anyone else likes them or has ideas or there is stuff you can point me to, please do, I want to get involved in it and find people that are into this so bad!
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 6
Cult girl and Hannibal find a way to turn a life-altering mistake to their favor.
Trigger warnings: accidental pregnancy, discussion of abortion, adoption, slight emetophobia
Another week passed and the 'hangover' didn't subside. Then a third week passed, so you had to give up the façade and just admit you were sick. Hannibal was smugly concerned, but not alarmed. It paid to have a doctor for a fiancé. Studying could be done from bed and you needed to be in perfect working order to burn down your grandmother's country club and fully enjoy it.
Hannibal wasn't so much of a hypochondriac that he denied you affection while bed-ridden. That, or he didn't believe what you had was contagious. Whatever it was.
It wasn't until you woke up late, just days before the start of the new semester, that you discovered. You hobbled blindly to the bathroom to take your medicine. You were fully prepared to drop to your knees and vomit in the toilet and you wanted nothing more than to return to bed and slip back into sweet unconsciousness. Not even microdosing meth could keep you awake.
You slid your birth control packet out of its sleeve. You were halfway through the green placebo pills, so you were sure that didn't help how miserable you felt. This period sure had a hell of a build-up.
That's when a number caught your eye.
It was a number you weren't even previously aware existed. A date on your birth control packet. Dated three months prior.
You weren't lucid enough to comprehend what it meant, but once it hit you, you spit the pill into the sink.
Expired. You thought. How the fuck do pills expire?
No. No. No. No.
"[F/N]?" Hannibal said. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You called back. "I... just need to take a shower."
You turned the faucet on. It was a bad lie and he would figure it out eventually, but you couldn't involve him. Not yet. You needed a minute alone to think.
You found the pregnancy test you stashed under the sink all those years ago. You double-checked the lock, then began the test. There was no romantic or even palatable way to describe the process of peeing on a stick, quietly as possible, to avoid your frankly terrifying fiancé's notice. Once it was done, you wrapped the still-loading test in toilet paper and shoved it back under the sink.
You had no idea how long it would take to give you a result. Or if waiting four years to use it would give you a false result. There was so much you didn't know.
You jumped into the shower and washed up, trying to push all thoughts of panic out of your head. It didn't work. You went right into bury-the-body mode. A fall down the stairs could best pass for an accident, but had the unintended consequences of severe bodily harm. You wondered if those special herbal teas actually worked and where you'd find one. Or, instead of investing in gimmicky, pseudo-scientific abortion teas or throwing yourself down a flight of stairs, you could just talk to him.
You sat on the bathroom floor in a towel for what felt like hours, holding the mummified pregnancy test between your fingers. It took all your strength to rip through the tissue paper and confirm what you already knew.
A big, obnoxious pink plus sign. Almost like it was rubbing it in.
Your head was screaming just talk to him. He was your goddamn fiancé. The man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. But you couldn't tell him. Not after what he said at the country club.
"Hannibal?" You called out, voice weak. "Can you come here, please?"
He opened the bathroom door to find you huddled against the sink wearing nothing but a towel. It was a sight that would make anyone freak out.
"My god, [F/N]." He took a knee beside you. "Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?"
You gestured to the pregnancy test at your side. You hugged your knees into your chest and waited for him to process everything.
He looked at you with an unreadable expression. "I thought you were on birth control?"
You covered your face with your hands. "I did too. Nobody told me that the pills actually expire."
Then came the question that you were dreading.
"What do you want to do?"
That was why you were hesitant to tell him. Not because he would try to make a decision for you, but because he wouldn't.
"I don't know." You blurted out. "What do you want to do?"
Hannibal raised his eyebrows. "You know I can't tell you that. You need to decide for yourself."
"That's what I was afraid you were going to say." You threw your head back in exasperation. "I'm just asking for a little direction. You said you definitely wanted to have kids-"
"Not like this." He cut you off. "Not when it would derail your entire career.” 
“Look, you know I was on the fence about having kids at all.” You rambled, just trying to collect your thoughts. “But then you described what you wanted for us and it just sounded so nice.” 
“Darling, I am begging you,” He pressed his fingers to his temples. “Please, decide for yourself and only yourself.” 
“I’m trying!” You objected. “I just need a second to think.” 
“Don’t think, just answer.” He implored. “What do you want to do?” 
“I want to get an abortion.” You blurted out before slapping your hand over your mouth. 
“Was that really so hard to say?” Hannibal asked, voice broken with relief. Relief of what, you couldn’t place. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him. “It was, a little.” 
“Why?” He tilted his head curiously. “And please don’t say it was because of me.” 
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, hiding your face again. “I just learned I was pregnant, like, five minutes ago. I shouldn’t be expected to make a choice this massive without at least ten minutes to think about it.” 
“Do you really want to get an abortion?” He asked. 
Your voice wobbled with uncertainty. “No... yes?” 
“I see.” He said, as if this were just a point of academic curiosity that didn’t involve him whatsoever. “Is there a part of you, no matter how small, that wants to see the pregnancy to term?” 
“Well, yeah. Thus the basis of my uncertainty.” You threw your hands up. “But I also know it’s insanely unrealistic to think I could just speedrun my last two years of school and however long it takes to establish a career just to get to the domestic bliss.”
“You would do good to not expect motherhood to be a blissful retirement plan, love." Hannibal gently scorned. "Parenting takes just as much commitment as your studies. Likely more."
"I know." You bashed your palms against your forehead. "I said it was unrealistic, didn't I? Look, I just don't foresee any worthwhile outcomes if I carry this pregnancy to term. Even to put it up for adoption just seems selfish. Why bring a kid into the world just to set them up for a shitty life?"
Hannibal paused, and looked off into the distance pensively.
"If you could forgive me a hypothetical," He began. "What if we could guarantee them a wonderful life?"
"Are we talking philosophy, or do you have an actual suggestion?" You probed.
"A bit of both, depending on where your mind takes you." He smirked as if he were about to say something very clever. "What if Beatrice [L/N]'s estate made sure our child had a safe, comfortable upbringing? With a weighty college trust fund in their name, naturally."
You couldn't tell if this was brilliant or insane. It all depended on how 'hypothetical' the whole situation really was. Either way, you were interested.
"Go on." You urged, letting the idea slither into your mind.
"There's nothing in the will that specifically states we must raise the child ourselves." He recounted. "Only that it must be of blood descent."
You hadn't considered that, but it made sense once you heard it out loud. Your grandmother had many skills to make her a sharp manipulator, but her inattention to detail was always her downfall.
“Forty-five million extra dollars in the bank would be nice.” You said. You were humoring him at first, but when you said it out loud, it rang true. 
“Forty-five is drops in the bucket compared to what we can get from her property.” He added. “The house and the golf course.” 
You put your hand on your chin, actually, seriously considering it. You were on the precipice of inheriting more money than you could possibly spend in one lifetime. Money that could make so many problems go away overnight. Money you could hand out to anyone you wanted to, just to make their lives a little easier. You pictured yourself giving waitstaff six-figure tips, or handing a hundred dollar bill to someone asking for change on the street. You could erase your best friend's college debt as a birthday present. Get Hannibal a proper gift. All with money you bled out of your abusers.
It was divine justice. All at the price of nine months of your life.
"So..." Your voice trailed off. "We just need to keep this thing alive for the next nine months..."
"We can find an adoptive family in that time." Hannibal nodded along. "And we can set up a college fund for the child to be given to them on their 18th birthday."
"And we could make the adoption open, in case the child ever wants to meet us." You said.
"Right." He agreed. "Allowing the option for an adoptee to meet their biological parents is much better for their mental health and adjustment."
You covered your mouth with your hand, only to hide your excitement. "I take it back, I'm starting to see a positive outcome."
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Oh my gods, hi. So uh- More Naga Tommy please? I loved it! :D
Of course Esaya, you can request as much and as many as you'd like. I'd love to write your requests and stuff uwu
Warnings: None
Words: 600+
Ever since Tommy had revealed himself to be a naga to his family, things were slightly different, as for example a lot more food. He’d always be against it though, not wanting to run through the family’s food supply. But they’d always say otherwise.
He sighed as he sunbathed in the field, next to the forest were a couple of fields, many containing beautiful flowers. It was his favourite place to sunbathe. He wondered what his family was up to. The last thing he had heard was that they’d add an extension to the house for him. Something along the lines of moving rooms.
He didn’t mind it though if it made his family happy, he didn’t care.
Whilst sunbathing he could hear yelling in the distance, he hoped he didn’t have to deal with anyone. Though, he could just intimate them to go away easily. Being a naga had its perks after all.
It was still quite a bit away, nagas had sensitive ears but he wondered why people were around here? Normally the only humans around were his family. Not that he was really territorial, but he did hate trespassers on his property.
Soon, he picked up a buzzing noise which progressively got louder into it was right next to his ear. He tried to swat it away, “Woah!” he knocked what sounded like a person? But how? Wait - He hit the flying person?!
He opened his eyes to see a young boy, quite small with antennae on top of his head, wearing a striped sweater and overalls. He noticed the boy’s wings; he was definitely a hybrid.
The boy was holding his head, who was slightly in pain. His eyebrows furrowed, “Sorry about that, are you okay?”. He moved upwards slightly from his laying position.
The boy looked up at Tommy, “I’m fine! Sorry bout flying right next to your ear. I was just curious; I’ve never seen a naga before!”. “Oh? Well hybrids aren’t really all that common these days”.
“True, I don’t know any more of my kind. I’ve looked but I haven’t been able to find any. Wait, I’m rambling! I’m sorry my name is Tubbo!”.
“Nice to meet you Tubbo, I’m Tommy.”. He held out his fingertip to the boy, who shook it with two hands as it was the size of his body, which made Tommy laugh. “What are you even doing out here anyway? It’s the middle of nowhere.”.
Tubbo responded by picking up a flower on the ground and proceeding to eat it. “What?”. “Flowers, I eat flowers. There’s quite a lot of flowers here, which is honestly quite refreshing”.
“How come?”, “Where I come from, flowers are pretty rare”. “Shit, really?”. “Mhm”.
“Tubbo!” They could hear from across the field, they looked over to see a person in the distance, who then disappeared.
The moment they were gone, they reappeared right next to them, “Tubbo, don’t fly off like that! You scared me!”. “Sorry Boo! Didn’t mean to!”.
“Who’s this?” asked Tommy. “Ranboo, this is Tommy the naga I saw!”. Ranboo looked up at Tommy, somewhat frightened but remained calm, “Nice to meet you, Tommy.”.
“Nice to meet you too, Ranboo”. Ranboo was tall, if he were in human form he’d definitely be shorter but not only that Ranboo was definitely a hybrid with his monochrome hair and fur, accompanied by horns and a tail.
“What are you guys even doing out here anyway?”. Tubbo seemed to sadden a little bit at the subject. Ranboo seemed to be thinking of an answer.
But the puzzle in Tommy’s head pseudo answered for him. “You two don’t have a home, do you?”. Both of them looked in surprise at Tommy, “H-how?”
“You both don’t have belongings or food.”, “R-right, Uhm…”, “I can offer you guys a place to stay if you want?”.
“Really?!” Tubbo perked up, happily. “Of course, I’m sure my family wouldn’t mind”. He then got up and stretched, then reached his hand out for the two to hop on.
Little did he know, he brought home 2 new family members that day. Phil definitely can’t resist adopting more kids.
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bitimdrake · 3 years
I just want to through my two cents in about calling Steph and Duke (and Babs) Bruce's kids because I feel strongly on the topic. I call them his mentees. Or his students. To me, those designation can signify a strong intergenerational relationship without the implications of friendship or family. I hate when people call Steph and Babs his kids because I think it massively undercuts their canonical relationships with their actual parents. Duke I'm more nebulous on, but I think mentee works best
Yeah that's very valid! Like I said, I have mixed feelings about it, but they do lean more towards the negative.
I'm not going to comment on Duke, since I haven't read his stuff quite yet. (I'm so cloooose. Technically I actually have now read one issue with kid!Duke, but I don't think that really counts for knowing his character.) But for the other two--
Definitely a big part of my problem with it is the way it undercuts Babs' and Steph's actual parents in Jim and Crystal. And considering Crystal especially is so often just forgotten in general...yeah, don't like that.
With Babs, there's also something about it that can feel...kind of infantalizing, I guess? Which is weird to say, because Bruce has multiple adult children, and them being his kids doesn't make them less of adults. But with Barbara, post-Crisis, as Oracle, she felt so much like Bruce's equal--in a way I'd argue even Dick couldn't, because for all Dick is just as good as if not better than Bruce, he is still fundamentally Bruce's son and that dynamic never fully goes away--that it just seems weird for even Bruce to think of her as a pseudo-daughter at that point. Add that to the way Babs has been continually de-aged and treated as ever younger ever since the new 52 and...yeah, Barbara being referred to as Bruce's kid is definitely the one that grates on me the most.
Steph, on the other hand, is the biggest reason my feelings are a little mixed. Because I don't want to see Crystal erased or ignored, and Steph for sure isn't literally Bruce's kid or part of the Wayne family. But there's also...idk, the way that she is a teen, and she was Robin for awhile. And at the best of Steph and Bruce's relationship--which, admittedly, was rare--it felt very similar to Tim and Bruce or Cass and Bruce. Recalling, ofc, that at the time Tim and Cass weren't Bruce's kids either.
Tim and Steph especially could hit real parallels in their relationships with Bruce--whichever one of them Bruce liked at the time would have such a close and important mentor/protege relationship with him, but then still have their own parents at home, and not remotely think of Bruce as their dad. Until, that is, Tim agreed to adoption and that relationship swapped over.
(I do wonder how much the hindsight of knowing they end up adopted makes people act like Tim and Cass were Bruce's kids from the start, because there was a time when there were only parental undertones to a non-parental relationship, if that! There was a time when Tim found the idea of Bruce being his dad hilarious! And if we're remembering that Steph and Babs aren't Bruce's kids--which we should--then we should also remember that there were many years when Tim and Cass weren't either, and it's okay for relationships to change over time. But I digress.)
The other source of mixed feelings is that even though I don't think Babs/Steph think of Bruce as a dad, I think it's feasible that Bruce sometimes thinks of them very close to his own kids. Like, we gotta be real here: this is not an expressive dude who does a lot of fatherly actions, and also this is a man who mostly relates to his kids via vigilante work. So I can see how, to Bruce, the relationships might tread very close to his real parent/child ones--though they don't have to. But either way, that doesn't mean they literally are parent/child.
imo the real biggest problem here is that DC just never has any nuance to it. If Steph/Babs are referred to as Bruce's kids, then they're listed right alongside his actual children, depicted hanging out at the manor, put in the family portraits, etc. And that's...not the relationship they have.
(And tbh goes hand in hand with DC's tendency to play it infuriatingly coy about whether the non-Damian kids have actually been adopted in any given post-Flashpoint continuity, and whether they're Bruce's kids or his "wards"/"proteges"/whatever "only blood relatives count" bullshit we're doing this week.)
If we could have thoughtful moments about how Bruce felt like Barbara was a surrogate daughter when he was training her as Batgirl, but still has a distance he can never get with his actual kids-- Or Bruce and Steph navigating how she (justifiably) kind of resents him and doesn't think of him as a dad and just wants her mom, but he sometimes catches himself lumping her in with his kids-- Or any other twist on that! allowing for some grey area without ignoring who is literal family.
Alas, we don't get that. And I like your phrasing, so mentee/protege/student sounds like the best encapsulation to me in lieu of a longer discussion.
They got their own parents.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Show Pony
Chapter 6
Winds Change
Read on Ao3
Five days.
They had five days left together.
Billy tried not to think about it, but it was kinda hard to ignore.
Stalls were already being taken down, fair games being packed up into large shipping trucks to take across the country.
One of Max’s beloved funnel cake stalls had already met the way of the shipping container. She was pissed.
And yet, Billy and Steve did their best to pretend like the rodeo wasn’t coming down around them.
A perfect symbolism for their fling, or whatever, crashing down everywhere they look.
Billy spent days in Steve’s sweaty little airstream, brushing his fingers over that muscular body, calling him a hick and a horse girl and every other fake insult he could think of.
And Steve spent all that time lacing his fingers with Billy’s, winking at him from his place on top of one of his three gorgeous mares as he did victory lap after victory lap, roping calves in under ten seconds, slamming Billy against the walls of the airstream, adrenaline from the stunt still pumping through him.
The field saw them exercising Steve’s horses, taking a ratty blanket out there in the middle of the night to watch the stars.
And it was stupid, Billy pretending that this was more than just. A convenience.
Steve was on his knees, and Billy threaded his hands into that thick hair, tugging it this way and that, the way he’s learned Steve likes after some weeks of mewling whines.
Billy was backed up against the gate of the makeshift paddock, shielded by the prying eyes of the other rodeo workers by the long-set sun and the sounds of the day’s crowds filtering out of the grounds.
Steve pushed down, taking Billy’s cock all the way in his throat, breathing heavily through his nose, the nose currently pressed flat against Billy’s pelvis.
Steve was a champion at a few things: calf roping, horse riding, and dick sucking.
He pulled off Billy’s dick with a slurp, rolling his tongue along the head, humming slightly as he did. His eyes were dark, staring up at Billy, something like a smirk sparking in them as Billy fell apart.
He took a breath, ready to move back in and finish Billy off when there were footsteps.
“Steve! I gotta check Loretta’s hock.”
They both froze, Steve’s eyes going wide with shock, his lips still stretched around the cock in his mouth.
Billy had yet to meet Jim Hopper, the horse specialist that watched out for Steve’s three mares.
He guesses he was about to meet the man right about now.
Steve yanked his face off Billy’s cock with an unmistakable slurping sound that made Billy’s face go bright fuckin’ red. Billy fumbled with the fly on his shorts, and Steve took charge, roughly pulling the button closed and the zip up. It was a miracle he didn’t catch any skin with the quick action.
Steve was on his feet as Jim rounded the edge of the fencing, eyeing the two of them standing far too close, Billy’s face red and full of guilt. Jim raised a hand, his eyes closing as he breathed heavily out his nose.
“I don’t wanna know. Just let me take a look at your girl.”
Steve shrugged, acting like this whole ordeal was just another day at the rodeo.
Maybe it is, Billy’s brain supplied.
They were so fucking. Obvious. Billy could just drop dead right there on the grass.
Jim was a big dude. Beefy and broad, his face was clearly weather-beaten. Well, what of his face wasn’t covered with a graying beard and mustache. His left cheek pudged out slightly with what Billy realized was chewing tobacco when he spit casually at his feet.
“This is Billy. I told you about him,” Steve said with a smirk.
And Billy just about had a heart attack when Steve made a big show of wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, smirkin’ like the devil.
“Yeah, kid, I’m just here for Letty.”
The horses had been allocated to the horsebox for the night, as it was much warmer in there for them. Not that it was cold in San Diego at night, but still. Steve worried. Billy thought it was cute.
Steve led Jim off towards the box, clapping him once on the shoulder as he passed, making Jim groan and spit a dollop of yellow-brown saliva after Steve.
Billy felt like he was about to turn into some thick hot liquid shame when Jim gave him a bit of a once-over, raising one thick eyebrow at him. Jim’s mustache twitched, and he spit to the side before turning on his heel, following Steve to the horses.
Billy has never been more mortified in his life.
Steve’s mentioned Jim a lot. He always calls him Hop. Said Steve himself gave him that nickname. Billy has kinda sussed out that Jim is something like a pseudo-dad to Steve. The one to teach him how to really care for the horses. The one to teach him to properly tie a calf.
All the shit that Steve was made of, Jim taught him.
Billy had put together that Jim’s daughter was the one Max was scampering about the grounds with. Steve said he had adopted Elle when she was about seven.
His face gave something away when he said that. Making a look that said there was a story there, but Billy didn’t wanna ask.
It’s not his story to know.
Billy followed after them, keeping a wide enough berth from the pair that it was weird. He knew it was weird. But it was either this type of weird, or the weird of inserting himself into their conversation when Jim obviously knew what they had been doing seconds before he found them. Steve was about as subtle as a gun with those grass stains on his knees, wiping at his face like he needed to prove a point.
Billy lingered outside the horsebox.
Loretta had been lagging lately, and she startled whenever Steve laid a hand on her left leg.
Steve had just about sobbed when he told Billy he thinks she’s hurt herself.
Billy wished he had a cigarette right about now.
“Yeah, I think the poor girl’s just havin’ some inflammation. Probably tweaked her leg just right on the arena dirt.”
“Is she gonna be okay? What does she need?” Steve sounded more serious than Billy’s ever heard him. There was a weight to his voice that only reared up when Steve mentioned his father, a slight quiver in his words that made his anxiety palpable.
“She’s a tough one, Letty. Let her rest for about two weeks, only mild walking, and some ice at the end of the day wouldn’t hurt, either. We’ll talk after that and see if she needs anything more.”
There was something of a pause in the horsebox, and Billy held his breath, ignoring the fact that he was clearly eavesdropping now.
“You being careful with that boy?”
“‘Course I am.”
“Because I meant what I said last time. I’m not posing as your dad to get you an appointment at the clinic again-”
“ Jesus, Hop. I thought we agreed never to talk about that again, huh? And besides, I’m grown. I can make appointments for my own STD tests now. Plus, it was all fine.”
Billy nearly choked.
It’s not that he’s never had a scare before, and he and Steve were safe, but still.
“Good to hear, then. But you being careful ?” There was another silence from the box. One of the horses whinnied.
When Jim continued, it was with a much softer voice than before.
“I ain’t never seen you so attached before.”
The horse whinnied again, and Billy pictured Steve wrapping his arms around June’s neck and hugging her close.
“He’s under my skin now.” A scuff that sounded like Steve’s boot brushing against the hay-covered floor of the box. “First time I wasn’t ready for a fling to be over.”
Those words crashed into Billy’s gut, knocking all the wind out of him.
He suffocated on them, drowned in Steve’s melancholy voice as he said them.
First time I wasn’t ready for a fling to be over.
It stung at the same time it made Billy’s heart soar.
It hurt and it healed and it made Billy wanna throw up and lock Steve in his basement so he could never leave him.
Or maybe something less totally wacked-out and creepy.
“You know I love you like my own, but you gotta manage yourself. I ain’t judgin’, I just don’t wanna see you all hurt again.”
“Jeez, that was some real sappy shit there.” The mood shifted with Steve’s deflection, and Billy could hear footsteps leaving the horsebox.
He scrambled over to Steve’s little airstream, pretending he hadn’t been listening and freaking out over what he was hearing.
There was just. There was a whole lot to take in there.
Jim said he didn’t want to see Steve all hurt again, but also said he’s never seen Steve so attached before.
When had he been all hurt before if this was, in Steve’s words, the first time he wasn’t ready for a fling to be over?
And Billy didn’t want to hurt Steve, but it kinda, in a real shitty way, made him feel a little bit better that he wasn’t the only one ignoring the oncoming end out of sadness and a need to prolong whatever they had left.
That, and the added little bonus that Jim had once pretended to be Steve’s father to get him an STD test from a clinic.
Billy feels like he’s been punched in the face over and over again by that short conversation he heard. And he would know. He’s been decked in the kisser too many times to think about.
He leaned against the cold metal wall of the airstream as Steve came into view, Jim heading in the opposite direction towards the fairgrounds and the rodeo being shut down for the night.
Steve smiled at Billy, this soft, calm little thing that made the warm summer air even sweeter in Billy’s lungs and the words keep ringing through his head.
First time I wasn’t ready for a fling to be over.
He could see something in Steve, now that he knew what to look for.
How carefree and easy he seemed anytime he was around Billy, but those devastating moments when he seemed to bite his tongue against saying something more meaningful, or shied away from a briefly intimate touch.
Billy could finally see his own anxiety in Steve at their dwindling time together, and it broke his fucking heart.
Robin had warned Billy not to get attached. She told him Steve slept around and played the field and left before anyone could get in too deep.
But he wonders if Robin had warned Steve against the same thing. If she had told him that Billy was going to fuck and run. That leaving someone behind can sometimes hurt just as much as being left behind.
He hopes that if she hasn’t, she’ll be there for Steve. That she’ll pick him up and won’t let him break his own precious heart anymore.
“So, how’s Loretta?”
“She’ll be okay. Poor lady just needs some rest and some ice, and she’ll be feeling her best in a few weeks.”
Steve matched Billy’s stance, leaning against the trailer and tilting his face to the starry sky.
It was quiet out in the sea of trailers. Now that the spectators had all gone home for the night, the cheering crowds and amplified commentators weren’t reverberating through the open grass.
Instead, they could hear the rodeo animals that had been put in their nighttime areas. The many whineys and brays from different horses spread through the place.
The rodeo seemed so fucking magic to Billy.
Something like Heaven.
“I’m going soon.”
Billy doesn’t know why Steve said it.
They both knew that fact.
He thought they were both aggressively ignoring that fact.
“Yeah. You are.”
Billy didn’t know what to do with his hands.
He really didn’t want to have this conversation. Ever.
Because talking about it makes it real.
And God fucking forbid Steve breaks it off now and not in the allotted five days they still have to laugh and fuck and be free .
He pulled out his slightly crumpled pack of cigarettes, lighting one deftly.
Steve didn’t smoke. Said his grandpa died really horribly of lung cancer.
Billy knew this was going to be a serious talk when Steve didn’t make one of his usual snide remarks about Billy smoking.
“I just wanted. To be sure,” Steve trailed off, still looking at the spangled night sky. “We need to be on the same page.”
That we’re probably, most definitely, in love with one another but too stupid and too poorly timed and too tragic to say anything about it.
“I think we are.”
“Okay. Okay. Good. Because, I mean, I really don’t want to hurt you, and, like, our arrangement’s been the same since the beginning.”
That word.
It was a fucking ugly word for whatever beautiful thing they had between them.
It made Billy feel cheap, and used, and so fucking stupid.
And feeling like that only meant one thing for Billy.
He got fucking mad.
“So, that’s it then. You’re done with me. Onto the next poor sucker in the next shitty town that’ll fuck you through the mattress and hold your hand until you decide you’re sick of ‘em. Great. It was so nice being your fucking whore. Thanks for the. Opportunity.”
He wished he chewed tobacco like Jim. He would spit a glob at Steve’s foot. Probably make it land right on those stupid fucking red cowboy boots.
Steve finally looked at Billy, his face scrunched up and those beautiful eyes of his looking somewhere between lost and hurt and angry and confused.
“Billy, that’s not what I-”
“No. No, Harrington, I fucking get it. You go town to town, and feed these fuckers a sob story about how hard it is for you to connect with people, and that you’re lonely and your dad sucks, and all this other bullshit. When really, you’re just an insecure asshole with intimacy problems who’s too fucking stupid to get a fucking GED.”
The second the words were out of his mouth, Billy knew he had gone way too fucking far.
Steve’s eyes flashed, and his face seemed to morph right in front of Billy’s eyes. He was closing himself off right where they stood. Getting ready to chuck Billy away and never see him again.
And Billy fucking deserved it.
“You’re calling me an insecure asshole with intimacy problems? The only friends you’ve got are coworkers that only pity you because they can see how fucking pathetic you are. You beg for scraps like a fucking dog and the second things get tough you ignore it, or get angry at it, like a stupid goddamn child . You think you’re so tough. That you’re the only one with problems . You’ve got your head so far up your own ass that you don’t realize that shit sucks all over, and that everyone is just as miserable as you are, we’re just able to fucking make something out of ourselves instead of wallowing in self-pity.”
Steve’s little speech left Billy feeling dumbfounded.
He was seething with a rage he had never felt in his life before. Anger at himself, and anger at Steve for being so fucking right. For letting all of Billy’s flaws and insecurities tumble out of his mouth like they were nothing.
He took a long drag from his cigarette, leaning forward to put it out against the door of the airstream, leaving a tiny circular ash print on the painted cow. It looked like a bullet wound on the poor thing.
It’s how Billy felt.
“I hope your horse fucking dies.”
It was childish.
It was so dumb, and childish, and Billy really doesn’t hope any horse anywhere dies, especially Steve’s three wonderful mares, but he’s feeling something he thinks he could call jilted, and he’s hurt and upset and genuinely at a loss.
He didn’t let Steve get another word in. Just turned on his heel, and left the little cowboy behind.
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 5:
Redneck Woman
Red Solo Cup
Eloise smiles as Leo continues to ramble on about these boys who have clearly stolen his heart. She sips her black coffee and sets it down on the counter she is leaning against. Walking over to her offspring, that is a total of two inches taller than her, she kisses his cheek causing him to stop mid sentence.
“Was I rambling too much?” The red appearing on his cheeks made her smile, ruffling his hair that is in need of his yearly head shave. He swats her hand away. “I know it's long but because someone told me how to keep my hair healthy.” Looks pointedly at her as she snorts. “I only cut my hair once a year and it's a full shave.” He sticks out his tongue.
“Who even raised you to be so disrespectful?” She dramatically puts her hand on her chest, then tightens the ties on her robe. Giving him a motherly smile she thanks him as he puts some toad in a hole on a plate for her. “I don’t have my hearing friend in to help me listen to you,” She makes a gesture like she is swooning with her hand on her forehead and her hand fanning herself. “ GuSh, about your hockey boys. But, it is very sweet.”
“I really like them Mama… I think you and Daddy would too.” He focuses on his toast as he takes a bite and brushes the crumbs onto the floor, much to Eloise’s annoyance. She knows this is a sign of him wanting to trust his emotions but doesn’t want to jinx himself.
“Come here, let's get all the motherly squishing done before Clay and… what was his name? Rex?” She pulls him into a tight hug and crushes him in her arms with her old lady strength. He relaxes completely into her and hugs back just as tight but making sure not to hurt her. He makes sure to have his head on her right shoulder so she can hear him.
“Reg, his name is Regulus but we call him Reg. I think you should try and adopt him like you did with Clay. Pseudo Mother is just your personality now that you are so old.” He squeaks and gets out of her death grip hug as she pokes his ribs. “RUDE!”
She is still cackling as Clayton bursts through the door announcing his entrance, running into the kitchen.
“I smell food!” He hops on the counter and begins earring Leo’s breakfast. She pats his knee with a happy yet defeated look on her face. She has told him so many times not to climb on the counters that cost more than some people's entire house. “Mm! Ma, meet Reg.” He gestures to a boy who looks like he feels entirely out of place, she was going to tell Clay off for talking with his mouth full but she has a new mission now.
Protect this kid.
After making a mess and eating, Clay and Leo go out to load the trailer and Horses up for the drive to Texas where the rest of their team already is. Eloise has started on the dishes and looks over to Reg and nods him over.
“You know how to rinse dishes?”
“No Ma’am.” She smiles at him and pushes the faucet to face the sink in front of him.
“No need to call me Ma’am, call me Eloise. Now, you just run the dish under the hot warmer and get all the suds off. Make sure I don't miss any food or spots because I am just a helpless old lady at the end of the day.” She gets a small smile to form at his lips as she shows him exactly how to rinse. An easy task, but one that he was never taught. That triggers something in her head that makes her think he was told he only has one purpose in life. No one only has a single purpose in life. “Who are your parents Reg?” She notices him tense at the question and immediately regrets asking.
“Orion and Walburga Black.” Simple and straightforward answer. He doesn’t want to talk about them. She nods and hums in acknowledgement. Passing the last few dishes in silence, she drains the sink and turns to look at him.
“So, what did Marigold and Bluebell tell you to convince you to come with them this summer?” She smiles at him as his whole demeanor changes. He smiles that same small smile but he visibly relaxes.
“First off, Marigold… Bluebell? What the fuck kinda names are those.” Eloise laughs in surprise. “Second, we watched tiktoks half drunk together for two hours while the rest of the team socialized.” She nods her head, that does sound like what those two would do. “And Third, I have been needing to get away from my brother and his boyfriend so they can boink in peace and not have to worry about me hearing.” He looks at her and his smile drops off his face. “Sorry, Leo told me you were laid back and I thought it would be alright to share this type of stuff with-”
“Reg I think you are a wonderful man who is going to keep those two pea-brains in line while on the road. Maybe loosen up a little yourself.” She smiles. “Is it alright if I give you physical affection? I tend to be a touchy person and not realize it.” He pauses for a moment and then nods, she pats his cheek and smiles as the other two walk back into the kitchen.
Reg is still a little stunned when Clay throws his arm around his shoulder and jostles him around.
After kisses and hugs goodbye Leo hops into the driver's seat, Clay in the passenger and Reg in the middle seat of the back. Reg has barely seen a truck in his life but this vehicle was fucking huge. Giant. Thicc some might say. The first few hours of driving was a podcast that Clay was in the middle of listening to when he picked up Reg. Once that ended Reg descended into music hell.
He has come to the conclusion that most country songs are about the three G’s.
Guns, God, Goodies (meaning like titties)
He was absolutely taken aback by how Leo was screaming, we can’t call it singing its terrible, these songs that are the complete opposite of him. Clayton at least liked goodies. There was one song that will probably stick with Reg his entire life. Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson.
Holy shit. When that song came on it was like Leo and Clay were having a contest of who could sing it the loudest. So, Reg decided that for his first check in with the team. Which Sirius was making him do because he is paranoid. Reg decided he would turn around in his seat and film a video of him painfully smiling and giving a thumbs up to the camera as Leo and Clay scream at each other.
Clay sees Reg recording and flips off the camera still singing. An hour later they pull up to this massive ranch style AirBnB with stables and all. It must have cost a fortune. Reg hops out of the truck and feels out of place, Yeehaws everywhere. Okay, there were like three of them and this giant man with long hair and a braided beard, covered in tattoos just reading a book on the front porch.
“That's our tattoo artist, he travels with us because he is the only person Leo and I trust to tattoo us. You’d like him, his name is Hagrid. But, no time to chit chat! We need to teach you some of the basics, we’ve got a rodeo in two nights. I am competing on Leroy and Peanut is just here for fun. How about we teach you how to care for them a bit?” Clay smiles at him and Reg remembers he is with people who want to be friends with him… for him. Not because of hockey or his family, not because his brother made them. Just for him. Reg went willingly with Clay to watch Leo as he led the horses one by one out into a pen for them to roam around in for a bit.
Clay went into more detail about how they care for them and what he thinks Reg can do. It was night already so they decided to go inside, Leo asked around to see what people were hungry for and made almost anything after someone had got groceries.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” Reg was sitting across the island from Leo as he finished up the food, having watched him make the entire meal.
“Mama taught me how to cook when I was younger, it was the one thing I did that wouldn’t get me in trouble with the law.” He rolls his eyes at the thought of the sheriff and Reg decides not to press. “What do you want to do tomorrow while Clay practices?”
They got wasted. Mostly on jello shots, Leo taught Reg the trick: rim job, blow job, swallow. Leo had promised the boys he would call them, he didn’t want to do it drunk but he misses them like crazy. Drunk or not he was going to call them. So, there he is sitting on the balcony out of his bedroom waiting for them to answer. Finn picks up first, shirtless and sweating.
“Okay Finn, I love this” Gesturing in a circle at Finn who just smiles out of breath and wipes his face with a towel. “But I need you to calm down, because I’m a little tipsy and that means I’m very horny.” He smiles when Finn laughs.
“Well I’m glad to know that even on truth serum you find me attractive.” Finn sets his phone down but props it up on some books as he finishes his warm down stretches from his run he just came back from.
Then Logan picks up, in Leo’s T shirt he left for him last time. It was baggy on him and his hair was messed up from sleeping. The side of his face is a little red and there are lines from his pillow squished into his face. He sleepily smiles at the camera.
“Hi Leo.” Leo groans in response and leans his head back.
“You two are gonna be the death of me. Fucking Christ.” He signs and looks at Logan who is suddenly bright red but smiling back. “You’re beautiful Sweet Pea.”
“Really?” Logan looks at him with such big unbelieving eyes that it breaks Leo’s heart.
“Mhm you and Finn make my little heart do a pitter-patter every time I think of y’all.” Being drunk Leo’s accent is incredibly thick.
“You sound like a true southern man there, Le. How is Texas?” Finn is sitting on the ground criss cross with his hands resting on his knees. Logan has laid back down and snuggled up with his blanket on his side. “You’ve been there a day right?”
“Yes sir! I have been here for a full 27 hours now and I can say, it ain’t no Louisiana but it’ll do.” He shows off his chipped tooth and hears a trilling sound on his railing and looks over to see a mama opossum with her babies hanging on her back. He smiles and flips the camera. “Look at This Little Mama!” He reaches his hand out and she looks at it suspicious. Logan told Leo to stop and Finn said no, but he knows what he’s doing.
To their surprise, the mama just lets Leo pet her under her chin and Finn takes so many pictures. The opossum lets Leo pet her babies with his finger and he pats her head on last time before he goes inside to flop on his bed.
“So, We’ve been thinking” Leo lifts his phone to be above his face as he slowly starts dozing off. “We want to come out.” Leo’s eyes snap open and he drops the phone on his face, rolling over to his stomach he wiggles his nose as he processes what Finn just said.
“Wait, like all three of us or just your two?”
“Well, we thought we would leave that up to you…”
“I think to start, it would be safest for all of us, if you two came out together first. We can talk about me coming out when I’m done traveling this summer, okay?” They all smile at each other nervously and Finn notices a couple of watery sniffles from Logan, they were going to talk to Dumo and Sirius tomorrow. Maybe then they can talk more.
“Leo, do you want to move in… in the fall? Winter? I mean you don’t have too but I would like it and I bet Logan would too. We miss you.” Finn has his fingers crossed where the others can’t see.
“I would love to, let me give you my Mama’s number. She will be so glad to get me out of the house the rest of the year.” He laughs a little, they fall into a comfortable silence and Leo drifts off, fully dressed in his boots and everything. Clutching his phone like he never has.
Finn knocks on the Dumias door the next day. Nervous about this talk they are going to have with the other French speaking people. Finn can’t speak French so he hopes they don’t start speaking it because he will just up and leave. Logan opens the door and Finn can’t help the soppy smile that crosses his face when he sees Logan in his sweatshirt. He wondered where it went. Logan and Him walk into the dinning room where Sirius and Dumo are talking about new plays they want to practice. They look up when they enter the room and stand across from them.
“Dumo, Sirius I need you to mind your fucking business.”
“What he means to say is why did you tell Leo that he hurt Logan?” Finn translated.
“I was the one that hurt Leo! Leo did nothing and you guys fucking made him doubt us even more!” Logan crossed his arms and Finn rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
“What? That's why you were so sad? Because of something you did… Logan, I know we sound like broken records at this point but please start talking to us.” Dumo looks at him with a slightly frustrated look in his eyes but also worry. It makes Logan’s skin crawl.
“I think you meant well with the shovel talk, but Logan was the one who broke things off with Leo before it even started. He told Leo we didn’t want him and all this other shit that was Logan being… scared.” Finn feels Logan take his hand and interlock their fingers. He looks at the smaller man and squeezes his hand as a way to say, I’m here.
Dumo and Sirius didn’t get another word in before Logan was dragging Finn out the door. Staying at his apartment for a few days. Lo already has some clothes there and… they had to film something special.
Rodeo the next day went well. The after party was even better.
They were in a large steel building with everyone, concrete floors covered in dirt with people swinging dancing their hearts out. Leo was drinking and Clay was drinking, they somehow managed to lose clay about twenty minutes ago. Reg was getting a facetime from Sirius and answered it so Sirius doesn’t worry, the music is so loud that he can barely hear him until a less background heavy song comes on and Leo is humming it while drinking out of his red solo cup.
“Reg where are you!?” Sirius was yelling because it was so loud and Remus was in the background trying not to laugh.
“I’m at an after party! Are you with the team?” Sirius nods and flips the camera to show everyone and Leo’s eye catches his boys.
“FINN! LOGAN!” He yells super loud so everyone turns to face sirius’ phone. “IF YOU WERE HERE RIGHT NOW I WOULD TOTALLY SUCK YOUR DICKS IN THE BATHROOM! AT THE SAM- CLAY!” Leo sees Clay in the ocean of people and scurries off before finishing his sentence. Reg looks back at his phone and shrugs. Finn and Logan are bright red and getting chirped to hell for sure but the music is so loud that he can’t hear them.
“I’ll call you when I get back to the BnB!” Sirius nods and hangs up. Wrestling two drunk idiots into an uber is fine but getting them out was like untangling headphones that you left in your pocket for three years.
Just legs everywhere.
Hands? Don’t know how to use them.
Braincell? Reg has it.
At some point Clayton started crying because a guy he thinks he has a crush on has a girlfriend and he isn’t Leo so he can’t convince two people to love him. Very dramatic. Leo thinks he lost his phone, even though he gave it to Reg at the beginning of the night, and he is worried someone will find it and steal his nudes for their own. Reg doesn’t even know how to respond to that.
Waking up the next morning. Leo has a mild headache, but nothing that will stop him from driving. It was going to be a good day. Especially when Leo got his phone back and saw a tiktok notification from Finn and Logan.
They came out last night.
Time to wreak havoc.
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popatochisssp · 4 years
Are any of the new guys ok with being child free? (I keep having to explain to my fam how I'm NOT EVER going to have kids) And I'd like some solidarity from fictional skeletons.
Broadly speaking, I think all of them would be okay with that! In general, all the boys’ idea of the future is uncertain and something they need to work out with their s/o, so that informs the perspective a lot.
I truly don’t think ‘no kids’ or ‘yes kids’ would be an explicit deal-breaker for any of them, but in terms of where their thoughts naturally fall about the topic:
Pre-discussion/negotiation, it’s probably a no: Sky (Underswap Sans), Paps (Underswap Papyrus), Mal (Swapfell Sans), Rus (Swapfell Papyrus), Ash (Undergloom Sans), Brick (Horrorfell Sans), Merc (Horrorswap Sans), Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans)
Genuinely neutral or undecided: Sans (Undertale), Pyre (Underfell Papyrus), Papy (Horrortale Papyrus), King (Horrorfell Papyrus), Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus), Sunny (Gastertale Sans), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus)
Pre-discussion/negotiation, it’s probably a yes: Papyrus (Undertale), Jasper (Underfell Sans), Slate (Horrortale Sans), Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus), Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus)
But like I said... they’re flexible, because your relationship and the future they want to have with you doesn’t work without... well, you!
If you’re a ‘definitely no kids’ person and you see your skeleton in the ‘yes’ category, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed-- it just means a couple conversations about it to convey your thoughts...and depending on the level of gungho for having kids he is (most aren’t married to it), maybe agreeing to a compromise where you adopt an animal or two and be dog/cat/iguana/whatever-the-hell parents.
Same goes for a ‘yes i want kids’ person who sees their skeleton of choice in the ‘no’ section, that’s just where they are before talking it all out with you. Some time and a few conversations to understand where everybody’s coming from and how to move forward, they’re willing to negotiate.
Kids or no kids, neither is a deal-breaker, it’s all fine and you can work it out together!
Y’know what, while I’m at it, here’s just the basic thought processes of all of them, just to give a little peek into their skulls on the matter...
Sans (Undertale): Kids are fun, doesn’t have any particularly strong desire to have one of his own, but he raised his kid brother for awhile and he knows it’s something he can do, if it’s what you want.
Papyrus (Undertale): Kids are great and he’d be a great parent, he just knows it! You’d be a great parent, too! ...But if that’s not what you want to do, then that’s okay. There’s plenty of other great things for you to do together in life!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Kids are wonderful, but raising his little brother solo after their dad disappeared... That was hard and he definitely wasn’t ready for the responsibility. It was a humbling experience and he refuses to commit to having kids of his own until he’s sure it’s something he sincerely, passionately wants.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Feels awkward around kids, as a rule, and also kind of thinks of himself as a (mostly contained, at least) disaster of a skeleton. Is he ready for the responsibility of being in charge of a brand new being’s growth and development??? Not sure! Not sure at all!
Jasper (Underfell Sans): He likes kids alright... thinks about maybe having some of his own someday, the idea of a family is nice, in his head... but he definitely isn’t sure about the reality. Worries about if he’d be a good enough parent, or if his kids (if he were to have them) would resent him or just not like him. It’s a nice idea, but nothing’s set in stone for him.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Honestly never thought about it. Part of him fully expected to die Underground in some battle or other, or excepting that, he wouldn’t find a partner who’d want to be with him long-term, much less long enough that he could make a family with them. He’s not...explicitly opposed to it, but he also hasn’t given it a lot of thought at all. He’ll need time to sort out his feelings, whatever his partner’s opinions on potential kids are.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Terrified, petrified to have kids of his own. Being around them is...fine, but... He’s got a lot of issues tied up with his...parent... and having to be a pseudo-parent to his own brother at a very young age, it’s made him worry about repeating patterns and failing, hurting, damaging, or otherwise doing his own children a disservice, if he were to have them-- even as a grown and well-situated adult. If kids are something his partner really wants, they’ve got those insecurities to talk about with him for sure.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s actually really good with kids, he relates to them well and always just talks to them like people, so of course they love him. But having his own... That, he’s not sure about. He’s definitely a little bit of a disaster, and still working on a lot of Adult Life Skills, and the thought of being in charge of a whole entire brand new person is more than a little scary. Not sure if he’s ready for that step--or if he’ll ever be!
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Loves kids, and loves the idea of a big family. He’s had more than enough death, life is very appealing to him and a full house honestly sounds wonderful. ...But he does have some memory issues, a dash of narcolepsy, and some hard, dissociative days that make him worry he might not be a very good parent. He’d do his best to do right by his kids if he ends up having them, of course he would, but if that’s just not in the cards for him, that wouldn’t be the end of the world. He’s the one who’d definitely want to bring in some furbabies if two-legged babies aren’t on the table, and he’d still be a very, very happy man!
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He likes kids, but doesn’t have many strong feelings on having his own. He’d be alright either way his partner wanted to go-- as long as the two of them are together and safe and happy, he’s got everything he needs.
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Kids are fun, but honestly...oof. He’s got a chronic fatigue thing going on and keeping up with a kid for more than an hour or two at a time... he’s not sure he could hack it. Maybe he could, but that’s really something to think about before just diving in, y’know?
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Very good with children! They’re so curious and bright and he loves that about them! He’s got a lot of nurturing, caretaker tendencies built right into his personality, so he’s a natural at looking after and corralling them. He’s easily flustered and moves slow in his romantic relationships, though, so there’s a long timeline before the ‘should we have kids’ talk is even on the table, plenty of chances to share thoughts and work out a gameplan, whether that’s yea or nay. If yea, wonderful! If nay, he’d probably be just as happy babysitting friends’ kids and being Cool Uncle Papyrus as having any of his own.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): It’s... a nice thought. But he definitely doesn’t trust himself enough to feel totally comfortable having kids of his own. He barely trusts himself in Polite Society some days, and he’d just be too worried about not being in control and hurting or scaring a little one, especially a little one of his own. He doesn’t think he’d ever be able to forgive himself if he made his own kid afraid of him. Plus memory issues, nightmares, (depending on his fluency at the time) a language barrier... So ‘no kids’ is...probably preferable, but if it’s something you really want... maybe start with an animal or two first? The ol’ practice-baby pet, see how it goes kinda deal, and move forward from there.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Like his counterpart, never really thought about it much...but when he does, he decides he could go either way on it. If you’re not interested in kids, fine, that’s more time for just the two of you. If you are, well... he was literally a monarch that ruled over all of monsterkind, for a time--surely, he could manage to be a passingly decent parent, with you as his partner in the endeavor. He’ll take his cues from you as to whether it’s a yes or a no.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): His feelings haven’t really changed from pre-Famine. In fact, he’s probably more hesitant now, after so viscerally confronting the consequences of his own hasty decisions and having to face his own fallibility the way he did. The thought of being responsible for a whole small life is very nerve-wracking--especially if said proposed life is to be biologically his, because he really doesn’t know what the DT in his system (pre or post-integration) will pass on to theoretical next-of-kin, if anything at all. Maybe not a ‘never,’ but not a vigorous, enthusiastic ‘yes’ either, lots to think about...and maybe tests to run...
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): A couple years ago, he’d have been a little more in the ‘no’ camp, but now... He’s been through a lot. He’s struggling sometimes still, at least emotionally, but he made it, so y’know... maybe he’s capable of handling more than he thought he was. Still not a solid ‘yes’--he’s aware of his lack of filter and its tendency to cause hurt feelings, and he does like his peace and quiet, which kids are very much not conducive to, as a rule, so he’d have to put in some work and make some sacrifices-- but he’s no longer wholly a ‘no’ either. Depending on your own thoughts, there’s plenty of room to negotiate.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Kids are fine, he can handle them well enough, and even the thought of having his own doesn’t stress him out so much as it once did--he’s changed a lot, and been through a lot, taking a second crack at parenthood from a new perspective wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world--but he’s also not particularly interested in it. He likes his leisure time and his luxuries, and much as he’s sure he could find room in that to accommodate a child...he doesn’t see much of a reason to. He could be convinced, if it’s something that you really want, but he’d also stay childfree without a second thought to the matter.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Good with kids, like his counterpart, but also a little more capable and confident in himself and his ability to get things done. So... having a kid might be a little intimidating for him, but he generally feels like he could probably figure it out... and a kid might be a nice outlet for some of his caretaking urges, and extra motivation to keep fighting his phobia, to make sure their childhood is good and doesn’t suffer from them having a dad who’s scared to go outside. He definitely likes the idea of someone to look after and to be better for, but if that’s not for you, he wouldn’t force the issue. Would maybe want a furbaby though, instead, probably special needs that not everybody could/would be able to take care of (like Dizzy!) to fill that niche.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Kids are really cool and fun to hang out with--crazy little people, no filter, just running around, saying things, living life--they’re awesome, but he’s not totally sold on the idea of having his own. He does a lot of aimless life-living himself, and he feels like maybe that’s not the best thing for a kid. He doesn’t really have a career, he does things without a lot of planning, he goes places spontaneously, and... maybe that’s fun and exciting for a kid to be raised around, or maybe it’s unstable and harmful. He’s not really sure which and he probably doesn’t want to bring a kid into the mix until he knows. With a partner who’s a ‘yes’ on children and can help him co-parent and all that, sure, he’d probably be willing to give it a go. With one who’s a ‘no,’ that’s fine too, it’s a nonissue!
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): A little weird and stiff around kids, never totally sure how he’s supposed to talk to them or what he’s meant to say (especially when it comes to those things you’re supposed to lie to kids about, he’s very bad at that!!!), but he has nothing against children in general. As far as the idea of having his own... Well, if his partner wants to have kids, it wouldn’t be a no-- he’d just have to do a lot of research on the subject first, to feel more comfortable and to hopefully prepare, mentally, as much as one can ever prepare for this. After that, he’d be open to discuss and negotiate the matter with his partner from there, to sort out the logistics. With a partner who doesn’t want kids, though, he’d almost certainly never even bring it up on his own and honestly probably thinks of ‘childfree’ as the expected default rather than something quirky, nontraditional, or a deal-breaker.
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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chibi-pix · 3 years
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“When Balto was destroyed, we didn’t know what happened to you. But here you are, you’re back.” 
Okay, y’all, I’mmabout to put ya on a feels trip! But first, let’s go over a few things, okay? Now, my memory ain’t the best. But there are two things dwelling on my mind from when I watched DotU. First off, about Coran’s son. Yes, I know, in GoLion, his son and wife died, but in DotU it was said they were sent to another dimension for their protection. Okay, let’s put that on the backburner.  Now for the main thing. If I recall correctly, in DotU, though I sadly can’t remember what episode, Pidge was helping out a little girl when the people of Arus were rounded up and she got separated from her mother. Tammy was it? I don’t remember and that’s not important. What is, though, is my hopefully accurate recollection of Pidge saying that she reminded him of his kid sister. But after that episode, there was no mention, if memory serves me right, of a kid sister. Only Chip.  Now, we know that Voltron Force 2011 is not a direct sequel to DotU, especially when we look at Chip’s life on Balto and not with the Vehicle Voltron team; in fact, there doesn’t appear to be a vehicle team at all. But, it is a pseudo-sequel so some things from DotU could very well be relevant to VF. 
This, my dears, is where things get important and we go on a trip.  Now, my brain had thoughts around Balto; I don’t know if others had the same or if I saw it somewhere and I don’t remember, but here we go. Balto was originally destroyed. Older and earning fame and fortune as the DJ of Stereolactic, Pidge was able to work to establish life upon a new, uninhabited planet, named after their destroyed planet of Balto. This would include finding the survivors who did escape before their original home was destroyed. Which seems nice. Now here comes the potential feels.  Pidge and Chip. What if, in addition to being twins, they did have a kid sister. And that sister was Katie. Yes, the Katie we know (though sorta for such AU) and love from VLD. They both adored her. But they were both away, Pidge on Arus after being captured by the Drules and then escaping with the rest of his team, and Chip, in such case, probably training on Earth for a period of time with the Galaxy Alliance. Katie was on Balto, writing to them both and waiting for their return.  Balto’s final moments. Katie does escape, but something goes wrong. The ship/pod she’s in goes off course and hits a sort of rift where it somehow goes into a different reality. The VLD reality. Where she’s alone, scared, doesn’t know where she’s at, and ends up on Earth. She knows Earth, but she is quick to realize that this Earth isn’t the Earth her brothers would talk about in her writings. She easily deduces that by observing how others act, especially in their understanding of space and the fact that they haven’t even reached Pluto and Kerberos.  She’s alone on an alien world in an alien reality. 
Katie just keeps herself in her own little bubble, being an orphan in a strange place. She doesn’t end up talking about where she’s from or the fact that she isn’t Earthling (or fully? Are they fully Balton? Oh well...). She’s alone. Until the Holts adopt her.  Perhaps they wanted another child and were seeking to adopt already? Or perhaps she saw Matt in passing and thought he was Pidge for a moment and got excited. But he’s not Pidge. He just looks like him. But from there, she bonds with the Holt family and they end up adoption her at some point. 
Some ideas are vague. But perhaps Katie knows she’s adopted, but she stops thinking/remembering that she’s Balton, even with the ears. Perhaps she starts thinking that the twins she “remembers” were just imaginary friends she made up when she was scared? This could be due to the stress she first felt when she arrived.  And being called Pidge. For whatever reason, Matt decided to call her Pidge. But she couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to be called that if she lost her memory. If this idea if worked on more, I’ll figure out the details. But in the end, she expresses annoyance to being Pidge.  Until Matt and Sam leave for the Kerberos mission years later. She decides to let him call her that and she holds onto that name, knowing it felt important. 
So, we go through the same events and before we know it, Pidge is a paladin of Voltron with the others. Probably at some point, the others find out she’s not exactly human and she’s just as surprised. And possibly what she is isn’t in the castle’s database so she’s left with so many questions.  Until a mission takes them to another reality where the paladins are separated and scattered across the galaxy.  VLD Pidge ends up on either Arus or Balto; I’m thinking Balto now so Chip can call up the force and get their input because he’s confused as heck at the sight of another (and bigger) green lion. 
Prior to VLD Pidge crashing, VF Pidge and Chip had always worried about and thought about their sister, wondering what became of her. They often hoped to find any sign of her. Perhaps even using music with Stereolactic if one of the songs was a song/story they would sing/tell Katie back when they were all together. But years go by and there’s no sign. They sometimes feared the worst.  And then they see her exit the green lion after VF Pidge arrives on Balto to investigate.  VLD Pidge realizes they were real all along and even share the same features she does (in this case, pointed ears and orange freckles). And they see that she’s alive and well.  And they’re happy. 
Okay, that was a lot. I probably should have put it in a “keep reading”, but oh well. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Or at least the art. I almost kinda wanna work on the ideas more.  Well, until next time!
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I know of a heart like yours.
The sickening sound of a heart being crashed
The animated laughter that sounded demented
The shivers and chills that tear from morning to night, then back again.
I know everything, kid.
I know how it feels to be breathing, but feel like the dead.
To have your eyes open and be reminded of what's no longer there
To miss someone so bad, they keep you lost in dreams
You can't hide anything from me.
I've been there.
I'm still there.
"What happened to you, kid?" You ask, and I stare.
How could I answer that without breaking?
Your haunted eyes pierce mine. The pain in them was so like my own, that I would have lost my footing if you weren't holding me.
I search for whatever strength was left inside of me, but the tears still flowed.
"You made me lose you."
Sometimes the worst distractions do not come from the outside. They come from within you, and nothing anyone can do or say can pull your attention away from the invisible storm that only you can feel.
Peter Parker's heart is about to explode into a billion pieces of combustible dust. His head hurts. His throat feels dry and he could swear his saliva tastes like gravel in his mouth. His shoulders are bent and his legs and feet are firmly stuck to the ground, the weight of everyone's expectations keeping his whole body still, too still that not even Happy's murmured "Are you okay kid?" can bring him back out of the orchestrated walls created by his own mind.
He stays rigid, head bowed and eyes unblinking and blurry with unshed tears.
Blinding camera lights keep flashing all around him, the reporters rapidly firing their questions without pause. Pepper, Happy and Rhodey and the SI security team try their best to pacify them, but their efforts are in vain.
"Were you aware that Tony Stark planned to make you his successor?"
"What does it feel like to be the legacy of the saviour of the universe?"
"Mr. Parker, what are your plans for the future of SI?"
"Are you planning to be the next Iron Man?"
"Before the reading of Tony Stark's will, no one's ever heard of Peter Parker. Can you tell us why?"
"Why did Tony Stark hide you from the world?"
"Who are you to Iron Man?"
"How did you know Iron Man?"
"Why did Tony Stark choose you as his successor?"
"Do the Avengers know about you?"
"Peter, Peter, come on! Kid, we need to go," Rhodey's voice was pleading as he tries to usher them out while Happy shields them with his body.
Pepper urges the crowd to give them a path, going as far as to threaten them with lawsuits but they wouldn't even bulge.
Peter stays frozen through all the commotion.
Every breath feels like Thor's hammer plunging straight into his chest. Every second feels like an eternity too long. It would have stayed until…
"Mr. Parker, do you intend to follow your pseudo father's steps?"
Peter drew a gasp then, to everyone's shock and excitement.
His chin lifted from being glued to his chest, and his head turned to the reporter who asked.
The crowd quieted and they all waited in stunned silence as they were greeted with his red brimmed eyes, tears still fresh and pouring down his cheeks.
None of them expected the hollow laugh that came out of him.
How could they?
They couldn't possibly know that all these are news to him.
Peter knew nothing, thought he was nothing more than an annoying protégé to the man who apparently saw him as a son.
Peter didn't even know Tony Stark cared about him that way. He'd always let himself believe the man had only acted out of pity.
But now he knows, and he wanted to scream at how unfair it is to be told all these after the man had died.
He died for you.
He invented time travel because of you.
He risked it all for you.
He wouldn't have died if it weren't for you.
The voices inside his head are back with vengeance and Peter swayed and would have fallen without Rhodey there to steady him.
"You're going to be alright kid. We're going to bring you home safe and sound," the iron patriot promised in the same soft tone that everyone who knows his true relationship with Tony had been using since the end of the Infinity War.
Peter nodded but didn't speak. He could tell Rhodey believes his words, but Peter doesn't.
All his life, Peter's never really been a good liar. But this lie, even just thinking it is too much. He just couldn't.
"To Peter, my son…" the lawyer had said back in the boardroom as he read the last will and testament of Anthony Edward Stark.
"…I leave all my techs and Stark Industries, the latter to be received when you've graduated college and under the mentoring of my wife, Pepper Stark…"
"You back with us kid?" Happy's voice asked him this time, and he blinked to see that they had somehow managed to get him inside the limousine.
Peter bit his lip so hard, he tasted blood.
How could he be alright?
And where even is home?
He didn't even know he had one since May died. He felt barely alive when Tony took him in to live in the Tower. Even then, it had taken a while and a lot of angry outbursts from him, and patience from the man before Peter finally started to feel like he could build up the broken pieces of his life again. And then the fucking Infinity War happened and now…Now.
The glass shatters.
The car screeches to a halt.
Peter had punched the window, glass shards embedded in his hand when he pulled it back. Pepper shrieked in horror, while the men cursed.
Happy was yelling to get him out for some air, but Peter couldn't hear them, too busy having a panic attack.
"Breathe kid. Breathe with us," Rhodey encouraged. "You can do this. Just like Tony taught you, Peter. You got this kid. Do this for him."
And Peter breathed as if those were the magic words.
Because of course, he would. How could he not?
He'd do everything for Tony.
But Tony's gone now.
Just like his parents.
Just like his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.
And now Peter has no one.
For a boy who is no stranger to loss, this feels like the last straw keeping what's left of his sanity intact.
There are so many words he wanted to say to Tony, so many things he wanted to do with the man.
Now, he could only wonder what it feels like to be able to call Tony Stark "Dad" to his face.
He could have done it before, he supposes. He could have done so many things if only he'd known the man had adopted him and made him his legitimate heir.
But no one had ever told him. And just like every time, the universe was adamant to mess with his head and see him crumble.
Peter didn't even know he was more than a charity case to the man he saw as his mentor and hero.
Every time Tony did something parental for him, Peter thanked him but stomped down on the warmth inside his own chest. He convinced himself to believe it was all business for the man. Peter is Spider-Man. And Iron Man needed Peter to be Spider-Man so they could help save the world from chaos.
But Tony had made sure to let him know that he cared for Peter Parker as well. He never said it out loud, but Peter felt it evey time he'd ask about his day, about his friends, his classes and everything else important to him that isn't related to his alter ego. Tony had made sure to show up at his contests. He'd cheered for him and even treated him and his friends for a job well done. The man had spent nights in his room to calm him down from nightmares. He'd been there when he was sick, when he was wounded, when he was sad.
Peter was a mess, but Tony had been there for him to make sure he wasn't alone.
There were many times Peter wanted to cry to him, and just thank him for doing everything he'd been doing for him. But Peter held himself back. He held back because thanking Tony would give a name to their new normal. It would have overwhelmed him with a sense of family, and that more than anything, was the label that scares Peter the most.
Everyone he loved, everyone he saw as family, he had lost. And he couldn't do that to Tony.
Peter couldn't find it in him to believe that the man cared for him, truly loved him like family, in fear of adding a name to his long list of losses.
But he lost him anyway.
To Peter, my son, Tony had called him in his will, having chosen him as family if the adoption papers were anything to go by.
It was everything Peter had secretly wanted but never once believed he could have again.
But he had it. Apparently, he had even if he hadn't known.
Peter feels like a curse.
He really doesn't deserve to have anyone on his corner.
If Tony hadn't adopted him, he could have saved himself from the Peter curse.
Why did he even adopt him in the first place?
Why did he take him in?
He could have just offered money and paid for an apartment, but no. Tony insisted that Peter lived with him. And now he's dead because of Peter.
Tony Stark is dead, and Peter Parker's left trying to pick up the pieces left of his tattered heart and soul.
It's not even his first death of a family member, and yet this feels ten times worse for some reason he couldn't identify.
Mary and Richard Parker were lost in the plane crash when he was six. Ben Parker died in the mugging when he was fifteen. Then May Parker followed in a car accident a year later, half a year after he became Spider-Man.
You'd think that after four losses, Peter would be used to it by now.
But damn it all, he still isn't.
Losing someone never gets any easier no matter how many times it happened to him.
Thanos came with his army. The Snap happened and Peter died along with half the universe. Then it was reversed and Peter was brought back with all his fellow victims.
Peter had been shocked by Tony's reaction at seeing him alive. Tony Stark didn't cry. But at that moment, Peter felt his tears of joy and relief as he'd pulled him into a hug.
We're there, it screams. Like an echo in a whole room of silence, and for a second, only for a second, there was no war but only them. People broken and lost, but together, were mended by each other's presence.
If Peter had known how much the man cared for him then he would have hugged him tighter and not let go. But he hadn't and now he couldn't hug his mentor ever again.
Hours later after their short reunion, Anthony Edward Stark died saving the world and Peter feels like he died with him.
"Sssssh," whispered the soothing voice of Pepper as she pulled him into her arms. Peter could barely hear her through the noise of his guttural cries.
If only he was more conscious of his surroundings, he would have seen the pitying looks of the small crowd forming around them, would have heard his broken voice as he cried out the same word at the universe that took away everything he'd ever loved.
"Dad!" he sobbed, burying his face in Pepper's shoulder. "Bring him back! God, please bring him back!"
The rain started pouring.
The pain didn't stop.
Peter heard the voice again.
It never will.
A/N: Read the next chapters in the link below. Please don't forget to comment and leave kudos! 💞
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dented-nado · 4 years
So a little bird told me you were taking Sebwill prompts. I thought I should take advantage of that! May I request something along the lines of SebWill superheroes/villains? Maybe they are mortal enemies by day, and lovers by night?
This is such a perfect combination of my interests, I am so damn here for it. I hope you enjoy it!
This ended up a little long, oops! Lol! I also absolutely kind of made a soup of DC hero/villain origins and mixed them together for this lol. Bonus points to anyone who can spot every one that I made a reference to! :D
Years ago, William had hid in his room after a horrible day. He was only about 15, wishing he could just fly away and leave.
Then… suddenly he found himself lying on his ceiling. It had taken him several long moments of panicking to realize he wasn’t dreaming, longer to realize he could move around as he wished.
And so… he opened his bedroom window, and left home, never to look back.
Anyone who knew him now would be shocked to find that at one point, William T. Spears who stood so straightly and kept every bit of him tidy and proper… had once been a scruffy, scrawny little teenage meta-human wandering the streets of London, getting into trouble and being chased by the authorities trying to take him into and orphanage or foster care… or worse, back home.
William had learned to live off the streets. At a certain point he had even gotten a little cocky, he was so fast that no one would even see him as he stole whatever he needed or wanted. He’d lead cops on a wild goose chase into alleyways that he knew like the back of his hand, only to float away to the rooftops out of sight.
He didn’t really make friends either. He mostly just had a small pack of birds that he split some of the spoils from his day out with when they came to the cracked window of the abandoned flat he had hid in.
He had always heard of heroes… saving the earth from threats both domestic and extra-terrestrial. Hell, he had seen one of them blast through London. On one hand he was curious, if maybe he and that super-being came from similar origins. But on another hand… he couldn’t help but resent the whole idea of heroes.
They certainly never protected kids like him.
That was the first time William had a sort of haunting thought. He had escaped because… he just happened to have these abilities that he still didn’t know the origin of… how many kids out there weren’t so lucky that weren’t being saved??
Well… maybe he could save them but, well when he looked around himself this was a fine nest for himself, but more than one person? Potentially kids even younger than him? How would he even look after them? He was 17 now… maybe he could pass as 18 if he cleaned up a bit, then maybe if he had enough money by then he could buy a better place and own it himself. How much did houses cost? It couldn’t be that much if lots of adults had them right?
He’d start stealing things to sell, he decided. He could get away with it, surely.
Well, his plan had fallen short, when he had been caught, stealing the tires off a rather fancy car since he was sure he could sell them for quite a bit.
The presumed owner of said car seemed oddly amused and calm at a scraggly un-kempt seventeen-year old stealing the tires of her car.
It was then another person came around the corner rambling on her phone, she seemed almost the same age as William, though maybe a little younger. She stared at William and who William now supposed was this young lady’s mother.
William decided now was the time to up up and away out of there, only suddenly, in a red blur, the young girl had jumped up and pulled him back down, she was fast… almost as fast as him.
“Excuse you! You can’t just steal our tires and go!” She scolded.
William had tried to escape, he’d found it easy to lift incredibly heavy objects including cars above his head, but now he couldn’t seem to pull her arms off him.
“Let me go!” He demanded.
“Now young man…” The girl’s mother said patiently. “How about you land yourself right back down on the ground and we can see about helping you out so you aren’t out here on the streets stealing tires.”
William glowered distrustfully, still thrashing in frustration as the young redheaded girl pulled him back down to the ground.
“If you haven’t noticed… we’re like you. We can help you… if you replace the tires and calm down.”
William had bit his lip. He didn’t trust this strange red-headed mother and daughter pair but then again… maybe… it would be nice to meet other people like him.
Begrudgingly he had put the tires back on quickly, and hesitantly sat in the back seat of the vehicle beside said girl who had been grinning at him since she had pulled him down to the ground.
“I’m Grell, what’s your name boy?”
William stared at her like she had grown horns for a moment before finally answering, realizing he hadn’t said his own name in a while.
“William… you’d be rather handsome if you cleaned up a bit.” She teased with a small giggle.
 It was that decision that led him to where he was now. It turned out he had been picked up and adopted by a very, very wealthy family that practically owned half the city. He learned he was a meta-human, and certain supernatural genetics had caused his abilities to develop. While he had flight and a decent amount of strength down, he eventually found his most key ability was telekinesis, allowing him to move around almost anything with solid mass with his mind.
Grell seemed to have both flight and strength as he did, but she also was far faster than him and caused fire to ignite out of thin air. It suited her red hair and personality perfectly in his mind.
Grell and him also saw rather eye to eye on using their meta-human abilities to give more attention to the people trapped in bad homes that needed saving and she became a pseudo-sister to him. He found out her mother had taken Grell when she was only 9 years old and run away with her in the middle of the night. Running far away from the father who had treated them both poorly. Then, Grell’s mother had been lucky enough to find love, not even knowing she was going to be marrying into a vast amount of money, but that had certainly been a nice bonus.
Outwardly of course, they were both celebrities of sorts, especially when they turned 18, they became public figures. Grell flourished happily in the spotlight. William on the other hand… could handle being polite and interacting with others at important events, but he really did hate all the attention – he was relieved when… at night, him and Grell would dawn garments to hide their well known identities, and would do the vigilante style work of trying to find and save kids from bad situations, feed those who needed it, and punch a few robbers and other criminals on the way if it served them.
William did sort of understand the superhero dilemma more now. It seemed as if something was always happening that would distract from the “smaller” work. He had been more than frustrated when a man… no…a demon it seemed that controlled and moved through the shadows decided to make William his arch nemesis. There was no clue to who this man causing chaos could be. His entire face was covered, not only making it seem as if he had no facial features, but it also made William wonder if there was a man under there how he saw or breathed with that thing on. It was also clear when this villain spoke he had some sort of voice filter on that scrambled the tone of his voice, causing it to sound garbled and off-putting.
His only solace between the stress of his daytime persona, and his ‘night job’ – was the boyfriend he had managed to be with despite at all. Sebastian Michaelis. They had met at a gala, and despite himself, after one dance, William could already feel himself being swept off his feet by the raven-haired man with a mischievous glint in his eyes. And so… after that, he had made a point to see him. Grell had teased him that he was absolutely head over heels for the gothic man that stuck out like a sore thumb against the light colors most of the people at gatherings tend to wear. Sebastian was dashing in his own right… and well, William had been called “Goth lite” by Grell as well as their mutual friend Ronald Knox. So they had something in common.
It wasn’t long before William had to admit he was head over heels for Sebastian, and they had begun their romantic outings. Of course their relationship eventually got media attention, they couldn’t go on dates for long without someone recognizing them. Somehow though, while it seemed Sebastian was also someone who reveled in the spotlight much more than William, the way Sebastian would hold him or rub his back soothingly made him feel more confident in handling such attention.
After about a year and a half of dates and nights spent together, William officially asked Sebastian to stay with him in his apartment. It was more of a condo than an apartment, but William didn’t like that word much. It was one of the properties that had been gifted to him that hadn’t been turned into a high-quality rescue shelter for children.
William… hadn’t told him about his night life yet, and Sebastian always seemed to take his word for it. It wasn’t he didn’t trust Sebastian, in fact he was beginning to feel as if he’d do just about everything for this man. Yet… well, vigilante-ing was dangerous business, even if you could fly and move things with your mind. He swore he’d tell Sebastian about his night life well before they got married.
But for now… he enjoyed moments like this, laying on top of him while they slept, ear pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat for comfort. Sebastian would often run his hand through William’s hair, effectively petting him until the stern man slept. He didn’t want these quiet, comforting moments to ever end….
…and he’d be damned if he let any sort of super-villain or threat come between them.
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt. 1
Ahh! I know I said I was going to post about the start of my book 3 reactions, but book 3 had so much in it that I couldn’t stop reading it. There are like 3-5 arcs that went down in book 3. You know, I feel as though book 3 takes up the majority of the content in TGCF. There was so much in it.
((Hm, I might actually have to split this into a lot of parts depending on how many notes I put in, should I divide the rest of this by what I think are arcs? I think I might do that))
Now onto the reactions, starting at the beginning
Ch. 89: Xie Lian stabs near Qi Rong
- Me: Oh thank god. Xie Lian didn’t stab him, but now the tension between them from book 1 is now redefined in my head
Xie Lian uses Hua Cheng as a threat towards Qi Rong
- Xie Lian now has an ally in Hua Cheng and isn’t afraid of asking him for help
Xie Lian actually feels guilty of asking Hua Cheng for help and it was just a ruse earlier. Think he is behaving too familiar with Hua Cheng
- Me: No you aren’t. It’s okay to ask for help
Shi Qingxuan and Pei Ming are confronting one another. Pei Ming is warning the Wind Master.
- Me: Hm, Pei Ming’s words towards the Wind Master makes me think of a weird parallel to Xie Lian
Descendant of Pei Ming’s got sentence to exile after the Rain Master beat him up
- Me: Who was thrown down, I wonder. Is it that same guy who is the officer of Ghost City?
Xie Lian suddenly remembers -his adopted child- Lang Ying.
- Me: *facepalm* Now you remember the child you pseudo-adopted 
Speed Run Through Lantern Festival Reactions. See the Book 3 post before this for summary
Lantern Festival
- Me: Ling Wen can change genders? Is she considered gender fluid now?
- Xie Lian is skilled with Chopsticks if he can close a curtain with one
- Qi Ying of Quan Yizhen must be important and the tale connected to him must he more than what meets the eye.
- Feng Xin had a lover?
Lantern Festival shows the Banyue Arc stage adaptation by the merchants for Xie Lian’s play.
- Me: ... Alright. Props to that
- Is Shi Wu misogynist? I hope not, but considering the time period, there is not much to hope for.
- Heaven believing Hua Cheng is doing something suspicious to Xie Lian
Xie Lian needs to find food & takes up random jobs. Thus a case with a strange spirit that attacks pregnant women
Ch 94: Xie Lian has to crossdress like a woman again, but this time a ‘pregnant’ woman. He hears the ghost child
- Me: Who is this Ghost Child?
The spirit is targeting the children who are eating
- Me: Fuk! NO! Not the kids
The spirit, if swallowed will make him look pregnant. Xie Lian thinks if that happens, he will swollow Fangxin after it
- Me: Xie Lian, no
Ch 95: Hua Cheng dives into the water after Xie Lian in his dream(?) and kisses transfers air to Xie Lian
- Also me: You know, that’s not how it works. What the two of you are circulating is Carbon Dioxide since you are breathing it out... Unless if Hua Cheng’s weird ghost biology makes him breath out oxygen instead.
Xie Lian is so flustered that he can’t think straight and blurts random stuff. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian have a moment when it is revealed that Hua Cheng teleported them to Ghost City
- Me: Holy shit, that is something. Wait, isn’t Xie Lian technically asleep still? What happened to his physical body?
Ghost in Ghost City all know how lonely/thirsty Hua Cheng is and immediately tries to ‘help him in his woes of love’, but go about it the wrong way. Hua Cheng: “SCRAM!”
- Me: lol. Why do I find that so funny?
Going to stop this here cause Ghost City is chaotic and long. I might just divide by arcs instead of chapters with how much I have in here
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