#another dnd character of mine!
raes-art · 1 year
Started 30/6/23 & finished 6/7/23 - 6h 44min
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druidberries · 1 year
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"It was for the greater good I swear!!"
another butterberries collab ofc! you can check out @buttertrait's post here!
max showed me this meme and then stumbled across the poses by @surely-sims and we just had to recreate it!
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psikind · 10 months
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tfw your extremely annoyingly religious paladin keeps having freudian slips
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sosei · 1 year
I have been considering renaming my WoL for AGES because I am horribly unhappy with the surname I gave him when I had Zero investment in the game. Problem is, I don't like any of the grand total of Two Seeker surnames that are canon.
I know I can say "screw canon compliance" and go with whatever, but that puts me in an even harder bind, that of decision paralysis.
Tbh I'd just drop the surname entirely if that was an option...
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coldtortelloni · 8 months
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get this cunty ass elf off my page NOW???????
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supportivecircle · 2 years
a drawing from the sonic dnd campaign i ran
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the group crashed at tangle’s messy apartment (not depicted in full) while in spiral hill and tangle gave the pangolin barbarian advice on how to use her new cell phone and also advice on flirting with the goth witch girlfriend she made two towns back. the witch subtly hinted that she likes strong hands and being choked in a romance in order to walk the fine line between life and death. tangle doesn’t judge. this is like one of the only drawings I made and saved during that campaign.
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I am a very serious storyteller. I definitely did not call one of the largest and oldest cities in my story setting "tall sheep hill". My brain definitely doesn't go "hehe...tall sheep :]" every time I have to figure out something relating to it
#almost called another city 'hill forest hill' but the etymology didn't quite work out so it's actualy called 'stone forest hill'#anyways. uh. wish me luck in my endeavours of making a playable dnd campaign for my friend within this setting because i sure as hell am#not making it easy for myself to learn how to dm#i *do* want to see what kind of character said friend wants to make because while i'm not going to send them off to recover some ancient#relic sealed off in a vault at the edge of existence there's so much fun stuff to show them around#oh man i hope our campaign goes to raven's cradle. i need more people to know about the festival of lights#would probably help if i decided what all it entails given that it has localized traditions and raven's cradle is quite a cultural melting#pot simply by virtue of being a port town. ver thramness definitely is the originator of the fireworks but caran segra seems more the#letters-in-cliff-face type y'know? and it'd make sense if it was an iteration of a raven's cradle tradition since they established that#particular mining outpost. i think irva tershin stakes their candles into the ground and irva vernist passes the flame from person to perso#and in a way it's so unafair the king's castle is where it is y'know? because the flowers and luminescent powder do not reach the shore.#because the sun sets by the time those brought up in the north or in the marshes and highlands reach the shore.#and in a sense it is all environmental storytelling but also. noo the festival </33#boo rambles#unrelated#(irva tershin is tall sheep hill btw)
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executiveibex · 2 years
yes it is mildly upsetting where Echo is, mentally speaking, at the end of "The Siege of the Lineage Brighton"........ but it really, truly delights me when players consciously, and with great zest and love for the story they're telling, choose to have their characters make incredibly in-character decisions that are just the worst.
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liliavalley · 3 months
i love posting on cara. would love to have art to post someday
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angelgendered · 7 months
Me, firing my transification beam with wild abandon at every single original and canon character that I like, just cause it's fun to think about: WHEEEEEEEEEEE
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cripplecharacters · 13 days
hello! feel free to ignore me if this is slightly outside the boundaries of this account, but i'm a tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg) designer looking for opinions on mechanics for disability in games.
my game specifically covers a lot of themes that, while not about disability, would make me feel remiss to not include some explicit mention of how physically/mentally disabled characters fit into the greater picture of the game. it has a specific focus on telling stories of diverse characters, for one, and on fighting the unfair capitalist systems that harm these marginalized groups.
my issue lies in how, exactly, to both treat this topic respectfully and make the characters not feel out of place or unbalanced. i've considered several options, and was curious to hear from a physically disabled perspective how to proceed (i am mentally ill & neurodivergent, but to my knowledge not physically disabled).
option one: mention that disabled characters of all kinds are encouraged, and talk about roleplaying them or provide resources for how to handle them respectfully, but don't apply any specific rules with hard mechanics or numbers to them. this option is least likely to be inadvertently misconstrued or written poorly on my part, but may make disability feel like a "flavour" side note.
option two: provide examples for some common disabilities on the mechanical effects (such as a low vision character rolling less dice on rolls to notice visual details) without any "counteracting" mechanics. this one gives mechanical weight to disability, so it feels less like an afterthought, but may discourage people from playing disabled characters as they would be more likely to fail than other characters.
option three: the above, but with mechanical incentives for roleplaying in a way that acknowledges the character's disability. a "benefit", but less "giving a blind character echolocation" and more "gain XP for showing your characters disability and any aids they use" (similar mechanics exist for following your character's goals/personality traits). this would make disabled characters be more on par mechanically with other characters, but i fear it may come across as... viewing disabled characters as not worth it without some sort of benefit, i suppose?
apologies for the long rambling message, but i'd love to hear which of these options (or another suggestion) you'd be happiest to see in a game written by someone who isn't physically disabled! this is far from the focus of my game, but it's still an important part of the greater theme that i'd love to be able to get right. thanks! (similarly, if there are any groups not covered in the "underrepresented but common disabilities" post from your FAQ that you'd want to see in a game, i'd also be happy to hear those!)
First things first, thank you so much for thinking about this! This isn't something that most TTRGs consider and, as a massive nerd who plays DND, Pathfinder, and other tabletop games, this has always been a big pet peeve of mine since making a disabled character is always unnecessarily hard to do with the game mechanics and rarely works out well.
Most of the time, I have to talk to my GM about how to make it work in their game and, unfortunately, I'm often told they won't allow it because it's "too much trouble".
This is all just to say, I really love the idea here and the fact that you're actually thinking about these things and wanting to do well by them is great!
Now, taking a look at the options:
Option One
One of the unfortunate things that I see a lot is people that are too scared to get something wrong with representation (Or social justice on a broader scale) that they don't try to do it at all. With this current era of cancel culture and people's reactions to what they deem 'offensive', it's understandable to be a bit apprehensive but if you're approaching the subject from a place of respect and you're receptive to learning and improving, most people will appreciate the effort.
While this option does sidestep the main issue you've identified, I do think it sidesteps the attempt at making disability part of your game as well. You can encourage people to make disabled characters all you want but without any real content for them in the game, it won't do much.
If you do go with this option, I'd strongly suggest including some information on the culture of your world and how it relates to disability, both to provide more substance to the content and to give players a bit to go off of when making a disabled character.
Option Two
I like this option much more than the first one, though I do agree that it may discourage people from choosing to play a disabled character.
Within the game mechanics, I think it makes a lot of sense to have these kinds of effects but I would encourage you to include more variety with it. Disability isn't 'one size fits all' and two disabled people can have different needs, strengths, and experiences -- even if they have the exact same disability. Instead, I'd suggest going for a slightly different model that includes more choices.
For example, a character with low vision may:
- Roll lower on perception checks involving vision
- Have disadvantage with ranged weapons/attacks
- Have lower rolls/less success in dim lighting
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Having more options for how the character's disability affects them allows players to make a choice for how they want to play the character while also encouraging them to think more about how their character's disability might affect them and impact their life.
The examples given are all reflections of how blindness can affect somebody. Blind spots or blurry vision can make it more difficult to notice certain visual changes, severe nearsightedness can make it difficult to aim/focus on things that are far away, night blindness can make it difficult to see in the dark or in dim lighting, etc. That being said, there are dozens of other ways to go about this (Though I'd advise sticking to five options per disability at most to avoid overwhelming people).
Option Three
Personally, I like this one and the second option the most. Although I understand where your concerns are coming from, it feels less like it's implying that disabled characters have to be 'worth it' and more like it's just balancing it out.
Like with the second option, I'd suggest going for more of a choice model here where the player can pick what 'benefit' (For lack of better word) that their character has -- or even to choose no benefit at all.
Many physically disabled people develop our own skills or tools to compensate for where we struggle, whether this is an intentional decision or just something that happens.
For example, my boyfriend is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair full time. As a result, he has kick-ass upper body strength from it.
Similarly, many deaf and hard of hearing people are more observant when it comes to visual cues and many blind people are more sensitive to other senses (Though, of course, the whole 'super senses' thing is a myth).
While this isn't true of all disabilities or all disabled people in general, it is something worth considering.
That being said, if you do decide to implement this option, make sure that the benefit makes sense for the disability or is related in some way and isn't just something random being tacked on -- that would make it seem more like a 'disabled characters need to be worthwhile' thing.
As a few extra notes:
If you go with the second or third option, I'd suggest separating the different stat effects into different types of disabilities. You don't need to go too into specifics with it but something like 'low vision/blindness/vision loss', 'deafness/hearing loss', 'limited mobility', and 'chronic illness' would work. While disabilities are more nuanced than this in real life, setting it up this way would keep it pretty simple and allow players to tweak the mechanics slightly for their own characters.
If you go with the first option, I'd probably avoid discussing how to roleplay disabled characters. Because roleplay and character development is much more open than stats and game mechanics are, showing one or two 'proper' ways to play a disabled character is more likely to reinforce stereotypes, dismiss certain experiences that disabled people have, or just come across as more of a 'lecture' than anything. The same goes for including information on what to avoid. I'd stick to providing information about your world and how disabilities are seen in them instead of giving instructions here.
I'd suggest including ways for players to bypass the mechanics of disability if they'd like to, even if their character is disabled. That would allow for a bit more freedom with how they portray their character and would also ensure that they aren't being 'penalized' (For lack of a better term) with their stats for playing a disabled character. As a bit of an example of what I mean: A character in DND could have been a criminal growing up without necessarily taking the Criminal/Spy background.
In general, I think as long as you're approaching this respectfully (Which you are!) and reaching out to physically disabled people for their input (Which you are!), you don't have to worry too much about misrepresenting it.
~ Mod Icarus
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AITA for setting a boundary on a Minecraft server that I didn’t want to interact with one of the admins after he quit my partner’s dnd campaign?
I (20, nonbinary) was on a lgbtq+ discord and had become friends with a trans guy (henceforth referred to as A) who was a minor. This was easy to forget as he made raunchy jokes, got drunk and high on call, and I have horrible memory issues (so I often opt to just remember people’s names and topics I should avoid around them via making little notes.)
We would very often end up in a vc together with others from the server, including our respective partners, chilling, playing games, sharing fun things we found. (His partner will henceforth be referred to as B, and mine as C) (I had known his partner before from another server and was happy to see them getting along then eventually getting together)
(C especially would always give advice like “if you’re drinking, make sure to eat/get some carbs, drinking on an empty stomach is bad!” Because they love researching medical effects to make their writing and worldbuilding feel more realistic)
There were a handful of incidents where I believe I was the asshole
I loved showing off games and musicals to people, and this has the unfortunate effect of sometimes unintentionally saying words that anger people.
Incident 1) I was playing a game and mindlessly saying location names- and I got a dm- I pause to glance at it- and I got a message saying “hey remember [redacted] is A’s deadname and he’s uncomfortable that you keep saying it”. I pause, make a mental note of “but. It. Wasn’t directed at him?” Then continue playing, dodging saying the name for the rest of my time showing the game.
Incident 2) I was showing off a musical I like- and there’s a cute scene where a character suggests a name for another character, saying that they don’t need it anymore, and it just so happened to be A’s deadname again.
Incident 3) I was playing Sea of Thieves solo- and struggling. I’d been hit by lightning, and now was being attacked by a shark. A and B were making fun of the fact I had slipped into an accent out of sheer panic so I (enraged and not thinking at all) said “I’ll name the damn shark after you, fillet and gut it!” (A really likes sharks. I also like sharks but apparently not as much as him)
(I apologized for this on call later, saying that I was emotional and mad, and if I’d been thinking I wouldn’t have said that. I also apologized for the previous incident about the deadname)
A and B had also joined C’s dnd campaign alongside another one of our mutual friends, D (who did not leave the campaign, but that’s not important right now). I have reason to believe C told the others they couldn’t be either of the two classes I said my character thought they were, but I don’t know. Things went great (or so I thought) we got some plot trails (one connected to the race of my character, one being D’s character’s family) and everything seemed fine- A was flirting with a lot of the enemies and NPCS (C found the character arts via google images and unfortunately ‘attractive’ seems to be a main character design commonality)
Then one day, I woke up to check the campaign discord because of a ping and noticed both A and B had left the server and there was no new messages- confused, I hopped into call with C- who explained that A had dropped a long list of accusations about Myself and C, essentially insulting us and accusing us of things like ‘sending NSFW things to kids’, ‘acting like the victim’, ‘naming a character A’s deadname’, ‘DM favouritism’, and a whole bunch of other things. I was- shocked.
(A also apparently messaged D and said something like “sorry for ending the campaign like that, if you want to use your character you can always write with me!” And got angry when D said they didn’t leave the campaign.)
(C is also a generally sex-repulsed Asexual. They were forcing themself to become more comfortable with it because of A’s raunchy jokes)
This was followed by some harassment from A and B.
A tried publicly calling out C on social media (which C had only used to make a single post sharing something they had made for someone’s art/design) for “sending nsfw things to minors” and on another platform for “being a fake ass bitch”, as well as both of them heckling a new haircut I’d been nervous but excited to try and get for years and just figured out how to ask for (responses such as “omg no ew why would you do that”), as well as A saying “no I don’t” a picture I shared of C and I going to see a musical together with the caption “you wish you were here!” (All were shared and reacted to publicly on the discord server)
(To be fair about the haircut- the stylist had cut part of it a little too short and it made my face look especially chubby)
This is where I start to feel less like the asshole
So I went on the discord for the Minecraft server and said “hey, I don’t feel comfortable interacting with A after the allegations they’ve been making”. A immediately got defensive and angry about me saying “allegations” and kicked me from the discord before I could defend myself (and C).
I explained the situation to the admin of the server we’d met on, who also owned the Minecraft server, and apologized to them that they had to moderate. Both A and I lost our mod privileges on the discord, and I also found out A had been given multiple “cease and desist”s for… saying/sharing vulgar/nearly nsfw things on the discord before. And they did it again. The reason they were never banned or kicked was that the admin had made it in hopes that A would make friends.
Now. To a part that still horrifies me.
A legitimately found out C’s mom’s number, and called her to insist that C sent NSFW things to minors. (C suspects that they got it from a time C called the police out of genuine concern for A who hadn’t responded to any messages in around a day)
C also told me that the most they had sent A was like. Attractive anime guys from the first page of google images because C really liked big anime man chests. A apparently sent C full on p*rn once.
The problem is- I feel like I was the asshole- even though most of the “incidents” were accidents because I try to not remember someone’s deadname because- it’s? Not their name anymore? And it didn’t help that I genuinely do not remember being told it was their deadname until after incident 1.
Was I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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vitaeplaysda · 24 days
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Finally a complete set with all my planned Rooks! It's just a first take, depending on the CC and the game and how I will feel in the next months they will change for sure. Also the clothing is all random. Purple because... it's Rook. Time to go back to Elgar'dad, commissions and other artworks. I will talk about them under the cut!
◆ Nadir "Lil'Rook" Lavellan
Elf ◆ Transmasc nonbinary ◆ he/they Antivan Crows ◆ Orb/Knife Mage (Spellblade)
My little baby, my firstborn, the first Rook I designed. Used to work as a lil kid in Skyhold's kitchen, until he met the demon Enfenim in that abandoned library hidden there, befriending him (it's another OCs of mines, check my pinned!)
Long story short he gets adopted by my Lavellan after his magic manifested, in the kitchens. Near boiling oil. The left side of his face and shoulder is covered in burn scars. Still he grows up to be a great but VERY unlucky mage, to the point he considers himself bad news and slowly starts to embrace this side of him in a selfdeprecating way. After yet another incident, he leaves her mother and their community, deciding he wants to make just one single good thing for her: finding Solas. Hiding his identity he ends up joining the crows, finding out he's quite good as an assassin. Relationship wise I brutally ship him with Elgar'nan, but more specifically he's in a weird... double triangle romboid (?) relationship with also Sulenan and Bellara??? (aka Sulenan also has a relationship with all of them but Bellara and Elgar'nan don't deal with each other.... unless the game will state otherwise >:D) He's hella young, in his early twenties, but usually fakes his age and tries to pass as someone older. He's also the shortest elf you'll ever meet.
◆ Saara(?) "Rook"
Qunari ◆ female ◆ she/her Veil Jumpers ◆ Bow Rogue (Arcane Archer)
She's meant to be the real Rook, you know, the one who Varric recruits. Qunari who was taken in by a (very open minded) Dalish clan. I'm still unsure if she was born in the Qun or not, in any case she embraced the elven culture as her own. She can be considered diplomatic and understanding, a good bean. The idea behind her is linked to the Qunari having metallic like skin... I wanted to make a golden one since they're usually grey in games. I'm not sure about the name Saara just because I remembered now Sera has a very similar sound. We shall see if I'm going to change it.
◆ Sulenan
Elf ◆ Male ◆ he/him Shadow dragons ◆ Two handed Warrior (Slayer)
I idealized him as a... mortal form Elgar'nan would use to mingle and learn the hell has happened while he was gone but he became a whole unique character. A Liberati of dalish origin, he's one of the angriest characters I have, hating humans for what they've done to his people and their rotten society, hating the chantry for its comforting lies, hating the elvhen gods because... well apparently they're evil now. In the end he's just very lost and heartbroken, desiring only for things to get better. Alas he's also practical and knows you gotta make your hands dirty if you wanna achieve anything. Headcanon wants Elgar'nan can control him through Vallaslin, I also fantasized about Sulenan sharing the same blood of his god. He feels comforted by Bellara's presence tho, his "Official" relationship it's going to be with her. For the headcanon chaotic one check LilRook above 👀
◆ Anarca
Qunari ◆ Agender nonbinary ◆ they/them in game but any pronoun works Mourn Watch ◆ Staff Mage (Deathcaller)
It's just... chaotic. Take the Dnd core rules and turn them into a person. They're unpredictable, at times taking a kind choice, while another time they will act in scary ways. It isn't like they don't like rules and push against them, for Anarca rules simply aren't part of their world. Beside their peculiar behavior, Anarca loves to experiment but mostly they want to have *fun*. You want to see the skeletons dance? You'll have that. Look wise people are always scared as they're extremely tall, most of their face half covered by hair with just their horns poking out.
◆ Veronica
Elf-blooded Human ◆ Female ◆ she/her Grey Wardens ◆ Shield Warrior (Champion)
Melancholic gal whom had to join the wardens in order to survive not so different from the Hero of Ferelden and also the token human (?) of this group. While she has a rooted sense of duty which made her a good warden, she still misses and fantasizes about the kind of life she would have gone through if she stayed among nobles, instead she had and still has to fight monsters and to come into terms with her Calling being closer than not. The idea was to have her romance Emmrich, letting her coming to term with the concept of death through him.
◆ Raibeart
Dwarf ◆ Male ◆ he/they Lords of Fortune ◆ Daggers Rogue (Sabouter)
The cheerful and funny guy of the group but also the most clueless one. Honestly he doesn't know why he joined the Veilguard... he probably doesn't even know he's part of the Veilguard. Still, he isn't one to ask complex questions to himself or others, somehow he's able to work with whatever is at hand, navigating through every situation, hopefully bringing a smile on people's face in the meanwhile. He's goofy but still charismatic and enthusiastic, a disney princess in the body of a burly pirate drawf.
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thydungeongal · 1 month
Since we are apparently recounting our best 'combat as roleplay' moments, let me add mine.
The party was fighting a swarm of bloodbugs (forgot their real name) alone in a desert, and another PC lost control of his dhampyr nature. He went into a bloodrage for the first time, and my zealot character saw it.
Long story short, we ended up in PvP to the death, and it was as dramatic as could be. We had both designed our characters well, and they tore into each other with everything they got, while the third member of the party was trying to stop them.
We were throwing everything in our character sheets out there, and in the end, his character had one HP left, and mine had four.
I will never forget that combat.
My character was fundamentally changed after, socially, emotionally, and mechanically. The other player used an ability to bring my character back from the dead, and I designed her a completely new race, class, and feats.
It was the most intense rpg moment I've ever had at any table, and it was combat in DnD 5e.
Hell yeah! Like, combat is characterization and in a game like D&D where most character abilities relate to combat and the consequences of combat are lethal there is no better way to characterize a character than what they do in combat! And even though intraparty conflict is often derided, hell, sometimes it'll happen and it'll be cool as hell.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 11 months
Lethal Woman (GN! Reader x Astarion)- Chapter One
Hello! This is my first fanfiction in a very long time so please be kind (I'm fragile)! I have played DND before, but I will be taking a few creative liberties. With the Deathbringer class, the ceremony for creating a Deathbringer is vague so I have based the ceremony on the Grey Warden ceremony (with creative liberties) in DA:O. Also with the mine (in background) think Markarth from Skyrim (Cidhna Mine). This is an Astarion x Reader based on my ongoing mental story that I am obsessed with and finally had to do something about it. I hope you enjoy!
Title is inspired by the song Dove Cameron sings. The picture of Astarion is is by @aristenfromwarsaw on Tumblr. Nightmask and Astarion’s tattoo are off the internet, the picture of Rowan is from my PlayStation lol!
Chapter Two
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Astarion x Gender Neutral! Reader. 
  The sex of the character is female so if I ever become brave enough to write smut, the smut will be male/female sex. Otherwise, the character will be going by They/Them pronouns. I will do my best to be consistent with this as I have not written a gender neutral character before! 
Trigger Warnings: mentions of Death, mentions of blood, mentions of torture, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of emotional abuse (not a lot)
Name: Rowan (I don’t care for Tav so I chose another Gender Neutral name)
Race: Half Drow Elf, red eyes, black hair, draconic sorcerer parents
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Class: Rogue
Subclass:Night Mask Deathbringer
Background: You are a Night Mask Deathbringer hailing from the Underbelly of Westgate. You spent the first 5 years of your life living happily in a grove with your sorcerer mother and your mercenary father- until a group of Ravenger’s killed your father, lit your town on fire, and sold all the women and children to a mine outside of Westgate. You remained working in that mine in poor conditions with your mother until you were 9. Your mother hatched an escape plan, but she became ill and you had to escape on your own. You live on the streets scavenging for food and fighting off attackers until you are 13 years old. Dahlia, the leader of the Assassin’s in the Night Mask Guild was scavenging for someone to drink from when she came across you. Dahlia watches you- a scrappy, skinny, feeble little thing fight off three older boys as they attempt to steal your food and your tent. Dahlia intervenes when the boys manage to overthrow you- draining them completely and leaving them to die.. She offers you a warm bed and a promise that you will never be hungry. That you will become the scariest thing in the darkness. After devoting 5 years to the Night Masks, you were deemed appropriate to become an A class assassin by going through a painful rite to become a Deathbringer- not quite undead, but not entirely alive either. As a pseudo vampire, you have become a powerful assassin despite your general disdain for tasteless killing. The money is good, you have a roof over your head, and your belly is always full- who wouldn’t become a little morally flexible? While taking care of a contract in Baldur’s Gate, a strange ship comes flying towards you…...
Chapter 1: Rowan (you!)
   Your head is throbbing when the smell of fresh grass hits your nose. Jolting upright with a start, you wince and press your hands against your eyes- desperately trying to get the black spots to fade away. 
What in the hells happened?
 You rub your eyes and slowly blink your way back into focus. You smell the stench of burning and look around to try to identify the source. 
  You survey the landscape and find that you are in the woods next to a stream with a precarious light shining brightly behind a large rock. Turning your head again, you see dark smoke coming up from somewhere beyond the trees. 
Suddenly, the events of the last 24 hours begin to replay in your head.
   The Nautiloid. La’Zeal. Shadowheart. Oh gods they are going to kill each other if I don’t find them quickly.
    You had met the two women on the Nautiloid when that thing put a disgusting, worm in your head. In response to your contempt, the worm wiggles behind your eye to make it’s presence known. 
   Despite how well you had fought together, the other two women had made it very clear that they had no intention of “bonding in the name of womanhood” as Dahlia would say as she whipped you for insubordination. It was hardly bonding- unless you count thick leather and your bareskin. 
   Slowly you get to your feet and test out your balance. Solid. All is well and there isn’t a single scratch on you. A sigh of relief leaves your mouth. Patting yourself down, you find that your daggers are still intact and your two hidden blades are not broken. Testing them, you watch as they slide smoothly out of your wrist guards and follow the curve of your index fingers. You smirk.
      Excellent, now time to make sure the glowing rock won’t kill me.
     You creep along the forest floor, barely making a peep as you approach the rock. You hear the sound of a woman groaning. You reach for your daggers as you go around the rock, brandishing your weapons- only to see a Tiefling woman on GODS DAMN FIRE! 
       She offers you a tense smile.
 “That looks incredibly uncomfortable,” you say awkwardly. You wince at how scratchy your voice sounds. You were never really one for “friends” and preferred to rely on yourself. You were less likely to suffer from heartache and Dahlia had been less likely to beat you that way. She once found you and your crush, Tessa, making out in an alleyway. Tessa was a warlock in training at a local guild and you had quickly been consumed by your love for her at the age of 13.
“Becoming attached is a weakness. Falling in love is a weakness. You will do no such things girl. You are a divine monster in the making. You are not made for love, only death and servitude.”
Once you had been deemed a Deathbringer, she never tortured you again and you never attempted to get close to anyone out of fear that the beatings would start up again. You would obey and you would serve- that kept you safe. And Tessa? Well, Dahlia killed her.
 “Oh this?” the Tiefling says with a heavy breath, “I have never felt better.”
   The fire begins to settle around the Tiefling. She stares back at you with investigative eyes- your weapon already sheathed, your eyes giving away your weariness. 
   The Tieflings eyes glow with recognition, “Well fuck me! It’s you! From the Nautiloid. Pleaseeeee tell me I found you before those so called ‘Paladins’ of Tyr did.” 
 She looks at you with desperation and nerves. You pretend to think about it, trying to assess the Tiefling’s posture and disposition. She appears to be friendly and open like a puppy- not what you would expect from someone who was just literally on fire and is now looking at you like they are on the verge of a panic attack.
  You shrug, “Fortunately for you, I have no idea what you are talking about.”
 The Tieflings beams at you with a happiness you never thought was possible in your presence. 
“We really shouldn’t spend too much time here. These so called paladins-”
The Tiefling is interrupted by the worm screaming visions into your heads. You see her on the front lines of the Blood War- scorching rage erupting from her being, but a sense of melancholy underneath. The mantra I will be free chanting in your head. 
  You feel your own vision come screeching into your head as she dives into your brain. You try to resist and control what she sees to the best of your ability, but she sees it. The ceremony that turned you into what you are. The way your body felt when Orbhak drank your blood. The radiating pain in your muscles as you try to keep yourself alive- resisting the urge to scream while your muscles cramp. The way he allowed your blood to drip slowly into your mouth from his wrist- your body aching to survive.
  She feels the way your new found power bursts through you- painful and like ice, your body numb. Then nothing.
   “What in the hells was that!?” 
      She matches your weary eyes with curiosity. You shrug, “I think it’s the tadpole,” you pause to fling your arms around to paint the worm (?) when she looks at you with confusion,  “The- Mindflayer? put it in our heads.”
You say it with a finality that even shocks you. You have a tadpole. In your head!
She stares at you with wide, unblinking eyes before she curses out loud.
    After further conversation, she tells you that her name is Karlach and she asks you to assist her in killing the people after her. You decide to help her kill the supposed “Paladins of Tyr” in exchange for assistance in finding Shadowheart and La’Zeal. The sooner the unwanted visitor is dealt with, the sooner you can go back to solitude and safety. There is safety in numbers after all.
    You are setting up camp with Karlach as she vibrantly retells the day’s earlier events.
 “And your eyes!” She exclaims, looking at you in wonder, “A single change of color and you had that man PISSING himself in fear!”
     Karlach cackles as you give her a wide, appreciative smile. You never felt like your ability was something that others would find acceptable or in this case, admirable. The praise itself was uncomfortable, but your soul aches to bask in it- to feel something other than loathing. After the battle, Karlach had basically begged you to explain what you are and how you became so “magestic” as she put it. Despite your better instincts, you trust her and find that you actually enjoy her company. She takes your whole “not quite alive” thing very well.
Karlach is intelligent and quick. Her smile is infectious as she preached her love for being free from Avernus as they set up camp.
 You smile to yourself sadly, “I guess I haven’t ever actually used my vampiric stare on myself so I have no idea what you are talking about.”
   She stares at you and leans forward across the log, “Your eyes, they go from being bright like the earth to red like blood.”
 Ah. you thought, begrudgingly, my inner murderer is showing.
  Embarrassingly enough, you never looked so you didn’t know. You didn’t really care to look either- the hype wearing off after the first 6 months before you learned to use your stare.  5 and a half years later and you feel apathetic towards your condition. You often wonder if you could have been powerful without the whole “immortal, spooky semi-vampire thing”. 
    You push that thought aside as Karlach continues to highlight both of your best moments in combat. You chime in occasionally, finding your voice and your charisma deep within you- unaware of the individuals watching your camp.
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Some more stuff with that impskizz and impixl teacher AU this time with Some Kind Of Dungeoncrawl Fantasy Heist Game Akin To DnD! (but probably not with the same name)
some time after impulse and pixlriffs sort out the Misunderstanding, another teacher - Tango, who teaches Mob Spawning Manipulation and Usage - starts up a tabletop campaign and impulse, skizz, and pixlriffs are some of the people invited!
it's set largely in the Frozen Citadel and the cursed and plagued mines underneath
naturally, there are shenanigans.
impulse and skizz play their characters as obnoxiously in love. jimmy the PE teacher has ridiculous strings of bad luck but also has caught the eye of the DM. pixlriffs' rogue character is decided to have a minor psychic power of knowing when something is older or more valuable than it seems because he SOMEHOW keeps getting really high rolls on SPECIFICALLY APPRAISAL they have CHECKED this even happens when someone else is rolling different dice for him??
ren's fighter, who took a level in ice-based magic as well and flavoured it as getting lightly possessed by the Red King of the Citadel, flirts with EVERYBODY. cleo the geology teacher accidentally started a whole plotline involving lost knowledge of how to pull stuff from the resource-rich elemental plane of earth and an incredibly valuable hidden book on magically enhancing stone because she had a few questions about things like "what kind of stone is the place made of" and "what's being mined?" because she wanted to steal bits of dungeon.
tango has guest players every so often, like Doc the medical engineering professor who shows up shirtless to play a villain and flirts with Ren (and possibly actually scored) and has his character walk onto an obvious trapdoor despite Tango's warnings and then is genuinely surprised when it opens and drops his character into a wet pit, and Grian and Scar the architecture and magic students who somehow manage to scam the players into purchasing 'game performance enhancing soup'. not the characters, the PLAYERS (its just regular creamy mushroom soup with vegetables, though at least everyone agrees it does taste nice).
theyre all having a GREAT time (and subtly trying to help tango and jimmy get together)
If Tango weren't DM, they're pretty convinced Jimmy and Tango's characters would be dating. Not Tango and Jimmy, no. Their characters. Because the two are hilariously oblivious.
Cleo likes enabling the chaos. Not in a productive way, no. Just whatever chaos she can create, she does. Spawning an entirely new plotline was fun, though! (It has led to a lot of late nights of Tango asking Pix various questions which definitely are not about the campaign, no way, but please tell him about what purpose this room would have in a keep-)
It's also obligatory to bring soup now. That's Grian and Scar's punishment for their performance enhancing drugs. If they all have it then it makes the playing field even, right?
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