#another option would have been to choose randomly
sapphoscompanion · 4 months
hiii! I'm writing some things about Tsukutabe (the brainrot is real) and i need a little help choosing what to focus on... here are three snippets of future possible fics! What should i write first?
The magnet stuck to the freezer with a satisfying clack. Nomoto clapped her hands. "All done!" she beamed.
Kasuga turned to look at her and shot her a tiny smile. "Same here", she said as she folded the last of their cardboard boxes.
They'd been at it for a week: as soon as they started to put things away, it was time for bed, or, worse, for work. Nomoto was particular about the furniture arrangement, while Kasuga simply went along with her girlfriend's choices, and that usually meant reassuring Nomoto that everything was fine, and that, really, nobody would notice if one of the dishcloths hung a little lower than the others.
"But I want every detail of our new home to be perfect!" Nomoto had said, and Kasuga had simply smiled.
It didn't help that as soon as they were finished with a box, another one would pop out seemingly out of nowhere. Kasuga had almost wanted to put them away in their storage closet without even opening them, but she had endured for Nomoto's sake. She knew she would cherish her memories of them decorating their home together.
"There's still a lot of work to do, though," Nomoto mumbled, resting her hands on her hips and surveying the living room from her spot in the kitchen.
Kasuga frowned. "Don't tell there's another box..."
"Oh, no!" Nomoto apologetically waved her hands in the air. "I meant, look at all this empty space we have to fill," she explained, gesturing toward the area next to Kasuga, near the window.
For a moment they stood still, while they both realised they had very different opinions about "emptiness". Kasuga thought it was a perfectly fine way to keep your living space: it was tidy, convenient to clean, and peaceful. Nomoto thought it was sad, like there was something missing, a hole that could be filled with colours, tiny cutesy objects, and maybe even new kitchen appliances.
"Let's go buy something from the store, then," Kasuga said
"But we can leave it like that, if you like," Nomoto said at the same time.
As the car engine shut down, Kasuga swiftly retrieved her keys, then turned to Nomoto at her left. "Are you okay? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."
Nomoto replied with a nervous chuckle, and her grip on the safety belt tightened.
"I'm serious, Nomoto-san."
As Nomoto looked Kasuga in the eye, she saw only earnestness and care. Oh, how lucky she was to have met her, she thought.
"I just don't understand how you're so calm and I'm the one sweating... it's you that's meeting my parents, after all," she managed to say.
Kasuga put a gentle hand on Nomoto's thigh. "You should know by now. I'm not calm at all."
Sayama squealed.
Time stopped as everyone in the room turned to look at her, and she and Nomoto had to apologise several times before their coworkers resumed their hustle as usual.
Sayama scooted closer to Nomoto and whispered energetically: "You kissed?!"
"Yeah..." Nomoto mumbled, looking at her hands while she felt warmth creep up her ears and cheeks.
Sayama clapped (once, slowly and being careful not to make any noise) and cheered for her (whispering, without making sudden movements). "Ah, Nomoto-san, that's amazing!"
Nomoto nodded.
"You know, that means you're one step closer to..."
Nomoto's eyes widened as she looked up to her friend. "No! Stop, Sayama-san! Please, do not finish that sentence."
"Why?" Sayama asked, cocking her head to the side.
Nomoto sighed. "Even simply... kissing... was a great deal for both her and me. We're taking things slow, one at a time."
"Ah, I understand," Sayama nodded solemnly, "not at all like those lesbian movies you watch."
Sayama rubbed her chin, and looked in the distance. "Still... have you ever desired to...?"
A tiny "eh?" was all that Nomoto managed to say. But Sayama didn't seem to realise the weight of her question.
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amentomensmut · 5 months
first time for everything pt2
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Drug Dealer! Mike Schmidt x fem!reader wc: 5k
this is part 2 to my fic first time for everything! read the first part here.
Summary: After an unforgettable hookup with your friend Sara’s drug dealer, Mike Schmidt, you go to a college party to try and put a stop to your constant stream of thoughts about it, and more specifically, him. However, when you wind up bumping into the man you had been thinking about non-stop at the party, you can’t help but give in to the one person who started it all. 
Warnings: 18+ content, so much banter. Like, so much. Mike is a smug bastard, alcohol consumption, swearing, kissing, dirty talk, use of pet names, fingering, cunnilingus, finger sucking, unprotected sex 
Note: we are so back. also i really hope you guys like this omg. (p.s. sorry that this part has no cannabis use in it. I know that’s like kinda the whole point, but with the story i wanted to tell i couldn’t find a place to put it and i didn’t just want to shove it in randomly so i sorta just left it out.)
Like smoke filling up your lungs, Mike Schmidt has infiltrated your mind in every way possible. 
Thoughts of him invading every corner and crevice of your brain, making them impossible to shake. To say the least, ever since you had the pleasure of meeting him, your mind has been rather occupied. 
His lips on yours, the smoke from his mouth permeating your own, his hands on your body, your skin on his skin—it's all too much, you think. In fact, if you could go back and erase the entire interaction, you would. It’s the only thing you’ve been able to think about, and it’s all Mike Schmidt’s fault. 
You wonder if he thinks about you too. You know it’s probably unlikely, but you can’t help but feel like he might. Like he also dreams about it. Like he also yearns for you again. Maybe he gets off thinking about it, like you do. You shake those thoughts away, however, when you come to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t as special to him as it was to you. 
"Okay, Y/n, what the fuck?” Sara's voice cuts through your thoughts, startling you.
You whip your head around to see Sara standing behind you. Her arms are crossed against her chest, and her face is painted with a worried expression. 
“What?” you respond, confusion evident in your voice.
“You’ve been staring at that wall for 20 minutes.” Sara says it with an accusatory tone, like she caught you doing something you shouldn’t be. 
“I’m just thinking.” You shrug, trying to play it cool. I mean, you’re not lying. You were trying to do your homework, and then you started…daydreaming. Thinking. Whatever you want to call it. 
“Yeah, I know. Thinking is all you’ve been doing this week. What’s going on?” Sara sighs, and you can see the genuine concern in her face. She sits on your bed next to your desk, trying to meet your eyes. You have a hard time lying to her, and catching her gaze will only make you more vulnerable, so instead, you choose to stare down at your homework. 
“This isn’t like you. You’re the most studious person I know, and you can’t even focus enough to finish a couple questions. Tell me what’s going on.” She continues. You weigh your options. You could tell her you fucked her drug dealer. She couldn’t be that mad, right? Or, you could keep it a secret, but continuing to lie to her is the last thing you want to do. You let out a deep breath and just decide to bite the bullet.
“Okay, um, remember when I went to your drug dealer's house last week?” You wearily start. Sara nods her head, signalling for you to continue.
“Well, one thing led to another, and we kinda, sorta had…sex?” The room is silent after your confession, the weight of your words hanging in the air. When you look over at Sara, you expect to see disappointment or anger on her face, but instead, she's looking at you with one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen.
“I knew it!” Sara exclaims, jumping up in a rush of excitement. 
“I knew there was a reason that you were practically glowing when you got back from his house!” You groan at her loudness, putting your hands over your face to hide your embarrassment. You should’ve known she wouldn’t have been upset with you; she practically shoves you at any man who gives you some sort of attention in the hopes that you’ll break your introverted habits. “Wait,” she excitedly adds. “Does this mean you can get me a discount?”
“No, Sara, I can’t fucking get you a discount. I haven’t seen him since it happened.” You say, and you try your best to mask the disappointment in your tone. I mean, what did you expect? That he’d come running to you the next day, get down on one knee, and propose? You knew it would most likely be a one time thing, so why were you so upset about it?
“So that’s why you’ve been so out of it this week. Plagued by the thoughts of a good fuck. Trust me, I've been there. ” Sara sighs dramatically, shaking her head like she knows this feeling all too well. 
“I don’t know... as cheesy as it sounds, I sort of can’t stop thinking about him? It was so good, and now it’s all I think about.” You admit, and Sara takes her place back on the end of your bed. She takes one of your hands in hers, and she nods her head in an understanding manner.
“You know what you need?” She says, and you shake your head, "No.".
“To get your head out of your chemistry books and go to a goddam party! No wonder you’ve been thinking about him; all you’ve been doing is thinking.” She says, motioning to the copious amounts of school-related papers on your desk. 
“Trust me, Y/n. The best sort of remedy for this kind of thing is to just let loose and forget about all your shit for a little while, you know?” As much as you’ve tried to avoid parties and distractions during your college experience, you can’t imagine there’d be much harm in going to one party. Besides, if you can get your mind off of Mike for a few hours and just have some fun, it’ll be worth it. 
“Alright. Yeah, I think you’re right.” You say, and Sara jumps up excitedly as she begins to talk about one of her good friends that is throwing a party that night, and that it’ll be the perfect excuse to get away from all stress of exams. You nod along, a smile plastered on your face as you try to match Saras excitement. You’re not quite sure if this “remedy” will work or not; however, you’d just about try anything at this point. And like Sara always says, you’re a hermit, so this will be a good way to break you out of your shell. I mean, the last time Sara told you to do something, it ended up going better than expected, so what’s the worst that could happen?
“Sara, I feel like I’m going to flash someone.” You say as you pull on the hem of your very mini skirt. The walk to the party wasn’t long, but your bare legs are cold and you’re itching to get warm. You’ve never really worn something as revealing as this, but Sara insisted you wear something from her wardrobe. 
“Your skirt isn’t that short; don’t be dramatic.” Sara teases as she leads you towards a house that's booming with both music and people. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. You haven’t been to a party during your time at college, and to be honest, you weren’t ever planning to. Focusing on getting your degree without any distractions was always your goal. An unrealistic goal? Maybe, but it had been working well for you up until a week ago. However, things don’t always go as planned, and now you’re stepping into a house full of sweaty, inebriated bodies and music so loud it makes the entire house shake. The air is thick and humid, and you’d get lost in the house’s dim lighting if it weren’t for Sara’s hand in yours guiding you through the sea of bodies. Your shoes stick to the floor as you walk through the house, and you know alcohol drunkenly spilled from overflowing, cheap solo cups is the culprit. Sara drags you to the kitchen, where all the alcohol is stashed. 
“We should do a shot! To commemorate the first party of your college career!” Sara yells over the music, already pouring each of you a shot of tequila. You give a little laugh at Sara’s enthusiasm, and you nod your head in agreement. As you wait for Sara to hand you your drink, you notice just how many people there are. You watch through the kitchen window as someone throws up on the lawn. You wince a little at the sight and at the thought of how much alcohol they probably drank. You briefly wonder if going to this party was even a good idea, but you try to shake away any negative thoughts. 
“Babe, you’re thinking too much again.” Sara says, waving her hand in front of your face as she passes you the shot. 
“Sorry!” You half-yell, but Sara dismisses your apology with a wave of her hand.
“Don’t be sorry, just have fun!” Sara replies as she effortlessly downs her shot. You also attempt down your tequila; however, it’s not as effortless, and you grimace at the sharp taste of the tequila on your tongue. It takes everything in you to swallow it without gagging, and you wish you had something to chase it with. 
“Fuck, that’s awful.” You groan as you pull a face. You don’t typically drink alcohol, and when you do, tequila is certainly not your first choice. Sara laughs and places a hand on your shoulder. 
“That’s what makes it good!”
The next hour or so goes by pretty smoothly. You’ve essentially been following Sara around like a lost puppy, accompanying her as she greets her friends, which feels like just about everyone at this party. You watch as Sara effortlessly navigates the room, her laughter ringing out above the chatter and deafening music. As you stand alongside Sara, watching as she converses with a group of people you recognise as being on the school's soccer team, you feel a wave of insecurity wash over you, like an invisible barrier separating you from everyone else. You feel out of place at this party, and in a way you are. You haven’t been to a party in your three years at school, and now you've realised that you barely know anyone around here. You haven’t seen one familiar face, other than Sara, in the past hour and a half since you arrived here. You begin to wonder how different your college experience would be if you just got over your fear of people and parties, and went out like Sara had. You try to dismiss your destructive thoughts, but it’s no use. You feel like somehow everyone knows that you’re not really supposed to be here, and it makes your throat feel dry with anxiety.
“Hey, Sara, I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?” You loudly whisper in her ear, trying not to interrupt the conversation she was currently in. You’re anxiously wanting to get away from the crowd, and your body language shamelessly shows it as you bounce your leg and bite the skin off your lips.  
“No, I’m okay,” Sara says, and you watch as her eyes survey your body, her eyebrows knitting together. “Do you need me to come with you?” She bends down to speak in your ear, although her words are slightly slurred, and you softly giggle at the way her alcohol intake has affected her speech.
“No, I’ll be okay.” You assure her as you walk away from the group, giving Sara a little wave as you make your way to the kitchen. 
You had intended on getting a drink, but when you got to the kitchen and saw the door to the backyard, your desire to escape the muggy, stale air landed you on the back patio instead. Your lungs thank you for the fresh air as soon as you step outside, and the cool winter breeze feels refreshing on your sweaty skin. There’s still plenty of partygoers outside, but it’s certainly not as packed as it was inside. You watch as people play beer pong on a ping pong table on the lawn, and the sight only solidifies your fear of missing out. The sound of hearty laughter and the smell of weed only make you want to go home more, and you sigh as you push off the patio railing to leave. You turn around to make your way back inside when you see him.
At first, you thought it was your eyes playing tricks on you. Like you had been thinking about him so much that an apparition of him was here to taunt you. Like your thoughts of him for the past week had now turned you delusional. However, his eyes lock with yours, and now you so badly want it to be a hallucination, or your mind playing tricks on you. Dread washes over you and you wish you had never come to this party. You want the ground to swallow you whole when you see him beginning to walk towards you, and for a split second, you consider running away. 
You mean for your words to come out nicely; you truly do. However, they don’t come out that way, and instead you say this:
“What the fuck are you doing here?” If your words shock or hurt Mike, he doesn’t show it as he now stands in front of you with that goddamn smirk on his face.
“I have a business to run, Y/n. But you’d know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you?” You’re not sure if you want to kiss or slap him, but you roll your eyes anyway at his smug tone. He gives an unbothered laugh at your attitude and actually, you’d definitely rather slap him right now.
“Your business is selling weed to intoxicated college students?” You retort with a scoff, crossing your arms against your chest like it’s a defence mechanism. You hate that his presence is making you jittery, but you hold your ground, your eyes never veering away from his.
“Funnily enough, they’re my top customers.” Mike smugly says, and you don’t even try to hide the scowl on your face. You squint your eyes at him, trying to read his intentions. He smells like weed and spicy cologne, and it immediately brings you back to his house, and more specifically, his living room. There's a pregnant pause between the two of you, and before you can work up the courage to say something, he speaks again. 
“Cute outfit, by the way. Have you dropped the innocent act yet?” He asks, obviously satisfied with his words. He's clearly trying to get under your skin, and you won't let him.  
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” You fib, shrugging your shoulders like the question is irrelevant. If he's going to try to tease you about your hookup, you won't feed into it. 
“You know, after that night, I don’t think you can really call yourself a good girl. You’d be lying to everyone. You're lying to me right now.” 
“Fuck you, Mike.”
“You should come by my house tomorrow. You're probably all out of the weed I sold to you last time you were around, right?” He says nonchalantly, changing the subject. You furrow your eyebrows at the change of conversation, and your stubbornness to let Mike have any satisfaction during this conversation doesn’t falter.
“I don't smoke weed.” You quip.
“Lie all you’d like, Y/n. It doesn’t change the truth.” He says, brushing a stray hair out of your face before walking back into the house without giving you another look.
Usually people use the phrase “walk of shame” when you’re walking home from a hookup, however, that phrase pretty much sums up how you feel as you walk up Mike Schmidt's driveway.
You’re not sure how you’ve ended up back on Mike Schmidtd’s doorstep again. Maybe it was the satisfying sting of weed going down your throat and into your lungs, or the insatiable hunger for the man who supplied it to you. Either way, the front door is being opened and the man who you’ve been thinking about non stop for the past week is behind it. 
“Had a feeling you’d be back.” He says with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and you’re high before any weed has even entered your system. 
“Don’t cream your pants.” You mutter as you push past him and walk inside. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t know why you were here, you both knew. After Mike left you at the party, you knew you were completely and utterly fucked. That any other attempts of trying to forget him would be worthless. That like a bee to a flower, you’d be back here, in Mike’s house, searching for the one thing you had been denying yourself for the past week. 
“So I was right then, you’re all out of weed.” He says as he closes the front door. You take your jacket and scarf off, hanging them on the coat hanger at the door. You face Mike, who's currently leaning against the front door, watching you. 
“Can I have a soda?” You ask, and Mike cracks a smile at the familiarity of the situation. 
“I would’ve offered, but I wasn’t sure how long you’d be here.” He says, trying to bite back his smile. You follow him to the kitchen, watching as he grabs two cans of soda. Your fingers brush as he hands you the cold can, and you look up at him as he clears his throat.
“So…an eighth again?” He inquires, looking at you over his can of soda as he takes a sip.
“Mike, I’m not here for your goddamn weed.” You laugh. Mike laughs as well, and the exuberant sound is like music to your ears. 
“So you came for my soda instead?” Mike teases, and you shake your head with a smile.
“I think you know why I’m here.” You say, and your cheeks heat up at the thought of what happened last time you were in his house. Your fingers tighten around the soda can at the thought of touching Mike again, and you so badly want to reach out for him.
“I’m not sure if you deserve it. You weren’t very nice to me last night at the party.” He smirks, crossing his arms against his chest and leaning against the kitchen counter. He places his soda can on the kitchen counter and tilts his head at you, waiting for your rebuttal. 
“I was nice enough.” You simper, shrugging your shoulders. If he’s going to make you work for it, you’ll play along. 
“Say please. I can’t believe I have to teach you how to use your manners.” He coos, and you huff when you realise you won’t get what you want right away.
“I'm very polite.” You stubbornly stand your ground, but you can feel your resolve weakening with every word that comes out of Mike's mouth.
“You might be polite, but apparently you forgot how to ask for things.”
“Please, Mike.”
His lips are on yours as soon as the words leave your mouth. All the build up from the past week, all the sexual tension between you and Mike is released into the kiss. The kiss is frantic and needy, like even being this close isn’t enough. His want for you shows in the way his rough hands grab any part of your body they can reach. You blindly slide your soda can on the kitchen counter before threading your fingers through his hair, softly pulling at the root making him moan into your mouth. He tastes like cream soda and weed and his hands caressing your body send a shiver up your spine, and you haven’t felt this way since the last time he touched you. 
“You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you.” He says in a gruff voice as he walks you backwards and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter. You spread your legs so he can slot himself between them, and he presses soft kisses into your neck. His hands are on your waist, stabilising you as he kneads the soft skin there. 
“I thought you might’ve forgotten about me.” You shyly admit, and he softly bites your neck, almost scolding you for your words. 
“Are you serious?” He asks incredulously, removing his head from your neck to look at you. His heavy lidded gaze makes you feel nervous, and his reaction makes you feel like you said something you shouldn’t have. Your silence serves as an answer to his question and he shakes his head at you disapprovingly as he slowly gets on his knees in front of you, never breaking eye contact. You suck in a quick breath at the sight of Mike in between your legs, and an involuntary whine escapes from your lips when he begins to undo the button of your pants. 
“Y/n, the only thing i’ve been able to think about is you.” He groans, and you lift your hips off the counter to help Mike as he pulls your pants down over your ass. Your pants hit the floor and Mike is pressing open mouthed kisses into the insides of your plush thighs. He takes his time, kissing and sucking on the expanse of your thighs, and you think you might go crazy if he continues to tease you. Your thighs slightly close around Mike’s head, looking for any friction you can get. Mike lets out a laugh and you throw your head back in frustration.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is there something you’d like?” Mike innocently asks, looking up at you as his mouth gets dangerously close to your pantie clad pussy. A sadistic smile paints his face and you put your hands in Mike's hair, trying to pull him closer to the place you need him the most.
“Mike, stop fucking teasing.” You pant, and a dissatisfied sigh leaves Mike's lips.
“I thought we talked about using your manners.” He mocks, and although he's the one on his knees in front of you, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s certainly still in control. 
“Please, Mike. Please, I need you.” You beg, and not long after, Mike is licking a hot stripe up your covered cunt. You bite your bottom lip, your chest heaving as Mike continues to press messy, open mouthed kisses to the wet spot on your panties. His grip on your thighs is strong, and the feeling of his blunt nails digging into the soft skin makes your head spin. Soon enough, his thick fingers are hooking into your underwear and pulling it down your legs. He wastes no time, quickly latching his lips to your swollen clit and making out with your pussy like a man starved. Your jaw drops in pleasure, and your hand tugging at his hair makes him moan into you. 
“Mike, h-holy shit.” You cry out, as he enters one of his long fingers into you. His tongue swirls around your clit as he pumps his finger in and out of you, and the sounds of him eating your pussy are absolutely sinful. Mike replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing your clit in slow circles as he slowly enters another finger into you.
“You’re so tight.” He mutters, and his eyes are glued on your soaked cunt and the way it sucks his fingers in. He begins pumping his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, curling them upwards, hitting a spot that makes you jerk your hips upward. 
“M-Mike, I’m gonna-” You start, but cut yourself off with a moan as Mike reattaches hip lips to your clit. With his fingers rapidly moving in and out of you, and his mouth doing god's work on your clit, you swear you’re starting to hear colours. Your thighs begin to shake as you start to grind yourself on Mike's face as you near your orgasm. You let out a loud moan as you finally release, the only thing you can feel is the pure pleasure surging through your body as you cum, and Mike coaxing you through it. Your breathing is heavy as you come down from your high. Mike removes his fingers and mouth from your pussy, pressing a final kiss to your clit before he stands back up in front of you. 
“Open your mouth.” He softly demands, and you do, letting Mike shove his cum covered fingers into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the digits, humming as he lets his fingers travel to the back of your throat, making you gag. “That's it.” He praises, caressing your cheek as you suck his fingers. He removes his hand from your mouth and places them on your hips, helping you off the counter. He turns you around so you’re facing away from him, and he presses a hand to the centre of your back, bending you over the counter. He presses himself into you, and pushes your ass back against his covered erection. Mike leans over you, wrapping a hand around your throat to pull you up against his chest as he brings his lips to your ear.
“How could I forget about you when you look like a fucking angel when you cum.” He confesses in your ear, bucking his hips against you as he releases you, letting you fall back over the counter. The sound of him undoing his belt and pants makes you involuntarily clench your legs together, and you turn your head, watching as Mike spits in his hand and strokes himself a couple times before lining himself up with your pussy. 
“Have you been thinking about this?” Mike taunts, teasing the head of his cock up and down your slit. 
“You have no idea.” You whine, pushing your hips back in an attempt to just get Mike to fuck you. However, Mike holds your hips steady, restraining you from grinding back on him.
“Enlighten me, then.” Mike responds, like he has all the time in the world. But to you, it feels like the end of the world with the way your pussy is throbbing and in need of stimulation. A defeated sob leaves your lips at Mike’s teasing, 
“All the fucking time, Mike. I felt like I was going crazy.” You babble, and your words seem to be good enough for Mike, because he’s filling you up with his thick cock. All your thoughts, any worries you’ve had over the past week are gone. The only thing you can focus on is the way he fits perfectly inside you, and the way the grunts and groans leaving his lips sound like perfect melodies to your ears. His hips snap into yours roughly, and you know you’ll be sore tomorrow.
“I couldn’t get high without thinking about you. You fucking ruined weed for me.” Mike admits with a laugh, like the whole thing is preposterous. His fingers work quick circles on your clit and you shiver as Mike places a hand under your jaw, lifting you so he can press kisses into your neck.
“Good. Maybe you’ll smoke it less. It’s bad for your lungs.” You breathily tease, and Mike sucks a particularly dark spot into your neck in response to your words. Mike continues his rough pace, and you clench hard around him.
“Gonna cum.” You whine and Mike only continues to fuck you, wanting to get you there. You cum for the second time, your body jerking as the overwhelming sensation hits you. Mike holds your shaky body up as he cums inside of you, letting out a strained “fuck” as his own orgasm washes over him. You both stand there afterwards, catching your breath as Mike release slowly begins to leak out of you and down your thighs. 
“Did I seriously ruin weed for you?” You hoarsely ask in a disbelieving voice. You feel Mike’s chest rumble as he laughs, and actually, you think his laugh is the most perfect sounding melody.  
“Trust me, It’s embarrassing to admit.” He says, and you let out a quick breath as he pulls out of you. He grabs a cloth out of a kitchen drawer and runs it under warm water in the sink before cleaning up the cum between your legs. He tucks himself back into his boxers before pulling his pants up, and you follow suit. 
“Maybe I’m rubbing off on you.” You jest as you button your pants. 
“Maybe.” Mike says with a smile, and when you look at him, you think you wouldn’t even need weed to get high. You’d just need this feeling.
taglist: @slutf0rmilfs, @angie-likes-to-art, @spenciesprincess, @janitorhutcherson, @leahdhopkins4321, @pickingchoosinglovinghope, @esebabe, @under-sedationnn, @celestbarnes, @brechdan-ham, @souldzaboj, @t0byisher3, @rottingpeache, @joshs-big-toe, @p3talll
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Could you do pranks with blackpink? Like either the member gets pranked or they team up to prank another member? Thank u!!
I was a little confused but went with the first option!
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It was a harmless prank, just a simple mayo and toothpaste swap. Her toothpaste was almost run out anyways and maybe she just… misplaced the backup. Jisoo would definitely have been so confused. However once she gets that it was a prank… you better sleep with one eye open.
This of course led to a prank war between you two. Her response? Some good old fake roaches in your salad. Let’s just say it really freaked you out the first time. However she insisted that it was good for you, more protein and all that.
After that, you knew you had to come up with something more for the next prank. However, try as you might, you just couldn’t think of one. Until it struck you, you turned all the clocks in your apartment to 5 minutes earlier (including her phone). To this day, she never caught on.
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You had been around Jennie too much. Of course this wasn’t really much of a complaint for you, however, you will admit, life was a little … dull. So what better way to spice it up than with some spicy chocolates. You had found the perfect fake chocolates at a prank store nearby, and it wouldn’t shock Jennie that much that you were to randomly surprise her with chocolates one day.
And it really was harmless for the most part. You got a good laugh out of it and quickly handed her a glass of milk. And that was the end of it, or so you thought. You had forgotten one little detail — Jennie cooks your dinner. That phrase ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you’ definitely came true for you.
Not only was your dinner extra spicy tonight, your drink had a little something extra in it as well (laxatives). You spent the rest of that night in the bathroom, and Jennie ordered actual chocolates from your favorite chocolatier. Let’s just say you learned better than to mess with Jennie’s chocolates that night.
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Let’s just say Rosé should’ve thought twice about dating a graphic designer. Usually it was quite useful, you were able to edit her pictures and create truly beautiful images. However this one time, it was the most nerve wracking moment of her whole career.
Your prank on her? A fake dispatch article for April Fools. And it was one your better works, if you were being so honest with yourself. It looked real, it genuinely looked like dispatch had just leaked Rosé and yours relationship. Except for one minor detail, it was never posted, just created.
After you showed it to her, you immediately regretted it. You saw her face instantly lose all its color and felt her grip you in fear. Of course, you immediately wrapped her in your arms and told her it was a prank. And thank god you did, she was nearly in tears.
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It was the best day ever! Lisa was finally coming home to you from her world tour. Of course, this meant a home-cooked dinner and your favorite dinner (and a prank). Your prank of choice this time? A bedroom full of balloons. After all you were just so happy that Lisa was coming home.
Lisa would obviously be so happy to be reunited with you after all this time. Of course she called and texted you while she was on tour, but it just wasn’t the same as being with you. It was even better when she came home to her favorite meal — which you had learned from her mom. And you even let her choose the movie since you insisted it was her big night, little did she know, it was just to butter her up before she discovered that your bedroom was a literal balloon pit.
Honestly Lisa would probably be the best sport about it. She wouldn’t even get mad, she’d just laugh and play with you in the balloon room you’d basically made. Of course, the next day would be full of popping the balloons, let’s just say you guys were finding rubber for weeks afterwards.
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tohwitchesduels · 2 months
Lore: It's been a minute since the Collector visited Boiling Isles (a few months after defeating Belos), however now they're back and willing to play a new game with the Demon Realm. After some talk with King, they both decided to host a tournament known as WITCHES DUELS (that's the name you have chosen). The 16 most powerful teen witches in Boiling Isles will participate (willingly) in a tournament to decide who is the most powerful teen witch in the Boiling Isles!
Information about the tournament: The tournament will feature 16 characters of my choosing competing with one another based on their strength and skill. This by no means is a popularity contest, so I don't care if you know or like the characters featured in battles, as ultimately the battle shall decide who would win a witches duel. The tournament rather than a simple bracket will also feature side battles that would decide the position in the rankings, so get ready as there will be a lot of duels.
The first round is composed of 8 1v1 witches duels between characters that were paired randomly (except for one case but I will explain it later once I introduce the bracket). After this, the winning eight will catch a break so all the losers can face each other in a grand battle royale against one another to decide their positions in the tournament (occasionally if some people tie they will also get their own battle). Once the battles of losers are over we shall advance to the second round which shall decide who gets to semi-finals. The elite 4 themselves will catch a break as I will feature a minor bracket featuring the losers of the second round. The winner of this bracket might have a chance to battle the elite 4 once the semi-finals are sealed, in which there will be 5 battles: 2 official semi-final battles; 2 winner vs losers battles; the battle between the losers of the semi-finals. Then a champion of the second round bracket can yet challenge the elite 4, which can change their placement in the ranking and finally, there will be the last battle between the champions of the semi-finals.
The Format will naturally be polls, however, under each poll, there will be an explanation of what participants can and can't do during the duel: what spells they know and can use depending on the battle format; whether or not they can utilise specific tools like palismen for example; what is their mindset going into the battle. Now keep in mind those are not Death Matches, so no need for calculations on how much raw power the characters have and only a brief summary of what they can and can't do, and the battles are decided in imaginary scenarios by either stadium out or losing consciousness (under the Collector's supervision no one shall die).
There will be no "See results" options as I don't want them to mess up the voting so you will have to make some tough choices, but that's why I feature explanations so you can have a better idea of how strong featured characters are, even if you don't know them or their capabilities. I also would appreciate it if you could provide your own propaganda and agendas regarding what characters are capable of.
If there is a situation in which participants tie, they will either be featured in a battle royale in which the person with the least votes shall be out, or they get their match-ups switched if there are more ties (though only even numbers of battles). There are no repetition if matches unless there were issues with voting or the post. However all battles are final and characters won't meet twice unless it's a battle royale.
Who will not participate in the tournament:
All adult characters are off-limits for this tournament as they shall have their own league. This is strictly a teen championship. I decided to do such separation as adult characters just outclass the teen characters, meaning hardly it would be a fair match for young rising stars.
Only characters with importance and established capabilities shall participate so no background characters that have only 5 seconds of screen time
Vee shall not participate in the tournament. Vee is in this awkward position where she either gets so stomped she shouldn't have considered participating in the first place or is just too OP to give anyone else a chance. As a Basilisk Vee only possesses two abilities: magic absorption and shape-shifting. Because of the nature of magic absorption which can render the opponent powerless if used correctly, Vee simply has an unfair advantage towards most of the competitors. However, Vee herself possesses next to no experience when it comes to battling. Vee doesn't utilise her shape-shifting powers creatively and only limits herself to taking forms of other people which is effectively useless as she does not gain their powers (and even if she did it's either unfair since she will transform into someone who naturally counters her opponent; it would be near impossible to see which form could she actually take at this point, and technically speaking it would be another character battling and not Vee herself) but such deception is effectively useless in 1v1 duels. Vee's absorption powers are also pretty slow and can be easily interrupted as Helos demonstrated (and are not as final as the Greater's Basilisk) and as I said, Vee has no experience in battles so she can't really fight with her personality, nor doesn't know any spells to use to help her.
Masha shall not participate as they have yet to discover magic. So Veesha is only cheering on others
The Collector shall not participate since he's OP, so he rather organizes the entire tournament and arranges the game specifically so no one could get hurt while the kids go all out.
King shall not participate as much as Vee, he's either too strong or too weak to participate. King is not yet fully realized Titan so he does not possess the prowess that Titans possess, only being capable of basic light spells (weaker than average ones), squeak of rage, and barrier (which while strong, can also be easily countered). King instead becomes the announcer and the host of the tournament, along with the Collector.
Hooty shall not participate as he is both too strong and too memorable to give it a fair fight (as Hooty isn't OP, but he might as well end up as such due to the voting). He also becomes the host and announcer of the tournament, but rather the adult league.
Adult league: The characters of the past like previous Grimwalkers, Caleb and Evelyn, etc. shall not participate since we literally don't know how strong and capable they actually are.
Adult league: Camila shall not participate as she barely has any battling experience. She's the best mom and she is willing to throw hands, but she simply lacks experience with magic and her battling style can be easily countered. There's also memeable potential of her swiping everyone with La Chancla, which is hilarious, but not realistic. It would be satisfying to see her try to hit Odalia with a sandal, but Odalia can unleash the phantom that would steal such a sandal and then straight-up knockout Camila if we're being serious and no fun regarding this (but in our hearts Camila is the true winner we all know that)
Adult league: Dell Clawthorne shall not participate as he never used any magic within the show and now he's disabled.
Teen League: As the name suggests, only teenagers will participate, toddlers will not
Adult league: Only a few established Covenheads will participate since the others don't have fully-realised potential
Adult league: Titan Trappers shall not appear as they barely have any champion showcasing the true extent of their magical skill.
Adult league: Jacob Hopkins shall not appear as he lost to Camila who herself can't participate for not having enough skill (I did consider Camila to participate but I ultimately decided that she won't)
Invitations - to those who showed interest in the tournament or TOH in general, but no pressure or need for you to participate in the voting. Just wanted to invite you and ensure there will be some audience to the tournament. Oh, and I also don't mind if you use more than one account to vote as long as those are established blogs and not some spam blogs (like try to not rigg the game too much):
@lilcactusboi @wren-writes-things @the-god-of-chaos-himself @violet-prism-creatively @watery-melon-baller
@thescarletdaffodil @akmonasyrk @lapluieellepleut @damianwaynelives @crushpunchh
@impact801 @evermorecatra @rosetyler42 @memory-overload @cwolfnerakagnome
@branmuffins22 @zyrafowe-sny @metalinjector95 @michaela-artist @goingtohellwithyou
@iheartleopards @thatwierdquietkidthatdraws @sophiesophsofia @tbonner2 @amity297
@itslilacmoon @lucascii @fabseg-reader
Anyone can vote in this tournament of course, but I'm not sure if everyone will see it so I hope at least you can spread the popularity of the tournament or decide on your own who wins and who loses
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cilil · 8 months
cilil's Halloween special
ʚ𖦹ɞ Author's Note: It's that time of the year, revelers and travelers, and I present to you a little something I made to celebrate the season (and another milestone). This is a fun and silly choose your own adventure story with a couple of options and a tiny bit of romance and innuendo sprinkled in. I hope you enjoy (and that tungle doesn't randomly eat posts or links, fingers crossed)! Happy Halloween!
ʚ𖦹ɞ Featuring: Your top choices - Melkor, Mairon, Námo, Oromë, Nienna, Varda and Yavanna
ʚ𖦹ɞ Warnings: / (Just a tiny bit of spooky and the dork lords being their dork lord selves)
ʚ𖦹ɞ Additional mystery: Out of the seven objects described in the first scene, two are in fact real and in my possession right now. Can you guess which ones? (No, there are no hints in the story itself as it isn't about me, but maybe some of you know me or have a hunch. Happy guessing!)
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It is not the first time that your fëa has found itself wandering the Path of Dreams in your sleep, though it looks different today. The sky above the great trees and hedges surrounding you is dark, stars twinkling weakly in the distance, and the only light comes from the full moon peeking through ghostly clouds. The gentle breeze carrying formless whispers from the forest is sharper and colder today, and the voices you hear are distorted and erratic. 
You wonder if this is Irmo's doing as you hasten along your path, if he has twisted the normally peaceful dream realm into one of nightmares. Or are other spirits out there that were roused by your searching thought, displeased by your presence or perhaps even curious? 
Instead of the golden gate and winding paths that would lead you to Lórien, you find a lonely, ancient-looking pavilion. It's overgrown with ivy, nearly covering it in its entirety. You have never heard any tales about such a location existing on the Path of Dreams, but your curiosity compels you to explore. 
There is no one inside, nor anywhere nearby. It seems to you as though this pavilion hasn't seen visitors in a long time, yet it isn't empty: Pillows sit on the floor, their vibrant colours faded, surrounding a small table with various objects on it. 
You examine the objects. Which one catches your interest?
☞ An old book with a rich emerald cover and silver ornaments. Its pages are yellowed and written in an ancient language you don't understand. 
☞ A perfectly cut and polished almond-shaped gem. It seems to be a ruby or opal at first glance, shining with a warm light from the inside. 
☞ A bouquet of flowers in a carved pumpkin. The plants all look as if they were freshly cut and harvested, but upon closer examination you see that they were preserved with wax. 
☞ A bronze letter opener in the shape of a dagger. When you run your finger across it, the edge and tip of the blade are sharper than expected. 
☞ An ancient telescope with strange symbols engraved. It's pointed at the roof of the pavilion, making you wonder what you are supposed to see there.
☞ A simple silver necklace with a pendant shaped like a budding rose. It seems unassuming at first, but the longer you look upon it, the more you feel like it might have been blessed. 
☞ A diadem with countless gems and pearls. Once it has drawn your gaze, you are in awe of the way it sparkles and glitters even in the twilight. 
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darkfictionjude · 8 days
📜 ➡️ 🔍 ⤵️
Hello! It's been a while since I last played We Wretched Creatures, and I instinctively hovered to the left expecting to find the back button, only to realize…it wasn't there 🙉.
Personally, I rely on it to save on save slots. I use the saves at the beginning of new episodes, for critical choices or events. The back button is when I want to see how a character reacts to a different dialogue option than what my MC would normally choose, or when I need to backtrack because this time I picked a choice that didn't reflect my character well ( non self-inserting readers will understand ). It's handy for non native speakers and for those who have trouble grasping the real meaning/ intention behind a choice or even for those who restarted the game, breezing through it, picking their usual choices and accidentally end up misclicking another, without the need to redo the episode. For example, when we got to pick a clothing style only the name of the style was listed but the actual clothes were detailed once the style chosen, I didn’t like what I ended up with and I didn’t save for a while before that so I had to restart the chapter.
Without the back button, I find myself saving at flavour/ aesthetic choices like these in addition to the beginning of an episode and at major decisions. However, the limited number of save slots means I resort to unnamed disk saves ( multiple ), which I then have to search for in my countless downloads and try each of them to end up with the one I am looking for ( run game -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one -> go back to browser -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one ->… ). When I could just “ turn back a page “, now I have to search for that particular page among dozens because no matter what “ the bookmarks “ always end up scattered which honestly makes what was supposed to be a leisure reading feels like a chore.
Believe me when I say horror was the last genre I thought I would end up liking, but playing 💪🥊 WWC 🥊💪 made me realize it wasn’t so bad. I was in literal tears when we had to hide from the white draped mouth blower ( the vivid description of that scene made it incredibly easy to visualize, especially the way the "ghost" breathed. I find that this applies to the whole IF, the words used to describe what's going on are as straightforward as can be, which removes nothing of the horror element. I am also fond of the ads that serve as interludes ). I still randomly get mental images of the cheese rats ? mice ? that spill blood when hurt ( instead of liquified cheese ?! ) and I have never felt more disgusted when I think of cheese. I never thought that reading horror would make me actually feel the fear and enjoy it, but you did, and I still get caught by surprise even with the back button. 
I have been meaning to continue where I left off, but just thinking about the amount of work saving and loading will require I feel discouraged. Please bring back^2 button-kun 🙊💗. Also 👀, Nia is of Algerian🇩🇿 descent ? ( glad to see some representation in IF format ).
So I’ve had this question before and I’ve said the say thing: I’m sorry but I don’t want to do that 😭 it’s a choice I made and there’s nothing I see wrong with it given many ifs have the same thing and no one says anything. I’m a non-native English speaker too so I get it but I can’t think of every problem every player can have, that’s not fair to me.
The very reason I made this choice is for the reason you stated, that there are certain critical choices I want to actually be felt. What’s the point in me making choices that I want to have an impact and not be taken back and someone can just click the back button and undo it? To me that just means the choices don’t matter and that there’s no point in me caring about what I write to get myself and you guys excited because it can be so easily undone. In video games the thrill is sometimes messing up or saving to try again, not clicking back immediately. In books main character make choices that will have consequences. IF blends these two things together. I guess maybe on the other side as a reader, you not understand what I mean but since I put so much work in this already can’t I have it matter in-game? It’s not too much to ask for. Given that I put so much work in (300,000+ words) is it awful for me to ask the readers to be slightly inconvenienced?
I hope I don’t sound offended or angry at you nonnie, I swear I’m not. It’s just when people ask me this I feel they think I did this just be an asshole and not because I had a reason. I’m trying to give my pov. You can dislike the choice but please don’t ask me to undo it because then all it ends up doing is making me feel bad and then I’ll add it against my own wishes and that will motivate me to just stop really caring about what I’m writing if it can so easily be undone and this will be just another IF that gets abandoned
Although for the clothing options I will end a return button like I did for the faking dating side quest countries section.
Thank you for your kind words on the game itself though, I tried my best to have the ROs have background not that common and I’m so happy people liked the morgue scene I was really doubting it’s potential when I wrote it 💜
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moodymisty · 6 months
Hi! Anon that wrote the huge ask about the yandere Night Lord (and implied yandere Salamander) scenario (the one with the in between pink coloured words), Ive been having thoughts about it again. And you know, the whole Knight fighting a Dragon dynamic becomes really funny when you think about how narrative-wise, all space marines are dragons.
A space marines, just like dragons. Are big huge monstercreatures who (in most cases) randomly arrive into a settlement of innocent people and wreak havoc all over the place (destroying cities, killing innocents, probably stealing some stuff if its a xenos settlement, and so on and so forth). They’re powerful, clever, and very hard to kill. You must kill them nonetheless. But the only difference between them and dragons is that space marines are, theoretically, on your side. They’re humanised enough for you to overlook the atrocities they commit. They’re doing this because it will help out humanity in the long term, they’re doing this because their primarch said so, they’re doing this because they think its right. But in the end it all boils down to how they have no other option, or a better way of phrasing it: its all that they can do. They’re made to kill. They’ve been irreparably transformed into something horrible and theres no going back from that, and its not like they had any choice in the matter either. You could even say that this mirrors the trope of someone’s greed and ego being the cause of a dragon to appear in a story (that someone in question being The Emperor)
So i find it kind of funny that in this scenario the Salamander sees himself as a knight. Like babe! You’re no different from any other space marine!! The fact that his legion interacts with people more doesn’t change who he is. He has just convinced himself that what he is, is noble. Like he’s some sort of symbol of hope and strength instead of being a walking talking murder weapon. He’s a dragon thats been brought up to think his scales are chainmail and that his claws are swords, that he’s totally not like his traitorous cousins, that he’s humanity’s loyal house dog instead of a fire breathing beast chained to a leash.
Yes he is fighting to save you, yes he loves you more than words could ever express. But to an outsiders perspective this isn’t a brave hero battling a monster to save his beloved, its two serpents fighting over the most sparkling jewel in a treasure hoard
I vehemently adore all of this. Particularly the part about how they think of themselves; As from their view of the story, they're the hero, but another might view them as the villain. Forgive my unfiltered, unrevised ramblings.
It reminds me of a moment from (I believe it was Unremembered Empire? forgive me if I'm wrong) where the Night Lords are waging war on Macragge and the civilians are seeing other Astartes besides the Ultramarines in action for the first time and realizing that, holy shit, these guys are actually horrifying. And looking at their 'protectors' in a whole new light. The Ultramarines proclaim they're different because they choose to be, but we've seen before that even the friendliest of space marines can change their tune when they feel it appropriate.
But back on topic. Salamanders.
Something relevant would be that even their beloved might possibly view them as that brave hero, at first. But as time goes on, they might see cracks in that visage and realize that the man guarding them is more beast than man, holding back a near animalistic desire for carnage. We know that even the most loving of Salamander is more than capable of being an emotionless killer when he desires it. Hell, you could even say it's a core part of them; It's not like you can muzzle a dragon. You can at best point them in the direction you want them to go.
Your Salamander might spare you some of the goriest of details, or the darkest parts of him, but you can see the tail wrapped around you, and how you're kept so close not only because of your safety, but also because he sees you as his. You're the treasure he's found, you're the jewel that rests on top of a pile of gold, and you're not going anywhere. He always looks at you(his treasure) fondly, but there's a possessiveness in his eyes that only gets worse over time.
Other Salamanders are seen as threats and thieves if they get too close. He's the hero of this story, duty bound to protect you even if he has to get his hands bloody. It's all for a purpose, therefor he's leagues different than the Night Lords that act as his chapter's opposite.
If you ever have to do your job or duty, and interact with other Salamanders or other members of humanity he's always right there; Guarding his treasure. And while he might technically be on a leash, it's extremely taught.
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sunbloomdew · 10 days
I played the "Fields of Mistria" Demo! Here's my thoughts:
(that title sounds like something a youtuber would say auuughhhhhhhh)
I found out about this game completely randomly and decided to give the demo a try. And surprisingly, or maybe not at all, I am completely taken with it and i can't wait to see how the game will develop! :D
So for now, until the 5th of August arrives, here's what i liked, disliked and what i wish to see in "Fields of Mistria" in the future <3
strap in yall it's a bit long. but there are photos! like. three of them skfjdkhfksj
Things I liked:
You don’t choose your character model’s sex. Also because all of the models being roughly the same size, there’s freedom to imagine your characters’ body type however you want. Surprisingly I also don't recall any of the characters assuming your gender based on your pronouns, which is nice.
Multiple pronouns options! My one suggestion would be to add a She/He option as well ^_^
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Wide range of skin tones available. There’s currently 36 in the demo. (to compare, Stardew Valley has 24 and 10 of them are unusual colours like blue or green)
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The fact that you can set your birthday on the calendar, although it doesn’t seem to do anything for now. In one of my playthroughs I set my birthday on the 3rd day of Spring, and the only thing that appeared was a pop up saying “It’s your birthday!”. Understandable, this is only the demo after all. I wonder if the early access will have characters react to your birthday and maybe even give you some gifts!
The few available hairstyles are really nice. My absolute favourite thing about hair in the demo was that it has a moving animation! Small detail but it really delighted me.
Same goes for clothes, they are cute!
The customization isn't locked and you can create a couple of outfits you can swap any time! You can also change everything about your character's looks at any time, including their pronouns.
The predetermined palette of colours you can choose your hair colour from is pretty good. There’s 40 colours so far.
I have a small problem with the opening cutscene but the rest of the beginning cutscenes are good! I like the one when you arrive at the bridge and meet Balor and the camera slides to him. And the Juniper cutscene haha
Now that I mentioned NPCs, I really like the cute, personalized animations they have, like Adeline snapping her fingers, Balor flicking his hair before walking away, Celine working in her garden, Josephine and Hemlock singing.
I absolutely love all of the character designs in this game. The 90s anime artstyle, colours, their poses and expressions. I really feel like this is the thing that really drew me to try this game as I wasn’t interested in a new farming simulator. But here I am! All with the power of anime. For example, here are the designs of the romanceable characters! The photo is from the Fields of Mistria website:
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Another huge NPC win for me is that the characters interact with each other a lot! I noticed that a lot of them meet during the day and talk with little dialogue bubbles. It feels like the townspeople know each other quite well, I hope we get to learn even more about them and their dynamics!
One of the best things about interacting with characters is that you can talk to them multiple times during the day, getting a bunch of different dialogues. Once you talk to someone you have to wait either for them to change their location or for one of the other characters to approach them, to talk. I really like it since it means you get to interact with everyone couple times a day and it honestly makes the game more enjoyable.
From the little crumbs of lore we got, I am really intrigued about the setting. Prior to the player’s arrival to Mistria, the region has been hit by an earthquake. The disaster caused the main trading route bridge to collapse, the area getting destroyed and a lot of residents leaving the town. The town leader Adeline (daughter of a Baroness and Baron of Mistria) with her brother, Eiland's, help comes up with the idea to seek out an adventurer who could help to revitalize the town. We learn that Mistria is part of the Kingdom of Aldaria (so we have a monarchy), it has its own guardian deities and rich ancient history with the Sleeping Dragon Inn being a historical landmark and that magic is not hidden from people who can’t use it (Juniper freely uses magic in front of the kids in her cutscene after completing her request). Some characters offer some little hits to what their story might be about: Balor says that compared to Elsie he didn’t have a good time in the Capital, and other characters note how he is mysterious and obtains his wares in unknown ways. Elsie is a retired socialite from the Capital with many past romance stories to share, she probably knows a lot of interesting titbits about the Capital and people there. Juniper says that there’s something suspicious about Celine and Juniper herself is stuck in a town she doesn’t really seem to like but seemingly has something she needs to achieve here. When you meet March he slips for a second and says “I- We have everything under control” so it seems he views the player’s arrival as a threat to him in some way (emotionally i presume, not literally). Errol used to be a miner, Hayden can possibly talk to animals? And so much more. And of course, there’s the statue of dragon Caldarus who appears to be a marriageable character…? Anyways, I can’t wait to learn more about this setting!
I loved that you can talk with animals like Dozy and Henrietta, give them gifts and pet them. I really hope we can do the same with our pet.
The interior designs of all the buildings is extremely cute! I really like all of them, my favourite must be the Sleeping Dragon Inn, Celine’s cottage and the Carpenter’s Shop. Plus Elsie’s room at the manor and Hayden’s house.
I also like the beach a lot. It just feels nice and there’s a light house and I sure do love a light house /reference plus there's good ambience there
If you go to the manor there’s a portrait of the Baroness, the Baron and little Adeline and Eiland over the fireplace in the dining room :3
I really like Holt’s dad jokes. Pierre could never-
Guys I need Valen I need her
You are able to swim! It’s really cool and the animation is cute. Plus you can dive in certain spots to find stuff.
You can hold down the button to eat a bunch of food if you have multiple of something.
Saving your game having a form of a diary is very cute and I love that. Same with the crystal orb serving as a weather channel.
Fighting monsters feels dynamic! You actually have to put some thought into learning each individual monster’s behaviour and attack patterns. It’s challenging but not too hard. But they do quite a bit of damage at the start. Fighting that red mushroom felt like playing “Baba Jaga patrzy” again haha.
And speaking of fighting, i like our own character's fighting moves! But it took a bit to get used to them since they make the character move and it's not just. clicking with the mouse repeatedly skdhfjsf
I like the sound design!
Soundtrack is very nice. Not all of it is very memorable but it’s nice while you listen to it and it fits the game. There are some tracks that already got stuck in my head :] I like the one that plays at the Blacksmith, it’s intense for no reason, just like March lol
I cannot stop gushing about the characters, so far even just from the designs they all feel like they have distinct personalities and each one of them has their own thing going on. They all feel so warm and welcoming even if their actions aren’t (looking at you March). I don’t know, something about the artstyle, the pixels, design and colour palette just has me very enamoured with them. I really hope their character arcs or stories will deliver.
I like Caldarus. And the music that plays when he first speaks to us in our dream.
The museum is so nice. Also I love that Errol is an actual character we can talk to… Unlike another museum curator I know /j
You can buy stuff from shops even if no one is around!
Level tenth of the Mines… I’m SO intrigued
I like that there’s magic and can’t wait to see what other spells we can learn!
You can craft at the crafting station in town even if you don’t have the necessary materials on your person, but they are in chests at the farmhouse. As long as the stuff you need is in your chests you can craft stuff which is pretty cool.
Lastly, what I really loved about playing the demo is that not once did I feel rushed to do anything. Farming simulators often make you feel like you have to maximize your time in the day *cough* SDV *cough* and I do enjoy that sometimes, but other times I just want to chill. Somehow Fields of Mistria demo achieves this feeling of not having to rush and playing at your own pace and it feels great.
Things I disliked:
Not a lot of things mentioned here are going to be stuff I actively disliked, more like felt annoyed or confused by. And before any of my little complaints gets the “this is only a demo!” response, let me assure you: I am aware. If things change before or after the early release that’s great! This is specifically what I find ‘meh’ about the demo so far.
When the opening cutscene in Adeline’s office starts playing the room is positioned oddly on the screen. I think it’s so later the camera can follow the characters’ movements but when the cutscene starts and you only see the bottom half of the room at an angle, it feels really weird, like the room wasn’t centred by accident.
I’d love for the character creator to have the option to rotate the model of your character. I think it would be good to see what the options you picked look like from different angles before you jump into the game. Although the customization isn’t locked and you can change how you look whenever. Still, this could be a nice option
So I just said that the colour palette for hair is pretty good. Can’t say the same about the other ones, for eyes and clothes. The colours we get aren’t bad but I feel like there’s too little of them. Speaking of eye colours…
Choosing the eye colour is annoying. Once you pick an eye shape (cool feature btw) a window pops up in the middle of the screen with eye colours. The icons are too small to see the eye colour properly, especially when you want to compare the darker colours. I had to move my face closer to the screen to see what was I picking. And after you pick something the window disappears and you can see the colour you chose on the model. Okay, cool but now if I want to try out different options it I have to open the window again. Constantly opening the colours window to check other options is tedious and a bit frustrating. What I think would be good instead is once you click to choose the colours, next to the options appears a close up of your character model, and the window doesn’t close until you click an “X” button. To sum up my main problems are colour options visibility and the colour picking mechanic. Hair colour and colours for clothes and other stuff is picked in the same way BUT all of those elements are bigger than the four pixels the eyes are made out of.
The controls are not obvious. The game shows you to progress dialogues with “E” key but nothing aside from that. I didn’t realise until the last day of my first playthrough that you can jump, because in my previous experiences, 2D RPG, and especially farming simulator games don’t usually have that option, and the only instance of jumping happened in a cutscene, so I thought it was just an animation for the cutscene. I think it would be a good opportunity to use that moment in the cutscene for brief player interaction so they can learn how to jump, however silly that sounds. I think the player’s experience would benefit from a controls tutorial, in form of a window popping up or them showing up on the side of the screen like in Stardew Valley on the first day.
While interior designs are really cool I feel like the outside is kinda empty. Not so much the building but the areas around them. It is felt the most in the empty stretches of land outside the town but running through the paved roads in it can also feel a bit odd. Like the area is too empty. It’s definitely not a problem on the farm due to all the overgrown grass but everywhere else you really feel like it’s just a flat stretch of nothing. I think adding some more details could be nice, maybe some streetlights, plants, a bit more texture on surfaces.
I had a really odd moment that took me out entirely. While playing the demo you can get Juniper’s request on the board to bring her a Lilac. Once you complete it, a cutscene set at the bathhouse will start playing right away, regardless of where were you when you completed the request. This felt incredibly jarring to me. The first time I did this request I gave the Lilac at the bathhouse, but the second time it was late evening at Valen’s house. So it was pretty surprising to be essentially teleported to a completely different place. I don’t think it’s a great mechanic. It would be better if a cutscene set at a specific place on the map started when you arrive there, to help it feel more coherent.
As much as I like the warm and cozy feel of the characters, it felt like there wasn’t a lot of variety in reactions to the player’s arrival. Everyone except I think literally one person is all cheery. I don’t mind this that much, cause the community being excited for your arrival feels sweet. It makes sense with the story too, the player is there to help out around the town, and who living there wouldn’t be happy about that? I just really hope the character’s don’t end up with poorly defined personalities, that’s my main concern for now about the story. It would be tragic if the game only ended up having cute designs but nothing else. Needless to say I have pretty high hopes for the final version! I really hope it works out and I’m 100% rooting for the team.
The inventory system had me kinda confused at the start. The spaces are all in one line in game but once you open your journal they’re stacked on top of each other? Yeah took me a bit to get used to that, and I’m not sure how I feel about it still.
The user interface is very cute, I have one problem though. It’s hard to tell what a lot of the little icons mean, for example, when you open the chest there’s a chest icon next to the two arrows that sort stuff. I have no clue what it does and when you’re hovering over it, it doesn’t have a name or an explanation either.
You can’t hold down mouse button to use tools continuously. This is because when you upgrade your tools, for example a pickaxe, when you hold it down you get to mine more spaces at the same time. I’m not sure if that exchange is worth it.
You have to click one by one if you want to throw multiple items out in the inventory trashcan.
It’s a shame you can’t land on rocks/big water lily leaves on the water. And you can’t walk into the sea, you have to specifically jump into it. This isn’t really a complaint, I just think I’d be cool if you could just slowly walk into the sea. Like slowly getting submerged.
I feel like the scroll wheel directions are odd… Scrolling upwards will move you to the right of the inventory but I feel like it should be the other way… Maybe it can be changed later in settings.
The buildings on the map are not named. It would be nice if, when you hover over an area you see its name.
Credits get blurry when moving. It hurt my eyes :(
Things I hope to see in the Early Access (and in the game in general):
Interactivity within interiors. So like looking at bookshelves to see what books a character has, reading letters or notebooks that were left out, finding some stuff in their drawers… Basically snooping haha. Oh and more interactivity with objects placed outside too. Right now there are some signs and items you can't interact with, like that tent by the dig site.
More settings for in-game scale! It would be cool if there was one between 3x and 2x, like a 2.5x.
The ability to sell stuff directly at shops. Sometimes you need money but waiting until the next day would ruin your plans.
Sitting! I wanna sit in spots next to the characters and vibe :]
While I do like available colours, I think adding a colour wheel or sliders would be neat.
I wonder what are gender identities and sexual orientations of the characters :]
More clothes and hair options obviously! And furniture as well
What gets implemented for the player’s birthday
How the museum exhibition will look like :D
Lastly, I might be way out of my depth with this one but it would be cool if the romanceable characters could also move in with you platonically… Or if there was a character like Krobus, a little friend you can invite to live with you <3
And that's it :] sorry for the stardew comparison, it's like the only farming sim i'm very familiar with
I've been enjoying playing the demo a lot and i definitely will play more before it closes. And i will for sure be following the development and waiting for the early access in august!
it was a really fun experience over all and if ur interested i reccomend you try it out :D
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totally-sapphic-posts · 8 months
Hi, so I’ve been in a long term relationship with a man for 3 years, prior to him I was fully convinced I was a lesbian, I didn’t have any attraction towards a man until him, but now I’m starting to question if this whole time I’ve actually love loved him, or if I’ve just loved him as a friend. I’m super super confused, I don’t feel romantic attraction to him, I just want to cuddle, watch movies, just spend time together etc but im starting to think in its in a platonic way. Help :(
Before I answer, let me just say, story of my life! 😭 I’ve been through this exact experience multiple times.
Maybe start by examining what your love languages are and what levels there are for you. Like, do you want to cuddle with all your friends, it is just close friends, or is that specific for a significant other.
Maybe build a tier for yourself to help figure it out. Write out (or just visualize mentally) the tiers with friend, close friend, best friend, partner. With each of the tiers, write down what you are comfortable doing/want to do in these relationships (e.g., hugging, hand holding, cuddling, kissing, etc.).
I do think it’s worth mentioning that love won’t always be there, and attraction wanes and then returns. Throughout a relationship your attraction to someone will fluctuate. That’s why choosing to love someone is so important, because there will be times (especially in long term relationships) where you’re just friends. Of course, there are times where you can just feel that that attraction you had won’t return and breaking up will be the best option for you.
The ‘low’ periods in relationships aren’t talked about that much, so I just thought it would be good to mention.
And just for the sake of covering all bases, you don’t have to even choose a specific sexuality label. Like people say, sexuality is so fluid and can fluctuate. Personally, I can go 3 years without finding a single man attractive, then randomly have a crush on one after the 3 year break 😂 it’s why I don’t use very rigid labels and prefer just ‘sapphic’ because being attracted to women is my only constant 😂
Feel free to send in another ask or dm me if you need any other help or just want to talk. :)
I hope you figure it out, Anon ♡ wishing you the best.
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rosebloodcat · 1 year
The Things We Thought We Knew (But We Really Didn’t)
Wrote this on a lark after reading some stories that floated the au idea that (for one reason or another) Blinky and Jim were related. Either from him being James Lake Sr but not knowing it, or from Merlin's magic randomly choosing one of Jim's mentors be the "base" for Jim's half-troll form and Blinky was the one picked.
I know that, for one of those fics, the author had some interesting evidence they put forward on their tumblr for how Jim and Blinky resembled each other from the start and how it was just MORE OBVIOUS when the two were the same species.
I thought it was fun and decided to throw my own hat in the ring, but with my own twist.
In 1995, around the start of spring, Blinkous Galadrigal went missing.
He had gone to the surface to help the current trollhunter, Kanjigar the Courageous, by collecting some more research material that had been dropped by traveling trolls that came to visit Trollmarket. He didn’t return before dawn or in the following days. The only hope that the worst hadn’t come to pass, was that his remains had not been found.
Something that Arrrgh, his closest friend, would point out each time he left to search for him again. He refused to give up hope.
The same morning that the scholarly troll vanished, a man was found unconscious in a back alley wearing nothing but a set of ill-fitting, brown overalls and rushed to the Arcadia Oaks Hospital.
He’s unconscious for several weeks and the doctors can’t find any records for him. They dub their patient “James Doe”, and wait patiently for him to come around and hopefully give them insight into who he is and where he came from.
When James finally awakens, he can’t answer them. He can’t remember where he came from, how he ended up in the alley, or even what his name is.
He’s a man that doesn’t exist and, while the staff can theorize for hours based on speech patterns and accent (a middle-american scholar that may have spent some time in England? Apparently the way one speaks can tell a lot about where they came from), they still have no answers.
All he can do is climb to his feet and move forward.
After James is cleared to leave the hospital (and stumbles on the surname “Lake” to use for his paperwork), he gets new clothing in his size and temporary residency in the Arcadia Homeless Shelter.
He also makes a friendly acquaintance with a kind volunteer by the name of Barbara O’Neil, who helped him find those options in the first place and gave him someone to chat with numerous times during his hospital stay.
Several Months later, and a stronger friendship forged between the two, Barbara learns that a friend-of-a-friend was looking for an assistant for his job and hasn’t had much luck finding one. So she passes along the suggestion to James.
Norman Polk is a friendly, relaxed man despite his intimidating height and many scars. Most shockingly, he can wield magic as easily as he breathes and seems fairly sure James has some too.
Mr. Polk is a detective, who works to help the everyday person with his gifts as much as he can but has trouble keeping track of the many papers, books, and research that come with the work. And, for James, he’s willing to give him a chance even with his mysterious background.
The work comes easily to James, hunting for the truth and searching for answers is familiar in a way he can’t explain. Handling the paperwork and research is laughably easy.
He gets the job.
(When his new boss learns that he’s been living in a homeless shelter, he insists that James move into the spare room in Norman’s office/house.)
Two years pass, and James transitions from being Norman’s assistant to his business partner. The sharp-eyed researcher to Norman’s people-wise instincts. They work well together and have a reputation that can’t be sneezed at. It’s something both of them view with pride.
He’s also realized that he’s fallen for his friend Barbara. Hard.
With the encouragement of their mutual friends, they try dating. It works out better than either of them had expected.
James proposes at the end of 1998, their wedding the following summer of 1999.
In the Spring of 2000, they learn that Barbara’s pregnant and James Lake Jr. is born on October 10th.
The new parents are delighted with their baby boy, despite the anxiety and sleep deprivation throughout. He’s nicknamed “Jim” and he’s a healthy, active little boy with loving parents who work hard to care for him.
Life is good for the small family.
Until Jim’s 5th birthday, when James and Norman are called away for an emergency case. James Lake Sr. never comes home.
That night, the missing Blinkous Galadrigal is miraculously found by Kanjigar wandering the sewers of Arcadia in a daze, clutching a bag of assorted magical items in one hand and a minuscule bit of broken metal in another.
He has no memories of where he’d been for the past 10 years, what he’d been doing, or why he’d vanished.
Once he’s confirmed to be the real thing, he’s brought back to Trollmarket, where those lost 10 years remain a mystery. The strange possessions are tucked away in the back of his library, and teased at the back of his mind from that day forward.
On the surface, the disappearance of James Lake Sr becomes an unsolved mystery and a rampant story in the Arcadia rumor mill.
The rumor sting, weighing heavily on the remaining members of the family. Especially as those rumors spiral beyond control, becoming progressively more vicious as time goes on.
Norman tries to keep the hope alive, showing Barbara magic that shows that her lost husband is still alive even if they don’t know where he is. He keeps searching for clues, hints, anything to lead him to his missing friend. He reiterates, over and over, that James wouldn’t just abandon them. He loved Barbara and Jim far too much to do that to them.
Three years later, his search is cut tragically short because of an accident with a drunk driver that took his life. The accident hurts  so much,  and Barbara’s hope fades with each following year.
But her friend, Allison (and her husband, Thomas), pitch in where they can to help with the burden. And her neighbor, Nancy, gives her a place to go when her home is too much. With their help, she doesn’t fall apart, even when the rumors and snide remarks become too much.
When Jim turns 12, eight years after James went missing, she decides she can’t keep waiting.
She files for James Lake Sr to be declared legally dead.
(The rumors abruptly die at that. Something small and spiteful in her chest is pleased with that.)
She can feel her heart breaking throughout the process and she finally lets herself grieve at the end. The most she can gather herself together to say to Jim is that she’s not married to James anymore.
Now she’s a widow raising her son on her own, and the only route left is forward.
The year of Jim’s 15th birthday, Jim is chosen by the Amulet of Daylight to become the first-ever human Trollhunter and his life is turned upside down.
The following three years of his life are chaotic. Filled with magic and monsters, joy and fear, history making triumphs and soul crushing losses. There is so much happening he can barely handle it.
It’s surprising how comfortable he is with his new mentor, Blinkous “Blinky” Galadrigal. Something about the troll just- clicks with him and he can never seem to put it into words. Blinky puts those feelings into words for him, the day the troll calls him his son.
(A small, buried part of him wonders if this was what he could have had if his own father had stayed.)
Barbara finally opens her heart again and tries to build something new. Even as her mind whispers how similar Blinky sounds to James, how much his human form resembled her missing husband, how much he and Jim resemble each other no matter the form either of them were in.
There’s no way to test if a human and a troll were related, and she doesn’t think her heart could take being wrong if she let herself hope again. No matter how badly she wishes she could finally have an  answer.
(James had built his life from amnesia that had been potentially caused by magic. Norman had warned them when they started dating that, if that magic broke or was reversed, he could lose his memories again. Blinky was a troll, but a troll could be turned human… No, she couldn’t let herself be wrapped up in theories.)
But, eventually, the losses became too great.
Loss of friends, loss of family, loss of home. One Pyrrhic victory after another that weighed them down.
When the true purpose of the Krohnisfere offers Jim the chance to go back and save the precious people they’ve lost, he takes it.
In the hearts of his surviving friends and family, they all hope it will work too.
It’s 1998 and James Lake bolts awake in the middle of the night with a strangled gasp, as if from a terrible nightmare.
Laying in the dark of his room at the house that he shares with Norman, his heart racing a mile-a-minute as his eyes adjust to the darkness, he remembers.
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omegawizardposting · 3 months
Cats are stereotyped as impatient introverts who cannot stand children, but I had a cat growing up that was chill as fuck. He let me put dresses and beads on him. Did not care at all. Was calm throughout. Would even walk around dressed up. (I never left him like that, of course. Dress-up time was temporary.)
Chester is also pretty chill. He lets me pick him up, hold him like a baby, throw him over my shoulder, etc. He likes belly rubs. He is overall a very handleable cat. Not much bothers him. The only time I saw Chester really shaken was after we moved, and he can be shy with strangers, but he does eventually warm up. Walter, his late brother, warmed up even faster and was also extremely handleable. I could have swung that cat around like a mace, and I bet he wouldn't have batted an eye.
Cats have personalities. Some are better with kids than others, just like dogs, just like humans. That's why it's a good idea to get a grown cat if you need one with a specific temperament, because kittens' personalities can and often do change as they grow. An older cat is more stable and less likely to randomly decide they hate your four-year-old.
Don't be afraid to adopt an older cat, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Tell the shelter your needs. They will be able to set you up with the right cat. It's their job, and they know their animals well. There's no shame in needing a specific kind of companion. I promise you, your kid will thank you for it, and they will love that cat every bit as much as they would a dog.
Another suggestion: do a bit of research on how cats communicate. They have different ways of telling us how they feel. They play differently, too. Teach your kids how to read and play with cats. Kids are smart. They pick up on things quick. If you guide them, they'll be best friends with your cat in no time.
I grew up with cats, because my ma's not fond of dogs. If you're in a situation where your child wants a pet, but a dog isn't an option, cats are not "the next best thing". They make just as amazing of a pet as a dog. Your child isn't missing out. They have an excellent companion who can even be trained to walk on a leash, just like a dog. They're very smart, very affectionate, and yes, even very loyal. Cats prefer their own people to strangers. Many will even choose time with us over their favorite toys and treats. The bond between a cat and their people is every bit as powerful as that between a dog and their people. There have been cases of cats saving their people from dogs, fires, even warning them of oncoming seizures.
Cats are amazing, wonderful creatures, and if you treat them right, they will love you unconditionally.
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chancetimespace · 1 year
Kaita and Nui Variant Headcanons
To start with, thank you to @outofgloom for helping me with the terms for less than Kaita, greater than Kaita, and the same for Nui. Please check out their work with the Matoran language and their writing, and please credit them if you use the terms in any major writing project!
Please keep in mind, these are for my headcanon/au, they aren’t intended to perfectly match canon. I’m perfectly fine with anyone else using the terms, but I would like to be at least tagged in a comment if you write or make anything using the rule sets I’ve made here. I’d really love to see what others can do with these ideas, if anyone else wants to use them as well.
This post is VERY long, and death/possibility of dying is discussed quite a bit in the part about Nui Atu, as well as a little bit in the parts about Kaita Kofo and Nui Kofo . If someone is still curious about it, but doesn’t want to read the death parts, please send an ask and I will try to help you.
Kaita Kofo
This fusion of two beings can occur deliberately or has a 50/50 shot of happening if one member of a regular kaita is killed mid fusion process. The other result is that the fusion is just prevented. Kaita Kofo may also form if one of the three trying to form a Kaita just isn’t able to let go of themself enough to become one. They tend to be rather stable, but Kaita Kofo that were formed as a result of a dead Kaita member have a high risk of being permanently stuck together, because the splitting process may try to begin with the third member who isn’t actually there. Non-death related Kaita Kofo do not have this issue, but they may CHOOSE to be permanent.
Kaita Atu
Kaita Atu may form when another being near a forming Kaita also has the same goal and is willing to surrender themself to that cause. More powerful than a normal Kaita, but less stable as the fourth member was likely not expected and may not have been wanted as a part of the fusion. Elements do not matter for this fourth member, nor does species. If the fourth member matches the element affiliation of one of the intended three members, that element is given a further power boost beyond that of just having added another being’s power. Otherwise, the Kaita Atu gains a resistance to attacks of the fourth member’s element. For example, if a toa of Ice, a toa of Iron, and a toa of Plantlife were trying to form a Kaita while a being affiliated with fire was both close enough and had the same goal that those forming the Kaita did, the Kaita Atu will have a resistance to fire attacks, ranging from just taking half of the damage to near invulnerability. The level of resistance is based on both the fourth member’s dedication to their goal and their proficiency with their affiliated element.
Nui Kofo
This fusion of five is incredibly unstable and is the first to potentially be dangerous to fuse into. If anyone is injured before forming this fusion, there is a chance that those injuries will randomly be assigned to another member of the fusion upon separation. This is dangerous because Nui and Nui variant fusions are typically formed in extremely desperate situations, so there is a high likelihood of multiple members of the fusion having sustained potentially serious or life threatening injuries prior to actually fusing. Because of the random nature of the injury reassignment, it’s possible that every injury could be assigned to one person, potentially killing them if the injuries are severe enough.
Nui Atu
This fusion of seven is not limited by species or elemental affiliation and is only formed out of sheer desperation. Each member has a 50/50 chance of dying immediately once the fusion ends, and this fusion can only maintain itself long enough to achieve the goal it was created for at most, so becoming a permanent Nui Atu to prevent your own death isn’t an option. There is one way to lower the chance of immediate death, but it costs potential access to other elemental powers. If more than one member is of the same elemental affiliation, that element is only in the coin flip of whether they will live or die once, as opposed to once per person, and there is a second chance event if they lose. For example, if an element with two members is selected as one that will die, the second chance event is triggered, with the possibilities being evenly split between both members dying, one dying, and being fused into a Kaita Kofo upon separation from the Nui Atu. This Kaita Kofo is not permanent, in the sense that they are in fact able to separate, but there is a 75% chance one or both will die if they do. However, if they stay as a Kaita Kofo for a long period of time, this chance will eventually decrease to 25%. If all members of the Nui Atu are of the same elemental affiliation and that element loses the coin flip, they automatically split into a Kaita and two Kaita Kofo OR a Kaita and a Kaita Atu, for example. The chance of death will only apply to one of the resulting fusions, but it will be impossible to tell which one it applies to. Regardless of how many members of the Nui Atu are of the same element, the only possible results if they lose that first gamble are:
All members of that element affiliation dying
Only one dies, but the others are spared.
Separation into Kaita and/or Kaita variant fusions, with only one of the fusions having a chance of dying instantly if they choose to separate.
If the element with multiple members wins the first gamble, there’s a random chance (usually about 10%) that all injuries sustained by each member of the Nui Atu will be healed. This healing has a very small chance of even applying to members who lost the first gamble, thus functionally negating their loss. In those cases, the one who lost will die upon separation, but will be immediately revived. Regardless of how many (if any) members of a Nui Atu die, there will be trauma afflicted on the surviving members. Having that many minds fused together does no favors for anyone’s sanity, plus the situation that required the fusion was most likely horrific if they actually went through with fusing in the first place knowing all of the risks.
All of these variants are at least slightly less stable than the nearest fusion that is a multiple of three. They are frowned upon in some communities because they are considered violations of the system of three that is so common in the Matoran Universe. Having an ally nearby with a mask of possibilities or possessing one yourself is heavily advised if you think you may potentially end up in a situation requiring a Nui or Nui variant fusion.
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boleynns · 2 years
Have you read the fire and blood books? If so, ok this is a very dumb question but I haven’t read the books and everyone keeps telling me daemon cheats on rhaenrya after they get married with mysaria and other women. It’s been confirmed that mysaria comes back next episode and for the rest of the season sooo like?? Is this canon or was it a rumor that he cheats? Apparently rhaenrya didn’t care either but with the way the show is going it looks like he cares more about her than book readers are implying?
literally the entire book is rumors, so "canon" in relation to the show, especially for the relationship dynamics, honestly isn't really relevant. It is a fake in-universe history book, and like real history is full of bias, errors, and huge amounts of rumor and uncertainty about what "really" happened. My favorite example of discrepancies between the "historical text" version from Fire & Blood and the "real" version so far is what we see in Episode 2. According to Fire & Blood Daemon was going to marry Mysaria, she was pregnant, and he wanted a dragon egg for their baby. But in the show we find out that Daemon wasn't actually engaged, Mysaria wasn't actually pregnant, and he said all of that and stole the egg for attention. I like to interpret that change to: all the historian had access to was that triggering letter Daemon sent to bait Viserys saying that he was getting married and having a kid -- so that is exactly what history remembered.
All that to say, the character's personalities/relationships/dynamics from the book aren't really relevant to the show at all, because that is literally a Maester's interpretation of what these characters might have been like based on hearsay and rumor and the Maester's own biases.
So you tell me if you think Rhaenyra would "be okay" with Daemon cheating on her based on what we've seen, because I don't think that is the dynamic they've built between them AT ALL. Like, please imagine them doing all this build up, and paralleling all their storylines even when they're apart, and making their romantic tension a huge part of the show and their character's arcs, and establishing how strong of a bond they have with one another and how much they care about each other, and making their other long-term partners basically irrelevant, and having them reunite after years and finally sleep together, and then finally get married -- and then after all of that Daemon just randomly sleeps with someone else, and Rhaenrya is just fine with it, because they are just so uninvested in their relationship even though all we have seen is how overly invested they are in each other. Literally nonsense.
Let me reiterate a theme (& evolution of that theme) the show has been harping on for both Daemon and Rhaenyra, both together and separately, literally from the first episode: I don't want to be married to anyone and/or I don't want to be married to someone I didn't choose -> Marriage is a political necessity, but you can still have a side piece -> Maybe marriage wouldn't be so bad if we were married to each other, but that is not an option anymore -> We are married to other people now, but we can't be each other's side piece because that would be depressing and diminishing -> We are finally single and able to not only choose who to marry, but also to have a marriage that is not a placeholder or a show we're putting on for other people 🎉
That throughline is not narratively building to "...and then they slept in separate bedrooms and fooled around with other people on the side with zero emotion, #politicalmarriage"
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strixcattus · 5 months
Had a dream where I was playing a video game... it's a bit hard to describe with my limited knowledge of the format, but it was something of a cross between an RPG and a visual novel (for lack of better words)—what I mean is, you could walk around freely while you weren't engaged in any conversation or option tree, and you could click on most things and people to interact, but everything you did was purely based on the options that popped up when you interacted with them.
It was, strictly speaking, a horror game, but you could always choose not to interact with the horrors in the short term—you'd have to eventually if you wanted to participate in the game's plot, but it was always your responsibility to stick your nose where it shouldn't be—and you could do this in multiple ways and to multiple degrees.
Your character was randomly generated—I don't know if this included some sort of stats (that unlocked different options??) or just name/gender/appearance. You weren't stuck with them, though—every time you died, the death was permanent, and you would go back to the last time you saved and start over at that point with a new random character. The old one would continue to exist, dead from whatever killed you, their death backdated to before your save point. I can't remember if that was the only way to revert to a previous save or not.
There was another feature of the game—I'm not sure how clear it was made that it existed, but it wasn't outright stated and you had to find it yourself. If you opened up the in-game Options menu, the first tab wasn't a game settings menu (with the exception of Save and Quit, which were usually present), but another menu of options for things you could do unprompted at that point. Sometimes you'd have more options, sometimes less due to exhausting them, and sometimes you could get out of a part of the game where you otherwise seemed stuck by opening up the Options menu and exploring what it gave you.
I remember one point where I had my character enter a deeply suspicious slimy trapdoor and end up stuck in a short metal hallway with a metal box at both ends and several rectangular windows, not big enough to fall through, through which darkness and the contours of a small creature—something like a crow—were visible. I couldn't interact with anything, but opening the Options menu revealed three choices (Save and Quit not among them):
Tear and Maim Kill Yourself (Quit) Die.
I closed the Options menu and paced up and down the hallway, opening it again to reveal that the "Kill Yourself" option was gone. Not wanting to start over (I'd been forgetting to save since the start, sue me), I chose "Tear and Maim" which resulted in my brutally killing the bird with my bare hands and being sent back to a safer area of the game having entered into some sort of pact with the thing that trapped me down there.
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cloneficgiftexchange · 9 months
clone fic gift exchange: frequently asked questions
this will be linked on the pinned post of the blog, and it is more general, as it’s intended to be used for all clone exchanges i run here in the future, as well as the one that's currently being organized as i’m posting this. if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out and ask :)
why do i need an email to sign up?
i use a secret santa generator to randomly assign matches, as it's way easier for me and has been very successful in the past, and that requires an email address. i have an email account that i use specifically for fandom things (exchanges, zines, etc), and i highly recommend it for anyone who wants to keep themselves more organized (or doesn't want to give out their personal email!)
can i still join if i only read or write a few clones?
yes!! as long as the common denominator character is on your list, you can absolutely participate! i ensure that everyone has at least one character (usually it's rex) on the list of clones they are okay to receive, so this way if you see who you have and you're like "i don't know/don't like any of the other names here," you can just write for the common denominator. there are several protections i put into place for each exchange in order to ensure the comfort of the participants, and this is one of them.
is there a limit on clones we can put down as ones we'd want to receive?
technically no, but i would advise you to choose no more than six or seven of them. for some people a giant list of potential clones may be great, but for others it may be way too overwhelming. there also may be certain exchanges where the options are limited to a certain number, such as the bad batch.
should i be writing my person's favorite clone?
you can write any of the clones on your person's list. i do not ask for a favorite clone at sign up because i see it as another protection on behalf of the participants. If someone's favorite clone is one that the person who has them isn't really into, i wouldn't want to make anyone feel pressured to write them or bad if they don't choose them. in order to further remove this bias, i place all the clones names in alphabetical order on the prompt document.
what happens if the person who is writing for me breaks one of the rules with their fic (uses ai to write, adds a clone/clone background ship, etc)?
in the event that something like that happens, you are under no responsibility to respond to the fic if you don't want to, and please reach out to me to make sure i'm aware, if i haven't caught it already. at that point, i will reach out for an emergency pinch hitter to take over your prompt, and that fic will be the one put on the masterlist and reblogged, not the one that had broken the rules.
i don't write smut, can i still join?
absolutely!! i myself don't read or write it either, and i make sure to ask about the comfort level of participants regarding smut on the sign up. you can find a whole post i did about that here.
what's the posting situation like?
when the exchange day finally arrives, you'll post your fic on your blog and tag me so i can reblog it here! if you're done with your fic early, i ask that you hang onto it so we can all post together.
other than the exchange day, is there a specific time to post?
since we're all in different timezones, the only requirement i have about timing is that you post at some point during the 24 hour window in which it is exchange day for you. that will be different for someone in australia vs someone in new york, and that's totally fine. i usually don't start tracking people down who haven't posted until the monday after the exchange, and if you're really worried you'll miss it, you can schedule a post to go up at a certain time too. deadlines for sign ups are always in eastern standard time though, simply because that's the time zone i'm in.
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cringelordofchaos · 5 months
- Question written and asked by, yours truly, cringelordofchaos on Tumblr.
This is only proving my idiocy and naivete, but let me explain.
This question has been boggling my mind for a while, and yet I fail to find an answer to it because I don't know actual shit about technology or the world around me, come to think of it. Yet I'm still curious, and I can't find much satisfying results on Google.
(I had also tried to discuss this with my close ones, but none of us really came to a satisfying conclusion, only more questions.)
(I hadn't tried asking AIs like ChatGPT directly - but in all honesty I would rather have discussion with human beings directly (albeit chatGPT is arguably somewhat of a combination of humanity.)
Is anything in life truly random? Besides the start of the existence itself, we can assume we know how most things and event happen in life. That is the domino affect; one action or circumstance leads to another. Nothing ceases to exist, it only changes it's form. Almost everything in our life can be explained to an extent, right? If I were to sneeze, it wouldn't be random, there would be actions that would lead my body to be in a position for sneezing. If I were to be diagnosed with ADHD, it wouldn't be random or a "10% chance", it would be due to a long like of combinations of genetics and possible environmental impacts, among other things (though it's still researched). What we call luck, or a "chance" - is merely a pattern of circumstances unforeseeable to us.
Nobody is really "unlucky" are we? It could be said I would be unlucky if I were to visit a party only to realize, after I've set everything up, that it was cancelled the last moment and I didn't know. It wouldn't be a matter of luck, it would be the matter of me simply not being let known the party was cancelled.
So "luck" and "chance" are simply things out of our own control. It's not that they don't exist, but in my personal opinion they are *not* synonymous with "randomness", which I don't necessarily believe in itself is really a thing.
At least that's how I've come to know it. My thoughts may change regarding his subject.
I would like to let everyone know that I'm but a mere, naive teenager, still figuring shit out. Not only about the world around me, but also myself. So I apologize in case I have spread misinformation; that is merely me being rather "stupid", or just uneducated.
Now, after this unnecessary explanation, here is where I am confused.
With AI and modern technology you can achieve wonders, some would say. Among those wonders, you may go to ChatGPT or AIs alike, and ask them for a simple prompt;
"choose a random colour"
"choose a random number"
"choose randomly; left or right"
"choose a random x"
Stuff like that.
And chatGPT may do as your command.
.....but how??
Based on *what* former circumstances does it give you a "random" (x)? What past circumstances lead to chatGPTS decision? Because you can ask the same question with the same phrasing multiple times, and the only thing that will change is the.. result. Which confuses me.
A commonly quoted sentence is "insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". Because to have a different result, circumstances simply have to differ at least in *some* way. Whether it'd be formerly defined Luck (external factors outside of one's individual personal control) or different options made by the individual in question.
In reality, you *can* do the same thing over and over again, and with the time gain a different result - that is, if Luck is present.
But.. with chat gpt? It isn't Luck. It's... Seemingly random.
Because external factors outside of personal control is still in *someone's* (or in some*thing's*-) control. You may be Unlucky in case there is a hurricane, but there is a long scientific explanation for why a hurricane came to be. You may be unlucky if you got with a manipulative significant other, because you scarcely had control in their upbringing or their behaviour, but your significant other have that control, or the people that raised that significant other had control.
If you asked me to think of a random number, and I seemingly randomly picked 8 - it is because ever since I was eight years old going forward I chose it to be my favorite number, for whatever reason. There's some form of complicated psychological/scientific explanation for it, I'm pretty sure.
You get me, I hope. (If I phrased anything poorly, please ask me to elaborate on any point.)
As for ChatGPT, there seemingly are no external factors that would make it's answers vary.
Now, there are things chatGPT learns from; humans. People. Online articles, former conversations with humans, code input, etc.
In which case, if a specific number were to show up more often than other numbers, there*MAY* be a higher chance of it being favoured by services such as ChatGPT. (OR NOT. I DONT KNOW.)
Whatever it is, it still confuses me how its answer changes even when you ask the same question the same way.
Maybe, somewhere in its code, it's somehow precoded to give a specific number each time. (EXAMPLE) the first time it's asked to hand out a specific number, it was already coded to say "9", and it is given to person A. While the second time it's ever asked for a random number, it's precoded to say "241",
PROBABLY NOT, I heavily doubt this theory, especially as I have zero experience coding anything.
But that's the only theory my young naive head could come up with.
I also found this article online, questioning the state of randomness in ChatGPT - which was written after someone recognizing a consistent pattern, rather than true unfiltered randomness.
Another thing- stuff like - Digital gambling.
Unlike Artificial Intelligence, which learns from people, which may help with it handing out "random" options - it isn't like that with digital gambling, or in video games where you can purchase stuff, like Roblox or Fortnite or whatever.
Let's name an example. Imagine there's a video game, and you could buy a spin of a wheel, where there's a 50% (")chance(") of receiving a Common (digital) accessory, 30% chance of receiving an Uncommon accessory, 15% chance of receiving a Rare accessory, and 5% chance of receiving a "Legendary" accessory.
And it confuses me *so much*.
Because... Based on *what* does it give me those accessories? *What* leads me to gaining a legendary accessory, and what leads me to gaining a common one?? Because you do the same thing. You spin the wheel twice and get a different result.. how?
My sister told me, upon conversing with her about this, that "luck" - as some people may define it (as a spiritual thing or whatnot) - is not real, except in digital AIs, which would be the first case of Luck Actually Existing. That we have somehow INVENTED true randomness.
I find that hard to believe, and even harder to find an explanation of how this would be possible in the first place.
There must be an explanation for this.. somewhere... Right?
In case you code, or handle with digital science, do you have any insight on this?
(I cut it off short because I got tired of typing.)
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