#another thing that I’d noticed is that whenever I’d play music from another app for example soundcloud etc and would open tumblr back up
tariah23 · 1 year
Videos are working on here again, too?
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a Match! Part. 3
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader.
Word count: +2,9k
Warnings: A few swearing words but nothing else!
A/N: It’s a Match is finally back!! Let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist! 
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland
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The soft melody Charlie was playing on his guitar made her look at the propped-up iPad while she cut some veggies and her heart skipped a beat with the intense look he was giving her. If that’s how he made her feel through a screen she knew she was bound to collapse under his gaze once they met in person.
“What are you playing?” Y/N asked with one last look, before setting her attention on the cutting board. If she ended up with a missing finger because of him and his tempting smile, she was going to block him. 
“Traverser l’hiver” he answered, and  Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise, she definitely wasn’t expecting him to answer her in French, “I’ve been listening to that song on repeat the last couple of days, and now I’m trying to learn it.”
“What does it mean?” she questioned, putting down the knife for a bit, so she could focus on his explanation.
“Making it through winter,” Charlie replied, plucking the guitar strings softly, “the song talks about how his relationships never last and that he’s glad that they made it through the winter because he can’t get enough of her.”
“Send me the song later,” she mentioned with a smile. That sounded like a good song, and she wanted to know what his music style was like.
Calling each other on FaceTime while they did their own stuff quickly became their thing since they matched on the app two weeks ago, just enjoying the company and asking questions once in a while. Normally it was just her doing stuff like cleaning her desk or cooking while Charlie sat there playing the guitar or reading a script.
“It’s in French,” he warned her, and even if she wasn’t looking at the screen, she already knew he was giving her That smile, the one that made her stomach flutter with excitement. 
“Music is a universal language, Charlie,” she chuckled.
“I thought that was love,” the boy pointed out playfully, “I’m gonna send it as soon as we hang up. Promise.”
“Good, because I’m not sure if I’d be able to find it.”
Y/N saw him throw his head back as he laughed, the movement loosening his man bun. She inhaled deeply, before looking away from the screen. She wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked.
“What are you cooking anyway?” Charlie questioned when his laughter died down, and he stopped playing with the guitar strings.
“I’m meal prepping actually,” Y/N admitted with a grin.
“No way,” he gasped, and she felt her cheeks blushing. 
“This is the first time I’m trying so don’t make fun of me,” she begged as a joke.
“Never, I’m actually impressed with your commitment because that takes a lot of time,” he mentioned with a soft smile. 
She smiled at him and bit her lip. Fuck it, she was gonna ask him to meet up. There was no way she could wait one more week, her assignments could wait.
“Y/N,” Charlie called her, and she tilted her head just a little to let him know she was listening, “let me take you on a date. You get to choose the place.”
She tried to hide her smile without much success, just knowing that Charlie was thinking about the same thing she was thinking made her feel so happy and excited about going out with him. 
Two weeks ago, she’d have never thought about developing such a strong connection with him or that she’d get so happy whenever a new text from Charlie appeared on her phone. The thought of their connection made her relax, she could feel it on her heart that this wasn’t gonna end in another ghosting experience for her.
“Can I tell you something before I answer?” Y/N asked with a grin.
“If you tell me you’re married, I think I can share,” he joked but nodded giving her the green light to ask him whatever she had on her mind.
“I was about to ask you the same thing before you asked me out,” she confessed and the look in Charlie’s face made her whole body tingle. He was too good with eye contact for his own good.
“In that case, I’m glad I asked first,” Charlie mentioned winking at her, and she knew her cheeks were blushing with that simple gesture.
When Jo came back home, she found Y/N smiling at her phone while French music played through the speakers. There was no doubt about who was responsible for putting that smile on her friend’s face. 
“What got you so happy?” Jo asked even if she knew the answer to her question.
“I’m going on a date with Charlie, in two days,” she responded holding back the excited squeal that was threatening to escape from her mouth.
“Dude, finally!” Jo scoffed but smiled at her excitement. Y/N deserved to have fun and go on dates. Her friend deserved to feel something for a guy again.
“Oh shut up!” Y/N laughed and put her head on her friend’s shoulder, “I’m so scared of how I feel about all this and I haven’t met him yet.”
“It’ll be okay,” Jo promised, resting her head on top of Y/N’s, “and if it doesn’t, we can always watch sappy movies and have ice cream for dinner.”
Two days later Jo followed the anxious girl pace in their living room, babbling about not knowing what to wear for her date or hypotheticals scenarios where Charlie would kidnap her and sell her organs on the black market.
“Y/N,” Jo said and the girl ignored her, “Y/N!” this time her friend stopped and looked at her with regret, “if you don’t wanna go then tell him.”
“But I do wanna go,” she grumbled as she sat beside Jo on the couch, “I’m just nervous about the date.”
“Where are you going?” Jo questioned.
“I told him we could go to Salt and Straw, ‘cause he has never been there,” Y/N responded biting her nails, “and then I think he said something about going to Vista Hermosa, but we’re not sure.”
“That sounds like a good plan, just make sure you go somewhere where you can talk and get to know each other.”
“Yeah, I know,” she mumbled, “I should probably start getting ready.”
She pressed her lips together in front of the mirror before throwing the lip gloss on her bag and making sure she had everything.
“Keys, Kleenex, mints, wallet and…,” she whispered and her friend’s hand appeared in front of her, “I don’t need condoms, Jo. It’s our first date, I’m not gonna have sex with him.”
“Honey, you never know,” Jo claimed with a knowing look on her face, “take them, just in case.”
“You’re a nightmare,” the girl huffed but took them and put them in her bag.
“I’m just making sure you have protection in case you need it,” her friend laughed and Y/N rolled her eyes trying to hide her smile.
Her phone chimed with a new text and her heart started racing in her chest. 
Charlie: i’m outside.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she whispered and looked at Jo with panic in her eyes, “he’s here. What do I do?” 
“Tell him to come upstairs, I’ll open the door, so he knows you have someone waiting for you to come back,” Jo ushered her to send her a text back.
Y/N: almost ready!! can you come upstairs?? i’ll buzz you in Charlie: sure!! no problem Charlie: what apartment??
Just a few minutes later she heard a knock on her door and Jo walked out of her room to go and open the door. She took off one earring as she heard her friend’s voice letting Charlie inside their apartment. As soon as Y/N heard his voice, she felt the butterflies go mad in her stomach.  
She grabbed her bag and made her way to the living room, putting on her earring again to pretend she wasn’t ready.
“Hey,” she let out and held back her breath when their eyes met. 
“Hi,” Charlie said standing up from his seat. 
If Jo felt the electricity that filled the room while they were looking at each other, she didn’t mention it. But Y/N felt her whole body tingle with excitement at the sight of the boy right in front of her. 
She lifted her right hand nervously, not sure if she should go for a handshake or not, but her hand got trapped between her body and Charlie’s as he went for a hug. It wasn’t long, just really soft and kinda comforting. 
“Sorry,” they both said at the same time when he noticed Y/N went for a handshake instead.
“It’s okay,” Y/N said giving him a reassuring smile and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Ready to go?” Charlie asked pointing with his thumb to the front door. With a soft nod, she followed him to the front door, giving her best friend one last glance, Jo winked her eye at her and gave her the thumbs up.
“I parked the car around the corner,” Charlie mentioned once they were out of the apartment building.
“You found a parking spot nearby?” Y/N questioned in surprise and when he nodded eagerly she let out a laugh, “lucky guy.”
Hearing him laugh at her comment right next to her made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. He took the car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the orange Subaru close to them. 
“Thank you,” Y/N smiled at him when Charlie opened the door for her. 
“No problem.”
“Get it together, Y/N,” she muttered before the boy opened his door. The nervousness coursing through her body made it feel like her tongue was tied, and she didn’t know how to put into words how glad she was to be there with him by her side. 
“So which Salt and Straw are we going to?” Charlie asked, starting the car and getting out of the parking spot. 
“We should go to the one near Little Tokyo, that one is closer to Vista Hermosa,” she replied and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to recall if it was actually close or not.
“Can you,” Charlie started, trying to get his phone out of his pocket, “type in the address? I’ve been living here for years, but I still need the GPS.” He handed her his phone after he unlocked it.
“When did you move here?” Y/N asked, taking the opportunity to start a small conversation
 and getting to know him a little better.
“I moved to Toronto right after high school and then moved to L.A. a few months after,” he bit his lip, probably trying to do the math on his mind, “About 3 years now?”
“I’m gonna let the GPS pass just because you are brave enough to drive here,” she joked and Charlie shot her a grin that screamed trouble. And she loved it.
The fifteen minutes ride from her apartment to the ice cream shop went by in a blink of an eye, between questions, jokes, and the occasional humming coming from Charlie whenever the radio played a song he liked or knew.
“What flavor should we get?” Charlie questioned, placing his hand on her shoulder to keep her by his side in the busy shop. She glanced at the hand over her shoulder and her heart started racing.
“What if we get the flight?” Y/N hinted, pointing at the option on the board, “that way we can pick four flavors.”
“Good idea, then I want Brown Ale and Bacon, and the Double-fold Vanilla,” Charlie said with an excited smile on his face to the guy behind the counter, “and you?”
“Strawberry Tres Leches and Chocolate Gooey Brownie,” Y/N responded after a few seconds of thinking which flavor could match better with Charlie’s choices.
“You realize we still got chocolate and vanilla ice cream, right?” Charlie chuckled and Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile forming on her lips, “next time we only pick the monthly flavors, deal?” 
Y/N looked up at him and nodded in response, knowing very well that meant he was considering going on a second date with her while the first one just started.
“They’re not gonna last till we get to the park, Charlie,” she warned as they made their way back to the car.
“That’s why I bought cookies,” he smiled as he tried to balance his car keys and the box with ice cream in one hand, “C’mon hurry up,” he ushered her, grabbing her hand with his free hand and guiding her through the surrounding people. 
It wasn’t like he laced their finger together or something like that, he just grabbed her hand to make sure he wouldn’t lose her in the crowd, but the touch made her wish he would never let go of her. Of course, it wasn’t the first time he touched her, but the small amount of time she got to spend with him in person was enough to feel drawn to him in such a magnetic way, she never imagined possible.
“Oh that one is fucking delicious,” Charlie gasped after Y/N’s hand moved away with the now empty little spoon, his eyes still focused on the road ahead of them, “which one it was?”
“That was Strawberry Tres Leches,” she replied with a hint of pride laced on her voice, “your pick isn’t bad, you know?”
Charlie raked a hand through his hair and turned around just a few seconds to show her a bright smile.
“I have good taste,” he observed in a tone that let her know he wasn’t just talking about ice cream flavors.
Y/N opened her mouth, but the words never came out, shaking her head in pure amusement she dipped the tiny spoon in another flavor and offered it to him. What was she supposed to say?
“Why did we think we’d get there with ice cream?”  Y/N questioned when Charlie opened the car door for her. 
“No idea, but we have a plan b,” he added, giving her the bag with cookies and opening the back door to search for something, “there we go.” 
“I want that one,” Y/N said, taking the orange and mango-flavored Capri Sun out of his hand with the biggest smile on her face. 
“I’m gonna give it to you just this time because that’s my favorite,” Charlie scoffed, but the smile that seemed to be permanent on his face gave him away.
He made her feel so relaxed but his energy was so contagious, she felt like she could do anything if she wanted to. 
“Would you go on a hike with me?” he asked her before taking a sip of his Capri Sun. The juice pouch looked ridiculous tiny in his hands.
“You’d have to take it easy on me,” she commented and closed her eyes to feel the sun on her face with delight.
“So that’s a yes,” Charlie stated and the excitement in his voice made her open her eyes, so she could look at the boy sitting next to her on the grass.
“Sure,” she giggled and turned her focus to the impressive view. The overlook of Downtown Los Angeles always took her breath away, reminding her how little she really was.
When they left the park, just minutes before it closed, both of them wanting the date to last a bit longer. 
“Do you mind if we stop for a coffee?” Y/N asked, her voice just loud enough for him to hear her above the music playing, her hands fidgeting on her lap.
“I was gonna ask you the same,” he replied, “we can always drive all the way to the beach if you’re up to that.”
“Are you serious?” Charlie’s beaming smile was the only answer she needed, “let’s go then.”
Being stuck in traffic with Charlie wasn’t bad at all, that meant more time together and a jamming session for them. Y/N knew he could sing, she heard him humming on their previous video calls but getting to listen to him really sing without a care in the world was amazing. 
“Stop bragging, I get it, you can sing,” she teased him.
“Don’t be shy, I know you can sing too,” Charlie said as he parked the car. And there it was, the weakness that meant seeing him backing up the car with just one hand. 
“Right,” she said clearing her throat and unbuckling her seatbelt after he fully stopped the car, suddenly the car felt too hot for her. 
“Don’t you think you’re gonna get cold without a jacket, Y/N?” Charlie questioned, grabbing two hoodies from the back seat.
“I was counting on borrowing yours,” she admitted with a shrug. 
“Let’s go before we miss the sunset,” the corners of his mouth turned up glad she was finally flirting back. Not that she didn’t do it before, but it was nice to hear she was as interested as him.
Their arms were brushing, bodies as close as possible while they faced the ocean and the sky changing colors as the sunset on the horizon. The breeze sent shivers down her spine and she pulled the sleeves to hide her hands to keep them warm. Charlie looked at her and put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.
“I guess my hoodie won’t be enough uh.”
tagged: @cordeliascrown​ @crybabyddl​ @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says @thatsmyfavoritewhiteboy​ @samanthawilliamspring @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @teti-menchon0604 @randomstuff7 @warmness0ul @merceret @headheartbellarke @caitsymichelle13 
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 4 years
Summary: Reader enjoys singing to themselves while Din is gone for bounty hunting and one day gets caught.
(I’m new to the app so I lost the message the person sent to me, but here’s the first request I managed to copy before I lost it. I really hope the person enjoys it. I had a lot of fun!)
Request:  My prayers have been answered! Thank you so much for doing this, the lack of Dad!Din Djarin with young adult reader is killing me. Ok, so could you do a one shot the where reader (who is around 17) really enjoys listening to music and singing, but is afraid that it’ll annoy Din since he’s usually so quiet. So when Din is looking for bounty’s, the reader listens to music through her speaker rather than her iPod (or whatever is the space equivalent of an iPod) and just sings her heart out. But Din comes back early to find the reader singing to herself along with the lyrics, and surprises her. I’ve got some song suggestions, you can choose which one can fit the mood of the one shot. I tried to give you a wide range of genres, but not too many songs. Let me know if you need anything. 
Pairs: Dad!Din Djarin x Young Adult Reader
Words: 1,520
A/N : So I got a little carried away and ended up writing a little backstory for the reader because I imagine that they’d be from Earth and still LOVE listening to earth tunes. Like, can you imagine Din’s confusion to most human songs’ lyrics? Anyways, I really hope you guys like it and please request more things for me to write or tell me your thoughts on the story. I’d really appreciate your feedback!!
Ending up in outer space was the last thing you’d expect to happen when you turned seventeen. You thought you would be dealing with high school drama and figuring out where you’d be attending university. Not getting picked up by an alien spacecraft during a camping trip and taken lightyears away from Earth. It was too much for you to handle as you had no clue what was going to happen to you, so you quietly hummed your favorite song to help calm your nerves of whatever impending doom you would face. Though it seemed that you were not meant to face such a fate, when blasting came from the corridor of the ship and what seemed to be an armored knight entered the room, finding you huddled in the corner wearing nothing but your pjs.
You later found out that the knight was known as a Mandalorian while conversing with him under the star lit cockpit of his ship. 
“Never heard of it.” 
“You’ve never heard of Earth?” You looked at him incredulously, shocked at his indifferent tone. 
His helmet humbly shone as he shook his head. “Wherever you’re from, kid, it must be far. Is there anyone you know around the system that can look after you?”
You shook your head. If he didn’t know about Earth then you must be really far from home. This could be why people back home haven’t been able to find any alien life forms. They were so far out of reach that they didn’t know about humans back home. Did that mean you couldn’t go back home? What would you do now that you were stranded?
The Mandalorian looked at you for a moment before sighing. He confessed that he lived with a son who needed to be watched over while he was out pursuing bounties and offered you to stay with him for the time being so long as you watch the child while he was gone. He would also do his best to find any information about this Earth you spoke about and try to return you to your home. By Creed, he’d said. Which confused you at the time though you didn’t try to argue, not wanting to get marooned your first day in space. From that day forward, you began your life with the Mandalorian and his child.
“When are you coming back?” You followed Din as he activated the boarding ramp to lower to the ground. He was off to retrieve another bounty. You could tell by the puck he carried with him. Whoever’s information was in it was not going to have a good day, you were sure of it.  
“End of the day, if things go well.” Din began to make his descent down the ramp, not bothering to turn around and face you. “Close the ramp. You have your coms in case anything happens while I’m gone.”
You watched as the Mandalorian set off for the nearest town, waiting for him to distance himself from the ship before pushing the button that’d close the ramp and heading back inside to get Grogu. You stopped in the middle of the main corridor, looking inside Din’s bunk. Grogu cooed inside the makeshift hammock, sleepy eyed and yawning.
“Din’s gone. You know what that means?” You picked up Grogu and made your way to the cockpit. A small squeal erupted from the small green thing in your arms, causing you to chuckle as the doors to the cockpit opened dramatically.  For a baby he sure was able to understand so much. Plopping onto Din’s seat (something you only had the courage to do when he was gone) you pulled out your phone and began connecting it onto the main board. 
Back on Earth, it was no secret about your love of music. You used to spend hours in your room completely losing touch with reality while you sang your heart out. It was different in space. Though the music to you was foreign and full of languages that were not of your native tongue, you enjoyed them nonetheless and even listened to them using an old datapad you found in the ship. Never aloud though. You were afraid of overstepping your boundaries with the Mandalorian you’d lived with. The fact that he never said much intimidated you enough. You didn’t want to annoy him. Besides, after a long day he deserves to come back home to peace and quiet. 
That didn’t mean that you couldn’t enjoy yourself while he was gone. Oh, on the contrary it became tradition for you and Grogu to turn the Razor Crest into one big speaker while the two of you jammed out to music. As it turned out, Grogu really enjoys the 70s. 
The two of you pranced around the ship for what only felt like an hour, when in reality the suns of the planet had gone down a long time since. Grogu had tired himself out and fell asleep the moment he returned to his little hammock. You, on the other hand, sat in the cockpit where the music was currently playing in. The wires had to be redirected and closed so that the only area the speakers played music in was where you were. Even though Grogu was sleeping, you were far from done listening to music. At the moment, you were singing your heart out to Killer Queen. You had been silently listening to the music before. But with a classic like this it deserved to be sung with. Or at least, that’s how you felt.
Unbeknownst to you, Din was making his way to the ship when he heard sounds coming from within. This worried him for a moment. His instincts told him that someone else was inside and with the kids. Quickly making his way up the ramp, Din upholstered his rifle and scanned the main hull of the ship. A moment passed. The hull showed no signs of struggle. Taking several steps forward Din picked up on the light snoring coming from his son’s hammock. He checked Grogu quietly, careful as to not wake him but still wanting to make sure that he was alright. Comforted to know that his son was safe, Din admitted to himself that he was being too rash with an intruder inside of the ship and took a moment to glance around the vicinity in search of his other ward. Where were you? He checked your empty cot before making his way into the cockpit.
“Didn’t know there were concerts on this ship.” 
“Dank Farrik-” You jumped out of your seat, startled by Din’s clapping that had interrupted your vibes. You were too busy singing to hear the Mandalorian’s steps as he entered the hull. “I didn’t hear- how long were you watching?” 
Din made his way beside the main chair, placing a hand on the headrest. “Long enough to know you messed with my cables. How’d you learn to do that?” 
“Peli taught me some things last time we were with her.” Your ears burned hot. “She thought it’d be useful to learn in case you needed an extra set of hands.”
You stared at anything but Din, still embarrassed from the startle he gave you. With his helmet on it was virtually impossible to look at him and tell what he was thinking. To know if he was annoyed. If he was upset at you for messing with his ship, he certainly didn’t show it. Was he going to kick you out? Leave you stranded? You sighed, closing your eyes and waited for him to say something.
A chuckle emitted from Din’s helmet. “Y’know, I was wondering where that song was from.”
You opened your eyes, tilting your head at him questionably. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” He sat on the co-pilot’s seat, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, “Grogu has been mumbling some sort of uh… song whenever he doesn’t see you around. I always assumed that it was his way of calling for you. Didn’t really know where he’d gotten it from, until now.”
A large smile found itself on your face. 
“Really?” Din nodded. “He really loves Earth music, yknow.”
“He doesn’t do a bad job mimicking it either.” A pause. “You two should play it more often when we’re travelling. It’d certainly make the place more…”
“Lively?” You added with a smirk.
Din hummed, nodding at your words. “Yeah, kid. Lively. Alright, out of the chair. We gotta hit hyperspace for our next commute.” He ruffled your hair and chuckled at you swiping at his hands. You settled in the co-pilot’s chair while he positioned himself on the pilot’s chair, grabbing your phone and staring at it for a moment. Its wires remained connected to the ship’s board. 
“Here.” He handed the phone to you. “I’d like to learn more about your music...if that’s alright with you.”
You smiled, hitting shuffle on the playlist and listened to the music flood into the cockpit. You didn’t fail to notice Din’s foot tapping to the beat of the song. 
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When stars collide
(A/N) this is probably the longest fic I've ever written and the one that took the longest to write. Big thank you to @mayraki who helped me write alot of this
Word count: 1373
Jackson avery x reader
"What did you do that for?" you asked through gritted teeth. Reaching for the pen Jackson had just stolen out of your hands. It was only a small thing but he'd been winding you up all day, stealing small things you needed. Making you embarrass yourself in front of a patient when you couldn't find the post it notes you were sure you had five minutes earlier.
Glaring at Jackson, he shrugged nonchalantly. Holding the pen higher up our of your reach even further. Sighing, irritated now, you turned on your heel and walked away in search of a new pen.
You hated him. You'd hated him since the beginning. The first snide comment and the first sideways glance. It was always a competition, a race in who could be the best.
Jackson had made it his goal to get under your skin, or at least that's what you determined from his sly comments and irritating behaviour.
Everyone knew about your feud. Being quick to intercept any possible interaction between the two of you. Of course working in a hospital it was still difficult to avoid each other. Sometimes you'd be performing a surgery together, the silence suffocating. You always felt an itch to start a conversation but your pride got the better of you every time and you swallowed down the urge.
Your coworkers found your arguments unbearable. Constantly muttering at how immature the two of you were. Everyone dreaded the surgery's where it would be just the two of you, usually nominating one person to stand in the gallery to diffuse any fights whilst everyone else tried to stay as far away as possible.
It was well known you'd be the most annoyed after surgery. Long hours of holding your tongue, choosing to be the better person and not snapping back at Jackson.
It wasn't long before the hospital was bored of the constant drama between you two. Coming up with a plan in secret to try to get you reconciled.
"y/n can you get me something?" Meredith called from down the hallway. "It's in the supply cupboard but I'm busy right now".
You pushed open the door to the cupboard, eyes scanning the room. Your eyebrows furrowed, you were about to try and track down Meredith again, realising she never even told you what she wanted but before you could the door was slammed in your face and you heard a key twist in the lock.
"As if this couldn't get any worse."
Spinning around your gaze was met with Jackson sitting on the floor, leaning against a cabinet. He had a bored expression on his face, a change from the smug look that usually adorned it.
"What are you doing here?" you sighed, not wanting to be in his company any longer than you had to.
"The same as you I assume, probably Mer's idea."
You looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?"
Jackson chuckled dryly "Are you really that dense? It's obvious, they're trying to get us to be friends, why else would they shut us both in here together"
You groaned, hitting your head against the door. Muttering a string of curses under your breath you sank down onto the floor opposite Jackson. You sat like that for a while, fiddling with the necklace around your neck. It was a simple necklace, a silver chain with a star pendant on it. You noticed Jackson kept checking his watch and sighing every time the hands moved forward further than he'd have liked.
 “Look, I don’t think they’re going to let us out if we don’t become friends, or at least talk.” You said, after he’d checked his watch for the ninth time.
 He rolled his eyes at your sarkiness.“Well what do you want me to say? Oh my god y/n I’m so sorry you get really pissed off at petty things.” He replied cuttingly.
 You rolled your eyes angrily “No Jackson, I’d like to know why you choose to be an asshole all the time.”
 “You’re cute when you’re mad.” He said matter of factly, as if it was something you should already know. 
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, your hands that were playing with the necklace went still. You coughed nervously, using a cabinet to pull yourself into a standing position. You knocked on the door “Mer, I think you can let us out now.” The key twisted in the lock, throwing one look at Jackson over your shoulder you left the room, ignoring the smug look on Meredith’s face.
You avoided Jackson like the plague after that. Your friends weren’t sure which they preferred, the constant bickering or the stony silence every time he walked past. You hadn’t told them what he’d said to you, preferring to lie and say that Mer had let you out because he refused to talk to you.
You’d been in turmoil about your emotions ever since he let the words drop. You tried to convince yourself it was nothing, he was just winding you up again, but you knew it was more than that. The Jackson Avery you knew wouldn’t just drop something like that, sure he was flirty but he’d never been with you. Now you felt a pang of jealousy whenever he flirted with another woman, a feeling that had never been there before.
You knew he'd be at the bar. Joe's bar was the one most frequently populated by workers from grey sloan memorial.
Even though you knew he'd be there you still decided to go. Your friends were begging you to come, in all fairness you'd been so caught up with work and avoiding Jackson you hadn't had time to do anything with them.
"it'll be fun don't worry" one of them said as they pulled you by the hand into the crowd that filled the bar and led you to a table.
You hadn't meant to look over at him. You'd tried to keep your gaze fixed on the table the whole night. Your friends had left you earlier to dance with strangers to the upbeat music that clashed with the emotions you were feeling.
Your eyes were met with his icy blue ones, he downed his drink and turned around to the woman on the stool next to him. Seeing him with other people made you irrationally angry, you kept trying to remind yourself you hated him and everything about him but nothing seemed to be working.
Standing up you signalled to your friends that you needed some air. You grabbed your phone and jacket and shoved your way through to get to the door. You could feel his eyes on your back but you paid no attention.
The cold night air hit you in the face, a strong comparison to the stuffy heat of people dancing. The door behind you squeaked open and you prayed it wasn't your friends, not willing to answer inevitable questions about why you left so suddenly just to be dragged back inside.
"Jealous?" an irritatingly jokey voice asked you.
"Jackson I'm not in the mood for your bullshit" sighing you turned around to face him, you'd expected him to laugh at you but instead the expression on his face was concerned and worried.
"why did you leave?" he asks softly.
You figured you might as well be honest, as he was with you almost two weeks ago in the supply closet. "I didn't like seeing you with her" you mumble.
Jackson smiles lightly "see you were jealous" he laughs.
"shut up" you say hitting him in the arm gently. "Look I don't want anything right now, literally two weeks ago I hated your guts"
He nods slowly "just let me-" he fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you screen ready on the phone app.
You giggle and tap your number into his phone. You hand it back and begin to walk back inside, knowing you'd be the one who'd have to drive your drunk friends home.
As you're walking away your phone in your pocket beeps and you stop to take it out. The bright text symbol is displayed on your screen.
':) - Jackson'
Taglist: @dmonchld @outerbankslut @stfukie @killingbxys @love-chx my taglist is a bit broken and a mess right now and some people have no results which I'm assuming means they put all before I accidentally removed the other option, if you wanna be removed lemme know and I'll create a new form soon anyway
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uwua3 · 4 years
#5. sleep talk
♡ sumeragi tenma + happy ending ♡
for ☆: darcynne
note ♡: this was so fun to write! i love the concept of tenma being so comfortable with someone to reveal his true self~ and taking off his confident front to be vulnerable !!! i hope you like this~ thank you for these choices :D
game concept: celebrity boyfriend, friends to lovers, long distance
music ♪: last first kiss – one direction
If anyone knew the Sumeragi Tenma couldn’t sleep until you FaceTimed him all night, you’d be officially titled the luckiest person in the world.
Who wouldn’t think that? Nationally recognized, brilliant child actor born into the film industry with effortless talent was the most texted contact in your phone. Perhaps it was the accidental wrong number that somehow got you in Tenma’s extremely private personal number (to which he picked up with intense worry it was another random fan and his phone was leaked), but here you were, practically his lifeline of anything normal. It was honoring in a way to have such a famous person want to see you after every long day of practice and acting.
Though, with the way he dramatically flopped onto his bed with a childish grin aimed at you, he didn’t particularly seem like the famous phenomenon everyone knew.
“I missed you today, you know?” You blurted out just as his back hit his bed, receiving a shocked reaction even his years of experience couldn’t hide. Regardless, Tenma was always cool and calm as he coughed into his fist, attempting to hide his flustered expression as he averted his gaze.
“Yeah, yeah. You’d be nothing without me.” Tenma shot back, but there was no vemon laced in his words. It was the first time he looked genuinely calm, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in and out. You didn’t understand what it was like to be watched 24/7 by flashing cameras and chased down by adoring, obsessive fan clubs, but you assumed it was exhausting to maintain as a teen fresh into high school.
“You know that’s not true.” You started but slowly trailed off when you caught sight of his vibrant purple eyes, seemingly staring at you with a soft smile before you snapped your fingers. Catching him off guard, Tenma nearly dropped his phone as he tried to not curse loudly with a quick glance at his roommate. You heard Yuki call him a “real hack” in the background, to which you interupted Tenma’s angry yell with a laugh.
(You didn’t notice, but Tenma instantly turned back towards you with a complete 180 in his attitude. Yuki said he was a “simp” or something.)
“Whatever, you know I’m right.” Tenma replied but you realized his voice kept lacking the hard edge he had with everyone else. With you, he was intentionally quieter and more contemplative than he was in interviews. Popular celebrity Sumeragi Tenma was prideful and borderline arrogant in his thriving success. But, Tenma right here, the Tenma with messy hair and shining bright eyes whenever he looked at you, was anything but that.
You two shared a moment of silence, the usual talkative calls transitioning into keeping each other company. Silence with Tenma was never awkward or uncomfortable, it just felt... right, to be with him. So, as you both checked your daily apps with music in the background, you two barely followed along to the radio as night passed.
It was late, you knew that. You should’ve reprimanded Tenma to sleep so he had all the necessary hours to complete his busy schedule the next day, but a selfish part of you wanted him to stay on call. So, you winced at the time but didn’t insist on making him leave when he pointed out how late it was. Maybe, a part of him wanted to stay on call with you, too. Whatever, right? Future Tenma can deal with it.
As the night came and went, with Yuki sleeping soundly and the dorm turning in for the night, you and Tenma both stared at your ceilings with whispered words and giggles. Sometimes, you’d say something that made him laugh way too loudly, where he’d have to slap his hand over his mouth and kick his legs like a toddler. There was something oddly innocent about Tenma, how he found happiness in such insignificant things despite being a rich idol. You wanted to be the purpose behind his smile.
“Talking with you... is always the best part of my day.” Tenma muttered, without the usual bravado an actor would deliver in that powerful of a line. You paused, finally turning to look into the camera to see Tenma was already on his side, eyes closed and pillow hugged tight against his chest. He must’ve been on the verge of sleep talking, as his eyelids fluttered at the smallest noise.
“I feel the same. I can’t sleep without you.” You quietly laughed, to which Tenma did that damn soft smile again. It made your heart beat much too quickly for laying in bed, and you wondered how his fans would react to such a different side of him. When you were about to hang up after seeing his slow breaths, Tenma shuffled around before settling on his back and sighing, staring at you through half lidded eyes.
Usually, Yuki would give him some pointed look that stopped him from saying something stupid, but Tenma was sleep deprived and overworked, so he wasn’t aware of the truth slipping past his lips.
“I wouldn’t be able to live without you.”
Tenma didn’t realize what he said until you leaned closer to your phone, with an equally tired but sentimental smile. As if you had been waiting to hear those words all this time.
“Me too, you’re my favorite star.” You joked, causing Tenma to huff sharply as he crossed his arms over his pillow. Maybe it was the sleep talking, but he couldn’t stop oversharing every little detail he normally kept from you.
“No, I’m serious. I’d honestly go crazy without you—I work so I can go home and talk to you. You get me through my day, I like—” Then, Tenma sat up from his bed with a quick hit to the ceiling as he winced. You reached for your phone, concerned as you began asking if he was okay but Tenma’s head was spinning as he grabbed his hair.
Did he almost confess to you? Out of no where? All because he was tired?! Oh my god! Before Tenma could hurriedly end the call to scream without you witnessing it, he noticed you kept repeating his name.
“Tenma, Tenma, listen to me!” You called out, also sitting up this time as you leaned your back against a wall. You looked much more serious than before, running your hand through your bedhead as Tenma avoided your gaze.
“I didn’t mean—”
“I like you, too.”
Tenma stopped lying, taking a moment to rub his eyes and look back and forth between you and his own face on screen. When he moved to pinch himself, you laughed regardless of the unpredictable and chaotic confession you found yourself in.
“This isn’t a dream, Ten. I like you; I live for you, too.” You lowered your voice but the words carried just as much impact. Tenma released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, sinking back into bed with a surprised look before turning on his side with pseudo–confidence.
“Yeah, I definitely knew that.” Tenma unconvincingly stated and you fondly rolled your eyes, going back into bed properly, too. When another moment of silence passed, Tenma yawned and tried to play it off. You always saw through his bullshit.
“Hey, let’s go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” You said, and Tenma didn’t know if it was the sleepiness in him or not, but he said it anyways.
“I like you, so much.”
“I like you, too. Get some sleep, Ten.”
When you were the one who ended the call, Tenma let himself yell into his pillow. Yuki told him to shut up, as expected. That night, Tenma dreamt of calling you the next day, and every time after that.
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: Feelings Astray
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~1.5k Rating: G Time Frame: Something like their 4th or 5th week of college Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Some practice drama as well as setup for future stuff.
“Ne, Ayumu, Setsuna-chan.” Yuu said, turning around on her piano bench. “Would you mind listening to this for me?”
“Of course.” Ayumu and Setsuna replied, practically in unison.
Yuu smiled, stood, and walked over to Ayumu to hand her a set of headphones before giving a set to Setsuna and returning to the keyboard.
The three girls had spent the bulk of the afternoon in Yuu’s room, a bit of a change from their established habit of gathering in Ayumu’s room. This was actually their third day here, as Yuu was working on composing a new piece and needed to use her keyboard. There wasn’t space to move the device to Ayumu’s room so Ayumu and Setsuna mutually decided to keep her company. As Yuu lacked a kotatsu for her guests to gather around, she let Setsuna use her desk to study and Ayumu was sitting on the couch taking a break from her own studies to play a game with Rina on her phone.
Ayumu sent a message to her gaming companion and closed the app before donning the headset. She nodded to Yuu to indicate that she was ready. The twintailed girl smiled again and turned on her bench.
After a deep breath, Yuu positioned her fingers above the keys and began to play. Music poured out of the tiny speakers into Ayumu’s ears as she leaned back and let the experience wash over her. By the gods, she loved listening to Yuu play. Ever since her childhood friend had changed her class course to music back in high school, getting to be part of the audience for small, private concerts had become one of Ayumu’s favorite pastimes. Even if the song was still a work in progress, like today.
Movement off to Yuu’s side caught Ayumu’s attention. Setsuna had sat up straighter, closed her eyes and lifted her chin. Was she…? Ayumu slid one side of her headphones off. Yes, Setsuna was indeed humming along, adding a melody atop Yuu’s piece. Did she already know the tune?
“La la la… Lalala laaa~…” Setsuna apparently was not content to merely hum and began vocalizing instead. No actual lyrics, just the sound of her voice.
And it was beautiful. The harmony was perfect. Ayumu wanted to simply sit and bear witness, but she found herself wondering if Yuu could hear Setsuna as well. She was about to stand and either try to get Yuu’s attention or discreetly move one side of her headphones off like she had done herself. But then Yuu’s hand shot up and quickly did exactly that, barely missing a note. Oh, good. Ayumu relaxed and continued to enjoy the performance.
Then, all too soon, it came to an end.
Setsuna opened her eyes as though coming out of a trance. She blinked and stiffened as she noticed that Yuu’s headphones were half off and it was obvious she had heard her. Pink began to dust her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Yuu-san!” Setsuna blurted out. “I didn’t mean to interfere! I just couldn’t help…”
“That was amazing, Setsuna-chan!” Yuu interrupted excitedly.
“I hadn’t even considered adding another melody like that, but it was perfect!”
“It really was amazing.” Ayumu agreed, earning a toothy grin from Yuu and a more bashful smile from Setsuna.
“Do you think maybe you could write lyrics to this?” Yuu continued.
“Me? Lyrics?” Setsuna asked.
“Well you just came up with that lovely melody. Surely you could put some words to it, right?”
“Obviously I would be happy to help. But, hey, if we do that, maybe you could even use it as a single!”
“Oh, uhm…” Setsuna’s blush deepened. “I wouldn’t want to interfere with your schoolwork.”
“It’s fine.” Yuu assured. “The assignment is just to compose an original work, there’s nothing against turning around and letting a professional idol add lyrics and use it herself.”
“You’d really be alright with that?”
“Of course!” Yuu was practically bouncing in her seat. “It’d be like old times back in the idol club, except now Setsuna-chan is a professional idol.”
Like old times…
“I’d like that.” Setsuna’s smile became more natural as her blush began to fade. “It really is a wonderful work and it would be an honor to sing to it. Thank you, Yuu-san.”
As the two started talking about potential themes for the lyrics, Ayumu found her own thoughts drifting.
There was no doubt in Ayumu’s mind as to Setsuna’s musical prowess, specifically when it came to utilizing her voice. But still, to predict and adjust on the fly like she had just done also implied an implicit trust in Yuu and incredible knowledge about her style of composition. And that was a bond Ayumu simply did not share with Yuu. Or Setsuna for that matter.
Sure, back in high school, Ayumu had done well enough as a school idol, when it came to performing. But she was nowhere near as active as either Yuu or Setsuna when it came the creation of the songs they would sing or the choreography they would use.
Ayumu’s contributions to the club were more of general support. She helped the costume club occasionally with outfit design and creation. She often helped the baking club make snacks for the other idols. And of course, she very much enjoyed being the go-to individual for help with styling her friends’ hair before Live performances or photoshoots, particularly for those with longer hair, like Kanata, Shizuku and Setsuna.
But that often meant that she was doing something for the club other than either Yuu or Setsuna. And they were often doing something together, like when they were spearheading the efforts to organize the School Idol Festival. So, of course they would develop that sort of bond.
And nowadays, they had bonded over many other things as well. They geeked out over idols and anime, often to the point of seeming to forget Ayumu’s presence; not unlike right now. And sure, Yuu had taken to snuggling into Ayumu in bed, but Setsuna seemed to cling to Yuu with a desperation that neither did with her. Even their morning meeting on the balcony, they were more often next to one another. Who knows, the next thing they’ll bond over might end up being cooking.
Was Ayumu getting in their way?
No. That couldn’t be the case.
Both actively sought her out for drying their hair whenever they washed it. Yuu was very open about that fact that she had no desire to go to any hairstylist other than her, for cuts, dyeing or anything else. And while Setsuna hadn’t said as such out loud, her actions seemed to imply that she felt similar.
Both girls were also vocal in their gratitude for all of the cooking Ayumu did for them. And knowing how much they enjoyed her food was something in which Ayumu did take some pride. Not too much, as she knew there were far better cooks than her out in the world. But if the two people she loved most were happy with it, then that was enough to make her happy.
And then there was the fact that Yuu was quite insistent on walking to class with Ayumu, despite having a later schedule. And Setsuna always greeted her enthusiastically when she arrived home. Although she greeted Yuu the same way. And Yuu greeted Setsuna the same way as well… Perhaps that wasn’t the best example.
Even the private piano performances had started out only being for Ayumu. But then Setsuna started to join in regularly. And while Ayumu was certainly happy when the three of them were together, there started to be more and more times like now. More and more times that the other two seemed to forget Ayumu was present.
Maybe I should just move out and let them be a happy cou…
Wait, where did that thought come from?
Ayumu physically shook her head as though it might help rid herself of that thought.
“Mm?” Ayumu blinked to find Yuu had turned her attention to her.
“You alright?”
“I’m fine. I just…”
Ayumu was interrupted by the sound of Setsuna’s stomach growling. Loudly. Yuu immediately started laughing while Setsuna’s face flushed adorably.
Ayumu held back a laugh of her own. “I suppose it is about that time.” She said, checking her phone. “I’ll go make dinner.”
“I’ll come with.” Yuu said, bouncing up from her bench.
“Oh, I’ll be fine.” Ayumu assured. “Please continue to work here if you want.”
“I’m good here for now.” Yuu shook her head. “And I need to do a few things on my laptop anyway.”
Ayumu noticed Setsuna close her own laptop and stand as well. “I’ll come as well.” The raven-haired girl said with a smile.
“Mm.” Ayumu agreed with a nod and headed for the door.
So, Ayumu and Setsuna had decided to keep Yuu company in her room. And now Yuu and Setsuna wanted to keep Ayumu company in hers. That meant they all wanted to stay together, right?
Yes. That had to be the case.
Ayumu thought to herself as she led the way back to her room. It was fine. That strange thought from before should just be forgotten.
Everything was fine.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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lindalevanimamm · 4 years
Reality- Chapter one
Description: What if you hit rock bottom and someone you thought wasn’t real comes to save you? In this story Y/N has hit rock bottom, but 707 breaks time and reality barriers to come and save them. 
My mental health was getting worse and I know it. My habit of pushing away all of my feelings was starting to hurt me, it always does. I’m anxious all the time. I struggle to have simple conversations with people, so I just don’t. They don’t like me anyway. I’ve pretty much never had friends, so there must be something wrong with me. I isolate myself. I know it’s not healthy, but I do it anyway. I’m afraid I’ll get hurt again. I’ll finally have a friend and they’ll leave. School feels like too much now. Everything feels like too much. I keep getting panic attacks, headaches, and just full blown breakdowns. I keep it to myself though because I don’t want to be a burden. No one would care anyway. I have breakdowns over lots of things. I’m stressed about school things, like everyone else. I’m so anxious about things I have to do that involve even a little bit of socialization. It scares me. I’ll say something wrong, they’re all looking at me, they’ll think I’m boring, they won't like me just like everyone else. On top of that, I’m questioning my sexuality. I don’t know what made me start thinking about it, but I know I’m not straight and it scares me. I already have no friends, I don’t need another reason for people to not like me. It’s been weighing on my shoulders though. I’ve been feeling worthless. What am I even doing with my life? I’m so tired of everything. I want to stop feeling. I feel so much emotion, but also feel nothing at the same time. Does that make sense? I want it to stop. I was ignoring any text I was getting, which were few. I don’t have friends that would check in on me. They don’t know the thoughts in my head. If people did know the thoughts in my head, would they treat me differently? Probably. 
The thoughts in my head were once again starting to be too much. I got into my bed and curled into a ball. I knew the tears were going to fall soon. But they never came. As painful as it all felt, they wouldn’t come. So I laid there and stared at my wall. Maybe eventually they’ll join me. More thoughts came, ones that I’m not proud of. The tears started to come. And then they kept coming, until I couldn’t stop. I was shaking and pulling the covers even closer to me so I could feel even a sliver of comfort. It hurt. I hurt. 
After I calmed down a bit, I peeked at my phone for the first time that day. I noticed a few missed chatrooms on a game I was playing. I read the messages. “I plan to fly to the other side of the universe just for you right now. I might hit a meteor or my spaceship might run out of fuel. I’m taking all those risks to go see you. I hope you come out. I want to see you. ~707 <3”. I began to break down more. It’s just a stupid game, I know, but I still feel something whenever 707 is in the chatroom. This message broke me. He makes me happy, even when I played his route and he was mean, I was still happy. At least I could be there for him, like I want someone there for me. I know it’s stupid. I shouldn’t have feelings, I mean really. He doesn’t even exist. But it hurts to know he doesn’t exist. If only he was real. If he were, would he really care about me? If for some reason he did, I think I’d be the happiest person alive. Just thinking about how maybe, just maybe, someone would go so far as to cross the universe for me makes me smile. All I want in life is someone like 707, or rather Saeyoung. I want someone who cares about me as much as I do them. I want someone who can make me smile and laugh. Knowing that Saeyoung, a character in a game, does that even though he’s not real makes me incredibly sad. Why can’t he exist? Why can’t he come save me and help me, like I did him? All I want is to give, or get, a hug from him. But that won’t ever happen because he’s not real. It sucks really, to be so in love with someone that doesn’t even exist. 
I woke up to the sun going down. I guess I had cried myself to sleep after reading the chats. I decided to go for a walk. I needed to breathe some fresh air. I didn’t care how I looked. I threw my hair up in some sort of bun-looking style, threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and made my way out of my apartment. My face scrunched up as I walked outside and the cold wind hit my face. I shoved my hands in my pockets and ventured out. I thought that some ice cream sounded really good, so I started in the direction of the nearest place that sold ice cream. I watched as people passed me on the street. Most walked with friends. Laughing and smiling as they headed to wherever. It hurt to watch. I was reminded that I’ve never had that. I’ve never ‘gone out with friends’. I watched the couples pass. Walking close for warmth, holding hands, smiling as they passed. If only. If only he was real. I tried to block out my thoughts as I put my earbuds in and turned my music on and up. I only wanted to hear the music. I stopped and looked to the sky. I closed my eyes and just breathed for a moment to calm myself, before continuing my walk. My eyes wandered to the ground as I walked, tired of seeing the people around me. They all seemed too normal and happy to me. I slowly made it to the shop. It was filled with people. I immediately became overwhelmed. What if someone I recognize is here? I look really bad. I’m sure my face is still red from the crying, my eyes swollen, the bags under my eyes from sleepless nights, not to mention my ‘super stylish’ outfit and hair. I quickly got in line and ordered as fast as I could. Thanking the woman for the ice cream, I hurried out of the shop. I made my way to a nearby park and sat on the bench. I had put my earbuds back in, so I listened as I ate my ice cream. It made me feel slightly better. Once finished, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I tried to block out the thoughts that were making their way in. This all really sucks. I began to get lost in more thoughts, the music no longer helping. I hadn’t noticed that someone had sat next to me. I didn’t notice the hand covering mine on my thigh. I was too focused on not breaking down again right there. Someone make it all stop. “you….okay….(Y/N)?...breathe….me….three,” I could hear a voice say. They sounded distant. Eventually they started to sound like they were coming closer. “In and out.” I soon realized that someone was next to me, in a park, it was dark, and I did not recognize the voice. I moved my head back down and opened my eyes. I was met with a face I recognized, but it wasn’t possible. I blinked a few times in shock and the face next to me. How? What? I watched as the beautiful smile I had come to love appeared. “Hey,” he said. “I’ve been trying to find a way to meet you. I told you I was going to cross the universe to see you.” My mouth was slightly open, still trying to process what was happening. He’s not real, he’s in a game...how is this possible. “S-Saeyoung?” I struggled to get out. He laughed. God that laugh. I could listen to it on repeat. “How...how are you here?” I asked. “I told you I would find a way to see you,” he replied. 
“But, you’re...you’re not real.”
“I’ve always been real (Y/N), just in a different dimension.”
“But- but how?”
“That’s a story for a different time.” He poked my nose with his finger after saying that, and then laughed. “I didn’t think my (Y/N) was going to have this reaction!”
“You...came- no did… all of this just to see me?” I asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I have. You saved me (Y/N). It hurt me to watch you through that app as you broke down. I wanted to just reach out and hug you. And now I can.”
I turned my head down. “But why me? I’m nobody. It’s a popular game. There are so many other girls that you deserve. You deserve more than just little ole me.”
“No. You saved me. You’re the one I fell in love with. I broke down so many walls to get here, to see you. Only you.” He hesitated, but gently grabbed my chin and moved my head up so I was facing him. I had already begun to cry. How is this real? How is he here? Can he stay? Why me? I watched his face fall into worry. “Oh no, don’t cry now (Y/N). Was I wrong? Should I go back?” he quickly asked. He now used both hands to hold my face, his thumbs gently wiping my tears. I tried to smile. “No. I don’t want you to go. Please stay. I don’t know how this is happening right now, but I’m so happy. I didn’t know I could feel this happy.” I threw my arms around his neck and sobbed. He returned the hug and rubbed his hands in circles on my back. I held onto him like my life depended on it, like he was going to leave me to. “It’s okay. I’m here now (Y/N), and I’m not planning on going anywhere,” he whispered. I could hear a quiver in his voice. I felt his head land on my shoulder before I felt the tears falling onto it. After a few moments of just sitting there, on a park bench, crying together, I pulled away from the hug and smiled. “Why me?” I quietly asked.
“It’s always been you (Y/N). You were there for my darkest times. You helped me get back up. You go along with my weird jokes. You made me feel real. You gave me hope. I wanted to find a way out of that universe to get to you. I wanted to help you and comfort you, like you did for me. All those times you got on the messenger after a breakdown, I would try to cheer you up because I couldn’t be there in person. I wanted out of the game to be there for you. And I finally did. I finally found you. My 606, my one and only astronaut, my best friend, my earthling. You’re my everything and I finally found you.” I smiled. “You’re crazy you know? But I’m happy. I didn’t think this would ever be possible. I think my life just changed for the better.” He smiled and took my hand, “we should probably get you back to your apartment.”
“What about you? How long have you been here? You can stay with me if you need,” I asked, immediately feeling a bit bad that he had come. He put a hand on his neck, “yeah, I, uh, haven’t actually got a place or anything. I’ve just been looking for you.” I smiled. “Okay. Let's go then.” 
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 4 years
Left Undone
Ted didn’t want to babysit Bill’s daughter. He didn’t like Bill, and Bill didn’t like him. Why did he have to be the only one in the office who was free for the weekend? Alice didn’t exactly want to be babysat either. She’s too old for that!
Little did Ted and Alice know how much fun they were going to have.
(AU wherein Alice has not dated Deb yet, Bill hasn’t divorced yet either; MASSIVE SPOILERS for BoJack Horseman Season 3 and Moulin Rouge! are discussed)
Friday Prologue | Saturday Chapter | Sunday Chapter | Monday Epilogue
Alice woke up fairly well-rested Saturday morning, forgetting for a second that she wasn’t in her own house.
Ted Spankoffski’s house had 3 bedrooms. One was a master bedroom where Ted slept and also did any other non-CCRP related work. Another was a room where Ted’s nerdy brother stayed for the Summer; ever since Ted got himself a house, his younger brother would stay over at his place during holidays and academic breaks.
Then there was the spare guest bedroom Alice was in where Ted had to set up for her the previous evening. It was very plain.
She went downstairs, explored a little, then found no one. She went back up, knocking on Ted’s bedroom door. No response.
Alice then decided to wash up instead, to feel fresh in the morning. She did all the work in the downstairs bathroom (Ted specifically told her to use that particular bathroom), leaving it as neat as it was before she came to the house.
She tried to knock on the door again, the increased strength of her rapping revealing to her that the room had not been locked, or closed properly for that matter.
She peeked in to find Ted who was still asleep, clutching a laptop like a stuffed toy. His shirt, boxers, and socks tied together with his slumped figure, which also seemed intertwined with the bedsheets. There were used tissues all over the bed, some on the floor making a trail to a semi-used paper towel roll. There were an empty bowl and two empty beer bottles on the bedside table. It reeked of Corona and clearly imported Honey Butter Chips.
Alice stepped in to try to wake Ted up, but the floor creaking below her was enough to make him jolt awake.
“Who the fu-“ Ted calmed down from the shock of waking up so suddenly, “A-Alice?!  Shit, I forgot you’re here,”
“I-Is there anything I can eat?”
Ted rose from his position, sitting upward on his bed, “...are you allergic to eggs? Milk?”
“No, I’m not allergic to either.”
“Good,” Ted yawned, getting up and stretching, “because my fridge is fucking empty.”
“I noticed.”
That was hyperbole...sort of. The only breakfast that could be made from Ted’s pantry was egg toast and cereal. There was enough for both of them to finish all of said egg toast and cereal.
“What were you watching last night?” Alice asked Ted, playing with her fruit loops a little.
“Hm?” He swallowed the last bite of his toast with instant coffee.
“You were crying for about thirty minutes; I couldn't sleep-”
“I-It was a sad episode, alright?!” Ted was slightly embarrassed, hesitating to take another sip of coffee, “That fucking baby seahorse will never know...”
Alice raised a brow, unaware of the reference. She ate some more cereal.
“Don’t give me that look, Alice!” That was Bill’s glare, alright, “BoJack Horseman is a very good show!”
“And you binged the whole thing last night?”
“It’s the new season. I’ve got two episodes left before I finish.” Ted then proceeded to chug down what was left of his coffee.
“My laptop died during my binge but it was late and I was just,” He blew a raspberry, “...I needed to sleep.”
“I’ve done that before, not gonna lie,” Alice place down the spoon, done with her breakfast, “Though, the show I watched was kinda...yeah, it was kinda shitty,”
“Let me guess: you’ve watched it because someone hot’s in it,”
Alice blushed, “I-It’s not just that!”
“Hey hey hey,” Ted chuckled, “I’m guilty of that, I ain’t judging.”
Alice hmphed, “Should I watch that—what’s that show?”
“BoJack Horseman?”
“Hm,” Ted then began cleaning up by taking Alice’s utensils, stacking them with his, “it starts weak but gets so much better, like real fucking better. Dunno if you’re old enough to watch it though,”
“I’ve seen some pretty adult stuff! Mom makes me watch Tarantino movies with her, at least whenever Dad's not around sometimes,"
Ted nodded at Alice’s mother’s taste in film, “Aight, but that show just...it just hits somewhere really hard when you’re in your early thirties full of regret and with no discernible life direction but, hey! If you can take it, I’d be impressed.”
Alice blinked, “What? Is it like, psychological horror? The kind rooted in some comedically timed socio-political commentary?”
“Well, arguably.” Ted then got up to bring the dishes in his hands into the kitchen.
“...where can I find it?” She asked with mild interest.
“Netflix,” The sound of dishes landing in a sink was heard from Alice’s seat, “It’s a cartoon too, and like, about a bunch of animals, if those kinds of things float your boat.”
Alice never made it past Episode 1 when she tried to watch it herself, convinced Ted’s taste was shit. Personally, she will regret that.
The rest of that morning left Alice and Ted to their own individual devices. Alice typed away some interesting plots and ideas on her phone. Ted went to finish the last episodes of that sad horse show.
An hour before the time Alice would usually eat lunch, she had been cycling around various plotlines for a potential...well, something. Alice knew she just had to write something.
She was in the living area of the house when she heard Ted sloppily walk down the stairs. His eyes were teary.
"Are you alright, Mr. Spankoffski?" She looked at him with concern.
Ted shakily neared her, hesitating to sit on the couch next to her. He instead placed a languid hand on one of the couch's armrests.
"Please don't die on me, Alice, oh my God..."
He broke into sobs. Alice could only stare at this behavior in confusion.
"Did something bad happen in the show, or...?"
"Fuck, it got worse!" He sniffled, "A-And not, like, n-not in a bad writing context--that show's writing is the shit, Alice! But fuck! F-Fuck!"
Sarah Lynn was not supposed to die, but she did die and the fact left Ted devastated. A part of him knew it was gonna happen as he saw the old man, er, horse, and the poor girl in the motel, missing the Oscars. (Then again, that show had a penchant for hollowing, tragic endings per episode.)
Even in entertainment, in his favorite shows to watch, Ted Spankoffski knew better than to hope. It was more realistic for him.
"You can sit down," Alice moved aside to give Ted space to sit.
Ted cried as he sat next to her, "God, I'm sorry y-you had to see me like this,"
"I've...I-I've had worse breakdowns over a show. I-It's all good."
TV and Movie homophobia still haunted the teenage girl.
It's things like that, whether extravagant or subtle in delivery, that prompted her to write and clarify in any way that she could if only to fight. Alice Woodward was the kind of girl who refused to despair.
"Yeah, A-Alice?"
"Mhm," She nodded, quickly writing "character gets sucked into a tv show???" in her phone's Notes app.
"What if we watched something less depressing instead? You can watch it with me, Alice!" Ted breathed, "You're not bored, are you?"
She added "literally? figuratively? ehhh let the watchers decide??? kshfukdhivg" then kept her phone.
"No! N-No, I know how to keep myself, um, b-busy," Alice then shifted herself into a more comfortable position, "What movies do you have?"
Ted paused before answering, realizing he was hungry.
“You pick,” He said, getting up, “You want pizza with that?”
Alice nodded eagerly, watching Ted head for his phone.
“Wait, what am I supposed to pick?”
“There’s a bunch of CD cases in the drawer under the center table—it’s right in front of you!” Ted's voice decrescendoed as he headed upstairs.
“Drawer?” Alice wondered to herself, bending down to inspect the described center table. There was in fact a drawer.
She pulled it open to find bunches of CD cases, charging wires, and what clearly seemed to be unusable gadgets or “e-junk” as her father would, in a terribly corny way, put it.
Alice noticed a notable amount of movie musicals in one bundle of CD cases. The one that got her attention was Moulin Rouge!, unfamiliar with the title and very taken by the red-haired beauty printed on the cover. There was Jesus Christ Superstar, West Side Story, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and a bunch of Disney Princess movies. Upon further inspection of the non-musical movies, Ted had a diverse taste in film, though it was primarily pretty basic in Alice's opinion, minus a few exceptions.
She closed the drawer, further inspecting the Moulin Rouge CD cover by reading the synopsis on the back. An aspiring writer falls in love with a courtesan but other things get in the way? Alice could not blame the writer, in fact, she was quick to identify with him, even if she had not seen the movie yet.
“Alice?” Ted called from upstairs, “Are you allergic to anything I should know?”
“No,” She called back, playing with the CD cover.
“Good! I’m getting us a Bacon Surprise,”
“Alright,” Apparently Ted chose to order from that  Witchwood Ovens Shop downtown.
“What movie do you wanna watch?” Ted asked as he went back down. Alice showed him the CD cover.
“Moulin Rouge?” He mispronounced, “I actually have that in there?”
Alice handed the cover to Ted as he approached her, “I don’t think I’ve seen this one,”
“No shit, Alice. This movie’s got prostitution; if I know your Dad enough,” He stared at the cover, trying to remember when he got it, "he would make sure you'd never see it. God, I remember seeing this in the theater, like, when I was about your—h-how old are you again?"
"Fifteen, but I'll be sixteen later this year,"
"Eh, close enough," Ted then placed the CD cover down, ready to set up the television set in the living room.
"Nicole Kidman, man..." Ted dusted the CD player, plugging the TV into it, "She was the fucking best in that thing."
"Do you even know what happens in it?" Alice asked as she watched Ted at work, "Or were you just hoping Nicole Kidman would step on you?"
"Don't you fucking shame me, Alice!" Ted gasped back as he blushed, "If you had any taste in women, you'd want the same Goddamn thing."
Ted guessed correctly, keeping the girl from returning his snark.
It was around the Elephant Love Medley when the pizza arrived. Ted was kind enough to pause for Alice as he went to get the pizza. Alice was still recovering from the exhilaration of the past few songs, overwhelmed with the crowd-like effect of the cheesy-Jukebox mashups that introduced Christian to that infamous dancehall, the gratuitous use of slow-mo effects, and the ridiculous use of that Can-Can. It was "Spectacular Spectacular" indeed!
Alice almost choked on her pizza during the Like A Virgin scene. It was also very clear to her, as they watched, that Ted must've forgotten a lot of what had happened in the film given some of his reactions. Ted cursed The Duke repeatedly, particularly at that scene when he found out about the true nature of Christian's play.
Ted believed that he should've seen Satine dying coming. He saw this movie before. The movie literally said so right at the start!
Why, as he watched, did he want that happy ending when the opposite was inevitably going to happen?!
Something about Satine charmed Ted, in a particularly nightmarish way. The idea of further thinking about it was repressed repeatedly, refusing to confront the roots of it all. Surely it was just him being a horny bastard, right? Right?
This totally had nothing to do with the fact that Satine had vibrant red hair, cerulean eyes, polished milky skin, and a beautiful figure.
This totally had nothing to do with how familiar this fictional character seemed to be, resembling someone Ted remembered with intense, bittersweet longing.
This totally had nothing to do with the sight of Satine breathing her last breath on a bed of roses reminding Ted of a memory that he swore hadn't happened yet.
Or it did happen?
Why debate when it happened when it shouldn't have happened at all? It wasn't supposed to happen, whatever that thing was that Ted didn't need to remember at the moment. And yet...
She didn't make a sound. Heartbreak was never so loud.
Alice's sniffling brought Ted back to reality. Ted put a hand on her shoulder.
"God, I-I look so stupid," Alice chuckled out from her tears, rubbing her teary eyes, "they literally say it in the beginning, ugh!"
Ted coddled her closer to him so he could hug her but Alice recoiled back.
"T-Thanks, but we both smell like pizza," Ted nodded back in response.
As he cleaned up the living area, he asked Alice, "How was the movie?"
"It was pretty cheesy," She pulled out her phone again, inspired to write, "but kinda fun? Like, you don't get fun movies with this much energy, at least, when I try to compare, well. You know what I mean."
"Yeah," Ted replied absent-mindedly, "It certainly brings back memories of, well,  certain times."
"I think it kinda comes off as an epic-like piece,"
"No need to wax academic, Alice,"
"You asked for it!"
"I asked about how it was, not for an essay about its themes and shit!" Ted straightened himself up with a chuckle, "It's just a movie, after all."
"It hits different though," She spat back, focused now on her phone.
Witchwood Oven Shop pizzas were notably heavier on the stomach compared to their competitors. Any leftover pizza the two had for lunch that day, Ted proceeded to reheat for dinner. He scavenged his refrigerator for any packs of instant lemonade, which were thankfully there, and prepared two glasses for the two of them.
It was a shitty excuse for dinner, but Alice didn't seem to mind. She was very concentrated on her phone.
"What'cha writing about?"
Alice tilted her phone as to hide it, "It's not really much yet. It's all a bunch of prompts so far."
"You can pitch me stuff," He swallowed a bite, "Which ones really get to you?"
"Well," She hesitated.
"I-I've got a traveling adventure in a fancy, cultured but mysterious new town..."
"Anything else?"
"Still deciding whether I should make it a horror or a comedy. Besides that, it's all gonna rest on a foundation of romance between our main character, and, well..."
"I don't know! It's all I got so far!"
"Hey, it's not bad," Ted sipped his lemonade, "You know, I bet with enough time, it can become something really fucking great. I'd be invested if this was a movie or a staged production of sorts, I don't know,"
"Y-You think it's good, Mr. Spankoffski?"
"Oh hell yeah," He placed the glass down, "Not to be cheesy, but romance really gets me."
"Yeah, same."
"Have you considered making it some sort of horror-comedy romance? I would love it if you could pull it off."
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Why I moved from Choices to Lovestruck (and you should too)
It’s no secret to anyone who knows me well that I was a BIG Choices stan. I ran three Choices blogs (begging-for-kamilah, ask-kamilah sayeed and ask-priya-lacroix) for a long time, fulfilling fanfiction requests and interacting with many wonderful people. During my time in the fandom, I made some beautiful friends and created brilliant memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Unfortunately, as time passed, I started to notice a decline in the quality of content that Pixelberry were providing, and after a lot of hesitation, I decided to remove the app and leave the fandom. I was very lucky in that a very good friend introduced me to a different app with a similar style. Lovestruck was something that I’d heard about on the grapevine but had no idea what it was or if it could possibly compare to the fun that Choices had given me over the years. After a lot of resisting and stubborn behaviour on my part, I finally gave it a chance and have never looked back since. Here are just some of the many reasons why you should too:
There are no forced love interests in Lovestruck. That’s right. You read that correctly. You choose your love interest BEFORE you start the story so there will never be any frustrating interactions with characters that you’re not interested in. Remember in Bloodbound Book 2 when you go to Paris with Adrian and Jax (leaving the only two female love interests at home) and you were forced to hold hands with one of them (until Pixelberry later apologised and altered the scene)? There is definitely none of that to worry about in Lovestruck. The person you’re interested in is the only character who will show interest in you, and the entire story will be centred around him/her/them. 
Speaking of which, it’s time to talk about the fantastic level of LGBTQ representation in Lovestruck. Non binary characters aren’t just side characters. They actually have their own routes, as well as a huge array of adorable side characters. There are also demisexual characters, asexuals and of course, plenty of lesbians and bisexuals. Voltage (creators of Lovestruck) also very proudly celebrate pride month by releasing incredible LGBTQ content.
On the topic of representation, something that has to be applauded is the racial and religious representation in Lovestruck. You can romance Jewish characters, black characters, south American characters, Asian characters and I’m sure the list goes on. Choices fans might be sad to find that you don’t have the option to customise any love interests or MCs, but I think that this is a blessing. 
Something that I find very cool about Lovestruck is that there are different stories for every love interest. For example, if you romance one person from a certain book, romancing another from the same book will get you a completely different story with a totally different route. It’s a stark contrast to Choices, in which Pixelberry- quite literally- copy and paste the same lines for all the available love interests. 
And along the same lines of copying and pasting, it’s very refreshing to see that Lovestruck doesn’t reuse faces. I always found it terribly off putting when you’d be playing a Choices book and a love interest from another book would be your waiter or waitress. 
One brilliant thing about Lovestruck is the way that they present the MC. Every MC has their own unique personality and backstory. Whilst that does mean “less choice”, it’s really refreshing having an MC with parents. With siblings. With a job. A life. An actual story outside their love interest. There’s one MC who discusses her experiences as a woman of colour, and I think that’s exceptionally important for the player. 
On a superficial note, Lovestruck has GORGEOUS art. I did love the art in Choices too, but I don’t think it has anything on Lovestruck. The backgrounds are stunning, but it’s the characters who are gorgeous. Not to mention, we get absolutely beautiful CGs. This is something Choices sorely lacks. In the later books, the LIs and MCs even blink and move which I find gives it a more engaging feel. There are also MANY more facial expressions for every character in Lovestruck. Blushing faces, a neutral face, smiles, angry faces, sad faces, shocked faces, anxious faces... It’s not just the same standard five like in Choices. 
Another superficial- but very cool aspect- of Lovestruck is that almost every outfit is 100% free. The MCs and LIs will change their clothes whenever appropriate and you don’t have to pay a penny. The only time when outfits will ever cost any in-game currency is if it will mean you gain a CG out of it, but in my personal experience, I’ve only ever seen this being the case for two books. 
This is just a side note but something I love in Lovestruck is that adorable animals aren’t paywalled. They’re just there. Your love interest might have a cat- or a bear in one book- and you don’t have to pay to love up on them. They’re just another part of the story.
Still on the more superficial side of things is the music. I will totally admit, I LOVE the music in Choices and have a fair bit of it downloaded to my iTunes. But for anyone hesitant to move over to Lovestruck for the sake of the music, don’t panic! The music is just as brilliant, just as catchy and just as heartfelt. 
One of the things that always stressed me about Choices was the in-game currency. Diamonds were expensive and unfortunately, every single chapter would involve multiple diamond scenes. In many books, the diamond scenes were so important to the story that to go without them would mean that huge chunks of plot were missed. The amazing thing about Lovestruck is that if you choose not to do the premium scenes (the currency is hearts) then it does absolutely nothing to the story whatsoever. The heart scenes are purely there to give you a little bonus but whether you choose to do them or not, nothing about the story or your relationship with your love interest will change. 
And whilst we’re on the topic of heart scenes, it’s important to note that whilst Choices usually has 3-4 diamond scenes PER chapter, heart scenes only pop up around 9 out of every 12 chapters, and you will VERY rarely find anything that costs more than 30 hearts. 
The system to earn these hearts is totally different to Choices. Whilst you could watch ads to earn diamonds a few times per day, plus playing chapters would gain you two diamonds, Lovestruck gives you “quests”. Every few hours, the quests refresh and all you have to do is read a certain amount of chapters of a specified love interest, and you get the hearts. It’s a win/win situation because the more you play, the more you get.
Not to mention, every day you get to earn a puzzle piece and when you complete a puzzle, you win a certain amount of hearts. It seems tedious at first but they add up fast! 
And it’s not just hearts you earn, either! In Choices, you would use “keys” to read a chapter. In Lovestruck, you use “tickets”. Some quests mean that if you read a certain amount of chapters, you get given 2, 3 or even 5 tickets so you can just keep on reading! 
Since I’ve addressed some of the Lovestruck mechanics, I just want to talk about how much I love that you can fast forward, rewind, autoplay (it plays hands free and there are three different speeds to choose from) and even choose the chapter you’d like to play. This is amazingly refreshing because when it comes to Choices, you have to start the entire book again if you want to get to a specific chapter, AND you have to click through it fast because you can’t fast forward. 
Oh, and when you’ve played a chapter, a little heart symbol will appear next to it if it has a premium scene so you know whether or not you need to save your hearts! 
I really want to address the smut scenes. I know that sounds like another more superficial topic but I think it’s pretty important. I think there’s something more “mature” about Lovestruck and smut. The sex scenes are tasteful yet somehow sexier. They’re not rushed at all. And Voltage aren’t afraid to include actual kinky moments. 
More importantly, though, is that Lovestruck addresses virginity and handles it incredibly tastefully. It’s done in a realistic fashion, too. Sometimes, characters don’t really feel like having sex with their partner. Sometimes they want to at first but then feel anxiety. Sometimes they’re scared. Sometimes they want to stop half way through. Sometimes they have trouble reaching orgasm. All very real scenarios that are addressed tactfully and beautifully. The virgins (be they the MC or LI) in Lovestruck are realistic. They don’t just dive into bed. It’s a process. There’s fear along with excitement. There are moments of panic. It’s not just smut for the sake of smut. It deals with adult situations, something that I always thought Choices struggled with. 
Actually, it’s not just sex. These character get anxiety, depression and genuine mental health problems. And it’s dealt with so perfectly, yet so realistically. They’re anxious when it’s appropriate. 
I don’t want to bash Choices too badly, as I don’t think Pixelberry are an evil company, but some of the things they did- particularly towards the end- were unforgivable. 
Hana Lee’s infertility and the way that it was merely glossed over was appalling. As someone who is also infertile, I can tell you that you don’t just “get over it”, even if your partner is carrying your child. 
I’ll also never quite get over the fact that when you’re almost raped in Red Carpet Diaries 2, you have to pay 30 diamonds if you want someone to stay and comfort you. As a sexual abuse victim, I think that’s grotesque, and a glorification of rape. 
I can safely say, there is NOTHING like that in Lovestruck, and just to reiterate, all the important plot points are FREE. 
To bring this mood back up a little bit, something I think is really cute is that when you’re choosing the love interest you’d like to romance in Lovestruck, you can see sweet little facts about them, including their birthdays, their height and their personality traits. 
Sometimes the stories cross over, too, and love interests will appear in each other’s stories. And the cute thing is, if you’re romancing an LGBTQ character, it will be canonical that whichever love interest crosses over will be in an LGBTQ relationship with MC. 
There are also fun little side stories that you can play, and to really make things interesting, you can often play the same book but from the point of view of your love interest! These do usually cost hearts but not many at all. 15 hearts can get you things like 4 chapters, for example! 
I just want to talk about how wonderful Voltage are as a company, too. You can tell this isn’t about money for them. They just want the best for their players and it shows. They are often asking the community what they want and bringing out polls, and they will always let us have our say.
There are also no false promises of stories being “in the works”. If a story is abandoned, they won’t lie about it. There are no “politician’s answers” from them. Just pure transparency. 
The last thing I want to talk about is the writing style. Lovestruck’s style is worlds apart from Choices. To describe it for you, Choices feels like playing a fun app with cool stories. Lovestruck feels like reading a book, immersing yourself in a novel. And the style is unbeatable. 
TLDR; it’s time to cut the apron strings and move on from Choices. Lovestruck awaits! Tagging @lovestruckvoltage because I love you and appreciate you.
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
Dewey x Crafter Reader Headcanons
Ive fallen down a rabbit hole of crafting and I can't get up. Help me. I write hcs to help save my soul
I'll also edit when I have computer access so then there is a read more button or whatever they're called, I can't find it on mobile
Wrote directly onto the tumblr app so if there are any mistakes that's why. No betas, we die by our spelling and grammar mistakes here
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You were a crafter before you met Dewey, having taken up most crafts by the time you were 17
Sewing, needlepoint, embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crocheting
You'd experimented with them all and even though each one had its merits, you definitely had your favourites
Then life happened. You had to start working, unable to attend college, and soon you had no time to craft. If you were awake, you were working
Mostly low paying jobs to cover rent, bills etc, taking on as many shifts as possible
It was actually during one of your shifts you met Dewey
You started working at a local music shop, mostly serving and organising CDs when a very excited Dewey rocked up, wanting to find the newest release for one of his favourite bands
You got to talking and realised that you had similar music tastes and, even though you really wanted to get to know him more, you had to remain professional. You were still on the clock
Luckily for you, however, you were invited to go see a group of local bands performing to celebrate your friend's birthday
You recognized Dewey the moment he stepped on stage and was in awe at his musical skill
You figured it'd be weird to go up to him and start talking because a) if he didn't recognize you then having a stranger come up to you and say that you remembered him from work would be odd and b) if he DID recognize you from work that'd be even odder
You didn't want to give off stalker vibes, so you stayed at the bar, content just to leave it
Dewey, however, saw you in the crowd and had a different plan in mind
Still riding the adrenaline high from being on stage, he walked straight up to you
"I don't know if you remember me, bu-"
"I remember you."
You both blushed heavily as you shift in your seat. "Drink?" You offered. "I....I liked talking to you earlier, I'd like to talk some more."
Dewey positively beamed at that, sitting down next to you as you effectively start ignoring your friend's birthday party celebrations in favour of talking to the man in front of you
The rest, as they say, was history
You ended up dating pretty quickly after you first met, moving in with each other after only dating for 6 months
It was an accident, you had your power cut off (again) and it was the middle of winter. Dewey offered you a warm place to stay temporarily and after 4 weeks of looking for a new apartment, he just said "you're already living here, just move in with me."
It made things easier, now there were two people contributing to bills
Rent was never paid in full, but something was always sent in
Patty wasn't impressed by that but Ned wasn't as fussed, just happy to have something coming in
It helped that he really liked you and felt that you were a good fit for Dewey
Even though things still remained tough, you were happy just to have a roof over your head and someone who loved you
When Dewey started working for Horace Green, things became easier
Bills were paid with his paycheck, yours became groceries and fuel money
Even then, for the first time in a long time, you had spare cash
Most went into savings but being able to afford your own Netflix account? Felt amazing
Despite having a bit of extra money, some habits were hard to break.
You rarely bought clothing from anywhere but thrift stores and Walmart, Dewey prefering Walmart but essentially doing the same thing
Unfortunately, that meant the clothing you had bought wasn't always the best of quaility, especially when Dewey was the one wearing it
Just the nature of his jumpy, clutzy, accident prone and slightly messy self meant you were constantly buying him new shirts and mending his sweater vests
To be honest, it was getting old
You'd also been missing crafting for a while so. Two birds, one stone
The next time you were in Walmart alone, you grabbed yarn and knitting needles and on the few days a week you were home alone, slowly you started to knit him some new sweater vests, using an old one that was beyond repair as the template to make sure each one fit
The first one was just a plain, fadded red to get yourself back into practice before slowly beginning to add simple designs similar to the few he owned now
Then a couple of weird themed ones, a couple of his favourite bands, one with music notes in the design, one that was birthday themed, one with mini guitars, whatever amused you and you thought would amuse him, you knitted onto the sweater
Each vest took three weeks to make. By the time his birthday came around, you had made him ten new vests, having kept it a secret the entire time
You were super nervous when he opened up his present, but the giant smile on his face was worth it, excited with the concert tickets you managed to get for the two of you (in the pit, of course) and with each new sweater, he got more and more excited
"These are amazing babe! Where did you get them?" He asked as he got up to try his favourite (the one with a replica of his Gibson knitted around the bottom) on
You go quiet. "I....uh.....I made them."
He looked over at you like you just admitted you had found a cure for cancer
You'd neglected to tell him of your crafting past, it never came up so you never said
Now, however, he was keen to see you craft
He never even dared to try it out for himself, but enjoyed watching you knit or crochet without looking at your work, watching TV or chatting to Dewey as you just continued to work
Every year, he got at least two sweaters from you, and you made sure to knit a sensible one and a silly one
What amazed you was the fact that Dewey seemed to have fewer accidents
He took extra special care of all of the stuff you make him, never spilling so much as a drop of coffee on them and tried his best not to get them snagged on the one sharp part of the doorway into his office
One day he came home, nearly in tears
You were folding up laundry but you dropped everything and came rushing over, thinking the absolute worst but instead he simply pushed something into your hands and said "I'm so sorry"
Turns out, he took off his vest when he came in to play a song with the kindergartners, something he now does daily as part of his role as music teacher
He didn't notice one of the kids grabbing it and wandering off with it
It was covered in paint, one of the Gibsons were cut out and the yarn was beginning to unravel, despite clear attempts to keep it from doing so
It was ruined
You hush Dewey as you pull him close and reassure him it's ok, you can make him another one
It took a while to settle him, he treasured everything you made him and he allowed one to get ruined
But once you assured him it was fine and you knew it was an accident, you ended up spooning in the couch as you mentally start planning the new sweater
A month passed when he found a wrapped up parcel on his desk
He was running late, didn't have time to grab a coffee and accidentally grabbed his vest with a massive hole in the back rather than one of your handcrafted ones
Still, he made it to the classroom before any students arrived, so he quickly opened it up and a huge smile plastered its way onto his face
A new sweater vest that was near identicle to his ruined one, a bit cleaner and better designed than the old one
You'd also made him a pair of socks, something you'd been experimenting with, with the AC/DC logos on the side
He found the note at the bottom 'Hope you have a good day. I love you. Y/N. P.S. These are not allowed near the kindergartners ❤'
He quickly changed into the sweater, feeling so much better than he did 5 minutes ago
The socks became his lucky socks and he'd wear them to his gigs, stating that it was like you were up there with him
He shushed you when you pointed out that it meant he was technically stepping on you, telling you "you know what I mean" before giving you a kiss
He'd give you requests for scarves, beanies, the lot. Socks were for bed or performances only, apparently, but everything else was worn whenever
You even made beanies and scarves for members of the band who wanted them, each having the School of Rock logo on it plus the kid's name
Dewey loves wearing and telling everyone about the stuff you make because he thinks it's absolutely incredible you're able to create something like this
And he treasures everything you make him
Most importantly, he's there to listen when you rant that the yarn isn't working like it should, or just about crafting problems in general, and be an ear as you problem solve an issue and is there to celebrate the victories when it finally works
Gets really good at yarn shopping too, picks up the brands you prefer and learns to read the packaging labels
He loves the fact you can create something just like he can
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twiceblackvelvet · 5 years
im the person who asked for the 10th emmber reaction!!! thank u omg i loved it and u did so fast it's great!! can i please request a reaction based on that prompt but for jeongyeon??? thank u so much!!!!
A/N; hope you enjoy anon, thank you for both requests🖤
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Being a member of the nation’s biggest girl-group comes with immense pressure. If there isn’t a camera in front of your face like there is currently, it would be unusual. A lot of that time is spent with a smile convincing enough to please your adoring fans, however, the nine girls you share the stage with know that it isn’t the real you. Truthfully, your journey to becoming a member of TWICE was rough. The rules against what you can and can’t do, the constant training and evaluations almost shattered your spirit, confidence, and dream to even potentially debut never mind make it as an idol. 
Amazingly, all of those things are not what has caused you to often lock yourself inside your room in the dorm. You don’t avoid people because of your experiences from before your debut. It’s because every day you’re reminded by one member in particular that you’re not wanted. Of course, it’s never been said to you with words but you’ve always believed that actions speak far louder. 
Your audition process was fairly simple, you recorded two videos of you singing and one of you dancing and sent it off to the company after having been spotted at a fan meeting for a rookie group your friend liked. You were invited to the company for an evaluation and the next thing you know, you’re signing a contract and your training soon began. At first, it was all a whirlwind of emotions and experiences. You were in awe of all of the talented people you’d casually bump into every now and then. But all of that changed when you met her. 
Jeongyeon was already a trainee when you entered JYP but the two of you had never met until a few months after you had signed. The dance studio was always where you felt the most comfortable, whether it be to let loose yourself or watch the other trainees work on new choreography. The world must have been out to get you the first day you met her though as it’s by far the most embarrassing moment of your life thus far.
Your hand gripping a reusable coffee cup being knocked by Jeongyeon’s body as she entered the studio door you were exiting and spilling over the both of you is not the first impression you’d wish to make on anyone, yet it’s what both of you are stuck with when thinking back to your first meeting. Even thinking about it now makes your toes curl and head pound in frustration because that split-second moment of stupidity has led you to be stuck in this current position of Jeongyeon seemingly hating your entire existence. 
Your relationship with the other members of TWICE is strong. The bond you hold with each of them is so special to you that you can’t imagine ever doing anything to jeopardize that. They’ve all always made sure to reassure you whenever you’ve had second-thoughts or doubts about your talent. But the more you think about how Jeongyeon will avoid all conversations with you or refuses to spend longer than three seconds alone with you, the more frustrated and angry you become. But now is not the place or time to be thinking about the fact that you’re deeply disliked by someone you’re supposed to be close to and who fans call one of your ‘sisters’. 
So, as you sit and listen to the interviewers’ questions about what you’ve all been getting up to lately and asking you to offer compliments to each of the members one by one, your brain turns back into work mode and throws out the easiest lie you can think of on the spot when you finally reach her name. 
“Jeongyeon has a wonderful voice.” Your own ears pick up on the bluntness and forceful way the words fall out of your mouth, luckily the interviewer doesn’t and moves on to asking Tzuyu to compliment you all. 
It isn’t a lie, you think, Jeongyeon does have a remarkable voice that if it came from anyone else you’d love to listen to for hours. However, over the years, her voice simply reminds you of all of the times she’d point out your smallest mistakes, tell you that your issues are not her concern whenever you’d try to speak to her or simply throw out sighs whenever you’d enter the same room as her in the dorm. You don’t want to hate Jeongyeon but she makes it very difficult for you not to. 
The rest of your day consists of an appearance on a popular new variety show, filming an ad for a music streaming app to promote your new album and finishes with a photoshoot with both group and solo shots. By the time you’re in the van to head back home, the sun is rising and your eyes struggle to remain open. You can hear Mina in the front seat playing video games on her phone, Momo is passed out beside you with Nayeon draping across her body like a koala. Sana is seated behind you quietly eating snacks and scrolling through her phone peacefully. 
At the very back of the van, Jihyo and Jeongyeon are seated beside each other engaging in a hushed conversation that you’d struggle to hear under normal circumstances but even more so with the bickering of Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu as they discuss the latest drama they’ve been watching. Your head perks up slightly when you hear a faint whisper of your name but you’re unable to figure out which of the members have said it. Sleep takes over your body preventing you from overthinking and you put to rest another busy day. 
When you awake several hours later you’re inside of the dorm resting comfortably on the large sofa with a blanket draped across your body. One of the managers must have carried you inside so as not to disturb your sleep. As you slowly raise your body to head towards your shared bedroom, you notice the kitchen light is still on with a shadow of a seated body on the wall. Curious as to why someone is still awake your feet carry you towards the only source of light available. 
Regret immediately fills your body as Jeongyeon’s back comes into sight. She hasn’t noticed you yet as you mentally curse yourself for inquisitive. A thought pops into your head about how angry and annoyed you were earlier in the day and you notice you may not get another opportunity like this to confront her and try to find out why her behavior around you is so different compared to everyone else.
“Can I talk to you?” You can visibly see Jeongyeon’s body tense up with your words. When her decision to seemingly hate you first began, you may have apologized for startling her like this but you’re past the point of caring now. She releases a deep sigh but nods her head in response. 
The tension between you both is suffocating and you worry about just how often the two of you have made the other members uncomfortable with this unspoken feud you have going on. You decide to put an end to it once and for all here.
“Look, I know that you know there’s something weird between us. I’m not blind or stupid. I can see that you rush out of any room I’m in. You snap at me all of the time even if I haven’t done anything to bother you. You’re so caring towards the other girls and yet you make me feel so small and unimportant. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve considered giving everything up because you’ve made me feel worthless or have refused to just put aside whatever pettiness you’ve created so we can be a stronger group. I want you to tell me honestly what your issue is so we can either fix this or I can decide once and for all if I want to continue to be around you as a member whilst making myself depressed in the meantime.”
Your eyes focus entirely on the sleeves of your sweater unable to look Jeongyeon directly in the eyes as your deepest and darkest thoughts brim to the surface and spill out in front of you both. The dam you built around the floodgates of your feelings has well and truly been broken. Her eyes, however, are staring a hole into your own as she watches you silently explain just how difficult she has made life for you the last few years. 
“I’ve tried so hard to just ignore you whenever you’d make me feel like this but it’s so hard when you’re around me constantly with this invisible barrier preventing us from truly being present and real with each other. I can’t do it anymore, I just… I can’t. I’m fed up of being your punching bag without you giving me a valid reason for your actions.”
The silence that fills the entire dorm once you’ve finished speaking almost makes you get up, walk out and likely never return. You just want an answer and she isn’t even willing to give you that after you’ve very clearly explained the toll all of this has taken on you. As you stand and turn away from Jeongyeon, panic begins to rise inside of her and her voice breaks your concentration on how you’re going to explain leaving TWICE to everyone you know, your fans and the members.
“I love you.” It’s your turn to be startled now at the sudden words you’ve heard from Jeongyeon several times for other members but never yourself. “Please, stay. I love you. Let me explain everything, please.”
She rises from her own seat and moves towards where your body is frozen in place unable to move, unable to breathe and unable to think about anything other than the three words she’s now repeated twice. Her arms slowly turn your body to face her and your eyes find her own. There are tears streaming down both of your faces and Jeongyeon slowly wipes a few of your own away with the pad of her thumb. 
“I love you y/n. I know it doesn’t look or feel like I do, I’ve acted like the biggest idiot in the world. But, you have to know that all of this was to protect both of us.” Your face contorts into a confused expression and Jeongyeon realizes she’s going to have to explain things from the beginning.
“Do you remember the first day we met? You spilled your coffee on us both and practically ran away from me just saying sorry over and over again? I remember thinking you were the cutest person I’d ever seen. I asked some of the other trainees about you and they told me you practically lived in the dance studio. So, I started to watch your classes whenever I wasn’t training myself. You became my escape from all of the pressure of debuting. I’d watch you dance and become inspired, you truly are amazing.” 
The words don’t feel real as you listen to them. All of the times you’ve recalled meeting Jeongyeon it’s been to scold yourself and remind you that first impressions are important and a bad one can ruin things more than you know. 
“You know that Jihyo and I are close, right? She’s my best friend. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I told her all about you, how you danced so elegantly, how you’re by far the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, all of it. You can ask her if you’d like. But she made me realize that if I were to tell you all of this, you might be uncomfortable around me. So, when the managers finally told us the final line-up for our group, I knew I had to prioritize that over what I thought was just a small crush.” 
For a second you consider pinching yourself to check all of this is real. For years you’ve fought so many mental battles over the thought of Jeongyeon hating you. Yet here she is revealing that it’s all been over her attraction towards you. She doesn’t allow you to dwell on it for long as she continues speaking.
“It turned out to be much more than a small crush. I thought if I pushed you away, refused to be around you or to accept you that I’d get over it. But my heart simply won’t let me ignore you. You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to tell you all of this but I was so scared you’d hate me, tell the others and then they’d hate me too. The possibility of you ever feeling the same way just wasn’t something I felt was going to happen. I’m not saying that now it will or that I’m going to suddenly pursue you, I just need you to know that I don’t hate you. The problem has always been that I’m very much so in love with you and I’ll never ever be good enough for you.” 
There’s a deep feeling of conflict inside you upon hearing Jeongyeon talk about her fears. Despite it all, you’re proud of her for finally finding the courage to let all of this out. You desperately want to believe her and let this silliness go, but your mind which has been through so much hurt doesn’t wish to forgive her yet. 
“Please say something. Anything. Even if it’s that you don’t want to speak to me ever again.” She begs. 
You turn away from her and the action alone is enough to break her heart, but your words stop the cracks from forming.
“I can’t say I forgive you for everything, nor do I at this moment feel the way that you do. But I’m willing to put all of this aside and move forward if that’s something you want too. No more avoiding each other or being unkind to one another. Let’s try to be friends first and we’ll see where that leads us.” 
Jeongyeon extends her hand towards your body, when you don’t react she grabs one of your own and places it into hers. She shakes your hands together lightly. 
“Hello, I’m Jeongyeon and I’m very silly. It’s nice to meet you.” 
For the first time in years, you think everything will be alright. 
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As Easy As Breathing
Modern AU!Brian May x OC
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: None
Moodboard and Summary
A/N: Hey guys! I have been working on starting this new story for a while and I am so excited to finally be posting it. Please let me know what you guys think and I hope you all like it!
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What do you think of this one Darlings?” Freddie spun in the store mirror, admiring his reflection as he modeled an old off-white leather jacket. 
“Fred, it’s falling apart at the seams,” Roger stared at his roommate in disbelief. “There’s no way we can sell that as it is and there’s no way you can wear that onstage without it literally falling off. Where did you even find that thing?” 
Freddie Bulsara huffed and turned around to face the two other owners of the Rag Trade, Roger Taylor and Josie Crowley, still modeling the falling apart jacket that he dubbed as ‘vintage’. “I have my ways Rog.” 
Josie perched herself up on the counter, letting her legs hang over the side. ‘Let me guess, Kash?”
Freddie shrugged off the jacket and handed it to the redhead. “It doesn’t matter how it was discovered, it just needs a little bit of Josie Crowley magic. I’ve seen you bring garments in worse shape than this one back to life, maybe we have another miracle on our hands.” 
Josie sighed and took a closer look at the jacket, running her fingers over the cream colored fake leather to assess the damage. There were some holes on the front and the arms and the zipper was falling off at the bottom, but those could be taken care of with some patchwork and embroidery. The seams were also close to falling apart in some places, but there wasn’t anything that could deem the jacket completely unsalvageable. In fact, it was the right amount of beat up that she could use it for another design she had already been planning out for Freddie.
“I don’t think we need a miracle here,” She shrugged, hopping off the counter and digging out her sketchbook from her bag. “Gimme a few days and I can give you a brand new jacket. I already have some ideas in mind.” 
Before Freddie or Roger could give either of their input on the jacket, Roger’s phone went off over the stall’s speaker and cut off the music that was playing from Roger’s YouTube app. The blonde leapt up from his place on the couch and disappeared into Josie’s workshop in the back of the stall. The other two shop owners shrugged it off and went back to comparing the design Josie had been sketching, to the jacket’s current worn out state. They started going over details that Freddie wanted when Roger popped out from the back. 
“Fred, can you come back here? It’s about the band.” He called back. Freddie got up from his place on the couch next to Josie and disappeared into the tiny backroom where Roger was. 
Josie manned the register while her roommates hid in the back to take what she guessed to be a very important phone call. It was a slow day all around in Kensington Market, so the Rag Trade didn’t get as much foot traffic as it usually did.  Josie managed to keep herself busy by getting to work with when she heard a wooden clacking noise coming from the stall’s entrance. She pulled her attention away from her work to find that she had a new customer, but instead of browsing around the racks of new and old clothes he looked like he was looking for something specific.
Josie Crowley wasn’t a girl to get easily flustered by a boy, but this guy was about to make an exception. He was tall, really tall for starters. His bright blue NASA jacket was too short for his arms, leaving his wrists exposed to the cold. Loose deep brown framed his long face and brought out the different shades of hazel in his eyes. She studied the details of his face, from how his lips were slightly parted to how the tip of his nose was a rush of pink from the cool fall air, to how his hair fell in front of his eyes. 
“Hey,” She regained her composure to greet her potential client. “How can I help you?” 
“Yea.” The stranger pulled out a light denim jacket, running his thumb on the worn out seams. “I think you may be just the girl I’m looking for.” 
Josie studied the jacket in his hands. It wasn’t in as bad shape as Freddie’s but it looked like it could use some love and care. “Ye-yeah sure, I think?” She reached out for the jacket, which the stranger handed to her. She analyzed the denim and found that it was in better condition than she first thought. “Nice jacket, a little worn but overall in good condition. What do you need done with it?” 
“Well I found it in my parent’s attic and my dad said I could take it.” As he explained how he found the jacket, Josie noticed that his cheeks were turning from a light pink to a flushed red. “It fits for the most part but the sleeves are too short. One of my friends suggested that I come to you to get them lengthened.”
Josie examined the sleeves, “Yea I can totally do that. I would have to get some measurements really quick to make sure they don’t end up too long or too short. Do you mind?” Josie gestured towards the stranger before fishing around in her bag to find her measuring tape. 
The stranger nodded and put down his bag. Josie placed the measuring tape at the top of his shoulders and took his measurements for both arms, making notes on a blank sheet in her notebook for later. 
They tried to make some small talk as she finished up the measurements. “So is there anything else you want done to the jacket besides getting the sleeves lengthened? Maybe even put some of your own customization into it instead of just being a repair?”
“Yea that would be nice.” He laughed. “What do you do for that?” 
“Mostly embroidery and patches for denim jackets, but I can do whatever you would like.” She replied, her mind already spinning with ideas. 
“Embroidery and patches sound really interesting.” The stranger smiled at her. 
“Yea! I can put on anything you want on it.” She continued making notes. 
“If you’d like, I can give you my number so if there’s anything else you want done you can just let me know?” She suggested before quickly backtracking. “Unless you think that’s too forward.”
Space boy laughed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “No of course we should swap numbers. I’d love to stay in touch.” He handed his phone over for her to add her number to his contacts. 
“I’ll text you later when I get home.” He offered. “It was really nice to meet you today….”
“Josie.” She reached out her hand. “Josie Crowley.” 
The stranger reached out and took her hand. “Brian May. It was very nice to meet you Josie.” 
“It was nice to meet you too, Brian” Josie felt heat was over her face as she watched Brian walk out of the stall, She kept running her thumbs up and down the worn seams of Brian’s 
Unknown Number: Hey, thanks for your help today! I hope this will be an easier way to keep in touch. -Bri
Josie grinned at her screen but was suddenly interrupted by both Roger and Freddie bursting out of the back room, their faces lit up with excitement. 
“Jo! You’ll never guess what just happened!” Roger called out, making the redhead jolt up and juggle her phone in her hands.
“Fucking hell Roger,” She gasped, clutching her phone to her chest. “What? You scared the daylights out of me.” 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling.” Freddie rolled his eyes. “We have incredible news.” 
Josie put her phone down on the counter, “What’s up?”
“We got a gig!” Roger exclaimed before Freddie could even open his mouth. 
There was a long pause between the three of them. Freddie and Roger’s band, Queen, had been doing gigs around the London pub scene for the past couple months so it wasn’t huge news anymore whenever they got a gig somewhere. So Josie stood staring at her roommates with a confused look on her face. 
“What kind of gig?” She broke the silence. “You usually don’t get this excited over one Rog.”
Freddie laughed. “Jo this isn’t any old pub show. This is a legitimate performance! We just heard that we are going to be part of a rising musicians showcase at Royal Albert Hall next month. I sent them our demo last week and they want us to perform!” Josie could tell that Freddie was really excited about this, so she had no choice but to join in on the excitement. 
“That’s awesome!” She knew how hard they have been working to take their band to a more serious level, even if she hadn’t been able to make it to one of their shows yet or have even met the other members of the band. “Have you told the other’s yet? Or did they get a call too?” 
Roger shook his head. “Not yet, we want to ask you something before we tell them.”
Josie cocked her head to the side out of confusion, she wasn’t part of the band so what would they have to ask her before talking to their bandmates? 
“We want you as our band stylist.” Freddie asked. Josie felt her eyes widen and her heart started to pound. She knew that they wouldn’t be able to pay her much or at all since they were barely making it by at Rag Trade as it is, but she knew this would be a huge next step for both them and herself if the band took off. 
“I know you hang out with us enough so if you don’t want to we get it.” Roger chirped in, pulling Josie out of her thought process, “But you’re really talented with clothes and we need to look our best for this show so-”
“I’ll do it.” Josie cut him off. “I’m in. I don’t care about money or anything like that. If you want me and the others are cool with it, I’m in.”
Both Freddie and Roger immediately lit up in excitement.
“But I do have one question though,” She added on. “How do you guys exactly expect me to style two guys I haven’t met yet? I can’t style someone that I don’t know, let alone have ever even seen.”
Freddie waived her off. “Don’t worry about that darling. I already alerted them of you joining our team as it was a given that you would say yes. They’ll be meeting with you in a few days since both of them have such busy lives.”
“You can use clothes from Rag Trade!” Roger piped up. “We got some clothes in the back we haven’t put out on the floor yet. We can set aside whatever you pick out to keep for the band.”
Josie blushed from Roger’s offer. “That is very thoughtful of you Rog. I swear that you guys get total input into whatever you wear. The last thing I want is for you to go onstage in something you aren’t comfortable wearing.” 
“You don’t have to worry about that Jo,” Roger reassured her. “We know whatever you do is going to be amazing.” 
Josie smiled at Roger’s comment. “Thanks guys, I promise I won’t let you down.” 
After the Rag Trade closed down for the night, Josie and the guys made their way back to the small flat the three of them shared a few blocks over. They were immediately greeted by Freddie’s two cats, Miko and Delilah and Josie’s cat, Chip. Freddie and Roger hung out in the flat’s common area while Josie retreated to her room for the night. She changed out of her street clothes into a comfortable oversized t-shirt and shorts before scrubbing off her makeup for the day and climbing into her bed. 
Josie pulled out her laptop and started scrolling through Pinterest for ideas not only for Freddie and Brian’s tasks for her, but to also get some tips and inspiration for Queen’s new stagewear, primarily focusing on what she would pick for Freddie and Roger. She was meeting the other members of the band tomorrow to get their measurements and start planning their stagewear for some upcoming shows.
 She was soon distracted by Freddie’s newest kitten, Miko, jumping on top of her sketch and demanding attention. He paced around her legs and meowing insistently at the designer until she gave in and replaced the jacket in her lap with the tortoise-shell colored kitten, scratching right behind his ears. 
“You’re just like your Daddy, aren’t you?” She laughed. “You know just how to get my attention.” 
The kitten purred in content, kneading on her blanket covered legs. Watching Miko knead her lap, Josie reached for her phone and sent a photo to her roommates in the next room. 
TO: Oh My God They Were Roommates👀👀
Josie: I have been graced with Miko’s presence, If you need me I will be in my room the rest of the night with him 
Freddie: Give back my son
Josie: Never. He’s mine now
Freddie: Traitors, both of you. If you’re taking Miko then I’m taking Chip in return
Josie: Leave Chip out of this, he’s innocent!
Roggie: You two are weird
Freddie: Says the one who’s obsessed with his car
Before Josie could respond to her roommates, she saw a notification from her newest client- Brian. 
“Hey it’s Brian. Thank you so much for helping me out today on such a short notice!”
She grinned and immediately switched over to his messages, ignoring the budding argument between her roommates that was going on over text. 
Josie: Hey! You’re totally welcome. I should have your jacket all fixed up in the next week or so, feel free to swing by next week and it should be done!
Brian: Thanks! Please let me know whenever you finish it, but there’s no rush! My band just got called about a huge gig so I’ve been a bit preoccupied. 
Josie: Oooooooh you’re in a band? What do you play?
Brian: Yea, I play guitar. What about you, do you play any instruments?
Josie: That’s so cool! Unfortunately my talents are more in the design world than the musical world. I do want to learn how to play the guitar someday though
Brian: Well maybe I can teach you sometime
Josie: I would like that. Are you busy this week?
Brian: Not too busy, my band does have a gig next week so I have been held up with rehearsals whenever I’m not busy with my work. It’s nothing big, just a pub by Imperial College. What about you?
Josie: I just got a new long term project to work on so I’m still in the early stages of working on that. And I’m looking at your jacket too for what to do for embroidery or customization besides lengthening the sleeves. Do you have any interests or hobbies that could help?
Brian: Well outside of playing the guitar, I’ve actually been interested in space and astrophysics. I have been actually working part time on getting my PhD in Astrophysics. 
Josie mentally exited out of the conversation for a moment and turned back to her . She immediately went to her profile and made a new board that she named “Ideas for Brian”, noting that he really likes space and to look for space themed embroidery prints. She had a few ideas in mind now that she knew for sure that he had a strong interest in space. Josie also made a mental note to see if there was any way that she could combine both space and music into one design to make it special just for him. 
“Note: see if Bri has photos of guitar he would like used.” She muttered under her breath as she typed out the note before jumping back into the conversation with Brian. 
Josie: Oh wow that’s so cool! I had a feeling that you were into space from your jacket you wore today. And that has to be rough working and finishing a PhD AND being in a band
Brian: Yea I guess it was kinda obvious. Luckily we are on a short holiday right now so I can catch my breath and focus on my music. 
Josie: I know how that feels, my last year at uni I thought I was going to break down from burnout by the end. 
Brian: What did you study?
Josie: I double majored in apparel design and finance. 
Brian: That’s cool, how did you get into two completely different subjects like that?
Josie: It’s a long story, remind me and I’ll tell you about it sometime. I have an early shift at Rag Trade tomorrow and need to get to bed soon. 
Brian: Yea, I’m about to head to bed too. Goodnight Josie
Josie: Goodnight Brian, talk tomorrow?
Brian: I look forward to it :)
Josie shifted on her bed in a way that disturbed Miko from his nap in her lap. The kitten meowed at Josie before leaping off her bed and made his way out of her room. She noticed that the light in the common room was now out, so she guessed that Freddie and Roger were both asleep, or at least in their own rooms. She placed her phone on the nightstand right next and plugged it in to charge for the night. As she drifted off to sleep, her mind kept drifting towards the curly haired guitarist she had only met a few hours before. 
Josie spent the next couple days working on Brian’s jacket and focusing on what she was going to do with Freddie and Roger’s band as their new stylist. Unfortunately, she had been so busy with her roommates and her own work that she hadn’t been able to meet the rest of the band. Today, she was finally able to meet the remaining members of Queen. 
John, their bassist, was the first of the two to arrive. They were holed up in Josie’s back corner of the store that she used as her spot to meet up with clients. In the first few minutes of their meeting, Josie dubbed John as her favorite member. He was a lot more calm and subdued than Freddie and Roger, which was a relieving change. She learned he was still a student, which is why they haven’t met yet since John was busy with his classes whenever he wasn’t rehearsing or performing with Queen. Josie could barely juggle working here with being in school before she graduated, so she gave him props for going after both the band and an honors electrical engineering degree. 
She had her tape measure slung over her shoulder as she leafed through a rack of clothes she picked out for the bassist.  “What do you think of this?” She asked, holding up a black silky button down shirt. The chest was covered in small white pearl-like stars to add detail. “Freddie picked this one out, though it would look good for one of your upcoming shows.” 
John shrugged, holding the material in his hands. “I don’t know. Are you sure it isn’t too flashy for the band?”
The designer laughed. “You’re in a band with Freddie. He would go onstage in red and white booty shorts and suspenders and nothing else if he could so I wouldn’t worry about you looking too flashy.”
Her comment warranted a small laugh from John. “Yea, I don’t really put that past him. But I really do like that shirt.”
Josie smiled and put it on the rack closest to her that she had labeled “Queen Wardrobe.” She was happy that John was warming up to her and her abilities as a stylist. She had heard from Freddie that the kid would go up on stage in plain jeans and a t-shirt if the frontman would let him. Unfortunately a band that had both Freddie Bulsara and Roger Taylor would never allow such a thing so they always had the bassist borrow clothes from one of the two.  She made it her goal to find anything that would help John come out of his shell and stop having to borrow appropriate stagewear from his bandmates, but she still wanted him to be comfortable and have a say in what he wore. 
Josie and John ended up deciding on three shirts, a pair of black flare jeans, and a pair of white skinny jeans that were also suggested by Freddie. Josie’s favorite thing that they found was a pair of tan platform boots that John was immediately drawn towards when she first pulled them out. She wrapped the clothes hangers together with a rubber band and tagged them “Deaky” to keep with the nickname Freddie had given him and so she would know they were picked for John. She already did the same for Freddie and Roger and was planning to do the same for their guitarist. 
As Josie was setting up for her next client, she heard a familiar clacking enter the shop. She turned to see who it was as Freddie greeted them and she immediately froze in place. 
It was Brian.
“Brian! I am so glad you were able to make it darling.” The singer exclaimed, abandoning his post at the counter. Brian still hadn’t noticed Josie yet, even though the Rag Trade wasn’t that big of a shop she was still in the back semi-hidden behind the varying racks of clothes. 
“You told me to meet you here for the band.” He answered. “Something about us bri new stage clothes?” 
Josie watched as Freddie led him back to her station, she saw the gears turning in Brian’s head as they made their way to the back of the shop. When Brian’s eyes finally laid eyes on the new stylist, he froze in place and his eyes went wide in surprise. 
“Brian, I would like to introduce you to Queen’s official stylist, the one and only Josephine Crowley.” 
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the-citrus-scale · 5 years
Author Interview: holylangdon
If you’re into sexy characters with questionable levels of morality (and who isn’t?), look no further than the fanfiction of @holylangdon. She writes American Horror Story fanfiction, mostly about son of Satan Michael Langdon, in case you couldn’t tell from the name. We’re excited that she took some time out of this busy and spooky month to talk to us about writing!
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How did you start writing fanfiction?
I think I wrote my first real fanfiction piece around mid-2016, and to be honest, it was just purely out of boredom. I remember making my account on Wattpad and beginning to draft the fic. It was a terribly rainy afternoon and I was home alone. I had read some fanfiction earlier that day and got a little idea that I actually really liked, and I had nothing better to do, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to just write a little bit of it down. 
Over the next few weeks, that somehow evolved into a 20-something chapter AU fic about Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer and a ghost girl [...] It actually (much to my surprise) got somewhat popular there for a little while, although, in hindsight, it was pretty awful. I think I have it saved on my old account there, but I haven’t looked at it since I took it down later that year, so I really don’t remember the plot at all. It was called “Figment,” though.
Anyway, I  think it’s safe to say I’ve always had a bit of a flair for the paranormal, haha.
What about American Horror Story made you want to write fanfiction for it?
Good question! I think there are a couple main reasons, actually. I saw the Murder House & Coven seasons first, and I was pretty much instantly sold on all of it. It’s spooky, has a wide supernatural aspect to it. It’s also pretty dramatic and for the most part, it’s well-written. Most of the characters are very solid, the cast of actors and actresses portraying them are nicely chosen, and they characters themselves usually pretty nicely developed throughout each season. It just felt right to at least give it a shot, and then I fell down the rabbit hole.
What is your writing process like? Do you do a lot of planning and/or outlining? Do you write with music or TV on in the background?
I’m not really sure I have any real, legitimate process, to be honest. Usually when I feel like writing, I’ll go through the requests submitted by some of my followers first and see if anything jumps out. Most of the time I can piece together a few and make something nice out of them. If nothing seems appealing, then there’s pretty much always something else lurking around in my head. I always have a ton of fic ideas that I like and want to write, but never actually do, haha. And occasionally, I get one that just sticks, and won’t leave me alone until I sit down and write it. In fact, I’m actually working on one of those with the help of a close friend at the moment!
Kind of the same thing with outlining and planning. If it’s a requested fic, I’ll kind of just go with the flow and revise the little things as I write. But if it’s something of my own, like a longer, more detailed fic, I’ll definitely open up the notes app on my phone and jot down some ideas. Mostly quotes or lines that I’ve thought of and want to incorporate, ideas and talking points for it. I’m known to get distracted when I write, and having that note to reference is always nice and helps pull me back on track. 
As for any sound in the background, it always depends on the fic itself. Never any TV, because I know I’ll probably get sidetracked and end up watching it instead of writing. But I always have some kind of music playing, even when I’m not doing any writing. If I’m creating something that I want to have a specific feeling, like some angst or something fluffy, I’ll put on something specific on to match what mood I want it to have. I’ve noticed that it’s usually sad, piano-heavy music or soft, acoustic versions of songs, respectively. If there’s no specific mood that I’m going for, I tend to just play some Hozier or Lewis Capaldi or something similar. Dermot Kennedy, too. Just calm, easy listening.
American Horror Story is an interesting show to write for because there’s a new story each season, and the actors usually play different characters each season. Does that affect your fanfiction at all? Why or why not?
Not really. I love having a fresh set of characters every season, regardless of who’s playing them! The more, the merrier! 
How do you choose which characters to write for? What traits really make you want to write about a character?
I’ll write for almost any character, really. I love to challenge myself and find things that feel “new” to me. So if someone has a specific person in mind that they’d like to see something for, I’ll pretty much always give it a shot. There aren’t very many characters that I just flat out don’t write for, and they’re usually one of two things-- I either have difficulties getting their character just right and end up not liking what I’ve created, so I scrap it (Kai Anderson is a big one for me for this), or I just don’t like them and find myself uncomfortable writing for them. I wouldn’t really say there are any traits that 100% will make me write for a character, it’s just a sort of an organic attraction to them, I think. Hopefully that makes sense, haha. 
You write series, one-shots, and headcanons. Do you have a favorite type of writing, or does that just depend on the story idea and your mood?
I would definitely say that it depends on how I’m feeling in general, and what I think looks best for the idea I’m working with. More often than not, ideas that wouldn’t be enough to make a good one shot or fic are simple enough to be condensed into a set of headcanons, or, conversely, something that I think will make a good series just isn’t enough and ends up being made into another thing. It’s a really flexible process, honestly, but occasionally I’ll get too ambitious and make a fic that ends up being the better half of 10k words long, so I’ll split it down into multiple parts for easier reading. That’s how my Love, Michael series came to be! 
American Horror Story deals with a lot of controversial themes, so a lot of the characters are naturally controversial. Do you enjoy this aspect of writing in the fandom?
Surprisingly, yes. I feel like a lot of people would say no, but I definitely do, to an extent. There are a few characters that are a little too far out there for me to write for, personally, but it’s always very interesting to see how other fic writers tackle them, and vice versa. I like experimenting and playing around with different themes and situations and such, so I’m also pretty glad that we have a very, very wide range of characters to write with in terms of things that may typically be considered too taboo or controversial.
How do you come up with your story ideas?
As I said earlier, a lot of the time it’s just putting requests together and filling in the blanks or my crazy little whim ideas. Some of my friends are really amazing at helping me with fics, though. Whenever I’m running low on inspiration or ideas, they always come through and help me out. So, so many of my ideas have been inspired by them. Seriously, they’re pretty much honorary fic writers at this point, they’re just amazing. But whenever it’s not them helping me or either of the aforementioned things, it’s probably inspired or based on a song I’ve been listening to lately. 
(P.S., I know the three of you are reading this! I love you guys! <3)
If you had to explain fanfiction to someone who didn’t know anything about it in one paragraph, what would you say?
Oh, I’m really horrible at explaining things […] I guess I’d say it’s a whole bunch of people having fun together & creating interesting, fun, sometimes very questionable content, usually in the written form, on the internet with characters from shows and movies that they like. Practically anything you can think of, I can guarantee there’s fanfiction of it somewhere. Everything exists somewhere. Hopefully that would do.
Is there any plot line American Horror Story hasn’t covered yet that you’d like to see in an upcoming season? Why?
Ooh! I love this question! I was really excited for a slasher/summer camp season like 1984. I love slasher films, and summer camps are always a good setting for something like that. Plus, the eighties are pretty fun. I’m very happy that they used that idea.
All in all, I think a wasteland-themed season could be interesting. I love thinking about the end of the world and what it would be like, and in Apocalypse, the world is made into a barren, horrifying wasteland filled with radiation and rubble with only a handful of survivors. 
At one point in the season, Michael Langdon tells a story of a woman and her child covered in lesions as a result of their exposure to the nuclear fallout from the bombs, and at another, we see a small group of people above ground. A season focused on survivors of a situation like that has a lot of potential, in my opinion. I haven’t seen this idea mentioned a lot and the whole apocalyptic thing seems to be over with (for now?), so it probably won’t ever happen, but it’s definitely something to think about! 
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justmickeyfornow · 6 years
Too Pretty for a Hookup
Kara clicked on the accept button on the screen and immediately cringed. Gasping as she saw the evidence of the decision she'd been hesitating to make for the past 3 hours.
A one night stand.
On an app called Triple L - which Kara realized after much much thought that it stood for Ladies Loving Ladies. It was an app that Alex had installed for her out of the obligation of getting Kara to hook up with someone to break the dry spell she had been on.
‘Kara, it's not a big deal. You hook up for one night, have a great time, and then you never see them ever again. You need this.’
Unfortunately, her sister was right. As much as Kara hated to admit it and would probably never will. She had been on edge lately. Jittery and easily irritable. She tried everything. From meditation to stress relieving herbal teas to soft music playing in the background. But it was as though her body was always frustrated.
Sexually frustrated.
Which brings her to this moment. She had clicked yes to a brunette one night stand she matched with that she was already regretting. The act of tapping on the screen to accept took at least 3 or 4 hours of pacing and huffing and sighing and eyeing the cursed device. But eventually, she willed the tip of her finger to lightly touch the glass screen.
And now here she was. Regretting it. Que another 3 hours of pacing.
Kara sat at the bar twirling her straw in what was some type of cherry cocktail with lots of that vodka stuff that didn't affect her. She wasn't sure what was in her cocktail or why she even ordered it. But something about the cliché of drowning your nervousness in a drink seemed somewhat comforting. She had seen it in movies and TV shows and found it to be an interesting behavior at first. Drinking something that can alter your brain to make you do stupid things because you were scared of doing stupid things to begin with.
She could never fully understand humans.
But she didn't argue that the color of her drink sure managed to take her mind off of her night. It was a peculiar kind of red. Not crimson red but not pink either. It was more of a...
“Ms. Danvers?”
“Yes, that's...”
Kara turned towards the voice and almost gasped. A beautiful brunette with striking green eyes stood before her who can only be described as a victim for having a profile picture that did absolute no justice to the real thing.
Kara's eyes followed the ruby diamond hanging around a chiseled neck and dropping just shy of a peeking cleavage. The woman wore tight black pair of jeans with a sleeveless white blouse held around her neck and dipping low enough for Kara to notice the black bra underneath.
Kara's eyes shot up before she lingered longer than what was appropriate, going up to meet green ones that effortlessly stole her breath away. They were forest green, but shone bright whenever the light shone at them. Kara's mouth opened and closed, trying to grasp onto the words she was about to speak, but her mind suffered a short circuit that enjoyed it far too much.
“Ms. Danvers, are you alright?”
Kara suddenly shut her gaped mouth and shook her head defiantly. “Nope. This isn't happening.” she pressed her lips tightly in frustration.
Just my luck! Just my darn annoying luck!
“I beg your Pardon?” the woman raised a perfectly styled eyebrow and Kara had to drag her eyes away from it.
She shook her head more as she shrugged in defiance, “You're way too pretty for me to just hook up with you for one night and not immediately fall in love you.” she blurted out in one go, sighing at her unavoidable dire luck.
“So no. We are not doing this. I'm sorry I dragged you all the way here but this one night stand is not happening. Sorry.” she took a big gulp of whatever the name of her drink was and suddenly noticed a hint of pomegranate in its taste. “Way way too pretty, ” she mumbled to herself, “She expects me to just hook up with her. How do you just hook up with someone that pretty?!”
As much as her mind knew she should probably stop talking and practically begged her to, Kara's mouth just kept going. She turned back to the woman, eyebrows furrowed in frustration, “I mean honestly, you should come with a warning label or something. In your profile picture you were wearing sunglasses. And seriously that shouldn't be allowed. Especially with you having eyes as pretty as those.” she blatantly gestured to the woman's eyes, giving her a ‘duh’ expression.
She rolled her eyes before huffing out, “You shouldn't deceive people like that.” she muttered resentfully, “It's not very nice. You know you could seriously give someone a heart attack with eyes like that.” she turned away. Back to her now empty drink. She played with the thin red straw before sighing loudly, realizing she's not being very fair to someone who had driven all the way here for nothing.
“Anyway. I'm sorry again. I could pay for your cab if you want. Or maybe even drive you home. Actually no I flew here,” Kara's eyes bulged open, “O-onn a bus.”
Nice save.
“I can call you an Uber?” she offered, “I have five other options if those wouldn't work for you. You're a obviously too pretty to take the bus or the subway.” she suddenly gasped, “Not that people who ride the bus or subway aren't pretty! Oh no! I've met loads of pretty people on the bus!” she exclaimed defensively, trying to make sure this stranger believed her when she claimed she didn't find people on buses and subways ugly.
“This one time I met a woman on the subway who was soooo pretty that I missed my stop.”
She nodded, lips pressing in a thin line showing just how serious she was. Her serious expression lasted less than a second before she realized what she had said.
“Not... Not that I was staring at her stalkerishly! No I was very... Well I was very... I just didn't notice my stop because her eyes were distracting.”
She double backed again, “Nothing like your eyes though. Yours are like... Whew!” she chuckled nervously, “If I had to rank them on a scale of one,” she hovered her palm facedown a little below where she sat on the stool, gesturing to where the scale started, “to ten,” she reached up to show where the ten would be, “then your eyes would be...” she panicked when she realized she couldn't go any higher than where her hand was at the ten. She tried stretching her arm but there was only so little solid bones can stretch.
So she did what any sane person would do.
“Hold on.” she muttered as she shifted on the chair until she stood on her knees over the stool. When she reached the highest she could, she frowned, finding it not enough. Her eyes were at least a 100 on the scale. And where her hand reached now was more like a fifty.
On a scale of one to ten that is.
So, once again. She did what any sane person would do.
She stood fully on her stool, wobbling just a bit before balancing herself and reaching the highest she could.
“Your eyes would be here!"
Said eyes had widened immensely at Kara's elaborate display of passion towards demonstrating her ‘one to ten scale’ and where the woman's green eyes ranked.
The shocked woman finally shook herself from her stupor, “Why don't we get you down from there? I'd hate to see anything happen to you because of my eyes.” she braced her arms around Kara's form, prepared to catch the blonde if she so happened to stumble down.
Kara chuckled as she effortlessly flung herself back on the chair sitting down easily, hearing the woman's heart react suddenly in fear at how fast it all happened. “Well, I don't think I would mind going that way.”
The woman, Lena, took a second to gather herself before speaking, “I would. People would start blaming me for taking away your charming personality from this cruel world. I'd rather not have to defend myself.”
Kara had to admit she was somewhat surprised by the banter, not expecting the beautiful brunette to stick around after admitting she had no intention of sleeping with her.
“You seem like you can hold your own.” she replied confidently.
Lena took a step closer, her thigh brushing softly against Kara's knee. Her smile was devious as she spoke, “Well, you wouldn't know now would you, since I'm - How did you phrase it again? - too pretty to hook up with?”
Kara couldn't for the life of her believe her ears. She was flirting! This beautiful woman who Kara had made a complete fool of herself in front of and not to mention rejected was actually flirting with her.
“I'm not wrong. You are too pretty for a hook up. You should be wined and dined and taken on all sorts of cliché dates.” Kara mentioned as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Once again, Lena seemed taken back and had to spend a second staring at Kara before composing herself and speaking once more, “Well, I can't say I've ever been wined and dined and taken on cliché dates before. But a woman's bound to start somewhere, right?” she smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with hope. “Can I buy you a drink?” She asked suddenly.
Kara stared her with a flustered smile, her hand going to fix her glasses, “Umm yeah. Sure I'd... I'd like that. But...” she cringed, not wanting to ask her question but wanting so much to ask her question.
“What?” Lena asked with a worried smile on her lips.
“Well, it's just that I was supposed to hookup with you but then I canceled last minute. And anyone else would be at least frustrated that they came all the way out here for nothing. I'm just wondering...”
Lena leaned closer, thigh now pressing on Kara's knee, “Who said I came all the way here for nothing?” she whispered sultry.
Oh, wow. That voice can probably take away a person's will.
“Umm I...”
Lena took a step back, and Kara almost had to stop herself from reaching out and pulling her back. The confident woman suddenly seemed nervous, clasping her hands together and pressing on her knuckles.
“I've been on many of these one night stands with all sorts of different people.” she finally said before pausing as though not sure whether she should say her next words. “None of them have ever called me pretty. Hot, sexy, yes. Never pretty.” she let out a bitter laugh, “And you managed to make me smile on a day I was frustrated enough to set up a one night stand with a complete stranger just to take out my frustration somehow. So, if you're willing,” she looked down at her clasped hands nervously, “I would you like to take you out. On a proper date.”
Kara froze at her words, eyes widening at the request.
Lena seemed to have misunderstood her shock for rejection, “Of course, you don't ha...”
“Yes!” Kara finally managed to blurt out.
Lena looked at her skeptically, “Are you sure...?”
“Am I sure if I wanna go out on an actual real date with the prettiest woman here? Mhmm. Yup. Definitely sure. Positive. Absolutely a hundred percent on board.” Kara's head kept nodding eagerly, the back of her neck straining with so much force put into her nods.
Lena smiled, amused at Kara's passionate response, “Well, alright then. Shall we? I know a nice restaurant not far from here.”
Kara flew off her stool, placing a few bucks on the counter for her drink and turned with a wide blinding smile.
“Lead the way.”
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joeys-piano · 5 years
Unfiltered Thoughts ft. 22H Flight
At times, the only way to experience what it means to truly be alive is to blast through thirty-seven music albums while you're sleep deprived.
I've been playing dictionary games for the past six hours to improve my English. It was all fun and games until I encountered the word "tchotchke", and I'm not sure how I proceeded from there.
Pulled the same shoulder, thrice in a row. Must be rusty.
It should also be noted that I finished reading the LN foot Dazai's Entrance Exam. Reading it further solidified why the Azure Messenger arc was my favorite from BSD. I wished that the anime could've included more from the light novel, especially the banter between Dazai and Kunikida and the embassy scenes where we see behind the folds of Dazai's mask. (and his top notch acting, might I add!) The action, suspense, and drama felt good. The covert operation undertones were translated seemlessly as I flipped through the pages, wondering what would happen next. It was a long, but it was a good read. And if I ever have to write an investigation for Dazai and Kunikida, I have a better idea on how to capture their partnership and duality.
You're telling me I could've played Plants vs. Zombies?
When the plane gets close enough to the ocean, you see these white trails that contrast against the deep blue, perhaps fish leaping out from the water? I'm not sure, but I'd like to think so.
How does one airport not notice scissors and yet, the other does? It's a good thing they were safety scissors you typically give to little kids. Otherwise...
Having played dictionary games and listened to music for 16 hours, I'm glad I could enjoy the remainder of my flight reading a good fanfic. Need to tell the writer that their story made the rest of the flight enjoyable and eased my stress. At the time of writing this, I don't remember the fic's name. All I remember is how it made me feel, and I loved the original take the writer did on Chuuya and  Dazai's post-partnership. Thank AO3 for having a history tab because when I get on a laptop, I need to share this awesome fic with y'all. It's a really, really good read. Contains dark content, but tagged appropriately. Delves deeply into psychology and emotional baggage, gives you breaks where you can chill after what you just read, author is really sweet in their notes, and it's in-progress. Also, you just never know what'll happen in the story. One moment you think someone died and there's a visceral passage detailing the grime of it all. And then you choke back on your own spit because the person didn't die, and that they had planned their "death" from the start. I'm just....This fic is my aspiration as a writer.
Maybe it's because I haven't been on an international flight in 13 years, but the food is a lot better now than in my memory. It's fairly tasty.
The thing about being a writer is that when you're alone with your thoughts and are watching the world, your thoughts get transposed as you watch the people around. You come up with stories on where they're traveling and where they're traveling from, what are they leaving behind and why are they looking forward to, and sort of piece together a rough backstory for their character. Every conversation around you bleeds together in your head. You can't ignore them because you understand the language. You hear what's conveyed and what's implied. You hear the things that bore you to death and yet, catch a few snippets of things that seem to be universal whenever people come together and chat. It's a strange thing when you're a writer on a plane. You could be typing your unfiltered thoughts into a note app while someone watches from the corner of their eye and wonders what's your story. Perhaps, they think you have nothing better to do but be on your phone. Or perhaps, that person is trying to decipher your backstory, too.
I'm running on 5 hours of sleep and I have to be awake for another 12 hours. This is how an early bird dies.
Something funny happened at customs, and the very distinct smell of dried fish in the airport reminded me....that I haven't been home in a while.
You know you're in Asia when your uncle suggests jaywalking across a crowded path full of taxis and his reason is: "Live and let live, Joey! You're home!" And lanes don't exist. If you can't get into a lane, you make one.
By the time whatever this is gets posted, I've crashed somewhere. Night night
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10 Freeware To Rip CDs To FLAC Lossless And MP3 Lossy HD Audio Format
A utility to convert a Flac library to MP3, Opus or Ogg Vorbis format. To convert media information tomp3 format merely select the destination folder and drop your information or folders to the app's icon or interface. Converter advises when processing is made and if there are any failures. Convert utility is crash free". I wish to select Faasoft Audio Converter which is more cheaper and easier to use. To FLAC Converter helps full tags transfer from supply files to output FLAC files. You also can get pleasure from better-organised music because of loading lacking FLAC tags from on-line databases or native folders and file names. Within the MP3 dialog field, select the format settings for the final MP3 recordsdata. Freemore FLAC to MP3 Converter is an easy, environment friendly, quick yet free FLAC to MP3 Converter program, totally optimized for the mainstream multi-core CPUs. With its build-in newest & advanced FLAC codec and Lame MP3 encoder, the sound quality of the encoded MP3 files is well maintained and superior to its counterparts. FLAC to MP3 Converter supports batch mode converting and it is extremely easy to operate. SDR Free FLAC to MP3 Converter is a free software to transform FLAC format to MP3 format easily. To convert a FLAC file to MP3 utilizing To MP3 Converter Free, just choose your vacation spot folder and drag the information over. If it's good to batch convert folders or recordsdata, then you should buy an annual subscription ($7) that also allows you to load tags and art work from a community source, add fade in and fadeout, and trim silence before and after songs. Consists of FLAC cutter with preview that may lower FLAC audio information with millisecond precision. Completely free and fully protected, 5KPlayer provides you the feasiblity to convert video audio MP4 AVI MP3 FLAC AAC freely, play 4K HD 1080p 720p AVCHD MP4 DVD and so forth easily and obtain videos films music from 300+ sites like YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, and many others. No third-social gathering helpers, you can get all you need. So, with out additional ado, this is how one can convert FLAC to MP3 without spending a dime on any platform. fre:ac is a free audio converter with various in style audio codecs and encoders, additionally it is a CD ripper for Mac OS, you not solely can load the FLAC audio files, also can import MP3, WMA, AAC, etc. On the identical time, you may rip your audio CDs to MP3 or WMA files. And it stays like this for all future use of the MP3 format, until one goes to Tools""Preferences""Reset preferences" which then returns all to defaults and it really works, however solely at the 128 bit fee. Different codecs like OGG Vorbis etc should not exhibiting this behaviour, and I do not bear in mind my earlier verson which was 2.0.5., doing this. Select "to FLAC" after which click on Convert to convert files to FLAC format. FLAC is a lossless audio format, which means it saves unique CD quality whenever you creating FLAC recordsdata immediately from an audio CD. In contrast to WAV format which can be lossless FLAC provides some compression similar to ZIP shrinking. It does not scale back the quality but makes FLAC files smaller than WAV's. They're much bigger than MP3s although, which make it bulky for using in MP3 players and different cellular units.
It's a guide on learn how to convert YouTube to MP3 for macOS Sierra, I'd offer you assessment on 3 free on-line YouTube to MP3 converter tools, and educate you the best way to download and convert YouTube to MP3 with the only steps. SOLELY a decent level?! As in comparison with what? Lossless means exactly that, no loss to high quality. FLAC presents the perfect (same) degree as the original content. I wouldn't belief to you to alter my screensaver settings. Spend even slightly time on audiophile forums, and you may see some intense preventing about whether VBR is CBR is healthier (or whether it even matters). To keep things simple, select CBR and set the bitrate to 320 kbps. This should give you nice sound high quality, though the file sizes won't be as small. Click on "Profile" drop-down button to set "MP3 MPEG Layer-3 Audio (.mp3)" from "Common Audio" as output format. You can use FLAC to MP3 Mac to transform your FLAC audio recordsdata to MP3 format on Mac OS. After dragging and dropping your FLAC songs onto the application and choosing the output path, you will notice this system begin the conversion immediately. Within a few seconds the songs shall be entirely transformed to MP3 format and located in the folder you choose. A free solution is Koyotesoft's Free Mp3 Wma Converter which supports the FLAC format among others. It does include adware affords although, so pay attention to these during installation. Prior to MP3 introduction, MPEG-1 had been widely used. That format contained not only audio knowledge, but photographs as nicely. MP3 breaks an audio file into components of the identical size. When the processing is over, every part is packed into its personal body. It includes the technology of spectral limit that requires a steady enter sign to supply using two adjacent frames. In this dialog you'll be able to alter additional settings of the format (the number of channels, bitrate, pattern price). You need to use predefined settings from the record or click on the Customise button and create your individual mixture of settings that might be saved for later use. A free codec developed for lossless compression of audio content material that does not exclude info from the stream. It permits for listening to musical compositions with skilled sound replica techniques, in addition to for observe archiving. FLAC information are being performed by portative audio gamers, equipped by the most of specialized programs, and are represented in enormous variety of hardware implementations. They allow users to repeat CD tracks with out deterioration in sound quality. The digital media increase has led to quite a few file codecs for audio and video content material of various quality and ubiquity , www.audio-transcoder.com whether or not you consume your media on desktop, smartphone, tablet or dedicated media player. Some, corresponding to MP3 and MP4, are ubiquitous, while extra esoteric codecs akin to OGG and FLAC offers technical advantages, but might be unsupported on some gadgets. Fortunately, conversion software involves the rescue, permitting you to input your media information, after which convert them into another format. Listed below are a few of our favourite free apps.
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