#not to praise tumblr of course but I’m surprised they actually fixed this shit
tariah23 · 1 year
Videos are working on here again, too?
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starglow-xx · 4 years
heyo! i wrote and posted this on my quotev for keith’s birthday (october 23, 2020) and i finally made a tumblr for my fanfiction soo here it is!!
keith kogane x f! reader
genre: fluff and slight angst!
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This was what you had planned and written out coming to the Garrison.
(y/n's) Checklist: Garrison Days
Get into the Garrison✔️ extra: best friend is here too! :)
Get a license to become a co-fighter pilot extra: we're getting there!
Make new friends!✔️ extra: pidgeon, lancelot, and sunshine :D
Okay, granted, it's a bit short, but nevertheless it's straightforward and guaranteed to not knock you off course.
Although, this was the list that she seemed to be following at the moment.
(y/n's) Mental Bullshit Checklist
Fall in love with your best friend✔️
Sneak out of the Garrison basically every night to meet up with said best friend who just so happened to be expelled✔️
Fall in love with your best friend✔️
Keep secrets from your other best friends✔️
Can't forget that checkmark.
You sighed.
'Damn him and his pretty face.'
Sighing once more, you flopped backward against your bed holding your phone out away from your face staring at the time.
11:23 p.m.
'It's still early. I'm not meeting up with Keith for at least another half hour.'
You frowned at your phone.
'I wish time would go faster. Or better yet, just skip this.'
You put the phone down opting to stare at the ceiling instead. Frankly, you were exhausted. Keith always ends up keeping you up till the very early hours of the morning, just before daybreak, leaving you with a small amount of sleep.
'I mean we do this basically every night. It wouldn't hurt to bail on him just this once right? It's not like we end up finding any clues about Shiro or "the energy source".'
Frowning again at the thought of your lost older brother figure, you closed your eyes and placed your right forearm against your eyes, leaving your other hand against your stomach holding your phone.
'A quick nap wouldn't hurt now would it?'
You shut your eyes slowly and then you were out like a light.
You awoke to light knocking at your door.
Opening your eyes slowly, you stared up at the ceiling, and you wait until your eyes get adjusted to the dim lighting of your room.
'Wait a damn minute.'
You frantically sit upright looking for your phone before spotting it on the floor. You immediately grab it before widening your eyes in horror.
12:46 a.m.
*knock knock knock*
The knocking of the metal door snapped you back into your senses, making you rush all over the room fixing your appearance while simultaneously packing a small bag.
*knock knock knock*
'There's no fucking way Keith broke into the Garrison. There's no fucking way he's outside my door. No fucking way.'
'Guess we'll just have to find out.'
Taking a big deep breath, you allow the metal door to open.
And you end up staring into the blue orbs of your flirtatious best friend Lance McClain.
A sigh of relief passes in between your breath and you smile as you lean against the frame of your door only then noticing Hunk's panicky presence behind the lanky male. Ignoring his nervousness, you wave at the soon to be yellow paladin, with him exchanging a fidgety smile and wave in return. 
Taking note of your sigh and smile, Lance speaks up with a cocky, goofy grin on his face.
"Woah there pretty lady, happy to see me?~" 
Rolling your eyes with an equally goofy grin on your face you respond.
"Ha! In your dreams McClain."
"But you're always in my dreams (y/n)!" he replies cheekily.
Playfully shoving the tall teen backward, you stifle a laugh. You always enjoy your time with Lance; it's always been like this, the playful banter, everything. Even since you met as kids at the Garrison.
"Okay! Okay! Jeez (n/n) so violent."
Rolling your eyes again, you take another look at the best friend duo before asking, "So, care to tell me why you're here in front of my dorm at like one in the morning?"
Lance opens his mouth only to have Hunk shove the both of you back into your room with him following and the metal door shutting behind the three of you.
Lance not liking how he was treated so roughly, started to whine, "Hunkkkk what was that forrr- MPPFH," only to get interrupted by Hunk placing a hand on both of your mouths.
"SHHH! We have to be quiet you guys," Hunk lowers his voice, "I heard a guard walking down the other hallway, I think he might turn the way next! Oh wait! I hear him shhhhh"
The three of you stood still and quiet as you hear the footsteps of the guard get closer and closer until eventually fading. 
After that very close call, you all sigh in relief as you had done a few minutes prior.
Suddenly remembering the conversation from a few minutes ago also made you become more aware of the time. Taking a look at the clock on your dresser, you curse under your breath.
12:57 a.m.
Quickly taking out your phone from your satchel, you curse again seeing the missed calls and text messages from Keith.
57 missed calls & 6 unread messages
where are you?
sent 12:03 a.m.
(y/n) answer.
sent 12:07 a.m.
(y/n) pick up the damn phone! I know you're tired and I always drag you out late but come on pick up.
sent 12:09 a.m.
Okay, okay I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me.
sent 12:10 a.m.
(y/n) damn it. Now's not the time to be mad at me or to be sleeping. I think we might actually find something this time, I can feel it.
sent 12:15 a.m.
Fine then. I'll go on my own this time.
sent 12:17 a.m.
Ah shit. The only time Keith texts you first, and it's because you were being an idiot and accidentally bailed on him. Now he thinks that you've ditched him. Knowing him, he's gonna feel way more upset than you think because of what happened with his mom, dad, and Shiro. 
'Ah I fucked up this time didn't I?'
Breaking out of your thoughts, you realize that you have guests at the moment.
You whispered yelled at the two taller boys, "What are you two doing here?!"
Lance sulked, "Aw (n/n) I could've sworn you were happy to see us like five minutes ago."
"That was before you almost got me in trouble!"
And that's coming from the girl who sneaks out of the Garrison on a daily basis. But they don't need to know that.
Not yet at least.
Hunk (bless his soul) interrupts Lance once more as he opens up his mouth, "Lance here wants to do some "team bonding" so we were going to get both you and Pidge, but we saw Pidge run out of his dorm, but we still needed to get you and this is the worst team-building exercise ever."
Ahh that's right.
The four of you got scolded today after failing the simulation.
Hunk puked, Pidge removed his (you're still doubting if he is really a he, but no judgment there) safety harness, and Lance crashed the jet. You on the other received praise from Iverson after attempting to pull a safer (cough cough Lance) emergency landing, and trying to pull the team together.
Well, it's your job as the co-pilot to keep Lance in check, just like how you attempted to keep Keith in check. All your teachers and other friends warned you about sticking close to Keith. They never did understand that you two had a close bond.
You two grew up together after all.
"Seriously (l/n) stay away from Kogane. You're a bright kid, you got real skill. Don't get mixed up with that troublemaker."
You look down as Commander Iverson speaks to you.
"Well go along, break will be over soon enough. See you in class."
He walks down the hallway as Keith approaches you carefully as he enters from the other side of the nearby wall.
"You can stop you know. You always get in trouble for sticking with me. I'll understand." He says in a low voice looking down.
You, on the other hand, shoot your head up and quickly wrapping your arms around him surprising the young teen.
"Are you dumb?! I'd never leave you Keith! We'll go through thick and thin together remember?! If anything, you might be the one leaving me! You move too fast you might just leave me behind!" you exclaim while squeezing him tighter fully aware of the growing blush on your face.
He lightly laughs before wrapping his arms around your smaller frame squeezing you just as tight.
"Don't worry (y/n), I don't plan on it."
You refuse to let him go as you don't want him to see your red face, not knowing that he hasn't let go for the same reason.
As you both got older, around the disappearance of Shiro, Keith gets expelled, but the both of you still manage to keep in touch seeing as you frequently sneak out.
"Why don't you two go ahead? I was just about to get some shut-eye, so tell me how it goes tomorrow okay?"
Yes, sleep would be pretty nice, but in reality, you needed them to get out of here so you can find Keith.
Please say okay, please say okay, please say okay.
Scrunching his eyebrows, Lance denies your request, "What? No! You're part of the team, we need you there!"
'Damn it.'
Before you know it, you find yourself on the roof checking out Pidge's equipment.
"Stop touching my equipment!"
You and Hunk pouted.
Now, you find yourself and the other three spying on an alien ship on a small ledge after hearing the emergency lockdown announcement at the Garrison.
You blinked. 
"Hmm hey, Lance?"
"Yes (y/n)?"
"Why the hell are we here?"
Lance stopped looking through the binoculars to look up at you.
"We need to find out what's going on! But we'll never get past those guards to take a look."
Pidge types away on his computer.
Hunk sighs, "Aww yeah, I guess there's nothing else but to get back to the barracks right?" and he gets up from his crouching position and starts to leave. 
'Good idea Hunk.'
As you yourself start to head back, Pidge speaks up.
"Wait they set up a camera in there and I picked up its feed. Look."
The three of you gather around Pidge, only for your breath to hitch and for tears to start gathering in the corner of your eyes.
You think back to Keith's message.
"I think we might actually find something this time, I can feel it."
'Damn it, I hate it when he's right. I need to text Keith.'
You snap back into reality to dig through your bag only to hear Lance say, "No, what we need is a distraction."
As if on cue, a series of explosions go off in the distance.
'Oh no Keith I swear to God.'
"Ahh are those the aliens?! Are they here?! They got here so quick!" 
Hunk continues to freak out, but Pidge interrupts him.
"No, those explosions were a distraction! For him. The Garrison is heading towards the blast, while he's sneaking through the other side!"
You could recognize that red hoverbike anywhere.
So, you quickly make your way down the small ledge ignoring the shouts of your friends.
"(y/n)! Wait! Oh that guy is always trying to one-up me!"
Lance quickly runs after you.
"Who is it?" Hunk asks.
"What?! Are you sure?!" Hunk is quick on Lance's heels.
By now, you're way ahead of the three.
"Who?!" Pidge questions.
"(y/n)'s boyfriend!"
But not far enough to not hear that.
"I heard that Lance!"
(y/n's) Mental Bullshit Checklist
Find your lost brother figure✔️
Get chased by the Garrison✔️
Realize that your bestest friend might be mad and hurt because of you✔️
Today is just not your day.
*A few minutes prior*
"Nope, no, n-n-no no you don't. I'm saving Shiro."
As Lance makes his way over to Keith and Shiro, you find yourself locking your (e/c) eyes with Keith's purple ones.
His eyes widened, not noticing Lance taking Shiro's other arm. 
'Wait. Is that a metal prosthetic?'
Snapping back into reality, (you seem to be spacing out a lot recently) you try and wrap yourself around this delicate situation.
Keith thinks you abandoned him on something that means a lot to him.
Keith is possibly mad at you.
Keith finds Shiro only for you, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge to barge in.
Keith might be thinking you left him alone for those three.
Keith looks hurt.
Your already teary eyes soften along with your voice, "Keith I-", only to get cut off by Keith himself.
"Who are you?" he quetions looking at Lance.
'I guess I deserved that.'
"Who am I? Uhh the name's Lance?"
Lance blinks waiting for Keith to recognize him. When he doesn't he speaks again.
"Uhh we were in the same class in the Garrison."
Keith still not recognizing him asks, "Really? Were you an engineer?"
Lance tired of his confusion clarifies, "What no. I'm a pilot. We were like rivals. You know, Lance and Keith neck and neck, and with (y/n) breaking up all our fights."
You deadpan at the brown-haired boy.
'Does he mean those petty fights where Keith doesn't acknowledge him, and I end up dragging him away?'
As if suddenly remembering, Keith says, "Oh wait I remember you. You're a cargo pilot."
"Well not anymore, I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out."
Keith being Keith sarcastically congratulates him.
"Seriously, how are you (y/n)'s bestest friend?! You don't even know anything about her other best friends? And what's with the attitude?! I swear! I always tell her to stay away! You're a bad influence on her!"
You warn the blue-eyed boy, "Lance..."
"What?! I'm just trying to look out for you!"
*Flashback end*
Now, the five of you along with an unconscious Shiro are all on Keith's red hoverbike with the Garrison hot your trail.
Keith's driving, you're behind him, behind you is Lance, the Pidge and Shiro, and finally Hunk in the back.
Hunk's panicky voice carries through the air, "Oh man, Mr. Harris just wiped out Mr. Montgomery! No no, he's fine."
Keith speaks to you without looking back, "(y/n) hold on."
You quickly wrap your arms around his masculine chest.
'At least he isn't that mad to ignore me completely.'
"Big man lean right!"
Hunk quickly listens and leans right guiding the overworked machine to the right making it jump to another rock structure. That maneuver efficiently stops one of the two Garrison vehicles chasing you. 
Your heart is pounding realizing that you're all heading towards a cliff.
"Uhh guys?!" Hunk promptly points out what you've just been dreading. "Is that a cliff up ahead?!"
You hear the screaming of your teammates behind you and Keith leans forward forcing you to do the same. He grips and twists the handlebars making the bike speed up while confirming Hunk's question.
You don't even have to look at him to know he has that hot stupid smirk on his face.
'Damn it. My heart just skipped a beat, and it's not because we're falling off a cliff.'
Lance continues to scream at Keith.
"What are you doing?! You're gonna kill us all!!"
Not giving Keith the time to respond, you answer Lance with your own yell while squeezing your eyes shut and squeezing Keith even tighter.
"Lance just shut up and trust him!"
Smoothly maneuvering his bike, Keith "lands" back on solid ground and zooms away.
You guys were alive.
But that's beside the point.
(y/n's) Mental Bullshit Checklist
Save Shiro✔️
Almost get caught by the Garrison✔️
Almost die falling off a cliff✔️
Feel Keith's masculine chest✔️
You, Shiro, and Keith look at the sky as the sun begins to rise.
Once again, you blank out as you try to wrap your head around what had happened in the past few hours, missing Shiro and Keith's conversation and Shiro calling out your name.
A sudden shake of your shoulder snapped you back into reality, making you turn your head towards Shiro who was looking at you worriedly and Keith who was looking down and his feet.
'He's still upset.'
"Are you feeling okay (y/n)?" Shiro asks worriedly.
You look up at him, with a smile on your face and you cheerfully answer his question.
"Ahh Shiro, you haven't changed, always acting like a dad huh? If anything I should be asking you that question!"
His face showed mild surprise but then he chuckled and ruffled your hair making you squeal. 
"You haven't changed much either (y/n). I'll be heading inside, are you two okay out here or are you gonna follow?"
Once again your focus falls on the rising sun.
"Nah, I think I'll just stay here for a bit longer. I can meet you guys in there a bit later."
"Okay, just be careful. You Keith?"
"I think I'll stay here a bit longer too. You can go meet up with the others."
You inwardly flinched. The two of you were going to be alone.
"Alright, I'll head back inside."
Now, it was just the two of you.
A light breeze past by, and you shivered. It was only then you realized you didn't have a jacket.
'I guess I didn't realize it was cold with everything going on.'
Your thoughts were once more interrupted by something getting draped around your shoulders.
Your eyes widened and you look over your shoulder to see Keith looking away from you now only in his black v-neck shirt. 
You bashfully look away as you hold the collar of his jacket close so it stays on your shoulders, with your left arm hugging your body to keep the warmth. You mutter a quiet thanks only to have been met with silence.
It was like that for a while, until you couldn't help but speak.
"Keith I can-"
"Why were you with them?"
With your body now turned as to get a good look at him, you frowned as you process his question and because he still wouldn't look at you.
"Keith, they're my team, even if I didn't want to, I'd still go anyway. They're my best friends Keith you have to understa-"
"Are we not a team? Are we not best friends?"
You visibly irk as you get interrupted yet again.
"I never said that."
"You were thinking it."
"Dammit Keith! Let me talk!"
The purple-eyed boy finally turns to look at you with an agitated look on his face.
"Why should I?! You'll just leave like how everyone else did! It won't matter."
Frankly, you were hurt. Did he really think that you'd just leave him after years of memories and a childhood of growing up alongside each other? But, you understood why he was so upset. He was scared. 
Not wanting to lose your childhood friend and your first love, you try and defuse the situation. 
"Keith, I understand why you're so agitated right now, it's okay, I understand, I know-"
"Know what (y/n)?! You know nothing! You don't know anything! You don't understand anything!"
It's a good thing the both of you were at a far enough distance away from his shack.
He slowly walks towards you waving around his hands and arms to show how agitated he really was.
"What made you think you knew anything?!"
"Our friendship! Our trust! Our bond! Our everything Keith! Did any of that even matter to you?!"
"I don't think it mattered to you! If it did, you wouldn't have abandoned me! Especially since this was important to me!"
You couldn't believe your damn ears. You scoffed before yelling back, not caring about the tears starting to fall.
"I didn't fucking abandon you Keith! And don't you dare think that this thing was only important to you! Shiro means just as much to me and much as he does to you!"
"Then why the hell did you not show up?!"
"For God's sake, I was sleeping! Call it a lame excuse I don't care! Keith, I'm tired. Every single fucking day we're out till fucking daybreak. On top of that, I have class! I have training! It's fine for you because you don't even go to school anymore! You can sleep all day then explore all night! Me? I run every single day with less than four hours of sleep. It's a fucking blessing to even get one. I understand that you're scared! Cause I am too! We grew up together Keith! Do you know how devastated and worried I was after you got expelled?! I thought that was the end for us! Here you are yapping that you have it rough, that I abandoned you, and some other bullshit while I have it just as bad!"
        Your voice was raw and cracking, tears streaming down your face, eyes starting to puff up, but at this point you didn't care. You didn't care if the others could hear you, you didn't care that Keith stopped yelling, you didn't care that his eyes finally softened and weren't sharp and spiteful anymore, you didn't care.
        You didn't care because you felt your heart break. You want him to know. You want him to know how much you struggle every day, but most of all you want him to know how much you cared. You want him to know how much you care for him even if he doesn't really understand right now, even if he doesn't care for you as much as you do you, or if he doesn't care for you the way you want him to. You wanted him to know that you loved him. Him and only him. Even at the risk of rejection.
"No! I listened to you, now you listen to me Keith Kogane! I understand that I hurt you! I understand that you have trust issues and that you don't want anyone to get too close only for them to leave, I understand! You don't want me to be another repeat of the people in the past; your mom, your dad, Shiro! I understand more than you think! I care about you so much so Keith...please."
At this point, Keith looked like he was going to cry too, and Keith never cries in front of you anymore.
"(Y-y/n) I-I didn't know. I-I'm sor-"
You stop him right there.
"Keith, you have nothing to apologize for. You didn't know cause I didn't tell you, I never wanted to tell you but but oh my God fuck. Keith, it's because I love you!"
There. It's out in the open. No going back now.
"I love you more than friends, more than best friends, more than siblings, Keith I love you with all of my heart! And it hurts so much seeing you like this. I don't need you to love me back, what I need you to do is to trust me. To trust me with everything you've got because there's no way in hell I'm going to get up and walk away from your life. I will always be there for you. I'm your best friend. Through thick and remember?"
You're choking on your own words, and your voice trembled with every other word you've said but it doesn't matter now. You did it. You confessed. Maybe now, your heart can be at peace.
You look up at the boy you've grown to love and you take a good look at him. His long dark locks, his captivating purple eyes, everything. 
You take a good look because you believe that this is going to be the last good one you'll have. The last one before he'll shy away from you. But that's okay. It's okay because you'll always be there for him even if he won't be there for you.
You remove his jacket from your shoulders and gently take his hands placing the jacket into them. You feel his eyes on you and you look up at him placing a gentle smile on your features. You watch as his tear-streaked face looks at yours with so many emotions. More emotions than you've ever seen on him. 
Your hands never left his and with one last act of bravery, you lean up and kiss his cheek. 
You gently pull your hands out of his, and turn towards his shack.
You turn around and bravely smile at him and say, "I'll be heading back inside now okay? If you need anything, you know who to find." 
You turn back around and you slowly walk away with one of your hands covering your mouth to cover up your soft sobs. You just really wanted a hug, and you plan on getting four big ones.
As for Keith, Keith can't seem to move.
Don't get mixed up, no no he isn't frozen because he couldn't believe his best friend just confessed to him.
Well actually that was one of the reasons, but that's not important right now.
Your confession and love? Oh boy, he thought that was only a crazy, hopeless dream. Something that he could've never thought would happen.
Let's face it, the boy's in love with you.
Head over heels really.
How could he not be?
You were a godsend in his eyes. You were kind to basically person that you've met, you're compassionate, you're intelligent, and so much more. Your good looks were only a bonus. And one of the most important things was that you were always there. 
You were there to defend him, you were there to comfort him, you there to just be with him.
You were always there. You were there when he cried over his mom, you were there when his dad died, you were there when he found out about Shiro. You were right, the two of you went through thick and thin.
Getting back to the point, he couldn't seem to move was because he hurt you.
Yes, Keith can be an ass, but he's always made sure not to accidentally hurt you in any way shape, or form, but he did.
Seeing you with Lance, Hunk, and Pidge hurt. It stung like hell, but after what just happened, he knowing what he just did hurt far worse, but it hurt just a little bit more realizing that you would've probably planned on not letting him know about your struggles and pain ever. But, something changed, something changed your mind, so you told him.
Just like you wanted, you put your feelings and inner turmoils out in the open, and now he knows. 
Seeing you standing there, pouring your feelings out to him voice raw and filled with emotions tears rapidly falling down your face, your trembling body, it, it was just too much for him.
And after you said that if he needed something, anything, he could go find you; it made him realize how he truly doesn't deserve you.
Yes, he has thought of it before. He can't help it with what seems like every single person in existence telling you that he's bad news or their doubts of him, and with his own insecurities. Truth be told, their words always end up right back into his head, no matter how long it's been.
"Stay away from Kogane"
"Don't get mixed up with that troublemaker."
'You don't deserve her.'
"(y/n) is that guy really your friend? He seems like he's a cold person."
"(y/n) that guy is trouble! Why do you hang out with him?!"
'She's too good for you.'
"Seriously, how are you (y/n)'s bestest friend?!"
"I always tell her to stay away! You're a bad influence on her!"
But even with all those words meant to scare you away, you stayed. He couldn't help but remember the words you told him long ago.
"Are you dumb?! I'd never leave you Keith! We'll go through thick and thin together remember?!"
It was then when Keith made his decision.
You were almost at the front door. Surprisingly not one of the four boys three actually, but you didn't know that yet checked outside after all that yelling. Not like they heard any of it
You were lost in your thoughts. Thoughts about Keith, your past, your pain, who would give the most comforting hug right now probably Hunk when someone I wonder who it could be grabbed your wrist and tugged you back so you would be facing him.
Knowing who it was you kept your eyes shut as if you didn't, you knew you were going to cry.
But Keith was stubborn. You of all people know that better than anyone.
"(y/n) look at me."
Keith was stubborn but it didn't mean that you weren't too.
Keith's voice cracked.
"(y/n) please."
Your resolve wavered, and it seems your hesitation was obvious as Keith softly spoke, "You don't have to say anything, I just want you to hear what I have to say."
You hesitantly opened your eyes and you could already feel your eyes watering again.
Keith's entire being seemed to deflate soften at your state.
"Okay, I know I don't deserve you, much less deserve you taking your time to listen to me right now but I just want you to know that I love you."
Your eyes widened. You weren't sure what you were expecting but it certainly wasn't that.
"Keith, if you're just saying that to-"
"(n/n) I promise you that I'm not just saying it because you said it to me. I'm saying it because I truly do love you."
Your voice was stuck in your throat and you gently shake off his hold on your wrist. You opt for wrapping your arms around yourself.
Your glassy eyes showed confusion and panic.
"I-I don't understand," you shakily argued.
"(y/n) you've always been there for me and that's something I will always be grateful for, and it's one of the many reasons why I fell for you."
You didn't respond. Instead, you continued to listen to him. You listened to him because he was allowing himself to be vulnerable.  Even Keith was surprised by his own actions. Yes, times and times again has this broken boy show you his vulnerability, but he always made the effort to do so in a private setting.
Not right outside his door with his brother figure and three strangers waiting for him inside.
Keith gently tilts his head, "(y/n)..."
"Thank you. Thank you so much."
You softly gasped, not expecting the purple-eyed boy to give you his thanks.
From your angle you see a small smile on the boy's face which make your eyes water even more than they already have and your tears once again fall down your face, but at a slower speed.
"I will always appreciate you, and I will always be grateful for all the things you've done for me growing up. I love you. I love you so much, but I'm so sorry that I've been hurting you all this time. I understand if you'd rather go out with Lance seeing as he looks out for you-"
You cut him off with a tight hug that is filled to the brim with love, affection, and warmth. So much warmth. Keith is remain frozen not knowing what to do.
He wants to hug you so badly, but remains from doing so because he doesn't want to hurt you again, but he hears you mumble something that gives him so much reassurance, so much that he forgets all about his insecurities involving you.
"It's okay, Keith. We're okay."
With that, Keith's eyes start to glisten and he gives in and just lets go of reality for a moment to hug you. To hug you and let his tears fall because he knows he's safe with you.
That you are his home and he is yours in return. 
(y/n's) Mental Bullshit Checklist
Release and spill all your feeling onto best friend✔️
Act like a crybaby in front of your best friend✔️
Confess to your best friend✔️
Think you get rejected by best friend✔️
Find out your feelings are reciprocated ✔️
omake!! :D
"Are you two getting inside or not?! We kinda have an alien problem on our hands!!"
You and Keith jolt out of your hug not expecting to be interrupted by your team pilot at such a vulnerable bonding moment. The both of you turn your heads to see Lance sticking himself out the window shaking his fist into the air as if he was an old geezer yelling at little kids to get off his lawn.
You see Keith visibly irk and you sweat drop seeing Lance duck back inside closing the window letting out a small shriek.
"Remind me to stab him later."
You look up at the boy who's still glaring at the now closed window and softly chuckle before letting out a small "don't" but a teeny weensy small side of you secretly not minding the planned assault.
You hoped Lance knew how dodge. 
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lavishedinjimin · 6 years
brother’s best friend - jjk (M)
↳ Pairing: jungkook x reader 
↳ genre: SMUT
↳ Word count: 5.3k 
↳ Warnings: intense smut, overstimulation, choking, spanking, dirty talk, dom!jungkook, oral sex (receiving), bbf!jungkook, and all unholy things that would put me to hell 
—  synopsis: In which Y/n owns a smut blog dedicated to her crush and brother’s best friend, jungkook. it was all fun and games until he finds out about it and acts it out with you. 
a/n: since tumblr links aren’t working, I suggest you to go to my blog description and check out my masterlist! 
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“Y/n! Come here quickly!” You heard your mom shout from the living room, quickly closing your laptop and ran downstairs. You tried not to lose your balance as you simultaneously fixed your hair up in a messy bun as you took quick steps down. “Y/n, I swear … calm down, or else you’re gonna fall.” You heard your brother Taehyung, said with complete worry evident in his voice.  
Your mom was already attired in a business casual uniform with her hair up in a neat ponytail. She swung her bag over her shoulder and took the car keys from the empty jar that was set in the middle of the dining table. “I’m about to go now,” she started, grabbing ahold of her suitcase, “you two better not fight and always be good to each other okay?" 
You can feel that Taehyung rolled his eyes, yet it doesn’t surprise you if he really did. "You,” your mom tended to your brother, “don’t do anything stupid in this house. Don’t hold any parties whatsoever, don’t invite people over, and especially don’t trash this whole place down.” Taehyung smiled, promising an ‘okay’ to her. You scoffed. 
“And you, Y/n, make sure that your brother doesn’t do anything stupid." 
"Mom~” Taehyung whined, “Mom we’re not eleven anymore." 
"I know that, but you sometimes act like one." 
Saying goodbye to your mom was kinda sad, as she was about to go in a one week business trip to Bangkok. Part of you was glad that you’d finally have some sort of freedom, but part of you will always miss her. When her uber drove off, you proceeded to go back upstairs to your room to finish what you were previously doing. 
As you were taking a hot and steamy shower, you can’t help but fantasize about him again. You know that musing about your brother’s best friend remains messed up, but the way how he looks at you and the way that he presents himself makes you head over heels for him.
Jeon Jungkook, 21, and a natural flirt believe it or not. 
Some may call it revolting, but you run a blog dedicated to all of your thirsty thoughts about him; not saying his name, of course. You post your deepest and darkest fantasies about him, and no one knows that it’s about your brother’s best friend. 
You often saw him shirtless, exposing his hot abs and muscular body to your own eyes. Your imagination drifted to the time where Taehyung held a little pool party between his friends. But when your mother found out that you weren’t invited, she persuaded Taehyung to invite his own little sister too. You didn’t really like the idea of swimming with a bunch of dudes and no ladies, but when you overheard that Jungkook was also coming, your judgment changed completely. 
“Hey, Y/n, lookin’ good.” One of his friends, Seokjin, wooed when you first stepped out of the house with a one-piece bikini. Taehyung rolled his eyes and smacked him on his arm, “Ouch! Okay, okay, sorry.” 
You couldn’t help but sneak a few glances to Jungkook. He was shirtless, only wearing his swimming trunks as he laid on one of the long chairs by the pool. He had his head tilted back as the sun kissed his skin, providing a stunning glow on his skin. You bit your lip, shaking your head. Now’s not the time. 
You masturbated and used your trusty vibrator to the thought of him. And it would be an utter hell if Taehyung ever finds out. 
You were knocked out of your dark thoughts when you heard rapid knocks to the door, "Y/n! Are you here?” Taehyung’s voice asked. “Yeah, why?” You turned out the water for a second to hear what he has to say. 
“Can we borrow your laptop? It’s for a project!" 
You groaned, tilting your head back, "No! Use your own!" 
"We’re already using mine. We need two." 
You rolled your eyes, already annoyed. "Whatever, fine." 
"Yay, thanks.” You can hear him already stepping away from the door until another question pops up inside your mind, “Wait! Who are you with? Who’s gonna use mine?" 
"Jeon Jungkook!" 
Your eyes went completely wide, mouth open in hysteria. Your brain couldn’t seem to function, and no other words were spilling out of your mouth. You wanted to scream, to bring back every word you said and to just run out of the shower to grab your laptop away from him – but you know you were too late. 
Jungkook’s point of view: 
"So what did she say?” I asked as I saw Taehyung returning back from upstairs. He grinned, revealing Y/n’s laptop from his back where he was previously hiding it. Seeing all of the cute stickers that surfaced the most part of her laptop made me smirk. “Here,” he gave the laptop to me as I set it up on top of the marble island. 
“Does it have a password?" 
"Yeah, it’s ’mypassword’. All lowercase, no space.”
A chuckle emitted from my lips as I looked at Taehyung, who sat across from me, already indulged in his own laptop. “How do you know that?" 
"I just notice her typing it in sometimes." 
My fingers typed the password the way how Taehyung said, and it unlocks. The first thing that appeared on the screen made my eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
Examining the whole page, I noticed that it was run by her. It was her account, and it was filled with all kinds of dirty fantasies. I bit my lip scrolling down to search for more. I knew that it was so wrong to invade someone’s privacy like this and just pretend that I didn’t see anything – but I couldn’t believe that someone like her thinks about all these nasty thoughts. 
[ Imagine your dom fucking you against the wall, lifting one of your legs up as he chokes you with his other hand ]
[ Your dom overstimulating you to the point where your legs shake, begging that you can’t take it any further but it just fuels him to fuck you harder ] 
[ ughhhh just the thought of someone wrapping their hand around your throat, whispering praises in your ear for how good you’ve been for them ]
[ fuck, when a guy has that cocky smirk turns me on so much ]
[ Your dom spanking you to the point where your ass turns red as he punishes you for being bad ]
I gulped, feeling a little bit turned on. I always saw Y/n as an innocent and a serene girl, but fuck was I wrong. My eyes go to an anonymous question that was sent to her, asking; 
[ Q: ‘Do you have a dom??’ ]
[ - no, just someone who inspires me lmao ]
[ Q: ‘who is it then???’ ] 
[ - i can’t say the name obviously, woman. ]
[ Q: Initials? ]
[ - jjk ;) ]
I almost choked on my own saliva after I saw the letters. I didn’t want to assume too fast, but I was certain that I’m the only person that she knows that has those initials. I smirk at the thought of Y/n having these dirty thoughts about me when she looks like an actual angel – so pure. 
I look up at Taehyung, who was apparently already staring at me with a confused look. “You good there?” he asked, nodding his head in my direction. I smirk furthermore, “Yeah.” 
“Okay. Now go to google docs.” 
You were panicking like shit, trying to put your clothes on properly. You were struggling to hike up your leggings, resulting in hopping on one foot as you almost lost your balance. You ran downstairs as fast as you could, praying that Jungkook has not opened your laptop yet. 
But as soon you were at the end of the staircase, you turned to your left and saw the two boys sitting at the marble islands, looking at your drained state. 
Your breathing was heavy, and you looked like you had just run a marathon. “What’s up with you, Y/n?” Taehyung asked, completely annoyed by your presence. 
You meet Jungkook’s eyes across the room who was staring at you intensely with a smirk. You gulped, seeing how he eyed you up and down. You suddenly felt small. “I-I need my laptop back.” 
“What? Why? We’re using it already.” Taehyung groaned. 
“Please, can I have it back? I-I forgot that I had work to do as well.” 
Taehyung looked at Jungkook, “What do you say?” 
“It’s okay,” he replied but never keeping his eyes away from you, “you can have it back.” He closed the cover, waiting for you to take your laptop back. You held your breath as you took the courage to walk over to them and retrieve your laptop from him. You seized a quick glance at Jungkook, and you noticed how he smirked at gave you a quick wink. Your eyes widen, quickly turning around as you were clutching your laptop tightly to your chest. 
You were fucked. 
Next day:
You were almost considering about deleting your account just because of how humiliated you’ve become. 
Taehyung said that Jungkook was going to come back again just to finish their project. Meaning, another day of hiding all day inside the comfort of your room. Your laptop – that goddamn thing – was on the other side of your room, charging as you were staring blankly at the white ceiling above you. Your hair was all messy and tangled from all of the tuggings you have been doing for the past hour.
‘He must’ve seen everything’, you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes. You reminisced about your recent posts that he might have seen and you immediately remembered the questions about having a ‘dom’. “Fuck!” you yelled, rubbing your face with your hands. You continuously kicked the sheets below you in rage, even throwing a pillow aimed to your laptop. “Why did I even think about posting his initials?” you whined, trapping your face with a pillow and let out a muffled groan.
You stayed like that for a couple of minutes until you calmed yourself down. You stood up from the comfort of your bed and looked at yourself in the mirror. Letting out a chuckle, you shook your head. “You fucking idiot,” you told yourself. You grabbed a comb and fixed your hair, taking your time to relax.
Just the thought of your crush finding out that you run a filthy blog just for him made you insane. You probably couldn’t even look at his eyes anymore, and you just pray to God that he doesn’t tell Taehyung about this. Because if he does, you were seriously deliberating about moving out of the house, blocking every connection from him and just disappear.
But did you regret doing the blog, though? Not really. Jungkook was seriously a hot guy. The way how he walks like he’s better than any other model there is, how the veins on his forearms are so prominent and visible, or how luscious his thighs are - makes you drool. He can literally be a cute bunny and turn into a hot daddy afterward. His fucking duality.
You found yourself daydreaming about him again and you mentally slapped yourself. You groaned at yourself and continued your little grooming session.
It was after a while until Taehyung literally texted your phone saying that Jungkook has just arrived; as if you needed the alarm. You replied with a simple “k” and decided to open your laptop. You logged in into your account and uploaded a post.
[ Okay, update. My crush knows that this blog is about him 💀]
After a moment, someone replied.
[ - Is this the jjk guy? ]
[ Yup. ]
[ - oh. Im the anon who asked the initals. woops #sorrynotsorry ]
[ you’re gonna pay for this, anon. I swear eye– ]
[ - girl, maybe I just made you a favor ]
“What?” you furrowed your eyebrows, about to type a reply before a knock the door refrained you from your actions. You looked up, waiting for the person on the other side to say anything. Nothing. Tilting your head to the side in confusion, you stood up from your desk and walked over to the door, about to open it but another set of knocks came.
With a huff, you finally opened the door. “What do you wa—”
The person you were least expecting was on the other side, almost making you lose your balance.
He smirked smugly, combing his hair back, making his arms flex involuntarily. He stepped forward, making you take a shy step back as he leaned himself against the doorframe. “Y/n,” he smiles, crossing his arms in front of him. Your breathing was heavy and you tried your hardest to look away, but something in his eyes prevents you from doing it. He caught you within him, and Jungkook has something planned.
“W-where’s Tae?” You asked quietly, not trusting your voice. Jungkook laughs silently as he steps forward, coming inside of your room. He looks at your bed then turns to you again, “Can I sit here?”
“Oh, um, of course.” You forced a little smile. He smiles back at you as he sits down at the edge of your bed as you try not to literally drool. He wore black skinny jeans and with a white shirt tucked in. Even when he wore the simplest clothing he’ll still look good in them. You stood there awkwardly, playing with your nimble fingers until he signaled you to come closer. Your eyes widen for a second and you gulp. You obeyed him and you were now standing between his knees. He looks up at you and smiled. “Tae has gone to the mall to get a few things for our project.”
“And you didn’t go with him?” You asked. He chuckles, carefully holding your left hand and caressing it. Your breath hitched, biting your lip unconsciously.
“No, I told him I’d stay here. And besides,” Jungkook suddenly tugs on your arm, making you jolt forward and lay on his lap, “we have a lot to talk about.” You couldn’t breathe, everything seems to happen so fast. You heard him chuckle, caressing your backside. He holds your hips in place so that you couldn’t move. His stern grip on your sides makes you want to let out a moan, but you tried your hardest to prevent that.
“Jungkook…I –”
“Tell me, y/n. Was your blog dedicated to me?” he asked as he raised one brow up. You looked down in humiliation. You were about to say some lame excuse until he firmly gripped your chin, making you look deep into his brown irises. You tried to look away but his hold didn’t let you. He chuckled, “One word, baby. We’re you thinking about me when you post in that filthy little blog of yours?”
You sighed, the pet name making you feel some time of way, “Yes.”
Your answer resulted in him smirking, shaking his head. “You’re such a naughty little girl, aren’t you? Thinking about your brother’s best friend to fuck you. Is that what you want?”
The bluntness in his voice made you gasp lightly, not believing what you just heard. “Jungkook, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“A simple sorry isn’t gonna fix this, Y/n. Now, lay across my lap.”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, your every fantasy was about to come to life, and to be honest, you weren’t ready. You obeyed his instruction and you had your stomach pressed against his thighs, your knees touching the floor. He grabbed both of your wrists and encaptured them in one of his hands, pressing it against your back. You took a deep breath, knowing what was about to come. “Look at you,” he says, “laid across my lap like this. Do you know why you’re in this position, babygirl?” You whined at the name that he used, closing your eyes. “Answer me.” He grips your wrists tighter, making you wince. “Y-yes.”
“And why’s that?”
“B-because…” he started to remove your leggings down slowly, teasing you. “Because? Hmm?”
“Because I’ve been bad.”
He hums in approval, removing the material from your ass completely. Your white laced underwear exposed to him makes him growl, his member starting to grow. He runs a hand over your soft skin gently, caressing it carefully then squeezing it right after. You yelped in surprise. “Should I spank you for that, baby? Should I spank this pretty ass of yours until it’s red?”
You moaned, nodding your head as he chuckles. “Count for me.”
His right hand meets your right cheek harshly, leaving a filthy sound from the collision. You jolted forward, not expecting that he’d go hard immediately. “One.”
“You dirty little slut,” he hits you again, much harder than before as you mumble a ‘two’, “You like to be spanked, don’t you?” he hits you again, this time moaning out loud. “Three.” The lewd noises that the impact makes with the pleasurable pain already made you wet. His hold on your wrists tightens as he smacks you again. “Fucking answer.” He growls, and you obey him. “Y-yes. I do like it.”
He hits you for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and until it climbs up to the twentieth and you were knocked out. “Jungkook, p-please stop.” You had tears coming out from the corners of your eyes, both from the pain and the pleasure that every hit brings. He scoffs as he clashes his big hand on your left cheek for the last time. “T-twenty one,” you sniff. He removes your leggings off of your legs entirely as he lifts you up. He places you back on his lap in a straddling position. He wipes your tears off of your cheeks with his thumb gently, looking at your flushed face tenderly.
“So good for me, angel.” He whispers.
He himself looks flushed, his cheeks were red and so were yours. Spanking was one of his kinks as well, and we just loves how your body reacts to him. He lifts his hand up to your hair and removes your ponytail, leaving your gorgeous hair to fall down and frame your face. He smiles up at you and caresses your cheeks, pressing your face into his palm.
He looks at your lips for a second and locks his eyes back to yours, “Can I kiss you, Y/n?”
You nodded, forcing a small smile. Within a flash, he pressed his lips into yours. Your mouths fit perfectly, dancing together with a hot rhythm. He controls the kiss, pulling you closer to him. He swipes his tongue on your bottom lip, asking for entrance as you submitted to him, opening your mouth slightly so that his tongue can slip in. You moaned in the kiss as your tongues fought for dominance which he easily won.
His right hand slid down your stomach until it reached the hem of your shirt, tugging it playfully. His hand was so close to where you badly needed him, but you were too shy to ask. You whined as you teasingly wiggled your ass. He groaned at your movements, his dick already painfully hard against his jeans. He moves his hand further down until he ghosts it above your underwear. “Can I touch you here babygirl?”
“Yes, p-please.” You closed your eyes as you felt his hand cup your heat, you can feel your wetness soaking through the fabric. “Shit, Y/n. You’re so wet.” He presses his long fingers against the thin cloth firmly, making you moan. You can feel his member twitch beneath you. “Did your punishment made you this wet, huh? You’re so goddamn naughty, baby.” He growls as he pushes your underwear to the side as he collects your juices with two fingers, sliding them up and down teasingly. You moan out his name, the feeling of his fingers were already too much for you. He slid his digits up and down, soaking them until he brings his hand in front of your mouth. “Taste yourself, baby.”
You brought your face closer as you wrapped your mouth around his fingers, sucking them clean. Your own taste wasn’t unfamiliar, as you have done that many times before. He bit his lip as he groaned, loving the feeling of your mouth sucking on his digits as you would on his cock. He bought his hand back down and abruptly slid two fingers inside your pussy, making you gasp loudly. You rolled your eyes back and your mouth formed an ‘o’. “F-fuck, Jungkook.”
He slowly thrusts his digits in and out, producing lewd and wet noises. “A-ahh, p-please. Faster.” You begged, making him smirk. “Hmm, faster? Want it faster?”
You nod vigorously as he complies, fucking your hole faster and harder. The lustful sounds that it made plus seeing how his arms flex makes you moan out loud. You rest your forehead on his right shoulder, your body giving up on you. He chuckles, fucking you even faster. “You like that, baby?”
“Yes.” You moaned, closing your eyes tightly as you felt a familiar knot on your stomach. He can feel you clenching around his fingers, signaling your high.
“You look so fucking hot, Y/n. You gonna come for me baby? Come on, spill your cum all over my fingers.” He suddenly presses his thumb on your clit, making you jump from the addition of pleasure. He rubs your clit roughly, making you whine against his tshirt. “I-I’m gonna…”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as you clenched your walls around his fingers tightly, your cum coating his digits. “Fuuuuck”, you dragged out, legs shaking. You haven’t come this hard before, and the feeling was all new for you. It was addicting. “Shit,” he chuckles, removing his fingers and tasting your cum. He made you look at him as he wraps his mouth around his own fingers, keeping his eye contact on yours. “Taste better than I imagined it, love.”
He places his hands underneath your arms as he lifts you up, and placed you down on the soft mattress of your bed. He hovers above you, removing his shirt and exposing his abs that you’ve seen countless of times. You whined, crossing your legs together at the sight. He chuckles, moving a hand in between your thighs and parting them away from each other. “I’m gonna clean you up, babygirl.”
He moves himself down, removes your underwear as he positions his head in between your thighs. He licks a bold stripe from your entrance up to your clit, making you moan out loud. You were still so sensitive from the orgasm you had earlier, and your legs were shaking from the pleasure. He held your hips down with his hands as he licks you clean. “You taste so fucking sweet baby.” He groans, diving in into your wetness and collecting your juices. You tugged on his hair, making him moan against your pussy. The vibration made your insides turn from the immense pleasure. He starts wrapping his lips around your little bundle of nerves, sucking on it as he flicks his tongue around it at the same time. His actions made you tug on his hair harder and scream out loud.
Little did you know you were cumming for a second time, legs frantically shaking as you spilled on his mouth. He was quick to catch everything with his mouth, not wanting to waste even a little drop of your cum.
He brings his mouth upwards to yours, making you taste yourself on him for a second time. “Jungkook…” you whined, wanting more.
He removes your shirt, exposing your bare chest for him that results to a guttural moan coming from him. He kneads your breasts, making you whimper, the little buds hardening. He kneels in front of you, undoing the buttons of his jeans and pulling the zip down. Being impatient, you reached out to remove his jeans but his hands were faster and he refrained you from doing your plan. “Nuh-uh, be patient,” he smirks. He pulls his jeans down with his boxers, revealing his manhood.
You whined, seeing how hard he has become because of you made you bit you lip. He strokes his cock a couple of times, his precum helping him in sliding his hand much smoother. You loved watching him like this in front of you, how his abs and biceps flex in front of you, his forehead sweaty and how he groans your name out lout. You couldn’t even believe that this was actually happening in front of you.
He positions himself at your entrance, supporting his weight with his forearms. “W-wait, Jungkook!” Your eyes widen from the sudden realization, placing your hands on his sweaty chest. He stops his tracks, furrowing his brows. “Yes, baby?”
“Protection.” You smirk at him as you reached towards your bedside drawer and grabbing a condom from the box you hid by covering it with colored paper, so no one could suspect a thing. Jungkook chuckles as you hand him the rubber, sliding it down his shaft. “You’re so fucking cute, you know that?”
He places the tip at your entrance, sliding just the tip until you’ve gotten used to his size. You breathed heavily, clawing his back. “Go on.” You whispered and he slid his cock inside of you. The both of you moaned, closing your eyes and getting used to the feeling. You were so tight around him, your walls clenching and it took him lots of self-control to not pound into you just like that.
“Jungkook – ah shit, you’re so big.”
He groans, followed by a chuckle, “Yeah?”
“Yes, so big.”
After a moment, you motioned for him to move. You were so wet already that it was easy for him to ease himself in and out of you. He pulled out until the very tip was at your entrance, then abruptly pounds into you unexpectedly. He did this a few times, making you scream out in pleasure. “O-oh, Jungkook!”
“That’s right baby, scream out my name so that the neighbors can hear who’s making you feel this good.” He groans in your ear, fucking you roughly. Rapid breathing, moans, and the skin-slapping sounds were the only noise thing filling this room. You just hoped that your brother wasn’t home yet.
He suddenly brings his right up to your neck, wrapping it around your throat as he chokes you just right. You roll your eyes back from the pleasure. The feeling of his big hand wrapped around your jugular plus his hard and deep thrusts almost made you cum then and there.
“You liked being choked, don’t you, Y/n?” he chuckles, gripping your throat a little tighter and fucking you harder, “You said it in your blog, right? Its one of your dirty little fantasies.” He whispers. You only nod, struggling to form any sentence in your brain.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me, hmm? Letting me take over your cute little body as I ruin you,” he smirks cockily as he pounds harder, making you scream as you close your eyes tight. “Have you been dreaming about this, baby? Do you have dreams about me fucking you hard and rough like this?”
“Y-yes,” you faintly reply, scratching his back with your nails. That action made him throw his head back in pleasure, revealing his neck that had protruding veins on the sides. “I always thought that you were such a pure and innocent little girl, baby. I never thought that you’d be this dirty.” His thrusts were even roughly than before – and boy does he have good stamina.
“A-ahh, Jungkook, I’m gonna…” You can feel yourself pulsing around him again and he groans darkly, using his free hand to rub your clit harshly. “You gonna come for me again, yeah? Come on baby, you can do it.”
You were feeling so fucked out already but you want to cum for the third time today. He presses his chest on yours, both sweaty bodies colliding and as close as you could possibly get. His thrusts became sloppy, signaling that his high was close as well. “Hold it in.”
Your eyes widen at him, creasing your brows. “W-what?”
You couldn’t hold it it, you couldn’t. The way how he pounds into you makes it hard for you to prevent your cum to spill all over his member. “I-I can’t,” you shake your head. Jungkook groans, feeling how tight you’ve become. “I know you can. Fucking hold it in, baby. We’re gonna come together.”
He fucked you faster and harder until he was almost about to come, “Now, angel, cum with me.” The both of you released together and it was pure bliss. You couldn’t contain how hard your legs were trembling from how intense your orgasm was. You covered your mouth with your hand as your orgasm kept going. “S-shit, baby.” Jungkook chuckles, “You came so fucking hard.” He tilts his head to the side, admiring your exquisite body quivering from the pleasure. He removed the condom that was filled with cum and tied it, throwing it on the bin at the corner of your room. He leaned down and pressed a tender kiss on your lips, trying to calm you down as he ran his hands down your sides. “Hey, hey,” he smiles, pressing down on your hips and trapping them on the mattress, “breathe, babygirl.”
You mustered out a weak smile and you giggled, “Jungkook…” you tried to form words but your body didn’t let you, you were absolutely fucked out. He laughs quietly, brushing away the strands of hair that were stuck on your forehead. “You did so good for me, really. So good.” He whispered, pressing a kiss on your lips once again.
Jungkook stands up and swoops you bridal style and carried you towards your bathroom. He sat you on top of the marble counter as he searches the cupboards for a towel. You were still breathing a little rapidly, your chest heaving up and down. He returns back to you with a towel and he cleans you up with it. The rough side of Jungkook that you had just seen has now disappeared and you were greeted with a sweet and caring side of him. “Jungkook, uh, for real…” you started, he looked at you for a mere second and continued his little duty on you, “Hmm?”
“Im sorry for, well, making that blog. I, um…I just really, really like you a lot and I couldn’t help myself.” You looked down with a blush creeping your face. You heard him scoff playfully and he made you focus your gaze at him. “Y/n, don’t be sorry about that. It’s normal for us humans to feel like that for another person, okay? I like you too.”
Your eyes widen and your heartbeat almost stops from his sudden confession, “Y-you do?”
“Yes, silly. Why would I fuck you like that if I’m not attracted to you?”
“Oh,” you begin to blush even more, making him chuckle. “You’re so cute, really, Y/n.”
“Wait, what about Taehyung though? W-what if he finds out about us?”
Jungkook smiles as he positions himself in between your legs. He pressed a gently kiss on your chin, to your nose, then up to your forehead. “Angel,” he starts, “I’ve actually told Tae countless of times how much I like her little sister.” He chuckles when your eyes enlarge once again, “he knows that I like you, and I think he’s gonna be fine with it.”
You couldn’t help but to feel a sudden relief. Thank god.
Abruptly, a loud knock on the bedroom door interrupts your mood, “Hey, assholes! I hope you know that Y/n’s room isn’t soundproof at all, and I heard everything!”
You and Jungkook looked at each other at the same time with a cheeky smile plastered on your faces, “Shit.”
Check out my masterlist on my blog for more and leave a note if you enjoyed, it will really inspire me to continue <3
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
Access Denied (Repost)
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Access Denied Ship: Yoongi | Reader | Taehyung Description: Your boyfriend, Yoongi, no longer pays attention to you. So you decide to spend time with someone who will. Warnings: Smut, Angst, Hair Pulling, Blowjob, Dirty Talk, Degrading Names, Face Riding, Oral, Handjob, Slight Cumplay, Intercourse, Overstimulation, Grinding, Multiple Orgasms, Cheating, Toxic Relationships, Reckless Driving Wordcount: 4,691 A/N: Tumblr deleted this so I’ll have to repost it, sorry for the inconvenience!
You posed in front of the mirror,  staring at the lingerie that clung to your body. You had bought it new- especially for Yoongi. It was white, his favorite color. It was lacy and skimpy, and by God, if he didn't pounce on you, then he was insane. You took a deep breath and walked over to his office. He was still working in his office, producing music. You never minded whenever he was busy- but he had been busy for about a month. You hadn't had sex in a month- nor gone on a date. He didn't even respond to your texts anymore, or even pay attention to you. You were starting to doubt that your boyfriend even liked you anymore. You were determined to fix this. If you couldn't fix things now, then it'd be too late. You at least wanted to know there was a sliver of hope for your relationship. Sure, you had tried sitting down with him to talk, but each time he'd claim he was so tired from working or needed to get to work. You weren't even sure of the last time the two of you slept in the same bed. "Oh, Yoongi?" you knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. None, as usual. He probably had his headphones on. You opened the door, confirming your suspicions. "Babe!" you cheerfully called, closing the door behind you. You reach over, massaging his shoulders. They tensed beneath your fingers, and you take one of the headphones off his ear to whisper into it. "I was thinking you could take a break from work." He grunted, waving your hand off his headphone. "Later, I've got to get this song finished." You frowned, huffing as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. "You always say that, babe. Shouldn't it be finished by now?" "I work on more than one song, you know," he grunts. "Well, you've been working for so long, and we haven't had sex in more than a month," you remind him. "Should I remind you that you're in a relationship?" "Is sex seriously all you care about?" Yoongi groans. "Seriously, it seems like all you care about is my dick. You'd figure you'd care about the rest of me as well." You let out an alarmed squeak. "That's the lousiest bullshit I've ever heard you say! Of course, I care about you. I live with you, I've dated you for years. What the fuck do you mean I care about only your dick?" "You only ever come here to ask if we can fuck," he rolls his eyes. "Honestly, you're really annoying, you know?" You wave your hand in front of his face, fuming. He ignores you, staring at the screen. You snatch the headphones from his head, tossing them to the ground. He turns around, nostrils flaring as he stares at you. "Are you out of your fucking mind? If those are broken, you're paying for them!" "Do I look like I give a shit?" you hissed. You gesture to your scandalous outfit. "You know, I've been trying to fix our relationship for a fucking month, but it seems as though you'd rather fuck that computer! You don't even sleep here anymore, you just sleep back at your workplace. And when you're here, all you do is work, work, work. You don't even pay attention to me anymore. What happened to the Yoongi who gave me flowers on my birthday and used to say how beautiful I was each morning he visited? What happened to the man who loved when I massaged his shoulders after a long work day and enjoyed hearing me ramble about random things?" "Maybe the problem's you," he suggests, glaring at you. "Because I haven't changed." "Bullshit!" you shouted, slamming your fist against the desk. He stares at you blankly, reaching down to scoop up the headphones and put them back on. He turns back to the computer, typing away. "I'd appreciate if you could get out of my office. We can talk later, babe. Right now I have to work." You were fuming. "Don't you 'babe' me!" He doesn't respond. You know he can hear you, however. You were screaming by now. "You know, why don't I just fuck someone else? You clearly don't seem to want to." Again, no response. You were absolutely pissed. No, beyond pissed. You stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind you as you marched out. You went to your room, pulling on the sexiest dress you could find. Yoongi didn't believe you, but you were determined to prove that you were true to your word. Grabbing your phone and texting an Uber, you walked out of the apartment, your heels clicking against the hardwood floor as you went out to search for the closest club. You're tipsy. You're not in your right mind. And you're also on a mission. You're dancing between the sweaty bodies surrounding you, sweat glistening on your own skin as you scanned the crowd. Your vision was already blurry from the two shots you took earlier. A handsome face is in front of your own soon enough, licking his lips as he stares you in the eye. He's taller than Yoongi, his bangs hanging right above his eyes. He was sexy. Really sexy. "Care to dance?" His voice is deep and husky, and it sends shivers down your spine. "Fuck yes," you say. He turns you around, not wasting time to grind against you. You move with him, your hand on the back of his neck and the other on your hip. You move sensually against him, at the same rhythm of the pumped upbeat playing in the background. "What's a girl like you doing here?" he asks you. "Looking to get laid," you answer honestly, tilting your head back and into his chest. "I'd think a girl like you would have no problem doing that. Surprised you don't have a boyfriend." His voice is warm, and his breath fans out over your neck. "Oh, I have a boyfriend," you drunkenly slur. "But he's a complete ass." He laughs. "Suprised you're so honest. Tell me, doll, how come you're not with him?" "Mm, guess he doesn't want to give me dick or attention," you mumble, grinding against him. "Tell me, are you the same?" "Definitely not," he hisses, his palms squeezing your hips. "He must be insane to resist all of this." He pulls back slightly to grope at your ass, and you welcome it. "Try telling him that," you laugh. "Whatever. His loss." "No kidding," he murmurs. "My name's Taehyung." "I plan to be screaming it tonight," you chuckle. "Hope you don't mind if I'm loud." "Oh, trust me, baby, that won't be a problem." Taehyung nibbles on your earlobe. "Tell me, what's your name, doll?" "Y/N," you say. "Well, Y/N, I plan to give you the best dick of your life," Taehyung chuckles, grinding against you. You feel his forming erection press against your ass, and you love it. "You feel that?" "Mhm," you groan, dancing against him. "You know where I want it?" "Where?" he asks. "In my pussy," you purr. "More than that actually. I want to suck you off." "Oh, do you?" He licks a stripe down the nape of your neck. "Then you can moan my name. I'll suck you off until you're begging me to stop," you promise. "Now, what do you have to offer?" "A lot, doll," Taehyung smiles. "I'll eat you out until you're the one begging me to stop. Then I'll pound into you from behind until the neighbors are pounding on the walls for us to shut the hell up. I'll give it to you rough on the first surface I find- let it be the table, the door, or even the fucking floor." You feel a jolt of electricity travel down to your core. You're so turned on right now, you feel the arousal pooling in your underwear. Any more and you're sure it'll start dripping down your thighs. "Fuck that, let me suck you off in your car, then we'll fuck at your place." "I like the sound of that," he grunts. Soon he's grabbing onto your hand and dragging you out of the club, and the two of you are in the front seats of his car. He starts the engine, turning the key, and you're confused. "I thought I was supposed to suck you off," you comment, perplexed. He only answers by unzipping his pants and squirming out of his pants and boxers, revealing his erection. "Get to it, baby. We're heading to my place." "That's dangerous," you laugh. "Sure you won't get us in a wreck? I give better head than you think." "We'll see," Taehyung chuckles, smirking at you. "Oh, a challenge?" You smirk back at him, taking his length in the palm of your hand, pumping him. He starts driving and you are hesitant. Was this really safe? Fuck it, who gave a shit? (Note please don't actually do this it's not as fun as it seems it's like reallllly scary not sexy at all but you know what this is a fic.) You give kitten like licks at the head, teasing him. You lick a trail along the shaft, similar to what he did to your neck back in the club. He hisses, hand tangling in your hair, making your scalp sting. "Stop teasing," he says. "Call me bitch and I'll consider it," you hum. "Oh, we've got a slut here, don't we?" He lets out a deep growl. "Just my type. Now, get your fucking mouth on my cock, bitch." You feel yourself get turned on more, and you pump his length quicker, wrapping your hand around it as you wrap your mouth around the head. Swirling your tongue, you hear him let out a low groan. You take him deeper into your mouth, swiping your tongue against the underside of the head, doing your best to stimulate the most sensitive parts of the cock. "God, you suck my dick so well, doll," he groans, the grip of his fist in your hair getting tighter. "You're boyfriend's an idiot for ignoring a slut like you." You hum against him, bobbing your head as you appreciate his praise. His hand is guiding you as he yanks on your hair, and you squeeze onto his thigh, feeling how it tenses underneath your palm. You suck him off harder, determined to milk him for all he was worth. He throws his head back, biting his lower lip. "God, what a good cockslut! How many dicks have you sucked on? Oh my fuck, this is the best head of my life." You feel like smiling but instead focus on the task at hand. He grunts as you proceed to swallow him, coming up for air every now and then as you continue. You feel the road beneath the wheels of the car, and each time you look up you see the lights of traffic flash against his handsome face. His hips buck up from the car seat to go deeper into your throat, desperate as he approaches his release. "Oh my fuck, I've got to pull over. I'm going to eat you out until you cry, dear God," he hisses. You feel the car skid over, soon enough on the side of the road. He parks it, and soon he's grabbing onto your head with both hands and thrusting wildly into your throat. You gag, your throat contracting around his length as you take him down your throat, deepthroating him. He's moaning and grunting like a madman, cursing your name as his hips slap against your face. You feel his pubes bump against your nose, your face buried in them as you hold onto his hips for balance. You felt your face getting red from the lack of air, and soon enough you hear the magic words. "Fuck, I'm going to cum. Can I cum in your slutty throat?" You're unable to answer, however, feeling the fountain of cum spill into your throat, filling your cheeks. You do your best to swallow it down until he's done, and you come up for air, some of it spilling down your chin along with drool. Both of you are panting, breathless. The back of his head is still glued to the car seat. "That," he says breathlessly, "was the best head of my life. I don't think I've ever cum that hard before." "Glad to be of service," you breathe, wiping the drool and cum off your face. "I knew I could break you." "Get in the backseat, I want you to ride my face," Taehyung mutters, climbing out of the car. You watch as he lays down in the backseat, curling his finger to you to beckon you closer. "C'mere, we haven't got all night. The sooner I have you cumming on my face, the sooner I can be balls deep in that pussy of yours." You feel excited, getting out of the car. You slip your white undies off as you open the door, tossing them aside as you eagerly climb on, both of your knees on either side of his face. "I can't wait to taste you," he mumbles. He wastes no time to attatch his lips to your labia, licking at your arousal, stimulating you. You moan, reaching back to tangle your fingers in his hair, returning the favor. You buck your hips against his face as he laps his tongue over your clit. You grunt, enjoying the feeling of his tongue traveling between your folds, collecting your arousal. You could tell from his movements he knew exactly the spots to stimulate, from the U-spot no one seemed to know about, to the swollen nub of your clit. He was humming against you, sending vibrations throughout your entire body. You moaned at the sensation. "Fucking hell, Tae," you whine. He laps at your folds, eagerly sucking on your clit. He holds down on your thighs, anchoring you against his face, as you rock against him. He continues lapping against you, letting you control the movements as you gyrate your hips over him. "You taste fantastic," he mumbles between breaths for air, sucking on your clit. "Taehyung, I'm going to cum," you warn him, feeling the familiar pressure build up in your lower stomach. He growls against you, and you feel the vibrations against your skin. You feel your orgasm wash over you, and you shudder, stilling your hips. Taehyung lapped at the reward that trickled down your thighs, his tongue running over the smooth expanse of your inner thighs with pure hunger. You wince as his lips attach once again to your swollen nub, and you shudder, twisting his hair in your fingers. "Taehyung, it hurts," you say. The overstimulation was causing an ache throughout your core, rudely interrupting your thorough orgasm. He ignores you, gripping onto you tighter as he eagerly licks at the juices still coursing through your system and onto his eager lips. Tears soon spring from your eyes at the overstimulation. "Fuck, Tae, c'mon. Let's just head to your place so you can fuck me already." He finally stops, and you slip off of him. You see how his lower face glistens, your juices covering it. It was a rather sexy sight, and you couldn't help but bite your lip at it, seeing how cum dripped down his chin. You kissed him eagerly, slipping your tongue into his mouth to taste yourself. He kissed you the same way he ate you out, and you couldn't help but moan into his mouth. "Let's stop and get to my place," he grunts. "If I can't be in that sweet pussy of yours in five minutes, I'm going to lose it." "What're you waiting for then?" you wink, climbing out to get back in the front seat. The two of you get back into the front seat, and he starts driving again. You eye the erection that had popped up again beneath the fabric of his pants, and place your palm over it, rubbing it. He lets out a low hiss. "You really want me to stop the car?" "I'll go easy on you," you promise, chuckling. You undo his zipper, yanking the boxers down again to pull out his member, already pulsating in your hand. You trail your finger along a vein that ran along the shaft, making sure to give extra-soft touches to the sensitive skin. Taehyung grunts. "You're going to be the death of me." "Wife me up, buddy," you laugh, making sure your light touches were as agonizing as you could make them. He was already so sensitive, and doubly so since he was hard again. You tried to remember the last time you had this kind of effect on Yoongi- but it was hard to with your hazy mind. "We're here," Taehyung comments as the two of you pull up to an apartment complex. You're giggling, stumbling as the two of you make your way to his apartment, from making out in the elevator to stumbling into the room. "God," he grunts into the nape of your neck once he slams you against the door. Finally. Just you and him alone in a room, with the sexual tension of finally having his cock slam into you, get thicker. "I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are." "Prove it," you hiss, biting down on his lower lip and pulling it back slightly, letting it slap back to him. He gropes at your chest, yanking down your dress to reveal the lacy white bra. "Fuck, you look beautiful in this," he growls, sucking at a patch above your breast as he gropes your chest. "You were begging to be fucked tonight." "It's my boyfriend's favorite color," you slur, humming as he presses chaste kisses on your skin. "He didn't really care that I bought it for him special." "What a fucking idiot," he growls, yanking the bra down to reveal your breasts. He rolls the nipples in his palms, massaging the flesh in his big hands and slender fingers. "The panties are in your car," you mention. "I took them off before I fucked your face." "Dear God, could you be any more perfect?" he laughs. "You should stay here with me instead of that idiot you call your boyfriend." "Fuck me well and I might take you up on that offer," you smile. He looks up, stopping his actions. "Are you serious?" "I am," you confirm. Guilt suddenly pools in your lower stomach. You were cheating on Yoongi. This was the first time since your encounter with Taehyung that you really thought about what you were doing. This wasn't right. But there was one thought that came to your mind. Fuck. Min. Yoongi. "He doesn't appreciate me," you murmured, your voice soft. "And I think I've known for a while that he doesn't love me how he used to." "You can stay here for a few days until you get your own place if you want," Taehyung says, his arms pinned on either side of you. "I'm willing to help. I know we're strangers, and you're a little tipsy, but we can talk about it later. You might not trust me, but I'm serious. I want to help you." "Really?" You smile at the thought. "Absolutely," Taehyung grins. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't stay with an ass who doesn't even pay attention to her." "Fuck me already," you say. "And then we can drive to my place so I can get my stuff." "You won't regret it," he promises, pecking your lips. "Yuck," you jokingly grimace. "Stuff your cock in me, already, loverboy." He laughs at that, shaking his head. How'd you end up with a man who seemed to completely get you? Even Yoongi would get annoyed with the drunk- well, you weren't drunk, just slightly under the influence- you. "Turn around, doll," Taehyung growls to you. You obey, bending over the door, your chest and arms pinned against it, and your ass on display. He lifts up your skirt, revealing your bare ass. He spreads your cheeks apart, taking a good look at your throbbing and glistening pussy. "I don't want you to mention that ass for the rest of the night," Taehyung grunts, walking quickly to another room to retrieve a condom. "Because tonight you're all mine, baby." "Make me yours," you shudder, hearing him undo his pants. You hear him rip open the package to roll the condom over his length. He rubs the head of his cock along your folds, getting your arousal to coat his red erection. Slowly but surely, he pushed into you, a grunt filling your ears as he filled you up with his rubber covered dick. "Your pussy feels so good," he groans. "Dear God, who'd want to ignore this? If you were mine I'd be bending you over every night to fuck your brains out." "Less talking, more doing," you moaned. He didn't waste much more time, spreading your legs and bracing himself, his hands pressed against the door as he began thrusting. The skin of his hips slapping against your ass filled the room, along with the moans. He pulled on your hair, making you tilt your head back. "Moan my name, whore." "Taehyung!" you cried out. "That's right," he grunted. "And you're never going to settle for less, got it? You're going to get someone who loves you as much as you should love yourself. Won't you?" "Yes," you panted, loving the way he slid against your walls. It was funny, really. How he was trying to boost your self-esteem from your asshat boyfriend who you were literally cheating on at this moment. But you supposed that any time you thought back to Taehyung, you'd also get a self-esteem boost. Taehyung was certainly the multitasker. You were rocking against him, feeling the pulsating member thrust within you. The pleasure you felt was insurmountable, and your thighs were starting to knock on the door along with your knees. "Cockslut," Taehyung muttered in your ear. He gripped onto your hips, so hard you were positive they'd leave bruises by the morning. One of the hands traveled down to toy with your clit, his hand swaying side to side as he eagerly rubbed you. "Are you close?" "Yeah," you said breathily. "I'm really close, Tae. Almost there." "Cum for me," he grunted. You felt the pressure build up in your lower stomach, and soon enough the coil was beginning to snap. An orgasm washed over you, and you couldn't help but let out a breathy whine of Taehyung's name. He grunted, pulling his hand back to grip your hips, guiding you as he used you like a fuck doll to get himself off. The entire time he called you filthy names, grunting them in your ear until finally, he was releasing himself into the condom. Both of you were sweaty messes, and you felt so empty once he pulled out of you. He began walking away, and you looked back, confused. "Where're you going?" you asked him. "We just fucked, dude!" He returned with a bottled water, handing it to you. "You need to completely sober up before we get your stuff. I want you to be completely sure about moving out and on before you spend the night here." You take the bottled water, giving him a look of astonishment. "Why're you being so nice? Doing all of this for me?" He shrugged. "I had a girlfriend once. One who was rather toxic. She never paid any attention to me, and she never had time for me. Made me hate myself. Thing was, I mainly hated myself and thought of myself as garbage whenever I was with her. My only regret was not ending it earlier. Eventually, she was the one who broke things off, and once it finally happened I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders." He cocked his head as he looked at you. "Tell me- did you ever think you weren't good enough for him? Even when he was supposedly already yours? Simply from how he treated you?" Your hazy mind wracked itself with events over the past month, and your heart sunk down in a depressive manner. "Yeah." "Then I'd like to save someone from as much heartbreak and torment as I went through," Taehyung said. "Because everyone deserves to feel loved, and to feel as though the person they love, loves them as well." You unscrew the cap, taking a sip of the water. "I'm the bad guy, though. I cheated- just now. That's wrong." "We all do some wrong things in our life," Taehyung shrugged. "Just depends on if we can grow from them. I think you can." You nodded, taking a deep breath. "Let's get going once I finish this, then." Everything was packed. You weren't surprised to see Yoongi still sitting in front of his computer, same as when you left him. Your makeup was smeared and hair was a tangled mess. You felt completely sober now- though with a slight headache. You changed into some new clothes, and beside you was a suitcase. Taehyung was waiting in the car for you, ready to go. You supposed you could spend a few nights there, maybe at a friend's if you didn't want to burden him anymore. And then you could find a place of your own. And here you stood, once again at Yoongi's doorway. He hadn't even turned to you yet. "Have you finally calmed down to apologize?" he coolly asked. So he did know you were here. "I'm sorry," you stated. For cheating? For not breaking up sooner? Or for truly overreacting? You weren't sure which one you were apologizing for. You also didn't know whether or not you really meant it. He doesn't respond. "I slept with someone," you say, voice loud and clear. "I cheated on you." "Mhm," he grunted, fingers still tapping away on the keyboard. Tears started to well up in your eyes, but you tried to blink them away. You knew why you were crying, despite the idiocy of it all- because he didn't care. "I don't know when you stopped loving me," you say, voice shaky. "I also don't know when I stopped loving you. I know I can't anymore- after what I did. I wouldn't do that to someone I loved. Maybe I did it because I knew you really wouldn't care either way." Maybe now he was pretending he couldn't hear you. He was still now, though. Was he ignoring you? "Would you even notice if I left?" you whisper. A tear slips down your cheek. No response. You look down, knowing what must be done. "Goodbye, Min Yoongi," you say, turning back, your hand on the knob of his office door. "I hope you don't doubt for a single second that I loved you. I'll still believe you loved me." With that, you closed the door. "Hi, this is Y/N. Please leave a message and I'll answer as soon as I'm available." Beep. Yoongi pressed the hang up button. Soon he was calling you again, your voicemail ringing throughout the room. Jin walked forward, eating whatever he had prepared in the kitchen. "Why do you always call her when she never answers?" Jin asked, his cheeks full and mouth stuffed. "I dunno," Yoongi said dully. "I just want to hear her voice one more time, I guess." "If you miss her this much, why didn't you stop her from leaving?" "I guess because I knew she was right." Jin stared at the man, a frown as your voice filled the apartment once again. "You're kind of sad, Yoongi. You know that?" Jin asked. "I know." Yoongi blinked, his expression blank. "I'm also stupid and another million things." "I mean you're sad in that you didn't do anything before when she was trying to fix things," Jin interrupted. "Before everything went to shit." "I guess I was just scared," Yoongi mumbled. "Scared?" Jin repeated, confused. "I didn't love her anymore. I didn't want to confront it," Yoongi answered honestly. "Then why do you keep calling her? If you don't love her, then why do you miss her?" "Lack of closure?" Yoongi guessed. Jin pursed his lips, staring at his friend. "I didn't want to tell you this, but I saw her. Where I work. I think she's dating a co-worker of mine." Yoongi perked up, staring at the older man. "What?" "Yeah. His name's Kim Taehyung. We work in different regions of the building, but she came to visit him. Saw them at lunch," Jin mentioned. "She looked happy." "Oh." That was all Yoongi could manage to say. "I'm just saying... if she's moved on, so can you. After all, doesn't everyone deserve happiness?" "Yeah," Yoongi said, his mind swirling with thoughts of you. "I guess they do."
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Something tells me the "Writers always know where they're going with their work" post was (at least in part) inspired by RWBY's writing. And I'll admit, a lot of my asks about the show do fall towards the optimistic side. But honestly, it frustrates me how they at least go over it all again for the DVD commentaries and don't capitalize on half of that potential. Hell, it just makes the times they *do* take notes from the FNDM even more frustrating.
I’ve seen that post (or at least very similar posts) a lot. Not sure it’s specifically about RWBY given the tumblr push-back recently against the sort of introductory analysis learned in high school---“Sometimes there’s no meaning in the curtains! They’re just blue!”---but it definitely applies to RWBY regardless. Of course all writers don’t know where they’re going with their work. That’s what editing is for. You chuck things out, surprise yourself with brilliant potential you never consciously intended to create, go back to establish it firmly in the text, give it to an audience, and the audience still comes back with, “I love how they did ____” and you go, “Holy shit I did do ____ didn’t I? Never even realized that...” This is why academics are careful to distinguish between what we actually know of the author’s intentions and what we’re seeing in the work ourselves. RWBY currently has a bad combination of writing that feels like it didn’t go through that thorough editing process, writing that feels like it’s flying by the seat of its pants with no clear goal, and a fandom that often defends the writing past basic logic. I’m all for optimism. Optimism is great. What I’m not here for is those who insist that such-and-such CAN’T be a problem because I, one individual, personally enjoyed it and therefore that’s that. RWBY does have plot holes, missed opportunities, and bad decisions whether everyone agrees on which things falls into those categories or not. Rooster Teeth might fix some of that moving forward, but until that future arrives it’s okay to acknowledge that there are issues and still enjoy the show. There are a lot of people in this fandom who seem to think that another’s criticism---acknowledging that lost potential---infringes on their own enjoyment. It doesn’t. Or rather, it shouldn’t. If you’re not interested in reading criticism of a work then go read the praise instead. It’s literally impossible for an entire fandom to agree, so relying on someone else  agreeing with you to fully enjoy your show is never going to be an option. 
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lcnguor · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — Since she is an OC with her own lore I would say pretty much . Of course there are some heres and theres and she changed a lot from the first time I dragged her out of the void of my head . I originally wanted to make more of a gag character but ended up taking too much of the screen if I’m honest . but of course , since there is many other lores and crossovers are a must , some things change once or twice .
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Nora is a mentor character , supportive and most likely to be the ace under the sleeve like a Kisuke Urahara from Bleach or Sinbad from Magi --- you know there’s something fishy but there is a charm that even thought they are slidding in the background for the main character , their relevance is vast . As a mentor characters , she would often help with insight , understanding of complex things , giving moral lessons and giving others a sense of security whilst also making sure to throw hints about a doubious nature . Keeping a character around her to keep their feet on ground while never shooting down their hopes and dreams .
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  She is not approachable unless you have enough guts to -- perhaps even looks intimidating or hard to come up with something plausible to make the meeting more natural . And honestly , she looks like a mainstream angst character at first glance --- even I myself believe this and start having second thoughts ... :laughs:  
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  An old project I had archived in my closet of memories (?). She was the main , nameless character of a journal about , well , her and the emotions she had to deal with in the everyday . I will be seriously honest ... it was a self insert :blushes: after all it was like a personal journal I was doing on my darkest days . But after that , she became Sable -- the first character on her own -- who also served as a mentor ( but the story was much more dark , seriously ) and then just came to this . I even used the pre-prototype name lol . The idea was to put the whole story into a RPG pixel game or a short comic series where she ( Sable ) and the protagonist would wander around a city called “Nobody’s Home” , a place were people with “thats” ( what now are called Stalkers ) got dragged into and either confront their emotions and solve / comes in terms with them or get eaten by them ( a metaphor for suicide or dead by mental illness ) . The story was more or less about Sable teaching Nona ( the genderless protagonist ) about different mental states , issues and others and helping people solve them so they can return to the real world . Needless to say , the story ends with Nona returning after coming in terms with their condition ( funnily enough , the protagonist had a bunny shaped emotion ) while on the other hand Sable stayed behind along with her closest friend , who she question why he keeps being around if he could return himself , to what he replies he doesn’t want to leave her alone esp since she can no longer return --- hinting Sable committed suicide but by sheer will power remained there to help others to deal with what she couldn’t . Voez , the friend I mention , is even Victor from her current lore . Haha , I like recycling I guess . When I came with Nora , it was mostly to kill time and altered her base story a bit since the original plot was way to close up to make an interaction .
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  How well received she became , I know it sounds a bit ... uh , bad . But I honestly never expected people to like her . heck I even have my doubts about myself liking her haha . plus I know it’s not easy to deal with a character with a somewhat meta power ... I still struggle from time to time but I’m managing and having the support I have atm is something that keeps me going . I love plot a shit lot . I love to come up with ideas with others . To expand what I already have . besides , there is so much I haven’t write down yet that is about her lore but I’m a bit insecure yet . I guess I’m too used to forums where everyon follows a general plot haha ... old habits die hard .
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / 50-50
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO, I HATE DRABBLES.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES/ NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO / .... UHHHH
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / HAHA NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES VERY MUCH A LOT / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I haven’t got any so far --- which honestly surprises me because well ... there is so much that can bother people . as I said , I received a lot of support and praise , which also surprises me haha ... I won’t deny I would love to hear what people think , even if I later end up riding the anxiety train to the moon but it’s also a way to grow up , I believe . god ... I sound like nora Uu
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  I absolute love this and need this . It comes easier for me to make a 20 word pages of information about stuff if I’m asking specifically about it . even add explanatory drawings with it lolol since I’m kinda bad with words . besides , showing me interest on a character would just fire the heck out of me to keep going . I mean , everyone likes to get some curiosity and a chance to develop more their characters , canon or not .
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  I would for sure . I’m not smart and I actually do a shit ton of research --- but even so I can miss a lot of shit people would say <nah that’s not how it works> and that would be helpful as heckie . but of course , needing the why also would tell me if the person disagreeing is doing it with a solid ground or just because they are being a piece of crap . I’m really tired of tumblr mentality and shitty people who aren’t mature enough to act decently .
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  you cannot like everyone or have everyone like you either . I don’t really care much ... esp since nora is an original character . if it constructive critisism , okay -- I will take it , but gimme a solid reason other than “ your character is / is not ... “ and then give a crappy critique because she doesn’t fit your agenda or standards .
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  you are fucking free to unfollow me and ignore me for the rest of your life . I really don’t get the point of hating on the internet just because and keep promoting your hate just to be a pain in the ass .
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  I fucking wrote in my rules that people are even fricking free to fix my grammar and english because holy heck , even to this day I still do some ugly shit . I’m dumb , help ...
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, kinda . I take everything with water . whenever it’s of ideology , people as it is , characters ... I am quite tolerant and try to keep the “okay this person thinks this way , fine .” but as long as nobody crosses the line where they try to spoil it for me or others , I get super bitter . I love OOC , getting to know the one behind the character makes me feel more secure about coming to them and just rambling about plots and hcs and whatever idea got in my mind . but if I see someone and , forgive me god for misjudging , see them as a person that will put me on my nerves -- I won’t even try . as for the friends I have and those who don’t know me as much ... I am obnoxiously sporadic and have a lot of ups and downs very often . one day I could be talking 100 words per second others I will just take a fucking week to respond . honestly , I had mined my social skills for two years plus several other irl stuff previous to that , so I’m always a bit too anxious around people , esp people I REALLY like . I’m insecure as heck , if someone is vague ( just because , idk , it was a lazy day for them ) I think at least 10 different reason why probably that person hates me now . I’m a bit dumb 26 year old baby .......... but I’m very aware that is completely on me . I’m a mess.......  so , what was the question again ??? ... I , yeah ... it’s a kinda . but I try , at least haha.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ herself Tagging: y’all , cowgirls and cowbois . i hate tagging bc i forget urls :finger guns:
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aikainkauna · 6 years
Fic mehm
This was shortish, so might as well post it here. Snurched from the lovely @trelobita .
-What is your total word count on AO3?
-1 421 808. That little?!? I thought I would've gone past the 2 million mark a long time ago. What with Connie whipping me on the way he does.
-How often do you write?
-When the right mood/inspiration comes, and when I'm healthy enough (both mentally and physically) to be in writing condition. Which is not often enough; I hate it when I do want to write, but brain fog and/or physical fatigue mean I can't keep my brain going or my body upright. That's mostly for fiction, though. I can type bloggity waffle like this, and could just about proofread a sex toy review today despite it being a brainfog/tireded day. The deadline for the review was today, so I did it under duress and must've left something out or fucked up some grammar as consequence. Finnish conjugations are hell when your memory is shot to pieces; English is much easier to write because you don't have to remember how to conjugate a word to denote it's in the past tense for a plural with a conditional towards place A, signifying inclusion. No, I'm not joking. Sauvallanikinkos? ("Also with my wand, too, maybe?")
-Do you have a routine for writing?
-My body isn't good with routines and schedules, so no. The only pattern I have is to try and get 1000 words done at least and then to email myself the latest draft after I've finished writing.
-What are your favourite tropes?
-Have you got a month? (This question foolishly asked about your favourite kinks and tropes and pairing types all in the same question, BTW, so I split it up into three questions, because... c'mon.)
-Flawed characters who are still somehow understandable and appealing; not the typical Asshole Protagonist or antihero thing so much but more of an... well, I guess it's just good characterisation I prefer, in the end. Not that kind of squickily obvious macho power fantasy sold as "grittiness" just for the sake of being an asshole (funnily enough, that kind of crap usually comes from the kinds of people who have too much privilege in the first place). So, yeah, good characterisation that's still got some shreds of humanity left is my jam.
-Telepathic lovers. Exactly because it hurts so much when the person who's supposed to love you the most and to understand you the best doesn't, and vice versa. So that's a big RL trauma and squick I prefer to fix, because in fic, I CAN.
-That's a major one, actually. Fix-its not so much on a plot level but on a human level. Especially sexism/gender bullshit-breaking fixes. Fix-its get a bad rap, but that kind of thing, just like the bashing of romance and fanfic, sets off my "ah, this wouldn't be the devaluing of something considered empathic and female/feminine again, now would it?" alarms.
-This overlaps with the pairing thingy, but the Depraved Bisexual is my favourite character type to write. All the Connies, Tennant!Peter Vincent, Captain Renault, Zainab, Laura, etc... YES.
-Male character gives up some masculine privilege he doesn't fancy anyway for the sake of love and empathy/female character gives up stereotypical female things she doesn't fancy anyway in order to be herself and free herself as much as she can from society's chains. Give Torsten all the pwetty dwezzez he wants and for Falcon!Yassamin to remain childfree, dammit!
-Man cuddles and medicates woman during her period and actually empathises/feels how awful it is. As I was saying about the fix-its...
-Funny banter, even if I can't write it as hilariously as I'd want to.
Favourite kinks?
-Poetic prose and Romanticism. It's word porn or nothing, baby.
-Historical detail, accuracy preferred but depends on how the story wants to go (the Barmakids DON'T get butchered horribly by Harun al-Rashid in 803, TYVM).
-Anal! That's almost too obvious to mention.
-Androgynous, genderbending, sex-bending, femme men. Why do you think Connie is the love of my life?
-Lots of arousal-drippage.
-Some way for the bottom to see themselves being banged. Mirrors or telepathy or magic or video camera projecting it before their eyes or whatever. Unfff.
-Orgasms. Always orgasms to complete satisfaction. Orgasm denying or writing it badly or so vaguely that characters/readers can't get any catharsis/release for the arousal is a huge squick. That's a hard limit. Fuck characters who tease and don't let someone get off.
-Psychological/emotional depth. That's such a no-brainer it shouldn't even be necessary to mention (although in these days, it seems to be, because apparently wanting that is now a repressed sexual minority instead of normal human, especially female, sexuality. Oh, fuck off). Yeah, these memes do bring out the pet peeves about internalised misogyny, don't they? Especially the sort that manifests itself in sputter-inducing ignorance. Even my medieval characters and their somewhat dated and essentialist ideas of sex and gender are ahead of Tumblr in the very basics, FFS.
-BDSM that's based very much on extreme care and healing, the sort that uses the intense sexual activities/sensory overload as a kind of way to heal the sub's anxieties and to help the sub let go, achieve catharsis and release. And for the top's love to be the guiding, ravishing, then healing and comforting force that contains the sub and the sub's anxieties in a fiercely loving and protective way and absolutely, so that not a drop spills over. So, yep, BDSM as therapy is my kink in both RL and in fic. Not so much a desire to humiliate or to be humiliated, but on the contrary, to value and to honour the other half. The top finds strength and validation through being the healer, through their power being able to do something good (instead of tearing someone down and having power over them through that). Yes, I know that's not everyone's idea of BDSM, but it's mine and that's what you'll get if it's a healthy relationship I'm trying to portray. (The Barrings and Zainab and Fadl don't have the healthiest ideas of sex, anyhow; Jaffar/Pwinzezz usually do.)
And I'm leaving out so many. You only have to look at my Ao3 pages to see the recurring themes:p
Favourite pairing types?
-Experienced Depraved Bisexual Character/Less Experienced and/or Repressed Character, GIMMIE. Fucking love that shit.
-Similar: Older, More Experienced Man/Younger, Horny Woman.
-Horny couple, usually M/F, seduce someone into a threesome. The Rosesverse and Devilry are full of this, so might as well admit it.
-Do you have a favourite fic of yours?
-I do have a soft spot for the first two fics in the Falconverse. As if you didn't all know that already! They do have some noticeable flaws here and there, especially the first one (I still insist that weird lube choice was HIS and not mine; I do know better and yelled at him at the time), but they still contain my deepest and most profound writing both erotically (and I mean that in the widest sense of the word, encompassing all things Love) and spiritually and character-wise. Defy Not The Stars also turned out better than I expected, considering I had never attempted so much plot and a traditional historical romance novel before. But I guess that Roses, what with its length, has allowed me to explore more aspects of the characters and their lives than anything else I've written. And of course, considering Devilry is my most-read saga ever, I do have a soft spot for that pile-up of a car crash. If only for the sheer intensity of the ride; I was just thinking yesterday how it really was aghori sadhana done through writing. Meditating in a graveyard is for wimps; try spending months in Torsten Barring's fragrant boypussy.
-Your fic with the most kudos?
To no one's surprise, Because The World Belongs To The Devil, at 234 kudos.
-Anything you don’t like about your writing?
-I suck at pacing sometimes. The sex scenes tend to run overlong if I write them in several sessions instead of just one go. It's not that the characters want to try different sex acts and shag more than once during a night, but more that the tension is spread out unevenly ("JFC, why did they change position again? I want them to just fucking come already, damnit!") This is obviously a result of how many things *I* see in my mind's eye during a wank; it's always more of a clipshow of different sex acts and pairings and orientations than one straightforward scenario. I'll be more mindful of that in the future and have been watching out for it in the past few fics already; I don't think the shags in The Guardians of Samarkand overran, for example.
-And sometimes my kinks get too obvious and repetitive for me, too, the way any porn gets tedious and repetitive. But on the other hand, I know very well that fanfic *is* about us imposing our kinks on our darlings, no matter how much we may go on about our dedication to characterisation and such. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: what's key is to get away with your kinks *but* in such a way that they can also engage the reader and that they become interesting and enjoyable not just for you, but for the readers, too. And you need good characterisation for that, and it's a really delicate balance to juggle your kinks and believable characterisation.
-Something you *do* like about your writing?
-I can write immersively and deeply and engage all the senses (sight, touch, scent...) in rich detail, as well as go deeply and profoundly into the emotions. And write some fucking hot porn ;) Those are the things I've had praise for, at least. Maybe my spiritual bits aren't as relatable or something, because people hardly ever remark on those (interestingly, my mum is the only one to have taken up those bits! But I skim over the sex scenes when I read the fics to her, so she only gets the gen). Or then it's the fact that most of the time it's Thief of Bagdad fic, and thus in an Islamic context, and most readers aren't familiar enough with, say, Sufism, to feel like they're qualified to comment without making arses out of themselves. But of course I like my spiritual bits; I'm an ex-religions major!
This had a taggity thing at the end, but I hate doing those because it always puts pressure on them even if you say they don't have to (come, now. The pressure is there, the moment you mention someone by name). I don't own the meme or you, so, as always: do what thou wilt.
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smoreal · 7 years
Burnt Cookies (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: “I love you.” “What?” “WHAT? NOTHING!” (Yes, this is for another challenge for one of my favorite writers @bbparker)
A/N: I saw this was due the beginning of January and I usually don’t pick challenges that close, but it’s @bbparker so… Also, I am accepting requests, (’ve gotta fix my bio) and I hope you guys like this!
(Y/n) = Your name (E/c) = Eye Color
Word Count: 1619
Warnings: Fluff, A lot of words, Language, and a bit of a steamy makeout, no smut, and (you guessed it) Burnt Cookies
Tags: @bbparker
You sat on the counter, going through your Tumblr app and searching for some creative recipes to recreate. Taking a sip from your coffee mug, you blow a strand of hair out of your eyes, unable to find a good idea.
You hear a sudden and unexpected crash outside and jump, dropping coffee down your chin and neck. “Shit!” You growl, pouting and thanking the stars it wasn’t boiling hot.
“(Y/n)! Beautiful?” Peter calls after shutting your window and making his way into the kitchen. He sees your state and seethes, rushing over to the napkins and then to your side. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m so, so, sorry, beautiful!” He says, dabbing your chin before you huff and take the napkin from him.
“It’s alright,” You sigh, wiping your neck and looking at his suit that’s in better state than usual. “How’d it go?”
He smiles and throws his mask onto the counter before taking your coffee mug and phone out of your hands gently. “Pretty good.” He places the items beside you. “You’ll never believe what happened.”
You chuckle and wrap your arms around his neck, and spread your legs apart slightly to pull him in closer. “Mm?”
He snickers and kisses your neck, before pulling away a bit. “You smell like coffee.” He laughs when you slap his shoulder and brings his arms up to defend himself, “Okay, okay, I stopped a mugging and barely got a mark, see?” He turns his head, showing you a small bruise under his jaw.
You kiss the bruise and take his arms, wrapping them around you. “I’m proud of you and I hope to see you coming back with less marks.”
He hums and buries his face back into your neck, making you giggle. “I’m proud of you too.” He says, smirking.
“Why? I haven’t done anything, except make cookies.” You murmur, running your fingers through his hair.
“Extremely delicious cookies,” He praises before looking around and searching for them. “Where are they?”
Your eyes widen and you pull away from him, quickly moving to get off the counter.
He puts two and two together and slips on the oven mitts that were on the stove top as you hop onto your feet and open the oven. Taking the tray of cookies out, a wave of smoke trailing behind it, Peter slides it onto the stove and steps back, tossing the mitts back where he found them.
You stand beside him, looking at the cookies with a big pout.
He runs a hand through his hair before catching your pout and joining you in empathy, “Aww, beautiful, it’s okay.”
You grumble and hit your head against his chest in shame and dishonor. He grunts and laughs, the vibration lifting your spirits up somewhat. “You’ll save them next time around.”
“No, I won’t, I suck at cooking.” You admit in resent, hugging his torso.
“You don’t suck,” He says, twirling a finger in your hair and hugging back, his other hand rubbing your back soothingly. “You just got a little distracted. It happens.”
He lifts your chin with his fingers gently and grins. “Where’s my smile?”
You bite your lip, fighting back a giggle. “You’re a dork.”
He hums in agreement before twirling you around to face the living room, his breath tickling your ear. “How about I clean up here and you start a movie in the living room so we can binge watch something on Netflix?”
You beam, pulling on the hem of your shirt, “Deal,” You agree, smiling widely before turning around and giving him a quick peck. He gazes at you lovingly and you laugh. “Stop looking at me like that.” You say before nuzzling your nose against his and finally pulling away.
You’re ambling your way to the living room when you hear him dazily whisper, “I love you.”
You stop and turn on your heels, incredulous, your heart beating hard against your chest. “What?” You ask, your face red and your eyes wide.
He looks surprised or afraid (more than likely both) as if he didn’t know he had said it out loud and starts, blushing furiously, “WHAT? NOTHING!”
You flinch at his loud tone and you both stand, staring at each other, watching the others expressions for denial.
“I—I—Um, I know it’s still early in our relationship, and we haven’t been on many dates because of my—” He gestures wildly, and you nod in understanding, crossing your arms, trying to stop blushing, “‘Internship,’” He says, using air quotes. “But, (Y/n),” Peter walks over to you, closing the small space between you once again, his hands on your hips, gently pressing his forehead against yours. “You have—You—You’re probably,” He back tracks, “You are the most talented, funny, extraordinarily inspiring, caring, lovable—”
“Peter,” You laugh, relaxing your hands against his chest.
“Beautiful girl I have ever met.” He finishes.
You were speechless, breathless, how did you get so lucky? For someone to actually reciprocate your feelings, it was too good to be true. You stare at him, taking in those big, brown eyes, skeptical.
“Gosh, Pete,” You whisper, “I… I’m not sure what to say…”
He squeezes your hips reassuringly, “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t feel comfortable.”
You’re completely overwhelmed with all these sudden emotions and his stupid, adorable, face that you wrap your arms around his neck and brush your lips against his, feeling him tense up at the unanticipated move. “I love you too.”
You can feel his heat and he looks up at you, clearly relieved, but still nervous and blushing like mad. “Are you serious? You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to, I don’t wanna try to pressure you into anything, I understand if it’s all a bit…”
He trails off, seeing the look on your face. “I’m not joking, Peter.” You give a kiss under his jaw, “I, wholeheartedly, love you.”
Peter is in a lovesick daze, again. A look you had been given often, lately. You chuckle and it brings him back to Earth.
“I’m going kiss you now.” He states.
You hop onto his torso, Peter barely catching you, his hands gripping under your thighs before giving an uncharacteristic yelp followed by a groan and a weary look. “You’ve gotta stop doing that. One day I might not catch you.”
“Poppycock.” You ruffle his hair and he emits a growl. “I grant thee permission to kiss me.”
His lips meet yours gently and you both move in sync, listing your head slightly to give him more access only to have him let you lead. After a small, eager groan, you do, slipping your tongue in to tangle with his. You’re both taken by surprise. The sensation is new, but spritely and full of passion. All sense of time is lost, leaving only the scent of burnt cookies and the chemistry between two teenagers.
It feels like a few good minutes before a frantic knock interrupts your inexperienced frenching. “Are we going to open that?” Peter asks against your lips, taking the time as a small break before getting right back to it.
You moan slightly in response and Peter, with his newfound confidence, takes you to the closest wall, and pushes you gently against it to get a better grip on you and focus on navigating his tongue.
The door slams open and he nearly drops you until you grip him tighter on reflex.
“Peter?” A very worried, father-like Tony Stark is in the doorway, searching frantically for his Spider-son until he sees the two of you, pressed against each other, hair disheveled, faces red, and a trail of saliva connecting you and Peter.
It takes a whole minute for all of you to realize what was happening and then another for Peter to finally squeak, “M-Mr. Stark.”
You aren’t sure whether it was a question or a statement, and you don’t waste time to think about it as you hastily swipe at your mouth and then your hair to at least look a bit presentable. You unwrap your legs to land on the floor and with your face flushed, you move to make your walk of shame out of the apartment until you realize it’s your apartment.
You avoid all and any eye contact with the Tony Stark, whom you’d only ever seen on T.V.
“Wow.” Is all the famous billionaire superhero says before clearing his throat. “I just came to see if Peter was here since he wasn’t at… his house. Um— Yea, okay, I’m gonna leave you two…Peter—.” You look up at Peter to see him miserably embarrassed as he forces himself to look at Iron Man. “Good job.” He finishes, highly amused, before closing the door.
You and Peter are both alone again and are still deathly close to one another.
You two share a sigh of relief, exchanging glances.
“I can’t believe I just met your Iron-Dad like that.” You whine, covering your face. “You were supposed to introduce me, we were gonna talk and I was totally gonna impress him—”
“He loved you.”
You look up at him. “What?” You practically shout, flabbergasted.
“Well,” He begins, looking down at you to beam, “I mean, he doesn’t love you more than me, of course, but you should’ve seen his face.” He takes your hands in his, “He definitely liked you.”
You stare at the door that Iron Man walked through. “Tony Stark just broke into my apartment.” You breathe, astonished.
“You get used to it.” Peter simpered, sighing.
You smile at each other for a split second.
“Round two?” You offer with a purr.
He shudders, “Please.”
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