#the the last couple of months videos have been kind of hard to play on the app like I’d click on it and then it would play for a few seconds
tariah23 · 1 year
Videos are working on here again, too?
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
This is kind of a ramble of a question sorry. I'm a trans guy, and have been trying to figure out how much sexual attraction/desire I actually feel, with the idea of figuring out how into sex I'd be post bottom surgery. I do think I experience some attraction towards women - watched Alien last night and felt funny every time Sigourney Weaver opened her mouth - but I don't think I feel it as intensely as other people my age (15.5), and never seem to feel horny spontaneously without a specific trigger. I am dysphoric about my genitals to the point where actually being aroused/feeling any kind of sensation from them is mentally very uncomfortable. I had a stim when I was younger (autistic) that I later realized was unintentional masturbation, and I stopped immediately after learning that. I don't know if I would ever want to have sex with a prosthetic. My amount of desire might change (though it hasn't so far a couple months on t) but right now it seems like the amount of dysphoria from using a dick I know is fake + the stimulation being centered in the wrong spot? outweighs desire. I think I would be open to the idea if I got phalloplasty, but I'm not entirely sure it would ever be a thing I sought out over say, playing video games yk? I can be overstimulated, am bad with people, and just don't seem to want it as much as everyone else, even though i do want it? Now the main question. I want phalloplasty. I want to have a dick, and pee standing up, and feel the weight of it when i sleep. But it's also a long, expensive, complicated process that I might end up getting and then never actually using for the main thing genitals are meant for - sex and masturbation. I want it, but I'm not very attractive or personable, and it's a hard thing (even harder if I do it young on my parents' insurance) to do and then have to tell everyone you'll die a virgin. Any thoughts? Sorry if this is unfocused or inappropriate.
hi anon,
listen. I totally get your anxieties about your social and sexual options right now, and why they might make phalloplasty seem like it isn't worth it.
but the thing is - and I swear this isn't meant to be condescending - you're 15 and a half. what you're like right now is going to have so little bearing on who you are as an adult that it's hard for me to even begin to describe. hell, who I was when I was a senior in high school was pretty much completely irrelevant by the time I finished by freshman year of college. you're going to change so, so much in your life, and just because you feel like you're not attractive or personable now is no reason to cut yourself off from a surgery that it sounds like would make you very happy!
even aside from having sex, there are plenty of other reasons to get phalloplasty. you said them yourself! you have reasons you want to have a penis that have nothing to do with sex at all, and you don't ever need to sleep with anyone in order to justify that. being comfortable in your body is always reason enough.
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our-marvel-universe · 2 years
Pairing: Ari x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You are planning to cancel you're gym membership but then you meet Ari
WC: 1.6K
A/N: This is for Navy & Roo's @the-slumberparty this was from a generator or prompt list before the challenge actually started. My prompt was Active.
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That's it you were done. All the new year, new you nonsense was over.
You used to spend so much time setting resolutions, unrealistic ones at that, not meeting them and then beating yourself up about it. But you were different now. Thanks to all the work you'd been doing on yourself, mentally and emotionally, you were in a much better place. You were learning to love the body you were in and you wanted to take better care of it. No you didn’t have any weight loss goals. What you wanted was to move your body in ways that felt good. To build up your strength and endurance. You wanted to be stronger and you couldn’t do that if you were feeling self conscious in a gym full of people.
Once you realized it was the gym itself that made you nervous you found alternative ways to work out. You’d started working out at home with short YouTube videos and were going on lots of walks and even a couple short hikes. Who needs those fancy confusing machines? Not you. Which is why it was time to cancel this membership. To be honest you signed up online last year and never even stepped foot in the place. It was an unnecessary expense, but not anymore!
Unfortunately they wouldn’t let you cancel online so you are here to do it in person. Maybe as a treat you’ll go out nice for dinner. After all, you'll have an extra $35 bucks a month in your pocket once you got this sorted.
Going up to the door you're almost knocked over by some gym bro rushing out. Yuck . This is exactly why you are leaving too much testosterone.
As you enter you take in the place there is pop music playing over the speakers. Lots of cardio machines and weight machines and of course free weights. But there's something about this place that's different. You expected to see an endless sea of muscle tees and hear lots of grunting from John Cena looking guys. Or smaller guys who imagined they could look like John Cena if they tried hard enough. But today in this gym there were a lot of women. A curious number in fact since there was a women's only gym on the other side of town. At least you thought there was.
Huh, maybe it closed. Shrugging to yourself you start to make your way to the front desk.
On your way you pass what you assume to be the smoothie bar. Behind which a handsome dark skin man with bright eyes and an easy smile is making drinks for about 5 different women. Huh, maybe you’ll grab something on the way out.
You’re waiting at the front desk for someone to help you. You would go ask smoothie guy but he’s clearly preoccupied…
“Hi, can I help you?”
Turning around every thought you had drifts out of your head as you lock eyes with what could only be a beautiful figment of your imagination. 6’2” maybe 6’3” shaggy brown hair and a thick beard. You’ve never really been into beards before but he might change that.
“Are you alright? Can I help you with something?”
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Ok so you didn’t cancel your membership. In fact you had signed up for personal training sessions. You didn’t plan on it but you and Ari got to talking; he was so kind and patient when you told him about your concerns. How you weren’t sure how to use the machines and didn’t know which workouts to do. You couldn’t believe you were being so bold and honest with him, but you’re glad you were.
After you confessed everything to him he offered you 3 complimentary personal training sessions with him. Since you didn’t like the crowds he offered to meet you later in the evening after the post work rush. On your first session with him Ari took you through every machine in the gym and taught you how to use them. He’s been nothing but kind, encouraging and supportive ever since you met.
“Great work!” Ari said as you finished your last rep.
You’ve been working with Ari for about 2 months now, doing 1 private session a week and coming another 3 times on your own. Working out was officially a part of your regular routine, and you were in the best shape of your life! You could feel yourself getting stronger and your confidence was obviously growing.
Private sessions or not, Ari always seemed to find you. You had a sneaking suspicion he was going out of his way to talk to you. In fact this session tonight was an extra. Usually you meet with him on Mondays but he said he had a cancellation and offered you a Friday slot as well.
“You did amazing today!” Ari said before wrapping you up in one of his big bear hugs and spinning you around.
“Me? I couldn’t have done any of this without your help”
“No, no way I just guided you a bit here and there you’re the one who put in all the hard work.”
Ari was always saying things like that, how strong you are, how dedicated, how beautiful. If it was anyone else you’d think they were sucking up so you would keep coming back, but Ari? He was being nothing but sincere.
He’s still holding onto you, your arms are wrapped around each other, and he's looking down at you with his beautiful blue eyes, and he’s so tall you have to tilt back your head so you can meet his intense gaze. The moment is heavy and you start to think that maybe…
There's a loud bang in the gym, probably someone dropping the squat rack on the ground too hard. But the sound breaks the tension. Ari clears his throat and takes a rather large step away from you. “
Seriously great work today, why don’t you head home, I can clean up here.” He says as he starts to wipe down the equipment you were using.
“Ohh um sure, I’ll head out then. I’ll see you next week?”
“Yeah definitely!”
As soon as you turn off and head to the locker room Ari is kicking himself. Christ, there goes yet another opportunity to ask you out and he botched it..again! The guys keep bothering him about it, apparently the entire gym staff knows he’s harboring the world's biggest crush on you. And all the extra pressure from his staff is not helping his nerves.
Ari has never in his life had a hard time talking to women but something about you, he gets so tongue tied and nervous it’s not like him at all. A minute ago when the two of you were standing there wrapped in each other's arms, God it felt so good to hold you like that it took all his strength not to lean down and kiss you. But then he chickened out of course. Ughh he’s got to think of a plan. Maybe it would be easier if he just texted you…? No he’d rather do it in person, like a gentleman, he just didn’t know what he was going to say.
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Ari’s at the front desk with Sam, one of the other trainers. The gym is usually slow on Friday nights so the two of them just have to wait for the few stragglers that are here to finish their workouts and then they’ll head home.
He thought you might have left already but you stroll up to the desk looking absolutely lovely in a different outfit than when you came in.
“Hi” You say smiling at him “Hey Sam” You acknowledge the man next to him.
Sam gives a quick “Hey” back before giving Ari a gentle nudge and heading to the other side of the desk so he can look busy with paperwork while still eavesdropping.
“Hi, did you need something before you go?”
“No, actually I wanted to ask you something,” You take a deep breath before verbalizing the question that’s been burning on your tongue for weeks, “Would you like to go out with me sometime?”
For a split second Ari is convinced he heard you wrong. For a moment he’s convinced this is one of his many fantasies about you, but he quickly recovers and gives the only logical answer.
“Yes, yes I would love to go out with you.” His smile is so wide it almost hurts, and you have an equally wide grin across your face. You try to reign it in just a little bit. Right now you have the overwhelming urge to squeal and jump around but you’re pretty sure that might make Ari change his mind.
Calming your inner turmoil you look to him and say “Great well, I don’t know if you’re free this weekend at all but...”
“Actually he’s free right now” Sam interrupts.
“You sure man?”
“Yeah, I’m sure, we close in an hour anyway, you two go out and have a good time” Sam waves the two of you off.”
“OK it looks like I’m free now” Ari says with a chuckle. “If that works for you?”
“Yes, that definitely works!”
“Ok, there's a really good Mexican place right up the street. We could walk there if you want?”
“Mexican sounds perfect.”
“Ok then, after you.” He says as he gestures for you to lead the way. You head towards the door figuring he’ll catch up. Ari steps around to the front of the desk wrapping his knuckles on it before whispering a quick “thank you” to Sam. With his long legs he catches up to you quickly and by the time you make it out the front door the two of you are holding hands as you leisurely stroll to your destination.
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Thanks so much for reading!! Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Have an awesome day! <3
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yuseirra · 8 months
Hello~ I have something to say because there's been something that's been on my mind, leaving me very depressed and concerned for the past couple months. I've been trying my best to be cheerful and uplifting but it's hurting me so much I just can't stand it...I have to be true to myself and let it all out, I feel like a stone's being pushed onto my chest, and I won't feel better without addressing it somewhere, so please pardon me, okay?
I'd been drawing a lot of project moon's fanworks earlier, remember how there's been an incident regarding limbus company and the artist being fired and whatnot? and then there's this stuff going about how fingers are drawn in maplestory, I have no idea about the details but something happened in arknights?? too? I don't play that game but still, well I'd been seeing a lot of these stuff happen for the past couple of months and since I come from a country where that's directly being taken place, I saw a lot of it happen firsthand except for some recent ones, it made me to go terminate my twitter which I had for a decade (I think I had it since 2013 or 2014. not that it matters now anyway, but I miss my friends I had there so much.)
I'm really hurt. It pains me so much to see people dig up a tweet someone's made several years ago using some kind of data crawler or archive and decide to get the mass to bring down a person over it, a person has many sides, how can you determine how exactly someone's feeling about something? and how can it lead to things like death threats, how can people be so eager to make someone "pay", I understand that people can be frustrated over some things, but where's the limit of these things? I felt so threatened and scared and upset, nothing bad's happened to me in person. All I've experienced is kindness and I am very grateful about it, but I can't say I'm not affected. Seeing a lot of things going around secondhand's been enough to put me through a lot of stress.
Some of my videos regarding projmoon's works had been very popular, you may have seen them if you're in the fandom! I used to be very proud of it. Now I'm upset and scared and I am pained, why can't I be as proud of them as I used to be, I put all my love into it back then. It's a terrible feeling. I have mixed feelings about having it up on my channel.. there's a part of me who love my works a lot.. and is happy about it having been able to give a lot of people joy. People have been enjoying it, and they've all been so kind about it. And then there's another part of me wishing I never made it in the first place because it really hurts and I'm reminded of these incidents whenever I see them. Which is such a pity, since I did a really great job with those. I'm still getting new comments with people telling me they are so impressed and all I could think about now is the.. all the, I don't know what to call all that..,
I'm scared that people might come after me and accuse of me being someone I am not, try to dig up my old tweets and find me problematic for doing something unfavorable for the fandom(not that I've said or done anything harmful in the past, I'm sure of that..I've ALWAYS tried my best to spread love when I could. I am confident about that.) maybe I'm being full of myself. Maybe people don't care about me or my works as much and I'll be okay but I have no idea how things will play out. I've been holding out till now, no one can say I didn't try..the fact that I've been keeping my works up there, I've been trying very hard to be strong in my own way (but at the same time I also felt like a coward for remaining in the status quo)
earlier I saw yt recommending me that library of ruina is getting a switch edition and I get reminded of all these stuff, I can't bear it. It hurts me so much. I've been holding this all in by myself since last july, maybe I'll have to take the videos down to make me feel better, but I'm not sure if I'll be safe that way. I deleted my twitter and now it comes to this, I won't delete my tumblr though. I love my experience as yuseirra and I'm happy for all I've received. I wish I could continue feeling that way, I want to believe in people, I want to care for them, and I don't want to think people will try to come after me and hurt me over the choices I make. So let me be strong, whatever I do, I'll do my best to be that way.
Thank you very much!! Lots of love!!
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ssweetyy123 · 3 months
Sweet.. sweet.. doll~
Dabi x sub fem reader fanfic
WARNING!!!!: Slight BDSM, face riding/fucking, slight degradation, choking, cum restraint, pt. 2??
Context: you and Dabi have been dating for about 3 years, yours and his sex life have kind of been going downhill for quite some time, a slutty idea pops into your head and you decide this would help yours and Dabi's sex drive.
Your POV:
You find yourself bored on the couch at the LOV, Dabi wasn't home yet because he was out on a mission with Shigaraki and Mr. Compress. You start to think about ways to 'excite' Dabi when he gets home, you start to wonder when the last time you and Dabi had some good sex, it was about 4 months ago. As you looked at the time you realized that they were about to be home, so you quickly ran to the bedroom and put a sexy light blue lingerie on. The lingerie you put on was Dabi's favorite thing to see on you, it had a bunch of lace on it, thigh garters and matching light blue laced socks. Just right after you finished putting it on you heard the front door open quickly shutting the bedroom door you quickly got on the bed, laying on your stomach kicking your feet in the air.
Dabi's POV:
Dabi, Shigaraki and Compress opened the door and noticed the hideout was completely silent they all looked at each other with confusion.
"Well damn, this must be the first time its been dead quite in this shit hole."
Shigaraki and Compress rolled their eyes and headed towards their rooms, Shigaraki went to go play some video games and Compress went to go see what Twice was doing, Dabi headed towards the bedroom and before he went in he spoke in a soft voice incase you were sleeping
"Hey hun, I'm home."
He opened the door immediately blushing at the sight of you in his favorite lingerie.
Your POV:
You giggled putting your hand over your mouth.
"Hello my love, how was your mission.?" You said in a whispery seductive tone, slightly waving your fingers at him and kicking your feet a little faster.
Dabi's POV:
Dabi immediately understood what you were trying to do, he slammed the door, took his shirt off and started heading towards you. He had already felt like he was getting hard just by looking at you, he turned you around so that you were now laying on your back he placed your hand onto his tent and groaned
"Just look at what you're already doing to me doll.." His breath getting more heavier as you rubbed his tent a little more faster
Your POV:
As you continued to rub on him you pulled him in for a steamy slightly aggressive make out sesh and started to unbuckle his pants, as you were doing so Dabi started to get a little more aggressive with you. He broke from the kisses and started planting sweet kisses down your neck occasionally sucking on your neck and leaving a few bite marks. As he was doing so your breathing started to get more heavily and small moans escaping your lips when he bit at your neck.
"F-fuck..." your moans got louder the harder he bit on your neck.
Dabi's POV
"Fucking hell princess, you really know how to get me all riled up..." he whispered into your ear as groans escaped his lips.
Dabi started to get impatient as he could feel his tent growing more and more as you moaned into his ear, he picked you up and sat you down on his lap.
"Ride my face you little slut.." he groaned in a seductive tone.
Your POV:
You blushed when he called you princess and blushed even harder when he called you a slut, you immediately lightly pushed him down on the bed and sat on his face, he immediately slapped your ass as you sat down.
Dabi's POV:
As you sat down Dabi immediately pulled his member out and began to stroke it as he started to eat you out, licking, sucking, and gently biting your clit with slightly muffled loud groans escaping as he ate you out, spanking your ass with his other hand a couple more times.
Your POV:
As he ate you your moans got louder and louder plus the spankings he gave you made it harder for you to keep your composure.
"Ahhh~~! Yesss!! Dabi..~" You cried out in pure pain and pleasure as he spanked you once more.
Dabi's POV:
As your moans got louder Dabi knew you were already about to cum so he stopped and lifted you up and put you to the side of him still stroking his cock and letting out soft groans.
"Ohh, no no you little slut, you don't get to cum just yet" he chuckled and gripped your face tightly, grinning as you let out silent whimpers.
Dabi gently slapped his cock on your face as he wrapped one hand around your neck tightening his grip.
Your POV:
You immediately understood that Dabi wanted you to suck his cock, rubbing the roof of your mouth with your tongue to create saliva. You let a little out falling onto his member then taking your hand and rubbing it all around his member. You opened your mouth and started sucking letting your tongue swirl around it sucking it a little harder.
Dabi's POV:
As soon as you started sucking Dabi let out a loud groan gripping onto your hair and lighting pushing your head down
"Mmmm~ yeahhhh~~ just like that, my little whore.." Dabi groaned out tightening his grip onto your hair.
As Dabi groaned the more you went down on him his eagerness to cum got the best of him, he gripped your hair and started to face fuck you aggressively going faster and faster the more you choked on his cock.
"Fuckk... yeahh~ you like getting face fucked by me don't you? You little slut.." tilting his head back as he continued faster and harder.
Your POV:
"MMMMM~~!!" you cried out as he began to face fuck you aggressively
You started to swirl your tongue around his cock to help speed the process of making him cum
Dabi's POV:
"Fuckk yeahhh baby~" tilting his head back further
He started to feel the build up of his cum getting ready to spurt into your mouth speeding up and going harder and harder
"Fuckk I'm boutta cum princess~ You better swallow every last drop of it you little whore.." Dabi groaned out.
Your POV:
As you felt Dabi speeding up you knew he was on the verge of cumming into your mouth, you let your tongue speed up as well swirling it around and around his cock, still choking on it. Until he finally came into your mouth letting out a loud groan. You swallow every last drop of his cum then pulled away licking your lips
"Mmmm..~" You said in a low seductive tone.
(SORRYYY I"M REALLY TIRED SHOULD I DO A PART 2??? Also sorry if there was any mistakes I tried to fix all of them but I was half asleep writing most of this)
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black-arcana · 5 months
ARCH ENEMY Plays First Concert With Guitarist JOEY CONCEPCION As Official Member (Video)
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Rock'n Videos has uploaded video of ARCH ENEMY's April 24 concert at Musinsa Garage in Seoul, South Korea. The show was the first of ARCH ENEMY's 2024 Asian tour and marked the band's first live appearance in eight months.
Featured songs in video below:
00:00 Deceiver, Deceiver 03:59 The World Is Yours 09:07 Ravenous 12:53 War Eternal 15:22 House Of Mirrors 16:37 My Apocalypse 18:15 The Watcher 19:40 The Eagle Flies Alone 21:36 Handshake With Hell 23:59 Sunset Over The Empire 27:45 As The Pages Burn 32:00 We Will Rise 36:48 Enemy Within 40:23 Burning Angel 44:36 Snow Bound 47:04 Nemesis 51:09 Fields Of Desolation
Last December, ARCH ENEMY announced that it had "amicably" parted ways with longtime guitarist Jeff Loomis.
ARCH ENEMY founder and chief songwriter Michael Amott said in a statement: "It's been a joy having Jeff play with ARCH ENEMY for close to a decade, we truly had a blast touring around the world together! We were friends long before we played music together and we remain even closer buddies now, which feels great. We respect that he's in a place and time in life where he needs to step out of ARCH ENEMY and we all wish him nothing but the best moving forward.
"The only constant is change, and this is one of those moments where things had to change a little to move forward in a satisfactory way for everyone involved. With all that said, we are extremely pleased to announce that we have recruited Joey Concepcion as our new guitarist! Joey's a phenomenal talent and has been a friend of the band for a long time, he even filled in for Jeff on a couple of European festival shows back in 2018.
"We have touring and a myriad of other exciting things coming up on the horizon with ARCH ENEMY for 2024 and beyond and are thrilled to move forward, creating the next chapter and keeping the metal flowing!"
Loomis commented: "My time in ARCH ENEMY has come to an end. I have had a great time (9 years!) of playing and touring with them, but now it's time to enter a new chapter in my life. I wish Alissa, Michael, Sharlee and Daniel the very best and consider them all lifelong friends. I'd also like to thank the crew that have always been nothing but kind to me. Their hard work and dedication towards the band is incredible, and we wouldn't be able to put on the great shows without them. Thank you again for all your support over the years and Happy New Year."
Lastly, Joey Concepcion had the following to say about joining the ARCH ENEMY fold: "It's an honor and a privilege to be working with ARCH ENEMY and I'm very much looking forward to shredding stages across the globe together, playing for and meeting all the fans!"
Jeff, who was the main songwriter in his previous group, NEVERMORE, joined ARCH ENEMY in late 2014, but was not involved in the writing for the latter act's last two albums, 2017's "Will To Power" and 2022's "Deceivers".
In a 2018 interview with All That Shreds, Jeff said that he had "a lot of musical ideas" that he was hoping to contribute to ARCH ENEMY in the future. "I did write three or four songs for ['Will To Power'], but they didn't make it, only because it wasn't in the style that they were looking for," he said. "Fortunately enough, I was able to play guitar solos on the latest album, so that makes me happy."
Seven years ago, Amott said that Loomis is "a strong songwriter" in his own right, "but not in the style of ARCH ENEMY, I feel. He's always writing and recording with his own stuff," he explained. "He has a project called CONQUERING DYSTOPIA, he has his solo stuff, [and] he obviously wrote most of the NEVERMORE stuff. I've always respected him, and continue to respect him, as a guitar player — he's amazing and an amazing human being; he fits in perfectly. [There's] a great chemistry [between us]. But, you know, I've always written most of the music, so it's difficult to… I don't really wanna change the sound of the band too much. The band sort of started around my songwriting and my ideas, and those continue to be the most dominant ones, I guess. But, you know, who knows [what can happen] in the future?"
Loomis's second and latest solo album, 2012's "Plains Of Oblivion" was produced by Aaron Smith (7 HORNS 7 EYES) and featured cover artwork by Colin Marks of Rain Song Design, who had previously worked with ALL SHALL PERISH, THE END and XERATH.
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purplemninja · 4 months
So, if Six were to return LN3, what kind of role would you want her to play? Or do you think it'd be better if not appear at all?
This one is actually hard for me to answer. Not only in certainty but also in an emotional sense.
[Disclaimer: this post will have a somber tone and mentions on mental health issues I've been having]
You no doubt saw the additional thought I had when thinking about the depressing realisation I had on Six's ending, which I will include in a 'revision' of.
Most of me really does want her to be in LN3, even if it's only for a few seconds. Ever since the trailer of LN3 didn't show any signs of Six, and people on the subreddit being all "let [character] go" and "just move on already" in a kind of stubborn way, I fell into a depression from the signs that Six wouldn't be in it and the people on Reddit who were being a little adamant that she won't be in, that they don't want her to be in it, and especially them telling people to let go and move on. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but this was really draining me and I had to go on hiatus from the LN subreddit for a couple months.
I'm in a better state of mind now, but it still can be better, though I will say that it wasn't very encouraging when I went back to the subreddit and the mods took down my Christmas video twice and gave me a 3 day ban the second time that they did it. And it really upset me when one of the very people who was telling people to let go of Six initially doubled down on it when I left a comment mentioning what caused me to go on hiatus (without naming names).
[please don't go on a witch-hunt on anyone on the LN subreddit]
I guess Six is embedded deeper into my heart than I thought.
If she does appear in LN3, I really don't know what I'd want to happen, especially if it takes place after LN1, because LN3 could be yet another prequel for all we know.
Even if the idea that Six is trapped on the Maw (not necessarily becoming the Lady/next lady, but trapped nonetheless) from the depressing revelation I made on her ending is true, her story just feels... incomplete to me.
If Six does show up in LN3, I sincerely hope that she's not a boss that must be killed, as that's what a bunch of sick and disgusting people hoped for when LN2 was first released and they saw the ending. And if Low and Alone do end up having to kill her, then I hope it's a type of boss fight that makes the player sad to kill the boss.
The most I can hope for is that Six appears in person for just a few seconds at least, then a conclusion to her journey finally happens, whatever that'd be.
But, another part of me wants there to be a DLC for LN3 where we play as Six at least one last time, and a solid conclusion for her story is finally delivered (and the meaning behind Six's name, because that's still the biggest question I have about Little Nightmares, and has been ever since joining the fandom)
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changanomaly · 2 years
an assortment of unorganized total drama headcanons I have (some probably contradict the timeframe when the td timeline takes place in but whatever):
Courtney and Heather pretend to have refined taste in music but blast Mitski full volume when they're alone
Heather and Harold are still actually really great friends after TD and find that they have a lot in common. Exhibit A: Their MLP phases
Noah's 15th birthday gift from his mother was a Miku binder. Also yes Noah's transmasc keep scrolling
Izzy, Eva, Owen, Noah and Emma are all in a polycule and currently live in a big apartment. (for more info um here)
Prior to it, they'd been kicked out of 4 consecutively for 2 straight months due to a fire break out from an 'undetectable source'. Surprisingly none of them were caused by Izzy, but Owen repeatedly cooking/reheating food at 3 in the morning
The ROTI cast in comparison to the rest of the casts are incredibly tight knit and go out of their way to meet up and keep in contact with each other. Anne Maria and Dawn are definitely the mom friends of the group.
Scott can be slimy, but he sure do loves his family a whole lot, and even though there's a lot of them, they're all really close. Initial reasoning to going back on TDAS was to help them cover what the entire family had given to get him to recover from being attacked by Fang
After a recording of a season is over (other than TDI), all contestants- former, current, the ones who aren't arrested- are all invited to stay at Playa Des Losers for a week (a shitty excuse to get all generations of cast members to interact to each other in my head...why yes)
The pinnacle of wealth to Scott was watching Shrek the Musical live and his first thought in what to do with the million in ROTI after the vague idea of investing in stocks was to bring all his family (and briefly in TDAS as a date with Courtney) to watch it
Duncan has a soft spot for Izzy. She's one of the only people who visit him while he's in prison. She drags along Team E-scope (+ Owen and Emma) to her visits sometimes
Shawn's first exposure to zombie related media was Plants vs Zombies. He has several sunflowers, pea plants, potatoes and a couple of walnut trees outside of his house that he says will mutate alongside the zombie virus pandemic to protect him. He owns and plays a lot of zombie video games in general alongside his huge collection of zombie movies and other zombie related media- other than PVZ, his favorite's The Last of Us
At Playa, Courtney and Gwen talk. It's one of the rare times Courtney owns up to her faults genuinely. And she tries to do the same thing with Scott but she can't bring herself to knock on his door. The prospect of things turning out like Duncan- even vaguely- made her blood grow cold.
Jo, Lightning and Brick meet Sky while they're hanging at Playa after the TDPI finale and chat her up while she seemed really down abt it all. After some chatting, a bit of insults thrown (thanks Jo), Brick's understanding sympathy, seldom seen empathy from Lightning, and a lot of racing and competing with each other, they become quite close. They keep in contact with each other afterwards- which is more than Sky can say about most of her relations on her own cast.
Speaking of; Sky keeps in contact with Ella, Jasmine (and since they're kind of a package deal, Shawn), oddly enough- though they weren't in the same team and didn't talk much on the island- Sammy, even more oddly enough Beardo- who she finds out just had a hard time opening up, and most oddly enough Leonard- who she finds out doesn't actually think he's a wizard and was just playing up one of his characters since he wasn't skilled in much anything else and wanted to see how far he got into the show with his whole wizard act. He even went out of his way to try it again alongside his friend Tammy in TDRR.
The small group does online DND campaigns that Sky occasionally joins in on in between juggling Olympic training, but they're mostly dominated by Sammy, Ella, Shawn, Beardo and some of Leonard's irl friends. Leonard DMs.
Eva knows how to crochet. Beth finds out in one of the Aftermath shows backstage, and they actually bond together over it. Well, after Eva threatens to kill her if she tells anyone
Courtney's really into musical theatre (won't admit to it but love West Side Story and Heahers). So are Mike (who's fav musical is Les Mis and Hadestown) and Ella (duh) (her favorite musical is Robert and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
Ella and Gwen are close cousins (as seen in TDR, but is otherwise not canon), and most are kind of shocked to find out. Ella would often bring up how Gwen would always gladly play the Evil Queen to her Princess when they were younger, where Gwen would retort by bringing up how bad Ella's tantrums were when she didn't agree.
The Best Friends subplot was scripted. Carrie is a lesbian, and Devin's aroace. A couple of d-list actors who also coincidentally are best friends
The Drama Network (as I'll call it) gets sued hard after Pahkitew airs. Not only for what happened in the season but a lot of prior incidents that weren't brought up in court- like Dakota's mutation, Scott being attacked by Fang, and the general endangerment of minors that happened in ROTI. Ditto with Pahkitew. Since TD was still a big hit, it didn't make much of a dent with the Network but still made it so they were weary of bringing the show back- which is why there hadn't been a new season for more than a decade in universe
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romanarose · 11 months
For the Longest Time: Bonus Chapter (Laci and Santi)
Santiago Garcia x Lacina Dumas.
Summary: Laci is supposed to go see a movie with Ben. Supposed to. A peak inside how Santia and Laci are doing.
Warnings: Just Benny being shitty. Fighting. Yelling.
Laci finished pouring extra oat milk into her pumpkin spiced latte, popping the lid on it. Usually, Laci didn’t have more than one cup of coffee a day as it made her anxious, but tonight she was staying up. “Hey baby.” She said to Santi as he cleaned up after dinner. “I’m going to sit on the porch while I wait for Benny.”
Today, Benny and Laci were going to the midnight premiere of Five Nights At Freddies, a movie based on a video game they loved. Laci spent hours watching Benny play it or watching youtubers play through and they were thrilled the movie was finally out. 
“Alright, would you like me to sit outside with you?” It was getting dark, and Laci didn’t like the dark.
“No, I’m okay, I’ll just use the screen door, okay?” 
“Okay baby, just let me know when you leave.”
“Of course!” 
Laci opened the main wood door and just had the screen door closed, that way Santi could hear her swinging on their porch swing. She was doing much better, making improvements all the time in what she was capable of, and Santi’s heart swelled with pride thinking of how far she’d come. He loved her, he loved her so fucking much it hurt sometimes…
That’s what made this rough patch so rough.
The two of them just haven’t quite been the same the last few months, and Santi just didn’t know why. It wasn’t bad, not compared to what Santi had seem between other couples, but it was unlike them. Santi wasn’t sure what he was doing wrong. He was certain there was something wrong; he wasn’t saying he was blameless. In fact, he was sure whatever was happening was his fault, not hers. He just… couldn’t pin point it.
And just what was happening? Sometimes, especially after spending the day with their friends, Laci would snap at him. She’d be short, sarcastic, maybe even a little rude… and he wasn’t sure why. She had always been his sweet girl, so kind and empathetic… but she wasn’t doing it to anyone else, so it must be his fault. He was trying harder to take care of her, to be there for her, but that just seemed to irritate her. Giving her space made her sad and nervous. Santi felt like he couldn’t do anything right. When he tried talking to her about it, or suggesting he go to one of her therapy appointments, she just shut down. Couldn't get a word out of her, verbal or signed. 
But he loved her, and he was still certain she loved him. There was not a doubt in his head that she loved him. So they were going to be okay. The reality of it was that Laci had been through 20 years of trauma that had only ended last year, and this was not something that would go away. She was going to have hard times, and he was going to be there for her. Nothing mattered to him more than Laci did.
It wasn’t all bad. In fact, it was mostly good, even still. They had been having a fun summer, and enjoying planning their wedding together. That made him happy, the fact she was so excited to be his wife made him fall more and more in love. It was going to be simple, in their backyard. Neither of them had any biological family left. Benny was her man of honor, Jana a bridesmaid, On Santi’s side, Will would be a groomsman and Frankie his best man. Rosie would be their flower girl, of course. For guests Laci would invite a few coworkers, Santi a couple military buddies. He’d sent an invite to Tom’s family, but doubted he’d get a  reply. They’d invited Marc and Bahar, friend’s they’d made on their trip to New York and of course Ben’s girlfriend, Alice and Will’s… Well, whatever Lorelei was.
She was still the primary source of joy in his life, someone who made him laugh, someone who comforted him, someone who cared for him and he cared for in return… And she was hot as all hell. The perfect women.
Laci storm inside, slamming the screen door.
“Hey munequita, you forget-”
“I’m not going.”
Santi set down the dishes he was putting in the dishwasher. “What? Why?” They’ve had tickets for a month.
“It’s fine, he just couldn’t make it, okay?” Her lip quivered and tears blurred in her eyes as she moved to their bedroom.
Santi followed after. He felt defensive of her; Benny had canceled 5 times this month for things he was supposed to do with Laci. “He couldn’t have figured that out before? He’s supposed to be picking you up!”
“Just drop it!” Laci slammed the door to their bedroom, and when he went to open it, he found it locked.
“Lace!?” He said with a panic, pulling at the handle. “Laci are you okay?” 
“Leave me alone!”
“What’s been going on with you!” Santi didn’t shout, but his voice was raised to project it through the door. “Why don’t you talk to me anymore!”
There was no response. Frustrated, but not wanting to invade her privacy especially in his high emotional state, Santi moved into the living room and pulled out his phone. He pulled up Ben’s contact.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Benny sighed on the other end. “I knew you’d call.”
“Damn right I’m calling! Why did you cancel again? Benny this is twice this week.”
“Santi just drop it.” Benjamin didn’t sound like himself either. He sounded tired. “I’m… sick, okay?”
Now that was bullshit. If Benny was sick, Laci would be asking him to drive her to CVS for medicine and going over to take care of him. She wouldn’t be crying, she’d be fretting with worry.
“Oh fuck off. What’s really going on?”
“Nothing, I’m just sick.” 
“You’re making her cry, Ben!” 
Beep beep, went his phone. Benny hung up.
Santi scrubbed his face, exhausted. Something had happened between them. Benny and Laci had been inseparable since the day they found her, Benny being the one who first got her to talk. They had been best friends ever since, but the last few months it seemed he was pulling away. From all of them, but especially Laci. Santi could tell how much it hurt her.
When he went back to the door, he heard soft crying below. Following the sound, Santi figured out she was laying on the floor as she cried. Santi laid down on his side.
“I’m right here, Lace. Whenever you need me.”
A small set of fingers peaked out from the crack under the door, and Santi gently entangled his with hers. They laid there for a while as Laci sobbed, Santi’s heart hurting for his fiance, wanting to hold her proper.
After a little, she spoke. “Alice doesn’t want Benny alone with me anymore…”
Of course. Of course it had to do with that bitch, Alice.
“Can I hold you munequita?
Shuffling came from her side and Santiago stood up. When the door opened, and he saw her red blotchy face, Santi took her in his arms tightly. 
Laci explained that Benny had been canceling because Alice had an issue with how much they hung out, that Alice accused him of cheating. She thought it was insane to go to a dark movie theater alone with her. Since the movie was sold out, she couldn’t go with them and got mad. Alice laid down a hard and fast rule that Laci and Benny couldn’t be alone together anymore. Santi was furious at Ben for being such a coward, for backing down so easily over his best friend, but this wasn’t the time. Laci’s head rested on his chest and Santiago played with her hair. It had gotten longer. She wanted length for the wedding. For his part, Santi had grown out his beard. He’d shave it for the wedding, but right now she liked the salt and pepper facial hair.
“Come on, let me take you to Five Nights at Freddy’s.” He said, coaxing her to look up at him. “If we leave now, we can still make it with all the adds they play.”
She looked a little confused. “You don’t like horror movies…”
“Oh sweetheart…” Taking her face in both his hands, he kissed her forehead before looking down at her pretty, wet, blue eyes. “I’d do anything for you. Absolutely anything. You have to know that, don’t you? Going to a movie is nothing, not when I’d get the moon if you asked.”
She dodged his eyes for a moment. “I don’t want you to watch something you hate.”
He swore up and down he wouldn’t hate it, horror just isn’t usually a genre he liked. Laci promised to make it up to him by letting him show her an Army movie. She’d even allow him to talk during the whole movie to tell her how unrealistic it was. In return, Laci explained all the lore of FNAF before the movie. They made it just in time.
That night as they lay in bed, Laci still wired from the coffee and Santi wired from the movie (how did she and Ben fall asleep to those movies?), Santi held her in his arms as he kissed through her hair.
“Do you still want to marry me?” Laci asked abruptly.
This shocked Santi enough to make him pause before turning on the bedroom light and sitting up. 
The lamp illuminated behind her, making her big ears that had hair tucked behind them stand out even more, but the worry-stricken expression was evident. 
“Baby… Laci, mi amor, why would you ask me that?” He was more confused than ever.
Tears welled up in her eyes again. “I know I’ve been… I’ve been mean lately… I don’t know why but it’s like the more I trust to stop the more frustrated I get… I just feel so angry lately and I’ve been taking it out on you and it’s not fair.”
“Oh, my perfect girl…” Santi rushed to hold her, drawing in her body to his arms in a tight squeeze. “Of course I still want to marry you, you are my joy, you are my greatest source of pride, you’re my heart and soul. Baby I love you, I adore you, and I want to spend the rest of our lives waking up next to you.”
“But, I haven’t been nice.” She sobbed, wetting his shirt in her tears.
“You don’t have to be nice all the time. You’ve been through things I can never imagine. Youre going to be angry sometimes.”
“But I shouldn’t take it out on you!” Laci insisted.
Santi wanted to say it was okay, he wanted to tell her she could… but that’s not what she needed.
“We’ll work on it together, baby, okay? You and me. Like we always do. You and me.”
Santiago let her cry into his arms for a while and she wore herself out, getting tired enough to lay down again and try to sleep. He kept her close.
As she drifted off to sleep, Laci kissed his bearded jaw. “You and me. It’s gonna be okay.” She sounded like she was reassuring herself. “Everything is gonna be okay.”
: ( they are struggling. But it's normal for couple to have some downs, and at least they are aware now. Laci struggling with losing Ben, who is supposed to be her man of honor. Benny.... come on.
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
15 Questions for 15 People
@locke-n-k3y thanks for the tag :] ah hm tbh I feel like my answers for these might be a bit boring but let's see...
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! (Referring to my legal name- which I still use), I was named after a character from the soap opera "General Hospital" haha.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last week lol- which was... The first time in a couple months? It was nice but not enough.
3. Do you have kids?
Absolutely not. Never lol.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Never did any sports outside of gym class! Not formally, anyways. I do workout (mostly strength/weight training) fairly regularly... But I don't think that really counts here lol. :0 Been thinking a lot lately about picking up boxing.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yup! irl I often go for a sort of deadpan delivery of my sarcasm- what I've learned from other people is that I'm a little too good at that (I sometimes say very ridiculous things very convincingly). I won't usually specify unprompted that I'm being sarcastic, but you're always welcome to ask. Not as sarcastic online in general, however.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Irl? Hmm. Hard to say. Maybe: eyes, voice, posture.
Online? Typing/texting style I suppose!
7. What's you're eye color?
Dark brown 👁
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Not mutually exclusive lol. But, happy endings. I don't "dislike" tragedies but I'm not actively drawn to them either.
9. Any talents?
HM. I mean obviously I have things I'm good at but I'm never quite sure what differentiates a "talent" from a "skill". I suppose a lot of friends have said something to the effect of me being "good at reading minds" haha- also "good at explaining things" which is debatable but sweet lol.
10. Where were you born?
Halifax! Which I feel fine saying cause I haven't lived there for a long time lol. A foggy fishing city that I miss even now.
11. What are your hobbies?
I guess a large chunk of what I do on this blog counts as hobbies? Writing (whether it's fiction or analysis or shitposts), drawing, audio clipping and editing apparently (though much of that I just keep to myself- same for drawing tbh). :] I've also gotten into making iron-on patches. Tabletop and video games for sure but... Neither as much as I'd like these days. I tend to collect a lot of things as well- most notably coins.
12. Do you have any pets?
I've had MANY pets of many different species- but currently just my cat Bok! I do tend to take care of my older sister's bunny a lot too though.
13. How tall are you?
5'4, which all my 6'0 friends love teasing me over 😒. I've been told that I "seem taller from the way [I] carry myself", however. (Despite everything, I'm actually fine with my height!)
14. Favorite subject in school?
When I was completing my bachelor's (in computer science) I was particularly drawn to graphics-related stuff! In highschool my fave was definitely drama haha (gee I miss it tbh).
15. What is your dream job?
I HAVE NO IDEA no idea and that's kind of my issue rn tbh. Plenty of things that seem interesting, but I don't think I'm the kind of person who could have the same job for my whole life, no matter how perfect it is. I'll presumably end up in something programming-related eventually, though it's not what I'm looking for now. OH OKAY ACTUALLY dream job? Probably doing video essays (or possibly let's plays) on Youtube haha.
15 PEOPLE IS A LOT OF PEOPLE TO TAG AND I ALWAYS FEEL SO SHY TAGGING PEOPLE IN GAMES and I have no idea who's been tagged already ahaha UM NO PRESSURE WHATSOEVER!!! @llumimoon @happi-tree @kaseyskat @abeinginsand @nolassolace @goldturnedgray @swiffin @insomaniiiac @meiwks @calamity-unlocked @coolfire333 @supremely-unsupervised @b1gwings @giraffeskull There! 15! Tried to get a few new people in there lol. But fr no stress!
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heartofhubris-a · 1 year
Hello, as you are the top Harding blog...any HC you'd like to share? No problem if not, but a "hardy" congratulations anyway 👏
Ahhh thank you!! I've got a couple small ones, but as always, these are my own personal HCs!
He's a closed toed crocs truther. Originally, Harding swore by clogs that most doctors used, but it only took one time in the foam for him to realize that he was wrong on insisting on just the wood ones. He likes them well enough, but the comfort made the last 30 minuets of the surgery (closing up) a breeze. Plus cleaning and care are much easier.
Sex positive ace. He's a sexual through and through and never through anything of it because he's biromantic.... if he was introduced throughly to those terms. But, he's got Mar, and he really doesn't care if people are sexually attractive, since he wouldn't go after them anyway.
Low support autistic - type a or autistic, idc. He's so strict on the rules, so through on his reads and memories, his routines. Harding excels in social situations, meaning he never cared to think if he was autistic or not. The way he was was idealized in his field and family, so he simply thought himself playing his role - quite happily at that
One day post s1, Harding says something untold to Sung infront of Fran and within 30 seconds she swooped him away and was just "Harding!! Why??" Leading to his confusion, dismissal of Fran, and moving on. Until he mentioned it to Martha and she kind of hesitated, Harding asked why. Martha was slow to say "You do say racist things, dear. I think you should take Fran up on the class." And he does and though he never apologized to Sung, he does end up treating Sung much more like he does in the book - with some respect.
The only way Harding asks for support is in the middle of the night when he can't sleep and he slides into his partners arm. In the daylight, the best he would do is a tight squeeze of hand, and his smile only slightly more genuine.
He started the embroidered lab coats. He was made fun of for 3 months for the idea. Patients loved them. Hardijg once again pointed out the sanitary cost and the customization costs being roughly equal anyway. The lab coat became a right of passage. (He still has his first attempts)
If Harding really likes someone, he won't bring them to the bar or get to know them. He won't have lunch/dinner. He won't go to a Cafe. If he really wants to offer his emotions to someone, if he wants to really invite them close, he brings them to a park. If they're distracted by the bird calls naturally, he invites them into birding. If he has to invite them and they're excited, they're instructed on good sites and books. If they're dismissive, Harding doesn't treat them negatively, but he's certainly judged them harsher l.
He will openly and willingly teach anyone anything they'd like to know - providing they show humility. If they refuse to relinquish their pride, he will ensure they are treated to the highest of his standards.
What's modern media? Aka Harding just. Doesn't care to watch TV and media; he will watch instructional videos and he is not illiterate on technology, but don't ask him to summarize the most recent (Harding checks notes.) Game of thrones? Wait that's been off air for how many years?
When Harding was a young man, he had a very close friend. They'd been friends for nearing a decade when Harding was told suddenly by his wife the unthinkable. Due to stress at work and his life, he had taken his own life. Harding couldn't attend the funeral, but he did send the widow enough money from his funds to pay for the funeral and her own life for the year after his pension ran dry. To this day, Martha and he travel to see her and their children every year in that very month, as well as both deciding to send gifts for his three sons, and Christmas cards.
Martha was infertile. Harding, for his own merit, didn't have good faith in his own ability. When Martha told him her state, he laughed on accident, before very quickly explaining why. She was extatic, but they refused to foster as his job was too severe, and her career was too important to her.
Harding (book moreso) doesn't particularly care for alcohol. TV Harding isn't a huge fan but he likes to relax due to the first shot or two, but doesn't like how he feels after that.
Medical Marijuana? He's fucking THERE FOR IT.
Speaking of: harm reduction entered his vocabulary once and never left. Harding never wants someone to turn to drugs to dealjust with life, but fuck. Harding is going to encourage every damn oppuritinty to get someone better. He will encourage you if you succeed, and be extremely firm, though not hurtful, if you fail. He'd be there to remind someone of sobriety.
"A couple small ones" I claimed.
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I'm sooooo in love with him
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
seth (finally) gets what he deserves (seth lives kefu style)
for all that seth claimed he wanted to leave palmetto, he found leaving really hard. he may or may not have ended up drunk on wymack’s couch one time. he’s down the road in columbia as a trainee social worker; he feels so out of his depth, it’s harder than he thought to see these kids in the worst situations imaginable and parents who just refuse to fucking learn.
he’s started confronting the fact he grew up around a shit tonne of prejudice and that he’s been a dick to people who have stood beside him. he knows he’s made progress when allison - who’s become a bizarre sort of friend - reveals she’s dating renee, a trans woman, and he doesn’t feel the disgust he used to. he’s genuinely happy for her and happy she’s moved on from the unhealthy shit they had together. it probably hurt both of them more in the long run than any kind of enjoyment that had at the time would let them believe. again, he’s maturing.
he ends up with a lot of lgbt kids on his caseload and begins to really hate himself for being just like people who’ve hurt these kids. parents and siblings who acted like he did that have hurt them, made them runaway or even hurt themselves. his mentor, carmen, is a very brusque older black woman who tells him it’s in the past. he needs to leave it behind and recognise the fact he doesn’t do it now and actively hates it as progress. matt comes down every couple of weeks and they work out together. seth rants about all of this. he’s so fucking angry and matt’s just smiling. when the rant is over, matt just says he’s proud of seth. seth tells him to fuck off.
there’s one particular case that seth cant get his mind off of. he knows he should do what carmen says and just leave the cases at the desk but seth just cant. dante is twelve year old who is so fucking angry at the world because of how its treated him and everything he’s seen. every placement seth finds for dante lasts no longer than 3 weeks and time and time again they end up at the office, dante with his singular bag in tow and pissed off expression firmly on his face. one night, they cant place him at all and seth resigns himself to a night in the office with this now thirteen year old.
“god, you little asshole. maybe i’d be able to sleep if it wasnt for you,” seth sighs at one point, entirely exhausted. dante just genuinely laughs for the first time since seth has known him.
dante eventually just refuses to speak to anyone other than seth. the next morning, he’s refusing the singular placement the entire team have been able to find. seth’s like fuck it, and becomes his temporary foster parent. dante lives with seth for two weeks, and seth has no clue how to be a parent, but dante doesn’t care. he has a bed and a door that locks (andrew hands seth a lock that weekend in columbia - something thats become a tradition for all of the foxes from the canon year to attend. he just goes ‘for the kid. trust me.’ and seth does it without question. he and dante work together to screw it to the inside of his bedroom door), food and clothes. some dude that will play video games with him and call him a loser and buy his favourite foods and doesn’t expect him to be polite or ‘normal’. he promises seth he’ll try at his next home. it sort of breaks seth’s heart because he’s fairly certain the issue is the foster parents, not this damaged kid who reminds him of a fox in almost every way.
it lasts six months before dante runs away. he shows up at seth’s house with a black eye and a duffel bag, and a nonchalant attitude that is entirely fake. he begrudgingly tells seth the foster father found out he’s gay and ‘didn’t like it’. seth wants to kill him. dante is 13 and a grown man has raised his hand to him because what? he likes boys? fuck that. when dante is in bed that night, seth gets the closest to relapsing he’s been in years. he didn’t know dante was gay and it doesn’t fucking matter at all. he’s so fucking angry at the world and at his past self. there isn’t an ounce of disgust directed towards dante but seth is too fucking mad to see that for the progress it is. after a text to matt, he passed out on the sofa, exhausted from sheer anger. matt arrives then next morning to help them both out for a couple of days and seth realises he has a fucking family.
seth is still fuming the next morning and isn’t going to hide it. he makes it very clear it’s not directed at dante, though. dante is touched at how angry seth is about this. because it’s on his behalf, and in his defence. and the fact that seth allows him to see that anger, and that this isn’t okay. dante hasn’t had that before.
after that point, seth becomes dante’s long term foster parent. he sits dante down and offers to have him live with him until he ages out of the system. the ball is entirely in dante’s court. dante thinks seth is mad if he thinks theres anyway he’d pass up on that offer. seth is the best thing that’s ever happened to him and he tells him as much. it’s the first time in as long as seth can remember that he cries in front of someone else. dante is stunned and in awe of the sheer vulnerability of this scary looking asshole. dante is so fucking glad he doesn’t have to leave.
lilly devi is a bad ass family lawyer who’s been on the edge of seth’s social circle for years. a proud south asian trans woman with deep purple hair, a range of facial and body piercings and cochlear implants she takes off as soon as possible - shes about as unlikely a lawyer as seth is a social worker. shes close with renee and allison and comes to seth when a bunch of allegations about a foster parent appear on her desk. it turns out dante was just one in a line of kids abused by the same man. seth spends that night at the gym with matt, furiously working out until he can no longer think about how broken the system is.
lilly seems to keep her cool while dealing with the case. seth cant understand it - he’s still so fucking angry (something matt and dan seem to find weirdly endearing when they had dinner together?) - but he can appreciate her hard work. with minimal disruption to dante’s new, calm life, lilly navigates a successful motion to remove the bastards fostering licence and hands over the evidence she’s collected to the criminal courts. it’s out of their hands now but it’s been so swift and successful that seth is slightly in awe of this woman.
lilly swings by his office that night with a wicked grin. seth has privately thought shes stunning for a long time but hasn’t acknowledged it properly. it wouldn’t have been appropriate. besides, she knows about his shitty past attitudes.
but lilly surprised him.
“ren’s swinging by to see dante if you fancy a drink,” she says.
“to celebrate the case?” seth clarifies, a bit dumbfounded.
“as more, if you fancy. ball’s in your court,” she said, that grin still in place.
(for the record, dante has always thought lilly was a fucking badass and was thrilled when he found out they were dating)
(seth begins learning sign almost immediately. the first time he tells her he loves her, it’s in asl. it’s not lilly’s first language because of a shitty family who refused to learn for her but it is her preferred one. lilly gets down on one knee then and there, proposing with a random ring off her own finger. seth cherishes it forever)
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lyssiesleakedmemos · 8 months
Fuck with my head forever the Cullen Saga
If my friends or my better judgment had their way, the last time I spoke of Cullen would have been the last story he ever played a role in. But of all the addictions I've been able to quit.. he remains getting me high and making me sick.
I was only 20 when we severed contact the first time. There were no well wishes, no chance of reconciliation, just a war of words so ugly that it began to defy our own memories. He called me a "fat whore" like he didn't beg to be inside me a couple months prior when I was dating his notoriously heavyset friend. Meanwhile, me and a couple of friends were taking pictures mocking the try-hard poses Cullen and gang made in every photo like I didn't stare, longing at those shots once upon a time.
Young, dumb and angry.
I still thought of him from time to time in the 8 years of no contact. The more time that passed, the less anger I had in me to give to anything at all, let alone a person who felt like some twisted version of my first love.
I had Tinder for maybe 2 days in total before receiving a lifetime ban, one of my proudest accomplishments. In the most cursed version of "ment to be" in those couple days I took a little trip to my hometown and that's where i was given the option to swipe right or left on a too familiar face. Cullen was on my screen and I couldn't pass up the comedy of declaring my interest in "getting to know" someone who fucked me before an 8 year long cold war.
But we matched..
We're we both having the same laugh?
Except he messaged me, and he wasn't kidding, and at that moment, neither was I. There was kindness and mutual apologies for the version of each other we knew way back when. Kumbaya and all that, but the confessions of wanting a second shot at everything we did that drunken night poured out. It felt like 8 years of waiting for each other to do it all over again the right way. He was single, I was in an open relationship. I was on fire, but as soon as he ignited me, he smothered the flame in a vague. "I can't do this." I chalked it up to his continued friendship with my ex and understood despite the feeling of losing him again.
He returned to me months later, "fuck it I don't care let's do it." He suggested meeting halfway at a motel, sent me videos baring all even his face. He subscribed to my onlyfans. But everytime I was in town he'd stop replying. He kept finding any excuse to bring up how it had to be a secret and that's when the cracks started to form. One of his best friends Brian would always seemingly be present on his snap story or liking my Instagram posts every time we messaged back and forth. "So Brian knows?" I finally questioned. He quickly explained that he was so excited he had to tell someone. I didn't mind, I was never the one who demanded secrecy but the fact that he had been so adamant about it made it.. noteworthy. Also, had I been unknowingly sending nudes to 2 men? And if his goal was just to protect Walter's feelings.. why would he tell their mutual friend?
I started to ask questions and he punished me for it. He deleted me and blocked me.
I lost him again.
Then he came back all apologies, softer than he sounded ever before. It tugged on my already foolishly invested heart strings.  "No more games," He assured. He confessed to having a gf at one point, and that was why he had been so weird and bailed. At that point, it was the least upsetting answer it could have been after months of theorizing I was a pawn in a sick game.
Especially after finding out Walter was also subscribed to my only fans. Whether they all were meeting up and sharing their notes or simply all keeping the same kind of secrets from each other, I may never know.
One night, Cullen was struggling, and probably being out of options of who to turn to, he messaged me. It was such an intense feeling because it was the first time in so long that we had a conversation about anything other physical intimacy. I had been dying at that point for any sign he saw me as a human being, and when he thanked me the next morning, I had hope. But hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me.
I think it was around this time I first indicated to him I had feelings for him, and he was neither surprised nor scared off. He, of course, didn't indicate anything of the sort, I was neither surprised nor scared off.
But when I was in town he'd stop responding. Enough for me to ask if he ever had any real intention of seeing me..
"Idk sorry"
"Well maybe figure that out before you message me. This hurts because clearly I have feelings for you and don' feel the same"
I lost him again.
With one cold word.
Now you're not going to believe this.. but he came back, apologized, and was set on meeting up with me. I knew he hadn't changed this time, but I had. After losing someone who meant so much to me time and time again, I was prepared to do anything. I didn't care about GFs, the involvement of his friends, but least of all my dignity. I was always one drink away from texting him that I loved him and that he was a piece of shit. The years of head fucking had taken hold of me.
Nothing short of a gut punch could break the spell.
And he delivered.
I asked him what he even liked about me and if he thought he'd even like me as a person when we met up after noticing how little actual conversation he invested in me in what had now been years.
He left me on read.
I followed up.
He left me on read.
Him not loving me back never broke my heart but that shattered it.
I wrote him a long goodbye novel before deleting him from my life. My friends applauded me, as I'm sure you can imagine how sick of him they'd grown by this point.
And that was it.
Oh come on you know how this goes by now don't you?
He came back.. this time in the form of a renewed subscription to my onlyfans. Lurking, liking and not saying a word all in real time. He always knew how to make silence deafening. Always doing just enough to not be forgotten.
The thing is, I'm not stupid. After the first apology, I questioned everything and don't think there was a moment where I thought he was a good guy. Instead, I was just pathetic enough to play the game for the moments he was there. Even famously getting drunk and telling him to "fuck with my head forever" after directly referring to our situation as unrequited love.
A part of me got a sick kick out of being so shameless. There is always this pressure to be wanted, loved, and chased paired with an image that is so in control that everything feels nonchalant. Once, I became the fool part of me, reveled in the pressure being off and honesty being all that was left. I could say I loved someone who didn't even respect me. There was no expectation for me to keep my cool, covers blown, the human pyche is fascinating, and feelings aren't always dictated by logic.
Let's talk logic actually. Cullen and I seem fundamental as opposed as we could be. So much so that in my wildest fantasies, we were never a pair. I wear clown make up most days and read books about faeries fucking angels but the idea of us as a happy couple is too far removed from reality to even day dream of. I guess I always just wanted him to be something in my life, some other than a loss but you can't control life and even less Cullen.
I can say after enduring years of mind games, I'm finally angry atleast. Even in the dreams of him that still haunt me, I'm angry.
Maybe round 2 will become a reality but we drop the niceties and we hate fuck, the truest expression of the deranged combination of emotions always seemingly cut short. I tell him what a piece of shit he is and he uses the remaining undeserved power he has to make me fold anyway. He can fuck me like I'm nothing the whole time I'm insisting "I fucking hate you." 
It would make for a good story atleast.
But he'd have to respond to a message first so don't hold your breath on that one.
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canadiancryptid · 8 months
So, I did a poll like a month ago seeing if people wanted to know a little more about me, and then I forgot to actually do anything with it. Completely forgot what sort of things I was going to say but I have a couple things here.
9 People I'd Like to Know Better Game!
@msbadatnamingthings tagged me in a "get to know you better" game like 2 months ago that I kind forgot about. I had a few questions answered and then it just kinda got lost to the void of my drafts pile like so many other things. Sorry about that, but I'm remembering now!
last song: Deltarune the (not) Musical - The Field of Hopes and Dreams
favorite color: purple
last movie/last tv show: just finished The Ghost and Molly McGee :(
sweet/spicy/savory: savory
relationship status: single
last thing i googled: I think it was something about how the education system works in Minnesota. Trying to work on a fic around a certain character. Probably not hard to guess which one.
current obsession: Infinity Train never went away and likely never will, but I've recently been obsessing over Deltarune again
I also got a couple questions on the original poll from @keliana856! Finally getting to them! Whoo!
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1: Lake and the entire concept of the Mirror World. The entire concept is so interesting to me, and I feel like it really doesn't get talked about enough. We get the basic premise of how it works in Book 1, but other than that, most of it is left unexplained. We learn some more from Lake when she's talking to the Flecs and answering some of Jesse's questions, but that's about it. We don't even know if the existence of the Mirror World is connected to the Train or not. Its such a cool concept and I love thinking about it.
Lake is my favorite character in the whole show, BY FAR. Her story is amazing, her dynamic with Jesse is incredible, and her introduction and entire first episode were one of the best things I've ever watched. I love thinking about her complicated relationship with Tulip and what might happen if they ever saw each other again. The finale of Book 2 was the first show that made me immediately want to go on Ao3 just to see more of her adapting to life on Earth. I already loved the show, but Lake and her story were what cemented it as my favorite show.
2: I've always been a fan of the supernatural. Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, mythology, and to some extent Sci-fi. (Still love it, just think I generally prefer the other stuff) It's a lot of fun to think about and see explored in fiction. I was a huge fan of mythology and Rick Riordan's books as a kid, so seeing Percy Jackson being adapted into a show has been AMAZING. The movies were frankly terrible, but that's a rant on its own. Outside of that, I like stories with a mystery to solve and twists that you COULD have seen coming with what was provided but probably didn't. It's fun seeing how communities can come together to find secrets and discuss things. Found Family is another one of my favorite themes. Not sure I need much of an explanation there. It's just an amazing trope to see.
When it comes to video games, I love RPGs, metroidvanias, platformers and puzzle games. I play a lot of different types of games, but those are my favorites. I don't talk about it much on here, but I'm a programmer. I'm still learning, but making games is my DREAM. There are so many ways to tell a story through the medium that you can't get anywhere else. The interactive nature of a game allows for so much exploration of the characters and world at large, and I love it. Rather than just watching the story play out on screen, you get to be a part of it. I love games that get a little meta. Games that make the player a part of the story like Oneshot, Deltarune and Undertale. I like games that take the established mechanics of a game and make it a part of the world. Underhero is a game that does this well. Pretty much every part of the game has some in-universe explanation as you progress through the amazing story. The game is incredibly underrated; I highly recommend it.
So, yeah. When it comes to games, I love stories that embrace their nature as a game and make it a part of the world. Video games are truly unique among storytelling mediums, and I love seeing it used as such. You don't really see any other mediums doing things like that, but it's always cool to see.
In no particular order, some of my favorite stories recently have been: Infinity Train, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Gwenpool, Nimona, Spy x Family, Spiderverse, Fionna and Cake, Oneshot, Undertale, Deltarune, Underhero, Epithet Erased, and the Percy Jackson series as a whole.
I think that's it for now. If anyone has anything else they'd like to hear me talk about, my ask box is always open!
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eldritchsurveys · 6 months
If you had $10,000 dollars right now what would you do with it? >> Pay 3 months of rent and then just keep the remaining for whatever I want or need until it runs out. When was the last time you consumed alcohol? >> I don't remember. A couple of weeks ago?
Have you ever broken a bone? >> I have not.
What type of perfume do you use the most? >> I have some roll-ons from Demeter that I use day-to-day, and I also have my Thierry Mugler Alien dupe.
What book are you reading, currently? >> I am an Executioner: Love Stories by Rajesh Parameswaran. I like it a lot but the first two stories definitely ripped my heart out.
Are you interested in creative writing of any sort? >> Sure.
Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents? .
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feeling for one another? .
Can you ever see yourself and your ex back together? . Are any of your friends virgins? .
Who did you last go out to eat with? >> Sparrow.
Is your ex a complete loser? >> I'm far out of the phase of disparaging people I used to be entangled with. What does the shirt you’re wearing look like? Where did you get it from? >> I'm just wearing an undershirt.
Who is the funniest person you know? .
Do you say sorry first? .
What do you look like right now? >> What do you mean, what do I look like? A person?
Who’s bed were you on last? >> Mine. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? .
Do you like to cuddle? >> I love to cuddle in realmspace. Don't know if I'd like cuddling in meatspace -- first I'd have to find someone out here that I'd actually want to be that close to. That's hard enough.
Is sex on your mind more than 3 times a day? >> Oh, absolutely.
What were you doing an hour ago? >> I was pacing around my room to get some movement in whilst watching TikToks.
Do you like it up against the wall? >> Fucking? Are we talking about fucking? It's a great concept but in meatspace it can get a little uncomfortable, painful even, depending on exactly what kind of contact is happening.
Do you prefer girlfriend / boyfriend or friends with benefits? >> These particular dividing lines don't make any sense to me, so I can't say.
Are you smiling? >> I am not. But my face hurts because I was just smiling very goofily at a video of Matthew McConaughey making noises for three minutes straight that a tumblr mutual tagged me in. Why is he the way that he is 🖤
When did you last eat pizza? >> A couple of weeks ago? At least. Honestly, are things going the way you planned? >> What things? Not that it matters, I don't really plan in the first place.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? . Who did you spend your summer with last year? .
Did you wear what you are wearing today for a specific reason? >> The specific reason of it being comfortable, yeah. I chose these pants because I just got them yesterday at the thrift shop and I wanted to see how they fit. Which is perfectly, thank the gods. They're very soft, too, and they have pockets. Best five dollars I could have spent. What was the last thing you ate? >> Birds Eye brand veggie rotini (as in, the rotini is made from veggies) with marinara sauce. Put sundried tomatoes and bacon bits and crunchy onions in it too.
Are you taking this survey in a place other than your home? >> I am not.
Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? >> I wasn't allowed to, no. Ice cream trucks do exist where I currently live. One of them neighs, for some reason, and I'll always remember the time when I was in the middle of some ~play~ and that fucking neigh went off right outside my window. Definitely a mood shift...
What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? >> There's no way I can pick one event as Thee Most Traumatic. The "complex" in CPTSD is there for a reson.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? >> Of all the things we get up to in realmspace, having babies is not going to be one of them.
Don’t you hate it when your cell phone dies in the middle of a convo? . If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? .
Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? >> Sure, as long as I'm granted immunity from the law. Having to blow that 15k on bail or lawyers or court fees would suck.
Where was the last place you got completely wasted? >> Either J. Gardella's Tavern (RIP) or my house. Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store? >> I haven't.
Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? .
When was the last time you drank alcohol? What was it? >> This is probably one of those surveys that is actually 3 surveys shoved together into one. As stated, I don't remember exactly when, but I know it was a Pearsecco.
Do you like where you live? >> I don't much care for it.
Are you going to any concerts or festivals this summer? >> I don't know anything about this summer yet, it's only March.
Have you had sex with someone you weren’t married to? Someone you weren’t even dating? >> I have only had sex with people I wasn't married to. I have also had sex with plenty of people I wasn't dating. Are you under the age of 18? >> I am not.
Do you have a job? >> I do not.
Are you going to school still? Do you plan on going to college? >> I do not plan on going to college.
Are you overweight? >> I assume not.
Would you get married at 18? >> Well, I didn't.
Have you ever been so wasted, you couldn’t walk? >> I have not, strangely enough. I've been so high on dissociatives that I could barely walk, but I could walk. I just looked like a really fucked up robot.
What is the last thing that you got really excited over? . Any baby names you think you might name your future kids? .
When was the last time you had sex? >> In realmspace, a couple of days ago. In meatspace, uhh... 2017? The last time I had the kind of sex that actually involved like, taking clothes off and putting things in places was 2015.
Who did you last hang out with other then family? . Do you remember the last boy you texted? What was it about? .
If you could go back in time and change things, would you? .
Has anyone had their hand in your pants today? >> No.
Do you like your dad? How about your mom? .
Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? >> Both today and yesterday were just regular old days. I mean, yesterday I did go to the thrift store, which was different, but otherwise it was just... a day.
Do you have anything that belongs to your boyfriend/girlfriend? .
Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it’s over? .
Was your last kiss drunk or sober? >> Well, it certainly wasn't drunk.
What’s your favorite color? >> Yellow/gold. Do you drink? >> Infrequently.
Do you smoke? >> Not tobacco.
Ever had a black eye? >> I have not. I don't think.
When was the last time you slept in bed with a member of the opposite sex? Who was it? . Did your most recent kiss take place in/on a bed? .
Has anyone seen you naked in the last 6 months? >> Yeah, because I live with someone and I don't care about being unclothed around them. How would you describe your current relationship status? >> Well. My legal relationship status is married. I don't have much use for the concept of a "relationship status" otherwise.
Have you ever shared food/drink off the same plate/glass as someone you like? >> I mean, I've done that with several people, not because I was romantically interested in them but just because I'm cool with sharing food with people.
Have you ever had a valentine? .
Have your lips ever gone numb from kissing? >> This has not happened to me.
Last person to cuddle with? >> Can Calah, as usual.
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