#anstey case
horizon-verizon · 2 years
What is this bullshit that the fact that Rhaenyra has children born out of wedlock and yet heirs, will upset the stability of the kingdom? 🙄 As if there hadn't already been "bastards" in power in history or even named as heirs? 😂
Rhaenyra is already doubted to be an effective leader due to her gender. It's not only that, many lords and their male relatives do not wish to be directed by a woman, used to male authority and patriarchal privilege. So there is the fear that some will resist and actually rebel to remove her.
Rhaenyra, just by being a woman, already "threatens the stability of the realm".
We think of how Henry VIII felt about his daughters Mary I and Elizabeth I, how hard he wanted a male heir, and how many wives he got rid of and abused--he wanted to make sure that his lineage and dynasty would survive, and to do that was to ensure he got legitimate males. (He had a few male illegitimate children, but you know.)
Thus the other fear is that some lord(s) will take Aemond, Aegon, Helaena, and Daeron and any children they may have to use against Rhaenyra. So Rhaenyra would be forced to order their executions or kill them in battle.
I understand the initial fear and concern, but I can't really excuse how far it went with what Show!Alicent knew of Show!Rhaenyra, with they were supposed to know of each other because of *close friendship*, the fact that Rhaenyra could have also claimed that those lords were trying to make her commit kinslaying (Jane Grey was Mary I's very distant relative while Aemond and the rest are closer kin to Rhaenyra), and the fact these people had dragons.
Book!Rhaenyra was not afraid to use her dragon either, as we read about Vaemond and the Driftmark Claim (she got Daemon to decapitate him and fed the remains to Syrax).
I also reject judging women for the same action a man can take without similar consequence, reaction, or punishment.
Back to bastards. Because Rhaenyra is already a "liability", her introducing bastards into the mix would complicate things since some lords already do not want a female ruler. Bastards are unfavorable because they are believed to be inherently untrustworthy and evil (Faith of the Seven). 
By having bastards, she acts "unwomanly" and against the standards set for her gender--how can she be a good ruler?! 
As if Jaehaerys I didn't get enough of the lords and peasants to accept Targaryen sibling-sibling incest through manipulation and propaganda, or that there was a time in their pre-Alysanne history that a lord could rape one of his peasant's/vassal's newlywed wife [right of the first night], which does go against what the Faith official doctrine teaches about gender-equal fidelity.
Some have counterargued that the V boys aren't bastards at all because they were born accepted by Viserys, Corlys, and Laenor. Others bring up what you do and counterargue that bastards have always occupied higher positions of power or were allowed to according to their parents and relatives or else's needs and desires for power and resources.
In real life:
before the 1200s in France, England and Spain, it was being born to the right parents–whether they were married according to the Church’s doctrines and rules–that made a child seem more worthy of inheriting their parents’ lands, properties, and titles.
several early medieval kings – Charlemagne as an example– had concubines, mistresses, etc. who mothered children that were very much apart of these kings’ lineages.
there was also a real concern behind this was that kings can marry and annul/divorce a lot easier or how their parents’ resources could provide for the child’s future vassalages.
it wasn’t until more and more medieval lawyers used Church doctrines of marriage to draw up reasons for some illegitimate children to not inherit some lands and rights, such as the Anstey case of the 1160s (if you doubt this wiki page, look through its references listed below).
“There is very little evidence to suggest that an interest in keeping illegitimate children from inheriting noble or royal title outweighed political or practical considerations in the same way that the policing of illegal marriages sometimes did.” (The Wire)
The fact that these medieval lawyers can even use another precept to exclude “illegitimate” children for succession for other lords and ladies when before, illegitimate kids can and often inherited their parents’ right and properties (William the Conqueror) speaks to how immaterial and unreal legitimacy itself is. 
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docpiplup · 1 year
#JON SNOW FORTNIGHT EVENT 2023 @asoiafcanonjonsnow
DAY 10: ECHOES OF THE PAST 🗝️📜 (1/2) ->
Historical parallels with Medieval bastard Kings.
Nowadays, ‘bastard’ is used as an insult.
Being born to unmarried parents is largely free of the kind of stigma and legal incapacities once attached to it in Western cultures, but it still has echoes of shame and sin. The disparagement of children born outside of marriage is often presumed to be a legacy of medieval Christian Europe, with its emphasis on compliance with Catholic marriage law.
Yet prior to the 13th century, legitimate marriage or its absence was not the key factor in determining quality of birth. Instead, what mattered was the social status of the parents – of the mother as well as of the father. Being born to the right parents, regardless of whether they were married according to the strictures of the church, made a child seem more worthy of inheriting parents’ lands, properties and titles.
It’s not until the late 12th century that evidence for the exclusion of children from succession on the grounds of illegitimate birth first appears. ‘Bastard’, as we now understand it, began to emerge here.
Importantly, this shift in the meaning and implications of illegitimacy did not arise as an imposition of Church doctrine. Instead, ordinary litigants began exploiting bits of Church doctrine to suit their own ends. Perhaps the earliest signs of this can be found in the annals of English legal history, with the Anstey case of the 1160s. This might have been the first time an individual was barred from inheriting because her parents had married illegally. And it happened not because the Church intervened, but because one clever plaintiff figured out how to exploit some scraps of theological doctrine. After that time, more and more plaintiffs began to do the same.
For example, towards the end of the 12th century, a regent countess of Champagne rushed to make use of an allegation of illegitimate birth against her nieces, in an effort to secure her son’s succession. Daughters could inherit in this region, and so these sisters did have a claim to the county once ruled by their late father. But the regent countess denounced the sisters as the product of an illegal marriage and therefore not legitimate heirs of their father. The strategy worked in that both daughters did eventually renounce their claims to the county, but not without first obtaining a great deal of money, enough to make them both extremely wealthy. As this suggests, the papacy had a far more passive role than is often imagined.
As bastardy began to acquire its modern meaning, in the early 13th century, it remained the case that the papacy focused on the regulation of illicit unions rather than the exclusion from succession or inheritance of those born to illicit unions. Hatred of illicit sex did trump dynastic politics on occasion. Hatred of the children born to such unions did not. There is very little evidence to suggest that an interest in keeping illegitimate children from inheriting noble or royal title outweighed political or practical considerations in the same way that the policing of illegal marriages sometimes did.
Understanding the changing meanings of bastardy helps us to arrive at a clearer picture of the workings and priorities of medieval society before the 13th century. Society then did not operate subject to rigid Christian canon law rules. Instead, it measured the value of its leaders based on their claims to celebrated ancestry, and the power attached to that kind of legitimacy. To be sure, marrying legitimately certainly received a good deal of lip service throughout the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, in this pre-13th-century world, the most intense attention was paid not to the formation of legitimate marriages, but to the lineage and respectability of mothers. Only beginning in the second half of the 12th century did birth outside of lawful marriage begin to render a child illegitimate, a ‘bastard’, and as such potentially ineligible to inherit noble or royal title.
Well, George R.R. Martin has been using real life historical events as an inspiration for creating the lore of A Song of Ice and Fire, more concretely English and Western Late Medieval Europe history for Westeros, and it was precisely in the Late Middle Ages when the legal situation for bastards worsened by reinforcing marriage and legitimacy laws, reinforcing concubinates to disappear and laws to avoid any kind of polygamy.
In Westerosi society there's the stigma that comes from being born as a bastard, they're said to be born from lust, lies, and weakness, and as such, they are said to be wanton and treacherous by nature, and although they could get some prominent position either in the Citadel, the Kingsguard, Night's Watch or the Faith, they are generally discriminated by other Westerosi (except in Dorne, where there's tolerance towards bastards) and they rarely inherit his father's titles nor become kings. In the Asoiaf lore, there's recording of a bastard of a Bracken and a Blackwood, Benedict Waters, who founded the House of Justman and became King of the Trident as Benedict I; as well as Alyn Velaryon, a Velaryon bastard who was legitimised and became Lord of the Tides after The Dance of Dragons.
Till the events of the published books, Jon has reached the position as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and King Beyond the Wall in all but in name, two positions he has been chosen for.
But he would not have the possibility to inherit any title as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North/King in the North as a bastard, unless someone legitimised him, like Robb did in his Will. Jon has the chance of standing as a candidate for the Northern Succession Council after defeating the Boltons.
So, if The North stays away from the Iron Throne, Jon would be a good candidate for Lord of Winterfell and King in The North, but the question is... Is there any historical example of bastards who became kings?
Yes, there are, and in this meta we're going to down through history and remember those kings. This list probably doesn't include all of the bastard kings, just a selection, if you know about some more, feel free to share it.
The most common concept for bastardy is a child born of parents who were not married when the child was born, so firstly we'll list a few kings who are included in that group, as we consider Jon as Eddard Stark's bastard or Rhaegar and Lyanna's.
Their circumstances in which those kings got to throne are diverse, but we'll get into them searching for any simmilarities between Jon's story and their lifes.
Let's start, the list is on chonological order, and we'll notice that after the 13th century the amount of bastard kings is less, like we cited at the beginning of this meta.
8th Century
-> Mauregato I of Asturias (719-788), who reigned during the late 8th century, between 783 and 788, and was the son of Alfonso I of Asturias and a Muslim concubine or servant named Sisalda. He took the throne when the nobility had declared his nephew Alfonso II of Asturias as Silo's successor, although he probablyhad support of some parts of the nobility. He wed Creusa and had a son with her, Hermenegildo. Bermudo I was elected as King of Asturias after Mauregato died.
The identity of Mauregato's mother is a bit unclear, but her being a Muslim servant is considered a common statement, so his parents followed religions, Christianism and Islam, like Rhaegar and Lyanna, the Faith and the Old Gods.
Plus as happened to Mauregato, Jon may have some problems of nobles in the Northern Great Council because he's bastard and the other candidates would have support for being legimate, although they are kids, they would need a regent, that could be beneficial for them to control the North if they want to, but maybe some other members of the Council suggest or support Jon as their leader.
11th Century
-> Ramiro I of Aragon (1006/7-1063), natural son of Sancho III of Pamplona and Sancha de Aybar. His father Sancho splited his domains and passed down one of them to his sons; from the offspring she had with his wife Muniadona of Castile: García III inherited the Kingdom of Pamplona, Ferdinand I of Leon inherited the county of Castile and Gonzalo inherited the counties of Ribagorza & Sobrarbe; and Ramiro received the county of Aragon, and he annexed the counties of Ribagorza & Sobrarbe Gonzalo died. He unified the three counties to create the Kingdom of Aragon. His relationship with his siblings was complex, due to the rivalry between them for their kingdoms, initially Ramiro tried to conquer Pamplona but he was defeated by García III, and later Ramiro allied with García and his son Sancho IV against Ferdinand I.
His reign lasted 28 years.
Ramiro married Ermesinda of Foix and Agnes of Aquitaine, their offspring was: Sancho I of Aragon & V of Pamplona, Sancha, García, Urraca and Theresa, and he had a son named Sancho out of wedlock.
-> Magnus I " the Good" of Norway and Denmark (1024 - 1047), son of Olaf II of Norway and English concubine named Alvhild. His reign lasted 12 years. When he was 4 year old, his father was dethroned by Cnut the Great, and then his family travelled through other courts seeking shelter but finally they stablished in at the court of the Grand Prince Yaroslav I of Novgorod, where he grew up, was trained as a warrior and was educated in Old Russian and  Greek. Olaf was killed when he reurned to Scandinavia to fight for the throne. When Cnut left for England wife Ælfgifu and their son Svein as regents, Magnus and his supporters return to Norway and he was proclaimed king of Norway. Another son of Cnut, Harthacnut of Denmark, reclaimed Norway, but after Harthacnut died Magnus took his kingdom, but he had to face another pretender Sweyn II, Cnut's nephew, whom Magnus battled against using his father's battle axe, Hel, and he was successful, but died, and Sweyn II succeeded him as King of Denmark and Harald III as King of Norway.
-> William I the Conqueror (1028-1087), illegitimate son of Duke Robert I of Normandy and Herleva of Falaise. He was duke of Normandy and conqueror and king of England.
He started the conquest of England after his cousin, Edward the Confessor died without issue, and Harold II inherited the English throne, but he was defeated and William became the first king of England of the House of Normandy.
William and his wife Matilda of Flanders had 9 children: Robert I of Normandy, Richard, William II of England, Henry I ofEngland, Adelaide, Cecily, Matilda, Constance and Adela .
William seems to be the inspiration for Aegon I the Conqueror and his bastard brother Orys Baratheon, but he could have in common with Jon in becoming kings after their cousins died without issue (i.e. Robb) and having to defeat someone else to become kings, i.e. Jon helping Stannis to defeat the Boltons.
-> Harald III "Hen" of Denmark (1040-1080), illegitimate son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine, Thora.
After Sweyn II died, Harald got elected over his brother Cnut by an assembly, and faced opposition from his brothers during his reign. He ruled over 6 years, he's known to be a peaceful ruler and introduced some monetary and legal reforms like substituting trial by combat or trial by ordeal and replace it with avsystem used by the English of calling upon honorable men to swear oaths on behalf of the parties in a trial.
Harald was married to his cousin Margareta Hasbjörnsdatter, but did not leave any heirs, and was succeeded by his brother Canute IV.
-> Cnut IV "the Holy" of Denmark (1040-1086), illegitimate son of Sweyn II of Denmark with an unknown concubine. He succeeded his brother Harald.
Cnut is considered an ambitious and strict king, ruled during 6 years, limited the power of the nobility, gave great concession and donations to the Church, and took the property of a great quantity of common land for himself or the Church. He raided England a few times and created a fleet to invade it, since he considered William I an usurper, but on his way to lead the invasion, he was killed during a peasant revolt.
After he died, he was succeeded by his brother Olaf I of Denmark.
Cnut married Adela of Flanders. They had three children: Charles I of Flanders and the twin sisters Cæcilia and Ingerid. Ingerid's descendants, the House of Bjelbo, would ascend to the throne of Sweden and Norway and Canute IV's blood returned to the Danish throne in the person of Olaf II of Denmark.
->Olaf I "Hunger" of Denmark (c. 1050 – 1095) illegitimate son of Sweyn II of Denmark with an unknown concubine.
In his early years he was set aside and mistreatred and exiled by his brothers, who Ferrer he could be a political rival against them.
He succeeded his brother Cnut IV, and his reign lasted 9 years, that were plagued by several consecutive years of crop failure and famine.
Olaf married Ingegard of Norway, they didn't have any offspring, so he was succeeded by his brother Erik I.
11th Century/12th Century
-> Erik I " Evergood" of Denmark (c. 1060 – 1103), illegitimate son of Sweyn II of Denmark with an unknown concubine.
When he was young he was a supporter of his brother Cnut IV. After Olaf died, Erik was elected as new king.
Erik reign lasted 8 years, he was well liked by people, he was considered a strapping young man and a good speaker and diplomat, and ruthless towards pirates and robbers. Erik had a reputation as a loud man who liked parties, and even killed four of his men while he was drunken during one of his parties, and so he procced to go on pilgrimsge to Holy Land, journey in which he died. His brother Niels succeeded him.
Erik married Boedil Thurgotsdatter and had one legitimate son with her, Canute Lavard, father of Vademar I of Denmark. Eric had four children out of wedlock, Erik II of Denmark, Benedict, Harald Kesja and Ragnhilde, mother of Erik III of Denmark.
-> Niels I of Denmark (c. 1065 – 25 June 1134) illegitimate son of Sweyn II of Denmark with an unknown concubine. He was the last son of Sweyn to become king.
He was described as mild and forthcoming, though not a competent ruler.
Niels married Margaret Fredkulla, and had two children with her, Inge Nielsen and Magnus I of Sweden. He had a daughter born out of wedlock, Ingerd of Denmark.
During the majority of Niels' reign, 30 years, Denmark had internal peace, only broken when his son Magnus was forced from the Swedish throne and a conflict erupted between Magnus and his cousin Cnut Lavard, due to his popularity. After Magnus slew Cnut, Erik II took his brother's place in the conflict, and Niels supported Magnus.
Niels and Magnus died during the civil war and Erik II became king of Denmark.
-> Erik II "the Memorable" of Denmark (c.  1090– 1137 ), illegitimate son of Eric I of Denmark with an unknown concubine.
Erik the Memorable rebelled against his uncle Niels, and was declared king in 1134.
He punished his adversaries severely, and rewarded his supporters handsomely, as he was considered a harsh and unpopular ruler, he only ruled Denmark 3 years. He was killed by a subject in 1137 and was promptly succeeded by his nephew Erik III of Denmark.
Erik married Malmfred of Kiev, they had no issue, but Erik had a son with his concubine Thunna, Sweyn III of Denmark.
12th Century
-> Sweyn III of Denmark (1125-1157), illegitimate son of Erik II of Denmark and a concubine named Thunna.
He was elected king after Erik III of Denmark abdicated.
In 1154, Sweyn was overthrown by an alliance between Canute and Valdemar, who was crowned Canute's co-ruler as Valdemar.
This prompted the Danish magnates to force through a tripartition of the kingdom into Jutland, Zealand, and Scania. Sweyn chose first, and was made the ruler of Scania.
After that Sweyn organised apeace banquet, in which Sweyn planned on killing his two co-rulers, and succeeded in having Canute killed, but Valdemar escaped. After that Valdemar and Sweyn battled, Sweyn was killed while he was scaping from the battle. Valdemar I was proclaimed king of all Denmark.
Sweyn married Adela of Meissen, daughter of Conrad, Margrave of Meissen, and Luitgard of Ravenstein. They had two children Erik and Luitgard, who married Berthold I of Istria.
->Tancred I of Sicily ( 1138 – 1194), or Tancred of Lecce, illegitimate son of Roger III, duke of Apulia, eldest son of Roger II of Sicily, and his mistress Emma of Lecce.
Tancred was born in Lecce and inherited the county from his grandfather.
With his bastard uncle Simon plotted to remove William II, legitimate son of Roger II, but failed and went to exile.
Years after, Tancred returned to Sicily he swore fealty to his aunt Constance I as William II's heiress, Tancred rebelled and was crowned as King of Sicily. Constance I and her husband the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV fought against Tancred. Tancred died during the war after 5 years of reign, and was briefly succeeded by his son William III, who was soon captured and executed by orders of Henry IV.
Tancred had married Sybilla of Acerra, an their children were: Roger III, William III, Elvira, Constance, Medania and Valdrada.
13th Century
->Manfred I of Sicily (1232 – 1266), natural son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II with Bianca Lancia, legitimised later by his father.
Manfred became regent over the kingdom of Sicily on behalf of his nephew Conradin. As regent he subdued rebellions in the kingdom, until in 1258 he usurped Conradin's rule. After an initial attempt to appease Pope Innocent IV he took up the ongoing conflict between the Hohenstaufens and the papacy through combat and political alliances. He defeated the papal army at Foggia. Manfred was excommunicated by three successive popes, Manfred was the target of a Crusade called by the Popes Alexander IV and Urban IV.
Urban received the help of Charles of Anjou in overthrowing Manfred. Manfred was killed during his defeat by Charles at the Battle of Benevento, and Charles became King of Sicily as Charles I after having executed Conradin.
Manfred had married Beatrice of Savoy and Helena Angelina Doukaina, their children were Constance II of Sicily, Beatrice, Henry, Anselm and Frederick. He also had an illegitimate daughter, Flordelis.
His daughter Constance II married Peter III of Aragon, and with their supporters in the island of Sicily fought against Charles I, who, of the whole kingdom (the Kingdom of Sicily in that period was formed by Naples and the island of Sicily) now controlled only Naples, and Constance II and her children gained Sicily, that later became part of the Crown of Aragon, and their descendants Kings of Aragon annexed Naples some generations later, and Naples and Sicily were ruled by the same king again under the reigns of Alfonso V and his nephew Ferdinand II of Aragon & his descendants.
14th Century
-> Henry II "the Fratricidal" of Castile (1334-1379), or Henry of Trastámara, illegitimate son of Alfonso XI of Castile and his mistress Leonor de Guzmán.
Henry was the fourth of ten illegitimate children of King Alfonso XI of Castile and Eleanor de Guzmán, a great-granddaughter of Alfonso IX of León. He was born a twin to Fadrique Alfonso, Lord of Haro, and was the first boy born to the couple that survived to adulthood.
At birth, he was adopted by Rodrigo Álvarez de las Asturias. Rodrigo died the following year and Henry inherited his lordship of Noreña. His father later made him Count of Trastámara and lord over Lemos and Sarria in Galicia, and the towns of Cabrera and Ribera, which constituted a large and important heritage in the northwest of the peninsula. It made him the head of the new Trastámara dynasty, a bastard branch from the Castilian branch of House Burgundy.
Alfonso XI gave Eleanor many titles and privileges for their children. This caused discontent among many of the noblemen and in particular the queen, Maria of Portugal, and her son Peter I of Castile.
When Peter I succeeded his father, Henry and his siblings revolted several times and were on a intermittent wars during Peter I's reign, in which Henry was supported by Peter IV of Aragon and Charles V of France.
Henry had numerous lovers, Leonor Álvarez, Elvira Íñiguez, Beatriz Fernández, Beatriz Ponce de León y Jérica, Juana de Sousa, Juana de Cárcamo and Juana de Cifuentes, and had in total 13 bastard children: Alfonso, Eleanor, Joanna, Constance, Ferdinand, Mary, Fadrique, Beatrice, Henry, Peter, Isabella, Inés and Joanna.
Henry married Juana Manuel de Villena and they had three children, John I of Castile, Eleanor and Joanna.
In 1369 Henry II defeated and killed his brother Peter I, and became the first king of House Trastámara. During his 10 year reign he faced opposition from Ferdinand I of Portugal and Constance of Castile, Peter I's daughter, and her husband John of Gaunt. Henry II was succeeded by his son John I of Castile
Due to his alliance with Peter IV of Aragon, John I of Castile wed Peter's daughter, Eleanor of Aragon, two of his children were Henry III of Castile and Ferdinand I of Aragon, and so House Trastámara ruled over the Crowns of Castile and Aragon.
14th Century/15th Century
->John I "of Fond Memory" or "the Great" or "the Good" of Portugal (1357-1433), John of Avis, natural son of Peter I of Portugal and Teresa Guille Lourenço. He's the founder and first king of House of Avis, bastard branch from the Portuguese branch of House Burgundy.
His first important charge was Great Master of the Order of Avis, and years after, when Succession Crisis broke out, John ended up being crowned as King of Portugal. John I ruled Portugal over 48 years, the most extensive reign of all Portuguese monarch, and m9st of its reign was able to rule in peace and concentrate on the economic development and territorial expansion. He was succeeded by his son Edward I of Portugal.
It maybe a coincidence, but it's interesting the contrast between Jon and Ramsay, both being Northern bastards, but Ramsay it's like the personification of the Westerosi prejudices against bastards, Ramsay Bolton was legitimised and became his father's heir because he (allegedly) poisoned and killed his trueborn brother Domeric, meanwhile Jon will be KITN because Robb died due to the Bolton-Frey treason and in his will he legitimised and declared Jon as his heir, and in that way there's the parallel between Jon and Ramsay and John I of Portugal and Henry II of Castile, John seemed to have a good relationship with his brother Ferdinand I of Portugal and after the Succession war he became the next king, and Henry II didn't get along with his brother Peter I and he became king after he killed him.
This is a brief introduction, the next part of the meta it'll be dedicated fully to John I of Portugal and his parallels with Jon Snow.
15th Century
->Ferdinand I of Naples (1423-1494), illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon and his mistress Gueraldona Carlino. Ferdinand I of Naples was named after his grandfather Ferdinand I of Aragon, first king of Crown of Aragon from House Trastámara.
His father had conquered Naples after defeating René I and stablished in Naples during most of the rest of his life there since he left in charge his wife and cousin Mary of Castile and his brother John for the government of Aragon when he was away in Italy. Alfonso didn't have legitimate children, he only had three children with his mistress, Ferdinand being the eldest.
So, Alfonso managed to declare his son as heir of Naples, with some alliances with the local nobility, like a marriage between Ferdinand and Isabella of Chiaramonte, and the rest of the Crown of Aragon was inherited by John II of Aragon.
Ferdinand I had to face opposition from foregain royalty and nobility and some local barons who didn't accept Ferdinand' reforms and ambitions and because he was a bastard and he limited they power, and often allied against him, like Pope Callixtus III, John of Anjou, Mariano Marzano, the Angevines, his cousin Charles of Viana (John's II eldest son, although John II accepted his nephew's kingship), among others.
John II of Aragon sent a fleet to support of his nephew against the Angevines, and when the Catalan nobility offered the Aragonese crown to René I during the Catalan civil war, sent troops in support.
Ferdinand had married Isabella of Taranto and his cousin Joanna of Aragon, their offspring was Alfonso II of Naples, Eleanor, Frederick I of Naples, John, Beatrice, Francesco and Joanna, who married his nephew Ferdinand II of Naples.
He had several children with his mistresses Diana Guardato, Marchesella Spitzata, Piscicella Piscicelli, Eulalia Ravignano and Giovannella Caracciolo: Mary, Joanna, Ilaria, Henry, Mary, Alonso, Cesare, Maria Cecilia, Lucrezia, Ferdinand, Mary and Joanna.
He was a very passionate man, he had an almost pathological attraction towards young women and, despite the numerous lovers and concubines, he loved very much his wife Isabella of Taranto, a woman of exceptional virtues, whose death greatly afflicted him. As a father he was very present and very fond of his offspring, especially known is the strong affection shown for his daughters.
Despite the odds, Ferdinand I ruled Naples during 36 years and brought peace and prosperity to Naples, although he had to deal with opponent powers like the Ottoman Empire, France, the Republic of Venice and the Papal States.
He was one of the most influential and feared monarchs in Europe at the time and an important figure of the Italian Renaissance, Ferdinand promoted Renaissance culture and art with his patronage, surrounding himself with numerous artists and writers who flourished in his kingdom, introducted the art of silk and printing, the King showed enthusiasm for music and established in Naples the first musical school in Italy and one of the first in Europe. Ferdinand expanded the very rich royal library founded by his father in Castel Capuano and grow at an impressive rate, thanks to purchases, gifts and the confiscation of the collections of the rebel barons.
He issued various social laws that undermined the excessive power of the Barons, favoring small artisans and peasants. This work of modernization and the resistance he put up against them led to the outbreak of the famous revolt which was subsequently suffocated.
Recognized as one of the most powerful political minds of the time, a very skilled diplomat, stablished the hegemony of Naples over other Italian states, and a dense network of alliances and relationships with Italian and foreign sovereigns, through marriages of his illegitimate and legitimate and children.
After Ferdinand died he was succeeded by his son Alfonso II of Naples, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son Ferdinand II of Naples.
To expand the list, there's another case of bastardy, in which their parents' marriage was declared null or invalid, if we're considering the possibility that Rhaegar and Lyanna secretly and it could be considered invalid because Rhaegar was already married to Elia and maybe the lack of credible witness make that the wedding could be considered questionable, so for a great sector of the society would be considered a bastard (i.e. The Faith).
9th Century/10th Century
->Athelstan of England (894-939), first king of England, son Edward of Wessex and Egwina. Their parents married, but due to his mother low status, their marriage got annulled. Athelstan succeeded to the throne of Wessex after his brother King Ethelweard, son of Edward and Ælfflæd of Wessex, died.
Aethelstan is known for being a great diplomat, strategist and reformer, created a strong system of alliances, istarted being king of Wessex and anexxed the other six English kingdoms: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Kent, Sussex and Essex. He never wed and ha no children, so after he died, his brother Edmund I, eldest son of Edward and his third wife, Edgiva, succeeded him.
The English Heptarchy seems to be the inspiration for the Seven Kingdoms, and it's an interesting datail that a bastard from a kingdom, started becoming king of that kingdom and then he ruled the seven kingdoms , as Jon could be proclaimed King in the North, for fighting the Others, he'll have to try to convince and unify the rest of Westeros to survive the War for the Dawn.
11th Century
->Harold I of England (1016-1040), son of Cnut the Great, King of Denmark, Norway, Sweden & England, and Ælfgifu Ælfhelmsdotter. His parents got married by the Danish law, but once Cnut converted to Cristianism and conquered England, married Emma of Normandy, who was considered as his only wife by the Church. Harthacnut, son of Cnut and Emma, left Harold as regent of England while he was away, and later Harold was proclaimed king of England. Harold ruled for four years and sixteen weeks, when he died, Harthacnut took the control of the English throne. Harold married Ælfgifu, and had a son, Ælfwine, but he became a monk.
One of the speculations within the fandom about Rhaegar and Lyanna is that there could have been a secret wedding, maybe it could have been in front of a weirwood in the Isle of Faces following the Northern wedding custumes, in contrast of Rhaegar marring Elia by the Faith of the Seven ceremony.
12th Century/13th Century
->Ferdinand III " the Saint" of Castile ( 1199/1201 – 1252), son of Alfonso IX of Leon and Berenguela I of Castile, their marriage was annulled due to the consanguinity between them. He's the first king of the Crown of Castile, his reign lasted 35 years. Ferdinand III married Beatrice of Swabia and Joan of Dammartin. His children were: Alfonso X "The Wise" of Castile, Fadrique, Ferdinand, Eleonor, Berenguela, Henry, Philip, Manuel, Mary, Ferdinand, Eleonor, Louis, Simon and John.
13th Century/14th Century
->Ferdinand IV "the Summoned" of Castile (1285 - 1312), son of Sancho IV of Castile and Maria de Molina, their marriage got annulled due to consanguinity and because Sancho was betrothed to another woman, although Pope Boniface VIII legitimised Sancho and Maria union when Ferdinand IV was already king. His reign lasted 16 years. Ferdinand IV married Constance of Portugal, their children were: Alfonso XI of Castile and Eleonor of Castile, wife of Alfonso IV of Aragon.
15th Century
-> Edward V of England (1470-1483), eldest son of Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville. His siblings and him were declared as bastards by their uncle Richard III alleged that Edward and Elizabeth was null because there was a promise of marriage from Edward IV to Eleanor Talbot, to get his nephew out of succession. He didn't married and had children since he was 12 when he died.
In this case, Edward V's circumstances seems to have inspired Joffrey's as well as Young Griff and Bran's partially. Stannis states that Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen are bastards and claims to be the rightful king of Westeros, like Richard III did with his brother's children and now he's trying to make it to the Iron Throne; Bran's part could be inspired by the Princes in the Tower event, in which Edward and his younger brother Richard were imprisioned and probably killed by orders of their uncle, and there were rumors during the following years that maybe one of the brothers scaped, fuelled with pretenders who claimed to be some of the princes, like Perkin Warbeck. In ASOIAF, Theon captures Winterfell and kills the miller's sons to pretend he has killed Bran and Rickon, although they had escaped and in the future the rest of The North is going to know they alived when they return to Winterfell; Young Griff claims to be Aegon VI, Rhaegar and Elia's baby son who was murdered by The Mountain during the Sack of King's Landing
In summary, after reading about the lives of these kings on the list, in many of them we can note the pattern of being elected in an assembly like the Danish kings or having to face adversaries that undermine their positions as kings for being bastards, sometimes by other relatives pretenders or the Church, like happened to most of them. And those are a couple of events that may happen to Jon in the future books, his rising to kingship probably being elected at the Northern Assembly, probably making negotiatons with the supporters of his other siblings i.e. Rickon being supported by the Manderlys, Sansa by Littlefinger and the Vale etc, but Jon could have the support of the Mountain Clans, the Mormonts, the Glovers, House Thenn and The Free Folk.
The meta doesn't end here, for the parallels between Jon and John I of Portugal click here.
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rainbabbles · 1 year
Ashbourn Accents 🍀
Decided to compile a list of what accents I'd assign the Ashbourn cast! While it would be better with specifics on the town, some are fictional, so I can only give general locations. Those outside of Ireland are general as well.
Meath - Cerulean*, Mairwen, Micah, Maeve, Iona, Padraig, Sorcha
Louth - Darragh, Tiernan, Fionola, Eireen
Wicklow - Orlagh, Garbhan
Galway - Lucy*, Dusk*, and Borgia
Kerry - Aisling
Down (Ulster) - Ben, Yarrow
Manchester - Anstey**, Stanly, Verity, Garth
London (Estuary sounding) - Wren, Lionel*
R.P. - Steller***
American - Patton
French - Lise, Raoul
Scottish - Nairna
Welsh - Harri, Corsen
Notes with * below
*The orphans Cerulean, Dusk, Lionel, and Lucy were all first in county Galway so they might've picked that accent first. Lionel was brought over to England and lost it, while Lucy was taken to Fermanagh (Ulster) much later in her life so hers didn't change.
Cerulean and Dusk traveled around. Dusk would've adopted a different accent to try to fit in where he's at such as in Dublin, but he'd mostly retain a Galway accent. but Cerulean I'm not too sure. I'm having Cerulean have a Meath accent for now since he'd live there the longest but I wouldn't be opposed to a Galway one.
**Anstey's a special case too as he's raised in an English household mostly from Manchester but he grew up in county Meath. He was sort of fed both but forced to use his English accent more. He'd be able to pick up the Meath accent well but the English will always come through.
***Steller's accent is not genuine but she doesn't really let anyone know what her true accent is. Garth is the only one that would've figured that out.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
5 minute read
After decades of calls for greater scrutiny of the family courts, journalists will be able to report proceedings in a pilot scheme from Monday. The BBC's Sanchia Berg reflects on the controversial cases that preceded the move, which is hoped will increase accountability in a crucial area of law.
During the Covid pandemic, Liz Anstey was living with her daughter, teenage son and five-year-old grandson. In early 2021, her daughter gave birth to a new baby who sadly died suddenly, and without apparent cause.
The two other children were taken into care. An inquest showed the baby died of an infection and there had been no sign of neglect or abuse. Liz expected the boys to be returned home, but instead family court proceedings began.
Liz found the court process "very traumatic". She says she did not know who was who, hearings kept being adjourned, and she could not easily follow it.
"I felt like Alice in Wonderland going down the rabbit hole. I really did. It was so surreal," she says.
Family courts handle the most sensitive areas of families' lives - usually involving vulnerable children - which is why cases are heard in private and journalists have not been allowed to report on them.
But there have been publicly-acknowledged miscarriages of justice and many more examples of parents claiming they have been unfairly treated.
It took Liz months to get the boys back - she says having reporters in court would have made a huge difference.
'Significant step'
Over the next 12 months, accredited journalists will be able to report on cases in Leeds, Carlisle and Cardiff, which should enable close scrutiny of the actions of local authorities and the courts themselves. I will be one of them.
The most senior judge in the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, said there was "an absence of confidence" in the courts due to a "vacuum of information". He told me open justice was a principle to be sought and described the pilot as a "very significant" step.
"For decades… this has been put in the too-difficult box because of the need to open up but at the same time keep closed the identity of the family," he said.
Many thousands of people are involved in family cases each year - there are more than 200,000 cases in the family courts annually and record numbers of children in care.
Broadly, cases are divided into disputes between separating parents, known as private law, and applications by local authorities to take children into care, which are public law. The pilot scheme will begin with public law cases and extend to private law within a couple of months. Journalists will be given access to legal documents and allowed to interview families.
Family court judges may also rule on issues like disputes between doctors and parents over treatment for a child, or so-called "deprivation of liberty" cases where local authorities have nowhere safe to place a vulnerable child in care.
Fruitless changes
Demands for greater scrutiny of the courts have been made for decades, thanks in part to some highly-publicised cases.
One example involved Nicky and Mark Webster, In 2005, their three children were adopted - they had been taken into care after one suffered injuries. The court heard these were deliberate, but the couple challenged that successfully and won the right for the media to attend hearings concerning their fourth child. But the oldest children were never returned to them.
Calls to open up the courts grew louder. In 2008, The Times newspaper ran a year-long campaign which led to the then-Justice Secretary Jack Straw changing the rules so journalists were allowed in.
The big day was supposed to be 27 April 2009. I joined a flood of reporters from the national press heading into the Family Division of the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice. But it was almost fruitless.
The problem was the rules had not been changed enough and it was not clear what journalists could report. Judges were advised we could report the "gist" of the case, without that being defined.
A couple of weeks later, I went to the lower level family court in Holborn, with the brief from my editor at the Today programme to spend "as long as it takes" to tell the story of a case.
I managed to follow the last two weeks of a final hearing where a local authority was applying to take several children from the same family into care.
The judge allowed me to report some of the details - for instance how a young boy had been hit by his father with a shoe. But I could not include the information that would make it a meaningful story, like identify the local authority, or interview any of the family members.
Towards the end of the hearing, as I came out of the building, I saw the mother collapsed, sobbing against the wall - as if it was only then that she had realised all her children would be taken away. It was a reminder of the real impact of these decisions and the importance of reporting them.
Not true open justice
Jack Straw intended to change the law further so more detailed reporting would be possible. But Labour lost the 2010 election and those plans were shelved. Almost all journalists - including me - stopped trying to report court proceedings directly.
Sir James Munby took over the Family Division in 2013 and announced his intention to open up the courts. As a first step, he told judges to publish more of their own final judgments.
At first, the numbers shot up. More stories from the family courts started appearing across media outlets. Brian Farmer of the Press Association news agency was particularly diligent in picking out the most interesting or newsworthy, showing the range of different issues considered by the court - like a teenage girl dying of cancer who wanted to have her body cryogenically preserved. Louise Tickle, for the Guardian, repeatedly tried to get reporting restrictions varied - and tell stories - usually supported by lawyers from the Transparency Project charity.
But mostly, this was a limited form of transparency, where journalists were reliant on the judge's version of events. It was not true open justice.
Another high-profile case captured the headlines. In 2016, Ben Butler was found guilty of murdering his six-year-old daughter Ellie in 2013. A family court had decided she should be returned to her parents the year before, despite warnings from her grandfather who had been caring for her, that Ellie had been frightened to return to her parents.
'Got to get over it'
Parents continued to contact me saying they had suffered miscarriages of justice. I could do very little because under the rules they were not even allowed to contact me about their case, let alone share documents or discuss what happened.
In 2018, I came across the case of a mother who had nearly lost her daughter forever over her use of an Epipen. She had managed to raise funds to appeal the decision, and won. But when the case returned to the lower court, the judge there made an order that made it impossible for us to report the full story of the case.
Both Louise Tickle and I were in court, and when Louise decided to launch an appeal against that decision, the BBC joined. We won, and could report the case, but it took months and many hours of lawyers' time.
If this pilot is successful, the intention is to extend it across England and Wales. It's not clear how many journalists will try to report cases though, and there are still some practical issues to address.
Reporting is permitted thanks to a Transparency Order. Judges will grant these and be able to vary them, determining what can be reported, depending on the individual cases. Preserving the anonymity of children is paramount but local authorities can be named.
While many judges and lawyers support transparency, some in the pilot areas seemed wary of it.
Hannah Markham, KC, chair of the Family Law Bar Association, said it would take time to get used to reporters. "We're used to not having anybody in court, it's just us, it's just our clients. It's closed," she said. "It's something we've got to get over.
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cypruscelebrant01 · 1 month
Celebrate Your Love with Rosie Anstey: Your Expert Guide to Wedding Ceremony Venues in Cyprus
When planning to have that special wedding you have been envisioning, the place to have your wedding and who should officiate it is very important. In case you are looking for our stunning North Cyprus Wedding ceremony venues or small North Cyprus Wedding Venues, then you are at the right place! Rosie Anstey is a certified wedding, family, and funeral celebrant in Cyprus, and she is here to assist you in building a beautiful wedding that will suit your unique style. view full post....
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(via Unsolved Murder of Lisa Anstey: Case Details and Suspects)
Unsolved Murder of Lisa Anstey: Case Details and Suspects
At 9:04 a.m. on the morning of Monday May 12, 1997 a 911 call was received about a body being found in a laneway at 393 Front St. East in downtown Toronto.
Upon examination it was confirmed the body was that of 21-year-old Lisa Anstey and she had been strangled.
She had been working the streets since she was 11-years-old, the youngest many sex trade workers had seen.
At the time police in and around the Greater Toronto Area had been searching for the killers of at least nine other women with links to prostitution.
Was Lisa Anstey the victim of a serial killer?
Full episode available at Wordpress or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.
#OntarioColdCases, #NicollInvestigations , #CanadianTrueCrime , #ColdCasePodcast ,  #OntarioCrimes , #OntarioMysteries , #PodcastDetective , #PodcastMystery ,  #SerialKiller , #TrueCrimePodcast , #UnsolvedMysteries ,#Ontario, #TrueCrimeOntario, #TrueCrimeCanada, #CanadianMysteries, #Canada, #ColdCase, #Missing, #Murdered, #Homicide, #TrueCrime, #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic, #LisaAnstey,
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Daylight Analysis in West Midlands: Why it Matters for Your Project
As more and more cities across the world strive to become sustainable and livable, the role of daylight in the built environment is gaining increasing importance. The West Midlands region of England is no exception, with an ever-growing number of architects, planners, and developers seeking to create buildings and spaces that optimize natural light.
If you're involved in a project in the West Midlands, whether it's new construction, renovation, or extension, daylight analysis is a critical aspect that you shouldn't overlook. In this article, we'll delve into what daylight analysis is, why it matters, and how Anstey Horne can help you achieve optimal daylight performance.
What is Daylight Analysis? Daylight analysis is the process of evaluating the amount, quality, and distribution of natural light in a building or space. It involves measuring various parameters such as illuminance (the amount of light that falls on a surface), luminance (the brightness of a surface), and glare (the discomfort caused by excessive brightness). These measurements are then compared to established standards and guidelines to assess whether the space meets the required level of daylight performance.
Daylight analysis can be carried out at different stages of a project, from early design to post-construction. In the early stages, it helps architects and planners to make informed decisions about the orientation, size, and shape of a building, as well as the location and size of openings such as windows and skylights. Later on, it allows builders and contractors to verify that the actual performance of the building matches the design intent.
Why Does Daylight Analysis Matter? Daylight is essential for our health, well-being, and productivity. Studies have shown that exposure to natural light can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase alertness and concentration. It can also reduce energy consumption by reducing the need for artificial lighting and heating.
However, not all natural light is equal. Too little light can lead to a gloomy and uninviting environment, while too much light can cause discomfort, glare, and heat gain. Daylight analysis helps to strike a balance between these two extremes by ensuring that the building or space is optimized for the occupants' needs and preferences.
Daylight analysis is also a legal requirement in many cases. For example, in the UK, the Building Regulations Part L1A requires that new dwellings meet certain minimum standards for daylight provision. The BRE's Home Quality Mark also includes daylight as one of its core criteria for assessing the sustainability and quality of new homes.
How Can Anstey Horne Help? At Anstey Horne, we have extensive experience in carrying out daylight analysis for a wide range of projects in the West Midlands and beyond. Our team of experts uses advanced software tools such as Radiance and Daysim to simulate daylight performance accurately. We also take into account factors such as site location, climate, and building orientation to ensure that the analysis is tailored to your specific project.
We can provide daylight analysis services at various stages of your project, including:
Concept design: We can help you to develop a design that maximizes natural light while minimizing energy consumption and glare. Planning applications: We can prepare reports and visualizations that demonstrate compliance with planning policies and regulations. Detailed design: We can work with you to fine-tune the design and provide detailed recommendations on window size and location, shading devices, and interior finishes. Post-construction: We can carry out on-site measurements and verify that the actual daylight performance of the building matches the design intent. In addition to daylight analysis, we also offer a range of other services that can help you to achieve a sustainable and high-quality built environment, including energy assessments, air quality assessments, and noise assessments.
Conclusion Daylight analysis is a crucial aspect of designing and building a sustainable and healthy built environment in the West Midlands. By optimizing natural light, you can enhance the comfort, well-being, and productivity of occupants while reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. Anstey Horne's expertise in daylight analysis and other related services can help you to achieve these goals while meeting planning policies and regulations. Contact us today to find out how we can help with your project.
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
The Day Started in a Cell
Summary: Virgil knew he might be swapping with his soulmate soon. The day had been coming up. He still didn’t expect to wake up in the cell of a police station and only hoped Patton would be okay meeting his soulmate when he went around to check on them.
Warning: spider mention, breaking in
Virgil had woken up from sleepwalking in all manner of places, but usually that was confined to his own home and during times when he was stressed. The only thing Virgil had to be stressing about currently was the chance he'd swap places with his soulmate today.
Hopefully the swap taking place was the true reason for where Virgil found himself, because the room he woke up in could only be described as a cell. There was too much noise outside the room for it to be an actual prison though so he was fairly confident this was a police station holding cell, with only the lack of any others being kept in there with him casting doubt on that.
It wasn't sensible to ask though. Everyone knew if the soulmate swap occurred while someone was arrested the force would not treat them kindly and could use everything to arrest both soulmates under the charge of assisting with an escape. Even if Virgil had no context for who he now had the body of, he wasn't going to mention it.
The morning passed smoothly, Virgil managing to learn that his soulmate was called Remus Dolally and he'd been apprehended on suspicion of vandalism. Since the station hadn't got enough evidence to charge him that day they were just waiting for a relative to pick him up. How the police already knew the number for one of Remus's relatives Virgil decided not to ask, but hoped he'd be able to once they arrived.
“Remus, your brother's here. Get out and actually stop getting arrested this time, or I'll make sure you go to jail for your next offence.” One of the sergeants ordered opening the cell door and waving down the hallway.
Nodding, Virgil hurried through, immediately looking at the person near the desk in concern.
“Remus, one of these days I'll decide being your brother is more trouble than it's worth.” The man sighed, shaking his head for a moment and leaning down to sign a form before turning to leave. “Let's get you home.”
Staying quiet and following what was said had kept Virgil safe so far so he just carried on following, getting into the car, Remus's brother unlocked.
Only once they were both in, with seatbelts done up did Roman look at him again. “Remus would never be this quiet. Are you his soulmate?”
“Yes? I'm Virgil. Does he do this often?” Virgil squeaked out, sure he could get in trouble for admitting it.
“More often than I'd like, but usually his chaos is harmless. I'm Roman, by the way.” With the introduction said Roman started the car and pulled away. “If I was in your position I'd have been asking a million questions the second someone got me out of the cell.”
Virgil nodded after a second. He'd been frowning out the window, trying to confirm where he was since some of the landmarks were recognisable. “Sorry, just trying to remember where this is. It's definitely a town close to mine but I'm not sure which.”
“It's Anstey. Does that mean my brother is likely to turn up here a-” Roman's question broke off as they turned a corner. Virgil could see Patton's car parked outside a house not far along the road, and given his morning, could only assume that it was his bum sticking out of a window on top of the porch.
“Well I did ask Patton to pop over in case I did swap with my soulmate on my birthday.” Virgil muttered, beginning to wonder just what his soulmate would be doing next.
He didn't have long to think though since Roman was storming out of the car the instant he'd put it into park. “Remus Dolally get the hell down from the roof and if you've broken that window then you are either paying for it, or paint purely to sell until it's paid for! Do you know what you've put me through this morning? What you've put your soulmate through?” He screamed up at Virgil's body, getting Patton to come shuffling over.
“Hey Pat, I'm guessing you've had as interesting a morning as I have.” Virgil muttered, still watching the brothers and just hoping he wouldn't be injured when their bodies swapped back.
“Kiddo thought I rescued him from police cells and then locked himself in your bathroom for ages before even thinking to ask where we were.” Patton nodded. He looked a bit shaken and very stunned just thinking through how the morning had gone. “Far be it from me to criticise your soulmate, but he's either a pervert or just completely lacking any impulse control at all.”
Virgil snorted. “Wow, must have made a really bad impression. That's the closest I've heard you get to criticism in a while. How long were you here before he decided to break in?”
“As soon as he opened the door of the car he was climbing onto the roof. Did you really wake up in cells?” Patton asked but when Virgil went to reply his name was called by his own voice.
Roman hadn't gotten Remus off the roof yet, but had got him to the edge, which if he'd remained upright would have been good. Instead Virgil was now looking at himself, hanging upside down off a roof and feeling the chances that he'd be uninjured by midnight reducing every minute. “If you're so upset with me being your soulmate your going to risk my life with stupid stunts I'll go do something you'll definitely get a life sentence for.” He snapped, hurrying over and glaring up at Remus.
“Beautiful, I'm just doing what I do, and it ain't going to kill you. I need to hear some of the noises this body makes from the outside before I'd allow that. Trust me, I already know the best ways I can pleasure you.” The leer was almost enough to make Virgil ignore it would only hurt him in the end to throw something at him.
“So far I've woken up in a cell, had to have your brother get me out and then found you trying to break into your own home. What is there meant to convince me to let there be any kind of relationship between us, never mind whatever depraved acts you're thinking of?” Virgil hissed up, not caring if the words would be heard or not.
The question and glare must have been enough to convince Remus to at least back off for a while since he was flipping to be upright and actually climb down off the roof finally. “I'm guessing the soulmates thing isn't as much of a motivation for you as it would be for Roman? You've got a good spark though, telling me off just gets me all shimmery. You know I'm Remus already then?”
“Der. I wasn't going to say anything when I woke up in that cell and given it was empty except for me, pretty obvious who the officers meant, Dolally.” Virgil snapped, rolling his eyes when all the reaction he got was a shimmer bringing Remus that bit closer to him.
The move did make Virgil smirk though. Now he could be certain that he actually was taller than his soulmate. That would be very useful once they swapped back, especially if he had to prevent Remus from climbing onto roofs at some point. “I'm Virgil and as soon as that body is mine again, your days of breaking into places are numbered.” He pointed out.
“Meh, it's the least interesting mischief I can get into. Come on in and I'll share my plans for world domination with you.” Remus reached forward and grabbed his wrist before he could move it back.
“Why does this feel like I'm being recruited to make sure you don't get killed or incarcerated? I already have anxiety, how is having you for a soulmate meant to help that?” Virgil protested but didn't actually fight being pulled in. He was mostly being dramatic because a glance backwards showed Patton still looking uncomfortable and concerned.
Roman had headed over to talk to him now though, so hopefully he'd be able to comfort him a little. He'd even unlocked the door already so Remus didn't have an excuse to try breaking in again either.
Remus was cackling as he pulled them through the house. “I was born with the intent to cause problems on purpose and that includes for you. Hope you don't mind spiders. They're the octopuses of the land and we can't in good conscious keep an octopus as a pet!”
The declaration turned yell at least had Virgil expecting it when he saw a tarantula roaming freely in a fenced off corner of the room. “Spiders are brilliant. Just don't let Patton up here. He's got a phobia. What's this guy called?” He asked, crouching down to look a little closer at the enclosure.
“Tarantuknife. I'm still working on getting him to attack or shove knives at people though. He will hiss as police badges. Down with the police state, y'know.” Remus shrugged, throwing himself on his bed while Virgil looked around.
“Fine, you've got me interested enough to see where knowing you leads.” Virgil decided after a while of looking around again, seeing some delightfully dark artwork and even more things to look after Tarantuknife than he'd originally spotted.
Remus bounced up at that, beaming. “Good cause I think some of my plans to keep you from leaving would have your friend trying to call the police on me again.”
“Nah, he wouldn't do that unless I asked. We hate the police too, wouldn't call them on my worst enemy unless they really did something extremely bad.” Virgil waved off the words, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to ignore the fact it was still bouncing with Remus's movements.
“So what actually increases your anxiety to really bad amounts, and what are others able to do to help?” Remus asked, diverting the conversation from where Virgil had thought it would go.
At the genuinely interested and hopeful look he began to explain anyway, mentally wondering if it was because he wasn't currently in his own body that so far today he hadn't panicked at all, despite everything that had happened.
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annecoulmanross · 4 years
Latin Inscription for the Foundation-Stone of Christ’s College in Van Diemen’s Land
Following this brilliant post by @indifferent-century​, I was inspired to translate the entirety of the Latin inscription of the Foundation-Stone of Christ’s College in Van Diemen’s Land, November 7th, 1840, as written by – perhaps – Sir John Franklin’s future son-in-law, John Philip Gell, who was appointed as head of the College. Join me for some Janky-Franky shenanigans, this time in Latin!
First of all, here’s a full translation (rearranged to preserve our English word order, generally, rather than the original Latinate style.)
Sir John Franklin, KCH, FLS, FRGS, Governor of the Island of Tasmania, Dedicated to Christ This House of All Humanities and Sciences, and Ordered that It Be Made, according to the Judgement of the Council and from the Funds of the Colony, and Placed this Auspicious Stone in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria, on the seventh day before the Ides of November, 1840.
Respected men from each of the two councils took part: Sir William Henry Elliott, Military Commander; Sir John Lewes Pedder, Chief Justice; William Hutchins, M.A., Archdeacon; Matthew Forster, Colonial Secretary; Adam Turnbull, Colonial Treasurer; Josiah Spode, Chief Police Magistrate; Edward Macdowell, Attorney-General; George Thomas William Blaney Boyes, Accountant; George Henry Barnes, Collector of Customs; Thomas Anstey; Thomas Archer; Charles Swanston; Charles Maclachlan; William Effingham Lawrence; William Page Ashburner; Michael Fenton; with John Philip Gell, M.A., having been placed in charge of educating the youth, and with Alexander Cheyne as the Curator of Public Works.
James Clark Ross and That Companion of His, Francis Crozier, While They Were Preparing to Bring Powerful Science and the Immortal Name of the English People through the Unknown Things of the Northern Ocean, Took Part in this Endeavor under Favorable Auspices and with Enthusiasm.
Next, the original text: this Latin wording comes mainly from this typeset transcription, with some emendations from the handwritten notes of Eleanor Franklin, which you can read here. (Both of these sources were found and linked originally by @indifferent-century​ – thank you!) 
Christo Dicatam Hanc Omnis Humanitatis et Scientiæ Domum Johannes Franklin (1) Eq. PH., (2) Eq. R., (3) LL.D. (4) R.S.S. (5) Insulæ Tasmaniensis (6) Præses [e] Consilii Sententia (7) Impensis Coloniæ (8) Fieri Jussit Lapidem Auspicalem Posuit Anno Victoriæ Quarto vii Id. Nov. MDCCCXL. (9)
Interfuere Viri (10) Spectatissimi Ex Utroque Consilio (11) Gulielmus Henricus Elliott Eq. H. Milit. Præfect. (12) Johannes Lewes Pedder Eq. Aur. Justiciarius Principalis (13) Gulielmus Hutchins M.A. Archidiaconus Matthias Forster Secretarius (14) Adam Turnbull Thesaurarius (14) Josias Spode Irenarches (14) Edvardus Macdowell Procurator Regius (14) Georgius Thomas Gulielmus Blaney Boyes Rationalis (14) Georgius Henricus Barnes Portitoriis Conquirendis Præpositus (14) Thomas Anstey Thomas Archer Carolus Swanston Carolus Maclachlan Gulielmus Effingham Lawrence Gulielmus Page Ashburner Michael Fenton Juventuti Educandæ Præposito Johanne Philippo Gell M.A. Operum Publicorum Curatore Alexandro Cheyne
Jacobus Clark Ross Et Huic Comes Franciscus Crozier Per Ignota Septentrionalis Oceani [Scientiam Efficacem]  Anglorum Perenne Nomen Laturi Incepto Bene Auspicato Lubenter Interfuere (15)
And last, as per the previous discussions on this inscription, I also have footnotes.
(1) Yes, "Johannes Franklin” is our Sir John. Yes, this would be a reasonable, etymologically valid version of his name (or his first name, at least) in Latin. Yes, it’s uncomfy. So is “Franciscus Crozier.” As @catilinas​ said, “utterly terrible.”
(2) Amazingly, the translator (or author-translator) of this inscription has rendered Sir John’s post-nominal letters (indicating his knighthood, and membership in certain societies) into Latin and then abbreviated them back to letters. This cluster, “Eq. PH.,” equates to the English ‘KCH’ or Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order of the House of Hanover, and should probably be lengthened to something like Eq[ues] P[raefectus] H[anoverianus] meaning “Hanoverian Knight Commander.”
(3) Our next letter-cluster is “Eq. R.,” which I’m finding terribly confusing. “Eq.” should, in theory, correspond to another knighthood – it lengthens to “eques,” which is classical Latin for “knight,” a middling elite honorary position, but I don’t know about the “R.” It does seem that Franklin was knighted by King George IV in 1829 before he was made a Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order in 1836, so perhaps we should read this as something like Eq[ues] R[egalis] / R[egius] meaning “Royal Knight” or thereabouts?
(4) Now we’re back to normal post-nominal honors – “LL.D” must correspond to Franklin’s membership in the Linnean Society, normally indicated by the letters “FLS,” or “Fellow of the Linnean Society.” I’m not entirely sure how we get from FLS to LLD, but perhaps LL[inneaniorum] D[ominus] meaning something like or “Master of the Linneans.” (Note that a doubled letter can be used as an abbreviation for a Latin plural genitive like “Linneaniorum,” as one can see in the Latin terminology for Bachelor of Laws, i.e. “Legum Baccalaureus,” or LL.B.)
(5) Similarly, I’m willing to bet that R.S.S. corresponds to Franklin’s other common post-nominal honor, his membership in the Royal Geographical Society, typically abbreviated as FRGS. One might try to expand “R.S.S.” to R[egalis] S[axiologorum] S[ocietas] meaning “Royal Society of Stone-studiers,” perhaps. I really, really wish I knew who translated these abbreviations and what their thought-process was.
(6) Watch Lady Jane sneak in her new name for Van Diemen’s Land here! (For the uninitiated: Lady Jane and James Clark Ross collaborated to have Van Diemen’s Land renamed – or at least re-popularized – as “Tasmania.”)
(7) Fun facts: I can 100% prove that Eleanor Franklin knew some Latin! In her transcription of this text, she places a macron (a little ^ hat) over the final ‘a’ like this: “sententiâ,” which means that she correctly identified that this word (meaning “judgement,” or “opinion”) is in the ablative case, rather than the nominative case. No macron would have appeared in the inscription; it would have been highly unusual for any inscription in Latin from any time period to have a macron, so this is all Eleanor’s doing, but she’s right to do it. Eleanor also adds that slightly unnecessary but not incorrect “e” (meaning “from, out of”) before the word “Consilii” in her transcription.
(8) It’s a little weird to point out that Sir John didn’t directly fund the construction of Christ’s College but rather arranged for the funding to come from the income of the colony itself. This would look really out of place in a commemorative inscription from the classical period.
(9) This date does in fact convert to November 7th, 1840, but it’s not as simple as the Roman numerals VII (=7) make it look. To get this date, we actually have to count backwards from the Ides of November, which fall on November 13th, but the Romans count inclusively, so thirteen less seven actually equals seven, rather than six. I know. I hate math too.
(10) Eleanor Franklin writes this word (“viri”) twice, once at the end of one line, and again at the beginning of the next. As for the translation of this word as “men,” yes, it’s exclusively male-gendered in the Latin.
(11) I think “from each of the two councils” refers to the Legislative Council and the Executive Council, the two governing bodies of Van Diemen’s Land before the establishment of the Tasmanian House of Assembly in 1856. Take that with a BIG grain of salt. It’s also particularly interesting to note that many of the men here named became embroiled in the huge political mess that resulted in the ignominious end of Sir John’s term as governor – this list represents both the pro-Franklin and anti-Franklin sides of the conflict.
(12) The title “Milit. Præfect.” or (something like) Milit[aris] Præfect[us] reflects Sir William Henry Elliott’s military role as the Lieutenant-Colonel of Van Diemen’s Land, while “Eq. H.” is most probably Eq[ues] H[anoverianus] or a way of denoting Elliot’s knighthood in the same Hanoverian order as Sir John, though in a different capacity – Knight / KH to Sir John’s Knight Commander / KCH.  
(13) The title “Justiciarius Principalis” is a clear Latin translation of Johannes Lewes Pedder’s legal role the first Chief Justice of Van Diemen’s Land, and “Eq. Aur.” seems to allude to a  knighthood conferred via the Commonwealth nation of Australia, perhaps? 
(14) Some of these titles are deeply weird ways of rendering colonial government positions into Latin: “Portitoriis Conquirendis Præpositus” for “Customs Collector” is A Lot – the literal translation would be something like “President for the Things Connected with Import or Export Dues that Must be Collected.” Confession: I took most of the English titles directly from the relevant entries in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, all of which are linked above, in the translation.
(15) For more on this Ross & Crozier section, see this post. Also, note the major stylistic change in these last four verses: lots of intertextual references, and more poetic language – much of it Augustan (aka mainly from Ovid and Vergil) as @kaserl​ pointed out! It’s a conspiracy theory, but I think we may be looking at a different author altogether: Lady Jane prefiguring her role as ghost-writer of “Thy bees are frozen, and thy crook’s a name,” we might imagine?
Thank you for joining me on this very weird Victorian neo-Latin journey!
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lastsonlost · 4 years
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A woman says she was sexually harassed by presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden when she was 14 years old.
The woman, Eva Murry, told Law&Crime that Biden complimented her on the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in 2008, a long-running roast of and party for politicians, journalists and prominent business figures held each year in Delaware. Murry says she remembers the event occurring sometime around May of that year.
One friend and her sister said that Murry told her details of the alleged incident more or less immediately after it happened. Four other friends of Murry’s said they were told about the incident, with the same details, between two and three years after it originally occurred.
Law&Crime interviewed Murry, her sister, and those friends over the course of multiple days. Murry is the niece of former Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell and said she occasionally received school credit for attending such political events. O’Donnell was running a long-shot campaign against Biden at the time that the alleged sexual harassment incident occurred.
The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Biden is currently under fire over allegations that he sexually assaulted former Senate staffer Tara Reade in 1993 by penetrating her with his fingers without her consent. Biden’s campaign has denied it and Biden went on MSNBC Friday morning to strongly refute that allegation himself.
According to Gridiron Dinner Secretary Cathy Klocko, the roast is held the first Saturday of every May, which would place the 2008 event on May 3 of that year. Klocko went on to note that until recently the event was secretive and did not release information such as guest lists or photographs of the event.
“I remember walking into the lobby and being in awe of all the people in such fancy clothes,” Murry said in an interview. “Our two parties of people gravitated towards each other and everyone started saying their hellos. When it was Biden and my aunt’s turn to say hello he quickly turned to me and asked how old I was. I replied with my age and he replied with the comment ‘Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!’ I was confused but it was definitely weird, he looked me up and down and hovered his eyes on my chest so I had some clue [about] the notion of his comment but didn’t fully understand at the time. We quickly separated from his area after the encounter.”
Murry, who is 26 now and engaged with a son and daughter, was in middle school at the time Biden allegedly made the comments about her breasts. She said that she attended a few additional campaign events with her aunt after Biden made the alleged remarks and she described being anxious and feeling sick to her stomach around him or upon learning that he would also be attending any such future events.
“I feel his comments were verbal sexual harassment,” Murry told Law&Crime. “I think I was too naive to realize exactly what it meant at the time but I vividly remember the uncomfortable feeling I had in the pit of my stomach during the whole encounter. It wasn’t Biden’s words alone that made me so uncomfortable, it was the look, the tone, the whole general vibe was off.”
Murry acknowledged the timing of her allegation would likely invite accusations that she was acting politically but she insisted that was not the case.
Murry said that she was personally motivated to speak out because she began seeing Biden’s name and face appearing all over Facebook in early April after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the Democratic primary. She said that many of her friends started posting about voting for Biden. So, Murry started off by telling each of those friends her story. She says she did this over and over.
“It got overwhelming repeating myself on everyone’s post,” she said. “So I made a master thread with the intentions of informing my friends and family who I care very much about, just what kind of man Biden is.”
Murry told Law&Crime she was upset about what Biden said to her rather than anything having to do with his politics.
“No man or woman should get away with acting that way and that is what this boils down to,” she said.
Four of Murry’s friends say that they were told about the incident. One said she was told about it around the time it happened. Two more said they were told about it in 2010. Three of those friends agreed to speak on the record.
“She was telling me about the event and explained what happened,” Murry’s friend Victoria Anstey told Law&Crime. “I remember being so shocked. I didn’t know who Biden was or anything. Just [that] she said he was an ‘older man’ was enough for me to not like the situation.”
Law&Crime verified Murry’s and Anstey’s identities by obtaining their driver’s licenses.
“Eva is telling the truth,” she added.
Anstey, 25, describes herself as a feminist, animal lover and a Democrat. She confirmed that Murry told her about the comments in 2008 when they were both teens. Anstey said Murry identified the man as Biden and said that hearing about the incident left her feeling angry.
“She told me he looked at her chest and she was well endowed,” Anstey said. “She looked very uncomfortable. I asked how old he was. She said like an older man. I said like old like a teacher or elderly and she said old like a teacher. I remember myself getting mad.”
Anstey also commented on the political dimensions of Murry’s allegation.
“I can’t stand Trump,” she said. “This isn’t politically motivated. This is about men in power using their status to silence victims.”
“She was 14 and any man to think that those comments are appropriate are on the wrong side of history,” Anstey continued. “We can’t let men (and females) keep getting away with these sexual comments. It’s past due that society stop turning a blind eye. People seem to only care when it’s someone they know, which is ridiculous. I want the next president to be a Democrat more than anyone but I can’t overlook this. It’s not justice for 14-year-old Eva. It would be doing her a disservice.”
A second friend, Katielynn Weaver, told Law&Crime that Murry first told her about it “over ten years ago when we were younger.”
“I started going to Delaware with her and her family so it was pretty fresh for her dealing with it,” Weaver said.
“The year was 2010 because I was 17 and just graduated and got my first car and that’s what we would take back and forth trips to Delaware,” she told Law&Crime. “The incident happened before I met Eva but she told me about it prior to our first time arriving in Delaware.”
Eva Murry’s older sister, Jenna Murry, also says she was told about the alleged incident “within a week or so of the dinner.”
The elder Murry said she previously had “a similar arrangement” with O’Donnell, “going around with her to political events” when she was also 14. Jenna said she kept up with Eva though the two didn’t talk much at the time because she was attending The College of New Jersey (TCNJ).
“I remember my mom mentioning at some point soon after that that Eva had met Biden and he’d made a weird comment,” Murry told Law&Crime. “The next time I was home from TCNJ Eva told me about the comment in detail from her perspective, specifically that he looked her up and down and stared right at her chest and made her feel really uncomfortable. I remember being really pissed off on her behalf and thinking that she was probably more upset than she was letting on and trying to be light hearted by that point, but seemed shook. I told basically all my friends about it at the time.”
Aileen Callaghan, another friend, said she first heard about the incident when she and Murry were teenagers. “It was probably 2010 when she told me,” she told Law&Crime. “She mentioned that he was at an event she was with with her aunt and that he was a creep and was looking at her chest the whole time.”
“I remember she said that Biden was a pervy old man, and was like laughing but looking down when she told us,” Callaghan continued. “When she got to the details, she was clearly pissed that it had happened, and clearly hadn’t known how to do anything about it.”
A fourth friend said that Murry told her about the alleged sexual harassment incident in 2010 or 2011 when both attended high school at the New Hope Academy in Yardley, Pennsylvania. The friend recalled Murry telling her Biden had made the comment about her body and that the two had nervously described the incident as “creepy” and wrong. The fourth friend spoke to Law&Crime on the condition of anonymity to protect her safety and career.
Murry originally detailed her accusations in a Facebook post on April 8.
“Back then I didn’t know the meaning of this” she wrote about Biden’s alleged comments. “[F]or those of you that still don’t [know], it means Biden was telling me I had very large breasts for a 14-year-old. I learned shortly after what he meant and felt uncomfortable every time I met him afterwards.
Several additional friends of Murry’s commented on the post noting that they recalled hearing about the incident and said Murry was courageous for speaking out. Attempts to reach one of those additional friends by Law&Crime were unsuccessful at the time of publication.
Murry addressed the support she received for speaking out in a later comment on the thread to that initial post.
“I’ve told friends [and] family for years but I’ve never publicly put it out there,” Murry wrote. “I vividly remember the anxiety I would feel going to these types of functions after that encounter, it sucked the excitement right out of it for me.”
“I’m worried about the internet bullies so I never put it out there but I went on to Facebook after putting my daughter down for a nap and Joe Biden’s name was everywhere!”  she continued–describing the events of early April. “I had to say something.”
Murry also noted that she encountered Biden “about three times after that” at similar such events and that “his eyes never were on my face.”
Can this nigga just keep his hands to himself for one second?
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reel-em-in · 4 years
Representing the Real - Introduction to Documentaries
It is important to work within an ethical framework. Wether those ethics are the same for every documentarian or not is questionable, though you have to make decisions about what you feel is right.
documentary filmmaking has been described as “The creative treatment of actuality.”
Although documentaries are shown as being representative of what is real and of the truth, there is a paradox created through the use of editing. Between what is real, and the way a filmmaker represents that reality.
Key People / Times in Documentary Filmmaking
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John Grierson
Pioneering Scottish film producer who also helped to set up the Canadian Film Board.
Received his funding from the government as well as private companies.
Saw documentary film as an educational tool for social reform
Had a focus on the working class
Worked on films between 1929 and 1968
Due to the equipment available (especially during his earlier work) sync sound often wasn’t able to be recorded. Especially if things were being filmed on location. This meant that voice over was often recorded later. This lead to the Voice of God style of voice over, omniscient to what is going on on-screen. And something that is still used to this day, though now it is through choice rather than necessity in most cases.
Grierson was part of the British Documentary Movement
Housing Problems (1935) - a social documentary that is often seen as the beginning of corporate films. The images illustrate the voice over, as well as using interviews to provide further context. This was one of the first times that interviews and sound were filmed on location.
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Robert Flaherty
Moana (1926) was one of the early films described as having ‘documentary value’
Nanook of the North (1922) - was originally shot with different footage, though Flaherty didn’t like it / it got lost. This lead to it being re-shot with more of a narrative, following a character.
The main character in Nanook of the North wasn’t actually called Nanook, and his ‘family’ in the film were not his real family. Or even related. The whole film is basically a reconstruction, with some aspects of what was shown not even being accurate to life at the time (e.g. seal hunting with spears, which wasn’t really done during the 1920′s). Flaherty argued that he did this so that ways of life that were gradually being forgotten about could be documented. Because of this people often question wether Nanook of the North can be considered a documentary.
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Dziga Vertov (AKA David Kaufmann)
Russian filmmaker post WW1
Saw the camera as omniscient and superior to the human eye.
Saw montage and editing as having major possibilities. 
Vertov believed that narrative/Hollywood style cinema was a drug to pacify the masses, he wanted to use cinema to wake people up.
Vertov created Man With A Movie Camera (1929) in an attempt to create a universal language of cinema. It involves a lot of perspective tricks and double exposure (similar to ‘trick films’ of the time). In some ways it even looks like a thought process.
Dziga Vertov created a series of films titled ‘Kino Pravda’ or ‘Film Truth’.
His films look ahead to a future with a classless society, whilst acknowledging the inequalities of the time.
Vertov was largely forgotten about until 1960. 
Early 1960s
The equipment filmmakers were able to use was improving quickly. With 16mm cameras being developed as well as fast film stock that allowed for shooting in lower light environments. Portable sound recorders were also now an option, allowing for sync sound on location.
A group of filmmakers (Robert Drew, D.A. Pennebaker & Chris Hegedus, Albert & David Maysles, & Charlotte Zwerin) created the manifesto of Direct Cinema.
Direct Cinema is a style of documentary making where they wanted to capture things directly. Leaving things up to interpretation (no voice over), using non-stable camera movements (handheld), constructing the narrative of the film in the edit, and working observationally.
An example of this is Highschool (1968, dir. Frederick Wiseman) the crew were filming in the school for weeks, with the aim being that the subjects would get so used to him that they would forget he was there. Within this type of film the characters and the narrative arcs they create are of great importance. 
This style of documentary often used a very small crew, but they would be working for months in order for the subjects to get used to them, and act naturally around them. 
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Jean Rouch
French visual anthropologist.
Anthropology played a large role in the development of documentary film.
Jean Rouch began putting more thought into the question of ‘who is doing the observation, and who is being observed?’
This lead to the use of the Participatory method of documentary filmmaking.
Cinema Verité (”Cinema of Truth”) does not try to conceal the existence of the filmmaker (as Direct Cinema did), but rather allows the filmmaker to play an active part in the film. Acknowledging the subjectivity of the filmmaker.
This style of documentary is about creating encounters to uncover a hidden truth. A good example of this is in the work of Louis Theroux, and Nick Broomfield.
Bill Nichols’ Documentary Modes:
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Poetic Mode - ‘Reassembling fragments of the world.’ This type of documentary moves away from the use of linear continuity and structure, and instead arranges its shots through their tones, associations and rhythm. They are a more subjective and abstract representation of reality. This is often associated with avant-garde filmmaking.
Expository Mode - Also referred to as ‘direct address’. This style of documentary uses a Voice of God narrative voiceover/ talking heads. Their aim is to educate their audience and explain their subject. They aim to objectively inform.
Observational Mode - Also referred to as ‘fly-on-the-wall’. Nothing is staged, though arguments can be made about how natural someone can be when a camera is present, despite how non-intrusive it is.
Participatory Mode -  “[when] the encounter between filmmaker and subject is recorded and the filmmaker actively engages with the situation they are documenting.” These are often investigative films, where a question is asked or a controversial topic is explored and the filmmaker is showing the audience the filmmaking process. The filmmaker can become an integral character within the film. The filmmaker does not influence the subject but will attempt to subjectively engage with their subject despite their personal beliefs. 
Reflexive Mode - The reflexive mode will provoke audiences to “question the authenticity of documentary in general”. Mocumentaries can sometimes fall under the reflexive mode due to their self-awareness. 
Performative Mode - The direct opposite of Observational. They emphasise and encourage the filmmaker’s involvement with the subject. They tend to be more emotionally driven, with the filmmaker more passionately involved. Performative documentaries do not set out to reach a truth but show a perspective or ‘what is like to be there’.
Drifters - John Grierson
Night Mail - Basil Wright & Harry Watt
Housing Problems - Edgar Anstey, & Arthur Elton
Moana - Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North - Robert Flaherty
Man of Arran - Robert Flaherty
Man With A Movie Camera - Dziga Vertov
Highschool - Frederick Wiseman 
Anything by Louis Theroux
Biggie & Tupac - Nick Broomfield
Gates of Heaven - Errol Morris
The Thin Blue Line - Errol Morris (Not to be mistaken for the TV series featuring Rowan Atkinson)
Salesman - Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
To all the green/Alicent/Aegon/Aemond/Criston stans choosing to follow me of your own free will, make sure you're making the right choice bc you will see stuff that will likely upset you.
No, I do not think Rhaenyra was a whore or that her sexuality somehow makes or breaks her inherent moral character (this is a patriarchal invention that places more power in men over women's behavior bc as long as they have the political and legal advantage over women [as what has happened in many societies for millennia] it compels women to conform their overall behavior towards not even seeming to resemble the man's/larger developed ideas of "slut" rather than develop herself or have her own fun). And if a man can still be a good leader while having sex outside of marriage, if we truly look at woman as equal and inherently equal to men no matter the time period or place, then we should consider the same when women have sex outside of marriage! Reminder: Aegon SA or rapes; Rhanerya never once did that. which goes into my next point...
No, show!Rhaenyra did not SA or really even pressure Criston into sex. I explain why HERE & below form a past ask-post:
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No, her first 3 kids were not bastards. "Bastards" only exist in the legal realm to separate a man/lord's and his family's resources/titles to those who carry his "blood". On principle, you shouldn't be accepting the objectification of women that is necessary to this formula, but aside form that, the meaning of bastardy has been subject ot change ust as many social construction, as we se in the Anstey case ands how William the Conqueror's bastardy was more defined as being that his mother was not noble rather than not married to his father. Because bastardry is more a legal phenomena more than anyting, Viserys--who has the only right and power to name anyone as bastard or legitimize them and thus is the final bulwark against the revelation of the boys being not Laenor's kids--was able to accept Rhaenyra's kids as his heir's heirs. Nobles keep secrets all the time for their own conience. Think about Lysa tully and all those rich people of various TV show and movies who cover up both actual harmful crimes as well as just those that would harm their reputation! This is what happens when you have any elite class AND mid-to-very strict social rules of conduct that you may be breaking anyway. And no, noble/royal wives of history weren't all sexually obedient little cupcakes...many had lovers while married and historically, some were even known by their families and husbands. (Check out Eleanor Herman's book Sex with the Queen).
No, Alicent of either thing didn't have any real reason, material reason to think her kids were in danger from Rhaenyra ascending. You can see why under posts tagged "alicent doesnt have any points" as well as this recent thread]
No I do not see Rhaenyra as uniquely "selfish", "'spoiled", etc. I do not make as if she is unacceptably and uniquely evil or the most amoral. That was overall Andal-FM patriarchay, Aenys I, Maegor I, Jaehaerys I, Viserys, and the greens, esp Alicent & Otto. Rhaenyra, of either the shoe or the book, was both trying to do her duty in her marriage as well as find some happiness AND autonomy alongside that. You were not supposed to readopt fedual patriarchal social "values" or prioritize them/social hierarchies over real human happiness, equity, and social harmony. If you have, you don't get ASoIaF!
For fuck sake, some of you like Jon Snow and think he's Azor Ahai! No, he is not legitimate, bc by the time Rhaegar and his generation was alive, polygamy had lost its validity and for any marriage to Lyanna he could have had needed to be reinforced by either force (Maegor) or public declaration or propaganda & deals careful planning (Doctrine of Exceptionalism) something along those lines...which even if we get the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna, we already know no such preparations occurred!
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2020ya · 5 years
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by Cindy Anstey
(Swoon Reads, 4/14/20)
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1834. Sophia Thompson wants nothing more than to be one of the famed Bow Street Runners, London's most elite corps of detectives. Never mind that a woman has never before joined their ranks--and certainly never mind that her reclusive family has forbidden her from pursuing such an unladylike goal.
She gets the chance to prove her capabilities when an urgent letter arrives from her frantic cousin Daphne, begging Sophia to come look into the suspicious death of Daphne's brother.
As Sophia begins to unravel the tangled threads of the case--with the help of a charming young policeman--she soon realizes that the murderer may be even closer to her family than she ever suspected.
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rainbabbles · 1 year
Hi! Wanted to stop by and say how much I adore your characters for The Ashbourns! Literally the most wholesomely adorable story and I’m excited to see what’s in store for kitty husbands and the rest of your colorful cast!
I wanted to ask if you have any voice claims for Anstey & Cerulean? I’m highly curious how they’d sound [along with the other characters but that seems like a lot for one ask😅]
Thank you so much! I've very excited too, they are near and dear to my heart ❤️ I actually do have a list of voice claims I have hidden since it's not finished, so I have some for Anstey and Cerulean!
Cerulean would have a cadence like RTGame, however he'd have a Meath accent instead and I have yet to find someone like that online!
Anstey's a unique case as I say he has an English accent from his mother homeschooling him for a while in Ireland, but after that he's able to pick up the accent if he wants to. He has a deeper/gravelly voice yet still soft, and so far Djura (Bloodborne) is a close enough choice. I also like Pierce Brosnan's voice, which would be good if Anstey leaned into the Irish accent more, and the actor's also from county Meath <3
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kyoulove · 6 years
2019 Reading List!
(LOL I forgot to actually queue this post, so it’s a couple weeks late.)
Another year, another list of 80 books! I had a hard time narrowing this one down! As always, my goal is to read about half, with this list serving as inspiration for those “what do I read?” days! I enjoy making these lists for the lists sake, not as a read or die type of thing. You can follow along on my goodreads, if you want to see what I’m reading!
This is the year I will hit 1000 books read on goodreads! I’m excited to see what that book ends up being! :D
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What if it’s Us – Becky Albertalli || Magic Bites – Ilona Andrews || Carols and Chaos – Cindy Anstey || A Man Called Ove – Fredrik Backman || Wonder Woman – Leigh Bardugo || Mage Against the Machine – Shaun Barger || Nightchaser – Amanda Bouchet || Starfish – Akemi Dawn Bowman || Corsets and Codpieces – Karen Bowman || Unspoken – Sarah Rees Brennan || Future Perfect – Suzanne Brockmann || Hyperbole and a Half – Allie Brosh || Honor Among Thieves – Rachel Caine || How to Marry a Werewolf – Gail Carriger || The Magpie Lord – KJ Charles || The Shadow Glass – Rin Chupeco || A Duke by Default – Alyssa Cole || The Wallflower Wager – Tessa Dare || Dragon Age Deception – Nunzio DeFilippis || The Twelve Days of Seduction – Eva Devon
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The Love Interest – Cale Dietrich || The Stars We Steal – Alexa Doone || Bloody Rose – Nicholas Eames || The Heist – Janet Evanovich || The Covert Captain – Jeannelle Ferreira || Ace of Shades – Amanda Foody || Miss Molly Robbins Designs a Seduction – Jayne Fresina || Third Son’s a Charm – Shana Galen || The Forgotten Book – Mecthild Glaser || The Dark Days Club – Alison Goodman || The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter – Theodora Goss || Governess Gone Rogue – Laura Lee Guhrke || Wizard’s Ward – Deborah Hale || Squirrel Meets World – Shannon Hale || Time’s Convert – Deborah Harkness || Decorating a Room of One’s Own – Susan Harlan || Texas Legacy – Lorraine Heath || Everless – Sara Holland || Ink – Elizabeth Hunter || Runebinder - Alex Kahler
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Pride and Prometheus – John Kessel || The Alchemists of Loom – Elise Kova || Lifel1k3 – Jay Kristoff || Heroine Complex – Sarah Kuhn || Confessions of a Domestic Failure – Bunmi Laditan || Traveling Mercies – Anne Lamott || Roomies – Christina Lauren || Daughter of the Pirate King – Tricia Levenseller || My Once and Future Duke – Caroline Linden || What to do with a Duke – Sally MacKenzie || Plaid and Plagiarism – Molly MacRae || People I Want to Punch in the Throat – Jen Mann || The Match of the Century – Cathy Maxwell || Mission: Improper – Bec McMaster || The Starless Sea – Erin Morgenstern || Have Sword, Will Travel – Garth Nix || Intermediate Thermodynamics – Susannah Nix || Soul of Stars – Ashley Poston || A Perilous Undertaking – Deanna Raybourn || Neanderthal Seeks Human – Penny Reid
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architectnews · 3 years
72 Upper Ground London SE1 Development
72 Upper Ground, ITV London Studios Demolition, Mitsubishi South Bank Proposal, Television Centre Site Redevelopment
72 Upper Ground London SE1 Development, South Bank
28 February 2022
Social Housing Tenants Outraged by Daylight Robbery
Report by Anstey Horne for Coin Street Community Builders
image courtesy of Coin Street Community Builders
72 Upper Ground London SE1 Development on South Bank
A damning report shines a spotlight on the damaging impact local homes will experience if the redevelopment of 72 Upper Ground is approved by Lambeth Council this month.
Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) commissioned a report by Anstey Horne, the UK’s leading provider of specialist surveying services to report their findings.
The Anstey Horne consultancy firm identified: “drastic light reductions” for houses neighbouring the former ITV site. “Those occupants that will be affected by the development will have good reason to object to the proposed development based on the daylight injuries to their properties” the consultants said.
The report has been submitted to Lambeth Council and a response is awaited. Both CSCB and Waterloo Community Development Group (WCDG) understand that the daylight impacts exceed those which were a key factor when the controversial development at 8 Albert Embankment in Vauxhall was refused recently after a public inquiry.
Impact of shadowing on local homes – predicted overshadowing of the riverside walkway and Bernie Spain Gardens: Images extracted from the developer’s 72 Upper Ground planning application: Environmental Statement, July 2021
Numerous residents who will be overshadowed by this building have objected to the decision makers, Lambeth Council. Many have reported their anxiety about being cast into darkness with no option to move because they are social tenants. Mitsubishi Estate and the CO-RE developer’s own revised Environmental Statement cites the daylight effects from the building’s massing as “significantly adverse”.
Mary Lincoln Todd, a local co-op resident said: “To say I am ‘disappointed’ regarding the height and width of the new building is an understatement! My light will be seriously affected. Lights would have to be ON all day. I’m of an age now wearing glasses to read and having the lights on all day reflect and disturb my reading. Natural daylight is essential. I have lived here for 34 years and seen many changes. This is the worst proposition ever. Too high.Too big.Too much!!!”.
Click on this image to see the gif – showing before and after views: picture courtesy of Coin Street Community Builders
Dearbhla Molloy, a local social housing tenant said: “As someone who lives directly opposite the proposed development, I would ask Lambeth Council to reject this application on both aesthetic and light grounds…in my case the daylight in my living room, where I spend most of my day, will be reduced by 75% and I would find this profoundly depressing.”
CSCB and WCDG demand that this planning application not be reported to the decision makers Lambeth Council Committee until all the outstanding technical points on daylight have been resolved; to do otherwise would mean that Officers would be reporting, and Members would be determining an application without accurate information on the impacts and without being able to weigh the planning balance correctly.
Predicted overshadowing of the riverside walkway and Bernie Spain Gardens. Images extracted from the 72 Upper Ground planning application: Environmental Statement, July 2021.
Anstey Horne as the UK’s leading provider of specialist surveying services pride themselves on providing relevant expert advice that truly adds value to their clients’ schemes. Anstey Horne is one of the most experienced and dedicated specialist consultants and building surveying teams in the UK https://ift.tt/oLJyzwE
Lambeth’s Design Review Panel review (pg.4) references this in their comments: “There are concerns that the quantum of the site results in a bulky building which is overly dominant in its context. The panel suggests looking at options to reduce the quantum of floorspace – as a reduced mass would be beneficial in terms of both the impact on the setting and significance of designated heritage assets, townscape, and on neighbouring residential properties opposite the site”.
This advice was not taken by CO-RE the developers. The volume of the proposed development remains 224% greater than that of the current site. The minor design changes introduced during the application meant no reduction in the overbearing nature of the Riverside Walkway frontage, and no reduction in the daylight impacts on neighbouring Coin Street co-op residents.
The result will be an unacceptable loss of daylight for social housing tenants neighbouring the site, severely impacting the quality of lives of families who have no option to move elsewhere.
Impact of mass on views from local homes – views from Stamford Street (left and middle) and Upper Ground (right) – computer generated images of the proposed development: extracted from the 72 Upper Ground planning application: Environmental Statement, July 2021
Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) is a social enterprise working in Waterloo and North Southwark: https://bit.ly/3kLSSaB. CSCB owns, manages, and maintains the riverside walkway between the National Theatre and Sea Containers, Bernie Spain Gardens, Oxo Tower Wharf, Gabriel’s Wharf, and Coin Street neighbourhood centre. It is freehold owner of the Iroko, Mulberry, Palm and Redwood housing developments which are leased to primary co-operatives managed by their tenants.
CSCB states in its advice to decision makers Lambeth Council: “The scale, bulk and siting of the proposed development is excessive, overbearing and overly dominant. The impact on daylight received by adjacent Coin Street housing co-operatives will be severe. The riverside walkway and gardens to the north of the proposed development currently enjoy sunshine throughout the lunchtime peak and afternoon but would be cast into shadow by this development. The wanton disregard of the South Bank, one of London’s most popular amenities, is unacceptable and short-sighted!”
Waterloo Community Development Group (WCDG) was founded in 1972. WCDG is a charity led by Waterloo residents to maintain and develop a healthy and sustainable community, for more land for homes and amenities such as shops and open space, for the benefit of present and future generations.
WCDG states in its advice to decision makers Lambeth Council: “The government’s Building Beautiful Commission called for an overt focus on beauty and refusing ugliness as a primary purpose of the planning system. National planning policy puts the creation of beautiful and sustainable buildings and places at the heart of the planning process. These proposals are grotesquery on steroids, a swollen deformity for the South Bank”.
South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours (SoWN) is the community body that represents residents, workers, businesses of all sizes and voluntary organisations in the South Bank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan formally approved in February 2020. SoWN was responsible for the wide consultation involved in identifying the key issues, for writing the plan and seeing it through to adoption. It represents the local community in monitoring how the plan is implemented, within the wider context of the Lambeth local plan and the London Plan. SoWN objectives are:
• to promote high standard of planning and architecture in or affecting the area of benefit • to educate the public in the geography, history, natural history, culture and architecture of the area of benefit • to secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of feature areas or areas of historic or public interest in the area of benefit
SoWN states in its advice to decision makers Lambeth Council: “The mass of the proposed building would be overbearing when experienced from neighbour hurrying streets and public spaces. The proposed building would dominate the local street scene and the conservation area to the detriment. The scale and form of the building would cause harm to important local heritage assets, such as the South Bank Conservation area, IBM building, National Theatre, and the Roupell Street conversation area. The proposed building would result in a significant loss of daylight for several local residents. The proposed building would result in a very significant loss of sunlight across important spaces, primarily the Queens walk and Bernie Spain Gardens”.
The Secretary of State, Michael Gove told MPs on 4 November 2021: “We want to have a planning system where people can feel confident that beauty is taken seriously, confident that the environment is benefitting, confident that the money will be there to support infrastructure, and confident that the community has a role ultimately in determining what is right”. He added, “We want to be in a position where communities accept and welcome new development”. [Source: Planning Resource 12 November 2021].
The Secretary of State recently upheld the protection of residential daylight and sunlight afforded by the British Research Establishment (BRE) standards in his decision on nearby 8 Albert Embankment, see https://bit.ly/3xC2s5e
The former London Television Centre site at 72 Upper Ground was secured by Mitsubishi Estate and CO-RE for £145.6m in November 2019. The application for planning consent was submitted to Lambeth Council in July 2021. The scheme is designed by Make Architects.
Public responses to the planning application continue to me made to the decision makers Lambeth Council. They include: 256 objections and 46 supporting can be accessed at https://bit.ly/3CyoiHR
A Petition is available for the public to support opposition to this planning application: https://www.change.org/SaveOurSouthBank
For further details about this campaign please visit https://coinstreet.org/72-upper-ground
72 Upper Ground Development – London Television Centre Site Redevelopment, South Bank images / information received 280222 from Coin Street Community Builders
Previously on e-architect:
Architects join campaign to protect London’s unique open space
London Television Centre Site Redevelopment on South Bank
picture courtesy of Coin Street Community Builders
London Television Centre Site Redevelopment on South Bank
For further details about this campaign please visit https://coinstreet.org/72-upper-ground
Background to these London South Bank buildings
Denys Lasdun
Location: London Television Centre site, 72 Upper Ground, South Bank, London, England, UK
London South Bank Buildings
Bernie Spain Gardens Transformation, South Bank Design: West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture image courtesy of West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture Bernie Spain Gardens South Bank by West 8
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Oxo Tower Refurbishment Architects: Lifschutz Davidson Architects (now LDS) photograph © Nick Weall Oxo Tower Building
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Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Programme photograph © UK Parliament Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal
The Nest, Wapping Architects: Gensler image from architects The Nest in East London
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