#anti Bo-Katan kryze
antianakin · 2 years
Anakin Skywalker: This one's fairly obvious, but I'm one of the people who doesn't see Anakin as redeemed by the end of ROTJ just because he saved one person he personally gives a damn about. My definition of redemption is about atoning and making amends, and Anakin has no possible way of actually DOING THAT for most of the things he's done, so there's no real way of acquiring redemption. He can be a better person, he can be forgiven by individual people for things he's done to them, he can keep choosing to be selfless instead of selfish, but none of that necessarily means he has to be considered redeemed. If you think he's redeemed at the end of ROTJ and that's what brings you joy in your interpretation of the story, great, I honestly don't care. But if you choose to come into my notes and get mad at me because I don't think the space fascist is redeemed just because he decides to save his own son, you will now be blocked on sight, I'm done having that conversation with people.
The Jedi As A Whole: Wonderful people with a beautiful culture that never did a single thing to deserve what was done to them. They were not corrupt, they didn't need to reform their culture in a single way. There was nothing more they could've done for Anakin or the Republic that would've stopped what happened. They don't steal children, they adopt them from parents who choose to let their children lead a better life, and become part of the large extended Jedi family. They are intergalactic therapists whose literal way of life IS therapy for those who choose to follow it. They were outplayed, but they did everything they could've possibly done. Sometimes, it is possible to commit no mistakes, and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. (Side note here: This is an incredibly pro Jedi blog, if you come on my blog and criticize the Jedi in any way, you will be immediately blocked, I am so done with this fandom's anti-Jedi sentiments, consider this your warning.)
Padme Amidala: Deserved better from the Prequels, has such potential and promise and I want so dearly to save her from her toxic ass marriage to a fascist MAGA manchild, but damn am I glad Luke and Leia didn't have to grow up with her as a mother some days.
Bo-Katan Kryze: I wish I could like her, but the writers are making it SO HARD. They don't seem to ever remember that she gleefully set an entire village on fire because they dared ask for their enslaved people back and to not be occupied anymore, but I do.
Satine Kryze: I wish I could like her, but I don't have enough nostalgia for her to overlook how bad the writing is for her. She treats Obi-Wan like garbage, brings out the worst in him, acts very arrogantly about just about everything and never has to take responsibility for her own mistakes so she gets to die a martyr.
Aleksander Kallus: Literally has to have his ENTIRE BACKSTORY retconned so he can be "redeemed" within the span of one episode. Also manages to "All Lives Matter" Zeb into thinking that judging Imperials for their fascist choices is the same as judging an ENTIRE SPECIES on the actions of one individual who was acting in self-defense anyway. Stop saying he's got the best redemption arc in Star Wars, it sucks fucking ass and he's not a fucking Fulcrum, he just stole the title from Ahsoka and didn't earn it and he was a shit spy anyway.
Crosshair: Bigoted dickhead who treats everyone like complete crap and then goes full fascist as a punishment for the world when no one wants to risk their lives to save him. His redemption arc was completely half-assed and he should've had to do a LOT more to gain people's forgiveness and absolutely no one should've been forced to apologize to HIM.
Bode Akuna: Basically just Anakin lite and we all know how I feel about Anakin. No sob story justifies anything he's done and I didn't find him all that interesting or sympathetic, personally.
Rafa and Trace Martez: I actually loved them, I thought they had an interesting relationship with each other and with Ahsoka, I appreciated how different they felt and the arc Ahsoka goes on with them. I don't mind that they used them to showcase the rising anti-Jedi sentiment among the citizens of Coruscant, I just wish their opinions hadn't been presented as though they were right. I love that we see they've joined a rebellion of sorts post-Order 66 and I wish we'd gotten to see more of Trace, Rafa, and Rex working together rather than the absolute trashfire that we're actually getting on TBB.
Ahsoka Tano: Relationship status: It's complicated. I DO like her, generally, but I REALLY dislike the way she's constantly written in later stuff to be better than everyone else and to have basically zero flaws so that she can end up like a messiah or a goddess of light reborn or something. It's boring, it's annoying, and it just isn't any good. I particularly don't care for how she consistently gets utilized to bash the Jedi Order and absolve Anakin for all of his sins. Ahsoka deserves better, but I'm also immensely frustrated with where her story's taken her and the way fandom tends to treat her. We also just straight-up need more main female Jedi characters and as long as Ahsoka's around it feels like it'll never happen. She's completely irrelevant to the story overall and I'm annoyed at how much Felony is trying to make her more significant than she is instead of just letting her stand on her own for once.
Sabine Wren: I love the Rebels version of her, but the Ahsoka show version sucks. I have decided it simply does not exist for Sabine. That isn't the real Sabine and it never will be. That's not Sabine's story, the real Sabine would never try to be a Jedi because quite simply she doesn't NEED to be. And the real Sabine would NEVER disrespect Ezra's sacrifice by undoing it and then leaving him to deal with the fallout. It's stupid, it's ugly, and Sabine deserved better.
Hera Syndulla: Much like Sabine, I love the Rebels version of her, but the Ahsoka version sucks. The Ahsoka version deserves to be kicked out of the army or whatever, she's a terrible mother and an even worse General and quite honestly not that great of a friend. The real Hera would NEVER act like orders didn't matter just because she doesn't like them or refuse to see the logic in letting go of Ezra after he's been missing for 10 years so that those resources can go to people who they can confirm are still alive.
Shin Hati: She's so so so boring. She has the personality of cardboard, it basically consists of "crazy eyes" and that's about it. She is pretty literally just Darth Maul but a girl. Like every single part of her character so far is indistinguishable from Maul aside from the cosmetic stuff. I hope she dies in season 2 and never gets a redemption arc. I'd say Sabine deserves better, but honestly Ahsoka!Sabine deserves her.
Grey Jedi: Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen. Let Grey Jedi stay in fanon where it belongs, none of your faves are Grey Jedi in canon and they never will be.
The Acolyte Jedi: Fuck 'em all, I guess. Especially Sol, that fandom/Filoni Qui-Gon Jinn knock-off. The real Qui-Gon Jinn would wipe the fucking floor with Sol.
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maeaniseyas · 1 year
but maybe the worst thing to come out of mando s3 is bo katan fans swearing everyone who doesn’t like or gaf about her are misogynist lmfao
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sticks-and-souls · 2 years
I really hope Din gets to Sundari and finds the evidence that Bo Katan was a fucking founding member of the resurgence of Death Watch and played a direct role in handing Mandalore over to Darth Maul, and I hope they call the episode The Mandalorian and the Audacity of This Bitch.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
lol laughing bc disney already ditched mando4 for "a truncated disney+ movie" because of the wga/sag strike (as if movies dont also need writers and actors lmaoooo). saying itll take too long to release mando4 and ahsoka2 before filoni's "mando-verse" movie and they need to speed things up LMAO
honey .... we all know you nuclear bombed the entire star wars franchise with the abominable mando3 and now youre scrambling bc you know no one on earth wants to watch the Bo Karen Adventure Show Part 2
and we know that disney is failing and they cant make mando4 at all unless they get bought out lmaooo.
so basically i was right when i said mando wont have another season, ahsoka wont get continued, and i fucking guarantee we wont be seeing this BS mcu mando movie from filoni 😂
like .. maybe .. every single one of your projects shouldnt be a convoluted mess and depend on each other to be released?? maybe literally no one on earth wants the MCU-ification of star wars??? maybe you shouldnt have assumed you could bait n switch a worldwide audience??? maybe your writing shouldnt nosedive and depend solely on the insane whims of one awful writer (Favreau) and someone with a horrible track record (Filoni).
allegedly this movie wont come out til "after 2026" too 🤣. so theyre thinking that ppl, who they already massively alienated, are going to ... still... care at that point?
man it literally is like the Microsoft Paint version of creative thought is running star wars over at DLF now.
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armoralor · 10 months
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and update to [this] post. please stop trying to moralize silly fictional ships and have some fun for a change.
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lieutenant-teach · 5 months
Wandering around the galaxy, ex-Commander Cody and little Din Djarin meet an unexpected adversary, and Cody learns about a new burden he acquired unknowingly. 2/3 part (1 part), (part 3).
Cody enjoyed the planet Trask - being away from the Core Worlds, it remained unscathed by the Clone Wars; being small, not densely populated and lacking valuable resources, it wasn’t occupied by the Empire that aimed at most important and valuable planets and systems. No matter how much Cody disliked the Outer Rim for its mostly criminal population and their shady occupations, now he was glad to catch some breath in there.
Especially while he had a kid on his hands.
Din turned out to be a not very problematic child, though quite different from the cadets on Kamino. Not physically trained, which is a huge minus when you’re on the run. But, like a cadet, he didn’t complain about lack of comfort and stability in such life, though Cody tried his best to provide him with food better than rations. Regrettably, it required more sallies on the surfaces of various planets, thus it was more dangerous for both of them. Cody shuddered from a mere thought what the Empire would do if they were caught.
Apart from physical comfort, Cody attempted to give at least a little bit of emotional comfort to the kid. At times Din woke up crying, and Cody held him until the boy fell asleep again, exhausting himself from tears. At these moments Cody felt like breaking apart a bit every time, pressing Din to the chest, listening to his occasional whimpering in his sleep. The kid deserved a normal life, not all of this disaster happening to the Galaxy.
He felt both proud at a little brave cadet and bitter at a child forced to grow up too quickly when Din asked to teach him shooting.
They’d spent several days in the town in some kind of a ratty tavern, avoiding unnecessary questions and suspicions, as they easily passed for a father and a son due to similar complexion and hair and eye colour. Cody worried that he would be recognized for his distinct face, but not yet – the locals had never acquainted a Jango Fett clone before, and all the Republican propaganda portrayed troopers only in full armour, a very clever way to erase personalities. Though he continued to pull down the hood when walking the streets – just in case.
When one day they met someone from Cody’s past. Or, more precisely, from Kenobi’s past.
Cody felt someone was watching them. So did Din – the boy was glancing around nervously and squeezing Cody’s hand tighter. Cody lowered another hand near the blaster; if the follower was daring enough, they’d shoot right in the centre of the market brimming with unsuspecting citizens. And then he recognized a face in the crowd, watching him like a hawk. He raised an eyebrow, the person nodded to the street corner nearby, inviting for a talk.
– Where did you take the kid? – she attacked him with a low voice as soon as they turned the angle. Din hid behind Cody at the harshness.
– Hello there, Duchess Kryze, - Cody answered curtly. – I deserted.
– And still wearing their armour? – her hand was hovering over her own blaster, her posture tense as a nexu ready to strike.
– Better something than nothing, - he shrugged. – Why are you here? – He thought with regret that they’d have to leave the planet – if he met Bo-Katan Kryze, an heiress of Mandalore, who knows who else might hang around there.
– Why should I believe you? – she gripped her blaster, ignoring his query. – Who’s to say you don’t want to… - her eyes widened, she even took a step back. – How did you get it?!
– What? – Cody was taken aback, then he moved his free hand that wasn’t covering Din to the hilt of a saber on his belt.
– The Darksaber. How did you get it? – she hissed, her face twisting with anger.
Losing the blaster while fighting off the pirates intending to ransack your ship and sell the kid you take care of into slavery wasn’t fortunate. There were just too many for one man, as tough as Cody was – if not for Din’s shout ‘Cody! There!’ and him throwing something he dug seconds before from the mud. First Cody thought it was some dagger, but when the air hissed and enlightened with a brilliant black blade shining white on the razor-sharp edges and producing threatening buzz – he realized it was something different. Lucky him, he still remembered several lightsaber-wielding lessons General Kenobi gave him back during the war.
The saber was heavier than the General’s, almost non-cooperative, his first swings were clumsy and messy. But Cody knew he had to protect the kid, and with each movement the blade became lighter and lighter.
Still, Cody preferred non-Jedi weapons. So after fighting he disengaged it and clipped to a familiar spot on his belt – again, just in case of an attack. There weren’t many helpful blades conveniently lying around and waiting to be picked up during a skirmish, after all.
– Found it, - he shrugged again, playing nonchalant, mentally working out the ways of retreating.
Bo-Katan squeezed the fists, she was burning with barely controlled rage, though Cody couldn’t understand the reason. He remembered vaguely it was some Mandalorian weapon of historical significance – maybe, that was why she was so unhappy? She wanted a part of her culture back.
– You have no claim to this sword! – Bo-Katan raised her voice, then caught herself at a possibility of attracting unwanted attention of the passers-by and continued a bit softer: - This is a Mandalorian weapon, not designed for such like you! You have no right to wield it!
– I don’t have any ‘claim’, and you’re scaring the kid, - Cody intoned his ‘commander’ voice that some especially impressionable troopers called ‘regal’. Din mumbled ‘I’m not scared’ from behind his back and stepped a bit forward as if ready to confront Bo-Katan by himself. She threw a dirty look at the boy and turned her attention to Cody again, looking at him with thinned lips and narrowed eyes.
– According to an old Mandalorian tradition, whoever wields the Darksaber has the claim to the Mandalorian throne. But only in case of an honest fight.
– Duchess, I never intended to get involved in Mandalorian politics, - Cody felt an unpleasant feeling that despite his wishes he was getting tangled into something quite unsavory. – You can take the saber and overthrow your Governor Saxon or whatever, I’m not a part of it. – He knew this woman wasn’t sharing the peaceful policy of her sister, but frankly (and quite meanly) Cody didn’t give a flying kark about Mandalore. He knew these people had always had civil wars now and then ignited by their biggest ruling clans, and it couldn’t be worse than the Imperial occupation now. He even felt pity for Mandalorian citizens if all they wanted was to live in peace. Although, New Mandalorians were a very fresh change as per info he read, but the peace historically never lasted long on Mandalore.
But also there was one thing that turned almost all the clone troopers off while mentioning Mandalorians.
– I cannot just ‘take it’, - Bo-Katan spat and raised her chin proudly. – A true Mand’Alor must win it in a battle. Fairly speaking, I even feel insulted challenging such a disgrace to a Mandalorian. Dar’manda.
– Disgrace? – For one small second Cody’s stomach fell of rising fury born out of utter hypocrisy of this woman who had her opinions shared by all her compatriots. He didn’t even notice Din flinching as his voice dropped so low it was freezing cold as Hoth. – Did I ask to be created like this? Did any of us have any say in it? You dare to call me ‘soulless’ – where were you? – He stepped forward almost menacingly. – Where were you all, when millions of Mandalorian clones were being created and used in a war and discarded when ‘defective’, used as chipped puppets to kill the Jedi, who actually cared about us? So noble, so proud, so honorable Mandalorians – did you care about us? We, born Mandalorian, were never ever considered by all of you even as sentients, much less a part of you. We protected you – and you call me ‘disgrace’? Just because we were unfortunate enough to have some Mandalorian as our donor?
Bo-Katan clearly never expected such harshness and such words, moreover, it never ever crossed her mind – she even backed a bit, looking at Cody with surprise.
– You say this sword makes me your king? – Cody grabbed it from his belt and squeezed in his hand. – Who would even want to be your king? A people, who cannot live peacefully even on their own planet! Tearing themselves apart time and time again because of what – difference in traditions? At least we had a community – we, ‘disgraces’, as you love to call us.
Bo-Katan blinked, as if really seeing Cody for the first time. Cody exhaled sharply, only now realizing he was shaking with helpless rage – of unfairness, of disgust, of all this pain never noticed by the Republic. He steadied himself, composing his expression again. Glanced at Din, who was looking at him with a weird mixture of compassion, fear and determination. 
– Take the sword, Lady Kryze, - Cody held out the hilt. – I reclaim my responsibilities that I obtained unknowingly.
– I cannot, - she didn’t hold out her own hand. – Challenge is obligatory.
– Then let the Empire and its minions continue ruining your people. Whatever, Duchess, - he threw the Darksaber into the mud to her feet. – I’ve said my piece.
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elionwriter · 1 year
That very weird feeling when you're talking about the Mandalorian with your mom and she goes 'I really hope Din and Bo-Katan get together!' and you, a hardcore Dinluke Stan/Ace Din truther - gay Bo-Katan believer answer: 😱😱🤮🤮
Mom: why not? They are right for each other and the story seems to hint at it.
Me (in my mind): mom, you don't get it! Din and Luke are mean to be married bringing up Grogu as a Jedi and a Mandalorian and supporting each other's dying community. They're Yin and Yang, the characters seem made for each other, the parallels are beautiful and Din is Luke's way out of the grisly future Disney has painted for him! In the perfect future they rebuild Mandalore better than it ever was, set Grogu to be the future Manda'lor that reigns for a thousand years, they adopt a lot of other cool, weird kids, Din builds Luke a Jedi temple in Mandalorian space and the two of them have coffee every Monday with the in-laws and the neighbours Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger....... meanwhile hidden in a closet, like two teenagers, Bo slips Ashoka some 👅.
Me (in reality): I just think they're gross....
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ooops-i-arted · 8 months
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Hot off the press, a bingo card for the upcoming Mandalorian movie!
Feel free to use, use as a base to make your own, and to share what other squares you think belong on Feloni Bullshit Bingo!
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turkwriter · 1 year
“Oh no, what if they kill Bo-Katan in the finale in order to focus on Din’s story or character development instead?”
Well, he sure as hell hasn’t been getting any story or character development while she’s alive so if that’s what it takes.
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airasilver · 11 months
Watched/listened to the episodes where Mandalore came under Maul’s rule and Satine died. I felt nothing for her or Bo-Katan. I felt for the people. Only the people. Also the confession?
Reminded me of Castiel’s ‘confession’ to Dean. I watched it again and it still reminded me of that scene.
Obi-Wan loved her yes, but I see it as a friend. Same with Satine. They are two different people and I just don’t see the ship.
Heck! Obi-Wan has more chemistry with Padme and even Anakin than he does Satine.
Satine and Bo-Katan have done just as much as Jango has in hurting their people.
If you can’t forgive Jango for what he’s done, you also can’t forgive the two Kryze sisters.
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antianakin · 2 years
"Just let Bo-Katan be a hypocrite and a murderer in peace if you don't like her character"
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coolnomemory · 1 year
i do not support dinbo under any circumstances. that woman is CLEARLY a lesbian.
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cyarikryze · 1 year
i can’t stop thinking about how bo-katan had All of her people leave her. and she gave up on fucking everything, because all her people left her, all because she lost possession of the weapon that killed her sister, that she originally lost in a surrender that was an attempt to save the very people who proceeded to abandon her when she couldn’t get it back.
i cant stop thinking about how she was finally dragged out of her hopelessness by the person who was in possession of that weapon, and how he was the first in forever to stand by her no matter what, the first to see the worth in her beyond whether or not she held that weapon.
and i really can’t stop thinking about how she was finally reunited with her people, only for someone who was supposed to be one of her best friends to speak so cruelly to her - only for her to have to challenge one of her best friends to a battle, and for that to be the only way she could win the love and respect of her people back.
i can’t stop thinking about bo-katan kryze and how she does everything for her people but the love and respect they have for her is always so fucking conditional, right up until the last moment. finally they love and respect her for who she is, and not for a weapon - but before then, all of that was entirely conditional for her. it was conditional until she met din djarin, the first person to stand by her for her honour, and her loyalty, and her character.
i will never understand hate for her that exists after watching her entire arc. Never .
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merrysithmas · 1 year
i am so relieved people are universally coming to the conclusion that Bo Katan's characterization is an ingenuine hackjob this season.
one that disregards everything important about her character, everything important to MANDALORE, and purposefully sidelines Din (and erases his connection to Grogu) in order to foster some fake, bland, repulsive, nonproblematic Disney Princess Bo narrative that absolutely no one is buying & is in direct opposition to canon. it's an insult to her character in TCW and a prime example of unfeminist girlbossification.
thank you for all seeing this & realizing it's a huge contributor to the failure of this season and the show in general.
at least that is a relief for my tired-of-capitalism-ruining-things-I-love-with-no-consequences heart
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cirr0stratus · 1 year
dinbo artists stop drawing din without his helmet challenge
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sayilovedragonage · 2 years
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Take Me To Church
I cant help the fact I absolutely adore them. I have a feeling Bo is gonna get kidnapped and he is going to have to save her.
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