#anti wenwu
dark-mcu-ship-tourney · 9 months
Welcome to the Problematic MCU Ship Tournament!
This blog will pit 64 different pairings against one another. All of them are in some way “problematic”- some feature a minor and an adult, others feature incestuous pairings, others still simply have questionable or potentially abusive dynamics. Many ships combine elements of more than one.
Each day, 4 polls will be posted pitting two different ships together (for a total of 8 ships per day). You are free to vote in as many or as few of these polls as you’d like.
This blog is explicitly pro-ship and anti-censorship, and obviously features dark themes. If this is a point of discomfort for you, you are free to block this blog, I don’t bite. Hate towards anyone (and anything unreasonably rude about ships or characters) will not be published and users that send it will be blocked. Nothing explicit will be posted to this blog, regardless of the ship, so minors are free to interact if they so wish.
The bracket below shows all the ships that will be posted, as well as their first opponent. After the first round has been completed, the diagram will be updated and all of the winning ships will be pitted against one another. You can also find a typed list of all ships under the cut, for users that can’t or don’t want to read my terrible handwriting.
May the odds be ever in your (ship’s) favor!
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All First Round Ships:
1. Morgan Stark x Harold “Happy” Hogan
2. Morgan Stark x James “Rhodey” Rhodes
3. Morgan Stark x Tony Stark
4. Morgan Stark x Pepper Potts
5. Scott Lang x Cassie Lang
6. Frigga Freyrdottir x Thor Odinson
7. Vision x Billy Maximoff x Tommy Maximoff
8. Wanda Maximoff x Billy Maximoff x Tommy Maximoff
9. Maria Stark x Tony Stark
10. Howard Stark x Tony Stark
11. Obadiah “Obie” Stane x Tony Stark
12. Tony Stark x Peter Parker
13. Peter Parker x Harold “Happy” Hogan
14. Tony Stark x Harley Keener
15. America Chavez x Dr. Stephen Strange
16. America Chavez x Wanda Maximoff
17. Odin Borson x Thor Odinson
18. King T'Chaka x Prince T'Challa
19. Xu Shang-Chi x Xu Wenwu
20. Marc Spector x Stephen Grant
21. Thor Odinson x Rocket Raccoon
22. Thor Odinson x Groot
23. Peter Quill x Rocket Raccoon
24. James “Bucky” Barnes x Rocket Raccoon
25. Adrian Toomes x Peter Parker
26. Dr. Otto Octavius x Peter Parker
27. Dr. Curt Connors x Peter Parker
28. Steven “Skip” Westcott x Peter Parker
29. Dr. Stephen Strange x Peter Parker
30. Quentin Beck x Peter Parker
31. James “Bucky” Barnes x Peter Parker
32. Steve Rogers x Peter Parker
33. Thor Odinson x Loki Laufeyson
34. Loki Laufeyson x Sylvie Laufeydottir
35. Princess Shuri x James “Bucky” Barnes
36. Princess/Queen Shuri x Namor/K’uk’ulkan
37. Thanos x Nebula
38. Thanos x Gamora
39. Thanos x Loki Laufeyson
40. Thanos x Tony Stark
41. Clint Barton x Kate Bishop
42. Clint Barton x Lila Barton
43. Carol Danvers x Kamala Khan
44. Monica Rambeau x Kamala Khan
45. Stephen Grant x Khonshu
46. Jake Lockley x Khonshu
47. Marc Spector x Khanshu
48. Arthur Harrow x Ammit
49. Xu Shang-Chi x Xu Xialing
50. Princess Shuri x King/Prince T’Challa
51. Billy Maximoff x Tommy Maximoff
52. Wanda Maximoff x Pietro Maximoff
53. Peter Parker x May Parker
54. Queen Ramonda x Princess Shuri
55. Queen Ramonda x King/Prince T’Challa
56. Peter Parker x Ben Parker
57. Marc Spector x Jake Lockley
58. Stephen Grant x Jake Lockley
59. Natasha Romanov x Yelena Belova
60. Gamora x Nebula
61. Odin Borson x Loki Laufeyson
62. Frigga Feyrdottir x Loki Laufeyson
63. Peter Parker x Carol Danvers
64. Peter Parker x James “Rhodey” Rhodes
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Read the whole thing please.
I'm a say this one time but Wen-wu is a nasty assed butt. (this isn't hate on the actor, I love him)
I don't care how pretty he is or how much pain he is in bc he lost his wife. His kids lost their mom, they didn't go assassin. He should have been their for them. there is never an excuse for abusing your kids.
Example: Hank Pym(mcu) was not right but he wasn't completely horrible. it was the wrong thing to do but he was depressed. But HE didn't (a) physically and mentally abuse his kids (b) train them to be an assassin or (c) blame them
He deserves crap in my eyes. You can't watch a 7 year old punch wood until his hands bleed and think huh his dad's not at fault for basically encouraging this. Ok, but he healed his hands! uwu good dad! He watched as his kid was hit severely, not saying a word, and encouraging it in the name of strength. he watched and did nothing as his kid was whipped for hesitanting to kick wood with a hurt foot. He trained a 7 year old to kill. So many things are wrong with it. He sent a 14 year old to kill a man half way across the world. he neglected his daughter and was just a butt to her. he throws his son down to the stone ground for objecting to what he says, and throws his daughter down for trying to stop her brothers abuse.
and in case someone cries racist please let me inform you that I am currently in a both Asian and abusive household. So if you disagree with this. Block me. and dm me so I can block you back. I don't give a fish fried fuck about the actors face. This forgiving abusers is teaching kids that it's alright, it's normal, your abuser is in pain, they didn't mean it. You missed half the movie if you thirst over him or say he deserves a happy ending for being civil for 5 seconds to his kids. and if you use this as a way to hate on Asians I will fill you liver with uncooked spaghetti. This is the first Asian lead movie you better 👏step 👏it 👏up. You want to do better? reblog this, say it in your own words, hell I don't even care if you copy and paste this and claim its yours. I'm sick and tired of this fandom being like this. Do. Better.
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beyond-far-horizons · 3 years
So Shang Chi is going to hit shortly and I’m sure tumblr is going to be awash with it, not least people waking up to the genius and hotness that is Tony Leung who doesn’t seem to have aged since Hero.
I’m looking forward to the new content but not looking forward to the endless iterations of ‘daddy’ and ‘dilf’ that it will invariably be couched in. Freud can get back in the trash, this man is not a father, he’s husband material playing one of the most interesting Sexy Bad Guys in a long time esp from Marvel.
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lucianalight · 3 years
At least in Shang-Chi there are flashbacks showing that Wenwu was once a loving father before his wife died and you know he's actually Shang-Chi and Xialing father. There's no indication that Thanos was anything but cruel, he gave Gamora a knife once fatheroftheyear. It's so gross that his kidnap victims considered his children.
Yeah those flashbacks are there so we can see how the tragedy changed him from a loving father to an abusive one. And it shows how his relationship with his children is complicated.
But Thanos literally kidnapped and tortured Gamora and Nebula after murdering their families! He is in no way their father. He is their torturer.
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phoukanamedpookie · 3 years
Xu Wenwu is scarier than Ozai (SPOILER WARNING!!!) (Trigger warning: child abuse)
I mean it. There be some spoilers for Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings up in here.
I can year you saying it now.
"Uh, what? You think Wenwu is scarier than the guy who burned his son's face for talking out of turn?"
Yeah, I do. It can be summed up as, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Ozai, for all the ways that his behavior mirrors that of real-life abusive parents, is literally a cartoon villain. He's simply bad through and through, and the show doesn't go into how that came to be. He's akin to Emperor Palpatine. There's not much to him outside of how awful he is. Everything he says and does seems calculated to be as damaging as humanly possible.
Wenwu, by contrast, is the picture of a loving family man, at least when Ying Li is alive. But when he regresses to his old self and starts abusing his kids, the film makes it obvious that he believes he's doing the right thing for his family. As far as he's concerned, everything he does is about providing for children, protecting them, and guiding them (with tough love, if need be). And, yes, there's a heaping truckload of toxic masculinity and patriarchal bullshit to go along with it, as well as displaced anger, guilt, and grief.
He clearly cares for his children, yet the way he goes about showing it is so warped that he doesn't realize he's harming them. It's so real and so human, and that's why it's scarier.
(BTW, on this blog we stan Katy Chen for coming right out and saying that the way Wenwu treated his kids was messed up. Also that he needed therapy.)
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named-jiang-or-wang · 3 years
SHANG-CHI (2021) Fan Revision
In my previous posts in @welcome-to-the-cafe I posted multiple rants about the movie itself. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). For such a great movie, there were still some flaws, which I will attempt to correct here.
Large fish first.
I hated the final CGI fest. Not the Ten Rings battle between Wenwu and Shang-chi, the one with ugly CGI monstrosity. "Dweller in the Darkness", for a name so mysterious, the result sure was a pretty generic bat-winged western dragon-shaped bastard. Really, as soon as it popped out of the cave, it stopped being scary; it stopped doing the one thing that made it more frightening than Wenwu, which was telepathically manipulate Wenwu using his dead wife's voice. That shit was creepy! Why stop it for the climax?? We need to involve the Ten Rings themselves in its creepiness. They should be empowered directly by the Dweller and dark feelings, and the Rings should partially transfer to Shang-Chi at his lowest, most-rage filled moment.
Plus, for all of the Chineseness of the rest of the movie, the Dweller in the Darkness looked incredibly Western. I can't think of one thing it references in Chinese mythology, which was strange since Morris does! It's a Hundun (混沌), one of the Four Perils (四凶), why not use another one of them, like the Qiongqi (穷奇). Especially the Qiongqi, since it supposedly eats people, so we can keeping the soul-sucking mechanic.
The little bat-spawns are also poorly-designed, and not fun to watch the martial artist army fight. Martial arts are meant to fight other people, by the Heavens, not weird flying tentacle things. Why is Ta Lo's training anti-human instead of anti-monster? Because anti-human training looks cooler. And we can keep that, with a solution I'll explain after complaining about the Dragon.
The CGI Kaiju battle between the dragon and dweller was cinematic, but it eliminated the kung fu from the final fight, reducing both Shang-Chi and Xialing to boring dragon riders. The dragon wasn't really something that deserved to be a character. I get that Shang-Chi is supposed to have his 'awakening' moment, where he embodies the dragon his mother teaches him about at the beginning of the movie. But the dragon doesn't have to be "real", it should be more of a spirit that goes into him, or comes out of his heart and empowers his body. Either way, it should be more of an internal instead of external dragon. This better reflects the internal emotional conflict of Shang-Chi, his guilt over not saving his mother and then doing terrible things to get revenge; he has to let that go, accept her loss, and with that, he can let his inner dragon out. Just like...shit, just like in Kung Fu Panda 3 lmao.
So what are my solutions to the climax?
1) Make Dweller in Darkness possess Wenwu. Or suck his soul, and then take his shape. Maybe even take the shape of the mother as well at first!
2) Make the little soulsuckers transform into shadow martial-artists. They still can only be killed by dragon weapons.
3) Make the dragon a spirit that rises out of the water that goes into Shang-Chi and Xialing, enabling them to fight Wenwu/Dweller more evenly.
Here's my altered sequence of events.
The 5 humvees still arrive, the small skirmish between the Ten Rings and the villagers still happen (without the giant lions). Wenwu and Shang-Chi still duke it out, and Wenwu knocks him away. Wenwu makes the big leap to the sealed cave, and Xialing and the aunt notice. The aunt activates a magic thing that raises a giant bridge from the depths of the water and Xialing crosses over to fight her dad. Wenwu pounds the door a bit more, and the Dweller's minions shoot out in black mist, forming into humanoid shapes that begin fighting the villagers and Ten Rings.
Meanwhile, Shang-chi is having a flashbacks in the water of killing his mother's murderer, in the process, one of the Ten Rings that is knocked away during Xialing and Wenwu's fight finds its way into the water and revives Shang-Chi. He joins the fight just as Xialing is knocked aside, apparently over the cliff. Shang-Chi loses it, and fights his father more brutally, until 5 of the rings transfers to him. They whisper to him to make his father pay, and he knocks his father into the door, shattering it, and seemingly killing Wenwu. Shang-Chi is appalled at what he's done, and he collapses and drops his 5 rings. He hears his sister calling for help, and he rushes over to see her hanging off the edge of the cliff. He can't reach her, and he cries to her that he's sorry for everything. Xialing forgives him for abandoning her before, saying that him coming to Macau meant a lot, and that their mother would be proud of him. With effort, he pulls her up, while the 5 rings to his father who rises from the rubble. Shang-Chi said their mother wouldn't be proud after what he's done for revenge, but Xialing tells him that he needs to accept what has happened.
Wenwu looks triumphant at the open gateway, but a dark mist spills in front of him and take the rough shape of his wife. He is about embrace her, but she grabs him around the wrist and possesses him through the Rings. Dweller uses Wenwu's and Ying Li's voices to taunt Shang-chi and Xialing.
Shang-chi finally lets go of his guilt and stops "running away". The spirit of the dragon rises from the sea and goes into him and his sister, empowering them. They double-team the Dweller/Wenwu until he blows them back with "Enough!". The little soulsuckers return with their spoils, strengthening the Dweller, and now he has the advantage. He defeats both of them, holds Shang-chi down, trying to steal his soul. Xialing is trying to pull him away. Shang-chi looks his father in his eyes and tells him he forgives him and he is still a good man. This awakens Wenwu inside the Dweller, and in one dramatic moment, transfers the Ten Rings to his son. With this, Shang-chi knocks Wenwu/Dweller back, and Xialing restrains him with the ropedart. Shang-chi performs exorcism, deleting Dweller forever, but Wenwu is mortally wounded. He tells Shang-chi and Xialing that he loves them, and he will tell their mother how proud he is of them, then dies.
Rest of the movies is the same.
Oh, we do need to deal with the secondary characters.
Katy shouldn't be good at archery, but could save Guan Bo/Razorfist/Death Dealer in a key moment, maybe just by tacking. She could do more to counsel Shang-Chi and Xialing before their big moments.
Death Dealer was wasted. Unique, memorable design (if kinda half-assed), only to be ignominiously soulsucked first by CGI uglies. He is basically Shang-chi's primary martial arts tutor, so should know a variety of martial arts styles. To incorporate his opera mask (a full-faced one), and add even more mystery, he should be a bianlian (变脸), a Chinese facechanger, and for each face he has a different kungfu style. This could be used to semi-humorous effect, with mocking faces and angry faces. And a Monkey King face when he's using a staff! We should not see the glint of his eyes. Before Xialing runs across the bridge to fight Wenwu, she should have a showdown with Death Dealer to show she did learn kung fu even without him. They fight to standstill, until the aunt steps in and they kick his ass together. I think he should live too, and have a team up with the aunt to delete soulsuckers.
Oh I know now, Katy, Morris and Slattery should have a comical chase/fight with Razorfist. He screams "You! I recognize you from the bus! And you stole my car!!!", and he charges at them, ignoring everyone else. They find a way to beat him up, and think they've lost him, but he gets back up and almost has them, until the soulsucker bois nab him. Katy, being a good person, fires and arrow and saves his ass.
These, and some aesthetic changes, like giving the young mom a thin flowy cloth mask instead of her noisy bamboo one, would bring the movie up from a 7.5 to a 9.5 for me.
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iphyslitterator · 3 years
Movie Thoughts: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
I loved this movie! I could criticize some elements of the plot and pacing, but I don't care to, because I was so into it and loved all the characters:
WENWU: So compelling. I love everything about him. A+ tragic anti-villain.
Shang-Chi: A lovely and talented person.
Katy: Awkwafina and thus perfect and hilarious.
Xialing: Bad-ass bitch, I hope she gets everything she's ever wanted. (I don't think they stuck the landing on her arc, but judging from the post-credits scene, they weren't trying to.)
Li: A+ saintly dead mother.
Nan: Michelle Yeoh, enough said.
Trevor: I was kind of dreading tie-ins to the larger MCU, but he was delightful.
Morris: A good boy!! <3 <3 <3
Other things I loved:
The epic magic royalty/difficult family dynamics thing is tailor-made for me, and I was very invested in the flashbacks. It's also fun to watch a superhero origin story where the protagonist already knows all about his mystical heritage and is qualified for the position.
Great bro energy from Shang-Chi and Katy. Love the karaoke. Also so pleased it stayed platonic, mixed-gender friendships in media mean a lot to me. (The director's thoughts: https://collider.com/why-shang-chi-and-katy-dont-kiss/)
Some nice music work, particularly the dubstep soundtrack in the bus fight.
Cannot overstate my excitement when Shang-Chi confessed he'd carried out the hit. Big Caleb Widogast energy. A BLOOD DEBT MUST BE PAID IN BLOOD. I am the target audience.
I really cared about the Wenwu/Li romance, and the movie wouldn't have worked nearly as well if I hadn't.
I need to spend some time teasing apart Wenwu's arc -- it feels clearly like a tragedy, but I don't know yet if it's thematically coherent. I am pretty disappointed about his fate because he was The Best Character, but I'll sit with it a while longer.
The Nomination
Visual Effects: I'm not terribly well-informed in this category, but it looked good! The bus fight and the scaffolding fights were soooo cool, the Ta Lo animals were enchanting, and I watched just enough wuxia in college to appreciate the fight choreography. I definitely said "that's so pretty" out loud multiple times.
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presidentrhodes · 5 years
please read
this is a fandom blog. which means if you're here for profound non-fandom insights, you're going to be disappointed — i have zero interest sharing other parts of my life with random strangers on the Internet. exit is on the left.
opinions on this blog are obviously mine but you are welcome to them. if you fundamentally disagree on something, i don't really care. block me and move on because i am not going to bother reading your cold takes, so, don't flood my ask box with them.
usual stuff applies: racists/homophobes/terfs/bigots etc do not interact and gtfo this blog. if you think asia/asian culture = only china, japan, korea, also gtfo of here. if you thrive on fandom drama and send anon hate + su*c*de baits to random people on here, gtfo the Internet and see a counsellor.
i also block liberally for my own sanity and to curate my own experience. don't send me asks wondering why i blocked you — i promise it's nothing personal (unless it is, then cope).
i am 25+ and do not feel comfortable interacting with people under 20 in DMs. sorry.
fandoms i am interested in. 
marvel comics
doctor strange / sideblog
chiwetel ejiofor 💓 / sideblog
pedro pascal / sideblog
the mandalorian / sideblog
kingdom (netflix)
star trek discovery / picard / strange new worlds / sideblog
the silmarillion / lord of the rings
mortal kombat (the 2021 film)
writing tag
incorrect doctor strange blog
otps and/or friendships
stephen strange/clea/baron mordo/wong
carol danvers/maria rambeau/james rhodes
james rhodes/sam wilson
james rhodes/tony stark/pepper potts
din djarin/omera
din djarin/boba fett/fennec shand
din djarin/getting a good night’s rest (let him sleep, he’s a tired dad)
hanzo hasashi/bi han/harumi 🥺
xu wenwu/ying li (they're soulmates pls)
#this is important is the tag for all serious business posts/reblogs so if you’d rather not see them, you can block the tag.
if you’re under 18, please note that i tag nsfw/potentially nsfw stuff with the #nsfw tag. i don’t reblog explicit fanart and if you’re a minor, please don’t send me explicit asks about your favourite characters because that makes me uncomfortable. 
notps and shit you shouldn’t talk to me about because i am not remotely interested in hearing your opinions on them, no matter how well thought out you think they are
mcu ir*nstrange
anti tony stark discourse (i like him and i don't give a fuck if you don't)
mcu steve rogers and mcu civil war discourse (that man is a walking embodiment of american imperialism and i detest him. cope)
mcu wendy and ols*n
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jimjimandjames · 3 years
This is long post talking about Wenwu
I deleted old one because I think this one is better
I really want to order comfort character letter from someone but I don’t want to make someone uncomfortable because he is a bad person and really bad father…
the line “Let’s go home” just thinking about the line makes me happy I know he is bad person but he is my home
Also I draw him like this
⬇️This is actually the first time I draw him maybe second one I am not sure but I still love this drawing… it’s was few days after I watch the movie so I wasn’t sure about background and stuff (only few reference photo, bad memory) that scene made me love him… like having crush on someone… I really wanted to love him
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⬆️this one is just a joke… there was a part where he talk about the name mandarin… and mandarin orange… I loved that part… My favorite parts of movie are the bus fight, Wenwu being old man (I am much much older than you and stuff) being boomer…. 꼰대 in korean (not exactly the same tho) I hate 꼰대 but only him… also he is more than 1000 years old so little bit better, he is fictional character… Shang-chi and katy being friends…. Soft Shaun(Shang-chi)… And of course… Xialing… I have mixed feeling about the last part of the movie (after credits) because of every marvel siblings… and the after credit reminded me of the beginning part with Wenwu…. But anti hero Xialing would be cool…
⬇️This one is one of my fav… it’s my drawing but somehow I can’t draw this again it’s really annoying…
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the smile is looks like the actor not the character… because he looks so kind and soft… also he is introvert… his smile looks like his 😊 I don’t understand the difference but I guess it’s acting… and that’s amazing… I saw few interviews and stuff.. and how he acts with eyes and just becoming the character…
also I learned about Wenwu more from the interview… After that It’s hard for me hate Wenwu… even though his action is unforgivable, he is broken… I feel like Wenwu trying to gain power and need for control is kinda similar (maybe tiny bit) to Loki’s? Like in the loki episode 1 he talked about how he felt the need to be that way and stuff… (oh and they are both 1000+ years old) also I have a soft spot for broken man like mobius…
I think his action was way too much… It feels like he had to be bad like other bad father in MCU like Thanos, Ego… and Odin… I feel like they had to make him unjustifiable character… what if he was a good father? Or at least better father? I almost hate the fact I love him this much because I hate Thanos, Ego and Odin I don’t usually hate character (ex. John walker was annoying but I didn’t hate him) hate is strong word and I really have to use that word when I talking about the three terrible father
Also there is a another problem (this is a joke don’t take too seriously) actor is too handsome………. I mean Simu Liu is good looking person I really like him as a Shang-Chi but why his father is Tony Leung????? Why Wenwu???
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Since some real world events are present in the MCU, there are some interesting implications that can be made about MCU current affairs:
1) The presidents are the same up until Obama’s second term. George W. Bush exists since the War on Terror is a plot point in “The Punisher” and Obama must have existed as well since he was referenced in multiple MCU properties. But since Matthew Ellis is president in 2013, that means Obama either lost his re-election or was impeached. And the thing is, there’s a plausible reason for Obama not getting his second term in the MCU; the US government’s piss poor handling of the Battle of New York City, which took place in 2012, an election year. Just the fact that SHIELD launched a nuke on NYC would’ve sunk Obama’s campaign.
2) President Matthew Ellis probably lost his re-election campaign as well. He had two major scandals in his first term; his Vice President had ties to a terrorist organization (AIM) and SHIELD was revealed to be HYDRA. I’m pretty sure whoever was the opposing candidate in 2016 probably had one of the easiest election campaigns in US history.
3) Vladimir Putin kept the Red Room program going, even though it was a relic of the Soviet Union.
4) Xu Wenwu and the Ten Rings probably had ties to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. This is because the Ten Rings were a present opposing force in Afghanistan during the first Iron Man movie. Also, this fits with how the Ten Rings got involved in conflicts all over the world for their own benefit.
5) 9/11 was likely a HYDRA inside job. HYDRA’s mission was to convince people to give up their freedoms willingly, which is in line with the American political environment after 9/11 (aka the Patriot act). Also, this raises the dark possibility that Bush was a HYDRA stooge.
6) The terrifying possibility that people who died to mysterious circumstances could’ve either been killed by HYDRA, the Ten Rings, or someone using Pym particles.
7) The Sokovian Civil War implies that there’s a pro-American faction that got access to Western weapons (the Stark missiles from Wanda’s flashback) and an anti-American faction that the Maximoffs were part of. As to where Zemo sided, I have to believe that he was also on the anti-American side due to his hatred of the Avengers. The anti-American side also seems to be defending the Sokovian royalty since Zemo is a Baron. If any of this is true, then Zemo and the Maximoffs were all on the same side at one point.
8) This is less an implication and more of an observation; the people of the world are relatively chill about T’Challa, the king of Wakanda, being a superhero/Avenger. It’s like if Joe Biden put on a costume and went out to fight villains, it’s definitely a strange concept.
9) Thunderbolt Ross got the position of Secretary of State even after all the incidents with the Hulk, which really makes me question what Matthew Ellis saw in the guy.
10) EDIT: Christian Ward was a Republican U.S. Senator representing Massachusetts. Only way this was possible was if he was appointed by the Governor since Massachusetts is a very blue state. Also, this implies that either Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry, Mo Cowan, or Ed Markey aren’t senators in the MCU.
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ASSISTIR HD ▷ Venom 2 Tempo de Carnificina 【2021】 Dublado Filme Online Gratis em PT
Assistir filme - https://t.co/WOkIlVfkvv?amp=1
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No centro da trama estará o primeiro super-herói asiático do universo cinematográfico, que na verdade não tem superpoderes, mas sabe lutar perfeitamente! Seu papel será interpretado por Simu Liu ("Espaço") - um ator que, ironicamente, 5 anos atrás, escreveu para a Marvel no Twitter que seria hora de adicionar um herói asiático ao universo cinematográfico. O filme contará sobre a origem de Shang-Chi e seu confronto com o verdadeiro Mandarim (em "Homem de Ferro 3" o herói já apareceu, e então era um impostor).
Sim, "Shang-Chi e a Lenda dos Dez Anéis" é culturalmente significativo, mas isso não deve ser perdido: também é um filme fantástico.
Como "Pantera Negra", "Shang-Chi" descobre que o Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel está se tornando mais inclusivo, com um elenco praticamente todo asiático abordando um novo mito ágil. Um guerreiro chamado Xu Wenwu (Tony Leung) viveu por séculos, ganhando poder dos anéis titulares (braçadeiras, na verdade, mas "Lenda das Dez braçadeiras" parece um vídeo de Pilates).
Agora, um guerreiro surgiu para enfrentá-lo: Shang-Chi (Simu Liu), um San Franciscano que passa por Shawn e passa o tempo se embebedando com os amigos quando não chega atrasado ao seu trabalho como estacionador de carros.
"Shang-Chi" é mais divertido do que "Pantera Negra", mais parecido com um filme "Guardiões da Galáxia" ou "Homem-Formiga". O humor vem do heroísmo improvável do personagem-título e das reações sardônicas de sua (platônica?) Ajudante Katy, que emergem em uma cena clássica instantânea em um ônibus em fuga.
Um valentão com um facão no lugar do braço aterroriza Shang-Chi e Katy (Awkwafina), que pensa que seu amigo é apenas um idiota brando. Então o queixo dela cai, junto com o nosso, quando ele se revela uma máquina de socos e chutes. Em uma cena que pode lembrar os fãs de "Oldboy" de uma sequência magistral em que o anti-herói enfrenta uma sucessão de bandidos em um longo corredor, Shang-Chi despacha os capangas enquanto Katy faz piadas e tenta pilotar o ônibus pelas colinas de San Francisco.
Aquele momento zero para o herói não é a única cena de luta inventiva em "Shang-Chi", que coloca a "coreografia" na "coreografia de luta" (o coordenador de luta Andy Cheng trabalhou em filmes de Jackie Chan, não surpreendentemente). Há uma grande energia de Fred e Ginger em uma sequência no estilo "Tigre Agachado, Dragão Oculto" ambientada na floresta, na qual Leung e um feroz estranho (Fala Chen) interagem com tanta graça que não temos certeza se eles estão lutando ou caindo apaixonado. (Ambos, ao que parece.) Como todos os filmes MCU, "Shang-Chi" chega ao clímax com uma enorme batalha que dura mais do que o necessário. Mesmo assim, este parece mais ágil do que a maioria. Crédito da coreografia novamente, bem como da decisão do diretor / co-roteirista Destin Daniel Cretton de confiar nos efeitos especiais o mínimo possível. Eles são usados, é claro (há um dragão), mas parecem mais orgânicos e reais do que aquelas cenas de "Vingadores" em que um bando de criaturas animadas por computador bate em outro bando de criaturas animadas.
As atuações também são cruciais. Liu e Awkwafina, que está mais contido do que o normal, são performers extremamente agradáveis ​​e Leung é um ator tão emotivo que entendemos exatamente o que leva seu personagem à violência.
Leung é tão bom em transmitir a noção de que a dor faz as pessoas fazerem coisas tolas que é realmente difícil ver Wenwu como um vilão. Isso compensa de duas maneiras: um bandido que é mais complexo do que a maioria e uma estrutura que continua nos surpreendendo porque o arco da história de "Shang-Chi" é tão pouco convencional. Quando uma droga em um ônibus revela que ele é um super-herói, parece que tudo pode acontecer.
Alguns standbys MCU ajudam a nos lembrar em que mundo estamos. O Blip, quando metade do mundo foi eliminado e então revivido, apareceu em muitos filmes MCU e é referenciado aqui. E há sequências no meio dos créditos que prometem que Shang-Chi terá mais o que fazer em filmes futuros.
Pela primeira vez, é uma perspectiva empolgante. Cretton foi uma escolha de campo esquerdo para dirigir, dado seu currículo de dramas pequenos, mas excelentes, como "Short Term 12" e "Just Mercy". Mas "Shang-Chi", cujos heróis são homens e mulheres de todas as idades, mostra que ele pode seguir as regras da Marvel enquanto os empurra em uma direção nova e divertida. O MCU continua absorvendo gêneros de filmes como uma esponja: O recente "Black Widow" foi um thriller de espionagem forte e "Deadpool" canalizou os filmes obscenos de Judd Apatow. Com "Shang-Chi", eles criaram não apenas um excelente filme de quadrinhos, mas um excelente filme de artes marciais.
O elenco - ao contrário de “Snake Eyes”, que recentemente tentou e falhou em fazer praticamente o que “Shang-Chi” é - é a perfeição.
Liu, que é um novato em filmes dessa escala de boffo, é fácil de abraçar. Já que os cinéfilos ainda não o conhecem muito bem, a revelação de sua identidade e a transformação em um Vingador têm uma credibilidade que, digamos, Robert Downey Jr. e Mark Ruffalo não.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3nfBgpX #
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Warning! Spoilers for Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings actor Tony Leung has named Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) as his favorite Marvel heroes. The legendary star finally makes his Hollywood debut via the latest MCU Phase 4 blockbuster. He plays the father of Simu Liu’s titular character, Wenwu, also known as the Mandarin.
Leung’s involvement in Shang-Chi was announced all the way back in 2019 at the San Diego Comic-Con, where the project was officially confirmed and Liu was also revealed to be playing the leading role. Aside from the fact that this marks the actor’s first Hollywood endeavor after decades of brilliant performances, his role as the “real” Mandarin was exciting to fans. In 2013, Shane Black’s Iron Man 3 featured a fake version of the character played by Ben Kingsley. In the film, the Mandarin was revealed to be a struggling actor named Trevor Slattery who was hired by Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) to be his decoy. The character proved to be one of the most divisive creative decisions from Marvel Studios thus far, so Leung’s arrival as the new Mandarin was highly anticipated.
Related: Why Marvel Said The Ten Rings Would Return, Not Shang-Chi
While doing press for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Leung admitted to being a Marvel fan. In an interview clip shared on Reddit by a user with the handle u/someone8787, the veteran actor briefly discusses his fandom. He reveals that Iron Man and Deadpool are his favorite heroes. Watch the video below:
Click here to watch the original post
Leung’s choice of Iron Man as a favorite hero is an interesting one considering the wider Marvel canon. In the comics, the Mandarin is one of Tony Stark’s greatest rivals. Ever since the Ten Rings was introduced in the first Iron Man back in 2008, many have held out hope that the enemies would one day face off against each other on the big screen. Iron Man 3 hinted at this before Kingsley’s Mandarin was discovered to be a ruse, leaving audiences waiting several years before the real Mandarin made his presence known in the MCU. Unfortunately, however, a Mandarin vs Iron Man battle is unlikely, since both characters have now been killed in the Marvel universe. As for Deadpool, who has no connection to Leung’s character, it seems Reynolds’ popular anti-hero has simply made a strong impression on the actor.
With Leung’s character no longer living in the MCU, it will be interesting to see if any further opportunities arise for Leung to reprise his role after the events of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. As with his other projects, the actor does a magnificent job playing the role of Shang-Chi’s grieving father, whose yearning for his wife compells him to do irrational and dangerous things. Whatever the case may be, Wenwu is certainly one of the most beloved antagonists in the franchise.
More: Every Confirmed Avenger In Phase 4
Source: u/someone8787/Reddit
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lucianalight · 3 years
Even while watching Shang-Chi I thought it did a way better job at humanizing the abusive parent then Infinity War did. I think why it worked was because even if Wenwu is portrayed with some amount of sympathy it never forgets that his actions were abuse and he had no right to hurt his children no matter what his motive was.
Exactly! Imo IW didn't humanize Thanos, all it did was made him even more disgusting than he already was and managed to gaslight abuse survivors by implying that "abuse is true love"! ughh! On the other hand, Shang-Chi never tried to excuse Wenwu's actions. You sympathize with his pain, but never with his actions. It also didn't portray abuse as love. We see how Wenwu treats his children after his wife dies. He claims it's to make Shang-Chi strong, but we know it's actually abuse and neglect.
The other thing I loved about Shang-Chi is how it portrays the complicated relationship between abusive parents and their children. That constant confusion, hating and loving at the same time and not knowing what you actually feel. Because one moment they're kind and you feel the love and as soon as sth goes wrong they hurt you in the worst way. You can see that in the final battle and Wenwu's sacrifice too. One moment Wenwu blames a literal child for not defending his mother against criminals and throws Shang-Chi in the lake not caring whether he survives or not. And the other he shields his child from danger. And imo his sacrifice is not portrayed as a complete redemption. The narrative never absolves him from all he did. It just shows that he loved his child in his own flawed way. I liked that the narrative showed this complexity and didn't fall into a black and white kind of mindset which MCU usually favors specially with complete redemption of terrible parents.
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limaumandarinkl · 7 years
Kisah Maharaja China Masuk Masjid Ketika Ramadhan
Jika ke Beijing, Masjid Niujie adalah salah satu tempat yang mesti anda pergi. Di sana adalah kawasan majoriti muslim dalam wilayah Beijing. Jika anda mahu tahu lebih lanjut, boleh baca artikel yang lepas mengenai Perkampungan Islam Niujie di sini.
Ada cerita menarik mengenai Masjid Niujie ini. Dimana terdapat catatan bahawa Maharaja China Dinasti Qing pernah memasuki Masjid Niujie untuk menyiasat aktiviti yang mencurigakan. Peristiwa ini juga berlaku ketika bulan Ramadhan.
Artikel ini disumbang oleh Zhang Faris, seorang yang amat meminati sejarah dan budaya masyarakat China. Kajian dan rujukan beliau turut disertakan.
Zhang Faris, Mazlan, Nabil
Lagenda Maharaja China Masuk Masjid
Suasana malam di Bandar Diraja Beijing pada zaman Dinasti Qing biasanya agak sunyi. Namun di bahagian pekan Niujie, seorang pengawai kerajaan yang kebetulan lalu di situ mendapati Masjid Niujie masih diterangi lampu-lampu di dalamnya.
Hairan dengan situasi begini, beliau cuba mendekati masjid ini dan mendapati suatu perhimpunan besar sedang diadakan di situ. Syak wasangka menusuk hatinya; “Mungkinkah ini perhimpunan sulit pemberontak dalam malam-malam buta ini?”
Lantas beliau melaporkan hal ini kepada istana bahawa terdapat komplot yang berniat untuk menggulingkan baginda. Demi mengukuhkan pendapatnya, beliau mendakwa bahawa buku-buku yang ada di dalam masjid itu juga mempunyai unsur pemberontakan kerana isi kandungannya tidak mengagungkan maharaja.
Sepanjang era dinasti, pemberontakan dilihat sebagai perbuatan derhaka yang wajib dihukum mati kerana ia melibatkan kedaulatan negara. Namun demikian, Maharaja Kangxi (memerintah 1662–1723) memilih untuk mengambil langkah selidik dahulu. Oleh itu, baginda pun menyamar sebagai orang biasa dan meninjau persekitaran Niujie.
Di situ, baginda bertemu dengan seorang tukang masak mi tarik. Chef ini adalah seorang berbangsa Han Cina dan bukan Muslim. Ditanya mengenai kesahihan ‘perhimpunan sulit’ itu, tukang masak menafikan dakwaan ini dan menjelaskan bahawa masyarakat Hui di sini sedang menjalankan acara tahunan berpuasa (yakni bulan Ramadhan), dan ‘perhimpunan’ itu sebenarnya adalah ibadah sembahyang mereka sempena acara ini (yakni Solat).
Berbekalkan info yang diperolehi, maka Maharaja Kangxi pun menuju ke Masjid Niujie. Tertarik dengan kemesraan para jemaah masjid menyambut setiap tetamu yang datang, baginda meneruskan niatnya untuk mengikuti upacara sembahyang mereka, iaitu Solat.
Yang menariknya, siasatan baginda tidak sahaja berakhir pada malam itu. Malah diriwayatkan bahawa Maharaja Kangxi menyertai Solat pada tiga malam berturut-turut! Oleh sebab ketiga-tiga malam itu adalah tiga malam terakhir Ramadhan dan waktu memburu Laylatul Qadr, maka semasa Solat Terawih, dikhabarkan imam membaca Surah Al-Qadr.
Mengakhiri siasatannya, Maharaja Kangxi pulang ke istana dan menyemak kitab-kitab Islam yang tersimpan didalam koleksi perpustakaan diraja. Tiada satupun perkataan yang berbau hasutan mahupun anti-dinasti.
Setelah berpuas hati dengan maklumat siasatannya, baginda mengambil tindakan memecat pengawai kerajaan yang melaporkan kes ini daripada jawatannya. Kisah ini diakhiri dengan baginda mengurniakan titah diraja Kangxi (康熙圣旨牌匾) kepada Masjid Niujie. Titah ini masih boleh dilihat digantung di masjid tersebut.
Catatan Maharaja Kangxi melawat Masjid Niujie (Sumber : Weibo)
Secara keseluruhan, kisah lagenda ini hanyalah untuk menceritakan asal usul papan titah diraja Kangxi. Namun demikian secara intipatinya, kisah turun temurun ini menunjukkan intergrasi minoriti Hui Muslim dalam China yang majoritinya belum Muslim lagi.
> M.A. Aldrich & Lukas Nikol, The Perfumed Palace – Islam’s Journey from Mecca to Peking. Garnet Publishing Limited, 2010. m/s 195
> Li Shujiang and Karl W. Luckert, Mythology Folklore of the Hui, a Muslim Chinese People; State University ofNew York Press, 1994. m/s: 222-228
> Islamic Association of Beijing Xuanwu District, An Old Islamic Tone – Beijing Niujie Mosque (清真古韻 ~ 北京牛街礼拜寺), Wenwu Publication, 2009, m/s 182
  The post Kisah Maharaja China Masuk Masjid Ketika Ramadhan appeared first on Limau Mandarin.
from Limau Mandarin https://limaumandarin.com/lagenda-maharaja-china-masuk-masjid/
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Hypothetical write-up of a Xialing spin-off show:
(NOTE: Using the Disney+ format, I restricted the season to 6 episodes and tried to keep things within the PG-13 rating)
Approximately one year after the end of “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”, Xu Xialing assumes full control of the Ten Rings. Razor Fist is her second-in-command and the main muscle while Jon Jon is her main advisor (the Hand of the Queen, so to speak). As part of her new role, Xialing attends round table meetings featuring the leaders of the main criminal syndicates of Asia. The leaders are:
1) Sharon Carter aka the Power Broker, who represents Madripoor
2) Jonathan Lee aka the Golden Claw, who leads the Golden Claw Society of South Korea (played by Steven Yeun)
3) Kenuichio Harada aka the Silver Samurai, who leads the Hand of Japan (played by Hiroyuki Sanada) 
4) Nam Tran aka Moving Shadow, who leads the Si-Fan Clan of Southeast Asia (played by Tony Jaa) 
Since Xialing is the new kid in town, she’s not respected by the other four leaders. Offended by her treatment by the other leaders, Xialing starts planning her retaliation, which Razor Fist and Jon Jon are opposed to. Razor Fist tells Xialing that Wenwu survived by showing restraint and a willingness to compromise with the other leaders. Xialing says she’s not her father and that Razor Fist should watch how he talks to her (NOTE: Xialing is less a hero and more of a morally grey anti-hero in this series).
Around this time, Xialing’s underground cage fighting business is attacked by a mysterious masked vigilante. The vigilante confronts Jon Jon and gives him an ultimatum; Xialing is to step down as leader of the Ten Rings and must immediately dismantle the organization. 
Angered by this, Xialing demands to know who is threatening her this way. Jon Jon says that the vigilante referred to themselves as “The Iron Fist”, ending the first episode. 
Xialing puts a massive bounty on the Iron Fist’s head. Surprisingly, no one wants to collect the prize. Razor Fist explains that everyone who has stepped against the Iron Fist has fallen, which Xialing brushes off as just panicked gossip. The other crime leaders reveal that they received similar threats from the Iron Fist, indicating that Iron Fist is waging a one-person war against all of Asia’s criminal underworld.
Most of this episode is focused on Xialing, Razor Fist, and Jon Jon hunting down the mysterious Iron Fist. Eventually, they discover that the vigilante’s next target is Sharon Carter and that they plan on attacking her in her headquarters in Madripoor. 
FLASHBACK DREAM SEQUENCE: A teenage Xialing watches from a distance as her father (Tony Leung reprising his role as Wenwu) argues with some unknown woman. When Xialing asks who the woman was, Wenwu angrily tells her to go to her room. 
Xialing and the Ten Rings gather in Madripoor to ambush Iron Fist. This leads to a thrilling action sequence which ends with Sharon Carter getting seriously injured by the vigilante. Xialing and Iron Fist fight, which ends with Xialing pulling the mask off of the vigilante. 
If you remember from the Iron Fist season 2 finale, Danny passed his power along to Colleen Wing. So it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that the person behind the mask is Colleen (Jessica Henwick reprising her role). Colleen says this isn’t over before making her escape. 
Sharon Carter is revealed to be in a coma. To make matters worse, Colleen Wing leaked to the press that Sharon was the Power Broker and that she’s been running Madripoor for years, thus ruining Sharon’s reputation. With one leader down, Moving Shadow suggests that the remaining leaders put their differences aside in order to stop Iron Fist. The leaders agree, but the alliance is shaky at best.
Surprisingly, Colleen Wing invites Xialing to a restaurant, saying that she just wants to talk. Xialing agrees and the two meet to discuss things. Razor Fist and the other Ten Rings wait outside as backup in case anything goes down. 
(NOTE: Most of this episode is character development for both Xialing and Colleen, hence the lack of action)
Colleen tells Xialing that she’s waging this war in order to put an end to the crime syndicates’ rule over Asia. She’s only attacking now because Wenwu’s death has shaken up the criminal underworld, the once indestructible Ten Rings now seems prone to weakness. Xialing tells Colleen that she won’t win and that she looks forward to crushing her. 
This is where we get one of the big plot twists of the season. Colleen says that Xialing should watch her tone with her. Xialing laughs it off, leading to Colleen calling her boyfriend and putting him on Facetime. Xialing’s face drops when she sees that Colleen’s boyfriend is Shang-Chi. Apparently, they met in San Francisco several months ago (right after Wong picked up Shang-Chi and Katy) and that Shang-Chi was planning on telling Xialing at some point. 
After the call, Colleen says that she genuinely likes Shang-Chi...but if anything were to happen to her, Shang-Chi will know what happened. Xialing angrily shouts that Colleen is trying to turn her family against her, to which Colleen says Xialing already did that by continuing her father’s bloody legacy. 
Colleen leaves the restaurant to plan her next move. Episode ends with Xialing angrily destroying the table since she’s being forced to go on the defensive. 
OPENING FLASHBACK SEQUENCE: One year earlier, Colleen Wing targets Shang-Chi as part of her war on the Ten Rings. However, upon meeting him, she realizes that he has nothing to do with the Ten Rings and befriends him. She falls for Shang-Chi and they start going out, which she feels conflicted over since she still plans on continuing her mission. Colleen leaves for Hong Kong and tells Shang-Chi she’ll be out for a couple of weeks on a “business trip”. 
With the danger of Shang-Chi getting involved in this war, Xialing tries to deescalate the situation, but is unsure how to do so, especially since she was the one who ramped up the war in the first place. Razor Fist and Jon Jon tell her that it’s too late and that Shang-Chi is inevitably going to get involved. Xialing says that she just fixed her relationship with her brother, to which Razor Fist says that friendships and alliances fracture all the time in their way of life. 
Meanwhile, Colleen Wing meets up with Moving Shadow. We then get this reveal; Colleen had an alliance with Moving Shadow this whole time. Although her plan was to destroy the criminal underworld of Asia, she settled on taking the Ten Rings down for now. Thus, she made an alliance with the Ten Rings’ most hated rival, the Si-Fan Clan. Moving Shadow promised that he’ll help her take the Ten Rings down since his clan gets more power with his enemies being cut down. 
That’s the reason Sharon Carter was taken out; she was the Ten Rings’ main ally in the round table. With Sharon gone, the Si-Fan quietly took over Madripoor by propping up a puppet leader in her place. 
With Xialing at a crossroads, Razor Fist and Jon Jon start discussing plans on what to do in case Xialing is unable to lead. Jon Jon indirectly suggests having Xialing step down, which Razor Fist says won’t happen.  
The crime lords meet again and Moving Shadow claims that there is a specific neighborhood in Seoul that may be where Iron Fist is residing in. The Ten Rings, Golden Claw Society, the Hand, and the Si-Fan Clan agree to launch an assault on the neighborhood, but Xialing expresses doubts over the plan. Not only is she worried about Colleen’s warnings, she’s not happy about the idea of attacking people who may not be in “the game”. Moving Shadow claims that Xialing is soft, to which Xialing says she’s just not a crazy mass murderer like him.
The assault happens and is as horrific as it sounds. But to Xialing’s surprise, Colleen is nowhere to be found. Instead, her own assassins attack her. Xialing survives the encounter, but comes to the horrifying realization that someone in the Ten Rings is plotting against her and that it was intended for her to die during the assault. 
Xialing goes into hiding. Since she can’t trust her own organization, she seeks out the one person she can trust; Razor Fist. Razor Fist and Xialing meet in private. When Xialing asks him who set her up, Razor Fist says that he believes it was Jon Jon. Apparently, Jon Jon has been plotting against her this whole time and that he used the Iron Fist conflict as an excuse to remove her from power. When Xialing asks what’s in it for Jon Jon, Razor Fist says that Jon Jon is now the new Power Broker of Madripoor (it’s not official yet, but Razor Fist says he overheard Jon Jon bragging about his promotion).
Xialing swears to kill Jon Jon but Razor Fist says they don’t have the muscle to do so. He suggests bringing in Shang-Chi, but Xialing refuses. 
Around this time, Moving Shadow says to Jon Jon that he no longer needs Colleen Wing’s help in taking Xialing down. This leads to a thrilling sequence where Si-Fan Clan assassins attack Colleen Wing’s hideout (which actually was in Seoul, just not where Xialing was). Colleen escapes the attack, realizing that Moving Shadow terminated their alliance.
Colleen hears about what happened to Xialing from her contacts in the criminal underworld. Because of this change in their situation, she arranges another meeting between the two of them. Colleen says that both of them were betrayed and Xialing accuses Colleen for ruining everything. Razor Fist intervenes by saying that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, forcing Colleen and Xialing to call a truce. 
Razor Fist and Xialing return to the Ten Rings. Although Xialing is hesitant to go back, Razor Fist says she needs to directly confront Jon Jon over what happened. Upon returning, they see that the Ten Rings leaders are in disarray over Xialing’s supposed assassination. Xialing tries to calm everyone down, only to be cut off by the arrival of Moving Shadow. Moving Shadow says that Xialing’s brief reign is over and that the Ten Rings are to be merged into the Si-Fan Clan.
Razor Fist and Xialing angrily declare that Moving Shadow is out of line, to which Moving Shadow says he’s within his right to claim the Ten Rings. He then drops this big reveal; he’s a son of Xu Wenwu, thus he claims the Ten Rings as his birthright. This also explains the flashback from episode 2; the woman who was talking to Wenwu was Moving Shadow’s mom, his ex-lover from the 1970s. That’s also why Wenwu snapped at Xialing when she asked him about the unnamed woman.
Moving Shadow declares that all Xialing-loyalists are to be purged from the Ten Rings. This leads to a massive fight where Xialing and Razor Fist have to fight their way out of the building. After making their escape, Moving Shadow assumes his place as the leader of the Ten Rings.
OPENING FLASHBACK SEQUENCE: In Thailand, Wenwu meets a young Nam Tran for the first time. Despite his mother pleading to him, Wenwu decides to abandon Nam and his mom. Nam grows up bitter and angry over this and he makes it his life mission to take over Wenwu’s legacy as his revenge.
In the present day, Razor Fist and Colleen make plans to escape to the United States. However, Xialing is too consumed with rage over the fact that she lost everything. She sneaks out and makes her way to a high-end restaurant where Moving Shadow is enjoying his evening. 
Realizing that Xialing is going to get herself killed, Colleen calls for backup, who is revealed to be Wong (it’s explained that the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj are allied with K’un L’un). Wong says that he’s also portaled-in Shang-Chi and Katy Chen to help. Colleen and Razor Fist explain what’s going on. Shang-Chi is obviously upset, but he says that making sure his sister is safe is his only priority at the moment.   
The rest of the episode is the big, climactic showdown. Xialing, Razor Fist, Colleen Wing, Wong, Shang-Chi, and Katy versus the Ten Rings and the Si-Fan Clan. Xialing attacks the restaurant where Moving Shadow is at (think the scene from Kill Bill where the Bride confronts O-Ren Ishii). After fending off the attackers on her own, the others arrive to help. There’s a brief moment during the battle where Shang-Chi and Xialing meet. Shang-Chi is angry that she didn’t dismantle the Ten Rings and Xialing is mad that Colleen called him for help. 
The final confrontation is a 2-on-1 showdown, with Xialing and Colleen facing off against Moving Shadow. Shang-Chi, Katy, Wong, and Razor Fist aren’t there since they’re dealing with the rest of the Ten Rings and the Si-Fan Clan. Despite being outnumbered, Moving Shadow is able to hold his own against the two (think the end fight scene from “The Raid: Redemption”). Eventually, Xialing and Colleen manage to defeat Moving Shadow. 
Xialing is about to kill Moving Shadow, but is stopped by Colleen who says that it’s better for him to be arrested. Not wanting to hear it, Xialing forces Colleen to move out of the way and stabs Moving Shadow in the chest. As he dies, Moving Shadow taunts Xialing that even though she won the fight, he ultimately won the war. 
Unfortunately for Xialing, Moving Shadow turns out to be right. The Ten Rings leaders refuse to reinstate Xialing as their leader since she murdered not only their current leader, but a biological son of Wenwu (kinslaying is a taboo within the organization). However, not wanting Moving Shadow to get the last word, Xialing makes a suggestion to the Ten Rings leadership; “If not me...then let my brother Shang-Chi lead”. 
Shang-Chi refuses, but the leaders are immediately sold on Xialing’s suggestion. Colleen demands to know why Xialing did that, to which Xialing snarkily says, “Because I love my brother”. In reality, Xialing plans on manipulating Shang-Chi from behind the scenes as he leads the Ten Rings, thus unofficially keeping her in charge of the Ten Rings.
And...that’s where “Shang-Chi 2″ starts!     
Jon Jon brings Moving Shadow’s body to the Hand. He tells Keniuchio Harada that he knows about the Hand’s secret rituals and asks if there’s a way to bring Moving Shadow back to life. Silver Samurai says there’s a way...but it’s going to cost him something. 
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