divinemiracles · 1 year
i just want Amity and Willow and Gus to get fed up with Luz for once.
Luz, Amity’s GIRLFRIEND, didn’t tell her about how she accidentally helped Belos and… Amity just forgives her on the spot???
Despite the fact that she had months to tell her..?
A rant about Luz’s dishonesty to everyone, specially Amity, below.
Same here. Throughout the show, Luz kept secrets and hid away from her friends even though they tried to help her. I never got why they could put up with her. Luz has a habit of getting so easily forgiven every time she does something wrong with barely any consequences. Her girlfriend has continuously assured her that she will still care about and love her unconditionally because she wants to be helpful but Luz doesn’t accept it. Luz has lied to Amity over and over, time after time, yet still gets forgiven in the end.
When Luz was on edge with the events of Yesterday’s Lie, she refused to tell her friends, especially Amity, about it and tried to lie her way out of it until Amity called her out. Amity assured her that she just wanted to help and be someone Luz could talk to and not hide from, someone she could be honest with.
Amity wanted Luz to be honest with her, yet she lied again in Reaching Out. She was acting rash and uneasy due to it being the anniversary of her dad’s death, which is completely valid, but she still thought it would be a good idea to lie about setting off an alarm to alert Amity’s abusive parents to her location? Yes, she didn’t want to ruin her girlfriend’s special day which is why she lied, but she didn’t have to lie about something as big as that. She didn’t know at the time that Alador wanted to be a better father, she just thought he was the same as Odalia.
When Luz helped Phillip, she had an overwhelming feeling that everything took place because of her. Months passed by (likely 2-3) and she was still scared of telling her friends about it, specifically Amity. Hunter knew about it and he assured her that they would be fine with it since it wasn’t her fault due to it being unintentional, but she still hid it from everyone. When Luz was revealed for helping Phillip, she tried to change the subject to Hunter being a grimwalker. Great friendship, out your friend who had an even bigger secret than you to everyone. Luz lied to Amity again with that major secret but Amity still managed to tolerate her and kindly tell her to quit lying.
Even after Luz PROMISED to never lie to Amity again, she still lied again. She still decided that she would leave the Isles since she thought everything was her fault even though she was assured otherwise. She still wanted to leave the Isles and Amity. Everyone assured Luz it was okay but she didn’t listen.
With her other friends, they should’ve gotten fed up with Luz’s lying as well. She had plenty of time to tell everyone about helping Phillip but she didn’t do it until the very last moment. Luz left Camila for the demon realm during the summer (not thinking about if she would possibly get trapped there) and was so lucky that her mother didn’t yell at her for it and forgave her. Luz was supposed to keep Hunter’s secret as a grimwalker and said he should tell them when he was ready, yet blurted out his secret in TTT to try to divert attention from herself. She didn’t get into an argument with Hunter for outing him when he wasn’t ready, her widowed and stressed mom for leaving and making her have self-doubt in her parental abilities, her girlfriend for continuously lying, and her friends for being dishonest about a big issue. Her loved ones just instantly forgave her and put up with her. Amity and Camila were already insecure about being a part of Luz’s life yet she still lied to them about major issues.
Luz Noceda had continuously lied to her friends, specifically her girlfriend, throughout the show and easily got forgiven for it. She barely suffered consequences for her actions and everyone put up with her. Her friends assured her various times that they care about her but she still was dishonest and even OUTED someone who had a bigger secret than her. Luz’s friends should have gotten tired of her constant lying but they never did.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Can we talk about the fact that TOH, a kid's show that aired on the Disney channel, has an unironically a better gay/sapphic relationship with Lumity than either of these "adult shows"?
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Lumity is an incredibly well-developed ship; Its gradually built up throughout season 1 and season 2A and they don't drag the shit out of it, they are just incredibly cute together. The ship isn't abusive and toxic...
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...unlike Stolitz, which is a very toxic ship where the victim is portrayed as the abuser and the abuser is framed as just an UwU soft boy. Another thing about Lumity that makes it a good relationship is the fact that Amity is her own character; she isn't solely defined by Luz, her relationship with Luz is an important part of her character, sure, but she still has a lot of development in the series that makes her a well-developed, three-dimensional character.
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Compare that to Chaggie, which while not nearly as bad as Stolitz, still has issues, that being how Vaggie's character entirely revolves around Charlie, she doesn't have any real development outside of that. There is the stuff about her being a fallen angel but we'll have to see what the show does with it to make a full judgment, but the reveal that she is a fallen angel feels too rushed to give her depth.
Vaggie doesn't feel like her own character, she feels like she's completely defined by her relationship with Charlie, and she doesn't have that much of a character outside of that. Amity meanwhile, is her own character beyond her relationship with Luz, even in Season 2 where people say that supposedly Amity became just "Luz's girlfriend", she still had that whole conflict with her parents.
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Lumity is infinitely superior to both of these ships guys.
Then again TOH blows HH/HB out of the water in every single aspect so...
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80rosequartz08 · 2 months
Shoutout to Some Actually Good Queer Cartoon Couples/Ships
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Luz and Amity (Canon!)
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Adora and Glimmer (Non-Canon)
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Eda and Raine (Canon!)
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Stanford and Fiddleford (Non-Canon)
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Ruby and Sapphire (Canon!)
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Pearl and Bismuth (Implied)
**Wish I could've found more MLM couples :/
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todomemolesta18 · 7 months
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will never be them
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bi-dykes · 7 months
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Back at it with my salty memes 💝
Part 1 of Bisexual Salty Memes
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Hoooooo boy,the 'we need more unsanitazed gay/bi/trans media' gang isn't gonna like this one(To clarify:I am insulting the second half of this)
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i was thinking about how ariel from the little mermaid is criticized so harshly for "giving up her voice and family for some guy" when there was definitely a lot more to it than that.
ariel had dreams outside of eric. she wanted to see the world, she wanted to get acquainted with humans and human traditions and she wasn't satisfied with her life underwater. that was the whole point of "part of your world", she barely mentions eric in it. he was just a bonus in her new life, not her entire purpose.
why am i talking about a random disney movie? it's because i was thinking of lumity, and how amity also rebelled against her family for a new life. except.. amity really only mentions luz (and "the others" because let's be real, she did not give a shit about willow and gus at that point). amity's sole reason to go against her family's values was luz.
this, if anything, could be considered "giving up everything for a love interest" but people don't see it that way because amity's parents were shitty to begin with. but if you look at the little mermaid from a different perspective, you could argue that king triton wasn't a very good parent either.
he literally throws a temper tantrum just because his teenage daughter has a crush on a guy. ariel is legit terrified in that scene, and regardless of whether triton had good intentions or not, he made his daughter feel unsafe and turn to an impulsive decision in a moment of emotional distress.
all of this to say, you could argue that ariel had no reason to stay with her family either, given that her father lacks emotional sensitivity and does not sit down and try to communicate with his child, instead of destroying her collection and scaring her away.
coming back to amity, i can understand that luz inspired her to actually do something about her abusive parents, and that's sweet. but we never get to see what else amity wanted. since they never established a friendship arc between amity and gus or willow (she apologized to willow, sure, but the rekindling of their relationship happens much later on), all we know is that amity is tired of being abused and she wants to be with luz.
from an abuse victim's perspective, amity standing up against her parents was powerful. but unlike ariel, amity doesn't seem to want anything besides luz. and she never explores what she wants to do, now that she has successfully cut herself away from her mother's influence. her whole life revolves around luz after that.
there was that abomination brawl episode but even that ended up being about luz. the brawl was just a quick montage, it only existed for the emotional drama that came later on. in fact, even when the plot was focused on amity, it was more about her relationship with her father rather than her autonomy and personal interests.
there's a reason why a lot of people liked the mean girl version of amity. she had personality, she had interests and goals, she had CHARACTER. it was all fake and a result of trauma, but it was there and it helped flesh out her character. but after she is redeemed? there's nothing left of the old amity, not even the more positive/neutral traits, and her only personality is "luz's awesome girlfriend".
amity's arc should have been about exploring what she wanted outside of her parents' wishes. abuse often turns you into a shell of a person and recovering from years of trauma isn't as simple as getting a romantic partner. it takes therapy (and that is canonically an option in the boiling isles, let me remind you), it takes self-reflection, it takes giving yourself the permission to choose your own destiny and explore yourself outside of your abusers' expectations.
and amity gets none of this. her trauma and arc was resolved too quickly, even for a show that was cut short. they just gave her a makeover, got her into a relationship with luz and called it a day. the only reason people aren't giving her the ariel treatment is (probably) because lumity is a queer ship.
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Lumity: wasted potential of the show
Lumity isn't as bad as Huntlow. They were planned since the beginning, they had time for development, even if it was a bit rushed. But they still have writing problems that we should address:
1. Amity's character almost dissapeared. During first season she was the most interesting character out of all, despite the fact that her arc was rushed and involved retcone. But after her redemption, she turned into sweet awkward nerdy girl. It's not realistic in any way to become completely different person in a couple of months, and it also made her boring. She's the second of three ex-villians who got the same new characterisation, which is bad by itself, but she also lost her special chemistry with Luz which we saw in Grom episode. This episode was Lumity's peak you can't deny it
2. Amity is just Luz's gf and nothing more. She has nothing to wish except being with Luz and seeing her being happy. No ambitions, no goals, no new friends. Just Luz. She thinks only about her, she talks only about her, she does everything only when it's about Luz. Only exception is Reaching Out, but it was also turned into Luz's thing. As much as I hate Huntlow, Hunter at least had something except love for Willow. It's bad not only because it makes Lumity a copy of awful mlw couple trope, it also doesn't show hurmful tendency (dependence on a partner and being obsessed with them) as something bad.
3. Lumity made Luz look bad. You know, dating your first friend's ex bestie and ex main bully is kinda messed up. It wouldn't be that problematic if Willow and Amity had already become friends again, but it's not what we've got.
4. Mistrust between Luz and Amity. I agree that the reason is that Luz is a bully victim and Amity reacted hurshly several times when Luz did something wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that it shows another hurmful idea that good partner has to forgive every bad thing and in the wrong for being offended. This moment of Amity would be cute if it appeared ones and clearly showed that she has changed and now she's much more patient with Luz. But in canon, Amity just allows Luz to treat herself like shit bu lying to her (and not only her) over and over again. And Luz lying three times (even if lie about Belos is justified) about things that are important for their shared future and for Amity's safety don't paint her in a good light. There's a line between not being too hursh to partner when they did something wrong and being a doormat for a partner because you were wrong in the past.
5. Imbalance in the effort invested in the relationship. As it is clear from my points that I made earlier, Luz is everything to Amity, while Amity for Luz is just a girlfriend. Amity's doing everything for Luz (which is not good), while Luz isn't even prioritize saving Amity over just being with Eda. In season three they barely interact at all. And now it isn't about Luz being the wrong one: it wasn't the right time for cute couple stuff. Actually, if you think about it, Luz's attitude towards Amity is much healthier. It's just too miserable to see Amity being Luz's loyal puppy who buried all her goals and ambitions, while Luz treating Amity like she treats other friends.
In conclusion, I don't say that they had to be like catr*dora or stol*z, no way. Healthy relationship should be portrayed in media, especially for kids. But there's the difference between being called healthy and being actually healthy. Lumity isn't abusive, isn't even toxic, it's just not a relationship goal. In the ideal world, their flaws should've been addressed and resolved in the show, so they can actually become healthy couple.
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theprinceandthewitch · 5 months
Just when I thought I was done with TOH... the pilot and Hunter's original design draws me back in
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I love this alot, mostly because it destroys the argument anti lunter weirdos made about Hunter being a last minute add in. Which was like, never actually true because SAI implied foreshadowed alot of... interesting stuff... the whole Lunter kiss. Hunter was also in alot of early production stuff as well... like someone on the production team literally said Dana had him in mind since early Bible days LMAO (ricky cometa over on instagram)
The other thing I like is that this confirms Hunter being related to Belos wasn't a last minute add in either.
NGL I'm frothing at the mouth over the implication William was put into an eternal sleep by Obron/Belos because he fell in love with a witch... Like Williams whole thing with being a witch-hunter who lost his memories is the perfect set-up for that kind of reveal...
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lemonthepotato · 2 years
Disney said “no gay” and Dana said
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hikaaa-bi · 11 months
can we talk about how useless lilith is to the plot? she's introduced as this really mysterious antagonist with a complicated relationship with one of our heroes. but then, she's shown to be incompetent, impatient and immature in a bunch of episodes where she tries to capture eda. she's portrayed almost as pathetic as kikimora sometimes.
but then she captures luz and we find out the truth about her. how she cursed her sister in order to get into the emperor's coven and how she's trying to fix her mistake by doing the wrong thing. okay, now her character is getting more interesting. maybe we can see how hard she has to work to right her wrongs and get forgiven and— nope. we're just gonna have her share eda's curse and now everyone loves her. she's forgiven instantaneously.
and after that? she's mostly just… there. either as a comic relief or as emotional support for the other characters. “she went back in time and punched belos!” anyone could have done that. there were multiple other characters in the show who knew a lot about the boiling isles and could have helped luz with time traveling. there were multiple other characters in the show who wouldn't have hesitated to deck philip in the face. lilith could have easily been replaced by any other character in the show.
besides, the punch didn't do much other than give belos a bump on his nose bridge and more of a reason to hate witches. it wasn't his driving force, he would have hated witches even if lilith hadn't punched him. he was already knee-deep in villainy at that point.
i just feel like lilith's character had a lot more potential. i feel like toh has a trend of turning all its redeemed characters into the same old "awkward loveable nerd" archetype. and it strips them of their entire personality. oh, amity was this stuck-up bully who was suffering from her mother's abuse? she got a haircut and she's just luz's cute awkward girlfriend now. personality? we don't know her. hunter was a trained soldier who spent years under the influence of his abusive uncle and recently found out that he was a clone made solely to replace his uncle's long-dead brother, and now has to deal with that life-shattering realization? nah, he's just willow's pathetic wet cat male wife now.
i just— i don't know, man. all these characters had potential. especially hunter. he was the most popular character in the show for a reason and it's not only because some viewers found him hot. it's because people could relate to him and also because his snarky and petty personality was a fun addition to the show. by the end of the series, none of these characters are themselves.
i love romantic subplots in shows but if a character has to change entirely in order to fit in a romantic narrative, maybe you're not doing it right. maybe those characters just don't belong together.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
Luz and Hunter are my favorite characters from toh but I would never under any circumstances ship them. Like. Hunter licks Luz's hand and then she smears it on his face. She yeets his fancy emperor's coven staff over the side of a hot air balloon. He antagonizes her gf into giving him one of the most powerful substances in the realm. Her mom basically adopts him. They're. Siblings. Idk what other evidence ya'll need.
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stanlunter · 7 months
I personally don't like Lumity for a few reasons... 1. It kinda makes Luz a terrible friend to Willow, since Luz is befriending Willow's bully (and former friend) behind her back...
2. Luz loses her backbone almost whenever Amity is angry at her, while Luz's rivalry with Hunter felt more equal cause they get angry at each other and Luz isn't afraid to call out Hunter on his crap (unlike with Amity, where Luz doesn't even get angry at her that much for burning Willow's picture memories). Considering how much of a jerk Amity was to Luz before she dyed her hair purple, it's no wonder Luz kept secrets from her and told Hunter instead...
3. Amity's romantic feelings for Luz make no sense. At first, she hated Luz for getting her in trouble in school and for being a human that lacks magical powers. But then Luz gains Amity's respect, when Luz reveals that she can do magic spells in a different way... So yeah, it would make sense for Luz to gain Amity's respect and later maybe friendship. But Amity gaining a crush and slowly becoming obsessed with the human (who's species that she hated) that keeps getting her in trouble is pretty unrealistic. They also had to almost completely change Amity's personality after she made her hair purple, so that Amity can act like 'Luz's 1# Fangirl' while they're dating... They could've at least given Amity a new dream, since she's an ambitious girl and she can't be in the Emperor's Coven anymore! ಠ_ಠ
Sorry for the long answer
But I absolutely agree!
I swear, I LOVE the potential Lumity had, but its realization really makes me cry. Especially since there are not so many well-written AND interesting supphic couples in media and the way they absolutely ruined even this one (which really could be handled so easily) is really sad. If I had to rewrite toh, Lumity would have been changed the most
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
I know I compare TOH to HB a lot but its kinda funny how both shows are opposites to me. Every time I rewatch an episode of TOH I notice more things about it that I like and my opinion of the episode I rewatched gets better. Every time I rewatch an episode of HB I just notice more problems with it that I didn't catch and my opinion of the episode gets worse.
TOH Season 2 is a season that takes all the potential Season 1 left for it and uses it to its fullest, making the show go from good to phenomenal. HB Season 2 is a season that wastes all the potential the first season left for it and makes Season 1's problems worse as well as add new ones with very bad writing decisions.
Lumity is a sapphic relationship that's really well-developed and healthy, meanwhile, Stolitz is a gay relationship that is horribly written and toxic.
TOH is basically does everything I wanted HB to do, as well as HH I guess.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
"Willow should've ended up with Boscha,Hunter is just a boring generic white boy!!!"Man shut the hell up,Hunter is a disabled autistic king with zero conventionally attractive physical traits and grew up getting abused AND adopted Willow's years long best friend as his little brother and pseudo-son within a day of knowing him while Boscha is a literal demonic white girl who's only character purpose is to be the femcel to Amity's lesbian chad.This was never a conversation that needed to be had!End OF
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spop fans: *sees literally any sapphic ship*
spop fans: omg they're just like catra and adora!!
spop fans: *sees any redeemed villain/antagonist*
spop fans: omg that's literally catra they would be besties!
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