#anti-black arab racism
matan4il · 4 months
Hey! Anon from the last time here! By "Pro-Palestine Westeners" I was partially referring to all these students from Columbia and MIT who were illegally occupying the school grounds and harassing/hurting the actual Israeli/Jewish/Middle Eastern/the other generally decent students.
I know there's Pro-Palestine people who are actually decent, but all these college students are risking suspension/expulsion/jailtime because they'd rather chant pro-Ha*as slogans rather and listening to news from biased fonts rather than educating themselves on what's really happening. Some people would rather stay in their ivory towers, rather than going outside and touching grass.
I also know there's LGBT+ people in Palestine and other parts of MENA, and all I wish for them is that they live long enough to find a place where to live freely and out of the closet, without suffering persecution from their government.
Hope this clarified at least a little bit my other ask, and sorry it sounded so ambiguous. Finally, let's hope that Eden Golan gets at least in the top 5 at Eurovision 2024, just to spite anyone who booed her.
Hi Nonnie!
Thank you for sending this ask to clarify the previous one, it's what I thought you meant, and I'm glad to hear I wasn't too off.
TBH, as a gay woman myself, with gay Palestinian friends who are a part of my queer community, and whose struggles I know well, that's the first group I thought about as well. Then I thought about the fact that under Hamas law, husbands can rape their wives with impunity. I thought about the way the Christian population (the biggest non-Muslim minority under Palestinian rule) has demographically plummeted in the areas that Israel passed on to Palestinian control as a part of the Oslo accords. I thought about black people, whose ancestors were kidnapped because of the Trans-Saharan (i.e Arab) trade slave, and are still treated as lesser humans because of that (based on their skin color, they are still referred to in Arabic to this day as "Abeed," meaning slaves).
I think this last group, which most people don't even realize exists, deserves a bit more info shared about it:
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Pretty sure black activists in the states, who don't know the history (and present) of the Arab slave trade, or the persisting anti-black racism that exists in Palestinian society, have no clue they're being exploited against the same Jewish community, which stood with Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, even having some of its members paying with their very lives for this. I hope they wake up and realized they're being used for antisemitic purposes by the same people who enslaved and are still discriminating against some of their people.
But it's funny how the world's activists and human rights defenders seem to ignore the plight of these marginalized Palestinians, isn't it? Almost like, because they're NOT being oppressed by Jews, rather by fellow Palestinians, and can't be used to justify antisemitic rhetoric and action, then they don't count. So much for minority solidarity and intersectionality, right? It doesn't extend to Jews, and it doesn't extend to Palestinians who can't be weaponized against Jews.
Regarding the last bit of your ask, bless you for being hit with Apollo's dodge ball and predicting Eden making it into the top 5, despite every effort made by the jury members of so many countries, the awful people in the audience, and members of fellow delegations. It was magnificent!
Sending you hugs! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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hussyknee · 10 months
I just want to make one thing very clear. Black and brown people, especially Muslims right now, don't owe white people for your allyship in racial justice. Not even those who are themselves systemically marginalized in some way. Not white Jews, not white queers, not white disabled, not white working class, not white poor.
Whiteness is the most lethal kind of oppression because it built the current colonial capitalist, imperialist world order. Every white person benefits from and is complicit in its systems in some way because white supremacy is global. Whatever marginalization has white people in it can be and is easily weaponized against the mellanated. When charged with your racist, exclusionary and oppressive behaviour you hold up Black and brown people of the same marginalizations as tokens. This is the only time they are ever visible; more often than not you profit off their labour, hoard their gains, throw them under the bus and make them part of your iconography for liberal progress points once they're dead and have no inconvenient opinions about your conduct.
This is why it's very hard for Black and brown people to take accusations of bigotry towards you in good faith. We also have a duty of care towards others but more often than not it feels like you want us to do what you want while holding a knife to our necks. Even when you don't do it directly, you issue demands like "if you don't do x and y you clearly don't care about my people and deserve the worst!!!" without considering for a moment that the full brunt of that policing will always fall on Black and brown people, because punitive justice exercises itself first and foremost on the vulnerable. If your demands for allyship carry disproportionate punishment for Black and brown people should we refuse, you're just on some power trip and never needed our help in the first place. This also obfuscates the needs and disenfranchisement of BIPOC Jewish, queer, poor, disabled and Global South people, because without racial justice, few of your gains will ever materialise in their lives. It's always trickle down liberation for the rest of us.
Your allyship is supposed to be the work of conscience, a recognition of injustice and a drive towards privilege equal to your own. For white people, it's an individual reparation on your part. It is not an act of kindness, or benevolence, or a transaction that must be repaid in kind. The worst of us deserve the same rights the worst of you already have. That's the meaning of equality. If you're willing to let us get fired, deported, or brutally murdered for bad behaviour, then not only were you never an ally, you were also just waiting for the opportunity to use that weapon you claim you never wanted. There is no justice in an asymmetry of power.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
'How can you call yourself a Batkids stan but hate the glamorous rich people aspects of fanon?!'Because i'm black and latino.THOSE MAMA MIERDAS COLONIZED ME X 2
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smonk-wonk · 8 months
There is FAR more antisemitism right now than there is racism against Palestinians TRUST ME
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Despite an "extremely critical" report on persistent systemic biases in street checks, Montreal police Chief Fady Dagher says the police service won't implement the report's main recommendation of a moratorium on random police stops. Speaking to reporters Thursday, Dagher said doing so would only be a symbolic gesture and that his goal is to change the SPVM's culture as a whole to get to the root of racial profiling in the police service.  Dagher, who was born to Lebanese parents in Ivory Coast, says he has "personally experienced" racial profiling by police and that "repeatedly, constantly and insidiously, it slowly undermines your self-esteem, destroys your sense of belonging and makes you believe and, even worse, makes you accept that you are only a second-class of citizen."  The report on street checks, commissioned by the SPVM, was a followup to a previous report published in 2019, which found that Indigenous, Black, Asian and Arab people disproportionately experienced random police checks. 
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Note from the poster @el-shab-hussein: thanks for throwing us under the bus ya akhi.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid
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andsheoverthinks · 1 year
i am so tired of how easily people slip into anti-Blackness to defend their arguments
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recently (always tbh but also recently) i've been seeing a lot of disdain circulating for African Americans, disappointedly but not surprisingly from a lot of non-white people as well.
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[f appropriating other cultures is so repugnant to you... why do you have a kpop profile pic... but i digress]
specifically this is about the Cleopatra tv show? casting that people are discussing right now, it's really highlighted how Black people, especially African Americans, aren't allowed to do anything a little bit cringe without racist, violent blowback. Cleopatra has been played by many many actresses, most of whom aren't of Greek or Egyptian descent. So it's weird that people are acting like Black people are uniquely horrible and ignorant for the casting of a Black woman as Cleopatra, when many castings have not been historically accurate.
Liz Taylor was British-American, Vivien Leigh was British, Monica Bellucci and Sophia Italian... you get the point. and yet people aren't hurling racist slurs at white people (there are none) for casting Cleopatra as non-Greek/Egyptian all these years. if you're upset about this particular casting, you can at least be civil with your discussions. but, no, it's easiest to call us dirty, ignorant n******s because half the time people are just waiting for an excuse.
let me explain something to you, gently. a lot of people ask, well, African Americans and Caribbeans were sold from West African countries like Ghana and Nigeria, why don't they go appropriate those countries.
the answer's quite simple. we don't learn anything about West Africa in school.
laugh break, haha, dumb USAmericans.
okay, back to business. in the U.S., we learn a very short list of non-European civilizations: Mesopotamia, China, and Egypt. Maybe one line on Mali if you're lucky. the school system here is very sensitive to teaching anything that triggers 'white guilt' aka anything more than a cursory glance at anything concerning Black people and our history, which is deemed as unimportant. you can say we were obviously enslaved from West African countries so we should learn about those cultures, but... we don't speak our old languages, save for some loanwords like 'duppy' instead of 'ghost' in Caribbean vernacular and such, we don't eat our old foods, wear our traditional clothes... we don't even know what they were, what ethnic group(s) we would have belonged to. we're not immigrants in that sense that we have a home country, a definite place of origin. do you know what it's like to feel that so much of your identity is rootless? do you know how endless that emptiness is?
so when these three non-European civilizations were laid out before us, we latched onto the closest one, and ran a little too far with it.
in fact, my generation is less dependent on Egypt as a sort of crutch; this is more of an older people thing. we have healed enough to be able to look within.
this is not a sob story. this is just a story of how we got here, and how this construction of the world -- disregarding the effects of white supremacy and racial trauma while enacting racist behavior and showing incredible fluency with white supremacist imagery and rhetoric -- is fundamentally flawed.
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this is just a sample of the racist tweets on the actress's twitter. i have chosen not to include the images that titilate these people but they are equally horrible, depicting violence against Black people.
in fact, i should stop calling this pathological behavior pattern 'white supremacy' at this point because a lot of people are actually getting off is to Arab slavery. the parallels between misogyny and anti-Blackness are so interesting -- misogynists are addicted to the ego boost of subjugating women, racists are addicted to the ego boost of subjugating Blacks. yes, your ancestors spearheaded an appallingly brutal slave trade of African people which lasted thirteen centuries and is continues to this day (yes, Black people are still being enslaved in your countries but you're butthurt over a tv show so it's time to go ballistic -- by the way white people were also kidnapped and sold but since the rise of European imperialism they'd been able to shed that 'shame'), even more evil than the triangular trade and there are fewer survivors because of the reproductive control methods (read, violent sterilization). source1 source2. you people spouting this nonsense because of a tv show are just as racist as the white people over here, possibly worse. do you feel edgy villain enough now? happy?!
and by the way, 'threatening' to cast white actors as Harriet Tubman or Martin Luther King doesn't hurt us the way that Cleopatra not looking white enough seems to emotionally wound you, we are used to being minimized and erased for our contributions to society and are not thin-skinned like the losers complaining about this like it's the worst thing in their lives.
Is Afro-centerism inaccurate? Probably. Is it fearmongering to position it as equivalent to white supremacy? Absolutely.
[Pop quiz: Which ideology enslaved, tortured, raped, killed, and colonized across many centuries?]
Does calling us n******s and invoking 4chan 'we wuz kangz' (yes there was a we wuz kangz meme but i'm not reposting their childish shit on my blog) arguments make you sound like anything other than a whiny child? No. Just say you don't like the casting like a grown-up.
Why doesn't Hollywood produce West Africa period pieces in order to cast more Black actors instead? Now there's an actually productive question. Thank you. Actually, next they should do a long, high budget docudrama on the Arab slave trade so you can feel really uncomfortable.
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cute-st · 2 years
TW: anti-blackness
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maddy-ferguson · 7 months
there's a post going around that says "“We need to strive to be more accepting of POC” you guys can’t even handle religion." and like. that's genuinely offensive to me lmao
#and like i say: brf slt#the word accepting. POC the acronym you couldn't even write all of it. again more accepting? just weird to me#and like...literally what. in their rb they say christianity and catholicism aren't the only religions when like...that's the same religion#so im gonna be crazy and assume theyre 14 or just kinda dumb.bc how are you not gonna make sure to be accurate in your big anti-racism rant#wait their bio actually says i'm an adult i promise. they're just dumb then#and like obviously there's not just christianity. i dislike every one of the big three equally because there's no meaningful difference#there to me...and i don't know enough about other religions but i would probably hate many others too because like...i don't like the#content but i also dislike just the concept of organized religion and also just think it's dumb since i'm not in it at all#and like. obviously you're allowed to believe in what you want and i think it's nice that people are able to have faith like i think that's#a nice concept. and yes religions are a big part of people's cultures (something the post says) but like...when you're not religious#religions are literally just cults that worked out but you're supposed to respect them because like we live in a society and it's sooo...😭#like i also think believing in the power of rocks is dumb#i know all about criticism of a religion being racism because french people do it all the time with islam because they just hate north#african people/arabs and black people (but i think islamophobia is mostly aimed at north africans). but like. when people talk about#islamophobia being a real problem it's not about people disliking the religion it's about them talking about it 24/7 just because they hate#the people who follow it when like. literally how is christianity better!!!!! when they're like oh it's so regressive but they themselves#are everything they claim islam makes people (idk homophobic misogynistic etc) like it's very transparent. but you're allowed to not like#religions unless you know blasphemy's a thing where you live. and it's actually very easy to be against islamophobia when it's literally#just a manifestation of racism while not being fond of islam or of any religion. because like. common sense. but anyway#i UNDERSTAND where the post is coming from it's like if you think religion is backwards you're gonna think religious people are backwards#and that includes 'poc' or like saying a religion is backwards is something racists do a lot. but like wdym to be anti-racist#you have to not be critical of religion(s) that doesn't make any sense to me. like if religions are against my values. i'm not gonna like#them😭 'religion isn't just what your parents used to be homophobic against you' well there's a lot of people worldwide who are using#religion to do bad things i fear...the post's arguments dont make sense and i dont care about people believing in whatever but also yes im#gonna think it's stupid and wrong if i think the opinions they have because of their religion are wrong when people aren't religious. like#it's not a trump card. i don't even think that's what that person's saying. but like...there's no correlation between 'not being accepting#of POC' and 'not being able to handle religion'?😭 implying there is feels racist to me literally what...and the reverse doesn't work either#and i'm aware trying to stop people from practicing their religion is like bad and a way to get them to assimilate and like racist and all#that.but that's not 'not being able to handle religion' in a tumblr way it's literally just racism again? and idk just weird it annoyed me#and also i know leftists can be anti-religion in a way that's racist and paternalistic again i live in france
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bijoumikhawal · 9 months
we've got a new one boys, Copts are privileged because we used to own a lot of land that Nasser tool from us and therefore harassing Copts trying to preserve Coptic culture is protecting us
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this is a bit heavier than my other posts but i gotta bfr with you
the most badly perceived and oppressed people in the world are black people and middle easterners i said what i said
how many of you would get uncomfortable if an arab sat next to you on the tube? do you think, objectively speaking, that that’s okay?
i’m not saying other races don’t get oppressed, i’m just saying that from my perspective those are the two most oppressed peoples in white countries at the moment
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sissa-arrows · 3 months
2 last weeks in France…
- A French Moroccan teacher was insulted by a student who told her she didn’t belong in France and never would. 1
- A French North African man was attacked after going out of the mosque. The attackers said anti Arab slurs while beating him. He survived only because a guy started filming and screamed “I’m filming” which made the racists run away. 2
- A 14 years old French Algerian kid was beat up by three young white men who said he was just there to steal benefits. 3
- A 50 years old white guy went out at night with a gun shooting in the air (he didn’t cross path with anyone fortunately) screaming “death to Arabs” 4
- 4 white men attacked a 19 years old North African man they told him “you come from jihad city you’re an Arab you don’t belong in this country.” Before beating him up and throwing him in the river. 5
- A cop who was NOT on duty shot a homeless Algerian man 7 times killing him. He justified it by saying that the homeless man was sleeping in his mom’s unused shed 6
- A mother with her baby was attacked by two men who tried to punch her and to pull out her hijab telling her “go back where you come from dirty *anti Arab slur*” (can’t find an article but I saw the complain she filled)
- A white woman hit a North African child with her car in front of the school and refused to stop the child had a broken leg (can’t find an article but I saw the complain she filled the mom posted it)
- A black woman found papers with insults on her car and trash in her letterbox. An other black woman found banana peels in her backyard her neighbors put them there 9
- That’s not counting to multiple verbal attacks (on women and children mostly). Racism, homophobia and transphobia are on the rise like never before since the RN got historically high scores at the European elections but suuuuuure the RN is not racist…
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hussyknee · 11 months
Zionists leave Black trauma alone for five minutes challenge. "Telling Jews that river to the sea doesn't mean what we think it does is like explaining what the N-word means to African Americans"— the amount of cringe here would kill a normal person dead. But no, if it isn't this it's BLM or George Floyd or MLK or or or while doxxing and expelling Black students for participating in protests and firing Black journalists and giving US cops training on how to kill Black people better. Fathomless levels of disgust.
Non-Black people in general need to leave Black suffering alone and focus on protecting the Black activists already at the forefront of pro-Palestinian protests. They're among the most vulnerable to violence by the white establishment right now.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
Batfam stans will say the most blatantly racist shit and think they're not doing anything wrong and it makes me sad that even the ones i trusted aren't immune to it.I hardblocked three mutuals over it and the first was because we started following eachother because i got them into afrolatino Jason and they said he's 'the type of guy to call you a wench lmao' and the final straw was them joking Damian wouldn't like 'woke shit',another also started following me because of my hc and said 'He deserves a woman who will walk him like a dog' and the appaling part is that they were a poc themself but a nonblack one so ofc they pulled this shit and the final one said 'What about blonde highlights?' when i tested out a blasian Stephanie joke on them before i posted it where the punchline is that she's not blonde because i don't want her to be and edited Outlaws Webtoon!Jason to be greeneyed and said 'Fixed Jason's eyes'.I really have to wonder what kind of shit they've pulled with other poc when i'm not around but with how the fandom at large is i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
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akajustmerry · 3 months
watching people react to the existence of Black Palestinians is WILD. youse really need to unlearn the orientalism and anti-Black racism in your understanding of SWANA countries. People from the SWANA region come in all shades, ethnicities, and there are are 1000s of languages. As the palest person in my Lebanese family, let me tell you that we all look different even within families. "Palestinian" is not a race. Arab is not even really a race, it just refers to people who culturally speak Arabic as a first language. Palestinian is a nationality and ethnicity, it's not a race. Watching people in the West over the last 9 months be shocked there are a Black Palestinians, pale Palestinians, Jewish Palestinians, etc has shown me that many of youse have your hearts in the right place but have a long way to go in your decolonisation learning. Zionism is a supremacist movement and cannot and will not be fought with an ignorant non-inclusive movement that reinforces anti-Black racism and orientalism. A free Palestine won't be achieved if your advocacy is based on a homogeneous, orientalised, and anti-Black vision of what Palestine is and who Palestinians are.
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A Toronto police officer has pled guilty to a disciplinary act charge after he speculated to another officer at the scene of a fatal shooting that a “Somalian guy did it” or “at least…Black guy.”
Const. Christopher Hominuk entered the misconduct plea at a police tribunal hearing on Monday.
According to an agreed statement of facts, Hominuk was assigned to 23 Division when he responded to a radio call for a shooting at an Etobicoke plaza shortly after midnight on July 20, 2021.
The documents state that the incident that led to the shooting began inside a Somalian restaurant, which is “frequented by members of the Somalian community.” [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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determinate-negation · 5 months
Re what you said about being Jewish and anti-Zionist right now, I totally feel all of that, and also it just stinks of racism that as a White Jew people tend to take me more seriously when I talk about Palestine than when my Black, Arab, and Muslim friends do. My school’s antiracism club, which I’m sporadically active in, had to ask if I could start showing up more often because the principal wouldn’t listen to them (asking for support for Palestinian students, to be allowed to talk about Gaza in class, etc) since they weren’t “including Jewish voices”. It’s concerning that the club needs me for legitimacy, as if I automatically know more about Palestine than they do or will have better and more nuanced takes than them. I don’t know it just grosses me out. Also I could tell the principal wasn’t really listening when I brought this up with her. I’m worried about the same thing happening next year, and there not being any anti-Zionist Jews left in the school.
yeah its totally racist i hate it. even when i see anti zionist jews try to use this excessive focus on our voices to center palestinians people will still go out of their way to center jews it still is just a really uncomfortable political discourse to be trapped in and its really racist and also just the inevitable outcome of liberal identity politics and standpoint epistemology
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