#anticipating each other's needs
homicidalbrunette · 2 years
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When your love language is acts of service
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kavaleyre · 2 years
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working late nights in the lab
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
You know what I want? An almost kiss from Buddie where they’re so close to kissing but they don’t and there’s so much tension and looking at each others lips and just ughhhh that would be amazing
no i am sooooo with you, friend!!! one of my fave moments in friends (and incidentally one that i wrote a buddie fic about lmao) is when rachel and joey go on that fake date to show each other their first date moves and they have that almost kiss in the apartment and it's filled with so much tension!!! and it feels so real!!! and then rachel laughs and is like 'wow i really thought we were gonna kiss for a second' and joey laughs along but it's also AGONISING bc you know he's in love with her (like i don't even ship them and it gets me every time)
and idk what the circumstances would be but the idea of them having an almost kiss that takes one or both of them by surprise and then seeing the moment where one of them has to step back (maybe because they got interrupted or maybe because they're just not ready) and sort of smile or let out a breathless laugh????? kILL ME DEAD!!!!!!
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johnaeryns · 2 years
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Either we end this now and enjoy the time we had and go our separate ways, or we’re... Or what? Or we’re– I mean... Or maybe... Maybe we get married?
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messrsbyler · 1 year
and when in s5 we get a moment where they are being cornered by a demo-creature and when jonathan looks around trying to find a way out or something to fight back, he spots the nail bat. he hasn’t seen that old thing in years, but there it is, their only beacon of hope in sight. the demo-creature is lurking closer and because steve is the one porting the split lip and a nasty cut on his cheek, it follows the scent of blood giving jonathan a narrow opening. jonathan lurches for the bat while the demo-creature is getting ready to pounce on steve.
right on the last second, jonathan spins around.
“STEVE!” he yells and throws the bat to steve who catches it by the handle side (luckily enough) and swings it right across the monsters face.
but he creature doesn’t give up. its hunger for fresh human meat is stronger than the newly opened wounds. it screeches and pounces on steve who throws another blow. jonathan know the bat will give them little time. he looks around, panicking, heartbeat clawing up his throat. and then, he spots it. hopper’s rifle. he reaches for it and aims at the demo-creature.
the blood and heat spikes underneath jonathan’s skin and the dread that comes with feeling the weight of a gun in his hands swirls inside his stomach. but he doesn’t have time for his mind to get foggy and his palms to get clammy.
steve lands another hit and the monster has had enough. it bites the bat, pulls it out of steve’s grip and throws it to the other side of the room.
“steve, duck!”
steve does, doesn’t even question jonathan, he just jumps out of the way and then jonathan pulls on the trigger. the kickback is the worst part. it almost sends his entire body tumbling to the floor, with how shaky his legs are. but jonathan holds his ground and keeps shooting. one, two, three times, until the creature is dead.
the rifle slips from his grip and falls to the floor with a muted thump! jonathan fights the bile burning his throat and sipping into his mouth. god he’s going to be sick.
“byers. BYERS! hey, man. we gotta get out of here, now!”
jonathan nods, eyes still zeroing on the monster and its limp body. the sight, somehow, is a lot more tormenting than a dead rabbit.
jesus, jonathan can’t move. can’t feel the blood in his legs.
steve presses his hands on his shoulders. they are a much different weight from the cold touch of the rifle. steve’s hands are grounding and heavy, but steady even when every part of steve’s face shows how afraid he is.
“c’mon, man! i need you to snap out of it!” he says and shakes him a little. “byers? byers!”
“huh?” jonathan blinks and looks up.
“jesus,” steve hisses. “jonathan!”
it’s such a ridiculous thing to register how this is one of the few times steve has called him by his name and not byers or man or dude. it’s a pull that nudges him back to reality, which is embarrassing to say the least.
“shit. right. let’s go.”
steve doesn’t step away. he lets one of his hand slip down jonathan’s arm and his fingers circle around his wrist. “let’s go,” steve says and with his free hand he reaches for the bat. he doesn’t ask jonathan to grab the rifle, which is so stupid and maybe a death sentence with all the monsters still walking free out there. still, jonathan is grateful for it.
jonathan nods and allows steve to pull him towards the exit.
what then?
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do you think leonardo or comte is older? i can’t remember it being specified but i’m not sure. i mean we have leonardo’s age but how old is comte??? i haven’t played comte’s route so idk if cybird mentioned it or made one up but his real historical birthday/place was pretty much unknown i think??? thoughts?
I always thought Comte was the older of the two? But to be honest I was never sure if that was just my bias talking or it was actually the case. So naturally, because I am So Normal, I did a little digging through all the stories I've read up to this point to see if there were any concrete indicators. The most promising lead I was able to find was from the "Tell Me Your Story" collection event.
Meta under the cut, since I was left unsupervised and it got long:
The contents that are most pertinent to what I have to say are as follows:
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In this story, Comte speaks a little bit about his childhood because MC found him playing the violin. He talks about how he originally trained as a young boy on an instrument called "a rebec." Mind you, Comte says that he still has the first one he ever bought--he remembers because he acquired it the day he was told he would stop aging forever. In due course he takes it out to show her--and later plays for her, at her request.
Now, looking at all the facts. The violin was said to be introduced between 1540 and 1560, roughly speaking (I'm not a historian, this is all based on rudimentary research). This doesn't tell us too much though, as Comte does say the instrument he trained on and first purchased was much older. Many sources show the rebec dating back as early as the 10th century (meaning anywhere from 900-1000) in Spanish courts, a supposed mashup of the Arabic rebab and the Eastern European lira. The clearest written records (the few that exist) begin from the early 12th century and on, though it was at the height of its popularity towards the 15th/16th century.
Aside from the fact that that's fuckin crazy, that would place Comte as being born anywhere from 900-1100 (1200-1500 at the very latest). Now I know what you may be thinking. How the hell does that narrow anything down, Minnie?
Given the cultural implications surrounding the rebec's emergence, the context actually does allow certain tentative conclusions to be drawn. I've seen indications that musical talent with a rebec was considered a big deal as an indicator of wealth/higher status in the earlier years of that time frame. Taking Comte's childhood into account--that he was raised to effuse aristocratic breeding and poise--I think that makes it highly unlikely he was learning when it was most associated with street performers (during the latter portion of my posited time frame). Everything about Comte's family pretty much screams old money (aka wealth they were born into, not curated during the rise of the mercantile class trying to be posers), so I really can't see them raising their son to play commoner music.
Another very telling bit lies in the phrasing of how he found the instrument: "he discovered the old rebec among other goods from a foreign trader." Remember that in the latter end of the time frame, it was so commonplace it could probably be found among local vendors/craftsmen--there would be no need for them to be imported from foreigners. I imagine his family only had access to the instruments in accordance with their social standing; naturally the rich would have their connections, but not just anybody would have the money or means to get their hands on one.
If my beginner's dive isn't too far off the mark, that would make Comte anywhere between approximately 400-1000 years old. I get this hunch that he's probably somewhere in the middle, I just don't know where exactly. I wish I had a better estimation since that's a pretty huge range, but considering the lifespan of the rebec it's hard to tell.
The only great anachronism in all this is the existence of Comte's pocket watch which was gifted to him by his tutor (I believe that's what she was, I know it was one of the human people in his house when he was young). The first pocket watch is said to have been created in Germany in 1510 (and shortly after distributed in Italy), but honestly it feels a bit out of place compared to all of the other evidence available to us. If that's the case, then Comte could have been born in the 1490s (since he received it when he was like 12, somewhere around there). Honestly I do feel the game suggests that he's older than that, so there's some dissonance there. But I leave that up to personal interpretation, since I'm not 100% sure about it either.
Lowkey, I feel like they might have gone so hard with the timepiece imagery for Comte that they forgot the historical practicalities attached to them, so that's half the reason I don't know what to do with this information. I get that vibe of like something something rich people cop out, unless purebloods have weirdly long childhoods--
Leonardo I don't have as many receipts because I'm just a poor Comte stan trying to live (his collection stories are pain), but if we go by the indication that his in-game life loosely follows the historical figure and simply continues on with his faked death, that means he was likely born somewhere around 1452. I can't remember super clearly, but for whatever reason my only memory of age indicators for Leonardo was around 400 or so (which tracks with that interpretation). That would actually make him potentially younger than Comte, younger than I initially anticipated. Or, if Comte was born on the latter end of my estimations, they are at the very least close in age.
Also please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm missing any receipts on Leonardo, I have only one brain cell and she is trying so hard, my friends
As to the place of Comte's birth I haven't the slightest clue about that. It's pretty obvious he's of European ancestry, but as to where he was born/raised exactly, it's difficult to tell. Given all the talk of the rebec there's a decent likelihood he originates from the Mediterranean area/Southern Europe, as it is an Arabic instrument by origin that was adapted into something new by Spain. (This could mean he was born anywhere between France, Spain, Italy, or even the countries a little further up or closer to the Middle East.)
I considered Northern Europe/England, but honestly the evidence doesn't really seem to lean in that direction. Comte mentioned that he once lived in England and made friends there, but the way he talks about makes it sound like he was a visitor/traveler, not a native. And frankly, Comte isn't insufferable enough to be English lmao, he has a conscience. There is actually some tentative evidence for Irish descent, as the vampy mind persuasion/compulsion is termed "geas" in the game, which is a word that stems from Irish gaelic/folklore. The only reason I don't think there's a real connection is that there's no further evidence tying Comte to Ireland; and I don't think the etymology necessarily guarantees ancestry (though there is something to be said about the Irish gothic and vampiric origins).
Admittedly it feels like the game makes his nationality vague on purpose, and I think this has a two-part intention. The first is that historically he was shrouded in a great deal of mystery, so it only makes sense they would be reluctant to name a singular place. The second is that--and I don't remember where the screenshot is, I saw it a while ago--the game describes him as belonging to no one place (that he belonged to all and none). Keeping his character construction in mind, I feel like this aligns with his general theme of contradiction. He's a greater vampire who prefers to keep company among humans, he's a powerful being with a fragile/sensitive heart, he has strong convictions but hesitates constantly, he's able to blend in almost everywhere he goes but never truly feels like he belongs. It would only make sense, narratively speaking, to keep with that motif/trend.
Also quick aside, because I can't help the music nerd in me. Rebecs are bitchin?????? Holy shit slay. Fun fact: they appear to have been primarily used for festivities, played for dancing. That gives a whole new impression to the fact that he bought one the moment he found out he would never age any further. I guess I just think about how that's a pretty joyous purpose for the music (beyond the pedigree aspect). That he clung to this specific artifact as a way to remind himself of his connection to humanity, that it was about people gathering and enjoying each other's company (and yet at the same time, all the political games that come with such leisure)...what a reflection of who he is today. I think it's fascinating how much people are at the heart of his personal motivations and feelings, considering how easy it is for purebloods to become lone wolves (power and secrecy would lend itself to that.) Instead, Comte chooses to hide in plain sight and actively works to stay engaged in the times and among the population. Then again, if I were hundreds of years old I would probably also beg for a distraction from the encroaching madness so like ajkhslgfkjhfslakjh it's very sweet but also mood...
In short:
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Thank you for the ask, lovely!! 💛💛💛💛 I hope this answers your question? I love any excuse to talk about my one and only 👀💍
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loverboybreakdowns · 11 months
god i really wish i could just. control my voice. could control my volume and how much i speak.
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Stuck In Her Head
short contemporary YA coming-of-age set in Hong Kong, following two teen girls who are friends
one is a musical prodigy but has lost her passion and wants to explore different possibilities for her future
the other is passionate about music but dealing with mental health & family issues
the latter develops a crush on the former, who is aroace, and they have to re-navigate their friendship, while working on a music/coding competition project together and dealing with their own issues
#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#stuck in her head#Hm this had a lot of aspects I found interesting but didn’t quite live up to what I wanted it to be#I definitely love reading YA set not in the west - this is set in Hong Kong - and I liked that a lot!#And of course we always need more YA about friendships rather than being romance focused (though this has an unrequited aspect of that)#This is written by 17yos which is cool! though it does show in the prose a bit. There’s a lot of ‘the girl’ ‘the teen’ instead of their nam#Or like informing the reader of info in slightly awkward ways - one visits the other’s house and says “is this the first time I’ve been to#- I feel like there are better ways to tell the reader this. Like that’s not something you wouldn’t be sure about right?#This made it feel like their friendship was quite tentative - school friends who’ve known each other for years but only really#started hanging out properly recently - but the text says they’ve been inseparable for years.#It definitely tackles a lot of things from burnout and perfectionism; losing passion for your talents; parents divorcing; depression#I just think some could have been handled with a bit more depth/nuance; with more space and introspection given to them#especially their main conflict about one having a crush on the aroace and then she pretends to reciprocate bc the other is suicidal and the#the other finds out and gets mad and it's......weirdly drawn out but also barely explored in depth also? idk#definitely anticipated it to be a bit like this because it's written by such young authors it's expected that they're still perfecting thei#I think teens who prefer shorter books & are looking for this sort of thing would still enjoy it for sure. I'll def look out for future boo#bisexual books#aroace books
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tyrianlynch · 9 months
I’ve been improving a lot mentally lately and today my wife (best friend who I’ve lived with for 7 years) told me she’s divorcing me (moving to a city we both swore we’d never live in) and she’s taking the kids (our dog) and this is just further proof that god will never allow me to be happy or hopeful
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oatbugs · 2 years
i dont actually believe in astrology but i do ironically but its not fr its a joke that i just happen to genuinely believe in to some extent
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neonsbian · 10 months
guys i rlly love dangerous romance so much it's not okay
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llycaons · 1 year
not particulary enamored w the living in cr postcanon scenario but I can see wwx being happy there IF he's accepted and protected by the majority of the lans. it would probably take a little while but I can see it becoming a cherished and beloved and peaceful home for wwx as long the other inhabitants didn't hate him and he has meaningful work to occupy his time. which is like the bare minimum and apparently most fic authors can't even imagine it. and I don't think he'd pretend to be happy if he wasn't and I don't think lwj would be fooled even if he did pretend...like after everything they've been through this is one of the easier problems for them to work through and I don't like it being used for angst fodder postcanon. the situation is not great wrt lxc but they're zhijis....they know each other...lwj is going to notice if wwx is wasting away without anything to do and wwx is going to find something to occupy his time, and after all this time they're going to prioritize each other and lwj especially just wants him to happy and will make every effort towards making that happen. also they travel a ton anyway? and can't this be easy. can't something be easy for them
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louisinart · 1 year
I want a does-the-dog-die type database for romance where you can look up how healthy/toxic the relationship dynamic in a story is and how the author frames it
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knaveofmogadore · 3 months
#messages from knave#im making breakfast and im gonna list my observations from three years of weird living situations#younger siblings of big age gaps will see most interactions as a form of soft combat until trained out of it#but when actual clmbat happens they're used to not having any sway so they don't actually know how to act in arguments#siblings with codependent relationships have their own internal langauge that they apply to others. not sure if they realize they do it#but they'll hold you to the same rules they've mentally created for each other without explaining them#siblings of ALL stripes will approach situations with a set idea of how communication works. and even if it's not a logical way to communica#they'll expect you to also communicate in that way. and if you can't or refuse they'll shut down and communication stalls completely because#they can't fathom doing it any other way except the way they and their siblings socialized each other to do it#siblings with adversarial relationships don't take outside advice and will take attempts to give advice as manipulative. not their fault#oldest siblings are the most conflict averse people on the planet. oldest sinlings say#'is anyone gonna balloon this situation out of proportion by avoiding it for as long as possible' and not wait for an answer#siblings who were regularly appointed as hall monitors will see any interaction with you as transactional#a hallmark of a dysfunctional sibljng relationship is someone who thinks telling you NO is worse than going through a situation they do not#wanna be in. and then they'll complain about it endlessly#and then they'll be like 'i don't want favours from my parents because they'll hold it over me' and never make the connection on their own#people cannot anticipate your needs with their minds. they are sometimes going to ask you to be a part of things you don't wanna#you're NEVER gonna be able to live in a world where people will stop asking you to be a part of things that's not feasible#had one say once 'people should just know not to ask me along for plans I can't get to people should know not to invite me'#and you know dude that's just now how stuff works. there's a difference between 'x cant drive so they can't help me move my dresser' and#'i know xs work schedule so i shouldnt infomr them of group plansnon the off chance they could make it so they don't feel left out'#people with hyper competitive siblings can't fathom that other people won't know how to do stuff. i don't just mean athletes but siblings#with that scarcity mindsetnin general like they can't handle people not having the same knowledge base they have. it's a survival thing#and NO having a life of suffering doesn't make you correct all the time has literally anyone else watched heathers#youngest siblings always have the most deranged dating stories and the oldest in a set of age gap siblings always has the WORST taste in men#< that's directed at my sister and no one else that's a personal diss not a real observation#only children have one thing. theyre SUPER weird about splitting the grocery bill#food is NOT communal to only children I've learned firsthand. Also they'll be perfectly fine sharing anything else BUT food usually#weed. loans. bathroom supplies. dishes. ect. but NOT food#meanwhile sibljngs are a little TOO comfortable chowing down on stuff they didn't buy. bad roommates are bad roommates
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tariah23 · 3 months
This was so sillyksks. The fact that despite all of the horrible things that had been happening around them (this is nothing new for Chaldea/ servants in general of course) and the potential threats of phantasmal beasts gaining intelligence to take over the world, was just as important to Arjuna as being worked up over Karna wearing gaudy sunglasses instead of your standard eyeglasses…
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#Chaldea boys W#I prefer chaldea boys over the Valentine’s Day events tbh#story wise at least#the vday stories always suck so bad and have probably some of the worst introductions to highly anticipated characters man#like I haven’t enjoyed any vday event before and even the characters that you’re aware of get their brains turned to mush and are usually#written completely ooc…#idk whose been writing the Chaldea boy events over the last few years but i remember when they didn’t even use to have stories associated#with them either like no effort would be put into them it’ll just be a simple summoning campaign#but now tbeh actually have stories and I just 🥹#really enjoyed this one!#my fav one so far was probably the Chaldea boys featuring Circe 😭😭😭#i remember crying after reading the storysjsjjs#so bittersweet……….. the fact that Circe was technically the main character of that event despite it being Chaldea boys… ah….!#and I really loved how guda was barely there throughout majority of the story as well it was quite refreshing#guda does not need to be part of every story for any of them to make sense and flow properly#most of the characters are interesting enough to stand on their own and have their own agency outside of guda being by their side and#shuffled lazily#into a story just for the sake of it#that Chaldea boys was the only event in the entire game that ever focused mainly on the servants from what I’m aware of#rambling#also#Karna… are the lights on up there baby-#nvm they’re so funny sjsjs#I really loved their interactions with each other throughout the whole story#cu was amazing as well#this was probably the best written that he’s ever been in my opinion since he rarely makes appearances to begin with and most of the others#have sort of sucked to me sorry#he deserves sm better he’s too cool of a servant to be written like poo
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smooth-boob · 7 months
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