#snw slash
homicidalbrunette · 2 years
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when the two of them talk and it's like a very fast tennis match
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boldlyqueertastic · 3 months
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“I dream of you” by USS_Queertastic
Summary: Spock has dreams about Michael
I dream of you, reaching out, a connection lost to time, red wings draped in regret, a figure turned to sand slipping through my fingers, a ghost in everything I touch, in games left unfinished, scattered pieces and tipped scales.
I dream of you, reaching out, have I left my mark as you’ve left yours on my heart, in my memories, our secret locked away.
I dream of you, reaching out, knowing my thoughts, my dreams, of kind eyes that guide me, a gentle reassurance in my mind telling me I have found him and that he dreams of me.
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sporkandbeans · 10 months
Attention Star Trek fan artists and slash artists! Available invite code for Bluesky
Hey there artists! I've been getting into the trekkie community on Bluesky, but there isn't much art there yet, and I'm really missing all of the wonderful fan artists and slash artists that I loved when I was active here on tumblr. So, do any of you want an invite code to Bluesky? Get in touch! First come first served, but I'll come back whenever I get more invite codes :)
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kaybonbon · 2 years
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Pike and Spock. They’re my OTP ok? More to come I’m sure.
Sultrier sketch under the cut. 😈
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Chapter Update: Of Stars and Plebes
Of Stars and Plebes: Chapter 15 -- “I Gave Up McDonalds Fries for Him.”
I’ve just added a new chapter to my fic “Of Stars and Plebes”. [Read from the beginning]
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Chapter 15 teaser:
“Has it even occurred to you yet to possibly ask me why I may have missed the class?” Jim was wearing an expression that was equal parts fierce and hurt, and it abruptly deflated the edge of frustration Spock had previously felt mounting. It dawned on him that no, he hadn’t bothered to ask – or even considered it. “That I might have a valid reason?”
“I confess, I had not considered it.”
“Of course you hadn’t.” Jim flashed a heated glare with thistle eyes. “You assumed that I was being flippant without providing me an opportunity to discuss what transpired earlier, impacting my attendance. But I’m a fallible human after all, aren’t I?”
“Jim . . .”
“Don’t behave as if that isn’t at the root of this,” Kirk pressed. “Your mistrust of me today stems from my – from our –” Jim took note of the brief flinch that ghosted Spock’s features for a moment “human blood.” The pair stood staring at each other for an intense beat. “Is that what this is about, Spock? That you haven’t learned to trust me completely yet due to my humanity? Or was it that I embarrassed you?” 
Spock seemed briefly ruffled by Jim's outburst before he composed himself. He was now beginning to comprehend the whispers along the Starfleet halls about Jim's demeanor in classes, once aptly described as "think or sink". He was certainly feeling that now.
“If you want to affix a human emotion to the situation . . .”
“Well, here it is. You are aware of what happened yesterday with McCoy. If you'd have seen him this morning, you would understand." Jim said this softly, and Spock felt the tension in his back starting to give. He had wondered how the doctor had fared . . . "One of my closest friends really needed help. I was there for him. And I’ll talk with Vaidya about why I was absent face to face, as I recognize that writing may be perceived as lacking in sentiment. However, Mr. Spock . . .  " Jim's stance switched from leisurely to assertive. He pointed at the Vulcan determinedly.
"You have no right to tell me what my priorities should be, and don’t you get to thinking that you can.” Jim said sharply, and Spock felt – was that a thrill of excitement? A heat coiling in his abdomen and chest, a powerful resistance of an urge to smile and reveal how Jim’s fierce will both impressed and amused him.
It also did things to him in a way that he knew he likely should not be feeling for a friend.
As Jim ranted, Spock was reminded of his own human mother gesticulating and taking a stance against his stubborn father on some matter. She had no trouble speaking her mind, and it seemed Jim was no different. He was cracking off a piece of the Vulcan effortlessly, and yet Spock found himself strangely comforted by the familiarity of it.
He was . . . beginning to feel the human side of himself expanding within, growing, learning, adapting. It was a part of his garden previously left unattended -- his human half was wilted, uncared for.
Jim had come along and sprung life into something Spock had presumed dead. Worse, something living yet so vile to those of his home planet that he hid it like some forbidden, filthy thing.
He hated how the people of his home planet talked about his father, his mother. He hated how they talked about him, his feelings, and the human blood that coursed through his veins . . .
Yet here Jim was, shaking up his equilibrium, appealing to the humanity inside of him despite himself. He felt.
“. . . And I was going to ask you to come to Iowa with me for Thanksgiving break. We have a lot of work to do on the assignment for Vaidya's class. A lot." Spock snapped back to the here and now, riveted by this curious new development. Thanksgiving break? Iowa? Spock wended on the words as Jim ranted animatedly before him, arms punctuating his words:
"But now I’m annoyed with you, and questioning the sanity of bringing you for any length of time on a vacation, among my human loved ones. Or is that such a dirty word to you?” Jim gave Spock a sidelong glance full of sass, fists on his hips in defiance, and Spock pressed his lips together to resist an urge to laugh at the spite and gall of the smaller human before him. Even when distinctly annoyed, Jim was still ridiculously handsome.
“Am I to understand that you have just simultaneously lectured me, insulted me, and invited me to a holiday dinner event with your family?”
They looked at each other in silence for a few beats of time, Jim blinking at the Vulcan in a long-suffering manner before replying pointedly:
“Did I stutter?”
Read all of Chapter 15 of “Of Stars and Plebes” here
Start from Chapter 1 here
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every time I see snw kirk or spock kiss other people life gets a little worse
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jennelikejennay · 7 months
Today I saw a comment saying that slash "erases friendship." Which, yeah, we've all heard it, it's stupid because you can still watch the original show that doesn't have the slash in it and interpret it as friendship if you want. (Though it may be difficult with TOS.)
But what about the ways that heteronormativity erases friendship?!
Are we going to forget that Spock and Uhura had a long-standing platonic friendship that the new movies tried to erase by making them kiss?
What about how in SNW Spock was building up a beautiful friendship with Chapel where they relied on each other for advice, until the writers decided to ruin it by having some aliens decide friendship wasn't a good enough relationship for them to care about?
Is Lower Decks going to ruin Rutherford and Tendi's beautiful platonic partnership by making them date? I don't think so but I do worry about it a little!
Remember how Picard and Crusher had a beautiful platonic relationship for seven years and that got ruined in ST: Picard?
How many genuine, close m/f friendships do you see in all of television and cinema where they don't get together at any point?
Look, to be clear, I don't think it ruins a friendship if the people end up pursuing a romance later, and you can definitely still be bffs after you get married.
But in terms of friendships that are fully platonic and given lots of screen time and development...we get those all the time with m/m, once in a while with f/f, and almost never with m/f.
It's not the gay shippers who are taking friendship away from you, look somewhere else!
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spirkme915 · 9 months
spirk fics i've read in the last two-ish months and loved
I will have you (if you let me) by ros3bud009 @roseymoseyberry (TOS) - starting out this list with a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ fic. i loved everything about this fic - the premise (k&s know they're t'hy'la from the second they meet), the yearning, the journey, the love. i could live in this fic
Spock 🖖 by vaksur, WerewolvesAreReal (TOS) - need a laugh? this one is it. spock decides to use emojis in his comms. shenanigans ensue
A Friend Like You by kierawrites (TAS, yes you read that right an animated series fic!) - pre-slash, a glimpse into their lives after the episode "mudd's passion." this one is short and yet is packed with *them*
A Different Perspective by Maeko (AOS, SNW) - transporter malfunction fic, and this time it brings AOS Spirk to SNW verse. loved this one for the AOS Spirk dynamics, but mostly the SNW Spock and AOS Spock interactions and Maeko's perspective of Vulcan telepathy. it's a fascinating character study!
in the dying of the light by scar_a_mouche (zanni_scaramouche) @zanniscaramouche (AOS) - i'm not sure how to categorize this one, other than to say that i had this *ache* in my chest through every sentence and it just felt so AOS Spirk that i wanted to drown in it. one of my faves over the last few months
Personal Personnel Protocol by dothedeux (TOS) - another comedy entry for the list. this time it's not just the bridge crew that knows what's up, it's the computer. such a fun read and so sweet too
Professor Kirk by TonightNoPoetryWillServe (AOS) - cadet spock, professor kirk, and all kinds of fluff with only a touch of angst. perfect bedtime reading
Let Forever Be by gunstreet @gunstreet (TOS) - listen. i need everyone to drop what they're doing and read this fic. it's a city on the edge of forever fic that is mostly a jim character study but pulls in queer history. it breathes compassion and humanity, and is stocked with OCs you'll fall in love with. another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read
Shall We? by Jenna Hilary Sinclair (JennaHilary) (TOS) - yet another comedy entry? what has the world come to? i love my angst just as much as the next spirk truther, but when comedic spirk is done right it hits perfectly and this one is definitely done right
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa (TOS) - finishing this spirk list with a final ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read. this became easily one of my favorite TOS fics of all time. it's from 2003 and deserves WAY MORE hits, kudos, and comments than it has!
for the non-spirk entries this time around:
StarDate.org by Exxact (TOS/AOS fusion) - christine/t'pring and online dating. fluff and friendship. perfect
The Time of Neither by gunstreet (SNW) - spoimler nation rise! your definitive fic has arrived!
My World Is No Longer Hollow by existentialcrisistime @existentialcrisistime (TOS) - a mcspirk fic about finding where you belong. so beautiful
and two recs for WIPs for you to read and subscribe to:
Place Your Hand In Mine by remylebae @twinkboimler (AOS) - a super sweet mckirk fic about leonard having a secret admirer (who could it possibly be??)
It's Not An Illusion by Borealisblue @thetimetostrikeislater (AOS) - gorgeous story about healing and gorgeous artwork? i'm sold!
please do send me recs, and don't be afraid to self-promo! you can find all my recs here
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 4
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Princess Sapphia of Mytilene-High Class Homos
She is canonically lesbian and an amputee. The basis of the story is that her and her gay friend August of Phthia are fake marrying to secretly date other people (him with one of his knights and her with one of his castle's maids). She had a relationship with Marla through half of the first season, and now she's starting a relationship with Odette. In the original comic (before becoming a WebToon original), the panels never showed most characters legs so some comments did jokes about her not having legs, so in one of the last episodes before "rebooting" it to WebToon, the author momozerii decided to make this canon by showing her changing her prosthetic leg. The "reboot" shows it from the first episode (literally kicking a door open) and had a flashback scene of her using crutches and a bandage on her amputation. I don't remember if that scene showed why she lost her leg.
She's so funny and cute, and I love how momozerii added her prosthetic from the start in the WebToon original version. She's really compassionate and has really good character development through the first season. There's one scene between her and Odette at the start of the story where Sapphia said some really elitist shit to her, and after apologizing she learns what Odette had to pass through as someone who didn't have the wealth and status that Sapphia has as a princess, and she actually changes, defending Odette when her old suitor, Nicolosi, pulls the same elitist shit on her.
Anything Else?:
I recommend a lot this WebToon, it has such a good story, the art is beautiful and isn't too heavy on details like other WebToon originals, the characters are amazing and complex, and it's on hiatus right now (don't worry the season finale is not a big cliffhanger, just a small hook for the second season).
Submitted by @octonine
Schnn T’gai Spock-Star Trek
He is canonically dyslexic, and commonly interpreted as autistic. I do not think I have to tell you why I think he qualifies as LGBTQ+.
He started it all! Spirk was the birth of slash fiction and fandom itself. Autistic, dyslexic, gay-- what can't he do?
Anything else?:
THIS APPLIES ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL SERIES VERSION OF SPOCK. NOT THE SPOCK FROM THE JJ ABRAMS MOVIES OR THE NEW ITERATION OF SPOCK FROM STRANGE NEW WORLDS. Discovery Spock does count as TOS Spock in my mind, though. AOS & SNW Spock are some of the least gay characters I have ever seen, and it is quite sad.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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thunderandsage · 26 days
my comprehensive star trek fic recs
(starting note: a lot of the following works contain heavy and/or uncomfortable themes, which is my preference when reading fanfiction, so just be aware of that. a lot of them are also, uh, rated E, so yea. i have no excuse for that one.)
(contains: mostly AOS with smatterings of SNW, DS9 and TOS)
Don't Stop Believing (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 205,901 words, a Spock-character-study slash novel-length-epic, features Spock/Pike heavily near the beginning, explores the loss and pain after y'know losing your mother and your planet, slow-burn Spirk but GOD the slow-burn is so good, not a straightforward story as characters are capable of both advancing and regressing but this complexity makes the story more delicious, includes homoerotic piano duets)
You Don’t Have To (Say Yes) (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 192,321 words, HEED THE WARNINGS, starts out as “let’s make Tarsus IV even worse” but evolves into love letter for friendship and chosen family, characters so good you want to start chewing on the metaphorical pages, Kirk as bright-sunshine-character-with-the-horrors-in-his-past who’s messed up but god he’s trying, passages in this fic permanently rewired my brain)
War Games (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 108,882 words, necessary to read You’ll Get There In The End first, very sharp and cohesive prose and plot, the romance here is pretty unconventional and “unromantic” almost but it honestly works really well, uhh main warning is that this deals with politics analogous with real-world loss of rights so it’s uncomfortably relatable but if you’re fine with that it’s a really interesting read, intrigue and action, sorta-telepath!Kirk and good Vulcan OCs)
K’diwa: A Steamy Novel of Interspecies Romance, by Jim Kirk (Spirk AOS, rated technically E but it’s more M i feel, finished at 103,984 words, accidental romance writer Jim Kirk, Kirk-was-adopted-by-Vulcans, Academy Era, far on the feel-good and indulgent side of fic if you’re into that)
The Door (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 77,118 words, per the description "and alternative STID thing" with one of the most distinctive and sweet/sharp love stories, smut does feature very heavily but so does literature and messy emotions, contains my favorite version of THAT scene from STID, makes you want to annotate passages and look for parallels like in fucking english lit class again)
For the Gladness of You (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 51,055 words, non-linear narrative, Spock and Kirk both have Issues(tm), definitely a thornier read where problems don’t have clear solutions and people are messy and don’t always make good decisions, more cynical but still so good)
The 1,000 Hour Sleep (Spirk SNW, rated M, finished at 27,227 words, basically Jim is a secret agent for Starfleet who's treated as expendable by Command but still gets adopted by the SNW crew, good balance of action/angst and romance/pining)
This Trailer Park Is a Shithole But Goddammit, It’s Home (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 23,446 words, trailer park AU, Jim Kirk’s dubious adventures in growing weed and trying to avoid the law, the crackiest adaptation of st2009 you’ll ever read)
Something Smart to Do (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 21,322 words, how many times will Spock and Kirk get fake-married for missions before they admit they’re in love? the answer is too damn much)
How to Inefficiently Acquire a Human Male in 98.6 Earth Days (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 30,391 words, Academy Era, Spock tries to ward off Jim's attempts at friendship but receives advice that does... not do that, romcom vibes, meddling Gaila)
Big Me (But It’s You I Fell Into) (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 38,728 words, i am entirely indifferent towards golf but this fic still slaps, feat. an oblivious jim, a low-stress but still very fun read)
knives in the water (McSpirk AOS, rated E, finished at 18,618 words, dark, mafia au, smut and violence, featuring McCoy’s sexual frustration and steadily eroding moral compass)
encrusted gem-stuff / / of the mist (T'pura SNW, rated T, finished at 41,862 words, pon farr but it’s lesbians, beautiful psychedelic and almost surreal writing style that i want to inject into my bloodstream)
Unspoken (T’pura AOS, rated M, finished at 29,201 words, lovely AOS Uhura depiction with lots of linguistics and character depth, the path to true love is convoluted and thorny but they get there, eventually)
i cannot paint / what then i was (Kiradax DS9, rated T, finished at 15,462 words, brief Jadzia/Lenara Kahn, read if you like greek classics references, bi disaster Jadzia and gorgeous lesbian pining)
let them vie with each other (Jadzia Dax/Nyota Uhura DS9 & SNW/TOS, rated T with non-explicit sex scenes, finished at 6,215 words, a rarepair that sank its teeth into my neck, a gorgeous story that is very sci fi not just bc of the fandom but in its storytelling, beautiful science and linguistics asides, incredibly beautiful prose)
A Hermeneutics of Ass-Fucking (Christine Chapel/T’pring SNW, rated M, finished at 5,954 words, an enjoyable cocktail of Vulcan intellectualism, crack and lesbian horniness, introduced me to Maggie Nelson’s works, also an update as this has sequels, the main being: Erotic Vulcan Love Poetry, Like a Sea Turtle to their Beach and Federation Day Festivities in Wabanaki Territory (Formerly known as Quebec), all of which are excellent)
Matchmaker of Mars (T’pura TOS, rated T, finished at 2,749 words, T’Pring and Uhura as 1930s scifi writers with a grudge against Campbell)
there's no such thing as a bad idea (Spock & Bones AOS, rated T, finished at 5,114 words, giving "teenage girls talk about their crushes at a sleepover" except it's two emotionally constipated middle-ish-aged men who are drunk)
And Then I Let It Go (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 10,632 words, post-Beyond getting together including fake identities and agricultural work)
Any Way You Want It (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 12,031 words, Spock gets offered a promotion and Jim wants to be supportive, misunderstanding ensue, slightly cracky)
Watershed Moments (Kirk & Mcoy AOS, rated N/A, finished at 9,455 words, based on that Parks and Rec episode with snake juice but it’s Chekov’s tribble juice here, everyone’s super wasted here and it’s glorious, crack)
Big Damn Heroes (Chekov/Sulu AOS, rated E, finished at 6,821 words, Chekov character study in a "live fast, die young" type of Starfleet life, honestly just read anything by waldorph ever, swashbuckling vibes)
what is love? (no really) (Aromantic Spirk AOS, finished at 7,534 words, read if you like disaster!Kirk and/or have a grudge against Valentine's Day, cracky)
Hallmark Moment (Here in the Morning Remix) (Joanna McCoy AOS, rated G, finished at 3,312 words, bittersweet character study, read if you want to feel a little sad and contemplative)
the five-year mission (Kirk & McCoy AOS, rated M, finished at 11,106 words, dark post-STID that sees what with Starfleet's militarization and colonialist undertones... y'know that's not far from the mirrorverse...)
A Monument to All Your Sins (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 9,629 words, post-STID where Kirk is ordered to retake the Kobayashi Maru, soft established relationships and musings about the nature of sacrifice/duty)
K’oh-nar (Spirk TOS, rated T, updating at 320,000 words currently, PLEASE heed the "mental breakdown" tag as it centers around severe psychically-inflicted trauma, featuring Spock’s TOS canonical self-loathing, it’s tagged hurt/comfort but the plot’s still on the “hurt,”read if you want to be stabbed by a hundred knives)
Unbody Me and Take Me Home (Spirk AOS, rated N/A, updating at 27,416 words but updating, domestic fluff but there's a ghost, slowburn for both the romance and the horror)
Pinched Nerve (Spirk SNW, rated E, updating regularly at 14,776 words currently, due to varying reasons both Spock and Jim enter a corporate matchmaking program, hilarity ensues, prose is very sharp and enjoyable)
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SNW has left me scared. It is going to take time to heal.
In the 1960s we saw all these characters Spock, Uhura, Kirk, Chapel,Pike, Scotty. Regardless of what you thought about gay couples, if you believed in tolerance Spirk gave you hope from watching Star Trek in the 1960s.
The Spirk pairing is the grand dad of slash. If you did not like slash and wanted to pair spock with a girl. Uhura>>>>>>>>>Chapel. Finally, There was a black girl in the 1960s who people were willing to pair with Spock or Kirk over any other girl. A black girl who was not a maid or a slave on TV, but a black female character that was shown to be the beauty and the brains . This was groundbreaking. Still is.
We did not need the JJ Verse films to push a spock/uhura romance, we can just compare the Spock/Chapel and Spock/Uhura scene from TOS to realise Uhura was the better female character to pair Spock with, if you did not se as gay for Kirk.
This was in the 60s when gay marriages or even interracial relationship were still illegal, frowned upon. Yet Trek chose to be progressive in the 60s by floating the idea of a gay and interracial pairing that fans can play with.
Fast forward 2023, we are now backwards to the 1950s were it is about worshiping the hot blonde woman that society has been doing for hundred of years. A woman who Spock already rejected in the 1960s. The woman Spock would never have been with even if he had the chance. the woman that was not even a big part of spock's life like the main crew he still carried photos off till his death.
I am a minority,a person of colour. I knew how important Uhura meant to women of colour and why she was the lead female in TOS and all the guys liked and respected her.
Since when is Chapel, sexy? can fight Klingon and Gorns? She is meant to even be a nurse.
SNW claims it is progressive but all what the show has done is take a lot from the black girl (Uhura) and the potential gay guy(Kirk) and merged their traits into SNW Chapel, all to push the spock/chapel thing that fans and writers already rejected in the 60s.
I feel a lot of black fans, especially black female star trek fans who watch SNW are going to be traumatised- because again, we are seeing society and hollywood still pushing the narrative that the hot blonde woman will always win, always get the guy, always be the status quo.
In the 1960s TOS Uhura challenged this narrative as not necessarily the truth. This is the reason she was far more popular as a character than Chapel. Nearly 60s years later SNW has told us ....yes, that is the truth. the hot blonde women still wins the war, you women of colour only win battles.
As a trek fan who came to respect the spirk pairing and the spuhura paring because they did not represent the status quo-as both pairing been a gay and interracial couple. I am not sure I can ever look at TOS the same again, knowing how the prequel has re-written the narrative. spock should not even be paired with Uhura in SNW either but please anyone but Chapel.
I am sorry but the spock/chapel pairing is an assault and an insult to gay and interracial couples
honestly I don't know about most of this but "I am not sure I can ever look at TOS the same again, knowing how the prequel has re-written the narrative. spock should not even be paired with Uhura in SNW either but please anyone but Chapel."
I cannot stand by that statement. Its frankly disgusting that you are praising TOS!Uhura but still shitting on SNW!Uhura.
Personally I ship T'Pring/Spock and I think that Chapel doesn't even know what she wants (but that she doesn't want to be tied down to anyone at all, like she's even reluctant to have The Talk with spock).
Frankly I think its unfair of Chapel to be playing with spocks feelings (that song about wanting her freedom? hello) but also I'm willing to wait to see if we get a new take on TOS after SNW. I think they should do it just so that we can get justice for Sulu and Uhura (who lets face it were basically sexy lampshades in TOS).
But again your comment that Spock shouldn't be with Uhura... is plain misogynoir. I'm willing to wait for a slow burn romance. And right now they're solidly in the friends phase and I would love to see it blossom into the flirty/romantic gazes we see in TOS (if they opted to redo the original show). I think that spock is figuring out his shit right now but as much as I'm angry that they turned Chapel into a manic pixie dream girl I don't think its an assault to gay and interracial ships.
Like in my mind I can see Spock getting traumatized by Chapel and being afraid to pursue Uhura towards the end of SNW even though he has great respect for her because Uhura is his subordinate.
But if I see you come back in my inbox with this divisive bullshit again I'm just gonna delete you. We don't need these goddamn shipping wars. We're not running this blog so you can spew your misogynoir unchecked.
mod laina
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homicidalbrunette · 2 years
An ally???
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"I'm not even into slash pairings but even I velieve SNW is too many women for Spock (since I'm guessing that we'll have too see Leila Kalomi sooner or later)"
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cosmi-ccraft · 10 months
If you are gay or a black person, SNW slaps you in the face.
I read your message about SNW. To be honest as a minority who lives and breathe for pop culture and star trek, SNW has left me scared. It is going to take time to heal.
In the 1960s we saw all these characters Spock, Uhura, Kirk, Chapel,Pike, Scotty. Regardless of what you thought about gay couples, if you believed in tolerance Spirk gave you hope from watching Star Trek in the 1960s.
The Spirk pairing is the grand dad of slash. If you did not like slash and wanted to pair spock with a girl. Uhura>>>>>>>>>Chapel. Finally, There was a black girl in the 1960s who people were willing to pair with Spock or Kirk over any other girl. A black girl who was not a maid or a slave on TV, but a black female character that was shown to be the beauty and the brains . This was groundbreaking. Still is.
We did not need the JJ Verse films to push a spock/uhura romance, we can just compare the Spock/Chapel and Spock/Uhura scene from TOS to realise Uhura was the better female character to pair Spock with, if you did not se as gay for Kirk.
This was in the 60s when gay marriages or even interracial relationship were still illegal, frowned upon. Yet Trek chose to be progressive in the 60s by floating the idea of a gay and interracial pairing that fans can play with.
Fast forward 2023, we are now backwards to the 1950s were it is about worshiping the hot blonde woman that society has been doing for hundred of years. A woman who Spock already rejected in the 1960s. The woman Spock would never have been with even if he had the chance. the woman that was not even a big part of spock's life like the main crew he still carried photos off till his death.
I am a minority,a person of colour. I knew how important Uhura meant to women of colour and why she was the lead female in TOS and all the guys liked and respected her for her beauty and brains. Watching SNW were Chapel hugs all the spotlight.
SNW took a lot of Uhura's traits from TOS and gave it to Chapel. Did this writers not see how racist this is? Since when is Chapel, hot? can fight Klingon and Gorns? She is meant to even be a nurse. In TOS, Uhura not Chapel used to be the hot girl who could also do action and combat scenes when necessary.
SNW claims it is progressive but all what the show has done is take a lot from the black girl (Uhura) and the potential gay guy(Kirk) and merged their traits into SNW Chapel, all to push the spock/chapel thing that fans and writers already rejected in the 60s.
I feel a lot of black fans, especially black female star trek fans who watch SNW are going to be traumatised- because again, we are seeing society and hollywood still pushing the narrative that the hot blonde woman will always win, always get the guy, always be the status quo.
In the 1960s TOS Uhura challenged this narrative as not necessarily the truth. This is the reason she was far more popular as a character than Chapel. Nearly 60s years later SNW has told us ....yes, that is the truth. the hot blonde women still wins the war, you women of colour only win battles.
As a trek fan who came to respect the spirk pairing and the spuhura paring because they did not represent the status quo-as both pairing been a gay and interracial couple. I am not sure I can ever look at TOS the same again, knowing how the prequel has re-written the narrative. spock should not even be paired with Uhura in SNW either but please anyone but Chapel.
I am sorry but the spock/chapel pairing is an assault on gay and interracial couples
This is all so correct for how I've been viewing the show so far. It feels like they took all of the traits that men are comfortable seeing in women and divided them up among a mostly female crew and said "we did it guys! #feminism!"
It's such a safe and wholesome show that's incredibly conservative in how it's portraying the Enterprise. That's not my ship! My TOS Enterprise was radical and futuristic because the portrayal of its progress was so unbelievably otherworldly. But humanizing the humans alongside Spock, the writers have brought us back to the stone age instead of showing us the wonder and amazement of progress.
Anon, you and I are mindmelding right now and I'm loving what I'm seeing. And please! If anyone wants to message me about their personal experiences as PoC I absolutely want to hear what you have to say. I'm white and queer wasn't sure how much of what I was feeling translated into the PoC experience so please share your thoughts and feelings!!
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pipthehuman · 10 months
i had this random thought nugget and wrote a friggen essay about it idk
Can you imagine if Spock was played by a biracial actor? Cuz he’s bi-species, and was used as a racism metaphor to teach 60s audiences to not be racist. It would have been cool to see more representation. A performance by an actor of color would probably have been awesome and genuine. As a person of color myself, I know how monumental a character of Spock’s magnitude being of color would have been, and still be. Seeing an actual person of color on screen would have probably reinforced the anti-racist messaging of Star Trek. 
But can you imagine the ramifications of that casting decision?? For one, we wouldn’t have Leonard Nimoy as Spock, so right away it seems like a darker timeline. Spock played by anyone else would be totally different. One example is his mobile eyebrows; thats a Leonard Nimoy thing, not a Spock thing. He said in an interview once that he has a habit of raising an eyebrow, and the producers started to notice and started to put it in the script. That iconic thing about Spock would not exist without Nimoy. Of course, whoever they chose in this timeline to be Spock would have had their own idiosyncrasies and way of playing him, and maybe if we lived in that timeline we would be appalled to lose those little things to a whitewashed Spock, but I would hate to lose Spock’s mobile eyebrows okay? 
Another thing--the character of Spock was already pushing it for audiences and the network, and him being played by an actor of color would probably be the last straw. This alternate universe would probably have kept Number One instead of Spock--After the first pilot, the studio told Gene Roddenberry to remove either Spock (devilish alien) or Number One (female lead :o), and he chose to keep Spock. In this universe, Spock probably would have been scrapped. And Spock being scrapped changes Star Trek entirely, and has huge ripple effects on the pop culture scene at a large! K/S straight up wouldn’t exist, so that would probably stunt slash fiction severely. And on top of that, Spock was a huge part of Star Trek’s popularity, so the ratings would take a huge hit, and Star Trek would probably be canceled early. So we get no Star Trek movies, no TNG, no VOY, no DISCO, no SNW, no DS9, no nothing!! It ends there!! 
And even if Spock wasn’t scrapped instead of Number One, he still gets Star Trek canceled early. If he were played by a biracial actor, the writers probably would have payed less attention to him and he wouldn’t have gotten as fleshed out as he is today. Because racism. No matter how committed they were to being anti-racist, they still definitely had a bias. And without the attention he got, he wouldn’t have gotten so popular and recognisable. So again the absence of Spock’s popularity gets Star Trek canceled. And even if he had gotten the attention he got as Nimoy, he probably wouldn’t be as popular anyway, with white audiences at least. And god knows William Shatner can’t carry that show on his own. Star Trek would have a short and sad life. And that would truly be the darkest timeline. The butterfly effect this has on the rest of pop culture is HUGE--can you imagine??? Darkest timeline indeed. 
So in conclusion: I had this random thought and felt the need to write a friggin essay about it?? Spock is important to me. And pop culture. And the world as a whole. And this alternate universe started out nice but then quickly tumbled downhill like one of those foam rocks from the show. I feel like this would have been positive, until it wasn’t. And I’m probably overthinking it. 
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The minority of TOS/AOS/SNW fans who are spooped by spirk fans:
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Spirk fan expectations:
"Spirk fans are wildin'! They expect too much out of TOS/AOS/SNW, goodness, reel it in people-"
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"What do you actually expect here, a raunchy 15 min sekks scene with accompanying 70s p0rno music preluded by chess foreplay? You're embarrassing us, calm down!"
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Spirk fan reality:
"Oh my God, did . . . D-did Jim just breathe the same air as Spock in the same room together?! Ugh. Ugh, that's good. This show is so good. They are so f**king meant for each other, it's just destiny-"
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"Oh God, did Spock just look over his shoulder from his station and make direct, unbroken eye contact with Jim for 4.2 seconds?!-"
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You saw it too right?! Christ, They're T'HY'LA (Oh my God, they were t'hy'la) CONFIRMED! I'M -- I HAVE TO DO THIS -- *Rushes to computer, knocking people out of the way*
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" -- Excuse me while I write a thoroughly researched, 875,623 word, 96 chapter fic-turned-PhD-thesis on how this precise moment in Star Trek TOS invented modern slash fandom as we know it; furthermore, it supports the continuing posited theory that Kirk and Spock are indeed soulmates. In this dissertation I shall-"
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My gentletheys in Christ, when have Spirk fans ever needed more than the barest minimum of crumbs to operate with in order to stay fed?
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I mean, have you been here for the past 55 years?
We have lived under this roof in this household together all these years. I thought we were roommates. I thought we knew each other.
. . . have we met? Or are you a new wee bairn to this family? (In which case hello, welcome, have some plomeek soup and tranya-)
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