#anxiety attack meditation
luminarai · 2 years
Just found this app called breasy that I highly recommend to people with breathing issues related to anxiety, stress, asthma, vcd, chronic hyperventilation, and the like. Or if you just want to work on some breathing exercises for mindfulness or meditation.
It’s totally free and comes with 5 different breathing exercises with super short descriptions of what they can be used for.
It looks like this, but you can remove the stars if you want to
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You can also add/remove vibrations and sounds for the exercises so that you get a soft chime or vibration when you need to exhale/hold/inhale (the chimes are pitched slightly different depending on the action so you can use it without looking as well, which I really like!). You can also set a timer for a session.
I’ve really struggled with asthma related breathing issues lately and this is pretty helpful for me when it comes to not over-inhaling or panicking when I’m waiting for my medication to kick in when I’m having an asthma attack, so I just wanted to pass a recommendation along in case it could help someone else too.
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Around this time of the year, I seem to always get a flare-up of my anxiety. I do not know if this is because I know that I will be starting a new semester of school soon or because of the holidays and seeing family members I do not see often or if it is just a random spurt of anxiety that maybe has no meaning behind it at all. Either way, I have it and it sucks. It sucks to not be able to feel like yourself. I know anxiety can manifest in many different ways for people, but these are just my symptoms. I start off by feeling off and not myself, when I notice this is when I feel my heart start beating really fast. After that, I feel like I am not in my own body and begin to disassociate. (disassociation simply means feeling disconnected from yourself and the world, feeling like it is unreal) Then I feel extremely dizzy, almost like I am going to pass out and I am unable to do anything for the rest of the day. Anxiety can ruin your day, your week, and your life.
However, there are some practices I use to stop my anxiety before it fully comes on and/or help calm me when I am in a full-blown panic attack. I want to be able to help others that feel this way and are not able to control it because I know first-hand how helpless you can feel. If you follow some of these practices below, you will be able to get a hold of your anxiety and no longer feel like it controls every aspect of you.
Breathing exercises. Box breathing is one of my favorites where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and so on. A diagram will be below.
Meditation. This has been a game-changer in taking control of my anxiety. I do a short 10-minute guided meditation every morning because it combats anxiety before it even begins. You can look up any calming 10-minute guided meditation on YouTube and watch how your days transform.
Exercise. I seriously see such a difference in how anxious I am throughout my day or week depending on if I got some sort of exercise in every day. This could even be as simple as a 15-minute walk, but it works wonders.
Grounding Exercise. This is for when you either feel yourself going into a panic attack or you are already in one. You look around for 4 things in each category: see, touch, hear, and smell. This exercise gets your mind off of your anxiety. A diagram will be below.
These are just a couple of things I use to combat anxiety and take my power back. I hope these help :)
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rubydarkmoon · 1 year
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sanguith · 2 years
Weird question but I want to know if it's not just me:
Can anyone else instantly "conjure" real emotions temporarily?
Like, literally. Making yourself *feel* the feeling of euphoria and happiness or any other emotion just by remembering how it feels, and then feeling it. Not as a reaction to something. I don't mean thinking about something that makes you happy, and then reacting to that thing with automatic happiness. I mean conjuring up the actual memory of what happiness/euphoria feels like both in the brain and in the body, and then that exact emotion wells up in me just because I decided to feel it.
It only lasts for as long as I concentrate on the actual feeling itself and focusing on remembering how it feels. But when it appears (though brief, only like a flicker sometimes) it feels exactly like an involuntary emotional reaction. And I do it as easily as conjuring up the image of a red apple in my head just by remembering what a red apple looks like. But it's real and strong and pleasant but not caused by a reaction to something, not synthetic but painted in my brain by me in real time.
It disappears as quickly as that concentration drops of course, and it does take a fair bit of concentration. But I've experimented with it during meditation and I noticed I could just... Do it. (With more or less ease depending on current mental state obviously. Easiest when relaxing as if waiting to fall asleep or meditating).
And I'm gonna practice this skill, because I think it is a skill that could probably be useful. Makes it possible, for me at least, to practice exposure therapy by, say, "conjuring" the feeling of fear/anger/irritation/despair or any other negative emotion we humans tend to want to avoid, and then forcing myself to expose myself to it and notice every little aspect of it and get more and more familiar with it and thus teach my brain to fear feeling that emotion a little less. Or "conjuring" euphoria literally just for fun even if it lasts only a couple of seconds.
Those neurons *are* firing, and because of neuroplasticity, that kind of repeated firing of particular neurons has got to lead to a change in brain-pattern processing with time right? That's my amateur hypothesis anyway. I'm gonna experiment the heck out of this.
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1eeminho · 2 years
im finishing uni next summer im so fucking close to being done but idk if i can make it until then oh my god
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wishingprince · 8 days
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me realizing that if I keep fretting over my work mistakes that I’ll make my anxiety worse and keep making more mistakes - therefore I need to approach getting better as helping my anxiety first and the improvement in my work will come after
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minecraftdog · 23 days
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what if I come and stare at you like this......
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awaitingfall · 2 months
I’m telling you guys, this sweet potato soup is amazing for weightloss. I really thought I would’ve gained because I had 2 big bowls of the soup for breakfast & lunch yesterday AND I even ate past my fasting schedule but I lost a pound. Also the food I ate late last night was all junk - my bf got me gelato and cocoa dusted almonds (for national gf day) and I went to town on that 🫢
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Speaking of National GF Day, I had mentioned it to him like 2 weeks ago and idk if he just brushed it off like ‘eh it’s just a stupid made-up holiday, I’ll celebrate her whenever i want to’ or if he just forgot (I can see it being the first one), but when I asked him how he remembered, he said his (male) co-worker brought it up yesterday morning and he was brainstorming all day trying to come up with something to surprise me with. It’s like men will only do cute shit like that for their gf if another guy mentions it 😂 like ‘oh shit, if HE’S doing something for his gf then I should also probably do something for MY gf’ rather than doing it because your actual gf mentioned it to you 🤪 men are something else.
Regardless, it was still cute. I came home and he shut the bedroom door and started sneaking around trying to find where I had put all the candles lol so I showered first to give him time and then he walked me into the bedroom and surprised me with all the pretty LED spotlights on and candles and gelato and cocoa almonds and he brought the bigger tv down and had Animal Crossing set up so we could play together (it was the first game we played when we started dating 🥹). I asked him how tf he had the energy to set all this up in a rush after work, and he said he really wanted to do something because it’ll be the last time we could celebrate National Girlfriend Day after this year - cuz he’s planning on proposing soon 😗
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No plans for today other than take care of chores and read. I’m gonna stop by my parents’ house later to pick up a DVD that I’ve been wanting my bf to watch, and we’ll have a little movie night tonight. And I might stop in at Barnes while I’m out. I don’t have anything in mind to buy - unless the next JoJo’s book was released - I just want to keep going out in public on my own, especially since I’m off my anxiety meds. I don’t want to get used to just staying in my apartment all day and only going out in public with another person by myself side or else I’ll get used to it and be too scared to go places on my own again. That was the worst part about my anxiety - I became so scared of everything in the world outside of my four walls and even when I was out with someone else I’d still be terrified and have panic attacks.
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wispered-dream · 3 months
'I was raised/abused by people who used their illness as an excuse to be horrific towards others and said I wasnt ALLOWED to question it (because then I'd be Obstinate, and go to hell)'
and 'then I was abused by someone who used their illness as an excuse to be horrific towards others and said I wasn't ALLOWED to question it (because then I'd be a Bigot, and everyone will hate me when I tell them)'
Sure does explain so much about me.
Turns out:
- Didn't go to Hell for being Obstinate
- Extended family laughed and high fived me for joining the 'canceled by XYZ' club
So while I am perhaps oversensitized to "abusing the good will/sympathy of others"
I see that those who do this are in the real hell.
And I've seen how it comes crashing down so so SO slowly.
Abusing the sympathy of others results in people who are wary of extending that sympathy ever again. It's a net crueler world, no matter how much you say "NO NO ONE WOULD EVER DO THAT!"
They do, people take advantage of good will/sympathy. Especially when you can exploit that sympathy for control.
People do it without realizing it too, and enabling that only makes it worse. Protecting the 'abuser'/abuser in the name of "we gotta say it never happens to immanetize the eschaton!" is its own Cruelty.
You're gonna damn each other if you put yourself in a place where people are too fearful to tell you you're being unfair. Claiming '-ism' like a YuGiOh trap card [especially to people who are victimized by that -ism, RIP] is a fantastic way to do that.
People learn to ignore the ableism accusations or treat it like a joke. And it's not JUST bigotry, as neat of a solution as it sounds. Someone comes out with a Caard of all their mental illnesses and I'm asking myself 'why' not because GRRR HATE MENTALLY ILL, but because there is still a motivation there.
'If you ask why someone would do that you're a bigot!' okay so are they trying to establish that they want special treatment or needs. I am excessively empathetic to that.
But it's not 'I forget about messages sometimes [And if you werent mentally ill it'd OBVIOUSLY be because you just dont care?*] or might infodump [on nerd websites? How dare you!*]', it's "Here's the disorder I say I have according to the description I give of it, if it's contrary to any knowledge, experience, or literature on the subject it's because you're a bigot."
Personally I just try to treat everyone assuming they COULD be ill, I find everyone could use kindness. I think that's a better model, but the neurodivergent are uniquely suffering or whatever.
"It's not that I want special treatment, I just want to be the same as everyone else gets to be" You are imagining an ideal that does not exist. Even the fabled Neurotypicals are deserving of things like Patience.
See to me it looks like you're only willing to offer those kind of things to people who will tell you their psychiatric histories. My experience with people who have done the caard thing has so regularly been such! Whereas my experience with people who have severe illness [a majority of my friends] are much more *example* or *event* focused.
#theres a third part where someone attempted to do that#and it was harmful to the friend group and only got worse and worse over time as everyone was scared of#one person inconsistently attacking others for percieved slights#I was far enough from the sun to avoid consequences of the implosion and y'know#I really don't think theres a solution to this other than just ignoring the 'youre being ableist by saying I cant steal!!'#Got like 30 witnesses that can affirm that it was bullshit. I could produce a thick dossier proving the parties here are what I say#Got a few 10s of Thousands of hours spent considering 'was I actually in the wrong' and man#All evidence and affirmation and therapy and meditations point to 'why didnt I stop it sooner'#makes me question my skepticism wondering why this keeps happening to me#possible event 4 comes and nah. not again. what a shame. but I am not giving a chance beyond evidence again man#Part of me wants to ignore red flags but I think that part of me might just be blind#and how have I sacrificed worthwhile friendships because I didnt want to abandon someone?#how many times did I recognize that my description inspired fear/anxiety in my friends and take that as affirmation#without extending that affirmation to 'you need to do something!!'#how many times do I scream where few can hear instead of disengaging?#how many times have i let the 'I dont want to be a bad or cruel person'#override everything telling me to run or fight?#be a social fawn you wont hate yourself for it! you can complain on tumblr or to your closest friends instead!#yet the complaining never calms the feeling I am betraying myself!#either betraying the part of me who fears the hell my 'friends' are creating for themselves#or betraying the part of me who has a fucking right to fight and be obstinate#What solution exists where I dont feel like Im betraying myself in some way?
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eymunwrites · 6 months
Struggling for some peace? I'll show you how to do it.
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billions99 · 7 months
Guided meditation offers a structured approach to easing stress and anxiety by combining relaxation techniques with visualization and mindfulness. By following a guided script, individuals can effectively navigate their inner landscape, releasing tension, and cultivating a sense of peace and calm. This practice encourages deep breathing, body awareness, and the exploration of soothing imagery to…
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facethejourney · 8 months
Are you taking time to spend with Jesus?
Open Bible on a wood table with light coming from above. ( church concept ). And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place and there prayed. Mark 1:35 KJV Close your eyes and picture Galilee. Mountainous hills surrounding you. Cool weather and the sun kissing your skin. Pastures of green grass filled with wild flowers and trees. The sea…
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light-angelic · 10 months
Zen Solutions: Pro-Light-Angelic's Guide to Anger Management Through Yoga in Dubai
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Discover tranquility in the heart of Dubai with Pro-Light-Angelic's expert tips on anger management through the therapeutic power of yoga. Unleash the healing potential within yourself and learn effective techniques to overcome anxiety and stress, specifically tailored for those seeking anxiety attack treatment in Dubai. Embrace a calmer, more centered life with our holistic approach to well-being.
Know More : https://lightangelic.wixsite.com/therapy/post/tips-to-control-anger-with-the-help-of-yoga
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greekies · 10 months
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roshni99 · 10 months
Hold onto your seats as we embark on a captivating journey into the world of music therapy. With your eyes closed and curiosity ignited, you're about to discover the awe-inspiring secrets of how music has the power to combat anxiety and depression. This isn't your ordinary playlist; it's a transformational experience waiting to be explored. Why is this important? In today's fast-paced world, the stress and pressures of life can often lead to overwhelming anxiety and depression. Music therapy provides a unique and effective path to healing, offering solace to the weary soul. Join us on this extraordinary musical voyage and prepare to be amazed by the curiously calming effects that music can have on your mental well-being. Get ready to unlock the enigmatic potential of melodies and their impact on your path to emotional wellness. Your road to a brighter future may be just a few notes away. 🎶🤯 #MusicTherapy #UnveilingSecrets #AnxietyAndDepression please rephrase Visit : www.raphacure.com anxiety relief music anxiety symptoms anxiety attack anxiety meditation anxiety relief anxiety song anxiety disorder anxiety attack on camera anxiety ko kaise khatam kare anxiety malayalam anxiety relief meditation anxiety kya hoti hai anxiety disorder in hindi anxiety ke lakshan music therapy for stress relief music therapy for sleep music therapy for autism spectrum disorder music therapy songs music therapy for depression music therapy sahaja yoga music therapy for headache music therapy autism music therapy in hindi music therapy hanuman chalisa music therapy malayalam music therapy for anxiety music therapy for pregnant ladies music therapy jai hanuman gyan gun sagar
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