#any drawing pwetty pwease
dunkinbublin · 1 year
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so many thoughts in my head yet my hands remain idle RRRRRRAAAAAA
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
Hey pookie it's me and what about veneer x male reader where reader is just overworking and doesn't know when to stop working with readers job can you make him a drafter pwetty pwease🥺
(I'm sorry for all the veneer requests I'm getting destroyed by work and I'm starved of veneer comfort)
A/N ~ Sure pookie! I don’t mind the requests at all, so send as many as you’d like! I also don’t know much about being a drafter, so I’m sorry if anything’s inaccurate!🩷
~Time to Stop~
Veneer x Male!Overworking!Drafter!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: You’ve been overworking yourself, and Veneer’s not having it.
Warnings: Reader overworking himself, Veneer lecturing Reader
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“Just finish this drawing, and then you can rest.”
That’s what you’ve told yourself six times. So obviously, you haven’t gotten your rest yet. You don’t know why you have so much trouble stopping. You just feel the need to constantly be working. You’ve been working nonstop for almost three days, and your wrist was killing you. Not to mention, you’re absolutely exhausted. But you won’t stop.
“Why won’t he pick up? Do you think he’s okay?” Veneer asked his sister. He’s tried calling you seven times already, and you haven’t answered. He was getting really worried, and starting to pace.
“Veneer, for like, the millionth time, I do not know! If you’re so concerned, just go visit him.” Velvet responded, just wanting her brother to leave her alone.
“You know what, I will!” His mood changed to a more happy one, excited to see you. He grabbed his car keys, and drove to your work.
The moment Veneer arrived, he was frantically searching for you. When he finally found you, he called out your name, causing you to jump. He ran into your arms. “You’re okay!”
“Uh… yeah? Oh course I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, puzzled.
Veneer pulled away. “Because you haven’t answered any of my calls! I’ve tried calling you so many times!”
You were slightly shocked and confused, so you pulled your phone out of your bag. Seven missed calls. “Oh…. sorry. I guess I was so busy, I didn’t notice.”
Veneer scoffed, his lips forming into a pout. “Yeah. Of course you were busy. You’ve been busy for the past three days! I haven’t even seen your face until now! Why even are you so busy? Is it your boss? I can talk to them if they’re making you work too hard!”
“Oh, no, that’s okay! It’s not my boss. I guess one day I just… kept going and never stopped.”
Veneer didn’t quite understand what you meant. He glanced over at your desk, looking at the many papers, supplies and your cluttered computed screen.
“Why? You look so tired, so why haven’t you stopped?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“I don’t know. I just get like this sometimes. I start working, and I don’t let myself stop.” You sat on your chair, taking a much needed rest. You looked sleep deprived and malnourished, and Veneer did not like it.
“Babe, that not okay. You need to stop working.”
“I know… but I just want to finish this one-“
“No (name). It’s time to stop. Right now.” Veneer pulled you out of your chair, and grabbed your bag for you. You were going to protest some more, but he had this strict and determined look that made you cave.
“Fine.” Veneer smiled, and you both went to his car. You didn’t realize how tired you really were, until you fell asleep in the passenger’s seat.
Veneer promised himself that he’d never let you overwork yourself again.
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andva-ri · 10 months
Are you taking any drawing requests!
If so, can you draw Donnie?!
Pwetty Pwease!
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just this time, only because it's donnie and I haven't posted my child in awhile here
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kitty cat :3
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mythologyfolklore · 5 months
Can you draw Nezha? Pwetty pwease? I don't have any thoughts of him, he's just rotating in my mind like a rotisserie chicken
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Lĭ Nézhā
-Third Lotus Prince
-Marshal of the Central Altar
-god of filial piety, protector of children and professional drivers
-has a body made of lotus roots
-loves dogs (and children, obviously)
-has a shitty dad and doesn't get along with his older brothers
-grew up too fast, is jaded af, has a thousand-yard-stare and no chill
-adopted Èrláng Shén as his dad (Èrláng still doesn't understand why), didn't take no for an answer (this is a hc, don't try to stop me)
-a fucking icon and knows it
-eternally 12yo, can change his age, but doesn't want to actually grow up, because ... *shudders* puberty.
(sorry this took so long, I kinda struggled a little with this one)
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wardingshout · 7 months
Uuuuh idek whats wrong with my brain anymore at this point but I Do know that all I want to do is draw and I Did all my chores and I have the Whole weekend off and Im still somehow too Intimidated to get started on anything uuuuh does anyone have any request I can do to push myself into gear pwetty pwease ?? 🥺🥺🥺
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
trying to type this out without sounding arrogant or self-important or "my oc is sooooooooooo hot i did SUCH a good job designing him" about it kjsndkfjn
but!!! i just experienced "someone whose intentions i don't know calling ren cute and saying they love him without clarifying if that's in a 'he seems like a cool oc' way or a 'he's dating material' way" for the first time since i made him, and it turns out i'm more worried about people i don't know taking / claiming him or repurposing his design than i thought i was!!!! oopsie!!!!!
so while i very much appreciate compliments about him, i think i prefer language be kept strictly platonic UNLESS i know you (if we've spoken more than once, i feel we've had a mutual gentleperson's handshake about our f/os) OR you're a friend of a friend and we're constantly in each others' orbits because of overlapping friend circles.
like obvs, if i know you, i know any "AWOOGA"-type statements are at MOST "you designed an attractive character and i love that for you!" JASNKJDN, and if you're a friend of a friend i feel our mutual friend(s) could vouch for you being cool. ;; that's the theory i'm working from right now, at least -- i (clearly lmao) won't know how i'll react until it happens!!
i know drawing this line won't deter people who wouldn't pay attention to the "pwetty pwease don't ship w my ocs" request in my pinned anyway, but i hope anyone here who's sensible will understand why i feel this way about a character that was custom built by my brain for me and my personal life experiences ;;;
(also JUST IN CASE the person in question sees this: this is not personal in any way!! you didn't even know he was my oc!! i thought i was okay with people going so far as to call him hot up until this very moment -- you were just circumstantially the first person outside of my immediate social circle to put that to the test. i would just request that you respect this if you do decide to stick around, but otherwise you're gucci!! 🙏🏻)
it turns out the person in question is chill with a lot of things that they would know i'm not into if they took 5 seconds to look at my pinned... where they would also see that ren's my oc and, therefore, the request to not ship w him. so! fuck off actually! 💕
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zephyrrydrake · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!
Welcome to my blog! I hope you can enjoy whatever the heck I end up posting here!
Who are you?
If you know who Rydrake6 is, you know who I am. If you don't, I'll introduce myself really quick.
You can call me Zephyr. I'm a tiger/dragon hybrid who likes drawing, making music, writing, making games, and doing pretty much any creative thing you can think of. I'm an autistic trans man and a minor, and I've got way too many creative projects to work on.
Why does this blog exist?
This blog was made because I Reblog way too much stuff on my main. Which honestly isn't really a bad thing, but it is inconvenient when I'm trying to find something I posted like an audio or a piece of art and I have to scroll through a literal sea of reblogs to get to it. Other than that, I kind of always wanted a side blog where I don't have to worry about a brand and stuff. Speaking of which, I'm probably going to stop trying to make a brand out of myself and just create things like people are meant to do on the internet instead of being obsessed with numbers and the possibility of earning a living off of making stuff, but that's not a conversation for this post.
What's going to be posted here?
I don't have any particular idea for what I'm gonna post on this blog, just that there are going to be very few, if any, reblogs. Mainly because of the situation with my main blog. However, a few things that you can probably expect from this blog are looks at creative projects that I'm working on (Music, movies, shows, stories, drawings, ect.), Life stuff (Basically whatever I feel like talking about in my life. Nothing identifying though of course. I'm not stupid.), And probably a few shitpost and memes too. If I do Reblog stuff, you're probably gonna see me saying stuff at the bottom.
Boundaries TL;DR
So I realize that I have a bad habit of writing entire fucking essays when I should just keep it short and sweet, and my boundaries are no exception. So here's a quick summary of all of them.
If you're a bad person who supports bad things or you just make me uncomfortable, you're getting blocked.
Don't come into my askbox asking for money or donations.
You can DM me but I am a socially awkward weirdo due to years of isolation so watch out.
Boundries being broken = block.
Long version of my boundaries under the cut.
What are you doing in my house?
Irrelevant. Now lead me to your stash of waffle fries before I eat your firstborn instead.
Long version of the boundary list
Not sure how effective this section is gonna be. I've been told many times that DNIs don't work, but I'll include one anyways just because. It's less of a "Pwetty pwease don't look at my blog UwU" and more of a "If you're any of the things on this list I will block you on sight." So here are some ground rules.
DNI/You will be blocked on sight if you are a TERF, a racist, a transphobe, basically a bigot of any kind, a pedophile, a zoophile, a necrophile, pretty much if you have any kind of paraphilia that actively causes harm to someone or is just straight up gross, if you condone or consume loli/shotacon/cub content, if you condone or consume feral nsfw, if you are a trump supporter, if you are a zionist, or if you are a right winger of any kind. That's all I could think of for the DNI, you don't have to take it seriously I know that DNIs do not work. But I'm just putting this here so that you know that if you are any of the things on this list, you will be blocked on sight. This list is subject to change in the future.
Don't come into the askbox of this blog asking me to donate stuff or boost your posts. I'm not saying that I wouldn't do it, I'm just saying that I want to keep this blog to just being personal stuff. Normally I'd say go to my main blog, @rydrake6, but I'm taking a break right now to think about stuff.
My DMs are open, just don't be a dick. (Also keep in mind that I have pretty bad social anxiety and just bad social skills in general, or so I think, so I might be a little bit awkward.)
Breaking the boundaries listed above will lead to you getting blocked.
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
can we PLEASE manifest dolce news for this stream
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carpisuns · 3 years
New anon, but I saw the last one and I have some thoughts. Specifically, I have been obsessing over ml for the last month or so, and I’ve only seen three episodes, and they were the three released before crocoduel. And you know what? I wasn’t that into it, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t half as engaging as fanon and fanworks have been for me.
I’ve also done this with the Magicians, Supernatural, and a couple others. I think the reason that this works, for some people, is because it is a more familiar and in many ways, easier way to discover and become attached to new material and new characters. Fan writers and artists are coming from a place of love for their source material (no matter what issues they may have with it) and that bleeds out into their work. Time is spent developing the characters and their feelings, their relationships, in ways that canon so often can’t or isn’t allowed to, and reading that, it’s very easy to fall in love with new characters very quickly. There’s also common AUs and dynamics that make it much easier to start something new.
And also: comfort characters. So many fans find common ground with characters and further project onto them, particularly in fanfic. And because of that it’s often easier to identify with a fan’s interpretation of a character than it is to identify with the canon’s, since you have these more deeply explored feelings and relationships based on a combination of canon and the personal experiences of the fan writer. Also, with these kinds of fics it’s extremely emotionally affirming since for someone who doesn’t have much of any connection with the source material, it feels like the original, even if you’re reading a large body of work by a lot of different people. And I’m so used to fanfic as a substitute for the emotional work and character development that shows/movies/books don’t have room for or aren’t willing to get into, that approaching a fandom as it’s own original piece of media in a way, feels very comforting.
That’s my perspective on it anyways, and why I do this. I do think it is a good thing to engage with the canon to an extent, even if it’s just watching a few clips (how I found ml) but I also don’t think you need any real connection or knowledge of it to be deeply invested in the fandom. Sorry, this got very long.
you know, i totally get being on, like, the fringe of fandoms and interacting with fanon to an extent without a proper investment in canon (I have a couple fandoms like that), but i honestly just can't imagine becoming super invested in a fandom when I am not invested in the source material...maybe that's just a difference between you and me, idk.
but also, i gotta admit that i'm struggling a bit to understand the reason. you yourself pointed out that fan work is enjoyable because the creator's love for canon bleeds into it. and isn't that the reason that you would want to give canon a real chance? obviously there is fan content made out of spite lol (and sadly a fair amount in this fandom), but to me most fan content is like a love letter to canon. like, "i adore this thing so much that it inspired me to create and share with other people who adore it." and what better recommendation is there than that?? i would think people would wanna familiarize themselves with canon in order to better enjoy fanon(?)
i completely understand your point about fan content delving further into characterization and relationships where canon hasn't/can't, and that is such a big appeal of fanfic/fanart. but i don't feel like that's a reason to not engage with canon? on the contrary, i feel like you are missing something important in your understanding and appreciation of that wonderful exploration if you haven't experienced firsthand the foundation that canon set. and maybe that missing thing is just your personal interpretation of a character/dynamic.
for example, i could say, "adrien agreste is this, this, and this and he would do this but not this." and of course i will think im right because my characterization is always perfect 😌sakjdfaldjks but someone else might have a slightly different interpretation, and someone else will have another interpretation, and when you mush all those individual takes on a character together, you will get a good sense of who they are, but you still don't have the Original™️ to draw your own interpretation from. idk, to me it sounds like basing your opinion of chocolate ice cream on what other people are saying about it without ever trying it yourself? ajsldakljf maybe that's an oversimplification but i do think that without experiencing it for yourself, your understanding will always be kind of incomplete.
idk, i big agree with everything you said about why fan content is special, but everything that is a point in fanon's favor is not a knock on canon. to me fan content feels pretty inseparable from canon, so it just doesn't compute to me to take canon out of the equation? then we would have nothing.
i feel like it's almost kinda trendy nowadays to be like, "oh this show actually sucks lmao but the fanon and AUs are good." like it's shameful to actually...enjoy source material? 😭 i mean i completely understand that miraculous ladybug is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! but if you truly enjoy the fan content that much i encourage you to give canon a real shot. it's not that surprising to me that you watched 3 recent episodes and didn't vibe that much, since you haven't seen the 3 seasons of buildup that lead to them. miraculous has a neat way of tying a bunch of things together so if you aren't familiar with all of it, you're probably missing out.
personally my love for miraculous was kind of a slowburn at first. i only started watching the show because my sister and i made a deal that forced me to watch the first few eps lol. and i didn't really vibe either. but there must have been enough of a spark there for me to keep watching bc for some reason i did and the more i watched the more i fell in love with it until it became the thing that occupies my brain more than anything else. i started with canon and then got into fanon, but it could easily go the other way too. and if you're already invested in the story and characters, i have to imagine it would be much easier to push past the initial cringe of "this is a show about a couple of teen furries rated TV-Y7 on netflix" lol and give anything you don't vibe with the benefit of the doubt.
again, to be clear, i'm not trying to judge or gatekeep here! i'm just saying this because i genuinely LOVE miraculous. it's my favorite show. that's why i make things for it. that's why i have this blog. i want people to watch it. so maybe, pwetty pwease, try watching the show you like so much? 🥺👉👈
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(source bc i was too lazy to make my own so i stole this from twitter)
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Artemis Fowl: Animated Bloopers
So a couple weeks ago on the Artemis Fowl Incident Report Discord server ( @artemis-fowl-incident-report ), the brilliant @brekkie-bing had an amazing idea. Like how The Lion King and Brother Bear had animated bloopers in the post-credit scenes, she wondered what that would be like if we ever had an animated Artemis Fowl movie or tv series. That is where the greatest, most stupendous chain of ideas was birthed~~
SO MY SWEET PEEPS!! I present to y’all a whole host of bloopers me and a number of other people came up with, and feel free to reblog your own or even draw some of them!! As the great Super Mario says, LETSAGOO!!
Mulch is about to blow a big one, but it just comes out as a squeak
Foaly’s got a scene with a long rant in it, but he keeps jumbling up his words and they do about 76 takes to get it right
Holly writing “Fresh AF” in white marker on Artemis’ sunglasses, when he puts them on in a high tension scene you can here the whole crew in the background laughing
A phone goes off during filming. The ringtone is Madonna’s ‘Papa Don’t Preach’. The phone is Butler’s...
The camera pans on Holly eating some vole curry on set without realising her it’s her scene, her eyes widen as she’s like “OH CRAP ARE WE SHOOTING?”
Holly and Artemis goofing around during the punch take
Holly actually punches him super hard and he’s out cold
Artemis cracking up when he fumbles a line. Like, the voice actors just messing up and taking the piss
That one scene is Book One where Angeline has a weird homemade mannequin thing dressed as Artemis Fowl Senior, and the head just rolls off mid take and everyone bursts out laughing. Artemis is hands on knees screaming at the floor in laughter.
Juliet and Holly strutting and posing in the dressing room with Butler filming them
A full on argument between Argon and Cumulus which slowly delves into insulting each other
When they print out the first translation: “This...is [censor bleep]” cue laughter behind the camera
Julius roots cigar being too strong and he just chokes on the smoke for a painful five minutes while the crew hold in their laughter
Artemis struggles saying ‘I don’t like lollipops’ with a straight face
Footage of the troll fight without audio mixing so it's just Butler grunts and plate mail noises
Holly filming Artemis getting make up done on set
Artemis, glaring: I bet you won't release footage of your hair and makeup getting done
Holly does anyways
He’s getting some face powder on his noggin and Holly warns; “If that stuff gets on my hand when I punch you..”
Artemis, constantly: What's my line? I have so many words.
Artemis: I read the script but it’s all just words
Artemis:...*sigh* LINE???
When they finish a take they all just start dancing randomly cause thank god Artemis finally got his line out
Like Artemis walks into the room all intimidating and then he just stands there and he’s like “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing”
Artemis: L
Juliet: If you say line again I will throw one of the gold bars at you
Like Holly’s just watching and waiting awkwardly
Artemis: And this vial uh contains...llll
Butler: *glaring*
Artemis: llllemonade
Artemis running lines off camera and he's great and intimidating and subtle when he actually knows the words
When the director asks if everyone’s good on lines and they all know the questions for Artemis so they all just look at him
Artemis: Do you people understand how many words this is? This is approaching Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead levels of words
He has to pay up for every fudged line and every time they laugh or have a blank moment
Holly has a swear jar and Artemis has a "line?" jar
Artemis assuming it’s Holly’s line and he’s staring at her and she’s like “BRO ITS YOU”
Holly: That's a quarter in the jar
Grub juggling the bars of gold cause they’re made of styrofoam and one of them hits trouble
Juliet accidently wacks someone else with her jade ring and she just goes "Oh god. I'm so sorry" repeatedly
Julius and Holly can’t stop laughing when he’s yelling at her
Holly doing the flying into scene and she trips while knocking over the props
Maybe a really heart warming scene where Holly catches Artemis playing Moonlight Sonata on the piano and secretly films him in his element
Mulch’s jaw gets stuck and he’s like “no guys I’m serious I can’t shut my mouth” Holly being like “well there’s a first”
Mulch hides food on set like RDJ during Avengers
Mulch would eat all the food and Holly would go "Goddamnit Mulch, why are you like this."
They come off set to get lunch. Food? Gone
Redoing takes because Mulch has cream cheese on his face
Inexplicably, it's always cream cheese
Even when they don't have any on set
Camera zooms in randomly on someone zoning out and making weird faces as they wait
The fairies being so short that the boom mic comes so low down in shots and it gets really annoying for everyone
Butler like Mufasa getting his voice pitch right as the audio rolls
Foaly: Uhh line? Sorry, it's a really wordy scene
Artemis: So it's okay when he does it?
Foaly: I don't call line nearly as much as you do. Aren't you supposed to be a genius?
Artemis: Aren't you?
Butler: Artemis, remember who you are
Butler: Artemis, I am your father
Juliet: Hell yeah you are
Thank you so much to my peeps who contributed: @brekkie-bing @pokegeek151 @the-local-bookworm and everyone on the discord server who was with us during those crazy, like, 15 minutes.
Once again, feel free to reblog and add your own or even draw some of these out! (Low-key looking at you; @brekkie-bing @iesnoth @hop-a-lot @fowlblue @popsicle-stick @blackhollyshort @talesoftales and all you beautiful artists...pwetty pwease 👉🏽👈🏽)
Have fun darlings!
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stradlingmrstradlin · 4 years
Steve Riley x Mick Cripps
Requested by: Anonymus on wattpad
Words: 2419
Warnings: Nothing bad really, just the word "Fuck"
It's pure fluff and cuteness, enjoy
Story: Their adopted daughter meets the band for the first time
It was a cool, breezy night with a calm sky full of stars. Steve and Mick were sleeping peacefully next to each other while their daughter Bethany was sleeping in the room next door. They brought her home a week ago but she hasn't met the band yet. Mick thought it was a better idea to let her get used to her new environment before meeting those three crazy boys, and Steve agreed. Beth however got used to her new living space quite quickly, already calling Mick or Steve Dad or Dada by accident a few times, but of course, none of the boys minded.
At first, the band was quite surprised when the two announced that they are together but they weren't bothered by it, and thinking back to all the times they caught the two of them cuddling it wasn't surprising either. When they decided they wanted to adopt a little girl it was a long and tiring process, considering that they are two men in a rock band, but with the help of the band and a few family members after more than a year of waiting they could bring home Beth.
Before bringing her home they've met the little girl many times in the park or in the temporary home where she lived, and when they told her that she'd get to come home with them she was shouting and jumping from happiness.
Steve's dreams were interrupted by something or rather someone jumping on his chest and a quiet "sowwy dada, didn't mean to". He glanced at the clock on the wall and it read 10:23 am, might be time to wake up Mick. "Hey angel can you wake up Papa too?", as soon as these words left Steve's mouth Beth was already poking Mick in the face and shaking his shoulders. "Mornin' kid, are you excited to meet our friends today?' Mick asked as he slowly sat up lifting Beth in his lap, Beth nodding her head really fast "wowwy, 'ts making me dizzy" she giggled.
Beth wanted to choose her own outfit, but the dress she wanted to wear was really warm for a summer day, so finally, she agreed to wear a Hanoi Rocks t-shirt with a puffy striped skirt. Breakfast consisted of pancakes and fruits and Bethany made sure to put as much chocolate on her pancake as she can before either of her dads notice, she managed to stuff quite much in her mouth before Steve noticed something was up,
"What are you hiding kiddo?" a muffled "Notin" came back "You sure about that? Because I think there's chocolate smeared around your mouth" Steve said while trying not to laugh. " Maybe 'ts choco, but "ts yummy'' Beth said pointing at her tummy. "Alright kid, I'll let it slide this once, but don't tell Papa about it"
"What shouldn't I know about?" Mick asked when he walked into the kitchen. "Dada said I could eat this choco pancake if I don't tell you" she quickly blurted out making both of her fathers laugh and smile at her adorableness.
After getting ready and putting the dishes in the sink the little family sat in their car to travel to the park. Their plan was that they'd meet the guys there and maybe later for lunch go back to their house and the boys could come if they want and then later, they'd have a concert. Saying Beth was excited could be an understatement, she was jumping up and down in her car seat and when the park came into view, she tried to stretch her neck to see if anyone was there already, but that proved hard as she didn't know who to look for. As Mick parked the car she was ready to get out already and both of her fathers took one of her hands into theirs and started walking towards the playground, her trying to pull them to go faster.
When they reached the playground area with benches one seat was occupied by a long black-haired dude who gave them a wave as he saw them approaching. "Hi, guys. Nice to meet you kid, I'm Tracii" he said while stretching out his arm towards the little girl. "Tracii, that's a girl's name? 'm Beth, nice to meet you." said Beth as she took his arm and jokingly shook it. While Beth played with the chains on Tracii's pants another voice could be heard talking to her parents and then looking at her. "Hi love, my name is Phil" the guy, Phil said with a funny accent. "Beth, you're not from America, are you?" she questioned while standing up from next to Tracii and sitting down next to Phil "No, I'm British, that's on another continent" Phil answered. Beth looked puzzled for a bit but then her attention was on a motorcycle parking in the parking lot and another black-haired guy got down from it. "Wowy, 'ts cool" she exclaimed to no one in particular and then only looked away from the motorcycle when the guy stepped in front of her.
"Hi little one, my name is Kelly, it's nice to finally meet you" Beth thought that the guy was very cheerful "Why do you have a girl name too? Oh, I'm Beth" she giggled and almost forgot to tell Kelly her name. Kelly faked being offended and that only made Beth laugh harder, finally when she calmed down, she convinced Kelly to climb onto the slide thingy at the playground with her, Kelly being...well Kelly he of course agreed with very little persuasion needed.
It proved to be harder than they thought to go down on the slide together because Kelly was taller than the top of the slide and they got stuck at least five times, when they got down Phil was laughing his ass off and the others had a smile on their faces too. "Let's play tag" Beth shouted and then slapped Phil's hand signaling to him that he was 'it'. So now Beth and five men who looked really funny were running around the park, the guys, of course, running slower to let Beth win. After about ten minutes Beth got tired and decided she wanted ice cream, and to her luck, an ice cream parlor was right on the other side of the street from where they were standing. Carefully crossing the street Kelly and Beth were discussing what flavor of ice cream they are going to get while Steve was still wheezing a bit from the game of tag. The little group arrived at the parlor and ordered their frozen treats. Beth ordered her favorite, chocolate ice cream and now probably more was smeared around her face and hands than in her mouth, but she was enjoying herself nonetheless.
After cleaning up they decided that they should probably head back to the house because it was getting increasingly hotter outside and wearing black didn't help much either, plus the guys were getting hungry and the ice cream didn't do much.
When they arrived inside Beth was eager to show her toys to the guys and even invited them to play dress-up with her. She was the princess and decided that Phil will be the prince on the condition that he will let her do his hair. "No, nope, sorry love but no." Phil said and as Beth was looking around she saw Tracii also shaking his head in protest. "Kelly, pwease?" she did the puppy eyes so of course, Kelly was now sitting in front of her while she asked Mick to bring her some hairspray and a comb "I'm going to make your hair pwetty, like Mike Monroe's" Beth cheered as Mick handed her the supplies.
She was not so gentle with the teasing and Kelly tried not to make any noises but the look on his face described everything. When they were done Kelly looked like anything but Michael, more like a bird decided to nest in his hair. But of course, he wasn't going to tell that to the little girl "Thank you kid, I look like a true prince now".
"See Phil, you would look pretty, but you didn't let me do it, you're not pretty now" Beth said half serious half joking while staring at Phil, Kelly tried to at least make his hair a bit less messy while Beth wasn't looking, but to no avail. They played princess for a bit more, but Beth got bored of it and the guys were hungry, so they decided to order pizza.
"Can we play hide and seek? Pweaseee"
"Fine kid, who should seek?"
"You Papa"
"Alright, I'll count to two minutes" Mick said as he closed his eyes and leaned against a wall.
Steve hid under the table, Kelly tried climbing into a closet but gave up and hid in the shower instead, Tracii quickly stood behind the curtain in the living room and Beth climbed under the bed, but she didn't want to be alone, so she asked Phil to go with her. Somehow Phil managed to fit under the bed, but climbing out probably won't be easy.
"Ready or not, here I come" Shouted Mick downstairs. The first to be found was Tracii because let's face it, the curtain only covered him above the knee. Then he found Steve under the table. Kelly was only found because he sneezed and then slipped and Mick heard it, "What in the name of...Kelly, what are you doing on the bathroom floor?" Mick questioned "I, ugh might have slipped?" Kelly said laughing a little
"Beth, Phil, where are you?" Mick shouted, no answer. He was searching for maybe a few minutes when he heard a small whisper from under the bed. "Found you" He exclaimed when he looked under the bed, and to his surprise, two pairs of eyes looked back at him.
"Ah, nice to see you too Mick, now please would you help me get out from under here?" Phil asked after a failed attempt to get out, in the end, he somehow climbed out but swore to never climb under a bed again.
When the pizza arrived it was probably around three in the afternoon and everyone was hungry. Beth was getting increasingly tired, but she acted like she didn't care because she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her new friends. After the pizza, everyone agreed that watching a movie would be an awesome idea. They watched The Little Mermaid as it just recently came out and Beth hasn't seen it yet.
"I'm a mermaid" Beth yelled as she was now running around the living room imagining that she was underwater. Then she decided to draw the guys and herself down, it was basically five black-haired people-shaped things and one smaller brown-haired thing. Steve decided that this drawing would look fabulous on the fridge.
After this Beth had to take a nap because she was going to see them play live tonight and she needed to be well-rested for that. While she was sleeping Kelly combed his hair out with a bit of help from Tracii in the back. When she woke up it was already time to go to the venue, so Steve dressed her up and strapped her in the car, "See you there" she waved to the other three guys.
There were so many people outside when they got there and some noticed them and screamed making the little girl whimper "It's okay kid, everything's okay" Mick whispered as he held her even tighter. Inside was a lot calmer and there were many doors and corridors and people running around setting up everything for the show. The next time Beth looked up she was in a dressing room with her fathers who were teasing their hair and putting on their stage clothes. There was a knock at the door and seconds later Kelly came in sitting down next to the kid "You want to cause some mischief before the show?" He asked with a grin "Yeah, like what?" Beth asked "You'll see kid, don't worry we'll meet you guys at the stage" he said the first part to Beth, the second to Mick and Steve.
"Okay, so we'll hide here behind the door and when Tracii or Phil comes by we'll jump out and scare them, ok?" Kelly explained the plan as Beth eagerly nodded, excited to scare people. They only had to wait a bit before an unsuspecting Tracii came out from the room, they jumped out causing him to yell out a surprised "Fuck".
Beth copied Tracii "Fuck". "Okay, um, kid you probably shouldn't say that or at least don't tell anyone I said it okay" Tracii tried explaining it to Beth before she yells out the word again. Luckily Beth forgot about the bad word in a few minutes and when Phil opened the door and they scared him, he luckily just made a loud gasping sound, no curses.
When the four of them got to the stage Steve and Mick were already there waiting for them "So you'll sit on top of the chair and stay there, okay?" Mick asked, pointing to the side of the stage where a chair was already placed for Beth. "Okay Papa"
She enjoyed the show sometimes standing up and dancing a bit or trying to copy the guitar sounds with her mouth or singing the words... kinda the words, but she tried and that's what matters. She was exhausted when the show ended and almost didn't Phil lifting her up and bringing her to his changing room to let her fathers have a bit of alone time.
"I'm sleepy, I wanna sleep" She mumbled as Phil placed her down on the couch and lifted her head into his lap. He started singing softly and she was asleep in a minute, smiling in her sleep.
Later Phil helped Steve put her into the car and buckle her up before saying goodbye and going on his own way. When the little family got home Mick lifted Beth out of the car and with the help of Steve opening the doors he placed her into the bed, tucking her in and both men placing a kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams angel" and with that, they closed her door and went to their own room to take a shower and then snuggle up in bed and also fall asleep.
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creatingquirks · 4 years
Hey! When you have the time can I pwetty pwease get a quirk matchup? I've been lurking for a while and I'm rly impressed with you're creative writing uwu
ENTP-T Taurus
Hobbies: drawing weeb shit, crying over video games, napping, baking, true crime and vibing with cats
Petpeeves: slow walkers.... ppl who chew w their mouths open... ppl who take everything way too seriously
One thing I'm good at isssss reading people! I'm a great lie detector and figuring out motives and what drives people. It also helps me talk my way out of things. I can only do it to people in front of me though, over the internet it's harder to tell.
One thing I'm bad at is committing, I'm super unmotivated and I rarely stick to anything for long. This uh. This causes problems.
Personality wise I'm an extrovert, I love going out and meeting new people and striking up conversations. I'm impulsive, obnoxious and can come across as arrogant
My better traits are I'm friendly, loves to joke around and make ppl laugh and I'm brave (actually I'm stupid but! Brave and stupid overlap and brave sounds better uwu)
I also dont often take things too seriously and i like to make make light of any situation! (I know when to draw the line though, in a genuinely serious situation I'm able to push back my emotions and act instead of panicking)
Sorry if this was too much or hard to understand and thank you for your time uwu
Hi, hope you like this!
I give you.......
Lucky cat
Quirk type: emmiter/mutant
Quirk summary: you body is altered physically to have the ears and tail of calico cat. However, you also have the ability to manipulate and give people it just raise the probability of someone having a good day and or good luck.
Drawbacks: you gain cat like behaviors
Tumblr media
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
12 takari?
Number 12: “I’m pregnant.”
Characters: Takeru x Hikari. This one starts out kind of sad, but I promise there is fluff at the end. Because of Hikari’s sickly childhood years, I imagine that she could potentially struggle with conceiving a child.
Warning: Mentions of miscarriage
Send me a prompt pwetty pwease
The first time the little blue test read positive, Hikari wasted no time in planning the perfect announcement for her husband. They had only been married for three months but were eager to start a family. With visions of blonde hair and mahogany eyes, the young bride set out to purchase a plethora of children’s classics: The Secret Garden, Goodnight Moon, The Giving Tree, and many other beloved titles.
Carefully, she stacked the novels onto Takeru’s desk, spines pointed outward. If the bright colors didn’t draw his attention, then the pregnancy test perched on top would. A note, reading ‘In case you needed to practice reading bed-time stories.’, was placed underneath the blue plastic, patiently awaiting its reader. She was giddy with excitement, hand subconsciously hovering over her unborn child.
When Takeru finally returned to his office, he was a flurry of flushed cheeks and excited eyes as he twirled his wife in his arms. “I’m going to be a dad,” he screamed. Later, as they cuddled together under the covers, he whispered it again, hand resting over Hikari’s stomach.
The bliss was short-lived. Hikari had barely grown accustomed to her unpredictable bouts of nausea when the cramping started. Initially, she brushed it off, assuming that her stomach was responding to her morning sickness. Her pain eventually subsided, so she gave it little thought. That night, her muscles contracted, waking her up with a bloodcurdling scream. Her insides burned, twisting themselves around each other. “Something’s wrong! The baby!” She felt wet and sticky, the sheets clinging to her legs. It wasn’t until after Takeru carried her in from the hospital hours later that she saw it was her own blood.
They weren’t going to be parents anymore.
Takeru had been too shocked to say anything but hid the children’s novels in the bottom draw of his desk, the cheery covers mocking him. He then focused all of his attention on helping his wife process the loss of their child. He was heartbroken, but it was Hikari who hadn’t gotten up from their bed in days. Her eyes had long dried, her body instead wracking with dry sobs. Though the doctor assured her that there was nothing she could have done, she blamed herself; her sickly, weak body had purged itself of the only thing she has ever wanted. ‘If only I had noticed the symptoms earlier,’ she thought, ‘If only I had taken better care of myself.’
It would be weeks before she could look her husband in the eyes, another month before she smiled again. Eventually, she is able to ignore the pangs of guilt when seeing babies at the supermarket. She even congratulates Miyako on her bouncing baby girl, holding her goddaughter close to her chest. Her and Takeru kept trying.
The second time the pregnancy test confirms a life growing inside of her, her heart sinks. Unlike the last time, she doesn’t tell a soul.
Instead of buying children’s books, she buys prenatal vitamins. She replaces the junk food with eggs and vegetables, avoiding seafood altogether. Waking up an hour earlier than usual, she devotes time for yoga, vowing to make her body stronger and healthier.
She waits three months. Three months of insisting “It’s just a stomach bug, Takeru-kun”, three months of praying that she can keep this one. When it was time for her second trimester check-up, Hikari picked at her fingernails, anxiously awaiting her physician’s news. The woman, with kind eyes and a soft smile, assured her that her vitals were “perfectly normal”, and that she was to expect a pair of healthy baby boys.
“Two,” she whispered to herself on the train home. “I’m going to be a mommy of two.”
A strange sort of excitement bubbled in her chest as she unlocked their front door, a pair of sonogram pictures tucked neatly in her purse. “Takeru-kun, I’m home!” she called, her voice echoing off the living room walls. The sound of a chair screeching gave her little preparation for the head of blonde hair that came bundling towards her. “Are you alright? Did the doctor give you any medicine for your stomach flu?” His blue eyes glistened in worry, his hands delicately resting above her hips.
Hikari only giggled, kissing him lightly between his furrowed eyebrows. “Not exactly,” she grinned. Before her husband had a chance to question her, she pulled out two strips of black and white photographs. “It wasn’t a stomach bug making me nauseated.”
His hands shaking, Takeru gingerly plucked the photos from her grasp. “Does this – Is this… Wait, why does it say Baby A? Wouldn’t that apply the existence of a Baby B?”
Hikari’s smile widened, glowing brighter than the afternoon sun. “You’re going to be a daddy, Keru.”
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daxwormzz · 4 years
Gimme drawing requests pwetty pwease 🖖😩🙏 I am on my knees I beg
For like, Star Trek stuff (specifically DS9 stuff and to be even MORE specific Weyoun((and company!!)) drawing requests/prompts because I love drawing that lil monkey man and like Weyoun has basically become my tumblr niche at this point) cause I have ZERO ideas currently
My ask box is forever open so if you have any requests feel free to send em in and I will provide drawinge
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bluegay-redgay · 5 years
This Shit Will Linger - “Dennys, Anyone?”
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19379371/chapters/46111951 Word Count: 2,634 Summary: Everyone has made it into NYU!! Of course this calls for a celebration!After a late night of drinking and watching shitty movies, Chrisitne makes an interesting suggestion.(For reference, this is what I picture Michael's PT Cruiser looks like: https://www.autoblog.com/chrysler/pt+cruiser/  ) "We all made it!! We actually got accepted!!" Christine excitedly attempted, and failed, to embrace everyone into a group hug following the very exciting news.
"We better start saying 'hello' to student debt."
"C'mon Jerry! As true as that is, we need to celebrate!!" Brooke smiled as she began to pack her bags.
Yes, that is correct. The SQUIP Squad is officially heading to New York as students of NYU in 6 months!!
Christine followed her passion and decided to major in Musical Theatre with a minor in Asian/Pacific/American Studies, Jenna Rolan wanted to put her curiosity of knowing everything about everyone to use, majoring in Sociology. After a few stressful weeks of going back and forth, Jake settled on Sports Management while Rich went with Chemical Engineering. "It's so badass." He would say in defense, but in reality, Rich just wanted to assure himself a stable job.
To no one's surprise, Michael is going to major in Music Technology while taking a minor in Producing. Chloe went against her parents' demands and chose Individualized Study across the Humanities, "I'm not entirely sure what I want to do yet, but I want to focus on myself. But not by being pretty or whatever, like self-improvement." Brooke was definitely happy to hear that as she happily followed in her mother's footsteps, majoring in Nursing.
Jeremy was the last one to pick a major, continuously procrastinating on his application, but after some advice from Mr. Heere and some reassuring words from his friends, Jeremy decided to stick with his secret dream of Digital Art & Design. Although he typically kept his drawings to himself, Jeremy would occasionally post a drawing/design that he was particularly proud of.
Everyone was happy with their choices, and they were so ecstatic to know that everyone will be attending the same college.
"I think this calls for a chaotic hangout at Dennys! Who's drivin'?" Rich swung his backpack onto his back. "Not Jake, the last time he drove we actually almost ran into a tree." Brooke recalled the group's previous trip, sending Jake a glare.
"In my defense, I was kinda jammin' out so.." Jake didn't have anything else to say, shoving any remaining notebook paper or pens into his bag. "Yeah yeah.. So who can actually drive us there?" Jenna eyed everyone.
It only took a moment before everyone nodded and looked at a certain hoodie-wearing teen. "Michael!!"
The outburst was one thing that unsettled Michael but it was about him. And he wasn't prepared, almost falling off of the desk he was leaning on. Michael pulled down his headphones. "Yes?" Jeremy smiled and wrapped his lanky arm around Michael's shoulders, "Would you be so kind and drive us to Dennys? Pwetty pwease?" as he gave Michael the infamous puppy-dog eyes, Jeremy knew the answer already.
"Fiiiine. But you're paying for my meal." Michael groaned and grabbed his keys from his pocket. It's not like he didn't want to hang out with his friends, he was so happy about being accepted but he wasn't thrilled about moving to a new place, especially New York. It was littered with people. But nonetheless, Michael will try to adjust, if not for him, then for his friends, for Jeremy.
"Sweet! Let's dip!.. Chloe, my love, you're about to- well.." Brooke tried to warn Chloe about her smoothie but it was too late. It practically turned her top pink. "SHIT!! I JUST BOUGHT THIS!!" Chloe immediately dropped anything she was holding trying to wipe off any heavy amounts of strawberry chunks. Unfortunately this included her phone. Luckily, Christine caught it just in time as she was grabbing her book from the floor. "Woah! That was close! You need any napkins, Chlo?" Christine placed the device on a nearby desk. "What does it look like!?- Sorry! I mean, yes. Please." It's still going to take a bit more time, but Chloe has come a long way when improving her anger issues and just her overall attitude towards others.
"Are we done fucking around? I want Dennys!!" Rich lightly punched Jake's shoulder as he waited impatiently.
"Will Michael's car even fit all eight of us?" Jenna recalled the size of Michael's PT Cruiser
"Oh sure, all we have to do is tie like two of us on the roof." Michael chuckled. "But for real, you'll be fine. I think you might have a either sit on the floor or sit in someone's lap. Your choice." Michael headed towards the door, followed by everyone after Chloe decided that she was presentable again.
"Just don't fuck up my car." Michael stated, turning on the engine as they got closer. Jeremy quickly ran over to the passenger seat, it was almost a given that he'd take shotgun. But no one was complaining. Except Jake & Rich.
"C'mon Tall-Ass! At least push up your seat a little! We're crushed back here!!" Rich was basically on Jake's lap at this point. Not that he minded, Jake didn't seem to care either. Their legs had different opinions however.
Jeremy basically liked to lay down while Michael drives, whether it's to catch up on sleep that he's deprived of or to just clear his mind. Either way his seat was totally crushing Jake & Rich's legs, "Fine fine fine... This better?" He moved his seat about two feet, clearing the space immensely.
"Yes sir! Thank ya very much." Rich slid down Jake's legs a bit as he relaxed, pulling out some chips that were stuffed in his backpack.
"Can we go now?! It's hella crowded back here." Jenna complained, trying to not impale Christine's chest with her elbow.
"You guys asked Michael to drive, this is what you get." Jeremy looked at her through the rear-view mirror.
"Honestly, anything's better than Jake's driving." Brooke muttered under her breath.
"Do you wanna fight? I was not tryna get called out like this." Jake placed his hand over his heart as he continued his dramatic monologue, "I thought we were friends Brooke. I cannot believe that you'd betray me in such a way- Holy shit!!!"
His sentence was nearly cut off as Michael slammed the brakes. "What the fuck, Michael?!" Rich held the back of the passenger's seat tightly.
"A damn truck cut me off, nearly hitting me. You're welcome for not getting you hurt." Michael snapped back, continuing the drive, if a bit more cautious.
Jeremy looked at Michael and could tell immediately that he was panicking a bit, "Want someone else to drive on the way home?" Michael stayed silent for a moment, "No. It's fine. Just people being complete dumbasses." Jeremy nodded and scolled through Instagram. He was very aware that Michael can get serious road rage despite being calm almost 24/7.
"It'll be the first entrance to the right after this exit, Michael." He nodded and changed lanes, "Thanks Christine."
"Hey! Lovebirds, might wanna wrap that make-out session up soon. We're pretty much there." Jake called out, and he was right: Chloe & Brooke were practically sucking each other's faces off. "Fuck off, Jake." Chloe eyed him from her periphery vision. "We're having a moment."
"You were at my wedding, Denise." Jake scoffed. He then saw the iconic logo signalling his stomach to growl rather loudly.
"I guess that means that we're here. Let's roll! I can't feel my legs." Jenna practically shoved Rich & Jake out of the car, finally free. "Yes!! Now let me stuff pancakes in my mouth!" She ran off with with everyone to grab a booth and potentially raid the kitchen.
Jeremy was about to join them when he noticed that Michael hadn't even moved from his seat, "Micha? You good, dude?" Michael tensed at the question but slowly nodded, "Y-Yup.. I'm great.." His hands started to shake and his chest was rising faster as the seconds passed, "...N-No.." Tears suddenly flowed down his cheeks, it was as if a dam was just broken down.
Jeremy immediately hugged him, rubbing small circles on his back. He didn't say a word, he learned from personal experience that words of reassurance isn't always the best solution. Sometimes it's just a simple hug and letting the other cry it out, but not alone. Not again.
"I'm.. I'm sorry Jer... I-It's just.. I'm stressed? I-I mean we just.. we just got accepted into f-fucking college!.. We'll.. We'll be moving to a new state, shit to the m-most populated city in fucking America!.. And.. And the d-debt.. I guess it's just... piling up on me.." Michael sniffed as he rubbed his eyes with his hoodie.
Jeremy smiled and only tightened his hug a little. "Dude I get it. I completely understand, I mean it IS fucking stressful but here's the thing: I'll be there with you throughout the entire journey. We made it a two-player game, right? That's gonna continue throughout college and even when we're old geezers with white hair. You have my word." Jeremy ran his fingers through Michael's black locks.
Michael almost started crying again, he was only able to nod, still wanting the hug to last forever, "Yeah, I'll uh.. hold you to it, dude."
"Wanna stuff our faces with syrup-soaked pancakes?" Jeremy asked, pulling away to see his reaction.
Michael smirked, "Always." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone had finished their food a long time ago, now they were just exchanging witty banter or suffering from a food coma.
"I am a firm believer that Walt Disney froze his body and that 'Frozen' was created to hide those google results about the body! You cannot tell me otherwise!!" Brooke slammed her fist against the table as she declared her stance on this very important matter.
"I mean it makes sense, the man was a genius! Why wouldn't he want to live forever?"
"Brooke, honey, I think you're alone on this one."
"Michael agrees with me! He believes in more conspiracies than all of us combined!"
Michael chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, "I mean it's not the stupidest theory I've heard but there are so many other theories that are way more convincing!" He was feeling better after his anxiety attack, it took some food with a couple of dumb jokes and Michael was smiling again. He was calm.
Christine was rather quiet at the moment so anyone would've nearly screamed when she slammed her palms onto the table yelling, "GUYS I JUST HAD AN AMAZING IDEA!!"
After everyone recovered from the small heart attack, Chloe was the only one quick enough to have a response, "Here we go.. What are we gonna reenact "Your Fault" again?" She rolled her eyes at the memory.
"Not this time. So, hear me out: Like it or not, we're going to be Stressed-Out College Students™, so we need an outlet of sorts in order to-"
"Chris, get to the point." Jenna cut him off, sipping her coffee.
"Okay, okay! We can create a YouTube channel! Or multiple, it's your choice."
It was silent for a second until Brooke released a muffled snicker, following by everyone laughing at the idea. Except Christine.
"It'll be fun!!" Christine smiled. Wait is she serious?
"Chris, I know you're one of the most outgoing people on this dying planet but come on. What would we even do?" Michael wiped his eyes from laughing so hard.
"Anything we want! It's like a way to...how do I put this..
"Express ourselves?" Michael added some half-assed jazz hands, obviously joking.
"Yes!! Exactly! C'mon, at least give it a shot! We can each have our own channels and then a conjoint channel for all of us! It'll so much fun and can be something interesting for us to do over the summer and in college!!"
Again, her statement was met with silence... until Jeremy sighed and gave Christine a smile, "I...uh... guess it wouldn't hurt? I'm still uh.. hesitant?"
Jeremy's agreement was all that it took for the rest of the group, even Michael, to start muttering their agreement. Jeremy had a point, it wouldn't hurt them to at least try it out, right?
Brooke tapped her chin as her mind tried to think of an idea, "Maybe... Oh! Chlo & I can do makeup tutorials, random vlogs or shopping hauls! And also have our weekly trips to Pinkberry! Whaddya say, Chloe?" Her face practically shined like a star. So of course Chloe couldn't deny her, "That might be fun.. I'm up for it if you are?" Brooke responded with a peck on Chloe's cheek.
"Barf. I'd totally do prank videos or parkour. Something hella cool. Maybe a few of those cliche internet challenges." Rich chuckled, secretly excited about this potential channel. "Bro, if you think I'm deadass not gonna join, my dude you are wrong, heh!!" Jake bro-fisted with Rich, establishing this collaboration.
Christine excitedly clapped her hands, "Yay!! I'm excited!! I mean obviously I'd do theatre reviews, maybe some covers and costume tutorials!! Oh, I can't wait!! What about you Jenna?"
Jenna didn't even need to think about it. It was almost a given, "Probably gossip & fashion review. Maybe the occasional vlog if I travel. Michael? Jer?"
All attention was on the two of them, "Well if my channel is gonna reflect my life, it'll be a mess so uh.. I guess whatever I want? It may um.. depend on my mood that day, who knows?" Jeremy just shrugged but honestly? He wasn't sure what he wanted to do at all.
"If I must create content for the people of the planet, most of it would likely consist of conspiracies.. random thoughts/realizations I have when I'm high and uh.. I dunno gaming?" Michael still wasn't keen on the idea of starting a channel but that didn't mean he wasn't gonna try it, it did sound pretty dope to him.
The group nodded in agreement, that suited them. "And we'd have a channel for all of us? Sweet. Why not make a video now? Like a launch sorta thing?" Jake suggested.
It didn't sound like a bad to them, why the hell not?
"Cool, cool. Let's create our channels first!" Christine pulled out her phone and started the process. Everyone mimicked her actions and soon enough, the SQUIP Squad had started their YouTube career.
"I think it's pretty obvious that we share our names, yeah? I'll start: My channel is 'Babbling Brookie'! Chloe and I's channel is called 'verypinkberry' Brooke was proud of the names, it obvious who created them.
"Mine is simply 'CooCooChloe', fitting isn't it?" Chloe scoffed, she actually really liked it.
"Those are nice and all but the channel to be at is 'NotSoRichieRich' cause I'm a broke bitch! Haha!" Jake rolled his and prepared his announcement as if it would change the world, "Are you ready for this, ladies & gentlemen? My channel is called.... 'JakeyD' it's fucking original and no one can top that." His toothy grin was just a cherry on top.
"Adorable. 'JamPackJenna' because woooo boy is the tea hot right now!" She was in the middle of taking a selfie that would likely be her icon.
"I wanted to do a bit of wordplay as well so I did it! 'Chrisanthemum'! It has a pretty okay ring to it. Jeremy? What about you? Please tell me it's a pun!!"
Jeremy laughed and nodded, "It's 'HeereHere'.." The first one to burst out laughing was of course Michael, that pun went way back to when the two met in preschool. "Oh-Oh my GOD Jer!! You.. You actually..!" It took Michael a few seconds to calm down as he cleared his throat, "It is purely 'Mellon'. I do not take criticism."
And no one criticized because come on, that's one of the best puns for his name.
"Sweet, now shall film this late night announcement at Dennys?"
TheSQUIPSquad™ uploaded a new video.
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