#maybe i should pull my head out of my ass ✨
dunkinbublin · 1 year
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so many thoughts in my head yet my hands remain idle RRRRRRAAAAAA
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
If you're taking any scenario request. Maybe could I request funny/silly one where Leona and his S/O are married and live in the Royal Palace. Leona's S/O has gotten lost somehow in their own home and when found their response is "This place is too damn big I'm sorry!"
You have NO idea how much I love these types of fics! Wholesome crackheadedness at its finest✨ We love a spouse with 0 orientation skills. (I'd know, I get lost in supermarkets) This was ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I've EVER written. I hope you enjoy!
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"What the actual fuck."
A turn here. A turn there.
Oh, would you look at that - the exact same vase you passed 5 minutes ago. But was that really the same vase? Or was it its evil twin, trying to further confuse you, only for you to get lost even more and die of starvation, eventually BECOMING ONE WITH THE PALACE...
God, whoever built this palace should have their head on a stake. Haha, that sounded a lot like the Red Queen of Hearts. Perhaps Riddle was rubbing off on you. You two did text occasionally since graduating from NRC.
Speaking of graduation, you married Leona. (yay!) And it's not like you weren't happy. Life was relatively peaceful. You two moved back to the palace. Arrangements had begun for you two to take over a certain part of Sunset Savannah, as something akin to a *Peerage. (They had their own name for it, you are currently far too annoyed to remember.) A lot of (semi-forced) communication set the road to reconciliation between the two brothers. (Admittedly a very long road. A road that puts Gulliver's travels to shame.) The Royal Family™️ accepted you with open hearts. (albeit a tad wary at first)
Really there was only one major problem.
The ROYAL PALACE IS LIKE A GODDAMN LABYRINTH. And that's rich, given your history of painting the white roses with Ace and Deuce in Heartsabyul's maze. So here you are, lost.
Scratch that.
Lost: again.
And all you wanted to do was find Cheka's room. You had a gift for the little cub.
"An architectural masterpiece, my ass. This is an architectural disaster. A disaster with a capital D. D for Vitamin D - what I won't be getting, because I'm trapped within these walls, where the SUN CAN'T REACH ME-"
Okay. Calm down. It's not that bad, sure there isn't a soul in sight, but you're bound to stumble upon somebody at some point, right? There had to be servants, or guards, or somebody! UNLESS! This is all an elaborate plan to get rid of you.
Aha! That must be it. The Royal Family wants you dead and they intend to make it seem like an accident! But Leona wouldn't allow that, right? He loves you! Dearly! You're his spouse, his one and only! Ah, cruel fate.
Is it just you...or are these walls moving in on each other. So this IS an assassination attempt! And you presented yourself on a silver platter. Good job, s/o. Splendid work. A royal for a few months and you're already about to be assassinated. Your name shall remain the book of "Dumbest ways to die." Goodbye cruel world-
Leona's voice rang through the empty hallway, "What are you doing out here."
Ah! And so tragedy was avoided once more!
"Leona, my LOVE! Thank God."
"Did you just- get lost in the palace... again?", his eyes read annoyance but his tone was teasing.
"It's not MY fault this place is so damn big, what do you need all this space for anyways? Indoor badminton? Hide and Seek or Die?"
"Definitely that last one. That's how we get rid of our enemies."
"AHA! I knew it! So this IS an assassination attempt!"
He simply rolled his eyes, pulling you towards him to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you on the forehead.
"This isn't an assassination attempt. You did this yourself. It's called idiocy."
"You should build a better palace."
"What I should do is put a collar on you. With a tracking device on it. Like a pet."
"Oh, Leona~ Who knew you were into that~"
"Next time I'm leaving you here to rot."
"Then I'll haunt you to Hell and back."
He smirked, pinching your cheek as you were both making your way far from the cursed looping corridor.
"At least you won't be able to get lost."
"I told you, it's not my fault."
"Nah, of course not. The Palace is just cursed."
You both knew this isn't the last time you'll be getting lost. And Leona was seriously considering the tracking device.
Perhaps he'd already ordered it too.
You were about to find out.
*Peerage - collective noun for titles like Duke, Duchess, Count, Earl etc. Comes from "Peers of the Realm" where one could hold one or more of these titles. It differs from monarchy to monarchy. THAT'S YOUR WORD FOR THE DAY FOLKS!
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lila-lou · 11 months
✨Needy - Pt. 1/5✨
Summary: Jensen finally comes home after weeks of filming and shows you how much he missed you.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Language, smut, pregnant reader
Word Count: 2477
A/N: No hate towards anybody. It's just fiction.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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"How do you feel?".
You were currently laying on your large sofa in the living room, your head resting on your left hand while your right hand caressed your belly.
“I’m fine Jay, really”, you smiled at your boyfriend, who was walking over to you with a beer and an orange juice. He looked beyond tired and exhausted. Not surprising considering he only landed four hours ago.
Austin wasn't known for large snowfalls in the winter, so this exceptional situation had led to complications with flights. Jensen's already long flight landed over three hours late, which didn't help his mood. When he saw his pregnant fiancée curled up on the sofa with a broken rib, he was more than pissed. Jensen had only endured the last few weeks on set because he was clinging to the thought that he would soon be able to hold you in his arms again. You and your unborn baby. You've been calling each other every night for the past two weeks to pass the wait, but not once have you mentioned your broken rib.
“Here you go”, Jensen tried to say as nicely as he could while handing you the orange juice, but all the words that came out of his mouth were mumbled. He actually knew that he shouldn't ruin the evening with a bad mood, but the last few weeks had taken a toll on him and his nerves were frayed. Not only was everything going haywire on set, but he also missed you. You were five months pregnant and he felt like he had already missed everything.
You gratefully accepted the glass and took a long sip before setting it aside. Jensen stared blankly at the television, which was playing a horror movie.
“Hey”, you sighed, taking his free hand in yours. “I just didn’t want to burden you unnecessarily. You were always so worried about me and the Baby and with all the stress on set, I thought you wouldn't have to worry about more. I went to the doctor and it’s not that bad”, you tried to explain yourself, but Jensen just rolled his eyes.
“(y/n), you are carrying our child! Do you really think there is something more important at the moment than you and your well-being?”, he replied, still slightly irritated. Of course Jensen was worried and you loved him more than anything for that, but sometimes he could be really overprotective.
“If I promise you, that I won't withhold anything from you anymore, can we please end the evening somewhat peacefully? You didn’t even kiss me when you came in”, you murmur towards the end. Jensen took a long sip of beer and sighed in resignation. Of course he knew he was acting like an ass and that you absolutely didn't deserve that, but he was just worried and stressed.
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just... the last few weeks have been really stressful and... I feel like I've already missed so much with the little worm", Jensen admitted a little desperately before gently pulling you into his arms. “Besides, I missed you terribly”, he kissed your head lightly.
“Jay… I’m only five months pregnant. We still have four long and wonderful months ahead of us before things get tricky with you being away. You haven't missed anything yet. Except maybe my morning sickness and trust me, you should be glad you weren't there". You tried your best to lighten the mood a little, even if it really wasn't easy. Slowly but surely you could feel him relax. “I hope so”, he murmured before pulling your face to his and finally placing his lips on yours.
“Now tell me about the shoot”, you whispered against his lips with a big grin. While Jensen started talking about his new colleagues and the set, you made yourself comfortable in his arms and pulled the blanket a little higher.
Almost a year ago you moved in with Jensen. You previously had a pretty stressful long-distance relationship. While you were completing your studies in Seattle, Jensen was mostly in Toronto filming “The Boys”. In his free time, he often took the opportunity to spend time with his three children in Austin. Since he was always on the plane, jumping from appointment to appointment, you were usually the one who visited him. It quickly became clear that Jensen wasn't leaving Austin to move in with you, so you had no choice but to leave Seattle.
Luckily you already liked Austin and settled in very quickly.
Jensen had no plans to have any more children, and you hadn't thought about children either. But after your delayed and somewhat escalated housewarming party, contraception wasn't particularly emphasized.
The moment you finally told Jensen about the pregnancy was probably the worst moment of your life. You were so afraid to tell him that it took you forever to say the words without them being swallowed up by your sobs.
Of course, Jensen was anything but enthusiastic, after all, he already had three wonderful children and after his divorce from Danneel, he was happy to take things a little slower with you. However, it didn't take long for him to come to terms with the idea of becoming a father for the fourth time. He still had bad days every now and then where he worried it would all be too much, but overall, he did very well. And now he couldn't wait to finally hold the little munchkin in his arms.
While Jensen told you about his time on set, now in more detail than on the phone, his hand, somewhat distracted, stroked your small baby bump.
“Are you coming to the doctor’s appointment tomorrow? My doctor said we might be able to tell the gender”. Jensen continued to hold you tightly in his arms, your legs crossed over his lap and your head resting lightly on his biceps as he looked down at you.
“Of course, I’ll come”, he kissed your nose. “It’s just the three of us for the next two weeks”. His gaze moved from your eyes down to your belly.
“Is it kicking yet?”, Jensen’s eyes sparkled slightly. You'd think that after three kids he would already know it all, but unfortunately, he was on set for most of his ex-wife's two pregnancies and so wasn't as involved as he would have liked.
“Well, I definitely feel the movements, but they are hardly real kicks. In about 6 weeks you should be able to feel the kicks”, you told him as you watched his hand move in light circles over your belly.
After a while Jensen looked up again. “Being pregnant suits you”, he grinned at you, making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
“You know how to make a woman blush”, you replied, playfully hitting his chest.
Jensen leaned down to you and pressed his lips lightly to the spot under your ear.
“I know damn well how to make a woman come too”, he whispered harshly to you.
You couldn't help but press your thighs together as a shiver ran down your spine. Despite the fact that you had been together for so long, Jensen still had a strong effect on you. "You think so?", You breathed as he started kissing your neck.
You giggled, your breath hitching slightly. You did not receive an immediate response. Instead, Jensen pulled you onto his lap in one quick movement. As you straddled his legs, he grabbed your ass somewhat roughly with both hands and pushed you closer to him. His lips slid down your neck, leaving wet kisses behind.
“It’s been far too long, sweetheart,” he murmured deeply, his breath hot against your soft skin.
While he kept one hand flat on your lower back, he slipped his other hand into your sweatpants before leaning in to kiss you.
“Actually, I imagined our reunion a little differently”, you whispered against his slightly parted lips, which only lightly touched yours. “With fancy and hot underwear, you know?”.
Jensen couldn't help but laugh lightly, but he stopped with a deep moan when he felt how wet you already were. “Shit baby, I’ve barely touched you and you’re already dripping”, he grinned slightly arrogant. If you weren't so incredibly turned on, you probably would have rolled your eyes. Jensen gently rubbed his fingertips over your soaked clit, making you moan immediately.
“Jensen”, you whined as he continued to tease your clit.
Your eyes were barely open, but you knew Jensen was grinning to himself. You could feel it on your lips.
“Pleaaaase,” you grabbed his thighs and leaned back further so he could get a perfect angle, despite your little baby bump.
“I´ve got you”, he grinned, slipping his middle finger inside you. A soft gasp escaped you as Jensen curled his finger and hit your sweet spot. As he added a second finger, you dug your nails into his skin. “Fuck”, you let out a throaty moan.
“You’re even tighter than usual, baby. I guess I really left you alone for too long”. Your eyes were closed as you were completely absorbed in the feeling your fiancé was giving you.
“Ugh… you did”, you agreed as your eyes met.
With a jerk he pushed your upper body closer to his again and pulled his fingers out of you. No matter how much he loved teasing you, it had been far too long since the last time he could truly feel you.
His arms wrapped tightly around you as he pressed his lips to yours again. “Shit, I missed you so much”, Jensen murmured against your lips, making your heart beat faster.
“I missed you too”, you answered barely audible.
Within seconds, Jensen laid you on your back, tugging your sweatpants and panties off your legs before kneeling on the sofa in front of you, looking at you expectantly. “Touch yourself”, he ordered before you watched as he deftly unbuckled his belt. He loved watching you, almost as much as you loved watching him.
Even though you did this a thousand times, you couldn't stop the blush from rising on your face.
Nevertheless, your fingers found their way to your wet heat as if by themselves. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you felt your own wetness. You carefully dip a finger inside yourself, making you breath heavily. By now Jensen already had his throbbing erection in his hand.
“Just like this Babygirl”, he groaned, switching his gaze between your heated face and your spread legs. Your head fell back into the soft couch cushions as you adjusted to the feeling of your finger sliding through your wet folds. Jensen tried everything to hold onto himself and watch you longer, but the desire to bury himself inside you overwhelmed him.
“Fuck it”, he muttered, freeing himself from his jeans and boxers before leaning over you and pressing his lips greedily to yours. You could already feel his hardness against your pussy when Jensen broke the kiss to take off your shirt. “Fuck, they’ve gotten huge”, he whispered as he massaged your left breast over your bra. You couldn't help but grin when you saw his lustful look. “Do you want to keep talking and teasing or finally start fucking me, Ackles?”, you challenged him, your hands sliding under his shirt and tugging at the hem impatiently.
“So needy”, he grinned down at you, pulling his shirt over his head so you could immediately run your hands over his strong chest and broad shoulders before pulling him closer to you by his biceps.
“I’m going to fuck your tight pussy so good”, he groaned, hovering over you again as he took his cock in his hand and lined himself up with your wet folds.
You shuddered as he pushed himself into you until he bottomed out, stretching you almost painfully and letting out the deepest moan you've ever heard.
"Shit honey, you´re okay?", he chuckled, but actually looked a little worried. It took a few seconds until you found your breath and therefore your voice again. "Yeah... I just... almost forgot how big you are", you admitted.
“Well, after tonight you won’t forget it in a hurry”, he winked at you with a grin.
With that, he withdrew completely and spread your wetness with his tip, sliding it between your glistening folds. Jensen's gaze was literally glued between your legs and you could see in his eyes how much that turned him on. “Jay…please,” you begged, wiggling your hips, trying so hard to get him back in. He responded instantly to your requests and pushed his swollen cock into you again, making you moan loudly. As he thrusted into you harder than he had since you were pregnant, he firmly grabbed your hips and pushed them up from the soft fabric of the couch to thrust into you from a better angle. He hit your sweet spot over and over again, which had got you close within a few minutes. “Jay… I’m…”, your hands grip his wrist as you arch your back desperately. "I know, baby. Just a few more minutes", he moaned, watching your breast bounce in your bra with every hard thrust he gave you. Your lips met again, taking the breath away from both of you. You could feel his hot breath in your mouth again and again as he tried to suppress his moans. “You’re so fucking tight, baby”, he groaned against your swollen lips.
By now you were just mumbling pleas and desperately wanted him to allow you to come.
“Cum for me (y/n)”, his lips trailed down your neck, sucking on your delicate skin. Those few words were all you needed to squeeze his cock even tighter. With loud moans and closed eyes, you finally came.
“Fuck baby”, his voice cracked as he felt you clenching around him.
Seconds later, you could feel him spilling his cum inside you as his head fell back down on your shoulder. His deep moan against your collarbone sends shivers down your spine, creating even more sparks in your stomach as you live out the rest of your orgasm.
It took you both quite a while to catch your breath, still overwhelmed by the feeling.
Jensen held his position a little longer. When you finally felt your heart stop racing, you let out a quiet chuckle, brought on by your thoughts, which you immediately said out loud. “I’m not on the pill”, you whispered, stroking strands of his soft hair while his face was still buried in the croock of your neck.
"Well, I can't knock you up any more than I already did, can I?", he grinned and slowly raised his head.
“I guess not”, you grin, pulling his face to yours and kissing him gently.
“I really missed you”, he whispered as your eyes met.
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
Southern Comfort Part 8: How in Tarnation
Masterlist: here
CW: None
Tag List: @wedontknowherorhimorthem
A/N: Harry is full on in love but you just need him to say something because you don’t handle silence very well, enjoy✨
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Harry was bending down to pick up a jar of raspberry jam when he felt something ram into his ankle causing him to lose his balance resulting in him bumping his head on the very same shelf he had just grabbed his jam from. He heard someone let out a very loud and in his opinion semi-dramatic gasp as he rubbed his head with his hand that wasn’t holding the jar and stood up straight. But before he could do anything he heard the sound of feet rushing over to him and then he felt hands on his back urging him to turn around so they could asses the damage they’d just caused.
“Oh my goodness I am so sorry.” Harry felt his whole body tense up as your voice hit his ears. “I swear I’ve never in my whole life even bumped into someone else’s buggy before and here I am just rammin into you like you’re a damn bumper car.” Your accent is thick as your words are rushed together while your eyes scan his face, Harry’s hand drops from his head making your eyes go wide. “Oh sweet baby Jesus lord have mercy.” Harry panics at your words as you half mumble them under your breath, he starts thinking maybe you recognize him but his fear is soon swept away as you reach up on your tiptoes so you can cup his cheeks with your hands and he instantly leans into your touch. You gently pull his face down towards you in an attempt to help you get a better look at where his head made contact with the shelf and you let out a huff when you see a small red bump.
“I’m-” he tries to introduce himself but you’re quick to cut him off.
“How did this happen?” Harry has to fight the urge to laugh at your question because to him it’s pretty obvious how it happened, but he’s still in shock that you’re actually standing right in front of him with your hands on his face so he just stays silent. “I hit you in the ankle how in tarnation did you manage to somehow hit your head?” He actually chuckles at your words this time but when you let go of his face he immediately feels the corners of his mouth drop into a frown at the loss of contact. “I’m first aid certified so just let me get a good look.” You take a step back from him and motion with your hands for him to sit down making him raise an eyebrow. “I need you to sit please since you’re just a smidge taller than me.” You explain with a sweet smile and Harry doesn’t hesitate as he plops down on the floor sitting cross legged and placing his hands and jar of jam in his lap.
“Lord okay let’s see can you tell me your name? I’m just trying to see if you have a concussion or something.” Harry knows he should say something but when he opens his mouth you just roll your eyes and shake your head and let out an annoyed groan at yourself. “I don’t know your name so how the hell would I be able to tell you if it’s right or not? Okay uh can you tell me the day of the week? That’s the same for everyone so I’ll be able to tell if you knocked yourself into yesterday or not.” You’re staring down at him with a warm smile on your face but you do have a slight hint of concern in your voice and he knows he should absolutely say something to help ease your mind but he just can’t seem to make his mouth move to form actual words.
“Oh maybe you don’t talk? That’s okay I’ll do enough of that for the both of us because I just don’t handle silence well and I’m sorry again for rammin my buggy into you like that but maybe if you have to go to the hospital or something my insurance will cover it? Is this considered a collision? I don’t know but you’re not bleeding so that’s always a good sign.” You take a step closer to him so you can get a better look at the bump on his head and he can’t help but take in how your accent seems to get thicker and thicker the more you ramble on, as does the speed of your words as they fly out of your mouth.
Harry finds it oddly amusing that when he’s sat on the floor his head comes up to your tummy, he doesn’t know why he wasn’t expecting you to be so small since your personality seems larger than life. He knows he needs to say something so you know who he is and also to help you relax because he can see a wrinkle of worry between your eyebrows. But for the life of him he just can’t seem to find the words so he just sits there and allows himself the opportunity to take in your appearance. You look like you just got off work because you’re wearing a shirt that has the name of a preschool on it and your hair is in a messy bun giving him a good view of the starfish earrings you’re wearing and he can’t help but smile at the sight of them because he knows you probably picked them to go with the theme of your class for the month. He’s never thought someone looked as adorable as you do in this very moment.
“Oh raspberry is a good choice.” Your voice brings his eyes back to yours and interrupts his thoughts as he follows your gaze to the jar in his hands. “I’m gonna feel around your little bump and I’m sorry if it hurts but I’m just checking for some things and don’t ask me what I’m checking for I’ll just know it if I feel it.” Harry just nods as your fingers gently press around his forehead. “Is that a mermaid on your forearm?” Harry looks down at his arm and then back up at you and he can’t help but feel his heartbeat quicken when he sees you smiling down at him. “I like mermaids too and oddly enough I’m a teacher and this month is all about-”
“Life at the beach.” He feels your fingers fall from his forehead as your eyes widen a bit as he finally finds himself able to speak to you. “Hi love.” He adds and his voice is lower than normal due to still partially being in shock but he watches as your eyes scan his face and then quickly roam his body as you take a small step backwards and he can practically see it all begin to click for you as your face lights up as you smile at him.
“Harry?” He just nods his head as you let out a laugh and he’s glad he’s already sitting because the sight of you standing in front of him laughing with your hand on your chest would’ve probably made him drop to the ground anyway because he was right, you do look absolutely beautiful when you laugh. “Well honeybuns if this ain’t fate then I don’t know what is.” Your hands fall to your hips as you just continue to smile at him.
“Do you think I’m concussed?” He asks making you roll your eyes at him while taking a step towards him so you can kneel down and it’s not until your eye level with him that he feels like he just got the wind knocked out of him because it’s not until then that he gets the full effect of your stare and he’s once again thankful for his spot on the floor.
“You’re fine sugar plum.” Is all you say before you stand back up and offer him your hand to help him up. “I don’t bite.” You tease as you wiggle your fingers at him until he finally reaches out and grabs your hand, taking a mental note of how small but soft it feels in his.
“If this is any indication of how you drive love then I think it’s safer if we just walk everywhere in the future.” You laugh as you help him stand up, but he doesn’t drop your hand and he doesn’t feel you trying to pull it away from him so he just continues to hold it.
“I mean honey who manages to hit their head from getting rammed in the ankle? That takes a special kinda talent and then there’s the whole bending down without checking your surroundings which is just proper grocery store manners.” Your eyes are taking in his appearance as you speak and Harry swears he’s never felt more self conscious in his entire life, he’s second guessing his choice of outfit which is just a casual pair of jeans and one of his worn out Rolling Stones shirt since he wanted to be comfortable in the studio which is where he was at a mere half hour ago.
“So that kinda makes this whole thing your fault sugar so this really doesn’t have anything to do with how I drive a buggy or a vehicle.” You add as your eyes stop when they meet his as you look up at him with a smirk and playful glint in your eyes before shooting him a little wink and he knows this is going to be the moment looking back that he tells people is when he fell in love with you but he just shakes his head in an attempt to bring him back to the moment at hand as he looks down at you.
“I forget that everything always comes back to being my fault.” He admits as he feels you pull your hand away from his so you can turn and walk back over to your cart.
“Oh honeybuns admitting to being forgetful is such a gentlemanly thing to do.” Even though he knows you’re teasing him he feels his cheeks get warm at your statement as you place your hands on the cart and raise an eyebrow at him. “Well come on sugar plum I’m not done with my list yet.” You walk past him after tossing a jar of the same raspberry jam he had in his hand into your cart. “I might need to borrow your height on the cereal aisle.” And with that he quickly catches up to you before you make it to the end of the aisle so he can walk behind you and he can’t help the grin that spreads over his face because not only are you actually real but you’re currently leading him around a supermarket, and if he’s being honest he can’t even really feel the pain in his ankle or head anymore.
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bagopucks · 2 years
T. Zegras - Defend My Honor
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Trevor Zegras x Reader
I love Trevor, but I also love watching Sid knock him around like a China doll <3
Word Count: 3.6k
Trigger Warning(s): mild harassment, nothing other than unwanted wrist grabbing and the insinuation of the devil’s tango.
“…So I said, no you can shut your mouth, asshole.”
Just take a deep breath.
Who raised such a rambunctious ass-hat?
How much longer do I have to hear him run his mouth?
As long as our friends were still out for lunch…
I looked up at my girl-friend, who was taking a hefty bite out of a chicken salad sandwich. She paid no mind to my tension, and truthfully I wouldn’t have asked her to. She knows I don’t like Trevor, but she asked me to accompany him and his friend to lunch, I couldn’t turn her down. She’d been talking to this guy for some time now, and I knew she still felt nervous to be around him alone. He had asked if she planned on bringing me. He said he’d bring Trevor if she brought me. Fuck I hate Trevor.
“Trevor, you’re always getting into some trouble. You need to cool down a little.” My girl-friend chimed in as she peered at him, sitting diagonally across from her. Sitting directly across from me. For someone so loud, he liked to eat at quiet places. I felt bad for those sitting in the Panera Bread around us.
“Kelly, you don’t understand. Guys are always on my back. It’s exhausting.” Trevor was animated in his movements, his elbows falling on the table as his hands reached out like they were holding some invisible vase from the sides. “I can’t stand it. Somebody has to defend my honor.”
“Oh please,” I scoffed out. It was impulsive, I didn’t mean it to fall as easily as it did. Trevor’s gaze quickly flickered to mine. Our friends tensed as quick as a gunshot. They’d both been around when Trevor and I had our monthly explosive fights. They were usually the ones to pull us apart and cool us down.
We were never quite aware of how exhausting our behavior had been for them. We were both at faults we chose to turn blind eyes to.
“What?“ Trevor challenged me to go on, instigating. But I did it too from time to time.
“You can’t have any honor in the first place if you’re always sticking your nose up at others.” I spoke ‘matter of factly,’ folding my arms across my chest and crossing one leg over the other, accidentally kicking Trevor’s foot under the table in the process. He didn’t dare return the gesture though. Maybe he had a small sliver of honor. Not hitting women was the bare minimum in my book though.
“I do not! You’re the one always judging everybody!” Trevor whispered a shout, leaning forward as his hands fell to grip the edge of the table.
“Maybe we should-“
“That’s not even true! I judge you ‘cause you have your head up your ass all the time!” I was the first to raise my voice. I did have a habit of judging people, but I was always harder on Trevor for.. well for some reason that seemed to escape me right now.
“And yours isn’t up your own too?” Trevor sarcastically laughed, leaning into his friend’s side and slapping the taller brunette’s shoulder. “You hear her? Dude, she’s delusional.” His friend’s eyes went wide with frustration. He looked done with us both.
“Fuck you, Trevor!” I slammed my hands on the table as I shot out of my seat. People were looking at us now. The victim of my outburst had gone quiet, but he looked just as angry as I was.
“Fuck you too.” It was spoken calmly. It made me want to reach across the table and wring his neck. He could be loud and annoying all day, but when I actually want him to match my energy and give me an outburst, he has nothing.
“Kelly, let me out.” I watched her slip out of the booth, her face red out of embarrassment. I immediately grabbed my jacket and purse, and stepped out, flipping Trevor the bird as I stormed out of the restaurant.
Screw Trevor and his attitude. His perfect hair and his loud mouth. Especially his pretty eyes and his stuck up personality.
I finally told Kelly after the incident, that I would go out with her when she wanted to go out with Trevor’s friend, but I was done being anywhere around Trevor himself. I couldn’t do it any more. My plan to avoid him like the plague was effective. Trevor and I took different college classes, and I knew the campus well enough to get around and avoid most of his general education courses. I was hopeful that maybe I could go the rest of the year without seeing him. Until Kelly told me she wanted to go to a party on Friday. Something about the university hockey team hosting one in a frat who let them take over for a night. I had half a mind to say no, but a party was a party. I wouldn’t let her go alone. It wasn’t safe.
“What do you think?” Kelly stepped out of the dorm bathroom and walked down the hall, her black jeans hugging her hips and the signature Boston University jersey tucked in the front. She was smiling like an idiot. She looked good though, and I felt an odd pang in my chest. I wondered if the vibrant red on those jerseys would look as good on me as it did on her.
“You look beautiful. Aiden is going to love this on you.” I smiled at Kelly, and I could tell my words lifted her confidence.
“Show me yours now,” she pointed a finger in my direction. I quickly stood up to show off my ripped jeans and the cream colored shirt I wore.
“There’s gonna be all these people here, and you chose to wear- to wear the blandest outfit ever?” Kelly teased me as I rolled my eyes at her.
“I just threw on the best outfit I had to effectively kick Trevor in the teeth if the opportunity arises.” The words rolled off my tongue with a level of nonchalance that had Kelly tensing.
“Listen.. please- I really need you guys to not fight tonight.” Kelly made her way over to the door and slipped on her shoes, grabbing her car keys from the thumb tack they hung from on the wall. We weren’t supposed to ruin the walls or puncture them, but Kelly lost her keys so much that we both decided it would have to be fine. I’d spackle the wall if it meant that much to them.
“I swear. Tonight I’m gonna get wasted, and find a good spot to relax. No Trevor. No fighting.” I followed Kelly to the door, placing my hands on her shoulders. “I swear on all that is holy..” which was technically a lot considering how many religions there were.
I gave Kelly my best pep talk once we arrived at the party, and when she got out of the car, I straightened the jersey on her shoulders and turned her around to walk inside. I took note of the last name on her back. People would know who she was there for.
I watched Kelly take a few steps forward before joining her in the walk to the door- which was wide open. Cars were parked all over the street outside, and the front lawn of the house was lit by the dim glimmer of street lamps. The music flowed through the open door, as did the chilly glow of icy white lights. A contrast to the usual bright neon, or warm orange lights. But god knows what the hockey players are up to.
Upon entering, I found out. It was a hockey themed party. The lights were somehow supposed to resemble that. The ice, I guessed. The music was blasting, people were running about with red, blue, and white solo cups. I could smell alcohol all over. Then I heard the jovial screams of various hockey players, only to step into the spacious living room and find couches and chairs tipped over to form a makeshift rink. People were standing around against the walls watching and waiting for a turn to play drunken mini sticks. I had to observe the chaos for a moment long enough to get the point of the game. If you’re scored on, you take a shot.
I slowly grabbed Kelly’s arm and walked with her further into the house, finding more of the commotion to be in the kitchen along with clinking bottles. A tall boy with fluffy hair was stood on the far side of the island, pouring drinks for people as they came through. I assumed he was a player, but he wore a USA hockey jersey. He had to be a friend of somebody’s then. The boy looked up at us when he noticed we’d entered the room, gesturing toward a chalk board with different drinks on it. It was oddly enough, the nicest college party I’ve been to.
By the time I was our turn, Kelly had asked for some fruity drink called a, ‘Drunk Hatty.’ The boy mixing drinks explained that every option was a player’s favorite mixture of alcohols and other substances. He gave me an extra look before suggesting the one near the bottom labeled as the special. But it had ‘Gato’ in the name and I was never a big Gatorade fan. Instead I asked for a makeshift margarita, and admittedly, I felt embarrassed having to say the name. ‘Bar Down.’ I’d been to enough college hockey to know a lot of the terminology, but that one I had yet to hear.
“That’s my best friend’s drink. He loves it.” The makeshift bartender made casual conversation as he mixed our drinks before handing them over and sending us on our way with the information that most everybody was out back.
“Have you seen him before?” I asked Kelly as I opened the sliding glass door.
“No. Never,” Kelly stepped outside before I followed. I pulled the door shut behind us and took in the new atmosphere outdoors. This was where the bulk of the party was. There was separate music playing, and someone set up red fairy lights off the posts of the back porch.
“Kells!” I heard the recognizable voice of Aiden shout before my eyes found him. Kelly glanced at me nervously before I waved a hand and told her to go have fun. I was by no means an introvert. I would find somebody to spend time with.
That somebody just happened to be a bright blonde haired boy with an accent I could tell came from the city of Boston. He had a threaded bracelet on, and a backwards hat. Through spending my time with him, I learned he was one of the frat boys. Usually I wouldn’t spend my time around them, but this one seemed tolerable.
“So Justin,” I began, sitting on the back porch lawn chairs with him while I examined the commotion. Trevor was over helping another face I didn’t know with music. I don’t know why my eyes kept finding him, but they did.
“We should go inside, yeah? My room’s upstairs.” The offer slipped from his lips faster than I could finish my own sentence. I immediately shook my head.
“That’s not what I’m here for.”
“Come on. Doesn’t have to be what you came for.. it can be what you realized you need.” It was vile, and yet somehow this man thought it was a normal thing to say. I turned him down. Instead of going away, he was reaching for my arm and insisting I go anyways. Despite the fact that it’s not what I want. He tugged on my arm as he stood up. Not harsh, but still persistent.
“No!” I raised my voice over the music. This time he pulled harder on my arm, effectively jerking me out of my seat. My stomach turned, my body felt like it was on fire. I was in shock. Sometimes even I forgot how cruel the people of the world could be.
“Please, stop.” It was a quiet plea, but I watched Justin turn to take me inside, his hand slipping from where it gripped my arm to grab my hand. Holding on tight.
“Hey!” Both mine and Justin’s heads snapped in the direction of the boy bounding up the three porch steps. He skipped the first two. Long legs.
“Back off, Justin.” Trevor’s tone was a warning, but Justin’s grip didn’t falter.
“She’s not yours, Zeg.” I felt like an object. This man only cared about one thing. He thought he could just have it.
I watched Trevor’s jaw tighten. It was such a small shift, but I knew it so well because I looked for it when I knew I had pissed him off to the point of no return. There was a beat of silence that followed. Then Justin turned to continue his path toward the door. I let out a quiet cry. Trevor started swinging.
After that, I was released. Aiden and a few other hockey players were sprinting across the yard to the commotion while Trevor slammed Justin up against the wall. Tears sprung to my eyes. Kelly reached for me over the deck rail, and I climbed over it in distress to get to her. The boys were fighting in front of the steps, and I feared trying to sneak past them.
Profanities were exchanged between the hostile boys while Kelly held me against her side. Tears fell at a rapid pace down my face, the alcohol in my system only making me more emotional. My best friend took me to the car and got me seated in the back, so there wouldn’t be an awkward barrier while she held me.
I felt bad for starting a fight, and I felt bad that of all people, I dragged Trevor into it. “I promised,” I tried to let the words fall out.
“This is not your fault.. none of this is on you.”
“Is it what I wore?” I found myself subconsciously checking my outfit. The holes in my jeans ran the length of my thighs. Had that been my crucial mistake?
“Honey.” Kelly grabbed my face in her hands, tilting my head to look at her. “It is never what you wear. And This is not your fault.” She paused, “do you understand?” I was hesitant to nod, sniffing as she wiped my tears from my cheeks.
“I have to go grab my phone.. you’ll be fine alone for a minute? Lock the car while I’m gone?” I nodded. Kelly gave me a brief squeeze before climbing out of the back seat. I leaned between the two front ones, and pressed the lock button twice, hearing all four doors click.
Then I curled up in the back seat, kicking my shoes off and pulling my knees up to my chest. A minute passed before I heard a knock on the window. My head shot up to the sound, met with the dopey face of my arch nemesis, and yet also my protector. He had the beginnings of a bruise beneath his eye, right over his cheekbone. My brow furrowed in guilt. I felt bad. I slowly moved from my position to unlock the door, watching as he opened it and climbed in.
I was cautious as I inched across the seat, pressing my back against the opposite door and pulling my knees to my chest once again as Trevor shut the door on his side.
“Fuck- there’s no leg room.” I watched as he struggled to get comfortable. Eventually he gave up and looked toward me. “Are you okay?” I liked this version of Trevor. Soft spoken, sincere. I nodded my head, though the tears returning to my eyes said otherwise.
“You didn’t have to help me.” I whispered, hesitant to meet his eyes, so instead, I looked down at his shoes.
“Yeah well.. somebody has to defend your honor.” His words were a stinging reminder of how I’d treated him before. He had no malicious intent. He didn’t expect me to pay him back, or do anything for him. He protected me because he cared. Because it was the right thing to do. In my emotional state, I practically launched myself across the back seat. Trevor looked like he was under attack before I settled against his side and broke out into tears, gripping his jersey as I mumbled quiet sorries and regrets.
“Hey, hey..” Trevor’s arms fell over my body, holding me close as he searched for the right words to say. “Everything’s gonna be okay. I’ll always be here for you.”
Days ago, he would have said he wanted to see me dropped in the middle of the ocean and left behind. And to be honest, I would have said the same. But something shifted now. Something had changed.
“I thought you hated me..” I whispered helplessly, a quiet cough escaping my lips. The cold air nipped at my skin, causing me to shimmy in closer to Trevor. He was warmer than I was.
“I don’t hate you.. you just..” Trevor sighed. “You stress me out. It’s hard trying to impress somebody when they’re always criticizing you. I guess I just- it frustrates me. It doesn’t mean I should say the things that I do. I never should.. and for that, I’m sorry. But god-“ Trevor’s gaze was now glued to the headrest of the seat in front of us. I lifted my eyes to spot him, the gears turning, trying to find the right words once again.
He wanted to impress me… for what?
“I guess it’s hard to make somebody perfect fall for you, huh?” Trevor tried to make a joke out of what I assumed were his own feelings. I slowly pulled back, my focus being diverted to a whole new topic from the one I was crying over moments ago. He was successful at distracting me from my anxieties thus far. A nervous laugh fell from his lips one second too late. Like the last kind in a group to get the joke.
“Trev, I’m not perfect. I treat you like shit all the time.” He shook his head, as if all was forgiven. I rested one of my hands on his shoulder. “It’s not okay..” I watched his eyes flicker between my own and my lips. If he were to kiss me right now.. would I want it?
“I guess maybe I’m so hard on you.. because I just don’t want to make some mistake and end up with a douche like Justin back there.” I looked down at his jersey, goosebumps rising on my arms as the cool air began to get to me. My fingers picked at a stray string on his shirt.
“End up with?” Trevor dipped his head in search of my eyes, brow lifted in a hopeful expression.
“Trevor,” I sounded exhausted. My subconscious mind telling me to quit ignoring my feelings. To quit pushing him away, and quit running in the same damn circles with him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’ll let it go.” Trevor relented, allowing me time to sink back into his embrace. A shiver shook my body, and I felt him shift before gently moving me away from himself.
I watched in concern as I assumed he was leaving. I didn’t want him to go. Rather than opening the car door, Trevor slipped off his jersey and turned his body to face my own. “Here..” I reached to take it from him, but I should have known Trevor better than that. Always extra.
A smile painted his lips as he pulled the jersey right over my head, effectively messing up my hair. I slipped my arms through the sleeves, hit by a wave of emotion. I came to a conclusion. If he were to kiss me, I would want it.
“End up with.” I clarified, catching him off guard. “Tonight’s been such a shit show. Trevor our entire- well.. since we’ve met each other, it’s been all wrong.” I watched him lean closer, hesitant but hopeful. He didn’t want to make the same mistake Justin did.
“Yeah?” He encouraged me to go on.
“We’ll give it another go?” I offered, my hands finding his smooth cheeks.
“Yeah..” Trevor sighed out, leaning in as did I,
“Just sit here with me?” He nodded, gently moving his legs up onto the back seat and gesturing for me to climb into his lap. I did so with ease. While he sat stretched across the back seat, I faced the front of the car, pulling my knees back up and leaning against his chest. My head rested against Trevor’s shoulder, and I could hear him chuckle every so often when my breath fanned against his neck. His arm lowered and rested on my back, holding me close as the shift in our realities became apparent.
“Oh dude… I don’t even fit in here sideways.”
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Caught Red Handed
Pairings: Reader x Chris Evans, Reader x Miles Teller
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, yeah this whole thing is just pure smut and sex sex sex so you have been warned
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with two of your very attractive teachers for a while now, and so far you haven’t been caught
Two of my favorite men in one writing, what could be better?? Hearts, reblogs, and comments are very much welcomed and appreciated please and thank you!! If you wish to be added to a tag list let me know and I’ll be more than happy to add you! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
✨Please do not copy and paste my work or steal my work or publish my work as your own or I will have you reported✨
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"Off to see your lover?" Turning around to your friend smirking at you. "Or should I ask which lover?"
"Maybe I'm going to see both." You wiggled your eyebrows making her laugh. Shuffling through your best lingerie deciding which one to wear.
"I can't believe you are actually sleeping with two professors." She shook her head. "It's a matter of time before you get caught."
"I'm not going to get caught Y/F/N." Rolling your eyes as you finalized your look.
"What happens if you do though?" She asked making you stop for a minute. "You will get expelled and two amazing teachers get fired, and possible sent to jail."
"That's not going to happen I promise you." You reassured her, but she still didn't look convinced.
She sat there on the bed watching as you adjusted your outfit so make yourself look more seductive. You knew she secretly judged you for what you were doing, but at the same time you knew that she envied you.
Nobody else on campus knew about this affair, and you planned to keep it that way. You never meant for it to go on this long, but you just couldn't help it.
Crazier thing is neither teacher knew about the other. They thought they were the only one, and the last thing you wanted was for them to find out about the other.
"Whatever happened to that one boy you were talking to?" She asked you once again. "He was really nice and quite good looking."
"Yeah he was, but he wasn't exactly on my level." That was true though he wasn't up to speed with your sex drive. If anything it would probably scare him off.
"Oh come on he was perfect for you." She tried convincing you once again.
"He was good for a one night stand and that's it." Looking over your makeup in the mirror. "I need someone that can handle me."
"And fucking two teachers is the answer to that?" You knew she wasn't asking a question, but was rather being a smart ass.
"Please can we not do this right now I don't want it to ruin my mood." Groaning as you put on your shoes.
"Don't wait up for me." Mumbling as you shut the door behind you without looking at her.
Walking down to your car as you tightened the coat around you. Hearing your phone buzz multiple times indicating someone was texting you. Pulling it out with a grin on your face.
From Chris: God I can't wait to feel between those legs.
From Chris: I hope your dripping for me.
From Chris: Baby you got my cock so hard and you aren't even here yet.
From Chris: I'm gonna fuck that pussy so hard sweetheart
Laughing to yourself at how worked up he already was for you. You were in for a long night ahead of you.
"Chris." Choking out a moan as your back arched off the bed.
The smirk on his face grew even larger hearing you moaning his name. If anything it encouraged him to keep pounding into you harder.
"Can feel you squeezin my cock sweetheart." He chuckled as he watched your face contort in pleasure. "Such a tight little pussy for me."
Feeling your orgasm building up again as you turned your head to the side, and gripped the sheets beneath you. Biting onto the pillow trying to muffle your screaming.
"Say my name again baby." He whispered into your ear as he sharply thrusted inside of you making you squeal.
"Oh god Chris." Your toes curling against the bed as he tightened his grip on your hips. "Chris."
"Fuck that's it sweetheart let everyone know whose fucking you so good." His thrusting was slowing down, but just as powerful. "Such a good girl."
“Stuffed full of my cock.” He’s never felt more powerful and strong than he did right now.
Rotating his hips at a certain angle had your legs trembling. Leaning forward so he could attach his lips to yours. His mouth swallowing all your moans his movements never once missing beat.
"Your pussy so sweet it won't let me go." His stated matter of factly as his fingers reached down to rub your clit.
"God the sounds you make for me sweetheart." His eyes trained down to where his cock was disappearing. Your juices coating his cock making him groan at the sight.
Closing your eyes for a brief moment as the pleasure was taking over your body. Feeling a hand grip your chin making you open your eyes to see those sparkling blue eyes staring you down.
"Look at me when you cum around my cock." He growled as the veins in his neck popped out.
Leaning on his forearms so his hands were on either side of your face. It was such an intimate moment, but you found yourself entranced with his eyes. Like he was holding onto you and didn't want to let you go.
"Oh fuck right there." You screamed as he hit your sweet spot. The pleasure boiling to the top you felt you might explode. "Harder Chris."
Opening your legs even further so he could thrust deeper. The muscles straining to the point it was painful, but feeling his condition inside you motivated you to keep them open.
"Such a cock hungry slut for me." Groaning against the skin of your neck before his lips moved downward towards your breasts.
Sucking on the nipples turning them raw and hard. One of your hands reaching out to grip his hair as your senses were overwhelmed. Feeling him smile against your flesh as to how he was making you feel.
"Can feel how fucking close you are sweetheart." His words making your legs shake. "Pussy always begging for me."
The moans were just spilling from your lips you didn't care who heard you. Your body twitching and moving all around unable to control yourself anymore. The warmth was spreading through out your whole body.
"Cum for me baby." His voice straining as he was trying to control himself as well. "Cum around my cock."
"Be a good girl and squeeze that pussy for me." He encouraged with his filthy words. Feeling that burning in the pit of your stomach as you were on the edge.
His movements stopped as his cock remained still inside of you as your pussy clenched hard around him. Both of your groaning as you looked each other in the eye.
“We’re getting better at this.” He joked making you laugh.
“Told you practice would make perfect.” Giving him a sly wink a huge grin appearing on his face.
“I’m gonna have to wash these sheets cause of you.” Taking note of the wet spots underneath you.
“That’s your fault asshole.” Smacking his shoulder playfully at his comment.
“Yes I guess you’re right,” leaning his head towards your ear his lips brushing against your lobe, “I got that pussy gushing.”
Burying his head in the crook of your exposed neck giving you comforting kisses. Rolling over so he's on his back as well. The room is silent and you decide to get up, and start getting dressed.
"Are you spending the night?" Chris finally spoke. Before you could respond your phone vibrated.
Reaching over to grab it to see who it's from slightly smiling when you see the familiar name, and the timing couldn't have been anymore perfect.
From Miles: I miss your wet pussy
From Miles: When are you coming over slut?
To Miles: Soon! Keep your cock in your pants
From Miles: That's asking a lot sweetheart considering you didn't ask me to do that the other night.
"Who is that?" Chris asked making you put your phone away.
"Uh it was just my roommate." Turning around to look at him. "Just wants to know if I can help her with her essay."
"I mean I am a teacher maybe I can help." He chuckled as he got out of bed, and stood right in front of you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"As much as I would love to accept that offer I just can't." Pushing yourself away from him so you could get finished getting dressed.
"Why?" His voice sounded disappointed but also angry at the same time. "Got another date?"
"No of course not." You chuckled nervously. "I just told you my roommate needs me."
"If you don't want to spend the night with me just say it." His tone changing making your stomach churn.
"That's not it at all." You became defensive not liking being put on the spot light like that. "Besides this isn't anything serious."
"Yeah your right you're just some girl I'm fucking." His words a punch to your gut. Not believing he actually just said that to you.
First he wants you to spend the night with him, and then he turns around and says your just some girl he's fucking. Maybe he was just trying to hurt you, but still it was completely uncalled for.
"Right yeah of course go help your roommate." His warms hands left your body now leaving you feeling cold.
A part of you felt horrible for sleeping with two teachers, and keeping it a secret. At the same time thought you loved having the attention of two handsome men.
Chris was absolutely everything you wanted in a man. He was not afraid to give you what you wanted and more. Plus he had this sweet side to him that made your heart swoon.
The sex with him was incredible, and it was never vanilla. A lot of the times he would put your needs before his. If you wanted your pussy eaten out all day he damn sure would do it. Chris was every woman's dream man, and you didn't think you deserved him at times.
Miles though was a bad boy that every girl dreamed of having. He was rough and edgy and didn't want all that sweet sentimental shit. He was the type he wanted his cock sucked whenever he wanted it, and he would shove you out the door whenever he was done.
At first it turned you off but you couldn't stay away from him. He literally treated you like his own personal slutty slave. Although at times he did have his sweet moments.
"Leave the door unlocked I've got someone else coming over." His voice was harsh and empty towards you. As he walked away not even bothering to say goodbye.
Feeling your throat swelling up as you stood there in bewilderment. Out of the two of them you were starting to grow feelings for Chris. You were pushing him away and you hated doing that. Trying to keep the tears from falling you quickly walked out the door, and drove over to Sebastian's home.
"Ride my cock you dirty little slut." His hands gripped your hips harshly they would definitely leave bruises.
"God your such a greedy little bitch for me." His hand came down hard on your ass that stung. "So eager to please me."
Moving your hips up and down as you tried to keep up with him, but he wasn't slowing down. Your thighs were starting to become sore, but it would be a waste of breath to tell him that.
Besides you didn't think you would still be horny after Chris, but you were. It was almost like Chris's words field the fire inside of you and you just became horny out of spite.
"Oh god fuck." You squealed as his cock was hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Your nails scraping down his chest leaving scratches. "Oh yes oh my god."
"Your tight pussy is squeezing my cock so hard." He groaned as he looked down to where you two were connected.
"Jesus just look at how soaked you are for me." Growling as he looked back to your face. "I want to hear you scream my name."
His hand slapped your ass multiple times sure to leave a hand print. It stung like hell but fuck did it feel good. That was one thing about Miles he loved to spank you so hard tears came to your eyes. You loved it just as much since the pleasure cancelled the pain.
"If only everybody knew what a cock hungry slut you are for me." He groaned as he watched you bounced up and down on his cock, your breasts moving up and down.
"Fucking your teacher like this." He always loved throwing that fact in your face. "Might have to fuck you in my classroom next."
"You're just a filthy little whore." He thrusted sharply into you with each single word. "All mine to fuck whenever I want."
"Go on for me slut let everyone know who is fucking the shit out of you." His hand reached up to grip your throat so he was choking you. The sensation was bringing you even more pleasure as you felt your cheeks heating up.
Both of your hands wrapped around his to keep it there. You could feel yourself climbing over the edge and it was a matter of minutes before you were to your orgasm.
"I own this pussy." His voice deep as he looked straight into your eyes. "This is my pussy to fuck."
"Such a greedy slut for my cock." Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head.
"I'm gonna cum." You wailed as you felt the urge to go hitting you right in the stomach. "Shit shit shit."
"Soak my cock baby." He commanded you as one of his hands crept downwards to rub your clit harshly. "I can feel that pussy squeezing me."
"Oh my god." You screamed as your entire body shook and your orgasm smacked you in the face. Tears forming in your eyes with the intensity.
"Fuck me that's it." Miles groaned as his cock twitched inside of you. "So fucking good."
His hand lightly tapping your ass making you giggle. Whenever his playful side made an appearance you couldn't help but get all giddy and warm inside.
Both of you sweating and breathing heavily as you sat on top of him. No words were said as he moved making you get off of him. His cock slipping from your body making you hiss.
The room was quiet as you awkwardly sat there with his and your cum dripping from your pussy. Wondering if you should just leave or make small talk.
"I'll be on my way then." You mumbled as you hopped off the bed, and started to put on your clothes. Putting your clothes on when a voice called out.
"Wait." Turning around towards Miles surprised he was talking to you. Usually once you two were done he would say a word or two, but he never asked you to stay. It was a silent agreement you two had.
A look of hope written across your face that he would ask you to stay or something. Maybe things were looking up with Miles. Your heart was pounding as you stood there waiting for his next words.
"Get my smokes for me." Your jaw almost dropped to the floor. That's all that asshole wanted was for you to get his smokes. In disbelief you grabbed his smokes and tossed them to him.
What in the actual fuck was going on today? First with Chris and now with Miles. Getting the best kind of sex you could ever imagine only to be treated like absolute dog shit the next. Today wasn’t your day, and all that excitement you felt with them was starting to disappear.
Miles, you weren't really surprised he was treating you like this, but he had you thinking for a split second he wanted to talk or that he would start treating you differently. Silently hoping Miles would show you his sweet and romantic side for once.
He started to play on his phone without even glancing your way. You were so uncomfortable you honestly couldn't even just walk out the door, but that's exactly what you did.
Slamming the door behind you hoping he got the message. Pulling your phone out of your purse dialing the one number you probably shouldn't be calling. Right now you were feeling a little bit upset, and thought if you apologized to him you’d feel better.
Standing in front of his house as you looked down at the ground in shame. Praying he would answer, but not being surprised if he didn't. He probably didn't want to speak with you right now.
Hearing the call go through all of a sudden you heard ringing around you. Looking at your phone wondering why it sounded like the call was coming from right in front of you.
Slowly raising your head to see what was going on you saw Chris standing in front of his car with his phone in his hand while it was still ringing. A stoic look on his face while you stood there in shock. Your entire body went cold, and your face felt numb.
"Fuck." Quietly whispering to yourself when you realized the situation you were now in.
He had this dark and dangerous look in his eye you were almost scared of him. Unable to speak as you just stood there and stared at him. Watching his jaw clench, and the hand by his side clenching into a fist. He was trying so hard to restrain himself right now. He wanted to bend you over his car, and spank you so hard you begged him to stop.
"I think you have some explaining to do sweetheart." You heard Miles voice behind you making you jump as a shiver ran up your spine.
“You’ve been a very naughty girl.” Chris tsked as he slowly approached you. Miles wrapping his arms around your waist feeling his erection pressing into your back side. “Fucking two men. Two teachers at that.”
“What should we do with her?” Miles said to Chris as he nibbled on your ear biting down making you whimper.
“I’d say she needs to be punished.” Chris smirking as Miles smacked your backside a gasp escaping your lips. “Until we feel she’s learned her lesson.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 6 months
Helllooooo!!! I hope you're having a good day!! 💕💜✨
Can I submit a prompt where Lloyd calls in his normally mousey assistant on one of her off days and is blown back by her casual attire? Maybe she's on her way out of hang with the girls and she's got her hottie/freekum dress/attire on.
Bonus if she is as completely I bothered as she normally is and even teases him a bit for his audacity 😈😈
I appreciate you're brain and the time you spend sharing it with us!! ☺️💕💜
Hi nonny!! So sorry this took so long, but here it is! And just as a warning, this one is a doozy and I will not be earning bonus points based on your ask.
Is getting negative points a thing?? (Because this thing went off the rails...)
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Title: Power Play: After Hours
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
Warnings: horrible boss Lloyd, pet name (Mouse), power imbalance, multiple threats of violence, non-con, forced oral sex (f receiving), slight dacryphilia, forced hand job (m receiving), dub-con p-in-v intercourse, vaginal creampie, forced oral sex (m receiving), oral creampie, dead dove: do not eat
A/N: I apologize to nonny who asked for something (I think) completely different. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers by: @saradika
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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You’re at home getting ready to go out with the girls. It has been ages since you had a free night to let your hair down. But tonight was the night. 
You made sure to ditch the wool sweaters, drab colors, and sensible shoes that you usually wear to work. Instead, you opt for a form-fitting pinstripe dress that ends just above your knee. Large hoop earrings push through your hair and demand attention. Your feet are covered in strappy heels that are cuter than they are comfortable.
But beauty is pain, no?
Just as you are exiting your apartment and entering your car, your phone buzzes. You pull your phone from your purse and growl at the text message from your boss.
Your boss, your reason for migraine medication, the bane of your existence. Lloyd Hansen. Getting an internship with Hansen Government Service was supposed to be a summer gig to help you pay for odds and ends during your last year at college. But no, you had to go ahead and impress the CEO with your problem-solving and the way you covered your former boss’ ass one too many times. 
And now here you are, the personal assistant to this deplorable caricature of a human being. Amazing vision and dental benefits aside, you were the glorified babysitter to a sociopath with an inferiority complex. But you keep your mouth shut and your head down because you know where your bread is buttered.
The text from Lloyd is still sitting in your inbox unread one minute later when your phone starts to ring. You were hoping he would think you were asleep or something, but you remember Lloyd doesn’t observe normal business hours. And he doesn’t give a shit if you have a day off either.
“Yes, Sir,” you answer with Lloyd’s preferred moniker.
“Why didn’t you answer my text?” he asks, his annoyed tone unmistakable.
“I apologize for not being available to you, Sir. What can I help you with?” you acknowledge, wanting him to get to his point of bothering you.
“Hmmm. I’m gonna ignore you being rudely polite. For now. Need you to get my dry cleaning, Mouse,” he advises, using that nickname that boils your blood.
“Sir. It’s almost 9 p.m. Are the dry cleaners still open?” you wonder aloud.
“I called them, and they agreed to re-open so that I could get my shirts. Wasn’t that nice of them? You don’t wanna keep that sweet old lady waiting this late at night, do you?” he persuades, a sinister chuckle sending a chill down your spine.
“I will pick up your shirts for you, Sir,” you question.
“Had to pull a late night at the office, but I’m leaving now. Meet me at my place, Mouse,” he replies.
“Yes, Sir,” you say, holding back the urge to scream in his ear and ending the call. 
By being at the office, he is within walking distance of the shop where his clothing is being held. 
Deep breaths. Don’t let him take your joy.
You pass your office building and veer into the small shopping center. Stepping into the shop, you realize you don’t have a ticket, but you also know that the place is staying open for only one reason.
“You here to pick up Hansen?” The old woman behind the counter smiles at you and you nod stepping over to her, “Very particular, that one. Don’t let him work you too hard, honey.” 
“Oh, thank you,” you greet, smiling when she handed over the hangers of shirts covered in plastic material, “May I just apologize for him keeping you open past your hours?”
Before you can apologize, the sweet woman comes around the counter and pats your hand.
“How long are you going to apologize for him? Just go home, honey. And good luck with that one,” she reasons, and she scoots you out of the store before you can tell her that you’re only his assistant, not his long-suffering wife.
You give up trying to explain yourself and turn around to get back in your car. With the shirts hung in the back seat, you speed until you get to Lloyd’s gated community. Pushing in the code to the outer gate, you squirm in your seat as the gate slowly opens.
Driving through streets with pretentious names, you end up at the cul-de-sac where his McMansion sits center-stage among the other Stepford homes. You park next to his vehicle in the spacious driveway, a BMW M8 Competition Convertible in Alpine White. Not a scratch on her sparkling surface.
You stuff down the urge to put a scratch on his car because he will notice it. He notices everything. And with the level of neat freak that he is, he probably would notice a single fingerprint on the car’s hood.
Walking up to the door, you see the Ring camera and press the doorbell. The porch light comes on and the door opens to reveal your boss talking on the phone with one earbud in his ear. He pauses and looks you up and down before letting you walk in around him.
“I’m gonna have to go, something just came up,” he purrs, adjusting himself in the two seconds you were looking away from him. He pulls out his earbud, ending the call and turning his attention to you, “Mouse, glad you could make it, but you didn’t have to dress up for me.”
“I didn’t. Here are your shirts. Can I help you with anything else, Sir?” you explain, holding his dry cleaning out so he can take them. 
Once he reaches out, he bypasses the shirts, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to him. “Maybe there is one thing you can do for me, Mouse. It is quite a big job though,” he dares, ghosting his thumb over your pulse point.
“Hmmm. Sir, I didn’t come all this way to do whatever it is you think you’re doing,” you warn, putting your hand on his chest to push him away as you feel his increased heart rate. 
His eyes are dark, with barely any blue left in the iris. You can almost feel how hungry he is for you.
“Well, I was gonna say I wouldn’t mind a blowjob from those perfect glossy lips. But I think I wanna hear your mouth moan for me while I eat that pretty pussy instead,” he admits, taking the shirts out of your hand before hoisting you over his shoulder.
“Sir! No! Put me down, you fucking psycho. What are you doing?” you demand, pounding your hands on his back and landing a harsh blow directly to his ass.
“Fuck, Mouse! Hands to yourself, or I won’t keep my hands to myself, ok?” he cautions, surprising you with a hard slap to your ass, “And you got that wrong anyway, I’m technically a sociopath, not a psychopath.”
You’re in a state of stunned silence as he walks up the grand staircase in the room and brings you into a bedroom down the hall. You don’t have time to wonder what all of the other rooms are used for as you are dumped on his bed. The silk sheets underneath you are comfortable, but they seem creepy once you think about being thrown down on top of them. Before you can scramble off of the bed, Lloyd grabs you by the hips and traps you under his weight. 
“Mouse, mouse, mouse. Why don’t you ever dress like this for me?” he breathes, his clothed erection nestled against your hip, “You wearing this for some asshole? Should call him up and tell him I got to you first.”
“Sir, please. I was just going to hang out with my girls. I promise I won’t say anything about this if you just let me go,” you whimper, your hands going to his chest again trying to push him away.
He grabs your wrists and pins them to the bed. His nose takes in your RiRi perfume as it glides along your neck. Kicking your legs open, he nestles himself in between so he can rock his hips into you. Feeling his hardening dick against your panties as your dress rides up, he groans as he feels the heat coming off of you.
“Kinda funny you want me to let you go. But I bet if I dipped a finger into that cute snatch I know you have, I would find a little honey pot full of delicious sweetness waiting for me. Shall I test that out?” he counters. Holding both wrists in one giant hand as he trails a hand down your body until it disappears between you.
You feel his bruising fingers pushing your panties out of the way to find his prize. His touch turns almost delicate as the tips of his fingers find your wet pussy; your body’s betrayal is evident in the puddle forming on your netherlips. The look in his eyes when he finds what he’s looking for is bordering on sheer joy.
“There it is, Mouse. Just like I knew it would be,” he beams, pulling two fingers coated in your essence to his mouth and sucking them clean, “Fuck. I knew it would be delicious. You’re gonna sit on my face and give me all your sweet cream.”
He rolls your body over so that you are straddling him. You debate trying to scramble off of him, but he pinches your thigh and brings you back to the task at hand. You crawl up his body and hover over his face until he locks his arms around your thighs and pulls you down over his eager mouth.
Looking down at him, he looks serene with his eyes closed as he goes to work on your sensitive folds. For a while, you feel nothing when he licks up your slit. Circling your nub with his tongue, he moans when your clit twitches. When kitten licks against your clit turn to sucking it into his mouth, you can’t restrain the urge to grab a handful of his hair.
If he wants to hear you moan pretty for him, he’s gonna need to do better than this. You grind your pussy into his tongue and sigh when he sticks his tongue directly into your hole. Fucking into you with his tongue is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
You tighten your fingers in his auburn hair, unable to hold back your orgasm for much longer. Visions of all the times he looked at you like you were a piece of meat flash before your eyes. The way all of his other assistants quit the job after short stints. And you just about gift-wrapped yourself for him tonight.
You should have never answered the phone. But it’s kind of hard to think about that now with the way your resolve is slowly slipping away. You feel the metaphorical rubber band being stretched to within an inch of its life. Until pop!
The wave of your climax washes over you like a warm blanket. Your keening whine is music to Lloyd’s ears as he holds you tighter when you try and extricate yourself from his grasp. He laps up everything you have to give him and makes obscene sucking and licking noises. Once he lets up on your pussy, he lets your weak body roll to the side on its own. You don’t notice you are crying until he licks away one tear.
He looks down at you as he wipes his mustache clean of your juices. “Every part of you tastes amazing, Mouse. Even your tears. Fuck, that’s so hot I got you crying for me,” he hums, wiping away your tears with a thumb as he lays next to your limp body.
You’re quiet as you lay in your boss’ bed, him having just defiled your body with his tongue. Not knowing what to think, your brain just replays everything trying to find where you went so wrong. Because not only was that an Earth-shattering orgasm but it was given to you by your boss. That kind of thing is frowned upon in most companies. But Lloyd is the CEO, are the rules different? You don’t have the time to keep thinking when Lloyd chimes in.
“Now, Mouse, I’m sure your brain is going a mile a minute. But let me make one thing clear: I am going to need you to come into work dressed just like this from now on. You wear something tight, something that shows off this body, something that I can pull up or down and fuck you in while we’re in the office,” he chuckles as you look over to him with tears in your eyes at your new fate, “We’ll put that into your contract. What do you think? From Personal Assistant to Fuck Toy. That’s a step up, huh?”
You say nothing, content to shed tears and wish that the Earth would open up and swallow you.
“Don’t be so gloomy. At least you got to come, unlike some of us. You can help me with that, can’t you Mouse?” he pleads, as if he didn’t just change your job title to fit your new duties. He unzips his pants, pulling out his thick length and reaching for your hand to wrap around it, “I won’t need much help. I could’ve blown in my pants like a fucking teenager when you came in my mouth.”
You wish his mouth would just fucking stop. You don’t need the commentary. You unenthusiastically jerk him off until he spills rope after rope of jizz painting your hand and his pants. At least he was right, he didn’t need much help. 
“Good fucking job, Mouse,” he gushes, throwing an arm over his brow as he catches his breath, “Can’t wait to take that cunt for a test drive but I can wait until my balls are not so fucking empty. Go clean yourself up in the bathroom.”
You rise and walk into the attached bathroom all without a single thought in your head. You use the toilet, wash your hands, and splash water on your face. You avoid the mirror like the plague.
Coming back to the bedroom, you are greeted by Lloyd lying on his side and crooking a finger at you. You swallow your spit and take a deep breath, moving to join him on the bed. 
Once there, you let him manhandle you in every position he wants. You close your eyes, wishing you were somewhere else. Until he has you on your back. He makes you stare into his eyes as he fucks you like the little puppet you are. When he takes you over the edge again, he doesn’t stop his onslaught until you beg him to stop.
But begging only drives him to go harder. Flesh slapping against flesh painfully until he pushes himself deep within you and stills. Every twitch and spurt felt inside of you like a slap to the face. You’re not on birth control and you fear asking if he is snipped but he speaks up before you can ask.
“I pay you enough to afford the morning-after pill, right?” he asks, his dick softening and sliding out of you.
Fucking asshole. The thought of murder crosses your mind more than once, but you know people might come looking for him. And the thought of having to trade in your freedom for a life behind bars makes you rethink killing this nutcase.
So, instead, you just say, “Yes, Sir.”
“Right. Good. Alright, well it’s not too late for you to go out with your friends. Don’t stay out too late, you have work in the morning. Bright and early, Mouse. I expect you to be there tomorrow,” he remarks, acting like he didn’t just use your body for his sick pleasure, “That means you’re good to go home now, Mouse. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He gets off you, climbing off the bed and adjusting himself, pulling you up and escorting you to the front door. He all but pushes you out of the door into the night, as if you were trash. When you get back inside your car, your phone has tons of messages from your friends wondering where you are.
You send a mass text that you weren’t feeling well, and you needed rest. It wasn’t entirely untrue anyway. You make it back home, shedding your clothes as you walk to your bedroom. You pull back the covers and wrap yourself in warmth, willing the events of the night to just go away. But they don’t go away.
The next morning, you shower and dress like Lloyd wants. The looks of your coworkers cause heat to rise to your face. You don’t usually get this type of attention. Or any attention when you think about it. 
When you get to Lloyd’s office, he is sitting behind his desk on a call, and he waves you over. You walk around his desk and see his pants are already unbuttoned and his half-chub is sticking out. You spare yourself the embarrassment of being asked and go right to work on him with your hands. Unsurprised when he puts a hand on the back of your head, you just lower yourself and take him in your mouth.
Little does he know; your head game is strong. And within about three minutes, you have him spasming down your throat. His softening cock is sensitive as you tease him by swirling your tongue around the head. He ends his phone call and holds your face in his hands.
“What’s my soul taste like, Mouse? I’m sure you sucked it right out,” he praises, his dazed eyes focusing on you while he catches his breath.
“If you had a soul, I’m sure it would taste as bitter as your cum,” you snap, uncaring of whether or not he was offended.
“Good point. Watch that pretty mouth, though. My precious feelings might get hurt. And then you might get hurt. So, play nice, Mouse,” he cautions, lightly clapping his hand against your cheek, just hard enough to jerk you out of misbehaving.
“Yes, Sir,” you sass, putting on a fake smile and Lloyd rolls his eyes, shooing you away.
You can do what he says, doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for him in the slightest. And isn’t that the best way to get back at him? Give him everything he wants but with no enthusiasm. Of course, you know this little plan of yours won’t last long. But when you’re faced with a demon like Lloyd Hansen, you’ll take any little victory you can. As few and far between as they may be.
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A/N: This got way out of hand. I don’t know what happened. Um, I’m not sorry though. Because I love this and if it ends up being just for me, then so be it.
**Tag List**
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dailyreverie · 1 year
Can I please have number 9 from your comfort gestures with our boy Poe please? 😘
here's a cheeky Poe for you 😊💖 thank you so much for requesting! Also, I know the prompt says winking or sending them kisses but like... why not both?
Prompt list: Small but comforting gestures #9. winking at them, or sending them flying kisses and seeing them fluster
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 549 words
CW: mentions of nudity (or: Poe talking about seeing him in his underwear which is also a warning by itself really)
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Poe couldn’t help it, he was unbelievably proud. You had been nervous since the night before… even before that, since the moment the General asked you to deliver the news on your mission alongside her, and seeing you up there, showing the entire base how much of a badass you are, had transformed his face into a huge, proud smile. 
“It’s nothing big, I don’t know why she wants me there.” You had told Poe for what probably was the millionth time, fidgeting with the sheet as you got ready for bed.
“Are you kidding me? You found a whole-ass First Order settlement, sweetheart.” He had grabbed your face sweetly, making you look into his eyes - reassuring and soft, and so, so full of warmth. “You deserve to be there so everyone sees that it was you who found it, that’s why she wants you there, and you know it.” With a soft kiss, he calmed your nerves down. “Besides I’m going to be there, so if you get nervous just look for me and picture me in my underwear.”
“Poe!” You pushed him away, snorting at his terrible advice.
“What? That’s not how it works?” He laughed back, his mission of making you forget about it successful enough.
But there you were now, in front of the whole Resistance right next to Leia chiming in with your tasks on the mission as she told everyone about your discovery and your amazing job - her words, not anyone else’s -, all while you, for Maker’s sake, could not stop your hands from sweating and shaking.
You did what you knew best, maybe even unconsciously so: among the crowd in front of you you looked for Poe. It was easy to find him, after all, he had to be close to the General, but the moment you met his eyes you regretted it immediately. Not because of the way he was smiling or the way he was looking at you, but because of the wink he gave at you - cheeky and so confident, and definitely reminding you of the solution he gave to your nerves.
You had to bite your tongue not to giggle out loud, sending him a warning with your eyes that told him to behave. You should have known better since the flying kiss he gave as a response did all but calm you down: your ears were turning red, your breath hitched in your throat, and an audible shaky sigh made Leia turn to look at you.
“Would you mind going deeper into detail about it, Lieutenant?” Her lifted eyebrow told you she had seen it all.
“You were supposed to help, you nerf head.” You scolded him, pushing his shoulder as you joined him, sitting beside him again.
“That’s your own fault, honey.” Poe laughed with a kiss against your head, his arm reaching around your shoulders to pull you closer to him. “I’m really proud of you, you know that right?”
 “I know.” You were glad you had rested your head on his shoulder, not letting him see you get flustered again.
“Just for that, you do get to see me in my underwear tonight.” His last words were mixed with a giggle as you pushed his leg in annoyance.
“I’ll hold you to that, Dameron.”
Thanks for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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supermaks · 1 year
Do you maybe have like max x fernando lore? Love them and love ur blog!! <33
Max is Nandos favorite nephew and also his psychosexual angel of death in this essay i will
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ok so before we get into max and nando lore we need to establish some CRUCIAL Nando Alonso historical context. When max got called up to f1 Nando had already been racing f1 cars for 14 years which first of all.😐 And like I think its fair to say the last .. umm lets be kind and say, 6 he was literally going thru like the 7 circles of hell. Ferrari had just finished doing their ✨thang✨ ((completely obliterating a drivers soul)) to the point Nando was like 'remember that team that kickstarted my descent into madness and, aha, coincidentally, the unstoppable success of the kid who beat me his rookie year and that I literally tried to snitch on and had like a spanish spy stay wid me in the garage because I was SO normal about it and hinged and not at all very um , racially threatened. Yuh ok lets try that again. Oh and its their first year wid Honda too thats PERFECT yes thats exactly what I need I'm a GENIUS'. So in 2015 he signs wid Mclaren and literally during TESTING gets fucking zapped by his own car, allegedly, c0nks the f out and swerves that mf right into the wall. We're talking testing.
Listen. Im trying to establish that by the time our fav anti christ gets to the big show Nando has been going thru it for a minute. His teams consistently fail to deliver, nothing ever goes his way, his car is trying to kill him, and like, cannot stress this enough, lewis hamilton is very successful. Lew hammy is so successful he might become thee most successful. Nando is normal about that.
So here comes the babbiest of all evil babies and nobody knows what his deal is, he talks funny and hes weird and has no regards for his public image. But he's promising. So promising in fact that he could threaten afore mentioned most successful random individual who beat Nando his rookie year. And Nando is like. vengeful adoption. Vengeful child care. Nando's imprint on baby Max is both a long term evil plan and also just like. Immediate realization that Max is different like he's different. ((Not like Lewis is different but lets not get into that rn lmfao)) Max isn't gonna be a media darling. Max isn't gonna be a celebrity. Max is gonna be an f1 champion. And Nando has spent 14 years subjecting himself to cars far below his skill so he can keep being an f1 champion. So while somebody like Seb vettel is like 'why that baby aint got no coat on' ((for two minutes before the baby bites him and hes like no fuck this baby)), Nando is like, somebody give that baby a gun. Nando gets asked about Max's readiness for f1 and says, 'I think before we say anything we should wait to c what he does'. And then when 'what Max does' turns out to be like, borderline crime, in many occasions, actual crime, Nando is still like see, he's perfect ☺️
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Like for example spa 2016, Max pulls a defensive move on kimi that has people calling for his teenage head for like the 3948th time that season and Nando straight up says no he didnt do anything wrong. And bro pulls out receipts he explains that shit wid the usual Nando rulebook rizz. For max. A teenage war criminal.
Lets talk Spain 2016 tho. Spain 2016 is actually super important for max/nando lore. Max's first race wid red bull-- and his first win. Start of something new. Inevitable. He absolutely packs Seb on turn 3, same exact way Nando had 3 years before. In 2016, though, Nando's far away from Ferrari and a race winning car. Honda PU gives up and he DNFs. Still hauls ass to congratulate the kid
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Its very sweet and kinda tragic and a perfect reflection of their careers at that point. Max bursting on the scene wid the potential of a thousand suns, Nando basking in the sunlight from his place on the sidelines. Its not enough but its still good because its Max and Max is his guy.
They also play soccer together once for that charity match thing in Monaco and Nando kinda stunts and yk frustrated soccer drop out max must've felt some type of way about that.
These are from hungary 2017 and I have no idea whats happening or why they're in a bean bag enclosure but I think they're important
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On Max's side of things, I think Nando's camaraderie must've caught him off guard. Getting into f1 at 17 ur not really expecting to make any friends lmfao. But Nando had his back from day one, and loudly, too, and I think for somebody like Max, who was raised on loyalty and commitment and respect from an overwhelming paternal figure that gave him everything except stability, that must've meant a lot to him. Especially because it was Nando like. Max oozes respect for that pensioner bro, in a way that I dont think he does for anybody else in the game. His rookie year Max said Alonso was his biggest inspiration because he kept at it despite not having the car. Yk Max didnt have the car for a few years either. He sees Nando as somebody whos been to battle, just like Nando saw a lil soldier coming into f1.
When Nando had his nicki minaj brb moment in 2018 Max said he regretted never having the chance to race against him. He'd raced against Lewis and Seb, but never Nando and Nando was the one he used to watch on tv racing those two. Meanwhile old man is giving interviews telling people Max is the the best driver in f1 and the only reason he bothers put on f1 those days is to watch Max. ((😐))
2021 is the apogee of many things and one of them is definitely max/nando lore. Nando is back. Max has the car. And Nando will be seated. And he will watch. And when Max does win, Nando calls it 'justice'. Its so fucking intense and deranged but rn we're just focusing on the narrative and appreciating it for what it is: Nando couldnt do it, but he knew Max could, and Max did. His guy did.
I swear they've been honeymooning for almost 2 years now. Nando stopped giving a fuck a long time ago but lately hes literally like this is a Max ONLY event fuck the rest of yall. First Max's 2 titles are worth more than Lewis' 7 because something something deranged pensioner noises. Then Max has talent that you cant teach and hes always been like that since go karts and he's going to be one of the all time greats. Also we're both villains and we're not politically correct ((white men are insane)). And then Max is like yes Nando is my good friend and he talks to me and I like to ask him about stuff and I take him on my plane to races and we get on well despite our age difference because age doesnt matter. 🙂police.
Also literally one of the most important gifs of all time from last year when Max won the wdc shut the fuck up thajnk you
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Which brings me to one of the most important podiums of all time. Like the lyrical poetry of this shit are u joking
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This gonna be the longest season ever and who knows if it’ll happen again already in Baku or whatvr maybe it won’t but like. We’ll always have Australia 2023.
Also in the post race presser there was such a quintessential max/lando moment I need to break it down to finish this and like go jump off a building lol
So here u have classic old heads + verstappen post race presser where they get to gentle bully sweet boy until he blushes. This time it’s like Nando talking some shit about how he has to leave because he’s annoying and lewis kinda joins in like ‘he’s still talking’ and Max is all squinty and ekfkwmdk it’s fucking cute ok whatvr. But what I really love about it is that Nando interrupts Max and gives him shit but then makes sure to put his arm behind Maxs back like. Don’t get it twisted. Hes my boy. He literally does the ‘this is a pro max post’ banner irl
Anyway here’s a cute compilation bye
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evansbby · 2 years
since we're missing ari and his bunny, you mentioned in sweet devotion that ari didn't know where bunny picked up on swearing. Can we please get a small blurb/drabble on how and where Bunny learnt how to swear? I think it'll be really funny cause bunny probably learned it from her daddy without Ari realizing 😭
Warnings: dark!Ari, daddy kink, dd/lg, bunny hybrid reader, 18+ minors dni.
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Ari’s eyes narrow as he looks up from his laptop at the sound of your yell. He’d been working on his laptop in your little girl bedroom while you played with your toys. And it had been quite peaceful up until now.
“Bunny. Get over here.”
You freeze and your eyes widen before you sheepishly walk over to your daddy. You already know you’re in trouble because daddy’s put on his “serious” voice. Last time he did that, your ass was sore for days.
“Yes, daddy?” You lisp cutely, hoping to appease him.
Ari frowns, “Don’t try and act cute, bunny. I heard what you said.”
You pout, “Stepped on my charger and it hurt! Couldn’t help it.”
Ari had bought you an iPhone recently, complete with a glittery pink case and matching pink AirPods. He’d bought it because you’d been good, and it was cute to see you with your little phone that only had his number saved under “Daddy💕🥰😚✨”. But now he was seriously reconsidering.
“You shouldn’t leave your charger lying around on the floor, baby. Maybe I need to take your phone away.”
Your eyes widen at the word that’s just come out of your mouth. Oh no. You’re not allowed to say no to daddy — not ever! Last time you said no to him, you’d gotten the belt…
Ari raises an eyebrow before coolly tapping his leg, and you waste no time in shuffling over to him and letting him pull you onto his lap.
“No, huh?” Ari says quietly, “First you swear, and then you say no to me. I’ll be honest, it’s not looking too good for you right now, bunny.”
Tears prickle in your eyes, “Sorry, daddy. Didn’t mean to — honest! Just… please don’t take my phone away! Use it to watch cooking videos ‘cause I wanna learn how to cook for you!”
Ari can’t help but feel his heart swell as he looks down at you. You’re batting your lashes at him and he knows you’re doing it on purpose. But fuck, you look way too cute — it should be illegal. With your fluffy little ears covering your face bashfully and your tail twitching against his leg as you cuddle into him. Goddamit, why did you have to be so cuddly and cute??
Lloyd would probably say that Ari was completely wrapped around your pinkie finger but the truth is that Ari can’t help but find you so adorable. And it’s not like you misbehave on purpose—you can’t help it that you’re so dumb and can’t understand right from wrong most of the time.
“Where did you learn that bad word, honey?” Ari asks you after gently prying your ears away from your face so he can see your eyes.
You shrug, “I dunno.”
“Bunny, tell me right now or else I’ll take your phone away. And I’ll put you in your cage for the rest of the day.”
You shake your head desperately, grabbing his shirt. Not the cage! You hate that dumb thing.
“Okay, okay! Heard you say it once. More than once, actually. When you were all mad and scary. But won’t say it now! Promise!”
How can Ari stay mad at you? When you look so cute and innocent? He can’t help but rain kisses all over your face till you’re giggling once more, your tears drying in your cheeks as you promise never to say the bad word ever again.
“You’re lucky daddy’s in a good mood, bunny baby.” Ari says, absentmindedly playing with your tail and smirking when your breath hitches. “But I’m afraid I still have to punish you. No phone for the rest of the day.”
Your lower lip wobbles but you nod — this punishment isn’t too bad. It’s certainly better than a spanking or a belting or the cage.
“You should consider yourself lucky, honey. Uncle Lloyd’s kitten isn’t even allowed to have a phone.” Ari says as he tugs your ear playfully before kissing your tears off your cheek.
Your eyes widen, you can’t imagine not having a phone (even though you’ve only had it for about a week. But still! You love watching YouTube videos and sending silly snapchats to daddy.)
You dutifully hand over your sparkly pink iPhone to Ari anyways, already itching to get it back at the end of the day.
Ari smiles, “Good bunny. Now, why don’t you play with your stuffies instead? Who’s this guy?” He picks up a toy at random, and it happens to be a golden stuffed monkey.
“That’s Mr Cheeseburger.”
“Okay, well, play with Mr Cheeseburger, honey. While daddy does his work.” Ari settled you down on the floor by his feet before going back to his laptop. “And bunny?”
“Yeah, daddy?”
“Next time you say a big girl word like that, I’ll make sure you can’t sit down right for a month. Got it?”
“Y-Yes, daddy.”
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 25th:  Songwriting | Snuff - Slipknot | Melancholy a/n: established steddie, angst resolved quickly with fluff. excerpt and new outtake from over the hills and far away! I think it makes sense without reading the whole thing, but it is my favorite thing I've ever written so feel free to read the whole thing if you feel so inclined ✨ read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
October 1987
Eddie’s pen runs out of ink and he chucks it across the room, clattering off the walls with a loud clang before falling to the ground. Everything he writes is wrong because everything he writes is Steve, or Hawkins, or Chrissy, or some other version of his past that cuts him too close to the bone. 
Chicago has been good to him over the past year— his apprenticeship turns into a job, his apartment isn’t a total shithole, he’s met decent people, he’s even forced himself on a couple of (albeit dead-end) dates— so there’s no reason that he should be sitting on the floor of his living room with pages and pages torn out of this notebook because they aren't right. But there he is. 
Crumpled up pieces of paper surround his outstretched legs, and his joint is almost kicked, and his beer has been warm for almost an hour. Slayer plays at a low volume in the background and while he knows that’s now how it’s meant to be played, he really doesn’t want to deal with another noise complaint. Eddie lets his head lean backwards over the couch cushions and shifts to sit up straighter, his back now pressed against the front of the thrifted piece. 
Hands in his hair, like always. It’s a tell he’s noticed about himself and he wonders briefly if he’s done this his entire life, if he’s been so obvious with his discomfort in the company of others? 
Maybe that’s why— 
He cuts the thought off at the pass and brings his fists down to the floor before grabbing his shitty warm beer from the coffee table and pressing it to his lips. Warm beer is better than no beer, he thinks, at least when being tormented by my own stupid brain. It hits the back of his throat and he cringes. 
Moments pass and he looks back down at the notebook, a fresh page full of potential, possibility, future. His hands search the drawer of a side table within reach and come up with a new pen. The plastic nearly cuts his lip as he pulls the cap off between his teeth and spits it somewhere to his left, bringing one shaky hand to the page.
The next song will be happy. I promise.
April 1990
Eddie sits alone in his apartment– their apartment, now– with his legs outstretched in front of him and his back against the cushions of the couch. It’s as though he’s gone back in time as he sits in a familiar position, the same notebook gifted to him by Steve all of those years ago open in his lap with the pen sitting in the middle of the pages. The last entry stares up at him, his own handwriting pressed deep into the pages. 
The next song will be happy. I promise. 
He hasn’t put pen to page in this notebook in years but life is strange and time is a flat circle. Somehow, he’s ended up right back in Steve’s arms except that this time, they aren’t broken. This time, they aren’t terrified. This time, it works. 
So for months now, Eddie’s poured over the pages of this notebook and agonized over verses and choruses, bridges and metaphors. All of his thoughts are wrapped in writing this song, the one he’d promised Steve without him even knowing.
A song he hopes can convey what he’s feeling without making a true and complete ass of himself. 
A song he’s probably never going to finish because his brain feels like cotton and his thoughts are too jumbled to become words, a ball of yarn wound too tight. 
A song he wants to finally play for Steve.
It’s hard to fit four years of love, and longing, and brokenness, and rebuilding into just a series of four verses– one for each year– but he’s trying. He’s trying because Steve deserves it, and because Eddie needs it. So much time has already passed, and if he has to go one more day without telling Steve exactly how he feels, how he’s always felt, he’s going to implode in upon himself. 
Three deep breaths, and he picks up his pen. 
September 1990
Eddie plays Steve his song. 
Later that night, cleaned up and comfortable, Eddie whips out his guitar. Steve hadn’t thought to question why he brought it– it just felt like an Eddie thing to do. But then he takes out the little notebook Steve gifted him so long ago, right here in the same living room, and Steve hazily puts two and two together. 
The next song will be happy, I promise. And it is. 
“You wrote me a song?” Steve says, incredulous and warm from the inside out. 
“I did. Tried to, at least. Hold your excitement until it’s done and then we can decide if you want to claim it for yours.” Eddie teases and winks, pulling the guitar up into his lap. 
He strums methodically as Steve watches his ringed fingers glide along the strings. Eddie’s voice sings words from his heart, torn free of their cages after so many years.
War made us corpses,  Let’s rise from the shallow graves, let’s watch the way time warps. Hold these broken bones until they’re healed,  Hold them when they shake.  Sometimes it’s hard  To let you see me cracked and scarred.  Moonlight through the curtains and music on the stereo,  Just tell me all you say is true. Love is a three letter word, sweetheart, and it’s you. 
There are no words Steve can muster to respond, but he cries, and that says more than words ever could anyways.
[read the full fic here on ao3!]
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onbearfeet · 5 months
Whump Wheel request for our favorite werewolf!
✨ High fever ✨
but he's ambulatory somehow
"Sit your stupid ass down," Bucky snarled.
Jack shook his head, more slowly than usual. "I'm fine," he insisted, and it would even have been convincing if he'd managed to avoid slurring the second word.
"You are not fine," Elsa snapped from where she was fiddling with what she claimed was a ghoul gate but that Bucky could have sworn was a garden-variety pipe bomb with funny writing on it. "You're running a temperature of forty degrees, according to Barnes' arm sensors." She rolled her eyes. "A hundred and four in idiot units."
"Hey," Bucky warned her, then returned his attention to Jack, who had begun methodically pulling books off the shelves of the Newport mansion in which they'd gotten themselves trapped. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, stalking over to where his prey had managed to escape. "Do you wanna cook your brain or something?"
"I dunno, would it help?" Jack's eyes were glassy as he flipped pages without appearing to read. His cheeks and forehead were flushed with fever.
"What kinda stupid question is--hey!" Bucky grabbed Jack by his bicep and spun him in place so the werewolf had no choice but to face him. "Listen to me!"
"'m lissning," Jack slurred, staring at a point in space that seemed to be just off the end of Bucky's nose.
Bucky brought his metal palm up to press against Jack's cheek. Jack leaned into the cool touch with a barely suppressed moan.
"Hey," Bucky said, more gently this time. "You need to rest. You're sick."
"Don' get sick." Jack sounded offended at the very thought.
"He's right," Elsa put in. "Werewolves are immune to just about everything humans can catch." She paused. "Everything other humans can catch," she corrected.
"So what?" Bucky shot back. "Maybe he's got parvo or something!"
"Tha's racist," Jack informed him, swaying on his feet.
Bucky closed his eyes and silently counted to five thousand. Then he reopened then.
"Jack," he said, watching the werewolf's head wobble in response. "You want some water?"
Wobbly nod.
"Yeah, something to drink probably sounds good right about now. But you gotta sit down to drink your water, okay?"
Scowl. Wobble-nod.
"Good man." He gently guided the swaying man over to a chair near the cold fireplace. Jack didn't sit so much as collapse into it like his strings had been cut, but his head didn't hit anything on the way down, which was a win in Bucky's book.
"Try the drinks cabinet," Elsa suggested, still fiddling with her definitely-not-a-pipe-bomb.
Bucky grunted acknowledgment and headed for it. He'd give Jack alcohol if he had to--fluids were fluids, right?--but he wanted to find something low-proof if he could.
Good thing every rich evil bastard he'd ever net had kept the good stuff locked up and left the watered-down shit where guests and tippling servants could find it.
"Are you planning to blow us up with that thing?" he called to Elsa as he rummaged through the cabinet.
"If I can disable the sigils," she replied distractedly, "I can turn it from a ghoul gate into a perfectly ordinary explosive to use on the door."
The bottles were what he expected. Shit bourbon, shit scotch, fake cognac, real vodka... "Do you know how to disable the sigils?" he asked.
"Not as such, no."
Bucky paused, his metal fingers wrapped around a bottle of bitters. "Then should you be fucking with it?"
"Only if we don't want Jack to die."
The bottle shattered in his grip. He thought vaguely that he was going to have to clean the plates in his hand later.
"What?!" he yelped.
"Nobody gets a high fever in ten minutes flat," Elsa snarled. "It's a curse. Probably attached to this bloody gate. Jack knows more about most curses and sigils than I do, Barnes. He's had centuries to learn, and my education was rather more specialized. And now the curse is cooking his brain before he can break it!"
Bucky glanced over at Jack, who was slumped in his chair. "Fuck. I think he passed out."
"Bastards. Time for plan B." Elsa bit the fingertip of her left glove, tugged it off, and spat the glove aside. Then she bit the cuticle on her thumb, hard.
"What are you doing?" Bucky asked, in a higher register than he'd intended.
"Duct tape for curses."
"Duct tape fixes everything, right? Most curses break with either blood or true love's kiss. Do you see any true lovers in here?" She squeezed her index finger against the wound in her thumb and began smearing blood across the definitely-a-bomb-now. "Get Jack behind the davenport."
"The what?!"
"The couch, Barnes!"
The oh-shit-that's-just-a-bomb began to beep.
Bucky lunged for Jack, scooped his limp body up, and was up and over the dav--couch, it was a goddamn couch--in seconds.
Elsa landed beside them just as the beeping stopped and the world went white.
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
Before You (Carmen Berzatto X Fem!OC)
It was Isaac before Carmy, and it was Ross before you.
Part I: December.
Part II: January.
Part III: February.
words: 3.4k
a/n: Welcome all to the second part of my TB & TF series!! This is a prequel to the first part, so if you haven't read that, you can either read this first then the other one or vise versa. Also, this is me kinda just adding personal experience to her story because as a hostess, I think we don't get credit enough for having to deal with some people's shit (sigh) however, she's her own character so feel free to relate however you please. Another thing, I wrote this before S2 came out, so any coincidence with the firework scene in Ep5 is just me being ✨psychic✨ Enjoy! XX
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No amount of deep breaths could calm the blistering anger circulating through her system. Her quickening steps move across the dining hall of the stupidly ostentatious restaurant she has the misfortune of working at. From the elegant decorum and the expensive menu, she can pinpoint the exact type of diners the place hosts: terrible, horrible, shitty people. And while she’s completely against placing anyone under any category, New York socialites seemed to never want to leave the rooted stereotype of being pompous, rude and extremely annoying.
Her theory had been proven correct once more after spending the last 10 minutes getting berated for not seating a walk-in on one of the busiest nights of the month. 
“You should save a table of that size for these situations…” The insufferable trust fund baby spat at her and all the self composure in the world could not stop the words from leaving her  mouth.
“Maybe send us a heads up by telepathy next time and I’ll try and catch it…” She had mumbled sarcastically, hoping that the background noise would drown it out as she tapped meaninglessly around the tablet.
It did not. And now her mouth was coated with the metal taste of blood that had oozed from her bitten tongue. She usually wasn’t this easy to frustrate, it took more than a pretentious jackass to destabilize her mood- especially in her line of work- but the weight of the day crashed on tiresome shoulders and the little manbitch past the podium had just been the spoiled cherry on top. 
The smooth Jazz is replaced by the sharp sounds of metal clinging against each other once she pushes past the service doors, in direction to the back alley. Her presence pulls a few looks from the chefs, but with a hardened scowl and a rigid stance, only an idiot would be aloof to the irritation detaching off her in not so subtle waves.
“Yo Ross, baby-” One of the cooks shouts, but is soon silenced by a threatening look and pointed finger.
“Fuck you Frank- not now.” She spits back, without even stopping or wasting any more time.
The frigid winter air finds a worthy opponent in the heat cursing through her veins as she crosses the emergency exit and drops against the brick wall with hands around her face, fully embracing the cold. A muffled groan vibrates through her fingers and blends in seamlessly with the usual sirens and horns blaring from the street ahead. It doesn’t take long for the dropping temperature to catch up to her- numbing the balls of her fingers and painting the tip of her nose red- but her manager told her to take five to calm down and she would not oppose to stealing company time, even if it meant freezing her ass off.
Ross pushes herself off the grimy wall and begins to tread along the small alley to warm up while she tries to talk herself out of quitting for what feels like the fifth time that month. 
“Chill, okay? You’ll find shitty people everywhere-” Her voice swims around the reduced space, comfortable in the privacy of her own company. “Besides, next one’s the good one and you can say goodbye to this shithole wrapped in a Gucci sweater…”
The noise of the busy kitchen pierces her bubble when the door opens again, blinding her with the white light while a body passes through, then closing back again and leaving them with the dim yellow bulb fighting to stay lit. 
“Ross.” He greets with a single nod of his head as his eyes spot her in the darkness, pulling a beaten up package from his pocket and lighting the thin tube with one of those long kitchen lighters he always seems to carry.
“Chef.” She answers back with a similar nod. 
Her cheeks carry a crimson that goes beyond the freezing cold, embarrassed to think that he might have heard her little self pep talk and she’s thankful for the lack of lighting in the space. The sound of his steady exhales and the lingering scent of tobacco slowly make their way to her as she keeps her eyes on the ground, uncomfortable shoes rubbing away over the pavement in distraction. 
“You, uh, you good?” He clears his throat and shuffles against the wall, switching from one overworked foot to another. 
They’ve probably only ever crossed a couple sentences despite her working there for almost a year, but she tries to hide the doubt behind a nod. 
“Uh… y-yeah. Another day, another shitty customer.” She jokes in hopes to break the barrier of ice, though it seems to be thicker than she expected, because all she gets is another nod that has her wanting to scurry back inside. 
“What’d they tell you now?” He asks through another smoky exhale. 
“That he’s friends with the head chef and that he’d have my head if I didn’t give ‘em a table…” 
“That’s bull-“ He says, sucking in his cheeks and making the ember tip glow bright orange. “I don’t have any friends.”
“Yeah that’s what I told him too.” Ross adds and receives the wisp of a snigger in return. 
It’s small and almost unnoticeable- so tiny it could be confused with a cough- but it’s there. And the ice wall doesn’t seem as thick as she thought now. 
“So did you?” The chef asks again, cigarette halfway finished while she tries to keep her teeth from chattering. “Let ‘em in, I mean..”
“Like hell I did.” She responds before rolling her eyes. “But fucking Martin probably did…” 
He nods his head slowly in acknowledgement, then lets another soft breath blow through his nose, smoke and vapor invisible in the low light. “I can send ‘em a shitty stake if you want.”
Ross knows it’s a joke, no respectable chef in the building would ever ruin a $300 Kobe beef just to spite a shitty client, but the solidarity in his offer grants him her own smile. 
“Nah, I’ll just ask the bartender to pour ‘em the cheap stuff so they get a hangover tomorrow.” 
Despite wanting to continue the unforeseen interaction- mostly out of scientific curiosity- the cold seeping through the thin material of her uniform finally triggers her feet in direction of the door, a few feet away from where he’s finishing his cigarette. Her fingers stay curled over the handle, contemplating the words and if they have any space in the situation, but before she can convince herself otherwise, she calls out to the chef. 
“I know it’s a shitty day to work ‘n all… but Merry Christmas… I guess.”
He nods again, brows raised and eyes wide seems to be the default expression on his face, then a ghost of something she can assume is a barely visible smile hides behind the dying tube. 
“Yeah… you too.” 
“Have a good night guys, happy new year!” She recites with a wave to the departing guests, the phrase already lacking meaning after constant repetition.
New Year’s dinner rush is a blatant copy of the week before, with the exception of the nice vibes that many seem to carry, influenced by the faux restart. However, it does move painfully slow, between kind guests and uncomfortable offers from the Wall Street wannabe bros who couldn’t take a hint. Every advance had to be deflected with a kind smile and by the end of the night her cheeks had grown tired from all the tension they were forced to endure. Thankfully, there were only a few tables left and she could finally switch the uncomfortable heels for her sneakers, which facilitated finishing her last tasks in record time.
“Hey, Ross-” 
“Yeah” She turns to Meg- one of the waitresses and her friend- while shuffling through the menus, but stops as she sets a small plate with an even smaller dessert over the wooden desk. “What’s this?”
“From the kitchen…” She answers with a teasing tone and a smile that makes her roll her eyes.
“Take it back and tell Frank to fuck off- I’m not sucking his dick for an eclair-”
“It’s not from him, idiot! Chef Carmen sent it…” Meg whispers leaning in as if sharing some long kept secret. 
“What? Why?”
Meg shrugs and pulls a tiny spoon from one of the pockets on her apron. “Probably heard you bitchin’ about some guest again.” Then she scoops a piece of the dessert and pops it in her mouth, groaning in delight. “Say what you want about that man, but god is he good with his hands.”
“Dude that sounds so wrong.” Ross chuckles before taking a piece for herself and can’t help but agree with the delicious taste of the pastry. “We’re still on for drinks, right?”
“Can’t-” Meg mumbles between spoonfuls. “Mom’s making me meet them at grandma’s after this. She says this is probably her last new year so…”
“Shit- I don’t wanna go just with Frank.”
“Why don’t you ask your chef.” She suggests teasingly, before picking up the empty plate. “‘New year, new you’ ‘n all that. He already sent you food ‘n plus you’ve had the hots for him for a while now-”
“I do not!” She bickers a bit too defensively, rolling her eyes at the disbelief in Meg’s expression. “I’m nice to everyone, not just him.”
With a sarcastic ‘Sure, kid’ and an exaggerated nod, Meg turns on her shoes and heads deep into the emptying dining room.
By the time she’s finally done, it’s an hour to midnight and almost everyone has gone home except Frank, who sits wrapped up in his own coat and sharing a cigarette with another cook. Her steps lose power past the door and stop altogether once she notices the lonely man leaning on the wall a few feet in front of her.
“Hey, chef-” The girl calls towards him, his head immediately snapping up in her direction, unlit cig hanging loosely from his lips. “You got any plans?”
Ross doesn’t wait for an answer, steps moving closer towards him. There’s a thin nervous expression harboring his normally closed off features as his eyes dart around her face and the two men ahead of them, slowly putting the smoke back in the box.
“So?” She asks again. “You got anywhere to be?”
“Uh… no but-”
“Great, c’mon. Let's go grab some drinks.” She doesn’t wait for a response before linking her arm around his and walking closer to the waiting men.
She can see the tightness locked over Frank's jaw but tries her best to ignore it, pulling the chef in the opposite direction from where they’re standing. 
“Night boys.” She calls out before turning the corner and out of their view. 
Ross lets go of his arm once they’re a few blocks away, the warmth of her touch immediately escaping through the frigid wind. 
“Sorry ‘bout that… Frank’s just a little too much and I don’t wanna deal with that right now.” She says while growing the space between them. 
“Yeah-no I get it- he gets on my nerves sometimes… too.” 
They can hear the faint noise that the wind carries from a few blocks away, the celebrating multitude that has crowded Times Square in anticipation of the ball drop only growing thicker by the minute. 
“So, um, you really don’t have anywhere to be?” She asks, nervous fists inside her coat pockets. 
“Just home.” He shrugs. 
“Cool- so, what do you say to that drink?”
He shrugs again, not in an ‘I’m too cool to care’ way but more of an ‘I suck with words’ kind of way, that triggers a soft smile over her freezing features. 
“Thanks for the dessert… by the way.” She thanks with a slow step so he can catch up beside her once they’ve renewed their destination. 
“Oh-uh- yeah, sure.” He stammers, hands tightly in his pockets. “Anyone piss you off tonight?”
“Someone pisses me off every night-” She jokes, the lightheartedness growing with each step further away from work. “Curse of the trade, I guess.” She adds with a shrug.
They can hear the music emanating from the bar before even seeing it. The regular spot sits at the end of the curve, seemingly untouched by the masses, though the dusty windows show the movement of bodies inside. After maneuvering their way through the dispersed crowd, they’re still able to find an empty spot by the corner of the bar where it’s easier to reach the bartender. Every screen in their view covers the transmission of the infamous ball drop- as if the event wasn’t occurring a  few blocks away- but she figures it’s more comfortable seeing it from the inside of a heated bar than in the crushing crowd of bodies freezing outside.
It takes her five minutes to grab the barman’s attention and another two to get their drinks, but when he pats down his pants in search of his wallet, she’s already pocketing down the change the man’s given her.
“I asked you, remember?” She says to him while passing his drink, noticing a soft tint over his cheeks that hadn’t been there at their arrival and her brows raise slightly, before choosing to ignore it.
Ross can feel the man shuffling and clearing his throat beside her and the anxious actions pull a thin lipped smile over her face. He seems very different from the person she has observed behind the kitchen- a baby deer almost- careful not to trip over his own legs. It’s kind of endearing to her, how the confidence he carries in the confinements of a kitchen switches off the second he’s outside of one, replacing it with silence and the constant cracking of his knuckles that has her asking:
“You don’t go out much, do you?”
He exhales in the form of a small laugh, then takes a drink from his emptying mug. “That obvious?”
She nods and turns to him. “Well we’ve been here for almost twenty minutes and you’ve said three words… max.”
“Five now…” He jokes and a grin forms on her face at the dumb joke.
Ross turns to him, shifting her body in the stool to face him completely, bare knee brushing against his clothed one. “Tell me the thing you hate most about your job.”
He takes a few seconds to respond, gaze lost in the multitude as a terrible rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ from the karaoke machine flows through the speakers. “I don’t- think I have one…”
“Nothing?” He shakes his head. “At all?” Another shake and a thin unnoticeable smile. “Chef Carmen-”
“-Carmy.” He corrects and the grin on her face grows a few inches wide.
“Okay Carmy, tell me you don’t hate people messing up your dishes or modifying your recipes?”
A grin slowly spreads across his static features as he looks down at his empty jug of beer and scratches over his brow out of habit. Then he nods in agreement. “I really fuckin’ hate that shit.”
“Right!?” Ross’ excitement pulls a snicker that has him agreeing to another drink, which he insists on paying for. “Like, I get it when it’s an allergy, right? You don’t wanna kill anyone. But Meg was telling me about some guy that wanted the ‘blanc’ but not the ‘beurre’ on his fish- and if 8th grade French doesn’t fail me- that literally translates to ‘white butter’!”
Carmy’s warm chuckle blends in nicely with the buzzing surroundings, causing a slight tint to graze her cheeks and hold a smile on the edge of her glass as she watches him.
“One of the waiters once asked me if I could just send ‘em a rack of ribs cause they didn’t like anything on the menu…”
“Jesus! As if you had a rack to spare behind that aged ham you got hanging in the walk-in…”
“You- you’ve been inside the walk-in?” He asks in surprise while she takes another sip off her second drink.
“That’s where I go to vent.” Ross shrugs with a soft grin. “Plus it’s soundproof so no one can hear me cry or lose my shit.”
He knew it wasn’t. He’s seen her barely hold her composure many times as she crosses down the hallway- hands tightly in fists- before hearing a muffled shriek from somewhere in the back; but he always assumed it came from the depot or the alley, never his walk-in. He wasn’t gonna tell her that, though.
Their drinks slowly drain while their attention falls heavy on the transmission from the TVs. With only ten minutes to spare, she can feel the growing excitement buzzing around the room as many inch closer to their loved ones, arms over shoulders and complicit kisses galore. For a second her eyes flicker over the rim of her glass towards Carmy’s profile, drinking in the strong shape of his nose and the many little scars she hadn’t noticed from a distance.
“I don't get it…” Ross says suddenly, turning back to him again. 
“Uh… context?”
“Right- sorry-” She clears her throat -as a way to order her ideas- and places the mug back on the bar, but doesn’t notice how her body leans in closer to him when she turns back around. “So, you’re like… the shit, right?” She starts, pulling a nervous chuckle from the man.
“Solid start.”
“Shut up-” She groans. “I mean it as in… anyone who knows anything about the culinary world knows who you are. These people, they pay big bucks for your food and they always leave boasting about how great it is-”
“No they don’t-” He tries to argue with a shake of his head.
“Yes they do!” She reassures, voice a little higher and eyes a little glossier. “They do. You have the skill- the reputation to open your own place, make it however you want it to be… why stay here?” 
There’s a look behind his eyes that makes her throat run dry, brows sunken over a concentrated gaze as he settles all his attention on her and everything seems to just vanish into white noise. It could be the confidence the alcohol carries that’s made her so vocal about her thoughts, but the rational part in her head warns that it’s not her place to comment on what she doesn’t know.
Ross shakes her head lightly and mumbles a soft ‘Sorry, nevermind it's stupid.’ before gulping her drink and redirecting her attention and posture back to the screens.
‘1 Minute to Midnight!’ flashes over every screen, bathing the room in an emerald green glow that bounces perfectly off her profile and catches Carmy’s attention. The playlist of 80s anthems and the growing excitement packed in the small room are loud enough to drown out the constant nagging voice in the back of his head. He sucks in a breath and moves impossibly slow in her direction.
“I’ve thought about it.” Carmy confesses loud enough so she can hear him over the chanting crowd.
Ten. She doesn’t expect him to be so close when she turns towards him. Specks of silver rim the outer edges of his eyes, wide enough that she can almost see her reflection staring back, stealing the breath from her lungs.
Nine. Betrayal in her body flicks her eyes down to his lips only for a brief moment and it has him questioning if he might have imagined it, before a teasing smile rounds at the edges of hers.
Eight. “Well when you decide to do it, call me if you ever need a bitchy hostess…” Ross whispers.
Seven. The air from his laugh blows softly over her cheeks, growing hot with the small distance. With a quickened pulse, she tries to settle her gaze on any other part of his face.
Six. ‘Just look at his eyes- shit no, not the eyes!’ ‘The mouth? No, that's even worse!’ ‘Jesus, you’ve kissed people before, why are you so fucking nervous?!’
Five. The turmoil in her head doesn’t bleed through to her calm expression, keeping a gentle smile that has Carmen letting out his own.
“Okay… ” 
Four. The bundle of words hangs from his lips, swinging in her direction and hooking around her neck to pull her closer.
Three. There’s a prevalent pulsing rippling from her chest that drowns out any other sound around her, as if a fish bowl had fallen over the two, blocking out any exterior sound.
Two. “D’you mind if I kiss you?” She asks, gently.
One. The TV behind him explodes in multicolored lights as the ball finally drops. Fireworks reflect back to him from the shimmer of her eyes and all he can do is swallow hard, nod and let her gravity pull him forward.
A soft “Happy New Year, Carmy” brushes over his lower lip.
Then the last thing he remembers is the sweet taste of coconut gloss followed by the smooth movements of velvet lips above his bumbling ones.
Part II
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 and that’s it lmao
121 notes · View notes
sweet-villain · 2 years
Ignite~ B.H Ft S.H
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Anonymous asked:
Hiiii I am in an angsty mode at the moment… so of course I have to go to the ✨angst queen ✨ …..so reader is with billy but billy cheats then begs for a second chance, reader gives them a second chance. But he cheats again so then after a while reader finds someone maybe Eddie or Steve. Then billy gets mad to find them with an arm around reader and try’s to start a fight with them. After billy is trying to flirt and get back with reader but reader is over him.
I hope this is a good angst one 🙂
Warning : Angst, Cheating
Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @e0509
My Master List is in This Area
You should of listened to your friends that guys like Billy Hargrove were no good for you. But, you loved him. He had became like a drug that you couldn't walk away from.
He walked through the halls with head held up high making his way where you stood leaning his shoulder against the locker that was next to yours. You hadn't noticed him at first getting your books out. When you were finished and shut the locker, you almost jumped out of your skin seeing him there.
" You can't just do that, Billy" you had your hand on your heart feeling it race. He laughed while chewing the gum in his mouth.
He shrugged in response. He wasn't the one that would apologize, " Walking me to class?" you asked. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder pulling you his side. Heads turned as you two walked down the hall.
Though Billy's eyes were too busy staring at the girl in front of you with a short skirt on. He watched her ass move, " Billy!" you pushed his chest noticing his attention was on her. He turned his head, just in time when you waved over to Steve who turned around the corner.
" Princess.." Billy called out to you. Steve waved back noticing you walking by him. Steve and you were really good friend, but Billy didn't like that you two were friendly. He didn't like Steve at all to begin with.
" What? He's my friend" Billy grunted. He tugged you closer to his side turning around once you were near the classroom with your books tightly held against your chest.
Billy leaned down brushing his lips with your as he softly kissed you. But it turned harsher when he gripped your hips pulling you flush against his. He felt eyes on him. Snapping his eyes opening and finding who has been watching him. It was Steve.
Billy's blue eyes bore into Steve, smirking into the kiss as you kissed him. You pulled away, breathless looking up at your boyfriend.
" I've gotta get to class" you muttered, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. Billy snapped his gum, rolling his eyes. He couldn't understand how you could be such a goody too shoes with homework, studying and showing up to class on time.
When you turned around to walk into the classroom, you felt a sting on your ass. Turning around with your cheeks flushed and glaring at your boyfriend, " Billy!" he winked at you in response as he walked away.
You didn't notice that he sent a wink to another girl that was giggling by the locker and twirling her hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were too blind to see that he would take your heart and throw it on the ground like it was nothing. You were too into your head thinking Billy Hargrove actually cared about you. That there was something there, when it wasn't. You were just part of his game.
" Aw look little miss princess is without her dog. Oh where, oh where could he be?" Carol asked, blowing a bubble with her gum as she twirled her hair.
" Piss of Carol" she dramatically put her hand on her heart like your words had some sort of affect on her. You pushed past her looking around if you could spot your boyfriend in the mass of people dancing around, drinking and snogging each other's faces off.
Steve emerged from the crowd with his hands in his pockets as his eyes found yours, his held a bit of worry and sorrow in them. He made his way over to you and gently squeezed your shoulder.
" You okay?" you asked him. This wasn't normal behavior coming from him. Why was he worried? Steve's eyebrows knitted together as realization dawned to him that you had no idea.
" Have you seen Billy?" you asked, looking around hoping he wouldn't spot you with Steve.
" Listen-" he started to say but your head turned to him not really wanting to hear his excuses on why you shouldn't be with Billy. You had all heard it all before.
" Steve, please. Tell me where he is?" Steve swallowed the lump in his mouth as he knows what you are about to see and it's not a happy sight. He sighed, " He went upstairs. But not alone."
Your heart raced at what Steve has told you and instead of staying with Steve like he wanted you too, you made your way upstairs.
" Hip Hop, look at the princess go" Tommy chuckled as he watched you race upstairs. You knocked on the first door you found and it was empty, you went to the next one and opened it without asking if someone was in there. There was a couple making out, but no sign of Billy.
" Billy!" you shouted through the halls. There were two more doors left, one door a couple had came out fixing their own clothes while the one that was left remained closed.
Your heart was racing, palms becoming sweating and feeling your eyes sting with tears as you made your way closer to the door. Your hand shakily reached out to turn the knob and when you did, a sight that broke your heart came into a clear picture.
A girl was going down on your boyfriend as his head was thrown back. His fingers were in her hair as she sucked him off. You gasped with tears rolling down your cheeks. Billy's head snapped up hearing the gasp and his eyes landed on you.
" Shit!" he muttered as he pushed the girl off of him. He was scrambling to get his pants on. " Doll, it's not what it looks like" he says buckling his pants. But you stood there, body frozen as you stared at your so called boyfriend.
" I-I loved you!" you screamed tuning around, making your way down the steps past Tommy and Carol as they snickered. Steve spotted you bolting down the steps to the front door. He growled spotting Billy running down the steps with his pants half zipped up and jacket barely on.
" it's not what it looks like!" Billy shouted racing after you out the front door. " She's nothing!" He continue to run after you down the street. The cold air whipped against your cheeks, sniffling.
" Go away, you have done enough" Billy caught up to you and grabbed onto your wrist stopping you from walking away from him.
" You have to believe me, doll. She's not you, she doesn't mean to me the way you do" you chuckled brushing away your tears with the back of your hand.
" I should of listened to my friend, everyone. You're such an asshole, you never cared about me or loved me!" you pushed at his chest. He stumbled back, catching his balance watching you cry over him.
" I'm sorry" he tried to say as it was going to solve anything.
You shook your head, " it's too late for that."
Billy watched you walk down the street, away from him with his own heart splattered on the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Everyone in school found out what had happened and eyes were constantly on you as you walked into your classes.
" You look like you need a nap" Steve mutters as you drop besides him on the bench as he took a break. He was at basketball practice asking you to come see him that he can cop your notes on what he missed the day before.
" Thanks, Harrington. Just what every girl wants to hear" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. " I gave him a very nice bloody lip and a black eye" he mutters talking about your now ex boyfriend.
You shrugged in response. Billy had been watching you interact with Steve from the other side. The ball was passed to him as he dribbled it across the court with a glare on his face.
Steve wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. It caused Billy's blood to boil that Steve had your attention now. He threw the basketball across the court towards Steve and it hit him in the head..
He fell in between the benches with his upper body in it while his legs were raised above.
" Steve!" you shouted reaching over to help him up. He waved his hands motioning to you that he was okay. He felt dizzy from the ball hitting him in the head. " Are you okay?" you asked him, glaring over to Billy. He had he biggest smirk on his face.
" 'm fine" Steve mumbled as he slide off the bench.
" Harrington, quit slacking off!" the couch yelled at him, blowing the whistle. You winced at the sound taking your bag and throwing it over your shoulder.
" I'll see you later, Steve" he nodded with a small smile as he jogged to get the ball away from the others.
You didn't even look at Billy when you walked out. His jaw clenched when you didn't look at him or even take notice of him anymore. He turned to look where Steve was dribbling the ball on the court and ran over to take it from him.
" Gotta be faster than that, buttercup" Billy teased. Steve rolled his eyes in response.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your feet paused making their way to the car spotting a head of curls, blue eyes locking on yours with a cigarette in his mouth leaning against your car. You moved around the car to put your book bag inside and ready to get in when he spoke up.
" Can we talk?" he asked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth as he rounded around the car. " We don't have anything to talk about, Hargrove" he scoffed at the usage of his last name like when he first met you. You would always use his last name when you talked to him.
" I-I miss you" he says, dropping his cigarette and stomping it with his foot. " I d-din't mean for it to happen the way it happened.." he shrugged as he looked at the ground. He was too afraid to look at you to see the way you would look at him. Like he was a mistake.
" But it did happen, it didn't even cross your mind that you Billy, Billy Hargrove were dating. Dating someone that cared so deeply about you, that loved you, that adored you, that would do anything to make you happy."
His lip quivered as his eyes brimmed with tears. He hated that you were making him feel like this in the middle of the school parking lot where anyone can turn and look to see how vulnerable he looked.
" P-Please.. I'll do a-anything to make it w-work between u-us" he says through his tears. You took notice that people stopped to listen to your conversation with him now and they were whispering.
You made your way up to him, peeking through his curls to see how upset he looked and your heart ached at the sight. You loved him still, even if he took your heart and ran it over.
" Come over for dinner tonight and we'll talk" He snapped his head up hearing you, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he nodded in response. He took notice people have turned to look at him.
" What are you looking at?!" He shouted, raising his hands up. " Don't you have places to be?!" He shouted in anger, a hand on his arm stops him from snapping. He turns his head to look down at you.
" Get home safe" you tell him before getting into your car and driving off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Billy had came over around dinner time and you answered in wearing one of his shirts and a pair of sweats with your hair up. The sight made Billy smile, the real smile that no one would usually see unless they were you.
He stepped inside your house, your parents were out on a business trip while you were left alone to take care of the house. You weren't lonely, Nancy had came over the other day as you two studied and painted each other nails. Tina had stopped by to drop some cookies and tell you about the new gossip going around.
" It smells really good" Billy says as he sniffed the air. His stomach grumbled as his mouth watered.
" I saved you a plate" you mumbled making your way into the kitchen where Billy followed you as he sat down on one of the chairs. You put a plate of spaghetti in front of him with garlic bread on the side and grabbed him a glass of water too.
" Thank you" he mumbles taking the fork you had placed down as he dug in. He noticed you weren't eating with him and twirled some spaghetti on his fork as he offered it to you.
" I'm not really hungry" Billy waited not pulling the fork back until you opened your mouth and he fed you. " But you must be really hungry, this is for you" you pushed his plate closer to him.
" I can share" he says. He turned to look at you to see you were playing with the ring on your finger. It was a nervous habit of yours that he picked up on while being with you.
" What do you wanna talk about?" he asked once he finished the plate you made him. He did offer you bites of the food but you refused and pushed it to his mouth.
" You really hurt me" he nods, hanging his head. " I know, and I didn't mean it."
" Do you care about me?" Billy swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked down at his lips. He did care about you, a lot. He does. It's really hard to get the words out sometimes.
" I do, you know that" he mumbles.
" Then why did you decide that at that party to go ruin what we had?" he shrugged in response. Billy hadn't really thought of an answer to give to you on why he did what he did.
" Don't give me that!" you shouted, glaring at him. His jaw set hearing you started to yell and it pissed him off. " I don't know what you want me to say!" he shouted raising his hands up in the air.
" Forget it, Billy. You know where the door is" you got up taking his plate to the sink but when you turned around, there he stood leaning his body against yours and trapping you against the counter.
His hand rose up to brush the hair away from your face.
" I'm not leaving until your mine again" he mumbles. " You cheated on me..."
" I didn't mean it, doll. Believe me. The only girl I ever wanted was you, no one else. There is no one else. You make me happy and feel safe. It's you"
Right there you believed him. His words melted. your heart.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A note landed on your desk the following two days and you rose your head to look around to see if you could spot who had dropped it. No one dared to look your way knowing what it said already. Steve was sitting on the other side drawing on his desk while you took the note in your hands and opening it.
Your boyfriend and Stephanie Lawrence were fooling around in the boys locker room
You gasped, looking around the room once more to see if anyone looked your way once more. You rose your hand up and the teacher called on you.
" May I be excused? I don't feel so well" you grabbed onto your stomach in pain. The teacher nodded telling you to go to the nurses office. You stood up from the chair and grabbed onto your things catching Steve's attention as his eyebrows knitted together seeing the panic look on your face.
He rose up from his seat to catch you look at him.
" Are you okay?" he mouths to you. You shook your head in response racing out of the classroom to your locker where you felt the tears sting your eyes. This wasn't happening again. Billy said he wasn't going to do this again.
Your head felt dizzy and everything was spinning. You didn't know what happen but the next thing you knew you fainted with arms catching you before you hit the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You groaned as you rose up in your bed, not really knowing what happened when a hand lays on your forehead stopping you from going anywhere.
" Where do you think your going?" your eyes landed on Steve sitting besides you on your bed. " What happened?" you asked, raising up on your elbows.
" You fainted, I took you to the nurses office and brought you home" he says. " My car!" you shouted remembering it was in the parking lot.
" It's here, Jonathan brought it" he says.
Suddenly you remembered the note, " Steve?" you asked. Your heart racing at the thought of it being true. " Yeah?" he asked.
" Is Billy cheating on me again?" his lips grew in a thin line as he looked away in silence. It had been all over the school that he's been fooling around with Stephanie, one of the cheerleaders.
" It is.." you mumbled, " god, I'm so stupid"
" You're not stupid, it's him. He doesn't deserve you" he turned his head watching just in time as the tears ran down your cheeks. " Oh Y/N" he says opening his arms. You rose off the bed moving over to him and wrapped your arms around him.
You cried in Steve Harrington's arms that day. That day Steve realized that he wanted to the one to put you back together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was true, Billy was cheating on you with Stephanie. Everyone was talking about it and yet you were tired of it. Billy had broken your heart many times over and over but you had enough.
You hadn't talked or seen Billy in the past three days, and he tried to call you. You didn't pick up. He tried to see you at school but you avoided him in all ways you could. He tried to sit outside your house but you didn't come out. You found a way out through the back of another house that was across from you. There was a gate but you had to get tackled by a dog. It was a risk you were willing to take.
A harsh knock came to the door causing you to groan as you tried to study for one of the upcoming tests that you were having. You needed to pull your grade up to graduate next year.
" No one is home!" you shouted through the door hoping they would go away but they kept knocking. " Jesus, I'm coming. Hold your bananas!"
You threw the door open ready to chew out the person who was bothering you out when your eyes landed on your so called boyfriend.
" Can I help you, William?" he scoffed hearing you use his real name.
" That's not my name, princess and you know it" he says leaning against the doorframe. " what's going on, I haven't seen you much baby. I miss you" he tried to reach out with his hands to touch you but you stepped out of his reach with your arms across your chest.
" Okay, what's wrong?" he asked. " Why won't you let me touch you?"
" Because I don't know where your hands been. Must been buried deep in Stephanie" his eyes widen at your words.
" Baby, she's not-" you cut him off.
" She's not what it seems, that you need me, that you love me, that I am your forever... yeah yeah.. Hargrove. That's old news" his mouth dropped open by the end of your sentence .
" Y/N, you know I love you"
" That's bullshit, you're fucking bullshit!" you posted a finger at him. " Don't ever call me baby ever again, you're disgusting. You're a heartless asshole and I don't want to ever see you again. We're done!" you slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else.
" You're going to regret this! I know you love me! You need me!" he shouted through the door, with one bang to the door he walked down the path to his car in anger.
You didn't need Billy Hargrove. You didn't need a cheater like him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been two weeks since you and Billy have been done. He had tried multiple times to get you back weather leaving presents by your front door, leaving notes in your locker room telling you how much he loved you, leaving a mix tape on top of your desk before you got to class. He knew your classes.
You rolled your times every time and threw each item away. You were getting over Billy Hargrove and everyone around you couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe it when Steve Harrington was the reason you started to smile and laugh.
Billy watched from down the hall in anger seeing Steve blow raspberries against your cheeks causing you to laugh. He used to make you laugh like that.
He huffed in anger.
" Are we still going out tonight?" he heard one of girls that kept following him ask him. He hadn't paid attention to her as his eyes were on you and Steve Harrington.
" I need to get to class, Steve" you squealed as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush against his body as he left kisses all over your face.
You had moved on from Billy finding your happy self with Steve. He has been there for you every chance he got. He really made it all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You dating Harrington now?" you heard the familiar voice of your ex boyfriend. Your back was to him as you turned around to face him for the first time in awhile. Billy had noticed the brighter look in your eyes and the way your lips lit up in a small smile.
" What's it to you if I was?" you asked.
Billy's fist opened and closed by his side as he gritted his teeth.
" It matters to me because you don't move on from someone like me to someone like him. He's nothing compared to me" Billy growled.
" He makes me happier" those words were all it took to break Billy Hargrove's heart as he lets them sink in. There is silence between the two of you.
" I hope you find your happiness, Billy. I do. You've hurt me way to many times and I didn't want that in my life. I wanted to be happy, and I found that with Steve."
Billy scoffed.
" Maybe one day you can be a part of my life again, but not yet. I'm not ready for you to be back in my life. For what it's worth, I really did love you Billy and you did make me happy. But he does it better, better than you ever did"
You knew you hurt him with your words. It shows in his eyes. He had a way of showing how he felt through those blue eyes.
" I'll wait till your ready" he says, "I'm sorry" he adds knowing you needed to hear it from him. He's not a man to apologize but with you, he do it over and over again.
" It might take years"
" I will wait as long as I need" Billy says. He walked away to his car wishing he would take everything back. He watched as you walked to Steve's car, throwing your arms around him and going on your toes to kiss him. It stung him to watch you with the one person he hated.
But he was going to wait to be back in your life, even if it was being friends with you. You made him feel safe.
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CONGRATS ON 2130! What better way to celebrate you than asking for you to write a drabble of whatever YOU want! Something you have maybe thought about but it's not your norm? Love it. A character you love and just want more of? Love it. Little side quest in a current running fic? Love it. Just super happy for you and love everything you put out there for us to enjoy! 💕✨🎉
[a/n: omg thank you! I got so excited to see this 'free reign' request and then spent the next like 12 hours agonizing over what to write lol. I went with this absolutely not 500 word one-shot. Oops. It seemed fitting to me though b/c the first fanfic I ever wrote was one of those kind where the reader like 'magically' ends up in the media with knowledge that they're in their fav tv show/movie/game. So, writing a one-shot in that theme kind of felt perfect since we're also celebrating the number 213!]
Joel Miller x F!Reader; Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Warnings: canon violence, descriptions of creepy ass clickers, language, gun use, mentions of injury and blood
Word Count: 1.7k (again oops)
Summary: You just wanted to take a break from the job while hanging out with your favorite hunter, but you instead wind up in the last place you thought possible. Honestly, it was your own fault for thinking you could have a normal day.
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As you watched Joel Miller get mauled by a cordyceps clicker on the television screen you let out a laugh. In response, Dean barked out a curse. The eldest Winchester brother had been playing this game for the last day and a half. Though the phrase attempting to play might be more accurate. You snickered again. “Dean, I’ve seen you mow down an entire coven of vampires alone with only a hunting knife, but you can’t shoot a few infected?”
“This is different.” Dean replied firmly. He pointed at the screen accusingly. “Put one of those fuckers in front of me right now and I’ll take it down.” He picked up his beer bottle to take a swig. Then he motioned to you with the bottle. “With my eyes closed.”
“Yeah, okay, tough guy.”
“I’m serious!”
You laughed again and pulled your legs up under you. The Winchester brothers and you were stuck in the Men of Letters bunker for the last week. Sam was in the library, trying to find any kind of hunt to go on, and for the sake of Dean’s sanity you hoped he found one soon. You sunk into your seat with a grin. “Come on. Try again. I love watching you lose.”
“Maybe you should give it a try then, sweetheart.” Dean replied and offered you the controller. 
You briefly bit your lower lip at the pet name. It was no secret that you were head over the heels for Dean⏤ well, to everyone but Dean. He seemed pretty oblivious to the fact that you’ve been carrying a torch for him since the moment you met him three years ago on a hunt. 
“I would, but I’d hate to embarrass you like that, Dean.”
The man rolled his eyes before restarting the level from the top. You watched Dean play, smiling to yourself at his overly exaggerated expressions every time something went wrong or went right. Gradually, your eyes began to droop shut, heavy with exhaustion, and you fell asleep listening to Dean’s voice⏤ the sound familiar and comforting. 
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The sound of clicking hadn’t necessarily woken you up, it was probably the freezing air that did that, but it was the first noise that registered in your sleep-addled brain. With a quiet moan, you forced your eyes open and the sight of a busted ceiling greeted you. The wood was aged and a gaping hole allowed you to see the blue sky as morning light and flakes of snow streamed through it. It took one second for your brain to comprehend that you were not in the bunker with the Winchesters and one additional second for the hunter in you to grasp the wheel. 
You sat up with a gasp. The space surrounding you resembled an abandoned storage room at the back of a larger structure. Broken and empty shelves lined the walls and you were lying on top of a disgusting, aged mattress. With steady motions, you rose to stand. A chill shot down your spine and you shivered. The pajamas you wore were not conducive to this new weather⏤ weather that also did not make sense. It was summer time in Kansas right now. Why the fuck was it snowing? 
There was no sign of Dean or Sam that you could see. You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat as your stomach stirred with a foreboding sense of doom. Something was very, very wrong. Knowing that standing here confused wasn’t going to help anything, you searched the room for something of use. There were no articles of clothing you could scrounge up which meant you were stuck with pajamas and bare feet. The cold was beginning to grow painful as your extremities ached.
Only one door led out of the room, but experience told you that walking out without some kind of weapon was a mistake. Again, your options were sparse. You hadn’t expected to get lucky and find a handgun on the shelf, but a knife would be nice and not asking the universe for much in your opinion. However, you had never been the lucky kind. With a grumble, you found a few broken pipes and picked out one with the sharpest end. The metal was biting cold in your hand, but it brought some semblance of control and comfort to your anxiety riddled mind.
Seriously, what the fuck was going on?
You carefully cracked the door open to peek out into a dimly lit room. It looked like some kind of convenience store, but just like the room you had woken in it was in shambles. Bits of the ceiling and wall were broken to allow in light. You pulled the door open wider and a vaguely familiar clicking noise drifted to you once more. Where was that coming from? It had been there when you woke, though quieter, and why did you kind of recognize it?
A soft hiss made you glance to your right and your eyes widened when you spotted a young girl hiding behind half the counter. She had to be no older than thirteen or fourteen and her messy light brown hair was pulled back and half hidden under a winter cap. She glared at you in alarm, clutching a knife in her gloved hands, and mouthed words to you. She had to do it twice before you recognized the words, ‘What the fuck are you doing?!’ It was followed by something that looked suspiciously like the words, ‘fucking idiot’. Had this small, angry child just called you a fucking idiot? 
More clicking.
Your gaze lifted and your eyes landed on a new sight that filled you with dread. It wasn't an unfamiliar sight, but it was certainly one that shouldn’t exist. A clicker. It stumbled in its inhuman gait. Shoulders and arms moving in twitching motions as its head snapped back and forth searching. Whatever face the body used to have was replaced with rows of growing, eerie fungus that fanned out in what looked like two rolling curves⏤ as if it were a wave that surged then splashed right out of the skull itself in frozen motion.
The small gasp that left your lips was an obvious mistake that your hunter side was kicking you for. Its head and body snapped to face you and with a screech it roared forward. Instinct took a hold of your body, and you swung the pipe out, rather than freezing in alarm, and the clicker fell back.
“Run! Go!” You screamed and motioned for the kid to get the hell out of there. She began to scramble away, but you stayed planted to handle the clicker that was already back to its feet and rushing you once more. You ducked under and sprinted in the opposite direction of the kid while making as much noise as you could. As impossible and odd as this was, you had no problem falling into your hunting pattern. It was second nature to you. There was a monster and a civilian who needed to be saved. Your choice was easy.
Your right foot stepped on something that made you hiss out in pain and stumble. That gave the clicker enough time to slam into you and send you to the floor. With gritted teeth, you rolled before it could pin you and you swung the pipe once again, knocking it back a few steps. It recovered quickly and lunged forward, but you held the pipe up firm and met it halfway so the sharpened end of the pipe drove right through the center of its face⏤ or lack thereof. You were gasping for air as its arms went limp and with a singular grunt you used the pipe to shove it off to the side so it slumped to the ground with your weapon still buried in its skull. 
Your heart was threatening to beat right out of your chest as you tried to catch your breath. The adrenaline and panic made the cold barely noticeable. Your eyes glanced down though to see blood pooling around your right foot. Wincing, you lifted it to see a large shard of glass shoved deep into the tissue there. That was disturbing evidence this was not some kind of fucked up dream.
“Fuck.” You muttered. The sentiment was interrupted by a howling screech. You spun in place to see a different clicker, just as grotesque and real as the first, lunging at you from behind. Your hands raised in defense as a gun was fired. The clicker’s head exploded in a spray of rotting tissue and clumps of fungus before collapsing a few feet in front of you. When you lifted your gaze, you spotted an older man equipped with a rifle that was now leveled at your own head as his eyebrows furrowed in an emotion that reminded you a lot of rage. At his side, one hand wrapped around his bicep was the girl from earlier. 
It took you a second to comprehend the image in front of you. The clickers. The young mouthy girl. The older angry man. This could not be possibly happening to you right now. “Hands up. Now.” The man grunted in a southern accent. He didn’t look quite like he did in the video game you watched Dean play for the last day and a half, but there was no denying who this had to be. Slowly, you lifted your hands with a grimace. “If you got any weapons, drop ‘em now.”
“Weapons?” The girl scoffed. “She’s in fucking PJs, Joel, where do you think she’s hiding a weapon?”
He hushed her in response and motioned for her to take a step behind him. Great. You had survived the apocalypse twice with the Winchesters, quite the feat considering the people who traveled with the boys had a bad habit of dying bloody, but this was how you were going to meet your end. Shot by a video game character. This was some kind of fucked up karma for laughing while watching Dean get his character mauled over and over.
“Hi there.” You blurted  with a sheepish smile and Joel stiffened. “I mean you guys no harm, so if you wanna lower the rifle⏤”
“What’re you doing here?” Joel demanded. The rifle did not lower an inch.
“Right.” You muttered then blew out a breath of hot air. “Uh, funny story.”
Joel did not look eager to hear said funny story and you had a bad feeling that once you explained what was happening to him he’d find the entire scenario even less amusing. Fuck.
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sp00kycrumpet · 1 year
Find A Way. (2/4)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: season 1, soft!Joel, reader was besties with Maria, idiots in love refusing to admit it, pre-established relationship
Warnings: swearing; character death; spoilers (if you haven't watched the series/played the game)
(Part One)
Will also be posted on my AO3
I hope you like this second chapter. I feel it maybe moves a little too quick? But there's only so much you can write about travelling alone without it just looking like filler... I hope everyone still enjoys it 🙏🏻 feedback is welcome! ✨
That was months ago now. The radio had been silent the whole time and you burned through your supply of cigarettes and other assets to bribe people for information on Joel's whereabouts or even Tommy. Nothing. You'd had enough of the silence and not finding anything, so you went straight to the source. Marlene.
By the time you arrived at her hideout, she was packing her things; pausing from time to time to rest a hand against a wound on her side. She hadn't noticed you at first but paused after a moment and turned to look at you.
"I should have expected to see you here." She muttered, tossing her last notebook into her backpack.
"It's been months. Where did you send Joel?" You watched the other woman, she shook her head a little.
"I'm sorry. It's a need to know basis." You clenched your fists in frustration. You had a lot of respect for Marlene but right now you were starting to lose it.
"And I need to know." Marlene sighed, studying your face. "Marlene. Come on. Joel has been gone far too long now, you sent him away and you can't even tell me where? After I constantly saved your ass by giving you FEDRA info that even your top guys couldn't get?!" Marlene sighed as she eased herself down to sit on the edge of her bed, looking up at you.
"This is bigger than that. You know I'd never deal with Joel unless absolutely necessary." You groaned in frustration, pushing your hands through your hair as you watched the other woman.
"You're alone. You're injured. I can help get you out of the QZ without even a bug knowing you were passing by. All I need to know is where he is." Marlene pursed her lips, a snort leaving her.
"You're in love with him. And you'd risk your life just to catch up to him?" Your jaw tensed, staring at her silently for a beat.
"I just need to make sure he's okay. He's been radio silent, so has Tommy, so have Bill and Frank. I don't like it." Marlene shook her head as she reached to zip her bag up, awkwardly stiff as she pulled it onto her back then stood up.
"You get me out of the QZ. Once we're outside of the walls and out of sight, I'll tell you. Deal?" She held out a hand, you studied her quietly before taking her hand firmly in yours. "Alright. Get me the fuck out of here."
True to your word, you took Marlene through the tunnels you, Joel and Tess usually used. A couple of people threw curious glances your way but no one stopped you. Marlene was quiet for the most part, only subtle grunts of pain here and there as she walked behind you. Once underground, she needed a break. You helped her redress her wound and shoved a couple of pills into her hand. Marlene watched you closely as you fastened the bandaging around her midriff.
"You're really going to risk your life for him?" You grit your teeth and made a noise in the back of your throat. Marlene shook her head, leaning back against the wall behind her as she broke one of the pills in half and swallowed it with some water. "I knew there was something between you two. He had this look on his face when I said he couldn't tell you where he was going or why." You didn't reply, you just sat down and fished some jerky out of your bag, snapping some off to eat.
"He's different. Things just aren't so shit when I'm with him." You finally answered, your eyes on the bottle of water in your hands. "He keeps me grounded." Marlene nodded a little.
"Can't say I understand, romance has never interested me but, if he means that much you'd risk your life then it must be mighty powerful." You nodded a little, that little voice in your head scolding you for telling her too much and that you should have said all of this to Joel instead. The two of you rested for a little while before continuing on your journey, it took a little longer than planned but eventually you got her out and a safe distance. Marlene pulled a radio from her bag and arranged a pick up before turning to you.
"The old State House. He's supposed to drop something off for me there and come back." Marlene finally said, you watched her for a moment before nodding.
"Thank you." She waved a hand.
"Just don't get yourself killed over him. He should have met my guys there and been heading back this way. If you're lucky you might cross paths." You paused and nodded, shaking Marlene's hand. You exchanged farewells before you turned and headed back to the QZ. Once home, you threw what you could carry into your backpack and headed out. It would take a few days but, you'd cover as much ground as possible.
What you hadn't expected was it taking longer, the city wasn't as clear as you'd expected. Something had stirred the Infected and they were shambling around relentlessly. But eventually the huge building loomed ahead of you, fear gripped your heart as you smelled fire. All sorts of scenarios flashed through your head as you picked your way through the charred remains of Infected. It stunk and you were doing your best to not panic as you looked at the bodies around you. Some Fireflies, some just general public. Off to one side though, you spotted a figure slumped against a column. You almost dismissed it until you realised there was something familiar about that body. You carefully climbed over a couple of Infected and pried the one off of her. The body covering hers had protected a few sparse items from the fire and you recognised a bracelet immediately.
"Oh Tess… what happened to you?" You sighed, your eyes wandering the burned body. A faint bite mark was sunk into the charred skin and you figured she'd sacrificed herself to get Joel out of there. "We didn't get along but you didn't deserve this." You carefully pried her gun from her hands but upon inspection realised it was useless. You glanced around the remainder of the building and sighed softly.
"Where'd you go Joel…?" You whispered to yourself. No sign of him here, no sign of where he'd gone or anything. You pulled yourself together after a moment, standing up and starting to head out of the back door. You had no idea where to go, what to do now. You were at a solid dead end.
You felt tears of frustration building as you sat outside the husk of the State House, your head in your hands as you tried to figure out what your next move would be.
"No. What would Joel's next move be?" You muttered, glancing around for inspiration. When it seemed to hit you like a bolt out of the blue. Bill. Joel would probably head to Bill's for supplies and maybe rest. You rested in a small building after boarding it up once you were inside. Your fingers idly toyed with the necklace still around your neck. It seemed to help you think and relax. As soon as the sun rose, you were awake and making a move. You'd met Bill a few times in the past, Joel had taken you up there with him when Bill and Frank had invited him to trade or to just socialise. You adored the couple and they seemed to like you too. Maybe they'd know something, anything. At least they'd take you in for a couple of days, maybe Frank would let you stay with them permanently. He had repeatedly joked about you and Joel moving into the house across from theirs so often you were starting to think he was genuine in his offer.
It took a few days but eventually you were at Bills gate, a little unnerved by how it was unlocked. That wasn't like Bill. You took your pistol from your holster and quietly made your way through the town towards the house. The first indicator something was wrong was that Bill's truck was gone. But more than that, the garden that had once been Frank's pride and joy was in disarray. Your heart was in your throat as you entered their house, calling out to no response. You could smell rotten food as you turned into the dining room. This was bad. You found Bill's note on the table, your heart breaking as you read what had happened. They were gone. That explained their silence recently, Joel had known in his gut that something wasn't right. You wandered through the silent house, taking a photo of Bill and Frank to remember them by and grabbed a change of clothes. You found signs Joel had been there, firstly his shirt still tossed on the bed from where he'd obviously showered and dressed in some of Frank's old clothes. You sat on the bed, the worn fabric wrapped around your hands.
"Where are you Joel…" You muttered and buried your face into the shirt. The smell of Joel still on the fabric. You had only just missed him it seemed. You knew this was a wild goose chase, you were too far behind to catch him and no way of contacting him to find anything out. Your best bet was to keep moving. You were out of the QZ, why not just keep going and see what you could find?
In the next town over, you found a motorcycle. Rusty in parts but perfectly usable condition. It made quicker work of moving across the roads rather than on foot. It was starting to get cold out and the warm engine provided some comfort as you drove with no real destination in mind. The more rural parts were quiet for the most part, the bike attracted a couple of clickers but you were quick to evade them.
Somehow, like the fates decided it, you found yourself in Wyoming and into the hands of a blast from the past you never thought you'd see again. You were hunting, trying to scavenge something to eat when you were tripped by a rope tied discreetly between two trees, the snow hiding most of it. You swore under your breath and rubbed your sore ankle, hardly having chance to react when a gun was in your face. You held your hands up, staring up at the man in front of you.
"I'm not sick. Just lost and looking for food." He motioned with his rifle for you to get up, silent but his eyes said everything. You pushed yourself to your feet and he forced you to walk with him to a couple of others, a few on horseback.
"Found this one on the edge of the forest." He said to a man sat on his horse. He eyed you silently for a moment before whistling.
"I'm not sick." You repeated, getting annoyed now. You'd done so well to avoid anyone else this far and had been caught out by the basic need for food. Another stepped forward with a dog on a short leash.
"She's trained to sniff out infected. If you're lying, she'll rip you apart." The dog was let loose, and naturally it just sniffed at your legs before trotting back to it's handler.
"I fucking told you." You muttered, your arms already aching from holding them up.
"You alone?"
"Yes. Just looking for supplies. I don't want any trouble." A couple of the men laughed.
"They all say that but you turn up here, armed and claiming to be alone." You opened your mouth to argue when a couple of others joined the group. A woman on horseback stopped beside the man interrogating you, looking at him before her eyes fell on you.
"No fucking way." She breathed. "Lower your guns. Now." A few argued with her but she repeated her command as she climbed off the horse. You stared at her as she walked closer, a hand protectively on her pregnant stomach.
"Of all the weird shit that's happened over the past few years, I would never have bet on this." You blinked, watching as the woman pulled her scarf down from around her nose and mouth to reveal her whole face.
"Maria?!" You choked out, staring into the face of your childhood friend. Finally she laughed and wrapped you up in a tight hug. You'd grown up with Maria, your parents lived next door to hers. There was barely a few years in age difference and the two of you had been inseparable. You were even Kevin's unofficial Godmother but you'd been on vacation when the outbreak started and never thought you'd see her again. Maria explained to the group that she knew you and that it was fine. She helped you up onto her horse and told you she was taking you home.
Home turned out to be a highly guarded and fully powered compound in Jackson. It was beautiful. Like something from a storybook. Inside the gates were families, farms, shops and everything. It was a little slice of heaven. Maria explained she'd found this place years ago and had worked hard to get it up and running again, fortified and a safe place to live. She took you back to her house, a modest place near the edge of town. She made tea and explained everything so far, even how she'd found love and was expecting again.
"Oh, speak of the devil and he shall arrive." She smiled as the front door opened.
"I hear you found somethin' while out today." A southern voice came from the hallway. You twisted in your seat and looked up as a man walked in. He looked familiar but you couldn't for the life of you place why.
"More someone actually. Remember me telling you about my best friend growing up? This is her!" Maria smiled warmly as you stood up to greet him, introducing yourself.
"I'm Tommy. It's lovely to finally meet someone Maria has mentioned many times." He chuckled softly as he held out a hand, you shook it as you stared at him. Tommy… it couldn't be…
"It's great to meet you too Tommy." Tommy smiled, kissing Maria's cheek before excusing himself to take a shower. You watched him go before looking at Maria.
"He seems really nice." You smiled, nodding as Maria motioned for you to follow her through to the kitchen. She started making dinner, the two of you talking about things that had happened since outbreak.
"You were in the Boston QZ? Why'd you leave? Other than the obvious FEDRA bullshit." She asked, glancing over at you. "And all alone?" You shrugged a little, chopping some potatoes she'd passed you.
"I was looking for someone. He left on a mission and I haven't heard anything from him so… I tried to find him. Hit constant dead ends and so I figured I'd just keep moving. If I'm meant to find him again then I will eventually." You shrugged again, not wanting to get too upset over it. It seemed ridiculous to even try to find Joel without any information, voicing it out loud made you feel like a stalker or crazy. "It's dumb. I have no way to contact him and no information." You sighed softly. Maria watched you for a moment.
"If he means a lot to you, it makes sense. Is he your boyfriend?" You paused at the question and shrugged. Maria frowned in confusion.
"It's complicated? Or well not really… We just hang out, have sex and seem to always spend our free time together. It's like a relationship but no romance or dates I guess?" Maria laughed as she took the potatoes from you to put them into a pan to cook.
"I swear, you're just as stubborn now as you were back then. You haven't just asked him?" You snorted, leaning against the counter and sipping your tea.
"No. I never thought to." Maria laughed again, making sure everything was cooking before looking over at you.
"Well maybe we can help find him somehow. But you're very welcome to stay here in Jackson if you don't want to go back to Boston." You nodded, chewing the inside of your lower lip as you thought about it.
"I'd like that… I don't have anything to go back to in Boston anymore. Unless he's suddenly shown up there, but I've contacted his radio a few times to no answer." You mumbled, shaking your head to get rid of any negative thoughts before smiling at Maria. "I have you now though! Fifteen years apart and we're back to gossiping and hanging out already." You grinned, Maria nodding.
"There's a little cottage a few doors down that's empty if you want it? It might need a little TLC but it's only been empty for two months." You tilted your head before nodding.
"That sounds amazing. Thank you." Maria looked absolutely elated to have you back in her life, and you felt the same. She told you about her small wedding to Tommy and the plans for the baby. Even showing you the room they'd decorated together when she'd found out she was pregnant. You were happy for her and a little jealous admittedly. You picked up a blanket someone had knitted for the baby, fingers gently playing with it. You noticed a little M in the bottom corner.
"M? Are you going with a M name?" You asked, looking over at Maria who shook her head.
"No we still haven't decided on a name so the woman who made this just put our family initials on it." You glanced back at the blanket again.
"So what is your surname now?"
(Part Three)
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