#anyaway - thank you !!!
paintedkinzy-88 · 4 months
Hey Sorry to bother. Just wanted to show you this
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I was thinking "dream should talk to birds" and then remembered your boy and this came out
(i have no idea if you still like TTS so... Sorry if i being annoying) Anyaway hope you are having a good day
I will never not like TTS, that is my baby, even if it be on the back burner. This is adorable thank you very much. Dream would absolutely be a Disney princess, even in dragon form ;w;
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izicodes · 9 months
hi! if its not too private could u talk a bit about ur new job? im curious about what kind of tasks you do since its a music company (are u working on their website?). and is it a short term thing like working on a single project or is it possible to work in a company like that "permanently"? that company's vibe looks much more enticing than the typical tech jobs i see! im still a bit lost on the type of tasks i can do and places i can work at as an aspiring frontend web developer. sorry if its too forward, no need to answer if ur not comfortable! thanks anyaway :)
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Hiya! 🩶
"Could u talk a bit about your new job? I'm curious about what kind of tasks you do since it is a music company"
Yeah, when I told my family I got a tech job at a music company, they were like ???, but tech is every industry! For my company, it is working on their internal websites, similar to my old job! The websites the public doesn't see unfortunately haha~ Tasks right now are the small easier ones since I just started so mini features to add~! 😅
"Is it a short-term thing like working on a single project or is it possible to work in a company like that "permanently"?"
It is a permanent position, so it would be a blessing to work for a long time since everyone is so fun and chill to be around! 🥰
"That company's vibe looks much more enticing than the typical tech jobs I see!"
My old job had a completely different vibe to my current job! I enjoy going to work now and they are super welcoming and inclusive, and care about everyone's well-being and productivity. I don't feel pressured and not 'scared' to ask stupid questions... like I did today... haha~ I don't know if it's because music companies are all chill and cool but I love my job right now!
"I'm still a bit lost on the type of tasks I can do and places I can work at as an aspiring frontend web developer."
Every industry needs web developers. The various companies would either hire a solo developer or a tech company to build their websites or they have an in-house team (like my job now and my old job) to build the frontend technologies for the company. You could fit into either the 3 categories: solo freelance developer or work in a tech company that gets paid to build and give to the clients, or work in a company's in-house tech team!
Tasks would be like (from my experience):
"Stakeholder/manager wants a new feature on the company's public website or internal website, you and/or the team work on it for the next month and deploy it."
"A user noticed an error on this page, fix it please,"
"We need a redesign for the entire web app, the next 6 months we see to working on it"
"We noticed that switching the entire web app from using .NET to Angular would be better, we will begin workshops on learning Angular and then begin rebuilding the web app" [this example was from my old job]
Obviously, everything is broken down a lot further into manageable chunks to work with. You need the ability to work with other people, have a good workflow, and good understanding of the technologies you are/will be working with to achieve the team's goals~!
Hope this helps~! 🙆🏾‍♀️🩶🙌🏾
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imunita · 1 year
Look for the light
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Short description: The story picks up after Santa Barbara and Ellie's visit to the Farmhouse. Ellie decides to depart from the farmhouse without a clear goal or destination in mind. However, her journey takes a turn and she is saved by Y/N from intruders . Ellie, who is still grappling with grief clashes with YIN due to their strong personalities. Ellie finds Y/N annoying and Y/N challenges her in return. Due to a particular circumstance, they're forced to seek temporary shelter together.
Warnings : kind of enemies to lovers , they're not big fan of each other, mentions of death , guns , mentions of murder, potential smut in future , English isn't my first language
word count : 2.3k
Chapter one
Ellie had been in the forest for a few hours, looking for a way out without any particular goal in mind. She wanted to distance herself from the painful memories that bottled in her mind for past few years. The hope and glimpse of happiness she had felt vanished as soon as she entered the empty hallway of the farm house, leaving her only with memories. Deep down, she understood that pain would remain her constant companion, regardless of where she went. Still, at that moment, escaping her haunting past seemed like the best option, even if she lacked a clear destination.
The summer heat was unbearable, even under the trees. Ellie eventually found a small spot to rest, where she put down her backpack and grabbed a water bottle to quench her thirst. While she drank, a snapping sound caught her attention. Infected weren't common in the area, so she wondered if it was some kind if animal, which was the best case of scenario . She carefully put the bottle down, attempting to grab her gun . But it was too late. Out of nowhere, four men appeared, pointing guns at her. One of them grabbed her from behind, trying to restrain her.
" Fuck " she yelled loudly, as she was trying to get out of intruders' arms .
" Now easy girl, we won't harm you if you stay still " One of them said with a mischievous smile on his face.
" I'll fucking ki..."
She couldn't finish her sentence as man behind her grabbed her neck, attempting to strangle her. In the midst of the struggle, Ellie's mind raced, and she remembered the knife in her back pocket. In a blur of motion, she found herself on the ground, the last remaining man on top of her, threatening her with her own knife.
Despite Ellie's attempts, unknown man almost succeeded in his intent, but was disrupted with a gunshot echoing through the woods. Ellie pushed him away, discovering a stranger standing in front of her , putting her gun in the back pocket. Confusion swirled in her mind as the girl took in the situation , extending a hand, urging Ellie to get up.
"Come on, we don't have much time. There are many of them in these woods," the stranger warned, gesturing her urgently.
Your POV
"She seems so angry , scared and sad at the same time" you thought to herself as you looked in her green eyes , Quickly scanning her features on her face .
" I don't need your help to get up " She mumbled as she quickly got up , starting to collecting her belongings.
"Um... How about " thanks for saving my life?" you retorted, growing irritated with her behavior .
" I killed three of these fuckers without you, would've killed the last one as well " She looked at you , slightly rising her tone .
Despite her fiery attitude, she studied you, her gaze starting from your body and ending with your face.
" I don't think that you would be able to kill him with knife in your throat, but okay , you really seem like a person who has everything put together " You replied sarcastically, following her steps .
Rolling her eyes , she fully grabbed her gear, leaving you with a dry response:
" Anyaways , it was nice to meet you whatever, I gotta go " She wiped blood off her face , heading in the direction of the woods.
" Hey hey hey " you quickly followed her , grabbing her arm to stop her. She looked at you once again, scanning your features, waiting for what you were going to say
" I don't think you understood me earlier." You exhaled " I'm not very fond of you , trust me , but I think it's better to stick together, for few hours " You looked around " You don't know these people, there are lots of them, they are fucking dangerous and are ready to do anything , I mean anything " you explained, masking your fear. The horrifying scenes you'd witnessed hours before meeting Ellie were etched into your mind.
" Shit " she took deep breath " listen... I'm not scared of these fuckers , trust me , I can deal with them , but if you're scared and want , you can tag along until we leave this place " smirk accompanied her words.
" Oh you're just so brave , aren't you? " you rolled your eyes , letting her arm go, as you stepped forward, trying to take the lead " You keep forgetting that I was the one who saved your ass just few minutes ago " You glanced back just to see annoyance on her face .
" Now , we have to move , they're getting closer " You finished your sentence, continuing your way out of the woods.
Next few hours were quit, even too much quiet , other than exchanging small sentences, both of you focused on your own tasks, attempting to navigate your way out. It was evident that she shared your dislike for small talk, so you didn't even try to bore her with questions. It was clear that your paths would diverge once you escaped.
"Um, if you're hungry, I have some almonds left," she spoke up, breaking the silence, her gaze fixed on you as she studied your features.
"I'm fine, had something a few hours ago," you replied quickly , offering a forced smile.
"Okay, whatever," she muttered once more, struggling to match your pace.
And next few hours also were the same , except for catching her occasional glances in your direction, she remained quiet. Looking at the sky, which was barely visible, it was clear that it would go dark very soon and you needed some kind of place to stay in . While you didn't expect her to stay, you secretly desired some companionship after witnessing the ruthlessness of the other group, even if it meant being with this rather unpleasant stranger.
"Um..." You paused, locking eyes with her, as it dawned on you , that you didn't even know her name "By the way, what's your name?" you inquired.
"Ellie," she swiftly responded, even though it was obvious that she wasn't fond of sharing any kind of information with you
"Right, Ellie," you sighed, taking a breath. "It's getting dark. I believe we should find some kind if shelter , or not. I'm just informing you of my plan."
"I think we should keep movi—" She couldn't finish her sentence as a loud shout pierced through the woods.
You both quickly moved away , realizing that that someone wasn't very far away .Finding nearest bushes , you sprinted down ,shooting Ellie a quick look.
"Listen, I spotted their group hours before they attacked you. I saw them encounter another small group , they killed them in seconds—tortured, even. Trust me, if they're close, we need to fucking run," you whispered m, striving to maintain your composure while flashbacks from earlier in the day replayed in your mind.
"And after... they did unspeakable things to the bodies," you added, attempting to mask your fear.
I mean..." Ellie paused briefly, her gaze sweeping around. "I'm okay with running," she added , meeting your eyes.
"If we stay together, we can escape this place. Just stay cautious and run no matter what," you took charge once again, the urgency fueled by the sound of their voices resurfacing.
"THIS WAY!" the man's voice yelled once more.
And you two ran . Other than taking few short breaks , you didn't look back , trying to escape this haunted place as soon as possible. You didn't know how much time has passed, only thing you knew was that after long , tiring time, you two found yourselves out of the woods , stepping in front of the house , which seemed in an enough shape to think that someone was living inside . At the same time , place seemed very empty and abandoned.
" Listen, I don't think we should stay here," Ellie murmured, concern in her voice. "I get that you're tired, but this place seems occupied, and more importantly, it's not far from the woods," she added, her eyes on you.
"I don't know about you, but I've had an awful day and I need need to rest. I'll check the house, and if it's empty, I'm staying. I don't give a shit about the rest," you exhaled, striding towards the entrance.
"Weren't you the one who just had me running for hours to escape those people? And now you don't give a shit ?" She quipped with a small laugh.
"Less talking, more action," you replied, once again annoyed with her , nodding towards an open window. Without hesitation, Ellie widened the opening, confidently entering the house without a word. She seemed experienced at this.
"Um, I think the house is clear," she called out loudly, the front door already open before you realized.
"Come in," she urged with a serious tone.
"It's only been like 30 seconds. How can you be sure?" you started to ask, but she handed you a note.
"If you're reading this, congrats. You're the new owner of this place because I'm probably dead, rotting somewhere near the river. One of those fuckers bit me, and I refuse to turn into one of them, so I'm going to end my life. There's canned food, clothes, beds, and other supplies in the house. Feel free to use them. But please, do not take my guitar and records. They belong here,"
You quickly scanned note , as mixed feeling emerged your body . On the one hand , you were happy that you found place to sleep in , but on the other hand , this note hit too close to home, as memories started to haunt you once again, remembering your family home , finding oddly similar to this one , as it was so lifeless and full of memories at the same time.
" Looks like we won the lottery " you mumbled and looked at her , trying to read her emotions once again.
" Yup..." She murmured, putting backpack on the ground " Let's just find our beds and I'll leave first thing tomorrow " she finished her sentence, as she scratched her head. Glancing her hand , you quickly noticed that two of her fingers were missing.
I wonder what she's been through," you thought, as Ellie caught your gaze on her hands, trying to conceal her imperfection.
"At least can we find some food? He mentioned canned goods," you attempted to brush off the awkwardness, but it didn't seem to alleviate the tension. Ellie appeared more distant now.
After opening cans of beans and peaches, you found a small table in the living room and headed towards it. As usual, Ellie followed you silently, taking a seat across from you. Dinner was again marked by quietness, though this time, Dinner once again was quiet but this time you were the one who was quietly staring , gathering thoughts in your head . Ellie seemed to be holding lots of emotions—sadness, grief, anger—all painted across her face simultaneously. She was so hard to read. considering the fact that she wasn't fond of you either, made it harder to get to know her even a little bit . Not that you were entirely sure if you wanted to. After losing everyone you ever loved in 20 years, forging connections wasn't high on your bucket list.
" Can you stop staring at me ?" silence was broken by Ellie.
Her words took you off guard, but you weren't the type to shyly look away , even though she was challenging you in many ways , you would never admit it.
" god , I looked at you once " you rolled your eyes " and what I'm supposed to do? We've been together for 12 hours already and you haven't said a word , I'm getting bored here " You took your last bite and put fork in the can .
Grabbing your backpack , you headed towards the hallway, quickly finding two bedroom doors . You checked, both had beds and matrasses that were somewhat clean . As you headed back to living room , you bumped into Ellie , who was standing in hallway, waiting for your next move .
" Um , I checked and there are two badrooms " you looked down , trying to get away from the awkwardness as soon as possible.
" Oh thank god I don't have to sleep wirh you " she said quickly, trying to make conversation less awkward, but it clearly didn't work . She took short pause , looked at you , continued talking with calm tone
"you can choose one, I'm fine with either" she gestured, as you gave her small , genuine smile .
" Okay, I'll take the bedroom that's on the left then " you said quietly, almost whispering, as she nodded, heading towards her bedroom .
Before you opened door , you took a small pause and turned around . It was like she sensed your next move , as Ellie was already facing you .
" I'm Y/N by the way " You murmured and looked in her eyes , she gave you soft smile , as she stepped back .
" well thanks for saving me today Y/N" She finished her sentence and before you knew, next thing you saw was her bedroom door closing in front of you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ahhhh I'm so nervous to finally publish this!!! I have had this idea for months and I finally had courage to write it. It's my first ever writing something, so please be kind and tell me whether if I should continue or not! Comment or dm me your thoughts, it would really mean world to me to hear what you think about it .
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chaconnenha · 5 months
im in love 🤭 (with you obviously) but with dino and hoshi oh! and seungkwan... like i thought i knew my bias but turns out you cant have a bias in seventeen 😍 oh and woozi too... he makes my hearteu flutter and um his lyrics?!?! they're literal perfrection 🤭
thank you for liking my birthday twin, it means a lot 🥹 also my bday twin in bts too 🥹 its funny tho bc im more like joshua than taehyung im CRAZY 😍
anyways my tiny rant has come to an end bc if it doesnt i'll go on and on and thats not okay 😚 well maybe it is but like i dont want to make you bored but i just love dokyeom yk, hes funny and doesnt care about his idol image 🥹 but mingyu is like almost my ideal type (the standards are too high) like hes clumsy but its cute
ANYAWAYS 😀 i will leave now! enjoy your day dia! i love you SAURRRRRRRRR much you don't understand! i shall come to your inbox again in the future! for now i will take my leave
🍡 , its me hehehe
(next time i will rant about my favorite songs)
OMG not you going crazy but understandable—and also I love my crazy December babies 🤭 but the “can’t have a bias in seventeen” was literally me when I first got into enha so I feel you bae 😮‍💨 NAUR bc idk much about mingyu but for some reason I feel like he’s gonna be on my bias radar if I get into seventeen like idk the man just hits you now?? 🤕🤕 BUT AHHHH I LOVE YOU MORE MY DANGO DECEMBER BABY 💟💟 until we meet again next time and you rant about your fave songs ✨✨
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cecelovescc · 1 year
so im not dead...
I’ve had to disconect myself from tumblr and just the sims for a while- but now hopefully im back... (i can not express, by the way, how many notifications i got while i didnt log in- and i just wanted to say a little thank you for 50+ followers)
Anyaway, i was starting a legacy challange and i just made this sim- and she is way too gorgeous not to share, so in the following days she’ll be up for download and i have a few more sims waiting in my gallery to be shared, but for now here’s a sneak peak at Vivian :)
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mlarayoukai · 2 years
ahhh okay thank you for the explanation, so anyaway how many deeply immoral companies has neelam done sponsorships with?
Definitely sponsored things he's never heard of, but all celebrities are like that
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serfuzzypushover · 2 months
zoinks ! just in general to that anon like why r u pokin around in someones business anyways u_u……. what r u a cop???!!!
anyaways . peace and joy to you ∩^ω^∩
tyy ❤️ i actually blocked them noww that i learned their user (thanks for nothin tumblr??) so hopefully it wwill actually stop.
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gojosattoru · 2 years
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hello everyone how are you all? ^^ hope you are doing well! <333 sooo i’m doing this post to announce my tracking taaaagg~~ yaaaayy! people have been asking me if i had one and i’ve been missing some of my friends content too so it’s a good time to have one hehe ^^ you can start tagging your gfx with this tag guys! it will be a pleasure and fun to see and reblog everyone’s content hehe!! thank you and wish you a lovely week <33333 *hugs*
PS: please only tag your gfx from fandoms i’m into please! you can see my tag page to see what fandoms i reblog and saw <3 ty! *chu* please spread the word! <3
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opopnomi · 3 years
Suits Up! Day 29: Heat
Okay first I had to check who this was when I recieved this request from @doubleohsandwich​ but then I remember and ??? Like ??? I freaking love his design and I’ll definitely draw more of him. 
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erskye · 3 years
Idk why but you give me Tainted Love vibes (not the song, the Souyo fanfic lol, even tough the song is very good...anyaways), maybe because you draw more graphic and mystery/horror-like scenarios for P4 and I just love it! Your art style is a perfect mix of realism and cartoon/anime, at least for me, I hoep I can be as good as you are one day. Also thank you for being one of the only persons who talks about the magician manga!! It's so good!! Also, after seeing some of your fanarts, I'm going to do the accomplice ending this playthrough lol. Tysm for blessing this fandom!!
Wahh!?😭 you're too nice!! thank you very much, it makes me happy to know people enjoyed my stuff
Also hmm i don't think i've read Tainted Love (dunno the song either hHAHA) but i might check it out (*´ω`*)♡
But yeah i guess most of my arts gave off the vibes you were describing. I wanted to go for a spooky but still melancholic/emotional(?) kinda atmosphere. I took a lot of influence from Silent Hill (the game franchise, the older ones) tbh hahaha.
AND YES P4 The Magician manga is so cute and enjoyable!! I adore it immensely. Yosuke is such a sweetheart. His dynamic with Daisuke and Kou are hilarious and endearing. Katsuragi is an interesting character. All the characters are just great. I just love seeing more about Yosuke's life and how he interact with others (*゚▽゚*)♡♡
Thank you for the very kind message! Have a wonderful day 💕💕💕
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Hi i wanna say that i admire your passion with the things that you love because its always like "you're an adult now, stop watching cartoons, act like an 25 years old focus on your career" and you do both AND write fanfics I mean you're like wonder woman anyaway keep being this awsome
Honestly? This ask really made my night because sometimes I do feel silly. I'm quickly nearly the 30 milestone and here I am reading and writing and thinking about children's cartoons from when I was a kid. But adulthood is hard, my job is stressful, my parents drive me insane, money is tight and I'm struggling to live properly alone for the first time and it's a lot. But being able to sit and talk about the things I'm interested, stretching my creative muscles really does make things bearable.
Thank you for reminding me that anything that brings me joy shouldn't bring me shame.
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minzart · 3 years
‘Both’ by Todrick Hall fits Arthuro, change my mind
... you gave me another one for my playlist thanks- ANYAWAY. YOU ARE RIGHT HE'S A SLUTY SWITCH
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mmitsusora · 3 years
May i request Tatsumi nui Icons? Thank you!
posted sorry it took a bit 😮 i made another header but it looked a bit ugly next to the other stuff leaves ir here anyaway !!!!!!!!!!
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Oh Lord Narcissa is going to fuck this relationship up. I really want to know why Astoria wants to marry him so bad, it doesn’t look like its something that she’s doing for her ego like “Oh look at me, I married THE Draco Malfoy” but more like someone is compelling her to do it. Anyaways, all I think about its how much I want the reader and Draco to be together at the end, Draco deserves to have a happy family with her. I’m already dreaming of their marriage???? Who knows. Thanks for this, you’re giving me something to look foward to 😘❤️
Akfhagakalfjdjjwq That message was so sweet THANK YOU 💛🥰 And yessss they all have so many issues 😅 Narzissa, Astoria .... 😅 Draco deserves the best, I agree 💛 Thank you for your sweet message!! 🥺💛
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awkwardbluefish · 5 years
A/n - @omgiamwish hey hun! I saw your picture and I just had to write a little something! I was originally planning for some of the bats stay awake until midnight anyaway! Hope you like it!
Summary: Damian waits for Santa to ambush their home
“Damian what are you doing?” Tim murmurs, scratching at his eyelids and letting out a small yawn. “It’s about- wait, it is midnight.”
Damian stares up at him through glazed eyes and a yawn breaks free from his lips. He scrubs underneath his eyes, the green fabric of his sweater covering his palm and fingers as he does.
“I’m waiting for that man to ambush us, the one you all call ‘Father Christmas,” Damian informs him quite seriously before a yawns cracks his jaw open and the world can see the gums of his mouth.
Tim chuckles softly, letting himself slide down the wall next to Damian’s left side. When Damian doesn’t complain or shift or even grumble about not needing any help Tim knows he’s past tired and is on the lane of overtired.
“Stephanie’s doing that too,” Tim tells him with a smile. “She even dragged a poor Duke into it as well.” Damian smirks and mumbles about how he was going to do better that them. “But I do wonder why you decided to hide behind the Christmas tree?” Tim tells him, pulling his red sweater down and adjusting it slightly.
“The tree is rather large,” Damian tells him, face flushing pink. At least that’s what Tim could see in the dim lighting of the room.
He laughs quietly and decides to not point it out and let’s Damian pretend it’s from the soft glow of lights around the tree. They were beautiful in the nighttime. Shining and twining against each other and the many ornaments hanging around.
They lean against each other as the night goes on, talking quietly and shooing Titus away when he attempts to sit on Damian’s lap. Being denied he huffs and slumps his chin on Tim’s leg, paws resting on his thighs. He’s going to have a dead leg after this.
“I thought you didn’t believe?” Tim observes quietly, not daring to move as Damian’s head rests on his shoulder. He didn’t want to wake Titus either, he was too cute like that.
Damian hums, eyes closing against his will slowly. “It’s not too far fetched,” he murmurs, yawing again and blinking rapidly. It doesn’t get the sleepiness out of his eyes. “There’s magicians and dimensional travellers, why not a fat man in a suit that crosses personal property once a year?”
He can’t help the slight snort at that and chuckles. He’s quick to cover it with his sleeve as to not wake anyone else in the house. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Again,” he adds to be cheeky after his small laughing for has passed.
“Aren’t I always?” Damian retorts sleepily, eyes finally slipping shut.
Slowly his breathing steadies and his body leans against Tim as he goes into blissful unconsciousness. Tim smiles softly and burrows his nose in Damian’s hair, smiling at the scent of coconut. It seems he’s stolen Bruce’s hair wash again.
If anyone asked, he had every intention of taking Damian to his own room. But when you have a tired boy sleeping against your shoulder and a horse like dog using you as a bed, well, who would want to move?
“Merry Christmas Damian. Maybe next year we can catch Santa,” Tim murmurs tiredly but fondly, finally letting his eyelids slip to a close.
He goes to sleep with the smell of coconuts in the air and wakes up with the same smell and a soft mattress underneath him.
The other difference is that this time Stephanie is jumping on Tim’s bed and shaking both him and Damian awake, shouting about Christmas. Damian takes chase after the woman, ears pink with embarrassment but a smile painted delicately on his lips. It was quite a sight. One Tim hopes everyone will be able to see more.
“Thank you ‘Santa,’” Tim whispers before he’s pulling himself out of his bed and away from his comforters. It was Christmas after all.
He wonders if Santa was still sleeping like the dead in the next couple of rooms over.
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zumpietoo · 4 years
"Bad Ass Poetry?Poems by a Bad Ass. My Ass Was So Bad, I Didn’t Learn How to Swim????" 😂😂 stoooop! 😇 What's up lili? Is cole still living on your mind rent free? 🤭😂 Not that we've ever thought he wasn't.. Anyaway, can someone just tell her that is not a good image for her to whine about everything on sm? She pictures herself as an immature spoilt little girl with low self esteem and low tolerance to critisism. "a boss successful bad ass rich man"? Jeeez i'm rolling my eyes... So bad..
Same.....and thank you!
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