#anyone got better timeline info?
blacksheep28 · 1 year
Lies of P Timeline
The Lies of P Timeline is insane
Venigni, the genius inventor who made the puppet factory, said he's gathered a lot of titles "in the three decades he's been on earth". Giving a generous estimate of him not counting his early years, and saying he made the puppet factory when twenty,
Puppets have only been in Krat for two decades max
Alchemists came as refugees to Krat 30 years ago
Puppets became normalized in Krat, so they had to be around long enough to stop being a novelty.
At minimum, the golden age of puppets in Krat was one decade
We also know that Venigni went to the factory to shut it down when there were still plenty of people around in the city, and that Stalkers were an active organization, as he still thinks of them as viable for hiring when found.
Venigni entered the factory around the start of the Puppet Frenzy, within the first year of it
Venigni is also still actively trying to hire Stalkers and shut down the factory when found. He hasn't given into despair or fallen apart.
If Venigni is particularly desperate or good at denial, he still likely was only in the factory for maybe three years
Krat became the wasteland that is explored in the game in three or less years
When people in the hotel are talking "oh I wish I could go back to before the petrification disease" they aren't talking about something ancient. They are talking about something at max four years ago, with the puppets going into a frenzy three years ago.
No wonder the people in the city are so messed up, it took the Alchemists so little time to ruin everything
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chloeangelic · 8 months
addressing the drama (with receipts)
I wanted to have my ducks in a row before speaking out instead of just responding; I’m not doing this to change anyone’s opinions - it’s really not possible change someone’s perception of me even if it’s based on falsehoods - but I need to do this so I know I’ve said and shown what needs to be shown, and people can do with it what they please. 
To the readers and writers who have blocked me, unfollowed me, and mutuals who have stopped talking to me over this - I’m really, really sad you didn’t come to me first and give me the opportunity to explain what was going on. I understand if you wanted to distance yourself from drama but I also need you to understand that this was not discourse-drama I willingly got myself into. This was a month of frequent harassment and slander that eventually turned into bullying by a group of people using false info, hiding behind side blogs and anons, and I hoped it would blow over but it never seemed to stop. With anons turned off for most of the last two months, people have gone to my friends’ inboxes instead to harass them about me (and insult them in the process), and I can’t do this anymore.
I feel so alienated and disliked in this community that I can’t go on the dash without feeling like I shouldn’t interact with anyone out of fear that they’ll get uncomfortable seeing me in their notifs. People keep saying they want the community to get better and then they jump on the bandwagon of vague posting and RBing without taking a second to verify the claims, clearly not realizing how much hurt it causes to perpetuate it. If you’re reading this, I  hope your name isn't the next one they pull out of the hat when they want someone new to push off the platform. 
Explanations, timelines and receipts below. 
For anyone waiting for an explanation regarding the posts and anons about me that have circulated for weeks, or waiting for receipts proving or disproving that I’m a mean girl who spends my time talking shit, here you go. I am so beyond hurt, I don’t even know what to say. I’m floored, I’m so disappointed in this community and I’m so sad. In the last two weeks, I stayed up until 4am one night receiving screenshots of posts and anons about me, I cried, I tried to understand why this has happened to me, and I have sat here day after day with no answers. 
If you think I’m being melodramatic, try losing a quarter of your mutuals and having a bunch of people block you when you’ve had either no interaction with them or they’ve all been positive, and see how that feels, on top of constant rumors about you being a terrible person when you know you’ve barely had any negative interactions with anyone on the platform. I can’t be on tumblr any longer without exonerating myself and putting it out there that all of this has been one gigantic mess based on lies about me, seemingly compounded by grievances people have against Gracie (some one whose personal conversations have nothing to do with me). Either I do this, or I log out forever and only post on ao3, cause I feel like the fucking grim reaper here. Posts about me being an awful person are still circulating, despite the original post being deleted and the follow up stating that the OP has talked to me and they have apologized.
I’m not naming names in this. I will be using person A/B/C/D to make it less confusing. I’ve removed identifying information from the screenshots because even though I’m hurt by these people, I know that they will get dogpiled and harassed if I identify them, and I want it all to stop. Several have apologized to me and I have accepted. 
Sometime in December, rumors started circulating that there was a “big/elite writers discord” where they talked shit about small writers (I’m not in any discords specifically for writers and I have never heard of such a server). At about the same time, person A - someone who was very active in my own, now-deleted discord server, started frequently vagueposting about me, calling me a mean girl and, intentionally or not, made it seem like I was part of this “elite group of writers”. This is someone who I have never had a negative interaction with and who seemingly out of nowhere decided that I call myself elite and I’m a terrible person. 
Person B had some grievances with myself, Iris, and Gracie it seemed, so they went to person C and accused us of talking shit in our voice chats. I assume person A and B have talked about me at some point and validated each other’s claims, but I can't know that for sure. Person B messaged me from a burner account and apologized, then seemingly deleted the account after I responded.
Gracie frequently posted about us three chatting, and although I understand this might have felt alienating to some, many writers are open about having group chats with each other. All we did was write, edit, and Gracie sometimes made memes. We talked about non-fic stuff often, and when Gracie had an issue with other writers and she was upset, we talked about it. That’s what friends do. She knows that I believe those situations were handled poorly. One of those situations came to light recently - I had a very pleasant conversation with the writer involved, and we are still in touch.
I have spoken to person C, who posted the most “popular” smear post about me and some of my friends. They retracted their statements and profusely apologized to us, admitting it was based on stuff they heard from person B, showing me screenshots of the conversation. However, their original posts are still circulating through reblogs despite being deleted from their account. 
Person D also posted about me and my friends, however their post was sort of ridiculous, accusing me of spending more time replying to anons than writing. I found this funny, but the way they slut shamed my friend was absolutely not humorous, and dragging a random writer in to criticize them was a strange attempt at adding fuel to the fire. 
And for the receipts, 
I blocked person A after seeing a handful of vague posts clearly about me, and after they interacted with every single rude anon posted about me that I saw. I think that’s reasonable, no? I’m not gonna post screenshots of their posts cause I honestly just don’t want to look at them again, they make me feel kind of sick if I'm honest, but if anyone doesn’t believe me, they are welcome to DM me and I will send. 
Person B messaged me, admitted to partaking in this mess, and apologized. This is part of a LONG message:
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Person C apologized over message and called me on discord. We had a conversation clearing things up, they deleted their posts and wrote a public apology. 
If you need any proof that person B’s claims were, in fact, baseless, look at this exchange between person B and person C after person C had cleared things up with me.
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Person D honestly just creeps me out, cause what the fuck is this? Fine if you don’t like me based on my writing or my persona on here but… Why the witch hunt? 
ETA: Person C asked person D to take down their post and they never responded. This was sent prior to that, I know the full context, I just thought this specific part was worth sharing to show how vile some people allow themselves to be behind burner accounts.
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What kind of behavior is this? This was from a sideblog, and I don't know what their main account is. It creeps me the fuck out knowing this person is lurking somewhere in the community.
I have hated every moment of this. None of this has been fun for me. This has completely fucked up my motivation to write and my enjoyment of it, it has made me anxious, it has messed with my self esteem, and it has made me want to log out of Tumblr and not come back. 
Please, I beg, if you have an issue with me, just come to me and I promise I will have a conversation with you. You can’t tell people’s tone over anon and I don’t think that’s a good way to have a conversation, especially one about something that should be solved in private, so they remain off, but my DM’s are open. 
I'm so sick of seeing vagueposts and trying to decipher if they're about me. Having to do that a bunch of times messes with your head.
I'm not sure what to do moving forward, but I needed to say my piece. I don't want to talk about this again, I want to put this behind me. I seriously hope this doesn't wreck my last remaining want to share my writing on here.
Thanks again to everywhere who has supported me in my DMs and comments, you mean the world to me 🤍🤍🤍 And if you found yourself duped by all this but change your opinion on me now or eventually, I won't hold a grudge, and I'm happy to speak again and pick up where we left off.
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jsmifty · 2 months
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Above is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF AU/rewrite called "ONE MORE NIGHT".
More info under the cut!
This is the first of many posts showing off some of the characters designs. I will talk more about the AU itself in other posts, however since this is the first I might as well give a basic rundown, it will be at the bottom of this post. William Afton himself will get his own post but this is just about his suit.
Anyway. This is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF rewrite!
I never really liked the completely butt naked suits, it always looked really weird to me. Generally when i draw the other animatronics I stick to the basic canon design (without the clothes), but with Springbonnie I realllyyyy prefer the design with some clothing over the top. idk why, it just makes him look siller.
Also if those things are being worn, I can imagine they're stinking hot during the summer, and I know the three piece suit is probably no better for keeping cool but at least he looks cool while dying of heatstroke. :)
There is also an animatronic version version of the suit of course!
Axe > Knife
The suit (SpringBonnie) was made as a suprise gift for William for the opening (By Henry Emily).
The suit has two varients. The summer varient, and the other one. Specifically in the hotter seasons, the suit is only worn with the head, paws and feet + usually a purple suit.
The other version, is the full suit, which covers the full body (is featured in the small doodle to the left). The full suit sometimes features a bowtie, or an undercoat (just to decorate it a little). And you'd be suprised by how quickly it can be put on. William got springlocked in this version specifically.
When specifically William wears the suit, his hair being too long, pokes out from underneath the head of the suit. It sometimes gets tangled in the springlocks! This makes it difficult to take off, ESPECIALLY if the springlocks are released.
Some more art of him (all a bit old):
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The rewrite, which will be uploaded to Ao3, is split into 4 to 5 parts (it will be put into an folder on Ao3 to make it more organized). The timeline follows off canon for the most part, however most of the events have been organized into a specific timeline. The order of the games specifically that I am following is below.
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(if the text is unreadable: FNAF 4 → FNAF 2 + Sister Location → FNAF 1 → FNAF 3 → FNAF 6)
PART ONE is centred before the main six games, and overlaps FNAF 4. It is centred around Henry Emily and William Afton (and their families) during the early stages of their animatronic making endeavours.
The other 3-4 parts have been planned out but I won't talk about them that much right now.
The AU leans a lot more on the characters, their motivations, and their relationships with other characters. It focuses more on telling the story in full than in hints, like the games do.
It is likely not going to be completely accurate to canon, so if the timeline changes with new FNAF releases then big whomp I've already made a timeline and I'm not touching that thing again.
If anyone wants like, a clearer rundown of what the fic is about if you are interested please feel free to comment or go on my asks i really appreciate any interest shown in this project, its annoyingly important to me LMAO
IF YOU READ THIS FAR, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! like I yap so much, and this is me holding back and ive already written wayyyy to much for a singular tumblr post :( but yeah
If you'd like to see a specific character from FNAF in my AU/Rewrite, feel free to ask!!!!!!!
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the-solar-system52 · 10 months
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WE FINALLY GET TO DO ARTS AND CRAFTS WITH SUN!! This seems to be a puzzle mini game where you make Paper Pals!! I'm guessing, if you mess up the Paper Pal, you get jumpscared (probably by Moon) or it could be a time trail. It does seem weirdly DARK in the clip for Sun to still be here, but maybe that was intentional? Or not.
(those red doors seem to have lightbulbs on them, maybe there's a mechanic where we need to stop the lights from going out?)
Edit: I have even more evidence to suggest that the lights will be a feature in this minigame! In the one clip, if you slow it down, you can see the lights flicker and the screen you are using switch off!
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I bet this is the electricity going out, and if that happens, Moon will jumpscare you! A lot of HW minigames have a "do this task but also stop this thing from happening so you don't get jumpscared" like the mangle vent repairs, so this makes sense!
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NEXT UP WE GOT THE CAROUSEL MINIGAME! Not much to say about this one, since Dawko already uploaded him playing it, but this is significantly higher quality! Moons animation is different, and more things could change from the Dawko version considering the fact that it was only a playtest and wasn't finished yet. I'm very excited to play it!
(I hope they upload the carnival music in better quality if they release the soundtrack for the game. that shit SLAPS)
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Ok so this is a weird one. We seem to be training the endo (who has a VR HEADSET on) with a moon-themed memory card game. At first, I thought this would be in the daycare because of the background, but in another clip, we see the camera pan over and we are actually in the daycare-themed room in the endo section all the way back in security breach!
Moon has always had a weird unexplained connection to the endos. Broken endo parts in his room, Moon merch and Daycare structures in the endo basement thing, and even evidence of a scrapped area of the endo section that Moon was supposed to appear in. (There was an unused soundtrack and unused animations, check out the Lost Bits YouTube video on SB for more info)
I'm excited to see if they will explain more as to why these connections are here. Is Vanny using Moon to train the endos to do her bidding? I dunno, but I'll be waiting to find out.
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Last image i could find is this. It sure is a sun, dunno if its actually connected to Daycare Attendant Sun or not. The way this shot is framed makes it look like a dark ride?? That, or the player character has the weakest flashlight imaginable.
But if this IS Daycare Attendant related, then it'll most-likely be the intro for the Paper Pals minigame! Still, UNREASONABLY dark if this is a sun-centric minigame, there's no way the dark won't be part of the gameplay mechanic in this.
If anyone recognises this specific structure from anywhere in the pizzaplex please tell me!!
Edit: There's also this weird glitch-transition effect when it cuts to DJ Music Man, what's that about? Reminds me of the BB World Arcade Game a little bit.
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Ending thoughts:
So before we get too excited, let's not forget about Help Wanted 1. The minigames were just that, MINIGAMES. They weren't even canon, and depending where this game takes place in the timeline, I don't think these are either.
I mean, these are DCA normal models! Where we left him in the story they were:
In their RUINED models.
And 2. Eclipse! And therefore non-hostile.
And even if this takes place BEFORE Ruin, how on Earth would Moon be at a CAROUSEL? In Help Wanted 1, the game was made-up by Fazbear Entertainment to make light of the rumours going around about Freddys, although they were based on real events, the Glamrocks aren't ACTUALLY in the Sister Location basements. I'm not saying there's NO truth to the minigames, but we shouldn't accept everything they tell us at face value.
BUT that doesn't mean we won't get ANY Daycare Attendant lore crumbs. Firstly, we may possibly get voicelines in the minigames, if they don't decide to just reuse old ones.
Secondly, it's possible this game will have something similar to the Help Wanted 1 Tapes. Secrets outside of the minigames that tell us more about the canon lore! Bonnie, The Glamrocks, DCA, and other loose ends from SB may be mentioned through these secrets!
Thirdly, what I just said may be made more likely if the "we play as Cassies dad" theory is true. If Cassie takes after her dad in having sympathy for the animatronics (which I think she does) then he will probably have something to say about all the stuff Fazbear Entertainment has done to the animatronics. Especially since he WORKS there.
EITHER WAY I AM SO INSANELY EXCITED!! Unfortunately, it comes out on December 14th and I won't be able to play it till Christmas so TAG YOUR SPOILERS EVERYONE!!!
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simvanie · 9 months
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Luxor Amata for Scarlett's love is embarrassing BC
Guess who is back (in an alternate timeline)? I totally forgot about the existence of bachelor challenges when I was playing with Luxor for the lust generation of my legacy, until he was old and already fully committed to his wife. I think doing a bachelor challenge with Luxor would have been really fun, but doing one myself with him now, even in an alternate timeline, wouldn't make sense for me since Luxor has already established his story and lore in my sims universe. So, when I saw @theosconfessions post for Scarlett's Love is Embarrassing BC I got this idea where Luxor can still participate in a BC in some way and let others have fun with him. I thought, what if I make an updated version of Luxor set in an alternate timeline where he hasn't met the love of his life yet and so it's entirely possible that he ends up with Scarlett? So, I gave Luxor a makeover and pitched this idea to Stacey (theosconfessions) and luckily she liked it!
Info about Luxor under the cut:
"Blondes have more fun, right?" That is what Luxor heard some of his co-stars say on the set of the upcoming series where he plays a role in. When he asked what they were talking about, they showed him Scarlett's bachelorette challenge call. Luxor's heart skipped a beat and suddenly it felt like his brain wasn't getting enough oxygen anymore. For a while now, Luxor really wants to find someone to grow old with and thinks that Scarlett might be the one. Luxor has had his fair share of official (and unofficial) relationships in the past and it's safe to say that this heartthrob already has a lot of experience in the dating field. One might attribute his need for love and affection to his childhood, in which his single mother, who tried to keep her head above water as a criminal, was often angry at him and didn't give him much attention until he was a little older. But don't get me wrong, Luxor is 100% capable of being fully committed when he finds the right person. He is charismatic, has a good heart and doesn't actually want to cause anyone heartbreak. Although his noncommittal trait caused him sometimes to suddenly jump from one relationship into the other or have multiple at once (and this 'multiple at once' can also be applied to a couple of in the bedroom activities he has had), he feels that it is finally time to settle down and find someone to build a future with. Luxor is currently a B-lister celebrity with a love for stand-up comedy and playing the guitar. He is romantically more interested in women but open to explore romantically, and has had woohoo experience with both men and women. His PR agency told him that it would be better for his public celebrity image to keep that last one under wraps for now. The life in the spotlight can sometimes be a bit hectic, and Luxor hopes that he can find in Scarlett someone to come home to, cuddle on the couch with, tell his new jokes to, go on dates with, play guitar for, have romantic dinners with, go on advetures with, visit the petting zoo with (he absolutely loves the little goats), make memories with, and to show him if it's true when they say that blondes have more fun (whatever fun for them may mean *wink wink*). And what better place to meet Scarlett than one of Luxor's favorite vacation locations, Tartosa!
Pronouns: He/him
Age: He's already nearing the end of his young adult years, but Luxor never minded an age gap in relationships and hopes Scarlett feels the same about it
Sexuality: Bisexual (currently closeted for the public image, but close friends and family know)
Traits: Noncommittal, outgoing, music lover (Luxor originally had the romantic trait here, but it's changed to music lover to make it more fair regarding the other contestants)
Career: Actor
Hometown: Del Sol Valley
I hope you like him! Can't wait to see how the drama, ✨the spice✨, and everything else unfolds in Scarlett's bachelorette challenge.
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ok-pop-1 · 10 months
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i've recently been working on a linkverse au! the research i've been doing has been... extensive, but here are some character doodles i've got so far :) will probably be posting some more character doodles in the coming days as i finalize different designs. and thanks @tashacee for permission to yoink blind sky :D
rambles under the cut for anyone interested!
edit-- tags are now updated :) you can check out the comic here!
the idea behind this au is essentially, what would it look like if all nine links were alive at the same time? i won't be giving that much plot info for spoiler reasons, but the general idea is that nine heroes were born to fight ganon, instead of just one
this au began before i was really aware of linkverse as a thing and only knew about lu, and by the time i learned about how other folks have been dividing up the timelines and the links, the number nine got a bit too entrenched into the story to change lol
with that being said, i'm not really using lu as a guide for these guys character-wise. they'll be similar, but i've been putting my own spin on them based both on their backgrounds in au and what i want their personalities to be
info about the pictures--
lost and saria bugging mido! (i redesigned the kokiri because i could-- also saria's got shorts on under that tabard, not a miniskirt lol) lost is this au's equivalent of time, but he's more of a mask equivalent than anything else. his backstory is more or less the same-- he was brought to the lost woods as a baby and grew up as one of the kokiri. the events of majora's mask mostly happened, but due to the nature of this au, the events of ocarina of time are technically concurrent with the au's plot
knight! the name is... tentative. i'll admit that much lol, i just don't really have any better ideas. he's this au's sky equivalent. instead of a loftwing, he's got aria, his seeing-eye pigeon. he's training with the skyward sword academy cast to be a knight of hylia, and like with lost, the events of skyward sword will be more or less concurrent with the plot
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kradogsrats · 1 year
If Soren seems to have gotten sick when he was a toddler, do you think Lissa left shortly after Claudia was born…? Maybe that doesn’t quite line up, actually…
Okay so I saw someone ask Aaron Ehasz a similar question about the timeline of Soren's illness re: Viren's dream vs. the events presented in Puzzle House, and I cannot remember where it was but his response was something like "hm... well you should probably believe the show."
Which immediately made me go "oh my god was Soren actually dead for like three to five years and Kpp'Ar was looking for a unicorn horn to resurrect him in a manner similar to the Star magic spell that 'restores bodies to separated spirits' and then instead Viren stole Ziard's staff from him and used that??????" which is a) insane, and b) has several reasons it probably isn't the case. But it's a thought I had.
Anyway, let's look at our contrasting sources:
Puzzle House
Puzzle House establishes the following sequence of events:
Soren is ill to the point of dying
Kpp'Ar disappears
Soren gets better
Lissa leaves
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It's also implied that this was all pretty recent, between King Atticus's concern for Viren and Soren's for Claudia:
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So, how old are all these extremely precocious young children in Puzzle House?
Well, Sarai is... quite pregnant. She's got a pretty small frame, but I'd still put her at like 30 weeks, minimum. Ezran is pinned at 10 in the official character lineup. (In s4 he says he was "nine years old" when Harrow was killed. Given his March birthday, he is probably fudging that a bit since s1 starts mid-May so he was pretty recently 10 at the time.) Viren also puts Harrow's coronation and Sarai's death at nine years earlier, at which point I would estimate Ezran at roughly 6-8 months, given how he is portrayed.
Also given the mid-May start to s1, we also have Claudia at almost 17, and Soren at about 18 and a half. Soren is about 18 months older than Claudia. So between all of that, we can probably ballpark Puzzle House at about one year before Harrow's coronation. This puts Soren at about 8 and a half, and Claudia at almost 7. (And Callum at about to turn 5, if anyone's keeping track.)
Given the way it's spoken about, I would not put Soren's recovery at earlier than 6 months prior, and probably more like 3 or so. This roughly lines up with the estimates I had for everything before, so idk go me or whatever.
We do also have a third source for details on Soren's illness, which is the Strangers short from Reflections. This establishes that Soren was old enough to remember details about that time:
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If Soren was the age he appears in Viren's dream, then a) he probably wouldn't remember any of it, and b) Claudia would have been an infant. Now, an infant can definitely cry in their room until morning, but I do think the implication here is supposed to be that she was old enough to understand what was happening and have emotions about it.
Additionally, Soren thinks of the slow breaths practice as something he did therapeutically for a long time:
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Basically, I think it's pretty clear between this and the info in Puzzle House that the Puzzle House timeline is accurate, but Soren initially developed what was actually a chronic illness much earlier.
Viren's Dream
Now, what about Viren's dream?
It's incredibly difficult to pinpoint ages of children in animation purely visually, so I'm mostly basing an estimate of 2-3 years old for Soren during Viren's dream off of his demonstrated stage of linguistic development and the fact that he's able to run. He could be delayed in one or both areas, though.
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Viren dreams of Soren turning to stone, similar to how Thunder did (and how Viren does in the opening). This is interesting in that the implication is certainly death, but it also has heavy ties to dark magic and the other themes of Viren's dreaming, which I would say put it as more related to something along the lines of a "sealed fate" rather than literal death. Dreaming Viren knows what he didn't know when Soren was that age, and probably developed his first recognizable symptoms—that this illness would come close to killing him, and Viren would give up everything to save him.
There's also a possible implication there that dark magic was actually what caused Soren's illness in the first place, which could be something interesting to explore. (And I've definitely seen people explore it, before.)
Anyway, like most of Viren's dream, it's accurate but not literal.
TL;DR: Dreams are fucking weird, and Claudia was still probably between six and seven years old when Lissa left the family.
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frankencanon · 1 year
I think it'd be funny if we made Kakashi even younger.
Can you imagine Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura finding out that Kakashi is only a handful of years older than them?!
I mean, with how little we see of his face it's extremely difficult to tell how old he is...
It was one thing when he was prepubescent and short with an unbroken voice, but once his voice dropped and he reached an average adult height... How would anyone be able to tell?
He's strong, highly ranked, mature for his age, and the proper height for an adult with an adult voice. Anyone who didn't already know his age would be liable to mistakenly assume he's older than he actually is, especially with the grey hair.
And it's not like it's out of the realm of possibility for a teenager to be a jounin sensei—take Minato, for example. He was, what, seventeen? And as talented as Minato was, he's nothing compared to Kakashi when it comes to rising through the ranks at a young age.
I'm pretty sure Kakashi broke literally every record there was when it came to "youngest ever [blank]". Academy student, genin, chūnin, jōnin, ANBU, ANBU Captain... Sure, Itachi eventually beat him in one or two of those, but at the time Kakashi was the sole record-holder; There'd never been anyone like him before.
If we just modify Kakashi's already contradictory timeline... Unimportant info below about the details for just how this could potentially work in canon!!
If you want to read my calculations as to how this could canonically work you may direct your attention below, however I have just come up with a far better and far simpler and also quite possibly both funnier and sadder idea:
Time-travel, but not in any way you're thinking...
Most people assume the reason why they didn't hear much of Kakashi's exploits over the years is because he was in ANBU and so everything was Top Secret and extremely covert...
But what if the real reason was because Kakashi had somehow been sent about a decade into the future? Hence explaining how he could be a teenager still when he was once the Yondaime's student.
Also possible: Kakashi was somehow held in stasis for the past decade—sealed, perhaps? Trapped? Or maybe the work of a foreign shinobi's jutsu (kekkei genkai?) that took about a decade or so to break/deactivate...
Or, my personal favorite:
He was investigating the Uzushiogakure ruins and got caught in one of their defensive seals — one that would seal him for a maximum of ten years, with the intention of giving Uzushio shinobi as much time as possible to deal with whatever intruder(s) got caught in the trap.
Without Kushina or Minato or any other Uzumaki seal experts however, deactivating the seal would be basically impossible — luckily, the seal was set up so that once time ran out Kakashi would be automatically released.
And he was! Ten years later, with little baby Naruto all grown up and almost ready to be placed on a genin team — his genin team.
It's probably boring!! You don't have to read it!!
⚠️ You have been warned!! ⚠️
(It's mostly just me brainstorming, honestly...)
Genin at five, chūnin at six... Then he stalls at chūnin for a while before eventually advancing to jōnin at twelve (wherein Obito "dies").
He's approximately thirteen when Rin is killed leading to him joining ANBU, and then fourteen when Naruto is born and the Kyūbi is unleashed on the village, causing Minato and Kushina to sacrifice themselves.
In canon, he is then twenty-six years old when he becomes Team 7's jōnin sensei...
For starters, I vote we cut those six years of chūnin limbo before Kakashi becomes jōnin, dropping him to about twenty-or-so.
Then again, this is fanfic—who cares about canon timelines?
If we put him on the hyper-speed fast-track...
4: Academy student
5: Genin
6: Chūnin
7. Jōnin (Obito dies)
8. ANBU (Rin dies)
9. Naruto's birth (Minato & Kushina die)
Is this ridiculous? Yes! But who cares?
Hm... That's not right.
Alright, this is getting a bit annoyingly complicated.
Even if I downgrade Naruto to eleven (because for a long time I was convinced for some reason that Naruto was eleven while the rest of his peers were twelve, and I still have absolutely no clue where I got that idea from) that would still make Kakashi about twenty. Hm...
Ugh, I'll figure this out later. Can't we just hand-wave it?
—No wait, I have an idea:
While modifying his canon timeline to make him younger is a hassle and a half, the fact remains that until we saw Kakashi Gaiden we didn't actually have any details on his backstory...
In other words? The beginning of the series managed just fine without it, so why don't we just throw it out entirely?
Afterall, this fic is about jōnin-sensei Kakashi—the details of his traumatic childhood are irrelevant, and it's not like early fans had that information to work with anyway.
Naruto is canonically younger than Sasuke (who was a baby during the Kyūbi attack) so we shall put him at eleven to give us some leeway.
Now let's say we wanted to make Kakashi somewhere around sixteen to eighteen during canon—that would require him to be five to seven years old when Minato dies.
Now let's compress his timeline some more:
Considering the Konoha 9 all attended the very first chūnin exams after they graduated, I don't see any reason why Kakashi couldn't do the same—and unlike them he's a prodigy so it's basically guaranteed that he'd pass. (And that's assuming he didn't get a field promotion...)
Give him up to a year to become jōnin, and then have him join ANBU almost immediately after.
Some months later, Naruto is born and the Yondaime dies.
To compress it further, I am making his graduation even more ridiculous:
Academy student at three, genin and then chūnin at four, jōnin and ANBU at five. God, can you imagine a five-year-old ANBU? That'd be terrifying. Naruto is born around the time he turns six, and eleven years later Kakashi passes a genin team for the first time and is made a jōnin-sensei at seventeen, just like Minato-sensei was.
It'll take Team 7 a while to realize that, however.
Why am I even bothering to promote him prior to Minato's death? Am I, perhaps, an idiot?
Minato becomes his sensei as soon as he graduates to genin at five years old, but before that Kakashi spent a lot of time as his apprentice and they bonded. Shortly after Team 7 is formed the Kyūbi attack happens and Minato dies — the how doesn't matter, so don't worry about it.
The war is over so instead of Kannabi Bridge they go on some other dangerous mission with the same results, except this time the reason Minato isn't there is because he's dead.
They send some other inadequate chūnin or jōnin in his place, but they promptly get killed early on in the mission, perhaps at the same time that Rin gets kidnapped.
Kakashi is chūnin at this point so he naturally takes charge, despite being a five or six year old and Obito being — I don't know, twelve? Significantly older.
Obito dies, then Rin, and this time it's the stupid Sandaime that sticks Kakashi in ANBU like he's an annoying unwanted child that he wants to keep out of sight and thoroughly occupied — at least, until he needs a jōnin sensei for the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki and the Last Uchiha...
So, final version:
Five years old when Minato dies and Naruto is born, and about five or six years old when Obito and Rin die and Kakashi gets stuck in ANBU, followed by eleven years of Naruto growing up while Kakashi's in ANBU makes him... About sixteen to seventeen years old when Kakashi becomes Team 7's jōnin sensei.
To Kakashi, this feels almost poetic. (Same age as Minato-sensei was...)
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bonefall · 1 year
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[ID: Goosefeather from Warrior Cats in the Better Bones AU. He is a round, wolflike cat with tiny, unreadable, deep blue eyes. In the second image he's caught in a vision, signified by swirling eyes and a nosebleed]
I've always had a very different take on Goosefeather than the wider fandom. In particular, his final scene with Bluefur at the end of Bluestar's Prophecy has always FASCINATED me. She's mourning the loss of her kits, and Goose comes up, almost as if he's going to comfort her like anyone else...
But his tune is very different from the rest of the Clan. He reminds her that the kits were not part of fate, and ergo, her own choice. This screed has this intriguing taste of bitterness, and it immediately made Goose one of my favorite WC characters.
Was that resentment? Smug satisfaction? What was behind those words, Goosefeather?
Did you know that the raid you sent your sister on was going to kill her? Did the herbs even need to be destroyed? What if the only vision he'd received was that Moonflower had to die?
It's one thing if he's just, you know, plagued by visions that will come no matter what, and he's Sad About It. I do love the Cassandra type characters in fiction, but... the idea that he's DEDICATED to the prophecies that haunt him, that it's both a curse and a commitment, a damnation and a destiny... it gives me... gOOSEBUMPS HEYOO
AND SO! Better Bones Goosefeather is a situational antagonist in nearly every story he's in. He believes firmly that to defy fate only creates worse outcomes, that you have to kill a mouse to have a meal. More than just following the 'will of StarClan,' he believes that a prophecy is more than just a warning. To him, they are instructions.
(More info below the cut!)
In Bluestar's Flowers, he receives a vision of Moonflower dying in a WindClan raid. He knew she had to die, and so, he got her killed. This is not revealed until near the end of the book.
At the same time, he will occasionally (and uncharacteristically, Featherwhisker will note) help Bluemoon escape being caught when she sneaks out to meet up with the Forget-me-Not friend group.
Bluemoon's kits are children of prophecy... or, one of them is.
Mosslight is fated to become a grand hero, and overthrow the horrible tyrant, Thistlestar.
Goosefeather will ensure the propagation of both sides of this prophecy. Thistleclaw must become leader. Mosskit must be born.
But, in the end, Bluemoon's love is stronger than destiny. She will NEVER let Thistleclaw become leader, she will NEVER let him command innocent people like Rosetail and Thrushpelt into early graves, and she will NEVER let him brutalize the Clans of her friends.
Goosefeather thought it was a checkmate when she was in the nursery with the three kittens, clearly ineligible for deputyship after accusation of having halfclan kittens (Thistleclaw's questioning violating the Queen's Rights) and his personal endorsement of him for deputy.
he was WRONG
Bluemoon brought them to RiverClan, the hero of destiny dying in the process, cinching the deputyship by a hair's length.
With great tragedy, with great cost, with great sacrifice, Bluestar WON.
The thread of prophecy was severed so hard that Goosefeather never received another vision ever again. Nothing would be the same again, he was living in a new world and a new time.
He lived the last of these days quietly, reflecting on his life, his actions, considering... if all those times where he'd Done What Had To Be Done, if it was for nothing.
Goosefeather is allowed a peaceful death, unburdened by the buzzing curse of prophecy, slipping into his sleep in a doomed timeline that yet persists.
I need these visions to look painful. I want to drive it home that these are hurting him. So I gave him nosebleeds.
He's committed to the thing that hurts most, because he can't imagine another way
His family carries a wolf motif, this is very important because I said so. Awoo, even.
You can see how Goosefeather's big fat tummy is present in his relatives, Sorreltail and Dovewing.
He reminds me of Winnie the Pooh but as an evil wizard. He's got a haunted plushie kind of vibe.
like a teddy ruxpin, even
And lastly this is unrelated to everything, but when I was designing Skywatcher I kept thinking about the two of them having a wizard battle. I just think that is very funny and it is a thought I am now sharing with all of you. <3
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[ID: Wizard battle meme]
Skywatcher and Goosefeather at Bingo Night after the Skypelt/Silverpelt reunification in BB!AVoS
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anotherexistingbeing · 4 months
Random hcs and info dumps of the day: Short edition
i just hc that because kito gets raised by ao bing and ao guang, their hair and fur get well taken care of growing up and they look beter than mac and wukong in terms of that xdd fashion monkey lmaoo
kito is scared of wukong even after 400+ years because they saw who he can be when pushed past his limit, and because of them getting punished by him
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pigsy stays awake at night during s3 until kito returns, saving food, water, pillows and blankets
the gang sees how wukong treats kito in such a toxic manner and protects kito from him, especially pigsy having yelled and snapped at wukong to back off from kito
Because kito was punished by wukong (him giving them the hoop that limits their power and crown hurting them when they have a breakdown), kito is actually a bit below wukong and macaque in terms of power, abilities and strength but makes up for it with wit, speed, and battle IQ trained in the ways of the dragons, lotus and attended master subodhi's school
Macaque still watches over kito, despite his severed ties with his child: he looks out for them in small ways has kito noticed? answer: yes!
kito shares some of the same abilities with macaque that they gained at birth when mac touched their egg (and the egg absorbing loose power and dna here and there) they can hear x1 better than macaque, despite him trying his best to hide: he was still a huge part of kito's life in their eyes (which i have to write and stuff because patience and creator's block be a bish)
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when wukong and some of the pilgrim brothers neglected the poor cub, macaque was there to pick up the slack and comfort the cub even taking them to see chang'e (who's unaware of the trauma and events kito went through)
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the only ones who cared from the start were wukong, ao lie and sha wujing, zhu baije, macaque and the monk took a while to warm up to kito when they were born and growing up for reasons that don't pass as good: they had a fear that kito was just going to be another wukong doing what they wanted, never listen to others, ect. (i love wukong for the complex character he is, but man is he a toxic mf RRRRRR)
but because of these fears, kito was wildly misunderstood and thus, this poor kid was unjustifiably punished despite these mistakes, they never meant to hurt anyone they just wanted to be like their baba, and craved his love it was just the wrong place, wrong time even though wukong hurt kito the way he did, he did truly care about them he was just not the right person to care for them in the journey, and when he said for them to go:
he didn't mean for them to walk until their body dropped, miscommunication there he tried putting the kid in time out but his dumbass wasn't specific
in the current lmk timeline, wukong thought kito was being dramatic when that happened (stupid shit ik lmaooo)
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Imma leave it at that but there's so much to the story i made for this blueberry cub, I love them sm if you made it this far into the post, Ty for reading!! I appreciate those on this fixation with me and for loving my oc as much as I do!
i hope y'all have a fantastic time and lemme know what you thought of this info dump! :3
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phantomposting · 2 years
Another half asleep twins au rant/prompt! Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors I have not slept in a hot minute.
Trigger Warning ⚠️: Ghost Hunger, Dissection/vivisection, starvation
So this is a Ghost Hunger Damian and Danny are twins au. I was reminded about ghost hunger the other day and boy did it give me the spark of creativity I needed to create yet another au/fic idea to hyperfixate on.
So in this au Damian and Danny were very close as siblings but Danny ended up dying throwing himself in harms way to protect Damian on a mission for the league. Damian blames himself for not having better reflexes/not paying enough attention and could never convince his grandfather to allow Danyal to be resurrected via the pit.
Talia saw how desperate her son was for the other to live though and also cared for Danyal so she risked it all to revive him secretly and hide him amongst the civilians in America. Damian sadly never got to learn about that fact tho and lived years with the guilt he felt which left him determined to never let that happen again. Which meant he could never let anyone get close enough to want to do such a thing for him and he needed to hone his skills.
Danny on the other hand has hazy memories of his brother while with the Fentons and goes through the same timeline of becoming Phantom and protecting Amity Park. Eventually tho his parents find out and that gets him strapped to a table in the basement begging for his half life/getting vivisected.
So Danny flees going on the run and ends up on the streets of Gotham. The spirit of Gotham is so excited and welcoming to her newest child. He is a protector and her king after all. It fills her with pride that she would get to care for such an important person. She does all she can to make sure the king stays safe. Little things to keep him hidden and protected.
Danny however has unintentionally been keeping a pretty big secret from the ghosts of the realm. He doesn't really know this though and thinks its just a ghost thing. Basically his core is slightly corrupted due to the years he spent around the Lazarus pits aswell as the revival vial the dip in it's corrupt ectoplasm. As a result he experiences ghost hunger which was pretty easy to manage when he lived with the Fenton's. He would normally satiate his hunger via eating pure ectoplasm from the lab but now he has no access to that which leads him to starving himself.
This starvation mixed with his human side starving aswell is very very hard on his body as a result he begins to black out sometimes when he wakes up he usually tastes ectoplasm but just assumes its his own due to his injuries from his parents. These injuries are weirdly taking way longer to heal which is due to ghosts being very mental/emotional state based.
Gotham soon realizes she has a big problem on her hands. It turns out the king's core is corrupted and as a result many of her ghostly children are going missing. She is deeply upset and calls out for help to assist the king with his corruption or stop him from killing more of her children. She hopes the king gets help rather than getting taken down however. She knows it's not his fault. She knows how protective of her city and her people he is and how kind he can be to them and hopes issues get solved so he may become a protector of her people.
This call for help brings Constantine to Gotham. He doesn't get a whole lot of info from Gotham at first but he knows whatever is going on can be dangerous and is important. He knows that some of the bats are in danger too and gives them a warning that something in Gotham seems to be hunting ghostly beings and those whom have died before are at risk especially Red Hood.
The Bat's don't take too kindly to the supernatural threat and kinda force their way into assisting Constantine whom is already annoyed with the prospect of having to deal with the bats.
So time passes and the bats gets a few encounters of feeling as if they're being hunted. Jason is also the first to discover the new homeless kid in Gotham who looks almost exactly like Damian. It's hard to really see too many similarities at the time tho he's so thin it's deeply worrying and his icy blue eyes greatly contrast Damian's emerald green, but some similarities are far too obvious to miss. Oh great more black hair blue eyed adoption bait. Better keep him far away from Bruce.
The few run ins some of the bat kids have with Danny make them worried about the homeless kid. Dick, Tim, Duke and Jason all get run ins with the kid and tho they want to try and help the kid he always seems to vanish without a trace. It's kinda creepy but they all can recognize just how scared this kid is.
Eventually Bruce and Damian get their run in with the kid. The GiW have finally tracked Danny down and due to the stupid vivisection wounds not healing and the starvation of both forms he can't get the strength he needs to defend himself or make an easy escape. He ends up cornered in an alleyway and getting shot with luckily no major damage. Batman and Robin come across the scene of what appears to be some weird new gang bullying a homeless child and makes quick work of them.
After all is said and done and they look back to help the injured kid Damian ends up shocked to find that this kid is Danyal. At first he pulls his sword on him making threats thinking this is some sick and twisted trick from the league, but then he comes to his senses seeing how broken and defeated Danyal is. He doesn't flinch or shy away from the fate, though he has tears in his deeply tired eyes he doesn't fight back. He doesn't seem to have the energy to. He just sits against the walled dead end that almost got him killed and stares down the katana as if he no longer fears death.
Things get bit emotional as he questions his long dead brother. Danny is honest in answering he doesn't know how he came back nor does he fully remember how he died in the first place. He also dodges some of the questions and keeps the ghost half hidden. He explains to them he's gotten himself into trouble however and people are after him now and he appreciates the help. He keeps as much as he can about ghosts being involved a secret. He has no idea about the Bat's stances on them after all. And he seems to hate metas so probably won't take to kindly to a ghost.
Damian and Danny share info and Bruce discovers he has a son he didn't know about and deeply regrets not being there cause the state this kid is in is pretty dier. He's not sure he can fully trust the kid though. It's clear he's hiding something and that could be a danger to his family and Gotham, but he decides to give him a chance. After all this is his son and he wants to help him no matter what.
Bruce calls in someone to cover the rest of his and Damian's patrol route for the night and has Alfred get Doctor Thompkins to meet them back in the cave for medical assistance. They get Danny back and he starts getting some treatment for his wounds. Alfred and Thompkins are pretty horrified to find the vivisection wounds on the kiddo. They are definetly infected by this point. And much to Danny's dismay he has to use the excuse that he's a meta to explain why he's got such a low temperature and heart rate, why he can't use sedatives, and why stitches and stuff like that won't work.
So treatment is a bit difficult but they do their best with it. Alfred and Thompkins also discuss what needs to be done to get the kid back on track to being healthy. All the while Damian is anxiously waiting to be able to see his brother again. Bruce has never seen Damian show such emotion and care before aside from when he's dealing with animals. It's so jarring. And of course the other bat kids are snooping trying to find out what's going on.
So recovery is slow and bat kids try to connect with their new sibling whenever Damian isn't trying to act as a guard dog/mother hen. Danny ends up the closest with Damian and Jason in the family. Jason can immediately tell something is off with the kid due to the Lazarus water reacting to him and is the first person Danny opens up to about being half ghost (much to Damian's dismay). Jason keeps Danny's secret for him but encourages him subtly to open up to the others cause they'll definetly accept him despite the fact that he's half dead. They bond a lot on their mutual trauma and of course Damian is jealous but also happy Danny is actually talking to someone and getting back on his feet.
Damian still feels immense guilt over the first death Danyal faced and this guilt makes him think of course Danyal would want to avoid him that Danyal blames him too which is totally untrue and eventually gets worked through but not until after theres some conflicts due to jealousy. But that comes later.
One night Jason decides to stay over for Danny's sake and Danny has another black out. Basically his ghost form goes feral and tries to go after Jason. This results in the discovery that Danny was the danger Constantine has been looking for all along and there's a major blow up in the family due to this info. Danny only stops feral mode after eating a blob ghost (poor lil guy) and gets rudely awoken by the batfam accusations of attempted murder.
Danny is finally informed that he's been killing and eating ghosts and is horrified this goes against his whole goal of protecting everyone and keeping the balance and really goes against his protection obsession. It breaks him and Bruce yelling accusations at him doesn't help at all. Kiddo has a major breakdown and goes on the run from his new family thinking he is a danger and that he blew it with them.
Danny faces issues with injury to his core aswell due to what he's done and how that effects his obsession. Basically he's having a real bad time.
Jason whom has connected with the kiddo knows that this ain't Danny and somethings clearly wrong and so does Damian so the two reluctantly band together to locate and help the poor kiddo. With this team up Damian discovers Jason knew Danny was a half ghost and jealousy causes a fight but they manage to keep the team together out of concern for the kiddo.
The the other Bats team up with Constantine to track him down and eliminate the threat. Gotham tries to impede them though cause she knows the route they are on will only bring harm to the ghost king rather than help him. She tries her best to help hood and Robin find him first.
When Jason and Damian discover Danny he's in bad shape. Kiddos absolutely breaking down and very injured his core is definetly injured for sure. They try to offer assistance but Danny isn't thinking straight he's like a wounded animal so if he gets cornered he fights back.
It really doesn't help that the GiW manages to track him down yet again and the boyoa have to deal with both that and a ghostly Danny whom poses a risk of injury to not only them but himself.
With so much going on its no surprise that the GiW actually succeeds in capturing Danny. The two vigilante's end up getting knocked out and left to the wayside.
Eventually the other bats come across them and they explain Danny was captured by the thugs that first attacked him. Constantine recognizes the organization and is deeply frustrated but hey atleast it's not his problem anymore right? Wrong. With the kids explanations he realizes Danny was not actually evil. He's partially alive and he is a protector spirit not a rouge one. He also realizes how bad things are cause a spirit like that committing such acts that he has risks destabilization which would probably kill both the human and ghost half. He's no ghost expert but Gotham's giving him signs she wants him to help the ghost kid and now he's in quite the pickle.
So this leads everyone into panic mode and search and recuse mode. Theres a big rescue mission where they break into the GiW headquarters and fight the GiW to get Danny back. Of course he is having a hard time staying stable and they have to both use whatever magic Constantine can muster to keep him as stable as he can and on the spot therapy time to try and stabilize the poor kiddo.
Eventually they get him stable enough to bring him back home but now he has mandatory therapy sessions with Black Canary. They also have a lot of emotional work ahead of them aswell and physical work trying to get a steady supply of ectoplasm so the kid doesn't starve again.
They have to fight the Fenton's for custody aswell and try and dismantle the GiW and anti ecto acts. Its a long process and they really discover just how bad things were for the kid.
They probably have a visit to frostbite too if they can get a portal and this helps him heal and make sure no more ghost medical problems occur. This also helps the family learn a lot of ghost health is tied to emotional and mental health.
Damian and Danny probably end up getting in a few fights due to Damian's jealousy aswell but eventually work though it and become closer due to it. They are inseparable. And Damian also has to learn to get used to Jason being around and an active older brother figure. Bruce apologizes for his mistreatment of the kiddo too. Their relationship stays a bit rocky for a long while but they definitely make progress.
Theres a lot of emotions and emotional conflict and things are very rocky for awhile but eventually they get to be a functional and loving family dynamic! Danny gets a happy ending in the end it's not a perfect home but he definetly wouldn't want to be anywhere else :D
This is the longest prompt I've written yet I hope you guys enjoy it 💗💗💗
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player-1 · 4 months
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Oh…That’s a wonderful piece of lore but now that’s going to be a doozy to fit into the main story (mostly figuring out how long each Abyssal were alive before they were killed by the Guild or Lateria). Also ignore the different avatar, I did encounter this convo before in my playthrough but didn't get the chance to get screenshots :')
And HC Abyssal timeline below
Venefelis (1,000-0): The real polecat (HC that she has phantom paws cause she has Pummel in her skill list :) and Operation Kill the Witch. Of course, after being forced to stay in the timeout corner for 1,000 years, she became really existential about her own existence, her creator's absence and trying to figure out why the Abyssals were made except being overpowered cannon-fodder.
Rotramus (700 [-300 yrs.]): Considering that the Guild would be at its infancy and still aware of Venefelis' impact, it makes some sense if they started hunting down Rotramus to prevent a repeat incident. Also consider he's a twisted mirror to Nara's personality (anti-human but will possibly answer any question to anyone that finds him) and might've been a rip-the-bandage creation due to Nara's infamy with her family's downfall.
Pluvean (500 [-200 yrs.]): Yet another pacifist Abyssal that was found by Palmaya and just waited for the Guild to kill him (but I like to believe he discovered Cadium at some point and was disgusted by the humans "corrupting the waters"). Even if he's the contrast to Arqua's short temper and drive for human adoration, Pluvean is also a bit snippy about stating the obvious and being revived past his expected lifespan.
Inominox (400 [-100 yrs.]): And just when the Guild develop a false sense of security with dealing with the Abyssals, Inominox comes in with the big guns and starting picking off any weak tamers he could find (possibly making the Frozen Tundra his main hunting ground). But with Ventra's pride and cockiness spelled his downfall when the Guild intervened during one of his attacks. But whether the victim was too traumatized to recall his trigger or the information was lost to time, the Guild was back to square one when the Abyssal was revived.
Helevolk (350 [-50 yrs.]): Of course, there's not a lot to say about Helevolk besides being a more unstable version of Fona despite having a surprising amount of mental/emotional strength (mainly with him breaking through the N1 Nightmare mind-wiping to an extent), but it's a bit of a mystery on how he got his name despite being just as mindless and violent as a normal Nexomon [Hele: "to hide" + volk: "army" or "person/people"]. And I assume Lateria killed the beast by redirecting his tunnels or cornering him in the tunnels.
Caelesa (310 [-40 yrs.]): But to make matters worse for the Guild, they have to deal with another pacifist, human-avoidant Abyssal that will surely make them doubt their anti-Tyrant campaign. Of course, there's no real explanation how she was taken out or how long she evaded the Guild (and/or Lateria), but she clearly had enough time to believe that humans were dumb and violent brutes that have nothing better to do in their lives besides hunt what threatens them (though mostly directed at Finn the second he explains the Guild’s history with her). And fun fact, despite Caelesa being Normal-type (like Metta), she has a interesting set of elemental moves under her belt (also like Metta) so do with that info as you will :) [Base moves: Rocknite Blast, Thunder Blast, Plasma Star, Psy Field]
Volcel (280 [-30 yrs.]): Then after that wild-goose chase comes the giant electric moth(?), also being human-avoidant but will also mock everything and everyone below him for being simple earth-dwellers (really embodying Luxa’s superiority complex, huh?). While there isn’t any concrete evidence on how he was caught (since the Guild jumped to making a standard Tyrant bait), I’ll assume it was Lateria and their extremely heavy ordinance.
Braccus (260 [-20 yrs.]): Here comes the boy~! :D And unlike the older Abyssals (and being the second-youngest), he’s the only one that specifically mentions hearing his creator’s voice and learning his mission to attract the world’s attention by any means necessary; which he easily turns to destruction and carnage (becoming the Grunda he was meant to be) until Xanders “Bare Hands” Nexomon killed the beast and earned his Gold Tamer promotion. Also his dex entry mentions him destroying multiple cities before reaching Lateria and/or Grunda’s Chasm, so I’m betting he started his rampage at Royalle City since a “unnamed Tyrant” was the reason for its downfall.
Kroma (250 [-10 yrs.]): And finally, Operation Kill the Witch: Electric Boogaloo. And what better way to complete her life's mission is to plop her right into the Immortal Citadel while having the handy-dandy ability to mind-control ghosts. Whether she can control both human and Nexomon ghosts is up to debate, but I'm all for her being a tiny menace using the IC residents, the Greater Drake Krainnull, and Ulzar himself when the going got tough with Deena the one-woman army.
Either way, I mainly followed the Abyssals locations on Precursor Mountain from furthest left to right (apart from Venefelis being past Kroma's position), though it's extra funny that both Braccus and Kroma's places are almost melded together (with the haunted woods being halfway through the Braccus’ maze) so that's kind of where the idea came from. Either way, how in the world was I supposed to expect that these two were the YOUNGEST!?!?
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And I love that this were the first thing I thought of (if anyone’s willing to make an artist’s representation of the disaster siblings, I’m all for it :)
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We’ve got fantastic news!! We’ve had such an overwhelming response from our authors, that the mods have decided to bump up our submission limit to FOUR PIECES! 
In this event, a submission piece is a single slide. This could mean it is one single piece of artwork OR a group of artworks that go together for a single story idea. Examples of multi-piece submissions could be the following: two portraits of characters (maybe an Upside Down version and a Right Side Up version), panels for a single comic story scene, or multiple pieces of art that coincide for one story like stills from the potential story/what you see in media.
You are absolutely not required to submit more than one submission!! It’s there if you’d like, but please be aware that for every submission, you will have an author who will need contact. Do not submit multiple pieces if you cannot commit to it. You know your limits better than anyone, look at the schedule, and keep in mind that every team is different and the author who claims your piece may need and/or want frequent contact. This is not simply creating a piece of art and giving it to the artist, but a collaboration which requires communication and working together. 
The timeline for the event is also not changing. Submissions are not due until November 3rd, and claims are November 17th. You have until November 3rd to get your submission(s) to at least 50% to continue in the event! 
All of the rules still apply on what’s acceptable and what our submission expectations are. They are: 
You must keep your work private.  One month before posting, you may start posting drafts to tease the work, but no complete works until posting day.
Art must be new, but can be in any medium you wish as long as it can be recorded and emailed.  
Accepted mediums include, but are not limited to:
Traditional/Digital art 
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dottedmage · 2 years
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Finnally a proper references for my agent headcanons hurray. “Nakey” version + other info under the cut (looking you with eyes, you will read everything)
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Timeline for this is Sara and Cube post RotM, Mars and Eight with their splat2 outfits but beginning of splat3 appearences (i was too lazy to come up with clothes lol)
-23 years old
-Top left side of her head is permanently scared due to direct contact wih sanitized ink. Has permanent blury vision on her left eye, moderate hearing loss on her left ear and pain on her left shoulder.
-His hands and feet got hit by significant amounts of fuzzy ooze while cutting it all down. This is why he wasnt able to keep going 👍 (no bones for an ankle to be broken uknow)
-Says the most unserious of things in the most serious tone, seems like theyre joking but its always from their heart
-Sees themselves a lot in Cube and takes care of it and gives it advice contantly. Offered Cube to go live with them after their mission was over but Cube refused
-Knows a little bit of octarian, hes trying his best but has a unique way of mispronouncing words
-Very clumsy during his 1st time as an agent so he has lots of scars because of that
-Scars on his right side are from a bomb explosion gone very wrong
-After splat2 she grew her hair out and styled it to match Maries a bit
-Lives in a shared apartment with Sara and sometimes Eight
-Was catching up with her high school missed agent years and is now studing some general science/space-based course 👍 he like space a lot
-Was very mad and very upset and very sad he was not the one choosen to be sent into space to save the earth
-Fluent in octarian, also knows a bit of salmonling
-Her weird spots are a reaction from perlonged exposure to a sanitized environment, the bigget her spots are the better, the smaller the worse. She sometimes wakes up with random pains, especially in her right arm and back
-Lives with Pearl and Marina post OE, also spents a loooottt of time at 4 and 3s place
-Fluent in inklish but has a funny accent
-Loves travelling with Pearl and Marina, honestly she loves travelling with anyone but her cool lesbian moms go to 100 places in a month so its a plus she gets to go with them for free
-Very good cook, is bad with deserts but shes getting better
-Became a little furry tiger-ish inkling due to prolonged exposure to fuzzy ooze. Unlike Sara it is less fuzzy, its just spread all around its body
-Cannot change into squid form and produces ink very slowly in a small amount, limiting its capacitie of participating in ink related sports.
-Scavanged the deserts around splatsville for trinkets to sell in 2nd hand markets and fairs. Meet with Deep Cut once or twice during that period, hence their pre-assumption that it was gonna steal the stuff for itself
-In their free time they used to participate in turf wars. They considered doing salmon runs but found it extremelly wrong and immorall
-Little buddy was a salmonid that wanted to see more of the world so they snuck into, a very distracted, workers hat. Lucky for them that worker was very friendly, and tired of grizzcos work, so they showed little buddy all around splatsville and its deserts and even a beach. They quickly beacame friends and are inseparable now
-It knows salmonling wowow
-Maths fan, number one stan of geometry and shapes
-Tableturf card collector
-Lives in a too-big of an apartment with the squid sisters
-Goes to school now hurray!!
-Visits Sara a lot, doesnt spent much time there as Eight but does show up unannounced
Suspense music, relatioship thang:
About Mars; My friend, my one and only. I can count on her for everything. I do have to keep an eye out for her extreme clumsiness
About Eight; I wish i got to spent more time with her. Shes very fun and makes me feel at home when shes around.
About Cube; Was this how Callie and Marie felt when i joined the splatoon? Fun kid, has to stop stepping on metal.
Sara; oh Sara my good friend Sara. We ding dong ditch together, our neighbours hate us but they dont know that. (also i dont think she realizes were dating....)
Eight; oooo my love kiss kiss muah muah
Cube; funny kid, does need to make up for not inviting me to space with them. Im joking, i love it and the little rocks it gives me.
Sara; Hes very unserious! You would think behind her intimidating looks is someone thats shy and reserved but she has the wildests things to say sometimes, shes very funny i like her a lot (we need to talk to her abt that, you cannot keep assuming things Mars...)
Mars; There is not a single conversation with you where i dont laugh my heart out. Thank you for the butterflies in my stomach head and eyes
Cube; It comes into our house, it eats all the food, it gives a long detailed compliment, it leaves. Interesting child i guess.
Sara; Seemed very intimitading at first but i think shes just worries about me but hey! i can take care of myself fine
Mars; i like to give her animal shaped rocks and crystals.
Eight; I haven't talked or seen her a lot but she cooks so well
o wow you read it all congrats! you have the right to 1 (one) drawing request ;) and if you have anything to ask please do, talking abt headcanons and stuff makes me develop characters faster and its fun :]
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thelazyhermits · 6 months
Just like I did with the previous parts of Book 7, I've made a summary for Part 3, and I've put it all underneath the cut.
Starting off with the parts about Idia's dream, that all happens just as it does in canon despite all the preparations he, Ortho, and Yuu had made for Malleus's OB since Malleus's magic is just that powerful.
However, I will say that Idia's feeling that he's forgetting something feels more urgent here than in canon cause, deep down, he unconsciously remembers that Yuu is counting on him and that nothing good will result from leaving that danger magnet to her own devices.
Plus, he's also feeling like something is missing in his dream, which is Yuu since she's become a regular fixture in his life like Ortho by this point in the timeline, so that's another thing that makes this dream feel off to him, although he still goes along with things like in canon.
Since I feel like this will read better if I just cover the Shroud brothers' portion of this update first, I'll move on to Ortho's part next.
For the most part, everything with Ortho pretty much happens as it does in canon because, while Ortho knew what to expect with Malleus, he, Idia, & Yuu didn't know the full scope of Malleus's UM since I figure, if NRC did have digital records of students' UM, like what I mentioned in my last summary post, the school probably wouldn't ask for an in-depth description of everyone's UM since this isn't really essential info.
Basically, it'd be in a brief summary format like what you'd see on a person's one page bio. I could also see most students just not feeling bothered to give detailed explanations on paperwork, and Crowley just not caring enough to get all the details lol
Ergo, Ortho knew that Malleus would OB and that he could put people to sleep, but he was not expecting the whole island to go under, nor did he expect the barrier around the island that not only stops time but also keeps people from entering the area.
Ortho still checks out the island to get a full scope of the situation, but he doesn't spend as much time trying to wake people up, like in canon, cause he knows it's pointless.
Also, I'll add that Idia and Ortho had thought that Ortho could possibly potentially resist the effects of Malleus's UM due to the anti-magic properties of Ortho's gear, although Idia had figured if anyone could put Ortho to sleep it would be Malleus.
That's why they had the plan of Ortho reporting to Styx if that happens and Ortho ends up in digital form like in canon.
Because Ortho and Idia weren't expecting that Ortho wouldn't be able to leave the island, Ortho still has to use the satellite to get back to Styx.
Another difference from canon is that Styx already knows what's going on because Mama and Papa Shroud got warned beforehand of what was to come, although they obviously also didn't expect things to get as bad as they did, so they've been making preparations up until this point.
Even though Ortho is certain that Styx knows about Malleus's OB, he still heads there in canon because he knows he'll be more useful there than at NRC in his current form, and he wants to provide all the data he collected to them.
So, overall, there aren't any major changes in canon with Ortho and Styx.
Anyway, moving on to Yuu and Grim's situation, Yuu has the same dream about Maleficent as her game counterpart does, and she also sees some more memories of Malleus's childhood.
After that, she wakes up in a room that resembles the room she and Grim sleep in at Ramshackle, but she can tell this room is different.
Initially, Yuu's mind is foggy as a result of Malleus's magic, but she quickly recovers and recalls everything that happened at Lilia's farewell party.
Yuu is immediately overcome with an immense feeling of frustration upon remembering that she failed to stop Malleus, even though she knew her chances of succeeding were extremely low.
Knowing that dwelling in her regrets won't do her any favors, Yuu quickly collects herself and begins examining her surroundings.
Upon finding a sleeping Grim, she wonders if it's the real Grim or if he's just a part of her dream since she wouldn't be surprised if her "happily ever after" dream is just about her living a normal happy life in Twisted Wonderland since that's truly what she wants most, although that wouldn't explain her unfamiliar surroundings.
Either way, she figures she should wake him up, so she does just that.
When Grim later recalls what happened with Malleus after waking up, Yuu realizes this must be the real Grim since a dream Grim wouldn't be bringing up what happened in the real world since that would make her want to wake up, which is obviously not what Malleus would want.
While Yuu is relieved that Grim is with her, she's also very confused because she doesn't understand why she and Grim were sent to the same dream.
Shouldn't the two of them have their own "happily ever after" scenario dreams? Why would Malleus put the two of them together when that could result in them trying to work together to wake up? It just doesn't make sense.
As Yuu is trying to wrap her mind around this puzzling turn of events, Grim is discovering that they're locked inside the room they woke up in and that the ghosts on the windows were painted on there for some reason.
This makes Yuu even more confused because how is being locked in an strange, unfamiliar room a "happy end" type dream for her. This isn't anything like she imagined when Malleus promised wonderful dreams for everyone.
When Grim finds the Ottoman Dog, Yuu immediately recalls Mickey having mentioned seeing something like this in his dream, which leads to her wondering if this is the same place Mickey goes whenever he dreams and connects to the mirror in her room.
Her suspicions are later confirmed when she sees all the other crazy living objects inside the room that are just as Mickey had previously described to her.
When Yuu shares this information with Grim, the room starts moving and getting out of focus like what happens in canon.
After things finally calm down, Mickey arrives on the scene, and Yuu is beyond shocked since, despite all her past meetings with him through the mirror, she never thought she'd actually get to meet him like this. It's so surreal for her to meet a cartoon from her childhood lol
While Yuu is utterly dumbfounded, Mickey is excited about finally meeting her like in canon and asks for the high-five, and of course, she gives him one cause she's not gonna leave him hanging. Plus, it's not every day a girl can get the chance to high-five Mickey Mouse 😂
From there things proceed like in canon with Yuu/Grim talking to Mickey about Yuu's situation. However, unlike in canon, Yuu isn't trying to find a way home. She's just wondering if Mickey is somehow connected to how she suddenly ended up in TW and if she can somehow find a way to stay in TW by gaining info about his mysterious connection to her.
(She refrains from telling Mickey that he's a fictional character in the world she came from and just instead says that she wanted to investigate his connection to her since he's from another world like her.)
Another difference from canon is that Yuu knows from the start that she and Grim are dreaming, so she's not surprised like Grim is by that revelation, although she was surprised when she learned how Mickey gets into that mysterious Ramshackle-like room.
She hadn't realized that Grim hadn't figured out they were both asleep. Otherwise, she would've said something sooner lol
This leads to Yuu properly explaining the situation to Mickey and Grim, so the chat about looking for Ace and the others doesn't happen since Yuu is certain that Malleus has everyone else trapped in their own separate dreams.
Around that time, Mickey starts to fade away because he's waking up in his world, much to Yuu's great frustration since she has yet to get any worthwhile information out of him.
After that, things play out like in canon with the ink pouring into the room after Mickey leaves the dream. While Grim is futilely trying to fight off the ink with his magic, Yuu is desperately trying to find a way to help him without touching the ink which her instincts are screaming at her to stay away from.
Remembering the ring Malleus made her for Christmas, Yuu looks down at her hand and sees that she's still wearing it, so she tries to repel the ink using it since, even though she used up all the magic the dorm leaders gave her when she tried to resist Malleus's UM earlier, the ring should still have the magic Malleus originally poured into the ring when making it so that it could always protect her from magical attacks regardless of how often its used.
Much to her relief, the ring does summon a barrier around her and Grim, but considering how the ink persistently pounds against it, she's not sure it'll hold up for long.
Just as Yuu is wondering if they should try to break down the locked door and run out of the room, the floor behind her and Grim gives way, taking away their option to run, much to their dismay.
Around that time, Silver arrives on the scene and orders them to grab ahold of him, catching them by surprise.
After they follow his orders, Silver uses his UM, and Yuu realizes that Silver must be capable of traveling between dreams thanks to his UM since that's the only explanation for this crazy turn of events.
The next thing Yuu knows, she's out of the Ramshackle-like room and is suddenly now in the sky, falling from a great height.
Yuu naturally starts screaming along with Grim, and Silver tightly latches onto them and tells them to hold tight, so they won't get separated.
Yuu, of course, doesn't hesitate to oblige, so she starts hugging Silver with all her might.
Fortunately, before they hit the ground, Silver is able to use wind magic to break their fall, like in canon.
However, unlike in canon, Yuu is more than just dizzy when they finally land.
Because poor Yuu has unfortunately been involved in several separate incidents that resulted in her falling from a great height, aka what happened in Book 3 and Flight Class, My Beloathed, etc., she is basically on the verge of developing a phobia of falling by this point, and it's honestly a wonder that she hasn't already done so by now cause of how scary all of the incidents she was a part of were.
That's why she's really pale and trembling as she sits there on the ground, doing her best to calm her unsteady breathing.
Having noticed this, a worried Silver kneels down beside Yuu and asks if she's okay, to which she shakily says that she is, which, of course, isn't very convincing.
When Yuu says that she just has a bad experience with falling, Grim remembers and points out that this kinda thing has happened multiple times to Yuu during this school year.
Upon hearing that, Silver apologizes for putting Yuu through another scary experience since it was because of his UM that they ended up falling from the sky.
He also wraps his arms around her in hopes that a hug may bring her some form of comfort since Lilia raised his boy right so Silver knows he's gotta act whenever he sees a poor girl distress.
Fortunately, Yuu does begin to calm down thanks to his actions since she takes comfort from physical contact.
As she's calming down, Yuu tells Silver it's not his fault and points out that it's thanks to him that she and Grim are both safe now.
In hopes of further distracting herself from her most recent falling incident, Yuu starts questioning Silver about his UM and everything he knows related to the world of dreams.
That's how Yuu finds out about what happened with Mickey's dream and the darkness that attacked them as well as the details of Silver's UM.
When Silver mentions having met Mickey before in a dream, Yuu realizes that's how Mickey saw Silver that one time. Silver wasn't in her room but in Mickey's dream room at some point.
Upon learning from Silver that he can only normally enter the dreams of people he has some form of association with and how Silver finds it surprising that Mickey actually remembered seeing him, Yuu wonders what the two's connection could be.
Also, if Mickey is connected to her and Silver, does that mean she and Silver are also connected in some way, or is she just jumping to conclusions?
Yuu is eventually pulled away from those thoughts when Silver and Grim start talking about the situation at hand, like in canon, which leads to Silver saying that Lilia may know how to escape Malleus's UM.
Unfortunately, Silver's UM won't allow him to choose whose dream he visits, although he has a higher chance of visiting the people he's especially close to.
This naturally makes Yuu wonder whose dream they're in right now. It has to be either Lilia's or Sebek's since she can see the Diasomnia dorm, and those are the people Silver is closest too aside from Malleus, who's, of course, not asleep like everyone else.
Just as Yuu thinks that, Silver asks Yuu how she's feeling since she has finally stopped trembling in his arms.
Before she can tell him that she's alright now, Sebek suddenly arrives on the scene, catching everyone by surprise.
Unlike in canon, Sebek, who has been looking everywhere for Silver, ventures outside to look for Silver rather than meets up with Yuu's group inside the dorm since they all spend more time outside due to Yuu needing to recover from that scary fall.
While an annoyed Sebek calls out to Silver when he finally finds Silver, his scolding abruptly cuts off when Sebek sees Silver and Yuu huddled together on the ground with Silver's arms around Yuu.
Upon seeing Yuu's face, which is still a little pale thanks to what happened earlier, a worried Sebek immediately hurries over to them and starts demanding answers.
Meanwhile, Silver makes the comment that this is Sebek's dream, like he does in canon.
Yuu naturally is happy that Sebek is concerned on her behalf, and she's especially relieved to see another of her sons safe and sound.
She's quick to try to assure Sebek that she's alright, but he unsurprisingly doesn't believe her, so he starts questioning Silver.
Because he's an honest boy and still feels guilty about Yuu's current condition, Silver says that he's responsible for Yuu's current state despite Yuu insisting that he's not at fault, and hearing that, of course, gets Sebek riled up, so Yuu has to quickly intervene before her son really loses his cool.
Since it's better to just be honest with him, Yuu tells Sebek about what happened with Mickey and how they had ended up falling after Silver used his UM to save her and Grim.
Naturally, Sebek finds this all hard to believe since that would imply he's currently dreaming which obviously can't be true. This makes him wonder if Silver's carelessness resulted in Yuu hitting her head in addition to everything else that led to her current worrisome state.
When Yuu's group tries to tell Sebek about Malleus's OB, he says that's impossible - that something like that could never happen. He then reveals that Malleus is currently inside the dorm along with Lilia waiting for Silver, so they can celebrate their upcoming internships.
Upon realizing that Sebek's happy ending dream is Lilia remaining with his family and not losing his magic, Yuu says that it's just like Sebek to have such a kind dream where all that matters to him is the happiness and well-being of his loved ones since that, in turn, makes him happy.
Knowing desperate times call for desperate measures, Yuu firmly cups Sebek's face and makes him hold her gaze.
Yuu: Sebek, I'm sorry. If we had any other options, I'd let you continue enjoying this happy dream. More than anything, I want you to always remain where you'll be safe and happy.
With a pained expression, she continues, "But I can't afford to do that right now, because this situation we're in is just that dire. We need you. I need you."
She pleads, "Please trust me, Sebek. I know your faith in Tsunotaro is unshakeable and eternal - that your trust in no one else would ever compare, but please trust me when I say that I would never ever lie to you nor would I ever say such painful, unbelievable things like this to you without a good reason. Please."
Upon being on the receiving end of Yuu's sincere pleading, Sebek falters, because he does trust Yuu, very in much in fact. Just as she said, he knows that she would never say things like Malleus has overblotted unless she actually meant it, but because of Malleus's magic and because he just doesn't want to admit the truth, he's been in denial.
However, when he hears Yuu say that she needs him, Sebek can't remain in denial because he swore he'd always protect her. Even though Malleus is his number one priority, he can't just ignore Yuu when she needs him, especially if she needs him for the sake of Malleus who's important to her, just as he is to Sebek.
It's at that moment Sebek's memories of what happened during Lilia's farewell party abruptly come back to him, and he finally recalls everything that happened up until Malleus put everyone to sleep.
(I really wanted to focus on Yuu & Sebek's bond here which is why I didn't have them go to party and completely veered away from canon in that regard.)
Yuu feels both relieved and guilty for making Sebek recall such painful memories since she's glad he's back to his senses but hates that he has to remember his beloved liege in such a dreadful state.
Before anything else can be said or done, an angry OB Malleus arrives on the scene, having sensed that Sebek woke up.
This leads to Yuu and the others immediately realizing that Malleus is monitoring and actually taking part in everyone's dreams. He's not just in the real world, watching over everyone's unconscious bodies like Yuu had expected.
Upon realizing this, Yuu catches everyone off guard when she snaps, because seeing Malleus getting so angry makes her angry in return.
While she had gotten upset with him before he put her to sleep, she really gets riled up here because he has the nerve to invade people's dreams, acting like it's his right as king, and to get angry at her for not playing by his rules and following his orders.
Yuu has had enough of Malleus's selfish behavior since, no matter how tragic his past or his current situation regarding Lilia are, this does not give Malleus the right to act like a spoiled brat with a god-complex.
At this point, her stress meter has just maxed out thanks to everything she's had to deal with as of late, so she has finally just completely reached her snapping point.
As a result, Yuu just basically starts going off on Malleus and cursing up a storm, similar to what she did to Leona when she fought him in his OB state lol 😂
Not having ever seen her like this before, Silver is just silent and wide-eyed, and Sebek is loudly gasping like a Victorian who has seen a lady's ankle for the first time. Meanwhile, Grim's like, "Oh crap. Yuu's swtich got flipped." lol
Malleus, of course, gets increasingly angry at Yuu for her daring to treat him so disrespectfully, but his anger doesn't faze Yuu cause she is way too far past the point of giving a damn 😂
What really pisses Malleus off is when Yuu calls him out for trying to run away from reality by putting everyone to sleep. She says it's really no wonder why Lilia still treats him like a kid since that's exactly what he's acting like.
She also grills him for endangering everyone's lives since, while his UM gives everyone happy dreams, that doesn't change the fact that their physical bodies are still back in reality going without food and water.
The fact that Malleus is using all his time dream watching means he's not looking after everyone's bodies, like what she had hoped he would do, which is another reason why she's pissed since he's essentially killing everyone as they speak.
Around that time, Malleus finally snaps and lashes out with magic, prompting Yuu to use her ring, which just barely manages to protect her.
However, Yuu realizes that her ring won't be able to hold up long and that, no matter how much she wants to punch Malleus, that's just not doable right now.
That's why she moves closer to Grim and the others and asks Silver if he can use his UM again since trying to fight Malleus is pointless under these current circumstances.
As much as Silver wants to stop Malleus right now, he knows Yuu is right, so he tries to use his UM again after getting everyone to grab onto him, which Yuu makes Sebek agree to do despite his reluctance to hold Silver's hand lol
So, they don't fight against Malleus like in canon thanks to Yuu suggesting they hightail it out of there and focus on finding another way to stop Malleus.
Fortunately, while Silver has trouble at first, he's able to use his UM when the ring Lilia gave him starts glowing, like in canon.
That's how they later find themselves in a forest, obviously having successfully traveled to another person's dream world.
Since they didn't fight Malleus, Sebek doesn't lament raising his fist against his beloved liege and instead scolds Yuu for going off on Malleus like a wild hooligan lol
He gets cut off, though, when Grim nervously asks if they really will die if Malleus doesn't get stopped, to which Yuu says that it's a very likely possibility.
That's why Malleus has to be stopped at all costs. Otherwise, he'll go down in history as an infamous murderer.
As she says that, she meets Sebek's eyes, because she knows he won't want to fight Malleus but that's exactly what he'll need to do for Malleus's sake since Malleus will only suffer if he continues down the path he's on.
Obviously, that's the last thing Sebek wants to happen, so despite how much it pains him to even think of opposing Malleus, he agrees that Malleus must be stopped since he refuses to allow his beloved liege's reputation to be forever tarnished.
Right after that exchange, Yuu's instincts start screaming at her, telling her that danger is nearby, so she scoops a surprised Grim up into her arms and yells for everyone to run, to which Sebek and Silver thankfully oblige.
That's when the attacks from Lilia's men happen, and said attacks are thankfully all avoided. And because Yuu grabbed Grim, she's able to prevent him from getting caught like in canon.
From there, Lilia's men start speaking fae while Sebek tries to talk to them like in canon.
Yuu doesn't focus too much on that exchange, however, because there's a dangerous presence nearby that she senses that isn't coming from the guys Sebek is talking to.
It's a very familiar presence.
Feeling its approach, Yuu quickly throws Grim at a surprised Silver and jumps in a completely different direction, just barely avoiding Lilia's weapon.
When Lilia continues attacking Yuu, putting her on the defensive, her friends call out her name in surprise/concern before Silver/Sebek freeze upon recognizing her attacker's weapon.
Meanwhile, Yuu has entered combat mode and is relying on all the fighting experience she has accumulated over the last ten-plus years of cage-fighting since that's the only way to stand a chance against the veteran attacking her, whose identity she quickly figures out since she's spent so much time around Lilia.
She also recognizes his voice when he tells his men that Yuu and her friends have been blessed by a nocturnal fae, so Yuu and the others aren't ironclads like they had been accused of being.
(By this point in the timeline, Yuu has been blessed by both Malleus and Lilia, but she doesn't know about it since they did it without her knowing so anyone who can sense those blessings can see she's under a fae's protection. Yuu just assumes that the blessing being talked about is when Malleus helped her out at the end of Book 5 or just a side effect of wearing the ring he made for her.)
Despite saying that, Lilia keeps attacking Yuu for some reason, and what's even more confusing is that he's not trying to land any lethal blows.
Eventually, Lilia stops attacking her and declares that she's not a formally trained soldier cause her movements suggest she was completely self-taught, and she wouldn't be allowed on a battlefield without any kind of proper training.
Like how Yuu could sense Lilia and see him for the threat he was, he could tell she wasn't a normal girl - that she was a warrior in her own right, and that's why he attacked her since that was the best way to figure out just what kinda warrior she was.
Of course, that still doesn't tell Lilia who the hell Yuu is, so he threateningly holds up his weapon and demands that she answer all of his questions unless she wants to be vaporized by his magearm.
Needless to say, this was not the kind of reunion with Lilia that Yuu and the others were hoping for.
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ilovesadomasochism · 11 months
The end of TR was sad for Koko and Inupi??
Spoiler from chapter 278
I’m not sure if I’m just a lunatic, if i’m right, if i’m obsessed by Kokonoi and Inui, or all options above, but something that screamed in my mind during all chapters after the 277 was:
Man, their ending wasn’t as good as everyone else’s.
Let me explain...
I really love this friendship - althought I shipp them as a couple -, and something that anyone can’t deny, even if you are a really fan of, is that their backstory are full of problems and complicated situations. Every step after the fire turned in a fucking and messy problem, Koko and Inupi probably had some heavy mental issues after this trauma.
Inupi’s unhealthy mind wasn’t shown much, in fact, it really seems Koko’s pain was the greatest and Inupi’s not so much. Kokonoi is my fav character, but man, makes me sad how underrrated Inupi’s pain at losing his sister is, for real. Maybe because Inupi got over Akane’s loss? Not sure, but anyway, that’s sad.
Right, so why do I say that the ending of Tokyo Revengers is sad for my beloved boys?
Thinking about the growth of their friendship, probably they weren’t very open for complicated dialogues and all that stuff, and I belive that they only started to be very clear about that after Koko enters Tenjiku, and Inupi brought up his sister’s name and this friendship began to turn out to be a real chaos.
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And after that, seemed like everything Koko did for Inupi was just for Akane. I’m not gonna deny, really had this “I see your sister in you” stuff; that’s one of the reasons that a lot of people dislike this shipp btw.
Coming back, the moment that all Kokoinu lovers are devoted for, is the “Let’s fall into hell together” scene.
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It only existed because Koko was on Kantou Manji Gang, and this gang only existed because Mikey created it!��In the newest timeline, Mikey have no reasons to create this gang, and more, not even the Tenjiku gang!
Everything started to be right when the confession arrived.
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Thinking about how the things needed to get really intense for this moment to finally arrive, in the current timeline, they didn’t go through all this emotional confessional and Koko didn’t have that realization.
So they are not that happy, and I think that both hearts still really heavy for the not confession arc.
I'm not saying it was a bad ending, but it could have been a lighter ending for their backstory and traumas, because honestly I don't think in the new timeline they had that moment of saying out loud about their insecurities
And more, in the official character book 2, is writed that Koko hates money - this blog explains better why Koko and Inui new info -, so... See that in the end Koko is making money again, makes me sad.
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Not gonna lie, Kokonoi is hot as hell here.
The only thing that makes my heart more peaceful is the fact that Inupi is with long and beautiful hair in this timeline. Not only aesthetically, but probably there’s some deep meaning in this haircut - where every timeline that Inupi feels comfortable in not show a manly appearance, to avoid Koko to remember his sister's silhouette, he let his hair long -
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He’s so beautiful with this hairstyle
Other POV is that in the new timeline the fire never happened - that's why Inupi have no scars -, but there's no canon proof - at least not that I saw - that can prove it, so I sometimes can't really just accept that everything just ended perfectly.
Akane wasn't shown, so that's one more reason why I can't just say that everything is completely fine. I would love to see her alive and, in the end, create a new scenario where nothing has happened to my pretty boys.
I do love this ideia but at the same time I can't just accept that they are this happy after the reset.
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