#anyone who's anti endogenic is on the dni
chaos-in-one · 4 months
Daily reminder not to call traumagenic systems who aren't anti endo, endogenic. It's fucked up.
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wondercourse · 3 months
y'know what a big pet peeve of mine is?
the phrase "this isn't for you" appended to "pro-/endos dni" on posts about trauma. usually trauma recovery. not necessarily about CDDs (though i'll get into why that's ALSO fucked up in a bit), but just about trauma in general.
i am a big believer in curating your space. i curate mine; i don't like how aggressive syscourse tends to be, so i don't engage in it in the way people may expect me to with my username being "wondercourse" lol. i don't really care what "side" they're on, what matters to me is how they treat others. it is okay for you to set boundaries surrounding your interactions with others, including those you don't want to interact with. i'm not saying you shouldn't do what you need to do to feel comfortable in your space.
but why not leave it at "dni" (this is also about the "fuck off" tag but that's a whole different conversation)? why append "this isn't for you"?
that implies that whatever kind words you said in that post, whatever encouragement you wanted to give, whatever "positive" thing you were trying to do, isn't deserved by the people you don't like.
even if someone who identifies as endogenic is a trauma survivor, "this post isn't for you".
even if they're person with a CDD who happens to "believe in" and/or support people who identify as endogenic, "this post isn't for you".
if you are "wrong" in someone's eyes, "this post isn't for you".
honestly, to me, it minimizes the words. they're not actually for all trauma survivors. they're not for all people with CDDs. they're for the ones that you find palatable. and that's...uncomfortable, to put it as kindly as i can.
and it's so unnecessary. it is not equivalent to just saying "dni". you are NOT the arbiter of what people deserve or don't, especially when it comes to trauma support/solidarity.
and maybe this is just me misinterpreting the phrase! but it just makes me skin crawl. like idk if there's really a way to justify it that would make me go "oh, i get it" because i don't (but i'm open to discussing it). why not treat each other as human beings deserving of respect and healing?
anyway, this has been a long enough post. i'm tired. i don't know if this even bothers anyone else. but it bugs the shit out of me.
oh, i was going to keep this in the tags, but this is something i want people to see: i mostly see this with people who identify with being anti-endo. but if you identify as pro-/endo and you do this "this isn't for you" thing on general positivity/recovery posts, then this is also about you. and if you don't, then it's not lol.
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yourfavisproendo · 19 days
Your Fav is Pro Endo
Submit any character from any fandom and I'll edit them over a plurality flag
If it's a niche character or if their name is common, submit their fandom as well
If I get multiple requests for the same character in rapid succession I'll only do one
Unless they're different labels (e.g. Venom is an endogenic system, Venom is a mixed-origins system, etc.)
If I get multiple requests for the same fandom in rapid succession I'll put them together
Unless they're all different labels (e.g. Doctor Strange is pro-endo traumagenic, Venom is mixed-origins, Iron Man is non-disordered tg, etc.)
Things I'll Do:
Pro-endo (simple) - the default if you haven't specified, the character placed just an endo flag
Pro-Endo Traumagenic
Mixed Origins
Any origin
Non-disordered traumagenic
Disordered endogenic
Non-disordered endogenic
Anything else basically, just provide a flag or a link to a flag if it's new or obscure
Anti-endos (obviously)
Radqueers/transid and terfs
Yeah that's basically it. No fandom dni or anything
Hate slides off me like a duck covered in oil. I've heard it all before come at me bro. I'm also not afraid to use the block button ^_^
If I do one from a problematic creator or media, kindly let me know. I don't support anyone who makes the media that's requested, I just work here /ref
I also won't do anything of real people (e.g. i won't do "Billy Joel is pro-endo"), but characters of real people (bands/artists, mcyt characters, etcetera) are allowed (e.g. "chonny jash's characters are pro-endo", "ranboo from dsmp is pro-endo")
Mod info:
Hey guys, call me IO! My pronouns are they/them and xey/xer. I'm a mixed origins fictive-heavy system who's sick and tired of anti endo bullshit 💚 I'll sign off as Mod Ore and I'll be mostly doing the modding on this blog. Feel free to say hi ^_^
[What's up guys I'm Mod Electric. He/It or mirror pronouns. That's all you need to know]
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theinfernalcollective · 3 months
Alright let's make this very clear.
We do NOT want
• pro-endos
• endos
• tuplas
• radqueers
• non disordered systems
• transID users
• homophobic or transphobic people
interacting with us at all.
Doesn't matter if you are a D.I.D system, if you support endogenics we do. Not. Want you here.
(We are talking about you specifically truffhollowell)
Now, people who can interact!
• Artists
• D.I.D and O.S.D.D systems
• Other anti-endos
• Transgender folks
Pretty much anyone apart from those on the DNI.
Because apparently people can't have the decency to respect others this has to be said. - Viserion
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clownypillar · 2 months
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⤷ My names are jester/kastor/walden and I use she/he/xym !
im an 16 anifaux autistic artist who’s the host of a P-DID system which is erm cool I think, I’ll mainly be the one posting here
We’re in soso many fandoms… though the ones I’ll be making fanart for the most are
⤷ smg4, cult of the lamb, sneegsnag, welcome home, rainbow factory Wally au, my own welcome home AUs, and phighting !
extra things we like and you might see
⤷ Pokémon, the glass scientist, creatures of sonaria, splatoon, regretavator, and sky cotl !
while we post silly autistic fanart, we also make discord emojis !
if you want more information on us, check out our carrd !
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If you only followed for my fanart, emojis, or random yappery (I doubt fr) I have custome tags, so if you only want to mainly see one of these, feel free to follow one
✦ #clownyyappery
✦ #clownyart
✦ #clownymojis
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⟣ if you ever use our emojis in a server, please make sure to add CLOWNY_ at the beginning for credit :3
⟣ do not steal/copy our emojis, or edit them without our permission, inspiration is 100% as long as you ask and give credit !
⟣ don’t use our emojis for inappropriate reasons, being an endo is a inappropriate reason btw 💕
⟣ please give us emoji request !! We love requests !!! We will do anything besides your ocs or headmates, but if we know and like a character we will do that :3
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⟣ do not copy/trace/edit our art, that’s witterly so mean what the heck :( /silly
⟣ PLEASE GIVE US ASKS!!!!! you can request pretty much anything besides nsfw and art of your ocs unless we specifically ask that you can request us to draw them, we will draw gore and suggestive art just don’t be too crazy vro
⟣ going off the last one, please. Don’t dm us asking us to draw your ocs if you are not our mutual, if you’re our mooty patootie of course we’ll draw what you want /silly but anyone please don’t. You will be able to ask us to draw your characters when we open commissions, but we will not draw it for free.
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⟣ if you aren’t our mutual, don’t dm us without asking, random dms from people we don’t know makes us extremely uncomfortable
⟣ while we do try and stay out of syscourse, this is not a safe space for anyone who is an endogenic ‘system’ or anyone who accepts and supports them
⟣ basic dni criteria, proshippers, racists, anti-lgbtqia+, just don’t interact if you’re weird dawg
⟣ if we ever make you uncomfortable, feel free to tell us ! We struggle to tell when we did something wrong or pick up on social cues for when someone’s uncomfortable/uneasy, but if you tell us we will be supa understanding trust
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⟣ we might come off as passive aggressive, but I promise we’re not angry ! (Unless we are, you’ll probably know when we are) a lot of our humour is based around our passive aggressive nature, but don’t be scared to interact because of it :3
⟣ while I’m typically the one posting, if you ever wanna know who made a post, feel free to ask, we’ll probably never ever use sign-offs unless it’s super duper uber important to /silly
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if you want to join a very awesome server with a very active community full of goofy fandoms, use all our custome emojis, or just see our art as soon as it’s made, consider joining our server ! ITS SUPER AWESOME GUYS 100%%%
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
Found a Hate Blog in The #Plural Tag. 😮‍💨
As I covered recently, "Plural" is an inclusive word with origins in endogenic and non-disordered systems.
If any anti-endo posts in the "#plural" tag or other inclusive tags, don't expect your DNIs to be respected.
They also are doing this knowingly. People have already tried to contact them about using the inclusive plural tag and the hate blog has stubbornly refused.
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So if they're going to post in inclusive tags, I figured I might as well respond to some of their vent posts in anti-endo tags. As always, if anti-endos have a problem with this or feel boundaries are being unfairly crossed, please take it up with the hate blog I'm responding to that's invading our spaces.
Also, really weird how they just jump straight into saying "pro-endos" aren't systems either. Hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of traumagenic DID systems whose disorders and trauma are just valid as yours. And they manage to not be bigots too!
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Wait... are they claiming that ALL dissociation can only be caused by trauma?
Although previous research has implicated a history of childhood trauma in the development of dissociative tendencies, insufficient cognizance (in this context) has been taken of the distinction between pathological and nonpathological dissociation. In this study, the relationship between childhood trauma and both pathological and nonpathological dissociation was investigated in a sample of 100 Australian adults. Pathological dissociation was positively predicted by dimensions of childhood trauma, but no such relationship was found for nonpathological dissociation (psychological absorption). The data are consistent with the traumagenic model of the dissociative disorders, but factors other than childhood trauma may also be pertinent.
Amazing how they compare us with anti-vaxxers while trying to claim all dissociation is traumagenic. This wasn't even hard to find. 🙄
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"I don't care about any morals"
Well, at least you're up front about it.
Also, I tend to check the DID tags every now and then and you know what I don't see there? Endogenic systems!
"#Endo Safe" tags are more often than not used by pro-endo traumagenic systems.
Guess what! If you have DID, you get to post in the DID tags. Being a hateful bigot isn't a requirement! Anyone with DID has the right to post in the DID tags, and can tag their post as endo safe too!
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Maybe you wouldn't get as many anons from endogenic systems if you stop posting in inclusive tags. Just a thought!
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How are they harmful to the community again?
Weren't you just saying earlier that pro-endos were stealing resources? Now you're acknowledging that they're making resources for the community, but this is also bad?
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Genic labels literally only exist because of the pro-endo community. And the anti-endo community notoriously hates xeno-origins like NPD-genic. Yes, people will assume you're endo-safe when you use xeno-origins because these terms, like most resources in the plural community, were made by pro-endos.
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Keep it up guys! It's working! We're spreading!
Sorry, I don't feel like rebutting anything here. I just appreciate seeing that our efforts are paying off!
The Future is Plural! 😁
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This talking point has been completely debunked.
System hopping was used by pro-endos 15 years before the earliest association with RAMCOA. The idea that it was a RAMCOA term is a total lie invented by anti-endos!
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OSDD-1A and OSDD-1B are not actually official disorders. There is an OSDD. The first example, called OSDD-1 sometimes, gives two possible presentations. One with less distinct alters and amnesia, and another with no amnesia. But these aren't called OSDD-1a or OSDD-1b.
If your goal is education, this nuance is important.
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Could it be because ASPEC people have dealt with a ton of exclusionism from some queer communities, and are more accepting of other people as a result? And perhaps they also recognize similarities between system exclusionists and queer exclusionists?
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You're coming and posting in our tags!
That's why people keep interacting with you! "Plural" is a term coined by non-disordered systems, you've been told this, and you insist on posting in inclusive tags anyway!
You don't get to bust in someone's door, complain about them in their home, and then tell them not to interact with you! It doesn't work like that!
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Funny how these are the only sources they can provide. And they exclusively deal with DID without even touching on other forms of plurality.
The ICD-11 says you can experience "multiple distinct personality states" without a dissociative disorder.
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The creators of the theory of structural dissociation have said hypnosis and mediumship may involve self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality.
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And Transgender Mental Health, written by Eric Yarbrough and published by the American Psychiatric Association (who publishes the DSM) says you can be plural without trauma or a disorder.
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Sources repeatedly affirm that it's possible to be plural without trauma!
Anyone who claims it's impossible to be plural without trauma is either ignorant or lying.
And if you're going to keep spreading hate and misinformation, at least keep it out of inclusive tags!
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sawyer-is-eepy · 3 months
as a punk, its the least fucking punk thing to call someone a poser. what 90% of anti-endos want is for endos to stop calling themselves systems (its a medical term) and to get the fuck out of our spaces. calling yourself a system (short for system of alternate states of dissociation) when you dont have did/osdd is ablist. ablism is NOT punk. listen to actual fucking trauma survivors instead of circlejerking every other ablist around
hi, sorry, i've mostly got it okay but i don't have my glasses right now and can't see very well. trying to still type properly but it's a bit hard, so i'm sorry for any typos ! ^^
i get why anti endos are wanting a space thats exclusively for cdd systems, but terms can change and adapt and evolve(and they are!) the thing is, more and more research is being done on endogenic systems and a lot of said studies are referring to endos AS systems. medical studies and such!
plus, not trying to say you're lying or anything because i can't prove you wrong, but i'm, not even entirely sure system was ever ACTUALLY just exclusively for cdds because it's just that previousloy, there was no research on endos so maybe now that more stuff is coming out about them? but if you do have stuff about the original usage of the term i'd be glad to check it out! i
and about your spaces, again i do understand why youd want a space sepcifically for traumagen/disordered systems. but the thing is, a lot of times those spaces completely exclude a lot of traumagen systems ANYWAYS!! yall exclude proendo traumagen, and exclude traumagenic systems that aren't disordered! and because a lot of those spaces have become "haha funny lets just h\ate on endos and fakeclaim a ton of them!" and also putting "proendos dni" on a lot of your posts you exclude anyone who could benefit from resources and/or potential friendships, as well as fakeclaim "real" systems! you create spaces that are filled with hate and anger so people don't feel safe expressing themselves.
tumblr is usually better about fakeclaiming stuff from what i've seen, but literally everywhere else(ESPECIALLY reddit tiktok and yt) are all incredibly hostile toward endos, and often how that manifests itserlf is fakeclaiming literally any system, ever. INCLUDING traumagen ones.
my MAIN issue with anti endos is how yall want a safe space but your spaces are so filled with hate and you consistently bar yourself from actually ever receiving any criticism. you create echo chambers, basically
safe spaces are no5t places for people to post hate without having to get called out. safe places are not for you to go "there's no science to back endos!" and then ignore any attempts to share science behind endos by saying "youre invading our spaces! you broke the dni!"
youre right, ableism is VERY not punk! but you claim to protect trauma survivors when you ignore the proendo traumagens and the endos WITH trauma!! what about the endos who had to go through trauma and want to speak about their trauma but are silenced because its "sCiEnTiFiCaLlY ImPosSiBlE!111!!11" ? what about the traumagenic systems who just waant a space to be able to communicate with other trauma survivors but they arent listened to because they support something else???
you create hateful spaces, we're gonna call you out on that bullshit.
i'm sorry about the endos who invade other tags but i feel like this time it's at least a little justified.
edit: i can see slightly better now so i fixed some of the typing errors. sorry if i still missed any
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thefoolsystem · 12 days
Hiya! Small question, as long as Host (or any of the headmates) are comfortable with answering.
“overall anti-endo for safety (I have some pro endo, neutral, and anti endo alters, but due to the fact that endo content is extremely triggering for some alters, I do not allow it to show up in front of me)”
So… Is Host against? Or not? I understand the wording here, but I genuinely would like to know Host’s stance on endogenic systems. Again, this is only if Host (or anyone else) is comfortable with replying and clearing this up for me. Thanks! <3
I understand your question, however, it is very difficult for me to answer, as I have many hosts and would not be able to tell you with any certainty which one would be my main fronter.
I think the best answer I can give is this: I have been trained as a neuroscientist, have worked in neurology in a medical capacity, and have received extensive education on PTSD and neurological disorders. Due to this, I tend to lean on a more nuanced side of endogenic discourse. I am a neuroscientist rather than a psychologist, which means I specialize in concepts relating to the physical structure of the brain (such as fMRI, proteins, and chemical signaling that are altered by disorders).
By this I mean: there is an abundance of literature cementing the idea that DID/OSDD is borne of trauma, as well as literature exploring the physical phenomena (like brain activation in fMRI) behind DID/OSDD. In addition, there is some literature documenting physical differences in DID/OSDD systems and malingering systems (aka, we can see physically if a system has the disorder or not regardless of symptomology). However, there is less information about the existence of systems outside of DID/OSDD (for example, I look to the meditative practice of Tibetan Buddhist tulpamancy); to that end, DID/OSDD itself as a diagnosis may be reshaped or abolished when new information comes to light.
Therefore, I (as one of the hosts) would rather that DID/OSDD spaces online stay exclusive and informational to traumagenic systems, as there are unique challenges this disorder creates within us that we often need to ameliorate with community resources. I understand the anger that many anti-endo systems hold towards those who attempt to mimic the disorder, as many within me hold the same anger.
However, regardless of the opinions of my other headmates, I try not to confirm nor deny the existence of systems outside of DID/OSDD. It is simply not something that exists within the scientific literature I have cemented my education upon. My "endos DNI" tag is there for the safety of DID/OSDD systems who see my content, and because I wish for my experiences as a system to be categorized in this manner.
If I have offended anyone with this post, I apologize. I welcome any comments within this post, but I do not wish to become a syscourse blog or to involve myself in discourse.
TL;DR: there is proof that DID/OSDD can only exist with trauma, however, there is little evidence either way that non-DID/OSDD systems exist. I am not a psychologist, but a neuroscientist. Brain stuff is complicated, and it may be many decades before we truly get answers.
If you are an endogenic system who is looking at my content, I hope it proves helpful to you, however, please respect my wishes that I want for my experiences to be reblogged only on the OSDD/DID side of Tumblr. Besides that, you are free to quietly appreciate my work (likes are fine). If you are a system that does not identify as endogenic, yet does not quite fit the DID/OSDD category, feel free to interact.
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sorrowful-figure · 5 months
Welcome to our blog!
We’re the Tributary System, a truamagenic (questioning mixed origin) fictive heavy system of 70+! We’re endogenic, tulpagenic, willogenic, and other origin safe! We’re autistic, physically disabled, heavily traumatized, and have NPD, we may post vents here, or content that may have heavy themes, they will be properly tagged!
Some interests we have are..
Bungou Stray Dogs(both Manga, and Anime), Minecraft, psychology, cooking, Splatoon, Omori, and more!!
Do not interact if you are..
Fatphobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Anti-self dx, Anti-neopronouns, Anti-Xenogender, believe in Narc Abuse (you are allowed to interact if you’re asking and respectful), anti-endo, victim blame, TERF’s, I will add as needed
Our ‘thin ice’/interact with caution
You’re should interact with caution if..
You think anyone with a personality disorder is inherently bad, proship, radqueer, thirteen and under, 25 and over, I will add as needed (rq& proship this is nothing wrong w/you, js extremely diff opinions in the system and interactions will be more/less pleasant depending on who’s fronting sadly)
Extra about us!
You can dm us at any time!! We dont bite ^_^, we have Simply Plural, Discord, and Twitter, you’re allowed to ask for these, too! Please if we accidentally overstep boundaries we probably don’t realize, try to talk to us about it and remind us before assuming we did it on purpose! Overall we’re friendly, and happy to meet new people right now!!
Userboxes under the cut ^_^ also logs for anyone who signs off here !
-Figure/❤️‍🩹 [He/Fog/Mist]
-Dazzy/📕 [He/It/Paw]
-Sharkie/🦈 [Fin/Paw/Sea/Dove/Gill/Shine]
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the-saturn-system · 5 months
Who Are We?
About us:
We are an endogenic system who supports other endos, and we believe all plurals deserve respect! We also like to do Userboxes using HTML
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We, at the moment, are composed of 4 individuals, a brief introduction of us for you:
Anthropomorphic bee giantess. Harsh and Tough individual who can show affection but doesn't like Tumblr too much.
Centaur girl who loves cute stuff, science, and programming, but also loves magic and occultism, basically a Technomancer. She is our first merge and she is eager to interact
Anthropomorphic fox with a cyberpunk aesthetic that embraces naturism, is good with technology, is a good manager, and helps us to keep on track with everything happening within the system. She also acts like a brat and pushes us out of our comfort zone.
That would be me, the Host who is writing this post, I care for people I like and also love programming, I'm pretty much a weeb and love a lot of nerdy and geeky stuff.
Go Away If:
You are a transphobe, racist, xenophobe, or anything like that... You get the gist of it.
You are a douchebag
I mean, just don't be a douche... is it that hard?
A Bit More Info:
We love One Piece
We love Adventure Time
We love games, books, podcasts, and anything related to storytelling
We will love you if you don't give us hate, we will believe in you!
Current Hyperfocus
Stardew Valley
One Piece
Python Programming
Talent Management
DNI because we literally were asked if anti-endos could interact here
DIP (Do Interact, Please)
Traumagenic systems who support endo
People with autism, schizophrenia and any type of mental disorder
Anyone who is not a douche bag
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fluffyendovents · 3 months
(Pro)Endo Tag Blacklist
- I do not support harassment towards anyone who uses these tags. Just block these tags -
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#pro endo
#endo safe
#endogenic safe
#pro endogenic
#pluralpunk ~ Reasons put here are probably known
#anti anti endo
#anti syscourse ~ not everyone who uses this is (pro)endo but used significantly by them
#nontraumagenic safe
#dni anti endo
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lilbabystuffieluver · 4 months
Welcome to my blog!
What's my blog about?
This blog is dedicated to educating people on age regression and the misconceptions of it! This is a safe space to ask any and all questions about age regression.
Here's a list of things/people I DO NOT want to interact with my blog! And if you do . . . Surprise! You're getting blocked! :D I reserve the right to block anyone with or without reason provided.
DNI if . . .
You participate in DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MBLG, ABDL, CGL or anything similar!
If your profile is NSFW
You are/support endogenic system(s)
You support pro-shipping
If you're anti-recovery
If you're anti-agere
You're a p3do/MAP
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or anything similar
Zoophile or necrophiliac
If you're gonna talk about politics
Support problematic people
You support autism speaks or similar things
Gore/sh/ed accounts
About Me
Hihi! I'm Alex! I've been an age regressor since I was 14, and I'm 20 years old now! I'm autistic and have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and a few other things. Learning about mental health stuff (including age regression) is my special interest! I prefer to interact with adults only, so please do not dm me if you're under 18. I run a sfw 18+ Agere server on discord so DM me if you want the link! I also have a partner/cg so please don't flirt with me or be a creep otherwise I'm gonna block you! I'm very excited to be able to teach others about age regression and hope I can help some people :D
What is age regression?
Age regression is a sfw coping mechanism used to cope with past trauma, or to heal your inner child. Regression can be voluntary or involuntary. It can also just be used for fun or as a way to relax. People who age regress mentally regress to the age of a child. This can be to any age but for a lot of people it will typically be from the ages of 1-6 years old. Age regression can present itself in many forms such as baby talk, playing with toys, watching cartoons, doing kid-like activities, being more vulnerable, using pacis, bottles, and sippy cups, dressing in a childlike manner, difficulty regulating emotions and more!
Can age regression be NSFW?
No! Age regression is strictly SFW and should be kept as such. The reason being is people who regress are in the mental state of a child, and children CANNOT consent. Anyone who makes it NSFW is taking advantage of the regressed person because again, they cannot consent to NSFW activities.
Why do some people have the misconception that it's NSFW?
When people think of age regression as NSFW, they're actually thinking about something called ag3 play. Ag3 play is a k1nk where someone roleplays being a child while their "daddy/mommy/d0m" (i do understand that lots of regressors use daddy/mommy in a sfw way tho!) interacts with them in an NSFW way. Ag3 play is borderline p3dophilic as someone is "getting off" to someone who dresses/acts like a child, and it's morally wrong. (If you support ag3 play, DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, or ABDL YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! 🙂)The difference between age regression and ag3 play is that age regression is actually mentally reverting to the mindset of a child, ag3 play is only roleplay. If you're making your "regression" s3xual, you're not actually regressing. It's just a k1nk and roleplay.
Is there a wrong way to age regress?
Absolutely not! Age regression comes in many different forms and the way you regress isn't wrong or bad! There's not a wrong way to dress, play, talk, or interact with other regressors (just remember to be kind!). Just because you don't fit the stereotype of pastels, pink, teddy bears and hello kitty doesn't mean you're any less valid as a regressor! You can even like scary stuff while regressed and that's perfectly okay! You don't have to be picture perfect to be able to regress. You can be messy and loud and anything you want! Just do what makes you feel most comfortable!
Do you have to have a caregiver to be a regressor?
Nope! Not all age regressors have, need or want a caregiver! Caregivers are completely optional to have as a regressor and some people feel more comfortable regressing alone!
What's the difference between a good and bad caregiver?
Here are some tips for weeding out good vs bad caregivers!
Good caregivers
Speaks in a gentle tone and doesn't yell or raise their voice to get their point across
Respects their littles boundaries
Doesn't use physical punishments (hitting, spanking, etc.)
Is understanding, patient and kind
Rewards their little for good behavior
Comforts their little when they are upset
Finds other ways of communication when their little is nonverbal/semi-verbal
Bad "caregivers"
Punishes their little for "not obeying" them
Hits or spanks their little
Yells or raises their voice
Is manipulative (ex: saying if their little doesn't do something they'll be punished)
Involved in any k1nk communities such as ddlg, mdlb, abdl, etc.
Doesn't try to get to know the big side of their regressor only talks to them when they're little
Calling their little mean names
Tries to make their little touch them inappropriately/touches their little inappropriately
Downplays their littles feelings
Keep in mind that every caregiver/regressor dynamic is different but these are some green vs red flags to watch out for when finding a caregiver. I'll add more to this list later!
What are some common disorders that cause age regression?
Age regression is very common in those with (c) PTSD, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dissociative disorders.
This post is a wip and more will be added later! Thank you for reading! :)
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voidedmuffin · 4 months
Hey Systems!
Mostly directed at the Quotev refugees, but obviously anyone is welcome! Also, if you're a kinnie, there's also stuff in here for you regarding sourcecalls and fun blogs!)
First of all, hi. I feel weird doing this on my main blog since I'm not exactly public with it, but I figured it'd be less confusing. Yay
Feel free to ask questions in the comments/reblogs/notes on this post or in my blog inbox(you can do so anonymously as well, but you won't get a notif for it). Lemme know if I missed anything
This is a Lot of ground to cover, and therefore a long post!
System related tags, blogs and sideblogs, source/canoncalls, system-related blogs
Basic system-related tags and what they mean:
#sysblr General system tag for when you're just talking about assorted system stuff, or being yourself and would like the system community to see. Alt related #system stuff, #sys stuff, #system, #plural, #plurality
#actually did, #actually osdd Posting about the disorder itself. Whether it's studies or your specific experiences with it
#syscourse System-related discourse. It's common courtesy to leave the other sys-related tags off syscourse posts because it's rude to drag people in who are casually scrolling through a tag not wanting to see syscourse
#endo safe + #anti endo Endogenic systems are ones that form without trauma. Have whatever opinion on them you want. It's just a tag to welcome/ask them to leave. Alt related #anit endo, #pro endo
#[system/introject/etc] positivity Your usual positivity posts!
#sourcecall If you have fictives that are wanting to reach out for sourcemates from their piece of media, you're gonna wanna tag with this! You can also find blogs that allow you to submit to them anonymously to find sourcemates. Alt related #canoncall
#fictive, #factive I think this is self-explanatory. Posting about fictives/factives--being one with experiences, or looking for others. Related to source calls, you'll also want to tag with #[media] fictive, #[character] fictive. I'll get into how to go about making these posts later, along with those blog reqs. Alt related #introject
Blogs and sideblogs
Obviously, you'll have your main blog that you make when you get Tumblr(mine is @voidedmuffin, as you see here), but Tumblr allows the unique ability to have multiple sideblogs completely separate from your main. Some people use this feature to make a spam blog, art blog, interest blog, ask blog, etc. A common thing with the system community here is alter-specific blogs and/or a general system blog for catchall stuff. I'll be using some of ours as examples
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Starting with comparing them. @legsystem is our general catchall system blog that our alters can post to publically or anonymously. I tend Not to post system-related things on my personal blog, just cuz I'm a little private about it. @timdrakesstaff is a fictive alter of Tim Drake from DC(he's a loser, lol). He made his own blog to interact with others as himself without needing to mask as the host. Some other alters Also use his blog because they like encroaching on others' property, lol
Our immediate bios aren't very descriptive because of our private nature, but it gets the jist across of pronouns and age. Some system blogs will link their Carrd or Rentry here, or do that in a different post.
The reason Tim's blog has two URLs listed is because if you view it on desktop, you can see a very personalized page! Very cool Tumblr feature that you can find layouts for!! That means you layout makers have enrichment here still! In fact, you have a lot more wiggle room!
Now, if you scroll down on Legsystem, you will see a pinned post
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... Ignore that typo, lol
It just lays out some more information and ground rules. This is often where people will put their DNI's and stuff. We didn't use a lot of tags on it just out of preference. These can be as short or as long as you want. You don't even have to have one if you don't want to!
The main difference between these two things is that the system community tends to not use the canoncall tag, as that's primarily used by the kin community, cuz it's a spiritual multiversal connection thing? I dunno, my knowledge on kinning comes from 2017-2020 Qutev kinmunity and uhhhhh, that was just a large group of systems who Didn't Know Yet, lmfao. Sourcecalls are just for finding fictives from the same source as you!
Like I said, there are lots of blogs out there that let you submit anonymously for a source. @findinyourkin @findthebae @kincalling @problematickincalls1(specifically for problematic sources or characters, or specific timelines. They don't tag triggers, so be mindful) among many other blogs, I just know that these are popular and active ones to use!
These blogs will often have their own criteria for sourcecalls, but it usually follows Character-source-age-age range you comfy with-contact with added option of adding in memories you have to make your distinguishable or who in particular you might be looking for. Some blogs ask you to specificy if you're kin/fictive and if you're okay with the other interacting As for contact, you can link/@ a blog in the call, reblog the call to said blog, or add a "interact(like/rb) this post and I'll reach out to you!". You can turn on notifications for a post, but it doesn't always work
When you go to look for sourcemates, you'll want to look up the #[media] fictive or #[character] fictive. (Alternatively #[media] kin or #[character] kin). The former is Everything, the latter is for a specific person. This can be used to find that specific guy you might be looking for "I'm a X fictive looking for Y fictive from Z source. I will go into the #Y fictive tag to see what I can find. Or I will see all the different/unsorted people by searching #Y fictive]"
Here's a couple examples from our system! (Click on the second image to actually see the full thing, lmao)
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On the left is a sourcecall post anonymously to a search blog. It follows the basic criteria I listed above. In the blog's post, they'll end up tagging it with #canon calls, #lance mcclain fictive, #voltron fictive, #fictive some blogs will tag a little differently or more in-depth. Lance ended up reblogging his sourcecall post to @legsystem so people could find him/the blog easily
On the right is a sourcecall post made by the alter on their own blog. It's very direct. Tim lists more stuff in his post than Lance did in the anon one, but ultimately they're very similar! Tim also made his in 2022 and still gets interactions(like, 2 in the last week alone, lol). So, if people look for you, they will find you!
Let's look at the tags he used...
#fictive#introject#dc fictive#dc kin#dc introject#tim drake fictive#tim drake kin#tim drake introject#canon calls#source call#kin call
This is a very wide net. He's fine with kins interacting as well, so he included the kin call tag. He tagged the relevant fictive tags, as well as his own character tag. Since it's his main/permanent sourecall, he didn't tag specific fictives he's looking for, but he's done so in other posts in the past.
System-related blogs (And kin-related!)
They're are plenty of blogs besides sourcecall ones that engage with the system community at large!
@funnier-as-a-system Will reblog posts that can be read as a system, even if that wasn't the original intent of the post. Always makes me laugh
@fictive-culture, @pluralcultureis and @systemcultureis Are both blogs that post submissions with Relatable content on general fictive and system culture. There's also more specific versions of these blogs out there. Like demifictive, factive, little, etc culture
@fictionkinfessions And other related blogs post submitted (usually anonymous) confessions. You can be as up front about who you are an/or who you might be talking about. There are also related blogs for venting
@findinyourkin @findthebae @kincalling @problematickincalls1 Previously mentioned source/canoncall blogs! They're great
There are also plenty of system-related and friendly Discord servers around. You'll be able to find them easier on Disboard, but you can find them on some of those above blogs, in some of those source fictive tags, and just through the people you meet! (Tim always throws an active comic server at all the DC people he meets, lmao)
Good luck and have fun!
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disrealities · 3 months
sorry if this may come off as rude/gen
what do you mean by "non-traumagenic systems+supporters dni?"
we assume you are referring to endos..but there are endogenc systems that are traumagenic(TraumaEndo,Mixed origins, Traumagenic systems that use endogenic terms/have endogenic alters) would those people also be on your DNI or just only non-traumagen endos?
(also note we are an OSDD system whos neutral on endos and just kinda wanst everyone to leave each other alone and stick to their designated spaces..would we also be apart of your DNI?)/genq
so sorry if this is intrusive and we are not trying to be hate-full/gen
If you want everyone to stay in their own spaces, why are you trying to bring endogenic shit into my strictly anti-endo space?
I don't want anyone who uses the term endogenic to interact with me. This includes "mixed origin", traumaendo, endogenic alters, or ANY kind of "system" that is not only, and fully caused by trauma. If you use the term "endogenic", that automatically makes you a supporter in my eyes — and therfore puts you on my DNI.
If people use terms or flags made by endos, that's none of my business. As long as you are ENTIRELY traumagenic, I don't care that you're endo neutral. You are on thin ice, but you can use my terms. This applies to everyone that is syscourse neutral / apathetic.
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that-system-feel · 4 months
This blog is for systems who want to send in funny circumstances that come up with one's system!
This blog is endo safe. There is no set DNI, but the following rules apply:
- No NSFW asks, and if you have an NSFW blog, follow and interact from a different blog. This is a comfort thing for us.
- Anti-endos may interact so long as they do not bring any discourse or aggression to this blog. The blog is meant to be fun for everyone.
- Radqueers may interact so long as they do not bring any of the drama or discourse to this blog. Basically, you can send stuff in about your system, but don't discuss anything that could cause controversy or anything.
- Singlets are free to follow, but please do not send in any asks! If you have any questions about plurality, there are several other blogs that are open to answering questions from well-meaning singlets.
- If anyone makes us feel uncomfortable, we will freely use the block button.
Anon signoffs are allowed!
If you want to help mod the blog, send us a DM!
About the Mods
Mod 🐺
We're a non-disordered mixed endogenic and traumagenic system. We saw another blog which was similar to this one, but was anti-endo. We made this blog so that we and others like us would have a space to send in our fun system moments.
All asks will either be tagged as "that system feel" or "not a system feel"
All warnings will be tagged with "tw __" (For our own comfort, we will add warnings to posts with swearing)
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anti-endo-safe-space · 6 months
These two posts piss us the fuck off so r a n t i n g y a y
[Posts in case people can't access them:
Post 1:
Reasons endogenic systems make endogenic safe spaces: Discrimination from not only singlets who refuse to understand, but also traumagenic systems who choose to discriminate against their fellow systems. There are also hate are groups being formed just for endogenic systems existing and getting doxxed for the same reasons, despite science backing up endogenic systems.
Reasons anti endos make anti endo safe spaces: th-the big bad endo called me mean...... :'(
Post 2:
”anti-endo-safe-space” why do you need a safe space. NOBODY is hating on you. “i was a-a-accused of being mean to people 😣😣😣” you tag every post with hatred]]
Oh, why do we need a safe space? Maybe because endos and endo supporters have gone out of their way to harass and attack anti-endos for believing in science? calling us "sysmeds" (YOU CAN'T MEDICALIZE A MEDICAL DISORDER) and "traumascum" (ONCE AGAIN, YOU CAN'T MEDICALIZE A MEDICAL DISORDER [it's an alternate term for sysmeds]), they attack people who say stuff like "i don't want any endos interacting because we have trauma related to endos" and they claim that every anti-endo thinks all pro-endos are faking (which like 90% of people do not) and also what science??? the carrds and reentries y'all link??? or that one 13 page paper that literally just says that the field is underresearched???? and let's not forget the things they say when anti-endos pull out sources. It's all "that's not true because [blank]!" and "well [blank] says differntly and they're DIAGNOSED so" and other bullshit. or they just ignore it completely.
And please, raise your hand if you want a safe space solely because endos called you mean. I've seen systems who want them because they have trauma relating to endos/pro endos, I've seen systems who want them because they don't want to be attacked for their beliefs, we personally want them because the amount of misinformation in the community is off the charts and has made us believe that we were faking all of our trauma (tied into the radqueer community a little bit but radqueers and endos are not inherently linked so yea) and that we were endogenic!!!
"nobody is hating on you" YOU ARE LITERALLY HATING SAYING THAT??? BRUH??? Not to mention the reblogs that said "me. i'm hating on them" and the fucking harassment!! like thanks anon, i really wanted to be told i'm lucky for being trafficked! i really needed that!! thanks a lot!! "you tag every post with hatred" ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ANTI ENDO? FUCK ENDOS? ENDOS DNI? The fuck endos is true yea but y'all say the exact same shit about anti endos so don't even pretend.
just. endos piss me the fuck off. let us have our safe spaces.
Hey anon, we're gonna send a bit of a longer one to what you said because we 100000% agree especially because we've seen BOTH of those posts
Exactly. They've taken over any system space and if they're not included then your abelist meanwhile they claim to NOT have a disorder??? Pick a lane?? We created this because we literally have alters that split off because of endos and the harassment they've given, one's who's literal job it is to handle the harassment they can give. Look we know a system who's diagnosed but they say that not all trauma is valid, does that make them right? No because trauma is trauma, diagnosis doesn't mean they know everything
Exactly, we have this because they've given us trauma and honestly, they suck. They mock our disorder (Cheesegenic anyone?) and we're the villains for getting upset. Like no you did not have an alter split because you were eating cheese. That's not how it works damnit. We are so sorry you had them and they-who-shall-not-be-named (we don't want them coming after this blog because we don't tolerate them either, we've already had a few before) convince you that you guys were endo, we get that struggle
Yeah, they like to claim their the, and I quote from an actual endo thing (we dunno if it's from an ask or a post or what, we just woke up a bit ago) "poor oppressed people" and actual systems are lucky for their trauma because then they're taken seriously. We get that anger, we've had a pro-endo tell us we're lucky we were abused for years despite the fact we just mentioned we had PTSD.
Yeah we literally have fuck endo as a tag here because we had an endo come in here and tell us to kill ourselves so, we don't exactly listen to them, you know?
We agree whole heartedly. It's why we don't let them here, you've got a safe space here
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