#anyway I actually did like this episode I genuinely am so happy to see him
ace-sher-bi-john · 9 months
While I absolutely love both BBC Sherlock and Sherlock & Co, Sherlock & Co definitely depicts a more healthy relationship between Sherlock and John.
For starters, on BBC Sherlock, Sherlock and John are both co-dependent on each other. John was implied to be suicidal before he met Sherlock. Sherlock relapses without John by his side. Even with Mary to substitute the void in his heart and help him find purpose again, John would never move on from Sherlock. If anything happened to John, it wouldn't end well for anyone, especially Sherlock.
On Sherlock & Co, one of John's only problems after returning home from Ukraine was that he couldn't afford a flat on his own. He seemed to be very excited about life, going on dates, couldn't wait to start his podcast. He was genuinely happy to see Mike.
Sherlock could easily manage on his own without John. He doesn't need to be reminded to eat, he doesn't need an assistant for cases, he doesn't need someone to take care of him. His only problem is that he needs a flatmate.
Although John and Sherlock both need each other to afford rent, they don't need each other for anything else. They want each other's company, they don't need it. They aren't two halves of a whole, they are two wholes coming together. That's how it should be with all healthy relationships, platonic, romantic, queerplatonic, or otherwise.
It also helps a lot that Sherlock isn't a complete jerk on Sherlock & Co. He genuinely treats John and everyone else with a kindness that while I believe BBC Sherlock is capable of it, he rarely showed it. When John's PTSD is triggered, Sherlock asks John if he'd rather sit out that case. He then asks John if he wants to hold hands and discuss his feelings. In part one of the Blue Carbuncle, Sherlock complimented, actually complimented John. That kind of scene just never happened on BBC Sherlock. John was doing his "That was fantastic! You're amazing!" and Sherlock said, "You flatter me, Watson. But you did awesome too! You should have seen the way you did that! It was brilliant!"
John seems like a much more well rounded happy person in general. Just listen to any of his viewer discretion warnings. "Greetings you handsome devil! This episode will contain a bit of the old swearing, a bit of violence, some drug use. Oh and a bit of duck poo!" I hate to make this comparison, due to how much it will sound like an insult. But he acts like the quirky Disney Princess personality that every Disney Princess from the 2010s has and I mean that in the best possible way. It's my favorite thing about him. He's so adorable.
In the Blue Carbuncle, John has a moment similar to ones that you've seen many times before on BBC Sherlock. John has plans that mean he won't be able to help with the case. He is going to Berlin to spend Christmas with his old army friends. It's going to be his first boys' trip in years. But then he gets so sucked into the case that he's almost late for his plane and decides to just stay with Sherlock anyway because the case is just so fascinating he can't leave. On BBC Sherlock, John has abandoned his plans, his job, his girlfriends, for a case because he couldn't stand to be without Sherlock for so long. Also because Sherlock would often crash is dates, ruin his relationships, just so that John could assist him on cases. On Sherlock & Co, Sherlock was happy for John that he was going out with friends, even though it would mean spending the holidays alone. And Sherlock LOVES Christmas, so it's sad to think that he would have to spend it alone.
Where BBC Sherlock would manipulate or guilt John into staying, Sherlock & Co Sherlock let John go and was genuinely fine with going it alone for a week or two, even if it meant being all alone on Christmas.
I love BBC Sherlock, toxic co-dependent relationships and all, and I always will. But Sherlock & Co gives a little something different and I am happy that my boys are happier.
SH: *laughing* What's so funny Watson? JW: *laughing* It's just hearing you say "bell end" SH: Lovely and jubbly
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dropthedemiurge · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #6
Translations and comments for Episode 6 (I have ADHD don't come after me, I was too invested that I bingewatched episodes yesterday and now I need to rewatch the 3 and 4 to make thorough comments on the dialogues). I was prompted by @lurkingshan to pay more attention to the movie posters :D Please let me know your thoughts after!
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At first, I wanted to say that the movie titles were translated (at least, in my version of subs) and there was nothing behind them beside obvious but I decided to research more and indeed found somewhat interesting things! (the post will be long so I'll pile screenshots together)
First thing we see – Myungha has agonizing thoughts about "I can't believe I am on a date with a guy (when I'm supposed to be just an NPC/Player in this game)" next to the movie poster with an interesting title "The Guy Who Will Give a Kiss for 10 000 won"
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This movie doesn't exist :D However! The title and poster style is clearly based on the old manhwa from ~2006 that's called "The Guy Who Will Give a Kiss for 5 000 won" (lmao they doubled MC's price that's inflation for you).
The note at the bottom says "Top Secret Disclosure: Kissing Method" aka MC is the guy who promises to teach you how to kiss if you give him some money, and the same note is shown in the LFLS poster. I thought the guy on the poster looked similar to Myungha but I think they actually got Taevin (the actor) to pose for this fake poster xD
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Which leads me to the first thought that these posters were born out of Myungha's imagination – come on, we just got the scene between him and Yeowoon where they kissed for the first time and Yeowoon asked Myungha to give him time to practice and improve kissing (Myungha with his slightly better experience probably feels like a mentor with some "shady" intentions who eventually falls in love xD) Coincidence? I don't think so.
The second poster on the wall is also about a non-existent movie but before diving into that, here's how Yeowoon comes into the picture.
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Two things: "Wonderful Ghost" huge poster on the wall behind him and the caption on the wall next to him.
In case you haven't paid attention, it says "If you come at four in the afternoon, I'll begin to be happy by three," which is a popular romantic phrase that definitely reflects Yeowoon's feelings atm, aww.
Meanwhile, Wonderful Ghost movie (also called as "The SOUL-mate") actually exists! But it's not new, it was released in 2018 and the story is about a guy done with his life after tragic events who becomes haunted by an energetic ghost that changes his life and mindset. (I did phrase this summary deliberately non-specific to make you feel another connection to the current story of LFLS.)
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The caption on the poster also says, literally translated, "Let's do it together until the end of the world". This movie has other poster versions with other captions as Google shows but this is the version shown in Love for Love's Sake. Actually, while we're on the topic – I have no idea where "Love for Love's Sake" title came from, does anyone know? Someone in my previous posts speculated about the story based on this title but the Korean title of this series is "연애 지상주의 구역" ("Dating Supremacy Zone", or just "Dating Zone") which is the term that comes up in alert whenever Myungha is close to Yeowoon.
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Anyway, back to our zombies, gorillas and demons. The movie Myungha and Yeowoon actually went to watch on their date was "Zombie Gorilla VS Demon Crocodile". The caption on thte poster says "Who will protect the world?"
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Again, this movie doesn't exist. Why would they make such a point of showing Myungha crying and experiencing genuine emotions (when he only shed tears after he got scared by the full-scale system error and when his grandma got into hospital)? Well, Myungha explains it to Yewoon by himself.
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"Well, it was the first time I see someone crying for a zombie gorilla." "Do you know how epic this movie is? The crocodile was actually an extraterrestrial. He met the gorilla here and joined him to save the world." "The plot is really strange." "It was very emotional."
Does it ring a bell? I don't think I need to add any words. Myungha = someone who came from another world and joined Yeowoon to save him and complete the game with happy ending. Myungha relates a lot and cries. I just find it funny thinking about how "The plot is really strange" and "You have a very strange taste" can be also said to all the viewers of LFLS (well, we all are very invested in this a bit confusing mysterious story as well, aren't we?xD)
I also love how we keep being reminded about the "unreality" of the story, how system can experience bugs and things in the world can glitch and Myungha is never immersed in this new life or his new love story to the 100% (cue all the 'choose anyone but me, go date a better man' and patronizing way he treats all characters around him, instead focusing on preventing them and the world from bad events following author's instructions)
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I don't think I have much to add to the rest of the episode, I mirrored the haters articles and messages which were written for the show but the comments are quite generic (I couldn't read all of them but I didn't notice anything unusual). One thing, the DM to Myungha technically says "Die, Tae Myungha".
All I can say is that the online anonymous bullying is really prominent and a huge problem in Korea that leads to celebrities' depression and sometimes suicide. All influencers (and there are a lot of them in SK) are held to unimaginable 'perfect' standard and forums often have anonymous commenting which makes messages even more cruel (but later they addressed the issue and I think at least under news articles in Entertainment/Celebrity section the anonymous function was turned off, still, there are a lot of ways to ruin someone's life online). It happens in every country, of course, but stalking/online bullying is something that can be understood very easily by Koreans because it's often on the news and in the community.
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Another little detail – even though Myungha does talk to students who are technically "younger" than him by one school year like he's old and wise, he doesn't use the word 'kid' nearly as much as you'd think xD (but the subs are doing the right thing anyway because how else are you supposed to show that subtle cultural difference between saying Cha Yeowoon and Yeowoon-ah, or Myungha calling Sangwoon by his name when he's frustrated with him instead of cursewords or titles?)
In the phrase "Get it together, kid!" Myungha actually uses the word 새끼 (saekki) which can be a curseword (like 'asshole, bastard', used by school gangster in previous eps) but it also literally means 'a child' that can be used by grandparents for their grandson or by parents, for example. So basically, think of 'son of a bitch' which can be used both as cursing and have literal meaning. Koreans have the same (개새끼 - son of a dog) phrase.
But it doesn't have an affectionate connotation when said by teenagers or adults (unless it's said to close friends without heat), and I am sure Myungha says it with more of "Get it together, you brat!" meaning. I just used this screenshot to tell you about Korean cursewords, he-he.
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+ bonus: there is no translation or anything, but since we were talking about posters, I just found it funny and adorable how Yeowoon visually replaced here the poster behind him xD
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samglyph · 7 months
Good morning. Season 4 finale.
Holy smokes gang. What an episode. I absolutely loved it. I think it took a little bit for me to become really invested despite the in medias res thing we had going on, but once that action started I was in it. The visuals this episode were great, I especially liked the description of the mollusk mask on the viziers face. I also was quite pleased about the little reference to hastur being the peacock king that’s fun.
I know a lot of people are sad about the butcher. I am not because as soon as he showed up again I figured he would be one of the casualties of the episode, and narratively I like that it was Kayne who did it as opposed to Larson or an unnamed cultist or alien, especially considering I had a theory that Kayne was connected to the music in his head and the powers he had. I did love the twist of him being on our side though I actually audibly reacted to that. It surprised me but made sense in the perfect way. It also makes perfect sense to not include that scene, but I am excited to see some of the fan work that comes out of that missing piece. I’m AMAZED that Charlie managed to make it out alive, but then again he might be bleeding out on a street in Spain right now. Oh well. No body no death so I’m counting him as still kicking.
Speaking of Charlie, I loved the scene where John was forced to come clean. I liked how it twisted the previous scene of Arthur speaking for John and John finally being heard by someone else and feeling so so happy, to now be forced into a position where that newfound relationship is potentially going to be destroyed because he no longer has the option of privacy. Wild.
Of all the scenes with yellow, predictably Arthur’s confrontation and apology was my favorite. He’d already admitted fault in a previous episode but this I think is where it really hit home. And in other lines, while Yellow remained adamant that he didn’t care, you could tell that he genuinely did want to understand the connection between Arthur and John, and wanted to understand why he couldn’t experience the same thing. Most tragic fragment of a nightmare king. I hope you have fun flaying Larson alive for the next couple thousand years. Also why was Larson so flirty this episode dude he killed your son stop whispering in his ear like that.
And then of course, we get to Kayne. Kayne Kayne Kayne Kayne. Glad we got confirmation that Kayne isn’t/it doesn’t matter if he’s nyarlthotep because while have a fondness for the crawling chaos and Call of Cthulhu mythos, I actually like when things are separate from that. Plus I think it makes him scarier if he can’t quantify his existence. Holding out his bloody hand for Arthur to take and Arthur choosing to go with him willingly obviously paralleling his denial of Larson earlier in the episode. I also liked his takedown of Larson a lot. Fuck that guy.
Anyway @everyone who questioned why I draw Kayne covered in blood in every scene even when he’s not fresh off a carcosan murder spree how does it feel to be wrong.
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lupeloto · 5 months
a mickey milkovich + physical affection in s11 meta/analysis
Mickey Milkovich went from flinching away any time Ian tried to touch him in a non-sexual setting to accepting physical acts of love and affection even when it’s difficult for him to do so. andddd i wanna talk about it when it is most difficult and why!
I do think that the writers did an good job at portraying the difference in the moments in which he would accept the physical touch with a smile and when it was more difficult for him to do so. (ps me saying that the writers did like anything good in s11 is a rare occurrence)
Season four is when we really begin to see the beginning of that shift into accepting it from Ian. Season five we see that he has gotten more comfortable in receiving as well as giving, especially in times of distress regarding Ian. The next time we see them as a fully functioning couple, there are definitely times in which Mickey was hesitant to accept it but only in times when he felt vulnerable and exposed.
I am going to focus on the later season here as that is when we see Mickey begin to actually address the situation with his father. For example, 11x12 when he had just revealed a genuine fear of his that branches from the abuse he faced in childhood, he flinches at/recoils at Ian’s attempt to comfort him. However, later in the episode, he accepts these joyful acts of affection from Ian because it is something he is no longer ashamed of. He does not shy away from physical affection when it comes from a place of being open and in love with Ian anymore at this point in his life.
I think that this shows that although Mickey has become comfortable and unapologetic in his sexual identity, he has not made those strides in other areas of his life. He still feels this grave shame regarding his father and the abuse he faced. He thinks it makes him weak and has trouble admitting that it is something that has impacted him to this day. Although, Ian obviously sees straight through this facade.
It is also shown in 11x06 when Mickey accepts help from Ian in getting Terry up the steps. Ian stops him, holding his head and reassuring that he is nothing like Terry. Mickey struggles to even look Ian in the eye at this time, the vulnerability so overwhelming. It is so interesting how tends to resent any affection during times regarding that part of his life that he has never fully healed from. It is also incredible to see how Ian knows exactly how to deal with him in those situations. He knows what Mickey needs, offering small acts of affection in those times until the finale. It is as if Ian was holding in this urge to embrace him, so he finally gives in and forces Mickey into the hug, knowing it is what he needed once Mickey stops resisting almost immediately.
anyways, I think that mickey milkovich has done such a long way in accepting love from ian and being proud of who he is in that way. and i also think that he still had such a long way to come in terms of healing those others parts of himself and ian will be there the whole time and im so proud of him and he’s so proud of him. anddd enjoy these pics of them being happy and in love!
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oscconfessions · 1 month
my distaste for the new ii ep comes from how annoying it made everyone be about taco, the ep was good but yeah i just realized that. anyway.
listen. I think that Taco CAN become a better person. I think that she CAN be able to move on and that she needs to let go of II as a whole. But that doesn't mean that all of her actions are immediately erased/forgiven either. Like the whole point of the episode is to show that Taco KNOWS that she's a terrible person, but like, being aware of it doesn't erase all the harm she did. And Taco KNOWS that herself. She says that she can't let go, and she DOESN'T want to get better either. That's the whole thing. She doesn't want to get better because she thinks she can't get better. And like. Listen
BOTH take aways from the episode are like genuinely horrid. "Taco should make up with Mic and Pickle" nope! She wouldn't! And she can't! She literally can't! She died from the stress the idea of confronting them caused her, and she doesn't want to because she's aware of how much pain she caused. Mic leaving made her realize she was terrible. "Taco is an irredimable monster" ALSO no. Listen. Taco isn't doing anything to become better. Blah blah blah "her arc is not done yet" we know shut up. My point is that Taco is aware that she's a terrible person and her whole song is about her having pity for herself instead of working on being better. MEPAD is the one who's pushing her to do those things, but that's because he's only aware of like, half of the context and doesn't know Mic's and Pickle's sides. Does this mean she's irredemable? Not really. Yeah she did a lot of harm on purpose and recognizing that WON'T kill any of you. And calling out the fucked up shit she did won't kill you either nor does make you a woman hater, everyone calls out shitty stuff characters do all the time, I am impressed that the "evil woman enjoyers" are so adamandant on saying that the evil woman isn't actually fucked up??? However. I don't think Taco is irredemable AND this comes from someone who very openly dislikes her. I GENUINELY want Taco to become a better person and to heal, I want her to let go of II, and of everyone there as a result. People don't seem to understand how her attachment to the past, and to the show, AND to pickle, is literally killing her at the moment. It is literally stopping her from becoming a better person.
Feeling "bad" about your actions doesn't make it okay. You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. That's the thing that Taco does. There's like SPECIAL emphasis on mic and pickle being happy and comfortable without taco being around, everyone calls out Taco because she's been stalking them, Taco did the whole questions thing just for. the sake of it. Like she didn't have to do that. Sure "I want you guys to see how bad the show got". Knife LITERALLY called her Ms Projector. But Taco CAN change. She NEEDS to forgive herself and let go for once and for all.
AND before someone compares Taco to Nickel or to any character to ignore the whole fucking point of the ep and of this analysis. They're not the same. They have their similarities but Taco did all of that shit because she wanted the money, and just because she could. Like have we forgotten that she wanted Mic to literally kill Balloon. Come on. A taser would've just killed him. Taco is NOT trying to get better, she says it on her song as well. She knows she did terrible damage and doesn't want to get better because she genuinely THINKS she can't start over at other places. Her unhealthy attachment to II is ruining her. And Nickel? He was like that because Balloon WAS a terrible person on s1, Nickel wanted to protect his alliance, and he KNOWS he was a terrible person now but you know what he did? He started to become a better person AND a better friend once he realized he was in the wrong. AND he's not aware like Taco is! He IS going to therapy and becoming a better person because he WANTS to be a good friend. Taco isn't. Taco kept digging further and further on her own hole despite the fact that she could've just. Start to get better ever since the ep started or moved on with Mepad but she didn't!!!! Because that wouldn't be Taco!!!!
also i honestly don't think people actually like taco as a character i think most of you are like that with her because you think she's hot. "oh max you just hate women" first of all shut up get another argument for whenever someone calls out your shit and also don't you DARE forget the fact that people villainized candle for wanting to take care of herself + that people were HORRID about cabby winning and about her disability. like the treatment you guys give to women is genuinely horrid. DON'T get me started on the way people treat mic or how people infantilize suitcase for being naive/kind. i love fem characters (my main one is literally mic) and the way literally everyone started to treat taco as a shell of her character is genuinely upsetting when the whole point of the ep was to show that "taco is a bad person and she doesn't want to get better". do you guys ACTUALLY care about taco? do you guys see her as a complex individual? do you understand that she's a bad person? do you understand that she doesn't want to get better? do you understand that she NEEDS to let go of ii AND of the past in order to start healing properly? do you understand that you can still enjoy an evil character while also not having to justify their actions, ESPECIALLY when said character recognized that they're fucked up? or do you just feel attracted to her aesthetic? because i think most of you are just attracted to her aesthetic and the fact that she's "hot" to you. taco is a genuinely compelling character and deserves so much better than being treated as a hot woman who's main character trait gets forgotten every single time.
also the ep made me like her more actually but by jove is everyone stupid about her leave her aloneeeee she doesn't need to be excused she doesn't need to be condemned she needs to let go. she needs to accept that meanwhile she can't fix things anymore that doesn't mean she can't work to be a better person.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
can i be honest im so intrigued by ur idea of a dev/trev/bev friendgroup even though you mentioned it maybe twice during ur liveposting
i know its mostly cuz they have basically the same name but i think its funny... saddest soppy wet-est kid in the school, some guy with hair in the ugliest shade of green and a girl who loves football and owns a talk show have something in common, somehow
I think we should go all the way and have a Trev, Dev, Bev, and Kev friend squad. And we can add the random kid who's listed on the kindness chart by the name Whatevs. Just call them The Evs.
It's so stupid, but I genuinely am shocked they all have rhyming names and they aren't a background squad. It is ridiculously funny to me that the vibe I get from Hazel's class is that the creators came up with a bunch of Ev names as their filler (with Dev specifically introducing Trev, Bev, and Kev to Hazel when she gets to school) and Dev himself fits this rhyming pattern.
Dev: Dad, I'm one of the youngest kids in my grade... did you just copy the names the other parents gave their children? Dale: Dale: Dale: No.
Even Devin rhymes with Kevin
I feel like Dev and Kev cross paths sometimes since Kev is a child model / the brand face for a popular soft drink. It also makes sense they wouldn't since being a child model and the son of a billionaire are two different things.
But of the people in Dev's class, it is astronomically funny to me that Dev looked at Trev and Bev and said "I want these regulars" and he doesn't seem particularly into hanging out with Kev.
Anyway, whatever this trio and/or quartet has going on cracks me up. I like that Dev and Trev both have a crush on Bev (Trev was distraught when they broke up in the finale due to Anti-Fairies magically setting Bev up with someone else).
Utterly fascinated that A New Wish canon is that Anti-Fairies don't have to follow Da Rules. Logically that makes total sense, but it's still interesting because we didn't see them pushing this angle in the OG series... but this somehow makes Timmy and Vicky unwishing each other's stuff - something godkids aren't supposed to be able to do iirc - that much funnier. Me, ever since I saw the episode: Why can Foop just tell Vicky that Timmy is a godkid? If he's her godparent, he's not allowed to do that; godkids have to cross paths on their own. Me now: Ahhh...... I understand...
I actually went back and watched, and Trev and Bev are definitely better friends with each other than either is with Dev. Trev and Bev are near each other in a lot of the background scenes. We don't really see them interacting, but they do seem to know each other and/or enjoy each other's company, so I thought it was funny when they were apparently dating (holding hands with hearts in eyes) in the finale.
Meanwhile, Dev rarely approaches either of them beyond being pulled into Hazel's Broadway show, where he's a back-up dancer, which isn't necessarily his choice (especially considering how happy he is in the song despite being a jerk in the other scenes... lmao).
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- although he did give Bev double pudding when we know he was being super picky about whom he gave it to, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I think it's funny.
Oh, I was gonna post a screenshot but I can't because the red lighting on her pudding-slathered body in that scene sets off my hemophobia and that's even BEFORE the zombie stuff, lmao... Just trust me on this- she has a cup in each hand.
And we KNOW the only person she could've gotten the pudding from is Dev, who is confirmed to have hoarded all the pudding cups and was only giving them to people who impressed him. We even see him take one cup away from Jenkins after giving him two, so he was being SUPER picky.
Look at them... They are The Evs...
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I just want them to be friends... They all have fun designs and personality... I think they should play on the playground or go to the movies.
sdkljfsd, Dev is the shortest one in this whole picture. Everyone in this class utterly dwarfs him. Which makes sense, because Hazel started school in this show at age 10 and Dev is 9 until the midpoint in Season 1. He's just a little guy...
Like... Does Trev KNOW Dev has a crush on Bev? I can totally imagine Dev watching them date and being like "Hey... wait a minute."
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^ The face you make when you just find out your secret crush is dating your secret squish.
- I CANNOT get over the fact that Dev has a canon squish. He just wants to be Trev's friend so badly but he's too shy to talk to him... That's hilarious. I wish we would explore that, because that's not something you usually get to see explored in media. - ... I am lying. Winn is everyone's squish in this episode and that's also canon. Everyone likes Winn, AS THEY SHOULD. Winn is so friendly and kind, even (and especially) when people are nervous around them. - Dev stop having squishes on his entire class challenge (Impossible). - "Multiverse of Jenkins" except every time Hazel walks past Dev, he's head-in-hands-ing over a new person he wants to befriend but screwed up talking to.
Honestly, looking back on "Wellsington Hotellsington" makes me kind of sad because... it's obvious Dev is trying to make friends in the only way he really knows. He's being a brat and a braggart, but at least he was engaging in conversation. This is one of the only episodes (if not THE only) where he makes a real effort.
Tell us how it's really going, Mr. Many Times Bitten, Many Times Shy. Ahaha... he needs to improve himself.
I really like how we see Hazel have to work to make new friends at school and she puts effort in, so we see why people befriend her, and meanwhile Dev is just... consistently not interacting with people and then sitting around upset he has no friends. He is 9.
Anyway, I just think The Evs' dynamic would be funny to explore. It's got everything you need! Dev being the worst! Bev leading them into action, but mostly to soccer-football games! Trev being super supportive and friendly and kind! Those two dating while Dev third wheels and stares into the camera! Idk what Kev does!
I think Dev should just stand in the middle of all his squishes and say "oh no." This would be a 'fic that resolves absolutely nothing because he just vibrates slightly as sweatdrops roll down his face and he's scared to open his mouth, but I would find it funny.
They are just so silly (to me)...
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pirates-apologist · 8 months
Ace!Husk/ace!Angel hazbin hotel ramblings
When i first heard that there was a canon asexual character in hazbin i didnt know who it was but two characters automatically came to mind and im BEGGING yall to hear me out about this; husk or angel (or both!!).
I have since learned that its actually alastor but i keep my headcanon/s that either one or both of them is ace too nonetheless.
For your consideration:
For ace Husk:
-Husk is one of the only characters to not express any sexual interest in the episodes we have so far, considering the track record of hazbin/helluva boss thats pretty uncommon
-he literally has ACES on his design
-the whole scene where angel tries to get in his pants and husk says that is never gonna work on him and to cut the act
-how interesting it would be to give angel -a character who had to perform sexually his whole life in order to survive and be validated and appreciated- an asexual partner who doesnt want or expect this from him at all and just loves him for who he is (obviously this could be done without adding asexuality into the mix but i do think it would be a very interesting layer to their relationship)
For ace Angel (HEAR ME OUT):
-his own over-sexualisation and flirty inappropriate persona is stated multiple times to be just an act in order to survive
-ive known quite a couple ace people who have tried to act overly sexual in order to feel like they fit in, similarly to comphet, and angel pushes it for sure
-could lead to a very interesting arc and realizing he doesnt have to perform sexual acts at all if he doesnt want to and husk will still love him and wont expect that of him and that those around him love the real anthony not just the performer angel dust(once again could be done without asexuality involved but its an added layer)
-hes never really seen enjoying a sexual connection in a way that seems genuine and not just him trying to lean into the pornstar persona or get validation
-i think it would be nice to show an ace character that doesnt fit the two archetypes we so often see with ace characters of either the prudish, shy, introverted virgin or the inhuman character with no feelings. Asexuals can be extravagant and social people who wear fun sexy outfits and have had sex too and its damn time we show theres no one way to be asexual
-could lead into more of him realizing and affirming the fact that he has worth and talents outside of porn or sex (already seen a bit in the gangster bar fight scene where he tells husk that he has talents outside of sex too)
Anyway, do i think vivziepop will actually make this canon? No. Do i think it would lead to very interesting character development and relationships? Absolutely. Did i write this at 4 am, didnt proofread at all and just wanted to ramt about my thoughts? Oh yeah.
All of this being said; ill be happy if they dont end up asexual at all its just fun to think about. I would love to hear yall's thoughts about this though
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leincendiaire · 11 months
anyways salty thoughts. dont expect me to be nice
this is the one problem not exclusive to the finale, god ed's character arc just. didnt do it for me at all. I excused it before cuz I thought it would pay off as the season went on but nope. he never had a genuine apology moment, just that youtuber apology like gag and the cat collar joke. like they literally show us how the crew was completely scarred by his actions but theyre later just completely fine with him on board???? and stede keeps being his biggest stan when I think he would have been like hey what the fuck!! im sorry I hurt you but I am not responsible for your actions and you hurt my crew whom I hold very dear!! I love ed but Fuck he really went too far those first episodes and he never makes up for it. they only ever focus on His Own self journey, not how he hurt and traumatized practically every other character.
"well, I think narratively izzy's death made sense but—" no!! no it fucking didnt!! im sorry but it was just lazy writing!! they didnt know what to do with him so whoops he gets shot in the dumbest way possible. like, this aint my first rodeo, it aint the first time ive seen a character start off on their character journey to happiness only for writers to give up on it and kill them off. it's a tiring fucking trope tbh and I really wish they hadnt fallen into this trap. like his death scene wasnt good either, if youre gonna do it at least focus on his relationship with the crew, you know, the people he came to accept as family? not the man Who Shot Off His Fucking Leg And Almost Killed Him? I know they had an important relationship but that shit should have been talked about way beforehand, it deserved closure. they should have acknowledged they werent good for each other and made peace with it. izzy deserved a death with people who actually made him happy. ALSO THEY BURY HIM ON FUCKING LAND?????? he spent his life at sea!!!! he is the most devoted out of everyone to being a pirate and you bury him next to your fucking inn???? fucking twats istg
lastly I swear they forgot stede is the main character. they forgot literally everything about how to write him. he gets No Focus in the finale, and every scene he is in is bullshit. I actually wanted to punch my screen every time there was a joke about him being incompetent or whatever. like, hello??? thought we left that shit in s1??? he had Multiple Episodes about learning to be a pirate and adjusting to his new life and gaining more skills but no. he is just silly old loserboy for his cool war criminal boyfriend now. literally no skills or experience whatsoever. ok sure yea thats totally how he acted the rest of the season. also the fuck is it with him staying behind to run the inn with ed?? wasnt the whole conflict last episode their different desires out of life, with ed wanting to start a normal life and stede wanting to be a pirate?? when the Fuck did he change his mind. who are you and have you done with my boy
honestly I feel bad because jenkins is actually a good writer and the whole fandom really expected a lot from a man making his second show, and I think there were a lot of budget cuts and production issues so I can see why it turned out this way. he is probably mad about this too, I bet the cast also, like even the acting in this episode didnt feel passionate, and thats saying a lot since these actors really love this show. im just frustrated. man. time to write fics ig
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syn4k · 4 months
hello!!! as you are the resident miante person in mcyt (there might be another one but in my opinion it's you) I have a question: if I wanted to watch mianite how would I go about that/where do I find it? I know it's a youtube thing but I don't know which channel it's actually on and I am. Extremely Curious about it & want to watch it but I have no idea where to do that /genuine question
(also, I know it's got multiple POVs, is there anyone you'd recommend I start with?)
hello! thanks for the ask!
mianite has four main POVs that remain in VOD and episode form on the creators' channels, they all have a playlist for it and you can find them pretty easily by looking up "[creator name] mianite s1" on youtube.
i recommend starting off with jordan captainsparklez' POV like we did, as he is involved in mostly everything in both s1 and s2 and his episodes are edited down to only really have the important bits. if you decide to watch back through the series later from another perspective, tom syndicate's POV is another good one to watch as he's kind of on the opposite side of everything happening in s1 and it puts a lot of his actions in context that jordan left out of his episodes.
if you don't want to watch through the series in its entirety (which is completely understandable), fern @voidandradiance has made a playlist of the important lore moments in both mianite s1 and s2 that she'd be happy to share :]
also it's really funny to me that we are the resident Mianite Guy to you when we've only been here for like, six months. this series turns ten years old today and there are people in this fandom who have been here since the beginning of it or at least who have been here for way, way longer than we have.
if you do end up sticking around here, i cannot recommend these people enough:
@kiwibirdlafayette - AMAZING artist who has been here in the trenches here since 2014. syndisparklez enthusiast. his art-only blog is @grailknightmonty and he also posts Hermitcraft stuff occasionally :3
@transandor chase my good friend chase!! resident Jordan Captainsparklez Guy. brilliant writer, also happens to be fistfighting The Horrors, you know how it his
@voidandradiance i already tagged him before and i'll fuckin do it again because this bitch's writing is stunning beyond words and xyr brain is HUGE. if you like the style of the stuff we write, you'll LOVE fern's work. its so beautiful that i physically cannot overhype it. its so good, y'all. its so fucking good.
@syndianites is, as far as we're concerned, the mouth of god himself when it comes to Tom Syndicate SynHD. there is nobody on this site who understands this character better than she does. they consistently leave the most galaxy brain objectively correct tags about him on our posts and she never fucking misses. this bitch Gets It and i am very lucky to be her friend
@coolcattime's blog is more of a general purpose one, like ours is, but she carries the f/f ships in the Mianite fandom and is also a great writer! she's written a lot of neat AU ideas and although we haven't talked with her much she definitely lives up to her url- she's one cool cat :]
@cactusprisms is also someone that we see around a lot in the notes of our mianite posts, although we unfortunately havent talked much. also more of a general purpose blog but worth following anyways. shes vibing.
hope this helps! <3
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
Alright buckle up here's my actual genuine reaction....
First episode:
First of all, I regret asking for more Hemlock, this was fantastically awful, I will not be recovering.
Second of all, that shaved clone has done things to me. Horrible, horrid things that made me actually pause it and look away. It made me physically ill, it was the worst. Great, but the worst.
The passage of time really did fucking get to me BUT HER LITTLE PONYTAIL UGH
crosshair..... I need a moment
I literally don't care that she was allowed to keep the doll, btw. I dont give a shit. I hope Emerie dies in a fire.
nala se.... ew............
I think the whole episode was just pure horror, it was so fucking disgusting to watch, idk about you guys but watching the clone who had probably faced the true horror of SCI-FI warfare crying alone in his cell genuinely had me pausing the episode. Really great work there, Jennifer, I will be billing you for my therapy
Crosshair and Omega bonding !!! The little "What's your mission objective" was definitely a tactic he used on his brothers to have them pay attention, I refuse to acknowledge that he's the youngest, he just isn't. That's big brother keeping his little brother(s) on task behaviour.
Everything about Hemlock gave me chills. I love him. I hate him. I hope his guts cover the screen. I am fascinated by him.
I had a sneaking suspicion Emerie was taken under Hemlock's wing, and her undoing will be her endless loyalty to him... they did not have to say it as obviously as that, though. Glad they did.
Crosshair is sick. There is no way you show us all these sick, dying clones then Crosshair and expect us not to figure that out. He's going to die. His shaking is just the first symptom. I am not ready.
I definitely have more smaller notes I will make once I am not sobbing hysterically about it !!!!
Episode two!!:
This is the one that made me cry, actually.
Watching Wrecker and Hunter march in, quiet and covered in countless injuries, made me so sad. I couldnt recognise them. Those aren't my lads.
Wrecker begging hunter not to go because people didn't make it back.... hunter I get you're desperate, but you will NOT survive another brother being killed. I can't bear to watch him tear himself apart and neither can Wrecker.
"99ers???" THERES FUCKING MORE ??????? I want to know the lore behind this line particularly.
Theyre so cute..... they're so CUTE ugh sedate me immediately
anyways that little fucker who was good with tech..... I see you. I love you.
They were so used to letting Tech do his thing.... they immediately moved to cover fire....... for a second they forgot it wasnt him, I'm weak
wrecker playing with the kids..... laughing with them....... ohh i will not cope when he dies.
Hes going to die, btw. In case you didn't know. I know. I am aware. I am unprepared. I dont want to discuss it.
i cannot express my feelings for this episode.
Episode three!!!!!!:
I want that man. Yes, i do mean that masked man we saw for two seconds, I want him.
The Emperor had me actually screaming. I was so hyped. He scares me so bad.
Hemlock!!!!!! Evil !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!
nala se was so obvious about her "Get tf out" speech..... why don't you say it louder, the whole fucking room couldn't hear you
The fucking timer. Chills. CHILLS.
Crosshair and Omega !!!! He was so unserious I love that
....sorry to all the lovers tho, have to say i DIED laughing at his "gUaRdS"
And the SCREAM he scrumpt when the door opened, who allowed that 😭😭 it was so fucking funny whbeisbwiba
They were so messy this entire ep, they're everything to me......
Crosshairs trigger finger shaking so bad he gave his position away....... that's a major fucking problem, isn't it? That's gonna bite him in the ass.
I want more of Hemlock having a damn tantrum, that was fantastic. Him this season has me in a chokehold. I can't wait to write more of him.
This entire season so far is amazing. I can't wait to watch more, there are so many more points I wanna make, I'm freaked. I'm so happy, I'm still crying, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making more coherent thoughts about them soon <3
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jikookficsdiarry · 1 month
Hello loves! I'm taking a break from studying so yes I'm gonna talk about AYS!!🥹🤍
Okay, omds the episode was pure serotonin!!! Like ahh tae bear the cutest and mimi was so happy and our kookie was a savage bubba who was excited and happy and it was so much fun seeing the maknae line together after so long:(( And my vmin heart🥹 mimi running after tae to feed him and tae slowing down instantly after knowing mimi didn't have shoes on😭
Vmins friendship is so beautiful, the way they jam to their favourite songs in the car, the way they care for each other and mimi encouraging tae and that he can do anything and being proud of him...the love they have for each is unmatched and guess who cried?? Yess, me I did sob cause I truly miss them together:(
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Look at my cuties🥹🤍
Okay, yes I am annoyed that the translations of the episodes are never really accurate:( I see so many wonderful people taking the time out to actually translate the episodes, thank you so much cause we would not know what some moments actually mean🥹🤍
I did feel a dynamic switch from the first 2 episode to the 3rd, but this switch I felt was no way a bad one. To all those people who have said tae was uninvited that is so disrespectful, yes he was initially not supposed to be joining jikook, but please in no way the two ever felt like he was intruding. Jiminie was so happy to spend time with his best friend and kookie and tae were having the time of their lives!! They were happy together, so why do you have a problem with that?! Their smiles were genuine, their happiness is all that matters.
Coming back to the dynamic shift I felt, I dont know if I can explain but the vibes from the first 2 episodes were different from the 3rd, please don't get me wrong I loved all episodes but I feel like the 1st two episodes jikook were the only 2 present so there is bound to be a differnt dynamic when there are 3 people instead of 2. Idk if I make sense but there was still a difference i felt and i cant explain...anyways I just want to say that all 3 episodes are my happiness, cause my tae, kookie and mimi were happy🤍
Also kookie collecting mimis shoes, his face when he saw mimis lip bleeding and saying his heart hurts, mimi saying I'm not fine kookie doesn't drink before his bike ride, the way they look at each with so much fondness for each other and this....this moment...omds I'm still here fam and I don't think I'll ever move on.
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I'm just gonna leave this here.🥹🤍
All in all, I miss my bubbas, and I can't wait for episode 4 and see more of vminkook🥹🤍
AYS is truly serotonin🤍
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ferryfoam · 3 months
I finally watched the Ascent and the Begotten oh my god !!! Oh my god!! This show!!!!! S5 has been incredibly well written so far (why do they keep having such majorly upsetting episodes I feel like they're really turning up the degree of how badly they can traumatise the poor crew of ds9) and ahh!! I have been looking forward to these episodes from the vague things I have seen in the fandom and I was not disappointed!! I loved The Ascent, Odo and Quark's constant bickering and hating combined with the fact they obviously did care about each other was very sweet to me (I liked Odo asking if Quark was alright when he fell on his face and then immediately trying to make it about the transceiver and also the panic when he thought Quark was dead was both humorous and actually warmed my heart a lot... I may be seeing things that aren't really there through my Quodo coloured glasses but whatever I am cringe and free and they bring me such joy and comfort) and the begotten !!! Ahhhhhhh Odo :-(((( He was so so happy to have a child OHMYGOD THIS SHOW they are so incredibly cruel to Odo I think he should have nothing but happiness all the time and nothing bad should ever happen to him AUUGGH and Dr Mora I am not sure what the fandom consensus on him is but I HATE HIM!! He's very classic manipulative abusive parent to me ! He's awful and controlling and constantly guilt trips Odo raaagh he's the worst !!! (Putting on Quodo hat again sorry massive tone shift I liked how when Dr Mora was asleep Odo's next thought of someone to talk to was immediately Quark and then he was actually genuine with him! Which he rarely is with people! He's so comfortable in his dislike of Quark that he finds him easier to talk to than anyone else + the fact they've known each other for like. A decade ! On some level they both are so completely interconnected despite their hating of each other but also maybe I am just CRAZY)
Please if you care about them as much as I do send me 1 million asks or tags or comments or however this site works I want to hear everyone's thoughts
Anyways unrelated to my yammering this part of Vampire Empire is very The Ascent Quodo to me
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haylijahtilldeath · 7 months
What are your top 5s in anything TVDU related? (Characters, ships, friendships, familial bonds, episodes, etc.)
Ooh, my first question. Thank you for asking!
Even though I've watched tvd first, but I prefer the originals to it. So, my answer is going to be mostly about them.
I'm going to do the characters separately.
First, characters from T.O
Elijah Mikaelson (because he was the calm before the storm, I don't know how to describe him, he was just so resilient and holding onto his brother when the entire world could only see a monster in him, and for all his complex layers.) and Hayley Marshall (because she was a BAMF, the best mother you could have) fighting for first place, but none of them can win.
Camille O'Connell because she was such a ray of sunshine. (Caroline stans do not come at me, this is about two characters who have literally never met.)
Freya Mikaelson was such a badass.
Klaus Mikaelson because he had the best retorts and sarcasm.
Gia because she was so down to earth about everything. (Putting her after Klaus feels so wrong lmao.)
Now, Tvd characters. I can't conjure any explanation for them.
Caroline Forbes
Enzo St. John
Stefan Salvatore
Rayna Cruz
Rose from S2
Haylijah, because have you seen them? The chemistry, the compatibility, the love and all the respect. (S5 never happened.)
Bonenzo because they were so good together, and Enzo actually loved Bonnie and didn't spend his time using her.
Klamille, because Camille could see beyond 'evil Klaus' and understood him like no one else ever did, and Klaus saw so much light in her, and he cared about her.
Steroline because they were also good together.
Gialijah because they had so much chemistry and there was just something about them
Caroline & Enzo, because he stepped up for her and they had something special about them.
Camille & Vincent, because they related to one another after all damage they got because of the Mikaelson family, and they made something good out of it.
Freya & Hayley because they spent years together raising Hope, and they bonded so well.
Stefan and Lexi because they do supportive besties better than anyone.
Bonnie and Damon because they have managed to go from sworn enemies to best friends.
Familial bonds.
Hayley and Hope. No one does mother and daughter better than them.
Elijah and Rebekah. We saw so many times how Elijah cared for her and how she looked up to him. I believe he was her favorite brother, even if the show wanted to make us believe it was Klaus.
Marcel & Davina. They're not family by blood, but the way he was her family more than her real family and tried to protect her meant so much.
Elijah and Hope. We did not get much of them, but they had so much potential. If the show didn't completely destroy Elijah to redeem Klaus, we might have seen him be the best uncle out there.
Freya/ Rebekah and Hope. These aunt/niece relationships were so good. Rebekah cared for her for months, and kept her safe, and Freya raised her with Hayley and taught her so much.
Finding episodes that I genuinely love from beginning to end is difficult.
TO S2E9: The Map of Moments. We had family, we had bickering and we had love.
TVD S3E14: Dangerous Liaisons. We had a ball straight out from a fantasy, do I need to say more?
TO S1E20: A Closer Walk with Thee. It was not a happy episode, but we had our first Haylijah kiss, and it's good enough to be in my top 5.
TO S5E8 : The Kindness of Strangers. As much as I hated S5, but this episode was so good. We saw the Mikaelson family reunited, and every time I watch Elijah break down after remembering Hayley's death, I can't help but cry.
TO S1E1: Always and Forever. This feels like such a basic answer, but I love this episode. It was the beginning of an epic tv show, and it's just so nostalgic.
These are the ones you mentioned, and I can't for the life of me think about anything else to rank. Anyway, I am awkward most of the time, and it includes this answer. So, don't judge me too harshly!
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 13 days
Yuuri Katsuki has Bullied Kid energy.
Yuuri : Don't you dare see me as weak or perceive my vulnerability. Please comfort me and reassure me. I'll be constantly afraid of your reaction if I inconvenience you. Nothing scares me more than the people I trust lying to me. I'm more competent and at home in the face of people's scorn than in the face of their genuine love for me. The idea that anyone could see me as desirable is baffling. The world sees me as little more than dirt and I don't disagree with them. I am going to make them eat their teeth with their words or so help me I will set myself on fire trying. Just watch, I am the most beautiful woman in town and you will rue the day you underestimated me. How you like me now?
Victor, thinking he'd been dumped by the first person who'd made him happy in a very long time : I see this, I respect this, I am going to use the hell out of this. Hey. Hey fatty. Watch me pry the thing you love and use to cope with your feelings right out of your fingers until you lose weight. kinda reminiscent of what you did to me :) kinda sorta you know just a lil bit. You don't know what eros is? Okay, now you're just making fun of me.
Victor, after Yuuri had his katsudon eros realization : ...JFC he actually literally doesn't know. I. Uh. ...Huh. Well. Uhm. Okay. Maybe that means he doesn't get OTHER things too. He. He genuinely doesn't know what he did to me. He probably didn't even do it deliberately. Okay. Okay? Okay. I can work with this. THINK OF THE JUICY SUCCULENT PORK, BABE. ...I can't fkn believe this.
Victor, several episodes later when Yuuri reveals he literally doesn't remember the banquet: ...Well shit. The past year of my life has been a lie and I might be an asshole. Hm.
I've read some fics where after Yuuri's ED gets triggered and he crashes hard Victor looks back at all those early comments and goes 'I didn't mean it that way babe you're hot when you're fat and you weren't even that fat it was just that it could be unsafe for your joints to skate in that condition' and sure okay I get wanting to minimize the blow and Yuuri is adorable AF when he's heavier and i still enjoy those fics for the most part but
I disagree with that fully and completely cus nah, Victor's a petty lil bitch who can be cold and ruthless and isn't afraid to hurt people. Is he also warm and kind and loving and doing his best? Yes. He contains multitudes. But he was absolutely aiming to hurt, because he was hurt.
Yuuri, meanwhile, who's been bullied for a great majority of his childhood but has complete faith in Victor and unwavering confidence in his honesty - especially when that honesty fits his world view - that he has an entire Victor shaped blind spot : Eh? Pfft. He wasn't bullying me, what are you talking about? He was literally telling the truth. :/ I mean really, he was taking care of me.
Victor, falling to the ground and clutching his stomach with a groan because ooouuugghhh guilt-nausea : Y-....Yuuri.....
Yuuri : I mean Yurio can be a bully but that's just how he shows he cares so :3 Nah haha, I've had waaaay worse, trust me, lol
Yurio : ....I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of?
Victor, convulsing :
I think Yuuri can absolutely pick up on when Victor is being dishonest with him and poking his sharp little fingers into the sore spots, but more on an intuitive level that he doesn't know how to make sense of logically, so he just accepts it and moves on largely without comment a;dlkf he'll probably figure it out like fifteen years down the road when he's older and wiser and one day he squints at his husband and goes "...huh, okay" and then never does anything about it anyway because he loves Victor and forgives him and also Victor's hot when he's being mean so
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lupeloto · 5 months
a mickey milkovich + physical affection in s11 meta
Mickey Milkovich went from flinching away any time Ian tried to touch him in a non-sexual setting to accepting physical acts of love and affection even when it’s difficult for him to do so. And i wanna talk about those moments and progression of it as seen in the later seasons of shameless.
I do think that the writers did a good job at portraying the difference in the moments in which he would accept the physical touch with a smile and when it was more difficult for him to do so. (ps me saying the writers did anything gOOd in the later seasons of shameless is quite a rare occurrence)
Season four is when we really begin to see the beginning of that shift into accepting it from Ian. Season five we see that he has gotten more comfortable in receiving as well as giving, especially in times of distress regarding Ian. The next time we see them as a fully functioning couple, there are definitely times in which Mickey was hesitant to accept it but only in times when he felt vulnerable and exposed in terms of his past.
I am going to focus on the later season here as that is when we see Mickey begin to actually address the situation with his father. For example, 11x12 when he had just revealed a genuine fear of his that branches from the abuse he faced in childhood, he flinches at/recoils at Ian’s attempt to comfort him. However, later in the episode, he accepts these joyful acts of affection from Ian because it is something he is no longer ashamed of. He does not shy away from physical affection when it comes from a place of being open and in love with Ian.
I think that this shows that although Mickey has become comfortable and unapologetic in his sexual identity, he has not made those strides in other areas of his life. He still feels this grave shame regarding his father and the abuse he faced. He thinks it makes him weak and has trouble admitting that it is something that has impacted him to this day. It is also shown in 11x06 when Mickey accepts help from Ian in getting Terry up the steps. Ian stops him, holding his head and reassuring that he is nothing like Terry. Mickey struggles to even look Ian in the eye at this time, the vulnerability so overwhelming. It is so interesting how he tends to resent any affection during times regarding that part of his life that he has never fully healed from. It is also incredible to see how Ian knows exactly how to deal with him in those situations. He knows what Mickey needs, offering small acts of affection in those times until the finale. It is as if Ian was holding in this urge to embrace him, so he finally gives in and forces Mickey into the hug, knowing it is what he needed once Mickey stops resisting almost immediately.
anyways, mickey milkovich still has a lot to heal from regarding his past but has come so far in accepting himself and i’m so proud of him and ian is so proud of him and he couldn’t have done it without him anddddd yeah enjoy these pics of him being happy and in love
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leffee · 2 months
Could you rank "The Main 7 pets" from greatest to least based on their relationships with Vinnie in the show? That is, from the pet who has the best relationship with Vinnie to the pet who has the least close relationship with him.
Ok, so who has the closest relationship with Vinnie starting from the most:
Sunil - and no one's surprised. I mean they are best friends canonically and especially after season 1 they are so often shown together that it even bothers me sometimes because as much as I love those two I crave other Vinnie interactions, you know? Anyway, yeah Sunil is the closest to him, even if the little shit talks behind Vinnie's back sometimes. They're adorable together, especially when hugs and Sunil picks Vinnie up. Adorbs.
Penny - man those two are so fucking cute together can you blame me for shipping them? She is so affectionate and only with her Vinnie seems to be so comfortable when it comes to physical touch, I am not okay. All their interactions in "Two Pets for Two Pests" are absolutely golden and so cute, mostly the ones at the beginning. And also the first two names that came to Blythe's head together were Vinnie and Penny, huh? Damn, she ships them too. Actually, I need this, omw to watch those first scenes
[approximately 5 minutes later]
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The progression of Vinnie jumping to her, Penny hugging him and then them so naturally changing their position to holding hands??? I am so normal about them. Don't even get me started on their interactions in the episode when they thought Penny was in the day camp for the last time. They love each other, real!
3. Russell - Russell is just kinda close to everybody in similar amount, huh? But him and Vinnie sure have their moments together, it mostly includes all the boys' moments so Sunil too they're three often shown doing things together and being kinda apart from the girls in certain episodes. Plus the moments when Russell is just like "Vinnie u stupid lemme explain cause I'm smarter-" or something like that :). Mostly the three boys together moments are here though.
4. Pepper - hmm, they are still pretty close I would say and to me at least Pepper in the most similar to Vinnie personality-wise, no, not Minka, Pepper. They are both just little shits together and I think that's great :). But she does bully him and hits him with that rubber chicken so idk about all that now. Still, she was the one who hugged him after he returned when being lost at that dumpster plus
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pls neither of them might wanna look cute but... they just are (but also look at Penny and Sunil squishing in the background naaaw).
5. Minka - surprising since they're quite similar but it's not really Minka or Vinnie's fault. They're not thaat close because of the fact that Minka is the main pet with least screentime, focus, episodes dedicated to her, etc. Seriously, she is underrated by the creators who didn't give her a lot of time. The most they got together was in this one short "OOOOMg" or however many O's and M's it had, you know what I mean. And they were great there together but that's not a lot compared to what they could have had. Probably doesn't help that as much as I like this short there is one aspect that I roll my eyes at - Vinnie's hyperactivity in this one which is like... no. To me this was so out of nowhere, I get where that image of him being like that comes from but genuinely I don't think he ever did anything to be seen as hyperactive especially when compred to others. Idk, maybe it's just me cause lots of people seemed to be completely fine and even happy with that but I just don't see it, he's nowhere near as energetic as he was presented in this short. Anyway, his and Minka's interactions were still great.
6. Zoe - really they have barely any interactions as in with just them two. The most we got was in "Big Feathered Parade" and that's about it, perhaps that's the reason why those two together are my guilty pleasure so to the end Zoe goes. They would have such a girl-failure and girl-boss relationship I just know it and i crave it.
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