#anyway cho loves him a lot ***I*** love him a lot and i love u a lot so. we all stay winning here is the point i think
i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
(´▽`ʃƪ) c ould you please summarize the main plot points of some of your recent aus? (for example, im really digging selkie and loc, but i missed what exactly ended up happening with cho and dark in the former (both when they came to be and recently), & the entire inciting idea/event of the latter (and probably other deets i have no idea i missed))
how many are covered and at what length is up to u
i love perusing the asks but i get easily lost <3 tysm
augh alright!! okay so!
Loss of Control AU
Basically, this is post-showdown, but Dark did survive! It takes place right around the same time that the episode The Box does in canon!!!
Chosen and SC are captured, but so is Dark! Victim drains Dark's powers to take them for themself but it goes very very wrong and Victim loses all control, basically going into a feral state where they are constantly in fight/flight, which is very bad when you have brand new powers you can't control :(
Victim immediately is in a lot of pain, and basically wrecks a ton of Rocket Corp. The mercs are kind of at a loss as to what to do since Victim destroyed a lot of their weapons in the initial panic, and end up going to Chosen, because how the fuck else are you supposed to stop a superpowered stick on a rampage? c!alan didn't have any better ideas and without their tools the mercs aren't really in a much better situation
Chosen ends up getting released alongside SC, and finds out what happened to Dark, so they end up kind of freaking out. They can't exactly leave Dark here, because they ABSOLUTELY don't trust the Mercs to not just turn around and hold Dark hostage to get the upper hand again, and if Dark found out they would absolutely try to pursue Victim and Chosen. so they very reluctantly go with their best idea-- keep Dark safe by trapping them on the desktop!
admittedly i like to imagine either stick!alan or normal cursor alan depending on whatever's more fun for the situation, so that's not really set in stone at all lol
but that's basically the whole deal what's going on with dark and chosen!
Selkie Sticks AU
basically i have no idea how Alan becomes a selkie but the summary of the most important stuff is here!!!!
Dark does survive in this AU and gets redeemed as I've recently decided. :]
selkie!SC basically starts out as a toddler just because i think it's fun! Alan adopts the rest of the CG when they're around 4! (not as in how long they've existed but their age lol)
selkie!chosen is very much protective of their younger siblings, and kind of ends up bonding with alan a lot because they help take care of SC and the tiny CG a lot!
the CG have 'coats' as well, but they aren't selkies! alan actually made the little 'coats' for them as a gift. they're not real coats, but Alan figured that they'd want something to match! he was very much correct and the CG love their false coats a lot
also i sometimes talk about an AU where selkie!alan is still stuck as a cursor while taking care of SC! that's not a part of the main AU i just think it's so so funny to imagine
i think that's about all the tidbits i have that aren't covered tho!!
i'm just including this one bc it's a favorite of mine hehe.
basically, during AVA 1, Alan somehow gets stuck in the computer! i'll be referring to him as Noogai from here on bc that's his name in the au :]
anyway, when he gets stuck, Victim terrorizes him for a while, before Noogai makes Chosen! in this AU Chosen is actually the one with mission code, but it just sums up to 'please protect me i am SO SCARED'! this goes very badly while it's still in strong effect but Chosen does their best to deal with it bc Noogai isn't sure how to change it without potentially hurting them :(
Victim kind of ends up not wanting to torment him in the end because he's kind of. too pathetic?? he's sick from the shift from human to stick, he's terrified, and he doesn't know how to protect himself at all, and it's really no fun at all to scare him because he just has a panic attack. honestly Vic is kind of worried about him after a certain point because he responds so poorly to becoming a stick, both physically and mentally.
eventually the two end up in a sort of begrudging understanding, and Vic ends up (reluctantly) helping Chosen take care of him.
I'm kind of not sure where Dark shows up, but let's just say they show up here for simplicity! Noogai draws them as a friend for both him and Chosen! unfortunately Chosen's first reaction to seeing an unfamiliar stick on the PC is to punch them. after that initial road-bump though things are pretty much fine!
they eventually find their way into the outernet and end up moving there, partially because Noogai is so sick of the PC and also because it's very hard to take care of someone who's used to being a human on a computer. Noogai ofc brings the pencil and pen.
he ends up kind of having a semblance of normality after moving to the outernet, and things are pretty much fine up until the fair where Gold dies in canon!
Noogai actually ends up going in before Gold and getting caught in the crash, but Chosen saves him, leaving him with scarring and a crippling fear of minecraft, but him and Gold do end up becoming friends! They're both not exactly the most social people among most sticks, and they're both kind of nerds, so they end up getting along really well and doing a lot of stupid kid stuff together!
SC ends up being created after Noogai tries to show the pencil to Gold, for no reason other than he was dumb and the first thing he drew was....... a stick. because of course it was.
Noogai is basically the little sibling of most of the hollowheads though, and it's mostly just a silly au!! Victim does end up having a soft spot for him deep down eventually, but they'd never tell him that because he'd absolutely exploit it. and also the mortifying ordeal of being perceived. mostly the second one. they view him as their little brother though, even if they sometimes think he's a little brat :]
also i draw the noogai!sticks with faces because noogai drew faces onto them!! he thought it'd make Vic a little less scary and they were nice enough to tolerate it
anyway!! hope that helps :]
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girljeremystrong · 10 months
cat!!!! hi!!!! i want to get my non-reader friend into reading. he probs won't read anything over 150-200 pages so i'm trying to find an entertaining short book. all the short books i love are essays or philosophy or things i think he could like in time but would probably find dry at the start (especially cause he hasn't read anything recreationally for years). so im at a loss and wanted to know if u have any recs for short books that are page-turners/easy to read <3 hope ur having a good day beloved xo
hello my love <3
first of all sorry for replying late but i was sleeping and then i had to go to the BANK but anyway i have compiled a little list of books i loved that are under 200 pages. there are lots of classics that are shorter and i've included them even though i think some of those would be stuff that you or him might have already read!
contemporary fiction
open water by caleb azumah nelson: THIS IS SUCH A GREAT ONE that i can't imagine anyone not enjoying. truly. it's a love story between two black young british people but it's far from a tiktok romance novel. it explores themes of race and masculinity and vulnerability and it's soft but also very real and it's wonderful. honestly if i had to only recommend one it would be this!
small things like these by claire keegan: very good and quietly hopeful story of a man in a little irish town at christmas. everybody was talking about this book last year and with good reason, it's great.
whereabouts by jhumpa lahiri: the story of a woman in the town she lives in and how it can change in a year. this is an introspective one but jhumpa lahiri is a genius so it reads very easily and it's so wonderfully written.
interpreter of maladies by jhumpa lahiri: short stories, mainly dealing with indian characters in the US. they feel absolutely universal while teaching something about culture and belonging. won the pulitzer in 1999.
how not to drown in a glass of water by angie cruz: a woman narrates the story of her life to her counselor who's trying to find her a job. it's funny and hopeful and memorable. the author is so great (she wrote another one called dominicana that is a masterpiece although is longer!)
kim jiyoung, born 1982 by cho nam-joo: the story of a new mum living in korea that explores the estrangement of being a woman and having to give up so much. it's definitely more serious but it's written very well and it doesn't feel heavy at all.
swimming in the dark by tomasz jedrowski: this one is incredible. it's the story of a polish university student who falls in love with another man in the 1980s in an obviously very repressive society. so he's in love but he wants protest and he can't ignore the struggles and the disparity around him. it's very political but also lyrical and tender.
someone who will love you in all your damaged glory by raphael bob-waksberg: okay this breaks 200 pages at 256 pages long. but it's so good. everybody would love this. it's by the creator of bojack horseman if that can be an incentive somehow. it's a collection of stories that are so unconventional and bizarre in the most incredible way. they are funny stories and sweet and absurd and sad. i really loved reading this book.
infinite country by patricia engel: the story of a colombian family dealing with deportation. it's from the pov of elena who is the eldest daughter. it's a beautiful book that deals with very real struggles and it does it beautifully.
recitatif by toni morrison: very short story (about 20 pages) but so clever and so well written of course. it's the story of two women who have known each other since they were children. they lose touch and then they reconnect when they're older. one of them is white and one of them is black, but the author never tells you which is which. so it's a great story about race.
the cossacks by leo tolstoy: the story of a man who loses his fortune and retires to a cossack village. it's very russian... but it's very well written and definitely explores some of the themes that tolstoy will then explore in war and peace like the purpose of life and war and his love of nature.
white nights by fyodor dostoevsky: again very russian. but less than 100 pages long! it's the story of a young man living in st petersburg who one day meets a girl and they become fast friends. they both feel like outcasts, so together they feel like they can belong. it is actually great.
giovanni's room by james baldwin: lots of baldwin's books (both his fiction and non-fiction) are short ones actually. this one is the story of a man in paris who, while waiting for his girlfriend to get there, falls in love with a man. it's an incredible story dense with love and passion and shame and it is wonderful.
the old man and the sea by hemingway: old man tries to catch big fish after not being able to catch any fish for a long time. but also so much more than that and nobody made me read this in school so i only read it at 25 and it blew me away. everybody told me it would be so sad but i think it's actually hopeful and a little bit it is a story about community? and it tells you that there's people waiting for you to come back.
of mice and men by steinbeck: again i read it in my mid twenties and loved it. it's a gut punch. it's about two men clinging together as laborers in california. it deals with what it means to feel powerless in a tyrant world.
franny and zooey by salinger: one of the best books ever i think. franny and zooey are brother and sister and they are two young people experiencing existential doubts. it's a book about family and about growing into adults and about the alienation that comes with that. salinger knows how to write young people in a crisis so well and how to make it engaging and entertaining.
having compiled this list i now see that my tastes definitely are oriented in a certain way but i hope at least one of these can work for your friend. i tried to include all the shorter books that i have read and loved and i think that generally anyone could enjoy them, but you never know!
hope you're having a great day too!!! mwah!!
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starsapphire · 1 year
3, 10, 12, 22 for the violence asks
answered 3 at the bottom
10. worst part of fanon
i couldn't decide so i went into the dc tag to see what horrors may lurk within and then had to go do something else for an hour to recover. anyway i think maybe... there's this tendency in fanon to make all of the bats nice. nice to each other, nice to their teammates, nice to strangers. and they're not nice people. i don't mean that they're (all) bad people or needlessly cruel and unkind. i mean they're not nice people. they're rude and they're assholes and they hurt each other and they hurt their friends and they insult people. to make #batfam content work they need to be sweet and pleasant to one another and not hate each other and frankly that's not how it is. wayne family adventures only works because they're nice to each other! the real, canon batfamily (as in wayne family not necessarily the entire group of allies) is a bunch of people who are technically family but it's held together by spite and pipecleaners. in actual canon, dick and bruce fight all the time, and bruce says hurtful things, and jason is a mass murderer before he's ever even like, despised coworkers with any of his siblings. tim is not a sweetie who rolls over and shows his belly when bruce gives orders. dick is not a doting big brother "mama bird". babs loves bruce but she very much does not give a shit what he thinks, and he is NOT her father. they are not a nice, perfectly-balanced nuclear family. they are a bunch of horrible people with mental issues. what the fuck is a little wing i'm going to kill you
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
AMADEUS CHO. and i'm not talking champions-era totally awesome hulk amadeus cho. i'm talking incredible hercules era. off the fucking shits. calling people cunts. including government officials. taking occupied helicarriers out of the sky. destroying government property. doing it all on a modified gameboy. his weird toxic relationship with a gorgon. taking over a multibillion dollar conglomerate from the gods themselves. his best friend being a 3000 year old himbo. the coyote pup plotline. breaking into banner's lab multiple times. going to hell because he might as well. him being a cunt to total strangers. he's such an asshole you don't understand how much i adore him 😭😭 mark waid's champions amadeus was a rare flop unfortunately
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
all of it timsteph... they're so fun i love them so much... i know steph gets in the way of shipping tim with boys and interfering with yaoi is unforgivable or whatever but their relationship is such a huge part of who both of them are as characters. like they're so... sorry i don't have coherent language skills ever but they're like. you know. they. tim took steph to birthing classes. he held her baby. steph saved his life. they do crosswords together. did u know that. and don't get me wrong! their relationship had a lot of bad parts. i honestly don't think they were right for one another romantically, especially at the time. they both had a lot of growing up to do. but they love one another in a way that's beyond platonic or romantic. they need each other. steph is silly where tim is too serious and she's serious where tim isn't. they balance one another out in the best way
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
Tumblr media Tumblr media
these are from the same post. i promise you someone the extent of whose interaction with batman and robin is the phrase "batman and robin" is not shipping br*dick. they don't know what that means. like, either of those words. i'm pretty sure if you told literally any normal person that robin is actually batman's son, they would be disturbed. and i promise you that your incest yaoi has bever been "vanilla" and "completely unproblematic". go outside
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percocet · 2 years
Omg would u be willing to give like piano classical music recs? I just love how pianos sound but I don't know much classical music :(
HI. YES. i feel like i've been waiting for this moment all my life.
so first thing to note is that "classical music" as a genre, as the general public thinks about it, covers like. the 1600s to early 1900s. it's like saying mcr and golden era broadway music are the same genre, which drives me up the wall some days but i've also accepted it as like. general public insistence that all music composed before 1910 is somehow stuffy and elitist to listen to. ANYWAY rant aside this is all to say that the sound and style is going to differ a lot!
without further ado, here's my Certified Fresh™ piano recs for beginners <3
the famous composers you should probably listen to
rachmaninoff - piano concerto no. 2 in c minor. evgeny kissin (<333) has like thee recording ever of this (linked). it's the most famous piano concerto in the world. i've been playing this baby since i was 15 and literally every day i learn something new about it. gift that keeps giving!! and if you like this, then i'd also take a gander at the rhapsody on a theme of paganini, which is a whole piano concerto that's like theme and variations on the melody from the most famous paganini violin caprice (no. 24).
chopin - ballade no. 1 in g minor. krystian zimerman (linked) has probably the most solid recording, but i'm rlly partial to yundi li's interpretation! seong-jin cho is also incredibly impressive, i've seen him twice and his work blows me away... all of chopin's music is quintessential piano listening imo; his collection of waltzes, nocturnes, and études especially are foundational learning material! he's my fav composer of all time <3 (side note: arthur rubinstein is known as The chopin performer, but any of the people i listed will do a great job if you're looking on youtube on spotify for a version to listen to)
liszt - transcendental étude no. 12 "chasse-neige". and if you have time then wough ALL of the transcendental études and listen in order. i don't really like liszt but i worship at the feet of daniil trifonov's album i'm so serious. also gotta plug that i saw him perform live too and he is like the second coming of christ to me. my absolute favourite pianist atm.
beethoven - sonata no. 14 "moonlight". while we're in that fob mood! everybody knows the first movement but rarely do people play it well tbh 💀 the second and third movements are also very famous but they seem to fit on the second tier of the classical music iceberg, so i'll rec it anyway. harder to say who my fav beethoven performers are.. he has the most difficult repertoire for a reason! maybe claudio arrau or alfred brendel (linked), daniel barenboim for more modern recordings (and a complete set of sonatas) but he's not The best..
mozart - fantasia in d minor. sigh. so i'm not the biggest mozart fan, admittedly. but he's got an incomparable place in history, so here we are! this is probably one of the more underrated famous pieces (in comparison to like the turkish march or whatever). linked is trifonov again, but i would rec seong-jin cho's mozart album too, it's solid all around.
bach - partita no. 2 in c minor. probably the most dramatic and accessible of his partitas. you have probably heard of the well-tempered clavier at some point in your life, which is his collection of preludes and fugues! those are worth listening to if you're ever in the baroque mood. i'm so serious when i say bach's music is god to me. not the easiest listening, but worth it tbh... anyway. martha argerich (linked) is goated and one of my main inspirations in music. (and if you find yourself liking her, i'd rec her astor piazzolla interpretations like tres minutos con la realidad, great argentinian music by great argentinian musicians!)
stuff that goes so fucking ham i can only describe it as the closest humanity will ever touch divinity
godowsky - passacaglia. based off schubert's unfinished symphony but that's not super important all you need to know is that it's 20 minutes of insanity
liszt - erlkönig. this is like a veritable nightmare, musically. it's based on schubert's erlkönig and it's absolute hell. holy shit. it's so good. yuja wang (linked) is superhuman
bach (transcribed by ferruccio busoni) - partita no 2. in d minor. this partita was composed for the violin but naturally someone had to put it on the piano and make it go harder than it already does. literally a religious experience, ofc evgeny kissin had to do it to 'em
ravel (transcribed by beatrice rana) - la valse. beatrice rana is so goated, holy shit. this waltz is also musically difficult, but she just knocks it out of the park. every time i listen to this i get chills, esp towards the end. definitely worth watching as well as listening to, she's electric with it
liszt - mephisto waltz. did i say i didn't like liszt already? i feel like liszt is overrepresented here. liszt enjoyers come get your food ig. khatia buniatishvili is just crazy impressive, she's just so effortlessly virtuosic and i live in awe of her work.
this got kinda long but i think it's more bc i can't shut up.. anyway! hope you enjoy!! let me know what you think if you listen to any of this!
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junjiie · 1 year
UM GOOD MORNING??? (its morning for me im serious i literally just woke up) hope your having a good day im about to give everything about meliora 🤗
SOOOOOO meliora is a 13-member under two fictional companies louvix audio and sonata media, they were the second only successful group under their company after their former boy group RIX disbanded in 2016, so, company said; "WE NEED SOMETHING NEW!", and they recruited the thirteen members over a period of 10 months through global auditions!!! so that's just great
okay off to the members;
kasemchai 'chaiya' shinawatra - 99 liner, thai, probably a man kisser in his free time, and also a professional flirt too!, used to be a child model and he decided "fuck college i'm gonna sing" so he auditioned!, his fc is the actor jeff satur
hong yohan - 00 liner, korean, 1 of 4 introverts in the whole group, the leader of the group, he scares his members without even trying, his fc is that one nct mf (it's haechan)
ko junmin - 00 liner, korean, 2 of 4 introverts in the whole group, a perfectionist for life, he also did taekwondo!, his fc is park jihoon (the actor not from treasure)
jung hajoon - 00 liner, korean, adopted (yeah he actually is), his adopted father is half filipino so he's fluent in tagalog, theater kid (derogatory), his fc is kim sunwoo from the boyz
ahn 'kyrie' kyuhyun - 01 liner, korean, a former actor and fencer (he starred in boys over flowers), the tallest member, also quite literally the perfect man (he's also the token straight of the group), his fc is yoon sanha from astro
yeo 'hwan' jihwan - 01 liner, korean, 3 of 4 introverts in the whole group, he's the one member who can go without talking the whole day, the center of the group despite his shyness, his fc is son dongju from oneus
cho haneul - 01 liner, korean, confirmed man kisser, the most affectionate member of the group, bro can play the guitar (i'm down on my knees), his fc is shin yechan from omega x
matsuda 'kiro' kyoichi - 02 liner, japanese, a former member of a j-pop boy band, his father is so famous in japan i'm not even joking, he has a huge fanbase and is the sunbaenim of everyone in the whole group, his fc is terazono keita from ciipher
kang 'z' yaejoon - 02 liner, korean, the groups comedic genius, the only reason he auditioned was actually because of a bet, he used to play hockey, his fc is jung sungchan from riize
bae 'byeol' yongrae - 02 liner, korean, has been dancing since literally forever, his birthdays on halloween!!, he's a huge fan of kai and he cried when he got to meet him for the first time, his fc is my bae song hyeongjun from cravity
sim 'chrysa' jaehwan - 03 liner, korean, he really likes kyuhyun, seriously he was a huge fan of him before they debuted together, also a comedic genius, his fc is your bae hwang intak from p1harmony
kristian 'jian' li - 04 liner, chinese-american, rich, he's one of the youngest but he's also 6'1, professional coffee hater, and cat lover, his fc is young and rich fall and handsome
aikawa 'taro' kiyoshi - 04 liner, japanese, the maknae, a teddy bear collector, can never be clean like it's impossible for him, his fc is nishimura riki from enhypen
OKAY SO UHHH OTHER THAN THAT, their fandom name is aponia because meliora is a word that means "better" and the word aponia is an "absence of pain" so they FIT TOGETHER!!!
anyway thats the group, there is a lot more bad stuff concerning the personal lives of the members because they're all traumatized in one way or another (so sorry i love my babies i swear) so um whose your bias 🤗???
the way i am the #1 aponia. The original. unless you've told someone else ab them and they've said the same thing so we have to compete (i cant fight so i hope u havent 😓😓 2yrs of martial arts in primary school has done nothing for me bye). I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM?!? Holds them in hands.. puts them in a jar.. shakes them around really hard in the jar.. opens the lid... pours them into my hands.. eats them like orbeez.. dies from food poisoning (u probably cant eat orbeez).....
OK BIASES. hajoon YOHAN and jaehwan YUPP 👍👍👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 oh but junmin too........ i fucking LOVE park jihoon i rewatch whc1 every other week i swear (nothing broke me like that show did . Im in so much pain). i will collect all their pcs and line then up next to my bed and pat their little heads before i go to sleep
IM IN LOVE W THIS AND THEM!!!!!!!!! UR MIND!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!!!!! ur giving me tell-u-things-ab-my-silly-ocs-too itis... Stop it .
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
It’s CMA:)
read the chapter, had some thoughts (per usual lmao)
First of all I am so jealous that she’s getting a well-established garden to make her own instead of starting from scratch. It would also be sweet if the gardener stayed the same or she talked to the previous owners to like bond over plants or whatever and so she could know the personal history of each one. Also I want to know if there’s anything left in the greenhouse….
Ben basically assuming that they will adopt teddy and being totally fine with that🥺 I wonder if he discussed that with her aunt and uncle but anyway that’s so amazing of him love that
I can’t wait for Josie to get there lmao going to fucking eviscerate every fuckwad in the entire ton
“I’m not a cactus” LMFAOOOOOOOO dyinggggg that’s the funniest thing. My theory that Ben thought she had a fuck buddy came true and I love that lmaooooo
All the people who love her are so thoughtful and put a lot of care into the gifts they give her and it’s so sweet to see that she’s now surrounded by people who so genuinely love her
The fact that clover was so confident in the fact that Benedict did not want kitty but was choosing her and would do so no matter what. It really shows how much she trusts him already🥺😭
also tho I wonder if she realized that she was so fiercely defensive and staunch in saying that he is in love with her or if she was consciously like ‘well no but she doesn’t know that’. Like a Freudian slip of sorts- she’s subconsciously accepted his love and trusts him; it’s just a matter becoming aware of it and her being choosing to accept it.
This is a side note but I’m not sure if you know what the semicolon project is? Anyway I had a custom necklace made that says ‘cho;ce’ to kind of signify that everyday is a choice that I get to make and I get to choose to go on and how to live my life. Like I make my own decisions and choose to accept things and where I go from here and how I get treated etc. sort of deal, which was a pretty huge thing for me.
Anyway I feel like clover kind of has to make that step for herself, where instead of living in fear and at the whims of the past and others, she gets to make her own decisions and choose how things affect her. She gets to choose to love benedict instead of relying on everyone telling her that she’s in love with him, she gets to decide that she’s going to react to things or believe certain things instead of just believing what she’s been told and living in fear of the unknown/potentially bad things that might happen.
Idk sorry that’s really long and ramble-y and idk if it made sense at all, but it’s kind of something that I felt a connection to with her but I could just be making that up lol. It’s like the scene in brave that’s like ‘I’ll shoot for my own hand’ or whatever where she’s choosing her own path. Idk this is probably super cheesy and overly optimistic lolololol ignore me over here just spewing whatever comes to mind
Anyway loved this so much but my thumbs are hurting and also I need to get out of bed to take my meds so I’ve got to go but I’ll definitely be thinking about this chapter all week (and definitely for the next 24 hrs while I wait for u to return to the askbox lmaooo).
Okay bye love u see u soon:)))
Hi my love! 🥰❤️
Yesssss she already has a gorgeous garden but I think -once she actually starts taking care of it- she will change it a little! ❤️ The gardener will stay the same as well! 🥰 She will hire him ❤️
Oh there's nothing left in the greenhouse though 😏 It's basically empty, at least for now😈
Benedict genuinely thought Teddy would stay with them and he was totally fine with it 🥰 He will be such a good example to Teddy and Teddy will look up to him so much ❤️
Josie is coming really soon! 😍 I love her already 😂
Benedict was so sure she had a fuck buddy or at least a friend with benefits 😈
Oh Clover did not realize that at all! ❤️ She didn't even think about Kitty not knowing the truth, it just felt right to her at that point to say he loved her ❤️ She is very much in denial but also, she's very possessive of Benedict already 😏 And deep down, she's very proud of the fact that he is in love with her 😏🔥
Oh I had no idea about that project darling, I will check it out rn! ❤️
You're absolutely right! ❤️ I can totally see that parallel, and there will be a time that she needs to make that choice and to acknowledge her own feelings for him instead of just ignoring them or denying them ❤️
Honeeeey you're amazing, thank you so much for this! ❤️ ILYSM! ❤️❤️❤️
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ELA anon again It’s nice to see u feeling better! 😊
on chapter seventeen, five more chapters
I really hate it when McGonagall leaves Neville to possibly die, maybe she could’ve made him a piece of paper with a password only he knows (an easy one) with the passwords, but then again they did chase Sirius out and upped security but like 🤷‍♀️ dead student?
When they get the fire bolt, Hermione does a spell that would reveal (or disappear) any jinxes on the thing
so when Snaps gets the marauders map, why doesn’t he use that or something similar or stronger for it? like ohhh the second hand embarrassment 🫠 I get he might be feeling strong emotions and stuff but ”show me your true face bitch” like no 🫣
It hurts to see Harry be like “my father didn’t strut” ohh when he learns 🤭
Anyways, oof imagine calling over ur childhood bystander to confirm giving something very illegal to an innocent minor (even though he didn’t do it)
just not it 😬
Kinda feel Bad for Lupin though he’s thoughts we’re probably like
“How did I forget about that?” “Maybe if I remembered it earlier, Ron wouldn’t have been hurt, the Fat Lady wouldn’t be terrified to do her job, everyone would’ve been safe” stuff like that
It’s so satisfying reading Hermione slapping him in the face😊😊😊
Draco reminds me of a kid I saw at a bday party, I’m having an convo walking past him “shut up you donkey!!” 💀
Quidditch is the dumbest thing ever, 0/0 stars
Harry’s first crush, give it up for Cho Chang!!!! (8/10 stars) The stress for Hermione and her extra emotions I Just wanna slap her for all the classes and wrap her up and make her take care of herself 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also Peter really holding up for Voldemort? Bro gave up free food and good home for crucio 😔
and Istg if I had to hide and my old bitchass rat who I thought was dead kept making noise, I would’ve snapped his neck. I already practiced mourning him, ready for round two 🤷‍♀️ Anyways ahh books almost to an end
Have a glorious day!!
Jeez…would you believe me if I said your ask JUST popped up…it did that with someone else’s ask too. Idk whats up with tumblr 😒
Anyways, THANK YOU! Feeling a lot better!
Yea, I didn’t like that she did that either. I think it’s really overlooked in the fandom and that’s a bit disappointing.
And not too much on my boi Sev, he was going through it 😭 let him have his embarrassing moments 💀 (ngl I never thought about that💀 he’s trying)
Harry: “My father didn’t STRUT!”
Snape on the inside:
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There’s very…VERY…few things I feel bad for Remus about, but yea, I wonder what he was thinking…I think he might have laughed a little in his head…or maybe I’m being petty, idk 🤷🏽
And yes, we love Hermione for that😌
Draco reminds me of a lot of things…none of them are good. Canon Draco makes me itch but I like Fanon Draco, I can admit that proudly
Oouu, I thought I was the only one that thought quidditch was boring 💀 but to be fair, my opinion is irrelevant because I can’t mentally keep up with the majority of sports, with a few exceptions
CHO CHANG!!! I love her
Why so violent 😭 you sound like my irl friend who was yelling at me for pulling an all-nighter so that I could write. HERMIONE CANT HELP THAT SHES A HARD WORKING YOUNGSTER!
Ah yes, Peter. I really want to know more about him! He’s another one of those complex characters. I want to look at hcs but not from Marauders stans because they erase his interesting traits to make him fit their image. I need snapedom hcs of Peter 🤔
THE VIOLENCE! ANON WHY😭 not the rat 🥺 (fun fact: I love rats! They get a bad rep and people lie about them a lot)
Have a spectacular day! 💚
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swanqiu · 3 years
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𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍, 𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐂𝐇 !   ——— a birthday gift for @lvncher​ ❤
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xiaobees · 4 years
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞 (teaser)
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nonidol!chenle x fem!reader
premise. you and chenle fell hard and fast. but chenle's been hiding something from you, and he'll try his damnedest to keep it that way. but no matter hard he may try, the truth always finds a way to be revealed. and that just may cost him everything.
genre. not exactly slow burn, fluff!, angst!!, s2l, arranged marriage au later, college basketball star!chenle, richkid!chenle problems, college au, theaterkid!reader
inspired by. my short fics: the distraction + call me; when she loved me (cover by lyn lapid)
estimated wc. currently at 16k, so maybe 20k+
release date. IT'S OUT NOW!! HEHE
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @johlee @justanotherkpopstanlol @frickyratz @liamsholygrail @staysstrays @w3bqrl
taglist: @j4eminie777 @y3jiishot @jenosbliss @hibernatinghamster @user103843 @watermelonlee05
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In a few minutes, you had hustled your way out into the lobby and up the stairs to where the balcony for stage left was located. You knew that Chenle must already be waiting there for you, judging from the texts you saw light up your phone screen. 
zhong: paging nurse to patient
zhong: i'm incredibly bored w/o my seatmate
zhong: nurse, i'm gonna need someone's hand to hold to get thru this
You snorted, covering your mouth sheepishly as you passed an older couple.
you: heels and velvet covered stairs do not go well
you: patience is a virtue
zhong: i just miss u 🤨 isn't that a virtue
You were already coming up on the doorway leading to the furthest balcony to the left. The usher at the door recognized you as the general stage manager, nodded and let you through. Even in your dark blue evening gown and fancy getup, you could still be recognized, which was reassuring. You definitely felt like you had overdone it. 
The balcony was dark and relatively empty. There were a few couples scattered about the rows of seats, but you walked toward the lone form seated near the edge. 
"You know, it was kind of embarrassing to walk in without a da—holy shit." 
Chenle had twisted around in his seat only to find you making your way toward him in that dress. Well, to you, it was a dress. But to Chenle, it was the dress. The one he had subtly sent to Felix, who had sent it to Karina, who had sent it to you. It was quite the simple transaction, really, but god damn. 
He thought you would look good, but he didn't think you would look this good. Like drop dead, fucking gorgeous. If he wasn't sitting, he might have dropped to his knees and prayed. Because what in the world had he done in his previous life to deserve meeting someone like you?
Of course, you were completely unaware of the purely simp thoughts running amuck in Chenle's head; you were only aware of the fact that he looked really handsome in his tux and that he was staring an awful lot. 
"Hey," you said, settling in the seat next to him. "Is there, uh, something on my face?"
"Beauty," he said, almost on instinct, then cringed. "Sorry, that was the absolute worst."
You laughed, actually finding it funny. "No, that was good," you reassured with a very convincing nod of your head. "Renjun says hello. I had to go calm him before he started pacing. Hope you weren't waiting long."
Chenle nodded in understanding. "Ah, makes sense. No, I wasn't waiting long." He smiled at you. "Just couldn't wait to see you."
Flustered and flattered, you reached for his hand, lacing them over the arm rest between you. "Couldn't wait to see you, too. You clean up very nicely, Lele."
His lips parted, and you could've sworn his cheeks blushed a hard red. "Sorry, what?"
"Lele? You don't like the nickname—?"
"No, please—" he cleared his throat, hand squeezing yours lightly. "I—it's fine."
You grinned. You just made Zhong Chenle flustered. "Whatever you say, Lele. Anyway, thank you for coming tonight to see the show."
He regained composure quickly, to his credit. His thumb gently ran over your linked fingers. "Wouldn't miss it." For once, he couldn't choke out the words to tell you how beautiful you looked.
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
🍸- She/her, female, (ugh, bro, I’m bad with the facts about myself) I’m serious when I’m not in the social media or with a close friend, I have an obsession with powerade, I love collecting random things (such as powerade caps), I love falling in love with fictional characters from romantic novels. And HARRY POTTER HIMSELF
this was back in august 16, 2021 17:41 u r probably out of ur hp phase now but idc here it is and i missed u notice me ily
i think the where part of how you met is important so i think the most likely place the two of you could’ve ended up at the same time and at the same place would be at the library around the events of the goblet of fire and given that you’re a ravenclaw (U ARE A RAVENCLAW RYT IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY?/?/?), you were probably team cho chang but you were more on the sidelines
given that you didn’t have much classes together and although you’ve seen each other a couple of times, this is the first time you’ve talked to him: soooo while he was researching abt some certain stuff and it was getting late, you wake up and realize that you have fallen asleep in the library while (i can only assume) reading one of your favorite novels in hopes of escaping your upcoming stressful DADA test :’)
of course, you still pulled out a couple of books to look like you were making an effort and while putting back in the books into their respectful shelves, you yelp upon the sight of the fourth champion slumped against one of the shelves with shitloads of books surrounding him and you don’t know what to do like wtf it’s the potter dude shouldn’t he be in his room and you’re like “to be fair i was in the same situation just a moment ago”
HEKSJAHJAAA and you decide to nudge him awake and he only wakes up on the third poke and you guys are whispering at this point and you tell him, as you guys are walking back to your respective towers, that you wish you hadn’t bothered to wake him up so your house had better chances of winning and he just awkwardly nods but he’s like “oh what the heck” and asks you out to the yule ball n shit
i’m sorry i just love including the yule ball sm
ANYWAY from that point on you’ve been silently supporting him and rooting for him the entire time of the tri-wizard tournament and accidentally yells “GO HARRY” instead of “GO RAVENCLAW” and everyone just looks at you like whatthefuck
— ok you dating harry potter definitely made you a constant topic to everyone around you which made u a tad bit too uncomfortable so he arranges secret rendezvous/meetings in different spots so you guys could get alone time because you’re both overwhelmed by the talking n whatnot
— i like to think your bond grew after he returned like by the end of goblet of fire because you’re there for him and everything
— and whenever he’s out and gets like any kind of soda regardless if it’s powerade, he keeps the cap and gives them to you awwwjdkcjgjr sorry that’s just fucking cute
— he likes to listen to you talk just as you like to listen to him talk and it just got to the point where you didn’t mind the people like fuck it you wanna be with each other all the time so why not
— although you guys have had a lot of meeting places and different spots throughout the years, the library remains your all time favorite <333
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atsuwiee · 3 years
ship ur moots w twst and tokyo rev characters
*cracks knuckles* alright (sorry if i didnt get to put all)
@crispin-kreme - inui and jamil, ok but you kinda be looking good paired up with jamil and seishu so- but yeah your vibes are kinda same to them and you'll both get along well, especially with jamil because you like taking care of ppl (idk did that make sense?)
@shinramyeonz - shinichiro and azul, you have a vibe- like its a unique one,, and soo i just feel like you'd go well with them especially shinichiro
@lysse-707 - rindou and leona, parehas sila ma pride bahala na kayo dyan chos, shipping you with both because i feel like it'd be one hell of a experience/rollercoaster ride ;^)
@nxtsnw - mitsuya and malleus, ik we aren't that close but your blog (and you) always gave off like a soft vibe?? like lit at first you looked intimidating (for me lol) but you are just this soft and caring person so yEe :DD the amount of love you'd receive from both :,)
@lawfullgood - baji dahil bobo /j, ok but fr maybe sanzu and vil ?? wowzers, i mean i just feel like you'd get along with sanzu a lot more tho- and with vil, he'll help you with like skincare and makeup stuff so,,, yEe ??
@prync3r3n - RAN AND RIDDLE AHAHAHA, ran probably looks like he makes everything a joke but he cares for u nonetheless, and with riddle- well uh- tHAtS A uNiquE eXpIrIEnCe nah but like maybe little arguments but not too big yk :D
@moonshappinessfanfics - kakucho and rook, because you always look out for the ones you care about and yk they are kinda similar and deadass would probs protect u from sh!t <3
@miedei - hello imy, anyways, chifuyu and ace !!!! you probably might get along with chifuyu more yk and just go wilding with ace, but both care for u sm!
@tobitobby - kokonoi and cater diamond, bahala na kayo mag shopping dyan chos, idk you give more of a cater vibe that's why i think you'd do good with him. with kokonoi, maybe kinda opposites but you'd still get along with him nonetheless
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blu-joons · 4 years
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On most occasions, Kyuhyun is very affectionate, but there are also times when he appreciates his own space. More often than not he’ll like to have you by his side, he’ll cuddle you endlessly no matter what he’s doing.
He was quite shy to approach you backstage at his musical, he knew the two of you would be working together for some time, so he needed to say hello. After the initial conversation, he couldn’t help but be intrigued, he’d always ask for you or come to you when he needed help, mainly so he had the chance to spend more time with you.
It was at the end of the run of the show he decided to confess to you. He wasn’t sure when he’d get the chance to see you again as he went back to Super Junior, so he made the decision to confess his feelings before he had to say goodbye. When he asked to speak to you as you began to tidy up, you knew something was going on, but you never expected for him to tell you that he was falling for you and didn’t want to let you go.
Most of your dates included food, Kyuhyun loved to cook for you and try out new recipes with you, and you loved to learn from him too. He loved to take you to entertainment events, he often supported other SM groups at concerts, and he’d always invite you, or watch some of his colleagues in their musical theatre shows. He never really settled on movie dates or lazy dates, he loved to be able to do something, so the two of you could be seen often at the recreation centres around the city or walking along the Han River.
There had never really been any time for Kyuhyun to date having joined the group at such a young age, even when he met you, he just thought you’d be good friends. But as he began to listen to his heart, he realised for the first time you were someone that he wanted more with. He was quite nervous to begin dating, he didn’t want to upset the fans by doing anything wrong, but they trusted him, and knew that if he’d taken the time to get to know you first then you must have been someone that he saw a future with.
Kyuhyun wasn’t someone who lost his temper often, sure plenty of little things niggled at him, but he’d never make a massive deal about things. His cool head meant that arguments were rare between the two of you, he was quite good at thinking logically and weighing up a situation to decide whether it called for the two of you to start arguing. If you did argue, you’d tend to take some time apart before things blew up, and then when the two of you were calm again, you’d talk about things properly. It was a very rare occasion for that to need to happen, but sometimes using the distance helped you to understand each other better.
You met his nephews before anyone else as the two of your babysat them one afternoon. After seeing how good of a job you did, and how much they loved you, his family loved you before they even met you. And when they did, all of their expectations were met and more, they knew you were perfect for Kyuhyun.
He prided himself on being at the dorm all this time, and as much as he loved you, he wasn’t quite planning on moving out just yet. You spent quite a lot of time at the dorm with him anyway, and whilst you never officially moved in, it practically became your home. When the two of you began to think about a family and settling down, maybe then would Kyuhyun think about moving out.
Kyuhyun was the first to say I love you at the end of a show. Going back into the theatre without you working this time was strange, but as you surprised him on his opening night, it made him realise just how much you meant to him and how much he relied on you ever since the first moment he met you. As he greeted you with a hug, that was when he uttered those three words.
There weren’t many occasions when Kyuhyun would get jealous, he knew he was funny and popular amongst other people, so he’d never really feel threatened. If he was feeling jealous in a situation then he’d turn very quiet. When you spotted him not laughing at a joke then you’d know that something was going on, slipping your hand into his. You’d only talk to him about it when the two of you were alone, he hated admitting when he felt jealous, but you could always tell when he felt that way.
Having spent the past couple of years with his nephews, Kyuhyun was quite keen to start a family of his own. He made no secret of the fact he wanted children with you, the sooner the better really for him. Knowing that he wanted children of course, made you happy too. Seeing how he treated his nephews always made you smile, allowing you to see for yourself what a great dad he’d make when the time came.
As a presenter and variety star of many years, Kyuhyun knew exactly how to get a laugh out of someone. Never a day went by when he didn’t make you smile, he’d always try and crack a joke, especially when you least expected it, as he loved getting a reaction out of you. It was one of the reasons you loved being around Kyuhyun, he always knew how to make you smile. At the end of a day, being able to go to the dorm and listen to him tell a joke or tease you always made everything feel so much better.
He’d always pretend as if he were fine, in front of both you and the rest of the boys, but everyone could see straight past the act he put on. Knowing that he missed you always made you feel better about missing him too. Even if you tried to convince him you were fine too, he’d worry endlessly. It didn’t matter where he was, he’d always try and find at least five minutes in his day to sit down and call you, even if it did end up being at three in the morning on the other side of the world. The boys were very understanding of the fact he struggled, even if he didn’t want them to see that he was, and always promised you they’d take the best care of him.
You were very basic, usually you’d just call him ‘Kyu,’ as it was something he always recognised. He’d tend to call you, ‘jagi,’ it rolled off the tongue for him having been the first nickname he ever used on you.
Kyuhyun is obsessed with your body, he just loves to cuddle you. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, he’ll always make time for a hug and enjoy being able to hold you nice and close.
He isn’t massive on PDA with you, he’ll tend to limit himself to just holding your hand or keeping his arm around your waist. There are few occasions when he’ll push things a little further, but as much as he likes to joke, he’s very respectable of the people around him. Whenever he kisses you in public, it always comes as a surprise.
With doing a lot of streams these days, Kyuhyun will often ask you questions on behalf of the fans. His comments are often filled with things that the fans want to know about you, which you’re more than happy to answer.
Whenever he gets the chance, he’ll steal a few items of clothes from your wardrobe, replacing them with one of your own. He’ll never wear your clothes, but he loves to see you wear his clothes. He can’t help but smile whenever he watches you open up your wardrobe to see your shirt replaced with one of his. As much as you want to hate it, you love wearing his clothes and the way they fit, so you’ll usually put them on.
He very much likes to be the dominate one during intimate moments together. He won’t necessarily be rough with you, but he’ll like to be in control. He prides himself on knowing what you like and how you like to be treated, making sure each time is special. He’ll treat you with a lot of respect, but also will definitely make sure you’re where he wants you, don’t even try to dominate Kyuhyun, because he’ll put you back in your place.
There aren’t many occasions when he texts you, he much prefers to hear your voice through a call. Usually, texts are for when he’s letting you know he’ll be home a little later than usual or if he’s made plans for the night.
The best way to describe your relationship was tolerable. Everyone knows him as the evil maknae, and whilst most people ended up finding him very annoying with all his jokes, you’d always brush them aside and give back as much as he gave you.
He hated how little time he got to be able to take you on holiday, so he’d usually bring the holiday to you. He loved cooking, so he enjoyed trying out different recipes from different cultures, and after decorating the dorm with a few dodgy decorations and flags, he at least hoped it could go part of the way to making you feel like you were abroad.
Kyuhyun will definitely whine if he wants something, it’s not necessarily a loud noise, but a pout is very common with him.
He’ll love to kiss you when he cuddles you, he’s not someone to walk over and just kiss you and walk away, instead he’ll love to press his lips to your cheek or neck when he has you nice and close. He’s a little less affectionate than some of his other members, but he still makes sure to kiss you whenever you’re nearby so that you know that he’s thinking of you. When he comes back off tour, prepare especially for a lot of kisses.
You were his best friend; he could never get enough of you.
He loves to sleep with you nice and close, when he’s sleeping is when he’ll get most affectionate. If you so much as think about moving away from him whilst you’re resting, he’ll quickly pull you tighter and refuse to let you go.
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arimendoza · 4 years
to the anon who asked this: It’s loving cedric diggory hours in my brain so I’d love to read you venting your headcanons about him?? What do you think about his childhood and family and friends and what happened to them after (because Cursed Child isn’t canon)
tumblr deleted ur ask RIGHT as i posted it and im so sorry i hope u still see this bc i love it so much thank u for giving me an excuse to write about my favorite character :(((
i have a lot of feelings about cedric diggory
it’s always been one of my biggest headcanons that cedric is a slytherin secondary
we see him as being kind. he is kind. and good. and brave. but he’s also ambitious, driven, resourceful. cedric diggory is a strong leader. but his determination is a double-edged sword, and his ambition can become ruthless:
"i thought you were gonna let it get me." / "for a second there i thought the same."
so kind, yet with this underlying, almost desperate self preservation and ambition that he might not even realize isn't his 
“he could have been anything.” but what does that mean? what did he want? or was he too busy thinking of what everyone else wanted?
because this is cedric diggory as we see him: composed, polite, the ideal and ultimate gentleman. intelligent, compassionate, reliable. powerful, intuitive, handsome. perfect.
but imagine, just imagine the intense pressure, the expectations, the constant delivery he feels he owes to people who perceive him as all those things, and then some.
this is largely because of how i see him growing up
amos diggory was nothing if not proud. so he did everything to transfer all that pride onto his only son:
private tutoring, gruelling flying lessons (all theory of course, though as soon as his father deemed him old enough, tested his natural instinct on a broom), and limited free time made for a clever boy, if not a lonely one
he didn’t see anyone outside of his immediate family much. they preferred to keep to themselves.
but he definitely saw all the other kids outside his bedroom window, laughing and playing and so free. sometimes he thinks about asking his dad if he could join them
but he can see the disappointed shake of the head, hear the “you were made for better things, my boy. greater things than playing pretend.”
and his mother, for all her kindness, he could never bring himself to ask. she never expressed direct expectations the way his father did. but cedric was clever. she didn’t have to say it out loud for him to know.
so he works. and perseveres. quietly and alone, until he goes to hogwarts
growing up, he wonders if perhaps playing pretend was all he was ever good at
he pretends his father is proud of him being sorted into hufflepuff
the letter he received was not scathing, but just had enough subtle disappointment in it that it crushed him.
he didn’t tell his father he was a hatstall. that he chose hufflepuff, in the end. in a way
“you’d do well in any house, you know. be anyone.” the hat had said
i just want to be myself. 
“oh my dear boy. you don’t even know who that is yet”
he pretends he wants to be a Seeker.
also a fairly popular headcanon, but i do think cedric was aware he was not made to be one because of how he’s built, but did it because “Seekers get all the glory, son. and it’s always worth the glory, isn’t it?”
he becomes Seeker. he’s praised for his fast swerves. he tells no one how much pain it gives him to execute them. he practices day and night anyway
he becomes captain. it should make him happy, and he is. it makes his dad proud too, but his shoulders sag just a little lower as another weight is placed on them
he pretends he doesn’t care for art (“it’s silly, son. there are better things, more practical things.”)
but cedric loves poetry, the abstract. it’s why his favorite and best subject is charms
he meets a ravenclaw boy who likes to write poetry as well. they bumped into each other in the library in what was both their ‘favorite spot’
he plays quidditch too, thinks he has a shot at captain
cedric diggory and roger davies became fast friends
two sides of the same coin, really. handsome, intelligent, athletic. but a bit lonely, reserved. their silence is taken for cockiness, sometimes
the main difference? roger doesn’t much care for other people’s opinions. it’s where he and cedric clash, where most of their arguments stem from. but they do help each other grow because of it
he pretends he doesn’t need friends, but makes them anyway
his father always stressed the importance of good connections, for networking and all that. and even from a young age it was clear that cedric was charming. a natural silver-tongue. he could probably make people fall at his feet, should he have wanted.
but as much as cedric cared about his own reputation, he never much cared for status, and always saw the good in others. or tried to, at least
so he and roger became close. roger introduced him to cho chang. she was pretty, also reserved, also liked quidditch. seeker
he also grew close to hecate oakham and bhavana patel from his house. hecate was often alone, in her own head. she gave cedric fresh perspective and listened, always. he did his best to do the same.
bhavana liked spending time in the greenhouse. it’s also one of cedric’s go-to places to think, clear his head.
his father thought he could perhaps do better. cedric thinks he’s struck gold.
cedric loved his friends so much, and he thought then that this is the closest he’s ever felt to understanding, and being understood
although he could never fully drop the facade in front of them, he let them see him at his worst: his disappointment, his anger (when cedric is angry, he doesn’t show it, preferring to repress and then possibly write it out later. but when he’s angry, he’s angry, piercing. ruthless and relentless, words coming out in passionate outbursts, as if the air was crackling around him from wild magic. people would have called it uncharacteristic of him, but did they ever really know him well enough to think so?)
still, he would say these were the best friends he’s ever had. the best time he’s ever had. he was happy
and then he meets harry, properly, and he’s both elated and so, so afraid. he pretends it doesn’t matter.
(he pretends he wasn’t absolutely hit with guilt after winning that one match. first, because he felt like he didn’t deserve it. second, because people think he didn’t deserve it. that on any other day, his hard work would never amount to anything next to natural talent. third, because even after all of this, a part of him was still glad he ended up catching the snitch)
(he pretends he didn’t ask to see harry when he was at the hospital wing after that disastrous match with the dementors either)
he pretends he’s fearless. that he wants to join the tournament
he’s already a prefect. quidditch captain, on the way to head boy. why not eternal glory? it’s worth it, isn’t it? everyone thinks he could do it. everyone thinks he could win. everyone thinks he should
“you don’t have to, ced.” roger says. 
“no, i do.”
he hopes the goblet doesn’t spew out his name. it does. he smiles, goes up. takes his place.
“good luck.” roger yells at him, concern in his eyes
he pretends he doesn’t know what their exchange really means
“dragons. that’s the first task.” i’m worried about you
“why are you telling me this?” worry about yourself, too
harry moves to leave. cedric pulls him back. harry stares at his hand. is this when you ask? 
“the badges. i’ve asked them not to wear them.” are you okay? i care about you.
“don’t worry about it.” i guess not. but thank you. 
he and cho pretend they want to go to the ball together
his father, of course, is elated. pretty, smart, athletic, from a good family.
she stares wistfully at hermione granger throughout the entire champions’ dance
cedric catches harry’s eye. it was like a million snitches were whizzing around in his stomach. not like how it was with roger, at first. this was so much stronger.
he pretends he tells harry about the egg only because it’s good sportsmanship. but harry is done pretending.
when cedric goes to congratulate him for tying for first place, harry kisses him
roger smiles knowingly when he he sees cedric at the library, absolutely beaming
but there was still that part of cedric, that voice in his head that tells him he’ll ruin it, that he doesn’t deserve it. it asks him, worst of all, will you still be happy, even with your father’s disappointment? 
so when does cedric diggory not pretend?
when he writes, and shares his writing with his friends
when he laughs so hard he snorts
when he’s flying. not for quidditch, but for fun
when he kisses harry back
when he says ‘together.’
when he tells harry to stay back
(he pretends he was ready to die)
so this is cedric diggory as we deserve to have known him: flawed and good. imperfect and kind. conflicted and brave
he could have been anything, but we didn’t see him live long enough for even him to figure out what it was he really wanted to be, who he wanted to be. 
the only comfort we have is, in his final weeks, those final moments, he could tell himself he was finally, finally proud of the person he was becoming 
he hopes history will think the same
roger, cho, hecate, bhavana, and of course harry mourned him. quietly, but together
his first real friend. his best friend. he saw cedric the most, physically and emotionally. he thought maybe one day he’d get to see all of him, his flaws and his grievances and his silliness. he’d like to think so. he will never know, now.
people thought he’d honor cedric through quidditch, or something of the sort.
he wrote instead. he wrote for himself, for cedric. eternalized through writing.
every year he’d write something for cedric’s birthday, go to his grave and read it out to him
he’s scared of the day he runs out of memories. wishes they could still make more.
but as he tells cedric of his life now, his hardships and his triumphs and how much he misses him, he thinks he’s doing his best.
in this own, sad way, cedric is still with him. this is how they will make memories.
cho cries, has a hard time sleeping. dark circles, bloodshot eyes, his death affects her the most physically.  she ignores the whispers, the confused stares at her emotional turmoil. but she has always been confident with her feelings, saw no shame in expressing them.
her performance falls in quidditch.
she remembers Seeking matches with him and later with harry, the way they’d laugh and how bright cedric’s smile had been
flying hadn’t been the same since. she hopes one day it will be.
next to roger, she visits cedric the most.
no one besides their circle of friends knew it, but cedric diggory was clumsy
she remembers the way he bumped into her when he was walking through the grounds, realizing he tripped over his robe
sorry he had said. i was lost in thought 
he looked like he had a lot on his mind then, as if he expected her to laugh at him.
funny, she had replied. i’m quite the same. are you headed to the lake?
and she remembers them sitting there. in comfortable silence, in easy conversation.
now she sits alone, cries silent tears, watches them run and spill and imagines them to merge with the lake
cedric was knowledgeable about plants, but his skill at taking care of them was...questionable
she caught him, in the greenhouse, monologuing to himself
she remembered him stopping abruptly, coughing shyly. but she only laughed, said your secret’s safe with me
so she plants in memory of him, watches them grow and bloom the way he never can, now, treats them with the utmost care she wishes others had with him
harry stays angry for a long time
the nightmares come every night, except this time, he doesn’t wake up in cedric’s arms
he couldn’t bring himself to visit his grave. not yet. he doesn’t know when yet, or if he ever could.
cedric diggory is harry’s first real loss.
he could have saved him. if he had never let cedric take the cup, if he had recognized the place faster, if he just got cedric to not move forward for the sake of his protection. 
this was harry’s new everyday, the what ifs running through his mind at every waking moment. and sometimes he hears a laugh, sees the way someone’s smile is crooked, a snippet of a song and everything is familiar and foreign and he aches and aches. and his heart breaks a little more
and it wasn’t love, not yet. but harry remembers the way they looked at each other, the way they smiled and laughed and played and kissed and were
it could have been love, and harry wonders if he’ll ever feel that way again
so he forms the DA, in cedric’s memory. meets with roger and cho and hecate and bhavana. they all stare at cedric’s picture in the room. haunted
and harry strives to do better. to be better.
(“who’s cedric? your boyfriend?” he was)
amos diggory mourned loudly. part of him resented harry, but only because the other part of him couldn’t help but think all of this was his fault, and his fault alone
if he pressured his son a little less, let him live as he wanted, and love as he wanted
if he spent more time with cedric
if he said the words “i love you” more often, told him “i am proud of you, always.”
 but he tells himself cedric must know. cedric had to have known
he doesn’t speak to cedric’s friends. tries to forget about harry potter
a hollow shell of a man, mourning for a son he never really knew.
he hopes history will treat cedric kinder than he ever did.
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ugh-tsumu · 3 years
nacurious aq sa game nyo kaya pwede po bang magparticipate 🥺👉👈 *uses this as an excuse to dump a bunch of feelings i ran over with a garbage trak*
dear charo CHOS
consecutively through the years of highschool, wala akong habol sa love life. kahit na nakikita kong nag hhww or motmot mga tropa ko, masaya na akong nakikita na inlab sila. kuntento akong tagabigay ako ng advice, since unbiased nga ako regarding the feelings of being in a relationship; outside person ba?
summer before tenth grade, i bought a couple's bracelet from my friend na nagnenegosyo by selling locally from a larger seller. circular beads with vine-like engravings. ung isa puro white then isang bead is black, then the other is inverse. i joked “my significant other is myself XD”. during that time, my mindset was: i don't need a partner, kumpleto na ako by myself (with the thought na hindi ako magiging complete if may partner ako, as if 50/50 kami and hindi ako 100) tsaka hindi ko priority ang mga ganyan HAHAHAH promise, i don't think i'd do a good job handling one. di na nga ako marunong ng social cues dahil di nga ako tao minsan, kailangan ko pang mapag-aralan ang lablyfe lablyfe na yan huhu kaya wag muna ngauon dahil lahat ng oras ko nakatungo sa pagtatapos lol
of course, influenced yun (wanting to stay single/more like alone) with the fact na i've been going through something big and gradual, affecting my mental health. i was too emotional and emotionally dull at the same time, i was lonely, i was incomplete. i had a lot of pride, and i thought na i wouldn't be a whole person that loved myself if had someone to love me back. kasi tama naman diba? you need to fill yourself with love, bonux nalang ung love from a partner.
then came prom season. may cotillion dance na ihahatid sa prom night in february, so during some day in january, nagstart magsearch ng volunteers to dance for cotillion and practice.
kasali ako dun, kasi i had the lingering thought na “wala na nga akong lovelife, di ako palalabas, tutok ako sa pag-aaral, tapos di ko to susubukan tulad ng iba? hindi ko bama naisulit pagiging sekundarya ko” see the vibe? i was basing values from other people, at hindi ako. it proves na i wasn't content with myself.
i had a designated dance partner, kaso may gustong iba ang gg di ginawang practice lang pero understand ba’t nagback-out. kaso since i was a bit vulnerable then, i also thought na it's also because hindi ako womanly or attractive unlike the others na nag-aayos or may wari. pero di ako madungis no! di nga lang “makadalaga” 🙄 i tried to not let the insecurity bother me, i made it up for my average pero still :/
eh may naging partner rin akong iba na diniditch rin ng partner nya? i was exasperated and told him na maging tentative dance partner muna kami, to which our mentor agreed kasi stressed na sya, umoo nalang kasi nga hagardo verzosa.
he was sheepish, quiet and introverted. he was gentle and awkward, and it was obvious na he wasn't used to interacting with the opposite gender, kasi kalmado naman sya with his friends. but i was calm naman, and that seemed to ease him. i also cracked jokes every once in a while when i felt potential tension, kasi we needed to get the job done. i was also very understanding and patient. (brought 2 u by being ate of the family WHAHAHAH)
his actions were fragile, and he held me as if i was even more as such. (please take note na hindi ako kinikilig huhu cringe lang aq ng slight because of my behaviour back then.) vulnerable, i felt warm at heart when he was gentle, and when he was bashful. the relationship we had was wordless. our connection was gradual; it developed from something to something else real slow yet still very quick for me.
we started from stumbling and chuckling around. yet i'd still guide him kasi he never danced before, and since i had the air of a leader, i knew how to be patient and how to teach him while hand to hand. i honestly don't know where it started to turn, i just wanted to have him as a closer friend, until i suddenly found there was something growing between us.
i spoke softly between us, he spoke more and he laughed more, smiled more. we preferred sitting by the other during breaks, and during last minute discussions before dismissal, we'd sit by eachother. he used discord, e kaso di compatible un sa device ko and magulong maaccess thru chrome kaya naginstall nalang sya ulit ng messenger when our mutual friend told him i sent him a message.
it kept developing by then. our hold started to linger, our touches were soft, and in any way possible, we'd still have skin contact. tuwing magpapause ung music and may icocorrect yung instructor, hawak nya pa rin kamay ko at hinihigpitan ko naman ung sakanya, na ibabalik nya naman. then during water breaks we'd spend the time with eachother. then during last minutes magkatabi kami and our hands secure between us, him hiding it because we both wanted it private without speaking.
it was wordless talaga, kaya nabigla ako when it went towards the more romantic route. he suggested some advances that he allowed enough space for me to rejec, which i did almost all the time unless it's just hand-holding or yakap lang HAAHA d q alam kung ano tawag samin e, sabi ng tropa ko MU daw e di ko naman peg un, pero i was glad it wasnt serious. i wasnt ready kahit na it seemed we had a deep connection. we sat by eachother came prom night, and he wore the other part of the couple bracelet that my friends teased me and they gave it to him. we were quiet and many people we knew teased us since we were the more on the quiet side of the student body.
then came summer vacation and i ghosted him WHAHAHAHAH for a good cause!! nagkalabuan na kami, i always gave him time and made the effort while more often he doesnt reciprocate and sometimes di pansin for weeks. i swear it's nothing like clingy aq and i needed his attention 25/8, i knew my limits and his. well, his loss :// di rin naman ako ready e, so it was bound to happen.
plus, i felt much better after that because i realized i was forcing myself to act more feminine. and that time was years before i realized i was actually non-binary, and more masculine. i knew he was much hetero and he'd rather a true feminine partner. plus, he envisioned the future with me as a housewife tapos sya daw ung nagtatrabaho 🤢 pero anyway, i think i'd much rather have a female partner or actually just lgbt-aware partner.
ty missus!!
- nova
Omg anon, this is so intimate 🥺 thank you for sharing? AND ALSO, I WAS SMIRKING THE WHOLE STORY BUT you lost me at the last part when he said he sees you as a housewife lang 😔👊
Anyways, I'm glad you've moved on from him! And LMAO it's his loss for limiting his self to feminine preferences. Women (and men, tbh) are uniquely different. To limit your choices is stupid Lol 🙄
Also, I tried looking for a female character I know that will do you good talaga but they just don't seem to fit 😔 I ended up with a male character, I hope you don't mind.
I choose Chanwoo for you!
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Love Advice from the Single-Ass Duchess of Tumblr
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yonymii · 4 years
Pairing: Semi Eita x gn!reader
A/n: uhh i know he’s a civil servant as well as a musician but i’m in love with the idea of music school so here u go <3 also yes i love music fics lmao,, the next fic i write will probably be something different sorry (kinda) 💖✌️
Description: meeting Semi Eita was the best thing to ever happen to you.
Wordcount: 3.1k
Warnings: none
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“Y/n? Where the hell are you?”
Your friend’s voice was loud on the other side of the phone and you pulled it away from your ear, wincing at the volume. When you brought it back to your ear, she was silent, but you could hear her panicked breathing.
“I’m really sorry, Cho,,” you whispered into the microphone, looking at your patent mary jane shoes that were tapping together at the heels; you were ashamed to say the least. It surprised you how late you could possibly be on the morning of one of your important recitals. You could hear your professor shouting at Cho on the other end of your line. 
When your friend spoke again, she sounded as if she were on the verge of tears. It hurt, knowing that this was your fault. “Y/n, the professor says that we can’t start without you, so get here quickly, okay?” she said the words gently, as if she were comforting herself, which may have been the case anyway. At this point, you really doubted that any of the other members of the orchestra cared about your feelings anyway; they were being shouted at (you could still hear your teacher and conductor’s loud voice in the background) because of you.
“My bus will arrive in five minutes, Cho. I’m sorry,” and with those words, you hung up and opened your sheet music, studying the notes written in between the bars carefully. You really shouldn’t have stayed up all night practising again.
When the recitals finally came to a close after three hours of run-throughs, Cho still wouldn’t talk to you. Her eyelashes had become weighted with tears and were no longer curled; you, however, much to her distaste, had barely batted an eyelid at your teacher’s scolding. There wasn’t one bit of emotion in your eyes when he was screaming at you for being late, not even a frown. Your expression had been the same all the way through the recital.
Both of your footsteps echoed throughout the fairly empty hallways, yours a little louder because of the weight of your shoes. Arriving outside the library, you waved half-hearedly at your friend who carried on walking, acknowledging you with a faint smile. You closed the door behind you and wandered towards the music section, scanning the shelves for a book of Chopin pieces you’d hopefully be able to use to get rid of any stress.
While you had felt the presence of someone behind you, you didn’t quite anticipate how small the aisles of the library were; your rear end bumped into theirs, a little yelp escaping your lips. The person turned, mouth open, ready to apologise, but they stopped when they saw you.
Your cheeks were damp, the tears shining under the harsh lights overhead; your skin was flushed pink and your eyes still glossed over with moisture, your lips trembling and breathing erratic. He furrowed his brows, stuttering before he managed to choke out a coherent sentence.
“Hey are you okay?”
Of course, like anyone else would have, you nodded quickly, wiping your cheeks with a choked sob, the sleeves of your sweater dampening from the heavy liquid. He shook his head and pulled your shoulder so you were facing him; his expression was blank but there was something in his eyes, though you couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly.
“I, uhh… I’m Semi Eita. What’s your name?”
You sniffled, trying to hide your puffy red eyes with your sleeve. “Y/n L/n. I’m studying classical piano.” he nodded, patting your shoulder, “Why’re you crying? Did something happen?”
Again, you nodded. He cocked his head, urging you to continue, and so there you found yourself standing in the middle of a library aisle, clutching a few books of Chopin music and spilling your every thought and emotion to an almost-complete stranger.
“Semi?” you whispered, testing to see if your friend was awake. It was four in the morning; your phone was blowing up with notifications for new assignments and texts from your classmates about old ones, and you were laying on your bed, gazing down at your new friend, Semi Eita, who was asleep on a blow-up mattress placed to the left of your bed.
He groaned, turning over to face you, but was still asleep. You sighed, the air escaping your lips ruffling a few strands of your hair. It was late, but you couldn’t sleep again. Semi had come over to drop of some food but ended up just staying with you so you could eat it together. You two managed to stay up all night watching movies only to realise what time it was, so you both went to bed, but like usual, sleep just wasn’t coming to you.
You tried forcing out a yawn to trick your body into believing you were tired, but it just wasn’t happening. You heard Eita shuffle below you and you looked down only to see those brown eyes staring straight back up at you. You jumped a bit but they softened when they saw you wide awake yet again.
“You should sleep, y/n. It’s almost dawn.” Semi said, his voice quiet and husky from sleep. 
"I know," you murmured, voice muffled by the thick duvet draped over your cold body. The heater was buzzing gently in the background and you could see the red light of your heating controls flashing slowly on your bedroom wall.
The ash blonde sat up, his matress bouncing from the pressure. He crawled towards you and pressed his hand into your hip to push himself up and onto your single bed. Semi sat on the edge, patting your upper thigh gently through the covers. The action, however small it was, sent shivers throughout your entire body, the coldness evaporating almost instantly when he kneeled up to crawl beside you, moving your hand and putting it over your stomach.
His warmth was intoxicating; like a breath of fresh air after being stuck underwater all your life. You'd never felt so safe, his body cradling yours gently, his breaths deep and heartbeat steady in his ribcage. The rhythm lulled you to sleep, your lungs filling with air slowly as your stomach rose and fell with every breath. Semi smiled down at you, your hands wrapped around his abdomen as you slept, albeit lightly.
Practicing piano for more than three hours was difficult for you.
Your attention span wasn't the best; that coupled with a difficult piece and a recital tomorrow wasn't your ideal option for a day. The hours went by slowly, cold fingers dancing around on the keys and glazed over eyes skimming the sheets in front of you, the black notes dotted around the page lifelessly. You didn't hear Eita come in to your practice room, nor did you see him sit down on the plush black stool in the corner of the room.
"Y/n, you should take a break. You're supposed to enjoy the music, not lament it." he spoke, voice quiet but you still heard him, gazing up to meet his eyes.
"Mhmm," you hummed, picking up your pencil and writing down notes in the margins of your sheet music. Semi sighed, standing to pull you up from where you were situated on the other stool by your hands. He could feel that they were stiff and their temperature shocked him a little.
"Your hands are cold, y/n. Come and warm up. Eat something," the boy said, pulling you out of the door and down the corridor, your feet dragging on the floor. He waited for you to catch up to him, draping his arm over your shoulder. “You okay, y/n?” he said in a hushed tone as you walked through the doors of a small minimalist cafe on the highstreet you both frequented. 
You nodded, grinding your teeth together in frustration. Your fingers were numb and when you picked up your cup after Semi placed it in front of you, it slipped and landed back on the table, the drink spilling over the edge slightly. He sighed, frustrated, before sitting opposite you and taking your hands in his, rubbing them to relieve tension. “You can’t play like this, ok? You’ll be fine in your recital, you’re the best musician in there, okay?” 
That made you smile, your lips curving into a wide grin, “Really?” you said teasingly, “You think so?”. Eita just chuckled, glad you were coming back to your senses after practicing all morning. He saw the sides of your thumbs were red and one was blistered. Your nails were cut too short; it must have hurt to play such a dramatic piece with little injuries like this. 
“Thank you, Semi.” you whispered, looking over your cup at the ash blond, who was smiling ever so slightly at you. The sight made your heart flutter, the feeling strange to you. Your cheeks were noticeably warmer than earlier and you found yourself breaking eye contact with him a lot more often. It was strange, the way you were paying attention to his every detail, his breathing patterns and the unique marks on his face that only you could see because he only let you get that close; his smile was something you were exclusively shown every once in a while, and sometimes he laughed with you when you two were sat in each others company, telling jokes and eating popcorn while watching trash movies on Netflix. 
Sometimes, it was nice to just be with him, giggling and sipping your drinks while the heavens had opened outside the window. 
Your hands had warmed up already.
As with every time you’d realised you were in love, you hoped that when you did tell them, there’d be a cliche shoujo anime confession and that they were secretly writing poetry about you in the darkest hours of the night. I mean, who wouldn’t want love sonnets written about them? 
You sighed contentedly at the thought, fully aware that Semi Eita was not writing romantic poetry about you. Of course, that wouldn’t stop you from wishing. There was always a possibility he was writing songs about you, though. Before you’d met, your friends had dragged you along to his band’s gigs a couple of times, insisting that the members were cute and the music was good. While you agreed with both of those points, you’d rather be sat in the company of one of the school’s grand pianos, the sounds ringing out from underneath the glossy black lid and echoeing off of the plain practice room’s walls.
You had to admit though, their songs were good. Most people wouldn’t analyse them as deeply as you, but that didn’t stop you. Every lyric was perfect for the song, guitars and basses melting together to create the melody, drums tapping lightly at some points and violently at others. After you got closer to Eita, you learned that he wrote a lot of the band’s songs and lyrics. It came as a shock to you; you’d assumed he was just there to play guitar but he was the genius behind these songs?
Semi never shared any romantic experiences with you, though. Despite constantly hinting at your curiosity and often just asking him about it, he either ignored you or changed the subject. His lyrics were all about love, most of them at least, which made you assume he had been in a relationship before. It didn’t cross your mind at any point that Semi had never had a partner and once you knew, you never brought the topic up again.
He’d obviously been in love, though. To be able to convey that amount of emotion through just words was extraordinary to you; you’d never felt so many overflowing feelings while listening to a song before. 
“Y/n?” Eita’s calm voice snapped you out of your thoughts, patting your head to gain your attention. You turned your head to face his, eyes locked onto your tranquil expression. There was a strange softness to them, one you hadn’t noticed before. It was unfamiliar, alien, even. Hopefully you were the cause of the boy’s much-awaited change in demeanour.
“Ugh, this sucks SO BAD CHO! Do you not get it?” you shouted, kicking off of the ground with your feet. You and your classmate were sat on the swings of the park; the crescent moon was high in the sky, almost directly above the field, and there were stars spread across the sky, like Nyx had scattered glitter over the darkness and the light was raining down on the both of you.
“You’re in love. What about it?” she said nonchalantly, bringing the file up to her nails and starting to shape them carefully. You huffed at her, frowning. “What, have you never been in love, Cho?”
She nodded, looking up from her dainty hands to your moonlit face. Smiling, Cho tucked the nail file into the pocket of her coat and breathed out, a cloud of cold air forming around her mouth. “Not properly. I’ve had crushes, but i don’t think i’ve ever been in love with someone.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at her. I mean, before Semi, you hadn’t either, but you couldn’t imagine living without the constant feeling of butterflies in your stomach or the way you would smile uncontrollably when you thought of him. He was your lifeline, the only thing tethering you to the shore so you wouldn’t slip and start to drown again like that day in the library when you first met each other properly.
“You’ll understand me when you finally have real feelings,” you said, grinning slyly at the girl sat on the swing next to yours. She just rolled her eyes, shoving her phone into her pocket and standing up. 
“I have to leave, my roommate’s drunk. See you tomorrow, y/n.”
“Eita?” it was a whisper, spoken in the back of the cafe on a soft couch while Semi drank a black coffee, his guitar resting against the wall in its case. He jumped, thankfully not spilling his drink, turning round to be met with your face, eyes staring down at him kindly. “What did you need? Is everything okay?”
The ash blond nodded and patted the space beside him, letting a breathy laugh escape his lips as you struggled to fit between the coffee table and the couch without bruising your shins. Once you were situated he looked away from you, pulling on the collar of his turtleneck nervously; a sign that something was, in fact, wrong.
“I just haven’t seen you in a while,” he muttered, picking up his coffee and blowing on it gently. Your smile lit up his eyes and he couldn’t help but return the gesture, even if it was considerably smaller than yours. His stomach dropped at the sound of your laugh, cheeks flushing a little. “You look nice today, y/n.” he mumbled, lips still attached to the rim of his cup. 
Your cheeks warmed along with your ears but you managed to pay it cool, thanking him and waving your hands in the air as you told him he looked good too, maybe even better than you. 
“No, you always look nicer than me.” was all Eita said after placing his cup on the table beside his bulging notebook and pencil case. You chuckled lightly, fumbling around for his hand and intertwining your fingers, heat spreading through your entire body. He was always so warm, like a fire on a cold winter’s night.
Semi’s hand tightened around yours, his thumb stroking the back of your hand affectionately. When he turned to you, there was an expression on his face you’d never seen before; a pink blush dusting his cheeks and ears, nervously smiling and his free hand tapping his thigh. His voice was monotone and smooth, but comforting to listen to. His words didn’t compute until a few moments after he said them.
“I love you.”
You just kept smiling as his hand gripped yours as if you were about to leave. Maybe he thought you would.
“Mmm tired,, let me sleep, Eita,” you groaned, turning over and your already tangled sheets. The warmth his body provided was gone in seconds as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, walking to your bathroom. “Y/n! You have a concert in a week! You said you’d spend today practicing! Don’t be too late!” 
He raised his voice over the noise of the shower, closing the door. You could hear him singing softly; one of his band’s newest songs, you remembered. There were chip packets all over your bedroom floor and a few cans scattered by the side of the sofa, a pizza box open but empty on the table. You felt awful, but Semi wouldn’t make you get up till you were ready. 
Last night was the same as every Friday evening; Semi would come to your place, you’d eat junk food together and watch a movie, then go to bed wrapped in each other’s arms. Your bed wasn’t quite the same without his presence, and on days when he wasn’t with you, you slept much worse. In all the two years you had been together, Eita had always been there to help you sleep, only living a minute or two away. He was always awake too; sometimes you could hear him playing guitar at night if you stood in the kitchen, or as you often did, sit on the counter and drink something full of caffeine so you could stay awake longer and listen to him play.
This was all you wanted, in all honesty; a partner who cared more about you than they did themselves, and vice versa. Someone who only trusted you to take care of them, to be with him at ridiculous hours of the night and help write songs. Sure, maybe your friends didn’t understand why you two were so awe-struck with each other, but they didn’t have so many memories, such a close bond or such similar interests. It was something you craved, and no-one but Eita had ever given it to you; a reason to stay exactly how you were.
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