#anyway i hope tomorrow im not in pain cause i really want to go outside for a walk
rei64bit · 2 years
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 4]
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Night 4  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)  
✎  Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall cause Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 1.9k
✎  Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... more  // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎  Note: Im not really a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
Last night was weird, Heimdall did actually come up to wall saved you from your painful death, and even brings you back to his room. He can just pretend didn’t see you and let you fall to your death, but he didn’t. His duty to keep you alive perhaps or he don’t want to disappoint the All-father you not really sure. Sitting on the chair you continue to write notes for your work to remind yourself what need to do be done tomorrow by priority. You are almost going to sleep soon as you been very busy the whole day working on the task assigned from All-father, collecting some items that All-father claimed he need for his study, ingredients such as the white lily at the Ida filed, dark dry wood that normally use by witch for spell preparation, dry newt eye and more stuff that you don’t even know what they are. Normally All-father have his own servant to do the work but he asked you to do it this time, you can’t really say it’s a punishment as its simply just work, there is no pain but just sweat. “This is a long day..” Sighed you continue scribble down whatever you need for tomorrow. You started to hear the footsteps getting close, it could be the others who were staying in the same floor or Heimdall coming back. The footsteps are getting louder and you can hear the sound pattern of the footsteps..and you know. “He is back..” The door opened not so gently, you noticed Heimdall already looking at you, its like he already know where you are even before he open the door.
“Hello, Wife.” Heimdall walked in and smirked at you. “Perhaps you just call me y/n.., wife sounds weird” You trying to focus on your notebook. “weird? Why, aren’t you my wife? Legally and rightfully? Hm?” Heimdall said while putting Hofuo on the table now with both hands press on the table, till his head and look into your eye like he is trying to read you like a dictionary. The way he talk sometime you don’t understand whether he meant what he said or he just been sarcastic, refuse to maintain eye contact with him you fall back to keep writing your note. He just chuckled a little and continue to remove the gjallarhorn to put on the table. “I hope you remember what I said yesterday night” Heimdall sighed and said. “that I’m a crazy women and if I wanna die I should do it outside of this realm?”’ Maybe you trying to be sassy since he always says such thing in sarcastic way to you. “Well that part too, what I mean is trying to get along” Heimdall drag the chair out enough to sit on it, he is sitting in front of you, and you can feel his eyes didn’t leave you yet. “Don’t you know its impolite to not look at the person who speak to you” grinned he said with both hand on the table holding together. “..” Now you look at him with slightly unimpressed expression, you didn’t say anything back. It’s pointless to argue or keep fighting with him anyway. “Yes I agree on that too” Heimdall said. “…” Still like to read people as usual nothing new.
“Look, we can try to be nice to each other a little and not getting each other in trouble. This is not too much, and as a wife you will need to be obedient to your husband which is ME, if you misbehave-. ” Before he can finish he already move his hand ready to catch the pencil that you throw at him. “Be nice? You are the one who treats me badly! Have you seen other threaten their wife with sword on their throat?” You throw your notebook at him too which he catch with no issue. “You really can’t just calm down and listen, do you?” Heimdall said and dropping your note on the table, hand still holding the pencil. Stand up and walk slowly next to you. You tense up as you don’t know what he going to do next, maybe stab you with your pencil and this possibilities make you nervous. Heimdall squats down in front of you and is still tall enough to look at you on the same eye level. He might seem short, but when he gets close, he is actually taller than you so much it makes you feel so vulnerable. His hand on your chin makes you focus on him, especially his bifrost eyes.
“This is the last time im going to say it, so you better listen. I can get impatient and ruthless sometime.” Raising his brows and smiling again. “If you misbehave, I will give you punishment as my creativity will never end and I will make sure you remember what you did wrong so never do it again. You understand?”  Heimdall now moving his one hand to cup your face waiting your response. How can you say you agree and will obey him, the hel?! You are not a pet, what is wrong with him. “I’m not gulltoppr, nor that I’m your pet” You pierced at him. “That’s not my point. Plus I cant fuck an animal. That disgusting.” Shit, having kid is the main reason of this marriage and know you remember. “Good you still remember” Heimdall standing up and sigh “But I’m not going to force you, not when we are like this” Heimdall open wide both his hand signify things that happened between you two. “But there is one thing I must do” Heimdall now sit on the bed side, with a small container retrieve from his pocket, look like something usually used to contain some gel kind of stuff. He open the lid and it’s a white color gel like stuff. Heimdall patting the empty space next to him signaling you to come and sit. Not sure what Heimdall is planning to do, you hesitated and start to feel nervous, you have a bad feeling about this for some reason. Both your hand holding on the chair trying to make you look strong and stopping your hand from trembling, you started feel the awful feeling like you going to throw up. “Don’t make me repeat twice.” Eyes squinted, now his index finger is tapping on the bed as the final try to ask you come sit next to him.  “..” You are halfway giving in, there is nothing you can do except stay on top of the wall, Heimdall also capable to brings you back whenever he want--. “Tsk. How long you need to just move your feets” Heimdall swiftly jerked from his seat to you and just grab your waist, lifting your whole weight, move you to the bed and turned your back to face him. “Hey!” Trying to grab his hand that still on your waist to force him release you. You feel him pulling down your dress collar on your back, showing your bare skin around your nape and back. “Heimdall!” This is the first time you call out his name in such manner, getting frustrated your hand trying to reach his face, but before you can do anything Heimdall pull you closer and stick to his chest. “I will need you to remain silent just for a little bit so please just don’t move.” Heimdall whisper next to your ear. You can hear his breathing slightly itching your ear. For some reason you comply and not moving a muscle.
“ᛏᛦᛏᛅᛁᛘᛏᛅᛦᚼᛅᛏᛚᛦᚼᛅᛁᛏᛅᛚ” You can hear him softly chanting some kind of spell but you don’t understand meaning, and then you feel the icy feeling from the gel he put on his finger and his breath as he is writing something in slow motion on your nape.  You hitched due to the sensation, Heimdall tightened his hand on your waist as he want you to stay absolutely still while he is concentrating. “ᚼᛅᛁᛘᛏᛅᛚᛦ” Heimdall continues to write on your nape and slowly down you back. You can smell it, the gel, it smells like honey mix with something you cant tell and a hint of white lily flower. Almost one minute has passed. “ha.. that’s should do the work.” Heimdall said still looking at his work, Heimdall still holding you in the same posture but now he lean on you with his head right next to yours.  “This is to make sure you would not run off again or do anything ruthless, a spell that I come up especially just for you.” Heimdall hugged you from back. “Anddd for the awful behavior and things you had done last few weeks, avoiding me and causing me to lecture by the All-father for what you did” Heimdall sink in his golden teeth on to your shoulder so fast you didn’t even understand what just happened. “Ah!!” You pull his hair trying to get him off you, but he is way stronger than you, you can’t even move his hand. Heimdall looks at the bite mark hard enough to mark on you but not make you bleed, satisfied. “Hey, don’t you think it’s only fair? After all these weeks of letting you get loose, running around Asgard and getting drunk with bunch of men.” Weird enough you listen to him instead of beating him now, perhaps you are very tired from works. “Just let go of me, I’m very tired.” “Yeah I know, probably it was also from the spell I just casted on you make you feel very sleepy too. A side effect that might happen sometime.” You can’t stand getting humiliated like this, casting a spell on you to make sure you are obedient to him, is he going to control your life now? “Well, I won’t do anything to you unless you really pissed me off, so no worries, you still the same and do what you want as long as you stay within the boundary” to hel the boundary, you wanting to say something back to him but your eyelid is getting heavier and you started to lean on Heimdall who still sit behind you and he let you fall on him. “Shh..It’s okay, just sleep for now, Wife.” His hand catching few strands of your hair and put after your ear. “Things will be better.” He grinned while looking at your face.
What Heimdall cast on you is actually a spell he got from Sif, Thor’s wife. She is the goddess of wheat, earth, harvest and family. With some help Heimdall tunes the spell a little to make sure it will bind you to him which in term mean when Heimdall is displease of what you doing, he can expressing it through the connection established from the spell and make you feel the same. It will cool you down and make you listen to him and oh, he did mix a little of love spell in it, nothing much just when he feels the “need” you will feel the same and only toward him and he you, after all, having kid is the main reason you both in this boat. He wouldn’t need to do this if you behave but its good to have a safety net. Besides, he is not going to force you to do things you don’t want to unless you get on his nerve. Like you, Heimdall also tired from the work he had today also decided to just call it a day and sleep. Normally he will read for a while before bedtime, but he is too tired to do so. Wearing on pant Heimdall laying next to you, his eye moving from your face slowly down your body. Trying to clear his mind, he close his eyes and steady his breathing pace. The room is dark and quiet now, the only thing can be hear is the black thunder from far away.
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
thurs 10th nov 2022 journal
today was a good day. yesterday was also a good day. mind has been sound. done alot of deep breathing these past couple of days. the benefits of utilising your highs i guess. I went to Mortimer House with Andre yesterday. that place is fucking beautiful. it’s the sort of place i want to be a part of if soho house wont accept me just yet ; but forreal it’s a great start for the lifestyle i want to live. so yeah that was good. really pushed myself on the treadmill yesterday. we did 30 mins. bearing in mind that i havent been to a gym in over two years i think im doing a great fucking job! Also bumped into Arseniy and Charlie in Goodge St and we had a conversation about third year and the fuckeries that take place and the life of a graduating actor. it was quite the convo i needed actually. i think im on the right path. I’d like to think i am. I think many things are a mindset thing for me. If i can’t get my mind behind it I cannot invest in it because mentally i didnt check in. I’ve been consciously doing alot of this work for 3 months now. I feel like a different person and im seeing small results. maybe they’re the results im meant to be seeing now and maybe i should wait and see how good things can get. its 21:33pm and i wanna eat. I might be seeing Alexandra tomorrow. i miss that sexy bitch ugh. I wanna see Geillo too. i can’t believe tomorrow is friday. my body is in pain from yesterday’s session. I took a towel from the place because fuck capitalism and they dont need that shit sorry. petty crimes are okay in my book. anyways karma is a cunt because i lost my fucking cocoa butter cream ( i think i left it at the place). i dont know if i have a lot of energy or if im just tired or if im hungry but i dont feel like having the same food again. i need to get back into my cooking bag cause yeah man i’ve been slacking just wasting money on outside food instead of cooking like the rest of these ppl. Ella is also a cunt for not putting me on a rota this weekend like i didnt fucking message her to put me on the shifts. i need to do some press ups. i need to bulk in three weeks. kinda. idk. i took the train with Camilla today. never done that before. she told me she had to get up at 6:30 in the morning to prep breakfast for her mum (she’s currently going thru chemo) and i honestly felt that. like i know the feeling of putting someone you love before yourself during the early hours of the morning and then acting like things are okay when deep down you want to break but you dont want to break infront of people. i get that. i need to feel sexy again. and truth be told i just want some head from a bad bitch. some head from a bead bitch this week would be GREAT. its 21:53pm. no food in my stomach STILL. i have grapes beside me though but they aren’t cold which sucks but its okay i guess. its better than nothing. im gonna listen to some music and call it a night me thinks. read a few pages of Revolutionary Suicide and then get ready for bed. currently listening to Foreword by Tyler the Creator. i did think about leaving drama school yesterday. like i really entertained the idea that maybe drama school isn’t for me and im still at a crossroads. i really hope that whatever decision i make is the most favourable for me in the long run. time to be somebody. i am somebody. i dont wanna be someone else. i wanna be me. that is all. sign out time: 22:00pm. 
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stopcryinguranadult · 4 years
I've had really bad cramps all day and bae be here like u wanna hot water bottle and paracetamol?
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
I love your writing it's so good!!! Could I have reader having a crush on the boys and giving them a kiss while they think the boys are asleep and confessing their love to them with mikey, chifuyu and the haitani brothers? Im just so soft for those boys!!!
Sleep Tight | Mikey, Chifuyu, Ran, and Rindou
- Confessing to the boys while they're (not really) asleep
genre: 🌸 fluff 🌸
warnings: minor cussing
A/N: Thank you, anon! I really got into writing this one ( ◜‿◝ )♡ Also, I honestly think I need to come up with better titles because it sounds like a word vomit to me LMAO Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Life would be nice if you had someone by your side who felt the same way about you.
You already have Mikey by your side, making every day much easier to get by. But does he feel the same way with you?
You practically grew up together with Mikey. Being neighbors with the man, you often come by to play with them as kids- leading to a blooming friendship. Although more often, it was you watching Mikey train in his grandfather’s dojo, where he never fails to amaze you with his tricks. Sometimes, you’ll have sleepovers together with Emma and Mikey where you’ll watch movies with them. Only for Mikey to be sound asleep halfway through the movie.
Growing up, nothing has changed that much with that routine. The only thing that has changed is your growing feelings for Mikey.
You saw the ups and downs in his life. From the time he established Toman to losing Shinichiro, you were there to witness how he would build a castle from the rocks of his downfalls.
So it was no surprise that you find your heart beating much faster when he’s around.
Childish as he is, you can’t deny the fact that Mikey is charismatic, beautiful, and kind. But, you never had the chance to tell him what you feel. Because what if he never saw you the same way?
You looked at Mikey, who’s currently sitting by your side almost half asleep. His head swings from side to side as he struggles on whether he should watch the movie or not.
“Mikey, you always never get to finish our movie nights. You’re no fun.” Emma pouted at his brother as she turned off the television.
“Mhmm, not sleepy.” Mikey turned to look at you then at Emma before leaning on your shoulder. “Just a little.”
Your heart flutters from close contact. “Maybe he’s tired from one of Toman’s meetings.” You turned to look at Emma with a sorry face
Sighing, Emma stepped out of the room as she looked at you, “I’ll get us a blanket, wait here Y/N.”
Your face felt hot as you realized that you were left alone in the room with Mikey. Well, this isn’t unusual for you two but with the strong feelings you have for him, you just can’t help but blush.
You looked at Mikey, his eyelashes seemed a bit longer, making his eyes more beautiful. His lips, although chapped, pouted with the way he’s comfy with you.
“Mikey, can you stop being so pretty? It makes me want to kiss you,” you whispered, thinking that Mikey’s probably dozing off to dreamland.
Mikey opened out one of his eyes to take a peek at you. All the sleepiness vanishing from his body. Did he just hear you right? “Then kiss me, Y/N.”
“Heh? Mikey, you’re awake?” you felt embarrassment creeping into you. “Mikey...I...look, sorry. I-”
Your blabbering mouth was silenced with a peck on the lips. Mikey kissing all your worries away.
“I like you too, Y/N.” He smiled as he leaned closer to you. Your foreheads touching and nose brush against each other.
You felt like you’re on cloud nine. Is this real? Mikey likes you too?
Before you could say anything, the door opened with Emma looking at the two of you weirdly. “Hehhh, am I interrupting something?”
You and Mikey looked at Emma. An embarrassed look on both of your faces as if you were caught red-handed.
Now, there’s a lot of explaining to do.
Chifuyu Matsuno
No matter how many times you try, you always seem to lose.
But who won’t?
With Chifuyu’s angelic smile and kind eyes, your determination to admit your feelings for him always seems to waver. It’s just that your thoughts always fly out the window and anxiousness gets the best of you.
You’ve known Chifuyu for quite some time now. Baji, who’s your cousin, introduced him to you as Toman’s 1st Division Vice-Captain and most trusted partner. Of course, it was only natural for you to be wary of him. Baji might trust him, but he could be some sort of drug dealer or serial killer. Who knows?
You’re wrong though. The more time you spend with Chifuyu, the more you appreciate his presence. How can you not? He always lends you a helping hand whenever you need it. As cliche as it sounds, Chifuyu is like the knight and shining armor in your life.
And now here he is. Once again saving you from another horrible situation.
Chifuyu offered you a ride when he found you drenched from the rain in Shinagawa. Apparently, the weather wouldn’t be pleasant today but you forgot to read the weather forecast. Currently, he brought you to his home for the meantime as the rain wouldn’t be stopping until tomorrow.
“I’ll just text and let Baji-san know that you’ll be staying here.” Chifuyu handed you a blanket as he laid on his futon.
“Thank you, Chifuyu. But I swear it’s okay for me to sleep there. This is your bed anyway.” You said embarrassed.
Chifuyu yawned. Tiredness dropping from his eyes. “It’s alright, Y/N. I can’t let Baji-san’s pretty cousin sleep on the floor.” He smiled at you with a faint blush on his cheeks.
You laid on the bed silently. Blushing from his compliment. Did he just call you beautiful?
You looked at the ceiling for about a good minute before turning to Chifuyu. “Chifuyu-san, I-”
A soft sleeping figure cut you off. The light from the lamp outside reflected on his beautiful features.
You padded off your feet on the floor and sat right next to Chifuyu. Observing him, you notice that he looks prettier when he’s peaceful like this.
You hesitatingly brushed your fingers on his hair. While massaging it, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed by your emotions. “I like you, Chifuyu-san.” You smiled proudly at yourself as you finally got to admit your feelings even though he’s asleep.
However, you noticed that the sleeping figure in front of you stiffened and reddened from your statement. Eyes wide, you held a hand in your mouth.
“Chifuyu-san, are you awake?” You hoped that he wasn’t.
But apparently, he is. “I guess you caught me.” Chifuyu sat up and scratched his head as he smiled at you sheepishly. “That felt nice though.”
“I’m sorry!” You bowed your head, hair hiding your flustered state.
“I like it!” Chifuyu panicked. “I mean, no. I like it. But, I like you too, Y/N-san.”
You laughed. At the same time, feeling extremely happy from what you just had heard.
“I guess we have some explaining to do with Baji-san.” you teased him
“Mhmm. But,” he held your hand and put it into his hair. “Would you continue that?” Chifuyu smiled.
“Of course.” You smiled at him, continuing your hair massages.
Looks like you won this time.
Ran Haitani
You’re no medical expert. The only knowledge you got was based on textbooks and first aid knowledge.
Yet somehow, Ran would always come knocking on your door whenever he has cuts or injuries. Sometimes, even without one, he would come by at your place and complain that his body is painful.
And it’s one of those nights again as you hear a soft knock on the door.
Moving to Roppongi, you were warned about the Haitani brothers. How you must stay away from them because they’re just no good. However, you somehow managed to come across the elder Haitani while you were shopping at a local store when he asked you what hair dye he should use.
This little interaction moved from one way to the other and now, ever since Ran found out where you live, he always comes by to let you heal his “injuries”.
You’re not complaining though. Despite the rumors and warnings, Ran was much more different from what other people say. He may be cocky and teasing, but the beautiful man sure is nice when it comes to you.
Causing you to develop a little crush on him.
You opened the door as you welcomed Ran. “Now, what do we have for tonight?”
Ran stepped in as he walked towards the couch. Laying as if he lives around here. “I got a bump on my forehead.” He pointed out as he pouted at you.
“You have Rindou! And you call yourself notorious but you come here whining like a baby.” you rolled your eyes as you got in the kitchen getting an ice pack for the man.
“Here.” You handed out the ice pack as you stood up in front of him.
“No.” Ran rolled his eyes. “Kiss it, Y/N.” he pouted once again.
“You’re not a baby, Ran. Tch.” you sighed as you sat across him. “Take a nap here and I’ll cook for you when you wake up.”
“Now, wifey material aren’t we.” Ran teased as he closed his eyes. Holding the ice packet against his forehead.
About a good 10 minutes have passed and you never heard another bicker from Ran. As you look at him, the man seems to be sleeping like a log.
You crouched down near him. Observing his features. You must say, he’s quite beautiful and more attractive when less chaotic.
“You’re such a big baby.” Thinking that he’s asleep, you kissed the small bump on his forehead.
As you got up to prepare his late dinner, a hand clutched yours.
You felt your body freeze for a moment as you turned around and saw a bastard smiling cockily.
“Do it again, Y/N.” Ran grinned at you as he held on tighter on your hand. “I’m a big baby but your baby.”
“Let me go!.” your face was beat red as you tried to yank off your hands. Only failing as Ran grabbed your arms causing you to fall on top of him.
“I like you, Y/N” Ran hugged you tightly while you were a blushing mess on top of him. “So let's just stay like this for a while.”
And you did.
Being with Ran isn’t so bad after all.
Rindou Haitani
If there’s one thing you’re proud of, it’s the skill you have for coloring people’s hair.
You like dyeing your hair, your friend’s hair, your cousins, and to just anyone who asks for your help. So it was no surprise when Rindou asked you to help him in doing his highlights.
Of course you can’t say no. Not because he is a Haitani but because you actually like his presence. When you’re around him, everything seems more calm and peaceful.
Despite being a menace around Roppongi, you and Rindou are actually good friends. You’ve known each other when he saved your ass around a group of guys who tried to harass you. And although he was stoic to you at first, he was able to ease up to you because of your caring nature.
After all, you recognized him as Rindou Haitani and not “Ran’s younger brother”. And he appreciated you for it.
So now here you are in their living room. Currently finished in dyeing Rindou’s hair.
“And there you have it. We just have to wait for an hour or so before washing it.” You tidied all the mess up as Ran sat and observed you. “By the way, why won’t you let me dye Ran’s hair?”
He raised an eyebrow upon your question. “Because he can’t have you.” Your eyes widened from his statement. Rindou, realizing what he just said, covered it up with an excuse. “I mean, I want him to dye his own hair and let it look shit. If he wants someone to dye his hair properly, he can go to the salon.”
You laughed at his statement. Well, he can actually crack up jokes once in a while if he loosens up his strict facade. “Oh Rindou, we also need to buy an extra conditioner.”
You looked up and saw the man with closed eyes. Deciding that you don’t want to disturb his sleep, you sat quietly beside him and observed him.
Rindou is already handsome with his glasses. But you realized that he looks much cuter without one.
He just looks good in anything.
You traced the bridge of his nose as you admired his features. “You know what? I actually might have feelings for you.” you muttered softly as you smiled.
“Let’s go out on a date then.” Rindou opened his eyes as he looked at you. Your lips a few inches away from his.
“Rindou!!!” You sat up straight. “I thought you were-”
“Asleep? Well I’m not.” he smiled at you as reached out for your hand. “But I meant it Y/N. I like you, and I want us to go on a date.” Rindou looked at you, hoping for an immediate response.
He does like you. After all, you were the only person who he was able to open up to other than Ran.
“Okay.” You smiled as you brushed your thumb at the top of his hand.
Rindou caressed your cheeks. Leaning in and going for a kiss.
“Ohh. Can I join?” a teasing voice butted in. Causing you two to look at the tall man who’s leaning in the doorframe. “I mean can I join Y/N’s dye party? Just continue that later.”
“Ran, get out!” Rindou shouted as he pointed at the door to his brother.
Well, things quickly escalated with the brothers.
As well as your relationship with Rindou.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Purple Patches
Benedict Cumberbatch x Teen!Co-Star!Reader, Tom Holland x Teen!Co-star!Reader
Genre: Angst, fluffy ending
Description: Filming the newest Dr. Strange movie (in which Tom would also appear), you grow quite close with the two leads, Tom and Benedict. But you’re hiding something alarming from them. Four months in the entire crew get a week off to see their families for Christmas, and when you return Tom and Benedict can’t help but feel troubled, as your body is rippled with purple patches.
Warnings: CHILD ABUSE, physical abuse, broken family, alcoholism, depression, anxiety??
A/N: I had another imagine written but im ngl its kind of.. weird? its unconventional for sure. and its definitely bad. so, maybe ill rewrite someday or something? ALSO SORRY IF YOU DONT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS, JUST IMAGINE YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF EVIL CHRISTIAN STEP DAD WHO FORCES IT INTO YOUR FAMILY
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The taxi you sat in drove slowly in the New York traffic, as snow fell outside, coating the entire city in blinding white. You couldn’t enjoy it however. Your entire body hurt, and yet you still couldn’t find even a moment to worry about your health. All you could think about was them.
Tom and Benedict. Your sweetest coworkers, and at this point your closest.. anything. Family, friends? Who cares, you had no one else. You’d gone back for the holidays like everyone else, even though you wished you could have just stayed at in your trailer. Your dad, like any other time you saw him, had used this time to pour his anger and alcoholism out on you. Your body which had finally begun to heal, was now back to square one, covered in cuts and bruises. 
You knew what would happen if anyone found out. You’d be taken from your family. But in truth, although you hated being around him, you wanted to wait for your dad. You wanted to wait for him to get over his alcoholism, you wanted him to get better, and then he’d treat you better. 
But they would find out. You were covered in bruises and purple patches. Your face was fine, except for your neck, but the rest of your body was ruined. Ugly. You could hide most of it, but it hurt. Even just sitting there, in the soft and plush taxi seat, you body was aching and wailing like a police siren. 
And what if they noticed you foundation-covered hands? Or the movie required you to wear something more revealing? 
“You okay?” the deep voice of your taxi driver ripped you from your thoughts. A single tear had slid down your face. You cleared your throat and nodded, wiping the tear from your cheek. 
You arrived at the set, and an impossible knot had been tied in your stomach. Nervousness tingled in your heart and your legs, but you got up anyway, trying to calm your breath. The moment you stood up, you winced and stopped. 
You managed to roll your luggage to your trailer, biting your lip continuously in order to keep yourself from screaming. You threw it on the floor of your trailer, whimpering and doubling over in pain. 
“Y/n!” a rapid knock on your door, interrupted you. It was Tom’s voice. You took a shaky breath, closing your eyes, and then opening the door. Tom stood there in your doorway like a smiling idiot. Your lips widened into a smile just from seeing him.
“Y/n!” he repeated stepping inside and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. You bit your lip again, hiding your pain-wrenched face in his chest, before hugging him back. He placed his head on yours sweetly. “I missed you!” he gushed. 
You hit his chest playfully, “I missed you too,” you frowned for a moment and looked away. Tom’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you okay?” You simply nodded. Tom stared at you for a moment and then shook his head. “Anyway, um, Benedict asked me to tell you that he’s invited both of us youngsters out for dinner tonight. Just as one last ‘fuck you!’ to work, before officially start back up tomorrow.”
“That does sound like something he would do,” you agreed and Tom laughed, punching your shoulder playfully. You yelped loudly, retreating quickly from him. 
“Woah,” he exclaimed, holding his hands up, “Are you okay? What happened to your shoulder?” 
“I fell,” you said. Nervousness jabbed at your ribs. You’d barely talked to Tom for a minute and he’d already asked if you were okay twice. He seemed to buy your explanation, and apologized for accidentally hitting your sore shoulder, to which you nodded absently. 
Tom was silent for a couple of heartbeats. He studied you. You were not usually like this. Or maybe you had been a little like this those four months ago, when you first started filming. He didn’t understand what caused you to be that way, so distant and unhappy. 
“Hey, anyway, I’m gonna go, I’m trying to actually read the script this time,” he joked, and you laughed because you knew it was a hopeless task. 
“Have fun,” you mumbled, and as soon he left, you body slid down against the wall, and your facade crumbled, tears leaving your eyes.
Before the dinner, you took three pain killers. Then, you waited restlessly, hoping that the pills might kick in. They did but your body felt strange and buzzy. You ignored it, a blossoming hope forming in your chest that you might be able to conceal your pain in the pills and the clothing. 
Benedict came knocking on your door around 7, a smile on his face. “Y/n!” he said, and you both hugged. A small smile had formed on your lips, when you actually managed to deal with the ache, now much weaker than previously.
You both then walked to Tom’s trailer, and then the three of you walked to a restaurant, not too far from your filming location.
“So, what have you two been up to in our little break?” Benedict asked once you all sat down, having ordered already. You glanced at Tom, hoping that he’d start. 
“Me and my brothers went back home to our mum and dad. Had a pretty regular Christmas. I gave the best gifts. I got some pretty cool socks,” Tom joked around. You and Benedict stifled a laugh. Then both Ben and Tom looked at you, and you realized it was your turn to tell them about what you’d been up to. 
“Oh, well, I.. I spent Christmas with my parents. My grandparents and cousins also came,” you were lying through your teeth. You avoided their eyes, sipping your soda. 
“Got any presents?” Benedict asked and you cursed at yourself internally for forgetting such a simple part of Christmas. And for making things awkward. 
“I got some clothes, some books. Pretty standard stuff,” you forced a smile, “What about you, Benadryl?”
Benedict rolled his eyes at your comment, making you and Tom fist-bump one another, giggling quietly as he told you about his own Christmas. The night was going alright, except for that rough start. Mostly you avoided any talk of your family, and you could feel yourself getting better, the further the conversation got from your family. Until-
“Y/n, what’s that on your hand?” 
Instinctively, you pulled your hand to your lap, straightening yourself up and gulping. You looked down, pretending to inspect it and then looked up. 
“It’s, uh, it’s dirt. Wow, I should really go wash my hands, haha-” Tom grabbed your hand from under the table, pulling it towards him. Your foundation was wearing off, a large purple patch stemming from your wrist and snaking up your hand revealing itself. 
You couldn’t breathe. Both Tom and Ben just stared at it. You tried to pull back but Tom was much stronger than you. Tears blurred your vision. 
“Y/n, what is this?” Tom whispered, and you felt his fingers rubbing the bruise gently. The tears finally fell, and now both men were looking at you. Benedict looked serious. It was an expression you’d never really seen on his features before, at least not outside of your acting. 
“I-I fell..” you mumbled, but you knew it was useless. 
“Y/n.. Who did this?” Benedict’s voice was low, gently setting a hand on your shoulder. You flinched. 
“I don’t know.. I don’t..” 
“Y/n!” Tom’s voice was raised. You immediately jumped away from them both, putting your arms in front of you in fear. Several people turned to look at you three. Shaking, you lowered your hands, and saw Tom and Ben staring at you worriedly. Tom had tears in his eyes. 
“Let’s talk about this back at the studio, okay?” Benedict, now afraid to touch you, spoke slowly and comfortingly. You nodded and then two men got up, standing on either side of you, grabbing one of your hands each. 
“Was it your dad?” Tom growled as you walked in the night, moon rising in the sky. 
“Yes..” you whispered, so low you wondered if they heard it, but they did. They both exchanged glances. Tom was furious. Benedict was too, but he was collected. Tom itched to ask you more and help you, console you right there on the street, but Benedict sent him a warning look not to. 
You walked back to the studio in silence. The three of you entered your trailer and you quietly wished you had predicted something like this would happen, because the bottle of strong pain killers was still out and open on your kitchen table. 
Benedict spotted them immediately and grabbed them. His eyes narrowed as he read the bottle description. Then he looked at you and then it again. Tom watched helplessly, holding your shoulders gently. 
“How many more are there? Bruises.” Ben was clearly angry. He was losing his cool, hands shaking as he grabbed your hand to pull up your sleeve. You tried to move his hand away, but he slid the sleeve up to your elbow and just stared at the blue, yellow and purple that littered your arm. Tom was frozen beside you. 
Ben slid up your other sleeve, breathing speeding up as he saw more, and then he tugged at the collar of your turtleneck, exposing the jarring and ugly sight of a red handprint. He pulled away suddenly, walking away from you. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, hitting the wall of the trailer. He hung his head low. You jumped and turned around, but Tom simply embraced you, and then sat you both down on the floor. You hid your face in his neck, sobbing again. Tom’s hands slowly rubbed your back. 
“Okay..” said Benedict after a while. You could hear that he’d calmed down. Ben angrily wiped a few tears from his face, turning to you and Tom on the floor. Tom was simply frowning now. He never wanted to let you go. He never wanted any harm to come to you. 
“I’m gonna call the police and get your dad arrested,” he said, and you heard his footsteps, as he wondered what to do next. 
“No!” you exclaimed, scrambling to your feet away from Tom. Both men looked at you in confusion. “No! You can’t do that, he’s- he’s just trying to get better. If I wait a little longer, he’s going to get better.” 
“Y/n..” Benedict whispered sadly and you ran to him hoping to stop him. “You can’t wait for him. You’re putting yourself in danger..” you shook your head, but Ben grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes, “he’s a grown man, Y/n. He doesn’t deserve pity or patience. Not after doing this. Nothing excuses this. Nothing.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat, lip quivering, but still you nodded. 
“Can your mother take care of you?” Ben asked, piercing blue eyes still staring into your soul. There was no point in lying anymore, you knew. 
“Alright, then you’ll stay with me.” Ben declared, “You’ll stay with me until we can find someone from your family who can take care of you.” You looked up at him with shining eyes. Despite the uncomfortable situation you found yourself in, a genuine smile broke out on your face. 
You hugged him, thanking him breathlessly. Ben and Tom made eye contact, and smiled gently at each other. Tom had cried silently at your interaction. The thought that someone would hurt someone he loved so dearly shattered his heart completely. 
“Now,” Benedict said finally, “we need to drive you to the hospital.” 
You agreed and while Tom drove, Ben was in the backseat on the phone with the police department. You just watched the beautiful neon lights shining in the pitch black night, snow illuminating the ground. People still littered the streets. 
You knew it now. Your father didn’t deserve your waiting, and though it would take very long to finally live with and truly understand, it was worth it to start the fight. You truly owed it to the two jerks you worked with. What would you even do with out them?
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tom riddle x reader
"bubs wake up!" I shouted at tom asking him to wake up"Go away! Your so fucking annoying and stop calling me by that name!" He groanedTom had alwayse been harsh but i know he has a kind heart in there...well maybe 1%. Sometimes he just can't control his words and barely even says sorry.I still wonder why he asks me to be his girlfriend at some point."Come on tom! You promised to go to hogsmade with me today." I said slightly poutingIt was a free day today."Ttttooooommmmm-" he cuts me off"Shut the fuck up y/n! Your so fucking annoying i swear! Go away." I was so taken back by his wordsYes he was mean but he was never this mean to hurt my feelings like that. A tear left my eye rolling down my pink cheek."Am i that annoying?" I asked him my arms crossed."Yes. You are fucking annoying. Now leave me alone"Why is he like this...has he move on?"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!" I slamed the boys dormitary door and made my way to hogsmade since i'm all ready not caring of what tom is saying next[Toms pov]"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!""Y/n,wait!I didn't mean i-"Did she just...curse at me.She never does that,like never!Oh no...oh no! She really must be mad!Shit shit shit.I got up and put on a hoodie and a sweater in a rush to catch up with y/n.It was just a little chilly outside.I grabbed a few galleons and put it in my pocket then slamming the door,i walked out,making my way to hogsmade. ... (3rd person pov)Tom was constantly sweating in fear thinking wether y/n really meant that breakup or she just said that because she was mad. Eitherways it was still bad. Making y/n mad is the worse thing you would want to do now,if she gets mad she will stay mad at you. She rarely got mad or like any sort of negative emotions and thought,she had never cursed on tom before. It was his first time feeling a sharp pain in his heard as every second goes by it rips and cutts it more.He was now at the point of running to hogsmade when he saw y/n was with another guy. His blood was boiling,but soon enough,he saw that y/n was kind of uncomfy and trying to get away from that guy but he just kept pulling her wrapping his arm around her waist.[Y/ns pov]I went in hogsmade and this guy instantly pulled me by the waist in to a group of boys. I just smiled,they looked stronger and way bigger then me so i tried to escaoe but i was just being pulled closer for every attempts. Soon then,i heard stomping foot came my directions."OI! let her go you fat arse Tim!" Tom was standing there. His chest out and looking as if he was going to punch them.Well i think he will.He was slowly moving closer and closer."and...what would you do if i don't huh riddle?"The guy who i now know the name is Tim now is smirking as he said the sentece."does this guy want to die or something?"I thought to myself.Tom pulled me behind him and is now faced to faced with tim."Tom,i-it's fine-" he cutts me off"It might be fine to you...but it's not to me!"Tom gave tim a punch in the nose making tim bleed.It soon turned out into a fight scene.I was pulling Tom back while the others are trying to pull the bloody nose guy back from breaking into a fight again."Enough Tom!" I shouted as i pulled him outside and walked back to the castle.The walk from hogsmade to the castle was very quiet.I did not even speak to him nor did he.It was like...we were strangers..[At hogwarts,slytherin common room][y/n's pov]I asked him to sit down on the couch while i went to go take some healing medicine from the girls dormitary."What's up with the healings y/n?" Bellatrix asked poofing infront of my face."Dang it bella! I could have fucking drop this!" I barked making my way out of the door."Woah...that's the first one.What wrong,did Tom do anything cause i wouldn't mind killing him" she cheerfully said while smilling."He just got into a fight,no biggy i guess.I'm going to heal him up,see you later i guess." I walked down the stairs to the commom room and to find tom having his face down to his knees and his hand hitting his head.I put the medicine on the table and rushed over to stop him."Hey hey! Don't hit yourself you dimwit!" He put his hands to his side and i could hear whimperes from his."I-is he,crying?!?"i thought to myselfI had never in my life seen him cry before.Not even at someones funeral.The whimperes turned into hiccups and sobbings.I tried lifting his face up but he kept putting it down.It hurts seeing him this way,it hurts seeing him sad,this sad."Tom...look up please..."i begged.He looked up at me with puffy red eyes me bruises along his cheeks and jaw. I put my arms around his shoulder,rubbing his back up and down trying to calm him down. He proceeds to put him arms on my waist and took deep breaths and letting them out."Please don't cry.." I cried out to him "I don't want you to leave me y/n..I'm sorry for this morning and I love you very much. Please just don't leave me..." my heart broke to hear the those words coming out of his mouth.I pulled out from the hug and slowly brought our lips together. It turned to be a passionate loving kiss that we haven't had for a while."I'm sorry for this morning to,I didn't mean to say those words.I...I just got a little mad and-" the soft lips attached to mine again"It's okay,it wasn't your fault. Y-you didn't mean the b-break up didn't you..." I looked at him giggling abit"Sooo your saying the kids was nothing? Ok then I'll be going now." I stood up and tried walking back but was pulled by strong arms and was connected with the soft lips again."Don't leave me y/n,promise?" He prayed to me."I promise bubs,now let's clean those cuts and heal the bruises." I reached over for the medicine and aplyed it on him gently. HEYY YALLSS! Im so sorry for not posting for so long😭😭 School sucks please! Anywayse I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will still be updating my other books and this book to but it will be updated slowly so y'all's have to wait. Anyway I have school tomorrow😢good night!!
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I really don’t care (sequel to comforting you after a heartbreak)
Character: Yamaguchhi- aged up haikyu set in college
Note: since the last part was based on a song i based this part on a song as well. This part is based on the song really don’t care by Demi Lovato.
Second note: I am sorry I haven’t posted in a while I have been trying to think of ideas for more stories. If you have an idea feel free to request and thank you for taking the time to read this story!❤️
Warnings: slight angst
Requested: no
Word count: 1,010
Summary: yn and Yamaguchhi face tsukishima before their college graduation.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated but please don’t repost my works.
Disclaimer: I do not own haikyuu or any of the characters.
“I can't believe it's been two years since we started dating Tadashi”, yn says as she and yamaguchi sit at the table at the restaurant where they are celebrating their second anniversary as a couple. “I know,” Yamaguchhi says with a smile as he picks up his glass of champagne. “Here's to our second year as a couple and here's to the fact that we both graduate from college tomorrow as well”. Yn grins as they clink their glasses together, the pain of Tsukishima's actions long behind her as she is now happy in a committed relationship with her best friend.
Yn sighs as she walks down the hall of the university with Yamaguchhi by her side after they have just finished putting on their graduation gowns and they are getting ready to walk outside to join the rest of the graduating class. “Do you think that he will be out there today too”, yn whispers, as Yamaguchhi takes her hand in his and he gives it a gentle squeeze to reassure her as a grimace crosses his face as he shrugs his shoulders. “I mean he probably will be out there, I mean he is in the same graduating class as us after all but try not to worry yn we will stay as far away from him as we need to”.
Yn sighs as she comes to a full stop in the middle of the hallway as she tries to fix her tassel on her graduation cap as it keeps flopping over to the wrong side of her flat cap. Yamaguchhi chuckles lightly as he leans in to try and help her adjust it. “Here let me do it, you're going to get it all tangled up if you keep doing that”, he says as he tries not to laugh. “Why is this thing being so difficult”, yn says with a huff and a roll of her eyes. Yamaguchhi shrugs before he leans in close to kiss the tip of her nose after he has finished fixing the tassel, which causes her cheeks to turn a dusty shade of pink. “I don't know but you look pretty gorgeous right now in this gown so I think the little difficult things rught niw will all be worth it once you walk onto the stage and receive your diploma” he says. Yn grins. “Yeah you’re right Tadashi and oh um well you look downright handsome in your gow yn says as she leans up on the tip of her toes to kiss him and he leans in to kiss her and even after all of the time they have been dating sparks still fly when they kiss.
Suddenly someone coughs loudly and harshly from behind them. “Ahem could you two not make out in the hallway as some of us have places to be and I'm sure you need to be heading out there anyway judging by the gowns you two are wearing” a cold and familiar voice says from behind them. Yn and Yamaguchi freeze as they slowly pull apart and they look back to see tsukishima standing there with a bored expression on his face. Yamaguchhi frowns as he pulls yn tightly into his side and they turn to walk out of the hall without saying a word to him. “Wow so you two are going to be petty about this like you two have for the past two years, what are you not going to say sorry tsukki like you used to when you messed up Yamaguchi”, tsukishima says mimicking Yamaguchi and sneering at them. “It's not worth it getting into a fight with him Tadashi”, yn whispers holding onto his hand and she can feel how tense Yamaguchhi has become just by how tightly he is holding her hand.
Tadashi’s eyes burn in anger. “You have no right to say that we are acting petty, she cried over you for months”, Yamaguchhi says as he yanks his hand out of hers and he whirls around to face tsukishima who looks confused at yamaguchi’s outburst. “You can be a mature adult about this. I only broke up with her Tadashi”, Tsukishima says with a frown as he crosses his arms. “You left her for another girl and she came to my house in the pouring rain thinking she wasn't worth anything, she was in love with you tsukki but you threw her away like you had no idea, have you no shame”?
“I just fell out of love”, Tsukishima says. “It was just a puppy love thing anyway, I mean she was more in love with me than I was with her”. Yn’s eyes widened . “So you toyed with my heart during those months we were together”, yn whispers. “I never meant to”, tsukishima says. “I thought you would just get over it and we all could go back to being friends again like we used to be in high school”. Yn rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms. “Yeah well whoop dee freaking do buddy because im never forgiving you for that and liked you alot tsukishima” yn says. “But I guess you thought I was just a waste of your precious time”. “Is there any way to fix this mess”, tsukishima asks as a fallen look crosses his face. Yn shakes her head as she walks up to him and she slaps him across the face. “Listen here tsukishima” she syss darkly. “Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back in my life and you can take your words and all your lies, I really don't care”, yn says as she turns back to face Yamaguchi whose eyes had widened when she slapped Tsukishima. “Now let's get going, we have a graduation to attend tadashi” yn says as she links arms with him. Yeah Yamaguchhi says quietly as he walks alongside her and they don't look back to see the hurt look on tsukishima’s face because he knows that he has lost any chance or hope of rekindling their friendship.
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Chronic Emptiness
Fred x reader
After the war
Summary: Y/N having a depressive episode & Fred trying to help her through it. Basically me living vicariously through her. Soft moment.
Warning: Mentions of depression & plainly feeling like shit
Y/N was exhausted. Not by her job or work, just mentally drained. This sort of thing happened sometimes. One moment she was okay, the next it all came crashing down on her & she’d feel pure hatred for the world she was living in. Fred had gotten used to it by now, he’d be the ever so caring boyfriend & try to help her through it however he could. Exept he really couldnt do much but reassure Y/N that he was there for her.
And of course Y/N appreciated him & all his efforts, she loved Fred more than life itself & everyone knew that. But sometimes she just needed space. Like today.
They were at a bar with George & Angelina and several other mates after their shifts had all ended from their various occupations. George & Fred at their joke shop, Angelia at the Ministry, Y/N at St Mungos.
Y/N never truly felt like she belonged, not growing up at home, not at Hogwarts, & certainly not in St Mungos where she was working as a nurse. Its not that she hated the job, more like it didn’t particularly cause her immediate joy. She just did it. She got on with it & did what she had to.
As her friends were dancing to the music Y/N leant into her boyfriends ear so he’d hear her say “Hey Fred I think I’m gonna head home early today, I’m tired.”
The man looked up at her, as if trying to read her thoughts “D’you want me to come with love?”
Y/N shook her head, declining the offer “No dont worry. I’ll go through the park, I need some fresh air anyway.” Fred nodded & bid her goodbye with a kiss, telling her to stay safe. “I’ll see you at home.”
It was already dark outside, the tall streetlamps being the main source of light for the woman, but she wasnt really paying attention to where she way going, not caring enough to look. Y/N got to the park near the flat where her & Fred lived, deciding to make a pitstop there she sat on one of the wooden benches that overlooked a small river.
Letting out a heavy sigh she put her head into the palms of her hands, it was feeling all too heavy lately. “Dear Merlin I’m so tired.” Mumbling, the woman rolled her head in her hands before sitting back up and gazing at the sky. Oh how beautiful it looked tonight.
Lighting up a cigarette, she put it to her lips & took a long inhale. She was supposed to be quitting smoking, Fred always got on her about continuing the habbit. In all honesty Y/N didnt care enough to stop, at this point she wasnt even sure if she still got the same boost of seratonin from smoking as she used to. But again, it didnt bother her.
“Fuck me why is life so draining?” She asked no one in particular, she knew why it was draining, the abundance of issues with her brain promptly being the answer. She just wished it were easier. Easier to deal with things.
Realistically Y/N had nothing to be unhappy about anymore, there was no war, she had a good life, an amazing boyfriend, a stable job, decent friends. But there was a permanent void in her heart that could never be filled. Ever since she was a child it stayed with her. Maybe her cold & harsh, unloving parents brought it on, or maybe how she didnt let herself feel love & would distance herself from anyone that ever got close to her. But it was there. Unmovable.
The woman let the smoke out from her mouth, sighing at why she was having another one of her episodes, feeling shitty about having said episode. Yet, there was nothing she could do to stop it from occuring. “Fuck off brain.” She mumbled to herself, cursing her biology & upbringing “Stop feeling so Shit.”
“I keep you alive you ungrateful idiot.” She huffed to herself “And I’m doing a pretty good job, so stop making me feel like its my fault.” It wasnt her fault. If it were, Y/N would know how to fix it & evidently stop feeing this way.
Some would say the war brought this Y/N on, but people knew that she was like this way before. However, before she was better at hiding it. Better at hiding the dark circles, the restlessness, the ‘I dont care what happens to me’ attitude. In all honesty it didnt bother Y/N that people knew she was like this, she didnt do it on purpose. And when she could- she’d be happy- the life of the party, in those instances she could hide her feelings. But sometimes they just got too overwhelming to bare.
“You’re being such a selfish prick.” She sighed and puffed on yet another cigarette “Go home Y/N. Go to the man who loves you.” Yet she made no motion to move. It’d probably been two hours since she left the bar, she wasnt keeping track of time, not feeling the need to.
Sometimes she thought that Fred didnt love her, not because he said something or did something, but because she thought that Fred puts up with her. Which wasn’t true, the man loved her to death, she made him feel alive. Y/N was a risk taker, an adventurer, someone that kept you on your toes- & he admired that about her. Y/N was smart & funny & the most gorgeous person Fred had ever seen, but he knew that behind her sarcasm & faux narcissistic comments, she didnt believe it. Oh what he’d give for the woman to see herself through his eyes.
A few more minutes passed & the woman got up with a sigh, throwing the butt of her cigarette down, she made her way home.
The door creaked open, a little too loudly for Y/N’s taste, she winced at the sound, hoping it wouldnt wake Fred.
“Where were you?” The light flicked on. Before her stood a dischevelled Fred, arms crossed “I got home and you werent here.”
“I was in the park.” She mumbled, taking her coat off “Lost track of time, sorry.”
Fred looked at the woman before him, he noticed the dark circles that she tried to cover prefousley with makeup, noticed the ash on her jacket and faint aroma of smoke mixed with sadness.
“Its fine.” He reassured her and went to hug her, pretending to not notice her cold body & how she stiffened when he touched her “Just let me know next time alright?”
The woman hummed in agreement and walked into the living room, as she sat on the couch she put the tv on to play some sort of muggle program but not really paying attention to it. She just didnt fancy Fred interrogating her about her feelings. She hated talking about them, normally just botteling them up. Maybe that was the cause of her unhappiness.
A few moments went by & she thought Fred had went to bed, but then she felt the couch sink next to her. “Here” he placed a blanket around her & handed her a hot mug of tea “You’re freezing.” Mumbling a thanks she sipped on her drink, not really feeling like talking she waited for him to say something, anything.
And he did “Is it getting bad again?” Oh. Was it? Probably. Most definitely.
“I’m fine.” She lied “I’ll be fine.” Y/N wasnt convincing anyone.
Fred watched her, not knowing what to say or do. He wished he could help, just magically cheer up the love of his life. But thats not how life worked. “You’re good enough.” He blurted out “You deserve to feel happy.”
Y/N didnt look up at him, she knew Fred was trying to help. But was he? I dont know.
“Do I though, do I really?” She finally asked with a sigh, those seemed to be coming from her a lot lately “Because I know I do, I just dont feel it coming to me and its so draining to get on with life when you feel worthless.”
Fred took in what she just said, pausing before trying to come up with a reasonable response “I know.” He sighed “I want to help you Y/N, what can I do?” What could he do though? Realistically?
“I dont know. Nothing. This’ll pass soon enough and I’ll be okay.”
Fred knew that, Y/N was always ‘okay’ or ‘fine’ or ‘just tired’ “But I want you to be better than okay. I want you to be happy, to enjoy life and all its moments.”
Y/N scoffed “And you think I dont want that?” There was a tense silence
“Why dont we take the day off tomorrow and go out somewhere? We havent done that in a while.” Fred suggested. It was true, with both of them being bombarded by work they hardly saw eachother in the last few months.
“Sure.” Y/N smiled sickly and set her tea down “Yeah alright I’ll just sack my job off to have a fun little date with you eh? Why not risk getting fired just because I’m feeling a little moody huh?”
Fred was taken aback by her words and immediately went back on what he said “If you dont want to thats fine I-“
“Im sorry” she cut him off “I’m sorry, that was a dick move I didnt mean it, just everythings gotten so much-“ she put her feet up on the couch to hug them “Im sorry.” A few stray tears fell onto her knees
Fred moved closer to her “Hey, its okay, its okay dont worry. I understand.” Oh sweet understanding Fred, Fred who gave you unconditional love and support. Fred who you keep snapping at.
Moments pass as he embraces you, your body leaning against his heavily. Not sure whether its the exhaustion or something else “I dont deserve you.” You mumble into his chest. He frowns cups your face in his hands, you lean in to his warm touch.
“Dont say that” you let out a quiet sob “Y/N you deserve the absolute world, and I wish I could give it to you & more. If I could take away your pain, I would. In an instant I would. You dont deserve to feel like this, to think like this. But I’m here for you okay. I love you, so fucking much you don’t understand.” He gazed into her eyes, wishing she could feel how much he meant it “You’re the best thing that happened to me & I’m going to prove it to you, whatever it takes Y/N.” He kissed your nose before letting you hug him tighter, relieved that you no longer shrunk away from his touch “Words cant express how much I love you.”
After a few more tears fall, Y/N laughs into his chest “Good because you’re stuck with me.”
Fred grins to himself “I wouldnt have it any other way.”
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
second one!!! I'm gonna ask for Aizawa cause I think he would be the one character that actually does have the emotional control or responsability for it
kind angsty cause... letter l. Last words of your soulmate are attached to your skin so you do not know it's them until they're gone. I feel like people would think more of that from a death perspective but....
Aizawa and reader have been in a relationship for some time already and thinks have not been well. not well at all. They fight all the time, they start to pull away from each other to have some kind of peace, even tho they always come back because they're each other's comfort and safety. But it gets to a point in which they both just know for sure it can't keep happening anymore so they break up and they know that will mean forever goodbye
especially when the last words they say to each other when deciding to separate are the ones attached in theirs wrists
(again if it's not enough details, just say so!! neutral pronoums are fine in both and just do it if your comfortable with it!! Take care and can't wait!) 🌺.anon!
ahhh hi anon!! i absolutely loved writing this one so i hope you like it!!💕💕 (ill get to your first request hopefully today or tomorrow!)
Last Words
pairing: Shouta Aizawa x reader
warnings: swearing, breakup, mentions of death but none present
genre: angst
a/n: i would say im sorry for the pain but im not✨ i really enjoyed writing this one so hopefully you all like it too!
If you love something, let it go.
You wondered why if you loved something, you would let it go. That saying never sat right with you. You liked the extended version of that saying.
If you love something, let it go. If it truly loves you too, it will come back.
Then you must ask yourself: is it better to have false hope of their return or carry on, knowing they’ll never come back?
You didn’t want the answer.
You got it anyway.
This is the answer.
The answer had been written on the inside of your forearm. You got it the day you turned 18. It was a right of passage for everyone.
The last words your soulmate ever says to you will be written somewhere on your skin.
When you got your message, you stared at it for hours. You tried to make it make sense. It never did. A lot of the time these messages were someone’s last words on their death bed. Yours didn’t seem like it. It was a weird sensation. Every time you read it, you got a put in your stomach. It was cruel torture, those eight words. Even worse that you weren’t sure who would say them, and break your heart. As years passed, you soon forgot about those silly words written on your skin. You tried to live your life, and find your special soulmate.
Shouta Aizawa. On the outside he seems cold, reserved, even scary to some. In reality, he has a kind heart. You had the privilege of knowing him for more than just a teacher at UA or Pro Hero.
You knew him as the one you loved.
However, no relationship is perfect. You argued, you fought, you often couldn’t see eye to eye. But you loved him. That fact remained the same.
You sat on your couch, bundled up in blankets with the TV playing in the back. You were waiting for Aizawa to come home. He had been coming home later than usual, staying back at UA to take care of things. The two of you haven’t been spending much time together, which was putting a damper on your relationship.
You turned to look at your front door as you heard his keys jingle. Shouta opened the door, letting out a frustrated sigh and dropping his bags. You looked over at him. His hair was up, a key sign that he was stressed. You gave him a small smile, he gave you one back.
“How was your day?” You asked.
“Long,” he groaned. You nodded.
“I picked up some dinner,” you said, pointing to the takeout bag on the table.
“I’ll eat later.”
Shouta poured himself a glass of water before sitting down on the couch with you, leaving some space in between.
“Did you want to talk about it?” You whispered.
You held on tightly to the blankets that covered you. It seemed like things were always like this. Quiet. An uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
You couldn’t stand it.
“I think we should talk,” you said sternly. Shouta’s eyes grew.
“About what?”
“About everything. I can’t be the only one who has noticed that stuff between us isn’t right. It’s like we aren’t even together at this point,” you explained. Aizawa crossed his arms.
“What is that suppose to mean?”
You stood up in front of him.
“Exactly what it sounds like! Every day we are either fighting or not speaking at all and it’s driving me crazy! I can’t do this shit anymore but I feel like have to because I love you! It’s exhausting Shota! Absolutely exhausting,” you cried. Aizawa stood up as well.
“Don’t you think I’m trying to make this work? I’m tired too! It’s so difficult sometimes!”
“Then what the hell are we gonna do Shouta? Because unless shit between us starts changing we are gonna stay miserable!”
Your eyes poured out tears. You clenched your fists out of anger and frustration. Aizawa was agitated as well.
“Maybe we should-” you began.
“Let me finish damn it!”
“I know what you’re gonna say...” Aizawa cried.
“Then you know that I’m right.”
You looked down at your forearm. It burned.
“It’s the right thing to do Shota,” you whispered. Aizawa sighed and grabbed his work bags.
“If I leave now, I’m not coming back.”
Your eyes grew. Eight words.
“Fine. I won’t be waiting anyway.”
So with that, Shouta Aizawa left, taking your heart and soul with him. Leaving your crashed onto the floor, knowing that it was him this whole time.
If you love something, let it go. If it truly loves you too, it will come back.
There is your answer.
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queenieloveswriting · 4 years
Little orange bottles
A/N unedited little thing from a while ago, found loads of bits in my notes on my phone read this and though id post it let me know your thoughts ////hella old ngl sounds like shit srry ladsssss xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxTW--Abuse//Blood//Bad thoughs ig sorry not good w warnings sorry if this triggers anhyone 
*beep     beep     beep*
Your alarm rang through the room for what seemed to be the fifth time this morning.It was now 6:30am and school began in two hours unlike the majority of students in kildare county you enjoyed school and, your (only) friend pope definitely made it worthwile.You both loved school,people like his friends jj and John b didn’t like school.
Why are you awake at 6:30 again?....right!
You look over to yourself in your mirror and glance at your schedule sticky taped to the corner; 
6:30-wake up
7:00-get ready
8:00-head to Heywards
Obeying the list, you hopped into the shower and got yourself prepared for the day, brushing your teeth washing your face and applying a light amount of makeup. A tinted moisturiser, clear mascara and brow gel, In attempt to tame your wild hair you collected into a cute messy ponytail, breaking three hair bands in the possess. Putting your glasses on you choose your outfit, due to the heat you opted for something casual, a blue denim skirt with a black crop top and a oversized blue flannel top  covering  just to the bottom of you skirt 
You went downstairs and packed some fruit into your bag. Opting to take your breakfast as today's lunch, knowing Mrs. Heyward would invite you in for ‘leftovers’ from their breakfast. Shouting  goodbye to your mum who was no doubt still in bed exhausted from her night shift.
Running out the door grabbing your phone, headphones and favourite book ‘to kill a mockingbird’. I plugged in my headphones playing my ‘reading playlist’ and read as i walked up to heywards,occasionally looking up so I don’t walk into any unwanted attention. The third time checking your surroundings you realise you made it to popes in record time, because his mom came out ushering you and him in in for ‘leftovers’ .Pope rolled his eyes sending you   a silent apology. You didn’t mind though she was more a mother to you than your actual blood.
“Hey nerd "pope greeted you pushing your glasses up your nose 
“Hey geek” you replied, slapping his hands away, he pulled you into a quick hug and followed h8im and his mum into the kitchen.
“Whatcha reading this time?”he asked making you laugh slightly “Harper lee my friend” you replied  holding up your book as he rolled his eyes “why am I not surprised ,you know the book doesn't change right every time you read it "he asked playfully “I know pope, but it’s a classic and i don’t have enough to get a new book until my shift next week so I’m not complaining “you sassed
“Yeah you're know that I’ve said you can borrow my books anytime “he asked
“Yeah but you won’t let me write notes in the margins pope! "you explained “because what about MY notes “he exclaimed and you both erupted into laughter.God,you're such geeks you mentally sighed.Mrs.Heyward scolded at us both for arguing and gave us some pancakes and fruit.
Mr.Heward barged through the doors shouting about some ‘arrogant snotty kook man’ and turned around shily when he heard you and pope laughing. "daisy hey sweetheart you need me to save you or you alright?” he asked, referring to his wife’s overwhelming mothering. You shook your head quietly declining his offer, smiling you replied “no sir it's fine, "you laughed "Heyward you need any help with deliveries?” you asked hopeful as you needed to buy some things for school. Being a pogue you tended to have to fend yourself, plus it gave you something to do. “Sure do doll, tomorrow morning,7 sharp you’n’my boy can help out and pope make sure you ask that Maybank if he's helping out too, need to know who goes so y'all come back alive”he joked”thank you sir”you shouted as he was halfway out the door.Turning back round to pope “maybank?” you asked, raising your eyebrow hinting you had absolutely no idea who he was talking about,”my friend jj you know the blonde who gets into all the fights i told you about”he answered and you nodded,still searching for an answer ”he's coming tomorrow?” you quizzed “yeah probably,plus i think it's about time you met my friends they all think i made you up”he laughed”c'mon we've gotta eat then go”
As if on queue Mrs Heyward shouted at you from across the hall telling you to eat before it got cold.After scoffing your breakfast down,it was time to leave.After regular smothering from your second mother you left.
“Sorry about them”he mumbled 
“It’s fine it’s nice having the whole parents as parents thing you know”you said .Pope knew about your mom not being around or well really a mom.He said you could come round whenever assuring his parents you were just friends,they loved you.
He nodded”you know your welcome whenever”he said and you nodded again
“Yeah but anyways how you feeling today about mrs.spiky hairs test smartass”you joked “we gon ace it y'all ready know her tests are easy”he dragged 
“True I’ve got all a’s every time”you smirked 
“Yeah same but to be fair even my friend John b could pass them and he didn't know that there were two different there’s until junior year so....”
You laughed “wait I though that jj was the the dumb one”you asked “there both delinquents but gotta love em.I’m brains of the operation anyways it’s my thang ”he sang causing you to laugh at the way he pinched his shirt and pingged it brushing dirt of his shoulders “you should come to the party tonight and meet them if you want?”he asked and you shook your head “i dont know pope,party’s and me aren’t really a good thing you know how my anxiety gets in groups”you said and he nodded “i know it’s fine don’t worry about it but offers there when you want you could even come out just us on the pouge if you wanted “he offered “they really wanna meet me?”you asked “well they wanna meet MY competition “he challenged “not really a competition there bud” you teased patting his shoulder “but I’ll think about it yeah?”you offered “sounds good and here we are” you turned facing each other then back at the school making your way inside.
“Hey i told jj I’d meet with him just before first  lesson give him his homework see you there”you gave him a confused look “they go here?”he laughed “yeah didn’t i tell you”you shook your head no “sorry see you in 10 nerd”he waved “in 10 geek”you repli,ex
Waiting for class to start,you set up outside your classroom and put your headphones back in continuing your book. The vibration of the bell and stampedes of teenagers scurry to their first lesson , you ended up waiting for pope who practically ran down the hall and laughed when your eyes met.
 You went in taking your seats next to each other this happened up until break. then lunch you’d go to all your lessons together hang out at break,being antisocial in the library, but at lunch he’s always go off,with the pogues you assume,now knowing they go to your school.At lunch you go outside and walk to the bleachers and sit reading basking in the sun.
After your  last lesson with pope you both headed home together dropping him off at heywards halfway.
“Mom I’m home”you shouted slamming the door dropping the keys on the sideboard .After no reply you expected her to be at work so you got started on your homework so you could”relax” on the weekend.
It was now 6:30,and pope texted you telling you the party started at seven and the offer was still up before you could reply,you heard your door slam shut and you ran downstairs hoping you could talk to your mum,and catch up.
You see her figure reach for a cupboard that hasn’t been opened in years  left. this was bad.
“Hey mama how was work”you asked with a shaky breath 
She glared swigging the bottle 
“You know what sweetie “she spat “Mama don’t have to go to work an more you wanna know why because i got fired from work apparently they couldn’t handle me anymore,took to many people on,so sweetie work was fucking awful OK”she shouted 
“Oh mum I'm sorry what are you going to do i mean i think the heyw--“
“Oh shut up you’re so pathetic you know,I mean you inside on a Friday night? should you be out like a normal teenager huh?god”she scoffed 
“What mom I-“by now half the bottle was empath,being drank with such desperation 
“I’ll get another  job I’ve already got the heywards they can give me more time and an I-I’ll  get a side job we’ll be fine w-we have dads money too”
“Sont talk about hijm!It’s your fault your father left you fucking incompetent piece of shit you make everyone want to leave,no wonder you have no friends. I mean look at you your pathetic  you know these people in your books there not real DAISY god why can’t you just be normal you drove everyone away.this is your fault”
Tears were now threatening your eyes,but as you looked into the person infront of you,you didnt see sadness,you saw anger,you saw red. 
“Mum Im sorry i-ill-“
Before you could say anything she downed the rest of the bottle and threw it at you.glass smashing everywhere cutting you up.your whole arm started to bleed as you cried out in pain your mum hit you,ran out and slammed the door shut.
she hit you.hit you.you ran upstairs not bothering to protect  your arm wrapping  it up in an old shirt.you needed your best friend,you didn't have many friends but he was yours you knew that nothing anyone said could change your friendship 
So you called him running out of your house in todays clothes covered in blood like you’d been in a fucking horror movie 
“Heyyy daisy you change your mind”he answered the phone 
“Hey pope I-I need some help my mom a-are you still at a-at the p-party”you stuttered 
“Woah woah breathe daisy where are you I’ll come get you okay”
“I’m near the boneyard you still there I-I’m sor-ry f-for calling i didn’t kn—“
He cut you off “no shut up it’s fine where are you,are you hurt what happened?”
“My arm s-she h-hit b-bottle “
“Fuck where are you daisy “
“Oh-oh my god there’s so many people here”you were sure you were having a panic attack by now,-you could barely breathe
“Wait daisy I-i see you I’m coming okay wait there”
Hanging up the phone you were now just balling your eyes out in pain and hurt. You curled up into a ball only looking up when you  could hear pope shouting in the distance.
“Shit daisy”he shouted 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know where to go,my mum she she my arm I- I”
Pope wasn’t unfamiliar to your panic attacks,usually being  the one to calm you from them,/
“Daisy breath okay”he stroked your hair making you look into his eyes 
“What happened “he asked and you showed him your arm “shit daisy that’s close to a main artery your losing loads of blood C'mon let’s get you cleaned up back at the chateau “you just nodded following him his hand holding yours hiding you from the people as you walked past. Arriving at a group of people probably his friends,the pogues,. As your vision begins to go hazy you think that maybe your mum was right you are pathetic .He was out on a Friday night ,I looked like the whole damn school was here.he has his life maybe he didn’t want to be your friend maybe he didn’t want to just hurt you .realizing you were fading out he shook you “shit daisy no no no “he cursed“John b keys I need the keys”you heard him say and they were saying something about him getting some “dude shut up this is daisy she’s hurt “you heard him say and all of them looked at you,but you couldn’t bring your eyes too meet them.Soon enough pope was dragging you away and towards a shack,the chateau.
He dragged you inside and you were sitting on the Island In the kitchen/living room,this was a home.
where was your home now?.
“Here lemme see ''he pulled your arm and started to work. It didn’t surprise you he was so good at this he was always good at first aid but this?
Lucky it wasn't on a actual artery but the blood made it look worse,acknowledging the fact you'd been so quiet,he spoke up “hey D look at me “he said pointing your chin up,looking at you straight in your eyes”what happened,when your ready”he asked.As your breathing steadied,you began to speak “my mom,she got back from work sh-she just lost her job a-and”you stuttered,pausing to collect your breathe 
“hey it’s okay take your time okay”he calmed you”she hasn’t drank since..”you stopped and he looked in your eyes.Pope knew all about your dad,leaving you when you were about to go into junior year,you never knew why but one day he was their next he wasn’t,pope helped you through it,when you began to get closer.
“Your dad?”he answers for you 
You nodded
“She said that it-it was my fault that he left and that she lost her job an”you gulped,recomposing yourself“How I push everyone away and that’s why I have no friends I mean let’s face it”laughiing a breathy laugh “she’s right”popes head snapped up “Daisy!you have me,D its okay I’m you best friend and you know she’s wrong okay now this is going to hurt”he assured you,before you could ask questions your arm burned up from the straight alcohol he’d put on your arm “FUCK POPE SHIT WARNING PLEASE FUCK”you shouted and he laughed,frowning when he came too “Sorry,shit this is bad daisy,like really bad,I dont know what to do,I can just wrap it up But ii think you should go to the hospital“he said and before you could fight,a deep voice filled the room.
“What the fuck is going on pope”curse from the back of the room.After observing the heaps of bloody tissues and your T-shirt laying next to you“What the fuck happened to her man,who is this?”he asked pope who looked up at you,asking the silent of’should i tell him’ you shook your head with pleading eyes 
Pity took over popes vision as he answered JJ’s question“Jj this is  daisy,daisy jj”he introduced you and you sighed,finally meeting the blue eyed boy with watery vision“hey,sorry we,urm, woke,you”you stuttered “oh i wasn’t sleeping princess”he winked causing you to furror your eyebrows at the boy you heard stories about ,following up to the elephant int he room.”what happened”he asked,re-observing your surroundings,eyes finally meeting your bloody arm “holy shit you gotta fucking c-cat or something”he demanded .Before you could awnser,a half naked girl stumbled out of his room,pouting
“oh you really weren’t joking when you said you weren’t asleep”you giggle then pope accidentally pressed to hard into your arm making you scream “fuck pope Jesus fucking shit”you cursed 
“Fuck I’m sorry but its clean and the plasters won’t do much but I’ll wrap it up anyways i still think you might have to go to hospital”you shook your head “no no no no  I can’t pope you know that”he sighed “look nerd you know where she cut look how close that is daisy okay” pointing to your bandaged arm jjs eyebrows furrowed in confusion
You tore away from his gaze to the the floors 
“Hey jj,what's taking so long sweets”his guest said,in a thick country accent causing him too sigh turning around going back into his room.You don’t know what he said but five minuets later she was storming out the rusted doors,huffing and puffing, and left and he walked back to you two 
“Sorry”you looked at him and his eyes softened.You were gorgeous and so innocent who would do this to you?.he asked himself”don’t be she was to Whiny anyways you saved me”you smiled ,slightly rolling your eyes at the player you'd been warned from.
“Daisy”pope snapped you back to reality “hospital?”
“Pope I can’t I-I’ll just go home and-“you babbled
”no no way you're not going back there daisy okay not if your moms like she is right now”he said under his breath in attempt to be secretive
“Your mom?”jj thought out loud and you just looked at him,mentally cursing yourself 
Ignoring the blondes “you know i can’t do that pope”you mumbled looking down. 
“Why”he snapped
“Because I live there pope”you paused,forgetting the blonde”you know and it’s not like this is new, you know it’ll blow over”you urged,trying to convince yourself 
“And what if i doesn't daisy”he quizzed” what are you going to do then”he asked causing you to freeze and stand in silence. 
You walked up and hugged him,stifling a sob.Skilfully dodging your arm,you let go of him and held his stare. 
“Pope,your my best friend, okay?Well my only friend. You know that, but you gotta understand why I’ve gotta go home,Besides, she’s probably not even in,she left straight after, she’s probably out okay”you insisted”I’ve got that job with you and your dad tomorrow I’ll see you okay”you insisted
After some silence he looked at you,”I’ll drive you home okay and if she’s there your coming back to mine”he hissed”You can crash in the couch like you did last time okay “he urged”let me just go talk to jj okay”he said leaving you in the kitchen ,now only realizing the blonde had left the room.After overhearing some not-so hushed whispers,pope came out followed by a blonde who carried an angered but also slightly pained expression that left you wondering what pope said in there.Did he tell him about your mum?
After snatching the keys from the side,where you left them,he led you guys into the van.You and pope got into the back and he and just hugged you there it was nice he calms you and you calm him .“Hey pope”you break the silence“Yeah”he returned“Sorry”you apologised“Stop”he spat.
You looked up to him,eyebrows arching up in confusion“What?”you pleaded,provoking him to roll his eyes and your tendency to apologise after any slight inconvenience“Doing it”he grumbled“Doing what”you urged,oblivious to what was annoying him“You always apologise,after everything”he answered letting out a slightly breathy laugh“Sorry”you laugh realising you already subconsciously apologised.“See what I mean”he tutted“Right but thank you”you pushed“Always nerd”he promised“Geek”you sassed,falling into a comfortable silence,enjoying who you considered your family now
“Hey daisy” he broke the silence
“Hm”you humed
“Did you take them today”he asked,you sighed
“I thought I’d be okay pope,i was i promise”you pleaded
“Daisy”he sighed
“I hate them pope,they make me feel so deflated,they make me feel  like a monster”you mumbled into his shoulder
“You have to take them daisy you know that”he scolded
“I’m know i Just”you paused
“I know”he cut in 
“I don’t want to be a monster anymore pope”
“Your not a monster daisy,i promise,you're amazing bub”he praised
Finally pulling up to your house,met with a cleaver driveway you turned back to pope who was checking for the same thing you were “see”you deflated”i'll be fine see you in the morning,7 sharp kids” you teases in his dad's warning tone 
“Daisy i still think you should come back to mine  i don't think you’ll b--”
You pleaded his anxious babbling with a kiss on the cheek”see you in the morning”you demanded and he sighed
You popped your head through to the front
“Thank you for the ride jj sorry about interrupting your night” you apologised and he smiled at you”no worries princess,we oughta be seeing you in daylight too though”he asked “maybe blondie”you winked giving pope one last hug before you made your way through the door,treading carefully,just to be safe.
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ditch-witches · 5 years
Insufferable (ii) - George MacKay x reader
Tumblr media
(PART 1) (PART 3) (PART 4)
requested: yes/no (im still using the same request bye)
God bless @/okay.l0z
"Hi! I've been reading your fics and I love them so much bc there's hardly any around. I was wondering if you take insta requests and if so can you do one with George and the reader are like enemies to loves and they have really cute moments but then end up fighting all the time and then it escalates and they end up having sEx and then get together or something bc I will THRIVE IF YOU DO!" ... "Is it bad if I want it long ass?"
pairing: George MacKay x reader
warnings: oral (fm. receiving [I k n o w]), bAd wOrDs
word count: 2,751
a/n: Hey, me again.
that's all. hope you guys are having a good day!
Your nerves were aflutter as you headed from the backstage to find Mark, who apparently was positioned outside one of the back doors ready to meet the cast and support you. You grinned to yourself finally feeling a sense of hope for your scatters of a relationship with the man as you popped open the door and he smirked at you slightly. He wrapped an arm around you and you began leading him through the maze of backstage, the bustle of a soon to be curtain call keeping everyone on high alert. He swiveled around behind you looking rather overwhelmed as his eyes fought to rip from some of the extras playing prostitutes. You rolled your eyes and brushed it off before bumping into someone.
As soon as George noticed it was you, a smile played at his lips, ready to quirk something in your direction before noticing the man behind you. "Oh, good. You're here!" You stated, stepping from between the two. You didn't tuck yourself beneath Mark's arm as he placed a hand on your waist to suggest you do. You also didn't opt to take his hand, somehow wanting to keep a distance from him in front of George. George seemed to notice this as he sent you a sly look that you hoped Mark wouldn't notice. "George, this is Mark. He's my..." you trailed off, unsure of what to say Mark was but George perked his eyebrows up and shook Mark's hand without hesitation to relieve you from doing so. "Mark, George is playing Charlie." You tried not to beam at the fact that your work was finally coming to life.
Mark narrowed his eyes slightly. "And Charlie is..." He bit his lip and you froze in your place, not looking at Mark as he did this.
"Charlie's the Roman Emperor that eats baby heads and carries an ax," George broke in with an expression of severity. You closed your eyes slightly, biting back a laugh. Mark nodded, his reaction being genuine while George's nods and mannerisms were sarcastic. He was jousting.
"Oh yeah, he's pretty cool. I think he might be my favorite character, right babe?" Mark stated, slapping your ass mildly and you jumped, making George snicker. You flashed him a glare. "It was nice to meet you, man."
Mark pushed passed him and George could no longer fight his giggle. "Babe," he mocked and you lightly threw your fist into his stomach as he attempted not to laugh loudly at you.
"Go get your ax," you hissed, following Mark out and into the crowd. You attempted to push the thought of Mark not actually listening to you when you talked about your script into the back of your mind. You also tried not to think about the fact that you had looked forward to seeing George tonight more than you had Mark.
The production had somehow gone off without a problem and left you rather stunned. After the previous day's dress rehearsal, you figured there would be missed lines or faulty costumes, but no. And you hated to admit it, but George was Charlie. After the curtain fell, people were on their feet with applause. The director pulled you into a side hug, congratulating the both of you on such an achievement. Night one: done.
Mark followed you out into the commons area and straight to the concession stand for a rose. The director stood up beside the cast, answering questions and shaking hands. You didn't really mind that you weren't beside him. Mark stuffed his hands in his pockets with a flat look on his face. He hadn't really said anything but you were planning on asking if he liked anything about the play on your way home. George had slung his suspenders off his shoulders and unfastened a few buttons of his white collared shirt, looking like a businessman from the thirties who had just gotten home. He took a picture with a younger girl and as he was signing a program, caught eyes with you and sent you a small grin. Once they had cleared, you stepped up to him. "My liege," he quirked, bowing his head slightly in your direction.
You tried to hold your composure, opting for a soft smile in his direction. "I'm very proud of you. Thank you for doing so well." Your sentence came out with a tone you could recognize, especially when it came to George. His eyes lit up to accompany a smile. You handed him the rose, your hands brushing gently as you did so. "Congratulations."
He smiled wider and leaned towards you to barely press a kiss to your cheek and whisper, "You look gorgeous by the way, babe." You pushed him away from you and rolled your eyes at his small giggle. That was when Mark decided to join you at your side.
"Hey, you little shit. There weren't any Romans." Mark crossed his arms with a look of disappointment on his face.
George furrowed his brows. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," Mark nipped and you pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger. You knew you wouldn't get a break after this discussion.
"I guess that was the plot twist then, wasn't it?" George asked, looking at you and speaking with the rose.
You shook your head, at his goofy expression and Mark got closer to George, causing him to bend away from him slightly. "If I'm being honest, I didn't know what the hell was going on anyway. Like who wrote that?" You wanted to sulk into a corner and never leave the shadows at Mark's words. You were disappointed but not at all surprised. George's eyes flashed to yours for a split second and then to Mark again. His face was drained of his humor and it was like he could feel your heartbreak, yet he couldn't have known it was actually you that wrote it. Well, you weren't really slick about hiding your passion for it but he couldn't have known.
"Maybe it's because you fell asleep halfway through," George jested with an easy smile. Mark let out a hearty laugh, smacking George's upper arm. You wrung your hands at the two's interaction. "You are trivial," George quipped to Mark, only loud enough for you to hear, the smile still on his face. You side-eyed him and then nudged Mark, gesturing for the door.
"As I was saying, nice job. We should probably meet up at some point to work on your lines in Act III. There's a section that's a little jumbled-"
He cut you off. "What about tomorrow?" You were taken aback slightly but nodded in agreement. George flashed his eyes towards Mark and then back to you as if to ask you why you were leaving with a guy like him. In complete honesty, as you slid into the car next to Mark, you were asking yourself the same thing. What was happening to you?
The next day rolled around rather quickly and before you knew it, George was sitting across from you on your couch, slouching lazily with his script open on his stomach and his arm draped over his eyes. You sat cross-legged at his feet, your laptop beginning to get on your nerves slightly as you made small notes in the margins of a copy of the script and sketched them down on a notebook. George peeked out from beneath his arm to look at you as you attempted to piece together your thoughts. You took your gaze off of your notes to look at him as well. You hated how good he looked, drinking in the sight of him sprawled out in front of you. His presence was almost intoxicating to you. The way his hair was lazily strewn about and his features soft in the lamplight. He was wearing the same hoodie he had given you in the car and it was painful not to reach out and touch it.
You threw in the metaphorical towel momentarily, breaking your gaze and setting your laptop on the coffee table. "I'm getting a beer. Do you want one?" He sent you a nod and as you got up, he reached for his phone in his back pocket.
"Hey, your birthday's coming up right?" He called from the living room as you opened the two bottles. You furrowed your brows slightly and you moved back into the room, handing him his drink.
"Yeah, tomorrow." You raised your eyebrows quickly. "How did you know that?" He put his phone down on your coffee table as well.
He sent you a small shrug. "In secondary school, you gave me a cupcake on your birthday one time. It was like a leftover or something. Right place, right time."
You pulled your knees up and turned to face him. He sat up. "How do you remember this stuff?" You quizzed.
"You're the one holding the grudge against me for something I did before I even hit puberty so..." You rolled your eyes at this. "Anyway, what do you want? If money wasn't a big deal." He flipped his script shut and rested his elbows on his knees, looking at you with a smirk.
You snorted slightly. "A man-made orgasm," you mumbled without thinking, more to yourself than him. He perked up almost instantly.
"You've never had an orgasm?" His expression was rather derisive and taunting.
You blushed slightly at the realization he heard you. "Yes, I've had an orgasm, George," you hissed, breaking your eye contact. "Just not when I'm with someone else..." You took a sip of your drink, wondering why in God's name you were telling him this.
He chuckled. "That's why you're such a bitch all the time? You're sexually frustrated??" He laughed a bit more.
"Okay, rude and uncalled for, MacKay."
George crossed his arms slightly, sinking into the couch and smirking at you. "Why haven't you? Mark's dick too small?"
You bit back a snicker. "No, his favorite movie is Clockwork Orange," you replied sarcastically, sending a cringing expression in the opposite direction he was sitting.
George tilted his head back in a laugh. "So he fucks himself, really. Not you?"
You giggled slightly, shaking your head. "Can we just drop this?"
"No, wait." He swallowed, biting his cheek to keep his grin at bay. "If that's what you want for your birthday... I could help you out?"
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, get over yourself."
"I bet I can get you off." The lift in his voice matched his almost suggestive expression. Your mouth went dry at the thought of George granting your birthday wish made goosebumps run up your back in anticipation. You squeezed your legs together slightly.
"Whatever." You took another sip of your drink. He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow in your direction. "What? Why?"
"It sucks that no one's made you cum! Do you realize what you're missing out on?"
"Sure then, if you're offering," you nipped rather sarcastically.
His expression flipped to almost excitement. "Wait, seriously?" He turned towards you more. You looked up at the ceiling slightly, rolling over the situation in your mind. God, you wanted to agree more than anything. "You deserve it." You turned towards him, narrowing your eyes at him. "I'll be gentle."
You groaned. "That's disgusting." You set your beer bottle down and scooted towards him, he grinned, watching you carefully. "Alright. Go for it," you stated, sitting in front of him. "Do your worst," you quipped. He looked taken aback for a split second before laying one of his hands against your neck and pulling you towards him. The tension that had been building between the two of you dissipated within seconds as his mouth hovered near yours, lightly brushing against your bottom lip without fully pressing his lips to yours. His smell surrounded you once again, returning the feeling you had in the car to your mind. It felt familiar and almost right to be this close to him. You grabbed the front of his sweatshirt, pulling him into you and signing a peace treaty between the two of you with a deep kiss. His breath was hot against your cheek as he sighed into your lips. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, exploring the territory cautiously as his hand moved to tangle in your hair.
He broke your connection to him, leaving you wanting more of him as he gradually moved to press his lips against your jaw and then to your neck, his tongue swirling after each connection he made. Your hand rested on his forearm. "Relax," he hushed rather softly, his breath rolling over the wet spots he had just left against your skin. You let your eyes drift closed, tilting your head away from him to give him more access to continue his tactics. He pulled you into his lap, gripping onto your hip with his other hand. He moved to your collarbones and you let out a breathy moan, feeling heat spread across your body. It had been only a few minutes and you were already more excited than you had ever been with a man. You pulled his chin back up to press your lips together again, you tugging his bottom lip between your teeth and dragging it out. He groaned, breaking away from you to flip you on your back. "I said, relax," he stated, kissing you a few more times before placing a kiss to the lowest part of your neckline and leaning away from you to pull your pants down your legs. The taste of him was still prevalent on your lips as his blue eyes flashed up to you at the sight of your lacy underwear. "You planned this didn't you?" He jeered and you rolled your eyes. He pushed his sleeves up to his elbows.
"Do you suck your friends' dicks too?" He slid the garment off as you said this, settling between your legs and winking up at you.
"Only the ones I like," he quipped. He brushed one of his rough hands up against your thigh, bringing the flesh towards his lips as he mapped a trail to where you need him most. You sat back on your elbows to watch him. The mere sight of George between your legs was enough to make your stomach ache in pleasure. His tongue flattened to run against your core and your head tilted back at the feeling. "Fuck, you're already wet," he growled. You felt every vibration from his voice run through you.
"Shut up," you groaned. He took this opportunity to attach his mouth to your clit, his eyes meeting yours for only a second as his tongue began to move against you at a quicker pace.
You moaned, your thighs wanting to close around him. "You're going to smother me, love," he chuckled. The sound of his voice was a symphony to your ears as his hot breath blew into you. His tongue rolled against you a few more times before he slipped a finger into you, making your back arch. His other hand dug into your thigh, as he pressed another kiss to your inner thigh while pumping his finger in an out of you, curling every few strokes.
"Faster, George," you groaned. He looked up at you again, unable to hide his cocky grin before running his tongue over your bundle of nerves once again, adding another finger. Each of his movements brought a new sensation to your body. You felt his actions in every goosebump littering your body and every curl of your toes. You moaned, tugging the flesh of your bottom lip between your teeth and running your fingers into his auburn hair. Every time his eyes jumped to look at you through his thick lashes as his tongue swirled against you, you were brought closer and closer to your edge.
Dammit. He was going to do it.
He leaned away from you, his fingers slowing slightly. "Cum, sweetheart." You didn't think you were ready, but as he gave you his permission a sense of relief flushed through you. He smiled as you moved your hips, savoring the episode of your climax against his fingers. As you caught your breath, he ran a hand over his chin. "Happy birthday," he jested, slipping his fingers into his mouth, sending you a sultry wink.
"Fuck off," you exhaled covering your face with your hands, making him chuckle.
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tinyhwng · 5 years
i always want to be on your side
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request? yes (@minakoo1)
pairing: boyfriend!hyunjin x reader
t/w: cursing
genre: angst + fluffy ending
word count: 2k
a/n: i absolutely adored writing this! this was a recent request but i just had to write it now. im a sucker for hyunjin afterall.
summary: Your first real fight in your six years of relationship and you both lost control over your words. You confront each other, exchanging statements more painful than the next. It wasn’t until somebody breaks that the both of you realized the impact of your harsh words towards each other. 
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“Can you not see, y/n? He was fucking flirting with you!” Hyunjin screamed, his veins visible as his voice echoed in your dark living room apartment. 
“He wasn’t, Hyunjin. You’re exceptionally delusional today.” You fought back, frustration growing over you. 
It wasn’t always this way. This was the first time there was ever a misunderstanding between the two of you. You both had never been in this situation causing you two to lose control over the words you exchanged with one another.  
What happened anyway?
The day before, you had notified Hyunjin about a work dinner you were invited to. As being the only female in your team, Hyunjin’s concerns grew, worried that something bad would happen to you. You tried to reassure him, explaining that your coworkers never saw you that way but Hyunjin didn’t buy it. He was the only guy he trusts being around you alone and of course, you being alone with six other men not only pissed him off but was highly jealous as well. 
“Hyunjin, do you not trust me?” You stare into his eyes, hoping it would ease his worries. You weren’t used to him being so tensed and you only thought that it was something that would easily pass.
“Y/N, they’re guys. I-” He failed to complete his sentence, not wanting to speak for the worse. “I don’t know.”
You reached for his hand, squeezing it to calm him. “I know you’re worried, love but trust me okay? I know what I’m doing.” 
He nods but his face was still dimmed. You knew he was only agreeing for your sake but you grasped his discomfort in the situation.
“Why don’t you come with, love? I bet they won’t mind. You can come join after you finish up in the studio tomorrow.” You suggested, waiting for his approval. 
His face lit up at your idea, his worries slowly disappearing before him. He looks back at you, his eyes gleaming with approval. “That would be great.”
You and your coworkers make your way to the newly opened barbeque restaurant nearby. You texted your boyfriend as you guys settled down.
“Love, we’re here. We’ll order now but come text me when you’re on your way so your food won’t be cold once you get here.” 
“I’ll be coming now, don’t worry. Practice ended earlier than usual.”
“Okay. See you then :)”
You ordered for the two of you. Six years of knowing the boy, you had no trouble finding what he wanted from the menu. One of your coworkers interrupted your thoughts.
“Y/N, you’re boyfriend is coming right?” he asked, distributing the utensils around. 
You nod. Suddenly the front door rang, indicating that a new customer entered in which you assumed was your boyfriend. You look back, only to be disappointed that it was only the team leader from the other division of your company. You continue to greet him, regretting your eyes made contact with his. 
He goes for the spot in between you and your other coworker, the spot you wanted to reserve for Hyunjin. 
“I-” You wanted to tell him though he only interrupted you.
“Y/N, right? Pleased to meet you. I’m Jeno, head of the managing team.” He stretched out his hand which you shook with no problem. 
Moments later, Hyunjin arrives. He gives you a soft nudge, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head before taking the seat on your left.
“Happy to meet you all. I’m Hyunjin, y/n’s boyfriend.” He delivered a smile before taking a seat. 
“Ah, wasn’t this a company meeting,” Jeno beside you bantered.
You let out an awkward laugh, “My coworkers said it was fine.”
You felt a poke from your left, “I thought there were only six guys in your team?” His voice was stern, sounding offended from Jeno’s joke.
“He just came, I don’t know. He’s from another division but he’s still in the company.” You whispered back.
The night continued with no problems. The table stuffed themselves, conversing about work and Hyunjin’s job. Things started to change once the alcohol started to kick in. 
“So, you’re a choreographer huh?” Jeno asked your boyfriend.
Hyunjin nodded, “Why?” He noticed the small smirk Jeno had while asking him, irritated at his mocking tone.
“I don’t know. It’s rare for choreographers to make money around here. I just feel bad-” 
“Jeno.” You interrupted him, noticing Hyunjin’s discomfort.
“What? I’m just saying.” He takes a look at you, “You could do better.”
Hyunjin was enraged. He was starting to get impatient, your grip was the only thing stopping him from landing a punch. 
“Love,” you whispered to your boyfriend. “He’s drunk. Let him go.”
“You’re a lucky guy. Every guy in our company has probably wanted to go out with y/n at least once.” He chuckled.
Hyunjin snickered at Jeno’s comments, containing his anger as much as he could. “Oh I know I’m lucky,” he replied, squeezing your hand.
You smiled back at him, proud that he was able to keep his outrage in. 
“Girls like settling down at this time, right y/n? Guess he can’t do that for you right now huh?” His comments aggravated your boyfriend. Had you not been there, you know Hyunjin won’t back down. 
“Please stop talking. You don’t know him to say that.” You defended your boyfriend once more.
“Shut the fuck up.” The boy behind you exploded, his eyes focused on the boy on your right. You held him back before he could attempt to stand. 
“Hyunjin- calm down.”
“That fucker is trying me.” 
“I think it’s time to go.” You stood up, pulling Hyunjin with you. You felt a grip around your right arm.
“Aw, don’t be a party pooper y/n.”
Your coworkers saw the tension in the situation. Hyunjin grew furious at Jeno’s hands clutched around yours.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” He removed Jeno’s hand from your arm, almost scratching your arm. 
You flinch back, retracting your arm back to your chest, looking annoyed both at Jeno and Hyunjin. 
You pull Hyunjin with you to leave, your coworkers pulling Jeno back before making the situation any worse. 
Upset, you both left in a hurry. You entered your dark apartment, furious as you threw your coat on the living room chair. You ran your fingers through your hair, visibly disquieted about the situation. Hyunjin had watched you, not knowing how to respond to the situation.
“I told you to let him go, didn’t I?” Your voice targetted the boy, raged at his actions earlier.
“You’re mad at me? He was shaming our relationship, y/n” He defended himself, surprised that you weren’t taking his side.
“I told you, he was drunk, Hyunjin. You just made the situation worse. How am I gonna face him at work-”
“You’re concerned about that over us? Me? Y/N, are you saying you agree with him?”
“No, of course, that ‘s not what I meant.” You admit you lost control over your words. “This job is just important to me, Hyunjin. You know that.”
“He was flirting with you while me, your boyfriend, was beside you.” He quietly muttered, barely enough to be heard.
“He was drunk. I doubt he knew what he was doing.”
He chuckled, clearly annoyed at your response. 
“Can you not see, y/n? He was fucking flirting with you!” Hyunjin screamed, his veins visible as his voice echoed in your dark living room apartment.
“He wasn’t, Hyunjin. You’re exceptionally delusional today.” You fought back, frustration growing over you. “I shouldn’t have invited you.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? So what, he can freely flirt with you behind my back?”
“No, that’s not-.” Your frustration was starting to blind you, not stopping even if you knew your words were hurting. “Just stop being jealous all the fucking time.” You snapped back.
“How dare you-” He choked back at your words, his heart beating faster as his anger grew. “Was it because he said I couldn’t settle down? Are you ashamed because of that? Did you agree with him?”
“I never said that, Hyunjin. Stop putting words into my mouth. I defended you when he said.that-”
“Because you were ashamed-”
“I wasn’t.” You exclaimed. “I’ve never been ashamed of you.”
“Then why does it seem like you’re taking his side?” He disputed, his fingers running through his disheveled hair. 
“I’m not- I’m just disappointed you acted that way.”
“Are you fucking serious, y/n? Any boyfriend would act the way I did. It’s you that I’m disappointed with. Sitting there, letting him talk to you like that as if I wasn’t there.”
“What are you indicating, huh, Hyunjin? That I was letting him hook up with me?”
“Were you not? Seemed like I was the only thing stopping you-”
“Oh, fuck you.” Tears streamed down your face as you made your way to your bedroom, furiously shutting the door behind you.
You were aghast at his response. How could he think that way, you thought. You wished he wasn’t so blunt, it broke you that he could assume such a thing. 
Hyunjin was appalled at his words. Regretting it the moment he said them but his body was too in shock to stop you from leaving. He hated himself for saying such a thing, knowing he unintentionally called out one of your insecurities against you. He felt awful, both wanting to give you space and wanting to run to you.
He makes his way over to your door, hearing faint sobs from the other side. It shattered him to hear you like this and even worse, it was because of him. He didn’t mean to make the situation so severe, he really just couldn’t see past Jeno’s actions as easily as you wanted. 
He gently knocks, hoping you’d hear them through your sobs.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I was too angry to think, I’m sorry.” He crouched outside your bedroom door, awaiting an answer. 
As you soak your bedsheets, your mind was bombarded with numerous thoughts all at once. You realized that you also needed to apologize. He was right, you couldn’t stop Jeno from making those comments about you. You were too worried about your job and keeping Hyunjin calm that you were too inattentive to his flirty remarks that seemed to upset your boyfriend. You were sorry. You saw the Hyunjin’s dark figure from the crack between the door the floor. 
You made your way towards the door, gently opening it. You were greeted by Hyunjin’s body crouched down, his head tucked into his chest. You didn’t know if he was crying but you’ve rarely seen him this vulnerable. You place your hand on his back, rubbing it in circles and could faintly hear his sniffling.
“I’m sorry too. I was too angry to understand it from your perspective.” You explained. “I shouldn’t have tried to fight back. I realize he made you uncomfortable because of his actions towards me. I’m sorry.”
He lightly lifts his head, tears blurring his pupils. He promptly pulls you in, wrapping his arms around you as he stores his head in the crook of your neck.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I had no idea why I said that.” His voice muffled but enough to be discerned. 
“No, Hyunjin. It’s my fault too. I’m sorry.” You wrapped your arms around him too, gently placing soft strokes on the top of his hair. “I don’t like this. I don’t like fighting with you.”
“Me too.” The boy responded, “I always want to be on your side.”
“I’m sorry for not taking your side. You were right. I hate that I did that.” You replied.
His embrace was warm but strong, assuring your frail body that you would never be in harm’s way when you’re with him. Time stopped and the world around you ceased spinning, melting away as he gently squeezes you tighter, wanting to hold you even longer.
He felt you shift but restricted you from moving any further.
“Let’s stay a bit longer like this please, love?”
You hummed in approval, feeling him smile as he places a delicate kiss on the side of your neck. 
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do you have a curtis fic with the tenderly wiping the blood off? because if not can i request one? but if you don’t have could i have it with chris or ari? or curtis is fine but you know my love for ari haha sorry i’m just rambling now😂💕
Trust Me
A/N- I really liked how this one came out, so it gets a title. No real warnings. Thanks for sending this in babes! I did Ari cause well, I havent yet written for him and I know you love him. Thank You @official-and-unstable-satan for reading over what I had last night and giving it a thumbs up. Love you babes. 
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Red Sea Diving Resort, 70 kilometers from Port Sudan
You paced by the radio, it was silent. So silent, you just wished it would cackle and Sammy would come over in that garbled sound all radios make, letting them know they were successful, on there way back to the resort. But nothing. Occasionally Ethans voice would break through, making you jump in anticipation each time. He would ask for an answer, but there was nothing. Rachael hugged herself as she waited, nearby, ready to answer when needed.
“They will be okay Y/N, its not like Ari hasnt had them go radio silence before.”
You knew your friend was trying to assure you, but it was hard when your heart was wedged in your throat, waiting to bottom out. Here you and Sammy were similar, sometimes you thought the worst although you hoped for the best. How many times had Ari, cupped your face and made you look at him.
“Trust me Y/N” he would say.
Okay Ari, Im trusting you...
Then there was the cackle, and Sammys voice broke through. “On our way back, successful.” Both you and Rachael took relieved sighs and she answered right away. “Loud and Clear guys, see you soon.” You rubbed your face in relief and she came over to give you a squeeze around the shoulders. “Told you, its all gonna be good.”
Ari drove the truck with its ruined shocks, bouncing all over the road. It had been touch and go, but they managed to get the latest round of refugees out to safety in record time, and at the rate they were going, in just another week, they could be making this trip again.
“Can you slow it down?” Sammy asked, bouncing in his own seat, holding onto the ‘oh shit’ handle on the side. “Were not carrying refuges anymore if they stop us.”
Ari eased up. Barely, he was ready to get back to the resort, take some pain killers, crash for a couple good hours before going back to making more plans, and playing host to there current round of resort guests.
“I also wish you would let me look at where you cracked your head. Seriously Ari, only you man.”
Reaching up, he winced where his head clipped off the side of the trucks frame helping people climb out the back. It was a rushed moment, since Jake warned them that he saw headlights off in the distance, and they still had a truck full of people to get on the rafts. It wasnt his finest moment, but they got the job done and were able to hide the trucks off the beach. Once the armed men, no doubt some of Ahmed’s men, passed on by, they split out of there. Driving by moonlight till the beach was far off in the rear view. They got lucky, again.
Ari always seemed to get lucky, Sammy would sarcastically comment at times.
“Dont worry Sammy, Im fine. I will have Y/N take a look at it before we go to sleep.” Ari remarked, and his friend rolled his eyes and sighed in discouragement with his stubbornness. Ari continued on excitedly though. “It went pretty good I thought, considering they were patrolling. Everyone out, no one got injured. If we plan it right, we can go out next week, as long as Kabede can get them out of camp.”
Sammy wrinkled his brow, worry etching over his face. “You dont think thats pushing it a bit close? Ahmed is already suspicious as it is”
Ari smirked and looked over at Sam “Trust Me.”
Hours later the two trucks pulled up alongside of the resort, you and Rachael waiting just outside the main entrance to greet them back, also to find out about  why radio silence. Your hands wrung together and you blew out some hot air in a huff that fluffed your bangs. Rachael chuckled softly at your nerves and leaned in close to whisper to you. “See, its all good.” You smiled at her, an apology for your nerves, and went to greet the men.
Jake and Max came around, from one of the trucks with big grins on there faces.
“Like a charm Doll” Max said, slinging an arm around your shoulder. His good mood was infectious and you relaxed in his hold, your arm slinging around his waist with affection.
“So the radio silence was just for...?” You asked and from behind you, you heard Ari came up on your other side, carrying some of Sammys equipment, startling you. As big as Ari was, he was quiet. A skill he had picked up over the years of military training.
“There were patrols out, not far from us. We went entirely dark for a time while unloading, and had to hide the trucks.” You reached to take some of what he was carrying and caught sight of his face, near his temple was a line of dried blood, leading up to a nasty looking scrapped bruise.
Rachael caught sight of it to, wincing as she reached out to take the stuff from Ari. “Here, let me take that, and you should have Sam take a look at that.” Max collected what you had to, offering to help. Ari started to protest the two of them, when you gave him a gentle push to get him headed into the hotel.
“Shes right, come on.” you insisted, and he didnt fight you. Cutting through the lobby, the two of you skirted around the counter that was the check in, and headed into the employees only section. In the back rooms, Ari leaned lightly against the table watching you as you searched out the first aide kit. “Tomorrow Im going to go into the refuge camp, see if  Kabede is ready to bring the next group out, I know its soon, but if they can have to rescue boat back here by beginning of next week, we could start doing this alot faster.”
Ari continued on with what he was hoping for, and tidbits from tonight, while you sought through the bottom cupboard, and finally found the bright red cross case that was your first aide kit. Bringing it over to the table, and flipping it open, your ‘Mmhm’ sounding once in a while to show you were still listening, he reached over to grasp your wrist. “Y/N, whats wrong sweetheart?”
You glance at him while prepping a cloth to wipe away the blood and around the wound. “Ari... It sounds like it was a close call. If you all get caught, lets be real about this. They wont just throw you in some jail cell if your caught with truckloads of refugees.” You didnt mention the last part, the very first day you all arrived, there was an execution style killing going on right outside the window as he was negotiating just to get this place. That was a year and a half ago.
“What are you saying Y/N? You want us to stop? Were saving so many lives.”
Guilt crossed your face as you heard him, it was true. So far you all have managed to smuggle out hundreds of people, slowly emptying the refugee camps. But even in that there wasnt a end in sight. They would just keep coming, desperate and barely hanging onto the promise of freedom and safety.
“I know... I know... “ You say softly while he pulled out a chair and sat down on it so you could clean him up, thighs spreading so you could stand in close where you need to be, and tip his face slightly. “Just hearing how close they were tonight, you going radio silence. It scared me Ari. There is nothing we could do to save you guys.”
His hands moved to the back of your thighs, rubbing your tensed muscles through your pants and grasped lightly under the cheeks while you gently wiped at his cheek, the dried blood flaking off and making your way up the trail. “We have to be smart about this Ari, know when weve played our hand as much as we can without getting ourselves caught.”
Quiet for a time while you dabbed at his face softly, he finally spoke up. “Trust me Y/N, I know it. No one was more worried then I was that we were gonna be found. I drove like a fucking bat outta hell to put distance between us. I cant stop though, not right now... I wont. This works, what were doing works.”
And this was always how it was with Ari, forever will he put everyone else before himself. You knew this the day you agreed to join them on this mission, and to ask him to change? You knew he wouldnt give this up. Not for Sam, not for you, not for the family he left behind ages ago. It was a bitter pill to swallow at times, but at the same time, isnt that why you cared for him more then you should have, His selflessness?
So you set it aside for now, your fingers gentle as the trace over his bearded jawline to tilt his face further, and now careful clean up the actual cut. Its not as bad as it looked, and you change the subject. “How did this happen anyways?”
“Smashed it upside the back end helping people down. I was pulling myself up and clipped it.” Ari rolled his eyes at himself and you chuckled softly hearing it, brushing your fingers through his hair out of his eyes.
“Well fuck Ari, I apparently cant even leave you in the capable hands of Sammy to keep you out of trouble.” You tossed the cloth in the nearby sink now that he was cleaned up, and dabbed just a light amount of ointment on it to keep it clean. When you finished by rubbing your hands together quickly to clear away the rest of the ointment, he tightened his grip on your thighs and pulled one leg up, then the other to straddle him, wrapping one arm around your waist so you could brace back lightly against his arm.
“Not like you could keep me out of it either, dont worry Honey, we got this. We will stop when it gets to be to dangerous.” Your fingers brushed through his hair once more, giving it the lightest teasing tug before wrapping your arms around his neck, and giving him an doubtful smile. You knew it was a lie, he wouldnt. But right now this was another problem, another day, another worry for another time.  
Wrapping his free hand around the back of your neck and dragging you forward, his lips connecting with yours and the wild taste of sea salt, hints of nicotine, and something just him drew out a soft moan from you, a tip of the head and he was able to draw you in deeper till you were leaning in against his chest, and with a light bite, he drew away, his long fingers lightly pressing in against the back of your neck.
“Ive got you, trust me.”
You didnt want to, but deep down, you always did. 
tagging-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict @patzammit
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solynaceawrites · 4 years
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Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Lirael Thorne (OC) Rating: Explicit A/N: The one-shot is set sometime during my upcoming fic, Memory of the Waters, and features my OC, Lirael Thorne, who some of you might recognize from the AU story Promise Me Forever. @lickitysplitfic​ and I were talking about how she tries to get under Dante's skin and knows that he's got a thing for messy blowjobs featuring smeared lipstick, and this one-shot was born. It's 6k words of pure smut with just enough plot to justify it, and we hope you have as much fun reading it as we did writing it!
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Lir knows exactly what she's doing when she takes a photograph of herself with artfully smeared lipstick and sends it to Dante.
Two weeks ago, and at Nico's urging, she'd bought her second ever tube of lipstick, a dark, sinful red named Lust, and she'd worn it while going to help Dante at his branch of the Devil May Cry. He'd gotten a strange look on his face when he'd seen her, and it hadn't taken much prodding on her part for him to say that he really, really wanted her to give him a blowjob while wearing it because the idea of making a mess of her mouth was incredibly hot.
Of course, she hadn't agreed right away. While Dante is, perhaps, the most considerate lover she's had in terms of her always having the reins, so to speak, she'd never seen him that desperate, and aren't all good things worth waiting for? So, she'd continued to wear the lipstick around him, and sent him selfies of her wearing it and not much else, and, given the fact that she hasn't really seen him in a week due to the sudden influx of jobs on both ends, she knows that what she's done is just adding fuel to the fire.
Doesn't stop her from grinning as she carefully wipes the smudge away and reapplies, though.
Behind her, Nero taps his foot impatiently. "You ready or what?"
"You driving?" she asks, stowing the tube in her shoulder bag.
"Yeah. Let's go."
They head to the job site with little conversation. The portals around Fortuna had been getting little rips despite having been sealed four years ago, probably someone messing around with some unaccounted-for Order stuff. That's why Lir had been sticking around the city and helping Nero out rather than working with Dante: until they figured out why the rips kept happening, it was way safer.
Her phone buzzes and she swipes the screen, adjusting the brightness now that the sun had gone down. Lir snorts when she reads: Where are u?
Working, she replies.
A moment later: Are you coming here tonight?
No, don't know when we'll be done. Fortuna’s still crazy.
Lir smiles to herself knowing why he is asking. Truthfully, she's itching to get her hands on him too, it being days since she got her fill of Dante. What had started out as a bit of fun had turned into a full addiction, but one she didn't mind too much.
I need to see u babe!
"What are you laughing at?" Nero asks from the driver's seat.
"Dante's whining about the workload," she replies, and he snorts and drapes an arm out of the open window.
"Tell 'im he shouldn't have let a bunch of wackos open gates, then," he says, but there's no real bite to his tone. "Speaking of, can you ask him if he's plannin' on comin' out anytime soon? I wanted to ask him about this new demon we've been seeing."
"Sure." Unlocking her phone, she types: Nero wants to see you about a demon. After a moment's debate, she adds: Do you think it'll dye your skin if I go down on you?
His response is immediate. Don't care, that mouth is going around my cock.
"He said he'll swing by when he can."
Nero nods, then jerks his chin towards the radio. "See if that thing's workin', will ya? I want some music before we kill these fuckers."
She sends off a kiss emoji before stashing her phone, deciding if he answers she should leave him on read. Lir is glad they are headed for a fight, because her heart is racing now at his last text, and she is definitely going to need to work out some of this adrenaline.
The demons are easy enough, not powerful at all but so many that it keeps them busy enough. Nero gets more kills than she does, which kind of bothers Lir, even though she was busy finding the tear and sealing it up. Her knack for opening doors that was unlocked during the Order incident has extended to closing things up as well, so once she figures out where they are slipping in it's easy work.
Once the demons are gone and the hole plugged up, they are sweaty and dirty and trudge back to the van. It's coming up on 11 already, and as Lir flips down the visor to look at her smudged hair and the smeared red on her lips, Nero asks, "Want to get a drink?"
"No, I want a shower," she sighs. "Drop me home?"
"Sure." They pass the rest of the ride in their usual post-fight silence, which is comfortable and much needed for the both of them. It's not until the van is idling outside of the garage she shares with Nico that he says, "Kyrie's making meatloaf tomorrow and wants you to come."
"Tell her if she puts that special sauce of hers in, I'll eat the whole thing."
"Not if I eat it first," he fires back.
With a grin, she leans over to punch him lightly on the shoulder. "See ya tomorrow, loverboy. Give Kyrie some kisses from me."
He waves her off, though he's smiling too, and she climbs the steps to the second floor, fumbling for her keys. To her surprise, the door is open a crack; with a frown, she carefully draws her revolver from it's holster and clicks the safety off, gently nudging the door open with her shoulder. The sight of Dante sitting at her small kitchen table is almost comical since he's so damn large next to it, but the humor dies when she catches sight of the positively ravenous expression he's wearing.
"Good way to get yourself shot," she greets as she flicks on the light and leans White Queen next to the door. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Came to see you." He nods to the revolver in her hand. "You had any trouble?"
"Nope." Lir slips the gun into its spot before unhooking the holster and hanging it up.
"Good. Where's Nico?"
Lir chuckles to herself. "She's gone until Thursday. Went to see a vendor about some material."
"Good." There is movement behind her, and when Lir whips around Dante is right there. She sucks in a breath as he crowds her, stepping forward until she steps back and presses on the door. "You ready?"
"Ready for what?" she asks innocently, smiling up at him.
"For me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."
She blinks, then stifles a chuckle. "Sorry to disappoint, but you're gonna have to wait. I'm sweaty and covered in demon blood, so I'm gonna shower. You can sit on your hands if you're worried about keeping them to yourself."
"Nope." He leans down, one arm braced on the wall beside her head while he cups her chin with the other hand. "You can shower after. You know I can't stand being teased."
Lir grins and gives him a little shove, not at all surprised when he doesn't move an inch. "Poor thing. Leftie not cutting it for you anymore?"
"Leftie and rightie have retired," he murmurs. This is his thing: flirting, jokes, a sweet bit of self-deprecation . . . but tonight it's different. It's like there's no humor in his tone, and when Lir swallows, his eyes go to her throat.
"Like I said, I need to shower," she replies, her mouth dry.
"Ain't got nothing to do with your mouth, babe." His thumb smooths over her bottom lip, dragging hard across her flesh. Then he holds up his hand and glances at the light red streak on the pad of his thumb. "You still got that lipstick?"
She nods, fishing the tube out of her pocket, and he studies it for a second, his lips curling up in something that's not quite a smile. "Put it on."
Without hesitation, she pops the top off and runs the cream over her lips, rubbing them together to make sure it's applied as evenly as it can be without using a mirror, and then she closes it and deposits it back in her pocket. "You're a fiend," she tells him, only partially teasing.
Dante doesn't reply to that. Nor does he step back. His hands settle firmly on her shoulders, and Lir lets him guide her to her knees, her heart thrumming in her chest at this new display of dominance from him. Can't handle being teased, sure, but that usually ends with him beneath her, growling her name as she rides him. It's never caused this sort of reaction, and she'd rub her thighs together if she weren't kneeling with them apart, because there's an ache that's quicker and fiercer than the ones she's had before.
She runs her hands up his thighs, looking up as he unbuckles his belt. "I haven't stopped thinking about you," he growls as he yanks his jeans open.
Lir smiles and scratches the denim. "Must have been hard."
Dante laughs as he pulls out his cock. It is fully erect, and he pumps his hand a few times as he adjusts the waistband around his hips. "It's hard alright."
He aims the length towards her, and Lir opens her mouth and runs her tongue over her lips. Then she carefully licks the tip, playing with it gently, softly pressing kisses to the head. She slurps a bit around the opening, playing up her lips around his flesh, her eyes steady on his. He tastes like sex, plain and simple, and her body clenches when he rubs his thumb to the tip and reveals that it is already dripping.
Dante winds a chunk of her hair around his fist, using the strands to pull her forward, his cock sliding slowly over her tongue until it nudges the back of her throat. There's already a strain from his girth, and having his eyes focused on her mouth makes her feel a bit awkward, and the tug on her roots is just shy of painful, but all of that is worth it when he rumbles deep in his chest before drawing back. The first few passes are almost gentle, and she appreciates the fact that he's trying to let her adjust. After his behavior, though, the sweetness is almost a letdown, so she reaches behind him and digs her fingers into his backside through his jeans.
Dante huffs a laugh as he cups both sides of her face, his fingers curling under her chin. Then he begins to move in earnest, fucking into her mouth, the sharp jerks of his hips giving her just enough time to draw in short breaths. It's hot as hell, and already she can feel arousal slipping from her to soak her underwear.
He fills her mouth until it almost chokes her, the head pressing into her throat. Lir swallows around him, taking a deep breath as best as she can, tears pricking at her eyes. "Feels so good," Dante groans, his thrusts shallow enough to keep him buried.
This isn't what she normally likes; Lir likes to be on top, in control, but Dante is still somehow as gentle as he is demanding, and it makes her want to please him all the more. She had started out wanting to drive him wild enough to fuck her, but now she only wants to make him come. Lir closes her eyes and sucks his length repeatedly, shivering when he lets go another deep groan.
She drops her hands to brace them on his thighs, trying to ground herself in the solid feel of the muscles beneath his jeans. The sensation of his thumb swiping a line of spit and fluid from her chin makes her moan, the sound muffled to a whine around his flesh, and he curses as he pauses with his cock buried in her throat. "Should've put you on my face," he groans. "Nearly forgot how good it feels when ya do that."
Lir's breath stutters, and she tries to pull back to speak, but the hand in her hair tenses. "Nuh uh, babe. You gonna finish what you started."
Her eyes flash when they meet his, and she moves on her own, her head bobbing up and down with renewed effort. Lir adds a hand, grabbing the base and moving with her mouth, twisting a bit as she works him. 
Needing a quick rest, she slowly pulls her mouth off. Dante frowns, but she smiles at him flirtatiously, dragging her tongue along the underside. "You have something on your cock," she says; Lir tries to sound sexy, but her voice is as raw as her throat.
Dante grins. He tugs her hand away and grabs his length, stroking himself quickly. The other hand in her hair tilts her head back, and he presses the head to her lips. "Open up," he says, his tone a clear order. "I want to give you something."
She parts her lips obediently, and the warm rush of his seed coating her tongue has her insides clenching deliciously, as does the guttural moan that tears from him. Lir does her best to swallow every drop, but with her mouth open and how much of it there is, some of it spills over her chin, dripping along her throat. His knuckles brush her face as he milks his cock; by the time he's done, she's certain of two things: one, she probably looks utterly debauched.
Two, if he doesn't fuck her soon, she's gonna wind up begging for it.
Dante strokes her face with one hand, continuing to pump his cock with the other and, while he's moving leisurely, she's startled by the fact that he's still hard. They've gone more than one round before, but there's also been a bit of rest period between, and her mouth waters as he pulls her to her feet. "That's one," he says, his eyes alight with a dark mirth. "Now, when I'm all riled up, I've usually got about six shots in the chamber, so to speak, and I think you've earned some payback for winding me up like this."
He gathers some of his come from her chin, pressing his fingers between her lips until she sucks them clean. "So, what we're gonna do is get in the shower, and I'm gonna fuck you there. Then I'm gonna eat your cunt until you forget everything but my name before fuckin' you until you can't walk straight."
His words are crude and his voice is rough, and Lir can't stand the effect he has on her. Her mouth hangs open as he tugs her to stand, but before she can move to obey he presses her back against the door and kisses her. She grabs his shirt but he pulls her hands away, trapping her wrists over her head against the wood with one hand; the other drags down her front, massaging one breast, then the other, as his tongue fills her mouth.
Lir's jaw is aching still from taking his cock, but she responds when he tilts his head to force the kiss deeper. Their lips slide together as she whimpers, completely under his spell. Where was her sweet, funny Dante? He really is a demon tonight, she thinks, and when he finally lets her go she is panting and looking at him in a daze.
Dante smirks at her, and she sees the lipstick now smeared around his own mouth. She licks her lips, making his eyes narrow. He jerks his chin towards the bathroom, and Lir leads the way, feeling his presence behind her like a great cat on the prowl.
The click of the latch as he closes the door behind them has her swallowing thickly, and she doesn't have to turn to see the way he's watching her; she can feel it, as absurd as that is, as heavy on her skin as his hands had been moments ago. She leans into the stall to turn on the water, setting it scalding like she prefers, then begins to undress, keeping her back to him. There's a low, satisfied hum from Dante when she pulls her shirt over her head, before she hears rustling that means he's taking his own clothes off.
He comes up behind her, his chest pressed to her back as he herds her into the shower, and she's barely got time to say anything before he has her pinned to the wall, the cool tile sending goosebumps up her arms. "I want to actually bathe," she complains, and he laughs as he kisses just below her ear.
"Don't worry, I'll get ya nice and clean," he teases.
Lir bites her lip, loving and hating how much he's affecting her now, and the faint pop of a bottle being opened nearly makes her jump. The scent of her body wash fills the air as his soapy hands land on her shoulders, massaging the knots out. She relaxes with a moan, and he answers with a chuckle as he shifts to cup her breasts, his palms and fingers slippery and wonderful.
"You always feel so good," he murmurs. She feels his cock nudging her backside, the soap that streams down her body now making it slick as he grinds against her. Lir presses her palms flat on the tile to keep herself steady, her eyes closing as his cock pushes against her seam as his hand drags through the hair on her pubis.
Lir gasps when his touch presses to her hood. Her body is soaked in more ways than one and the glide of his fingertips against the sensitive bud as her legs shaking. "Yeah," he groans, thrusting up against her, and Lir gives a choking cry when his cock pumps against her hole.
Dante laughs and turns her around, pushing her back against the wall. "Maybe I'll take you there later," he murmurs, his voice dark and dangerous as he covers her. "Right now I need to be inside your pussy, so open up babe."
She spreads her legs and he grabs the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up with ease and pulling her down to impale her on his cock, smothering her cry with a kiss. They've barely gotten started, and already there's the familiar tightening in her core that leaves her breathless; when he grinds against her, her head spins, her fingers scrabbling against his shoulders for something to grip onto. Has it ever been this quick, this raw? She can't remember and, as he starts to thrust in earnest, she doesn't care.
"Baby, you're so tight," Dante pants. 
She turns her head to capture his mouth, groaning around the kiss as his cock batters in and out of her. The orgasm builds faster than she can keep up, and after another minute she pulls back with a gasp, gripping his shoulders and dropping her head back.
Her mouth drops open as the pulsing starts, sharp and intense. "You coming already?" he growls.
He leans in as if to bite her neck, his teeth gripping her skin but not closing. Then he sweeps his tongue across her skin, sending another shudder through her, the contractions continuing on. "Dante!" Lir yelps, yanking on his hair.
He groans in answer, his hands sliding up to knead her backside. "God, I love it when you say my name like that."
His hips slow, and she moans helplessly as he rubs leisurely over her walls; because he doesn't stop, neither does her orgasm, and soon the overstimulation draws a whine from her throat every time he thrusts into her. It's tender, and sweet, and entirely too much, a pleasant sort of torture that drags on and on and on until, with a hoarse whisper of her name, the first waves of his release turn the friction of his cock silky.
Lir is trembling when he finally slips out of her body and sets her down. Her grip on him stays tight to keep herself standing, and Dante presses his forehead to hers, leaving dotted kisses on her lips. "Fuck you are so hot."
She smiles and huffs a laugh, dragging her palms down his chest. "You got me dirty again."
"Easy fix." He eases back, the spray of the water aiming between them. Through lidded eyes she watches him soap her sponge and then gently he washes her body. It's almost charming as he lifts one arm, then the other, then draws large circles around her breasts, before finally dragging the sponge in a long stripe from her chest downwards.
"Don't forget your dick," Lir jokes as he washes her thighs.
Dante looks up with a wink. "If I wash that lipstick off you're gonna have to replace it."
"Don't tempt me," she warns. "Now that I know you've got a fetish, I'm gonna wear it every day."
He grins, a little sharp. "I'm not gonna complain about fuckin' you every day."
Lir snorts and relaxes as he continues to scrub her before turning the sponge to himself. As he soaps up, she sets about washing her hair, sighing as the grime rinses down the drain, her scalp feeling much lighter once she's done. Dante nudges her, and she lets him rinse off, wondering if he's planning to stay. Threats about fucking her until she can't walk are all well and good, but she knows they'll either just go to bed or, if he's got somewhere to be in the morning, he'll head home, and she's almost sad to think about it.
Which is ridiculous.
He turns off the water and steps out, looking around for a moment before he spies the shelf with the towels. He grabs one and she leans against the tile to enjoy the sight of him drying off, his muscles covered in droplets of water that flex as he works. "You like something, sweetheart?" he jokes, peeking through his bangs.
"Fuck yes." Dante tosses a towel to her, then holds out a hand to help her from the shower. They crowd together on the bathmat, and after a quick sweep over her body, Lir winds the towel on her head to squeeze the water from her hair.
"Sexy," he teases, tugging at the end of the towel, and she swats at him with a laugh. "Hope you enjoy the break, darlin', 'cause there's a lot more to come."
She peers up at him. "Thought you were just talking big."
"Now, you know I never make a promise to a lady I can't keep." His arm snakes around her waist to pull her flush to his body, and he grins at her as he carefully pulls the towel from her hair and runs his fingers through the damp strands. "You got somewhere to be tomorrow?"
"Dinner with Kyrie."
"Guess I better get started, then."The kiss this time is more playful, but just as forceful. It does give Lir's head time to clear a bit, though, and by the time he is walking her back to the bedroom, his hands roam her body and his lips and teeth tease her mouth. This is a Dante that is more familiar, and she reaches around to squeeze his backside before snaking her hand over his hip. "Let's get you ready."
"Not yet," he replies.
Lir frowns, but he lifts her easily, half-carrying and half-dragging her to the bed. He flops on top, pulling her easily and lifting her by the hips until she is over his face. Lir leans forward to brace herself on his stomach as she feels his lips graze her slit. In the corner of her eye his cock twitches, and she gasps when his tongue nudges her clit.
Normally, he takes his time, making sure to kiss every inch of her sex until she's a writhing mess. This time, his attention stays focused on her clit, his tongue rubbing over it firmly, and she scratches over his stomach when her hands curl into fists, her head dropped as she pants raggedly. He's relentless, his thumbs keeping her folds parted to expose her pearl that throbs; it's not until his own hips roll the tiniest bit that she realizes that his cock is stiff and weeping, and Lir leans forward to lap at the fluid dripping from the tip.
Dante gives a deep groan. She feels his lips slide along her sex and then his tongue enters her, pressing deep inside. Lir pants as she rocks her hips, her movements restricted by his grip on her waist, but she manages to ride his tongue slightly, forcing the tip to press against the front wall.
She mouths at his cock, not taking it into her mouth, but tracing her lips with the tip and flickering her tongue on the opening. Too distracted by the thrust of his tongue inside her body, Lir opens her mouth to let the head sit on her tongue. Dante pumps his hips to fuck in and out of her mouth as he laps at her until his lips return to her hood and wrap around her swollen clit.
Her back bows with a keen that's choked by his length as her orgasm snaps along her spine, sharp enough that her toes curl. Dante yanks her back so she's seated firmly on his face, his tongue flicking harshly over her clit, keeping her pinned by his hands and his hips so that all she can do is endure, even when the pleasure gains a thin edge of pain.
Finally, he stops, and she slumps against the blankets when he carefully slides her off of him. "Damn," he sighs. His hands smooth over her backside, his fingers teasing along the seam of her body. "You got a choice now, doll, though it ain't much of one."
She turns her head to stare at him. "What?"
"Where I'm gonna fuck you." Dante nudges her legs apart and settles between them, leaning over her. "See, I figure I've had your mouth and I've had your cunt, but this?" He squeezes her rear. "Haven't fucked this yet. But I know it ain't really your favorite, so it's your call."
Lir peeks over her shoulder. "How do you know what is my favorite?"
He laughs and presses a kiss to her shoulder. "I can't stand how goddamn sexy you are."
His mouth moves across her back, pressing kisses against her shoulder blades before trailing down her spine. She sighs and settles into the mattress, her limbs heavy and her body relaxed from the orgasm. When Dante reaches the small of her back, he squeezes her backside again, and pushes so her hips tilt up. She feels him shift on the bed as he nibbles over her flesh until reaching the back of her thigh.
Lir gasps when she feels his tongue at her sex again. Dante pushes her up on her knees, her ass in the air as he licks her slowly. She grips the bedsheet with a groan, unable to help herself as she tilts back to open herself for more. "Greedy girl," he admonishes.
"You can't keep your hands off, and I'm the greedy one?" she mutters. He bites her thigh, drawing a yelp, before returning to her slit, where he laps at her lazily. "You're an ass."
She feels him shrug before he says, "Might wanna choose before I do it for ya."
Her lips press into a thin line as she presses her face to the quilt, thinking. Or trying to between the little jolts every time his tongue nudges beneath her hood or dips playfully into her opening; if she uses his metaphor from earlier, she's got about three rounds, and two have been used, leaving her with one to his three. She's already sensitive enough as it is, so, with a huff, she mumbles, "Next time."
"Next time?"
He moves again, and Lir feels him tug on her arms until she is kneeling, his broad chest against her back. His hands grip her hips and maneuver her to sink down on his cock, her body so wet now he glides inside with ease. Lir sighs and rolls her head back to his shoulder, and when her backside goes flush with his thighs he holds her there for a long moment.
One hand moves to her neck, cradling her chin so her head stays tilted back on his shoulder. The other moves between her legs and strokes her clit, but gentle, feather-light touches that barely register. Dante teases her as he starts to fuck her deeply, his lips dancing on her exposed neck and pressing to the juncture of her shoulder. "Next time? You realize I'm going to fill you again and again tonight?"
"Dante . . ." she groans.
He uses two fingers to open her lips, exposing her clit as his cock drags in and out of her. Then another finger begins to tease it, flicking and pressing in unguessable patterns that have her jolting. "No coming then, Lir," he warns. "I'm nowhere near done with you."
That's easier said than done. At this angle, his cock hits all the right spots, and the haphazard little shocks from her clit every time he touches it already have her in knots. But she can't find her voice, or enough of it, to do more than moan every time he fills her, so she can't warn him. His mouth trails over her shoulder, his teeth scraping lightly over her skin, and she gasps when they go sharp for a second. "Next time," he rumbles, "we'll see if you can handle all of me."
Her mouth is dry as she tries to speak, but in truth Lir can't do anything. Her body is one roll of pleasure after another, his cock pushing her closer and closer to her end, so that when she feels it becoming inevitable she lets go a whine. "Dante, please!" she gasps breathlessly.
He lets her go and she slumps forward, but his hands go immediately to her hips and yank her up and back. Dante begins to pound into her, drilling his cock inside her at a hard, fast pace so that moments later she explodes around him. She presses her face to the bed to cover her screams, her body quickly going oversensitive.
When she is sure she can't take anymore, she whimpers, and Dante pulls out. She catches sight of him looming over her as her eyes close, and then a hand covers her sex, massaging her lightly. "I'm not done with you yet," he says again. Lir feels something nudge at her lips, and when she immediately opens his cock slides into her mouth, burying into her throat.
She's too tired to do much, but that doesn't seem to bother him. He pumps his hips, the tip of his cock never leaving her mouth, as his hands roam her body; one stays over her sex, stroking lightly over her slit, while the other cups her breast and rolls her nipple between his fingers. The pleasure now is dull, soothing, and if it weren't for his touch, she'd doze. Just as she starts to, he slips a finger within her core, and her eyes fly open to find him watching her with a grin that's damn near predatory.
"Need to tap out?" he asks, the taunt clear, and she reaches up to grip the back of his thigh, urging him to keep going. He laughs, rolling her breast with his palm. "Didn't think so."
Lir shakes the haze from her mind as she purposefully begins to suck on his length. Her hand slides around his thigh to reach under for the flesh hanging there, and as she stretches to deep throat his length she strokes him gently. "Goddamn," he curses, his finger teasing her opening, and a second later he pushes his cock deep in her throat as he starts to come.
She swallows the seed as best she can, and when he pulls out there is still plenty in her mouth that she gulps down. Her head rolls to the side as she catches her breath as he lowers himself on top of her, settling between her thighs. Dante nuzzles her chest, biting along the curves of her breasts and flicking his tongue against her nipples as she sags limply under him. 
Lir watches as he tastes the pink buds, swallowing thickly when he looks at her again, his expression and his voice back to the predator he has been all night. "I want you again," he growls.
She should tap out. Probably. At least, that's what Nico would say, along with a litany of curses for her being so damn stubborn, but, fuck, he'd challenged her, and she's not going to take that lying down. Or, well, she is, but she's not gonna give in and give him the impression that she can't handle it. "What the hell are you waiting for, then?"
The moment the words leave her lips, he surges forward, and she can't even cry out when he sheathes his cock within her because it knocks the air from her lungs. They've played around with overstimulation before, plenty of times, but it was always playful, while this is rough and, if she didn't know him better, dangerous. His hands clamp around her hips to cant them off the bed, and she sucks in a breath when draws back, only for it to leave her with a groan as he thrusts back in, the pace he sets near brutal.
Lir reaches up and grips the bedsheet, biting her lip as he fucks her. Her toes curl and her knees fall back and open, holding in a scream of pain and pleasure. He is simply so powerful, and it is both frightening and exhilarating to have this man, this demon, holding her and taking her like this. Never once has Lir wanted to be toyed with, to be submissive, to give up control. But with Dante she feels as though she can, she should, and so she arches her back and wraps her legs around his waist.
He groans her name, a hand on her breast, the other on her thigh. Lir is drowning in pleasure, her sex too sensitive for this, feeling every inch that pounds in and out. Dante leans forward to brace one palm on the bed and the new angle scrapes against her clit, swollen and exposed and aching. It is an exquisite sort of torture, being so desired to the point where she may not survive.
Then he drapes over her, his mouth hot and hungry as it seeks her. "Come on my cock," he orders as he kisses her, and Lir knows she has to obey. The new angle puts additional pressure on her mound, his pelvis grinding against her clit, so when her orgasm hits she barely registers except to feel the intensity of the pleasurable contractions sharpen as a fresh wave of arousal covers them both.
Through the haze, she's dimly aware of his grip on her going bruisingly tight and the warmth that fills her, so much of it that it slips out and onto the sheets. Dante pants as he kisses her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as he fills her, and she forces herself to drape an arm over his shoulders and hold him close until he begins to slow. Even when it's over, he doesn't pull out, instead blanketing her with his body, his cock twitching within her. "Goddamn," he sighs.
Lir makes a noncommittal noise and blinks up at the ceiling. His tone and posture mean he's done, at least for now, and she's got some new things to mull over, namely how insanely fucking hot it was to be dominated by him so completely. Despite the ache already blooming between her thighs, she's thinking over different things to try to get this reaction from again: lingerie, maybe, or, hell, just sprawling naked on his bed with the lipstick on? Him kissing her shoulder draws her back to the present, and she tilts her head to peer at him.
"Where'd you go?" he jokes.
"I'm here," she says weakly.
Dante smiles and moves up, his cock sliding out of her body. Lir stifles a moan as she tries to stretch her limbs, everything feeling sore and overused, like she had spent the whole day climbing. Her eyes open and close as she hears his footsteps on the carpet, and a minute later he returns with a glass of water, nudging her to sit up.
Lir gulps it down gratefully, the water cooling her sore throat. She grabs the bottle of aspirin next to her bed and pops a few before finishing off the water and handing him the glass. "Thanks," she sighs, wiping her mouth with her hand.
Dante studies her face, his brow drawn down. "You want me to go?" he asks.
She considers it. "Nah," she says, after a moment. "Might as well stay. You've still got a toothbrush stashed in the cabinet, right?"
He has the decency to look sheepish. "You know about that?"
"Yeah. And the duffel bag kicked to the back of my closet." With a yawn, she lays back, wrinkling her nose at the wet spot on top of her quilt. "Nico's not due back for a few days, and Nero doesn't come over unannounced. Though if you stay, I'm dragging you to dinner tomorrow."
Dante grins and stands again, heading into the bathroom. Lir takes the moment to admire his backside before he disappears behind the door, and then she stares at the ceiling again, wondering what the hell she is doing. Sleeping with him is one thing; but these overnights are ridiculous. They are gonna get caught, and every time they sleep together Lir promises herself its the last time. It's important to keep the sex just sex before it becomes not just sex.
He returns a few minutes later, turning off the lights before climbing onto the bed. Dante flops in a now-familiar way, using her like a pillow with his head on her stomach. Lir laughs to herself, too tired to protest as her eyes start to close. His fingers trace nonsense patterns on her thigh that lull her into sleep, his strong body solid and sinking against hers.
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bleufrost · 5 years
Crawl Home to Her || A Ben Hanscom Series
Chapter Two: The Call
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story summary
rating: m for graphic depictions of violence, gore, and adult themes
Nothing was making any sense anymore. After the incident in the bathroom, Ali was finding it difficult to know what she could believe. Obviously her eyes were playing tricks on her, but the fresh scars on her wrists that had not been there before told a different story and pleaded the validity of what she knew she had experienced. 
The sharp ringing of her cellphone cuts through the air and startles her for what feels like the fiftieth time in the past few days. Picking it up, she looks at the screen to feel yet another sense of dread that she can't quite place the cause of. An unsaved number lit up the screen, Maine written in smaller letters directly underneath. When was the last time she had thought of Maine? Why was it causing her hands to shake and leaving her wondering whether or not she should pick up? The phone nearly comes to a stop before she quickly presses the button that answers the call. She lifts it shakily to her ear and takes a deep breath.
"Hello?" On the other end there is a quick sigh of relief before a voice responds. "Hey Ali, it's Mike. Um, Mike Hanlon from Derry." 
Ali's knees seem to go numb beneath her and she quickly finds herself losing balance. She moves to sit on the bed and swallows down the panic stirring within her. "Oh wow, hi Mike. I...really wasn't expecting to hear from you." Michael let's out another breath and the rustling of his movements echoes into the phone. "Yeah, I've heard that quite a few times recently. Ali, something's happened and I promise to explain more later but I really just need you to come meet us the day after tomorrow." 
There's a look of confusion and concern etched on her face as she processes what Mike just told her. This has to have something to do with the weird things that she was seeing; there was no way that Mike calling was a coincidence when it coincided so perfectly with everything else. Just as part of her was hesitant to pick up the call to begin with, she was also hesitant to agree to meet with him again. She knew there was no way to deny him though, not when she had all but forgotten he existed until just moments ago. 
"Ali, are you still there?" Mike sounds a little nervous, maybe even desperate. There was something else that he said that was gnawing at her though. "Mike, when you say 'us,' who are you talking about?" 
Walking up to the restaurant, Jade of the Orient, was possibly the most nerve wracking thing Ali had done in years. Stopping in front of the entrance, she plays with the zipper of her jacket and does what she does best; allows her anxiety to overcome her. This may have all been a huge mistake. Mike had clarified a little more about who exactly she would be seeing here, but the details and memories were all extremely fuzzy. It was as if there was a mist layered over her childhood that no matter how hard she tried to see past, it was far too thick. 
These people had not seen her in years. She had put a lot of effort into becoming someone she could look at and love; most of which was in vain, but still, there was a stark difference between who she was and who she has become. Her black glasses still framed her face and her unruly hair still blew wildly in the wind, but that was nearly as far as the similarities ended. Would they hate her for becoming someone new? Was she even someone new; or was she still the same scared little girl that allowed the opinions and eyes of others obstruct her ability to see herself the way in which she truly was? This was without a doubt a mistake and the tug of fear instantly turns from a dull pull to a sharp stab that drives her away from the restaurant; away from them. Before she can move to turn back to her car and leave, a gentle voice carries through the wind and graces her ears; acting as a beam of light that breaks apart the mist. 
"You want a lollipop?" The voice halts every movement she was making and any that she was even considering. It takes her back to a time she swore that she had forgotten about long ago, yet standing here now she wonders how she could have ever allowed it to slip away. 
It felt like yesterday, sitting on the steps of school and waiting patiently for Beverly to make her way out the front doors. It was the last day of the school year and Ali had decided to forego her last class, opting instead to sit outside and draw her newest interest. A boy named Ben Hanscom had recently started attending school here and Beverly had introduced him to her friend not long after she ran into him in the hall. He was extremely adorable and honestly interesting to talk to; much smarter than most of the other kids that went here anyway. He was quiet and really liked to read, something she found comfort in when all the rest of the school appeared far too loud. 
Kids started filtering out around her, and it wasn’t long before shouts could be heard in the yard. Looking up, Ali saw Henry Bowers tormenting a group of kids that she had had a few interactions with in the past. They all shared a common habit of constantly being picked on by Bowers, Greta, and the awful group that followed the two leaders around. Greta was nowhere in sight, giving Ali a chance to breathe for once, until the commotion in front of her got a little more physical and Ali felt as though it was only right to help out the group of boys who had done the same for her on a few previous occasions. 
“You have some big balls beating up on people who are smaller than you, Bowers!” Ali stood tall against the boy and his friends, staring him down as much as her smaller stature could. Henry looked back at her for a moment with shock on his face, but that lasted for only the briefest of moments before it turned into a sneer. He threw glances at his gang and erupted into laughter. 
“Oh yeah you ugly fucking bitch? I bet you would love to see my balls. Too bad that easy friend of yours is the only one who can get any action. You’d know, right? I’m sure you try all the time but no one’s willing to sleep with a fucking four eyed piece of shit like you!” The sting of tears sparks within her at his words, but she refuses to let them spill; there were few things she was not willing to do in order to ensure that Bowers was not granted the satisfaction of successfully hurting someone else. 
Straightening the glasses on her face, Ali looks back at him with a twinkle in her eye that Bill, Richie, Eddie, and Stan had all come to learn meant she was about to say something that would end the argument. “I can’t do anything about needing to wear glasses, but you can do something about that ugly ass mullet on your head. Seems to me like we’re both ugly, but you’re the dumbass that’s choosing to look like that.” Bowers’ eyes come alight with anger and Richie hollers about a murder having taken place. Bill, knowing that she won’t back down just as much as Henry will refuse to, starts to make a commotion that gets the attention of the police officers standing off to the side. Henry quickly looks behind Ali and makes eye contact with the officers, he reaches down and pulls the sketchbook out of her hand, ripping a few pages and throwing it to the floor before turning and motioning for his gang to follow behind him. 
“Thanks for the help.” Stan nods to you and the rest of the boys offer up a smile as they turn and start running off, Richie still screaming about the look on Henry’s face. Ali also smiles, but that fades quickly when Beverly comes up behind her smelling slightly like garbage and leans down to pick up the book and torn drawings. 
“Everything alright?” Ali sighs and faces Bev, shrugging and brushing off a stray piece of trash from her shoulder. “Just about alright as it usually is.” The two girls make their way back to the stairs to grab the rest of Ali’s stuff, only to find the way blocked by the new kid, Ben. 
“Is there a password or something?” Beverly smiles and laughs as Ben fumbles with his stuff nervously. It was abundantly clear that the poor kid had already fallen victim to, not only the typical pains of being new at school, but also the all too common sting of being an easy target for bullying. 
When it is clear that Beverly is messing with him, he returns the laugh. Ali giggles as well, picking up her backpack once he has moved a bit, and reaching in to find something that she hoped would make everyone’s day a little sweeter. Passing one to Beverly and then unwrapping her own, she steps forward and smiles at Ben, holding out her hand. 
“You want a lollipop?” 
Turning around, the face that had eluded her for years finally became clear
Tags: (im tagging everyone who has interacted with the previous posts about this story, but if you don’t want to be tagged please just send me a message, I completely understand!)
@somebody-to-rock-you @spiritsent​​ @alexther11​​​ @floralpiper​​ @thesmittenkitkat​​ @goldenmoonbeam​​​ @daisysinadarkmedow​​ @auggusst​​ @isabellathedreamer​​ @makbubblefandom​​ @1988-fiend​​
message me if you want to be added to the list!
a/n: i appreciate every read, like, reblog, and comment so so much! feedback is always welcome and i hope you guys are enjoying this. the next chapter will HEAVILY involve ben, i promise!!
merry christmas loves!
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces Chapter 2
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Warnings: Mild Language i think
"Mom?" the kid slurred.
"No I'm not your mom kiddo," I replied to the half-awake kid. His eyes started to droop. "Just go back to sleep, you'll feel better."
He mumbled something before he passed out again.
"So, did you see his mom?" Annie asked me.
"No, by the time I got there it was just him, Grover, and Bull Baby."
We both jumped at the sound of the door opening, revealing Grover. He looked so depressed it was making me depressed.
"H-how is he?" He asked.
"He just woke up actually. Asking for his mom." I answered. Grover visibly flinched. "What happened Grover?"
"He- she-she r-risked her life, to make sure Percy and I were safe." He cried.
So, Percy, that's the kid's name. Most likely after Perseus, this must be a sick joke. But wait-
"Why was she there in the first place?" I inquired.
"Ngggh" The kid, Percy groaned.
I turned, checking what's wrong with him. None of his wounds are infected, I cleaned and treated them myself. I felt his forehead, it was a normal temperature. Then it clicked. He was having a nightmare. He began to thrash and whimper in pain. I held on tightly to his hand, trying to stabilize him.
After several minutes, he calmed down. His breathing was still a little irregular, but nothing too severe.
That's when Grover stated, "I'll watch over him now, you haven't slept at all in the past 24-hours. ."
Has it really been that long? I guess, now that I think about it, my neck really aches. I guess I should take a break. So I got up, very slowly mind you, and said my goodbyes to Grover and Annie. The minute I walked through the door to Hermes cabin I was tackled by none other than Connor Stoll.
"What happened? Who's the kid? Is he alright? Are you alright? You look like death. Have you slept at all?" He asked one right after another. I laughed softly.
"Hello to you too. I'm fine, just need some sleep. The kid is fine, he's currently resting at the Big House. Any other questions mom?"
He pouted, "Come on Phe, you had me worried. You snuck out of the cabin and never came back! You know how terrifying that is? You could have been dead, and I would have never known. Luckily I heard some rumors that you were in the big house. I tried to visit you, but they were limiting visitors to not scare the kid. But still! You can't just do things like that!" After his speech, he was nearly on the brink of crying.
Ouch, my heart.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. But you know I can't get beaten that easily." I laughed.
"I know. It's just, that dream has made me paranoid."
"Huh? My dream has made you paranoid? Shouldn't it make me paranoid?"
"But the thing is, you don't fear death! Someone could tell you that you'd die today, and you would say something like, "Oh, guess I'll have to make the best of it then." And that scares me! You have no sense of self-preservation. It's very frustrating."
I frowned, not liking this worried Connor. "Con, you're being too serious. I don't like it."
"Heh, I guess you're right. I would invite you to prank the Demeter house, but I wasn't kidding when I said you look like death." He chuckled.
"Oh, shove it. I look fabulous." We both had a good laugh. "But seriously, I'm tired, go do whatever." And with that, he left. The Hermes cabin was currently at archery, so I could nap in peace. Thank the gods. The instant my head hit my pillow, I was out.
"-ebe! Wake up!" My eyes shot open. Who dare interrupts my slumber. I shot up, glaring at the intruder, but immediately softening when I saw who it was.
"What do you need Will?" I asked the nine-year-old.
"It's time for dinner, and you need to eat."
"Okay, I'm up, I'll be there." I smiled at him, ruffling his curly blonde hair.
He laughed, "Okay, I'll see you there."
After he left I sighed, I wasn't really prepared to go down to the dining pavilion. But, whatever. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone anyway. I went down to the pavilion, trying to tie my messy hair into a ponytail, trying to at least look somewhat presentable. I was greeted with smiles from various campers. I went and got my food and walked to the firepit to dump a portion into the flames.
'Mom, whoever you are, please look after that kid. I have a feeling he won't have a very peaceful time here.'
I walked over and took my normal seat between Connor and his older brother Travis.
"B-but, I don't understand. Why can't you just bandage the wound?" Will asked.
"Because it won't completely heal. The outer part will heal, but the tissue underneath will still be separated and damaged." I explained.
"Oh. So, is this how you do it?"
"Yeah, but you're way too stiff. Relax a little bit. You're doing fine." I assured him.
I was giving Will some lessons for first aid. Even though he has Apollo's healing powers, he needed to learn how to heal and treat someone without powers.
"How come you know all of this?" He asked me.
"Trial and error," I answered truthfully. He just nodded and went back to stitching up the pig belly. I looked at the kid. He was a good kid. His healing abilities are really spectacular for his age. I mean, it's no surprise cause he's a child of Apollo. But even Michael's not this good.
"Hey, Phoebe! Could you patch me up real quick? Got in a little trouble with the dragon." My good friend, Beckendorf said as he walked into the infirmary.
"Again? You sure you can tame it?" I teased.
"It doesn't need taming."
"So you're saying it just doesn't like you."
"Just patch me up." We laughed, as I got the needed materials to heal his burn wounds.
"Bite this," I said shoving a piece of cloth in his mouth.
"These are nasty burns, and this aloe will burn like hell. i'm warning you ahead of time."
"You just can't stay away from him, can't you?" Annie questioned.
"He's a patient of mine. I want to make sure he's okay. Plus, he just lost his mom, he'll need someone when he wakes up." I replied.
"Whatever. But you do know that he's the one from the prophecy."
"I really don't care Annie. He's a kid that's gonna be confused as hell when he wakes up. And Mr. D doesn't exactly make the warmest of welcomes."
"Well, I'm going to go do archery."
"M'kay, have fun."
After she left, I cleaned up the kid. I wiped the drool off his face and fed him some food. I stood and went to wash the bowl inside the big house. Grover passed by me and visited Percy on the porch. I heard muffled talking, the kid must be awake now. I walked outside and sure enough, I found Grover and Percy talking.
"Hey, kiddo. How're you holding up?" I tentatively ask Percy. He looks at me with a confused face, before realization dawns on him.
"You- you were that girl, who saved me." He said.
"I didn't exactly save you. You already did all the hard work. The name's Phoebe Jacobs. Nice to meet you."
He started to tear up. I panicked, did my name offend him?
"Woah kiddo, you okay? Did I offend you?" I asked worriedly.
"N-no. I'm fine." That was a total lie. "My name is Percy Jackson," He held out a trembling hand to me and I shook it.
"C'mon. Chiron wants to speak with you." I told him.
Damn. This kid's tough. He can't be much older than 12. But he still has been through more than most have in a lifetime. And now he's going to face an even tougher challenge.
Mr. D playing pinochle.
And thats chapter 2! I was going to post this tomorrow, but nobody is gonna read it anyways, so why wait 😂. But I hope you guys are enjoying it, and I know Connor is SUPER DUPER OOC AND IM SORRY. But let me know what you guys think, and if you would be interested in my other OC insert ideas.
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