#anyway i promise the story is more serious than this and they dont actually sound like this
sunlightfeeling · 1 month
so..... how did you get into smap, anyway? (i would like to hear the origin story)
hiii anon! i would love to tell this story!!
first the elevator pitch version:
like a lot of more recent fans (i.e. post-JE launch), i was a victim (affectionate) of the RGG to SMAP pipeline
…bit of a boring story, and honestly isn’t a real indication of how I got to have this brain (affectionate, i love having five old men stewing in my brain all hours of the day 👍😬)
sooo im going to tell the story of how the pipeline hit me so hard 😄
the real origin goes back to 2021…
(im gonna make a cut for this story because this is gonna be long long - i promise this isn’t an exaggeration)
so back in 2021, i had an xbox one and game pass (side note: game pass is so worth it, actually fantastic)
and I found a series that I had never heard of…Yakuza
downloaded Yakuza 0 and started it up
really dug the vibes, story, music, legitimately everything
then I reached Majima’s first chapter and ooooh the opening got me good
not too long after getting to this chapter, I was graciously gifted a ps5
and one of the first things i did was…
…impulsively buy every Yakuza release on ps4
…and the Judgments as soon as I realized they were under RGG’s umbrella
…after only playing like probably less than 10 hours of a prequel
(disclaimer: i do not mean to romanticize/minimize impulse purchasing; I’m more trying to give an accurate image of how deeply invested I got in a series that essentially sent me on my path; i was/am very fortunate and cognizant of how lucky i am to be able to cover/shield myself from consequences of my actions - so to speak lol)
probably six-ish months and 2 hiatuses later, I reached Y6
and i dont know if it was because the game was the last Kiryu game (at the time) and I was getting all emotional, or if it was because the likeness to Kuroda was pretty…
<stares at pictures of Y6 Kiryu way too long>
…preeeetty 🫠
i started developing (what knowing what i know now call) a hyperfixation on not just Y6 but also Kuroda Takaya lol
basically listened to his music whenever I could/on repeat; Y6 was the only thing I wanted to spend my free time playing; etc etc etc
(for reasons, this fixation actually led me to consider my possible neurodivergence; I wonder why 🤔..🥲)
finish Y6 and become baseline-which-isnt-really-baseline normal about Yakuza when I play LAD7
but then….
“Alex, stop hyperlinking sound effects”
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yeahhh it’s Judgey Time
okay so ive mentioned in tags somewhere but i actually didnt have high hopes for Judgment
at all
the cover just didn’t do anything for me at all…
…and i thought the protagonist was ugly 💀
(im actually genuinely serious, this isn’t me “not like the other girls”ing; i vividly recall looking at the cover when it was about time for me to start playing it and whining to my then-bf that I wasn’t sure I was gonna like it cuz the guy looks really weird 🤣)
but i booted it up and right when Yagami shows off his badge in the prologue
I didn’t realize at the time but the seed had been planted and baby that beanstalk grew
Halloween 2022 (and I only know this date for a fact because I memorialized it texting then-bf about it) is the day I decided to look up who this guy really was
I can’t recall what made me finally look him up, whether lurking on the Yakuza subreddit or just something in the game, I dunno
i shared it once but I’ll share it anytime i can…
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^^ this was my first Kimura photo
the first one I actually paid more than just a passing glance at anyway……
…i finished judgment in like two/three weeks [and not in a rushed playthrough by any means - getting all the cats, doing all the side cases/romance, etc.] (have a text trail of me going into the finale and date stamp is p exactly two weeks from Halloween 🥲)
started lost judgment immediately because i have texts days after this bitching about dropping money on the dlc before even starting it lol (again: not recommending/romanticizing; just giving perspective on how active my brain was about RGG/Kimura already)
now this…..this is where my timeline gets fuzzy
because i cant really remember how fast i beat lj before starting his dramas
or if maybe i started them before even finishing the game
skipping ahead to January 2023 and I’ve definitely wrapped lj by this point
and have watched a fair amount of kimura dramas (i genuinely cant give a number tho 😭)
around this point, ive determined that im fairly confident in being audhd
and i personally would have described kimura as a combined special interest-hyperfixation at this point (because the intensity would ebb and flow in a way)
started collecting things, starting with his albums and his live recordings (and eventually a lot lot more [I’ll get back to scanning consistently eventually I promise lol])
the defining moment to when I finally crossed from Kimura to SMAP…
…was actually watching Go with the Flow
I had heard bits of SMAP, but, as many unfortunately discover, accessibility to their music is…..well it’s just not there lol
I even got YouTube Music because I found playlists of SMAP performances and could just listen to them while I was working or driving
not that I could really hear them all that well since they were all live performances w screaming or muffled audio/crunchy audio/remixes/etc etc etc
(except for pams seigi shoutout to pams seigi [sorry goro 😔; also i linked that specific one for the tags but please look in the reblogs for a diff version of seigi that they did because it’s ridiculously good])
On Go with the Flow, Kimura performs “Style” which made me go on basically a witch-hunt to find the song since it wasn’t an album track and I didn’t know SMAP’s discography
Eventually found out it was SMAP (Kimura solo on s.m.a.p specifically) and decided that I actually really needed to listen to SMAP
aaaaaand I did ☺️
and then I found Jes yeah no I definitely didn’t
and…that is my SMAP origin story
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sammy-the-haze · 10 months
I would love to hear more about your bisexual trans-alley Grandma. Has she told you stories about any of these people in her long list of lovers? I would love some 20th century sapphic memories.
Whether or not you feel comfortable sharing more about your grandmother, I hope you (and your grandma) have a lovely, beautiful day.
My nana! I forgot that I talked about her on here before but I’d love to share, I love talking about her. Before I start, I feel like I should add that when I said “long list of lovers” about her before, I was being a bit dramatic. But she does consider herself something of a heartbreaker. Anyways, here’s some of her stories from over the years.
There was a girl that went to her catholic school. The two of them used to climb trees together and they snuck around the tunnels under their school. They stopped eventually because they were found together and separated. My nana moved schools at the end of that year.
She talks more about a woman that she describes as “the best dancer she’s ever met.” They lived together in spain for a while (I’m not sure exactly on the timeline, but at least 2 summers) before she met my grandfather. They worked at a vineyard together. My nana would tell me of her when she drank red wine. They remained close several years after their relationship ended, only losing touch after she moved to the US. She told me once that she had promised not to tell the woman’s name, so I don’t know it. My nana refers to her as her “dance partner.” For years, she’d drink a bottle of red wine and sit on the back porch, where she could see the muscadine vines growing.
In my life, there was M. They shared an apartment on the beach. M was introduced to me as my nana’s roommate, on the instruction of my mother. This was the first of my nana’s girlfriends that my family met. They lived together until M had to go back to caring for her daughter, but visited each other a couple times a year for a long time. I don’t know why they lost touch, but upon M’s death, the daughter found and sent dozens of letters to my nana, postcards from all over the world. Until her age caught up with her in recent years, she was determined to visit all of these places.
In 2020, right before covid started hitting the US, I got to see her charm first hand. My family had gone to see a friend of mine’s band and my nana ended up talking to a woman that said she was in her early 40s. They exchanged phone numbers and hung out a few times before the woman left town. I’m unsure how serious their relationship was, but the woman tried to give a “let’s keep in touch” and my nana told her “if you’re going, then go” and they haven’t spoken again.
I never directly told her I was trans. I think my mother or sister did, as she knew my name and everything when I eventually did talk to her about it. I think it was the most nervous I’d ever seen her at that point in my life. She asked me if I was happier this way, as Sammy. I told her yes and she nodded like I’d confirmed something she’d been milling over and said okay. She still slips up, but less than most of my family (excluding my sister, who is awesome and hasn’t misgendered me in years), and only in English.
I was brought up with a little spanish but started seriously learning it in high school. I actually stuck with it and have been learning spanish (not super intensively) for over 5 years now. Every time I try to practice with her, she rolls her eyes and tells me I sound like an American and sounds words out for me.
She’s grateful that I’m trying to learn spanish but she doesn’t hide that she’s talking to me like I’m a baby every time. And in the same vein, I’m grateful that she’s trying to understand my gender and relationships, but I don’t hide from her that she still has a long way to go on some stuff.
She’ll be 84 in January but dont tell her I told you she’s a day over 75
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imovyn · 1 year
That was so interesting, thank you for sharing!
I was talking about those church dances. They are pretty popular where I live, we have one Mormon church and we'd travel to the dances in the same... Stake? I think that's what they called it
I went to 1. It was pretty fun, it was kinda funny to see everyone wearing super appropriate attire and dancing to songs with nothing explicit in them. My siblings went to a senior prom dance in the public school and oh boy did it sound totally different.
Wait, so, the magic underwear thing is only after you've been to the temple? How serious is that "rule" cause I have some friends and her mom has worn tank tops before and all I saw was her shoulders. Maybe when it's not 80°F outside... Idk. The whole concept is wild to me.
I also learned that while youre in the temple, some do baptisms for people who have already passed? Why, and how?
Also during temple trips, what do you even do? I've heard you wear white and just pray the whole time.
ok long answer ahead
yeah its called a stake. a stake is made up of 10 or so wards, which are like the people you go to church w and generally do activities with and stakes will sometimes get together for activities like dances. nah i never went to the stake dances just bc i didnt really want to, it’s cool that you went and had fun tho, yeah i can see how some people would like those more than school dances. i did go to a dance at a stake youth conference tho so that was similar. every year theres girls' camp for the girls and high adventure camp for the boys but every once and a while we would all get together for youth conference, i went to one ward youth conference which was just a fun camping trip, and the stake youth conference was in the middle of the winter in cabins it was actually a blast and the dance was actually pretty fun. the church may be fucked but at least the camps are fun
how often people wear their garments is an indicator of how committed they are to the faith kinda like the earring thing. some people wear them almost all the time, some only when they're going to church or something. its not a hard and fast rule, but there is the belief that they will protect you from harm, like if you get in a car crash, so they are for your own benefit.
omg i am so glad you asked about baptisms for the dead. ok so there are a series of covenants, which have been described to me as promises made with God that you have to have done in order to get into the highest rung of heaven (the mormon afterlife is. so weird. its so complicated) and if they werent done during life, they can be done on your behalf by someone else. you can get baptized and confirmed (priesthood holders, usually family, lay their hands on your head and given the gift of the Holy Ghost and confirmed a member of the church holy fuck this religion is weird) at the age of 8, and starting the year you turn 12 you can get baptized and confirmed on behalf of people who have passed away. mormon temples are the only place baptisms for the dead can be done but your own baptism can be literally anywhere, there are baptismal fonts in most mormon churches for that.
anyway in order to enter into the temple you have to have a temple recommend which needs to be renewed each year, which you get by interviewing with your bishop (the ward leader) and he asks you if you keep the commandments and believe in the Godhead and Joseph Smith and stuff (very controversial part of the church, i was lucky and always had really nice bishops growing up but i have heard stories of kids straight up being asked if they masturbate ahaha lol) i remember the last few times i went saying like yeah i dont believe in the church :) and then just not having a temple recommend and when my young women's class talked about organizing a trip to the temple i had to be like yeah im not going anyway :)
i did go when i was younger tho and like actually believed in all of this tho, we would go before school on wednesdays which tbh was kinda fun. it was early but the temples are so peaceful. but a little creepy. the temples are mostly worked by older people who are usually very nice, you walk in in sunday dress and show your recommend. mormons are obsessed with family history and genealogy and own FamilySearch, an incredibly extensive library of family history stuff where you can track your family tree back generations. the reason theyre so obsessed w this is because they want you to perform covenants for all your deceased family members so you can be reunited in heaven. the church is INCREDIBLY focused on the family. you can bring family names to the temple or the temple will just give you random ones, usually about 4 or 5. they'll give you clothes for the baptismal font, which are all white jumpsuits, or you can bring your own if you have them. the baptismal fonts in mormon temples are kinda cool tho, the font rests on the back of 12 oxen statues, representing the 12 tribes of Israel which is whole nother can of worms, and the room that theyre in is v beautiful. anyway there are locker rooms to change in, and you'll go wait in a room w a window overlooking the baptismal font room and either do baptisms or confirmations first. the entire process is meant to be very reverent, and they have scriptures and church magazines in the waiting room if you're bored.
baptisms, you'll wait on benches on the side of the font until it's your turn, hand the dude sitting on the side the names as well as a slip of paper with your own name, and walk into the font, he'll display them on a screen where another dude who's gonna be baptizing you (if its a trip w people from your ward like i did when i was younger usually a priesthood holder just from your ward) can see them, there's a very specific way in which you hold onto his arm so he can quickly dip you all the way under, (and you can hold your nose so you dont get water up it) its believed you can only be baptized if youre completely immersed and he'll repeat this prayer for each name that you have: "(Brother or Sister) your name, having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you for and in behalf of temple name, who is dead, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." he would then dip you underwater, and repeat for each name that you had. then go take a shower in the locker rooms. tbh getting ready for the day in there w my friends was kinda fun.
for confirmations it was basically the same, they would take about 5 people into a room and each person would take turns sitting in a chair where usually 3-4 priesthood holders would lay their hands on your head and repeat this prayer for each name you had: "(Brother or Sister) your name, in the name of Jesus Christ, we lay our hands upon your head for and in behalf of temple name, who is dead, and confirm you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and say unto you: Receive the Holy Ghost. Amen." and again repeat this for each name you had. then shake the hands with all the dudes. the entire process of baptizing and confirming a few people in a group of about 10 people takes less than an hour, and we would go get donuts afterward. looking back this was. weird. other covenants have to be done for the dead too, such as endowment, marriage sealing, and receiving the priesthood for men. (but you have to be older for those so i dont know a whole lot about them) The idea is that people who died without having these done cant move onto the next step in the afterlife until someone on earth does all their covenants for them. this is also a kinda controversial part of the church, as people have performed covenants for the dead on behalf of like. holocaust victims. but it is believed to be a divine mission given by God to baptize and confirm as many people as they possibly can.
temple trips can mean covenants for the dead like i just described, endowment, marriage, family sealings (done when a baby is born or a child is adopted) and tbh the inside of temples is kinda gorgeous. before theyre dedicated, theyre open to the public, and i got to see the provo city center temple before it was dedicated, which is a way cool temple because it was an old tabernacle that almost burned down
anyway this is really long and rambly again but agh the church is just. why is it like that
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 3 years
Sanji and Ace meeting fem!s/o’s parents for the first time
I accidentally deleted the request like the idiot i am, so basically it was “Ace and Sanji meeting their fem!s/o’s parents for the first time, but the s/o gets upset at an embarrasing/mean thing the parents said towards her boyfriend(s)”
Sorry for the long wait! Time flew by way faster than i thought it would and i really struggled with this lmao. Hope this is to your liking! If not just let me know and i’ll do my best to fix it!
I didn’t rlly know how to end these im sorry, um i made sanji’s more angsty than needed because i just did but oh well
Warnings: like one swear word, your dad is kinda a dick and disapproving of your relationship in sanji’s
Portgas D. Ace
He would not dress up, instead simply putting on an unbuttoned shirt instead of remaining shirtless
He might- might take off the hat but thats only if you REALLY want him too
I think he would be pretty relaxed about meeting your parents
You on the other hand was not
I mean dont get me wrong Ace is a sweetheart and all, but he also can be pretty gross without meaning too
You two were planning on heading to your parent’s house so Ace could finally meet them, so in the meantime you told him to keep a few promises
“No using anyones clothing as napkins, finish chewing before talking, and if they say something that annoys you please don’t fight them.”
He’d give you a thumbs up and a smile as he said he’d keep the promise
So here you guys are, in front of where your parents lived
Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for them to show up
As Ace introduced himself he bowed and had a bright smile
Your parents smiled back and let you two in
So far so good
All of you were just relaxing in the living room, your parents sat across from where you and Ace sat
Your parents listened as Ace told a bunch of stories about his life, it mainly consisted of the trouble he’d get in with his brothers or how he met and fell in love with you but he was having fun sharing them
Your parents seemed to be enjoying his company and that made you happy
After talking for a while your mother decided to make a quick meal for everyone in which Ace asked if he could help a bit
Your dad decided to put him in charge of setting the table
He had almost dropped a plate in the process but he got it done and wore a proud smile
It wasn’t long until you guys began to ate and you could tell Ace was definitely holding back from how he usually acted
“Whats the point of forks when i can grab it so much faster using my hands?” he mumbled to no one in particular
What really surprised you was that he made sure to properly chew his food before speaking
You were really happy that he was keeping his word but sadly all good things come to an end
“Wow! Mrs.L/n your food is really--”
He passed out.
He passed out face first into his plate and your parents could only stare
You could only sigh as you tilted his face so he doesn’t manage to suffocate
“Oh my, is he okay?” your mom asked in a worried tone and you nodded your head
“Ah yeah he’s fine. Hes a narcoleptic thats all. He’ll wake up any moment”
And not even a few seconds later, Ace straightened up and continued eating like nothing even happened
Your mother laughed
“Oh wow! He reminds me of a baby!”
He rose a brow at the two of you, unaware of what you were talking about, food still smeared onto his face
You clicked your tongue and grabbed a napkin before wiping his face
“See he is like a little kid” she repeated and you rolled your eyes in response
Ace’s eyes widened a bit as he finally understood what happened
“Did I pass out again?”
“You passed out again.”
He rubbed the back of his head and gave an apology to your mom who in return laughed loudly
“Oh no worries dear, when y/n was younger she would pull countless all nighters and end up doing the same thing”
“Mooom stop it”
“Oh shush this is all light hearted fun”
As your dad started a separate conversation, Ace grabbed your hand under the table and smiled
He was having fun, even if you guys were being teased
Vinsmoke Sanji
Idk how i feel about this one rip
He was a bit nervous yet excited
He couldn't wait to meet the people who raised you, but he was worried if they wouldn’t like him
He chose to wear one of his best suits and cologne despite your protests
“Sanji its just my parents, you don’t need to be any more fancy than usual” “Nonsense, i should take it seriously so your parents can see im serious about you.”
He’d insist on making dinner for them
Once your parents arrive he puts on a charming smile and introduces himself
Skip to dinner, Sanji made sure to sit everyone down and serve them
Some nice small talk was made when suddenly one of your parents asks him if Sanji truly loves you
An instant “of course!” was heard from Sanji before he started listing hundreds of things he loves about you
Honestly he said a bit much since he strayed off from personality and perks to more your physical appearance and more
You had to kick his leg under the table to get him to stop
Your dad put his fork down and looked at you
“I don’t want you dating him”
“Can i ask why?” you ask
“Sounds to me your boyfriend is simply a pervert. He’s probably just after your body”
Now this Sanji got upset at but you acted first
“Seriously?? Did you listen to anything he said just now? Yeah he appreciates my looks but he clearly loves me for who i am, do you only hear things that make you upset or something?”
You were hoping it would stop right there but no, of course your dad had to say some more huh
“Isn’t he just some chef anyways? Its not like they make a bunch of money, he’s probably mooching off of you”
You stood up so fast your chair was knocked down
“How dare you say that about Sanji? Hes not just some chef, he’s one of the best out there. That doesn’t even matter actually, good chef, bad chef, he would NEVER mooch off of someone. Using people, especially women is completely against his character! Sanji has been nothing but nice to you tonight, and here you are completely shitting on him!”
You huff and wave your hand, mumbling how you wanted some fresh air before heading outside
It was only a few seconds before Sanji joined you
“How are you doing love?” He’d ask and you’d whirl around and face him in surprise
“How am I doing? Sanji they were saying bad things about you! Im SO sorry about that, my dads usually not that much of an asshole and-anyways, How are you doing??”
He’d chuckle and assure you he’s fine
“I’m not gonna lie, i was pretty upset when he said i was using you for my own gain. But seeing you stand up for me, getting upset for me really warmed my heart.”
He’d give you a hug while slowly rubbing your back
“But what do i do about him not approving? What if he says to break up??” you ask and sanji tilts your chin up towards him
“Who cares? We are all adults here, its not like his disapproval will suddenly stop the love we have for each other.”
You slowly nod at his words and he smiles before giving you a quick kiss
“Now lets head back in and finish dinner” “Oh but its going to be so awkward now”  you complain but you still walk with him back inside
When you guys return to the table, your mother shoves your dads shoulder which made him stand and walk up to Sanji
Before the blond can open his mouth, your dad is already apologizing
“Look, Im sorry about what I said. It was harsh and based on my daughters reaction, clearly untrue. I just dont like to see my kid grow up, much less dating someone. Just promise me one thing, Sanji. Promise me you wont break her heart” he says putting a hand out
Sanji gave him a nod and a firm handshake.
“I promise. I would never be able to live with myself if I did”
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cryptidofthekeys · 3 years
Siren!Marvin x Sailor!Jackie - My Jolly Sailor Bold
Yes, there is a reference to that song both in title and in the story, here’s a lil somethin for MerMay also I really just thought of what if, Marvin but s i r e n and my head went wRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN- anyway I hope y’all enjoy? Its killin  me not editin the dialogue text like I usually do BUT i just dont have time so r.i.p
Jackie was gathering his equipment up and then placing it in the boat, as he finished that up, his friends had come up to him, one of them shaking their heads “Jackie… I’m worried about this… You’re going to one of the most dangerous spots out there!” Another friend spoke up “Yeah… There’s talk of a siren that owns those parts!” Jackie tilted his head “A siren? One of those old folklore tales?” He grinned “Hah! I don’t believe in such fairy tales!” Another friend shook their head “J-Jackie… Sirens are serious business! They aren’t just folklore or fairy tales, sirens are REAL and they are evil, horrible creatures! Haven’t you heard?” The other friend interrupted “About the mysterious disappearances of many sailors out there?! People have even been nicknaming that place The Siren’s Sea!” Jackie rolled his eyes “Look, guys, I appreciate you trying to look out for me but I promise, I’ll be fine! If anything tries to come after me, well… I’ve got some pretty powerful equipment, I can take care of myself!” And then Jackie was climbing aboard his boat, double checking to make sure everything was all there and ready to set sails!
His friends pleaded and begged, one stepped forward and gave Jackie a hug “Jackie… We can’t stop you from doing this but please… I fear as though you’ll ne’er return again if you head to The Siren’s Sea…” Jackie sighed and hugged his friend back, pulling the rest of them into a group hug “Guys, I promise… I’ll be fine, I WILL return to you, I swear… I’m the best sailor around and I know I can handle myself out there! I’ve made a vow to explore every part of the sea I can, and this place is no exception! I’ll be back soon!” His friends sighed and waved Jackie off as he set sail across the seas, heading out to this infamous place in question, he didn’t really believe in such things as that, he was just going out there because he was curious about the area, he had never really been out that far but truth be told he had heard it had a beautiful cave hidden around the place, and he was determined to find that cave!
Eventually after what felt like ages of sailing, he finally made it to the place nicknamed ‘The Siren’s Sea’ He looked so relieved to have finally made it, sure, it did take a good bit to get to most places out on the seas but this felt like an eternity! The air around this infamous place where sailors had gone missing was thick, almost deathly thick… It did give Jackie a chill running up his spine but nonetheless, he looked off into the distance and noticed a cave, perhaps that was the one! Although, it was strange… That wasn’t very hidden… Either way he’d go check it out, he began sailing over to the cave in the distance and midway he suddenly got a feeling, a bad feeling, that someone was watching him… He looked around as he sailed, however he saw no one in particular, he also saw no sharks around either so he took a deep breath and chuckled “Them stories my friends told me must be messin’ with me… Yeah, that’s it…” He then continued onward and once he made it to the cave he looked around it, it wasn’t the one he thought it was but it was still pretty nonetheless! It seemed to go deeper than he thought it did as well, he squinted as he looked ahead, his boat could definitely fit through the cave so long as he was careful enough!
He eased his boat into the cavern and pressed forward, this was a big cave, bigger than most! Maybe this was the right cave! It looked almost endless as he sailed through it, this cavern was very beautiful even if Jackie didn’t find the hidden area, this would do him fine, as he continued sailing he decided to sing a tune to keep himself from getting bored, it was anything in particular really, just a little tune he had made up in his head, however unbeknownst to Jackie… A creature was swimming along the cavern, it’s head perking up as it heard the tune echo throughout it’s cavern “What a… Gorgeous melody…” It muttered to itself, and while the creature usually knew who sang each song, whose voice was whose, this voice in particular however, it was unfamiliar with… The creature was curious, it needed to find out who was singing this wonderful tune! It swam ahead, trying to locate the source of the noise, of course the creature was careful to keep its distance or stay hidden, because not all creatures, not even of its own kind would be friendly toward strangers… And or of course, it didn’t want to risk scaring the other off! Once the creature had managed to find the sound, it let out a soft gasp, this was no creature…! This was a… A damn sailor! Trespassing in it’s cavern no less!
However… The creature would not deny, the human had such a beautiful voice… To be a sailor no less… No matter, the creature did not take kindly to trespassers, especially not sailors… It slowly sank underneath the water, deep enough to where the sailor wouldn’t see it right off the bat and proceeded to follow the ship, meanwhile… Jackie continued sailing along, looking around as the cavern seemed to get more and more sparkly, he finally sailed into a big open area of the cavern, sparkles from one end to the other and there were even a few spots out of the water to stand on, some crystals strewn about on the ground, once he got in the middle of the area he stopped his boat and looked out, he was curious as he jumped off and into the water, swimming to one of the spots he could actually stand on in the cave, he pulled himself up onto the rocks and grabbed one of the crystals he found “Wow… Such a beautiful place…” The creature stayed under the water, listening intently to the sailor, well… At least the sailor could appreciate the beauty of his territory, he wouldn’t reveal himself just yet however… Meanwhile Jackie was picking up some crystals and bringing them back to his boat, he was going to take a few with him just because they were so pretty… And then he continued onward, man the cave was HUGE! Eventually, he came across an even larger opening with three tunnels ahead of him…
He had no idea which one to go through so he parked his boat in the middle and then sat down and sighed, beginning to hum another melody much to the creature’s delight below him… After a few moments it decided to join the sailor in singing a tune, this made the sailor’s eyes widen as he got up and slowly approached the side of his boat to look down into the water, he saw something… It was coming up! Annnnd… Whatever it was had splashed water in his face upon coming up to the surface, great, he had to take a moment to wipe the water away and once his vision cleared, his eyes widened at what he saw… There, resting on the side of his boat, was another man…  His green hair tied up in a man bun, his eyes as blue as ironically enough, the Ocean… That’s really the only thing he could see underneath his cat mask (y’all know what that looks like, sometimes a writer can get lazy and or tired with descriptions and that’s okay)
He looked like a normal man actually, a grin was splayed across his face, revealing needle sharp fangs which Jackie had to admit unnerved him a bit “Ah, hello there darling~! You are the one who sings, yes?” ...And he could talk like a normal human apparently too and that’s when Jackie saw the other’s tail swaying behind him, it was a mixture of various greens and blues and honestly… It looked so beautiful, and then it hit him… “A...Are you a Siren…?” He asked rather bluntly, to which the creature tutted at “Well how rude of you… Ignoring my question like that, however unlike y o u… I WILL answer a question… Why yes, yes I am dear~” Jackie also saw his hands, they were webbed and the other had claws “Woah… So my friends WEREN’T lying?!” He looked… Surprised but not scared, more so in awe than anything “Of course not! Why would they lie or make up such a thing? We aren’t just folklore, fairy tales, no no, none of that! We are quite real… Now, would you be so kind as to answer my question from earlier?” Jackie nodded “Oh yeah, sorry… I was the one who was singing, yeah! My name’s Jackie!” The Siren smiled at this “Ah, Jackie… What a lovely name~! My name is Marvin, it’s nice to meet you… Which is not something I say often about sailors you know…”
Jackie blinked in surprise before realizing “Oh uh yeah… Other sailors probably try to capture creatures like yourself, yeah?” Marvin only rolled his eyes, an irritated expression now on his face “Oh it’s S O much more than just mere capturing… Your kind has tortured mine for so long now… I suppose us sirens can fetch a high price but is that really any excuse for all the damage that has been dealt?” Jackie shook his head “Not at all… I uh… I really hope you don’t think I’m here to do that, I promise…! I was just passing through here, if you really need me to though I can just turn back” While he really didn’t want to turn back, if Marvin wanted him to he would do so, he wasn’t going to break any rules or trespass where he wasn’t wanted! And then he realized, his eyes widened as he looked back to the crystals “Oh shit… Uh, if these are yours by the way, I’ll also give 'em back, I don’t want any trouble here” Marvin clicked his tongue and smirked, resting his head in his hand, he wouldn’t deny, despite this man being a sailor he was MUCH more polite than all the others that had ever came through here… Nonetheless, a sailor is still a sailor... “Mm… You can keep those, they aren’t of any importance to me…” He paused for a moment.
Then Marvin got an idea “Actually, I would love it if you did one teensy little thing for me, darling…” Jackie tilted his head “Oh? What’d that be?” The Siren paused to clear his throat before staring straight into Jackie’s eyes, and Jackie swore that very stare had just pierced his soul “Well… I would l o v e it if you’d sing a little melody with me... After you sing with me, you can be on your way, I p r o m i s e…” Marvin was lying right through his teeth, the only place this sailor would be going was down below, but he wouldn’t deny, the thought of bringing Jackie down below and drowning him was triggering something within him, something he had never experienced before… No matter, this was still a sailor, sure enough if he ever tried to trust him, he’d be captured, tortured, or killed! He couldn’t risk this… He had to focus! Jackie could swear the other’s eyes were glowing now but he didn’t really know… His mind was starting to feel fuzzy, something was wrong here… “Upon one summer’s morning…” Marvin began, looking at Jackie expectantly who instantly followed up “I carefully did stray…” (dont worry im not going to type all the lyrics i s w e a r) Marvin seemed pleased with such a quick response.
“Down by the Walls of Wapping… Where I met a sailor gay…” Well… Jackie wouldn’t deny that last part at least “Conversing with a young lass…” Jackie continued, not wanting to keep Marvin waiting, absentmindedly getting closer to the edge of the boat and toward The Siren himself who seemed pleased with this so far “Who seemed to be in pain... Saying, Jackie, when you go, I fear you’ll ne’er return again…” And then simultaneously both Jackie and Marvin began to sing, Jackie coming closer when Marvin motioned for him “My heart is pierced by Cupid… I disdain all glittering gold… There is nothing can console me but My Jolly Sailor Bold…” As Jackie got closer Marvin began slowly dipping back down into the water, and Jackie knew something was wrong, despite not being able to stop singing along with Marvin and not being able to take his eyes off the other, deep down he knew this wasn’t right! This was what his friends were trying to warn him about wasn’t it! He desperately tried to pull himself out of whatever trance The Siren had put him under but it seemed to be no use as his body slowly began following Marvin under the water, he was beginning to panic internally now at this as he tried to hold his breath.
Now it was only Marvin continuing along the song as he gently placed a hand on Jackie’s cheek, he could sense the panic in the other and that seemed to strike a nerve in him, why was he feeling so odd?! This wasn’t anything new, he used his powers to gain control over the sailors, he dragged them down below to drown and then eat them! It wasn’t anything he hasn’t done before so why this particular sailor was he feeling… Sympathy for? He tried to continue downward but the farther he went the more Jackie began to panic, some of the panic had become external and Marvin saw the bubbles, shit… This just… Ugh! He quickly grabbed Jackie and headed back to the top, he carefully tossed Jackie back into the boat and then gave up his control, the other coughed and spluttered a little bit, grasping at his chest as he heaved in some breaths, his body was now beginning to tremble and he swore he felt tears prick at his eyes, meanwhile Marvin only sighed “I just can’t do it, not to you…” Jackie looked confused but he didn’t even dare look at the other as he spoke “I-I yo...you… What the f u c k…? Wha-What were you trying to do…?!” Marvin glanced toward the sailor, it pained him to see the other in such a panic, and because of him no less, he spoke not a word as he quickly dove back below, maybe at least now he wouldn’t have to worry about the sailor coming back.
Jackie gasped “Wa-Wait!” He called out and quickly made his way back to the side of the boat and looked below, he couldn’t see the siren anymore and he only sighed “What was that all about…!?” He muttered to himself, still feeling shaken he decided to turn back and call it a day, no way he was going to continue forward after that! He quickly managed to turn his boat back around and head out of the cave, not aware of the siren in the distance watching him leave… Marvin sighed “...Why couldn’t I do something so simple…? It’s in my n a t u r e…! I’ve done this for so long now…” He mumbled to himself, watching as the boat finally disappeared, he cursed himself mentally for letting the sailor go, he should have just continued, there was no way he had… ...No, he wasn’t even going to dare think that, he retreated back to the deeper parts of the cave so he could do some thinking… Meanwhile Jackie despite still being shaken up, he was still curious, he wanted answers ...And he knew what he’d have to do if he wanted to get them, but damn he wasn’t ready nor prepared for that ...Not yet anyways.
A few weeks had passed, Marvin was just swimming around in his cave, the waters were awfully quiet around the place and that sailor hadn’t come back yet, maybe Marvin really had frightened him off, it was for the best, no way things would end well if they got too close… It was a shame really, because that was the first sailor who had ever been nice to Marvin and showed him kindness… ...He had been thinking about what happened almost every day now and the more he thought about it the more he regretted it, the more he regretted scaring Jackie like that ...He still wouldn’t admit he was growing fond of the sailor, no way but he at least hoped that maybe… Just maybe he’d get his chance to apologize… He jumped upon hearing a boat in the distance, he glanced over and squinted, there was no way… No way that was him, he was just secretly hoping, after a few moments The Siren’s eyes widened as the boat got close enough for him to see, that… That WAS Jackie’s boat! Shit! He quickly dove down and began swimming to the furthest part of his cave, sure, he wanted to apologize but that sailor was probably angry with him, he could have brought weapons with him! Maybe that’s why Jackie was back, to seek revenge for what happened which wouldn’t surprise Marvin really.
And then sure enough, there was Jackie… He was coming upon that same cave, the one where he almost… Jackie shook that thought away, all he wanted was some answers… He did bring a harpoon just in case but he really didn’t want to use that, he didn’t want to hurt Marvin or any other creatures really, it was just for a last resort… As he pulled into the cave he took a deep breath and stopped the boat when he deemed it was far enough in, he then put on some of his equipment, sure, he had brought this last time… He could have followed Marvin then but he was just too scared at that moment, too shaky, but now… He finally felt he was ready to confront The Siren, if he’d even answer his questions, for all he knew Marvin could just easily attack him, and like it or not… Despite their previous encounter, Jackie did still have some interest in Marvin, he was still curious, once he got everything set up he finally took a dive below and began swimming further into the cave, he wondered if Marvin would even still be here, for all he knew that Siren could have moved locations by now, he didn’t necessarily know if they stayed in one place all the time like a home of sorts but he supposed if he got the chance maybe he’d find out today.
This cave was much prettier than he originally thought the deeper he went, he noticed that even if he wanted, there was no way his boat would fit through this spot, it was far too small, he also noticed there were MANY more crystals and shiny objects this far ahead, he didn’t dare touch anything though, he didn’t care about the treasure at this rate, that was the last thing on his mind, right now his only focus was trying to find Marvin! And eventually after a long while he managed to come to what was presumably the end of the cave, he stifled a gasp as he saw Marvin, laying down on one of the flat rocks and looking… Sad? He was messing around with some rocks, gently tossing them to the side… Jackie slowly swam forward, trying not to make much of a sound but Marvin only sighed “Why did you come back?” Jackie seemed startled at that question, even more so when Marvin turned around… The Siren’s eyes instantly shot over to the harpoon in Jackie’s hand and then his gaze shifted back to Jackie’s “Ah… Revenge, is that what you seek? Because, I won’t deny… Heh… I probably do deserve it BUT I still will NOT go down without a fight…” Marvin slowly rose from his spot and fully turned toward Jackie.
Jackie shook his head “I… I don’t want to fight… I didn’t come here for revenge, can we please just… Talk…?” To Marvin’s surprise Jackie slowly released the harpoon and he watched it float up to the surface “...I… You… You do understand how easy it would be for me to devour you right now, yes? And you just… Let that weapon go… The ONLY thing you had to defend yourself with? ...Darling, I admire your bravery but that was oh so stupid…” Jackie flinched as Marvin began swimming toward him “Like I said, I don’t want to fight you…! I just… I just want answers…” That made Marvin stop and raise a brow “...Go on…” Jackie paused for a moment to adjust some of his equipment before continuing “I just wanted to know… What were you planning to do with me?” Marvin sighed “...Like all sailors really, I had just planned on drowning you and then eating you… There, I’ve answered your question, you may leave my home now” Marvin turned away, heading back to lay on his rock but then froze instantly upon Jackie’s next question “...Why…?” The Siren turned back around, a confused expression on his face “...What do you mean ‘why’...?” Jackie instantly followed up and swam a bit closer “...Why didn’t you?” The Siren’s eyes widened a bit at that “...I… I just wasn’t feeling hungry, that was all, what is it to you anyways?”
Jackie shrugged “I just wanted to know, after all, I heard you say you just couldn’t do it, not to me… That doesn’t sound like you just weren’t hungry to me… You acted like I was, I don’t wanna say special, but I’m just another sailor, so why was it so hard for you to just… Kill me?” Marvin looked a little… Well, Jackie didn’t know how to describe his expression, he flinched a little as Marvin suddenly swam up to him “Good because trust me, you shouldn’t flatter yourself… You are not special to me, you are just another sailor like all the rest, I could end you right now if I so desired!” Marvin bellowed, he knew damn well however that what he just said was a complete lie, but he was determined not to let Jackie find that out, he went stiff upon hearing Jackie’s next words… “Wh...Wh-Wha...What did you just say…?” He wanted to be sure he heard that correctly, there was… No way, he surely misheard that! And then Jackie looked him dead in the eyes and spread his arms “...Then do it” Externally, Jackie was as calm as could be, he tried to keep himself calm internally because right now he was poking the bear or in this case The Siren… Marvin looked taken aback, he was shocked at what just came out of the other’s mouth.
“...Do you… Have some form of death wish? Is THAT the true reason that you came back…? Or are you just dumb…? Taunting a Siren like this, you have no IDEA what we are truly capable of do you?” Jackie shook his head “Not at all, honestly, I had no idea beings like you even existed originally, the things I’ve heard about your kind, people depict you as cold blooded killing machines essentially, but if I’m being honest… You don’t seem all that bad, you seem nice actually” Marvin blinked in surprise before he shook his head and got closer to Jackie “...Well I’m n o t… You’ve signed your own death warrant by coming back here, s a i l o r…” He hissed through his teeth, and Jackie wouldn’t deny seeing those razor sharp canines were not… Pleasant but he had to keep his confidence, but mentally he couldn’t help but curse himself for being THIS risky with a literal Siren! 
Marvin raised a clawed hand, letting out a hiss as he glared at Jackie, who didn’t even break his gaze with the other, the more Marvin stared at the other the shakier his hand got, eventually he sighed and lowered it “...Just get out of here already, I have asked so many times yet you STILL persist and stay, don’t you realize that you have overstayed your welcome…?”
Jackie practically beamed and internally he was sighing in absolute relief, he grinned “I knew it…! So I was right!” Marvin wouldn’t and honestly really couldn’t deny that, that did get him to smile a bit, the sailor was… Awfully cute when he was happy or excited ...Ah hell… Marvin really was falling for a sailor wasn’t he…? Of all things, a Siren falling for a sailor… “You are such a strange individual, you know that Jackie? You come back to the very place you could have died, you confront the exact same Siren who could have caused said demise, and then you even go as far as to offer yourself to me like some sort of… Sacrifice… I must admit, that is very flattering…~” Marvin grinned “...I would hope however, that you know not to do that to just… ANY Siren of course…” Jackie nodded “Don’t worry, you’re the only one I uh, I guess I trust to do that? I didn’t believe you’d hurt me anyways” Marvin chuckled “How charming… I have to admit, you are one of the nicest sailors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting” Jackie’s face turned a slight shade of red at that “O-Oh… Really?” Marvin nodded “Yes actually~ I mean, most sailors would have come back for revenge, which I suppose would be fair... Yet you came back here just for answers and then did, well, t h a t… Honestly, it’s a nice change of pace to see a sailor as different as yourself”
Jackie nodded “Oh uh, yeah it… I don’t think I could hurt you, even if I wanted to ...W-Which I don’t, don’t g-get me wro-” Marvin held up a hand “Darling, relax, I understand what you meant” Jackie seemed relieved about that “Uh, y-yeah… So like, I… That’s really the only reason I came down here, was for answers… I can leave now if you want me to?” Marvin paused for a few moments before shrugged “Eh… It isn’t like I’ve got anything better to do today so, you may stay for a little while… Although are you s u r e it was ONLY you wanting answers… Or perhaps… Were you still curious about me?” Jackie’s face flushed a little red and that made Marvin chuckle “Aww darling~ Admit it, you ALSO wanted to see lil ol’ me as well didn’t you~?” Jackie shook his head “I… N-No… It wasn’t anything like that…! I just…” And then he trailed off, shit… How could he make a comeback here…? Meanwhile Marvin only had that shit eating grin on his face “Well? I’m waiting~” Jackie just shook his head and crossed his arms “...Just.. Sh-Shut up…” He pouted a little and that made Marvin laugh, that was a genuine laugh and that definitely caught Jackie’s attention as Marvin stared at him “Oh darling… You are quite adorable… That little pout on your face… Although, I can’t say I blame you, I mean… Who wouldn’t want to see such a magnificent creature as myself~?”
Jackie only rolled his eyes “...A narcissistic creature at that…” Marvin merely chuckled “Narcissism or just purely confident in myself~?” Jackie gave him a look but refrained from saying anything else, he watched as Marvin then swam around and looked him over “You know… I am curious, what is all that equipment you have on you? I am… Not familiar with a lot of things that humans have” Jackie smiled “Well uh, the thing on my back is my oxygen tank, it’s why I can be down here for so long actually!” He then cleared his throat before continuing on.
“Next the mask here protects my eyes so I can well, ya know, actually see down here… And the suit helps me keep warm because honestly, this cave isn’t too heated eheh… And the flippers, it helps me swim a bit faster honestly” Marvin nodded “I see… How interesting… Well, I suppose it’s fair… Given how humans differ from creatures like me…” Jackie nodded “Yeah, you’ve got gills to breathe under the water forever, you’ve even got claws and teeth to defend yourself with just like that! You’ve also got a beautiful tail and…” And then the sailor trailed off as he realized what he said “I mean… uh-” Marvin seemed to perk up at this “Oh? You think my tail is beautiful~?” Jackie sighed “Yeah I mean… The u-uh… The scales are… Very beautiful honestly…” Marvin hummed at that, he wouldn’t deny, that made a blush appear on HIS face which was impressive, no one had ever been able to make him blush before “Mm… Thank you dear… Of course someone such as yourself can appreciate true beauty when he sees it~” ...Okay, Jackie didn’t know how to really respond to that so he simply nodded and then something beeped, he pulled out a strange device and his eyes widened to which Marvin raised a brow at “Something the matter Jackie…?”
The sailor looked over at the other and shook his head “Sh...Shit… This oxygen tank won’t, uh,  last MUCH longer… I gotta get back to the surface…!” Marvin frowned “Ah… Such a shame but… Do what you must, after all, I don’t want you to drown… No no, you’re FAR too lovely for such a cruel fate as that…~” Now it was Jackie’s turn to blush “A-Ah… Uh… Th-Thank you…? I’ll come back and visit if you really want me too! I have plenty of oxygen tanks back at home…!” Marvin hummed for a second before nodding “Yes, I would like that very much…~” And then Jackie was waving Marvin off as he began swimming away, once the sailor was out of sight Marvin only sighed and smiled “...I cannot deny it… I am falling for him… Heh… How quaint…” And then Marvin looked down at his tail, he noticed a greenish blue scale was coming off and that gave him a brilliant idea… He gently took hold and pulled it off (don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt him, sometimes a scale or two will fall from him) He then swam down toward the bottom and gathered up some other materials and various crystals, he knew what he would make for that sailor… He quickly got to work and began crafting the item, meanwhile…
Jackie was swimming back up to the top, he wasn’t… TOO terribly worried, he felt like he had plenty of time to get back to the surface and he wouldn’t deny, he couldn’t get that siren off his mind… Now usually a siren can play many tricks on a human but he didn’t feel as though this was trickery, in fact, the things Marvin had said about him seemed so… Genuine… ...Maybe Jackie was just hoping for that though, he had definitely felt things about the siren, he just shook his head, he shouldn’t get his hopes up though, there’s no way Marvin ACTUALLY likes him back, why would a siren, especially one like Marvin love a simple sailor like him? ...And then suddenly, Jackie heard some gentle humming that startled him, he quickly spun around and saw three sirens coming out of the shadows “Ooh… Lookie here~! We’ve got another f i l t h y sailor who’s dived down here and decided to steal all the treasures for himself~!” Jackie’s eyes widened and he put his hands up in defense “N-Now hold on… I didn’t come for tre-” The siren only swam over and hissed right in Jackie’s face and before the sailor could even t r y to get away the other two sirens came over and held him by his arms, he tried desperately to struggle against them but to no avail, they were strong, far stronger than he was.
What he presumed to be their leader grinned maliciously and chuckled “Hmm… You know if you weren’t a sailor I’d actually consider you cute~ But no matter… You should be running out of oxygen soon~” The siren gave a look to the others and they tore his oxygen tank clear off, casting it to the side which made him panic internally, shit… He wasn’t prepared for that at all! He continued to struggle, trying desperately to fight at them and kick at them even if they were stronger than he was, he STILL wasn’t going down without a fight until… The leader came closer, gently cupping his face and locking eyes with him, they began singing a soft melody and slowly but surely Jackie stopped resisting, his eyes growing slightly cloudy as he listened and swayed his head from side to side “There we go… Good boy~ Just relax now and listen to our wonderful melody~” The other two sirens giggled and joined in with their leader, making sure Jackie’s struggling and fighting ceased, he could feel his body going slightly limp but he wasn’t passing out, he just… He was beginning not to feel the need to fight back anymore, deep down however was that terror that was slowly building, despite his mind feeling fuzzy, he still knew if he didn’t get back up to the surface soon he’d run out of oxygen.
He tried his hardest to gain back control of himself, to try and continue fighting but their song was just… So powerful, who knew a song could hold such power? Granted… There had to be something more to a siren’s power than just an ability to sing, either way… After another few moments had passed, he could definitely tell needed to come up for air and f a s t! He still couldn’t struggle as the leader opened their mouth, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth that were ready and eager to devour him, his eyes widened slightly as he heard them all hiss, this was it, this was going to be his demise wasn’t it…? He couldn’t even close his eyes to avoid looking at the maw that was staring him straight in the face… Before the sirens could all begin to feast, suddenly they were all blown away by what Jackie had thought was a strong current originally… However he quickly snapped out of his trance as they had stopped singing and he looked to the much larger siren in front of him now, it was Marvin! And he heard Marvin snarling at the other sirens “I will only give you all o n e warning and one warning only… Stay. The. FUCK… Away. From. Jackie… He’s m i n e and mine alone… I should kill the three of you right now for your pathetic insolence anyway!” He hollered and the three other sirens cowered, huddling together “Ohhh!” The leader got another glance at Jackie only to look back at Marvin after he put a hand out.
“This sailor is YOUR prey?! O… Oh, we are so terribly sorry oh great one…! We had no idea that he was your pr-” Marvin hissed “He is NOT prey… Let me make this very clear, the three of you are to warn ANY other sirens out there that this sailor is NOT to be harmed, if I find one singular h a i r harmed on him, I will not HESITATE to end anyone who d a r e s to touch something that belongs to me…” Marvin heard some bubbles from behind him and he quickly held up a hand, suddenly, a bubble was forming around Jackie’s entire body and he gasped in some fresh air. This was strange but nonetheless he wasn’t complaining in the slightest, he could breathe and he felt safe and secure in this,  he heard the leader of the sirens apologize profusely “This will NEVER happen again sire…! We cannot express how terribly sorry for this!” The other sirens nodded and Marvin only hissed, baring his fangs “Enough with your apologies… I have heard enough, get out of here and don’t e v e r come near him again…”
And that was enough to send the others swimming away for their lives and Marvin then sighed, calming himself down and turning back to Jackie who was still breathing heavily, mostly trying to calm himself down from everything that just happened “...Come now darling… Let’s get you back to the surface…” And just like that, Marvin was swimming upward, the bubble slowly and carefully following behind him and Jackie could tell he was on edge, the siren kept looking around and behind himself to make sure the ones that had swam away wasn’t trying to attack him from behind, he seemed relaxed again whenever he saw the only thing behind him was Jackie and eventually he made it up to the surface, the bubble popping just as soon as Jackie got onto his boat, the sailor could feel his body absolutely trembling… Marvin leaned against the side of his boat “Are you okay, Jackie? Did those disgusting wretches hurt you at all?” Jackie shook his head much to Marvin’s relief “I… If yo… If…” He was a bit too panicked to try and get out what he was saying… Marvin noticed this and beckoned him over which Jackie slowly followed, carefully… The siren took ahold of Jackie’s hand “Shh… It’s okay now… Just breathe my darling… They cannot and will not hurt you ever again… I promise, I will let no harm come to you…”
Jackie took some deep breaths and focused on Marvin’s face, looking into the siren’s eyes was so calming and relaxing… He trusted Marvin after all so far “Just breathe in and out with me dear…” After a while of doing the breathing exercises, Jackie seemed to calm down finally “O...Okay… I… I’m good now… Thank you, so much Marvin… I-If you hadn’t shown up wh-when you did th… Then I…” Marvin lifted a finger and shushed him “There’s no need to worry any more about them… They wouldn’t dare defy the likes of me… They along with any other sirens out there will never bother you again” Jackie nodded and then he realized he and Marvin were still holding hands, he didn’t pull away however, his face only turned slightly red but he was… Grateful and honestly glad to see Marvin right now “I was originally coming to give you something but then I sensed you were in trouble, I should have swam back with you in the first place, I knew there were other sirens that populated this area… I’m so sorry Jackie…” The sailor blinked and gently took his other hand and placed it on Marvin’s cheek “H-Hey… C’mon Marv… Don’t beat yourself up over that…! I mean… How could you have known that those three would even be here, sure, ya might have sensed me in danger but that doesn’t mean you can predict what or when danger is coming… I promise… I’m fine… Besides, you did STILL come and save me!”
Jackie grinned and pulled Marvin into a sudden hug, being very mindful not to pull the siren fully out of the water “I’m very thankful you got there when ya did…!” That made Marvin sigh and carefully he placed his arms over Jackie as well “...I know but still… I should have not been that careless, next time, I will be here waiting to escort you around, and I will accompany you through this area…” Jackie smiled “...I appreciate that… I really do…” And then they both pulled away and out of the hug and then Marvin noticed, he chuckled slightly “...Isn’t this a familiar sight?” Jackie raised a brow “What do you mean?” Marvin gestured to the positions they were now in “Just like when we first met out here, when I first… ...Well um… A-Anyways, speaking of, I want to apologize… For… That…” Jackie blinked in surprise but merely shrugged “It’s okay Marv… It’s crazy though, it feels like years since that day, then again a lot HAS happened…”
Marvin nodded “Yes, I suppose things have been… Hectic as of recently, I can assure you, things should calm down now ...I would hope anyways, for our sakes” Jackie nodded “Yeah for sure…” Jackie looked out toward the entrance of the cave and saw the sun setting in the distance “Wow… That’s… Really pretty…” Marvin looked to where Jackie was and smiled, for a while, they sat in silence as they watched the sun go down before the sailor then realized “Hey wait… You said you had something to give me, didn’t you?” Marvin’s eyes widened “Oh! I almost forgot!” Marvin snapped his fingers and suddenly Jackie felt something around his neck, he looked down and gasped at what he saw, he took it off to get a better look at the item… It was a necklace, the pendants were all various crystals of different sizes and colors and in the middle of them was a bluish green scale and if Jackie’s eyes could they would sparkle right now “...Yo...You made this for me…?” He looked over to Marvin who smiled and nodded “...Yes, Jackie… I have something I wish to tell you… I hope this is not too sudden… But, from the very first day we met, granted, I DID unfortunately try to eat you… I felt something deep down that I have never felt for anyone else ever, not my own kind and certainly not a sailor…”
Marvin cleared his throat and Jackie could tell he was nervous which seemed extremely out of character for someone as confident as Marvin “As much as I tried, as much as I so desperately wanted to deny it… You were and are still very special to me… I, ahah… You probably are going to think this is ridiculous given the kind of being I am but Jackie… The truth of the matter is…” And that’s when Marvin hesitated, he could feel his heart beating more rapidly, he was never the type to really be nervous but this time… It was different, much different, deep down he was terrified of being rejected but at the same time he wouldn’t necessarily blame Jackie for rejecting him given what he tried to do upon the first meeting but… Marvin also knew, it was now or never “...Jackie… I… I… lo… l-lo… I love you….” He finally stuttered out and waited for what he thought would be rejection and heartbreak, to his surprise though Jackie smiled so brightly and after quickly placing the necklace back around his neck he leaned in and gave Marvin a kiss on the lips, this took the siren off guard and his eyes went wide, slowly but surely however, his eyes had fluttered shut and he kissed back, the kiss lasted for as long as they could manage before Jackie had to pull back to take a breather “...I love you too Marvin…” And then that made the siren’s heart flutter, his tail gently swaying behind him, and then he gave Jackie a genuine smile.
This was pleasant… He would make sure no harm ever came to this sailor, even if he had to tear down entire ships or the ocean itself to make sure of that, he would never let anyone try to take him away either, this sailor was his and his alone! He didn’t quite register Jackie’s question until the sailor snapped his fingers and that made Marvin snap out of his thoughts “Hm? What is it dear?” Jackie looked curious “So… Those sirens back there, why did they call you sire?” And that made Marvin sigh, only giving a slight smile “Oh my love… That’s such a long story, and one for another time… For now, how about we enjoy some peace and quiet under the full moon tonight, hm?” Jackie sighed, he was curious but he wouldn’t push on it, he only smiled and gave a thumbs up “Okay Marv, okay… ...Love you…” Marvin hummed as he gently intertwined his hand with Jackie’s “...And I love you as well, my jolly little sailor~”
(If y’all really want, i’ll talk bout the sire ordeal just shoot me an ask if your curious about all that anyhoo- im actually proud of this one)
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Hey guys!! Thank you sm for those who have been reading and liking the story!! I NEVER THOUGHT in a million years people would actually read my writing..
@yams-wants-that-booty there ya go bestie!
Oikawa's pov:
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Iwa said in a bad mood.
" I went to the other side how I told ya... Also, where are the others? " I questioned.
" I moved them to guard another place, and I HAD TO WAIT HERE FOR 2 HOURS. "
" SHEEZ I WAS STARTING TO THINK THEY KILLED YOU OR SOMETHING! " he sounded very serious he really was a concern for me.
" Yea DONT worry n- no one saw me. " Shoot I stuttered now he is going to know for sure I'm lying...
" SHITTYKAWA THATS BS! WHO! IN THE HELL SAW YOU! You better start talking or else we can be in some big trouble if people find out. ". he stood there tapping his foot as he has his arms crossed.
" Well maybe? The Princess of the Gods saw me.."
" HEY HEY HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE! " I  yelled at Iwaizumi
" SHE DIFFERENT.. When she found out who I was she wasn't scared nor she didn't tell anyone. " I say defensively
" How do you know she isn't going to tell everyone she just met her forbidden enemy. "
" She asks to come over here to meet you guys.. If she were to tell, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't ask to see you guys.. " I looked at Iwa and he had a surprised look.
" Hmm, and are you going to bring her? " he questioned.
" We will if we aren't careful.. So let's be careful. I can promise you that you will also like her. She has a different aura from others! "
Iwaizumi still had a concerned face.
" Fine, I trust you. Let's go now the prince will be coming soon. "
" LEAD THE WAY IWA-CHAN!! " I say happily.
When we got back to the palace, I saw Matsu and Maki.
Maki came up to me and ask
" So you see any cute chicks "
" Actually I  DID~, "  I say smirking at him
" OH OH OK I SEE YOU," Maki said
" You guys want to know something? " I say laughing
" She going to come here TOMORROW NIGHT!! "
" Wait WHAT?! " Maki and Matsu said in union.
" WELL I GOT TO GO, I have to go meet with the PRINCE~!! "
I began to walk to the conference room
I turn back to see Maki and Matsu in shock.
Hehe, can't wait for them to meet y/n!
Minutes later...
When I got to the conference room, I spot the price of Shiratorizawa sitting. Next to him was a guy with red hair as he wore purple armor.
" Ah Oikawa Toru pleasure to meet you," he says in a monotone voice.
" Hi, Wakatoshi Ushijima.. How long has it been huh? "
" Not That long," he says
There was an awkward silence in the room..
" IWA your so mean.. "
" Sorry about his attitude," IWA said as he felt sorry for the two in the room.
" Ah DONT WORRY ABOUT IT ~ and By the way, I'm  Sa-to-RI Tendō!! " the guy in red hair says in a happy tone.
" Can we discuss what we need to discuss "  I looked over at Ushijima and Tendou?
" Ok, Well Oikawa we want to invite you to a party, but it's not the type of party your thinking. " Ushijima says.
" Ok go on I'm listening. "
" This party is a sorta peace treaty with the Karasuno, Fukrodani, and Nekoma Gods kingdoms.  Fukrodani and Us made an agreement we should push our differences aside and start working with each other as we did 30 years ago," he says
Suddenly Tendou cuts off Ushijima
" We are first inviting only the kingdoms so we can gradually start, but not many think this a good idea... I personally think it's an Awful idea due to the hate we get from the angels. I don't really like them either, they seem so stuck up for no Rea-"
" Tendou stop " Ushijima interrupts Tendou.
" So this why we came here wondering if you're will put your differences aside for a night, " Ushijima says as he looks at Oikawa.
I look at Iwa and he gave me a stare.. he was probably thinking " you Idiot already met an Angel so might as well go.. "
" Fine, I accept the offer! SO WHEN IS IT? "
" Tomorrow night. " Ushijima said
Oh no that's when I'm supposed to meet Y/N?! I wonder if she part of the kingdoms he said..
As we came to a finish from our meeting Ushijima and Tendou left the place.
" So Shittykawa what are you going to do now? ARENT you supposed to meet up with y/n tomorrow night? " Iwa said confused.
" AND I WILL MEET HER.. I'll just show up late to the party it's not that important... You got my back, don't you?! " I looked at Iwa as he looked at me with a concerned face.
" FINE but don't be too late to the party or else people will start getting suspicious where you have gone to.  Also after the party, we can all meet her at the river of gold where the hidden path is.. " Iwa said
" SOUNDS FINE WITH ME ~ you will love her Iwa!! " I say happily.
Back to Y/N pov:
After I waved goodbye to Oikawa, I started to head back to the Guard station to meet up with Hinata and the others.
When I got to the guard station I saw Kageyama and Hinata debating as usual.
" HEY GUYS,"  I said
" OH y/n!! YOUR BACK " Hinata said happily
" Oh y/n? " Kageyama turned around to see me standing there.
" ITS BEEN A WHILE HUH! " I say chuckling
" Sorry I haven't had time to hang.. I have been busy with all the Guard duty. " Kageyama said as he gave me a sorry look.
" ANYWAYS DONT worry about yall want to go eat something? I only got about 45 minutes before the Prince of Nekoma comes. " I say as I looked over at the two boys standing there.
" IM DOWN," they both say in union
Later that day we had lunch soon before I knew it I had to head back to the Karasuno kingdom.
When I got back Suga was standing there waiting for me.
" YOUNG LADY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? " Suga said as he grabbed my wrist pulling me inside.
" I WAS BUSY, and anyways I got sidetracked. " I giggled
" Hmm? Well, the Prince of Nekoma is coming here anytime soon.. I forgot to mention he is here to discuss an important matter also.. " He said as he pulls me to the conference room.
" Ugh, we also need to discuss stuff.. I thought we were only going to meet him to see if he is a " suitable husband "...... "
" Well SORRY PRINCESS I FORGOT TO TELL YOU THAT PART! AND NOW SIT AS WE WAIT FOR THEM.. " Suga said as he pushes me down on a seat.
" yea whatever "
" and ALSO? Why do you seem so happy more than usual.. " Suga said lifting an eyebrow.
" What do you mean? "
" When I ask you where you been, you said " I gOt sIdE tRaCKeD. " BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING.. YOU WERE BLUSHING.. "
" SO WHO IS THE LUCKY BOY " Suga said eyeing me down.
" NO ONE " my cheeks began to heat up..
" YEA YEA if I were to believe you. Anyways shut up I think I hear the prince of Nekoma coming.. "
As we sat there we heard the door open. I see 2 boys walk in, one had blonde hair but it seems like his hair was grown out. The other had black bed hair and had a smirk on it.. The only thing they had matching was the Armor. It was black with red.
The two boys sat in front of us.
" And you must be Princess y/n! I'm Tetsurō Kuroo  "
" Oh, nice to meet you!! "
" And this right here is Prince Kenma Kozume! "
Prince? I thought Kuroo was the prince?
" Uh the pleasure is mine," I say as I gave a little bow.
" So before I and Suga leave you two alone, I need to discuss something with you. " " Ok?! So what's the matter? "
" Fukrodani has invited us and wants us to ask you if your will to go to a party tomorrow night.. BUT HERE IS THE CATCH, the party is actually to see if we can start a peace treaty with the other side.. "
" Wait a minute? Do you mean the monster/demon side? " I say in confusion.
" Yes! They want to see if we can actually fix the Pieces together and start living together.. Not many are fond of the idea. " Kuroo smirked
" But I need to ask you because we need all 3 kingdoms to say yes. "
I looked at Suga and I knew Suga was completely fine with it.
" Yea Why not? It wouldn't hurt meeting them! " I  looked at Kuroo.
At that moment it just hit me. I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET UP WITH OIKAWA TOMORROW NIGHT?? I IM NOT EVEN SURE IF HE IS PART OF THOSE KINGDOMS that have been invited to this. I'm going to have to tell Suga after this meeting, the truth so he can help me out..
Then my thoughts were cut off by Kuroo.
" Ok, then I'll be going now! I'll leave you and KENMA~ alone "
Kuroo and Suga got up and left me alone with the prince.
The boy with the cat eyes looked at me.
" I'm going to be straight up to you. I don't want to be her nor I'm interested in getting married anytime soon," he said in an annoyed voice.
" DAMN! I LIKE YOUR THINKING " I said as I looked at Kenma.
" Ok, so we have an agreement..  "
" 100% Kenma "
" But hey!! That doesn't mean we can't be friends " I looked at him.
" Yea true, " the cat boy said.
" Ok tell me something about yourself. "
" I like to play card games and I'm being forced to be here "
" Already knew the second part " I rolled my eyes.
" Anyways then how do you feel about the party. "
" I really don't care for it much, I don't understand why we can't get along with one another.. It's stupid. " Kenma said
Man I like this one
" Yeah same, let's see how it turns out tho " I looked at him with a smile.
And surprisingly he smiled back too.
After 20 minutes passed by of us discussing random things. Suga and Kuroo come back in.
" Alright, the party is overtime to take you away KENMA!! " Kuroo said as he grabbed Kenma by the collar.
I waved goodbye to them.
" We will meet again tomorrow night!  " I shouted as they walked further.
Now that it was me and Suga alone... I need to tell Suga about Oikawa.
" Suga remembers when you asked about who is the lucky boy.. about that," I said as I looked at the ground.
" I KNEW IT! WHO IS THIS? " Suga shouted.
" Um well, he is... A Prince on the other side.. "
" Did I hear that CORRECTLY?! "
" Uh sorry. BUT YOU JUST SAID, " A PRINCE " FROM THE OTHER SIDE?! " Suga looked at me in shock.
" Let me EXPLAIN?! "
After I told Suga about Oikawa and the plans of meeting him tomorrow night. Suga was really supportive about it..
" WELL DAMN OK MISS JULIET "  Suga grinned
" Ok first of all I say go meet him up and see if he is also invited to the party. I'll cover your back at the party, show up a little late if you have to.  " Suga said proudly
" Omg SUGA you the best! " Jumped as I gave him a hug.
" Ok ok now calm down, you need to get to bed because you have a date to see Romeo " Suga laughed.
" HE IS NOT MY DATE... We are just friends " I say as I rolled my eyes at Suga.
" Ok whatever.. " wE aRe jUsT frIenDs.. " My ass. "
" I'm never telling you anything again. "
" Yea sure you always say that. OK BUT REALLY GO TO BED... GOODNIGHT y/n. " Suga got up and head towards the door.
" Alright... GOODNIGHT SUGA! " I waved at him as he left the room. For some odd reason, I was really excited to meet him...
Oh boy, tomorrow is going to be something...
Chapter 5
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Discord pt 90
[Date: 17/03, 02.33 PM GMT - 17/03, 03.53 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #arg, partly simultaneously to another in #general. The second is referenced later and was posted separately before this one.]  
[Direct continuation of pt 89]
[After Void pointed out the gdoc change, Fetch added another message:]
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[Added was: “Please don’t tell them please don’t tell them please just pretend you never saw this just please.”]
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Void: “nvm may be just my bad internet fucking things up ignore me”
Jack the Observer: “Oh. I see it.
Little sunflower seeds in green and yellow :)”
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[Maxwell: “Where do you see that?”]
Jack the Observer: “Ask fetch, I think. He’s the one who edits the blog”
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Jack the Observer: “But it’s there, if you look.”
Maxwell: “Fetch....”
fetch: “It isn't though?? I'm looking at the doc right now and there's nothing about sunflower seeds”
Jack the Observer: “I can send pictures, fetch.
If you would prefer?”
Maxwell: “i cant find anything”
fetch: “jack. after yesterday do you really wanna push me.”
Jack the Observer: “Yeah, i kind of do, actually
I could
I feel like it’s important and relevant information”
Void: “fetch knows best about what is there just ignore what i said,,,,”
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fetch: “yeah. let's just ignore it.”
Maxwell: “but you all said...seeds”
donti (e): “... fetch please, this is serious.. it could endanger everyone here”
Jack the Observer: “Sunflower seeds :) leaves in yellow and green. You think if i won’t let Max hide it, I’ll let you, Fetch?”
fetch: “jack. drop it. right fucking now with that stupid fucking smile.”
Jack the Observer: “You are, in fact, just as important as Max is.
And it’s imperative that we keep all of you safe.”
Maxwell: “that...is one of the nicest things ive heard you say to us....”
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fetch: “i know the doc better than anyone. i know what's there and whats not. if I say there's nothing there then there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “You put it there, Fetch.”
fetch: “there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “ Uh huh. /s”
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jaynoblade: “he's right. there's nothing there. i just looked”
fetch: “im not ignoring anything there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “Jay, what the fuck”
jaynoblade: “genuinely. i just looked. nothing”
donti (e): “hey hey hHEYyyyy chill”
Jack the Observer: “Is it gone — wait”
fetch: “check for yourself, jack”
[Context: Fetch deleted his edits about the seeds.]
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Jack the Observer: “Oh, no i still have it”
fetch: “as i said. there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “I still have it. And i have more pictures if you want to see them.”
donti (e): “... seeds?”
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Maxwell: “thats just an image of a previous thing?”
fetch: “how do i know you aren't just editing shit”
[donti (e): “... seeds?”]
Jack the Observer: “I’m trying to have Fetch tell you first.”
kateza: “Hi good morning what’s going on?”
Mothbo: “Jack saw something no one else did”
[fetch: “how do i know you aren't just editing shit”]
Jack the Observer: “Fetch. You know I don’t lie.”
[Mothbo: “Jack saw something no one else did”]
Jack the Observer: “Haha :)”
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fetch: “but you sure as hell spout a lot of bullshit.
now for the last time. There's nothing. there. Fucking drop it.
Jack the Observer: “And now instead of knight you sound like Max
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Maxwell: “what?”
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Jack the Observer: ““Oh no, i don’t want to tell them, please i just want to suffer by myself and not accept any help even though I clearly need it, no everyone else is busy, everyone else is stressed, they can’t know please don’t tell them”
That’s what you sound like
And that’s what Fetch sounds like too”
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fetch: “you better watch your fuckin mouth, pal.”
Mothbo: “Jack, that's not going to help them all. I know you're hurt cos of Syd but don't take it out on them.”
Maxwell: “....”
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[Mothbo: “Jack, that's not going to help them all. I know you're hurt cos of Syd but don't take it out on them.”]
Jack the Observer: “I’m not angry, I’m amused. And I’ll admit, slightly frustrated. What is up with these people and their self esteem issues.”
fetch: “what's up with you and your attachment to someone that doesn't exist anymore?”
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Maxwell: “.....fuck off”
Jack the Observer: “If you don’t tell them within the hour ill see you in #img”
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[fetch: “what's up with you and your attachment to someone that doesn't exist anymore?”]
Jack the Observer: “Oh, so you don’t exist when Knight is out? Shut the fuck up”
Maxwell: “i....”
Jack the Observer: “I’m glad you’re not all acting so goody goody and nice talking me anymore. This is refreshing.”
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[People tell Jack and Fetch to stop arguing with each other. That just solved nothing and there’s no time to waste]
fetch: “i don't have the energy to fight anymore. there's nothing in the doc, whatever you have is edited bullshit, end of story.”
Jack the Observer: “Okay, we’re just going to ignore someone purposefully endangering their own health then. Sounds good to me /s”
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[kateza: “I just woke up, I’m assuming something supposedly happened with the doc, I’m assuming the edit history was checked can we please stop fighting I don’t like this”]
Jack the Observer: “I can see something important. I’m being forced to keep imperative information to myself. You can see why I might take issue with this.”
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fetch: “i thought you loved keeping information to yourself. that's what an observer does right. he just takes in information and does nothing with it. he doesn't get involved.”
Jack the Observer: “This is different.”
fetch: “of course it is.
just drop it.”
donti (e): “ah.”
Jack the Observer: “Yeah it fucking is different, Fetch. We fucking need you on this team. We’re meant to just ignore when you’re hurting? We’re meant to ignore when you’re endangering yourself?”
fetch: “i said. drop it.”
Jack the Observer: “Holy fucking shit not everything is about Syd”
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Jack the Observer: “Maybe this is just about you”
fetch: “well maybe I don't want to be paid attention to. i'm not a fucking zoo exhibit. just leave me the fuck alone.”
Jack the Observer: “I don’t know how many times? I have to say this? But if I saw you as nothing more than a “zoo exhibit” i literally wouldn’t care about this at all”
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Void: “fetch, people will learn one way or another. please at least take the chance to tell them yourself?”
Jack the Observer: “Clock is ticking”
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fetch: “there's nothing to tell. im fucking fine.”
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Jack the Observer: “There you go, sounding like Max again”
kateza: “wait, ok, so now fetch supposedly has the buds? Is that’s what’s going on? No one is catchinng me up everyone’s just arguing”
Jack the Observer: ““I’m fine I’m fine” you’re clearly not.”
[kateza: “wait, ok, so now fetch supposedly has the buds? Is that’s what’s going on? No one is catchinng me up everyone’s just arguing”]
Jack the Observer: “I can see something. Fetch isn’t letting me tell anyone.”
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donti (e): “HEEEEY HEY
jacks doing what he can”
Jack the Observer: “...”
fetch: “QUIT TRYING.”
Jack the Observer: “...”
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Jack the Observer: “...
that was a bit too loud for me, actually. Ill be in #img in fifty minutes.”
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Jack the Observer: “good luck.”
fetch: “fine. i need a nap anyway.”
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Maxwell: “......”
[People talk about how important it is to share information, especially with how the situation currently is, and that they’d have to work together if they were ever going to resolve anything about this problem. They then note that if this in-fighting continues, more and more people might be dragged into Crown’s court. But then…]
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jaynoblade: “okay, this is somewhat off topic, but.... do we even really know who crown is? because we thought he was ranboo in enderwalk, but then in that one ask he implied that he isn’t”
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Maxwell: “hes something else then....”
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Maxwell: “uh small problem”
donti (e): “prince read the backlog.”
[This refers to the conversation that had been simultaneously going on in #general2.]
A random Spark: “I know...which means Prince probably now knows the deal with the three court members and why they're gone”
kateza: “which means we'll be having another mind wipe probably :/”
LLyr: “D:”
Maxwell: “OH NO OH NO OH NO”
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Maxwell: “i...”
donti (e): “if we had explained it fae would be wiped and then we'd be in trouble.”
Maxwell: “can we tell faem? fae already know....”
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Maxwell: “he only brought up me and fetch....should we tell him about marcus?”
donti (e): “... maybe?”
A random Spark: “It's a good idea to.”
LLyr: “if the dam has already broken, i dont see a reason to keep it hidden. maybe ask marcus what he thinks about it?”
Maxwell: “i wanna say his name...”
donti (e): “you already namedropped him,
go for it
he might as well get the facts.”
kateza: “i don't like this
i don't like where this is going”
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Maxwell: “jack what did you put in images”
Jack the Observer: “What i promised i would.”
donti (e): “fetches entry.”
Maxwell: “hes..oh god”
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Maxwell: “i messed up i messed up i messed up--”
kateza: “no no no
you tried to help max. you did what you thought was right and even if it didn't have the outcome you want you tried to do what was right and that's good of you”
Maxwell: “i made it worse no no no no”
Jack the Observer: “You calm down too.
Panicking isn’t going to help prince.
It’s fine. Let faem remember.”
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dariadraws · 4 years
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and my final piece so far for @geekinthecorner‘s @batfam-big-bang fic Bats Of The West, it’s Jason Todd! ngl i think this is one of the ones i had the most fun with, and also the one i crammed the most details into that no one but me will ever know exist, but i’ll share a few of them under the cut, along with the image description. plus, a list of all of Jason’s scars in this au, and how he got them.
also, like i said, this is my final piece so far but i fully intend to come back and round out the batfam, draw all the other characters i havent had a chance to get to yet, so keep an eye out for that, and in the meantime here’s some fun facts!
alright so. first off, just some general overall thoughts on Jason and some of the details i added here.
 his gun in the first pic is super expensive and pretty, but i imagine he doesnt use is as often as some of his other ones, simply because when he’s out in The Wilderness tracking down criminals for weeks on end, it’s not really the kind of place you want to bring your prettiest, most expensive gun. when he’s on the ranch or in town tho, or really just anywhere where he doesnt anticipate needing to rough it for more than a couple days (which isnt the same as not expecting the need to get rough), he’s probably got this gun.
his gun belt and holster are a whole other story tho. he spent exactly zero dollars and zero cents on them, just assembled them from some spare leather they had lying around, which is why theyre in such Not Great condition, and also why the belt itself ended up so long. he could cut it down to a more reasonable size, but it’s not like there’s anything else he could make from those scraps anyways, so why bother.
that big gun in the second image isn’t technically his tho, it’s the Communal Ranch Rifle. mainly it’s just used to scare away coyotes (or, yknow, actually hit coyotes) but it does occasionally see real action as well, tho not often.
also. does it even need to be said? his hat.. holder... bead... thing. with the turquoise inlay. is a gift from Dick
alright and now the fun part! i go through all of jason’s scars, and how he got them. there are quite a few and a lot of them are. Sad. so be warned, and take care of yourselves! (also just for the record, i promise the fic itself isnt actually as dark as this will make it sound. basically none of this shows up in the story, i was just given free reign to design whatever i wanted, and poor jason ended up paying the price)
ok so. scars. 
first off, the claw and bit marks on his arms and shoulders are from getting attacked by some coyotes back when he was still just a kid. to quote my explanation back when i pitched this to Em, “bc as a Young Human with minimal supervision and not necessarily having someone to call him inside once it gets dark, he was unfortunately Very Delicious, if somewhat scrawny, by coyote standards”
next up: a bullet scar on his abdomen, on his lower left side (our right), from some kind of shootout with a criminal. this one is middling-recent; after bruce adopted him, but before the joker thing. i dont really have anything concrete for that one but it was a through and through, and somehow, miraculously, missed hitting any bones, and any organs. just missed his lower rib by like. an inch. that one messed bruce up more than jason, honestly. if anything, he was just surprised it took him that long to get shot, with the life he's had
the ones on his cheek and on his chin were just Regular Childhood Shenanigans scars, no real story.
the one through his mouth is from his time with the joker though. there's also the J brand on his right bicep, also from the joker.
also joker related, hes got a lot of scars on his hands, especially his knuckles and fingertips, from trying to fight his way out of his captivity, and scratching his fingers raw trying to pry open the door to his cell/untie the rough rope he way tied with/whatever the specific situation was. also some minor rope burn scars on his wrists from the same deal.
also some blade scars across his palms from trying to stop/block knives. definitely with the joker, but probably at some point in his youth as well
a few faint lines across his neck from being a temporary hostage a few time while helping Bruce on cases when he was younger, but none of them ever went deep or caused any serious damage
oh and also, whip scars on his back from his time with the joker, which arent too prominent, and mostly cant be seen from the front, except for a couple of spots where they crest over his shoulders and the very tail ends of them can be seen, but they’re there 
and also some kind of straight scar on his left forearm, which was a carry-over from my usual Jason design, that i like but dont really have a story for, so that one’s purely aesthetic, lol
and that’s it! i think? that’s all my notes on that? either way this post is getting Way Too Long, and i still gotta do the image descriptions, so i’m calling it there. 
[IMAGE ID: two images of Jason Todd in old-fashioned cowboy clothing. He has red, curly hair with a streak of white running through it at the front. his skin is pale but sunburnt, has deep-blue eyes, many freckles both on his face and on the rest of his exposed skin, and his body is broad and muscular, and he has many scars. he has small round metal piercings in the lobes of both ears, as well as an additional two in the top cartilege of his right ear.
in the first image, he is facing directly at the viewer with his arms crossed, and a challenging look on his face. he is wearing a maroon cowboy shirt with checkered red accent at the chest and the sleeves rolled up to his upper arms. he has a dark blue polka-dot bandana tied around his neck, and over that pass two strands of red braided cord holding his tan cowboy hat, which is visible hanging off his neck behind him. the cords are tipped with small metal beads, and pass through a large, dark brown wooden bead inset with turquoise, which regulates their length. he is wearing dark-wash blue jeans with prominent yellow stitching, pulled over his cowboy boots up to the ankle until only the foot of each boot is visible. the boots are dark brown with pale seams and red stitching, and light brown heels and soles. fastened around each boot are embossed red spur-straps, with metal spurs extending from them behind the boots. at his waist are two cracked leather belts. one is dark brown, with a pale silver buckle stamped with vine designs, and it is threaded through his belt loops. the second belt is hanging diagonally over his hips and holds his gun and holster. this belt is a reddish tan with a pattern of darker brown, overlapping rings down its length, and has a darker silver buckle. it is long enough that the loose end of it wraps back around itself several times before hanging down. the holster is simple brown leather folded over the gun, with two straps to tighten it. the gun itself is an ornate and expensive-looking revolver, black metal with intricate gold detailing and a mother-of-pearl grip.
in the second image, he is facing slightly to the side, with a long shotgun propped over his shoulder with one hand and an unimpressed expression on his face as he looks somewhere to the right of the viewer. he is shirtless, and his torso is muscled, stocky, and as sunburned and freckled as the rest of him. his cowboy hat is hanging off his neck again behind him, once more held in place by the braided red cord and round wood-and-turquoise bead. he is wearing tan, high-waisted pants tucked into his cowboy boots, which are the same as in the first image but now fully visible, with red pulls at the top. the pants are attached to red suspenders, though they are not on his shoulders and hang down around him instead. his gunbelt is once more around his hips, but the holster is obscured behind him, and isn't visible. the hand not holding the shotgun is down loosely at his side, and has a red and white bandana wrapped around the wrist. END ID]
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degeneratekitten · 4 years
Breeding Woes (edited)
EDIT: I just wanted to make sure I gave credit to bitesized-degeneracy for posting this originally, I was hesitant to post at first because I’m not a big fan of tumblr, but it didnt take much for me to be convinced to make a blog.
This is a whump story, read the tags and don’t read if you don’t like it.  There is an alternate ending to this that I wanted to post, I only gave this one an ending so I could end it if I didn't have the inspiration to continue. Turns out I did have the inspiration and wrote the other ending.
“Through a stroke of luck you’ve come into possession of pregnant pygmy bitty. Now all you have to do is put up with his misbehavior until he gives birth.”
“Thank you for taking him in, I just couldn’t handle him anymore.” The guilty face of the middle aged woman gave you pause. You felt slightly bad for her, after all, the snivelling pygmy in your arms, simply would not stop crying out to her.
“Mommy please, I’m sorry, I know I’m a bad bitty but I love you so much!” It cried, its swollen pregnant belly adding an extra layer of tragedy to this. The woman gave the bitty an exasperated, helpless look.
“Don’t cry Bud. This woman right here will take good care of you. She’s agreed to be your new mommy.” She started holding out a finger to wipe away “Bud’s” tears.
The bitty violently shook his head crying out. “No mommy please I’ll be a good bitty I promise!!!” The response was typical, a common phrase that the woman had no doubt heard a million times. Bitties tended to have a very limited amount of phrases that they shot out at times like this, “Bud’s” being the most common.
An exasperated sigh escaped from the woman's lips. She couldn't help but to turn her back away from the bitty her shoulders slumping into defeat. Instead of letting this charade continue on, you placed the  pregnant bitty into a small house.. “Don't worry Bud, I’ll take good care of you.” You assured the bitty, giving it a charming smile as you closed and locked the door, effectively sealing him in.
Turning back to the woman you continued your conversation. “It’s not a problem, I know how expensive pregnant bitties are. Let alone ones who misbehave as much as Bud. But I can guarantee that he’ll be taken care of while here.” You smiled, placing a hand on the poor woman’s shoulder as you led her to the door.
The woman let out a relieved sigh as soon as the lamia bitty was safely locked away. A few hours before the lamia had managed to slither its way into her purse before she left, causing her to come back an extra time. “Really I can’t thank you enough. My son just couldn’t handle him, with his pranks, his escapes, and whenever he would have his heats he would just say and do the worst things to my son.” She shuddered at the mention of the pygmy’s heat before continuing. “I just couldn’t let him be around my son for any longer. Then when he got pregnant.. Really it was just the last straw.” Shaking her head she smiled one last time at you before finishing. “But anyways I need to get to work, his little escape has already made me late. Goodbye.” She waved allowing you to say a quick goodbye before hurrying out the door. Leaving you alone with the cries of a pregnant pygmy.
As soon as the middle aged woman left you closed the door behind you, and glanced back at the bitty house the sounds of cries were coming from. From what the woman had been telling you earlier, this bitty was in serious need of training. Especially for during its heats.
The bitty in question was a stray, found by the woman's son during a storm. He was trapped inside of a plastic Tupperware container slowly filling with water. It had been holding on for dear life before being found. Apparently it had been abandoned, with useless, and slut scratched onto the container. Showing just how much it had angered the previous owner.
However despite having had a previous owner, the bitty in question was also quite disloyal. Quickly latching onto the son as his new “daddy”, while also having quite the proclivity to switch its love between the mother and son.
The most troubling part however was how it projected its sexual attention onto the son, constantly saying wildly inappropriate things to the son before, during, and after its heats. Humping, pleas for sex, and even attempting to wiggle its way towards the sons pants during these times not at all uncommon. During its last heat the mother had been so disgusted with “Bud’s” behavior that she had thrown him out the window during the night. Which had resulted in the bitty’s pregnant status.
Sighing to yourself you approached the bitty house, unlatching the door and giving the lamia a calculating look.
The clothes the bitty wore were stained with various things, mostly makeup that he’d apparently gotten into while inside the woman’s purse. The woman had commented on how expensive her makeup was, and just how much she would have to replace because of him, she also lamented on the loss of her bag, which had previously been white, but was now stained from the inside out with various hues of red and black. She hadn't been happy after reaching work to discover Bud had not only stowed away in her bag, but also tried to make himself “pretty” in an attempt to change mommy’s mind. His so called attempt to make himself pretty involved drawing flowers on his skull and tail in rouge, scribbling eyeliner onto the rims of his eye sockets, and staining his teeth and clothes in lipstick. The clothes in question that he’d ruined were actually rather nice, having previously been a nice white button up shirt with a cute blue bow tie in place of his signature blue handkerchief.
In addition there was also a rather disproportionate puddle of blue tears staining the floor of the bitty house. The floor was made out of smooth stone specifically for this type of situation. Many bitties found their way into your home, always in some state of distress, but you were nothing if not prepared. Reaching in with your gloved hand you gently picked up the pygmy, noting wryly to yourself the strange look it sent your way.
“You’re my new mommy?” It asked, showing its rather disloyal nature once again. You knew that you’d have to fix that little problem, and honestly it was something that would have to be done towards the end of your training.
You were a professional bitty trainer, your methods were “unique,” but also extremely effective. You took full advantage of the manufactured origin of bitties with your training. That didn't mean however that you were happy with just how much work Bud was going to be.
The history of bitties was actually rather unique, they had started out as a manufactured products, ones that had ended up as little more than a fad, and quickly fizzled out. The manufacturers of bitties had very quickly discontinued the product as liabilities of many bitties classified as more of a “protection” variety had been advertised very poorly, resulting in many unsuspecting families adopting dangerous bitties like pure bites, edgies, errors, and even poisonous varieties of lamia’s. There were very few disclaimers, and the company had been under the mistaken assumption that families would understand that the “protection” bitties were simply not meant to be family pets. 
After a disastrous wave of accidents, maulings, and even deaths at the hands of the protection variety bitty, the company found itself drowned in lawsuits. It very quickly was forced to declare bankruptcy before simply imploding from within and going out of business.
The bitties themselves were expected to completely disappear outside of niche communities who had managed to get a hold of the manufacturing process of the bitties, but as is the nature of products created by magic, the bitties surprisingly after about 5 years developed the ability to reproduce.
At first it was more of an asexual reproduction, but soon later generations of bitties developed the ability to reproduce sexually, developing heats, ectoplasmic genitals, and creating larger amounts of offspring than asexual reproduction could yield. Many studies dedicated to this anomaly were launched only to yield the same unsatisfying result. Magic is weird.
Despite the evolution of bitties however they still retained their “manufactured” traits. Their fierce dependency on caretakers had remained, their infantile and limited cognitive abilities, along with their seeming inability to stray from specific personalities that the original bitties were programmed with. Their newly formed ability to reproduce had caused quite the stir, and their numbers climbed to staggering rates, flooding the streets, and overrunning animal shelters. Soon they became one of the most common household pets with many stores from the original fad reopening to sell dedicated bitty products. Their quick evolution sparked a fierce debate as to whether or not they had basic human rights, however their childish nature and dependency remained the biggest obstacle for such rights.
Either way you made your money from breeding and training bitties for more specialized positions, seeing eye bitties were sorely needed, and you very specifically offered special deals for disabled children of struggling families. You yourself previously had a beloved Chain bitty that went with you everywhere. Bitties were some of the easiest to train simply taking advantage of the “programmable” nature of bitties to made the process easiest.
As for your interest in Bud, despite the fact that bitties could reproduce now, it was still rather difficult to find one that could reproduce in captivity. Which was why this new bitty was so interesting to you. It looked as if his clutch would be one of the biggest you’d ever seen, furthermore this was his first.
Grinning down at the pregnant lamia you brought him closer to you. “Yes, I’m your new mommy.” You stated a genuine loving smile gracing your lips, watching as the lamia’s eyes widened in wonder. Quickly the sniveling pygmy erupted into chatter, tears no longer streaming down its face. You listened to his mindless chatter, stunned by how quickly it had gotten over his previous “mommy.” You’d been prepared to spend a long time bonding with him in an attempt to form at least some trust. 
“You’re not upset anymore?” You asked carefully, taking your hand and moving the lamia’s skull in your hand and moving it side to side to examine the flowers on his skull. 
A sad look crossed the baby blues face “I’m still sad, but I know you’ll take care of me. After all, I am the greatest. Mwehehe.” He laughed, looking at you confidently. 
Shaking your head in disbelief at the pygmy’s answer you started walking towards the bathroom, making a decision to get the pregnant lamia cleaned up before continuing. You continued asking the pygmy simple questions, such as what his favorite food was, his favorite music, what he liked to read. Unsurprisingly many of the questions were the standard pygmy responses, the same answers you’d heard from countless pygmies.
His excited chatter didn't stop at all, and you really weren't the talking type so you let him speak, while you cleaned him up. Although your annoyance at the repeated phrase of “Mwehehe” grew as the bath went on.
After the little guys bath you didn't immediately give him clothes, you had to search for clothes that would fit his pregnant frame, the size of this lamia’s clutch was decidedly incredibly huge simply due to the fact that it was even distending his belly and not just limiting itself to his tail. You really couldn't wait for him to give birth to his clutch, after all properly trained lamia bitties were worth quite a pretty penny. Furthermore it was clear that you would have to wait to start the baby blue’s training after he gave birth.
However many problems arose after the first greeting, ones that you’d never had with previous pygmies. 
You thought that you could let him roam for a bit to get used to his new surroundings, but quickly it became apparent “just” how misbehaved this bitty was.
He did not stop talking, not an entirely unusual trait for pygmies, but he always spoke over you, interrupting your sentences when you did decide to speak, and getting upset if you talked for even a little bit longer than normal. You corrected him a lot, scolding him for interrupting you, and giving him time outs when he refused to stop. However none of it seemed to help, and unfortunately corporal punishment was simply off the table as long as he was pregnant.
He peed everywhere, really it was quite astonishing how resolute he was in “not” using the bitty toilet. You tried asking him why he didn't like using the toilet only to be given what the bitty thought was a “cute” laugh.
“Mwehehe. Awww, I didn't mean to mommy it was an accident!” Or “The bathrooms just so far away, carry me mommy!” And even. “But then I would have to stop having fun!”
Despite your best attempts at trying to convince Bud to use the bathroom in the bitty house, it became apparent that he simply enjoyed “marking” a trait typical of stray bitties.After about 5 days you ended up having to discard the bitty house you had for him, and instead moved him to an easily cleanable enclosure you usually kept baby bitties in. Which led to your next problems. 
He threw tantrums. Phrases such as  “MOMMY IS THE WORST!!!” or “I HATE YOU MOMMY!” and even “GIVE IT TO ME!” Were common. 
He would throw himself onto the floor wailing and crying, and when you tried to approach to calm him down he would often bite, scratch, and hit you in his tantrums. He seemed to know just how much you were holding back on punishing him because of his pregnant status and seemed to take pleasure in pushing the boundaries of your tolerance.
Furthermore, he was an escape artist. If you had to leave for even a moment you would typically leave him with plenty of activities that he would enjoy, puzzles, coloring books, mini i-pads, and lots of books. In spite of this he seemed to find escaping to be the best puzzle and short of duct taping a lid over his enclosure would result in him finding a way to escape, usually to try and cause trouble in what he thought was a “cute” or “helpful” way. He would try and do your dishes, usually as an apology for throwing a tantrum, breaking most of them or using dangerous chemicals in cleaning. He would try and cook, usually setting something on fire as a result. He would draw all over books, using markers, and pens on books and ripping out pages to make hats and swords. Usually ones he would proudly give to you saying “Mommy I made this for you.” You found yourself having to hold back your anger in attempting to explain just how bad the things he was doing were, but he was incredibly petulant, refusing to admit mistakes and seeming to get stuck in a loop of typical responses.
He was a horrible prankster, or rather, his pranks were dangerous and destructive. He liked to set “traps” up that would oftentimes lead to nasty falls and deep cuts. He blubbered whenever he saw you get hurt, but would usually follow up with blaming you in childish petulant tones, rather than being sorry for setting up dangerous “pranks.”
There was even one instance in which he left you crying for a solid hour. He had somehow gotten a hold of your previous Chain bitties dust, and dumped it out the window, exclaiming proudly to himself. “Mwehehe! I’ve given him a proper funeral! You can rest easy Sir Clementine!”
Perhaps that instant is when you’d truly gotten fed up with him, as while you were crying into the empty urn he simply couldn't understand your grief and in response tried to be what he thought was “comforting.” 
“Mwe, Mommy don’t be sad! It was bad to keep him in a jar! He had to be free!”
You’d managed to hold your anger and grief at that moment, but your resistance to him couldn't last for long, as after weeks of torment he finally did something that caused you to snap.
“Mommy! Drugs are bad, I got rid of them for you! Mwehehe” He exclaimed, grinning at your stunned look. Proudly leaning over the toilet as he flushed your medication. At least five bottles of medication with birth control packet littering the floor. Four of which bottles contained your medicine for a deadly congenital condition.
Your face paled as you saw the pills going down the drain, dread at how you might not make it through the week and anger at his incredibly thoughtless action. Your mind stalled and the proud grin of the pygmy seared itself into your mind. It was as if all the torment he’d subjected you to in the past 4 weeks came flooding back to you, the forefront of which was your beloved Chain bitties dust. You nearly bashed him into the door, before an icy calm feeling flooded your mind and suddenly a chilling plan flew into your mind.
“Bud… Do you know what you just did?” You asked calmly, staring at the gigantic form of the pregnant bitty. He was undoubtedly ready to give birth any day now.
Bud grinned at you placing a fist proudly on his chest. “I, the great Bud! Have saved you from the evils of drugs! You don’t have to worry I will help you through this terrible time!” He stated, causing your eyebrow to twitch involuntary. Slowly inching forwards you shook your head.
“No Bud, what you did was very bad. Mommy needed those “drugs” you got rid of.” You said quietly, causing Bud to falter, but ultimately double down on his actions, completely sure that he could do no wrong.
“No! They were drugs, and all drugs are bad! That's what daddy used to say! But you don't have to worry momma! I’ll make sure they can’t hurt you anymore!” He exclaimed looking at you with stars in his eyes.
Rubbing your eyes you felt a headache coming on, as you walked forward to pick up the bottles and trash that Bud had dropped to the floor. Luckily it seemed like he was careless and had dropped enough pills that you could last for a few days while you sorted out getting more.
“My doctor gave me these Bud.” You said, watching a look of uncertainty cross Bud’s face. “Drugs given by a doctor aren’t bad. They’re actually very good. They’re medicine.” You explained, picking up the remaining pills on the floor and putting them in their corresponding bottle. “In fact four of these bottles had medicine that keep mommy healthy.”
“Mweh?” Bud said, looking very confused. “But daddy sai-”
“ENOUGH!” You shouted, slamming the bottles onto the bathroom counter with a resounding bang. Bud flinched at this, looking at you with fright.
“I can’t believe how selfish you are!” You bellowed, quickly grabbing Bud by the tail and whipping him in front of your face. He tried to talk over you but you were simply too overbearing.
“I’ve tolerated your behavior up until now! Mostly because of your clutch! BUT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!” You shouted, shaking Bud violently in your hands, causing him to cry out in pain.
“MOMMY YOU’RE HURTING ME!!!” He shouted, tears starting to form in his eyes, and a putrid stench emanating from him as a blue liquid dribbled down his tail running over your hand and his face on its journey to the floor.
“UGH!” You shouted, thoroughly disgusted that he would piss on you. Quickly flinging him into the toilet and shoving the lid shut. You planted your foot firmly on the toilet as you contorted yourself to wash your hands. Splashing, crying, and weak pushes came from under your foot as you ran the water. You sat glowering at the toilet once you were done.
You had so many calls to make and certainty weren't in the mood to deal with him so you quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed a roll of duct tape. Returning to the toilet only to see Bud gasping as he attempted to climb over the toilet seat onto the floor. 
Sneering you grabbed Bud’s skull pushing him right back into the toilet, holding the lid shut as you taped it closed. Preventing him from escaping. You heavily sat down on the seat afterwards, putting your face in your hands and screaming into them, pointedly ignoring the plea’s that came from the toilet.
It took awhile for you to calm down enough to think about what needed to be done. You couldn't let Bud’s, misbehavior continue for any longer. Hell you could barely look at him anymore. You had wanted to wait for a natural birth but it didn't look like that was possible anymore. Taking a deep breath you grabbed your phone, and the nearly empty bottles of medicine, first thing was first, you needed refills. Bud was one thing, but this, this was a matter of life and death for you.
A few phone calls, and a trip to the doctors brought you home with a week's supply of three of your pills. You would have to sort out the details of the fourth with your insurance company, and most likely would have to visit the pharmacy every day at noon to get your dosage for the day of the fourth in the meantime.
It took quite a while of mental preparation but eventually, you made your way back into the bathroom to finally let Bud out of the toilet. Taking a deep breath, you ripped the duct tape off the toilet, slowly opening the lid, to see and smell a sorry sight. 
Bud looked absolutely despondent, as he sat in the water of the toilet, a deep blue colour swirling all around him, as a few glops of feces floated around him too. He looked up at you with fear, and hope in his eyes, reaching out his hands to be picked up.
“Mommy why did you leave me!” He asked, causing you to roll your eyes, anger and disgust flashing in your eyes.
“Save it!” You stated, pulling out a box of floss from your medicine cabinet and holding a long thread over the toilet. “Hold on to this, we’re going to clean you up.” You sneered, watching Bud all but ignore the string as he struggled to leave the toilet, tears starting to run down his face. “Mommy up!” He demanded, holding his filthy digits out to you, he looked on the verge of a tantrum, one you wouldnt be tolerating.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You asked, glaring at the now confused bitty.
“We’re going to the bathtub right?” He said, looking even more confused, but even more insistently pushing his arms up in a gesture of “up.”
You laughed at him coldly. “HA! You think a bitty as awful as you get to have a nice hot bath? Fat chance!” You stated, wiggling the string to get his attention. “Hold onto the string.” You started again, before closing the lid of the toilet again, and pushing the flush valve.
“MOMMY!” Bud cried out alarmed and frightened by the sudden action. The string suddenly pulled tight against your hand. “MOMMY HELP ME!” You heard again, as he strained against the lid.
“We’re cleaning up a piece of shit” You said coldly, all love and tolerance for this bitty having dissolved the moment he dumped your Chains ashes. “Maybe if we’re lucky it’ll be better once we’re done?”
“NO MOMMY! MO*Gasp* MMY! MO *gasp gurgle* MMY! MOOOO*gasp, gurgle*OOOOMMMY!*gurgle*” Bud cried desperately, frequently getting a mouthful of water as he strained to escape. He did manage to lift the lid and poke his head out desperately during the process, only to have his head shoved back in and you sit on the lid. His cries continued, even after about 5 flushes, before you finally let him out.
He wasn't much cleaner after the process, only shivering, and waterlogged, but a large portion of piss was washed away. He looked at you with a betrayed look. 
“Mommy why?” He asked pitifully as you reached down with a gloved hand to pick him up.
“You know why.” You clipped out, grimacing as he started to snivel and desperately cling to your hand. 
“Mommy please I promise I’ll be good, I prooooomise! Don’t flush meeeeeeeee.” He wailed, causing you to fling him into the sink with a wet thud. He wailed harder, really you were more surprised that he hadn't given birth yet, you were trying so hard after all. It looked like you’d need more stimulus to force his labour.
“You’ve promised me that so many times, I don't believe you.” Really it wasn’t a lie, after every tantrum, mistake, and pissing he would always promise the same thing. You had never really believed him, he would never change on his own, but his pregnant state had prevented you from stressing him too much. Now it just didn't matter, the clutch was coming today whether he was ready or not, and after that, well if you just trained him instead of dusting him he would be incredibly lucky.
Bud looked shocked at your response, as if he’d never considered that you wouldn't forgive him. He didn't have a lot of responses though so he continued to snivel, sprinkling in pretty words to try and sway you.
“But I love you mommy! And I know you love me too! Please mommy forgive me!” He blubbered, not seeming to notice when you turned on the sink.
Ignoring his attempts, you got out a pair of scissors, cutting his clothes off, making extra sure to destroy his favorite blue neckerchief. Of course he wailed and flailed trying to get you to stop, but in the long run he only managed to get you to accidentally cut a piece of his tail off. 
“AHHHHHHH!!!!!” He screamed, much to your annoyance.
“Well it's your own damn fault for struggling so much!” You screamed, violently ripping the remains of his shredded clothes off his body. His wails didn't stop.
“MOMMY IT HURTS!!!!” You were getting so sick of his screams, so much so that instead of responding, you balled his remaining clothes up and stuck them in his wailing mouth. Earning a muffled scream.
His tears came back in full force, as he clutched at the dusting flesh of his tail, what looked like blood congealed over the cut, the bits that dripped off turning to dust. Grimacing at the sight you reached for a bottle of soap on the counter, generously lathering the baby blue’s engorged form. Then none to gently rubbed the soap into his wound, earning a long muffled scream from Bud. Really the relative silence was a blessing for you, furthermore you didn't even have to worry about him destroying something again because he was right in front of you.
He tried to push your hands away, but it wasn't good enough, so instead he tried to remove the cloth from his mouth. Clawing desperately at the piss soaked clothes, gagging noises coming from his form. Just as he was about to wrench the cloth free however, you savagely shoved him under the ice cold water that had finally reached a high enough point in the sink. You held him there for a good while watching as he flailed desperately against your hand. Bringing him back up you were amused at his attempts to cough, watching him choke against the cloth instead. You waited for the moment just before he caught his breath to shove him back under. Making sure that all of the soap was off of him before bringing him back up again.
His heaves and cries, gave way to more shudders, as you finally saw your desired effect. His clutch was coming.
Grinning wildly to yourself you gripped him around his torso, holding him up to your face.
“It's about damn time, I can't believe you made me wait so long for this.” You stated, quickly wrapping him up in a towel and shuffling him out to the pre-prepared birthing room you’d made just for him. The change in demeanor was quite shocking, and Bud was thrown for a loop when you suddenly started cradling him and cooing about how good he was.
“Awww let me take that out for you.” You stated in the kindest voice you could choke out, restraining yourself from torturing the little shit more. You might have needed to stress him out to get him to go into labor, but now, now you needed him less stressed. You gently removed the cloth from his mouth, throwing the bundle into the trash and gently stroking the pygmies back as shudders wracked through his body.
“Mommy? Mommy it hurts? Did you do this?” He asked, warily looking at you, as you set him down in a soft nest of blankets he himself had prepared during his nesting phase.
“Sweety you’re giving birth! You’re gonna be a mother.” You said, mustering as much enthusiasm as you could. You sounded incredibly forced, but the stupid pygmy didnt notice, because instead of being angry, he grew excited eyes beginning to sparkle, the stupid thing had already forgotten the torture he’d suffered. You were astonished how quickly his demeanor changed, but pushed that thought aside when his body was wracked with more shudders. YOu let him slither deeper into the nest of blankets, letting out coo’s and praises as he slowly started pushing out the first of many eggs.
It took nearly a whole night for Bud to finish his birth, many times you needed to feed him monster candy to help heal some damage the larger eggs did on his body. The first clutch a bitty produced was never usually viable, so you were pleasantly surprised to find that most of his eggs were intact. Bud was fast asleep, curled around his staggering clutch of 36 eggs. You were even more surprised just how many eggs he’d yielded. Your previous brood mother’s record was 15, Bud’s clutch was nearly the maximum most Lamia’s were known for producing.
Alas your surprise could only stay for so long, and the searing hatred you felt for the lamia came back in full force. Staring disdainfully at Bud,  you started really debating the pro’s and cons of keeping such a troublesome bitty. You knew how profitable he was, but was he really worth it, could you really stand to look at him after what he’d done? What he’d done was similar to what edgies were known to do, but with edgies, you’d at least had the ability to “prepare.”
The answer eventually came out to no, and with that revelation you very quickly, very quietly moved all the viable eggs to an incubator, leaving about 6 deformed and cracked eggs in front of the bitty.
Eventually the pygmy stirred, looking in front of him, quickly becoming distressed as the sight of only 6 eggs, he started wailing again much to your annoyance, shouting out. “Mommy my eggs! My eggs are gone!”
Rolling your eyes you grabbed him by the tail, picking him up, then picking up one of the deformed eggs and making sure to wave it in front of his face. “You want your eggs so bad. Here.” You said, before shoving the deformed egg into his mouth. 
Shock and panic flashed across his face, as he tried to stop your hands, but you were too strong for him, and despite his resistance you eventually made him swallow it.
He choked and sobbed, trying to reach into his own mouth for the egg, but you didn't give him that long, as you grabbed another and repeated the process. He flailed harder, trying to bite you, and he even drew blood, but you really didn't care. Standing you held onto him in a crushing grip, breaking a rib or two in the process, searching around for a roll of duct tape, you eventually found one and sat back down next to the remaining eggs.
“You know I really should just feed them all to you.” You stated, watching the pygmy as he cried and begged. “NO MOMMY PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T KILL THEM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!” You narrowed your eyes at his pleas, before a cold smirk graced your lips. “But you said you wanted your eggs… Could it be that you want to give birth again?” You chuckled not letting him respond, before you taped him down, making sure to have his limbs spread out and tail held firmly still. 
He wailed more. “Mommy I don’t like this, please let me go! I have to find my eggs!”
“Don’t worry Bud I’m giving you your eggs.” You stated, before picking up one of the remaining 4 deformed eggs and shoving it slowly, painfulling, back into Bud’s cloaca.
His screams were incredibly loud, louder than any he’d done before, he tried very hard to struggle, but with the duct tape holding him in place he couldn't resist. The egg ended up breaking and leaving a goopy mess all over the place, causing you to frown and chide Bud. “That's no good sweetie, your struggling broke it. We’ll have to try again.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” He screamed, as you started to push another egg up his cloaca, this one did manage to go in, but the shivers wracking the bitties body didn't spell anything good, the edges of his cloaca were beginning to dust, goop and shell bits leaked from the orifice. Bud had stopped communicating, only sobbing uncontrollable. You didn’t stop though, you grabbed another egg and repeated the process, becoming a little satisfied with yourself when it didn't break once inside.
There was one more egg left and you planned to do the same thing with it, but first.
“Do you know why this is happening?” You asked, watching as Bud shivered and stared at you with tear filled sockets. He shook his head. “N-n-n-n-nnnooooooooo!” He shouted.
“I don't know why you would do this to me mommy! I love you! You love me too!” He stammered, asserting the last bit with such certainty that it made your stomach roll. 
“Idiot, I don’t love you, I just wanted your clutch.” You stated, before carefully shoving the last egg into his cloaca. You managed to firmly fit it in there, before grabbing more duct tape and covering his cloaca. After a moment of just watching him squirm and struggle to push the eggs out again, you firmly grabbed his torso, and violently ripped him up from the floor.
The duct tape was firm enough on the ground that it kept his arms and tail on the ground as you ripped upwards, detaching his torso and head from his arms and tail. Immediately he burst into dust, a few bits of egg shell remaining in the mess.
Staring down at the mess you made, you wrly thought to yourself. 
“I suppose I’ll just have to tell your old family you died giving birth.”
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soapsilly · 5 years
Why not? - Isabelle Lightwood Imagine
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Pairings: Izzy Lightwood x reader, 
Summary: (Y/N) is Simons younger sister and usually known as a outgoing and fun person but when she meets Izzy Lighwood her confidence fades and she feels like a schoolgirl having her first crush all over again.
Requests are open
This was originally a request, that I cant seem to find anymore. The pairing and setting were given to me per request so I really hope this is what the requester had in mind.
I did have something different in mind originally but got kinda carried away. I’m not sure if I’m 100% happy with the outcome but it is what it is.
“You’re gonna love her, I promise! She’s seriously so fun” Clary was excited to finally introduce (Y/N) to her new friends. Ever since Clary found out about her mother and her true identity, a lot of things changed for her and she kinda had to let her old life behind, which included her friends. 
She was lucky that she had people that cared about her and helped her to come to terms with everything that was going on around her but that didn’t stop her from missing her old life every now and then. 
Right now her, Jace and Alec were waiting for Simon to bring his sister (Y/N) to meet them. (Y/N) shouldn’t even know about the shadow world but her brother couldn’t ever keep any secrets from her for long. 
“There they are!” Clary exclaimed.
Simon entered the room and closely behind him was a girl about the same age. 
“So (Y/N), this is Jace” Clary gestured to the blond guy sitting across from them. (Y/N) sent her friend a suggestive look and mouthed a ‘Wow. He’s a catch’.
“You’re right, Clary, I love her already” Jace, of course, always enjoyed a little stroke to his ego.
“And this is Alec” she motioned to the broody looking man sitting next to Jace. He sent her a little nod but it seemed like he wasn’t satisfied with her presence. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just worried. Technically you shouldn’t even know we exist. It’s kinda against the rules for mundies to know about shadowhunters. He’ll come around” Jace reassured the girl.
“What the hell is a shadowhunter?” (Y/N) asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Jace’s eyes widened. Did Clary not tell her? Did he just out them to her?
“Nah, just joking. Of course I know of you lot. When your brother turns into a vampire it’s kinda hard to miss, you know? Especially, when he’s having a nervous breakdown in the room next to yours.” (Y/N) explained.
That even got a small chuckle out of Alec. Ever since he got used to Clary being around he loosened up a bit. But maybe a certain cat-eyed warlook also played a part in that.
“Where’s Izzy though? Wasn’t  she supposed to be here with you guys?” Simon asked.
“Yes, but there was some business in the institute that had to be taken care of. She’ll meet us here” Alec explained. 
For the next one and a half hours the group got used to each other. Clary, Simon and (Y/N) got to catch up and (Y/N) got to know Alec and Jace a little better.
Right in the middle of a story about a prank Simon and (Y/N) used to play on their older sister Elaine when they were younger, a stunning black haired woman walked up to them. 
“Ah Izzy! Come over here. Meet (Y/N)!” Alec shouted happily. By the time Izzy showed up everybody was several drinks deep into the evening and tipsy Alec was just really enjoying the well deserved off-time.
Izzy sent (Y/N) a big smile, “Hey it’s so nice to to meet you, I’m Izzy. I see you guys are having a good time. Even my dear brother is letting his hair down.” 
That earned her a huff from Alec, who then mumbled something about him being not as stuck up as they’re always making him out to be. Which made the group fall into a fit of laughter but (Y/N) didn’t really care about any of that. 
“Uhm.. Hi? I mean, nice to meet you too,” (Y/N) stumbled over her words a little, which, however, earned her weird looks from Clary and Simon. Both of them not being used to (Y/N) being timid or shy. 
“Well, I’ll get a drink too then. I think I’ve got some catching up to do,” she made her way overt o the bar, (Y/N)’s eyes following her every step.
“What was that?” (Y/N) was pulled out of her trance by Clary’s question.
“Hm?” she looked at the red head. 
“You just did a complete 180 when Izzy turned up.”
“Well how do you expect me not to? She’s gorgeous! Those red lips and that leather jacket! Leather jackets make everybody look amazing... and she was looking amazing to begin with. Damn, you know I’m a sucker for the bad bitch look”, she whined.
“Wait.. I know that talk. You talked the same when you just got together with that Eustace dude, that turned out to be a creep. You’re crushing on her! You’re crushing on Izzy!” Simon exclaimed, making his sister whince at his volume. She didn’t want Izzy to possibly hear.
“Wait, so you dated a dude named Eustace and were surprised when he turned out a creep?” Jace asked (Y/N) with an amused expression on his face.
“Simon I swear! If you don’t shut up I’ll tell everybody about that time you wet your pants because you were so excited to meet Celine Dion at the mall when you were seven! ...Oopsies,” she sent her brother a cheeky grin. 
Jace almost choked on his drink when he heard that.
“And as for Eustace..” - she directed her answer towards Jace - “that boy way fine. It’s not my fault he turned out to be a ‘nice guy’.” she retaliated.
“You know you can joke about me all you want- “ 
“Oh, I will”
“As I said. You can joke about me all you want but you know I’m right. You like Izzy and you should totally ask her out.” (Y/N)’s big brother got serious for a minute. 
Simon wanted his sister to be happy. It wasn’t only his and Clary’s lives that got turned upside down. The three of them were really close and with both Simon and Clary gone (Y/N) completely lost her support system. It hurt Simon to know that he couldn’t always be there for his little sister so every chance he got to take care of her, he was determined to use.
“Simon, I don’t even know if Izzy likes girls.” 
(Y/N) was starting to grow frustrated when Alec spoke up, “She does... I thought you’d like to know”
(Y/N)’s head whipped around to face Alec and then looked back to her brother, who had a knowing smile on his face.
“Doesn’t matter anyways. She doesn’t even know me. I don’t know her. Why would I ask her - “ (Y/N)’s answer was interrupted by Izzy’s return.
“What are we talking about, guys?” she asked while finding a seat between her brother and (Y/N), sending the girl a smile that made her blush more than (Y/N) cared to admit.
“Oh, just Simon’s inability to hold his bladder,” Jace tried to sound nonchalant but couldn’t keep the smile out of his voice.  
“Well, that sounds interesting ... anybody care to explain?” Izzy grinned at Simon.
Right as Jace was about to open his mouth Simon interrupted him, “Anybody care not to?”
After that the group got talking again. Izzy got filled up on everything she’s missed while she was busy at the institute. 
“(Y/N), Clary told me your in college, yes? What are you studying?” Izzy turned to the girl next to her.
“It’s something called sociology. It’s basically the study of human interactions and social problems.  It’s really interesting. I mean to me at least.” she answered. Izzy seemed interested but (Y/N) was too flustered to actually keep a conversation going. And it didn’t help that Simon stirred the conversation to (Y/N) every chance he got.
“Izzy! Did you know my sister has a thing for leather jackets? Where did you get yours? She told me she really liked the way the jacket looks on you when you were over there getting your drink.” Simon asked her. On one hand he really wanted his sister to act on her crush but on the other hand he also enjoyed teasing her a little bit like she always teased him. 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened when Simon said that, cursing him for being  so forward.
Izzy’s eyes lit up, she loved talking fashion and makeovers especially.
“Really? That’s great! I dont remember where I got this particular one but I have some more in my room at the institute. Leather jackets are actually kinda like work attire for us shadowhunters, you know? You should totally come over sometime and I’ll set up a whole outfit for you. I already have some jewelry in mind that could really enhance your eyes. You’ll look just great. I mean.. not that you don’t look great now. You’re beautiful obviously..” Izzy got a little carried away but got more quiet towards the end when she realized that she started to ramble.
(Y/N) blushed even worse than before. Izzy called her beautiful. She couldn’t believe her ears but quickly got her act together and answered the dark haired shadowhunter beside her, “Yeah sure. That’d be cool. Let’s do that sometime.” She sent Izzy a little smile. 
“Yes! Sounds like a date, guys”, Simon chimed in, “speaking of dates, (Y/N) you’re not seeing anybody lately, are you?”
“Simon stop.” Clary warned her best friend. She knew what he was up to and she agreed that Izzy and (Y/N) would be a great match. Their personalities would compliment each other amazingly if (Y/N) just stopped being so insecure. But setting them up like this wasn’t the right way.
“And what about you, Iz? Is there a special someone in your life right now?”
Simon was acting strange. Izzy furrowed her brows and sent a look towards Simon first and towards (Y/N) after. 
“Sorry guys, I gonna go catch some fresh air.” (Y/N) excused herself and left the bar.
Clary hurried after her, throwing Simon a disappointed look on the way.
When she arrived outside she found a pissed (Y/N) pacing the pavement. 
“That idiot. Who does he think he is? Dr. Phil? Oprah? Is a simple nice evening of hanging out to much to ask for?” 
“See, I get that you’re angry with Simon but he’s really just trying to help. We’ve all seen the way you look at Izzy. You two’d have chemistry, (Y/N). Don’t you see that? You’re his little sister and he wants to make sure you’re happy. I know he took it too far but he had good intentions.” the red head tried to reason with her friend.
“No, Clary. I don’t see that. And Simon should really know better. I’m not part of your world and let’s be honest - I won’t be Simon’s little sister for long anymore either. Give or take one, two years and I’ll be older than him. I get it. I really do. You got new friends, new lives and shit  and I’m really, really trying to be as supportive as I can be but I’m still back home and trying to forcefully insert me in your situation will only do harm. Look at you, look at Izzy, look at Jace and Alec. Hell, even Simon looks cool lately. Why would a girl like Izzy go out with me? I’m not even supposed to know of her existence. So I appreciate your concern but I will not ask out Isabelle Lightwood!”
“Why not?”
(Y/N) was rigid, she knew exactly who this voice belonged to but she still prayed that it’d be anybody but Izzy standing behind her. But no such luck, when she turned around the one and only Izzy Lightwood stood before her with a worried expression on her beautiful face but nonetheless her arms crossed firmly across the chest.
“I should leave you two to it, I think,” Clary mumbled awkwardly while stepping around (Y/N), sending a sympathetic smile towards her.
(Y/N) sat down on the curb rubbing her hands over her face. She was exhausted. Izzy took that as an invitation to join her.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough. Even though I don’t understand what you were saying. Why are you so hard on yourself?” she looked at (Y/N) for a long time. When she didn’t answer the shadowhunter continued, “You’re beautiful. I meant what I said earlier. You’re really pretty and I would love to get to know you. I saw how you were making everybody laugh with your personality - even my brother. I don’t know if Clary told you but Alec is really suspicious of strangers, especially ones that aren’t part of our world. This life we’re living is often very serious and we all had our fair share of grief. So maybe an outsider to lighten up the mood is just what we need. It’s certainly what I need.” 
By the time Izzy finished (Y/N) didn’t feel as bad anymore but she was still insecure, “I just don’t understand why would you like me if there’s-”
“I’m gonna kiss you now”
“You’re gonna do what now?” 
(Y/N) hadn’t even finished her question before she felt Izzy’s soft lips upon hers. It only took her a second or two to react but then she kissed her back. It wasn’t a lustful kiss, nor was it just a little peck, but it was an innocent and pure kiss, that the both of them shared. 
When the two separated neither of them said a word. They sat comfortably until (Y/N) broke the silence, “So... was this red lipstick transfer proof or..?”
That earned her a giggle, which (Y/N) thought she could get used to.
“Okay, how about we’ll go out sometime and see where this will lead us, huh? I really want to get to know you,” Izzy asked the girl next to her.
“I feel the same way,” (Y/N) smiled.
Isabelle scooted over a little closer to her and they switched back to sitting in comfortable silence with the occasional nudge and giggle.
“Hey? Everything alright out here?” Alec was sent out by Simon and Clary to check up on the two girls because they didn’t know if (Y/N) was still angry and Simon didn’t want to risk being of the receiving end of it, eventhough he would have deserved it. 
When Alec saw the two lovebirds all huddled up together a smile found it’s way on his face, “How about we go back inside now? It’s cold outside and Jace just volunteered to buy another round”
(Y/N) was the first to get up, offering her hand to Izzy to help her up, which she gladly took. Not that she needed it, it was just a nice gesture.
Back at their table they all took their former seats but this time (Y/N) was a lot more relaxed. 
When Simon noticed the change in his sisters demeanor he tried to tease her a little, assuming that she’d not be angry at him anymore now that everything worked out, “I knew you two would get along just fine, little sister. That’s why you always trust in your big bro.”
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows at him but two could play that game, “Hey, Iz... you know Celine Dion, don’t you?”
Before she could answer Jace’s laughing voice interrupted the girl, “Man, I just LOVE that story.”
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jimindraft · 5 years
mint choco | csb
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© morethanblue
ㆍsummary; you had the biggest crush on your friend’s friend because he was the cutes... wait, did he just say mint choco is the same as toothpaste?
ㆍgenre; fluff?
ㆍword count; 1.5K.
ㆍ warnings; swearing.
ㆍtag; alternative universe, college!soobin and college!reader
17:05 pm. Crap. If I was given a dollar for everytime I was late I... maybe wouldn't even get there in time. I was late for my last class of the semester and I really promised I wouldn't be but the world loves conspiring against me and make the line in the coffee shop twice as big as it would be any other day. I didn't need coffee that desperately but I zoned out until it was almost my turn and I was already late.
Class started ten minutes before I got there, and the back door made this shrieking noise everytime it was opened so I knew that if I went inside I would interrupt everything so I opted on staying outside until my anxiety calmed down and I could think straight.
Since I was in college I knew no teacher would kill me for being ten minutes late but just the thought of everyone looking at me and my face heating up and having to find an empty seat while my heart was beating so fast… It’s the last class anyway.
I sat on the floor putting my backpack right beside me and took out my phone. Beomgyu had texted me 11 times. What a clingy kid.
16:45 omw to class pls b ther 16:47 or maybe dont lmao i dont wanna see ur face 16:51 wait i wasnt serious 16:51 girl answer me 16:52 u ded 16:53 the teacher came in i hate being alone pls get here 16:53 bitch wya 16:54 if your getting coffee istg 16:54 this is literally the last class 16:54 you had one (1) job 16:55 fuck you
As I was gonna text him back I looked up to see a group of boys walking in silence.
I first recognized Felix and almost stood up to say hi, which made them all look at me which made me realize who was there. Choi Soobin.
My crush on him started when Felix posted an instagram story with him, the video showed Soobin laughing and I remember thinking, wow, that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. I was too shy to ask who he was but I started following his account a few days after when I gathered the courage. My biggest mistake was telling Beomgyu there was someone that caught my eye, since he was obsessed with me getting a boyfriend so he could get away from me. What a child.
‘’Is he our age? What’s his name? Where did you meet him?’’ Beomgyu had gone crazy with questions.
The fact that I only knew his name and the fact that he was in one of Felix’s classes felt kind of pathetic when I told my best friend but he promised he would find more information on Soobin. Before I could tell him I wasn’t even that into him, things had escalated too quickly and five months later I found myself more interested in the tall boy.
I had never actually talked to him, I don’t even think I had seen him this close.
‘’Why aren’t you in class?’’ Felix questioned me and I was too flustered to think of something.
I stood up to look at them from… well, they are taller than me so even standing up I still have to look up to see their faces. I don’t think I could look at Soobin, though. I might die trying.
‘’I… I’m just waiting for Beomgyu’’ You were, in fact, waiting for him, so it wasn’t completely a lie.
‘’Right. They’re dating.’’ Felix said looking to his right, where Soobin was.
I panicked. I really didn’t want him thinking I’m dating my best friend. God, no. I looked at him and saw a tall boy with his big curious eyes looking at me shyly. His hands were in front of him, his fingers intertwined. Do you see why I’m so whipped? He's too cute.
‘’I’m just kidding!’’ Felix said as he saw how altered I was. ‘’Ah, by the way, we’re hanging out at Cracker’s later. You should come.’’
I dared to look once more in Soobin’s direction. Shit. This was the first time he’d ever seen me and I didn’t make the best first impression. I mean, I could’ve done better. Our eyes met and I felt like dying from embarrassment.
As soon as they left I saw the class door open and the first one to run out of the room was obviously my crackhead friend Beomgyu.
‘’You fucking bitch.’’ he continued to curse me all the way back to the dorms where we stayed.
‘’By the way, Felix invited me to hang out later. He said to invite you’’
His eyes showed interest and his gaze turned into a playful one.
‘’We should totally go, you know who might come.’’ He said and giggled. I barely had energy to roll my eyes.
I mean, yes I wanted to see his bunny face as much as possible but I didn’t know if I could handle being near him for too much, and I was afraid that purely my existence would be too embarrassing.
‘’Yeah, he was with him earlier’’ I sounded distressed and was even more ashamed when my best friend asked me what I had said to him. ‘’Nothing? I mean there wasn’t anything I could say to him, right? Was I supposed to?’’
He sighed. ‘’You’re so stupid. I honestly can’t stand you.’’ You hit his arm with all your strength and he winced in pain, exaggerating of course since you had noodles as arms.
Your heart pounded on your chest as Beomgyu opened the door to Cracker’s without hesitating. You suddenly felt like running away or at least clinging into his arm but decided against it, since it may have been weird to see you both entering like that. Everyone already suspected you were a couple but you honestly could never see each other that way. You loved him of course, since he was great and you would never deny he’s really good looking but he just really wasn’t your type.
You looked around to find Felix but your best friend found him faster and dragged you to the table where he was sitting. Alone.
‘’Where’s everyone?’’ You asked trying to hide your disappointment.
‘’They’re asses. Everyone was busy apparently’’ he said pouting and Beomgyu went to his side of the booth and sat next to him while fake crying trying to comfort the guy. You loved seeing them joke that way with each other.
You sat alone in front of Felix and shamelessly grabbed his milkshake to try it. As the strong flavor hit you, you noticed a black jacket on your side that was way too big to be Felix’s. As you were about to ask him, a tall figure approached your table leaving you frozen with the straw on your lips.
‘’Oh, Soobin, hi!’’ Beomgyu said cheerfully, as always and with your best effort you gave him a small smile.
‘’Hi!’’ he said back cutely and you noticed a pink milkshake in his hand. He seemed to think for a moment and ended up sitting next to you, since there was no space next to Beomgyu and Felix. Was this place always so small?
You felt so small next to him, and his arm was only a couple centimeters away from yours so you could feel his warmth and that made your heart flutter. Ok, maybe your crush on the boy was really strong. You didn't even feel so nervous when you had your first kiss or last week when you had to give a presentation in front of your class.
‘’... and what do you want?’’ Beomgyu asked you which made you realize you were completely absorbed in your thoughts and he didn’t miss the opportunity to tease you. ‘’Are you okay? Your face is a little flushed. Are you hot? Oh, but it’s winter…’’ You were gonna kill him.
‘’A mint chocolate milkshake, you ass’’ You told him with a cold glare and murmuring the last part.
What caught your attention next was a noise wight next to you. An ‘’ugh’’ had left Soobin’s lips and you looked at him in disbelief.
‘’Please don’t tell me you’re a mint chocolate hater too.’’ you sighed, leaving almost all nervousness behind. ‘’ You and Taehyun, god, what did the poor flavor do to you?’’
‘’I can’t believe you out of all people would like it. Ugh, it’s just not good’’ Before you could say something he kept going. ‘’Beomgyu bring her toothpaste in a glass, it’s the same thing.’’ You both looked in front of you and were shocked to see you were left alone.
You crossed your arms in front of you and looked at the tall boy do the exact same and look at you defyingly. Your heart did something right there in that moment.
did i hear part two? nah, must’ve been the wind.
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@theobligatedklutz suggested a short prompt to me where TJ pushes Cyrus into a pool at a pool party because "he is a little shit"
So, from my hotel room in Vegas, here is that short story for you guys. Hope you enjoy!
TJ watched as the sun began to fall in the afternoon sky as he stood on the Goodmans porch. The sweet scent of their potted orchids filled his lungs and for a second he was in an overwhelming state of ease. Every time he came over he was tempted to just grab one of them and run, but he knew that Cyrus' mother cared for those more than she did her own son. So he figured he wouldn't take the chance risking his own life and just came over more often to compromise.
He heard the front door creak open as the light footsteps of his boyfriend sounded from behind him.
"Mom, I'm leaving now!" Cyrus shouted into his house,  as he closed the door behind him.
TJ spun around, looking right into his mocha brown eyes and glowing smile. "Hey! You ready?"
"You know it! I've been waiting all summer for this!"
"Cool." He smiled. "Let's go."
He grabbed Cyrus' hand and intertwined their fingers as they headed down the porch and made their way over to TJ's.
Every summer TJ holds a pool party for all of his closest friends as a final hoorah to summer, before they have to return and add one more year onto the total of years they lost to education. Or that's how TJ words it, anyways.
Tonight was no different, except for the fact that this was the first year that the two of them were a couple instead of just friends so for some reason TJ was a little more nervous. He just wanted to make sure that everything was as perfect as can be for Cyrus, so despite the fact that he was just a few houses down he still went out of his way to walk with him.
"You know you really didnt have to come get me, right? I can handle walking there by myself." Cyrus laughed, bumping into TJ.
"I know" he smiled. "I just like spending as much time with you as I can." He turned his head to look at Cyrus. "Plus, you never know when a bear could charge in here and attack!"
"I really dont think there are bears around here. But I appreciate your concern"
"Hey, you can never be too careful" he winked.
"Whatever, Thelonious." He snorts.
TJ hurriedly checked their surroundings "Cyrus, I told you that name could never see the light of day and -" he used his free hand to gesture to their obvious surroundings. "I still see plenty of light."
"Well I for one find your name adorable,  and also know for a fact that nobody is around, so relax, okay?" He felt Cyrus squeeze his hand tightly, helping to ease some of his stress.
"Okay, okay." He breathed "I'm sorry."
"Its alright, okay Teej? You're safe with me, I promise."
He looked down to see Cyrus giving him one of the most genuine, and gentle smiles he had ever seen from the boy, and at that moment any remaining doubts he had vanished. God he really loved his boy and how amazing he was. He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky.
TJ finally dropped Cyrus' hand as they approached the gate into his back yard. He opened it, allowing Cyrus to enter first, and closely followed behind him as the gate swung shut with a loud clang.
The rest of their friends had already arrived before TJ had left to get Cyrus so now the gang was all here. 
He made his way back over to his chair next to Marty as Cyrus ran off to join Buffy and Andi.
He sat down with a sigh, kicking his feet up to make sure he could relax as best as possible. That was until Marty cleared his throat as obnoxiously as possible.
"Can I help you?" He turned to glare at him.
"I'll give you $5 to push Cyrus in the pool."
"Okay, okay. What about $10?"
"Dude, I'll do it for free."
"Alright fine $15- wait seriously?"
"Sure, why not?"
"What's the catch?"
"No catch, I'm being serious."
He watched as Marty eyed him suspiciously. "I dont know what your game is here Kippen, but I'm all for it."
"No game." He laughed "It's just nice to have a little fun with him every now and again."
"So you're really telling me you're just going to push your boyfriend into a pool because I asked you to?"
"Yep." He said, popping the 'p' sound at the end.
"That's crazy man...." Marty shook his head. "Go for it"
"Alright, fine" he frowned, getting up from his seat.
He walked over towards where Cyrus and the girls were sitting. He noticed they were in a deep conversation. Cyrus and Andi seemed to be laughing at something Buffy had said.
He turned back to look at Marty who was giving him a thumbs up, and then turned back, calling Cyrus over.
He stood there, with part of his foot hanging over the edge watching as Cyrus excused himself from his conversation and ran over.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked, smile on his face.
"Nothin'." TJ lied "I just wanted to see your pretty face" he grabbed onto Cyrus' hands and gently swung them back and forth.
"Well, here it is." He laughed. "Was that really all you wanted me over here for?
"I mean... I was just wondering if you wanted to go for a little swim?" He smiled hopefully.
"Yeah, sure that sounds fun."
"Cool! Where's your phone by the way?"
"Oh it's over by Buffy do you want me to-"
"Good." He interrupted. He removed his hands from Cyrus' as he reached up and placed both hands on his right shoulder. With all his might he pushed him sideways into the pool, clothes and all.
Ahead of him, he heard the horrific screams from the girls as Cyrus hit the water.
Behind him was the ravenous cackling of Marty.
"Cyrus!" Buffy yelled. "TJ, what the hell was that?!"
"Relax." He replied as he shifted his body weight towards his foot that was dangling off the edge. He kept going until he couldn't balance himself any longer and plummeted into the water right behind Cyrus.
He floated to the top to find Cyrus coughing out the water as he tried to regain his balance and breath.
TJ waded his way over until he was right in front of Cyrus. Using his thumbs, he whiped the water from Cyrus' eyes so he could see again and was instantly met with a glare.
"You know, when I said I wanted to swim I kind of meant in my swimsuit." He snapped.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, using his finger to carefully move the hair out of Cyrus' face. "I just wanted to have a little fun. Plus you're cute when you're mad."
"This is not funny, TJ! My clothes are soaked! I can't believe you right now."
TJ went behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and rested his head on his wet shoulder.
"Thelonious is sorry." He said.
"TJ." He whispered. "I'm pretty sure they can hear you."
"Thelonious Jagger Kippen is sorry!" He yelled out. "I don't care if they know anymore. As long as you forgive me."
"I- I mean I wasn't *that* mad. You didnt have to tell them your name. Plus I'm still a little irritated but I guess... that was very sweet of you. In a weird way."
"Cyrus, if you pushed me into a pool I'd be pretty irritated. I just didnt want you to be mad at me for the rest of the night."
"Alright, I get it. Just- can you wait till I'm actually in my swimsuit next time?"
"Yeah." He laughed. "I promise"
"Good. Now can we get out of the pool?"
"I suppose that would be a good idea."
They climbed out of the pool and carried on with their night. And while Cyrus still had a little bit of a grudge against TJ, it didnt stop him from getting payback by pushing him into the pool later that night as they were cleaning up.
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A none fan Re-Write Idea for TLOS2 (please dont kill me)
Okay... this will be long and first things first: Im not a fan. Or an angry guy. I know the very basics of the first game and as someone who enjoyed zombies (yes yes they are infected hush hush) and gaming quite a bit I stumbled over the leaks and rumors and the absolute horrible way Naughty Dog is acting. Towards their paying, loyal, fanbase... and customers most importanlty. So I gave the plot a look. Listening to the honest player reviews and yes I fully understand the anger and the disappointment really. SPOILERS Now imagine your favorite show. You favorite character, husbando, waifu son or daughter who cares, and in the long awaited next episode, the wait was long, your fanfavorite beloved character gets killed in the least caring manner possible and overly brutal to boot wouldnt you be just the smallest bit sad or mad too? Especially if they were dumped down to even die? To a point where they are out of character? We all would be come on. And its kinda sad too, we dont get many good dad characters in general.  Anyway I looked the plot over and I think we can all agree that its boring and predictable at best and utter dogshit (how fitting) at worst. And I had a bit of a thought on how the revenge idea could still work even with a bit of focus on gender and sexuality with the girls in focus still.  This is based on a YouTubers idea too, I couldnt find him again but I still wanted to mention it. So from what I know Ellie? Has a girlfriend, which is cute they seem adorkable from the material I viewed but lets get mean. What if, keeping all the (misleading) trailers in mind, the girlfriend is the one killed. Yes I know. We dont want to end our queer peeps all the time but Ellie still counts and she is one badass after all. But we are in the endtimes, mankinds numbers have dwindled, tribes exist again, it wouldnt be farfetched to find one if not more groups of fanatical people who are anti same-sex relationships because those couples cant reproduce and “safe” the speices. And Ellie and her girlfriend (so sorry I dont remember her name and I just want to smack my idea in your faces while its fresh) in the beginning and set up hours run into one, we are introduced the the nutters, the poor girl dies and our revenge plot is on the go. Ellie tries to sneak away later and like in the trailer EndtimeDad Joel? Tells her he will go with her, like the good bloody dad he is/was and we get into the game.  Now here is one of my huge ideas for Abby. We can keep most of her backstory really, her dad dying due to Joel and all. BUT and thats a big big juicy BUT Abby is NOT the one who kills Joel. In fact they never meet. Follow me here alright? This is anti revenge right? In a bleak, everyone may die universe. So what if Joel dies, protecting Ellie during the hunt / research part of the game. He is gone and out of the way, him dying for Ellie would probably make his death more impactful than the cheap provided shock value they provided and we still get the dead dad. Ellie now alone with no one else by her side has nothing else to keep driving her forward but her revenge.  And back to Abby, Im not to sure how to properly get her gameplay in, she would still be hunting Joel so she would of course be unaware of his death. And perhaps the girls cross paths much sooner in that near cult like groups outpost (maybe they have more settlements) Abby stumbles into them and her buff appearance have her mistaken as trans and she gets captured, her captors refusing to listen to reason, showing just how insane these lunatics are at that point. And they decide to maybe kill her or fore her to breed something horrible, we dont have to shy back from that after all.  At that place I would let the girls meet actually. Ellie finding that place on her hunt for that killer of her GF and she frees Abby and some other captives maybe, they escape together with one of them maybe getting injured, they stick together for a bit and bond vengance and the search for a murder being something they have in common but it ultimately comes out that Ellie knew and was close to Joel which creates a huge rift, but also at that point Abby learns the man she has hunted is already dead. (which tbh would be half expected I mean the world isnt that easy to survive in) and we are first hit with the over all theme of the game of revenge being meaningless in the end. As Abby has to face the fact that the man had died, like anyone else. She know finds herself empty and lost, very angry too the girls fighting for sure and Ellie is presented with the lie from the first games ending. Either way she still has her goal and while we get to see her struggle with that information she will move on and the girls split up with Abby now having no meaning or goal and we might delve into some serious dark places with her mentally but she stumbles into a side plot and finds other purpose. This is were my idea slowly loses detail since I obviously dont know how to fully hammer home a good “revenge is futile” ending for Ellie, maybe its still similar to the one we got, with her giving up but perhaps she found someone else who opened her eyes as sappy and clichee as it would be, someone she might met when staking out an outpost or something DISCLAIMERS: No no Im not a salty fanbrat I promise, I feel like the game had some massive potential and just wanted to share a creative little spark I got from it.  !!! I dont think I can make or write a better story than the game developers !!! Im not saying this would have turned out better !!! THIS IS JUST FOR FUNZIES!!! Why not share your own ideas, Im sure we got some FanFic authors around here and some AU fun stories sound like a good little creative exercise, you could take any show, book, game that might have disappointed you and give it your own spin, no harm done after all. This was litereally just something that popped to my mind with the plot points I gathered 
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albapuella · 4 years
How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure (Chapter Two)
Fandom: Homestuck
Summary: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days AU Dave needs to win a bet; Karkat needs to write an article. Shenanigans ensue.
Tags: Humanstuck, alternate universe - no sburb session, POV switches galore, implied/referenced child abuse Author’s note: This story is the result of a jam session I did with aceAdoxography on the davekat thirst federation discord server. This one's a little out of my usual wheelhouse, but I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. New chapters every Saturday/Sunday. Didn’t bother with the formatting this time: You want the fancy formatting, go to AO3 :D
Day 1:
Despite his slacker appearance (and life-style, to be honest), Dave was always punctual. He'd even made an effort to look the part of a guy going on a date with another guy: jeans with only a few holes at the knees, his favorite record shirt, and a red hoodie—all freshly cleaned. So freshly cleaned that the sweater was still very slightly damp. Well, whatever, it'd be fine. They were having dinner first, and that meant he'd have plenty of time for the thing to dry out before they went to the movies where the main thrust of Dave's doki-doki plan would commence.
Karkat arrived a few minutes later. He wasn't dressed to the nines, but it was at least to the sevens. It occurred to Dave, as he watched him approach, that he hadn't known how tall Karkat was. The answer was slightly shorter than Dave but with a more solid build. Stocky. Or maybe that was just the black sweater he was wearing. Then again, his legs looked pretty solid in the black pants he was wearing, too. Either way, he looked good.
Dave gave him an appreciative whistle which made Karkat's eyes narrow. Not the reaction he'd wanted. “Looking good, Karkat,” he said quickly, hoping to smooth over any feathers he might have inadvertently ruffled. “I'm digging the whole sexy college professor thing you've got going.”
“Uh, thanks,” Karkat said with evident disbelief. “You, uh, you look good, too.” He straightened up. “You said we were doing dinner first.”
“Yep.” Dave held out his arm. “I’m taking you to my favorite place. A lot of people think it’s wack, but I’m buying, so if you really don’t like it, at least it didn’t cost you anything.” When his date didn't immediately take his offered arm, he shook it invitingly. “It's not too far from here.”
Karkat looked from Dave's arm to Dave, suspicious. Then he sighed and laid his hand on Dave's arm, his hold tighter than Dave had expected it to be considering his earlier hesitation. “Okay. Fine. Sounds great. Let's go.”
The first thing Karkat noticed when he took Dave's arm was that his sleeve was damp. Then he noticed the feeling of the arm beneath his fingers. Despite looking thin enough to break, there was some muscle here. As they walked to what was apparently Dave’s favorite restaurant, Dave just kept talking. If Karkat had been offered a thousand dollars, he doubted he could have remembered any specific details of the inanity he'd been subjected to. A nervous talker. He'd have to put that down in his notes.
Dinner went much the same. Dave talked at him while Karkat sat there trying to eat his food (overpriced, faux Italian—of all the places Dave could have chosen, he'd picked a fucking Olive Garden? That was going in his notes, too.). In all honesty, Karkat tried not to pay too much attention to what was being said. First, he'd already determined that most of what came out of this man's mouth was completely meaningless nonsense, and second, if he actually listened to any of it, he'd be hard pressed not to respond to the idiocy. While Dave had no evident compunction about swearing, Karkat wanted to get through at least this first date without screaming.
All right, so that was an exaggeration. Some of what Dave said was actually pretty funny. In a hopelessly awkward sort of way. Karkat hated that Dave's clumsy compliments were making him blush. Clearly, the man had brain damage... which also explained the rapping that Dave kept doing (completely unprovoked!). By the time dinner was over, Karkat was only too grateful that their next destination meant that Dave would have to stop talking.
Since Dave had picked the restaurant, Karkat had picked the movie. Some romantic comedy chick flick Dave couldn't be bothered to remember the title of. Still, it gave him an opportunity to sit right tight next to Karkat and eat his weight in popped, buttery goodness, so he really couldn't complain.
“What’s the deal with that dude?” Dave whispered. “I thought he was already tight with that other chick. What gives? Is he cheating on her?”
Karkat made a noise like a cat being stepped on but softer. “Dave,” he whispered back, his tone full of the same sing-songy patient impatience that Rose would use when she thought Dave was being particularly dim, “if you were paying attention, you'd already know that that 'dude' is that 'other chick's' cousin. They are probably not romantically involved. I know you're from Texas, but that's not how it works above the Mason Dixon line.” Then he ducked his head and took a long drink from his soda. “Sorry. Just-just watch the movie and be quiet.”
Dave blinked. He'd been starting to think Karkat wasn't going to open up at all. At least, he'd had fuck all to say during dinner. Even if it had been an incest joke at his expense, it still was nice to hear Karkat say something. Something that wasn't just non-committal noises or unenthusiastic agreements. He leaned against Karkat's shoulder to whisper, “It's not true, you know. About Texas. We don't fuck our cousins; I mean, we do, but not first cousins. We're strictly second cousins only. It's a rule. Of course, none of my second cousins are as hot as you, so I'd be willing to make an exception. Just this once.”
This earned him a light elbowing to the gut and a low growl, but Karkat didn't push him off.
By the end of the movie, Dave had gotten five more elbows to the gut, three startled bursts of laughter, two creative insults (quickly joined by muttered apologies), and one “Will you please just let me watch this movie?” Over all, Dave felt like he'd succeeded in charming the hell out of this motherfucker, thank you very much.
They'd walked out into the open air, a nice breeze whisking away the smell of popcorn and sweat from the movie theater. “I had a lot of fun, Karkat. Thanks for coming on this date with me. Do you think we could do this again sometime?”
Karkat blinked at him, a clear look of surprise on his face. “Oh, uh, sure.” He shook his head. “I mean, yes, I'd love to go on another date with you.”
Dave's heart leapt. “Awesome. You can hit me up on Pesterchum. Or I can hit you up. How about I hit you up?”
“Fine, that's... that's fine.” Karkat's smile seemed uneven. “I'll be looking forward to it.”
Although Dave was tempted to try for a kiss, he didn't think he ought to press his luck so far on the first date. Karkat had loosened up some while they'd been in the theater, but out here under the streetlight, he looked nervous again. The last thing Dave wanted to do was chase him away. “Okay then. I guess I'll see you later?”
A slow nod. “Yeah, later.” Karkat was stilted and contained again. Restricted, like a hermit crab stuck in a shell that was too tight. It wouldn't do. It wouldn't do at all. Dave had caught a few glimpses of the real Karkat tonight, and the sight made him hungry to see more.
Dave watched him walk away, admiring the view with a new goal in mind: he was going to get Karkat Vantas out of his shell if it was the last thing he did. Getting to rub him in Rose’s face at her wedding was only going to be a bonus.
* Never shuts up. Not even during movies. Especially during movies. Attention span of a gnat. From Texas. Doesn't know how to use a dryer. Finds me attractive. Probable brain damage. Funny. Charming. Obnoxious. Never takes off sunglasses. Olive Garden.
Karkat sighed and set down his pen. He'd tried his best to be as cordial as he knew how to be, and he still hadn't managed to last for the entire four hours without insulting his date. Multiple times. Oh well. At least Dave was apparently brain damaged enough to find rudeness terribly amusing (if the way he'd kept bugging Karkat during the movie had been any indication).
He'd been surprised when Dave had actually asked if they could go on another date. Karkat knew he hadn't made the best impression, and yet Dave wanted to spend more time with him? He looked over his notes, trying to ignore the surge of happiness that filled him at the thought. It didn't mean anything: Dave was clearly an idiot, and after a few more days, Karkat was going to start on the offensive. Whatever meager promise there would have been in this fledgling romance, it was still doomed from the start: like all of Karkat's relationships.
Day 2:
It was all Dave could do to wait until the next day to pester Karkat. He didn't want to come off as too eager, after all. Didn't want to put Karkat off. But Dave was only so strong.
TG: so i was thinking TG: if youre not busy TG: we could go to the park this afternoon TG: watch the grifters and maybe get robbed TG: or you could come to my place and hang TG: is it too soon to do that? TG: asking for a friend TG: this is dave by the way TG: i dont know how many people youre talking to TG: not that its any of my business TG: i wouldnt want you up in my grill asking me who im talking to CG: IT IS SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING ON SUNDAY. TG: yea and youre up anyway CG: BECAUSE YOU WOKE ME UP. WITH YOUR TEXTS. THAT YOU SENT JUST NOW. TG: oh shit sorry CG: IT'S FINE. I NEEDED TO GET UP ANYWAY. CG: YOU WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME? WHY?
Dave frowned down at his phone. Was Karkat fishing for compliments or was he being serious?
TG: because its fun to hang out with you TG: thats how this works right? TG: i thought we could watch another movie TG: at my place TG: or your place i guess if that works better for you TG: ive got popcorn if that sweetens the deal at all CG: YES. BECAUSE THE WAY TO MY HEART IS MICROWAVED POPCORN. TG: fucking called it CG: … CG: FINE. I'LL MEET YOU AT THE PARK AT 2:30PM. IS THAT ACCEPTABLE? TG: perfect ill meet you by the giant yo CG: YOU MEAN THE OY/YO. TG: tomatoes tomotoes karkat
Dave watched the little “CG is typing” message run for almost a minute, feeling his nervousness grow. What had he said that required a novel length response? He managed to reign in the impulse to apologize preemptively, but it was a struggle.
He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Fine, good then. Nothing was wrong.
TG: im looking forward to it TG: its not hard to intuit TG: when we come out to debut TG: sit by the yo then well go round TG: downtown get the lowdown TG: before we get busy in the hissie TG: partake of the fizzie cause we got a duty TG: to watch the fuck out of this movie CG: RIGHT. SEE YOU THEN. BYE.
Dave shrugged. He couldn't expect Karkat to really appreciate his off the cuff rhymes so soon after waking up, he supposed. Maybe they'd land better later. Flat reception or not, the important thing was he'd gotten Karkat to agree to come to his apartment. He looked around, frowning. Maybe he should clean up a little.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Karkat tossed his phone on the bedside table with a groan. It had been all that he could do not to curse out Dave like there would never be a tomorrow. Considering the fact that he was currently planning to go to the apartment of a practical stranger, that much might just be true for him. He lay in bed a little longer, out of spite mostly—he could never get back to sleep after being woken up—, before getting out from under the covers. First things first: notes.
* Inconsiderate asshole. Horrible rapper. Calls the OY/YO “the YO”. Doesn't know the right way to express “tomatoes, tomahtos”. Wants to spend time with me. Insane. We have that much in common.
Thanks to Dave's wake-up call, Karkat had plenty of time to eat a hearty breakfast and start his article.
“How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure” BY KARKAT VANTAS
Since you have decided to read this article, I will assume that you are looking to learn the art of ruining your relationships without the mess of all that trial and error. Maybe you enjoy breaking hearts. Maybe you are the kind of masochist who enjoys getting their heart broken but is at a loss as to how to properly sabotage your relationship yourself. If you can manage to follow these simple steps, you will be well on your way to the same bitter loneliness that usually only the most unlucky in love get the privilege to experience. 
The first step is the victim. For the purposes of this article, I picked one that is particularly obnoxious and brain dead. You may have different qualities you are looking for in a potential short-term partner. Ultimately, the most important thing to consider when you plan to lose a guy (or gal or enby) is that you make certain they are one you do not mind losing. That way you can start the process without any regrets.
The second step is the hook. Laugh at their dumb jokes; accept their stupid compliments; ignore their mangling of the English language (in my case, his horrible rapping); and generally be as agreeable as you can manage. A severe lack of intelligence in your short-term partner can be a boon here, though you will find most people are not immune to flattery. You need to make certain that you have your short-term partner well and truly interested in you before you attempt to lose them. If you try to lose them too soon, you will miss out on the full relationship ruining experience.
A little too informal, maybe, but a fine start. Depending on how well this afternoon went (assuming he wasn't murdered and stuffed in a closet), maybe Karkat would be able to start on step three. He was able to stomp down his nascent guilt with ease. After all, Dave wouldn't have been interested in him after the novelty wore off anyway.
The afternoon was a little warmer than the evening had been, but Dave still wore his hoodie. It felt lucky, and it was still clean. More the latter than the former, but the point stood! He sat down on the bench next to the giant yellow YO installation and waited. While it was tempting to shoot a message to Karkat, he decided against it. He’d be seeing him in less than ten minutes, and he didn’t want him to think he was clingy. Which he wasn’t. Totally not. Dave Strider had never clung his whole life. Ask anyone. Except Jade. Don’t ask her. 
He noticed his leg was bouncing and put a stop to that noise. He was a cool operator. He had this thing on lock. The date yesterday had gone good, right? Karkat wouldn’t have agreed to see him again if he’d had a terrible time. He pushed back his hood and ran a hand through his hair. Nothing to worry about. He’d have a date for Rose’s wedding and continue sorting out the mystery that was Karkat Vantas.
Dave heard the crunch of gravel and looked over to see Karkat approaching. Another sweater combo, but gray this time. The guy had a style he preferred, clearly. It was fine: he looked great. He stood and closed the distance between them. “Hey, Karkat.”
“Hey,” Karkat returned, frowning. Of course, that seemed to be his default expression. “I brought a movie to watch,” he said gruffly. 
Although Dave had been hoping he’d be able to pick the movie this time, he wasn’t too cut up about it. It might be a little early in the relationship to bring out The Room anyway. He wouldn’t know. “Sounds great. My place isn’t too far from here.” He held his arm out. “Shall we?”
Again, Karkat regarded his arm with suspicion. “Why do you do this?”
“Do what?”
Karkat opened his mouth before seeming to think better of whatever he’d planned to say. “Never mind.” He took Dave’s arm. “Let’s get going.”
As they walked to his apartment, Dave tried to keep the conversation flowing, but Karkat’s subdued responses quickly killed his enthusiasm. “I feel like I’m talking too much,” he said finally. 
Karkat mumbled something which sounded suspiciously like “You think?” before he shook his head. “No, of course not. I’m just a little too tired to, uh, participate, that’s all.”
Dave winced at the reminder of his first faux pas of the day. “No problem, dude. I got us covered. I got words for days.”
“Months even,” Karkat added before ducking his head. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have--”
Nudging Karkat’s side, Dave laughed. “Nah, man it’s true. I’ve got words for fucking years.”
Karkat smiled slightly. “Decades.”
“Until the next motherfucking epoch, I’ve got words, Karkat. So many words. All the words even.”
Karkat snorted, covering his face with his free hand. “Damn it, Dave. Stop making yourself likeable.”
“I think that’s the point of this whole thing,” Dave pointed out reasonably. “Dating, I mean. It’s not like the old days where your dad and my dad decide if you’re worth enough chickens to trade me for, you know. These days I get to decide for myself how many chickens I want to be traded for.” He gave Karkat a mock critical eye. “How about it, Karkat? How many chickens could I get for you?”
“I don’t know,” Karkat said, his mock serious tone almost too close to a serious tone for Dave’s comfort. “Let me look in my pocket.” He made a show of staring down at the pocket containing his free hand before sliding the hand out and flipping Dave the bird. “Is this enough for you?”
Dave laughed. “I’m sorry, Karkat. You must have at least five chickens to ride this ride.” He felt his face flush but pushed onward. “I guess you’ll have to settle for a movie, and maybe some pizza.”
Karkat was grinning, and Dave decided right then and there that he wanted to keep seeing it. “Maybe next time.” As though to intentionally spite him, Karkat frowned again. “Are we almost there?”
“Yeah, man, just a little further.” As they continued their journey to his apartment, Dave felt himself frown. What was Karkat’s deal? He was a lot more fun when he let himself be himself. Dave didn’t like meanness for meanness sake, but he enjoyed a good joke. For some reason, Karkat seemed to think he shouldn’t joke around? Why? His frown deepened. Karkat also apologized a lot. And he was so often deferential even when it was obvious he had OPINIONS he wasn’t sharing. The pieces were adding up to a disturbing picture. 
Maybe after he was done hanging out with Karkat today, he should hit up Rose. She’d know what to do.
Karkat’s expectations for Dave’s apartment had been fairly low, and he’d been pleasantly surprised. While not as meticulous as his own apartment, there at least weren’t empty food containers on every surface or dirty clothes everywhere. There was an overall shabbiness though: the feeling that the occupant didn’t care overly much about the apartment’s upkeep. The futon in front of the television was ancient and threadbare as were the carpets. The posters hung on the walls were dusty and faded, and there was a sort of mildewy smell. Still, as previously mentioned it was clean (more or less), and there were no obvious signs of a hidden murder dungeon (not that there would be if there were one, naturally). 
“Nice place,” he said for politeness’ sake. 
Dave beamed like a little boy who’d gotten just what he’d wanted for Christmas. “Thanks. It’s not much, but it keeps the rain off.” He gestured towards the futon. “Make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink? I’ve got apple juice. And water from the tap, I guess. I could go pick up some beer if you want to go that route, or--”
Karkat held up his hand, hoping to stem the tide of suggestions. “Water’s fine, thank you.”
“You’ve got it,” Dave said before tilting his head and making twin awkward gestures with both hands involving his pointer fingers. “I’ll be back in a flash.”
It wasn’t until after he’d disappeared into, presumably, the kitchen that Karkat realized he’d been making finger guns. What a dork. Not that Karkat was any more suave, but he liked to think he was at least less childish. He tried to supplant the rush of fondness he felt by recalling just how pissed he’d been with this manchild this morning. It was not one hundred percent successful.
Dave returned with two glasses: water for Karkat, and apple juice for himself. “Take a seat,” he insisted as he set the glasses on the coffee table (sans coasters). “It won’t bite.”
Gingerly, Karkat took a seat on the ancient futon. The padding was so thin, he could feel the bars beneath. It was going to take a while to become unbearable, and he hoped this hang out? date? didn’t last long enough for that to happen. Just as he’d been about to reach for the water, suddenly uncertain whether he actually ought to drink anything Dave gave him, Dave flopped down onto the futon beside him like a sack of gangly flour. “Dave!”
“S’up?” Dave asked, grinning. 
“Don’t ‘s’up’ me--,” Karkat managed to stop himself from calling Dave an asshole, but only just. “Just don’t ‘s’up’ me. Speak like a normal person.” He realized he was making a mistake as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “Sorry, I--”
“Dude,” Dave said, his grin dropping away, “Karkat, you don’t have to apologise for every kind of mean thing you say. I’m a big boy: I can take it.” 
Karkat supposed he shouldn’t be surprised: he’d never been good at pretending to be a good person. If he could have managed that feat for any length of time, he wouldn’t be in this position. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as dryly as he could. 
“I’m serious.” Dave sat up and turned to face Karkat head on, and Karkat saw his own annoyed expression mirrored in the black lenses. “I haven’t known you very long, and maybe I shouldn’t say anything, but--”
“You’re right,” Karkat interrupted, feeling his tenuous hold on his temper slipping. “You shouldn’t say anything.” After taking a moment to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything he didn’t mean to, he spoke again. “Let’s just watch the movie and eat some microwaved popcorn. Does that sound like something we could do? Or would you like to keep pretending you have some deep insights into my character as though we’ve known each other longer than three days?”
Dave raised his hands, and Karkat realized he’d sounded far more aggressive than the situation warranted. At this rate, he wouldn’t even get a chance to lose this asshole! Nice job, Vantas: stellar work. “No, you’re right. I’ll step off.” Dave said softly. He got off of the futon with far more grace than he’d flopped onto it with. “You just put the movie in, and I’ll, uh, I’ll make the popcorn.”
Karkat watched him go before putting his head in his hands. Well, fuck. As though this whole situation hadn’t been awkward before. He should just leave. Just leave, forget about his stupid article, and stop dragging this stupidly likeable idiot down with him. He should. 
He stayed where he was. 
Dave took maybe longer than he absolutely needed to to prepare the popcorn. As much as he liked to consider himself a smooth operator, he could tell when he’d made a mistake, and he wanted to give the guy in the other room a chance to cool down. What made it made it worse was that Karkat had been right to get mad at him: Dave barely knew him. In his place, Dave would probably be pissed, too. 
Even so, Dave didn’t think he was wrong about the conclusions he’d come to. It was obvious that Karkat was, for whatever reason, putting on a show for Dave’s sake. Honestly, it was kind of creepy. If he understood why Karkat felt the need to do that, he’d feel better about it.
But it wasn’t his business. Not yet. Maybe you had to reach a certain level on the boyfriend echeladder before that kind of thing was something you talked about. It would probably help if they were actually boyfriends and not just newly dating, too. There seemed to be at least one obvious solution to that problem.
Dave could be patient. After all, he still had eleven days or so to get Karkat to at least like him enough to be his plus one at Rose’s wedding. It wasn’t all he wanted anymore, but it'd be enough to start with. As Rose had so often told him, start with small goals. 
He poured an obscene amount of butter over the popcorn in the bowl and headed out to the living room. Karkat was bent over, fiddling with the DVD player, and when he looked up at Dave, his mouth was curved somewhat upwards. “What movie do you have for us?”
Karkat stood. “Coming to America.” He made his way back to the futon and sat down as though worried he might fall through if he sat down too quickly. “It’s more comedy than romantic, so I thought you might enjoy it more.”
That sounded vaguely familiar. “Okay.” Dave joined him on the futon, taking care not to startle him this time. “Let’s get this party started.”
Karkat had hoped bringing a comedy would hold Dave’s attention enough to keep him from talking through the whole thing. He’d been mistaken. Yes, a lot of what Dave said was funny, but it just never fucking stopped. Finally, Karkat couldn’t take it anymore.
He grabbed the remote and paused the movie. Then he very deliberately set the remote back down. “I want you to listen to me, Dave. Are you listening?”
Dave looked confused, but he nodded. “Yeah, I’m listening. Do you have something you want to tell me? I’m all ears. Lay it on me.”
God, he couldn’t even listen without rambling! “Would it kill you to shut up?” He saw Dave’s eyebrows peek over the tops of his glasses. A part of him told him to reconsider his current course of action, but naturally, Karkat could never abide by a piece of good advice. “Would it literally cause you to drop dead if you couldn’t expel your idiocy out of your mouth like a goddamned septic pipe full of half-formed metaphors and bullshit? Would your head explode? Can we try that experiment and see what happens?” Karkat felt his fingernails biting into his palms and realized he’d clenched his fists. “What do you say, Dave? Wait, I’ve changed my mind: don’t say anything. Let me bask in the gentle ethereal glow of silence for a moment. Can you do that for me, Dave? Can you let me bask? Will the endless flow of words finally cease?”
‘No’ was clearly the answer to that question since Dave was already opening his mouth. Then, to Karkat’s utter shock, he shut it again. His expression wasn’t ever easy to read with those douche shades he insisted on wearing all the time, but now it was completely closed off. Even the eyebrows had lowered back to their original position.
Silence stretched between them. 
Karkat felt sick to his stomach. Shit. Shit. He really just couldn’t do it, could he? Couldn’t pretend even for a few hours that he was a normal person. Well, so much for this experiment. Time to write off this little adventure. Was it worth even trying to apologise? Before he could decide, Dave made the decision for him. 
He was clapping. “Damn, just got owned,” he said, a wide grin splitting his face. “You owned me, Karkat. You should feel proud. Not everyone gets own this,” he gestured to himself. “I just hope you know what you’re getting into: I’m barely house trained.”
For an embarrassingly high number of seconds, all Karkat could do was blink. “You’re not mad?”
“Fuck no,” Dave said, still grinning. “I’m a big kid now. I’ve graduated from diapers all the way to pull ups. It takes more than a finely crafted, well-deserved take down to take me down.” The grin softened. “This is what I was trying to say before: I want to date you, not some weird super agreeable version of you. If you want to tell me off for talking too much, fucking go for it. You’ve got a way with insults--it’s a gift. Frankly, I’m insulted you’ve been keeping it to yourself.”
“There’s more where that comes from, asshole,” Karkat said before he could stop himself. To his amazement, Dave still seemed more amused than anything. A strange mixture of anger and fondness welled up inside him. “Stop grinning at me, and watch the fucking movie.” He picked up the remote and hesitated. “You don’t have to be silent,” he said, still feeling a little guilty over his earlier outburst, “just maybe less talking?”
Dave made a big show of running a zipper over his lips. Then he immediately ruined it by saying, “Scouts honor, Karkat. My word is bond. You can cash that shit at the bank.”
Karkat tried to picture Dave as a boy scout and failed. “Right.” He pressed play and the movie resumed. Of course, Dave still talked during the movie, but the sheer volume of words had slowed to a moderate stream rather than the full-bore blasting Karkat had been subjected to earlier. As he sat there on the futon, occasionally answering Dave’s stupid comments with barbs of his own, he felt warm in a way that was only nominally connected to the temperature of the arm he was leaning against. He felt… content.
Overall, Operation Hang Out had been a big success. It had been rocky in places, but again, overall, Dave felt like he’d hit his major mission objectives. A movie was watched, pizza was consumed, and Karkat finally, finally, did something other than apologise every time a hint of the person he’d met at the cafe had come through. He didn’t necessarily want to keep pissing Karkat off, but that bitch fit he’d thrown had been epic. 
Karkat wasn’t the kind of guy Dave had expected to find himself interested in. At least, he’d never thought he’d have a grumpy asshole kink. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed the more quiet parts of Karkat’s visit, too. It had felt nice to sit on the futon with someone leaning against his shoulder. Dave wasn’t a sap, no, not a suave guy like him, but he couldn’t deny he’d like to do it again some time. 
He considered texting Rose as he’d planned to earlier before deciding not to. After all, he’d managed the first crisis all on his own, and she might consider it cheating if he got her help. No, for now at least, this bird was flying solo.
* Clean apartment. Finger guns. Puts too much butter on popcorn. Also talks during movies outside theater setting. Likes getting insulted. Kink?  Wants to date the “real” me. Delusional. Comfortable arm. Had a nice time. Had acceptable time. Clothes in his shower??? 
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sxftnxcole · 4 years
My Pool day goes wrong:
Meanwhile i was at the local community pool reading harry potter.
Emmas friends( rose) rachel) & (cici) were near by sitting on lounge chairs tanning sitting with their boyfriends
Cici:i cant believe emma ditched us to go shopping again that girl is cray
Jayden (cicis boyfriend): who cares though
Cici whines: i care bae she hasn’t been spending time with us cuz of that weird boy ed
Jayden:is that really a bad thing?i mean theres less drama when shes not around just saying doe
Cici hits jayden:stop bae don’t talk about my bestie like that
Jayden:whyd you hit me? Stop tripping out like that
Cici rolls her eyes
Rachel:honestly guys i bet she will run up her daddys credit card again
Rachels boyfriend (john):Thats crazy if i did that my parents would kick me out
Jayden:me too homeboy
They laugh
Rose is sitting on her boyfriends declans lap but he was distracted being on his phone.
She plays his his brown hair feeling annoyed
Rose:babe we been here for an hour and you haven’t said one word
Jayden:yeah declan you iight?
Declan looks up:yeah I’m fine just applying to part time jobs
Cici:eww me and work don’t mix
Rachel:same i also hate sweating
Declan:well i wanna save up for a car
Jayden:dude you’re parents are flithy rich I’m sure they’ll buy you one
Declan:so? I wanna earn things myself
Jayden:felt that iight bro i see you
Cici: anyway yo I can’t believe we start high school tomorrow though ,it about to be litty
Rachel:i know we definitely got to bring our A game to cheer try outs tomorrow
Cici:boo I don’t need to bring anything i know Ima make the team
Jayden:bae you’ll be fine you got this
Jayden kisses her
Cici:i hope i do cuz y’all know cheerleading is my life
Rose:its mine too
Cici:well duh
Declan is on his phone still not paying attention
The girls laugh
John: well us guys need to bring our A game for the basketball try outs too tommorow
Jayden: word homie, I’m mad excited
John:i know but you need to work on your jump shot
Jayden:watcha mean my jump shot is fine i think thats something you and declan need to work on
John: *laughs* not even bro
Jayden:Im serious though
John:you’re a clown my jump shot is on point
Jayden:not even
Jayden:declan whos jump shot is better mine or johns
Declan looks up from his phone:neither I’m better then both of you
Jayden:yo your trippy right now
The guys laugh
The girls look at each other annoyed
Rachel: anyway guys is emma still dating that ugly guy whats his face?
Jayden:who cares what she do though?
Cici:his name is ed and yes their still dating
John:he seems weird
Rose:i talked to him at Julio’s party he seems okay i dont think he’s weird
Declan puts his phone down.
Rachel rolls her eyes: i doubt they will last long, you guys know emma gets bored easily
Jayden: *laughs* Thats basically with anybody who’s really serious at our age were only fourteen
Rose:well I’m serious with Declan
Rose smiles at Declan, he gives her a bored smile.
Cici: well did you see her story on Instagram a few weeks back he got her a promise ring i think thats pretty serious to me
Jayden:thats corny
John:for real bro
Rachel:wow I didn’t see that but I don’t think its corny i think it’s romantic
Rachel:i guess its serious
Cici:mhmm i guess
John:you need a ring to cuff someone
The girls laugh
Rose looks around and spots me:oh look loser alert, i haven’t seen her around before
Everyone looks where rose is looking. Declan looks and spots me and time stood still for a minute.
Cici:oh my god I don’t know what’s more hideous her face or that bathing suit she’s wearing
Rachel:i know right its so 2015 it should be illegal to wear that in public
John:you guys are mean yo
Cici:we should give her a little welcome
Jayden:babe no , don’t do anything else you already made that girls live hell at camp
Cici:that bish deserved it
Cici:i mean we kinda would be rude not to say hi
Declan checks out.
Cici:come on girls
The girls get up and make their way over to me
Cici looks at me rudely:hi
I stop reading and look up:hi
Rachel thinks: eww she even sounds weird
Cici folds her arms:just wanted to say hi me and my friends haven’t see you around before, are you new here
I look at them shyly:yeah unfortunately i just moved here a few days ago
Cici winces:oh that totally sucks, i would hate to be the new girl, i would literally die
I look at her not knowing what to say
Cici:what school you going to
Cici:oh like us didn’t think you be in high school you have such a baby face kinda though you were in elementary school was going to ask where your mommy and daddy is
The girls laugh loudly
I look at them upset.
Cici:just playing boo, oh how rude of me I’m cici and thats Rachel And rose whats your name
Me:it’s nicole
Cici:cute name but it’s very basic
The girls laugh
Rose:watcha reading?
Rose snatches my harry book from me
Me:what are you doing? Can you give it back?!
The girls laugh
Rose:seriously? You’re reading harry potter?
Rachel:harry potter is for dweebs
Cici:it must really suck to be a dweeb and to be that ugly too
The girls laugh
Me:can i just have my book back?
Rachel holds it high:then come get it dork
I get up and try to reach for it and rachel quickly throws it into the pool
The girls laugh hysterically . I look at them upset
The lifegaurd blows his whistle yelling “ get that out of the water now”!
The lifegaurd walks away to take a phone call.
Rachel:oppsies did i do that
Rachel:i think i did
They laugh teasingly
Me:what’s your problem? Why would you do that
Rachel:cuz we can dweeb, we run this town
Rose:sorry about your book, but sorry about alot of things, you need a serious makeover
My eyes tear up looking at the pool it was the only thing i had left of my old life
Cici:you can still save your book be a good dog and go fetch it
Cici:ruff ruff!!
The girl laughs
I stare at the water and remember the car accident. I tense up.
Cici:she’s so pathetic
I walk to the egde of the pool to look for it.
The girls sneak up behind me and rose kicks me hard i scream upset falling into the pool.
The girls high five each other
The girls laugh.
The boys looks at the girls unimpressed.
I’m under water struggling to breathe and swim. I panic
The girls stop laughing and look at each other concerned
Rose:guys I don’t think she can swim
Cici:obviously not
Rachel:oh my god where’s the life gaurd she needs help
A random man gets up and rushes to the pool and jumps in
Rose suddenly feels anxious
The man grabs me and swims to the surface and i cough up water unaware of who resuced me
Man:you alright
Me:I’m okay..
I look around and everyone was watching me.
My eyes land on Declan, our eyes connected for a second but he looks away breaking eye contact
Declan looks at rose pissed off grabbing his things and leaves
The kind man helps me out of the water.
I look around and kids were mocking me.
The girls look at me not knowing what to say.
Rose chases after declan:babe where are you going
I hug myself shivering.
Declan looks disgusted at rose: what is wrong with you that girl could of drowned!
Rose:declan we didn’t know she couldn’t swim were sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen we were having innocent fun
Declan:thats just it you guys just don’t think and there was nothing fun about that
Declan:where you going to keep standing there or actually help her
Rose:you know i would of declan, I’m not some monster
Declan:today proved you are and thats not someone i want to date
Rose:are you kidding me you’re breaking up with me over a harmless prank
Declan:Im done with this rose
Rose:you can’t be done with me Declan I’m like the hottest girl around here , i mean look at me babe you won’t find anyone better then me
Declan walks away
Jayden and john walk over to comfort their girlfriends
I walk back to my lounge chair to collect my stuff.
The man jumps into the pool to get my book.
He swims up to the surface and walks over to me
He holds the book out to me
I look at him and grab it: thanks
The man:I’m sorry that happened to you kid, sometimes girls can be very mean
The man looks at the girls angry: you girls ought to be ashamed to treat somebody like that , thats not how you act toward anybody
Man:five year olds act more maturely than you, have some respect for others
Man:i know your parents raised you better then this, no one deserves to be bullied
The man walks away frustrated.
Cici and rachel look at me kind of feeling bad.
I grab my things and leave .
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horansqueen · 6 years
BabyGirl 1.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts ♥ 3.7k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ i would be SO SO SO happy to get feedback for this. please? ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate.  ♥ read part 2 HERE
                                        1.0  ♥ LIES & TIES ♥
The first time I met her, I noticed her. It was in the way she laughed, I think. That's what drew me to her first. Then, I noticed how clever and cheeky she was, but also how kind and generous she turned out to be. When I brought her outside to take her away from all the noise and music, it hit me how perfect her face looked through the moonlight, and how bad I wanted to kiss her. I made sure she was not panicking, and when our eyes met, I felt my heart twist. Maybe it was from all the beer I had swallowed, but I could swear it was from the way she actually looked at me: Intensely, like she was looking  for answers of existential questions through my eyes.
I remember the way her cold hands on my cheeks made a shiver run through my back, and how her warm lips against mine made me want to take a cab and bring her home. I had never felt my heart beat harder than that, and I remember thinking that I finally knew what it meant to be in love.
We wanted to take things slow, but the problem was that we couldn't stay away from each other. The waiting and the time apart didn't excite us, it actually made us miserable. When we both admitted that to each other, and to ourselves, we decided to take things as they came. And they came fast. But I didnt even feel nauseous or scared of the quick pace. Rather, it made my heart swell with all the feelings I had for her.
That's why I was a bit annoyed when I came home one day and she started asking me all these questions about our future and what I expected from this relationship. I was in a bad mood, just a bunch of small inconveniences that poured on me through the day, and rehearsing had been a pain in the ass. I didn't want to fight, but I also didn't want to sit down and talk about this.
I wanted a shower, a good fuck, and to watch the golf channel. But there she was, with her impossible questions and her crazy suspicions. Did I want kids with her? Why would she even ask that, at that very moment? I couldn't lie, we had talked about it a few times, late at night, in the darkness of my bedroom, but it was different than almost pressuring me into it, as if she wanted to start a family with me in the next hours.
We fought, and after telling her I could find an other girl, she stormed out. I couldn't blame her. I knew she was self-conscious, for no real reason in my opinion, and I twisted the knife deeper in the wound. I regretted my words as soon as they escaped my lips but it was too late and somehow, I felt like she wanted to leave anyway.
It took me months to call her again, which was quite surprising, knowing how close we used to be, but after that fight, I started questioning my feelings and hers. Did we really love each other? Would we really last? What was I missing by being in a steady relationship with an older girl whom I barely saw since I was always on tour or working?
One night, after getting drunk with the boys, I spilled my heart out to her on text, and when I realized she wouldn't answer, I cried. I cried like a fucking baby who had lost his mom forever. I cried like I had lost the love of my life. I cried because I knew it was really over, and that if I had called her before, maybe she would still be in my life.
"Mate, stop, why are you even crying?"
I sniffed, sitting up in bed and turning to Louis, a sudden realization coming through me.
"You! You call her and talk to her for me! Louis, you do it!"
I was not sure those were the words I used, and I probably slurred them a bit more, but it's how it sounded to me. Louis looked at me, raising his nose up. He never liked to get into his friends' business and the fact that he knew both of us made it even worse.
"You're her best mate! Call her! Please!"
I was literally begging my bandmate, the guy who was like a brother to me, to call my girlfriend for me. The girl who wouldn't even answer my text messages.
"I'm not her best mate at all. We're just... friends." he shrugged. "And I ain't gonna play matchmaker for you two. You got into this together, then work it out."
I felt my eyes burn again from the tears and stared at him intensely. I couldn't believe he was being so harsh with me and he finally turned to look at me and rolled his eyes with a sigh.
"Okay you know what? You get a rest and we'll discuss it tomorrow." he let out, clearly annoyed. "If you still want me to talk to her, I'll fly back home and pay her a visit. Just because I also need to see my family, alright?"
When he came back from that trip, though, he didn't mention anything. I waited, and waited, but after the third show we had in a row, I confronted him. It took him forever to answer and he just closed his eyes with a sigh. There was something he didn't want to mention, and I suspected she already had a new boyfriend.
"Look, Niall..." he sighed for a second time. "Just know that she doesn't want you back, okay? She's moved on, so you should do the same."
I wanted to ask more, I wanted to find out why she didn't want to be around me anymore, and why her love for me left so fast, but I just watched Louis get up and leave. I got drunk again that night, but I didn't message her. I threw my phone in a trash bin as soon as I found one and never looked back.
Perhaps, we weren't meant to be. After all, I couldn't dwell on the past or expect anything more if she didn't want it too. It was useless, and I had to mend the pieces of my heart back together quickly. We only have one life to live and I was one of the luckiest persons in the world. That's what I had to focus on.
God, I didn't know I was in for a ride.
I met Niall one day that had started like all the others, except maybe the fact that Louis, who also happened to be a close friend of mine, had insisted I was there for his birthday. It was a cold december night and soon, I had felt overwhelmed by all the people, the noise and the alcohol. It was Niall who talked to me first, asking me if I was okay, and making sure I was not panicking. It was Niall who brought me outside, talked me out of my paranoia and helped me breathe. It was Niall who bent down to meet my eyes, made my heart melt, made me fall in love with him. And when it started snowing, I felt like I was in some sort of romantic Christmas movie.
We took things slow, and then we took things fast. I was happy with him and even if he was super busy and barely home, we always found ways not to let our relationship die. There was one day though... One day when everything changed.
When he walked inside, I was waiting for him, but I didn't think my heart would jump so high. He wasn't smiling like he normally does, and I thought that perhaps, something bad had happened at rehearsal. It made me nervous. Nervous to the point of swallowing the lump in my throat every 15 seconds. Nervous to the point of being nauseous and have sweaty hands. Nervous to the point of feeling like my whole future was going to be decided in the next hour of my life. I tried to push the bad thoughts away but without much success. I knew by just looking at his face that it was a bad time to have a serious discussion. I knew it was going to turn wrong. Thinking about it again, I realized I probably unconsciously wanted to fight with him to make things easier for both of us. I didn't want to ruin his life, and that's really what I felt I was doing.
"Do you want kids?"
He stopped dead in his track as the door closed behind him and turned to me, his lips now parted Clearly, he had a bad day and wasn't in the mood for this, but here I was, asking him some random question about the future, as if we never talked about it before.
I was so often at his place that it felt like home, but for some odd reason, I kept my own apartment. He had asked me a few times to move in, which was quite surprising coming from him, but I always refused. I was dating a rich kid in a boyband, the chances of him finding someone prettier, thinner and just simply better was very high, and I wasn't even sure why he was interested in me. He would probably tell me I need to be more confident, but I was not sure it was really what it was about. I was definitely not the most confident person in the world, but being scared to lose someone like Niall was not really just a part of my imagination.
"I..." he stopped, his eyes roaming on my face, and i tried to remain motionless, sitting straight on his sofa.
I was trying to keep eye contact but it wasn't as easy as I thought. I wanted to analyze his every reaction, as if it would change anything from what was about to happen.
"I already told you I wanted them, but later, when i'll be, i don't know..." he explained, raising his shoulders, shaking his head. "In my thirties?"
I felt my heart twist in my chest and I swallowed my tears, glancing down before looking back up in his eyes. He stared at me, slightly annoyed, slightly impatient, and I licked my lips.
"And, do you want them... with me?"
This time, it's fear I could read on his face. He was young, famous and rich. I could understand that the thought of promising his girlfriend to have babies with her was something scary. I was scared too, more than he could ever think, but I was doing my best not to show it.
"We're young, you know." he just said with a shrug. "I don't know what the future holds for us."
I closed my eyes and breathed in and out slowly and deeply. I wanted to insist, I had to insist. Even if I knew there was a big chance it would turn into an argument.
"I know, but you still plan on it, right?" I added, getting up. "You love me, and you want to spend your life with me, don't you?"
His face twisted again. I was aware I was asking a twenty-year old boybander if he wanted to spend his life with me. I was not even sure if he actually loved me and from seeing the expression on his face, I could tell he wasn't sure either. I loved him, though. Deeply, truly, with my entire being, I was in love with him, but I didn't expect him to return the feeling. In fact, I didn't expect anything. I couldn't expect anything.
"Why exactly are we having this discussion again?" he asked with a sigh. "I'm not ready to start a family, and you're not either. I'm going on tour in a few weeks, and it's not like we can really plan it anytime soon."
I kept silent and swallowed, glancing down at his feet. He had taken his shoes off and for some odd reason, I was endeared by the way he let his foot rub gently against the carpet. I wanted to move closer to him, I wanted him to engulf me in one of his incredibly satisfying and comforting hugs, but that was not going to happen.
"Plan it?" I just asked in a whisper, not even sure he actually heard me.
"Come on, love, look at me."
I breathed in and finally moved my chin up, my eyes meeting his immediately. He seems confused and still annoyed, but he called me love, and it made my heart melt every single time.
"Why are we talking about this?" he just wondered with a shrug. "I've had a bad day and to be honest, i'm really not in the mood for this shit."
Something stirred inside me when he talked and I felt tears burn my eyes. I had to do something, or else, I was going to cry and tell him everything.
"Shit? Are you fucking serious now?"
My answer took him by surprise and he raised his eyebrows, taking a short step back. I swallowed again and shook my head, closing my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.
"I'm older than you, Niall, and i've always wanted a family." I pointed out, trying to let anger take over and erase my sadness. "If you're not sure you want that, then there's no point in even keeping this up."
I grabbed my purse on the floor roughly and moved past him to reach the door. He quickly stopped me, blocking me with one of his arms, and I tried not to look at him, knowing too well It was the best way for me to crack.
"Woa, calm down ok! That's not what I said!"
"Okay but that's what I said." I answered, feeling my voice started to shake. "You don't want to discuss this seriously? Then I'm out."
Silence fell between us for a few seconds but he remained motionless.
"Now let me go."
Something clearly burst inside him because he moved his arm and suddenly got angrier than I've ever seen him.
"Yea? FINE THEN!" he swung both his arms exaggeratedly in the door's direction. "Just fucking leave! You think I'm gonna weep and cry? I can have ANYONE okay, ANYONE."
I deserved it. I deserved that outburst and I deserved his anger, but despite this fact, his words hurt me deeper than I could have imagined. He knew this was something that bothered me and made me insecure, and he used it against me. I felt myself tear up and turned to look at him. As soon as he saw my face, his expression changed into a guilty one and my eyes got smaller at the rage now invading my whole body and mind.
"Well good for you! You do that!" I expressed roughly, staring him. "You go get that fucking perfect girl and forget about me and all that we had! Who cares, right?"
I didn't want for his answer, I just rushed out. He could have ran after me but he didn't. I could have walked back in to tell him the truth but I didn't. I just drove home, sobbing the whole time of the ride, and walked into an empty apartment I hadn't seen in weeks. It was cold, sad, and most of all, it was Niall-less.
Out of pain, I threw my purse violently down, watching as its content scattered all over the wood floor. The only thing that actually reached my feet was a white stick. Watching it made me cry even more. I let myself fall on the cold floor and pressed my palms on my eyes. I didn't want all of this to happen. I didn't want to lose Niall. And thinking i'll never be close to him anymore makes me literally want to vomit. I pulled my hands away but I could barely see anything because of the tears. I reached for the stick and blinked a few times, trying to clear my eyes, and held my breath, looking at the pregnancy test I took only a few hours before.
Positive. The little plus sign seemed to get bigger and bigger as I stared at it, as if it was taunting me. I could almost hear it say "Hey, I just ruined your relationship! Now you're gonna have to raise that baby all alone!" But the truth was, I had ruined my own relationship. It was all me. I couldn't blame anyone else. The truth was, I knew it would ruin Niall's career, and I didn't want to lock him into a relationship and a situation he would feel miserable in. I didn't want to turn this talented and happy young man into a desperate and unhappy person, even if it would be despite myself.
That's why I never called him again, and that's why I didn't answer when he messaged me, a few months later. I knew he was on tour and I knew he sometimes got lonely in his hotel room, and it was definitely not a good reason to come back in his life. He was touring, he was happy, he was living his dream, and there was no way I was going to take that away from him. I would hate myself forever If i ever did that.
To my biggest surprise, it knocked on my door a few days after ignoring Niall's text messages, and I really didn't expect who was on the other side. I opened the door slowly, peeking out and my eyes got bigger when I saw Louis standing there. He looked tired but still amazing, and my lips curled at his sight. I didn't think twice and threw myself in his arms before he wrapped them around me. It only lasted a few seconds though and he quickly pulled away, his eyes falling on my growing stomach.
"Oh my... god."
I breathed in and my hand reached for my tummy, as if it could hide anything from my pregnancy.
"Is this... Is it...?"
"Louis, please come in, okay?"
I turned around and walked back inside, hearing him close the door behind us and I brought him to the nursery I had prepared. He stayed in the door frame, his eyes roaming on the pink walls, the stuffed animals, and the pure white drawers I had bought. It took him a whole minute to finally turn to me, his eyes dropping to my belly again.
"You have to tell Niall..."
"No!" I cut him straight and breathed in and out slowly. "And you can't tell him either."
"If it's his baby, he deserves to know..."
I raised my hand up, making him stop talking, and closed my eyes. I didn't expect Louis to be here, I didn't expect him to see me like this and discover my secret, but now that he had, I couldn't just let him leave and spill it all to Niall. I knew he would come back and try to work things out with me, and I couldn't let him ruin his tour and his life for me.
"Louis, you're my oldest friend." I argued, opening my eyes to meet his. "I've known you since I was a kid, and i'm begging you, in the name of our friendship, don't tell Niall. Please. He's happy, he's touring the world, he's doing what he likes... and I want that for him. I want him to keep doing that. I don't want to be the girl who forced him into a relationship and a family life."
Louis started at me for a while. He stared at me for so long that I thought he would never speak again. I tried to concentrate on my heart beating hard against my chest, hoping to get it back to a normal speed, but it's only when Louis nodded that a feeling of relief washed over me.
"Thank you."
He moved closer and stared at my belly again. I reached down and grabbed his hand, placing it on the side of it and when I felt the baby hit, my lips curled. His head raised up quickly and a surprised expression appeared on his face, making me chuckle.
"Fooking hell..."
This time, I laughed and he shook his head, leaving his hand on me.
"So this is real, you're gonna have Niall's baby."
My smile fell and his hand too. We looked up in each other's eyes with serious faces and I finally nodded.
"Most of all though, it's my baby." I explained. "And you need to promise me, Lou."
"What am I supposed to tell Niall? I told him i'd check on you and find out why you won't answer his messages."
I walked to the couch and sat on it. There was no real comfortable position and I gave up on trying to find one.
"He literally declared his love to me, you knew that? I mean, he's been ignoring me for months now. I can't be with someone who's there only when he wants to. I bet he was drunk and alone when he sent these texts?"
From Louis' expression, I knew I was right and I just shrugged.
"Just tell him I don't want anything to do with him anymore. He'll get over me, he'll find someone else. We both know it, right? He'll be happier this way."
Louis left and promised to call me from time to time. A few weeks later, I even received a large box full of goodies, from toys to diapers, and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be friends with someone like him. I wanted him to be the godfather but I knew how unfair it would be to ask him to lie even more to a guy he considered his brother, so I didn't.
I thought it was all over. I thought i'd never see Niall again. I thought I was over him. Boy, I've never been more wrong in my entire life.
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