#anyway i've rambled in these tags almost more than in the actual post so.
alieinthemorning · 2 days
How’s It Hanging, Beautiful? [Ace Trappola]
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Content: Fluff, Established Relationship, Reader-Insert
Pronouns: None
Remaster of: “You’re so beautiful.” | Ace Trappola [400 Follower Event]
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Ace wouldn’t say that he wasn’t a morning person, but instead a deep sleeper. Usually, it’d take a lot to rouse him from sleep. However, there was one thing that could always get him up, no matter what. 
And that was the smell of Sunday morning breakfast. 
Saliva was pooled in his mouth before he even opened his eyes. He swallowed it as the rest of his body followed the lead of his taste buds. He stretched (carefully, he didn’t want to get a cramp), letting out a satisfying groan. Then he sat up, eyes finally opening to the dimly lit room. 
You were not there beside him or lingering in the room, but that made sense since you had to be the one cooking. What was odd was that Grim was nowhere to be found, but maybe today was his lucky day, and you’d give him some extras (when would he learn that he’d only get anything if he’d actually help). Shaking his head, he grabbed his phone, and headed for the bathroom. 
After fixing his rough bed head and rinsing his mouth out, Ace made his way downstairs to join you and Grim in the kitchen. You must have gotten up earlier than usual today because breakfast was almost done.
“Come on! Lemme just have a little—” Grim’s paw was reaching toward the bowl of strawberries, but you quickly swatted it. 
“Let it alone. Go take your seat.” You didn’t even bat an eye.
Grim huffed, hopped off the stool, and retreating to the dining room. 
Ace didn’t bother with teasing him, and instead honed in on you. 
“Morning.” His arms wrapped around your waist. 
You turned in his arms, “Morning, sleeping beauty.” You pecked the underside of his chin. 
He returned your kiss with one on your forehead. “You coulda woke me up, you know…” 
“Yeah, but I like watching you drool.” 
Ace pulled back, “I do not drool.” 
You simply smiled as you picked up the plate of pancakes. “Time to set the the table.” 
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Sundays were lazy days, most of the time the three of you would just stay huddled up in bed all day after breakfast. Today was no different, except for Grim leaving to follow the sun (he was an expert sunbather, after all).  
Ace was a deep sleeper, but for some reason something pulled him from his sleep. And he was forever thankful for it. 
You were turned toward him (you were facing away from him when you fell asleep, you’re such a wild sleeper), mouth slightly open (no drool, damn it), lashing gently resting against dark circles. His thumb brushed against your lower lid. He should talk to Crowley about lessening your load. 
“How’s it hanging, beautiful?” 
Ace jolted, not expecting you to speak, let alone be awake. 
But then he smiled, “Not much, what’s going on with you, beautiful?”
“Just admiring you.”
“Crazy, me too.” 
You both laughed at yourselves,
and the beauty of your relationship.
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Happy Birthday, Ace!
And now that I've said that, time for a serious end note lol
Sooooooo on the 9/1/24, I had emergency gallbladder surgery! And now I'm having an emergency hysterectomy (Tomorrow lol)! Originally, my appointment was in November, but after another trip to the ER they finally realized that bleeding for 6 months straight actually isn't normal, and something should be done about it!
So, yeah, I'm gonna be out of commission (again)! Which, I've barely been posting anyway, but I've also been in excruciating pain for the past six months, sooo yeah!
I'll see yeah when I see y'all!
Ko-Fi | Masterlist
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
"6: Age you get mistaken for", "9: Got any piercings?", and/or "21: What I love most about myself"? :3
waugh thank you!! <3
6: Age you get mistaken for
so many people think i'm like. a teenager? like i always hear fifteen or sixteen, it's always so funny to see the look of shock on their faces when i tell them i'm 22, haha. in their defense, though, i've had basically the same face since i was a kid, literally if you look at a picture of me as a toddler versus a picture of me now very little has changed so XD
9: Got any piercings?
unfortunately no but GOD do i want them!! my sibling has offered to pierce my ears if i buy a piercing kit off of amazon, which, listen, i understand that's risky, but he's given himself piercings before, so as long as i do all the aftercare i trust him to not give me an infection lmao. i also have some that i want that should probably be done by a professional but that's not what the question is asking so i'll stop there i guess hgldskjflk
21: What I love most about myself
agh, the trick of self love again! this may seem a little superficial but i genuinely love the way i have interest in/am willing to dabble in things that are so, like.....varied? idk, i know it's not super unique ghaldkfj, but looking at my past and current hyperfixations, a lot of them are pretty different from each other, and i think that's kinda neat? it's not just that either--my playlists are comprised of, well, mostly indie lol, but there's a mishmash of other genres too, sometimes ones that feel like they probably shouldn't go together but that i love and wanna share with the world equally anyway, creatively i've had at least a passing interest in wanting to try my hand in creating a lot of different art forms (book writing, webcomics, game design, tv shows....), and hell, my blog is a messy collage of things i like and interest me no matter how much they clash, and i. i don't know, i think that's kinda neat! i think i'm cool for it! or at least i'd like to think so ghldksfjk idk y'all can be the judge of that i guess. i just think it's fun :')
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neverendingford · 1 year
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viothesilly · 2 months
ok ok i said i'd make an actual post about this instead of rambling in the tags.
expect a lot of topic-hopping, but i'll try to at least stay in the topic of bugs and how i've been feeling about them.
so, as i was saying, i've had a few factors contributing to helping me be less scared of bugs. yippee!
the things that particularly come to mind are having friends who love bugs, flick from animal crossing, amber sugar cookie from cookie run, a webtoon called bugtopia, and finding bugs (other than lepidopterans) that i adore.
which is a very good thing!
i can mostly go outside without panicking, although i think there's at least one wasp nest outside my house, so i still get scared, especially if i actually see a wasp.
wasps are like bees but extra scary. bees aren't really scary now that i've learned more about them. like, i actually really like them now, but not enough to get too close comfortably.
i've always loved lepidopterans, although i've had a slight preference for moths. butterflies are fuckin awesome, though. :D
some of my favorites are atlas moths and glasswing butterflies!
anyway, i recently found a type of arachnid that i absolutely adore, which is something that has surprised me quite a bit, given that my fear is especially strong when it comes to arachnids!
they're called amblypygis, and they're super cute, although most people probably find them terrifying. i think they're also pretty much completely harmless.
anyway. i THINK the root of my (very much unhealthy) fear of most bugs started when i was really little. i think i was, what, 4 or so? maybe younger?
i was in the backyard with one of my cousins (if i'm ever talking about a cousin, they're younger than me, because i'm unfortunately the oldest) and we saw an innocent little bee. i think we were bothering the bee unintentionally, and it ended up stinging me. and i REALLY didn't want to have it happen again. i still don't. so it resulted in me avoiding almost all bugs.
caterpillars and inchworms and such have always been okay. little bug noodles. i've always liked when they decide to crawl on me while i'm outside.
i actually let one of those suuuuper tiny flies crawl around on me for a bit earlier today, and i tried to leave my room to go downstairs and take it outside, but it flew away when i opened my bedroom door, and now i'm not sure where it is.
while camping a few years ago, me and one of my cousins (not the same cousin as before) found a MASSIVE stick bug, and we named them sticky. sticky was AWESOME. i unfortunately didn't get any good pictures of sticky. but sticky was at least a couple inches long. more than that, actually. they were pretty damn huge according to grandma, and grandma has probably seen a ton of them, given that grandpa and her go to tons of state parks and go camping all the time. eventually, we had to put sticky on a tree after letting them (willingly for both me and sticky) crawl around on me for a little while. i hope sticky lived a happy life!
one last thing, i promise it'll be shorter this time. recently, a butterfly (i think it was a red admiral!) decided to sit on the window outside. it was really really cool to see a butterfly up close like that. the wing patterns were gorgeous and very much visible from the way they were sitting. the colors were lovely. now that i think about it, the butterfly was definitely a red admiral. super cool experience. unfortunately they flew away right as we were trying to take a picture.
i, uh, forgot what i was gonna say in relation to the topic of me slowly becoming more comfortable with bugs-
so.. i guess this is the end of my ramble. unless you want more. let me know if you want more. okay. uh. bye now! ^^
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for-a-longlongtime · 8 months
Last line tag
@perotovar tagged me, ty bb! this is straight from the doc I'm currently working in:
“Pretty Benny,” you say softly as you run your hand through his blond locks. You’re pleased to see how his head tips back as he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and the anticipation in his eyes when you slowly twist some of his hair around your fingers. “Tell me something. You like being told what to do?” His eyes become glassy at your words, and you feel a little jolt of triumph run through your body - once again, you guessed right. You give a slight warning tug at his hair and he whimpers, squeezing his stiff cock through his pants as his gaze remains on you.
also I need to emote for a moment:
so i don't know about y'all, but my brain goes haywire when 1) i realize too late that I won't be able to make a deadline re: something I care about, particularly if it's due to my focus/adhd - and 2) when I disappoint people, particularly if i've promised them something. combine the two and obv it gets worse, because I've heard a little too often 'but i know you're capable of doing this thing, so then why isn't it happening?'.
it makes me feel like people will think that thing X is not a priority for me, that i'm inconsiderate, or that i just left it until the last moment to work on. that's when 'not being able to do what I promised' turns into 'obv this is a massive personal failure for you and people will hate you for it'. the logical part of my brain gets that this isn't true, but you know... the anxious part of my brain is a fucking liar that enjoys fucking me up even more.
anyway, the point of me bringing this up is bc the the excerpt above is from my ezra x reader x benny miller fic - which should've been posted on the 18th for the Peg that Middle Aged Man (PMAM) campaign. right now i'll be lucky if I can get it done today or tmr, and that shame/dread actually almost stopped me from even putting up this 'last line' post because i worried 'what if people who know i'm writing on it are gonna be like JEEZ LOUISE WHY ISNT THIS DONE YET'
... but then i remembered y'all are much nicer than that. &lt;3
ok as I'm typing this and wondering if I really need to do this kind of 2010s livejournal emoting on my tumblr --- I'm suddenly reminded of the Hollywood Reporter round table so ha, okay, fine, i'll just actually post this little bit of rambling instead of deleting it and retreating further back into my 'failure'. have some gifs, made by @trashcora!
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kaiserouo · 4 days
some ramble about my (public) twitter account and general platform stuff?
I think it's probably a good idea to talk about how i treat different platforms. It's not a post to ask everyone to follow my twitter account or anything (I care about this blog more than that account anyways), just to clear something up if you happened to find my twitter.
So, if you've read literally anything i post (doubt it), you might know i have...
Plurk: Actually the first platform i started doing art stuff with like 2.5 years ago. It's mostly about my ramble now (like ~70% of them. yes.) and it's in chinese anyway so i stripped the link from my pinned post long ago.
Tumblr: This. I actually made this account half a year later than the twitter account, but I like this platform more. Unlimited text / image and a separate tag section is perfect for me, and people generally talk and behave better / more politely here too. I post everything here so there's no need to check out my twitter account tbh.
Twitter: I've always been treating it as some art archive. I don't ramble and have almost zero interaction with anyone there. It's not like there's been anyone seeing my stuff there anyway... but apparently it skyrocketed when i posted valorant and warframe stuff. Huh, kinda weird tbh. Anyway I only sync somewhat finished art there, I also omit some comics because they're hard to make into twitter's 1 or 4 picture format (or i think they're not funny after weeks / months later).
Private twitter: Complete lurker account. For mutuals (if there are any), if you don't see me liking / reblogging your art on twitter that's because I don't use public account for that. If you saw me that means I forgot to change account.
TL;DR: you don't have to see my twitter if you come across that in the future. i sync stuff from tumblr to there anyway.
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I have realised that despite this being a mha blog I made so I could talk and ramble about my writing fanfic as well at some point I've been doing an awful lack of rambling on my aus.
On that note, wanna hear about a different Oboro survives AU than the one I have already posted on ao3?
Too bad I'm talking bout it anyways (sorry)
Cut because this gets LONG
So the other au I had in mind than Hidden, not Gone is one I actually came up with before H,nG, and it's part space au, definitely an oboro survives au, found family au, vigilante au, and not-villains league of Villains.
So AFO is an alien overlord in a space station orbiting Earth, cloaked with tech that doesn't let human tech detect him. Humans are the only race with quirks, but AFO managed to create a gene-altering tech that is capable of destroying and re-creating quirk genes from one person to another, and he starts abducting humans from Earth to build up his arsenal of quirks and turn the humans he takes into Nomu.
When AFO found out, he did not kill Yoichi, instead locking him in a sector of the ship where he couldn't get into trouble.
Yoichi was AFO's half brother, actually half human, and so he had a quirk gene himself, but it was hidden. AFO tried to sway his brother to his side by giving him a stockpiling quirk, thus OFA was born. Yoichi was not swayed however, and instead used his power to help two humans escape with their quirks, passing One For All to them so they could take it to Earth and cultivate it to defeat All For One.
On Earth, years pass and the story of OFA and AFO fade to a slightly altered legend, that AFO is a human villain with a quirk-stealing quirk, hiding out on a human-made space station villain base in Earth's orbit. The alterations were unintentional, but by the time OFA reached All Mights hands, all mentions of aliens and quirk stealing tech were omitted from the tale.
So when he and Nana and Gran Torino reach the space station to fight who they assumed was a man, a human, they're met with an alien, who kills Nana, and All Might and Gran Torino survive only because Nana told Torino to take Toshinori and escape in one of the escape pods.
All Might is still convinced All For One is human, just corrupted and changed by all the quirks he stole.
Fast forward several years. Oboro dies. Except he doesn't, he just gets abducted during the fight he would have died in, and put through two years of Nomuification. He becomes distinctly inhuman, and he only breaks free when Tenko is taken, so when Oboro sees the CHILD (Oboro would be like 19/20 at this point and Tenko would be 8/9/10 by the time they meet) that AFO has been attempting to manipulate into becoming a pawn, keeping him human so he could be sent back down to Earth to kill all Might when he's ready, Oboro is not having that. He takes Tenko and looks for an escape, that eventually bringing him to Yoichi's quarters during the escape. Yoichi helps them escape and All For One is not so forgiving this time.
Oboro and Tenko land on Earth and survive for the next ten years, gaining new family members along the way: Izuku in an alleyway after being kicked out at age eight, and Hitoshi and Eri trying to protect each other after Eri escaped from Overhaul and Hitoshi protected her.
They get a house, Tenko makes friends, they all get fake names and fake ID (Tenko learns hacking. He knows all the 'cheat codes')
Hitoshi and Izuku take up fully legal vigilantism, and Oboro tags along to make sure they don't die. In short, all the trio do is act as scouts, finding scuffles and mugging and such and alerting the nearest heroes. They gain a reputation as the trio of Scouts: Sun, Moon, and Void (Izuku, Hitoshi, and Oboro)
Other things thar happen along the course of what I imagine may be a plot if I rotated it more, include: Chaos, Izuku almost breaking Oboro's rule of not dying several times, the League of Villains not being villains and instead being Tenko's misfit friend group, Eri and Tenko being the only ones with brain cells in the Kurogiri house, Stain getting abducted, Oboro knowing more about the All For One One For All thing than he logically should, people being idiots, people being less of idiots but still lacking in brain cells, Mei Hatsume, Eraserhead wondering why the third member of the trio of scout vigilantes is avoiding him like the plague on patrol (Oboro doesn't want to be recognized bc that'll hurt too much for Shouta to know he's not even human anymore), and angst and fluff and hurt comfort.
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auriidae · 10 months
saw ur tags, please share your list of desert duo coded saint motel songs (if youre willing, if not ignore me lol) 👀
anon i am ALWAYS willing to share my ideas abt desertduo thank u for asking!! i have many thoughts so this is going to be v disjointed but here u go
(i actually made up a whole desertduo-centric au based entirely on the vibes of the songs in the original motion picture soundtrack a whiile ago o_o so almost all the songs from that album are linked with them in my mind,,,, but i won't go into that now haha. here's the list !)
first of all. old soul is the original desertduo song to me. "cause the more i get to know you / well the more i feel i knew you / in a lifetime a long time ago" but it's a post-3l au where everyone forgets except as the winners grian and scar start to remember.... (also i'm a mild watcher grian enjoyer so "i've seen heaven in the moonlight / blow it out / yeah, turn around" has a very clear mental image of, yknow, eyes in the moon and stuff. yeag)
also, make me feel like. there was a whole thing about scar and milkshakes and french fries in earlier hermitcraft that became like cemented in my mind as integral to his character for some reason so the first time i heard the "dipping your shake with the french fries" line the whole song became about him. "it started out like it always ends" oughhh that's such a line. 'there is no other end to this story' and all that. also "there's only so much that my heart can take / i get so close and then i hesitate / i don't want to die alone" and "don't let me down / give the run around / yeah you'll be my ticket to heaven" this is such a soulmate-coded song DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING MORE
SLOW DANCE AS WELL. i was listening to it the first time like "hey this is kind of them based just off the vibes" and then it went "i could be your best friend, i could be your centerpiece, i could be your soulmate, i could be your everything" and i lost my mind entirely. i'm not a purely romantic desertduo enjoyer so take that lyrical aspect of the song with a grain of salt but dude ough
a good song never dies is like very scar-coded in my mind it just has his vibes. i've never read the lyrics through but it puts me in mind of some charismatic charlatan and yeah that's him
bullet's "you don't stop a bullet that you set into motion / you don't stop a fire when you light an explosion / so then why are we fighting, already ignited / counting down, down, down, down" they are sooo self-destructive and this song's got that going for it so
and last but not least la2ny!!!!! "trying to get back / back to the place that we were / pure and dangerous / always just us versus the world" <that is literally. that is So double-life-desertduo-remembering-and-regretting-after-third-life core. "i had the damnedest day / you don't hear what i say / your head's up in the clouds" (soulbound to the man in the clouds by gideon anyone?). also "feel the distance, miles apart / in our beds" <me when i'm soulbound to this guy who i used to be closest to more than anyone else in the world but cannot understand why he's emotionally closed off for the life of me. this might be the most them-coded song here actually,, the rest are fun for vibes but this one's got the lyrics on point.
anyways saint motel's songs are the MOST FUN TO MAKE UP STORIES TO EVER and i love their stuff a lot. thank you very much for giving me an excuse to ramble about this ^-^//
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halfbakedspuds · 4 months
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag
OC Quotes
Rules: write quotes based on the prompt for some OCs, then come up with a new prompt for the next people
My prompt is: a quote about a time you got hurt.
I think I can do this for the protagonists across all my WIP's (plus the two characters from a little side project I've started writing that I'll have some info up for as soon as I finish writing up the introduction post for it)
TW: mentions of disfigurement, allusions to chronic pain, broken bones, amputation, pain, torture, long term psychological and physical abuse, psychological torment, burns, and impalement.
Echoes of Shadows
Johan: Other than that crazy Rostovan motherfucker Maxim dropping the sun on me, I've actually lived a pretty injury free life. Of course, I still need to go in for healing almost every week, but that's just the perks of knowing you will bleed out from a paper cut long before your body manages to close the wound. I don't even think a paper cut can bleed faster than your body produces more blood, but you get my point.
Hans: *Silently shrugs off his coat and pulls off his shirt, revealing scars all over his chest and upper arms, and what look like marks from a whip on his back* This is all you're getting from me.
Anastasia: Gemeendaal, about... three months ago? Around that? Anyway, Johan ask I watch target, learn routine so he can figure out if she is suspect. I pray that Bozhe leave... particulularly toasty spot in hells for whoever installed roof tiles like shit. I step wrong, I fell three stories: break leg. Then there was chase, shootout. Long story, but story for other time.
Maire: Wha', this old thin'? *Hits her mechanical leg for emphasis* Tha' was wae back in th'war, dearie. One o' our guys (Wha' was 'is name...? Jako, A' think) took a bullet while coverin' our retreat. Bein' th'medic, A ran out tae get 'im. Had 'im on mah shoulders an' everythin', runnin' back tae safety with gunfire, explosions, fire,- utter bedlam 'round me. Fifteen measures from our perimeter, A fell. A didnae e'en know wha' had happened at first, hell, A thought A'd tripped and was actually just annoyed. Well imagine mah shock when A looked down only tae see mah left leg about three meters back, cleanly severed by some Bioworker who'd probably been watchin' me through a rifle scope and wanted tae lure our people with me as bait.
Sasha: People always think it must be so nice to be a high order mage, to have that kind of power at your finger tips. "Must be nice to not need fire to boil a kettle", "I wish I could constantly keep myself cool in the summer", "Wow, it must be so fun to sculpt images out of fire," - well guess what else I can do, Svetlana- *points to the burn over her eye*-I can also burn my own bloody face off with just a stray thought, it's fucking terrifying to have this much power.
Children of the Stars
Adrian: When you're in combat, on the defending side of a full scale planetary invasion, sacrifices must be made. No matter how small the payoff, they are cumulative victories. The ship I was on was commandeered by Tyrus drop forces, so I rigged one of their ammo packs to explode and take down the ship. Unfortunately for those Xenos fucks: I survived having more than half my body vaporised. It's funny, really, they called me a hero for saving maybe two, three million lives with my actions. Meanwhile human casualties in that battle were counted in the billions. People are strange creatures.
Lyanni: Adrian had to shoot my arm off after calling an orbital strike on top of us. To be fair, it was stuck, probably crushed well beyond the capability of anything to even mend it, but it still hurt like a bitch. I don't hold it against him though, it was my arm or my life, and given the pressure he was under, I think he made the best choice.
Wilhelm: The Crimson Dawn- for all their talk of being pro-human and believing us to be the rightful masters of the stars- seem to have a very specific and exclusionist policy of what constitutes as human. Clones? Well, we're just faulty hardware and they hated us for being created by them, as if our minor imperfections from their tampering with our progenitor's genetic makeup were some grave offense on our part. We were beaten, hacked at, burnt, spit on, and oftentimes killed over the most minor grievances or demented pleasures, and we were expected to take it all with a smile because our creators had deigned to even give us the time of day. Being the only one who showed enough competency to become a commander, to be put in the limelight and earn Overseer Yalena's favour meant that I often got the worst of it. God knows how much I sometimes wished I'd been one of the rejects, the ones fit for nothing better than immediate recycling. Though, having met Lyanni and Adrian... I think it may actually be worth it to have my life after all.
The Tempest Prince
Jason: I mean, I've been struck by lightning... multiple times. it never hurts any less but my god, the rush of power that follows might actually be addictive.
Helga: Demihumans, like the beasts, are functionally immortal as long as our head remains on our shoulders and our heart is undamaged. And as a hunter, that has been put to the test time and time again in several very interesting ways, but the one that stands out the most was getting run through with a lamp post of all things. Of course it hurt like hell, but you get used to tuning out pain after a while. If anything, I was moreso flabbergasted by the fucking audacity of this bitch.
Alex: Varus, that swamp-nethered moerkont son of a motherfucking who- ...calm yourself, Alex... if you've ever wondered why I'm covered in so many rune shaped burn scars: the Rogues tried to turn me into their aberrants a long time. Turns out, the blood of a Great One and their corruption runes do not mix. Varus- may even the void torture his thrice damned soul- found the pain it caused me... amusing. You can piece together the rest by yourself.
11 Past Midnight
Kat: Where do I start? I've burnt my hands on a running engine, had my ribs broken by a Pulse-spear, damn near lost my arm to Kamchatka's front door of all things... What else? Oh yeah, and Artur broke my nose one time. I guess there was also that knockoff thunderdome back in Magadan where I got stabbed with a barbed wire spear of all things, and the countless times I've been shot or thrown out of a window. Really, take your pick moi druz'ya, my scars are my trophies.
Artur: Turns out, these people see their 'mutants' the way their ancestors saw Unicorns and the like. I was captured one time, and I don't think it even took an hour before two of my four arms had been cut off and sewn into some warlord's armor as a good luck charm, and lemme tell ya, seeing a part of your own body warn as a godsdamned trinket fucks with your head very badly.
Open tag for whomever wants it, and your prompt is: a quote about your favourite person
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This is a long post! I just wanted to talk a bit more about my religious beliefs and some thoughts I've been having recently. Me being angelkin is mentioned but it's not the entirety of what this post is about. I'll put it under a "Read More" but it's mostly about the terms I use for myself and trying to find where I belong. I'm still going to tag it as angelkin though because I personally want to see more personal experiences and discussions happening in the community. And I also want to see more discussion around being a spiritual/religious angelkin and NOT being Christian. I agree with the other sentiments that the community feels a bit lifeless and one dimensional in some aspects so I'm doing my part to change that.
Anyway, about my religion and the terms I use...
So, lately I've been thinking a lot about the labels I use for my religious beliefs and practices and I don't think I want to call myself "pagan" anymore. To be honest, I never wanted to call myself pagan in the first place. I just had no other words. I still don't.
When I was younger and first getting into witchcraft and religion, I had a hard time figuring out what exactly I believed in and where I belonged in the community. I related somewhat to various other practitioners I saw online but was never fully like them. I wasn't part of any established religion like Hellenism or anything, my witchcraft isn't entirely separate from my religion but it's not entirely related either, I didn't agree with a lot of the ideas being passed around as fact... And none of this has really changed. But some people claimed I was still a pagan because "pagan is anything that is outside of Abrahamic religion" (which I don't think I believe in that sort of idea anymore). Some said I was pagan because I practiced witchcraft but some said witchcraft and paganism were separate. Some said anything polytheistic is pagan. But regardless of all the confusion, paganism as a concept seemed like the closest thing to what I believed in and it was the only community that would somewhat accept me so I went with it.
But I'm not comfortable there. I never was fully comfortable. I don't feel like I belong.
So, what do I believe in? Well, I believe in/worship an unrecorded pantheon that started reaching out to me when I was 15. I don't know everything about the religion yet but I've gotten a decent chunk of information over the years including things like the creation story, most of the pantheon, the general beliefs, and more. I know I'm an Angelkin, which is basically someone that has been chosen by a specific Deity to have angelic attributes/energy to handle specific tasks and responsibilities. I believe I may be part of Justice's domain but I'm not completely certain. I believe that almost everything exists in a wheel and that wheel is the Goddess Time and it's turned by Life and Death on either side. Deities exist outside this wheel but Divinities exist within in.
There is... A lot. And I have no idea what I'm supposed to call myself when this religion has no name. I recently had a wonderful chat with a good friend that introduced me to the term "panentheism" and I want to look into that more because it's the closest anything has ever come to what I believe in (much, much closer than paganism has). But I'm still unsure. I keep wanting something that encompasses all of it, something specific. And I think I'd only get that with an actual name for the religion. But also, having that means I have no specific community. Unless other people out there find me and go "hey I believe in this exact thing too!" or people start converting, it's all so extremely lonely. And I think that's another reason I turned to the term "pagan". It's because there was a community. I wouldn't be alone. And yet somehow, I still was.
So. I guess that's my rambling for the day. If anyone reads this and has their own thoughts or feelings to add, I'd love to hear them! Or even send me an ask! I'm open to talking about this for the most part and I'd love to hopefully meet others that underrstand.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I saw the same post you kind of, alleged? (Unsure if it's the correct word) and man oh man, the way it was written felt extremely accusatory for no reason. Like, i have my own opinions about the bigotry in the CR fandom, but it is in no way more or less present than almost any other fandom
Im paraphrasing but it felt like they were saying "hey critters, just so you know this story has PoC and it's very important to PoC (not me of course cause im white) so be cautious and respectful" like ok? And?? (I'm aware that this is ofc how i interpreted the post, and may not be the true intentions of OP)
Sorry im rambling to your askbox, but it just, felt wrong to read lmao
No worries (and the word would probably be alluded to, or honestly you can just say “vagued” here, let’s not beat around the bush).
Yeah it’s…something. Like, I am also white and so I don’t feel comfortable actually going on OP’s post to say “uh what the fuck,” but like, racism in actual play fandom is a very valid topic to explore, but “not watching the original series for a miniseries in which there were black characters” is an entirely neutral choice, particularly if the miniseries has twice as many actors of color (and twice as many black actors) in it as the original.
Anyway it fucking sucks. It co-opts social justice language/the concept of anti-racism but makes it about the white OP's apprehension about a different DM coming into a world they like. I also find that D20 fans have been pretty fucking obnoxious about "I just wonder if CR fans/fans of Matt will understand the rich lore" while not actually providing any tools to understand that lore other than watching A Crown of Candy. Like...obviously I have my biases as a CR wiki editor but the D20 wiki is in shambles. I've gone there to get Neverafter summaries because I'm still struggling to get through that season but do want to know what happens, and there's nothing. If all this whiny, hostile handwringing about how CR fans won't know the lore were replaced by a few hours of cleaning up D20 fan-made resources so they could learn the lore? That would do a thousand times more good. But it's not about that; it's pure snobbery. And here's the thing: it doesn't matter if people do know the lore. It's none of anyone's fucking business what other people watch, and to throw this into the CR main tag acting like people who are fans of CR can't pick up on lore is laughably stupid and incredibly obnoxious but also, if they can't? Why the fuck should that bother an existing D20 fan?
I love ACOC! I do think that if you have the time to watch it, it's a great watch and I highly recommend it! But presumably Brennan and Matt have worked together to set the scene for new viewers. And most importantly, it is not actually problematic for people to come in to the series cold, and it's immensely gross of a white person to act like it is when this is really entirely about their own feelings.
[This is a tangent but I have many thoughts about how to be a welcoming fan to new fans, mostly boiling down to "shut the fuck up and let them enjoy themselves without trying to meddle in the business of strangers simply because they like what you like." Anyway it's interesting bc I find CR fans err in the other direction of trying to be too welcoming in a way I find offputting, and glossing over the fact that yeah actually there is a lot of lore floating around that might be worth checking out if you are so inclined; both approaches suck.]
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that-one-lotr-orc · 1 year
One post gotta be the first
So, for me Reddit finally died. As a programmer who is generally in favour of making stuff available for as many people as possible, they did right by that for many years. Giving everyone who wanted that access to it was generous of them, and made it a very fun platform. Random bots everywhere, apps catered to whatever preference people had, even -dare I say it- the tiniest bit of the wild-west-internet that once existed. But they got to greedy, flew to close to the sun, whatever analogy you want to have for it. I don't fault them wanting to make money off that, hosting is expensive, but the way they lied to everyone, attacked the Apollo developer for outing their lies, "riding the storm until it died out", it was too much.
So now I'm here, hopelessly lost in land I only got glimpses of on r/tumblr. I don't even know why I write this. I doubt many people will read it, or even see it. It's my first Tumblr post, and it probably will be very rambly, incoherent, and missing any kind of red line. The shortest answer to "Why I wrote this?" is probably "Because some google doc in '#tumblr help'" told me to post stuff!".
And I'm bad at posting stuff. I never done it. In the olden days, when forums were all around, I was a lurker. I'd read about everything, posted when I actually had something relevant to say, and shut up otherwise. I was known within the communities, generally active in the adjacent msn/skype groups, but not on the main spam threads in the forum.
When the forums began to die out, I got on Reddit. My account is 11 years old now, I've been using it almost hourly over the last 6 years, and it has a grand total of 9 posts. There's a bit more comments in that, but it's probably basically nothing compared to the average comments per hour spend on other accounts.
Why do I tell this? Because I might change that here. I've been lurking around Tumblr for the last few weeks, and the interaction and people are way different than I'm used to. Honestly, it's refreshing, and nice to see. But entering a new environment, one has to adept.
And I've been stuck too long in my old habits! I am often hesitant to contribute to anything, because I never did. I don't write, because I never wrote. But having a new environment, new people, new interest around me makes me wanna try out new stuff. And who knows? Maybe I'll like it, maybe I'll find people who like what I write, and I'll have more stuff to interact with.
And maybe I don't. Maybe I'll feel too unsure, too self-conscious, to change my lurking habits. I'm fine with that. I got other places to interact about my passions. Most of them are through Discord-groups nowadays, others through the few still-existing actual forums out there, but they still exist.
That's my last thing. I don't know what I even write about. Some of my interest are too different from the usual Tumblr-niches to have any kind of following. While typing this I had a look at the "enlisted game" tag, which has a grand total of 1 active poster. I had some looks at the different Magic the Gathering tags, but (as I expected), most of the people in there are about more about the lore of the game than I do. That's fine, I got my spike-talking places, and I will probably lurk those tags anyway.
The one place I'll probably feel most comfortable is the Brandon Sanderson-aligned tags. I'll be there, maybe even contributing, once I finished the last books (or I find the appropriate tags to block, I probably gotta look into that).
That uncertainty makes me circle back to a point a made a few paragraphs ago. I can explore, I can try out new stuff. Maybe I'll try to add to some of the punk tags here, maybe I'll hop onto some of the computer science tags and see if I can wordvomit there, maybe I'll go to something completely new! I can go exploring again, discovering things I never saw before, and that makes me eager.
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Should I make a New Year's appreciation post too? Cus I saw someone else do it.
Idkkk this year was pretty wack, I met God for five seconds, met God again, improved my art, bawled like a baby, had sixteen sexuality awakenings before I decided to go unlabeled, and met some pretty incredible people that I plan on canibalistically consuming.
Started last year hating myself and crying, started this year feeling grumpy but that's prolly just because I woke up early today. I learned this terrible, terrible fact that I'm allowed to be loved and I spear fought that for a good few months ngl.
Learned that being cringe is awesome
Learned how to write
Learned that people are more terrifying than what I previously anticipated but that just makes me love them even more
I know the meaning of life (no I don't) (I've scraped it up to "fuck around and find out" and I suggest it as s tier advice) (actually no I don't)
Learned how to make a boiled potato (singular)
Life's pretty cool I didn't expect this at all. It threw me a curveball at half time and I got all my teeth knocked out. It's been a weird experience so far, I think I, did that thing, yk that thing humans do, yeah I think I shed a few cells and grew a little bit. Whoa. Crazy.
I learned that in hindsight this post doesn't really matter, but that's not gunna stop ME from giving a smooch to everyone I love. They like, changed the way I exist. I don't remember feeling this loved and thought of before, it's eerie, really eerie.
Learned how to like myself even a tiny bit, because of all of you. I owe you a lot.
(am I allowed to tag people?) (Sorry I'm still borderline new at this) (I don't wanna bother anyone with my silliness) (maybe I'll just say your names instead of tagging you and hope it magically summons you) (or maybe I won't)
@crunchontoast (for yk, everything. If I even attempt to write it all out we'll be here for days. Summing it up feels inadequate but I realize that I don't have to explain anything in a post to strangers online. Cus you already know and that's awesome)
@karineverse (for being a real one and listening to me ramble. Helping me figure out shapes for characters. You're a silly sills)
@fl0w3rg0at (for being one of my besties for almost three years at this point, I think. Whoa yeah. And for sticking with me through all my crappy phases)
I'm feeling awkward I hate emotions (‼️‼️‼️)
My Mom (thank you mom. ✨How did you survive me✨)
My Cousin (for getting me Hollow Knight for Christmas. And also for texting me once per year) (a real one fr)
My Cat (for giving me snuggles when I most needed it)
I wanna tag Tacol0ser can I tag Tacol0ser? Anyways (for being the silly guy in my Ao3 comments section and giving me bursts of confidence. You're cool)
My Bestie Since 1st Grade (for being like a sister to me, our lives are pretty rough and I'm glad we have each other. Let's hold hands and go downtown for pizza again)
Oh sorry did you expect more people? My b most of them are off Tumblr. Anyways I tried tell me when to delete this cus my nerves are getting the best of me.
Ah wait and thanks for Tumblr for giving me a shitton of new memes to bother folks with.
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gissyfanime · 1 year
Sooooo, there is something I've kiiiiiiinda notice and only now just starting to point out.
(Long ass post incoming; brace yourselves.)
See, I've been tagging my fanime related posts under the "fanime" and "fanime community". And really, that much is fine, even if one of them does get taken over by a certain convention..
But I also have used other tags as of like, two for spreading out more and the two actually related to fanime (tho one I don't use AS often)
For the two non-fanime related tags, I've used "Web Series" and "Indie Anime". Web Series is used way more often than almost any of the fanime tags. Indie Anime, while not as much as Web Series, has its fair share posts that not fanime related (or... really my posts)
But now.... we get to the two other tags: "Fanime Alliance" and "Fanime Update". Now I won't lie, I have been using these tags a lot as of late (the former, haphazardly so.).
"Fanime Update" is more related to posts that are just updates for my projects. (which is ironic, due to the fact that the original Fanime Update ceased and we currently have Fanime Station as a good replacement that stuck)
"Fanime Alliance"..... yeah know, I won't lie, I have been using that tag a lot in recent years, despite the fact that the original tumblr is... well... this is what I see when I tried to look back at the original blog-
Tumblr media
.....I think it's safe to say... that the blog is gone-
Like I JUST found out about this as I was writing this post and I was going to say "Oh yeah, the blog is just inactive because reasons" but no; this is step beyond!!!
....Makes me wonder about something but that is a different matter all together. Back the the original point.
With the Tumblr Blog gone, it is safe to say that I am the only asshole that basically took over the tag. .....And I feel a lot of things about that actually, LMAO
But hey, if you want to join me using those tags, be my guest, lol
Anyways, that is my insane ramblings. You can continue scrolling now.
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itsohh · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well! When you first started writing here on Tumblr, did you hesitate or were nervous and if so how did you deal with it? Or did you just power through it and fuck it I'm putting my writing out there and I don't care what people say?
Long story short I'm really wanting to write on here just to do something different but I'm hella nervous and just wanted an opinion. Because I really love R6 but I have a very hard time getting out of my shell. Obviously you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable! Till then I can't wait for your next post! 😊
hmmm I think way back when I first started writing I was a lot more care free at the time back when I was like 13.
I don't think I was ever focused on like anyone hating it or anything like that. Like I've legit never got hate for writing in all the years I've done it. Either people will hit the like button or they wont. Back then I was writing for like supernatural and marvel then eventually overwatch and a bit of Sherlock. In the case of I guess it was 'whats the worst that will happen' in all reality most of the time people who don't like x reader have the tag blocked and so only people who like said thing will find it (so long as u tag correctly)
I've sorta just got to the stage where posting doesn't really phase me in nervousness or anything, like sure for somethings I lose interest or motivation at times but when I started posting I didn't really get any like feedback at all? Like it was very rare I would get anything that wasn't a like or a reblog and requests didn't happen much. I think the fact that Tumblr is so anonymous really helps, like its almost a mask. No one actually knows who I am, worst comes to worst I can legit just delete the blog and start anew.
I think also fandom size is a huge thing, is reconising your audience, there's no point comparing like notes to another fandom cause honestly it just reflects how popular said thing is. After I realised that I sorta don't worry anymore? I used to freak out a bit about people not liking my posts but now I'm just like 'eh R6S is tiny' and it is.
Honestly yeah so long as you tag correctly you should be alg. In the R6S fandom at leat people are pretty chill. (Idk there's some hate to oc's or something but as long as u don't tag as x reader u should be alg)
Anyway I'm rambling a lot but honestly yeah just go for it hun, upload. Nothing bad will happen, might feel a bit anxious or whatever but its like, yeah. You feel me? that being said if your going to write please remember capitals and new speaker new line theses are so important, as someone who breaks a lot of grammar rules those two shouldn't be broken in writing. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of first person so if you do write first person your audience would be smaller than per say second or first
Some people may have different ideas or interpretations of character but I feel as a tumblr collective (speshly this fandom) people won't like hate on you for it.
ANYWAY I went off again, yeah give it a go. eventually you will get used to it and it will become a second habit to upload, frankly so long as you ultimately always write for your enjoyment your always good. uploading writing is pretty much like the same as watching a movie with a friend id say, or like running a dnd campaign sorta vibes. kinda. but yeah just hit that post button and off u go. I guess yeah just power through it, hitting post the first time is def the hardest and you just gotta rip that bad boy off.
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This post will be functioning as several things:
1) To inform you all that Chapter 28 of Perfect Match is out! Here's the link and yes, I know that I've skipped a couple of chapters but I'm too lazy to go back and make posts for them :) Tag list for the fic: (that people can actually see now!) @bronte-deserves-better @you-have-been-frizzled @axels-corner @marella-gossipqueen-redek @istanrandomfandoms
2) To convince you to vote for Kenralie in this poll and to read Perfect Match if you haven't already by posting a longer clip from this chapter :) I'm so proud of this excerpt, and you can read it even if you haven't read Perfect Match. I know Kenralie isn't going to win the ship bracket, but I'm still holding out hope that my ramblings about them for the past couple of months can maybe pull them into the third round? Hopefully? (Sorry Marelliana stans- I like them, and they'd definitely beat many other ships for me but just. Kenralie.)
Clip from Perfect Match Chapter 28: Secrets below the cut! For those of you who haven't read the fic, this takes place right after Mr. Forkle first talks to Oralie about Project Moonlark.
Kenric was so focused on his own thoughts, he almost didn’t notice as someone appeared in the street right beside his house, soft footsteps on the ground breaking the eerie quiet of the night. But when he did, he smiled. 
“Hey, Ora,” he called from his porch, and Oralie immediately turned around. Her expression was startled, like a child caught stealing candy from the pantry. “Sorry,” he whispered, rushing to the street to walk up to her. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“It’s alright,” Oralie said, her expression slowly melting into normal. “What are you doing out?” 
“Just needed some fresh air,” he told her. “Where were you?” For the first time, he realized that she wasn’t wearing the same outfit she’d been wearing earlier, but just a tanktop and leggings. She couldn’t have been in a meeting with anyone at all important. It was likely she’d been going to meet a friend, but most of her one-time friends hated her now, a fact she’d cried to him about countless times. Maybe she could have been seeing family, but he knew how awful her parents were, and the one cousin she actually liked had betrayed her all those years before. 
“I went dress shopping,” Oralie immediately answered. “I didn’t expect to run into anyone, so I didn’t bother to put all that formal attire back on.” She smiled at him, though, so Kenric knew she wasn’t actually mad. 
“Well, what’d you get?” 
Oralie tilted her head to one side, examining him. “I found something I like, but it wasn’t quite my size, so the very generous store owner offered to adjust it for me. For an extra payment, of course, but I don't mind. She said it’ll be ready in a couple of days.” 
“Working hard, I see,” he replied, winking, and Oralie blushed. 
“I’ve been working hard all night,” she said. “I felt I deserved a break.”
“What project are you working on, again?” Kenric asked, genuinely curious. 
“Overviewing Foxfire curriculum,” she immediately answered. “It’s rather boring, but I’m managing. I’m almost done, anyway.” 
“So you’ve spent all evening working on it? Then went shopping?”
Oralie hesitated a second before nodding her head. 
Kenric might have been imagining it, but he thought he saw a flash of pain across her face. 
The kind of flash that happened when she lied. 
His theory was only furthered when Oralie took a deep breath, pressing a hand to her stomach. She’d described in detail how it felt when she lied -Kenric couldn’t even imagine dealing with those headaches and nausea- but now, if she thought she could hide it from him, she was mistaken. 
She hid the movement by adjusting her shirt, not meeting his eyes as she said, “I’m really tired, Kenric. I should get to bed.” 
As Kenric looked at her, he saw how exhausted she looked, and something in her eyes that looked like she’d gone through something that would permanently change her. That scared him more than the lie. 
“Are you alright, Oralie?” he whispered, stepping closer. Oralie looked up at him, and he saw tears glimmering in her eyes. 
There was so much he wanted to tell her. He wanted to say that he knew she was hiding something from him, and he didn’t understand why, but he knew she had a good reason. He wanted to tell her about Elysian and about his pointless search, and how much he just wanted to be done with everything ever having to do with the Council. He wanted to drop to one knee right now and ask her to be his wife, then they could live somewhere far away from all this, spending all their time together without rules and expectations and secrets. Just free to love and laugh and be, making their own life together. 
But he didn’t say any of that. 
He couldn't. As much as he wanted to.
So they just looked at each other, the secrets growing between them like a wall separating Kenric from the person he loved most in the entire world. He wished he could take an axe and smash the wall down, brick by brick, stone by stone, but while they were on the Council, he couldn’t. 
“I don’t know, Kenric,” Oralie whispered, her voice so hopeless it broke Kenric’s heart.
“What do you need me to do?” 
She looked at him, a tear streaking down her face. Oralie looked at him for a long, long moment until she finally spoke. 
“If someone gave you the opportunity to change the world, would you take it?” 
Kenric blinked once. 
“I suppose I would,” he said eventually. “If it changed the world for the better.” He saw the expression on her face and added, carefully, “But what would it cost?” 
“I don’t know,” she told him. “Might be nothing.” She stepped forward, putting a hand on his cheek. “But it also might be everything.”
Before Kenric could say another word, Oralie planted a gentle kiss right on the corner of his mouth before she walked into her house. She was gone before he realized what she’d said… and he was back inside his own house before he realized what it might mean. 
“Don’t be a hero, Oralie,” he whispered, though he knew she couldn’t hear him. He walked up to his mantle and looked at a picture of the two of them that she'd drawn for him. His arms were around her waist and their foreheads were pressed together, both of them smiling. They were so, so happy. He wanted to run to her house and show her the picture, telling her that this was what they could have together. No circlets. No Council hounding their every move. Just Kenric and Oralie. 
Kenric pressed his own forehead to the picture, wishing it was Oralie by his side instead of the cold paper. “You already have been. For me.”
She'd saved him from a life of loneliness and never feeling like he truly belonged. With her, he belonged. With her, he was someone. 
And he knew he had to trust her. 
That reminded him of what she'd said, and he slumped down on his couch, hoping someday she'd be able to tell him why she'd kept those secrets. And he could tell her why he'd kept his. Then they could have a life with no secrets, just like it should be.
He had no idea what he had in mind, or what she’d been doing. 
But he was pretty certain it hadn’t been dress shopping. 
He just knew he had to get both of them off of the Council before it was too late. 
And in order to do that, he had to find Elysian. 
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