#anyway it could still be a rumor we'll see
whateversawesome · 4 months
Spy x Family Chapter 98: An Explosion
Let's start with the most important thing and we'll go from there. Ready? This panel:
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Blink and you'll miss that insignificant comment from someone we don't even know their name. Nevertheless, given the implications of Project Apple, this panel is huge! Because, even if back then it was just a rumor, there's a chance it could also be true. Project Apple could have started during the first conflict. This leads me to the following theory:
Anya's biological parents were prisoners of war.
The story about Twilight as a soldier, Martha and Henry, as well as Millie, Franky, and even the Lady Patriots Society tell us about the dehumanization of the enemy. So yeah, it's very possible that it was acceptable for either side to do anything they wanted with captured enemies, that includes experimentation.
And by prisoners of war, I'm not only referring to soldiers and medical personnel, but also spies. Wouldn't it be funny if Anya's birth parents were also spies? It's too soon to tell, but it's so much fun to speculate 😆
At the beginning, it's stated that Anya was created by accident:
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Maybe she was "an accident" between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war being experimented on and a scientist 🤔
So here's another crazy idea: Everyone thinks that Anya learned Classical Language because it was used in the lab by scientists, but what if it was her biological parents the ones who taught her that language in order to be able to communicate with each other?
At some point, I thought that even if we learned about Anya's past there was a possibility we would never know about her parents, now I think we will.
About the Chapter
Clearly, SXF is an anti-war story that wants to show us how terrible war is for EVERYONE. That's why big and small characters, side or main, have been affected greatly by war.
I'm sure plenty of people will talk about Martha and Henry's love story. After this chapter, I think it's clear that they probably were separated by war and that Henry had to marry to save himself, leaving Martha up in the air. (I know I am a fool, but I keep hoping she's the one he married, but I don't think so 😭)
Anyways, leaving the cautionary semi-tragic love story aside (Ahem, watch out Twilight and Yor)...I see what the author is trying to do: The story shows us very clearly what happens to every person when pushed to their limits, when they and their families are in danger. It's a story about loss, loss, and more loss.
The story is trying to make the readers root for peace and be very adamant against war. This is a masterclass on "Show, don't tell." So even if a lot of these stories seem insignificant because it's about side characters, they are meant to influence the readers' point of view about war, so when it reaches the main characters, we all know what could happen to them. These stories are meant to raise the stakes for the main characters.
Now, I've said it before: It's very possible that close to the climax of the story, Ostania and Westalis will be at the verge of a third conflict. By then, we'll know much more about the main characters' background as well as many other stories of side characters affected by war (don't be surprised if The Garden was created as a consequence of it). So when we're close to the end, when war is about to happen, we'll know exactly what could happen to the Forgers, because it has already happened to so many people: loss.
Something to Keep in Mind
The more the story moves forward, the more curious I am about the Desmonds. Since all of the characters were affected by war, I'm wondering how were the Desmond affected? Melinda certainly has issues (did this happen during and because of the war?) and Donovan Desmond is still a BIG question mark. It easy to relate to what normal characters feel. If any of us were going through something similar, we would be terrified too. However, how is it for someone in charge? How did Desmond see and suffer war? I really want to know.
One Last Thing
If in two chapters focusing on two side characters Endo has managed to create such a beautiful love story, can you image what he plans to do with Twiyor, which is the main couple of the story??
I know I say this a lot, but after seeing this my expectations are high and I am convinced it'll be worth the wait.
Food for thought.
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mariii1 · 1 year
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Who's Coming Towards You? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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TUMBLR FINALLY ADDED READ MORE ON THE APPP anyway sorry for the delay I went to Portugal then got all my wisdom teeth removed AND im sick 😣🦷 Regardlesss im here and i might do a mini tarot game since I reached 400 FOLLOWRRS 😱but yeah we'll seeee, have fun wit this pac thoo 😜
1-If you're currently dating around or on dating sites, a fuckboy is coming towards you. They may not present as one, but they are. At first, you might think that this person knows what direction they're taking their life in or that they're just very driven in general. But this is just a facade that they put in order to lure girls in. They want a situationship and the don't want commitment. Even if you're not dating or looking to date, this is somebody who might try to ask you out, but it's kind of obvious that they only want kewchie. This could happen during your job, it could be a coworker or customer/client. They could try to hit on you and act like they're super deep or they genuinely want to know about you. There will be very wishy washy when it comes to their intentions, they don't like giving the straight answers.
2- Speed drive by Charli XCX. You might be in a Barbie/girlboss energy. What's coming towards you is some sort of opportunity. If you felt had you had a bunch of options you felt neutral about, youll have another one and I see you going straight for that. This one is really going to stand out to you and I see you when this opportunity is finally offered you're not gonna be hesitant any more and you're gonna be able to make up your mind. Specifically if you been waiting to hear back from somebody, you're going to hear back from them very soon, and it's going to help a lot.
3- So like the pile above clarity is coming towards you. This could be about a specific person, but I'm specifically getting a situation. There could have been some sort of drama in your life and you didn't know which side to take. There could have been a lot of stories and rumors involved. This could have been something really serious that affected you or somebody else financially. I'm getting that this has to do with somebody who's close to you or at least has some sort of influence on you directly or indirectly. You may have had to go to court, had to look up laws or contact a lawyer. But I'm seeing some sort of clarity not a final decision but just some sort of clarity. I think you might find the right lawyer for you if that's what you're supposed to specifically looking for. If not, I still feel like this heavily has to do with finances. Even if you are seeking out something romantically, maybe you want a sugar daddy, you're going to find someone who's going to help you in which you exchange some sort of money with them.
4- the number 4 could be important for you maybe you keep seeing it everywhere or you keep choosing pile 4 in pick a cards. Apply it to your situation but im predominantly gettting that someone you wanted or liked is coming toward you. I think you're still attracted to this person. For some, you could have felt dejected by this person even if they didn't outright reject you. You'll be surprised by how thoughtful they come across when they come towards you and I think they've been thinking about you for awhile. This is someone you've had a crush or attraction to for a minute. Your dreams of dating them will be reborn and may actually happen this time.
5 - HEY BIG SPENDEEEERRR the moment you walked in the joint, I could tell you were a man if distinction a real big spender.... Loveeee that scene from that movie (Sweet Charity). Okay so a few scenarios this could be somebody that presents like they have a lot of money or they could present like they're going to give you a lot of money even if they don't seem to have a lot. But I'm getting you're going to find out that they are broke very quickly and the only thing they have is dick to offer which doesn't pay bills. They probably fought for your attention and this may be somebody who glorifies struggle love. I'm getting they could actually be rich, but they're very stingy. And possibly after fighting for your attention they'll probably ghost you or just go to other people who aren't as naive. A lot of you could be sex workers and specifically getting strippers and this is just another man at the club trying to act like hes some sort of crypto mogul. If not, maybe you're on dating apps, and this is something that might happen.
6- Ooop so apparently this is my pile. I NEED A HERO I'M HOLDING ON FOR A HERO 'til the end of the night and he's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight..... Anyway this is someone who presents as a fuck boy but in reality, they're just a normal person. So I feel like this is a misconception you're going to have about them when they genuinely have good intentions. I think this person will sort come as some sort of hero in your life. This could come in the form of them giving you a financial opportunity. However, I feel like for most of you they're going to help you financially or be a co-worker that's really helpful. They could give you a really good idea for something financially. Even if you're in school, they could present some sort of job opportunity to you. I think they could also be good to you in general. But at the end of the day, you might actually end up sucking their dick fr like literally HAHAHA I don't think it will be a bad thing. Yeah, you might think that they're coming to ruin your life, but they're really not. Aka opposite of pile 5 🤭.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 8 months
*heavy breathing* pr-professor Afton au? (Would you like to share any headcanons about the au that might not get mentioned in the fic?)
Hello hello, lovely Anon! Thank you for the ask! I've been doing nothing but act strange and be insane about this man over the weekend, so I have a lot of headcanons to share about our dear Professor Afton. All SFW, if you'd like a NSFW version please let me know! Some might be included in the fic, they might not, we'll see. If you would like to be tagged in posts like this don't hesitate to reach out, thank you so much for reading!
Professor Afton is treated like an elusive cryptid around the University campus.
There's always a different rumor going around about him every semester. From him sleeping in the closet in his office because he's a homeless vampire to him stealing the dining hall's entire supply of eggs, he's heard it all.
He has a secondary Master's Degree in English with a concentration in Folklore.
He'll only tell you if he really, really likes you but he even has a favorite mythological creature, a Scottish/English fairy known as a Brownie.
If you're lucky enough to learn about the Brownie's from him he'll often crack jokes about his "close encounters" with them in his workshop.
"They get upset when things are in disarray, and I don't think you can get much messier than my tool bench."
He only drinks his coffee black.
He occasionally has tea, but it's very rare, he always sneaks a bit of honey in without anyone knowing.
He is left handed
He still actively wears the tongue piercing he got in college.
He's very good at hiding it.
You're one of the few people that have ever caught sight of it.
He asked you to keep it in between the two of you. (And how could you possibly have said no when he gave you such a sweet smile along with the wink he shot you)
He has an enormous bag of caramel hard candies in his desk at all times.
Now onto a couple cuter things...
It is absolutely no secret to anyone besides you that you are Professor Afton's favorite.
That being said, it gives you some pretty nice scary dog privileges.
Caught working after hours in the work shop? "Oh, Professor Afton gave me his keys."
Need a particularly hard to get a hold of resource? Well, if it's for Professor Afton's class they'll make sure he has it.
He keeps an extra mug in his office specifically for when you come by his office for help.
He always pours you a cup of his favorite hand blended tea without asking, the mug always a nice comforting warmth in your hands as you chatted with him.
I definitely have a lot more HC's for all of my variants of Will and the DCA's, but this is all I put for now. It's my first time making a list like this so maybe I completely missed the mark, who knows, I hope you find this fun anyways lol. If you would like to see more posts like this or would like to be tagged in my posts, please let me know!!
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shansrois · 4 months
ok imagine being ningguang's younger sister and secretly in a relationship with the runaway kazuha.
this has been in my draft for 2 years now, i just discovered it again and felt like continuing it <3 to remind my stem student self about my affection for literature.
kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
fluff, i promise
First of all, being Ningguang's sister means she cannot have as much time to bond with you. but she will definitely make up for it with weekly dinners to catch up with each other's lives.
And being Kazuha's lover, knowing the risks of rumors that may spread when they see you both together, you would both rather not expose your relationship into public. But, Beidou might already have knowledge about your situation, but we'll talk about that later.
Whenever you have the chance to see each other, you two will walk around the silent streets of the harbor at night and snuggle beneath a huge tree somewhere faraway from the city. His body and clothes are very soft to touch and to hug. when he you both wake up from the short nap, you just do whatever feels right at the moment.
You could explore more areas ahead and go sight-seeing, or just chat about how you're doing these past few weeks while your head is laid on his shoulders.
When you find some sort of animal like a cat or a dog, Kazuha would 100% call it over to come to your side. Then you will pet them and give them some food you have. He loves cats, he swore to you that when he is able to go back to Inazuma without a stain on his name, he will bring you with him and visit alot of beautiful places and visit his friend's cat. And the grave too 💀
Okay anyways 😊
As sneaky as Kazuha is, he was still busted by the captain, I assume he was caught in a trap that was set by beidou which revealed what he actually does in his freetime. She promised not to tell ningguang though, hopefully she really doesn't yet. But, to be completely honest, you wanted to tell her about your relationship yourself.
So one day, when you had the chance to talk to her during her free time, you couldn't miss out on the opportunity to share this little secret with your beloved sister.
"Sister, it's nice to see you again. The weather is magnificent today, isn't it?"
"Hello to you, too. I have tea and snacks prepared for this afternoon. Do make yourself comfortable."
"Hmmm let's have a very honest conversation sis."
The curiosity in Ningguang's eyes gave you the sign to continue.
"Let's play a game, we take turns in asking each other some questions. If we do not want to answer a question, we take a sip of this drink with 40% alcohol that I bought from Fontaine! How does that sound?"
She thought about it for a few seconds and replied.
"That offer sounds very much like you, very well, I'll have my schedule cleared out for the expected aftermath of this game you have."
"Great! Let's start. You can go first sissy."
"How did you get ahold of this high-class drink in Fontaine?"
"Ahaha I... I asked for help from Beidou. Okay my turn! Do you swing that way?" (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVELY PEOPLE)
"Ah yes, seems like you have caught on to my... preferences. Now I shall ask you this question. Are you... Hiding something from me?"
"Yes. Next question, are you and Beidou a thing?"
She was speechless for a few seconds and suddenly she poured herself a drink.
"What! We were getting to the good part!"
"I refuse to elaborate on that topic. Now. Are you and a certain samurai secretly seeing each other in the shadows?"
"Huhh?! What-how, uh, yeah. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?"
"Beidou is a little too chatty."
Beidou huh.
"Whatever, but yeah, that was the thing that I wanted to talk with you today. Do you approve of us?"
"Sure, why not. That boy has gentleness and passion flowing into his veins. He's totally your type as well. You have my blessings in whatever your plans are with him."
(will continue once i get more sleep)
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 3: This Wish
Chapter 2
After all the inner lights of the Hamlet went out, the camera sweeps across the forest from an overhead shot and then zooms in slowly on a large feline running with elegant speed through the woods...
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He leaps over rocks and streams making its way through the greenery as if he was on the hunt. After a few more moments, the lynx eventually approaches Rosas' gate. It slows down once it sees a slim familiar figure not far from the entrance. The lynx smiled and proudly walked over to his master, head held high.
The woman kneel down to greet the feline.
"Ah, I see your back from your trip! Took you longer than expected though. What's the matter? Did a mouse catch your attention along the way?" The queen said sarcastically with a smirk.
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Sabor rolled his eyes at the assumption. He was more dignified than that...
The queen quietly chuckled and gave an affectionate rub behind her pet's ears. "Oh relax, I'm only teasing you. I raised you better than that. Now then, were you able to find where those traitors are hiding?"
The lynx nodded with a satisfied grin.
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(Okay, just imagine this lynx, but he's Scar coded, and you have our Sabor. That's the inspiration behind him for this and a lot of his facial expressions reference it!)
"All right, now let me see what you've found. The spell should work since its fresh in your mind." Amaya explained. She put her hands on the temples of Sabor, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Sabor's eyes turned fully green and we get an extreme closeup of his right eyes, showing earlier events in a green tint and slightly fuzzy.
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We're suddenly in Sabor's POV. The view is low to the ground and its looking at the front entrance of Rosas. He sees a young man in a cloak and aboard a horse leaving the place, then they suddenly take off in a run towards the woods. Sabor was caught by surprise but proceeded to follow the figure, picking up his own pace.
The lynx stayed only a few paces behind the horse, just to avoid being seen, but he kept up with the stranger. Whoever this guy was, he skilled on the horse and had done this many times before. Sabor got distracted for a moment by a mouse that scurried past him. He stops for a moment, the camera jerks itself quickly as Sabor regained his focus.
The feline gives chase once again and goes even faster to catch up with his real prey. Sabor finds the stranger is standing in front of a group of trees. The lynx then sprints to the other side of the path to try and get a view of the stranger's face. He says something in another language and throws something at the trees that make it move. Sabor tries to see the man's face, but its still hidden as he enters the Hamlet.
The lynx tries to enter the Hamlet, but it closes before he can get in. So returns to the bushes and starts to groom himself as he waits for the stranger to come back.
The vision quickly fades to white and Sabor's eyes stop glowing once Amaya moves her hands from his temples. "So, the rumors are true. The Hamlet indeed exists. Mi rey will be very pleased to hear this news." Her voice was cold as the night air itself.
Sabor purred as she lovingly scratched him behind the ear. "Well done, my dear." Her voice changing from cold to warm. "I'll even forgive your moment of weakness. Thanks to you, we'll not only capture the traitors, we're getting closer to having all the power we could ever want."
Amaya got up and turned around to look up at the stars shimmering in the sky, right above the castle. A moment later, the top of the tower opened up.
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"It seems my dear husband is ready to try again. Best not keep him waiting, yes?" Amaya asked her lovely lynx, with a raised eyebrow.
Sabor rolled his eyes but followed her anyway. He wasn't really a fan of Magnifico, but he did make Amaya happy, so he tolerated him. The queen and her beloved pet proceeded to enter their home, heads still held high. Once a month after the wishing ceremony, the royals would attempt a feat they believe could make them the most powerful people on earth....
(Pretend that the cat is a lynx in this, okay? 😂 No hate on Charo though, he's fabulous)
"Well now, all this excitement has worn me out." Amaya said, patting her husband's arm gently. He understood the signal and helped her up.
Maginifico chuckled. "Indeed. I'm a bit tired out myself. Trying to pull that blasted star out of the sky can take a lot out of a guy." The two of them proceeded to leave the room until the king stopped in his tracks.
"I just realized something, who was the person who entered the Hamlet? I....just want to talk to him." He asked turing to his wife.
Amaya sighed. "I'm afraid that's the only information Sabor wasn't able to get. His face was covered."
Magnifico glared at the lynx. The lynx hissed back and leaped off the table in annoyance.
"Although I do have my suspicions... Someone who knows their way around this place as we do." Amaya tapped her chin as her brain already thought of the suspects.
"Well, while you ponder on that, I'll lead some of the soldiers straight into those traitors hideout tomorrow night. They won't see us coming if we come in at their most vulnerable, right? Hehehe..." Magnifico replied as he grabbed his staff and looked at his own reflection.
The man he saw in it knew they would soon be the most powerful rulers the world has ever known. His eyes glow green as his laugh and the screen fade to black. (MANIACAL LAUGHING)
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After a few moments of silence on the black screen, we hear a deep male voice. "Asha. Have I ever told you about the stars above?"
The screen fades in to watercolor style animation (like the backgrounds in Lilo and Stitch, NOT SLEEPING BEAUTY) we see a large grown man and his daughter sitting on top of an olive tree, looking up at the stars above.
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The father had his hand upon the girl's head. "Yeah, you told me the stars are just like us and all of them are different from each other, like people." 9 year old Asha said with wonder.
Tomas chuckled as he patted her on the head. "Yes, yes, I did, but there's something else you should know. You...shouldn't always rely on Magnifico or any one person to make your wish come true."
Asha looked at her dad confused.
Tomas gestures back to the sky, glittering with stars. "The stars are there to guide us, to inspire us, to remind us to believe in possibility. We're all connected in this great circle of life. I've gotten more wisdom from these stars than anyone I've met on Earth. I hope that one day, they could do the same for you."
"But I have you right here for that, papa!" The girl said as she hugged her dad's arm.
Tomas had a sad smile. "I have something for you, consider it an extra birthday gift." He reached in his satchel and pulled out a brown leather covered book and handed it to Asha.
Asha let out an excited gasp, thanked her father and opened the book, only to find it blank. "Aw, where's the story and pictures?"
Tomas put a pencil in front of the blank pages. "That's for you to create yourself."
Asha looked up at her dad in surprise.
"People think wishes are just ideas, but they are part of your heart. So promise me you'll draw and write whatever is in yours. Never let go of your wish." He whispered as a glimmer of hope shined in his eyes.
The little girl smiled and nodded. "I promise."
The camera pans out at the tree as the two of them embraced in a hug. The screen fades to black, but then...
The screen then lights up with green fire as men, women and children are running for their lives fleeing Rosas. Some of them were families with small children. They're feeling into the forest as fast as they can, not looking back.
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12 year old Asha is running with Sakina by the hand as they catch up with Sabino who was waiting in the back of a hand made wagon pulled by a horse. He grabbed the two of them and told the rider to start going. They take off, and the last thing Asha sees is Magnifico with coming through the fire, with his own eyes and staff glowing an envious green. His face looking like a mad dog as he screamed.
The screen is covered in green fire, then it flashes back to 2D animation, with Asha waking up in her bed with a cold sweat. She was breathing heavily and looked frantically for Magnifico.
"Maaaa..." The noise made Asha jump, but she looked down and saw Valentino in her lap and nuzzling his head into her chest, comforting her.
She slowly smiled in relief and hugged her little friend tightly. "Thanks, Val."
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The moment is interrupted when both of them hear a loud cry. It sounded like a man in pain, but there's no way...
The two them rushed outside of Asha's room and followed the sounds in the house. Valentino ran ahead of her, sniffed around and stopped in front of Sabino's door. He tried head butting it open, but it didn't work. Asha stepped in and opened for him.
They were met with a terrible sight: Sabino was in bed and grabbing his chest in pain.
"Saba! Saba! What happened!?" Asha ran to his side. She looked for any signs of bruising, or bite marks from an unknown animal, but his body looked physically untouched.
"The-the remedy- I forgot to take it-" he gritted his teeth as he struggled to sit up. He felt like he was grasping for air.
Another pair of footsteps peddled through the hall. Sakina rushed in with a candlestick and a small bottle with a red liquid. "Don't worry, I have it right here."
After Sabino took the remedy (and got a good scolding from his daughter-in-law) he explained to Asha that he had been growing weaker for the past few months and took a homemade remedy every night to ease it. Ever since he lost his wish, he's had these sharp pains that he can't explain. "Maybe my heart knows its missing something important." He said.
When things finally calmed down, the family went back to their respective rooms to sleep.
Asha couldn't even think about going back to sleep so she and Valentino decided to take a walk in the Hamlet to clear her head. They sat by the well together as Asha took out her diary and touched it gingerly, thinking about her saba. Something had to change...
And then we get our next song:
This Wish ⭐
They promised that they would set us free, give our wishes to them and they’d be safe. (Asha opens up her dairy that contains a two page drawing to the royals, happily granting wishes)
So naive, little did I know, that they had lied, that the truth was so far off...
(She turns the page, showing the two of them going from looking friendly to being cloaked in shadows and sinister smiles)
All these years, my saba cared for me, kept me safe, from vicious royalty.
(She turns to a page containing a sketch of Sabino playing his mandolin happily, with a younger Asha singing happily next to him. She smiles at the sight of it)
But now, it’s my turn to be, the shield for them all, protect my family!
(At the "protect my family" part, she stands up with a determined look in her eyes.)
So I look up at the stars to guide me And I'm throwing all caution to the side
(She proceeds up the hill as she's looking up at the sky, with one star shining brighter than the others)
If knowing what we could be is what drives me Then let me be the first to stand and shout!
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So I make this wish To have something more for us than this So I make this wish To have something more for us than this
(on the last "this", the star in the sky starts flicker just a little bit)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah, ah More than this, oh, whoa, whoa, ah
(Asha speeds up as she gets closer to the top, with Valentino trying to keep up as he looks on with concern)
I always knew I needed freedom to go, But, I did what I was told when someone told me, "No!" Now I've got all of this desire in my heart And I just can't keep the lid on, but I don't know where to start!
(Asha and Valentino make it to the top, where the Wishing Tree is slowly in view)
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'Cause we've been here generations and generations, Oh, where should I even begin? I'm done keeping my thoughts in No, I won't stop, no, I'm already rushing in!
(They're at the base, looking up at tree's colorful ribbons, the wind picks up and as they start to wave, the camera pans up at the same star, and now it's begun to flicker and shine faster)
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If I could just be free of this feeling of suspension, Oh, where do I go and what do I do? My heart is breaking, but my head's held high, The way you always taught me to
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(Asha looks up at the star above with hope)
So I look up at the stars to guide me And I'm taking this as a sign I'm sure there will be challenges that find me But I can take them on one at a time
(The star is rapidly flickering and flucuating as the music picks up)
So I make this wish To have something more for us than this So I make this wish To have something more for us than this!
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(The ribbons on tree start to glow as the wind picks up and swirls red and pink leaves around Asha as she spreads arms her arms out, and her hair blowing in the wind)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (so I make this wish) Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah, ah (to have something more) More than this, oh, whoa, whoa, ah
(One more look at the star and its shaking rapidly and it finally starts to grow as the music swells)
So I make this wish To have something more for us than this!
(Her eyes are closed until she finishes the song with a wide smile on her face as a small glow starts to appear as the music finishes)
Asha slowly opens her eyes once she finishes and notices one of the stars seems to be flickering rather quickly. It wasn't doing that before. At first Asha wasn't really going to pay it any mind, but then it started to get brighter. And brighter. And brigther. It got so bright that she had to shield her eyes from the light.
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The animals near her feet scrambled away, except for Valentino who beleted and hid behind her legs. Asha could barely see, but she swore she could hear... laughing? She tries to look back at the sky, only to see something hurtling STRAIGHT TOWARDS HER.
"What the he-" (her eyes widened) VALENTINO, RUN!" Asha exclaimed as she and the goat tried to run down from the tree. The laughing was growing louder and louder. Seeing that it was pointless, she grabbed her little friend and the two hit the ground together. Just in time too, because that ball of light wooshed right over their heads and down the hill, still laughing along the way.
Both of them looked up and saw the bright light going down the hill, the glowing ball flying through the air until–
*Cat screeches*
"Sorry! AAAAAHHH–"
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A huge bright yellow cloud of stardust bursts and it spreads out through the Hamlet and covers Asha as she attempts to shield herself and Valentino. As the camera follows the glow, it continues to the forest, across the land and even reached Rosas itself.
In one shot we see a large sleeping teen in his bed, having a bad dream. He's groaning and tossing and turning in his sleep. Once the wave passed over him, he suddenly stopped. He sighed as a smile appeared on his face and he started to snore the night away.
In another shot we see Flazino at his home with some papers piled up. He's attempting to write out the ingredients Amaya uses in her spells to create his own plant growing formula. And on another is a list of other supplies he needed for the Hamlet next month. The teen is bent over the desk with a lit candle nearby, and he's rubbing his forehead in stress. Once the glow passes over him, his eyes popped open and suddenly got inspiration for the spell.
In one last shot, its directly over the King and Queen's castle. Inside, the wishes of the citizens are floating in the lab. They start to rattle and laughter slowly builds up in the room and echoes throughout the castle.
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We cut back to the Hamlet where we see Asha running down to the bottom of the hill, Valentino not far behind. Once they reach it, they see the entire center of the Hamlet is covered in gold dust. In an overhead shot, there's a huge imprint of a five pointed yellow star where the ball of light landed, right next to the water well. But instead of them seeing that, they see red long sleeved pajamas lying in the middle of it.
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Asha was hesitant to approach it, but still curious. Valentino wanted to stay the neck away from it. "Baaaah?" he asked nervously.
"I...I have no idea what that is, Val. You felt it too, right?" she asked hesitantly.
Valentino shook his head.
"It felt...electric. I could feel so much joy and hope and wonder!" She started to feel some joy herself. Joy she hadn't felt in years. "And it was all wrapped up in the most loving light...." she sighed happily and she gently held her hand over her heart.
Asha suddenly came to her senses. "Wait, can light even be loving?"
The clothes stared levitating slowly off the ground, looking like it was limp in the limbs, with only the collar area glowing.
Both of them stopped cold at the sight.
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Now the clothes turned around and started to move towards Asha. The girl was frozen as it approached her. It finally stopped and the collar where the head should be raised up and looked directly in her eyes. Whatever it was, was glowing yellow, with a pair of white eyes and black pupils.
After a moment, finally Asha opened her mouth. "WHAT THE F-" A bright yellow finger emerged from the outfit and quickly booped her on the nose.
"Hold that thought!"
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It spoke?!
The being flew backwards to the space it landed in raised itself in the air. As gold dust started to swirl around it, the arm that grew out of the left sleeve gained a hand and four more fingers. A close up shot of the right sleeve grew its own glowing hand and spread out fingers.
The shot goes to the pants where the pant legs shake and two bright yellow feet appears through them, then a pair black Peter Pan style slippers with gold tassels hanging from them covered the glow. Soon the entire outfit turned black as space.
The collar had glowing white pointed hair was sticking out, and the left hand reached down where the collar and struggled to pull the head up, until *POP!*
The being finally had a face, complete with a bright white smile, big round eyes and pointed ears. The look of a magical teenage boy. In a shot behind him, a yellow flash appears on the back of his collar and a long black cape emerges from it, with a bright five pointed star in the center. The underside of it was a golden yellow and it shimmered with small white stars twinkling.
Asha was speechless at what was before her.
Once his transform was complete, he immediately fell to the floor, and the music abruptly stops. With a thud, the glow faded away on the grass. "Ow." He said flatly. He got up by grabbing onto the well, pulling himself up. Once he got himself together, he took a look at his shiny reflection in the water.
"Ohohoho! It worked! I'm human! Well, kind of human, but its close enough! Hahaha!" the glowing boy exclaimed as he looked at his hands and outfit. He couldn't be happier as his voice is full of excitement. Then he looks up and realizes he's surrounded by trees and small houses. He starts turning around to see everything around him.
(Author's note: Star is voiced by Jeremy Jordan in this version, but you're free to imagine another voice if you like.)
"Look at all this! I can't believe I'm actually on-" his gaze stopped on Asha, who's been standing there in shocked silence since he came down.
Like lightning, he zipped from the well to about a couple inches from Asha's face, grinning from ear to ear. This made Asha a bit jumpy. "Hiiiiii!" 😁 the glowing boy greeted her in a friendly tone.
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(Thank you to @ishadow246 for this awesome fanart, you captured the moment perfectly before I even wrote it!)
Asha nervously chuckled and quietly stepped behind, away from the boy's view. The star slowly turned his head around to face her again. "Hi again!" he replied, still smiling and gave a tiny wave.
Asha sort of waved back. "H-hi. What is even happening right now?"
The star grabbed Asha's hands in his and raises them in the air. (Asha is so confused right now. 😂)
"Wow, my first human up close! and I got lucky enough to get a beautiful one too! Hehe!"
Asha's eyes widened. "W-wait, are you talking about....me?"
(Star looks up, but before he can answer, an angry loud bleat interrupts)
(Both of them look down and see Valentino headbutting Star's leg a few times to make him go away. When that doesn't work, he starts growling as he's biting on the star's leg)
"VALENTINO! STOP THAT, RIGHT NOW! You don't where he's been!" Asha panicked.
The Star blinked, then laughed. "Aw! He's giving me love bites!" 😁
Valentino looks at him like he's an idiot.
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Asha quickly backs away from Star. "Okay, okay, okay. Let's back up a minute. Who, or what even are you?"
"Don't you remember? You called to me here!" The star gestured to himself.
Asha's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you even talking about?" She questioned, frustrated.
"Just a moment ago you called on me up on that tree for help, I don't know with what exactly, but you sounded like you really needed it. I could feel it!" He pointed to the sky above the Wishing Tree.
The girl then realized that the star she was looking at earlier was no longer there. "Wait, are you saying that....you're....the....?" she hesitated. Though in the back of her mind, she knew the truth. The wind started to pick up as some animals began peeking out of the woods to peek at the glowing figure.
The star nodded enthusiastically. "That's right, I'm a star!" he raised his arms as if he was onstage and bright golden stardust began to swirl around the two of them, making constellations. "And I'm here to help!" He replied with a wink.
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Aaaaand that wraps up chapter 3! Yeah, it was WAY longer than I expected, but I really wanted give you'd guys something worth the wait. Plus, I want have my own animation company one day, so I write out all my future stories like they're movies waiting to be adapted. And it's the last test chapter, so I'll put up a poll to see if you want to read more of my rewrite! So for now, I'll be taking a break to work on the art, other stories my writing and to continue reading some other people's versions of Wish! Plus, ITS SO HOT WHERE I AM. Its hard to concentrate on writing in the heat, so its good timing.
Big thanks again to my bestie, @signed-sapphire, for helping with the song, cause it needed heavy changes! I wanted it to show that's Asha's reached her breaking point and wants to take Sabino's words into action. Its time to stop Magnifico. (Plus, I'm still building up the villains there, Mags has a reason (well, of them, after the clip above) he wants a star, you'll see later on. The idea is that they're more like a combination of Hades and Yzma in front of Rosas, where they're big glory hogs, love the spotlight and sort of act like big shot TV hosts to advertise making Rosas look fun to stay in. Only behind close doors does their other more cruel side appears. (Plus I'm creating a scene where they literally create their own version of a commercial starring themselves about how great their kingdom is, like how Hades advertised the underworld as a five star hotel)
Also, WE GET TO MEET STAR IN THIS!!! Since Canon!Star's appearance was.....underwhelming, I wanted Wish Granted!Star to make a big entrance! Also, a few of the actual lines left in the film ate just so questionable with the changes. Asha says she felt Star's light was full of joy, wonder, hope and LOVE. And they expected me to believe that DIDN'T sound romantic? That Starboy wasn't head over heels in love as he came to Earth? That that's more likely the REAL reason he came down instead of freaking stardust BS!?
Anyway, he's sort of referencing all those classic Disney transformations, but the twist is instead of it being graceful, he just does it all cartoony and then face plants. 😂 Plus I wanted his body language and style to represent the old classic Disney shorts, where they're very animated and smooth in their movements. I loved the idea of him being a combination of Mickey and Walt from the concept, so I did my best with that.
As for Asha, I wanted her to have more layers. She's pessimistic because one of the most inspiring and positive people in her life was taken away (she'll find out how later) and she's close to losing another one. (And since Disney started sketching at 9, I applied the same idea that she started to write and draw at the same age.) So in comes Star, who comes down full of that joy (and love) she's been missing for years, and he helps her find her joy, wonder and positivity she once lost as a kid.
Hope you all enjoyed this, and I'll start outlining Chapter 4 in case people want to see it continue. And I have to change "I'm a Star" Because many of these lyrics are a crime against music. (HERE I ARE!? WTF!?) And I'll me putting up an ask box later this week too, to answer any questions you have about Wish Granted!
Thanks for reading!
@annymation @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @kenihewa
@emptyblog7 @spectator-zee @tumblingdownthefoxden @your-ne1ghbor
@mythartist21 @chillwildwave @emillyverse @uva124
@flicklikesstuff @lazytitans-world @hopeyarts
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bluegalaxygirl · 6 months
Obsession's Grip (Zosan X Reader) P8
Plot: After saving some of the straw hat crew from a prison, the crew help takes a young man away so he can have a fresh start in life. He's shy but seems to grow attached to Reader in an unhealthy way.
Warning: Bad language, Kidnapping, Drugs, Snakes, Violence and Creeper behavior.
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Reader has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they can change size and are connected to her emotions.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14
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Groaning your back hits something solid as Percy puts you down, he tried to be gentle but with you unable to move, your basically dead weight "Sorry, Sorry… We'll rest here for a minute" Percy pants sitting down on the floor and resting his back against the tree across from you, your hands are bound behind your back by rope along with your ankles while your mouth has a piece of cloth over it. If you could move you know you can get out of it or let you snakes out to help but all you can do is blink, barely speak and just about turn your head, saving your energy you focus on your hand behind your back trying to make fangs out of your fingers. Your eyes are still fuzzy, lights dancing around like firefly's in the sky but you're awake and able to think again, scanning the dark frost it's hard to make out anything, the young man managed to find a spot that doesn't have any bushes or flowers nearby that would light up giving away your location and the glowing fruit above you has already been picked. Everything is so quiet but unlike before this quiet made you nervous, sick to your stomach, you hope someone will notice your missing before Percy does what ever his crazy mind is planning to do, what is his plan anyway? there's no way off this island except the sunny and the log pose has two more days until it resets. Is he just going to wait it out and hope the crew leaves or sneak you back on board at some point? Both plans are stupid. After a while of silence there's a shift of movement in front of you, Percy sighs while moving closer to you before laying down on his back resting his head on your folded knees, if you could you would kick him off.
Percy looks up at you hardly able to see your face, but he reaches up and pushes some hair behind your ear "I'm sorry about all this" He whispers keeping his voice down so only you can hear him "I hope you don't feel sick, those seeds can cause weird hallucinations that make your head spin. The lights will fade away soon but the paralysis will take longer to wear off, at least it will give us time to talk" Percy smiles up at you resting his hands on his stomach, he waits for a replay but when he didn't get one his smile fades remembering that you can't talk. "Oh!.. I forgot you can't talk back, thats ok i can talk… You know what's funny the seed i took from your desk, the one i crushed up and put in your tea, do you know what its called?" The young man laughs making you roll your eyes, how can he find this funny? he drugged you while your back was turned, he probably hid the tea bags so you wouldn't see him put the crushed up seed into your drink. "Its called Snow whites kiss… The symptoms fit those of Snow white when she was poisoned by the witch, dizziness, fainting, hallucinations, paralysis of body and vocal cords and slowing of the breath and heart" Percy sighs reaching up and placing two fingers on your neck feeling for your pules "Its so slow you can hardly feel it, if you weren't awake someone would think your dead. Its rumored that a true loves kiss can break the paralysis, isn't that funny?" The young man moves his hand from your neck to your cheek letting his thumb run under your eye as he lets out a small laugh. While he's been talking you've been trying to focus on your hand struggling to move even one of your fingers but you won't give up, your close to getting your snake out.
Your plan is to let your snake out and send it off to find the crew so it can lead them back to you. "W-Why?" You manage to speak hoping to keep Percy talking so any noise you make won't give away what your doing. The young man looks up at you in shock but then a smile appears as he sits up getting close to your face "Wow that's amazing, you can just about talk, you really are strong Y/n" He laughs only to slap his hand over his mouth stopping his voice from echoing out into the silent forest, once he's calmed down he puts his hand on you lap giving your leg a few pats "Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you, i'm saving you from them. What you told me made me realize how tight their leash is on you, you'll believe anything they tell you… I can see what their doing to you so they feel threatened by me, thats why their trying to get you to hate me, to stay away from me, they don't want to let you go because their using you, you easily give them what they want" Percy squeezes your leg starting to get upset and angry, leaning closer to your face you try to move back only for the back of your head to hit the tree stopping you form going any further. "I'll save you from them, all of them, Sanji and Zoro who use your love for them to get what they want and the crew who are either blind too it all or are using you too. You're a kind soul Y/n, I've seen too many people like you get used and abused and i won't let that happen. Not to you, you'll be safe with me" Percy whispers placing his hand on your cheek, your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes widen, your body's overwhelmed with the feeling of wanting to push him away.
Using this new-found strength you manage to make fangs out of your fingers, the tattoo on your arm coming to life and slithering out of your skin and onto the grass. Luckily it doesn't move understanding the situation and the need to be still since the tense silence is overwhelming, any little noise will give away what you've done. Percy brings his over hand up and pulls down the cloth covering your mouth starting to get closer and closer until his lips just about meet yours. Your heart pounds in your chest wanting him off you, the thought of your snake attacking him comes to mind but you decide against it not wanting panic to take over your mind and ruin any progress you've made. Attacking and then sending your snake off is going to use up most of your energy to stay awake so you have to think smart and use that strength to stay awake long enough for your snake to find the crew then you can rest. "I-i really want to, don't get me wrong, i really like you Y/n but you still don't understand, i can't risk that true loves kiss thing being true" Percy sighs pulling away from you, the breath you were holding leaves your lips in a relived sigh. "I know, i'm sorry. I've been wanting too for a while" The young man gives you a sad smile while laying down on his side and curling up resting his head back on your lap, you roll your eyes again while gritting your teeth. Did he really think you were sighing over him not kissing you? You've lost all and any kind of sympathy for him long ago but that empty space is now filled with disgust and anger.
Sighing again to calm your nerves you have to get him to talk again, that way when your snake heads off to look for the crew he won't notice. "H-How.. Do you.. know a-about seeds?" You manage to get out with a lot of effort but at least it makes Percy start talking again, his finger draws patterns on your leg as a large smile forms on his face. "We'll before i was drafted i studded Biology and Chemistry, i mainly focused on the affect of chemicals processing in the body, i always found it fascinating how some things can affect someone in different dosses" As he starts talking your snake nudged your back asking what to do, with Percy distracted you turn your head a little and nod into the darkness before mouthing to find the crew and be quiet. Your snake nods flicking its tongue at you before slithering over to another tree and climbing up as to not give away what's happening. "Like carrots are good for your health but if you eat too much your skin can turn orange and how the body needs Vermin D, or sunlight to process calcium but if you stay out in the sun too long you can get sun burn or skin cancer." Percy rambles on but you hardly pay attention instead relaxing against the tree trying to conserve as much energy as possible, your tired but you need to hold off for as long as possible on falling asleep. Your snake slithers over branches above the trees using its tongue and thermal vision to make out the surrounding area hoping to find its way back to the ship at least, it stops suddenly before making its way down the tree and into the grass. It smells the air lifting itself higher and higher until it sprints off going after the smell.
Running threw the dark forest Sanji holds the snail phone in front of him listening to Nami's instructions on where to go and how to get there, the next place to look is a small cave on the other side of the island, Zoro sticks close one hand on his swords ready to pull them out at a moments notice while his other hands grips tightly onto the cooks belt. "When you find that apple glow tree turn left" Nami points out only for Usopp to scramble up the ladder making his way over to the navigator quickly followed by Chopper both looking a little panicked "N-Nami" The two rush up behind her earning a groan of annoyance from the woman who's trying to focus, Usopp places your notebook down on the table next to the map as Chopper jumps up placing a strange white seed on the table before noticing the Snail phone. "We turned left Nami-swan" Sanji yells through the snail phone ignoring the other two on the other end of the phone "Oh Sanji, is Zoro with you?" Chopper asks looking over a page in your notebook as Usopp rushes over to the book case grabbing one of his seed books and bringing it over trying to find the page he needs. "Yea, what is it Chopper?" Zoro yells out a pit forming in his stomach since the doctor sounds a little panicked, Nami quickly gives the two more directions before gesturing for Chopper to speak now that she's done. "That strange bitter smell in the kitchen was coming from that tea cup. Me, Usopp and Robin managed to figure out what it was, it's a crushed up seed that Y/n and Usopp were struggling to identify, we found more of the same seeds where the tea bags were hidden" Chopper sighs looking to Usopp who's scanning over a page sometimes looking down at the notebook and seed trying to figure out what exactly it is and how it affects someone.
Sanji grips the snail phone tightly in his hand, he knows you wouldn't do anything with a seed that you didn't know so it had to be Percy but why? Why would you drink something he made? Zoro growls wanting to kill Percy now more than ever, he's also slightly angry with you, he told you to stay away from the young man. "We're trying to figure out what the seed does but Robin said that Percy might have slipped it into her tea, if thats the case then he clearly knows about it and how it works" Chopper continues after not getting an answer off the two, he wants to reassure them but there isn't much he can say in this situation. Making it to the cave Zoro pulls out his sword and let's go of Sanji's belt scanning the area for any sign of you while Sanji lights his leg on fire starting to walk into the dark cave only to be met by a dead end, its more of a rock den than a cave but at least they can rule this area out quickly. "She's not here, where to next?" Zoro sighs walking over to the cook becoming impatient as Nami searches the map in front of her. Usopp suddenly gaps causing almost everyone to jump at his sudden action "I found the seed, its Sărutul Albei ca Zăpada, also known as Snow whites kiss, the fruit it grows are fine to eat and full of protean but the seed itself can be deadly." The sniper places the book down on the table showing Chopper so the doctor can make a quick cure "When consumed it causes Hallucinations, fainting, paralysis and heart problems luckily it seems Y/n only drank half a cup so the affects won't kill her" Hearing this Sanji lets out a sigh of relief glad to know you won't die from it, Zoro places his hand on the cooks shoulder leaning towards the phone "Where to next Nami, we can talk about this on the way"
Hearing his urgency Nami quickly gives them directions to the next area hearing the two start to run and follow her directions as Usopp and Chopper talk about the seed. Overhearing this conversation Zoro's heart sinks, a seed thats related to a fairy tail is never a good sign, and he doubts a true loves kiss will bring his lover back to them. Questions run through his head as his hand gripping his sword and Sanji's belt tightly, he needed to stop thinking of what state you might be in and what Percy has planned but his thoughts keep spiraling until Sanji suddenly stops bring the both of them to a halt "What?" The swordsman's whispers standing back-to-back with the cook while pulling out his other sword ready for a fight, Sanji looks around lifting his leg up and lighting it on fire as his teeth clench down on his cigarette threatening to bite it in half. "I hear movement" The cook whispers listening out for the sound again, the forest is dark enough on its own but with the setting sun it somehow makes the forest even darker, the trees around them have been picked clean leaving hardly any light other than Sanji's leg to see around them. The flowers and brushes to their right start lighting up showing something quickly heading their way, Sanji goes to kick while Zoro swings his sword down on the creature but both stop mid attack as a loud hiss hits their ears. Your snake skids to a stop sliding out of the bushes looking up at the two with slightly wide eyes, putting his foot down Sanji sighs in relief as the snake rises up as high as it can go while Zoro puts one of his swords away offering his hand to the snake.
The two can clearly tell your struggling just by looking at the poor tired snake, its small only able to wrap itself around Zoro's forearm and its starting to pant feeling exhausted from getting to this point "You guys ok?" Nami asks over the snail phone, with no sound of fighting she wondered if the phone was dropped or if something happened to them but relief soon fills her as Sanji answers "We're fine, sorry for the worry, Y/n's snake is here although it isn't looking too good" The cook sighs lightly stroking its head with his finger trying to ease his own worries, if your snake is out it means your awake and can move or at least move your hand but with how tired it looks and how small it is, its clear your losing what ever energy you had before "Great, it can lead the way back to her, I'll get the cure ready, i think i have an idea of how to reverse this" Chopper happily calls out before jumping off the table and running to his office soon followed by Usopp who grabs the book just in case they need it. Sanji and Zoro nod to each other before looking down at your snake whose head lifts up to point the way back to you. Nami sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, looking over her map she tries to keep track of where their going, so she can help them find their way back to the Sunny. After a while of running your snake tenses up letting out a low growl "What's wrong?" Zoro asks continuing to run through the forest with Sanji close behind but the snake doesn't answer only continuing to let out that guttural growl, his heart breaks at hearing it again, it's the same growl he heard when you got upset a few days go.
Sanji runs up next to the swordsman looking down at the snake tightly wrapping itself around Zoro's arm, its growl getting louder and louder sending a shiver down his spine as his eyes widen "Is that-" The cook goes to ask only to be interpreted by the green haired man who growls under his breath "Yea, i'm gonna kill that asshole" Sanji's heart twists in his chest hating the thought of you going back into that state, Nami told him what you were like, how broken you looked. He didn't want you to go back to that, he also didn't want to think of what Percy said or did to make you this way again, but he shakes his head getting those thoughts out and just focusing on getting to you. Your snake continues to give directions but its body stays quite stiff continuing to growl and hiss until it suddenly stops, the two quickly look to your snake seeing its body loosen up and its eyes going dull "Shit, she passed out" Zoro growls grabbing your snake as it tried to slither off his arm, gripping onto the snake as hard as he can while also trying not to hurt it the two keep going following your snakes relaxed and almost lazy movements. With how small you snake is if they let it go then they'll most likely loose it in the grass, if it didn't brush up against a flower or a brush or if it went up a tree to get to you the two would easily loose sight and any chance of finding you. At this point your snakes on auto pilot, its only desire is to get back to you no matter what, ignoring anything and everything around it even danger but at least they can still get to you, all they have to do is keep running and hold on tight to the snake trying to slither out of the swordsman's grasp.
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merp-blerp · 2 months
Just thinking out loud about The Thunder Saga and everything connected to it.
I get why people are mad at Eurylochus for opening the windbag, but I don't understand blaming him for the crew getting caught by Poseidon. Sure he definitely sped up the event, but even if they were inches away from Ithaca right before that moment like they were in the original Odyssey (which seems to be hinted at with Ody saying "And I'm getting closer to you"), Poseidon would've gotten to them eventually anyway because he's a god, a major one at that. And gods get their will no matter what consistently, even if mortals try to twist it like how Ody does when opening the bag a second time. I can only assess what sagas we have currently, so I could be really wrong as future sagas come out, but I think Aeolus must've known that fact and that was the game he was playing. As if he's saying, "I'll help you, but I can't stop Poseidon with a bag. The Winions will even make it extra hard with a treasure rumor." The bag was supposed to aid the crew home, not stop Poseidon, so they would've had to deal with Poseidon anyway in Ithaca, which probably would've made more casualties because they would've brought their trouble to the whole kingdom. Remember Ithaca is on an island. Poseidon is the god of the sea, so Ithaca would be a perfect target for him to destroy because of that. But it's not his will to do that; he wants to play games with Ody to avenge his son. The only reason why mortals feel like they have a choice and can manipulate fate is because the gods like to play games; it's still their will if Ody wins a game like he does in "Ruthlessness" because it was their will to play in the first place, and they can win if/when they want to. Just 'cause Poseidon "lost" in "Ruthlessness" doesn't mean he actually did, he just let Odysseus go. For now. If his will changes and Ody gets no consequence from him it's on his terms, not Ody's. Just like with Circe, as I've talked about.
But back to Eurylochus, I adore the parallels between The Thunder Saga and The Ocean Saga. During The Ocean Saga, Eurylochus only opens the bag, not for treasure, but to give the crew closure, as we know thanks to Aeolus's "Now they wanna get the bag open so they can have closure". Especially if they were close to home, I imagine his thought process might've been that opening the bag was wrong but morally okay since the journey was almost done and Odysseus was sleeping so it seemed like it wasn't a big deal anymore in his eyes. But that's more my hypothesis. In terms of canon, his trust in Ody, which wasn't high to begin with, was dwindling, as Ody bragged about how no men died in war and then several died with the Cyclops. "Everything's changed since Polites, so". In The Thunder Saga, it's similar, as Eurylochus knows killing the cow is wrong, but they've all lost hope on getting home with their captain going to extremes to get there himself, killing them slowly like with Scylla. They know that deep down the whole time Odysseus wanted to get home himself mainly, only bringing the crew because he cared out of the kindness of his heart, and now that his heart has changed they know they won't get to Ithaca if the gods keep messing around (and they do). This post pointed out that Eurylochus was likely just trying to provide for the crew and himself in their final moments before another trap emerges and Odysseus decides to continue to sacrifice his men if he feels it has to be done again. Eurylochus isn't dumb, he knows their goose is cooked if they kill the cow, especially with Ody in his ear telling him, but they'll die either way, in the hand of the gods or Ody. They will die and not see home, but at least they can die not starving, and go on for a bit longer. They had nothing to lose. Eurylochus had doubted Odysseus this whole time and he does so till the end. When Eurylochus says, "But we'll die", it's not a plea to stay alive, it's him confirming out loud that Odysseus will not choose his men over Penelope and Telemachus. He's reaffirming to Ody that they'll die; almost like he's finishing Ody's sentence "I have to see her". Odysseus couldn't say it, but Eurylochus could since he'd known they'd died for so long already. In the live stream animatic, the crew attempting to kill Odysseus near the end of "Thunder Bringer" isn't them trying to escape their fate, but trying to bring Ody down with them so Ody won't get his choice. They've long accepted the fact that Ody isn't to be trusted and they all are going to die, but Ody is, for lack of a better word I can think of, cheating in the crew's eyes by having an out thanks to Zeus. In their view of fairness, they all have to die if they aren't getting home. It's a last attempt at a mutiny. It fails because that's not how Zeus wants his game to work, and he gets his will.
They are all puppets of the fate the gods have chosen, whether that fate benefits them or not.
(The only "exception" to the "Will of the gods" rule so far is Ody and the baby, since Jay has said it's "ambiguous" whether or not the baby is spared. If not exactly by being dropped, I'm sure he'd die some other way honestly because the gods want that. It'll probably come up again in a later saga—"ambiguous" is too cryptic of a word to use when everyone assumed he died in the first saga)
This is all just my take, by the way, no one has to agree with me.
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Don't doubt our love (Christen Press x Tobin Heath x Reader
This was requested by anon. Hope you enjoy it :)
Words: 1.5K
"Oh shit," I heard Christen mutter to Tobin as they stopped in the door way. The kitchen was a mess, there were bowls, whisks, flour and icing all over the place. It was well known that when I'm tired, upset or mad, I bake. The more I bake the worse I'm feeling. They stood there for a few seconds nudging each other until Christen stepped forward. I would have laughed if I wasn't so in my head, "What are you baking?"
"Cookies, lemon tarts and a lemon cake."
Tobin stepped forward, taking in the half finished desserts, "Are you still coming tonight?"
I didn't look at them, fully focusing on the baking instead of the disappointment that was bound to be there, "I'm going to pass on tonight."
"What? Why?"
"I'm just not feeling well. You and Tobin go, have fun." 
"Do you want to talk about what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong. I just don't feel like going out. I'm sorry."
Christen kissed my cheek softly, hand running along my back, "It's okay. I don't believe you, but we'll drop it until you're ready to talk about it. I love you."
"Love you too Chris, and you Tobes."
Once they had reluctantly left and the baking was finished, I found myself scrolling through the 'Preath' hashtag on Instagram. This had been a thing for years and I had tried to ignore it once we started dating. It had worked for a while, until pictures of Christen and Tobin on holiday started circulating. It wasn't that I wasn't with them or in the pictures, people were just obsessed with them being together, or their assumed relationship anyway. We liked keeping our private lives private so our relationship, and theirs weren't public knowledge. That had never stopped the rumors though. 
I admit it had been bothering me more than I would like it to. Seeing just the two of them together, seeing how they looked at each other and how happy they looked, it had me feeling insecure. There were no photos of the three of us that showed the same love as the ones of them. It shouldn't bother me seeing as plenty of those photos existed, they just weren't public. 
There were a few public photo's where I was looking at them with adoration while they were giving each other the same look. Though my look was being interpreted as adoration for their relationship. The more I scrolled the more insecure and jealous I felt. Eventually, I threw my phone onto the other couch, cuddled up under a blanket and attempted to watch Netflix, but my thoughts kept going back to the photos. 
"Baby we're home!" Tobin's voice rang out. I wanted to rush up to them, but my insecurity stopped me. Instead I stayed on the couch.
"How was it?"
"It was okay, we missed you though."
I scoffed, having seen the stories of them dancing and laughing from the party. Normally, them having fun without me wouldn't bother me, but I was deep in the hole of self doubt and that just made it worse, "Sure you did."
Christen sat on the arm of the couch, going to kiss my temple, but I dodged her, "We did miss you Y/n."
I stood up, putting space between us, feeling hurt and anger bubbling up. It was irrational, I was overreacting, that much I knew, but the self doubt and insecurity was clouding my judgement, I couldn't stop, "You don't have to lie."
Tobin stepped forward, going to take my hand, but I stepped out of her reach. A flash of hurt appeared before being replaced by confusion, "What? Y/n we-"
"Don't touch me. You obviously don't want me so you can stop pretending. You are clearly happier together."
"Y/n, that's not tru-"
"Whatever, enjoy being together," I cut her off, going to the spare room before they could say anything else. 
After blowing up at Christen and Tobin, I had cried myself to sleep. I felt horrible for blowing up at them, I didn't really mean it, but I had been so stuck in my head, I couldn't stop it. I had planned to sneak out of the house early to work out the feelings, but Christen and Tobin were sitting at the counter, three cups of coffee in front of them. I knew them well enough to know they hadn't gotten much sleep. The guilt hit me again as Tobin slid the cup closer to me. I avoided eye contact as I slowly sipped the coffee and waited for either of them to say something. 
"We found your phone, it was on the couch. We wanted to give you space so I put it on charge in our room."
"Thank you," I whispered. "I'm going to the gym."
Christen carefully placed her hand on mine, like she was waiting for me to pull away, "Please don't. We want to talk about last night."
"I'm sorry."
"It was an accident, but we saw what you were looking at last night. Does that have anything to do with what happened?"
I played with my fingers, nerves starting to grow. The one thing I was horrible at was talking about my feelings. They took a step back, giving me a bit of space as I gathered my thoughts. I knew I need to talk to them because despite what I said last night, I didn't actually want to be without them, "I-I got insecure."
"Seeing the love between you two in the photos and reading the comments. Everyone was saying that the looks I was giving you two were because I adored your relationship, not that I was in love with you. I guess I got jealous and insecure. I got it in my head that you two are happier without me. That you're better off without me. Everyone seems to like the two of you together. I spiraled and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you."
"It would have been preferred that you talked to us, but I also know you hide your feelings so it probably wouldn't have happened for a while."
Tobin laced her fingers with mine, "Baby, how long have you been feeling like this?"
"I've been aware of it for a while, but I had pushed it away. Since our holiday, it came back up. Everyone was picking apart every aspect of the photos, including some of the team and it really started bothering me. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I-I-"
Christen cupped my cheeks, "Look at me." Reluctantly, I met her eyes, the eyes that have always brought comfort. The eyes that were so filled with love, "We love you Y/n, we love you so fucking much. Being away from you is horrible beyond belief. Take last night at the party for example, you were all we could think about, we spent the entire night trying to figure out an excuse to leave. All we wanted was to cuddle, watch movies and just be with you."
Tobin placed her hand on my back, turning my head so I was looking at her, "There is no one else we want to be with Y/n. We're not happier without you, we are miserable without you Y/n. We. Love. You Y/n."
"I love you too. I'm sorry."
Tobin kissed me softly, thumb stroking my cheek. A softness present that was saved just for Christen and I, "Just talk to us next time okay?  
"Hopefully there won't be a next time. I think I might just block the hashtag at least until people know about us."
"That might be a good idea, but if there is a next time, talk to us. We'll give you all the reassurance you need. Is that something you are thinking about? Us going public?"
I finally relaxed, sitting down next to Tobin and leaning against her, "Not necessarily, I like our private life private. Maybe we could tell the team though?"
Tobin nodded in agreement, "I wouldn't be opposed to that."
Christen kissed my cheek before resting her head on the back of my shoulder, "Neither would I, we can tell them at camp next week if you like. Is it too early for a nap? We didn't get much sleep last night."
"Neither did I and I could really use some cuddles."
Both my hands were held and I was practically dragged to the bedroom laughing uncontrollably. Before I could be pushed on the bed, I spoke up between fits of laughter, "Wait, wait. I can't sleep in these."
Tobin smirked, unzipping my jersey, "Then let's take them off."
I playfully smacked her hand away, "Stop being a horndog, we are not having sex right now."
"Spoil sport. I'm just being helpful."
After quickly stripping off my sweatpants and shirt, I slipped into bed, "Well, you can be helpful later. Now get in here."
Tobin slipped in behind me, arms wrapping around my waist while Christen tangled our legs together as I pulled her into me. Soft kisses landed on my back, shoulders, neck, cheek and lips. My heart felt like it skipped a beat at the softness, the love I felt from them as they peppered my skin with kisses. There was no motive behind it, it was just pure love. I felt my eyes prickle with tears, my fingers laced with Tobin's that rest on my hip and pulled Christen closer. I had never felt so loved as I did in this moment, cuddled between my girls. 
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izloveshorses · 1 year
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we're almost to the halfway mark, so i thought i'd share another progress update on this little (big) project!! (previous update)
i've almost finished drawing half of all the assets (according to my spreadsheet) and then we can start assembling them into a "book." the bulk of the assets are characters/costumes, but i've also completed several props and started working on some backgrounds as well. I need to decide how the book will be laid out before i make much more progress on those, though. i've been trying to hold off on finishing the principal cast because i think saving them for ~dessert~ will keep me motivated to power through the rest, but i'm so anxious to get to them because i want to play with them in photoshop and put them on their associated backgrounds like little paper dolls 🙈 so that's why ballet tuxedo!dmitry doesn't exist yet, and why i've yet to color the rest of anya's act ii wardrobe.
anyway. progress in my workflow is hardly ever linear, but you can kind of see how i approach the rendering process from these images, i hope. the drawing carries the weight of the image so that step always takes the longest, since getting the likeness, the proportions, the folds, and the expressions right is the most important. if any of that looks off no skillful painting or rendering can save it.
and then i always color skin first because everything else (clothes, hair) goes on top of skin. you can see the color palette i'm using is the same for almost all of them, though act ii requires a few more saturated hues than act i (bright blue, some reds, and green every once in a while). coloring the rest in doesn't usually take very long. once the flats are down i go in for a final pass, laying down those patterns and textures that always give me a hard time lol. and then i clean up and recolor the line work and mark it as done! since i'm working digital i use alpha lock and clipping masks for that.
director's cut commentary of each image included (under the cut bc this post is already so long):
anya's act ii lineup. her phtk outfit is the only one i've marked complete (the linework on the others is still black and need just a few more touchups). I've yet to lay in the flats for the maroon travel coat because i think the drawing needs more work. i might change a few things on big red, maybe her expression, but i haven't decided yet.
dmitry's act ii lineup (sans tuxedo). he just needs a final pass on the first two on the left, and then his finale look is finished, because it's the same from act i :)
vlad's act ii lineup. he's almost done, just needs a final pass on the finale and phtk outfits.
lily's act ii lineup. i'm going to redo the pattern on her neva club dress (linda cho i love u but god) but otherwise she's all finished.
the dowager's act ii lineup. she's done! :) maybe i'll find something to pick at later but rn i'm marking her done lol.
petersburg citizens from rumor! i think these guys are all done. there are more people i could include, but there isn't enough variation on the costumes to make it worth it imo.
neva club patrons. the only two marked complete are the two on the left, sergei the doorman/the male server and count leopold. i still need to find a good reference for the female server lol.
the press! just the men for now lol. i used the obc program as a reference for this one, so i'll get the two ladies in soon :)
the hussies! i've marked it complete, but. we'll see if there's more adjustments i can make.
there's still more i've completed that's not pictured, but i'll definitely share more soon. act i is nearly finished entirely, which is cool, and the only big ensemble sheet i've yet to make much progress on is everyone in phtk. i may end up just drawing one or two people from that and then copying them with different patterns because, honestly, the shape of the dresses and suits are all very similar. hopefully that won't be boring to look at lol.
if there's anything in particular you'd like to see/have any questions, or even suggestions, lmk!! and follow my 'anastasia illustrated guide' tag for more updates :)
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livefastdriveyoung · 7 months
Takeaways from Testing Day 1
The RB-20 Maintains Status Quo - Max ended a full 1.162 (don't quote me but I think that's the correct math) ahead of Lando Norris in P2. The car did not appear to struggle under its 142 laps. It also remained consistent across majority of the runs. Checo will drive tomorrow.
Aston Martin is being underestimated - Fernando Alonso is a world champion, he started his session in P3. He stayed there for a great deal of the session. Even ending in P8 puts him in the points if this is a race. Additionally, Lance pulled through into the top five, taking P4 for a period of time. He's a strong driver, he shouldn't be underestimated. They both finished in the points, and had Lance not lost his mirror he could have pulled a fast lap.
Williams Car is the problem, not the drivers - I cannot reiterate this one enough. Alex Albon had a fuel pump problem, so entirely out of his control. Logan Sargeant has improved. Undoubtedly so. Not only has he built up his muscle and trained hard, he spun out and still managed to get back onto the track, and sit at P10 for most of the session before ending P11. Allegedly the reason he had a spin out was also because of a gearbox/transmission error. Whether it was the cause or the issue was the result, he held it together well. The car is having problems, not the drivers.
Mercedes Performance - We know that Lewis Hamilton is a strong driver. He's never been the best qualifier when there are competitive cars. Yes, George did not do as well as he could have, ending with P12, but he experienced at least two lock-ups. There's no guarantee that the issues don't exist in Lewis's car as well. We'll see what happens.
The complaint about their front wing design is interesting. F1 and FIA are separate organizations. Mercedes wouldn't blatantly violate the letter of the law, they would be the first team to be called out for it. They follow the letter and have the approval of the FIA. It has been approved. Whether F1's concern about the 'spirit' of the law being violated is something that could impact them, I don't know. I'm sure that the new rules will include a provision against this next year, but any immediate action, I doubt. Symonds is unimpressed.
Haas is not to be thrown out of the running - yet - A new team principal means that there are going to be changes. They straight out said the focus was on the Tyres and not on performance. While they are not a strong team, I think that throwing them away just because you might have preferred Guenther, or like to rely on what you already know, this isn't that. Yet.
Visa Cash-App Racing Bulls - Forget it, I'm calling them V-CARB. Anyway, Daniel Ricciardo, (LOL that autocorrected to all caps which is so funny) had minimal struggle with the car. His first few laps were not great,, but to end in P4 is wonderful. His statements about a podium in the beginning of the season being a dream not a reality is interesting, but I wonder if that is self-deprecation/spreading the party message from within Red Bull's house. Yuki finished P13, but, again, only had a morning slot. He was high up for a good portion of the day as well. I think this is going to be interesting. The narrative that they are not a junior team anymore seems to be accurate.
Stake did well - The C44 is worlds ahead of last year's model. Additionally, we forget regularly that Bottas was a Mercedes driver, he's won Gps before. Zhou is not a bad driver, I think this might be his last season to prove himself because I think Audi will keep someone who has a history of winning, and if the rumors are true, Carlos Sainz will be getting one of the seats. But that might motivate him. He's also young, 24 is below the mean age of the drivers (29) and if he can demonstrate improvements, they might keep him over Bottas.
Ferrari Fights - Buckle down y'all. I don't think that Carlos will do anything to sabotage Charles, he's not an idiot, but he's going to do what he has to in order to prove that Ferrari are losing out on a driver. He was P3 today. Charles is great, we know he can drive, his improvement is clear. I'm curious as to what that is going to look like.
if he's moved on from this, he's going to need to demonstrate to Audi that he can be a First Driver.
Alpine - Pierre pulled P5 right at the end. Ocon is toward the bottom. I'm not sure what's going on in house but nobody is happy allegedly. Guess we'll see.
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armoricaroyalty · 11 months
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Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: @nexility-sims and I have been discussing this museum exhibit for nearly a year and working on the lot for weeks...so good to finally see it realized!
Transcript under the cut!
Crown Museum of Uspana // Armorican State Visit - Day 2
THEO | [offscreen] Your Highess. FREDDY | [in a tone of slight horror] ...is this a joke? You’re the one the Royal Foundation picked for this tour? THEO | The one your sister picked, actually. She insisted. FREDDY | [sighs] Let's get this over with, then. This is called a "painting." THEO | Wait. Before we start, can I apologize? THEO | I know this is awkward, but...I'd rather not have it hanging over our heads. I'm really sorry about how I ended things. I was a coward, and you deserved better than getting dumped via text. FREDDY | Geez, Theo…that was a long time ago. Ancient history. THEO | I know. But still... FREDDY | [pause] I appreciate it, Theo. THEO | Well, should we get started, then? Lots to see, lots to do... FREDDY | Sure. You’ve seen this portrait, right? THEO | I think every Armorican has. It’s the first official portrait your family’s released in a decade. It was huge news. FREDDY | Well, did you know that Everard II bought those pearls in 1896 for Queen Augusta? My mom hasn't worn them since my father's coronation. THEO | Really? If I owned pearls like that, I'd wear 'em every day. FREDDY | Yeah, that's not really Her Majesty's style. THEO | The whole thing painting isn't her style! I'd expect to see her outside, dressed more casually...did Roz commission this or something? FREDDY | Nah, Mom had full control. Just wanted to be queenly, I guess... THEO | Fair. It's a good likeness, at any rate...
FREDDY | So…what's new with you. THEO | Uh. Not much. Been busy, I guess? FREDDY | [laughs] Theo Adams? Busy? Say it ain't so! FREDDY | For real, though...how have you been? THEO | [sighs] I dunno. I might break up with my boyfriend. FREDDY | In person, I hope. THEO | [laughs] Oh, you asshole— FREDDY | Sorry, I couldn't resist. THEO | Don't be, I walked right into that one. THEO | Anyway, I'd ask about your life, but I already know all about it. FREDDY | Oh? [smugly] Didn't you once say that you didn't read about me at all? THEO | Oh, you wish! No, Josie tells me everything I need to know. FREDDY | Josie? Oh no...she only says good things, I hope. THEO | Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. THEO | ...she says you're going to propose any day now. FREDDY | Wait, wait, wait...Josie's sating that I'm about to propose? Wet hell, is that where that stupid rumor's coming from? THEO | So it is just a rumor? FREDDY | Yes. I care about Em, but...we're just not there yet. THEO | It's good to know where you stand. You don't want to rush into anything. FREDDY | Thank you, that’s what I've been saying! You should tell her that. THEO | [laughs] Uh, no. Talk to her yourself, champ. I've got too much going on in my relationship to even think about getting involved with yours. FREDDY | Yeah, yeah, I'm just kidding...but d'you wanna know something? THEO | What? FREDDY | I missed you. As a friend. THEO | Yeah...we were good friends, weren’t we? FREDDY | Better friends than lovers, at any rate. THEO | Maybe we could try again? Y'know, since we'll be working together. FREDDY | I'd like that. THEO | Me too...and I missed you, too. As a friend. FREDDY | 🙂 THEO | 🙂 THEO | We're supposed to be talking about art, right? Tell me about this one. FREDDY | This? It's called a "statue." THEO | [laughs] You're lucky you're cute, you know that?
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the-ghost-king · 3 months
Okay so, a few years ago now me and @thebigqueer got into a back and forth and were somehow talking about a solangelo beauty and the beast au and I drafted it up but I never actually truly wrote it (not shocking if you know me, the wip folder is very full and very incomplete). Anyhow, I seen @solangeloweek was running a fairytale retelling day for the 28th so I figured I could upload this as a sort of bullet point/list/draft format the way so many people used to in fandom 10 or so years ago and we'll call it an intentional throwback.
Anyway, if this is your sort of thing then enjoy :)
Il bello e la bestia
Chapter 1:
Opens to Will being put to bed during the ball at the palace… Probably 5 or so
“We’ll see you in the morning my love”
When Will wakes up in the morning his nurse comes to get him, upon touching her she dies; Will begins screaming and crying, he doesn’t know what’s wrong
The doctor looks her over and concludes it's a new plague
Will holds onto his mother
Scene break
Hades meets Hestia in the early light of morning
“It is done?”
“Yes of course, I’ve never let you down have I?”
“No of course not, don’t tell Maria she would be most distraught.”
Scene break
‘News of the Queens death arrives within two days’ and fear begins to spread
The servants are all sent home but a few to try to keep them safe
All of the royal children but one are dead, there’s no news of the king but there’s rumors he’s on his deathbed
Plague gets into city, Hades does his best to secure his family's safety
Chapter 2:
Beginning of chapter is similar to The Secret Garden’s opening when Mary is the last survivor
Similar situation yet nobody rescues him
Apollo had realized Will was the source since he had immunity to whatever was going on
His last words to Will were “It’s not your fault do not blame yourself I should have done better, I love you my son and nobody would hold anything which has occurred against you”
Which confuses Will at first until he realizes
His father takes a rasping breath and Will is crying
He’s not all alone in the palace, but I need to figure out a curse of some sort for the surviving children (Austin and Kayla are babies so they live possibly without effects; Cecil, Lou Ellen, and Clarisse are children of the staff at the palace they need some sort of curse on them.. Perhaps Silena and Beckendorf reside at the palace still too? I think we can do better than making the houses other occupants cleaning supplies and pianos... also maybe Hazel is at the palace for some nice found family moments with her and Nico later on?)
Scene break
We’re in a moderate sized home and Hades is packing things into suitcases
Maria is gasping for air on her deathbed, the sun is rising (symbolism for her being a star)
Bianca too is coughing and choking and gasping on the bed they’ve added to the room
Nico is asleep on Hades shoulder
Hades wants to stop and take a moment and kiss Maria goodbye
She tells him no and to leave because he can’t get sick too
“For Nico,” she says, “Go, I love you both.”
And Hades leaves to her whispering soft words to Bianca
Hestia leaves somewhere else, she's going to find a way to erase the kingdom’s memory of the royals in an attempt to provide Will a more normal future since she thinks the punishment was too harsh.. Everyone was supposed to get sick but they weren’t all supposed to die
Chapter 3:
Possibly focus on Will and Nico growing up in a quick monologue type way?
Opening scene from Movie, Belle song kind of sequence
Octivian as Gaston ( so Nico has a chance at the end to still say ‘some deaths shouldn't be prevented)
Nico is known for being odd but so many people try to earn his hand in marriage for his looks
Hades was changed by Maria, he thinks marriage should be for love
He likes Percy but is shrugged off in favor of Annabeth
Reyna lives with him? They were friends as kids and Hades took her in after some time for currently undecided plot reasons
As they got older she basically became Nico’s personal Bodyguard after a childhood incident Nico liked making sure she had stable income and a good safe place to work (I kind of want it dark so maybe Minos got caught up in crime or something?)
Octivian trying to flirt or sabotage Nico somehow?
Nico doing some cool smart thing for plot
Chapter ends with Nico either realizing his fathers been gone to long or a hurried message saying he needs help
Chapter 4:
Nico takes Reyna and they go get Jason and take him with them
The woods scene ™ (Can't have wolves without Jason am I right? Lol)
Reyna, Jason and Nico accidentally get seperated
Reyna and Jason end up basically together somewhere
But Nico gets separated
They don’t know how far Nico got, so when they don’t find his body Reyna goes ahead to the city where Hades is supposed to be to try to see if Nico will be there and such
Jason stays behind to search the woods for remains or evidence
Chapter ends with Nico showing up in the castle, “Hello?”
Chapter 5:
Nico gets trapped in the castle
He trespassed and Clarisse and Cecil locked him up and someone in the palace of some importance tells them to let Nico go
He has to be kept in that situation because they don’t want people to know about Will/the palace and they don’t know what Nico’s seen
Hades had gotten trapped in the castle for some reason, maybe they figured out that he placed the curse or something, maybe just trespassing- Nico agrees to trade his life in jail for his father’s and events resume as typical
Scene ends with Nico being given a bedroom and taken out of a cell to be placed on “house arrest” and he tries to settle in to his new life
Chapter 6:
Scene opens with Jason walking back into town to try and convince people to form a search party for Nico
Technically this would be the “Gaston scene” but instead this is Jason trying to convince everyone why they should care about Nico… Kind of like the whole jar situation
Eventually a small party agrees to go help look (Jason, Reyna, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Octavian - so the 7 minus Hazel, plus Reyna and Octavian)
Scene break
Nico is trying to settle into his new palace life, and he’s befriending the people who live there
Will is some sort of secret, sort of like Elsa (another Disney movie throw in, why not) but slightly sus things have been noticed by Nico during conversations
Nico doesn’t care he’s going to try and run away and go back home (He’s got a plan in his head and materials hidden somewhere)
Nico does manage to get out of the palace, and he makes his way even out of the gates to start heading home on his horse
The Wolves ™
Nico is seriously injured during the event
Chapter 7:
Scene opens to the events at the village, as they lay out a map trying to determine where Nico might have ended up (They don’t even know the royal family or palace exist)
Either Reyna stumbles in claiming she couldn’t find Hades, or they might stumble in together with one of them very ill/weak
Scene break
Friends from the palace try to convince Will to help save Nico’s life
Will is scared about possibly making it worse and killing Nico because of his plague powers and how he hasn’t used his healing powers in years
“But you always cure Kayla’s colds!” “Yes but those are small!”
There’s a little bit of a spat, but Will agrees reluctantly
He goes into the room alone and tells them to seal the doors in case he messes up they only lose one life
The palace friends sit and wait
Chapter 8:
The scene opens to the search party beginning to look for Nico (they’re all headed in the wrong direction)
It will take them a month or more to even get close to Nico’s location
Queue making the pacing work in such a way you feel like it's a mundane day in the life sort of deal but just fast enough you're reminded Nico's life was hanging in the balance at the end of last chapter
Also some silly nonsense infighting because Octavian is there and boo Octavian
Scene Break with a slight timeskip
Will had healed Nico successfully, and instead of leaving to trust his care to his siblings and friends he takes Nico’s care onto himself
Three days in the infirmary style fic lets go! (except it’s like a week)
Flirting, pining, jokes, r u gay without actually asking that type questions
Will realizes Nico’s intelligence (or whatever the correct word for the term is) at some point and shows him the library with all the books
Nico gasps in wonder and awe
Scene break
Palace friends are all discussing the relationship and how close the two have grown
Throughout this Will has some weird behaviors but Nico ignores them as oddities and nothing else (psssst, Nico, it's trauma!)
It takes about a month for Nico to fully heal, but it's not specified or anything anywhere
Chapter 9:
Octavian is in a search group with Jason, Reyna, and Hades
Eventually they realize this is a ploy either for him to impress or hurt Nico (idk his and Nico’s relationship dynamic yet)
So Octavian attacks them and leaves them for the wolves
Scene ends with Hestia appearing (although it's not obviously her)
Scene break
Will and Nico falling in love in the palace
Nico has finally earned lots of Will’s trust and Will shows him the smaller magical library they have
He shows him the book that Will show the reader whatever they want to see… It's from Hestia when she worked at the palace (and now it's like Lou Ellen's room or something)
Nico does the little like apartment scene from the movie, but instead it's a small house in the middle of a large nature field along a river and he goes inside his childhood home with drawings and stuff all over the walls but like no people
They find the mask and Nico realizes they left because of a plague, Will feels guilty and hesitates as to whether or not he should tell Nico it was his fault.
He decided not to at the time, the scene ends with Will’s guilt as they return to the palace
Chapter 10:
Reyna, and Jason awake in Hestia's traveling home thingy idk
They realize Hades is in kahoots with a witch
They hesitate but decide not to disclose the information to the people of the city because they're good of heart
The scene ends with Reyna and Jason trying to return to the town to tell of Octavian crimes
But they have no evidence (not having any injuries was suspicious and they agreed not to talk about the witch)
Eventually they disclose the truth about the witch and Hades, and they are found and all 4 locked up to be executed for trying to falsely accuse him of a crime and socializing with a witch
Scene break with the death penalty way if heavy on the readers mind
In the magic room when looking over the books, Will shows Nico the magic looking mirror
They think it doesn't work, Will argues it just needs to be wanted up it hasn't been so many years since it's been used
He convinces Nico to come to dinner with him
Will plans to tell Nico about the plague issue, and encourages him to bring the mirror
Chapter 11:
Percy and Annabeth’s search group returns to town to hear of Reyna and Jason's issue
They begin to formulate a plan to try and rescue them to avoid the death penalty but they have to be fast and work before the soldiers know they're back
Scene break
During the dinner Nico checks the mirror again, and he’s made aware of his father and friends situation just before Will was going to tell him about plague incident
Will decides he can't keep Nico here his whole life and that he deserves more and happiness, he tells Nico to go after his family and that his sentence is served
He wraps Nico in his cloak and hands him the mirror and his own personal horse to go to his town
Scene break
Soldier walks in to Jason, Hades and Reyna’s cell “Time to go”
Chapter 12:
Scene opens to blood, Octavian kills Selena and Beckendorf for information and traps Clarisse somehow
He was interrogating them on their return from a different nearby village for food
He knows of the relationship between Nico and Will and he wants to use it against
Octavian has returned to the village, and knowing that Nico is in love with the “beast” he rallys a crowd painting Will to be vicious with witchcraft
Clarisse manages to escape somehow and goes to warn the palace about the incoming threat; they prep for battle
Scene break
Nico is sneaking around the town as he sees the preparations for the witch hunt being prepared
He knows they're going to try and kill his family first so he decides to go get Percy to ask him to help save them
Percy let's him in on the plan and there's like a who Notre Dame musical kind of thing where they save their lives
Once the villagers realize that witch and the rest of them aren't going to die tonight the leave anyhow to go and kill Will
Nico had left already before them by just a few seconds to rush to the palace and warn Will
Chapter 13:
scene opens to Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo helping to calm and heal Reyna Jason and Hades and try to wake Hestia
Percy looks into the distant forest where everyone has left to “now we pray” or something similar.
Scene break
Villagers arrive to storm the palace, with no mention of if Nico had got there in time or not
Octavian abandons X and X turns on Octavian to help the palace instead (I can't think of who would make a good le fou out of the characters so…. Character X for now... Unamed Roman IVXII or something lol)
Things are burning
Kayla and Clarisse are in charge of strategy
Austin is trying to be as loud and annoying as possible (music; villagers hold ears in pain etc)
Palace friends are using various tactics, Lou Ellen discovers her magic, Hazel too
Octavian is looking for Will and his siblings
Some home alone type shots of situations and planning that results in cool fight scenes courtesy of Cecil (Connor and Travis also? Hmm)
Scene break
Nico rushing up a staircase on the far side of the house which is without traps
He rushes to find Will
Chapter 14:
Opens to Hestia, Reyna, Jason, and Hades riding down the dirt forest road
Hestia is in the lead rushing
Percy and Annabeth and friends are behind on horseback too
Scene break
Nico opens Will’s room in a rush, trying to warn Will Octavian was missing from the fight
Octavian is standing in the open room in a position to kill Will in one blow
Nico freezes and meets Will's eyes
Scene break
A whole tower of the palace has gone up in flame, palace friends are struggling to hold ground in the fight
Chapter 15:
Octavian talking to Nico and Will disclosing his evil plan
Nico is watching Will’s eyes and had seen a shift in his face when he walled in
Now Will’s eyes are directing him towards an area with a weapon
Nico in one movement picks it up and fights Octavian giving Will freedom
Scene break
Percy and friends rush into battle below
Hestia doesn't stay to fight and rushes up the stairs
No killing or maiming villagers (capture the flag reference yadda yadda)
Scene break
Nico decides to spare Octavian life
Ocitivian uses this to shoot Will in the back
Ocitivian dies of Will’s plague
Hestia bursts through the door and saves Will’s life as Nico is crying over him
Chapter 16:
Will wakes up and he’s worried Nico will hate him because of the plague
Nico is sitting curled up in a chair next to Will’s bedside asleep, he wakes up when Will moves “shhh”
“No, no I need to explain, I’m so sorry” “Will, Will, I- Will, listen. I already thought about it and was briefed on the situation I don’t care.”
Will cries, they’re laughing and happy, snow is falling outside the window
Scene break
There’s a feast and all of the people in Nico’s friends are there and all Will’s friends and they eat
And there’s no talk of funeral preparations because it’s agreed they can be put on hold another day so the living can be celebrated a day longer
Scene break
After the funerals, Nico and Will walking down a hallway late (like 4am idk) after everyone else has retired the day of the services, they’re talking about how lovely they were
Nico begins to talk about how he’s sad he’ll have to leave soon
Will proposes, “Nico just stay, stay and marry me.” “Wait what?” “Please?” “Okay” “Wait really?” “Yes of course” “Oh I surely thought you’d tell me no and I’d have to impress you to earn your hand!” “Will~” “hmm?” “You already did” Nico kisses his cheek, queue fireworks or whatever
Chapter 17 (Epilogue):
Nico and Will ballroom dancing after their wedding, they’re surrounded by friends and basked in white light of the mid afternoon
They’re happy and joking with one another
Scene pans over to Hades and Hestia
Hestia: “Will you ever tell him?”
Hades, looking at her in a sad and fond manner: “I don’t know, but let them have at least this”
Hestia, knowingly: “You mean let yourself have this, because you know how upset Nico will be when he finds out the real reason for everything?”
Hades: “Shut up”
(Persephone asks him to dance? Palace staff???)
Talk about the festivities and try to make it an all is well type ending while still leaving the Hades situation open ended and on the darker side
Happy couple solangelo kisses for real and then actual fireworks yay
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janeway-lover · 1 month
the next part of this au because i can not get it out of my head and that's good because i love it and also i can't leave the house still so have another part in the same day
When the two of them did finally leave the closet, after Abby picked the lock once again, all the other knights and nobles had vanished.
"I'm going to have all of their heads cut off, I swear to God."
"I'm sure you will, dear." She glares at them, but the next moment, there is a smile on her face. "Hopefully, they'll realize they can stop locking us up."
"Hopefully." She looks up and down the hallway, ensuring it is empty. "And hopefully they shall not spread rumors." With her confidence bolstered by the lack of people, she reaches over and takes Uriel's hand.
"There may not be much hope for us in that situation. Lord Dagon likes to gossip."
"That may be true, but Lord Dagon can also appreciate a good bribe." Uriel laughs, and she smiles, squeezing their hand. "I'll have to go, my father insists upon family dinner. Could I - could I see you again later?"
"As you wish." Before she can walk away, Uriel lifts her hand to their lips and presses a kiss to the back of her hand. "Tonight?"
"Of - of course," she stutters out. Uriel smiles, then turns and walks away, leaving Abby, stammering in the middle of the hallway, with a blush slowly creeping over your face.
"So," the king said, "what did you all do today?"
"Yeah, Abby," Eric says.
"What'd you do today?" Erik asks.
"You were gone for ages," Erich adds. No one at the table bats an eye at the way the triplets split one sentence among the three of them; they've been doing it since they were all able to talk.
"I bought some new poisons from Lord Dagon," she says effortlessly. "The three of you ought to invest in a taste tester." The three brothers look down at their plates, mumbling apologies.
"What have I told you about threatening your brothers?"
"Always have an alibi," Abby rattles off, earning a smile and a nod from Lucifer.
"Very good. However, while we're on the topic, I do have an announcement. For all of you," he adds, looking around the large table at all his children. Abby clears her throat, and a silence falls. "Thank you. Now, as you all know, the tournament for the knights is coming up. As always, it shall also be open to knights from other kingdoms, and anyone else who wishes to test their luck."
"Can we -"
"No, Erik, none of you may join. All knights will be required to take their helmets off during registration, and no unregistered participants will be allowed." Several groans arise from the table.
"Damn it."
"Yes, I'm so sorry for not wanting any of you to get hurt," Lucifer says flatly. "Anyway! What I was trying to say is that we will be having a special guest this year." He looks at Abby, and she looks back, confused. "This year, your sister's first suitor will be joining the festivities."
"My what?!" The entire table goes quiet.
"Your first suitor, dear, that's what I said. A fine young man, truly, and very far down his own family's line of succession."
"You said you weren't just going to marry me off, you said I had a choice!"
"And you do! I did say the first, child, if you do not like this one, it is perfectly fine. We'll send him back home at the end of the tournament, no harm done. And I'm hardly expecting you to marry without a proper courting period." Lucifer's tone is light, his face is smiling, in sharp contrast to the anger in his daughter's voice.
"If I do not find one I like, then what?"
"Well, then I suppose you pick the one that you dislike the least."
"And what if I do not want to marry a man I despise, father?"
"If you truly despise all the men I find," Lucifer says with a sigh, "then we can go from there. But, my dear, as I said, this is only the first, and I am confident that one of them shall meet your standards for a proper husband."
"Perhaps I do not wish for a proper husband!" she shouts, standing up abruptly, pushing her chair back with a deafening screech. "Perhaps I have grown beyond my desires for a man who will merely give me an heir! What then, father?"
"You wish to marry for love, then?"
"I do."
"I've made a very long list of suitors for you, dear. I'm sure you can grow to love whichever of them you pick."
"You're not - that's not the - urgh!" Without another word, she storms away from the table, aiming a glare at the knight posted by the door on her way out.
A couple hours pass before she slips silently out of her room, only to be stopped short by the sight of Dagon outside her door.
"Michael told me what happened."
"Yes, I'm sure Sir Michael told you everything. You and the rest of this damned court." She doesn't stop while she talks, instead brushing past them and assuming they'll follow.
"They only told me." Dagon does follow her, of course. "Abby, just let me talk."
"Did you know?"
"Did you know, Dagon? My father wouldn't make this decision without consulting his advisors, and even if he didn't consult you, I know you keep your ear to the ground. So, I'll ask you again. Did you know?"
"I knew he was planning this. I didn't know it would be now."
"But you knew it would be soon."
"And yet, you encouraged me, forcibly pushed me, in fact, into pursuing my heart. Despite the fact that you knew I'd have to start meeting suitors."
"Your father is a reasonable man, I'm sure if you told him, he would understand." This gets no response. Dagon notices that they're following her in the direction of the barracks for the knights. "Are you really this mad at me for wanting you to have some fun?"
"Do you think it's fun to have your heart broken, Lord Dagon? Uriel has in no way wronged me, and yet my heart breaks, more than if I had never had them to begin with."
"Perhaps you may find a suitor who understands."
"I am expected to produce children, Dagon! Multiple! For the safety of the throne or whatever bullshit you want to call it. There are expectations, not just from my father but from the rest of the court and the kingdom and these men, these men that the king has found from who knows where and expects me to marry!"
"Well, then, don't marry any of them. Easy."
"And disappoint my father? Have you gone mad?" She stops, rather abruptly, and only then does Dagon realize that they've arrived at the barracks. "I can not go in. There will be talk. Would you? Please?" For the first time in this conversation, she looks at them, and they can see the sadness in her eyes.
"Of course I will, my friend."
"Thank you."
"Oi! Where's Sir Uriel? I've got a message from the king."
Nobles being in the barracks is hardly a rare thing; the number of court members who are married to knights is absurd. Lord Dagon themself is not even a rare sight to see. But Lord Dagon shouting for a knight that isn't their wife? That is a very uncommon thing.
"I'm right here, what is it?"
"What is what?"
"The message, for crying out loud." What Michael sees in them, Uriel will never know.
"Oh, right, the message." Their grin is far too wide. "Go outside."
"I swear on my sword, if this is another scheme of yours, Dagon," they start to say, but the noble interrupts them.
"Not one of my schemes, no. All I know is that you're to go outside." Taking a step closer to the knight, they whisper, "And maybe make sure the princess doesn't start crying."
"Lead with that next time," they hiss, shoving past Dagon and out the door. "Abby?"
"I'm here." Stepping out of the shadows and into the moonlight, she walks to Uriel, but stops a few steps away.
"What's wrong?" Without a second thought, they close the distance between them, taking hold of her hand.
"The king has decided that I must begin meeting suitors. The first one will be here for the tournament."
"Will he be participating in the competitions?"
"Then I shall beat him thoroughly, and send him away crying." Almost instantly, Abby throws her arms around them, nearly knocking them over.
"Thank you."
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cottoncandy-cult · 11 months
Babification Pomefiore
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Vil (Ft Rook)
It had been about a week since (Y/n) was brought to him, he initially cleared out 2-3 days in his calendar to stay home and watch over his little sweet potato but on day 4 he realized it may take longer than expected. So, he decided to rip the Band-Aid off, rather than risk his fans spreading rumors that he had a secret child he laid out the circumstances on magicam. He explained that the girlfriend they saw in his pictures at times had been turned into an infant due to a class accident, and so he has decided to take care of her until she can be returned to normal. The male had almost expected some sort of outlash, some fans seemed to expect him to be single forever just for the sake of their personal fantasies. Instead, he was met with a large amount of support, many fans finding his dedication to his girlfriend beyond romantic as some celebrities would have hidden the accident and had someone else to take care of their significant other. After that day Vil went about his usual appointments, though everywhere he went he took the little girl. He never let anyone else hold her, but that proved problematic as sometimes the little girl became uncomfortable with all the attention she got. Often hiding her little face in his chest, she'd cling to him and occasionally whimper when she felt crowded. Vil would often excuse himself, wanting to do his job but not willing to sacrifice the girl's comfort especially given the situation she was in. It was because of this that Rook began accompanying him, the blonde male being one of the few he'd let hold and handle the little girl. Anytime the girl felt overwhelmed, or if he needed to film, he'd hand her off to Rook who would then take her to get a snack. She was around 3 and was quite shy, hiding her face in the hunter's shoulder anytime someone approached her. He'd often take her to a quiet corner where she could still see Vil but would be more comfortable and willing to come out of hiding.
For those times Rook would dig out her coloring book and crayons from the baby bag he proudly wore over his shoulder, it was these moments that he became aware of the fact that her older self is still in there. She seems aware but unable to really do much to control herself, often trying really hard to color within the lines of her pictures while also trying not to break the crayon. That was why Rook didn't baby talk her, it felt rude since he was aware of the fact that she still had that more mature thought process even if she couldn't properly express herself. Currently the popular trio had been at one of Vil's photoshoots, today had been a calm day but the little girl had been especially needy for attention. She did her best to sit quietly, but she couldn't help pausing her coloring in order to check for Vil's location and occasionally pouted. Of course, Rook had noticed, he hadn't done anything yet because he didn't want to interrupt Vil but also found her pout the cutest thing in life. He fawned over her more than ever now, she was his favorite little marshmallow bunny. Proven by the pastel bunny onesie they'd put her in before bed.
Vil had been adjusting his pose and had turned his head towards the pair, noticing how (Y/n) stared at him with a soft pout. Sometimes he wished she'd just cry out already whenever she wanted something, gives him an excuse to take a break anyways and he doesn't mind. The photographer noticed Vil was distracted and followed the blonde's gaze to the little girl, being a father, the older man knew what the little one wanted. "You know Mr. Schoenheit; we do have a new kids line we plan to advertise soon. If you'd like to look at the clothes and bring the little one up you can, we'll give you a bonus of course since the little lady would be the one wearing them." The older man smiled kindly to Vil when the blonde looked at him, Vil thought for a moment and glanced back at the girl who went back to coloring but still wore such a cute pout. "I don't see why not; she might have some fun getting to dress up." Vil chuckled a little, following the older man to a nearby wrack of kids clothing to look for a few outfits he thinks would look cute on the little girl and would match well with his outfits. Of course, the duo had noticed when the 2 males moved to and stand by the wrack, Rook could hear their conversation of course so he couldn't help but chuckle as he moved over to kneel next to her. "What do you say we clean up and go see what Vil's up to, ok mon petit trickster?"
The tall blonde gazed down at the little girl, watching her quickly nod her head as she began putting her crayon back where she got it. She was particular in how she used them, only getting one out at a time and putting them back as she went. Something Rook felt only supported his theory that she was still conscious within herself, or at the very least she was an oddly orderly toddler. Rook held the bag open for her, letting the girl place the two items back within its confines herself before she reached out for him and made grabby hands. A gesture that never failed to make the blonde male melt, he was quick but gentle as he scooped her up and cradled her safely to his chest. Afterall his dear Vil had made his desire to see her safe quite clear when he originally ranted about the idiots that caused this problem, not that Rook would do her harm anyways she was much too cute for him to even raise his voice at much less neglect her care and safety. Vil had noticed the two when they approached, chuckling at how the little girl smiled and reached for him. "Hey there sweet potato, I need you to help me with something alright." Gentle hands swapped her between male's chests, Vil cradling her tiny body as she snuggled into him immediately. "Oh? Is our wee trickster getting a taste of the limelight?" Rook smiled curiously, looking at the small pile of outfits that the photographer held on one arm. "Mhm, I saw her pouting at me anyways." The pomefiore prince kissed the little girl's cheek, listening to her happily giggle when he'd occasionally gently blow into her soft little cheeks. "Why don't you go ahead and get both of yourselves changed, I'll adjust the lights, so we don't sweat the poor thing out or blind her." The older male passed the clothes to Vil, going to get things ready for a photoshoot Vil was actually excited about. It was the first time in a while since he's had a reason to look forward to a particular shoot, but how could he not be at least a little excited to take pictures with his baby sweet potato.
The first outfit Vil tried was a dark grey button up, black dress pants and a loose-fitting red tie. Meanwhile (Y/n) was dressed in a black long-sleeved romper that hung off the tops of her shoulders for freer movement, it was decorated with a cute red floral pattern on the front with matching leg warmers. Her soft baby hair was brushed back, a red hairband with an attached flower sat cutely on her head. The two were matching despite the different designs, Vil's favorite part was the little flower headband that complimented her complexion and gave her a more doll like look. The blonde was planning to save the money from the bonus for trying on the kids' clothes for her, that way when she was back to normal his sweet potato would be able to afford some good food and fix up the bedroom back at her dorm. He wanted to fix up the whole place a while back, but (Y/n) wouldn't let him spend that much money on an entire dorm meant for 2. Vil's second outfit looked similar to his dorm leader uniform, though rather than being a long robe it had been a silk long-sleeved shirt with looser sleeves that fell to around the middle of his hands. The collar was V-shaped and dipped past his collar bone, corset style strings tied neatly in the front at the bottom of the V. Meanwhile he had put the little girl in a cute violet sundress, the sleeves matched his own and beneath she wore some black lace legging and a cute pair of purple strap shoes. A wide cut gold ribbon wrapped around her waist and tied in the back; a red apple charm was sewn into the center of the ribbon on her waist. It was an outfit Vil wanted to get for her in a more adult size, despite not being part of Pomefiore he'd love to match clothes with her for the next social event or school dance.
The photoshoot lasted for a while, Vil had chosen several outfits and they needed multiple pictures with each. By the time it was done her little tummy had started to growl, making her pout up at the male when he started giggling at her little noises. "Just a few more minutes and we'll be done. Why don't you sip on this, you can have some blueberries to hold you over until we get home." Vil handed the little girl a snow-white sippy cup that had some of the apple juice from Epel's family farm, the blonde knew how much she liked it as she would drink it in the mornings when she'd visit Pomefiore before classes as she would talk to the first year while he did his morning routine when Vil was busy helping some of the other dorm members do their own. Her cute little pout dissolving at the taste of the juice, her body relaxing against his chest as she'd occasionally reach a tiny hand into the little bag of blueberries he held while Vil discussed which pictures he'd like to post on his magicam to help with publicity. Rook smiled from the side, having snapped several of his own pictures during the shoot for the little album he had been making for (Y/n) and Vil. He had been confident from the start they'd marry one day, so he had started this album to fill with as many memories as he could for them. He was gonna be the greatest best man, and his gift of years' worth of pictures compiled into one beautiful album would be his proof.
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"Wow, is that really (Y/n)?" Kalim looked at the little girl in Rook's arms in amazement, there had been a meeting for dorm leaders and their vice dorm leaders. The main portion of the meeting was already over, the little girl having napped comfortably during most of it thanks to the sleep schedule Vil helped the blonde male set up. The meeting had fallen into her usual nap time for the week, but Rook could feel his internal clock counting down as he knew she'd start to rouse soon. "Indeed, Roi d'Ore, she is quite the jolie petite fille no?" Rook chuckled softly; the sleeping infant was nestled in the crook of one of his arms unaware of the little crowd that was drawn to observe. Of course, the dorm leaders had been made aware of the situation, being reminded to drive into their underlings about not messing around in class. "She's definitely cute, her little cheeks are so red." Trey chuckled from Rook's right, several pairs of eyes looking at the little girl as they saw her stretch and yawn. "Heh, she looks just like Leona in the mornings." Ruggie snickered, he and Leona standing to directly across from Rook. Leona's ears twitched as he shot the male beside him a glare. "What was that runt?" He was softly growling his words; everyone had kept their voices down now that she was awake in fear of startling her. The blonde smiled and resituated her, holding her up some so that she was sitting up a bit more and was better able to look around. The group watched her tiny (E/c) orbs flutter over the faces before, cutely cocking her head. To some people she'd giggle, making Kalim fawn over her.
"Rook we should head back soon, (Y/n) needs to eat and its gonna get cold soon." Vil walked over, ever the mother hen. His voice made the little girl light up, her hand patting Rook's chest as if to get his attention. Making the large male chuckle, as if already knowing what she was trying to convey. "Yes, I know, our dearest Roi du Poison is here isn't he." He gently bounced the little girl, kissing the top of her head as she giggled some more. For once there was no tension in the group, an energy filled with both curiosity and fondness had started to form. "A few more minutes would be ok, wouldn't it? Our petit trickster has only just woken up." His green eyes locked on Vil, watching his house warden look back and forth between the two before sighing softly. "I suppose, proper socialization is necessary for a growing child." Vil sighed but gave a reserved smile, coming to stand by Rook as one of the little girl's tiny hands reached out to him. Vil was casual in letting the little girl hold onto one of his fingers, something the confused some people. "So, it's been a week since she turned, correct? How have you guys been handling it?" Riddle stepped beside Leona, trying to get a better look at his friend turned infant. "It's been quite easy, when you know what a baby needs it certainly helps but (Y/n) hasn't been fussy really. She cries sometimes, but it's never loud shrieking. More like quiet whimpers really, honestly it's heartbreaking." Vil smiled a bit at the thought, the first night they tried to put her to sleep in the pitch black and halfway through the night Rook woke to hear quiet whimpers from the bassinet nearby.
Luckily it had been a full moon, so all he had to do was open his curtains to let the light in. He felt so guilty, not knowing how long she laid in the dark and softly crying to herself before he woke up. He wanted to believe his sense of hearing was keen enough that he caught her at the start since they made sure she was sleeping before they shut out the light and that she had just woke up and got scared when he woke up. But the idea that it could have been literal hours made him feel so bad, first thing in the morning he told Vil that he needed to get a nightlight before recounting the events to him. 2 days later Vil was watching her for Rook while the blonde went to science club, since some of the demos had to do with potion making, he didn't want to risk another accident. Vil had placed her in a little buckle seat, having Epel gently bounce it to keep her occupied while Vil fixed her a sippy cup with some fresh juice in it. While he was in the dorm kitchen, he heard a commotion from the common room, he was quick to get there as he was the dorm leader after all but most importantly because that was where he left little (Y/n) and Epel. When he arrived, he found a couple students on the far right flat on their backs, it seemed while working on an alchemy project a mistake had been made and caused a small explosion. There was minimal mess, just a little goo here and there, it was more noise than anything. After lecturing the group on their mistake and reminding them to take such things outside he told them to clean everything up and take their project to the garden. It wasn't til he approached Epel, watching him clumsily try to soothe the whimpering child that Vil realized she had been disturbed since she hadn't started screaming as most infants would. Vil understood Rook's description now, her soft cries were somehow worse than the ear-splitting cries someone often thinks of when remembering an infant's cries. "Here, I'll take her to the kitchen with me. You go and do any homework you have."
There hadn't been any incidents since that had made her cry again, it was something they were actively avoiding, it was such a miserable little cry they'd hate for anyone else to hear. "Well, I suppose as long as she aint screamin' the herbivore aint to bad for a baby." Leona leaned forward, hand on his hip as he watched the little girl tilt her head some to get a better look at him. What nobody expected was for her tiny hand to teach out, lightly poking his nose with a soft "Bawah" sound. Ruggie had dropped to the ground near immediately in laughter, his dorm leader just got booped by a baby. Some of the others snickered, but soon everyone was laughing at her giggling shriek while she pulled her hand back when he playfully nipped at her chubby little fingers that had been in his face. Rook couldn't help but chuckle, if she was still aware in there then she was certainly taking advantage of the situation. Oh, his little trickster, no matter what form she is in she would never truly change would she?
The group had continued talking for a bit, only stopping once Vil reminded everyone they needed to get back to their dorms and get ready for curfew in a few hours. Once everyone had gone through the mirrors to their own dorms things had settled down, the little girl in Rook's arms took to playing with his hair as he walked. Both he and Vil discussing how he'd handle her during flight class the following day, Rook was confident he could handle flying with her in his arms, he just needed a suitable outfit to fend off the cold while flying that he could change her out of without problem so she wouldn't overheat. Vil had recommended a cute long-sleeved top with a bright skirt, some leggings and light beige fleece sweater that had cute bunny face buttons on the front. The two had went shopping together, wanting to make sure she would be comfortable while in this vulnerable state and to spoil the poor girl since it was the first break she had in a while since she was always working or doing something for money to live off of. He wished she'd let him help more, but she didn't like the idea of him bank rolling her because she felt that she should earn at least some of it.
They ended up settling on letting him pay for her meals and occasionally help with any big necessary repairs to her dorm, and she'd focus on paying for the rest. Granted the hunter still wanted to do more, and so he'd get her gifts that could be useful. He even got Vil to help design a new ramshackle dorm uniform so that they had an excuse to replace the scrappy one she was wearing, after all it was unfair that the other dorms received new uniform designs at the start of the year, but she had to wear an outdated uniform barely patched together. At least that was the argument they used against Crowley to get his pass on the new uniform, convincing him it was a good chance for him to show his benevolence and make up for how little he can assist her monetarily. "Roo…" Her little voice called up to him during a lull in the conversation, she had yet to speak, and they almost thought she couldn't, so it quickly drew their attention. Emerald eyes looked down at the little one's curious face, a smile crossing his own when she started giggling and gently tugged his hair. "Don't worry Mon petit trickster, we're almost back to the dorm. You wanna play with your toys for a bit before your bubble bath?" Rook tilted his head, kissing at her palm gently as her tiny fingers patted at his cheek. Her only response was a giggle before she pulled her hands to her chest and nuzzled into his shoulder, rubbing her face against the fabric of his dorm uniform as both male's chuckled at her cute antics.
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gungoo4lifer · 1 year
First impressions
summary: gun's ugly ass meets goo for the first time
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Goo lets out a chuckle at how ridiculous that sounds. "Test me, huh?.. You damn bastard. Is that a death wish?''
The fake blonde dares, the smirk on his lips getting wider in a mocking way. But it seems he wasn't the only one who was annoyed by the other.
''Im annoyed too.. I've been ordered to start with a test.'' The obsidian eyed guy with white irises replies, his teeth clenched in annoyance, both of his hands resting on his pockets. Goo looks up and down at the guy, who was wearing a dark gray jacket with simple black pants, a light blue scarf with white strings completing his outfit... this guy may be good looking, but come on now, who in their right mind wears a scarf when it's not even that cold?
It's alright. He can choke him with it later.
He'll keep that in mind.
Park Jonggun, huh? Well, Goo heard about him several times at the center, but he never really saw him face to face. He didn't even know anything about him either, only some ridiculous rumors about how ''strong'' he was and his name was all Goo knew about Gun.
''Tch.. Bring it on then.''
''You want me to test this guy?''
''Joongoo Kim, yes.'' Charles confirms, both of their gaze on the picture of that blonde guy, who's name Gun just learned. ''JoonGoo Kim, huh? If the chairman himself is commanding that i should test him, maybe he's not just some useless guy.. ''
''And i'm assuming that he'll be the next genius in the ten geniuses then?'' Gun asks, moving off his gaze from the picture of the blonde to look up at the chairman's face, Charles nods slightly as a reply before continuing,
''If he's good enough to join us, of course. I've heard that he fights pretty well and violent, considering that he only beats up people for a nice price, he'll accept our offer without even thinking since we'll make a lot of cash.''
Gun stays silent, only nodding in agreement to the chairman's words.
But in reality, he was utterly annoyed with every inch of his body. He tried his best to not show any sign of annoyance in order to not be disrespectful towards the chairman, but Charles could clearly see that Gun was annoyed anyway.
After some time of Charles giving informations about this guy named Goo to Gun, Gun was now ready to go and test him. Or in other words, beat him up to a bloody pulp until he agrees to join.
And now, he's outside of Goo's school, his gaze carefully on the school gate as he leans against a wall with a cigarette stick between his lips. ''This is ridiculous.''
30 minutes. It's been 30 damn minutes since Gun started looking for Goo outside. Yet, this damn piss haired bastard just won't fucking come out.. Does he knows that Gun is looking for him? Is that why he didn't come out? Gun made sure to go there when the school was almost over so that that Goo guy can come out soon and he can end this quick. The sooner is starts, the sooner it comes to an end. Yet, almost every single student left school, and even the teachers are starting to leave, but he still hasn't see any tracks of Goo.
''Did i miss him? fuck..''
You know what? To hell with this bullshit. He's been waiting for half an hour just for a fake blonde bastard to come out, but why in the world isn't he coming out? Perhaps he didn't go to school today?
After a minute of debating if he should just walk up to a random student and ask if they've seen Goo around, he finally decides to just go and ask someone.. not so professional, is he..
Shaking her friend's arm that she was grabbing firmly, she whispers to the other girl with an excited tone, ''Shh! Myeong! Myeong!''
''What?! Geez, whats wrong with you all of a sudden?!'' The other girl whispers back, not even knowing the reason why they were whispering.
''Oh my- Look- look at there! Oh god- do- DO I LOOK GOOD?! DOES MY HAIR LOOKS FINE??'' The confused girl slightly turns his gaze to wherever her friend was pointing with the side of her eyes, and oh god.
Did she.. die and went to heaven? or did she just saw an angel.. (more like a devil if she knew him)
Her eyes widens in excitement, a red tint spreading across both of her cheeks as she stares at the guy that was walking towards them in pure awe displaying in her eyes.
''Push me!! push me!! NOW!!'' she whispers, receiving a sly chuckle from the other. ''okay! okay!''
Walking up to the 2 students, Gun prepares himself to start talking as he slides his hand down on his pockets to get his phone, ''Hey, did you girls see-''
His speech gets interrupted when he sees that one of the girl was ''accidently'' falling right onto his body, luckily, his reflections was quick enough to catch the girl and gently holds her on his arms, ''You okay?''
The girl's cheeks gets redder than it was ever before as she gazes upon Gun's invisible eyes caused by the sunglasses Gun was wearing, her hands slightly trembling in excitement. ''kyaah!! this is just like in k-dramas!!''
''U-uhh- y..yeah! I-im okay- t-thank you for catching me, haha!'' She puts up a smile nervously as she backs away from Gun, even though she didn't want to.
''Hey! You're not from this school, are you? Why are you here, oppa?'' The other girl asks, Gun can't help but get annoyed by the sudden nickname. He decides to ignore it.
''You're right, i'm not from this school. I came here to, ask you girls something'' He says as he puts his hand in his pocket to pull out his phone, the girls looks at each other even more excited, they can't read each others minds, but they know damn well what they're thinking right now. 'Oh my god! Is he going to ask for our number?!''
''Is there any chances that any of you know this guy right here?'' He asks, showing them a picture of Goo, and receiving a reaction he didn't expect at all.. the girls were suddenly.. terrified?
''Oh- uhm. T..thats Goo.. K-Kim.. you know him?'' The girl asks nervously, Gun raises one of his eyebrows slightly 'Hes pretty popular, isn't he?'
''..Kind of.''
Both of the girls looks at each other before turning back to Gun, ''Uhm.. yeah we know him.. but.. w-why are you searching for him though?''
Letting out a deep sigh, he continues, ''Just- did any of you see him around here today or not?''
Both of the girls shakes their heads to left and right. ''Goo rarely comes to school, oppa, he didn't come to school today either.. are you his frie-''
''Oh for fucks sake..'' Gun grumbles under his breath in annoyance as he turns his back to walk away, but a shout stops him in his tracks. ''O-oppa! Wont you give us your number?'' One of the girls asks, Gun just raises his hand in reply without even turning his back to look at them, continuing to walk.
''Ah, he's a hard one to get, isn't he..'' The girl mummers, then immediately turning to the other girl. ''lets go find his social medias."
''Mother fucker.. Stupid mother fucker.. wasted a whole fucking hour of my damn life.. does he thinks that my time is as cheap as his is? fucking idiot..'' Grunting under his heavy breath, ignoring the glances he got from the others while taking rough steps with both of his hands clenched, a cigarette between his lips.
''If he's not in his school, where the fuck is he? that damn chairman.. he knows damn well where Goo is, yet he just wants to make me suffer.. oh for fucks sake..''
While grumbling, he stops on his tracks, both of his eyebrows slightly raising in surprise, a smirk creeping on his face. ''Finally.''
A light blonde hair, glasses, a dark jacket with.. two dragons on each sides? Gun can't really tell what those two creatures was since the blonde guy was a little further away from him, he could see that Goo was talking to a short, black haired guy who also had glasses, his friend, perhaps? the corner of his lips curving into a satisfied smirk, Gun flicks his cigarette to a near trash can and leans his back on a wall, watching Goo and the other guy carefully. They were talking, but of course he couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it doesn't take long for Gun to realize that the other guy was probably a customer of Goo, considering that the money the shorter guy took off from his pockets and gave it to the blonde, or maybe Goo was threatening him and forcing him to?
Whatever, Gun couldn't care less. The only thing Gun desired and cared at the moment was to beat up that guy's pretty face.
...''pretty'' face?
Yeah.. he has such a pretty face, doesn't he? judging from his flawless face, it probably costs him lots of skin care products and routines, Gun thinks to himself.
Whatever! Pretty boys arent his type anyway.
Shaking his head to left and right, Gun clears his thoughts, now going back to watch the two guys. He sees Goo count all the money that was in his palms with a wide smile, after saying a few words to the other guy, he finally turns his back and prepares to leave, so does Gun.
''Now its time to think what i should do with all these money Cicada just gave me! A brand new anime merch? A new, soft plushie? Oh, oh, i should just buy a-..'' Someone dares to interrupt his thoughts with throwing a cola can at the back of his head to get his attention. ''The fuck?''
Turning his head back to see who the fuck in the world just dared to throw a damn cola can at HIM, the great Joon Goo Kim, aka the most strong, dangerous, handsome, muscular, pretty, strong, handsome, intimidating, handsome, perfect, strong, stunning, dangerous, pretty, handsome, pretty, good looking man in Korea and worldwide, he can't help but get slightly surprised to see a face he has never seen before.
''What the-..Did-.. did you just throw a fucking cola ca-'' He gets interrupted, getting hit by a cola can once again, but this time, instead of his back, the aim was right into his face.
''Oh look, theres more cola cans,'' Gun's smirks gets widen before continuing his sentence, ''People really drink a lot here, huh? Dont you think so?''
Glaring at him with a stern frown, Goo remains silent, debating on if he should kill the guy for disrespecting him, or if he should kill the guy for mocking him. (hes too dumb to realize that they are quite the same thing)
''..You're not a familiar face..'' Goo mummers, adjusting his glasses and staring up and down at the guy, 'are you one of the guys's friends i stole money from?' stays at the tip of his tongue.
''Anyways! It's quite disrespectful to throw a cola can at someones head, ya know. If you really wanted my attention, you could've jus-''
''Fight me.''
A confused ''Huh?' leaves Goo's lips on its own at the guys sudden request, even though it sounded more like an.. order. Also confused at how fast the guys attidute changed. He was playful just a minute ago, and now he looked utterly stern and stoitic.
''Lets make this fast and quick, Kim Joongoo. Dont even dare to think of running away.''
'Running away? does this fucker thinks that i'm a coward or what?! or does he thinks he's so damn intimidating?!' And why the hell does he wants to fight me so suddenly? Helping someone?'
Despite his rage, he still somehow manages to smirk. ''You know my name too? I mean, i'm quite famous around here.. but.. let me get your name first.." he narrows his eyes, "Mr. freak eyes.''
Gun raises his eyebrows, taken aback by the sudden nickname.. oh, right, he forgot that he took of his sunglasses. 'Mr. freak eyes?'
''..Park JongGun.." he narrows his eyes back, "Mr. Piss hair.'' He says with clear disgust showing on his face. 'MR PISS HAIR?!'- oh wait! that name sounds familiar!'
''Ah! Now i recall!" He smiles widely. "Park JongGun, huh? I heard about you a lot at the center! Haha, it feels as if i'm meeting a celebrity.. so you came all the way down just to meet with me, huh?'' 'How romantic.'
''But say.." his smile fades away, now replaced with a stern expression. "First you throw a cola can at me, then you ask me to fight you out of the blue.. you think im a joke?!''
''Not ''ask'', it was an order.'' Gun fixes his mistake, ''Like i said.. lets make this fast and quick i need to test you.'' Gun says, his face stern as usual. 'A test?'
Goo lets out a chuckle at how ridiculous that sounds. "Test me, huh?.. You damn bastard. Is that a death wish?''
The fake blonde dares, the smirk on his lips getting wider in a mocking way. However, considering their overwhelming air, it seems he wasn't the only one who was annoyed by the other.
''Im annoyed too.. I've been ordered to start with a test.'' The dark eyed guy replies, his teeth clenched in annoyance, both of his hands resting on his pockets. Goo looks up and down to the guy, who was wearing a dark grey jacket with simple black pants, a light blue scarf with white strings completing his outfit... this guy may be good looking, but come on now, who in their right mind wears a scarf around their neck when it wasn't even that cold?
It's alright. He can choke him with it later.
He'll keep that in mind.
Park JongGun, huh? Well, Goo heard about him several times at the center, but he never really saw him face to face. He didn't even know anything about him either, only some ridicilious rumors about how ''strong'' he was and his name was all Goo knew about Gun.
''Tch.. Bring it on then.''
And thats how their fight, which lasted for hours starts.
'Oh for fucks sake.. im not in the mood for a fight right now.. Anyway! whatever, i'll just beat him up as soon as possible and then-' A heavy punch on his face was enough to interrupt Goo from his thoughts, luckily, he was fast enough to take of his glasses before he got hit. ''Mother fucker.'' Glaring at the guy who just punched him, he notices that Gun already took his jacket off, ''Damn you're a quick one, aren't you?'' He says with a smirk, wiping off the blood running down his nose.
''Stop grumbling. Let your fists talk, not your damn mouth.'' Aiming in for an another punch right into his face once again, he gets suprised when his punch goes on the air, a feet kicking his head behind him 'He dodged it?'
Dodging Gun's nonstopping punches and kicks, Goo debates on if he should use a weapon or not as he prepares himself to throw an another kick right onto Gun's guts, 'No. This bastard is probably like the other weak trashes, he wouldn't worth using a weapon.'
Or so he thought.
How weird.. he's the one on the ground right now, feeling the pressure of Gun's foot on his chest. Damn it. ''Well? Is that all you've go-'' A crowbar hitting on his face interrupts him, completely taking aback by the sudden move. 'Huh? A crowbar? Where the hell did he even find that?'
Frowning, Goo swings the crowbar at Gun's head, moving off when Gun's leg attacks the crowbar and gets up, his fist aiming for Goo's guts.
Two hours.
It's been two fucking hours since they started fighting, and it didn't stop a single second since then.
What the actual fuck? How was this guy this strong? Or was he getting weaker?
Pure annoyance was displayed on Goo's now bloody face, along with his bloody clothes. Damn this fucker, he paid a lot for this shirt.
And for Gun? His face expression showed nothing but.. pleasure. That huge, wide grin that reached his ears, his wide obsidian eyes, making his white pupils look smaller…
Maybe his face was too bloody, Gun's cheeks seemed even more redder in Goo's eyes.
And his clothes? What clothes? Gun immediately torn off his shirt when the fight got overwhelmed, earning a grimace from Goo.
The pain coming from the sharp point of the wooden stick grazing through his chest only makes his grin widen.
That's it. That's fucking it.
Finally. He finally received the overwhelming, violent fight he has been craving, hell, desiring with every inch of his body for years, he never thought that this day would come, but here it is. So there really was someone as strong as hi-
"Yo, jackass!" The blonde's voice and attack interrupts him from his thoughts, creating an another scar on his cheek. "Focus."
Grinning, he wipes off the blood running through his cheek with the back of his hand. "That's it. That's it, Goo Kim. Come at me. Don't hold yourself back in the slightest." Dodging the stick that was about to insert in his neck, he grabs Goo's arm, throwing him onto the ground, the crack on the wall being enough to show how hurtful it must felt for Goo.
Gritting his teeth in utter annoyance, his grip on the wooden stick tightens. This fucker. He just ruined his soft and smooth skin! His shirt is barely even a shirt at this point! Was he trying to get him to rip off his shirt? Goo couldn't tell.
As Gun was about to aim an another punch onto his face since Goo was already on the wall, he lets out a groan in both pain and surprise when Goo kicks his face with full force, not giving him a second to get up, immediately sitting on top of him, extending the sharpest point of the wooden stick on his neck.
As he panted in exhaustion, Goo's eyebrows knits, frowning down at the male under him. "What's… huff.. what's your last words… you.. mother fucker.."
Gasping for air before responding, the widest grin Goo has ever witnessed in his entire life displays on the raven haired guy's face. "You have no fucking idea how turned i am right now."
.. what?
Wide eyed, Goo now realizes the hard bulge under him. As he was about to look down, Gun's fist stops him, now being able to get up since Goo was no longer on top of him. "Fuckingh- pervert! Did- did you seriously got hard by fucking?! Are you a masochist or Wha-" The kick on his face seems to be enough for him to move off his gaze from Gun's hard bulge.
Hiding his hard bulge with his hand, Gun frowns. "Don't fucking stare at my boner when we fight."
That's it. That was the last drop.
Grabbing the scarf that was already on the floor and had dust in it, he runs toward the raven haired guy, wrapping the scar around his neck without even giving him a second to adjust, then tightening the scar around his neck, pressing his foot against Gun's head with force, as he was now on top of him, once again. But this time, he was standing, with one of his foot on his head, and the other on his back, Gun's grunts making him want to kill him right there right now even more.
Because he couldn't tell if those grunts were caused by of pain or pleasure.
Leaning in closer to the guy's face, Goo moves his foot away from Gun's head, now, harshly grabbing his dark locks and making him stare at him with his narrowed eyes.
A wide smirk spreads on Gun's lips, as saliva drooled down on his bloody lips. "Is this all you've got?"
Goo finds himself thrown at the air the next second, now the scarf wrapped around his neck instead of Gun's.
The pants of the two guys fills the alley, the scent of the blood surrounding around them, every inch of their body feeling sore, now noticing the sun slowly going down, the area darkening. And how many hours have been passed? None of them could tell.
The other guy extends his slight shaky hand to his pocket, praying that his cigarette package wasn't smashed enough. The desire to smile takes over when he sees that one of the cigarettes was still good enough for him to smoke, yet, his aching body doesn't lets him to do so.
Placing the cigarette between his lips, he lights it, not noticing the glare he got from the blonde lying next to him.
After exhaling a deep drag of the cigarette, he pulls it out from his lips and extends it to Goo, silently asking 'want a drag?'
Smacking his hand away was the first thought that pops in his mind. Yet, he couldn't even move his body at this point. Instead, he says between pants, "I.. i don't smoke."
Gun takes another drag but now in annoyance as his attempted indirect kiss ended up with failure.
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angel-princess-anna · 3 months
APA Speculation Sunday
The first official outing of Spec Sunday for this go around~
Alastair implied his presence was in Yorkshire thanks to his Twitter post, which seemed that he was catching the train from York to Edinburgh after filming in Harrogate.
Joanne meanwhile was seeing Taylor Swift at London night 2 of the Eras Tour per her instagram, and then showing off her irl baby bump on Monday night (a sentence I never thought I'd be writing 🤣).
Thus... I think that Anna (and likely Bates) aren't at whatever event was being filmed at the Great Yorkshire Showground, although I do still suspect that other characters who didn't get snapped were there (she's also not likely in whatever was being filmed here in Thirsk).
(also how amazing it is that DA is finally being filmed where it's set i.e. Yorkshire lmao)
It's also possible that there another day of filming in Bampton after the day were we saw Anna/Joanne, but this pic could have also been posted just s day later.
I haven't poked around to see if it's confirmed elsewhere, but this tweet makes me think that DA M3 is being filmed at Ealing (although obviously they were recently on location). There is a studio there though with a DA plaque for the TV show, so I suppose it could be referring to that one [Ealing Studios is where the TV show was filmed for the scenes filmed in a studio vs. location. The first fim was not filmed there, but the second one was].
I do find it interesting that there is no subtitle yet for the film even though there's a release date, but we'll see. My guess is that whatever they have picked out does sound final, and they don't want to announce it's the final movie just yet (that said, I think we'll still be hearing rumor years later about sequels and reboots but hey).
Hugh's interview sounds good, but I mean at this point, why wouldn't it lol. All I can say is that I do hope that this genuinely is the best of the DA movies! His "it's a lovely coming together of people I care deeply about, and that's just the fictional characters," makes me think that he feels like the script does right by the characters, and I care deeply about that as well, it's what I'm here for.
I think that's it for now, although I have a draft of odds and ends that tell us nothing but I'll post anyway (maybe tomorrow) simply so that I have them just in case.
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