#anyway once again anon. sorry it took me literally over a year to respond to this 😭 i have a bad habit of burying asks in my drafts
pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
a while ago you answered and ask of mine with something that really resonated with me, abt your real self feeling like it was trapped in a glass cage. anyway im taking your ask box name literally. I used to live in a world full of magic and wonder, I think we all do when were young, and then alot of awful stuff happened, it took alot, a new traumatic tragedy every month. and now the magic is gone and it feels like it was never there and wont ever be there again. (1/2)
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thankyou for returning to my askbox im glad what i said helped befofre, sorry it took a while to respond i been ~in a haze--- my glass case got fogged up so to speakđŸ©¶gosh i been thinking lately i need to do mushrooms for the first time ina few years. the past month was such a trauma overload its thrown a wrench in all my plans & the world feels completely different to me now, i can barely even be online anymore it all feels so hostile to my sense of whimsy.
basically the only thing thats been getting me thru this past 5 weeks is just, going outside. not necessarily walking just sitting, breathing in the fresh air, and looking closely at the trees. when i sit outside without any distraction its impossible for me to deny that the magic is alive, objectively it is always there it extends far beyond me or any personal problem i have, it is going to outlive me. it comforts me so much to inhale the outdoors its the coping mechanism i've returned to again & again since childhood. i love feeliing like im so small im just nothing. yea i feel like shrooms cld b really nice rn..
grief is hell but its necessary because it taught me how to enjoy whats good.... the cycle will always keep spinning & the warm feelings will always return. from being an old person who been thru it so many times i trust that now. have u ever met a greedy rich person before? they have everything handed to them so they've never learned what it means to appreciate life. they're never satisfied because they don't know true despair or loss. this is not all rich ppl some still have perspective but its a thing w some, we all kno its a thing. for me it really has served my soul to go through so much pain & lose all control. Now i see every peaceful silent "boring" moment as true bliss. i dont rly need anything anymore , imo that is how death transforms & elevates
ofc it dont happen over night and u really do have to let yourself cry it out. let yourself wallow , feel pity for yourself like you would feel pity for a child who came crying into your arms. comfort yourself, get it all out dont try to hide from it. slowly the tides will turn. things will begin to stand out to you, little beauties you never noticed before. the simple things..they mean so much more once u have experienced true terror. i pray very much for your heart to heal anon ❀‍đŸ©č the whimsy will return to u i can tell by the way u want it for yourself & others. U can be a guide to them thru your actions. ilu im here for u just dont give up đŸŒ· pmd9
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ssadumba55 · 3 years
Halloween Movie Night (Wasabi X Reader)
A/n: So funny story, in the process of writing this I accidentally deleted the request because I thought I had it saved but you know who you are anon who requested this! Sorry for deleting your request!!!
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You sat down, popcorn in your lap and staring at the television screen.
October 31st. Another holiday you were determined to spend alone, sitting in front of a TV screen the entire night. It wasn’t that you hated holidays, far from it. They could actually be a lot of fun when they weren’t obnoxiously selling you things.
It was just, since moving to San Fransokyo, you hadn’t had a lot of time to establish yourself. This meant you had no friends and holidays were often spent alone, in your apartment, eating snacks. That was okay though. Who needs friends anyway?
All you need is Freddy Krueger and endless amounts of popcorn, am I right?
You glanced at your phone, sitting on the cushion beside you and sighed softly.
It would be nice to have someone to sit and watch movies with. Your thoughts drifted to the idea of getting yourself out there more, maybe joining some groups or classes that could help you meet some new people. As you were lost in thoughts about potential friend making opportunities, your phone buzzed and you picked up.
Please tell me you’re as bored as I am right now
The text surprised you, it was actually from a coworker. The two of you worked together in some lab downtown. You’d met him on your very first day of the job and you’d hit it off almost immediately. He was funny, he was a total neat freak (which you loved to tease him about) and he was very easy to talk to.
At the end of the day, as the two of you were cleaning your work stations, he had inputted his number into your phone (and named himself Wasabi spelt wrong. Apparently, Wasabi was what all of his friends called him).
He had never really texted you outside of a work context though. Usually all of your talks were strictly business, usually regarding whatever the two of you were working on.
Hesitantly, your fingers hovered over the keyboard on your phone.
(Y/n): Depends on what your definition of boredom is
The movie was completely forgotten at this point, mere background noise as the little dots appeared, indicating he was typing out a response. As he took longer and longer to respond, you started to worry your response wasn’t good enough. Even though you weren’t exactly sure how good of a response you could really have to what he’d said.
Finally, as you settled back in to at least pretend to pay attention to the movie, your phone buzzed again. You grabbed it.
I’m stuck at my friends halloween party. really lame. then again didn’t really know what I was expecting he is literally a 16 year old kid.
At that, you blinked. He was friends with a 16 year old kid? There had to be an explanation there, after all Wasabi was almost double that age. There was no way he was just hanging around high schools or something. He must be a family friend, you realized after a moment of contemplation.
I’m halfway through A Nightmare on Elm Street
The conversation seemed to end there because you didn’t see the tiny dots again. He must’ve been dragged into whatever festivities the kid had at his party. You were kind of jealous, just a little. Being at a Halloween party sounded so much more fun than sitting on your couch alone, watching movies.
You wondered what your friends back home were getting into tonight. Probably scaring the little kids like they always did, that was their favourite part of Halloween. The tricks. Oh, if they could see you now.
Nightmare on Elm Street finished and you were about to push in the Nightmare Before Christmas (an oldie but a goodie in your opinion and personally one of your favourites), when your phone once more buzzed to let you know a text had come in. It was once again Wasabi.
mind if I ditch this party and come watch with you? that sounds fun
Several thoughts rang through your head as you read the message. The first of which being you had NOT cleaned the apartment for any guests to come over because you had not been expecting guests. Your first instinct was to say no, hell to the no he couldn’t come over with your place looking like this.
But you had been the one complaining about being lonely and he was a nice enough guy

Thus, you sent him your address and he actually showed up. At first, it was really awkward. Mostly on your part because you had no idea how to interact with him in this new situation. But soon enough, the two of you settled into a rhythm, passing popcorn back and forth, chatting over the movies and generally just having a good time.
And yeah, sometimes (especially during the horror movies) you got a little scared and leaned in his direction. But he never brought it up or pushed you away. He seemed to be really comfortable and relaxed with you, so you returned the favour as best you could. By the end of the night you were breathless from laughing so much and disappointed he had to go home.
“This was a lot of fun, thank you for saving me from that lame party,” he said lame, but you could tell he meant it as a term of endearment. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body, especially not in regards to the kid in question.
You waved your hand. “It was nothing, this was a lot of fun. We should hang out away from work more often.”
There it was, you were shooting your shot and he was most certainly going to decline it because this was a one time thing-
“Sounds like a plan! I was actually going to a science convention with some of my friends next weekend, you should tag along!”
Wow. He really made everything easy, didn’t he?
After confirming you’d love to and saying your goodnights to each other, you shut the door leaning against it and sighing. Maybe your lonely nights in San Fransokyo were finally coming to an end. Either way, that had been the best Halloween you’d had in a while. Now to clean all the popcorn kernels off the floor.
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realcube · 4 years
soft haikyuu!! boys with a baddie* s/o  😈
characters:  yamaguchi, hinata, suga, akaashi, nishinoya & tendou
tw// swearing
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*(a/n): anon requested a kinda sassy, sarcastic reader and verbatim ‘she is basically a salt bag, but she also has like some sugar’  so i simplified that down to baddie :) so the reader isn’t really a delinquent but they are a bit rough around the edges uffabvrslbv 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
he definitely thinks you’re really cool and he wants to be just like you :O
bc you give off ‘bad bitch who doesn’t care about what other ppl think about them’ energy and what he would give tO HAVE THAT!!
so that’s when he knew he needed to be your friend >:) 
so he was like ‘tsukki, go talk to (y/n) for me >:)’ thinking that was his first step to becoming confident pfft
luckily, god was on his side though bc the teacher rearranged the seats and you and him were sitting next to each other 
hence, he got the opportunity to talk to you without it seeming too forced
you both fell for each other so hard
like he would act tough to try impress you but you preferred his natural softness while you tried to act uncharacteristically docile so you wouldn’t scare him off but he liked you for your boldness 
it was a match made in heaven 💞
he eventually worked up the courage to ask you out one day and y’all have just been falling more ever since
although, that doesn’t mean yamaguchi’s forgotten one of the main reasons he wanted to be with you in the first place
‘please teach me your ways, (y/n)!’ he pleaded, his head resting on your lap so you had to cover his puppy-eyes with your phone
‘no, tadashi. firstly, you’re sweet and gentle- you’re just built like that. secondly, i don’t have any ‘ways’ to teach you!’
yamaguchi continued to pry, ‘then how are you just so effortlessly self-assured?’
‘who told you that, tadashi?’
‘no one.’ yamaguchi poked the back of your hand to get you to move it, ‘but remember that time one of the guys in our class tried to make fun of the size of your head and you told him to shut up?’
you rolled your eyes, setting your phone aside before placing a brief kiss on yamaguchi’s forehead, ‘he said he couldn’t see the board because of my ‘big head’, tadashi; that’s hardly an insult. also, what else could i have possibly said other than that?’
but then you remembered this is yamaguchi you’re talking to; if that was him, he’d probably apologise, move his head aside then cry in the bathroom or sumn.
‘i should be the one asking you why you’re so insecure. i mean, i know everyone is a little bit insecure about something but you just take it to a whole other level.’ you mused, absentmindedly massaging his scalp
yamaguchi frowned, ‘exactly! teach me how to stop being insecure.’
‘no please, no thank you?’ you inquired with a snicker, realising that your habits might of accidentally rubbed off on him
bc just a few weeks ago, he’d be thanking you for breathing the same air as him but now he didn’t even say ‘please’ when asking for a favour 
‘please teach me how to be resilient, (y/n).’
you chuckled, leaning down to whisper in his ear, ‘okay, since you’re so polite, i’ll tell you my secret - but promise not to tell anybody else!.’
‘i promise.’ yamaguchi replied without hesitation
‘okay, first thing you need to do is go to the depths of hell and find satan hims--’ 
yamaguchi let out a sigh as he realised that you weren’t being serious then playfully flicked your forehead away, ‘rude.’
you beamed, pressing another kiss upon his forehead, ‘i know~’
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Shƍyƍ Hinata
let’s not pretend hinata wasn’t shitting his pants when he first heard about you from kageyama
‘they called me a shitty setter the other day.’
but kageyama failed to mention the part where he cut you in line for lunch 🙄 mans had it coming
like hinata genuinely thought that if he came within a 5 foot radius of you, you’d literally come for volleyball career
plus, hinata knew he had a lot of things to be insults on (mostly, his height) so he decided to keep his distance at first 
but when he actually saw you - rather than a vague description that kageyama conjured - he kinda fell head over heels
well, not only bc of your looks - he isn’t that shallow
but the same day, you dropped your purse/wallet on the walk home and ,mhsince hinata was walking behind you, he acted as any good Samaritan would; picked it up then handed it to you 
then you said something along the lines of ‘thanks, shorty.’
not shawty. lord- shorty as in short with a y at the end
and whether you meant that as a dig or not was beyond him - but either way, he fkn adored it 
also it doesn’t matter whether you are taller or shorter than hinata- he is still short-stuff >:)
by some miracle he managed to ask you out successfully and he’s kinda been glued to you ever since
like he wants to spend every second that he’s not at volleyball club/school with you 
and if you tell him he’s being clingy, he’s going to cry-
nonono jk jk
he’d probably be a bit offended but then give you your space
also, you noticed how he was really endeared by the tad mean nicknames you gave him like ‘shorty’, ‘short stuff’ and ‘ginger’
the only ones he didn’t like was ‘boke’ or ‘dumbass’ bc it reminded him too much of kageyama + tsukishima
so you started calling him these things - teasingly - more frequently 
and he loves it ngl
as long as you aren’t truly mean to him, he enjoys being called these things by you for some reason
so, his first mistake was assuming that you’d like being called these joking nicknames just as much as he does
you were helping him with english once and it’s definitely not his strong suit
same, hinata
‘look at that! you spelt all your vocabs correctly, for a change.’ you commented, peering over the desk at the paper sitting in front of him
his eyes widened and his lips curled into a hopeful smile, ‘really?!’
‘no.’ you snickered, pointing to the first word on the list. ‘your word was taxis - you wrote ‘texas’, dumbass.’
hinata let out an exasperated sigh, propping his elbow onto the table to rest his cheek on his palm
then, he had an idea ( â€ąÌ€ ω â€ąÌ )✧
‘alright, stupidface, should i rewrite them?’
you gasped, furrowing your brows at what he just called you 
for a moment, you thought you might’ve misheard him but upon observing his smug expression, you realised that he really did just call you a ‘stupidface’ 
so you burst out laughing 
obviously, hinata was rather shocked at your reaction
‘hey! what’s so funny?’
‘di- di- did you just call me a ‘stupidface’?!’ you panted in-between cackles, clutching your stomach to soothe the butterflies
hinata jutted out his bottom lip and folding his arms over his chest, ‘yeah, what about it?’
‘that is so cute!- do it again!’ you demanded, enthusiastically slamming your fist against the desk
‘IT’S NOT CUTE!’ hinata barked, playfully flicking your forehead 
once you caught your breath, you took hinata’s hands and looked him dead in the eyes, ‘you’re fucking adorable, shƍyƍ.’
the hoarseness of your voice making it sound like somewhat of a threat 
‘you’re adorable-er, (y/n).’
‘i know.’
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Kƍshi Sugawara 
he admires how strong and independent you are/seem 😍
and the fact you don’t go out of your way to suck-up to ppl 
he kinda wants to be like you in that sense but unlike yamaguchi, he accepts that he’s way too much of a people pleaser for that lol
so he sticks to admiring you from afar
then he musters up the courage to ask you out with some chocolate cupcakes; the same kind that you accidentally got on his blazer on the first day of second year :))
and you say yes (â•Żâ–œâ•° )
also a big part of your relationship is aggressive positivity ✹😡
like if he makes a joke about looking crusty, you’ll promptly respond, ‘shut up, kƍshi - you look so hot.’
or if you berate yourself for getting a poor mark on a test, suga will interrupt with no hesitation, ‘fuck off, (y/n), you’re literally so smart and hard working - you’ll probably get 100% on the next test.’
also when he’s around you he switches between canon and fanon suga rapidly 
one second he’s like ‘aww, are you stressed bc of school? i’ll bake you some cookies, baby--’ then you’ll jokingly make a comment about his post-practise B.O and he’ll literally get so defensive
ISVBFELIAEA plz he is too much ✋
he just prides himself in smelling like ocean breeze 99% of the time so you really didn’t need to hurt his feelings like that when you caught him lackin c’mon LMAO
‘wait so are we making cookies or not?’ you inquired, stifling a snicker at his little diva moment
‘ofc we are đŸ„ș’  
he’ll probably use red icing on one of the cookies to draw a ‘>:(’ face then hand it to you, saying that he drew you
he’ll also break of bits of his own cookie and feed it to you’re doing something that requires both hands like typing, homework, dishes etc
whether you eat it from his hand happily, decline his offer or bite his fingers off is really up to you 
and over time, he probably picks up on some of your traits too
especially being more straight-forward 
the team will never forget the first time he was chatting about something with the vice principle and ‘sorry, but i don’t remember asking’  fell from his lips 
everyone was shocked :o
tsukishima, tanaka & noya were so impressed tho
and so were you IVBEAOGVRN
‘wow, suga. you wanna be me so bad.’ you gloated, pressing your hand against your chest 
‘GAEIVBSLR leave me alone.’ he growled, toiling over the apology letter he was currently writing to the vice principal
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Keiji Akaashi 
he wanted you to be the dark academia to his light academia pfft
it was very much love at first sight btw 
(ïŸ‰â—•ăƒźâ—•)*:✧ soulmates  *:✧*:✧
the embodiment of opposites attract
he’d write you a poem/love letter to ask you out lol
‘you’re so sappy and lame, akaashi’ you scoffed in attempt to hide the smile that was tugging at the corners of your lips as your eyes finally parted from the letter to meet his 
he couldn’t help but chuckle, ‘so is that a no?’
‘-nonono!’ you shook your head rapidly, hastily correcting him, ‘it’s a yes.’
honestly, he acted all nonchalant on the outside, but akaashi would’ve been devastated if you rejected him
like he constantly tried to remind himself that you would probably say no, i mean he thought you were way out of his league. plus, it didn’t seem as though you were as much of a romantic as him
but fortunately, apart of him stayed hopeful 
now he was cuddled up beside you on a cold winters’ evening, casually drinking is hot cocoa as you both watched a disney movie (❀Ž艞❀)
he’s the type to not even care or retort if you call him stupid or whatever
as long as your context makes it clear that you’re joking 
he’d never call you those names back though ✋
to him, you’re always gonna be ‘love’ or ‘sweetheart’
also, he’s probably equally as sarcastic as you so that’s not an issue 
ngl he probably gets really insecure when you’re hesitant about PDA tho
like he just wants to hold your hand but he doesn’t want to force it upon you and make you uncomfortable đŸ„ș
but also, perhaps you’re too embarrassed by him to kiss him in public 
so please occasionally reassure him that you love him (â€Č⌒`) that always washes all his worries away 
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YĆ« Nishinoya
it’s literally canon that he likes ppl who show 0 interest in him (kiyoko, tsukki etc)
so it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s all over you after that one time you called him a midget 
to be fair, he had it coming - he stepped on your fkn toe >:(( 
he does everything in his power to impress you and get you to take back what you said 
‘hey, (y/n)!’ he calls out to you in the middle of the bustling lunch hall, ‘could a midget do this?!’ *backflips off the table*
or when he demanded that you come to one of his volleyball games so you could see what he’s capable of and whenever he makes a good receive, he turns to look at you in the stands and winks/ points
or when he actually studies for a test just so he can flaunt his slightly above average grade to you 
‘look, (y/n), i got a 49%!’ he waves a paper in front of your face, which you stare at before lowering your gaze onto your 95%.
but ngl..he really brings out that lil’ bit of sugar in you 
‘well done, noya.’ you choked out feeling your dignity slowly fade in your chest
he’s just so enthusiastic and charming how can you be mean to him đŸ„ș
to his face, at least
as soon as he leaves you beef about him to your friends
‘he is so annoyingly bodacious - audacious! why does he feel the need to show me all of his achievements like i care??? and why does he have to be so cute while doing it???’
‘do you think you maybe have a teeny-tiny crush on him?--’
nishinoya probably asks you out pretty casually like ‘lemme take you bowling this saturday and i can show how good i am at that too!’ he offered with a bright, bold smile
‘sure, whatever.’
‘kay! it’s a date!’
‘wut-’ but before you could question him further, he sped off
nishinoya really likes to fluster and tease you 
you’ll be sitting waiting for him at the park or whatever and he’ll swagger in and shout something like ‘how’s my gorgeous s/o doing today?! i hope you weren’t waiting for me too long!--’
then you’ll have to quickly shush him before everyone with a 7 feet radius is looking at you judgementally 
he also likes to call you the most extra nicknames just to see you blush
‘good morning, my beautiful, divine, radiant god(dess) who i worship every morning of my life!~’ he sung as he waltzed into your classroom to spend lunch with you 
but he only does that bc you are so dismissive of his advances lol
like if you openly adored his kisses and nicknames, he’d probably do them sparingly  
oh and he calls you ‘my hunny bunny’ too - don’t ask why 
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Satori Tendƍ
you gave him your number/snap for a project and he’s one of those ppl that just assumes that y’all are friend now lol
but that wasn’t nessicarily a bad thing bc you thought he was really cool and you were happy that you still got to talk to him even after the project was over 
not that you’d ever admit it tho (â•čÚĄâ•č )
he’d send you cursed memes at 3AM and you’d reply like ‘mood’  then he’d fall for you 
you’d also have random, deep convos in the middle of the night 
hence he fell for you even harder 
especially bc he basically just shared his whole life story with you 
he’d spill out all his insecurities to you then you’d reply like ‘ok’ then he knew he had to ask you out bc you’re the first person not to have left him on read
so he asked you to meet him in the park and you’d reply ‘no lol  🖕 ‘ 
then he’d just smile at his phone like ‘wow, they’re so in love with me’
he’s just so used to his friends being mean to him jokingly that he can’t even tell if you’re being serious or not
so he goes to the park at the time he put forward, and ofc you’re there even though you said no bc you didn’t want tendƍ to show up for nothing đŸ„ș
he was ecstatic that you were there and he probably brought you an energy drink or lollipop then asked you out
and ofc you said yes
i mean- you had kinda developed a soft spot for the poor guy 
you’d let him get away with certain things that others couldn’t around you 
for instance, you’d let him borrow your pencils/pens despite usually not allowing others to get ahold of your stuff
but that was just coz like- he’s your trustworthy bf- not some random classmate who had no reason or motive to be kind enough to return your pencils 
also, you’d let him cut in front of you in the lunch line and he did the same for you
oh and please bully anyone who makes fun of him 🙏
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hqbbg · 4 years
pairing: tsukishima x reader
anon request: I'm craving for some angst rip. Can I request a tsukishima x reader Angst one shot based on the song "moral of the story" by ashe. The song hit really close to home when the song said " young people fall in with the wrong people sometimes. " and also one of the lyrics kinda reminded me if Tsuki-Y/N 's relationship was strained " fought the whole time should've seen the signs" 😭😭😭😭 Thank you love your writing btw
genre: angst
word count: 1.4K
warnings: toxic relationship
author’s note: ok let me start off by saying I'm SO SO SO SORRY that it took me literally centuries to respond to this!! pls forgive me, dear anon đŸ„ș not gonna lie, I think this was just a little hard for me to write because the song (although really good) hits really close to home but anyways, I still hope you enjoy it! 💖
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“I think we should take a break.”
Time stops as you feel your heart drop to your stomach. Your hands are trembling, and you do your best to hide them from view in your lap under the table you’re sitting at in a cafĂ©. You chose to do this in public with the purpose of wanting to avoid breaking down in front of him, knowing that the idea of strangers seeing you crying was embarrassing enough to keep you from doing so, but heavy tears still line your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks anytime now.
Tsukishima says nothing and you look at him to see him looking back at you with hardly any emotion on his face, a shell of the man you’d fallen in love with.
You’re not sure when exactly everything had gone wrong, or if things were even right from the start.
When you had met, you were kids. You had been playing on your neighborhood playground with some other kids and noticed a commotion nearby, turning your head to see a kid around your age getting pushed to the ground by a group of bullies. You wanted to go over and help but stopped when a tall blond boy walked past and seemed to resolve the issue himself. You wanted to become his friend, so that’s exactly what you did.
Even though you went to different schools, you spent as much time as you could with him, and he seemed to enjoy your company just as much. The two of you had spent a lot of time together, occasionally accompanied by Yamaguchi—the small kid who was getting bullied—and the three of you had become a unique trio. As a result, you had been there whenever Tsukishima babbled on about how great his older brother was and witnessed the moment the image of his perfect brother was shattered into a million pieces.
Tsukishima had changed after that, growing distant and untrusting of those around him, including you. As a result, the two of you had stopped talking until high school; you were determined to become his friend again, doing as much as you could without being annoying.
You remember trying to find little excuses to talk to him during your first year and he’d brush you off every time. By the time your second year had rolled around, he seemed to have gotten used to you again and you were able to be bolder in your actions, asking him to study with you whenever you could. To your surprise, he agreed, and you did your best to get to know him all over again. He was still distant, but you started to pick up on little things he did to show that he cared for you.
The first time he had done something like that was when you had mentioned in passing that you’d been unable to eat breakfast because you were waking up late after staying up studying all night long. You had arrived at your desk one morning at school and saw a carton of milk and some bread sitting there. You had wondered who it was at first until Yamaguchi had asked if you received it because Tsukishima didn’t leave a note or any indication that it was specifically for you.
You weren’t sure when exactly your platonic feelings towards Tsukishima had shifted into something more romantic; all you knew was that you began to feel a little shyer and more nervous around him. He was quick to pick up on this, being as observant as he is, but let you take your time to admit your feelings for him at the end of your second year.
You probably should’ve seen the red flags when he flippantly suggested the two of you to start dating without saying that he returned your feelings, but you blinded yourself with the hopes that things would be okay.
During your third year, things seemed to be going fine, but you didn’t have much experience to make reference to. You thought the fighting and arguing was normal. You thought the neglect and invalidation of your feelings was normal.
“Why are you being so sensitive about this?” Tsukishima had asked you once when you had told him that you felt like he was treating you like a chore rather than a human being.
“You haven’t been answering my texts and calls,” you remember frowning, unable to contain the hurt from showing on your face.
“I told you that I’ve been busy,” he had responded with annoyance.
“I’m not asking for much, Kei,” your frown deepened, a sigh escaping past your lips. “I just feel like I haven’t been able to see you much lately.”
“I’ve had a lot of things to do,” he replied. That wasn’t what you wanted to hear, and he probably knew that. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”
A lot of your talks had gone like this: you’d bring up a concern, he’d fail to understand, you’d get upset, and he’d apologize for the sake of not wanting to deal with the situation worsening; it was almost like clockwork. Part of you felt bad, as if you were a burden, but there were still moments in between these that gave you hope that Tsukishima cared for you deep down.
You’d go on dates every so often, some ending better than others, but you’d enjoy your time with him, nonetheless. Maybe it was because of the pain you felt more often than not that you’d learned to appreciate the good moments more. Maybe that was the problem.
The two of you ended up choosing to go to the same college and you had hoped that the freedom of not being under your parents’ roof would give you more time to spend with your boyfriend. You had been wrong.
Tsukishima found other things to busy himself with and the few times throughout the week that you’d spend together always ended in some kind of argument. You had gotten used to waking up with puffy eyes from crying yourself to sleep at night and keeping your feelings to yourself because you always felt overdramatic for bringing your concerns forward.
It had gotten to the point where you hadn’t spoken to him in over a week. You stopped texting him, tired of seeing his read receipts with no reply. You stopped calling, annoyed by the automated voice telling you that he was unavailable. You stopped going out of your way for him when he had stopped a long time ago.
Looking back, it’s not like you didn’t see this coming; you just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
You’d made a mistake.
You’d fallen in love with the wrong person.
You’d spent so much of your life trying to pour yourself into someone who could never do the same and you were exhausted.
Tsukishima’s simple response brings you back to your current reality. He looks unfazed and you know that he’s been expecting this too.
“I just have a question to ask,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. He raises an eyebrow at you, wordlessly telling you to go on. “Did you ever love me?”
Part of you shouldn’t be surprised when he doesn’t respond right away, but for some reason, your heart still hurts.
“I did.”
“When did you stop?”
You don’t want to know the answer, so you’re not sure why you ask.
“It’s not relevant.”
At least Tsukishima knows you well enough to know that the answer would break you no matter what.
“One last question,” you say, exhaling a shaky breath. “Did you regret ever dating me?”
The silence that follows feels deafening.
You have a hard time believing him, though you try your best.
“That’s all I needed to know,” you say softly. You hadn’t even realized that the tears had begun falling until you felt them drip onto your hands.
“Take care of yourself, okay?” Tsukishima sighs heavily as he stands up. “I’m sorry.”
You can’t bring yourself to watch as he leaves you alone one last time. You don’t care that there are people around you as you bury your face in your hands and begin to cry as quietly as you can manage. You’re painfully reminded of both the good and bad memories and the aching in your chest only seems to increase.
Despite all this, if you had the chance to go back and redo anything, you probably wouldn’t. You made a mistake, but you were going to learn from this.
You had simply fallen in love with the wrong person.
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idjitlili · 4 years
You're dead lachance.
Spike btvs x reader
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Summary: Being Giles niece, going to America with him, only to meet Spike. There is anonymous request in here, 'getting locked in a room with Spike.'
A/n: slightly in Sundale , but mostly based in Los Angeles, the reader is British, due to being related to Giles. Hey, that's good for me , I'm British too. There's a request from anon but I'm not going to say to keep it a surprise. Malteser is a chocolate ball. How come I can write this much now? But I've got assignment s at are only 2000k words.
Word count:5019 Longest imagine yet.
Warnings: Language, Twilight hate references,period, questioning if vampires eat that answer is no or unconfirmed.
Not even a week ago, you had came home , only for your parental figure to rush to the door to greet you. Not long after that you were packing your suitcase for America , apparently your uncle Rupert had invited you out there. It had quite literally been years seen you had seen him, but not long until you would again.
In fact , it hadn't been even twenty four hours , before you were stood in his magic store. You weren't even sure why Rupert had brought you here. The suitcase that held your belongings , stood at your feet as Rupert  had welcomed you in, unlike your uncle had expected , the shop was completely empty, people wise.
Forced to sit down, while Rupert  made you a tea,informing you that he would get you settled at his home once he finished closing up his shop. What it felt like hours to you ,waiting, deciding it was best to read the book you had brought with you, not that you could really concentrate you just wanted to get cleaned up , in honesty.
Fingers tapping against the pine table , trying to read Boromir's last moments in Lord of the rings, re reading the same paragraph over , and over. "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo ' , he glance strayed to his fallen enemies,20." Re reading those words same words, unable to comprehend them, like your brain was blocked by a tinfoil hat, that's bullshit. Three arrows he had been struck with, yet he was still able to kill twenty highly trained orcs , more than an average vampire could do.
You were no stranger to vampires , you hadn't encountered one to say, but you knew of Rupert  job as a watcher. Though you had watched Lord of the rings many times (or not it's just replace it) and yet you still couldn't pass it , didn't Rupert have workers to clean his shop? Repeating those words , still. "Hello ,love." You almost peed yourself , standing up abruptly launching your book at the thing that had pulled you out of your distracted book reading.
Bragging your lighter from your pocket, self defence lighter, holding in front of you. As the flame lit,lifting your head up at your 'attacker' , only to be met with a smirk and platinum leather wearing man, who had caught your book with ease. "Really a lighter?" British, you had not spoken to one American , since landing.
You had just continued to stare at him not quite certain what to say, until he did again. "So , Boromir ,hm?"  You hadn't notice him step forward , holding your book for you to take back, hesitating you took it from him slowly. "Uh, yes. Thank you,but ,um, who are you?"
"Spike, and you are?"Who names there son after a sharp object? Spike had smugly smiled , placing his in his trouser pockets, it was if he was proud. You didn't get a chance to respond to Spike, before Rupert had reappeared , standing between you and Spike.
"Spike , get away from my niece, I will not allow you to corrupt her." Spike had gasped dramatically, putting his had over his mouth ,"You're related to him? But Blimey he's all ARGH and you're not." Spikes face of disgust when he looked at your uncle, Rupert had removed his glasses and began cleaning his glasses.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Picking up your bags , as Rupert ushered Spike out of the shop, with you behind to lock up, it now being dark.  "It was lovely to meet you , Giles attractive niece.." "Y/n." "Y/n.." Repeating your name back slowly smiling , only if you knew he was an evil defective vampire.
"Quit the flirting Spike, she's not going to be here long." That was the last you saw of Spike , for now anyways. It wasn't even another 24 hours later , your uncle had sent you off to Los Angeles , to Wesley at Wolfram & Hart.
Wesley...you had seen him in years , since he left England. You being younger than him by some years , but you had been friends with him , being connected to Giles and all. You were brought to America to work for an evil law firm not your ideal future.
That was a year ago , not as bad as you had originally thought, Angel the CEO was indeed broody but he was trying to make a difference. In fact , the job paid very well, and all you did really read up on demons and sometimes view bodies for symbols and such.
Perhaps,yes, it did get quite lonely, it  wasn't like you had you mum to make you meals or anything. All you could have was calls from her now and then. Wesley was your friend; but he was too busy flirting with Fred. The others well, you weren't close friends, just friends.
Today was not a great day for you, first you had gotten to work  without lunch, forgotten a jacket, and Angel scheduled a meeting but you had fallen down the stairs three times. Ten minutes late, a huge bruise on your head , ruffled hair and clothing not looking very bodacious.
Knocking on the door to Angel's office three times gently , before waiting for his response to allow you in. Everyone staring at you , your face flushed with embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry, you won't believe today has been horrible, I wouldn't have been late if I hadn't of fallen down the same stairs three times."
Heavily breathing from all the rushing, head aching like you had just hit your head falling down the stairs, Angel and the others looking at you with slight sympathy. "I've got to get a look at this muppet." That voice, you knew that that voice, until Spike had appeared from the corner of the meeting room , as you and Angel were about to walk into the room.
Almost bumping into Spike as you and him both met the door at the same time. You two would've bumped right into each other, but he passed right though you. Turning back around to see if you imagined that or not, turns out you didn't Spike was stood in front you , looking at you , with gaped mouth which didn't last long until he was smiling.
"W-what?H-how did y-" "Nice to see you again , love. Well, not long after you left I saved the world, and died. No need to thank me , love," Angel had coughed , pulling your attention from Spike charming smile he was sending your way, to him gesturing you to sit.
Spike had not decided to sit down , but to stand behind Angel at an Angel, one to annoy Angel which you could already see in his face , two to be in eye range of you. Not that he liked you , he full loved Buffy, for now anyways.
Angel had officially began the meeting , head-aching still, probably why you couldn't concentrate, concussion. All you could think was , wow Casper the friendly ghost, well you didn't know he wasn't , and that he was a vampire.
So lost in thought ,well no just pain , you didn't hear the calling of your name or snapping of fingers in front of your open eyes.
"Y/n? Y/n?" Only when there is a touch of a small hand on your shoulder , you realise , looking up to see Fred. "Yes, sorry. Um , I hit my head a bit too hard."
"Angel , she needs to go to a doctor. Her head is literally bleeding out , ""Yeah you should've sent her straight away, she fell down the fucking stairs, for a vampire with a soul , you have no compassion." Spike had interrupted Wesley, to criticise Angel.
You had a couple of days off last week , to visit your family, hence you hadn't seen Spike there before that. You had fallen off your chair when you had felt a hand on your shoulder, moving to see if that was Angel or Lorne, but it wasn't.
"Already on your knees for me?" Spike, staring down at you , smirking what a shock. "I'm not even on my knees, I'm on my butt. Plus what you want me to do mime."
"Okay, okay, Hon, let's go take to a doctor." Lorne had helped you up, as Spike had smiled Wider, as you both left, with some calls of sympathy's.
You only had to have you bloody head , in your hairline glued back together. Not surprising when there was blood dripping down your face like a waterfall. Other than that you were back the next day, carrying on your week like you would normally would.
Each week that went by Spike would come visit your office, mostly at lunch, knowing you didn't leave your office to socialise, only to use the bathroom. It had started with him using the excuse that he wanted to see how you were doing , after falling down the stairs, which was quite hard to believe,as he didn't seem like the caring type.
Then it he came to your office to tell you stories  about him saving the world and just recently , almost being killed by another ghost.
You hadn't even seen that when he entered your office he used the door by turning the handle, instead of going through it. Not at least until he had spooked you again ,placing his hand your shoulder squeezing it slightly.  Falling again out of you chair, probably would've smacked the back of your head on your desk.
If you weren't grabbed by your forearms, and were lifted back onto your feet, by rough hands... Spike had scared you to death again, yet this time he had saved your fall.  Pulling a arm from his, looking into his eyes, as you brought your hand to his cheek, your finger tips against his cheek bone. His skin soft, not how you would've imagined.
His skin, cold , but now he isn't a ghost? So why does he feel like the other side of the pillow on a summer night. Moments go by ,not many , before you pulled away again. "Fred , s-she figured out how to bring y-you back?" Still wondering why he felt like ice,  also to hide the embarrassment that you had touched his face without asking.
"No, someone sent me some post,"  The distance between you two was more than close, your legs pressed against your desk, Spike's face barely inches away, he must've closed in on you. "Oh lovely,um have you had anything to eat yet?" He had smiled at you , with lust in glittering in his eyes , but not for what you might think, but hunger.
"I have not." Don't turn Edward ,please, no one wants that ,'Oh I'm sorry Bella but you might die if we fuck, because of my huge Thanos sized dick.' "Oh , well I've got , um, some sandwiches, that's if you want to share." You had gently made your way passed Spike as he nodded slightly suggesting we would share, to get into your bag, reaching for your lunch bag.
Both sitting at the sofa in your handing Spike a sandwich, as you held yours, facing each other, sitting on your calves, well Spike couldn't do that , if you know what you mean. Not long after you had reached for your flask , pouring it into your cup. "Tea?" Spike had grabbed the cup from your hand, drinking a fair lot down, before handing it back to you, mixture of crumbs and tea around his mouth. "You know how to make good tea, not those bloody Americans , milk first , bloody bullshit."
Before anything was said, Lorne had burst into the room , panic washed over his face. "Angel needs you both , quick honeys! We don't have time to spare." To say the least you were confused , never less you all headed to Angel's office and soon enough you were all, Angel, Spike, Fred, Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne were driving to a safe house. 'A rescue mission.' Apparently, you didn't even know who you were supposed to rescue, all you knew was you was all supposed to stay here until they arrived.
Sounded fishy , and you were right to think so, not long after you all discovered it was a trap. Probably just about a hundred vampires, were lurking around the property, waiting...
The floors creaking as you all walked across the the pine wood hallway, not to mention you had barely any fighting stills, all you held was a stake. The others well that ways a mixture of axes , and stakes. Sorry not only vampires in this house, spirits too. Spike had paired off with you , whilst the others did the same , you both walked into a bedroom, which was thick with mould and dust.
Not even one step in the door had slammed shut, Spike had immediately tried the door body slamming against , but it was no use. As you made your way to the window, "Spike.." BANG still going at the door , "SPIKE." Whisper shouting to him, gesturing for him to come over , once he had heard you.
"Vampires..." pulling you away from the window, out of sight." We need to get out of here, now."
"Where? we can't get out of here." Looking around the room there was no options. You don't even get to take a breath ; before the window is smashed in as well of the door, you are both completely circled , 7 vampires.  Before you know it they are lunged for you , gripping your stake tightly , as you fight  a vampire off , with struggle , god damnit. Where's David from lost boys, instead you are stuck with one that's never brushed it's teeth.
Finally stabbing it in the heart. Proof another one bites the dust. Now there was even more dust in this house. The rest of the vampires were dead, you didn't realise that Spike had taken on the rest with no struggle, turning to face you after dusting the last one, his face,his face. He was one of them, he had been dead this whole time , even when he was brought back.
"Y-you're a vampire?" Shocked was to say the least what you were feeling , he had turned back laughing lightly.
"What were you expecting? The Easter bunny?Did you think I was human? This whole time, oh love." It wasn't that you felt like you trusted him less after finding out but still, you're an idiot, no you are not.  "I thought you were because you are my food; Plus I thought vampires were evil?"
"I wasn't going to refuse a sandwich. I have Soul, love. For your information, I got it the hard way, not like that brooding bugger."
"Sorry, Can we go now?" Thus Spike tried the door again, it had opened, both of you rushed out and down the stars , out the doors to find the others in the car waiting , like it was a robbery.
Your lunches with Spike continued even months after finding out he was a vampire; yet now you packed enough lunch for the two of you. Though he could just have his blood, but no he wanted your food. In honesty he was lucky that you actually shared your food with him.
You were sure that Spike must've preferred the company of Fred over you, and there was a day that he didn't have lunch with you. Apparently he had went to see Buffy , yet he was back the next day, why he hadn't stayed with the woman he loved , that was unknown to you. Thus there he was having lunch with you everyday you were at work.
You had even watched Lost boys with him one lunch. "You think I'm like that ponce?" Why the offices had TVs you had no idea. You had told Spike that he had reminded you of David. "W-what, It's not that hard to believe , first both of you have cool hair , two he is evil but the evil that you're like wow he's not that bad , he's cute and maybe he not what he seems. Like Loki, God of mischief." Spike had scoffed, laughing slightly.
"Did you just call me cute? I'm bad , I'm evil, mortals quiver under my wrath." He had made a toothy scrunched face , whilst bringing his hands up like he was a bear attacking, only to make you grin harder. "Okay, now you are a kinky Loki 'quiver under my wrath' seriously?"
"And how would you know what's kinky, love?" His words delivered with a smirk , that made your cheeks redden just by his gaze. "Uh,um, well I read a lot- I MEAN I do stuff all the time like last night.. he had a cane."
"Oh really, he had a cane?"
"Yep thats correct."
"Well that's a shame, love , because I've seen you face stuck in your books , blushing... and I can smell the innocence radiating off of you."
"Hey! Don't go smelling that, so you're telling me that when I have my period you can smell that too? You know what don't answer that, nor do I want to know if you've ever eaten that. Nor do I want to know why I thought of that.." Throwing a Malteser at him, would've hit him if he hadn't caught it in his mouth. 
"I cannot believe you just said that. Love, you have too much time over thinking."
"No doubt , that's why I was never popular , let's pretend I never said that thing and only that compared you to David and Loki, hm?"
"Of course, I wish you hadn't given me the idea,joking I swear."
"Uh, I don't know if you like men or not but when the male part is erected it's one of the most blood filled appendages plus I looked you up, William the bloody, maybe that's how you got your name.." Yes maybe you spent more than your lunch hour not doing work, sitting cross legged now facing Spike completely , who just had turned his upper body from the tv.
Angel though, you'd think he was just happy , happy that Spike wasn't in his office constantly annoying him. It wasn't easy for anyone to keep Spike entertained. "I do not suck cocks nor have I ever , love, I have nothing against those that do,but I assure you that my terrible poetry is the only reason for the name, "
"Nothing to do with you killing hundreds of people?"
"Oh yeah, that too." Nothing more was spoken, you both had went back watching until lunch was over, then you were back to work. By five you had left to go home , not even two hours later you had realised you had left your house keys in your office. You had went to the shops, for some general stuff , hence why you hadn't realised you had left your keys.
Making it back to Wolfram & Hart , around nine o'clock, deciding to get some food , for after you got your keys and got home finally. The security man, Dean, had let you , well no he had was turned doing something and you slipped in, the rest of the firm was dark , everyone had left, or that's what you had thought.
Opening your office door, with your key, why you had it separated from your house key , you don't know , but it was lucky you had one set otherwise someone could've went through your stuff. Well there wasn't much really interesting, ancient books and such. Rushing to your desk in the dark searching everywhere , under your desk, in the draws, the floor.
Finally finding them down the side of the sofa , which you were sat at with Spike, watching Lost boys. When the door swings open , you are quickly grabbed by the foreman's and are shoved against the wall."what are doing here?" The mans voice, aggressive, yet you know who it belonged to, Spike. No very difficult to figure out as you spent at least an hour with him , five times a week, for months.
"Uh, I just left my keys." Spikes grip had loosened on your arms slightly. " Y/n?" Pushing him off of you,"yes, yes it's me , thanks for attacking me, " It was pitch black in your office , only the light from the moon , now on your face , part of it anyways.
"Well, Bloody hell, love you shouldn't be in an evil law firm by your lonesome , especially at night."
"What you are going to eat me now?" Spike wasn't even a foot away; if he was a live you'd feel his breath on your face. Instead the cold air surrounded you, Spikes arm above your head closing you in, only being able to look at his face , an outline of it. "Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you,pet?" You had scoffed lightly at him.
"Shut up, my foods getting cold , and I don't like it in here." Ducking under Spikes arm, grabbing your food and key, before making your way out your office and the building. Spike following you ,but the security guard was gone and the door was locked , no way out.
"Well isn't that bloody brilliant."
"There's no way we are getting out of here , till morning ,"
"Can't we call someone?"
"I don't know , do you have anyone's number?" That was it , you both had headed back to your office , found some candle, since the electricity had been turned off, at on the floor with your food. You weren't sure why he decided to stay with you , maybe it was just that you had food.
Your back against the sofa , as you both ate , you were in no doubt that you were talking tomorrow off. You knew you or Spike was going to have to sleep on the sofa, ah yes perfect, back pains. "Why were you here so late anyways?" After finishing your mouthful of food, why Spike would want to lurk here at night , that was unknown.
"Just snooping through Angels stuff, then I heard you, so."
"Ah, of course." Smirking at you , leaning back his palms behind him, sideways on from you, uh , you're not Ryan Reynolds? Actual um, sorry but you're hotter. Your food all gone , except the small amount of drink left.
"Honestly this couldn't be a better day, my keys fell down the side of the sofa , and I didn't realise until I went home. Then this happened , and now we are stuck here, when I could be at home, sleeping."
"It's not so bad, you could've been stuck here with Angel, love."
" You really don't like Angel, I'm not surprised he makes small problems seem unsolvable. Yet within a couple of hours , all is fine. Actually that sounds a lot like me, over thinking everything. But yeah Angels is a bit of an arse."
Spike only smirking at you, in return.
Glancing at your watch , 12:03 , you were only lucky that Spike was able to pick the lock on the toilets. Otherwise you don't know what you would've done, ah yes, peeing yourself in front a rather good looking , dead man. Leaving your office to go pee again , before returning rubbing your eyes as you walked through the door.
"Are you going to get some sleep, love?" Spike had cleaned up all the rubbish, throwing it all away, you wouldn't expect that from dead guy, former mummy's boy. "Uh, if the sofa wasn't built like a rock, yes , but since that's the case no." Settling back onto the floor, careful not to catch on fire, as you crossed passed some of candles.
Instead of Spike replying yet , he had stood up and made his way to the sofa , plopping himself onto it, with poof. "You got to be joking love , you clearly never have lived in a crypt." W h at was it wish vampires living in crypts , or complaining that their huge cold dick will spilt a human in half. Turning to face the sofa, not being able to see Spike, letting out a dry laugh.
"Yeah that doesn't convince me, are you just so old that you don't remember that every day at lunch that I sit on that sofa with you?" Spike had sat up to look at you with a glare ,yet again scoffing. "Well then , Pet, how about you come lay on me, I'm very comfortable."
Without thought you had gotten up , and thrown yourself onto Spike, both groaning as your back slammed into Spikes chest. He was lucky really that your butt bone , not tail bone, the top of your leg one, didn't smash into his parts. Instead he had wrapped around you so you were stuck in place. "I see what you are doing."
"And what is that?"
"I body slammed you, now you're cuddling with me? Mental , you're an ice cube, yeahh sureeee so comfortable, I love being engulfed by Vanilla ice."  Not that he looked much like Vanilla ice but it's a little funny, not really but.
"Hey, I won't stand to be your cushion , with your bullying."
"Didn't you kill hundreds of people? And you get defensive when I call you Robert van Wrinkle?" Turning your head to look up to Spike who was looking down on you, shuffling so that you were laying next to the sofa back and on Spike with your hand on his chest.
"Love,I'll eat you, try sleep." This isn't a Loki imagine when he kidnaps you and it turns out he's a vampire , and he gets busy and drinks your blood for a fetish. Spikes arms around your shoulder , eventually falling asleep with your head on his chest.
Everything was fine, until Wesley and the rest of them had came looking for you. As you was supposed to be in a meeting with them in the morning , so was Spike but they were worried for you.
"Couldn't they do that at home?"
"Can I poke them with a stick?"
"Ah yes, poke the mass murdering vampire , very smart ,Gunn. "
No consideration of being quiet, you both had been woken, it wouldn't be that surprising if Spike was pretending to be asleep , to avoid talking to people he didn't like very much except Fred.
Waking up to see a bunch of people just smiling at you at , wasn't the best. "So, Spike what about Buffy?" Sitting up ,before standing up from Spike, must've hurt having a whole body on you all night , maybe it didn't effect him because he has super strength? Spike just turned to sit on the sofa , unimpressed facial expression, hunched.
"Buffy has her own life, I'm not apart of it."
"I-is this all you came her for? To wake us? And   taunt? I'm taking the day off ," No uncertainty that you wanted to get home, and shower and eat. You had looked back at Spike who had looked back , standing up. "I'll drive you."  Grabbing your bag, before bow in front of Angel for whatever reason. "Thank you so much for locking us in an evil law firm all night. Bye Fred, Wesley, Gunn , Lorne."
"Bye hon." Lorne was always a sweetheart , wishing that every guy was like him, kindest soul and very much cute. Spike and you had left after you had sent Lorne a smile. Walking out with bed hair and day old clothes , not that Spike had offered his arm but you were still holding onto to walk.
Walking past Harmony, she had sent daggers your way, why doesn't she just kidnap Orlando Bloom or something. Gripping onto Spikes arm tighter , walking down the stairs, not falling this time, thankfully. Before you made it to Angels' car park, and got into one of this favourite cars. "Uh, are we supposed to be taking Angels car?"
"What? It's mine, love, what are you going on about?" Opening the the car door at the same time , settling in the seats before slamming the door shut. The windows of the car , made from the same glass that wolfram & Hart was supplied with, since the cars were supplied by wolfram & Hart for Angel, a vampire. That also meant that Spike could drive in the sunlight protected.
"Okay, okay." Once you had made it into your building car park, Spike had walked with you up to your door. Being finally able to unlock your door, with your shopping ,lucky there wasn't any fridge nor freezer items. Turning back to Spike who just stood at your door, grinning slightly.
"T-thank you for staying with me yesterday, and for driving me home." A small blush upon your face, it wasn't unknown to you that you had developed a crush on Spike , how couldn't you? "That's alright ,love." Still stood in front of you, looking into your e/c eyes , you staring into his brightly lit blue ones. He was waiting for you to say or to do something.
Leaning to the side of his face, to press a peck onto his pale toned cheek. Instead of course , he had turned and you ended up pressing your lips , onto his briefly. Pulling away red cheeked , Spike now smirking at you again. "H-hey um, do you want to come and watch Lord of the rings with me?" You weren't sure what you was supposed to say after kissing someone accidentally.
"I would," thus that you held your door open wide, "I invite you into my home."
Therefore, you watched Lord of the rings with a dead man.
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Since you wrote about Yandere Villians with Y/N having a cute fairy quirk, how about a Yandere Hero having a Y/N with a monstrous quirk? SO...you pick the hero! Pick any male hero who you believe can handle Y/N. You do such amazing writing.
Y/N have to wear a face mask to hide the muzzle she wears going outside. Y/N have a quirk where she goes on a frenzy. Her eyes turn red, her veins pop out of her skin, she starts growling and trying to bite anyone near by. A monster who craves to rip flesh and bones. Y/N can turn on her quirk if she feels so much anger or fear. Y/N doesn't want to hurt anyone. She wants to live a quiet and alone life.
Pairing: Best Jeanist x f!reader
Warnings: light yandere content, power abuse, threats
Thank you so much for the compliment, dear anon! I went soft with the monster idea that I just made the reader into a werewolf...hope it is still good! I was torn between Kiri and Best Jeanist! I really like Best Jeanist, I wish he got some more screen time ... Maybe I’ll do another one for the shark boy later.
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Some groundwork:
When your quirk manifested at four years old, you were not surprised: you come from a family of Mutant quirks, after all.
Your quirk, wolf, means you can transform into a wolf anytime. The longevity is unknown to you since you barely use it. Even in your normal human form, you still have wolf ears and tail. You also have a sensitive nose, just like canines. You (hair color) fluffy fur is the same color as your hair. In acient times, before quirks become a thing, you would be seen as a werewolf.
While transformed, it is hard to supress the wolf’s wild instincts, the desire to hunt, to kill and consume raw meat (extremely difficult if you are hungry). You hate it, being like a beast instead of human. You had outbursts in the past that nearly killed one of your friends. There fore you stay in human at all times.
So most of the time, you just kept a muzzle near you, just in case you would lose yourself to the beast again.
You always feel this...strange sense of difference between you and normal people, so all of your friends have mutant quirks. You kept your social circle small, only letting those who are deemed trustworthy close to you (you told them to run if they see any signs of you getting wild)
You always had a soft spot for animals, therefore you decided to work in a pet shop. Dogs especially loves you, maybe because your canine quirk. Cats not so much, as they had left quite a few marks on you when you just started.
Now you are the assistant manager, the salary is decent, so you do not look for anything more. You never thought of having a romantic relationship because you do not trust yourself: you do not want to hurt the person you love. So even if you had crushes you just kept those feelings hidden until they went away.
Best Jeanist/Tsunagu Hakamada
Did you know his favorite animal is wolf? Therefore he is a furry
Being the No.4 pro hero means taking on lots of stress, so Tsunagu decides to have an animal friend at home who he can talk to freely, without worrying leaking information (I mean how can animals pass on information).
He went into the nearest pet shop, hoping to find a furry companion, preferably dogs.
What he did not expect is to find you there, with those literal puppy eyes and fluffy ears sticking out of your hair, tending to the puppies.
Tsunagu met people with similar quirks before, and he finds them aesthetically pleasing. But seeing you with a litter of adorable puppies, laughing and petting them? He felt like his heart just melted.
“Hello sir. How may I help you today?” You put on your usual smile. Tsunagu is wearing his civilian clothes, so he is just another customer to you. A fashionable one, though. You took notice at his stylish blonde hair.
Tsunagu would ask you about all the options for adopting a puppy. However he is only half-listening: he is drawn to how your ears twitch towards any abnormal sounds...
“Oh, my ears? Sorry if they are distracting. It’s part of my quirk.”
Would get you to talk to him as much as possible, with lots of polite questions.
When you bid him good day as he walks out the door, holding a poodle puppy with its supplies, Tsunagu is determined to see you more.
You are warm, like a ray of sunlight in this stormy world. Having worked as a pro hero for so long, dealing with many negative things so often, make him attracted to positive people. Those furry wolf ears and tail only added to his admiration.
Whenever Best Jeanist is not needed at his agency, Tsunagu Hakamada would find excuses to drop by your shop. Whether it be buying new accessories for his puppy or simply need some advice on her, he would find a way to talk to you, to hear your voice.
Until he become acquainted with you enough, Tsunagu finally asked for you name.
“I’m (y/n), and you, sir?” “Tsunagu. Tusnagu Hakamada.”
Never have once you associated your friendly customer with the No.4 Pro hero of Japan. Tsunagu is charismatic and talkative (at least to you), never putting on airs like Endeavor. Since he wears a mask, the public does not have a good idea what he looks like.
Then you noticed those small gestures, how Tsunagu’s hands would “unintentionally” brush against yours when you hand over his paid items, how his body would lean in slightly towards you whenever you are talking. Or how his lips would curl upwards whenever your tails wags with excitement. You also seen him way more frequently compare to average customers.
“He got a crush on you.” One of you co workers, teases after Tsunagu left the store.
“No he doesn’t.” You blush, although considering her hypothesis.
You seen some of his clothes in fashion magazines, one of them costs more then your monthly salary. Tsunagu is clearly a rich man, a fashion designer perhaps.
“Ms.(y/n), sorry if this sounds intrusive, but do you have a lover?”
That was...unexpected. “No, I do not. Why did you ask, Mr. Hakamata?”
That saves him trouble. Best Jeanist has got this flawless reputation for years, he prefers not to taint it. But if he must, Tsunagu would not hesitate. You belong with him, and him only. “Well, it’s possible such a beautiful lady like you already has a significant other.”
“Mr. Hakamata...I-” You were not sure to blush or to smile. Now it is clear to you: This blonde is interested in you. However you do not know what to respond.
“Call me Tsunagu, please.”
The next day you would find a lily bouquet wrapped in denim on the store counter?! Who use that as a bouquet wrapper? Flatter as you are, you still find this unsettling. He did not show up for the rest of the day, which gives you time to think.
Tsunagu is handsome and kind. He seems like a perfect choice, but you wonder what he would say if he saw you as a bloodthirsty wolf, feral and hungry for killing.
You decide to turn him down, not wanting to give him false hope.
Some minor villain is causing trouble in the streets when you were walking home. You were just going to sprint away at first, but in the corner of your eye you saw a mother with her toddler daughter being corner by the villain. The way the mother tries to protect her child triggered something in you. You have to do something!
“Grr!!!” Suddenly a piece of flesh is ripped off the villain’s leg. The villain screams in pain, but you dodged every last one of his attacks while leaving deep bite marks on him. Soon the sidewalk is stained crimson with blood. You know the two had already gotten away, you should stop now. But the wolf instincts got the better of you. You crave blood, lots of it. The growing pool under you is not enough.
You heard police sirens, someone yelling for you to stop, but the wolf is not willing to. It seems it would not be satiated unless this villain dies a brutal death.
Streams of fibers wrapped around you, restraining you until you cannot move anymore.
When you regained consciousness, you were in a clean jail cell, still in your wolf form. You assumed that you are being confined in a hero agency since you just lost control.
The door cracked. It is Tsunagu! What is he doing here? And why is he wearing a jean mask?
Then you saw the rest of his outfit. Demin jeans suit from head to toe, the...the No.4?
He is Best Jeanist? What is happening now?
Tsunagu wanted to take things slow, he wanted to date you normally, letting you know everything about him, but this seems like too good of an oppertunity to pass up.
“(y/n), can you understand me?” He crouches down with a concerned look on his face.
You nod. You are not able to speak human languages while in wolf form, another draw back.
“Do your clothes come back when you transform? Or do you need some clothes?”
You left your clothes behind a dumpster before, so you just shook your head. If you were to transform now, it could be quite embarrassing.
Handing you a denim dress, Best Jeanist leaves to give you some privacy to change.
After you are dressed and back in human form, he took you to his office.
“I know you must have lots of question right now, but please allow me to explain somethings first.”
“The villain is in bad shape. You did quite a bit damage on him. His blood loss is immense; he is still in the ICU as we speak.”
Why don’t you just let him die, he’s a threat to society anyway. You ask yourself, silently.
“However, while he is a villain, you still hurt him too much. And it’s not even self-defence. You are not a hero, it’s illegal.”
You tense up. Would you face charges for this? For trying to protect other people.
“Would I go to Tartarus? For how long?”
“Oh, come now. As long as I have any say , I won’t allow that to happen.” Your eyes lit up, wanting to thank him.
“You can be my wife instead. Stay with me, and no charges would be pressed.”
You know he likes you, but just asking to become his wife like that? Without dating first.
“Tsunagu, I... you...this...” He finds your stutters cute, as he traces his fingers along the edge of your wolf ears. Best Jeanist had been wanting to do that for so long, he worked so hard to restrain himself.
“Your choice. Either face court charges, or you can be with me, all is well.”
Tsunagu Hakamada is confident about his chances. An innocent, adorable civilian like you will not last long even in the most outer cells of Tartarus.
Tears slides down your chin as you give a reclutant reply. “I’ll...be with you.”
Who could have thought Tsunagu would do such a thing? He is always so nice and friendly. But now here he is, threatening you with this crime?
“Perfect.” Snapping a denim collar around your neck, he lifts your chin, forcing you to look up to him. “I can’t wait to get you home; you would be such a lovely little wolf. My little wolf.”
“Should you ever try to leave me, I’m sure Tartarus is always avaliable.”
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galaxyofmyown · 4 years
could u do a fic where reader is scared that hotch is cheating on them and hotch learns that its bc their past partners had cheated?
anon, i think i may scream. not because of your request (it is lovely and original and i like it). but i think my brain is bye-bye GONE. this took me like four days to write for literally no reason. so i’m writing this note to apologize in advance for errors or literally just bad writing. brain-machine say no. but PLEASE! feel free to send another request and i promise i will craft it as the gods crafted man (well, i’ll try). AHHHHHH. i hope you enjoy anyways!! :))))))
aaron hotchner x reader - i know not
“Hey, baby,” Hotch says over the phone. It’s almost midnight and you’re alone in your bed once again.
“Hey, Aaron. How’s the case going?” You ask. You’re curled up under your clean sheets, freshly showered and in your favorite sleep clothes. But for some reason, you don’t feel comfortable at all.
 coming along. I should be home in a day or two.” He says. He sounds genuinely tired, and you trust this man with all of you, or at least you try to. Sometimes, though, you can’t help but get paranoid, the darker memories creeping in, clouding your vision.
“Okay. I love you.” You say softly.
“I love you more. And I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I understand.”
“You are extraordinary, (Y/N).”
“Ditto, Agent. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Love you.” He says again, easing your worry.
“Love you too. Stay safe.”
You plug in your phone and set it on your bedside table. Your room is lit only by one small lamp, and you stare at your ceiling. Your mind wanders even though you did not give it permission to do that. Usually, Hotch asks you to watch Jack part-time when he’s on a case, but in the last couple instances he assured you that Jessica could take care of him. It was probably nothing, but you couldn’t help but jump to a worst-case scenario. Were you getting cheated on again? Or was he about to break up with you?
No. Bad (Y/N). Stop.
But he was always so annoyingly vague about his cases. What if, and we’re just spitballing here, what if he isn’t even on a case when he says he is? What if he finishes the case, and rather than going home to you, he goes to some other person’s house? 
You sit up in bed, suddenly wide awake. You know you’re being ridiculous, but you can’t help it. Aaron is a great guy. He loves you. He wouldn’t even cheat if he didn’t love you. He wouldn’t do that to anyone. You’re reaching for your phone before you can convince yourself not too.
Just hearing Hotch’s voice makes you feel better.
“Hi. Sorry. I didn’t mean to call you.” You say.
“Are you sure? Is something wrong?” He asks, and his concern makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
“No, everything’s fine. Sorry again. Goodnight.” You hang up before he can probe more.
You sigh and walk to the kitchen to get a snack. You don’t think you’ll be getting much sleep tonight.
You wake up at 7:30 the next morning for work, your eyelids drooping and feet dragging. You make coffee in your biggest travel mug before heading out. Your day at the publishing house is slow and you think it’s a miracle it ends at all. You check your phone as you’re leaving the building and you see a text from Hotch.
Agent: Hey (Y/N). I’ll be home tonight around 8. Want to come over? Jack will be home and I know he misses you as much as I do.
You smile like an idiot and quickly respond that you’ll be there on the dot. You’re walking to your parking space when a familiar silver sedan passes you.
“I know not.” You say, your suspicions confirmed by the familiar license plate. You rush to your car before you start crying in the middle of the parking lot.
Why else would he lie to you and pretend he wasn’t back yet? Was he going to his place to meet someone right now? You start your car and pull out of the lot before you lose your nerve. You don’t know what you’ll say, but you have to confront him. You had your suspicions in your last relationship, but you ignored them. The only good that did was give you four more months of ignorant bliss before you realized you were being cheated on yet again.
You’re shaking by the time you pull up to his apartment building. You climb the stairs with the nervous anticipation you used to get as a kid when you had to get a shot. You have a moment's pause before you reach the door, your knock strong despite the weakness in your knees.
Hotch is still in his suit when he opens the door, but his tie is loose and his jacket is wrinkled.
“(Y/N). Wh-what are you doing here?” He asks, looking more confused than anything else.
“What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be back for hours. What am I supposed to think when you drive by me in your car when you’re meant to be four states over?”
Hotch still hasn’t opened the door enough for you to see inside, which all but confirms your worst fears.
“(Y/N), I can explain what-”
“Hotch,” You can’t call him Aaron right now, “Just tell me. Is there someone else?” You say, voice breaking. Aaron’s face can’t hide his emotions. His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head up at you in that condescending way you hate.
“(Y/N). No. Why would you think that?” He says, but his voice isn’t reassuring. If anything, it’s angry.
“Can you blame me for feeling a little insecure, Hotch? You’ve been home three days out of the last two weeks. You don’t want me watching Jack in your apartment all of a sudden. You lie about whether or not you’re home? Is this the first time you came home without telling me, or is this something you’ve been doing. Do you laugh when I believe you?” You’re lashing out and you know it, but you can’t help the way your voice rises as you let out all of your pent-up feelings.
Hotch is silent, staring intently at your face. You know his profiling look, and this isn’t it. This is his boyfriend look. He’s concerned, but guarded, analyzing his best move. The amazing thing about Hotch, the thing you love about Hotch, is that he’s always determining the best move that will make you happy.
After a moment of tense quiet, he sighs in resignation and opens the door all the way.
His apartment is a mess. Clothes everywhere, dishes stacked in and around his sink, overflowing trash bags strewn about.
“Oh,” you say, tilting your head and willing yourself not to pass judgment, “hmm.”
Hotch looks sheepish.
“I, I’ve been having a tough couple of weeks. That’s why I lied about when I was getting back. I wanted some time to clean.” He says.
“You could’ve just told me.” You point out, and he nods.
“I know, I know, and I should have. I don’t know what I’m so afraid of. It’s just the thought of you thinking of me as weak
” He trails off, and your anger dissipates. 
“Aaron, baby,” You say, taking his face in your hands, “I love you. I know who you are. You’re the strongest man I know. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t come to me for help. I would do anything for you.” You whisper your last statement, and yet it still carries the most force. Hotch leans into your touch.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I love you,” He pauses, at a loss for words, “I love you.”
You huff out a laugh.
“You already said that.”
“It wasn’t enough.”
You hug him, and he melts into your arms. 
“I could’ve watched Jack at my place, you know. It doesn’t bother me at all.” You say, leading him over to the couch (and clearing off some clothes as you do so.). He rests his head in your lap.
“I didn’t want to ask that of you. You work a full-time job, and I know you didn’t sign up for being his babysitter-”
“Hey. No. When I started seeing you Jack became just as important part of my life as you are. I would drop everything for both of you.”
You notice Hotch’s eyes are getting red, and you stroke your hand through his hair.
“I adore you, (Y/N). You are absolutely amazing. And sometimes the thought of you leaving is so scary that I shut down.” He says.
“I get it. I just want you to know I’m all in.”
“I know you are. I am too.”
Both of you just sit there for a moment, basking in one another’s company.
“Speaking of scared,” you begin to say, and Hotch sits up to look at you, “I’m sorry I accused you of
 you know, cheating.” You’re ashamed. 
“I’m not mad. I’m sorry I was rude to you. I don’t blame you for not trusting me with how I’ve been acting lately.” He says, and you sigh in relief.
“Thank you. I’ve just had bad experiences, so it’s hard sometimes to not get worried.”
“Bad experiences? What do you mean?” Hotch asks, protective mode activated. 
“My last three boyfriends all cheated on me.” You say quietly. Hotch stands up and paces back and forth past the coffee table a few times.
“Aaron?” You ask carefully. He stops when he hears your voice and the tenseness of his shoulders seems to melt away.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says, returning to the couch, “how could anyone do that to you?” He asks, taking your hands in his. You don’t know how to respond, so he kisses your forehead.
“Listen to me,” he murmurs, “I would never, ever, in a million years do anything to hurt you like that. Never. You are my world.” He says. You nod, fighting back tears.
“I love you so much.” You say because it’s never enough.
“I love you more.” He responds. You shake your head. Impossible.
“Get up, then.” You say, hopping off the couch.
“Why?” He asks but gets up anyway.
“We’re cleaning. Both of us. And then we’re picking Jack up. Both of us. And then we’re making dinner. Both of us. Got it?”
Hotch smiles and picks up a trash bag.
“Got it.”
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twistedlymad · 4 years
I love the reader turning into animals and other (Chaotic) cute things! So how about a story about Ace and Deuce went to prank Ruggie for eating their meals last week, that they made a potion that could turn the drinker into a mouse. They heard that Ruggie had invited Reader to a picnic and they got jealous so they spiked the fruit punch that Reader made for Ruggie and instead of Ruggie drinking it, she drank it and proofed, she became a horribly chaotic mouse! Include Jamil and Kamil, pls!
Ah yes, it’s transforming time again! Chaos literally pours in wherever we go!
But, I’m so sorry dear Anon for taking awhile to write this! This story ended up being a bit longer than I had expected hehe :’)
Anyways, I hope this story lives up to your expectations! Thank you for requesting and have a lovely day!  
What if you became a mouse? (Ft. Ace, Deuce, Grim and Ruggie) (Part 1/2)
Was the only thing that was on two certain Heartslabyul boys’ minds as they were stirring their cauldron.
“Deuce, what goes in next?” Asked a certain orange-haired student.
“It says here
 Cheese.” His friend replied.
“He won’t even know what hit him.” Said the orange-haired student as he threw in a block of cheese into the cauldron.
“I don’t think we should be doing this Ace
” Said the dark-haired student to his friend.
“Nonsense! It’s just a mere little prank! Nothing could go wrong! Muahahahahahahaha!” Cackled Ace as Deuce looked into the cauldron, unsure if it was the right course of action.
You might be wondering, what happened that made these two go to such far lengths for ‘a prank’? Well, it happened a week ago.
It was lunchtime at Night Raven College, students were pouring in from left and right into the cafeteria as they tried to snatch places in line for food. Ace and Deuce weren’t that different from other students.
“Hurry up Deuce! We’re gonna be late!!” Yelled Ace to his rival friend.
“I’m trying! Just, grab a spot in line first! There’s too many students for me to pass through!” Deuce yelled back.
“Fine!” Ace said as he secured a spot in the hellishly long line.
Usually, you and Grim would be with them but unfortunately you had to meet up with Crowley to discuss some things. So, on that day, it was only Ace and Deuce.
After a few seconds, Ace managed to get to the front of the line and bought his food.
“Ahhh! The last Cherry Tart! Lucky~” Ace said happily.
“Well, Thanks for the meal!” Said Ace as he was about to chow down on the tart. But, before he could do so, he felt stuck!
“What? Why
 Can’t I move?” Said the Heartslabyul dorm member. Then, he heard an all too familiar laugh.
All of a sudden, Ace’s body started to move on its own to Ruggie, who was standing behind him with the same posture.
“Shishishishishi! You’re giving this to me? How thoughtful of you! In fact, I’ll give you this tuna sandwich back.” Ruggie said as he exchanged Ace’s tart for his own sandwich.
“Argh!! RUGGIE-SENPAI!!!” Ace yelled as the hyena took off at high speed.
~Meanwhile with Deuce~
 I got my lunch
” Said Deuce as he walked away from the line.
“Thank goodness they still have a few Tamako Onigiri left, now, to find that troublemaker Ace.” Said the Heartslabyul dorm member as he looked around in hopes of spotting his orange-haired friend.
With that being said, he failed to notice a certain hyena upperclassman running his way. In the upperclassman’s hand, was a cherry tart and a milk bottle.
‘Heh, I can score a better lunch again!’ Ruggie thought to himself as he ran towards Deuce at full speed. When he did, he purposely bumped into the him and managed to swap the Tamako Onigiri in Deuce’s hand with the milk bottle, without Deuce noticing.
“Gomen!!” And the hyena runs away again.
Oh, poor Deuce, he didn’t know what had happened at all. Or at least, not until Ace had called him.
“D-DEUCE!! Did you see Ruggie-senpai?” Asked a breathless Ace.
“Yea, he ran off in a hurry. Why? Did you need something from him?” Asked Deuce.
 He traded my cherry tart for a sandwich. A SANDWICH! It’s not even near the same amount I paid for the tart!” Said Ace, showing Deuce the sandwich. As he did so, Ace noticed the milk bottle in Deuce’s hand.
“Why did you buy milk? Are you sure that’s going to be enough to last you the day?” Ace asked his fellow dorm member. Deuce just blinked at him.
“What do you mean? I got this Tamak- MILK BOTTLE?!” Deuce exclaimed as soon as he noticed the milk bottle in his hands instead of his meal. Ace just patted him on the shoulder.
“You done goofed.”
“It must’ve been Bucchi-senpai! I swear I had bought a Tamako Onigiri!” Said Deuce.
“So, we’ve both been tricked by him eh?” Ace said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
 We sure were.” Deuce sighed and drank from the bottle.
And now, you’re all caught up with what’s happened! So, now we return to the potion-making duo!
“What color is the potion supposed to be?” Ace asked his partner-in-crime.
“Reddish-pink.” Answered Deuce.
“Perfect. Absolutely perfect.” Ace smirked as he saw the potion to be in the exact same color.
“So, how are we going to deliver this to him without him noticing?” Deuce asked, closing the spell book.
“Simple, I have been told that Ruggie-senpai will be having a little picnic at the botanical garden today. All we have to do, is spike one of the foods he’ll be eating with the potion. Once we do, we just sit back and enjoy the show.” Ace said as he scooped up the potion into a bottle.
“How do you even know these things?” Deuce asked as he cleaned up their table, making sure that no was no mess.
“I have my sources.” Ace replied. Deuce knew better though, for he had seen Ace being very close to Jack for the past few days.
 Done!” Said Ace as he pushed in a cork into the bottle’s opening. “Now, come on! His picnic starts soon so we can’t be late!” And the duo rushed to the botanical garden.
Once they arrived, they saw Ruggie sitting down on a mat with a basket in hand. As he began to set up for the picnic, Ace and Deuce were sneaking their way up to the picnic mat.
“Hmm, what am I missing? I think that’s about it.” Ruggie said, looking around to make sure he didn’t forget anything.
However, it seems like their plan wasn’t all perfect. For they had heard a new voice approaching the picnic area.
“Ruggie-senpai!” Said the new voice as Ruggie waved, signaling them to come over.
“(Y/N)! This way!” Ace and Deuce froze. Why were you here?!
“Ah, thank you for inviting us to your picnic Ruggie-senpai. I’ve bought some punch!” You said with a cheerful smile.
“Consider it as thanks for helping me with Leona-san last week, without you, I couldn’t have made him clean his room himself. Also, thank you for bringing punch.” Ruggie said to you as you and Grim sat down on the mat. Ruggie helped you with pouring the punch into a bowl.
“Yes, he should really clean his room. Royalty or not, he must learn to clean after himself.” You replied as Grim looked around to see the food displayed.
Ace and Deuce were hiding behind a bush near to the picnic.
“How dare he invite (Y/N)?” Ace grumbled lowly.
“He gets to have (Y/N) all to himself eh?” Deuce mumbled in a soft voice.
Ace’s eyes landed on the punch bowl that had a similar color to the potion in his hands. And that, was where Ace’s stupid brilliant plan will take place.
“Bingo.” The orange-haired student said as he sneaked up to the bowl when Ruggie was busy minding other things. With one swift move, Ace had dumped the entire potion into the drink and made his way back to the bush where Deuce was hiding.
“I can’t wait to see what happens next!” Ace snickered as Deuce felt slightly uneasy. He still wasn’t quite sure that this was something that he should be doing. He is trying to be an honor student after all. But, he shrugged the uneasiness off as soon as he remembered what Ruggie had done to him last week. Deuce also told himself that maybe one little prank won’t hurt, after all, no one would suspect it was them.
“Fgnaaaaa! So delicious!!” Grim said joyfully. You giggled at his actions.
“Take whatever you want to eat!” Ruggie said and got himself a sandwich.
Grim had gotten his hands on a tuna sandwich while you just poured yourself a glass of punch and took a sip. Ace and Deuce’s face paled as they saw what you did. Your face scrunched up after taking a sip and Ruggie noticed this.
“Hmm? (Y/N), what’s wrong?” Ruggie asked while you inspected the cup.
“This punch tastes
 funny.” You replied.
“Hmm, I remember tasting this before coming here.” You said. As soon as you did though, you let out a hiccup and a cloud surrounded you.
“Oh no
” Grim said as he saw what was going on.
“What’s happening?” Ruggie asked the furball. Before he could answer, the cloud had disappeared and what was left were your clothes.
“Wh-What?! Where’s (Y/N)?” Ruggie asked frantically. As soon as he did though, your clothes were shuffling about. Now, everyone’s eyes were on your clothes. After a few seconds of shuffling, a (H/C) mouse had poked its head out from the clothes.
Ruggie and Grim just stared at you as Ace and Deuce were conflicted. They were glad that the potion had worked but it had worked on the wrong person. Grim had sniffed the glass of punch which you took a sip from.
“Fgnaaaa! This punch was spiked!” The furball said. “The smell of cheese is strong!”
Ace and Deuce were fearing for their lives at that moment. Was the smell so strong that Grim could figure it out?
“What do we do Ace?” Deuce whispered to Ace.
“I don’t know! It wasn’t supposed to be like this!” The latter responded.
“So, what was it supposed to be like?” A new voice had asked. Ace and Deuce froze for they knew this voice all too well. The two Heartslabyul dorm members slowly turned their heads to see their original target looking down at them with his hands on his waist.
“Care to explain?” Ruggie asked the two first-years. Grim heard the commotion and went to check it out.
“Ace? Deuce? What’re you doing here?” Grim asked his two friends.
” Ace started but Deuce had cut him off.
“We tried to pull a prank on Bucchi-senpai but (Y/N) fell for it instead!” Ace almost smacked his partner.
 So that was why you spiked the punch eh?” Ruggie asked the two Heartslabyul boys.
While the three were settling their ‘business’, you were left with Grim. Grim was inspecting you, very closely. To you, it looked like he was going to eat you, being a cat-like raccoon and all. You were literally shaking with fear and ran for your life in a blink of an eye.
Grim was absolutely dumbfounded as he stared at your small figure which was slowly disappearing from his view.
“Uh, guys?” Said Grim, catching the attention of Ruggie who was holding Ace by his collar, Deuce holding back Ruggie and Ace who was readying his magic pen to fire any spells at the upperclassman.
“WHAT?!” All three shouted back at the furball.
“(Y/N)’s gone.” And everyone just stared at your clothes for a moment. They blinked once, twice, thrice before coming to their senses.
“We have to find her!” Deuce said to the other three.
“We better start now, who knows where could she be!” Ruggie said and the four set off to find you.
~End of Part 1~
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
Honestly, your writing reminds me a lot of the buffyverse. Just the perfect balance of humor and sadness and romance and heart that just feels like a vivid window into the world you've created.
God the Body...the best forty minutes of television I may never watch again. I've rewatched Willow and Tara's kiss (because I'll adore them forever), but just...the weight of it. It took me a full month to work up the nerve to watch the episode, to be ready to cry that much.
What you said about not wanting people to suffer, because of your work...It's never once felt like that for me. And I've cried a LOT while reading your work. I'll try to explain it the best I can
Grief can be so isolating, and disorienting. Your world goes topsey-turvey, supports you took for granted go flying into the abyss and suddenly it's a minefield of those glass shards. And no one's grief is identical. No two circumstances are the same. It's not possible for anyone else to know exactly how you feel, because no two hearts break alike.
Sometimes, it's because people just don't understand. Sometime's it's because they no longer want to. But some days, that feeling of aloneness can be crushing.
Then one night, I stumbled upon Let These Shadows Fall Away Like Dust. That one hit me way harder than I was ever expecting. The question of how to grieve the living, the dilemma on when forgiveness is deserved...Alex's anger, his devestation, the rawness of it all....That's my broken glass. Those are concepts I've been struggling for over a year. I'm still picking up pieces every day.
I sobbed, because it was such a relief. To see the feelings that had been scrambled up in my mind just reflected there, on my screen. The reminder I had desperately needed, that I was not alone. That even though my circumstances were different, I was not the only one trying to unravel those messy emotions.
Then again, I also read your deathfic for fun, so maybe I'm not the best judge of this. I tend to like angst. I tend to get a lot of "WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT THAT SAD" in group chats :D
Please don't feel any pressure to respond to me quickly or anything. I never mind the wait. I'm so sorry for the rough times. Wishing that you and your family gets whatever you need to help ease your storm. Sending love and support as well.
(sorry for all the metaphors. I'm super sleepy and apparently, I resort to purple prose when tired lol)
I know exactly what you mean about Emily. I understand why people don't like her, but I just love to see her written as such a grey character. It's just so much more powerful when the love is so clearly there.
I mean, that's what a tragedy is, really. Love cut short. Grieving a future that could have been everything, if fate had not been cruel. I don't know if you know musical theater, but I like to think about the Barber and His Wife, from Sweeney Todd: the whole tragedy of that show, is that they were happy all together, and then permanently broken. How their paths keep crossing, but they never connect to heal. Never lost, but never found.
And that's the tragedy of Luke and Emily: too stubborn and too late. You find that grey area, the messiness so well, and just bring it all out so wonderfully. You do the same with Bobby/Trevor, ESPECIALLY in the horror and the wild. God, that absolutely devestated me. I'm not a big fan of horror in general, and I haven't explored the genre that much but...if all horror is like yours then DAMN, I might just have to become a fan.
This got super long (lol) so I'll wrap it up now but! THE SIC FIC QUEENS TOGETHER???? When I tell you I lost it.... all too well Bobby and what you've lost reggie in the same story are killing me. I am hooked and incredibly hyped. Loved both updates so far, and cannot wait to see where the story goes!
Oh yeah and I forget: I have to ask, do you have a fan cast of the one, the only, the incredible Keith Richards? (and that goblin is so cute!!! I really want to pet the blood thirsty monster. So badly)
Love, your totally-not-undead-pen-pal, :D
-Vampire Anon
Know musicals? Vampire Anon my beloved, I am a musical theatre bitch. Take a look at my high school graduation cap! (Anastasia is my favorite musical... something about the themes of home, love, and family, the idea of always finding a place in the world even after enduring incredible hardship, that anything is survivable with faith and love in your heart... I'm also a Romanov history bitch, and Christy Altomare is such an incredible talent and human being.) Literally, talk to me about musicals anytime!
And yeah, I definitely see your metaphor... the tragedy of The Barber and his Wife was how close they came to each other throughout the whole show, existing within reach the entire time, after being separated for so long. But it wasn't the same; it never could be. Time and trauma had changed them both into something unrecognizeable, and when they came face-to-face, they could only hurt each other. At a certain point, the ghosts of your past are meant to stay ghosts. Sure, you might want them back more than anything --- but what would it mean? What would you truly be getting back?
Luke's "back", of course, and he comes home to visit his parents multiple times... but they're not the same people he left. They're older, greyer, changed by grief... while he's just the same. A snapshot forever frozen in time, a memory crystalized in amber. You can't hold memories in your hands. You can't pull them close and refuse to let them go. Eventually, they'll slip away... and to Mitch and Emily, a memory is all their son is, now. That's what's so heartrending about the situation we see in the show, especially --- so much love still exists between all of them, but it has no place to go.
Okay, sorry, it's 3am here and I'm rambling too, haha --- mentioning musical theatre was a mistake.
I'm so glad my stories have been able to connect with you, especially 'shadows' --- that one resonated with a lot of people, more than I ever realized it would. It's not the most personal story to me... but definitely one that needed to be told, and the emotion in it... hits home for a lot of people. It means so much to me knowing that story, and Alex's internal struggle, has made people feel less alone.
I think I'm going to have a hard time looking back on that one, though. We were staying at my aunt's house for the weekend where I wrote most of it; I read a few excerpts to her, and she said she liked it. She was always interested in my writing... I kind of wish I'd gotten the chance to share more of it with her.
Like you said. Grief's a funny thing. Disorienting, relentless, and crushing.
Please just remember, though --- whatever you're dealing with, you're not alone. You don't have to cut yourself on those broken pieces... one day, you'll wake up, and realize you feel whole again. It will never feel the same, and the pain will always be there... but healing around it is what makes us stronger. You don't owe anyone your forgiveness; it's okay to grieve when you've lost something, regardless of whether death has taken them from you. Grief doesn't have to be earned, it simply has to be felt.
You'll be stronger for it, in the end. I'm sorry you've been hurting so much.
Anyways! Oh gosh! On to lighter, happier topics! Please tell me...
What are your favorite fics? (Like, my fics, obviously, which fics of mine do you just go gaga over? Please praise me or else my ego will shrivel like a worm on hot pavement.) No, okay, I'm kidding --- what are your top fics for this fandom? Like, what are the ones that really resonate with you, that you could read over and over? The JATP fandom has so many greats, but I'm always drawn back to Some Killer Queen You Are by pearlcaddy (buffyverse meets jatp!! iconic!!), Lantern's Light by thefairhero (literally the SOFTEST reggie), the sky's not empty tonight by firefall (just... devastating and beautiful in a dozen ways), and literally anything by foundfamilyvevo.
How long have you been in the JATP fandom? Who are your favorite characters? What's your favorite JATP song?
And finally, most importantly... what are your favorite musicals?
(also... since u asked... behold keith richards and tremble)
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bunivys · 4 years
Ooh maybe “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.” ?
Hey anon, thanks for sending this one in. I gotta admit, it’s pretty angsty so I’m posting a fluffy one right after this one. Enjoy! ❀
The red wallpapered hallways of the Academy seemed to be eating Sabrina the further she delved into them, the clicking of her shoes echoing almost disjointedly behind her, as though the sound didn’t quite line up to her footsteps. The old magic wound deep around the bones of the school sometimes felt maddening, like entering a kaleidoscope, if she went too long without setting foot in the building.
And she had gone the entirety of the summer without so much as thinking of the Academy, her courses lying finished, books tossed to the side as though forgotten. She was having a blast with her mortal friends, spending nights at the theater then gathering around a booth in Dr. Cerberus’ to discuss, heading out for weekend trips to Sweetwater and swimming until her legs hurt, ignoring her aunt Zelda every time she tried to remind Sabrina she had duties at the school.
Zelda had finally had enough of her constant skipping out. Any time any sort of ritual came up at the Academy, any sort of celebration, Sabrina found some way out of it. Now, with the Summer Solstice on its way, Zelda had threatened to hex her if she didn’t show up, and Sabrina was on her way to her office in hopes of sorting it all out, maybe hoping her aunt would take pity on her and leave her to enjoy her mortal years in peace until she simply had to return.
As she was coming up on the doors to the High Priestess’ office, a figure was leaving.
“Nicholas,” Sabrina said before she could stop herself, surprise ringing in her voice at the sight of him. She hadn’t seen him in months, and she would by lying if she said it hadn’t been on purpose. 
He looked a little different, a bit tidier than she remembered, his hair trimmed back so the curls were no longer unruly, swept back in that effortless style she’d remembered him favoring. His clothes were dark, pressed, worn with intent instead of pulled on as a last-minute thought. Her stomach dropped when her gaze settled on the bag swung over his shoulder, the jacket draped over his arm, the air around him that oddly felt temporary. Like he had already disappeared.
His eyes, still as dark as she recalled, snapped up to meet hers. 
They stared at each other for a moment, Nick not tearing his eyes from her, a somber expression on his face, his lips parted as though ready to say something. Why did it seem like he was trying to commit her to memory? 
“What are you doing?”
It took Nick a second to say anything, as if seeing her had just forced him to reset, had thrown him off balance. Finally, he said, “I’m leaving.” 
Something hot welled up in Sabrina. Something sharp, tearing through her on the way up. She didn’t have to question him any further to know that he meant the Academy, meant Greendale, maybe even meant the country. She could tell as much from the look on Nick’s face that he didn’t intend to come back, either, and that running into her wasn’t something he’d planned for. Which meant that he’d wanted to disappear without her ever knowing.
“Of course you are,” she snapped, unable to stop herself, “that’s all you know how to do, isn’t it, Nick?”
Nick flinched from her tone, but his features hardened quickly after that, dark brows furrowing. “What is that supposed to mean, Sabrina? If I remember correctly, I haven’t seen you around here in months.”
“That’s different and you know it,” she shot back, fists clenching at her sides. Surely, he knew why she was staying away. He had sent her off, and she had kept away because the Academy was his home, he’d said so himself, once. 
“Yeah? Enlighten me, then,” Nick said. “You washed yourself of everything, maybe some of us want to do the same.”
“I’m not here partly because you got sick of looking at me. That’s what you said, isn’t it? I figured I’d do you a favor and not show my face around here then,” she snapped, her tone meant to pierce, pulling from the argument they’d had in the woods when Nick shouted at her that all he saw when he looked at her was her father. “You’re leaving because you refuse to face anything.”
Nick’s jaw tensed.
“You left for Hell, Nick, you offered yourself up because you wanted to make it up to me, instead of facing me and apologizing for lying to me for months so that we could move past it—”
“You really think your father would have just let us talk it out after he crowned you his child bride? Really, Sabrina? I did that for you,” Nick snapped. “So that you wouldn’t have to be Lucifer’s queen, but you threw that right back at my face, didn’t you? You gladly took the crown anyway. The only fucking difference was that you let your father break me down for weeks first.”
Sabrina felt her heart tighten in her chest at the reminder of it. Those grueling weeks she’d spent trying to sort out how to get to him. Not sleeping. Hardly eating. Bringing her mortal friends into it, ignoring their concerns that she was overworking herself.
“And I did it as a last resort, Nick, you know that. I did it for you. I became Queen for you, but it didn’t matter either, because you went and left me again the second I got you back to go and mess around with sex demons and get wasted within an inch of your life.” It was a low blow, she knew it, especially after she had told herself she’d forgiven him for that. Nick had not been in his right mind, she’d said so herself, and yet, here she was, throwing it at him again.
Nick was rigid, his lips set in a straight line. “I don’t want to talk about this right now, Sabrina, just drop it.”
“Of course you don’t. You never did. You would have rather let it ruin you than to let me try and help you.”
“When was I supposed to ask for your help? At the fucking carnival in front of your friends? Or was I supposed to wait until you were done with your queenly duties for the evening, or after you were done flirting with that blonde prick?” Nick asked, and when Sabrina opened her mouth to respond, he continued, “At the time, I would have rather you left me in the pit of Hell with whatever sliver of honor I had left than for you to have dragged me out of there and then left me to ruin myself here on Earth where everyone could watch.”
“I wanted to help you!” Sabrina cried back, tears welling in her eyes at her frustration. She couldn’t imagine leaving Nick down there. “It kills me every day that I couldn’t help you, that I couldn’t get you out of there sooner. That I hadn’t listened to you when you told me you still felt him there. But the truth is, we’re just kids, Nick, how were we supposed to navigate this to perfection?”
“Isn’t that the fucking truth,” Nick groaned in agreement a moment later.
They locked eyes, staring at each other. It was the truth. At sixteen, what did she know about fixing people? Or being the literal descendent of the Devil? And he hadn’t exactly been dealt the proper resources to figure himself out, either, because witches didn’t operate like mortals. They didn’t pay for therapy or seek help from others. They were told to deal with it themselves, to hide away their hurt like it was shameful. So Nick had done just that.
At least, Sabrina realized guiltily, she had walked away from the Academy because she had that luxury. Meanwhile, Nick had stayed there, every bit of the place reminding him of the hand he had been dealt, and what he had dealt back in response. She had been too preoccupied with the way no one in the Academy looked at her the same anymore to realize he was in the same boat. Once, he had been the selfless boy who had trapped the Devil in his body, but now, he was the boy who had set him free in exchange for a high he had hoped would kill him.
They had both sunk their claws into each other, had refused to acknowledge it until they’d left gashes so deep they were unmendable. 
When Nick spoke again, after several seconds of charged silence, his demeanor was calmer, his voice a tad softer.
“You wanted to help, I know. But you can’t, Sabrina. The only person that can help me is me. The only person that has to live with everything I’ve done is me, and I’m trying. That’s why I broke up with you, because it was selfish to love you after everything I put you through, and I needed time and space to forgive myself, and
It’s really difficult. It’s difficult to know that everyone else is moving on, and I can’t get over what happened to me. So I need to leave. For now or forever, I don’t know, but I need to, Sabrina.” 
Carefully, he stepped a little closer to her.
“I’m sorry. I know I never really said that to you, and I know that it isn’t enough, but I am. I’m sorry for everything, Sabrina. I never wanted to hurt you.”
I only wanted to hurt myself.
He didn’t have to say it for her to understand what he’d meant.
“I’m sorry, too, Nick. I’ve made comments I shouldn’t have and—”
“At the end of the day, you saved my life, Spellman,” he said, trying the name out again a little timidly. “You got me clean. You fought to let me have a second chance, and I don’t plan to waste it.” He paused. “You loved me. You showed me how to love.”
“I still love you, Nick, I—” I tried to sever my feelings but it didn’t work, “I do.”
 “And I still love you,” he told her without a shred doubt in his voice. “But I need time.”
Sabrina nodded, felt a tear spill down her cheek finally. She wiped at it before he could, afraid that if he touched her again, she wouldn’t be able to let him go. “I know,” she said quietly. Nick hiked the bag up higher on his shoulder, giving her an apologetic look. He had to go. Sabrina had to let him go. “Stay safe, please.”
“I will.”
Sabrina nodded. That was that, then. “Goodbye, Nick.”
He gave her a shoulder a squeeze when he brushed past her. “See you, Sabrina.”
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ladyxxdaydream · 4 years
Of course feel free to ignore this if its stepping boundaries. And if it is im sorry!! Im processing heartbreak of my own (3 years and it ended abruptly last summer) so I feel for you when you talk about yours (though I know yours was longer, im sorry). I actually found NATA a bit after and it seriously helped me through some of the toughest times, I kid you not. And then I'll Fall did as well and then all your others lol. And through falling in love with them I fell back into this fandom and back in love with writing and back in love with loving, honestly?? Despite the pain, those stories kinda made me a romantic lol. I was so hurt (still hurt) but I dunno.. they helped me really wanna do better, get better, strive for more. They helped me not give up on love and not close myself off which I always used to do. Ahh I dunno, I just wanted to let you know that your work has been a big comfort to me. And again if I overstepped, im really sorry!
I read this hours ago, and then re-read it several times, and then sent it to two of my friends, all while crying. I am so, so touched. this is probably one of the sweetest, most amazing things anyone has ever said to me.
i’m going to put the rest of my response under a cut because its gonna be long and your vulnerability is something i want to meet equally.
listen. when i first read this... i wanted to be bitter. bitter because I’ll Fall and NATA are directly influenced by my eight marriage that just ended; those are the only two fics I’ve written that are connected to my relationship, and ironically (or maybe not lol) my most popular and well loved stories. I’ll Fall is the story of how my partner and I met -- some of those scenes are directly lifted from my life -- and so much of myself and my wife are written inside Iruka and Kakashi in NATA, chronicling how our relationship grew over time. Of course, those stories are heavily embellished and transformed into a plot but my point is... reading that they helped you not give up and love, both broke my heart and healed me all at once.
I remember when my relationship ended, NATA was not yet complete, and I had this horrible moment where I thought: “if the seed that directly inspired them ended, then they also need to end.” I LITERALLY CONTEMPLATED DIVORCING THEM. But I am not a horrible person lmaoooo and of course they are a completely different entity than my marriage -- they were inspired by each other, not one in the same.
Even though that was my first reaction to your ask, it quickly faded away. Because... I find it absolutely beautiful and so incredible that my stories made you not give up on love, and to not close yourself off, and help you move on or let go. Because while my love (and your love) ended... it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. It existed. It was real. And it was beautiful. And then it ended. And that’s okay. Love isn’t finite. And it comes in so many forms. And every variation of it is unique and special. Love will come again. It’ll come many times. Even if it’s not in the form of a person--love is everywhere, and everything.
And you know, writing that final chapter for NATA, a few months after my break up, was actually cathartic. I thought it would feel like a lie, but it didn’t. Writing them reminded me of how beautiful love can be, and I’m really grateful for it. I, too, learned a lot from them. They also served as my coping mechanism so to speak, providing me comfort and security. And I am beyond humbled and thrilled to know it served someone else in the same way.
It’s still hard for me to even comprehend, to be honest; the fact that those two fics inspire such emotional responses from people. But I think the reason people have responded to NATA and I’ll Fall so strongly, is because I laid myself bare. All my vulnerabilities and insecurities, and flaws, and heartbreak (in i’ll fall) are written all over it, as well as my experiences with love, which i’ve been blessed with richly, despite what may have happened. People always say to write what you know, and I guess I took that very literally lmao
anyway. i hope things get easier for you, if they haven’t already. i’m... five months? post-separation and still very much raw. and i gotta say... experiencing a break up during the pandemic is extra hard and weird. our friends cant hold us while we cry. we cant go out dancing or to a bar or do anything even remotely social that might help us ease us down that river of moving on, or give us that feeling of being newly single? idk?  it makes an isolating experience even MORE isolating. and has made the finality seem less real somehow? like ... sometimes i feel like im just waiting to get back together... even though i know thats not going to happen... i dont know if thats just my experience but...fuck.
i think my only advice is just... let yourself feel it. my biggest tool is meditation and trying to stay present. my favorite set of mantras recently is very simple -- each word corresponds with an inhale / exhale:
present moment/wonderful moment.
And this quote by Louise Erdich:
“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”   
And this poem by Buddy Wakefield, which might seem like an odd thing to watch while heartbroken but shrug??? lmao it’s a tear-jerking but also a real honest show of love at it’s finest.
And music. Music has always been a balm for my soul. Or cracked me open. Sometimes I need to be cracked open. Crying is the best medicine.
Suit of Armor by Danika Smith
going thru by christian alexander
holy by jamila woods
chin up by yoke lore
conversation by lucy rose
plus a zillion more.
ANYWAY, anon. I’m here for you. And my stories will always be there for you, whenever you need them. 💖 sending all of my love!!!!!!!
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jtrbluv · 5 years
need(y) | jjk
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: angst/fluff
word count: 3.6k
warnings: swearing
request: Hello!! Could I get a jungkook angst/fluff imagine where you guys are becoming distant and you leave for some space and he doesn’t know and thinks that you left him?? Sorry if it’s confusing, thank youuuu :)
a/n: sheesh! this was not supposed to be this long HAHA. sorry this took so long to write school just started and it’s fr kicking my ass. i’ve already gotten so much hw for the first week grrrr. i rushes the ending a bit so i’m not quite satisfied and i didn’t edit it either so um sorry about it LOL. anyways thanks for requesting this anon!! in honor of his bday too ig haha, hope u enjoy it :)
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☏ ☏ ☏
Missed Calls:
y/n <3 (11)
6:45- lmk when ur coming home i can’t wait to see you <33
8:30- u must be busy at the studio it’s okay i’ll wait
9:47- hey it’s okay if ur coming late but could u just give me a heads up
11:02- jungkook?
12:17- happy belated anniversary to you too ig
1:56- i needa stop getting my hopes up huh
Being in a relationship with a worldwide famous idol is never easy. Learning to understand and appreciate the value of the relationship regardless of its limited-time came easy to you. That’s one of the reasons why he became interested in you in the first place. You never came off as overbearing and clingy and you always understood why things had to be different. And that added to the list of things he already absolutely adored about you.
It had been a year since Jungkook had confessed to you backstage that night, asking you to be his lover and promising that he would cherish you like no one ever will. And you can confidently say he very much did at the beginning, commonly known as the honeymoon stage. Things only started to fizzle out and go downhill a few months ago. His group was scheduled for a new comeback. He was promoting and traveling around the world while you were on the sidelines and comfort of your home, cheering him and his group on. Daily texts and calls kept both of you grounded and steady, but as time passed by, those texts and calls ceased to exist. You had been constantly ignored and you didn’t think much of it at first, after all, he was a busy man with a busy schedule. The tour had finally been coming to an end and he’d have the opportunity to come home to you, just in time for your one year anniversary. He had flown in 2 weeks precedent to your anniversary, and fuck, you were so happy to be with him again.
He had made a promise to you that you two would get to spend a lot more time together as he was coming back. You two had finally been living together again after what seemed like years as his group had gotten a break after such a hectic year. He would go to his company need to work on future projects and such and it didn’t bother you at first. He would typically come back home late while you were sleeping and leave early in the morning before you would wake up. As it occurred more frequently, you started to become more concerned. He was finally home for once and he wasn’t even making time to see you. You didn’t want to seem annoying and clingy so you decided to push these thoughts to the back of your head and keep them to yourself.
You had agreed to have a celebration at home, figuring all the restaurants in the vicinity would be closed by the time he’d get home. You patiently waited in the living room, coffee table filled with his favorite foods and snacks you were able to pick up at the local convenience store. He had told you the night before he’d be coming home at 9, a little later than you liked, but you let it slide nonetheless. You essentially cherished all the time you had with him anyway, whether it be a minute, an hour, or a month.
You mindlessly sat in the living room, not paying attention to whatever was playing on the TV. Your ears were constantly alert and peeled, waiting for a familiar car to pull up to your driveway. Your eyes constantly shifted back to your front window, scanning the neighborhood to see if he was back yet or not.
Time ticked by like molasses, your patience and tolerance wavering as it went on. There were no signs of him and he wasn’t answering any of your calls and texts. You were in complete disbelief at the fact that he didn’t have the decency to spend time with you on your first anniversary. Everything you had been holding in was starting to seep out of you, anger and sadness fuming from your system as you ask yourself the same question: Why do you constantly put yourself in this situation? Being hopeful for something just to let it get torn down again. Is that what your relationship has turned into? An insurmountable lost hope?
For the first time, you realized all you’ve been doing his abiding by him, waiting for his cues, going off of his beck and call. You were being walked all over, and you didn’t realize until that moment. For the first time, you were fed up.
You groan in frustration as you snatch your phone from the coffee table. It was 2:34 AM. You furrow your brows as you see how late it is, and how many hours it’s been since he was supposed to come home. Your emotions took control of you as you hastily shut off the TV, charging into your room as you recklessly grab one of your backpacks and stuff random clothes into it.  You grab the nearest hoodie you could find and slipped it on as you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone. You abruptly halt at the doorway, deciding to write a small note for him before you left. What were the chances he would see it anyway?
I need some time alone to think. Please do not contact me during this time. -Y/N
You stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind you. You quickly started your car and pulled out of your driveway and into the streets. You didn’t know where you were going, but you just didn’t want to stay in that house any longer. The streets were empty and the sky was dull and overcast. You let the streets guide you, taking whatever twist and turn you happened to encounter. Your hands were gripped tightly along the steering wheel as tears slipped out of your eyes. You quickly wipe them away as you recalibrate your focus on the road ahead of you. You decided it’d be best to stay at a hotel for now, until you could think of a better solution to all of this. You were able to find a hotel that had lower rates since you literally bought it on the spot.
You checked into the hotel and quickly escaped to your room. You throw your backpack to the floor as you lower yourself into the cold, unfamiliar sheets of the bed. You contemplate your options. As much as you didn’t want to admit, all your actions leading up to that moment had been caused by pent up rage and frustration in the heat of the moment. In spite of that, you didn’t regret what you had done. It felt as if time had frozen and it would only continue once Jungkook became aware of what you had done. So you were going to wait.
Jungkook stumbled into the home, hair disheveled and vision blurry from his near sleepless night. While working at the studio he had unknowingly fallen asleep while working on a track. All of his members had already gone back home so there was no one to wake him up or remind him of his girlfriend that was waiting patiently back home for him, ready to celebrate a long-awaited and special day.
All traces of the anniversary had slipped his mind as soon as he slid into a deep slumber back at the studio. He trudges around the house and his eyes land on the organized display of snacks on the coffee table. His eyes shift to the blanket and pillow that you two tended to share was all crumpled on the couch. The lightbulb immediately lit in his mind as he put the pieces together and his eyes widen in absolute horror. He had forgotten your anniversary.
“Oh my god, I’m so fucking stupid!” he exclaims, the tone of disbelief in his voice increasing as he realizes his mistake.
“Y/N!” he cries out to you as he runs around the house, searching in all the rooms to see if you were there. He almost forgets the phone that laid in his back pocket until he takes it out, hoping to call you in hopes that you would respond. His phone lights up only to show how indecently late he was, 5:43 a.m, and the amount of missed calls and texts from you, the disappointment and dejection he sensed from you increasing as he read each text you sent to him. His jaw dropping incredulously as he shuts his eyes and takes a deep exhale.
“Fuck, what have I done?” he huffs out, his voice small and full of somber. The fact that he had forgotten a day as important as this was already encompassing his mind but more so, he couldn’t find you and it deeply startled him, he didn’t know where you were and where you could be at this hour. He walks back into the living room where he assumes you had been waiting and his focus shifts to the kitchen where he notices a small notepad and pen along with a torn piece of paper that seemed to have something inscribed on it. He squints as he walks towards the kitchen. He took the paper in his hands as he immediately recognizes your handwriting and his breath hitches as he reads your name. His feet stay rooted to the wooden tile of the kitchen as he freezes there with the paper in his hands. Dumbfounded was an understatement to whatever Jungkook had felt at that moment in time. A tear had involuntarily slid down his cheek. Was this it? Was this the end? Were you going to leave him and never come back? These were only a few out of the heap of questions that were running through his head. All he knew was that he needed to find you. And he needed to fix the mess he had just made.
Similar to you he had bolted out of the house and drove off, unaware of where you actually were but he figured if he had searched for long enough, he would be able to find you.
You had slept deep into the day, finally getting up only because you started to notice the consistent vibrations that came from your bedside table. Naturally, you figured it was Jungkook, you didn’t tell anyone else of your whereabouts since it was so sporadic and you certainly didn’t feel like conversing or informing anyone of your situation. Out of curiosity and the annoying blare of your phone, you decide to see who it is anyway. Much to your surprise, your best friend Seulgi’s beaming smile flashed on your phone screen as you pick up.
“Seulgi, hi,” your voice manages to croak out as you adjust to the sunlight peeking out of your window.
“Y/N, where the hell are you?” she immediately asks, you can basically hear the frown lines etched into her forehead.
You groan into the mic of your phone as you speak back, “Seulgi, I can explain-”
“Jungkook’s been looking for you all night and asking everyone where you are,” she cuts you off.
“Seulgi,” you exhale, trying to suppress your anger, “he forgot our anniversary.”
“Oh my god.” she gasps, “you’re joking.”
“Did he not tell anyone?!” you shriek into the phone.
“No! He just said you left and he was looking for you and he was really scared and he even sounded like he was on the verge of tears and once I said I didn’t know where you were he just hung up!” she rambles on and on.
“Okay, yeah, he forgot and I got mad and I left,” you reveal, voice barely over a whisper.
“Y/N, I don’t blame you,” she reassures you, voice softening, “but, I think you should confront him about this.”
“Yeah, I know. I just needed some time to cool off and think.”
“Well, do you plan on breaking up with him?” she speaks timidly.
“I- I don’t know. I mean, I don’t want to. I want to hear what he has to say.” you stutter, your mind in a complete frenzy.
“Hasn’t he been paying less attention to you these last couple of months?” she asks, “I rarely see you two go out anymore.”
“Yeah cuz we really don’t,” you confirm. “He’s been so focused on his career which I understand but, sometimes it just feels like he doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that he has a girlfriend.”
“Then why haven’t you told him that.”
“I don’t want to seem like the type of girlfriend to hold him back from doing what he loves. He’s invested so much time into his career.”
“Y/N, obviously not telling him how you feel has resulted in this mess. And okay, before you attack me, if he doesn’t have the decency to spend time with his girlfriend every once in a while then he doesn’t deserve your time and energy in the first place,” she advises you.
“I know that Seulgi, that’s all I’ve been thinking about all night.”
“Then talk to him Y/N,” she softly mutters, “for the sake of your relationship with him.”
You hum in agreement but as you’re about to hang up she interjects, “Okay, but just remember, I’ll support whatever decision you make next. I know you’re wise enough to know what you deserve and what’s best for the two of you. Always here for you Y/N.”
“I don’t know where I’d be without you Seulgi. I’ll update you. I’ll head out now.” you smile into the phone.
“You got this Y/N!” she cheers as you hang up.
You had clear intentions on your mind but you couldn’t help but feel anxious and uncertain about what was to happen between you and Jungkook.
jungkook, i’m in sunset central hotel. if you want to talk, come here as soon as you can. Thanks.
Jungkook’s eyes widen to the size of saucers as soon as he saw your name flash onto his screen. He redirects his GPS to the hotel you were at, a 45-minute drive. He didn’t care, he just needed to find you.
You waited at the foot of your bed, feeling extremely uneasy about the whole confrontation. Your foot was constantly tapping on the wooden floors, as you played with your hands and glance back at your phone to check the time.
Jungkook finally reaches his destination as he surges through the front doors of the hotel, asking the front desk if you were still staying over. The front desk had called you and informed you that someone had come to see you and if it was okay for them to come over. You hesitantly obliged, cowering every time you heard Jungkook answering whatever questions he was required to answer.
It never really registered through Jungkook’s mind that he was supposed to talk to you. He just planned on spilling his heart out and hoping it would be enough for your forgiveness and just being able to hold you in his arms again.
He takes his time getting to your room. His movements are lethargic and hesitant, taking the time to gather his thoughts. He reaches the floor your room is on as he steps out of the elevator and scans the area to find where your room would be. He slowly walks as he sees your room number, he knocks softly at the door, staring at his shoes.
Your head snaps to the sound of his knocks, you take a deep breath as you stand up and slowly creak open the door. You don’t even bother to try to share any eye contact as you widen the door and motion him to come in.
“Y/N,” he begins, eyes still focused on the floor, “I’m,” he exhales, “I’m so sorry.” He slowly tilts his head up, analyzing your body language. Your hands were clasped in front of you as your eyes shifted back and forth to everything but Jungkook. You could feel his stare burning into you but dismissed it.
“Is that-,” you mutter, “is that all you came here to say to me?
“No!” he interrupts, causing you to flinch. His face softens at your reaction, “I- I fell asleep while working on a song and lost track of time.”
Your jaw clenches at his statement as you take a moment to let what he had told you sink in,  “And that makes it all okay?”
“No, of course, it doesn’t-”
“Jungkook, we were supposed to spend this time together with each other. You’re on an actual break for once and you’d still rather dedicate all your time to it instead of spending time with me. All your other members have been going on trips, seeing family, hanging out with friends,” you huff out, glaring at him as he looks at his shoes, “do I not matter to you anymore?”
Your last statement almost made him meltdown right there on the spot. The fact that he had made you believe that he didn’t care about you at all was already bad enough as it is.
He takes a step towards you and looks you straight in the eye, “No, Y/N,” he sighs in exasperation, trying to piece together what he was going to say, “we’ve just been getting so much publicity and gaining so much popularity and fame, I feel like they expect so much from us. And from me. I’m the Golden Maknae, I have to be good at everything and be able to do anything, but in reality, nothing’s working out and I’ve just been stressed as hell and wanting to see you.”
“I’ve never left Jungkook until yesterday, I’ve always been there waiting,” you reveal slowly, “and I really always want to be here for you. Ever since the tour, you stopped contacting me and I just thought you were busy but in the back of my mind, I started thinking that you just didn’t care anymore.”
“But I do, I always did.” he says, taking a step towards you.
“You haven’t proven otherwise, and I don’t want to reach this breaking point just so we can be happy and go through this all over again.” your voice cracks.
“I know, I don’t want that either, but, if this was bothering you for so long, why couldn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Do I really have to remind my own boyfriend to spend time with me?” you scoff as you shake your head in disbelief.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean that, I mean we’ve never had any problems in our relationship up until now, and now that I’m thinking about it, you could’ve told me off and broke up with me a long time ago, but you never told me when you had any problems with me. Yes, I know the things I did were stupid as fuck but Y/N, being in a relationship while balancing my career is still new to me. I’m absolutely clueless and stupid and I need you to guide me so I can be there for you.”
“I-,” you sighed heavily, “I didn’t want to intrude. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are and I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
“Hey, I’m always willing to give up time for you.” his responds as his eyes soften, “I know it sure as hell may not seem like it, but you shouldn’t prioritize my needs or whatever you think my needs are over yours. Now I’ve just been taking advantage of your leniency. How did I not notice? Fuck, I’m such a dumbass.”
You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, you knew what you were doing was selfless and you were extremely patient about it all, “I just figured that was the last thing you wanted you know, another thing to worry about on top of your career.”
“I thought about that at first too,” he agreed, biting his lip, “I realized later on that it really shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I care about you too much to let that happen and the more I got to know you, I realized that, well, you were worth it.”
You could feel his intense glare without even sparing him a glance, “Am I still worth it to you?”
You feel his hand envelop your own as steps towards you once again, “You always will be.”
“You’re making it really hard for me to keep being mad at you,” you huff, tightening your grip around his hand.
He noticed the fact that you were still avoiding eye contact and you remained distant. He tugs on your hand and pulls you close to him, breaking your personal barrier. He pulls you into a warm hug, something you both had craved for so long. The longing and acceptance for one another was mutual, but where were you two supposed to do from there on out?
He loosens his hold on you and pulls away slightly, “Are we okay?”
For the first time that day your eyes met his as you replied, “Yeah, we’re okay.”
Only time would tell.
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 4 years
If you have sent me an Ask in the last thirty-six hours or so, This post is for you.
I was almost entirely done with answering all your beloved messages, when Tumblr decided to crash. Lost all the paragraphs of my rambling (which is why I’m no longer taking chances and am typing this on Google Docs) and even worse, the Asks seem to have been eaten by Tumblr’s great void. They’re gone, and nothing I’ve tried seems to work to get them back. Thankfully, I’m fresh off of responding, so I’ll try to summarize with one big epic post. Apologies for the inconvenience and unusual style, blame the Tumblr Overlords. 
WARNING: If you don’t read the data-mines and don’t want spoilers, do not go beyond this point. This mainly concerns The Quidditch Cup. 
There were a couple of Asks about Ismelda, someone talked about the head-canon that she’s secretly blonde and dyes her hair. Which I agree with, and really like. It would tie in to how Ismelda saw Penny as being no different from her sister. It would be a sign of her trying to spite her parents and distance herself from her family, to the point of even looking like them. I also think it would echo with Beatrice and how she changed her look to reinvent herself and be less of a “Mini Penny.” Another message was talking about her parents, wondering why they would ever visit her at Hogwarts given how they were portrayed. After all, they’re not about to be the next Ethan Parkin, are they? Not going to turn around and be well-meaning, but oblivious. I think it’s far more likely that they would visit her sister at Hogwarts, and it would be pure chance that Ismelda was there at the same time - if there was indeed any overlap where both sisters were at school. But that’s the real question of the hour - just what is the sister like? After all, it’s not her fault that she’s the favorite, right? Newt Scamander was estranged from his brother, who was engaged to his ex-girlfriend. From that description alone, we might think he was awful, but he wasn’t. Theseus was genuinely caring, he just didn’t know how to connect with Newt. We might have a similar situation on our hands here. Or, who knows, the sister might be the “Dudley” to Ismelda’s “Harry.” She was compared to both Emily and Penny, if memory serves. But until such a time that we meet her, we have no way of knowing who she’s really more like. Psst, Jam City, you getting this down? This would be a great TLSQ, to have Ismelda come face to face with her sister. Could perhaps end with, oh I dunno, befriending her? Just a thought

I saw another Ask talking about how Beatrice would go back and forth between MC and Jae during their detention and how adorable it was to see her all flustered and excited, how it looked like she was gushing to MC “He’s so dreamy” and things of the like. It’s making me wish they would come back to this sub-plot because it’s funny as hell and a good way, again, to tie in Ismelda. She also fancied someone she had no chance with, she was also jealous of another person. (Chiara might not actually have a thing with Jae, but if memory serves, Beatrice is shown to be jealous of them talking anyway.) 
There was an Ask that talked about punching Barnaby’s father in the face. Or at least, the idea of doing so. But regrettably, he is in Azkaban and it cannot be done. Well, maybe not by MC, but someone who was already there could do it. New head-canon, Sirius decked him on his way out. It happened, I don’t make the rules.
@guppygirl I read the first chapter of your fic! Do you know what you’ve done to me, do you know how many feelz it gave me to see Rowan alive and well and acting so sweet? You nailed their character and I love the inclusion of their parents! Maya’s reactions make just want to give her a hug. Everyone should check out the fanfic on her page, seriously!
I believe there was an Ask lamenting that the Festival TLSQ didn’t come out this week, and believe me friend, I’m right there clowning with you. It seems like every week now, we think, “Okay, this time it will come out, they can’t delay it anymore.” And we’re always wrong. Here I am just starting to worry that my far-fetched theory about them shelving it until next year because it’s no longer “seasonal” isn’t so far-fetched after all

But the vast majority of messages that were lost were, as I’m sure you can guess, about the data-mined House Cup for Season 2. I wrote a lot about it and I do indeed have some thoughts and feelings. 
Before I get into anything else, can I just say...that first scene with Ethan where he meets MC. I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever dislike Skye. All it ever takes is one vulnerable moment to erase any doubts and have me back in her corner. And you cannot tell me that Ethan knowing everything about MC because “Isn’t this the best mate you always talk about?” Didn’t melt your heart or at least give you feelz. Think back to how hurt Skye was when MC befriended Rath - to the point of snapping a broomstick in half. This is just proof of what I’ve been saying. She has no social skills and hardly any friends. Of course she sees MC as her bestie. The poor thing, oh my god, it’s adorable...
Ethan Parkin
.I’m not a fan, even now. As I heard, he’s not as bad as we all feared he would be. He definitely has his moments. Still...he’s still pretty annoying. Ethan is basically a less obnoxious version of Lockhart, who actually has the talent to back it up. But I didn’t like how he involved himself in the practice and took over deciding who should be leader. Seriously, if he knows the game this well then he should know we already have a leader assigned. That’s what a Captain is. He was quite rude to Orion and while his pressuring Skye might have been inadvertent, it was still his fault. He’s also an extremely violent Quidditch player, which I’m not a fan of (Although apparently Penny is? The fuck?) I get that he would never cross the line into cheating, but I’m not impressed by how he lied. Didn’t give his team credit. And seriously...is cheating morally inferior to harming another player in a “legal” way? I guess it’s just a Quidditch culture thing, but I’m not here for it. 
Orion’s reaction to Ethan, though? God I loved it. He took everything completely in stride, had the maturity to say that no, he was happy to learn from a Quidditch master. His concern wasn’t about his ego, it was about Skye’s feelings. Because once again, he’s the only one with the empathy to realize what she might be going through. Orion’s response was measured and thoughtful and god, I love him so much. Side note: Were they seriously debating whether or not keeping Ethan around to learn his mystery move was worth it, even if it was stressing Skye out? My dudes, this is the exact same mistake you made during the Rath TLSQ. Involving someone who doesn’t need to be involved, just for the sake of a potential advantage in a meaningless sports game, regardless of how much it will hurt someone who is supposed to be our friend. Screw that. 
Folks were talking about Erika Rath. Someone brought up how hilarious it was in a previous chapter to see Andre actually tell her to be quiet, and for her to do so. And yeah, I agree. It’s a testament to how close their friendship must really be (Sorry, Depressed Erika Anon) I mean, most people wouldn’t dare say that to her. And I don’t think she’d have such a calm and passive reaction to just anyone. It’s unconventional, but their relationship is a sweet one. Overall, they’re involving Rath more and I’m quite glad of it. Seeing her proud of MC is heartwarming. Seeing her become more of a main character is great - I mean, she is one of the main four, after all. Face Paint Kid is a background character, as much as I love him. Penny is only here to develop Skye, and Andre is only here to develop Rath. There was also an interesting comparison made between her and Ethan, about how they both play pretty violently. Still not a fan of this. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that I’m mostly indifferent to Rath. But I’m coming around on her. 
This was a lovely place to cap off Skye’s character arc. Seeing MC stand up to Ethan (although I wish you could be firm without having to say that stupid “You’re off the team, Parkin!” line) was especially cathartic, and it’s clear that Skye appreciates it. She’s happier by the end, and has actually communicated with her father. I would sincerely like it if Season 3 focused on, say, Murphy a little more. He hasn’t gotten any development since the first half of Season 1. Even Orion got some development in this TLSQ. But...make no mistake, we’re not done hearing about Skye. I know that no one wants to hear this, but...they slipped in that line about her wishing she could play Rath. She still hates her. That hasn’t been resolved. Oh well, at least it’s an opportunity to further flesh out Rath. There’s also the possibility that, if they do give focus to Orion, it might be that Season 3 is his last hurrah. I hope he stays for the entire story, but even if they don’t want to confirm character ages...he could very well graduate. If he does, there’s going to be a story-line about choosing his successor. And again, I know that nobody wants to see this happen, but...the only candidates who matter in the story are MC and Skye. So they could be pitted against each other again. But I hope that won’t happen.
Curse you, Tumblr. Oh well, it should be safe to send in Asks again because I’m quite literally going to copy them onto a Google Doc from now on just to be safe. If I missed out on one that you sent in, please feel free to let me know or re-send it. I’ve also seen people taking screenshots of their Asks and then responding to the picture instead of just responding outright. Might do that too...thank you for your patience, this has been a doozy. 
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bubblegum-switch · 4 years
hello! idk if you’re still active on this blog but i saw a post saying you’d accept requests and headcanons?? you’re honestly one of my favorite blogs and your writing is adorable 💞 anyway, my request because voltron still owns my entire ass. i was thinking maybe pre established klance and errr, lance having a huge thing for tickling and not knowing how to tell keith he likes it, bc he’s worried that keith would be weirded out by it if he finds out but when does keith finds out, he’s not? đŸ„ș
no i have not watched s8 and no i will not but i still love the characters SO much
Anyway absolutely I can do this yes. I haven’t written tickling in literally years (whoops) but I can only hope it’s improved since then. Also good lord ticklish!Lance still owns my whole heart so omg thank you for this amazing prompt, i hope you weren’t hoping for a full one-shot and are okay with a less-formal one this turned out longer than expected lmao
Also aaaaaaaaaaa your words are so kind, ily anon <3 I hope to remember this blog more often bc I’m so bored bc of quarantine and what better way to pass the time than to write?
Note: There’s like. no actual tickling in this bc I wrote it pretty much entirely around the confession itself but there’s still some teasy Keith which is always good. Also I wrote this from like 3:30-5am whoops
Also this isn't letting me put in a working Read More and I am sorry for the resulting long post
Rating: T, it gets suggestive in words but not actions and there’s nothing explicit
Lance bit his lip. It was Space Family Movie Night, and while it was a good movie that Hunk picked out, the scene that was currently playing was...
Well. The two main characters were having a (brief, but still) tickle fight on the protagonist’s bed. Lance had been hardly paying attention up to this point - it just wasn’t his kind of movie - but this... this scene had his eyes glued to the screen
He tried not to pay attention to Keith’s arm around his shoulders. He tried not to think about the fingers that absentmindedly twitched every so often. It was probably just a byproduct of his arm getting tired and wanting to move, but during this scene Lance was hyper-aware of those fingers.
None of the others seemed to pay much attention to the scene. To be fair, it wasn’t a major scene. It was objectively cute - the protagonist had a mutual crush on the other character, and they were finally getting close. But Lance couldn’t help but be minorly petrified by it. He tried to be nonchalant, but felt restless throughout it. He tried to hold still, but found himself drinking from his glass of water less calmly than he’d have liked to afterwards.
All too soon, his cup was empty. He extracted himself from Keith’s arm and walked to the kitchen both to refill his water and take a breath.
He looked out the window of the castleship at the vast expanse of stars as he turned on the sink’s faucet. After testing the temperature with his hand, he brought the glass to it, nearly overfilling it. He raised it to his lips and let the crystal-clear water cool him off from the inside-out.
After a few sips, he set it back down on the counter, looking out into the cosmos once more.
“Coming back soon?”
Lance jumped as he heard his boyfriend’s voice suddenly in the room with him.
“You startled me,” he chuckled nervously, picking his glass back up. “I’ll be back in in just a minute.” 
Keith smiled at him, then walked over to him, gently embracing him against the counter and following his gaze outside.
“I’m glad we did this,” Keith said softly into his shoulder. It was still a relatively new relationship between them. They had been dancing around their feelings for long enough, and about a week before they decided to cut their losses and give in.
“Me too,” Lance said, nuzzling into his arms, letting his earlier flustering dissipate from his mind.
“So, care to tell me why you left so suddenly?”
Lance could hear a gentle smile in Keith’s voice. “Hm?” he asked, feigning ignorance.
“You got up so quickly, are you alright?”
Lance thought quickly to cover himself. “Y-yeah, I just got thirsty all of a sudden.” He took another sip of water to cement his point.
“Well,” Keith pulled himself away and began turning to walk back to the lounge, “don’t keep me waiting too long, okay?”
“I’ll be back in soon,” Lance smiled warmly back at him. Crisis averted, for now at least.
It was movie night again, a week later. This time, Pidge had control of what they were watching. It was a spy movie of sorts, one Pidge said she used to watch all the time on Earth.
Lance was laying with his head in Keith’s lap, feet hanging over the arm of the loveseat they were in. He was more invested in this movie than the one Hunk showed the previous week.
When the protagonist was kidnapped by the enemy agents and woke up tied to a chair, a tiny warning bell went off in Lance’s head. Be on guard, it said.
When the head enemy agent approached the protagonist saying she had ways to make her talk, the warning bell got significantly louder. Logically, Lance figured it wasn’t going to be what he simultaneously hoped and feared it would be.
When the enemy spy walked around the back of the protagonist and extended her hands to the tied woman’s sides, Lance tensed up. Yep, here it comes.
Sure, the scene only lasted a few seconds before the enemy paused, threatened more, and the protagonist gave in, but it felt like an eternity to Lance. He quickly downed the juice in his glass, leapt up and went to the kitchen once again. 
“Come on, it’s not a big deal,” he said to his reflection in the window’s glass. He gripped the edge of the countertop. He felt that his face was probably glowing pink, and tried to shake his head to clear his mind.
“You should be able to handle 10 seconds just seeing it.” Lance set his head on the cool stone under his hands and groaned.
“So you’re obviously not okay,” a voice behind him spoke.
He jumped up and whipped around to, sure enough, see Keith standing across the kitchen. Lance noted he seemed to be fighting a smile.
“I’m fine,” Lance said shakily, filling his glass with water once more.
Keith’s trace of a smile melted away into a concerned frown as he closed the distance between them.
“Look,” he began. “Two weeks in a row you jumped up and ran out of the room. Is it me? Is it the movie choices? Do you now want to be touching me when we watch them?” The genuine concern in Keith’s voice hurt Lance to hear. 
“N-no, it’s not that,” Lance rushed to amend. “It’s just... uh...” and he quickly faltered. How was he going to explain this? It hadn’t ever come up between them, and it wasn’t exactly easy for Lance to talk about.
Keith’s face changed before Lance could continue, and for the life of him Lance couldn’t name the expression he now held.
“Is it something with tickling? You don’t like it, do you?”
Static was now the only thing in Lance’s mind. He flinched and felt his face grow warm as he fought back a smile with an attempt at a frown.
“Ah-n-no it’s not that I just - uh--”
“I can make sure there isn’t any content of it in movies from here on out,” Keith stepped closer and took Lance’s hand. “I want you to be comfortable, and if this helps it helps, right?”
Lance still couldn’t figure out the expression on his face. In the meantime, he was panicking. Oh god, Keith was saying things Lance didn’t want to hear. This was embarrassing, but for the wrong reasons. Keith was wildly incorrect, but Lance couldn’t bring him to tell him so.
The blue paladin only couldn’t handle those scenes because of everyone around him. If Lance let himself react naturally to it, surely they’d notice the squirming and stifled giggles coming from him.
He just couldn’t bring himself to tell Keith he not only enjoyed but loved being tickled. It just felt too weird to admit, plus he couldn’t exactly say The Word out loud which made things significantly more difficult.
“N-no, it’s not...” he bit his lip and avoided Keith’s gaze. He was so afraid his boyfriend would think him weird for it, especially the extent to which he loved it.
“Then what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?” Keith squeezed his hand. 
Lance couldn’t meet his gaze. He tried his best to squeeze out the words anyway. 
“It’s not... that I don’t like it...” and he couldn’t speak any further. He could only hope that Keith could extrapolate far enough.
Lance felt a squeeze on his hand again as Keith laughed softly. “That’s it, Lance?”
“I’m sorry... I know it’s weird--”
“Look at me,” Keith interrupted, gently cupping Lance’s chin and turning his face to meet his own. The blue paladin still struggled to make eye contact. “There’s nothing weird about it.”
Lance stayed quiet, looking down at the floor.
Keith fondly rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss to Lance’s forehead. “If anything, it’s adorable. You like laughing and smiling so much, it’s only a natural progression.”
Lance snickered at his boyfriend’s logic.
“Oh? Was that a laugh?” Keith quickly responded, enjoying watching Lance blush deeply. “I wasn’t even doing anything!” he smiled, moving to pin him between himself and the counter. With a shift to a bit of a darker expression and an evil grin on his face, Lance knew things were going to be alright.
“But I can,” and Lance’s stomach was full of butterflies.
A nervous giggle spilled from his lips. “Not here,” he whispered back. “The others might hear.”
Keith leaned in close to his ear. “Then tell me, Lance, how much do you like it?”
A shiver went up and down Lance’s spine. The blue paladin grabbed his boyfriend’s wrists in  surge of energy and started leading him towards his bedroom, so they were out of earshot. 
Their impromptu “sparring sessions” were about to get a lot more interesting.
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jcs-writing-hell · 5 years
@my lovely anon | thanks for requesting & sorry for the delay but when I got your request my app bugged & I couldn’t read what you wanted for like a day
Junior Trio/JL centered | Category: Hurt/Comfort | Keyword: Mishap/Slip of tongue(or so xD) | kinda deep & angsty | Word Count: 2441
Jiang Cheng had tried his best, Jin Ling was completely aware of that.
Other than what most knew of Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling had really started to see how his uncle truly cared for him.
It started almost instantly after Jin GuangYao died, the back & forth & pulling on Jin Ling. At the time he was around 16, his mental state a mess - yet with the mess the Jin Sect, once again, ended up in.. Who cared about his emotions? Well, Jiang Cheng did.
Jin Ling slowly healed, at least on the surface, while his maternal uncle tried his best to cover his back. Making up excuse after excuse, with them ranging from "He has just lost his uncle.", to "He is too young." & if anyone tried to dare say "But you were" Jiang Cheng made sure to clarify that the times had been different, that the youths nowadays didn't have the pressure and experience they had had back in the day.
Jiang Cheng had tried his best, Jin Ling was both thankful and aware of that.. yet sooner or later, of course, things couldn't go on that way. With 17 he had started to take extra lessons, less physical training, just to get the history & knowledge he needed to be the new leader memorized. And then, now, with almost 18 Jiang Cheng also had run out of plausible excuses. The last thing his uncle had managed was to invite his friends before his ceremony where he'd be first shown off as the "new face of the Jin Sect", "the person that'll finally, for real this time, bring a true change",..
Needless to say that Jin Ling was stressed. He felt exhausted, strangely enough growing more lonely by day - just like he'd been in his early childhood.
Even his friends, that were adults by then & had brought Emperors Smile in mass along, couldn't quite drown out the fact that.. Jin Ling felt like a toy & as the most important day of his life so far came closer fast without his parents..
Jin Ling didn't even take note of the fact that his friends had disappeared at first. They were camping out & he had one of his moments again where his heart ached, chest tight & air hard to catch in his lungs. Poking around in the fire, he couldn't help but question again.. If all of that was what he wanted with his life. That he shouldn't think that way, because even if his mind would say "no", he had no right to say so. How he was supposed to lead a sect so wrecked & scary as the LanLing Jin Sect.. If his fate was the same as the crooked one of his ancestors, which honestly scared him to death.
His friends had done a pretty good job over all so far though when it came to both distracting and comforting him - not that he really admitted what was going on, or wrong. Due to that, as Jin Ling finally noticed neither Sizhui nor Jingyi being around he grew understandably worried and got up to search for them. He also managed to find them within no time, yet.. what he heard really.. got his blood to boil.
,,Do you have an idea what we could try still, A-Yi? I don’t think we’re really being of much help..” Sizhui was clearly worried, Jingyi however acted and sounded a bit too much like his “jerk” self.
,,I know we wanted to help him.. I mean, we barely got to meet him for like a year now, but.. Don’t you think he has enough help already? Or in general, what are we supposed to help him with? I mean, you also don’t have parents, but to be frank - Doesn’t he have everything else one could dream off? Money, support from pretty much everyone, a bright future ahead of him.. What are the chances that we’d be able to do for him that he doesn’t have already?”
Sizhui was just about to give his friend a good beating as both of the Lan’s flinched quite hard when Jin Ling stepped - quite literally - out of the shadows, his tone full of betrayal, rage and frustration.
,,Do you think that’s what I want? Do you actually think that I want any of that, after all that our way of living caused? Don’t you think I’d rather have my parents, or just one of them, instead of all the money and maidens and luxury items on this world? You know what? Forget it. Who even cares. Thanks, thanks a lot.”
,,A-Ling-” Sizhui’s try to call out for the youngest lead nowhere; all the latter did was lift up a hand in almost a warning like manner as he had already turned and began to storm off. ,,That was really not necessary, A-Yi.. When will you ever learn to think before you speak?”
,,Stop acting like it’s not the truth that we can’t help him. That we can’t give him what he wants or needs either.” Jingyi snapped back as the oldest glared at him, only to get another glare directed at him before Sizhui walked off as well while saying in an upset tone.
,,What he needs right now are at least his friends with all the things that are missing in his life - that he should have in his life at such a moment in time. You could do at least that much for him without worrying about whether or not it’ll bear fruit before you even properly tried.”
It took a while before the Lan’s found the other sitting in front of a lake against a tree. He looked worryingly gone out and upset, in truth though not half as much as he actually was. Pushing Jingyi forwards, the younger Lan spoke up in a tone so awkward and hesitant.
,,Uhm.. I.. I just wanted to say that.. I shouldn’t have said what I did.. not behind your back especially.. I.. I’m sorry.”
,,It’s not even really your fault.. It’s just..” Jin Ling started, only to stop a few words in - causing both Lan’s to exchange a worried look before Sizhui sat down; dragging the other Lan with him.
,,A-Ling.. What’s wrong? You’re not quite.. yourself, or more how you were a few years ago..”
Jin Ling only briefly looked at Sizhui, who spoke in a carefully gentle tone, turning slightly away from them at the end as he stared at his hand that was resting above the leg he had bend at the knee. A bit of time passed before he began to open up, not talking too loudly and with pauses here and there.
,,The problem is more.. What isn’t wrong? The closer my ceremony and 18th birthday come.. I don’t know, there’s just a lot of pressure.. Ever since I can think, even when at the time still both of my uncles sheltered and pampered me.. I was always.. The nephew of, the son of, the future sect leader..”
Both of the Lan’s heads dropped, but especially Jingyi didn’t dare look at either of his friends as he fiddled with a piece of his robe in such an ashamed manner.
,,I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my sect, already now.. It’s so.. wrecked, cursed.. How am I supposed to lead this complete and utter mess with people around me that don’t care if it keeps running that way or not. Or with the only person I have left still living hours away, in charge of a sect of his own.. And in between they only keep adding pressure and pressure.. The first time someone gave me letters with maidens that would be good for my sect’s sake to marry was years ago, now they really want me to find a wife - if possible yesterday..”
Jin Ling turned his head as he heard a few muffled noises, only to see that Sizhui held his hand over Jingyi’s mouth - more than likely to stop the latter from saying something inappropriate yet understandable like “What do you even want with a wife already?”, or so.
,,And what do you want, A-Ling?”- To both of the Lan’s shock and surprise all the youngest could give as a response for quite a while were empty stares, then shrugging and shaking his head before he said what they could gather already at this point.
,,I don’t know.. There’s a part of me that when I try to think about it.. does its hardest to stop me from doing so.. Even if I would find an answer, what would it change or matter? I don’t even know who I am deep down inside, apart from the son and what not of.. Even looking back now, to how I behaved from early on.. I tried often to run away. And yeh, honestly even I can’t say A-Yi’s misstress nickname doesn’t somehow fit me.. but it wasn’t that, I ran to have some sort of freedom.. Only to ultimately hide behind what everyone always hides and excuses everything with when it comes to me - or even in front of me.. my title, my heritage, my role in life..”
Jin Ling paused, clenching the hand he kept staring at into a rather tight fist. ,,Who am I.. What do I want.. I know neither and I’m afraid to find a answer for both, knowing it doesn’t matter..”
Neither of the 3 knew what to respond to that and Jin Ling couldn’t blame his friends for being at a loss. He was himself, but more than anything he was so.. so incredibly confused and empty deep down inside.
,,Have you tried talking to your uncle before? .. I mean.. Wasn’t he in an even worse situation?”
,,The last thing I want is to sound childish and irresponsible.. even worse: make him worry, A-Yi.” The youngest said as he let out a breath far too heavy for a boy in his age. He didn’t know what to do, and even if Jiang Cheng had changed a lot to the better the past few years since the temple incident.. Jin Ling was still worried about how to approach his uncle, really not wanting to disappoint at the end of the day.
,,There aren’t all too many that know about this, but I was raised to take over the Gusu Lan Sect; just in case
 Not that anyone dares to think of a nightmare huge enough to happen for Master Qiren, Zewu-Jun and Hanguang-Jun to die, but.. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is.. If this scenario would happen, and I’d be left with nothing but the ashes of my sect.. I would rebuild it entirely, change the things that are going wrong already in its core..”
,,That’s not a bad idea, A-Yuan.. If I got it right you were trying to say that our little mistress should completely clean up the mess his sect is, right?”
Sizhui nodded before looking at Jin Ling who looked as lost in thought as he was.
,,Maybe I should talk to my uncle after all..” Jin Ling then finally said, hesitantly turning back around so he could look at his friends that wore confused expressions - not that he could blame them. ,,I might not know a lot currently, but I know for sure that I don’t want to lead the LanLing Jin Sect how it is now.. It would be mildly risky, yet..”
,,Stop torturing us and speak properly already!” Jingyi whined, getting nudged in the side from the older Lan for that.
,,It might be quite the gamble, yet I know they won’t be able to disagree.. I will need some help though, definitely.. I think I.. I think I will set up this massive plan where I tell the elders of the LanLing Jin Sect that I will only take it over if it’s under my own terms. Be it the throwing out of disciples and so forth, close examinations of each member so what happened in the past will remain there.. Closer bonds to the other sects, more openness,.. I also have the birthright to decide how I want the relationship with Yunmeng Jiang to turn out..”
As half-confident as Jin Ling might’ve sounded, he could feel his heart race, hands shake and palms grow sweaty from all the nervousness; paired with this weirdly thrilling rush. His mind was going all sorts of places, no dark ones for once - to the point where he needed a minute or two maybe before realising that his friends looked at him.. like he had gone nuts, while they looked like they were in the process of doing so themselves.
,,But what if they-”
,,We will definitely help you, A-Ling! Whatever support you need, I know most sects will be willing to agree.”
Jin Ling felt his own lips and teeth hurt from how hard Sizhui had slammed his hand once again over Jingyi’s lips as the latter had tried to say something rather understandable - that could cause his mood to go downhill again.
At the end they all nodded.. before awkward silence spread between them as none knew what to do or say now.. Or well, at least until Sizhui spoke up again, his tone giving away that there’d be no chance to say "no", or even argue.
,,That calls for a group hug.”
,,Forget it!” For once Jingyi and Jin Ling were in sync, even sharing the same opinion.. just like a moment later when their expressions distorted into both fear and horror as Sizhui’s turned into one so spine-chilling similar to Lan Wangji’s.
,,Group. Hug. Now.” Even his tone was.. scarier than anything Jiang Cheng could manage - For the sakes of their young lives, the two younger ones then simply spread their arms in defeat as Sizhui pulled them together.. In one of the many group hugs he forced them into secretly; usually and mostly when drunk though.
A few moments into the hug Jin Ling glanced down at Sizhui who had turned out to be quite a bit smaller than him over the years.. and as guessed, the oldest looked up at him and winked. Jin Ling only smiled a shy one..
Yet as several minutes later they had returned back to their fireplace it was more than evident that the super glue of their group - Sizhui - had done a pretty good job at comforting him.. And Jingyi had also done his usual small amount, even if it was only provoking Jin Ling until he finally spilled what was going wrong; which Jin Ling couldn’t quite believe was accidental, neither that day or on any other.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
This is probably a stupid question but why can’t you both leave and move far far away, outside of their reach? Is it not possible? Praying for your safety!
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry it took me this long to respond. Soon it will be more clear why I've not been able to even just be as active on here or answer all my asks; I've had to spend every waking minute of my time possible working on things and it has been rough. And it's not over yet, but some good things have come- update is coming!!!
Anyways, before I post my updates I wanted to address some of these questions. Like this one, it's really relevant and something I/we/pretty much all victims of domestic violence and situations like this get asked. I finally have a minute to write, so here we go.
First of all, it's not a stupid question at all! Like I said, it's very common. Especially when it comes to people, most commonly talked about which is women (this needs to change but that's another story) who seem to "stay" in an abusive relationship when you'd think they'd leave, and everyone wonders why, and unfortunately this unwittingly places blame on the victim. That's a really big one when it comes to abuse and domestic violence- don't blame the victim. Trust me, now I understand, there are ALWAYS things going on behind the scenes that the person is dealing with which aren't easily seen by others but force the victim to stay. Everything from being coercively controlled by the abuser, their finances and everything required for any freedom or autonomy under the abusers control, with threats placed over the victim's head should they ever try to gain independence (a while back I mentioned the new The Invisible Man movie- this movie encapsulates SO well a lot of these aspects of the control and fear that may keep a victim from running as well as the even worse fallout they have to go through if they do leave- in fact, it's common among DV victims for the abuse and attacks on them to get WORSE than they've ever been once they leave, angering the controlling abuser- so this hangs over one's head too when you're in the situation, and you're constantly trying to find an opening, looking for a way, a time, a situation to happen which you can use to finally escape. We spent 5 years doing that, as the abuse from Bill Bryant and Jeanette Hazen Bryant literally began the DAY we moved in. We tried so many things. That's another few chapters in the story too. And we were finally in the process of moving our things out, as they had moved out of the house and so we'd had more time where we could pack and move things so we were doing that and looking for a place to go right when the pandemic hit and the shutdown came into effect, forcing us to stay put and be especially careful since I'm so high risk- but also unfortunately causing Bill and Jeanette to decide to come harass us nonstop as they didn't want to spend the quarantine where they were supposed to, didn't want to wear masks or anything required at the time for landlords entering a house, didn't want to stop their activities of shopping for nonessential things to come work on their yard and other stuff that brought back all the abuse and attempts at control as well as now a literal threat to my life with the virus. Anyways, I'm getting off the main topic.
Again, there are a lot of reasons victims can't just leave. Sadly, when it comes to, for example, a woman with children who needs to get them out of the abusive environment too, there's so much to consider before trying to make a move. If the abuser is the father, he could start a nasty custody battle. But in general, one of the current biggest reasons that DV victims don't leave sooner is because they have nowhere to go. The nature of abuse and coercive control leads to the victim being estranged from- and therefore unable to reach out to for help- former friends and family, the abuser makes sure they're isolated. They don't have the finances, credit, etc it would take to get a place to live, so they'd be going into homelessness. And while there are shelters out there- I can tell you they are no where NEAR whatever most people imagine them to be. Unsafe, uncomfortable, and now with COVID-19, especially risky. They're also unreliable. Every day you have to figure out where may have an opening to sleep that night, most likely on a mat on the floor spaced 6 feet from all the others, and you have to figure this out and schedule it while also taking care of all your other daily basic survival needs. It's really rough. That's yet a whole other story I'm going to be diving into more here soon but just to give an idea- just like we did, leaving usually means losing everything, losing the last thing you did have which was at least what may have felt like a measure of stability at least in your housing and daily life.
So that's one part of it.... The other thing is money. Money rules all in this society and society only caters to those who have it (did anyone see the movie 99 Homes? There is an EPIC quote about that in it I gotta find) it's horrible that this is how it works here in the states (and granted it's a little different depending on state and area one lives in, and I'm also really hoping things change as the status quo is about to go through a major change as millions get evicted when all those protections run out... a lot of reforms in how all this is done need to happen).
So first of all (getting back to your original question), know that that's exactly what we've wanted to and been trying to do the whole time. We considered all kinds of faraway places and for safety will likely end up even farther if/when it becomes possible. I'm really sad about it because I honestly love this area SO much. I grew up in the Midwest, in the Chicago suburbs and when my family first dragged me to the west coast I was so upset but then I fell in love with it and I can't picture living elsewhere, at least in the states. Far moves are tricky. And scary, trying to pick a place to rent in a city you don't know, don't know the neighborhoods etc, there's so much research to do and then having to understand the local landlord/tenant laws, cost of living, etc. And ensuring one has a job there- that horrible paradox of needing to show verified employment to a potential rental place in order to qualify; but not having one yet because you're trying to move far away to a new city so you need to rent a place first so you can get there and job hunt... it just yeah there's lots of catch 22's.
And then there is the actual process of getting a place- and just to rent, you have to meet strict criteria to even qualify: For example, the average rent right now is about $1,400 plus utilities and electric. Most places require not only verified employment, but that you show that your household makes at least 3x the rent every month- So let's say you're looking at a $1,400 place, that means you need to make at least $4,200 a month- broken down, if you work a 40 hour week, you'd need to make $26.25/hr. !!! Granted, they take into account combined income so first of all this pretty much means if two people are moving, they both need to be working- and still both need to make over minimum wage. This is extra tricky for us now since I'm disabled (and I cannot begin to explain how terrible I feel being unable to work to help, and having lost everything I saved and built up when I did work, I'd worked hard and it's like now that's gone and I feel so worthless sometimes). I get social security, but it ALL goes to medical bills. Like as in if I was on my own and only had that to try and survive on I couldn't, I wouldn't even have money to buy food or water, it all goes right to my health insurance and copays and medications etc. So yeah like I know my own estranged family seems to think that I'm taken care of and that we've just been living off my social security but- no. Not possible. People need to stop thinking that and stop stigmatizing things like welfare/food stamps etc which again is another separate post to talk about another time. Back to getting a rental. So you need to show that employment and income and usually going back at least a couple years and you have to give references for all this. You need to give them your social security and personal info and submit to a full background and credit check. They want to see good credit; luckily if you have debt but it's medical debt, landlords/property management companies usually overlook that at least. Then, there's rental history. You have to provide the last couple places you've lived, going back a few years, again with references as they want to check that you've been a good tenant, been in a lease before etc. So, for us, having this 5-year gap in that history and inability to use those people as references in any capacity, we were REALLY screwed. That's why we couldn't just leave. It took a lot of time, planning, research, and help from community programs. Safety has always been a huge issue. The abusers became more aggressive as they seemed to realize we were going to try to leave and it was scary. They already would stalk us and others both physically and digitally and used their business networks to cut us off from getting help and getting away. I mean like Jeanette literally preemptively called around to places like the VHA (housing authority), SeaMar, Aging and Disabilities, and even my Healthcare providers and talked shit about us along with planting her own narrative to ensure we'd not get any help from those places when the time came, and/or that if we tried, they'd inform her. These were all truly evil (and federally illegal btw) acts indeed and makes one wonder why, why??? Would this person take up so much time and energy just to hurt us... that's the nature of abusers though, people like that... and it never changes. They had a long line of victims before us and will look for more after. That's why I've tried so hard to signal boost about them because they keep escalating their behavior more and more dangerous.
So anyways hopefully that explains the basics in answer to that question. There are so many hoops to jump through and so many other roadblocks and complications that made it hard to get out and do that but this is an overview and it's this huge novel of a post.. sorry about that. Thank you so much for praying for our safety and thinking of us. You are very kind and it means a lot. ♡
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