#anyway screaming crying clawing at the walls etc.
kitmarloweki · 1 year
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The Newsreader season 2 episode 6 moodboard
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perlukafarinn · 8 months
I'm back with another unbearably homoerotic story from The New Voyages (this one even has a foreword written by Leonard Nimoy)!
The story in question is Ni Var, written by Claire Gabriel and published in the first New Voyages volume in 1976. In it, Spock is split in two - his human half and his Vulcan half. He and Kirk also have unnecessarily intense and emotionally loaded interactions pretty much every page. Just look at this passage that happens right after Spock is split:
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The moment Kirk sees Spock, he knows something is wrong. They have an emotional talk that turns into an argument that turns into Kirk asking Spock what's wrong and if he can help.
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It's the way Kirk reads Spock like an open book! How Spock finds comfort in Kirk's offer to help, even if he's not ready to accept it.
And just when you think it can't get any more intense, bam - City on the Edge of Forever callback!
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Kirk is having an extremely normal one.
Anyway, Kirk finds out about the split soon enough because damned if Spock can keep a single secret from him once he's determined to find out.
We are distracted from the main plot, however, as the Enterprise is sent on a mission to a planet whose natives love the taste of human flesh. Of course, Kirk insists on joining the landing party but Spock is Not Having It.
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They are having this fight in front of the crew. If the rumors didn't exist before, they certainly do now.
Spock loses the argument on account of Kirk being Captain and goes back to his quarters to discuss the issue with his Vulcan half.
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This, the text points out, is the first thing Spock's two halves are in complete agreement on. Protecting Jim. I am banging my head against the wall.
Then Vulcan Spock goes on a mental tangent about humans and emotions and one human in particular, and this passage drives me bonkers.
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"Until he met Jim Kirk."
"A man for whom he felt friendship, perhaps even what Humans call love."
Clawing my eyes out. The romanticism of it all. These are completely normal thoughts to have about your commanding officer!!
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And then Spock decides to risk what he calls "for a Vulcan, torture" to ensure Kirk's safety. What this whole subplot is for is essentially to show that Spock's two halves can be united and the thing they unite over..... is Jim.
I am unwell.
Spock does manage to keep Kirk from throwing himself to the proverbial wolves, the plot moves on, and then they're back in front of the machine that split Spock and can be used to unite him again. Kirk has an angsty moment about that time he was split in two (the whole story, in addition to exploring Spock's split identity, is filled with callbacks to The Enemy Within and the toll that experience took on Kirk mentally and it's great).
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This isn't a particularly Kirk/Spock moment but I had to include it because I love the mental image of Kirk flipping himself off and Spock laughing at it. Kirk would fuck his clone, actually.
Then the time is at hand to unite the two Spocks. Kirk puts a comforting hand on Human Spock's shoulder but then hesitates to do the same to the Vulcan half and this whole page has me crying, screaming, throwing up, etc.
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Spock is united, all is well, and the story ends with Kirk grinning at Spock and Spock responding with an oh-so-subtle smile.
In conclusion: gay.
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
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it’s 1am and I’ve finished it :)
the plot was fucking amazing as was the writing, it was like a really really good tv show, or maybe an amazing movie (pt1) and its slightly more deranged sequel (pt2 and 3). I think I definitely preferred all things unholy as a whole, but yeah the next parts really did feel very sequel-like, in that the first one was The Story and the second and third were building on that first core story, expanding the characters and world. which ummmm btw the lore is insane??? so much going on lmfao but I think it all worked really well. the fallout boy stuff was fucking wild though icl because WHAT 💀 I’m also obsessed with the idea of god talking to frank in the form of the cardinal dream, that worked soooo well and still leaving it open at the end is great. I’m so glad frank and gerard got a happy ending, I ship those stupid twats SO hard I’m literally clawing at the walls they make me INSANE RRAAHHHH!!! icl I really didn’t care about mikey and ray’s romance like at all but it worked as a source of conflict and was pretty cute
I kind of forgot it was meant to be mcr fanfic for a while lmfao, which brings me on to I guess the most important part which is my main takeaway on the whole rpf thing
as I’ve said in a post before, I really struggle to picture voices and faces accurately in my head when reading. well except when it comes to buffyverse characters, but that’s just because those shows are so deeply ingrained into my psyche forever that istg I could literally channel buffy summers at this point and just become her. lmfao but yeah I really struggle with that! so when I’m reading, I just kind of create a vibe, a vague mind’s-eye image of a character, it’s very hard to explain. so for me these frank, gerard, mikey, etc characters were subconsciously already way far removed from the real people, like I had to consciously make an effort to make them sound and look exactly like them in my head. but like I said, it felt like a real piece of media like a tv show or something, so to me the unholyverse characters are just that - characters. it really felt like mcr playing movie roles lmfao which I was perfectly happy with. the romance and other relationships were written soooooo well, the real problem was ofc the smut!
I don’t like smut in general, not in a judgy or censor-y way, I just get no joy or kick out of reading it and all it does is make me feel awkward. but with rpf smut, even though I see unholyverse frank and gerard as fictional characters, I can’t ignore the fact that THIS IS FULLY EXPLICIT WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY PORN BEING WRITTEN ABOUT REAL PEOPLE 💀 read it write it all you want, personally I find it uncomfortable and it just doesn’t do anything for me. made me think too much about the fact that it WAS rpf, yk?? got me thinking about the real frank and gerard and how fucking weird it would be to read smth like that about yourself idk, also the fact they have wives and kids…. 😟 gosh idk it was very very well-written smut, it just made me so icked out the more I thought about it
but anyway, OVERALL: I loved it. it was so good, will definitely reread, bookmark, and think about it for a very very very long time. possibly scream and cry and tear my hair out too, idk. part 1 was my favourite by a long shot, it’s so iconic, and feels pretty removed from parts 2 and 3 in a nice way that makes it feel like a movie and its strange sequel. I’ve discovered I like rpf when it’s good and when it’s a complete au and the people feel like original fictional characters in their own right. I don’t enjoy rpf smut, though, AT ALL, which isn’t a surprise bc I don’t enjoy smut in general, the rpf aspect just made it way more uncomfy for me personally. kind of feel the need now to bleach my brain out and consume normal mcr content just to remind myself of the disconnect between unholyverse frerard and the real people lmfao
I do NOT ship frerard irl, that shit’s fucking weird don’t do it. yes there is a difference between fic like this and saying two married friends and colleagues in real life are actually in love with and attracted to each other. I do for sure ship unholyverse frerard, as I’ve said they’re fictional characters to me
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 13: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should just start crying whilst being robbed in the abandoned barn ...
(----- tw for mild violence (he gets into sort of a fight) until after the next orange text section in parentheses -----)
Not sure what else to even do, The Adventurer simply collapses into a ball on the floor and starts sobbing, screaming, and rolling about. The hooded figure pauses in confusion at first, but.. apparently is not very sympathetic to his plight.
They rush over, grappling with him as he cries, fighting to pry the backpack out of his hands. The Adventurer continues screeching frantically, and during some of his flailing accidentally swings his arm up, elbowing the hooded figure in the face. They let out an exasperated sigh, knocking him against the wall then firmly yanking him up by the hair, securing their arm around his throat to restrain him as they grab for the backpack. He kicks a few times, struggling, clawing at the hooded figure's arms, but just isn't strong enough to free himself.. There's a thwack and a sudden sharpness in the side of his head, the backpack pulling away from his shoulders, cold ground, and then… nothing at all..…
(------------------- mild violence tw over -----------------) ...............
The Adventurer slowly opens his eyes to a quiet foggy morning.. Tiny particles in the dusty barn air gently flutter to and fro, dancing around in the streams of early sunlight trickling through the slight crack of the front doors. With a groan, he rolls over, suddenly feeling every ache in his body. His head, his wrist, his leg injury from crashing the raft.. He spends a while just laying on his back, watching the dust and gazing hopelessly at the moldy boards of the roof, mustering the strength to sit upright… What can he even do next? He's failed.. His first EVER actual quest of his adventuring career, and he can't even keep a stupid egg safe for more than a few days! What type of adventurer is that?? Maybe he should just give up.. Go back home and do nothing with his life, just as he was meant to... He sighs, turning back onto his side and curling into a ball to sulk even more dramatically. The cat trots over to him to interrupt his swirling thoughts, pawing at his face, then directing him towards a small stack of hay in the corner where... there it is! His backpack!! He scrambles over, immediately digging through to check for his belongings.. To his surprise, everything it still in it's place. His food, his money, all of the cool shiny rocks he's collected so far.. And tucked away in the very bottom, the Mysterious Egg box remains, completely undamaged.. somehow with the egg still inside! And... a note? He shakily unfolds a crisp sheet of pale yellow paper dotted with a few scribbly letters: "I took care of her for you. Be more careful next time. Just get where you have to go."
Well...... He supposes that if there's apparently going to be weirdos following him around anyway, maybe he's lucky at least one of them seems nice. Better than trying to ROB him, at least.. Even if it is a bit creepy. He realizes now that his injuries have been bandaged as well, and that when he woke up, he was wrapped in a blanket, and.. where is the hooded figure? What does the stranger mean that they "took care" of her?? He turns to the cat for answers, as if they'd be able to clear up his confusions, but they simply make a "mrrp!" noise and stare blankly in response. Figuring that it's all far too much to think about first thing in the morning (especially with the headache that he has), he just decides to be thankful he at least still has the egg, and thus can continue on his grand adventure!! He will NOT let himself fail again! Sore and limping but full of renewed motivation, he leaps up (at least as best he can) and continues back onto the road. After walking only a few hours, he comes to a clearing at the top of a large hill, overlooking the next stop on his journey (then double checks the map just to make sure it actually IS the next stop). This is a much bigger area than the previous villages he's been to, possibly large enough to even count as a small city. With a wider variation of shops and attractions available to him than usual, he wonders if he should just take a break and relax the rest of the day.
He's too tired to walk much today anyway, soo.. maybe it'd be good for him to spend some time in a safe public space, doing something to help take his mind off of this morning's drama… But, what should he do?
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#ERM.. okay I didn't mean to take a 2 week break from doing these. I just got really really busy with Life Things#had various appointments in a row and stuff to sort out. I kept thinking like 'oh I need to get back to that!' and then would be doing#other stuff all day and then at the end of the day just realize that I.. hadn't.. BUT i AM DOING IT NOW!!#I think it's more effective if it's at least once every 1-3 days so that people don't forget the entire story before the next one is out lo#*lol.. but.. alas#Sorry I had to have something bad happen to him. I know I could have made it silly instead like the hooded figure was just like#secretly very sensitive and thinking 'AWW sowwy ur crying#do you want a donut? :(' or something but.. I had to be realistic lol#If some obviously threatening person is coming after you because they want to steal and extremely valuable item from you#for their boss or to sell themselves or whatever. you being vulnerable is just going to give them a chance to take it from you#there are very few instances where realistically that WOULDN'T happen. gbhjb..#Also note: I did not make up the mysterious person who ''saves'' him as a cop out from giving him actual consequences t#o his actions or something. I know it's convenient - but it does make sense. There have always been multiple people following him ever#since he was at the Inn. Even though the Inkeeper tried to hide it very fast and keep hush hush about it. there were people there#who were alerted to the fact that he has the egg. Mostly two specifically. One of them has always been more benevolent because#they have a different end goal. Which is like.. not extremely benevolent actually ghhjbhbj.. but it makes sense for them to act#benevolent at the moment because they have an interest in seeing that the egg is taken to it's ''proper place''.#The two people following him were not directly connected or working for the same people or anything. But the one who just helped him#obviously was very aware of the other. and the other didn't know about the helpful one. ANYWAY#A stumbling block in the beginning of his grand adventuring journey. hopefully things go better for him from here lol#His injuries are pretty minor but he still feels bad since he's not used to fighting. I think he deserves a relax day#he was already 5 seconds away from crying at any given time. now on top of that he's got bruises and a sprained wrist and a headache#and he's not used to having ever been injured or ''fought'' anyone before so he WILL be being very dramatic about it in his head and#finding every possible chance to mention to anyone who will listen about how he was so so brave and got in such a wild fight#and also feels so so bad and please tell him everything will be okay and oh he is so so so injured *big wet seal eyes*#he IS going to feel sorry for himself for weeks gghbjhb..
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half light, perception, and interfacing?
From this ask meme:
Half Light: what has you screaming crying clawing at the walls?
This varies by the day but today it is: communism killed Lely but it was love that did him in. Because like! It was Lely's and Klaasje's love (was it love?) that finally spurred Dros to pull the trigger. It was Dros's love (was THAT love?) for Klaasje that had him aiming the gun in the first place. It was Dros's love for Revachol that put him on that island, except that it's been decades since that love was anything was anything but a one-sided toxic obsession, because one-sided toxic obsession is all Dros has left.
And! The crux of it is that love did in Harry too - of course it did, because psychologically the words of the Hanged Man are Harry's words to himself, and they are as much *about* Harry himself as they are about Lely. Love - or the one-sided toxic obsession that's all that remains of it - killed the person Harry used to be. It could still kill the person he is now if he lets it. And it destroyed Dros, too.
Just. Love eating itself. Love as the inability to let go, a destructive force. The world being destroyed by human memories of the past eating the present; in the literal form of the Pale and the more abstract form of the failure of the revolution still steadily destroying Revachol. Screaming crying etc
Perception: what (quote, character, moment) made you feel most Seen?
I can't actually think of anything that made me feel especially Seen, but I will say that Harry saying and doing all kinds of insane bullshit without the world ending (or. well. in a metaphorical sense anyway) has really become a light I hold onto to deal with my sometimes pretty intense social anxiety.
Interfacing: what's your favorite aspect of the game mechanics?
I love the way different dialogue options seem to represent actual things Harry is thinking in any given scenario. I also like how this kind of implicitly acknowledges that like... awful and cruel thoughts occur to us alongside kind ones, and what actually matters to the kind of person you are is which thoughts you act on.
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
Hi hi! Congratulations!! 🎊
Could I please request a fic with Eren or Levi and could they have some yandere tendencies? Like they’re too protective, gets jealous easily, would absolutely fuck you until you’re screaming so that the guy who’s been checking you out heard?
NSFW 18+ Let them hear you — Yandere Eren Jeager x Reader
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Warning: 18+ Content. Sexual content, bdsm, degrading, unprotected sex, oral, non-con, abuse, possessive, toxic relationship, gaslighting, Jean abuse, punishment, violence, etc.
Words: 1.9k
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Hey love. Thank you so much for the request! I hope it meets what you are looking for. I am only on the third season so I apologize in advance for anything that seems uncanny. Enjoy.
P.S. I am still on break but I am trying to complete some request that have been sitting in my drafts. I miss y’all and will be back before y’all know it. Thank you for all the love and sweet messages.
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“Eren, what are you—“
“Shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren seethed through gritted teeth as he pulls you along. The death grip on your poor arm is making you cry out in pain. This only infuriated him more.
You did nothing wrong. You were eating your lunch with Mikasa when Jean strolled on over. It is not a secret that Jean likes you. Everyone knows that Jean likes anyone with a pulse. You have told the man multiple times that you are not interested — along with Eren — and you have a boyfriend, but it does not stop the man from trying. Especially when Eren is busy.
“Hello Y/N.” Jean greeted with a flirty smile. Your eyes couldn’t help but roll.
“Hello Jean.” You sigh as he sat across you two.
“What’s with the sad face, pretty thing? Eren got you down?” Jean chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
You scoffed. “Me and Eren are doing just fine, thank you very much.”
“Well, your face says otherwise. If you ask me, I’d say you can do better than that douchebag anyways—“ Jean’s spill got interrupted with a hard punch to the side of the head then another one to the nose. Gasp filled the room as eyes landed on who did this to the man. No one was surprised to see it was Eren himself.
Eren grabs Jean by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up to meet his height. Eren’s natural blue eyes were filled with rage. “You son of a bitch. Why the fuck are you flirting with my girl, Jean? She told you more than once she’s not interested.”
Jean manages to release himself from Eren’s grip, stumbling to keep his balance. This is not the first time these two have had altercations with one another.
“Ha, you don’t see the way she looks at me. Besides,” he pauses to wipe the blood leaking from his nose, “she was totally flirting with me.”
“Bastard!” Eren bellows as he goes to attack again, but the higher ups stop him along with you and Mikasa.
“Eren, stop.” Mikasa and you demand, hanging onto his arms.
“Let go of me! I’m going to make that son of a bitch pay.”
“That’s enough, Jaeger.” Captain Levi scolds. Eren snaps out of his rage to meet the small man’s eyes. “In my office. Now.”
Though Eren is still angry, he still knows when to show respect. Especially when it comes to the higher ups. Everyone in the room knew this.
“Yes, sir.” Eren sighs, still breathing heavy.
“Eren,” You began with sorrow filled irises. Though this is in no way shape or form your fault, you cannot help but feel the guilt within your bones. If only you would have done more than maybe Eren would not be in this situation.
Eren just glared down at your small frame compared to his, clearly not happy with you. It was a look you know all too well and you know you will be in for it later. Your heart pounded against your ribs at the thought.
“We’ll talk later.” Eren hissed before following Captain Levi to his office.
Jean did not mess with you for the rest of the afternoon. Eren was sent to clean up the horse stables while the rest of the team did their chores. Eren made sure to have his eyes on you anytime you were in close proximity. His glare was one you always refused to meet with your own two eyes. It made you feel small. Just like how Eren wanted.
Your anxiety has been through the roof all day. No one can blame you, though. Eren is a loose cannon on a good day. So, your super barely being touched was noticed, but not discussed amongst your peers.
Strong hands touched your shoulders. You jumped out of reflex. Looking up, you see your boyfriend looking down at you.
“Eren!” You exclaimed with joy and fear. He noticed both emotions.
“Follow me.” Eren orders, patting your shoulder more rough than he should have. You did not even have time to comply as his hand snakes around your bicep and pulls you along.
“Eren, you’re hurting me.” You whine as he pulls you towards the closest bedroom available.
“Eren, what are you—“
“Shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren seethed through gritted teeth as he pulls you along. The death grip on your poor arm is making you cry out in pain. This only infuriated him more.
Slamming the door open, he ushers you along inside and swiftly closed the door behind him. Your hand wraps around your now warm, pulsating arm. You can feel the heat from Eren’s glare down onto you. You start to tremble.
“Eren, I—“
“I said shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren growls. He has taught you more than once to respect his orders, but you just cannot seem to listen. You will pay for that sooner than later.
Eren leans against the door, arms crossed as he heavily sighs. “What were you doing with Jean earlier today?” He finally asked. You turned to face him.
“N-Nothing!” You stammered. You know this made you sound guilty, but you are actually innocent. Just Eren knows how to intimidate you and when you’re in this position, your nerves take over.
Eren scornfully chuckled. “Please, do you really think I’m that dumb, Y/N?”
“I’m telling the truth, Eren! You know I don’t like Jean.” You spat. Your blood is boiling at this point. This accusation has been thrown at you more than once in your relationship and quite honestly, it’s getting tiring.
“Watch it.” Eren warned. You know you are not supposed to raise your voice towards him. He has corrected that behavior more than once and will do it again if necessary.
“Why was he sitting with you at lunch?” Eren interrogates after he notices you lose some confidence to yell at him.
You let out a deep sigh. “He just showed up. You know how Jean is.”
“And you didn’t stop him?”
“What was I supposed to do?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Tell him to fuck off!” Eren barks.
“And I did!” You argued back.
A small shriek escapes your lips as Eren charges towards you, wrapping his hand around your throat, and pushing you down onto the nearest bunk bed. You struggled to untangle his fingers as they squeeze your throat tightly.
“What did I say about talking back, slut?” Eren growls.
“I-I’m s-sorry, E-Eren.” You managed to get out as you lose circulation to your lungs.
“Oh, you will be. I’m going to make sure this filthy little mouth of yours will not be able to talk for weeks.”
Eren finally let’s go of your throat. You immediately cough. There is not enough oxygen in the room to get to your lungs fast enough it seems. Eren would argue and say you deserve it.
You hear a belt unbuckle along with his pants unzipping. His pants hang low on his hips as he watches you collect air. By the way his boxers are fitting quite snug, you know what is coming.
“On your knees.” Eren demands, pointing towards the creaky wooden floor below. You shook your head no, your eyes pleading. Eren did not respond to that well as he grabbed a hand full of hair and forced you to the ground.
“Do you ever fucking listen? I said on your damn knees.” Eren growls. You did not even have a chance to explain that you are not in the mood because Eren’s length is now being stuffed down your throat. You choked on Eren’s cock as every inch was entering your mouth.
Your nails clawed at Eren’s clothed abdomen. His hand never let up on your hair as he thrust in-and-out of you. You are choking, coughing for air, but Eren refused to show any ounce of mercy. In fact, he found it quite amusing. You should know better than to disrespect your boyfriend.
“Where is all that back talk now, princess? Don’t have shit to say with my cock down your disrespectful ass throat, do ya?” Eren mocks as takes another rapid thrust down your windpipe. Drool covered your chin and Eren’s dick. You can feel his girth stretch out your throat and he loves it. He loves seeing you struggle.
Pre-cum started to leak from his erected member. You are mentally thanking your maker. You needed a break and a gasp for air, but those prayers were answered quicker than expected. Eren pulls out his cock from your sore mouth. You let out pitiful coughs as he stroked himself to the sight of you.
“Strip then get in doggy.” He demands. Not wanting to make this worse for yourself, you do as your told. You are not even sure whose room this is. You just hope they do not walk into see the sinful things you and Eren are doing.
Each article of clothing fall to the floor and you get in the position Eren wants you in. All of your delicate tight holes are displayed for his taking. He walks over and spreads your ass out some more to get a better view. You yelp when a hard slap hits your ass.
Without warning, he brings you closer to him by latching his hands onto your hips and his cock slips into your tight cunt. Your walls do their best to expand to his girth, but no amount of sex with Eren can get you prepared for that. Your pussy takes in inch-by-inch. His stamina and merciless rhythm is forcing you to be accepting of his cock. Your knees shake under the pressure and your hands tightly grip onto the covers below.
A hard slap to your ass exploits the moan you have his behind your lips. “I kept your throat intact for a reason. Use it.” Eren scolds before hitting your ass again. You whimper.
“Eren.” You mewl.
“Yeah, who is making you feel this good?” He teases as he continues his venomous thrust.
“You do.” You sob. Your pussy is beginning to become accustomed to Eren’s erection and he is hitting all the right spots. He always does.
“Can Jean make you feel this good?” He groans, his knees slowly buckling beneath him.
“Never.” You wail. Your weeping cunt confirmed this as well.
“Damn,” he pants, “straight.”
Cum leaked from Eren’s cock deep into your cunt. You let out little moans as you became stuffed with Eren’s seed. Though you did not like he was not using protection, you have no say in the matter. This is for his pleasure and your punishment. You just have to take it like the good little submissive girl he taught you to be.
You milked every single drop of Eren before you were granted permission to put on clothes. Your hands intertwined as he lead you to the door. There stood Jean, Armin, and Conny. They all looked horrified as well as you. Eren’s smug smirk never left his features.
“What the hell are you doing in my room, Eren?” Jean exclaims in furry.
“Handling business,” he wraps his arm around Jean’s shoulder and let’s go of your hand to pat his chest, “By the way, thanks for letting me fuck my girlfriend on your bed.”
All Rights Reserved
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
This is a 2nd idea to the original one I hade and I just want to know which one people would be interested in-
what if Agustin's and Felix's parents + family were Monster Hybrids? Like they are a little bit of a ghost, witch, vampire, werewolf, etc. They are like this because of an old ritual that happened before Austin's and Felix's great great great great great grandparents were born(they are still alive and healthy by the way). The ritual was for protecting the family from evil people and monsters alike.
So yes they are both hybrids they never told anyone about it because it was an obvious rule as to why you shouldn't. When Mirabel's ceremony failed Agustin kind of figured out why but not completely he was just speculating. he was happy when his first two daughters didn't end up hybrids but with Mirabel, he already knew. He sensed it.
(from 5 years old to 9 years old)
After her ceremony is when the signs started showing up. Young Hybrids are very hard to tame especially when they are having emotional problems. She would become snippy, depressed, anxious, antisocial, and just really really angry.
(9 years old)
She didn't like this side of herself so she would try to be as nice as she could be but the bullying of the townspeople made that hard. Whenever she would defend herself and snap back the villagers would play the victim and tell Alma that they were only trying to be nice and she was being disrespectful.
Who would blame her though, she just went through something terrible. So Agustin didn't make too big of an assumption because this behavior was expected after her ceremony. But one day Alma got tired of Mirabel's "disrespectfulness" and decided to scold her for it. Isabela was making mean comments to her when no one was around and Mira was tired of it.
She snapped back at Isabela saying all true but hurtful things that stung. It turned into a heated argument in the middle of town. Alma was close by and ordered them to go back home where she would settle this. That didn't end well because Mirabel was already having a tough day as it is.
Once Alma got back home she immediately took Isabela's side. she kept accusing Mirabel of being disrespectful and rude to everyone and the family and that it has to stop. Mirabel tried to defend herself but Alma wasn't hearing it. Alma took Mirabel up to her room and made casita lock her door, she wasn't allowed to come out until she said so.
Mira was pissed and her hybrid came out. She ripped, smashed, and tore everything up in her room that could be destroyed. her angry screams were heard through casita and then she let out a final cry. This cry was heard throughout the Encanto, Agustin recognizes this cry and runs to Casita.
He rips the door off its hinges and he sees the damage. Mirabel was sitting on her bed(what's left of it) crying until her papa came in. He looked at her and saw it. Her eyes were red, her claws were long and sharp, and pointy ears. Agustin knew it was time to go, He heard the family already coming up to the house so they didn't really have much time to pack. There wasn't really much to pack for Mirabel anyway she ripped up every piece of clothing she had.
So he picked his daughter up and turned toward the doorway. There standing in front of him was Bruno. Bruno heard Mira's sobs and screams and he figured she might have needed a hug. Boy was he shocked when he saw the looks of her room.
It was an awkward moment but Agustin heard Julieta entering the house and calling for him in worry. Agustin thought to himself, this would be so hard to explain and even harder to explain to Alma. she would probably call them monsters.
So Agustin walked over to the window and jumped out with Mirabel, he left her on the ground and went back for Bruno.
"you have two options, 1: stay here or 2: come with us"
Living in the walls wasn't a good living arrangement so he decided to go with them. It was a funny sight to see, Agustin grabbed and tossed Bruno over his shoulder and leaped out of the window.
And they were gone...
Agustin's family was happy to see him, His parents were really happy that they finally get to meet their Neita and their... grandson-in-law?
Felix already knew why they were gone but he was sad that he couldn't tell everyone else why. His son Camilo was more hurt than anyone else because why did Tio Agustin take Mirabel away? His hybrid signs started showing up because of the anger and sadness so Felix had an idea. He asked if Agustin could come back and get Camilo because there was no way he could explain to his wife and Alma what was happening to him.
He knew Dolores would hear Felix giving Camilo to Agustin so he tried to explain much as he could to her with physical evidence that he was a hybrid, she was scared at first but she knew she could trust her papa. She promised not to say anything about it and she kept her word.
Pepa she was um...She was shall I say...devasted? no that's not the right word...hurricane Katrina? yes, that's the word. That's the only thing that could describe her emotions but she had to keep them intact so she doesn't hurt her baby or have a flood sweep away the Encanto. (She was 8 months pregnant at the time)
Here's the inspiration for the au they are so adorable.
First idea-
This idea was where monster hybrids(MH) or vampires adopted the madrigal kids. So like one day maybe after Antonio is born they leave. They get really far out into the jungle until they realize they don't know where their supposed to be going.
A MH or Vampire women (Aliana) finds the kids out all alone and offers them a place to stay in her house with the rest of her family. I'll mention that she's freakishly tall(like Mademe Demitrescu) and she had her fangs showing so the kids felt as if they couldn't say no. Isabela and Luisa didn't have their gifts so they couldn't defend themselves at all.
After a the kids get to know the women and her family they get more comfortable and happy with them.

Me personally???? I prefer the first one. Make more sense in my opinion, very cash money. Have to see the family throwing shade on Miravel, that's cold <//33 also I hope???? Felix at least visits so he can see Camilo (and Mirabel and Agustin). My boy coming in clutch and doing what he had to do, with Felix and Dolores coming in as well, we love it ❗❗❗
Fun fact I still can't pronounce Demitrescu
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hallospaceboyy · 4 years
hello!! may i request a lilith x reader fic where the reader catches lucifer abusing lilith at her cottage. reader is a powerful witch, so can there be a dramatic fight scene between the two? and then it ends with fluff and some smut? thanks!!!
Dancing with the Devil
AN: this is rather long, and I'm not sure how I feel about the fight scene but I really tried and tried to research spells from the show etc so hope it's half decent!
Warning for violence and brief smut at the end.
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Your keys jangle in the lock as you open the door to the cottage. It's late, the sky dark and the moon waning, but you are greeted with the glow of the fire as you step over the threshold, the immediate warmth of the flames, and you know Lilith is awake, waiting for you, most likely.
You’re overcome with a strong, acrid scent as soon as you step inside; a putrid smell, of rotting and decay, and when you close the door your eyes land on a towering figure, and the goat like head turns to you, all horns, teeth and tusks; and despite the boniness of the figure, the gaping hole below it’s protruding ribs, you can sense the strength of it, and you’re paralysed, eyes wide with fear.
You're pulled from your petrified stupor when you hear a cry of pain, and your eyes travel down the creatures long arm, and his claws are clenched in Lilith's hair, and you’ve never seen such fear in her eyes as they meet yours. Tears stream down her cheeks, and there's a bruise darkening beneath her left eye, blood trickles from a cut on her lip.
“Y/N, you need to go!” Her voice is urgent, despite the heaviness of her breathing, and her eyes keep coming close to drifting shut, as if ready to pass out.
You know exactly who you're facing now, this ugly creature that is hurting your Lilith, and any paralysation that impeded you dissipates, and your fists clench as you look the Dark Lord in the eye. You always listen to Lilith, respect her knowledge and intellect, but not now. You won't leave her here with him, could never leave her to his bidding.
“Let go of her. Now.”
He laughs, and the sound makes your stomach roil, a twisted, thundering sound that shakes you to the core, but you don't recoil, can’t show him fear. You wince when he flings Lilith to the floor, biting your lip at the cry of pain she emits.
“You're no match for me, witch.” He growls, and takes a step toward you, his stance aggressive. Lilith stands on shaking legs, and grabs for his arm, desperately trying to stop him, but he shakes her off and her head hits the table as she thuds to the floor.
You mumble a Latin incantation under your breath, pointing your hands at the impending figure of the Dark Lord, and you feel the force leave you, an electric pulsing in your fingers, and to your surprise, he stumbles back, only slightly, but you know that your spells can touch him, and you feel a ray of hope that you and your lover may escape this alive.
He flings an arm out, and you fly backwards, crashing against the wall, an explosion of pain coursing through your body, and he laughs, that sickening, rolling laugh again. But you stand, step away from the wall, pulling your shoulders back to convey more confidence and strength than you feel, despite the pain gripping at your limbs.
“Once I've killed you, she will be next.” He gestures to the unconscious Lilith, splayed on the rug, and you’re suddenly overcome by a red hot anger, rage bubbling within you, and it's as if you aren’t you anymore, as you take a step towards him, incessant whisperings leaving your mouth, and objects begin to shake, a vase smashes to the floor, pictures fall from the walls. The armchairs in which you and Lilith so often lounge rise from the ground, and both fly toward him simultaneously, hitting him with force, and the cottage seems to shake as he falls to the floor with the sheer force of the blows. Your vision is distorted, seeing only red, as if a fire burns behind your lids.
“Prohibere!” You shout, and the Dark Lord remains pinned to the floor, he writhes and wriggles but he cannot move, and an animalistic snarl leaves him. You know you have to act quickly, that it wont hold him long. You sprint to the kitchen on trembling legs, grab as many knives as you can carry, and when you return he is still immobilised, but his limbs are coming back to him now, can see them twitching, beginning to rise from the floor.
You let out a scream as you pounce, plunging the first knife into his chest, and then another, and then another, until there are no more knives to plunge. He screams and thrashes beneath you, and although this won't kill him, would take more than butcher knives to defeat the Dark Lord, it is hurting him, and you find yourself smirking despite the tears streaming from your eyes that you don’t even know you're crying.
“I banish you, Dark Lord. I banish you, Lucifer.” You mumble the words over and over, with more conviction each time, your voice becomes stronger, the shaking dissipating, and then the he is gone, leaving behind only trails of black, concealing blood, bubbling on the rug. You jump to your feet, whirling around, as if searching for him, but he's nowhere to be seen, and you let out a shuddering sigh of relief.
You know he will be back, eventually, once he has gathered his strength, healed his wounds and his bruised ego, but you cast a sealing spell on the doors anyway, a protection on the cottage, hoping it will keep him at bay, deter him if only temporarily.
You collapse on your knees beside Lilith, brushing her hair from her face. To your relief, she is breathing, and with a whisper you teleport her to the bed.
“Et aperi oculos tuos,” You murmur, stroking her hair and holding her hand as her eyes blink open, hazy and squinting.
“Y/N?” She croaks, sitting up with a grimace.
“It's me. I’m here.” Your body is shaking, your face screwed up as you cry, and she takes you into her arms, tears forming in her own eyes.
“I thought he was going to kill you.” She whispers, stroking your back, and you tense, letting out a hiss. There is most definitely going to be a hell of a bruise there. “He hurt you.”
“Mm. Not as much as I hurt him.”
Lilith pulls back, staring at you incredulously, eyes wide. “How? You shouldn’t be able-“ Her eyes search yours, and you smile, and she laughs then, a deep laugh from the pit of her belly. “You're quite extraordinary, you know that?”
“I know.” You grin, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “I have no doubt he’ll be back, but we have time to prepare. I can help you be free of him. If that is what you want.”
You're suddenly unsure then, thoughts coming to the forefront of your mind of Lilith's devotion to this creature for so long – centuries of serving him, Millennia. It's all she's ever known, and despite the abuse, the pain and turmoil, you can’t help but think that Lilith may be uncertain, fear the unknown of life as her own person, not crushed under his thumb.
Lilith shakes as you crawl onto the bed and she collapses into your arms, sobs wracking her form, and you hold her tight, rocking her as she nods her head almost violently, desperately. “Yes. Yes. I want to be free of him. I can’t s-stand it.”
“Shhh, it's okay, Lilith. I’ll help you. Enlist others to help if I can. You're so powerful, Lilith, more powerful than you know. Together we can do this. Okay?”
She nods as she nuzzles into your neck, overcome with hiccups and sobs. You pull back, and gently tilt her head to look up at you. You stroke your fingers over her split lip, the bruise on her cheek, the wound at the back of her head, crusted with drying blood, and they heal before your eyes, and you smile. Her eyes seem to clear as the pain in her skull, the throbbing pressure beneath her eye dissipates.
“Where else did he hurt you?”
Lilith shakes her head, calming down now, and offers you a watery smile in return. “It's just a few bruises, darling.”
You snake a hand to her back and slowly unzip her dress, and her eyes remain fixed on yours, the smile still playing at her lips. You pull the dress down her shoulders, her hips, gently tugging it from her entirely, and her body is littered with bruises when your eyes roam lower, and you feel the anger rising again, but Lilith cups your cheek, and it instantly floats away.
You kiss her softly, tenderly, needing her to know how much you love her, showing her that you will never hurt her, always treat her with love and respect and adoration – as she deserves. She melts into the kiss, slender fingers combing through your hair. Her tongue comes out to swipe at your lip, and you part them invitingly, tongues caressing, entwining. You unclasp her bra with deft fingers, and Lilith slips the garment from her shoulders, tossing it away.
Your mouth travels to her neck, kissing and licking at her skin, and she releases a sigh, a hum of encouragement. Your hands roam her bare body, and your mouth follows, and every bruise you find is bestowed a single kiss, and they fade to nothing, and Lilith gasps each time, at the warmth spreading through her as your magic heals her tender flesh.
“I love you so much, Lilith.” You whisper against her heated skin, and she groans at the admission, arching her back against your lips as you brush them against her taut abdomen.
“I-I love you too.” The demoness breathes, and your stomach flips, your heart skips in your chest.
“I will protect you with my life. Always.” You plant a kiss to her bellybutton, and you hear her sniff, look up to see tears rolling down her cheeks, but when her eyes meet yours she smiles, and gently pushes your head lower, and you giggle and kiss at her core, covered by only the thin material of her lace panties. You sit back on your haunches to lazily slide them down her thighs, her toned calves, off of her feet, and when you lay on your stomach between her legs, ready to worship her entirely, her hands find yours, clasping them gently, and when you meet her blue eyes her face is relaxed, content. You're overwhelmed with the intimacy of the moment, the tenderness you feel for her, that she feels for you, and it seems she is too, as tears still flow freely down her cheeks.
“Are you okay?” Your brows furrow, ready to pull away should she not want this, but she nods vehemently, strokes your hand with her thumb.
“I’m okay. Please. I just... I love you. I need you...” Her voice is quiet, and trembling, but you nod your head, smiling, understanding, and one hand leaves yours to stroke at your hair as you press kisses to her sex, her hips wriggling beneath you.
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howaboutleeches · 5 years
curious prompt; Luco and Mc’s 1st introduction at the palace, as Doctor Devorak’s apprentice. Lucio already sick w the plague, and MC his designated nurse and the whole thing involves Lucio being kind of reluctant to accept help from a mere apprentice but after some time and perhaps delirious fever dreams there’s some kind of tension, MC questioning helself etc? More angst and drama ish than actual smut or fluff really, just a side of this relationship i think we don’t see enough of 😖🌸
My beautiful sunflower
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Word Count: 2,421
"Are you sure he won't be bothered by the change?" I made my way through the palace halls, making sure to always stay close to my mentor.
"Absolutely! Lucio gets annoyed by many, many, things, but a new face was never on the list" Julian squeezed my shoulder, trying to ease my insecurities away.
I sighed, regretting all my life decisions until the present moment, and held my books tighter. I was just an apprentice, for haven's sake! And Julian trusted me enough to look after the count. "It won't be so hard, trust me. It will be just like babysitting, really." Why did I ever trusted him?
The hall started to become narrow and the number of doors along it was becoming scarce, leaving a single golden door at the end of the hall, shining against the candle holders fixated on the wall. As we approached the door, our footsteps being the only sounds echoing on the hall, barks were soon heard coming from the other side of the door. A smile formed on my lips and I rushed excitedly to the door but Julian held my shoulder, giving me the most serious look I have ever seen on his face.
"Don't. Pet. Just don't" And after that he just kept walking. I followed him and when I finally reached my mentor, he was already knocking at the door.
"Oh, it was about time. I was getting frustrated already, Jules! Mercedes and Melchior are great company, but they don't talk back, you know? I mean, where were you? I sent a letter yesterday and I expected you here sooner!" The count opened the door, still blabbing "It's not a lot to ask for a little company and...who's this?"
He eyed me up and down as he had a judging expression, that slowly turned into curiosity and lust. He took a step closer to me, blantly ignoring Julian, and extended his golden claw to my face, but not touching it, only letting it linger close to me, like he could feel my energy.
"Um, this is (Y/n). She's your new nurse. My...apprentice" As the words left Julian lips, I could see Count Lucio's face turn to horror.
"An APPRENTICE? YOU DARE TO BRING A MERE APPRENTICE TO TAKE CARE OF ME?" He backed away from me, pointing his golden finger to Julian's face. "YOU COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A REAL DOCTOR"
And with that, he dramatically turned around, grabbed the frame of the door and slammed it on our faces. Julian sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He turned to me, glaring deep into my eyes and pointed at my folders.
"Those papers, let's call them the "Lucio Guides", are going to help through your nursing time. The blue folder contains all info of Lucio's relationship, the people who are and aren't allowed into his room and some duties he still has to do as a Count. The Purple one contains his medication, the right time to take them and other precautions related to his health. The red one...contains his life story and ways to "handle" his personality. Please be careful with this last one. I only decided to share such private information because it will be easier for you to bond. I trust you. You start tomorrow. Now hippity-yay, let's cure this plague!"
- ♡ -
After grabbing all of the medicine I needed, I rushed back to the Count's chambers. First thing I learned about him is that he didn't like to wait. So I would make my second first impression really stand by showing up, not on time, but early. I balanced the papers and medicine bags on my hands while fast-walking through the halls. I passed several servants that greeted me kindly and wished me luck. That last part really made me apprehensive.
Only my footsteps were heard on Lucio's room hall. I approached the door and lightly knocked on it. Barks could be heard on the other side of the door. They started to get closer and soon scratches against the door also could be heard followed by a vicious scream.
"Just come inside at once, I need heeeeeelp" The Count's nagging could be heard from the other side of the door.
I slowly opened the door, letting both of the dogs sniff me curiously as I looked for the Count. He was laying on his stomach, completely spreaded out with his head buried on the pillow.
"Oh Jules, you have no idea of how much I have suffered these last hours, I really-- oh, it's you" He only lifted his head and dropped it again, dissapointedly.
"Good to see you too, Count. So tell me about this suffering you had" I closed the door and the dogs lost interest on me, jumping on the bed and making themselves comfortable.
"Oh nothing much. It's not like you could help me anyway" He decided to sit up and stare at me. I couldn't help but to gasp.
"Count...your eyes!" I rushed to his side, dropping the folders on the floor, and held his face, analyzing his eyes.
"That's the best pickup line you could come up with? C'mon I'm not interested in some apprentice"
I grabbed a small mirror that was laying on his nightstand and shoved it into his face. He yelled in horror.
"WHY ARE MY EYES RED? WHY ARE MY EYES RED APPRENTICE? YOU HAVE TO FIX THIS" I grabbed the mirror from his hands and threw it on the bed, startling the dogs a little.
"Listen to me! First, my name is not apprentice, it's (y/n). Second, I am going to help you, but you have to stop being so harsh with me. It only complicates my work. Do you understand?"
He sighed dramatically and mutter something under his breathed and agreed to do as I said. I made a few quick exams on him and started to write on my papers while he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Am I going to die?" The Count bluntly asked while facing the floor.
"What? Count I-"
"Just call me Lucio"
"Lucio, right" I looked at him, feeling bad for his state and walked to the bed, sitting close to him. "I can't lie to you. You're not well and you need a lot of treatment. But I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be feeling a lot better in no time. Deal?"
He stares at my extended hand for a few seconds before taking it reluctantly and shaking it lightly.
"I better not regret this"
- ♡ -
Two weeks later, and my patient-doctor relationship with Lucio had improved a lot. He had stopped calling me "apprentice", made a few jokes and, sometimes, he even called me by a cute nickname, getting intensely flustered afterwards. It was cute.
As I walked toward Lucio's chambers, I heard a hushed conversation happening on the other side of the door. I tip toed my way to the door and leaned into it in order to listen better.
"So...a dream?" What was Julian doing in there?
"Yeah, but it wasn't just any dream. She was in it"
"Did you really ask me to come here just to tell me about your sex dream with my apprentice?" I could hear the disgust on Julian's voice.
"No,no,no, it wasn't a sex dream, I swear! Let me tell you what happened, sit down"
I couldn't just stay there and listen to that! I had to think fast and do something about this situation. I harshly knocked in the door and I could hear both of their surprised gasps on the other side of the walls. Quick footsteps approached the door, and I faced a red faced Julian when it was opened.
"Heeeeey (y/n), how are you? You look fine! Lucio doesn't she look fine?...I mean...of course you think she looks fine...I mean...I'm leaving. Let's find a cure!" And then he rushed past me and vanished on the corridor.
Lucio and I just stared at each other for a few seconds, his face turning red and I couldn't identify if it was because of the plague or the embarrassment.
Mercedes and Melchior rushed to me and jumped up and down, wanting some attention. I rubbed their heads and entered the room, closing the door behind me.
"So Lucio, any updates? How are you feeling?" I walked to the nightstand to grab my papers and started analyzing them.
"Nothing (y/n)" He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
"What happened with the whole nicknaming thing, huh?" I fake pouted to him.
He chuckled softly and grabbed my chin. "Nothing, sweetheart"
We just stared at each other's eyes for a few moments. I could feel him getting closer to me, and I knew his intentions. I wasn't complaining thought. He suddenly turned around and coughed really hard into the sheets. It was the kind of cough that I have heard before.
I looked at the sheets he had coughed into and saw a big stain of blood. Looking up at his face, I noticed how pale he was. He had a thin line of blood running down his chin and I instantly grabbed a cloth to clean it up.
"Is this the first time that has happened?" I asked while cleaning the blood out of him
"What do you mean "no"? For how long is this going on?" My hand freezed on his face.
"...Two weeks" He looked at me sheepishly and then looked down.
"Two weeks? Lucio! Why didn't you tell me this before?" I grabbed his face with both my hand to make him look at me.
"I don't know...do you even really care?"
The hurt on his eyes and his voice was evident. He looked as if he was about to cry. I held him close and he wrapped his arms around me, sobbing on my shoulder.
"It's just that, everytime someone enters this room, they wish something! They wish to fake that they care or they wish me dead at once. Please tell me your neither of them."
"The first time I came here, I just wanted to get my job done. But now we're in this together" I separated our bodies and held his shoulders "I'm not leaving your side, no matter what. I'll always be here for you. Always."
His eyes widened and he smiled through his tears. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and pressed our foreheads together.
"Just like my dream" I shot him a questioning look while giggling and he just shook his head. "I think I figured what your definitive nickname should be."
He extended his hand to a vase near the nightstand, without breaking eye contact and placed a flower behind my ear, smiling widely.
"My beautiful sunflower"
And with that, we shared a passionate and true kiss.
- ♡ -
Julian hadn't slept in days. The pain consumed his whole being, not allowing him one single moment fo rest. He marched down Lucio's wing's halls holding back his tears.
He held the doorknob and tried tuning it, only to find the door locked. He banged aggressively on it only to hear a mocking laugh from the inside.
"Oh sweet (y/n), my beautiful sunflower. Where have you been? Missed me much?" Lucio opened the door only to find a sleep deprived and angry Julian, with bags under his eyes, red from crying.
The Doctor pushed the Count hard, making him fall on the floor. Lucio couldn't be more offended, and his face showed.
"What the hell Julian?" His response was a paper thrown at him by the Doctor.
Lucio grabbed the paper, reading it carefully, his face growing paler by the second. He looked at Julian, seeking some comfort, but only found hate.
"She's dead because of you. YOU GAVE HER THE PLAGUE. DIDN'T YOU, LUCIO?" Julian cornered Lucio, making him stand to appear more confident.
"What are you talking about? She was fine a few days ago. I saw it! She was here, and she was fine!"
"Oh yeah?" Julian crossed his arms "And what exactly were you two doing here?"
Lucio silenced himself, but by the look of his face it was obvious. Julian pressed him against the wall, holding him by the shirt.
"You idiot. That's exactly how she got the plague. You gave it to her. You killed her" He let go of the Count "I hope you're satisfied. Did you at least have a good time?" He scoffed and walked away from him, leaving the room.
- ♡ -
It was around midnight when Lucio roamed around the streets of Vesuvia. He walked around until he found what he was looking for. The docks. He placed himself on the farest spot he could find and sat there. Staring at The Lazaret. Where his love was. Where her body was.
His tears fell on the sea, making small portions of the water move. He chuckled as he remember you telling him stories of the sea. How you traveled all your way to Vesuvia, obviously exaggerating some points to make him laugh a little. It always worked. But soon the grieving feeling came back to him, making him cry even more.
"I miss you so much. So much. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear! I wanted...I wanted to marry you, dammit! I needed you. I need you. You said you would never leave me. That would be by my side always"
He rose to his feet, looking angrily at the small island on the horizon.
"How dare you to leave me like this? I. NEED. YOU...PLEASE. please come back to me, sunflower. I don't know what to do without you"
And then he just stayed there. For hours. Barely blinking, only letting the tears roll down his face, not even caring to dry them. "They will go away eventually", he though, "just like her".
When the sun shone its first rays on the horizon he knew it was time to go. He kneeled down and started to look on the insides of his cape for something. He removed a single flower, a sunflower, from it and gently placed on the water, letting it folow its own path.
"I'll have you back, my beautiful sunflower. I promise"
And every night after that, he visited the docks, leaving a single sunflower on the sea, hoping it would travel all its way to his lovers heart, and somehow, bring her back.
Bruh, I cried writing this. I hope you're satisfied. Because I sure as hell am.
Love you all, you guys are very creative with requests ❤
Request: Open
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zekroudon · 4 years
The Song of our Hearts (Lukadrien June 2020)
Day 16: Injured
Lila is once again akumatized and she is targeting the temporary heroes that were revealed by Miracle Queen. Luka is hurt and Adrien tries to get his boyfriend to safety.You can read it on Ao3 here.
Just a warning, there's lots of angst, things get violent and a temporary character death so if it's not your thing, you can skip this. The next prompt, Day 17: Heart Song, will be a follow up to this to give it a somewhat happier ending. I'm sorry for the lenght of this, I felt really bad leaving things on a bad ending and I kept writing to get to an  happy/bittersweet ending. It's part of the reason why it's one week late.
No matter where Adrien carries Luka, everything keeps exploding. Fires and debris cover the streets of Paris, turning the city of lights into a battlefield. Hawkmoth brought the big guns to his first akuma since Chloe’s akumatization into Miracle Queen. The akuma is targeting the reserve heroes that were revealed by her. That included Adrien’s boyfriend Luka. They had been walking along the Seine when the explosions started and Hawkmoth’s puppet started chasing them. Adrien is almost certain that Lila was the akumatized victim once again. A sentimonster accompanies her everywhere she goes, taking the form of the heroes often to terrorize their loved ones. The monster took Viperion’s appearance as he attacked Rose and Juleka, Rena Rouge for Alya's little sisters, etc. Luka had jumped to the rescue and shielded them, but the fake hero threw him at a nearby wall and he landed badly on his right leg. His scream still echoes in Adrien’s mind and he knows it will fill his nightmares for months to come.
 He and Marinette had organized a small class celebration in honor of the heroes, but focussing on the temporary heroes. Marinette had worn an amazing Rena Rouge jacket while Adrien had managed to wear a Carapace T-shirt with a Viperion mask. It didn’t fit color-wise, but he had to honor his best bro and his boyfriend. Lila had then walked up tearing up to Alya and said that she was really sorry that Ladybug had chosen her to be the new fox hero. It brought Alya’s mood down and Marinette replied that Rena Rouge was awesome and that if Ryuko and Queen Bee got to use their miraculouses again, Alya and Nino deserved second chances too. She also added that if she was such a great friend of Ladybug, she would already have been given a Miraculous. Suffice to say Lila was seething with anger as she left the classroom.
 For an unknown reason, they weren’t targeting Adrien and seemed to be trying to no hurt him, targeting only Luka, though Lila kept telling how lame he was and how pathetic his friends were. If it could protect his boyfriend, he would throw himself into danger headfirst. He spots a metal beam on the ground and picks it up, it could serve as a weapon. For now, his boyfriend is counting on him to bring him to safety.
 "Adrien, let me go, I’ll be fine… Ladybug’s cure will save me, save all of us. You need to hide in case she needs someone to use the snake…
 - No! I won’t leave you! I won’t let you get hurt…
 - I don’t want to see you get hurt either, as long as your song continues, I know I’ll make it…
 - Luka, I love you… Please, come with me.
 - … How sweet of you, sunshine, though I’m always down to break a relationship. How painful will it be to see him die in front of you, a female voice purrs behind them. Maybe I’ll keep you with us so you have to watch Marinette being tortured… Who knows…"
 Adrien and Luka’s faces go white as Lila’s akumatized form jumps in front of them and the sentimonster, now impersonating King Monkey, blocks them from behind. They’re cornered. Adrien seethes as he clutches his metal beam and stands in front of his boyfriend.
 "I told you to stop hurting my friends, Lila.
 - Why would I listen to you? Your father already offers me you on a silver platter. When those stupid heroes are gone, I’ll have everything I want!"
 She gestures to the monster who turns into a heap of bubbles before taking the form of Carapace. He takes his shield and sneers at Adrien.
 "Can you fight your best friend, or you care too much about him, she asks.
 - He’s not Nino, it’s a monster, just like her, grunts Luka.
 - Oh, not scary enough? Alright then, see how you fare against destruction itself, she replies smirking."
 The monster turns into an exact copy of Chat Noir, though none of Adrien’s warmth and charm shines through, replaced by anger and cruelty. He picks up his baton and begins walking around them as if they are his preys. Adrien feels Plagg stir up in his pocket, but he knows he can’t transform now. He has to face his replica. He may not be transformed, but he’s the real Chat Noir.
 He quickly goes through what Kagami had said were his weaknesses to use them against the monster.
 Right now, his weakness is his lack of power. The monster's, he has no clue. He knows he tends to jump headfirst into danger, but there’s no danger for Hawkmoth’s puppets currently, only for Adrien and Luka…
 Adrien readies his weapon, eyes still locked on the monster’s. The fact that the monster stays silent is even more unsettling as Chat Noir is always cracking up jokes or mocking the villains. This one was silent, looking at them with eyes filled with so much hate and cruelty, Adrien was certain he could never imitate that expression.
 If he had a habit of being lucky, he’d say he only had to hold him off until Ladybug came to save them, but he isn’t lucky. Bad luck follows him everywhere, true to the belief of black cat’s misfortune.
 The monster pounces at him and strikes with his staff. Adrien blocks the blow with the beam. The fake hero hits again, and again without any sign of getting tired. Adrien’s weapon curves and folds under his hits.
 Lila plunges to him and knocks his made-up weapon away, rendering him defenseless. The monster didn’t want to hurt him… He wanted to get him away from Luka… Lila stands between them, while "Chat Noir" smirks like the cat that got the mouse as he lifts Luka by his throat.
 "You know, they always said that Cataclysm couldn’t kill someone… Did they make any tests, she purrs."
 Adrien’s face goes white as he realizes what she’s implying.
 "NO! Please, he’s already no use to Ladybug, you don’t have to, pleads Adrien
 - Just shut up! You and Marinette took everything away from me, he took you away from me. I'll take him away from you! You will all pay!
 - NO, screams Adrien.
 - Cataclysm."
 One word. A cold voice, could as well be death’s, fills the street, bringing the city to a pause, an unsettling silence. Luka’s form doesn’t turn to black ash to Adrien’s relief, but he drops to the ground like a corpse.
 "You know, I kind of wish he could have used his power, it would have loved killing him again and again in front of you. You would have gone mad."
 Adrien runs to Luka and kneels next to him. His ear over his mouth, he doesn’t feel any breath. His chest stays still. He cradles him in his arms as if it could bring him back. The blond’s tears slide on the other boy’s before falling to the ground…
 He hears a voice behind him, but he doesn’t care. Luka is gone. Hawkmoth and Lila killed him… They’re the ones who should pay, not innocents… All Adrien wanted is to be happy…
 Something passes next to him in a red blur.
 There’s still hope. The Ladybug cure. Adrien is still Chat Noir, together, they’ll bring Luka back. Together against the world, as always.
 Adrien ran. His eyes still filled with tears, but the world needs Chat Noir, not a crying mess. Luka needs Chat Noir to help Ladybug cast her cure and save the day.
 He turns in an empty alley and Plagg flies out of his pocket. He looked worried, but Adrien hadn’t time to care, they’d talk later when Luka would be back alive.
 " Plagg…
 - Adrien, please be careful, so many of my holders…
 - Claws out!"
 He feels bad for shutting his kwami, but other things are more urgent. Green light fills the street as he becomes Chat Noir. Using his staff, he hauls himself to the roof and rejoins Ladybug. He ignores the storm growing inside of him. He lands beside her with a thud. They nod to each other, a simple greeting fitting to the situation. He doesn’t look to where Luka lays, he isn’t allowed to be distracted.
 The monster still took his appearance and Lila, or whatever was her akumatized name this time, he didn’t care to register it, readied her weapon. Her akumas are always the worst, and sometimes he feels like she keeps some semblance of control over her actions. She did try to help Oni-Chan defeat them.
 He pounced on the monster, staff and claws ready while Ladybug jumps on her.  
 Staves and claws clashing. He knows he shouldn’t but his anger and thirst for revenge overtake him. It’s just a sentimonster anyway. He punches his imitation in the gut before throwing him on a lamppost. The monster falls to the ground, looking unconscious. The street is gaping with holes caused by the explosions. Water flows out of broken pipes and electric wires like snakes taken out of their holes. Chat Noir takes two and ties the monster with them. He makes sure to stay far enough of his hands and makes sure to tie his ankles too in case he switches form again.
 Ladybug screams as she hits a wall. Lila sends an explosive blast over his partner’s head. He pushes out of there and the debris misses his feet by a few millimeters. He helps her stand on her own.
 "Thanks, kitty, time for a little luck, she asks smirking.
 - I hope it’s not too complicated this time, Ladybug, but I believe in you.
 - Let’s do this, Lucky Charm!."
 Her yoyo spins in a flash of red light, two black earrings falling into her hands before both heroes are blown away by another of her explosions. "They look like Luka's", thinks the cat hero as they hit nearby walls yet again. Chat Noir grunts as he stands.
     Enough    .
 She keeps hurting his friends, the persons he loves. That’s enough. The storm fills his hand, flowing towards the ring. Like Cataclysm, but stronger, wilder, and uncontrollable. Something echoes in his mind. A word, something he doesn’t know.      Black Storm.     It calls to him, wishing to be unleashed. It whispers that it would save his friends, destroy her forever, she would no longer hurt anyone…
 Chat Noir raises his right fist towards Lila’s akumatized form and screams the words.
 "Black storm!"
 The destructive energy that was raging inside him escapes his fist, forming a bubble of black energy in front of it before exploding in a black beam akin to videogame character’s power shoots through it and engulfs the akuma’s form. Shortly after, it vanishes, leaving gaping holes into buildings and a black statue of ash where she once stood.
 He killed her. He killed innocents that were hiding in their homes… He fell on his knees, clutching his head.
  "Chat… What happened? Since when can you do this, asks Ladybug, worried.
 - I don’t know… Something inside me… I was so angry, she keeps hurting my friends, she killed my boyfriend… I couldn’t, he sobbed.
 - Please talk to Plagg about this, it looks dangerous…
 - I will… I’m sorry, I should have been more careful…
 - It’s okay, I don’t know what I would have done if she had hurt the people I love… We’ll talk about it later okay? What about some Dupain-Cheng pastries tomorrow evening? It’ll give you time with your boyfriend and to talk with Plagg.
 - Thank you, I’ll be there…"
 She picks up the lucky charm she dropped before walking to the statue. She doesn’t seem too phased by the statue, as if she already saw something of the same kind before…A gust of wind blows the statue away, like ashes after a fire. The blue feather and purple butterfly appear, but Chat Noir is too entranced by the scene before him. He killed her. If the cure doesn’t bring her back, she would be gone, for real. He will have murdered someone.
 He is a killer.  
 Looking up, he sees Luka’s body surrounded by a pond. He looks serene, though black marks scorch his neck where the monster had held him, another reminder of what destruction could do in the wrong hands.
 He turns around as Ladybug frees the purified akuma and amok. Her worried eyes met his ashamed ones. He raises his fist for their usual fist bump, but she walks past it and hugs him tightly. Even with her kind words from earlier, he expected her to be disgusted, or even scared of him, scared of the extent of his powers. Once the shock fades, he enlaces his arms around her. A voice in his head echoes through his shattered mind.
     She doesn’t say anything because she has to work with him to defeat Hawkmoth… Well, does she really need him? She’s the guardian, she could take back Plagg from him and give him to someone more competent… She has plenty of other heroes to choose from anyway… Would Luka react the same way if he knew what he did, or would he be disgusted? Would he break up with him because he’s a monster? He’ll be insulted that you hid being Chat Noir to him. He’ll be mad you tried being the snake when you already were the cat…  
 She breaks the hug and throws her lucky charm to the sky calling upon her miraculous cure. Magical ladybugs swarm around them, the streets, fixing everything that has been broken. Lila appears in front of them, sitting on her knees, not as confused as most akumatized victims happen to be after being freed. She stands up and puts on the usual mask she uses when around us.
 Adrien completely ignores her, his whole being focused on his boyfriend sitting on the pavement, looking around worriedly, searching for something, or someone. His body turns on autopilot, walking to Luka and picking him up in his arms. The small part of his brain still working reminding him to not give Lila clues about his identity. Ladybug nods at him and he jumps off, his boyfriend safe in his arms.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
Full bingo angst answers for Wren please! 💋💕
Thank you, baby!!! Kinda hitting it where it hurts today, huh?
TW: Mentions of self-harm, alcohol abuse, and child loss...just kinda...it’s angsty. Sorry guys. 
💙 What would your OCs last words be (or if they’ve died what were their last words)? What were their final moments like? How did they die?
Probably...man, knowing Wren, she’s gonna go down fighting and defending a loved one. She...Wren will use her Wrath to draw the attention to herself, even if she knew it was a battle she wouldn’t win--sacrificing herself to give the other person a chance. Her last words...would be deep and meaningful, something that would hit hard. She would either quote something with a deep meaning or something so pure from the heart...I could also see her saying “Free...I’m finally free.” Or maybe being excited to see her mom again. 
💧 What’s the worst pain your OC has ever been in? Mental or physical? What was the cause of this?
That’s a toss up between her father blaming her for her mother’s death/being mentally and emotionally abusive or the car accident and losing the baby. Both had Wren spiraling in very different ways, both still giving her nightmares to the point of insomnia some nights. Then also losing John later in life. It hits her hard to know that her life partner died sacrificing himself for their son, and that he’s just...gone. It’s hard for her to bounce back from it. 
🔷 Has your OC ever had to leave something behind or abandon something they didn’t want to? Have they ever had this happen to them? How has this effected them over the years?
There’s a locket, a gold locket with a tree on it, that her mother used to wear before she died. It was one of the things she held onto dearly after her mom died, because it was pretty much all she had. Her father got rid of most of Lily’s things, including the piano, and so Wren clung to it through her childhood, drawing strength from it. It “mysteriously” disappeared after her father found out about it, just a few days before she left for college. In turn, she stole her mother’s ashes to scatter them, but it still haunts Wren. It had a picture of the two of them together.
🔵 Has your OC lived through any particularly traumatic events? Does this event (or events) still effect them or have they tried to bury it? Is there a reason why this event is so traumatic for them?
JFC, where to even begin? Honestly, the cards are stacked against her in the worst way, I feel for her. The biggest ones would be abusive childhood, losing her mom, unhealthy relationship with college professor, the horrible car accident, the drinking problem that followed...Wren tries her best with it, truly. It still effects her, mostly through panic attacks (triggers) and her nightmares. She will fall into depressive episodes as well. Most of the time, she will bury it though, like, she’s guarded--if you’ve been through some shit, you could probably pick up on it, you know? But with anyone else, you can’t tell. She hides it well. 
❄️ What is (one of) their biggest regrets or biggest mistake they’ve made? Is there anything they can do to fix this or is it so far gone there’s no point anymore? Is this something they dwell on a lot?
Wren...Wren is on the path of learning what she can and can’t control, and it’s...going as well as it can, because she has such a control issue. She tries to tell herself to not dwell on the things she can’t control...but the thing with Wren is that she needs to feel in control. The biggest ones would be the college professor and the path she took after the car accident. Wren hates giving parts of herself for it to be taken for granted or advantage of. She also sees the alcoholic chapter in her life was a little too close to her father than she cares to admit. But well...you can’t fix the past. 
💦 Does your OC have any self destructive habits? Addictions? Urges? What is the cause of these or the reason for them?
Wren used to have a drinking problem, mostly because of an emotional thing versus having to have alcohol. She just used it as an outlet, but most of the time, it just lowered her walls and made her more emotional in a self-destructive manner--depressive, angry, and antagonizing. She would start fights, which is why she got in trouble and got her shit together. Wren internalizes too damn much, overthinking and jumping to conclusions based on her own observations because she’s not one to trust someone else’s intentions or words. While Wren isn’t judgmental, she’s very open minded and accepting--she can be quick to judge in cases where you’ve invoked her wrath. Did some shit when you were young? Who hasn’t, I still care and accept you. You just crossed and betrayed me? I’m going to make it my personal goal to make life hell for you-- She also has a tendency to use her wrath to push people away and then close off, hurting them both in the process. 
🌊 What is your OC like at their most depressive? In the middle of a breakdown? Having a panic attack? What are they like with dealing with anxiety and stress?
Wren during a panic attack starts with her not being able to formulate actual coherent sentences because her mind is going so damn fast, and her hands shake. Her muscles will stiffen, making her super tense and she shuts down mentally. Most of the time, she will curl up on the ground (in the corner of a room, etc) with her legs hugged to her chest, forehead against her knees. Mostly to hide her face and to make herself as small as possible and to provide herself some sort of comfort (sometimes she’ll grip her hair, too). If someone catches it (if they know what to even look for), they can intercept and help kinda deter it. But Wren internalizes, closes herself even more, buys a ton of whiskey or wine, and just sits with her dark feelings. They consume her easily, which is why she usually tries not to drink when she’s down, it makes it too easy to spiral. Wren handles stress the best she can, but she internalizes that too. Anything negative has a chance of coming out in the form of wrath, so she can be a bit...yeah.
☄️ Does your OC struggle with their emotions and trauma? Do they find it easier to open up to strangers or those close to them if at all? Do they tend to hide their pain from everyone?
Wren struggles hard. Like, she has a harder time coming to terms or understanding the why behind everything, and has a constant struggle with her desire to change what happened that her emotions and traumas don’t fully get resolved. She’s so desperate to be free of it, but there are times where she’s holding her own self prisoner for it due to guilt and heartbreak. She will never open up to strangers, she doesn’t trust people easily, you have to have earned your way close to her before she’s confiding in you. She hides her pain (or tries to) from everyone, including herself. You have to actively pursue Wren and be supportive consistently for that to spill from her mouth.  
📘 Write a sad journal entry, an unsent letter or short sad drabble. + bonus, give a theme!
A piece from Wren’s journal while going through therapy:
"I wish...it starts off normal, and it’s inconceivably misleading, but it draws me in anyway. Then...then its sneaking up on me, so before I know it, I’m in the deep-end, drowning in something dark and sticky, feeling as if it will become my second skin and suffocate me in the process. That’s when I start to hyperventilate, desperate and clawing to find the surface, but I can’t. I start crying, my chest constricting in panic. I turn...I turn and I see an open door, the inside is even blacker than what’s around me and I slowly start getting pulled back into it...and he just watches--laughing and taunting. I cry more, because there’s nothing else to do. Until the hand...it grabs me and yanks me back...I wake up then, screaming and panicking before the door slams shut. I take a shower once I wake up, because I can feel the hand, I feel the darkness on my skin. I don’t sleep most nights. Not anymore.”
🔹 Does your OC have any scars? What are the stories behind them? Do they have any mental scars? Talk about the effects of their trauma in general on their day to day life.
*Nervous Laughter* Scars....alright...so, Wren growing up would often resort to self-harm to cope, unfortunately. She avoided her wrists and opted for her inner thighs, aiming to hide the marks better. Once hitting college, she moved on from it, until the car accident. She started again once she spiraled, even using it a bit as she stopped drinking. It didn’t happen too often, just in major low points. She dropped it completely after she started going to therapy, learning to try and find healthier coping mechanisms. Wren’s traumas come out daily in the form of her having to be in control of herself and situation at all time. She’s the one driving, she makes her own choices, she sits on the outside in booths at diners and whatnot, having the option to leave when she wants. Wren hates feeling trapped and is super claustrophobic because her dad would lock her in the basement or her room for hours at a time. She buys a Jeep so she has the option to remove the top and the doors, everything in on her terms. You don’t touch her unless she wants you to, you don’t come visit her space unless she wants you to. Things like that. 
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themysticorder · 4 years
The Child of the Dark Crystal Chapter 1 “Birth”
The Dark Crystal X Winx Club crossover
Rated E for Graphic Depictions of Violence and Rape/non-con
This means that I will probably not be able to post all chapters here in full. In that case I will post a link to AO3 where this story is also published
This is the Background story of Mara, an OC of mine. She was born from the Dark Crystal and holds the power of the Darkening.  In this story you will find out how she turned into the Villain of the Mystic Order
I know that the names of the Skeksis can be a bit confusing, especially when you are not familiar with the Dark Crystal Lore but they are basically made up of two parts Skek and something else: SkekEkt, SkekZol, SkekSil etc, I thing you will get the hang of it when you have read for a bit.
Also the Crystal, the Heart and the Heart of Thra are all terms for the Crystal of Truth (Or the Dark Crystal in this case as it is still Darkened because of the Skeksis misuse)
English is not my native language, if you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. Criticism is always welcome as long as it is constructive.
I do not own the Dark Crystal or Winx Club and its Characters, all rights go to their rightful owners. I do however own Mara and her story as well as the Cover art.
Chapter 1 “Birth”
The Crystal glowed like it had never done before, the whole chamber was flooded with bright purple light, and painted the walls of the Chamber in the same color. It was almost blinding to the eyes of the Vulture like beings that observed the strange behavior from a safe distance. Guttural voices filled the room as the creatures screamed in Terror at the sudden outbreak that none of them had been prepared for. Was the Crystal finally demanding its tribute for the many times the Skeksis had abused it for the benefit of longevity? Or was this just a new phenomenon they had not yet come to witness?
The Skeksis rushed through the room, shielding their eyes from the light that felt as if it could burn the eyeballs out of their skulls. They waved their skinny arms through the air in panic, accompanied by their shrill screams of terror as there was nothing they could do to stop the incident.
Only when another of their Kin entered the chamber the room fell silent "What is the meaning of this?" The Emperors voice echoed through the room, causing the others to shudder."Emperor" SkekTek addressed his master with a slight bow and then continued " Master, we were just preparing the Ceremony of the Sun, but, its.....its....gone Crazy" the scientist said as he pointed at the object that had caused the turmoil.
Skekso stared at the Heart, his eyes burning from the light. A shudder of fear ran through his body as he watched the strange phenomenon he had no explanation for. "SkekTek" he hissed sharply at the figure beside him "You have spend more time studying the Crystal than any of us, make this stop"
The Scientist gasped in shock, it was true that he had studied the Heart of Thra thoroughly, but he had no idea what was happening to it right now, or how to stop it. "But Emperor, I don't know how, the Crystal has never done this before."
"I don't care for your excuses, do something about it or I will have the peeper beetle take your other eye as well."
This was enough to convince the Scientist to take action, he still remembered the pain when his right eye had been gouged out by the pesky little creature, and even though his bionic eye had much better vision, he did not wish to go through the experience again. He sighed in defeat and slowly approached the Heart, holding an arm up against his face to shield his eyes from the brightness.
"Be careful SkekTek" the other Skeksis shouted almost in unison as he slowly stepped closer until his figure was almost swallowed by the light. A pulsating sound emanated from within the Crystal, that hovered in the center of the room above a shaft of fire, the crackling flames licking on its surface.
He slowly stretched out his arm towards the smooth surface but stopped just a few inches before his scrawny claws could touch it, as he felt the heat that exuded from the Heart. Whatever the Crystal was doing, it used a lot of energy, causing it to drastically heat-up with every of the small shock waves that radiated from it like weak Heartbeats. He heard the murmuring of the other Skeksis behind him, but could not make out the words that spilled from their beaks, as the pulsating sounds that emitted from the Heart of Thra drowned them out.
He did not need to hear it anyways, they were probably already discussing the most horrifying death scenarios that could occur to him if he came in contact with the Crystal. Burned alive? Cooked from the inside out? Or maybe simply turn to dust on the spot? All of these were possible outcomes and thinking about it did not help him calm his mind one bit.
Suddenly a strong wave of energy emitted from the Heart of Thra and caused the scientist to loose his footing. He screamed in shock when his body was lifted from the ground as the massive outburst of energy send him flying through the chamber. A wave of pain rushed through SkekTek's body as he crashed into a wall, the stone behind him cracking open, before he finally fell to the ground.
The other Skeksis screamed in fear, frantically waving their four arms through the air. They ran towards SkekTek, who was still sitting on the ground, to help him back in his feet. The Scientist needed a moment to get back to reality, his head was spinning and his breathing was hectic and inconsistent.
Only SkekSo, the Emperor, remained plastered to the spot, watching in awe as the Heart of Thra went back to its former self. The pulsating sound was gone and with it the blinding light that had threatened to burn out their eyes from their sockets mere seconds ago. Now the Chamber seemed even darker than it had been before the strange phenomenon.
Everything seemed to have gone back to normal, everything except for the shrill cries that echoed through the chamber and caused them all to stop dead in their tracks. On the colds stone floor, in front of the Crystal laid a small figure that had not been there before, screaming from the top of its lungs. The Skeksis gathered around the small being, seemingly confused by its sudden appearance. The tiny being frantically kicked its tiny legs as the high pitched-pitched noises left its toothless mouth, tears streaming down its cheeks.
"What is this?" SkekEkt the Ornamentalist asked, covering her hears with her bony hands.
SkekSo slowly stepped towards the small being and carefully stretched out his finger towards it until he almost touched it. He was taken aback when the infant suddenly grabbed his finger, gently encasing it in its little fist. Its eyes flew open, its gaze wandering between the strange creatures that were observing it with curious glances. It stopped crying, only small moans escaped its mouth that almost sounded like weak laughs, as it stared at the emperor with it bright magenta eyes that seemed to be almost glowing in the darkness of the chamber.
Its skin was pale and had a grayish tint to it, turning darker towards its hand and feet. Purple lines that looked like gossamer threads of lightening wrapped around its fingers and toes were the skin had turned completely black. They were glowing and emitted a dark energy, an energy that the Emperor was all to familiar with. "The Darkening " he whispered to himself.
A high pitched laugh caused the emperor to flinch and rip his hand from the cage of little fingers, causing the infant to scream even louder than before.
"I don't know what this is but I want you to get rid of it" The Emperor shouted at the other Skeksis who were startled by his harsh tone. "But Emperor, what should we do with this...thing?" SkekEkt asked with a hint of worry in her voice
"I don't care" SkekSo spat and smashed his staff onto the stone floor "Drain it, maybe we can make use of its Essence, just get rid of this thing"
"Emperor would you wait a moment yes" a voice rose from the crowd of vultures as SkekSil the Chamberlain stepped forward "We must not haste the decision, maybe Crystal has sent child for a reason, maybe it will be angered when we drain it. The master turned around, taking in the words of the chamberlain as he could see the truth behind them. He rubbed his snout as if thinking about the situation before he addressed the Chamberlain "What do you suggest?"
"Have you looked at child? I have seen Human child before in Crystal Forest, but this child is different from others, she holds power, cant you feel it? Maybe we can use child for our own purposes. I suggest we keep child here and Study her, maybe Skeksis can make use of her." SkekSo considered the words of the manipulative Chamberlain and eventually agreed, with the condition that SkekSil would care for the child as he still had no interest in it, he was merely afraid of the wrath that could be caused by the Crystal if they abandoned the infant. -----------------------------------------------
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theunboundmeg · 5 years
Nefarious (Chapter Four)
Tumblr media
Summary: Darkness is slowly creeping through Hawkins, but people seem to be either ignorant or looking the other way. Y/N wakes up in an unfamiliar place and begins desperately searching for her way back home. Billy starts to question his morals and hunts for Y/N in hopes of possibly setting things right. Steve and Nancy call it quits, but that doesn’t seem to stop Steve from noticing someone else...someone who’s been there all along. 
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Y/N (Reader)
Word Count: 3,601 Words
Rating: 18+ (For the Future)
Warnings: Cussing, compromising situations, etc.
Chapter Four: Where is She? (Y/N and Billy Perspectives)
  The silence was nearly deafening as I laid there, eyes closed. I thought, that maybe if I laid like this for long enough, whatever was happening to me would stop...and I would wake up back in my driveway. I remember the screeching, the roaring...and then I woke up.
  I jerked awake with a start, gasping for air. The world around me had darkened, as if evening had set on Hawkins rapidly. How long had I been asleep? I furrowed my brows and reached up to gingerly touch my head. It hurt, no doubt from the impact against the concrete driveway. Wincing, I slowly pushed myself up and looked around. The whole world had seemingly gone pitch black, but the creature that had attacked me was nowhere to be found. There was a sudden wave of fear washing over me as I turned around over and over again, as if waiting on the damn thing to jump out and attack me again at any second.
  It hadn’t really been small, but it hadn’t been large either. Perhaps the size of a medium dog. I cautiously glanced back towards the trash bins and saw nothing but trash in them. And that’s when I realized...it was snowing. Wait, was it snow? Pinching my brow in confusion, I moved out from under the awning of the garage and stepped out into the driveway. Soft flakes of what looked like snow whirled around me, but they didn’t melt like normal snow. Nor did they accumulate on the ground and build up. I stood there for quite some time, taking in the sight...before realizing just what the world actually looked like around me. Dark vines crept up lamp posts and consumed cars. Houses were overcome with the dark matter, and in the distance a red light flashed briefly...much like lightening did within a distant thunderstorm. This place...this wasn’t my home.
“MOM!” I screamed suddenly, lunging towards the house and throwing open the door.
Creaking noises and then silence. There was no one there...no one save for me and the empty landscape. Fear began to overcome me as I realized I was not in Hawkins anymore. Or, if I was...no. No no no...this was a dream! 
“Come on...wake up! WAKE UP!” I cried, trying to slap myself awake a couple of times. 
  Nothing worked. Nothing. I clambered through the house, tripping over a few of the dark vines that interlocked and gripped onto the furniture. Sobbing helplessly, I ran up the stairs towards my room, trying desperately to find something...anything that would help me wake up. I pushed my door open, finally taking note of my fingers as I looked at my hands. Blood. I’d been clawing at the pavement so violently, I’d drawn blood from my own fingers.
“Holy shit...” I whispered, shaking as I looked my hands over.
  It was then I heard another noise...the sound of something creaking once more. It sounded like footsteps, like someone was ascending the stairs towards my room. Both fear and hope swirled within me as I looked back out of my room towards the darkened stairway.
“Mom?” I breathed, hoping that perhaps she’d found her way too...found her way to me.
  A shadowy figure finally emerged from the darkness, but still stood far enough away from me that I couldn’t quite see who it was. I squinted, trying to make out anything about them that I could, but I just couldn’t...see.
“You’ll understand soon.” it said, drawling in a way that sounded all-too-familiar.
“What?” I whimpered, holding my hands gingerly, fingertips itching from the scratching that had occurred.
“You’ll understand soon. Don’t you remember?”
  And without another word, the figure was suddenly upon me, overwhelming me. Hands reached out to clasp around my throat, fingers wrapping like slender claws...consuming me. I thrashed and struggled, crying out helplessly as it began to suffocate me, overwhelm me. 
“Shit.” I grunted, turning immediately and rushing into the house.
  Susan and Dad were still out of town and Max was nowhere to be found, but Y/N seemed to be taking priority. Why in the HELL did I feel like I needed to chase after this girl? Having stormed off the way she had and without even giving a reason? Christy had to go. The curly redhead seemed to crop up the very second I was back in the house, fawning over me like a lovesick puppy.
“We going to start working on our project together or what?” she asked, smacking her gum and looking at me affectionately.
“You need to leave.” I said, brushing past her towards my room, throwing my jacket on in the process.
“What are you talking about?” 
“I said you NEED to go. As in through the front door and out of this house. Now. The project can wait. Or, maybe you can do the entire thing, and say I helped you with it. I don’t care. Either way, I have to go find someone. So, I suggest...you be gone by the time I get back.”
  I was an asshole...that much was obvious. But I didn’t really seem to care...not about this one. I finished pulling on my boots, and without so much as a goodbye, I was moving past the stunned redhead again and out my front door. Keys in the Camaro, the engine roared to life, the sound nearly making my blood boil. Something about the car made me feel powerful...overwhelmingly so. But I loved it. I threw it in reverse and peeled out of the driveway, taking no time to toss it back into drive and roar off down the street. It took time getting there, more than I would have liked. I hadn’t even turned the corner and a train had caught me, forcing me to sit still for longer than I would have liked.
“Stupid...fucking...shit...” I grumbled, trying to figure out just how I was going to train myself in order to apologize to Y/N.
“Why the fuck do I even have to apologize? I’m not the one making assumptions!”
 Great. She had me fucking talking to myself. How much more crazy could one man get? Maybe this...maybe this was why dad had left mom. Or, maybe that was just what women did? They made men crazy...and then they left. They always seemed to leave, so what was the point in getting close to them anyway? What was the point in getting close to Cat Ears, even? I slammed a fist against the wheel in frustration.
“I can’t fucking believe this.”
  The train finally seemed to let up, and I took no time pressing the gas and hitting it once more...barely waiting for the safety signs to rise back up. I pulled up in front of Y/N’s house, tires screeching in the process. The house appeared to be empty, save for one vehicle in the driveway. And while I knew Y/N drove normally, she’d seemingly walked to my house earlier. Perhaps her car was getting fixed? Who cared really? I jumped out of the car and headed over towards the house, mumbling to myself the whole way.
“I’m sorry I’m a fucking brute...I’ll try better...let’s just make out...”
 I didn’t know how to handle this sort of woman...and it terrified and excited me all the same. No girl had ever really resisted me the way Y/N had for the most part...and that’s what I was starting to find so attractive about her in the first place. 
“HELLO?!” I called, knocking on the front door a couple of times.
  Letting out a breath, I stepped back and shoved my hands into my jeans pockets. No answer. I waited another minute, before reaching out again, this time ringing the doorbell once...twice...another time.
“It’s Billy! I’m here to...” My words fell flat as I tried to find the right statement,” I’m here to talk?”
  More silence. There was no way she wasn’t home. Was there? And then it hit me...What if she’d run to someone else? What if they were inside right now? What if she was wrapped around another guy? I felt that familiar red haze starting to overcome me.
“No...nah...” I grumbled, reaching for the door. 
  I jiggled the doorknob, but there was no give. Just as I was about to turn around and give up and go home, I heard it. A rattling noise came from the garage at the side of the house. I slowed, narrowing my gaze as I looked over. The awning partially covered it, forcing me to have to actually walk over and see what had made the noise. Rounding into the semi-complete room, I noted the trash lid on the ground, and what looked to be streaks of red paint staining the concrete. Without a care in the world, I crouched downwards, fingers running over the red liquid on the pavement. There wasn’t much to it, almost as if a paint brush had been dropped that barely had anything left on it. But there was still enough for me to make out the color...the color. 
  My eyes widened as I realized just what I’d gotten on my fingers. Blood.
“Y/N?!” I roared suddenly, standing up and moving over towards the side door to the house. This one was partially opened, whomever having entered last clearly having forgotten to close it...or hadn’t done so on purpose. 
 I sounded desperate, worried. It was such a different sort of tone for me. Something I wasn’t used to at all. Normally if anything worried me, it was laced with quite a bit of anger...and Max was on the receiving end of it majority of the time. This was a change.
  I stepped through the vaguely familiar hallway, only having seen the place in darkness. Daytime it felt different...less intimate. I paused at a baby picture hanging up on the wall, looking it over. It must have been her. She’d been cute, for sure. And that’s when I heard it. A sound of wood groaning on the stairway. I jerked around and rushed towards the stairs, only to find the girl herself standing there, rocking and shaking slightly.
“What the hell?!” I breathed, moving up two at a time and eventually grasping her shoulders.
 “Y/N! Answer me? Are you sleep walking? Are you okay?!”
  She didn’t answer. Her eyes appeared to be rolled into the back of her head and she almost seemed to be sleepwalking or in a trance. I snapped fingers in front of her face, but nothing seemed to do the trick.
 The choking continued, cold fingers starting to consume me, black all around. I heard a distant voice, but I wasn’t sure who it was or if I could even make it out. I was going to die. I was going to die like this.
“Everyone. We’re going to destroy everyone.”
  A stillness suddenly washed over me as the creature spoke...and without a second of delay, its’ face began to contort and twist...eventually forming that of Billy’s. I let out a scream of terror, thrashing and begging. Pleading.
  My eyes snapped open and I found myself teetering on the stairs, Billy holding me by my shoulders. I looked at him, horrified. He must have been worried, because his expression was white, face drained of blood.
“Y/N?” he whispered, quietly.
  My whole body shook as I realized I must have been hallucinating. Perhaps the thump to my head had caused such an episode. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t going to leave me be any time soon. I broke down, starting to sob softly as I realized I was safe. I threw my arms around him, clenching tightly. Normally, this wouldn’t be the case. But now? I’d been terrified...and he was something from the normal world. He was here...this was real. Someone had found me and woken me up.
“Hey...” he began, stiffening as I hugged him, “What happened?”
“I don’t know.” I replied, trembling in his grasp.
“Come on...”
  He turned and steered me towards my room, carefully to not bump into any walls or furniture along the way. When we got to my bed, he set me down atop it and moved to sit down beside me, reaching for my hands.
“You need to clean these.” he grumbled, sounding as though he was having to take care of an infant.
“I know.” I replied, shooting a quick look at him and slowly withdrawing my hands to press against my person.
  I don’t know how long we sat like that for. The silence stretched for what felt like hours. The sun began to set outside and I’d been perfectly content with sitting there quietly, next to him. The anger I’d expressed towards him only mere hours ago was like a distant memory. But...the vision of him turning from the shadow monster...oh, how it gave me chills. I knew it had only been a dream, but still. I couldn’t help but replay it over and over again, revisit it in my mind’s eye. Eventually, Billy cleared his throat and glanced over towards me again.
“You want to talk about what just happened? Or...anything?” he asked, tilting his head.
  I sat there, contemplating. What exactly was there that I could say to him that wouldn’t sound deranged or frightening? I had a vision of you choking me and telling me shit I didn’t understand. Yeah, that sounded perfectly credible. I inhaled slowly and shook my head.
“I don’t know. I think I...I think I hit my head outside and then I woke up and I was just...here. I had some sort of nightmare, like I was here but it was...and alternate dimension. I don’t know.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and motioned towards the stairs. “And then you woke me up. And here we are.”
  Billy stared at me, then shook his head and looked downwards.
  “If you hit your head, you need to go to the fucking hospital. Seriously.” he grumbled, looking up slowly and back to me. 
“I can’t. I mean...I feel fine. If I have another bad dream or something, I’ll just go talk to someone about it. Okay? It was just a bad dream.”
“Jesus Y/N. You hit your head!”
“AND I’M FINE!” I snapped suddenly, an anger washing over me that I’d not expected.
  I widened my gaze as I realized what had just happened and I sat back against a pillow. “I’m sorry. I just...I’m shaken up.”
  He nodded slowly and reached out, placing a hand on my thigh.
  “You know Christy and I were working on a project, right? Earlier? She’s into me, sure. But...I don’t want that...her.”
  He shook his head and gave a short laugh.
“They’re all the same. They all want the same thing.”
“Don’t you want that same thing?” I asked, looking up at him curiously.
  He pursed his lips and stared back at me. I couldn’t quite decipher what he was thinking, or the expression he was trying to convey. Everything in my body hurt for some reason, and I knew...somewhere deep down, I knew that earlier had been more than a dream. I hoped, with all of my heart that it had only been just that, but it wasn’t. I opened my mouth to say something again, but this time was interrupted by him leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. My head whirled with confusion, at best. I didn’t know whether Billy was trying to put me under a spell or if he actually meant what he was doing, was putting emotion into it. And in that moment? I was drugged with the feeling he was giving me. I needed it. I leaned into him and whimpered softly, fingers brushing against his face briefly. This kiss, shared in the most innocent of settings and moments, made me realize just how much I’d been craving this sort of attention, affection. 
“I think I have a thing for you...” he finally said, breaking away to speak.
  I sat there, still slightly intoxicated with the feeling he’d given me from such a kiss. I’d liked it, but even in the back of my mind...I couldn’t wash away the vision of him. I had no idea what it meant, and part of me hoped to never find out.
 Billy didn’t stay much longer after our kiss. We talked for a few more minutes. Among those minutes, he made a point of finding ways to have a hand or two on me consistently. It was something that I’d not been expecting in the least, but found comforting nonetheless. When he did eventually leave, he mentioned something about needing to go pick up Max from the Arcade and that he would be seeing me tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I had to go back to school. Tomorrow I had to face the facts that now I didn’t exactly know WHAT Billy and I were, but there was something there. Still, a darkness seemed to be attempting to overshadow me, consume my thoughts. Billy would never attempt to kill me or choke me, but the dream was still something that seemed so real...so vivid.
  I reached out for my phone, deciding I needed to talk to SOMEONE about it. While Nancy seemed to be the first choice, I decided on Steve instead. Something about this situation seemed more likely to get through to Steve than Nancy. And based on all of the wild stories they’d told me, I was sure one of my closest friends could at least shed some light on the weirdness of the dream. 
“You dreamed of what?” came the voice across the line, the sound of confusion and concern clear in his tone.
 “I don’t know Steve. It was like...one second I was here and the next second I just...wasn’t. I was here, but it was like somewhere else. It was almost like it was snowing and there were these vines everywhere. I even heard some weird noises, like clicking or squealing. It was unreal.”
  I inhaled sharply and sat there, twirling the cord between the handle and the receiver. 
“I’m not going to lie to you Y/N, I don’t know much about any of that stuff. It SOUNDS like what happened last year, in a way...but I didn’t know much about anything going on. Nancy had to piece it together for me, and even then it was confusing. A weird freaking dog appeared out of nowhere, we lit it on fire and hit it a couple of times...some weirdos from a lab were involved. It just all sounds ridiculous, but that’s all I know. Listen...I’d say talk to Nancy about it but...”
  His words fell flat and he seemed to struggle with what he was going to say next. I wasn’t stupid. I figured something had been going on between him and Nancy for a while. Perhaps they’d finally just called it quits? Perhaps he’d finally just given up on her after all.
  “Nancy and I aren’t together anymore. But she knows more about this stuff than I do. What you’re telling me sounds almost just like what she went through that night in the woods. She described it almost the exact same way. Except...she went through a portal and you...”
“I hit my head...” I mumbled, knowing just how stupid I probably sounded.
“Look. Try and get some sleep tonight. We can try and chase down Nancy and Jonathan tomorrow and see what they think. Sound good?”
  I replied softly to him and turned to hang up the phone. It wasn’t really that comforting, knowing that a similar experience had happened to someone else before. Though, I guess it could have been way worse. I could have never woken up. I could have been stuck in a coma and never awoken. 
  I stayed in my bed for a few more hours. The sun had set long ago and I was sure that if I didn’t get up and change soon, I’d fall asleep in the clothes I’d worn for the day. Grimacing, I stood up and shuffled my way towards the bathroom. My fingers had dried blood crusted across the tips and my hair looked a total mess. Perhaps a full on shower would do the trick instead. Before I could even so much as turn the water on, the doorbell sounded off.
“What now?” I mumbled, turning the light to the bathroom off and heading down the stairs.
  The only person I’d been expecting home by now would be my mother, and she had a key to the house. So, who in the hell was calling on us after eight p.m? I moved over to the front door and pulled it open slowly, peering out. In front of me stood a man in a long coat, greying hair messily kept up on his head. Beside him stood, what appeared to be, a police officer. The two men appeared official enough, causing me to open the door a bit more widely.
 “Something I can help you with?” I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion.
  “Yes. I...” The grey-haired man clasped his hands together and looked at me carefully, eyes squinting as he considered me.
  “You’re...you’re number three...” he said, his expression going from confusion to that of fascination. 
“I beg your pardon?” I asked, sure this guy had me mixed up with someone else...or someTHING else.
“Number Three...one of the original Four. My god...it really IS you.”
< Chapter Three
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tehrevving · 5 years
I dunno if anyone’s interested but I just smashed out a brainstorm/draft 0 of a piece and I figured I’d share it here, you know, if anyone wanted to get some insight as to how my twisted mind works, or something, I dunno.
Anyway. When I started writing this I didn’t know where I was going with it apart from Devil Trigger Cock.... and well I guess now I do. lol.  This is my first pass, it has all my typos and probably doesn’t make much sense. It’s not coherant, it jumps around and it’s probably 5 rewrites away from being finished, the dialogue doesn’t have tags etc but, here it is if you wanna read. Enjoy :D
Song: https://open.spotify.com/track/33l1r0nOyFVOANL6gqmA00?si=_NxH7iV7RImRGw56g_9TKA
It was a lazy day at Devil May Cry. Dante had been sprawled out over the length of the couch, arm over his eyes, pretending to nap and wasting the day away.
 You sat up, moving back down his body until your hips were over his. He let out a soft groan as you sat down, you could feel his hardness through his pants pressing against you.
 “Don’t you think I’ve been such a good girl lately Dante?”
He lifted his head up to look at you.
 “And, good girls should get rewarded, don’t you think?”
 He sighed, “there’s always a catch with you.”
 “Do you know what we haven’t done in a while?”
 “hmm?” he intones, rising up at the end in question. He’s intrigued now, sitting up silghtly so there’s less strain on his neck.
 “What you haven’t done in a while.”
 You arch your back and see the way his eyes follow the curve of your form. You rock your hips as you settle back down and watch as his eye flutter shit for a moment before opening.
 “Well, you know what to do sweetheart.”
 You lean forward to kiss him again. His hips move impatiently, wanting friction tht youre simply too small to provide.
    You hold his big cock in your hands. Fingers wrapped around the base and pulling it towards your mouth. You press kitten licks to the sensitive spot jst underneath the big head while he squirms underneath you.
 “Danteeee~,” you whine at him.
 “Fine. Fine.”
 There’s a rush of energy, it moves through the room and concentrates between your fingers. You watch as the coverted object in front of you glows white with light, with a scorching sort of heat.
 In his Devil trigger, his normal one anyway, his cock doesn’t get much longer. Maybe another inch or so, he’s long enough already that it’s tricky to notice but the girth of it practically doubles. A long, fat cock, the skin a dark sort of brown tinged with veins that glow orange red and pulse. It’s ribbed and segmented all the way up, like it’s covered in scales. With a thick blunted head and heavy balls that hang low.
  It doesn’t take much for him to come when he’s like this. His devil cock is sensitive. Each orgasm makes it more sensitive, it comes a lot and often, and you’ve never seen it get soft. Not that you’ve ever tried, Dante always gies up before that point. Eventually his body gives out and his cock fades back into human form.
 “Babe,” he says as you take him as far between your lips as you can. It’s not much.
 You know it’s madness to try and take him without any prep, not like this.
 He’s out of it, but not enough that he’s not aware. His hands are tight on your hips in warning. The head of him lines up with you and he growls, a deep thing that rumlbles in his chest. Your legs are shaking as you try to hold yourself stretched up.
 “Nope,” he says, voice slightly distorted. He pulls you off him, not that you were really on him to start with. He lifts you effortlressly with both hands and pulls you until you’re resting your thighs on either side of his face.
 //fingers and then a demon tongue
  By the time Dante releases you, you’re shaking too much to stay upright.
 You look down to see his cock absolutely glistening with precome, a large pool of it on his skin.
 He sits up and plls you to his chest. He’s sticky and sweaty, but so are you.
 He holds you steady, gives you support because you don’t have any yourself.  You’re only human, he probably did too much, but you’ve got this fire in your eyes even though your body is almost limp in his arms.
 You cry out as the head of his thick cock, impossibly warm starts to press against your entrance. It’s so wet there, from your own slick, Dante’s thick demon saliva and the liquid pouring from his cock. It goes in this time. You feel his nails turn to points against your hips as his cock begins to sink inside of you. You cry out and claw at his shoulders, trying to find purchase on anything, the stitching on his shirt groaning.
 You’re incoherent and beathing heavily by the time he’s fully seated inside of you. Everything burns with this pleasure you can hardly stand.
 “You did it. Such a good girl,” he praises you. His voice gruff and distorted, he’s breathing hard, struggling to hold himself back. His hand threads through your heair and pulls it up to you’re looking at him.
 “Are you okay?” There’s concern in his eyes.
 You nod.
 He looks down at you like he doesn’t believe you.
 “Dante,” you whisper. “Please.”
 “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
    You try to rock on him but between his large thighs and how much of him is fucking inside of you right now, it’s almost impossible.
 You reach down a hand over your belly while he thrusts, and that’s when you feel it.
 You take his hand, place it on your skin and try desperately to rock your hips so he can fele it.
 It triggers something primal inside of him. His eyes flashing red, flashing dark. Dante growls and it’s inhuman, it looks like his skin starts to tremble, and you wonder if he’s going to fully trigger.
 He lifts you up and pushes you back util you’re lying on your back on the couch. He’s on his knees, your legs around his hips. The bulge in your skin is larger here, you can see it. You lean up to watch it, and you can see his eyes are locked on it too.
 He pulls his hips back and it shifts, you throw your head back and cry out at the feel of it. The pleasure. The tight rush as your body grips his cock, not wanting to let it go.
 His whole body is vibrating now, claws digging into your hips. You’re bleeds from the pricks of his nails claws now, dripping down on to the couch.
 You come and you scream his name.
 There’s an unholy light, an impossible heat. You scream louder as something change sinside of you. You think the pressure might split you in half, it’s so big. Like his cock has tripled in size, maybe more. There’s a roar, something that shakes the very core of your being, shakes the room.
 Your eyes water from the heat, you can hardly see through them.
   This huge demon growls your name and swears as its fucking giant cock rearranges your insides as it moves. It’s more like it’s pushing and pulling your insides around it than it is thrusting itself in and out. It’s ridged everywhere, catching on your body. The pleasure is unbearable, the bulge in your stomach even larger now.
 You pass out from the heat, from the vibrating inside your skull as the creature comes inside of you.
 You wake up in pain, to a blurry, swearing Dante standing over you.
 Your body aches, there’s not a part of you that doesn’t hurt. Your skin feels like ribbons, like it’s been clawed away on your hips and your thighs. There’s an unbearable burn between your legs, that seems to stretch all the way up your body.
 You groan and even that hurts, like your lungs are bruised.
 The couch cushions are shredded underneath you.
 Your vision comes lsightly more in focus, but you can’t move
 There’s Dante, pushing something foul and chewy into your mouth and begging for you to swallow.
 You try your best, pushing the gross mush down your throat. You feel instantly better and worse at the same time. The pain starts to recede, but it just leaves a numb throbbing that’s almost worse.
   Dante helps you to sit up and there’s a gush of something. You look down to see a huge puddle of dark liquid between your legs. And then you notice that the couch is scorched black, the walls and floor are scortched black. There’s charcoal on the roof. You groan as your neck protests at the action of moving.
 “Don’t move,” says Dante, “just rest.”
 “What the fuck? Happened?”
 “I lost control,”
 “Lost, lost control.”
 You see a flash of a huge demon in your minds eye, glowing orange and red. Your body moves to flinch back but Dante’s there to hold you still.
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headcanons-ghost-bc · 6 years
Nameless Ghouls: Heat Season
Aight y’all! I’ma gonna try my hand at writing ghoul headcanons! YAY! 
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Alright, to set this straight, I am also one of those people who headcanon that ghouls (and Papas) have heat seasons. However I also headcanon that ghouls can sire (or bear) kits too, as well as have the same energy and mannerisms as cats, (For less serious headcanoning) and they originated by means of being turned, rather than being their own species. (which is a story for another time) But I’m going to write how the ghouls are, in heat...
For this, I’m gonna go with Era 4 ghouls (mostly because I know next to shit about any previous era ghouls, aside from Special... F--- it, I’ma include him anyways) Alrighty, here goes nothing folks!
For ghouls in general: Both Papas and Nameless ghouls have a heat season. At first glance, one would not think so, but you never know what goes behind closed doors. This is the period where they are at the peak of their strength. When unrestrained, they can wreak absolute havoc upon any and every poor unfortunate soul that dares cross paths, unprotected. 
For that reason, the Clergy took it upon themselves to construct a security center where the dungeons used to be. Lined internally with the strongest metals and inscribed with the most powerful and protective symbols and inscriptions. These headcanons will tell you why these ghouls are locked up when in heat and why you should watch out...
Specific ghouls under the read more link below...
Special (’cuz I want to...): This ghoul is one of the eldest turned ghouls and has existed since the early generations of the church. As such, he knows the exact time when he’s gonna be in heat, so he enters confinement a couple days ahead of time. Once the heat kicks in however, expect all Hell to break loose (literally speaking)...
He will screech, howl, hiss like a half-madman, half-beast! He will also bang, scratch, claw, anything at the walls around him. (Not that it would do much good, as the etched writing on the walls basically render the ghouls’ power and strength totally useless) He screams in medieval tongue. His ranting and raving is the stuff of nightmares...
Aether: This ghoul was the first to be turned during Era 4, so he, like Swiss, Rain, and Mountain, are practically trouble.
When in heat, he likes to taunt the clergyguards with things like obscene gestures, name-calling, mother insults, etc. If you are a guard in that place, you will have to have a turn-the-other-cheek mentality ‘cause he will go personal...
Dewdrop: Since he was turned during the Meliora Era, he doesn’t have as much trouble as his ghoul brethren. (and sistren) Unfortunately, that is only saying a lot. Like Special, he enters his chambers a little early until heat season comes.
This one will weaponize his own body fluids, waste and gasses to attempt to get a guard’s attention. (Do not fall for it!) He would even spit pre-chewed food in your face if you gave him access. When heat season is all said and done, Dew’s confinement is basically a mess to be cleaned up...
Rain: This ghoul can, will, and does play on your bleeding heart sympathy to try to lure you in. He will try anything and everything smart from crying, to making noises like a scared cat, to faking injuries. He. Plays. Dirty. Every. Time.
For this reason, the Clergy prefers to hire a guard who’s a hardass minded individual. Unfortunately, even then, that’s no guarantee...
Swiss: Unlike Aether, Rain and Mountain, Swiss doesn’t lose his intelligence during his bouts of being in heat. If anything, it amplifies it even more! 
He lives up to his nickname because he actually succeeded in escaping his heat prison many times! He will use whatever is available to him and turn it into a tool for escapement. You might as well call him McGuyver Ghoul...
Mountain: This ghoul is the most troublesome of all in heat. (Aside from the ghoulettes) That’s because he likes to taunt his guards in a rather... Strange way.
He will set up a pattern where he makes irritating noises and singing out of tune on purpose. Then all of a sudden, he goes quiet. Too quiet. Once someone goes to see what’s wrong, that’s when Mountain strikes the hardest. The fact that he’s unpredictable is what makes guarding him all the more dangerous.
Ghoulettes in general: For the longest time, creating ghulehs was unheard of, and even fewer wanted to even try. While there were many reasons, this was the main reason. The females are even more dangerous in heat than their male counterparts. The reason for this is they are looking for a mate to sate their desires and give them young. 
These ghoulettes were the last to be turned, so that makes it a double whammy. If you are a straight male, don’t even bother with guarding them. The Clergy had to figure out the hard way that the only way the ghoulettes could do minimal damage during heat is to not separate them. Ever...
Cirrus: Aside from all the moaning and noises they make together, this ghuleh is more active in attempting to get a guard’s attention. She can literally smell when a guard is aroused so she will play on that.
There was also that one time she and Cumulus seduced a female guard and snatched the keys from her person and actually escaped.
Cumulus: Like Cirrus, she is also a maestra of seduce and escape. The difference being that while Cirrus is assertive in making trouble, Cumulus waits for the right time to strike and destroy.
This has resulted in many a casualty if one tries to separate the duo. So if you don’t want any maiming, don’t even try to piss her off! Remember clergyguards, a happy Cumulus in heat is minimal damage from the ghoulettes....
Hope you all enjoyed my first Nameless Ghoul headcanon! I’ll be making a Papas (and Copia) one next time. 
I will be reblogging this from my main...
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sebbytrash · 6 years
Through His Eyes - Part Ten
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Eventual Bucky x Reader
Warnings - Guilt (Shocker), Sad stuff, the usual. 
A/N - Sorry its been ages, again, my pals. I had a big bout of writers block and then i started my new job etc (insert real life shit here) anyways, I hope you enjoy this part. will exchange feedback for nudes or nuggets
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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Dead Eyes
Kind Eyes
He’s there, like he always is, above you. In front of you.
This time, he’s not alone. There’s a figure there behind him, hands him the knife he leans to you with. The figure steps into the light, the figure is you.
You scream, and cry, “Why are you helping him?”
He smiles, stands the other you in front of him and puts the knife over her heart.
The screaming starts.
The sun filters through the gap in your curtains, draws lines along the floorboards till it reaches your wall, a slice of light in a room of dark. Your eyes track it several times over till your heart beats time with it, slows to a steady pace and lets the ringing in your ears fade enough to hear your own thoughts again.
You roll onto your back and stare up at the ceiling, counting your breaths and overthinking the nightmare like you always do, have to do. It changes a lot now, of course, but this one feels closer to that guilt you’ve been fighting lately. Not the guilt for Bucky, but for that part of you that’s forever broken by him. That girl who cried herself to sleep for months, who picked angrily at the scars on her arms till they bled through her shirts and had panic attacks in dark rooms that she slept with the light on for six months afterwards. Logically, you know that she was you and nothing was making you choose between her and Bucky but the closer you got to him, the further away you seemed from the girl who fought and clawed her way out of that panic and back to you. She was why you were still here.
Guilt for him, guilt for her. Nothing is ever simple.
You’d yet to speak to him after that moment in the gym, navigate the overlapping needs with the wants and find a ground somewhere in logic and sense. Yeah, the fun stuff.
The interrupting growls from your stomach force some movement into your limbs, carry your body up and in search of some suitable clothes for a venture to the kitchen. It’s late enough that someone might have made something and that thought has you pulling on the closest lounge pants and following your stomachs hope all the way to the kitchen.
“Morning.” Sam greets you, hunched over his mountain of pancakes, already thumbing a few onto a waiting plate and shoving it towards you.
“My hero.” You declare with a flourish of hands and not so gracefully tuck in, politeness left behind long ago between you and as soon as the taste hits your tongue you sigh, a slow smile spreading in between chews.
“Sleep well, again?”
“Yeah, I guess.” You did, in some ways. The dream has stayed with you this time.
“You don’t sound convinced.”
“I mean, I clocked decent hours.” You say, glance up at him before continuing, “Still having nightmares.”
“Yeah, I still get those too.” He says it, reaches between you to smooth a thumb over the back of your hand, “Doesn’t mean you're not doing good though.”
You grip his palm and wrist, feel his words soothe an ache you never realised you had, “You think so?”
He smiles but it doesn’t really reach his eyes, the haunted look in them gleans the edges of it, “They never truly go away, but with time, they have less of a hold on you.”
Sam has spent so much of his time helping you through your own shit, you so often forget that he has his own stuff, too. He faces his own demons and own nightmares, turns to no one for that support on days he can’t feel the ground beneath him. You sit there, in subdued awe and filling to the brim with gratefulness that you get to know this man and get to call him a friend, both of you sitting with clutching fingers and heavy smiles across the breakfast bar.
It’s then that Bucky walks in, freezes mid-step when he sees you like he might say something, glances down to those hands still across the table and then continues passed, ducking his head and shielding his eyes from you with that hair of his. You snatch your hand back from Sam’s in an instant, trying not to think about why you felt the need to or why Bucky’s jaw clenched in that half-second before he shielded himself from view. Sam’s raised eyebrows tell you that he’ll be asking questions later but for you, he mercifully says nothing, simply continues to eat away at Mount Pancake with comfortable ease.
“Morning, Bucky.” You offer into the now weighted silence, teeth tugging on your bottom lip enough to tear at the skin.
He turns then, forced movements and gives you a smile, not the one you’ve become so fond of but a pained sort of smile, “Morning.”
He pulls a mug out and tips himself some coffee, face carefully neutral and practised precise movements as he moves carefully around the kitchen area. It’s the first time you see his neutral face for the mask it is, notice the edges of his mouth and the tightness around his eyes, wonder how you ever thought of this as his no emotion face in the first place. It has emotion if you're looking, you just don’t know what emotion he’s hiding. He gives you one last look before he heads to his usual spot. His shoulders sag when he sits, curl in on him in a way you haven’t seen in a while. You feel that dull ache in your chest again, the one you're desperately trying to ignore.
“We just gonna pretend like that wasn’t a whole thing?” Sam asks now that Bucky's out of earshot but that doesn't stop you from shushing him in a panic.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You say, stare intently at that last pancake on your plate and cut away the curves of it. Then cut away some more.
“That’s why you are shushing me then, right?” He smirks, reaching out to grab your plate from you, stopping you from ruining the pancake any further with your nervous cutting, “I could just go ask him…”
“Alright, smartass. That’s enough of that.” You shoot him a glare and consider how you might explain the weird tension and the weird reaction, not ready to hear an outside opinion of whats went down between you and Bucky, a small part of you not ready to ruin it with sense and logic. “We kissed.”
“You fucking what?” He definitely wasn’t expecting that and the number of octaves his voice climbs is staggering, your hand shooting out to press against his mouth and pinch his lips as you shush him again.
“Jesus Christ, Sam. Don’t you know what shush means?” You whisper at him, “Keep your voice down.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to drop that bomb on me.” He whispers back, that easy smile replaced with the confusion and concern you were expecting, “You wanna explain or should I start guessing?”
“Stop being so dramatic. It’s not a big deal.” You say, can’t help but glance over at him to check he’s still over at his perch on the couch, “The other night, we got locked in the weird room with all the switchboards and shit, okay? And so we talked for a bit, everything was fine until he saw my scars. I guess I’ve been good at keeping them out of sight for now and well, he freaked out. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“So you kissed him?” He asks, incredulous tone unwavering and it solidifies the decision to not tell him the rest.
“Yes.” You say again, chew on your bottom lip a bit before adding, “It made sense at the time, okay?”
He makes a noise like he disagrees, looks over your shoulder with narrowed eyes, a lingering look at Bucky like he's analysing or planning, you can’t quite tell.
“Look, it’s not a thing, okay? It’s a nothing. A non-issue.”
He rolls his eyes at your forced flippant tone, “A non-issue that had you whipping your hands off me like I was 200 degrees.”
“Just some minor… weirdness. I’ll clear the air today, it’ll be fine.” You try to sound confident, sure, like there’s not other option but to believe it. You fail.
Sam looks at you for a long minute and the silence is too loud, the need to hear his advice is stifling and pushes right up against the need to keep those moments untainted. It's entirely unbearable. “I just think your playing with fire,” He says finally, “It’s messy.”
“Look Sam, I promise it’s not. It was just a distraction, there’s no feelings.” The words feel a little hollow when you say them and you almost want to take them back, because really, between you and Bucky there was only feelings.
“If you say so, marshmallow.” He looks unconvinced, “But remember you can talk to me.”
You smile, sudden and grateful, “I know, Sam.” The secrets you didn’t tell balance on the edge of you smile.
The hours tick by in seconds, a blur of movement and polite nods as you sit in the same spot, thinking and rethinking about what to say to Bucky. Be honest with him, Sam had said.
The truth. What exactly was the truth? Did you regret what happened? No, you didn’t. Truthfully, you couldn’t explain what happened. How your mutual pain had evolved in the moment to a mutual pleasure. How it had somehow healed and simultaneously carved a new hole in you. The never ending loop of old guilt and new guilt.
Messy. Ha!
The sole of your shoes protest as you rub it against the chair leg for the 80th time, the noise enough to stumble in through that thinking and push you towards action. The ache in your back tells you exactly how long you’ve been sitting there, your muscles sing for every single second. The path to Bucky’s room feels alien, like the path to regret or some other feeling that you can’t place. It’s a distracted sort of thing, like walking into a room and suddenly forgetting why you did. If that feeling had a physical representation, it would be this corridor here in front of you with the ominous door at the end. (The door is actually fine, as friendly looking as doors can be.)  The walls wail and the floorboards creak, or at least they do in your mind where the looming conversation is starting to feel like a jump-scare in a horror movie. You reach the door, hesitate on the knock and end up tapping a nail against the frame, the smallest version of a tap, a nothing noise. Oh well, you think, he’s obviously not here. Coward, your subconscious spits.
Just as your about to tuck tail and retreat, the door swings inwards and reveals Bucky with a very unsurprised look on his face. Did he- did he really hear that tap?
“Oh, um, hi.” You say, and then helpfully add, “I was just about to knock.”
He gives you a look like he knows that’s not true and you start to wonder if there's secret surveillance on the door that can somehow hear people's thoughts, “You wanna come in?”
“Huh? Oh, yes. Sure. Ok.” Great work, you sound a little deranged. You shuffle past him and into the room, do a half glance around but try not to look like your looking. He gestures towards the couch and you gladly sit, anything to not be standing around so awkward, trying not to be curious.
“Can I get you something to drink?” He asks politely but you don’t miss the way he looks just left of yours eyes.
“A glass of water would be great, thanks.” You smile at him, wait till his back is turned before you greedily look around, snatch up all the details as fast as your eyes will let you like they might disappear, like the details will vanish as soon as you say what you need to. You eyes snag on a box near the opposite wall, files and folders haphazardly sticking out, a few photographs peaking between the pages. Too soon, he returns with the glass and notices you looking at the box. He face turns tight as he sits beside you, looks at the box himself for a few seconds before he finally says, “It’s my past.”
It becomes clear then, what’s contained in those files, who those photographs are. You ache again, for him, for you. The constant dull ache with new carved edges. You’re all at once curious and terrified to know if there’s a file with your face on it in that box. He finally looks at you, eyes steady and resigned, like he's waiting for...something.
“I figured we should talk.” You start, and then stop because you don’t know where to begin, how to clear this.
“We should.” He agrees, sets down his own mug and sighs heavily, “I… I was having a hard time that day, and it was a little...overwhelming.” He looks at his hands as he says this, like it cost him something to say it, “I know I was out of line. I’m sorry for that.”
You take a second to measure your response, “I’m a big girl, Bucky. I can say no if I don’t want to do something.” You watch him swallow the words and their meaning, see his head incline and his shoulders sag just a bit, “I think we both can understand a bit of that difficultness and that makes us react a bit differently to each other than we would the others.”
He nods again, “I guess that makes sense.”
“It was a reaction,” You continue, “Not a very smart one, but not one I necessarily regret.” He smiles wryly at that, letting a little relief color his face.
“So, we’re okay?” He asks, wringing his hands a little but given his usual aversion to showing his emotions, it’s like he's practically screaming his anxiety at you.
“Absolutely.” Try to let it show in your smile, “We can’t overthink it. I, uh, think I need this friendship with you.” The second part you admit a little quieter, a truth even you didn’t know until you said it.
“Yeah? Me, too.” He says, quieter still. Small smiles mirror on your faces, the relief of it all clear in the color of them. You stay like that for a minute, a few more, letting his presence sooth in waves over that nervous, pained energy you’ve been carrying today. “Oh, I have something for you.” He disappears before your face catches up to the confusion.
He hands you a book, “I was in a great little bookstore yesterday and saw this. Thought you’d like it. You’ve not read it, have you?”
You blink at him a few times before you turn it over in your hands and read the title. The Song of Achilles. “Oh my god, Bucky! I’ve been wanting to read this for so long. How did you know?”
He smiles that smile, the one you’ve grown so fond of, “I didn’t exactly know. I spotted that last book you read and some kid pointed out. Said if I liked that series, then I’d love this.” He radiates all that kind hope of the gesture, it suits him.
“Thank you, Bucky. This was really nice of you.”
“You can stay, if you want, and read it. I was gonna read one I bought for myself anyway.”
“Ok, that sounds pretty great.” You say, because it does. It’s rare to find someone with a shared comfortability in spending time without forced interaction. He retrieves his own book from what you assume is his bedroom and flops down on his chair, legs flung over the arm of of it and flips through the pages. You watch him for a few seconds, silently delight in the relaxed look on his face and take one those mental snapshots the keep this one for later. Eventually, you tuck your legs under you on the couch and open your book to begin, a soft smile playing at the edges of your mouth. You don’t get further than the first page before Bucky breaks the silence.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“You and Sam. Are you…?” It takes a second to realise the implication and you blink at him in surprise, think back to this morning when he walked in and understand where he found his way there.
“No, I'm not with Sam.” You say, and then you don't know why it feels important to clarify, “I'm not with anybody.”
He nods, looks at you with those glittering eyes, the blue in them sucks up all the air in the room till your throat feels a little tighter. You look until you can’t possibly look anymore, the unsaids getting too close to being said and dart your eyes back to the pages before you, lose a lot of minutes rereading the same paragraph until the air begins to fill your lungs again.
Sams words from earlier whisper hauntingly in your ear. It’s messy.
Well, shit.
Forever Tags:  @manawhaat @theashhole @captainrogerss @a-little-hell-to-raise  @peculiar-persephone  @captain-rogers-beard @chrisevansnco @howlingbarnes @poealsobucky @samingtonwilson @vintagevalentinexx @abovethesmokestacks @imhereforbvcky @avengerofyourheart  @carriefish-er @stormy-thomas @danijimenezv   @until-theend-oftheline  @lancefvcker  @odinhson @betheboo55 @palaiasaurus64 @raxacoricofallapatoriuspotter @johnmurphys-sass @katbird787    @sexyvixen7 @jobean12-blog  @justreadingfics @justareader @smoothdogsgirl @theliarone @aikibriarrose @timeladylaurel @badassbakers @earinafae @crushed-pink-petals @tardis-is-mine @httpmcrvel @bucky2-0 @mocking-rain @sociallyimpairedme @jezzula @bless-my-demons @ign-is @indominusregina @-supernatural-coffee-llama @alwayshave-faith @itsonlysarah @superwholocknda @shifutheshihtzu @mizzzpink @yknott81 @haven-in-writing @xtina2191 @reniescarlett @notsoprettykitty @wickedwerewolf @ayeputita @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky  @tatalopes23 @pineapplebooboo @mizzezm @thefridgeismybestie @memory-of-a-goldfish @supernatural-girl97 @standing-onthe-edge @ruinerofcheese @rosescentedblood @mysweetcookie99
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