#anyway yay maybe i'll do some stuff on it
sam-ph · 18 days
Sometimes, an idea for a webcomic pops up. It could be simple to draw and test it out, yes, if it didn't involve SPACESHIPS!
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dandyshucks · 1 month
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heres a quick Philby sketch !! just pretend all their clothes are rainbow coloured 🌈 :]
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astrxealis · 12 days
we ball 👍
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good morning~ <3
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
I!!! Have a blueberry buckle in the oven!!! I made that!!!
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
i should be writing and instead i just spent a good while reading through some of my old lynn fics cause someones been leaving kudos on them on ao3 and now i miss her and sami so much good lord
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arminsumi · 7 months
i wanted to req doing a skincare routine w gojo, like asking him to lay down so you could do it. if that makes sense 😭😭
(i thought it would be so cutee !! pref a fem reader)
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
Satoru just enjoying getting pampered by his wife.
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[ Note ] : ahhh u are so very kind 😖💗 i lovee the idea of skincare w gojo sm!! he deserves to be pampered like a royal puppy
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He's all for it when you suggest doing a skincare routine on him. I mean, laying down and letting your soft hands work out the tension in his face with some nice smelling products? Yes, please. That's exactly what he needs on a Friday night after teaching martial arts to his students all day.
"What's this?" he asks for each product in your hands. He doesn't eye them out suspiciously, he just accepts whatever you're putting on his face.
He's in this love-ditzy state tonight... oh, maybe it's just the strong blossom scent flooding in through the windows putting him in that state.
"This is a face mask... I'll put it on, then peel it off in fifteen minutes..." you're murmuring slowly, voice soft as you focus on smearing the sparkly gelatinous liquid over the curve of his cheek."
"Mmm..." he hums in acknowledgement to what you said, eyes closing.
His hair is put out of the way by a pink makeup headband; it's the one he bought for you at the beginning of the year, that Sailor Moon one. It just has a crescent moon on the center.
Satoru wiggles his feet and rests his finger-locked hands on his stomach, relishing in the attention you're giving him.
There's a serene silence as you apply the face mask with carefulness — you're trying to make it that perfectly rounded mask.
"... you're so gentle." Satoru comments, smiling to himself. "It's nice... getting pampered by my pretty wife. I think this is the meaning of life." he says in a low rasp. You can hear how tired he is after teaching all day in the hot sun.
"What, the meaning of life is... getting a face mask put on you?" you chuckle.
"Being with you." he replies.
You soften your brows and look down at him with love. He's still got his eyes closed so he can't see your loving look. It's okay. He can feel your love radiating.
"Well aren't you sappy..." you tease. He smiles.
He knows he's sappy, but you like it, don't you? And he means it. His meaning of life is being with you.
"I'm done, by the way."
"OOH let me see."
He checks his reflection in his phone camera, and you know snaps a picture with you while he's at it. You complain that he's gotten your bad side, and that he has to take it again, but he's giggling like a mischievous kid.
You sigh and look at him. "Of course... of course you look good in a face mask."
"Uhhh yeah duh I look good in everything." he responds cockily, then adds, "... you look good in everything, too."
"Ah shut it!" you giggle, and the sound makes his heart lurch.
"Mmm, it's true." he leans in, giving you a lopsided kiss, "Thank you, baby. Anyways... this stuff smells so good... is it edible?"
"No, it's not. So don't eat it."
He eats a little to mess with you. Then scrunches his whole face at the chemical taste.
"Satoru why are you like this." you shake your head. "Anyways... I'll cut some cucumbers for your eyes." you say, turning to the tiny cutting board that you put on top of a pillow.
"Yay, cucumber time." he says like a five-year-old. "It's not bigger than mine, is it?" he eyes out the cucumber you're taking into your hands.
"Satoru!" you laugh scoldingly.
He lets you cut the cucumber in peace, not wanting to talk in case he distracts you. But the way he stares at you, with his fists tucked under his chin and that star-struck look in his eyes, he distracts you anyways, and you nearly slice your finger.
Satoru's a different kind of beautiful. That's apparent from the first time you meet him, but you realize it during times like this; when you're snuggled up in your dim-lit bedroom. The clear face mask glitters a bit, you can see it drying.
"Don't touch it. It's drying."
You shake your head at him. Then you catch him trying to touch his face again.
"Ooh, I can feel the little stars in it."
"Satoru, let it dry. Lay back. I'm covering your eyes..."
"... ooh, kinky."
You sigh, he smiles — he's so happy that he can be an absolute idiot around you and yet you still love him. How'd an obnoxious idiot like him get a tender, loving woman like you? I guess, 'cause he's god's favorite, I mean... with the Six Eyes and Limitless bestowed on him, of course he'd be sent an earth angel too, just to protect his sanity. You're very much his sanctuary, the refuge he seeks when responsibility whips his back.
The soothing cucumber slices cover his eyes now.
Laying and letting you pamper him like this makes him feel so at peace, he's becomes drowsy, and soon falls asleep. Soft snores sound from him. He's so utterly soft and gentle while he sleeps, you wouldn't think he's the strongest.
You decide to not wake him, and just peel the face mask off him gently once the fifteen minutes passes.
He just sleeps like a baby while you finish the routine. A soft, radiant glow adorns his cheekbones. His chest rises and falls like a calm tide.
That's your husband; a hyper, sleep-deprived, overworked and overburdened man who lives for the nights you do these sweet things with him.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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ratcash-wasgud · 5 months
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Hey hey hey! Wah this turned out to a rollercoaster lmao! Okay, so I'm actually super happy that I was finally able to write this part of the story, but beware, this is will contain a little smut, not too much though. Plus, I'm trying to fit the frustrations I had during watching the series into the story if that makes sense. Anyways, sorry for the possible spelling mistakes, and I'll try to continue as soon as I'm able to.
Like swimming in the sunset /part three/
As Mizu was heading back to the house, she kept her gaze on the ground. She felt ashamed, those thoughts she has while bathing still lingering in her mind. She walked through the woods, deep in thought until she was snapped out of it by a bow landing on a tree, right next to her head. She gripped her broken sword, her eyes scanning the scenery like a hawk, until you stepped out from behind a bush.
"Ah, Mizu! Sorry, are you hurt? I just heard movement and shot withouth thinking!" You hurry over to her with a bow in hand and concern filling your eyes. Mizu took a moment in to take that in, and pulled the arrow out from the tree. You moved close to her, looking for any injury you could've caused, and even put a hand on her face to tilt it so you could see better.
Your touch ignited her skin, and the hair stood up on her nape. Her face stayed deadpan, even if she was burning with every touch of your fingertips. It made her frustrated. She quickly shoved your hand away, which left you a little confused. "I'm fine." She says simply. "Why do you have that?" She asks, her eyes squinting at your bow.
"I'm hunting." You answer with a shrug and take the arrow from her hands, inspecting the crack that appeared on it's tip.
"Why are you the one doing it?" Mizu asks again, her tone as cold as ever...maybe even colder that what you're used to. She wanted to push you away a little...it's as if your touch, your voice...it made her crazy in some way, and she didn't know what to do with it. She knew she shouldn't feel this way.
"What, you expect my blind grandfather to hunt?" A small chuckle leaves your lips, and it makes Mizu's cheeks flush, but not in a way you could notice.
"Taigen?" She asks. She doesn't want you to be hunting. You're precious. What's next, will you be chopping wood too?
"Taigen can't hold a bow. He's a swordsman." You say with a shurg and a small smirk, putting your weight onto one leg. "Here, let me show you how to do it." You say, putting the cracked arrow into the arrow holder on your back, and taking out a new new one as you start walking. Your steps are quiet as you eyes scan the enviroment. Mizu walks after you in silence, but she's not watching the forest...she's watching you. You changed more than she could've realized. Sure, you could do things on your own back then too, but...she doesn't like seeing you do stuff she could do for you.
Suddenly, you stop, and you stop her too with putting a hand on her chest. That makes her breath hitch, as she sucks in a deep and quick breath through her nostrils. She doesn't even see the small rabbit you're pointing at first, since she's too focused on your touch where her...breasts are. You doesn't know that, but you're directly touching one under her haori and the bindings. That's only two layers. She can almost feel the warmth of your touch on her skin...and it makes her tingle. She wants that touch directly on her skin, she wants to feel you...but she could never get it.
She only gets pulled out of her mind when you let out a small victory "yay!" as you shot the rabbit, and rush to collect it. "Look! Must be almost three pounds!" You say with an excited smile, showing off the dead animal. It's such a surreal sight to Mizu. As you carry the rabbit back, she walks by your side in silence. She remembers the times you sat in silence with you in her childhood, but this was a different kind of silence. It felt...awkward. Like you were a stranger to her.
"So," You start, breaking the silence. "I heard Taigen has a bride." You say, trying to bring up any topic that comes to mind. "Akemi, right? Have you met her?" It doesn't seem like you noticed how much this topic irks Mizu. She narrows her eyes at the path you tow are walking through, and chews on the inside of her cheek.
"Yeah." She murmurs. "Once." She says, and from her tone you can tell...that's all she's gonna say. She doesn't know why she feels so awkward in front of you. Maybe because of that fluttering feeling, maybe because her imagination ran wild while she bathed, maybe because your touch still burns on her chest...whatever it is, it's new. It's not often she feels awkward.
"...and he's your age, right?" You say quietly, glancing at her with a smile. "Have you...thought about settling down too when you finish your quest?" Mizu can feel her heart skip a beat. Are you...hinting at something? Do you want her to settle down with you? Now that she's thinking about it, it would be pretty normal to marry the boy you grew up with, the only thing is...Mizu's not a man. Could she ever tell you that? Would you hate her?
On the other hand, you must like her as a man, if you're hinting at settling down together, even if that meant getting looks for marrying a halfbreed. She remembers how she felt towards Mikio in the best days of their short time together...and she wonders if you feel that way towards her too. Would it be too bad to pretend to be a man forever and live as your husband one day? Would that be possible, Mizu wonders.
"You know, there's a very pretty albino woman in town...I don't think she would mind your eyes, and she'd make a nice wife one day." You hum, and Mizu's train of thought suddenly crashes.
You...are you trying to set Mizu up with some other outcast? Mizu's jaw thightens. Suddenly, pretending to be a man and being someone's husband disgusts her. She knows it's a sick thing to want, but she wants to settle down with you, not some...other woman. Why do you want her to marry someone else? Do you dread staying by her side this much? Do you...have someone else you want to settle down with? It hurts her. She hates it and it makes her act indifferent.
"I don't want you to decide who I'm settling down with." Mizu says harshly, her eyes glaring. In reality, she's not mad at you. She's mad at the situation, her feelings...herself in general. But somethimes...it's not in her power to control her anger. "Do you even know what you're saying? You think I can't find somebody myself?" Mizu says, stopping in her tracks to look at you, her blue eyes colder than ice. "You don't you have the right."
"What?" Your eyebrows shoot up. "No, I was just suggesting!" You try to defend yourself, but Mizu has already stormed off, walking ahead. She doesn't know why she's acting like this. Is it jealousy? Maybe...maybe it is. As she walks back to the house, she's faced with...Ringo.
She slowly sits down next to the guy who's chopping dried up herbs, making spices. "I..." Mizu starts, then sighs. "Can we talk?" She asks, and the previously still fussy Ringo's gaze softens and he nods.
"You and Master Eiji's grand daughter...are you two not on good terms anymore?" Ringo asks cautiously. It seems like even he can read the room and force his bluntness down.
Mizu bites the inside of her cheek. "...I'm not sure."
Ringo sighs. "She really likes you. While you were still unconcious she was worried sick. All she talked about was you, and the time you spent together as children." He says with a small comforting smile. That plants a warm feeling inside Mizu's heart, and then guilt spreads all over her being. "She's a kind soul, Master, but I'm sure you're the one who knows that the most. So...I'm sure if you asked her to open her heart, she'd do it."
Mizu thinks...does she wants you to open your heart to her while she's about leave, and possibly never come back? She remembers when you were taken away by your father, and she broke inside. Maybe, when she leaves it will feel that way for you too...it's a sick thing, but that makes her a little happy. She wants you to miss her while she's not by your side.
"Maybe I will." Mizu sighs, then looks at Ringo from the corner of her eyes. "...thank you." She even shoots him a little smile. "Useful." She murmurs, and Ringo smiles back.
Mizu stands up and goes to find you next to the fireplace. Before she enters the house, she stops in her tracks. She hears you giggling...along with some other voice. Eiji is not inside, she knows that since he was outside picking out wood, so...it's Taigen. Mizu can't force herself to step inside, so she just...stands there. Peaking and listening.
"Oh, you're just a jerk." You laugh while Taigen holds up the kitchen knife too high for you to reach. "Come on! The food I'd like to make with that is your dinner too! You're playing against yourself." You say, playfully flicking his forehead.
"Jump then. Jump and get it." Taigen dangles the knife above your head with a smirk. It was strange to see Taigen like this. So this is how he acts around women...knowing he has a bride too, ugh. The guy's just awful.
"As if." You say and punch him in the side, which makes him hunch over and you quickly grab your kitchen knife from his hand.
"Hey! That was a low blow!" Taigen eventually starts laughing too, and pushes you, making you drop the knife, and he tackles you to the ground and you yelp. It makes Mizu want to throw up, seeing Taigen on top of you like this. Thankfully you quickly flip him over, pining him down by sitting on him. You seem...stronger than you look. Mizu always saw you as delicate but...seeing you this way, flipping a grown man over with ease and holding him down, is...doing something to Mizu.
At first you and Taigen just look at eachother, giggling before his eyes widen and he goes quiet. You just look at him, confused for a couple seconds before you eyebrows shoot up and your cheeks turn fully red. You jump off him, and turns towards the wall, revealing what was the cause of the sudden mood change...Taigen go hard.
Mizu's eyes widen and she feels...she feels disgusted and shocked at the same time. How dare he, is the first thing that comes to her mind. But what really twists her insides is your reaction. You seem...flustered, if anything. She hates is. Why did that fluster you, and not make you enraged?
Oh, right...he's a man, and a man you, for some reason, don't hate.
As Taigen apologizes and mutters something about probably just missing Akemi, you quickly and awkwardly rush out of the room, and when you do, you crash into Mizu. She doesn't even care about getting caught eavsdropping, she feels...crushed. Like she just lost a race she didn't even knew she wanted to win. But now she knows she wants to. She wants to win, so bad. You stare at her, your cheeks still red as Mizu grabs your wrist before you could react, and starts pulling you towards the forest.
"Mizu?" You asks, eyebrows lifted, still under some shock. "You saw that?"
"Keep quiet." Mizu says, and after dragging you to the forest, she corners you against a tree. "Taigen? Really?" She hisses.
"What? You think that was something I anticipated?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing. "If I had a choice, that would've never happened." You say, slowly reaching out to touch her arm. This time, even if only that tender touch makes her shiver, she doesn't push your hand away.
"Don't act fool. I see how much you like being around him." Mizu says, her eyes narrowing at you. She isn't thinking clear. It's like she's drunk on jealousy.
"Taigen is entertraining, I'll admit that. But that's where it ends." You say. "I...I'd never chose him over you. I'd rather be around you, but you hardly allow it." You whisper softly. Thos words...they make Mizu's heart band on her ribcage, roaring inside her chest.
Then Mizu takes a deep breath and... "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'm not sure...what's with me. Maybe I got a concussion." She says, lowering her gaze.
Then, she quietly gasps as she feels your hand move op her hand and slowly reach her neck, caressing the skin. She's now almost breathing hard, her gaze burning a hole into yours. All while your other hand slowly glides up her chest. Her hand flies to your waist by instinct and she slowly pulls you closer and she lets out a shaky breath.
"I meant that...I wouldn't choose him over you...or anyone for that matter." Mizu feels herself melt inside. A warm feeling taking over her whole body, something that turns her heart into a pile of honey. She feels like...she's swimming in a sunset. She then, before she could regret it, leans forward and pushes her lips against yours. The best feeling is that you don't hesitate to return that kiss, and you even take control of it. She finds herself with her lips parted, your tongue inside her mouth as she's desperately collects your saliva, savoring your taste. As the kiss keeps going, you slowly take her hand, and place it on your chest...your breasts, to be exact.
Mizu jumps on the opportunity and slides her hand inside your kimono, her fingers finally feeling your skin. And oh, you're so warm. Her hand enveloping on of your breasts, squeezing it gently, just to feel how soft it and...it's softer than she imagined. She feels your nipple harden against her palm, and she pushes against it. It's a feeling she never expected to like...but she loves it. You're body's reacting to her, and it's doing it so nicely too...she wants more. She rolls it between her fingers, which makes you sigh into the kiss. Mizu can't get enough of this.
This all happened so fast, too fast, but at the same time not fast enough. Her head is spinning as she pulls away from the kiss, gulping your saliva down as she opens your kimono and slides it off your shoulder. She leans in to lock the nipple between her lips, and it takes all of Mizu's willpower not to moan as she feels it against her skin. She softly licks it first before she gently sucks on it for a couple seconds, and she glances up at you with narrowed eyes, gauging at your reaction. When she feels your hand in her hair, and hears your soft moan, she feels something warm coating her inner thighs. She does it again, and again as your sound, taste and feeling makes her pant and her hands slightly shake.
Oh, she wants this. She wants this so bad.
But then she's pulled out of the moment, her eyes widening when she feels your hand on her crotch.
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bengiyo · 3 months
The Sign Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
It's been too long, so I barely remember where we are. We left at Tharn somehow maybe saving Phaya and getting stuck in a cave to maybe say goodbye because Chalothorn threatened him or whatever. Chart got caught for being undercover. The rest of the gang was lost in the woods. Anyway, let's finish this.
Wait, how are they successfully tracking anyone? I thought there was no phone service.
Oh lord don't start death flagging with promises about rings.
Damn, I feel bad for Chart. That final kick delivery was actually pretty good.
Bestie said they didn't need rope to get them out of the hole. The power of the Warrior's Bond and Yai's arms was enough.
I watch too much American action. The bullet stuff is giving recent Fast films.
Well, there goes Khem.
Why would they let Tharn run after them alone? He literally loses every fight.
Mhmm, see, Chalothorn had to intervene.
Montree still being afraid of Tharn came across clearly.
Damn, y'all ain't even shower before going back home?
Here we go. One last look at Babe's waistline before it ends.
Oof, the only thing Tharn responded to was an admission of his love.
Finally, 🍑
Oh, I liked that shot of the water leaking through the bed to show that Tharn was gone.
I feel like the grandma has always known more than she let on.
Did we really repeat the exact same death scenario? Chalothorn, you really suck at this. The circle remains unbroken.
I know Phaya's doctors have got to be frustrated that he keeps drowning.
Is Dao in France to cut down on filming schedule conflicts?
I love when dramas show the passage of time with facial hair.
So... Chalothorn just...got over it off screen?
Oh, a second season tag and Saint cameo. I guess?
Final Verdict: 5.5, Great Gowns, Beautiful Gowns. Overall, I just don't think the elements of this show ever really came together. I think the first two episodes of training and mythology teasers, along with the Lieutenant Tam mystery, made me expect these elements to circle and eventually converge in a more cohesive way. I also feel like some of the side stuff didn't really work. I thought some of the mythology about the Naga and Garuda was really interesting, but I didn't exactly feel the cycle they were stuck in playing out in this drama. I'm also hugely annoyed about the core angst evaporating off screen. So, in the end, I'll mostly remember it as copaganda.
That being said, I thought the cast chemistry was solid, and I really liked the execution and use of the CGI. I like that IdolFactory keeps trying more things, but I do think we need to get stronger script writers and editors in the room with a stronger say on the planning front.
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justicerikai · 21 days
End of the road. Oatscurry! (but like, fr this this time)
First of all:
Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Final translation for Charisma House has been posted! Woohoo! Yay! Good work me, clap clap clap, I'm soooo cool! Clap clap clap.
What a road this has been, yep yep. I already made some dramatic post when I quit the first time, and then an other when I came back, and honestly I forgot what I said in these, lol. But I will spare the theatrics, maybe.
Either way, what a long road it's been! One with ups and downs for sure, but definitely a rewarding one. Especially seeing how far my translations have reached people...! I'm still trying to process my impact, which honestly scares me, so I don't think I can ever truly comprehend it, but hey! That's how things are in life. It's not my quote, but something something about how we all carry things from each other that form us as people, no matter how big or small said pieces are (maybe I am making this up). If I was able to be a 'piece' of that through my translations, then I am more than satisified with what I did here.
After all, it is why I translate! To share what I love!
But that's the problem!
I love too many things!
That's right, I discovered something new I want to put all my time into, which comes with a sacrifice. But said sacrifice isn't only because of this. I am making the steps to pursue translating as a genuine career. I'm unsure how life will look like for me going forward, if I'll even have the time for translating season 3.
Which is why I will be stopping with translating Charisma House as a whole.
In order to not burn myself out from fantranslating too many things once again, and in order to also prioritize life stuff. Season 2 is my final contribution to you all.
Also, I'm more than happy enough to let official-kun take over, even if we have our personal grievances with the subtitles (or they are simply not as cool, witty, clever and funny as me <- for your information, I'm jesting.)
So yeah, that's all I had to say I think. I yapped enough. Of course, this isn't all you'll be seeing of me. If you're wondering about other corners of the internet I'm hanging out at, catch me at @82mitsu on here, or on Twitter. There I'm continuing my translator endeavors for 18TRIP! A mobage with a rather colorful cast of characters and interesting setting!
If you're wondering what I'm doing outside of translating, uh... I don't know, if you're playing FFXIV you can find me AFKing in Limsa somewhere, lol. I'm genuinely not that much of an interesting person, so I don't think you gotta know me outside of what I do.
As closure, I once again would love to repeat a quote I had first mentioned in my graduation post:
“The world is filled to the brim with nice things… and all of them are carrying someone’s intentions and feelings.
When those feelings get across and manage to make someone happy… I gain little pieces of confidence,
that I’ll gather together and carry with me as I move on.”
Thank you for reading all my translations.
Thank you for being able to find enjoyment in what I do.
Thank you for using the time of your day to get to know Charisma House through my work.
Thank you for all the kind messages I've received up until now.
Thank you for your patience.
But most importantly, thank you for getting into Charisma House.
and one last time,
Ah, but do remember. I value a good, sweet translation that encapsulates everyone nicely. If official-kun's crimes are so, so bad, in Season 3...
I will be back, with pure vengeance.
I've mentioned it before, how the difference in translation interpretation has made me interested in this field to begin with.
What I never mentioned is that it was fueled by spite.
And we all know how that is the greatest motivator to mankind.
justicerikai, signing off! o7
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richeeduvie · 2 months
thinking about logan jr making mothers day gifts for baby in school and then being told he needs to make one for his actual mom and he just half-asses that one. how is baby/shiv feeling if they notice? also how is baby feeling about getting one just in general, after all he is her first baby🥰
His teacher is going on about Mother's Day. Logan Jr's thinking about how Baby Jr's at her own home. Not at school cause Aunty and Uncle allowed it - she gets a tutor and they want her there.
"Can we-"
"Logan. You need to raise your hand first."
His brows make their own little pout. He raises his hand.
"Yes, Logan?"
"Is there an Aunty's Day?"
"...I'll check."
He nods. He'll make one for his mommy, but she probably won't even want to see it. Aunty will want to see hers. Apparently, there's no Aunty's or Uncle's day. Not one that really matters. That's stupid.
But he makes these little paper flowers - for a bouquet. He wraps them up in thin, pink paper and puts little stickers on them. He tries really hard to make them perfect.
"Damn it!"
Roman's sorta noticed the...you know, photos of his wife and soulmate gone from a couple of photo frames in his house? But Logan Jr needed those too. He got some photos of Uncle Roman too. And Baby Jr.
"...Who's that, Logan?"
"...I wanted to make something before I make a card for Mommy. It's none of your business, but I'll tell you anyway cause you've been helping me. It's my aunty."
"Oh. Okay."
Logan Jr then forgets he actually has to make one for his Mommy.
She won't even see it anyway. So he just makes a card with a smiley face. He draws some flowers too.
Logan Jr gets nervous that it's just stupid. Baby Jr will make something and it'll be better cause that's her baby. Even though she is just a baby. She can't even write properly.
He's dropped off to their place on mother's day - a car that usually drops him off on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Monday and Tuesdays are boring.
"What's this, sweetheart?"
He smiles when Baby smiles. Baby Jr comes toddling over, making happy noises at all the colors. Yeah, he's super good at making stuff.
"Is this for your mommy for Mother's Day? Shiv is gonna love this."
"Love! Is color!"
His smile drops.
"Oh. Who is this for?"
She's bending down.
He looks down. It's not wrong to just make things.
"It's for you. I had time to make something, that's why. You-do you like it, Aunty?"
Baby Jr squeals because it means his little bouquet will be in their home. She waves her hands around.
"Oh. Logan. I love it! It's just...what's the special occasion? I didn't know Aunty's Day was also on Mother's Day."
"It's not. But look! I got these batman stickers! I placed it on angles."
"At an angle?"
"Yeah! They're super cool! And I-"
"What did you make for Mommy?"
Logan Jr blinks.
"...A card."
Baby smiles. She wonders where her little nephew's thought process went.
"A card. How nice. She'll love it. Does that have super cool batman stickers too?"
"...Should I put some on?"
Baby keeps her smile on. Baby Jr comes to hug Logan Jr.
"Tank you!"
"They're not even for you."
He takes the hug, though.
"You're welcome."
Logan Jr pulls out the card, smiling bright when he shows it to his Aunty.
Baby keeps her smile on.
"Wow, Logan. She'll love this so much. Shiv is gonna smile as big as this smiley face you made."
"Yeah. You're such a sweet boy. Come here."
They squish a giggling Baby Jr in the hug. Baby thinks - no wonder why her nephew had time to make her gift. But maybe he knows it'll be enough for Shiv. She doesn't want to think anything bad.
Maybe she shouldn't be so bold to show her bouquet, though.
Logan Jr's smiling up at her.
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platadesangre · 6 months
we NEED to talk about jcs 1975 madrid cast!
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i have come to make camilo sesto justice
(i finally finished this post yay!)
i may be a bit biased, since this was my first jcs.
short story on how i discovered it
my dad used to be an apostle for a bootleg staged playback jcs in peru during the 70s! they used this version.
he had the cd. he also had the mp3 files. i used his computer, so that was how 13 year old me found it.
those were tough times, bc later i started doing catechesis and i kind of got depressed and started questioning my faith lol. judas' character really resonated with me
since this is a recording, i didn't have any footage to reference, so i made up everything in my mind. (this is why it was a bit weird for me to see the english productions, bc they looked nothing like in my head lol)
now, a bit of historical context for spain in the 70's
camilo sesto was a popular spanish singer and actor who went to see the jcs 1971 broadway production in london. he loved it so much that he did everything he could do financially to bring the show to spain.
spain was in a fascist dictatorship at the time
they fought with censorship for years, that's why the lyrics are a bit different (i'll make a post about that too)
they had to remodel the alcalá-palace theater stage entirely
franco (our dictator) died two days after the premiere (about time lol)
the "ultras" (conservatists) didn't like the show so they did lots of crazy stuff (for example, praying for the cast outside the theater or sending BOMB THREATHS?)
anyways, this was the first official translation for jcs!
on the main cast we have
camilo sesto as jesus christ (he wanted the role from the beggining)
teddy bautista as judas iscariot
ángela carrasco as mary magdalene
here's an old pic of them (and some apostles)
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(now that i look at it closely, it kind of looks like a bootleg jcs 1973 lol)
on the recording
it's a stereo recording, so use both headphones or you'll miss out on half of it
musically speaking, it's similar to the og concept album (songs ending on fade-outs and shorter trial before pilate) but it has some interesting choices (teddy, the producer and the voice of judas, took a lot of... artistic liberties)
some things this version has
it adds lots of synth. it's very psychodelic. i understand this can be a turn off for some people
they kinda change the key to many songs. maybe to fit vocal ranges idk
teddy just loves to make up new melodies (please give this man some water)
EPIC GUITAR SOLO in what's the buzz
what's the buzz and strange thing mystifying are separated tracks for some reason
camilo sings so good
cute synth in everything's alright ángela has such an angelic voice she makes such a good mary
the drums and guitars during this jesus must die are so danceable
the BEST simon zealotes i've heard. shit goes HARD. he goes CRAY
i really love this pilate, in my rating he would be the best one
camilo's "¡SALVAOS VOSOTROS!" during the temple is really pathetic lol
damned for all time interlude replaced by synths. the SAX SOLO is also replaced by synth (questionable choice)
cool thing happens during the end of this song that i'll talk about in another post
judas' occasional nervous laughter really adds to his character
also he cries a lot
"you sad pathetic man" part during last supper is... fairly different! (i'm looking at you teddy...)
camilo's gethsemane is epic. he's a baladist singer but MAN he can ROCK
cool harmonica during the arrest
i'll never shut up about our pilate (he nervous laughs too)
herod is so fruity
judas' death really hits different when you were depressed and questioning faith (this version is BRUTAL) also lyrics change (i'll talk about it i swear)
teddy's one of the few judas who sing the i don't know how to love him reprise in the higher scale!! it sounds so painful and anguished
the album continues acceptably
other cool things it has
jesus and judas have this interesting accent difference. since camilo is from valencia, he has this pristine and traditional spanish accent. and teddy is from canarias (also lived in the usa) so his accent is rougher and more, crusty? idk how to explain it but it's neat and stablishes their dynamic a bit. (ángela is from dominican republic! but her accent is barely noticeable)
on the footage aspect, we only have old vhs videos and live audios uploaded on youtube. also some old photos
there is a book about this version. it has some anecdotes (only available in spanish)
now we have a 4 episode mini-series about the odyssey that it was to produce this. it's called "camilo superstar" (i won't be watching it bc it's a bit fan-ficy from what i've seen)
the posts i'll make about this production will be tagged as #jesucristo superstar and #jcs 1975 madrid
you can listen to it on spotify!
or on youtube (playlist made by me)
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linguenuvolose · 2 months
2024 goals - March progress
I can't claim I focussed on my goals at all this month... Idk I don't really see them as goals either they're just kinda.. things I keep some track of. I know I said this last month but I think April will be more productive because this month for sure spring will feel like it's here (we're still waiting for the trees to turn green, it snowed A Lot last week, just to give you an idea of the situation).
Anyway love and light below are some reflections on my specific goals :)
Get back into a reading routine
I've kept on reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf and I only have 35 pages left. I'm still not consistent at all with it, I read a bit about once a week. I find it so hard to reach for the book instead of my phone, it's annoying because I really do enjoy the book.
Meet friends at least once a month
I've had some good hangouts this month, mostly others that have been reaching out. I'm happy because one of my friends came to my boyfriend's show and was so excited about it and I'm happy they are bonding! In April I have plans to go visit a friend who lives in another city (one of my closest friends who will also meet my boyfriend for the first time) and I'm also planning to reach out to another friend!
Do the damn exercises for my back :(
I did them like.... 2,5 times :( not good at all. And my salsa classes stopped in the middle of the month and I've decided to not continue so it's not looking perfect. Hopefully with the extra light we get now I can have more energy to do them in the evening.
Get better at Portuguese
I signed up for the Portuguese course at uni <3333 Hopefully I'll get in and I'll be able to do that in the fall. I studied in some way 11 days of the month which isn't nothing!! Started doing Clozemaster and I really like it, especially on the writing mode (let's be honest, all my knowledge in Romance languages makes the "choose from these four options" a walk in the park for me). It's super annoying that the free plan only allows you 30 words a day. What I really should do is produce more, write little texts and stuff.
Get my license
We're still waiting for the permit to be able to practice driving with my boyfriend but it's taking a while... I've had 2 lessons though (was supposed to have 3 but one got cancelled). I don't know that I feel that I'm getting any better but I do really have to start studying the theory. It would be nice to talk to my instructor also and ask him what he thinks a reasonable time frame would be for me. In my head I'm seeing myself getting the license during the summer but who knows.
Get back into the habit of going on walks
I have been on some walks this month but more in the sense of I am somewhere and walk a bit instead of taking the closest subway. But I mean now with the change of the hour and the warmer weather I for sure am seeing myself going on more walks!
Go to the theatre more (youth discount my beloved) and also to some museums!
I went to the Maurizio Cattelan exposition at the Modern art museum because my friend had a free entrance with her job. I actually really liked it! Unfortunately I was in a bit of a hurry so I didn't have time to meander or look at the other expositions but I would love to go back! They do the free entry on Friday evenings so I think I might go!
Improve my sleeping schedule
I actually compiled my statistics for this this month (yay!). Slept an average of 7h15 but if we just look at work nights it's 6h20. Not great... It's not something I've paid particular attention to this month but I think I should. I think a goal could be maybe sleep before 1 more often (this month it was 3 times hihihi ma come siamo messi raga).
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zelda-photography · 1 year
TOTK Trailer 3 Analysis
Alright, let's do this. There was a whole lot in this trailer, and just so you know i'm not going to be dissecting every second or everything that made me go 'oh cool!' Like, the rocket is way cool but I won't be providing a picture. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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I really liked seeing the little robot guys doing stuff on the island, especially this little one fending off a chuchu :D I think it adds a lot to the understanding of the role of these robots
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Not sure what's up with all the mushroom stuff but I love it! I like seeing that the villages are going to be changed :D
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Yay, settlements! People trying to move into this area! A shame that the castle is gone now. I also really like the birds on the old fountains.
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Big round rock is very interesting. It reminds me of the speed boost things in skyward sword, so that's my theory on what this one does.
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Big thing rising from the Gerudo desert. It's probably going to end up just being Ganondorf's castle, but I really hope it's Arbiter's Grounds because that place horrifies and fascinates me.
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Presumably a back shot of Ganondorf, and I gotta say I love his hair all glowing and crazy like that. He seems to be watching something explode, but I'm not sure what? Baby theory with the only proof of 'idk it'd make a modicum of sense', maybe it's the great plateau he's destroying?
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Putting these two together since they seem to go together - ways to get below ground? Very interesting. Not psyched about having to wear the lame lava armor again, though. (and when I say go together, I realize this is probably an underground cavern in the Eldin area and not in Lanayru)
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Flying ship flying ship let's go!!! Looks way cool and makes me wonder who is manning it. Robots? Monsters? The Zonai???
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Floating balls of water are cool, but more than anything make me wonder if there will be a better swimming mechanic, maybe even diving?
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Mostly took this picture because I like the red bird outfit Link is wearing. Presumably it'll slow his fall more than other clothes, but I also like the reference to the crimson loftwing.
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Finally, the being we've been seeing on the wall carvings and ruins. What's her deal? Is this what all Zonai look like? She looks rad that's for sure. I've heard some people say she looks like a lizard, but personally I think she looks more like the three dragons.
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At first, this is kind of a boring shot, until I remembered that Hyrule castle probably was very much destroyed in the final battle of BotW. Was it repaired? By the little magic sparkles around, I'd guess either Zelda is repairing it with magic, or this is some kind of memory.
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Finally, the girl. Strange dais she's standing in front of, I'm so worried for her.
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The Baby! Teba really said 'I'm too old for this shit' and is having his baby fill in for him! Rip Teba you were, well, a normal guy opposed to all the other champions. Here's to your cool kiddo.
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I think I said this in my analysis of the last trailer, that I thought Link's vehicles would be able to transport Hylians, and I feel soooo vindicated right now! Yes, helping the citizens! I love it!
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This is ridiculous and I love it. Just us with our dumb machine against a bunch of monsters. Reminds me of that woodcutting machine from beauty and the beast, I think because of the little arm making kind of chopping motions
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No idea what the little magatama is still other than 'probably what they mean when they say tears'
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I have mixed opinions on ganondorf's design, but overall I think I like it :) He's green still, which is a little weird, but I guess he is technically a zombie, and damn did he rehydrate well.
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Putting these two together to make a point (may also make it it's own post too) that I think Zelda isn't just wearing the above woman's outfit, I think the above woman is Zelda, the one from 1000 years ago. (I'll also mention now that what if the male voice talking to Zelda is some version of Ganondorf?)
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At one point I was going to make a video about TotK theories, and one involved getting to fight with civilians. It was more of an escort idea in there, but hey, still looks exciting! I love all these people who are stepping up to the plate and aren't just going to let another calamity hit them!
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Riju haircut! Sidon is King! Kind of weird that we say three of the four races, really hoping the gorons are doing okay. I'm really excited to see how the powers and strengths of the allies have evolved. From the footage, you already get the idea that Riju has started to use Urbosa's lightning powers.
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Gleeok! We've all seen him coming, but hey, he's officially here! That's pretty rad!
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Hard to see, but we're getting more of the wall mural thing, this time featuring ganondorf. I hope this thing will be, like, a physical thing in game so we can look at the whole thing.
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And finally Zelda. My bets are that she's a) going to be found sleeping on that thing, very similar to Zelda 2's ending or that b) she's going to end up being sacrificed on it :(
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creatormaxsan · 1 year
MaxTale 0.1
Max: " it's been a while... " -he said.. looking into the celling he was trapped into-
Killer comes downstairs to check up on the kid..
Max stare at killer... silently..
Killer: " Morning kid. " he said. " Our Boss will see what he will do with you.. "
Max stare at killer ones again.. then looked away.. hugging himself into his knees.. not wanting to talk..
Killer: " Hey. " -he said. Looking at max- " are listening to me? "
Max just ignoring killer.. not talking..
Killer: " HEY?! ARE YOU IGNORING ME?! " -he yelled.-
Max couldn't be careless about killer yelling or no, he was just hoping somebody might get him out of there.. alive..
*2 weeks later..*
Killer come downstairs to check up on the kid.. only to find the room empty...
Killer: " .... where did he go.. " he looked around.. before running upstairs back to nightmare.. " Boss!! " he yelled.. " The kid Is missing!! "
Nightmare stare at killer... " what.. " he said.. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING?! "
Nightmare voice could be heard from outside the throne room...
Error: ".... what happened now... " he said.. looking at Cross, Horror, dust, fell, reaper..
Dust: " I believe the kid that killer found in the forest.. has found a way to escape somehow... " he said..
Cross: " .... but how did he even escape..? " cross asks.. as Xchara slaps Cross skull
Cross: " !! Ow! What was that for?! " he said to Xchara.. as the others looked at him like he's crazy, expect Dust, Since he knows the feeling of having a ghost floating around him..
Horror: " whatever it is. I don't care. I'm hungry anyways.. " he said.. picking up his axe and start to walk towards the door.. " if anybody needs me. I'll be outside. Hunting for food. "
As Horror walked away.. Dust would take his cigarette and smokes..
Few minutes pass by.. and the door flew open.. with Nightmare coming out of it.. really angry...
Nightmare: " I'M GOING TO KILL THAT KID. " he yelled.. very angrily.. as his tentacles were going around from anger.. luckily the others were in their rooms..
Max: " .... " he was speechless... as he stare at dream, ink, blue, outer, lust, Slash, farmer.. and some other good Sanses who helped him escape..
To be continued...
I know I haven't been online since 2021- but I was very stressed with my studies and my school and stuff, and I finally FINALLY returned here after a while, and I'll be turning 18 this year! Which means Max Sans will grow old as well yay!! :D
Also!! I have a Server on Telegram for MaxTale News! Maybe even spoilers! Ima leave the link down below! Tell me if u like my AU! Ily!<33
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[The way of the househusband AU]
XiCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 28-12-2021
[the way of the househusband, but make it #xicheng >:3]
Where Lan Xichen was high in the Lan triads, powerful and feared, gaining the name of Zewu-jun. The last story about Zewu-jun was how he beat up many people from rival groups before just... disappearing!
stories of him being killed, sent to jail or moving to another country are travelling around while no one in the Lan group will confirm anything.
But lxc isn't dead, far from it.
He is playing house husband for a hard-working salaryman He fell head over heels for the beautiful Jiang Cheng the very moment he saw him, taking his nephew out as a reward for being a good boy.
Cue a scary, but polite, man trying to seduce the tired uncle.
Jc is a bit unsure at first, but quickly finds the man intriguing and nice.
Wanting to be with jc without pulling him into a world he doesn't belong in is what caused him to want to get out of it.
Some wouldn't believe that the great Zewu-jun was now a house husband, cooking diligently for his husband, taking care of the house, loving two little boys after another one joined the weird family.
jc and the boys even got used to how weirdly lxc could speak sometimes as if he was talking about criminal activities. but this makes him endearing to jc, who finds it funnier than anything when he knows what he's talking about. The boys sure seem to be amused too.
lxc: then you cut it into little pieces, stuff it into the little bag and dump it into hot what, then the job is nearly done
oyz parent: *looks concerned*
oyz: mister lan xiao long bao are the best!!
ljy: of course, my baba's cooking is the best😤
teacher 1: Who is this scary-looking guy? Should we call the cops?
teacher 2: I don't know, I think we-
ljy: baba!!😮☺️
jl: shushu came to get us?
lxc: the boss is doing overtime 😔 but like this, we can surprise him with a good dinner, will you help me 🤭🤫
kids: yay!!
yes, I've finally started reading the 6 volume of the way of the house husband I bought this semester, and I just thought lxc could work well too 🤭 although we just gotta imagine that himbo looking scary to other people smh
also OF COURSE lxc has a cute apron with a bunny on it that the big boss (aka a-cheng) gifted him soon after they moved in together, he takes great care of it and always uses it
oh and of course all the older ladies on the street also love lxc because they find him funny and love seeing a good husband working so hard for his family. also, they love sharing tips with someone who needs it and gossiping around 🤭
I really wanna draw this now 🤭 maybe if my hands don't hurt too much once I get back from work I'll try drawing this little family adding some more for 3zun: jgy was in the triad because of jgs, taking his step-brother (jzx) path of quitting, especially after lxc just decided to quit they meet again when jgy comes by to see how jl is doing with jc, having heard that he had found someone to live with (and want to make sure that person would be safe for little a-ling).
what a surprise than to find back an old friend because of a-cheng ☺️
nmj is either still in the triads or the nie clan got disbanded after his father died and some other gang used that to attack. maybe NHS saw how it affected his family too much and left it happen (they are much happier now anyway)
maybe they meet again by "accident" when nmj "happens to be passing by the neighbourhood" (totally not jgy telling him where Zewu-jun was and him wanting to make sure he was alive and well)
nmj 100% approves of jc after seeing how he treats lxc with all the love and cares in the world.
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