#anyway. this was a pretty quick drawing so sorry if the quality is lower i just needed to get this idea out
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women covered in blood. you agree. reblog
more versions below the cut because I love shapes and colors and couldn't pick a favorite
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH25
This chapter might look familiar to those of you who read the original ;) But there’s a twist!
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Chapter 25: Attack of Panic
“Remember, class, pick a painting that inspires you. Your reports are due tomorrow, so be sure to take good notes while on your tours today.” Mme. Pierre instructed. “We’ll meet for lunch in the courtyard. Try to learn something today.”
Marinette took a deep breath as Mme. Pierre dismissed them. Eliott and Lisette grouped up, walking arm-in-arm a few paces ahead. After overcoming their shyness from Saturday’s date, they were practically inseparable. Marinette was happy for them, but it made her miss Adrien. Having a boyfriend at a different school was lonely. How did anyone manage long-distance relationships?
Macy linked their arms together, snapping Marinette out of her trance.
“Let’s walk around in a group,” she said, tugging Martin on her other side.
“Sure.” Marinette smiled.
At least she still had friends to walk with, so she wasn’t completely alone. Though she’d have to think of a way to branch off to give Martin time alone with Macy, but then who would she walk with?
Long red curls bounced up the hall ahead of them, and a smirk curled on Marinette’s lips.
“Let’s go this way first.” She suggested, tugging Macy in the direction Gabrielle had gone.
“Shouldn’t we invite Eliott and Lisette?” Martin asked.
“No way. They’re spending quality time together as a couple. They’ll meet up with us at lunch,” Macy said. “Speaking of couples, did you see Thomas’s new girlfriend? I heard he ditched little miss bankrupt as soon as he found out.” Macy pointed to Gabrielle who was jotting down notes in front of a painting.
“Macy, that’s mean.” Martin chided.
“So was she.” Macy huffed. “She used to torment you, shouldn’t you be laughing too?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think she deserves to be miserable,” he said. “She’s been a lot different lately, and I’ve forgiven her. You should too.”
“Aww, Martin.” Macy hugged his shoulders, turning the tips of his ears red. “You’re an angel, you know that?”
Marinette bit back a smile as he faltered, tuning into the museum guide’s explanation. A boy with bright red hair stood in front of her, jotting down notes around a doodle in his notebook. His drawing was pretty good, though the style reminded her of someone.
Wait. Marinette knew that tomato top. She blinked a few times to ensure she wasn’t imagining it.
Marinette spun around, frantically searching the exhibit. Kim was mimicking the pose of a statue for Max and Alix across the room. Myléne and Ivan were reading a placard, hands twined while Juleka and Rose studied a map.
“Looks like we took the same field trip.” She jumped at Adrien’s voice in her ear, and he placed a hand on the small of her back to steady her. “You okay?”
“Marinette?” Her spine stiffened as Kim called out to her. “Guys, it’s Marinette!”
“Yo, what up?”
“I love your new hair.”
“We missed you.”
Marinette’s heart sank at Rose’s declaration, and her old classmates surrounded her with eager smiles. Her old friends. Some of them, anyway. Nathaniel hung back, refusing to meet her gaze—a reminder of how far Lila’s influence still stretched. Marinette’s stomach twisted in knots.
“I-” She bit her lip to hold back tears. “I missed you guys too.”
“Aww.” Everyone crowded in for a hug, complimenting her hair and filling her in on exciting developments since she’d left.
“Well, well, look who it is. Long time no see, Marinette.”
Marinette’s blood ran cold.
The atmosphere changed in an instant, the crowd around her parting at Lila’s voice. She wore the same smirk she always did, silently goading Marinette. To add insult, Alya stared right through her like she were any other patron in the museum. A stranger.
Marinette swallowed hard.
Nathaniel and Myléne moved to stand beside Lila and Sabrina. Nino draped an arm over Alya’s shoulders, giving a curt nod to Adrien. Lila’s green eyes glinted as their classmates claimed their sides. She didn’t seem bothered at all by those still standing beside Marinette—quite the opposite. Lila lived for the challenge, but Marinette felt like she was going to throw up. What was she plotting?
“How is your new school? Why did you transfer anyway? And without telling any of us! We were so heartbroken,” Lila cooed.
Marinette’s jaw clenched, biting back a string of insults. Now wasn’t the time to start a fight—it would make Lila look more sympathetic. Marinette needed to keep a cool head, even if Lila was a snake.
Adrien bristled, fingers curling on Marinette’s back. “Lila-”
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Marinette said. “I know I should have told all of you, but it was a sudden decision I made because I wanted to focus on my future. I hope you’re all not mad at me.”
“How could we be mad at you? You’re like, the best,” Kim said.
“Indeed. We were confused, but this development makes sense. We know how important your future as a designer is to you, and with your level of talent, moving to a new school will increase your chances of succeeding in your field by 68.9%.” Max nodded.
“I mean, you could have said goodbye,” Nathaniel said, and Alix elbowed him.
“We’re just glad to see you again. We haven’t heard from you, so we were afraid to come see you.” Rose buried her face in Marinette’s blazer. “We’re sorry for being bad friends!”
“Rose…” Marinette patted her back.
“But you’ve had some crazy cool adventures at your new school. Tell us about that Jagged Stone concert!” Alix requested, several classmates echoing their agreement.
“Hey, Marinette, we’re gonna move to the next exhibit,” Macy said, parting the crowd to reach her. “We need to take notes for our report.”
“You’re right. Sorry, I have to go.” Marinette winced, though her former classmates only smiled.
“No sweat, Marinette.”
“Hey, we’re all having lunch in the courtyard later, you should sit with us!” Rose offered.
“Uh, sure,” Marinette said. As her old classmates dispersed, she shot a glare at Lila who only smiled in return.
“Adrien, our teacher wanted us to stay together. You don’t want to get in trouble, do you?” Lila said, not bothering to mask the gloat in her tone, but she wasn’t going to get a rise out of Marinette today.
“I’ll see you later.” Adrien planted a quick kiss to Marinette’s cheek, side-eyeing Lila as he did.  
Macy tugged Marinette away from them swiftly, not slowing down until they’d rounded the corner to another hall.
“Martin told me about your run-in with that girl last week, so I wanted to get you out of there,” Macy said once they were safely in another room. “You were being so brave.”
“Do you want us to be your buffer today?” Martin asked.
Marinette smiled. Her friends were always looking out for her. What would she do without them?
“Thank you, both of you, but I’m fine. Seeing everyone again has actually put my mind at ease. At least now I know they don’t hate me. Well, most of them anyway.” She hugged her arms to her chest. “My biggest challenge today will be avoiding confrontation with Lila.”
“Well, you know we’ve got your back.” Macy linked an arm through Marinette’s with a smile.
“I’m really good at avoiding people, so I can steer us away from them.” Martin added.
“You guys are the best.” Marinette pulled them in for a side-hug.
“You’ve protected us in the past, so now it’s our turn,” Martin said. “Let us be your shield today.”
Marinette tightened her grip, leaning her head against Macy’s shoulder. Her old friends might still be under Lila’s control, but Marinette was grateful for the people she’d found after leaving. They’d been there for her when her whole world was falling apart. She really was lucky to have them.
Martin’s stealth proved effective as the morning wore on. Marinette barely saw any of her old classmates. As much relief as it brought her to know they still thought of her as a friend, she wasn’t ready to dive all the way back in. After all, they were still enamored by Lila, so she needed to tread carefully.
While Macy and Martin were engrossed in a Regnault, Marinette slipped over to the painting Gabrielle was studying across the room. Her dark green eyes didn’t look up when Marinette flanked her on the left, but she’d expected as much.
“You know, most people don’t avoid popularity.” When Marinette turned, Gabrielle’s face fell into a scowl. “Don’t turn around! I don’t want people to know we’re talking.”
Marinette turned back to the painting and pretended to study it. She was used to this game by now. Just because they were friends didn’t mean Gabrielle wanted everyone to know. She said it was for Marinette’s own good since people still rubbed the whole bankrupt thing in her face, but Marinette was starting to think she was just shy.
“You said you ran away from your old friends because they ditched you, but they all seemed more than happy to see you,” she said.
“It’s complicated.” Marinette jotted down information from the placard. “They’re being manipulated.”
“By the girl from the café?”
“Yeah.” Marinette pressed her lips into a firm line.
“She is quite the show pony,” Gabrielle said. “I can see why you two butt heads.”
“Lila is very charismatic. She tells people what they want to hear, so they don’t question it. It’s how she keeps control over them,” Marinette replied.
“She’d make a great politician.” Gabrielle laughed, but when Marinette remained quiet, she added, “It would be easy to take her down, you know. Someone with your connections could prove she’s lying with two phone calls.”
Marinette paused her writing and lowered her notebook with a frown.
“I’m not getting involved. It’s not my job to save everyone,” she said with more bite than she intended.
“Oh, don’t give me that.” Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “You like playing the hero, not for any glory or self-elevation, but just because you like helping people. It’s your most annoying quality.”
“I do not…” Marinette said lamely.
“Is that why even though I was mean to you and your friends, you still come by my café every Tuesday, so I don’t have to walk home alone? Why you talk to me at all when everyone else abandoned me,” she shot back. “Martin was a spineless twig before he met you. Macy and Eliott were complacent cowards. Now the twig has grown a trunk, and Thing 1 and 2 won’t stop running their mouths. You can’t help yourself, Marinette. You’re a good person.”
“Do you really think exposing her is what I should do? She’ll end up hurt and alone.” Marinette lowered her gaze.
“So what? She did it to herself when she told all of those lies. Sometimes you need to lose everything in order to change. If you leave her like this, she’ll never stop.” Gabrielle let out a short laugh. “Take it from someone who knows.”
Marinette weighed those words, pressing her lips together. Did she want to help? Of course. But did she want to get involved again at the expense of her own well-being? She wasn’t sure.
Lila was slippery. Marinette wasn’t even sure she could take her down, and if she did, she’d only cement her as an enemy. She needed a different way, an indirect way to make everyone see without calling her out to her face. A way to make Lila’s lies crumble from underneath, so that she had no choice but to face the truth.
There is one person who would know what to do.
But did Marinette want to stoop that low? Chloe requested her help once before, but did she even still want it? Chloe and Adrien had tried and failed to out Lila multiple times. Not to mention, Marinette and Adrien promised each other to let it go. Things were finally working out between them, and Marinette didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Marinette left her old life behind for a reason. Looking back was too painful. It had been a month since she left, and Marinette thought she was finally over everything until today. Seeing her old classmates rattled her more than she thought it would, a cool draft from the door she couldn’t quite close pricking her skin. But what did she expect when she ran away from her problems instead of facing them? A broken door couldn’t keep out the cold if it was never fixed. How much longer could Marinette run before the past caught up to her? How much longer until she had to turn around and face it? She didn’t want to think about it.
“Guess who?” She jumped as a playful lilt sounded in her ear, and a hand clamped over her eyes.
He lowered his hands with a cheery smile. Gabrielle was gone, and none of her old classmates were anywhere in sight. Her shoulders relaxed as Adrien pulled her close, touching his forehead to hers.
“You doing okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m…fine.” She pushed her frantic thoughts away.
Adrien turned her around gently, hugging her from behind. “I know you’re avoiding everyone, but let’s walk around together for a bit. Just me and you.” His lips brushed her cheek, warm breath teasing her skin.
Adrien was her boyfriend now. Adrien, the boy of her dreams, was her boyfriend. Marinette still hadn’t told him her feelings, nor had he, but Adrien referred to himself as her boyfriend on Saturday. Their date hadn’t exactly gone as planned, but they were still able to spend time together. She’d tell him the next time they were alone together. No more hiding and running away.
They walked hand-in-hand through several exhibits. Adrien mimicked a few poses from the paintings they passed. Marinette smiled and laughed. She leaned on his shoulder and snuggled into the crook of his neck, pushing the worries from that morning out of her mind. Lila wasn’t her problem anymore. Her old classmates still liked her—most of them anyway. Adrien was her boyfriend. Her new friends were amazing. Everything was fine.
So why didn’t she feel fine?
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay with everyone at lunch?” Adrien asked. “I know you’re putting on a brave face, but we don’t have to eat with them if you don’t want to.”
He’d gotten good at sensing her mood. Could he be any more perfect?
“I’ll be fine,” she insisted, though her grip tightened on his hand.
“I’ll be right there with you if you need me, okay? I’ve got your back.” He lifted her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles.
Adrien continued to keep her mind off of everything, discussing various paintings and relaying stories from recent photoshoots and fencing tournaments. He told her jokes to make her laugh, kept her smiling when she started to look sad. But lunch eventually came, and he held her hand the whole walk to the courtyard.
“Marinette!” Macy waved them over to their group, and as soon as she sat down, her old classmates flocked to her.
“So, who are your new friends?” Rose asked, settling in with Juleka.
“My name’s Macy, and this is Martin, Eliott, and Lisette.” Macy cast Marinette a reassuring smile as her old classmates introduced themselves one-by-one, but it did little to calm her nerves, especially when Lila approached with her group.
Marinette’s stomach flipped as they sat down, the tension in the group escalating rapidly. Her old classmates flicked their gazes between Lila and Marinette, waiting to see who would strike first.
“Hi, I’m Macy!” She stuck her hand out to Lila with a cheery smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “What’s your name?”
“This is Lila. She has an amazing life,” Sabrina said.
“Same.” Macy smiled sweetly as if that announcement were no big deal.
Marinette’s heartbeat accelerated.
“Last summer, she saved an African village leader from choking,” Nathaniel said, beaming up at her.
“It was the least I could do after he agreed to sign my petition to teach the children how to read.” Lila waved it away.
“Oh, Eliott and I love charity trips. Our parents have an organization that ships out clean water and recycled clothing to third-world countries. We visited a few in Africa last summer to help build huts and dig wells for them.” Macy shot back.
“Those kids played a mean game of football.” Eliott nodded with a reminiscent smile.
“She also spent Christmas in Achu with Prince Ali and his family. They’re close personal friends!” Rose gushed.
“Oh, Achu is lovely at Christmas, but we usually spend it in London at the royal family’s Christmas party. It’s a blast! My dad played water polo with Prince William in college, and they’re still good friends.” Eliott chimed in. “That reminds me, Marinette, you have got to come this year.”
“You know Prince William?” Rose gasped, cupping her cheeks.
“I have his number. Sometimes I babysit when we go to visit.” Eliott shrugged as if it were no big deal.
“Ugh, don’t get him started. He’ll brag all day.” Macy rolled her eyes, but Marinette’s old classmates turned their attention over immediately.
Marinette took a bite of her sandwich, but it turned to sand in her mouth as Alya glared at her. Her expression crossed between disappointment and anger as if she couldn’t believe Marinette would stoop so low. Alya used to give those looks to Chloe when she pulled her usual stunts, but Marinette wasn’t used to being on the receiving end.
As much as she should have been happy that Lila wasn’t getting the attention she wanted, Marinette didn’t have it in her. This was only giving Lila fuel to come up with better lies and new ways to use her friends. The divide between her old classmates was obvious—a deep chasm stretching wider by the minute.
Macy and Eliott might be upstaging her now, but it was only a matter of time before Lila got her revenge. Gabrielle was right. She’d never stop.
“You okay?” Adrien leaned into her ear.
Marinette blinked down at the sandwich she was crushing.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” She set her lunch on top of her bag and scurried off as Eliott performed a scene from the Miraculous show he was in.
The faces she passed were all a blur. Her heart raced, blood roaring in her ears as she raced down the steps, past other patrons who paid no mind to the girl in a private school uniform wandering the halls. She didn’t know where she was going—away. Just away.
Her feet carried her deeper into the museum, lengthening the chasm between her and her old life. She wasn’t ready to turn and face it. The draft had grown stronger now, the cold wind beating against the door. It threatened to give out at any moment, biting Marinette’s toes with its frosty breath. She couldn’t run from it forever, but she could run today.
She collapsed on a bench, face falling into her hands. Her shoulders heaved with ragged breaths, tears wetting her palms. Gentle hands rubbed her back, weight sinking onto the bench beside her.
“Hey, I’m here, just breathe,” Adrien said.
She buried her face into his chest, shoulders shaking. Of course he’d come. Adrien was always by her side. It was one promise he kept, and Marinette needed him desperately.
Adrien held her close and whispered gentle reassurances in her ear until she calmed enough to sit up.
“Talk to me.” He tucked a loose strand of her hair back in place.
“Just… They’re all so taken with her, and she does nothing but use them and rub it in my face,” she whimpered. “And I know that I could expose her in an instant. I have Jagged Stone’s phone number. Clara Nightingale texts me! I could end her reign with a single phone call.”
“But that’s not you,” Adrien said.
She pressed the back of her hand to her quivering lip and shook her head.
“I want to stop it. I do, but I don’t want to play her game anymore. I want to get out, but I just can’t let go.” She found his gaze, hot tears clouding her vision. “I want to save everyone, but I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m tired of being everyone’s hero.”
“It’s okay.” He soothed with increasing alarm, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You’re gonna get through this. You’re the strongest person I know.”
She clenched her hands into fists. “I’m tired of always having to be strong. For once, I want to stop carrying everyone’s burdens because they’re too heavy for me.”
Adrien flicked his gaze over her shoulder briefly and met her gaze once more.
“Listen to me. Macy, Eliott, and Martin are all here for you.” He cupped her face. “I’m here for you. Don’t lose hope.”
“I can’t anymore. I can’t. I can’t-” She stopped short as dark energy washed over her, a cold feeling running through her core.
“Princess Verity, I am Hawkmoth-”
“Marinette, don’t listen to him, listen to me!” Adrien pleaded. “No one expects you to solve all of their problems.”
“Your friends are all trapped by that liar.”
“You’re stronger than him, Marinette.”
“Wouldn’t you like to set them free?”
“Fight it! Don’t give up!”
“I can give you the power to expose the truth.”
“Marinette, you’re not alone.” Marinette blinked, finding Adrien’s worried green eyes baring into hers.
The bracelet Macy gave her had gone dark, glowing with sinister energy. Marinette pressed her lips together. She was too tired to fight. Hadn’t she struggled enough? Maybe it was what Lila deserved—what they all deserved.
“Run, Adrien,” she said.
“No.” Her head snapped up, meeting his determined green eyes. “I’m not leaving you.”
“Adrien, please.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Don’t give up. You can beat him.”
“Adrien.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes, panic swelling. “Please, run. I love you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. Don’t you know why I call you mon ange?” He held her face in his hands, touching his nose to hers. “Because you’re my angel, and I love you with all of my heart. I’m never going to leave you. Not ever.”
She just wanted everything to go back to the way it was—the way things were before Lila. The broken door had been pried open by the storm, dragging Marinette out into its dark flood. Her head hurt, body numb and cold, and even on her tiptoes, she could barely stay above the surface. She was drowning in a sea of her own anguish and guilt, too exhausted to fight the waves.
“Make it stop,” she whispered, a single tear slicing down her cheek.
They didn’t hesitate this time. His lips found hers, warm and safe—a buoy among the waves. Marinette wrapped herself in his warm embrace, driving out the cold ache in her bones. He trailed his fingers up her jaw and into her hair, pulling her closer. Ever since she left, Adrien had always been her lifeline, no matter how rough the waves got. His arms provided stable footing when the current was spinning too fast. He hadn’t abandoned her back then, and he wasn’t abandoning her now. Even her friends were outside fighting for her.
Lila could take a lot of things from her, but not them. These were the people who would always pull her out of the water, no matter how far down she sank. Marinette just needed to hang on while they pulled her to shore.
Taking a deep breath, she undid the clasp on her bracelet with shaking hands and set it on the bench. Macy, Elliot, Martin, Lisette, Adrien, Gabrielle. She had so many people who loved her—people who had been looking out for her all day. People who were still looking out for her. She was not alone.
“Not this time, Hawkmoth. I won’t help you. This isn’t the answer to my problem,” she said calmly.
The butterfly reemerged and fluttered off, returning the bracelet to normal. Marinette watched it go, legs too heavy to give chase.
Adrien crushed her against his chest, kissing her hair. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” He rubbed her back, clutching fistfuls of her shirt in shaking hands. “I’m here. It’s gonna be okay.”
“Adrien, the akuma. We have to stop it,” she said, but he didn’t budge.
“One minute, Marinette,” he murmured. “Can you think of yourself for just one minute and stay here with me?”
Marinette relented, finding his lips again. He kissed her hard, his fear and relief washing over her, the severity of the situation hitting her in the gut.
She’d almost been akumatized. Again.
If Adrien hadn’t been there, Paris would have been doomed. He was her guardian angel, and the best boyfriend in the world. The selfish part of her wanted to stay and kiss his pillowy lips forever. Maybe someone would paint a picture of them and hang it in the museum, then everyone could bask in their undying love. But Marinette couldn’t afford such luxurious daydreams. Not everyone had the support system Marinette did, and she needed to find the akuma before someone else fell victim to Hawkmoth.
“Thank you,” she said when they pulled away. “You’ve been looking out for me all day.”
“You’re not alone, mon ange. I will always be here for you.” He vowed, kissing her forehead.
She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “We should go after that akuma before it gets someone else.”
“We can cover more ground if we split up.” He fastened her bracelet around her wrist, giving her hand a squeeze. “Be careful, and stay safe.”
“You too.” They leaned in for one final kiss, swift and hard, before turning their backs and taking off.
“I’m very proud of you, Marinette,” Tikki said as she took cover in a closed exhibit. “And you and Adrien finally confessed your true feelings!”
“We can talk about it later. We have an akuma to catch. Transform me!”
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pokepony · 4 years
Animaniacs Animation Studios: Tokyo Movie Shinsha (TMS) Part 1 (Redux)
Remake of original post (again thanks a lot Tumblr), so sorry for anyone who’s basically reading (most of) the same thing as they did before.
Long story short, this was the first of my posts where I share my thoughts on the animation studios of Animaniacs.
A big credit to @legion1979 who has unfortunately been inactive for years, but check out their posts for a quick analysis for each episode.
Anyway, no time to waste.
To be honest, TMS is the studio where I have the least unique thoughts on.
TMS is TMS. They’re the gold standard of animation style for the show.
To me, their trademark will always be the awesome expressions and poses and the overall frenzy they give to a scene.
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Also I know that “Hooked on a Ceiling” is put up on a hella high pedestal, but I think it’s a bit overrated. Just a bit; it’s still good tho.
They also strike out on the visual gags for me.
“Taming of the Screwy” has that one where Scratchy tells the kids to stop with the gags and while Yakko and Dot just have blindfolds, Wakko has a whole lock on him. I’m in stitches almost every time.
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One other gag is from “La La Law” and it’s a little in the background (or foreground haha). While Yakko is talking in one scene, Wakko takes a bite out of his chair and Dot’s worried expression kills me.
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Speaking of “Taming of the Screwy”, I wanna talk about it for a sec.
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It is considerably low-quality than the rest of the TMS library. Tatsunoko Production gave the Warners really beady-looking designs and the backgrounds are pretty washed out, overall it reminding me of an 80s anime. But that’s why it’s so charming to me. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite episodes, if not my definite favorite.
“Roll Over Beethoven” is another one of those lower-quality segments.
Even though there are quite a number of ugly drawings (including Dot with the long sexy legs like honestly why), I go back to it a lot.
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This sequence is my favorite animation from it. Points that it’s honestly the best that the cartoon is gonna get.
A detail that I love is the character tics that they give to the Warners.
Yakko is the protective big brother so he often has his arm wrapped around his siblings.
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Dot usually has her hands on her hips, showing that she’s the sassy one. Wakko has his hands behind his back, showing that he’s the reserved one. They are small touches, but ones that I love.
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Continued in part 2!
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midnightmoonkiss · 5 years
Valentine’s Bliss
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Midoriya Izuku X Fem! Reader
Summary: The day of love certainly is meant to be spent together. When plans fall through, though, thanks to the busy life of heroes, maybe a relaxing bath will make up for it.
WARNINGS!: Hanjobs! So, 18+ !
Category: Smut
Word Count: 6k+
Just To Clarify:
Reader is female
This occurs after UA 
A/N: This is late. I know. I’m sorry ahhhnbgng.
Water cascaded down you, enveloping you in it's oh-so refreshing warmth as you took a self-proclaimed much needed shower. Lyrics to a song you weren’t entirely familiar with tumbled past your lips, filling the silence as you rubbed soap down your legs. 
The night was young, yet the sun had far passed the horizon, it’s sister the moon taking it’s radiant place and covering the world in sleepy darkness.You could only assume the dazzling pink, white and red lights put out for this month casted the city of Musutafu in a more romantic glow.
This glorious Valentines Friday was winding down to an end, almost reaching 9:00PM now. Even if you’d much prefer to spend the entirety of it with your boyfriend, you knew he was a busy man these days - well on his way to being a pro-hero. He was quite the ambitious young man, but he worked too hard sometimes - even if he was still a sidekick. They always did the grunt work, or the work the pro’s didn't feel like really doing. 
A longing sigh bubbled in your throat, head tilted up as the pouring water rinsed suds from your lower body. It was a nice feeling, almost drowning in the liquids intoxicating touch.
Originally, you were supposed to have dinner at a restaurant of your choosing a few hours ago to celebrate the worldwide couples holiday, but alas.. You had to be understanding. He was called in last minute for a small bank heist, after all. Time is money?
In all honesty, you felt bad for the poor guy. Who knew climbing the ranks could be so tedious? Certainly him more so than you.You’d always support him, though. Forever his number one fan. Hell, it’d be a lie if you said you hadn’t picked up any merch fellow fans made of him, even helping produce some realistic art thanks to him being the actual model of them. Maybe even some drawings that would stay for your eyes only.
Lost in your thoughts, as all showers tend to make people do, you fail to hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. There was an apparent noise of someone stumbling through the apartment, but you were still none the wiser -  for now you began humming a soft melody instead of openly singing. You forgot the rest of the lyrics, anyway.
Just as you were about finished with your shower, a sudden knock on the door caused you to squeak - senses on high alert and completely ready to grab the knife you kept in the shower with you.
“Princess? Are you taking a shower?” A tired, muffled, yet heart-warmingly familiar voice called through the locked wooden door. Relief flooded through you, body instantly relaxing as you simply stood under the water. Though his voice was obscured by not only the wood, but the noisy shower you’re in, it wasn’t too hard to tell he didn't sound like himself.
He didn’t most days, anyway. Always so tired when he’d come home this late. He did have to leave extremely early in the morning, anyway. Your poor heros sleep schedule was far too wack for the strenuous activities he did for his job.
“Izu, honey? You sound tired.” You stated, rinsing the conditioner you left to sit in out of your (H/L), (H/C) hair.
“I am tired..” Izuku muttered almost inaudibly, a thump on the door making you assume he placed his forehead there or leaned his back against it.
Chewing on your lip in worry, you turned off the shower, squeezing water out of your hair as you stepped out onto a bath mat. Moments later, and much to your boyfriends surprise, you opened the door, wrapped in a pretty (f/c) towel. Unluckily to him, but lucky to you, he was indeed leaning against the door, so you have the pleasure of having him stumble into your arms.
Staring up into his green eyes, it was easy to tell they came back to life again, a spark shining in them at the sight of you.
“(Y-Y/N)-” He stuttered, a pretty pink blush settling on his freckled cheeks. It was so adorable how shy he still is, despite being in a relationship for years and doing some downright dirty things with each other. How cute.
(S/C) hand reaching up, you softly cupped his face, bringing him down for a quick peck on the lips, to which he gladly returned. Though his lips were chapped, no doubt from probably shouting at villains the way he always does - that paired with the cold night air, they were still pleasant to kiss. They held traces of vanilla, perhaps a cupcake he had eaten before?
“You’re very tense..” Your hands, now moving up and down his arms, could feel the tight muscles beneath your fingertips. He needed a break. That much was clear. You both had the weekend off.. perhaps the two of you could do something? For now..
Every-observant (E/C) examined his face, dark bags peaking through his skin under those large eyes. 
“How about we take one of those baths together?” You ponder aloud, a well meaning smile making its way onto your face.
True, you had just come out of the shower, but that doesn’t mean you couldn't take a bath. Especially given how long it took to set one up, your skin would have plenty of time to rejuvenate in that long time span -  as well as giving your boyfriend a moment to have a breather on the bed.
“That.. that would be great.. ” He sighed with a smile of his own as he dropped his head on your shoulder, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your wet neck.
You giggled, turning to press a sweet kiss to his head whilst his big arms held you closer to his toned body.
“Careful now~ You might make my towel drop!”
“You act as if that’d be a bad thing, love.” He whispered huskily against your skin as you whined in embarrassment, your own teasing tactics failing miserably.
“Didn’t you just shower, though?” He questioned, common sense seemingly just hitting his tired head, “and I took a shower before coming home, too..”
“It was one of those mandatory quick five minute showers, wasn’t it?” You deadpanned,
“Well. Yes..” 
“Those are in no way relaxing. We are going to take a bath together,” You picked his head up off your shoulder, pressing your foreheads together, “and you're going to like it like you always do. You need a break, hun.”
“Alright..” He breathed, eyes lidding as he lazily smiled. There was no fighting with you when your mind was set, that much he knew. Not that he’d want to protest, a bath sounds heavenly to his sore muscles right now.
“I’ll set it up, you go get us some clothes for after and sit down.” Even if your tone was commanding, Izuku knew your words held no bite. They never did. Always so soft and gentle to him.. The best lover he could ask for. With that, he nodded, making his way out of the steamy bathroom to gather clothes and relax for a bit on the bed.
With a determined nod, you tightened the towel around your body to keep it from slipping as you left the door wide open to air out your showers steam.
Right! So, today is Valentines day! Meaning, you’d need an extra special bath. Of course, Izuku didn’t need to know that. 
It’s going to be a surprise!
Knowing him, he’ll probably fall asleep while waiting, relying on you to awaken him from his slumber with a sugary sweet kiss.
Until that time comes, which couldn't be soon enough since kissing that man was more addicting than any drug, you’d need to work extra hard to make this day come to a nice close for your hero. 
Thus began your plan that wasn’t really a plan - you were making things up as you went.
Turning the bathroom heater on low, knowing how hot it’d get in this surprisingly large space, you began wiping down spots of condensation. Living in a semi-large apartment with your boyfriend was a blessing and a curse at times. Curse because.. That’s a lot of space to clean.
A blessing because more space means.. Well, more space!
Digging through the bathroom cabinet, you rummaged through luxury items, pulling out peppermint essential oil and a shea butter moisturizing epsom salt mixture. Ah, luxury.
Peppermint was always a nice thing to relax in after a troubling week, the scent of it really opening your nose up!
You shrugged, setting the two containers down next to the bathtub beside the shower. Originally, having the two seperate seemed like a waste of space, but nowadays - after settling in over the past few months - it seemed completely reasonable. Hell, you and Izuku could be bathing at the same time if you so wish.
Even if you’d rather do it together, sometimes it’s just nice to be alone for a second without really being physically alone.
Plugging up the pristine white bath drain, you sprinkled some of the salt mixture in whilst running hot water, mixing it as it filled up and ignoring the burn.
It was going to sit for a while anyway, having it the perfect temperature right away would be a waste.
 Once it was filled, a few drops of peppermint were added before another mixing spell.
Now it was truly time to set things up.
Rummaging through the cabinet under the sink, you grabbed the container of rose petals bought earlier in the week, as well as two sets of white candles in a red glass.
Yes, yes! 
It was all so exciting, the romantic fantasy bath people would dream of on Valentines day!
It was a good thing you had bought chocolate, too! Though, of course, corporate corruption and high quality always made such treats hard to purchase except for rare occasions.
Giving your man exactly what he needs on the most loving day of the year - who wouldn’t be giddy over it? He deserved it. Not only was he your hero, but he was also your king, just as you were his queen.
The love you held for him burned inside your lungs with every breath you took.
Never before could you have imagined your life anyway else, not since you first laid your eyes on the cute second year student at UA four years ago.
A support class student and a hero class student, what a trope.
You giggled at the memory of how you met as you placed candles all around the tub and bathroom.
You were a first year at the time, having just entered the school with a new batch of newbies and already on the start of something great in your technical classes. You just so happened to be helping aid a second year - Mei Hatsume - with testing out her ‘new’ boots. Really, they weren’t new, they were just improved rocket boots that she had already invented before. It was like that marketing scheme companies used, ‘new and improved.’ 
Either way, helping out would get you extra credit on an upcoming test, and hell if you were going to miss out on such an opportunity - despite not actually needing it as you’d discover the following week
It was a simple task, really, put the boots on and test them out. She wanted the boots to have more thruster power, previously only being able to get a meter or so in the air. 
The moment she turned them on, though, you were like Tony Stark trying out his new suit for the first time.
Screams ripped from your throat as you flew sporadically around the room, zero control of the boots, much to Mei’s dismay.
Left eyebrow twitching in annoyance at that part of the memory, you began delicately placing petals everywhere, including in the bathtub and making a path from the door to it.
You’d meet the famous ‘Deku’ moments later, when he kicked down the door Mei had apparently locked, drawn to the room after hearing your screams echo down an empty hallway.
Embarrassment had flooded through your being, unable to stop screaming as you desperately tried holding down your wild green skirt as you flew through the air like a headless chicken.
Any conversations held between the two on the floor slipped by your ears, all you could hear was yourself and the roar of the mad boots keeping your feel in a death grip.
Then, time stopped as two two warm arms wrapped around your body, green sparks flashing about your vision. It all happened too fast to truly comprehend it, but he had somehow gotten your boots off in a span of two seconds before bouncing down two walls to the floor with your shaking body held against his muscular chest.
Thus bringing forth the term of endearment, “My hero..”
True, he was a hero already, but at the time he was a hero in training, but the words still left a great impact on Izuku at that time. For a student to be referred to as a hero already, that was big! At least, that’s what he told you years later.
You didn’t start dating until just after Izuku’s graduation. He wanted to set in stone his feelings before he’d lose the chance too, and it was a blessing for the both of you when you had said yes. He cried a waterfall.
It was a nice memory to look back on. You hummed in appreciation as you set the last petal down, always finding yourself caught up in memories and such when given quiet time to yourself.
Then again, it was the day of love, it was hard not to be consumed with thoughts of your beloved boyfriend.
Grabbing your phone, you connected it to a speaker, turning on some classical music to truly set a romantic atmosphere.
Walking to the door, you looked back at your hard work.
All that was left was getting a table for the candies.. And.. wine, perhaps? Ah, why the hell not. Up the ante, relax to the fullest!
With pep in your step, you held the slipping towel to your body as you reached for the chocolate you had hidden in the fridge - chocolate was better cold, anyway - and a bottle of vidal-fleury beaumes de venise muscat 2013, a dessert wine that came at an affordable price. Quality is everything! Who said a cheap wine can’t be good? God, maybe.
Hands full, you made your way back to the bathroom, placing the items on the floor to go out and grab a bath-side table you kept in a broom closet. It was pearly white. All you needed now were some wine glasses and a plate to put the chocolates all on.
By the time everything was all set up, the bathroom was glowing, and your body ached with desire to finally step into the waters that cooled down to the perfect temperature.
Now all that was left was to wake a sleeping Izuku.
Tiptoeing into the room over to the man who had his legs over the side of the bed as his upper half laid like a starfish on the bed, you leaned over him, admiring his cute resting face.
So relaxed.
You almost felt bad about having to wake him up.. Though, he’d be more upset if you didn’t.
Sighing through your nose, you pressed gentle kisses all around his face, watching as his eyelids fluttered and nose twitched as he was brought from his nap.
“Mmm.. hello, princess.” With a sleepy smile, he leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
“All done?” he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes whilst sitting up.
You hummed, grabbing his hand, as well as the clothes he picked out for the two of you and pulling him to the bathroom.
“Still, in that towel I see.” Izuku observed, no doubt a blush on his cheeks again.
“We’ll I’m about to be in a lot less, dear~” and so the teasing began again.
“Oh boy, is it my birthday?” You both laughed, standing outside the door.
Turning around, wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing his large frame down to your height to whisper hotly in his ear, “It may not be, but I do expect to see you in your birthday suit.” 
Shivers went down his spine, finding himself speechless.
“Now, I’m going to go in first, and then when I call you, you can come in. Okay?” Smiling playfully, you booped his nose, opening the door but positioning yourself so he couldn’t see inside.
Messy green curls bounced as his head tilted to the left in confusion, but agreeing nonetheless.
Slipping into the bathroom, you dropped the towel from your body, placing your clothes on a rack along with fresh towels and dimming the light. The room was casted in a warm glow thanks to the candles.
Dipping a toe into the bath, you hummed in contemptment, slowly sinking your body into the soothing water. Grabbing a two scrunchies behind you, you put your hair in a messy bun. All was well and good.
“Izuku~” You sang his name, a smile at your lips as you watched the door slowly open.
He shuffled inside, closing and locking the door behind him before turning around.
It was amusing to see his jaw drop, eyes growing to the size of saucers. Pride swelled in your chest the longer he stood there shell shocked.
Your voice brought him back to reality, realizing this indeed was not a sleepy dream.
“Honey… you did all this?” A breathy laugh accommodated his words.
“All for you, my love.” 
A shy smile spread on his face, “Thank you, (Y/N)..”
“You’re quite welcome, big boy. Now come here~ I miss you.” 
He groaned, hands covering his red face, already so flustered, your words only adding to that.
You knew the effects you had on him! How cruel.
“C-could you look away..?” The request didnt surprise you at all, so you nodded, letting your eyes slip closed as you listened to the shuffle of clothes
It was hard for him to feel insecure around you, years of praise wrapping his insecurities into a ball and throwing it into the trash. No, he was just a bit overwhelmed. He was still that shy boy you met back in UA at heart, something you secretly wish would never go away.
His shyness was apart of him, and you fully embraced and welcomed it - even if you did help him build a lot of confidence for him.
The water swayed around you as what you would assume to be his leg entered the water.
“Do you need help? The tub is a bit slippery-” You warned before being cut off,
“No, no! I’m oka- ah!”
He shrieked, and your eyes flew open just in time to witness your beefy boyfriend slip and fall onto you.
You wheezed from a combination of amusement and the fact his head crashed onto your chest.
“Are you okay?” You felt bad from laughing, but it was easy to tell that he was fine from his own loud laughter joining yours.
“Y-yes.. Haha.. sorry..”
 While pulling at his ear like a mother would to her misbehaving child, you scolded, “See~? I told you it was slippery!”
“You’re right, you’re right, I should have listened to you.” Viridescent eyes stared up into your own, the flames dancing in them.
“It’s alright. I forgive you.” wrapping your arms under his, you pulled him up further on your body so that his head wasn't almost covered in water, that and so his legs had more space despite still having to be bent, “Just this once!”
He chuckled, leaning back against you.
Sitting there for a moment, you both just took in each others presence, as well as letting the water relax you.
“I like these rose petals..” Izuku started, scarred hand coming up to pick one up and look at it, “How much were these?”
His concern was endearing, of course rose petals - especially fresh, real ones - were not cheap. Though, he didn’t need to know that.
You nipped his ear, eliciting a sharp gasp from him at the sensation, “It’s valentine's day, no asking about prices.”
“Yes ma’am.” He turned to stick his tongue out at you, to which you took ahold of the moment and kissed it.
It instantly shot back in his mouth, another blush taking over his cheeks.
“(Y/N)..!” He whined. So cute.
“Yes, dear? Would you like some chocolate?”
“Gah!!” He huffed, but nodded his head ‘yes.’
His childish antics brought a grin to your face, hand lifting from the water and dripping as you wiped your hand on a towel before grabbing a dark chocolate.
Biting into one half of it, you plopped the other into the green haired man's awaiting mouth, watching as he hummed in satisfaction at it’s rich flavor before swallowing.
With the other half of the chocolate still in your mouth, you turned your head to sweetly kiss him.
He quickly realized what he assumed was an innocent kiss would not turn out to be as such the moment he felt your chocolate-chilled tongue drag across his bottom lip.
He opened his mouth without hesitation, gasping through his nose as you pushed what he assumed was the other half of the dark chocolate into his mouth.
Had you not shared food like this many times before, it probably would’ve grossed him out.
Whilst his mouth and mind were distracted by your tongue and bittwer-sweet chocolate, your hands massaged at his arms, hoping to take some more tension away from them.
If you could kiss every inch of his skin at this moment, you would, but you’d much rather continue to draw out small moans of appreciation through locking lips with him as your tongues danced and caressed each other.
His personality was amazing, the main reason you fell in love with him, but damn if his body wasn’t a mega plus.
Hot breaths mingled together, mind starting to fuzz from the heat of the bath and the intensity of the now desperate kiss.
“I missed you so much today..” Izuku panted, momentarily parting from the kiss to take a breather before once again smashing his kiss-slicked lips against your own.
Your hands dragged across his chest, left thumb swiping across a sensitive nipple. His body jolted against you, groaning into the kiss as if begging for more, and you were all too willing to indulge.
To hell with sweetness, the night of Valentine’s day was all about something else, wasn’t it?
Thumb and index finger rolled the wet, perky bud between them, occasionally pulling at the sensitive flesh. He could feel your own nipples hardening against his back with every keen spilling from him, muffled by your lips.
His body tensed when an exploratory right hand dragged its way down his thigh, massaging his hip.
Thanks to the clear water, you had the pleasure of watching from the corner of your eye as his member slowly rose up - he was none the wiser. Completely oblivious, eyes having slipped closed the moment the kiss began.
The muscles in his leg twitches beneath your fingertips as you dragged them up and down his inner thigh.
The stress from the past few weeks built up in his system, and the sudden desire to come undone from you and you alone swirled in his gut.
Patience was something he always prided himself on, but between the stress, your hot mouth bringing mind boggling kisses, and light touches seemingly inching closer and closer to his hardness, his patience was wearing thin much quicker than usual.
Breaking the kiss once again, a small string of saliva momentarily connecting you both, he pleaded, “Princess.. please... touch me..” He grimaced at how desperate he sounded, end indulging in the sweltering heat resting on his cheeks and shoulders
“Mm~?” you began, smirking at his red face, tracing an index finger down his prominent V line, ever so close to where he was begging to be touched. The rubbing on his nipple only offered so much..
“Are you sure?”
His hips twitched in wanting desire,
“Yes.. yes please”
He buried his face into the crook of your neck in embarrassment.
He didn’t usually get so worked up so quickly! Damn this romantic setting!
He gasped against your skin as your hand finally gripped the base of his still hardening cock.
“My my..”
His legs instinctively threw themselves open wide as your hand began slowly pumping his length, oil infused water offering a different type of slickness, purposely avoiding his tip which no doubt was leaking and defusing into the water.
“Someone is excited.” It was astounding how worked up he already was, but your boy had always been the sensitive to touch type, that, and a helpless romantic. 
The dimmed lights and the burning candles no doubt being one of the causes of this.
Not that you minded. It was always a pleasure hearing your very vocal boyfriend moan like a slut into your ear.
Though you were giving as a lover, it was hard to control that..more sinister side of you when it came to these moments. While all you wanted to do was give him whatever he desired, the noises he would make when begging for more attention than what we was getting always made you more hot and bothered than what you should be.
He had such an effect on you, just as you did him.
Plus, you were always a fan of taking things slow when he wanted to speed things up. Sometimes he’d get his way, but tonight? Only time could tell, but for now you’d take your sweet time.
You knew it drove him into a state of lustful madness, and with the newfound determination sparkling in your (E/C) eyes as you stared down his heaving body, you knew you wouldn't have it any other way.
His mouth fell wide open, hot puffs of breath leaving him as his head threw itself back onto your shoulder with each languid stroke.
You couldnt help but leave wet kisses on his sensitive neck, nipping and licking your way down to his sweet spot.
“(Y-Y/N)..!” He squeaked between his stream of whines the moment you latched on, body momentarily arching back against yours.
The vibrations against his sweaty skin as you moaned against it sent shivers down his spine.
A particular rough nip to the abused flesh, paired with your strokes speeding up for a second, had him choking on a moan, knees shaking.
The sound of water sloshing around your hand and the sweet moans and whimpers leaving your precious boyfriend completely overpowered the soft music playing in the background.
Who cares, anyway? The sounds this man makes is infinitely better.
Especially when you..
“Wah?!” He cried out as your hand left his erect dick completely, instead moving down to fondle his neglected balls.
Kissing your way back up his neck, you could clearly see the tears collecting in his eyes as his hips thrusted wantonly in the water. While he did enjoy a good massage at his tightening balls, he’d prefer the attention elsewhere tonight..
“Y-you’re such a tease!” He sputtered, voice raising an octave as he moved his own hand to try and grab himself.
You clicked your tongue at this, both hands completely leaving his body to grab his arms. “N-no, please” He begged, already knowing what was to come.
How unfair! 
He could fight against it, easily win, but he honestly didn’t want to.
Izuku Midoriya loved this, as much as he acted like he didn’t. He enjoyed having no control, being teased until tears were streaming down his burning cheeks and his cock was aching for release.
Reaching behind you, holding wiggling wrists in one hand above your heads, you grabbed a pair of soft handcuffs you always kept nearby.
“You should know better by now, Deku,” he shuttered, heart skipping a beat as your alluring voice drawled out his hero name, “you don’t get to touch yourself unless I give you permission to do so.”
Snapping each cuff onto his wrists, double checking to make sure they weren’t uncomfortably tight, you attached the middle of the cuffs to a snap hook attached to the wall. How great they were for keeping your lovers arms up, and so easy to move around, too!
It was impossible to not kiss those strong arms as you started jerking him off again, this time even slower but with a tighter grip.
He struggled against the restraints for no reason other than his body wanting to lurch forward with each twist up and down his throbbing shaft.
It was almost too lewd.
The bathroom was all dolled up to be romantic and cute, but yet here he was, wiggling against his girlfriend as the moans and whines he let out bounced off the walls in embarrassing echoes. 
But he didn’t care.
“Fah-faster!” You were going far too slow for his immediate liking, all he wanted was to explode as soon as possible but he knew that wouldnt happen. You loved taking your sweet time.
There was always a debate in his mind of if he should give in, beg you for more just so he could finally be pampered the way he wanted. To be pampered or to be teased? Such a hard question to answer half the time. He wanted both!!
But it was a game to you, it always was.
And it’s embarrassing to admit just how much that turned him on.
Always left questioning as to when you’ll give him what he wanted. Straight away was nice, but being given that pleasure unannounced was even sweeter.
In battle, he could predict his opponents moves half the time using logic, but with you? You were an enigma. 
Deciding to give in, just a little, your thumb pressed harshly down on that throbbing vein on the underside of his flushed cock, all the way up and under his tip to brush against the oozing slit.
He moaned loudly, hips thrusting upon finally getting his touched where he so craved the most - only for it to be stripped away.
Frustration built up in his system as you went back to slowly pumping him
“Now, now~ That’s not how you get what you want, honey.” That sugary sweet voice you always seemed to use when reprimanding him made the boy shiver once more - especially at the implications.
Fuck it.
He wanted more, and he’d do just about anything to get it.
“Please!” He wailed, knees shaking as the first tear fell from his eye and down his cheek, “Please.. Please touch me more!” A sob wracked his body as the dam controlling his almost nonexistent patience broke. “I want it so, so bad princess.. I love you, I love you.!”
You hummed, taking his begging into consideration. To give in, or to not? It was always a hard choice to make, honestly.
But, alas, it was valentines day, wasn’t it?
The day of love.
How could you say no to your baby when he was begging for it? Begging for you?
The tears streaming down his red cheeks hit your neck, and it was then you decided he’d get his way. 
Just for tonight.
With your hand that was previously massaging his left thigh, your gripped his chin, turning it towards you so that you may kiss him deeply.
He eagerly returned it, opening his mouth to take in your tongue once more.
He jolted when your hand finally went faster, head flinging back as a slutty, guttural moan tore from him.
“Ahh! Ha-ah!”
You couldnt help but smile as he got louder and louder with each jerk at his cock.
Always such a loud, sensitive boy - another reason to love him. It always felt good to know you were the reason behind his sultry moans.
His face was always breathtaking in these moments, twisting with pleasure.
His jaw hung wide open, a thin trail of drool escaping from the corner as he did nothing to muffle his spine-tingling moans. Just the way you liked it. 
He was sweaty from a mixture of the hot room and the heat building up inside his body, a coil no doubt beginning to curl below his stomach. Curly green bangs were plastered to his forehead, cheeks somehow getting darker and darker with every movement you provided. 
“Nn.. nngn.! Hah! HaaAAh..” 
He could be a pornstar if he so desired with how vocal he was.
It was hard to ignore the need to rub yourself against something as well, desire swirling in your gut, clit throbbing.
Tonight, though, was all about him. Your sweet hero.
Affection sparkled in your (E/C) eyes as you took a moment to press a sweet kiss to his sweaty forehead.
He whined at the innocence of it.
It was easy to tell he was getting surprisingly close to reaching his climax already thanks to the stress of day to day hero work giving little too no time to seek his own pleasure.
What better way to spend his valentines evening?
His legs began shaking, their original stretched opening position coming to a slow, quivering close as his hips began to thrust into your hand.
“(Y-Y/N) I-I-”
He babbled nearly incoherently, each syllable lost by the moans erupting from him.
Regardless, those closing legs were making it increasingly hard to move fluidly up and down his shaft, especially with how gloriously thick there are.
You lifted your legs, which were to the side of his own, from the water, coming up just to move in and out over his legs to press your own thighs flushed against his to keep them wide open. It was an awkward position, but one that worked well enough to help you accomplish your task.
His toned back fully arched against your chest, hips thrusting violently and causing the high levels over water to almost pour over the tubs edge.
A hiss seeped through a suddenly clenched jaw, leaking tip breaking the surface, meeting the colder air with each thrust.
It gave you the perfect opportunity to use your other hand to rub at the angry red head.
Izuku sounded like a bitch in heat, moans so loud you briefly feared the neighbors just might be able to hear him thanks to the loud, echo-y room.
“B-bout t- to-! ha~!”
The skin around his squeezed shut eyes seemed to crinkle more and more with each passing second, face screwing up the closer he got, arms pulling harshly at his restraints.
He was oh so painfully hard, cock practically burning, stomach so tight and balls feeling so full that he felt as if he was going to quite literally explode.
“Iloveyou! I lov- Gahnn ! MHH! Love you! I love y- ahh! You!!” his mind felt numb, your skilled hands working wonders on his pent up body.
“M-m- Mor-e!!” He barely managed to slur, tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as his lungs crashed against his chest.
You obliged with a smile, knowing all too well what that scrunching up face meant.
So close
So close..
So sososos close..
So good
Good goodgood
His breath hitched, stealing all the air from his hammering chest, body tensing and hips stilling.
A soul wrecking moan tore through his no doubt raw throat, tears spilling down his cheeks as he finally came. A copious amount of hot, thick cum spurted from the tip of his cock that breached the water, splattering on his face, bruised neck, and even on yourself thanks to the angle.
You stared in wonder down at him as he heaved, desperately trying to catch his stuttering breath as he came down from a major high.
“Such a good boy, Izuku~” You purred into his ear, uncuffing him and lighting massaging his strained arms again.
He huffed, pouting as he cracked his watery eyes open, “You tease me too much..”
“Maybe so..”
Blindly reaching beside you, you grabbed a cloth, dipping it in the bath water and wiping both you and Izuku down as he whispered an apology under his breath.
You swept some of his green locks to the side, combing your fingers through the damp, tangled mess.
“But you like it.”
He rolled his eyes at that, smiling, knowing it was the truth but being too shy to actually openly admit it.
“Oh.. is that wine?” Izuku pointed to the two glasses to your side, dripping with condensation.
“Are you just now noticing them? I thought you were more observant than that, Izu~” You couldnt help but giggle at his embarrassed face.
“I! I was too distracted-!” Came his whiny protest, eyes scrunching up again and lips pressing into a straight line.
“Ah, yes. Too distracted by my hand moving up and down your-”
His wet hand came out of the water to shove your face away as you laughed more. 
You suddenly stopped, much to Izukus surprise, and grabbed his hand, pressing a kiss to the scarred knuckles.
He opened his eyes, taking in the sincere smile on your face and returning it with one of his own.
“I love you, Izuku Midoriya.”
His heart swelled, smile growing larger, “I love you too, (Y/N) (L/N). Happy Valentines day.”
The night ended with two empty wine glasses and two lovers cuddling on a bed.
Happy (Late) Valentines!
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The Bad Guy, pt. 3 - Haunted (Gang AU)
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Summary: Grayson’s attempt to pull out of his gang related business seems futile as his past comes back to haunt him. Deciding to keep it a secret only brings more issues as it creates a distance between him and Y/N he can’t bridge.
Warnings: angst, fluff, SMUT, injuries, blood, death, swearing...
Word count: 18.5k
The Bad Guy - Series Masterlist
Frowning, my eyes struggle to adjust to the light basking my skin, squinting to try and get a better view of the perpetrator although I know it's him.
If anything was certain about Grayson Dolan it was his love for sunrise and while I'm far from a morning person, waking up to watch his mesmerized gaze has become the epitome of a full life.
Quietly, afraid to startle him and ruin my favorite view, I stand up too, fighting the lightheaded feeling swaying me from side to side, nearly blinding me for a moment or two.
And I stand there, silently watching this beautiful, handsome specimen I still can't believe is mine. I watch him with fervor, with a fire unequaled to any volcano. And I admire him - every muscle, every scar, every mark life had left on his body.
He could have any woman he lays his eye on and yet he chose me? Sometimes I think it's a dream, a cosmic joke to give me everything I ever wanted before ripping it away once reality sets in, but it's not. He's here and he is mine and even after countless, nearly lethal obstacles, I can't fathom regretting being a part of his world.
Meeting Grayson Dolan has been the highlight of my life and I count my lucky stars every day as I thank the universe for giving me a chance to not only love a man as magnificent as him, but also be loved by him.
To be loved by Grayson Dolan is a powerful thing, a force of nature that is all consuming. It's a blessing and he might not agree with me on this, but if I had a chance to do it all again? I'd choose him over and over until I am nothing but ash and dust.
Perhaps we aren't the luckiest lovers in the world, but we're far from Romeo and Juliet. They had tragedy sown in their souls, but we have the space to make our own destiny and I am determined to make it a happy one.
Stalking toward him on my tiptoes, I smile when I'm almost behind him, my arms instinctively reaching for his waist and I sense his gentle gasp as my hands glide under his arms and over his stomach. I lay my head to rest between his shoulder blades, listening to the soft breathing reminding me how lucky I am to be alive - how lucky I am he's alive.
His arms reach back and his hands rest awkwardly on my back, and I know he's smiling. He's appreciating the beauty before him as much as the tenderness of my love for him.
If Grayson knows one thing for sure it's how my love for him will always trump my love for sleep and I'm not sure he will ever truly get used to that.
We remain silent, enjoying each other's company and sweetness of another morning we get to spend together, all until the alarm clock screeches and we both jump at the loudness.
Turning around, his hands move to my hips and while I've always felt insecure about the fat he'd actually rest his hands on instead of my bones, Grayson simply gave me a reassuring squeeze, almost as if he could tell I'm once again struggling with my appearance and the latest weight gain I couldn't explain certainly didn't help my body dysmorphia.
"All my favorite days started and ended with you." His raspy voice brings chills, awakens my heart and I've always said he's better than caffeine in the morning.
"Cheesy." I remark, almost teasing him with a raised eyebrow and a swift, playful wink. "You're lucky I'm into cheesy romance."
Rolling his eyes at me with the slightest inkling of a smirk upon his plump lips, Grayson is quick to pull me closer, making me squeal and not in the attractive ways girls do it in movies, rather a pig like way.
Our noses collide before our lips firmly press together, finding our normal rhythm easily. Hands roaming his chest, fingers playing with his chest hair, I can feel my mind turn numb to our surroundings, the rest fading away. Grayson always had that effect, making me forget about the world and he didn't have to try, even one look was enough.
"Y/N." He whispers my name in between kisses spelled with our lips, my teeth sinking into his bottom lip, nibbling on the soft skin until an exasperated groan leaves him and I know his morning wood has begun to bug him and our kisses certainly didn't make it any easier on him.
"I can help with that." Coy, I inch away, breathing heavily. He's smilingly shaking his head and I can't help the disappointment on my face for I know what he's going to say.
"I want to, TRUST ME, but I have an early meeting." Apologetic as ever, Grayson steps back as if distance would somehow stop some sort of an imaginary spell I've cast on him. But this has become a rather common occurrence. It's why I wake up so early, hoping to steal a few peaceful moments in his arms before he leaves for work and more often than not, he's not back until late.
I'm not better with my intern year exhausting me all the time either, but I miss him ALL THE TIME and he seems to lack the same emotion. Sometimes I wonder if he misses me too or if his job, as legal as it’s supposed to be, is still his number one priority. He changed his tune on the matter, but his actions are faltering that belief in my heart.
I want to believe in him – in us, but love is a flower that needs to be watered and lately, there’s been a draught. And we are still intimate…a lot, but we lack the kind of quality time we spent together back when we had the world against us.
Sometimes, as selfish as it may be, I wonder if having my life threatened is the only way to have his undivided attention.
"Sure. I should get ready too." Biting my lip, I thread my fingers through my hair and sigh, avoiding his eyes to hide my dejection. It's not easy realizing we're officially becoming like any other couple where we don't seem to prioritize each other and if I'm being honest, it's killing me.
Grayson is the one to break the silence first. "Doll, have you seen my shirt?"
"Pretty sure I ripped it off you last night. Might want to grab that hoodie instead, because I'd rather not have you flaunting those flawless abs in public." I smirk, stopping once my eyes catch the horror in his.
"You. Want. Me. To. Wear. A. Hoodie? I can't be seen in a hoodie!" Grayson's words only make me chuckle, reminding me that behind his bad boy facade truly is a drama queen with a notable fashion sense. It makes me feel normal, and maybe being normal isn't always a bad thing. Maybe I’m just addicted to thrill of danger we were stuck in for so long I’ve forgotten that we’ve finally found serenity – a reality that should be more comfortable for me.
"Yes?" It was more of a question than a statement, paired with an amused look in my eyes and once my teeth sunk in the left corner of my bottom lip, Grayson's heart skipped a beat.
"The only reason I own a hoodie is because I bought it so you, my girlfriend, could steal it and we'd have some sense of normalcy as a couple. You know? No bloodshed, no tortured souls or kidnapping, just the old run of the mill girlfriend stealing her boyfriend's hoodie." Grayson justified, only making me giggle.
"And it worked, so now you can do what every boyfriend does and steal it back while giving me a glare for stealing it in the first place only to kiss me and tell me I look better in it than you anyway." I retort, enjoying his casually entertaining sauntering toward me, both his eyebrows raised.
"Well, it isn't even mine anymore, it's ours." He rolls his eyes with a cheeky smile, making my heart melt. This is how it’s supposed to be when two people love each other - easy as breathing. This, right now, just him and I and no obligations tearing us apart – this is how it should be.
Grabbing the hoodie, he shakes it before me, granting me a teasing glare. "I'm not gonna wear it but stealing isn't nice. Even if it does look better on you." Reenacting my little speech, Grayson pecks my lips before continuing his morning ritual and I draw a deep breath, shuddering at the thought of losing him.
I didn't come home that night, forced to pull a double shift at the hospital yet my phone didn't ring.  Most nights, Grayson would call and check up on me even though I know it’s mostly to hear my voice – he explained it was soothing, a comfort he never takes for granted.
Sighing, I lock the screen and chase a few peas across the plastic plate, wondering what Grayson is doing, if he is hungry or tired, if he's wishing he could be next to me as much as I am. I’ve almost never been to his company, my hours at the hospital too long and Grayson always volunteers to come for lunch a few days a week anyway. He hadn’t been around for two weeks now.
Perhaps I've become codependent, maybe he coddles me way too much, but something is different and I'm hoping it's about our jobs and not about his feelings shifting, a familiar fear creeping in - he wasn't the type to stay with one girl for long, so what if my time is up?
Could I ever say goodbye to Grayson?
Shaking my head, I remind myself how important communication is and how I fucked up the last time I allowed out relationship go down a rabbit hole - maybe there's an explanation for this too?
Chewing on the inside of my lower lip, I roll my eyes and set aside my pride like he has done for me so many times before. Dialing his number is easy, but the wait for him to pick up is what makes my eyes water.
Grayson always picks up before the third ring, I'm on the eighth now.
And when he does pick up, I realize it's not him.
"Sorry hon, he's busy with me."
Eyes wide, breath caught in my throat, I try to speak but the line is dead before I muster enough bravery to move my lips.
Slapping a hand over my mouth trying to hold back a sob, I realize how unnecessary that action is as my throat closes with emotions shaking my entire being.
There has to be some explanation for this. I should have some faith in him after everything we've been through, right?
Fear, hate, anger, anxiety, love, sadness, an insurmountable amount of emotions and thoughts overwhelm me, dragging me through the past and every time I was told I simply wasn’t enough – pretty enough, smart enough, ambitious enough, creative enough, sexy enough – all of the times I was reminded over and over again that no one would love me, especially not someone as grand as Grayson who can certainly replace me in a moment’s time and I’d be left on the outside looking in, seeing his many girls on the front pages of every tabloid which would slowly kill me.
I want to wash my brain in cold water, cool the whole thing but I can't. I want a coffee but the caffeine will put me over the edge.
Regardless, I find myself dialing Ethan's number, seeking advice. If anyone would be honest with me, Ethan Grant surely would even if Grayson is his brother.
Does the truth imprison us, or does it set us free?
One thing I know for sure, the truth can hurt. Especially when the truth bears what can break a heart in half.
But I have to know.
3rd person POV
"Who was that?" Grayson frowns as he sees his assistant put down his phone, wondering why would she answer his personal cellphone when it isn't in her job description.
"Wrong number." Smirking slyly, she revels in the world of pain she was certain she caused to the woman on the other side of the line, enjoying it as much as she's enjoying the way Grayson pulled his sleeves up, accentuating his biceps.
Licking her lips, she watches as he sits in his chair, exhaustion in every line of his face and she can't imagine a better moment to make a move she had been planning for a few months now. Sliding over to him, she wasted no time in moving her ass onto his lap, her lips hungrily covering his.
"Bro!" Ethan busts inside, worked up after hearing from a clearly upset Y/N, willing to reassure her it's only a misunderstanding but when he sees a woman in his brother's lap and her mouth on his, one of the women he remembers from Grayson's past? That's when Ethan loses it.
Grayson is quick to push her off and on the floor mercilessly, growling as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, but Ethan has no patience, slamming the door behind him with enough strength that it breaks the tinted glass, shattering it all the way to the woman's floored ass.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Ethan screamed, not even flinching when he feels a piece of glass graze his left forearm, the cut superficial. He’s red in the face, his eyes narrowed and if looks could kill, Grayson and the pathetic excuse for a woman would need CPR.
Gripping the woman by her shoulders, Grayson sets her back on her feet, the pressure of his hands on her enough to leave a mark. Shaking her like a doll, he gets in her face, spraying spit as he makes his intentions clear.
"I am a taken man and if you ever, EVER, try that again, I will have no mercy. Understand that?" Shaking her again until she managed to mumble a clear YES, Grayson pushed her toward the door.
"What the fuck are you looking at?!" Grayson screams in outrage, his eyes set aflame with ruthless self-loathing shimmering under the surface. His rage had always made men cower in fear, but never Ethan.
He wasn’t calm either, willing to spill blood for every tear Y/N shed and while he could easily start an altercation, Ethan realized violence begins violence and he can’t turn on his own blood. Not while they’re still so vulnerable to the criminals that want them both dead.
Apparently, no one is happy to let a gang disband without bloodshed and they’ve both been working overtime to make sure that doesn’t turn into a new gang war where their loved ones would be at risk. To be honest, Grayson has been overbearing and Ethan was wearing thin, but they have to find a solution before they end up burying their mother or sister, Y/N or even each other.
"Y/N called me in tears asking if you're cheating on her and I promised you'd never do that. Was I wrong brother?" Asking calmly, Ethan surprised himself with his poise. If he could, he'd at the very least land a few punches, damage the pretty boy look Grayson attracts attention with, but he realized Y/N might not want that.
Even if he transgressed, she’d want Grayson unharmed. She’s that kind of a soul – innocent, naïve and untouched by the madness surrounding her. And she hasn’t been quite the same since the ball but Ethan noticed her getting back to who she was when they first met her at that shady club.
She is his sister now and he can’t stand the thought of what pain this might cause her.
"No. She kissed me and I ended it as soon as I could. Y/N doesn't have to know." Grayson decides, his head a chaotic explosion of fear, anger and frustration - fear of losing the only woman he ever loved, anger over the way he was completely unaware of the situation and frustration because he's clearly not as scary as he used to be and damn it, Grayson absolutely loved instilling fear in people around him. It made him feel powerful and invincible, something he gave up for a quiet future with the love of his life...something he still missed.
"I won't lie to her." Ethan says through gritted teeth, shaking his head as his fingers thread through his hair. "She deserves better Grayson." Sighing, Ethan swallows thickly. "Do better."
And while Ethan said he wouldn't lie, he called Y/N back, faking amusement.
"No worries, sis, his assistant picked up the phone and they've been working like crazy today." Pausing, he pinches the bridge of his nose as if that would wash away the shame of lies he speaks, but what good would it do to hurt her with the truth?
He is a reasonable man and bringing this up would break her heart, besides, Grayson said it's a one-time unwanted occurrence and he wanted to believe him. He needed to.
"Are you alright, babe?" He feels a familiar pair of arms slide down his chest, holding onto the hands firmly.
"Yeah. Just my brother. Same old shit." Studying her, Ethan can't help but smile at the woman Y/N hired for him just a few months ago - at first to help him after he got shot and now to help him around the office...a woman he had taken a liking to.
"Anything I can do to help?" She smirks, pecking his nose from above, implying exactly what she wanted and Ethan wasn't about to protest.
"I can think of a few things."
1st person POV
The weight finally off my chest, I smile to myself. Of course Grayson isn't cheating on me. He loves me. He does no matter how hard I found that hard to believe before.
Perhaps it's time I trust him on that.
Barely able to stand, only a few hours of sleep in a thirty-something long shift keeping me alive, I stumble into the penthouse, kicking off my sneakers immediately.
I've been tired lately, feeling queasy and faint but it's probably the long hours and worsening eating habits. I should definitely drink more water too, but admitting this to Grayson would end up with him asking me to take some time off and take care of my health but that’s not an option. I need to finish this internship so I can get a first-rate fellowship. I may be stuck in a crazy environment, but I have every intention on finishing my journey.
Groaning, I manage to find my way to our bedroom and I wonder why was I ever so stubborn about living together. I didn't want to be seen as gold digger or an opportunist, I wanted to earn my own money but after we got cornered with paparazzi in my dorm more than once, the choice was obvious. Thankfully, I graduated just in time to start an internship not too far away from his luxury penthouse, reducing the commute.
Besides, waking up next to him is better than being alone.
The moment I enter, I see something is different - a dress laid out on our bed, rose petals around as well as a bouquet on my nightstand.
Reaching for the note, I sigh, aware Grayson planned a romantic date and while I'd rather sleep and have him rub my back, I remember relationships last only if both parties contribute to its growth and for a few months, neither of us did our part.
I can't be the one to say no.
'An exquisite dress for an exquisite woman. Put this on, doll and meet me up on the roof'
Smiling, I shake my head lightly, feeling my heart skip in my chest because even if I am about to faint, the gesture is incredibly sweet. The dress is even better - the one I had my eye on but refused to even try - red as blood, back open and lacy sleeves down to my elbows.
Managing to push my swollen feet into heels a size too big for me even now, I force my legs to take the few stairs toward the roof, a smile upon my weary lips. The wind pushes my unkempt hair back, revealing a faint scratch just below my ear that I earned in the ER.
"You look magnificent. As expected." Grayson's compliment makes me look away, smiling at the ground. It's impossible not to blush when a man of his caliber tells you how amazing he believes you look.
Pecking my lips, Grayson's finger lifts my chin, gracing me with one of his disarmingly charming looks.
"Don't go all shy on me now." His smirk is devilishly handsome and now I understood how the devil cheats humans out of their souls. It's not hard to fall for a smile like that.
"I missed you." Smiling back at him, I allow him to lead me to the table he set for us, devouring the food with my eyes already.
"And I love you for this food. I'm starving!"
3rd person POV
As soon as dinner ended and the conversation became rather nostalgic, Y/N couldn't help her smile as Grayson dedicated himself to her. It’s exactly what she’d been craving, worried that their romance might be wavering after the time they had to each other.
Holding her hand, his fingers brushing her knuckles, Grayson leans his forehead on the back of it, drawing a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh.
"You're scaring me." Y/N giggles nervously, her right leg bouncing on her knee, making it a little uncomfortable since her heel keeps slipping off thus reminding her she really needs to buy a new pair - one that actually fits and on a day Grayson is too busy to come along. Shopping is a nightmare when the big bad CEO ex mafia boss that is also known as Hellhound joins because she refuses to let him pay for it all but he always insists.
"Do you know how it feels to love you?" Grayson asks, a rhetorical question from what she can tell and he's quick to continue, confessing all that's in his heart.
"It's a consuming, fiery passion." Smiling, he tilts his head ever so slightly to his left shoulder.
"It's a need, a primal drive to protect you, make you laugh and... well, I'm not going to sugarcoat this doll, but an essential desire to give you pleasure." Raising an eyebrow, Grayson licks his lower lip, leaving it shining under the candlelight, rendering Y/N speechless.
She's already trembling, confused with his current emotional gushing. It's not like she's unused to his love proclamations, it's that she can feel it in her bones that this one means something more than all the ones before and after the recent scare and fill of self-doubting, Y/N wasn’t keen on more surprises.
"Gray", she starts softly, worried it would discourage him or somehow hurt his feelings.
As soon as she tries to interrupt, Grayson interjects again, determined to finish his speech.
So, when he stands up and smirks at her widened eyes, Y/N only grew more confused and a little frightened when he suddenly dropped on one knee, opening a tiny box with a stunning, flower themed sapphire ring.
"You've given me hope, something to fight for, a reason to live. You've made me happier than I believed is possible and you've reminded me of what it means to be human. You make me want to be a better man." Swallowing thickly, he noticed she's barely blinking, perhaps in shock with his unexpected proposal, but he couldn't ignore how he feels and what he wants.
And he wants her.
He wanted Y/N to look at him with love in her eyes from the moment he first saw her in that tacky bar, he simply couldn't wait any longer. "You...you're everything - fun, thought provoking, caring, independent and merciful and exceptionally tactful when need be. You're spring and you're summer and you're a woman any man would be lucky to call his."
Lips parting, Y/N tries to speak, to articulate anything that she knows she feels in her heart for this incredible man, but she can't. All she can think of is the why. Why is he, a man who said dating wasn't even his thing, a man who struggled to open up for the longest time is now proposing?
She couldn't help but feel it's to appease her, but that only made her sad. She didn't want him to appease her nor did she want to succumb to society norms. She loves him, he loves her, so why complicate things?
Besides, how can she ignore the unwavering doubt in her mind? Ethan swore it was a false alarm, but her heart told her something is wrong – a sudden romantic gesture of this magnitude is suspicious, isn’t it?
"Will you marry me?" The hopeful look in his eye dwindles almost immediately when she reaches out and closes the box.
"No." Standing up, she throws the rags onto the table, her arms fold over her chest.
"We don't need to get married to love each other and be together, okay?" She could tell by the way his eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together he felt a little humiliated, but she couldn't allow him to entirely change his view on life and love to make her happy and she was certain he wouldn't ask otherwise.
In fact, she was certain he’s using this proposal to hide something she’s not supposed to know and an affair was currently on her mind. She couldn’t accuse him; she didn’t want to. But she needed to make sure the motive behind his proposal is love, not guilt.
"But I want to." Grayson stood, willing to argue on this but he could tell she's not ready and while he didn't understand why, he realized he will have to wait a little while longer.
Maybe she is right, maybe this is just his guilty self-consciousness pushing him into proposing and officially claiming her as his...most of all, allowing her to claim him as hers.
"I really do. But if you're not ready I will wait. As long as it takes." Noticing his flushed cheeks and desperation laced in his voice, Y/N caved…a little.
“Can I think about it?” And while it wasn’t even close to the definite YES he expected, Grayson had to settle for a maybe, regardless of the way it tore his heart to bits. Yet he felt this is much better than the reaction he’d get if he came clean.
Being with her is all he can ask for and he wasn’t ready to give up on her, on them. And maybe he should have told her the truth about everything, she’d probably be understanding, but he couldn’t be sure. He had put her through so much shit that Grayson feared she had too much and would use the latest troubles as an excuse to finally do what he fears the most – walk away from him.
They laid in each other's arms, holding on with a sense of uncertainty - Y/N felt guilty for making him believe she needed him to change, about the sordid lack of faith she has in him and Grayson felt guilty about the kiss he kept from her.
When he opened his eyes the next morning, Y/N was already gone, just a note left about being paged early even though she was supposed to have a day off. He planned to use that day to spend some time together and rebuild their relationship he just realized isn't as unbreakable as he thought before.
1st person POV
Days passed and Grayson never mentioned the proposal again. In a way I was grateful because dealing with a stomach flu and that night wasn't easy. Though he stayed quiet, I knew he was going back to old habits - using sex to change my mind.
It wasn’t difficult to understand Grayson is angry with me and my decision or lack there of. His usually sweet caress had become hard, gripping. Fists in clothes, shoving me against a wall hungrily, as if he’s trying to make me see that without me he’d be nothing more than this – a rampant animal out for blood even when he loves the one he hurts.
Unfortunately for him, I’m not a dainty little snowflake. He made sure of that. I can do both soft and angry and even if he tries, he’s never that violent with me even when I ask.
And as his fingers dig into my hips, I find myself thrown on the bed, enjoying the look in his eye as he takes me in – lips plump, almost bruised, cheeks crimson and desire behind my lustful gaze – something I practiced in front of a mirror but never knew if it works until he laid on top of me, keeping his body weight off just barely – he wanted me to feel dominated, trapped even, but his kisses, as always, melt away from that fiery, blinding passionate rage.
They turn into brushes of lips between shaking breaths, his hips meeting mine in a slow rhythm, allowing every inch of him to fill me to the brim and he wanted me to feel that. His lips are slow until they’re out of energy and parted, until we are left just lying there, holding each other, fingers carding through hair.
Blowing a few of my hairs off my neck, Grayson settled in the crook with a plagued look in his chestnut colored eyes. I could sense something is tormenting him, a secret he keeps and I’m not exactly talkative either. I’ve never asked him about the girl that picked up the phone…I’ve rarely been to his office at all.
“How are things at work?” Sliding my hand over his forearm, I can sense the sharp intake of breath through his nose and while it would be far too easy to just ignore it, the fact I could surely pinpoint his lack of verbal communication created an unsettling feeling in my stomach.
Pecking my shoulder, Grayson spoke – his voice oddly cool as if nothing happened moments ago and I am once again reminded Grayson isn’t just any guy I met off the street – he used to deal with people much scarier than his curious girlfriend.
“A lot of work but it’s been wonderful. The transition is going smooth and while there are a few minor issues to deal with, the company is officially legitimized and honest.” Lying is easy for him and that scares me. Maybe he’s not lying to my face, rather omitting the truth but isn’t that just as bad?
Waves of nausea force me to sit up, feeling my mouth salivating as bile rises at the back of my throat and I’m running before I even know what is happening, running to keep myself from ruining the ridiculously expensive rug Grayson splurged on a few months ago.
Sinking to my knees, retching until only clear liquid was coming up. My stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out but the hand on my back and forehead keeping me from falling face first into the toilet kept me earthed. I could only imagine how my face looks, white and dripping bile, sweat, and tears.
“Can you leave? I don’t want you to see me like this.” My voice is hoarse and the pungent stench invaded my nostrils and I heave even though there is nothing left to throw up. My throat feels sore from the stomach acid that was layering it and my mouth tastes of vomit.
As if he could read my mind, Grayson quickly flushed the toilet and helped me lean back against the wall, rushing to fill a glass of water to help me rinse this horrid feeling out of my mouth.
I can’t remember the last time I got sick like this and I certainly can’t remember someone being there to help me and while I wanted him to leave initially, I was so grateful he decided to stay.
“You scared the crap out of me.” Sheepishly admitting to it, Grayson presses his lips together, looking ahead than at me. “You’re seeing a doctor first thing in the morning.” He adds and I scoff, giving him a quick glance.
“I am a doctor. Sort of.” Chuckling, I lean my head on his shoulder, hoping I’m not smelling like a combination of sweat and vomit, but hey, we both need a bath after what we’ve done an hour ago. Besides, making him worry won’t do him much good. There are more pressing matters he needs to dedicate himself to.
“Still. Doll, I never want to risk your health or wellbeing. Okay?”
“I’m aware which is why I know I’m fine and this was just a fluke.” I lied. This is more than just a fluke and the nausea has been going on for a month now, I just never actually had to throw up. And I understand why. My period’s late, long enough to make me fairly certain of what I plan on confirming in the morning – I’m pregnant.
I never understood how women miss their pregnancy for so long, how they don’t notice not having their periods or any other pregnancy symptoms but after everything – thinking we might die, Ethan being shot, starting this internship and then the worry about how solid our relationship is, I just assumed it was late due to stress.
I don’t think that’s the case anymore and I know I have to be more responsible now when I suspect it.
Hands folded in my lap, I interlock my fingers for comfort. Imagining this moment in the past included Grayson, excited and asking me if I'm okay about a hundred times, but never could I imagine being alone, asking a colleague for discretion after having my blood taken.
The thought of being pregnant is daunting, especially at an uncertain time for Grayson and I - another thing I never imagined happening. If anything, I could swear we finally got our happy ending. We were supposed to be stupidly in love while working toward our goals, being a power couple. Instead, we got separated by our schedules, seeds of doubt planted in this time where we were supposed to be stronger than ever.
Is the thought of having a gun held to my head just to have Grayson back too crazy? Probably.
"Hey." Looking up to see the nurse holding a paper in her hand, one I'm sure has answers to my questions and if her smile is anything to go by, the news are supposed to be happy. "Congratulations Y/N. If you need anything, just ask."
For a moment my heart stops, feeling it sink at the thought of telling Grayson and have him be anything but happy. But I am. I am elated.
Placing a hand over my stomach, a smile creeps up on me, spreading until my entire face lights up and I can't help the cheerful giggle escaping me.
"I'm gonna be a mom."
3rd person POV
Standing in front of his windows, looking down at New York with a pensive smile, Grayson thought about how he needs to step up. His first attempt at a proposal failed, miserably, but he wasn't planning on giving up.
She means too much to him to ever give up on her.
The way she said no told him there is more to the story. It was painfully obvious she loves him with all her heart but Grayson wondered what would make a woman in love refuse a proposal.
"Bro, we have a huge problem." Ethan's out of breath, stepping beside his brother with mouth open, still heaving. "And when I say huge problem, I mean a massive, colossal fucking problem."
Looking at his brother, Grayson's jaw clenches with resolve because the blood on Ethan's face is speaking volumes of their issue.
No matter how often he tried to tie up loose ends, it turns out it's nearly impossible to entirely pull out of a decades long criminal history.
"Who the fuck is it?" Fists tights at each side, Grayson's face hardens and his lips press together as Ethan sighs.
"We don't know yet. It's a paid hit, that's sure." Wiping the blood of his bottom lip, Ethan smirks. "But I intend to find out who hired him and I plan to do it the hard way." Raising his eyebrow mischievously, revealing a side of him that's usually dormant but it's awake now and Grayson already knows this would be a fine line to walk on. "You in or what?" Ethan's snarkiness makes Grayson roll his eyes as well as his sleeves.
"I actually liked this shirt." But then again, Grayson is worse than Ethan could ever be and he was about to make that man regret the day he was born. Grayson ‘CEO’ Dolan was gone and Hellhound took over.
"Oh well, I'll buy another one." A cold smile upon his lips, he reverts back to the man he was and he couldn't find it in himself to regret it.
1st person POV
Chewing on the inside left corner of my lower lip, I knew this anxiety wouldn't be good for the baby. Isn't it odd how quickly a mother starts to love her child? Even before it's a formed human being the love is so great you can't put yourself first.
I'm already daydreaming of the day I get to meet my baby, to hold it and see it looking back at me with Grayson's eyes. I'm imagining all the things we'll do together and all the ways this baby could change the world.
Drawing a deep breath, I close my eyes and smile, resting my head on my propped up hand and make a choice - I have to tell Grayson and no matter how he reacts, I will not be hurt by it.
If he wants nothing to do with us, I will survive.
Dialing his number, I tap my nails against the metal table in the canteen. Waiting for him to pick up seemed as fruitful as waiting for rain in the Sahara Desert.
Rubbing my forehead, I sigh and lose a little bit of my resolve before realizing I'll have to call his office instead.
"Dolan enterprises, who am I speaking to?" The gentle, feminine voice on the other side of the line makes me tense up, recognizing it immediately. Isn't this the same voice that picked up that night I had nearly lost my mind and frantically called Ethan, weeping as if someone had died? It's the same voice that made me doubt Grayson and the doubt never quite left me despite Ethan's reassurance.
"Y/N Y/L/N. Mister Dolan is expecting my call." I cringe at the mister part, especially since I use it way too often in a sexual manner in private.
"Oh. Well, I have no record of that. Beside, mister Grayson is a very busy man. He has no time for frolicking whores." And the next thing I hear is her hanging up on me, the line going silent.
Looking at the phone in shock, I hold onto it with a death grip. The nerve this bitch has is definitely irking me. I'm most certain she knows who I am and this disrespectful behavior is going to get her a slap - a bitch slap for a bitch.
Gritting my teeth, I let out pent up air through my flared nostrils. Usually, this sort of thing wouldn't leave a dent - perhaps I thought we were stronger than that before but now? Now when I can tell he's keeping secrets and lying to me? It's impossible not to question everything, and that doubt is exactly what breeds jealousy, possessiveness and utter hatred for the woman picking up MY MAN's phone.
3rd person POV
The last thing Y/N expected is to come home before Grayson, a little after three past midnight, courtesy of a chain car crash. What she expected less is to have him come up to their penthouse few minutes after with his normally white shirt drenched in blood.
Swallowing thickly, Y/N tried her best not to lose her mind over the sight, walking toward Grayson who looks like a deer caught in headlights. He hoped she'd be asleep by now, giving him a solid chance to hide his extracurricular activities he never wanted her to find out about.
Yet, he can't seem to find it in himself to lie to her. He's not ashamed of who he is or who he was. He's not ashamed of those he killed to protect his loved ones, her included.
She knew who he is when they fell in love. She loved him when he was drenched in blood as much as when he was picture perfect, her prince charming...from a much darker fairytale.
"Doll, I..." Before he could make an excuse or apologize, Y/N interjects, her hands cupping his scruffy, bloodied cheeks, her eyes boring into his bloodshot ones.
"Are you okay?" That's all she cared about. She didn't give a shit whose blood is on him, as long as it isn't his or any other Dolan's.
She's not supposed to condone his behavior, she's not supposed to blindly accept the fact that he made her a promise and he just broke it, yet she wanted him safe more than she wanted to safeguard her beliefs. More than she could focus on the future well being of the heartbeat under hers.
"Yeah." Grayson nods faintly, managing a weak smile for her sake but also in admiration. If it were any other woman, he'd be arguing right now, but it's not. It's Y/N, his doll, his soulmate. She simply takes his hand, as gory as it is and leads him toward the bathroom.
Sitting him down on the toilet, she works on unbuttoning his shirt, peeling it off his perfectly chiseled body. His eyes are fixed on her face and tired eyes, realizing she may not be screaming at him but this - him and his choices are wearing her thin. She's fading and he's doing nothing to help her and that makes his chin tremble, making her glance at his lips.
It would be easy to ignore it, to ignore him, but she couldn't ignore the desire to kiss his plump lips, the very lips that signify both heaven and hell to her.
Grayson stands, his fingers hooking the bottom of her shirt, pulling it off with ease, especially since her hair is up in a fish braid as it always is when she's at work.
Leaning in, his forehead rests upon hers, noses brushing as he waits, giving her a chance to bail, to choose if kissing him now would compromise her sanity. And it would. She knows that her sanity is compromised either way, which is exactly why she kisses him, giving him a hard and needful, so incredibly emotional kiss that it used up every last bit of oxygen in Grayson's lungs and he smiles against her lips because she is the only woman that has ever been capable of making him lose his breath. No one ever came even remotely close until she came into his life and claimed him hers for the rest of his life.
"Take your pants off." She commands, slipping her own off along with her panties in one try, walking into the shower without looking back.
She knew he would obey.
Starting the water, she smiles when she feels his hands on her hips, swiftly turning her back to face him in all his glory.
Her hands gripping his forearms, Y/N uses the chance to pull him under the running water, rubbing the blood off him carefully without making eye contact.
The blood pooled around their feet, making Y/N wonder if this is the rest of her life - consuming passion and cleaning the blood off him, no questions asked because she might not like the answers.
She couldn't deny the lure of darkness, of loving a man who is capable of horrific acts that seems to care for her more than anyone else in the world.
Grayson could see the wheels in her head turning, overthinking as always and once again, it is his fault. So, he does what he always does when he wants her to stop thinking - he slams his lips against hers, his left hand at the back of her neck and right one delicately sliding down her back to grip her ass.
“You’re so perfect.” He whispers against her lips, pushing her back against the cold tiles behind them.
A growl escapes him as if her words anger him. His hands leave her ass and move to her stomach. His lips finding hers in a rough kiss. One of his hands move lower, fingers playfully flicking over her clit before he pushes a finger inside her.
She moans softly at the feeling of his oddly cold fingers in her warm folds. Grayson pushes another finger in and starts moving them in and out at a slow rate.
“Faster”, Y/N moans impatiently, bucking her hips against his hand. Moving his hand faster coaxes soft moans that spill from her lips.
“Tell me what you need”, Grayson smirks, enjoying how easily he can make her his, how even when she should be screaming at him, she’s screaming for him.
‘‘You’’, she responds, her breathing fast, shallow and unpredictably paired with faint gasps that make him shiver with his own need growing.
‘‘Be specific, doll’’, teasing, Grayson slows his fingers down.
‘‘Your dick in my pussy’’, she groans with irritation, gripping his hips as if it would make him stumble into her. Yet, Grayson grins at her and his kisses grow sporadic as his hands grip his length, carefully holstering her up.
Pushing inside, he can’t help but snicker at how wet she is and how easily he fit this time around. He’s loving the ego boost, knowing she craves him with all her being and she’s taking him so well.
However, neither of them can focus too much on anything but the arising orgasms and while Grayson tries to keep a steady rhythm, celebrating every moan and pant passing her glorious lips, he can sense her clenching around him before he’s quite there. 
Holding her in place until the aftershock waves pass her body, Grayson litters her neck with tender kisses.
“Let me go.” She orders, her voice a little shaky and while Grayson wanted to hold her a while longer, not even in a sexual manner, he obeys. Assuming she’s leaving, Grayson shuts the water off only to raise his eyebrows when she goes to her knees.
“Didn’t really think I’d leave you high and dry, did you?” Smirking, her hand grabs a hold of his base and slowly sucks the tip into her mouth.
Looking up at the amused man through her eyelashes, she takes more of his hardened length in her mouth. She never really saw the point of blowjobs, especially watching it on porn where it looked like every girl acted as if they’re eating the most delicious treat and would gladly choke on a guy’s dick, but with Grayson, she came to realize it’s not about the act or about it tasting good – it’s about how badly you want the other person to be puddy in your hands, how even a man as powerful as Grayson will resort to begging when she’s edging him to the brink of insanity.
It’s about power, about pleasure and most of all, it’s about love.
“Y/N”, he moans, grabbing her hair before pulling on it. She glances up at him coyly and he grunts, nearly coming because of the mere sight of her.
‘‘Doll’’, Grayson moans, bucking his hips into her mouth.
“I am going to cum”, he warns in an attempt to pull out, letting go of her hair but she holds his hips firmly, allowing him to come into her mouth, swallowing every last drop.
Panting, he stares down at her as she wipes her plump lips, unable to let the moment pass him by. She’s everything he ever wanted. "Marry me." His words make her choke on her own spit, her eyes widening.
"You're asking me while I'm literally on my knees in front of you? Was the orgasm that mind-blowing? Is it because I swallowed?" She continued berating him with a coy smile, taking his hand on her way up, allowing her hands to travel his body with care, teasing him with her fingertips fanning across his skin.
"Ah, maybe?" He chuckles, groaning as her lips connect with his collarbone only to grunt when her teeth come to play and she nibbles on his skin.
Realizing he won't get anywhere with her if she keeps on working him up, Grayson pushed her lightly, enough for her to pout but understand he means business.
"Seriously though. I asked you once and you told me you'd think about it, but can you honestly imagine a day where we aren't together?" And he made perfect sense, she knew that. But ever since she nearly died...more than once, Y/N wasn't sure about anything in her life except Grayson and she loves him, so much so she can't breathe when he's gone for too long but marriage? It still didn't seem like something he wanted nor needed.
If she is being completely honest, she's still scared he's only asking to please her, to make her happy, not because he wants to be a husband, or that he might resent that down the line.
And most of all, she’s terrified of him doing this to cover up he cheated on her. Something she’s been agonizing over that for a while, trying to have some trust in him. He’s earned that much.
"No, I can't imagine a life without you. But that doesn't mean we have to get married, Gray."
Narrowing his eyes suspiciously at her, Grayson scoffs. "You really don't want to marry me, do you doll?"
"I do. But the thing is, are you asking because you can't imagine not marrying me or because you think I won't be with you if you don't? Because that piece of paper means nothing to me if it's pressuring you to do something you aren't comfortable with. I love you too much to do that to you." Holding back some of her concerns, she finally leaves the shower with a little help from the naked specimen before her.
"I'm doing this because I want to marry you, doll. I want to be your husband, to be yours in every possible way."
"Sure you're ready to part with that bachelor title?" She cocked an eyebrow, smirking at him as her hands form a protective circle around him, pulling them closer together.
"I've been ready since I met you."
Maybe telling him she’s pregnant won’t be such a disaster after all.
Watching him run into their bedroom, Y/N follows with a new wave of certainty. He loves her. She loves him. Any of the doubts her mind created are likely due to her insecurities and she was done letting them drive her insane.
For the first time in forever, her mind was clear and she was happy to give her hand to Grayson, watching him slip on the ring officially with no regrets.
“Can we talk though?” Y/N draws a shaky breath, hoping to finally shed some light on the second fear.
“Always.” His comforting reassurance made her smile, but her heart quivers in fear.
“Did you cheat on me with your assistant?” Holding his gaze, she notices a slight shift in his pupil, lips parting.
“No. Kerry works for me. That’s all. Why…Why would you think that?” It’s not the best solution – lie right as he put a ring on her finger, even worse to make her feel guilty for asking, but Grayson panicked and he needed the suspicion gone. All this time, he assumed he was in the clear after Ethan said he lied about it after all, but he never once realized it was eating away at her.
“Maybe because she keeps messing up our lunch dates? Or how when I call I’m suddenly called a frolicking whore or how when she picked up your phone she said you’re busy with her and it didn’t sound like it was work kind of busy and I might be overreacting but I swear that woman makes my blood boil and I want to break her like a twig. You trained me!        I could do it!” Rambling, Y/N started to laugh at her own jealousy, especially when she realized she’s arguing while they’re both naked. In fact, they just got engaged naked and if anything, Y/N surely couldn’t ever think they’re normal or boring.
Pulling her closer, Grayson kisses her temple. “I promise Kerry isn’t an issue. I’m devoted to you. So, don’t worry. I’ll deal with her myself.”
But happiness can never last forever. In a week’s time, exactly on the day the pair planned to escape their duties for lunch and longer, Y/N was ready to share the news with Grayson. She was prepared to tell him he’d become a father in about six months or so and she was even more excited to see the confused look on his face when she takes him to the doctor’s with her, allowing him to see the baby and connect the dots himself.
But, that didn’t happen. As always, when one makes plans, destiny sure loves to fuck with them.
"Kerry, can you please let Y/N know I'll be a few minutes late for our lunch date? Just let her into the office." Grayson smiles at his assistant, his eyes bright as they always are when Y/N is on his mind and while he would kill, literally, to be there on time, she's the very reason why he can't do that anymore. He can't be that person and love her at the same time. She deserves better than that. She deserves the man he's trying to be. The man only she brings to the surface - someone he's proud to be.
"Of course." Kerry returns his smile, a little wider, her eyes unblinking as they always are when he's around - filled with emotions Grayson never gave any fuel to. She watched him leave, her grin reduced to a wicked smirk as he disappears behind the corner, just in time for Y/N to arrive.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't have an appointment with the boss." Fake pleasantries and smiles never fooled Y/N, though she struggled to understand what exactly made Grayson so certain Kerry isn't an issue.
Ever since she met the snake, well, talked to the snake, Y/N was painfully aware of her attempts to drive a wedge between her and Grayson and the worst part? He's either too daft to see the truth or he's willing to drag her through hell for another woman.
"I don't need an appointment to see my boyfriend…Well, fiancé." Y/N remarks, folding her arms across her chest, glaring at the blonde before her with confidence she's having difficulty maintaining.
Kerry is breathtakingly gorgeous, incredibly well built and perhaps part of the issue stems from the fact that Y/N still can't understand why a man like Grayson would ever settle for her. Because she truly didn't know if someone like Kerry would eventually make him see how plain she truly is.
"Either way, he's not in his office. Something about a lunch date with his new client. Feel free to wait around." Chuckling, Kerry smirked, her words dripping with venom.
"Be more pathetic than you already are. Because in the end, he will come back to me." Clicking her nails against the solid wooden desk before her, Kerry bore a sly smirk, almost victorious once she realized Y/N is clueless and she finally has something to hurt her with.
"He didn't tell you. Did he? How he used to fuck me. Or how he kissed me recently." Raising her eyebrows, expecting tears and maybe even a full breakdown, Kerry wished she could take a picture for gloating.
Y/N stared at her for ten seconds, maybe more, holding her breath in order to hold back her anger, disappointment, and most of all tears. She couldn't afford to show weakness, not even in front of the secretary. Grayson might not be the scariest person in New York anymore but she couldn't allow any trace of emotion show. Perhaps it's all she went through with Mikhail or the Serpents, but she had hardened, her face remaining impassive even in the face of certain death so what is just another woman who plays with her claws.
"That's the key difference." Y/N smiles coldly, stepping closer to the desk with an air of confidence around her - fake it till you make it, she thought.
"He fucked you but he makes love to me." Planting both her palms flat against the desk, leaning closer to the woman who is hell bent on making her relationship crumble and she speaks through gritted teeth: "Get in line bitch, before I make you."
"Ahh, doll! Hope I didn't keep you waiting." Grayson comes up from behind her, placing a hand on the small of her back and she straightens up, faking a smile for Kerry before turning back on her heel, her lips finding Grayson's instinctively.
She let her frustrations free, consuming his lips shamelessly, rather unlike her in public and Grayson knew.
"Tell me you have some time for me?" She whispers against his lips, aware of Kerry's glare at the back of her head. In fact, she hoped the bitch is paying attention because if she has to stake her claim again, she'll need nose surgery. She couldn’t focus on her claims of recent events, but to learn he bedded her destroyed her.
“Actually, you have a meeting in ten.” Kerry interjects but Grayson shakes his head.
"Always have time for my favorite girl. Already took the rest of the day off." And that was an official win in her books, pecking his lips again with genuine enthusiasm.
“Reschedule Kerry. And make sure Ethan calls me back once he’s done…with his current client.” His voice is deep and authoritative, starkly different than when he talks to her. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if he purposefully speaks in a softer tone when he is with her.
Walking off with their arms linked, Grayson decided to ask about the palpable anger once they’re out of the building. So, the moment they found themselves in the limousine Grayson liked to use lately, the gloves were off.
"Want to tell me what that was about? And don't tell me nothing because I could feel you wanted to slap a bitch." Chuckling under this breath, he noticed her lips press together, her eyebrows furrowing and her gentle, warm gaze turned icy, dangerous.
"Your secretary told me you cancelled lunch and then she proceeded to tell me we wouldn't last because she's apparently so fuckable and you know that from experience." Pursing her lips, she could tell he wasn't happy with Kerry and her revelation.
"She's lying. Right?" He swallowed thickly, blinking a little too fast for an innocent man.
Avoiding her gaze, Grayson cursed at the day he took pity and allowed Kerry to be his secretary after closing his gang related business. There was no way around it, his past coming back to haunt him. No matter how hard he tries to run, to hide, it always finds away to ruin his present.
"There was a time we were friends with benefits." Admitting the truth, Grayson could see her horrified expression, the ache it caused.
"Oh my God, WHO HAVEN'T YOU FUCKED?" Grayson once admitted to an array of one night stands, she just never realized she'd be surrounded with them on daily basis.
"I'm seriously asking! How many of them do I see every day and smile kindly at while they discuss how I'll be just another girl on your list?"
"You're not another girl on my list." Grayson interjects, unaware he'd only make it worse.
"Why does she even work for you? She's been nothing but trouble since the day you hired her! She lied about our lunch date, so what else had she fucked up for us?" Shaking her head, Y/N pulls her hair back, feeling suffocated under the weight and warmth it exudes, making her sweat profusely.
"I owe her. Okay? Because when I was recklessly aiming to kill anyone who'd harm you, her brother got murdered as retaliation. Can you not understand that?" Frowning with the memory of his friend's lifeless body, Grayson let out a heavy sigh, one that reminded him of the weight he only ever feels lighten around Y/N. She was usually his cure, a medicine for all that ails him but for the first time since she came into his life, she added onto that weight.
"And that justifies leaving her in a position where she will do anything to break us up? Because if that's so, at least I know your priorities now." Turning away from him, unable to escape while driving in the back of a limousine on the highway, Y/N wished she could jump out and risk it, anything to avoid looking at him or even breathing the same air, but she couldn't. Not with a new life inside her. Not when her worst fears came true – she wasn’t his fiancée because he loves her, but because it’s convenient for him to ease his guilt.
1st person POV
“I’m pregnant.” I admit, deciding to air out all the secrets I’ve been carrying around, all the pain I’ve held inside. If he wants to end it, this is when it happens because even when I tell him news he should react to, all I get is a faint nod.
“I know. Saw the labs in your purse.” And that’s when everything comes barreling down.
Is this why he proposed? Is this why he stays?
“I wanted you to tell me on your own. I found out this morning which is why I took the rest of the day off. Thought we could go up to the garden.” But I couldn’t listen to him anymore nor his lies. The ache in my chest had torn my heart to pieces and I was so tired of holding it together, allowing a single tear to slip past my defenses.
"Grayson, I know." I frown as my voice cracks and he furrows his eyebrows. His hands are close, forming fists. His eyes focus on me, unblinking and empty as if all emotions drained from them when I spoke up, sharing what's eating at me.
"Know what?" His calm, almost political response didn't anger me like I expected, I didn't throw a fit. Instead, I simply shake my head and press my lips together, holding my breath in hope of holding back tears.
"When did you stop loving me?" Speaking is hard, especially with a growing lump at the back of my throat that's making it harder to even breathe.
My words anguish him, terrify and confuse him and I wish I could believe the sudden show of emotion but it's impossibly sad how much I wish I didn't doubt him. I wish I could trust everything he says or does, perhaps I do, but I can't allow myself to immerse in his charming, murky brown eyes again. Not when the uncertainty is gripping every inch of my aching heart.
"I didn't. I love you so, so much! Doll, I love you more than life." He speaks with such conviction, his hands quickly taking mine for reassurance. And it’s romantic and all I needed to hear, yet I can't help but wonder if that's only because I'm pregnant with his child...his heir.
Is that something I'd want for my baby? To live with a target on its back, being groomed to take over an empire their father can't seem to dismantle?
I clear my throat, fixing his fearful gaze with my softer one. "Never love anything more than life." Unless it's our baby. Love our baby more than your empire if you can't love me as much, I think but don’t say.
Wanting to do the right thing is far from doing it.
"Why did you kiss her?" I finally clarify my initial statement, because now I know and no matter what the goal was...I know and there's no going back.
"I didn't want to.” Grayson tries to clarify before I can get another word in, almost pissed I’d ever doubt him. But how can I not. How can I just ignore the signs?
“She kissed me. I pushed her off. I did everything right!" Raising his voice makes me flinch and I hate that. I hate how easily I submit when someone raises their voice and he knows that. He’s aware that’s why we talk and not yell at each other, but emotions are running high and I’m praying he’s not doing this on purpose.
"That's not the point, Grayson! The point is…why did she feel so comfortable to get so intimate? Why would she think you'd kiss her back?!" Folding my arms across my lower stomach, I try to ignore the slight ache spreading inside.
It’s impossible not to worry about the baby, if this argument is something that will cause an unfortunate event and I draw a deep breath, looking at Grayson who is shaking his head as if I’ve asked the most ridiculous question in the world, but I’ve gotten to him. His pause is simply because he is out of excuses.
"Because she's a psychopath? How should I know?! Doll, I love you."
"Don't fucking call me that!" I snap, wiping my chin to clear the spit that escaped me when the anger burst and if I could, I’d have hurt him in that moment too. I’d show him my wounds, but I stop, trying to compose myself.
Not only is my fiancé lying to me, but he’s had his brother help him cover up his deeds as well.
"Don't push me away. Don't use your insecurities as excuses to push me away and break us apart. We're supposed to be happy! Engaged and expecting!"
The audacity!
"Well, I'm not the one who lied. I’m not the one throwing your flaws in your face. Had you told me the truth or at least tried to nip it in the bud, I'd be fine with it. But you felt the need to lie, to force Ethan of all people to support your lies and I... there must have been a reason for that. You're keeping things from me and I thought it was my fault and this is the second time you've made me feel guilty for the issues that stem from your inability to communicate like a normal human being and I'm so fucking tired of it. I'm fucking tired of picking up the pieces every time shit goes down because you believe you're blameless." Looking away, I bite my lip and for a moment I wonder if I went too far. But I did mean it. All our issues come from his secrecy and lack of communication and it’s impossible not to wonder if it comes from a lack of trust too.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was never my intention to make you feel like that." Reaching for my hand, he sighs when I move it away, disgusted with him at this point.
"Does that actually matter when the result is pain? Fuck, Grayson, I thought you said it would be different now. I thought I'd be your priority for once, but it remains a verba, not res thing."
I can hardly stomach his presence, let alone touch and the pain in my stomach isn’t letting up.
“Gah!” I scream out, the sudden sharp pain making my defenses fall, revealing the vulnerability beneath as I grasp his hand, desperate to have him close.
No matter how much pain he causes, I still look to him for a cure. How fucked up is that?
"Are you okay?" His free hand braces me, holding me as if I’m made of porcelain, not steel.
"I feel like I'll be sick." I mutter, cold sweat running at the back of my neck and forehead, my hands shaking as they grip his as if he would save me. As if he would make it all better.
Shortage of breath is the first sign my pain has caused a panic inside, the thought of harm coming to the baby draining every bit of sanity I’ve got left. I'm breathing but the air just won't go in, like my lungs are caged birds. Next comes the rising panic I wanted to avoid, the dizzy feeling and the need to get low to the ground.
“Breathe.” Grayson whispers and I soon feel the car stop, the door opening and our driver giving me a look of pity – the kind I hated most of all.
"I'll help you out." Grayson all but carried me out, allowing my feet to touch the ground simply to save my pride, probably afraid I’d make him let me go if he tried anything more. Perhaps I would if the pain and panic didn’t blind me entirely, leaving me gasping, my mind spiraling as I look down in fear of what I might find. Noticing no blood, I manage a faint smile and tilt my head up to meet his dazzling, warm eyes.
Damn those eyes I love so much.
Swallowing my pride, I decide to thank him as the pain gradually subsides. Holding me close, keeping my heart beating, Grayson had managed to calm me down, my breathing synchronized with his and I realize my blood pressure must have skyrocketed during the argument and it must have caused pain.
"Tha –“, but I don’t get to say it. Not when a deafening sound of gunshots leaves me breathless. It takes me a moment to fully understand what is happening, the screams around me fading to nothingness as Grayson spins us around, his arms firmly around me as if they’re my armor.
Gasping for air, I feel the arms around me loosen, a loud thud following and the warmth disappears only for horror to take its place.
3rd person POV
Y/N’s scream rippled through the street, the raw intensity of her fear cracking the heart of any human close enough to hear. She falls to her knees, helpless as her fingers grip his white shirt lacking evidence any harm came to him.
Her eyes lay upon his, desperately searching for signs of life and while the driver dials 911, Y/N needed someone else. She needed Ethan but she couldn’t move, her entire body shaking violently.
“Doll”, Grayson breathes out and she no longer remembers the anger in which she told him to forget that nickname. It’s a distant memory as she sobs, her vision blurred with tears. His hand clutches her right one, forcing a smile to ease her mind but even he knows that’s impossible at this point.
“It’s – It’s”, a cough interrupts his need to comfort her, yet she knew exactly what he wants to tell her. She knows exactly what he means and it only breaks her further, especially when she notices the blood pooling under her knees – his blood – the blood he needs to survive. And she’s practically a doctor, she’s supposed to help him, but she can’t – there’s nothing she can do. She can’t even move him.
“It’s not fine! None of this is fine!” Inadvertently screaming, she wipes her left cheek with the back of her hand, pissed and so, so in love with him for trying to calm her down and give her some hope and while she can hear the sirens in the distance, he is fading right before her eyes and the terror of a thought invaded her mind – he will die.
“I don’t want to live without you. Grayson, we have so much more to do and I…I’m so sorry I didn’t accept your proposal the first time you asked!” Her voice cracks, forcing her to stop and swallow for a moment, long enough to catch a crooked smile on his quivering lips.
“I’m so angry at you Grayson Dolan! You don’t get to die if it’s not by my hand! Do you understand that?!” Squeezing her hand, Grayson’s lips part with intent to tell her he understands.
He wanted to tell her he loves her and always will and that she will never be alone even if he doesn’t survive. For the first time ever, Grayson looked up at Y/N with fear because he knew whoever did this to him was aiming for his girl and the baby inside her. Grayson Dolan, the Hellhound, the man who fears nothing found himself frozen in fear as his Y/N stood above him, almost hysterical. And he couldn’t do a damn thing. He couldn’t do more than he already did – save her.
He couldn’t hold her and make her tears dry and he couldn’t manage his last I love you nor a meek smile.
What he could do is imagine if she would be happier if he just let her go when he had the chance?
If he never came back into her life once she walked out that door?
She made him happier he had ever been, but did he do the same for her or is the danger he put her in by loving her worth it? She could have done all the things she wanted to without him holding her back and yet she stayed. She stayed and loved him so well he actually saw a future past the life he was born into.
She’d be happy without him, he knew it. Maybe happier than she ever was with him, but he was too selfish to allow it, too possessive to imagine another man’s hands upon her.
She isn’t happy now, he’s certain of it. The tears in her eyes tell him that and all he wishes is to take back what he said in the limo, to remind her how they were and not their last day of screaming…of blur.
Eyelids growing heavy, Grayson’s smile fades, praying she find happiness she deserves once more.
All that he kept thinking throughout their whole flight is it could take his whole damn life to make it right because he knew he had wronged her. They had gotten through so much worse than this before and he wondered what's so different this time that she just can't ignore? He could see her saying it is much more than just his last mistake and had the pain nor this shooting happened she’d have asked for some time apart for both their sakes.
And Grayson doesn't know where to look, his sight fading. His words just break and melt, there’s not enough time to ask for forgiveness. There is never enough time and he prays, for the first time in a long time, he prays for someone to save him from this darkness. All he needs is one more moment to make things right, for his last words to be of love and not a fight.
Closing his eyes, he feels his shoulders are shaking with force, realizing it’s Y/N and her attempt to keep him awake but he can’t do it, he can’t open his eyes. He can’t even hear her anymore, but he senses her hands on his face, the olive hand cream he bought her invading his senses and he’s grateful – he’s in the arms of the one he loves most – not a bad way to go for a man with his past. 
“Grayson?” Y/N croaks, shaking him once more before her shaky hands grip his cheeks and her tears fall down on him as well.
She’s gasping for air that simply isn’t there. Her throat burns, forming a silent scream. The pressure inside her chest pushes forth, releasing the most hysterical cry, the screaming sobs only interrupted by her need to draw breath.
It’s a deep, primal sound, one humans are programmed not to ignore. Those who hid previously finally continued on their way, turning their heads toward Y/N, some of them even filming the scene. Caught between an impulse to help and another to stay out of bother, some simply looking for something to gather followers on Twitter, people gathered around them.
But whatever they chose their day had been altered. To be so close to such pain changes a person, even just temporarily. Their own pains come a little closer to the surface; their empathy is triggered.
Y/N can’t remember when the ambulance came, still checking his pulse – the only part of this keeping her breathing. His pulse is faint, but it’s there and she selfishly thought it’s her man fighting to stay with her.
For her.
She stepped away as they dragged him away from her, as if she wasn’t even there. Stepping up into the vehicle, she sat beside him and grabbed a hold of his hand, struggling to keep herself afloat. His hand is cold, something she never once felt in all the time she knew him and it only deepens her emotional breakdown.
It was all happening so fast, she couldn’t keep up. They got to the hospital rather quickly, taking him away from her without even giving her a chance to kiss him one more time.
Just in case.
She shakes her head at that thought, refusing to think so negatively at a time where Grayson needed hope. She needed hope too.
Pulling her phone out, she calls the one person she knew could give her some.
“Ethan?” Her hoarse voice is a dead giveaway something happened all while Ethan was in much bigger shit, blood up to his elbows after executing the last man they captured after procuring vital information.
“Who died?” It’s all he can say, realizing the answer may just kill him. He was calling Grayson minutes ago to tell him of a shooting they planned to kill Y/N in order to break him and he didn’t pick up. Shivers run down his spine as Y/N’s pause chips away what sanity he has. And it’s not much at this point.
“I need you.”
Ethan didn't think, grabbing his gun and jacket, his heart sinking at the sound of her voice. "Tell me where you are."
His assistant jumped as he barreled through the hallway, blood still fresh on his hands, a telltale sign he's losing his mind and someone might suffer for it.
"Where do you think you're going like that?" She hissed, stepping in his way confidently, refusing to buckle under his ruthless glare.
"Move." Ethan growls, his jaw clenching and his lips pressing together. He's furious, but he doesn't scare her. So, instead of moving away, she moves in, her arms wrapping around his tense body, ignoring the fact he's not returning the hug. Instead, she takes a whiff of his cologne, comforting herself since he didn't allow her to comfort him.
"I'm coming with you." Is all she says, taking her bag and his hand firmly, disallowing his near attempt at pushing her away. After months of caring for him and catering to all his needs, Selena wasn't about to abandon him when it counts the most.
Ethan wanted to thank her, to say he appreciates her kindness but the lump in his throat is too big and he fears speaking would make him crumble and he can't afford to be weak now. He can't break when he has to be the rock. So, instead of saying a word, Ethan grips her hand tighter and leads her into the company car, deciding it's best if he doesn't drive.
"Take me to the hospital." He orders the driver, turning to Selena with uncertainty in his eyes. She's trembling, he can tell, yet she's there with him - no questions asked.
Better yet, she's opening her bag and grabbing wet wipes, rubbing the blood off him meticulously to hide his crimes instead of reporting him and he never understood why Grayson was so keen on protecting Y/N before.
Truth be told, he loves Y/N like a sister and he can't imagine not having her in his life, but he finally realized the reason why Grayson loves Y/N, as selfish as that emotion is in their line of work.
Everyone needs someone to lean on and Ethan never expected to find someone he wanted as much as Selena, but in that moment he thanked his lucky stars he did. He wanted to kiss her like the moon does sea, weightless with the ability to move the deepest parts of her soul.
Ethan no longer wanted only sex and companionship, he wanted romance and vulnerability.
A faint smile appears on his lips as he shakes his head at the crazy thoughts plaguing him. Getting shot isn't always a bad thing, is it?
But reality isn't going anywhere and it weighs on him heavily.
"It's Grayson. It was a drive by shooting." Ethan tells her, noticing her pause in shock, unable to look in his eyes.
Selena lets out a shaky breath, glancing up at the tormented expression on Ethan's face and she can't help the tears forming in her eyes.
She knows Y/N and she knows Grayson and if they hadn't hired her when they did, she wasn't sure what her life would be now. She liked them, enough to make her heart ache but what made her cry is Ethan - if he hurts so does she.
And while she never thought of herself as a violent person, she discovered there is a lot more she doesn't know about herself in the past few months. Seems like Ethan is a man who is allowing her to reach into the depths of her very being, finally in tune with her own soul. So, before she comprehends it, she speaks with no remorse.
"Kill the bastard who did it."
Nodding, Ethan cracks a pained smile. "I intend to."
"Sir, we're here." The driver pipes in, ending the moment they shared effectively. Ethan had just gotten his hands clean but as he stepped out of the car, he could already tell his hands would be bloody yet again.
He didn't wait for Selena, making great strides toward the emergency room with his mind screaming at the possibility of what he might find.
He couldn't breathe until his eyes find Y/N, swallowing thickly as he sees the state she's in. Her hands are folded in her lap, bloody as are her legs. There is no light in her once bright eyes, the dash of spring her usual smile brings now turned into a harsh winter chilling everyone who dares glance at her.
Black tracks on her cheeks are constantly watering down with new streaks her unyielding, sorrowful tears create. And it breaks his heart to see her so lost, so beaten down that he can't help but remember the last time he saw her in that state - the day she rushed into his arms when Mikhail was killed and that was after a long while of torture.
This seemed worse.
Much worse.
"Y/N." His voice is deep, low, as if speaking in any other way would be disrespectful, as if her pain matters more than his.
Looking up at him, Y/N's eyebrows furrow and her eyes narrow, almost as if she can't believe Ethan is there...little did he know her mind played a trick on her and the light above his head nearly made her believe Grayson had come for her.
Standing up with the last atom of her strength, Y/N throws her arms around Ethan, holding him so tight he could have sworn she wanted to kill him. But she didn't.
She closed her eyes and pretended. She pretended it was Grayson, just for a moment. She couldn't cry anymore, not in heartbreaking sobs like she did when it first happened; the tears fell silently and her lips quivered on their own.
"He thinks I hate him." She whispers, her voice raspy and emotional, putting more weight on Ethan's shoulders. "We were arguing before it happened and", letting go of Ethan, she takes a step back only then noticing Selena behind Ethan.
Glancing at Ethan, she pressed her lips together, drawing a shuddered breath.
"If there is one thing I know it's that he loves you and he doesn't doubt your love either. He'd die for you." Ethan places his hands on her shoulders, bending enough to force eye contact she avoided as if she is ashamed of what Selena heard.
But Ethan's words rattle her, only reminding her when Grayson told her he loves her more than life. She warned him not to say that. It was heartfelt, she knew that and today she saw he truly meant it.
"And that's exactly what he did today. I want to believe, E...I want to so bad but...this was different than the first time. This was different than you." Holding her breath, Y/N felt a wave of desperation flood her and her eyes brought forth faster, anguished tears that drew their force from the very essence of her pain, so much so they don't fall but crash.
"I want to know who is responsible. I want them dead." Y/N's eyes harden as she spat hate, anger taking over as her hands form fists and Ethan could see she's out for blood. He wants to act too, he does. But she can't be a part of it.
The last thing Grayson would want is his sweet Y/N getting her hands dirty.
"I'll take care of it. I already know who it is." Ethan assures her, meaning well but all it does is set her soul aflame.
"We will take care of it. This is personal."
"No, no, no. Stay here and I'll come back when it's done. I promise." Ethan insists, pushing her back when she chuckles dryly, trying to pass him as if Selena knew the information she needed, as if she could do this herself.
Speaking though gritted teeth, Y/N stepped closer. "You can take me with you or I can follow you. Really wanna risk that?"
Licking his lips, Ethan couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her stubbornness. He’s heard how it usually troubled his brother but being confronted with it wasn’t exactly a picnic.
Her eyes are red and puffy but the determination in her eyes honestly scared him. Y/N isn’t bluffing and he had no possible way of controlling her decisions. If Grayson couldn’t, how could he?
Sighing in exasperation, Ethan rubs his chin, aware this is happening and he can’t escape. Well, he could, but it would include using force and Grayson would kill him if he even tried. Hell, he’d kick his ass just for considering it even if it was just a thought.
“Selena, can you please stay and keep us informed?” Ethan glances over his shoulder at the sweet brunette, smiling when she nods. He wished to hold her, even for just a moment but the last thing he needs is Y/N telling Grayson about them after all this is done, and it would be – Grayson would live to yell at him for inappropriate work relationships again. He knew it in his heart.
“I’ll call the boys to pick up the guilty party. Let’s go.” Y/N had to run to keep up with his stride, annoyed but unwilling to nag him when he’d given her the best possible gift – revenge.
Sitting in that waiting room would have drained her entirely, the guilt eating away at her. Y/N needed to do something to forget about Grayson’s current state, to ignore the fear’s iron grip.
The drive to their usual warehouse was longer from this side of the city, giving Y/N plenty time to think. Too much time.
It didn’t take long before her mind began to remember all the things she loved and hated about Grayson.
Ever since they moved into the penthouse, she absolutely hated his habit of spending all the hot water and forgetting to warn her about it. She hated how often he’d keep her up snoring and even more how he loved to frighten her when she’d come home from a night shift. It was a constant battle to teach him to wash the dishes properly and not just throw them away saying he’d buy new ones. Same thing applies to his clothes. She also hated how meticulous he was about the way his clothes were to be folded and especially about the way he’d insist the thermostat is supposed to be.
But there are so many things she loved about him too. She loved how sweet he is, how he’d cuddle her every day even when she was too shy to ask. He’d just know she needs it and his arms would already be around her. She also loved how he’d cut up fruit for her because he knew how she loves to snack on it, or how he’d leave her hearts on the mirror every time he’d finish his showers only for her to discover them after he’d gone to work. She adored how much thought he’d put in every word, every touch, every single gift he’d given her including his unwilling attainment of a singular hoodie for them to have a sense of normalcy. And most of all, she loved how he dismantled his gang related business just to make sure they have a bright future together.
Smiling, she realized every single action he does is to make her feel safe and loved. It’s his way of telling her he loves her without a single word passing his tender lips.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she hated herself with such ferocity over her last words spoken to him in undiluted anger. Their last interaction should have been filled with love not rage.
She never quite realized it before, but she was always his greatest achievement, the one he was proud of the most and now when they were inches from their happily ever after, from becoming a real family, they took him away from her – they ripped her heart out and she wanted to repay the favor.
“If something happens to me, you’d protect her, right?” Grayson tilts his head, hoping his brother would give him some sign he’d make sure his doll would be safe even if one of his enemies take him out. He’s tried to retire and forget the world he was born into but to do so isn’t up to him. It took him a while to understand that he will never truly be retired.
Even if he isn’t a criminal anymore, they still remember him and he’s still the symbol of the undefeated gang – The house of the rising sun ruled over New York for decades and many wanted to dethrone them, unfortunately that is possible only through slaughter.
“I would. She’s like a sister to me. I’d never let any harm come to her.” Ethan responds, not even thinking about it. It’s true, his affection for Y/N is strong and platonic.
“Promise me.” Grayson demands softly, aware he shouldn’t be distrustful toward his twin but he couldn’t help but be irrational when it’s Y/N’s life at stake.
All the signs and latest assassins have made him paranoid, spending so much of his time making sure none of them ever get close to Y/N and he wasn’t sorry.
When Y/N is at stake, he’d let blood run until there’s a river flowing through the streets. She’s his weakness and yet the reason why he remains Hellhound to any with intent of using her against him.
Those who tried are all dead now.
Ethan understood, though, willing to make his brother a vow. “I promise.”
He didn’t feel like he’s upholding his promise anymore. It felt like he broke it before his brother had even died, even more when he saw Y/N reach for a gun in her purse.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Ethan gave her an incredulous look, nearly having a stroke when he saw her take the safety off.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Her impassive response only made him more anxious and he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
“I thought he bought you a taser not a fucking gun!” Shouting, he tried to pry the gun from her hands but he found resistance.
“He did. But I took his.” Pulling away from Ethan, she rolls her eyes at his paled face.
“He thought me how to use this as well how to fight. I’m not a damsel in distress and I’m done waiting for someone to protect me and the baby.” Opening the door, she stepped out swiftly, setting off to where Grayson once took her. Granted, he took her against his will because she demanded to know everything.
“BABY?!” Ethan’s gruff scream had made her stop, waving him over to quicken his pace.
“Yeah. Congrats on being an uncle. Well, you’re not one yet but you will be.” She chuckles and Ethan can’t help but wonder if she’s completely mad at this point.
There’s one thing to put her in danger but the baby too?
Grayson will surely kill him when he finds out.
“You’re going to get me killed.” Ethan complains as she opens the door and is found face to face with three people, all tied up and gagged. Two men she had never seen in her life and a woman.
“Fucking Kerry.” Y/N spat, walking over to her, backhanding her without remorse.
Kerry seems almost amused as she shoots Y/N a wink only sending her into a fit of rage. “You fucking bitch!”
No one dared to hold her back as Y/N screamed, throwing punch after punch, not even when Kerry’s nose was clearly broken and bleeding and Y/N’s raw knuckles weren’t much better.
Ethan grabbed a hold of her, pulling her arms behind her back seemingly the easiest way to stop her without harming her or the baby.
“I will fucking kill you!” Y/N screamed as Ethan dragged her out and away from the situation. Before the door closed, Y/N could hear three distinctive gunshots. It only made it worse.
Ethan didn’t care if she hated him, he protected her as he promised his twin. Rage often makes us do what we regret when our mind is clear once again and he knew she’d regret it eventually. Killing is never easy and someone as pure as her would be haunted by it as he and Grayson are.
“WHY?! I WANTED TO DO IT!” Her venom turned to tears and before Ethan knew it, her body shook with new sobs breaking through the surface. “I can’t do this without him, E. I can’t!” She wailed, allowing Ethan to carry her back into the car.
He cradled her like a child, holding her close, his own tears showing. They truly understood one another, their pain is the same. “Shh.” Ethan whispered, worried about the baby and the stress this day had brought. “You won’t have to. My brother is nothing if not stubborn. He won’t leave us yet.”
The two returned to the hospital, neither capable of speaking anymore. There’s nothing to say anymore, nothing to do, just wait.
“He’s out of surgery but we won’t be able to see him for a few more hours until he’s stable.” Selena explains, only then receiving a hug she craved for the entire day. Ethan’s chest had become home for her and it felt indescribably good to be home again.
Y/N watched with envy, wondering when will she be able to return to her safe place. “Can I at least see him through the glass?” Y/N pipes in, weary of interrupting them in a moment they both needed. She was happy for Ethan but she couldn’t help but be bitter about her own unhappiness.
“I’ll make it happen.” Selena promised, ducking out of there quickly, a woman on a mission and she never fails.
“You lied to me.” Y/N accuses, her tired eyes giving him a bleak look of disappointment but there is no more anger left inside her. She’s desolated and the only one who would ever make it better is unconscious in a hospital bed.
“About Kerry.” She clarifies as confusion settles. “I asked you if he was cheating and he told me they kissed…Well, she kissed him. It was obviously a ploy to separate us.” Y/N musses, fixing Ethan with her gaze and he shifts uncomfortably, feeling as if he had let her down.
“I know. I saw it happen and Grayson explained. I thought the pain would be unnecessary. Besides, her motive was to break him. She admitted it to our men who took her. She wanted him to lose you, me, the company…everything before she could kill him herself. She blamed you…and him for what happened to her brother.” Ethan explains, taking her hand in his for comfort she so desperately needs but she shies away.
“It wasn’t. Anyone’s fault, I mean. Her brother knew what he was getting himself into when he joined us and Grayson avenged his death. She used their history and her brother’s death to manipulate Grayson who is drowning in guilt, but he loves you Y/N. He’d never cheat on you.”
“I know.” She manages a meek smile, averting her eyes toward the door they took him through – the door that took him away from her.
“I lost sight of it along the way, allowed that psycho to get in my head and I’m just dreading losing him now. It’s always been my worst fear…to have him choose another or lose him to death…I guess I really need to start working on my insecurities and believe in him more.” Shrugging, she glances at Ethan who nods, ecstatic she isn’t holding his lie against him.
“But you can’t lie to me like that again, E. I love you like a brother, but lying isn’t something I enjoy. Not about the psycho bitches kissing my man and not about the obvious issues regarding his past. He’s always gonna be haunted by them, won’t he?” She tilts her head to the right, sucking her bottom lips in and Ethan realizes she’s right – it’s more dangerous if she doesn’t know.
“Yes. I don’t think we’ll ever truly be rid of them. But it isn’t as bad as it seems. Not many dare come after him and those who did have all died. I expect a long while before there’s another issue. But when it comes, we will deal with it. I promise you.”
Sniffling, Y/N offers a crooked smile in gratitude though her words are borderline sarcastic. “My heroes.”
“You can see him. Go through there and they’ll take you to him. Just gotta put on those clothes, you know that better than me.” Selena’s words are like rain after months of draught and Y/N’s legs move quickly, nearly stumbling as she rushes toward the door.
1st Person POV
Shaky legs, trembling hands, I try my best not to cry as I follow a nurse on the way to where my heart lies. It’s impossible to keep my head up high anymore, this had defeated me – today had nearly killed me.
Resting a hand on my lower abdomen, I draw a quick breath to keep my mind clear, as clear as it can be considering the circumstances. What I’m certain of is that today had the power to break me yet I’m still standing and he…he’s still breathing.
Putting on the cap and gown, I’m fast to enter his room despite what I’ve been told. No one could keep me away from him in this moment, not even death.
His skin is ashen, far too pale in comparison to his usual tan. The eyes I love so much are closed shut and while he’s not dependent on a breathing tube, his state is shocking. The ever-present smirk is gone from his lips, no more teasing or sass leaving them and that’s probably the scariest part of it all – he’s quiet, eerily so.
When we first met, Grayson was a man of few words but when he gave me his heart, his trust and undying loyalty, Grayson never really shut up and while I used to be annoyed with his incredibly long stories while I was trying to study, I’d trade everything to hear them again.
"Thank you for saving me." I murmur, delicately placing my hand on his cheek, terrified it would somehow hurt him. But it doesn’t, in fact, Grayson’s eyelids flicker, his struggle to open his eyes taking my breath away.
"It's nothing." Grayson sighs; his voice raspy, his face twisting in agony as he attempts to move his hand to encase mine.
"You could have died! It’s not nothing, Grayson! Kerry could have killed us and you protected me. You kept me safe. " Helping him, I take his hand and give it a light squeeze, the one that ensured he knew how much he means to me. He manages to open his eyes, his gaze longing and sweet, no anger about Kerry or our argument from before reflecting in his brown hues.
Grayson's lips twitch as if a smile would hurt him but he wanted to try for my sake. It's as if he found my words to be ridiculous. "Dying to save the woman I love? My child? There are worse ways to go, doll. It's the most honest thing I have done in my entire life. But next time you warn me about someone, I’ll believe you."
Turning his head so his lips would press a tender kiss upon my palm, Grayson lets out a heavy sigh. "I'd have done it a thousand times over if I had to. You mean more to me than I can say, especially with morphine making me question what's real and what's a dream."
Licking his dry lips, he succeeds and smirks. "Sometimes I worry you're just a dream. You're far too good for me."
Chin quivering, I shake my head and lean in. Resting my forehead on his as gently as possible, my nose brushing his cheek, I feel my heart clench in wake of his words. I've always felt he's too good for me, but never had it crossed my mind he might feel that he's unworthy of me.
I love him very much. More than I can trust myself to say. More than words have the power to express.
“Never. We’re just right for one another.” My whisper brings about a goofy smile on his face and I can’t help but reciprocate, holding back tears I know would only weigh on him.
“Soulmates.” He speaks as his eyes close again.
“I guess you could call it that.” I nod, chuckling, receiving no response. I lean back with a fond smile, realizing he’d fallen asleep again, his relaxed smile remaining put. “Sweet dreams, handsome.”
Grayson’s recovery had certainly been difficult, especially when I once again imposed the ‘no sex’ rule until his wounds healed. “This really isn’t fair.” He’d argue but even if I did desire him, I wasn’t as easy to break.
Another thing that bothered him greatly is being unable to return to work. Ethan had taken over the business for a while, allowing me to confiscate Grayson’s work phone thus ensuring he’d take it easy for a while. However, I soon realized Ethan had a hidden motive for doing that as it protected his secret as well. Unlucky for him, one moment in the same room with him and Selena and Grayson was up to speed.
“You’re fucking your assistant, aren’t you asshole?” Grayson whisper shouts, using the first alone moment with Ethan to chew him out.
“Literally not the bigger issue here.” Ethan chuckles, watching Grayson’s face turn red and that vein on his forehead appear only signifying his frustration.
Trying to sit up, Grayson swings at Ethan in hopes of catching him and pulling him closer to do some actual damage but Ethan maneuvers around his attempt easily.
“No fighting and no getting up!” I reprimand him from outside the room, not even pretending I’m not listening in. I mean, can you blame me?
“THIS IS THE THIRD ONE IN A ROW!” Grayson growls, already seeing the headlines once a reporter catches a whiff of the story and oh the lawsuit that would follow that could bankrupt them wasn’t far in his mind either.
“At least I didn’t impregnate anyone!” Ethan retaliates and I can’t help but pipe in, slightly offended.
“Sorry sis, I’m still happy for ya!” Ethan’s apology makes me smile but it also makes me walk into the room with my arms crossed.
“He’s obviously serious about Selena and from the way she handled everything that day, I’m rooting for them. So stop being a grumpy old man and start be encouraging. Love love Gray.”
Needless to say he pouted for a few days for taking Ethan’s side in the argument, but he was still the cuddliest human being on the planet. I didn’t really mind. It had given us plenty time to genuinely talk and revise what we’ve gone through and for once, neither of us had any reservations about our future.
“I never really imagined myself having kids.” Grayson admits, quietly as if it’s a sin as he lays on my chest, my fingers threading through his hair. “I mean; this life we have now is…let’s just say the old me would never believe it’s real. I still struggle believing in it.” His hand moves down to my stomach, rubbing soothing circles over my shirt.
Smiling, I pull his hand lower where the uterus is, causing him to chuckle in the process. “I hope our baby gets your brain.” He whispers, warming my heart.
“I hope she gets your eyes.” I add and in seconds, he lifts his head and looks at me with a confused look on his face.
“She?” He questions and I shrug, running my knuckle along his sharp jaw fondly.
“Just a feeling. You’re gonna have one tough girl on your hands.” I respond, enjoying the way he pales this time around.
“I can barely handle one of you. Oh, God.” Plopping his head between my boobs, he groans once more before pulling himself up and beside me. “I love you, but I’m not sure I’ll survive this fatherhood thing.”
“You ran a gang, you still run a company. You’ll do just fine you big baby.” I remark, earning an earnest cackle.
“You’re badass. More badass than me from what I’ve heard. A force to be reckoned with. Untamed, nothing but flames.” Raising his eyebrow, Grayson leans in, his eyes undeniably set on mine wishing to lean upon them with passion and fierceness.
“Thought you liked me being innocent and all that.” I roll my eyes, dragging my tongue across my lips as if to lure him in and I can tell it’s working, his gulp and dark, piercing gaze speaks volume of it.
“I supposed I was wrong. I still love all of you – innocent and ferocious. A perfect combination.” And with that, his lips meet mine and I’m in heaven once more. The happiness Grayson invokes is infectious.
It starts as a tingle in my fingers and toes, a lot like the feeling I get when I'm anxious, but instead of worry it brings forth warmth. I feel it pass through me like a warm ocean wave, washing away the stress of my days to leave me refreshed inside. As the wave fades I savor the memory of its gentle touch. The feeling is a blissful evocation of time spent with Grayson on the beach when he whisked me away to Hawaii and we dared to dream how we’d could run away and forever be as carefree.
How I loved those days when we walked on the sand and simply talked, laughed and made silly jokes as well as the long, fiery nights filled with nothing but intimacy and pleasure. But they can continue here as well, our love can remain as strong as it was back then.
There will always be another who wants to take the crown of the Hellhound – the king of New York and I was afraid. I was terrified.
Not anymore.
Grayson is no longer the only one with a taste for blood and God help those who try to harm my family.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Tags: @voidgray @dancingstardolans @love-mysterious-love @kayla20448 @purplelilac0223 @whotfiskate @yellowitsmendes  @lanadeldolans @reblogdolan  @graysdiabla  @cuteunicorns11  @its-pickle @ancoraesisto @mutuallynotmutual @annyanns @beinscorpio @fallinginlove-16 @dxlansfxck @yazziemp3 @usdolans @bqbyyhoneyy @dolanficrecs @sugarfootdolan @heyits-claire @godlydolans @accalialionheart @lacydolans @starrydolan  @g-e-dolan @kaiadolan @jeffxchella @mmmmmgd @livelongdolan @woeitsaly @stephdolan @dangerouslybitchyb  @grayson-dolans-dangly-earring @sparklydonkeyhandsdeputy @hey-graysondobrik @cheepwine @smileygrayson  @sadboidols @needysposts @soontobecool @r3sil3nc3 @chvrrydolan @ahoneybeing @daddygraysonsbitch @dolandolll @prettymuchdolansbitch @babyboydxlan @blueporschedolan @mindlessdolan​ @mmoonx​  @giggling-grayson​ @ethanhes​ @harryigprompt​ @ancoraesisto​ @kpoppindolans​ @dolansmith​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @peacedolantwins​
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silver-wield · 4 years
Can you do an analysis on Cloud and Tifa’s body language during that scene when they’re in Cloud’s room and he’s slyly referring to his promise to Tifa? There was crazy sexual tension in that scene and it honestly looked like Cloud was subtly being flirty with her 😭
No probs, Nonny! I actually already touched on their body language in a reply to a gif set of this bit, so we'll just expand on that ^=^
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it's gonna be a VERY long one so prepare to scroll.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Keep reading
Recap time! Yall know the drill by now if you've read my other ramblings.
Chapter 3, where we get a room (lol), do some jobs and have a chat with Tifa. It's pretty basic stuff until the cut scene after Marle gives Cloud a talking to. She's the overprotective grandmother figure that Tifa needs in her life and she wants to make sure Cloud isn't messing with her. Now, why would she think that? Well, maybe she picked up some hints when Tifa mentioned Cloud to her about wanting a place to stay? Marle's pretty sharp, after all, and if she got the impression Tifa is carrying a torch, she'd definitely make sure Cloud's not about to blow it out. She tells him to pay attention to her, to listen. This is the very first instance of Cloud taking in that kind of info and it changes how he treats others for the rest of the game.
After the chapter 4 mission where Cloud reflects on his promise to Tifa, it's back to the slums for some rest. Then Tifa knocks on his door and enters. She mentions Cloud was gone for a while, and he answers he was walking so that he keeps Jessie's secret – because he's that kind of guy.
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Small talking Tifa is cute, but lol, Cloud seems to have purposely forgotten Johnny since he's yet another admirer of Tifa. For a guy who doesn't forget info like morons who could cause them trouble in the long run, it's pretty telling how quickly he is to dismiss Johnny.
Onto something more interesting in this pic, though. Cloud is sitting on the bed. Now, if he wasn't comfortable around Tifa he'd have got up. His eyeline is lower than hers so he has to look up at her. This puts her in a position of dominance over him – also not surprising since his mentality is that of a 16yr old around her and she's the adult in the relationship. Tifa for her part has her body turned to the side in a non-confrontational pose.
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Tifa has her hands clasped in front of herself (couple of seconds before this screen) which indicates she's trying to protect herself as she asks the question if Cloud is leaving Midgar. Not surprising since she's afraid of losing people she cares about and even just someone heading off somewhere else would upset her, though she'd try not to show it.
Cloud, for his part, looks away, appearing as though he's thinking it over, but we're already aware he's decided to stay and help Tifa out, so this is a fake out on his part. He's half-teasing, half trying to get a positive response from her (remember the water tower? Yeah, this is that Cloud. The dork. The one who is useless at talking to girls).
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I'm sorry, but Cloud is such a cheeky bastard I just can't with him! This is giving me all the throwbacks to his behaviour at the water tower and I love that it mirrors that moment, but with more success on his part this time. He's looking all around trying not to give himself away before it's needed. He's smiling and looks relaxed. He might be sitting but he definitely believes he has the upper hand between them at this point. Remember, I've said before that eye contact is important. Well, in this case, Cloud's deliberate refusal to make eye contact shows he's teasing. This is such a cute moment between them!
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Oh ho! But here's where his teasing ends. Cloud is being completely serious and obviously took the promise between them as being special. Ducking his head out of sight completely prevents us from seeing his expression and allows him to act in a casual way about something that's such an important part of who he became. But, he's not quite pulling it off because he's also looking quite defensive in this pose. His hands are clasped in front of him and he's leaning forward, looking at the floor. This is something very meaningful for him to talk about and he's hoping Tifa doesn't brush it off, so if he doesn't look at her he won't have to see her reaction.
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Tifa's obviously got her own interpretation of how that promise went. We can guess she did it because she just wanted a guarantee she'd see Cloud again some day from how she acted during the water tower cut scene. Here, she's leaning back on her hands which leaves her body language open, but also conceals something. She's looking down, the same way Cloud did. She's also hiding her true feelings towards Cloud the same way he's hiding from her, but she's being as honest as she can be as the same time. I've seen people call Tifa a liar because of how she doesn't address Cloud's memory problems in OG, but when you really take a close look at her, lying just isn't her. This is a complex moment between them. They've not long met again and they're having this heavy conversation. The feelings between them are still there, but there's all this other stuff that's more important. But, they know they're friends, and that's a good place to start getting to know each other again, and Cloud choosing to stay is that first step, with the quick follow up of him reminding her of their shared history.
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Cloud, you smooth bastard I love you for this! This is definitely flirting! He's looking directly at her, then dips his head to the side in an inviting gesture. His eyes soften and he gets this tiny smile on his face. His body language has changed, too. He's sitting up and back slightly with both arms by his sides. There's no more defensiveness about him. He wants to listen to her. Cloud is choosing to ask for Tifa's confidence. He's letting her know she can rely on him. That he's interested.
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For her part, Tifa's pleased, but surprised. She's not long got back in touch with Cloud and, while he's been a decent guy, she's had the overall impression he isn't the same as the soft boi she knew, so this is a revelation for her. The Cloud she knew is still within this Cloud – which anyone who knows the real!Cloud SOLDIER!Cloud storyline is exactly the point of this moment. Tifa knows his true self. The true self that comes out only when he's with her.
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Cloud, bro, I'm gonna combust from all these flirty gestures! Fully open body language, a smile, teasing tone. Goddamnit, just say you love her already! Yes, please, invite Tifa to check you out. Remember, he's still sitting. He's so relaxed and natural around her. Even if all you saw was two friends and no ship, you'd be insane to think he isn't a different person in this scene. He's not SOLDIER Cloud here.
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Tifa, for her part, isn't flirting here. She likes Cloud, that's clear, and her body language is reaching towards him, which suggests she has feelings towards him, but her tone is more playful and her expression is pleased. She's happy to see her friend isn't too different from the one she knows. Most of the flirting in this scene is on Cloud's side, which makes sense when you think of the torch he's been carrying for her. He's trying to get her attention, same way he did when they were kids. Tifa's oblivious but receptive because she likes him back, but she won't show it as much because she thinks he's not interested. Someone knock their heads together please lol
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OMG FUCKING HELL CLOUD JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER! Leaning back on the bed, totally vulnerable body language, drawing attention to the bod in an attempt to spark her interest – since he's clearly interpreted this line from Tifa as a rejection – this boi is trying so hard! He even looks a little disappointed she's not more impressed with SOLDIER Cloud, but we knew she preferred the dork anyway lol
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Now, I know everyone talks about the physical and emotional distance between them here, which is obvious, but what I'm gonna point out is after feeling like SOLDER Cloud has been rejected by Tifa – thanks to her preference for the real deal – Cloud looks away from her. She's brushed him off and he's hiding his upset by not meeting her eyes.
Tifa is still oblivious to this, but Cloud definitely has a look of disappointment on his face.
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Now, after that last bit you'd think Cloud would assume he's got no chance, but then Tifa says how glad she is to have him back and that cheers him up. He's still in that mindset of a 16yr old with a crush, whereas Tifa's moved on. She's had 5 years apart from him (she thinks it's 7, I know, but he saw her in Nibelheim and how she'd matured a little). She's not thinking of him in an openly romantic sense, whereas Cloud is definitely still deep in his feelings for her. Hearing she's happy to see him hints to him that he might still have a chance with her if they spend more time together. His soft af goodnight is the last indicator of his strong feelings for her. His body language is open once more, he's staring after her with a longing look and a smile and doesn't look away until the door closes.
Lol seriously though, Cloud is definitely still deep in the throes of his childhood crush. Tifa could resurrect hers with time because it's clear she does still harbour feelings for him, but she's not the type to be pushy or insistent. She'll let Cloud take the lead and offer subtle hints how she feels, hoping he feels the same. She doesn't pick up on Cloud's subtle flirting compared to those more in your face things he tried earlier. Through all of those interactions with her he's definitely trying to say that he likes her and he'd like her to accept his feelings, but the bigger gestures get the brush off, although she blushes and looks shy, and the smaller ones go over her head.
Unfortunately, these two are oblivious af and it's gonna take everyone's help to get them together.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Scary Stories
A Horror Septics Short
“...and all that was left were the bones! Ooooo!” The teenage storyteller lowered the flashlight, looking around at his audience—three other teens, all of whom looked very unimpressed. “Well? Not even a ‘oh no’?”
“I saw that coming from a mile away, Derrick,” said one of the others, adjusting her pointed glasses.
“Oh come on.” Derrick frowned. “You could’ve at least pretended to like it.”
“Your voice isn’t really cut out for horror, anyway,” said another, poking the campfire with a stick. 
“Well, can any of you do better?” Derrick looked around at the circle. The four friends were sitting on chairs, set around the central fire pit. There was a picnic table nearby with a kerosene lamp providing extra light, and a large tent big enough to fit all four of them. The campsite was a bit isolated, surrounded by large trees that hid the light of other fires lit by other campers. 
“Honestly, I don’t think any scary stories can get to me anymore,” one said.
“Oh really?” Asked the one in the glasses. “Why’s that, Winston?”
“Don’t say my name like that,” Winston scowled underneath the brim of his baseball cap. “And it’s because, Lilah, I know it’s all not real. I mean, yeah, if the story’s good it’ll come back to haunt me late at night, but that’s when all judgement has been abandoned. I can’t find a story anymore that’s good enough to freak me out as it’s happening.”
“Creepypasta has ruined you,” the last one muttered.
“That it has, Charlie. That it has.”
“Okay, I got an idea. Derrick, pass me the torch.” Lilah reached over and the flashlight, shining it under her face as was typical of scary-storytelling, though the illusion was a bit ruined by the sparkly pink ribbon in her hair. “Let me tell you an actual, real-life scary story. Let’s see if that rustles your jimmies, Win.”
“Let’s see if it does.” Winston smiled, settling back into his chair.
“So. You all know my cousin Eve, right?” Lilah started.
“The journalist one, right?” Derrick asked.
“Well, kinda. What she does is she writes articles for a travel magazine. So she goes around Europe, finding cities that don’t have much of a tourist industry and looking for things about them that would, like, draw people to the place. Also she had a partner, Kyle, who she had to write articles with.”
“Ugh, Kyle,” Charlie commented. “What a name.”
“Oh yeah, Kyle sucked. Whenever the family met up, Eve would always complain about him.” Lilah shook her head. “He was like, the kind of guy who always thought he knew best, and when people contradicted him he’d be all like, ‘yeah, sure.’ Then he went ahead and talked shit about them. She always had to double-check their articles before they went up to make sure he didn’t add any bullshit. Needless to say, he didn’t like her much either.”
All the teens muttered among themselves. The disapproval was clear. “Anyway, Eve and Kyle get assigned to go to this city in Germany,” Lilah continued. “And it’s like, a nice place. Clean, has some neat museums, the hotel they’re staying in is pretty swanky. So far, Eve is taking some favorable notes for the article. Kyle is annoyed at everything, though, bitching about how the service is terrible even though there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Okay, so that’s the set up, what happened to change it?” Charlie asked.
“So, end of the first day, dawn of the second. Eve’s taken notes of everything they could do in town, and she goes down to the hotel desk to get advice on what’s best. The hotel clerk is friendly, answers all the questions. It all goes normally, until right at the end of the conversation, when the clerk said, ‘oh yes, you und your frund vould do vell to be off ze ztreets by nightfull.”
Winston suddenly burst out laughing. “Is that supposed to be a German accent?!”
“Yeah, what’s that supposed to mean?” Lilah said defensively.
“I’ve heard more realistic accents from children’s shows!”
“What, can you do better?” Lilah muttered.
“Ah, in fact, I can!” Winston said, putting on an accent. “And I say your accent is simply terrible, Fraulein!” 
“Hey, we’re not here to judge by the quality of the accent, only the spookiness of the story,” Derrick said. “Keep on keepin’ on, Lilah.”
“Thanks, Derr,” Lilah said, grinning. “Anyway, the clerk says not to be on the streets after nightfall. Eve asks why, and the clerk says, ‘it gets very dangerus out zere, zat iz all. I vould hate for anyzing to happen to—’”
“Oh my god, stop, it’s hard to hear!” Winston groaned.
Lilah made a face in his direction, but obliged. “ The clerk says, ‘I would hate for anything to happen to you and your friend.’ Which is a bit sketch, and Eve knows it. She mentions this to Kyle, because even though Kyle’s a bitch she doesn’t want him to get physically hurt, and he’s just like, ‘This clerk was a girl, right? Of course she doesn’t want to walk out late at night.’”
“Ohhh, fuck this dude,” Derrick said.
“Fuck it sooo muuuch,” Charlie added.
“Right?!” Lilah nodded furiously. “Like, at this point with Eve telling this story, I was like, ‘I hope this dude gets eaten by a wolf.’”
“Wait, where did the wolf come from?” Winston asked.
“Shit, I forgot about that. Anyway,” Lilah continued. “They go throughout the city, visiting restaurants and these museums and looking around at the local architecture. At dinnertime, they go to this seafood place, and get chatting with the waiter. They mention they’re from out of town, and that they’re writing an article on the city to hopefully help out tourism. The waiter says, “Vell—sorry, well, if you are from out of town, you should know not to stay out after dark.’ Eve, having heard this for the second time, asks, ‘Why, what happens?’ And the waiter says, ‘Uh, well, we have some problems with wild dogs. They hunt at night.’ And Kyle says, ‘Well, that’s not gonna bring in the tourists.’” Lilah paused while all the others groaned. “So, after dinner, Eve notices it’s getting late, and convinces Kyle to go back to the hotel with her. But of course, he complains about it, and says that they have to check out the nightlife in town and see if there are any after dark specials running.”
“Well, from a business standpoint, he’s got a point,” Winston said. “I mean, he doesn’t have to be an asshole about it, but that is their job.”
“And I’m sure Eve would’ve agreed with you,” Lilah nodded. “But she’s noticing something weird. Most of the local shops and businesses are closing up. Not any of the chains, like McDonald’s or...I don’t know, chain clothing businesses. But the businesses unique to the city, that she’d usually be checking out and putting in the article? Closed. So she thinks there might be something to this. And, in the morning, she goes down to the lobby and there’s a local woman there. Eve starts chatting with her, and eventually the woman says ‘Oh, you are a visitor? Make sure to not go out after sunset, there are some gangs in the area that roam around after dark.’”
“Wait, what?” Charlie perked up, at attention. “Two different excuses? Ohhh that’s not a good sign.”
“Eve thought the same thing,” Lilah said gravely. “And she drew two conclusions. Either there are both wild dogs and street gangs, or the real reason why you shouldn’t go out at night is much worse than either of those. So it’s the third day they’re there, and it goes generally normally, but Eve and Kyle keep getting the same sort of thing whenever locals find out they’re not from around town: don’t go out after nightfall. So, most people would decide not to go out that night, right? Wrong!” Lilah jabbed her finger in the air. “Because here’s Kyle, an asshole who thinks he knows better than anyone else who’s ever lived. He starts to leave the hotel room, and Eve tries to stop him. Instead of doing literally anything sensible, Kyle blows up that she’s always been jealous of him and has always tried to stop him from succeeding, then storms off.”
Winston let out a long, low whistle. “Let me guess, he died?”
“Hmmm I didn’t say that,” Lilah said slowly. “So, Eve goes down and tries to stop him, but he’s already left, and it’s after sunset at this point. The clerk is like, ‘I saw your friend run off. Poor guy. Anyway, would you like some room service?’ Clearly trying to bribe her into staying in the hotel. Eve’s a bit nervous about Kyle, but she really doesn’t want to go out, so she stays in the room. Kyle doesn’t show up the next day, and she calls the local police, worried something happened. They say they’ll get on it, but in that tone of voice that suggests there’s nothing that can be done about this.”
“So, the Kyle guy just disappeared?” Derrick asked.
“Oh, no, not at all.” Lilah’s voice turned low and serious. “About a month later, she’s back home, she gets a call from this out-of-country number. And it’s a police officer from this German city. They need her to come in real quick so she can identify this head they found.”
There was a sharp inhale throughout the circle. “Just the head?” Charlie asked.
“So, Eve goes down to Germany,” Lilah continued. “She sees the head, and yeah, it’s Kyle. Missing his eyes and teeth and with a big hole in the back of the head. She asks the police what happened, and they found the head in a dumpster, along with a bunch of...flesh. And itty bitty pieces of shattered bones.”
Charlie covered their mouth. “Oh my god…”
“That is so fucked,” Derrick muttered.
Lilah looked over at Winston. “Well? What d’you think, Mr. Horror Aficionado?”
Winston adjusted his cap. “Pretty good.”
“‘Pretty good’?!” Lilah repeated. “This guy disappears, and the next month, he’s in pieces!”
“I’ve heard it before,” Winston said, a little smugly.
“Yeah, in stories, I have too!” Lilah put down the flashlight, and put her head in her hands. “This is something that actually happened to a guy my cousin knew, worked with a lot! And they never caught whoever did it, apparently!”
“Wait, how do you know they never caught them?” Derrick asked. “Do you just go down to—what’s the city name again?”
“Ah, I don’t remember,” Lilah shrugged. “Something that started with an A.”
“Do you just go down there regularly?”
“Well, no, but most serial killers don’t get caught, and given how everyone knew about this shit happening in the city, I’m assuming that’s what it is.”
“Where’d you hear that, Buzzfeed Unsolved?” Winston asked.
“Oh, speaking of which,” Charlie jumped in. “Did you guys see the last one? Of the last True Crime season? The finale?” The other three made various negative noises. “Oh.” Charlie shrugged. “I just thought it was funny.”
“What’s the case?” Winston asked.
“Oh, a recent one. I mean, like, two years ago. A YouTuber disappeared. And the boys went on this whole tangent about what if they disappeared.”
Lilah frowned. “How do YouTubers just...disappear? Wouldn’t people notice if they stopped uploading?”
“Not if it was a kinda small one,” Derrick pointed out.
“Well, this guy wasn’t small,” Charlie said. “He had like...ten million subscribers. But a few months before he disappeared he said he was gonna take a break from uploading and other media, so I don’t think the community noticed when he actually disappeared. Though, I guess they started wondering eventually...and that’s why it’s a famous case. Dude straight-up left. Why? The case remains...unsolved.”
“Maybe he just got tired of YouTube drama,” Winston muttered.
Charlie frowned. “I don’t think so. Personally, I think he went kinda crazy. Like...actually had problems or something. After watching the Unsolved episode, I went to look at his last uploaded videos and they were...weird. I’d link you the episode and the video, but y’know. No wifi.”
“Feel free to send it later, sounds interesting,” Winston said. “Anyway—”
“Do you guys hear that?” Derrick interrupted.
“Hear what?” Lilah asked.
The group fell silent. After a few seconds, Charlie said, “I don’t hear anything.”
“Exactly.” Derrick frowned. “There were, like, crickets. But they just stopped.”
“...huh,” Winston said. “That’s weird. Why—”
“Oh my god!” Lilah pointed at something. “What’s that?!”
The group all turned, and saw a shadow, flickering against a tree in the light caused by the campfire. It got bigger, and shifted, and a large man rounded out from behind one of the nearby pine trees. “Sorry, did I frighten you?” he asked in a low, rumbling voice.
“Uh…” Derrick looked around the group, then back at the man. He looked a bit like a lumberjack, with a big bushy beard and a flannel, but the illusion was ruined a bit by the patterned pajama pants. “A little bit, sir.”
“Hmm.” The man nodded slowly. “It wasn’t my intention. I heard you kids discussing...scary stories?”
“Um, yeah,” Charlie said, picking up the stick they’d been using to poke the fire. “I mean, not exactly stories. True stories, I guess.”
“True stories,” the man repeated, nodding again. “I see.” He walked over to the picnic bench and sat down, stumbling on the last few steps. “Well, I have a few true stories of my own. Would you like to hear one?”
The teens exchanged looks, clearly uneasy. Lilah slowly reached into her pocket, seeming to grab something. “Uh...sure, mister,” she said.
“Excellent.” The man leaned forward, the firelight casting deep shadows on his face. “This is a true story, as well. It took place over a hundred years ago. There was a...person.”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” Winston muttered. All the others instantly made shushing sounds at him.
“There was a person,” the man repeated, unphased. “They were a dollmaker.” Winston rolled his eyes quietly. Of all the group, he was the only one who was unphased by the appearance of a tall, burly man in the middle of the woods. He seemed more interested in critiquing the story’s cliches. “What did they do with these dolls? Which one became evil?”
“This is not a story about dollmaking,” the man said, suddenly stern. “I’m telling you what they do so that you can better understand. The dollmaker puts—put pride and care in their creations, trying to make them last as long as possible. Their life was average, for what they were. Until one day. The dollmaker was home, just about considering going out and starting on another doll, when the phone rang. Now, this was odd. This was long before phones could be carried about in your pocket, and in fact, phones were a new device. A phone had to be wired to a house, and the house the dollmaker was in had no phone wires connecting it. But they were curious, and thinking a friend had found a way to call them, they picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ they said. But there was no answer. Just the vague crackling of static before it was called so. And after a moment, the dollmaker heard their own voice repeated back to them. ‘H-he-he-hello-o-o?’ Strange. Though the dollmaker said more, the other end never said anything else. So they thought it was a mistake, and dropped it.
“But the next day, the phone rang again. The dollmaker answered it again. And there was indeed a voice on the other end this time, but it was breaking, barely able to be understood as a voice and not just some strange noises. The dollmaker was not dull, it—they knew something strange was happening, knew something was behind it. But they were overconfident. They believed that whatever was calling could not touch them. The phone rang three more times over the following week, and they didn’t answer it at all.
“Then, one day. The dollmaker returned, having been out all night making a doll. And the lights of the house were flickering. Strange. The dollmaker went inside, and the phone started ringing once more. This time, they picked it up. The same voice was on the other end, though they still couldn’t understand what it was saying. Uneasy, the dollmaker dropped the phone. And then they looked out the window.
“There was something there. A many-eyed something, pressed against the glass, smearing blood across it. And it smiled at the dollmaker, and said something that was utterly incomprehensible, but somehow—somehow understandable. ‘I will make you mine,’ it said. ‘I will take what is yours and use it.’ And the dollmaker was frightened for the first time in m—in their long life. So they ran.
“They ran for three years. No matter where they went, the many-eyed thing was always right on their trail. Sometimes it caught up, and they had to fight it, and barely got away. After every conflict, they grew weaker. And the next time it caught up, they were not prepared. They were hiding in a house up north, alone with a single doll who they eventually lost. And when the many-eyed thing showed up, they couldn’t run fast enough. It took...them.
“It was nineteen years before they could find their way out. By then, they could not speak. They could not walk. They could not do half the things they once could, and spent one year with their friend in the wilds, finding new ways to do what they needed. And the many-eyed thing was still out there. Decades passed, and they heard of similar things happening to others, including a doctor who is very like themselves. Nobody and nothing is safe. The eyes continue to lurk.”
Complete and total silence fell. The group of four stared, wide-eyed, at the man. Even Winston, so cocky and unafraid before, was speechless, looking around as a chill ran down his spine.
The man stood up, the movement so quick it caused the four teens to jump. “Well, I’d best be going. You kids here for any longer?”
After a moment, Derrick cleared his throat and answered, “We’re going to leave in the morning.”
Suddenly, Charlie shrieked. Everyone tensed and looked over at them. “S...sorry,” they said. “I just thought I saw something...there.” They pointed at the tree behind the man—or rather, above the man, at the branches above his head.
“Don’t worry about it,” the man said dismissively. “There’s all sorts of wildlife out here.”
“It looked...big,” Charlie said hesitantly.
“Then it was your imagination.” The man tilted his head, and turned on his heel. Without another word, he left.
The total silence continued for a few moments more. Then Charlie jabbed their stick at the fire, and it started crackling again, the crickets chirping once more. “Should we...go to bed?” Lilah asked.
“Maybe some of us...but not all of us,” Winston said slowly. “Just to be...safe.”
Nobody said what they were trying to be “safe” about. Maybe none of them knew. But slowly, the group dispersed, and over time, fell asleep.
When they were leaving in the morning, they passed by a woman talking to one of the rangers, practically frantic. Her husband had disappeared last night. Nobody had heard anything. Anything at all.
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asharinhun · 4 years
Old friends
Samantha let out a content sigh after emptying what remained in her keg with one big gulp. People could say whatever they wanted, but there was no better way to numb pain than some quality beer. Luckily for her, there were only a few patrons at The Golden Keg, meaning Sam could keep the table at the corner all for herself. One leg propped up on one of the chairs, she tried one last futile effort to wipe a few locks away, but her hair was stuck to the right side of her face. It couldn’t be helped, she was still soaking wet thanks to the downpour and the time it took her to hobble to the establishment.
“Two more rounds, please!” Sam called once the waitress was close enough to hear without shouting and winced. Biting back a curse, she looked down at the culprit, her right arm resting in a makeshift sling, the best she could do given the circumstances. “There goes my mood... but it was worth it.” The words were barely more than a whisper, meant only for herself.
Not even half an hour before, Samantha was cointing the gold coins in her purse one-handed, doing her best to ignore the cacophony of the spectators and investors as another bout was over in the Brawler’s Guild. It was not even midday yet, the morning hours perfect to winnow out the ‘fresh meat’, to get a better grasp which new fighters had any potential or were doomed to obscurity or laughing stock.
Sam was lucky to be here in the first place, a member took notice of her the previous night in the inn she was staying at after she broke the jaw of a fellow too free with his hands. He was so impressed that she received the invitation right after, allowing her entrance if she wished so. It was one of the easiest choices recently, she needed the money.
After the fall of Gilneas, she was just one of the refugees along with her mother, her status as a minor noble gone for good. The night elves offering shelter were nice people, but while it was enough for her mother, Sam wanted revenge. She even had the perfect means: the curse of the worgen. Combined with her prior training, she hoped the boost of her worgen form would be sufficient to join the army, facing the Forsaken would be only a matter of time after that.
Taking what coin she could bring without inconveniencing her mother, Samantha took a ship to Stormwind to submit her application at the nearest recruiter, but didn’t expect the process would take so long and she was running low. The Brawler’s Guild was the perfect opportunity for swift gains.
Sam’s opponent was a big man, but he was quick for his size as she soon found out as his plated knuckles sent her head reeling, the edge of the metal  leaving a nasty cut barely missing the corner of her right eye. The terrible start ignited her rage like adding fuel to the fire and she transformed.
The match was a close call and it left her battered, but she won. She won and raked in more coins than she could hope for. It turned out her opponent was a regular, and drawing him as an opponent was the nightmare of newcomers. hence her obviously terrible odds. After she made sure not a single piece of gold was missing, Sam sat to watch the other fighters, it took time for her non-dominant hand to turn her scarf into a sling without help, the investors were not too happy so she wisely didn’t ask any of them for aid.
Some regulars were starting to pop up as well, and that’s when she spotted him. His beard was longer, his hair a mess and he sported a scar running from just above his lips to his chin, but there was no doubt in her mind: the man stepping into the arena was none other than Gerrard Kingsley, another minor noble from Gilneas and her friend. “Bastion, huh? So he even has a nickname...” Sam muttered and -led by the sudden impulse- she bet some of her winnings on his victory. His odds were a lot better, so her gains would be less, but the Gerrard she knew would win. He didn’t disappoint her.
It was pretty much a one-sided pummeling, Gerrard didn’t even take on his worgen form no matter how his opponent taunted him. A pity. She really wanted to see how other worgen fought and maybe even learn a trick or two. Oh well, there’s always next time.
What Sam didn’t expect was when Gerrard walked past, she only received a cold glance in reply to her greeting, not even a word or a gesture. He just left, plain and simple, leaving a fuming Samantha behind.
“To ignore me like that, what a rude bastard! He should have returned the greeting at the very least!” Sam hissed, earning a confused look from the waitress. “Sorry, please ignore my outburst.” She apologised before adding “Men.” as if that word explained everything. Given the lady’s sympathetic smile and her nod, it did. That, or she simply took pity on Sam’s sorry state.
At least noone bothered her yet with questions she was unwilling to answer. A fresh wave of pain from her right ankle prompted the worgen to start on one of the kegs before glancing down at the offending limb. “Bahh, I knew it was a mistake to pull off the boot, no way I can put it back on. Now I’ll have to hop, damn it...” She muttered as she carefully ran the fingers of her good arm over the bare skin of her swollen foot.
She was too caught up in her plight that she took no notice of the hooded man entering the inn, until he was suddenly standing over her. “Who’re you and what do you want?” Samantha asked unkindly, still holding onto the small hope the guy would leave her alone, she was in no  state to fight.
“Hello, Samantha.” The man greeted, pulling down the hood and got rid of his wet coat. It was Gerrad.
“You! To think you had the nerve-”
“Stop making a scene Sam, and listen well.”
His eyes blazed like molten gold, but it was his tone that made her back off. There was a hardness, a ruthlessness to it that she never heard before.
“Alright, say what you want then fuck off.” Samantha was annoyed at her defeated reply, only the cursing made her feel slightly better.
“Haahh... Seriously, you’re always either serene or furious. You really need to find that balance, you know.” Gerrard sighed, the edge gone from his voice. His was like his old self she knew well. “You managed to surprise them today, but you need to seriously consider your strategy if you insist on going back.” He added, lowering his voice to a whisper.
“I won, and that’s what matters.” Samantha huffed a sulky reply. “Why did you ignore me then, since it’s obvious you recognised me.”
“Look, there is a reason I already count as a regular. I spend most of my days there and do nothing but fight. The money is decent if you win, but those are deep waters you don’t want to dive into recklessly. I did, and have to live with the consequences. What happens down there stays there, but the investors have excellent memory and connections.” The male worgen paused letting his words sink in. “You get it now, don’t you?”
Samantha exhaled slowly, massaging her temple. “Yeah... I think I do. Good thing I don’t plan of showing up too often, but needed the coin.”
“That’s for the best.” Gerrard replied and reached after his keg, nodding his thanks to the waitress. “And what are your plans?”
“I already submitted my application to the army, but it’s been over a week and still no reply, and the rent of the room isn’t cheap. You’d think they need more soldiers now than ever.”
“The idea is good, you’ll receive the necessary basic training and the pay is decent. If you also work on your control over those feral instincts and your rage, you’ll be quite effective.”
“Hah, you surprise me. Most men would try to discourage me, yet you’re giving me pointers.” Sam snorted in reply.
“I think everyone has their right to get revenge, so why would I discourage you from that? Just make sure those damn forsaken receive the pointy end of your sword, and you avoid theirs.”
Samantha couldn’t reply for several seconds. “... Is it that obvious?”
“I know that fire in your eyes. I see it everytime I look into a mirror, the flames of vengeance burn bright. I chose the path of a mercenary instead less restrictions there, but I’ll make sure those bastards whill pay.” Gerrard responded with a sad smile. “While we are at that, show me that cut. It looked like it barely missed your eye. You had me worried there.”
“I’m fine.” Sam spoke the words automatically, but knew she fooled noone if her arm and ankle were any indication. “Alright, alright...” She finally pulled her hair away from her right cheek with a wince, revealing a long, anrgy red scratch right at the corner of an impressive shiner. She could still open the eye almost halfway despite the swelling if she wanted to, but it would take too much effort and pain so she simply kept it shut. “See? Nothing I can’t handle.”
“What I see now is that we will go and get you to a healer once we’re out of drinks. It’s probably already too late for that, but a priest is still your best bet if you want to avoid scarring.”
“Who cares about a scar or two. I will have more while in the army anyway.”
“That’s true, but they might think twice about letting you join if they see you in your current state.”
“Damn it, you didn’t lose your silver tongue, Gerrard.” Sam sighed once more. “Alright, consider me convinced... though I will need your shoulder to lean on while hopping. Damn sure I won’t put any weight on that foot.”
“I can give you a piggyback ride if your arm can suffer it, or there’s always the princess-bride as a last resort.”
“Youuu...” Oh, how she wanted to wipe that satisfied smirk off his face. “I’m tempted to take my chances on my own.” Sam rolled her eye before adding “Carrying me on your back will suffice, I don’t think my dignity would survive the bridal style.”
Gerrard just chuckled and nodded. He lifted his keg and knocked it against the one in Samantha’s hand. “For our revenge on the forsaken.”
“For our revenge.” Sam toasted as well, a feral grin of satisfaction on her face.
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sandyferal · 5 years
The Vacation part 6
“Are you sure you don’t just want to go out in the trench coat and hat?” Bushroot asked.
“No need!” Liquidator stepped into the flower pot and fell into it in a splash that left him looking nearly indistinguishable from ordinary water. “For a casual stroll there’s no need for me to navigate on my own. Besides the Liquidator now comes in convenient travel size!”
“Well I guess I’ll get some use out of this then,” Bushroot said, picking up the pot. “Though, no offense, but it’s not exactly a great flower pot since it has no drainage holes.”
“Oh sorry,” Quackerjack said, rolling his eyes. “I didn’t know you needed such specific requirements in a flower pot.”
“Oh of course you need drainage holes!” Bushroot said. “If you don’t have holes in it, there’s no place for the water to go.”
“And,” Bushroot continued. “If there’s no place for the water to go, then on top of being stuck in stagnant water, then the roots won’t get air and the-“
“Reggie?” Liquidator said, causing the plant to look at him. “I think they get the idea.”
Bushroot turned Quackerjack and Megavolt who were looking at him quizzically. Quackerjack looked slightly amused.
“Right!” Bushroot flushed. “Oh, w-well my point was, it’s much better suited for this th-than for a plant.”
“No, no, go ahead,” Quackerjack teased,grinning. “Sounded like a fascinating topic of conversation. Tell me, Bushy, do you do research before you go shopping for gardening equipment?”
“Believe me, Doctor Bushroot has no shortage of information on proper plant maintenance!” Liquidator said, a hint of pride in his voice. “A lot of which is actually quite interesting! But since we have other plans for this evening I wouldn’t advise it.”
“Yeah,” Quackerjack agreed, gesturing to Megavolt. “I’m sure it’d be like asking Sparky about Tesla coils.”
“Yeah.” Megavolt furrowed his eyebrows. “Wait, what does that mean?”
“Anyway, we were just about to get going weren’t we?” Quackerjack said, linking his arms in Megavolt’s.
“Right!” Megavolt said, forgetting his previous confusion.
In a few minutes the group left, Quackerjack pulling Megavolt along, and Bushroot carrying Liquidator. It didn’t take long after that for Bud to notice that Bushroot was to starting getting visibly uncomfortable. A quick glance out of his container showed nothing out of the ordinary.
“Is there something bothering you?” He asked, his voice low enough that passersby couldn't hear him.
Bushroot grimaced. “I didn’t think about the fact this outfit would be so hot,” he said. He tugged at the neck of the sweater he was wearing. “I wish I could wear less, but I’ve seen what happens when I go in public without a proper disguise.”
“You do realize that even in your disguise, you look like a weirdo talking to a flower pot right?” Megavolt said, butting into the conversation.
“Says the guy who talk to lightbulbs,” Bushroot replied.
“Yeah? What’s your point?”
Bushroot sighed. “Oh nothing. I’m not sure you can understand the irony.”
“Y’know speaking of lightbulbs,” Megavolt said. “I haven’t actually seen a ton around. No big flashy signs, not a lot of street lights, this place may actually treat lightbulbs somewhat humanely!”
“Well, you know there’s still lightbulbs inside the buildings, right?” Quackerjack said.
“Yeah, I said ‘somewhat,’” Megavolt replied. “I’m still definitely going to have to free a lot of them. Just y’know, nice to not see their enslavement out in the middle of the street.”
It was true that there weren’t as many light fixtures in this city as there were in Saint Canard. There were actually a few things that the four noticed as they navigated the streets of the city.
The first was that, yes, it did draw a bit of attention to them when Bushroot talked to Liquidator out loud. Fortunately, no one really got a good look at the contents of the flower pot, and the watery felon only really emerged when Bushroot told him he wouldn’t be noticed.
While Bushroot was more interested in his surroundings, the plants and people, Quackerjack, Megavolt, and Liquidator seemed focused on the content of the buildings. Being the odd one out, Bushroot allowed himself to be dragged into various places.
The second thing they noticed was that there seemed to be a good deal of old buildings in the area. Intricate architecture was scattered around the area, creating some interesting sights. Some of these seemed to be a big draw for tourists. Tourists who…
Third thing, were very wealthy.
It seemed that some higher class tourists favored this city as a destination. The level of wealth Quackerjack and Megavolt saw on their ride here, was the same as the average tourist.
The group couldn’t help but stare at some of the people who passed, decked out in accessories that cost as much money as any one of them could snatch in a small robbery.
They couldn’t wait until they could openly commit crimes.
It was a few hours later when the group finally thought about having to head back to the hotel. For the fifth time that afternoon, Quackerjack had dragged the group into a food establishment, only for them to leave without buying anything. This time however the group was discussing doubling back the way they came.
“But I’m hungry!” Quackerjack whined. “What's the point of going to a place that has good places to eat, and then not getting anything!”
Liquidator emerged slightly from the flower pot. “Though the Liquidator needs no nutrients to keep himself going, remember that additional food will be required for both of you during our entire stay here. We need to keep our prices low, and our criminal activity even lower! I wouldn’t say that eating there would have been a great deal, the food there wasn’t exactly cheap.”
“Besides, since when did you care about quality food?” Megavolt asked. “From what I’ve seen, you’ll eat anything, even my cooking!”
“You cook?” Bushroot asked.
“I burn things,” Megavolt replied. “Which is how I like it.”
“Just because I can eat anything doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate actual good food.” Quackerjack folded his arms. “But fine, if you wanna eat junk then that’s fine.”
“Well…” Megavolt sighed. “If you really want to eat our or y’know...something, we should probably do it on our own, since those two can’t actually eat.”
“Oh! A play date! That’d be nice,” Quackerjack practically purred. “It’s not as fun without some kind of police chase, but still.”
“Uh, I’m going to go check something out,” Bushroot said, slowly stepping away from the pair. “But if you two want to stay there and keep flirting, go ahead.”
“Oh you’re one to talk!” Megavolt said.
“Yeah.” Quackerjack followed Bushroot, tugging his partner along with him. “We were talking about this earlier, you give us weird looks when we do anything, but you and Liqui can be sooo sappy sometimes.”
Bushroot grew dead silent.
“At least we don’t spend ten minutes coming up with compliments for each other,” Megavolt said. “Have you ever heard how that wet dog talks about you when you’re not around? I think you can put up with a little bit from us if we have to hear that.”
Liquidator poked his head out a little. “The Liquidator will not take heed of criticisms concerning how I talk about my own superb partner. I have no complaints with how you handle your relationship, don’t bring my methods of affection into this.”
“Okay!” Bushroot’s face was red and his voice was a slight bit too loud. “A-anyway, did anyone else notice that-that crowd? I wonder wh-what that’s about, why don’t we check it out?”
The other three exchanged a look. Quackerjack and Megavolt both looked slightly pleased at the flustered reaction they had elicited from the plant. Then the group turned their attention to where Bushroot was pointing.
It seemed there was a decent crowd gathered loosely around what looked to be a fountain. The four moved closer to check it out. When they approached they saw a few informational signs around it.
“Says it’s just an old fountain,” Quackerjack said, reading one of the signs. “And no one’s allowed to touch it? Ugh, then where’s the fun in that?”
“I mean, there are some interesting things about it,” Bushroot said. “Like it says here that-”
“Weren’t we going to head home anyway?” Quackerjack said.
Bushroot frowned. “Yeah, I guess we were.”
“Wait a second,” Megavolt said.
“What?” Quackerjack asked. “You’re interested in a boring old fountain? I thought you didn’t like water?”
Megavolt squinted at the fountain, then a horrified look crossed his face. “Do you see that??”
“See what?” Bushroot asked.
Megavolt grabbed ahold of the plant’s face, and turned it so it was facing the fountain. “Look at that!”
“I don’t see anything,” Bushroot said. “There’s just a bunch of water and lights.”
“Oh no…” Quackerjack’s eyes widened.
“Exactly!” Megavolt said, now very loud. The rest of the group gave him looks imploring him to be a bit quieter. “Some monster stuck those lights there underwater! Imagine those poor things spending all their time in that awful thing!”
“But Megsy, babe, you couldn’t even get them out of there without short-circuiting yourself,” Quackerjack said.
“I know that Quacky, dear,” Megavolt said, giving his partner a huge pair of puppy-dog eyes. “But maybe you could-”
“Oh no!” Quackerjack shook his head. “I’m not helping you just because you give me that look. Besides, what part of stealing a bunch of lightbulbs from a public fountain that no one’s allowed to touch works with keeping a low profile? I’m pretty sure I’d be spotted immediately!”
“There may be a solution to both problems!” Liquidator said.
Megavolt looked at the flower pot container the watery canine with hope in his eyes.
“The Liquidator can create a distraction and relocate the water, while you liberate your lightbulb pals!” Liquidator said.
“You’d really do that?” Megavolt asked, grinning widely. “That’d be great!”
“No problem! The Liquidator specializes in water-based trickery and manipulation!”
With that, Liquidator jumped out of the pot and into the fountain. Across from where Megavolt and the others stood, small jets of water began to arise from the fountain. Then it began to really move, jumping up, swirling, and bubbling in visually pleasing patterns. Slowly, the crowd started taking notice, and moving away from where the three criminals stood.
When almost all of the surrounding people were on the other side of the fountain, a wave of water rose up, causing the crowd to make noises of appreciation, and blocking the three from their view. The water in front of the lights pulled back, leaving it open for Megavolt to start removing them.
After all the lightbulbs were removed and stuffed into various bags and clothing articles, the water settled back down and Liquidator hopped back into the flower pot.
“Let’s get out of here before anyone else notices they’re gone,” Bushroot said.
The others agreed and they quickly absconded with the lightbulbs, heading back towards the hotel.
“Well I’d say that was a good first day of vacation,” Megavolt said, looking very pleased.
“The Liquidator would have to agree!” Liquidator said. “Because the lightbulbs weren’t the only things I helped ‘liberate’ from that fountain.”
“What do you-” Bushroot’s eyes widened as he looked in the flower pot. “Holy cow!”
It seemed that when Liquidator had removed himself from the fountain he had taken a huge amount of coins with him. In fact, he was now taking up much less room in the pot, since much of it was filled with pennies, nickels, dime, and lot, and lots of quarters.
“Seems like the tourists are fond of the whole ‘wishing fountain’ idea,” Liquidator said with a smug grin. “Personally I think they’re going to a better cause now.”
“You mean helping us fund the rest of this vacation?”
“Yep. Like I said, better cause.”
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 2
Summary: Rus needs some answers and there is only one Monster in Underswap who might have them.
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is. 
There is still no explicit sex in this chapter. There will be eventually. 
Also on AO3
Read Chapter 1
One of the weirder talents that Rus possessed had to be his knack of dump picking. The dump was hands down the best place to find unexpected treasures and Rus had honed the skill of finding them to a fine art. Racecar beds, broken televisions that he could repair, books and blu-rays, he found it all. Some of it was for Blue, most of it was for bartering because entertainment was worth a hell of a lot more than G on any day. The Underground was fucking boring, and that was a fact.
With that in mind, he scavenged through his hidden stash of goods for some bribery material and luckily, he knew exactly he best kind. Hotland was only a quick shortcut away and in no time, Rus was standing at the laboratory door with his prize under his arm.
Looking at the door made him feel a little queasy, though he wasn’t sure why; sure, he’d worked here for a little while but Snowdin was better for Blue when he’d been younger, plenty more Monsters his age, so they’d moved. That…he was pretty sure that was right, eh, didn’t matter, that was ages ago. Right now, he wanted some answers and the one person in Underswap who might be able to help was behind that door, hopefully.
He knocked, his knucklebones ringing loudly against the metal door. There was no answer and Rus knocked again even harder. He was kinda on a time crunch, here.
“c’mon, undyne, open up!” he called. “i know you’re in there, it’s not like you’re going to take a stroll around hotland! you know it’s me, i walked past four cameras just to get here.”
The door remained stubbornly closed. Rus sighed and readied his secret weapon, holding up the manga over his head where he knew a camera was looking down at him. “oh, no, whatever shall do with this holiday special double-length manga of mew mew kissy cutie, sixth edition,” he said flatly.
He didn’t have to wait long after that. Slowly, the door creaked open and from the darkness within an eye peered out at him. “Papyrus?”
“hey, doll,” Rus said cheerfully, pushing firmly on the door and ignoring Undyne’s squawk as he strode in. “how’s things? still determined to stay in the old lab, huh? i ain’t judging, but you’re nuts to stay in a place where stepping outside could turn you into fish sticks. speaking of which, might want to close the door, you're letting the ungodly fires of hell in.”
“w-what are you doing here?” Undyne closed the door and then didn’t seem to know what to do, only standing by it, wringing her hands.
Time to put some of that charm of his to work. “okay, i know, we haven’t talked in person in like…a while. sorry about that,” Rus said, with all the gentle apology he could. It was true; once they’d been colleagues but Undyne kept to herself in the lab. After he’d quit, there had been no reason to come here and it wasn’t like she was gonna stop by Muffet’s for a pastry and a beer after work. Still, he was in Hotland all the time, one of his sentry posts wasn’t far away, he could have stopped by…but this place was so fucking creepy. The overhead lights were glaring down at them, and all the cameras on the nearby workstation were posed all over Underswap, the camera feed looping, spying. Even if he understood why, it was still creepy. He’d have to think about it.
“N-no, it’s all right, Papyrus!” Undyne shook her head, her messy red hair falling over her shoulders. “You didn’t have to come here anymore.”
“yeah, maybe, but we’re still friends, right?” he coaxed, “we chat on the undernet all the time, yeah? and i ain’t gonna lie, i didn’t just come over to give you this.” He held up the manga and her eyes strayed to it as he waved it enticingly, a reminder of what was at stake. “i need a favor. you know more about monster anatomy than anyone. so, do you know much about Monster sicknesses?”
“Is Sans...all right?” She gave him a worried look, biting her lip, and her eyes found anything to look at but him, “Um, is it a-about falling down?"
"nah, geez, nothing like that!” Rus exclaimed, aghast. Fuck, he hoped it was nothing like that. “it’s just something i heard about, something...weird."
She nodded, wary, but maybe hinting towards curious. "What kind of weird?"
"Like…what kind of sickness would make a monster hot and sweaty but without a fever. aggressive." he did not raise his hand to his collarbone. "kind of…bitey."
To his surprise, her expression soured. “That's not, hm, funny."
"i'm not kidding and you're right, it's not,” Rus said slowly. He squinted at her. “you have any ideas?"
She still looked doubtful, shuffling her feet against the hard tiles of the floor, daring to look back up at him with something almost like a challenge, “If you’ve been reading old journals just to mess with me—"
“undyne, you know i wouldn’t mess with you, not like that. you know that, right?” She lowered her eyes and nodded. “okay, so what do you mean old journals?”
She still seemed a little uncertain and Rus gave her a beseeching look, turning on the wide eye lights that worked so well on Blue when it came to a second dessert.  Apparently, they had an affect on fish monsters too because Undyne sighed a little and gestured at him.
“C-come on,” Undyne slouched into the lab and Rus followed, shaking away his uneasiness. This place was creepy as fuck even without the cups of dried ramen scattered all over, and laundry scattered around. Seemed like it was his fate today to walk through the realms of the slobs. Blue would be having a conniption if he saw this.
It was worse the further they went, dust layering everything, and just as he was starting to wonder if this was a secret plot to mug him for the manga and lock him up for some quality ‘science’, Undyne led him to a darkened room. She flipped on a switch with a loud click and bright fluorescents came on overhead, humming loudly, which was a good thing because he wasn’t about to go into the creepy fucking lab room in the dark. Edge would have had to start looking into those Underfell horse doctors and hope they didn’t shoot first and ask questions later.
The room was mostly empty, the only furniture was one bookshelf loaded with heavy tomes, and Undyne squatted next to it, hesitating over each one until she made a satisfied sound and pulled one free. She settled to sit on the dusty floor and Rus sat next to her, leaning in curiously. She held it out to him, “Here, look.
“regulatory hypothalamic estrus response in monsters due stagnating populaces,” he read slowly. “sounds like a real page-turner. okay, what is it?”
“It’s an e-evolutionary holdover,” she explained, opening the book, “to help maintain Monster populations. M-monsters reproduce slowly compared to some other species, and if our numbers ever drop low enough, the effect can be a hormonal response in our magic that stimulates estrus or heat.”
“okay, now you’re playing tricks on me,” Rus said flatly. “i’ve never even heard of such a fucking thing!”
“Well, we haven’t had to worry about it since the time period just after the war,” Undyne told him with a little shrug, “To be honest, we’re bordering on overcrowded. It’s only when the populace starts dipping dangerously low that it can happen.”
“so, what this is saying,” Rus tapped the yellowed pages with a fingertip, “is monsters might go into heat if they have a low population.” Like, say, Monsters getting dusted every day and twice on Sundays, in another universe where murder was less a terrible offense and more of an easy solution to a variety of problems.
“Yes,” she nodded eagerly. “M-most of the literature is, hm, from right after the war. There was a wave of heats going through all Monster’s species when our population was close to extinction levels. Of course, that was a long time ago and we haven’t seen anything like that since, but the Royal Scientist back then kept meticulous records.”
“yeah?” Rus asked, absently, still flipping through the journal. The handwriting was strange, antiquated, which he supposed made sense since this was probably written before the Queen had shed her first winter coat, “who was it?”
“Um…I’m not…” her eyes went vague and she shook her head. “Anyway, see here?” the page was full of grainy sketches, the faces discreetly blurred but all of them showing a small wound of some sort on their necks. “Monsters in heat stabilize quickly with a mate. They usually mark their mate, somehow. The most common method was biting, but a species without teeth might scratch a mark or even use some kind of ink or paint to draw it.”
Oh, fuck.
Rus swallowed dryly and kept his hands on the pages, didn’t reach up to touch the aching bitemark hidden beneath the collar of his sweatshirt. It was throbbing anxiously along with the pulse of his soul. "what…” his voice cracked, and Rus cleared his throat, “what if they mark someone who isn’t their mate?"
She blinked, her eyes owlishly large through her glasses. “I—I  don't remember anything like that in the literature. It’s hormonally driven, I wouldn’t think they’d want to mark anyone other than a potential mate and anyone compatible would probably already be in heat themselves. Even if they weren’t, no monster who wasn't interested would chance getting close enough for it to be an issue.  I-its fairly obvious, if you know what to look for. Like you were saying, sweating, aggressiveness—"
“a weird smell,” Rus muttered.
That got him a strange look. “Um, maybe? There’s a notation on a release of pheromones, that could have an odor…d-did you find another book about this, is that why you’re asking?”
“something like that,” Rus managed to give her a toothy grin even though he’d never felt less like laughing in his entire fucking life. She still seemed a little too interested, even suspicious, and Rus added hastily, “thought it might make an interesting idea for a story…maybe a manga.”
That did it. Her eyes went a little starry. “R-really? Are you going to p-post it on the Undernet?”
“might, when it’s done. okay, so, monsters go into heat and what, they get a little busy and they’re done? can’t they, you know?” He offered her a few hand gestures to convey a variety of self-service options and her cheeks flushed dark purple. But damn if he didn’t know his audience, because she giggled, too, covering her eyes.
“No, no, it’s not the kind of situation where you can help yourself. That’s why Monsters need a mate for it. Heats are usually only a problem if they don't.”
There was the info he was looking for, “so what if they don't?”
Her expression turned serious, her blush fading. “It can be dangerous, to themselves and to others. Monster in heat have been known to die from it, or to kill other Monsters in search of their mate. Not their fault, of course,” she added hastily, “can’t battle evolution. They really fixate in their mate,” she sighed. “A shame it doesn’t happen anymore, it’s sort of romantic!”
“romantic,” he echoed hollowly. Yeah, it was an real assload of flowers and kisses, wasn’t it.
“W-was that what you needed to know?” she asked hopefully. “C-can you use that for your manga?”
“it was just about perfect, ‘dyne,” he said honestly, “exactly what i needed to know. tell you what, i’ll let you read my manga when it’s done, sound good?”
Which would be never, but it wasn’t actually a lie. He owned her big time for this, though, he’d have to think of something to make it up to her. With a flourish, he sat the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie manga on top of the journal and handed both to Undyne, who was already flushing again, looking at the manga almost hungrily.  
“hey one last thing, undyne,” Rus gave her a gentle poke, startling her from her manga hypnosis, “you think the symptoms of heat are pretty obvious, right? if you know what to look for?”
“Probably not to anyone today,” Undyne gave him a nervous smile, “Or you wouldn’t be here asking about it, but I would think it was back then. The symptoms are pretty distinct.”
“yeah,” he said softly, “that’s what i thought. thanks for the help, sweetheart.” He hesitated at the door, but Undyne hadn’t opened the manga yet, and he decided to risk it, “tell you what, when you finally decided to write that letter you talked about on the undernet? i’ll deliver it for you, if you want.”
Her cheeks went bright mulberry. “Papyrus!” she moaned, covering her eyes. “I-I couldn’t…she’d never---”
“won’t know unless you try,” Rus shrugged. “anyway, i got some things to take care of, i can find my own way out. maybe i’ll see you soon, okay?”
“After working on that manga, I hope,” she teased, and yeah, he’d have to stop by again. Undyne was a good egg, she didn’t deserve to be here alone all the time, but that was for later.
Rus exhaled slowly, thinking of the problem at hand. Or rather, at other body parts. “yeah, i’m betting i’ll be getting started on that project real soon.”
Read Chapter 3
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 years
Partners - Part 2: Building Trust
Pairing: DickBabs
Rating: T
Summary: Barbara and Dick, working together, and growing closer :) You can read it on AO3 here. Part 1 can be found here (on my blog) or here (AO3)
The Chase *1
Dick and Barbara were patrolling the streets of Blüdhaven and arguing over the best pizza place in the city (how anyone could possibly have the audacity to say that Ricardo's was better than La Roma was beyond Barbara). They were just turning around the corner when the telltale sound of a shop's alarm rang, and a hooded figure ran across the street, right in front of their car, disappearing into one of Blüdhaven's tiny alleys.
Barbara had barely stopped the car, when she and Dick both were already in pursuit of their suspect. They squeezed into the alley - which was barely wide enough for the two of them -  when they saw an elbow and a leg vanish behind a corner ahead of them.
They picked up their speed when they could hear the sound of someone climbing a chain-link fence and when they rounded around the corner, they could see it, too.
“There!” Dick pointed at the thief, who was now hopping off the fence and began sprinting down the alleyway. Luckily, Barbara had come to know the streets of the 'Haven pretty well and she knew there was a short cut close by.
“You follow him,” she instructed her partner, “I’ll cut him off!”
She ran past the fence to use the short cut when, from the corner of her eye, she could see Dick practically launching himself over the fence in one fluid motion. Barbara almost tripped over her feet in awe, but instead kept on running.
Her memory had not betrayed her and when Barbara's way let her out where she supposed their thief to pass by, she could hear the stomping of feet and heavy painting coming nearer. And just in that moment, the persecutee came into Barbara's view, closely followed by Dick, who managed to swipe the thief's leg before Barbara had the chance to stop him herself. The thief fell over and tumbled right in front of her feet.
“There you go.”  Dick said, gasping for air.
“Well done,” Barbara acknowledged her partner’s work, before pulling out her handcuffs to take care of their thief.
As it turned out, they had chased down their thief for a mere decoy watch, which was barely worth 20$.
“That was kind of anticlimactic,” Dick noted, a bit of a pouty quality to his voice, “such an impressive chase just for a cheap knock-off”
Barbara just shrugged: “Doesn’t change the fact that the chase was indeed impressive– I saw you jumping over that fence, that was one sweet move.”
“Well, you can take the boy out of the circus…”
Barbara couldn’t help the fond smile that was making its way onto her lips.
“A true boy wonder, I’d say. Very impressive, Grayson.”
Maybe Barbara was imagining it, but she could have sworn that Dick stood a bit taller after that compliment. She rolled her eyes, but grinned.
Domestic Violence *²
It was a particularly unpleasant winter morning, about two months into Dick and Barbara’s partnership. It had snowed the night before, leaving the streets with icky brown slush from the people trampling down the once pristine snow on their way to work.
The sun hadn’t yet fully managed to spread its light and warmth and Dick and Barbara were chatting companionably in the car, when suddenly a woman, only clad in a thin nightdress, ran into the street, her bare feet dragging through the dirty snow.
“This isn’t right,” Barbara heard Dick say, while she was bringing the car to a stop before they exchanged a telling look.
They could see a taller, heavier figure following the woman.
“You go after her,” Barbara told Dick, readying herself for dealing with what she recognized as one of her least favorite situations on the job.
“MARIE! Marie, come BACK HERE!!” the persecutor yelled angrily.
“You’re sure?” Barbara heard Dick ask her uncertainly.
“Yeah. I’ll deal with Prince Charming here,” Barbara assured her partner, who immediately went off to catch up to the woman who was now huddled up against the fence on the other side of the street, shivering violently.
“MARIE!!!” the angry man shouted once more, when Barbara stepped in his path, forcing him to stop.
“Excuse me, sir,” Barbara said, careful to hit the tone that was a perfect blend of authoritative and pacifying (men like that didn’t respond well to “bossy” women, Barbara knew).
The man made a move to shove Barbara aside when his eyes got caught on her uniform and badge; he lowered his arm again, now obviously trying to rein in his emotions. So predictable.
Meanwhile, Barbara could hear Dick talking to the woman in a hushed, sympathetic tone, leading her towards the police cruiser. The woman’s cheek was swollen and she was sporting a black eye. Barbara felt red-hot anger flaring up inside her, but she pushed the emotion down immediately - now was not the time for this.
“Do you wanna explain what is going on here, sir?” she said instead, a warning undertone in her voice. Out the corner of her eye Barbara could see Dick helping the battered woman into the car, carefully draping a blanket around her.
He closed the car door and turned around, just in time to hear Prince Charming’s flimsy excuse: “I lost my job. it’s been a lousy week, we had a fight about money.”
Considering the woman’s dark purple shiner, the dude’s nonchalance really rubbed Barbara the wrong way: “No excuse to take a shot at her.”
But he just shrugged it off: “Like I said, we had a fight.”
“THAT’s an excuse?” Dick positively growled, surprising Barbara with the intensity of his anger.
But the dude ignored him and turned to the woman in the car, now pleading with her in a gentle tone: “Come on home Marie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.” But the woman just shied away from the car window, shaking slightly.
“Maybe you wanna fight me?” Dick said threateningly, while drawing himself up to his full height, causing the man to take a few steps back.
Barbara had never seen Dick this angry.
“Wow, calm down here,” she said to her partner, putting a steadying hand on his arm.
It had the desired effect, even though Barbara could tell that Dick was still seething.
“Um, excuse me?” A female voice interrupted the scene.
They all turned around to see the beaten up woman, still wrapped in that blanket, climbing out of the car.
“Ma’am?” Barbara addressed her, dreading what she knew was going to happen next.
Her apprehension was not unfounded.
“Bill didn’t mean nuthin’,” the woman excused her boyfriend's behavior, then pleaded: “Just let us go home.”
Barbara let out a sigh of frustration and did what she had to do: she let them go.
“I hate domestic calls,” she said under her breath as she watched the retreating figures of Bill and Marie.
“That’s IT?!” Dick asked disbelievingly, still enraged, “They go home?”
“As long as she’s not gonna press charges, there's nothing we can do,” Barbara said with a shrug, sharing her partner's frustration on the matter.
Dick looked like he was about to run after the two civilians and make the arrest anyway, so Barbara decided to intervene before she had to actually stop him from doing something stupid: “Come on, let's go.”
After throwing one more glance in the direction where the couple had disappeared into one of the apartment buildings, Dick got into the car, still fuming.
Towards the end of their shift, Dick still had that gloomy air about him.
Barbara was pretty sure she knew what had her partner so occupied, which is why she offered: “Do you want me to drive by the place again?”
She could tell by his sudden change in posture that he knew exactly what ‘place’ she was referring to.
“Yes, please,” he said quietly, not meeting Barbara’s eyes.
Wordlessly, Barbara turned left into the street that led to the place where the woman had run into the street this morning. When they got there, Barbara slowed down the car, giving her partner a chance to take in the street and the building Bill and Marie had disappeared into. Nothing happened, all was still. Of course it was; Barbara could have told Dick so immediately. But she also knew that sometimes you just had to see it with your own two eyes.
After two more uneventful minutes, Dick just let out a sigh, “let's call it a day.”
It didn't take Barbara long to get them back to the precinct and for them finish their paperwork of this day's shift. And even though she was more than ready to just get home and take a relaxing bath, Barbara just couldn't leave Dick to deal with this alone.
So instead she asked: “You wanna go for a drink at Hogan’s?”
“That sounds great,” Dick said, a grateful look in his eyes. She could tell that he knew exactly why she was doing this and he seemed to really appreciate it, “thanks Babs.”
Barbara slung an arm around Dick's shoulder: “I've got your back, partner...”
Before adding: “But you're paying.”
Her remark was met with Dick's first laugh of the day.
Donut Run *³
One day on a pretty uneventful shift, Dick and Barbara decided to stop by Len’s Donuts to grab some food. There, they ran into their fellow officers Richter and Hicks (cops and donuts… some clichés existed for a reason), who just had pulled into the parking lot for the exact same reason. Being the nice guy that he was, Grayson naturally offered to get donuts for the whole lot, while Barbara saw their quick snack stop as the perfect opportunity to use the ladies’ room.
When she was just about to turn around the corner that led back to the parking lot, Barbara overheard Richter’s booming voice, asking her partner in a conversational tone: “How long are you gonna ride with this policeperson , Grayson?”
Barbara stopped in her tracks, an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. She knew immediately what Richter was getting at.
Her partner, on the other hand, didn’t seem to understand what Richter was referring to: “What do you mean, guys?”
“Most guys wanna partner with a guy, rookie,” Hicks said in a tone that made it clear that he was pointing out the obvious. And it was a pretty self-evident thing among the Blüdhaven cops; Barbara had heard the dismissive ways her male co-workers talked about their female colleagues - and whoever had the ‘misfortune’ of being partnered up with a woman, pulled all the strings he could to change partners as quickly as possible. Crowne most likely had just tolerated being partnered up with her because he had known he’d go into retirement soon anyways… Barbara knew she shouldn’t be bothered by boneheaded statements like this one, but she couldn’t help the irritation bubbling up inside her -
“I’d rather go through a door with Barbara than either of you.” She heard Dick replying cuttingly and Barbara felt a wave of fondness wash over her.
Knowing Richter’s cantankerous disposition, Barbara decided to step in before any real conflict could arise from the situation, “Hey guys, what are you up to?”
“Just talking about guy stuff, Gordon,” Richter said dismissively.
“Ah,” Barbara said while making her way over to the cruiser.
She snatched a donut from the box sitting on the hood of their police car and leaned against the driver’s side, so she was positioned next to Dick, eyeing up their fellow officers.
“I never would have pegged you as a sprinkles guy, Richter,” Barbara remarked dryly, “Just when I thought I knew everything about you.”  
“Very funny, Gordon,” Richter said with no humor, “isn’t she funny, Hicks?”
But before his partner could reply, the two way radio of Richter and Hick's car sprang to life, reporting a thievery-in-progress in their patrol area.
Grabbing another handful of donuts each and with a noncommittal nod, Richter and Hicks got into their car and left.
After a few minutes spent in silent donut-eating, Barbara suggested that they should get back to patrol themselves. Her partner just nodded and got back into the car.
Another couple of minutes passed, during which Barbara could feel Dick's intense gaze on her until he finally broke the silence: “You heard their sexist remarks, didn’t you?”
“Nothing I’d never heard before,” Barbara said, shrugging like it was not a big deal, like she should be used to it (she still wasn’t.)
“They are idiots, Babs,” Dick said forcefully. “You’re a better cop than all these morons combined.”
A quick side glance revealed her partner's earnest expression on his face. The warm feeling in Barbara's chest returned.
“Thanks, Dick, that’s really nice of you… although it would hold a lot more meaning if you actually knew any of these ‘morons’,” Barbara added jokingly.
“Eh, I might not know them so well - but I know you.”
Father (Figure)s *4
They were at Hogan’s Alley again, just to hang out and to get an early start on their free weekend.
“So, you’ve got anything planned for the weekend?” Dick asked Barbara, after they had their drinks served to them by Michael (who had spent most of his time of getting them their drinks staring at Babs and blushing furiously, while barely managing to respond to Dick’s questions about school and such - “I believe you have a not-so-secret admirer” Dick had joked, clearly amused by the boy’s behavior.)
“Oh yeah, I’m actually going home this weekend - visiting my dad, y’know,” Barbara added, feeling an odd need to clarify the situation.
Dick just smiled and nodded understandingly.
“Ah, that’s nice. Same here - well, Bruce is actually coming by for a visit. He wants to see how I’ve ‘settled in’ - as if I were the one who’s unable to cook even something as simple as soup and not him.” Dick rolled his eyes in a dramatic manner, but Barbara could tell that he was actually excited to have his adopted father visit him.
The fondness that Barbara had noticed to be always prominent in Dick’s tone and face whenever he talked about his adopted father was something she had a hard time reconciling with the stories she had heard about Gotham’s most famous (or rather, infamous) playboy billionaire. She tried to imagine illustrious Bruce Wayne in a simple, plain apartment in Blüdhaven (not that she exactly knew what Dick’s place looked like… but they had talked about each other’s housing situation and Barbara knew that Parkthorne Avenue was definitely in one of the nicer neighborhoods of Blüdhaven, but still nothing fancy) - but she just couldn’t picture it. At all.
She couldn’t help but be curious how these utterly different accounts of the very same person fit together (a side effect of being a cop, she supposed - she liked knowing what made the people around her tick.)
“So, how did he take it when you told him that you wanted to come to the ‘Haven and be a cop? I just have the slightest inkling that there weren’t exactly leaps for joy involved.”
Dick chuckled, feigning surprise: “How did you guess?!”
He then became a little more solemn.
“Eh, Bruce took it fairly well, I guess. I mean, he was not overjoyed and I’m sure he would have rather seen me actually finish my business degree, maybe even get a job at Wayne Enterprises… but he was okay with it; he understands why I need to do this.”
The last part caught Barbara’s attention; but before she could ask further questions, Dick directed one at her: “I’m sure you know what I mean - how did your father react to your decision?”
“He wasn’t overly happy with that either… Since he is all-too familiar with the job, he tried talking me out of it by telling me many grisly anecdotes in great detail to impress the dangers of a policeman’s work on me…”
Dick just smiled, by now being  quite familiar with his partner’s persistence: “I can’t help but think that this method didn’t work at all in deterring you from pursuing your goal.”
“It totally didn’t,” Barbara agreed, a smirk playing on her lips, “and once my dad realized that becoming a cop was the one thing I really wanted to do, he grew to accept it and support my decision… Although I’m sure he would have preferred it if he could have kept an eye on me, had I decided to stay in Gotham, but… I wanted to ‘forge my own path’, y’know?” she said, deliberately using the same phrase Dick had used to explain why he had left Gotham himself.
She could tell from the look on his face that he had caught on to that; he gave her a knowing nod.
They spent some minutes drinking in companionable silence.
“He actually went to train at the F.B.I. for a few weeks,” Dick said suddenly in a low voice.
“Huh?” Was all Barbara could come up with.
“Bruce - he actually began training to become a F.B.I. agent,” Dick elaborated. “After his parents’ murder, he was hell-bent on finding a way to make criminals pay for what has happened to him, to his family. He was six weeks into the training when he became aware that his entire motivation for joining the F.B.I. was solely out of revenge over their deaths , completely overshadowing what their lives had stood for. Once he had realized that, he changed his mind and started to figure out how he could honor his parents’ lifeworks. That was when he decided that he could do that best by taking charge of Wayne Enterprise and, even more importantly, the Wayne Foundation. He figured that this was the best way for him to use his resources to make Gotham better - and to help the City’s people.”
Barbara just stared at Dick, at a loss for words.
“Like I said, Bruce absolutely understood my desire to join the force - but he also wanted to make sure that I was doing it for the right reasons.”
Barbara became aware that she was still staring.
“Oh, wow,” she said awkwardly, still processing all this information, “I, um… I didn’t know that.”
“That’s not surprising - Bruce is the most private person I know; when he returned to Gotham, he played that whole playboy-persona up at gala events so the tabloid press would latch onto the whole shtick and become too busing speculating about his supposed escapades, to actually bother to see what’s behind that empty facade… It’s a pretty effective tactic, but it also leaves a lot of people - those who have never met him - with a very wrong impression of him.”
Barbara was pretty sure that this last remark was directed at her; Dick must have noticed her difficulties at bringing these very different accounts of his adoptive father together.
She was sometimes truly baffled by how well Dick seemed to be able to read her.
She nudged Dick’s shoulder in a friendly way, smiling: “Well, he couldn’t possibly be even half as bad as the tabloids made him sound - he raisedyou , didn’t he?”
“Aww,” Dick smiled, clutching his chest in a theatrical fashion, before adding jokingly: “though that part fell completely to Alfred.”
Barbara just rolled her eyes demonstratively.
She had just taken another sip from her drink, when it crossed her mind: “... Oh, by the way - do you need any suggestions for semi-respectable places in Blüdhaven to show your visitor?”
Dick looked at her with a mixture of elation and relief: “Oh god, yes please.”
To be continued... here.
Nightwing #80: The scene of Dick jumping over the fence was inspired by a scene in said comic issue (which, sadly enough, I still don’t own)
Nightwing #54: The scene with Bill and Mary is from that issue. A few pages later, Dick as Nightwing drops by and warns Bill (who has just been in another fight with Mary, yelling at her and her baby) to leave and never come back… since Dick isn’t Nightwing in this AU, I figured that he would have a very hard time accepting the way things are (since he’s not in a position where he is able to do much about it); at least Babs is here to help him deal with this crappy situation :)
Nightwing #61 : Richter and Hicks’ sexist douchebaggery is from that issue (although it is aimed against Amy Rohrbach)… ugh
Batman: Gotham Knights #42: In this issue, Bruce fails spectacularly at trying to make chicken soup for a very sick Alfred… it’s funny and sweet and the same time :)
Shadow of the Bat #0: Bruce spent six weeks training at the F.B.I. according to this issue - this site has a great overview of Bruce’s accomplishments
Dick studying business is something I took from this post ; it appears to have been mentioned in Detective Comics #390 - #495, when Dick attended Hudson University
Nightwing Secret Files and Origins #1: Dick's address in Blüdhaven was 1013 Parkthorne Avenue
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
The Treasure Seeker: Saga 1 - Chapter 3 (Etrian Odyssey 5 Fanfiction)
AN: Despite the seemingly endless string of headaches and minor annoyances this week, I managed to get this chapter done. I’m wondering if I should post pictures of my characters so that my readers would get a clearer idea of who looks like what. And because the pictures are pretty :D You tell me; it doesn’t bother me either way. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading and do let me know what you think of it so far. Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated~
Wattpad | AO3 | FFNet
Chapter 3:
After a restful night’s sleep, Drayce awoke early in the morning and made his way down stairs. Unsurprisingly, Ashton was already up and had partially made breakfast. Though Ashton was indeed a scholar, he was also quite the caretaker. He honestly had to be as his father’s trusted understudy. Treasure hunters and archaeologists were rather notorious for getting caught up in their work.
Opting for a couple of moon apples to munch on, sat at one end of the dining table and looked over the mission registration form Ramus had issued to him yesterday. The premise of the first mission seemed easy enough; draw a map and grab a soil and sapling sample. Oh, and come back in one piece. An important one.
Though it sounded easy, Drayce knew better than to think it would be a walk in the park. The mission, after all, was pivotal in ensuring that only those who can handle what the labyrinth might offer continue on to become explorers. The council wanted to ensure that rookie adventures knew what they were getting themselves in. And, hopefully, lower the potential deathrate.
Those who fail were better off looking for another career.
Although, Drayce was fairly certain that many would-be explorers wouldn’t give up that easily. He remembered Grampa telling him tales of ‘rouge’ explorers, as he called them. Loners who wouldn’t abide by the rules of anyone. Sometimes not even their own rules.
The guards were in place to guarantee that only registered explorers entered the labyrinth. But they couldn’t be everywhere at once and with the labyrinth so large, it was impossible to know all possible entrances or escape routes. And there was nothing stopping the dumbasses from literally scaling the thing to get inside.
In any case, Drayce was determined to do the right thing; complete the first mission and be registered as an explorer.
He could potentially do whatever he wanted after that.
And it was going to be so much fun.
The sound of a chair scrapping against the floor pulled Drayce from his thoughts and he lifted his head up in time to see Blayke take a seat on the other side of the table directly opposite him.
“So what’s on the agenda today?” he asked as he took a bite out of a simple roll of bread with jam on top.
“Hm. Not completely sure, to be honest,” Drayce replied as he dropped the papers he was reading onto the table in front of him. “I was thinking of visiting the guildmaster and registering, but wouldn’t it be better to find a few members first? At least enough to form a party of five?”
“Sounds reasonable,” Blayke muttered around his breakfast as he cast an idle gaze upon the paper work. “The hard part will be finding the right kind of explorer to join our guild. We can’t just have anyone. You have a royal mission, after all.”
Drayce tapped his chin in thought for a moment. “Very true.”
Ashton dropped himself down onto a chair at the end of the table closest to where Drayce and Blayke were sat. “You might want to keep that hidden initially.”
Drayce arched an eyebrow at the green-haired man. “Are you worried about opportunistic explorers thinking they’ll be on easy street?” he questioned.
“Exactly,” Ashton replied before he launched into a quick explanation. “With you being hired by Prince Ramus himself, others might use you to get to him. Or try to use you to get to the Lost Treasures first.”
That made sense. Finding treasure was easier if you had someone else doing all the hard works instead. Surely, though, other explorers would have their full attention on keeping themselves alive, right? He didn’t want to think badly of other people.
Still, it was best to be safe than sorry.
“A lot of these explorers probably aren’t aware of the legends of the Lost Treasures, but you have a point nonetheless,” Drayce conceded.
Blayke finished off his breakfast before he folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into his chair. “That will make finding the right kind of guildmate harder,” he muttered. “Especially since we’re new to the city as well.”
Well, a challenge was only a challenge if you saw it as one, right? That was what Grandpa used to say a lot.
“Don’t forget your connections,” Ashton suddenly piped up with a knowing smile on his lips. “I know a fellow scholar that might be useful to you. He’s an expert in reading ancient texts. I can introduce you to him, if you like. I’m sure he would be greatly beneficial for when you start looking for the Lost Treasures.”
“Sounds perfect,” Drayce said, perking up a little inside at the thought of meeting and perhaps befriending someone who was as interested in myths and legends as he was.
“He also has a brother who might be able to join your guild,” Ashton added, his smile not wavering for a second. “A warlock, I believe. Quite adapt at Mana Detect.”
“Sounds even better!”
Ashton laughed heartedly for a moment. “I’ll arrange a meeting for you guys later,” he said. “But first, you should visit the market place. A few vendors there are quite knowledgeable in the materials found in the first and second floors. And while you’re there, you can buy some food to stock up the kitchen. Can’t entice potential guildmembers to join your guild with an empty kitchen.”
And one couldn’t go exploring or adventuring on an empty stomach, either.
“Fair enough,” Drayce said as he placed his hands atop of the table and pushed himself to his feet.
Across from him, Blayke did the same. “No coffee, though.”
“Why no coffee?” Drayce asked as he arched a questioning eyebrow.
Blayke levelled him with a very stern and somehow shrewd look. “Because when you start your real research, you tend to forget to sleep and drink gallons of coffee to help with your ‘productiveness’.”
Drayce was, naturally, rather indignant. “What? Dude, I so do not do that.”
Blayke’s expression grew agitated as he stepped away from the table and proceeded to head back upstairs to get ready. “That’s an outright lie. I can’t believe you said with a straight face.”
Drayce followed him, he, too, intent on getting ready. “Ok, rude.”
But as per usual, Blayke ignored him and the two of them got themselves ready for a day out grocery shopping.
… … … … …
Locating and travelling to Iorys’ market district wasn’t at all a difficult process. It was thankfully rather close to the guildhouse, allowing for quick and easy shopping whenever they needed it.
Despite it being soon after breakfast, the district was bustling with open vendors and busy shoppers. Of both locals and explorers, it seemed. A few stores appeared to be that of well established businesses, including blacksmithing facilities, while others were more akin to those of travelling vendors who were free to come and go as they pleased.
The store that caught Drayce’s eye was that of a seemingly newly erected building. An open store front with a blacksmith furnace located at the back. And the apparent owner of the store was a young brounii with quite an eccentric outfit of fine firs, feathers, and jewellery. It was actually the large green emerald he had pinned to his chest that caught Drayce’s eye. Obviously the man knew his jewels.
“Welcome!” the brounii cheerfully greeted as Drayce approached, with Blayke trailing behind him and eyeing their surrounding cautiously. “Ah, you’re a pair of new faces. Come to explore the labyrinth?”
“Planning on it,” Drayce answered honestly. “We just arrived yesterday, though. Still plotting our first trek.” He cocked his hip out to the side and planted his hand on it. “Any advice for us rookies?”
“Only to keep a close eye on your surroundings,” the shopkeeper answered swiftly as a friendly smile spread across his lips. “You never know what hidden treasure you might find!”
“Another one?” Blayke was heard muttering behind Drayce, but he was promptly ignored.
“Ah, a treasure man, huh?” Drayce asked as he felt his own grin grow.
“Well, of course. What Brounii isn’t?” The brounii then let out a peculiar but rather adorable laugh, one that seemed to come easy from him. “Anyway, the name’s Syrik.”
The brounii now known as Syrik threw out his hand for Drayce to shake, to which Drayce promptly did. He was in turn about to introduce himself and Blayke, but was interrupted by Syrik continuing to speak.
“To be honest with you, I only arrived to Iorys a few weeks ago myself,” Syrik explained as he released his surprisingly tight grip on Drayce’s hand. “When I heard that they were re-opening the labyrinth to explorers, I nearly fell over myself in my haste to get here. Being a traveling merchant is fine and all, but it makes perfect sense to set up a store here. The labyrinth just has to be filled with mysterious treasures and rare materials, after all.”
Drayce nodded his head in complete understanding. “Ah, a man after my own heart. I come from a long line of treasure hunters and archaeologists. So I know exactly what you mean.”
Syrik eyes widened before they all but sparkled with excitement. “Then that means…you’ll be able to find rare and high quality materials!” he said as he laughed good-naturedly.
Drayce couldn’t help but laugh as well before an idea struck him. “Tell you what; I’m not greedy. Should I find anything worthwhile, I’ll sell it to you.” He then offered his hand out to Syrik in hopes of sealing the deal. “Well?”
“You’ve got yourself a deal!” Syrik eagerly responded as he shook Drayce’s hand rather enthusiastically. “Looking forward to working with you.”
“You, too,” Drayce replied with a grin before he straightened himself up and tapped his finger against his temple. “I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I? My name is Drayce and this is my partner in crime, Blayke.”
Blayke barely had enough time to utter out a greeting in return before Syrik spoke up. “Nice to meet ya both!”
Syrik was certainly an energetic and enthusiastic shopkeeper, wasn’t he? Drayce was more than certain that they were going to get along just fine.
He was about to ask Syrik what kind of ‘treasures’ he was to expect on the first floor when Blayke grasped him by the shoulder and gave him a little push.
“Come on,” he said with a slight scowl on his face. “The kitchen won’t stock itself.”
“Right right,” Drayce answered passively, mildly wondering why Blayke looked more agitated than usual. “Catch you later, Syrik.”
“Come visit again soon~!”
… … … … …
With their arms filled with shopping bags of their much needed food supplies, Drayce and Blayke made their way back to the Crescentia. They seemed to have gotten everything on the shopping list Ashton gave them and hopefully by the time they return, a meeting with that fellow scholar Ashton had mentioned had been arranged. Or at least in the works.
“I quite like the market place,” Drayce commented cheerfully as they turned a corner and took to a slight incline that led directly to their guildhouse.
“That honestly doesn’t surprise me,” Blayke commented. “That place is filled with stores offering novelty trinkets and shit.” He then unexpectedly nudged Drayce with his shoulder. “And, dude, stop telling everyone you’re a treasure hunter.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Drayce asked as he turned to look at the fencer. “No one knows why I’m here or what treasure I’m looking for. Besides, it’ll be nice to be able to geek out with someone else who likes treasures, too.”
Blayke looked both agitated and defiant for a moment before he sighed and shook his head as a genuine expression of worry appeared on his face. “Look, I’m just worried, ok?” he admitted. “What Ashton said this morning is true. Whether they know why you’re here or not, you might be targeted by other guilds looking to get rich quick.”
Ah, so that was the reason for the scowl. He was taking Ashton’s warning to heart.
“Fine, fine,” Drayce said in a surrendering manner, not wanting to argue with Blayke’s obvious concern for him. “I’ll take your concern and worry into consideration and be more careful, ok?”
Blayke seemed satisfied by that for the time being and they both fell into a comfortable silence.
But as they drew closer to the Crescentia, Drayce noticed a young Therian on the other side of the street. They appear to be that of a male, with hair that appeared to be that of both light purple and light blue, and was wearing pastel clothing that was similar to that of rovers. His ears were that of canine variety and were the same pastel yet vibrant colours as his hair. The white wolf with a stunning blue design upon its forehead also gave the indication that he was indeed classed as a rover.
Aside from his wolf companion and a small bag on his back, he appeared to be alone.
Drayce didn’t realise that he had stopped walking and was all but staring at the kid until Blayke kicked him lightly in the shins. “What are you staring at?” he asked.
“That kid,” Drayce said, not taking his eyes off of the pastel rover. “He doesn’t look right.”
“What do you mean?”
Drayce carefully studied the kid’s movements, his brow furrowing slightly. “He’s shuffling his feet and his arms aren’t swinging by his sides. His head is also down as if he can only concentrate on the path in front of him. His wolf companion is right at his heel, his tail down and slightly between his legs.”
“I think he’s sick,” Drayce said simply as stepped off of the curb and made his way to the other side of the street where the younger rover was.
“Wait a second,” Blayke muttered as he moved to follow him.
Balancing his shopping bags into one arm, Drayce approached the rover rather cautiously. “Ah, hey there?” he called out to him, surprised when the kid immediately stopped walking but failed to turn around and look at him.
But his wolf companion did. Blue eyes turned to look at him before quickly glancing back at the silent Therian. This continued a couple more times before a soft whimper was heard.
Drayce felt concerned and he lifted his hand hesitantly. “You-?”
Before Drayce could ask if he was alright and if he needed any help, the kid suddenly fell to his knees before slumping forward haphazardly on the ground.
“Shit!” Instinctively, Drayce dropped his shopping bag and tried to reach out to him. But he had to pull himself back when the wolf immediately lunged forward and stood over the young rover’s unmoving form.
An understandable reaction, but Drayce couldn’t see if the kid was breathing with a protective wolf growling at him.
“Easy now,” Drayce said as he crouched down to be at the same eye level before he reached out a hand toward the wolf. He made no attempt to pat him or touch him in anyway. He just lifted his hand, hoping that the wolf would find him non-threatening and perhaps by sniffing his hand, allow him to check on the kid. “I’m not a bad guy, promise.”
What felt like a solid five minutes of tension, but was probably a minute max, the wolf slowly stretched out his neck and sniffed at his hand. Drayce made sure to stay perfect still while the wolf took in his scent.
And when the wolf nudged at his hand with his nose, Drayce felt relieved.
“See?” Drayce said as he gently patted the side of the wolf’s muzzle. “I won’t hurt either of you.”
The wolf seemed to understand him as he uttered a low whimper and removed his protective stance on his master.
Quickly, but carefully, Drayce rolled the rover onto his side and carefully slipped an arm under his shoulders to pull him into a sitting position. The kid was thankfully breathing, but it was laboured, coming out in short puffs and near-silent whimpers. His eyes were clamped shut and his face was creased into a look of pain. But most noticeable was how red his face was and how sweaty he appeared to be.
“What’s wrong with him?” Blayke asked as he cautiously crept closer, eyeing off the wolf as he did so.
“A fever,” Drayce said before he slipped an arm under the rover’s knees and all too easily picked him up. “Let’s take him back to the guildhouse. Sorry, but could you get the groceries?”
“Yeah, sure,” Blayke said as he shifted his bags to one arm.
But as he reached out to grab the bags that Drayce had dropped, the white wolf unexpectedly beat him to it. The wolf snared a couple of the bags with his mouth and picked them up easily. It was either something he was trained to do, or it was the wolf’s way of wanting to help somehow.
Drayce liked to think it was the latter.
“Let’s go, Doggo,” Drayce said.
They had been thankfully close to the Crescentia before the incident. They were also lucky that the front door had been left slightly ajar in preparation of them returning with their arms full of food and other groceries.
Keeping a firm grip on the young Therian in his arms, Drayce pushed open one of the doors with his shoulder and hastily stepped inside. “Hey, Ashton!”
“Welcome back,” Ashton responded before he stepped out of the dining room with a broom on his shoulder. “I’ve just finished the kitchen and-”
He stopped mid-sentence when his gaze fell upon the rover resting fitfully in Drayce’s arms. A look of confusion as well as concern appeared on his face. “What in the world?” he asked as he ventured closer.
“He fainted on the sidewalk in front of us,” Drayce explained quickly. “I couldn’t leave him.”
Ashton looked at the kid before shifting his gaze up at Drayce. His eyebrow was arched, yet he didn’t seem all that surprised. “Let’s see,” he said instead as he returned his attention back to the unknown rover. “He’s unconscious. He’s also burning up. Place him in the seating room while I’ll get a bed ready.”
“Sure,” Drayce said as he turned on his heel and quickly made his way to the large seating room.
The white sheets that protected the furniture from dust had thankfully been removed, so Drayce carefully placed the still unconscious rover onto a couch and laid his head upon a pillow. The pillow was a light blue, and alarmingly, the flush to the kid’s cheeks stood out harshly.
“He doesn’t look good,” Blayke said as he, along with the white wolf, entered the room. He was carrying a bowl of water and a cloth, thankfully.
And as Blayke placed down the bowl of water onto a nearby coffee table, the wolf companion immediately sat by the couch in front of his master, his nose gently nudging at his hand. He then uttered a small whimper, one akin to that of concern and confusion as he gently licked at the kid’s hand.
The wolf was a loyal companion and could heal the physical wounds of others through licking them. But unfortunately, the kid was ill with a fever. Either from infection or a virus. He needed medicine. And rather quickly, too.
“I think he needs a botanist,” Blayke said after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Drayce said as he lifted his gaze from the kid and turned in the direction of the front door. “I better go find one.”
Blayke was naturally going to protest, to ask him where he was thinking of finding a botanist when Ashton entered the room.
“I might know someone,” he unexpectedly said with a small but knowing grin. “He’s called a Botanical Genius, but a little picky when it comes to guilds or explorers he likes. He gets invitations to join a guild daily, but turned them all down.”
All very interesting, but that didn’t matter at the moment.
“Right now I’m not looking for a guildmate,” Drayce said. “This kid needs help. Surely he would agree to help him, right?”
Ashton continued to smile, as if he had expected such a response. “Here,” he said as he handed Drayce a slip of paper with an address on it. “This is where you can find him. But, whatever you do, do not mention his height. Or lack thereof.” 
Quickly grabbing the address, Drayce arched a questioning eyebrow but decided not to ask. “I’ll be back soon, ok? Watch the kid for me.”
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Namjoon Scenario: Stars Aligned.
Request: can I request a Namjoon scenario where it's a nice warm night and you open all the windows in the house and the stars and the moon are so bright you and Namjoon start talking about the future? (Like kids and marriage) sorry if this is too detailed🙈   
Genre: Romance     
There were certain times in your life that made you feel lucky, days you’d think of how special some things in your life were, and tonight was one of those times. You took off your jacket because it was getting too warm to have it on, resting your hip against the counter so you couldn’t miss a beat of your boyfriend going round the kitchen. Namjoon was all sharp angles and confident manliness, the sight of him never failed to make your heart do a little back flip even if you always dismissed the ridiculousness of that thought.
He’d taken off his jacket as well after arriving, you had taken a six hour travel just so you could spend the weekend away from the hectic rhythm of the city in a vacationing house, it was small and cozy, with the few necessary things for a couple and you were already enjoying the wash of fresh air that all the green around you offered. You could have taken a plane to make the travel shorter, but Namjoon had wanted to get there in car because that way you could enjoy more the views, he was much more of a detail oriented person than anybody would think just by looking at him, the thing was that Namjoon was a lot of things, and you loved unraveling every layer he had to offer.
–Are you tired babe? – he turned to look at you for a moment, a little smile shining on his lips. His hair was tousled and unkempt, the black t-shirt he was wearing fitting on him just right and you bit your lower lip because he just pulled off black so well.
–Not yet – that seemed to please him, both of you were already feeling lazy that for sure, but it was more a sort of comfortable laziness. Namjoon handed you a glass of wine and pulled you close by the hips.
You’d had dinner already while getting to know the town and you had strolled around with him while his arm rested around your waist, it had been a nice start for that lazy weekend and it was late already, you knew it, but it wasn’t like you had things to do or worry for tomorrow and that was the point of this.
Namjoon took a sip from his wine to then lean down to kiss your lips, and it was fair to say that the mix of wine and his lips were enough to make you lightheaded, plus the weather that night was warm and inviting, prickling on your skin, or maybe it was Namjoon’s closeness what got your own skin on fire.
This was one of the best ideas he’d gotten lately, both of you had been working non stop, always making a little room to see each other in between of course, but Namjoon had been wanting some quality time with you, he was just selfish as you said playfully to him, because he wanted you all to himself and there was no point in denying that.
You went towards the living room, it should be close to midnight already but he couldn’t be sure since he turned off his phone after he arrived there with you. Your luggage was still laying somewhere around the master bedroom but there were other things he wanted to take care of, you were on the top of that list.
–Let’s open the windows alright? – he said after watching you pull your hair up into a ponytail, you just giggled at that and both of you started to draw the curtains and do a quick work around so the fresh night air could make it inside the house.
You pretended to need Namjoon’s help more than once, saying how nice it was to have a boyfriend as tall as him, if only for having him coming behind you to the rescue. Of course he knew the game you were playing, but it wasn’t like he complained anyway, you’d always suspected Namjoon was as much into back hugs as you were.
–I’m happy we came here Joonie –
Namjoon opened the last window and turned to look at you, standing there while looking at the wide expanse of night sky, dressed with your flannel red shirt so long that you used as a dress and it looked as good as it was sinful on you, leaving your legs and your cleavage exposed in a way that had Namjoon’s eyes wandering for hours if he wanted, your shape was outlined by the moon that shone so brightly that night and if he was a romantic, he would say that his heart wanted to beat straight out of his chest with the sight of you, maybe he was a romantic deep down, one that didn’t write poems but songs about you, scribbling them with his lips on your skin and that was enough for him, his own form of art that had gotten you blushing more than once.
This was the way he always wanted to see you, to have you, to remember you; smiling, content, relaxed, and hopefully in love with him. Namjoon smiled with how deep his thoughts and feelings ran for you and just approached you, stealing a kiss form your lips as deep as his love.
–Why don’t we take a walk outside? –
You smiled against his lips in that way that was so thrilling and sexy at the same time Namjoon needed to get a grip of himself, then you were pushing him away with playful and excited eyes.
–I dare you to catch me – you winked at him and then ran towards the door, it took Namjoon almost a minute to react before he was going after you.
You were a fast girl but didn’t get far because he found you standing in front of the house, in the middle of the open since the property was near the mountains, you didn’t even have neighbors close, it was only the two of you there, so Namjoon approached you without a rush because you were just standing there looking up.
–I thought you were running away from me – he said with a mocking tone, placing his hands inside his back pockets.
You giggled, placing your eyes on him for a little second before moving them again to the sky. –I was, but this…– you opened your arms wide, signaling the whole expanse of the place. –This is breathtaking Namjoon –
–The night’s pretty, isn’t it? – you nodded in quiet agreement and he understood, with so many stars scattered on the sky and the moon full and bright it was quite the sight.
Both of you took a seat at the porch, on the little echelons of the entrance. You made room for him between your thighs and he made himself comfortable against you, with your arms surrounding his neck from behind he felt so full, so complete right there that Namjoon wasn’t even surprised when the words left his lips.
–I love you Y/N – He whispered, he’d stopped feeling flustered for saying such, because he was good with a lot of words but not those three, maybe it was because he hadn’t found the right one to share them with at the right moment, but with you, he felt sure and not a bit ashamed of what he felt.
You hummed behind him, your hands caressed softly along his shoulders to then get lost on his hair. –I love you too Namjoon, thank you for bringing me here –
He smiled delighted, part because of the way you were kissing down the side of his neck and part because that was just what he did when you were with him.
–I hope we can have more nights like this, you and I, much, much more – you laughed softly and Namjoon turned his head a little to look into your eyes.
–That sounds like a lot of nights then –
–Because they are – Namjoon was clear about that fact, there was no other way in which he imagined spending his nights and days if they weren’t with you, that thought had been on his mind and settling on the middle of his chest for a while, but right then, it just struck him how right it felt to think about just being with you for an indefinite amount of time, for all the time that was left for him. –Is it bad? Because I think… I think that well, life would be better if I get to spend the rest of my nights with you–
Namjoon had looked down while saying that, almost like it wasn’t something that was going to get you on wild motion, but it did, so you cupped his face to look at his eyes. You loved Namjoon, loved how simply it was to fit in with him, how he lifted you up at so many levels and you felt like you were best while being with him, so he saying this kind of things just made you think what it would be like to do as he said, to share all your remaining nights with him.
–Are you confessing to me Kim Namjoon? – you tried to be light about it, but you were a little breathless and it showed on your voice, so of course your boyfriend was going to catch up with that.
He laughed softly, licking his lips so your eyes followed the path of his tongue on them. –Maybe I am…–
–You totally are…– you whispered, no playfulness this time, and he just shrugged, nodding once.
–You’re worth it – Namjoon smiled and your heart was maybe trying to decide if to stop or have a heart attack, possibly both at the same time if Namjoon kept looking at you the way he was doing. –I can’t help but to think sometimes that if I were to marry, then… then I can’t imagine doing that with someone that is not you Y/N –
You took a deep breath, Namjoon had kept his eyes on you this time, one of his hands wandering down to hold yours.
–I can imagine all those things with you, even if we haven’t talked about it because you just drive me wild – he laughed softly, his voice was so husky then and then all those quiet nights that you were to spend together didn’t feel that far. –The commitment, the house, the kids and rapmon running along our backyard happy because I’m sure he even likes you more than he likes me –
You giggled with Namjoon’s words, fanning your face a little with your free hand because your emotions were skin deep, surely showing in every inch of you with the way he talked about a future together with such ease, as if that was the thing he wanted the most and while you looked into his eyes, you couldn’t believe otherwise.
–Well, we’re talking about it now – you smiled to your boyfriend, leaned down to kiss him the way you wanted to, the way you expected to keep doing for as long as you wanted, for as long as he wanted that too and the sheer emotion of that just made you throw yourself to Namjoon, causing both of you to stumble on the little echelons while laughing.
Namjoon caught you on his lap and your arms found home around him while he held you close, you pecked his lips once again because you could never have enough of his kisses and closed your eyes, resting your forehead against Namjoon’s and trying to even out your breath and your racing heart.
–That sounds like a good dream to accomplish – you whispered the words against his lips and felt the smile that took over them before Namjoon’s hands were making their way to your waist, squeezing it softly before surrounding it with his arms.
He nodded, not moving away from you, his eyes were closed too but he didn’t need to open them to see you, all of you was engraved on his mind.
–It does – he said feeling exhilarated and simultaneously so calm, this was the effect you had on him. You rested your head on the crook of his neck and he breathed deeply the night wind mixed with your perfume, leaving a kiss on top of your head while you pronounced a soft I love you against his skin.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Shield Hero Fans Go Nuts for Raphtalia's Swimsuit and Naofumi's Leveling Spree!
  Hear ye, hear ye, it's that time you've been waiting for every week: Shield Hero time! If you haven't watched this week's episode of The Rising of the Shield Hero, please shield your eyes from these spoilers!
  We start this week's episode with... new allies? I know Naofumi's name was cleared and all, but there's still a lot of people out there that still treat him like a criminal, so making new allies seems like a huge change of pace here! Nevertheless, we meet the BEST TEAM's bunkmates: L'Arc and Therese. Before they got too chummy, Raphtalia couldn't understand a word Therese was saying and asked if she was foreigner.
  Well, that was convenient! The language barrier is something Naofumi totally forgot about, since his handy dandy shield already translates everything for him. Now we can get to know our new allies! As Naofumi introduces himself... both L'Arc and Therese burst out in laughter? Wow, rude!
But they don't believe Naofumi to be ACTUAL Shield Hero, after all, the Shield Hero is an evil guy that deals with stuff like scames, blackmail and kidnappings. He can even get anyone who ends up annoying him killed! Truly an evil guy, right? Ahh...seems like news of Naofumi's name being cleared hasn't reached far and wide yet.
Even with L'Arc saying all those untrue things about the Shield Hero, he also believes that Naofumi himself doesn't have those terrible qualities, and that he's truly a good guy! Seems like they'll still be able to get along...hopefully! L'Arc still believes Naofumi's just hiding his real name, but he's too easy-going to care, which totally works for the Shield Hero team, because they offer to party up to take advantage of the Cal Mira's level boosts. The more, the merrier!
Before any real plans are set in stone, Naofumi gets summoned to meet the ship's crew. Something about getting the crew excited with having the Four Cardinal Heroes onboard... but how exciting can that be when three of 'em are total chumps? Ah well, at least Naofumi can share what he learned about the weapons' system: if you trust and believe the info about the systems that are told to you, they unlock and you can use them! It's a pretty big discovery and definitely some vital info that all Heroes need to know.
We are treated to the most sorry sight in this episodes: the three hero stooges being completely seasick and even unable to stand! "How are you okay, Naofumi?," they ask. Gee, is it because he's not a total lightweight like y'all?! Pathetic! How can the ship's crew even get excited over this?! Whatever, it's time to talk about the ever-important system discovery... but what's this? They don't even want to hear about anything "complicated" because their condition will worsen. Seriously? These three hero stooges will help with the Waves? Oh Naofumi... you have your work cut out for you!
What's hilarious to me is that L'Arc and Therese just stroll on by and they don't really pay much attention to the three sickly idiot heroes! I wonder if they know that those three are the Heroes of legend that will help save their world. Anyway, enough about the baka trio, Therese has a request for Naofumi, and she'll pay the big bucks for it! She heard from Raphtalia that he's quite skilled in jewel crafting, so she wants him to make her an accessory she could use. Since he's already getting the materials and he'll be paid, why not?
The BEST TEAM finally reach Cal Mira! The island is a popular spot with the tourists, and with good reason: it looks like a beatiful and relaxing vacation spot! But that's not the only reason that Cal Mira gained its fame; apparently the past Four Cardinal Heroes trained at the island, making it a big draw for travelers. With all of this bringing tourists and adventurers from all over, there's some rules they all gotta follow, like avoiding barging into other adventurers' battles to steal their prey... Isn't that basically telling them not to kill steal? Truly, this is an MMO! 
    Along with that weird totem pole-ish looking statue, there's an epigraph left behind by a Cardinal Hero? Nah, that can't be right, it's totally bogus--WOAH, it actually worked! So the legend of the previous Cardinal Heroes coming to train here wasn't a lie after all! In the midst of this discovery, L'Arc and Therese find our crew and make plans to party up for the leveling spree. Seems like Naofumi took a liking to those two! Hopefully they can stay allies for a long time... fingers crossed! With plans being set, why don't we see what leveling in Cal Mira is all about before calling it a day?
    Even low-level monsters give an ample amount of experience points! Excellent! And they spawn infinitely? Definitely a great area to farm some levels, that's for sure. But as with any leveling spree... after fighting the same weak enemies over and over, no matter how much exp. points they give, it becomes a total chore. It's time for some excitement; where are the higher level bosses?! 
    Wait a sec... why isn't anyone gaining exp. points all of the sudden? And then the three stooges heroes appear... of course they would all kill steal from one another! The three are quick to get territorial and  proceed to bicker and yell at each other. How old are these three again? 'Cause they sound like they're 6 right now.
    Naofumi's had enough of this farce and leaves to a higher level area. Finally, some excitement and that sweet exp. points boost! Not to mention better drops too; Raphtalia and Filo were able to get newer weapons to fight the higher level monsters with. With all this leveling... how is Naofumi not tired? Isn't he still cursed from his Blood Sacrifice curse? He couldn't hide this fact from Raphtalia, who urged Naofumi to rest. She's really the best girl! 
    Just on cue, L'Arc and Therese find the Shield Hero team, and they were worried about not seeing them come back to the main island. Having people worry over him is not something Naofumi is used to, and with Raphtalia, L'Arc and Therese teaming up to say "hey, enough is enough, pal," he can't refuse their offer to call it quits for the day. But not without drinking!
    Most of the time that Naofumi and crew gather with others, it ends up in chaos, but this time it was... really enjoyable! Getting some R&R without any trouble is such a rarity, so they enjoy as much as they can. We see Filo singing, Raphtalia being buff and destroying any fools who dare to challenge her, and Naofumi being indestructible when it comes to alcohol. It's a real treat to see the BEST TEAM enjoying themselves like this! 
    The next morning comes (thankfully, no hangovers!), and it's time to level like crazy with L'Arc and Therese! But not before Naofumi handing over the promised accessory he said he'd make for Therese. It's such a gorgeous looking accessory too made from a rare and vibrant red Starfire! She's so overjoyed that...she's crying? "The jewel is filled with joy," she says as she praises Naofumi's skills. I wonder if her hobbies lie in creating, collecting  and analyzing accessories. Naofumi did such an amazing job that Therese wants to shower him with all the money! Wow, I guess he won't be worrying about going broke for awhile, huh?
    Now they're ready to kick some butt and gain some levels! With a bigger and balanced party, leveling was a breeze; the BEST TEAM reached level 70! However, now gaining more exp. points got to be a drag with the lower level enemies, and y'all know what that means: time to take on the area's boss!
  Therese uses her strange new skill from the accessory she got from Naofumi on the mob...but with Naofumi in the mob?! What's the big idea, Therese?! Are our new allies traitors?! No... that's not right. The skill obliterates the enemies, but it didn't harm a hair on Naofumi. And in addition to that, it seems to have lifted the curse on Naofumi? What the heck is this skill?! 
Our team chalks it up to it being just another strange spell in the already strange world they're in. As they all split their loot, there's an apparent "weird" item that dropped. What was it? Unfortunately, WE NEVER GET AN ANSWER. Why?! I want to know! Will this come up later? Will it be important later?! TELL ME!!
Mystery item aside... Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo have worked very hard, so why not time for a break? Let's go to the beach and relax! Filo looks adorable with her cute pigtails and swimsuit; an angel of the sea! And Raphtalia? Dear LORD, she's a knockout with her swimsuit! Buuut... Naofumi pays zero attention to that as Filo tells him that she's discovered an interesting new area to check out underwater.
    Haha, ohmygod, those outfits... Naofumi has a strange sense of style! Where did he get those penguin onesies?! As ridiculous as those outfits are, it lets them get by underwater to see where this mystery place is. And they sure found it, but it was sealed tight. How were they to get inside? Naofumi lightly touches the door and it reacts to his shield, opening and making a path for them. But wait, there's air inside? Just what is this place?
    Surprise! There's a dragon hourglass here, hidden away in this island! It looks identical to the one at the cathedral back in the capital too. This... is terrible news, because any place with one of these hourglasses can be attacked by a Wave. What's worse, this hourglass reads that there's only TWO DAYS before the next Wave hits this area. WELP, I guess good thing everyone's been doing their leveling, right? We can only hope the other three idiots have been leving as well. How difficult will this Wave be? Will the Four Cardinal Heroes protect the islands and successfully defeat all the enemies? Will Glass show up again? And what was that mystery item they got while leveling?! We won't know until next week's episode as we get closer to this season's finale!
  While we wait for our burning questions to be answered, let's get to the best part of this segment: your reactions! What did y'all think of this week's The Rising of the Shield Hero episode? Let's find out!
  This is what we wanted ???????????? pic.twitter.com/9QN6WUjAMl
— Giovanny Barrantes ジオ???? (@SomecallmeGeo) June 12, 2019
  Drunktalia is the stronger girl pic.twitter.com/mjGfQdnUA0
— Ginto (@Ginto62) June 12, 2019
  Don't mess with Raphtalia when she's had some of that drink ????????#shieldhero pic.twitter.com/8hAm1VnSi1
— Chandler Ingram (@Chandler_Ingram) June 12, 2019
  Best Ponytail ever ! #shieldhero pic.twitter.com/PWAqEy9lLZ
— Ginto (@Ginto62) June 12, 2019
  #shieldhero cute pic.twitter.com/T1rnG8bNye
— ???? Caio Hope ❤️ (@CaioHope) June 12, 2019
  Filo solo concert when? I would pay big money for it. #shieldhero pic.twitter.com/MaTZQz1ymz
— Henry兄さん???? (@TheHenkuku) June 12, 2019
  Therese is cute. ????#ShieldHero pic.twitter.com/7e5WidxcA5
— Matsukaze Kuki (@MatsukazeKuki) June 12, 2019
  Loves seeing them all team up if only for a short time. Made a hell of a team #shieldhero pic.twitter.com/I7tDb3bF11
— Chandler Ingram (@Chandler_Ingram) June 12, 2019
  An hourglass here of all places???? ???? and a wave is about to hit in just 2 days!!!!!#shieldhero #盾の勇者の成り上がり pic.twitter.com/JSxhCsriNh
— ✨Diego The Royal✨ (@prodegyxtinct) June 12, 2019
  My Best Boys are cool now, right? They're allowed to be buds now, right?#ShieldHero ❤️???? pic.twitter.com/gkZrbPRBlh
— Matsukaze Kuki (@MatsukazeKuki) June 12, 2019
  ah, yes! another cute Shield Hero episode!!! ????????????
— Kirie (@Kirie_Zero) June 12, 2019
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 131
Click on the video above to watch Episode 131 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.  
Adam: I need a standing desk so I can …
Bradley: There we go.
Adam: All right, we are live, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts, episode 131. Today is the 10th of May and we’ve got three of us here today, it’s myself, Bradley and Hernan. Marco I believe is out about to do some traveling and Chris is on a dial up modem so there’s no way he’s coming in today. Hernan how’s it going? You froze up but I think he might still be there.
Hernan: Yeah, webinar [inaudible 00:00:29] but I didn’t know what the freak is going on. Anyway, it’s good, I’m glad to be here. Bradley, how about yourself?
Bradley: I’m good I’m happy to be here as well. Kind of light on questions today so far, so we’ll see, but we’ll get through what we can. I know there’s a few announcements to get started, correct?
Adam: Yeah, we definitely got a few. Went sent out an email earlier, but tomorrow is the structured data webinar, so if you have any interest in finding out some really good stuff, structured data, I’m not gonna go through it all but I am gonna put the link on the page and it will be in the YouTube description so please click on that. It’s your standard webinar page but we’ve got a lot of details on there. I’m not gonna try to go through that off the top of my head, but that’s gonna be Marco with Brian [inaudible 00:01:14] and then several of us are gonna be there, so by all means please come check that out. You need to attend live if you want to check this out, it’s your one chance to see that, after that we haven’t set a price. We’ll have to talk to Marco but I imagine that’s gonna be expensive, so be there.
Coming up on Monday we’ve got a really cool webinar as well with Justin Sardi. I know a bunch of guys know who he is, so he’s gonna be talking to us about obviously video related SEO stuff. That’s it for now, I’ll have some more emails coming out later. I’m gonna talk to him and then we’ll get that setup.
Bradley: It’s video ads, he’s gonna be talking more about ads than SEO isn’t he? I’m pretty sure.
Adam: Yeah, sorry. No, I had the notes wrong. I was like, “Wait, that’s Justin, that sounds right.” No, yep definitely video ads, but I think it’s gonna be with some updates as well to TubeSift, which is a really cool program, so that’s one that, again, we use for YouTube targeting. I know Bradley, you use that program don’t you?
Bradley: Yes, a lot, yep.
Adam: Awesome. I’ll have some more information for you guys on that, and then also, obviously if you’re new to Semantic Mastery check out the Syndication Academy, that’s syndication.academy and I’ll pop that link up here. If you are looking for [inaudible 00:02:29] services head over to SerpSpace, that’s serpspace.com and you can get your free account. If you haven’t been there recently, by all means head back over to SerpSpace and check it out. We’re in the middle of a redesign, but we’ve also added a lot of services and as well now at the top, you can see if I’m on the screen here, at the top bar you can click on tools and there’s some really cool free tools, one of them’s a structured data tool and then go check out the rest of the stuff there. And then Bradley, I think you’ve got something coming up right?
Bradley: Yeah, one thing. Well, two things I want to mention. Number one is frequently asked questions guys, also a lot of questions that get asked here are questions that get asked a lot are on our frequently asked questions or in our knowledge base area, which you can find at support.semanticmastery.com, again that’s support.semanticmastery.com and just click on the knowledge base for the product that you have questions about or look through all of them because there’s a whole lot of really good ones as well.
The other webinar that we’re gonna be doing next week is the Rocket Video Ranker Pro bonus webinar for any of you guys that ended up picking up the Tube Authority Rocket and Rocket Video Ranker Pro Suite from Bill Cousins from our webinar, we’re gonna be having the bonus webinar from five until six PM Eastern next Wednesday, so immediately following Hump Day Hangouts. It will be a one hour webinar, I’m gonna have to keep it short or keep it to that sixty minute mark because I get my daughter on Wednesday evenings for dinners. But yeah, it should be good, it will be me and Bill Cousins and [inaudible 00:04:02] and we’re gonna be talking about some different strategies, both SEO for how to get better results as well as how to use that tool for prospecting and landing clients and for lead gen and that kind of stuff, so make sure that you’re there.
We may even make that available for anybody to join, I haven’t determined that yet, but we may make that available for everybody and if that’s the case, just be on the lookout for an email if you want to come attend, okay?
Adam: Awesome. And don’t forget also one of the great reasons to go to the support site, support.semanticmastery.com, is you can find Bradley’s artwork on various posts there. Those drawings over time have been saved for … No, they’re really good a lot of times, because it’s tough to draw that kind of stuff on the fly, so we’ve saved the ones that Bradley’s done like where he’s explained different tier structures.
Bradley: I’ve got some better ones. The most recent one that I did was for the Syndication Academy update webinar was pretty good, Marco even commented on it.
Adam: Nice. All right, I think that’s it.
Bradley: Let’s go ahead and get into questions now, update the screen. Can you guys hear me now?
Adam: Yes.
Bradley: Hello?
Adam: Yep can you hear me? We’re good.
Building A Blog In A Subdomain On A WordPress Site
Bradley: Now I can, yeah. There’s that weird delay on WebinarJam. Okay, so Alexander’s up, he says, “Couldn’t find an answer to that exact question. Even in a WordPress site, should I build the blog in a sub domain so I can be a little more aggressive with links? For me, looks like it loses a little power, sub domain not on the domain but for sure is safer.” Yeah, it is safer Alexander. But you can do that, I don’t see the point really of doing that unless you were gonna be like really aggressive, I don’t really see the point in doing that.
Personally, I would leave the blog on the route domain or from the sub domain if that’s what you’re running it from. What I’m saying is, if it’s a WordPress site on the root domain, I wouldn’t separate the blog out of that unless there was a specific reason for doing it. Not just for content syndication, which is I think what you’re talking about. Because you can use the blog on the main site for the content distribution, right? In other words, you publish to the main blog and that syndicates out. I don’t see why you would be worried about being super aggressive unless you were gonna be posting like a whole bunch of spammy content or maybe posting too frequently, in which case yeah, that could be a problem.
Or if you were using automated content generators to post to the blog, in which case yeah I would say absolutely put that on a sub domain. But if you’re creating typical content for the blog for that site that would make sense, that’s relevant, it adds value, you know that kind of stuff then I would say just do it right from the root blog. But again, if you’re gonna be using automated content generators or you’re using spun content or low quality content and content sources, then yes I would separate that out and do the content distribution from sub domain and that would be to protect your root from those spammy activities, you wouldn’t be hosting or publishing that lower quality content on your root domain at that point. Hernan, what do you think?
Hernan: Yeah, I would still keep it on the root domain. Even when you’re doing sub domains and link building, you can be a little bit more aggressive but if you have something valuable on the root domain, I wouldn’t do it, even if you can. Use 301’s, we have gone through this several times, but I wouldn’t do it. If it is a [inaudible 00:08:02] site I will still do it on the root domain, you know what I mean? And I will still take care of that even if I’m blasting a sub domain because if it’s working right now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s gonna work in the near future, we already know that, so tread carefully.
Bradley: Again, only if I was doing some real spammy stuff. As far as being aggressive, you can be aggressive from your main blog as long as it’s high quality content, right? It’s good, it’s relevant, it’s adding value, that kind of stuff. You can be aggressive from there because essentially what you’re doing is just publishing content and that syndicates out to the network which, in turn, builds the links and the social signals and blah blah blah, you know how it goes Alexander. Again, unless I was doing automated content or just low quality stuff, or posting too frequently then I wouldn’t worry about, I would just do it right on the root blog.
Does NoFollow Internal Links Save More Juice For The Other Internal DoFollow Links?
The other part of that question or second part says, “Other quick one, no follow internal links, really, save more juice for the other internal do-follow links or just avoid sending them, they’re part of the linking juice. I mean, one follow and one no follow, the follow would get only 50% and the other 50% would be lost.” Now the way that it works, Alexander, is that if you have two links in an article body, like a post body and one of them is no follow and one of them is do follow then the 100% or damn close to it, there may be a slight loss from the no follow but it’s not much.
The 100% of any link juice flowing into that page, so equity flowing into that page should flow to that follow link, right? It’s not 100%, there’s always a loss, in every hop there’s a loss, so going through that URL. But what it’s basically doing is it’s not splitting it between those two URLs, it’s not saying, “Okay there’s two links in this content body of this post, so therefore half of the juice is gonna go through the do-follow link and the other half of the juice is gonna hit the no-follow link and stop.” That’s not how it works, it’s just like pouring water into a cup or liquid flowing, that’s how I always think about it, is think about how liquid flows. It always takes the path of least resistance, but it’s not gonna just stop at the no-follow link, it’s gonna work its way over to the follow link and go that way, does that make sense?
Again, there’s a slight loss through every link and then there may be some slight loss on no-follow links but it’s nominal, it’s marginal, okay? They used to call that page rank sculpting, when internal links, you would link with some that were no-follow and some that were do-follow and I don’t know if you’d still call it page rank sculpting, maybe it’s theme sculpting now, I don’t know what you would call it now, but I still practice it. I know Hernan doesn’t, but I’ve still been practicing no-following navigation links, for example to contact us and about us pages and that kind of stuff, I always try to direct where the bots and the link equity is flowing through the site, and you can accomplish that by adding no-follow tags strategically.
  Do You Use A CRM In Managing Your Customers?
Okay, Brian’s up he says, “How do you manage your customers? Do you use a CRM? I noticed all the free CRM scripts inside [inaudible 00:11:22], I was wondering if you have used them before?” No, as far as manage my customer … I’ll be honest with you, I keep a pretty simple management process. All of my clients and lead gen properties, all my local stuff is all inside of Bright Local because that’s where I do most of my reports from and everything, my reporting is through Bright Local, so I just have everything in there which is great because they have a client or contact database and you can go in and add multiple locations per client, you can keep all kind of information, so I guess it acts as a CRM, Bright Local does. But I use it specifically just to generate reports and then I use Google Drive for just about everything.
I’ve got a spreadsheet for each client, a separate folder and drive for each client, that kind of stuff and where I keep all their data. I just create reports from Bright Local and then I’ll email those out to the customers and that kind of stuff. I also use Google contacts so that when I’m sending out or somebody calls or anything like that, it always comes up with the correct name but that’s it. I don’t use any fancy CRM software, I never have. It just was one additional piece of software I never felt like I needed to learn, and Bright Local handles everything for me as far as just keeping that and my spreadsheets, is all that I need to keep all my lead gen properties and my clients straight and all in the same locations, if that makes sense.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: What do you guys use? Both of you?
Hernan: I don’t use a CRM either. The thing is like, I think, and this is probably a misconception of mine that you can use, or it’s better to use a CRM when you are handling a bunch of clients, when you’re handling maybe 10 plus clients. But since I usually don’t, I usually work with maybe three or four clients/partners at a time, I usually do not need one and usually when it comes to [inaudible 00:13:29] campaign or maybe spreadsheets, that’s the job. But when you have a lot of steps and little things or little clients, I think that we might need to implement a CRM when it comes to GRT at some point because it’s gonna be much more volume, when at the end of the day we don’t need … Like I personally don’t need or I don’t feel I need a CRM because again, there’s only like two or three major projects going on at any given time, you know what I mean?
Adam: I’ll take the opposite stance, although I think it’s totally possible to do this with a Gmail account. I use Contactually and so far I like it, I think it’s overkill for what I do because I tend to do about the same as Hernan, where I’ve only got a few, not even a handful of clients at once. But the ones I’m talking to, the process takes long enough that I like to have reminders who I’ve talked to, has it been a week, did I send out a request for information or something I haven’t heard from them in a week? Because it’s really easy to lose track of that. I’m paying, I think something like 50 or 60 bucks a month, but my rationalization for that is, let’s say is 50 bucks a month, that’s 600 bucks a year. If I close one client it more than pays for itself. More than that, it’s losing that dream deal, so maybe they’ve locked me into that by fear but I like it. And there’s some additional features that are pretty nice. Again, I don’t think it’s necessarily needed, but I like that it’s handled and I don’t have to think about it.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree. When I was at the height of my agency days when my agency was a lot bigger. It’s a lot smaller now intentionally because I’ve reduced the amount of clients that I work with from, at the top I had about 30 clients and now I’m at 11, and I actually just picked up another client today. I typically don’t do anymore client work but it was a referral from one of my clients that I’ve had for four years now, so it was a good referral and because of that a quoted him a decent price. It would higher than I probably would have charged two years ago, but it wasn’t unreasonable like I have been recently.
Usually now when I get people contacting me for marketing services on a client level, I quote such ridiculously high prices because I don’t want to do it. If they’re willing to pay me that much then I’ll certainly do it, but otherwise I don’t want to do it. I actually picked up another client today. But what I was saying was that I agree that I think if we, for example, with our traffic agency that we’re gonna be opening up we’re gonna be doing a lot of volume, so we’re gonna need a good CRM for that kind of stuff. But for the most part, like I said, Bright Local handles everything.
And then as Adam said, Google Calendar. I use Google Calendar for everything, I live by it. If it’s not in the calendar, it doesn’t get done. So I setup notifications and all that kind of stuff on calendar to remind me certain things that have to be done and all that kind of stuff, but I like keeping it simple where possible. Having to learn another piece of software’s not something I want to do, I can tell you that.
Adam: I gotta give a shout out to two more pieces of software that I really like. One of them is called Focuster, which is a really awesome to-do app that integrates with your calendar and it auto schedules around your calendar. If you put in create client proposal, 30 minutes, it fits it into your day based upon what you have open, which is awesome. I’ve tried a bunch of calendars for working with clients to let scheduling happen and I know a lot of people already use this, but I’ll just give another thumbs up for Acuity. I’ve used a bunch of different services and recently switched over to them and that’s been really nice.
How Do You Combine Two Brands To An Existing Affiliate Site?
Bradley: Cool, very cool. Okay, Greg’s up, he says, “Hi, I have an affiliate website promoting several companies, an important page promoting the top company ranks very well, but that established company is now partnered with a worldwide known brand, which itself has not previously had any of its own products in this niche. A similar example would be if Gary Fisher Mountain Bike Company partnered with Nike and still makes and markets the bikes, but the Nike brand name will be on all the bikes. The company website is still Gary Fisher with the same Gary Fisher models, but the Nike brand name is now on the bikes and the website pages. I need to have both company names on the same page. Web searches will continue using the original company name for at least several years, but there are now new searches in this niche for the huge brand name. A current page URL slug contains only the name of the original company. Would you create a new page using a slug with both company names and redirect the old company page to the new? Just changed the H1, H2 and some of the text and added a second brand name on the current page? Thanks.”
That’s a good question. If you are ranking already with the current page, I don’t know that I would want … This is my opinion, I’d like to get Hernan’s opinion as well, but I don’t know that I would want to mess with the URL. Because if you change too much on a page, especially when you’re in a competitive market, in other words if there’s other people competing for those top spots, which most of them are gonna be, and you start changing things structurally, you will see some dancing, there’s no question, and that includes changing the URL.
Adding some mentions of Nike into the page itself without changing the slug is less likely to cause at least as significant a dancing as changing the slug would. It doesn’t mean that it won’t dance a little, it probably will. I don’t know that for sure, but it probably will. But changing the slug it’s almost guaranteed to dance, I can tell you that. I would probably, personally, my own opinion would be to probably leave the slug as it was and just add the additional content onto the page. I would also look into, and this would actually be a pretty good topic possibly for tomorrow’s structured data webinar. I don’t know how far we’re gonna get into Q&A in that webinar, but I would also try to figure out a way to mention both brands within the structured data for that page in the [inaudible 00:19:50] markup that you put up in the header or whatever was so that both brands are being mentioned or cited within the structured data so that it can help to rank for both search queries, if that makes sense. But again, I don’t think changing the slug’s really the best idea, but that’s my own personal opinion. Hernan, what do you think?
Hernan: I agree with you Bradley. In fact, there’s been these kind of tests, you know when you’re talking about an article? I’m assuming that Greg has some sort of eCommerce solution, that’s why he’s saying he needs to be optimizing the products for both brands. But when you have a [inaudible 00:20:29] or when you have a website, usually articles and topics or interests and maybe keywords surrounding the topic, they change, they go forward or they change during time because people are getting interested in some other topics or maybe there is something new, there’s a new discovery about the topic, et cetera, et cetera.
What people usually do, with good results, is to go back to the article and add content, optimize for the new keywords. That’s exactly what I would do. I wouldn’t change, if you’ve got good rankings, I wouldn’t change the URL even if it is with a 301 because you might lose some rankings. I would definitely add some more content, maybe not all at once but see if you add a couple of paragraphs with the new keywords, I would definitely go and try to reoptimize a little bit of the metadata and the [inaudible 00:21:23] you were saying, Bradley, but I wouldn’t change the URL because if you change it, it’s gonna be a completely new page under Google sites, even if you do a 301. That’s exactly what I would do, I would change and slowly add content, like add a couple of paragraphs and wait for maybe 15 days so a couple of weeks and then go back and add a little bit more, but that’s what I would do.
Are There Any Risks Of Having Too Many Subdomains That Point To Each City?
Bradley: Very good. Yeah guys, structural changes will often cause significant dancing. Content changes will often no, or will reduce of minimize the dancing. Doesn’t mean you won’t see it but it’s usually often a lot less significant or volatile, if that makes sense. Okay, Don Johnson, “I have a client that has locations in several spread out states, Texas, Florida, California, so creating any kind of city pages on the route doesn’t make sense. Obviously all actual Google my business locations will be sub domains, but other supporting cities without Google my business will also be sub domains. Are there any risks to having too many city sub domains?”
No, I don’t think so Don, I’ve never reached a limit. I don’t have maybe more than 20 sub domains on any one site, but if it’s legit then it shouldn’t cause any problems. If you’re creating dozens or hundreds or thousands of sub domains for spammy stuff … I know we’ve done it, we’ve done it for testing stuff, then that may throw up a flag. But if you’re doing legit business locations or city sub domains then absolutely, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. I prefer the sub domain method, there’s no question, but only to a point. It depends on what kind of scale I’m gonna be building a site up to, like in other words if I’m scaling to … If I started off as a statewide site but I only covered a couple of … and I wanted to do like, let’s say county sub domains or something like that, then that would make sense.
But when you start getting to city sub domains, each sub domain would have its own WordPress installation guys, that’s a lot. It can quickly add up to be an enormous management nightmare to manage that many individual WordPress sites. Obviously you can use stuff like MainWP and all that kind of stuff to try to manage these big large dozens or even hundreds of WordPress sites, but that’s still, again, cumbersome. You’ve gotta weigh out, first of all, where do you think you’re gonna go with this site? How many pages or cities or how much are are you gonna cover? That kind of stuff, and then determine, is it gonna be worth building out separate sub domains for everyone of those? Or would it be better to reduce overhead and management and silo the main side out and use categories and sub categories and posts.
In other words, use probably a complex silo structure in this case and that way you only have basically one site to manage. Again, it really, Don, it has to be up to you to determine how much risk you’re willing to handle and also how much management you’re willing to handle, and then you have to strike the balance between the two and determine which it the better option. Again though, just as far as answering your question about the sub domains, specifically if they’re legit, if they’re there for a reason then I don’t see it being a problem because I’ve seen sites out there with thousands of sub domains and they’re fine. What do you think Hernan? He must be muted.
Hernan: Whoops, sorry. What about now?
Bradley: Yeah, I can hear you.
Hernan: Can you hear me?
Bradley: Yep, yes.
Hernan: I was about to say that when you are … The thing is that when you are planning and you’re structuring out, this is kind of a structure. You need to pan out the entire structure of the website before going out there and building it, even further if you know that’s gonna be a big project. I would suggest that you go with the least options possible on the sub domain, meaning if you’re doing three or more … Let’s say that you’re building a directory of estheticians, you know? Maybe you have three of four categories that you will use, those will be your sub domains.
Now when you’re going on a city place, that would be a much broader category, so the states would be your sub domains, does that make sense? You want to pick [inaudible 00:26:19] and you want to pick the least amount of variables when it comes to sub domains, that’s why we usually go for states on the sub domains and then cities as sub pages, because cities you have 30,000 or something like that. But states you only have 52 or 54, depending on how [inaudible 00:26:42] you’re going. That would be my take, but when you’re sitting out, when you’re sitting down to pan out the entire structure you need to have this in mind, this is kind of the previous work before you’re actually out there setting up the website, because I agree with Bradley, it’s gonna be a lot of managing if you go too deep with sub domains.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s a really good point that you mention, that’s actually a really good strategy Don, would to be to setup state sub domains then like that Hernan says, because in your example you’re mentioning three states, and I know it may be more but my point is, is then you would only have, if it was just three states, Texas, Florida, California, you would have those three sub domains and then you could setup silos within the sub domain sites. What I would do, is I would end up going with probably a complex silo structure on the sub domain sites, setting up the counties as the top level categories and then the cities as the sub categories, if that makes sense. That’s what I would do because that way, like Hernan said, at most you’re gonna have 50 sub domains if you covered the entire US. That’s a hell of a lot more manage than trying to do a separate sub domain for each …
Just remember, for each Google my business location, like let’s say Los Angeles, California or let’s say Houston, Texas was one of them, right? Then if you had http://ift.tt/2rjIlGv, or whatever county Houston is in or surrounded by, because that’s typically how it goes, and then you could have your post level which would be the actual city and that would be the landing page for that Google my business account, if that makes sense. You can do that, you can grab the whole URL so the sub domain and all the way down through the category and subcategory level and use that URL as the sub domain, or excuse me, as the landing page for the Google my business profile.
That’s what I would recommend, I think that was a good idea for Hernan to say use state sub domains, and again, I would probably silo those out with counties as the top level categories and cities as the sub … You could technically, probably even get away with using a simple silo structure on a state wide sub domain site because you could essentially just go … A simple silo structure would be, top level categories would be your city, period, because it’s the city within the state, so you might not need that additional layer of that additional … With a complex silo structure I mentioned I would probably segregate the state by counties and then I would add the cities within the counties.
There is a logical hierarchy to that that makes sense, and it makes sense to Google too. Again, I always recommend using a simple silo where possible because complex silos can be exactly what the name implies, complex, and it’s much easier to map these kinds of sites out on a simple level, so what I would suggest … Again, you could consider doing a http://ift.tt/2qKgD8F and that’s it and you leave it at that level, and that would be a top level category page which means you could still create supporting posts on a simple silo structure, you could create simple supporting posts, or excuse me, supporting posts and place them in that top level category which would be your city, so that’s what you would blog under in that category. Again, I think that’s probably even a better way than using the complex silo structure, it’s just depends.
It’s depends on how many services you’re gonna have within, all that kind of stuff. Again Don, like Hernan mentioned is, whenever going to tackle a big project like this, I’ll spend literally hours, sometimes days mapping out how the structure’s gonna be built because it’s way better spending the time up front to really nail down how you’re gonna build the site, the architecture or the framework of the site, because otherwise if you start trying to build this out without a solid plan in mind for a large site like what you’re talking about with multiple locations, all that kind of stuff, it can get ugly fast and then one it’s already built it takes so much more time to try to clean it up than it does to just do it right the first time.
It’s a painful process for me to map out those kind of sites, but I think it’s necessary before starting the build. When you consider [inaudible 00:31:09] as a domain for every city in the country with 98.35% duplicate content I’m sure I overthink the safety aspect when it comes to loca, but I appreciate the help nonetheless. Yeah I think that, again, my first strategy or the one I would probably select is what he mentioned, and that would be state sub domains, it seems pretty logical, easier to setup that way.
How To Add Content To City Pages Without A High Degree Of Duplicate Issues?
MJ [inaudible 00:31:31] says, “To add to Dawn’s theme, when creating city pages [inaudible 00:31:35] has a high degree of duplicate content, is that still acceptable? What other ideas or content have you seen added to city pages and would be good to apply?” Here’s my thought and it has been for the last three years, MJ, about duplicate content for local sites. I have always tried to avoid that, and I have for at least the last three years I’ve tried to avoid that. I know people are still building sites and they’re using the same content for all local sites and all they’re doing is swapping out the location data, I get that.
I don’t like to do it because even though it may still work now, and I’ve been saying this for three years and it’s still working, I know, but at some point that’s gonna stop working, and I would hate to build my digital portfolio, build up all my assets with that because it’s working now, and have that stop working and I lose everything, right? I’ve always, always, always created unique content. The tree service industry is my biggest lead gen industry and I’ve got literally dozens of lead gen sites out there for tree service stuff. Every single page on every single site is unique content, that’s not bullshit. That is the honest to God truth, every page on every one of my sites in unique content.
I’m not saying it wasn’t content that was scraped and spun, that may be the case but it’s unique content on every single site. I did that intentionally because I consider my properties long term assets and not just here today gone tomorrow. Because of that I’ve always preferred to try to … Now there are some strategies that you can use to reduce content cost because I know that can be expensive, and here’s one of them. For example, you could have a generic super spun, and we have a provider by the way who’s Keith Goodwin of Super Spun, I think it’s superspunarticles.com, he can do this for you.
For example, if plumbing’s your niche you could a Super Spun document setup manually created by somebody like Keith Goodwin of Super Spun Articles that you can talk about just general plumbing stuff that you can use on every single page, but every time you output a new version of it, it’s gonna be considered unique. But then what you can also do is for each location page, so city specific or location specific, wherever you’re gonna use that content you can also add some local data, it would just be a paragraph or two about the location. In other words, maybe some historical fact or economic data or business growth data or something. You can tie local content, something about the location into that page along with an outputted version of a Super Spun whatever.
My point is it makes the page unique because first of all the content … I don’t like to use spun content on money sites guys, but for something like this where you’re gonna be mass producing multiple location sites, it’s really the only way to go right? Or else your content costs are gonna astronomical if you’re gonna be scaling. Get something that’s manually spun and again, Keith Goodwin Super Spun Articles are a great way … He’s really good at that. They produce really good spun documents so when you unspin it, it’s very readable, it’s not like the typical garbage crap that you get from spinning stuff in your own spinning software if that makes sense.
You could check that out and try that, but then by adding additional content that’s locally relevant, that’s gonna be unique on every page obviously because you’re gonna be talking specifically about that location and so that adds that level of unique locally relevant content that should actually help with [inaudible 00:35:32] and should also make it safer from potential penalties in the future for it being duplicate content.
Hernan: Yeah. Now I totally agree with you Bradley. The thing is if you go the extra mile with these websites, you can turn them into real assets. At some point I was doing, I don’t know. A million pages website or three million pages website or I don’t know. Huge Serp Shaker or Lead Gadget websites and the reality is that that was a grind. It was literally every day launching 10 new websites, you know, it was a grind. The reality, it was a real turn and burn strategy because those websites we all knew that they weren’t going to last. They were all duplicate spin garbage content that we’re all set up for. Amazon and Adsense in some cases and affiliate websites. It was a grind. You can either invest your time a little bit more and turn them into real assets that you can later serve apps to these, this is important because if this is a real asset and you’re spending I don’t know, a month setting this up, you want to keep it and expand it and scale it.
Or you can go the other route, the lazy quote on quote route which is never lazy, you’re always spending a lot of time and money and resources for a project that you don’t know how much it’s going to last. That seemed to fail if you’re using spam tactics. There are people that make a decent amount of money out of this but they are always, they need to be always on top of things. Otherwise Google can come and they can deem all of the x, y, z websites that you have and that’s a pain in the ass. That’s a big blow and that can put your business to sleep real fast.
Adam: Last year, we hired a couple of VA’s and I trained them myself to build those mass page sites using Lead Gadget and the ATM. There’s nothing wrong with those software, the application, that worked great. It did exactly what the hell it was supposed to do which would build 30,000 page sites in a matter of minutes. The long part was setting up the content, preparing for the build. Once that was all done, preparing for the build, you click the deploy button and within 10 minutes, you got a 30,000 page word press site. It’s amazing and it worked. It worked well but the problem was we had hired two VA’s and we built … Oh shit, I think we built 785 sites. I think it was 785, it was just under 800 sites I believe, on x, y, z domains. We were paying the labor for these two VA’s. That was their full time job to build sites all day long, eight hours a day, five days a week. We had like I said, just under 800 sites.
Think about all those domains we bought. Even not all of them were x, y, z’s and we got caught up in one of those. The big one last year where Google came through and deindexed a bunch of sites. We lost, out of 785 sites, we lost like 90 percent of them. It was ridiculous. Literally we had under 100 sites that remained intact that weren’t deindexed. It was so painful because it was, I mean, we’re talking thousands of dollars in labor and content and domains that was just gone. Wiped out in an instant. And part of it was the x, y, z domains but that wasn’t entirely all of it. So we started buying dropped domains, expired domains using a domain scraper, right? So we go out and we find domains and then we sort by the topical of trust flow and try to build on expired domains within at least the same ballpark.
In other words, the content that we’re going to be building on that site with the 30,000 pages was relevant to what the topical trust flow theme, the primary theme of that site was. It was never perfect because we were doing them in mass so we kind of had a streamline process of vetting domains. It wasn’t perfect, by far, I can tell you that. We started buying the expired domains at like 10 depending on .art, .coms, .nets, .orgs, whatever. It would range anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars per domain. Then we started rebuilding again and we ended up realizing, I don’t know, about another couple thousand dollars in and having several more sites deindexed that it was just a strategy that we just didn’t want to pursue anymore.
I know some people that are absolutely crushing it doing that kind of stuff. Personally, I don’t like turn and burn projects because I prefer to spend my time on building an asset that’s gonna produce revenue as far down the road as I can see. Personally I don’t like the turn and burn strategy as much as I’ve tried to do it in the past. I’ve had some success, there’s no doubt. I just prefer to spend my time actually building assets that are gonna be not subject to Google wrath at any given moment.
Should You Stream A Video Poked Via Live Rank Sniper To A Persona Channel Or A Money Channel?
Bradley: All right. Columbia Jones is up. She says, “When ordering a lot or excuse me, when using Live Rank Sniper, it is my understanding that the thumbnail title description, etc. are placeholders. It is also my understanding that I should use a persona YouTube channel to poke so when streaming the video, I want to rank into the position held by the poking placeholder. Can I safely stream to a money channel or a channel I value highly or do I have to stream it to the persona channel? Do I accomplish this by just streaming it through LRS or do you recommend some other method of streaming?”
No, Columbia. The placeholder is generated. What a placeholder is which you’re talking about is a scheduled live event which is indexable. In other words, if you go to YouTube and you go to live events, you schedule a new live event and you set it to public, then it will index. It will index prior to the event commencing, right? It’ll index the moment that you hit the save button with it set to public. That’s what publishes that scheduled live event which makes it indexable. Now you’re right, once that’s indexed, if it ranks or whether it ranks or not, whatever, that is a placeholder. So wherever it lands in the search, that’s a placeholder. But you can only stream through that channel where that placeholder is. You’ve identified that that’s a keyword that can rank from YouTube. So you can use a money channel to now target that keyword, it’s not gonna take over the place of the placeholder from the persona account, though.
In order for you to take, like actually inject the video into that placeholder, you have to stream through the channel where that placeholder was originated. Where that scheduled live event was originated, if that makes sense. You can do that with Live Rank Sniper. You can click the upload or whatever button, the tab it’s the other tab, and then go select the file and then wait for the manual process. That’s gonna stream two the scheduled event through the persona account that originated the scheduled event. Does that make sense? Again, if you already just know that that keyword can rank with that persona account, a poking channel, right? Which probably isn’t connected to anything else on the web, probably doesn’t have a syndication network. There’s probably no inherit channel authority with that channel. But you were able to rank for a scheduled live event for a keyword, then you should be able to go target that with your money channel and be able to rank, meet or exceed, where that placeholder scheduled live event is ranking from the persona channel.
Now, again, I say it should. But we are talking about Google and stranger things have happened. What I call is an algorithm economically, there is a chance that your money channel won’t rank for that keyword that the persona channel does. It’s unlikely, it probably will but I have seen that happen. It’s the weirdest thing. You use a bunch of shitty, spammy, poking accounts to test keywords and you get a list of those that rank and then you go target those with a money channel and syndication networks and some of those keywords don’t rank. That’s kind of like a head scratcher. It’s just part of the random ranking algorithm of Google. Or what Terry Kyle called it the random ranking factor.
Anyways, LRS or Live Rank Sniper will stream through the channel that set up the scheduled live event. You can use another software to stream, it’s still gonna be through the same YouTube channel, though. But you could use like, OBS, for example. OBS is free. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just use Live Rank Sniper other than Live Rank Sniper you don’t get to see the process, it basically pulls up a command prompt window and all you see is a bunch of code scrolling up the screen and that’s it. With like OBS, for example which is free, OBS you can just grab the stream key for that scheduled live event, add that to OBS, and then you can actually control how the stream works and you can add opening slides and end slides. Which can be still images with calls to action. You can actually combine multiple videos and have transitions, you can do all kinds of other stuff with OBS and again that’s free.
We’ve even got a couple tutorials on how to use OBS on our YouTube channel, Columbia. If you just go to YouTube.com, Semantic Mastery, and search our YouTube channel for OBS live streaming, OBS. Those kinds of keywords, you’ll see. We’ve got a few videos teach you how to do that if you want to do it that way. One other thing I would mention is if you’re gonna be doing a lot of that stuff, you might want to consider upgrading to Peter Drews Hangout Millionaire because I believe that you can add those same accounts to Hangout Millionaire after you’ve poked with Live Rank Sniper and then have Hangout Millionaire go automate the streaming of the videos to those scheduled live events, through those accounts. It’s the only way I know how to do it in bulk. Otherwise using Live Rank Sniper to manually upload or stream each video to the scheduled placeholder, it certainly can be done but it’s this slow and manual process.
It’s not a short fall of the software, it’s just that the software was not designed to do that for mass. It was really just a one on one, you know, one by one stream. You have to manually click a few clicks to get it to happen and then wait for it to complete whereas with Hangout Millionaire, you can enter in, add those Hangout accounts or those YouTube accounts to the software and then have it go stream. At least, it’s my understanding that it will go stream and it will automate streaming one video after the next after the next after the next until all the placeholders, as you called them, the scheduled live events have the video added. Okay. That would be my recommendation.
How Many Accounts That Can Be Flagged As Spammy In Twitter?
All right, we’re almost out of time and it looks like we are pretty good on questions. Greg says, “How many Twitter real, active accounts can we have before Twitter doesn’t like it. I currently have two Twitter accounts but I want to take over a family members project and add another account for that using my email IP address as well. Thank you.” Greg, I’ve created … Well I’m not much of a Twitter user but because of IFTTT accounts or syndication networks and stuff that I’ve created, I’ve probably created well over a hundred Twitter accounts on my IP. It’s not how many, at least as far as I know, it’s not how many accounts you have created under one IP. It’s how many accounts in what time frame that matters. If you try to create too many accounts in 24 hours, you can caught. I’ve never tried to create too many Twitter accounts to ever be blocked but I’m sure there’s a threshold just like there is for like Tumblr or Google or anything else. You’ll get flagged and it’ll put you through the verification ringer in order to open accounts if you do too many on any single IP within a 24 hour period. Do you guys know of any threshold?
Adam: I have no idea.
Hernan: Yeah, me neither.
Bradley: Okay. You should be fine, Greg. If you’ve only got two Twitter accounts tied to your IP, I’d just go ahead and start setting it up. It shouldn’t matter. You’re gonna need a unique email but that’s it. Remember you can use your gmail address, whatever your gmail address is before the @ symbol put + and then whatever you want in there. That’s gonna be considered a unique email address. It’ll just forward all the email to you, whatever your gmail address is. If it’s gregpippin@gmail, you could do gregpippin+twitterone@gmail. Whatever. All email will go to gregpippin@gmail if that makes sense but it’ll be considered a unique address.
Do You Need To Use A Proxy When Creating A Backup Persona?
Columbia says, “When creating a backup persona, does that need to be done using a proxy? It would seem that if Google did shut down one account that they could access your persona Google account through your IP address.” I would say no, Columbia. I wouldn’t worry about that because the thing is, Google maybe they could do that, I’ve never seen that happen. If you’re creating backup persona accounts, well I recommend that you do that on IP proxy’s anyways. Especially because if you’re doing a lot of poking again, using Live Rank Sniper to poke keywords, you’re going to be uploading or scheduling a whole bunch of live streams, live events from your IP. Unless you’re adding proxy’s to the software which I know you can do, right? Which again, I would recommend your persona accounts, you should have a dedicated proxy assigned to each persona account. I know we talked about this last week.
You should have at least five dedicated proxy’s. If you’re doing a lot of this kind of work, you should have a minimum of five but probably, well it depends on what your needs are. But I would start off with a minimum of five dedicated proxy’s. It’ll cost you about 20 bucks a month but it’s totally worth it because you could assign each YouTube account to a separate IP. Then every single time you’re running that software from your desktop, your IP, it’s gonna be running through the proxy for the persona account that it’s assigned to so that you’re not creating a footprint, so to speak.
All right guys. Remember, spamming and using SEO tools. Proxy’s are basically required. It’s just part of the business, it’s part of what we have to do. Thanks Adam, for putting that. I figured you would. All right guys, we’ve got five minutes. Don says, “Thanks guys. This client is a partner so we’ll probably have five to six cities surrounding each Google my business location. So long term, this would be a thousand sub domains, more like 25 to 50. I understand the labor management involved but with this long term client relationship equity, I’m okay with the work from my VA’s. I just want to know if there’s any unforeseen issues with too many sub domains. The states main idea is a great option, I hadn’t thought of. Might go that way, thank you Hernan and Bradley, I appreciate it.”
Can RVR And LRS Be Used In A Coordinated Way?
Absolutely, Don. Absolutely, no problem. That’s what we’re here for man. Curt says, “thanks for the webinar. can rvr and lrs be used in a coordinated way? Yeah. I talked about that, Curt, in the case studies that are in the bonus site. You should have access to if you bought either one of them. Essentially, I used the Live Rank Sniper to first identify what I call pockets of low hanging fruit, right? I’ve used it mainly just for local stuff. I started doing a near me, which is kind of local anyways, but a near me affiliate campaign with it but that started to grow too large and I had to redirect focus to some of the projects that are more realistic for the short term. Anyways, my point is is if you have access to the bonus site, just go back through and you don’t have to watch both full on case studies because that would take you hours, because they’re both pretty detailed. But you could probably watch the last one or two lessons within the Live Rank Sniper case study and in the first one or two lessons in the Rocket Video Ranker case study and you’ll see how I talked about combining the two.
But use Live Rank Sniper or any poking software to identify areas to test keywords. Once you identify low hanging fruit, then you can go target them using mass video spamming tools, which could be Rocket Video Ranker, it could be Hangout Millionaire, it could be Video Marketing Blitz, it could be Megaray. There’s a bunch of them. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses but you know the poking tools should be used on the front end because it’s much faster and easier to just identify keywords before you go in and start setting up spam campaigns which requires content generation and having a video and thumbnail creation and all that other kind of stuff that you need to do. I like to do the testing first and once I’ve identified what is easy to rank for, then I’ll go take the time to set up the campaign. Okay?
All right, the last question. Does Hangout Millionaire add thumbnails and create a unique [inaudible 00:52:52] for an identical video stream? Yes it does because first of all, Hangout Millionaire, you can add the thumbnails, essentially you can select a thumbnail folder. Like an opening thumbnail folder and a closing thumbnail folder and you can have different thumbnails in both folders and it will pick at random. What I like to do is we have a graphic designer, I just tell him I need ten thumbnails and he charges me two dollars and 50 cents a thumbnail. So 25 bucks, I get 10 thumbnails. I can have 10 opening and 10 closing thumbnails or you can even use the same 10 because it’s going to pick at random. You could have an opening thumbnail and a closing thumbnail from the same 10 but they’re different on the same video. In other words, might be thumbnail number three and thumbnail number seven. But yeah, you can do that and then let’s see … What’d he say? You need [inaudible 00:53:40] for identical video stream.
Identical video stream is always going to be unique. The length will be slightly different because you can randomize that on Hangout Millionaire as well. You can say that you want the first slide which is the thumbnail which I just talked about, the opening slide and the closing slide. You can say that you want the first thumbnail to appear between two to eight seconds for example. Or I like to keep it shorter on the opening thumbnail like one to three seconds but then on the closing thumbnail I’ll do anywhere between three to 10 or 12 seconds. Because then it will just at random select how long it will display those based upon that range of time that you put in there. All of that stuff, trust me, Peter Drew is a beast man. He’s really good and he really coded that well as far as all the stuff that can be done to randomize it and reduce footprint stuff. So check it out.
Okay. Okay, guys. We’re done. Right on time. Thanks everybody for being here, it worked out with questions and everything.
Adam: Yep. Thanks guys.
Hernan: Have a good one.
Bradley: Okay guys. We’ll see everybody. Just as a recap, tomorrow what do we got?
Adam: Tomorrow is the structure data webinar so sign up. The link is there and then we’ll probably send out a last minute email, make sure everybody sees it. Then Monday we’ll have some information about Justin Sardi talking about using TubeSift and get more out of YouTube and then what else next week? I’m losing my brain here after an hour of talking.
Bradley: Bonus webinar, Wednesday.
Adam: That’s right.
Bradley:Yeah. Okay, cool. All right everybody, hopefully we’ll see you guys tomorrow. Instructure data webinar, otherwise we’ll see you next week.
Adam: Bye everybody.
Hernan: Bye bye.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 131 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnZU8p
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brendajhensonblog · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 131
Click on the video above to watch Episode 131 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.  
Adam: I need a standing desk so I can …
Bradley: There we go.
Adam: All right, we are live, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts, episode 131. Today is the 10th of May and we’ve got three of us here today, it’s myself, Bradley and Hernan. Marco I believe is out about to do some traveling and Chris is on a dial up modem so there’s no way he’s coming in today. Hernan how’s it going? You froze up but I think he might still be there.
Hernan: Yeah, webinar [inaudible 00:00:29] but I didn’t know what the freak is going on. Anyway, it’s good, I’m glad to be here. Bradley, how about yourself?
Bradley: I’m good I’m happy to be here as well. Kind of light on questions today so far, so we’ll see, but we’ll get through what we can. I know there’s a few announcements to get started, correct?
Adam: Yeah, we definitely got a few. Went sent out an email earlier, but tomorrow is the structured data webinar, so if you have any interest in finding out some really good stuff, structured data, I’m not gonna go through it all but I am gonna put the link on the page and it will be in the YouTube description so please click on that. It’s your standard webinar page but we’ve got a lot of details on there. I’m not gonna try to go through that off the top of my head, but that’s gonna be Marco with Brian [inaudible 00:01:14] and then several of us are gonna be there, so by all means please come check that out. You need to attend live if you want to check this out, it’s your one chance to see that, after that we haven’t set a price. We’ll have to talk to Marco but I imagine that’s gonna be expensive, so be there.
Coming up on Monday we’ve got a really cool webinar as well with Justin Sardi. I know a bunch of guys know who he is, so he’s gonna be talking to us about obviously video related SEO stuff. That’s it for now, I’ll have some more emails coming out later. I’m gonna talk to him and then we’ll get that setup.
Bradley: It’s video ads, he’s gonna be talking more about ads than SEO isn’t he? I’m pretty sure.
Adam: Yeah, sorry. No, I had the notes wrong. I was like, “Wait, that’s Justin, that sounds right.” No, yep definitely video ads, but I think it’s gonna be with some updates as well to TubeSift, which is a really cool program, so that’s one that, again, we use for YouTube targeting. I know Bradley, you use that program don’t you?
Bradley: Yes, a lot, yep.
Adam: Awesome. I’ll have some more information for you guys on that, and then also, obviously if you’re new to Semantic Mastery check out the Syndication Academy, that’s syndication.academy and I’ll pop that link up here. If you are looking for [inaudible 00:02:29] services head over to SerpSpace, that’s serpspace.com and you can get your free account. If you haven’t been there recently, by all means head back over to SerpSpace and check it out. We’re in the middle of a redesign, but we’ve also added a lot of services and as well now at the top, you can see if I’m on the screen here, at the top bar you can click on tools and there’s some really cool free tools, one of them’s a structured data tool and then go check out the rest of the stuff there. And then Bradley, I think you’ve got something coming up right?
Bradley: Yeah, one thing. Well, two things I want to mention. Number one is frequently asked questions guys, also a lot of questions that get asked here are questions that get asked a lot are on our frequently asked questions or in our knowledge base area, which you can find at support.semanticmastery.com, again that’s support.semanticmastery.com and just click on the knowledge base for the product that you have questions about or look through all of them because there’s a whole lot of really good ones as well.
The other webinar that we’re gonna be doing next week is the Rocket Video Ranker Pro bonus webinar for any of you guys that ended up picking up the Tube Authority Rocket and Rocket Video Ranker Pro Suite from Bill Cousins from our webinar, we’re gonna be having the bonus webinar from five until six PM Eastern next Wednesday, so immediately following Hump Day Hangouts. It will be a one hour webinar, I’m gonna have to keep it short or keep it to that sixty minute mark because I get my daughter on Wednesday evenings for dinners. But yeah, it should be good, it will be me and Bill Cousins and [inaudible 00:04:02] and we’re gonna be talking about some different strategies, both SEO for how to get better results as well as how to use that tool for prospecting and landing clients and for lead gen and that kind of stuff, so make sure that you’re there.
We may even make that available for anybody to join, I haven’t determined that yet, but we may make that available for everybody and if that’s the case, just be on the lookout for an email if you want to come attend, okay?
Adam: Awesome. And don’t forget also one of the great reasons to go to the support site, support.semanticmastery.com, is you can find Bradley’s artwork on various posts there. Those drawings over time have been saved for … No, they’re really good a lot of times, because it’s tough to draw that kind of stuff on the fly, so we’ve saved the ones that Bradley’s done like where he’s explained different tier structures.
Bradley: I’ve got some better ones. The most recent one that I did was for the Syndication Academy update webinar was pretty good, Marco even commented on it.
Adam: Nice. All right, I think that’s it.
Bradley: Let’s go ahead and get into questions now, update the screen. Can you guys hear me now?
Adam: Yes.
Bradley: Hello?
Adam: Yep can you hear me? We’re good.
Building A Blog In A Subdomain On A WordPress Site
Bradley: Now I can, yeah. There’s that weird delay on WebinarJam. Okay, so Alexander’s up, he says, “Couldn’t find an answer to that exact question. Even in a WordPress site, should I build the blog in a sub domain so I can be a little more aggressive with links? For me, looks like it loses a little power, sub domain not on the domain but for sure is safer.” Yeah, it is safer Alexander. But you can do that, I don’t see the point really of doing that unless you were gonna be like really aggressive, I don’t really see the point in doing that.
Personally, I would leave the blog on the route domain or from the sub domain if that’s what you’re running it from. What I’m saying is, if it’s a WordPress site on the root domain, I wouldn’t separate the blog out of that unless there was a specific reason for doing it. Not just for content syndication, which is I think what you’re talking about. Because you can use the blog on the main site for the content distribution, right? In other words, you publish to the main blog and that syndicates out. I don’t see why you would be worried about being super aggressive unless you were gonna be posting like a whole bunch of spammy content or maybe posting too frequently, in which case yeah, that could be a problem.
Or if you were using automated content generators to post to the blog, in which case yeah I would say absolutely put that on a sub domain. But if you’re creating typical content for the blog for that site that would make sense, that’s relevant, it adds value, you know that kind of stuff then I would say just do it right from the root blog. But again, if you’re gonna be using automated content generators or you’re using spun content or low quality content and content sources, then yes I would separate that out and do the content distribution from sub domain and that would be to protect your root from those spammy activities, you wouldn’t be hosting or publishing that lower quality content on your root domain at that point. Hernan, what do you think?
Hernan: Yeah, I would still keep it on the root domain. Even when you’re doing sub domains and link building, you can be a little bit more aggressive but if you have something valuable on the root domain, I wouldn’t do it, even if you can. Use 301’s, we have gone through this several times, but I wouldn’t do it. If it is a [inaudible 00:08:02] site I will still do it on the root domain, you know what I mean? And I will still take care of that even if I’m blasting a sub domain because if it’s working right now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s gonna work in the near future, we already know that, so tread carefully.
Bradley: Again, only if I was doing some real spammy stuff. As far as being aggressive, you can be aggressive from your main blog as long as it’s high quality content, right? It’s good, it’s relevant, it’s adding value, that kind of stuff. You can be aggressive from there because essentially what you’re doing is just publishing content and that syndicates out to the network which, in turn, builds the links and the social signals and blah blah blah, you know how it goes Alexander. Again, unless I was doing automated content or just low quality stuff, or posting too frequently then I wouldn’t worry about, I would just do it right on the root blog.
Does NoFollow Internal Links Save More Juice For The Other Internal DoFollow Links?
The other part of that question or second part says, “Other quick one, no follow internal links, really, save more juice for the other internal do-follow links or just avoid sending them, they’re part of the linking juice. I mean, one follow and one no follow, the follow would get only 50% and the other 50% would be lost.” Now the way that it works, Alexander, is that if you have two links in an article body, like a post body and one of them is no follow and one of them is do follow then the 100% or damn close to it, there may be a slight loss from the no follow but it’s not much.
The 100% of any link juice flowing into that page, so equity flowing into that page should flow to that follow link, right? It’s not 100%, there’s always a loss, in every hop there’s a loss, so going through that URL. But what it’s basically doing is it’s not splitting it between those two URLs, it’s not saying, “Okay there’s two links in this content body of this post, so therefore half of the juice is gonna go through the do-follow link and the other half of the juice is gonna hit the no-follow link and stop.” That’s not how it works, it’s just like pouring water into a cup or liquid flowing, that’s how I always think about it, is think about how liquid flows. It always takes the path of least resistance, but it’s not gonna just stop at the no-follow link, it’s gonna work its way over to the follow link and go that way, does that make sense?
Again, there’s a slight loss through every link and then there may be some slight loss on no-follow links but it’s nominal, it’s marginal, okay? They used to call that page rank sculpting, when internal links, you would link with some that were no-follow and some that were do-follow and I don’t know if you’d still call it page rank sculpting, maybe it’s theme sculpting now, I don’t know what you would call it now, but I still practice it. I know Hernan doesn’t, but I’ve still been practicing no-following navigation links, for example to contact us and about us pages and that kind of stuff, I always try to direct where the bots and the link equity is flowing through the site, and you can accomplish that by adding no-follow tags strategically.
  Do You Use A CRM In Managing Your Customers?
Okay, Brian’s up he says, “How do you manage your customers? Do you use a CRM? I noticed all the free CRM scripts inside [inaudible 00:11:22], I was wondering if you have used them before?” No, as far as manage my customer … I’ll be honest with you, I keep a pretty simple management process. All of my clients and lead gen properties, all my local stuff is all inside of Bright Local because that’s where I do most of my reports from and everything, my reporting is through Bright Local, so I just have everything in there which is great because they have a client or contact database and you can go in and add multiple locations per client, you can keep all kind of information, so I guess it acts as a CRM, Bright Local does. But I use it specifically just to generate reports and then I use Google Drive for just about everything.
I’ve got a spreadsheet for each client, a separate folder and drive for each client, that kind of stuff and where I keep all their data. I just create reports from Bright Local and then I’ll email those out to the customers and that kind of stuff. I also use Google contacts so that when I’m sending out or somebody calls or anything like that, it always comes up with the correct name but that’s it. I don’t use any fancy CRM software, I never have. It just was one additional piece of software I never felt like I needed to learn, and Bright Local handles everything for me as far as just keeping that and my spreadsheets, is all that I need to keep all my lead gen properties and my clients straight and all in the same locations, if that makes sense.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: What do you guys use? Both of you?
Hernan: I don’t use a CRM either. The thing is like, I think, and this is probably a misconception of mine that you can use, or it’s better to use a CRM when you are handling a bunch of clients, when you’re handling maybe 10 plus clients. But since I usually don’t, I usually work with maybe three or four clients/partners at a time, I usually do not need one and usually when it comes to [inaudible 00:13:29] campaign or maybe spreadsheets, that’s the job. But when you have a lot of steps and little things or little clients, I think that we might need to implement a CRM when it comes to GRT at some point because it’s gonna be much more volume, when at the end of the day we don’t need … Like I personally don’t need or I don’t feel I need a CRM because again, there’s only like two or three major projects going on at any given time, you know what I mean?
Adam: I’ll take the opposite stance, although I think it’s totally possible to do this with a Gmail account. I use Contactually and so far I like it, I think it’s overkill for what I do because I tend to do about the same as Hernan, where I’ve only got a few, not even a handful of clients at once. But the ones I’m talking to, the process takes long enough that I like to have reminders who I’ve talked to, has it been a week, did I send out a request for information or something I haven’t heard from them in a week? Because it’s really easy to lose track of that. I’m paying, I think something like 50 or 60 bucks a month, but my rationalization for that is, let’s say is 50 bucks a month, that’s 600 bucks a year. If I close one client it more than pays for itself. More than that, it’s losing that dream deal, so maybe they’ve locked me into that by fear but I like it. And there’s some additional features that are pretty nice. Again, I don’t think it’s necessarily needed, but I like that it’s handled and I don’t have to think about it.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree. When I was at the height of my agency days when my agency was a lot bigger. It’s a lot smaller now intentionally because I’ve reduced the amount of clients that I work with from, at the top I had about 30 clients and now I’m at 11, and I actually just picked up another client today. I typically don’t do anymore client work but it was a referral from one of my clients that I’ve had for four years now, so it was a good referral and because of that a quoted him a decent price. It would higher than I probably would have charged two years ago, but it wasn’t unreasonable like I have been recently.
Usually now when I get people contacting me for marketing services on a client level, I quote such ridiculously high prices because I don’t want to do it. If they’re willing to pay me that much then I’ll certainly do it, but otherwise I don’t want to do it. I actually picked up another client today. But what I was saying was that I agree that I think if we, for example, with our traffic agency that we’re gonna be opening up we’re gonna be doing a lot of volume, so we’re gonna need a good CRM for that kind of stuff. But for the most part, like I said, Bright Local handles everything.
And then as Adam said, Google Calendar. I use Google Calendar for everything, I live by it. If it’s not in the calendar, it doesn’t get done. So I setup notifications and all that kind of stuff on calendar to remind me certain things that have to be done and all that kind of stuff, but I like keeping it simple where possible. Having to learn another piece of software’s not something I want to do, I can tell you that.
Adam: I gotta give a shout out to two more pieces of software that I really like. One of them is called Focuster, which is a really awesome to-do app that integrates with your calendar and it auto schedules around your calendar. If you put in create client proposal, 30 minutes, it fits it into your day based upon what you have open, which is awesome. I’ve tried a bunch of calendars for working with clients to let scheduling happen and I know a lot of people already use this, but I’ll just give another thumbs up for Acuity. I’ve used a bunch of different services and recently switched over to them and that’s been really nice.
How Do You Combine Two Brands To An Existing Affiliate Site?
Bradley: Cool, very cool. Okay, Greg’s up, he says, “Hi, I have an affiliate website promoting several companies, an important page promoting the top company ranks very well, but that established company is now partnered with a worldwide known brand, which itself has not previously had any of its own products in this niche. A similar example would be if Gary Fisher Mountain Bike Company partnered with Nike and still makes and markets the bikes, but the Nike brand name will be on all the bikes. The company website is still Gary Fisher with the same Gary Fisher models, but the Nike brand name is now on the bikes and the website pages. I need to have both company names on the same page. Web searches will continue using the original company name for at least several years, but there are now new searches in this niche for the huge brand name. A current page URL slug contains only the name of the original company. Would you create a new page using a slug with both company names and redirect the old company page to the new? Just changed the H1, H2 and some of the text and added a second brand name on the current page? Thanks.”
That’s a good question. If you are ranking already with the current page, I don’t know that I would want … This is my opinion, I’d like to get Hernan’s opinion as well, but I don’t know that I would want to mess with the URL. Because if you change too much on a page, especially when you’re in a competitive market, in other words if there’s other people competing for those top spots, which most of them are gonna be, and you start changing things structurally, you will see some dancing, there’s no question, and that includes changing the URL.
Adding some mentions of Nike into the page itself without changing the slug is less likely to cause at least as significant a dancing as changing the slug would. It doesn’t mean that it won’t dance a little, it probably will. I don’t know that for sure, but it probably will. But changing the slug it’s almost guaranteed to dance, I can tell you that. I would probably, personally, my own opinion would be to probably leave the slug as it was and just add the additional content onto the page. I would also look into, and this would actually be a pretty good topic possibly for tomorrow’s structured data webinar. I don’t know how far we’re gonna get into Q&A in that webinar, but I would also try to figure out a way to mention both brands within the structured data for that page in the [inaudible 00:19:50] markup that you put up in the header or whatever was so that both brands are being mentioned or cited within the structured data so that it can help to rank for both search queries, if that makes sense. But again, I don’t think changing the slug’s really the best idea, but that’s my own personal opinion. Hernan, what do you think?
Hernan: I agree with you Bradley. In fact, there’s been these kind of tests, you know when you’re talking about an article? I’m assuming that Greg has some sort of eCommerce solution, that’s why he’s saying he needs to be optimizing the products for both brands. But when you have a [inaudible 00:20:29] or when you have a website, usually articles and topics or interests and maybe keywords surrounding the topic, they change, they go forward or they change during time because people are getting interested in some other topics or maybe there is something new, there’s a new discovery about the topic, et cetera, et cetera.
What people usually do, with good results, is to go back to the article and add content, optimize for the new keywords. That’s exactly what I would do. I wouldn’t change, if you’ve got good rankings, I wouldn’t change the URL even if it is with a 301 because you might lose some rankings. I would definitely add some more content, maybe not all at once but see if you add a couple of paragraphs with the new keywords, I would definitely go and try to reoptimize a little bit of the metadata and the [inaudible 00:21:23] you were saying, Bradley, but I wouldn’t change the URL because if you change it, it’s gonna be a completely new page under Google sites, even if you do a 301. That’s exactly what I would do, I would change and slowly add content, like add a couple of paragraphs and wait for maybe 15 days so a couple of weeks and then go back and add a little bit more, but that’s what I would do.
Are There Any Risks Of Having Too Many Subdomains That Point To Each City?
Bradley: Very good. Yeah guys, structural changes will often cause significant dancing. Content changes will often no, or will reduce of minimize the dancing. Doesn’t mean you won’t see it but it’s usually often a lot less significant or volatile, if that makes sense. Okay, Don Johnson, “I have a client that has locations in several spread out states, Texas, Florida, California, so creating any kind of city pages on the route doesn’t make sense. Obviously all actual Google my business locations will be sub domains, but other supporting cities without Google my business will also be sub domains. Are there any risks to having too many city sub domains?”
No, I don’t think so Don, I’ve never reached a limit. I don’t have maybe more than 20 sub domains on any one site, but if it’s legit then it shouldn’t cause any problems. If you’re creating dozens or hundreds or thousands of sub domains for spammy stuff … I know we’ve done it, we’ve done it for testing stuff, then that may throw up a flag. But if you’re doing legit business locations or city sub domains then absolutely, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. I prefer the sub domain method, there’s no question, but only to a point. It depends on what kind of scale I’m gonna be building a site up to, like in other words if I’m scaling to … If I started off as a statewide site but I only covered a couple of … and I wanted to do like, let’s say county sub domains or something like that, then that would make sense.
But when you start getting to city sub domains, each sub domain would have its own WordPress installation guys, that’s a lot. It can quickly add up to be an enormous management nightmare to manage that many individual WordPress sites. Obviously you can use stuff like MainWP and all that kind of stuff to try to manage these big large dozens or even hundreds of WordPress sites, but that’s still, again, cumbersome. You’ve gotta weigh out, first of all, where do you think you’re gonna go with this site? How many pages or cities or how much are are you gonna cover? That kind of stuff, and then determine, is it gonna be worth building out separate sub domains for everyone of those? Or would it be better to reduce overhead and management and silo the main side out and use categories and sub categories and posts.
In other words, use probably a complex silo structure in this case and that way you only have basically one site to manage. Again, it really, Don, it has to be up to you to determine how much risk you’re willing to handle and also how much management you’re willing to handle, and then you have to strike the balance between the two and determine which it the better option. Again though, just as far as answering your question about the sub domains, specifically if they’re legit, if they’re there for a reason then I don’t see it being a problem because I’ve seen sites out there with thousands of sub domains and they’re fine. What do you think Hernan? He must be muted.
Hernan: Whoops, sorry. What about now?
Bradley: Yeah, I can hear you.
Hernan: Can you hear me?
Bradley: Yep, yes.
Hernan: I was about to say that when you are … The thing is that when you are planning and you’re structuring out, this is kind of a structure. You need to pan out the entire structure of the website before going out there and building it, even further if you know that’s gonna be a big project. I would suggest that you go with the least options possible on the sub domain, meaning if you’re doing three or more … Let’s say that you’re building a directory of estheticians, you know? Maybe you have three of four categories that you will use, those will be your sub domains.
Now when you’re going on a city place, that would be a much broader category, so the states would be your sub domains, does that make sense? You want to pick [inaudible 00:26:19] and you want to pick the least amount of variables when it comes to sub domains, that’s why we usually go for states on the sub domains and then cities as sub pages, because cities you have 30,000 or something like that. But states you only have 52 or 54, depending on how [inaudible 00:26:42] you’re going. That would be my take, but when you’re sitting out, when you’re sitting down to pan out the entire structure you need to have this in mind, this is kind of the previous work before you’re actually out there setting up the website, because I agree with Bradley, it’s gonna be a lot of managing if you go too deep with sub domains.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s a really good point that you mention, that’s actually a really good strategy Don, would to be to setup state sub domains then like that Hernan says, because in your example you’re mentioning three states, and I know it may be more but my point is, is then you would only have, if it was just three states, Texas, Florida, California, you would have those three sub domains and then you could setup silos within the sub domain sites. What I would do, is I would end up going with probably a complex silo structure on the sub domain sites, setting up the counties as the top level categories and then the cities as the sub categories, if that makes sense. That’s what I would do because that way, like Hernan said, at most you’re gonna have 50 sub domains if you covered the entire US. That’s a hell of a lot more manage than trying to do a separate sub domain for each …
Just remember, for each Google my business location, like let’s say Los Angeles, California or let’s say Houston, Texas was one of them, right? Then if you had Texas.clowncollege.com/Houston, or whatever county Houston is in or surrounded by, because that’s typically how it goes, and then you could have your post level which would be the actual city and that would be the landing page for that Google my business account, if that makes sense. You can do that, you can grab the whole URL so the sub domain and all the way down through the category and subcategory level and use that URL as the sub domain, or excuse me, as the landing page for the Google my business profile.
That’s what I would recommend, I think that was a good idea for Hernan to say use state sub domains, and again, I would probably silo those out with counties as the top level categories and cities as the sub … You could technically, probably even get away with using a simple silo structure on a state wide sub domain site because you could essentially just go … A simple silo structure would be, top level categories would be your city, period, because it’s the city within the state, so you might not need that additional layer of that additional … With a complex silo structure I mentioned I would probably segregate the state by counties and then I would add the cities within the counties.
There is a logical hierarchy to that that makes sense, and it makes sense to Google too. Again, I always recommend using a simple silo where possible because complex silos can be exactly what the name implies, complex, and it’s much easier to map these kinds of sites out on a simple level, so what I would suggest … Again, you could consider doing a Texas.clowncollege.com/city and that’s it and you leave it at that level, and that would be a top level category page which means you could still create supporting posts on a simple silo structure, you could create simple supporting posts, or excuse me, supporting posts and place them in that top level category which would be your city, so that’s what you would blog under in that category. Again, I think that’s probably even a better way than using the complex silo structure, it’s just depends.
It’s depends on how many services you’re gonna have within, all that kind of stuff. Again Don, like Hernan mentioned is, whenever going to tackle a big project like this, I’ll spend literally hours, sometimes days mapping out how the structure’s gonna be built because it’s way better spending the time up front to really nail down how you’re gonna build the site, the architecture or the framework of the site, because otherwise if you start trying to build this out without a solid plan in mind for a large site like what you’re talking about with multiple locations, all that kind of stuff, it can get ugly fast and then one it’s already built it takes so much more time to try to clean it up than it does to just do it right the first time.
It’s a painful process for me to map out those kind of sites, but I think it’s necessary before starting the build. When you consider [inaudible 00:31:09] as a domain for every city in the country with 98.35% duplicate content I’m sure I overthink the safety aspect when it comes to loca, but I appreciate the help nonetheless. Yeah I think that, again, my first strategy or the one I would probably select is what he mentioned, and that would be state sub domains, it seems pretty logical, easier to setup that way.
How To Add Content To City Pages Without A High Degree Of Duplicate Issues?
MJ [inaudible 00:31:31] says, “To add to Dawn’s theme, when creating city pages [inaudible 00:31:35] has a high degree of duplicate content, is that still acceptable? What other ideas or content have you seen added to city pages and would be good to apply?” Here’s my thought and it has been for the last three years, MJ, about duplicate content for local sites. I have always tried to avoid that, and I have for at least the last three years I’ve tried to avoid that. I know people are still building sites and they’re using the same content for all local sites and all they’re doing is swapping out the location data, I get that.
I don’t like to do it because even though it may still work now, and I’ve been saying this for three years and it’s still working, I know, but at some point that’s gonna stop working, and I would hate to build my digital portfolio, build up all my assets with that because it’s working now, and have that stop working and I lose everything, right? I’ve always, always, always created unique content. The tree service industry is my biggest lead gen industry and I’ve got literally dozens of lead gen sites out there for tree service stuff. Every single page on every single site is unique content, that’s not bullshit. That is the honest to God truth, every page on every one of my sites in unique content.
I’m not saying it wasn’t content that was scraped and spun, that may be the case but it’s unique content on every single site. I did that intentionally because I consider my properties long term assets and not just here today gone tomorrow. Because of that I’ve always preferred to try to … Now there are some strategies that you can use to reduce content cost because I know that can be expensive, and here’s one of them. For example, you could have a generic super spun, and we have a provider by the way who’s Keith Goodwin of Super Spun, I think it’s superspunarticles.com, he can do this for you.
For example, if plumbing’s your niche you could a Super Spun document setup manually created by somebody like Keith Goodwin of Super Spun Articles that you can talk about just general plumbing stuff that you can use on every single page, but every time you output a new version of it, it’s gonna be considered unique. But then what you can also do is for each location page, so city specific or location specific, wherever you’re gonna use that content you can also add some local data, it would just be a paragraph or two about the location. In other words, maybe some historical fact or economic data or business growth data or something. You can tie local content, something about the location into that page along with an outputted version of a Super Spun whatever.
My point is it makes the page unique because first of all the content … I don’t like to use spun content on money sites guys, but for something like this where you’re gonna be mass producing multiple location sites, it’s really the only way to go right? Or else your content costs are gonna astronomical if you’re gonna be scaling. Get something that’s manually spun and again, Keith Goodwin Super Spun Articles are a great way … He’s really good at that. They produce really good spun documents so when you unspin it, it’s very readable, it’s not like the typical garbage crap that you get from spinning stuff in your own spinning software if that makes sense.
You could check that out and try that, but then by adding additional content that’s locally relevant, that’s gonna be unique on every page obviously because you’re gonna be talking specifically about that location and so that adds that level of unique locally relevant content that should actually help with [inaudible 00:35:32] and should also make it safer from potential penalties in the future for it being duplicate content.
Hernan: Yeah. Now I totally agree with you Bradley. The thing is if you go the extra mile with these websites, you can turn them into real assets. At some point I was doing, I don’t know. A million pages website or three million pages website or I don’t know. Huge Serp Shaker or Lead Gadget websites and the reality is that that was a grind. It was literally every day launching 10 new websites, you know, it was a grind. The reality, it was a real turn and burn strategy because those websites we all knew that they weren’t going to last. They were all duplicate spin garbage content that we’re all set up for. Amazon and Adsense in some cases and affiliate websites. It was a grind. You can either invest your time a little bit more and turn them into real assets that you can later serve apps to these, this is important because if this is a real asset and you’re spending I don’t know, a month setting this up, you want to keep it and expand it and scale it.
Or you can go the other route, the lazy quote on quote route which is never lazy, you’re always spending a lot of time and money and resources for a project that you don’t know how much it’s going to last. That seemed to fail if you’re using spam tactics. There are people that make a decent amount of money out of this but they are always, they need to be always on top of things. Otherwise Google can come and they can deem all of the x, y, z websites that you have and that’s a pain in the ass. That’s a big blow and that can put your business to sleep real fast.
Adam: Last year, we hired a couple of VA’s and I trained them myself to build those mass page sites using Lead Gadget and the ATM. There’s nothing wrong with those software, the application, that worked great. It did exactly what the hell it was supposed to do which would build 30,000 page sites in a matter of minutes. The long part was setting up the content, preparing for the build. Once that was all done, preparing for the build, you click the deploy button and within 10 minutes, you got a 30,000 page word press site. It’s amazing and it worked. It worked well but the problem was we had hired two VA’s and we built … Oh shit, I think we built 785 sites. I think it was 785, it was just under 800 sites I believe, on x, y, z domains. We were paying the labor for these two VA’s. That was their full time job to build sites all day long, eight hours a day, five days a week. We had like I said, just under 800 sites.
Think about all those domains we bought. Even not all of them were x, y, z’s and we got caught up in one of those. The big one last year where Google came through and deindexed a bunch of sites. We lost, out of 785 sites, we lost like 90 percent of them. It was ridiculous. Literally we had under 100 sites that remained intact that weren’t deindexed. It was so painful because it was, I mean, we’re talking thousands of dollars in labor and content and domains that was just gone. Wiped out in an instant. And part of it was the x, y, z domains but that wasn’t entirely all of it. So we started buying dropped domains, expired domains using a domain scraper, right? So we go out and we find domains and then we sort by the topical of trust flow and try to build on expired domains within at least the same ballpark.
In other words, the content that we’re going to be building on that site with the 30,000 pages was relevant to what the topical trust flow theme, the primary theme of that site was. It was never perfect because we were doing them in mass so we kind of had a streamline process of vetting domains. It wasn’t perfect, by far, I can tell you that. We started buying the expired domains at like 10 depending on .art, .coms, .nets, .orgs, whatever. It would range anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars per domain. Then we started rebuilding again and we ended up realizing, I don’t know, about another couple thousand dollars in and having several more sites deindexed that it was just a strategy that we just didn’t want to pursue anymore.
I know some people that are absolutely crushing it doing that kind of stuff. Personally, I don’t like turn and burn projects because I prefer to spend my time on building an asset that’s gonna produce revenue as far down the road as I can see. Personally I don’t like the turn and burn strategy as much as I’ve tried to do it in the past. I’ve had some success, there’s no doubt. I just prefer to spend my time actually building assets that are gonna be not subject to Google wrath at any given moment.
Should You Stream A Video Poked Via Live Rank Sniper To A Persona Channel Or A Money Channel?
Bradley: All right. Columbia Jones is up. She says, “When ordering a lot or excuse me, when using Live Rank Sniper, it is my understanding that the thumbnail title description, etc. are placeholders. It is also my understanding that I should use a persona YouTube channel to poke so when streaming the video, I want to rank into the position held by the poking placeholder. Can I safely stream to a money channel or a channel I value highly or do I have to stream it to the persona channel? Do I accomplish this by just streaming it through LRS or do you recommend some other method of streaming?”
No, Columbia. The placeholder is generated. What a placeholder is which you’re talking about is a scheduled live event which is indexable. In other words, if you go to YouTube and you go to live events, you schedule a new live event and you set it to public, then it will index. It will index prior to the event commencing, right? It’ll index the moment that you hit the save button with it set to public. That’s what publishes that scheduled live event which makes it indexable. Now you’re right, once that’s indexed, if it ranks or whether it ranks or not, whatever, that is a placeholder. So wherever it lands in the search, that’s a placeholder. But you can only stream through that channel where that placeholder is. You’ve identified that that’s a keyword that can rank from YouTube. So you can use a money channel to now target that keyword, it’s not gonna take over the place of the placeholder from the persona account, though.
In order for you to take, like actually inject the video into that placeholder, you have to stream through the channel where that placeholder was originated. Where that scheduled live event was originated, if that makes sense. You can do that with Live Rank Sniper. You can click the upload or whatever button, the tab it’s the other tab, and then go select the file and then wait for the manual process. That’s gonna stream two the scheduled event through the persona account that originated the scheduled event. Does that make sense? Again, if you already just know that that keyword can rank with that persona account, a poking channel, right? Which probably isn’t connected to anything else on the web, probably doesn’t have a syndication network. There’s probably no inherit channel authority with that channel. But you were able to rank for a scheduled live event for a keyword, then you should be able to go target that with your money channel and be able to rank, meet or exceed, where that placeholder scheduled live event is ranking from the persona channel.
Now, again, I say it should. But we are talking about Google and stranger things have happened. What I call is an algorithm economically, there is a chance that your money channel won’t rank for that keyword that the persona channel does. It’s unlikely, it probably will but I have seen that happen. It’s the weirdest thing. You use a bunch of shitty, spammy, poking accounts to test keywords and you get a list of those that rank and then you go target those with a money channel and syndication networks and some of those keywords don’t rank. That’s kind of like a head scratcher. It’s just part of the random ranking algorithm of Google. Or what Terry Kyle called it the random ranking factor.
Anyways, LRS or Live Rank Sniper will stream through the channel that set up the scheduled live event. You can use another software to stream, it’s still gonna be through the same YouTube channel, though. But you could use like, OBS, for example. OBS is free. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just use Live Rank Sniper other than Live Rank Sniper you don’t get to see the process, it basically pulls up a command prompt window and all you see is a bunch of code scrolling up the screen and that’s it. With like OBS, for example which is free, OBS you can just grab the stream key for that scheduled live event, add that to OBS, and then you can actually control how the stream works and you can add opening slides and end slides. Which can be still images with calls to action. You can actually combine multiple videos and have transitions, you can do all kinds of other stuff with OBS and again that’s free.
We’ve even got a couple tutorials on how to use OBS on our YouTube channel, Columbia. If you just go to YouTube.com, Semantic Mastery, and search our YouTube channel for OBS live streaming, OBS. Those kinds of keywords, you’ll see. We’ve got a few videos teach you how to do that if you want to do it that way. One other thing I would mention is if you’re gonna be doing a lot of that stuff, you might want to consider upgrading to Peter Drews Hangout Millionaire because I believe that you can add those same accounts to Hangout Millionaire after you’ve poked with Live Rank Sniper and then have Hangout Millionaire go automate the streaming of the videos to those scheduled live events, through those accounts. It’s the only way I know how to do it in bulk. Otherwise using Live Rank Sniper to manually upload or stream each video to the scheduled placeholder, it certainly can be done but it’s this slow and manual process.
It’s not a short fall of the software, it’s just that the software was not designed to do that for mass. It was really just a one on one, you know, one by one stream. You have to manually click a few clicks to get it to happen and then wait for it to complete whereas with Hangout Millionaire, you can enter in, add those Hangout accounts or those YouTube accounts to the software and then have it go stream. At least, it’s my understanding that it will go stream and it will automate streaming one video after the next after the next after the next until all the placeholders, as you called them, the scheduled live events have the video added. Okay. That would be my recommendation.
How Many Accounts That Can Be Flagged As Spammy In Twitter?
All right, we’re almost out of time and it looks like we are pretty good on questions. Greg says, “How many Twitter real, active accounts can we have before Twitter doesn’t like it. I currently have two Twitter accounts but I want to take over a family members project and add another account for that using my email IP address as well. Thank you.” Greg, I’ve created … Well I’m not much of a Twitter user but because of IFTTT accounts or syndication networks and stuff that I’ve created, I’ve probably created well over a hundred Twitter accounts on my IP. It’s not how many, at least as far as I know, it’s not how many accounts you have created under one IP. It’s how many accounts in what time frame that matters. If you try to create too many accounts in 24 hours, you can caught. I’ve never tried to create too many Twitter accounts to ever be blocked but I’m sure there’s a threshold just like there is for like Tumblr or Google or anything else. You’ll get flagged and it’ll put you through the verification ringer in order to open accounts if you do too many on any single IP within a 24 hour period. Do you guys know of any threshold?
Adam: I have no idea.
Hernan: Yeah, me neither.
Bradley: Okay. You should be fine, Greg. If you’ve only got two Twitter accounts tied to your IP, I’d just go ahead and start setting it up. It shouldn’t matter. You’re gonna need a unique email but that’s it. Remember you can use your gmail address, whatever your gmail address is before the @ symbol put + and then whatever you want in there. That’s gonna be considered a unique email address. It’ll just forward all the email to you, whatever your gmail address is. If it’s gregpippin@gmail, you could do gregpippin+twitterone@gmail. Whatever. All email will go to gregpippin@gmail if that makes sense but it’ll be considered a unique address.
Do You Need To Use A Proxy When Creating A Backup Persona?
Columbia says, “When creating a backup persona, does that need to be done using a proxy? It would seem that if Google did shut down one account that they could access your persona Google account through your IP address.” I would say no, Columbia. I wouldn’t worry about that because the thing is, Google maybe they could do that, I’ve never seen that happen. If you’re creating backup persona accounts, well I recommend that you do that on IP proxy’s anyways. Especially because if you’re doing a lot of poking again, using Live Rank Sniper to poke keywords, you’re going to be uploading or scheduling a whole bunch of live streams, live events from your IP. Unless you’re adding proxy’s to the software which I know you can do, right? Which again, I would recommend your persona accounts, you should have a dedicated proxy assigned to each persona account. I know we talked about this last week.
You should have at least five dedicated proxy’s. If you’re doing a lot of this kind of work, you should have a minimum of five but probably, well it depends on what your needs are. But I would start off with a minimum of five dedicated proxy’s. It’ll cost you about 20 bucks a month but it’s totally worth it because you could assign each YouTube account to a separate IP. Then every single time you’re running that software from your desktop, your IP, it’s gonna be running through the proxy for the persona account that it’s assigned to so that you’re not creating a footprint, so to speak.
All right guys. Remember, spamming and using SEO tools. Proxy’s are basically required. It’s just part of the business, it’s part of what we have to do. Thanks Adam, for putting that. I figured you would. All right guys, we’ve got five minutes. Don says, “Thanks guys. This client is a partner so we’ll probably have five to six cities surrounding each Google my business location. So long term, this would be a thousand sub domains, more like 25 to 50. I understand the labor management involved but with this long term client relationship equity, I’m okay with the work from my VA’s. I just want to know if there’s any unforeseen issues with too many sub domains. The states main idea is a great option, I hadn’t thought of. Might go that way, thank you Hernan and Bradley, I appreciate it.”
Can RVR And LRS Be Used In A Coordinated Way?
Absolutely, Don. Absolutely, no problem. That’s what we’re here for man. Curt says, “thanks for the webinar. can rvr and lrs be used in a coordinated way? Yeah. I talked about that, Curt, in the case studies that are in the bonus site. You should have access to if you bought either one of them. Essentially, I used the Live Rank Sniper to first identify what I call pockets of low hanging fruit, right? I’ve used it mainly just for local stuff. I started doing a near me, which is kind of local anyways, but a near me affiliate campaign with it but that started to grow too large and I had to redirect focus to some of the projects that are more realistic for the short term. Anyways, my point is is if you have access to the bonus site, just go back through and you don’t have to watch both full on case studies because that would take you hours, because they’re both pretty detailed. But you could probably watch the last one or two lessons within the Live Rank Sniper case study and in the first one or two lessons in the Rocket Video Ranker case study and you’ll see how I talked about combining the two.
But use Live Rank Sniper or any poking software to identify areas to test keywords. Once you identify low hanging fruit, then you can go target them using mass video spamming tools, which could be Rocket Video Ranker, it could be Hangout Millionaire, it could be Video Marketing Blitz, it could be Megaray. There’s a bunch of them. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses but you know the poking tools should be used on the front end because it’s much faster and easier to just identify keywords before you go in and start setting up spam campaigns which requires content generation and having a video and thumbnail creation and all that other kind of stuff that you need to do. I like to do the testing first and once I’ve identified what is easy to rank for, then I’ll go take the time to set up the campaign. Okay?
All right, the last question. Does Hangout Millionaire add thumbnails and create a unique [inaudible 00:52:52] for an identical video stream? Yes it does because first of all, Hangout Millionaire, you can add the thumbnails, essentially you can select a thumbnail folder. Like an opening thumbnail folder and a closing thumbnail folder and you can have different thumbnails in both folders and it will pick at random. What I like to do is we have a graphic designer, I just tell him I need ten thumbnails and he charges me two dollars and 50 cents a thumbnail. So 25 bucks, I get 10 thumbnails. I can have 10 opening and 10 closing thumbnails or you can even use the same 10 because it’s going to pick at random. You could have an opening thumbnail and a closing thumbnail from the same 10 but they’re different on the same video. In other words, might be thumbnail number three and thumbnail number seven. But yeah, you can do that and then let’s see … What’d he say? You need [inaudible 00:53:40] for identical video stream.
Identical video stream is always going to be unique. The length will be slightly different because you can randomize that on Hangout Millionaire as well. You can say that you want the first slide which is the thumbnail which I just talked about, the opening slide and the closing slide. You can say that you want the first thumbnail to appear between two to eight seconds for example. Or I like to keep it shorter on the opening thumbnail like one to three seconds but then on the closing thumbnail I’ll do anywhere between three to 10 or 12 seconds. Because then it will just at random select how long it will display those based upon that range of time that you put in there. All of that stuff, trust me, Peter Drew is a beast man. He’s really good and he really coded that well as far as all the stuff that can be done to randomize it and reduce footprint stuff. So check it out.
Okay. Okay, guys. We’re done. Right on time. Thanks everybody for being here, it worked out with questions and everything.
Adam: Yep. Thanks guys.
Hernan: Have a good one.
Bradley: Okay guys. We’ll see everybody. Just as a recap, tomorrow what do we got?
Adam: Tomorrow is the structure data webinar so sign up. The link is there and then we’ll probably send out a last minute email, make sure everybody sees it. Then Monday we’ll have some information about Justin Sardi talking about using TubeSift and get more out of YouTube and then what else next week? I’m losing my brain here after an hour of talking.
Bradley: Bonus webinar, Wednesday.
Adam: That’s right.
Bradley:Yeah. Okay, cool. All right everybody, hopefully we’ll see you guys tomorrow. Instructure data webinar, otherwise we’ll see you next week.
Adam: Bye everybody.
Hernan: Bye bye.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 131 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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