#anyway. yeah it doesn't make much sense and I dont explain it really well here
rat-rosemary · 5 months
Sometimes I want to talk about my horror road trip au where C!Dream and Quackity are best friends and then I remember that au is pure nonsense
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meatlesbeating · 1 month
#insane how listening to this just feels like hearing people speaking my own theories aloud#i feel like you could almost get this entire story just from studying them in get back#i find it so strange how hard john is to read to others like he is just so transparently needy and afraid of abandonment to me#in exactly the way they're explaining it here#maybe it's just because I've had close friendships with people just like him that i find it obvious? idk#anyways a great listen that makes tons of emotional sense for what happened between them to me#i share the opinion i have seen around that he probably had undiagnosed bpd#i can definitely sympathize with paul both for loving him and not wanting to lose him#and also maybe finding it overwhelming or frightening or not reciprocating it totally?#paul is still the harder one to read to me in terms of what he really wanted with john#i feel like john just wanted complete enmeshment with paul but paul maybe was a lot more torn and possibly a bit more healthy about it#hhhh it's still heartwrenching to think about no matter what#and it's one thing to sit and armchair diagnose it and be like yeah maybe john was a bit unhealthy emotionally about it all#and another to actually imagine how awful and hard going through all of that was#it's the MOST like artistically culturally significant codependent besties collab of modern times#so it's not like crazy of john to treasure it that much or be possessive about maintaining and strengthening that bond#who wouldn't?#i also have the sense that paul could be a bit of a flirt on purpose with john at times because he knew it had an effect on john#even if it also could have been more like leading him on than like actually indicating a real interest?#i feel like possibly it started as a real interest for paul but i dont know if it stayed one??#ahh not sure not sure but if that was the case i could see how it might make john feel crazy and hurt too#like paul always giving him what feel like mixed signals#and john knowing paul well enough to know that he's probably not totally oblivious to what he's doing#and how it could be sincerely messing with his head...#AND THEN i could definitely also see paul being a bit genuinely naive to his affect on john#and not totally aware of how much he actually did mean to john in return? because john always throws up smokescreens to protect himself#and says things he doesn't really mean when he's starting to feel too exposed#p#1968#mclennon
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parageist · 11 months
yknow, what really are these module things you see attached to iterators?
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i always assumed they were steam vents and thus make the torrential rains you experience, as when its rain time, they start steaming. but as ive played through more campaigns and revisited old areas, ive noticed some strange things about them
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like whats up with this one on the bottom? why is it cut in half like that?
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and sometimes the lighting makes these circle things in the background look like theyre protruding, so I assumed they were just the same steam vent things but viewed face-on, yet in this image (and in a lot of others) the lighting suggests the opposite - they're indentations on the structure. perhaps the vent things can be retracted in/out of the base?
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yet here in the outer expanse you can find them on train cars, and the lighting looks like they're protruding, which would either mean the train cars are extremely wide or theres an extreme amount of clearance between the rail and the walls of the tunnel.
and even if it was retracted into its shell, that would mean the shell itself is super wide to be able to house an object that long. also the retractable theory in general starts to fall flat when you never actually see them retract or extrude, which if they are steam vents, then shouldnt they pop out of their shells when its rain time? this makes me think the circles facing head-on arent the same vent modules we see. perhaps they're some sort of "socket" or attachment point for some other component? im not sure.
but anyway, back to the main point. what are these things?
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well, an important peice of evidence completely changes everything.
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YOU CAN FIND THEM (and the circle background thingies) *INSIDE* OF ITERATOR CANS
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(they're in/on moon's can as well, so there doesn't seem to be a difference between gen 1 and gen 3 iterator designs in regards to these modules)
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but anyway. why are there steam vents inside of their processors???
and you cant just deduce that they arent steam vents, cus they definitely are (as shown in this video)
but at the same time the ones inside their cans dont produce any steam. or at least, no steam that we can see.
but this leads me to a theory, once you keep in mind another major thing about iterators: they need a shit load of water to function, yet you never see any of the neuronflies, inspectors, or other organisms inside drink. so where the heck is all the water? (besides the lymphatic system)
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this makes me think that the steam vents we see inside of iterator structures are indeed steam vents, but the amount of steam they produce is a lot less. i assume they are basically giant humidifiers, which would saturate the air with so much moisture that the neuronflies and what not wouldnt need to "drink" as they would just constantly be absorbing water from the air. the moist air could also improve electrical conductivity between neurons.
so yeah that's my theory! it is kind of uncomfortable to think about the inside of iterator cans being absolutely muggy and miserable from the extreme humidity, but it makes sense knowing that being inside an iterator is basically like being inside a giant living organism's body; of course it's gonna be wet and slimy in there. it would also explain how the water pumped through the lymphatic conduits gets distributed to all the neurons and other purposed organisms - instead of having a separate pipe connecting every little creature to the water supply, you just saturate the air with it so they can "wirelessly" get water!
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crystaiskiess · 19 days
Thank you for answering first of all :) (also glad it wasn't a dumb question, one win at a time🫡). And tbh I really didn't have any answer of yours in mind, I just wanted an answer for it in general since it's really been plaguing my mind since that chapter; So that answer is MORE than enough. And also memory failure very much makes sense, I myself am a very forgetful person too, so like😭 (maybe I'm also just a little bit of a sappy person and thats why I wanted to know and thought: maaaybe?).
Sometimes I forget that people in stories don't have the pleasure of rereading and rereading and rereading their own stories till their last breath, which I obviously can do, so of course I'll remember it when they dont.
Though on THAT topic and please excuse me if that is one question/topic too much, I would very much understand since I can be a bit much with stuff I fixate on; but since I've read "The crystal cave" the first time I looked out for the stuff you implied might happen in the future. One of which was the sword scene (help I don't know what else to call it). At first I thought that scene happened in "The Changeling" when Merlin gave Arthur his sword and they have the talk about destiny and how it makes you feel like you don't have any choice etc, but then "The Sorcerers truth" came out and on god you made me doubt all that because that ALSO seemed to fit "the crystal caves" description (if not more than the scene from The changeling). The one thing I know is that I myself knew logically Merlin wouldn't really remember that since it was just snippets he saw, I've just been looking out for it so I kind of jumped at "The Sorcerers Truth's" description with that sword and magic conparison. I was very unsure if that would still later be explained or not (since I also caught the cloak scene you wrote in of Arthur still having it from "Under false presences") I really just wanted to know if I had the right idea here or not, I'd very much understand if it wasn't possible to answer that, though.
anyways to cut it short I really just wanted to say how much I appreciate your story and thank you for writing it since it's been one of, if not my favorite ever since (if that hasn't been made clear yet) and that I really rarely spent any time not thinking about it (kinda bad if you have other stuff to do but oh well). I hope it wasn't too much of anything and also coherent enough to understand. But I couldn't really not say it, since it's just non stop on my mind for what feels like an eternity now and as of now I couldn't really ever talk about it, and in all honesty I could probably spent days talking about it.
I really hope you have a good rest of your day/night :)
awww thank you so so so much !!! i truly cannot even express how much it means to know that you're enjoying oafk so much and that it's one of your favourites, it really means the absolute WORLD
yeah i love to hint sometimes at the fact that unlike us, merlin and arthur don't have the ease of being able to reread their own lives, and even though it's obviously a lot of words and a lot to keep track of even for readers, for them entire years full of memories and experiences are passing, some things are bound to slip through the cracks !!!
to answer your question (and truly there are never too many questions i love talking about oafk, it's my baby) yeah you're absolutely right merlin doesn't remember those snippets of visions at all, they were much more for the reader - and the sword scene aligns with the one in 'the sorcerer's truth' !!! you've 100% got the right idea there
i hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night too 💕💕
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@ the anon who was explaining islam + boifang
realistically speaking yeah its unlikely they would get together if bbb adheres to his religious beliefs, but i think "disgust" and avoidance are a little much. its not like being muslim means bbb could never have these feelings himself and a lot of muslims, myself included, have struggled with reconciling their faith with their sexuality. some give up their own feelings for the sake of faith, while others identify as queer muslims and find their people etc.
while i havent read it myself, i know there's a fic series on ao3 that really goes into the "forbidden love" aspect of boifang from the religious standpoint (mutual pining) here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3947197
so yeah no hate on anon but i think their take was very onesided and doesn't factor in the nuance and lived experience of muslims who Do have queer attraction. at the end of the day personally boifang is a comfort ship to me and as fictional characters i like to imagine them in a happy relationship i could never have myself irl ehe anyway ty for letting me yap in your inbox
Hm yeah that makes a lot of sense. I think both feeling disgusted and not both make sense. Its hard to say bc some people may feel disgusted esp if its something thats been considered bad for most of if not all theyre life or if theyre really really religous. Him coming to terms with it is makes sense as well and i personally prefer it bc that seems much happier. Ive seen that series before but havent personally read it bc it seems super sad and i dont have time to be sad rn, so ive been putting it off.
At the end of the day its just fandom so i dont really put too much weight on it. If ppl enjoy it then enjoy it! Who cares if it makes sense or not? I personally dont see them getting together romantically but its really cute as a ship. I rather think of them as queerplatonic really.
Thank you for sending this ask! I really enjoy seeing other people yap!
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neoputo · 1 year
okay, here we go
[ first of all, a lil disclaimer: these are my thoughts + opinions, this doesn't mean they're 100% right, at all. it's just some stuff i kept wondering abt after reading some theories and thought might be fun (?) to share. just to provide a look from a different angle, and to bring more questioning to the table. needless to say, i very much respect the authors of these theories, and i think their analytical skills are on another level! i would've never been able to come up with all that by myself! AND this post wouldn't exist if it wasn't for those analysis. so yeah, just wanted to make this clear. ]
anyway, these are some things i found that i think the following theories don't cover/might've missed out/might be wrong abt:
first, about "the *original* original sin theory": i feel like something's missing. this something being: there is no explanation for aziraphale's weird ass smile in the ending/credits scene. like, while i was reading the theory, i found myself nodding most of the time, and when i was getting closer to the end, i was hoping there would be some explanation for that final scene. but there wasn't! look, i'm not that smart, so i find it really hard to figure out why azi would smile like that after everything that happened, specially if we consider this theory to be true. something doesn't add up. there's something so wrong abt that smile. like,, on that same scene, crowley looks DEVASTATED and it makes sense! i feel aziraphale should look just as sad and broken, tho, and he doesn't. i mean, if it was a fake smile, i'd believe it was to deceive metatron, or pretend he is okay with his decision in front of him, or whatever. but it's not a fake smile. it's not a genuine one either. it's a very weird, kinda creepy smile??? like, michael sheen, you're amazing! but also, what the heck?! why would azi do that? (i have no idea. this is just me pointing this out, i don't have the brains to figure it out lol sorry!).
now, the other theory, "the magic trick you didn't see": i actually found this analysis very interesting and backed up with a lot of evidence as well! BUT (of course there's a but), i also feel like the author was kind of pushing it a bit too much sometimes. let me explain myself: i feel there are some moments that the author catalogues as "metatron's intervention/manipulation of memories" that, in my opinion, dont seem much like that... let's exemplify!
the "before the beginning" scene: honestly, i thought this scene was lovely! and i don't think metatron could've manipulated to draw aziraphale away from crowley. at all. in this scene, crowley is pictured as a cute little baby angel; so pure, so filled with excitement and curiosity and hope. he's also a bit naive, too, specially in comparison with aziraphale, who, on the other hand, looks baby but not so baby... he knows how things work up in heaven, he knows angels aren't that good (tho he might not admit it or say it out loud), he knows they aren't as free-willed as they might think they are, or want to be. so ofc, when crowley starts making questions + suggesting a suggestion box, aziraphale worries abt him. cus he knows how things work. and he knows angel!crowley could get in trouble for that. and he likes angel!crowley, boy! he so obviously does. so, aziraphale, much more aware of the situation and the way things work, is not withdrawn by crowley's innate curiosity. i think he actually likes that abt him, he might even think it's adorable. azi is just scared of what could happen to baby crowley, and i think he's trying to protect him. in conclusion, i personally think both aziraphale and crowley feel very much in character, which is to say, this memory doesn't feel/look manipulated or altered by metatron. not to me at least.
—i think there might be other scenes that the author labeled as "metatron's intervention/manipulation of memories" that i don't agree with, but i don't remember rn. guess i should read the analysis again to refresh my memory, but i won't do that rn, sorry!
also, i've already mentioned maggie's possible autism on another post!
okayyyyy,, this is it. i hope y'all (whoever you are) enjoyed reading this & thanks for taking your time! pls let me know what you think! i love discussing theories and thoughts on good omens with strangers lol but fr!
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karoochui · 1 year
Hello there Mika!! Your art is huge inspiration to me and I love it so much words can't explain it, I absolutely love your sketches, doodles, full art pieces, whatever you make I absolutely adore. Sorry for blabbing but just wanted to ask about things you really hate about sskk, like what the fandom does with the ship that you dislike?😭 Take care of yourself drink some water!💜💫
TW for sa mention!! Sorry but i ramble a bit here so im gonna add a cut!! (Plus the tw) Take care of yourself too and ill get some water right now actually😋
Okay firstly!! Hello!! Thank you so much!! And no worries no need to apologize its very sweet of you im so glad you like my art i really do appreciate it!! Thank you!
And its hard for me to say exactly? Im still very much into bsd but ive been distant with the fandom for a little while now BUT!! From what i remember what i usually didnt like was when people would make them so..two dimensional kinda?? BSD has pretty morally complicated characters and it was really weird when people would flatten sskk's personalities down to just some ship dynamic bc they are SOOO much more complicated than that. And thats just as INDIVIDUALS!! Even when considering them together theres a lot to think about when it comes down to their functionality, whether or not its viewed as romantic or platonic. And of course youre always gonna have those people who just water down any mlm ship into some weird dynamic that doesn't even fit the character's relationship which is just obviously Not Great.
And then as far as the characters individually i feel like a lot of people baby atsushi its really odd. Like that man has gone through some shit he is GROWNNN. I think its because hes the "softer" one out if the two or whatever. Which yeah he's nicer, its made clear akutagawa isn't a great person but atsushi isnt the exact opposite of akutagawa or the "softer" one. They're narrative foils of eachother, they mirror many of the other's character traits and atsushi has also done some Not Super Stellar shit. Do i think most of it was within reason? A little, considering what hes been through and exactly what he did. I do think he is the better person between the both of them - and i feel like thats also proven - but he is by NO means "innocent" or anything weird like that.
Then for akutagawa its really only that weird sa headcannon that originated from something he said in Beast (i can't remember exactly what, but i remember thinking it was NOT enough to warrant a hc like that. I remember that much). And as someone who's been through that a couple times i think its one thing if its some way to help someone cope or feel more seen (more specifically it isnt my business to cast judgement -unless it hurts them or someone else- and im no therapist), but i have seen people apply the headcannon simply because they say its "implied" or it "makes sense". Which, once again, as someone who's gone through that i think thats just. Weird. I dont like it. I personally try to stay away from any talk about it at all from anyone.
I also don't like when people make it seems like Atsushi has to save Akutagawa or something like hes some knight in shining moral armor. Its much more complicated than that and I could go further into this but it would be a whole rant about their characters and dynamic and itd go on FOREVER. So im just gonna say that akutagawa is also a grown man and knows well enough what hes doing with himself, even if its unhealthy (not that Atsushi is any better but lets be real no one is this show really is) and he wouldn't listen to atsushi if he didnt want to anyway. This part is really just personal opinion though, and i don't cast hard judgement on people who see them that way. Im not the type to care enough.
So yeah i guess it wasn't really hard to say at all LMFAO but otherwise i dont think ive had any other issues abt it?? I dont pay much attention to things i don't like anyway so im not easily bothered lol
But i hope this answered your question!! Plz lmk if i missed or misinterpreted something!! It was nice to talk about BSD again anyway though, ive missed it.
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tokkiiwrites · 2 years
Ghost Hunting with Jungkook
"Aren't we basically like buzzfeed unsolved?" "No, we're not famous and don't make nearly as much money with this."
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A/N: just an idea i had for a while lmao, rewatching all of buzzfeed unsolved helped with writing it i won't lie. might be a series depending on how motivated i'm gonna be. the location they go to here actually exists btw. i usually dont write reader inserts o this was a bit of a challenge, i hope it's enjoyable regardless
WC: 1k
Genre: fluff, just pure fluff, genderneutral reader, established relationship
TW: mentions of car crashes and suicide (when they explain the history of the place), mentions of ghosts
"Why do I still agree on doing this with you all the time?" you say, as you get out of the car you have been in for the last three hours.
"Because you love me and secretly think ghost hunting is fun as well, of course!" Jungkook smiles cheekily at you, knowing you can't argue against him. You do love him after all. But you would appreciate a warning before he drives the both of you into the middle of Hamyanggun to see a haunted restaurant and to shoot a new video for his youtube channel.
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say" you relent as Jungkook pulls you into a side-hug as the both of you look at the restaurant in front of you. The place has an eerie aura to it, but to be fair, most of the places the both of you go to have an eerie aura to them because you are there in the middle of the night. Jungkook never seems to agree with you on that though.
"So, where even are we? Are you gonna explain?"
"I will, after I set up the camera."
You decide to just let Jungkook do his thing, while you take another good look at the building. It doesn't necessarily look haunted, but if you have learned one thing ever since Jungkook has started this specific segment on his channel, it's that the places don't have to look creepy just to creep you out, much to Jungkook's amusement.
Once he is done setting up the camera and has pressed record, he clears his throat once before starting his explanation. "This is the neulbom garden restaurant." He makes a dramatic pause. "It used to be run by a family, until the daughter died in a car crash. The parents committed suicide afterwards because they couldn't live without her. People say the ghosts of the parents are still bound to this place."
"You know, when you started to talk I really thought maybe this will be a normal date for once." Is your only comment to that and Jungkook bursts out in laughter. "Let's go in then, maybe the ghosts serve us dinner." Naturally he ignores the dirty look you send his way for even suggesting to have a dinner with ghosts.
As you both go in, he explains more about the place to his viewers and to you. You could probably live without knowing any of this and really just want to go back home and cuddle with him. However, he is undeniably cute when he talks about something he is interested in. Even if it's ghosts in this case.
"Apparently locals claimed that when you go here, you would order food from a girl, but whenever you asked someone who worked here, they would say there were no female employees here."
"So no ordering foods from random girls showing up?" you interrupt him.
"I mean, I would, but I'd be upset if she gives me ghost food in return."
"Don't talk to ghosts Jungkook."
He only laughs before continuing with what he was talking about before. "The restaurant was actually used even after the original owners died. Employees claimed that whenever they didn't do the dishes, they would be magically done the next day."
The two of you are in the kitchen now, and he looks around. "Sadly there are no dishes left here that can be magically done today."
Jungkook turned the camera around so the viewers can see the abandoned kitchen as well. There are no dishes left. Nor anything else you would need in order to cook. The paint is peeling from the wall already. It makes sense considering the place has been abandoned for a while now.
"Well anyways, people say that in the night you can hear loud noises in here. Like the sound of someone washing the dishes."
Your boyfriend barely manages to finish the sentence before he has to laugh. "This goes in the history as the most boring ghosts ever." He declares once he regained his breath.
"I don't know, they seem like nice ghosts." The restaurant is definitely nicer to be in than some of the other locations Jungkook has taken you to as well. You appreciated some ghosts that do your dishes instead of killing you. It's a good change.
"Of course you would say that, but that's because you are scared of the evil ghosts sweetheart."
"I don't want to be killed by a ghost, sue me." you grumble and cross your arms, but you can't be mad for long when he presses a kiss to your cheek.
You both continue to explore the place, even though there isn't much to explore. If anyone else would have made you drive for four hours just for this you'd probably tell them to never speak to you again. But it's Jungkook that dragged you here. And it's practically impossible for anyone to be mad at Jungkook.
"Well, this is it for the video I think. One day we will get an actual ghost on camera. I can feel it in my bones."
"I hope your bones are wrong."
"My bones are never wrong."
And just like that he ends the recording. You don't really know how Jungkook will make this specific trip look interesting. After all the two of you literally just went into an empty restaurant that looked a little bit worse for wear. But Jungkook is good at editing and his fans enjoy whatever he does, so you leave it to his amazing editing skills to make the whole thing look interesting.
"So.." he trails off, clearly wanting to say something. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Since we are already in Hamyang, wanna stay the night here and go to the maisan park tomorrow? Like as a date?"
It was truly funny, how despite being literally the bravest person in the world when it came to dealing with ghosts, Jungkook still turned just a bit shy when asking you for dates. The two of you have been in a relationship for a while now, but he never really got over that initial shyness. It's endearing.
"And no ghosts there?"
"Definitely no ghosts there. Or well, probably no ghosts there. The reviews didn't mention any, but maybe the ghosts like to not be seen there."
"Then okay, let's go on a date there tomorrow."
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diamondcitydarlin · 3 years
Nothing will ever convince me that Sylvie had feelings for Loki that weren’t at best tolerance for him. She showed more positive feelings for Mobius in one episode than she did for Loki in their 4 episodes together and yet I’m meant to believe that its “true love” come on, she spent the entire time fighting and insulting him except for when she needed him to boost her enchantment of alioth and the blanket scene she just looked uncomfortable like ‘there is a guy flirting with me and I dont want him to’ uncomfortable
Yeah I guess that's another confusing piece of the puzzle here, considering the various interviews and whatever would want us to believe this is a mutual thing but the acting/directing choices themselves say otherwise. I find it hard to believe that Sophia, for as talented as I believe she is, wouldn't have been aware of the effect of her own acting, making her assessments of the relationship even more perplexing.
Personally, this doesn't make me like Sylvie less because I think it's one of the only interpretations of her motives that actually makes sense. She's a character driven by revenge and willing to do whatever it takes to get what she's looking for, her glorious purpose, justice against those that took everything from her; enchanting Loki to fall for and only trust her above anyone else is a survival mechanism. She's stuck with him now anyway, and this is all going to be so much easier if he's not trying to trick or work against her. Granted, this enchantment idea would have worked just as well as friendship / sibling vibe, there can still be a sense of gargantuan betrayal when Sylvie turns against him.
Like, I don't really fault Sylvie for not giving a shit about Loki because there's no reason why she should, not at first. I DO like the idea of him starting to grow on her to the point that real guilt starts flooding in for what she's doing, but ultimately she pushes it to the side because this matters more. It makes sense for her. And, again, did not have to be romantic at this point in any way.
But yeah as it is, there is no other conclusion to what exists that would make logical sense. Sylvie had that moment of trying to enchant him when they first land on Lamentis and we're lead to believe it didn't work, Sylvie even acts frustrated and disappointed! But that's all part of leading Loki to believe nothing happened anyway, right? So when he does start flirting with and trusting her more than he ever would have in his right mind, she gets uncomfortable because she knows this is wrong, she's not without a conscience and more can be built on that later. It absolutely explains Sophia's uncomfortable tension in those moments and her kind of politely pushing him away at every opportunity- she needs him to be in love with her, but she's not actually going to take advantage of it because maybe even she thinks it's gross even in its 'necessity' lmao wouldn't that be funny
Again though, I don't have faith that this will be the case in canon but for the sake of my own sanity I'm just going to adopt it as my own accepted explanation.
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
Shuu Sakamaki unhealthy and spicy headcanons (I can't hold back no mo', me need to share them)
(PSA : This is purely fiction and it's mean to stay that way, if someone in real life is acting that way towards you please seek help and leaves asap, be safe out here)
- His love is overbearing and intense. This man has been in depression for centuries and you're the first and only person that he truly loves, his whole being is filled with you an you only, which can sometimes be too much. For example, I see Shuu in love with a special look in his eyes, an intense crazed-look especially when he stares at you and can leaves sometimes uneasy. Yes, he stares A LOT and follow every movement that you make, not in a mean way, he's in love.
- Not only he's been suffering for most of his life but also vampires are known to be extremely possessive creatures, so Shuu would NOT understand many "humans like things" that you wanna do such as going out with your friends without him and he will not hesitate to guilt-trip you to make you understand his perspective. Like, "why do you wanna go so bad with other people? Am I not enough ?" or "Well, I, only need you." which leads most of the time to you canceling plans or bringing him with you and he WILL monopolizes you, like you really thought you were going out with your friends ? How cute. This man has no boundaries and literally don't care.
- About boundaries, yeah...its uhm..pretty hard to talk to him on this subject. Shuu is by far the most understanding vampire of them all and this is saying something, but that doesn't mean that he'll be easy to convince, especially when we know that he doesn't like to receive orders. If you tell him that sometimes you need time for yourself or to see other people, he'll grow offended and cold and you'll be the one feeling bad because "he has suffered so much, please don't ask him to be away from you, he can't handle it."
- Sex is a weapon and Shuu knows it damn well. How many times he used sex to makes you too tired to do anything (like going out with other ppl) and clings to you like his life depends on it. We know that blondie like sex but, lord have mercy, it only grows stronger when he's with his S/O, like are you breathing okay ? Can you walk ? This man can spend a whole ass week non-stop in bed (R.I.P that pussy ayyeee) he stops to not affect you physically.
- Shuu is a protector like admin explained but also since he has huge PTSD because of the death of Edgar, he would not tolerate seeing one scratch on you. The moment he feels that you're unsafe somewhere or the slightest danger, he's locking you up. You ain't going out till he get rid of whatever is putting you in danger(mind you that can be ANYTHING, you're allergic to bees and there's one bee outside ? Miss gurl go back in the house before he locks you up for good.) Yes, he is willing to isolate you from everything and everyone if he feels like the world is too dangerous for you. He saw many humans dying in front of him, you are so delicate and fragile, he won't risk it. And this is where you need to be careful, do not make him think that you're in danger or you're never seeing the outside. Again, his love is really pure and intense, he would never wish bad upon the one he adores, but his mind is built a certain way, which can be really hard to understand. He will also take care of you and do a lot of things that you can do on your own, it's not that he's infantilising you but plea-se let him take care of you and put his mind at peace.
- Shuu is also really observant and because he have strong senses, he can feel and smell everything, the littlest mood changes or switch in you, he's looking up at you and putting his head on your lap, all up in your face "what's on your mind ? What's going on ? Is something bothering you ? Tell me please." Or if you're sick, cough once he will go "Huh ? Lay down I'm going to make some tea."
- He's possessive but also slightly obsessive, he wants to know everything about you, even the atrocious cringy stuff that you've done. Shuu is a vampire, "cringe" or "embarrassing" stuffs are obsolete for him, if not, it's only making him adores you more. He's obsessed, boy is listening to your moans when you're not here, what do you expect. He is also really open and a lot more vulnerable when he's in a relationship with you and will tell you everything that goes through his head and he's expecting you to do the same.
- Because he tells you everything, you know most of his story and what he's gone through, so it's really hard for you to be upset by his actions because you know that you're the only thing keeping him stable and happy and because you love him you don't want to hurt him in anyway so you let him do whatever he wants.
- Hickeys, teeth marks, nails line, everything, this man is covering your body with his presence (with love only, of course) and he love to takes you out on dates after when you wear a pretty little outfit showing your "decorated" neck to the public, he feels a wicked sense of pride when the flirty waiter look at your neck and see big purple splotches everywhere, symbol that you're completely his and if you want to hide them he'll pout and will be slightly salty and look at you like "wHY ?!".
Me is done, have a great day everyone, especially admin, I hope that everything will turn out fot the better, I'm sending prayers and good energy towards you. ❤
Y'all see this...? All this? Me. Perfectly and canon me.
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((...Dont be proud of it. And thank you honey!! So so so much!!!!!!!! Waaah thank you!!! I LOVED THIS. It is my new bible and Im rereading it forever!!!! I loved it! THANK YOU!!!!!!
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
˗ˏˋMary, Midari, and Runa with an s/o who is a ghostˎˊ˗
Pronouns: gender neutral; they/them
Warnings: cussing. mentions of death, murder, suicide and a g>n-
Note: request by @massivewolfpandaknight thank you so much i love writing for kakegurui especially these girls!! Also marys is longer then all the other ones sorry😔 i tried to have more fun with this request too so i hope its still good :(
Mary Saotome
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First off, you met because of Yumeko
She was dragging you all over the school and at one point it was pissing you off so much you just decided to work your ~ghostly~ magic and get out of her grip
As shes lecturing you on acting normal, you're just staring at her with a black expression
"I dont see the problem"
"The problem is that we dont want everyone knowing your DEAD" she says ending her sentence with a sinister smile
It lowkey creeped you out
So you let out a sigh and give her a, "fine but dont drag me around like you did at our old school"
You actually died at the old school you used to go but you didn't have to stick at the school, you could go where ever
There weren't any boundaries lets say
So when Yumeko moved schools she dragged you with her and here you were now, pretending like you were still alive and not dead at all~
While you both were in deep conversation Mary came barging in asking "who in the hell is this bitch"
Sighing at her rude attitude you flick her forehead, your cold finger almost giving her a brain freeze and she stood in shock for a second.
"Who do you think you are" she says crossing her arms
What were you supposed to say to that, "a ghost???"
You mimic her actions and words in a high pitch voice
Yeah your relationship didn't start on the right foot
But hey after that whole meeting, you and Mary spent quite a long time together
Even though you fought a few times since her ego was so massive at the start of your relationship
But after a while she started opening up to you more and being nicer
Even going as far to be more affectionate to you and Yumeko noticed fast
Seeing as you were, very, oblivious
And didn't think anybody wanted to date you because you're a ghost, you thought nothing over her new actions towards you
At one point Yumeko just grabs you, brings you into a room, and tells you the truth
"Mary likes you, are you stupid? Oblivious or something? Go get her"
And as soon as you were in the room, you were out
As you stumbled out the door, Yumeko walking out calmly after you, Mary finds you
She looks between you and Yumeko, rasing her brow
Before leaving Yumeko says "no, nothing happened" winking at Mary and running away
You're still lowkey shocked at what Yumeko said
If you were alive, you'd probobly be blushing right now
"Heyyy Mary"
"What was that all about?" She asks, her cheeks puffed up a tiny bit
"Oh, it was nothing we were just talking"
"Didn't seem like just talking.." She mutters under her breath but you caught it
"Are you jealous??" You snicker out, getting closer to Mary step by step
As you walk closer and closer you basically have her pinned to the wall, blushing she just looks away from you
You smirk and give her a cheek a peck
She looks back with a shocked look on her face before giving you a smirk too
"Idiot, you missed"
Y'all kiss after that-
Honestly, she really doesent care that you're, dead-
She really likes when you pat her head or scratch her scalp since your fingers are cold
Flicking her forehead actually became a habit too-
You also have scheduled gambles and she gets mad at you if you say no sometimes
Midari Ikishima
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To be honest, at first you wanted nothing to do with Midari
But she just kept on talking to you and annoying you
And even though the memory is blurry and hazy somewhere in between begging you to gamble with her and her being by your side twenty four seven
You started to get less annoyed by her
In the midst of starting a friendship with that girl you told her you were actually
And when you saw that glint in her eyes you got w o r r i e d
She almost tried to commit not alive on the spot
You screamed
Your reflexes were good enough and you took the g>n out of her hands
You tried to push her away but she fell on top of you in the process
Knowing her you knew she was going to say something that will not do good for you
So you panic and accidently go through the floor
You can hear her hit the floor even through the thick floor, it made you laugh but you wont tell her that
When you go back into the room shes actually knocked out
Did she really hit the floor that hard-
Either way you grab her unconscious body and take care of her until shes back on her feet
For once in your (after) "life" you see Midari calm
It was a very weird sight
She made you gamble with her once too
Never again.
You somehow one and she got too excited waiting for whatever punishment was going to happen next, she was on top of you at one point
You've also caught her in...compromising positions and you've ran out of that situation as fast as you could
She dreams of the day she can actually get you alone without you running away
It happened once, and that was the day you guys actually got together
She cornered you and you forgot all about your ghostly abilities for once
She pushes up to you and puts her face right in front of your face
"Why do you panic so much"
..what in the hell-
Since she's only met with your silence and your eyes aren't even meeting hers she gets a little impatient
She bonks you on the head with her g>n, not very lightly may i add
And as you open your mouth to protest she takes this opportunity to kiss you. After all shes been crushing on you for so long, not like you noticed though
You thought she chased everyone around
Im not going to act like the kiss went too smoothly, your teeth crashed with hers before you pulled away to give her an actual kiss
You grab her chin and give her a proper kiss this time, her g>n making a soft thud when it fell on the ground but you didn't pay much mind to it
After that she tries to kiss you as much as possible, sometimes more then kissing even when there are people around
Shes like one of those kids you have to put the animal backpack leashes, yeah you always need to check up on her before she does a disaster
When you joke about it she doesn't take it as a joke
So next time you see her at school with a leash in her hands you run away immediately
Runa Yomozuki
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You guys met when she caught you trying to watch a gambling fight and didn't recognize you as a student there.
You guys met eyes and you just sat there like, "...hi :D"
She immediately starts questioning you, lollipop still in her mouth and you could barely understand half of the words she was saying-
When she notices you don't even care and you're just staring at the candy in her mouth she sighs and grabs another lollipop from her pockets
She hears you softly mutter, "i haven't had these in ages", shes a little confused
You just look up innocently and say, "oh im dead", when she gives you a questioning gaze
You're surprised when she doesn't start doubting your words-
She just goes "oh, makes sense" and walks away
You just sit there like, ?????
Also you might not have any taste buds
But you're still addicted to those lollipops
Anyways after that you make it your goal to annoy her as much as possible
And you do
For a few months actually
She usually shuts you up with a lollipop sometimes you annoy her by making the lollipop pass right through you
At one point she takes on a different method to shut you up and kisses your cheek, you sat there for a second and malfunctioned
She giggles at your reaction and does it a lot more
Doesent matter how many times she does it, you never get used to it
Your relationship kind of just blossomed
You guys didn't even notice any of it until one day you were staring at each other and kissed and you both just went "okay well we're dating now"
Everyone else barely knew about you so when they see Rona and you just kissing they're so confused
Rona doesn't even explain and you don't bother too either
She finds it funny
She giggles a little when you give her kisses since your lips are just as cold as you are
She now has to get even more candy since you both are obsessed and you steal her candy from her too
You pay back in kisses though
She likes it that way😌
She also likes to join you in scaring the students of the school
You guys do it in various ways but there are some that you like more
For example, sometimes she starts talking to someone and youll randomly appear right behind her and somehow that scares some of the students to death
Another one of your favorites is hiding behind a corner together and just waiting for people nearby and then yelling in their faces
Usually she goes first and after the person has calmed down you chime in and yell in their face too
[1699 words; aug/10/2020]
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OH MY GOD! ITS HAPPENING! Its only the summary and I’m emo 😂 I should be studying for my exams, but I have tomorrow for that ;)
Ok, lets do this:
"He preferred to hide his heart away. But he couldn’t hide David. He didn’t want to. David deserved to be seen." Like father like son. Both speeking poetry about their love ones. (and no, Idk which father I'm talking about 😂)
“I don’t think they are fake dating,” David hummed from the other end. “You don’t talk for hours every night if you are just fake dating.” (THANK YOU DAVID! SOMEONE THAT ITS NOT BLIND)
"They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”“So, by not helping them, we are technically helping them?” Bapa had asked and Max had nodded with a grin. “Shadowhunters are weird.” “True dat,” Max had laughed. They were all weirdos. But Max loved them anyway. He loved his weird shadowhunters. (The domesticity lf this is killing me in a good way🥺)
“Will you on a date with me? Tomorrow?” Max asked then – because why the hell not. (Hell yeah Max. Go big or go home babe😎)
“This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.” In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that. (I'm already feeling his chaotic ass will do something like Magnus did, but lets keep hope)
"Maybe Lexi and Liv would probably enjoy a date – a fake date - in the arcade." Could I be more in love with both of them?? Is that physically possible?? 💙
Elyaas giving Max dating advice!! Lmaooo 😂😂
"His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice. But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages."  YOU LIL SHIT. YOU ARE NOT WRONG THO...
FUCK. An attack??
You lil shit Max.
Yep, Rafael has to deal with it everyday 😂
"So, when he got tired, he would simply fix the problem by eating. It was a win-win to be honest." I feel like I should say something, but tbh it makes sense
Ok, this fight is intense
Wait. Anjali is there???  What?
Oh ok, it wasn’t
“Say the thing!”Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.” I'm dead 😂
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out. “Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.” “Asshole,” Max laughed and punched his brother.
“Text dad we are okay,” Rafael said, slowly recovering. “They will worry.”Max nodded and did that. (This just summ up sibling relationships so well *chef kiss*)
“It can be hard, Max. Bapak and dad…Sometimes I look at them and feel like I will never have what they have.” YUP. THEY HAVE SIBLINGS DYNAMIC. ALSO RAFAEL IS JUST 🥺🥺🥺
David got wounded???
Oh ok. False alarm.
Rafael sat down next to him and put Bapak’s head on his lap, gently massaging it.
“Are you okay?” dad knelt down next to his husband. “Just a little tired,” Bapak replied.A little tired. Max knew Bapak was fucking exhausted."  "Bapak never showed it. He never complained. Max wondered what else he hid away from everyone else." “Okay,” dad whispered and kissed his husband on the head. “Get some rest, my love.” Bapak nodded and closed his eyes as Rafael hummed something softly. (Well, now I'm crying 😭😭)
" His niece found an herbal medication that helps with the pain.” ANJALI!! I LOVE HER💙💙
"Dad finally smiled and went out to the balcony, phone in hand. He seemed to hang out in the balcony a lot lately" No no no. I dont like this. Babe find a better copying mechanism!!
"Bapak smiled then. A brilliant grin. The one dad probably fell in love with." jsyeihdiej I cant🥺💙
"Bapak sniffed when dad sat down next to him and gave him an odd look. But he didn’t say anything." Magnus tell him something. I dont like where this is going😭
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked. “Do not drag me into this!” Bapak protested and dad laughed at that" Ahh yess. Typical family discussions 😂
"David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!” (😂😂 I HONESTLY LAUGHED WAY TO HARD!!)
“Well, no! I don’t want drama. But I want you to be dramatic so I can tell you not to be dramatic!” I would like to say WHAT? but I honestly get it 😂
“Also, we all know you had an embarrassing crush on Uncle Jace growing up,” Rafael snickered. “And you definitely still have a crush on Uncle Jem.” Oh god 😂😂 but I mean... Who doesn't have a crush on Jem?
“Oh yeah?” Max demanded. “Well then let me explain your type. You are probably going to fall for someone who is like a combination of Aunt Izzy and Aunt Lily! Some femme fatale type who is a heartbreaker and looks like a supermodel and-” Boy got it right huh? 😂
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?” “There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!” lmaooo 😂😂
"And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life." I. I have no words
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.” “Not happening,” dad said into his coffee, and Max groaned before walking back into his room. (THAT FAMILY 😂😂)
" I tried to hurt your father once.” OH no, the angst is coming
" He didn’t know about this. He knew about their story. Everyone did. The accords hall kiss. The fight in Edom. The changing of the law. Their love was legendary. Not this!" THIS IS BRINGING BACK SO MANY FLASHBACKS
“All I know is that I was terrified. I love your father. I love Magnus more than anything in the world. And I didn’t want to lose him. And I didn’t know what to do.” 😭😭 NOT AGAIN!!
"When you love someone so much, sometimes you do crazy things.” THIS
" Love had made a fool out of them. Love had made them blind." Yup. tsc: a summary
"When you love someone, you have to be honest with them" And THAT is character development!!
"They called it The Jem effect." I'm using this from now on 😂💙💙
"Uncle Jem was wearing a tank top and and ripped jeans." So its time for SIMP over Jem Carstairs? Okey then.
"In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual." Same here 😂
“In my defense, I was busy!!” “Oooo, someone has been getting busy!” Mina WINKED. (You lil shit! I love her 💙)
He didn’t know he could blush!!!
" They had gone to hell and back for Roman. It wouldn’t have been possible if not for Catarina. She was, and always has been, a miracle worker." Again, I love my queen💙💙
“I believe in Mavid supremacy.” ME TOO
"There is something so queer about Ferris wheels!" Someone needed to say this
"They had their own space in the spiral fucking labyrinth. These fucking legends." I BELIEVE IN WARLOCK TEAM SUPREMACY
"But Ragnor had always had a soft spot for Rafael." 🥺🥺
I love my warlock squad so much I cant-
Ragnor is so done😂
“I don’t want to lose him,” Max said it out loud for the first time. “But you will, Max,” Catarina said gently. “Everyone loses people they love. Every day. It’s how life works.” (its to early to be crying)
“Yes, we do,” Ragnor replied. “But it also means we fall in love over and over. Century after century. It’s our blessing.” (these warlocks are just to perfect)
“And that love is going to last for a lifetime,” Tessa said softly. “Can you imagine that? Someone loving you for centuries. Someone remembering you for eternity. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” 🥺🥺
David deserved to be loved like that – endlessly and impossibly. (OK BUT THE PARALLEL)
Tessa should definetly write a guidebook
“Je t’aime à la folie,” Max said.David’s eyes widened. “Vraiment?“ "Je t’aime. Je t’aime de toute mon âme. Je t’aime pour toujours.” ( I literally screamed and woke up my sister, I just love them so much!!!)
"David smiled. The smile Max fell in love with" 🥺🥺
“I know I am not your forever and I am okay with that.” Max bit his lip. “Okay.” “But you are mine,” David said. “You know that, right?” (ksidjdldk its just all this was beautiful!)
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do." (Me as I should be studying 😂)
" And you were just scared. You were just a kid." “I just…I just realized you might not have had that when you were growing up – that there might not have been people you could talk to about these things.” THAT!! LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!
"Max pulled him closer and kissed him again. Every kiss a promise. A promise to love. A promise to fight. A promise to survive" I would die for this two
OMG he took him to the Celestial Palace!! Thats so perfect and 🥺🥺
“Oh mon dieu! Ceci est incroyable! Il y a tellement de livres! Oh mon dieu! Je l'aime tellement!”💙💙 Idk how you manage to make me love David even more
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.” David blinked. “You’re joking, right?” “Of course,” Max grinned. His father had actually said that but there was no need to scary poor David any further. (😂😂 Imagine having the Consul as father-in-law, poor David)
“Yeah, not good with words my ass,” Exactly!! They say they are not good with words and procede to recite poetry of their love one??!!
Ughh I love this chapter so much and I loved how they deal with the inmortality thing! I just love when people comunicate and talk to each other! THATS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP! And how they didn't repeat Alec and Magnus mistake. I just love it! *chef kiss*
Anyway, this was really long and it took to open notes to fullfill, so i'll just leave💙💙
Bro I just felt like I read the whole chapter again and I am feels. I AM FEELS SEND HELP. Not me catching feels over my own shit lmaooooo.
Thank you so much. I have some work to do and I was like meh and now I have some energy to do it lol. I hope you spend tomorrow studying! You better!! Good luck!
ps - I love you notice the parallels and references. It makes me lil heart go boop!
also why do I feel like y'all are eternally doing exams????
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agentsoftie · 4 years
stitches and ditches
summary: y/n and spencer get in a fight. due to the fight y/n goes to the hospital where she gets taken. spencer has to find her before it’s to late
a/n: plot holes. plot holes everywhere. so i’m sorry for that, super sorry. also like i don’t really know how to write fight scene and stuff ig so sorry if it sucks. and i skipped like 3 classes for this, so don’t let it flop
warnings: fight, angry spencer, torture, a case, violent spencer (idrk what to call it) and whole lotta angst. i happy ending though! kinda, idrk
word count & pairing: spencer x (fem) reader & 4.1k
remember to like and reblog!!
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It all started the day he came home from work. This was one of the longest trips he’d been on so you decided to make him his favorite. Pumpkin Pie. And god knows how hard it is to make pie, but you did it anyways, for him. It wasn't too late when he got home but It wasn't too early either. More like the time right after dinner and just before dessert. You had just got the pie out of the oven when you heard the door open and someone walk in.
“Spencer! Finally you’re home! How are you!” You said while he put his bag away. He didn't turn to look at you yet which was kinda weird since the first thing he does when he gets home is kiss you right on the lips. “Fine,” He mumbled while sitting down at the table still not looking at you. “Spencer, come on what’s wrong?” You asked while grabbing his hands, but he immediately retracted. Which made sense because of who he was, but you’re not gonna admit that it didn't hurt. “Nothing Y/N.”
You knew that something was wrong, and it didn't take a profiler to see that. Everything about him was just off. “Come on, it's me. You can tell me anything.”
“Y/N.” Spencer said in a deep tone. You’d never heard him like this or seen in that sense. He was always happy to see you, to be with you. And were with his too. “Spencer no, come on. I can see that you’re clearly not fine. So come on, open up.”
“Y/N I said I’m fine!” You were appalled. He had never raised his voice at you, but it was bound to happen one day, you just. You just were shocked. “Spencer,” You said in a low voice completely contradicting his loud yell. “What!”
“Spencer calm down!” You say yelling at him. Although you realized that yelling at someone to calm down probably wasn't the best way to do it.
“No Y/N, you need to just stop and shut up!” Shut up. That’s the first time he’s ever told you to shut up. Infact, you think it's the first time he’s ever told anyone to shut up.
“Spencer just talk to me! It’s not that fucking hard!”
“No Y/N it is. It's tremendously hard and you just wouldn't understand.”
“Just tell me. And I'll see if I understand. But don't just gatekeep your emotions and feelings.”
“Y/N I said no! Why cant you listen to simple fucking directions! It’s not that fucking hard!” Each and every time he yelled at you, it's like your heart physically broke. And you could feel it breaking. But how do you tell him to stop? All you wanted was to know how he feels. Was that really so hard?
“Spencer why the hell are you acting like this! I understand that your job is hard but that doesn't mean that you can pour all your anger out on me! And if you are gonna do that, you can at least do the kind thing and share how you feel! And what's wrong! I mean, is that really so much to ask!”
“Oh really, that's how you wanna play this! You think this is just a little game don’t you!”
“Game Spencer! You think I play this as a game! Well this game is my life!” You were drop dead angered at this point. “What in the world gives you the right to act like this! Please, explain!” All he does is scoff at you. “I'm not joking Spencer! Why the hell are you acting like this! You've changed!”
“Oh I’ve changed! Y/N you've changed! You're always trying to kiss up my ass! I mean jesus! All you want is money! Like god!”
“Oh I want money! Spencer! I don't need your pathetic money! It may not have dawned on you since you couldn't bother to care, but I make a good amount of money. Yeah, you’re not the only one who paid for this place. So stop acting like you are.”
“Oh wow! Haha, you sick son of a,” He stopped immediately after realizing what exactly he was saying.
“Say it Spencer! Finish the goddamn sentence!”
“Y/N, you know I wont.” He says in a shift of tone. Still equally as affecting though.
“Why? Huh? You've already said so much, just wrap it up with a nice little red bow on top!”
“Y/N, stop,” He said, his tone getting more and more demeaning by the second.
“Do it Spencer! Do it!”
“Goddamn it Y/N I said stop!!” He yelled before throwing a glass at the wall behind you. You both immediately shut up, as trying to process what just had happened. Did he actually just try to hurt you? No, Spencer would never do that. Would he? You touched the back of your head and felt blood on your ear. You looked down at the blood and Spencer walked towards you but all you did was pull back from his touch.
“Don’t,” You mutter in fright. Putting your hands up against his chest, but not touching. His eyes looked at you as if they were trying to say something but just couldn't. You grabbed your purse, keys, phone, a coat, and slipped into some shoes. “Y/N, where are you going?”
“To the clinic or hospital or whichevers open right now. To get this checked out and stitched up.”
“Y/N, come on just stay here. I can stitch it up. I can do everything. Just dont leave. Im sorry, okay. I- I don't know why I did that. I promise I didn't mean too.” He begs and pleads but you just can't say with him tonight. No, not tonight. Tonight was too bad, tonight was a dent that was not going to be fixed.
“I just can't, Spencer. Okay, not tonight. There’s some pasta in the fridge, and I love you… I guess.” And with that you got in your car and left leaving Spencer to just sit in his own tears. He just sat at the table thinking of everything he did wrong. Everything that went wrong. And the worst part is that absolutely nothing wrong or bad happened at work today. He was just exhausted, that's all. And instead of telling his girlfriend, he started a fight. And he knew that you were in the right, for everything.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Dr. Michael Gray. And it looks like something happened to your ear.” He says while standing at the door.
“Oh hi! Haha. And um… I thought that nurses were supposed to, you know, stitch up stitches.”
“Oh yeah, well they are. But you’re just so gorgeous I pass up the offer.”
“Oh, haha,” You say, not knowing how to feel. Although there was one thing you knew, and that was that this was uncomfortable as hell. “Well, I mean I do have a boyfriend.” You said just so he wouldn't try to make any moves.
“Oh well hey! Do you have any siblings or friends? I'm fine with absolutely anyone and everyone.” He says while disinfecting your ear and pulling the glass out.
“You’re Pan?” You ask to distract yourself from the pain.
“Yeah. You’re not gonna request another doctor now right?” He asks while carefully taking out the glass and putting it on a white napkin in front of you. That was a big piece.
“No, of course not!” You say in offence. “How could you ever think that.”
“It happens a lot with people. Especially the pretty ones. They automatically get turned off when I tell them I like everyone. I don't care about your gender, just your personality and how you treat me.”
“Oh well I would never. And it sucks that-that happens.”
“Yeah. Okay, so here comes the fun part. Hey, how did you even get these stitches? Or, why do you need them? Like how did you get to this point?” He says while slowly stitching up your ear.
“Ha, I get it. You’re just fine. And all of this is due to my boyfriend.” You say in pain.
“Wait,” He stops doing what he’s doing and just stands there. “Your boyfriend did this?”
“Yes. And before you say anything else, I am not in an abusive relationship. Okay, he just had a bad day and I guess I made it even worse. And trust me, he didn't mean to do it.” You say as he finishes stitching up your ear.
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?” He asks while pouring out a liquid into a small cup.
“Then, come stay with me. At my place. And here drink this, it’ll help with the pain. A lot.”
He says while giving you a small cup filled with what looked like to be a crushed up powder poorly mixed in with water. Or whatever that the liquid was.
“Oh no. We just met.” You spoke before drinking it.
“You got anywhere better to stay? Plus my shift ends in 5 so it would be the most practical decision.”
You knew that it was wrong. After everything that Spencer had told you. But for some reason you still went. Even though you knew you should have gone back home to Spencer. And god knows what he was doing right now. But you couldn't just let your pride fall and go home. That would be pathetic. “You know what, okay! I mean what the hell! You seem nice and I’m not in the mood to face him again. Or at least for now.”
“Just one question… are you gonna kill me?” It was a stupid question to ask, you know. But after everything that Spencer and his family have been through. And with what happened to haley, you just couldn't help but to ask.
“No Y/N, I’m not gonna kill you. Now come on, let me get logged out and let's leave this place. Oh and Y/N, you can call me Michael.” He says while taking off his lab coat.
“Okay Michael.”
He brought you into his car and the drive to his place felt like hours. Although you really couldn't remember most of it since you passed out a quarter way through. The last thing you do remember is him putting his hand on your thigh and looking over at you with a smirk.
It had been 3 days. 3 days since you left to get your ear stitched up. 3 days since Spencer had last seen you. Since you had seen him. Or any of your friends. 3 days since you left your life. In those 3 days, Spencer completely lost himself. All of the books were on the floor. The bed was an absolute mess. And the kitchen was left just as it was the night it happened. He, himself, was a mess. His hair had not been brushed. He was still wearing the same clothes. And he’d been surviving on coffee and granola bars.
“Guys, we got a new case, come on.” Penelope chimes as they all do paper work. Spencer can’t help but look at his phone every 2 minutes just waiting for a text or call or any sign of life and/or love.
“What’s wrong pretty boy?” Derek asks.
“Yeah, you've been acting tense lately.” JJ adds.
“Nothing, It’s just Y/N,” He gruffs.
“Do I smell relationship problems,” Derek says jokingly.
“Derek!” JJ scoffs. “What's wrong Spence?”
“Nothing I just… Look, something happened, and now she’s not answering any of my text and calls, and I'm starting to get worried. That's really all there is.”
“Well what happened exactly? To you know, make her leave I guess.” JJ asks.
“Um, we had an argument. A pretty bad one. I came home after the case. The Checkersfeild one. And um, I was just tired. And instead of telling her that, I got super mad and said some things that I regret. And also did a thing I regret. A lot. And I would explain everything to her if she answered whenever I called or texted but she didn't.”
“How bad was the argument?” She asks again.
“Pretty bad. It was our first, but it was really bad. Just words coming and pouring out.”
“Spencer, how long have you and Y/N been dating?” Derek asks in shock at the fact that he just said ‘first argument’.
“2 and half years now.”
“And you two have never fought? What's this secret that you're keeping from me.”
“Well you know, we had our mutual disagreements. And sometimes we argued a little but it was small and it lasted for like an hour. And right after we would apologize and everything would be okay. It would all be fine.” Spencer said, his voice got longer and slower as the words went on.
“Wow, um… Spencer. You really love her, don't you.” Derek asked.
“Yeah. I really do, don't I.” Spencer says while walking into the briefing room.
As everyone sat down Derek couldn’t help but to keep looking at him. He knew that Spencer was hiding something, he just didn't know what. Or how to figure it out.
“Okay everyone this is Isabella Stines. The latest victim of our new unsub. Police are calling him The Ditcher. Since, as you can see, they leave the body in ditches after what looks like hours and hours of tourture. 5 other people were found too. First was Mindy Kindle, then Jake Johnson. Next, Rosé Hinnings, then we have Jennifer Gordon. And last, and hopefully least, Kross Noing. The ‘K’ is silent.” Penelope says while everyone looks down at the picture of the crime scenes and blood smeared across the screen.
“Do they have anything in common?” Spencer asks just before his phone starts ringing. He immediately picks it up even though the rule that Hotch made up states that you can't answer phones when you’re in the briefing room getting briefed for a new case. “Y/N.” Spencer asks, not knowing who this was since he didn't have enough time to look at the caller ID. “No, this is Sharron Richard, her boss. She hasn't shown up to work for these past days and we’re getting worried. She has a case coming up and this is a big one for her. We’ve been trying to contact her, but she’s not answering. So we called you since she left you as her backup or whatever you call it. So, have you seen or heard from her?” Sharron asks over the phone.
“Um no I- I haven't.” Spencer mutters through the phone so no one except Sharron could hear it. Although that failed miserably.
“Oh, okay. Well if you hear from her, or see her anytime soon. Please tell her to contact us.” And with that the phone was hung up.
“Pretty boy what was that?” Derek asks.
“Uh, nothing. Just a call from Y/N’s work. Apparently she’s been missing. Although you already knew that so…” Spencer said while looking down at his phone more time, then putting it away. Everyone just gave him this weird look of dissatisfaction.
“Okay anyway, yes there are some similarities. And luckily, all of these are taking place here so you guys won't be flying out anywhere! Or wait, isn't that a bad thing?” Penelope exclaims.
“Garcia,” Hotch says in his natural stearn and damning voice.
“Sorry boss. Anyways, The ME found traces of propofol and thiopental in each of their systems. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a drug that doctors use to get patients into a coma before surgeries and/or if it's needed medically.”
“So only doctors would have access to it?” Emily asks.
“Over here in Virginia, yes. There are no stores that sell it here due to too many people ODing.” Spencer answers. “Garcia, did the ME find any signs of sexual assault?”
“No they did not. Looks like it was just tourture.”
“Hey Garcia, did they have anything else in common?” Emily asks.
“Yeah check this out. Each of the victims have a medical visit to “The Charleston Hospital” the night before dying. Or getting captured at least. And, it looks like each of them came in after what looked like an action of abuse. It was hard to spot but luckily the bill got it.”
“Okay, thank you Garcia. JJ, Prentiss, come with me. We’re going to the crime scene. Rossi, you go to the ME. Morgan and Reid stay here and try to find some things and connections. And Garcia, you just do what you do best.” Hotch says while getting up.
Everyone was gone from the briefing room except for Garcia who was taking down some files, and Spencer, who was looking at the file. But one part in particular. Could it have happened. No, it couldnr have. Could it?
“Hey Garcia?” He asked.
“Yes sugar,”
“Can I get something?”
“Why of course, what is it that you need?”
“Um, I need records and security tapes.”
“Come with me my sweet child.” She says while walking out the door and into her office, or as she likes to call it, batcave.
“Okay here are the records for-” She got cut off by a frantic Spencer.
“No, not for them, but for Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Your girlfriend?” She asks.
“Yes, my girlfriend.”
“Um, okay. So yeah. It looks like she went to Charleston um about 3 nights ago for some stitches.”
“And the security tapes. From that night. Can you see where she went? Or if she got in her car?”
“You doubt me. Don't doubt me. Okay so here. It looks like she got into this car. But, it looks like there is someone with her. Im sorry Spencer.”
“Don't be. Just, what’s the licence plate numbers?”
“Um, 56HI90ZC3. Spencer, if you want, we can talk about it.” She says in a soft tone. Thinking that his girlfriend would be cheating on one of her friends.
“No not now. I just need you to track that car, can you do that?”
“Done. Okay so it looks like the last time the car was spotted was here, Cherry Ann Avenue. It looks like they took a turn in this field, and that's all.”
“Great, I need you to contact Hotch and Rossi, and tell them that we got the guy.”
“On it. But, hey do you wanna talk about it?”
“Garcia, we don't have any time. Someone I love is in danger and I don't wanna waste a single second.”
You woke up to the smell of blood, the sound of crickets, and a gut wrenching pain, everywhere across your body.. Crickets everywhere. You looked down to see many cuts. Cuts all over your body, everywhere. And in one place, you swear you saw a knife. What had happened? How long was I out? You tried to remember everything but all you could was getting in a fight with Spencer and then getting in a car with a doctor. Or a nurse, or whoever they were.
“Ah, so you're up.” Michael said as he walked up from the shadows behind him.
“Who are you and what do you want?” You say trying your best to back away from him but something ties you down.
“You forgot who I am already. I must have added a little more meds in there for you. Huh, well that's alright. I’m Michael. More professionally, Dr. Michael Gray.” You just sat there trying to hear him over the intense pain you were in. Almost as if you'd been stabbed 100 times, maybe you had, who knows. “You see, your boyfriend was being the abusive piece of shit he is and so now I'm helping you. Helping you get better.”
“You sick bastard. You're not helping me, you're causing me pain.” You say as he gets closer and closer to your face.
“Shut up!!” He says as he slaps you. “I know what I’m doing!! Do you know how many people I’ve put out of misery!!” He yells in your face. You can feel the spit reaching your face as he does this.
“You’ve hurt those people. You've put them through pain. So much pain. Instead, you could have helped them. But this, this is not help, no this is torture, abuse, assult.”
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” He yelled while throwing the metal tray on the table across the room. “YOU KNOW WHAT, MAYBE WHAT YOU'RE PATHETIC LITTLE BOYFRIEND DID TO YOU WAS GOOD. YOU DESERVED IT!! Don't deserve me, or my help!”
You were shocked. You were scared. You were terrified. But you didn't want to admit it. And the sad part is, all he truly wanted to do is help you. But just at that moment you heard sirens. Sirens everywhere, and they got louder and louder until you saw the colors. Flashing up against the brown wooden wall and the shag carpeting on the floor.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang, the door had come down. “Michael Gray!” You heard someone yell. “Michael, we know what you've done, and we know that you’re here!”
“No, this can't be happening. No no no no no. NO!” He yelled in panic. The most stupid thing to do when you’re trying to hide.
Suddenly 3 people came rushing to the room. One of them happened to be your boyfriend. Who ran over to you immediately without any hesitation.
“Hey Y/N, it's me, Spencer. You're gonna be okay.” He said while holding you. All you did was smile and nod. You wanted to tell him that you loved him, but you just couldn't. You were so sore and tired. And all you wanted to do was go to sleep. Even though you knew that you shouldn't have since, well, you know. You would probably die. But you just couldn't help it.
You woke to a bright light. Or multiple in this case. Why was everything so white. White hurts people. You felt a tug to your hand as you saw who was holding it, Spencer. He stayed. And for god knows how long. He was asleep, and you didn't want to wake him. Poor boy looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep for the past week or so. You checked the clock as the time read 10:37pm. Perfect, just the most perfect time to wake up. You tried to grab your phone, but you had to stretch to get it, and you were not doing that.
Spencer, although woke up from your failed attempt at grabbing your phone. “Y/N, you're awake.” He said dreamily with his eyes half shut.
“Hi Spencer.”
Once he truly realized what was going on, he jumped up from his seat and gripped your hand tighter than before. “Y/N baby, how are you? Are you okay?”
“Well, truthfully. No, I am not okay. I mean, I just got tortured for god know how long, and I think I’ve been asleep. But again, I don't know how long. And oh god, I had my case that I’ve been working on for the past 6 months that was supposed to happen and I missed it!” You say as if the world was ending. He just looks at you. No emotion, just stares.
“Y/N it’s okay. I sorted that out, don't worry. You’re just okay. Why did you go with them anyway?”
You don't know how to respond. Do you tell him everything, or tell him nothing at all. Do you leave out some bits? No, he deserves to hear the whole truth. “Spencer, after what happened that night, I was terrified of what was gonna happen if I came home. And my friends were out of town. So I really had no choice.”
“Y/N,” His voice cracked. “I am so sorry for what I did to you. I truly didn't mean to do that, it just happened. And I don't know why.”
“I know.”
“You probably hate me, and I get that. I would hate me too if I were you. I mean, look at what I put you through. I’m so sorry. And I understand if you wanna breakup and stuff. But, I just wanna say that I love you. I truly do.”
“Spencer,” You say while looking down at your hands, then back up. “I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Not after everything you’ve done for me. I love you, I do.”
He just smiled and kissed you on your forehead. “Y/N, you wanna about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“Everything that happened today.”
“Sure, but how about we talk about everything that happened the other day. I mean, I made you pie Spencer, Pie!” He just sat there while you were laughing looking into your eyes. “I love you.” He said. You just smiled and held his hand, “I love you too.”
tagging: @criminalmindsmoodrn, @marshmallowtraver, @ghostly-angelic, and @himarisolace
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dingobabywrites · 4 years
 so, in light of recent events, people have been discussing when they think Dean and Cas realized that they were in love with each other. While I 100% believe dean realized in purgatory, I dont think Castiel realized until Dean broke Naomi's connection.
I also think that is around the same time Sam realized it too. Obviously Charlie already knew ( " what about Castiel, he seems helpful and..Dreamy" she's a lesbian. That comment wasn't for Her!") I think Charlie was the one to point it out to sam and I think the two of them agreed to keep it to themselves since neither of those two would have been able to handle that information. So, I wrote a little thing about how I think it went down.
I also wanted to give myself an explanation for those wierd looks and mystery note from the end of the episode...so yeah...here's that.
Sam hobbled down the hall to the guest room, his hand still throbbing from knocking Dean unconcious . It was…worrisome, to say the least, that he was having this much trouble with healing from such a minor injury, not to mention the other things that were happening to his body; the fatigue, coughing up blood. Troubling, but, as much as he hated to admit it, worth it. Dean had been pissing him off more than usual lately anyway. It wasn't just the trials. Sure, he was frustrated with Dean for thinking he wasn't strong enough to handle them (he had fought against Lucifer in his own mind for christ's sake) but it was everything else too. His loyalty to Benny still didn't sit right with him. He had been so quick to kill Amy, just because she was a monster. He didn't care that she was just feeding her kid. She was just a monster to him. But for some reason, Benny got a pass. Sure, the guy saved both their asses, he was grateful for that, but even Bobby knew it was wrong.
And then there was Cas.
Sam wanted nothing more, than to tell Dean that he should have learned his lesson the first time with the Angel. It wasn't like he didn't like Castiel. Of course he did. He was appreciative of everything the guy had done for them. Dean was right that he had saved their asses more than once. It was just….at the end of the day, whether they liked him or not, Castiel had betrayed them. He understood that perfectly. What he couldn't understand, was why dean was so suprised by him doing it again. Hell, Dean had been the one to bring up that fact that the guy wasn't acting right since he got back and yet, there he was, praying to him, putting his trust in him again. It was maddening, to say the least. He had tried to talk to his brother about it, but Dean immediately shut down.
So, yeah, his hand was still hurting, but it was damn worth it.
He turned the corner to find Charlie stuffing her things into her duffle. He knocked on the door frame with his uninjured hand. "Hey, there."
"Sam." She half smiled, when she turned around, her eyes still a little bleary from crying. "Hi, I'm just…just packing up to head out and…" she sniffled and plopped down on the bed, covering her face as she began crying anew.
Sam walked into the room and pulled up the desk chair, sitting down in front of her. "Dean told me what happened, while you two were under." He said. "I am so sorry about your mom, Charlie." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she began crying harder. "I know how hard it is to let go like that…"
"Dean was right," she sniffed. "I needed to stop holding on."
Sam let out a bitter scoff and pulled his hand back, squeezing both hands between his legs. "Yeah, Dean's always right, isn't he? Too bad he can't follow his own advice."
Charlie looked up, her eyes sad and confused. "Holding on to my mom was the reason I was stuck there. If he hadn't made me let go, I would have died.we both would have."
Sam shook his head at himself, trying his damndest to let go of his own bitterness to be there for his friend. "Ya, I know. I'm sorry…just…I know you're hurting right now, I just want you to know I'm here for you."
Charlie sniffed again, wiping her arm across her face to dry it before leaning back and staring at Sam. "I don't get it." She said, as firmly as possible.
Sam, leaned back and shrugged. "Me neither, really. I always thought all djinn fed off happiness. It's like every time we figure stuff out, something new comes along to throw us off our game."
"Not that." Charlie said, waving his statement off. Sam looked at her, confused, not sure what she was referring to. She took a breath and pulled a book out of her duffle throwing it on Sam's lap. 'Mystery Spot' By Carver Edlund. "You say these books happened in real life. That everything written in them actually went down…but the past two times I've been around you guys…you certainly dont act like you do in the books."
Sam skimmed the first page of the book and chuckled, tossing it back on the bed next to Charlie. "Yeah, well, things have just been different, I guess."
"So, you used to love and support each other, no matter what and now you just, what? Stopped?" She asked.
"It's…" Sam scoffed and shook his head. "things are just, more complicated now…"
"You maybe, wanna elaborate there buddy?" She asked. "I may be a genius, but a mind reader, I am not."
Sam let out a breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. He figured it might feel better to at least get something off his chest. "To be honest Charlie, I dont think Dean is cut out for the job anymore."
"Why not?"
"His judgment, for one thing." Sam answered. "I don't know, just ever since he got back from purgatory… he's been…it's like he can't think straight anymore. He used to be no nonsense when it came to killing monsters and only trusting people he knew he could trust and now… I mean, I get it. Purgatory was rough on him, but the guy has literally been to Hell and back. I don't see why this time is any different."
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked softly.
"I mean like, being friends with a freaking vamp." Sam answered, coldly. "Yeah, Benny wasn't like the others, and I get the whole 'brother's in arms' aspect, but it still doesn't make sense." He waved his hand, gesturing back at the book before letting it drop. "That Dean? That Dean would have never put his trust in a monster. That Dean wouldn't let people back into his life that had screwed him over, and now…I don't know, now it's like he just doesn't care about letting people in that who could hurt him, or…people who already have."
"So, it's not just about the vampire." Charlie said. "Who else has Dean been trusting that you don't think he should?"
Sam gritted his teeth and shook his head. "Cas really messed him up Charlie. I mean, the guy already turned his back on us once and Dean just let him back into our lives like nothing even happened."
"Ah." Charlie said, with complete understanding. "Okay, I get it now."
"Get what?" Sam asked.
"I get why Dean has been acting wierd, duh." She said, like it was obvious. Sam sat, staring at her, trying to peice together what puzzle she seemed to have completed. "Oh, my God. Do you really not see it?" Charlie laughed.
"Um, no?" Sam said, skeptically.
"Wow," she scoffed. "And here I thought you were the observant one." Sam waited for her to explain herself, still utterly lost on what she was talking about. "It's Castiel." She said, speaking to him as if he were a child.
"What about him?" Sam asked, hoping like hell that she wasn't talking about the angel brainwashing his brother or something.
"I've read the books, Sam." She said. "I know all about Dean's special Angel friend."
"No." Sam shook his head. "No, chuck stopped writing after Dean went to hell. There's no way you could have a read anything about Cas."
Charlie scrunched her face and bobbed her head back and forth. "Mmmm, not exactly." She reached into her bag and pulled put her laptop, turning it on. "Remember how I said the books were online now?" Sam nodded waiting for her to continue. "Okay, dont get mad," she said as she typed "but, he may have kept writing a little bit longer than you thought…."
"He what?!" Sam said, furious. They had told that dick to knock it off after that stupid convention."How long?"
"Relax." She said, scrolling through some page on her screen. "He stopped after you sacrifice yourself to Hell, actually. It was beautifully written by the way, super emotional, but no one has seen or heard from him since."
'Good!' Sam thought to himself. He felt a little bad for that thought, since Kevin was now the prophet it meant that the reason no one had heard from Chuck was likely because he was dead, but at least no one else could know more about their lives than they already did. "Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Dean? Why would Cas be the reason he's acting wierd?"
Charlie sighed, cringing to her self a little. "Well, as you already know, where there's a fandom, there's most likely fanfiction…"
"I'm aware." Sam said, peeved by the memory of stumbling upon the fanfiction written about him and Dean.
"Look, I'm not saying anything is definite, but alot of people who write fanfiction are really good at reading between the lines." She clicked her mouse a few times before closing her laptop and setting it back in her bag. "I mean, I've read all the books myself, and I totally know that you guys are real people and not some fictional characters, and it's completely not okay to speculate on your lives and feelings or whatever...but I mean, it's kinda hard not to see where they're all coming from."
"What are you talking about, Charlie?"
"Dean said that Benny helped him fight through purgatory, right?" She said. "He met him pretty early on in his time there, no?"
"Yeah," Sam said, still completely bemused, "I guess…Dean hasn't really talked a lot about what happened while he was there. He told me some things, but he never really went into detail."
Charlie nodded and shrugged sheepishly before continuing. "Okay, so he met Benny early on, and Benny told him he had a way to get back, right off the bat. So, why did it take them so long to get out of there?"
"Dean said he spent alot of his time searching for Cas." Sam answered.
"Exactly!" She exclaimed, like that should have been the answer.
"I'm sorry Charlie, I still don't understand what you're getting at here."
"Sam, he could've come back at any point after meeting Benny. They only spent as much time as they did together, because Dean wanted to bring Castiel back with him. Even after everything he did. Don't you think that's a little…suspicious?"
"That's exactly what I've been saying!" Sam said. "Why would he do that?!"
"Yeah, Sam, why?" She said, still trying to lead him. "Why would someone run back into a fire, when they have a way out? I mean, I think you, of all people, would know the answer to that."
Sam gaped at her in shock. It took a minute for him to register what she was implying, but once he did… "Charlie, that's…"
"Just a thought!" She defended before he finished. "I'm just saying that Dean doesn't normally put his trust in people. Except, maybe…the people he REALLY cares about and the people that protect them. Maybe there's more to the story when it comes to his trust in Benny than you thought. I definitely feel like there's more when it comes to Castiel."
"Charlie, come on." Sam laughed a little. " You know Dean. He's…"
"More complicated than people give him credit for." Charlie cut him off. "He also knows how hard it is to let go of the people he loves. He's actually really bad at it. Maybe, worse than you know."
"Charlie," Sam started, before being cut off once more.
"He's definitely more concerned about you than you think." Charlie said firmly, standing up as she did. She began packing once more, keeping her eyes averted from Sam's. "He's not trying to control you, you know. He raised you, Sam. You mean alot to him. You ever think for a moment that he's just really scared for you? Scared of losing you? I mean, back to my point, he is really bad at losing people."
Sam sat in silence, petulantly mulling over Charlie's words. She was right, probably. Dean may have been scared, but it was still possible that he just couldn't hack the life anymore. Sam wasn't some child. And the other stuff she was saying…she was way off base. There was a big difference between reading about someone's and living it.
"I sent you the link to the website I used to read the books." Charlie said as she zipped up her bags. She slung her backpack over her shoulder crossing her arms as she stared him down. "I know you lived through it all and everything, but not every part was about you. There's a few things you may have missed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." Sam shook his head.
"Just a suggestion." She shrugged. "It might open your eyes to a few things you don't understand. I get not wanting to relive those times but…if you ever decide that's something you might wanna do, hit me up. I can tell you what chapters to skip, or whatever. And, if your really curious about Dean's relationship to Castiel, 'On the Head of a Pin' is a good place to start. The torture chapters are pretty rough, and I know you'll want to skip over your parts…but the other stuff.…" she shrugged.
"Okay." He said, at a loss for more words than that.
"You ready to roll?" Dean said, from the doorway, knocking on the door frame before entering the room.
"Looks, like it." Charlie smiled up at him as he entered.
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Dean asked looking between her and Sam with concern written all over his face. "You guys look a little spooked."
"Ew, gross, no." Charlie said, scrunching her face at Dean's implications. "Sam, was just helping me with my bags. Right Sam?"
"Uh, yeah…" Sam said, standing up and grabbing her duffle off the bed.
"Eh, come on, you know I'm just teasin ya!" Dean chuckled, jabbing her on the shoulder playfully. "He may have the hair, but the body parts are all wrong, right?"
"Definitely." Charlie agreed.
"Come on." Dean said, tilting his head toward the door. He waited for Charlie to leave the room, then cast a skeptical glance at Sam before following after. Sam was sure he was in for an earful after she left. He began dreading it as he said his goodbyes, anticipating the lecture as he told Charlie she was welcome to comeback at anytime. But it wasn't the only thing on his mind now. After bidding Charlie farewell, he went inside, giving the two of them their time alone. He hesitated for a moment, convinced that the trials were seriously messing with his head if he was even considering this. Then again…
He headed to the library, grabbing a peice of paper and a pen on his way and sat down. 'This is just stupid.' He thought to himself as he wrote down the words 'On the Head of a Pin'. He heard the bunker door open. Dean walked up, the look on his face telling Sam that it was time for his ass- chewing, so he decided to cut it off before it could start.
He clicked the pen closed and stood up, ready to defend his actions. "Okay, look you were right. I-I should laid low. I-I know." He said as Dean approached him."I should have hung back. I'm glad I was able.."
Then Dean grabbed him. Then Dean pulled him into a hug. It wasn't at all what he was expecting. He was lost, but relieved and hugged his brother back.
Dean chuckled and patted his back before pulling away. "What do you say we find our prophet?." Dean smiled, before smaking him in the chest and walking away.
Sam was left to himself, completely bewildered by what had just occurred. Dean had certainly not been acting like himself, but this was a whole new level. Maybe there was some truth to Charlie's words? Maybe he really was just scared? Maybe Sam really didn't know everything about his brother. Now, wasn't the time to think about that, though. Dean was right, the had to look for Kevin. They had work to do. Research.
But Dean had to sleep at some point. Maybe Sam could do a little light reading in that time.
If Charlie was right about Dean being scared for him, who knew what else she was right about?
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qboo78 · 5 years
Episode 11 thoughts
There is just a lot of things to unpack about the truth & dare scene and the confession scene. It is all thanks to such amazing cast and their great acting that there is a lot of nuance to those scenes... it makes the scenes work so well and the things that are left unsaid is even conveyed...
first off it started with the bottle pointing to Yi Seo, with Yi Seo not very happy to receive truth questions, then everyone reacted with wanting to ask questions anyway but Sae Ro Yi seems fine just letting this one pass, then Geun Soo, this sly boy, called him out and ask him if he has any questions for her. Sae Ro Yi being put on the spot looked at Yi Seo gauging her reaction, while Yi Seo is of course suddenly amenable with receiving questions if it comes from her Sa Jang Nim lol, I found it very telling how Hyun Hyi is very interested on what Sae Ro Yi will ask, but Sae Ro Yi looking at Yi Seo seems to sense her vulnerability and decided to not ask any questions and said “Not really, I know everything about her”. Yi Seo took the words as like Sae Ro Yi saying I’m not really that interested in anything more about her... but, what was telling was Hyun Hyi’s reaction to Sae Ro Yi’s words and actions, maybe because Hyun Hyi is so much older than Yi Seo but she seems to understand why Sae Ro Yi refrained from asking any questions, Hyun Hyi’s smile at Sae Ro Yi seemed to imply “Aww, he does not want to put her on the spot, that is sweet” and she seems to not be surprised about that, can I say that Hyun Hyi feels like a Sae Ro Yi x Yi Seo shipper like me lol. I like that Sae Ro Yi listened to Yi Seo and understood that she is not really comfortable with this game, but I also know that Yi Seo’s vulnerability that she showed when she welcomed Sae Ro Yi to ask questions was because she wants to see if Sae Ro Yi will be interested in her enough to ask questions, it’s a case of these two looking at the situation on different perspectives and it seems only Hyun Hyi is clever enough to pick up on both. Yeah, I love how they acted this part. Then Geun Soo, being young, determined and greedy in love, just do not have the maturity to demonstrate what true loving is about proceeded to demolish Yi Seo’s plan ruthlessly. He started off by staking his claim by saying that Yi Seo has made an implied promise to him that she will accept his suit if he takes over Jangga and asked her if she remembered that. Again, kudos to Park Seo Joon for the subtle acting, when Sae Ro Yi heard those words of Geun Soo, you could see if you really pay attention how Sae Ro Yi lost his smile after hearing those words... It seems Sae Ro Yi is actually bothered by what was being said. He does not seem to be happy that Geun Soo and Yi Seo have an understanding. Seung Kwon then ask Yi Seo, if there was something going on between them, Yi Seo said an emphatic No while on the background you could see Sae Ro Yi is still looking at Geun Soo with a not happy expression on his face which is at a contrast to Soo Ah's reaction who does not really care about what is happening hehe.. you could see Sae Ro Yi and Yi Seo have identical expressions of not being happy at the situation on their faces...
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He seems out of it too coz he was startled when Yi Seo told him “Sa Jang Nim, it’s not like that” like he shut down for a second and then when he said “OK” he doesn’t seem to truly believe her...
Again, Hyun Hyi is really after my own heart because she was quick to get Seung Kwon to change the subject and she even said it's not fun.
Then we got the first kiss question and Sae Ro Yi seem to have froze before he could answer the question lol... Yi Seo liked the idea that she was the first kiss lol even though for me it doesn't really qualify since she did it while Sae Ro Yi was drunk, which she should not have done in the first place lol. Then next we got the Are you just friends with Soo Ah question and how Sae Ro Yi responded to that question was just... i dont know how to explain how off his response was it was like he was just reading the phone book... he gave more emotions when he was talking about Yi Seo's importance to Danbam in the other episode smiling and saying "I can't imagine Danbam without Yi Seo", He said "I like Soo Ah" but he does not seem happy about it, he did not smile, he did not even once looked at Soo Ah in this whole scene not once but if its regarding Yi Seo, he would look her in the eyes and he just keeps on looking at her in this scene. Again Sae Ro Yi is just clueless about his own feelings i think, it could just be my shipper heart but Im just not convinced... Soo Ah seems to be touched with his reply but is not so happy about it? Sigh, she said she likes Sae Ro Yi but yeah just not buying them as a unit yet...
Then because Geun Soo seems to be in a self destructive mood he went ahead and ask Sae Ro Yi AGAIN if he has feelings for Yi Seo... Sae Ro Yi's reaction was instantaneous like "This again??" and he does not like the question but he also looks challenged by Geun Soo, then he looked to Yi Seo again gauging her reaction, the previous question about Soo Ah he never once looked at Soo Ah lol... this makes me think, why Sae Ro Yi? why the hesitation? Why you have to think about what your feelings are for Yi Seo? Why are you looking at Yi Seo right now before answering? What are you looking for to find in her expression?" Like Seung Kwon said "What kind of question is that? Isn't it obvious?"
After looking at Yi Seo, maybe he saw again her vulnerability and seem to decide on something, i mean kudos again to Seo Joon for his acting coz he did a clenching of his jaw then answered the question. See what I mean on how Yi Seo can bring out Sae Ro Yi's emotions while about Soo Ah, he is just like an automaton lol. If Sae Ro Yi truly did not have any feelings for Yi Seo, he would just immediately and simply said no to Geun Soo... why he had to qualify how he looks at Yi Seo with "dong saeng (younger sister) and partner?" I might be reading too much into this but....it just feels like Sae Ro Yi is lying or hiding something... I could be wrong but that is how I see it the way Seo Joon acted that scene like there is something happening beneath the surface coz the tension was just so thick... poor Yi Seo just cant help reacting to his words though, my heart just went out to her, i mean she was already hurt and wounded with Sae Ro Yi's declaration of "I like Soo Ah" and she was able to hold her hurt feelings in but hearing the words of "No (to having feelings). Not even once." would just be too hurtful for a person crazy in love... I don't want to see Yi Seo hurting because I just love her but Kim Dami's acting here was just so heart renching in a good way... It just felt so real and just make me relate to her so much... I am so thankful that Kim Dami is the one playing Yi Seo, if it were someone else I do not think I would enjoy and love Yi Seo so much as much as I do, I mean I would still appreciate Yi Seo’s character a lot but Kim Dami playing Yi Seo is just phenomenal... it was the same reaction I got when I first watch Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and Martin Freeman as John Watson.... their acting was just top notch and breathtaking...anyways this is already a long post and I will continue my thoughts (review?) on my next post... the confession scene will be next...
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kpopnonous · 5 years
To Our Son | Izuku x Reader |01
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Nothing belongs to me. The plot belongs to me but not the characters of course. I am not going to follow much of the anime storyline since I forgot most of it. Enjoy.
Izuku's POV
"Has anyone seen Todoroki? Is he still missing?"Mr. Aizawa asked us. It's been about more than a week since Todoroki been missing
'I'll find you Todoroki! I promise!'
" Well alright class, keep out on the lookout for any sign, let's start today lessons with. . ." Said Mr.Aizawa.
Your POV
Running quickly trying to make it at your house after work as the rainfall heavily. You forgot to carry an umbrella today even when your boyfriend of 1 year warned you.
As you near the street that would lead you to your home, you heard crying in the corner of the narrow street. You walk cluster to it to see a large box, but it was moving.
You bend down and opened the box to see a two haired child tied up crying. You gasp in horror.
'Who would do such a thing?!'
You untied the child and looked at it to see that it looked familiar to you.
More like. . . . TODOROKI?!
'But this can't be!'
'Did he had a son and gave it away? No! He wouldn't do this! Not wanting to become like his father! He would be a great father!'
'Stupid, that child could be Todoroki, just shrink.'
'Oh yeah right! Izu-Kun said he went missing for a few days. .'
After thinking to yourself you picked up the child and tried to shield him from the rain with your sweater and run as quickly to your house.
"What am I supposed to you with you baby Todo?" You asked the child who stared at you with big doh eyes. I  had finished cleaning him and dying him, finding clothes for a baby that size is hard in this house.
"Oh right, you can't talk, mhm. . . . you seem to look like a one-year-old" I poked the baby checks which made him giggle.
"So cute! But I wonder who would do something like this?" I said to myself, the only responses I would get from Todoroki is spit bubbles. One for Yes and Two for No.  Same goes for blinking. Weird.
'Was he always weird when he was a baby?'
I got so involved with my thinking that I didn't hear little Todo cry until he bit my finger
"Ow! You have my attention!"I rubbed my finger as he pouts
" For a baby, you have a lot of attitudes"
My response was spit bubbles >.> Gee what a nice baby.
I picked Todo up and carried him to the chair to watch cartoons on the tv, I put on one of those children shows and saw that he was very indulging in it, but I feel like I'm forgetting something. . .
Izuku's POV
"Kaachan that's not very nice to say!" I scold him but he didn't pay attention to me. He simply huffed and walked away.
"Ahh, I miss talking to Todoroki-chan. . ." I said to myself.
I took out my phone and saw that I got two messages which I replied to.
'Something important?'
'What could she mean?'
'OH! Y/N-san also l-lewd! She only does that to me on days like this. . .  but I'm busy. . . '
Well, we do have a half day today so that's good!
Your POV
I was playing with baby Todo when I heard my front door open.
"{N/N-chan!} I'm home! " I heard Izu called out
"IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I shouted, I'm not dragging my ass over there to bring it back here, it's good to save energy.
"Ahh I came home as soon as possible to-" He stopped his sentence when he saw Todoroki
. . .
. . .
"YOU CHEATED ON ME AND HAD A CHILD WITH TODOROKI?! IS THIS THE SOMETHING IMPORTANT?!!?!!!?" Izumi shouted at me. He seemed mad and I can kind of understand where he's coming from
'Did he really not trust me?'
"I can explain this"
"IS THIS WHY TODOROKI IS MISSING?! BECAUSE YOU BOTH CHEATED?!" He said as tears started to flow from his eyes.
"No, you don't und-"
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK?! That's TODOROKI YOU IDIOT" I shouted at him, I didn't mean to but he was making me very frustrated accusing me of something like that.
"Waaaahhh" I looked to see that our shouting made Todo cry. Great.
"W-what do you mean?" At least he's finally returning to his senses
"I mean this is Todoroki, I found him tied up in a box when I was coming home" I bound little Todo which made him giggle
"You're so cute Todo-chan!" He really is! But I know he can't stay like this forever.
"I'm sorry {N/N} please forgive me! I am begging you! I'll do anything to get back your trust!!" Izumi was on his knees begging me to forgive him.
Maybe I should play with him a little.
"No, I can't forgive you. You have no trust in me. We need to break up, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me and who would accuse me of sleeping with his friend"
"IM SORRY!!!!" Oops I made him cry
"Relax in just kidding, but you're sleeping on the couch tonight"
NOTE: I apologize for all of the POV but I had multiple ideas on how this would go anyway this is my first story and I hope that you like.More will be coming soon.
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