#anyways both of my husbands are literally more than twice my age lol
worstdream · 9 months
antis be like "your f.os would hate you for being proship ..!!" like babygirl my f.os are grown men dating a little boy (me)
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Love Is Blind: Chapter One
“Come on Robs, what could it hurt?”
Robyn looked over at her friend and frowned.
“Online Dating? Really? Do you know the kind of psychos on these sites?”
Leandra sighed, “Girl, ain’t nobody saying marry them but at least try it out. It’s been years since your divorce. Why are you still so gunshy?”
“Well maybe because my ex-husband ripped my heart out my chest.”
“Isn’t that a little dramatic? You and your ex-husband were both childish and lost. I still don’t think you should’ve gotten divorced either.”
“You and everyone else seems to have my failed marriage all figured out.”
“Look, forget about all of that, you need to get back out there, even if it’s just for a night of fun. It wouldn’t kill you.”
“You know what, just to shut you up, I’ll do it.”
“Good, I got your profile all set up, you just need to approve it and submit it.”
“How in the hell? This is the first time we’ve spoken about this.”
“Yea but this was just a minor technicality because I was gonna set you up anyway.”
“Ugh….get away from me.”
Leandra laughed  as she slid her laptop over for Robyn to review the profile. After a few minutes, Robyn nodded her head in approval and pressed publish.
“So now what?”
“Now you wait to see if you get any hits or you just peruse others’ profiles too.”
Robyn was shaking her head before Leandra even finished her statement, “I am not perusing anything. I don’t even want to do this right now.”
“So let the men come to you, it is the natural order of things.”
“I’ma divorce you next.”
“You love me so whatever.”
Robyn laughed as she leaned her head on Leandra’s shoulder, “Le, do you really think this will help?”
“I think it’ll give you something to do while you try to get your life right again. I love you and I know you and I know that your divorce is something that you’re still trying to understand but your life doesn’t have to stop while you’re doing that. Things don’t have to be serious. You don’t have to fall in love with anybody but it wouldn’t hurt to get from behind these walls you’ve erected and live. You owe it to yourself, if nobody else.”
“Daddy, come on, the movie is starting”
Chris smiled as he rushed into the living room with a big bowl of popcorn. He sat next to his 3 year old daughter, Anesa, just as the classic Disney symbol flashed across the big screen.
“You know Princess, you could’ve just paused the tv. This is just a stream.”
“No because you were supposed to be faster anyway.”
Chris chuckled as he kissed her temple. He made the right decision becoming a foster dad two years ago. The little imp had done so much to replace the empty void in his life. He had suffered so much loss, being able to give that extra love to someone felt good. An image flashed in his head and he shook it. Years ago, he thought he had someone but that relationship crashed and burned. It surprised him that he even thought about her sometimes, all these years later.
Just as he started to become enamored with the Princess and The Frog, his phone rang. Anesa glanced over at him as he stepped out into the kitchen to answer it.
“CB, what’s going on, Bro?”
“Marcus, how you doing?”
“I’m good. I’m moving back to the city so I just wanted to check in and see if we could meet up one of these days.”
“Of course, I’ll see if my sister can watch my daughter so just let me know when.”
“Daughter? A lot has happened, huh?”
“Too much.”
“How’s the wife?”
“Divorced years ago. I thought you knew.”
“I thought you were joking. You really went through with it?”
“We weren’t exactly seeing eye to eye.”
“But you were together for so long since middle school, right?”
“Officially since high school but you’d think that would’ve made our life together much easier, but nope.”
“Wow. We definitely got some catching up to do. Well, I’m back officially on Friday. We can meet at Roddy’s Bar.”
“Cool. 8 good for you?”
“Perfect, Bro. See you then.”
They hung up and Chris went back to watching TV with Anesa.
Robyn fought as much as she could to not be curious about the stupid dating app but….that only worked for so long. As she scrolled, the frown in her face just got deeper and deeper. What the hell had the world become? These men were just- no. It was hard being single. She hadn’t been single in years. Scratch that, ever. She’d never been single. She wasn’t used to being alone and being married was supposed to prevent that. Her ex-husband had literally tore her heart in two and she still hadn’t recovered. How two people so in love could be so incompatible baffled her mind to this day? Of course, her people just thought they were too young and just gave up too quickly but what would they know? They didn’t live with them 24/7. Yes, they had awesome memories but all she could remember was how alone she felt when he was in the bed right next to her. How withdrawn he had gotten in the last two years of their marriage. How unsettled she felt. Like she never knew when he would finally explode from holding everything in. She felt like she walked on eggshells her whole marriage but him asking for a divorce shook her to her very core and she had never bounced back from it. She endured his brutal silence, his emotional hardness but yet he was the one who walked away. It just never made sense to her. Just as she was about to close the app, a direct message popped up. 
Subject: Hello
Body: Hi, I was browsing your profile and you seemed really interesting. I was wondering if you would like to chat.
Robyn frowned a bit but she clicked on his photo to be directed to his profile. 42 years old. Divorced. One child. College Music Professor. 
He seemed harmless. His photo was full length so his face wasn’t the clearest but he looked decent. Besides he’d probably say something weird and she’d never have to meet him in person so what’s the risk and Leandra had listed her under just her initials so it’s not like he’d know her real name anyway.
Re: Hello
Body: Hi, I would love to chat with you. My name’s Anna. Yours?
A few minutes passed before she got a reply
Re: Hello
Body: Christian but my friends and family call me Chris. It’s nice to meet you Anna.
A: Chris? That must be a common name, I know a few of those.
C: I can imagine. Don’t know too many Annas though. Not the typical name of this time
A: It’s a little old school but I like it. I see you’re a music professor
C: Yup. Decided to change career paths once I got divorced a few years ago. You’re a veterinarian?”
A: Yea, I own a clinic and a shelter in the city.
C: No children?”
A: No. Seems like my animals take up all my time.
C: Understandable. Animals can be like children.
A: Definitely. How old is your child?
C: She’s three. 
A: That’s an awesome age
C: Very fun and energetic
A: My friends have children so I definitely imagine. Have you lived in the city long?
C: Just a few years. I was working at another college when the possibility of tenureship opened up at Columbia. Normally that can take years so I got lucky for the invite.
A: you work at Columbia University? That is awesome
C: I think the shock still hasn’t worn off. Kind of waiting for them to take it back at some point
A: Lol when I got the keys to my clinic, I felt the same way
C: Where’d you go to school?
A: Stanford for undergrad. University of California, Davis for veterinary school.
C: Pretty far from home, huh?
A:New York has always been the place for me. I always knew I’d end up here. You?
C: I’m from down south so that’s where my soft spot is. I did my undergrad and grad at Stanford though.
A: Wow talk about a small world.  It is a large school so I’m not surprised we haven’t met unless we have.
C: Probably not, don’t remember many Annas there
A: True. How do you like being a professor?
C: It’s cooler than I thought it would be. My previous job had a little bit more excitement but after some personal issues then my divorce, I had had enough excitement to last a lifetime.
A: My divorce kind of knocked me off balance so I can understand wanting to start over
C: How long were you married?
A: Three years. You?
C: Same. Together?
A: Over ten years. You?
C: Same. Bad ending?
A: I really don’t know. It wasn’t the best situation but it wasn’t the worst. I think abrupt would be a better word. You?
C: I walked away. I wasn’t the best husband but I think we really outgrew each other.
A: That can happen. How old were you?
C: 35. You?
A: 34. A lot can change in over ten years
C: True. I don’t know if she knew that though
A: did you try to tell her? 
C: Honestly no but that’s partly why I walked away. I wasn’t any good for her let alone for myself. I struggled a lot emotionally back then, I still do now sometimes. She didn’t need that weight in her life
A: Did she say that or did you make that decision for her?
C: Both.
A: Ah. I’m sorry
C: No need. She was better off without me anyway
A: you still think about her?
C: I try not to. It hurts. Failure sucks.
A: tell me about it. Have you seen her over the years?
C:No. We both moved away once we got divorced. Don’t really know where she went to be honest
A: Same. Some things are just better left alone, I guess
C: True.
A: You know Chris, this was fun. I was a little nervous about this online thing
C: Really? I’ve done it once or twice before. It’s not too bad if you take it for what it is
A: And that is?
C: Just a way to meet people. Doesn’t have to go further than a conversation unless you let it
A: That is very true.
C: If it’s agreeable to you. I’d love to talk to you again
A: I’d like that
C: Great. I guess, until next time
A: Have a good night
C: You as well
Robyn closed out of the app after reading Chris’s last message. They had a lot in common, a lot more than her ex-husband. She got a little nervous when he said his name was Chris but once he clarified that his full name was Christian, she could let out a breath. Her ex-husband’s name when shortened was Chris but his full name was Christopher. Christopher was a common name but she really didn't need that reminder of him too.
Chris dropped his phone onto his nightstand just as Anesa ran into his room. He laughed as she tried to climb onto his bed before leaning over to pick her up, “what’s the matter Love Bug?”
“Can I sleep in here with you?”
“Of course you can. Did something happen?”
“I had a bad dream.”
“Aww...I’m sorry, Love Bug. Come on, get under the covers.
Anesa climbed under the blankets as Chris turned off the lights. She cuddled onto his chest and Chris hugged her close, “Comfortable?”
“Yes. Goodnight Daddy.
“Goodnight Love Bug.”
“So….how was it?” Leandra asked as her and Robyn sat down for breakfast.
“It was a nice conversation. He seemed like a decent guy.”
“What’s his name?”
“Christian but people call him Chris.”
“You really have a thing for Chris’s, huh?”
“Don’t say that. Chris is just a common name.”
“It is but what a coincidence.”
“So what does he do?”
“He teaches music at Columbia.”
“Nice. Educated. Kids?”
“A daughter.”
“Marital status?”
“Divorced like me.”
“Guess you can share horror stories.”
Robyn chuckled, “my marriage was a failure but not a horror story. Stop it.”
“Have you spoken to Chris?’
“Not since the divorce was final. Why?”
:Leandra shrugged.
“Le, what happened?”
“Nothing. I thought I saw somebody who looked like him the other day, that’s all.”
“Where? Here? In New York?”
“Please don’t tell me we moved to the same state.”
“Robs, I don’t know if it was him. I just caught his profile. It could’ve been any cute light skin guy. They are running around here galore.”
“That’s true.”
“So about your new Chris?”
“What about him?”
“What’s the next move?”
“We agreed to talk again but nothing more than that. I’m still stuck in limbo, I’m not trying to make something out of nothing.
“I guess. Are you gonna meet him?”
“Nah. Some things are just better left alone, you know.”
“Not even if you really start to like him.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m swearing off serious relationships until I fix my broken heart and I have no idea how long that’s gonna take.”
“You still love him, don’t you?”
“I don’t know but I don’t want to.”
“You were together a long time.”
“Yea and he still left me so what does that mean?”
Leandra sighed, “I don’t know. “
“Chris, who are you messaging so much?” Jessica, his sister, asked as she started stirring a pot of beans.
“I met this woman online. We’ve been talking for a few weeks.”
“Online dating? You sure that’s safe?”
“I don’t plan on meeting her so it’s not a huge deal. Just a conversation.”
“Few weeks is a long time for it to just be a conversation. You like her?”
“She seems really nice.”
“Glad you’re opening your heart up somehow.”
“I’m not opening anything up. I went down that road and have no qualms about avoiding it.”
“You know you walked away from your marriage, Chris. I don’t understand your apprehension with moving on.”
“I didn't walk away to move on. I walked away to keep from hurting her. Two different things. I’m not fit to be in a relationship, let alone a marriage. My daughter is the only woman I’m concerned about right now.”
“Anesa can’t be your whole life.”
“Who says?”
“I wish Momma was here to talk some sense into you.”
“Don’t do that, Jess.”
“What? She was the only person you listened to. Did you ever tell your ex what happened with Momma?”
“You never took her to meet her?”
“It’s not like she was around. Auntie C raised me.”
“So when you left every weekend to see Momma in the hospital your ex never asked why?”
“She asked. I never answered.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t for her to know. She didn’t need that kind of weight on her, ok?”
“You never gave her a chance to really love you, Chris.”
“Well that doesn’t really matter. She moved away and about her life. I did the same. No harm, no foul.”
“I wouldn’t quite say no harm, no foul but whatever.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I don't want you to hurt this new woman because you’re still in love with your past, Chris.”
“I’m not in love with anyone so there’s nothing to be worried about.”
“And that worries me even more.”
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littlerockerao3 · 4 years
Rock-a-roo! Plot bunny! Throbb where they’re married with a kid who’s technically heir to both the north and the islands, conflict ensues!
You’re seriously gonna end up making me change my username into that (that is, if you’re the same anon) lol. Anyway, i love this, thank you, I had to write something out of it, hope you like it! (I have no idea how to write conflict though, so this is basically following half of the plot bunny but let’s just... yeah i don’t know)
Disclaimer: I don’t think somebody in Westeros could ever come up with the idea of a surrogate mum, so let’s just leave how Robb and Theon had their kids up to whatever theory you prefer, since this just implies they have kids, not how they got them.
“House Mormont?” Robb stared at his daughter as she chewed on her applecake, her brown eyes looking uncertain and somehow guilty.
Robb snorted - he was about to reproach her, when his husband rolled his eyes, as he dragged their youngest baby into his lap, and spoke up: “Oh come on, even I know the answer to that!”
Aris scoffed, and rolled her eyes as well: she looked so much like her father it almost hurt.
“My lesson with the Maester is in a few hours, I don’t need you to quiz me,” she said.
“And I know what’s their sigil, it’s... a bear?” well, that definitely sounded more like a question than an answer, but at least she got it right. Although...
“Your aunt and uncle are lady and lord of Bear Island, how could you not know that?” Robb poured himself a glass of wine: it was early in the morning but sometimes his kids exhausted him, especially his twelve year old daughter, since she resembled way too much of her other father’s antics.
“I do know that!” Aris exclaimed, violently sticking another piece of applecake with her fork.
“But it’s not like it would have been a big deal if I didn’t, I mean, I’m not the heir of The North,” she mumbled.
“The North and the Iron Island darling, do not forget that,” Theon added, pointing a finger at her. Aris literally stabbed her applecake with the fork, staring at her father as if to say ‘not you too’, which was understandable: Theon never really cared less about his kids (nor himself) learning house sigils and mottos. Though this time, his native lands were involved, and he had to point that out, he had to remind his kids (and himself, most of all) how he managed to get to rule the Islands, no matter what his father had always thought of him.
Rowan, their youngest, a little redhead who barely turned one, laughed at his sister’s face and clapped his hands. Aris just grunted, and turned around the moment she heard the echoes of footsteps coming into the hall, her black braids flying around like a whip.
“There he is, our heir! Dad, why don’t you ask him what’s House Tyrell’s motto?” she exclaimed, welcoming her older brother with a wide sarcastic smile on her face.
Robb could swear he could read his fifteen year old son’s thoughts, only by the expression on his face: he would have gladly thrown a sausage at his sister’s head but he was quite aware that if he dared doing so, his dads would have grounded his ass until the day he would have had to sit on the throne.
“It’s ‘Growing Strong’, sweet sister” he said simply, sitting down next to her.
“And who knows, maybe I’ll die young and you’ll have to take my place,”
Robb risked choking on his wine at that. He started coughing and his face turned as red as his hair. Still trying to go back to breathing in a normal way, he stared at his husband, silently asking him for help.
Theon just rolled his eyes, and stared at his firstborn in exasperation: “You’re not going to die young, Arrow, do not say that: your father might have a heart attack and you’ll have to sit on your beloved throne sooner than you’d wish” he replied.
Arrow just shrugged, a few lock of his black curls falling on his forehead, right above his blue eyes: “Well, you never know, someone might want to try and kill the heir to the North and the Iron Islands and...”
“They’ll have to go through me, first,” Robb claimed, his voice still a little raspy, as he poured himself a glass of water, leaving the wine aside, no matter how much he would have wanted to drink another glass (or a whole bottle): the thought of someone trying to hurt his kids got him mad, most of the times. He would have gone through the Seven Hells and back as long as he could keep his children safe and pretty much everyone in his kingdom knew that: that was why they better think twice before trying to kill his son.
“And me,” Aris said, folding her arms. Theon stared at her in adoration, as he did most of the times. Rowan clapped his tiny chubby hands once again. Arrow just rubbed his index fingers over his temples: “First thing I’m doing as a King will be abdicating and making Aris my heir”
Theon chuckled: “It’s not that easy, sweet thing: otherwise we would have been under Queen Sansa’s reign by now”
“Well, she’s still your Hand” Aris pointed out.
Arrow smirked: “Plus, we all know dad accepted to be King so that he could come up with a law that allowed you both to get married.”
Theon raised his index finger, but it took him a moment before he started talking: “Fair point. But we could have just asked Sansa and she would have made that law for us,”
Robb smiled lightly: his decision to allow any kind of wedding had been delightefully appreciated by most of their people: Robb had no idea there were so many other people like he and Theon, people who had fallen in love with the ‘wrong’ person. That rule had made their kingdom happier, stronger, surrounded by peace and harmony. Robb was sure his son would have made sure it stayed that way. Being a King, especially at a young age, wasn’t easy, and the gods only knew how much Robb was aware of that. But with Arrow it would have been different: Robb would have taught him all he had learnt during all those years, he wanted to make sure his kid never found himself ruling a kigndom all of sudden, with no idea what to do, as it had happened to him.
He went back focusing his attention on his son’s words: “Please, we all know you wanted to brag about you and dad being the first King & King in history,” he said.
“But guess what, I couldn’t care less about being King, just let Aris be the heir already”
Aris stomped her foot behind the table: “I do not want to be Queen, I want to be captain of the guard like aunt Arya or master of ships like aunt Asha!” she cried out.
Arrow rolled his blue eyes, the same shade as Robb’s, and filled his plate with sausages: “Yeah of course. It’s easy for you. You’re not the firstborn, and you’re still too young to understand what it’s like. Wait until the Maester starts bothering the hell out of you about marriage,”
That word made the young girl blush violently. The shade of red on her cheeks was so bright her tanned skin looked pale, compared to it. She dropped her fork, it landed on the plate, above the applecake, and tiny little pieces of apple spread all around. Aris stood up from her chair, not even bothering to ask to be excused (these are all Theon’s genes, mother would have skinned me if I dared acting like that, Robb thought).
“I think I’ll go... to the godswood. Yeah, I think I’ll go praying” she said.
Arrow’s lips turned into a smirk that could have easily competed with Theon’s: “Yeah sure, or are you gonna go meet the stableman’s son? You two seem to be good friends”
Robb thought his kid got to be kidding, but when Aris’ blush deepened, he frowned so hard he almost hurt himself: “Wait what?” he snapped, staring at his kids in shock.
“As I said” Aris mumbled, avoiding looking into her parents’ eyes. “The godswood. I’m going. Bye, see you later,”
Theon’s laughter echoed all over the room. Robb would have gladly smacked his head on the table, but he still had to calm down from the shock knowing his little girl could already have a love interest caused him.
“Grandma’s probably praying by the godswood right now, I wouldn’t go there, if you don’t want her to ask you about houses’ mottos too,” Theon told their daugther, loud enough for her to hear him even from the other side of the room. Aris didn’t turn to answer, but she gestured nervously: “Yeah, I’ll just go training then”
Robb saw Theon’s face lighting up and one second later, little Rowan was sitting on his lap.
“Wait for me, I can help you, you still don’t know how to hold the bow the right way!” Theon got up with such urge he almost flipped his chair and stumbled three times in a row.
Aris gasped dramatically: “How dare you!” she yelled.
Robb and Arrow exchanged an exasperated look, as they both shook their heads. They were alone now. Well, Rowan was there too, his curly little red head turning around, his eyes staring curiously at everything and his tiny little body staying still only thanks to Robb’s firm hand wrapped around his chubby hips. But he was still far too young to understand what they were saying.
Robb extended a hand over the table for his oldest kid to hold. Once he did, he squeezed it lovingly: “You’re gonna be a good king,” he told him.
Arrow smirked sadly: “Do I really have to be the King, though?”
Robb sighed, and squeezed his hand a little harder: “You won’t have to worry about sitting on the throne for a long time, sweet child of mine. Just take it easy, okay? When the moment comes, it’s going to be up to you to decide what to do. But until then, I’ll teach you all I’ve learnt.”
Arrow’s muscles relaxed a bit, his smile softened, his blue eyes sparkling with happiness.
Robb smiled as well. He stood up, carrying little Rowan on his hips, and walked to the other side of the table, so that he could reach out and squeeze his son’s shoulder: “Make sure you finish your breakfast soon: uncle Jon is coming in a few, and he wants to train you with the sword.”
Arrow snorted, and covered his face between his hands: “Damn, he’s gonna kick my ass”
Robb laughed heartedly, and ruffled his oldest son’s hair. Yes, Jon would have definitely kicked his ass. And he would have attended the whole show, Rowan still in his arms, Satin standing next to him, as he filled him in on how his and Jon’s lives were going, while Theon and Aris would have practiced with bow and arrows nearby, the young girl screaming happily at every time she hit the target, and Robbb’s huband’s laughter spreading all around their kingdom.
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infinitycaprogers · 6 years
Midnight Train (B.B.)| CH.2
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Parings: Bucky x Reader General Summary: A story very loosely based on Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’. (I suck at a finding a general summary without spilling the beans, you guys. Sorry!) Word Count: 2k Chapter summary: You’re getting curious about your new neighbour. Warnings: None A/N: So, I wasn’t sure if this was anything good but since @trashpanda-barnes said that she loved it and seeing that I almost had 40 notes must mean that I did SOMETHING good, right? Hope you all like it and if you want to be tagged, just ask me! Feedback is always appreciated as it helps me become a better writer so that you guys can actually enjoy my writing lol. Anyways, here’s chapter Two!
Enjoy xoxo
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Until a loud thud jolted you awake.
You opened your eyes instantly, scanning your room for any signs of movement. After a thorough check you frantically looked for something to whack the vandalizing fool with whom dared to enter your apartment. you opened your door to reveal Nancy, still snoring away peacefully on her cushion. You left her there and turned your head to the door. It appeared to be unopened. But how -
Your thoughts haltered as you widened your eyes and crept closer to the door which lead to the hallway. you peaked through the viewing hole and saw a wave of blond hair passing by. You gasped as an all too familiar face revealed itself.
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Still in shock, you opened the door just a tad to take a better look at the scene before you; A tall, broad-shouldered man, was frantically looking around him in the corridor. His blond hair, slicked back and slightly greasy, made it seem like he hadn’t been home in a few days.
Steve. Rogers. Captain America.
He appeared to make sure no one was there, or at least that’s what you derived from the situation, since he wasn’t calling anyone for help and roamed his eye over every nook and corner of the hallway. You kept peeping and gathering more information, bending your knees to get a different point of view.
After checking, he whistled two short tones which alerted another figure, cloaked in the darkness of the corners of the hall. He stepped forward and appeared to be even more dishevelled than the blond superhero.
a small gasp escaped your breath being taken aback by his presence, alerting the Captain that another person appeared present in the whole ordeal. His eyes went wide, searching for any movement, which was your unfortunate cue to close the door. The lock clicked. A usually quiet sound turned into a deafening one in this silence and you were certain to be discovered. You let yourself fall as quietly as you could with your back against the door, a hand thrown over your mouth to stop the sound of heavy breathing seeping through the door. They spoke a few whispers, but it was too still to decipher.
Not long after, you heard a knock. You hastily stood back up, turning around to face the door and softly inquired:
“Who is it?”
A stern voice answered: “Ma’am, I’m from across the hall. Would you mind opening the door?”
You hesitated for a second. You heard Captain America. And not just that, you heard Steve. The Steve you had known for so long. Through stories, pictures, and so much more. And now he was here. In your building.
Knocking on your door.
In that moment you knew your only choice was to answer. He was a good man. He wouldn’t do anything to harm you. So you unlocked the door and put on your bravest face.
“What seems to be the problem?” you mustered up.
“I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Steve.” A handsome, kind face looked down at you. “I’ll be living here for a while and I wanted you to know that if you heard anything, you shouldn’t worry about it. We’re moving things around a lot and me being a total klutz doesn’t help.” He lifted his eyebrows as to let you know there really wasn’t anything troubling about this, but you saw right through him as soon as he slipped up.
And maybe because you were just spying on them.
“We?” you asked suggestively, slightly squinting your eyes.
“Uhm, Did I say we?” He nonchalantly asked but tried to save this conversation. “I mean, yes! We. My friend and I. Why, did you see him?”
As calmly as he tried to ask this, you were one step ahead of him. “Look Steve; yes, I saw your friend, there’s no need to worry. I don’t know what you guys are doing, but it is none of my business. I sure you wouldn’t do anything illegal. I know you.”
He looked puzzled, not knowing where you were heading with this.
“How do you mean, you know me?”
“First of all, you’re Captain America? Like one of the most well-known heroes on this planet.” You stated.
“Second, I know you as Steve Rogers, the little guy my grandmother used to have a crush on,” you explained to him, eyeing his response. “but you probably know her better as Sally.”
As soon her name left your lips, his eyes went wide with recognition, a smile appearing on his face.
“Sally…” he said, chuckling by himself, reminiscing the old days where, as you know, Steve was so in love with Sally that he brought her a single flower every morning since he was eight years old. With that flower always came a little note which had the loveliest compliments written on them. He wouldn’t talk to her himself, since he was too shy and thought she would never go for him, but how wrong he was. One day, when they were both fourteen, she was waiting for him to leave the flower of that day, a beautiful bright red rose, on her porch. As soon as he laid it down, she yanked the door open and asked;
“What the hell do you think you’re doing leaving me a pretty flower every day and not talking to me? Are those the manners your mommy taught you? Because they’re poorly.”
Since then, the two were inseparable. They would do literally anything together; going to the movies, playing outside, going to the market,… Sometimes Bucky would come with, but it was mostly them two as an amazing duo of friends who felt more for each other, not realizing it.
Until their first kiss at 15. The friendship turned in to so much more, and they were very much in love.
But when Steve’s mother died, his dad thought it was best to move to the other side of Brooklyn. Steve barely had any money to find his way back to his dame and even though Sally had quite a mouth on her, she couldn’t defy her parents, who wanted another man for her. A stronger, more suitable man who could protect her now that the war was in sight.
They corresponded through a few letters, but after Sally became engaged to another man due to her father, the corresponding stopped.
That was the last they heard from each other.
Even though she learned to love her husband, you grandmother only had one true love: Steve. Your grandfather had died a long time ago before you even knew what death was. So since then she always told about little Steve, her neighbour. The love of her life. As you were growing up, you stayed over at your grandma’s house at least twice a week. Not a day went by without a story about Steve, their time together or his life as captain America. Because of this, you felt like you knew Captain America. 
Your grandmother was still alive when they pulled him out of the ice. She was glad that his fate wasn’t to die in a rock of ice, but to be a hero in this age where people had a different war to fight now: aliens.
She died shortly after, but not before telling you to always love who you want, not who others want you to love.
A wise lesson you took with you for the rest for your life.
If you would ever love someone.
“So now we’ve established that I definitely know you,” you began as you leaned on your door. “you don’t have to worry. Mima Sal is the one person I have always respected on this planet and since she respected you, your secrets are safe with me.”
“Is she still alive?” Steve blurted out. He looked hopeful into your eyes, searching for any confirmation.
But you shook your head.
“Unfortunately, no. She died shortly after you came out of the ice.” You sighed. She really was your rock, and it was hard to say goodbye, but she had learned you not to weep, but to be happy to have known people in your life. “If you want, you can always come over sometime. I’d love to talk to someone about her who actually knew her as a young girl.” You sombrely smiled at him. He smiled back and mouthed a silent thank you while you both kept standing there, looking at each other. It was as if someone jolted him back to reality as he suddenly talked.
“Right! So, what’s your name then?” the superhero inquired.
“it’s y/n. y/n y/l/n.” you happily replied to him. “How funny we met! I’d never thought to have the honour.”
He chuckled. “The pleasure is all mine, y/n. Happy to meet you, you’ll be hearing a lot from me! Although I won’t be living here for most of the time.” he confessed to you.
“Oh? The who is? Your buddy?” you figured Steve just helped him settle in.
“Yes, he’ll be staying here for a while. He’s a bit shy, but he is also a big sweetheart.” Steve whispered the last part to you.
“Well, I’m off then. If you hear anything loud, don’t panic and, like, call the police? Would be pretty awkward, right?” he smiled slyly. “Goodbye.”
He turned himself around and was already stalking his way back to his apartment when you halted him with a loud “Wait!”
Steve’s head turned around slightly, his ears perking up at what you would say. “Yes?”
“What’s his name? Your buddy, I mean.”
He smirked as he answered you;
“James. His name is James.”
Tumblr media
As you closed your door you stared down your hall, not really there until Nancy jumped up and down at your shins. You reached down to pick her up and take her with you on your sofa. You absentmindedly stroked her back as she cuddled against you, still thinking about what happened.
Not only had you met Captain America; he was also as sweet and caring as your grandmother made him out to be. Though he was not the one you had the most questions about.
Why didn’t James come and talk to you? He would be your neighbour after all. Why were they being so secretive?
You decided to just go back to sleep and try to forget about all the questions those two were raising. As Nancy was fast asleep, you took her with you to your bed, tucking yourself in until your entire body and Nancy’s was covered by your blanket. You let your eyes rest to let sleep take over your senses.
But sleep never came.
Read Chapter 3 Here!
Feedback is always appreciated xoxo
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diaryofanormalkid · 5 years
Today at work was nice ☺️
So aside from my hurt leg (knee and ankle), it was a decent day. People-wise though, not coworker wise. And time went by fast so I was glad.
Through the day, my leg was feeling better by the hour. Like I was even walking more normally. Pretty sure half my coworkers didn’t even notice I was injured.
Had it not been for me telling them, they probably wouldn’t have noticed. But I’m sooo glad it’s feeling better. I was thinking I wouldn’t feel this good until maybe Thursday.
So anyways, today at work I saw my short crush and my American Dragon crush and my ***work husband*** I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE I saw him today!!! He doesn’t work Mondays 😁
I also saw short guy 🙄 and then his coworker who he trained who I’ll give you some background info on later probably. It was a very... interesting day.
Short crush
I got to see him twice today! They were both the briefest of moments though, and he didn’t really pay me as much attention as I’d like! ☹️😩
The first time he was leaving from the seating area of the cafetaria. I was sanitizing my hands at the dispenser and my body happened to be facing the direction he was coming from.
So I spotted him and smiled, and he looked at me, but for some reason today I didn’t hold eye contact with him for long at all. And now that I think about it, that probably has to do with why he didn’t give me too much attention today.
💔😬 yikes. I think he thought I was annoyed/in a mood today so he was giving me my space. ‘Cause the second time he came, when I spotted him he was closer but didn’t say/do anything.
He was at the cash register and I believe he saw me from where I was standing but decided against looking up, purposely. I was like “okay, that’s fine 😭.” And minded my business.
But I know for sure he saw me before I looked over at him the second time because I was in his line of sight. So next time, I’m gonna be more friendly, because that probably turned him off.
I’m not bugging, it just kinda hurt a little when the attention wasn’t reciprocated because he usually isn’t the one out of all my crushes to avoid making any gesture/eye contact.
American Dragon Crush
So today he came in a little after my shift started and at first he was super quiet, to the point where I didn’t even know he came in until a little while after.
Once I went nearby his area, that’s when I took the opportunity to greet him and using his name. I’m not sure, but I don’t think I use his name while greeting him often? So it felt weird.
But good weird. And immediately after I had used his name while greeting him, he did the same and I kinda felt my heart melt a tiny bit because that typically happens when my crushes use my name.
Then for a lot of the shift he was bothering by calling my name and I kept like half blushing. I had it under control, but half the time I didn’t care enough to hide my smile so 🤷🏾‍♀️
One time I was going back and forth getting stock items and looking for things and I just so happen to be passing by him all of those times. So then he eventually asks:
“Why do you keep going back and forth?” And I mumbled I needed to get stuff to him, because he was busy serving a customer anyways so I figured he probably wouldn’t need to hear me.
And then I was going on my break another time, so I was signing out and he kept asking me questions. He asked, “can I see your hair?” And then pulled a braid.
Then he asked, “How much was it? $120 right? How much to do a guy’s hair like that?” And as much as I very well knew he was kidding, I still answered back “the same amount.”
He kept talking to me trying to make the conversation last as long as possible. And I was like flattered but also I was like “okay I’m going on break now!” Just to warn him.
I was enjoying his company too though. So when I was leaving, he was in our mini-room where we kept our schedule and coats and whatnot.
As I was leaving, I was like pulling the door and I said “here, you stay there.” Trying to lock him in the room just to flirt or whateva 👀😬😌 not that I *cough* know how to flirt.
So eventually I let him out and then I signed out and he was still trying to talk to me as I walked off for break but I was ignoring him and pretending I couldn’t hear him lol.
Also during that time, he made the randomest comment about playing basketball and “getting all the girls” or something and I laughed because it was just super telling of what he was thinking about 👀🙄
While I was on break, my Apple music was on my Top 25 most played songs playlist and the song it went to was “Electric” by Alina Baraz ft. Khalid which is such an intense romance song?
Romance is not the right word, but sexy doesn’t really fit it for me either? So idk whatever the word is for the song, if you find it and also happen to read this and listen to the song, then pls reply the word!
But anyways, when that song of ALL songs came on during my break, I couldn’t but be in my feels about my all crushes! I was just in the zone, unbothered. So, going forward:
The recurring joke for the day between us was him, my coworker and I all asking the other person “what’s up?” In which I respond “the ceiling/the sky.” But usually “the ceiling.”
That’s actually my go to response with any person who asks me that, but today I tried it on him even though I’ve tried it on him before but today he wanted to be extra about it lol.
So he kept asking me that today only to get the same response every single time. When I passed him one time, he was calling my name repetitively while asking the question.
And my other coworker who was in on the joke was standing close by, so I told her, “yo can you tell him to stop bothering me and calling my name,” even though I didn’t care.
I actually liked it, but he didn’t need to know that. So fast forward a little later, the workplace was a little on the quiet side because a couple of my coworkers had left.
It was still busy, but only on occasion. It wasn’t like rush hour time or anything. Every now and then I would look up and peep he was looking at me. Or it’d be vice versa and he’d look up.
OR we both would look at each other at the same time but super briefly and then look away! And it’s such a nice feeling to know someone who you ~kinda~ like also likes you!
And I am also just surprised at my responses to him looking at me or being caught looking at him are not more alarmed than this. Like, I’m such a nervous person?
Crushes and the sort make me a hundred billion times more anxious than I already am so the fact that I don’t respond nervously to him in that way is... shocking!
By the end of the shift now, since I was on cash, I went to the back to start counting cash. And then he came around the corner to... honestly I don’t even know what.
To watch? To linger? Like he literally had no reason to be where I was tbh, so IK that was just another excuse to be in my company! Which I didn’t mind at all!
While he was there, he was asking me why I’m so tall... again! He always ask me that implying like “why are you taller than ME?” Or “if only I was a little taller...” in his mind.
Because I think he realizes since he’s shorter than me, I’m kinda like not interested enough. That sounds so shallow, but like he’s too short. Because I’m only like maximum 5’7”.
Even if he’s only an inch or two shorter than me, for a guy that’s just too short. And lowkey that’s just a dealbreaker for me. So that’s why I don’t take this crush too seriously 😟
Little does he know that his age is also a deal breaker too. LOL like I think he thinks if he was taller, that would fix all the dealbreakers between us but oh no honey, that’s not it.
I think he’s like a year and a bit younger than me, but it’s enough to be like a bit difference for me! I’ve always preferred older guys because *mature* hello, so going younger would just be backwards lol.
There’s a looot more serious things where those came from, so don’t think I’m shallow as heck or anything for like not wanting a serious relationship with him because of those.
He’s cute or whateva, but it stops there. Like I’m good luv. But ANYWAYS, him being short was not where I was going with telling my story. Moving on:
He was lingering while I was in the back counting my till, and he was like “must be in your genes” [my height]. And then I nodded and he brought up my mom is tall too.
She is only about an inch or so taller than me. But yeah, I guess if that’s tall to him? So I was like yeah, I guess. And then he was like “how tall is your dad?” And I said “6’3”” so he’s like “woahhh.”
And I was like, “yeah, but you should see my brother. He’s 6’6”, past my dad’s height.” And he was like “what? Now I’m so shy about my height.” Which lol is so cute bc I think he meant insecure?! 😂
So then he goes, “my mom is tiny, she’s like here on me,” gesturing to his shoulder. Which, he’s not wrong! His mom is TINY. So I agreed, and was like, “aww, yeah you’re right she’s so little.”
I asked him how tall his dad was and he was like “my dad’s shorter than me!” I wasn’t even surprised by that, he outgrew his parents thankfully but he’s still short for me lol.
He was like, “when we go out, ppl think we’re brothers.” And I laughed. Height was implied because I bet he definitely didn’t mean age- wise since we weren’t talking about that.
Anyways wherever the conversation left off, I don’t remember so that’s how my day went with him!
Work husband
This little entry is so underwhelming because nothing really happened but I’m still gonna write it because I’m surprised I even saw him today to begin with!
I usually only ever see him on Saturdays so when I peeped him in his turquoise blue uniform I took a double take and couldn’t believe my eyes!
He was walking all the way down the hall and I was staring awfully too hard to try to make out if it was him. I was on the phone though so I think that partly just made me seem preoccupied.
Gratefully he was far away, like I said, so I doubt he saw me staring. As he got closer, I was too scared to look in his direction so I shifted my body so that I wasn’t facing his direction.
As I was on the phone, I was trying to look for him when he passes by just to make sure it was him but I am like 90% sure it was him because there’s no one of his exact features and build here.
He passes by super quick and I was really sad because I wanted to see him for longer but I was leaving. Sucks that I only got to see him when I was going home.
I’m just glad I got to see him in general though! It was a kind of off day afterwards because I couldn’t stand my two coworkers who also happen to be siblings.
Whenever they happen to work together, it’s for the worst because they never do anything. They’re always sitting down/doing the bare minimum.
If there was anyone that deserved to be sitting down today, it would be me because I’M the one that is injured! Smh, they’re so pathetic and worthless.
And I think I did more work than both of them combined today. Not that that’s anything short of the norm, that’s to be expected tbh. I was gonna do my task regardless.
Otherwise I would’ve been suuuper bored the whole shift. Because I’m not one to strike up a convo with them because they’re my least favourite coworkers, in that section anways.
Like I can tolerate them, but I definitely don’t like them. And I’m sure as hell not going to try to talk to them if I don’t even like them. It’s pointless. I think the feelings are partially mutual.
Or at least, we’re just indifferent towards each other. And I have my own agenda I can tend to rather than try to become best friends with the managers kids... lol.
Like gross. How are you gonna have your kids work here and be the laziest ppl here? That is full on taking advantage of the system. And I’m pretty sure they get paid more than most ppl.
And they don’t even work enough hours to get paid more than half the people who they’re getting paid more than... so isn’t that like illegal or something?
If it’s true, I feel sorry for them almost. They’re spoiled and will never truly know what hard work is. Seems they’ve just been handed majority of the things they have.
Like literally today the son walked back from break and was wearing AirPods. So I was like, “you have AirPods too?” Not even out of envy or anything, just because another coworker does too.
And her and I were discussing how if I were to have them, I’d probably lose them so easily so it’s actually my choice not to invest in any. Like I am not envious that other ppl have them because I don’t want them.
But anyways, back to the managers son at work, he goes “oh yeah.” And I just smiled and shook my head at him because like duh, he WOULD have AirPods, what do you expect?
But yeah, so today I was just super annoyed at them both literally being okay with sitting around and doing nothing while I do 80% of the work because they’re used to it.
Like how are you okay with letting an injured girl the work for you while you do nothing? Sounds familiar! their mom works SOOO hard, has two jobs (maybe more) from what I know.
The son and older daughter have nice cars, their dad has a motorcycle and I’m SURE when the youngest daughter is ready to drive, she’s gonna have a car WAITING for her at their driveway.
I’m trying to be objective and think do I sound envious right now? Because I am not envious, at least I don’t think I am? I just am annoyed at how privileged they are but they don’t even do any work.
And they can get away with it too because it’s not like I can just call out the managers kids? Ones my age though, that’s the thing. It’s the son, and it’s a damn shame. Like do better?
The younger daughter just started working there and she lowkey does a better job than him at everything. She’s had her fair share of mistakes, we all have, but c’mon now.
How are you gonna let your little sister who’s younger than you by almost 4 years outlaws your own skills working at a minimum wage job?
Like I don’t even know how long he’s been working here, but I am just... so over him. I can’t wait until he quits already. He’s so useless sometimes, like I can’t.
I think some of the times he’s actually eventually intentionally set me up/sabotaged me for my shifts when I come in after him. It’s actually so messed up to think about.
But I automatically jump to worst case scenarios once it comes down to him and his family just because that’s... what it has come down to unfortunately.
I don’t know what they think of me exactly but I know how I’ve been treated by them and I’ll never give them the benefit of the doubt after they’ve been okay with how they treat me so..
Anyways lemme stop ranting on this post before I let all this negativity outweigh all the good that happened today. To end it off, I’d like to say:
I’m glad American Dragon Crush and my other coworker were there today to keep me sane because I really would’ve been in the worst mood all day if it hadn’t been for them.
American Dragon crush really did lift up my spirits so much. Like, I don’t know if he realizes how much he did today. I was in such a bad mood before he came when I think back now.
As for my other coworker, she’s always so friendly. Like thank God for her. She’s an angel sometimes. I don’t know how much I could tolerate this job in general if it weren’t for her.
Also shoutout to my mom for coming down to see me a couple times today. Every time she saw me, all she had to do was look at my face and she knew exactly what was wrong.
Why and who too! LOL. After worked we talked about it allll today, and she wasn’t surprised. Never is. With those two siblings, it’s always the same thing.
But she really kept me sane today too, even if I only got to see her for a little bit each time. Thank God for them all ☺️
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tsukishumai · 3 years
BABE!! 😩 I've been working my ass off for a req and after today's feedback from our professor, i feel like a joke :-) Well anyways, I'm not totally disheartened since I'm confident about it and she's just being picky :-) Good news is the deadline is no longer on the 31st, it's extend to 2 weeks more!! 🧡 I'm honestly just relieved that the deadline isn't squished anymore along with my other requirements. I CAN BREATHE BETTER 😩😭
YES IM ALSO DEFO CELEBRATING DURING THE BREAK (well we don't really call it spring break, what we use is "mid term break" or "easter break" 🤭) I DO DRINK OFC HAHAHHA (the legal drinking age here is actually 18, and ya girl is turning 21 in a couple of months 🍻 but we both know i started drinking much earlier than that ✌🏼😬)
And hello?!?! I LOVED THAT DRABBLE!! That man is just the purest lover out there!! He's such a husband material, it melts my heart so much 🥺 The same way he is the purest dom in bed 👿 jk HAHHAH I mean he is a dom but he wouldn't really wanna totally hurt u bec he loves you 🥺 Which is even hotter 🥵 tho we know that aint really possible by just how big his dique is!! the stretch tho 👀🤪 HEHEHEHH
Just gonna wrap up a few more tasks today and tomorrow then I'll freaking rest 🤩 (for a day 🙃). HOW HAVE U BEEN DOIN?? I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY BBYYY!! 🤩 *kithy mwah
BAAAABE OMG HEY FUCK UR PROFESSOR 😡 (not literally) but yay I’m glad to hear the deadline was extended! Honestly that’s the best news ever it is exactly like a breath of fresh air 😭 I BELIEVE IN U GERMY THIS IS THE FINAL STRETCH OMG
OMG YES BAE I WISH WE COULD DRINK TOGETHER I JUST KNOW, I JUST KNNOOOOWWWW WE WOULD FUCK UP THE FUNCTION 😩😩 honestly 21 being the legal drinking age here is the biggest fucking SCAM and they changed the smoking age here to 21 too?? (I was actually a late bloomer and started drinking at 17-18 LOL even tho that’s still below the legal drinking age? Like all my friends had BEEN drinking and smoking at that point 😭 and I started smoking later too like 19-20 but SMOKING IS BAD 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND)
(Omg more lewding under the cut)
OMG IM SO GLAD Y LIKED IT , I wrote it hoping u would see it 😋 YES I AGREE USHI IS A DOM but hear me out hear me out.... he is definitely a service dom, he ties you up in bed, tells you to shut the fuck up and let him take care of you, and do you think he’ll stop after you come once? Or twice? No, he’s going until you’re a sobbing, shaking mess under him , until you couldn’t see straight anymore and all your senses are filled with only HIM and oh god I need to go touch grass 😭
0 notes
bubblegumbi-tch · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @otsukaresope thank you!(and yes, I copied and pasted yours and changed my answers too)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. (lol you know i’m not tagging that many people)
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Mango Juice 2. Phone call: My dad 3. Text message: My dad again 4. Song you listened to: There Was A Rapper by Dizraeli & the Small Gods 5. Time you cried: looooord I have no idea, I cry all the time.. i think it was like two or three days ago..
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No 8. Been cheated on: Not that I know of 9. Lost someone special: Hasn’t everyone? 10. Been depressed: I guess 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, only once, I learned my lesson.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Blue or any variation on it 13. Yellow/Orange 14. Very dark pink/red/purple kinda colour if you know what I mean
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, surprisingly 16. Fallen out of love: lol i’ve never even been IN love 17. Laughed until you cried: Probably yeah, i used to do it a lot more than i do now though sadly 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I found out a guy wouldn’t shut up about me because he liked me if that counts.. 19. Met someone who changed you: I don’t think so, no 20. Found out who your friends are: I already knew who my friends are 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I’m pretty sure 23. Do you have any pets: Omg, yes! I have two cats, a dog, two budgies, a bearded dragon, a tortoise and two chickens! 24. Do you want to change your name: When I was little me and my best friend went through a phase of wanting to change our names, but of course we never did. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My family all came to see me and then my parents took me out for a meal in the evening. 26. What time did you wake up: Ugh 7am to pack up from camping and come home, it’s the earliest I’ve been up in ages! 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Messaging my friends and trying to sleep. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Hixtape of course and also to get my flipping uni accommodation confirmation so I can start planning my room! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: About 30 seconds ago, she’s in the kitchen 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I was more confident and sociable (I’m a lot better than I used to be but it’s still something I’m working on!) 31. What are you listening to right now: Nothing, although I’ve been recently rediscovering Yoongi’s mixtape, specifically The Last... It’s making me emo af. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah I know of so many Tom’s 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My menopausal mother (sorry mum) and my over helpful, dithering grandmother (put them both together like now and i want to take a long walk off a short pier)  34. Most visited website: I guess here or youtube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: A few like flat big freckle ones but none that i would really call moles because they aren’t raised?? How do you even know what’s a mole and what isn’t? 36. Mark/s: oh man my knees are basically made of childhood scars, I also have a big scar on my arm from when i broke it, and various other tiny scars across my body, and a few bits of discolouration on my back from when i got sunburned really badly once 37. Chilhood dream: I wanted to be a vet 38. Hair color: My natural hair colour is like a light mousey brown, but at the moment it’s henna red 39. Long or short hair: uhh short i guess, it’s in a bob that’s grown out a lil 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Not really 41. What do you like about yourself: I like my long, naturally curled eyelashes, and that I am quite an accepting person (at least i like to think i am) 42. Piercings: One in each ear, and my nose 43. Blood type: I have no idea, i tried to find this out before i went to korea as they believe the blood type=personality traits thing, but it seems to be actually quite hard to find out if you don’t already know.. 44. Nickname: Meg, v occasionally Meggie or (if you’re my mother and trying to annoy me) Meggie Moo 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Aries 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV show: Gosh I don’t know anymore, I don’t watch as much tv as i used to. I recently finished binging Skins (uk) though because i never got into it when i was a teenager 49. Tattoos: No, but i would like to get one one day 50. Right or left hand: left handed! (fun fact a lady i used to work with told me this is a sign of the devil and looked at me reproachfully lol) 51. Surgery: No cosmetic surgery, but i broke my arm pretty badly when i was 9 and had to have two surgeries to fix it and i still have a numb section down my right arm to this day from nerve damage! 52. Hair dyed in different colors: I have only ever dyed it red/coppery either with henna or proper dye 53. Sport: man i am the least sporty person you will ever meet! I was pretty good a hockey in school though and i enjoyed tennis and badminton too. 54. There’s no question here so fun fact: I currently have diamond shaped sunburn patches all down my arms from a lace-up armed top i was wearing yesterday, i’m such a fool. 55. Vacation: I would literally love to go anywhere and everywhere in the world, but right now I’m kinda feeling either Hawai’i (blame bts) or Florida 56. Pair of trainers: Do converse count as trainers? Because I live in my converse.
57. Eating: Nothing Right now, but i need to go make myself some lunch.       58. Drinking: Again nothing, someone get me some tea!
59. I’m about to: Go say hi to my grandma who has just turned up, then maybe go over to my dad’s and watch game of thrones with him 60. No question here either so another fun fact: I have hypermobility in some of my limbs, just like Jin does (his wiggly fingers) so my knees bend backwards (i think Jin’s knees do this too actually), which freaks some people out! The downside is apparently it’s awful for my joints, I’m such an old lady! 61. Waiting for: My uni accommodation! 62. Want: So many things, love, money, a job, MY UNI ACCOMMODATION 63. Get married: Eh, maybe if the right person comes along, although i think it will be v different from a traditional type of wedding eg i hate how traditionally the bride is given from man to man and takes the husbands name, I would like to mash our names together to make a cool new name for us both... idk i guess i would just have a more feminist/egalitarian version of a marriage/wedding if i get married. 64. Career: Uuugh I don’t even have a job at the moment, and i doubt i will even when i finish my degree lol oh the hopelessness of adulthood
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: Both?? I guess lips if i HAD to choose. 67. Shorter or taller: It doesn’t make a difference to me bc im short as hell anyway so anyone i date it always gonna be taller than me no matter how short they are... 68. Older or younger: i would prefer older but i guess so long as it’s not too much younger i wouldn’t mind so long as they are mentally mature enough. 69. No question here: Then you’re gonna get no answer. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms i guess 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship preferably, but all i ever seem to get are hook-ups! 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:  I guess troublemaker so long as it’s not damaging
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Yes 75. Drank hard liquour: Yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I lost a pair of sunglasses recently.. 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex in the first date: I haven’t actually properly dated anyone in ages.. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Not that i know of 80. Had your heart broken: Yes, but not by a romantic partner, just a best friend, they can do that too unfortunately.. 81. Been arrested: No although apparently i once when i was 16 i got blackout drunk and started hammering on a police car door (with the policemen inside) and they had to get out and tell my friends to take me home or they would arrest me (im so goddamn embarrassed about that)  82. Cried when someone died: Of course, who doesn’t? 83. Fallen for a friend: No
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i have nothing else to believe in so, YES 85. Miracles: I don’t think so 86. Love at first sight: Again, I don’t think so 87. Santa Claus: Of course, what are you saying?!?!?! 88. Kiss in the first date: Yeah why not if i like them enough 89. Angels: No
OTHER: 90. Current best friend’s name: I don’t think i have just one, but i guess my oldest friend and friends i se the most are Jenny and Hannah 91. Eyecolor: Green/blue/turquoise, it depends on the light (yes im THAT white girl, fight me it’s a thing) 92. Favorite movie: Ah man i couldn’t tell you i just don’t know sorry!
Tagging: @aw-yeah-jimin @grandpa-yoongi @sopehope @seoulsistersopi and i guess anyone else that wants to do it!
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kristannafever · 7 years
This is a semi-long story, but it was my day, and it was amusing to say the least (well to me anyway...)  And I’m laughing about it...
Woke up to slightly bigger puddle of water in the basement (started Friday) that seems to be seeping in from the foundation since it’s been raining a lot, and shook my head like... ok, I’ll keep an eye on this and make sure I don't have to somehow lug the shopvac downstairs by myself (hubs is away all weekend... OF COURSE).  It’s an undeveloped basement so water on concrete is no biggie, except we have a pool table down there and of course I don’t want the water to get to the wood legs of it, but right now it isn’t touching anything...  Anywhoo.....
Fast forward to after lunch.  I’m doing dishes and realize, hey!, we have no hot water.  Of course this happened the last time my husband was out of town, (luckily he was able to describe to me over the phone how to fix it, and I did), so I think, I got this.  Did the same thing as last time and, of course, it doesn’t work this time.  Try it again, and nothing.
So I call hubs not expecting an answer (and of course he didn’t), but lucky me he called back 10 min later.  So I head down there again and I ask him what to do, and he says to reset the boiler system so I try it, and it seems to be working, that is until the error code comes on again.  Try it three more times and get the same result.  F4 error.
Now here is the irony of the situation: Hubs is a plumber by trade, and I kid you not, this shit always seems to happen when he is out of town (happened in our old house and now seems to be continuing in the new one, because of course right?) So he’s trying to call his younger brothers (also both plumbers I should mention - and so is his dad but he doesn't live here... but I digress), and his bro’s are neck deep in their own shit-to-do this weekend, and they aren’t overly familiar with this particular system, so the one bro gets a guy he works with who knows boilers, to come out and look at this stupid system (and I’m surprised because he’s very YOUNG - I am literally wondering how someone at least 10 years my junior knows more about boilers than my ‘closer-in-age’ brother’s in law), and he goes downstairs.  This is now dinner-time, and all my plans to catch up on fic’s all afternoon because I am too tired to write, are dashed, because I am periodically trying things to fix it and talk to hubs.  So I am feeding the kids, while the young (very blond dude I might mention) is downstairs, and I hear water gushing and very faint swearing and I know that he fucked up somewhere...
So I text hubs and tell him this as I’m trying to feed the kids, and he’s like fuck!... but the young man came up about 10 min after said cussing, and said he fixed the issue, but he’s sorry he pulled a wrong valve, and of course he’s soaking wet, so of course I offered him a towel, but he’s like “nah, this isn’t the first time this happened to me today.  I was at a customers house earlier and when I was in my truck, they turned the main water shut off back on, and I didn’t know, and soaked myself.”  Then he preceded to tell me that his first call of the day was outside work, so he has basically been soaked all day.
I thank the young fellow many, many times and send him on his way and eventually head downstairs to check on that damn puddle again and HOLY SHIT!  It’s twice as big and touching the legs of the pool table now (and not from the valve mishap at all).  So I look over and there’s a shop vac.  So naturally I’m thinking... silly husband doesn’t know that it was down here already.  So I start vacuuming and BAM!  Stops a few minutes in.
So, I call Hubs and explain.  He say’s “the one in the garage is empty” (apparently the one in the basement was half-full of all the clean up junk when we moved in - and why we even have two?  I have no fucking idea - that man has tools and shit up the wazoo - one of them might have been someone else’s I have no idea because every dude in my life is in a trade).  ANYWAY, he says take out the filter (and my Dad was in construction so I sort of know my way around a shop vac), so I get the lid off and the filter is clogged solid with cat hair (they sleep on the stupid couch down there and, well, yeah).  So I strip off the filter and finally get at the puddle again, and the stupid thing stops about 10 min in because apparently there is THAT much water on the floor, and the vac is full.
Now I am at the point where this is all I can do.  I have a five-and-a-half-year old, and a one-and-a-half-year old year old, doing God knows what upstairs on their own, while I am trying to clean up the water as quick as I can, and there is still a big puddle.  So basically I reach the ‘Fuck-It’ stage.  I know there is another shop vac in the garage somewhere, but it's still raining like a motherfucker and I know it isn't going to help much.  My earlier attempt at least got the water away from the pool table and the rest is just in a bare spot on the floor so... *shrugs shoulders*
So here I am, watching the rain continue to fall relentlessly, getting the kids prepped for bed, and so excited to crack a beer when they are all tucked in and spend an hour or two watching the Jays play.  Fuckin A. 
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tumblunni · 7 years
Mannnnn I just cannot get over how many great well-developed relationships there are within the Rune Factory 4 cast! Its just great how much all the different love interests interact with each other outside of their romance route, and how all the non-romanceable characters are still an equally big presence by being family/mentors/employers/best friends/etc to the love interests and to each other and everyone has a job role in the town and they have so many great interactions and just GAHHHH its so great!! Its like one big family made of families made of families then you marry into the family and the family and also the family perhaps. THEN YOU HAVE A CUTE CHILD. aaaaaa
Ventuswill the mentor lady best friend/team mum/LITERALLY THE GOD OF THIS COUNTRY AND A GIANT DRAGON man i just cry forever for her aaaa Everybody’s own unique love for her, and how she kinda unites us all as a family aaaa The butler family coworker trio who met each other because of her! I really like to see it as clorica and vishnal having a brother sister relationship, they dont get any particular big scenes together but they just seem to be such cute friends who never have any of the rivalry you’d expect when theyre both competing as volkanon’s students. VOLKANON IS LIKE YOUR GRANDPA AND HE IS THE BEST CHARACTER The whole restaurant fam! You get to see it expand as the story goes on! And aaaa its just so heartwarming that porcoline adopts all these random homeless people and aaaa!!! DYLAS LEARNED TO COOK. THEY ALL LOVE THEIR STUPID TWIRLY GOOFBALL DAD. And its so nice that these very different personalities end up coming together and being like siblings when they probably wouldnt have befriended each other if not for this random stroke of chance. Its just so cute seeing margaret looking out for her new brothers, and dylas being so polite and formal to arthur, and arthur just being all ‘haha i dont know anything about having a loving family what a rare novelty’ *constantly crying inside* And they bicker sometimes and when they team up theyre a super powerful force, and theyre all like the parents to porcoline’s childishness and aaaaa super talented restaurant fam, super colourful quartet of hugs aaaa THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE OKAY And Forte + Kiel adorable siblings with the unique plot and semi tragic aspect of living alone together at a young age and each trying to take the place of their deceased parents and protect each other And then Bado is like their weird adoptive uncle who’s lived next door since back when their parents were alive, and promised to keep them safe. but he’s kind of a wreck of a man who’s perpetually messing up his silly get rich quick schemes but DEEP AT HEART HE CAAAAARES! but still he is kind of a mess and would probably turn up drunk on their couch half the time. i love him he reminds me of sirius black if he ate del boy from Only Fools And Horses to absorb his strength And then there’s Illuminata who’s like Bado’s evil twin kinda?? They should have more interactions, theyre the bad influence grownups duo XD And I just love the underrated relationship between her and her ‘sidekick’ amber, and how she’s kinda like a big sister who doesnt wanna be called one. I totally only have you here to serve my nefarious purposes! Umm, I mean, my purposes of justice!! And then she’s often playing the cool big sis to all the various female characters in the town, even though at the same time she’s also part of the ‘adults who need a mom friend’ group XD I think margaret and forte actually win the crowd of the true mom friends even though theyre not the oldest (I also like that they have an unlikelu friendship together, though i wish if margaret is allowed to have a canonical gay crush then why isnt she allowed to be a gay marriage option...) And then Lin Fa and Xiao Mei kinda dont stand out as much cos theyre more of a very normal mother and daughter, beyond Lin Fa just being this spacey super nice but super clumsy person. She’s not quite the funny parent-child like porco and co, but she’s funny in her own way cos of how cheerful and positive she is about all her failures. Xiao Mei got all the common sense! Its also nice and cute how Xiao Mei is physically clumsy but super competant and mature, while her mum is perfectly elegant yet completely scatterbrained. And they’re both totally huggable, Xiao Mei dont be jealous that everyone has crushes on your mum! I feel so bad when she’s all ‘i’ll never succeed cos i cant be cute in the same way as her’, as if there’s only one definition of feminine beauty or whatever. CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR MUM HAS FLAWS TOO. you are powerful togetherrrrrr! i am just so envious seeing these characters with supportive mums that’re like their best friend and they can talk about everything together ^_^ And then there’s the doctor family with the super lovey dovey married couple of funnyness and mushy mush, and they adopt some orphans too~! EVERYONE ADOPTS EVERYBODY: THE GAME. I love seeing the cold and distant Dolce warm up to them and regain her faith that she wont be hurt if she loves someone again. Also Pico is very cute and hilarious! Even if again I get very annoyed at this game having so much queerbaiting, lol. I kinda laughed at the wiki saying dolce and pico were ‘like sister’, i mean seriously?? Pico is like your typical ‘looks like a child but is really 100′ love interest and dolce is the poor harem show protagonist who never asked for this XD I do like though that even if it seems dolce very much doesnt requite pico’s feelings, theyre still best friends either way. Pico’s super comedic flirting attempts seem to come off like she’s completely aware that dolce doesnt love her back, and she just wants to make some humour out of the situation to let dolce know she still cares about her even if they’re never gonna date. Its nice, we dont often see relationships like that in fiction, a childhood friend who confess a crush, gets turned down, and it actually ends positively and they remain friends. Its just a shame it had to be like... one of the few openly LGBTQ characters in the game, and nobody is ever allowed to date anybody or have a happy ending or be a romance route or even mention the word gay, even as theyre constantly being incredibly vocal about how its canon these characters have crushes on each other. gahhhhh. I mean we literally have doug and dylas proposing to each other and confessing their love but LOL HA its just a ~wacky misunderstanding~ but btw lets just rub it in that they are VERY MUCH intended to be seen as gay by the audience but theyre not ~really~ gay even when we say they are and GAHHH okay sorry im getting offtopic now :P Anyway its really sad that Pico is stuck as the same unchanging ghost child while her best friend grows up and marries someone else. And man, she had to spend all those years guarding monster form dolce until someone was able to free her, and we dont even know how pico died so her life could have even more tragedy in it. After all that I guess its a relief that she can be this comic relief jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold manzai duo partner to dolce and also like the freeloading friend on her metahphorical ghost couch. And its nice how much the doctor couple completely accept ‘dolce’s friend’ and are some of the few people who never remotely worry about her haunting the town. And then AAAAA there’s the four guardians themselves who’re like a family cos they were all people who were like family to ventuswill in different time periods, and then met each other for the first time when they were purified from their monster forms and bonded over how much they all love the same friend. And theyre such a badass quartet of cool monsterfolks!! And I like that they have lil relationships inside the quartet, like how dolce and amber are polar opposite sunshine and grumpiness but dolce secretly likes her a lot more than she lets on, and how leon likes to tease dylas but also kinda be his wingman. And I like how leon takes this role to a lot of the other batchelors too, he’s this totally shameless frat boy big brother figure XD “HEY PROTAGONIST DO YOU WANNA HEAR ABOUT DOUG’S SEX LIFE” And then aaaa doug and granny blossom AAAAAA granny blossom is probably the character who gets the least scenes, backstory, and general focus, but I still love her a lot. And they have a good dynamic together! I like that it starts off seeming like just a completely normal grandma granson relationship, but then you learn later that he’s adopted, and that he actually began as a spy for the evil empire who realized the error of his ways after infiltrating the town and finding so much love inside it. And then he’s just so scared cos blossom’s illness might bring her to an early grave, and he’s always being disobedient and rebellious because he wants to do anything to protect her even if she tells him not to put himself at risk and AAAAAA
why are there so many amazing fams and theres even so many small hints of characters who maybe only interact once or twice and then there’s room to headcanon even more fams and AAAAAA and the protagonist’s place in the complex web of fams is up to you to decide!! ITS LIKE EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED IN A GAME
oh and randomly I liked that xiao mei’s father isnt a major character in the game, but there’s not any tragic reason or anything. he’s just a travelling merchant and lin fa is very accepting of her husband being gone off on trips for long periods of time, she has every confidence he will never stray away from her and she supports him pursuing his travelling dreams! and also it was funny how his one brief appearance has him with the generic traveller 3d model, to point out how much he isnt a main character compared to his wife XD and it was just really cute how happy everyone was when he visited, and how the player accidentally helps improve their family business! and aaa the backstory story about arthur’s mother is SO DAMN SAD, and dolce’s biological parents who she left behind when she sacrificed her life, and just AAAAA even the tiny one-line-only minor fams are such quality fams FAMS GAME REVENGE OF THE FAMS
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Stars Align 2 - 3 | BnHA 65 - 66 | Iruma-kun 3 - 4 | Shinchou Yuusha 3 | Dr Stone 16 | No Guns Life 3
Stars Align 2
The first episode I saw at the anime club, so I’ve skipped straight to ep 2 for the coverage.
Hmm? I thought this would cut to the OP…it didn’t.
Oh, poor Maki! He has a slap mark on his face!
Why is it uniforms are so gendered anyway? Not just sports ones. (It might be because I’m so used to wearing other people’s hand me downs, regardless of their gender, but…yeah.)
The real tennis-playing dude is Kei Nishikori…LOL.
That’s the 3rd Ishigami for this season, methinks. (The others hail from Dr Stone.)
Come to think of it, the most I’ve ever done in one shot is 10 laps of a court (and that was with lots of practice). 20 would be torture…
The animation…where it goes black and white…that’s awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee, y’know???
I like how Maki’s just splat on the ground without his hands to support him.
Windows tablet with stand. I’ve seen those in stores and catalogues before…they should run Windows 7 at the bare minimum, 8 or 10 if they’re newer.
Maki’s top says “continue” on it. It’s a good shirt for a boy that really does continue, despite his hardships.
I-Is Maki’s mother having an affair…? With Shou? Or is Shou a good friend of hers who happens to be male?
The way Toma wears his jacket…it reminds me of Chuuya (BSD). Pretty badass for a middle school kid, don’tcha think?
Kenkou = health, so a squishy ball is a health ball…makes sense. It’s good for the circulation and all that.
When Toma started explaining the grips…I realised I’d fallen into what I just called the Tsuritama trap…that is, when I watch a show for entertainment and end up learning about skills I’ll never need in the process.
Both boys are righthanded, I noticed.
Didn’t notice at first, but Toma put the ball in his pocket.
Is it just me or is there CGI in this show…? (That’s a feeling I’ve had since ep 1, but haven’t been able to confirm since it’s so well integrated.)
Hmm…I heard there was plagiarism going around with this show’s choreography…I didn’t see the Chika dance in context, so I wouldn’t know if it was copied from there. Still, it’s interesting how the guy on the left (if there is one) generally does better than the one on the right. Some of them just give up in the end, LOL.
Hmm…Hoshiai no Sora means “The Sky where Stars Line Up” or something of the sort…hence, “Stars Align”.
“Even in an ever-changing world, the starlit sky will not change.” – That’s the words that sometimes accompany the title.
BnHA 65
Yeah, how are the League any different to the yakuza anyway?
The interesting thing is that Deku also has “power he can’t control”, but we see more of that narrative.
I love how Mic’s words were put into the visuals too, culminating in the “HA!”.
Okay, so Togata’s pun is that he’ll ittemirio, a pun on his name (obviously) and ittemiro (let’s go see). The English says I Togata see, which keeps his name in there and keeps the level of cheesiness to boot! Good job subbers! (By the way, that pun’s not in the manga.)
I already know what happens in this arc (thank you, free Viz chapters!), so now I have this sinking feeling when it comes to talking about Nighteye…
Apparently Bubble Girl was a winning design from a competition. Sorta like how Horikoshi appeared in One Piece one time and that, you could say, was the start of his career in print (so it’s a legacy in a sense).
Iruma-kun 3
Oh hey, I just realised Asmodeus’s nails are bright red…that’s kinda cute, actually. (In that “boys are hot” kinda “cute” sense, people.)
I have no idea what the lyrics to Clara’s song are meant to be in Japanese…not that I could track down whatever the heck she’s singing anyway.
Okay, so “play house” appears to be mamagoto (literally “mother’s thing[s]” (in a metaphorical sense, playing house is replicating mothers’ chores, so…yeah, mothers’ things), but it’s got the character for “demon” twice instead of what it should have. Hence “murder house”.
Hey, couldn’t you at least make Azz-Azz (as you call him) your husband?(!) (small LOL)
Demonathon = marathon, but with the character for “demon”. That’s actually straightforward in both languages…for once.
The alarm clock is a cute bird with horns!!! So cute!!!
I feel sorry for Opera. Which reminds me, why would Sullivan need a butler if he was living alone?
Whoa! Iruma actually refused before Clara said “please”! He’s growing a spine! So early…(whispers “My boy is growing up so fast…” as a joke)
Clara’s nails are a bright pink…a few shades off from Asmodeus’s red, but still really bright.
*vending machine appears* - Now that’s what I call “getting Yocchan some cold drinks”!
Azz isn’t dressed in white, he’s in pink! Dang colour palette, going against what Clara says!
I just realised Asmodeus wears two jackets…or is that a jacket and a long shirt?
There’s no pun in that segment title…it’s just “Akuma no Otomodachi”.
Poor Opera…it looks like he’s wearing two pairs of pants…or maybe that’s his shirt? Or his boxers? Who knows?...Actually, when I think about it, that might just be his shirt. Sorry, Opera.
Wait…so if most of the demons fly to school, why do Asmodeus, Clara and Iruma walk…? (Well, Iruma can’t fly, but the other two might be able to…) Update: We do kind of address this in the next ep, but that doesn’t answer why Clara hasn’t shown she can fly in that ep.
Oh, if it isn’t Sna-er, Kalego…(LOL) But seriously, Kalego’s hairdo is actually kinda nice for a guy. Then again, I’m the one who likes dudes with long hair, so…eh. I can take it or leave it.
Did Kalego never meet Clara…?
Eggie-sensei…no kidding, that’s what she says. It’s from the –ego in “Kalego”, of course. (But I have no idea if “Azz-Azz” is what Clara actually says for Asmodeus…) Similarly, the school store guy is called Kamukamu-san, so it’s literally “Comecome”...as in “come and buy from me”. Update: Yes, Azz-Azz is what she calls him.
There aren’t a lot of girls in that crowd, Eggie-sensei and Clara…
Eggie-sensei really is shaped like an egg! So fluffy! I wanna plushie of him in that form!
Wait, the sticker costs 333 bills? Iruma’s gonna have to pay for it later…Update: 2 stickers = 666 bills.
“Pay me.” – LOLLLLLLLLLLL! I’m so sorry, Fluffy Snape, but you were hilarious in that scene!!!
Demons don’t even have the concept of “friends”…? That’s…cute! Way too cute!
The mochi Clara refers to is because tomodachi is the word for friend (it has “mochi” in it, see?).
There’s Sullivan’s face on his stamp, LOL.
See? Asmodeus does have black wings like the demons you see in all those morning shots of this show!!!
Dr Stone 16
Byakuya (Senku’s dad)…his face keeps getting censored, even though it’s right there on the spinoff promo material…! *points to the spinoff page on Viz*
The piano music in this scene is nice…I heard the OST is on Spotify too, so I’ll chase it up later.
“Senku, the science guy” doesn’t have as much of a ring to it as Bill Nye does.
Taiju’s just got this proud face, like he didn’t really know what he was doing but he claimed the credit anyway…the big oaf. (LOL)
There’s a banana on Senku’s phone, LOL.
Hmm…where’s Senku’s mum? Did he ever have one?
Shamil’s face looks like Tsukasa’s so much, it almost unnerves me…
[TMS Football Stadium] - TMS is responsible for this anime adaption, I’m pretty sure…LOL.
A Byakuya reboot just started in manga form. I wonder if the Dr Stone anime will cover any of it…?
BnHA 66
Notably, “hero work studies” = hero internships. Those two translations seem to be interchangeable.
Normally, the end of the phrase would be “Boy Meets Girl”, right? There’s an important girl in this arc, y’know?
The contract is kind of hard to read, but I did make out the word “Nighteye” in katakana.
Technically, Midoriya should be in possession of a funny bone - the humerus, y’know??? (<- comically missing the point)
Mirio kinda reminds me of Araki (Area no Kishi), for some reason…it must be because they both like comedy. Then again, Midoriya at the moment is reminding me of Bakugo, because of all the mouth shapes being similar…
This is interesting. In the manga, the scene pointing out Ochako and Tsuyu weren’t going to be at their original internship places wasn’t at the dorms.
Ooh! They’re even foreshadowing Hawks, which wasn’t even in the manga at this stage!!
I do believe this “Hado and Amajiki talking to the students who’ll be relevant to this arc” is also anime-original. Todoroki’s joke was definitely AO (anime original).
Shinchou Yuusha 3
…can we not with the boob jokes??? Rista doesn’t have a flat board, people. Update: She also acknowledges this…we don’t know Aria’s size, but Rista is a D cup.
Oooh, oooooooooooh! I spy a ponytail boy in the back there and me likey! (I guess I’m still feeling a bit bummed out because I attended a wedding yesterday and ended up crushing on a cousin’s younger brother-in-law – precisely because he had long hair, but then he put it up into a man bun and I went, “Nope, I can’t have him,” not to mention he’s married already. Plus the Area no Kishi episode I found today – ep. 30 – had a kinda chubby Araki, so I noped out of it and as a result, I need me some bishonen to appease the eyes. Good thing Seiya does the trick.)
Marth, eh? *thinks about the blogger* Then again, there’s my reaction when it comes to Ariadoa…
Oh, this is like a PreCure dance ED. I see…then it turns out to be Rista’s figure alarm. The logic checks out.
Iruma-kun 4
Seriously, Azz doesn’t sound like he should be Iruma’s age…but that’s part of the joke, I guess. *gets pelted with tomatoes for revealing said joke*
So “The Misfit Class” is technically the “Problem Child Class” (Mondaiji Kurasu), but the alternative reading given to mondaiji says “Abnormal”.
It seems “devi” is an alternative way to say “very” in this show, hence the ED being “Debikyu” (Devi Cute).
I…think these demon ranks may actually be Phonecian letters (which I learnt about from Star Driver)…
That “thinking reed” business I knew from somewhere, but…turns out it’s just a person called Blaise Pascal.
A “heugh”? Wassat? (It just sounds like some noise you’d make when you barf…) Okay, I’m joking, here’s the real meaning: “a steep crag or cliff” or “a ravine or glen with overhanging sides.”
Clara, stop fiddling with Sabrock’s tail…!
Oh, demon birds are cute! Like regular sparrows, only with a different colour scheme! The demonitors are cute too!
So many cute birds~. I’m so spoilt~!
Hmm…if humans cause demons to heal…no wonder they’re delicacies.
Hmm…I suspected this episode would end with a cliffhanger. The plotline was running far too long for just 23 mins.
Stars Align 3
Geesh, Toma’s got a huge bag…Update: (They all have huge bags, what are you saying???)
Lemme guess – I know nothing about tennis, but the best tennis doubles need good communication. I learnt that sort of thing from the Amazing Race, to be real with you.
Come to think of it…it’s always the mother with her unconditional love, huh? Any single fathers in anime? (No, I don’t mean like Father Fujimoto in Blue Exorcist – he’s an adoptive father.)
Judging from the cacti and fossils, Toma likes paleontology and biology. Or maybe that was from Ryoma…who knows?
Toma appears to have green frames for his glasses and then standard black frames.
Dang, it cut in the middle of that revelation! If this were a manga, I would’ve been chomping at the bit for the next chapter! However, it does get finished at the very end, so keep watching.
Update: There’s not a lot of music to this show…not that that’s a bad thing. It’s good for tense moments, in fact.
No Guns Life 3
This OP rocks, man!
Ayatsuri Ningyo = Manipulated Puppet. Or Puppet for Manipulation.
That thing on the door says “best luck” (daikichi). It’s a very Chinese thing to do.
His apron says “meat”. He’s probably a butcher or something.
How does a guy with a gun for a head drink coffee? (small LOL)
I remember someone called Juzo with Basket “a Nezuko cosplay”.
Does Tetsuro’s voice change for the Extended he affects with Harmony?
I noticed in the ED Juzo has an arm missing…must be important later.
I believe Mary’s shirt in the ED says “skill” or “technique” (read as “gi” or “waza”).
0 notes
This is going to be a long story as there is a lot of backstory/context needed to understand. Those who are ‘meant’ to read this & offer guidance, will. I hope :)No idea how to cut it down into a TLDR as it is far too lengthy.I'll try to keep this first backstory as short & to the point as possible. I'm 21, live in Australia on the east coast, grew up in Sydney and lived there until I was 18. I have a sister who is 7 years older who still lives in our hometown. Lost my father at a young age at 13. I've been battling depression for over 5 years since I was 15. I moved 2 hours away from my hometown at 18 & my depression got much worse. I stopped seeing friends, stopped going out, stopped talking to my friends/family which led to dealing with anxiety issues which led to social anxiety due to isolating myself. (Among other symptoms)I've recently started seeing a psychologist, getting out of the house more, I'm finally starting to feel like going out & doing things. I want to meet people. I've been out more/done more in January of this year than I have the past 2 years. Finally starting to feel 'normal'. I still haven't reconnected with any of my old friends. I haven't posted anything on my personal social media accounts (Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat) since I first moved in late 2014. Haven't spoken to any friends since then & haven't seen them either. Some have reached out to me but I never replied. Haven’t had a job since I moved up here either.For some reason I'm still afraid to reach out to them because I know that will lead to eventually meeting up with them in person. I'm even afraid to post anything on social media from fear of them reaching out to me. Because I know this will lead down the same route. I haven't made any new friends since moving from my hometown, haven't worked or studied & basically feel like a complete failure. Afraid of what they will say, think or feel about me cos I have no life per say.I have already made a post looking for advice/guidance regarding the issue related to my old friends, however the above context was necessary to lead onto my next story which I am solely looking for advice/guidance for.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~New years eve I went to a house party with my older Sister cos I had nothing else to do, literally, and met all her friends etc. People were drinking, majority of people were on drugs, MDMA, LSD & Ketamine was available. I hadn’t had drugs for 3 years since Australia day in 2014 when I was 18. I didn’t plan on taking anything. I met a girl who lived there, friend of my sisters who’s my age - lets call her Mary. I was told by a few people she thought I was attractive & wanted to hookup. I haven’t hooked up with anyone for over 2 years and I actually was thinking that about her anyway so I was keen.I was drinking a lot when I first got there because of my anxiety, meeting new people etc. and ended up having to stop drinking because I was getting sick mixing it with weed. (Only drank 4 times last year so I had a very low tolerance). A few hours later I was in Marys room with her, my sister & another girl who lived there just talking; lets call her Barbara. Barbara asked if we all wanted to get any more MDMA caps (her bf had stuff people could buy during the night). All of them had already taken an MDMA cap each earlier on in the night & they all said yeah to having another one, which left me to decide; I ended up asking for one since I felt comfortable, didn’t feel pressured by them and the moment felt right to do it (granted my judgement was way off cause I was drinking/smoking; not the best idea to jump on drugs with people you barely know, but I felt safe being with my sister). So I took mine with them & they left me and Mary in the room not long after.Started talking to Mary, getting to know her and all that. Basically having a d&m. She was telling me that she is going overseas this year to a US summer camp for 6 weeks. I felt so unaccomplished & like a loser basically because there’s no way I could do that. I told her she’s really ambitious & we started talking about other things while smoking weed together. We ended up hooking up for awhile, kissed at midnight & started talking more after that.At one point while we were outside having a cigarette, she asked me to tell her ‘my life story’, it caught me off guard cos if I’m honest I don’t even know what it is. I got about halfway through & somehow we got interrupted and I never got to hear hers or finish mine. I realised I was saying a lot of bad things that had happened in my life, rather than who I am and what I do?Anyway, Mary & Barbara decided to come back with me, my sister & her partner back to their place about an hour or two after Midnight to spend the rest of the night together. They were all going to take a tab of LSD each when we got back, I didn’t want to have psychedelics so I had a second MDMA cap.When we got back to my sisters place , Mary & Barbara lost an acid tab when we got there. Eventually we all gave up looking for it & they all took a tab each. Not long after taking the tab it got kinda weird with her, her vibe changed & she wasn’t talking much, we weren’t as ‘close’ physically as earlier (not cuddling n stuff) but we were holding hands? They were all waiting for the LSD to kick in & everyone wasn’t really talking much, and cos I hadn’t taken a tab I wasn’t on the same ‘level’.I think that’s where things changed cos my 2nd MDMA cap was coming on while her tab was coming on so we were on different wavelengths. We were all chilling in the lounge room laying down for about an hour and it was pretty obvious Barbara was the 5th wheel. Mary, her friend & my sister went into her room and were talking for awhile. Eventually they came out and we all went for a cigarette on the balcony and they basically came and said they were leaving. They were going to stay the night then an hour or two later after we got back they said they were leaving cos her friend wanted to be with her boyfriend. I was too out of it to leave the unit & when I said ‘I’m too f*cked to leave when Mary asked me if I was coming she said 'well your ambitious’. Never has my gut dropped so much. Instant regret. Such a horrible feeling, intensified by the drugs. I’m sure they left cos they started feeling uncomfortable being there, particularly Marys friend being the 5th wheel without her BF on new years eve.My sister, her partner & I all planned on coming back to their placed to end the night there regardless, a safe place to come back to. So we kind of all had it in our head that we weren’t leaving after we got back. Looking back I wish I went back with Mary & her friend but it probably wasn’t the best idea because they ended up taking another tab and ‘day-tripped’. Which could have ended up quite messy since it was pretty messy after they left anyway just being with my sister n her partner. Who knows what would happened - I never will know cos I chose not to go.I told my sister n her partner the next morning what Mary said when she left & I asked them if I screwed up by not going back with her - my sisters husband said yeah i thought I heard her say something like that but my sister sort of dismissed it. They were both pretty adamant that I hadn’t ‘fucked up’ though - the next day my sister said she spoke to Mary on FB and asked her about what she said before she left that night & she said that she didn't say that at all, something like 'oh alright then' was what she apparently said but I didn't really believe it.Mary sent me a message first on snapchat a couple days after new years basically saying ‘hey was nice to meet you had a nice time & we said we should chill n have a sesh sometime’ etc. So we started talking a little bit, went to buy weed from their place a day later & added her on FB but didn’t ask for her number. Such an idiot. Anyway, It was my sisters birthday the first week of 2017 & she had a party the first weekend (7th Jan - Saturday), Mary & I were both going so we were going to catch up there.I was talking to her leading up to my sisters bday party after i came home on the Thursday and then the next night I had a panic attack after smoking some weed (happened cos of repressed emotions from traumatic domestic event in late 2016) & went to the doctor the next morning for a referral to a psychologist along with some sort of temporary medication to help me sleep & I haven't spoken to her since. And with all my anxiety i'm afraid to even talk to her because its been over a month and she probably thinks I’m a rude douchebag but then again she may not even think twice about it. My sister said she knows I have a lot going on in my life at the moment so she probably doesn’t mind.I felt like I got attached to her way too quickly after that night, or perhaps attached to the idea of potentially being with someone? Since it had been so long since I’ve actually had that physical connection with someone it was quite difficult to just ‘let go’ and forget about it. I became afraid of this attachment and decided to stop talking to her to detach myself, I didn’t want to come across as needy or obsessive. Couldn’t stop thinking about her for 2 weeks afterwards. Avoiding talking to her ended up making me think of her more. She hasn’t messaged me since I didn’t reply to her last message so as far as she’s concerned she may not even think about me at all?When I was younger I used to talk to girls day & night (not exactly proud of it) but my point is I had confidence, I wasn't anxious or insecure - like I’m too afraid to even message Mary? I just feel awkward after hooking up with her, when I went to her place & added her on FB I was so awkward around her, didn’t know how to act around her after hooking up & being so f*cked from the drugs lol - I just want to be able to talk to her and get to know her, & i don’t really feel like getting to know her through text is how I want to do it either, I’d rather do it in person. But then I’m awkward in person after hooking up lol, don’t how to be.Don’t know what to do, she keeps popping in my head. Feel like I’m not worthy enough, not enough self worth & confidence. No job, no car, no license, no friends, what do I have to offer? I lift weights, I’m fit, I’m healthy, I’m intelligent, I’m educated, own my own business, I feel like I’m attractive - definitely not ugly, but can barely bring myself to message her on Facebook.Am I just mentally stuck on this whole thing? Do I need to let it go & move on? I know the next move would be to reach out to her again & eventually ask to meet up in person & go from there. But my social anxiety is stopping me. I feel like there is a lot that has gone unsaid between us that should be spoken about & idk if thats me overthinking it but I don’t even know how to bring that up to her either. I feel so weird thinking all of this when I barely know her. I just don’t know what to do, or how to ask her how she feels about the whole thing cos apparently she got out of a year long relationship herself & according to my sister ‘she probably isn’t looking for anything’. So as far as Mary is concerned it may have just been a one time thing to hook up on New Years; I don’t know her well enough to make that judgement and don’t feel comfortable enough to talk to my sister about it anymore cos I told her about getting attached and she made me feel like a complete idiot for being like that.Idk if it was because I was on MDMA (I know it dissolves boundaries & you generally have a better connection with other people, the ‘love drug’, very euphoric) but I was drawn to her in a way I have never experienced before (before taking the MDMA), normally I'm sexually attracted to girls like yeah I find her attractive but that's not what drew me too her - idk how to explain it. Like a deeper connection? I don’t want to say like a soul mate, but I’ve never felt a connection like this with a person before? But then again it could be a superficial connection with the drugs. I really have no idea!Any opinions/advice/guidance would seriously be appreciated so much! I have no one to talk to about this. I got about a 1/3 way through the story with my psychologist in todays session & it’s just eating me up inside! I want to get out of this mental rut!Thank you in advance
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plotbunniesinc-blog · 7 years
Tainted Flower
 A Harry Potter Fanfiction
Hi guys! This is the first story that I’ll be posting here on this blog. This is my very first Harry Potter Fanfictions and it is based on another awesome HP Fanfic. With the author’s permission, I decided to create a different story from the original source. I hope you guys like this. This story is up on ff.net as well under ‘stolideux’ which is my pseudonym there. LOL
Warning(s): Massive Alternate Universe Scattered Timeline Fem!Harry Alive!Potters
Oh another thing, I’m not a native English speaker so my grammar and sentence construction might be weird or just wrong. But I hope you can look past that, I’m still learning and writing is one the best way to learn and improve. 
Summary: On the fateful night of October 31, 1981; the Potters’ were supposedly betrayed by Wormtail to the Dark Lord. On that same night, Harriette Lillian Potter disappeared.
     "She’s precious isn't she? I can't believe she's already one…" Lily Evans Potter smiled warmly as she leaned over a cream colored crib where her daughter lay peacefully sleeping. The young mother continued to watch her baby sleep like it was the most interesting thing in the world. She won't even try to deny it. Harriette Lilian Potter is in every way her father's daughter. It was really surprising that even at the tender age of one, Harriette was already a splitting image of her father; James Charlus Potter. A female version of the Potter Lord, though there were small differences, like her little nose and lips there was no denying that she is the Heiress of the Potter House.       Harriette or 'Harri' had unfortunately (according to Lily) the famous Potter unruly hair, though hers were slightly on the wavier side. Any attempt of Lily to tame her daughter's hair had proved to be futile and only served as a source of amusement to James. But messy hair and all, Lily wouldn't want Harriette any less.
      "Of course she is, she's my daughter!" James said as he slowly snaked his arms around his wife's waist, hugging her from behind. He propped his chin on Lily's shoulder as he too gaze at his wonderful daughter.       "Oh yes, she is your daughter alright. Though, I'm quite surprised that you manage to produce an offspring this beautiful all by yourself." Lily said, rolling her eyes at her husband.        James let out a chuckled, nuzzling Lily closer. "At least she has your eyes. And did you see how her hair would get a dark red hue with the right lighting? She's definitely your daughter on that department."       "She's our daughter James, yours and mine." Lily detangled herself from her husband's arms and kissed him. It was a sight to see whenever the James Potter act so fatherly towards Harri. A year before, she would have a hard time picturing James as a family man more so as a father, since they were only on their early twenties. But now, James has settled beautifully on the role of the overprotective and doting father for their daughter.
       Pressing their lips on their daughter's forehead, the young couple left the nursery and headed down. Lily was just about to prepare dinner when a knock on their door interrupted them. Immediately, the two magical people were on guard. They hardly get any visitor, especially during this time of the night. Only a handful of people knew of their location ever since they were forced into hiding due to the war, a war that they have no idea on how it would turn out. And now because of some wretched prophesy, they were forced into a hiding. Because according to the prophesy Harriet is the child prophesied to destroy their enemy; Voldermort. Lily followed her husband cautiously, wand tightly held on her dominant hand. She would never let anyone or anything go near her daughter.
She heard James chant a spell and the door opened and then laughter. Recognizing Sirius Black's bark like laughter, Lily slowly lowered her guard and strode into the kitchen.
There she saw Sirius Black, in all of his glory and of course Peter Pettigrew. Both are James' closest friends, dating back during their student days at Hogwarts. Sirius and James were like thieves, thick and full of mischief. They were brothers in anything but blood, but that is debatable seeing that both are pureblood wizards and pureblood wizards are known to intermarry. But who knows? Lily was never really the one to pry; all she knows is that Sirius is a great friend. On the other hand, Peter was the odd on in the Marauders, the name which the men call themselves back at Hogwarts. Peter is a small man with a shy demeanor; anyone would have doubted that he was even a member of the infamous Marauders. Only Remus Lupin is the more rational in the group, and the only person which Lily can strike a conversation aside from pranking and quidditch. Too bad, the man was not around since tonight he was dealing with 'furry little problem' as Sirius described it.
          "You didn't mention that you're dropping by tonight Sirius." Lily greeted the ravenhead before smiling warmly at Peter.
          "Oh you know me Lils. We were supposed to be with Moony tonight, me and wormtail. But he already took off before we could meet him." Sirius replied nonchalantly, patting the smaller man at the back making him stumble for a bit.
Lily sighed but her smile didn't waver. She didn't mind if James' friends drop by, she was already used to them literally just popping out of nowhere. Her eyes then glanced at Peter and noticed that something flashed in his beady little eyes. Was it regret? She couldn't be so sure, but the pained and exhausted expression on his face was already a big clue.
          "Is everything alright Peter?" Lily asked, beckoning the three men to sit on the dinner table. Peter looked somewhat panicked and immediately avoided their eyes.
          "I… I'm alright. J-Just a little bit tired and all…" he stuttered.
          "You can say that again. Everything is just so hectic now; I would pay a thousand galleons to have a single day off!" James joined in. "It's just that the attacks and raids are happening left and right and everyone is on the edge. I'm not surprised if it's only a matter of time before someone snaps and this war will hit its peak."
Everyone adopted a pensive look as silence befell on them. As aurors, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter knew and had experienced firsthand how devastating the war is. Voldemort and his forced are constantly growing bigger and strong by each passing day and the light is struggling to keep with the dark. And then that prophesy about Harriette being the one to destroy Voldemort, everything got wost. It was the same reason why they were forced into hiding, they feared for their daughter's life and had consented to Dumbledore's advice to hide under the Fidelius Charm. James became more paranoid more than ever, driving him to work twice as hard to eliminate the Dark. He didn't want his daughter to grow up and live in a world where she carries a huge responsibility she had no control off.
            "So Lils… Where is Harri anyway?"
Grateful at Sirius in successfully dispersing the tense atmosphere, Lily smiled.               "She's already sleeping, little girl exhausted herself playing." Sirius grinned, though a little bit disappointed to not see her goddaughter.             "Well that's a shame little Harrikins went to sleep without seeing her devilishly handsome godfather."
Everyone laughed.
            "Well I'm going up to check on Harri for a bit. I'll leave you gentlemen to your own devices for now." Lily said, grinning knowingly at James. Sirius was already holding a sealed bottle of firewhiskey that Peter was carrying earlier; no doubt they are in it for a long night.
Lily shook her head at the sight of her friends before pecking James on the lips and sashayed to Harriette's nursery.
When she came back down from the nursery, Lily was greeted by deafening silence. Then she remembered that James is with Sirius and Peter, it's impossible for them to stay quiet for long. Again, she strained her hearing and yet it was only silence. A sense of dread crept up to her spine as she cautiously made her way towards the kitchen. There she saw the figures of both James and Sirius unconscious on the table. Blood was pooling around James' slump figure.
         "JAMES!" Fearing for the worst, she immediately darts to check on her husband without noticing Peter approaching from her behind.
A beam of light escaped the tip of Peter's wand and hit Lily from behind and she dropped on the floor unconscious.
Peter stared at the unconscious bodies of his former friends. He had done it. He had betrayed them. Taking a rather shaky breath, the man tried to collect himself. It was fortunate that he had managed to smuggle in a couple of drops of draught of living death to the whiskey. Sirius immediately fell unconscious, but James. James tried to struggle so Peter had to hit him with bottle on the head repeatedly. It was an act that he never intended to do, he was desperate and he acted without thinking. But it had to be done; the Dark Lord had required must be fulfilled.
Casting his friends one last regretful look, he left the room and quickly made his way towards little Harriette's room while stumbling along the way.
He stood there frozen in front of Harriette's crib as he stared at her sleeping face. He kept mumbling under his breath.
           "I'm so sorry dear Harriette… Forgive me… Sorry James…Lily… Sirius… so sorry."
Guilt hit Peter like a tidal wave as he continued to watch the sleeping babe. Like everyone in the inner circle of the Potters, he had been ecstatic when little Harri was born. But everything changed when that prophesy came into light. This little girl - so innocent, so vulnerable will bring the downfall to his lord. And he couldn't have that. The Dark Lord must win the war and he would gladly see too in any means necessary. If it mean that he have to sentence a child to death, then so be it.
With a renewed conviction, Peter gently lifted the sleeping child into his arms, adjusting her so he won't drop her. Ensuring that the child is secured firmly, he hurried out of Godric's Hollow and disapperated back to his Lord's manor. With his price at hand, he would be ensuring his survival and gain favor of his lord.
Riddle Manor Little Hangleton, Nothern England
Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort frowned as he impatiently fingered his wand from his under his robes. He had been contemplating on whether he made the right decision of sending Wormtail to the Potters and bring him the prophesized child. Knowing the coward, he was sure that the man is bound to be discovered and his plans foiled. The thought of it had annoyed the Dark Lord to no end. And only with some well-aimed Cruciatus curse did he manage to contain himself from lashing out. He needed the child, he needed to dispose of it before it could grow to power and gain the power to destroy him. And he knew very well that killing the 'child' will be a big blow to the light and it would only be a matter of time before he conquers the whole wizarding world for himself to rule.
         "My Lord… Wormtail has arrived."
Voldemort frowned as he watched the scruffy form of one Peter Pettigrew scurrying into his throne room, in his arms he held a bundle. His blood red eyes watched the cowardly man as he gently laid the child to the floor near his throne before crawling closer and kissed the hem of his robes.
         "Master… My Lord… I have done what you have asked of me. This is Harriette Potter."
Voldemort didn't remove his gaze on the sleeping child on his feet, before a satisfied smirk appeared on his features. Voldemort was a very attractive man, with dark hair styled to perfection and aristocratic features that made countless head turn when he was in his younger years.
He didn't acknowledge the man as he stood up from his throne and glided towards the child. He couldn't see the child's features as it was covered by blankets. Red eyes scrutinized the bundle, somewhat amazed that it had not awakened yet. The satisfied smirk from the Dark Lord faltered when he felt it. Strong magical aura danced around the child, it was raw, potent and untamed. Right then the Dark Lord was convinced that this child can bring his downfall. White fury crept on his body as he glared at the child.
          "Bella, lift the child and let me take a good look at the light's so called 'prophesized child'." He snapped, his hand already held his wand. Bellatrix gently scooped the child from the floor and quickly held it for the Dark Lord to see.
The child then suddenly squirmed, small fist waved lazily around as Voldemort leaned closer.            "So you are the one that would bring my downfall." He held his wand to the child and used its tip to lift the blanket covering the child. What happened next had surprised everyone present in the room, even Voldemort himself.
The child, the girl Voldermort noticed was looking at him innocently. No fear can be seen on her little eyes. It made Voldemort pause when she held out her hand and held into Voldemort's and gripped.
Blood red eyes stared into the child's green eyes. 'Such curious eyes, the Avada Kedavra eyes.' Voldemort thought. Sneering, he pulled his hand from the child in distain yet Harriette didn't stop staring. Voldemort inwardly frowned. 'Such waste of power…'
          "Avada Kedavra"
With a flick of his hand, blinding green light filled everyone's sight before it faded into darkness once again.
Peter had all pressed his eyes shut so he would not see the Killing Curse hit little Harriette. Underneath his breathe, he kept on chanting,
          "I'm so sorry Harriette. So sorry…"
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