#anyways had a little rant sorry abt that
violet-dragonfly · 3 months
god why is my mom such a bitch sometimes
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stuffedsand · 5 months
for the violence ask game: 8 common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about. for milgram. i know exactly what you're going to say i just want to see you go off again
Hiii bestie. You do know what I'm about to talk about. Yippee
Disclaimer that this whole essay is like. For fun and how I say things is ramped up to be funny. I don't mind if you disagree w me cuz like that's the nature of things! We disagree but we can get along.
Anyways short answer for people who don't wanna see the essay: organ harvesting theory. This is about shidou.
Idk how prevalent it is rn since not many people even talk about shidou but it was prevalent enough in June when I got into milgram that I believed it for a bit anyways the rest in under the cut cuz I'm insane sorrg
SO the main reason I think the theory is WRONG (hyperbole‼️) is because I just think it's unrealistic. Man works in a hospital in Japan. How would he pull it off. Scuff an operation bad enough to cause braindeath/death and I'm p sure they suspend your medical licence, if he participated in an organ harvesting operation pre-family-accident his case would then be black and white cuz he was doing it in complete sound mind with no regard for human life. Also it wouldn't justify the extreme reaction he's had to realizing, specifically, "what I've been robbing people of" (t1 voice trailer), and he wouldn't have as heavy a focus on the relatives' feelings and reactions. At least story writing wise it'd make less sense since it doesn't allude to anything if that's the end goal? Imo at least. Idk maybe this is because I really like tragedies in media. Also because it'd be a really disproportionately severe crime compared to every other direct murderer???? Like. We have strangled someone, stabbed someone, bludgeoning, bludgeoning, kicked someone to death. Organ harvesting looks cartoony in this context. It's also not a very prevelant issue in Japan iirc.
Also to prove my point further. If we use this theories the murders would be
Strangling, abortion??????, cyber bullying, stabbing, organ harvesting, toxic r/s, telling the truth (lmao), bludgeoning, bludgeoning, bludgeoning (minus weapon). Organ harvesting is goofy cuz it seems so.... Extreme,,,,,,,
ALSSOOOOO funny point. If he's not directly involved in his murder (as in, unintentional and indirect) that makes 5 direct and 5 indirect. Silly.
Also also his murder seems somewhat tied to how he feels about his job itself ("I wanted to contribute to society (about his career choice)/I had thought my work was a contribution to society", use of past tense) and to me it reads like hes disillusioned w his job esp since his reason for getting a highly sought after, high paying and high social ranking job is "I wanted to contribute to society". Doctors with that empathy can be affected by the death around them more severely and I think that's a fun topic to look at
I count this under "common fandom opinion" cuz it was common enough around June (whenyours truesly got into milgram) that I believed it. I mean I introduced shidou to my friend (hello clown) as "maybe Dr malpractice. Organ harvesting dude" and said friend (hello again clown) is also the one who's heard me bash the organ harvesting theory like 6 times at least now so. Yippee.
Take none of this seriously I just got off a plane and am so very eepy. If you like the organ harvesting theory good for you!!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥 you do you bestie !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally do not think less of anyone who believes that theory I just personally dont lmao
#sand speaks#hiiiii bestie my silly mutual. youve heard this rant before now for it poorly formatted in text#i mean its better formatted than when i actually talk abt it cuz if i wrote it the way i originally did the points would not be organised#like at all. itd be so bad#anyways all of this is lighthearted i dont think less of anyone with different opinions i just. dont believe the theory at all#i like the tragedy thag comes woth it technhcally not being his fault but also kinda being his fault.#like maybe he had really bad manners towards relatives. or horribls bedside manner (youre in my way just die already“ like ok mr kirisaki.#dont say that to a comatose patient my dude. but yeah it can be argued that morally hed be in the wdong#or if he persuaded relatives to dknate patients organs. which is rude and also malpractice (coercion and taking advantage of ppl in vulnerab#and with his themes of lying (covers) i fhink it could wither be lying to relatives of patients OR. him seeing hsi work and the promise of#saving people from illness or death as a lie and a hoax becasye so many people died anyways despite those promises#anhwyas im insane about this man. characters with extreme worldviews entirely of their own making my beloved#like nothing told him to believe this. he just does and thats whats interesting to me#anywasy suuper sorry about the big essay and the many tags. i love this fandom#i have so much to say but so little phone battery. and mental battery its Zzzzzzzzz time#tell me if abything in here sounds mean or anything btw im too used to being mean as a jokiing thing so im worried ill offend someone
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animecreator3000 · 1 year
Every time I rewatch some episode of Boueibu HK I wonder again how the staff even planned this season. Like. Almost nothing meaningful happens with the characters
TLDR the characters with the most developement in HK are the monsters
Kyoutarou is there as a complete contrast to Yumoto while keeping the battle speeches so his characterization doesn't make much sense. Nanao is mere fujoshi bait. Taiju and Taishi have random bits of dialogue that hint at possible arcs for s2 but not enough to tell us what it really is. Maasa has an unfinished arc in his episode, where supposedly he's putting fatty butter in his cookies to make everyone else overweight because he resents Ichiro not defending him when they were little, but then his friends tell him it's fine and then he can move on??? This would work with Ichiro's theme of not wanting to be immature or dense anymore, except they only ever used this theme as a gag (misunderstanding the meaning of whatever the others have said) or to straight up humilliate him (ep4) and continue treating him like a stupid baby. At the end of the season Maasa and him have made peace somehow and that's it. Ata gets in my opinion the closest thing to a complete arc, even if it's just staring angrily at Kyoutarou for ten episodes, then explaining his problem while fighting him and finally getting his apology and reconcilliation. At least it's something. And poor Ryouma is just there to be the butt of a few jokes about how he lets Nanao and Kyoutarou use him, be in a couple of cute shippy scenes, and also for Ata to completely dismiss him from the flashbacks to the point where if they had first met in high school nothing would've changed.
The relationships barely have developement either. Love had anime episodes and manga chapters dedicated to the different close friendships solving their conflicts and becoming closer. There were also many instances of seeing how close the Hakone brothers-defense club and Beppu brothers' relationships were, and even though they didn't have any conflict between themselves, they made them strong sides for the final fight. Yumoto didn't get a character arc but through the entire anime he was revealed to be strong, considerate, forgiving and mature, willing to kindly befriend the Beppu twins for his brother but not let them walk all over him; contrary to how he was presented in the first episodes, like a stereotypical magical girl protagonist. Anyway in HK there's no meaningful conflict between any of them besides Kyoutarou and Ata. Taishi and Ichiro argue constantly but don't show to genuinely like each other after all like IoRyuu or EnAtsu did. Ichiro and Maasa never make any progress to be together again, Maasa hints once at liking Taishi and nothing comes from it, and Nanao and Taiju have the most artificial friendship in the cast that I just do not understand. They just ran an ice cream shop once with again unexplained success and make sassy remarks at each other ever since. And I guess Karurusu and Furanui had a bit of developement thanks to Kyou and Ata in ep12. Idk about the aliens, this time it's like they didn't do it completely well but also not as bad as with the rest of the cast. Maybe bc they didn't appear as much as the humans in most of the episodes
I'm realizing now that a few of these complaints are related to Nanao acting weird
Idk where to put this but I'd like to point out Kinshiro's principles of halting the fight with the Battle Lovers as soon as he finds out that the s1 conflict was set up for a reality show and actively defending them from an attack because they're Binan students, despite still not having received his apology from Atsushi. Ata might've done the same if the HK finale's events had gone in the same order (travelling to Honyalaland to fight Wao, then Kyoutarou apologizing to Ata), but he doesn't feel as a character as deep as Kinshiro in that sense bc they didn't really show him to be in other ways.
Love feels more like an actual group of people while HK feels like they were filling in friendship group roles or something
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idontdrinkgatorade · 11 months
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piplupod · 2 years
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yo-what-the-duck · 2 years
sometimes i just forget i have adhd and when i finally remember the stars align and my brain explodes
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allysunny · 7 months
If you said your requests are open… I know this is silly but JEALOUS MIGUEL
Dude gets annoyed if Y/N talks abt someone else (Ben Reilly, Peter B, some other spider people orsome of her friends back in her world) fondly and even LYLA called him out on that
Then one time when Y/N was doing that thing where she talks abt someone else in a fond way and Miguel accidentally said smth that reveals his feelings for you 🤭🤭🤭
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A Jab of Jealousy | Miguel O'Hara x Spider Fem!Reader
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: Jealous behaviour from Miguel - seriously, he's kind of a stalker in here. He's down bad and whipped and acts like a sulking baby. Mentions of violence, but it's for comedical effect. Peter B. is a menace. Perhaps OOC Miguel? If there's anything I missed, please let me know!
A/N: Hey guys!! Hello!! It's me again! Gosh, it's been kinda long since the last update. I'm very sorry, but as I mentioned, I'm super busy with university, and am trying to juggle everything without going absolutely crazy. I hope you guys haven't forgotten about me! Please be patient <3
Anyways, I had a blast writing this! I'd never really written for jealous characters before, so I'm not really sure if this is any good. BUT it was very fun to write a sulking Miguel. He's just so funny, picture a big grumpy cat, upset his owner won't give him any attention, hahaha!
Anyway sweet Anon, I hope this is to your liking! It's a bit shorter than my usual works, so I apologize for that, though. But I hope it meets your expectations!!
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Miguel was fuming. So much, that he could probably fry an egg on his head. In fact, Lyla had expressed a desire to do so. If only she had a physical form, she thought.
But since frying eggs on top of her boss’s head wasn’t an option, she simply chose to watch as he dug his own grave over and over again, acting like a complete moron.
It’s not like she wasn’t amused – but there is only so much she could say when Miguel sulked because you’d given someone else your attention without making him upset and causing a “I am not jealous” rant to happen.
Lyla did not want that.
Lyla knew better than to prompt that conversation.
More people should be like Lyla – namely Peter B., who’d caught onto Miguel’s little act rather early on. But the brunet couldn’t help it – pissing off Miguel was a hilarious past time, and he loved to push his buttons. He wondered how long it would take for him to finally admit his feelings for you.
Thing was, Miguel had a soft spot for you.
A very soft spot for you.
A “I can’t listen to any of these idiots talk, but as soon as you start a conversation, he’ll tell everyone to shut up so he’ll listen” soft spot for you.
A “I do not want to see anyone, leave me alone you insufferable brats, but if you walk into his office, he’ll pull up a chair and let you keep him company” soft spot for you.
A “I can’t believe you guys disgraced your mission and were unable to contain the anomaly, it is unacceptable, unless it’s you because then it’s only a ‘common mistake’” soft spot for you.
A “I’m Mr. Grumpy and Annoyed and spend my whole days sulking, but if you walk through that door, I’ll light up like a Christmas tree” soft spot for you.
A “this is the last empanada in the cafeteria, and I really want to eat, but you seem to be starving, so please have it, I don’t want you passing out on me” soft spot for you.
A “I’m not jealous, how dare you, but if I see you talking to someone else, I will most likely punch a wall (and destroy it in consequence)” soft spot for you.
Miguel was down bad.
But he’d never admit it to anyone – let alone himself.
He’d simply sulk in a corner, muttering about how “Ben isn’t really that interesting, and he doesn’t really need help, he’s just dramatic and needs to grow up”. Or something of the sort.
Right now, he was watching as you casually conversed with Peter B. The two of you were sitting next to each other, munching on some spider themed burgers for lunch and catching up. Mayday was contentedly eating her own burger, cheddar sauce smeared all over her face and coating her hands. 
Peter must’ve made the greatest fucking joke ever, because you bent over the table, laughing like a maniac. Miguel loved your laughter - so carefree, so unapologetically you. You wiped some tears from your eyes, still giggling. You reached out and touched his arm, which made Peter smile, and Miguel frown. 
Why’d you be touching his arm? Were you two that close? Sure, you were friendly with everyone, but were you this touchy? You’d never touched him. Did you only do that to your close friends? Did you perhaps want something more with Peter? Well, Peter was a married man. And a loyal one at that - he wouldn’t leave Mary Jane. Why would you go for a married man?
Miguel was single. Why not go for someone single?
“Oh Peter - never change!” you exclaimed with a bright smile that could’ve lit up the whole Spider Society. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take care of some reports for the big guy.” 
The Big Guy? Who the hell is the big guy?
“Ah, yes. Don’t want him to throw a table at you, do we?” Peter joked.
A table? 
Miguel had only done that once. 
And it was deserved.
Were you talking about him?
“Don’t be like that -” your voice quickly interrupted Peter’s. “He threw a table at you because you’d been slacking off. You let that Doc Ock anomaly escape. He’s not normally like that.”
You were defending him.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure he’s not. Off you go, you busy bee!”
“Give MJ my love - I can’t wait to try her casserole. Tell her I’ll bring the pizza rolls, I promised I’d give her my recipe.” You placed a delicate kiss on top of Mayday’s red mane (to which she giggled and reached out her arms towards you - Miguel wondered if you were this naturally good with kids, or if it was just the younger B. Parker that made everyone act like this) and walked away.
Peter smiled to himself, ruffled his kid’s hair, and then looked straight at Miguel, giving him a knowing look from across the cafeteria. He nudged his head towards your figure, and wiggled his eyebrows, mouthing “Jealous?”
Miguel sulked even more, finishing his burger in one whole bite.
Jealous. As if he was jealous. 
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The next time something like this happened, Miguel had been doing some research on the Spider Library. It was a fascinating place, really - Spiders from every earth would donate books from their homeland. There were books on just about everything, from Victorian etiquette to small Lego blocks Lego Spiderman would swear to be books (a claim Miguel has never once doubted, for the little guy was one of his most trusted allies). 
He’d been looking through a few cookbooks (Because even Spider People deserve to learn how to cook), looking for casserole recipes. He convinced himself it was simply a way for him to eat a more balanced meal, for him not to eat at the cafeteria every single day - not that there was anything wrong with it, but he sometimes longed for the warmth of a homemade meal. 
“Noir!” your voice cut through the silence, and Miguel caught a glimpse of you chastising yourself for speaking so loudly in a space meant to be relaxing and quiet. “Sorry,” you whispered with a small giggle, before turning to the black and white character. 
You conversed happily, feet tugged under your body as you relaxed on one of the library’s comfiest chairs. The cookbook long forgotten; Miguel was now busy watching you. The way the corners of your lips titled up whenever Spider Noir said something that pleased you, how your hands fidgeted with your hair, twirling it around your fingers or tugging it behind your ear, how your eyes would widen in recognition whenever you deemed the topic good. 
“Stalker much?” Lyla whispered on his ear, making him jump. 
“Mierda! Coño - Lyla - pendeja de una…” He mumbled under his breath, looking around to make sure no one had heard him - unfortunately for him, you had. You looked over in his direction in confusion and gave him a soft smile once your gazes met, as well as a small wave. He retributed, far too stunned to speak, before returning his attention to Lyla. 
“What the hell do you want?” He asked, keeping his voice low and gruff. He hated being interrupted, especially when someone interrupted him while he was looking at you. 
“You do know this whole ‘Watching her from the shadows’ thing is getting sort of old, right? And it’s real creepy Miguel, real creepy!” Lyla chimed in, looking at him over the rim of her heart-shaped glasses. She was way too done with him. And with good reason. While it was amusing to watch jealousy eat him up from the inside and watch how smitten he was whenever you walked in, it was also draining, because it meant she was stuck with a big grumpy cat whenever you weren’t near, or whenever you were near someone else. 
“Why don’t you just ask her on a date?” she asked, voice way too exasperated. It wasn’t the first time she suggested this. Nor the second, nor the third. It surely wouldn’t be the last. “Grow a pair of cojones and ask her out. You’re a decent cook - why not cook up something for dinner? She’d like that, I’m sure.” 
“Why would I ask her out?” Miguel grumbled, trying to focus on his book once more. “And why would she say yes? She’s got plenty of friends, of companions. I’m sure she doesn’t lack dinner invitations.” 
Lyla scoffed and rolled her eyes, wishing her boss wasn’t so stubborn. 
“Well, you should ask her about because you’re whipped! Damn it Miguel, it’s becoming really disturbing to have you sulk and pout all day because she didn’t look your way, or smiled too much at someone else. It’s annoying. And you are becoming a stalker. Look at you! You followed her into the library and were watching her!” 
“I was reading!” replied Miguel, trying to keep his voice down but failing - which earned him a few “Shhhhh”s from other dedicated spiders. “Sorry…” he grumbled. “But I was reading. It’s got nothing to do with her.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, big guy.” If Lyla were to roll her eyes again, they’d probably roll into the back of her head. “Anyway, you have some new reports to catch up on. The new recruits have done a brilliant job, actually. You might want to give those a look.” Miguel sighed and swiftly exited the library, but not before catching your gaze again, and receiving a smile from you. 
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Miguel was halfway into reviewing one of the reports Jessica had sent him when he heard a knock on his office’s door. 
“Who is it?” he asked, not particularly thrilled to talk to anyone.
“Oh, it’s me! [Y/N]!” You. [Y/N]. 
Well, his door would always be open for you. 
“Come in,” he said, turning away from his multitude of screens. 
Just be cool. 
It’s not like Lyla was right.
Or Peter. 
They love to tease him - they’re both insufferable and love to annoy him. 
He’s not jealous. 
He’s not possessive or anything. 
“Miguel?” You asked, breaking him out of his trance. “You okay?”
He looked up to meet your kind eyes, and immediately relaxed before them. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I’m fine. Sorry, I’m just distracted. Jessica sent me some new reports, and I need to revise all of these before I store them.” It’s funny. Miguel would never admit he was tired. Not to Lyla or anyone else. He wouldn’t even admit it to himself - but you were different. You made him feel safe. He felt like he could confide in you and tell you all that troubles his mind.
“I could help you out, if you wanted to?” You leaned against a desk, shrugging your shoulders. “I mean, I don’t have much on my plate right now. If you want, I could look at them?”
Miguel couldn’t do that.
He couldn’t give someone else his workload, couldn’t trust someone else with such an important task. Should you overlook something, the consequences could be disastrous. Even the tiniest detail could lead up to catastrophic events. That’s why he always took it upon himself to review everything himself, to make sure there were no mistakes.
“I might just take you up on that offer.” 
That’s not what he meant to say. 
No, what he meant to say was, 
“It would be great to have a helping hand.”
No, actually, abort mission. Abort mission.
Miguel didn’t need help. He was doing fine on his own. He was the only one qualified for such important jobs, and that was why he had to set the record straight and tell you,
“Thank you, [Y/N].”
You smiled brightly at him, one of those smiles reserved for your closest friends alone (at least that’s what he thought, because Miguel had not been stalking you, and most certainly wasn’t aware of the types of smiles you gave people).
But did this mean he was one of your closest friends?
Miguel shook his head at the thought, and you giggled – a cheerful, melodious sound that Miguel didn’t mind hearing more often.
“You know, everyone around HQ keeps saying you’re like this big bad wolf,” you begin, gesturing with your hands, as if painting a picture. “It’s funny because you’re not like that at all! It seems like I’m the only one who sees that, though. Oh, and Peter B.” You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “You see, the other day, we were joking about what kind of animals each one of us would be, and – “ Miguel’s ears blocked out the rest of the line.
Peter B. this, Peter B. that.
How close were you two anyway? And why are you always talking about him?
“ – And then I was like, no, Miguel would totally be a cat, and then Ben just completely faints on the floor in front of us, and we burst out laughing!” You’re doubling over yourself, even going as far as wiping tears from your eyes. “Oh, he may be dramatic, but boy is he funny. You should listen to his impression of Victorian Spider; he’s got it down to a tee! And oh – he can mimic Peter Parkedcar so well, he does this thing with his voice, in which he goes – “
He's not even that funny.
“Huh?” You questioned, looking up from your little rant.
Huh? What “huh”?
Oh. Mierda.
Had he said that out loud?
“I’m just saying, he’s not even that funny. Ben Reilly.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, and looking away. “I don’t even know why you hang out with him. He steals everyone’s jokes and makes everything about himself. Also, he’s annoying.”
Way to go Miguel. You do not sound a day over four years old. Not at all.
“Well, I find him charming.” You reply sympathetically. “We all have our flaws.”
“Charming. Tch. Sure, if you find crying over his ‘traumatising day’ which probably consists of a spilled Sepsi charming, then sure, he’s the spitting image of a charming gentleman.” Miguel scoffed, still not finding it within himself to look you in the eye.
“That’s just who he is. I mean, you can’t really blame him, that’s probably how his whole Earth is. Oh goodness – could you imagine? A whole earth full of Ben Reillys?” Your eyes widened and you grinned once again, covering your mouth with your hands. “Peter’s always saying –“
“Peter should probably get some adult friends. And doesn’t he have a baby to take care of? I mean, he can’t possibly be bothering everyone around HQ when he’s a father – you must have things to do other than listen to him ramble on and on and on about whatever topic. Dios, he desperately needs a hobby. Doesn’t he have a wife to return to?”
Perhaps Peter B. could arrange some playdates for Miguel and Mayday. Who knows, the two children might get along.
You’re looking at him, mouth agape in a grin. You supress a chuckle and clear your throat, amusement rather obvious in your eyes.
Could Miguel O’Hara, the big bad wolf leader of the Spider Society, be jealous?
“Someone seems to be a bit jealous.” Your remark was accompanied by some sort of smile that was also a smirk. Almost like you were too amused by the situation but were also flattered. Which you were.  
There was that word again.
Miguel ran the word repeatedly in his mind. Could it be he was actually jealous? Was he, perhaps, too possessive of you? You weren’t his. There was no reason for him to feel so protective.
“They’re just friends, you know.” You shrugged, tilting your head. A few strands of hair fell in front of your face, but you made no effort to move them. It gave you a slightly ragged look, and Miguel felt his heart leap in his chest at the sight. “You could hang out with us sometime. I’m sure they’d appreciate it. You’re the boss, I’m sure fraternising’s not against Spider Society rules.”
It was Miguel’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Yeah – right. I’m afraid any conversation I might have with them will reduce my brain capacity. Thank you, but no.” He waved his hand dismissively. It was true. Ben was a focused superhero, that was true, but he could get caught up in his own drama far too quickly. And Peter B… Peter B. was Peter B.
This was getting quite ridiculous.
Here he was, nearly stalking someone, attacking all her friends, and acting like a possessive jerk, all because he was sad said someone wouldn’t look at him, or hang out with him as much. Miguel was a grown ass man, but lately, he’d been acting like a confused teen going through puberty. You deserved quite better. Much better.
He’d dated women before, surely, he could do it again. He’d had nice dates and formulated interesting conversations. He could do all of that again. Without stalking you and following you around like a lost puppy. He could take you out and grant you a night of fun. Treat you nicely. Cook you some dinner, perhaps.
Something ran through Miguel’s mind – a thought he never expected to have – Lyla was right. Maybe it was time to do things like a proper adult instead of pouting and throwing tantrums whenever you looked somewhere else. It wasn’t fair of him to keep acting this way, and especially towards you, who’d done nothing to warrant such a weird treatment. All he hoped for was that you hadn’t noticed his strange demeanour these past few weeks.
“But, well,” he started, trying not to sound like a sulking child, “I surely don’t lose any of my faculties whenever I’m with you. Perhaps you would like to get some coffee sometimes?”
There it was.
An invitation.
(Even if slightly half-assed)
An opportunity to stop being some creepy loser (Peter’s words), and maybe get closer to you.
(It should be noted that Lyla was observing the whole thing, and although she was merely AI, the joy she was feeling was far too big to be considered “synthetic”. She was simply happy her oblivious moron of a boss had finally manned up. She was so proud. It was like watching a baby take his first steps – only in this case, the baby was a 6’9 superhero who could crush a car with his bare hands. She was proud, nevertheless. He was all grown up now.)
Your smiled softened, and you nodded.
“I’d like that. I really would.”
Miguel looked up.
Huh. That’d been surprisingly easy.
And you’d said yes.
“Really?” Were you messing with him? Was Peter going to kick his door down, shove a camera up his face and proclaim he’d been pranked?
“Yeah!” You shrugged, linking your hands behind your back. “I think it’d be fun. I’d really like to go on a date with you.” Your eyes widened. “Unless – I mean, is it a date? It doesn’t have to – I’m sorry, I just assumed – but it really doesn’t have to, and I’d love to get coffee either way!”
You scrambled for words, face heating up by the second, which made Miguel smile. He didn’t do it often, but in your presence? All was possible in your presence. You brought out the best in him.
“Would you like it to be a date?” Okay, now the ball was on your court. While Miguel had been the one to ask you out, you were the one in charge. If you told him you’d rather meet up as friends, he’d respect your decision. (Maybe stalk you some more with heartbreak in his eyes, but he wasn’t about to say that.)
“I… I’d like that. If it were to be a date, that is – I’d really like that.” You tried to hide the way your fingers fidgeted with each other, but it was far too obvious. And completely okay. Miguel too was nervous.
“Me too.”
You smiled at his words, and Miguel’s smile mirrored your own.
“That’s settled then. It’s a date.”
In the background, Lyla did cartwheels in the air, mentally congratulating her boss.
Miguel’s smile softened and reached his eyes.
Maybe he was jealous.
But he was sure it would work out in the end.
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A/N: And that's it! Again, I hope you guys liked it! I'll be working on more requests, and stuff of my own hehe, I can't wait for you guys to see what else is up my sleeve. Thank you and have a wonderful day!!
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serxinns · 23 days
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You hated them... you hated them all they were just too overbearing! The flirting thr kissing the unwanted touching everything and whenever you told them to fuck off they'll just coo and baby you saying "thats very mean! Darling! "
They kept always crowded around you it's no surprise there Iida always insisted on study dates every chance you could get your mom would always pressure you to join her private tea party and insist it would be just the two of us the way she said it creeper you out so you would always make excuses or just awkwardly walk away leaving her confused and a bit pissed. Denki is always on your ass whether it be teasing or playing around he kept clinging to you like some puppy it was Cringe honestly...
Izuku yapping about heroes even if you weren't listening, Kirishima and Shoji trying to show off by flexing their muscles, Mina or Hakagure always gripping your arm too tight or hugging you until you couldn't breathe and you had to hit them harshly on the back and they dared to complain about it Aoyama guy always trying to stuff your face with cheese even tho the smell of cheese makes you nauseous, ochako was ok untill she started making me go bake with her and suprise suprise! Momo joins her and it always turn into some competition about anything which takes the fun out of baking
You couldn't even talk to your other friend in PEACE shinsou was your go-to friend ever since your classmates started being overbearing you would rant for hours about them and he'd listen heck he let you chill in his dorms for a while or longer you couldn't be asked for a better friend, but back to the story you were just peacefully talking to shiso at lunch until bakugo and his petty little gang came over there everyone smiling at me expect bakugo ofc just glaring at me like I did something wrong, "is.. there a problem?"
"You damn right it's a problem! Your sitting with hyno shit over there!" He said pointing at Shinso "Bakubro that's not very manly!" He said in a stern tone but you had a feeling he wasn't scolding him, "what everyone's trying to say come sit with us y/n you don't have to be alone!" Mina said in a fake sickly sweet voice I swore I saw her eye twitch a bit but you didn't back down easily "im not alone tho I got shinso and I'm fine where I'm at you can eat your lunch and have fun without me" the squad got silence and awkwardly walked away but sending one final glare at shiso
Another time when you were talking with Kendo and Monoma at 2nd you kinda disliked Monoma or thought he was some crazy lunatic just because he kept ripping on your classmates but the 2 of you weirdly got along mostly because of your distasteful experience with your classmates, if the two of you weren't ranting about how your classmates were, the two of you would talk about hero stuff (mostly monoma bragging about being the best hero) or just talking about your interests and laughing at Monoma's antics and chaoticness
Kendo on the other hand made you feel like you had a friend she knows how overbearing and overwhelming your classmates get, so she would try to pull you away as best as she could despite the glares, snarls, and scowls she swore she heard from them she still wanted to help you one day you were dragged by hakagure and Mina to go to their room to play games but Kendo quickly grabbed the back of your shirt with paint hands to pulled you away "sorry gotta borrow them for a sec!" And quickly ran off
"Thx kendo I was about to snap at them and cause a scene" She smiled at you "No problem! I felt you were uncomfortable and had to do something ugh those classmates never leave you alone huh?" You chuckled your so grateful to have a friend like Kendo "anyways let's hurry and go to this "awesome" place monoma keep spamming my phone about" you playfully rolled you eyes and walked with Kendo
Meanwhile your classmates glared at the window Cleary pissed off it "seems like those pest need a lesson.." izuku said voice laced with vemon
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enviedear · 9 months
anakin being touch starved baby boy that he is. just listen to me. he comes back from whatever activities of the day he had and just wants to snuggle with the reader and never let them go but he finds the reader still finishing her (theirs if u prefer gn) work stuff so he gets very pouty and touchy and starts snuggling to her like a little stray cat/ following her everywhere she goes just to stay close to her. (u can make it spicy at the end if u want to but it is not necessary) ❤️‍🩹🤌🏼 i am hungry for some fluff as i am drowning in my own work + hormones are killing me
love u xo
no this is so real and this fueled me into a spiral abt anakin being with a student girlie— like yeah he totally would go for a hottie with brains from the ISE. like yeah he no doubt can pull someone capable of making a starship out of nothing.
wc— 1.5k | tw— nsfw minors dni i will block you, fingering, piv, unprotected sex, anakin finishing inside of you, mentions of food and eating
you're trying your hardest to study for your upcoming exam, cups upon cups of finished caff's litter your desk. you're only halfway finished with your newest battleship render when anakin comes home.
his eyes are tired but when they meet yours he smiles, "hi baby, i missed you." he's quick to walk over to where you're seated, strong arms coming to wrap around your shoulders.
you lean back, inhaling his smell, "i missed you too, ani," you give him a pout, "but i really need to finish this before tomorrow."
he looks down at your holopad, "i could make dinner, do you think you'll be done by then?"
you smile, "i'll try my hardest."
he lingers for a moment, letting his head drop down to your neck. he leaves a trail of soft kisses in his wake, stopping at the side of your face before placing one finger under your chin and drawing you in.
his kiss is hungry, wanting— and you so badly want to indulge him, but before he can take it any further you break away.
"i'm serious, anakin. if i don't get this done i'm going to feel the wrath of every single one of my professors." your voice is stern, but the way he looks at you illicts a small smile.
he groans, pulling away, "okay, okay. but please try to be done in time for dinner. i've missed you so bad all day."
you nod and watch as he heads into the kitchen, the sound of pots and pans clattering filling the air. letting out a sigh, you go back to your work, but you can't help the thoughts that linger in your mind.
as you try to focus on your work, thoughts of him keep creeping into your mind. the way his lips feel on yours and the way he holds you close, making you feel safe and loved.
you shake your head, trying to clear your mind, but the more you try to push it away, the stronger the desire becomes. your project floats into the background of your mind as you work on it, fueled now by thoughts of your beautiful boyfriend.
glancing at the clock, you realize that an hour has already passed. you rub your eyes and stretch your arms before looking over your nearly finished work. as if on cue, anakin walks in with two plates of food.
"hey," he says, placing the plate in front of you. "i made your favorite."
you look up at him and smile. "thank you, ani. it smells amazing."
he leans down to give you a quick kiss on top of your head before grabbing his own plate and sitting across from you.
as you eat, small talk fills the air. you rant about your looming deadlines, while anakin shares stories about recent council meetings at the temple.
however, he's mostly relegated to mentioning how much he's missed you, "i thought about stopping by for lunch, but then master yoda asked me to step in for one of the youngling classes."
you give him a sorry look, "i wouldn't have been very good company anyway— i've been working on this since you left this morning." you can't help but feel guilty about being so busy lately, but with exams just around the corner, it's been hard for you.
anakin reaches out, massaging your tense shoulders, "i'm sorry baby, why don't you take a break?"
you bite your lip, "ani… i can't. i'm almost done though, i promise," you turn in your seat to face him, hands cupping his cheeks, "and then i'll be all yours for the rest of the night."
he has a challenging expression on his face, "i think a break would help," he leans in so that your lips brush, "let me ease up some of your stress, baby."
you groan, "ani, i don't know, i really need to—"
he cuts you off, leaving a lingering kiss on your lips before pulling away, "ise gets all of your time now, i'm getting jealous."
you laugh, "oh, don't be jealous, ani. you know i love you more than anything."
he smirks and begins to massage your shoulders again. you close your eyes and let out a sigh of relief. the tension starts to melt away under his strong hands.
"you're too good at this," you say, leaning back into him.
"i have my ways of making my you feel better," he says, lips brushing against your neck.
you try and stifle a moan as he nibbles at your earlobe. his hands starting to wander down your back and you can feel his body heat beaming off of him.
"ani, i really need to finish this," you say, but your tone is starting to sound less convincing.
he pulls back, cupping your face and forcing you to look into his eyes. "i know you do, baby. but can't it wait for a little bit, hm?"
you nod slowly, feeling yourself giving in to his touch. he leans in again and kisses you deeply. his tongue brushes against yours and you feel a surge of desire wash over you.
he's quick to lift you from your seat, and you instinctively wrap your legs around him. he groans into the kiss, laying you down on the bed, hands exploring your body needily.
before you know it, your clothes are off and anakin is lying on top of you. he has a way of being able to get what he wants, most of the time that being you.
it was hard not to indulge him though, not when he felt so good.
he kisses you all over your body, igniting every inch of skin that he touches.
"ani," you moan his name as his hand drifts lower, toying with your sex.
you can't help but grind your hips against his hand, desperately trying to elicit more pleasure from him. you're greedy for touch.
he teases you lightly with his fingers before parting your lips, only to thrust a single digit into your slickness. your hands grip at his free arm, feeling his veins.
he teases you relentlessly, sending you into a spiral of pure bliss, until all at once, you're writhing beneath his touch, "ah! oh ani!"
he continues on, not stopping as you draw closer to yout climax. your body quivers, and you look down at him wantonly, wanting him more than ever. he smirks at the sight of you trying to regain some semblance of control.
"what do you want, pretty girl?" his questions drips with lust, eyes dark and enticing.
you choke back a moan at his words, "you, ani. i want you."
he presses his lips against yours once more before positioning himself between your legs. pressing his bulge against your opening, groaning as he sinks himself slowly into you.
you close your eyes, focusing on how good it feels— how perfectly he fits inside of you.
as he sets a steady pace with his hips, fucking you deeper and deeper with each stroke, the familiar tug building inside of you once again.
"oh god! you feel so good ani," you moan loudly, unabashed as her ruts deeper into you.
his head drops down to your neck, lips brushing against your ear, "that's my girl, just letting me make her feel good."
with each thrust now comes an increasing sense of euphoria that plagues your mind and body with waves of pleasure that wash over every inch of flesh; sensitizing everything around it. all at once it becomes too much.
you're nails drill deep into his back, and he grunts at the feeling. his hands dig into your hips, pulling you into him even closer.
"fuck, sweetheart—" he cuts off as you bite down onto his shoulder desperately, groaning loudly as you come in pulses around him.
your breaths are short and your head is swimming, the need for oxygen becoming a necessity.
your fingers finally begin to relax as your breathe evens out. "dammit," you exhale, exhausted from the sudden rush of pleasure flowing through every fiber of your body. anakin lets out a grunt of his own as your walls tightly clamp around him. you can barely keep up with his erratic thrusts, and he leans down to kiss you before finishing inside of you.
you moan loudly into his mouth as he cums, a stream of warmth flowing into you as your inner walls clamp tight around his cock. you feel him twitch and spasm inside of you, and his muscles momentarily lock up before you both relax into each other's arms.
you run your hands through his hair lightly before pulling apart from him. "i love you so much."
he turns to press a soft kiss against your cheek, before rolling off of you, grabbing for a towel, "and i love you."
you watch as he cleans you up, his face still reddened from his work, "you're such a good distraction."
he hums, looking at you, "you like it,"
you roll your eyes, "i know and it's a problem, i let you do it every time."
he grins in response. "it's not my fault you enjoy my distractions so much." and before another retort is made, he presses his lips onto yours momentarily before sliding into bed beside you.
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vampzxi · 1 year
𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕!𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚒 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
another filler bc the shuriri fic is almost done! 😭 i’m sorry for the lag ive just had writers block. but i saw @inmyheadimobsessed ‘s post abt shuri being a silly jokester and that’s what inspired this :3
highschool!riri headcanons here!
taglist!: @letitias-fav @inmyheadimobsessed @pinkwright @abenomeiiii @generallysapphic @shuriszn @la-reine-insane @unknownpisces002 (ask to be added!) (sorry if i forgot you, just remind me!! i’m absent minded as fuck 😭)
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・❥・top of her class, obviously
・❥・probably tutors on the side
・❥・argues with teachers if they get something slightly incorrect
・❥・gets finished with her work early and bothers other people in class
・❥・gets in trouble for bothering people but everyone loves her stupid jokes
・❥・plays pranks on the teacher during test day
・❥・turns in her work late because she either forgets to or she’s too focused on making it perfect
・❥・hates group work and always bribes her partners into just letting them doing it herself so they get a good grade
・❥・mutters to herself while working, slightly pissing off the people around her
・❥・favorite subject is science and she wastes class time by ranting to her teacher about science
・❥・spends more time at school than she does at home
・❥・huge procrastinator
・❥・messy notes
・❥・doesn’t show her work, much to the dismay of her teachers
・❥・doesn’t bother to raise her hand in class
・❥・willingly shares her notes with anyone…for a price of course
・❥・jokester, rarely takes anything seriously unless it’s about her schoolwork
・❥・chronic class skipper, only attends if she feels it’s necessary
・❥・dabbles in the za 🍃 but not a stoner. just in social situations really
・❥・hopeless romantic but very awkward. she’ll gush to her friends about a girl but clam up when she actually talks to her crush
・❥・makes sex jokes. a lot. maybe too much.
・❥・has a burner tiktok account where she trolls people
・❥・loves parties but gets overstimulated really quickly
・❥・loves kids and will babysit for anyone. she makes little trinkets for each of the kids she watches
・❥・robotics club team captain
・❥・terrible at sports but loves to run. tried track and field in her freshman year
・❥・throws on sweatpants or a tracksuit whenever she wakes up
・❥・refuses to eat school lunch, will go off-campus with riri to eat
・❥・does everything with riri, literally attached to the hip
・❥・cat lover
・❥・video game nerd, favorite games include mortal kombat and smash bros
・❥・dislikes traditionally girly things, but loves jewelry and chains
・❥・guilty pleasure is hyper-pop music, but will deny it if anyone asks
・❥・if you do have a crush on her, good luck, bc she’ll be too oblivious to notice ☠️
・❥・her love language is touch, she’ll absentmindedly fidget with your hair or tap her fingers on your leg
・❥・knarly morning breath.
・❥・cant cook for shit so she relies on you for food
・❥・favorite date place is escape rooms or fairs/arcades
・❥・terrible road rage, so you’re usually in charge of transportation ☠️
・❥・leaves cute notes in your locker or texts them to you through the day
・❥・will blow your phone up with memes (usually dad jokes but you laugh at them bc it’s shuri…)
・❥・very possessive
・❥・offers to do your work for you multiple times, but the teachers know her so well that they can tell if she did someone else’s work
・❥・stupid flirty jokes that aren’t funny but they make you laugh anyways
・❥・very one-track minded, so sometimes she’ll forget to text you back. she makes it up to you in other ways
・❥・gets unreasonably upset if you start watching something without her
・❥・has a tongue piercing 🤫
・❥・posts you on her story/insta a lot, maybe too much. but she loves you too much to not show you off
・❥・very tender headed, will not let anyone but you style her hair
・❥・has a million alarms that she sleeps through, so you have to borderline punch her every morning to wake her up (heavy sleeper)
・❥・little spoon
・❥・favorite place to kiss you is under your ear or forehead
this was lowk so much fun to make ngl. i might do one for riri :3 thanks for reading! (shuriri fic is still on the works don’t worry) leave your headcanons in the replies or reblogs!
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
Just saw your new Steve and Ponyboy art. Adorable. I think the fandom has collectivly agreed that for Steve and Pony, it was hate at first sight. Since I'm a huge Purly enthusiast, what do you think of the idea of Steve groaning "Ponyboy being so annoying" and Curly (being "the awesomest boyfriend in the world") decides 'i'll show him annoying'
I think about this a lot.
I loveee Steve and Pony's dynamic so bad you don'tttt understand. I know we like to pass the "Steve does care to some extent about PB he just doesn't show it" ball around a lot but in my dearest hearts of hearts I veer towards the "Steve genuinely dislikes PB so bad and for very little good reason, they just don't get along" rhetoric because we don't have enough "I hate this bitch for no reason" representation.
Accidentally went on a Steve rant I'm sorry you gave me the opportunity and I ran with it🫢 But haven't you ever disliked someone who everyone else likes? that shit is torture and just makes you dislike them more.
Anywho, Purly...I had to sit and think about this for a second.
Curly (the one in my head) doesn't hang around the Curtis gang nearly enough to catch wind of Steve mouthing off about Ponyboy in real time. All the anti-Steve propaganda he consumes comes from Ponyboy himself, who at one point probably begins to complain to him about how Steve needs to RELAX once in awhile.
Curly (once again in my head) is sort of selfish and doesn't often get mad on the behalf of others unless he has some sort of grudge against them himself🤷‍♂️ just so he can use it as an excuse to jump the people he don't like.
Steve and PB aren't mortal enemies they're just in this petty nightmare grudge match, and Curly unfortunately isn't NEARLY conniving enough to set up an anvil trap, and definitely not competently enough for it to hit it's mark (Steve) so Curly retaliates against the Curtis gang as a whole by just dragging Ponyboy out to pretend he has a bigger social life than he does, and if Steve HAPPENS to be there he's mean mugging Steve the whole time looking like some evil ass fish going "Ya Ponyboy didn't wanna hang out w y'all anyway😒😒" w his arm around Ponys shoulder like he even know him like that
whole time Steve is jus like Who is thisss😐
Steve don't really gaf Abt Curly but his thought process is that all of Ponyboys friends outside forced contact (The gang) have GOT be as insufferable as him, so thats how Curly slowly becomes public enemy #1
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reivrze · 1 year
hey there! I’ve been a follower for a bit and I wanted to finally request something…first time ever requesting so please tell me if I do anything wrong ;-;.
Hru? Finals are coming up and I am stressed out as hell, should be studying but uh-yk-who does that….💀😭😭😭😭😭
anyway I was in the middle of my anxiety thought train when I thought of like….how sunghoon was talking abt how he was 100% not an ace student and how he was embarrassed with the Enhypen members teased him about his exam score. could you do a reaction abt Niki and sunghoon (separately) reassuring a top student s/o who is stressed asf abt exams? I feel like we can all relate to that as the finals season slowly draws out. Ofc you don’t have to do it if ur busy, life comes first! 🫶☺️. I’m sorry if this is a bit uh…specific, but I would really love it if you did it!
and if you have exams to, I wish you good luck! May all 100s be blessed upon you 💖🥰🫶☺️🙌🔆!
a/n : thank you for your good luck wish and i wish you as much luck too with any upcoming exam ! first time writing for a specific set of members, but honestly, it was a lot easier ! anyways, hope you enjoy reading this ♡ ♡ ♡
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pairing : bf!sunghoon x gn!reader | bf!niki x gn!reader genre : fluff warnings : anxiety
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p. sunghoon . ⁺
sunghoon was on his way to your house for a date night you guys had planned. you were supposed to have a chill night together in bed, watching the show you guys had started a few weeks ago. your exams were approaching quickly and you had been studying all day, trying to squeeze in as much information as possible in your head. your eyes were betraying you as you felt them starting to close, so exhausted from the books covering your desk completely. the date long forgotten, your heart started beating quickly, your hands sweaty as fear and anxiety consumed your mind. reading through the page getting harder as your eyes got blurry with tears threatening to fall. so distracted by your current state, you had missed the knock of your door and the sound of it opening.
"y/n..? Are you okay"
at the lack of response, sunghoon started getting worried, making his way to your side. seeing the tears falling and the books laying everywhere, he understood the situation quickly. not knowing exactly what to do, he decided to pull you away from your work, taking your hand and making you get up from your chair. with a lack of words, he took you between his arms, brushing your hair, letting you cry into his t-shirt.
slowly, you started breathing a little easier, your heart calming down from its anxiety high. with the comfort of his body against your own like a blanket, you felt safe. sunghoon knew that he wouldn't be much help with all the school stuff but he knew that he could provide a safe space for you to calm down.
n. riki . ⁺
you had told niki that you'd be at the library all day because exam season was coming up soon and you had wanted to be as prepared as you could be. niki had been sulking, bored out of his mind and missing you. he had come up with the genius idea to surprise you at the library and to take you out to go eat together for lunch.
on your side, you had been feeling on edge all day, your lesson refusing to stay in your brain. you found yourself getting irritated at every sound the people around you made. you had to take a deep breath every time a book fell or a group of students would walk past, talking a little too loud for your liking.
niki had just entered the library and had gone out on a search for you. when he finally found you, he stalked behind you, preparing to surprise you to the fullest and scare you a little. what he hadn't expected was for you to lash out at him and frantically try to tell him that you had a long day and that you had no time nor the patience to deal with his childish pranks. niki had gone silent, feeling bad and a little rejected, his intentions were pure and he was just missing you.
after your little rant, you sighed, realizing that you had gone a little overboard, you felt disappointed in yourself after seeing niki's smile fall and him looking at the floor. he whispered a little apology, telling you that he didn't mean to annoy you and that he'd be on his way. you had reached out, grabbing onto his arm, apologizing and explaining that you had just been having a hard time with your studies. niki knew that school was a tough period for you recently and that it was probably stressing you out.
"wait," you cleaned up your stuff quickly, putting your back over your shoulder, telling niki that you needed a break, hoping that he'd forgive you for getting angry at him. niki could never stay mad at you for long, he offered to take your bag and you guys walked to the nearest little café, hand in hand.
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© miyu 2023 - do not copy, translate, repost or plagiarise my work anywhere !
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thewiz9062 · 1 month
OK so
@smilingcrittersthingig 's Reborn AU has completely mentally beat my ass for the past 5 hours (compliment) so I'm just gonna. Rant.
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if I was an easy crier I actually wouldn't be typing this cause I'd be inconsolably bawling in my room
I can't even say that they're wrong for hating him, I mean he killed them and I'm not excusing him but GODDAMN I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM AS WELL.
Like ppl joke abt how catnap is so devoted to the prototype but compared to simple "belief" He was PHYSICAL and actually tried to help him escape the hellhole that was playtime co.
(If you're not aware it's either theory or fact (i can't remember) that Theodore [Catnaps soul] had attempted an escape attempt via the help of the prototype and they got DAMN close but Theodore was fatally injured and instead of leaving him there to die the prototype had to go back and let them turn him into catnap.)
The prototype was so adamant on keeping him alive that they went back to their CAPTORS just so he wouldn't die. SHIT, I WOULDVE STARTED WORSHIPPING TOO!!! Even if he didn't make it out they didn't abandon him, so he had full belief that one day, under THEIR order, him and the rest of the critters would leave that place.
So imagine the heartbreaking moment when he realized that his fellow captors, his friends, both in form and mind, don't share the same sentiment, maybe even calling him crazy and violent.
And he just? doesn't know why??? Maybe he can admit the prototypes methods were a bit too confronting but it's not like they didn't TRY the non confrontal method. He thought they'd agree, they'd follow him but it wasn't the case.
So, well, he listened to the prototype. And that included killing his friends, yes, and it's stated (in the au) that he does regret it and I'm crying again great (positive)
And now they're all there, everyone that has either indirectly or directly been killed by him are there and they want him dead now too. AND HES PROBABLY STILL CONFUSED ON WHY THEY EVEN WENT AGAINST HIM AND WANTS TO KNOW. BUT ITS NOT LIKE HE CAN JUST GO ASK THEN THEYD ATTACK HIM PHYSICALLY OR VERBALLY ON SIGHT SO NOW HES S C A R E D OF THEM.
Oh and this.
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And then to add the final stab through my heart (compliment) I went to scourge for the enemies chart and-
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You so did this to make people depressed for a week, it's working. And I love you for it.
Anyways we love angst in this household please keep it up I'm eating this au up for another 2 weeks buh bye
Edit: I'm so sorry for editing this so much the thoughts won't go away
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bruciemilf · 1 year
re: the jaime/jason thing
Paco would love Jason so much either that or he'd absolutely hate him and be suspicious from the beginning. either one. Brenda, i think, would like Jason well enough, but I think she'd get along better with Jason's siblings than Jason himself (im thinking Duke, Tim, or Cass). Traci, Jaime's ex, would want Jaime to be happy, even if thats not with her.
Bianca Reyes would adore Jason, and would try at every opportunity to feed him "proper" food. No shade to Alfred, but he's a rich person butler, not quite in tune with the normal folks. When Jason visits, he'll try to help out in the kitchen, and learn her recipes with her, but she'll try (to no avail) to kick him out because he is a guest. He'll end up helping out anyway, but Jaime will just sit at the counter and watch, a stupid smile on his face, which is good because it means Jaime won't mess anything up (unless asked to help with something) but also shows Bianca how much he really does love Jason.
Alberto Reyes would be a little more wary of Jason, since there are mob problems in El Paso that are decently prevalent in Jaime's original solo run and Alberto got caught in the middle of them, which led to his leg injury that causes him to need a cane. However, Jason is good at working on cars, and Alberto owns an auto shop, and the more Jason is around and wants to help out in the shop, the more invested Jaime gets in helping his father out with the business. And anyone who is that good at working on a car and makes his son happy is alright in Alberto's book. It helps that should Jaime get into any trouble, Jason (and the rest of the Red Hood gang) would be there to help.
Milagro likes Jason. He's like the big brother she never had.... Milagro also canonically likes Guy Gardner so i think that bodes well for her vibing with Jason. Jason also totally bribed her into liking him faster with some homemade cookies and a cool knife that she's not supposed to let her parents or Jaime see.
(sorry this was a really long ask! i just know ive seen stuff about jaime interacting with the wayne family but not jason interacting with jaimes family, who i love very much)
PLS! I'm familiar with Jaime's family from the trailer alone, but the ' they don't get out much' tells me everything I need to know.
Jason watches these people be so tight knit and open and playful and he's like WHATS THE FUCKING PROTOCOL?
The Waynes are clawing and fighting their way towards something just like this, of course, but they've never wanted something softly.
Honestly, I love that Jaime's dad (i think) called Batman a fascist? Which just makes me smile, because Brenda DEMANDS Jason brings his family over for a house warming dinner (Jason might have bought them a house...Maybe)
Imagine Jason squeezing Jaime's hand to keep from laughing as Alberto goes on a SCATHING RANT abt batman, arm around Bruce's shoulder as they're having drinks (Tequila for him and apple juice for Bruce)
Also, I love to imagine Paco saw 6'5 Jason standing next to his very much not 6'5 best friend, and the first thing he did was send jaime the hamster eating a banana meme
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mellarkably · 1 year
ur so right abt the way that scene between ben and devi was shot because every single moment when we see devi making out with someone (or about to have s*x) is so driven by her “horny side” only, for paxton and des she just wanted to have s*x and get over with it and with ethan she just was on her horny and active rush which is good but the ben/devi scene, yes it was framed with a sense of urgency between them but also so much care and love. the lighting, the touches, the hands, smiling at each other and just everything about it was beautiful.
and call me crazy but i am happy the show didn’t do the typical “devi only has s*x with ben” narrative because i was about sure they wouldn’t have her have s*x with ethan and they did and was surprised because most shows don’t do that. ben and devi lost their virginity together and that’s already special but they didn’t have devi pondering around waiting for ben. she got to experience a little bit of fun and discover her preferences and be comfortable with it (and maybe ben did so too with margot) and then they get to make love to each other and know what it means and the differences in that and now they can start a relationship when there’s some level of experience and they can just explore what they both want.
some shows tend to do the opposite for “romanticism” so i am glad they did not.
i already predicted a while ago that the show would have ben and devi make love again but this time it would be much more natural and easy for them:
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i agree with you. i think it was important to show benvi's first time as being awkward, and having it pale in comparison to her next time with ethan, who is far more experienced. it allowed devi to have fun (and im assuming its almost certain ben also had sex with margot) while embodying the whole, fun time NOT a long time thing. im sure they both learned a lot about their preferences like you said during those respective relationships.
but going back to what i loved most about 410's sex redo - how it was the ONLY sex scene in the show that wasn't shot like a high school steamy fling type of deal.
of course, there's that big damn kiss that's been building up for four years with more steam needed to be released than pati's rice cooker, BUT, the lighting. the song, the actors' natural chemistry. the tone itself already feels so much more serious than any other romantic scene in the show.
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i honestly thought it would end here, so imagine my surprise when they continued - and i think this second part is what sets it apart from all the other intimate scenes in the show.
henna shot. i fucking died. ive talked enough about this on twitter and im sure other people are talking about this but it is just so symbolic for devi as an individual, her relationship with her culture and how she doesn't have to separate that from her romantic endeavours because she is desirable as she is! s1 devi would faint! she absolutely would!
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and now this shot, which is what the tags you're referring to were about, has me still going cuckoo bananas like. pulling away to smile at each other. they're literally in fucking love. this is love. this is not the show trying to gain an audience using steamy scenes, or devi being horny - not that there is anything wrong with that either - but she is so visibly content and comfortable and happy and you can see it in her smile. both of their smiles in fact.
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that small moment is what makes this scene for me.
anyway sorry for the huge rant. if you couldn't tell already i really love this scene! it was very well done.
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rowancries · 25 days
Hii, could i make a request? Theres not enough klaus x reader headcanons out there. Could you make some headcanons where reader is uncle monty's assistant and klaus and her slowly start to fall in love?
srry if this didn't make alot of sense
klaus baudelaire x monty’s assistant ! reader
  ⌦        ⿸        🎧        .        💌         .       🎀
okay so firstly when i imagine it, i imagine them a little older when they arrive at monty’s bc he was like 11…
anyways when they first arrive they have their cake nd monty shows them his reptile room that’s when they first see you
“Who’s that?” Violet asks, nodding her head towards you
“Oh I almost forgot, that is my assistant, [name]!”
when klaus looks at you i swear that boy is seeing stars
because not only do you look gorgeous, you also must be super smart to be monty’s assistant at such a young age
“Hello! nice to meet you!” you say smiling at them
klaus rn : 😦😻😮‍💨
and thus blossoms a beautiful your friendship w the baudelaires
Violet loves how versatile your knowledge is with reptiles, Klaus is star struck, and Sunny loves watching her brother act like a fool around you
okokok so now let’s get to before you and him get together
klaus LOVES listening to rant about reptiles!!!!!!
He loves hearing you talk about something you’re so passionate about & he loves learning new things
you guys spend hours together reading and talking about anything!!! i swear you could bring up anything and you both would be talking about it for hours
klaus knows he likes you and finds you amazing but is scared to do anything about it
so violet talks sense into him ofc
“are you going to do anything about it?”
“about what?”
“about how you like [name].”
Eventually he works up the courage to talk to you abt it…
“Hey [name] i need to uh talk to you about something” you look up worried, wondering why he’s so nervous. “Yeah of course, is everything alright klaus?”
I swear he almost evaporates. one of the things he loves abt u is how caring you are towards him and his sisters
“So we’ve known each other for a bit and I think I um, kinda like uh like you? so i was wondering if you’d wanna do something but I totally get it if you don’t wanna do anything i mean i don’t expect anything—“
you cut him off w a kiss
he almost dies 😭😭
and the next weekend monty drives you two to the movies and you watch a fun movie
and then u guys live happily ever after 😍😍😍
so in my imagination soon after that olaf comes and kills monty and then you all separate
eventually you see them again at the academy but so much had changed
you think he likes isadora but spoiler alert he doesn’t
also when you see him again you notice he’s gotten more attractive
you guys are again separated for a bit until you meet up on the mountain because you were going for VFD
then you stick w them for the rest of the season
and you go with them on the island too
THEN you guys end up happily ever after
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