#anyways happy Teddy Tuesday
beautiful-songbird · 3 years
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Tuesday Tears
Pairing: Dad!Jimin x Mom!OC
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning: you’ll probably get baby fever from this so read with caution
Summary: Nubia is exhausted taking care of a newborn by herself, so Jimin stays home for a day to take care of their baby.
*Ummi is pronounced Ommee*
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It was four am. On a Tuesday. Which meant everyone should be asleep, especially considering most of the house had an early morning. But little baby Kosey didn’t care. Nubia rolled over in bed. She was going to take the tiny boy out to the living room.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll take care of him,” Jimin whispered as he scooped the wailing baby off the mattress.
“But, Jimin, you have work. . . .”
“Shhh. It’s ok. You sleep some more. I’ll get the kids ready for school too.”
Kosey had been a surprise baby. Jimin and Nubia were going to wait another year or two for their third kid, but it hadn’t turned out that way. The good thing was that Donam and Eunseo were both in school, so Nubia didn’t have to keep an eye on them during the day too.
Kosey cooed as Jimin fed him his bottle of milk.
“You look just like your Ummi, you know that?” Jimin murmured.
Although Kosey couldn’t possibly have known what Jimin just said, he grinned and unlatched from the bottle. Then he babbled incoherently up at Jimin.
“Oh, are you happy now? You didn’t even finish this, silly!”
Kosey giggled and grabbed a handful of Jimin’s shirt, gripping it tightly.
“You’re not going to let me leave today, are you?”
Kosey let out another tiny giggle. Jimin picked him up and blew raspberries into the little boy’s stomach. Kosey kicked his legs and hiccuped as he continued to giggle. Then he reached out and grabbed a handful of Jimin’s hair.
“Oh, no! Don’t do that!” Jimin exclaimed dramatically before wincing as Kosey tugged on his hair.
Jimin looked up as Eunseo entered the living room. She rubbed her eyes as she clung to her teddy bear.
“Oh I’m sorry, Eunie, did we wake you up? You should go back to bed.”
The six-year-old looked unimpressed with this. “No, I wanna hold Kosey.”
Jimin tried to unfurl Kosey’s fingers and get them out of his hair. “You need to sleep for a little longer. You have school in four hours.”
“But I don’t wanna go to school.”
Jimin sighed. “You don’t want to see Hyemi and Ara and Valentine?”
Eunseo puffed her cheeks out. “Yeah. . . .”
“Ok. Back to bed, then. Come on,” Jimin stood up, still holding Kosey out in front of his head.
He followed Eunseo back to her bedroom. Once Eunseo was in her bed, Jimin laid Kosey on the bed.
“Eunie, can you help me?”
Eunseo grabbed another one of her stuffed animals and held it out to her baby brother. “Kose, take the bunny!”
“Ooo!” Kosey let go of Jimin’s hair and reached up to take the stuffed animal from his sister.
“Thanks, sweetie.” Jimin kissed Eunseo on the forehead and tucked the blankets around her before picking Kosey up. He headed to the door and flicked the lights off. “See you in a couple hours.”
Two hours later, Jimin was awoken by bowls crashing together in the kitchen. Kosey was asleep in his lap, still hugging Eunseo’s bunny.
“You ok out there?” Jimin asked softly, but loud enough to hope the person in the kitchen could hear him.
Donam appeared in the doorway to the kitchen a moment later. “Sorry. The bowls almost fell out of the cabinet.”
“It’s all right. Can you wake your sister up soon? You both need to be ready by seven-thirty.”
Donam nodded, his head of wavy, chocolate hair flopping into his eye. “Who’s driving us to school?”
“I think I’m gonna see if Aunt Astrid can take you guys. If not, I’ll drive you.”
“Can we take the tram?”
“When Eunseo is eight.”
Donam pressed his lips together. “Well, it was worth a try.”
“The tram is full of loud high schoolers. You wouldn’t like it, anyways.”
“Jiyu said it’s fun.”
Jimin ground his teeth. “I guess you’ll just have to decide whose word you’ll take for it, then.”
Donam grinned. “Don’t worry. I like riding with you to school. I can always ask you to take me to get food after school.”
“Huh. Well tonight we’re doing a cookout on the roof, so no chance you’re getting to eat out tonight!”
“Nooooo we can’t leave! Hyemi’s birthday present is gone!” Eunseo cried as she refused to get up off the floor.
“I’ll look for it while you’re at school and you can give it to her tonight,” Jimin offered.
Eunseo sobbed.
“Eunie, it’s ok. Let’s go. We need to get to school,” Donam held his hand out to her.
“We need to find the present!”
Donam sighed and picked her up. Eunseo wailed and kicked her legs.
“I’ll take her to the car.”
Jimin nodded and went to get Kosey out of his bouncer. “You’re gonna go spend some time with Ummi while I take your siblings to school, hmm?”
Kosey cooed in response. When Jimin set him down on the king-sized bed a minute later, Kosey kicked his legs.
“I’ll be back in half an hour or so,” Jimin promised as he pecked Nubia’s lips.
She laughed. “Good luck. I heard Eunie crying.”
Jimin winced. “Yeah. She lost Hyemi’s birthday gift.”
“Did you look on the TV stand in the kitchen? That’s where I saw it last.”
“No, I wouldn’t have even thought to check there. Let’s hope it is.”
Sure enough, the present was where Nubia had thought it was. And Eunseo was content on the way to school. Jimin called in to let Namjoon know he wouldn’t be coming in, and sighed in relief when he returned home to a quiet household. Nubia was sitting on the floor in the living room with Kosey, who was cooing up at his mobile.
“Has he pulled any of your hair out of your head yet?”
Nubia laughed. “What?”
“He was pulling on my hair this morning.”
“Oh, was he?” She reached down and pinched Kosey’s cheeks. “You silly. Have you been being mean to your Appa?”
Kosey grinned widely and babbled at her.
“Oh, is that right?” She turned to Jimin. “He says he’s done no such thing,” she informed him.
Jimin gasped dramatically. “You’d believe him over me?”
Nubia nodded emphatically. Jimin kneeled down on the floor and tickled Kosey’s tummy. Kosey squealed and kicked his legs.
“Oh, by the way, was there anything Jin wanted us to bring for the cookout tonight?”
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This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: good luck recovering u-u also yes this is my second post today shhhh
Also it would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @taehoneycheeks @jinnie-forthe-winnie
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crazybutgood · 4 years
International Tea Day!
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(Drarry tea blend by Ela Spearlot)
International Tea Day is celebrated on 15th Dec in many tea-producing countries since 2005. Apparently, the UN changed the date to 21 May this year and I didn’t know until recently :( Oh well, I’m still going to celebrate it today, and I thought I’d use this opportunity to do something using two of my absolute favourite things: tea and Drarry. Here are some lovely fics involving tea that will warm you up like a good, steaming cuppa <3 (special thanks to @curlyy-hair-dont-care for her great feedback and for helping me put this together, and to @sitp-recs for your helpful tips and kind words)
Tea at three by @dorthyanndrarry​ (T, ~8.9k)
Draco Malfoy is the head potion brewer for the Ministry's onsite supply. Every day at three he goes to the nearest break room which coincidentally happens to be the auror break room, where he always seems to run into Harry Potter, who might also be waiting just for him. It's most certainly not the highlight of his day and he certainly doesn't hold anything other than friendly feelings towards Potter. It's just tea. Nothing more than tea at three.
A sweet fic where these two dorks finally get together with some help from their friends. Warnings for blood and injury in one scene.
A special blend of you and me by germankitty (T, 4.5k)
Draco finds a bunch of letters in Professor Snape's effects that were written by Lily Evans to her best friend at school, Marlene McKinnon. He passes them on to Harry, who consequently starts his own correspondence with Draco. (inspired by Tea and Lost Letters: Lily to Marlene by Kikimay)
A charming epistolary fic, featuring a great selection of teas, snarky and amusing letters that become progressively less formal and more intimate, and a delightful surprise by Draco at the end.
Portkey for Tea by @lettersbyelise (T, ~1.8k)
Draco is doing a two months residency at a Wizarding hospital in San Diego. Harry misses him too much to wait for him to come back to England.
How far would you travel for a special someone a cup of tea? Lovely established relationship fic with the two missing each other and Harry doing something about it.
Red Roses and Rousing Rumours by @dracogotgame (T, ~1.4k)
Draco's taste for rose water tea puts him in hot water.
A super cute one-shot where a misunderstanding on Harry’s part leads to Draco snagging a date with him (after being asked out in the sweetest way!)
Prompts: I love you - Over a Cup of Tea by @cibeewastaken (G, 362)
(this was my ask lol) Short one-shot of soft moments and tea flowers.
Prompts: I love you - On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair by @cibeewastaken (G, 745)
Another lovely one-shot with sun tea and little Teddy trying to cheer Draco up. Featuring Teddy’s sweet innocence, shy boys in love and a confession that will warm your heart.
Why Is Our Teapot Wearing a Hat? by @ladderofyears (G, microfic, 50)
Adorable microfic based on the prompt ‘cosy’.
Rotten work by @prolix- (T, 792)
You start to cry after the war.
You tell Ron and Hermione that it's nothing, that it'll pass. You're just exhausted. It’s more than that, of course it is, but they don't question it. And you learn to hide the fact that you can still be found hunched over your kitchen sink after a party, fat tears rolling down your face, years after the war has passed.
He knows better.
Heart-achingly beautiful fic with lovely tea metaphors. Featuring sad yet tender moments between the boys, healing and hope. Warnings for implied/referenced PTSD, angst, crying and hurt/comfort)
Curl up with a cuppa to enjoy these longer fics:
Where There is Tea by @bafflinghaze (T, ~12.6k)
Somewhere in London, overlooking a garden, sits a little tea room. There, Harry finds tea, distraction, books, conversation, inspiration, himself, and Draco Malfoy.
Featuring Tea Master!Draco and Writer!Harry, this is a heartwarming story of supportive friends, coming out, self-discovery and a lovely buildup of friendship between Harry and Draco that blossoms into something more. Lots of amazing and familiar teas to look out for that you wish you were tasting along with the patrons at Draco’s tea shop.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, ~70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
Draco’s stuck in a time loop until he figures out what he has to do to get out of it — learning, growing and becoming a better person with much help from his mother, Hagrid, and Harry, and conversations over tea.
Headlights in the Snow by Saras_Girl (M, ~71.6k)
What’s big and purple and smells like tea? Harry is about to find out. 
Advent fic 2016.
Harry has bizarre adventures with Knight Bus conductor Draco and the lovely passengers. A cosy Christmas advent getting-together fic featuring fun bus rides and on-board tea.
Special mention of fics that I associate with tea also kind of in order to remember them:
For the greater good by @jadepresley (E, ~62k)
When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover.
Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
An accidental bonding fic that I absolutely adore
Malfoy rolls his eyes. “I’m not a monster, Potter, you arsehole. Though I do think you’re delusional if you think the whole wizarding world doesn’t love you.”
Harry shakes his head. “No. They love the idea of me. They love the stories. But they don’t… they don’t know how I take my tea in the morning, do they?”
“Excuse me?”
Harry flushes. He hadn’t meant to say that. Bloody Firewhisky. “It’s just this thing I believe. And Emmet — my ex — never knew. It’s… nevermind, you’ll think it's stupid.”
“That’s definitely possible,” Malfoy agrees seriously. “But you should tell me anyway.”
“You’re a prat, you know,” Harry tells him. Malfoy just smirks, making Harry sigh. “Fine,” he concedes. “It’s just... The way you take your tea is one of those small details about yourself that no one else would really know unless they asked. But... someone who really gives a shit about you would know — they’d ask or they’d notice — because they’d care enough to want to know. And Emmet... well, he just never cared enough about me to learn how I take my tea.”
I love that this fic uses this idea, partly also because this is something I’ve thought of too, not just for romantic relationships but relationships in general, and I was so happy to see it used in this fic.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound (E, ~149.5k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Discovering this fic was one of the best things ever. It’s an emotional roller coaster. Harry and Draco eventually go from polite coworkers, to tentative friends, to lovers — of course with a lot of drama and angst in between. These two bicker about so many things. One of them is how Harry never makes the tea hot enough, and it’s used throughout the fic in many important and special moments of their relationship.
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Happy reading!
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docholligay · 3 years
State of the Baby Union
It’s been nearly two months since I had Jewlet, and there’s a number of things that I’ve observed, learned, or otherwise experienced since then. This exists, so I can share them with you: Is this going to be useful to anyone? What will this look like? I have no idea. 
The good: 
It’s remarkable how much of a help Jill is, and how much she’s stepped up to the plate in all this. It’s particularly striking to me when I’m on mom’s groups or talking to other women who are married to men, and realize the MAJORITY VAST VAST MAJORITY of men don’t take on hardly anything for the baby. They don’t get up at night with the baby, they don’t take on extra chores around the house, they believe it’s their god-given right to come home and have ‘leisure time” some of them even get JEALOUS of the attention the baby is getting. My wife works overnights. Every night she has off? What is technically her weekend? She gets up with the baby instead of me. Her ‘weekend’? Is my Monday and Tuesday. She takes the baby all day so I can work (Except today when she is volunteering at the zoo, doing a checkup on the wolverines) anyway I’m very lucky to have her, and I love watching her with the baby, she’s a wonderful mother. She’s so loving and sweet. Jill has always been far more maternal than I am, which is not to say I’m a bad mother, but simply that the sweet soft mommy thing is definitely her ahaha. I love her now more than I did before, even, and I know having a first child strains a lot of marriages but it’s made ours even stronger. 
Special shoutout to Teddy Nick, also, who has taken such an active role in Jewlet’s life. I expected help from her! This in itself was not a shock. But I have been so surprised by how much she has been willing and able to do, extra, stupid things that I don’t even need but are very well liked, such as sitting with Jewlet at night sometimes so I can take a bath. That kind of extra shit! I am spoiled immensely. She’s got Jewlet in the wrap right now for the simple reason that it’s easier for her to type with it on than it is for me (I am smol, and my setup doesn’t support a large amount of space between me and the desk). I never expected her to do THIS much, and I’m very very lucky. 
Jewlet is becoming a real person! She smiles at me, and laughs, and stretches so cute in the morning and it’s starting to feel more like interacting with someone rather than being acted upon. It’s made such a difference in my mood, just because she can realistically interact with me in a way she couldn’t before. Her little happy baby noises are so cute, and I can see her turning into Midge the person. It’s delightful every day to get to see how she’s coming along, the person she’s going to be and it’s exciting too! There’s so many things I want to show her and share with her, and as much as I love her now, every day lets me know we’re closer and closer to when I can show her and teach her things. 
JEWLET SLEEPS SO MUCH BETTER AT NIGHT THAN WE HAVE ANY RIGHT TO EXPECT. She can be a real pill during the day sometimes and that’s frustrating when I’m trying to get things done but she refuses to be put down, but at night? She’ll routinely, not every single night, but OFTEN, sleep from 9-3, which means I have my half hour to read at night and then also actually get some goddamn sleep. It’s miraculous. 
The bad: 
Holy shit is it difficult to get anything done. I started writing this post at 9:30 am, it’s now 12:30. I have cried so often over the raw frustration of trying to manage having an infant and pumping and doing my job and I am more stressed out than I have ever been in my life over the sheer volume of shit I CAN’T get done right now. I’m so used to being together and having my life in order and having time for things. It’s STARTING to get better, as we work out a routine, Jewlet gets SLIGHTLY more likely to let me put her down for five minutes, and Jetty and I start alternating our schedules so there’s always one of us to watch Jewlet. But it’s hard, it’s so hard. (On that note, if I owe you something, we’ll pick it up in the next few months, as things get worked out. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE) 
I don’t have time for things! I miss doing my little craft projects and art stuff, I want to start running and working out, and only recently have managed to carve time out to read. It’s really wearing, and I see how women can fall into making their baby their whole personality, because what else can you do? It’s so hard to keep any of the things you loved going, and I have a ton of help compared to other people. It feels so dehumanizing sometimes. 
Sometimes I just cried in the last six weeks because I couldn’t get her to stop crying, or I missed being able to simply clean the house, or I felt unappreciated for what I CAN do, or my feelings got hurt badly. Sometimes I feel everyone is better at juggling all this than I am, at being a mother and working and keeping a home. 
The ugly:
I had a REAL HARD post labor situation, and it took weeks to resolve at all. I still have some symptoms and difficulties and pain, and it’s annoying and it make things even harder for me emotionally, because I not only have the reality of struggling with my new time based reality, but also my physical reality, which I am utterly unwilling to accept as a long term thing and am going to keep working against. I desperately want the athletic, conditioned body I had back, which could do so much for so long with such balance and flexibility (and also fit all my motherfucking clothes). 
I think that’s generally the hardest part, is finding MYSELF in my new reality. I sound ungrateful, and I don’t mean to, but I think more than anyone in the family, I’ve had to drop a lot of balls lately, and it’s hard! I can’t wait till I’m back up to making all my cards, and writing, and cooking elaborate things, and all of those things that make me ME. I miss myself, in some ways, as dumb as that sounds.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
My bday was yesterday and just like can you do one of Tsukki forgetting the readers bday Bc he got so caught up in volleyball so for like a week he’s giving them constant public affection???
Our salty boy, but I hope you enjoy!❤️
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Did you blame Tsuki or forgetting? Maybe a little bit, bu he’s been busy. For the last week he’s had game, after game. You just thought he would at least just say Happy Birthday but no..he gave you a kiss before the game and that’s it. It wasn’t until they were driving back home did he realize what today was.
He mentally kicked himself for looking like a jerk. Of course being the salty boy he is, he didn’t let it show. His affection was only for you to see, sure he teased you and joked a bit but it was because he loved you. He had to make it up to you somehow. What he did really did surprise you and it wasn’t just one day, it was the whole week! 
You were at your locker getting your things when a tall familiar figure came to your side. You close your locker and look up at your tall boyfriend. In his hands he held a teddy bear with a rose in it’s paw
“I’m sorry I missed your birthday“ he said handing it to you. you take it with a surprised look. You smile back at him 
“Thank you Kei, this is so sweet“ he turned so you wouldn’t see his blush. He took your hand and walked you to class. Just as he was coming up to your door he stopped you and pulled you in for a hug. He pulled back slightly and kissed you. Now he wasn’t the type to show PDA but you weren’t complaining.
He had failed to notice Tanaka and Nishinoya walk down the hall and gasp at his actions.*Insert pikachu face* he then let you go to class waving goodbye.
“WHAAT?!“ They both yell in unison “HOW COME YOU GET AFFECTION AND NOT US?“
“maybe because i have a girlfriend and I know how to act mature“ he said walking away
“WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN DINO BO-“ the principle then came out and shut them both up.
You were meeting Tsuki after practice today but the temperature has been weird this week. It’s been going up and down at random so no one knew what the weather was for sure.
You hurry into the gym to excale the cool wind that chilled your legs. You got inside and greeted Kiyoko, rubbing your hands together for warmth. The boys were listening to Ukai as he spoke about improvements. You took a seat and talked with Yuchi as you waited.
Suddenly you felt something warm draped around you. Lifting your arms you see that it was Kei’s jacket. It was warm from his body heat and made you felt cozy. Yachi silently scooted away, too flustered to stay any longer
“I thought I told you not to wear just a skirt when it’s cold out” he gently scolded you. Even though he liked seeing you in a skirt, he didn’t want you to be cold “come on let’s go get some food” he said offering you his hand.
You intertwine your fingers with his and walked out of the gym. As soon as Ukai spoke up
“Who knew Tsukishima would be the one to get laid” everyone was either laughing, blushing or stammering, some even all three.
Today he brought you both lunch with desert. He even bought some headphones so you could share music. You were starting to feel bad that he was doing so much for you. As you lean on his shoulder you say 
“You know the teddybear was enough, you don’t have to keep doing this“
He simply said “I’m only doing it for this week so enjoy it while you can..” he then mumbled “I only do it for you anyway..” you only cuddled closer to him after hearing that
* Thursday*
You were at their game and Kei had blocked the ball and no one had gone to get it. That’s what broke the tied and won’t he game for the team. As soon as things cleared up you ran to the court to find him. Luckily form his height he spited you and was ready.
He caught you and spun you around creasing his lips on yours. After pulling away he just hugged you and whispered
“I won for you”
This was simple but it meant a lot. He knew how much you loved the sunset. So he stayed over at your house until the sun was setting. When your window started to change into a shade of orange you stood up quickly. You grab your camera and made your way to the door.
Going up the roof you snap a photo of the beautiful blends of orange, pink and red. (I actually do this when there’s a pretty sunset)
Kei then came and took the camera from you. He got into a position where he could capture both you and the sunset. After he got at least two he showed you
“Look, you came out beautiful just like I’ve always told you..” you smile and kiss his cheek
“Thank you for making my week Kei, I love you”
He patted the top of your head “yeah sure thing shortie”
I hope this was alright!❤️
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hood-ex · 4 years
I know DC won’t do a good job addressing Dick’s issues post-amnesia arc, sooo I decided to go ahead and write a lil fix-it fic where Dick talks to Clark about how the batfam treated him as Ric. 
Read on AO3
“Pretty much everyone has. Missed the old me, I mean,” he says distantly, incapable of keeping the bitterness from bleeding into his tone.
Unfortunately for him, Clark’s emotionally intelligent enough to pick up on it.
“I miss you every day, no matter what name you go by,” Clark says, jostling him slightly.
Dick leans further away from him so he can look Clark in the eyes. Clark’s expression is as genuine as ever, blue eyes roaming over Dick’s face in concern.
Dick’s throat feels tight. “If that’s true… why did you never come see me? Why didn’t you try to help me?”
Dick finds himself sitting on the ledge of a building in Metropolis one Tuesday night in July.
He’s in the midtown district that’s a halfway point between the downtown and suburb area. It’s always been Dick’s favorite part of Metropolis other than Clark’s apartment.
Most of the businesses in this area are family-owned. They’re decorated with fresh coats of white paint, green plants, pretty lights, and handpicked decor that gives each place it’s own unique feel. It’s the type of place where the owners know you by name and bend over backwards to get you what you’re looking for.
It’s that personal connection that Dick loves the most. It gives the whole place a very welcoming and homey vibe that reminds him a lot of the circus. It’s nothing at all like the fake illusion of community that holds Bludhaven together like an overused piece of scotch tape.
The only downside is that it’s a little too humid for his liking, but the warm breeze that keeps ghosting through his hair makes it bearable. Plus, the fairy lights that are strewn between a lot of the restaurants across from where he’s sitting are mesmerizing to look at. They make it easy to forget about things like the weather.
Dick wishes the restaurants were still open at this time of night. The longer he eyes the Mexican restaurant down the street, the more his stomach starts to rumble insistently. He hasn’t eaten anything since lunch and he’s starving. A few tacos and some salsa would really do wonders for his mood.
Dick crosses his arms over his increasingly loud stomach.
“Sh!” he hisses at it in the same way he hisses at his teammates when they’re being too rowdy.
He clenches his fingers in the fabric of his shirt and lets out a shaky breath, chest feeling too tight for comfort.
Teammates. Friends. Right. He had those once.
He doesn’t want to think about that. About his friends. Or what’s left of them, anyways.
He came here to forget about that stuff. To forget about everything that happened to him in Bludhaven. The destruction of Gotham and his family. The loss of...
Dick forces the image of Alfred’s smiling face out of his mind. He already cried about Alfred this morning. And yesterday. And the day before that. And a lot of days before that.
He’s tired of crying. Tired of feeling like he’s a stupid piece of Swiss cheese that’s got too many holes in it. Too many pieces missing. He’s just…
So tired.
Dick threads his fingers through his hair and pulls it back out of his face. The more he soaks in the tranquil atmosphere of the street, the more he feels like disrupting it by screaming into the night. He won’t do it, though. It may be Troy Bolton’s style, but it sure isn’t his.
“Thought I recognized your voice.”
Dick looks up, not all that surprised to see Clark gliding down towards him in his Superman gear. Clark’s eyes are warm and friendly, just like how they always are whenever it’s just the two of them. Dick’s glad that at least that hasn’t changed.
“Supes,” he says, sporting a genuine smile. “Long time no see.”
Clark returns the smile easily and floats closer until they’re face to face. He holds out his blue-clad arms in invitation.
Dick feels himself hesitate for a split second. He’s never been hurt by those hands. By a lot of other hands, sure. But never Clark’s.
He dives forward and wraps both his arms around Clark’s shoulders, pressing his cheek into the crook of Clark’s warm neck. Clark hums in happiness and returns the embrace, leaning his head against Dick’s.
Clark is bigger than Dick. Always has been. Getting hugs from him feels like being engulfed by an impenetrable teddy bear. It’s… nice. Feels safe.
Dick likes feeling safe.
It takes a long, long time before either of them pulls away. And even when Clark moves to sit on the ledge, he stills keeps his arm around Dick’s shoulders, pulling Dick close into his side.
Dick lets Clark take all of his weight, and he sighs in relief, feeling the tension drain out of his shoulders.
“I don’t mean to get all mushy on you,” Clark says through a laugh that sounds a little too wet. A little too fake. “But I’ve really missed you.”
And just like that, Dick suddenly feels cold inside. Detached. Like he has to shut his emotions off before he explodes.
He’s heard that same sentence uttered by his family ever since he got his memories back. Part of him understands what they mean. They were emotionally attached to Dick Grayson, not the person he became after he got his brains scrambled. Obviously, they would miss who he used to be.
The other part of him, the more fragile part, feels rejected by them. Because for a period of time, Ric was all he ever was. The only thing he ever knew. The only thing he could be. And his family rejected that part of him. They didn’t want him around unless he was the person they knew.
Even Babs, who had been there when he was learning how to walk again, only showed up in Bludhaven to try and get him to remember who he was before the accident. She didn’t want to support him as Ric. She wanted what was best for her, not what was best for him.
Dick still remembers every detail from those days. It’s not easy for him to forget how his family tried to make him step back into his old life rather than help him move forward into a new one.
Even though he’s had his memories back for a few weeks now, he’s still not over it. He’s not sure he’ll be over it for a long time, if ever.
Clark’s arm suddenly tightens around Dick even more. Shit. Dick must have spaced out. He does that a lot more now these days. That, and he gets really intense headaches a few times a week. Side effects from brain damage and all that.
“Pretty much everyone has. Missed the old me, I mean,” he says distantly, incapable of keeping the bitterness from bleeding into his tone.
Unfortunately for him, Clark’s emotionally intelligent enough to pick up on it.
“I miss you every day, no matter what name you go by,” Clark says, jostling him slightly.
Dick leans further away from him so he can look Clark in the eyes. Clark’s expression is as genuine as ever, blue eyes roaming over Dick’s face in concern.
Dick’s throat feels tight. “If that’s true…why did you never come see me? Why didn’t you try to help me?”
Dick knows it’s not fair to ask that to Superman of all people. Clark can’t save everybody. He can’t be everywhere at once taking care of other people’s problems, especially when things have been so crazy lately with his own son and all the hero deaths...
Fuck. He’s got tears burning in the corners of his eyes now. He refuses to let them fall. Refuses to let himself crumble when he’s spent weeks trying to put himself back together.
“I visited you once while you were in the hospital,” Clark admits with a color of remorse. “Bruce didn’t think it was a good idea for anyone to come see you once you woke up.”
Bruce. Typical.
“He told us you were having a hard time adjusting. Said you didn’t want to be around your family and friends.” Clark eyes him closely. “I’m guessing it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it?”
Dick’s laugh falls flat. “Isn’t it always when it involves Bruce?”
Dick pulls part of Clark’s cape into his lap and rubs the fabric between his fingers. He’s been sitting up here for way too long. He can’t help but fidget under Clark’s arm.
“You know what he did the first day I got home from the hospital?” Dick asks, focusing on the cape instead of Clark’s gaze. “I didn’t even have time to change out of my hospital gown before Alf—they shuffled me down to the batcave.”
He remembers how confused he’d been at that time. How awestruck he was at the very idea that he apparently grew up in a mansion with a butler. It didn’t make sense to him back then. Not when he only had a few select memories from the circus days and nothing else.
“Imagine my surprise when a man in a bat costume greeted me by jumping down from the goddamn rafters.”
He feels Clark’s stare burning into the side of his head.
“He did not,” Clark says in a tone that’s part disbelief and part oh my fucking god my best friend is a moron.
“Yup,” Dick says with a pop. “Right after that, I was treated to a video of me getting my brains blown out.”
Clark’s mouth drops open in shock. “What the hell?”
“My thoughts exactly. I booked it out of there and never went back.”
“He can’t just… why would he…?”
“Listen, I’m just happy to know that you’re acting like this isn’t normal. Everyone else was perfectly fine with it, and I thought there was something wrong with me for thinking it was insane to watch one of the most traumatic experiences of my life fresh out of the hospital.”
Clark groans and rubs his hands over his face. “Jesus Christ. There’s nothing wrong with you . Bruce on the other hand…”
“A real piece of work,” Dick nods in agreement. “He wanted me to be the same as I was before a bullet snatched my entire life away from me. Everyone did. That’s why they showed me that video, and that’s why I didn’t want to be around anyone I knew. They were only interested in getting me to remember stuff I had no chance of remembering. Shit sucked.”
And it still does. It really, really sucks.  
Clark takes a second to process all that. “I can’t even imagine… I’m really sorry, Dick. Really, I am.”
Dick finally raises his head to lock eyes with Clark. He almost does a double-take when he realizes how upset Clark looks with his furrowed brows and deep frown.
“I didn’t know all that was going on. If I had, I would’ve checked on you even if Bruce didn’t want me to. Even if you didn’t want anything to do with me at that point, I still should have tried. I could’ve at least pestered Bruce into helping you more. I never was very good at trying to fix things between you two, though.”
Dick smiles sadly. “No, I guess not. That’s not part of your job description anyways.”
Clark squeezes the back of Dick’s neck. “It’s my job as your friend to give him a kick in the ass for you. How about that?”
“I think I could get behind that. Just… go easy on him, alright? He’s been dealing with a lot of shit lately.”
Clark gives him a pointed look. “You’re his kid. Your health and safety should have been his priority. Not getting your memories back. He needs to know that.”
“I know, I know,” Dick grumbles and crosses his arms. “I just think that with everything that’s happened recently, he’s not going to give you an explanation you’ll be satisfied with. There’s a lot of things he’s lost control of, and honestly, catching the third degree from you probably won’t register with him in a good way right now.”
Clark whistles short and low. “Even when he’s the one in the wrong, you’re still looking out for him. You amaze me Dick Grayson. Always have. You mind if I start sending Jon your way? I think he could learn a thing or two from you. ”
Dick feels his cheeks get hot at the praise. When he was younger, he always felt like a million bucks whenever Clark complimented him. Brain damage or no, that still hasn’t changed.
“From me? I’ve got nothing on you.”
“Hey, don’t talk about my favorite hero like that,” Clark says, booping Dick on the nose.
Even though Clark is probably just teasing him, Dick can’t help but soak in the happiness at the very idea of it.
“And don’t worry about Bruce’s problems right now,” Clark says, voice taking on a concerned tone once again. “If he needs help… I’ll do my best to help him. But I’m still going to talk to him about all of this because he needs to hear it.” Clark’s blue eyes are so intense that Dick almost looks away from him. “You just focus on yourself, alright?”
Dick wants to laugh at that because he’s so tired of thinking about himself. He spent practically an entire year having an identity crisis as Ric, and now that he has all of his memories back, he feels lost all over again. It’s like a rollercoaster he can’t get off of.
“Thanks,” he says anyway, because what the hell else is he supposed to say?
Clark claps him on the back, and just like that, the atmosphere suddenly feels lighter.
Dick feels lighter too. Kind of. Maybe it’s just the humidity making him feel a certain way.
“You know,” Clark says as he peels himself off the ledge and starts floating, “Lois cooked up a mean lasagna earlier. We still have half a pan left. Think you’d be interested in finishing it off with me?”
Dick’s stomach growls at the mention of food. He’s had hunger pain for hours now, and he can feel it reaching a peak. Even if Clark had just asked him to eat a seasoned rat, his answer still would’ve been the same.  
“Hell yeah.”
He pulls himself to his feet and jumps forward, knowing that even if he’s uncertain about everything else in his life, the one thing he can rely on is that Clark will catch him.
And he does.
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
hi Sophie ♡ I made time to send you this because you had your exam and your surgery today. I hope it went awesome, sorry to hear that surgery didn't go quite as expected because of what happened to teddy but I'm sure you did awesome anyways.
now to answer...
oh my sweet Sophie, pls don't apologize for taking your time to answer. I work, study and try to be here for most spn news, i get it and you're working in becoming an amazing vet and you write beautiful stories and manage to even do events like the one for your milestone, so don't worry ❤ that being said... my heart skipped a beat when I saw your answer and I was eager to send you this too
I'm 100% in with cinnamon and apple!
I adore Rapunzel! Tangled was awesome and I love the song I see the light. It's just one of thee best scenes ever with all the lanterns (can we have lanterns???).
Yes to mountains, it'll be the perfect view, specially in autumn.
Your writing is perfection, I know I'm only one person and is not much but I love it ❤ and I know I'm not the only one, people just tend to love what you write.
I think I won't stop blushing for the rest of the month after you called me your fiancé ajsndjdks 🥰 I'm melting over this, your vows probably will end me.
Now music. I listen to almost all music. I'm more a soft songs girl but I listen to almost everything. Being able to do that made me discover some beautiful songs from small artists. Sleeping At Last is my favorite artist right now. I love Ed Sheeran and JB too. My favorite song from Ed is Perfect and from JB is Hesitate, makes me weep everytime. Just the I'll thank the oceans for giving me you and then is the all I won't hesitate for you, like is everything. I really love love songs. Oh I love Taylor Swift too.
I had an stressful weekend and week but it's ok, thank you.
I hope you get to rest a little bit this weekend
hello my sweet darling angel <33 my sincerest apologies that it’s taken me so long to reply to this message! thank you so much for sending this message to me when i had my exam and surgery (funny thing was i literally got the message from you as i was leaving the clinic after surgery and i was exhausted and then i saw your message and i couldn’t stop smiling and i sat in my car and read your entire message before i drove home hehe <3) that exam did go well (i got an 80% on it) and lucky the surgery went well too despite the last minute change in patient. I did get to help out a little during the procedure which was awesome. Our next surgery is this upcoming Thursday and I’m going to be the anesthesiologist (lots of pressure) but I’m excited!
yesssss, answer time hehe!
oh my sweetiepie! I really am so sorry it takes me so long to answer sometimes, but i really appreciate that you’re so understanding of everything i’m balancing! also can i just say how amazing you are with balancing working, studying, and being online for a majority of the spn news, like holy hell you’re a superhero for managing to keep on top of all those things. you thinking I’m gonna be an amazing vet has got me crying omg thank you so much! gosh, i dont think my stories are that good, but hearing you say they’re beautiful makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. awww shucks, thank you for liking the event i hosted for my milestone. I just wanted people to feel included and to share that special feeling with other amazing people in the fandom. ❤️ wait wait omg i made your heart skip a beat??? that’s literally so precious i want to wrap you up in warm blankets!
yessss im so happy you agree with cinnamon and apple scents for our wedding! gotta bring in those lovely rich and comforting smells!
omg i may have just giggled with happiness over you saying you love rapunzel! that’s my favorite song in the film omg that whole scene with the lanterns and the way her and eugene sneak glances at each other because they’re falling in love is so soft. (OHMYGOD yes yes yes we can have lanterns at our wedding i swear i literally just went 🥺🥺🥺 at your adorable idea!)
ooooh yay, I’m so glad you like the idea of mountains for the wedding. you’re so right the view will be perfect in autumn with all the changing leaves!
you’ve just made me blush for the hundredth time by calling my writing perfection. Trust me, coming from you, that literally means everything. Gosh, i dont know how i got so lucky to have people who love what i write. I just never thought my writing would connect with people, and to know it brought us together, that’s like a dream come true ❤️
ajdflkjadfkjssa I MADE YOU BLUSH!!! you’d better get used to it because I’m loudly proclaiming you’re my fiancé to anyone and everyone heheh! okay but literally every time i think ’you cant get any cuter’ you literally get CUTER and I cannot handle it! you melting? precious. knowing my vows will mean so much to you? adorable. your reactions? lovable. your sweetness? perfection.
oh yay, I’m so glad you’re so open to music of lots of genres. soft songs are my weakness. just another thing we have in common <3 I’d love to hear some of your favorite small artists so that i can listen to them too. I’m going to search Sleeping At Last as soon as my exam is over on Tuesday! <3 omg I’m so glad to have found someone else who also loves Ed and JB! omg Perfect is an amazing wedding song hehe. also omg Hesitate is literally one of my absolute favorites (I cried when they played it live on the HB tour before covid)! You plucked out my favorite lyrics I’m gonna sob omg i literally tear up every time I hear joe sing “i thank the oceans for giving me you, you saved me once and now i’ll save you too” because that’s the kind of love i want 🥺❤️ love songs are my favorite they’re just so pure and honest and raw, like you can actually feel the love in every single word in the song. I’m not much of a taylor fan, but i do admit she has some great bops and she’s a super talented artist.
oh no, my love, I’m so sorry to hear that you had a stressful week and weekend. I hope you’re doing okay now? did you have a better weekend this past weekend? did you do anything fun? can i do anything to make you feel better?
ilysm 🌷💍💖💜🥺
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 02
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but that doesn’t stop you from developing a very abnormal and completely unsolicited crush on your local hot police officer™. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. Oh, and he has a lifetime’s worth of emotional baggage at 23.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know that you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,083
Note: I am actually not American so if I depict the American school system, police system or any system incorrectly then I am really sorry!
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
You awaken from your not-so-graceful sleep only to see that it was 1:50pm and you had overslept. Oversleeping was very a common thing for you because you often forgot to set your alarms. You’ve trained your body to wake up at specific times from your unchanging routine which is why you were awake, minutes before your meeting with the goddamn Officer and very much not ready. You rushed out of bed with so much force that your self-induced blanket burrito rolled out onto the floor where you laid limply, regretting the brute force you had gotten up with. However, you didn’t learn anything from your mistake and continued with that same force towards the bathroom only to hit your bathroom door square in the face. 
You made it on time, looking somewhat presentable (you tried your best in the compressed time limit). Alex offered you a ride which helped unbelievably because you were incredibly late. You speed-walked to the front counter wand asked the secretary where to go. She looks at you plainly and before replying with much annoyance. “Officer Jeon instructed me to refer a message to you. The perpetrator confessed to the crime late last night and the case has been closed, we will no longer been needing your time.” Oh. Your heart began to sting a little at the realisation that you will never see the officer again but the realisation that you were free overpowered the pain. You smiled while walking towards the door but your happiness was short-lived. You spotted the attacker, hand-cuffed. You locked eyes for the second time although they seemed a lot less manic. 
He didn’t recognise you, that was clear enough but you knew you’d never be able to forget him and that thought scared you. Enough so to leave you frozen in the middle of the station. You stood there for what felt like an eternity before an officer shook your shoulder. “Are you okay?” You didn’t really look at her before nodding, a smile on your face as you thanked her a sped out of the building. You walked back to your dorm with only one thought on your mind. 
Morning classes were a bore and you often found yourself reciting the entire script of a movie instead of writing notes. You looked concentrated and teachers never noticed so it never really harmed anyone, except your GPA of course. It had been just over 2 weeks since you became the hottest news on campus and it blew over quite quickly. The buzz was bound to return though because the student who was attacked, William, was set to return to school that day. 
You were fired from your job at the store (because apparently hiring college students was problematic) which meant you had to spend your weekend tutoring privileged high schoolers instead. It was a Tuesday and you were at lunch when William approached you with a light tap on your shoulder, you removed your earphones from your ear and turned to face him but the moment your eyes landed on his face you could feel your lunch creeping back up. 
You were too scared to approach him yourself so you left a get-well-soon card and a teddy bear for him at the hospital which you assumed was why he was there. “I just wanted to thank you for that night, who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t call the police when you did.” You smiled but it was half-hearted. Your mind was filled with a quiet chant of ‘it should’ve been me’ every time you saw his face. “Honestly, it’s fine, I’m glad you’re okay.” You awkwardly gestured a thumbs up which was meant to be reassuring before you put your earphone back in and went back to your sandwich. Trying to shut up before you embarrassed yourself further ended quickly when he tapped your shoulder lightly again. 
“I’m sorry to bother you again but I was kind of wondering, did you know him? You know the student who…” “No, sorry I didn’t.” You answered quickly because you wanted the conversation to be over as soon as possible but you might’ve come off as rude. You noticed a glint sadness in his eye, a need for closure, a need to know he did nothing wrong. “I don’t think he had a motive for doing what he did to you though. From what I know, you’re a nice guy, I mean your hospital room had flowers everywhere.” He chuckled a little before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
“You visited?” It was just then that you remembered that you had forgotten to sign the card. “Oh! Yes, I left a bear there it was pink, kind of ugly but it was the best thing the gift shop had. It was either that or a Giraffe that said ‘it’s a boy!’” You were rambling, you knew that much but you couldn’t stop yourself if you tried. “Thank you, for everything…” “Y/N.” “Right, Y/N. Maybe we can get coffee sometime or something?” You gulped while in deep thought, you weren’t sure if you could ever make it up to him but you were willing to try. “Sure!”
Once he left, you stared back at your deflated peanut butter sandwich before poking at the stale bread. “Ah, fuck it.” You threw away your crusty sandwich and walked to the nearby cafe which you often avoided like the plague during lunch hours because it was bustling with students. That day was an exception, you needed carbs and you needed them stat. You walked into the cafe, ready to order cheesy fries when you saw him. Officer Jeon. You cursed under your breath and allowed yourself to stare a little. You knew officers often came here since it was around the station but you had never seen him there. 
You were waiting in line while he sat down with 2 of his co-workers. You watched them pick up the menus and discuss what they wanted to eat. You were invested in staring until a loud voice startled you. “Next waiting.” That was your cue and you almost missed it staring at the Officer with obvious heart eyes. You held the little table number concoction in your hand as you made your way to sit in the far corner seat where you always sat. But you didn’t go as unnoticed as usual. The incident was still fresh news for the a few students even though it had been 2 weeks. Some students thought you were a hero while others remain confused because “does she even go here?” But the majority never really cared about you but stared anyway because that was the way society worked. You sat and slowly retracted into a small ball of dismal anxiety while you waited for your cheesy fries to arrive. 
“Hey isn’t that the awkward kid that you questioned, Jeon?” The officer parallel to him asks loudly, clearly pointing at you which made you retract into the corner even further. “Oh yeah I saw her at the station, poor thing she looked so helpless.” To make matters worse, the woman next to him was the one who checked on you at the station. To top off the embarrassment, Officer Jeon turned around to look at you right when you accidentally smashed your toe on the edge of the table while trying to grab your bag. You winced and chanted “ow, ow, ow, ow,” until you abruptly stopped after realising you were being watched by 3 amused officers. 
You managed a small smile and a wave before you grabbed your laptop from your bag and tried to distract yourself from the major discomfort you had endured. Everything went well for a collective amount of 37 seconds before the man you found intimidatingly attractive sat on the seat opposite yours. You peeked over your laptop a little because for some reason you believed that if you couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see you. However, his tall physique allowed him to clearly see you crouched behind the laptop screen. “Hey.” You feigned a smile and pretended to not be completely disturbed by his presence. “Hi.” You squeaked back before internally slapping yourself for sounding so timid but unfortunately your handbook on social interactions seemed to lack a chapter that covered ‘how to talk to attractive police officers who you are low key crushing on but can never be with for longer than 2 seconds without combusting into a nervous mess’. 
“How’s everything going? I heard you visited the station looking a little scared.” You chuckled nervously, your laugh becoming slower and slower before dissipating into an awkward silence. “You see, that wasn’t me that was just someone who happened to look a lot like me. You know, me and my common face.” These were moments you wished you could forget because your communication skills were frankly astonishing. However, instead of worrying over your inability to make small talk, he laughed. Officer Jeon laughed at something you said and it was super fucking cute. 
“You know Y/N, you’re really…unique?” You held back a snort as you laughed under your breath. “You seem so shy and timid but you looked like you were going to bite my head off at the station.” You started violently chugging your water down, this time for far too long because you didn’t want to reply. “Well, you see I was very…dehydrated? And you know what dehydration can do to someone.” You were never a very good liar which proved to be an important skill in times like such. 
He curved his eyebrow at you questioningly but didn’t care to press further, soon after the waiter came with your cheesy fires. You thought it would be rude to eat in front of him so you just stared at the bowl quietly. “Aren’t you going to eat?” “Yeah I was just waiting for it to cool down.” You awkwardly crouched to slowly blow on your cheesy fries which just made him stare at you amusingly. “You’re a weird kid, Y/N. I’ll get going now, it was nice catching up.” You nodded before William crossed your mind. You lunged forward to tug on his sleeve to stop him from leaving. “Wait, do you think you could um, tell me what happened with the case?” “Meet me here tomorrow at 5 and I’ll tell you what I can.” And with that, he left. 
“And thEN HE LEAVES, HE JUST LEAVES ALEX, DOESN’T EVEN GIVE ME HIS NUMBER, OR EVEN HIS FIRST NAME?!?” You angrily protested to your friend who was more interested in her phone than the conversation. “Hey, Alex, are you even listening?” Your question fell on unhearing ears so you yelled again to catch her attention. “Alex!” “What?” She replied, a little annoyed but she didn’t push further at the sight of your glare. “I’m sure he was just leaving then because he had to, you know, special police business or something. I bet he’s into you, you’re adorable.” She ruffled the top of your head and you smiled bitterly. Compliments from Alex were normally out of pity and she had a lot to pity you for. She was prettier than you, nicer than you and uncannily good at socialising. This generally meant that whatever boy you were into, was into her. 
“Is he really that cute? I need to meet him.” “No! I mean, I don’t even know his name, it’s not important. Don’t waste your time.” Your abrupt exclamation made you feel a little guilty. You’d never voiced your insecurities with Alex and yet you held her completely accountable which was entirely unfair. “Oh, alright. So, what movie are we watching tonight?” Her attention was trained on her phone again as she asked the question. She looked up at you suddenly with pleading eyes and you knew exactly what she wanted. “Just go.” You waved her off with your hand and she didn’t hesitate before leaving you to go to her room. You allowed yourself to melt into the couch as you moped over spending another Friday night alone again. “Wait, Alex! Can I come with you?”
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harianadimples · 5 years
He Held The World Upon a Dream
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6.2k: hariana, single!dad harry, single!mom ariana warning(s): purest fluff, wholesome dad!harry content *chef’s kiss*
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Harry and Bambi usually had to wait for Teddy to come from another part of the school since the Year 1’s exited from another part of the school. Harry could remember the way Bambi sprinted towards him one day, a big smile gracing her face as she hugged him hello. It’d been a particularly short hug since Bambi was eager to tell him about her new friend, Luna. The two were partnered up for reading buddies, and were sat next to each other in class. Harry remembered Bambi pointing towards a small girl across the way; Harry assumed it was Luna. With Luna appeared to be a woman, but he didn’t see her face as the woman’s back was to them. He recalled Bambi telling him that she was Luna’s mother and that she was ‘really pretty, like a princess’; in her words.
It’d been about a month now, and he’s never gotten more than a glimpse of this woman. It’s amazing how acquainted he’s become with the back of her head, which always seemed to have her hair up in a ponytail. He’s never gotten a chance to approach her since she seemed to drop off Luna well before he’d arrive with Teddy and Bambi, and the times when he definitely could approach her during pick-up, his body would betray him and he’d stay well enough away to avoid a series of awkward situations his poor overthinking mind would concoct for him.
Yet, there was one time when he’d slept through his alarm and had to drop Teddy and Bambi off through the front office so he could sign them in. He saw her then, still the back of her head, but he heard her. Oddly enough he was blindsided by the sound of her voice before it even registered in his mind that she wasn’t English. Her voice was soft, with a certain quality to it that he likened to a melody. As a musician he’d fallen completely in love with the tone of her voice. He didn’t know anything at all about this woman, aside from her being the mother of his daughter’s friend, but he could tell from her voice and his daughter’s dramatization of this woman’s elusive beauty, that she could be the most perfect woman to ever walk the earth– in his head.
“He Held The World Upon a Dream”
The one inspired by “She” by Harry life ruiner Styles
“Bambi, wake up,” Harry gently poked the sides of his sleeping toddler, earning a low whine of annoyance from the four-year-old as she raised her Star-Wars themed blanket and hid herself under to avoid him. “Teddy first,” his youngest mumbled, referring to Theodore, her older brother by two years. There’s a precious twang in how she speaks, reflecting her young age which makes Harry’s heart soar a little.
“M’already awake Bambi. C’mon get up, daddy made chocolate chip waffles and I want some,” Teddy spoke from the doorway with crossed arms as Bambi suddenly pushed her blanket off herself, sitting up straight, which made Harry lean back quickly to avoid injury.
“Choc-o-late waffles?” Bambi gasped. “But it’s Tuesday?”
“I know, baby. Know you’ve been a little sad lately since we moved away from your friends at your old school, so it’s my treat,” Harry explained as he smoothed his hand over her unruly curls. 
“But, are we having waffles on Friday?” Bambi asked slowly, now finding interest in the sun shining through the curtains.
“Of course angel, like always,” Harry assured her.
“Can have waffles right now…”
“Teddy,” Harry turned to his son who didn’t seem to be phased by his father hearing what he’d muttered under his breath.
Harry had set out Bambi’s outfit for the day the night before. It had begun to be rather dreary in London; grey skies and dry air. Teddy was already ready, so the pair left Bambi’s room to let her get dressed while they made their way down to the kitchen. As they put out three plates of waffles on the dining table, the quiet pitter-patter of tiny feet could be heard as Bambi entered through the corridor. Harry helped his kids into their seats, rolling up the sleeves of their jumpers before joining them to eat.
“Daddy?” Bambi’s small voice spoke through a bite of waffles.
“Swallow first angel, remember manners” Harry gestured for her to do so, which took a minute since she’d taken quite a large bite. 
“Daddy?” Bambi asked again.
“Yes, my love?” Harry chirped with the same enthusiasm.
“Can you braid my hair after?”
“Sure baby. You didn’t like the space buns I did on you yesterday?”
“I like it, but Luna has braids and I like her.”
“Ohhh,” Harry nodded understandingly, “is this the same Luna who is in your reading buddy group?”
“Yeah, she’s my friend,” Bambi smiled.
“See, Bambi, moving can be scary, but you’ll get to meet all kinds of people and make new friends and make new memories. And it doesn’t mean you have to forget your old friends, you’re just gaining more; the more the merrier.” 
Harry was happy to know that Bambi had made a friend. He’d only seen a glimpse of this Luna when he’d arrived to pick up Bambi and Teddy from school on their first day. 
He felt it was necessary to be there for drop-off and pick-up since they’d started a new school. He didn’t want his children to be frightened, and wanted them to adjust on their own terms rather than his own. It did require some sacrifices to be made on his part, as a musician, to opt out of making appearances to promote his music so he could spend time with his children. Yet, as a father, he’d much rather be with his children anyway, than having to play the part of a charismatic singer for the interests of others. His fans had been understanding of his new schedule and the proceedings that have unfolded since Teddy was born. Of course it took some time for the world to adjust to the idea of ‘singer-songwriter, Harry Styles, becomes a father,’ meanwhile Harry couldn’t have felt more than excited, yet terrified, to embark on the adventure of fatherhood. By the time Bambi came along, Harry was certain that being a father was the most important thing to him, and really, the only full-time job that is fulfilling to his soul.
Harry and Bambi usually had to wait for Teddy to come from another part of the school since the Year 1’s exited from another part of the school. Harry could remember the way Bambi sprinted towards him one day, a big smile gracing her face as she hugged him hello. It’d been a particularly short hug since Bambi was eager to tell him about her new friend, Luna. The two were partnered up for reading buddies, and were sat next to each other in class. Harry remembered Bambi pointing towards a small girl across the way; Harry assumed it was Luna. With Luna appeared to be a woman, but he didn’t see her face as the woman’s back was to them. He recalled Bambi telling him that she was Luna’s mother and that she was ‘really pretty, like a princess’; in her words.
It’d been about a month now, and he’s never gotten more than a glimpse of this woman. It’s amazing how acquainted he’s become with the back of her head, which always seemed to have her hair up in a ponytail. He’s never gotten a chance to approach her since she seemed to drop off Luna well before he’d arrive with Teddy and Bambi, and the times when he definitely could approach her during pick-up, his body would betray him and he’d stay well enough away to avoid a series of awkward situations his poor overthinking mind would concoct for him.
Yet, there was one time when he’d slept through his alarm and had to drop Teddy and Bambi off through the front office so he could sign them in. He saw her then, still the back of her head, but he heard her. Oddly enough he was blindsided by the sound of her voice before it even registered in his mind that she wasn’t English. Her voice was soft, with a certain quality to it that he likened to a melody. As a musician he’d fallen completely in love with the tone of her voice. He didn’t know anything at all about this woman, aside from her being the mother of his daughter’s friend, but he could tell from her voice and his daughter’s dramatization of this woman’s elusive beauty, that she could be the most perfect woman to ever walk the earth– in his head.
By nine in the morning, Harry had pulled his car into the school parking lot. They walked the rest of the way to the pavement, where other parents were dropping off their kids as well.
“Bye daddy, see you later!” Teddy collected his hug and kisses from Harry quickly before running off to join his group of friends on the playground. Harry chuckled and waved him off before pulling Bambi along.
They hadn’t gotten far before a small girl came running up to Bambi, tackling her with a hug.
“Luna!” Hearing his youngest’s shrill laughter brought another warm feeling in Harry’s stomach as he took in the young girls’ reunion. Luna seemed to notice that Harry was still there, and gave him a curious look.
“Are you Bambi’s dad?” Luna asked.
“Yes, I am, and you are Luna. Bambi is always telling stories about your adventures here over dinner,” Harry chuckled.
“Your hair Bambi!” Luna suddenly gasped as she reached for the braids that fell over Bambi’s shoulders.
“Yeah, my daddy did ‘em for me,” Bambi smiled proudly at Harry who felt like he could fall to his knees at any moment. “Okay, daddy you can go now. I’m with Luna.” And… that moment passed.
“Alright angel, but first give daddy a hug and kiss goodbye.”
He made sure to squeeze her extra tight and make the kiss extra wet and noisy, just for the sake of it, and revelled in the high-pitch whine that came from Bambi as she struggled to escape him. Harry laughed with her as he eventually set her down and let Bambi run off with Luna.
He saw her again; only a glimpse from behind as she helped Luna into her car. Harry doesn’t recall noticing anyone else with her as he drove off with that one thought in his mind.
“Daddy is doing some writing with the band today, but I still want you to start your homework right away when we get home. I’ll have Ben sit with you so he can help you if you need it.”
“Can we watch cartoons after?” Teddy asked.
“Only if you finish your homework first. Ben will check it, and so will I after.”
When they arrived at the house, Ben was already sat at the dining table with a series of snacks set out for Teddy and Bambi when they arrived. He kneeled down and greeted the two-younglings with a hug.
“Thanks for the help Ben,” Harry said as he clapped his hand over Ben’s shoulder, giving him a friendly shake before picking off an animal cracker from Bambi’s plate to eat. “I’m gonna go set up the studio. When the rest of the band arrive just send them to the den.”
“Anything else H?”
“No, that’s it for now,” Harry paused, checking his phone for any messages. It was 1:32 in the afternoon and he was feeling rather drained. “Actually, could you run out and get coffee?”
Harry lived a ten-minute walk away from a plaza which had this quaint café where he usually got his coffee, so he wouldn’t be long. Once Ben was gone, Harry slid into the seat next to Bambi who had already pulled out her workbook and pencil case, and was sharpening her pencil.
“So what are we looking at?” Harry asked.
“Math. This is a circle,” Bambi explained, pointing at the rough drawing on her page. “I have to practice drawing the shapes.”
“What about you Teddy?” Harry asked.
“Practicing writing letters and then I have to read aloud this book,” Teddy explained.
The two ate their snacks as they worked quietly. Harry liked putting on a playlist of instrumentals of songs they like on low volume as white noise for them, since they seemed to focus better without the silence. Bambi was having fun copying the shapes in her workbook, oftentimes just completely straying from the correct shape and adding faces in their centres for her own entertainment. Meanwhile, Teddy seemed highly concentrated on not veering off line, making sure every stroke of his pencil was straight and pressed deeply onto the page.
Ben soon returned with Harry’s coffee. 
“Okay babies, I’ll just be in the den.” Harry kissed the top of their heads before taking his coffee into the next room down the corridor, shutting the door behind him.
Harry had turned the den into his own makeshift studio a few months before Teddy was born. He knew he couldn’t leave his new family, but he couldn’t just stop working all together with his kind of profession, especially since Teddy arrived as a surprise, and neither he nor his team had a real plan at the time. So, the studio was the first sort of stability that he arrived at that would allow him to work from home and look after Teddy as well. Having Ben as his assistant was also quite helpful.
As he sat at the couch with his journal and coffee, he thumbed through the pages until he arrived at a blank page. On the page on its left he’d drawn a rough sketch of the mysterious woman he knew nothing about. Of course, the sketch was of the back of her small frame against an open background; he hadn’t decided on what background he’d give her. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to immortalize her in a school playground, since she’s seemed to be appearing in other places as well. Perhaps Harry’s gone totally insane, but he’d once thought he’d seen her at the market, a completely different territory from the familiarity of the school playground. She’d somehow embedded herself in his mind when he saw her in her in the school office and heard her voice. 
Harry thought about earlier that day, when he saw her walking with Luna to their car. How her hair, in its ponytail, moved with her as she’d look at Luna every once in a while, engrossed in the story of her day. She seemed like such an attentive mother, very caring and sweet to her daughter who looked at her like she hung the moon.
Another thing Harry noticed was that she always picked up Luna alone. 
Harry wondered where Luna’s father was, but had some intuition that her mother might be in the same boat as him. That would be a good topic of conversation with her, something that would bring them closer. Though, it’d be rather awkward for Harry to finally introduce himself to this woman, saying along the lines: ‘Hey, I’m a single parent too. Let’s have coffee sometime.’ Not to mention how assumptive it is and rather intrusive.
Regardless, he’d still love to have coffee with her someday. The idea brings such warmth to Harry’s cheeks, not from shyness but from pure embarrassment, because he’s never even met the woman, let alone spoken to her. Yet here he was, absolutely infatuated with her already. He figured that he’d eventually properly meet her considering their daughters were becoming closer and closer each day. 
Harry dreaded the reaction he’d get from his band, whom are some of his closest friends, once they heard about this woman. Whether he pursued her or not, they’d find some way to tease him about their relationship which, for now, doesn’t exist yet. They already thought he was seeing someone since he tended to get lost in his daydreams of her, but he kept this one to himself, mostly because he wouldn’t know what to say to them if they asked who she was because he literally doesn’t know who she is.
At dinner Harry sat quietly as he went around the table, letting his babies talk about their day between bites. Teddy was more self-manageable and knew how to feed himself, while Bambi still needed some assistance slicing her food into smaller bits, so while he did that for her, he and Bambi listened to Teddy talk about what he did in school that days.
“Can I bring my barbie to play tomorrow?” Teddy asked, wrapping up his story.
“Course bubs, but make sure you don’t lose it again. It’ll be your fourth one this month,” Harry said. 
“Ketchup daddy,” Bambi spoke up, making grabby hands for the bottle. Harry picked up the bottle, squeezing a dollop in the corner of her plate. Bambi pouted at the size, gazing up at her father with her big eyes.
“Last time you left so much on your plate because you squeezed so much,” Harry sighed, giving her nose a light tap with his fingertip.
“It was on accident,” Bambi pouted, “it just went phflttt.” 
“So, what did you do at school today?”
“Learn stuff,” Bambi shrugged.
“Oh, what stuff?”
“Like math and words. I read and coloured– oh!” Bambi’s eyes suddenly widened as she heaved herself off her chair, sprinting around the table to where her bag was resting in a chair. She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a folded piece of construction paper. She walked to Harry, opening it for him to see. “I drew this for you.”
“Oh, wow!” Harry gasped, taking the paper gently, careful not to get any of his food on it since it was much larger than he expected.
“That’s you, and that’s Teddy, and that’s me, and that’s the house,” Bambi explained, pointing at three stick figures and a rough shape of a house.
“What’s that there?” Harry asked, pointing to a beige ball in stick-Bambi’s arms.
“A doggie…” Bambi trailed off. 
Harry sighed deeply, unable to hold back a smile when he peered at his daughter, seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes as she mirrored his smile; dimples and all.
“What’s its name?” Teddy asked, now interested in Bambi’s drawing as he kneeled in his chair to see better.
“Careful Teddy.”
“Waffles,” Bambi grinned. “Daddy, did you know Luna has a doggie? She has like ten of them!”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, its name is pis-pitache-pista-um–.”
“Yeah! Luna said that when I get a doggie we can play at the park together so Waffles and Pi-ta-cho can be best friends like us!” 
“Bambi,” Harry sighed, choosing his next words carefully as to not upset his daughter, “remember what we agreed?”
“That we’re gonna wait a little,” Bambi sighed after a brief moment of silence.
“I’m sorry angel. Right now you and Teddy are my priority. I want to make sure you’re both settled before we bring in a new member to the family. Training a dog takes a lot of time and effort.”
“I can help,” Bambi spoke in a small voice, leaning her head on Harry’s shoulder. “I can be res-pi-ble.”
“I know you can baby, but it’s not the best time right now. But, if you want, we can go to some shelters this weekend and we can have a look.”
“Okay,” Bambi sighed. Harry never liked disappointing his kids, but they’d somehow been raised which such an unbelievable sense of empathy that he sometimes wished they’d tell him off when he was acting like a dickhead. But no, they hardly ever threw a tantrum; usually it’s when they’re tired and grumpy, and after a bit of screaming, toys being thrown, and the door to their bedroom slamming, Harry would come up and speak to them, not really speaking himself, but making sure his kids felt comfortable enough to be open with him. He wanted to teach his kids to not be closed off from their emotions, and to be able to feel free to express themselves. They’re bound to say something out-of-pocket because of their young age, but with those instances come lessons to be learned, and everyday is a new opportunity for them to pick up on life lessons whether they were searching for an answer to a homework question or asking for a pet.
After dinner, Harry let Teddy and Bambi watch some tv while he cleared the table and washed the dishes. Afterward, he carried them upstairs and prepared them a bath. He let them soak in the water for a few minutes while he ran out and put out clothes for the pair in their room. After washing, he wrapped them up in towels and carried them out. He helped Bambi change first before moving onto Teddy.
“Go on and pick a book while I help your sister with her hair,” Harry said as Teddy nodded and approached the small bookcase, kneeling in front of it to select a book.
Harry walked to Bambi’s bed where she sat, her feet dangling above the floor as she kicked them back and forth, her attention clearly set on her pink-coloured toes. Harry reached for the de-tangle brush on her bedside and sat down on her bed, lifting her so she could sit in his lap while he combed her hair.
Harry couldn’t resist; he buried his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply.
“Hmmm, my baby smells so clean, like watermelon.” 
Harry knew the bottle claimed to smell like the fruit, and even if it didn’t necessarily smell like actual watermelon, it still smelled rather nice and fruity. He and Bambi seemed to share the same nose for things like scents, since they have the same taste in shampoo smells and candles, and such.
Bambi’s hair was getting rather long, but Harry didn’t want to cut it. He thought she looked so adorable with her long curls, and until Bambi raised any complaints he wasn’t going to force her to get it cut. It meant her needing a special routine to keep them looking nice and healthy, which thankfully after some weeks of trial and error and more research, Harry came up with the perfect routine for her. The only downside was the time it took to do for her, but it made for some quality father-daughter time.
Teddy had a similar routine with his curls, only his hair took less time to do since his hair was much shorter than Bambi’s so Harry would often do his once he was done with Bambi. When Bambi was all set, Harry moved onto Teddy and sat him in his lap with the brush. 
“Oh, brilliant choice,” Harry said as Teddy opened the book.
“Are you ready Bambi?”
“Ye-Yeah,” Bambi yawned.
“Okay.” It took Teddy a moment to find a comfortable position in Harry’s arms. As he began to read aloud, he followed the words with his finger like he’ learned in school, and took his time to get the words right. “A m-mother held her baby… and very slowly rocked him back and forth… back and forth… back and forth… and while she held him, she sang,” Teddy paused, looking up at Harry as if that were his cue.
“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be,” Harry sang, rocking Teddy. He let his little one wriggle around, smiling gently to himself at the earnestness of the young boy as he propped the book up so Bambi could see the pictures from where she laid in bed.
That evening Harry had the strangest dream. He’d woken up fully alert, long before he was due to bound because his dream had felt so real, and so good, that it seemed like his brain was ahead of his heart this time and knew, this one needed to be written down. So, Harry immediately turned on his bedside lamp, reached for his journal, and opened to a fresh page.
Harry stood by, watching from afar as Bambi came into view among the children leaving through the double doors of the school building. Bambi wasn’t alone; she was holding hands with her friend Luna, paying very little attention to where she was walking as she kept her attention on the young girl which nearly sent her to the ground. Harry, knowing it was wrong, couldn’t help but laugh at his little girl’s fumble; she’d gotten her legs from him anyway.
“Hi daddy!” Bambi finally noticed Harry standing nearby, and briefly left her friend to run up to him. She tackled his legs first before he bent down to pick her up, carrying her so he could properly squeeze her and kiss her plump cheeks. Though, this didn’t last long as Bambi wrestled herself out of Harry’s arms to return to Luna.
“Mumma!” It was Luna’s turn to leave Bambi behind as she ran past Harry.
“Hello, my darling,” the woman cooed as she greeted her daughter.
Harry stood with her as they watched their daughters begin talking among themselves again. Teddy joined the pair, pulled in by the handle on his bag by Bambi. Harry chuckled at his surprised expression which eventually mellowed out as he hugged Bambi, but not before playfully shoving her.
Seeing his daughter seemingly opening up to somebody other than himself or Teddy was such a relief for him, and just a generally nice thing for him to see. She’d always been a rather anxious child, which made making friends a little difficult for her, but she’s always had the biggest heart, and a quality about her that made her care a lot for anyone in her radius, which in return made them care for her. Still, sometimes she can grow a little tired trying to keep up with the exchanges of daily life and it can put her in a low mood. Moving has taken on toll on her for sure. It’s something he works on with her, but it seemed like she’s beginning to adjust to the new change; slowly, but gradually, she’s returning to her cheerful self. Teddy would attest that he’s done more for Bambi, being her older brother who reads a bedtime story for her, and lets her play with his dolls under his supervision, and sometimes finishes her homework for her when she falls asleep. Though, as their father, he tries not to promote his son’s inherent sense of responsibility for his sister’s upbringing since that’s primarily his responsibility; he does pride himself in having produced a son as empathetic as Teddy. Likewise, he prides himself in producing someone as caring and accepting as Bambi. 
Harry was sure that he had sprung a few tears just thinking about his babies when he felt someone tug his arm. 
“They grow up so fast, don’t they?” The woman next to him sighed right next to his ear.
“Swear it was only yesterday; I was carrying Bambi from the nursery, and bringing her in so Teddy could hold her.”
A reel of Bambi’s birth abruptly played for him, like his brain needed him to see what happened when his princess was born. She completed his ideal family: one boy and one girl, though Harry was never opposed to having more kids. His immediate family was rather small, but he had plenty of cousins who he was close to. Being a family oriented person, Harry was more than happy with the idea of growing his family, though time would only tell before he was ready to open up about why he hasn’t exactly leaped at the chance.
Teddy had the honour of naming Bambi, though it was unintentional. He’d been upset that he wasn’t a part of her birth, having to stay with Anne and Gemma in the waiting room while his little sister was being delivered. Harry recalls how he felt when he held Bambi for the first time; he was a father again, this time to a baby girl; it’s a feeling that can’t be replicated easily, or as often as he’d like, so he christened the moment by singing “Isn’t She Lovely” to his new angel, or rather blubbered through it since he couldn’t stop crying at how perfect she was now that she was in his world. When he was given the okay to show Bambi to his family, he’d interrupted his restless son who was complaining to his grandmother and aunt.
“I wanna see Bambi!” Teddy suddenly yelled.
It turned out Teddy wanted to watch the movie Bambi, but Harry’s always been fond of the movie and in that moment Harry’s heightened emotions found the name Bambi to be perfect for his little one. 
“She’s right here,” He said, bringing Bambi into everyone’s view as if she’s always been in their world; always been Bambi.
To this day Teddy claims naming her Bambi was intentional, and despite how often they argue at times, Teddy loves her more than his little heart can comprehend. But he wouldn’t admit it to you in words, he’ll just try to fight you if you upset her.
“I know what you mean,” The woman sighed wistfully, “nice to finally meet you, by the way. I’ve seen you around while picking up Luna. Her and Bambi are real close, she tells me all about Bambi on our drives home.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Harry smiled, “yeah, Bambi is really fond of your daughter. All the stories she tells at dinner involve Luna. We’re new here, so I’m happy to see them get along so well.”
“Really? Welcome! I would have never guessed; you and the kids just seem so well adjusted. It’s like you’ve lived here your entire lives.”
“Oh, you know, it’s still a work in progress, but everyday is a better day.”
She had to go, but they arranged a playdate for Luna and Bambi. The park felt like a nice place to start. Harry’s place has been relatively messy since his band tended to leave bits of their life behind, practically turning his home into a hub for them to crash at whenever they were nearby and needed somewhere to sleep. Regardless of the state of his house, he’d been to the park a few times already, passing through on his morning jogs after dropping off the kids, and he knew there was a jungle gym and sets of swings for the kids to play, which was surrounded by a small open field for them run in. It just felt safe.
He got to learn more about the woman as they kept a third eye on the girls and Teddy who’d somehow been coerced into pushing the pair on the swings. The details remained cloudy in his mind, but somehow his soul felt every word she spoke. 
He knew this woman. 
He knew her well. 
So, he asked her out, and after a few dates, a couple fights, great make up sex, and more time spent, he knew, moments into their first conversation on that park bench under the sycamore tree, that he was going to marry this girl; whoever she may be.
“Theodore, wake up little one, my Theo-ooo–.”
“I’m Teddy daddy,” His son whined through a bellied yawn as he stretched his arms outward, knocking Harry in the face. 
“Put your sweater on. Bit chilly downstairs,” Harry told his son, ruffling his curls before moving onto his snoring daughter who’s proven to be the more difficult one to wake up, being the heaviest sleeper in the family; she’s slept through the thunderstorms that have even kept up Harry from the sound, yet she’d managed to get a full night’s rest. Meanwhile Harry and Teddy, who’d never been a fan of loud, unpredictable sounds, stayed up watching cartoons on Harry’s phone until they fell asleep.
“Bambi,” Harry whispered into his daughter’s hair as he gently combed his fingers through her hair, “c’mon my love, Bambi, time to wake up angel.”
Harry waited a few seconds before trying again. Sometimes Bambi tended to be a little grumpy when she’s disturbed from her sleep. As an infant she’d cry relentlessly, but by two she learned to express her annoyances by crossing her arms and pouting, and now at four she’s become more selective, either doing the latter or completely ignoring you with the odd 
‘Are you serious right now’ look thrown your way.
“I can wake her up.”
Harry looked at Teddy who was holding his pillow above his head, eager to swing. “No Teddy,” Harry immediately shut down his son’s mischievous plan, glancing at his daughter who continued snoring loudly. “We’ll just have eat breakfast without Bambi. Too bad she’s going to miss out on chocolate-chip waffles.”
Suddenly, Bambi’s snoring ceased altogether as she sat up quickly, throwing her covers off her small body before leaping past Harry and Teddy towards the bedroom door, yelling, “Waffles! Race ya Teddy!”
“Hey! Wait for me, ugh, Bambi, no fair!” Teddy sprinted out the door after her, while Harry chuckled, leaving their room his well.
He took a slight detour, making his way back towards the bedroom where she was laying in bed, right where he left her. He sighed deeply, smiling at how she’d somehow ended up in a completely different position from the one she started in. She tended to be a fussy sleeper, so he didn’t hold it against her when she’d knock him in the back sometimes with her elbow or cuddle too close to his front which would make him unbearably hard for the rest of the night.
This time she was laying in a sort of flamingo yoga pose, though she was lying down, and had her arm resting over her eyes to block out the light coming in through the window. The moment the bed dipped as Harry sat down on his side of the bed, her arm shifted, revealing her glassy eyes.
“The kids awake?” She asked, her voice roughened by sleep.
“Hmm, hmm, even got Bambi to wake up before you,” Harry said as he leaned into his pillow a little more, “think that means you owe me a kiss.”
She laughed softly and pursed her lips. They kissed for a while in the comfort of their shared bed, resting on their pillows under the matching blanket she picked out for them. Harry was blissed out to the point he’d nearly fallen asleep with his hands permanently gripping her hips as they made small circles against his clothed dick.
“What’re you doing?” A small voice spoke from their doorway which made Harry nearly jump out of his skin. She, on the other hand, kept herself calm as she moved herself away from Harry and out of bed to pick up the little girl who was looking at them like they were aliens.
“Just giving daddy his morning kisses,” She explained as the little girl nodded slowly.
“But it looked like you were hurting him.”
“He’s okay, but maybe he needs some more morning kisses,” She said as she carried the little girl over to Harry.
“Good morning little Luna,” Harry smiled at the little girl. “I’ll have your morning kisses downstairs, okay, I just gotta use the bathroom real quick. Teddy and Bambi are already downstairs.”
Luna was happy to hear that, and wriggled herself free from her mother to leave the room. As soon as Luna left, Harry ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
A few minutes later, he’d finally come down. She was waiting for him in their bedroom, a smile of pure enjoyment in his situation that he kissed on before pulling her down the corridor.
Five plates were set out instead of three at the dining table. Two dogs run past Harry’s feet as he takes his seat next to his wife. She’s talking to Bambi and Teddy and Luna about something he can’t seem to know, but her voice is a waning presence that he can’t help but swim in, so he just listens to her go on about what it is she’s talking about; he must look like her fourth kid, the way he’s staring at her.
She looks at him with an innocent smile, and gently kisses his lips for no reason at all. Hers are sticky from the syrup she had with her waffles, which makes him physically react just to hear his kids yell about how gross they’re being: groaning in union, their expressions of disgust which only makes Harry laugh.
“Mum, dad!”
The dream ended there, so abruptly in the middle of a family moment that Harry needed a moment between waking up and gathering his writing material to remind himself that it wasn’t reality. After writing it out, Harry can see the weird streams of consciousness his brain took as he somehow shifted from dreaming about finally introducing himself to the mysterious woman at Bambi and Teddy’s school, to envisioning a whole life with her and her daughter where they’d come together as one big family.
Harry knew it was normal for some dreams to feel real. This one just felt cruel. 
Dreams that tend to include real people and real places have relevance. For Harry, he knew it was because he wanted to know this woman, and he supposed deep down, his subconscious felt ready to introduce a new woman into his children’s lives, and another sibling. But Harry, even knowing this, felt pathetic. Mostly because the reality hit that he had nowhere near the confidence of his dream-self, and he wasn’t bold enough to just pursue a woman as perfect as she is when he feels relatively like shit, if he were to be honest.
Harry has a lot of reason to be afraid to do the bare minimum as merely introducing himself. First of all, she might not be single like he imagines her to be, which would end things rather quickly before they start. Or, she could be completely out of his league and will laugh in his face if he dares to talk to her. But she sounded lovely, and too nice to be the rude kind so he doubts this heavily; she’s still out of his league though. Somehow, even more terrifyingly, if he does happen to move forward through the friend zone and into a relationship with her, theoretically, it’ll be a huge change for himself and his kids, and he doesn’t want them to be afraid or closed off, and he definitely wouldn’t move forward with anything unless they approved; Bambi and Teddy were his number one priority.
He packed the dream away, deciding to not to dwell on the details before they occurred since overthinking doesn’t do much for productivity. Harry needed to introduce himself to this woman before he goes insane. He wanted to be a part of her life somehow; he has Bambi to thank for being friends with Luna, otherwise he wouldn’t have accidentally fallen in love with the idea of this woman. But until they meet, she’ll have to live in his daydreams with him.
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Happy (Cat) Valentines Day ♡ Hope you enjoyed this one. Part 2 coming soon .x
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remywrites5 · 5 years
Can you write something about harry and sirius godfather relationship
Remus had just finished putting Teddy down for the night when he went into his study and booted up his laptop. He clicked on Youtube and went to his favorite channel “Rebel without a Sprog.” A video had been uploaded earlier that day and Remus was anxious to watch it.
           He clicked on it and sat back as it began to play. He turned the volume down a bit so it wouldn’t disturb Teddy who was sleeping down the hall. It seemed to be a Q&A video. Sirius, the person who ran the channel, came into view sitting in a large comfy looking chair. Their long dark hair had been braided to the side and they were wearing an off the shoulder grey oversized t-shirt and leggings. Their knee was up towards their chest, hugging it with a playful smile on their lips.
           “Hi everyone!” Sirius said, giving a little wave. “It’s been awhile since we’ve done a Q and A video and some of you have been asking for one. Some of these might be repeats of other Q and A videos because I’m too lazy to go back and see what has already been asked.”
           Sirius grabbed their phone and brought it up, resting it on their knee so they could read it. “The first question is what does Harry call me. I know being genderfluid might make the mum or dad moniker kind of tricky, but seeing as I’m not his mum or dad he just calls me Padfoot or Pads. It was a nickname James came up with when we were together at school and it just kind of stuck. I find that’s easier for me because I’m not looking to replace his parents so I don’t think mum or dad would ever truly feel like they fit me all that well.”
           Sirius continued on – answering some questions about parenting. Remus tried to pay attention but he was distracted by Sirius and watching them as they talked. They had on some sort of lipstick that made their lips really shiny and Remus found he couldn’t look away. He would end up re-watching the video anyway like he did with all of Sirius’ videos.
           He stopped being distracted when a question came up about Sirus’ love life. “Oh no, I hate this question but I’m going to answer it anyway. How do you balance raising a child on your own and having a love life?” Sirius exhaled loudly and stared at the camera for a moment. “So here’s the thing about this question, at least when it comes to me. Harry comes first – full stop. If it’s a choice between raising Harry right or finding love for myself, the choice is easy. It’s always going to be Harry. When James and Lily died they entrusted their son to me and that is not a task I take lightly. So right now I’m not dating. It’s difficult enough to find someone who is fine with me as I am without throwing in the fact that I’ve got a kid. Now if some gorgeous stranger wanted to show up and sweep me off my feet I’m not going to protest that. But if Harry doesn’t like whom I date then I wouldn’t date them because he’s my priority. I would never put my happiness over his. It just wouldn’t happen. Maybe I’m not the right person to ask this question to because as of right now I don’t balance it and I don’t date.”
           Remus smiled to himself and played with one of his curls. No matter what kind of day he was having, watching Sirius’ videos always made him feel better. It hadn’t been easy going for the last year. Remus’ best friend Tonks was Aro and while she didn’t want a relationship, she had decided she wanted a child. She and Remus had sat down and had a good long discussion about it.
           They decided they would do in vitro but Tonks wanted him to have shared custody of the child. Remus had agreed because he couldn’t say no to her, but he wasn’t even sure he wanted children. He had thought he was doing her a favor but he could see how the task of becoming a single mum was kind of daunting.
           Since being born, Teddy would spend Wednesday through Saturday afternoon with Remus and then Saturday evening to Tuesday with Tonks. It was a good system so far but Remus realized quickly how wholly unprepared he was to be a father. One night Teddy had been screaming his head off and Remus had no idea why. He had eventually broken down into tears and neither of them had stopped until Teddy finally passed out from exhaustion of crying.
           It was that night that Remus found Sirius’ videos, looking for any guidance on what the fuck he was doing with his son. While most of Sirius’ videos were on the silly side, they also had a lot of good information. And sometimes all Remus needed was something that made him smile.
           One of his favorite videos was titled “How to tire out your Sprog!” and it began with Sirius and Harry yelling “Dance party!” What proceeded was three minutes of Sirius and Harry jumping around their living room and dancing like lunatics to The Ramones “I Wanna Be Sedated.” When the song ended, Harry collapsed on the sofa and Sirius got close to the camera. “Something like that,” they said with a wink before turning the camera off.
           Remus had probably watched it a good thirty or forty times because it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen.
           He clicked on the description of the Q&A video and saw that there was an email address along with all of Sirius’ social media handles. Before he could think better of it, he pulled up his email and copied the one from the video.
           I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much your videos mean to me. I bet you get this all the time from your adoring fans, but I’m a new single father, so finding your videos has been a godsend. I was a mess and really struggling but even if your videos didn’t apply to my situation (because my son is only a year old instead of four like Harry) your videos always make me smile. I don’t have any friends that are parents, except for my son’s mum, so watching your vlogs makes me feel a little less alone.
           I guess this was all just a longwinded way of saying thank you.
           So thank you,
           Remus Lupin
Against his better judgment, he pressed send. Unable to sit there any longer because of his nerves, he shut his laptop and headed off to bed to get some sleep while he could.
           It was three days later and Remus had mostly forgotten about his email sent to Sirius. He didn’t regret sending it but he was a little embarrassed about gushing his feelings to a complete stranger on the internet. Although he doubted that was something Sirius even checked themselves. They probably had a team of people to do stuff like that for them.
           So when Remus got a response from Sirius’ email account, he assumed it would be some generic “thanks for being a fan” type of email. Instead when he opened it up he found a brief message but one still surprising.
           Harry and I will be at the London Zoo on Saturday if you and your son wanted to join us. We’ll meet you outside at noon if you’re keen. I hope you show up!
           Sirius Black
           Remus reread the email a good twenty times and then walked away from his laptop, rebooted it and checked again just to be sure. If he had lived with someone who could actually read he would make them read it just to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
           He was definitely going to go to the zoo even if he was imagining that Sirius had emailed him. At the very least it would be a fun day at the zoo with his son. And there was always a chance that Remus’ crush might be there looking to spend time with him.
           Remus held Teddy against his hip as he made his way from the car park at the zoo. As he walked towards the front entrance he could see that familiar head of long dark hair, pulled up into a messy bun, and he felt his heartbeat speed up. He couldn’t believe that they were really here, holding little Harry’s hand. They had on a crop top with a leather jacket and leggings. They made Remus feel wholly underdressed in his jeans and jumper.
           Remus carefully approached and gave a small wave. “Hi, I’m Remus,” he introduced himself nervously. “And this is Teddy.”
           “Hi Teddy!” Harry said, waving excitedly.
           Sirius grinned at him. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” they said enthusiastically. “I was a little worried you wouldn’t show. I know my invitation was a little unconventional.”
           “No, it was wonderful,” Remus said, adjusting Teddy who has slid slightly down his hip. “I was a little surprised you responded to me.”
           Sirius’ smile widened. “Well your email was just so nice and sweet I couldn’t help it. Besides, it sounded like you could use some company, and well I don’t have too many people to hang out with besides Haz, so I figured we could both benefit. “
           Remus ducked his head and felt himself blush slightly. “Did I come off that pathetic in my email?”
           Sirius barked out a laugh. “Not at all,” they said, reaching out with their free hand and giving Remus’ arm a squeeze. “If you’re pathetic then I’m pathetic too.”
           “Just a couple of people with no friends,” Remus said, chuckling softly and trying not to freak out that Sirius had just touched him.
            “Can we go in, Pads?” Harry asked, tugging on Sirius’ jacket.
           “Of course Sprog!” Sirius said, gesturing towards the door. “Lead the way!”
           Teddy was squirming in Remus’ arms so he let his son down. Teddy immediately went over to Harry, curious about the older boy. Harry took Teddy’s hand and they began to walk together inside.
           “Are you going to hold my hand?” Sirius asked, holding their hand out and wiggling their fingers playfully.
           Remus felt his face get hot as he took Sirius’ hand. Sirius beamed at him approvingly and they went inside the zoo. Remus kept a close eye on Teddy as the zoo was fairly crowded. Harry was so good with Teddy, making sure not to walk too fast so Teddy could keep up. Teddy was a quiet kid and he watched Harry in fascination while Harry pointed things out to him.
           “You know, I was hoping you’d be cute,” Sirius said, giving Remus’ hand a squeeze.
           “Oh?” Remus inquired, raising an eyebrow at him. “Is that what I am?”
           “Extremely,” Sirius said, shooting Remus a wink.
           “Do you always say things like that?” Remus asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
           Sirius shrugged. “Only if you like it,” they said, gently pressing against Remus for a moment. “If you don’t then I’ll stop.”
           “I like it,” Remus confessed, releasing Sirius’ hand in favor of putting his arm around their bare waist and holding onto them. “And I’m a little awed that I’m here with you right now.”
           Sirius beamed at Remus, their smile dazzling just like the rest of them. They slid their hand into the back pocket of Remus’ jeans as they pressed close to each other. They chatted quietly while keeping an eye on their kids. Remus told Sirius about Tonks and how it had resulted in Teddy. Sirius told Remus about James and Lily while getting a little sad when he spoke about the car crash that had taken them. For a fun trip to the zoo it seemed like some heavy topics of discussion. Remus felt comfortable around Sirius, which was surprising for how much he fancied them, but there was something about Sirius that put him at ease. Before Remus knew it they had looped around the zoo, making sure to see pretty much everything. Sirius had their phone out and documented a fair bit of their outing, after asking Remus if it was okay.
           By the end Teddy was tired of walking so Remus picked him up again, sad to be separated from Sirius. They stopped in the gift shop to get stuffed animals for the kids, an owl for Harry and a sloth for Teddy. While the kids picked out the animals they wanted, Sirius and Remus exchanged numbers. Remus wasn’t sure if it was to set up playdates for the kids of playdates for them. He hoped it at least was both. They were heading towards the exit and Remus wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye.
           Harry tugged on Remus’ jumper. “Remus, can you and Teddy come back to our house for ice cream?”
           Sirius snorted and put their hands on their hips. “And who said you’re getting ice cream, sprog?”
           Harry looked a bit sheepish. “Can they, Pads?”
           “It’s okay with me.”
           “You don’t have to do that,” Remus said quickly, not wanting to be an imposition no matter how badly he wanted to spend more time with Sirius.
           “Ice cream!” Teddy said, kicking his feet excitedly.
           “Well I guess that’s settled then,” Sirius said, smirking triumphantly. They grabbed their car keys out of their pocket. “I’ll text you the address. Race to our house!”
           “Yeah!” Harry shouted, running with Sirius towards their car.
           “Run daddy!’ Teddy yelled, tugging on Remus’ collar.
           Remus shook his head and walked at a brisk pace to the car. He strapped Teddy into his seat and felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He copied the address and put it into his GPS, knowing that there was no way they were going to beat Sirius and Harry there.
           As predicted, when they pulled up, Sirius’ car was already in the driveway. Sirius and Harry were just getting out and Harry was jumping up and down excitedly and waving to them as they pulled in behind Sirius’ car.
           The moment he released Teddy from his car seat, Teddy was off like a shot, chasing after Harry and following him inside. Remus put his hands in his pockets and walked up the driveway to join Sirius by their car.
           Sirius reached out and put a hand on Remus’ chest. “Before we go in, I’d really like to kiss you.”
           Remus ducked his head and smiled. “Why would you want that?”
           Sirius fisted their hand on Remus’ jumper and tugged him forward. “It’s difficult for me to find someone that I actually want to date. Either my gender is a problem or Harry is a problem. But we’ve been together for hours already and you haven’t misgendered me once and you don’t seem to mind the idea of Harry. You’re cute and sweet and you’re a good father. Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?”
           Remus reached out and held Sirius by the hips. “I think you’re wonderful and Harry is wonderful. And if we want to kiss we better do it soon before our kids destroy your house.”
           Sirius laughed softly and they both leaned towards each other, their lips meeting in a brief, sweet kiss. Remus pulled back before it went too far and Sirius chased his lips. Remus gave them another quick kiss for a promise of more before sliding his arm around their waist and they walked inside together.
           Remus got home from work and booted up his laptop. Teddy was with Tonks and it was Sirius’ posting day. Remus brought up his channel and pressed play on the video.
           “Hi everyone! So in my last video someone asked me about dating with a kid and while I wasn’t lying in that video, my answer has changed. I think the key to finding the right person is looking for someone that can respect you and your relationship with your child. I feel like I’ve found that person. I don’t know what’s going to happen, it’s all very new, but I felt like it was important that I amend what I’d said. Now here’s the four of us, Harry and I, my man and his son at the zoo. Warning that it is cute as hell. Enjoy!”
           Remus watched the video of them all together and it made him feel warm and happy all over to see the four of them together. Cute little clips of Harry and Teddy admiring the animals, pressing their little faces against the bars or glass. After ice cream, Harry and Teddy had both passed out from their long, exciting day. It had given Sirius and Remus a chance to snog, talk and decide what they wanted from each other. He clicked on the description and saw Sirius had mentioned him in it. As soon as he read it his face broke out into the widest smile.
           His name is Remus, he’s gorgeous and he’s mine.
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Let’s forget about quarantine for some minutes and imagine that our girls can see each other after a long day at school and just- I don’t know- be happy? Just 5 minutes. Please.
Hope you’ll enjoy!
Tuesday, 16h47
Joana is sitting at Cris’ desk, trying to roll a cigarette while her girlfriend is helping her mother with… why did she left already? Anyway, at least they’re not screaming at each other.
“The hell are you doing?” blurts the blonde as she quickly closes the door behind her.
“Well… I think that’s pretty obvi…”
“You really want my mother to kill me, right?”
Joana can’t help but laugh at her upset girlfriend.
“That’s not funny…” sighs Cris, trying to hold a grin but miserably failing. “You perfectly know it’s already hard to convince her to let me see people because of my grades, so- if on top of that, my friend smokes; we can say goodbye to our afternoons together in weekdays!” she affirms, grabbing her tobacco from her girlfriend’s hands to hide it behind one of her teddy bear.
“Vale… I suppose I’ll smoke on my way back home…” sighs Joana, standing up to lazily throw herself on the blonde’s bed.
“I know… It’s just- It’s been three weeks since we haven’t sleep in the same bed. I miss you…”
Cris remains silent, staring at her girlfriend with an apologizing gaze. It’s hard for me so… I can’t imagine for her. Come on, fuck my English work- well we weren’t planning to did it anyway but… let’s take some time together. Mom won’t come bother us. Well, I hope she won’t…
“Come on, sit up. I found something great on Twitter this morning!” she enthusiastically says, childishly shaking her girlfriend to make her move.
“Hmm… okay, okay…” mutters the raven-haired girl, unwillingly sitting against the wall. “Tell me.”
“Well… It’s not just words.” admits Cris with a teasing smile, sitting on her girlfriend’s crossed legs, as she wraps her arms around her neck.
“To be honest, I already like it…” jokes Joana, letting her hands wander on the blonde’s waist.
“Idiota.” smiles Cris, rubbing her girlfriend’s cheeks. “Anyway! I found out that there are meanings behind every kiss.” she affirms with a grin, as she tenderly takes the raven-haired girl’s left hand.
“For example- if I kiss your hand…” she whispers, leaving her warm and velvet lips brush Joana’s skin under her attentive and thoughtful gaze. It feels… white. “It means that I respect you.” she continues with her intense deep blue eyes looking right through mine.
“If I kiss your forehead…” The blonde cups her cheeks and leaves many small and tender kisses on her skin, as Joana closes her eyes; these ones feel blue and orange… it’s like- for a second there’s nothing else than a warm and peaceful sound in my mind… “It means that I protect you.”
“If I nuzzle my nose against yours like that… or if I kiss it…” They both giggle as Cris pecks the raven-haired girl’s nose. No hesitation; it’s clearly pink and yellow. “It means- bond and complicity.”
“If I kiss…” she murmurs, slowly approaching her girlfriend’s lips, but swiftly moving at the last moment to leave a heated but soft kiss on her cheek; which makes Joana take back with a smile a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “…your cheek. It means- affection.” whispers the blonde in her girlfriend’s ear, giving her shivers down her spine. She’s such a tease… but- definitely… purple.
Cris then lets her lips wander on her cheek, on her jaw, and on her neck with burning breaths, before brushing Joana’s weak spot with a lively kiss. This one is… orange, red and black- and it sends way more than one butterfly in my body.
“This kiss means- sensuality.” explains the blonde with a bright grin, as she faces her girlfriend, feeling her burning skin under her fingertips and hearing her unsteady breathing.
“And… what does the one on the lips mean?” murmurs Joana, trying to get back her composure with a gulp, before leaning to approach Cris’ lips.
“Guess it.” she smiles, slightly pushing her back.
“Well… Cris- you know I already knew all of this right?” asks the raven-haired girl with a smirk and mocking eyes.
What…? The blonde’s cheeks couldn’t be redder, which makes Joana burst out laughing in front of her. Oh I hate her…
“Come here.” laughs her girlfriend, hugging her.
“You couldn’t tell me that before huh?” mutters Cris in her neck.
“No, you looked so proud of yourself. Come on, tell me what it means.” softly says Joana, trying to pull away to face her girlfriend, but she clings to her.
“No… and- stop making fun of me…”
“Tell meeeee.” childishly moans the raven-haired girl in her ear, before covering her hair with kisses and tickling her stomach. It makes Cris jumps and gasps loudly, as she tries to immobilize her girlfriend’s arms.
“Stop it!” she blurts, smacking Joana’s shoulder, who’s laughing in front of her. She remains silent and looks at her with a pout. She is so unimpressive and cute with her big blue eyes, her eyebrows frowned like that and her way more than red cheeks.
“It means I love you…” mumbles the blonde, staring at her hands.
“Me too.” replies Joana with her best smirk.
“You’re an idiot…” murmurs Cris with a small smile forming on her lips, as she rolls her eyes.
The raven-haired girl makes her raise her head with a hand under her chin. Her gaze is shifting between the blonde’s eyes and lips, as her smirk grows in a more intimate and delicate smile. Joana slowly moves her hands to cup her cheeks, before leaning to press a chaste and caring kiss on her lips.
It feels like… an explosion. It’s every color at once.
“Cristina?” asks her mother, knocking on the door.
Both girls jump in surprise. Cris quickly moves from her girlfriend’s lap to go open the door, while Joana rolls her eyes and lets her head meet the wall with a deep sigh.
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 3
Wow, sorry for the lack of uptade. Work kept me busy... Anyway, here’s the next part!
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey Tuesday March 19
He moaned with pleasure. Gabriel's tongue had soothing effects. The man was gifted. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey groaned again. He shivered and his hands grabbed the other dude's head. A slow but warm licking made him twitch. He came shortly after. This is what I call a fellatio. Gabriel was defintely very talented. When this later raised his head, the junior blinked. For a dreadful moment, he pictured Liam at his place, eyes full of lust and mouth ready to suck his cock. Oh for the seven hells. That was something he could only dream of.
"So about your prey." whispered Gabriel.
It caught Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's full attention. Right, I asked him to come because I hope he has intel. He's the official whore of the campus after all.
"Many hunters are on the move." he explained. "A 5000$ bounty is not something you see everyday."
Gabriel stood up and smiled. He was a very average dude but damn, his lips were made to suck dicks. Anyway, the Dean's grandson already knew that crap. He needed names.
"Nobody knows who is behind this but the community thinks it's someone important." continued the lad. "Some of them even think it's you."
"Is a load of shit from a bunch of retards the only thing you found out ?"
"Nah man. Even if we don't know the culprit, we know he used the community's local website to distribute his hunting party. Besides, he already proved he must be taken seriously : he created a forum to share pics and intel about the prey. Anyone who release news earns money. So a hunter has two choices : either go for the 5000$ bounty, either find some intels and sell them to the community. You told me you had someone investigating on this ?"
"Yes I have a girl who know her stuff around computers working on this."
The more he learnt about this whole story, the more Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wanted to break some bones. How the hell a fucking asshole dared have a price put on his boyfriend's head ?
"Anyway." continued Gabriel. "As for the hunters themselves... I know for sure that Lucy Lopez tried to approach the prey. Also, the newbie Sophia Jacobs is on the move."
These two bitches. Once I'm done with them, they will go back crying in their mother's pussies. Fuck them both. Lucy used her natural charms to hunt so she won't be much of a problem. The baboon wouldn't fall for such an easy trick. But Sophia... She was way more subtle. I'll teach her a lesson soon enough...
Sadly, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had a more important matter to attend to. And no, it wasn't the baboon. I'm not that addicted to him anyway ! He would rather cut his own dick than admitting he missed Liam Strucker. He arrived to his flat a little past noon. Of course they were already here : his great father, his mother and his sister. Fuck this. I don't have time for family. He intented to do this quick and then, Sophia would learn what a dick in her pussy could do.
"There he is !" shouted joyfully Ms. Carrey. "My little gummy bunny !"
If only dying of embarrassment was possible. She trapped him in her arms before he could even react.
"Oh I missed you so much !" she yelled even louder. "Come here."
I'm sure she's breaking my ribs. His big sister Kristen Sylvia smiled.
"You're late gummy bunny." she said. "We're supposed to meet for lunch."
"Everything is already cooked." he replied. "All we have to do is go inside once mom stops crushing me."
It made them laugh. Damn he hated these family reunion. Thanks god his father wasn't here. They quickly visited his place. His mother commented everything. Even the closet full of condom that he had forgot to hide. Fuck that.
"I'm happy to see you're protecting yourself gummy bunny." she said while his sister burst into laughters. "But don't you think you've a little too much ?"
His grandfather gave him a dirty look that Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey returned. I was too busy with the bounty mess to care.
"By the way my precious gummy bunny !" shouted suddenly Ms. Carrey. "Don't think I haven't noticed how chubbier you are. Going a little soft my baby ?"
The junior grunted. She was so... so... he didn't know how to qualify her.
"Wait a second." she continued, not very concerned by his pride as a man. "Condoms, a little weight gain... Does that mean you have finally met someone ?!"
Oh no no no. No ! Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey recognised that glint in her eyes. He gulped when she shrieked loud enough to be heard by the whole college. His grandfather and his sister covered their ears promptly. The scream lasted for an eternity. Now he was pretty sure to be deaf for the rest of his life.
"I want to meet her." his mother said.
"Him." he corrected, frankly pissed.
At this point, he knew he had no choice but to comply. She would never let it go. He inherited her stubbornness after all.
"Him ? It's a him ?!" she exclaimed. "Oh this is the best day of my life ! My little gummy bunny finally got a man ! And they've an healthy sex live ! Hey old man, do you hear that ? He has a boy and they fuck !"
His great father pulled a face. After all these years, he wasn't fully used to his daughter in law's eccentricity. And he probably wasn't totally convinced by this boyfriend's thing, since he knew his grandson's reputation. This later was red as a tomato. He never actually fucked with the baboon but the idea... The idea made him hard as a rock and flustered like a teenage girl hit by pheromones.
"Tomorow. Diner." Ms. Carrey concluded. "And that's my final word."
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was so horny, pissed and embarrassed that he didn't know what to say. So he nodded. We're doomed. The only rationnal thought he managed to come with was that Sophia was about to live the best night of her pathetic existence...
He decided to call the baboon late in the evening, once he was finally at peace in his bedroom. His mother and sister had been constantly babbling about his boyfriend. Damn he was so tired of them. And it has only been one day... Well, at least Sophia wouldn't be a problem anymore. The girl would take at least a month to recover from their time together.
"Hello ?"
The baboon's voice sounded close to a whisper. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey glanced at his clock. 11 pm. Damn I woke him up.
"Baboon big news. Tomorow, you and I will have diner with my mother and my sister."
A long blank followed. Was it because Liam was shocked or only because his slow brain was still processing, no one could tell.
"Okay." he eventually said. "Can I go back to sleep now ?"
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wasn't sure the message had been understood. But he had done his part.
Liam Wednesday March 20
"That won't do." he complained. "It's terrible."
Behind him, Nate whined. He rolled on the bed like a bored pet.
"I'm sorry but there is no way I wear this."
Nick chuckled when the shortest lad mimiced the act of strangulation. I'm glad to see he's taking it this way. Liam's bestfriend had been very moody these past few days, but he was seriously improving. He started to smile more naturally again, and to speak with them voluntary. Nick and him called that the Archibald phenomenon. (But Liam still had a weird feeling about this man). (He just didn't know why.).
"Maybe try your pink shirt with your blue jeans ?" suggested Colton.
The chestnut lad nodded. He needed to find a good outfit for tonight's diner. When Dami had called yesterday, he hadn't listened because he genuinely needed to sleep. (Who doesn't sleep at 11 pm ?!). (Only the geek brotherhood which Nick belonged to, criminals and super heroes like Dami he guessed.). But on the late morning, when his boyfriend recalled him they had a family diner, he paniced. He wasn't ready for this ! They weren't even dating for that long ! Lost in his thought, he reversed the buttons of his shirt and had to do it again. His friends repressed their laughs while he struggled to do it right. He looked at his reflection and pouted. The shirt was supposed to be loose but it was tight-skin. It showed his strongs arms pretty well... And his soft middlesection too. The slight curve of his belly pleased him. The jeans were snug, obviously. He could already forget the idea to wear a belt.
"You look nice." complimented Colton.
Not to be pessimistic but half-teddy bear like you can't be objective. I'm sure everything looks nice to you. Liam sighed. The zipper was digging in his squishy tummy. His ass looked too meaty. Dami's mother would take him for a child who didn't know how to dress properly.
"That's terrible." he confessed. "I look awful."
"Dude you shouldn't think like that." intervened Nick. "Self-depreciation doesn't suit you at all. You're tall, brawny as fuck and sweet like an angel..."
"Angel ain't that sweet, trust me." he retorted very seriously. (Because yes he had heard things about them.) (Bad things).
"Okay maybe you're also a little stupid." mumbled his roommate before Nate punched him in the gut.
"I think you guys don't understand." Liam explained. "When we went to meet my father, Dami wore a classy suit. He was so... so handsome. And look at me. I'm just your regular kid who try to act all grown up... "
To be clear, the chestnut lad didn't hate his body or anything like that but... He doesn't feel very confident with himself. (When you grow up with a mutant like Raphaël for comparison, it is common sense to accept yourself for what you were, or you would end up in depression.). (So Liam knew he wasn't ugly, but he didn't trust himself for all that.).
"You're a amazing dude who doesn't realise how attractive he can be." replied Nate. "Liam, would you trust me if I tell you there is nothing to worry about ? You're great in any clothes you wear, and I'm sure Damian think the same."
The others nodded in unison. Liam smiled timidely. He had very good friends even for dressing stuff. (Yeah it wasn't very manly for a bunch of young men to speak about clothes but who care ?).
The little confidence he had managed to build up shattered when he faced Dami, his sister and his mother. His boyfriend introduced them as Kristen and Laurelia Carrey. The first one looked nice, and she quickly put him at ease. But Dami's mother... It took only one second for Liam to realise she was a magical being. Her eyes were shining with pure joy. Her smile irradiated the surroundings like the sun itself.
"Oh my oh my !" she shouted. "My little gummy bunny is dating such a vision ! Come inside ! C'mon !"
As they all followed her, Dami grabbed Liam's hand.
"You never heard this nickname." he whispered to his ear. "You'll never use it or I swear to god you won't live another day."
The chesnut lad smiled stupidly. I don't really heard what she said to be honest. I'm way too stressed. They sat around the table and began to eat. Honestly, Liam didn't have much to do. Ms. Carrey talked, talked and continued to talk. She never seemed to stop. He could tell Dami was getting pissed, but no one dared interrupt her. (Well, since Dami had cooked the diner, Liam was too busy enjoying his plate to really listen). He focused back on her chattering when he finished his food.
"And it remind me how much of a prude boy Dami was in highschool." she was relating. "I'm pretty sure it's you Liam dear who did all the first steps. Otherwise, he would have never been deflowered."
Maybe I shouldn't have listen. The freshman could feel his cheeks redden. It was very hot in here. He glanced at Dami, who was chocking on his food. His sister Kristen chuckled.
"You must be very talented if he needs a full closet of condoms." Ms. Carrey continued, failing to take note of the atmosphere. "Oh my, a hottie like you can only be fully equipped if you know what I mean ?"
What was she talking about now ? Fully equipped ? He didn't understood what she meant at all, but Dami was now blushing as hell. He looked so flustered, it made Liam twitch. He felt pins and needles around his crotch. Oh. Now I get it. His boyfriend's mother was a goddess of love. It explained his succubus's tendancies.
"Mom I think you're embarrassing gummy bunny." intervened Kristen. "Let's talk about something less private okay ? So Liam, I don't remember your last name ? Someone cute like you must be famous around here right ?"
"Not really." he answered. "And it's Strucker."
Only when he finished, he noticed Dami's widening eyes. His boyfriend face-palmed. A blank followed. Suddenly, the women looked less friendly.
"Strucker as in Isaac Strucker ?" asked Ms. Carrey. "Dami you must be kidding me ?"
"Diner is over." grumbled the junior. "Baboon, I think you should leave fast."
Liam looked at him, perplexed. Then, he looked at his mother. Oh. She was like a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding. He stood up quickly and followed his boyfriend.
"Sorry." this one mumbled. "But this isn't good. I'll try to calm her so I can't escort you back home."
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." assured the younger. "But what's the deal ?"
"I told you, my father and your ain't friends. Just go fast."
A scary scream made him obey promptly. The goddess of love wasn't happy at all.
He was almost home when he ran into the witch. She was waiting right in front of his building, blocking the way. Liam hid in the nearest bush as fast as possible. Damn. I think it's because the goddess is angry. What were his options ? What could he do ?
"I'm speaking to you man."
Surprised, he fell on his behind when he realised the witch was right here ! Oh no, I havn't been careful ! He made a little pray for the unicorns.
"Are you hurt ?" she asked.
Graciously, almost tenderly, she sat next to him. She put her hands on his chest and back with a wide smile. He could smell her poisonous aura. She was gonna eat him or something.
"I'm Lucy by the way." she whispered. "Nice to finally meet you."
She tried to strangle him, (or at least he thought) but he suddenly pulled himself out.
"You won't get me !" he yelled.
He managed to run to the corridor before she even got up. Without a look for her, he climbed the stairs and went in his apartment. She's so scary. I need to be very careful from now on. At least he had escaped the witch once again.
Nicolas Friday March 22 – Saturday March 23
Nick was very proud to be a genius. He always had good ideas. Or at least, he liked to think so. But well, this plan to learn how to swim was the worst he had ever thought of. His fear of water was slowly fading but going to the pool had become a real torture.
"Hey there fatty !" someone claimed when he entered in the wide facility.
He heard Rebecca's loud laugh. I hate them. Some people went to talk to Colton, who arrived with him. How come they were so nice with his friend and yet so mean towards him ? Seriously, he had never done anything to them. Of course Colton tried to speak for him but it didn't work very well... Nick noticed Theo watching them from afar. The captain outlined a smile, but the raven-haired lad knew he wouldn't come nearer. This whole have-sex-with-a-hottie thing didn't end well. Not only the junior didn't want to teach him anymore, but Laura also got away from him. Nick's field of vision was suddenly obstructed by Rebecca.
"Are you sure you're doing any real exercise ?" she teased. "Because you look fatter than in my memories."
He clenched his fists but didn't answer. She isn't wrong, I gained some weight. Again. But she has no right to talk to me like that. He was so pissed at himself to have been friend with such an hateful girl.
"Anyway, I didn't come to talk with you about your fat gut." she continued. "Me and some friends are organizing a little party in my flat next tuesday. I wondered if you and Liam wanted to come since we're neighbour and all ?"
Nick grunted. Was it a joke ? She bullies me and then she invites me to a party ? I'm not stupid.
"Yeah big bad idea." he replied.
Her smile grew larger when Colton arrived. She was definitely planning something. He didn't like that.
"Hey Colton." she greeted him. "Would Liam and you like to come to a party next tuesday ? Nick already declined but I thought I would invite you too. After all, it's Liam and you I want to see."
"I can ask Liam." assured the lad.
Damn this dude. He's so nice, he can't say no... So they got trapped by his kindness, great. Colton probably didn't notice the evil's grin Rebecca made. For once, Nick had to agree with Liam : the dude was a living teddy bear.
* Imagenius is online *
< Imagenius : Sorry I'm late. >
< TheSavior : dw my day sucked alrdy. >
< Imagenius : I was talkin to my hnter friend. So i think i will become one too but there are conditions lol I want to know what this big hunt is abut >
< Abeautifulwomen : didn't know you were so serious abut it Ima ! So what do u hav 2 do ? >
< Imagenius : if i want to join the hunter community i must catch a prey. Meaning maybe i'll get laid this time ! It had been so long !! >
< TheSavior : you're so pathetic >
< Abeautifulwomen : +1 >
< Imagenius : whatever you say fellas :/. So my friend gonna help me cuz he is nice like that. I need to find a prey and that's it. Sav, your roommate isn't available ? >
< TheSavior : No. And you never saw his face, I only sent a pick of his butt ! And we ain't in the same college... >
< Imagenius : can't be sure we never met in real life lol >
< Abeautifulwomen : true that. Would be nice one day. We know eachother for years now. And i could prove to Ima i'm a girl once and for all. >
< Imagenius : won't believe it until i see it >
< TheSavior : Guys don't be nostalgic that's boring. Let's go play now. >
Nick knocked another beer back and belched loudly. That was a good meal. It was for this kind of night that he loved college. No parents to nag, no siblings to bother him. His console, food and beer, it was everything he needed. The squeaking of a door indicated him his peace was about to end. Indeed, Nate entered in the living room. He stared at the many emptied bags of crips and bottle of beer before he sat next to Nick. Nightmare again I guess.
"Wanna play ?" he asked.
His friend declined in silent. He had dark circle under the eyes, and a very bad look. But Nick knew better than asking him to talk. He changed a lot since he moved here. They had met in a summer camp like five years ago. At the time, Nate had been the most joyful boy Nick had ever seen. They had bonded easily. But nowadays, something had died in the shortest lad.
"You can take a beer or some food if you want." Nick offered. "I always take too much, which is the main reason why I'm fat now."
"Sorry, I'm not hungry." replied curtly Nate.
Silence followed. The raven-haired lad focused on his game. It was a difficult level and his partners weren't that good.
"You're very calm for a gamer." commented his friend after a while.
"I'm not always like this tho." laughed Nick. "I just feel bloated so I'm chillin' you know ? Otherwise, I'm kinda bossy when I play. I like to give orders to my virtuals friends."
Nate nodded and went quiet again. He just watched the screen, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Okay. Nick didn't say anything either. Not that he was asocial but he was focusing on his game. He still snacked though. Chewing something helped to concentrate.
"I hear the laughters and the teasing every night." eventually whispered Nate. "I don't always distringuish who say what, but this is very disturbing. And it remind me the pain I felt."
The geek frowned. Pain ? Laughs ? He didn't answer, because he didn't know what to say.
"Archie keeps telling me it's not my fault but... Well most of the time I believe him but sometimes, when I'm alone, I can't help but think I deserved it. Because I always acted so foolish and all, you know ?"
"It". What is "it" ? Nick missed the main target in the game. Slowly, he dropped his joystick.
"I mean, I'm a grown man." continued Nate, still looking at the screen. "It's not supposed to happen to grown man is it ? I think I'm weak. Yeah, I'm a shit who doesn't deserve any kindness. I swear, sometimes I wonder why Archie helps a wreck like me ? He didn't talk much about his own... experience."
So Nate had been beaten and he felt guilty for it ? Nah, I don't think this is it. Bullying could be very difficult to handle, but it didn't look like that. Something happened during this night. He arrived here feeling less than human, hurt and afraid. He experienced something only Archie could truly help with. Something he doesn't want Liam to know.
"I think I'll go back to sleep." whispered Nate. "I'm just talking nonsense."
"Wait. Buddy listen." stated Nick. "I don't know if it's my place to tell or if this is appropriate but... You shouldn't look so down at yourself. You deserve kindness because you're kind with the others and you always had been there for people, especially Liam. So... don't hate yourself okay ?"
"Cant' help it." smiled sadly his friend. "She made sure of it when she played with my body like a toy."
And he left just like that. Nick didn't keep him. He looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. I think I understand what this mysterious "she" did... But for once, I don't want to be right. I really don't want.
To be continued
Well, this is no surprise, but Damian’s family is a crazy bunch :D And they don’t seem very fond of the Strucker. 
I think, with this last conversation, what happened to Nate becomes pretty clear... The poor lad lived a horrible experience. I’ll put a TW for the parts which explicitly refer to these events.
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
I Think We Might Be Related
Summary: Johnny gets a call from a kid who claims he might be his nephew. He decides to see for himself.
(Rated teen just for a few brief gore mentions and language, pretty in line with the comics)
Based off my theory that Membrane is either Johnny C’s brother or that Johnny’s plasma donation was used to help stabilize and differentiate the Dib clone.
Wordcount: 2600
Read on ao3
Reblogs/replies/tags/likes are all super appreciated, I love hearing what people think!
The phone rang. In most houses, that’s not a very unusual occurrence. Number 777 was not most houses.
The owner of 777, (or rather, the occupant- if there was a landlord, they’d either been dismembered or made otherwise defunct a long time ago) was currently laid out on the couch, watching an old-timey show about cowboys when the loud ring rattled his eardrums. He sat up, long limbs running into each other like spaghetti in a pot before his hand curled around the phone and he picked it up.
“Hi, are you…” There was a shuffling of papers. “Johnny C?” The voice sounded young.
“Is this the library- did you get my submission? Your voice is high-pitched, are you an intern? Selling your hours and youth for no pay is only killing your soul on the inside, you know. Although the library does provide the public with comic books, so I guess-”
“No, I’m not with the library. I live a little further in the city, and… I think we might be related? You might be my uncle, or something like that.” The kid’s voice quirked up the same way Johnny’s heart started doing a kickline with his lungs.
“You think?” Uncle. Uncle implied a sister or a brother. A family. He couldn't remember the last time he'd thought of family, other than turning around the soaked marshmellow of his brain that revealed jackshit about who he was.
“Yeah, it’s a… really long story, but the short version is that I was rummaging around with my DNA, and your name was one of the few on file. The others were all dead ends.”
“In your DNA?” Okay, this kid was definitely fucking with him. Served him right for even thinking about hoping for a clue. “Right, and I’m the muffin man, running off and leaving his kids in a place called dreary lane. Seriously, who does that?”
“I promise this isn’t a prank, don’t hang up! Are you still living in 684 South?”
“No.” Was that his old address? It sparked recognition that then died smoking like a match in a tray of water. It was probably a good sign, though, unless this kid was a stalker.  “777 Offmain.”
“Okay. Can I… meet you at some point? I just want to get to know you. As a person. Like me. Okay, wow, this is coming out weird. I promise I’m not an axe-murderer.”
At that, Johnny cracked up. He ruffled a hand through his hair- he liked how the longer spikes flopped over his eyes. Sometimes. Sometimes he wanted to hack it all off, not feel the grease and salt the congealed when he didn’t move long enough that his body made itself disgusting again, but then he just stuck a beanie on it and forgot all about it until the urge passed. He’d cut part of it off once and it had just sat in the kitchen for a… week? Time was funny.
“Well, we can’t both be, can we?”
“I’ll... man, my self-preservation instincts have really started going down the toilet since I started following an alien with an arsenal strapped to his back, but can I stop by tomorrow at around three?”
“Happy Friends is on at three. Make it four.”
“Alright! Sounds good. Gosh, this is exciting, I’ve never met any real family besides Dad- okay, that was oversharing. Oversharing’s bad, especially to strangers.”
“If we’re family, we’re not strangers.” Johnny’s grip on the phone tightened, and he could see the tendons and veins on the back. Hmm. Maybe he could pick up sculpting, see if he was ever any good at that. The human body was properly horrifying in mere existence.
“See you then- should I call you Johnny or what?”
“Johnny is fine for now, but if we really are related, I’ll go with Nny. So, how are we related anyways?”
“I’m not sure. I’m hoping it’ll click when we meet.”
“So, what’s your name, anyways?”
“Dib.” And with that, the line went dead and Johnny went to see if he could make anything good enough to hang up on the wall out of fingerpaints.
If his leg bounced and his chest felt vise-like, he blamed the coffee patches and the 30 hours of no sleep.
Dib knocked on the door at 4:10. Johnny pulled it open, staring down at him.
“Geez, you got a water balloon pumped up inside your head or something?” He had really big glasses, the kind that said when he didn’t have them on he probably couldn’t see half a foot in front of his face without tripping over something. His skin was the same shade as Johnny’s, he was pretty sure, but he had some faint freckles. Duh, he was a kid, he probably had to go outside to go to school and stuff.
“Well, that could have been a better start.” The kid had a briefcase- what kind of kid had a briefcase? No kid that should have existed, kids should be dragging around teddy bears like Squee or grimy dolls filled with teething marks. Oh wait, he was holding out his non-briefcase hand. “I’m Dib. I’d say it’s nice to meet you but now I’m not so sure about that.” He craned his head. “Oh, wow. Your house is a mess but I’ve been in our living room when Gaz is on one of her marathons and this is only moderate compared to that. Did you try and paint your own walls?”
“Gaz? That’s a fun name. Who's she?”
“My- you know what? I’m not volunteering any more information until I get a little more on you besides your name and height. Looks like weight changed. Wow, you’re a stick.” Dib rummaged around in his pocket, pulling out a wrapper with a big grinning mascot on it and handing it to Johnny. It was a chocolate protein bar. “You can have that one, I’ve got dozens.”
Johnny tore open the wrapper, stuffing half of it in his mouth. Damn, it was good, actually. Who would want a protein bar that tasted like sawdust when you could make it sweet? “So, is there any magical connection? I like the coat, though.”
Dib beamed. “Really? Everyone says it’s too much, but I say that there’s nothing like twirling around in a good coat and feeling the wind snap on the fabric when you run.”
“Oh, that is a good feeling. One of the best. Shame I can never keep mine, they always end up tossed to the void whenever something happens or I get particularly dramatic. It always feels excellent in the moment, but then you’re left with cold shoulders and regret for the strawberry grandma candy you left behind in the back pocket.”
“You know, I think I see the resemblance.” Dib said. “I’ve got your cheekbones, and nose. Maybe you’re my uncle? Do you know Professor Membrane?”
“That guy on tv? He’s kind of fun.” Johnny watched it when it was on sometimes.
“That’s my dad. I take it he’s not your brother if that was your reaction, though.”
“Dib. My head’s been shot to shit, both literally and figuratively. There’s scars on the back I don’t remember getting there. I had some serious garbage claw me up, and I wouldn’t be able to tell a brother from the easter bunny unless it slapped some chocolate eggs up my ass.” He ripped another portion of the bar off with his teeth.
Dib sagged a little. “Oh… Dad’s always been really tight-lipped about any other family. I hoped-”
Johnny swallowed the chunk of chocolate protein bar. “Look, I haven’t got the answers for any existential crisis you may be having. I’ve been through quite a few of my own, if we’re being honest. But I have some chips that are going stale and a TV that has colors that make your eyes bleed that tickles pretty feelings up your skull. I also haven’t left the house in five days. If you have anything interesting to say, we can talk about it over some cartoons.”
Dib perked up again at that. “You… want to listen to me?”
“Depends on what you’ve got to say.” Johnny raised an eyebrow. “You’ve got a mouth on you, that’s for sure.”
“Oh, I’ve got loads! I love the paranormal, and some parts of math but not all of them, and also no one ever listens to me about the alien that goes to my school-”
“Alien? I’m curious, tell me more.”
Dib made a squeaking noise so strange Johnny wasn’t sure he hadn’t just had his organs spontaneously combust.  “Hey? Kid? Kid, I don’t wanna clean up another corpse already, I’m running out of trash bags.”
“You really- wait, another one?”
Johnny grabbed the knife in his belt- he’d nicked himself with it a dozen times but it was nice and convenient and he liked that. “Just a joke. I mean, kids like jokes, right? How old are you, nine?”
“I’m twelve!” Dib tugged at the bottom of his shirt. “Anyways, so there’s this alien named Zim, he is the biggest pain in my butt, and I don’t know if you remember when gravity stopped working for a bit a couple of weeks ago and everything started freaking out and going screwy, but that was him-”
“Oh, huh. I was wondering why I made footprints on the ceiling. I figured the squirrels did it.” Johnny said. “Do I have to worry about him destroying the world? Because I’m pretty sure earth is the only planet with slushie machines and it would be just criminal if the universe lost those. Shame you have to deal with people to use them, but everything has a price.”
“Apparently, aliens have slushie machines too, I’ve asked.” Dib said. “Well, I stole a couple of Zim’s files, and he orders alien versions of them with his shipments of food. But that’s not what matters, he’s trying to take over the- wait, you actually believe me?”
Geez, kid, slushies always mattered. “Sure. I got abducted on a Tuesday once. Stuck a couple of needles in me, but tossed me back down hard enough to fuck up my spine when I managed to eviscerate one. Wish I’d brought a camera, those guts looked delightful- and it was so clean! No blood, they had robot insides!”
Dib took half a step back. “Uh-”
“And it was blue, can you believe that? Like one of those crabs! The horsey ones- hey, maybe those were aliens too.”
Dib blinked, shaking his head. “Yeah, maybe. A friend of mine has a theory like that anyways. So… what do you do?”
Johnny stared at him. “Whatever I want. I go to the movies, I eat stuff, I kill people.”
Dib’s mouth twitched before he started laughing. “Pffft, you’ve got such a straight face!”
“Just so you know, if you hear any screaming, don’t worry, they’re all restrained.”
“Right, right.” Dib settled down on the couch. “Oh, nice, this is surprisingly comfortable.”
Johnny settled down next to him. He knew how to talk to Squee- poor kid barely said a word most of the time. He really needed to help him be more confident. Maybe he could get him a hampster. Pets made people more responsible, right?
Then again, Nailbunny hanging on the wall said otherwise. Although that could just be him.
But this Dib kid, he didn’t really seem at all phased. Which was weird- weren’t you supposed to be nervous around strangers? Especially ones that had houses like his, with blood splattered on the walls and a noose tucked in the corner. Maybe that big head’s meaty brain was stuffed with stuff from the aliens instead of common sense, or just figured that the new weird skinny guy was just joking. Squee had first seen him with blood splattered all over. He hugged his legs to his chest, watching the kid pull out a laptop that looked real fancy. Maybe he was rich. Oh, right, if his dad was on tv he probably was.
“Anyway this is Zim- and this is a couple sketches I’ve made of him without his disguise. I’ve seen it, but the pictures keep getting destroyed because the universe really hates me.”
“We’re in the same boat, then.” Johnny said. “If there is anything looking over the Earth, it always picks a couple people to just dump dookie on, just for shits and giggles. It’s a pain in the ass, let me tell you.”
“Yeah, it is.” Dib mumbled. “This is his little robot in a dog costume.”
“That’s kind of cute, actually.”
“Yeah, not so much when he’s also got lasers attached to him.” Dib said. “He’s not as bad a Zim, though, mostly he’s just kind of dumb.”
Dib started rambling on about routines and habits and skin texture, and Johnny kind of checked out, preferring to run his eyes over Dib’s face. He was little, for a twelve year old- but then again, it wasn’t like Johnny spent a lot of time around twelve year olds. Or anyone. Dib's glasses slid down and he adjusted them twice in a few minutes without a pause. Listening to him was almost like putting on the radio in the background to distract from the car crashes outside and the nothingless and everythingness of being a human being. His voice was kind of whiny, but the crescendos in it with the tides of how emotional he got were almost like music.
“And then he started raving about how cloning is far superior to filthy human breeding, and that’s when I started getting curious about checking out the rest of my family.” Dib was breathing hard. He had a look on his face like he wasn’t used to being allowed to talk for that long. Frankly, Johnny agreed with the alien kid that the way people reproduced was utterly repulsive, but they’d come back around to why he’d let Dib in in the first place.
“Well, verdict?”
Johnny held out his arms, one leg slipping off the couch while the other loosened so his heel rested on the edge of the couch cushion and his toe pointed up at the ceiling. “On me.”
“Well. You’re kind of weird, but I guess my whole family is like that.” Dib said. “And you actually do listen to me, which is a really nice change of pace.”
“It can get boring around here, and you’re not nearly as irritating as some other people can be. At least you ramble on about fun stuff.” Johnny shrugged just as there was a shriek from the stairs. Dib’s head whipped around.
“What was that?”
“A ghost, probably. Or I need to add more electricity to the guy from the church picnic...”
Dib set a hand on his forehead. “Yeah… yeah, probably.” He patted at his pocket, then seemed satisfied by whatever was inside. “Want me to exorcise it for you?”
“Nah, I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Alright, suit yourself but the offer is open.” Dib said. “You said you had TV?”
Johnny grabbed the remote. “What kind of idiot wouldn’t?”
Dib left about an hour later after laughing at the hokey acting on some soap opera, and Johnny realized he was in good enough of a mood that he whistled over the begging when he he slid his favorite knife through a man’s chest cavity and carved him open, collecting the viscera in a bucket.
He’d give the wall monster some organ meat to go with the coating, he decided. Give it a treat. And maybe he’d invite Dib over again sometime.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"I Want To Cash In!"
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Good evening folks! The majority of you will know I've already posted once today, this is going to be my second post of the day following up tonight's episode, so I'm completely up to date with you all! The previous episode (last night's) was a bit of devastating blow for Chantelle, Gray is just finding ways from stopping her leaving, it seems each time she's attempted to leave he's managed to take it one step further and stop her in her path.  
Let's jump right into it, oh my gosh how heartbreaking is the opening scene!!! Chantelle has gone off on a holiday with her family but she has devastatingly had to leave her children behind, she's in the seaside cafe all on her own, staring out the window. All you can hear is the sound of rain against the glass window and the sound of seagulls. She looks like she's lost everything in the world. At the holiday apartment, the rest of the Taylor family are playing games and having fun, Mitch is videoing them to remember the memories, but he is just as miserable, he claims it's the same and as much fun without Chantelle. He can't seem to understand what's bothering his daughter, he decides to leave the fun and goes off to find her.
Back on the Square, Ian is finding every opportunity he can to dodge Max! Pretending to be on the phone and then having to hide behind the door of his house! Sorry, but it's pathetic! Why doesn't Ian just be the bigger man and come clean and just apologise and be truthful about what he's done! He's digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself! Meanwhile, Ruby has gone to visit Martin in the hospital, fantastic news is that he's awake and he's up and out of bed! The main thing he wants to know is if the Police know who it was who attacked him, fortunately for Vinny, Martin didn't see anything! Ruby is completely over the moon to see Martin looking well, so much so that she drops the L-Bomb on him!! But before he gets a chance to reply, he is wheeled off in the other direction. Did Ruby mean to say the L word? Or has she come to realise her true feelings for him during recent events. Another big question is, does Martin feel the same way about her?!
Hmmm, so is Ian actually struggling financially? It's probably understandably that his businesses aren't coping at the moment, possibly due to the current pandemic? But also the fact that he now owes Max some money, will this meeting be the only opportunity he has of getting things under control?
In time, Mitch eventually finds Chantelle. He finds in her the seaside cafe and he comes in tow with a huge elephant teddy for her. It's clear she's been crying, he gently places it on the table in front of her and she scoops it up and holds it as if picking wanting to hold her children ever so tightly. Mitch pulls up a chair and joins his daughter, she is looking so heartbroken and lost. Mitch begins to apologise for not being there for her as much as he should've been, but little does he know that's not the thought that's on his daughter's mind right now. He promises that he'll always be there for her from now on, Chantelle stares at him with tears filling her eyes, he softly asks her the most important question "What's wrong?" ... she sighs and tells him that she's missing her children. Now, of course she is missing her children but she hasn't given her Dad the main reason as to why, she hasn't given him the full story. She claims she just wanted them all to be together, Mitch then takes it upon himself to go back to Walford to collect her kids! Much to Chantelle's shock, but deep down as he goes and promises he won't leave without them, part of me believes she actually has hope that her Dad will return with his Grandchildren. Once again, Chantelle's hopes are lifted at another chance of getting away from Gray, but this is EastEnders - we know what's going to happen, right?!
Meanwhile, in the Vic, Ian is having a meeting with Douglas on his potential chance of becoming a part on the Planning Committee. Sharon is chatting away with Tina about Frankie when Ian enter's the pub. I feel sorry for Sharon really, she is doing everything she can to make it up to Ian. Giving him compliments and speaking highly of him in front of the fellow businessman. Ian is just shutting her down over and over again, not even saying that they're even friends anymore. In all seriousness, Sharon has done nothing wrong! She can't force feelings that she doesn't feel. If there's anyone Ian should be angry with, it's Dotty, for serving him stories and making him believe something that wasn't true. Sharon is literally just wanting her old friend back, but Ian seems to be having none of it! In the cafe, Max is on his phone to someone, does he owe someone money? He make the odd one-liner joke about having to hold Ian upside down and turn his pockets inside out to make sure he gets his money back. I'm sure the longer Ian tries to dodge the bullet and hide from Max, the more suspicious and angry he's going to get! Only, Kathy seems to overhear Max's phone conversation, and says states that he shouldn't be pestering Ian for his money, but Max makes the perfect point and claims that they were businesses partners. Kathy suddenly let's slip "He doesn't need this right now!" ... Bang! Max is suspicious, what did she mean by that?! He moves in closer to her "What has he done with my money, Kathy?!" He knows something isn't right! Kathy stands her ground and doesn't give anything away, she just tells him he'll have to wait, just a little bit longer!
At the Mitchell household, it looks as if Ben has now dragged in Jay to help with getting hold of Danny. I'm quite surprised as Jay has never been one for trouble. He's always stayed clear of Ben and his dodgy deals and gangsters. Jay makes it perfectly clear to Ben that he's not happy about it, he even asks if Phil is aware of Ben's plan. Suddenly, Callum joins them in the room, he can sense that he's walked in on a conversation between them. He asks if everything is okay and Ben assures him that everything is and that Jay is helping him with something. As Jay leaves the room, Callum then also asks Ben if he and Phil are okay with starting a war against Danny? It's a difficult situation for them all to be in, no one wants to get anyone else hurt, but I think that they know that Ben needs to go through with this to clear his name, he really does not want to be going back to prison!
Back at the holiday venue, Chantelle is packing her children's toys in the suitcase. She finds the lucky poke chip that Kheerat gave her and she sighs deeply. Suddenly a knock is heard on her bedroom door and her mother, Karen, appears. Karen sees that Chantelle is already packed and ready to leave. She's shocked to see her daughter packed already before her children have even arrived. Chantelle asks desperately to her Mum whether Mitch has been in touch. Karen confirms to her that Mitch and Chantelle's children are on their way! Chantelle's face is in utter shock! Gray has let them go? Could it be possible that Mitch has persuaded him to let them come? Could this be the last chance she gets of making her escape with the children? There's the tiniest smiles that grows on her face as Karen tells them that they'll be able to enjoy their holiday as family and make some wonderful memories. Chantelle must feel so relieved, she decides to go and buy her children a treat for when they arrive!
On the Square, Ruby is back and giving Kush an update about Martin, everyone seems very relieved to hear that Martin is doing okay. Kat shouts from across the Square that she's managed to pay Kush's rent for his stall! Kush is over the moon and he declares his love for her, as he does so, Ruby looks slightly disappointed - Why didn't Martin say the L word back to her? Does she feel silly for telling him that she loves him? Suddenly Suki approaches her, asking her how Martin is, at first it all seems rather polite but then Suki drops the bomb to Ruby that she knows about the insurance fraud. Ruby is ready to state that it was her son who attacked Martin in the first place, of course Martin is unaware of what actually happened, and Ruby wants to keep it that way. She informs Suki that Vinny is safe, she won't be going to the police and she wont be claiming on the insurance. But what I want to know is, is this going to turn around and hit Ruby where it hurts? Is Martin going to become aware of her and Vinny's plan? Will he blame her for being attacked?!
In the restaurant, Ian is continuing his meeting with Douglas, he's trying to prove a point that he's able to cope in awkward situations. Unfortunately the main thing on the other fella's mind is Sharon. Ian then literally tells him about all her failed relationships, in an attempt to warn him off! Mentioning that she had an affair with her husband's brother, to then Dennis being murdered and then finally - i'm assuming he means, Phil - a gangster?! Or was that somebody else that i'm unaware of?! Anyway, Max finally catches up with Ian, he wants his money and he wants it now! He refuses to leave the building until Ian tells him exactly what's going on! He makes himself known by dragging out a chair and sitting with his arms folded, staring at Ian! I think he knows he can't escape Max now, it's time to tell him the truth!
Oh great! Just what Walford needs, Danny Hardcastle then decides to pull up in the Square. Is he looking for someone? Does he know that the police after him? What an Earth would bring him back to the Square? As he locks his car walks away into the distance, the camera angle moves as if someone is watching him from behind the wall. At first, I thought it was going to be Ben, only Jay appears and shows that he has a screwdriver in his inside coat pocket. Is he going to scratch his car? Or perhaps stab his tyres? I feel sad that Ben has dragged Jay into this, of course Jay would do anything to help his brother out, but surely not in this way?! Ahhh so Danny has come to meet with Ben? Or did he actually believe it was Phil he coming to see?! Danny makes a snide comment saying with Phil not being there, is that his way of apologising?! These two haven't seen each other since that job in Stratford, i'm quite surprised neither of them are putting their fists up. Ben claims that he and his Dad don't owe Danny anything! Ahhh I see, so while Ben and Danny have their little catch up - Jay is planting the stolen money in Danny's car. Danny informs Ben that the money they nicked is traceable, so the police will be all over it! Jay can be seen then trying to close the car boot frantically! At this moment when Danny is walking back to his car, his keys jingling in his hand, I am so worried for Jay as Danny gets closer and closer, Jay is pushing the boot repeatedly trying to get it shut! Luckily he manages to get it shut completely just a few seconds before Danny gets to his car. He quickly walks away and calls the police! Have they really gotten away with setting him up?! My heart was in my mouth when Jay was doing that! I hope to God nothing bad happens to Jay after this!
Back at the restaurant, Max is waiting for Ian to get his money. He appears to be on the phone to a lawyer, of course a fake lawyer! He comes up with a story about his lawyer chasing some thieves and apparently he was attacked on the head. Not realising, as Max points out - that its exactly the same of what happened to Martin! Ian can't play any more games, he knows he's been sussed out. The lies he's building is just getting worse and worse, Max just wants to the truth, he slams the kitchen units, he's had enough of Ian's lies! Ian then states that his money in a high-interest account and he can't get to it quickly because of penalties. Max can't believe what he's hearing, he's devastated that his business partner could do this to him! He gives Ian one last warning, he wants his money by the following week, otherwise Ian is going to be the one needing major surgery! Ian has once again lied his way out of another situation to by him some time to get some money for Max, but in all seriousness - how is he going to get it?!
The Taylor family are still on their holiday, Keegan announces that the children have finally arrived! But they didn't come by train, Mitch appears with luggage and asks where Chantelle, Bernadette informs him that she had gone to buy some doughnuts for the kids. A voice from the hall then echo's the word "Doughnuts!" - Gray has only gone and wormed his way in! Even though the family are all delighted to see him, we know Chantelle is going to be scared and worried and stuck yet again. Karen makes a comment "Chantelle is going to be so happy to see you!", he has a really smug grin on his face as he replies to her that he didn't want to miss out on the family fun! Ooooo Gray is just getting darker and darker, his anger at Chantelle is getting worse and worse and her fear of him is just growing and growing. It's still SO devastating that the Taylor family have no idea what's been going on behind closed doors, which I think is going to make Chantelle's death far more devastating and heart-wrenching to watch.
After his encounter with Max, Ian makes his way back to the Vic. He pulls Sharon to one side, she's asks him how the meeting went, trying to be the best supportive friend she can be. But it looks as if Ian is tired of feeling let down, because his heart has been broken, yet again, he's taking it out on his friend! He claims to her that if it wasn't for him she wouldn't have the pub! He decides to make it perfectly clear to her that the pub is his business alone, she is just his employee. Sharon knows that he is saying this out of spite, just because she doesn't feel the same way about him. He's angry, he's upset, he's embarrassed so he wants to have the upper hand! He's wanting to feel powerful! He warns her that he going to be setting her some targets, and if she doesn't meet them he will find someone else to run the pub! Sharon can barely believe her ears, she has always told Ian how grateful she has been to him over the past few months, he took her in when she had nowhere to go, he comforted her when Dennis died, of course we know it was out of guilt, but now saying he could potentially make her homeless is such a horrible curve-ball! Will she ever be able to find a way to make it up to him? Will Ian finally come to his senses and realise he's in the wrong?!
The last scene of tonight's episode, Chantelle is seen in the seaside cafe buying her children their treats. Its the first time we've seen her happy in a long time. She makes a phone call, it's Kheerat she calls, she's sounding so relieved and so happy. Its the first time we've seen her smile in a long time! She believes her children are on the way to her and she can finally find some happiness with Kheerat, she assures him that everything is fine and he has no reason to worry. She then says that she's ready, she's ready to cash in! Little does she know that Gray has been stood behind her, listening to her conversation. How is he going to know what "Cash in" means? This is going to be the thing that rages him more than anything! He believes his wife is having an affair, even though we know nothing has happened between Chantelle and Kheerat yet, it's going to be the first thing that jumps into his head! Is this what makes Gray lose his temper with Chantelle so much that it comes to the point he commits murder?!
As the episode gets closer of Chantelle's death, the more worried and scared I am of how it's going to happen. I truly believe it's going to be a devastating, harrowing episode. I do believe some viewers will find it incredibly hard to watch, the past few episodes I've been getting very nervous for Chantelle as I know what's coming, but seeing it all unfold - all the events leading up to her death and hearing the news of the aftermath of her death. It's going to be very hard viewing! I know I've said it once, but I can't praise Jessica Plummer and Toby-Alexander Smith high enough! Their performances have been phenomenal this week!
I hope you're all preparing yourself for what the next few episodes hold. It's going to be a tough few days that's for sure! I hope you've all enjoyed reading, thank you all for taking your time to read through my blog. It really does mean the world! Enjoy the rest of your week and i'll be back very soon! Love you all xXx
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
155 - The Heist, part 3
Leave no stone unturned. Leave no rock unpivoted. Leave no pebble untwirled. Welcome to Night Vale.
My brother-in-law, Steve Carlsberg, is still in jail, wrongly accused of the recent bank heist. But I am happy to have my husband Carlos back home. The Sheriff’s Secret Police had only taken him in for some questions regarding the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. Sheriff Sam had deemed Carlos a person of interest, which I’ve been saying for years, but Sheriff Sam meant it differently.
Carlos said while he was being questioned at the police station, he saw the other bank employees who were there the day of the robbery. Genevieve Daly, the new bank teller, was being asked if she saw anyone other than Steve Carlsberg near the vault that day. Carlos said she was stone faced, unhappy with the interrogation. Susan Willman was there, crying, as the police asked her who else, other than Steve Carlsberg, could have a key. And security guard Jesse McNeil was there looking quite ill, almost seasick, according to Carlos, as the police tried to badger him into implicating Steve Carlsberg.
Carlos has been home for a couple of weeks and in a terrible funk. He said Steve has a nearly impossible case. The police are convinced of Steve’s guilt and all their evidence points directly to him. Carlos hardly has any energy or emotion to work, or even leave the house. I feel awful for Steve too, and we are doing our best to support him and our family.
I tried cheering Carlos up by telling him my favorite science jokes, like two chemists walk into a bar and one tells the bartender, “I’ll have an H2O” and the other says “I’ll have an H20 too,” and the bartender says and sighs.. [fed up] “It’s been a long day guys,” and then the two chemists nod and say, [embarrassed] “Yeah oh god yeah sorry, just a couple of waters thanks.” And then later they make sure to tip very well. But Carlos didn’t even crack as mile, let alone laugh, and I asked him how his doorless fridge experiment was going and he’s welcome to work on it here, in his home laboratory. I don’t even mind if he keeps staining everything green with that weird gel he’s been using. “I ran out of gel, Cecil,” he said, prone on the couch not opening his eyes. “I couldn’t work on that, even if I wanted to. which I don’t.” Hm. I wanna curl up on the couch too, stay home from work. But I know that would be terrible for Carlos. There are many times I’ve felt flat or depressed, and Carlos has been there for me, keeping me company, taking in my sadness and reflecting back not a false smile but attentive eyes, a listening posture that makes me feel heard and understood, and that’s what I want to be for him. Besides, I think Steve can beat these charges. Steve may have been the only one with a key to the vault, but they cannot prove he opened the vault, as he was locked inside his own office during the robbery. And besides, Steve keeps very detailed accounting so they wouldn’t be able to find the stolen money, not even if he had taken it. Steve Carlsberg is… [moved] the nicest man in Night Vale. He’s a good boss, breaking his foot to get free to try to protect his employees. He’s a fine father. A loving husband. And a perfect brother-in-law. It’s just not... it’s not possible. You know, if someone on the inside did this, it was probably Susan. Susan Willman is the least trustworthy person in that bank, if not in this whole town. So if you’re going to…
[loud scary noises] Station Management just slit a memo under my door gently, reminding me about libel laws. The memo is written in fire on a sleep tablet, and there’s a snake curled around it so, uhh.. I’m going to leave my Susan WIllman theory alone. But. Let’s just say that there was an untrustworthy person in that bank, and that her name was Su..anne Wilt..son. Yes, Sue-Anne Wilson, yes and this hypothetical jerk was always complaining at PTA meetings about her own personal problems, rather than focusing on the agenda, let’s just say. And this Sue-Anne Wilson once accused Steve Carlsberg of censoring her, when Steve was just trying to finish the meeting in a timely manner so that the basketball team could se the gym for evening practice. This person might well hold a grudge against Steve Carlsberg and want to not only steal from him, but frame him for the crime. 
Or, what if the Sheriff’s Secret Police… [loud scary noises] was doing a really great job, so great that they didn’t have a lot of arrests to make because the town was so safe. And of course, [chuckling nervously] they would never need to frame someone for robbery! So they would look like they were solving one of the major crimes in recent memory. Or maybe it was space slugs. Some distant aliens from across the galaxy somehow found our solar system and spotted our Earth, and then randomly chose Night Vale, and for whatever reason, they really wanted our money, so they went down inside the bank vault while the building was on fire, and without the safe key they entered the locked room because these space slugs can crawl through walls, and then they stole all the money. I don’t know! I feel helpless.[loud scary noises fade out]
Reading the news and getting angrier and angrier, but you know there’s little I can do about terrible things that keep happening. I’m sure you can’t relate. Maybe a community calendar will cheer me up.
This Saturday, the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex opens its annual Haunted Halloween Hayride. There was complications this year, because Ghost Union Local 31 went on strike for an increase in pensions and maternity leave. Teddy Williams, owner of the Desert Flower, argued that ghosts cannot retire nor get pregnant, but the union countered with vaguely human faces muttering in the shadows while Teddy screamed, and eventually, a deal was truck.
Sunday morning is the pie eating contest at the Night Vale fair. Contestants will be competing for a top prize of a 1991 Buick Le Sabre, autographed by former US presidential hopeful and Illinois governor, Adelai Stevenson.
Tuesday afternoon is a tedious song. Wednesday night is the high school dance team’s statewide semifinals at the rec center. Our own Night Vale High School is competing that night. Their top rival is Red Mesa High School, who will be performing a jazz routine called Tommy Tunes Broadway: an upbeat medley of classic show tunes. Night Vale’s dance team will present (--) [0:09:21] postmodern masterpiece (-): contemplative blend of sculpture opera and dance defined by its explosive physical bursts, chanting, and (contra-) movements born of a 22-member ensemble, who express the human body as a multidimensional art installation. Good luck to all dancers!
And finally, Thursday is sick, so Friday will be covering Thursday’s shift. Eh, except for the part about the haunted hay ride. That did not cheer me up.
I’m getting word that the Secret Police have made a breakthrough in their bank heist investigation. Or maybe they found the real thief and can let Steve Carlsberg go? [clears throat] Sheriff Sam said the lab reports came back, the fingerprints were inconclusive as their top suspect Steve Carlsberg worked at the bank, so his fingerprints were everywhere. But the lab reports did detail a strange goo police found on the vault walls. This goo, a light green gel, was also found on the walls of the cells that the other robbers had escaped from two weeks ago. So maybe my theory about space slugs is correct. No wait. The lab reports showed that this unusual chemical can render certain metals intangible, allowing people to reach through walls without breaking them. [stutters] Police believe whoever used this greenish goo used it to rob the bank’s vault and to free the prisoners inside the abandoned mineshaft outside of town. The Sheriff then said they discovered this exact same chemical on Steve Carlsberg’s property. They discovered it inside the shed behind the house, and that this is the final piece of evidence that links Steve Carlsberg to the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. They believe that, oh no… Um, that Steve did not act alone, that he had an accomplice, a scientific mastermind who created this chemical for him. Who generated a complex concoction that enabled them to walk through walls stealing whatever they wanted. They have a warrant out now for Carlos’ arrest. I’ve gotta call Carlos. I- Oh, it looks like he left a voicemail.  
[beep] Carlos: Hey sweetie, it’s um me. So listen, I have um, I so-so I’ve just been arrested. No biggie, no biggie, I’m fine. This is actually good news, because I wanted to talk to the Sheriff anyway about all this, so that-that’s great. And um, I do have some new thoughts about what happened at the bank, and they’re really interesting, so they’re driving me downtown to meet with uh ooh, ouch, those cuffs are a bit tight there, officer… officer (Q. Fortier). Ah, that is a beautiful name. I-i-is that Franchian? If you don’t mind, Officer Fortier, I’m going to just finish my voicemail to my husband. So Cecil. When I get downtown, I’ll explain everything to them, Steve and I clearly did not do this and that’s what I’ll tell them, they’re police! [chuckles] You know, they just wanna know the truth, and uh ooh uh, oh Officer Fortier, I am not done with my call yet. Uh sir, what-what are you doing with my pho- [beep]
Cecil: I… I… Let’s go to the weather.
[Good Luck with That” by Fathom All the Animals https://fathomalltheanimals.com]
Cecil: Listeners, we now go live to Steve Carlsberg’s press conference at City Hall.
Steve: This has been a difficult month for me, and for my family. I thank you all for hearing me out today. I’m glad to know that these criminal charges are behind me, and I think Sheriff Sam and their secret police, as well as their Overt Police, for listening to reason and overturning the charges against me. [sadly] But of course, I’m sad to learn about their most recent arrest. Breaks my heart to know that such a dear friend of so many years, someone who’s been in home many, many times, someone I consider family, could betray me, my bank, my town in this way. I don’t even know how to talk about such a breach of trust by someone so close. [crying] Carlos! Oh Carlos. Thank you Carlos, for your brilliant and thorough evidence that put Jesse McNeil in jail today. Our security guard of nearly 50 years committed a heinous crime, and he nearly sent the two of us to prison for it.
When Carlos arrived in my cell this morning, he was all smile saying he had figured it out. He called the Sheriff over and said, “Check Jesse’s skin for the same chemical they found on the doors.” Carlos had been experimenting on the gel that allowed him to reach his hands into refrigerators without opening the door, and thus lowering the temperature of the food inside. He’d developed this chemical. He’d developed this chemical in his temporary lab in a shed behind our house. The problem with the chemical wasn’t its effectiveness and intangibility. He had been able to make that work. No, the problem with the chemical is that it stained everything it touched a dull green, including skin. Carlos showed me his own hands, which were green from the fingertips to about halfway up his forearms. He said the last few times he had seen Jesse, Jesse looked ill. Not like a flu or cold, more like seasick: queasy, green in the face. Carlos didn’t put it together right away, because we all felt sick about not only the robbery, but the false charges against me.
The police report also showed that none of the cash tills on the teller wall were affected by the fire that broke out during the robbery last month. Which means the fire had to have started on the opposite wall, which is by the front door, Jesse’s usual station. The smoke from the fire and the three robbers waving guns provided a distraction for Jesse to cover himself with Carlos’ intangibility gel, sneak downstairs past my office, where he had locked me in earlier than day, and then unload the cash from the safe and carry it into the alleyway behind the bank where his car was parked. When the fire trucks arrived, Jesse ran deliberately in front of their hoses so that the gel would all be removed from his body before the police began questioning those of us who had been inside during the robbery. But, as Carlos pointed out, the gel stains the skin for a long time, water alone won’t remove it.
Sheriff Sam brought Jesse back in for questioning based on Carlos’ statements, and found Jesse’s skin was the same dull green as Carlos’ hands. But unlike Carlos, the green stain covered Jesse’s whole body, not only his hands, indicating he had used it to walk through walls, rather than merely reach to a door.
Carlos explained that he had Jesse in his lab many times, Jesse and all my employees come to my house regularly for dinners. Like I said, they’re family to me. Jesse had taken an interest in Carlos’ science projects, so Carlos showed Jesse his doorless fridge experiment. Not long after that, Carlos noticed that the rest of his intangibility gel was gone. He thought he had just run out, even though he had made plenty of it. Never occurred to Carlos, until he saw Jesse’s green face a few days ago, that Jesse had stolen it to remove the money from the vault and his criminal colleagues from their jail cell. While I was the only person with the key to the vault, Jesse as a security guard was the only person with master keys for the rest of the building. My office door is never locked, so I don’t carry a key for it. Jesse knew this and locked me into my own office. Then his three collaborators Richard, William, and Emma created a fake robbery of the cash tills to distract from his heist of the vault. Sheriff Sam was impressed with Carlos’ explanation and arrested Jesse McNeil on the spot. Jesse turned to Carlos and Sam and said: [very deep voice] “I guess I’m going to jail now.” Sam said: [Sheriff Sam voice] “Don’t flatter yourself!”
Anyway, I finally get to return home, thanks to my brother-in-law Carlos. Thank you Susan Willman for managing the bank in my absence. Abby, Janice, I’ll be home in a few. Can’t wait to see you both again. Oh, oh, maybe I’ll bake some scones tonight! Carlos showed me a way to do it without letting the butter too warm. Oh-oh yeah!
Cecil: I’m so relieved and so glad they put the right person behind bars. And I have never been so excited to try one of Steve’s scones. That really is neat.
Stay tuned next for someone playing on a saw. No, ahem, (-) that, with a saw. It’s just someone playing around with a saw. Enjoy.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Wisdom ages like fine wine. Knowledge ages like Boston lettuce.
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sadlittlenerdking · 5 years
the ‘i love you’ collection
a masterpost of the fic i’m writing for the i love you collection. In total there are 32 “i love you” prompts, will be updated as they’re written.
The Magicians / Queliot
the collection on ao3
with no space between us 
Word Count: 1.2k
“You did it,” Eliot whispers into his ear, twisting his chin around and catching it on Quentin’s hair. He inhales, deep, and breathes him in.Quentin shakes his head, but makes no move to pull away. “El,” He mumbles, his words dancing along the skin of Eliot’s collar bone, lips dragging in their wake. “If you think I’m letting go—““Don’t,” Eliot interrupts, shaking his own head, closing his eyes. “Don’t let go. Not yet.”
not to me
Word Count: 838
Quentin’s favorite color is purple.
It hasn’t always been, but there’s a lifetime between when it wasn’t, and now. Years upon years, and moments upon moments.
Quentin’s favorite color is purple. Not just any shade of purple, though. Not like the plums Arielle used to bring to the mosaic before she became a part of their lives. Not the pale, pastel of the magic mushrooms Eliot once found lining the river. Not even the deep royal purple of Teddy’s first girlfriends dress. It’s a particular purple. He doubts anyone else even remembers it.
on a sunny tuesday afternoon, the late sun glowing in your hair
Word Count: 2k
He’s hit with the taste of opium, and the sweet, hickory scent of the Fillorian woods. Magic swells up within him, dances along his fingertips, and up into the air all around him. He feels his smile inch wider; even more so when he looks to his right and see’s the meadow. And beyond that—the cottage. Three little kids are running around chasing one another in the front of it, and Quentin’s sitting on the ground with a baby, smiling hopelessly at her, while she gurgles and laughs, tugging at his beard. Teddy comes from around the side of the cottage, holding a stack of freshly washed mosaic tiles, his wife trailing after him, content smiles on both their faces.
This is Eliot’s happy place.
He swallows, before making his way over. The leaves and twigs beneath his feet crunch and crack, giving him away. And before he knows it, three excited screams are directed at him, and he’s got a child attached to each leg, hugging him tight like a viper, and one holding her arms up at him, hands opening and closing; yelling for him to pick her up.
as a hello
Word Count: 2.9k
“El . . .” Margo says from behind him. She’s being cautious, which is fair, because he’s holding a coin over the most powerful magic in all of Fillory, ready to make his wish. “Just—remember. That these things never turn out how you expect.”
He knows. His thumb brushes over the face of the coin, his eyes fluttering shut. ‘Be careful,’ the questing dog had said, ‘for the wishing fountain grants the wish in the way it so chooses.’ Not like the winters doe—who’s gone missing—but with a twist. Sometimes it grants what’s beyond the words, resting on the veins of the wishers heart. Sometimes it senses evil, and grants the opposite if not worded precisely. It’d been the only reason Martin Chatwin stayed away. One wrong word, and Eliot could blow up the entire universe and every living thing that inhabits it.
So, of course, the entire trek up he’d thought about his wording. Simple. As few words as possible, but clear enough. Precise. No room for the fountain to take it the wrong way. Made sure to keep all his feelings about Quentin’s death bubbling up on the surface so the fountain can’t even think that his heart isn’t in it when he makes the wish.
in a way i can’t return
Word Count: 5.6k
Quentin smiles gently at the couple by the doors saying goodbye to their parents. The mom’s crying, but so are the couple. The dads got his mouth clamped shut, and seems to be trying with all his might not to burst into tears in the airport. One of the girls in the couple suddenly rush forward and wrap their arms around him, in a viper like grip.
Feeling something unfamiliar twinge at the center of his gut, Quentin lets his gaze sweep over the other people in the airport saying their goodbyes. His carry on’s a heavy weight at his feet, anchoring him while the security line stubbornly refuses to move. There’s another couple that catches his eye—a woman in an army uniform, all camo, hugging a man while a small child stands between them, her little arms wrapped tight around the woman's legs.
if not by fate, then by fire (another not said to me)
Word Count: 4.2k
There’s a webbing of magic there, glinting in the sunlight. He squints his eyes and tilts his head, moving to sit on his knees to get a closer look. It looks like wards; ghostly equations dancing in the air and letting the wind gently guide them back and forth. Like a flag on a gentle summer day. He watches it, almost like he’s caught in a trance, for a moment. Almost starts swaying with it.
And then he gets up, and follows it.
Lets it lead him. And when he approaches it, settling a hand in the air a breath away from making contact, he takes a deep breath, and looks up over it towering over him. Still swaying, like a dance to say hello and remind him he’s alive. His lips falls into a soft smile, and he presses forward. Expects a shockwave or for the magic to refuse his entrance. But his hand pushes through, and then his wrist with it’s magic rune, and then his arm and shoulder and before he knows it, he’s blinking up into a cloudless summer sky.
in awe, the first time you realized it
Word Count: 2.3k
They’re lying on the grass not far off from the mosaic. Quentin’s laying on his back with his arm tucked up under his head, pointing up at a cloud, claiming it’s making a shape it most certainly isn’t, and Eliot’s lying next to him on his side, a fond little smile on his lips as he lets him ramble. He’s making up a story about the cloud, how it’s a fierce dragon, fighting its way to victory across the skies, seeking out its mate. Or the knight meant to slay it. Quentin adds this bit with a slight shake of his head, glancing at Eliot just long enough to make sure he laughs. He does. Because it’s ridiculous.
Eliot plucks a blade of grass from between them and rolls it between his fingers. His knuckles brush up against Quentin’s stomach, and Quentin stumbles along what he’s trying to say. Smirking, Eliot leans in and quirks an eyebrow. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, Q. You’ll have to start over.”
a whisper in the ear
Word Count: 2.3k 
Quentin’s sitting in the living room, reading a book — something new that Kady had tossed to him when she came back from the library to help him “find a new obsession preferably not created by a pedophile, yeah?” — with his legs tucked up underneath him. His hair falls from it’s place behind his ear, and he reaches up to tuck it back into its place; a fruitless task but a habit that he’s not likely to break unless he cuts his hair. He shuffles further into the cushion of the couch, brow furrowing as the protagonist in the book hears a strange noise and decides to follow it. He shakes his head at her — never fucking following the strange noise, Patrice, god — but turns the page anyways.
The sound of the front door opening and closing fills the room, but it’s not enough to break his concentration. The books great, and the characters in it don’t make the best life decisions, but he can’t help but think that that’s why he relates to them. He still jumps when a creature jumps out of the closet and bares it’s teeth at Patrice. Still tries not to cheer, when a couple paragraphs later, she jabs the broken leg of a chair through its chest.
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naturepointstheway · 5 years
Random screencaps from Life is Strange
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One of my many everyday moods too, Max. 
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I hope those pizza slices are not like four days old. Also, I’m guessing from all the pizza boxes we see in Chloe’s room in Episode 1, when she gets the munchies, it’s pizza time, bitches. 
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It’s probably not clear in this, because yay Tumblr making these screenshots small, but that’s a postcard with the words “Seattle, Washington” on it. Hmm...interesting. (I think this is episode 1, can’t remember.)
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Just noticed there is a full moon on Tuesday night (same day as when Kate...you know...), which throws another monkey wrench in there about something fucking weird going on, because remember that solar eclipse that happened earlier that day? The only time that happens is when it’s a new moon (when the moon is in between the Earth and the sun); a full moon and a solar eclipse could never happen on the same day. Definitely something funky going on there with Max’s timey-wimey traveling powers! 
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The real reason they snuck into Blackwell: to make out in the Principal’s office.
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Chloe absolutely ordered that sign from somewhere online, because duh, she’s still Chloe even in the alternate timeline. Gotta love our fave punk girl. 
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I love you, Max, but I think you’re being just a little unnecessarily salty here--I get the feeling like alt!Chloe was at least happy to see alt!Max enjoying herself and going on adventures and sharing those funtimes with her via her favourite hobby: photography. If it upset Chloe to see Max having such happy times, then she probably wouldn’t have asked her parents to pin it up on the pinboard. Then again, I might be missing something as usual. 
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I’m not sure, Max. The teddy bear could’ve been from anyone, and I don’t think a plush anthropomorphic hot dog counts ;). I wonder if it’s some of Max’s own assumptions and so on about people who are at least severely disabled like alt!Chloe is? Hmm...interesting. Might have to write a think post on that, especially as I’m a person with a disability myself. Not now though, brain’s too lazy. 
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She looks so cute sleeping like that on Chloe’s bed, but all I can think is, “that looks so uncomfortable, she’s gotta be sore sleeping in that position all night.” I’m guessing it’s probably not safe to actually get IN bed with Chloe (much as I’d like to see that--Pricefield snuggles!), as a) it’s not that big a bed, and b) Chloe’s got an IV drip and a ventilator in her, and it’d probably be way too easy to knock that by accident when sleeping with them. Then again, Max is a tiny cinnamon roll so she might be fine anyway. 
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The only important dialogue exchange in the entire game. Good to see some things never change, like Chloe flirting hardcore with Max, in the alternate timeline. 
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“Ass-kicking robot leg” - Chloe, no doubt. And if so, had she written it? Because that would imply that note had been stuck on the fridge for 2 or so years straight.
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