#anyways i wrote for the request bc i was like “i need a break from this fic” and now i'm too deep in this request to write for x.ingqiu LOL
slowips · 9 months
started writing for a request (it has been so long since) &... it is only 1/4 written but it's already 2k words. i should be happy though. i wanted to write longer stories. is this how i break the 1k-2k word limit i've had when it came to my works???
i also had a friend look through my xingqiu fic and yeah, that fic really deserves to be a series of its own. however, i learned a few things about xingqiu's personality and will need to tweak it: perhaps it doesn't need to be a long series anymore! HAHAH
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lovebugism · 1 year
Imagine rough sex with eds and you guys just break the bed and you have to tell wayne
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summary: you and eddie break his bed. the worst part is having to tell wayne. pairing: eddie munson / f!reader warning: smut! eddie being the cutest human alive! a wild appearance from uncle wayne! 18+ mdni! a/n: i need everyone to know that when i wrote this draft, i titled it "breaking bed" and it made me chuckle a lil. anyway, thanks for your request anon! enjoy xoxo
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when eddie muson fucks, he fucks like a wild animal
he grunts with each of his rough thrusts, brown eyes somehow darker with lust while his untamed curls cling to his sweaty forehead
and you just let him drill into you because, truth be told, you love him this way
you hold the backs of your thighs and keep yourself wide open for him while he fucks so deeply into you
he leans over you, one hand white-knuckled where it grips his headboard, and the other wrapped around your throat
not tight enough to choke you exactly, but to make sure your eyes stay locked on his as he fucks you for all your worth
the headboard slams into the wall in time with each of his thrusts, rhythmic bang bang bangs that you’d be scared are leaving a dent in the wall if eddie wasn’t making you feel so good
he tilts your jaw to the side to expose your neck to him
and he hides his face in the sweaty crook of it, seeking refuge there while he nips and suckles at the warmed skin
you just keep begging for him to go harder and deeper and faster as he fucks you more and more stupid
and eddie complies without question
he revels in the way you keen each time he pounds into you and how your face scrunches up and your back arches for him
your toes curl and your legs tense up so hard they start to quiver
and right when you’re about to come, the bed suddenly jolts and dips beneath you, accompanied by loud crashing sound
it scares the shit out of you and you squeal while eddie lets out a grunt of surprise
because his bed just fucking broke
and it isn’t the most surprising thing in the world, the thing is about as old as he is
but it does take the two of you off guard 
all you can do in the moment is laugh about it
and eddie barely wastes another second before he starts fucking you again
because his bed is already broken, who cares if it gets more fucked up?
plus he knew how close you were to your orgasm and you just look so pretty when you come <3
the worst part about it though is telling wayne
because there’s no way he’s not going to notice
and eddie can’t exactly sleep on a crooked bed
so he just comes up with the shittiest excuse known to man “so the thing is... i was… jumping on the bed…”
wayne furrows his brows “the hell were you doing jumping on your bed?”
“well, you see, i was just, you know… trying to… heal my inner child…”
“…what the fuck does that mean?”
but, like, obviously wayne knows
typically you’re good at keeping eddie in check and sometimes he can hear you saying you don’t want to fuck while wayne’s in the house
and that’s a part of the reason he likes you so much bc you don’t want to put him through that trauma
but you guys are young and in love and sometimes keeping your hands off of each other feels like the hardest thing in the world
so he knows exactly how the bed broke
but hearing eddie trying to lie about it is the funniest thing on the planet
shopping for a new bed frame is easily the most adult thing you and eddie have ever done
and the only one he can afford is a star wars themed one in the children’s section
eddie groans and acts annoyed about having to get one that’s so childish but you know he secretly loves it
because the headboard is shaped like the cock pit of the millennium falcon with lightsabers painted on the foot of the bed
you try to put it together without wayne’s help while he’s at work
and you’re like “how long do you give it before we break this one?”
“an hour if you wine and dine me first <3”
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have any blurb requests? send em here if you want!
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q1ngqve · 4 months
hi!! same anon here you dont have to take this as a request bc i just wanted to get this out of my chest yandere or at least obssesive averatio where both overstim the hell out of reader (lowkey mindbreak if you're comfy about that??) after reader rejects their advances NOT OUT OF HATE or anything but bc their insecurities got the best of them and either thought the two were just messing w them or they have abandonment issues (i do not have the second one whatever do you mean i am not projecting do not percieve me) no offense to these two but they look like the ppl to mess w your heart n leave you to rot
mb some predator/prey (they both hunt you down after you avoid them both and as ratio wisely said "what do you do with a cornered prey? hunt it to death" AUGHAHSGA) aphrodisiacs, drugging, etc. anyways after that you best bet you'll be too dumb to ever think of something as stupid as that, and sure, yes ratio hates idiots but well..... you will be the only exception given how cute you look all fucked out and broken on their bed with their cocks deep inside you <3
SKLDJALSDJAL HELP i feel awfully embarrassed w writing this lmao scuse me while i bleach my head.
i am very sorry this took so long </3 i wrote this as a fic at first but i lost motivation so now it’s just in the form of brain rot :(
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oh no :( poor reader with insecurities from your past relationships thinking every man out there is a liar, especially the two that gave their hearts to you :( running away from them is a smart move because we don’t trust men in this household!
but you forget how annoying they can be when it comes to getting what they want, and they want you (´▽`) so don’t be surprised when you find yourself feeling scared out of your mind walking home alone and feeling like you’re being watched! or when you find certain luxury items randomly appearing in your room! or the slightest hint of their cologne when you wake up every morning! because you asked for this by running away 😵‍💫
this was supposed to be holiday for you — coming to penacony, but the headache and blurry room before you has you panicking! you best know that no one is coming to save you when you’re running through the reverie hotel like a lost bunny when you receive a letter saying they’ll have you tonight! and if you think you had any chance of escape, you’re so wrong 😖
oh, and don’t let them know that you’re afraid, it only spurs them on! hunting you down through the corridors of the hotel is so adrenaline inducing for them <3 running shouldn’t be so hard though, so why do you feel as if your legs are going to give out any second? oh right, the drink! they probably drugged it, seems like something they would do
an exasperated gasp leaves you when you finally let your body fall, eyes closing, preparing for impact. and the next thing you know you wake up, hands tied above you to the headboard, your body completely bare. you’d struggle with all your might, soft whines sounding at the back of your throat when you spot the two of them hiding in the shadows, staring down at you with those bright, lust-filled eyes
oh, you’re so dead
your body feels like it’s on fire, desperately needing release, needing someone to touch you, anyone. your voice betrays you as whimpers leave you when they stalk towards you, their burning gaze not helping with the burning sensation.
you really did think you could escape! so why’re you here, tied and unable to move? tears fall as you lock eyes with veritas ratio, your fight or flight kicking in when he reaches out to caress your cheek, wiping the tears away. laughter sounds from aventurine on the other side of the bed, you’re just so naive! all he wants to do is to love and break you until you’re a sobbing mess beneath him 😵‍💫 so don’t blame him when he kisses you, he just can’t help it anymore, not when you’re already shaking when all they did was drug your drink and reveal themselves to you after months of stalking :(
the aphrodisiac is making you incredibly sensitive to their touch, which is perfect for them because that would mean hearing your sweet cries of pleasure! you best prepare yourself though, because they’re not stopping until you’re about to pass out 🧎🏻‍♀️ they haven’t had you for months, nobody is going to stop them from worshipping you, not even yourself.
you’ll be so overstimulated by the end of the night that even just innocent touches can have you whining and trembling like a leaf (^^)
“you really think you can run from us?” — veritas ratio
“who you knew you were so filthy, hmm? you wanted us to hunt you down, didn’t you? dirty, dirty girl.” — veritas ratio
“missed you so much, pretty girl.” — aventurine
“stop? now why would we do that? you’re clearly enjoying this. look at you, making such a mess on my cock.” — aventurine
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Kento Nanami and his wife losing their unborn child in Shibuya (major tw!)
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Pairing: husband!Nanami x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,5k
Synopsis: It seemed like a normal evening when you passed out on the couch, not aware of Haruta sneaking into your shared apartment until he pierces his blade through your pregnant stomach. How will your husband react, finding out what happened to you?
Warning: MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING!, if you feel uncomfortable with child loss or it triggers you in some way, please don't read this, heavy violence, heaviest angst but comfort (bc Nanami is the best husband ever), didn't proofread this because it hurts my soul, please note that I never experienced something like that and wrote it out of stories from family and it might be bad
This is like the bad ending to Haruta seeking revenge on Nanami's heavy pregnant wife. You can find it here
Thank you @wifenanami for breaking our heart (I love your requests babe) 😭
Your mind is a blur when you open your aching lids against a harsh light. Damn, everything hurts, you feel like someone has stabbed you over and over again. Your stomach aches so bad…why? The last thing you remember is…
A toe-curling scream coming out of your own mouth. Hands that keep you from falling to the ground. Darkness, unimaginable agony, grief. But why? What happened? Out of instinct, your hands wander to your belly. Weren’t you at home passed out on the couch with your heavy belly laying on the side, waiting for your husband to come back to you?
You were, but there’s something else…
Suddenly, a wave of memories washes over you, memories that make your whole body tremble with overflooding emotions.
“I-I can’t feel her anymore. Shoko, I can’t feel her, she isn’t moving!”, you cry on top of your lungs, hands roaming around your blood-soaked stomach in a desperate attempt to find a heartbeat.
You weren’t fast enough. The minute that blond-haired man with the ugly ponytail stumbled into your apartment and shot a sword directly through your belly, you were lost at words, lost at actions, lost at control. As if frozen in place, you watched as he pierced through you over and over again, your blood spilling onto the cold marble floor, discolouring everything in your crimson blood within seconds.
And hers. Your precious daughter. It was only a matter of time said Shoko the other day. A matter of time until you’d be finally able to hold her in your arms, a matter of time to see your husband putting her to sleep.
But time ran out for both of you.
“Send my best wishes to your husband! Well, you probably can’t do that anymore though…See ya!”
You can’t remember what happened next. How did you even manage to let Shoko know that you’re injured? It doesn’t matter anyway. The look of pure horror on her face was enough for you to know that it’s too late.
“Y-you…you need to save her”, you hush, tears now taking your sight completely.
You are nothing but weak. Too weak to defend yourself, too fucking weak to even move an inch when someone attacks you.
Too weak to save the life of your daughter.
Your daughter…
“Tell me she’s okay”, you mumble into the light above you over and over like a prayer.
Maybe all of this was nothing but a bad dream. Maybe Shoko was really able to use her reversed technique on both you and your precious daughter. Maybe she’s laying in her father’s arms right now, safe and sound. Her father…where is your husband? Is he alright?
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I tried everything I could but…I couldn’t save her, she was already dead when I arrived…”
“No”, you interrupt her immediately.
You hold your breath. How often did you imagine what she might look like? Your little angel. Oh, you were so excited when you found out you’re expecting your first child back then, Kento was so overwhelmed that he even cried. She was the blessing in a world full of curses, your little ray on sunshine in the dark.
She…She can be dead…
“You were there, right? You saved both of us, right?”
Shoko leans down towards you. And for the first time since knowing her, you see her cry. Not only a single tear runs down her face, but a never-ending waterfall while she holds onto your shaky hand.
You feel numb, want to laugh and cry at the same time, want to scream and to stay silent all at once. This…This can’t be reality. This isn’t how it’s supposed to turn out. You’ve read enough books to know how happy endings work, that the people who deserve it will always find happiness.
“My darling.”
His voice catches you off guard, makes your glossy eyes widen and heartbeat pick up. This is him, without any doubt. Your husband is here.
Gently, he grabs your other hand and leans forwards.
Your breath hitches in an instant.
Half of his body is burned, bruises cover his gorgeous face. But the worst thing is the unwavering sadness that gleams in his orbs. It hits you like a wall.
The things you saw, Shoko’s words.
Everything is true.
You lost your child at Shibuya.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). Everything is my fault. I should have saved you, I should have stayed with you, I should have killed him…I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry…”
And then he breaks down on the side of the bed you’re laying in, head pressed against the soft mattress while crying so horribly that you feel like dying right on the spot.
This, everything that happened…Everything is only your fault. You should have listened when he instructed you to stay at Jujutsu High, you should have locked the door like he always said. You are not only responsible for getting hurt, but also for losing the way too young life of your unborn daughter.
She had her whole life ahead of her. Her first steps, her first time saying “dada”, your precious husband buying her clothes, bringing her to school on her first day, comforting her when he first boy breaks her heart only to scare this poor boy to death…
You didn’t only kill her, but her whole future. And Kento’s on top.
“How are you feeling, love? Are you still in pain?”
You don’t even dare to look at him, numb eyes just staring at the ceiling. No, you don’t deserve this man kneeling in front of you, you don’t deserve him even talking to you.
“You should leave.”
Thick silence hangs in the air, Kento’s eyes darted towards you in sheer disbelief. Why would you ever suggest something like that? When he woke up, the first thing on his mind was you. When Shoko told him what happened, that your daughter died and she isn’t sure if you’ll make it, it felt as if a part of himself is vanishing. You, the love of his life, the baby both of you waited for…
“I will never leave your side, love. Not when we both need each other more than ever”, he replies as calmly as possible.
“Why would you say that when I’m the one who killed your daughter?”
Your words hit him with full force, tear the ground from under his feet. It already hurts enough to know you lost your little angel in than senseless battle to that disgusting creature. But hearing that you make yourself responsible for what happened, that you think he doesn’t want to be with you anymore…
“Look at me.”
Carefully, he cups your cheek with his large hand, forcing you to return his gaze. The empty look in your eyes makes him tear up all over again.
This is so unfair, so unbelievable cruel. Isn’t it enough that you’ve lost your child? Why are you plaguing your mind with blaming yourself for that tragedy, why are you even thinking he’ll leave you?
“Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart that I love you more than ever. Let me promise you that I’ll never leave your side, no matter how numb you feel, no matter how often the pain gets overwhelming. Let me tell you that we’ll get through this together. Because you are my wife, (y/n). And even though it rips me apart to know that we’ve lost our daughter to this fucker, I will always be thankful that you survived. You did so well. I’m beyond proud that you’ve managed to call Shoko, that you pushed through and fought for your life. I will NEVER blame you for what happened at Shibuya. And I will love you through everything.”
“Kento…I miss her so much”, you breathe against his hand with so much grief in your voice that it takes him all his strength so not break down all over again.
“I miss her too, darling. But she’s always with us, she’ll never leave our side”, he whispers gently.
“I don’t deserve you…You, you are injured yourself. What happened to you?”
“Nothing but a few scratches. Let me stay by your side, okay? I never want to leave you alone again, (y/n).”
You can’t contain yourself any longer, it seems like the world around you collapses as you let yourself fall into your husband’s arms. Everything is too much, all the grief, all the sadness seems to swallow you whole. But oh does it feel good to lay against his chest, to feel his fingertips stroke your hair gently.
“I will always stay by your side. And so does our little angel.”
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopstick @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp@wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz
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could u do something about thalia never showing up for jason? in the end of tlh he was hoping she’d show up for the counselors meeting and she didn’t so maybe a series of him making plans with her/trying to get in touch with her and just being disappointed every time… not thalia hate i love u thalia she just is too busy for him (while doing it during the months between tlh and son could be cool i think in between boo and toa would be more angsty bc u know he’s going through a breakup!!! he’s all alone in this random private school he isn’t familiar with the mortal world and he just wants his sister but she isn’t there!!!)
Two times Jason Grace wrote Thalia a letter, and the one time he didn't send it.
author's note: Ah this is so angsty and perfecttt :( The Grace siblings deserved more…they're my faves fr.. anyway, I hope I did justice to your request anon! Thank you for requesting, it made my day! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. I just finished my exams and I'm back to having more time for writing :) you guys can send me more angsty jason prompts like this one if you want to, I'll write them with the best of my capabilities, I'm quite new to heavy angst like this so I was surprised when I was able to finish this within an hour. Jason Grace does this to me.
TW: severe angst. I mean it, very severe, character death, mentions of sacrifice, no happy ending. I went all out, I'm sorry. I was just way too into this.
Jason traced his finger over the glossy photo frame in his hands, which encrusted a picture of his older sister, Thalia. He had requested Leo to help him with the framing, the edges were made with a mahogany coating. He smiled at the lovely picture of his sister, her hair being held together by her silver huntress circlet, wearing her punk rock clothes. 
Over the course of the summer, He had finally gotten the chance to take a good picture of Thalia for a family keepsake, he had held on to the tattered, torn picture of Thalia that annabeth had given to him before his first quest, and he still treasured it greatly. But he insisted that Thalia and him take at least one good picture before she disappeared with her maidens into the world, for months. 
“And then Leo said-” Jason was cut off by thalia’s fellow maiden Phoebe, rushing towards them, yelling for thalia. 
“Lady Thalia, lady Artemis is heavily in need of your assistance immediately!” Phoebe said panting. Thalia frowned and her eyes apologetically turned back to Jason. “I'll be there” she told her fellow huntress, before giving Jason a strangling hug. “I'm so sorry Jason, we'll talk later yeah?” Jason swallowed his disappointment after he saw how truly apologetic Thalia looked. “Of course, stay safe for me?” Thalia smiled sweetly and nodded at that before trudging up the path.
That was the last time he had seen of Thalia in months, and there was only one way to settle this. Jason decided to send in letters to his sister, that way, she could read it and keep them with her, and he could tell her everything without getting interrupted by anyone. He soon learnt to cherish this hobby alot. He loved his sister, and writing to her gave him a warm sense of comfort. He needed that, especially after Leo's death.
“Dear Thalia,
How have you been sis? I hope your mission with Phoebe to help Artemis went well! It's been pretty tough lately. My nightmares are plagued with pictures of mom. I know you of all people would understand how horrific that feels. I miss Leo, and piper's been acting a little strange around me lately.. but Leo's disappearance is taking a toll on her. So I get it. Nico is finally staying in camp half blood, isn't that great?? That boy deserved a break for once. Anyways, write back if you can, but if you can't, that's fine, I know you're busy.
–love, your annoying little brother.
Weeks, and months flew by, but still no response from Thalia. But he knew better than to take it seriously. Jason knew that she had gotten the letter, and that was enough for him. Well, that was enough, until things went downhill for him very quickly. Piper had approached him in the school corridor and thought it was a great day to end their year long relationship, shattering Jason's soul to pieces, this, coupled with the immense amount of pressure he had to build the minor god shrines, Jason felt numb, and he did what he usually did. He poured his heart out to Thalia in another letter, seeking comfort in his ink and paper. Longing for thalia’s presence once more.
“Dear Thalia,
it's me again, I hope you're doing good, atleast better than I am. I've been feeling terrible lately, Piper ended things with me, i guess we finally know why she was acting the way she did around me, huh? She said our relationship was only hera’s illusion and didn't feel that way about me anymore, which sucks, since I'm still very much in love with her. The pressure has increased tenfolds on me these days, the minor gods are heavily anticipating the promise I told them I'd keep. I'm planning on moving schools so i don't have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing Piper in school anymore. Anyways, I just wanted to write to you since it makes me feel better. Sending you lots of love from California.
— love, Your annoying little brother 
Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. 
Jason knew. The moment the sibyl told him about looking for the third emperor. Jason knew, that his doomsday was going to knock on his doorstep very soon. He was going to sacrifice himself for Piper. And nobody was changing his mind. Jason stared out his dormitory window, the outside mortal world looked a little too cheery for the melancholic thoughts that were chasing his mind. He averted his gaze to the person in the picture frame hanging at his wall. Thalia had always been too busy for him. They had never had a proper full conversation together, one on one conversations getting disrupted, iris messages wearing out within a few minutes, even his letters never got a reply, or even a single acknowledgement. 
Yet jason knew, that Thalia Grace was the only one who loved him more than anything in the world. She didn't have to spend time with him for him to know that. He knew by the way she had only left their childhood home after Jason was deemed “dead”, he knew by the way she had picked a two year old jason up  after he injured his mouth with that stapler,he knew by the way she played hide and seek when they were little, he knew by the way she had told no one about him, not even annabeth, since he was a memory that she held close to her heart. So subconsciously, his hands wrapped around the pen he always used to write with. With shaky hands, and teary eyes slowly dripping in the paper, he began to write.
Thalia was resting on the rocks, thinking of how Jason was doing, she had recieved all his letters and read them through atleast 2 times. She wanted to respond, but it kept slipping her mind. Something had always come up, but now, she was finally free. Just as she was about to pick up her pen, she heard her name being called.
It was Reyna. She was holding an envelope, Thalia’s spirits skyrocketed at the thought of her brother sending her another letter. But.. why was it being sent through Reyna..? It was usually always sent by Jason's wind manipulation. Those letters would float towards her. That's how she always knew it was from her brother.
She was expecting Reyna to tease about Jason's cheesy letters to his sister, but what she wasn't expecting, was for Reyna to start sobbing on the spot, breaking out the news that her younger brother was dead. 
Jason. Her little stapler eating brother. Was dead.
“This was found by Meg in Jason's desk.” Reyna shakily handed Thalia the envelope. It was a blue envelope, the usual colour that Jason always sent to her. And on top of it, was his smudy handwriting that Thalia could recognise from a mile away. The letter was signed “To Thalia Grace”.
Thalia opened it carefully but tears were leaking out of her eyes.
“Dear Thalia,
there's something that I've been keeping for a while now, but I know it's finally the time to tell you this. I met the sibyl in the labryinth who had told me that my life would be cut short. if went looking for the third emperor, Caligula, either me or Piper would be killed. There's no point denying the inevitable is going to happen. Prophecy's can never be thwarted, after all. I've made my choice, I'm not letting Piper die. I've decided that I am going to use myself as a sacrifice. I'm writing you this, to let you know, that, I love you. I love you so much sis, I hope you know that. I know we've never got to see eachother much, but I don't want you blaming yourself in any way for this. I hope you know that, writing to you, even without a response from your side all these months, has helped my life feel a lot more meaningful. the mere thought of you taking the time to read my letters makes me feel so loved. So happy. Now that I know that I might be meeting my end, I'm letting you know, that I've cherished every single thing you've ever said to me. Including the fact that you hate tomatoes on your sandwiches. Take care of yourself, sis, I'm always with you.
  — love, for the last time, your annoying little brother :)
Thalia clutched the letter with her heart, screaming in agony. Thunder boomed angrily overhead, almost as if her father could feel her rage. Her heart strings were tearing apart. She sobbed, as she looked up at the blue sky, the same blue as Jason's darling eyes.
“I love you too. My annoying little brother, always”
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Can I request Sebastian with a gender neutral s/o (or master) who had a mental breakdown bcs of math and acted like nothing happened infront of him? (I'm gonna lose my mind over math)
My dearie, of course. I know, it has been a while, but now I am here. (That sounded like I'm some sort god-figure.) I'm about 90% sure that I have completely lost my mind over math and have no way of getting it back.
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Sebastian comforting you after you lose your mind over your math homework
When the fuck did math get letters? Why does math need letters? Why must it make a problem out of everything? Who cares at what degree a certain angle of a roof of a weird art exhibition is. Why should you care at what height a discoball is located if a laser hits it at a certain angle? And who even thinks of such ridiculous problems?
Advanced education? More like an advanced headache. You've sat here at your desk for about three hours, longer than you planned to. You were just trying to do your homework, but nothing was working out. The numbers didn't add up, you don't even know where to start at. It is all too much, too much at once, you just can't handle it anymore.
Throwing away your pencil, you start sobbing over that darned piece of paper. What is this supposed to teach you? Well, nothing that matters to you, of course, yet you're still forced to keep up with algebra and geometry and analysis, totally useless in your daily life. If only these problems were solvable with tears. The only thing they do for you right now is smudge your already hastily written tasks and solutions. Oh, how you hate this. You can only hate this. How could you ever do anything else-?
Your door opens. What now? Who has come to bother you at your lowest point of the day?
"Is everything alright, my dear?", you hear, yet you don't look up. You don't have to do so to know who is there. You'd recognise his gentle voice in a crowded room full of people who don't know how to properly adjust their voice volume. You also want to save yourself from the embarrassment of him seeing your puffy red eyes. So you only mumble something into your arm, something along the lines of "Maybe, I don't know, leave me alone.".
But he didn't. Of course he didn't leave, he never really does what you tell him to. Just like his beloved cats, Sebastian does what he feels like doing at any given point. So if he wants to physically see your tears for his amusement, he will watch them slowly run down your cheeks. You hear how he places something infront of you.
"If everything truly was alright, you'd show me your beautifull face. So, look up for me.". That snarky bastard. You'd hate him for that if you didn't love him more. So you slowly look up to him, eyes all puffy and swollen. "See? I'm fine.". You finally realised he placed a batch of biscuits infront of you, freshly made of course. Sebastian looks down at you with that smirk he always seems to have on his face. "Well, I don't believe you. You're a bad liar, kitten. What is troubling you?". He doesn't even wait for your answer, he just looks down and responds with a little "Ah.". He saw everything he needed to see.
"Is your scholarship too hard on you again? Or is it you being too hard on yourself?", he asked while sitting down next to you. He seemingly tries to make out what you wrote, but it is simply incomprehensible thanks to your tears. "I told you already, it's nothing. Just some stupid problems. As if I would've brought them to class anyway..."
"Frustrated, are we?". "Shut it...", you deliberately look away, yet he pulls you into his arms and starts to stroke your head. "Now, no need to cry over silly made up numbers and problems. Rest your head for now.". Sebastian slightly nudges your head onto his chest. Maybe he's right. You should take a little break, just for now.
Phew, finally something fresh on my paige. As you can guess, I'm well and alive, more alive than well but alive nonetheless. I'll see how I can get back on track. But until then, I will fulfill the meaning of my name by disappearing suddenly and reappearing again. Like a little ghost.
Until then~
Your Inconsistent Kuroshitsuji Blog~
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froggibus · 11 months
Jason Todd (any version) x reader (preferably female) where Jason helps reader through an anxiety attack? Or a panic attack, if that's easier for you. And with as much fluff as possible, please?
Chilling Out - Jason Todd
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Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: during a party at Wayne manor, you have a panic attack, but Jason knows just how to help you
CW: panic/anxiety attacks, tight spaces (but no claustrophobia), crying, general anxiety (O7), hurt/comfort, mentions of past trauma & triggers, soft!Jason, they get ice cream, i promise it ends very wholesome. lmk if i missed anything
i haven't wrote DC in a hot minute but this request was too cute not to write. im so soft for soft Jason!! also shoutout to my trog for helping me come up w a title bcs i am dumb today. anyways hope you enjoy <3
Jason knows very little about your past. Or at least, the bad parts of your past. You were always hesitant to share that part of your life with anyone, and Jason was never one to pry. 
Even if he didn’t recognize the trigger, he recognizes what comes next. 
That vacant, scared look on your face. The rapid, shallow rise and fall of your chest. He notices the way you’re almost shaking, the way your eyes dart around the room looking for an escape. 
You lose more and more air with every breath. The manor is absolutely packed with guests for Bruce’s most recent gala, and having so many people in so little space is overwhelming. You dig your nails into your palms. I have to get out. 
Jason is frozen across the room from you. He’s torn—stuck between running to you and wrapping you in his arms and never letting go, or letting you be and giving you the space you need to calm down. He knows if the roles were reversed, he’d want to be left alone. He’d go and hide in a comforting space and try to regain control of his thoughts. But you’re not him. 
He blinks and you’re gone, tearing away from the main foyer and escaping into the safety of the house. 
You collapse in the closet of a random room. The darkness accepts you into his arms, surrounding you like a blanket. You squeeze your eyes shut and contract all of your muscles, trying to force air back into your system.  
Jason doesn’t realize he’s following you until the cold air of the grand entrance hits him. You’re completely out of his sight now, having disappeared into one of the many rooms of Wayne manor. He pinches the bridge of his nose—where could you possibly be?
He starts searching the rooms on the ground floor, careful not to be too loud and accidentally startle you. After none of the rooms on the ground floor turn up anything, he starts to climb the stairs. He only makes it two steps before he hears a sob that sounds a little too familiar.
He backs up, eyes locked on the closet that Bruce keeps winter coats in. It’s tucked just out of the way of any prying eyes, at the end of a hallway near Bruce’s study. It’s quiet, enclosed and of course, dark. The perfect spot to hide in. 
“Y/n?” He keeps his voice soft and even, kneeling just outside of the closet. 
You sniffle in response, strained gasps echoing off the walls of the closet. How did he find you? How did he know?
He slowly pulls open the door, giving you enough time to hide your face or protest if you need to. A sliver of light from the hallway breaks through the darkness of the closet and illuminates your face. Jason’s heart breaks at the sight.
Poor thing. All teary eyed and wet cheeked, shaking like a leaf at the bottom of an old closet. He shakes his head. This won’t do.
 “Hey, hey,” he says, “it’s safe here. It’s just us. Just you and I.”
You hear his words but it’s hard to register anything in your panicked state. Your breathing stays erratic, your heart beats so hard you’re scared it will burst. You can see Jason through the black spots and tears, but just barely. He looks more like a broken mirror than a person right now, but it’s Jason.
“Are you okay if I touch you?”
As soon as you nod, Jason is pulling you into his lap and shutting the closet door to return you to darkness. Strong arms hold you close to his chest and his scent surrounds you. 
“Close your eyes, okay? Focus on your breathing, focus on what you feel, not what you think.”
You try to follow his instructions, managing to relax enough to shut your eyes. You can feel the warmth radiating off of him, the steady bump of his heartbeat, his hands resting above your belly button. You can smell his cologne, the familiar scent filling your nostrils and reminding you that he’s really there. 
Jason keeps himself sturdy. He keeps his breathing steady and his hands still. You need stability right now, and Jason is going to be the one to give it to you. He doesn’t care if he has to hold you for an hour, or even the entire night. All he cares about is you.
Your breathing starts to steady and the burning in your chest fades. You try not to push yourself—taking slow, gentle breaths. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, and suddenly you’re painfully aware that you’re sitting in his lap, in his arms, in a dark closet.
“Y-yeah,” you say, “I think so.”
He nods. “Great to hear.”
Jason awkwardly adjusts so that he can stand, opening the closet door. He reaches a hand out to you. “How about we ditch this thing? We get rid of these stuffy clothes, take a ride on my bike and get some ice cream?”
Jason almost bursts at the genuine smile that fills your face. It’s like clouds parting to let the sun rays through—a reward after seeing you break down in his arms.
“That sounds great,” you accept his hand and let him tug you to your feet. “I’ll go get changed.”
Ten minutes later and Jason is waiting at your door, having traded his suit for jeans and a t-shirt. “Ready to go?”
He takes your hand in his and leads you downstairs, out of the backdoor and to the garage where he parked his motorcycle. He helps you do up your chin strap, calloused hands gently rubbing the sensitive skin of your neck. 
You mount the back of the bike, your feet barely scraping the ground. Jason puts on his own helmet and climbs in front of you. He revs the bike, “you should hold on.”
You lean forwards awkwardly and wrap your arms loosely around his waist. Jason seems satisfied with this and takes off. As soon as the bike lurches into motion, your grip tightens around him. You swear you hear him laugh.
The cool night air feels nice on your once clammy skin, the familiar smell of the city surrounding you. Jason drives carefully, or at least, more carefully than he usually does. You can tell he’s making a great effort to keep you comfortable.
You relax into him, feeling the curves of the bike as you make your way into the city. The streets of Gotham fly by, amber streetlights casting the whole street in a soft glow.
You feel almost disoriented when he brings the bike to a stop in a parking stall next to the ice cream parlor. The sudden cease of motion leaves you feeling like you’re still moving, and you have to wait a minute to get your bearings.
Jason puts down the kickstand and climbs off of the bike, hanging his shiny black helmet from the handlebars. “Here,” he offers you a hand and helps you down.
Your knees shake slightly but you find your balance. You take off the helmet and set it on the seat of the bike where you just were.
“So, what’s your go-to flavor?”
You smile. Jason has never been one for small talk, and he’s definitely never been as gentle as he’s being now. You melt at the idea of him being extra careful with you.
“It’s so hard to decide, honestly,” you admit. “I usually get the same thing every time, but sometimes I want to switch it up, you know?”
He nods, “I’m usually a mint chocolate chip or rocky road guy myself, but I like to mix it up sometimes.”
You spend almost five minutes discussing ice cream flavors with Jason. It doesn’t help that this particular place boasts over 100 flavors, and all of them sound equally delicious. Finally, you manage to decide and step up to the counter to order.
You order your ice cream, but before you can pay, Jason steps up behind you and places his order with yours. You go to protest, but the man is already tapping his card.
“Thank you,” you say sheepishly.
“Hey, if I invite you out for ice cream, don’t expect to pay.”
You get your ice cream and settle down at one of the picnic benches in the parking lot. It’s a nice, warm night, and there’s not very many people around. Usually you’d be afraid to be out this late in Gotham but having Jason around just settles your nerves.
“Thank you for tonight, Jay. It—it really means a lot to me that you helped me.”
You swear his cheeks tinge red. He looks at you seriously, “anytime. Seriously, if you ever need me, no matter what, just call me, okay? I’ll be there for you in a heartbeat.”
His words almost have you tearing up again. Seeing Jason so soft, so kind and caring—it just makes your heart flutter. He reaches across the table and squeezes your hand reassuringly. 
A peaceful silence falls over the table as you finish your ice cream. Jason never takes his hand away from yours, and you’re not quite sure you want him to. If you could live like this, with him, in this moment forever, you’re sure you’d never have another panic attack again.
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fungal-rot · 6 days
Just Ask
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this is short, sweet, to the point. was gonna be longer, but i’ve had massive brain fart and writers block for like the past couple weeks lol. i wasn’t gonna post this bc of it, but then i was like, ‘well at least i wrote something !!’ so anyway-
pairing: Javi G x Reader
summary: Javi loves to spoil you. He'd give you the entire world if he could. All you have to do is ask. (this is also smut practice just fyi)
warnings: smut (no plot), fingering, oral (f receiving), fluffy kinda?? f!reader, no description of reader
"Just ask me, hermosa." Javi would always tell you; whether it was for a date night, a specific movie to watch, or even that new brand-name pair of shoes you eyed in a shop window. He only wanted to give you what you deserved.
"Ask, and it's yours."
"J-Javi, sweetheart-" You whined out, hands clutching and pawing at his wavy, sun-bleached hair while his face was buried deep into your slick cunt.
His tongue lapped and savored the musky, salty-sweet taste of your folds, all the while the bridge of his nose bumped and rubbed up against your clit, creating that tantalizing friction you were desperately chasing.
"Ask me," Javi uttered against your skin before sliding a long, thick finger inside your heat.
Your hips bucked into his mouth, eager to reach that high you could feel stirring up in your tummy. Of course, you adored that Javi wanted to lavish you with anything you asked for, but you hated actually having to ask. Not in an 'I-shouldn’t-have-to-ask' way; more of an 'I-don't-want-you-to-think-I'm-expecting-it' way.
He was determined to break you of that.
Javi hummed lowly before pulling his mouth away, eliciting a cry of loss from you. He inserts another finger, curling the two digits up against the sponge-like flesh of your cunt with careful precision. "Tell me what you want, mí corazón," he cooed and laid his head on your thigh's soft, pillowy flesh. "Need to hear you ask for it."
He placed a sweet kiss on your hip bone while that gentle, tender puppy-like gaze bored into yours. His neatly trimmed facial hair- wet from you- lightly scratched at your skin, erupting a wave of goosebumps and leaving behind a bit of your slick on the surface.
Another whine pushed from your chest. You wanted just to tell him to fuck you already, teeth gritting with a twitch of your lip. Javi was being so sweet, though. So tender and loving as he looked up at you from your thighs, thick fingers still curling and pumping into you at a slow, steady pace.
"You- I- fuck, Javi!" You cried out a stammered mess. The hand, still fisting at his hair, tugged a little harder, eliciting a groan from him with a shut of his eyes.
"Iwannacum!" Spoken all too quickly, and words slurred together, Javi shook his head with a click of his tongue.
"That is more of a statement," He lightly chided with a chuckle and breathy noise of your name, but moved his mouth back over your swollen bud, hovering and leaving you mewling beneath him.
Your hips lift from the mattress in an attempt to chase his mouth, and with a strong arm, he keeps you pinned. Your body was glistening with a thin layer of sweat, all nerve endings sweltering with a heat that only he could extinguish. As your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, trying to find the words to correct yourself, but not quite getting there, that’s when Javi spoke once more in an almost desperate tone,
"Ask me."
Fuck, okay. You had to do this. With what little bit of resolve you had left, the words finally came falling from your tongue in hasty desire, "Javi, will yo- will you make me cum? Please, baby, I need to cum."
Pleased with your request, he smiled fondly with a faint hum of approval.
"Anything you ask for, it’s yours,” he murmured and latched his mouth back on your bundle of nerves, eagerly lapping and sucking away.
Oh, yes, Javi was going to give you any and everything you asked for.
uh, anyway yeah- i love my pookie sunshine bear. if you liked this please reblog/like/comment !! <3 i love feedback and hearing ur thoughts
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muikitoo · 5 months
Are you still taking requests?...
Idk what you are comfortable with doing or not... But if you are ok with it, could you do a Rise Leo x Reader anxiety attack?
*Nervous anime sweat drops 👉👈*
Like, maybe the Reader has been masking emotions all day and when Leo comes over they break down or catches them mid break down... Or something like that...?
Thank you!
*Runs away-*
Anxiety attack
Leo x gn! s/o who is having an anxiety attack.
Anxiety attack, but the rest is fluff and comfort.
I was actually pretty excited to write this. I hope it turned out well enough
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- When he finds u in the middle of an anxiety attack, he panics. A lot.
- Quickly goes and gets you some water.
- He tries to calm you down, without necessary touching you or doing anything that could possibly trigger you more.
- breathing exercises/techniques
- after youve calmed down a little he tries to use reassuring words and hugs u gently(only if u let him).
- "Its okay. Youre safe now, i promise."
- it rally hurts him to see you like that, he loves you more than anything.
- After some time he'll ask to talk to you about what happened, if you dont wana talk abt it then he'll try and distract u/make u feel better (movies, games, cuddles, ect) and then talk about it whenever you need
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Leo decided to visit you, worried. You hadn't texted or called him in a while. He thought you were just busy bc of school and that you'd visit the lair after your classes ended, but you never did.
Once he entered your apartment/house - it was awfully quiet. He felt his heart start to race, thinking about everything that couldve possibly happened. "Y/n? Hermosa? You home?" He said nervously. He was afraid, which he usually masks well, but this time he couldnt even think of that. He needed to make sure youre okay. The more he got closer to your room, the more he could hear faint sobs. He entered your room and saw you on the floor, shaking.
"Y/n!" He was quick to be by your side. He was confused and didnt want to touch you or do anything triggering. He quickly ran to the kitchen to grab you some water. He helped you drink some and then set the cup down somewhere and then turned his attention back to you. "Breathe, love. Breathe." He made you look at him as he told you to follow his instructions, breathing slowly - in and out.
"hey, do you mind if i hold you for a little while?" He asked after youve calmed down a bit. After getting your approval, he slightly scooted towards you and gently layed your head on his plastron, wrapping his arms around you. "Do you mind telling me what happened? Or do you want to talk about it later? As you amazing and handsome boyfriend i want to be here for you through this and help you anyway i can!" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a little and wanting to earn atleast a small smile from you. You let out a shaky giggle, telling him about your stressful day and everything that happened during the classes. He listened carefully, petting your hair and humming every once in a while to let you know he's listening.
After having a talk and making sure youre okay, you decided to watch a movie. "You know what? Ill be generous today and let my amazing s/o pick whatever movie you want." He smirked as he pecked your head, getting comfortable in the sheets as he handed you the remote.
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A/N: i wrote this in school so it was rushed. Im not that educated in stuff like this so if i got something wrong please correct me without being rude.
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scaranation · 2 years
Hi there dear
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFCI
was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont hsndle it well)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
Ofc! Literally giggling and kicking my feet as i wrote this anyway I hope it’s what you had in mind <33
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༊*·˚ 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊
Pairing: Scaramouche x GN!reader (Scaramouche is referred to as Kunikuzushi)
Content: Modern AU, angst to fluff, comfort
In which Kunikuzushi’s trust issues lead him to grow apprehensive of your recent actions - although the argument he instigates leaves him in dire need for your reassurance.
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“Fuck, why are you keeping things from me?” Kunikuzushi stood glowering on the other side of the kitchen counter, violet eyes flaring with unbridled frustration.
“Kuni, I told you, I was preparing-” You began, your voice barely able to remain level, but your fiancé cut you off.
“Bullshit! I’ve been betrayed so many times, I know the signs when I see it. Buying men’s products? Sneaking out? Hiding your phone? You might as well just tell me the name of your other man.”
Kunikuzushi had flown into a rage after discovering expensive men’s cologne in your room, and you were now left floundering in the wrath he usually saved for his subordinates. Usually, you matched his explosive energy, impulsively making snarky remarks in return - but now, you were just so, so tired.
Tired of this stupid argument.
Tired of Kunikuzushi.
Maybe you were even tired of your engagement.
“You’re just like the rest of them. How stupid I was, to think you’d be any different. Pathetic.” Kunikuzushi seethed, and that was it. The tears that’d threatened to spill for the past few minutes finally flowed as you felt your eyes heat up, the droplets staining your cheeks as you could only feel helpless.
Kunikuzushi’s gaze flickered at your crying, his lips sealing quickly as you finally took your turn to speak.
“The cologne was for you. Happy anniversary, Kuni.”
Without a second glance, you turned and strode off. In the arguments you usually had with Kunikuzushi, you’d storm off in a blind rage - but somehow, it was even more heartbreaking for him to see you shuffle away in fatigued defeat.
You’d been planning a surprise for your anniversary with Kunikuzushi for weeks. You’d treat him to a nice dinner, present him with expensive cologne and a new hat to add to his prized designer collection. But when you’d returned home on the evening of the anniversary, excited to have everything in order, you’d been greeted with the sight of your fiancé at the counter - holding the present you’d bought for him.
At first, you were surprised, but that was quickly overcome with excitement as you anticipated how he would react. Would he be happy, that you prepared a gift just for him?
What you didn’t expect however, was for him to explode into a violently personal spiel - accusing you of cheating, and hiding things from him, and purchasing gifts for another man. You knew he was busy with his work, which could leave him tense, and that he was quick to catch on to signs of betrayal, given his past. You knew he was prone to spewing harsh words he didn’t mean, but this time simply left you worn out.
Worst of all, it never occurred to him once that today was your anniversary. Were you foolish, to hope that he too would be counting down the days?
Perhaps you simply weren’t meant for each other - after all, you weren’t sure if you could continue putting up with his attitude.
And so, you decided to pack your things - not eliminate your relationship, but just stay in a nearby hotel to cool down. You figured that both you and Kunikuzushi needed the break.
The more clothing you shoved into your suitcase, the more convinced you became that this was the right decision. Overcome by the fatigue and mental drain however, you paused your rushed packing briefly.
You told yourself you’d close your eyes for just a moment as you propped your elbows on the pile of shirts in the case, laying your head down.
You’d just take a small rest.
As you lapsed in and out of consciousness, at some point you became vaguely aware of the sound of footsteps.
Kunikuzushi’s, unmistakably.
They shuffled hesitantly to the door, before pausing - the room dropping back into silence as the steps stopped in their tracks. A silence that was shortly broken by the quickening breaths of Kunikuzushi, indistinguishably muttering barely audible.
Was he relieved, to see you go?
You were vaguely aware of Kunikuzushi’s smooth, cold hands around your legs and the small of your back. They were tentative, shy - deeply contrasting his usual prickly nature. After another hesitant pause, you felt yourself being lifted into the air and set with utter care onto your bed, the man lowering you down slowly. Tracing the shape of your face affectionately, you felt his fingers cautiously slide across the planes of your face before pulling away in quiet resolve.
You heard the sound of your suitcase being unpacked, with a little too much force - your clothes placed in the wardrobe once again with a rigorous energy. A small smile crept to your face at the gesture. Kunikuzushi could be cute at times, although you’d never say that to his face. As he shoved the last of your clothes back and shut the suitcase with a vehement finality, you let out a sigh - feigning mumbling in your sleep.
The reaction was immediate as Kunikuzushi stepped over to your side, gently grasping your hands in his and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Too stunned by the out of character gesture, your breathing stopped - although it went unnoticed by your fiancé as he delicately placed his lips against your hand, cradling your arm close to him in a grip that was just tight enough not to hurt. Just as you felt your eye begin twitching from feigning sleep, Kunikuzushi gently pulled away with a reluctant sigh - placing your arm slowly back on the mattress and carefully tucking the blanket around your body.
A while later - following the sound of the shower - the other side of your shared bed dipped as Kunikuzushi crawled into it. You felt lithe hands wrap around your waist from behind, pulling you closer into Kunikuzushi as he pressed fluttering kisses down your neck and back.
“I don’t know if you’re awake… But I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I know I can be quick to misunderstand things and assume the worst of people, and I’m sorry for lashing out and forgetting about our anniversary. But… If you’d like, we can have a date tomorrow, and maybe…” Kunikuzushi’s voice was rough and gravelly, faltering at your lack of response. His arms tightened around you. Maybe, in his heart, he wanted you to be awake - to respond to him, and offer him the forgiveness he sought.
“If you… Still want to be with me, of course.” He added, voice trembling lightly. He dipped his head back into the crook of your neck, and you felt something damp on your skin.
Was he… crying?
You rolled over at once, to see Kunikuzushi staring at you with teary eyes - face flushed, and eyebrows raised in an expression of vulnerability you’d rarely ever seen from him. You weren’t sure if it was the dark, but it looked as though his lower lip was shaking.
“Kuni, why would I leave you?” You thumbed away his tears as he melted into your touch, closing his eyes.
“You were packing your things… You know I don’t like it when people leave.”
“I was just planning to take a small break.”
You felt your fiancé’s arms hug you closer at that, his eyes widening.
“Are you going to call me a liar?” You chuckled, as Kunikuzushi closed his mouth. His face flushed with embarassment.
“Listen. I won’t leave you, and you need to believe that. I won’t lie, neither of us are great with words, so I’ll just say it as it is - the only thing that has the smallest chance of driving me away is your inability to believe that I’ll stay.” You murmured, before realising that your delivery of words had significant room for improvement.
“… Okay, I believe you. Because that’s what silly mortal love is, isn’t it? A risk.” Kunikuzushi muttered, although his arms relaxed.
“Good thing we’re both taking that risk.” You smiled, as Kunikuzushi’s usual demeanour returned. Typically, he couldn’t handle apologising and cracking his infallible ego.
Kunikuzushi supposed that since he’d already been vulnerable, he might as well continue to be. Curling into your form, he held you tightly - pecking light kisses wherever his lips could reach.
“You know, you’re not as insufferable when you’re desperate.” You laughed.
“… Are you still okay with a date tomorrow, though…?” Kunikuzushi ignored your comment.
“Yes, of course.” You replied, lacing your fingers with his. He turned red, stuttering in his movements at the simple gesture. His eyes however switched to relief at your acceptance - mouth curving into a smile despite the flush across his pale cheeks.
“Good night.” You pressed a lazy kiss against Kunikuzushi’s cheek, preparing to close your eyes.
“Can I have one… here?” Kunikuzushi grabbed you before you could fall asleep, pointing to his lips with a guarded expression.
You obliged, chastely kissing his lips before pulling away and laughing at his embarrassment.
“I hate you.” Kunikuzushi scowled at your deriding chuckles, closing his eyes and nestling into the blankets.
“I love you.” You responded quickly, letting your eyelids droop sleepily.
Then, a few minutes later, in the slumbering silence of the bedroom, came one last comment.
“… I love you too.”
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mooncheese3 · 1 year
au wherein in a bid to further unite the sect, yqy sets up boards that are kind of like padlet, where everyone can put a random thought on the board, and everyone can chip in their own thoughts, etc etc
at first the notes were all formal— disciples requesting for things to be sent to their peak, comments about broken fences that needed to be fixed, reminders— but then gradually it became this free-for-all place for everyone to air out their grievances and/or gushings
this is when the xian shu girls take over
by this point the board is half full of ramblings about romance and tension between seemingly random people
and then someone starts talking about the peak lords
in the beginning it was a harmless little
"peak lord shang is a very good shizun :)"
but, kids being kids, someone started to get really competative.
"ACTUALLY our bai zhan war god is a way better shizun"
"liu shibo? No Offense but what does he Actually teach you--being a reckless monkey who cant go a day without breaking something? ',://"
the one who wrote the third one wasnt Actually a qingjing disciple. theyre more creative with their insults than that; shizun would be dissapointed. it was an anding kid who was sick and tired of rebuilding and restocking baizhan all the time. they werent gonna admit it tho, thatd be dumb
(un)luckily, the fight is flawlessly curbed when someone writes
"ੈ✩‧₊˚Whenever shen shibo and liu shibo fight, it kind of reminds me of my grandpa and grandma LOLੈ✩‧₊˚"
"Waht are you implying, anonymous bro?"
"✧.*All im saying is that maybe theyre not /just/ enemies, if yk what i mean :3 ✧.*"
"Enlightened shimei/shidi above, do remember that baizhan train in the body, not the mind. 🤧"
anyway it gets so bad the peak lords had to bring it up at a pl meeting
lqg gets the “im gay?” realization bc of the board. specifically he gets the “im gay for sqq?” realization. so ofc he goes to his sister lmy for help (she is three years old). from her baby talk, he gets “practice your confession ge !!” (“prac ifff copesion? ge :D”), so he does just that. but he realizes early on that hes REALLY bad at this romance talking thing, so with great reluctance asks TheBoard for help—anonymously, duh.
“How Do I Confess To Someone.”
what lqg doesnt realize is that his handwriting is very distinct. Bold, Strong, and Harsh characters, with the downwards strokes narrowing from a wide start to a thin point as sharp as cheng luan? yep. thats head disciple liu right there.
“What shidi/shimei means is that you should properly organize your thoughts first. Truly think about what you want to say; be honest!🙌”
“Anything More?”
“༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ yes. one moment, me and my shimeis are making a list for disciple to use ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧”
it snowballs from there. in the end the liujiu confession happens in public (how mortifying! -sqq, in his head after), and a full transcript is posted on the board later in the day. theres also life-like drawings of the confrontation, kind of like a courtroom sketch
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mrzombielover · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you take requests or even like, emergency requests but, it's obviously Christmas time and I'm feeling really down bc I'm spending it alone. I was wondering if you could write something with Ghost and König's friend calling them and asking them if they could spend the holiday together? Up to you if you wanna make it friends to lovers kinda thing but honestly anything fluff and sweet is more than enough. Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas!
hii i normally don’t take emergency requests (cause i’m not good at themsbahhd) but this prompt is cute. hope headcanon format is okay, that’s the fastest way i could get this out
sorry if this sucks, i wrote it really quickly and didn’t edit it lol
hope your christmas gets better anon :,(
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most people are thrilled to get time off for christmas. it’s heartwarming to see dads reunite with their kids during the season, when the majority of people get time off. ordinarily, around this time of year, you’d drown yourself in work and missions to try and take your mind off it, but captain price insisted you guys get this time off to go home and relax. honestly though, you were dreading going back home. it just depresses you.
at the airport, boarding was about to begin, and you found yourself fighting tears. everyone around you seemed to be waiting anxiously, wanting nothing more than to get to your destination. as the minutes went on, you were filled with more and more dread.
at the very last minute, just as they were about to call your group, you found yourself running away from the gate, phone in hand, thinking of anyone to call so last minute.
- simon “ghost” riley
ghost was similar to you in that he also dislikes the holiday season. he’s got no one to celebrate with and nothing but bad memories of it.
when he picked up your call, he told you he hadn’t left the base, and didn’t really plan to soon.
at first he was apprehensive, but he quickly found that he really likes having you on base with him. there were some christmas decorations, but the base was almost entirely empty.
for the first time, ghost was enjoying his holiday break, and quickly got used to your presence.
you guys binge movies in the rec room to pass the time, make a ton of food from whatever’s left in the kitchen, and once you’ve exhausted everything else, you even get a little work and cleaning done.
it’s been a really nice distraction having eachother around. you don’t need to explain anything to eachother, simon will silently accept and comfort you.
the cold pushes you guys together, you’ll cheekily ask to stay in his room to “warm up”, and spoon all night. cuddling while watching movies and forcing him to try your hot cocoa.
some days pass, and even though you didn’t really talk about christmas with him, he got you a gift anyway. it would be something small but sentimental, probably from a mission you were both on or the country where you met. a souvenir or piece of jewelry, or something useful, like a watch. he thinks he isn’t great at giving gifts, but it’s the thought he puts into them that makes it special.
just a few days until you’ve got to go back to work, and you’ve enjoyed an actual relaxing winter holiday. before you go, he’ll catch up to say goodbye, before realizing you’re under the mistletoe. he’ll plant a gentle, almost cautious kiss to your soft lips, letting his hands cup your face, as if begging you not to go. the two of you agree to do this every year.
- könig
(his family life is p much all my headcanon btw)
whenever he has the chance, könig goes back to austria over breaks. he becomes incredibly homesick, especially around the holidays, and when you called, he was ecstatic to show you his beautiful home and share traditions with you.
it made him so happy when you asked to spend time with him, and he was so glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to him about how hard the holidays are for you. he silently vowed to change that for you.
he immediately showed you all his favorite local restaurants and cafes, food he’d been craving so bad during the months he was deployed. you guys did typical touristy stuff along with local traditions and experiences.
he insisted you have dinner at his parents house for christmas, and helped you pick out last minute gifts. horrible at wrapping presents though, that was all you.
his parents are so nice, especially his mom, even though she teased könig about finally bringing a partner home. you made biscuits with her, but she wouldn’t let you help clean, insisting that you were a guest.
after you thank him for making this your best christmas, he’ll tell you how great it was to have you here, and comment on how you should make it a tradition. with christmas lights in the background and snow flurrying around you, you’ll finally make it official.
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virgil-my-emo-son · 3 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey there :D
Heard you were taking a few fic requests? If you're still up for one more, I have a lil idea.
Request: Prinxiety where Roman is not having a very good day cause of burnout and Virgil helps him rest? Hurt/comfort style.
If ya don't feel up to writing this, then think of it like a fun lil idea to look at :3
Have fun and take care :D
Soooo I really liked your request and I wrote about 750 words in 45 minutes! This was quite therapeutic to write, I've been in a similar situation to Roman recently and this weekend/the beginning of next week is the culmination of all this work I've been doing for months, so it's been very very busy. I put out fic requests bc writing helps me to unwind, and writing this actually really helped me work through some of my stress and anxiety.
I hope you guys like it and it doesn't come off as just pure unadulterated projection 😅 Let me know what you think!
Prinxiety, creative burnout, hurt/comfort
Summary: Roman's pushing himself too hard. Virgil knows it.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54701638
Note: I'm imagining this situation being in some sort of college AU, where Roman's working on a giant project for class, but I intentionally kept it vague so that if you want it can be more canon-compliant and he's working on a video idea for c!Thomas or something too. Or interpret it however you want! That's the joy of writing :)
Roman jumped a bit as a hand touched his shoulder. He looked up to see Virgil, who wore a concerned expression.
“What’s up?” Roman didn’t know what was wrong.
“Your foot is being a little loud.” Virgil’s eyes flicked to Roman’s foot, which was tapping an erratic rhythm on the floor.
Roman stilled his leg. “I apologize.”
“You only do that when you’re, like, really stressed. Really stressed. Dangerously stressed.”
“I’m not worr—Not—I’m not—” Roman paused, taking a deep breath. “I apologize, Virgil, for worrying you. I’m not stressed, I just don’t have the time to take a break from this.”
Virgil’s eyes narrowed. “Have you been sleeping?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Roman waved a hand in the air. “Unimportant. I need to keep working.”
“You’re mixing up your words.” Virgil crossed his arms. “You only do that when you haven’t been sleeping.”
“Truly, babe, it’s of no consequence.” Roman put on his most convincing smile.
Virgil recoiled. “Stop doing that with your face. It’s scary.”
Roman let his face fall. “I just have…” he sighed. “I just have a lot to do.”
“Can you take a break?”
“A break?” Roman hadn’t had that idea.
“You know. When you get some water—not coffee or energy drinks—and a snack and watch… I don’t know… Hercules or something.” He shrugged. “I prefer Tim Burton, but I can stand Hercules. I like the titans.”
“Are you offering to watch a cartoon with me?” Roman gave a small but sincere grin. “You object to most of my movie choices.”
“And then we watch your choice anyway.” Virgil smiled, a fondness in his eyes. “Because you’ll throw a fit if we don’t.”
“But, still, you suggested an uplifting Disney cartoon. That’s… that might be a first.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, you need a break. We’ve been sitting in here working for like three hours.”
“Yes, but…” Roman’s grin faded. “I’m not even close to done, Virgil, and this needs to be done. It needs to be done. I need to be done with it.” He didn’t know how he could impress on Virgil how much he wanted to never think about this project again.
“Do you need to be done tonight?”
“I should have it done tonight.”
“That’s not what I asked.” Virgil said, his voice soft, gentle.
Roman sighed. “I suppose I have a few more days to really finish it, but—what are you doing?” Virgil had crossed the room and was gathering his art supplies, putting them in his bag.
“Come on, we’re watching Hercules.”
“I really—I can’t—”
Virgil threw his bag over his shoulder. “You can, and you will.”
Roman sighed. “I need to keep working on this.”
“Can you keep working on this?” Virgil crossed his arms. “Be honest with yourself.”
“I…” Roman’s mouth was slightly open as he searched for the words. For the answer. “I can’t. Not right now. Virgil, I can’t. But I have to.”
“Okay.” Virgil nodded his head. “Then let’s go back to my place and we can make popcorn, and we’ll cuddle and watch the first half-hour of Hercules. And then you can get back to work for an hour, and I’ll sketch. And then we’ll watch more Hercules.”
“Okay.” Roman said softly, closing his laptop.
Virgil waited by the door as Roman packed up his things. “You’re working hard, Roman. You’re doing what you need to do. But you know as well as I do that you do better work when you’re fully conscious and energetic.”
“I suppose I’m not quite as bouncy as I usually am.”
“Not even a little bit as bouncy as usual.” Virgil shook his head. “It’s quite sad. You’re adorable when you’re excited about what you’re working on.”
“I know.” Roman grumbled, standing up. “Self-care makes my work better. But—”
“No buts.” Virgil bumped his shoulder. “Let’s go watch your movie. I won’t even complain when you sing along.”
“Really?” Roman’s eyes lit up.
Roman began to hum “I Won’t Say I’m In Love” as he walked out of the room behind Virgil, pulling the door shut behind him.
Virgil grinned. “You’re already starting to sing. I may have made a mistake.”
“I’m not singing, I’m humming. There’s a difference.” Roman said with mock offense.
“There’s my Roman.” Virgil said, and Roman couldn’t see his face, but he could hear the grin in his words. “A break will do you good.”
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xhanelia · 6 months
I loved the take you made for transmasc reader because yes, so. PART TWO (this is the same anon btw, please tell me how tf is it 4:29 AM whenever I get into a writing or reading mood? Pure luck :,))
Anyway, wishing you the best and don't forget to take breaks! (I might make a full series of requests because I am too drained out to write this myself sorry)
I literally wrote everything and decided to take a break bcs this year is my last and i need to study then when i came back, i realised that tumblr did not saved any of my work. I feel like i just lost a child of mine 💀
Anyway, sorry for the delay, dear anon. I hope you like it. And i am so grateful that you still follow my posts.🖤
Sova headcannons with trans-masc reader part 2
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I am so fucking mad that tumblr did not saved any of my work. I DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING I WROTE THIS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO.
Ok time for improvise. In the math class.
If there is a chance to choose his partner for a mission, he will choose you if not anthing specificly needed. He likes your presence near him. It calms him down.
But if you get hurt, he will blame himself. He says he is sorry and its his fault that you got shot with his more fatal wounds while Sage heals both of you. You look him up and down with a brow raised as if you are judging him how he manages to think about you while he is in this situation.
Will make dad jokes just to piss you off.
Normaly he does not laughs at his jokes. Mostly at your reaction. But one time you did a dad joke to him during a mission and he let out a snort. The enemy bullet nearly hit his forehead.
Sage scold you both. Definitely.
Phoenix and Jett insisted to hear the joke and when you told them, even Sage let out a little giggle.
Will make your drink of choice when he goes to the kitchen to get his. Just a form of care.
He will let you make masks on his face if you insist. Even wearing a bunny bandana to keep his hair away. He does get pulled into the "girls night" in the HQ sometimes so he is used to that. (Sova, Omen and Phoenix are one of the girls. Well, i will definately wrote this to an HQ headcannons post.)
If he sees you talking with Chyper, he will get jelaous. Not like he will grab you by your arm and pull you away from him. Its more like he will side eye you both while you two have a conversation.
If Chyper gets tilted by him, after the coversation he will talk to Sova. "You know their 'secrets' right?" "I know them more than you could ever." (Insert the grumpy cat sova picture.)
He will chase you everywhere in the HQ if you steal his cape. This man runs like Usain Bolt with those legs and height of his but he will match your speed for afew minutes just to have fun. Then it is over like a jumpscare.
You can cling onto him like a sloth. He wont even budge. Looking down at you with a confused face as if "wtf are u doin?"
He is bad at video games so if you want to play with him, you'll need to teach him first. He tries his best but he still loses. Its like he does that on purpose at this point. He much prefers to cheer for you when you and Gekko have a tournament between.
He is willing to share his babushkas food with you. You are that important to him. And he will be proud if his babushka and you have a good realitionship. Even if its just from the screen.
He is the sweetest man alive. Biggest support for you and a relaible friend at most. We love him 🥰
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hyeongjunbae · 2 years
xdinary heroes when you're sick !!
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pairing: ot6!xh x gn!reader word count: 787 warnings: slight cursing, mention of sickness, medicine a/n: be careful not to catch a cold and wear warm clothes !! (don't be like me, i literally wrote this after taking my third medicine of the day) also, i will try to catch up with the requests as quickly as i can! anyway, enjoy reading! ♡
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― gunil :
• when you're sick, he's your "go-to person" because he definitely knows what he’s doing • so you texted him right away that you’re not feeling well • he’d handle the situation very calmly • will do everything for you, including taking your temperature, preparing food, and making sure that you have enough blankets to keep you warm :( • he would even feed you :( • you know how he always says “here goes airplane~ hyuuu~” whenever he's trying to feed someone, right? he’d do that for you too <//3 • would rush to buy you medicine if you need any • doesn't forget to buy you little gifts when he goes out to lift your mood up • “i bought this plushie because it made me think of you. isn't it adorable?”
(rest of the members under the cut! ♡)
― jungsu:
• you guys were having a sleepover at your house and watching a movie peacefully • but he noticed that you kept coughing • VERY VERY WORRIED • keep checking on you and bring you what you needed • never leaves your side in case you need something • literally watching you 24/7 !! • will do everything you asked him to do while complaining the entire time about how it was your fault you got sick in the first place • “see y/n? i told you to wear your jacket or you’d would get sick, didn’t i?” • 8.5/10 just because of the nagging
― gaon:
• he knew something wasn’t right when you didn't show up to watch the band practice • he will call you during the break, and you don't have to say you are sick because he can tell by the way you sound <//3 • immediately leaves the practice to go to your place • he sees you lying on your bed all alone and he feels bad • so he joins you lol • no matter how many times you told him not to because he could get sick too, he would still kiss and hug you • spoiler alert: he ends up getting sick • "jiseok, i told you that you'd get sick." •  “what do you mean, babe? i’m not sick! *coughs*” • “yeah, sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.”  • at the end of the day, you two had to call gunil to take care of you two
― o.de:
• you woke up not feeling well after caring for your sick boyfriend the day before • he feels so bad because he’s the reason why you got sick in the first place • he won’t stop apologizing :( • won't let you lift a finger and whines when you try to do things on your own, and he will not hesitate to drag you back to your bed • you don't have to tell him what you need, because he already knows and will give it to you before you say it • “babe, i already turned the tv one but if you don’t feel like watching anything then we can do something else. oh, and also-” • “seungmin, just shut up and cuddle me already !?” • he doesn't mind getting sick again at all. you need hugs, and he wants them too, so who is he to say no to that?
― junhan:
• he facetimed you to tell you about the new anime he had started watching • but the last thing he expected to see was you with a blanket over your head, a puffy face, a red nose from wiping it, and a lot of tissues all around you. • his heart dropped when he saw you like that <//3 • is at your door in no time with your favorite snacks • will cook for you and feed you because you are too lazy to get out of bed • he tucks you in after you've finished eating and taking your medications • and continues to talk about his anime until you fall asleep • “i love how they helped each other to find their passion for- oh, i haven't even finished talking about the characters and you've already fallen asleep... anyway, rest well y/n.”
― jooyeon:
• you called him to cancel your date bc you weren’t feeling well • he was already at your door half an hour later • he would be so worried :( • you are usually the one who takes care of him, so he would panic • he does not know what to do, so he just googles it • he lost it when he decided to look up your symptoms • because google always tells you that you have throat cancer and only have 3 days to live, even though you only searched for 'sore throat' • “HOLY SHIT Y/N YOU ONLY HAVE TWO WEEKS TO LIVE !!" • “what the heck jooyeon? i just caught a cold !?" • after making sure that you’re not dying, he calls his mom for help lol
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— taglist !! : @dazzlingligth, @jisungie-han, @takilovesruru, @hwiluvbot &lt;3
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louscartridge · 2 years
mileven x reader
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cw- semi un-edited bc im not doing this rn, violance, angst, i (kinda) changed some things, STRANGER THINGS SEASON 4 SPOILERS!!, swearing, i forget tbh i wrote this like a month ago im trying yall.
request/sumerry-  When you get a chance can you do a one shot with mileven x reader but in season 4 where instead of max, vecna goes after the reader instead and mike, Jonathan, will and eleven are there with Steve, max , Dustin and Lucas and they are there trying to help like the same thing with what happened to max at the cemetery but with the reader and they are visiting her dad that passed . And while Dustin was calling for nasty he gets in touch with mike and they are already back in and weren’t too far and then they see the reader begin to float and mike and el panic. Mike gets really angry because of what happened and fearful and that they should have came back sooner and basically fluff and angst. (Sorry this is a lot)
the ride to the graveyard was painfully silent, you sat in the middle of el and mike, dustin in the passenger seat and steve in the driver's seat along with jonathan, will, max and lucas following behind you guys.
“turn here.” you said bluntly, staring out the window.
dustin turns his head around from the front seat to look at you “here?” you nod you head in response as he keeps looking at you for a few more seconds as steve turns into the graveyard.
“y/n?” mike hurriedly ran towards you with el following closely behind.
“guys please just wait in the car.” you yelled to them but this only served to make them run faster.
“y/n just wait! y/n, please.” mike pleaded while you kept walking up the hill to your dad’s grave.
“guys just wait-”
“just listen to me. just- please” mike pleaded, the two of them running even faster now.
“i know something happened back there with your mother.” he stated but his tone revealed how worried he was. there was a pregnant pause, everyone quiet for a moment.
“was it vecna?” el asks quietly trying to make eye contact with you, but you look everywhere that isn’t her.
she carefully studies your movements, the way you avoid eye contact with both her and mike more than usual, the way you chewed your lip anxiously, the way you absentmindedly fiddled with the zipper on your jacket.
you notice your actions and decide to look up at el. you held the eye contact for as long as you could, but you had to break it away.
“i told you; im fine. okay?” you can feel the tears welling in your eyes.
“i mean, im as fine as someone who’s hurtling towards a gruesome death can be.”
you trailed off, brushing the stray tears that fall off of your cheeks. quickly blinking the tears away, you look at mike, then down, then back to your left. it was quiet again for a second and you could see el going to move but she changes her mind.
“y/n.” mike says again but doesnt say anything after, nor do you.
el then decides to move again but goes through with it this time, pulling you into a hug. you dont hug her back but she still stays there, he arms wrapped around your torso tightly. when she doesn’t remove herself after a while, you open your arms, unwrapping hers from you. she thought you were going to hug her back but when you didnt she steps back to where she was before, next to mike.
“you know you can talk to us.” mike assures you.
“yeah, i know that.”
“okay, then why do you keep pushing us away?”
mike huffs when you don’t respond.
“okay look,” mike pulls a letter out of his back pocket, motioning to el and she quickly does the same.
“we dont need a letter. we dont want a letter. just talk to us. talk to your friends. they’re right here. we are right here.”
“okay? we’re here” el adds.
“just wait in the car. i wont be long.” you ignore both of them and run to your father’s grave.
you swear you had been staring at your dad’s grave for hours now but surely you hadn’t, steve would be nagging at you to come back down.
“dear ronnie. i dont even know if you can hear this but i’ll say it anyway. two years ago i would have said ‘that’s ridiculous, impossible.’ but that was before i found out you would be dragged into me and my friend’s dangers, so.... im just going to get to the point. so much has happened since you left. me and mom started getting into fights. bad fights. i dont think she could stand being here without you. so she left. and she didnt leave me much. ive been living with my boyfriend and i got another job with steve. basically ever since you left, everything’s been.. a total disaster. and the worst part is, i cant tell anyone where you’ve gone. that you saved el’s life. that you saved my life-”
you stop for a moment, the tears welling up in your eyes blurring your vision.
“i play that moment back in my head all the time. and sometimes i imagine myself running to you, pulling you away from it all.”
you stopped again to wipe a tear.
“i imagine that if i had, that you would still be here.” you continue to read the letter you wrote for him about 2 hours ago, inbetween sniffles and sobs.
“everything would be right again. i imagine that we- that we couldve- that we couldve had a good, or at least better relationship. like- like a real father and child. i know that’s stupid. you hated me. i hated you. but i thought maybe. maybe we could try again.”
at this point you could feel steve, el, and mike intensly staring at you so you looked over to them but they all turned away and dustin started talking to steve acting as if they weren’t all being the nosy-ist people alive right now.
you roll your eyes irritably, looking back at your dads grave and down to the paper in your hand and continued reading your painfully long letter.
“but thats not what happened. i just- i just stood there. and i watched. for a while i tried to be happy. normal. but i.... i think a part of me died that day too. and i haven’t told anyone this. i- i just cant.”
you flip the letter over taking in a deep breath, ready to finish this. you cursed to yourself, annoyed at how long you had made this, hoping you didn’t make everyone else’s as long.
“if you can even hear this; i really hope that you can... im sorry... im so so sorry ronnie. love your shitty child y/n.”
as you closed the letter you could hear thunder  crashing above you and the sky began to darken quickly.
then you started hearing... clocks? you were outside, there are no clocks?
“y/n...” a familar voice drags.
steve looks at his watch, impatiently tapping his finger on the car door.
“alright, its been long enough.” steve says firmly, walking up the hill to y/n.
“steve just give her some time.” mike protests.
“i have.”
“y/n!” steve yells making his way up to you but you dont respond.
“time to giddy up, yeah?” he pants lightly hitting your shoulder, but you still don’t respond.
he steps in front of you seeing your eyes glossed over with white, your body completely frozen. he grabs your shoulder, shaking it roughly.
“y/n? y/n. y/n! y/n!” each time he says your name the panic in his voice rises.
“y/n…” the familiar voice says.
the voice is distorted, preventing you from knowing who it could be, all you know is that you’ve definitely heard the voice before.
“i’ve been waiting to hear those words, y/n.” you cant pinpoint where the voice is coming from. it surrounds you, almost like it’s coming from you. you slowly stand up and walk around in a circle, searching for where it could be coming from. you were still in the graveyard, except you cant see anyone who had come with you.
“i waited so very long.”
the voice starts to manifest itself in front of you, and you see someone slowly walking up to you.
“wake up!” steve shakes you still trying to get you out of your trance-like state. “hey!” he lets go of your shoulder to clap next to your ear.
“hey, are they ok?” will ask jonathan who is sat next to him. they still haven’t gotten out of the car.
“what do you mean?” max laughs behind will, sitting sideways facing lucas because they had been playing pattycake.
“nice job letting Jonathan answer!” lucas snickers hitting max’s hand harder than before.
“no, shut up. listen. do you hear that? that’s steve yelling.”
jonathan rolls down his window and sticks his head out.
“hey are they ok?” he shouts to everyone infront of him. he doesn’t wait for a reply, quickly getting out of the car.
dustin looks up from above the car, standing on the bottom of the door, lucas slowly getting up off of the hood of the car, and mike and el get off the trunk of the car looking up to where you and steve are.
“ohh something is wrong” el whispers, steve calling your name still echoing throughout the graveyard.
“guys!” steve shouts to everyone at the bottom of the hill, waving frantically and motioning for them to come up and help. el was the first one to start running, and the first person to reach the top of the hill.
time. time seemed to be going by so slowly. you felt like you’d been in this place for hours but your logic told you that you couldn’t have been. you assumed you were in the upside down, your surroundings were familiar and you recognised them from the last time you were here. all of a sudden the sound of the chiming clocks stopped, and all that could be heard was your heavy breathing and the cruel words and assumptions your dad spat at you.
“you have sometimes wished to follow me.” he growled. he just wouldn’t stop. one thing after another but then he pauses, the sound of clocks starting up again.
“follow me into death - that is why i am here y/n.” you rapidly start shaking your head and start saying ‘no’ over what he’s saying, trying to drown out his voice.
“to end your suffering once and for all.” he boomed.
you didn’t even realize he was walking closer and closer to you and you were walking backwards until you fell, you breathing getting heavier.
looking back up to your dad - suddenly he didn’t look like your dad anymore. instead this creature was a lot taller than him, wider too. it looked as if he didnt have the first few layers of skin. all pink and purple and covered in veins. you stare at the thing in fear and confusion, unable to take your eyes off it.
it was vecna.
“it is time y/n” it says tauntingly slow with more distortion than before.
“time for you to join me.”
you quickly get up, tripping and contiue to run as fast as you can. where? you dont know. but you just ran.
“y/n! y/n you gotta get outta there!” mike says shaking your shoulder roughly.
“can you hear me?” el speaks into your ear, stood next to mike waving her hand infont of your face.
almost everyone was yelling frantically, desperate to try and wake you up.
however steve wasn’t. he kept pacing back and forth behind everyone, and jonathan watched him pace until he remembered a certain someone.
“oh my god nancy! did anyone hear from nancy yet? is she ok?” jonathan quickly says, now pacing himself as steve stops to look at him. nancy and robin. they were supposed to be talking to victor creel about this to see if he could help.
“call nancy and robin!” steve yells out of nowhere pulling dustin’s shirt, and pushing him towards the car.
“go get ‘em! call nancy and robin! go!”
the continued shouting drowns out the sound of dustin rolling and falling as he heads for the car.
“shit!” “shit shit shit! shit shit shit!” he curses, running faster than he had ever ran before.
this is his best friends significant other and he was not going to let them die. no matter what.
after missing the walkie a few times he finally got it. “nancy? robin? do you copy? this is a code red. do you copy?” he yells into the font of the walkie talkie. “shit. robin!” he yells even louder, still not getting a response.
you’d been running so fast, your legs ached and you desperately tried to pull air into your lungs. you stop, hiding behind a brick wall. leaning on the wall, you slowly peek around the corner and see the vecna again. you whip your head back around suddenly.
“you cannot hide from me y/n” vecna continued to threaten you.
“robin where the hell are you? this is a code red! i repeat! this is a code red!”
“dustin it’s robin. we copy.”
“holy shit finally. please please please tell me you have this shit figured out!” he exclaims in frustration and relief. if anyone were to see him now they would think of a baby throwing a tantrum.
climbing onto the roof of the car, he balls his hand into a fist and jumps up and down. “guys i got nancy!” he yells over to everyone even though he wasn’t sure anyone could even hear him above the sound of their own screams.
“ok so long story short-” robin was cut off by jonathan.
“oh thank god you’re ok!”
“no no no! now is not time for this! robin please continue.”
“mike! el!” you yell still running. you have no idea where your running you just have to run.
“mike please help me! el!” you soon come to a stop, the air turning red and rapidly making its way towards you. you look around, deciding that you have no other choice and walk straight into it.
“music!” robin and nancy tell dustin that if they find out y/n’s favorite song it should snap her out of her day-dreamy state. dustin hurriedly gets down from steve’s car and runs over to jonathan’s.
jonathan watches the boy for a second while being confused. “what are you doing?”
“max’s backpack. i need max’s backpack!”
“it’s in the back somewhere”
dustin quickly swings open the door and gets her backpack.
“found it!” he grabs it, tipping it upside down and dumping everything out onto the seat. he gathers all of the cassettes and the cassette player in his arms and runs up the hill, jonathan following him. a few of the tapes fell from his arms but jonathan made sure to pick them up.
you walk carefully through the red fog, sounds of creatures snarling around you and leaves and branches snapping underfoot.
in front of you was a horrible storm, but there was no rain. just  booming thunder and crackling lightning.
the entire place was almost as dry as a desert, the only moisture being the pools of blood on the ground. you began to hear screams and saw a building coming into view before you, similar to a castle.
it’s daunting, but you make the decision to walk further towards it, hoping one of the doors in the building could be a way out. you had come so far already, right?
dustin and jonathan finally return to the others, gasping for air and dropping the tapes on the ground in front of everyone.
“what is this?” el asks, somewhat startled from the two boys’ sudden approach.
dustin wastes no time in getting to the point.
“what’s her favorite song?”
“robin said if she listens...”
as dustin explains as quickly as possible, steve looks at jonathan, slightly flailing his arms about. jonathan is still panting and warm from the run up the hill, and peels off his black jean jacket and disposes of it on the ground before walking up to him.
“do you think it’s gonna happen to me too?” will asks, his voice shaking as he stares at the group with tears in his eyes.
“i mean..what if it already happend to me? this has happened to me before remember? a few years ago. it was one of my episodes. mom came to pick me up from school and i was in the middle of the field, pretty much like this.”
“i- i cant hear you” jonathan speaks loudly, unsure if his brother can hear him over the yells of dustin and the others.
“what! is! her! favorite! song!”
slowly lifting up your foot after hearing a rather unpleasant crunch, you look down to see a bunch of white balls and tiny spiders crawling out from under your shoe.
vecna was saying things to you but you couldn’t even fully hear what he was saying, sounds were just fading in and out.
you turn around quickly, sensing something but soon wish you hadn’t.
chrissy cunningham, bones all broken and twisted, eyes drooped down and big black tenticals wrapping around her and into her mouth.
you soon realised this was more than just chrissy. it was everyone who had suspiciously died. mangled and broken and tied around trees that surrounded you. 
all of a sudden you started turning back around but not willingly. it felt almost as if a force was dragging you, forcing you to turn around. 
“would you like to join them, y/n?” vecna said, still in the same distorted, taunting voice. 
you couldn’t move. you couldn’t run. you couldn’t walk. just blink and breathe. 
“i’ll give you a head start.” and with a snapping sound you could move again. not wasting a second you immediately started running. 
“el! mike! help!” it was no use. you knew it was. you were in the upside down and were going to die and you knew it. “will! someone help! please!” you sobbed more and more with each word. “wi-” your words were cut off by one of the vines coming up and wrapping around your ankle, pulling you down to the ground, dragging you back to where vecna was. you had never screamed this loud before. you could only hope the sound of your screams could be heard by someone or rip a hole in the upside down somehow. once you got to the nearest tree you were too wrapped around it, your airway being cutoff, breathing becoming increasingly more difficult. the horrifying realisation that you would die here began to sink in. there was only one difference between you and the people around you: they were dead. you were almost there. 
after el finally told dustin y/n’s favourite song, dustin and will started flipping through the cassettes, hoping that max has the tape.
“which one is it?” dustin asks helplessly to no one in particular.
 “did she say running up that hill?” max whispers to herself.
“what?” will responded quietly.
“i think i have the tape they’re looking for.” max says moving her arm, shuffling things around in her pocket. “please please please...yes!” she says triumphantly. “dustin?” max shouts, waving the tape in the air.“guys!” she shouts a little louder.
el turns her head. “what?!” lucas, mike, dustin, and steve all yell together, looking impatiently at max.
 “oh thank god.” lucas whispers but barely enough for anyone to hear it.
“where did you even get that?” mike asked anxiously, breaking the silence.
 “i was listening to it earlier.” max commented, passing the tape to dustin.
“thank you” el slightly smiles, looking over at max.
“okay! headphones!” steve clapped making dustin quickly place the headphones on y/n
.“now!” dustin yells, signalling for mike to press play on the cassette player.
the straining sounds coming from you were fading, your desperate movements of trying to shift the vine from around you began to slow down. the sound of kate bush could be heard and a hole seemed to be burning its way into the air. it was like a portal, you could now see into the graveyard through it and hear sounds from the real world, the voices of your friends, the sounds of people talking and birds twittering too. you could hear them yelling to you, 
“y/n wake up!” and “come on y/n we’re right out here!” can be heard coming from the portal.
“they can’t help you, y/n.” vecna says as the vine starts tightening around you even more. you were getting lightheaded from the lack of air. “theres a reason why you hide from them” he continues, inching closer to you. 
thunder in our hearts
“you belong here. with me.” “you’re not really… here” you manage to cough out. “oh but i am, y/n. i am” before you could even process what he had said, he lifted his big hand and stuck his long, sharp pink fingers into your face.
and if i only could, i’d make a deal with god, and i’d get him to swap our places
“wh-why is she floating?” el stutters.
“isn’t that what eddie said happened to chrissy before she died?” will said, fear in his voice.
“y-yeah” lucas breathed.
“y/n!” el cried. she had only just gotten you back. you had just stopped ignoring her and the attention you were giving them isn’t the nicest, but you were getting somewhere. she cant lose you again. she can’t lose you for good. “y/n please! please dont die, y/n!” el continues to scream and sob.
 the entire time, throughout everyone’s efforts, mike just looks on silently. he says nothing. he felt like he was gonna pass out as if he had been screaming for ages when in reality he hasn’t said anything. he takes el’s hand and pulls her towards him and she latches onto his arm still crying incoherently and calling out your name.
you could see the little people you knew as your best friends through vecna’s fingers. they looked so tiny but you could see them. you could hear them. you could see and hear el. “y/n please! please dont die, y/n!” you heard the sobbing of el. you felt so bad, you had been ignoring her and being a bitch to her, you regretted it so much now. you don’t want the last thing you ever said to her to be “just wait in the car. this won’t take long.” you were pushing her away. not just el but mike too. you were pushing away everyone.
 “we don’t want a letter. we’re right here.”
“this tastes so good!”
“oh! i like this dress a lot!”
“y/n… friends don’t lie”
you started thinking of memories that you have with el, mike, you and the rest of the party hoping it would snap you back or something.
let me steal this moment from you now
“mike did you hit play?” dustin asks impatiently, looking back and forth to his bestfriend and then to his bestfriend’s s/o.
 “yes i hit play!”
 “so if the music is on why isn’t it working?”
 “i dont know! you’re the one with all the information!” 
“guys we can’t do with this arguing right now!” steve interrupts making the two of them go silent besides some heavy breathing.
come on baby, come on darling, let me steal this moment from you now
“see? zoomer.”
“the movie was complete shit but the popcorn was good so it’s whatever”
“oh- i… i dont know how to dance”
“i don’t want you to go”
“you’re doing great!”“
“this is your first time having ice cream?”
memory after memory replayed in your head, eyes closed, the vision of all the memories of your friends along with the voices of your friends and your favorite song. you felt.. airy? floaty? you couldn’t describe how it felt but you know it felt good. digging your nails into the vine on your right arm, you heard a squelching and a squeak and pressure being lifted off of your arm, signalling that the vine had released itself from you. you confidently brought your hand up to vecna’s neck and dug your hand into his neck, causing him to grunt in pain and fall over.
the rest of the vines then released you from their shared pain. you fell down off of the tree and fell on your side hearing a soft crack and a sharp feeling in your rib. 
“i hope the injuries i get in here aren’t mirrored in real life’ you thought to yourself. 
pushing yourself up, you wince in pain, but immediately start running towards the portal-type hole. almost there. however, before you could get too far away, vecna got up and started making a gravestone fall almost on top of you. you fall and wince at the pain again but get up only to be covered in someone’s blood from the puddles all over. 
and if i only could, i’d make a deal with god, and i’d get him to swap our places
you were so close now, but it was taking you so long to get there because of the gravestones and now fenceposts that were being thrown at you. you had so much blood covering you the leaves were sticking to the soles of your shoes, causing you to slip a few times.
be runnin’ up that road, be runnin’ up that hill, be runnin’ up that building
“are you sure this is their favourite song?” max asks nervously.“you didn’t see any of the other tapes in there that might be it?”
“no no this is it!” el was so sure that it was. 
“then why is it taking so long?!” mike snaps tighting his grip on el’s waist. she tries to step away from him. el was irritated. she understood that a lot was happening right now and how everyone was under so much pressure and stress. she just wished she still had her powers to try and do something to help. something more than just tell them a name of some silly song.
say if i only could, i’d make a deal with god
 so...close…you were so close you could see yourself floating and your friends under you yelling your name. you let this spur you on, you ran faster and faster, or maybe it was just time making it seem that way? 
“y/n!” everyone was yelling for you, dustin being the loudest of course.
 suddenly you gasp and everything looks normal again. well, everything but the height you were at. you quickly fall down onto the ground and everyone spreads out away from you and away from eachother. even mike and el. but no one stayed far apart for long when they heard you gasping.
 “y/n! y/n!” you hear at the same time as you feel someone grab you by the arms and lift you up. you yell at the sudden contact, unsure of who was touching you. 
“it’s steve! it’s steve! you’re okay!” he says while quickly letting go of you. the touch was soon being replaced by a pair of arms wrapping tightly around you, who you soon realised was mike when you saw his familiar t-shirt. you expected your rib to be aching from mike’s arms being wrapped around you but it didn’t, nor were you covered in blood. you didn’t seem to be physically injured at all.
 you keep gasping in shock and not used to the sudden normal amount of air into your lungs and grip mike’s lower arm with your hand to steady yourself.
 “its ok. its ok. its mike. ok? its me mike” he whispers into your ear a few times, helping you to slow your breathing back down.
 “el. el! where’s el?” you asked desperately, still panting. you detached your arms from mike and turn around.you see el standing behind you, tears silently slipping down her cheeks.
“i thought we lost you” el starts sobbing again as she speaks, her bottom lip folding.
 “no, no i’m right here. see?” you pat your body and spin around, displaying to her that you had come back.
 el lets out a breath she was holding in despite her sobbing before quickly running up to you and giving you the tightest hug either of you would ever experience. 
“its hard to breathe to begin with el” you wheeze and laugh a little. 
“right. sorry.” she lets go immediately but you can see the relief present in her face. “i’m kidding, it’s okay. hey listen, i need to tell you this quickly and i wanna talk to you more about it along with mike too but im so sorry.i don’t know why i was ignoring you guys and being an absolute bitch when i wasn’t ignoring you. you guys probably would’ve helped me through everything and im so sorry.” 
“i love you, please give me another chance, even though we never actually broke up but-” your ranting was cut off by el awkwardly pulling your shoulders towards her and kissing you. despite the awkward hold she had on your shoulders the kiss was extremely comforting
.“of course i will and im sure mike will also. and i love you too” 
no matter how many times you had heard it from her or mike it never failed to give you butterflies. 
“hey! i walk away for two seconds and you guys are making out? what’d i miss?” mike jokingly yelled to you both while jogging over to you guys as if you didn’t almost just die.
 you and el turned and looked at eachother and started giggling then look back at mike. “what?” he chuckled.
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