#anyways if she tries to get me to cover the lunch I'm not gonna be able to bc I have not only my own tags but I have to do the signs
genderfluidgothwitch · 10 months
I have to leave for my shift in 15 minutes and even tho it's only gonna be 4.5 hours long I really don't wanna go
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violetarks · 4 months
"they don't love me like you do!"
anime: jujutsu kaisen
character: gojo satoru
summary: despite the countless valentines day offers he receives, satoru will only ever accept one confession. but you're confessing... to his best friend?
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, high school! au
"please accept these chocolates, gojo!" says the girl in front of him. satoru casually pulls down his glasses enough to see the red, heart-shaped cardboard box.
"oh, uh... thank you." he awkwardly says. this girl was two year below him, judging by the colours of her indoor shoes. he didn't even know her name. "this is... a surprise."
"i've liked you ever since orientation day. i hope you like these." she says with a nervous grin. she's stiff as he takes them out of her hands, standing up straight to stare at the tall man. "thank you for always being so funny and helping everyone you can."
"ah, you're welcome." he says, tucking the chocolates and the letter taped to it under his arm. luckily, the lunch bell had rung and everyone should've been off to enjoy their break. "well, i'll... see you around."
"b—bye, gojo!" she calls, waving at him as he walks the other way. he gives a kind smile before he turns the corner, dropping it immediately.
on the way to class, multiple other students watched him as he carelessly skimmed through the letter before stuffing it in his book bag, ready to throw it (and the others) away once home. valentines day was this week and it was two days before it today. yet satoru had received tons of confession letters and date proposals, none of which he had the intention of accepting.
plopping down in his chair, he groans, hanging his head, "ugh! i hate being so loveable..."
suguru rolls his eyes, outting his book down. "here we go again." he grunts, shaking his head.
"seriously! why can't i be left alone around valentines day?" he questions out lout, pulling his lunch box from his bag.
shoko bites into her sandwich as she listens to him. as she swallows, she retorts, "maybe it's because you flirt with every living being on earth." satoru sends him a pointed look. "so how many letters today?"
"seven." satoru responds, knocking his bag.
"none of them were from y/n." he sighs out, picking up his chopsticks.
"wait, y/n?" suguru pipes up, putting his juicebox down, "as in y/n from class d?"
the blue-eyed boy raises a brow, halting his movements. "uh, yeah? l/n y/n." he recalls to his friend, tilting his head, "what? i've been talking about 'em for the past three months—suguru, have you been listening to me at all?"
"oh!" the dark-haired boy chuckles, nodding his head, "i know y/n. we're in the same literature class."
satoru stares at him in disbelief. the other students surrounding them are in their own little world, but the three of them didn't even mind them hearing if they tried. shoko continues to eat her food while suguru shrugs at his friend.
"are you kidding me?" satoru gasps out, waving a hand in the air, "i've been trying to get with them for three months and you tell me this just now?"
"you should've been more specific, man." suguru retorts, waving it off, "anyway, you gonna' ask them to be your valentine?"
satoru sighs loudly, hanging his head back, "i don't know... we only share bio together, i bet there's a lot of people who have asked them to be their valentine. they probably won't even accept mine."
shoko purses her lips and stretches her arms. "i don't know about that." she claims, "you're a pretty guy and everyone knows you. i doubt they'd pass up the chance to revel in that popularity."
"... thanks, shoko."
soon enough, the bell rings and the day goes on.
the next day, satoru notices something in your hand during biology class.
"whatchu' got there, y/n?" he asks, peaking over your shoulder. he sat behind you, enough room to see the handwritten letter you were writing.
"satoru!" you jump a little, covering the page. he furrows his brow. "it's, uh... i'm just writng something."
"is it... for valentines day tomorrow?" he inquires, curious to who was the lucky person. but you were still hiding it from him!
"no, of course not." you were lying, he could tell by the way you look to the left. a pout falls on his lips. "it's notes. for another class."
"oh... okay." he responds, a bit disappointed. why would you lie to him? he sits back in his chair, writing down some paragraphs from the textbook mindlessly. he saw the way your elbow quickly shifted, you were writing faster. your head was down too, never looking up. you were so concentrated.
he's known you for a couple of months now. you bumped into him on the way to school, and you admitted to him that you were a bit lost since you didn't live around here. satoru, being the gentleman he is, offered to escort you. you thought he was some creep (he tried reaching to hold your hand and when you jerked away on instinct, he played it off as it being the wind).
but once realising you two shared some classes together, you grew fond of him. you knew of the countless students throwing themselves at him. both older and younger. he was the school heartthrob. it's a shame though, only your smile could make his heart race like he makes others do.
when you gave him your lucky pen when he told you he didn't study and he was freaking out, you had this kind smile that made him think 'i don't want anyone else to see this but me'.
and he noticed that you awkwardly took it back from him, looking away as he clasped your hands tightly in the filled hallway and thanked you. your reactions were just the cutest...
when the bell rings, you perk up, putting your 'notes' in a suspicious looking envelope and signing it off with something. you stand up and satoru is quick to walk by your side when a classmates holds his arm to talk.
"huh?" satoru grunts, furrowed brows.
"gojo, i... i wanted to give you this." they say, holding out a teddy-bear saying 'be my valentine!'. satoru frowned when he took it. "you don't have to answer today... just let me know tomorrow, please."
as they continue to talk, he sees you exit the classroom. the letter sits comfortably in your palm, and you look left, right, before walking off. satoru is electrified.
"okay, thanks!" he says, running out of the classroom while he clutches the bear in his hands.
weaving through the crowd, he looks for the top of your head. after more and more people pass him, staring at the teddy and whispering 'who gave that to him this time?', he spots you turning the corner, a nervous look on your face. he mutters out apologies as he bumps into people heading to their next class.
the hallway you're in now is empty. you stand in front of a classroom door, waiting. notably, suguru's math class.
satoru stands at the end of the corridor, behind the corner, as the classroom door opens to reveal his best friend, geto suguru.
"suguru!" you call, smile. your shoulders are straightened, you hold the letter in front of you. not scared to show him...
"oh, y/n, hey." he responds, grinning as well. the comfortability around you two was so strange to see. "what's up?"
satoru feels like he's buzzing out. he can't hear everything you're saying, but you look a bit excited yet anxious. he hears your sweet voice speak to his best friend with such kindness that he's jealous. sure, suguru was attactive and nice and he definitely didn't feed into the popularity like satoru did, but...
why did it have to be you who was interested in him?
"please, take this." you say, handing him the same letter you had before. except this time, satoru sees the 'g.s' on it. 'geto suguru'. and you take out a box of his favourite snacks to hand to him. "thank you for everything, again. you're the best."
suguru takes it with ease, seeing how you looked at him. his gaze softens as he takes the treat as well. "you're welcome, y/n. anything you need, i'll help with." he puts the letter in his own bag before slinging am arm around your shoulders. "now, what're your plans for after?"
he was blatantly asking you out now! right after satoru told him he had feelings for you! such betrayal!
you two walk to the other end of the hallway, in the direction of your literature class. satoru slumps against the wall, furrowed brows and lips pressed into a thin line. after a second, he pushes his glasses up and lets out a slow exhale. he could get over this...
"gojo! may i please have a moment of your time?"
"wait no! me first!"
"gojo, can i talk to you?"
"please accept these!"
or maybe he couldn't.
valentines day was today and you danced into school with such confidence. you had a bouquet of flowers in your arms, chocolates of the sweetest kinds, and a bag of new perfume that you knew your crush would like.
you were so excited.
satoru, who was walking a few people behind you, was not.
he saw the amount of passion you put into the holiday, and it made him sick to know it was for his best friend. the guys was in such a bad mood, he ignored suguru and shoko's calls this morning to meet up and walk to school together like usual.
satoru clicked his tongue, thinking about how dramatic the whole valentines day idea was. really, who needed it all anyway?
in homeroom, he can hear your class (which is next to his, across the hall) start whooping and cheering when you walk in. and he knows it's you by the chants of your last name being heard. he sits in his chair in anguish.
"satoru, morning. finally." shoko says, sitting down as well. she grins, bitting the popsicle stick between her lips. "where are all of your valentines presents?"
"stuffed in my shoe locker and under my desk." he claimed, opening the top of it to showcase the blaring red and pink gifts. she picked at one pocky box, munching on the biscuits. "how about you?"
"i got a couple letters and cookies in my locker." she claims, shrugging her shoulders, "lots of 'em are from the badminton team. i don't know why."
satoru shrugs as well as soon as suguru sits down in front of him. the blue-eyed students scoffs, looking away.
"good morning, satoru." he says, noticing his friend's behaviour, "what's got his panties in a twist this morning? does he know we called him a hundred times?"
"i dunno'." shoko says, looking out the window to the school garden. "ask him."
"satoru, what's wrong? didn't get enough presents this year?" he teases, leaning in his chair to poke his head, "wake up late?"
but satoru angrily swats his hand away. the raven-haire boy blinks curiously before satoru glares at him. "why didn't you tell me you were interested in y/n?" he asks, hurt.
shoko looks back to the two boys, seeing suguru just as confused as she is. "you're into y/n?"
"what? no! who said that?" suguru retorts, hands up in defense, "i'm not interested in dating y/n, swear on my life."
"that's a lie!" satoru accuses, pointing a finger against his friend's nose, "shoko, i saw him and y/n all... all... familiar yesterday after period 2! he had his arm around them!"
"suguru..." shoko warns.
"wait wait, that's—you got it all wrong." suguru groans, now understanding. he digs through his bag and pulls out a piece of paper. "here. open it."
satoru pushes away the paper reading 'g.s'. "no way! i'm not reading y/n's love letter to you!"
"ugh! just open it!" suguru grunts, shoving it onto his desk.
satoru begrudgingly takes it and gently opens the letter, not wanting to rip it. once his eyes fall upon the page, he confirms that it's your handwriting.
'thank you for being the sweetest boy to me. i am truly honoured to know such a beautiful person, inside and out.'
satoru wants to barf.
'sitting near you in biology really helped me to understand you, satoru. you're not only a pretty face, but a world-class sweet tooth, a sucker for romantic cliches and a cologne-collector.'
satoru thinks this is the most beautiful thing he's ever read.
he contiues to read, expression changing, letting shoko and suguru understand his thoughts. the girl looks to the other boy, who shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes.
"i'm confused." shoko states, tilting her head.
"y/n isn't confessing to me, they're confessing—"
"y/n is confessing to me! me, satoru!" satoru exclaims, waving the letter around like a maniac. everyone else in the class was suddenly a listener, peaking at the trio. they were interested in finding out what the one confession that resulted in this reaction was. "oh my god, oh my god!"
suguru nods his head. placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "yes, yes, they are. i was meant to give you the letter this morning to read before homeroom, but someone was pissy." he scoffs, shaking his head, "so i had to go and tell y/n that plans had changed."
"you... helped y/n plan this all out?" satoru mumbles, "but you didn't even know!"
shoko chuckles, staring out the window again.
"i just said i wasn't paying attention so you didn't think i was snooping. which i was. and i only told you i knew y/n so you wouldn't get any ideas, like this." suguru circles the air with his finger, deadpanning at the clueless satoru, "you think anyone would do this without definitive proof the other person liked them?"
satoru continues to read the letter you wrote for him before his eyes land on the ending. "'please meet me at the school fountain before homeroom ends.'" he murmurs out, blinking, "suguru—"
"you were meant to go two minutes ago." his friend sings out, standing in front of shoko's desk. he points out the window, much like other students were doing in their own classrooms. "you should..."
when his friends turn around to him, satoru is already one foot out of the door. he's rushing downstairs (down three flights of stairs, actually) with your letter clutched in his hand. he almost flies into a couple teachers on the way to the garden, only for their attention to be caught by students opening the windows and pointing outside.
when he rushed through the doors to the garden, you're staring at the floor, still holding the flowers and gifts you brought to school with you. taking a moment to gather himself, satoru runs fingers through his hair and fixes his glasses. the pair you've complimented a thousand times.
satoru walks closer to you and when he catches your eye, you stand up straight and smile.
"satoru." you chime, not missing the thousand pairs of eyes that were following your every move. "good morning. happy valentines day."
you hold out the flowers to him. it's set in a nice box, and the treats are in a gift bag. when you give it to him, your smile is awkward but hopeful.
"happy valentines day, y/n." he replies, taking it from you. he sits down on the fountain edge, and you follow along. "i'm so sorry, i... i don't have anything for you."
"no, no, no." you retort, grinning, "it's fine. this was a surprise for you, anyway."
he sighs, "no, i'm sorry... please, let me make it up to you."
you laugh a little, placing a hand over his on his lap. the flowers were sat on the fountain with his gifts. "sure thing." you retort, "hey, suguru told me that this morning—"
"i'm sorry, i know, i just thought..." he begins, cutting you off. he looks embarrassed, heavy blush falling over his cheeks. "i saw you and suguru yesterday and you gave him that letter. had me thinkin' you were confessing to him instead of me."
you let out a small chuckle, making him gulp, "oh my goodness, i'm sorry, i didn't mean for you to see that. we were trying to be sneaky."
satoru's chest feels lighter, and he feels better just hearing it from you. he links his fingers with yours, facing you fully.
"ah, no it's fine." he tells you, the most purest form of adoration in his eyes that you can see from the top of his slanted down glasses. you grin softly. "listen, i have had a crush on you for months... and i was hoping that you'd go out with me. i want a chance to get to know you personally, away from any prying eyes."
you peer to the side, seeing the people watching you. they were practically hanging out the window, waving their hands and fighting to view the whole scene for themselves. cameras took photos and videos, capturing your moment with him.
"i'd love that, satoru." you say, scanning his face, "you're the best."
it only takes him a single second to reach his hand out and brush his thumb agaisnt your cheek. you don't freeze up though, only relaxing into him. he was the most inviting guy you've ever met.
"can i kiss you?" he asks, voice unwavering. his blue eyes are staring at your face with such kindness that it cannot be described.
you don't even say anything, only leaaning forward and pressing your lips to his. he's smiling against your lips, gentle hand caressing your cheek. your eyes flutter shut, holding his hand tightly.
cheers erupt from the school. screams and whoops from guys and girls alike. most students are heartbroken due to the obvious confession. nobody had even gotten that close to satoru. no one has been able to hold his hand, let alone get him to go crazy over a letter. you got him to race out of that classroom like a madman, and everyone was surely surprised.
the shouts die down as the kiss deescalates, many of the students sighing as they're forced to move on from the heart-throb gojo satoru.
when you pull away, satoru chases, leaving a gentle kiss against your forehead. your smile is wide and you pinch his cheek softly.
"you're such a drama queen, satoru." you say, standing up, "i was wondering why everyone started yelling and staring at me all of a sudden."
satoru stands with his presents, rubbing the back of his neck as he holds your hand. h goes to answer when a voice is heard from the fourth floor.
"the idiot took some convincing, y/n!" suguru shouts, waving his hand, "glad to know he's got some sense in him!"
"shut up, suguru!" satoru calls back, showing his fist.
"first period is about to start, you two!" the principle says through a window on the third floor, "this is all heart-warming, but you've failed two of ms kinoshita's classes, gojo!"
"r—right!" he retorts, pacing to the school entrance as people begin to 'ooh' at him. he looks back at you, smiling the brightest. "let's go out after school today, yeah? i'll buy you as many sweets as you want."
you chuckle, kissing his cheek, "my hero."
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers with y/n that just gets along with everything
Like slasher could litteraly kill somone near y/n and she would be like alr alr whats really important is that you are happy🤠😎. Im sorry that first 2character had super long headcanons while last ones have way less :( I had no ideas Request open!
Billy Lenz
He always expects some sort of negative response when he calls people and when he heard new voice on the Phone he got even more exited cuz new person new reaction! He totally didnt expect her to just go "yeah yeah sure buddy, anyways... how is your day man? Cuz im so so tired...*starts normal converstation*
He probably tries to stay in character but he is so caught of Guard he doesnt know how to react really (hehe the table has turn)
Now he kinda hopes that she will pick up cuz shes very intresting😈 billy likey
"Ew its this creep again! He is asking for you y/n? Of please dont tell me you befriended him??" "So what? He said hes favourite fruit is strawberry he cant be that bad!" *billy saying slurs on the phone*
You need to constantly tell him that, no Billy no harrasing women isnt sexy, you arent quirky, you are mentally ill
"Y/n i killed that bitch that was gossiping about you 🧍 " "👍good for you billy im glad you found healthy way to cope with that negative emotion😇" "on god"
His whole moral compass is created around the simple question 'does it hurt y/n?' .1:no it doesnt so feel free to do it .2 do not do it, she will ban Billy from sweets (bad ending)
The man from hush
This guy. This dude. This Little gremlin. He is upset that he gets no reaction! Like please oh please act all angy when he 'acidently' shot tire in her car! But oh no ofc no, she had to be like "oh its okay honey i have backup in garage🥰" hes like HHUH SINCE WHEN WE HAVE GARAGE
Like tbh thats how i imagine how they met: he saw her, he wanted to hunt her, she was so chill that she didnt even leave her household while the power was off and he went inside and just saw her having lil nap on couch. 🧍🤨erm exuse me gurl im trying to roleplay epic hunter here tf
He probably kidnaped her cuz she was too weird to just kill her but he didnt want to risk her calling police. He probably tied her up and yeeted her on backseats. And then she begun judging music on the radio"yo big guy can i get some good music taste?" "What? Whats wrong with Taylor Swift?"
He will overshare everything to kinda check where is her limit if it comes to being chill "yeah so i killed this old lady.." "im sure you had good reason🥰" "🤨... anyways... yeah so i was drinking some redbull when some guy said i look ugly so i shoot his head off and-" "HEY HEY hold up geez you CANT drink Energy drinks?? Bestie you know it is unhealthy?? Also you like hunt for sport it will ruin your condition!? How you gonna shoot people with shakey hands?? You crazy or something?" "Damn😔"
Micheal myers
I tried to put him here but i realised he will be as chill as her.
Like he can give her gifts covered in blood and she' just going to clean it and wear it like nothing happened or completley ignore it
He cares about this stuff as much as y/n so like not at all. I mean tbh theres is a bit of difrence: shes at least positive about it! Like "yeah micheal go for it, love🥰😇 i know its hard to cope with trauma take it all out alr?" Shes trying to be a good supporting gf not her fault she never had serial killer bf!
Brahms Heelshire
He lives for attention! What do you mean the war crime he commited this lunch break is okay!?!? Baby pleasee
But this negativity disapears the moment he realised he can get a lot of positive attention when he will do some nice stuff! "Oh honey I didnt kill any rats today" "oh that's amazing brahms I'm sure you and the rats inside walls will get along well soon🥰" (rats in walls bully brahms)
Please complement him or he will get a tantrum and destroy something
Brahms and rats have very hard past i might do seperate hc about that
"Look babe! My newest victim *shows photo*" "ugh baby...😰 you NEED to buy new camera or watch some youtube tutorials about how to take good photos" "aw man whats wrong with my pictures 😔"
Otherwise y/n supports his hobbies! People need to grow😇 (and he needs to grow up)
If theres 2ghostfaces(like in most movies) they will bet money on how long you gonna keep this 'do whatever as long as youre happy' act. Well they didnt know that this wasnt an act but her personality
Also they will probably try to use this chillnes aginst her like "oooh y/n something terrible happened! I crushed my car oh what will i do!" "Alr bestie i will drive you over there😇" "😈omg you are so nice i totally didnt expect that(heheh i dont need to pay for gas today (hes very evil))
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cat-loves-music · 3 months
Hi Cat! I was wondering if I could request Mattheo Riddle x fem reader who gets migraines? And it would be her skipping class over getting a really bad one which is unusual and so he goes to check on her and he cuddles her, gives her head massages (and she has curly hair or it’s just not described as like easy to comb through so more of a scalp massage ig lol) and whatever else you want to add. Also they call each other like mi amor and cute stuff like that. If you don’t want to write this it’s totally fine! I love your work and hope you have a great day or night <3
Omg hi! So sorry this took so long. Finding motivation is a pain in the ass. 😅
I also am not really familiar with migraines, so I hope I do this justice. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings: migraines, fluff, House not specified, fem!reader, not proofread!, somewhat shitty writing, and if there are more plz let me know!
The sound of a switch and the sudden blinding light of my dorm room awakes me from my peaceful slumber.
"Come on, Y/n! You need to get up, you'll be late," my dormmate says before leaving.
I groan as I sit up in bed, my head throbbing with pain and the contents of my stomach swish around uncomfortably inside the organ. The lights reflecting off of the vibrant colors of the dorm room make my head spin so I begrudgingly stand up to turn the light back off.
"Not today," I whisper to myself as I chase my relief in the comfort of my own bed.
Mattheo's POV
"Hey Malfoy, have you seen Y/n today?" I asked him as we sat down in the Great Hall for lunch.
"Nah, mate. I would have thought you would have since you're the one dating her," he answers, shrugging.
I sigh as more of my friends come to the table.
"Have any of you guys seen Y/n by any chance?" I asked them.
"I didn't see her in class," Enzo replied, "she's almost never even late much less not show up."
"Yeah she wasn't in Defense or Charms," Pansy said, worry lacing her voice.
I get up from the table, my heart feeling like it's being squeezed. Something is wrong, I know it.
"I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go find her," I stated.
We bid our goodbyes before I head to her dorm. I arrive there and I knock on the door.
"Go away!" I hear her groan.
Twisting open the door knob, the lights are completely off and the curtains are drawn closed. Darkness envelopes the room, but I can still see Y/n's form buried underneath the covers.
"Mi amor," I whisper, "what's wrong?"
"I have a migraine," she speaks, her words slightly slurred.
I frown, "It must be a bad one because you never miss class, my love."
"Please stop yelling," she whines, "it hurts."
I walk over to beside her bed, take my shoes off and climb in next to her. Snaking my arms around her, I hold her close and she snuggles into my chest.
"Can I get a head massage please?" She requests, looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.
"Of course, princess," I said, my heart squeezing once more.
I hate that she's in pain, sometimes I wish I could take it away from her so she'll never have to feel it again. I'd bear the burden so she doesn't have to, but unfortunately I can't so the next best thing would be helping her with a massage. My hands find their way to her head as I work my fingers into her temples and scalp. Y/n sighs in contentment as I do so.
"Thank you, love," she says, "that feels so much better."
I provide a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm glad."
For the rest of the day, we stay in bed with our bodies entwined in each other's arms.
Hi! I hope you liked it, but it’s been a hot minute since I've written an imagine so I'm sorry if it sucks. I tried my best to make it decent since I don't personally get migraines, but if you want me to add something, let me know!
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adriswrld · 9 months
Jealousy » Will Ospreay ⁰²
plot: reader gets into an argument backstage at wrestlekingdom with will and the next night he gets protective when david finlay attempts to flirt with her
trope: ex lovers to enemies to lovers
pairings: kenny's adopted sister reader x will ospreay/ reader x slight david finlay/ and jay white
warnings: slightly hints at smut! violence, blood, angst, alcohol usage
a/n: part two! next part is the last part, it ends at forbidden door. jay white is not married in here btw.
italics r once again representing japanese bc im too lazy to actually type in translations
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A heavy puff of air escaped Y/N's lips as she plopped down on her bed, she was absolutely breathless. "That was good, like surprisingly perfect" she mumbled. Jay smiled as he laid back down next to her, pulling Y/N's body closer to his. "Why the sudden interest in me anyways? I mean yeah, we stayed friends after you rejected me but it's still a little odd," Jay said as Y/N tugged the covers over them, regretting to turn on the AC.
"First off, I apologized a million times about that, you gotta let that go. Second all, can't a girl just call up a guy to have sex without making it a big deal?" Y/N glanced up at him and he surprisingly nodded in agreement with her. "I suppose you make a good point. And it was very worth it. You're very good at it by the way," Jay complimented, rubbing her back.
"Why thank you," Y/N smiled. As Jay leaned down to kiss her, he paused hearing the doorbell ring, "You expecting someone?" He asked. Y/N furrowed her brows in thought, then came to the realization of who it probably was. "Okay, either it's Mercedes, or there's a slight chance it's Kenny who shouldn't even be here till another three hours." Y/N quickly stood up and pulled on the nearest shirt which just so happened to be Jay's and she slipped on her pajama shorts.
More knocking was heard from her door until it stopped when she headed down the stairs. The door opened and Kenny entered, tucking his key back into his pocket. "Y/N?!" He turned to look up the stairs and spotted Y/N, immediately smiling. "Kenny? What are you doing here?" She happily ran into his open arms, extremely happy to see her brother after months of being away from him.
"My flight got here early, I tried calling you but your phone must've been off or something," he explained, pulling away he furrowed his brows at the shirt she wore. "Who's shirt is that? It looks way too big for you," he walked past her and headed to the bar she had and grabbed himself a water. "Uhm, no it's mine. I have a lot of these." Y/N lied, leaning against her couch. "Really? Never seen you were those before," Kenny shrugged, deciding to drop the unimportant subject.
"So did you wanna grab lunch or something?" Y/N asked, trying to think of a way to get Kenny out of the penthouse without him seeing Jay. If he seen Jay, he'd probably kill him. "I think I'm gonna take a quick nap and then if you're still up to it we could go for dinner," Kenny smiled. Though it quickly dropped when a shirtless Jay White ascended down the stairs, "Dinner sounds amazing actually." Jay smiled, throwing an arm around Y/N who practically froze.
Kenny squinted his eyes, "Y/N, why is Jay White in your living room," he gestured to the shirtless man, "and shirtless too, might I add." Y/N cleared her throat and removed Jay's arm from her shoulder in which he only wrapped it around her waist in response. "Right uhm, he was just visiting. You know, catchin' up, reminiscing of the old times," Y/N faked a smile, patting Jay's back and he raised a brow.
"Mhm, and that's why you're wearing his shirt? Just reminiscing?" Kenny raised his brows, a small smirk etched at the corner of his lips.
"If that's what you call reminiscing then sign me up every day," Jay added with a grin. Y/N elbowed his ribs with an eye roll, "Shut up."
"Oh no, please, don't stop on my account. I'm gonna go take that nap. Just keep it down." Kenny headed up the stairs, walking past a genuinely shocked Y/N and Jay. "Wait, you're not mad?" Y/N spoke up, causing Kenny to pause in his steps and turn to look at her. "Nope. As long as this keeps your mind off of Will, then please, keep going. I welcome it. Besides, it's not really my business who you choose to be with," Kenny said before continuing to his room.
"That went surprisingly well," Jay commented.
"This doesn't mean we're gonna be a thing by the way," Y/N said, walking towards the kitchen. "Never said I wanted that anyways," Jay shrugged, seeing no problem with that. He didn't want a relationship either. He was still trying to get his ex back anyways.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
"I'm excited. What about you?" Y/N walked beside Kenny, her duffle bag on her shoulder as Kenny pulled his and hers suitcases. "Honesty, I just can't wait to kick Ospreay's ass," Kenny shrugged. Y/N cracked a small chuckle and sighed, "Yeah, he's one of the very few reasons I thought about not resigning with New Japan to be honest. I can't stand being around him." Y/N opened the door, letting Kenny in first as he was pulling the luggage.
"What changed your mind?" Kenny asked, looking at the map to locate his locker room that was gonna be put right next to Y/N's. "Honesty? I had a talk with Kota and he helped me realize that I shouldn't let Will get in the way of what I'm truly happy doing. I wanted this before I was with Will and he shouldn't have an impact on my decisions anymore." Y/N followed Kenny down the halls, not seeing many wrestlers around, mainly just the crew that helped put everything together.
"Wow, you should ask Kota for advice more often then. You don't make the brightest decisions when it comes to your love life." Kenny unlocked the door to her room first, figuring she would take more time to get ready for her press conference. "Oh shut up, that's so not true," Y/N denied, setting her duffle bag on the metal black chair.
"Oh yeah? Fine, then name one of your exes that actually turned out to not be a piece of shit," he compromised, knowing Y/N couldn't argue with that. "Uhhh...wait no, I dated uhm, actually you make a good point. Fuck. It's not my fault though. I get very attached." Y/N frowned, sitting down on the sofa. "And that's okay, it's not your fault. You just need to be careful with these guys, especially wrestlers. Most of these guys aren't interested in relationships." He did make a good point. Most wrestlers just wanted sex. And she couldn't blame them much, nobody had time for a serious relationship.
"Noted. Now, I'm gonna get dressed. I'll see you soon." Y/N gave a quick side hug to Kenny before he left.
A few hours later, Y/N was called to do the press conference for her upcoming match at WrestleKingdom that was less than ten hours away. Y/N sat down at the table, setting down her title on the table, she crossed her legs and looked to her right where Kairi was supposed to be.
Y/N took this a chance to start without her as she then picked up the mic, "Are you kidding me? You expect this person to be able to dethrone me and she can't even show up on time? I'm supposed to feel threatened by her? I'm supposed to feel scared?" Y/N chuckled sarcastically.
Kairi walked over to the table, rushing a bit and Y/N gestured to her, "Look who decided to join the party. Did wasting my time feel good darling?" She sarcastically asked.
A minute in, Kairi was answering a question on what she would do if she won the title, in which Y/N felt the need to interrupt. "This is absolutely ridiculous! Let's get something completely straight, Kairi." Y/N stood up and took her championship off the display, "You will never win this belt as long as I hold it and let me tell you something, it is not leaving me anytime soon because there is nobody capable of beating me. And after I retain tonight, I will continue to run through each and every division there is until nobody is left. Because, I am the greatest wrestler ever."
Y/N raised her championship proudly, glaring down at her opponent. "This conference is over. Enjoy the show." Y/N set down the mic and walked out, not even bothering to second glance at Kairi.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
It was a gruesome battle in the Tokyo Dome between Kairi Sane and Y/N Kingley for the IWGP Women's Championship. It was sometimes even hard to watch. They were beating the crap out of each other like no other. It was hard to predict who would even win. They were both so close.
Y/N screamed in frustration as Kairi managed to kick out of her blue thunder powerbomb off the top rope. She hit the mat in frustration, sitting up with desperate eyes. "Give up!" Kairi breathed heavily, shaking her head 'no', she exchanged strikes with her. Kairi performed another devastating knee before making her way to the top turnbuckle.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to get a breath in as she just did a german suplex to Kairi off the top rope and immediately performed a shooting star press after. The match was almost over and it was obviously one hell of a match. Kairi was killing it and some even thought she might actually just pull a win over the champion. But, Y/N wasn't gonna let that happen.
Y/N crawled over to Kairi, attempting a cover but Kairi kicked out at two. "Fuck! Just give up!" Y/N leaned against the ropes, running a hand over her hair in frustration.
Kairi stood up tiredly and immediately ran and knee'd Y/N before she could block it. She dragged Y/N to the turnbuckles and began to climb up the rope. The crowd automatically assumed it was over for Y/N the minute Kairi hit the insane elbow. But, as Kairi performed it, Y/N got her knees up at the last second. Kairi groaned and Y/N stood up and jumped onto the top rope, performing her finisher, the Royalty Deathdrop. Again, it was basically a backflip off the top rope into a DDT.
She hit it perfectly. "ONE..TWO..THREE!" Y/N grinned and tiredly crawled to the bottom rope, attempting to pull herself up as they announced her name as the winner. The official handed her the title and raised her hand before she immediately collapsed back onto the mat, barely able to hold herself up. Her body was battered and bruised so it was surprising that she wasn't even unconscious.
Kairi stood up and immediately went towards Y/N, extending her hand in respect towards her competitor. The crowd watched in anticipation, waiting to see if Y/N would accept her hand. Y/N hesitantly took Kairi's hand and the crowd applaused. Kairi pulled the taller woman up and raised her hand, showing a sign of respect for the retaining champion.
All until Y/N's hand dropped, the music hit. The music of Mercedes Moné, FKA Sasha Banks.
The crowd cheered, obviously most knowing who she was. Y/N sat down on the middle turnbuckle, watching as Mercedes ascended down the entrance ramp. Kairi stood near Y/N as they watched Mercedes enter the ring. A whole new look on her, she was almost unrecognizable if you seen her as Sasha Banks in WWE. This was an entirely different woman and she wasn't here to play games. She was here to make history, money and win championships.
Kairi looked at Y/N silently asking if she wanted her to stay. Y/N shook her head, waving her off and Kairi stepped out of the ring, letting Y/N handle her business.
Y/N stepped up, not liking the disrespect of Mercedes. She didn't have to say anything, she just raised her IWGP Women's Championship right in the face of Mercedes, not backing down to her.
Mercedes stuck her hand out, Y/N looking at it in suspicion. She took it hesitantly and Mercedes smiled as they shook hands. A show of respect. Y/N went to pull her hand away but Mercedes held it tightly so she couldn't let go. She pulled Y/N in, making her drop the title and performed what looked to be a gory bomb only it was straight into a DDT. Y/N groaned as she hit the mat, selling it perfectly so it made Mercedes look like a huge threat.
Mercedes walked over to the title and slowly picked it up, then dropped it onto Y/N's barely conscious body. "Give me a mic," Mercedes stuck her hand out, leaning between the ropes, they quickly handed her a microphone and she slowly made her way back to Y/N.
"Y/N, awee, congratulations on making history tonight, once again. I also know a thing or two about making history," Mercedes grinned, the crowd cheering for her. "I am here, in New Japan and Stardom to make some more. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the standard. The conversation. The blueprint, and the CEO of this women's division."
Mercedes kneeled down next to Y/N's body, the champion not even attempting to get up or open her eyes. "So Y/N-San, enjoy your IWGP Women's Championship while you can. Because at Battle in the Valley at San José. Imma leave you bankrupt bitch. And you can bank on Moné." Mercedes took the championship and lifted it up, throwing the mic to the side as her music played.
Y/N rolled out of the ring once Mercedes made her way out. She grabbed her championship and let one of the officials help her walk to the back, holding an ice pack to her neck. "Take me to my dressing room please," she requested.
They helped her to her dressing room, bringing several packs of ice as well before leaving her by herself. Y/N groaned in pain as she pulled off her tank top and pressed the ice onto her bruised shoulder. There was a knock on her door in which she casually assumed it was either Kenny, Mercedes, or Jay, so she granted permission for them to come in. But, unfortunately, it was just Will.
"What do you want, Will? Don't you have a match with my brother coming up?" Y/N muttered, wincing as she attempted to untie her boots. "I just wanted to come check up on you. That was one hell of a match." Will sat on the table and carefully took her leg, and to his surprise, she let him. "Good, cause I feel like crap." She let out another wince as he pulled off both of her boots, "How's your ankle feel? I noticed you sprained it early on in the match."
"It's just sore, luckily it's not a big deal. I don't think I'll need boot or anything. I just kinda tweaked it," she explained, setting some ice atop of her hurt ankle. The chime on her phone caused both of them to glance down at it, Will's expression morphing into a scowl when he seen it was Jay White texting her. Will cleared his throat as she picked up the phone to reply to Jay's text. "Uh, so I overheard your brother and Jay White talking and I was just wondering if-"
"If we're dating?" Y/N finished for him, setting her phone down to look at him. Will sighed and Y/N pursed her lips, not surprised he was being nosy about her private life, "whether we are or not, that is none of your business. I made myself clear that we have to let each other go and I'm sticking to that."
"What about friends? Can't we at least be friends?" Will asked, but it seemed almost like begging.
Y/N blankly stared, "Will, look back at the last time we tried that. I ended up in your bed. I will not let myself fall back into your traps. It is over. There is no more us." Will shook his head, standing up and running a hand over his blonde hair, "No, no this isn't you, this isn't us. What's this really about? Jay? Cause, what does he have that I don't?! Tell me."
Y/N stood up, barely able to stand on her ankle but she was becoming irritated of the conversation, "What do you want to hear, Will? That he doesn't compare to you? That he can't please me like you? Cause frankly if I said that, I would be lying to you and myself."
Will simply grinned, cracking a small chuckle, he stepped closer to Y/N, "now we both know nobody could please you like me and Jay certainly isn't changing that fact." Y/N rolled her eyes, "and how would you know?"
"Oh come on, we both know lying isn't your strong suit. Even after all these years, you still can't tell the truth." Glaring at him, she shoved his shoulder, "you are the last person to talk about truth! You cheating son of a bitch!"
Will clenched his jaw, growing tired of her bringing up the past. "How many times do I have to apologize?! I'm fucking sorry! That was three years ago! Let it go, Y/N!" He exclaimed at her.
Y/N scoffs quietly under her breath, "Get the fuck out of my room, Will."
Will shakes his head in disbelief, "Congratulations Y/N. Have a nice life. I won't be there when you come crawling back after Jay leaves you in the dust."
Y/N simply rolls her eyes as he walks out, slamming the door on his way out. "Fuckin' child."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
The show ended with Kenny taking the IWGP United States Championship from Ospreay. It was one of the best matches Y/N's ever witnessed, even if it caused her so much stress to see. Every bump Will and Kenny took was nerve-wracking to say the least. But, they both pulled through and successfully finished the match. She found out from Kyle that Will lost a pint of blood and injured his shoulder though he would pull through and be fine.
As of now, Y/N was heading to do a little promo in response of Mercedes's debut. With the help of a crew member, she sat down at the table and set her drink down. She adjusted the mic and glanced around at all the reporters and such. "Today I will not be answering any of your questions because of Mercedes Moné," she spoke in Japanese.
"I had the most exhausting match of my career and she just shows up out of the blue to steal my spotlight?! Do I have to remind you who I am Mercedes? I am Y/N fucking Kingley and you will not disrespect me! You think because you came from WWE that you're all big shit now? Well let me educate you love. This isn't WWE, this isn't slow paced, this isn't a playground. When you step in the ring with me you won't be the same. You made a mistake coming here. And now I'm gonna send you back where you belong."
Y/N stands up, looking directly into the camera. "I accept your challenge. Let's see if you can keep up."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
"I don't think I'm up to this," Y/N states as she glances at Mercedes and back to the road. "Girl, yes you are. You're the one who brought up this whole party. You can't back out now," Mercedes replies, fixing up her makeup in the mirror. "That was before I fucked up my ankle and got into a fight with my ex. Who, mind you is going to be there." Mercedes chuckles at her over exaggerating, "Which gives you the perfect chance to get back at him."
"With who?" Y/N questions, parking the car in front of the bar.
"Him." Cedes smiles as she points at Jay who was currently walking towards the building. Y/N purses her lips, finding it to be a good idea, "That could work."
They both walk into the bar together and Mercedes follows Y/N, who obviously knew the majority of people there. Y/N finds Kenny talking with some friends and go over there, immediately hugging him. Kenny smiles realizing it's her, "I thought you weren't gonna show," he said.
"Someone changed my mind," Y/N says, and Mercedes gestures to herself. Kenny chuckles and embraces Mercedes. "Thanks for getting her out. Y/N usually hates parties." Mercedes laughs, "It's my pleasure. Do you know where Jay is?" Y/N raises a brow at Mercedes question.
"Uh yeah, he's just over there." Kenny pointed across the bar and Mercedes nods and smiles gratefully. "Great. Thank you. We will catch up later. I'm gonna steal Y/N." Mercedes takes Y/N's hand and drags her across the bar towards Jay. "I don't think this is a great idea-"
"Hi Jay!" Mercedes waves, dragging Y/N over meanwhile Y/N kept trying to slow down because of her ankle. "Mercedes, right? We met at the show yesterday." Jay sticks his hand out and she happily accepts it, "Yes. That's right." Y/N smiles meekly at him, but tries to avoid eye contact. "So what can I do for you ladies?"
"We are having some car trouble and Y/N here is gonna need a ride home later so I was wondering if you could take her home for me. I'm sure you know where it is. It's not too far from here." Mercedes lies and Y/N looks at her with a mini glare. Jay chuckles, nodding with a grin, "Of course, it's no trouble."
"Awesome. I'll catch you later Y/N. Have fun." Mercedes waves and walks over to talk to some of the joshi wrestlers.
Jay takes Y/N's hand and helps her onto the stool carefully, "You don't actually have any car trouble do you?" He questions in amusement. Y/N chuckles lightly and nods, "you are correct. But she's definitely gonna leave me here despite that."
"She sounds great," Jay joked.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room. I will be right back," Y/N excused herself swiftly. Honestly, she just wanted to fix up her hair as it was flowing everywhere courtesy of the wind from outside. She finished up quickly, washing her hands and walking out, going to find Jay again. Though, a hand blocked her, causing her to look up at the man, known as David Finlay. She didn't necessarily have a problem with him. She just didn't like him. But then again, not a lot of people did.
"Uhm, what can I do for you?" Y/N looked at him, slightly confused. He smiles, "I just came to tell you, I watched your match, and you did amazing, it was a great match. One of the best I've ever watched." He says. Y/N smiles for a second, "Oh, well thank you, I appreciate it. But if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my friend." She goes to move past him until he blocks her way again. "Come on, stick around a bit. Give me a chance. We can get to know each other beautiful."
Y/N cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable with him. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." David raised a brow, "and yet you're sluttin' it around with Jay? Come on, you can do so much better." Y/N scoffed, "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" Y/N goes to push pass him when he grabbed her arms, keeping her in place. "Oi, get your hands off her." Next thing she knew, Will had pushed David against the wall, she glanced down at her arms, seeing red handprints on them from how tightly David help her.
"She's not interested bruv. Move on." Will pushed him away, David walking off with a scoff, making a small inappropriate comment about her.
Will turned to Y/N, seeing her in a trance, not moving or speaking. He set a hand on her shoulder, "You alright love?" Y/N snapped out of her thoughts, glancing at his hand on her shoulder. She blinked, "Leave me alone." Y/N walked away, wincing at the pain in her ankle, she reached Jay, standing by him on the stool. "Do you think it's possible for you to take me home? I need to get out of here."
Jay nodded immediately, paying for the drinks and helping Y/N out of the bar, he had seen Will watching in the corner and assumed it must've been about him. Jay helped her into the car before driving them off, heading to her place, obviously knowing where it was. "What happened back there?" He asks, breaking the silence.
Y/N didn't glance at him, texting Mercedes and Kenny on her phone, telling them that she was leaving early. "Nothing important. My ankle has just been killing me." He knew she was partially lying but chose not to push on it. "I'm sorry to drag you away, you could go back if you want. You don't need to stay with me or anything." Y/N said, setting her phone down.
"It's alright. I'll stay. I want to."
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 17 days
Ello! :3 I hope you're doing good. I'm a sucker for the Ragnarok family trope so I was wondering if you could write a fic with teen!reader who struggles to balance properly. Like ever since they were a child, they had balancing issues and they find it about reader after adopting them. Like reader was trying their best to keep it a secret but it became apparent really quick that they had balancing problems and when one of them tried to ask reader about it directly, reader just started crying thinking they're gonna be thrown out again.
Also happy mother's day, you're the mother of all our fanfic ideas 💀
-Carefully- carefully and slowly, those were the words you kept repeating to yourself as you were walking down the stairs of your new home.
-This family had been wonderful; they were so loving and had treated you with nothing but respect- you had never had a family like that before!
-All your previous adoptive families or foster families had always given up on you, claiming you were a burden for something you had no control over!
-You had issues with your balance, mainly with keeping your balance, but only right when you stood up or when you were on stairs, more going down than going up. You had gone to a few doctors, taken by your old families, demanding to know what was wrong with you, but when they couldn’t get an exact answer, that’s when they would take you back and abandon you.
-That’s why you were being so careful, walking down the stairs, not wanting to lose your balance, trip, and fall, because you didn’t want to be abandoned again. This was the first time that you felt like you had a home, a real home with a real family. You didn’t want to lose this!
-You were unaware that your family knew about your condition, as your case worker told them, as she legally had to, but they weren’t bothered, they were going to adopt you anyway, but you didn’t know that.
-When you made it to the bottom of the stairs you sighed deeply in relief, happy that you didn’t fall as you wandered around, looking for Anubis and Leonidas, who were going to teach you about the difference between their culture’s weapons.
-You learned that your family was kind of weird, as they were literal gods and warriors from all throughout history, but you didn’t really mind, as you found it fun to learn more about history and the different gods from around the world.
-You found the two outside, waving you over and you smiled warmly, greeting them before your eyes went wide, seeing all the weapons, “That’s a lot of weapons.” Leonidas chuckled at your shock, finding it funny before Anubis beamed, patting the seat next to him and they started the lesson.
-A few hours later, after watching them, and Hercules and Ares, when they came out, wanting to join in on the fun lesson, showing you how to use the different weapons, showing off their combat skills, Eve stepped out from the kitchen, “Lunch time!”
-They all got up quickly to rush inside and you did the same, forgetting and instantly you took a hard tumble, nearly hitting your head on the table as you landed hard on your hands and knees.
-Several voices called out your name and you flinched hard, quickly trying to stand again, trying to play it off nothing was wrong as you stumbled again, nearly going down again, had Ares not caught you.
-Your hands came to your head, covering it as you were quickly panicking as Eve ran out to help where she could as you were quickly panicking, “I’m okay- I’m fine- there’s nothing wrong with me!” Hearing your panicked words quickly had them glancing at each other in worry.
-Ares held you close as you were brought inside while Anubis ran to get the first aid kit after Leonidas saw some blood on your knees.
-Hercules was so gentle, kneeling in front of you, reaching up to cup your cheek, “Y/N- it’s okay. We all know.” Your eyes went huge as more fear seemed to appear, scared that they were going to give up on you again.
-However, Hercules was quick to see this, “No Y/N- we’re not going to take you back. We wanted you, even with this. It doesn’t make you any less worthy.”
-Your eyes widened before they quickly filled with tears, happy tears that quickly fell, and they all softened, trying to calm you down. You had never had anyone tell you that before, that just because you were wobbly and had balance issues, that you were just fine, and they wanted you, wobbles and all.
-You were never made to feel like you were a burden, your family was nothing but supportive, helping you where they could, making sure sharp corners were covered, basically baby-proofing the house just in case if you fell anywhere, so you wouldn’t be seriously hurt. They took you to actual specialty doctors and not just family doctors who didn’t know what to look for, standing by your side, learning along with you.
-It was so nice, having a real family, one that would support you, no matter what.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 2 *Edited*
Heyo! Since a couple people wanted this, I shall write it because I'm a people pleaser! :)
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Warning: Yandere! Bruce, Yandere! Finney, Yandere Robin, Yandere, Billy, Yandere! Vance, Yandere! Griffin. Toxic, obsessive, manipulative behavior. Aged up to 18 because that just makes more sense to me! Some swearing.
Summary: The boys go to seek out Y/N's friendship and she accepts. What she didn't for see was the manipulation, overprotective and obsessed behavior.
My older sister walked into my room and shook me awake. "Dude, wake the fuck up" she said, pulling the covers off of head. "What the hell happened to your eye?! MOM!" "No! Don't yell for mom! It's fine. I just got in a fight." "On your first day? Did you win?" she questioned me. "What the fuck you think? Of course I won. I'm no wimp." "Sure. Seriously, get up though if you don't want to be late." She laughed, rolling her eyes and walking away.
I crawled out of bed and got ready to go. I went downstairs to where my sister was eating at the table. "Where are the adults?" I asked "They just left for work" Of course they did. Didn't even interact with me at all. "Grab a pop tart or something and go. You have like 10 minutes until you're bell rings" she says. "Oh shit!" I said, running to the pantry, grabbing a Smores pop tart and bolting out the door. Once I started driving, I remembered everything that happened yesterday and started freaking out. Oh god. They're gonna kill me. I started imagining scenarios of them beating my ass or murdering me. Stupid intrusive thoughts. I didn't want to go to school now but I didn't have a choice. I parked my car, took a deep breath, and walked inside.
The bell hadn't rang yet so the halls were crowded with students and their friends talking before school started. As I was walking towards my locker, I saw Donna and she waved me over. "Hey! I heard what you did yesterday! That was either really smart or really stupid." She said, chuckling. "Probably the latter" I faintly smiled. "I have to go get my books from my locker. Ill see you later?" I asked. "Of course. Do you want to eat lunch together under the tree again?" she asked. "I would love to!" I said, smiling. "Ok! I'll meet you there! Bye!" "See you"
Once I made it to my locker, I saw the group of boys from yesterday waiting there for me. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm gonna die. They're gonna murder me and ima die. Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool. I walked over to my locker and opened it, completely ignoring the boys crowded around it. How the fuck did they even know that this was my locker anyways? "Hey" Bruce said. I ignored him. Probably not the best choice but I didn't know what to say. Hey I'm sorry for beating your asses yesterday. Please don't kill me. No.
"Hello?" Finney said, tapping me. I shoved my books in my bag and started to walk away but Vance grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "We're talking to you" "How can I help you?" I asked, sighing in exasperation. "We need to talk" Billy said. "About what?" I questioned tiredly. "Let's go outside" Robin said. They started walking outside. Perfect time to bolt! I tried to run off but Bruce, who was closest to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them. They surrounded me so I had to walk with them.
"What the fuck do you want?!" I said, angry because I couldn't get away. "Hey! Stop that! We just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with us!" Bruce said. What the Reeses peanut butter fucks is this shit? "What the fuck do you mean?" Robin said. "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes, Y/N. Jesus." Vance rolling his eyes. "How the hell do you know my name? I never told you." "We asked Donna. And because she's scared of us, she told us." Billy said. "We just want to be your friends" Griffin says. "No catch?" I ask, suspicious. "No catch" Finney reassures me. I hesitate for a second before saying "Ok." and walking off.
"Hey! You're sitting with us at lunch." said Finney "No, I'm not. I'm sitting with Donna." "No you're not." Robin says. "You're sitting with us" said Bruce. "No I'm not! You can't tell me what to do!" I say. Vance stalks over to me. "You're sitting with us. Or do we need eliminate the problem?" Vance whispers in my ear. "You can't do anything to Donna" I whispered, my voice shaking. "You'd be surprised, Doll." "Ok. Ill sit with you guys" I whisper. He pulls away and as I'm walking away he yells "See you at lunch Dollface!"
What have I gotten myself into?
Soooo Idk if I like this yet but whateves. I'm gonna try to post everyday. Please request stuff! My imagination only goes so far. and let me know in the comments if you want yandere poly ghost boys, yandere brance x reader, yandere finbin x reader, or just some fluff or angst with any of them you want. Part 3 is posted! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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crimson-calligraphyx · 6 months
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Tag List: @cheyfi @kingdomof-omens @daylightlvrs @blade-in-red @jay02bo @itsmrsfuentes @cncohshit @catj422 @lma1986 @chels3a-smile @kiwi475 @cookiesupplier
"An avocado?" Olivia's excited voice quavers in the passenger seat, and she sniffles. "Noah, our baby is the size of an avocado!" she exclaims, and I knew she was undeniably looking at the gestational app her doctor suggested to download. I glanced over at her; she held her phone up and pointed at the screen, and sure enough, there was an avocado staring back at me.
Before turning my attention back to the road, I noticed her lips were trembling, and she was trying to smile through the cry she wanted to let out. When said cry slipped out, I chuckled and placed my hand on her thigh, giving her a firm squeeze. "Baby's only gonna get bigger from here, Liv." She lets out a breathy laugh and puts her hand over mine, squeezing it in return.
With Liv being Liv, she was overly emotional, crying tears of joy over the latest update. I loved it though; I loved knowing that she was happy.
Olivia took a deep breath when we pulled into Nicholas' driveway. We were meeting him here for lunch, and just like before, she was a bit apprehensive. She adjusted her hoodie several times upon getting out of the car, tugging on the midsection to make sure that her already barely noticeable bump was covered. I chuckled, rubbing her back and urging her to head inside.
I watched every ounce of apprehension melt away from Liv when Nick let us in, that heartwarming smile spreading across her face when he hugged her. I grinned at the sight, admiring the way her nose crinkled as she giggled quietly, paired with the glimmer in her eyes.
"What do y'all wanna eat?" Nick asks as we settle into the living room, Liv crossing her legs and leaning against me. I wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. "I'm cool with anything," I shrugged, looking down at Olivia. "Any suggestions?" She doesn't waste a second with her answer, her brows perking up. "Can we get Mexican?" "Sure, love," I chuckled, rubbing her upper arm. "Is that cool with you, Nick?" "Hell yeah. Haven't had Mexican in a hot minute," he agrees, pulling his phone out to search up the menu for what I presumed was Guelaguetza, our usual spot.
We ordered our food; Liv insisted on picking it up, and as reluctant as I was, I handed her my keys. It wasn't anything to fuss over anyway, and she said she wanted to get some fresh air. Nick and I carried on with shooting the shit, him with a beer now in hand. He had offered me one, but I decided against it and stuck with water.
"How's the breathing been?" Nick inquires. "Seems like it's improved quite a bit." I grinned, nodding. "Yeah, dude. There's still some residual shit I need to get out, but it finally feels like there isn't mud in my lungs." "Thank God," he sighs with relief. "You have no idea how scary it was watching this happen to you a second time, like this was way worse than before."
I cringed, averting my attention to the water bottle in my hands and crinkling it slightly as the memories made their way back in—the panic attacks, the crushing weight on my chest, the tears, the heartache, the remorse.
Nick was right; this time was much worse than before, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think I was actually going to succumb to the disease this time around. I was terrified, but it really put things into perspective for me, nearly losing Olivia with my negligence. That was the scariest part.
"I think it's about time we reschedule those shows we had to cancel, what do you think?" I stopped fiddling with the bottle in my hand and mulled over his question. I wasn't sure how much my lung capacity would be affected by the severity of the sickness; I hadn't tried singing since I recorded that snippet for Liv's birthday gift. Hell, even my voice could be shot from all the coughing...but we needed to make it up to our fans.
"Yeah," I finally agreed, bringing my attention back to him. "You're right. So long as I'm y'know...healthy," I chuckled. "Oh yeah, of course, dude. That's the most important part." "And not in or around September, since Liv's due then." I smiled bashfully to myself, my heart warming at the thought of being able to hold him or her in roughly 6 months. "Noah, what the fuck!" Liv hollers behind me, followed by a thump as she undeniably dropped the food on the floor and threw her arms out in rage.
Fuck. I didn't even hear her come back in.
I grimaced, my heart falling straight to my ass. I jumped out of my seat to make my way over to her before she could storm out of Nick's place. "Wait, Liv, let me explain—" "I specifically said I didn't want anyone to know yet, Noah!" she bites, her arms folded over her chest with a deep scowl on her face. "Olivia, I know. Let me ex—" She scoffed, rolling her eyes before she picked the food up and hastily placed it on the coffee table. "Yet you still told someone, who probably told everyone else." I huffed, combing the front of my hair back with my fingers. "Don't go assuming shit, Olivia. I didn't tell Nick, and he didn't fucking tell anyone, either!"
She recoils as if I had slapped her, eyebrows cinched and tears brimming her eyes. My heart clenches at the sight, and I immediately regret the words that came out of my mouth. I closed the gap between us and tried to wrap a comforting arm around her, but she shoulders me away and turns to leave. I groaned, throwing my head back in aggravation, digging the heels of my hands into my forehead. Way to go, dickhead. You fucked up. Again.
"Liv, he's not lying," Nicholas steps in, and she halts, turning to look at him. "He dropped his wallet the other day, and I picked it up and saw the sonogram he has in there." I notice a single tear roll down her cheek as her lips part lightly, a small gasp escaping her. "You keep a sonogram in your wallet?" she whispers, her lips quivering. "Of course, I do," I answer her gently, pulling out my wallet to show her.
She covers her mouth with her hand, muffling the soft cry that she lets out. I pressed my lips into a heartfelt smile, reaching out to embrace her, and she instinctively buried her face into my chest. I cradled the back of her head and laced my fingers through her hair, giving her gentle scratches while rubbing her back with my other hand.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles against my shirt after a moment or two. "I didn't mean to get so upset." "It's okay," I kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry for swearing at you. But I promise you, not a single soul knows other than us three." She picks her head up to look at me, sniffling. I wiped the straggling tears away, cupping her cheek delicately, and she nods against my hand. "C'mon, let's eat our lunch. I'm hungry, Nick's hungry, you're hungry. Baby's hungry," I wink, earning a giggle from her as she stands on her toes to give me a kiss.
She slips out of my grasp and scurries back into the living room; I shake my head with a chuckle, trailing after her. I watched with adoration as she eagerly opened the bag of takeout, that precious smile spreading across her face when she opened her container and set eyes on her food. I take my seat beside her, and she hands mine and Nick's food to us before digging in.
The day went on, and I could see the weight lifted off her shoulders as she and Nick talked about our little secret. I think she was relieved that he was supportive and genuinely happy for us—I still don't know why she would think otherwise, honestly, and I was hopeful that she would want to announce it to the rest of the guys soon. I know that I was ready, and I was ready to know what we were having, too.
"Where's Liv? I thought we were having a game night," Folio asks, sounding genuinely disappointed. He flops down on the couch and sprawls out, beer in hand. "She's still at the bakery," I tell him with a shrug. "She's been working on some extravagant cake or something." He perks up, eyes growing wide with excitement. "Oh! Does that mean she's bringing us something to try?" I snort, rolling my eyes—of course that's his first thought. "She might be." He gives a single fist pump, smiling wide.
The truth is, Liv was bringing home the cake for everyone to try. She always made tres leches cake whenever there was a special occasion, like a birthday or holiday, and the guys knew and loved that. Today being neither of those, I fibbed, wanting to keep it a surprise.
Jolly brought out the buffalo chicken dip that we unanimously agreed on having, setting it on the kitchen table. We all moved to the table, digging in while Folio insisted on playing a round of Uno while we waited for Olivia to arrive. Much to my surprise, it was a mellow game with no arguments—either they weren't drunk enough, or Folio finally learned the rules and played accordingly.
The front door opens and clicks shut, and I smile softly to myself knowing that it's Olivia. I stand from my seat as she walks in, holding a decent sized dessert carrier, and offered to take it from her hands. She denied my offer with a small shake of her head and a gentle smile, puckering her lips for a kiss instead, which of course I obliged.
"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late," she lets out a breathy laugh, a slight quiver in it telling me she was nervous. I gave her a reassuring rub on her back, hoping to calm her nerves a tad. "I've been working on this new treat and wanted to make sure it was perfect." "Oh hell yeah!" Folio practically shoots out of his seat, making his way over to us. "I knew she was gonna bring us something." "Simmer down," I rolled my eyes. "Can you give her a second to at least set the thing down?" He puts his hands up in surrender, taking a step back. "You're right, sorry."
"Glad you're here, Oliv," Jolly greets her. "Here, let me move this and you can put it down." He picks up the nearly empty dish of buffalo dip, bringing it over to the counter by the sink. "Thanks, Jolly," Liv chuckles, placing the cake on the table. "So, what did I miss?" "Honestly, not much. Just played some Uno and had something to snack on," Jolly tells her, returning to his seat after trying to peek through the clouded container.
She giggles at the guys being so nosy, aside from Nicholas, then looks up at me with an amused grin spread on her face. "Should I let them open it?" "If you want them to, sure, love." I draped an arm across her shoulders, hugging her close to me, and she wrapped her arm behind my back. Her hand settled on my side, and I knew she was riddled with anxiety by the way her fingers trembled against me. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, giving her upper arm a gentle squeeze as she gave them the 'okay' to take the lid off.
Of course, Folio doesn't waste a second and removes the top of the carrier. I shake my head with amusement, looking over at Nicholas who had a smug grin plastered on his face knowing what was coming.
The cake was decorated beautifully; she sliced and fanned fresh strawberries, which was a great contrast against the white frosting, and bordered the perimeter with them. Dollops of whipped cream added some extra detail, and she dusted the dessert with cinnamon sugar. But the best part was what was written on the cake, and seeing Jolly and Folio's mouths hit the floor once they read it.
Baby Sebastian Baking Until September
"Dude, you're lying." Folio's eyes were wide as saucers, his mouth still hanging open. I shake my head 'no' with a chuckle. "We're not. Look." I dropped my arm from Liv's shoulders, pulled my wallet from my pocket, and brandished the sonogram that was still sitting in it. "Nuh-uh," he denies and practically rips it from my hand, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinizes it. Jolly peers over his shoulder and points to the top of it, rolling his eyes. "It literally says her name on it, dumbass." "Holy shit," he mumbles, realization washing over his features, and a cheek-splitting smile spread across his face. "Holy shit! I don't even know what to say." "How about congratulations for starters?" Jolly chuckles, shaking his head. "Congrats you two," he grins at both of us.
I glance down at Olivia when I hear her sniffle beside me, and I can see tears threatening to spill through her cheery smile. The guys immediately wrapped her up in a group hug, which I assumed was to stop her from crying, and my heart warms at the tender moment.
This was the kind of reaction she was hoping for, and I knew it was like a weight being lifted from her shoulders. Again, I wasn't sure why she was so hesitant to tell them when it was clear as day that the guys loved and cared for her. Either way, I was happy, she was happy, the guys were happy—it could only be smooth sailing from here.
|Chapter 21|
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aliypop · 10 months
Anyway You Do Part 2
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Word Count: 2,860
Writers Note: Here's part 2, I'm excited to write this now twister of a story
Warning: A bit of angst
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: What happens when love, at first sight, becomes fate.
Tennessee July 3rd, 1956
"I can't believe you would do this after everything I've done for you..." 
"It's not that bad, Mother..." 
"My boy... this could be career suicide..." Tom grumbled,
"What are we gonna say." 
"How am I gonna cover this up, my boy."
"Any way you do..." Elvis shrugged. Tom was nearly devastated, sitting in his office looking at Elvis like a parent would, "You are already in trouble for dancing like a colored man... now this!" he slammed the newspaper on the table, "Lightin' up, Colonel. It was just some fun."
"We were just gettin our kicks,"
"Some kicks... Cecelia..." Denise grumbled, "Cecelia Shanel Valmos! Just on the other side of us in Alabama, there's the bus protest where we're getting beaten and slandered for having our skin color," 
"It's not that serious..." she rolled her eyes.
"You could lose fans over this, Elvis."
"Already lost 'em with that damn hound dog trick Colonel," he said, pushing his hair back. 
"Mama..." Her mother glared at her, "Mother, he's kind and sweet. He's crossing barriers. Maybe I could too." Cecelia said as she looked love sick, her mother and manager hating it, 
"The only barriers you could cross is in music."
"Maybe that's what I wanna do." she mumbled, "And besides, why not Chuck Berry or Little Richard." her mother kept listing artists. 
"Mama Little Richard ain't exactly uh... well..a lady's man." she hinted as her mother rolled her eyes, "And besides, El is good people. We're neck and neck on the charts." she smiled, 
"Yeah, neck and neck on the charts with a colored woman who pretends to be you," Tom mentioned as Elvis groaned, 
"She ain't pretending to be me. If anything, she's better than me." 
"How's that, my boy..."
"Well, she's got stage presence. It's like she commands the crowd, and they listen." 
"They do the same to you." Tom rolled his eyes, looking at contracts.
"Yeah, but when she does it... it's I can't explain it..." he sighed. He was lovesick. And he had it so bad it was like a fevering cold. 
"Brave, mother, I mean, he goes up there coat tails looks like a butler still manages to look handsome and... Mornin Midge." 
"Morning Cece, talking about Mr. Presley again."
"When is she not." Denise sighed, "You've got some memos and calls, Mrs. Valmos." she said, 
"From who?"
"Frank Sinatra, Ella, Sammy, Dean, Sam," Midge sipped her coffee, "And Elvis A Presley." she smiled as Denise took the card, 
"Oh no, this is for Ms. Valmos..." 
"For me..." Midge gave her a nod, 
"Tell him I'll call him back."
"Tell him to stop calling the studio so damn much..." Denise rolled her eyes. 
"I'll handle it..." Midge smirked, 
Cecelia dialed the number on the card. She could hear the phone ring as a lump in her throat appeared, Cececlia had never been scared to have someone answer the phone, but this time was different. 
"Hello, Elvis, darlin!" 
"Who is this..."
"Cecelia Valmos and you..." 
"Mrs. Gladys Presely, his mother." she glared at her son, who was in the kitchen eating a quick lunch, covering the bottom half of the phone. She took a deep breath, "Elvis Aaron Presley...How many times have I told you stop givin' those wayward girls the family phone number?"
"Mama, I-I..."
"There's one on the phone now. The name is Cecelia Valmos, which can't be right cause the only Valmos I know is the jazz singer an-" Elvis took the phone from his mother as he cleared his throat from embarrassment. 
"I-I uh uhm Cece, Hi!, Hey..." he tried to play it cool as she laughed,
"Hey El, I was, uhm, returning your call. My manager, Uh, well, she hung up on you." Cecelia laughed as she leaned against the wall of the studio. 
"Figures... Hey, look, you doing anything tomorrow night," 
"I can't. I'm flying back to New York."
"O-oh... I see." he had a tone of despair in his voice. He had hoped she wasn't moving back because of anything he had done. 
"Why, what's wrong..." 
"El...EP... Mr. Pretty Blue eyes, tell me." she said as he blushed, "Nothing Cece... uh, enjoy New York an bring me back one of them big hot dogs." he laughed. "Thanks..." she sighed. Something had to be wrong, but what was it. 
"You look sad, Booby.." Gladys sighed, 
"I'm fine, mama..."  
"Looks like it's about a girl..." Vernon smirked,
"It seems like it always is with you." 
July 4th Russword Park 1956 Memphis Tennessee / Ed Sullivan Show NBC New Yor City
The plane ride to New York was relaxing, but all she could think of was why in the world did Elvis sound so upset. Did she say something wrong, or did her mother say something, "Midge..." Cecelia called out as she looked at the dresses picked out for her to wear. They were all more modest and hardly even danceable. "What's wrong, Cece." 
"It's about El..." she sighed, dressed in the bright yellow detachable cumberbund skirt dress. "Oh, tonights the Russwood Park Concert." Cecelia looked at her, confused,
 "It's the biggest event in anyone's career," Midge smirked, 
"Can we still get back in time before he performs..." 
"I can arrange something." After Cecelia performed, she sat in front of Ed Sullivan, in front of an America that didn't resemble her. But here she was on her best behavior. 
"Lovely to have the daughter of the Legendary Valmos with us tonight. Tell us how you keep your nails so pretty while playing the guitar." 
"A guitar pick and practice." she smiled.
"And those moves, Now I remember seeing you on another show dancing like a... ah, what's his name, the Elvis fellow." she sighed, knowing what question was coming next, "How's it feel to be compared to him as the lady Elvis... or are you perhaps his lady..." she was asked as she was about to open her mouth Cecelia was spoken overtop of, "I'm joking a girl like you might not even be his type." he laughed as she laughed along, 
"Actually, he and I are great friends..." she smiled. 
Thousands of screaming fans flooded the park as the cop cars and escorts drove into Russwood Park. Elvis was trembling like a leaf, with one person on his mind, and she wasn't there. He'd thought about what she'd say or a little joke she'd tell him, but it wasn't the same without her there. 
"What are you gonna sing, my boy." 
"I'll know it when I feel it." was all he had to say. He was all dressed in black. And he was ready to make a statement. Elvis wanted to be taken seriously, sure he was a singer. He was young. Elvis also wasn't a fool, and Elvis wasn't going to change for some lousy tv people from New York City. He wasn't fit for the good boy image, not that he wasn't a good boy, but Elvis wasn't what they were looking for. He was a Tupelo, Mississippi boy with a God-given talent. And if anyone was looking for trouble, they came to the right place. 
"Midge, can you drive any faster!" Cecelia shouted, the two nearly racing down the street in Midge's Chevrolet Bel Air, "And get a ticket and end up in jail and dead, fuck no!" she sighed, putting the pedal to the metal. Bobbing and weaving through traffic, 
"You're gonna do great out there, Booby..." Gladys smiled, kissing his cheek, 
"Just don't go wigglin a pinky, son," Vernon laughed. Both Gladys and Elvis shook their heads.
"Come on, come on, come on..." Cecelia sighed, the lines were atrocious, and the security was multiplied by 10. getting an idea, Midge looked at Cecelia and groaned, "You're not ripping that dress... It's custom-made Dior." 
"Don't care..." Detaching her skirt, Cecelia took off her shoes as she began to climb the hot metal gate hoping security wouldn't notice her. 
"Hey, you in the yellow..."
"Me..." she pointed to herself.
"Yeah, you..." the guard pointed to her. Cecelia was at the top of the gate, the height from where she was, was a tad too high, but it was either she jumped or missed the performance in total.
 "Ain't you that jazz singin' colored woman's kid."
"Yeah, I am..."
"Then get yer ass down here..." Cecelia gulped and jumped. Breaking yet another pair of heels. Now she had to find a way to get close to the stage, There was a straight line in the middle, but it was also the color barrier, and she couldn't risk breaking it. Or maybe she could, maybe she would.  
Midge grumbled, looking through the gate. She could see Cecelia preparing to make a run for it via the segregation rope, and God did she hope Cecelia was going to do what she had in mind that she might actually do.  
"Godspeed, Cece..." 
"Those city folks ain't gonna change me none!" the music began to start, and so did her feet, "Oh, her mothers gonna kill me..." there she was on the wrong side of the tracks running as if her life depended on it. But at the same time, this was her friend. Midge only hoped he'd be there for her the way she was for him. As the performance ended, Cecelia went to find him backstage, running like the flash to get to him, until Cecelia saw a beautiful blonde kissing him. Her heart sank, and suddenly all she could think of was running towards the studio and recording her feelings. 
How do you think I feel?
Well, I know your love's not real
The Boy I'm mad about is just a gadabout
How do you think I feel?
King Creole Premier Hollywood, California July 2nd, 1958
"Elvis, look at the camera!"
               "No, look at this one!"
"Elvis over here..."
The crisp California air was no stranger to Mr. Presley, nor were the cameras and interviews. This had been his 4th movie premiere in the span of only 2 years, and the press and women loved him. But there was something still missing, or more like someone still missing. He'd been on numerous dates, some his mother didn't approve of, others that she did approve of too much. As he continued walking down the red carpet, he heard and saw the commotion coming from down the start of it. He could smell the scent of Femme de Rochas perfume, making him do a double take on the scent. 
        "Cecelia tells about your tour!"
  "Ms.Valmos, do I hear you're going be on The Lucile Ball radio show?"
Cecelia had been the talk of every household. And now the red carpet, her once long locks of 1956 were now cut into a short bob, similar to Betty Boop. She was in a skin-tight lilac dress with a satin ribbon bow around her waist and black Dior gloves,
  "All the rumors are true..." she said with her signature smile. Cecelia had been busy, now finding her footing in Rock n Roll and blues, becoming a heartthrob, and attending rallies with King since her debacle in 56. She was quite the cat's meow. There were still more questions, and she answered them all the best she could. As Cecelia kept walking, Midge saw, some friends of hers that she wanted to say hi to. 
"Say there I've never seen you be..." 
"Fore..." Elvis looked at her as she hugged him, "Look atcha and your hair..." he was mesmerized by her new look, standing before him wasn't the same 21-year-old woman who was running him out of crowds, no she was a beautiful bombshell, and he couldn't take his eyes off her when she hugged him he wanted to hold her forever, "El..." she kissed his cheek, red lipstick lingering, 
"Oh sorry you probably got a girl now an-"
"Actually I don't... I-I uh, I came here by myself minus the Colonel." he laughed, "Bet you got a ton of men following you." Cecelia laughed, "Oh me nah, came with Midge. You remember Midge right?"
"Your mama's assistant,"
"Yeah..." she blushed her eyes getting lost in his own, something about him in the suit was doing it for her, it was like she was back during the Hayride days and she had first glanced at him,
 "Would you maybe wanna be my date then?"
"Me your date?" she laughed,
"Oh, come on, doll, you know you're in love with me..." he laughed as she looked up at him. This was true, but she'd never admit it, so she'd hoped she wouldn't.
 "Where'd you hear that sugarpie." 
"One of those magazines." he laughed, taking her hand and walking into the theater. Midge wasn't too far away from them but she gave them space. 
Watching Elvis act had been one of her favorite things, especially when it came to his kiss scenes, she'd just imagine herself instead of the actresses, which was how her mother caught her accidentally kissing a microphone.
She was on the edge of her seat the entire time and he was loving every second of it, taking his arm he placed it over her shoulder as she leaned in closer towards him. He had been focused on her the entire time, almost like he wanted to see the world through her eyes, the way that she saw him. He had noticed that when he sang trouble she was breathlessly mesmerized, in a trance even. 
"Hey, Cece..."
"Shush... you're singing," she responded as he chuckled a little, when the movie had finally came to its end and everyone was walking out of the theater, there was Cecelia and Elvis walking out together laughing and joking, 
"I never asked why you stormed off during Russwood..." She felt her heart sink again as she remembered that night. 
"You saw me..."
"In bright yellow," he added,
"I had to leave early..."
"An emergency..." 
"Ms. Valmos, don't lie to me..." 
"I saw you kiss another girl and..." 
"You got jealous..."
"What, no! I'd never get jealous of... of my friend!" stepping closer to her and laughing his hand on her cheek, "Besides, your Elvis Presley, EP... Now Danny Fisher... A man I'd like to kiss." the last part slipping out of her mouth. 
"You wanna kiss me?" he blushed,
"I wanna kiss Danny Fisher..." she poked him,
"Darlin I am..."
"Are you though." tilting her chin he leaned in and kissed her sweetly, with a bit of need and longing, her arm was around his neck the other on his chest. When he pulled away her knees nearly went weak and she could hardly stand. "Darlin... I think there's somethin between us and... It's the most alive I've ever felt." Elvis said, "Sugarpie..." She looked at him.
"What do we do about this.."
"I don't know but it's gotta be before September ..."
"Why's that..." She looked at him,
"Well... I leave for Germany." he sighed kissing her hand. "Right, the war..." a somber look in her eyes,
 "Hey, It's only July, we got time." he grinned, "
Guess we do." she smiled, "So let's make the most of it." 
Memphis Tennessee July 4th, 1958,
"Wanna explain who's this girl your kissin..." Gladys said as Elvis sunk down like a puppy dog. "Who we haven't met yet..." she smiled at him, both hands on her hips as Vernon smirked, "Cecelia Valmos and it was just a kiss nothing else..." he blushed, 
"Damn, you're just as red as the carpet," Vernon mentioned, "If you like her all that much... then let us meet her." he shrugged, 
"Cecelia you can't keep compromising yourself..." Denise said, she sighed, "We cleaned your image and now you're kissing him on red carpets..." 
"What's so bad about that mother..."
"You're not of his kind!" she slammed her fist on the table, 
"I KNOW THAT, MAMA!" she sighed, "But give him a chance." Cecelia tried to calm down. She took a deep breath, "I'm 23 now and I can make my own decisions." 
"Baby, he'll only hurt you, like you know who hurt you! she shouted, watching her daughter leave out the door. 
"Where's she going Midge," 
"Don't know..." 
Tears streamed down her face as she drove like a bat out of hell to Graceland. It was late but she needed to see him she needed to get away from the madness. 
"Hold me close, hold me tight," she heard her radio start to play, " Make me thrill with delight." she took a deep breath, "Let me know where I stand from the start." she could see the gates sprinkled with fans waiting, " I want you, I need you, I-I love you..." pulling into the gate, she drove to the front of his house.  
"With all my heart..."
"Cecelia..." she ran into his arms as she sobbed " Won't you please be my own? " she looked up at him, as he wiped her tear-stained cheeks, "Never leave me alone
'Cause I die every time we're apart..." he focused on her voice, 
"I want you, I need you, I-I-I love you...
With all my heart "
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spikedsoul · 1 year
maid's worst nightmare - ch 27
"i'm gonna be posting more sporadically" i said a mere like 3 days ago smh anyway here
previous chapters
You scurried out of Bowser’s room like a bat out of hell, without fully committing to running. Why the fuck did you do that? Well, the wine was why, but - but why? Were you just throwing the poor king a bone when you realized how lonely the poor guy probably was? Or, more terrifyingly, did it potentially mean more than what you had intended? It was supposed to just be a sweet kiss, and while you certainly understood why he froze up, why was your heart beating so quick?
Fuck, this wasn’t fair! You couldn’t get feelings for the turtle dragon king that literally kidnapped you! There was a term for that you couldn’t think of as you booked it down the halls toward the one door you’d found that led outside. But then, it’s not like he’d been bad to you really at all - so was there really much harm in at least entertaining the idea?
Immediately, you remembered that yes, yes there was: Bowser was an eight-foot-something koopa that you’d hardly known for a handful of days. Despite his apparently decent nature, it could still very easily turn into a situation like you’d had with Rodney… and you and Rodney were both human.
If Bowser had a bad day with you, he could easily kill you.
Just like Rodney tried to do.
You pushed the door open and bustled outside, slowing down only once it had closed behind you, and you hugged yourself. What was wrong with you? Beyond just the simple fact that he was a koopa and you weren’t…
It wouldn’t do you any good to dwell on it, you decided. If you got caught up in feelings while you were here, well… at least Peach would be coming for you somehow at some point. So if it turned sour, you at least knew you’d be going home eventually. Or what remained of it... come to think of it, you had no idea how things were back at the castle. You had been living in it when Bowser attacked, and the last you saw of it was the crumbling mess he'd reduced it into, so even when you got to leave, you had no idea where you'd be staying - but at the very least you'd be back with Peach in the Mushroom Kingdom. That thought was enough to comfort you a little bit.
“Hurry up, handmaid!” Ludwig shouted at you; you blinked in surprise and lifted your head to see him standing outside the garage, his hands on his hips. “You took long enough at lunch, c’mon!”
Alright, well… okay. You had more interesting and happier things to worry about now, so you’d focus on those.
“I’m coming, Ludwig, give me a minute,” you called back with a small wave. You saw him huff and a little smile snuck on your lips.
“Get with it, Megantha. Morton’s here and I have no idea how long he’ll wanna stay.” With that, the eldest sibling turned and headed back into the garage, letting the door close behind him since you were too far away to feasibly hold it open.
You rolled your eyes to yourself, but your smile grew. Megantha, huh. Creative.
“Alright, alright, I’m here,” you sighed heavily as you finally stepped into the garage.
You blinked a bit at the site of a huge, grey-skinned koopaling leaning against one of the karts, his arms folded over his chest. While not as big as his dad yet, Morton was definitely the biggest of them - while Ludwig was a few inches shorter than you, Morton was over a head taller than you. Junior and Wendy both only came up a little past your waist.
Morton looked quite different from his siblings aside from just his skin, too, almost like he was emulating the old glam rock bands from the 80s, with his white head and the grey star that covered the left side of his face. You kept that thought to yourself.
“This is the one pops stole?” Morton practically sneered. He pulled himself off of the kart and stalked over to you, but Ludwig stopped him short by putting an arm out. “She looks kinda like she rolled around in Wendy’s makeup, huh? But like, in a bad way. Like a clown. She’s not a clown, is she? Can’t believe pops is into clowns–”
“Shut up,” Ludwig snapped at his brother, thumping the bigger koopa’s chest with his fist. “I told you, we like her. She isn’t like Princess Bitch.”
“Mama Peach isn’t a bitch,” Junior piped up as he came wandering out from behind one of the karts. You almost jumped; you hadn’t seen him behind the frame. Both Morton and Ludwig bared their fangs at their youngest brother, but Junior ignored them as he came to stand much too close to you.
“Compared to the maid, she is,” Ludwig muttered.
“Excuse me, boys, but why did you all need to see me so urgently?” you cut in as politely as you could. Probably you should’ve been offended, for several reasons, but it was a little endearing to hear the boys interact with each other.
“Don’t listen to Morton, Handy,” Junior stated while totally ignoring your question, “You don’t look anything like a clown! I should know - I kinda paint them professionally!” He puffed his little chest out proudly, smiling smugly up at you.
“Uh–” Your brain stalled. What?
“That’s actually true,” Morton muttered.
Junior nodded firmly, staring intently up at you as if to make sure you were paying attention. “In fact, I’m the one that upgraded all our karts to make them better. And I build any robots papa needs!”
What the hell? Wasn’t this kid, like… he had to be like five or six, right? You shot a confused look to Ludwig, who just sighed and shook his head a little in disbelief.
“He’s not lying. Anyway, we thought it would be fun for you to be a referee for a practice race tomorrow - but also let you choose our karts for us to keep things fair.” Ludwig reached over and grabbed Junior’s ponytail, gently dragging his youngest sibling away from where he’d been practically crowding you.
Briefly, you were worried, but Junior didn’t look any worse for wear so you let it go. It seemed to be a normal enough occurrence that the little koopa was totally unbothered, despite stumbling a bit.
“While that’s very nice, I’m a little wary of those flash blizzards you get here,” you said gently, sure to smile gratefully anyway.
“Oh yeah, you almost died. Well, the track will be in use, so it’ll cut a lot of the lethal wind and cold, but I guess we’ll make sure you have blankets and stuff just in case,” Ludwig sighed. He waved for you to go look at the karts. “C’mon, at least choose these for us, even if you decide to pus… er, to back out of refereeing.”
Morton snorted quietly as you stepped toward the karts to give them a good look-over. “Heh… you almost said pussy,” he muttered quietly to Ludwig. You heard Ludwig thump his chest again but ignored them - you really didn’t understand their dynamic well enough to decide to involve yourself. However, you did quietly appreciate how Ludwig had refrained from using that word with you.
“Is Wendy invited to this race?” you asked as you walked between the varying karts available. Some of them were bigger, and some smaller, with probably all sorts of differences that you wouldn’t have a clue how to measure.
“I guess, if she wants to join,” Morton replied. “Sometimes she does, sometimes not, but she was too busy to join us this morning so I guess that’s on her that she doesn’t even know. Takes a while to look like a clown I guess, huh. Uh… this time I mean her, not you, M… Meg… uh… Miranda. I mean, she always walks around with her face caked in makeup, and it’s always overdone if you ask me–”
“No one asked you, Morton,” Junior huffed.
“Boys, please. Wendy was doing my makeup this morning so that's why she missed out on this important meeting,” you sighed softly. You pointed to a midsized kart. “Junior in that one.” Next you pointed to a smaller kart. “Morton in that one.” And finally you pointed to one of the bigger karts. “And Ludwig in that one. If Wendy decides she wants to race, I kinda wanna see her in whichever one your dad usually uses. Hey, um… is there possibly a tablet or computer I could use to check up on news?”
The three boys glanced at each other, apparently surprised at your random request, and then Ludwig pointed to a door at the far end. “There’s a computer back there Junior uses to order parts.”
“Thanks. Um… sorry to rush out, I just haven’t heard any news about my home since I got here,” you said softly. “Hey, Morton?”
“What,” he huffed.
“I just wanted to say before I left that I think the star on your face is pretty cool. Do you do that yourself?” You smiled.
To your delight, Morton blinked in surprise, totally caught off guard by your comment and question. You were hoping it would help him be less defensive. The others had warmed up to you quick enough - but then, you’d been able to sort of figure them out a little more quickly. Wendy with her makeup, Ludwig by making him feel heard, you could probably bond with Junior over his love of all things mechanical, but Morton was harder for you to read.
“Uh… yeah,” he grunted. When you glanced at him, his tail was flicking side to side stiffly, like he was trying to keep it from wagging. “Yeah, I do. Pretty good, right? I make sure it’s perfect, but I don’t use a lot of paint or anything. I don’t wanna look goofy, like a certain sister of mine.”
You smiled a bit; good, maybe the key to him was building him up. He was receptive enough to the simple comment, despite his long-winded explanation of it. Although, it wasn’t quite like Ludwig going in depth about something he was interested in.
“Well, you’re rocking it,” you assured him, and then you gave a little wave to them. “Alright, I’ll see you all later, okay? And Junior, don’t forget you still owe me.” With that, you turned and headed for the room you’d been directed to, a little anxious to see anything about the Mushroom Kingdom. You hadn’t even really thought about it until your walk over here; with any luck the news would help you get over yourself.
Behind you, you could hear the boys quietly chatting, and listened in until you couldn't anymore.
“Why do you owe her?” Ludwig asked.
“Papa was trying to kill me with snuggles,” Junior mumbled.
“Okay, I change my mind. I do like her,” Morton stated.
Ludwig snorted softly. “No shit. Hell, that’s basically heroic around here…”
And then the door closed behind you, cutting off anything else they were saying to each other. It was time to check in on your home.
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cheatingwifelover · 6 months
Cheating After Lunch Part 2
(fucking tumblr wouldn't let me post this as a single post, wtf.....I've posted much longer stories without a problem).
I got home from work to find she had come home with a couple new pairs of heels and she told me the creepy guy wasn't there. But here is what she didn't tell me until just a few years ago. She got to the store and the guy wasn't there alright. It was a woman behind the counter so she felt comfortable going in to shop. She tried on some shoes, then decided to try on some sexy clothes. The salesgirl would bring things to the dressing room to try on, so she didn't bother to cover up between items or close the door.
Then suddenly it wasn't the salesgirl, it was the creepy guy. holding a top for her to try on, finding her standing there topless.
“Wow, nice,” he said. “I will bring you some stuff you're going to love.”
He was wearing sweatpants and she couldn't help noticing that they were tenting from his big semi-hard cock. She closed the door but it didn't have a lock.
Soon he was bringing her tops and skirts. He would just open the door without asking so he caught her in various states of undress, but each time closing the door when he left.
Finally, she said sarcastically, “why even bother with the door since you don't knock or ask to come in anyway?
“Ok I won't bother,” he replied, and left it open.
He came back with a polaroid camera and told her how hot he thought she was and that her he'd give her a pair of shoes for free if she let him take a photo for his scrapbook.
She laughed it off but he continued to pester her and eventually she let him take a photo just so he'd stop bothering her. She let him snap a photo of her topless. Of course that only encouraged him and he came back for another photo. When she looked he had his cock out, erect, and big.
"I remember you from last time,” he said. “I'm glad you came back without your husband. I knew you would. I've been waiting for you. This is what you do to me."
He asked her to do a couple lines of coke with him. She had never tried even marijuana, and she was curious so she asked if that would shut him up?
"I've never done it before, I've only seen it in the movies, what do I do?” she said.
He showed her and she tried it and found she liked how it made her feel. She kept trying things on getting increasingly lax about her state of dress until just like she had with the salesgirl, she ceased any further attempts at modesty.
She loved how she was feeling and asked him if she could try it again, which of course he agreed to, and did a couple more lines. It seemed like the next thing she knew he had her on her knees with his cock in her mouth, snapping photos.
"Oh fuck you're good at this," he told her, which she found oddly flattering.
“I bet your husband doesn't have a cock like this for you. I hope this won't be the last time I see you."
He sat down on the chair in the dressing room and pulled her to him, started making out with her, and sucking her tits.
“I'm gonna fuck you,” he told her. “Lift up.”
She straddled his hips and guided his cock into her married pussy.
He told her she had a hot tight cunt, which again she found flattering. She made out with him as she rode his cock. She came hard three times before he finally exploded into her. On the way home she started to worry about not having used a rubber and fearing what might happen if he'd given her something, but of course, it was too late for regret.
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bringinghometherain · 7 months
Hi! This is for the wip ask game… I humbly request literally anything from the charlieverse… loved the series and I am starving for more!!
Hey friend! I'm gonna go 'head and give you this 700ish word thing I wrote for a Whumpuary 2023 prompt "failed escape / nightmares." I like it but I've never really found a spot for it within the larger story, so it's been sitting in my google drive for a while. CW for blood/gore.
If you're interested in looking at my WIP list and asking about it for the game, original post is here!
She was running, running through her family's home, and she could swear the back door was this way, but the hallways just kept going. She kept popping out into the main hall, and every time she did more people were looking at her, reaching for her. The third time she sprinted through the main hall a couple people grabbed at her, but the blood covering her bare arms made her slippery, so she wrenched herself free and kept searching desperately for an exit.
She turned a corner and found herself in the pantry, how on earth did she get to the pantry, and her father's pale corpse slumped crooked against the shelf, blood still oozing slowly from his neck. His pale eyes gazed out, empty and yet somehow still full of rage. Charlie tried to back out of the pantry without turning her back on the corpse, but several, no dozens, no hundreds of hands were on her, crushing her arms, her legs, her stomach, her throat. She tried to scream but couldn't take a breath in. She thrashed against the hands that were digging bruises into her flesh. Someone was calling her name.
The scene changed and she was standing on the deck of the Revenge, a uniformed firing squad taking aim at her chest. "For the crime of murder," a voice came from somewhere above, "You, Charlotte Walker, are sentenced to death." Charlie strained helplessly against the ties binding her wrists. 
Someone was shaking her. Someone was calling her name. She pushed and punched against whatever was in front of her. 
"Fuck's sake Charlie, wake up!" Charlie opened her eyes to a blur of grey beard and pale, scarred skin. In that same instant she gained control of her body and brought one knee up to connect with whatever it was that was shaking her. There was a grunt of pain and Izzy Hands stopped shaking her to curl around his gut, where her knee had just connected quite soundly. 
“Oh fuck,” Charlie croaked through tears, reaching now for him with open hands instead of the fist she had been aiming in his direction. “Shit, shit, I’m sorry –”
He stopped her with a firm hand to the center of her chest, holding her at bay while he breathed deeply and held his stomach. Charlie watched him with wide eyes and tried to remember where she was and why she was waking up next to the first mate. The events of the afternoon came back to her in a rush. The quiet lunch, his hand brushing against hers on the table, her thigh pressing against his under the table. Going up to his rented room – oh that’s where she was, okay, she knew where she was. Over Izzy’s bare shoulder, the window showed the last red rays of sunset.
Now that the man was uncurling and breathing normally, Charlie placed her hand over his where it pressed against her breastbone. “I’m so sorry, I don’t usually have nightmares like that, I thought you were attacking me –”
“It’s fine,” Izzy sighed, opening his eyes to speak. The golden-brown color of them was mesmerizing in the light of dusk that came in through the window. “And yes, you do have nightmares like that, quite frequently in fact.” 
She wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her shirt – Izzy’s shirt? Whatever shirt she was wearing. “What are you talking about?” 
“At least as long as I’ve been on the Revenge, you have two or three a week. With the screaming, anyway.” He shrugged.
“What – why doesn’t anyone ever wake me up?” Charlie demanded. 
“I was told the first and only time someone tried that, Frenchie got socked in the nose,” Izzy said, “After that they decided to let you sleep through them.” He absentmindedly brushed his fingers through her hair, sending tingles down Charlie’s spine. It stopped all thought for a moment, until his words sunk in.
“I punched Frenchie? Oh my god,” she rolled onto her back, away from Izzy’s touch, and covered her face with her hands. “No wonder they all treat me like their little sister, I’m having nightmares in the group sleeping area.” 
“Oh, you love being the little sister,” Izzy drawled. She removed her hands from her face to glare over at him. 
"I take back my apology for hitting you," she sniffed. He rolled his eyes.
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aliasimagines · 2 years
tired nights // mary goore
a/n: i just wanted to bitch about my work day to someone so i wrote this 🤷🏻‍♀️i cannot come up with titles nor can i write endings. i didn't specify the reader's gender
warnings: cannibalistic jokes, mary jokingly telling he ate someone
word count: 1159
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Mary kept blowing a strand of hair out of his face, but it just kept coming back. It didn't take long before he huffed and pushed it back with his left hand in a violent manner.
His right hand kept drumming the black ink pen on the old notebook that laid open in the counter in front of him.
Someone, a guy whom Mary served way too many drinks to over the past few hours, dropped his glass on the floor. Mary didn't even bother to look at him,let alone get up and clean it.
"Hey, you are paying for that, man." was all he said before scribbling down a few words. He crossed them out and wrote a few more, repeating it a few times until he heard someone sitting down -or rather throwing themselves down- on the barstool in front of him.
"Gimme something strong."
Mary looked up with a grin after hearing your voice, though as soon as he saw your expression and tired (and maybe a bit angry) eyes he crossed his arms, humming.
"That bad, huh?"
"Worse." you said burying your face in your hands.
Mary walked around the counter and sat down next to you. He started rubbing circles on your back.
"I fucking hate people."
He just chuckled, waiting for you to continue.
"They are so fucking rude, and they think they know everything, but oh my god they are stupid as my butt and I just can't- I'm either gonna quit or become a murderer real fast."
"I could help you dispose of the bodies." he licks his lips. "I'm hungry anyway."
That little comment made your head snap in his direction,pause for a second before starting to laugh. You laughed, shaking your head as you felt all the tension and stress from today start slowly fading away.
"Jeez, keep forgetting about your cannibalistic habits." you joke, once your laughter died down.
"Yeah, sorry, I'll make sure to be more vocal about it. Actually, do you wanna know who I had for lunch?"
"No." you giggle.
"That sweaty guy, you know, he lives a floor below us and always takes the stairs? Yeah, he had a heart attack and i figured he shouldn't go to waste so I tried to cut off a few limbs, but damn his muscles are strong as fuck-" he sighed,"so, I thought I'd go for some eye candy, and carved ou-"
"Okay, ew, stop." you hit his arm, making him bark with laughter.
"Jeez, Mare, you're a fucking wierdo." you say but lay your head affectionately on his shoulder.
"Yeah." he breathes out, amused by his own antics. He wraps one arm around you and starts to play with the fabric of your shirt. "For the record, the sweaty guy did die, but I didn't eat him."
"What?! Seriously?"
"No. Well, not to my knowledge, but you should 'ave seen your face."
After a few minutes of comfortable silence - well silence is maybe too strong of a word as you two are sitting in a semi crowded bar- Mary opens his mouth to speak.
"Ya know, if you seriously want to quit, you could always come and work at the bar. You already spend way too much time here because of me. Although you can't take shifts with Sam. She is way too into you."
"Well, you know big boobed goth chicks are my type soo.."
Mary lets out a low growl.
"Aw, you're jealous, that's cute-" Mary slightly bit your shoulder making you yelp, surprised by the contact." Aw, ouch! Mary!"
"You're mine." he mumbles.
"Yeah, but don't bite me!"
"Not what you said last night." he said in a sing-sang voice.
"Ah, you two are gross." called a female voice from behind them. You looked up to see Sam, her lipstick covered lips pulled into a smirk.
"Hello y/n/n.."
Mary wrapped his arms closer around you, making you laugh.
"Hi Sam." you replied with a smile.
"Hey Goore, I almost stepped into a shattered glass, go clean it up before I fire your ass."
"You can't fire me, I'm irreplaceable."
"Wanna test that theory?"
The woman standing before them asks, hand on her hips. She and Mary stare at each other intensely before they both start chuckling.
"How was the festival, boss?" Mary squeezes your arm before getting up to search for a broom.
"Fucking great. You should've come."
"Well, you know, someone had to take care of the bar, flourish up the business and shit."
"So that's what you're telling yourself?"
"Oh fuck off." He cleaned up most of the glass, dumping it in the trashcan in the corner. He turned to you.
"I take it back, don't come here to work. They clearly don't appreciate employees here."
Sam leans over the counter, taking your hand in hers.
"Don't listen to him, I do appreciate all my employees, except him, and I can assure you that I would really appreciate you."
"OKAY!" Mary squeezes himself between the counter and you, blocking Sam out of view.
Sam and you share a laugh over his shoulder.
"Don't worry Goore, for some reason, you got lil old y/n/n wrapped around your pinkie." She stares into your eyes. "I couldn't take you from him even if I wanted to, could I?"
You smiled at her, shaking your head.
"See? You have nothing to be worried about." she sighs dramatically. “You know what, Goore? You two go home, I will cover the rest of your shift.”
“That’s not necessary, we-"
Sam cut off your boyfriend waving away whatever he wanted to say.
"Go home, it's fine, I missed working in this hellhole. Just make sure to be safe when indulging in sexual activities, you crazy kids." she sends a wink in your way making you groan and Mary smirk.
He slips behind the counter, throws his notebook in his backpack and tosses that over his shoulder. He grabs your hand, locking your fingers, and pulls you up from your seat.
"Let's go, babe." you both wave goodbye to Sam. You step outside into the cold night, you immediately step closer to Mary. He lets go of your hand and wraps his now free arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "C'mon, we have a buncha tasty leftovers at home."
You raise and eyebrow at him.
"From the sweaty guy?" he says, as if it was obvious. You hit his chest and he once again barks with laughter. You laugh out in disbelief.
"You absolute idiot…"
"Your absolute idiot tho." he stops for a second. "Ew. That was disgustingly sappy."
"Sappy, or not sappy, it is true." You say poking his cheek.
"Ow, fuck off!"
He shoves you gently and you shove him back.
"You fucking-"
"Hey, you started it!"
"And you continued it!" you 'argued' and kept playfully shoving each other all the way to your shared apartment's door.
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thedisassociation · 2 years
make us a special place (Robin x Nancy)
a/n: I haven't written in a long time, but then someone said childhood au and here we are.
Big thanks to @dimplesridley and @redwineandnicotine for listening to me yell about these two for months on end.
summary: Nancy has a terrible day (until she doesn't)
AO3 link
(word count: 2,134)
Nancy has a terrible day, by far the worst she’s had all year. Sure, it’s only September, but fifth grade is off to a rough start. Everything that could go wrong does go wrong. She just knows that she failed that math test (she didn't but she doesn't know that yet – all she knows is how uncertain she felt about her answers). Somehow, she ended up with Mike's lunch instead of her own, and the sandwich was all wrong and there were no cookies. And worse – it means Mike got her cookies. The teacher had yelled at the whole class and punished all of them for something that one single boy did, which was totally unfair. And worst of all, Robin was absent for a doctor's appointment pretty much all day, giving Nancy a wave as she was called out of class in the morning. It left Nancy alone for most of the day, sitting by herself at lunch, partner-less for reading hour, walking home with no one to keep her company. When Nancy gets home, her dad is there, unexpectedly, and he is utterly himself – aloof and disinterested. Nancy immediately goes up to her room, drops her backpack, and flops onto the floor dramatically.
Robin has her own frustrating day, and she’s looking forward to seeing Nancy and getting away from her mom. When Robin finally manages to escape to the Wheeler house, she doesn't even ring the doorbell. She just comes right in (Karen had given her permission to, practically encouraged it, even). But before she makes it to the stairs, Karen waves her into the kitchen.
"Nancy had a rough day," Karen starts, and she fills Robin's arms with snacks and a couple of sodas. "You girls try to have some fun, and I'll call you down later for dinner, okay?"
Robin nods and Karen ruffles Robin's hair affectionately.  Robin pulls a face and ducks away like she hates it, but they both know she doesn’t.
When Robin gets up to Nancy's room, struggling to open the door with her arms full of junk food, Nancy is still on the floor by the bed, an arm slung over her face, covering her eyes.
"Mom," Nancy groans, "I said I don't want anything."
Robin dumps their haul on the bed. "Good thing I'm not your mom then," she laughs. "Because I brought so much stuff. Your mom even gave us cookies, Nance. Cookies. Before dinner."
Nancy pouts, lifts her arm up just a little bit to peek at Robin, who was staring down at her, one foot tapping against Nancy's. Robin drops to the ground after a moment, slides up next to Nancy and lays down with her. The floor is hard and Robin wiggles a little bit, one arm bumping Nancy's side, and it kind of tickles.
"How was the doctor?" Nancy asks.
Robin shrugs. "It was fine. Really boring. We had to sit in the waiting room forever." Robin knows the answer but she asks anyway: "how 'bout you? How was your day?"
Nancy groans. "Today was the worst day," she announces.
Robin tries to look over at her, but she's met with the sight of one bony elbow covering up her best friend's face. "Wanna talk about it?" she offers.
Nancy shakes her head and the motion makes her arm come dangerously close to smacking Robin in the face. "No," and she's still feeling so dramatic after her stressful day. "I'm just gonna lay here like this forever," she declares.
Robin hums, taps her fingers against her stomach, fidgets a bit before sitting up abruptly and crawling towards the closet. She starts digging around and just as Nancy is about to look to see what she's doing, a blanket lands right on her face, followed by a pillow.
"Oof," and Nancy finally shows her face, pushing the blanket and pillow off. Robin is already tossing more blankets and pillows out on the floor, every single spare one she can find tucked into Nancy's closet.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
Robin, satisfied she's retrieved all the blankets and pillows in the closet, stands up. "Making a blanket fort," she says like it should be obvious. "The floor is hard. If we're gonna be laying on it forever, it's gotta be more comfortable."
This is one of those little moments where Nancy feels her heart swell up when she looks up at her best friend, and she has to swallow the lump in her throat for the affection and warmth that flood through her. Robin never even asks, never protests, never presses Nancy; Robin just accepts that if Nancy wants to lay on this floor forever, that's what they are going to do.
There are two desk chairs in Nancy’s room, one of them a folding chair supplied by Mr. Wheeler, who was tired of Robin struggling to drag their dining room chairs up and down the stairs. Robin is already in the process of moving their chairs when Nancy starts to sit up. Robin stops her. "Whoa, no way, Wheeler. You're already in your spot, you're glued there forever," she says, affecting a dramatic voice that makes Nancy smile a little bit. Which just spurs Robin on. "Trapped by a very bad day. Alas, you must stay." Robin gives her a grin. "I got this, princess," she says, a little quieter but no less earnest, voice determined.
Nancy's cheeks turn pink and she lays back again.
Robin makes quick work of her fort. She drapes blankets over their chairs, which she sets a little ways from the bed, leaving enough space between the bed and the chairs for both her and Nancy, who stays put, just as she'd been told. Robin ends up having to tie some of the blankets together, big knots in the corners, to reach the bed. She piles all the biggest books she can find on top of the blankets to keep them on the bed. When she's satisfied, she drapes a thinner blanket over top, covering up the open spaces made by the knotted blankets. 
This leaves Nancy hidden away from the world, surrounded on all sides by soft pinks and blues. (Because Robin has chosen some of Nancy's favorites for the inner layer and for the inside.) She hears shuffling outside and then Robin pops her head in, smiling. 
Robin crawls in, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun coming through the soft cream of the sheet facing the window. She has all their snacks in her hands and she drops them by the little entrance, ducks back out quickly to grab their drinks and add them to their pile of Karen-provided goodies.
Robin sits on her knees, ducks a little bit to keep from hitting the top of the fort she's put together in record time. She's holding a pillow, one of the big soft ones that she knows Nancy likes to sink down into. "So, you might have to move a little bit for this part," she bites her lip.
Nancy can't hold back her grin anymore, and she sits up fully.
Robin places the pillow in her hands carefully on the ground, right where Nancy's head had been, and then she grabs another pillow and drops it next to Nancy's. She places the other pillows around the outside of the fort, covering up some of the spots where the blankets didn't quite reach to the floor.
Nancy just sits there and watches her, still smiling despite herself. She shifts, leans back against the bed, tucking a pillow behind her. 
Robin starts working on the remaining blankets next. She lays one out where Nancy had been, tucking the end under the pillow. Nancy is still sitting up from her initial spot, so when Robin tries to smooth out the blanket, it only gets halfway before it meets Nancy's knees.
Robin is determined though, and she gives Nancy a big grin before she starts poking the blanket, trying to tuck it under Nancy's leg. 
Nancy can't stop from laughing before she moves, fixing the blanket herself until she's sitting on it.
Robin puts a blanket down for herself, pushes a couple off to either side.
"Your royal, I dunno, blanket," Robin laughs.
Nancy launches herself at Robin, throws her arms around Robin's shoulders suddenly. Robin tilts back, but steadies herself, returning Nancy's hug, arms wrapped around Nancy's waist.
Robin holds her there. She's never quite sure how long hugs are supposed to go on, so she almost always waits until the other person pulls away before she does. (The other person hugging her is almost always Nancy, and she's in no hurry to pull away from her anyway.)
But not only does Nancy not let go, she drags them both down to the blanket-covered floor until they're both laying down again.
They're facing each other, heads close together despite being on different pillows. Nancy's arm is still draped over Robin's shoulder, so Robin takes this as a cue that she can leave her own arm thrown over Nancy's middle. And she's glad for that, because it all feels right to her. Their legs are pressed together and Nancy's fingers are dancing across her shoulder. And there's nowhere else she'd rather be.
Nancy looks up at her from beneath her lashes, almost shyly. "Thank you, Robin," she whispers, like she's afraid to disturb the comfortable quiet between them.
"Any time," Robin whispers back with a soft smile. There's a warmth blossoming in her chest, spreading through her, filling up her insides until she thinks she's going to stop breathing. A feeling she doesn't know how to name, but one that feels better than any other has, more natural, like air or sunlight or warm summer rain. She grabs it and holds on tightly and hopes it will never end.
They lay there for a moment, and Robin's fingers drum lightly against Nancy's side.
"Hey, Nance?" she keeps her voice quiet to match the moment.
"They're homemade cookies," Robin whispers conspiratorially. "Your mom's homemade cookies," she adds, and her fingers squeeze Nancy, tighten for a second. "She gave us cookies before dinner, and I'm afraid if we don't eat 'em soon, she's gonna realize and take them away."
Nancy swats her shoulder, pushing her back a little, but she's still smiling. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Robin sits up, finding the plate of cookies where she left them, and she brings it up between them. As she does this, Nancy grabs a blanket and tosses it over both their legs.
And that's where Karen finds them a little later when she comes to the door of Nancy's bedroom. All she can see are Robin's feet sticking out from beneath a blanket, but she can hear them giggling inside the little fort they've made. They don't hear her slip inside, so she quietly leaves. Downstairs, she puts together two plates of food. She gives Nancy an extra bread roll, covered in garlic butter and parmesan, just the way she likes, and she makes sure that the foods on Robin's plate don't touch. To Michael's jealous protests, Karen heads back to Nancy's room. She'll let them eat in the bedroom just this once (it will end up not being just this once.) 
And it's worth it for the bright smiles on their faces when Karen announces her presence, crouching down and knocking on one of the desk chairs to get their attention. They're all cozy when she peeks in, all wrapped up in each other beneath a blanket. Robin is holding a book, had been reading aloud to Nancy, offering her own running commentary as she did so, just to keep making Nancy laugh.
"I brought dinner up," Karen tells them. Nancy gasps and Robin's eyes widen. "Don't make me regret it," she adds, passing them each a plate. A warning not to make a mess, but she's smiling as she says it.
She pulls the door closed behind her, leans back against it for a moment. 
She hears Robin's voice inside. "Nancy, I love your mom. But I think someone must have replaced her with an alien or something."
"She's not an alien, Rob." She can picture Nancy's eye roll, can hear the laughter in her voice.
"I dunno. Cookies before dinner. And now dinner is in your room! I never thought I'd see the day."
"We've eaten in my bedroom."
"But not dinner, Nance. Not a whole meal! Nope, something's up in the Wheeler house."
Karen doesn't hear Nancy's quiet response but she does hear the laughter that follows, Robin's first and then Nancy's right after. They're happy, and Karen will let them have this, wants them to have this just a little while longer, as long as they can.
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plasticpony4 · 4 months
♡ My 2023 retrospective: egl version ♡ PART 7/9
Continues from the previous post.
After that, we went to eat lunch at a café, but before that, there was this beautiful place that looked perfect for taking pictures of my coord, but we were in a hurry, so I only took like 2 photos and this is the one that came out better even though it's funny because it's the typical bad windy photos with hair covering my face lol.
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I'm sharing it because we need to remember that people online are real and ugly like us too!
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Look how cute our old school babylitas @idonthaveaname0000 and @puredeathwish are! I love them.
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As you can see, the quality of the pictures started getting better. That's because I didn't take them, a community member sent them to us after the meet. So get ready for more paintings spam!
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Our meet ended with this chonky rainbow cake that didn't taste like anything.
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November was also the month when this Axes Femme collection came out and I will absolutely have my indie brand seamstress friend make me a velveteen headbow that I can tie to my head instead of having to wear a headband. Even though I'm one of the few people that I know that doesn't actually have sensory issues, headbands are often uncomfortable, especially if you wear glasses and a ton of other hair accessories (which a lot of lolitas do), so I'm looking forward to having this little item in my wardrobe this 2024 (it's gonna match the velveteen dress that she will make me too)! Also, watching Misako's and brand lives with other people is a lot better than watching them by yourself.
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Another thing that happened is that I sent my friend @saturnia-pyri a Moomin birthday gift that contained a book bag that she used for a fancy lolita tea party with her local comm. Even though she's italian, she lives in Ireland and is part of the irish comm, so we can't meet often. I wish I could see all my friends more easily and wear cute outfits together or just hang out casually, but it is what it is. I'm glad we can enjoy our friendship anyway even if we're apart and that she liked my present and used it in her lovely coord!
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Aaaand we finally got to the last month of this long year in review. December started with masala chai and celebration for finally becoming a licensed psychologist. I invited many friends and acquaintances, but only a few showed up. Among them were some people from my comm. I was genuinely really glad that they came, and some even brought me gifts.
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Then we actually had two different Christmas/winter lolita meet-ups!
This is what I wore for the first one. The theme of the meet was "Christmas books/movies/media". I tried to use this Tomoyo's Atelier JSK for my first real punk coord, with my Black Peace Now jacket and actual punk bag from when I was young. My coord was also inspired by A nightmare before christmas. I'm standin with @puredeathwish here.
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I love all the photos @puririna took of us! More to follow on the next post!
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buddy-trench · 5 months
Sanguine Angel (Part 2)
Hello again! Today I bring you part 2 of the story. So, as usual, enjoy. (Giving a warning as there is gonna be blood and injuries in this one)
When I got back from the task, I made my way to the break room as it was lunch hour when I had gotten back from delivering a strange package to a mansion far from society.
As I sat down with the lunch I had packed the night before, my coworker, Sarah, joined me at the table. "Hi Charlotte!" Sarah said with a smile on her face, she's always been the most joyful person to be around, since she's quite a nice person in general. "Hello, Sarah." I replied back.
"Hey guys!" said a male voice, "oh hello, Josh." Sarah replied as I waved hello to the man. Josh is another of my coworkers, he's a bit clumsy and tends to trip on his own shoes, but he's quite friendly too and shows he's quite the good worker despite being clumsy.
Josh and Sarah are siblings, and usually they work a long side each other because of that. But it doesn't mean they get a long often. Sometimes they fight, but they are very competitive with each other, so they would usually race each other to see who can get their jobs done.
It's honestly fun to watch them like that.
"Anyways, Charlotte. What did you do before lunch hour?" Sarah asked me as I ate my lunch. "Oh, just a delivery to some place, that's all." I replied, Josh looks at Sarah with what seemed like a competitive look in his eyes. Sarah only rolls her eyes when she notices him looking at her.
"Oh come on, Josh. I can clearly beat you in delivering a package." Sarah confidently said as she leaned back into her chair. "Besides, at least I'm not clumsy as you are." That set something off in Josh, taking that in as a challenge. "Hey! At least I'm not a slow runner!" Josh exclaimed as Sarah looked at him with an annoyed expression.
Before they could argue who would deliver the package the fastest, Jerry, the newest member on the team, confidently stood up from the table he sat at and said to the two, "clearly I would be able to get the package the quickest, since I was able to finish the delivery in just under 60 seconds!"
Now this caused another argument, but luckily, Beatrice was nearby, who, is the second oldest member on our team. "You three shut up already, there are people needing some peace after long hours of work you know?!" That shut them up into silence as I tried my hardest not to laugh.
It still was pretty funny, but at least Beatrice saved me from more arguing.
After lunch, I was tasked with some paperwork. It's mundane but it gets me paid anyways. Although I did hear my boss talking about the cult again, I suppose it's because Victoria, another coworker of mine, had spotted another ritual again nearby the building. Despite that being terrifying, I know that we are protected by the law. So, I had no worries about the whole thing.
When the paperwork was done, it was already the end of my shift, so I headed out as I said my goodbyes to my boss and coworkers that had to stay, including Josh and Sarah, as they were on cleaning duty with Jerry since my boss heard that they were arguing again.
Out the front entrance, I observe the nature, it's quiet, peaceful even. The fresh air cold as usual. I always don't understand why people are afraid of this part of the forest, it's always nice and peaceful here.
As I walked towards my car, I could see the moon coming up as the sun sets. Since this area of the forest isn't near any major city, the midnight sky is filled with little stars I admire before entering the driver seat of my car and driving off home.
Driving on the dirt path as night comes is honestly very creepy, even with my car's headlights it's impossible to see due to how dense the forest is. But it's nothing compare when it's actually really dark, without light, it's even scarier.
As I tried to keep my focus on the road, I noticed something in the corner of my eye, someone wearing a red cloak with their face covered in what seemed like a goat for a face. Then suddenly, someone on the road wearing the same thing stood at the road.
I lost control of the wheel as I tried to brake to stop my car from crashing into the person as my car crashed into a tree.
Then everything went black for a moment, before I finally woke up in what remained of my car, it was smoking from it's engine, I knew that if I had stayed in my car I would have died to a fiery explosion.
But as I made my way out of my car to get away, I felt blood dripping down my head. My body sore, with some type of injury on my body. I felt so weak, vulnerable even, as I tried to make my way out of the forest, only to fall again onto the grass.
I saw a few more of those cloaked people, before everything went dark suddenly.
I felt like I was being transported somewhere, but, I knew I was endanger. But I couldn't do much, I was weak.
I just hope I can wake up sooner. But, as my eyes opened after what seemed to be a few hours, I found myself in a place unfamiliar to me.
A place where I would shortly find.
The rumors.
They were true.
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