#anyways im going to sleep i think
momomallowart · 19 days
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Summer vibes~ 😎
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wikoymi · 2 months
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postgame komahina househouse with pet cat named aki (after chiaki) and she really likes nagito. and hajime i guess but if nagitos home she’ll only sit on hajime if nagito is sitting on hajime
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heartorbit · 6 months
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revstar emu save me
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anemonet · 1 year
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local iterator seven red suns growing attached at record speed to life sucking abomination, more at seven (hah)
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ping-ski · 2 months
unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality
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au belongs to @pluck-heartstrings !! if u havent read or caught up u totally should <3 (sorry for the tag)
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b0nkedmehead · 3 months
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demonir · 4 months
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I like them a whole lot 💜
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sorrelpaws · 11 months
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they're investigating scary noises in the dark
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radioroxx · 3 months
headcanon that people of the islands sleep schedule is like, four hours later than average.
they wake up at mid day, and sleep well past midnight. kids begging their parents on weekends to pleeaaase please let them step up just a little longer to watch the sun rise. early-riser visitors / tourists having to adapt to their horrid schedule because stars forbid theyre up and about at 10:30.
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napping-sapphic · 3 months
Go for a drive with me until we end up sitting in a parking lot and talking for hours
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harcove · 1 year
I NEED to talk about Astarion x Durge because, if you try to break up with him later in game, and tell him it's because you're scared you are going to kill him one day, the dialogue you can get? Absolutely amazing.
He sort of, lets out a breathe of relief, because it isn't that you don't love him or he did something wrong (he asks if he did something wrong to make you want to break up)- it's because you're worried about killing him. He goes on to tell you that while he is prone to embellishment, he meant it when he told you before that together, you'll find a way to help you. He reiterates it, to drive the point home. He is going to help you- to save you from the Urge. He says that he's learned during your time together/during the adventure thus far, that you can't let fear rule you, or else you will never really live.
Then he tells you, "I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future."
If you tell him that you could end both of you, he sort of hums, then says, "Cazador used his tortures to strike terror into me. But I've rarely been more afraid than on the night I feared Bhaal had claimed you for good." He says he trusts you won't kill him (then playfully says that, if you do, then he's just gotten sloppy and he probably had it coming.)
When you decide not to break up with him after he says this (by telling him he's sweet) he sounds SO relieved. He breathes out, and makes a joke, about how he is sweet- and beautiful, and no one says that enough. Then ends it with a heartfelt, "I'm not going anywhere."
This is all non-Ascended Astarion by the way. He is so in love with Tav. He cares SO much about them, is WORRIED about them, but not because of the idea they might kill him (he is not worried for himself-) he's worried of losing them. He says it blatantly when he says he has rarely been more afraid than the night he thought Bhaal took you for good; thought he lost you.
I am so unwell over this. Two people, with dark, haunted pasts, who want to be better (if you're playing the Durge that way) and they both want to help each other. And they aren't going anywhere. He's not afraid, not of you, not of the future with you. He loves you.
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miusato · 6 months
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Whatever happened to "I ain't holding back anymore?" Huh???
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potatobugz · 19 days
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ruben hopclap is tonights biggest loser!!!
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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god-of-this-new-blog · 8 months
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“Sorry that it all went down like it did”
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whatisame · 6 months
Bartylus, baby!!!!
Summary: Barty is in jail and Regulus wants to break up with him. Inspired by that one Shameless US scene.
"Barty..." There are no words to describe what Regulus is feeling right now, holding a phone to his ear and looking at Barty through the stained glass.
"I did it myself," he smirks proudly like it isn't obvious with his wobbly R and smudged g. Regulus is going to kill himself. And then Barty. Don't ask how.
What were you thinking?
Why are you making this so hard for me?
"That is not how you spell Arcturus."
"The fuck it isn't." Barty frowns and looks down at his bare chest. "A-k-t-u-r-u-s."
"I think I would know how to spell my own middle name, Barty."
"Fuck. Are you messing with me right now?"
"Are you?! Who the fuck gets a prison tattoo? Do you know what kinds of infections you could have gotten? Did you even sterilize—"
"—So you don't like it, is that what you're saying?"
"Jesus Christ." Regulus runs his hands through his hair, a fruitless attempt at soothing himself. "Whatever made you think that I'd like it?"
"I don't know, Regulus, the fact that it's fucking romantic?" Barty stared at him with raised eyebrows and Regulus resisted the urge to slam his head against the glass. "I was thinking that once I got out I'd have enough practice to make it look better, maybe even move on from the rusty needle. Then maybe I could give you one of my name. Maybe of my face? Definitely of my ass."
"I'm so not doing that."
"I'm kidding! You don't have to get one of my ass. Although, I must say, you're kind of missing out."
"I will not be getting any tattoos in your honor, Barty. It's over."
"What do you mean?"
"You and me. We're over. We're bad for each other, B."
It was startling, Barty's face changing from his usual couldn't-give-a-damn expression to something so solemn. Regulus had scarcely seen it happen over the course of their friendship. He saw it once, when he'd found out about Walburga's anger issues and how she chose to deal with them. And twice, when he'd pushed Regulus away after their first kiss.
And now, obviously.
"You don't mean that," he says gravely.
"I know we're not boyfriends, I know you hate that word but I thought—" Regulus takes a deep breath and makes himself look Barty in the eye. "I know about Evan."
It's funny. How Barty doesn't even try to deny it. Then again, he didn't think he would.
"Fuck," is the only thing he says.
Regulus agrees.
"I just came here to say that, so..." he grimaces, almost hanging up.
"Wait, Reg!" He sees more than hears the words leaving Barty's lips. He picks up the phone again. Barty is silent on the other end.
"What?" Regulus snaps. It irks him how the other boy enjoys making things harder for him. He knew how much this meant for him. How much he meant to him.
"Just–Don't go." Regulus scoffs. "I'll be your fucking boyfriend or whatever. I don't care but— Stay."
"That's exactly the problem, B. You don't care. I like you—"
"—I like you too!"
"Well I like you more! Clearly! I have been at your beck and call for months and you might pretend like you don't notice and everything is the same and we're still the Barty and Regulus from years ago, but we're not. I'm not. I refuse to spell it out for you, B, so read between the fucking lines."
Barty is silent for a long time before he speaks. Something about the shadows lurking in his eyes makes Regulus lean closer. Everything about Barty is magnetic, and he fucking despises it.
"I know," he nods slowly, "I have always known I don't deserve you. This is not me pitying myself, I know I'm a fucking scumbag, I'm proud of it. But Reg. Fuck. If you could see yourself the way I see you... Well, you'd freak out. I'm properly mental." He chuckles half-heartedly. "It's actually fucking annoying having you running around my head all day. Pretty sure my cell-mate thinks so too. Any day now he's gonna stab me in my sleep with my soap-knife—"
"—Your what?"
"It's a knife carved from soap. Don't worry about the details," Barty says, waving a hand dismissively. "My point is he's told me I'm getting on his last nerve by talking nonstop about you. Or at least that's what I think he said, half of it was in Spanish so, you know..."
"Yeah," Barty says while scratching the back of his neck. He avoids Regulus' searching gaze.
He knows he shouldn't press. That Barty is uncomfortable right now and that to leave it alone is for the best.
And yet...
"What do you say about me?"
It makes Barty throw his head back with a laugh. "Oh, baby, you'd be surprised."
"Well, go on." Regulus twirls the cord around his index finger. The one with the ring Barty gave him. "Surprise me."
"I talk about you at lunch, and make sure everyone knows how much I miss tasting your delicious food."
Regulus laughs but it's more of a punched breath. Barty practically bites through the spoon whenever he offers him a taste.
"I talk about you in the yard when I see the ridiculous cliques and know they'd make you laugh."
Barty describes them for him. He hates that it does make him laugh. He tells him he should join the retired christian hitmen. Barty disagrees, but only because he's forming his own clique.
"I even talked about you when some guy tried to beat the shit out of me. Told him how you weigh half as much as he does and could still kick his ass easily."
"Barty," he chastises. Try to stay out of trouble, he'd told Barty when he first visited him. To which he had replied, Don't worry, I'm going to make prision my bitch. It had done nothing to put Regulus at ease.
Barty smirks. "Shut up. You're flattered."
It makes him snort. Not bothering to deny it.
"I don't talk about you at night but that doesn't mean you're not up here being a little shit." He taps his forehead with the plastic phone and smiles languidly. "You haunt me. I want to know what you're doing, who you are with, it drives me up the walls."
Regulus swallows hard.
"I think often about how I'm here for you. And eventhough I know you hate me for it, I'd do it again. And again. I'll always look out for you first, Whiskers."
"You shouldn't."
"You see... I knew you would say that."
Regulus isn't surprised. They know each other better than anyone else.
"I'm still gonna do it," Barty adds, shrugging. "Even if you get rid of me."
"Like I could," Regulus scoffs. "Fucking parasite."
"Good," he declares. "Now, about Evan—"
Regulus' throat constricts. Right. He'd forgotten for a moment. Evan accidentally let it slip, how he spent the night at Barty's some weeks after their first kiss.
"It's over. I promise. It's been over for a long time. I haven't been able to–ehem–perform with anyone else since we..." he trails off but Regulus got the gist of it.
"Are you kidding? That was months ago!" Barty looks mortified which makes Regulus feel quite accomplished. Barty is naturally unashamed, unbothered and proud, and Regulus feels a rush whenever he manages to get him to snap. Pressing his finger on a bruise has always brought him pleasure. "Don't tell me you were suddenly feeling shy?"
"Fuck you, first of all. I don't want to talk about this."
"Did little Jr miss me so terribly he had to go into hiding?"
"Yes he fucking did!" Barty screams, all loud energy and electrifying gaze. Everything Regulus is fundamentally against concelead in a grimy boy who happens to be his favorite person in ths world.
"So you must like me a lot, huh?!" he goads.
"Yes, you asshole! Very fucking much!"
Regulus chuckles, chest warm and pleasant buzz under his skin. "Adorable. I guess your dick isn't the only thing that went soft."
Barty crackles at that, flipping him off as he laughs.
"I hate you so much," Barty mutters when the shared laughter dies down.
"Yeah, I know." Regulus smiles, gently tracing Barty's stupid tattoo with his eyes.
Regulus Akturus Black
"I hate you with my bones."
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