#anyways yeah reminder that light is hard but friends exist
def-not-kaz-brekker · 8 months
my friend who knows how much I struggle to study texted me and I mentioned that I was studying chemistry and he said he was proud of me for studying and now I am literally crying
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someone1348 · 1 year
Headcanons on Pav 💗✨?
EEEEE! THANK YOU EMERYY! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 💖💞💖💞 (Pfft can you tell who my new favorite Spider-Man is!-)
ANYWAYS! I figured I'd split these up! I'm going to start with Lee and Ler Headcannons and then go to regular ones, for everyone requested so if you don't want to read about tickles I will make a sepreate one for regular headcannons another time! :]
I hope you all enjoy!
-K :]
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Man's is a solid 50/50 split for Lee and Ler!
-His sides are his worst spot, but they have to be squeezed for any reaction
-Light tickles do nothing there
-Light tickles in general don't give you much of a reaction form Pav, you'll get some giggles but nothing too much
-His laugh is super high pitched and childlike
-He squeals too, especially if you catch him off gaurd, which is hard to do with the spidey sense but it's possible!
-He doesn't do much to stop it, he'll just lay there and let himself laugh because he likes being happy and laughing and having fun
-He is unbothered by the word 'Tickle' he can say it and hear it and there's no reaction from him
-He's not used to compliments so if you say things like "I love your laugh" or "Your giggles and reactions are so cute Pavi" he's now lost himself to laughter he can't function anymore it's the best!
-He regrets making his costume without shoes, especially after Hobie gets to him, but he just hasn't changed it and doesn't plan on it ever
-He can handle it for a good while but when he calls for mercy you should stop immediately, he can't go too far past his limits especially if there's compliments involved but thankfully all of his friends and family understand and listen to him no matter what
-Doesn't care too much about being tickled in public but will probably get embarrassed regardless and try to stop whoever is doing it (thankfully that doesn't happen much, just a few pokes here and there which he can handle and enjoys)
-Doesn't really get into Lee or Ler moods often because he's always ready for it but the first time he had a major lee mood he could barely get out of bed without giggling and had to call Hobie for help, he was so red in the face, Hobie never let's him forget that day
-if he's ever causing too much trouble at HQ or something, Hobie will silently remind him of that day and his mood and energy changes immediately to wanting tickles again and he's no longer causing anyone playful trouble
-Everyone's so confused of what Hobie said to him that made him change so quickly but he won't reveal anything it's 'their little secret' as Hobie likes to call it!
-Pav switches between just straight up asking for it to provoking it depends on the day and how big the wanting is for tickles
-I feel like he has ticklish knees, like the tops of his knees, his kneecaps, yeah
-He can't handle the 'itsy bitsy spider' nursery rhyme, that's the one thing he can't handle, everything else is light work but that! He's a giggle storm
-He's just the sweetest little man you've ever seeenn!! 🥹☺️
-Oh boy 🫣
-Do not let his smile, charm, or sweet personality fool you this man doesn't know the meaning of the word mercy
-He's a hypocrite in that sense /lh, he'll beg for mercy from other's and they will respect it but when he's got a lee in his hands it's like that word doesn't even exist /pos /lh
-You either gotta be really strong and pry him off or get someone else to get him away
-He can't help it, he loves making people laugh and smile and it warms his heart from all of the reactions given from any person he tickles he gets carried away and never wants it to end! (My babyyyyy!)
-He is the tease master (next to Miles)
-He will use anything and everything to get his lee blushing and having fun
-Baby talk, compliments, the word itself, tickly type noises, all of it and more! if there's a tease out there he's going to use it
-He likes to test them all out the first time he tickles someone to see what gets them the most, once he figures that out, that's all he's doing from here on out and he remembers too, he's great at adapting
-He's very good at reading people so if you're in a lee mood he'll know, from a mile away, no matter how good you are at hiding it, he knows, he'll always know
-He has the teasy voice 😤👏 he's so good at it too! The closest example I can give to the people who don't know what the teasy voice is is when he said "New guy must be in love with youuu"
-I can not express enough how good he is at teasing, if his lee wasn't laughing from his tickles I promise you they'd be speechless
-He's just so good at tickling someone until their nothing but giggles, all of their thoughts out the window and stuff, He's just so good at tickles in general
-He's not one for using his yoyo or webs during tickle sessions, mainly because he is stronger anyway, but regardless he will if someone asks, it's just not his favorite thing, he likes them to be free but again he adapts no matter what, he's like liquid, he'll adjust to the container he's in (a science thing, I hope someone understood what I meant lmaoo!)
-If you are dating, it is going to be even worse, you're his favorite person, he is going to want to tickle you and have tickle fights so much because he knows that it makes you happy and it makes him happy too!
-but oh my god Pavi! He will just tell you how beautiful/handsome/stunning you look with such seriousness while tickling you so you know how incredible you are even while you're at his ticklish mercy he loves you so much!
-I love him so much oh my God!
-He's just the best!
-If I missed anything I will come back to these and add it! But AHHH!
I hope you all enjoyedd! More on the way soon!! :]
-K <3
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
Not to come off as rude sorry if this does just want to explain my understanding of the situation. I think the whole post is stating that hes not homophobic just that. Words and actions hurt regardless if he's gay or not and it's incredibly jarring to hear him make light of it and have no one seemingly push back on it. I'm likening it to like if a friend calls you loser or worthless as a joke because they dont actually think those things of you but if you have a history of being bullied with those words it can still sting ?
I’m CRYING I made such a well worded response to this and discord DELETED IT
Anyway, here’s the thing.
I understand why some people might by put off by his humor. Sure that’s, fair, whatever. In my opinion kinda, nevermind not stating my opinion
But, I feel like I have to remind everyone once a fucking gain that the qsmp members are adults and problems can be solved IN PRIVATE if there’s any problems at all AND THEY DONT NEED FANS COMING TO SWOOP IN AND ‘PROTECT’ THEM FROM BIG BAD SCARY TUBBO LIKE THEY ARE INFANT DAMSELS IN DISTRESS
I think that’s an issue with the qsmp fandom as a whole. Y’all act like the cc’s just, don’t interact off stream? Don’t talk at all? Don’t you think by now, anyone would say anything about it if there’s an issue?
And here’s another thing, you aren’t tubbos friend. It might be hard to think that, but you aren’t, im not.
And on that train of thought, isn’t it important to reclaim those jokes? Genuine homophobes use those words against us, can’t we use the same jokes?
And why does it feel like if this was anyone else you wouldn’t have a problem? I’ll get shit for being a toxic tubbling and such a hater and blah blah blah but. Fucking seriously, would it be a problem if anyone else said this stuff? Why do I get the feeling y’all were looking for a reason to “cancel” Tubbo (because let’s be real that’s what this is. You may claim not to be Twitter and so much better, but you still pull the same shit. Be fucking for real)
And don’t even get me started on how you treat tubblings. How fucking disgusting it is.
Because I love getting called stupid for existing on this god forsaken app everyday. I love being called annoying, toxic, rude.
I fucking love it. /sarcasm
Some of you in the qsmp fandom make better bullies then you do people actually participating in a fandom.
It’s funny how you’ll insult and bully us but then turn back and bitch and moan about how toxic we are and how we hurt you and your traumatized now and
Yeah fuck it I don’t care if this makes me seem toxic, I don’t fucking care. I am an aid in a pre-K classroom and I’ve seen more mature TODDLERS then some of the people here.
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heiayen · 1 year
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EPISODE 7: SOMETHING SHE MIGHT LIKE... note: this chapter's written part is longer but very important, so! remember to read it
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"No offense, but how else would anyone follow you?" Lumine raised her eyebrows as she put down the plate with dumplings, "If the person got a professional camera and all, then I don't think it would be hard for them to get a tracking device and just plant it in your car."
The main topic of the dinner was, obviously, who took the photos. You couldn't blame the twins for being curious and asking questions, the case was on your mind all the time, too.
"The car was locked, Lumine. Not a single sign or anyone breaking in." Scaramouche replied, annoyance evident in his voice.
"Then how else on earth?"
This was something that also bugged you. Your boyfriend was literally swearing he saw no one following you, and yet someone did. When Lumine first proposed the existence of a tracking device, Scaramouche disagreed instantly, saying how there was no chance someone broke inside.
But you couldn't help and feel like this was possible.
"Could someone put it somewhere on the car?" You asked.
Both Scaramouche and Lumine looked at each other, and then her gaze wandered to her brother.
"…I mean, someone could put it under the car? I saw people do it."
You looked at Scaramouche. Despite his usual frown, you noticed the uneasiness underneath it. To realize that someone was constantly aware of where you were going was a terrible thing, you could only imagine. You grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze.
He squeezed back.
"I'll check later."
This was the end of this discussion. Lumine nodded.
"Anyway, I made two kinds of dumplings because I didn't know what you'll like…" She started and pointed at the plate, "Those are with meat and these are with mushroom. Oh, and Aether has his potato filling ones."
"With potatoes?" Your boyfriend asked. Honestly, you were kinda curious about them too. You never had dumplings with potatoes, out of all fillings…
"You want some?" Aether smiled, a dumpling already on his fork.
Still, the said dumpling ended up on his plate anyway. He stared at it and, honest to god, for a second you thought its about to get stabbed with his glare alone.
"Aether, can I have one too?"
"…sorry, Y/N, I have only six dumplings left…"
You glared at him, "So this is how you treat your friend… you pick their boyfriend over them…"
"No, it's not like this!" Aether waved his hands, a hint of amusement on his face. This quickly turned into a friendly bickering between you and him.
You didn't even notice when suddenly, half of the potato dumpling ended up on your plate.
When you noticed it, you smiled at Scaramouche.
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a/n: i wonder what's the thing... anyways the dumpling lumine mentioned are actually rly good. yes im pushing my slavic twins agenda cuz i enjoy projecting. also! please if you have any comments theories whatever feel free to share them cuz i love listening what ppl think and yeah <3
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kitten--thoughts · 5 months
My Inuit Heritage
CW: Slur mention, mentions of sexual assault
I knew that I mentioned before that I didn't want to talk about my personal life on here, but I thought this was worth talking about.
I believe that I'm Inuit. The Europeans in my life could categorize me as a dark-skin European, and that's fine. That's why even now I subconsciously live in the 2000's, because Europeans wanted to have tan skin because they saw it as aesthetically appealing. I don't know everyone's personal story as to why they wanted their pale skin to be darker.
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Anyways, when I was younger, my father put on Ice Age. I was honestly more fixated on the humans' storyline than the silly wacky animals to entertain the stupid people, but it was always cleverly balanced and I appreciated it.
I feel like I'm more of my father's child than my mother's child. I always had a meat-focused diet: fish, meat. I became inspired to try to become a vegan by learning about diets in asian countries like Japan. Chinese food was a constant in my life as well. I also liked to be comfortable and cozy so I'm obsessed with the clothes i see some inuits wear in Google images. I like Icelandic patterns. My father also liked to wear sweaters. I had a fixation of hot chocolate because our house was always cold but my father felt most comfortable with the temperature, he always drank tea.
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I don't mean to trigger anyone, but in my elementary school, there was a traditional Halloween costume parade around the block where every student would wear their costume proudly and all the parents would take pictures to remember their child with their friends representing or being whatever they'd like.
I got a light pink eskimo costume. I immediately felt comfortable and secure wearing it. The material was very soft and comfortable. I felt like everything was right and it clicked in my soul like a key. Even the boys called me cute for the costume. My entire life I wanted to be Japanese or Chinese, but remembering how I felt in that soft costume made me realize that there is a reality for me that's even better than maybe those two existences: being a proud Inuit.
I saw a article somewhere that tried to say that the word "eskimo" is considered a slur towards Inuit people. i believed it immediately because I was a bit younger than I am now. I was shocked because I heard the term "eskimo kisses" and my mother used to do them to me when I was younger. That was my favorite way of showing affection. My partner told me to not worry about it but I still internalized that belief, because I only identified as black at that time (mainly due to my appearance and the culture that surrounded me during those days) and I was disassociated from my awareness of me being a indigenous myself until my father told me.
He told me that he was Native American along with other things. When I met actual Native Americans, it was really hard to find or have any slight of connection, we both felt uncomfortable and distant, and even scared of each other.
I found myself having a gravity towards European things ever since I was a little girl. So that's probably why I lean towards the Nurture in the Nature vs. Nurture argument. I can write a whole paper on this sometime..
My art therapist was wearing a pattern that reminded me of Native American patterns. I inquired about it and she actually told me it was a Eastern European pattern. Another click. I can't really consider myself biracial because my skin tone is not exactly the palest and I represent three races. I always thought things would only resonate with you if there is something inside of you that is compatible with it, because there's tons of other cultures and aspects of it I have never and probably never will be in touch or witness. So yeah. I represent a lot of different cultures, but I'd hate for someone to make me feel insecure about it. I worked hard to feel secure and grounded about myself, and I am proud.
Maybe the bottom line is this. Black people who do not feel comfortable in the black community and find theirselves genuinely gravitating to White/European things should try identifying as Inuit. I felt immediately understood when I shared to my friends that I was a american Inuit. Everything made sense to me now. I don't want to disturb anyone who lives in the artic.
I feel like the term African-American was written to help people who came from African countries and were born there to have a identity and see it as a nationality. I was born in America and so were my two parents. None of us came from Africa, and this is my first generation family. I have been mistreated horribly ever since I even slightly considered interacting with individuals in said black community. My dad has forced me to fit in with these individuals and I almost died several times, both spiritually and physically. I was sexually assaulted several times, and other awful things I don't want to remember. I always felt safer in different communities even if my family considers my plight for comfort and safety as silly. So I'm trying to spread awareness of the inuit community.
Thank you for reading. I hope one day you too will find yourself
Written by kitten
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honeyviscera · 7 months
hrgh. this is a weird thing to get mad about, probably, but when the people i know don't take care of themselves properly, and like. are aware that they're not taking care of themselves properly, and just. don't take any steps to change their habits, and just keep on. knowingly. willingly. self destructing. it pisses me off so much.
like. a lot of the issues you're having could be mitigated if you just took these few steps. if you just did a few things differently. i care about you, and i'm telling you that you need to fucking stop this. and when my genuine concern gets met with a light-hearted "haha, it's fine 😜✌️" or a "no 💖" it's like. you dumbass.
i hate when im being sincere and get met with sarcasm. or not taking me seriously. or a number of insincere, uncaring responses. i care about you, and you're hurting yourself. you won't stop. you won't listen to me. why? you fucking dumbass? why won't you take me seriously. i get tired of being brushed off.
one of my friends from high school is incredibly bad for this. they would always overcommit. burn out. not sleep enough. get into toxic situations and then just. exist in them. they were in an incredibly abusive relationship for a year and kept ignoring the red flags, and literally almost died because of that relationship. they were left to direct the entire school musical for 2 years in a row because the teacher wasnt doing their fucking job, and they just accepted it. on top of doing advanced classes. what the hell. they would come to school looking like an empty shell. they lost the spark of enthusiasm that made them, well, them. they've gone away for uni now and from what i've heard theyve been in terrible, terrible situations and have. not taken care of themselves. not drawn a line. they began coughing up blood due to stress alone. if i were them i would have quit. left. the amount of bullshit they go through that could be prevented if they cared about their own wellbeing like at all is fucking astronomical. i love them but it's hard to love them when they continually treat themselves like shit and hurt themselves more.
i know this sounds rich coming from me, the engineering major, but even though the program i'm in is meant to push you to your limit, everything i do is always with the utmost compassion to myself. i take breaks when i need to. i forgive myself. i sleep properly. i eat properly. i don't commit to other things that would be too much to handle.
i guess it's a different matter if you just. forget to eat or something like that, but when reminded you're like 'oh shit yeah im going to eat now'. something like that is just. it's not the conscious self destruction, you know? wanting to take care of yourself but just forgetting and needing help along the way is fine. we all do that. we all need help. but rejecting help is so frustrating to me. laughing it off. not standing up for yourself. why do you hate yourself like that? you wouldn't want others to go through it, so why do you let it happen to you?
sorry for the rant, idk if this is coherent at all. anyways. take care of yourself or i will hit you with hammers.
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romilly-jay · 1 month
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***spoilers*** [probably - mild ones, anyway - safer to assume there WILL be some :) - yeah, actually on reflection need some if I'm serious about trying to pin down why this was //IMO// successful ]
Just a reminder that the intention with these pages is for ME to work out for ME which kinds of stories land for me and why they do.
Even the reminder is mainly for my own benefit, honestly.
I've sat here for a few minutes wondering who cares what I think and I realise that, if no-one else, Future Me is going to be grateful that Present Me took the time to tease this apart.
Frankly, Future Me is highly unlikely to remember that Present Me wrote this but I have to continue to believe that there's, nonetheless, a benefit to going through the cognitive process. That words are not, in the end, wasted, but contribute to future insight and possibilities.
Understand from the Wikipedia page that this is the first Amazon Prime movie shot in Australia - which chimes with discussions I've heard on The Rest is Entertainment about the streamers as "the world's TV channels" - actually I think that was in context of Baby Reindeer and the issues with relatively light compliance on shows across multiple legal frameworks and jurisdictions. (And, incidentally, bless you, Wikipedia contributors - you are a most wonderful first port of call in an increasingly bonkers and unreliable internet.)
LOVE that the lead female actor, Shuang Hu, is also the co-writer with Nathan Ramos-Park and for me this is closely reflected in the significant (I think?) screen time / plot time given to Hu's character, Lia, and her gay current/Sydney-based BFF, Mason. Not too hard to imagine the writers putting snippy, comedic avatars of themselves into the centre of the action?? And Mason definitely has the best This Is Not A Hallmark Movie lines, shows up A Lot and *marginally* succeeds in having a life that isn't simply about supporting her.
BTW, think it's sort of hilarious that I assumed Townsville was a made up place - it SOUNDS like a name you would make up, Hallmark style? Like - Valleydale (surely not an actual place?) or Christmaston?
Though I don't know that the Australian setting is so hard to tune into that the movie requires an entire translation/remake. Apparently it's getting one, just the same - Picture This, fronted by Simone Ashley of Bridgerton, Sex Education, and, I'm sure, plenty of other things, too :) *pic below, from sth else. Already in post-production at March 2024?
I prefer to think that this is more about good ideas being in relatively short supply* - do I mean that? - or an idea that works in one place having potential to work, suitably tweaked, somewhere else, too.
*Ah, okay, I think it's terror about finding *bankable* good ideas. There's such a proliferation of Great Content today, non? - BUT more content than audience or, at least, more content than attention span?
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This article by Carla Teng of the Asia Media Centre gives a breakdown of the plot and a link to the trailer, ahead of transitioning into an interview with actor Yoson An, who plays the ex-best friend.
It talks explicitly about the influence (existence and rising profile) of Asian diaspora citizens in Australia and New Zealand. And - thank you! - one of the things that I really enjoyed, after a lengthy diet of Hallmark-adjacent Amazon offerings, was the all-Asian lead cast.
Inevitable hat-tip to Crazy Rich Asians and *one* of the characters certainly walked right out of that movie world. The rest, not so much.
[LOL token white guy who is referred to by the fortune teller as a good catch specifically because he's a "lapdog" of a man - and v nice that they still gave him a little scene later on that shows genuine warmth between the lead and her new bro-in-law and portrays him as genuinely sweet, plus holder of a key piece of missing intel for her.]
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So, what worked [IMO] in this movie? LOTS of things.
The article I've shared above uses this pic of Lia and Richard which references a really nice piece of character work from early on, from the sister's PINK engagement party, which Lia attends in a black suit/white shirt combo, meaning that she starkly stands out from everyone else, while also looking cute AF - and it gives the "we understand each other" moment with the ex BF because he's the only one who remarks on the Reservoir Dogs reference ("Why am I Mister Pink?"). Loved this. Thought it worked. And it's a far-from-subtle hint that What Lia Wants Was Right In Front Of Her All Along. Actually, she knew that and so did he, but they had to sort out their historic misunderstanding and also find a way to Be Together in [Place].
Although some very traddy romcom elements were there /// she runs a tea shop! - her sister's getting married! - she doesn't have a date! - her parents want her to settle down! /// the underlying dilemma feels real, significant, relatable: Namely, tradition versus independence? Nicely twisted around the idea that Lia isn't running away from ALL aspects of tradition - she's specifically trying to make a traditional concept Chinese tea shop work in a modern city context.
So, thank goodness, it's absolutely not a story of "all my childhood influences were bad // but wait, my new life isn't working out // must be because all my childhood influences were Right After All // back to a traditional life and a traditional role for me!" Rather it's about finding away to integrate suburban and urban influences together.
This HEA has her still running a tea shop - but she's embraced Taiwanese bubble tea and takeaway tea orders. And she's still living in Sydney - and this time the ex-best friend is there with her.
This actually IS a pretty much ideal HEA for me. Living her truth works out for her - and her confrontation with her family leads to apologies and acts of reconciliation from both directions <3 <3.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
No because I think about this every so often like…Otoya you have two sisters and you act this way??? Stark difference between two boys with sisters we have Karasu and Otoya LMAOO It fr makes me wonder bc I’d imagine his older sister would knock some sense into him?? Like yes use those eldest sibling privileges….but anyways
And you’re sooo right for that!! Honestly I love it when people make jokes like “you guys act like you’re an old married couple” etc as a way to show how close two people are even when they aren’t romantically involved?? I usually just find it funny but it’s like I’ll look at the comments of a post and people take it literally (which they’re free to do! I’ve just never seen it so honestly real with that western influence idea..) It’s funny because I’ve had convos with friends before and we laugh like if we were in a show we’d definitely be shipped so hard bc of how close we are LOL
Honestly I wonder if maybe his proportions were done that way intentionally to make him more villainy in addition to maybe the changing art style of the manga?? Or maybe I’m looking into it too much and it’s eightbit being eightbit oops
Ok wait yeah I didn’t think of that a lot of designer clothes are like the most unwearable pieces I’ve ever seen like…wow…it’s like he exclusively buys the most ridiculous most expensive outfit in shop I could see him saying something like “wealth is always in fashion” LMAO
Tabieitaken keeping it real, so true!!! Honestly yeah I love how they add a bit of like slice of life realness like these are just teenage dudes LOLLL Now that you mention it it is really interesting!! Third selection ranked them as the top players in BLLK but it’s not like their life depends on soccer alone which I honestly appreciate sm too! This just reminds me of Karasu saying like “if you only ever do soccer you’re just mediocre” in the light novel and then he goes on to talk abt stocks and city building games LMAOOO
Had to look up what a Great Pyrenees is and 1) SO THATS WHAT THAT DOGS CALLED?? 2) YOURE SO RIGHT??? I retract my statement this is even more like nagi than the samoyed…I feel the fluffy bear vibes!
I interpreted the globe emojis as Rin having disproportionately giant eyes (like that hamster) oops LMAOO But that green blue = teal makes sense now too HAHA and OUU second lead Rin would actually be really interesting….im kinda curious about who you’d consider putting for main lead! I know sae is an obvious option but I feel like that’d be like ripping Rin’s heart out and stomping on it LMAO and also maybe a bit cliche…
And OOO THATS SO COOL! I can imagine jumps being stressful and possibly a bit dangerous if not done properly!! It’s amazing you get to work with horses though they’re so gorgeous and intelligent!!! I got thrown onto horsetok for a bit and just seeing all the horses they’re so cute and goofy too sometimes LOL and awww that’s too bad about your horse! :( Hope you’ve been able to make some cute memories with the ones you work with now! I can imagine it getting super hot I see all the fits and gear people wear and I’m like wow I would sweat sm in that
Pause the horse talking makes me think back to that one BLLK jockey collab..? It was just in passing so tbh I have no idea what it really was but I think it was nagi chigiri Isagi and Barou as like jockeys??? I don’t know enough about horses to do this but I wonder what horses tabieitaken and hiori would work with….like imagine instead of soccer its equestrian LOL would make for a good fanart prompt perhaps…
LMAOOO a different breed frfr You look for real men I write up mine kinda energy I love it HAHAH But you’re so real for that honestly fwtkac Karasu raising my standards like I don’t see you guys existing irl sooo come hit me up when you learn the art of hairwax and surprise dates….
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PART whenever I see works above 1k I clap because I LOVE reading longer works like I’m being fed too well… In Mira we trust o7
LMAOO Imagine him pulling up a stocks review podcast in the car I could NEVER but you’re so real for that…it’s either that or the most random music like a few select songs amongst the other podcast episodes about stocks finance inflation….i honestly can’t imagine him being a SUPER big music appreciator…? Like bro gets dragged to karaoke by Otoya and knows NOTHING except the super popular songs that get blasted on the streets or something….on a side note I do have some friends who are just like “I don’t listen to music” and I’m like “??? How do you survive in car rides??” But that’s besides the point LMAO
OMG YOU HAVE A RINGNECK!!! WHAT COLOR?? They’re so adorable even if they don’t talk hehe but I love seeing people post their ringnecks on social media hsjshsjsh also wait you’re onto something with the cockatiel…I think it’s the crest matching his hair too… and I LOVE conures!! I actually had a green cheeked one in the past but sadly had to give him to a family friend due to some circumstances :( they’re so cute and playful though ugh I just love birds (maybe this is why we like Karasu LMFAO)
I patiently await your next masterpiece o7 I’ve reread fwtdac like 5 times already it’s just too good!!! Take care of yourself and good luck on any upcoming dressage competitions you have!! And don’t overheat I can imagine it’s getting real hot right about now!!
-Karasu anon
EXACTLYYYY i trained my little brother STRICTLY so he knows better than to treat a girl as anything less than a queen…i wonder if maybe otoya’s older sister is like a LOT older than him so she just dgaf what he’s up to because she has like a career and whatnot already??? regardless honestly eita gives me the vibes where he’ll do his womanizing nonsense without any regret but if someone else DAREDDD to do smth even slightly off to one of his sisters/someone he cared abt he’d lowkey freak out LMAOAOAO. truly friends to lovers is the only trope that i could ever believe working out w that man…crazy how he and karasu are besties because they have like. opposite views on women 😭 karasu still remembering his first crush from like ten years ago vs otoya not even remembering who he dated last month PLSS
HE LOOKED SO DEHYDRATED both in the manga and anime!! i think it’s mostly because the art style was still being developed back then though because nagi also looks a little odd (still cutie ofc) in his first appearances during team z vs team v. but omg barou was just so skinny for some reason?? idk how to put it LMAOAO like they had my man dejuiced 😔 but he gets it back w INTEREST later on so i cannot complain too much
“wealth is always in fashion” HELP MEEEE HE WOULD SAY SMTH LIKE THAT TO ZANTETSU PROBABLY and zantetsu would be like 😲 i actually love him and zantetsu’s dynamic they’re so funny together i feel like reo’s true personality really blossoms around him!! to me they’re kinda like nagibarou but a more chill version
tabieitaken are probably the most bearable of the bllk boys irl. like i’m sorry but if i had to talk to sae “idk abt anything but soccer” itoshi i would be so bored because i am not that into soccer 😓 but tabieitaken all feel like they could hold a normal conversation and actually be entertaining to talk with regularly!! plus not only are they good at soccer, they have normal interests and lives (model yuki + stock manager (??) karasu + serial dater otoya). they’re also on the older end for bllk (yuki and karasu are both 18 already and i think otoya is abt to be 18 as well)?? so that might be a factor…meanwhile rin is in his angsty phase so he’s saying random nonsense because that’s just how puberty goes.
HAHA no it was definitely meant to be that as well!! a double representation ig you could say hehe. he’s staring at you with flashlight eyes and you feel vaguely unsettled…like did you do smth to wrong him?? is he going to beat you up?? why are his eyes so teal??
if rin was the second lead i’d probably make nagi or one of the older boys (not sae because that’s boring to me) the ml!! nagi because i love him obv but one of the older boys (tabieitaken, barou) just because i think the idea of the reader being a bit older than rin which worsens his inferiority complex has sm potential. like her treating him like a child because she thinks of him like a little brother (kinda like fwtkac y/n w hiori) vs him being madly in love with her and doing his best to get her to view him as an equal/adult (almost how he does with sae) but failing miserably every time would probably crush him and i love crushing my characters. tbh even nagi is a year or so older than him i think?? honestly anyone but chigiri/hiori could work given that setup…but nagi and tabieitaken + barou are my favs that i would also actually want to write as main love interests so it would probably be one of them!! sae shidou and isagi def not though because i think that’s been done a lot before and none of them are particular favs of mine so i couldn’t justify it
OMG I JUST LOOKED THAT ART UP HAHAH I think karasu would be a foxhunter (though he would only go on hunts where the scent is laid and no live foxes are hurt #ethicalking) because it’s very traditional and it makes him feel cool…otoya DEF just pulls up to horse shows to pick up girls (it is a very female dominated sport at the lower levels and i guarantee if a hot guy pulled up at a show he’d leave with at least five or so phone numbers) and yuki would be an eventer because imo he’d enjoy the rush of cross country. hiori i can see working with racehorses but only as a groom because he’s way too tall to be a jockey!! he’d sneak them treats whenever possible hehe
JDJDJS EXACTLY like i’m sorry but if you’re not willing to pay attention to everything i say and face your greatest fears for me then i don’t want you. my standards are too high but oh well i’m not abt to settle 🙄
i don’t think i’ve ever written anything UNDER 1k!! i’m just incapable of it i’m p sure. meanwhile i have several longfics over 100k and two of them at around 200k 😭 i think this installment (bllk vs u/20s + the two week break) is going to be even longer than fwtkac itself HAHA mostly because the cast of characters is bigger and it’s over a longer period of time so there’s lots to get down!!
PEOPLE WHO DON’T LISTEN TO MUSIC SCARE ME but fr w karasu it’s either podcasts, random obscure dad rock songs, or like super basic radio songs which pisses otoya off because he def has a super carefully curated music taste. i bet the two of them sing “my heart will go on” as a duet on karaoke nights because it’s the only song karasu reliably knows and they get SO into it to the point that everyone else is like concerned for them 😭
YES he’s the bright green kind!! very basic parrot over in india because they’re so common there. one thing abt me i WILL love a bird themed character and if none exist i will create my own (in one of my jjk stories the main character has powers based on hummingbirds). my fav animals are actually swans!! so yk i’m locked in w birds like that 🤞🏻
i was hoping to post the next part tn but based on how long it’s ending up it might be a bit more time before it’s up 😭 oh well at least there will be a LOT to read when it comes out!! rn it’s looking like it might end up at over 10k words but i don’t want to make any promises so don’t hold me to that jic 😔 and thank you sm you’re so sweet!! my mother comes to my shows and buys me peach dragonfruit slushees from 7/11 so the heat gets cancelled out and it’s all good 😪 def can’t wait for it to cool down a bit though!! fall is my fav season so i’m excited for that october chill to come around
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electrifiedgears · 10 months
I wanna explain pink clock art because I love explaining my art even though most people probably won’t understand what I’m talking about :3 I’m just rambling for no reason sorry
(TW themes of death annnd family issues and identity issues )
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Anyways item one is this comic from a few days ago or something. Gender role unfortunately exist in Aadshend! Boooo! Hence why Pink Clock has a blue bowl (and Timey pink booooo 👎) Analog, as usual isn’t very patient about anything. Pink Clock is anxious, maybe not too obviously, but his hands are clearly a bit fast here!!! It is important to note this is before he got stuck at 3. Most art of him is from after he got stuck at 3.
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Item 2… Pink Clock with the monster mask!!! This mask he wore shortly after Ring’s death, while in prison. Ring is referenced here with the abstract background (golden circle.) I like to subtly reference or hint to Ring when I can because that’s how memories feel sometimes, you have little reminders of major events sometimes.
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Item 3…… my fav pink clock art probably. He is seen staring back near a warm light source, while the painting he created stares straight ahead. It’s a self portrait! I tried to make his painting appear distinctive and apart from him. I tried to make it so it wasn’t my art, but his. With how much I project onto him, it was an interesting experience to say the least! I am sorry to admit that the hour hand realistically would be under the minute one. I genuinely thought it was the other way around for a while. Mandela effect or something. Anyways I imagine he stayed up prettyyyyyyy late painting, hence his tired look. I experimented a bit with a closer up image than I usually do, and I am still very happy with this one.
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Item 4, similar concept as item 3, but different themes I guess. He sits by an unfinished painting of his mother. She seems to have a smile that turns into upset, impulsive scribbles, pink clock likely assuming she wouldn’t be very happy with him right now. The paintbrush in his hand has its bristles looking rough. She is painted at 3, just like Pink Clock is.
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Item 5 is GRAINY not because it’s supposed to be it’s just bad quality here for some reason. Pink Clock and Timey are in his room, with coloring books. Both of them are in distress but don’t openly express it. Crudely taped drawings are hung to the wall, one of a blue clock and a monster (mask reference?) and one of Pink Clock with his family!! Cute! As a child he drew their limbs as little balls. Cute. Timey colors the unicorns in distress, and pc kind of just stares off. Timey is also W-sitting which was REALLY hard to draw but I wanted to draw them specifically W-sitting because I did it as a kid. Also Jetpack (Timey’s stuffed bear) is also there!!! Yay!
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Item 6…… carousel. I was kind of mean here sorry! Pink Clock is riding a carousel, when he notices the mirror in the center. It’s the shape of a ring and also a golden color. It reflects im his eyes. He notices the entire ride is full of gold coloring and ring-like shapes and feels more uneasy as it goes along. Also entirely unrelated to the actual art but I colorpicked the carousel horse colors off of metal sonic from sonic the hedgehog. Also this art isn’t 100% canon it’s just a maybe
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Okay last one. Item 7. Human pc. He is going grocery shopping! Late at night when nobody is there but him.he is in the cereal section annnnnnnd CAN I GO ONE SECOND WITHOUT BEING REMINDED OF RING!!!!! He sees a cereal that unfortunately reminds him of his deceased friend 😢 (there are also choco bows, based on his other friend who he doesn’t have contact with anymore) Yeah.
Okay that’s it I’m sleepy I just like rambling about my own characters goodnight
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rosetherat · 1 year
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Doodles soo many doodles I’m mentally unwell I’m going to skin myself alive or something but how would you even do that like that doesn’t make sense I mean you could but could you really I don’t believe it I’d have to call a friend for help probably anyway enough about my weekend plans It’s like doodly doodles this time cause im like who’s that composer guy with the wig whoever he was im him but for art im like Jesus one of these days im gonna walk outside and the people will throw stones at me and I’ll go hey don’t do that and walk back inside because im smart and know they would never enter my house without me letting them in because they are polite okay moving on it’s monkey time ladies list your favourite monkey species below I’m being interactive see im interacting with you all isn’t this nice I still don’t know how this app works how do I reply to people when they say stuff about me do I just not or what what’s the social etiquette here still autistic no social skills this place is hell for me that’s why I only come on to post art and then like leave straight away I don’t even have notifs on for this thing I don’t like it it’s too scary okay moving on again did I already talk about monkeys probably is anyone even still reading r my two followers seeing this what’s that song where it’s like and it was all yellow yellows my favourite colour okay maybe pink is my favourite colour yeah yeah I love pink my whole room is pink I look at pink and I go yay! I’m like that hippo from fnaf he’s my number one kin now what’s a kin does rhat mean he’s my kid or what anyway I’m him now I’m a rambler I’m a rambling man I’m CRAZZAY it’s my Uber autism Uber speaking of happy late lesbian day I’m like the ultimate lesbian I’m the final boss probably maybe not I’m like a secret boss that you have to look up where to find me and it’s never worth it anyway can we go back to the doodle go back scroll up and look at it again and think wow what a doodle rat that’s a doodle alright why did I name myself rat why did I do that to myself okay it’s cause people used to call me a rat but I said no no no this is clearly not a being mean thing this is a cute endearing thing like a nickname because rats r cute so I embraced it because social cues don’t exist to me and If I wanna be a rat then dude, get me in a sewer or something let me scuttle around notice how I’m still going that’s called being unmedicated my brain goes faster than the speed of light I’m thinking about a minimum of ten things at the same time rn it sucks if any doctors r around and would like to shorten my waiting list wait so I could be medicated that’d be helpful I’ve been waiting like four years at this point how does it take four years for you to go hey here’s the medication you need like is it that hard wish I was a monkey they don’t get medicated they don’t have the technology for that GET ME OUT KF HEREE anyway bye bye my babas I just realised it’s 4:20 rn and I think that’s funny so I must fall asleep immediately so I fall asleep at the funny number this is the part where u tuck me in and give me a little kiss on the forehead warning I sleep with ten blankets and like three of them r weighted so you will have trouble tucking me in I can’t help it I’m like a little bear I like being warm if I had a cat or something I wouldn’t have to do this I want a cat so bad btw I need a little guy who will curl up on my chest and go meow at me to remind me of who I am WAKE ME UP WAKE ME UP INSIDEEE that’s me if I was emo okay I should wait another thing don’t forget the hot water bottle I sleep with like two hot water bottles you might be thinking how do you not overheat with ten blankets and two hot water bottles and the answer is I’m simply better than you also I’m always cold my body I can’t regulate my temperature it sucks im just so cold. Omg arg refrence the cold guy Ermm did you say guy? PURPLE GUY hor hor hor hor hor I love fnaf this is why I stick to twt they have a short word limit if they didn’t have that I’d be making whole novels this is just white noise omg channel referen
Oh my god I can still type this is like Christmas for me know that I never shut up is anyone still here if you make it through reply with like idk apples and I’ll send u my credit card information just kidding aha! I don’t use those because I’m paranoid the government can track me with them it’s all paper money for me teehee if I was a monkey I’d hope to be a proboscis monkey did you know they regurgitate their food and chew their cud that’s so dreamy majestic even wish I did that sadly I am just a little human lad anyway this time I’m really going im leaving I think Charlie’s ending stream so I have no more reason to be awake enjoy the art in the meantime my eyes hurt I’ve been sick for over a month is that normal I get headaches like every day and my eyes r always dry my nose is like an Olympic runner at this point that thing does not stop and as I am sick I deserve rest and like onion rings oh you don’t even know about the onion rings I’m eating on like an average 20 onion rings a day I can’t stop I can’t even help it it’s my autism taste buds I eat the same thing for like 2 months and then never wanna touch it again for like a year I can’t help it GUINEA PIGS I wish I had one I’d let it lay on my chest and go hello little guy this is why I need a cat that will cuddle with me I need it right now get me one someone assign a cat to me I need it to crawl through my window one day and refuse to leave how would a cat even get through my window they can’t climb that high okay he just ended tbis means I can leave now please look at the art it’s not even art it’s a doodle anyway goodbye
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moemammon · 4 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Redemption Panel Highlights and Reactions
i.e., Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane (mostly Beth) talking about filming the scenes in (what I presume is) The Rollin’ on the River Job, where they’re pulling some stuff out of the water, and finding out the next day that there was an absolutely massive alligator pulled out of the same place just a little while after they filmed it
Beth’s impression of the wildlife folks warning them about the alligators
Beth scaring the hell out of Noah Wyle by yelling “GATOR” at him just after he finished his scene
seriously that was an absolutely WILD part of the panel
Everyone showering Aleyse Shannon with literally all the love!
Aldis Hodge in particular big-brothering her, and also the older actors calling her out for not giving herself enough credit, and Dean Devlin talking about how she blew him away at the auditions with her ability to turn on a dime
Seeing Kane with his glasses off wiping at his eyes, momentarily thinking “you okay dude?” and then realizing that he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes
The The Bucket Job clip! I’ve been a bit meh on a lot of Redemption, just in how it didn’t feel quite right, but that is possibly the absolute closest I’ve seen it get to the original in the best way. Brilliant
Which comes as no surprise since BETH RIESGRAF directed the episode!!! And apparently put an insane amount of effort in!
Beth’s utter delight and joy at both directing the episode and having the crew behind her
So apparently she and Christian went to town on the fight scene and he winds up tied up in a chair somewhere along the line and there’s a whole wild scene, which I am really looking forward to
Beth knowing how insanely particular he’d be about things like zip ties vs rope and what kind of rope e.t.c. e.t.c.
Apparently this is also tied into a VERY DEEP scene with Eliot? It sounds like they’re going to go super hard on his backstory, which is terrifyingly exciting
Just. Beth and Christian going very hard on that episode together
Speaking of: the panel’s going amazingly, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, things are relatively light, and then, of fucking course—
Kane hitting us over the head about Eliot being a mass murderer who can’t be redeemed, is trying to stay static so that he can maintain the place he’s in, and is thus LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH HARRY
What the FUCK. This is of course incredibly insightful and perfectly on point (because it’s Kane) but also, EXCUSE ME, OUCH, why would you DO THAT to us?
Everyone talking about having their families on set and their kids!
Beth’s son growing up on the original Leverage set and now going into being a director himself!
Gina’s daughter also growing up on set!
Noah Wyle’s daughter is playing Harry’s daughter I REPEAT NOAH WYLE’S ACTUAL DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AS HARRY’S DAUGHTER
Gina Bellman remaining relatively stoic throughout much of the panel (seriously, this woman, how the heck does she do it) and then losing it when they’re asked about running/inside jokes
A lot of them are, of course, apparently not appropriate to be spoken on-panel
(A lot of the others are the little inside ones that are special enough not to be ones they want to share, which is sweet!)
Everyone collectively losing it over having LeVar Burton on for The Bucket Job
Devlin and everyone laughing about collecting the various Star Trek people on Leverage
Beth talking about Burton coming over while she’s getting ready and asking her if she’s living on coffee and water, her laughing because he was absolutely right, and then him gently reminding her to remember to eat, which is the sweetest thing in the world oh my gods
Kane apparently choreographing an intense scene with Burton and being scared out of his mind, because Burton really wanted to go for it, but to Kane it was like he’s a figurine that’s not to be messed with because he was so worried about hurting him
Kane choreographing a massive amount of the show, which I knew already, but seriously, this guy blows me away
Gina and the crew talking about how he’d be away for a day of shooting a fight and all of them would be missing him and thinking about him
Family Vibes
Everyone talking about how they’re very noisy and loud together on set and it’s a bit like walking into a group of people having Christmas dinner (or something to that effect) because they’re just Like That together
Aleyse being the most surprised by Beth when she met her because she was like a little angel of light during the auditions but turned out to be an absolute ball of wild energy on set
Gina going “wait you were a MODEL” at Beth
Aldis talking about how much he loved how Parker and Hardison’s relationship had developed and grown!
Also, Aldis apologizing when the New York (iirc) background noise got loud and everyone going “no no we get you”
His outfit is ON POINT today
Gina saying that Christian is the goofiest and wildest out of them in terms of humor
(she goes “some of you may not know this,” which, fair, but also, if you’ve seen more than ten minutes of this guy outside of character you know he’s an absolute ball of sunshine)
Gina, Beth, and Christian talking about how they’d challenge each other to stay off sweets back on the original set, because they knew they needed to stay in shape and also just because they’re competitive (apparently all of them are major sweet tooths) and hide brownies and things from each other, while Aldis is just. doing pushups. eating all the healthy stuff. and then wanders into the room with a literal cupful of chocolates
(and Aldis going “well yeah I have to work off the sweets SOMEHOW”)
Beth explaining that sometimes they’d order a “Kane burrito” from Christian and he’d alter it slightly
Like, you know, chopping up hot jalapenos super fine and mixing them in, and Beth practically not being able to talk after the first bite
Apparently Aldis still went back a lot even after that
(Christian just seems very pleased with himself over it)
Gina goes “hey we should have an episode where we all swap roles,” Devlin going “WAIT FOR SEASON ONE TO BE DONE,” and then somebody (maybe the moderator?? I don’t remember exactly) going “uh actually. We did that”
Cue immediate scramble of “WAIT WHICH JOB WAS THAT”
(paraphrasing) “Yeah you remember the bit where you put on Parker’s harness and went off a building?”
Turns out half the cast had actually forgotten that that existed and only remember when reminded
The original cast all think of the episodes as “jobs”!!!!
Everyone talking over each other, Devlin going “it was with Sterling when we blew up the offices,” deciding that it was the season one finale, and then trying to figure out what episode title it was (eventually they figure out it’s the David jobs)
Moderator and Devlin accurately commenting that the fans know the show much better than they do
Noah Wyle very correctly explaining how Electric Entertainment is like a family and Devlin just. Keeps people
Aleyse and Aldis talking about typing when they’re hacking and going “WHAT THE HECK DO WE TYPE”
Aldis goes “yeah I just type all the bad words that we’re not allowed to say”
Aleyse saying that she’s always a little worried they’re hiding a Word document behind the blue screen and they’re going to pull up what she’s typing at the end of the day and print it out and put it in her trailer going “what the HECK is this”
Noah talking about filming The Golf Job and just getting to direct Jason Marsters and Christian together
Apparently their dynamic in that episode accurately mirrors the one with their characters in Angel!
Which promptly goes straight to the comment that it was very hard to make Marsters look like a golfer (pfft)
(Also apparently Christian plays golf for fun with his friends? Not necessarily something I would’ve thought of!)
Aleyse happily talking about how she loved the dynamic on set and it was very different from what she was used to
Also Aleyse talking about doing stunts and everyone else praising her for going whole hog
Beth especially praising her for the bit where she’s hit with the paralysis injection (I don’t remember which ep it’s from) and her acting for it, because it was incredibly hard to drop off screen in the particular way she did
Aleyse promptly answers that she was terrified with some of those, especially one where she had to keep a clock from falling and breaking
Everyone discussing how they see a new aspect of Breanna’s character in The Train Job
Also, to get serious for a moment, Kate Rorick in particular talks about how Breanna’s part of Gen Z and how we didn’t get the “days of yore” where everything was chill. We’ve basically been living in a world of hostility the whole time. It’s something I deeply appreciate, as someone who’s part of that group, and I love how they emphasize that for us.
This panel was pure chaos and I loved every moment of it! My stomach was actually hurting from laughing so hard, I swear. They had me cackling well over half the time. I would happily take panels double or triple the length of this, this was amazing. I also adore how the second you drop these six people in a room together, they immediately take off and literally just run and give you everything you wanted and more. (It is also evidently very hard to get them to STOP talking.)
I’m also just going to stop and take a second to fawn over the effects for the 3D room. It’s gorgeous—I love how they replicated the headquarters, especially with the stained glass ceilings! Super impressive, especially with all the photos, and I just love the whole thing. Kudos to whoever put that together.
Anyway, I’m definitely missing some stuff too; seriously, there wasn’t a second wasted in this thing, they were cracking some kind of joke or dropping some really interesting piece of information practically every thirty seconds. (And I haven’t even gotten into the clips OR the bloopers. I miiiight do a separate reaction purely for those.) It’s still up right now if you missed it and you want to watch it! I’ll probably watch it again, honestly.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the liyue crew
characters included: xiao, childe, beidou, and zhongli
ik i forgot ningguang i promise i’ll include her in part 2, i just didn’t have time :(
all x a gn! reader 
my liyue babies :,) ft. ningguang in spirit
an: i was listening to my soft playlist (more like listening to cupid’s chokehold on repeat, no i am not basic 🔪) and i thought some fluff headcanons would be cute w these sweet people
ok so no surprise that he hates liyue harbor
he hates anything w a lot of people in it so he prefers to stay at wangshu inn tyvm
but by contrast, you love liyue harbor sm (it’s gorgeous i mean c’mON)
you go there often to retrieve your commissions in order to stay closer to xiao (liyue harbor is closer than mondstadt he argues but you’re well aware that they’re both equally far away)
so if anyone asked, xiao would absolutely refuse to go to the harbor like i hate people??? why would you even ask???
but,,,he’s so sOFT for you
if you asked??? he would agree in a heartbeat
but since he’s >:( angsty boy, he makes you think that he won’t go even when he’s already decided that he’s coming w you
he puts up the “if you so require, then i guess i will assist you with your travels in liyue harbor” but in reality he would definitely have said yes even without the almond tofu
while he hates the harbor, he thinks that with you anything is bearable :,) simp
you take him to see xinyan to vibe w her music and you can tell he really enjoys it
even tho he’s like 🕴 the entire time, you see the softer look on his face and the very slight smile on his lips as he listens to the music and watches the crowd
so so so cute very soft for him
i do see him as a subtly touchy person in public like brushing the hair off your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, or gently pulling your hair back when you have a plate of food in your hands 
the type to link your pinkies together - he claims it’s so you don’t get lost but yk better 
after the concert is done you take him to that one waypoint near mt. tianheng and the both of you just watch the city lights and the way they reflect beautifully on the water surrounding the harbor 
personal headcanon that xiao absolutely loves stargazing since he believes the stars are the one true constant in his life especially since he’s experienced so much loss (basically they’ll never leave him god i hate myself why do i make everything SAD)
mini headcanon off of that - he doesn’t stargaze with people,,, like ever 
it’s something he loves to do alone so the fact that he lets you stargaze w him and even allows you to shift your head onto his lap while you watch the sky is a huge deal 
he loves it when you softly whisper abt how your day was or something you saw that made you laugh 
he just loves hearing your voice, it automatically calms the voices in his head 
you absolutely ADORE when he has flowers in his hair especially cecilias (cecillias? ceccillias? idfk) and you make a point whenever you go to mondstadt to pick a fresh batch of cecilias just for xiao while enlisting the help of your favorite bard  
these soft moments on the mountain are usually when you’ll sweetly tuck in a flower or two in his hair while laughing 
he’ll blush fiercely while looking away but will tuck the cecilias in securely as you’re unable to do so due to the position you’re in on his lap
all in all - this was not meant to come out as a date idea but we’re going w it 
this is so cute xiao pls let me put flowers in your hair sweet boy <3
god, loml, my favorite war criminal after eren yeager 
there’s never a dull moment w this man - if you wanted peace and quiet, why the hell are you dating him bestie???
is the type of person to yell out “Y/N, i can’t believe i ran into you here!” if he sees you somewhere even tho you explicitly told him you were going to be here in the morning (ik you have a good memory ajax don’t lie to me 😐)
i don’t see him as being obnoxious w pda unlike someone else kaeya but he would definitely participate (think: handholding, cheek kisses, an arm around your shoulders)
loves it when he comes home and sees you in an apron cooking 
domesticity just makes his heart melt so you can be sure that your face will be peppered w a lot of kisses afterwards <3 
absolutely ADORES it when you trace his scars absentmindedly when you’re lying down or even when you’re having dinner in public  
he’s been far from his family for so long that small acts of mindless affection like this really make his heart happy 
you have him drunk on your love luv haha see what i did there 
he will let you put makeup on him. no i do not take criticism ⛄️
he already has on lowkey thick eyeliner,,, don’t be shy put some more bestie 
he will shamelessly go out in public w whatever you made him wear - doesn’t really give a shit even tho he has a reputation to maintain 
speaking of reputation,,, yk his mask? yeah that one - the red hair accessory that he has on his head
well on the mask, he attached a little charm the both of you got together on your first date during lantern rite 
it’s this adorable fox that we all shamelessly kill for meat and he placed it so it anchored to the side of his mask so when he fights it isn’t a nuisance or anything (does that make sense??? i hope it does) 
his subordinates notice and while they’re stoic around childe, behind closed doors they do whisper abt the mysterious person who’s captured his heart 
not so mysterious anymore when they literally see him cling onto you during his daily patrol around the harbor 💀
it’s ok tho he’s lucky he’s cute 
bestie,,, pls give him a neck massage 
i just KNOW he’s tense there idk something abt the way he carries himself just screams “my neck hurts so bad someone pls help me i would ask but my pride literally will not let me”
so give him a neck massage :) don’t worry tho he’ll definitely return the favor and then some
he’s obsessed w them,,, it’s just the faces you make??? he can’t get enough 
he loves seeing the pure joy and the brief fear (he’s kind of a sadist) in your eyes before he attacks you w those damned hands 
it reminds him a lot of simpler times w his siblings and he’s happy he brings you joy and makes you forget your worries - at least for a little while 
all in all, he’s a good boy and no i will not tolerate childe slander 🔪 kaeya slander tho 😏
you pulled beidou??? wow everyone’s jealous (pulled as in literally from the banner and in this context but no i do not have beidou and no i definitely do not want to talk abt it)
god made beidou and zhongli just so all of us could have a sexuality crisis 
anyways, being w her is hard i will not lie 
not bc she isn’t a capable lover - no, quite the contrary 
she’s an amazing partner but the problem here lies in the fact that she’s almost never on land 
it’s hard working a long distance relationship but y’all love each other so it works out :,) 
when she is physically present however, expect to never be bored 
she’ll quietly fix the wrinkles on your shirt or fiddle with your fingers in her hands while she recounts her adventures out on sea 
she sometimes gets worried she bores you, however the way your eyes light up every time she tells a tale always reassures her otherwise
definitely the type to let you use her claymore if you want to learn 
she’ll provide useful tips as she tucks her hands into your sides gently, positioning you correctly so you don’t hurt yourself 
miss girl is an AMAZING cook 
i just know she cooks the best meals - i mean she’s friends w xiangling after all 
whenever she comes home from a voyage she’ll always insist on making something for you even if she’s abt to pass out 
pls tuck her into bed and promise her that she can make you something in the morning <3 the poor woman needs rest 
brings you back trinkets but they’re actually very practical 
she knows you won’t have much use for a simple charm (not that there’s anything wrong w that) but she believes you’ll like something practical more so she might get you a new engraved knife from the most recent place she’s been to 
definitely the type to surprise you when she docks 
i can imagine her anchoring her ship out a little ways from liyue harbor and rowing to the dock in order to make sure you aren’t alerted of her presence (i’m sorry the mental picture this made in my mind is SENDING ME INTO ORBIT but she means well i love you)
will take you to remote spots she’s found in her travels through liyue 
for example - the little heart shaped island and the island quest (?) that you had to use kaeya the bridge maker for in order to get to im sorry i’ll stop w the kaeya slander
she’ll get you seashell bracelets or necklaces idk why but she gives me those vIBES 
they’re super nice ones too, only the highest quality for you 
yes she’s a bruh girl but i also see her as someone who would enjoy intimate moments like watching the sunset or something 
“yo wanna catch the sunset, i heard it looks sick from the jade chamber” said before ahem it yk fell from the sky
kasdjksfashfjsahf yes ofc i would love to catch the sunset w you pls come home luv
anyways, she is a woman i would give the world for 
ok gimme a sec i need to get my gentleman mode on 
this man,,, THIS MAN 
everything w him is so soft like your entire eXISTENCE w him could go in a museum it’s that beautiful 
in the morning when he visits you, he always brings you a cup of your favorite tea and a bouquet of glaze lilies he got from madame ping
holds the door for you, pushes the chair out for you, uses a napkin and brushes sauce off your lips when you’re eating - you name something sweet, he’s done it
secretly loves it when you fuss over him 
he doesn’t like to fight but say he encountered a group of hillichurls he couldn’t avoid and promptly defeated them but ended up tearing a part of his tux(?) (is it a tux? i could not tell you)
not that big of a deal, i mean it’s a scratch, he’s a 6,000 year old god, he’s dealt w much worse 
but seeing the worried crease in your brows as you usher him to sit at the table while quickly grabbing antiseptic to clean his wound
“it’s just a scratch, my dear. do not worry i’ve dealt with much worse.”
you quietly protest abt how “yes zhongli, i understand you’re an archon and have gotten worse injuries but i’m worried about infection just please let me take care of you ok? <3″ 
when you say that he feels weird emotions,,, wdym take care of him? 
he’s always taken care of himself or been expected to take care of others as the former ruling deity of liyue so having someone else genuinely worry abt his wellbeing creates a warm feeling in his chest 
he strikes me as the type to knit you something??? idk maybe it’s the grandpa vibes but i headcanon that he would knit you a scarf for the colder weather, it’s cute 
in the privacy of your home, he really likes picking you up
he loves it when you wrap your legs around his middle while he gets up to go do the dishes or smthg 
domesticity go brrrr
if you’re into making flower crowns, he would totally have you on his lap and wordlessly hand you a glaze lily whenever you expectantly hold your hand out while weaving the flowers together 
he expects you to make the crown for yourself but when you place the crown on his head and it fits perfectly while simultaneously tucking a glaze lily behind your ear, he looks at you dumbstruck 
his mouth parts open in awe and it’s quite literally the cutest thing
you’ve broken him 
thinks it’s the sweetest thing - will keep it on his head for the whole day 
he’ll even put it in water before he sleeps so it won’t wilt and he can wear it the next day <3 
scenic picnics!! scenic picnics!! 
the type to take you to the nicest spots in liyue to chat abt the history of the land w you over a cup of tea and your favorite food (whatever you like, he doesn’t mind)
recounts the people he’s met in his long life before finishing off by saying you’re by far the best person he’s met 
zhongli strangles lovingly come home soon 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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lumin3sc3 · 2 years
Studying with Marius is an activity that you're sure to enjoy.
Warnings: None! (Slight cursing maybe, nothing explicit.)
Note: I think I had too much fun making this fic, because the word count is way too much lmfao. Sorry about that btw, idk how I managed to make it so long. (Clearly isn't a biased thing I swear-)
Extra: Read the first part to this here ! If you want to check out the same type of fanfic, but with Artem, check it out here !
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You mustered up your almost non-existent courage to go and talk to the indigo-haired boy sitting a few meters away from you.
Ah , we should introduce the main protagonist of the story, yes?
Marius von Hagen… You’d be living under a rock if you hadn’t heard about this lovely young gentleman. He’s known for his charming looks and endearing words that can make any man or woman fall at his feet! He’s also got the brains as well, and word has it that he’s handling the world-renowned company PAX, which was handled by his older brother Giann formerly. And he’s quite the "popular guy" at your school as well. (Or Uni, depending on where the story is set:))
You’re close to him, but you don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. You’re usually the one that gets handed the pretty pink letters tipped with lovely perfume and small gifts. Oh- you thought it was for you? Nono, it’s for… Marius.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t cringe inside just a bit when you saw the way the girls rambled on and on about him to you, and threatened to chop your liver (what?) if you didn’t hand it to him. You’d grit your teeth and nod before giving a half-hearted smile and telling the girl to politely fuck off go away.
Anyways, now that we’re done with the introductions, let’s continue the story, shall we?
You take a deep breath before walking towards him.
"Stay calm, stay calm." You breathe to yourself. Yes, he’s your friend, but talking to him is harder than passing your exams. which is pretty hard.
You walk up to him and stand in front of him, waiting for him to look up from the book he is engrossed in.
"…” You stay put, not wanting to crush your confidence and do the walk of shame back to your seat. You could almost feel the ego seeping out of him. Your eyes glared at him in such an intense manner that could bore holes into the book that he held.
He averted his gaze and put a hand to his mouth in an attempt to stop his snickering.
"Oho~! It looks like someone’s in need of help. So what is it? " He teases you with a shit-eating grin.
“I need your… help to study.” You grumble under your breath, gritting your teeth.
"Oh? What was that? Sorry I can’t hear you. You’re a bit too quiet. "
This man was asking to get slapped across the face.
"I SAID-,"
"Quiet! You two are in the library, may I remind you! " The grumpy librarian who held her hair in a loose bun yelled at you in a hushed angry whisper, her slender finger over her lips as she did so.
You roll your eyes. Great, now you’ve got the attention of the other students who were also in the library, and some of the girls who were formerly uninterested now stared in your direction, not in a friendly manner. You’re affirmative of that. You could hear the light stabbing of compasses and the aggressive clicking of pens from afar, which made you slightly shiver in your place.
You inhale, "I needed your help! If you don’t want to help, then whatever! I’ll just tell Sir Zhongli that SOMEONE decided to not help me. " You huff as you cross your arms and glare at him angrily.
He laughs to himself slightly before putting the velvet-encased book on the table with utmost care, "Yes yes , I get the idea. But before that, would you mind telling me what you’re struggling with? It’s not to tease, I just need to arrange accordingly! "
Yeah right, you've known him for god knows how long now. You’re positive it’s for him to tease the hell out of you. But regardless, you sit and explain what you're struggling with and what’s bothering you as well. He occasionally nods and lets out a hum, as if creating a mental mind map of what you’re talking about. Soon, he sets a time and date and tells you to come accordingly.
It's the next day, and you rush as quickly as you can to the location you and Marius had agreed on; he said it's fine to study in his house because no one who lived there would mind, though you thought it was disrespectful, but he said otherwise.
As you ran towards his abode, you got curious looks from many people. You don’t know if it’s because of your flustered appearance or the fact that you’re going towards Marius’ place.
Before you enter his house, you smooth down the creases on your clothes and fix your hair,patting your cheeks in an affirmative and comforting manner.
As soon as Marius sees you walking in, he rushes towards you and pulls you into a warm embrace without giving you time to react. You are left stunned and embarrassed, as light scarlet rises from your neck to your cheeks slowly. You swear you could see his assistant and butler smiling slightly as they witnessed you and Marius having an intimate moment.
Marius snickers, seeing your widened eyes as he pulls away from you, "Glad you could make it, (y/n)!" Let’s go to the library, shall we? "
Dang, you knew this guy was rich , but holy lord, a library? I mean, what did you expect? He’s the CEO of a large company, and he’s rich as hell. You subconsciously looked at your clothes. Was it fine to dress so casually?
It was as if Marius sensed your slight worry as he shot you a small compliment , "Nice outfit you got there, (color) matches you really well!" You mumbled a thank you as you felt the tips of your ears reddening.
As you walked down the hallway, you admired the marbled flooring and the beautiful canvases of paintings; some were Marius's works as well. Vases were filled with colourful and bright flowers that filled the room with delicate scents.
As Marius opened the redwood doors that led to the library, your eyes widened in astonishment. Endless rows filled with books in all sorts of books, colorful, vivid, and color-coded. The shelves were many and reached high above. You inhaled the scent of the papers of books as you felt a sense of content and happiness bubbling from your chest. (The smell of freshly printed paper and books is just-). You could hear your footsteps lightly thudding on the hardwood floor as you made your way to the large table that was polished and looked like it was made from the finest of woods, which you were sure that it was. You saw parchments , stacks of books and sheets laying messily on the table, some of which you deemed to be familiar with. It seems as though these were study materials.
As if answering your doubtful gaze, Marius rubs his neck sheepishly and grins, "I did some research on different methods of studying."
You raised an eyebrow at him curiously. He went through so much effort just to ease the stress on you? It was something you thought was plausible , yet he doesn’t seem…
"-well, it’s not that I care or whatever! I just wanted to get it over with! " He tries to argue with light pink dusted on his cheeks.
"I never said anything to begin with, Marius." You said as you took a seat, beckoning him to sit near you.
And soon the excruciating pain began, as Marius pulled out a thick book that held a substantial amount of paper in small lettering. You groaned loudly as he pushed the book towards you.
As much as it was a pain to study so much,he did put a lot of effort into it. He went through the different types of studying methods, as he did not know which ones you preferred, so you were kept on your toes, as one moment he would bring a large book with small lettering and theories, and then the next he would have colourful and vivid diagrams of many shapes and sizes. as well as physical models and much more. You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t make it seem like learning physics was fun. It kept you intrigued and striving to keep going. You did wonder though, he must have put in a lot of effort to work everything out for you.
You were so engrossed in the book in front of you that you failed to notice the navy-haired boy quietly snoring in deep slumber.
You peek up from your book, slightly lowering it to see his delicate frame.
As you could see small specs of dust floating around, small rays of sunshine filtered through his long eyelashes as his frame rose and fell rhythmically. You could hear light snoring as well. His indigo hair fell on his frame so delicately, and his lips were slightly open. His alluring lilac eyes could be seen slightly. The setting made him look ethereal, and you wished this was a sight only you could see. It is truly a sight to behold.
Your gaze on him softens. The boy soon jerks awake, looking around frantically. You pat him in a comforting manner as you slightly laugh, "What’s up?" You slept already? "
"Aww! Were you staring at my beautiful handsome face? I must admit I’m way too good-looking. " He tells himself, plastering a smug look on his face.
"In fact, yes, you look quite charming when you’re asleep." You giggle quietly.
Not expecting such a response from you, the young boy looks away, flustered, as crimson red flushes his face.
"Thank you for putting this all together, by the way. I know you said you don’t care, but I feel like you put a lot of effort into helping me feel as comfortable as possible. Don’t think your efforts were in vain. I really appreciate it, Marius. " You smile at him happily as you gently take his hands in yours and squeeze them affirmatively.
Marius stumbles on his words as he gives you an answer, "I-uhm...y-you’re welcome. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel like you were doing a chore, and rather enjoy it. "
His flustered state does not last long though, as he soon leans in closer, "After all, you do mean a lot to me~! "
His crystalline lavender eyes gaze into yours lovingly. He’s probably the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen. His face was as pretty as a picture, his hair softer than the clouds, and his lips soft and lovely like the petals of a rose. His face was as if the angels had bestowed it upon him. Delicate, caring, gentle, and charming.
What more could you ask for?
You close the gap between you two as you press a small kiss onto his soft and endearing lips. As your lips connected, you could feel a rush of electricity pass through your body as your body soon turned extremely warm.
You pull back, completely flustered as dark pink tints your face. The same could be said for the boy as well. His former cocky personality has now dissipated into thin air.
"Thank you… for helping me out. And being a great friend. " Your heart yearned for something more than friends, perhaps companions? Or partners? The covetous feeling that you felt in the depths of your heart when you got letters claiming love for Marius was undeniable, yet you would never act upon it, nor admit it.
"You’re welcome! Just ask me if you need anything at all. I am someone special to you after all~! "
You sigh helplessly. I guess his flirty personality will always flow in his veins, and you don't think it’ll stop anytime soon. Not that you mind it, though.
As you walk out of his house and bid him farewell, he quickly pecks a kiss on your cheek, "Goodbye! See you tomorrow!"
You walk out with a hand on your cheek, as you mumble about complete nonsense. As the boy smiles happily and content with himself,
Perhaps the feeling of yearning for something more is mutual after all, hm?
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Cupid’s Bullet
Dabi comes home with a very special Valentine’s Day surprise for you.
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Contains: dubcon/noncon, mentions of death, unhealthy relationship, gun play, fear play, forced orgasms, squirting, mindbreak, angst (if you squint?), quirk usage, one slap but it’s a hard one :3, overstimulation, creampie
Word count: 5.3k
Notes: pls this title is so cringe but it's like bullet instead of arrow cause... ya know but anyways happy valentine’s day from scumbag boyfie!dabi
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Dating a villain meant that your relationship was unconventional to say the least. For one, public dates were out of the question, unless you wanted it to end in destruction of public property and some scorched heroes. You also always had to have some kind of flimsy excuse for your family and friends when they asked to meet your elusive boyfriend. In addition, you had to accept the fact that he would have to disappear sometimes for weeks on end to do his boss’ bidding.
There was also the small matter of arson, murder and theft and a multitude of other crimes that you’d prefer not to know about. And while you weren’t necessarily okay with a lot of what Dabi did, you loved him. You loved him so much that turning a blind eye was so easy it made you question your own morality. He didn’t scare you either. Not in the slightest, because you knew in his own special way, he loved you too.
In fact it ran much deeper than that. On his worst days, Dabi could set the world ablaze until nothing was left because in the end he didn’t care about anyone or anything, not even himself. Until he met you, he says. He tells you that in you, he’s found something to tether him to this existence.
Ok so maybe he didn’t use those words exactly, but he doesn’t have to. You know that’s what he means when he spoils you with expensive, stolen clothes and jewellery, when he offers to burn alive any person who makes you even the tiniest bit upset and when he comes home to you bloodied and beaten, trusting you to take care of him.
In summary, your relationship forced you to give up on having any “normal couple” experiences.  That included, celebrating anniversaries and silly holidays like Valentine’s Day so you never bothered to keep track of them. It could hardly be considered a sacrifice when you compared those things to what you actually got from your relationship.
Dabi had been gone for close to a month now and you didn’t expect him back anytime soon, not knowing where he was or what he was doing. In fact the very last thing you expected was for him to creep into your bedroom in the middle of night and rouse you from your peaceful sleep with a soft kiss on your temple.
You don’t jump out of bed in a panic, like any sane person would. Instead you let out a satisfied hum, surrounded by the scent of burnt flesh, ash and menthol, feeling warmth bloom in your chest. It should be unpleasant but its Dabi’s scent and you’ve missed it. You’ve missed him. You pick your phone up from your night stand, squinting your eyes at the bright light that makes them sting.
Sunday 14 February, 2:43am
“Welcome home.” You mumble groggily, trying your best to fight off your tired body urging you to go back to sleep.
Instead of replying, he greets you by pressing his mouth to yours. You let out a quiet gasp, startled by the sudden display of affection. His lips are chapped but that doesn’t matter, your tongue darts out to moisten them before your lips lock into a gentle kiss.
You reach up, weaving your hands through his dark hair in an attempt to draw him closer but he retreats, opting instead to turn on the bedside lamp but keeping his other hand behind his back. “Sit up doll. Got a surprise for ya.”
Any thoughts of sleep were long forgotten as soon as his lips met yours but now he’s really piqued your interest. You push yourself up against the headboard and sit cross-legged. You look up at Dabi expectantly. Your boyfriend is smiling wide, skin pulled so taut you think one of his staples might give out. He reveals to you what he has hidden behind his back. A square black box, wrapped in a cobalt satin ribbon.
It’s so cliché you can’t help but let out a small snort. “What is it?”
“It’s a gift. You know… for Valentine’s Day?” He says as though it should be obvious to you.
Your heart swells at the gesture. It really was a surprise. Not in a bad way, you just knew he wasn’t your average boyfriend and that was okay. You didn’t want him to be.
“Well now I feel awful. I didn’t get you anything.” You pout as he props the box onto your lap.
“’S like a toy… so it’s technically for you but kinda for both of us.” It’s unusual to see Dabi this excited. The way he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes filled with mirth makes you all the more curious.
“Like a sex toy?” A giggle escapes you as you undo the bow.
“Are we playing fuckin’ 20 questions? Just open it.” He presses you.
You huff at his impatience but you don’t comment, not wanting to wait any longer either. You remove the lid of the box only to find something wildly unexpected.
A revolver?
You look up at your boyfriend with confusion etched on your face but his gleeful grin doesn’t falter. You’ve never seen a sex toy like this so you pick up the article to test its weight. It’s definitely the real deal.
“Dabi, this isn’t a toy.” You state matter-of-factly.
He merely rolls his eyes and says “Doll, when you can incinerate someone with a flick of your wrist, that little thing is definitely considered a toy?”
“O-okay? What do you want to do with it?” You ask, placing offending object onto your nightstand, not really wanting to hold on to it anymore, the metallic smell making you feel queasy.
“Ever heard of Russian Roulette?” Dabi, picks up the abandoned item, looking down at it with pride.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows as nervousness starts to creep into your system and you instinctively move to back away from him but Dabi is quick to pull you back.
“It’s real easy doll. No need to look so scared.” He crawls on top of you, caging you in with his limbs. “6 chambers. 1 bullet. All you have to do is be a good girl for me. If not, I pull the trigger and we see what happens.”
The look on his face is positively demented. Azure eyes wide and bright, patchwork face contorted into a a sinister smile, white teeth and silver staples gleaming in the dim light.
“Baby,” you hope the pet name will placate him. It usually does. “I don’t know about thi-“
You let out a shriek as your body jolts in fear but you’re unable to move with his weight pressing on top of you.
“You see now doll?” He clicks his tongue behind his teeth. “You’ve gone and wasted a shot.”
Dabi climbs off of you and you’re left lying there with your heart hammering violently in your chest, body trembling, still reeling from the shock of what just happened. Reeling from the shock of what is happening
“You gonna listen now? Gonna be good?” Dabi prompts, rolling the gun around in his hand.
All you can do is nod as your eyes being to water. The uneasy feeling in your stomach only grows worse as your mind races with the possible things Dabi has in store for you.
“Good. Now strip.” He command and like a good girl, you obey.
Your arms feel like they’re made of lead, moving rigidly to take off your shirt (one of Dabi’s old ones). You can’t stop the tears from falling as you pull down your panties, fat droplets roll down your cheeks, desperately trying to swallow the sounds of your sobbing.
This can’t be happening. It’s Dabi. He wouldn’t hurt you. He promised you that.
“Oh cut the fuckin’ waterworks.” He snaps. “As long as you listen, you’ll be fine.”
You try to calm yourself with deep breaths, not wanting to irritate him any further.
When you turn to face him, he’s leaning back on his haunches, one hand resting on his thigh, the other lazily gripping the revolver. “Fair warning, I’m more of a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ kinda guy. But you know that already.” He thumbs the cylinder, making it spin. “Now, touch yourself for me.”
Breathing is difficult. No matter how much you try, it’s like you can’t get enough air into your lungs. Thinking only of gun in your boyfriend’s hand, you still you bring your own hand between your legs, but you can’t concentrate, what with the dread taking over your body making it tough to have any control of your body. Your movements are stiff and apparently not up to Dabi’s standards.
He only scoffs before-
You scream again, body nearly flying off the bed before you curl yourself up into a ball. The fright is enough to stop your heart. For a second you believe it has.
“Doll,” Dabi’s gruff voice brings you back to earth, reminding you that you’re very much alive and whether or not you stay that way is entirely up to him. “You’re ruining my surprise. Got it ‘specially for you and now you’re being a brat.” He quirks an eyebrow at you, almost like a challenge.
“So-sorry.-“ your voice breaks. “I’ll be good.”
You’re still struggling to comprehend how any of this is real. You thought you knew him. You thought he loved you. And here he is, treating your life like it’s a game. You can’t help but think that this is your own fault. You thought you were above everyone else, the exception to your boyfriend’s villain behaviour.
“Yeah?” His voice drops to a whisper. “Then show me.” He challenges you. Dabi slips off his t-shirt and moves between your legs to get a better view, pressing on your knees to split them apart.
Self-preservation kicks in. There is one way out of this alive and that’s doing what he says. You spread yourself even wider, showing him all of you. Your hands, glide over your smooth thighs, kneading the pudgy flesh as you get closer and closer your sex, teasing yourself the way he would.  Your fingers find your clit and just a little pressure makes your eyes melt shut. Probably for best anyway. It makes it easier to imagine anything but this. You drag those fingers through your delicate folds, letting out breathy sighs as heat begins to bloom between your thighs.
You pretend, its Dabi’s touch. In your mind’s eye you see the two of you, limbs tangled with Dabi on top, resting his forehead against yours. It’s one of those nights where he wants to go slow. So slow that the sensation of his cock dragging in and out of is you bordering on torturous. It’s one of those nights where he wants to lay his head on your chest, mouthing at your breasts, laving your nipples with his wet tongue while you tell him, in that sensual voice  that you love him, that he’s perfect, that he’s yours.  Because it’s one of those nights, where everything feels like too much for him and the only person that he really has on his side is you.
It’s not long before you’re leaking. Somewhere, deep in the back of your mind, there’s a voice chastising you for being so easy for him… even now. There’s almost no resistance as two of your fingers, press into your entrance. Your fingers are no match for Dabi’s, they never hit all those deep, hidden spots  that make you see stars but still, you start to move them slowly, brushing your thumb over your clit every so often.
“Look at me.” You feel his breath waft over your pussy.
Eyelids fluttering open and you meet his gaze. It stuns you a little and your hands come to a standstill. He is handsome, breathtakingly so, even though he thinks you’re lying whenever you when you tell him that. The way he stares at you, with love and adoration in his eyes, it’s almost like the fantasy you were just imagining. Almost like the fantasy you’ve been living in this whole time. It’s enough to make you forget the situation you’re in. Then the muzzle of the gun is pressed to your clit, snapping you back to reality fast enough to give you whiplash.
“Fucking slut.” He growls and smacks your hand away from your pussy.
You jerk as he starts to move it the gun circles over your sensitive nub and then dipping down to your tight slit to gather up your juices.
“All those fuckin’ tears but look how wet you are.” He says more to himself than you as he admires the way your slick leaves a sheen on the barrel. With his eyes trained directly on yours, his perfectly pink tongue pokes out to lick it clean, groaning at the taste.
The next thing you know his arms are wrapped around your legs, guiding them over his broad shoulders. He kisses you on your mons before his tongue begins greedily lapping at your hole. “Tastes so good doll.” He mutters with his nose pressed against your clit. He slips the wet muscle inside of you making you whine.  You reflexively grab onto his black hair, tugging on the stands and he lets out a groan of approval. He moves up to your clit, circling it with his tongue before suckling on it. While he brushes just the tip of a finger over your cunt, making it clench around nothing while you desperately buck your hips, in an attempt to have it inside you.
The way he’s eating you out is almost romantic?
Or it would be, if it weren’t for the metal digging into your flesh.
“Doll,” He places a sloppy kiss on your clit, lighting dragging his teeth over the hood. “Want you to squirt for me.”
A lump forms in your throat. You can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened. You’re not sure of the odds that you’d be able to right now and it’s not a gamble you’re willing to take. “Dabi, I don’t think I can….”
You thrash, screaming so loud it makes your throat burn.
Dabi still holds you open, keeping you in place. “I wasn’t asking.” He makes sure to maintain eye contact as he drops a fat glob of spit right on to your clit before diving face first into your cunt once again.
He pushes 2 of his long, lithe fingers into your tight entrance. It’s unexpected and you wince. He drags his right hand (the one holding the gun) up your torso, resting the muzzle underneath your breast, right over your racing heart. A reminder of what’s at stake. He envelopes your sensitive clit with his lips, moving his fingers in tandem with the suction. You’re consumed by desire as Dabi brings you so close to the edge.
“Dee-Deeper please.” Your pant out.
He smiles against your mound before complying with your request. “Right here?” His fingers press against that squishy patch deep inside you and your eyes roll back.
“Nnnggg yeah.” You’re barely able to mewl out. You dig your heels into his back and grind against his face, chasing your high. Dabi keeps hitting that spot with astonishing precision but you hold off for as long as you can, letting the pleasurable sensation build until the pressure in your core becomes unbearable. When it finally snaps because you can’t hold it anymore, your eyes squeeze shut, hands flying to his biceps and you dig your nails into the sinewy muscle. You gush around his fingers and all over his face. Dabi doesn’t move though, flicking your clit with his tongue repeatedly until you’re trembling and whimpering, pushing him away from your pussy. He finally relents, a pop echoing around the room as he lets go of you.
He gives you a predatory look, scared face and chest wet with the remnants of your orgasm. “You made such a mess baby but I’m glad you’re finally having fun.” He’s just as out of breath as you are but far more composed.
Your head is still fuzzy and limbs are still twitching but your boyfriend doesn’t let you recover. “C’mon, doll. My turn.” He begins to undo his belt, silver buckle clinking as he rushes to drag it through the loops of his jeans
You pull yourself on to all fours, now eye level with his crotch. He pulls down his pants and boxers in one go, his erection almost hitting you in the face.
“You’ve been lucky so far.” He taps the bulbous head of his cock on your lips, smearing your lips with the pre that dribbles out of it. “But I wouldn’t test it if I were you. Open.”
Your mouth is already watering at the sight of him. So long, thick and veiny. It’s disgusting actually, this Pavlovian response. He fucks you deeper, stretches you wider and makes you feel better than anyone ever had. You wonder briefly, if anyone ever could fuck you as good as Dabi.
You stick out your tongue and he slides himself between your lips, groaning as he pushes into your mouth, slowly, inch by inch. He fills your mouth completely and you shut your eyes, savouring the salty taste of him but you feel the muzzle press against your temple and making them shoot open. “Atta girl. Lemme see those pretty eyes.” He grunts as he plunges into your throat. You bob your head up and down his shaft, the hand at the back of your head setting a brutal pace. The room is filled with the sounds of you gagging and his hefty sac smacking against your chin.
“So good to me baby.” He tilts his head back, losing himself in the pleasure. The wet heat of your mouth surrounding him while your saliva leaks out, dripping down his balls. Dabi is big and heavy, stretching you so wide and making you jaw ache from the weight of him. You’re already lightheaded from the lack of air, no matter how much you try breathing through your nose. You don’t dare to complain though.
He pulls out of your mouth slowly, stretching a string of saliva from the head of his dick to your tongue that’s hanging out of your mouth. You pant like a bitch attempting to catch your breath. He doesn’t give you much time before he’s in your throat again, back to fucking your face.
“I love you so much. You love me?” He sounds so sweet, totally blissed out.
He stops thrusting and tilts your head up to look at him, blinking tear-clumped lashes. You try utter a ‘Yes, I love you.’ but with his shaft gagging you, it comes out all garbled. The muscles in your throat convulse around the deep intrusion. “You’d do anything for me right?” He asks, jabbing the muzzle even harder into your temple, finger resting lightly on the trigger. You nod, watching Dabi lose his composure bit by bit. “Yeah. That’s why you’re my girl.” He pushes himself even deeper inside you, making you finally take all of him, until your nose meets his pubic hair and holding you there. “Fuck.”
“Hmmhhhhngggh” You squeal around him but you can’t pull off because of the grip he has on your scalp. When he lets you go you’re choking and coughing up a lewd mixture of spit and pre-cum.
“Wh- Why” You blubber, voice hoarse. You don’t understand. You were doing exactly what he asked. You were being good.
“Sorry baby. Felt so good, my finger slipped.” He doesn’t even try to hide his mischievous smirk. The fucker is definitely not sorry.
You want to beg him to stop this ridiculous game because you see now there’s no way you can win because Dabi doesn’t play fair.
He doesn’t give you the chance though, already shuffling off his bottoms all the way and propping himself up against the headboard. “C’mon pretty baby.” He tugs on your ankle.  Wanna see you bounce on my dick.”
You clumsily position yourself atop his lap quickly, before you can even think about it. You know he doesn’t need a reason to pull that trigger but still, you don’t want to give him one.
He grinds his tip along your heat, piercings dragging across your clit over and over again. It’s something he does whenever you have sex, to rile you up. And just like all those other times, it’s working. Circumstances be damned. “Needa feel this hot little pussy. Give it to me doll.” He murmurs against the shell of your ear.
You nod as you lift yourself off of him to hover your dripping wet hole over his hard dick. You slowly squat down on onto him, the fat head stretching you out, burning with every inch you take. You mewl, making futile attempts to blink away tears. You get halfway before you have to stop, resting your hands on his shoulders trying to gain leverage. You’re outright crying now, wet droplets landing on Dabi’s chest.
“’S matter doll.”
I’m terrified. You yell in your head but stay silent, choosing to focus on relaxing your ever-tightening hole in order to take more of him.
“Oh, I know.” He coos, voice dripping with condescension. “’S too big for your tiny cunny.” He leans forward to kiss away the salty tears. “But you can take it. I know you can.” He cups your jaw, stroking your cheek with a calloused thumb. “You can do it for me”
You start to move slowly up and down, using gravity to force more of his monstrous cock inside you with shallow movements. You really are trying your best but that’s apparently not good enough for Dabi and he lets you know that by pressing the barrel of the gun into your stomach. You freeze, horrified, more tears start falling from your eyes. You open your mouth to beg him to just give you a little time. You’re trying.
“Quit being a baby and just take it.” He says before you even get the chance.
“I’m trying Dabi, please just-“
He cuts off your plea.  He’s not interested in your excuses.
The rotation of the cylinder sends vibrations through your abdomen. Amidst the shock, you release your grip on his shoulders and impale yourself on his shaft by mistake. The combination of the searing stretch and the blunt head of his cock kissing your cervix is so overwhelming that you collapse forward, head falling on to your boyfriend’s chest. You feel the rumbles of his chuckles while he’s quite literally splitting you open.
“See? Knew you could. Just needed a little scare. Isn’t that right.” He rubs your back as if to comfort you. He lets out a low whistle. “But looks like you’re all out of chances doll. Now bounce.” He gives you a spank with an inhumanly warm hand, making you squeal and leaving your cheek tender.  
Your hands find purchase on his shoulders again. Dabi’s sapphire eyes are practically glowing, daring you to be stupid enough to defy him one more time.
You pull off almost entirely, keeping just his tip inside of you, before spearing his shaft into you again.
“Good girl.” When he praises you with that raspy voice makes you keen and desperate for more of it.
His hand snakes its way up your torso to cup one of your breasts. Your back arches, pushing into his scorching hot touch, forgetting momentarily about his other hand and what he’s holding in it.  He gropes your chest, tweaks and twists at your nipples, leaving red, inflamed hand prints in his wake. You’re practically delirious with pleasure, babbling out incoherent streams of his name along with “yes” and “more”.  All the while, he murmurs praises about how good you are and how much he loves you. It’s confusing and you can’t process any of it.
“Who owns this perfect pussy?”
“Dabi. Fuck. Dabi.” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth in the most obscene way, drooling down your chin. Your plush walls pulse around him as he hits that sensitive spot every time you sink down on him.
“That’s right it’s all fuckin mine. My pretty baby.” Dabi’s eyes are focus on where your two bodies are connected watching the translucent ring of your cream appear and disappear as you ride him.
“Preeeettyyy.” You slur and he laughs at how fucked out you are, brain completely jumbled between the fear, the pain and the bliss all combined into ecstasy.
“Doll.” He groans. “I feel ya squeezin’ me. You gonna cum?”
He’s right. You nod as you feel that coil tightening again, threatening to snap at any second. The man finally starts putting in work, pounding into you every time you pull off of him. Dabi abandons the gun in favour of playing with your clit, rubbing quick sloppy circles. “Yeah? Gonna cream and gush around me? Want you to baby.” He buries his head in the crook of your neck, sucking, biting and licking while he assaults your sopping wet pussy. “C’mon doll, please.”
With that you orgasm. He grabs your hips pulling you flush against his thighs, fucking you through your orgasm, rolling his hips up into you until your high finally subsides.
He doesn’t let you catch your breath before he’s got the revolver pressed hard underneath your chin. “Now make me cum.” You almost collapse but the harsh grip he has on your hair suspends you upright.
Your mind is so foggy and Dabi gives you a small smile, appreciating the perplexed look in your droopy eyes. But he’s not done with you yet.
“Hey.” You’re ripped from your daze, when he slaps you across the face, sending your head swinging to the side. “Don’t pass out on me now.”  
“So-sorry! ‘M sorry!” You grovel as you slam your tired body down on his dick once again, trying to ignore the throbbing on your cheek, the ringing in your ears, and the ache in your battered cunt.  You’re so sensitive from your last orgasm but you don’t have a choice and you don’t dare deny him anything. Your thighs are quaking and burning with every movement but your boyfriend is unimpressed.
“You can do better than that doll.” He lets out a bitter laugh, enjoying every second of tormenting you. “It’s like you want your brains splattered on the ceiling.”
You start crying again, shaking your head frantically. In the time that you’ve been with Dabi, you’ve learned certain tricks, you know he likes it, but in this panic/lust induced frenzy, you can’t remember any of them. Instead, you bounce, mindlessly on him while your gummy walls clench tighter around him every time he nudges at your a-spot. Your legs are going numb from all the effort and you plop down, limp onto his lap, taking him to the hilt.
Dabi tsks at you, reminding you that you can’t rest just yet. You swivel your hips, grinding your pelvis against his while he’s buried deep in your wet heat. You pray to whatever deity is listening that he’s getting close, you’re not sure how much more you can take.
“If I don’t bust in the next 5 seconds.” His hand finds your clit again, you grind across his fingers has you rock against him. “Bang!” He emphasises the word by bringing a heated palm down on your ass.
A choked sob bubbles at the back of your throat, making him snicker
Hands pressed to his chest, you ride him like a woman possessed, the last bits of adrenaline kicking in. Your sloppy cunt squelches every time you drive yourself down on his cock just motivating you to fuck him harder.
“Five.” He grits out.
“Dabi, please!” But you’re met with icy, apathetic eyes staring back at you, feeling the terror that the rest of the city does when they so much as hear his name.
“Four.” He rubs your already raw clit, faster and you can feel another orgasm building, much quicker than your last two.
Your body feels so heavy but you can’t stop moving, not unless you want him to- “Please cum!” You beg. “Need your cum.”
He starts to fuck up into you again with unforgiving force.
“Wh-Why?!” is all you can manage as your mind starts to fog up again, the need to come becoming all the more urgent.
“Two.” He ignores your question, transfixed on your tits bounce in his face. You’re getting close to your third orgasm of the night and it seems Dabi is determined to get you there.
You still can’t believe this is real. You never thought that Dabi would treat you like this. You were supposed to be special.
Or at least that’s what he told you.
Moreover, you can’t believe how your own body is betraying you. You can’t believe you’re actually going to cum. Again.
You cry out his name one last time, unsure if it’s out of fear or pleasure. You dig your nails into his arms again, in a feeble attempt to ground yourself as you cum around him. The orgasm that rips through you makes it difficult for you to be sure of anything.
What you are sure of is the fact that there was no bang or bullet.
Just one last CLICK (practically drowned out by your screaming) and the sensation of Dabi’s hot cum flooding your womb. He has a bruising grip on your hips, gun now discarded, and he ruts up into to making sure to stuff your cunt absolutely full of him. He begins to laugh as he softens inside you.
Your head is still spinning but once you’re able to push yourself off of him, you can finally make sense of what just happened.
He was fucking with you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell, using weak and quivering arms to throw pillows at him while you cry so hard it makes you dry heave.
Your asshole of a boyfriend starts cackling, clutching his abdomen as if he just pulled the world’s funniest prank while your heart is beating so hard and fast you think it might break through your ribcage.
“You should have seen your face. You were so fuckin’ scared.”
You become nauseous, feeling bile rising in your throat as you come to a sickening realisation.
This is not your Dabi. This is the Dabi that the rest of the world gets to see.
Evil, sadistic, merciless. This is the real Dabi.
You attempt to scramble off of the bed to get away from him, feeling overwhelmed by the humiliation. But Dabi grabs your wrist and yanks you into his chest, wrapping you up in his arms. A gesture you used to treasure but now it just made your skin crawl. “C’mon Doll you didn’t think I was being serious did you?”
You writhe in his hold, hitting against his hard, toned chest with pathetic fists. “Don’t be such a crybaby. It was just a joke.” He strokes your hair oh so tenderly. But you won’t fall for that again. Dabi is a villain through and through. You know that now.  
It’s no use fighting him off though, all the fight in you is used up. You don’t know what else to do. So you do the easy thing: nuzzle your head into his chest, tremors rocking your body as you hiccup, while he holds you. That way you can pretend that you feel safe with him, just like you used to.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, doll. I love you.”
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honey whiskey chapter 11
hey so, yeah, might not update in a while/very slowly bc Sprained Wrist tm
relationships; leg & truth, leg & four
ao3 link; x
Okay, there’s absolutely something wrong.
Legend didn’t take his wing binds off last night, and now something feels… Off. Mix that with the nightmare he had, and today is already terrible. That nightmare is…frequent, and it sometimes feels like a memory that Legend no longer has. There’s always a lot of fire, and a couple figures he can’t make out fully. There’s six, in total. Six figures and Legend doesn’t know—or remember—who they are. He’s tried to fit people he’s met into the empty, vague impressions of where the people in his nightmares stand, but nobody fits it. Not a single person fits, not even Fable. He hates it. Legend’s eyes trailed across the room, frowning when he saw the door was slightly ajar, and jumping when it slammed followed by a familiar little laugh. The laugh of something—someone the prince doesn’t fully understand. “Why are you here, Truth?” “Seems like his royal highness isn’t having a good night.”Truth hummed, materialising in front of the door, leaning on it. “Same thing as always, I assume.” “I repeat; why are you here, Truth?” “Can’t I visit my light counterpart just because I want to?” “It’s you.”Legend raised a brow, frowning. “Fair point.”He laughed, floating over to the young prince. Legend…doesn’t really know what Truth is. Actually, yes he does, he just has a hard time wrapping his head around it. Truth had said he was a shadow, and he physically can’t lie so Legend believed him. But…it’s still weird to think about. His shadow is sentient. “—ey? Hey!”Truth huffed, snapping Legend out of his thoughts. “Don’t you ignore me.” Legend rolled his eyes. “Can you pass me my leg? If we’re going to do this, I’d like to have some coffee in me.” As Truth turned to get the prosthetic, Legend’s eyes were glued to the other. More specifically—the other’s wings. Truth is a shadow, after all, and so he sports his own pair of wings. His are also multiple colours, much like Legends, and still developing too. The base of his wings are black, and the two existing colours are blue and what looks like orange. Legend can see some magenta peeking through, too. But the main difference is that Truth’s wings are big, beautiful, and healthy. His wings are much healthier than Legend’s own. “Here.”Truth passed the leg to his light counterpart, standing to the side as Legend attached it and got up. Legend quietly and carefully made his way to the kitchen, ignoring the confused look Truth shot him. “Why are you sneaking inside your own house?” “Because I don’t know if Four is awake,”He replied. “And if voi isn’t, I don’t want to wake void up.” “Four? That the creepy, little one?” “Yep.”Legend sighed, hopping up onto the kitchen counter to grab a mug as he boiled some water. “What’s that kid’s deal, anyways?” “Voi’s literally the same age as us.” “That little thing is 19?” “Mh, ‘parrently so.” “Never woulda guessed that.”Truth blinked, rolling his eyes in annoyance towards his own words. “Remind me why you can’t lie?” “Lied to the wrong person. Got cursed.” Legend paused, looked at Truth for a second, before placing the mug down and clapping sarcastically. “Well done, ya dumbfuck.” “Fuck off.” Legend grinned, making his coffee with a gentle hum. “Who’s your friend?” Both Legend and his shade jumped, looking around only to find Four, sitting on the kitchen table in the dark. “You’re…so fuckin weird, yanno that?”Legend let out a breath, huffing when Four let out a cackle. “Well aware, thanks. So, who’s your friend?” “The name’s Truth, ya creepy little fucker.” “Truth?” “Cause he can’t lie.”Legend shrugged. “He’s my shadow.” “Your shadow, huh? Interesting. Anyways! Why’re you up?” “Why are you up?” “If I sleep now I’ll have a nightmare about the time I tried to kill my partner.” “...oh—” “Now why are you up? Don’t change the subject again.” Legend glanced to where Truth had been standing, only to find that the bastard had disappeared into his shadow again. “Bitch,”He mumbled under his breath, glancing back at Four with a sigh. “I had a nightmare.” Four blinked, and hopped up onto the kitchen counter, looking at Legend. “What was it about?” “Four—” “Talking about it can help. You can trust me, I won’t tell a soul. Have I told anyone else about your other secrets?” “...no.”Legend sighed. “I don’t—really know what it’s about. There’s just a lot of fire and people I don’t recognise or remember…”Legend trailed off, thinking back on it. …Four fits the size of at least 4 of the figures—meaning it could be the colours, and Legend has a history of predicting events in dreams… “I think—something might happen to you…the four of you, I mean.” “Oh?”Four frowned, taking Legend’s hands into his own. “Like what?” “I…don’t know.”Legend mumbled quietly, and he doesn’t know why but he’s crying. “I dunno, Four.” “Hey hey—shh.”Four frowned, tugging Legend over into a hug. “It’s okay. Nothin’s gunna happen. Pinky promise?”Four mumbled, holding his pinky finger out, smiling faintly when Legend quietly hooked their pinky fingers together.
When Legend glanced up, he didn’t see his best friend there—he saw his uncle in Four’s icy blue eyes.
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